#i of course have more but i'm trying to keep this relatively short
aza-trash-can · 11 months
Courtesy of @kimiheartblade encouraging me, here are some of my hcs about Cody and Rex
Rex was only chosen as Anakin's second in command because Anakin thought his armour looked cool. The other commanders in the 501st were upset about this at first, and Rex did try to give the position to them, but after one mission they gladly let it be
Rex technically isn't supposed to be Anakin's second in command, because according to the regulation manual, the highest rank a CT can hold is major, which is equivalent to a battalion commander. Legions are lead by senior commanders (two ranks higher). Rex definitely had a panic attack about this
Cody also technically isn't supposed to be Obi-Wan's second in command. This was a clerical error on Obi-Wan's part, he put down Cody as his second command because he didn't know what a clone liason was. Cody is supposed to only command one corps, but now he commands all eight in the third systems army. He also had a panic attack about this
Fives found out a way to exploit Cody's extra communication gear on his armour and set up a special long range 501st comm channel through Cody's gear. Cody saw it immediately, but he lets it slide
Any time Rex and Cody are on the same ship, Rex just barges into Cody's quarters and stays with him. They don't get to see each other in person all that often, so Cody doesn't mind. He will shove Rex off the bed if he doesn't wake up in time, though
Because of Cody's unexpected promotion due to Obi-Wan's clerical error, Rex will sometimes sit with Cody and do some of his reports for him so he doesn't overwork himself
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tanoraqui · 3 days
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Musing on Ages, & Dragon Prep
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"Desire" mention - how much does Tensu know of the details of the origin of dungeons? (More than I do, probably...but I know this is thematically important.)
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"Us"? Aren't gnomes another long-lived species? Ok this is going to be continuously relevant to the geopolitics so I need to break it down. From the wiki:
Elves: lifespan: 400; adult at 80
Gnomes: lifespan: 240; adult at 40
Dwarves: lifespan: 200; adult at 40
Tallmen: lifespan: 60; adult at 16
Orcs: lifespan: 55; adult at 14
Kobolds: lifespan: 55; adult at 13
Halffoots: lifespan: 50; adult at 14
I see - so really we're dealing with 3 factions: Elves, Gnomes & Dwarves, and Everyone Else. I find it interesting that the longer-lived races reach maturity at 17-20% of their average lifespan, while the younger-lived races all do so at around 25% of their average lifespan. I feel a little like this is a cop-out on the writer's part in trying to keep the ages of maturity a little closer to one another - though of course it's a cultural thing by each race (and, I'm sure, each culture within each race - idk how monolithic the whole comic will treat them, but it would track with the thematic worldbuilding for their to be multiple distinct social groups within each race, even if they do tent to band together against the other races!)
Based on the categories of "long-lived" and "short-lived", the latter seem to view all of the former as much the same - but I'm SURE the Elves have a different view of it, and I'm sure the Dwarves and, as we see here, Gnomes, are very aware of and irritated by the Elves' view.
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...and as we see here, and earlier with Chilchuck admitting to being 29 (solidly middle-aged!) and Marcille going, "Aw, so you are a kid!", people rarely make any effort to understand each others relative ages, instead just coasting on their own life-based assumptions.
With reference to above, we can see that Namari at 61 is pretty exactly equivalent to Kaka and Kiki at 20.
Also: this little scene wasn't in the show at all and I love it! Namari in mentor mode!
ALRIGHT RED DRAGON TIME!! Hey look, literally the 2nd panel in this ghost city is 2/3 winged lions by volume. Hmmm...
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I love how it's explicitly Shuro's job to get the final killshot, presumably because he has Feats for this (ie, cool-looking moments) as a "real" anime character (Easterner). This literally bears up with what we see of him in the future.
Chilchuck: I will NOT fight!
Chilchuck: I'll totally be dragon bait with you, though.
Chilchuck: Not that I care if you succeed or survive or anything! I'm only here because you paid up front.
Laios using the Inspiring Leader speech feat! They're all having a Heroes' Feast before fighting the dragon, a classic pre-dragon act for bonus HP and immunity to being Frightened! I know this isn't actually D&D but that post that I think came through my queue earlier today is right: it DOES have the same bones. It's like reading the Locked Tomb and being aware that this author was deep in Homestuck, or Scholomance vis a vis Harry Potter canon and fandom. I know where this writer has been, because I have been there too.
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*Crack AU where the whole dragon fight is averted because it talks and somehow the conversation leads to Chilchuck going, "And the Mage isn't even letting you sleep? Tsk. You've got to start a union." And then Laios gets all starry-eyed, "A Monster Union?!" And then the Mage is eventually defeated by all the monsters of the dungeon, and also the poor sane ghosts as well, unionizing against him, and "king" becomes just the title for the Union Rep, whose main job is to honk an airhorn at presumptuous Elves and tell them to fuck off like a Canadian goose.
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moongothic · 7 months
You know I was wondering if Crocodile ever did have any kind of involvement with the Revolutionary Army in secret (lest the Government finds out and revokes his Shichibukai status), what kind of involvement would that even have been
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And now, with both the Vegapunk/Ohara flashback and Kuma's flashback, it's being made very clear to us that the Revolutionary Army was broke as hell 22 years ago. Like the fact that this has been brought up twice now in a relatively short span of time is interesting to me, that's usually a sign it's not an unimportant plotpoint
But you know who would have had money to help fund the Army
A funny little warlord who would eventually go and build a fucking casino to run for funsies. A warlord who had to give the Government some of his Pirating Income to keep his warlord-status
Like Crocodile hated the Government anyways so why not help fund the Revolutionary Army in secret, out of spite if for no other reason
Vaguely related, but I keep on remembering this scene (post-Enies Lobby), which at first glance just seems like a basic Lore Dump
But then there's the
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(Or "however", she says "no ni" in Japanese and you could translate that in many ways, I would probably have gone with "however" but that wouldn't have fit into the speechbubble)
Mind you, the conversation just kind of ends there, next we see Garp realize he probably shouldn't have mentioned Dragon infront of such a massive audience, so wherever that "yet" was going to lead to we will never find out, because Oda conveniently changed the subject before we got to it
And you know. Like yes, Robin could be just expressing her shock over finding out that the leader of the Revolutionary Army had a child with someone
But also, Robin was a part of an organization that was trying to overthrow one of the founding countries of the World Government in an explicit attempt to go against said Government (compared to like, Blackbeard, who currently wants to make Fullalead into a "pirate country" that's a part OF the World Government)
Like you don't have to be a genius to look at Crocodile's ultimate goals and compare that to what Dragon is doing and find a few similarities here and there maybe
(Also like, Crocodile's equivalent in Romancing SaGa 2 is meant to be Wagnas, the queer-coded leader of the Seven Heroes (whom the OG Shichibukai are based on) who "hoped to help the world". You know, an interesting detail and all.)
Not to mention, during the time Robin spent with Baroque Works, if Crocodile was ever in contact with the Revolutionary Army at all, considdering she has the ability to easily spy on people and that she didn't trust Crocodile one bit, it wouldn't be unsurprising if she ever spied on Crocodile and/or just overheard a phone call or knew about Crocodile having secret spending habits or something
(Mind you, I'm not saying "she knew" Crocodile was involved with the Revolutionaries, more that she might've been Suspecting Things, that "yet" being about her connecting the dots while unsure if her conclusion was right or not)
Of course Crocodile's plans can't have been Dragon Approved by any means, especially considdering the Army had been looking for Robin for over 10 years (pre-timeskip)
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Four years of which were with Crocodile. Like if he was FULLY allied with the Army and KNEW they were looking for Robin, surely he would've called Dragon and been like "hey I found the kid from Ohara, wanna come hang out" or something. But no, he had bigger plans and kept Robin a secret from the Revolutionaries and the Government alike
Also like, I have seen people question why the Revolutionaries weren't involved with Alabasta's rebellion at all, and "Oda hadn't come up with the Revolutionaries yet at the time of writing" (/"OP was meant to end at Alabasta at one point so there would've been no reason to introduce the subplot at that point") aside Between Baroque Works being a secret organization working undercover (thus the Army might not have been aware of the civil war being manufactured), the framing of the King making him look bad and very much the type of monarch that deserved to be overthrown in the Army's eyes, and Crocodile maybe lying through his teeth about what was happening in the country... Yeah, the Army's lack of involvement with Alabasta suddenly makes sense
EDIT Minor addition: Just realized that because Crocodile was technically working for the Government, if the Revs ever did send forces to participate in Alabasta's civil army and taking down the throne, the Government could've easily ordered Crocodile to step in to stop the rebellion and take down the Revolutionaries, right? Because he was supposed to be on the Government's side, right? And surely the Army wouldn't have wanted to fight against Crocodile if they were secretly allied (Croc's secret betrayal aside), and if Crocodile refused to fight the Revs the Government could've seen that as a reason to revoke his Shichibukai rights (which wouldn't be great if they wanted to keep Crocodile in a position where he could fund the Army?). So it could've also been a case of it being for the best for everyone's sake to let this one play out "naturally"
But my point is
I'm just deeply intriqued by these little details and wonder if I'm Actually Masterfully Connecting The Dots Like a True Genius or just seeing a pattern where there's none. Like this is far from confirming the theory, I'm just saying, the pieces do kinda fit together do they not
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heyidkyay · 4 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Sixteen
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: let the drama commence.
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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Everything fell apart in those first few short minutes. 
It felt as though the entire world had just gone mad. Drunk on the very idea of Matty having a family, of growing up, of suddenly becoming this new man, this father figure. As if anything like that had even occurred here at all. The thought of it had my stomach rolling, bewildered by these possible fantasies and the images being conjured up. How idiotic it all appeared, and how incredibly stupid I felt to have figured that any sort of connection to Matty would’ve worked out.
I blinked back the sting of my tears, rolling my bottom lip between my teeth as I slowly set the phone back down onto the settee cushion.
“I’m sorry.”
I frowned, startled by the unexpected apology I’d been gifted, and glanced back up to find Matty still sat there, waiting. For what, I didn’t know. “Why are you sorry? There’s nothing to say sorry for. You didn’t tell people to do this shit. You didn’t take the pictures and post them on the fucking internet.” I waved a frustrated hand out, gesturing towards the phone between us. “So don’t say you’re sorry.”
Matty locked his jaw, as though he was trying to bite back whatever answer that wanted to spew right back out at me. He kissed his teeth quietly though as he dragged his tongue out in thought, still wringing his hands together as though they were a wet cloth he needed to dry.
“Stop that too.” I told him, tilting my head back to heave a sigh up at the ceiling, like that would force the majority of my frustrations out instead of consuming me whole. “I can’t fucking believe this.” I murmured, letting my eyes fall shut.
It was at that that Matty scoffed and the sound of it had me whipping my head back around to catch sight of him.
“What? You can’t honestly believe that I’m overreacting here, can you?” I immediately asked him, so quick to jump on the defence, even though I had only just told him not to apologise for anything a second ago, seeing as he had done nothing wrong. 
“I’m not fucking sayin’ that.” Matty ground out, eyes trained on one of the blank walls laid out before us. He’d stopped his fidgeting but continued to keep his hands in a tight hold.
I rolled my eyes, grinding my teeth together. “Then why the noise? Why aren’t you more bothered about this? This is my kid, Matty. This is his face and his life being plastered all over these stupid fucking magazines!”
“It’s not his face.”
I paused, mouth falling open in shock. “You didn’t just say that.”
Matty turned to look at me then, “What? It’s not! Best picture they got was of us at the til.”
Blinking, I reeled away from him. Hurt by his nonchalance. “Oh and that’s alright then, I 'spose? It’s fine, ‘cause they only managed to get a picture of the back of his head!”
Matty released a heavy sigh and then lifted a hand to rub at his eyes, growing impatient or frustrated now too, I wasn’t sure. “I don’t mean it like that!”
“Then how do you mean it!” I shouted back at him, standing up from the settee in hopes to diminish the ever rising panic that had shaken me to my core. “How the fuck do you mean it then, Matty! Because this, whatever this is, isn’t what I signed up for!”
“Signed up for?” 
His voice was thick like tar, gritting and deep, pulling my attention as quickly as his eyes snapped up to meet my own. Filled with an anger I hadn’t actually expected.
“The fuck is that meant to mean then, Mouse?” He provoked, jerking his chin outwards as he watched me slow in my pacing of his living room, his voice giving off an eerie calm he didn’t truly feel. “No, go on. See, ‘cause I’d honestly love to hear it. Get it off your chest and all that, tell me how you really feel.”
I slumped, guilt washing over me. “I-” I looked away, throat suddenly tight, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
He chuckled, a low and pitiful thing that showed me just how hurt he really was. “Yeah, right.”
But before I could go on, Teddy was suddenly there, in the dim light of the doorway, somehow having toddled his way across the house and into the room with us. My guilt intensified by tenfold.
“Ghetti now?” He asked with a slight pout, staring up at me with those big beautiful eyes of his, brows dipped in utter confusion. What must we have looked like?
“Shit.” I hissed under my breath, turning away from him to keep the tears that had rapidly gathered in the corners of my eyes from spilling down my face. God, how had I managed to fuck things up this bad? Why had I let it get this far?
I sniffed at the thought when it hit me, but only after a moment did I somehow manage to pull myself together quickly enough to put on a brave smile for my son. But it seemed that within the few short seconds I’d stolen, Teddy had wandered his way on over to the settee, close enough to Matty that he was now looking up at the man instead of me.
And Matty was looking back.
“Okay, Matty?”
I choked on a silent cry, shaking my head at Teddy's question before I let it fall into my hands. How, how, how had I fucked this all up so badly?
There was a long stretch of silence before I finally heard him speak, before Matty finally answered. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and then opened them again to glance over and see that the man had gone and done the very thing I should have as soon as I’d seen Teddy walk in, pulled him up onto his knee to comfort him as best as he could.
“I’m alright, monster.” Matty told him weakly, gazing down at my son with the same fondness he had always held for him, that previous anger of his, that hurt, swallowed up whole by his doting need to always put a smile on Teddy’s face. “Just lots of people annoyin’ me today, you know?”
I expected Teds to just frown up at him or blink confusedly at the response, but instead he dipped his chin in a slight nod and placed his little hand on the collar of Matty’s hoodie. Looking up at Matty, Teddy said, “Like when Leo takes my truck.”
Matty huffed out an amused chuckle, smiling down at him with the softest expression I’d ever witnessed.
How had I managed to hurt Matty so easily when all he had done was treat me so kindly? When he doted on my son the way he did, when he went above and beyond?
“Exactly, mate. Just one of them things I reckon. But we’ll sort it, won't we?” Matty replied, thumb stroking along the cuff of Teddy’s sleeve whilst my son continued to toy with the fraying edge of Matty’s hoodie.
“Matty sort it.” Teddy whispered with another nod, so sure of that fact.
The sight broke me, enough that I could no longer just watch. I sniffed again, willing myself not to cry anymore than I already had, and instead moved to cross the floor, ready to tell Matty that we’d be best leaving now. Desperate to get away, to give him some space. Only, he glanced up at me at that exact moment and must’ve seen the utter devastation that painted my face.
“Yeah,” He whispered back to Teddy, although the words seemed to be meant for me. “Matty will sort it.”
It was later now. Much later. The house was quiet even with its current occupants roaming around, the walls just seemed to absorb the sound. Matty had managed to wash up for once, doing it by hand instead of just tossing the plates in the dishwasher or leaving it for the cleaner to get to tomorrow morning. He’d just needed some time is all. To clear his head, he reckoned. 
They’d dished up the spaghetti together in silence, with only the low patter of rain pouring outside and the hum of the record player to fill it. Teddy had moved on from their earlier altercation, more worried over his tea than the shift in mood, but Matty supposed that was just kids. He’d been the same growing up. At least until he’d been old enough to understand, to remember the shouting, the sharp looks, the hissed words.
Mouse hadn’t been able to meet his eye throughout the entire affair. Not when they’d sat down, or as they’d eaten, or even when they’d wrapped up. Teddy had kept up a current of conversation though, talking of their previous trip to the zoo and then to the park, mentioning his recent waltz around the studio as well as the phone call he’d received from his grandmother.
Matty had gone along with it, letting her stew. Her words from earlier had fucking hurt, but not because he hadn’t heard them a thousand times before. With earlier girlfriends, mates, even relatives. No, he could deal with shit like that, this life had fucking hardened his skin. The words had only managed to tear away at him now because they had come from her.
“Cab should be here soon enough.” Matty spoke after a long moment, giving way to the fact that he’d been standing in the living room doorway for a short while now, watching as she fussed over her tired toddler.
She’d made her quick escape whilst he’d started tidying away the kitchen, claiming the need to clean Teddy up, and so he’d just let her go with only a hollow dip of his chin. 
In truth, it had given him the time and space to mull the whole situation over, to see her side of things- a trait he knew he had never really been any good at. He had wondered over the way she’d reacted too, not just to the allegations that had been plastered all over every webpage and news outlet, but to seeing how much his presence could also affect somebody else’s life.
She’d hurt him, yeah. But that was only because all of that shit had scared her, so he couldn’t really find it in himself to blame her. Not when he’d seen the obvious regret on her face the second she had realised what she’d gone and said.
Mouse looked up at him then, a little startled, the lamp that stood in the corner of the living room illuminated the open space, shrouding one side of her face in orange shadows. Teddy was already falling asleep against the settee cushions beside her, wrapped up in his winter coat. 
“Thank you.” She replied after a second. 
Her voice was too quiet, too soft.
Matty pushed off the wall to draw closer to them both, his socked feet pausing only a step or two before her. 
He knew he’d miss her once she was gone, he always did. But now that she’d been here, in his home, he knew that he’d never be able to escape the thoughts of her that would linger. He’d look at that settee now and only picture the way she was currently staring up at him.
He swallowed at the thought. 
“Are we good?” He asked her gently, scared to push her too far, or to wake Teddy.
Slowly, she blinked up at him, and in that moment the shadows danced, cutting pieces of her skin into shapes and framing her tired eyes.
“It’s fine.” She whispered, wearing a sad sort of smile, her jacket laid out to the left of her. “I’m sorry, for before. I didn’t mean-”
He cut her off with a slow shake of his head and moved to sit down beside her, bold in the way he let his hand settle over her own. She shifted, knee knocking against his. “I know.” He told her, because he truly did, “I’ll sort it, alright? I’ll clear things up, talk to Jamie or something, whatever it takes.”
He felt her hand clasp his more firmly and squeeze.
“I don’t want to lose you.” He added, thoughtlessly. Carelessly. 
She squeezed again, pulling their hands into her lap. “You won’t.”
Matty wanted to question it, ask her how she knew and if she was certain, but he couldn’t force the words out. “I’ll sort it.” He said again instead, letting his thumb brush the back of her hand. Retracing the length of it again and again. Whilst he still could.
“I know.”
He looked over to her then, seeing the exhausted smile she gave him in return and the warmth hidden behind her eyes. He wanted to kiss her then. 
“We’ll take it one day at a time, alright?” He murmured instead, unable to tear his eyes away from her, from the way she stared back at him. 
She nodded, hold tightening once more.
Matty wondered what she was thinking at that very moment, if she could see all the messy thoughts and feelings she forced up out of him. If she could feel them, too.
February seemed to fly by. Pancake day came and went with a sugar loaded toddler and too much leftover mixture, and then quickly fell into the next. 
Valentine’s day had never been a holiday I’d favoured, too young, too hungover, too single, too pregnant, too busy. I’d never really celebrated it, and only had very vague memories of the ones my mum and dad had made together. Because they had been happy at one point, a very long time ago.
