#i saw discovery explode
curator-on-ao3 · 2 years
For the question meme (which I somehow missed when you posted it, so don’t worry if you’re not doing them anymore, I know I’m late to the party):
Chris and Una + “how long have I been asleep?” and/or “did you want to be alone?”
You’re wonderfully on time! 🥳 This might not be what you had in mind, lindsaybob, but I hope you’ll like it anyway. 💕
How to Save a Li(f)e
She’s about to follow Spock out, to leave Chris’ quarters with the night’s work done — their cover story planned, practiced, and polished to a believable shine.
I saw Discovery explode.
That’s what they’ll tell