So it was safe to say I was promptly ignoring it again this year too. Seeing as I had no prospects, no secret lover, and no cupcake covered cupid flying over my head. 
Things felt worse this time around though, and I knew why. Because of course I did. But it didn’t make knowing it any fucking easier.
“Matty come ‘day?” Teddy asked for the umpteenth time since we’d seen him last.
My eyes slipped closed at the question, my back to him, but only for a second before I carried on like normal. “Not today, bub.” I answered, wiping down the kitchen counter before completely changing the subject, “How’s your fruit then, hey?”
It had been a little over a week since I’d last seen Matty. We had texted, once or twice, mostly him asking after Teddy and the show, or me wondering how the album was coming on, but that was it.
The whole fiasco resulting in Matty’s apparent ‘found family’ had ebbed slightly but hadn’t died out. There was still the odd article, the mass of tweets, although none of it compared to those first few days. 
I shook my head thinking back to it. The way I’d been accosted in the bakery near the studio and on the way into work, the nonstop calls I’d gotten to be interviewed, the way the show’s ratings had skyrocketed and its comments had been overwhelmed by the same exact question.
So yeah, I had pulled away from him a little. Or, I guess a lot.
But I didn’t know what else I could do. We’d gotten lucky last time, whatever idiot had snapped those photos of us hadn’t managed to get a glimpse of Teddy’s face. But what if the next time they did? And what if I couldn’t protect him from whatever backlash or fallout followed?
Because I knew how people saw me. Single mum, young and disfigured. I caught the way they watched me wherever I went. How they stared. The looks I garnered.
And Matty, well, Matty was good and sweet, and he was everything I hadn’t known I’d needed. I’d let him in so easily and had hardly even had a second to question it. And now I was left in the ruins of it all, on my own because it felt easier that way. Because it should have felt easier that way.
Like it had before.
Before Matty.
It was only when the doorbell went that I realised I’d been staring off into space again, Teddy happily munching away on his mango whilst watching a new episode of his current favourite show. 
I sighed and dropped the cloth I’d been using to wipe the sides, puttering out into the hallway to answer it.
I paused at the sight of our usual postie, having thought that we’d already received the morning post through the letterbox only a half an hour earlier.
“Package for you.” He said with his accustomed smile, holding out an odd little device for me to sign.
“Um,” I fumbled, trying to remember whether or not I’d ordered anything whilst reaching out to scribble a halfhearted signature for him. “Where from?” I asked, letting him take the pen back and hand me a rather large brown box in return.
He shrugged, “Sorry, love. I just deliver them. But I suppose you can always look for the return address if you’re unsure.”
I smiled in response, shifting the box in my arms with a slight furrow to my brow whilst he descended the few steps, “Right, thank you.”
He waved me off inside and carried on down the pavement to his van. I let the door rattle close behind me.
Standing in the hallway, I frowned down at the package, certain that I hadn't ordered anything to the flat. Then decided to double check it was in fact for me, peering down at the address label, still sort of surprised to see my name written there just like the postie had said.
I guessed that there was no better way to work the mystery out than just diving head first, so I picked at the brown parcel tape on one side of the box and ripped it off in one fell swoop. 
The rest came off pretty easily after that, letting me open up the top flaps of the box. Peering inside, I was confused by the array of items I found.
Socks, slippers, an expensive set of pjs… chocolates, an arrangement full of tea bags and my favourite hard boiled sweets, there was even a pretty watercolour vase safely secured in bubble wrap, as well as a bundle of face masks and a little teddy bear in the form of a cow.
I stared blankly down at the items before the doorbell went once more. Bewildered, I turned on autopilot and unlocked the latch, only to be met by a huge bouquet of wildflowers.
My face must have made a right picture, so startled by the odd occurrence I'd been met with, but the delivery person only beamed at me and wished me a happy day. I nodded dumbly, unable to reply due to the apple sized lump in my throat. 
The door closed quietly behind me that time around and frowning I took the box and the bouquet and walked down the hallway into the kitchen, glad to have Teddy so preoccupied by the tele for once.
I set the box down on the table, as well as the flowers, and then simply stood and stared at them for a little bit.
Dragging a hand through my hair, I knew I couldn’t just stand about all day in confusion and so took a small step, and then another, before I slowly pulled all of the items from out of the box and settled them down. Searching for any sort of message from the sender.
Could it be Adi? Finn, or my mam?
I licked at my lower lip, not finding any sort of hint as to who it could have possibly been from in the bottom of the now empty box, and so, with a small exhale, I then let my eyes drift on over to the bouquet.
It was a big arrangement. 
Actually that was an understatement. It was massive, completely unnecessary and utterly, utterly, beautiful. 
I was scared to even reach out and touch them, they were so gorgeous. Never had I seen a bunch so perfectly well-crafted, they must've been really expensive…
Which only left-
My heart clenched at the very thought, because no, he wouldn’t have. 
I was quick to reach out then, fingers brushing along dainty petals and verdant leaves to find an elegant ivory coloured card buried amongst the colourful array.
Squeaks, Happy Valentine’s Day, love. If anyone deserves anything on a day that celebrates love, it’s you. The one person I know who’s so very full of it. I know this’ll be a bit strange, especially as we’ve not been on typical talking terms as of late, but Teds and I decided on this a while ago, and I couldn’t let him down, could I? Anyway, I hope you got the care package too, it was all the monster’s idea, see, so don’t get too huffy over the price of ‘em, yeah? You deserve it.  Enjoy today and when you find the time, check your email. Matty x
I must have stood there for far too long. Long enough for my fingertips to chill in the early afternoon breeze, which swept in through the window, and for Teddy to wander over in search of me.
I startled at the sound of his excited little voice and the way he was quick to wiggle his way up onto a chair to get a good look at the various items which littered the table.
“See? See it?” He asked me, positively beaming at the sight.
I swallowed thickly and smiled, and although my mind struggled to catch up with what was happening, my heart had not. It beat rapidly in my chest, pounding against my ribcage, demanding to be heard.
“Yeah,” I croaked out, before I cleared my throat and let go of the breath I’d been holding. “Yeah, I do. Did you do all this then, monster?” I asked him, running a hand through his mane of curls and hardly even noticing the use of Matty’s given nickname.
Teddy did though. “Matty, mama! I picks! Matty picks!”
Smiling, I leaned in closer to kiss his cheek. “I love it. Thank you, baby.”
I received an all but beaming grin.
“Call! Call, peas!”
My forehead pinched, “Call?”
“Matty! Call! Can we?"
My heart swelled at the thought before it quickly felt like it wouldn’t stop, constricting in my chest and consuming whatever space my ribs had to offer. 
Call Matty.
I could do that, I could call him.
I should call him.
Shouldn’t I?
Yeah, I had to. Of course I did, I mean, how could I not? When he was mental enough to do.. all this!
God. What the fuck was I even gonna say?
But then Teddy was bouncing in his chair, hands grabbing at everything he could touch and I was swiftly picking up the bouquet and pressing on Matty’s contact.
I was calling Matty.
My eyes widened when the ringing stopped and I heard him pick up. He was quiet for one, two seconds, and then, “Mouse?”
He heard her soft breaths break up the silence that came through the speaker, he let her have a moment. Unsure on what reaction he’d get right then.
Matty had felt confident a little over two weeks ago, when he and Teddy had been scheming and planning. But now? 
Now he had to face the storm he’d called upon, anticipating the questions and the uncomfortable thoughts over whether or not she thought the whole thing had been too weird.
Who the fuck did he think he was? Gifts on Valentines day, what was he playing at, being her boyfriend?
Matty felt the urge to defend himself, or to just brush the whole thing off and sweep it under the rug, and then set said rug alight, but instead he simply rubbed at his forehead to still his shaking hands.
They’d been doing that all morning, shaking. Reminding him of when he had been desperate for a good hit, as well as the few months he’d spent in rehab. The withdrawals had always been the worst bit. They plagued his thoughts even now, a year clean.
“Thank you.”
Matty dropped his hand at the sound of her whisper, echoing in his ear. He wished it would hollow a space out in there somewhere and just settle, live there for a while. If only to soothe him.
He hadn’t realised he’d forgotten to breathe until right then and sucked in a rather deep breath. He then swallowed and felt his lips quirk up into a sheepish smile, thankful that she wasn’t there to see it or the pinking of his neck. “You got it then?” He replied, skipping over the ‘your welcomes’ and other pleasantries. That just wasn’t him, it wasn’t them.
It was like he could feel her smile, even from down the phone. “I did. I,” She paused then and he could hear the slight rustling of paper, he hoped that she was looking down at the flowers, toying with them. “I love them. I love it all. I can’t believe you did this.”
Matty pulled a pack of Marlboros from out of his back pocket, and with one hand struggled to put one to his lips and light it.
“It was all Teddy.” He told her, grateful for the way the nicotine ebbed some of that anxiety he’d been latching onto as of late, though not the shake of his hands.
She chuckled, a light soft thing that he probably hadn’t meant to hear, that she probably hadn’t meant to let escape. “I’ve never been given anything like it.”
The truth seemed to tinge her voice into an octave lower, so quiet too that he struggled to hear each syllable she made. 
His heart constricted in his chest, pulled and stuttered and stretched.
Matty took a long drag.
“Did you check your email yet?” He asked her, his eyes surveying the brick wall of the side street he’d slipped into when he’d seen her call. He knew the area well enough, had been walking around just for something to do until their studio time started. He had lots of spare time as of recently.
“Not yet,” She answered him, her voice softening the chaos that was his mind. “What is it?”
He found himself smiling, blowing out a billow of smoke and squinting around the edges of it. “That would be telling.”
Her laughter warmed the coldness that had seeped its way into his bones the night she’d left. Then he heard the call of a familiar voice, one that seemed so excited and was growing closer.
“Matty? Matty?” Teddy sounded through the phone, a little breathless although Matty could picture his bright grin.
“Hey, monster.”
“Matty! They came!” Teddy informed him, obviously talking about the presents Squeaks had received.
“Did they? Just in time then, hey?”
He chuckled when Teddy started to ramble away, telling him what he’d found laid out on the kitchen table and the ‘big pretty flowers’ his mum was still holding. Matty’s chest warmed at the thought.
“She happy then?” He heard himself ask once the toddler had stopped to breathe.
Teddy must’ve nodded then because Matty heard Mouse laugh and then mumble something or other. “Yeah! Like very much.” Came the actual answer and the skin around Matty’s mouth stretched.
“I’m glad.” He said to the boy, hoping that she could still somehow hear him. Hear the truth in his words, the things he hadn’t said but wanted to.
They spoke for a little while longer, Teddy taking up the majority of it seeing as they hadn’t phoned in a while. Something he hadn’t wanted to linger too long on whilst still on the call. Desperate to understand everything and anything that had happened in the short time he’d been waiting for her to come to terms with things. 
She managed to wrangle the thing back off him when he got distracted by something happening outside of the kitchen window and a part of Matty settled when he finally heard her voice. 
“Hey,” She exhaled, he hoped she was smiling.
“Hey.” Matty mimicked, and he definitely was smiling.
“Hi.” She chuckled again, and he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, you said that.”
“Oh, shut it.” 
He laughed, the sound of it echoed down the side street, bouncing off bricks and crawling to the very edge. “I’ve missed you.” He murmured, and as true as that fact was, he wished he hadn’t. Because a second passed, and then four.
But then, “I’ve missed you, too.”
Matty inhaled sharply, licking at his lower lip, feeling how he’d practically chewed it almost raw during the last few days. “Make sure you put those flowers in a vase or something, yeah?” He said, still jittery with her admission, like a little kid on the school playground. “I wanna see them soon.” See you.
“I will.” She answered him, ever so soft. 
“I’ll look at that email, too.”
Matty grinned, although his pulse jumped at the very thought.
“Call me after?”
She went quiet, and he was stuck waiting again.
“Yeah, okay.”
He breathed a little easier at that, having heard the smile in her voice.
“After, then.”
When their call finally ended, Matty went to drop his cigarette and noticed then that his hands had given up their constant tremble. 
He shook his head and wandered back out onto the main street. Everything seemed to come back to her.
It had taken me ages to finally get around to opening up my email. My day had been jam packed full of mishaps, from a giant spillage of Teddy’s doing, to sorting out a mistake in the show’s upcoming itinerary. 
It was only once I’d put Teddy to sleep and cleaned up what mess he’d made of my living room, that I got the chance to grab my laptop and climb into my own bed.
I was met with an email from Matty’s personal account when I logged in, one which contained a single file. 
This feeling (demo).
For a long time I just stared down at the tiny clip, my cursor hovering over the tail end of it, because I knew what it was, what it could have only been. But he’d been so adamant about me hearing the album with everyone else, would even get into a right huff about it whenever I’d accidentally catch him humming or singing a tune he hadn’t realised he’d even been making.
And now this?
It left me feeling all sorts of emotions, a majority of which I couldn’t quite make out. But the one I definitely did was all too obvious. Though it had been a long time since I'd last felt anything like it.
My stomach swarmed with them and as I clicked to open up the file they only grew bigger, distracting me, until finally, I heard his voice.
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
10 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🌞
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Oh there's lots I'd be willing to eat if I had to! XDD
My memory ain't the best but off the top of my head-- I'm sure eating miltank meat wouldn't disturb me so much! :0
I like fish so there's a lot of those I'd be willing to try! Magikarp, uhhh those two grumpy fish that are either green/red or green/blue! I forgot the name..
Of course all of the food themed ones would be relatively no problem. Fidough, Milcery.. There's some bird ones that wouldn't be too upsetting too! XDD
As long as my brain relates them to earthly animals, I'm not too disturbed by the thought of eating them XD Im sure they have to eat pokemon in the actual pokemon universe! Where else do their meat based dishes come from? How else do they feed their carnivorous pokemon??
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Not recently :(( but I'd like to pick it up again someday once I'm feeling better! :}}
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Hey thanks for checking in, that means a lot 🥹
I'm hanging in there as best I can. I haven't eaten much but am getting plenty of water and rest! I'm hoping this horrible health trial thingy I've been going through is over soon <:}}
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y a l i k e j a z z ?
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Hey pal, I hope You're doing alright! Hang in there.. <:}}
I haven't worked much on Tuna's backstory recently.. but I imagined that his blood family was gone.. he lived on a ship with a real rotten crew that was horrible to him.
As for how he joined Seafoam's crew, I imagined that the crew rescued him somehow. Maybe Tuna's old crew attacked Seafoam's crew but he kicked their butts. Perhaps in all the chaos Tuna was left behind by "mistake", only for Foam to welcome him aboard?
Maybe his old crew got too intense and he ran, somehow running into Seafoam and he offered shelter? Or maybe his old ship sank and he was found by Seafoam..? Something along those lines-- XD
Anywho- thank you! Things are starting to look up for me, I'm hoping this journey is almost over! <:}}
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"Seafoam's heart 🥰..... Metaphorically I mean-"
I would assume so! :0 Maybe a cookie like that already exists in the games!
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Well that's hard to say.. I usually draw comics all in one pass. I sketch out the entire comic, and then I go back and draw all the line art, and then I go back and color it all in..
So in that sense 1 drawing for a comic could take days to complete. But if I were to focus on just one panel/drawing? I would guesstimate about 10-15 minutes :0
Now my name! My memory is a little foggy.. but one of my favorite things to do in drawing is to apply logic, reason and explanations for things.
For example, Captain Barnacles! He's a polar bear wearing a full suit and lives out in the Pacific Ocean. Obviously there's a lot that doesn't make sense about that- but mainly the fact that Barnacles would be way too hot!
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So I remedy this by making my version of Barnacles have very short fur, a special diet that thins out his blubber, and a special suit that helps keep him cool! It's not perfect obviously but it helps make him living out in the Pacific seem more reasonable. Which is what I love to do, and how I thought of my name! Applying fact to fantasy, Factual Fantasy!
Hm, Bibi's worst fear.. that would have to be something bad happening to me or any of the fam I'd assume <XD
Nothing bad actually happened to Red, that nightmare just manifested because she loves/worries about him so much 🥺💞 Like a mother having dreams about their children getting hurt. Nothing exactly happened to cause it, but they just worry about their babies so much that those dreams happen sometimes..
And lastly, thank you! It's looking good that I might finally get out of this pit. So my spirits are high! :}}
@beryl-shade (sorry for the late response! <:D)
He typically will not allow it 😅 I originally had a drawing idea for this ask but I dont have the strength to get to my PC so I can just explain it!-
I imagined Octo and some of the crew all tied to chairs with some other pirates taunting them. Octo looks very bored and very unintimidated.
Well one of the pirates makes the mistake of grabbing one of Octos tentacles and twirling it around. Octo immediately reacts and uses the other tentacles on his head to restrain his hand and start choking the guy-
The rest of the crew is just laughing and calling that pirate an idiot while he continues to struggle to get away from the angry Octo 🤣
Now on the other hand, if he gets a joking pat on the head from Seafoam? Or if Red is up on his shoulders and he pulls on Octo's hair by mistake? Eh, whatever he doesn't mind much. : '
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nrdmssgs · 11 months
HC for Nikolai, pls!! Love it how you describe him! ☀️
First of all, thank you so much since I wasn't sure, anyone would find my interpretation of this character pleasing in any way, because he is... not the nicest guy out there in some situations. I never wanted him to be a saint and I'm happy, we are together in this boat with you)
Second, please next time let me know if you need only sfw or also nsfw versions, because when it comes to CoD, especially to this man - I need to be restrained, otherwise things might happen... I'll try my best to behave this time.
TW: a bit of swearing.
So our guy is a fixer. No, wait, he is The Fixer. Nikolai comes from the culture and time, where everyone saw each other as a vital source of information, services or goods, that one day may help or even save them. That's why Nik always knows a guy, who knows a guy - it's just his nature.
What's in there for you? Let's say, you were deployed for a longer time, you've initially planned, and you are out of some medication, you normally buy in your home country. It's not a matter of life and death, but you would feel nicer, if you had it. But here is the problem: in this part of the globe, no one ever heard of such a medication. Of course you can always go to Price or even Ghost for help, and they will go above and beyond to get you what you need by the very next day. But if you need it in the next few hours? Yep, Nik is your man. He can get anything, anywhere, anytime.
That be said, his most significant weapon is not his body or friendship with Price, not his heli, not even Chimera - it's his tongue. He may never read a single book on psychology, but he feels, what and when to say to push all the buttons, he needs.
Believe me, you want to be on his side, when he starts talking, because he can be cold, manipulative and ruthless in negotiations with his enemies.
Nikolai tries to guard you from this side of him (no matter if you are just his squad mate or love of his life), but it's not always that easy. And if it happens so that his words hurt you in any way - he will feel disgusting. Guilt will torment him for a very long time, because Nik will be sure that no apology is enough.
Ok, before this gets too dark, let's talk about the other side of this skill of his. He loves to fluster you. It amuses him, how just a few words and an occasional touch can paint your pretty face red.
Can and will flirt with you just to see, where your borders are. Will start it in private, only to allow himself comments on the verge of flirting when the rest are around. He can't help it: panic, that he awakes in your eyes is too cute and endearing.
Of course, he will stop it right away, if he sees, you are really uncomfortable with such interactions. Nikolai wants to be a friend, not a terror.
But if you actually answer back? Buckle up, because Nikolai is not the one to back away easily. His commentaries will become more explicit to the point, where he leans over your ear for just a couple of seconds, but you are suffocated by the heat that hit your head for the next hour.
Don't even try to make him blush and lose his concentration in return. Or try, but be ready to fail. Your fingers tucked under his shirt, wide grin accompanying some frivolous joke leaving your lips, all for the sake of making him flustered? Won't work. All you are going to get is a smirk and a sly squint. "Go on, show your pilot, what you have on your mind."
Nik will notice and remember every reaction on his words and actions. Btw, let's hope you don't have a thing for accents, because he may play it cool, be he definitely will remember, how you hold your breath for a short moment every time you hear his voice right above your ear.
Your personal space is a relative concept to Nikolai. He respects it, but keeps changing his opinion on how wide it is, sorry.
One of the best, most loyal friends, you could ever wish for. Always on your side, even if you are wrong.
If anyone hurts his friends and loved ones - Nikolai doesn't give a flying f*ck about laws or moralities. If anything endangers you - it is to be dealt with, even eliminated. If anyone takes you from him?.. Well, they better have a d*mn army ready.
Because Nikolai not only pulls his many strings and has the support of war heroes like Price - Nik may come after his enemies with the Chimera. And this is where things might really get sinister, since... Not all Chimera mercs are famous for their compassion and law-obidience.
Putting it in a very light wording: those who manage to survive an encounter with this organization will soon envy those who did not see their next dawn. And Nik won't hold himself or his men back until you are safe in his hands again.
I don't want to end on a sad note, so here are random fluff hcs.
Of course Nikolai can take 'no' as an answer, but if you are that 'unsure, need a bit convincing' type, he'll gladly proceed. You will be surrounded by his attention and small manifestations of care.
Expect to be constantly wrapped in his jacket if you accidentally mention that you're freezing in a helicopter.
Little presents, knick-knacks from all over the world. But there is a story behind every single one. A story, he whispers to you, after he dragged you to a far table, away from prying eyes.
Light touches. Not suggestive ones, but comforting. Because despite his jokes and flirting, he offers not only his body - most of all, he wants to share his warmth with you.
He loves to make you laugh and will develop inner jokes with you.
If you feel, you are slowly but surely falling for him - make sure to not tell anything to Price, because those two have no secrets between them.
Nikolai will cook for you every time you visit him. Not because his food is something worth of a Michelin restaurant, it's just an old habit: guests must be fed. Don't forget, he comes from a place, where people often had to cook a full 2-3 course lunch from a scrap, so feeding you is not a challenge for this guy, even if you show up at his door at 3 am.
Nikolai will invite you for walks in the forest. In summer and spring, you can agree without worries. In autumn and winter, it is better to be careful. Early autumn is the mushroom picking season (then your walk can drag on for hours). Winter... Do you feel safe in a forest covered with snow with a big Russian guy? Do you? Well, I have 2 words for you: snowball fights.
Don't blame me for not warning you, when you end up with snow in every single piece of your clothes and Nik hovering over you, not letting you rise from a snow pile. Of course, he'll help you get dry, warm and cozy afterward.
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weskerssunglasses · 2 years
What would be some NSFW headcanons for the RE boys? Loved your dating headcanons!!
RE Boys NSFW Headcanons
Thank you! Glad y’all are enjoying 🥰 These are a bit short, my apologies! I also went with a female reader because that's what I'm most comfortable with for n*fw. I excluded Chris bc I'm just not into him in an n*fw sense and Jake because I couldn't think of much for him,, Also, if there's any other characters y'all are interested in lemme know! As long as they're not in my do not write for list located in my pinned post
Characters: Carlos, Leon, Wesker, Nikolai
Rating: N*FW
TWs/CWs: Female reader, BDSM/kink mention for pretty much all of them
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Switch, while he definitely gets off on having you pinned under him, he loves a dom s/o
Of course he would never admit that though, so you'd need to take the reigns one night before it comes out that he's fine with subbing
Aside from the dom/sub dynamic, choking, and dirty talk he's relatively vanilla so if there's some more kinky things you want to try out, you'll have to initiate it and bring it to him
Constantly running his mouth during sex; if he's domming, he's telling you what to do and saying just about anything to get you weak and begging for him <3
Meanwhile, if he's subbing, he's running his mouth if you let him. For the most part he'll do what you say, so if you don't wanna listen to him whine for more, tell him to be quiet and he will
Please, please sit on his face and pull his hair
Likes giving oral more than receiving
He's a thigh man 😮‍💨 Likes leaving bite marks and hickeys all over your thighs if you'll let him
Pleasure dom to the point he'll overstimulate you
"Good girl Cariño. You can cum one more time for me, yeah?"
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Sub, he wants a powerbottom S/O
I mean, he's canonically into Ada so are we surprised? No
He can top, but it would be pretty vanilla so if you want anything ~spicy~ you're gonna need to take the reigns
Pretty bratty, we all know how his smart mouth, and it definitely carries over to the bedroom. However, he breaks pretty easy
Will moan if you smack him-
Cries like a bitch if you tease him 😩
Doesn't like a lot of bondage, but he doesn't mind getting his hands tied to the headboard. The power dynamic there has his head swimming
In public he keeps the cool attitude and acts like you're the submissive one, but the second y'all are home alone he'll do anything to get you to touch him
Still calls you "baby" tho 🫢
Might call you mommy if you ask
Really he's down to try anything once. The only things that are hard no's for him are anything that would require knives or guns because it would remind him of his work. He's also uneasy about blindfolds but he might like it if you do it right
"Baby, c'mon, please touch me. I'm gonna go insane if you don't, please..."
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I'm fine not really i'm so down horrendous pls help
Has to be in control, no compromises. He's not at all interested in an S/O who won't submit to him in and out of the bedroom
If you're bratty, good luck. He's not going to bother with you, he can easily find someone else
However if you play by his rules...
Totally has a thing for choking you. He's acutely aware of his own strength and his knowledge of anatomy makes it so he can bring you just to the edge of passing out and then lets you go
Surprisingly vocal during sex? He likes calling you names 🥰
Also loves making you feel humiliated and stupid during sex
Really anything that establishes a clear power dynamic between the two of you he's into
I'm not sure if this is in line with canon, but I hc his canine teeth are a little closer fangs due to the virus in him. Because of this, he likes to leave bite marks on your neck, collar, and shoulders, and he's not afraid of drawing a little blood too
Gets annoyed if you're distracting him from his work because you're horny, but he'll compromise with either a) a little cockwarming until he's done with his work or b) you can suck him off under his desk 🙏
"Stop moving, are you really so stupid you can't even sit still? Sit there and let me finish my work and then maybe i'll give you what you want, greedy slut"
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mean dom
Did someone say dacryphilia?
Of course it's within your boundaries, but he likes to make you hurt during sex
Probably the most intense one on this whole list
While he is going to be the one calling the shots, but he'll let you think you're getting your way on occasion before snapping. I mean c'mon, guy's been a mercenary for decades and you don't think he can get out of a simple wrist tie?
Convinced he just likes being mean 🥱
Conversely to the way Wesker gets annoyed of brats, Nikolai seeks them out on purpose so he can break them and he is damn good at it
While he's definitely a freak, he makes sure to keep it consensual. He's a greedy jackass, but he's not a monster
Speaking of Nikolai's greediness, that carries into his sex life. He's always down for a quick fuck, even if it means you pulling him into a secluded bathroom or alley
Super into facefucking, especially if you do your makeup beforehand so he can ruin it
Calls you Kroshka still, but in a demeaning, sarcastic way
"What's wrong, Kroshka? Did that hurt? Good. You're prettier when you're crying"
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hola chicaa i have a request!
You’re a waitress in pedri’s parents restaurant so you know them for a while and pedri is slowly fallin in love with you🙈
Changed this up in the tiniest bit
This was rushedly ended and it's not revised, sorry if there's any mistake or misspelled word😭
El Bar Tasca -Pedri González
Summary: You're a worker in El Bar Tasca Fernando and managed to catch the attention of your bosses youngest son, Pedro.
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"¡Y/N, hija!" Fernando, your six months boss said with a smile on as you waved at him through the screen of your phone.
"Señor Fernando" You smile "¿Cómo están? ¿Qué tal Barcelona?" (How are you? How's Barcelona?)
"Pues todo muy bien" He smiled "¿Qué tal ha dido el día de hoy?" (Everything's good. How was today?) You nod smiling.
"Pretty busy but nothing la señorita Candelaria and I couldn't handle" You show the old lady into the camera as she smiles and waves "We're actually closing up now"
"Hombre, pues eso está muy bien. Me alegra mucho" (Man, that's really good. I'm glad) He smiled.
"¿Qué tal el partido? He visto que ya han levantado el trofeo, Rosy me ha estado enviando fotos de ustedes sin parar" (How was the mathc? I saw they already lifted the throphy, Rosy has been sending me pics of you nonstop) You both laugh "Fer me ha enviado un video suyo como guardametas" (Even Fer sent me this video of yours as a goalkeeper)
"El muy pillo me ha agarrao' fuera de base" (The smart one has gotten me when I least expected it) You laughed.
You knew about his oldest son, Fernando and often when he came here, you talked to him and the two of you spent nice time, laughs and jokes thrown all over the place, you chatted when he's at his Barcelona house and keeping a nice friendship but you still haven't met his youngest son, Pedro. With him being the star of the family, he was always busy and couldn't travel back home the same amount of time his brother did.
And now, he had won LaLiga and Rosy and Fernando were desperate to go and be with him but they were hesitant to leave the restaurant since their manager left but you told them you could take care for a few days of the Bar and tried to relieve some of their pression out. Of course, they didn't wanted to at first, not liking to put more pression on your shoulders, they knew you had work and Uni work and combined were a lot but you brushed their comments and grabbed the Bar's keys softly from Rosy's hold.
"Go and see your boys" You said "The Bar will be on good hands"
And they knew it would be. Even with the relative short amount of time you have been working there, they had grown to love you like a daughter and you love them like your second parents and they knew you were such a responsable, smart and overall good girl. That's why after a long talk of how they were going to make it up for you and you trying to dismiss it, accepted and left.
That's how you came here on the facetime thing, they didn't wanted you to pressure yourself and often Rosy or Fernando checked up on you with a message or a call, this time Fernando was truly excited that he called to show you around the whole place since he knew you liked football.
"¡Y/N, cariño!" You heard Rosy before you could see her but once you did you smiled brightly at her
"Rosy, you're looking gorgeous! I'm glad you're having a good time over there!" You replied excited
"We are, Y/N/N" She smiles "Have you seen this? Is gorgeous!" You nod lightly
"Fernando was showing me around a bit, it does look very hermoso" Rosy was about to talk but you soon saw Fer coming in, you first saw a part of his hand, then his hair and his eyes to finally see his whole face in a smile
"¡Señorita!" (Young lady!) He said as you giggle
"¡Señorito!" (Young man!) You reply
"Estos viejitos me han dicho que te iban a matar sino tomabas el puesto para que ellos pudiesen venir" (These old people told me that they were going to kill you if you didn't say yes to take care of the bar so that they could come) He said as Rosy hits him in the back of his neck
"Ya, déjate de payasadas, Fernando González Lopez" Rosy says as you laugh lightly
"Sí, deja esos cuentos pa'otro tiempo, están celebrando el triunfo de tú hermano, debería dejarlos pa' que sigan con ello" You said (Yes, leave those jokes for later, you're celebrating your brother's triumph, I should leave you guys to it)
"Oh no" Fernando says frowning "We wanted to keep showing you around and maybe meeting Pedro? He's taking pictures somewhere but-" You cut them off shaking your head
"Don't worry about it. I have to help Candelaria to mop and close the shop" You smile "You come back here in two days, right?" Fernando nods as you nod back "See you in two days!"
"Maybe you see us as well soon, Y/N! We'll go there when Pedro gets his vacation time, we can meet up!" Fer said pushing his head into the screen once more as you laugh watching his nose and big eyes appear on half of the screen
"That we'll do, Nandito. Se me cuidan, por favor" (Take care of yourselves, please)
"Igualmente, hija" (Likewise, love) Rosy says as you smile but seconds before you cut the call you could heard another Canarian accent speak
You sighed happy, those two grown-ups were absolutely the best and you loved them deeply, it didn't hurted you a single bit trading some of sleep time to catch up, do inventary, count the money and clean the whole Bar for them, instead of being stuck into a book alone at home whilst you wait for your parents to come from their work.
So you stuck your phone in the back of your pocket and went behind where the dishes were to keep doing your work.
"¿Estamos bien, señora Candelaria?" (Are we good, miss Candelaria?)
"Que nada de señora, mijita" (None of miss, daughter) You smile "And yes, we are all good" You nod accepting her hand
"Bueno, let's go then"
Everything was chaos.
Fernando and Rosy had came back three days ago and today Fer and Pedro were coming, they both were excited and all over the place, making you do this and do that, then sent you to the other thing and then other. You tried as much as you could but you were getting tired of running all over the Bar.
"Calm down, Rosy" You said "Everything will be fine, they're just your sons, they know this place top to bottom and in it's best and worst conditions. This is their home and all they would want is to relax, so please, with all due respect I suggest you to stop overthinking and take it easy"
"And she's right" An unknown voice said as you turn around finally facing the last and youngest member of the González López family "Que papá me había dicho que estabas un poco fuera de lugar, estresada y demás" (Dad just told me you were a bit out of place, stressed and everything else)
"I was a bit stressed out, you haven't been here in a long time, I just wanted everything to be perfect"
"And it is, mamá" He smiled before looking at you "Pedro" He pushed his hand out as you took it and you both gave two kisses in your cheeks
"Y/N Y/L/N" His eyebrows shot up
"Finally I get to met the awesome Y/N" He said as you blush lightly
"Bueno que asombrosa, asombrosa no soy" (Well awesome, awesome I'm not) "...Pero igualmente es un placer" (But anyway, it's a placer)
"What do you mean not awesome?" He says shaking his head "Que me han dicho las mil y un cosas de tí" (People have told me the thousand and one things about you)
"Good ones, I hope so" He laughs
"All good. I even got told por ahí que haces tremendas croquetas, incluso puede que mejores que las de mi mamá, he venido a comprobar eso" You laughed (...got told somewhere that you make tremendous croquettes, maybe even better than my mother's, I have come to verify that)
"They really are" Rosy says smiling as you look at her
"Oh shush! You were the one who told me the recipe, they are basically yours!"
"She adds a little something, we don't know what it is but she made the recipe her own" You blush "Gotta go and see if Fernndo needs something from me" And with that she left you guys
"Are you up to do them, right now?" You smile nodding
"Sure" You smiled grabbing your hair in a low ponytail
"Can I help you?"
"Wash your hands, then"
You instantly got into it, you gotta admit you liked croquettes too, often giving Pedri some indications of cutting the dresses and both of you asking question about the other, getting to know yourselves, your voice talking with Pedro and laughing at his jokes was the only thing you could hear at the kitchen and the ocasional sound of an electrodomestic.
"Oh vaya! What do we have here?" Fer said coming up "Pedro cooking?" He made a face making you laugh and the youngest González gave him a look and throw him a carrot peel "How's it going?"
"He is better assistant than you, so..." You said as Fer, who's face falls as Pedro laughs "We're going great"
"I'm better than him, you're only saying that because I don't follow your instructions!"
"I'm the chef here so of course it annoys me when I say put the chicken in the grill and you say: 'But let's do it baked'" You imitate his voice making him laugh "No! No, no, no! I want the freaking chicken grilled, I prepared it for the grill and you just went ahead and putted it inside the oven"
Fer came up to you to hug you but you didn't hugged him back "That was the best chicken I have ever done and you messed it up, get off!" You both laughed
"At least I help you, you're choosing to stay with the one who burns a simple pan con queso"
"I'll be looking at this so it doesn't burn, let him alone!" Pedro was laughing at your interaction with his brother
"Gotta go and so do you, Pedro. Dad wants us to greet people"
Now, that statement made Pedro furrow his eyebrows.
He was having a good time with you, he wanted to stay with you, get to know the girl his parents and brother were basically head over heels for and guess what you had that drew them this bad at you.
He had already seen you in pics and heard your voice when you talked with Fer but never got to meet you properly and now, after two hours of meeting, he never wanted to leave the kitchen if that meant you were besides him.
Without knowing it, he was already realizing what it was that thing of yours that drew him to you and he was also finding himself wanting to be around you, see your pretty smile and hear your laugh.
You were la chica más bonita, he has ever seen.
He didn't wanted to leave. Not when you just got to know each other and were having a good time.
"Do I have to?" Pedro asked
"I don't want to, I wanna stay here and help Y/N" Silence took over the kitchen when you broke it
"These are almost done, I just gotta cut the salad and it'll be ready. It won't take more than a few minutes so, why don't you wait outside? You precisely won't eat here in the kitchen and you have your old neighbours wanting to see you" You gave a solution and after he thought of it, nodded as you smiled lightly clapping
"Venga, vamos. Personal autorizado en la cocina" (C'mon, authorized staff in this place)
"Somos hijos de los dueños" (we are children of the owners)
"No me importa, acaban de decir que se van así que personal autorizado, dije" (I don't care, you just said you were leaving, so only authorized staff, I said) They laughed as you ushered them out
"Is it just me or you have a crush on her?" Fer, asked in a low tone to his younger brother once they were away from the kitchen
"Hombre, I just met her"
"Are you telling me you don't find her attractive at least, the tiniest bit?"
"¡Fua!" Pedri shook his head with a smile on "¿Atractiva? Joder, hombre; es la niña más bonita que he visto en mi vida" (Attractive? Fuck, man; she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life)
"Yeah, I knew you were gonna say that" Fer smiled "She indeed is pretty, but not only she has looks, she also has this intelligence that's out of this world and the humility that she possesses... She's awesome" Pedro smiled "She has this internship in la Universidad Europea" Pedro opened his eyes
"La de Santa Cruz de Tenerife?" Fer nodded "¡Joder!" (Fuck!)
"I repeat, she's awesome and perfect for you, hermanito"
"Ya, ya. I got the point" Both brothers laughed as they came across their dad along a few of their old neighbours "¡Señor Juan!" Pedri exclaimed meeting the old man and meanwhile he was glad to be back in his hometown and see his people, all he wanted to be was back in the kitchen with you.
"Hope you like it!" You placed several plates in front of them as they smiled, thanking you
"Y/N, ven a comer con nosotros!" (Come eat with us!) Fernando said as you slowly shook your head
"You're having a family lunch, sir" You said "Besides, gotta keep working"
"None of that, I'm your boss and we're all family here. Take a little break, young lady" You smiled
"Venga, Y/N" Rosy says "Que es más, el fin de semana vamos a la playa, estás más que invitada a venir" (Even better, we're going to the beach this weekend, you're more than invited to come with us)
"Yes, she will be coming" Pedro replied before you could "Tengo que seguir conociendo a la increíble Y/L/N" (I have to keep knowing more about the incredible Y/L/N)
"You guys will end up bored of me"
"Nunca" (Never) The four of them said as you smile blushing
"¡Hostias!" You all laughed at Fer who fell and incidentally, a wooden stake was embedded in his foot. He limped towards Rosy who pulled it out as he yelled a femenine "¡Ay!"
"Told you to be careful!" Rosy said as you kept on laughing
"Y/N, how you learned to cook?" Pedro said taking to his mouth another croquette that you made "They're delicious!" You smile
"I've always loved it since I was a little girl" You smiled "My older brother was sick and my mom was doing this soup and I love that annoying guy so much I didn't liked seeing him down" They laughed
"...so I wanted to help and I started stirring and chopping some things with her help, of course. I didn't played a single thing but she said that I did and once my brother ate it, he started feeling better and I guess-" you lift your shoulders "I liked the feeling of him being healthy and happy for something I "helped" doing, I started to help her more and more, they played it off like I used to do everything until I did learned"
"I started cooking for real, I keep on loving it and I guess I combined my mom's, my grandma's cooking and I added to the mix my own stuffs, like throwing a bit of what seemed it could go good with to whatever I was doing" they laughed "I fell for this world"
"That's nice" You smile at Pedro nodding
"And you do amazing" Fernando said as you blush
"And of course, I'm mixing Rosy's and Candelaria's techniques and recipes into the mix as well" You laugh
"Oye, debes de darme la receta de ese pescado que haces" (You need to give me the recipe of the fish dish you do) Fer says "Little man here has this diet-that he's currently breaking at the moment with the amount of croquettes he has consumed" You laugh and Pedro lifts his shoulders
"¡Están buenísimas, hombre!" (They're so good, man!)
"Stop doing that, you will not get any muscles from it!"
"Yes, please, stop. I don't want to be the culprit of that happening" You said slowly taking the plate out of his hold
"Hey, hey, hey!" Pedro chanted going forward and grabbing three croquettes more "I will lose these" He says as you laugh
"Anyways" Fer keeps talking "He has to eat almost everyday fish and I keep thinking of the tastes it had and everything but I can't do it, it doesn't come nicely as yours... I need to know it!" You smile nodding
"Text me later and I will send it to you" You said grabbing a croquette "Ingredients and preparation"
"Ok, I'll try doing it and I'll text you how it goes"
"Or we can met up and do it?" Pedro proposed
"That also sounds good, that way I can see if you're doing something wrong" You smiled at Fer
"I already have this week busy with a few friends"
"I can go" Pedro said
"You don't know how to cook"
"Pero puedo aprender" (But I can learn) Fer was about to talk but Pedro interrupted him "It's done!" He turned to look at you "When are you free?"
"Sunday after 2pm and Wednesday"
"I'll be there on Sunday"
"Where will you be at if we haven't said anything from a place?" You smirked
"Well, we can meet up here in the beach and then we'll go anywhere for you to teach me how to do that fish dish" You nod "And then, we can go out if you'd like" You raised your eyebrows
"Go out?"
"Yes, you and I, go out" You duck your lips thinking. You only have four days knowing this guy but he wasn't joking around, subtly flirting with you any chance he gets.
And you won't lie and say you didn't find him attractive at all because, he was; in fact, you were flirting back most of the times.
"But that sounds like a date"
"It can be if you want to" You blush and smile widely, his parents were here and listening to the whole thing.
This boy.
"Oye, que no sé si sea buena idea salir con el hijo de tus jefes" (Hey, I don't think it's a good idea going out with your bosses son)
"Oh, que no te preocupéis por nosotros dos" (Oh, don't you worry about us two) Fernando spoke "We'll be more than happy if you date our son"
"Que ya eres parte de la familia, Y/N" Rosy says smiling
"¿Ves?" (See?) Fer jokes as you all laugh
"¿Y?" (And?) Pedro asks with a smile on as you slowly nod
"Pues... al parecer tendremos una cita" (Well, it seems like we'll have a date) You smiled back at him
"Y aprovechamos el miércoles para la segunda también" (and we take advantage of Wednesday for the second one too) You smirked
"Pero, ¿Y a ti quién te dijo que tendremos una segunda cita?" (But, who told you we'll have a second date?) He smirked winking at you
"Bonita, perderás la cuenta de las tantas citas tendremos en el futuro. You'll see" (Pretty girl, you'll lose count of the many dates we'll have in the future)
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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trashytoastboi · 2 years
hello hello! may I ask for ace, sabo and sanji getting a blowjob from their s/o who is hiding under the desk during a meeting (or something to that effect)? Hope this is okay to ask! thank you! <3
Heyya!🍞 sure thing! I originally was going to do headcanons then they ended up as little scenarios 🤣 hope you enjoy~ 🍀
(Gender Neutral)
NSFW Scenarios: Ace, Sabo, Sanji getting a blowjob from their S/O who is hiding under the desk during a meeting (Or something to that effect)
🍋Warning: NSFW - (Oral sex, Public, Face fucking- think that's it 🤣)
Total word count: 2,503
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🔥 Portgas D. Ace 🔥
Word count: 725 words
Ace went into the room where they would chart the courses, keep the maps and overall the best place to be when you're planning a solo adventure. Especially when one needs a little brushing up of geography. {Name} came into the room during their ventures to find Ace and decided to ask where he was planning on heading to this time. "Just looking for someone... you know how it is" Ace replied, holding a carefree smile and giving {Name} a light peck. {Name} returns with a longer kiss, maybe one with a little evident hinting. Ace raises an eyebrow, the intentions were pretty transparent but who was he to deny his partner. He leaned in and gave another kiss, one a little deeper and heated. However relatively tame considering the two of them. Ace pulled {Name} closer, stumbling into the table in the process. {Name} smiled at seeing just how eager Ace acted, they grabbed the bugle protruding from his shorts and caught him off guard. The moan that left his lips was quite surprising and louder than usual. A sly smile rested on {Name's} lips "My my, you're quite sensitive today~" they teased, slipping a hand into his shorts to stroke his cock. Ace felt tempted to take it a step further, maybe bending {Name} over the table... before anything could happen, the door rattled and pushed open.
Marco steps into the room, surprised to see Ace standing over the map table, concentrating very hard on what was in front of him. That was from Marco's perspective, from Ace's perspective he saw {Name} kneeling in front of him. An evil look in their eye and their hands rubbing his thighs, {Name} quietly undid his shorts. Planting a few feather light kisses all the way up to his sensitive point. Ace's eyes practically showed panic he wanted to shake his head in protest because Marco was right there. Noticing this and choosing to ignore it, {Name} gave a few enticing kitty licks to his already sensitive cock. They wanted to laugh at seeing how desperately his legs were shaking. Ace nearly moans when he feels what {Name} is doing, his nails dig into the table and he curses under his breath. Marco looks over to see Ace and notices he looked like he's not feeling too hot, "Are you alright-yoi?" Maybe due to being a doctor Marco asked a question in all seriousness due to his crewmates odd actions. Ace flashes a grin "I-I'm fine... think I just caught a cold" Ace's word came out more strained and breathy than he would have liked. "Only idiots catch colds in summer" Marco retorted. At that moment, {Name} picks up the pace. Drawing long strokes of his cock, taking him into their mouth, out and tracing their tongue up his length and around the head. Making sure to capitalize on every weak spot he has. All the while Ace is trying to hold a relatively decent conversation with Marco. {Name} only grows more devious, concentrating on maximizing their capabilities but still keeping it quiet. It's definitely worth it, seeing Ace so flustered and trying so hard is terribly cute. {Name} brought their hands into the mix, stroking his cock while focusing their mouth on his head. Once they learned all the secret spots Ace enjoyed being touched, it became ever so easy to toy with him. Ace keeled over the table, accidentally biting his tongue to stay quiet. Marco began taking steps towards him to see if he needed help or lost his balance due to his cold, Ace chuckled showing an innocent expression to Marco. "I just bit my tongue" Ace stuck out his tongue and the little red droplets seemed to proved his point. {Name} felt him getting close, and they just decided to drive him to that edge faster. At Ace's nervous face, Marco sighed and shook his head "Finish up and go rest, or else I'm sending {Name} your way-yoi." "S-sure..." Ace sighed, his hands weaved into {Name's}hair, pulling them away and gritting his teeth hard to keep his sounds contained. He looked down to see them smiling up at him, innocent as an angel and their face covered with his cum. "Seriously {Name} what am I going to do with you?..." Ace sighed, "Well rest, doctors orders you know..." they chirped back.
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🎩 Sabo 🎩
Word Count: 720 words
Sabo signed off on another document, set aside and picked up another. {Name} sat in his lap, dying of boredom while waiting for Sabo to finish his work. It seems the only time they would be together was when {Name} watched him working. They huffed, trying to display their boredom in the hopes Sabo would pay attention. He just smiled and carried on working. "Just wait a little more love, I need to finish this before the meeting." Sabo stated, as he did every other day. Paperwork came first. {Name} didn't want to admit that they were getting jealous over his work, but at this point they couldn't deny it. Just how long had it been since they spent proper time together? {Name} clasped his face in their hands and pulled him in for a fervent kiss. "Mm...love, behave now and I'll spoil you later." Sabo replied, nonchalantly brushing them off for more accursed paperwork. Sabo was like this now because he was in work mode, but if one were to...flip his switch then Sabo would be the one to act on his desire. {Name} decided to change their strategy, no more subtle hints but an outright show of what they want. They straddled him, their legs dangled on either side of his chair, not the most comfortable position but it would do for now. Sabo tried to keep his mind solely on his work despite {Name} nibbling and kissing his neck, dragging their mouth down to his chest and grinding on him, all of it was starting to get him a little hot and bothered. {Name} could tell that Sabo was starting to get affected with their little plan, they stood up and slid down to rest between his legs and shuffled to situate themselves in the space under the the desk. They unbuttoned his pants, with all due confidence saying "I'll take care of this for you~" {Name} didn't tease, but headed straight into the main course. Sabo leaned his head back, chuckling "What a little tease." Sabo sighed, getting caught up with the pleasure, so much so he forgot to keep an eye on the time. When the intrusive knock on the door proved to indicate the time of the meeting. Sabo looked at {Name}, he readjusted his position "Be good for me and take care of that love" Sabo whispered before calling out to the door "Come in."
The people filled the room and each took their assigned seats at the long table. Thus began the meeting. Sabo held an annoyingly perfect poker face, he looked completely unfazed. It would doubtful that anyone could ever guess he had his partner under the desk, giving him head right then and there. {Name} was determined to see him crack and watch his facade crumble, they tried their best to deep throat him. Taking as much of his thick cock as they possible could manage, the ferver and unexpected feeling caught him off guard. {Name} dug their nails into his thighs, Sabo coughed trying to stifle the groan that wanted to escape him. He cast a quick glance down to see {Name} practically glowing with that stupid smirk, knowing exactly what they were doing. The meeting droned one, Sabo subtley reached his hand under the desk and grabbed {Name's} head, forcibly taking control and setting the pace. He wanted to curse aloud, his thoughts filled with a variety of swear words as the tension that had been building came undone, his body shuddered with the pleasure, {Name} wanted to pull away due to how much he had cum in their mouth, Sabo was more pent up than he let on. Sabo bit his lip hard, containing any suspicious sounds and put his head down. Those in the meeting had just assumed he was deep in thought. Looking down at his partner he flashed a sweet and mischievous smile before mouthing the word "Swallow" even though {Name} was the one started it, he was the one who finished. Seeing his partner all teary eyed and flustered proved amusing. Thankfully the meeting finally decided to wrap up and everyone left. The moment the door closed, Sabo stood up, pulling {Name} towards him and pushing them into his chair, he sunk to his knees and sweetly stated "Time to return the favour~"
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🍽 Sanji 🍽
Word count: 1,058 words
Sanji whisked around the kitchen, doing so many different things simultaneously while preparing lunch for the crew. {Name} popped their head in, wanting just a little pre-lunch snack. Sanji smiled when he saw his beloved, lurking around the kitchen wanting to ask for a snack. He fed them bits and pieces, lots of little taste tests whole preparing the meals and hoping it would satiate their appetite. After having their fill, enough to stop the grumbling {Name} offered to help, slipping on one of Sanji's spare aprons. Sanji's eyes practically burst seeing his partner dressed in an apron, it was a bit of a fantasy of his. Noticing his heart filled eyes, {Name} giggled and easily saw through his thoughts. They decided to quote the famous "Do you want dinner, a bath, or me?~♡" {Name} accentuated their last suggesting with a little kiss. Sanji's nose dripped with a steady stream of blood, {Name} was quick to help him stop it, despite his constant chanting of "You, you, you, want you."
"So you chose me hmm" {Name} purred, running their hands down his chest, pressing a very light but alluring kiss to his lips. Poor Sanji was already entranced, even with the short kiss they could taste his cigarettes. {Name} felt something pressing into them, noticing Sanji's antsy puppy expression and his reddened cheeks. "I guess you really do want me" they teased, seeing how hard he got from a mere kiss. Sanji settled his expression opting to take a sauve approach "I think after lunch, we should have some dessert..
Just the two of us" he took a hold of their hand and placed a quick peck with a hinting glint in his eye. "Well I'm not opposed to giving you an entrée" {Name} teased, their hands prodded at the growing bulge in his pants, Sanji chuckled, he wasn't going to say no... but their location wasn't exactly safe. Quite open and easy to get caught. "That's dangerous..." he sighed, {Name} feigned innocence and looked at him with those eyes, while their teeth caught his zipper and pulled it down. Sanji is a man that appreciated the effort of a show after all. Their hands skillfully made quick work of his pants, {Name} decided a little teasing was due. Leaving a trail of hickies all over his thighs, little marks of their presence and affections. The teasing was driving Sanji mad, the way they led up right he wanted them and {Name} would retreat, kissing somewhere else. The anticipation, the build up and the anti-climax. He tried to pour his focus into cooking, and finishing the meals as opposed to the tempting show right before him. {Name} taunted his desires, barely touching but occasionally making 'accidental' contact. They mouthed lightly, giving little kisses to his cock but nothing to drive him up the wall just yet. Sanji couldn't bring himself to tell them to stop, he really didn't want {Name} to stop despite having them contribute to a different kind of appetite. {Name} gave his cock nothing but very light touches, little kisses and just watched as Sanji slowly started losing his mind with frustration and desire. Sanji lit another cigarette, forcing his mind to concentrate on cooking, as if the timing couldn't be more terrible the door swung open. Luffy rushed in, followed by Zoro, Chopper and Franky. {Name} held a devilish grin on their lips "Better keep quiet if you don't want them to hear you."
Immediately after their 'warning', they sucked Sanji's cock into their mouth. The feeling of the warmth and wetness gave both reprieve and torture, considering the amount of restraint Sanji needed to exercise right now...it wasn't easy. Luffy dragged his feet to the seat, groaning about dying from hunger and wanting to know the specifics of when food would be ready. "In a while....I decided to make dessert too so it's taking longer" Sanji's voice sounded ragged, a growl of frustration practically stuck in his throat. Sanji hoped they would leave the kitchen after hearing that he wasn't done cooking, instead they all just decided to loaf around, waiting for food. Practically sitting a stones throw away from where {Name} currently hid. Zoro decided it was late enough, food wasn't prepared but it's always a good time for booze. And the really good stuff is kept in a cupboard right where Sanji was standing. Zoro planned to walk over and grab it, thankfully being anticipated by Sanji he grabbed the booze before Zoro walked over the whole way. In attempt to keep the distance between them Sanji had to lean a little over the counter to hand the bottle to Zoro. Sanji closing the distance to pass the booze to him resulted in him accidentally pushing his cock deeper into {Name's} throat. Sanji trembled, the way {Name} felt around his cock made his legs weak. Zoro took the booze from him without thinking much about the uncharacteristic act of goodwill from the swirly brow. He headed out to go drink and have a small nap. Sanji wanted to recklessly buck his hips, greedily wanting more, just wanting to end this drawn out endeavor when he was so close to cumming. Against his wishes he retracted his hips to give his partner a moment to breathe. It ultimately proved pointless considering how {Name} instantly went back to what they were doing immediately. Sanji's hand tangled into their hair, one hand on the counter to keep him grounded and upright. He felt dizzy from the pleasure, an unexpected explosion caused a stir amongst the rest of the crewmates, Sanji refused to care about what was going on outside, he heard someone talking about Usopp's new ammo being the source of the explosion. The rest of the crewmates flooded out to see what was going on, that moment of privacy was all Sanji needed. He thrust his hips, unable to be patient anymore. His voice sounded throughout the kitchen. He pressed his hand harder into the counter as he hit an intense climax. He froze, trying to catch his breath. He opened his eyes and looked at {Name} trying to clean themselves up, licking their lips and wiping up whatever was on their face. As Sanji opened his mouth, his words were replaced with dissapointed and panicked silence when he smelled his food burning.
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genshindreamer · 2 years
The story of you (aka, your birth)
Reblongs are greatly appreciated ❤️
Tw: Birth (non-graphic), Descriptions of pregnancy, Babies, cheesy love stories, alluding to some sexual themes but nothing graphic, slight Angst in Xiao and Scaramouche, artifical insemination? in Albedo, amputee! Gorou, mentions of reader having ears and a tail in Gorou's, Dottore is honestly his own warning, mentions of Afab/Amab things but you can always decide!
Key: (y/n) your name, (e/c) eyes color, (h/c) hair color, (m/n) Mothers name.
You had been a...happy accident between Kaeya and his (at the time) secret girlfriend. He didn't want the public prying at his beautiful significant other and putting her in danger.
But one thing in his office lead to another.
It was valentines day leave him alone he just wanted to love his gf is that a crime? >:(
Needless to say, he ended up having to come clean to Jean first. She smiled, happy for him.
Then, he told Diluc, who...gave a forlorn sigh, but Kaeya almost swore he saw a faint smile on "Uncle Lucy's" face.
Kaeya stuck with her through everything when he could, even if he did leave, he never was gone for very long, especially as her womb swelled to contain his little son/daughter.
He was happy and loved to spoil (m/n)and of course the child that ceaselessly squirmed within.
Of course, you had the absolute worst timing, deciding to break your water right as the storm hit (thanks sweetie!)
Luckily, it wasn't so bad yet he couldn't get your mother to a clinic where he then waited 13 hours for any sort of update.
"You'll wear a hole in the floor if you keep pacing..." Diluc half scolded his brother, even if he couldn't blame him. Yes, he said brother. They...with some influence of Kaeya's Girlfriend, had tried to rekindle their brotherly bond. It wasn't fully healed, but it was better.
Kaeya felt himself stop. "But my darling is in there in pain and I have to wait out here..." He growled in annoyance.
"Sit down." Diluc rolled his eyes, pretending he was not also anxious.
A small eternity passed and a nurse poked her head out of the room, inviting Kaeya inside.
Kaeya walked over to his lovely girlfriend, who was absolutely exhausted, hair messy, face sweaty, and Kaeya never thought she was more perfect.
"Kaeya..." She breathed out and he kissed her forehead before focusing on the bundle in her arms. He gave a small smile and held his hand out for you to grasp.
You opened your baby blue eyes (Kaeya secretly hoped they'd inherit his s/o's (e/c) eyes.) And looked at his finger and grasped it with your chubby hand.
It was then, Kaeya cried.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Diluc had met your mother after he saved her one night as batman the dark knight hero.
It took a while, but he finally decided to ask her to a dinner.
Now, 4 years later, they were married. Of course, Diluc was a busy man, but he always made time for (m/n).
They had been tossing around the idea of having a baby, so while they stopped using protection, they also weren't nessesarily actively trying. They just decided to let nature take its course.
It took about another year for them to conceive, oh but when they did, Diluc was simply overjoyed woth his love.
It had taken him a long time to get there, but he was finally ready to do this.
Nine months later, on a day that started like any other, he kissed his partner awake and rubbed her swollen womb affectionately.
Well, until a few hours later when he noticed she was cringing a little longer than usual, and a little more frequent.
"Are you alright, desrest?" Diluc asked, looking up from the paperwork he was filling out.
"I'm fine..." his lover replied.
"You don't look that way. You've been like this for a while now. Should I grab the midwife?"
"Probably would be best..." (m/n) concluded.
Nodding, Diluc called for the maids to get his love ready while he departed.
It had been a relatively short Labor and Delivery, only about 6 hours start to finish. A small blessing.
"They're so beautiful..." your mother gushed.
Diluc nodded, looking at the little baby in his wife's arms. You were bald at the moment, which Diluc found adorable.
He kissed your forehead and collected you in to his arms. "I swarming, (y/n), I will protect you with my life..."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It took Zho gli a long time to find a mortal partner, who wouldn't care or blow his cover when he inevitably told them about his past.
Luckily, after about 10 years of living as a Mortal, he found a maiden who caught his eye.
I'll spare you the very romantic, very long courtship.
5 years after that, they got married, and 2 years later, they fell pregnant.
Zhongli had been concerned. After all, he wasn't sure how his normal form would affect your mother. Thankfully, it seemed fairly similar to most pregnancies that involved an adeptus and a mortal, and not an egg or anything like that.
He wasn't expecting quite that long of a wait however. Since he became mortal, time felt slower to him, likely because he was just living in the moment.
Regardless, you arrived on a pleasant night, actually right on your due date, amazingly enough.
"Okay, (m/n), one last big push." Madam Ping said.
Zhongli held his beloved's hand, letting her apply as much pressure as need be. "You're doing great, dearest." He encouraged in a smooth tone.
"I don't get how you're so calm you bastard!"
Zhongli just hummed and brushed some sweat from her face and watched with interest as Madam Ping caught the baby.
"It's a boy/girl." The elderly adeptus said.
Zhongli made sure (m/n) was all right before walking over to you as Madam Ping just finished cleaning you off. Zhongli, naturally, began rocking a bit as he held you in his hands. He may or may not have crying.
"You gonna share?" Your mother teased as Zhongli walked over and handed you to your mother, both parents smiling at you proudly.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Xiao...still had a hard time believing he was lucky enough to have found (m/n). In fact, it still felt almost like a dream.
When he had first found out she had gotten pregnant, Xiao was not proud of his next actions, but he left. For 3 months. Simply unable to process this information
He had been alone for so long, and suddenly he was everything he swore he'd never be. A father? Him? With all his debt?
When he did return, he held a bouquet of flowers he had handpicked from Cloud Retainers Domain and shyly presented them to your mother.
After that, he was there everyday he could be, and he was never gone for long, if he left at all.
You decided to make an...inconvenient entrance into the world, breaking your water about 3 weeks early and when Xiao had been dragged out by (m/n) to go out to eat.
You didn't even let him finish his tofu!
He had been hesitant to be there for your proper birth, not becuase he didn't WANT to be there, he just was worried it would trigger something in him.
But he stuck it out seeing how in pain your mother was.
Finally, after many, many complications, you finally came
"Wh....Why aren't they crying? Don't babies usually cry?" Your mother panted out. Her face pale as the doctors hastily stitched her up, not saying anything. "Xiao, Xiao please..." She cried.
Xiao turned to her and cradled her in his arms. "I'm sure he/she's fine." He said to her in a surprisingly gentle voice.
You just had to be.
It took a while, but a doctor finally came in with a bundle of blankets. (M/n) took you in her arms.
"It was touch and go for a minute, but we got them." The doctor said and Xiao focused his attention on you.
He ran his finger along your chubby cheek.
"See? I told you they'd be fine."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
He had met your mother while he was on one of his many adventures throughout the lands.
She had been playing the harp by a waterfall in Mondstat, and needles to say, Kazuha was smitten with this....faerie.
And now, this Faerie was his wife.
He wrote poems for you everyday, and he'd recite them to you, everyday, as well, even when you were barely inside your mothers womb.
You arrived into this world the same day they had met, just 3 years later.
(M/n) was laying on the floor of their house, holding Kazuha's hand. She had wanted to home birth you, to keep it as natural as possible. And Kazuha, despite not fully being on board, agreed. So long as they got a proper Doctor.
They had done everything needed to make this as painless as possible. Of course, it wasn't without pain, and there were times she'd yell or groan, but she seemed in her element.
Kazuha found it...almost peaceful in a way, just his wife bringing a little miracle into this world.
The peace was broken by a wailing.
Kazuha smiled and helped his wife sit up, proping her on his chest as she was handed you. He kept his arms wrapped around her waist as she held their son/daughter.
Kazuha smiled and kissed you're forehead.
"Welcome to the world, my little flower..." He whispered to you.
And sure, your parents were a bit on the crunchy, holistic side, but they'd never do anything that wasn't in your best interest, they loved you to bits!
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
How this man became a father is anyone's best guess.
Fatherhood just wasn't something he had envisioned for himself. He didn't like being tethered to one place very long, and this did include partners.
(M/n) was just a friend, a friend with benefits, that is.
There had been wine exchanged and one thing led to another. Nothing unusual.
Until it was.
When Venti found out about you, he wasnt...unhappy, but also wasn't bouncing for joy.
He decided, however, to stay around. At least until you were born, after all, he was an archon.
And he did find himself growing fond of you, and him and your mother remained good friends.
But that's all they were.
You cane during the Windblume festival, much to Venti's amusement.
Venti held (m/n)'s hand, letting her squeeze as needed. He offered words of encouragement, excited to see you!
Finally, you began crying and venti was relived to see you weren't just a windspirit, but actually looked human.
He looked down at his baby and blew wind on your face playfully. He giggled hearing you giggle and held you in his arms. Unbeknownst to your mother, he wrapped his hidden wings around you as well.
Maybe he'd stay around just a little longer.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Albedo had been working his lab when (m/n) brought up the topic. He mentally sighed. He knew she so desperately wanted a baby, but he just simply wasn't capable of producing ehat she needed for that to work.
It had been the only major point of contention in their otherwise peaceful marriage.
It's not that Albedo didn't want w child with his love, he just didn't know how.
So he decided to go about it a different way. He took some of his DNA and made it into a few little Sperm thanks to Alchemy, and implanted them in your mother, not fully expecting them to take.
But one did.
And he smiled softly seeing his lover practically become the sun itself from how happy she was.
He checked on you two every couple of weeks, worried about you.
But his worries were always unfounded. He wrote ezrensive notes, detailing your every movement and how much he loved you.
When you came, Albedo had insisted in Delivering you himself.
"Doing alright?" He asked his lover, looking up at her.
"Hurts..." She said softly.
"Hurts how?" Albedo asked, his worry steadily growing. He walked over to her and held her hand.
"Everything hurts..." She whined and buried herself in his shoulder and he Pet her hair. His hand ran down, resting on her stomach and feeling it tense, then rest for a minute, before tensing again.
"Alright. Let's get you sat down." Albedo said, picking her up and bringing her to the bed he had made just for this occasion.
He put his expirsment in a stasis and encouraged (m/n) for hours.
About 12 hours later, you cane into this world screaming, And Albedo quietly shushed you as he swaddled you tightly. His chest was filled with a warmth he never rely experienced before.
He rested you in your mother's arms and he looked at you fondly. His chest still had that warm, fuzzy feeling.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
How Itto managed to make it this far was anybody's guess
In fact, he wasn't even sure how he got (m/n) to even be his girlfriend, let alone for 3 and a half years!
The two were practically already married, but the "M" word, was a daunting prospect for the both of them. So they never did.
When she told him she was pregnant, he was naturally worried, but after a while, he warmed up to the idea.
And by a while, I mean 5 minutes.
Itto would prattle on and on about all the trouble you two would cause, making (m/n) and Shinobu sigh dramatically.
And Itto, bless him, was kind of dumb to everything.
But that also made his reactions when you kicked, so pure!
Or when your moms water broke and the man had a bit of a crisis, as if he just now realized what was happening.
So Shinobu, brought your mom to the hospital.
Itto barged into the room, with some flowers that looked as though they had been slightly damaged on the way in the Oni's haste.
"I'm here (m/n)!" He said.
You began crying from the loud noise and your mother gave a scolding look but shushed you gently.
"Oo....sorry..." Itto whispered, putting the flowers in a vase and pouting as they drooped down sadly.
(M/n) rolled her eyes fondly and gestured for him to come closer. "What to hold them?"
Itto nodded so fast you almost couldn't even see the motion.
(M/n) smiled and put you in your fathers...well I would say arm but Truthfully you more or less fit into his hand and then some of his wrist.
And Itto...was not ashamed to admit he probably cried more than you for like a month straight, becusse he was just so lucky!
Bless him.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
You were the product of an arranged marriage.
Ayato finally had run out of time and so he had to pick somebody, and that ended up being a member of the Kujou clan.
The two got along, but they didn't really love each other, not at first.
And so...Ayato refused to bring an Heir into a loveless marriage, so he opted to wait until both he and
(m/n) rolled over one morning/evening/night and said the three little words, genuinely.
It took about 4 and a half years, but they finally said those three little words at Thoma's wedding during the dance.
That night, they made sweet love under the stars.
And you entered their lives.
Ayato was absolutely smitten with you, even when you were no larger than a berry.
You came 9 months, to the day, of their first 'I love you'
"Are you well, my dear?" Ayato asked softly once he was finally allowed in the room after what had to be the most painful 17 hours of his life. Of course, not as painful as it must have been for (m/n).
"I've been better, but also never been happier." (M/n) said, gently looking at you.
Ayato walked in and sat in thr chair, looking over at you and running his fingers through your soft (h/c) locks.
"So beautiful..." Ayato said, his voice in awe.
(M/n) smiled softly and looked at you and her husband.
"Donyou have a name in mind, my dear?" Ayato asked.
"I was thinking (y/n)."
"It suits him/her)."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
First of all, this man, is a family man.
That being said, he had met your mother when he had been undercover.
With La Signora out of the picture, Childe had been the one nominated to dress as a woman at this party.
And your mother had been one of the other women there, and Childe made his way over.
He ended up learning she was just a farm.girl who had gotten invited to a party way out of her league.
So Childe was living that Farm lifestyle with her. And as things grew more serious between them, he built a safe house for him.and her, a place where they could be with each other, undisturbed.
Which is how you come along.
Childe had just returned from a 10 month long, no-contact, overseas voyage.
So needless to say, he was quite shocked when he came home and found his darling with a baby.
"(M/n), I'm home~" Childe called out as he slipped off his boots and jacket, relaxing now that he was finally home where it was safe for a but, maybe he could actually sleep tonight.
It was then he noticed the house had some new furniture in it, but didn't think anything of it, after all, he knew family on both sides was always expanding. So he didn't question the various kid and baby objects laying around.
Well, until he saw you, dressed in a cute set of cow print footie pajamas and being gently rocked by (m/n).
He arched a brow, slowly putting 2 and 2 together.
"(M/n)...is that...?" He didn't finish, just walking closer and closer to you two.
She nods softly and looked at him. "Yeah. This is your son/daughter, (y/n).
Childe felt his heart stop as he looked at you before slowly taking you in his arms.
"I csnt believe I missed it..." He said softly. "All of it...." He began to softly cry.
"Hey, you didn't know, and I couldn't have told you anyways." (M/n) consoled and wrapped her arms around his waist. "They were born yesterday."
Childe just swallowed and held you protectively. He swore he'd be around from now on.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
He had been dating (m/n) for years now. It had been long distance for some time as she had gotten locked out of Inazuma and could not get back in.
Needless to say, when she found out what the Shogun did to her lover....Thoma more or less had to put her on house arrest so she didn't go and kill the Shogun herself.
And honestly...that's probably how this happened.
When they found out about you, Thoma was elated and would talk about it to anyone who would listen. Or not listen. Either way, he talked about you.
Of course, Ayaka and Yoimiya declared themselves your unofficial aunts and would come over often to help (m/n) out around the house.
And of course, when you came, as per the rules in Inazuma, he was not allowed to be in the room for the birth.
But Ayaka was, while Yoimiya kept Thoma company and calm.
It had been 7 hours already, and they were some of the longest hours. He's ever had to live through, hearing his sweetheart scream in agony. But then.. it stopped.
Ayaka stepped out with a warm smile on her face. "You want to come in?"
Thoma, nodded, almost stupidly, making the girls giggle as he walked inside trading places with Ayaka.
He saw his darling, sweaty and tired, and he fell in love all over again. His eyes finally drifted down to a bundle of blankets that was currently busy eating their first proper meal.
He chuckled softly and sat on the chair. He watched you suckle and he kissed her forehead. "You did good." He told her softly.
(M/n) grinned softly and held you close.
Finally, you pulled away and Thoma took you in his arms and out you on his shoulder to burp you and let your mother get a chance to sleep. He twisted his head and kissed your back as that was all he could reach at the moment.
"Welcome to Inazuma..." He said softly.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Oh this poor man was NeRvoUs
But before that, let me tell you a tragic tail Tale
You see, Gorou had been caught in a rather unfortunate situation that involved the Fatui and protecting Kokomi.
He doesn't remember the details, but he does remember waking up and realizing he was missing a few body parts.
You know, like a leg, and an arm, both things one needed to be a decent soldier, and so, Kokomi forced strongly encouraged him to take an early retirement.
And he did. And he was miserable.
Then, (m/n) entered his life.
And she was his light, his everything.
So they naturally got married :D
About 2 years later Gorou finally worked up the courage to bring up thr subject of kids.
And (m/n) was all too happy to oblige.
But that didn't stop him from being Anxious.
What if you got bullied in the future because of him? What if you were scared of him? What if he couldn't comfort you becuae his prosthetic was cold?
Usually, (m/n) was able to snap him out of it.
Which brings us to today
Gorou had been waiting anxiously for what flet like a small eternity. And in a way, it was, about 22 hours. He wasn't allowed in, much to his annoyance.
But he supplied he probably didn't want to see what was happening on that end anyways.
So he waited, and waited.
Until finally a full day later, your poor mother, Finally gave birth to you after a extremely long Labor.
He walked inside and his ears perked up and his tail started to wag, and he walked in as quietly as he could, cringing at the squeak of his leg. To his relief, you didn't wake up.
He sat down and after a second took off his prosthetic leg as he doubted he'd need it.
He finally nuzzled (m/n) and then turned to you and did the same, admiring your small, floppy ears. They would more than likely start to move back up after you got older to be standing like his.
(M/n) smiled softly. "Isn't he/she adorable?" She cooed.
"Yeah..." Gorou said, breathless.
Your mother smiled and gently placed you in your fathers arms and he damn near dropped you, but managed to hang on, even with his nervous shaking.
"H-hey (y/n), it's me...daddy..." He said in a shaking voice.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Scaramouche was a man with many regrets.
One of his biggest, was that he was not there for you for 3 whole years.
When (m/n) told him she was pregnant, an argument broke out between them and Scaramocuhe stormed off.
Ironically, it wasn't until he saw Tartaglia of all people being so...happy with his baby, that Scaramouche felt those stabs of longing. He had that once, and he had just tossed it away like a coward.
He went to where he knew (m/n) lived in Inazuma and peered in the window, seeing her reading a story to a toddler with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.
And he broke. And he left, again. But every night, he'd visit and watch.
He didn't want to put you in danger, but one night, (m/n) looked out the window and was surprised to see Scaramouche.
"Come on, get inside. It's raining out there..." (m/n) frowned.
Scaramocuhe faltered. Did he dare? Should he?
(M/n) sighed and pulled Scaramouche inside and just held him for a moment. Scaramocuhe hesitantly wrapped his arms around her in return.
".....I'm sorry..." He finally said in a soft voice. It was rare anyone got an apology from him.
She just nodded. "I know." She said. She took his hand and lead him further into the house, his heart racing as he finally peered at the sleeping toddler.
"This is (y/n), our son/daughter." (M/n) said softly and Scaramouche swallowed thickly and hesitantly reached down and brushed your bangs from your face.
(M/n) smiled softly and left you and Scaramouche alone.
He stayed kneeled by your bed and finally took your hand in his and closed his eyes as he listened to your quiet little breaths.
Not much was said that night, he just watched you, and hated himself for daring to leave.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Who let this man become a father???
He wasn't exactly known for his...excellent treatment of Chidlren after all. Or other people for that matter.
(M/n) was the only woman crazy enough to actually stick around for long, and he had been intrigued by her, so he kept her around.
They weren't exactly friends, they weren't exactly lovers, they didn't exactly hate each other. They just...existed together and occasionally had sex.
You were the product of the ONE time your mother forgot the pill.
Dottore offered her a choice, but she chose to keep you. Why? They didn't know.
Dottore usually had one of his clones look after her, while he stayed in his lab and worked.
They just continued their odd relationship.
(M/n) forced Dottore to promise that he'd leave you out if his expiraments.
And....he agreed, telling himself it was becusse he didn't want to deal with a hormone fueled rampage and not becusee he actually maybe cared about his spawn.
On the day you came, he and (m/n) were having a surprisingly tender moment.
She had been in pain all day, and Dottore (the man himself, not one of his clones) just...sat there, and held her, albeit awkwardly. He rested his head on hers and ran his fingers through her hair. The two didn't say anything to each other.
Well, until a hiss of brain broke the silence again and she tightend her grip on the Hanringer before willing herself to relax.
Dottore almost glared at her before stopping himself and just rubbing her back instead.
"It hurts..." She huffed out.
"I know." He said, and a silence filled the air again before she hissed in pain again.
Dottore finally looked at her and helped her up and down to his lab, away from his expiraments however. They didn't say anything to each other as Dottore set up what he needed.
She still had a while to go, but she wasn't doing so hot at the moment and Dottore let her hold his hand.
Occasionally, he'd say something encouraging to her and would maybe even wipe sweat from her brow or rub her back. He even was nice and put an epidural in her before the worst of it.
He hand delivered you himself and he cleaned you off. It wasn't unusual for him to be covered in blood or guts, even from children, but here he was, holding his own. He studied your features before swaddling you and holding you for a while since your mother had passed out after you came.
He held you and watched as you grabbed his finger with your chubby little hand, and he allowed himself one (1) rare smile as he relaxed back and held you against his chest.
When you began to cry, he quietly shushed you. "Do keep your voice down, (y/n). Don't wake your mother up. You gave her hell as is." He scolded in a whisper but he just kept rocking you.
Hmm....(y/n), where had that come from? He shrugged it off and just held you close while he watched your mother sleep, ignoring the odd feeling in his chest.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Thats all for me folks! If you see any spelling errors please let me know so I can fix them asap. I gave it a once over but that doesn't mean anything with me tbh.
Also, if you want to be added to a tag list for this please let me know!
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spicywhenspeaking · 7 months
Lost & Found : Noah x Reader OneShot
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you're surprising your husband Noah while he's on tour! It's literally just porn 😀 because I wanted to practice writing so MINORS DNI
warnings: unprotected sex (p in v), oral (f/m receiving), throat fucking 🙈, umm creampie? How much are supposed to put in here, whiny Noah, men begging, two hot people in love.
this is a work of fiction!!!!
I also used promt 76&97 from here! And if you like it feel free to request more! 🫶🏻
Trying to keep this a surprise has been virtually impossible, keeping Noah in the dark for weeks about my plan to come and surprise him while Bad Omens was touring in Europe took every trick in the book.
“Oh I have no idea why my location isn't working right now babe, you know I'm so technology-challenged.” I lie. “I’m so lost with this stuff when you're gone, I'll try to fix it soon” I reassure him as I'm racing around our house packing my bag because my flight leaves in 3 hours and of course, I'm running late. “I’m lost without you too baby, I miss you so much, when are you coming out to join us?” He asks and I can hear the sadness in his voice. “Soon my love, I promise” We say our goodbyes and I pack the last of my stuff racing out the door to catch my Uber to the airport.
I’ve been coordinating with the Nicks and Jolly while planning so they have a spare key waiting for me at the hotel they're staying at so I can sneak into Noah’s room before they get back from their show.
For some reason I’m nervous, I have no idea why. Why am I nervous to surprise my husband on tour? It’s like that gitty first-date nervousness. I’m just so excited to see him again, smell him, feel his arms around me and I really, really, really miss having sex. I had to stay back for the first 4 weeks of their European tour because my sister needed help with her kids and I needed to be there for her. Now that she’s doing better I can go join him and I’m so excited. He thinks I’m staying back for an extra two weeks to help my sister but that was another lie. The flight goes by faster than I expected and soon I’m in another Uber heading to the hotel.
I approached the front desk and tell them I was picking up a key that should have been left for Mrs.Davis.
“Ah, yes, Mrs. Davis right here” The receptionist hands me the key card and directs me to the elevator.
“Thank you!” I say, waving and turning towards the elevators.
I get to the room and head inside, Noah is relatively clean so there’s just an opened suitcase on the desk, but the room was cleaned earlier so the bed is made.
I set my suitcase down and take out the things I need to shower. I want to scrub the scent of travel off of me before Noah gets me back. If my timing is right I should have another hour or so before they get back. I jump into the shower and wash off with the body wash I know Noah likes, jasmine and white tea, fresh and sweet. Finishing up I wrap myself in a towel and dry off my hair. I slather on some lotion and slide into my red lace lingerie set that drives him crazy. The garters hug my thighs deliciously, the color popping against my alabaster skin that's slowly becoming covered in more tattoos.
Now I’m just playing the waiting game, I get a text from Folio that they were twenty minutes away from the hotel. My heart is beating so fast, I am so excited to see Noah, I'm laying on the couch waiting, starting to feel a little awkward when I hear the door ping from the key card swiping to unlock. I sit up and move to spread myself across the bed, my head resting in one hand with the other propped on my hip. The door opens and closes and I hear him whistle to himself as he walks down the short hallway towards the bed. He comes into view, eyes almost bulging out of his head when he sees me, and then he tosses his stuff on the ground and throws himself on the bed wrapping his arms tightly around me. “Oh my god, you're here” he mumbles into my hair “You're here, you're real and you're here” he pulls back to hold my head in between his hands. He leans down, and kisses me, moving his lips hungrily against mine seeking entrance into my mouth quickly moving from a gentle kiss hello to a passionate tangle of tongues. “I can't believe you're here” he pants in between kisses “I missed you so much” his hands are moving all over my body “God, you're so soft” he pulls away and looks down to admire my lace-clad body “fuck, you're killing me here” he whispers in a hoarse voice as his hips press into my side and I feel the hard outline of his cock. I reach my hand down to press against his solid erection and feel the wet spot growing on the outside of his thin sweatpants.
“Do I really turn you on that much?” I ask him seductively. “You don’t even fucking know” he responds and dives towards my chest, nipping and sucking at my skin, a moan escapes my mouth when his hand kneads my breast and tweaks my hardening nipple “Ah, Noah, I missed you too” I gasp out. “Mmm, yes, say my name again,” he pants, “please Baby, I need to hear your voice” his voice comes out in a whine. “Mmmm, Noah, Noah, Noah, I missed you so much, my Noah” I graze my hands across his cheek and stare into his beautiful brown eyes, and brush my lips against his. “I missed you so much,” I say to him warmly “I need you so badly” I take his hand and place it against my warming core. “Please Noah, I need you to touch me.”
His hand cups my sex and a wicked smile spreads across his face, wiggling his fingers her purrs “Wow baby, crotchless panties, you really missed me.” His index finger slides in between my folds and he groans “You're so fucking wet” he puts his finger in his mouth and sucks the evidence of my arousal off of his fingers. He sighs “Fuuuck, I missed the way you taste, I can’t believe I survived these last weeks without you.” Noah kisses me again, leaving a trail of wet kisses down my body, stopping to lick and bite down on my peaked nipples. I’m moaning softly as he continues down towards the apex of my thighs, grasping my thighs and pulling them apart until he’s face to face with my aching pussy. “Oh I missed this,” he says and then licks a line straight up the center and circles his tongue around my clit.
“Oh, fuck” I moan out loud as he sucks and tongues at my pulsing core, my hand reaches down to tangle in his hair keeping him in place while I grind against his talented mouth shamelessly. He takes two fingers and pushes them into me as he continues sucking relentlessly at my clit, my orgasm is close, I feel it burning in my belly and when he looks up at me through his long lashes and says “Please baby, I need to hear you cum” he says and I throw my head back and cry out in ecstasy. He withdraws his fingers and crawls back up to kiss me sharing the taste of my climax. I use the kiss as a distraction and flip us over so my legs are resting on either side of his hips and I can grind my bare pussy against his still-clothed cock. “Fuck baby, you're so beautiful like this” he reaches up to cup my breasts and plays with my nipples, pinching and leaning up to suck them again. I reach down to grab the hem of his shirt and help to remove it “You're wearing too many clothes” I tell him. “I want to feel you against me.”
Moving down his body I take the waistline on his pants and pull them down to his mid-thigh, exposing the hard outline and wet spot growing on his tight black boxer briefs. I bend down to lick at the head of his cloth-covered dick and he bucks his hips at the feeling “Ah, fuck baby, mmmm yes, can I have your mouth? Please?” he begs. I nod my head and grasp his briefs and pull them down to his sweatpants seeing his large erection springs free and pearls of precum leak down the tip. I quickly lick it up and start gently sucking at the head. Noah is whining and holding my hair back so he can get a full view of my ministrations. I start to take more of him into my mouth, relaxing my throat to make room for his full length and his hips thrust forward slightly and my eyes widen as I try not to gag. I tap his hip with my hand and nod, letting him know it's okay, he starts up again slowly fucking into my mouth and moaning “Oh, fuck yeah baby, missed you so much. Missing your hot mouth, and your tight pussy, mmmm can't wait to fuck you” he’s moving faster hips pumping back and forth as his cock hits the back of my throat and my eyes fill with tears threatening to spill and my pussy throbs with need. He pulls my mouth off of him with a gasp “Ah, too much. Want to cum inside you” he says out of breath. “Get up on the bed” he commands and I scramble to get up to lay my head back on the pillow while he stands up to take his pants off fully and then adjusts to settle between my legs. He grabs my thighs and pulls me so my pussy is resting against him, I feel his cock against me and begin to grind down on it looking for any type of friction. “I’ve got you baby” he takes himself in his hand and rubs the tip against my cunt, spreading my wetness around and coating his cock with it before slowly placing the tip against my entrance and moving in. While he's pushing to be fully seated inside our eyes are locked together and we're both moaning at the feeling of finally being back together. “Fuck Noah, I missed you so much”
“I missed you more,” he says, emphasizing each word with a shallow thrust.
Noah and I like to fuck in all types of ways, but after so long apart all I want is to be held in his arms a fucked tenderly. I know there will be plenty more chances tonight for rougher sex. But, for now, he holds me close and fucks into me at a slow tempo, each thrust pushing me closer to my second orgasm of the night, he reaches down and moves his fingers in slow circles around my swollen clit. “I want to feel you cum on my cock baby and then I'm going to fucking fill you up” his thrusts speed up slightly and my climax is reaching its peak, one last thrust, hitting just the right spot, and I'm calling out his name and milking his release. He finishes with a whimpering moan and collapses against me, kissing any skin he sees and softly saying “I love you so much baby, such a good girl for me.” I run a soothing hand down his back and tell him that I love him too and that I’m so happy that I’m back in his arms.
“I missed you so much baby, this is the best surprise ever.” We cuddle in each other's arms for a while longer and then I feel him stirring again when he looks up and gives me a devilish smile. “Round 2?”
Thank you for reading!!!
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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A Cry for Help(Visual Novel)
Created by: ItsYaBoi
Genre: Horror
A Cry for Help is a nice game that’s created by the creator of See Thru: Need a Friend which is a pretty nice game that I got to play for the yandere game jam. It’s pretty short, but the yandere in this one is quite different from it’s previous successor (which is cool) and has a lot of fun things going on. This game is r18 though, so please keep that in mind. If you are curious, you can see more information at @stnaf-vn.
The story starts out with the player working at a call center. They immediately have to deal with a bad customer. Working overtime, the player gets a strange call from someone.
Upon accepting the call, the caller, Rook begs the player to help him find his package asking them to type in the number. When the player is unable to pull up the package, Rook panics more, believing that his life will be worthless if he can't find this package.
If the player comforts Rook, he will disconnect afterwards and the player sends out a welfare type of line just in case. Upon going back to their car, the player worries about Rook before meeting him face to face. Continuing to speak with him, the player starts to realizes that this person is Rook as he thanks the player for helping him. You can try to give your contact to him when he asks, which makes him extremely happy.
Rejecting giving him his number will leave him kind of awkward but he seems understanding about it, promising to come back another time.
Bolting to the car will cause Rook to try to chase after you, with Rook pressing his hand against the window and begging for more attention before the player drives away.
Generally rejecting him will lead to a creepy smile seen in the rearview window when the player drives away.
For a relatively short game, I think the way that it's able to put up a sort of eerie atmosphere is pretty good. From the frantic nature that Rook has when he can't find the package to the way he acts when you reassure him, it makes you curious to wonder what was inside it that was so important. It also does seem relatively realistic at some points considering that a lot of stalkers in real life tend to act similarly when they're on their last thread (so to speak) and that having that one person who is nice to them causes them to become obsessed. It is interesting to me that rejecting Rook's attempt to get the player's phone number doesn't seem to make him mad, only a bit awkwardly hesitant and it feels as if there's a bit of delusion with it as well, with him stating that you shouldn't give your phone number to people you don't know. The animations for Rook are pretty nice as well, with small movements to sell his nature.
Rook himself is a pretty well, pathetic yandere (which is my favorite because of course it is). Considering this one act of kindness gets him to find and talk to the player so quickly really is something that I didn't expect. He also seems a bit delusional as I've stated before and from what I can tell, it doesn't seem like he would really cause the player any harm (at least not intentionally), and just that he doesn't really know how to act around them. It does make me wonder what happens when the player does reject him instead of consoling him, considering the face that appears in the rearview window afterwards. However, considering this does seem to be a oneshot game, its probably not something we will find out.
In any case, A Cry for Help is once again another great game with a pretty cool yandere. Again, I think it's nice to be able to have different yandere types for your games and stories (I know it's hard for me to make different yandere types but that's because I'm generally biased for certain types) and the creator did a good job. If you haven't tried out the game, please do! It's pretty fun.
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kandyzee · 3 months
What do you think fionas childhood was like 💓
I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY thanks for asking :pp.
I used to be a reallly big fiona fan, so I've thought about this a lot.
I imagine fionas upbringing was similar to Debbie's in alot of ways. They both find themselves in problematic relationships, forced to look after their siblings.
Fiona is mentioned to have a LONG sexual history as early as s1, where she's only 21. Given the lack of attention and validation she was getting, I think fiona has been having sex since she was a child. She probably fell into the "mature for her age" group. Her parents were neglecting her, possibly physically abusing her (we've seen Frank hit his kids in the show), and she wasn't able to get academic validation because she had to drop out. It wouldn't surprise me that this led her into having older bfs and stuff like that.
This makes even more sense to me given how she reacts to her siblins minor /adult relationships. Fiona didn't have anyone to tell her that her relationships were wrong, so when she saw her siblings going through the same thing, she saw nothing wrong with it. Like when she says that ned and Ian is "just sex"
We also see that she , like Debbie and a lot of the other female characters, is scared of abandonment. She tells Jimmy Steve that everybody leaves and keeps going back to Jimmy even though she knows he's bad for her because she's desperate for someone to stay. She rushes into relationships, remember when she married someone after like a week of daiting ?? Fiona has a hard time accepting love even though she craves it. She cheats and ruins one of her most stable relationships. I think that all comes from the way she was treated in her romantic relationships as a child. Of course, a lot of her abandonment fear comes from Monica, too.
Okay moving away from guys.
We know fiona ran track in school and that she was really fucking good at it. This was probably one of the most stable things in her life, an activity away from her siblings and the stress of home. Running is a good way to feel in control. I think fiona developed problems around running ? I'm not sure what exactly you would call it. Fiona would push herself too hard on the track so that she was responsible for the aches she felt instead of them being stressed. I can also imagine having an ED around this time. Her siblings are young, so they're struggling even more with money than normal. She starts to skip meals, and eventually, she finds control in what she eats when she's forced away from track.
I imagine fiona to be relatively popular in school, mainly with guys, but she struggles to keep real outside of school friendships. This changes when she meets Kev and V. I think they probably met after she dropped out of school. V is like 23, I think, in the first season and Kevin 25 ish ? I'm not really that sure, but we know fiona didn't go to school with them. Kevin and V helped fiona a lot, and she definitely needed them. They started to help her with the kids, and for once, she had people on her side. Things get better for her when she meets them.
Baby fiona (5-12) was definitely the in ur face demanding respect, kinda kid. She was sassy and always trying to seem as strong as possible. She will haggle prices for anything and isn't afraid to scam and cheat to get what she needs for her family. But I also imagine her being good at acting sweet. She's a great sweet talker. This is a prominent trait Ian has, and I think he got it from his big sister.
Teens, she's all about drama. Boy drama petty teen girl drama, watching reality TV when she can and stealing gossip magazines. I think she latches onto the typical teen girl image hard. She definitely has a short phase of always getting dress coded. I don't think this lasts that look tho.
Same as in the show, she's always got a new job, sometimes working 2 or 3. She's stressed ofc but learns a lot. She has little hacks and tricks for almost any job. She's resistant in the way she will do anything. Nothing is too dirty or hard for her.
Her relationship with Frank is complex. Fionas Frank's favourite, but she's also the oldest and likely the one he takes his anger out on most. When ur someone's favourite, it hurts them even more when they feel you messed up. I don't think Frank was consistent with his abuse, but it was definitely there. Frank was a 'good' dad sometimes. Fiona gets to know Frank when his alcoholism and drug use wasn't at its peak (He gradually gets worse with age) So fiona got more good dad moments but also felt the disappointment harder as she watched him get worse.
Fiona tells lip (pretty sure it's him) that he's always been Monica's favourite in s1, and I think she has always thought that. Later on in the show, u obviously see Ian and debbie are monicas favourites, tho. I don't see Monica and fiona ever being particularly close. Fiona was hit hard when Monica leaves for the first time, Frank's a mess, and now she has the unfortunate job of explaining that she's gone to her siblings. Unlike her younger siblings, who are probably too young to fully understand what's going on, fiona feels the abandonment full force.
Fiona is 4 / 5 yrs older than lip, right? (Their ages confuse me so bad) so she I'm guessing she was always in a different school than him. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if he's in elementary school, she's in high school. Fiona has to miss school to run all over the place and collect her siblings from different places. She might have to be the one to unroll her siblings in school, too, a couple times.
Finally just some random things
She has a purple flip phone at one point that she's super protective of
She loves family movie nights and would try to do as many as possible.
She cried when Debbie was born cause she was so excited to have a sister.
Similarly she cried when Ian was born cause he was a boy and she wanted a sister.
She really wanted a pet when she was young
She has 100s of diary's from yrs and yrs of writing in them (we see Carl read one)
Would always struggle with her hair cause it's curly and v helps her learn how to style it even tho she hardly does
She's the kind of person who finds comfort in sitting on the floor, in the bathroom, bath tub
Had a pink hating phase
Had a collection of different fake IDs by the time she was 16
Definitely got in at least 1 fight in school cause of boy drama
Hated cooking
ANYWAY I love fiona
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sarasade · 3 months
On Claudia, Viren, Aaravos & Claudia's Character Arc
This post is mostly about Claudia's character development or should I say character deterioration.
It's highly likely that Callum will be the one to take down Aaravos- like it all goes back to Harrow's letter in s2 and chains of history and the themes of free will vs destiny and such. Aaravos possessing Callum is all about that. He's literally taking control of Callum's faith. There is clear antagonism there that's in a direct conflict with who Callum is.
But at the same time Claudia is the one who's got the biggest personal beef with Aaravos. He exploited her grief, manipulated her and used her father to accomplish his own goals. If Aaravos didn't exist Claudia wouldn't have spent two years of her life in a complete stagnation waiting for her dad to come back from the dead instead of moving on. It seems like Aaravos has been molding Claudia into his personal minion through dark magic during the time skip as well.
Taking this into account it would be really satisfying to see Claudia snap out of it and take her revenge. Characters having a personal connection to the villain always makes a story's climax more gripping. More personal the better! And everything between Aaravos and Claudia is VERY personal.
That's why Viren worked so well as a foil to Callum and Ezran in s 1-3. Especially Ezran whose rightful place as the king he tried to take. He was basically their shitty, power hungry uncle who turned against them. Side note but if Viren is still alive I hope he makes a return as Ezran's foil.
Claudia helping to take down Aaravos would be emotionally satisfying. All the elements for that are already there. Of course Claudia should come to some kind of realisation about the way she's been used by Aaravos before she can take that turn. I doubt the show's got the time for that but it's an interesting possibility to think about.
I really like how the plot around Aaravos manipulating Claudia is done. Even Claudia's own father didn't do anything to prevent it from happening although all the signs of Aaravos having sinister plans for Claudia were there from the beginning: Aaravos calling Claudia "an asset" and encouraging Viren to lie to her in s3 therefore enabling Viren's worst impulses while also using them to his benefit. It's SO EVIL (and I love it). Viren isn't that much better since he always had some kind of excuse to ignore the red flags. At this point of TDP's run I'm convinced that Runaan's "Faith worse than death" line about Aaravos' mirror is finally paying off. It means that the consequences of Viren's actions have hurt Claudia, the only person Viren loves unconditionally, in an unfathomable way.
I think Claudia's arc is relatively subtle and very well done. It balances between Claudia being a victim of manipulation and neglect while also giving her agency to influence the plot as a whole. My only complaint is that Lost Child short story should have been implemented in the show itself and not just be extra material. I have some other grievances but those are mostly fandom related.
How some fans, especially in YouTube reviews, talk about Claudia's downfall like it was inevitable because she's always been fucked up or talking about how "trauma isn't an excuse for bad behaviour" is strange to me. Like, yeah, it isn't an excuse but it's simply just bad media analysis to instantly jump into condemning Claudia's actions, like she's a real person who uses trauma as an excuse to hurt other real people, instead of seeing it in the terms of a character study. Claudia clearly uses trauma to convince herself that what she's doing is right but never tries to manipulate anyone else by using it as an excuse. Think about her and Terry for example: she usually refuses Terry's help instead of trying to garner sympathy from him. This character trait is one of the many reasons why she felt obligated to keep her family together as well. She's extremely stubborn and not very self-conscious about her trauma brain but she does understand why others would see her actions as objectionable. I think this character type (usually a woman) has been given the playful nickname "trauma bitch" in the internet lexicon. Anyway god forbid if we actually empathise, reflect on and engage with unpleasant or problematic characters instead of instantly condemning them.
TDP is about how people can always CHOOSE a different path. Viren's dark magic hallucination in season 5 stated this very clearly.
In Claudia's case it's more interesting to think about WHY she DOESN'T choose differently. That's where all the meat of her character writing lies.
Claudia's arc is what happens when the desperate actions of someone motivated by trauma around abandonment are taken to their logical conclusion in this fantasy setting. It's a fictional story, it has metaphors and shit. Fantasy genre has used necromancy and extending one's life by magical means as a story element to explore humanity's relationship to death many times. The metaphor for loss and regret basically writes itself. Ursula Le Guin has used this trope in The Earthsea books, Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn has done it etc. Everything can't be a one to one comparison to real life (trauma rarely makes you want to kill your friends with dark magic irl. idk that's just me though) and there needs to be a level of abstraction involved in a fantasy story. Abstraction and metaphor, paradoxically, can reveal a greater truth about the world. (I'm probably accidentally quoting someone here but can't remember who.)
Anyway the rest is great. When you think of it all for a moment it's pretty fucked up how Claudia has been used by Aaravos. It's not some tiny part of Caludia's story. It IS her story. And Viren set that norm for her. Viren too has abused Claudia's trust. It's a complex subject and probably requires its own post since Viren, Soren and Claudia's situation reflects some pretty realistic dynamics real life troubled families have. That's why the characters compliment each other's stories so well. Viren is a more realistic character after all when Aaravos is more over the top and symbolic and less of a real person. Aaravos is one of those villains who embodies the opposing ideology of the heros. We (still) don't know almost anything personal about him so he matters mostly in relation to other characters.
Thanks for reading this Claudia propaganda! I've had so many of these in the drafts. Anyway TL;DR
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heyidkyay · 6 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Eight
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: Hey! Quick note, this part has a LOT going on, it jumps from pov 2 or 3 times, but there's details mentioned that will make more sense later on, I hope that leaves no one confused:) Also there are a few new characters coming in, some will stay, some won't, so keep that in mind! I was gonna end this part like halfway through and then post, but it felt a little unfinished, so here it is hope you enjoy:))) x
Warnings: A short scene revolving around body image, mentions of scars, drugs, sobriety and heavy drinking
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Messages now Jamie O (glasses!) In the area, fancy meeting up for coffee?
It had been a good few days since I had last messaged either Jamie or Matty. Though the latter hadn't seemed to have caught onto the fact that I had suddenly distanced myself. Jamie, on the other hand, had and had surprisingly given me some space with it. 
Well, up until now that was.
It was a weary sigh that escaped me when I gazed down at my phone, needless chatter of gossiping mums and squealing children having faded far into the background.
I had only just managed to drop Teddy off at nursery, dipping and diving through the crowd to deliver him right to the classroom door, and was already halfway out of the playground now. It was my first day off in weeks- like proper day off. And now, I had Jamie to deal with.
Alright, maybe that was a bit harsh, but saying that, I wasn’t so much of a twat to just ignore the first message he’d sent me in a while. Especially after I'd disregarded all of the man's previous efforts. Still I couldn't quite stop myself from huffing quietly as I shot him back a message, anxiety creeping in.
Messages now Closer to Tufnell Park than the studio at the minute
Jamie’s response came only seconds later.
Messages now Jamie O (glasses!) No worries! Meet you near The Dome?
Sidestepping a few latecomers as I exited the school gate, I chewed on my bottom lip but eventually sent a text to let Jamie know that I'd be there. I only hoped that the man didn't ask too many questions about my sudden disappearance, I wasn’t too sure I could take the heat.
Early morning rush hour was in full swing by the time I’d made my way out onto the highstreet, people bustled past me to get to work without a care, or even an apology, for anyone who got in their way, zooming on ahead like a soldier in a storm. That was one of the things that had taken me some time to get used to, in truth. How different the crowds of London were to the tiny population of my hometown.
I'd just surpassed the underground station when I caught sight of a vaguely familiar head of dishevelled hair. Jamie stood a way ahead, smiling at the passersby with his hands shoved deeply into the lining of his coat's pockets. He wore a pair of dark, fitted trousers and had a smart looking scarf thrown haphazardly over his right shoulder, something to shelter him from the exaggerated cold. 
Somehow, his face seemed to brighten upon seeing me approach.
"Glad you could make it!" He said as I approached, and he clapped my upper arm in light greeting. "Thought you would have managed to beat me here though."
I made do with a small smile, before gesturing my head over towards where a quaint cafe sat up a few doors down so that we could begin walking.
"Nah, it's pretty hectic trying to escape the crowds at this time. Did you catch the tube up here then?" I conversed and saw Jamie’s brow dip for the briefest of moments before he hastily shook his head at my question.
"Oh, no. Was just leaving a meeting up in Shoreditch, you were on my route so I thought I'd ask."
I gave a low hum, unsure, but didn't comment on it when I thanked him for holding the door open for me to pass through.
"What are you in the mood for then? It's on me."
"Ah, no it's-"
I didn't even get the chance to decline the offer before Jamie was waving me off with a charming smile and a wave of his arm. "Honestly, mate. It's fine, a cup of coffee won't have me out on my arse. So what do you want?"
Blinking with a somewhat disbelieving shake of my head, I prattled off my usual order in a low murmur and told Jamie that I'd find us a table. Just wanting to be helpful, but also to get a second to think things through.
The cafe wasn't too busy. It held the expected usuals; a handful of early-rising old timers and a couple of suits headed in late. So there were a few free tables up for grabs. I picked the one by the window.
Jamie joined me a few minutes later, wearing his usual grin as he carried over a tray of goodies. I raised an eyebrow at the mountain of sweet pastries procured but the man simply shrugged.
"Looked like you'd had a long morning, figured you to be the chocolate type." He commented as he nudged a large croissant in my direction.
Just looking at the buttery roll made my stomach grumble. Teddy and I had been in a wee bit of a rush this morning to get out of the house after my alarm had failed to wake us, so I'd skipped breakfast and picked Teds up something to eat on the way into school.
Toying with the rim of the coffee's handle, I gave Jamie an appreciative smile. “Cheers.” I breathed out and carefully pulled the plate in a little closer.
After that we both simply sipped at our warm drinks for a short while, watching as the morning commuters passed by the large window. It was a calm affair and far from as awkward as I might've expected the meeting to be. In fact, it was actually the first time Jamie and I had met up since that day at the studio, and even then we hadn't had much of an opportunity to chat. 
Still, Jamie’s company felt very similar to that of Adi's- perhaps even Finn's. It allowed me to relax a little. 
It was only after I'd broken off the end of my croissant that I spoke up.
"So, is driving across London at nine in the morning just to buy me a drink your idea of a date, or do you do this with all your mates?"
Jamie blinked at me once, twice, before his eyes widened in alarm, which caused me to, quite literally, snort into my tea.
"I'm joking! Don't fret. Just wondering why the sudden change in pace."
Jamie gifted me a sheepish grin in response and took a quick swig of his coffee before he finally replied.
"You went quiet on us." He shrugged as he picked apart a blueberry muffin, separating the berries from the soft sponge, which amused me somewhat. "Gave you a couple days to breathe, but I reckon you've had long enough. You wanna tell me what's up?"
My eyes strayed back to the window as I withheld a sigh, knowing full well that this had been coming. 
“You know how it is.” I shrugged, almost petulant, and gripped at my cup a little tighter. "Just got busy. I mean, you have to deal with Matty and the band constantly. Can’t be an easy feat."
I received a laugh in turn but my attempt at a little lighthearted humour didn't derail Jamie.
"I know we haven't known each other that long, and you really do have no reason to trust me, of all people, with your problems. But I am here if you ever need anything. Can't speak for Matty, try as I might, but I wouldn't put it past him to go completely out of his way to do whatever you asked either." He chuckled to himself then, like he knew something I didn’t. "He actually hasn't been able to stop talking about you, you know. Not since we met."
I tapped at the mug and felt my tongue prod the inside of my cheek to keep from snorting at Jamie’s words. I just shook my head.
"Doubt he's even noticed I've stopped replying." I quipped lightly, trying to shrug off the sudden emotion that admission had stirred up.
"Ah, so you have been ignoring us then."
I inhaled sharply and dropped my gaze. I couldn’t outright lie to him. 
"Yeah, sorry. Just had a lot going on, you know? This is all new for me, you and Matty, you've just. I don't even know. You just turned up out of the blue and..."
"Sort of invited ourselves into your life?" Jamie filled in with a wry smile.
"No, no! That's- that's not what I meant. Honestly. It's just strange. Different from what I expected." I attempted to backtrack, but ultimately failed.
"No, I get it." Jamie assured, but didn't push the topic any further. "You're stupid, by the way, if you think Matty hasn't noticed. In all the time I've known him, the idiot’s only ever texted me when he's needed something- but the last couple days? I don't think my phone’s stopped going off."
I shovelled another piece of the chocolatey pastry into my mouth to keep myself from replying or reading too much into that.
Jamie released a breathy chuckle and shook his head, as though he could read my reaction, my thoughts. "You've been good for him so far, Mouse. No parties. No drugs. Can't say the same thing about the drink, but he's cut a lot of it out. And I'm chalking that all up to you, ‘cause I can't think of anything else that might've changed in his life to have forced his hand like this."
His words confused me, but then he paused for a moment and purposely caught my eye. 
"Whatever's happened, don't let it keep you from opening up. Not just for his sake, but for yours too. Besides, you can never have too many friends, can you?"
I wiped at my mouth before dipping my head in quiet assent. "No. I ‘spose I can do friends."
Jamie all but beamed, looking pretty proud of himself as he reached across the table for a scone. "Now, tell me all the things that I've missed."
Matty practically jumped out of his seat when he heard the front door rattle shut. 
He'd been on edge since the moment he had woken up, but had decided to try for once. He made breakfast (well, rather a late lunch), tried all that meditating malarky (his therapist would be, oh so, proud), and even ended up doing a loop of the block in a desperate attempt to keep his chaotic mind at bay. But nothing. Nothing. Had been able to keep him from wearing the soles of his feet into the fucking floorboards. 
"And where’ve you been?" Matty instigated as soon as Jamie strolled into his sitting room with his usual smile, shaking off the autumn chill he’d invited in with him.
"Around." Was all the twat replied as he draped his heavy overcoat on the back of one of the upholstered armchairs. He paused to eye Matty closely. "Why, what's got your knickers in a twist?"
Matty’s scowl was infamous by this point, but Jamie was one of the fair few to have gotten used to it. A right shame, that. "Nothing! Just- I texted you, wanted an update."
Jamie quirked an amused brow his way and it took all of Matty’s nervous pent up energy not to blow up at him. He could feel his own irritation building though, it tingled in the tips of his fingers and raised goosebumps across his skin. 
"That all? You know the team won't give us an answer until they’re certain that it all won't fall through."
Matty gritted his teeth together and tugged a rough hand through his dishevelled hair. "It's bollocks! It's our fucking album, why do they get a say in what happens with it?"
Jamie sighed quietly to himself as he wandered over towards the heavyset globe sat in the far corner. Matty watched on as he slid its top off and procured a pair of tumblers, pouring two fingers of murky whiskey into each of the old fashioned glasses.
"You know why, mate." 
They'd had this conversation too many times before. And yet,
Matty clenched his jaw to keep from snapping, lashing out, but his knuckles whitened around the glass when Jamie pressed it into his palm. He almost wanted to laugh.
"Thought you wanted me off the drink?" He remarked coldly but swallowed the spirit down before Jamie could give him an actual answer, or take it away. He only wished that the alcohol burned brighter, these days it barely left a bitter tang on his tongue.
Jamie didn't touch his own as he made his way on over towards the chaise lounge, but his fingertips tapped a smooth rhythm against the crystal. The house didn’t make a sound.
Matty followed, as expected, restlessly flinging his feet up onto the centre table before his agitation once again began to overwhelm him. He huffed when he dropped them back to the floor again, the heavy vibrations grounding him somewhat as he moved to rest his elbows on the knobs of his knees.
"That newest story's doing wonders for you right now though." Jamie told him gently when Matty’s quick eyes met his gaze, his hands still toying with the full glass. "They want to rebuild your image. Figure it'll help with album presales, and they're not really all that wrong, mate. Since you've been out of um-”
“You can say it.”
Jamie rolled his eyes but barrelled on, “Since you've been out of rehab. Well, the public's been enjoying seeing this new side of you. Besides, I thought you liked whatever her name was."
With a scoff, Matty forced his gaze away. "It's complete shit and you know it. PR just wants control. For me to fall in line. And the public couldn't give a single fuck about what I do! All they live for is the gossip, the drama. And that's what I do best, no? Don't worry though, J, I'm sure I'll fuck up sooner or later."
"Don't talk like that." Jamie scolded as he pushed his tumbler onto the table and moved a little closer. He looked to be fighting an internal battle, his fingers twitching on the inseam of his leg to keep himself from reaching out to comfort.
"Oh, fucking come off it, Jamie! You know it's true." Matty spat back, the rage once again building. These past few days had had him fraying. "I bet they’re already sitting there at that table just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And I already know they’ll want to be the first in the know, when I finally do fuck up again. Spout about what a waste of space I am! How they should've sacked me off sooner. That it should've been me and not-"
Jamie’s voice cut through the room like a blaring siren, but Matty had never heard him speak so lowly. 
"Don't go there. He wouldn't want you thinking that way."
Matty locked his jaw and narrowed his scrutinising eyes at Jamie. "Don't act like you know what he'd want."
Jamie glanced away for the briefest of seconds and inhaled slowly before his gaze finally returned. Matty could see his own torment reflected in Jamie’s sad eyes. "It hurt me too. You know that."
Matty forced his eyes closed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Unable to deal with the many emotions that threatened to overpower him. He swiped Jamie's drink off of the table and swallowed it down in one, then swiftly stood and strode across the room to make another.
The amber liquid warmed his chest as expected and he felt the moment it hit his empty stomach. He braced himself against the globe's golden stand, leaving his hair to fall helplessly into his face. Thankfully, it shielded his glossy eyes from Jamie’s view.
It was still so hard. Most nights it was all he could ever picture-
No. Not today, he rebuked. Not now. Not again.
It was a never ending nightmare that he just couldn't seem to wake himself up from. And how he fucking wished he could wake up.
Matty went to refill the glass again but faltered. His hand stilled, midair, fingers itching to grab at the ancient old bourbon that sat only inches away, but instead he reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out his phone.
Too many notifications cluttered the screen. But not a single one from the person he wanted to talk to most. 
In a fit of dismay, he went to throw the stupid thing at the nearest wall but a hand caught his wrist before he could do any real damage.
Matty’s eyes flickered up to meet Jamie’s- he choked.
"I just-" He tried to force out but the words felt like thick bile in his throat. His lip trembled and Jamie tugged him close. Matty wondered when he'd ever allowed the man to get so close. To breach his high walls.
"I know." Jamie hushed him, allowing a steady hand to come to rest at the back of Matty’s neck. "I know, mate."
Matty wondered if he truly did.
I let the word play over and over on a loop in my head as my fingertips trailed along the jagged lines of my torso. 
Seventeen I'd been- my first time with this boy from college and he had called the scars I was forced to bare mesmerising. As if they were something special, something to be proud of. I'd frozen back then, the word had, so suddenly, hindered my entire world, but he'd gone on exploring without even noticing the way my mind had started to spiral.
The scars had always been a difficult pill to swallow. They weren't mine. I hated how others could so easily claim their own. His scars. My scars. Hers. I didn't want them. They were just there. A myriad of haunted memories to which I'd been burdened with since the age of seven.
All these years later and still I couldn't recall the smooth expanse of skin that had once been there- untarnished, unharmed.
The bronze shadows, created by the setting sun which illuminated my bedroom walls in a burning shade of amber, crawled across the floorboards beneath my feet and caressed my skin. They dipped and curved, exaggerating sharp lines and hallowing shallow slopes.
I'd only meant to have a quick shower, in and out, before Finn inevitably ended up dropping Teddy back home. But I'd left the wardrobe door wide open in my haste to leave early this morning and had yet to shut it, exposing the slim mirror attached to the inside of the wooden door. A slip up.
So now my distorted body stared back at me mercilessly and I couldn't find it in myself to tear my eyes away. The meek girl stood within its four cutting lines just wasn't me. It was simply the reflection of a sheltered kid who'd been forced to grow up far too quickly. 
Her skin, hardly what you'd pale but not far off, was flushed and pink all over from the steam of the shower. Her hair, still damp and wet, clung to the majority of her forehead and dripped water droplets down the line of her throat. Her eyes, usually a deep, warm colour, were somewhat sunken, hidden behind heavy lids and long lashes. The dark circles that sat beneath them only emphasised the muted scarlet that rimmed her waterline- a lack of sleep. 
I wet my lips. They were dry, bitten from hours of relentless anxiety, but parted enough so that my front teeth could just about be seen. Her face was lined by worry. Fine wrinkles etched themselves around the corners of her eyes and mouth, then again between her furrowed brows.
The scars, faded but somehow still raw, swept up her neck and collarbone, and jumped over her right shoulder. One crept across the cut of her jaw, whilst another sliced through the bridge of her nose to meet another, smaller scar, on her cheek. Her chest, where it had been previously impaled, was now stretched and knitted. Some lines were a few shades darker than her natural complexion, maroon, and oftentimes cardinal. Others were lighter, pale and whitened. Faded.
A gruesome gash down the centre of her abdomen led to a spattering of fine hairs that lined her navel, trailing low beneath the hem of the towel she'd wrapped around her waist earlier. Her hands were now fisted at her sides though, so much so that prominent veins danced up the insides of her forearms, skirting around the few fawn freckles that painted her skin.
The sudden blare of a mobile ringing sent a sharp chill up my spine and knocked the air back into me. Shakily I inhaled, averting my eyes from the mirrored prison, then spun round on my heel to answer the call.
There was no greeting, no small talk. It was cutthroat and to the point.
"I need a drink. You coming?"
And I had never answered a question quicker.
It was a hard task, squinting down at my phone in an attempt to concentrate on the text I was trying to send to Finn, but the strobe lights and throng of people around me were making the task rather fucking difficult.
To be honest though, I couldn’t actually remember the last time I'd stepped foot inside a club. Or even spent an entire evening sat in the local pub. But I’d been all but desperate, and so, in the heat of the moment, I had practically jumped at the first offer I’d been given. 
I was beginning to second guess that decision now though as I pushed my way through the rowdy crowds, the assorted smell of liquor and sweat already clinging to my clothes. I hadn't really put too much thought into those, too busy trying to escape my own head. Really, I’d just thrown on an old skirt from my uni days, a top that made my tits look great but hid the scar there, and the well-worn leather jacket Finn had gifted me at the end of my first year working on the show.
I had just sent the text off, double checking with the man himself that he was still alright to have Teddy til the following morning, when a raised voice caught my attention.
Frowning, my head snapped up but that soon faded once I caught sight of the tall ginger propped up against the bar not too far away. My lips curled up into a lopsided grin on their own command and I was quick to pocket my phone, already moving towards him.
"Mighty Mouse. You actually made it!" Ronan Kelly bellowed in that familiar Irish lilt of his, welcoming me in with a hearty squeeze to the waist as we embraced. "It's a feckin' miracle!"
I gave him an impish smile and dipped my head slightly to rub at my nose, then made the effort to catch Ronan's icy gaze. "I guess it has been a while."
"A while- Babe, I ain't seen you in months!" Ronan laughed, flashing a row of white teeth and wrinkling his bright blue eyes. I felt some of my worries ease at the sight of the man's familiar face, a warm reminder of older days. "Can't believe you actually agreed to come out with us!"
I shook my head and released an airy chuckle, "You know how it is, Ro- got Teddy to worry about now."
Ronan's face, if possible, lit up even further at the mention of the small toddler. "Ah, grand! How is the wean? At school now, right?"
It was sweet of him to ask and I smiled up at him as I went to answer, but was forced further into Ronan’s space when some prat barged past me to get to the bar. Ronan caught me by the waist with a natural ease he’d always been capable of and narrowed his eyes at the guilty party from over my shoulder. 
Not wanting things to escalate, I did my best to quickly wave it off and distract. "Teddy's good!" I heard myself tell him, voice slightly raised to be heard over the pulsing music, tiptoeing almost now in his grasp. "He's with Finn at the moment."
Ronan's gaze reluctantly trailed back to me upon hearing me speak, he reluctantly smiled and nodded but had yet to drop his hands from where they were now stationed at my hips.
"I'm sure Finn is completely lovin' that."
With a light laugh, I rolled my eyes at his sarky reply and moved to press my forearm up against the edge of the bar’s countertop. "They're a proper little duo. Finn has been a saint, what with all his help and that. Don't think I'd be standing here today without him really."
"Well, let's cheers to that then, hey?" Ronan grinned, then raised a hand to gesture over towards the barman.
Within seconds two pints were being placed on the bartop, a dizzying yellow colour filled to the brim with minuscule bubbles that had my mouth watering. It had been a long while since a fresh pint of lager had wet my lips and it helped that Ronan’s presence was a comfort.
"Sláinte!" He announced brashly, already having hoisted his glass into the air between us.
"Cheers!" I laughed, clinking our glasses together before gulping down a too large swig.
"That's what I like to see!" Ronan whooped, almost proudly. He squeezed my right hip in celebration before choosing to steer us both away from the bar and over towards a wall lined with darkened booths. "Come on, Auley and everyone's waiting over here, been excited to see ya!”
I only nodded in reply, pint close to my chest as I followed after him, bobbing between an array of patrons effortlessly now. The earlier anxiety shovelled deep, deep down.
Withdrawal was something Matty had never thought too much about in the years before. He'd always had everything right there, on tap. A quick hit, a line just to pick him up. It always felt so easy.
But now, without the copious amount of pills, the parties, he finally realised why the fuck people were never able to stay away for too long. Because sooner or later, they always ended up crawling back.
It wasn't so much the flu-ish like sickness that had him reeling, although he really could've done without the high-fever sweats and the full body tremors. It was more that ever encompassing sorrow. The depression that never seemed to lift- but then again, depressed wasn't even the first word he would use to describe it. It was like a thick plume of murky black that fogged every exit, far beyond the gut wrenching nausea that clawed away at his insides at all hours of the day, or the constant drilling in his head that kept him from sleep.
Being without- 
Being without was practically maddening. A spiral of hellish days with no escape, the only choice he had was to carry on or simply turn back. And he'd come too far now to run towards the latter, he’d already made that mistake. And if he had anything to thank his godforsaken mother for, it was the sheer stubbornness they both so clearly shared.
Matty couldn't complain though, he wouldn’t, as much as he wished he often could though, because he was still leaning heavily on the spirits. He knew. As well as the band and Jamie, who'd also been hellbent on 'helping'. In their own way.
Although the idiots hadn't made things much easier for him, the guys hadn't put up much of a fight against his drunk ramblings or the never ending mood swings. They just took it all in stride. Which Matty was mostly grateful for.
The alcohol though, he'd currently taken to using as a crutch. He'd drink a little more and more just to cope with the effects, the longing, to get him through to the next day. But he'd never felt too dependent on it before and didn't feel as though it was a massive problem now, he'd been drinking since before he'd worked out how to pick the lock on his dad’s old liquor cabinet. He’d keep drinking ‘til he was near the grave.
The drinking though, was just a baby habit in comparison to the drugs.
It was also how he'd managed to find himself out on a Thursday night. 
He'd actually managed to forgo Hann's mothering this time, sending his mate off home early from the studio before he'd called up an old friend. Itching for that familiarity of older times, shaking with it really, but knowing better.
"Oi, Healy- you still with us?" Crowed a loud voice in his left ear.
Matty startled at it and turned back around to find the one and only Danny Willis hanging over his shoulder, usual open-mouthed grin on full display, a drink in hand.
He blinked up at him once before Matty’s lips turned upwards into a lazy smile, he spun around on his foot to get further in his friend's face. "Thought you'd gone off with that bird?"
"Who, blondie?" Danny questioned, smirking now. "Nah, wouldn't have left you hanging all alone, mate."
Matty snorted.
"Ah, so you do care!" He drained the dregs of his bourbon then grinned at the twat, "Always wondered whether you fancied me, Danny boy! Guess this just proves it, don’t it?"
Danny wound an arm around his shoulders and leant in to press a sloppy, wet kiss to his cheek. Matty pulled away, cackling as he tried to shrug the added weight off.
"Prick." Matty scoffed lightly, stumbling as he rubbed at his face. He grunted at the small group he'd accidentally bulldozed into in his haste and they all scowled in return, but it wasn't long before Danny jumped in to rescue and steer him away.
"Come on. Let's get out of here, hey? The next bar awaits and all that." Danny proclaimed, chucking back the remnants of his own drink. Matty chuckled when the man winced and then wiped the corners of his mouth. "Reckon we might be able to find someone decent for you to take home there!"
Matty merely hummed in reply as they pushed their way through a set of double doors and out into the night, not really listening as he propped himself up against Dan's side, ignoring the whispers that tended to follow wherever he went.
"Ah, look at that, would you!" Danny's voice came again, right by his ear, as he paused on the pavement to cock his chin outwards, forcing Matty to follow his gaze. "It's a full moon!"
Matty rolled his eyes.
"Come on, Mouse!" Auley tried for the umpteenth time that night. His larger than life smile, I noted, had always been much gentler than that of his brother's. "You can't stay cooped up in this booth all evenin'! You need to put yourself out there, darlin’- have some fun!"
I shook my head, chuckling up at the giant of a man standing before me. "I swear I'm fine here, Aul. You go and have enough fun for the both of us."
Auley's face scrunched up in distaste as he reluctantly pushed away from the table's edge, the dim lights of the bar illuminating his hair, almost seeming to set it alight as it added a halogen glow to the already coppery red.
Ronan chose that moment to reappear, brushing past his brother to settle back into the booth next to me. He set two more drinks down on the table. "Leave the poor lass alone, won’t you, Aul! You know how she gets."
I rolled my eyes, albeit fondly, and Auley did the same as he slowly backed away, mouth quirked upwards. "Yeah, yeah. Yer like a pair of old women, you two- peas in a pod or somethin'."
"Ah, shove off!" Ronan laughed, a deep rumbling sound that shook his whole body. "Think I can hear the dance floor callin' your name, mate."
"Too right." Auley quipped, flashing another bright grin at his brother before he turned back to face me. "Know that this isn't over just yet. You might've won this battle but you ain't won the war, darlin’. I'll soon get that dance."
I snorted, but was unable to help my grin. "One day, babe."
Auley winked at me and I watched on as he melted into the mob of people before us, leaving Ronan and I alone.
I observed the crowd for a long moment, taking note of all their dizzying smiles. For a Thursday night, the bar was oddly rampacked, but I couldn't find it in myself to complain too much, not when everyone seemed to be having a great time. 
There was a large group of us out tonight. Alongside asking me to join, Ronan and Auley had brought along the entirety of their flat as well as a few others, some from uni, others from work, I reckoned. They'd all split up within the first half hour though, but they kept drifting back and forth, I could easily spot Penn and his brightly coloured shirt over by the snooker table in the very far corner, and most of the girls had crowded together out on the dance floor. 
"Havin' a good night then?"
I repositioned myself upon hearing Ronan's question, he was closer now in an attempt to be heard over the music, and I sipped at the foamy top of my pint before answering. "Yeah, I am. It's, well it's been a while since I last did anything like this." I chuckled, eyes roaming the room again. 
Ronan shifted closer once more, the booth’s leather seat squeaking quietly under his weight as the song on the overhead speakers faded into the next.
"I'm glad. We haven't seen you proper since yer last year at uni."
It was true but that wasn't just down to me, I felt the need to say. But instead gave him a small smile as I just shrugged, thumbing the edge of the table, "Life gets busy with a baby. Plus, it's not as though any of you lot had time to just drop by and see me, with all your classes and what not."
Ronan’s lips pursed at my words and a quiet stretched between us. I watched on as he fiddled with the bottom of his pint glass, before finally he replied. "Could've made time. Finn did. Cassie, too. Just- it felt strange, going back after that summer and you not bein' there."
To be honest, I didn't really know what to say to that. 
As much as I had loved my time at university, I hadn't really had much space for it in my life after Teddy had come along. And although I’d never regretted my decision to leave, not after everything I'd gone through to get to where I am today. Because my God, had that been hard. I did sometimes miss the memories I’d made there, the people I’d met and, surprisingly, the workload too. It made me question whether I could have had it all, a degree and a baby. Although, I somehow doubted that that was what Ronan was grasping at here.
But it wouldn’t do well to continue to dwell on the past. I'd already spent a large portion of my life doing exactly that, and I’d known in the long run that I would have to have let go of some things in order to provide a better life for Teddy, better than the one that I’d had. I wanted my son to have every possible opportunity, every choice, in order to better himself. I wanted him to be a kid for as long as life would let him.
And as much as I really did love spending time with Ronan and the old gang, I also knew that come tomorrow morning I had actual commitments and responsibilities to attend to. I didn't have the opportunity anymore to skive and bunk off of lectures so that I could deal with a nasty hangover and sleep in. Teddy was always relying on me to come through. And come through I would. Every time.
But right now! I just needed to let my hair down. Enjoy an evening away, and maybe (hopefully) get rid of some of that tension that had been piling up over the previous weeks.
Thankfully though, I was saved from answering when a flushed Alice came hurrying over, clinking her cocktail on the table so hard it's fruity contents spilled out across the wooden surface. The overexcited girl, who was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet, didn't pay much mind to the mess as she threw herself into our booth and peered over her shoulder to search for something or other. 
I shot Ronan a bewildered look, but the ginger merely widened his eyes at me as if to say that he had no clue what was going on either. 
"Er, you alright, Al?"
Alice's head snapped back so fast that I honestly fretted a little over the whiplash she must've felt.
"No?! Do I look alright?" Alice stressed, digging her perfectly painted nails into the red cushion that lined the booth's back. "You'll never believe who Penn and I just saw walk in!"
I only hid a smile to myself whilst Ronan decided to humour Alice. "Who d’ya see, Ali-cat?"
Alice's face was nothing like I had ever seen before, her usual pretty smile had been traded in for a kilowatt grin, bunching her rosy cheeks and narrowing her soft brown eyes.
"That singer! You know- the one with the hair and the face! Ah, what's his name? From that band!"
"Matty!" Answered Indra- seemingly a friend of a friend of a friend- who had bounded up to our table in the time Alice had been freaking out, practically hyperventilating. "The. Matty Healy!"
"That's who!" Alice exclaimed and was nodding away excitedly now, whilst I simply sat frozen, drink halfway to my lips.
"Didn't you interview him?" Indra queried suddenly, her eyes as wide as saucers whilst her gaze flitted back and forth between me and the bar at an impossible pace.
Shakily, I set my glass down.
"You did?" Ronan piped up beside me. I swallowed thickly before turning my head towards him, then back towards the two girls, who were anxiously waiting on my reply.
"Uh, yeah." It felt as though I’d forced the words out of my mouth. A ball of cotton having replaced my tongue.
"Oh, Mouse! Introduce us, would you? Please!" Alice all but squealed imploringly.
My alarmed eyes flickered back to Ronan again, then Indra, and then Alice.
My mouth had never felt so dry as I tried my best to ground myself, to get over the sudden, unexpected headfuck that had sent my mind reeling.
"Ah, I don't know, Al. It's, well. I-" I really did struggle to find the right words that could possibly get me out of this entire situation, but before I even knew what was happening, Indra was already reaching for me and pulling me up out of the booth. 
Alice jumped up to join her and patted my sleeve eagerly before proceeding to try and drag me away. Ronan, thank the stars, reached out to stop them just in time, tugging on the hem of my jacket and shooting the two girls a sharp look.
"Oi, you two. Behave, will yer? You didn't even give her the chance to answer."
Alice looked up and flashed me a sheepish grin, "Sorry, hun."
Feeling sheepish and rather relieved, really, to be freed from all the clawing hands, I waved her apology off, knowing Ali was only just drunk and excited. "It's fine, just- I think I'm better off heading home now in truth. You know, I've got Teddy to think about."
Both of the girls' disappointment was overwhelmingly obvious, but they didn't push it any further, simply nodded and tried to smile as best as they could.
"No worries, Mouse. You get on home, babe. Sorry again."
"Wait, you're not actually leaving, are you?" Ronan questioned suddenly, causing me to cast a glance over at him. He was frowning now, that much was obvious from the deep set line rapidly forming between his bushy brows. "It's not 'cause of that tosser, is it?"
Immediately, I felt myself shake my head, already knowing that the lie would taste bitter in my mouth.
"Ah, come off it! Stay for another round at least." Ronan goaded me, moving to stand with the girls, his hand still on my elbow though.
"Nah, I'd best head home, Ro. I don't want to be dealing with a hangover as well as a screaming toddler tomorrow morning." I insisted with a lighthearted chuckle, I gifted him an apologetic smile whilst fishing out my phone to call a cab.
It wasn't even late yet, just gone eleven, and there was an unread text from Finn demanding that I have some fun. I gave a heavy sigh.
"Don't be like that, babe. Come on, one more drink and I'll even walk you home." Ronan raised a brow just as he jutted out his jaw and smiled.
It was tempting but...
I laughed lightly and shook my head. "Honestly, Ro-"
But the man wouldn't hear it. "Come on, ladies. Help me out here!" He implored to both of the girls standing either side of him now, the way he towered them was almost funny.
Indra giggled just as Ronan wrapped his strong arms around her and Alice, shaking them a little. Alice simply rolled her eyes at him in amusement, but pulled away slightly to squeeze my hand.
"It's up to you, M. You know we love seeing you, but I can call you a cab if you really want to head off now."
I could only smile at her and silently questioned why we didn't spend more time together outside of the group. I could easily recall Finn saying something or other about a pottery class the two of them had attended the previous weekend and wondered if that would be something I might enjoy.
"I'll be fine, babe. Thank you, though." I told her kindly, before turning to face Ronan. "You enjoy the rest of your night, alright? I'll text you when I've made it back."
"Mouse..." Ronan groaned unhappily, "Just one more drink. For me?"
I shook my head and tugged my jacket further around my body as I stepped away from the trio, patting down my pockets to make sure that I did have everything I needed. 
"I'll come out again, soon." I promised them, but tried to aim my words at the frowning redhead as I continued to back away. "You can hold me to it."
Ronan worked his jaw before he nodded curtly, and I sighed to myself before spinning on my heel to hastily make my exit. 
Only, it didn't quite happen like that of course, because, of all the people, in all the world, I just had to bump right into none other than Matty.
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cbrownjc · 4 months
I love the way you write about writing, so I have a writing question.
How do you think the inclusion of Armand in the interview itself will affect the narrative? In the book, part of the devastation was that neither Louis nor the reader saw the betrayal coming, since Armand is all mysterious and shit (until you realize he's basically an Unseelie faerie). Having Armand's side of things be relatively open, even if he's still hiding a lot, could take away some of the impact of that reveal that he was behind "the thing." It's not an absolutely necessary reveal, but Louis being the POV character who gives us facts as they come means that if they're open about Armand's plotting from the start, the audience can get frustrated with Louis for not seeing it coming. But there will be at least some clarity provided by Armand, if he's willing to talk about his Children of Darkness days in such a way where he looks positively feral (/pos) in the promo pics.
How do you think they can pull this off?
Hi! Sorry for the short delay in replying but, as I said, I wanted to think about this for a bit before I answered.
Warning -- Spoilers for the books and possibly Season 2 below:
So, of course, the key here will be how they structure when the reveal of not only "the thing" (and I'm assuming you mean the Claudia thing) happens. But also the reveal of Armand's backstory, especially the Children of Darkness stuff.
I can only speak for myself, but the way I think/suspect they will do it is to have the first few episodes play out exactly like the book does, with the majority of it being from Louis' POV; adding in Claudia's POV (via her diaries), and with the added bonus of Armand's POV sprinkled in as well, mostly being when he's interacting with Louis -- and with Claudia when she's with Louis. No indication there is anything amiss with the way he's acting toward either of them. (Claudia's diaries, of course, are missing more pages during this time.)
If done this way, then you'd only see of Armand what mostly Armand wants Daniel (and via Daniel, the audience) to see and perceive of him, mainly through his and Louis' POVs.
And all we, the audience, see of Lestat during this time is via Louis' hallucinations of him for the first few episodes.
Then, when Louis and Armand start telling the tale of Claudia's fate, play it so that THAT is the first time real!Lestat shows up, at the trial. However, there'll be something very off in what Louis and Armand (mostly Armand) are telling Daniel about this moment.
And that is when Daniel pounces and calls them out on trying to BS him again. (Bonus points if it's a memory from during the Devil's Minion Era that helps to give Daniel a clue that they are BS'ing him.)
And it's after this that the show starts showing the flashbacks, not only to Armand's Children of Darkness days but specifically his interactions with Lestat during then.
It's at this point where it is also revealed that Lestat made it to Paris from New Orleans before Louis and Claudia did (which is what happened in the book) and that Armand has kept him locked up in a dungeon the whole time, manipulating him to testify at the trial and all that.
And, of course, then we get the real flashback of the trial and Armand's orchestration of "the thing" (including the major reveal of the head thing he did to her).
If you structure and set things up this way, not only do you keep the reveal that Armand was behind "the thing" the whole time up until it happens, but you reveal the context as to why Armand is the way he is when you do so at the same time.
I could be wrong, but I think the show might very well structure things this way in Season 2. Doing the story this way not only explains Armand's line at the end of Season 1 ("When you hear it you'll be ashamed of yourself, ashamed of what you say to him now!") but also what we know about the show revisiting things from Season 1 again.
Doing things this way has you do all the revisiting/truth/twist revealing during the last 3-4 episodes or so of the season, after what amounts to a misdirect during the first 3-4 episodes of it.
Because I don't think Armand, at the moment Season 2 starts, will have any desire to tell the full truth to Daniel about all of these things at the start. I think he is very much in the mode of protecting Louis (in his eyes) from the truth of what happened in any way he can still think of. So he'll obfuscate as much as he can after Daniel broke through the narrative Rolin Jones said Louis came up with and told himself via what Armand has told him.
I said before I think Armand knows very well what Louis would/will attempt to do -- i.e. what he does toward the end of the book Merrick -- if he remembers everything and how it actually happened, particularly wrt Claudia. Which is why these false narratives exist in Louis' head the first place. And now, with the confirmation after TCA24 that Louis wants to remember the truth, (and wants Daniel to help him do it), I think that is what it's going to take for Armand to finally stop obfuscating things (along with Daniel calling him out as well IMO).
After that is when I think Claudia's missing/cut out diary pages will finally be produced, and we'll get the things that were only glossed over before from them (mainly her feeling for Louis matching up with what they were revealed to be in Merrick). Along with this being when Armand's full Children of Darkness backstory is revealed, as well as the full reveal that he was behind "the thing" concurrent with that.
So yeah, I think a misdirect right up until the trial wrt the narrative, and then a full revisit of the narrative -- with Armand's cult background fully revealed then -- is how you can structure things without giving away Armand being behind "the thing."
That isn't to say that we wouldn't/won't see anything about Armand's Children of Darkness days before that but, if we do, I think it would be presented way more sympathetically at first -- leaving out things like what Armand and the cult did to Nicki, which is what made Lestat come in there and bust Armand's cult up in the first place. If it goes like this, then Nicki actually being there would be revealed later, during a revisiting of that moment during the second half of the season.
I think this would be the way to pull it all off and could be easily done so in the eight episodes we have for Season 2.
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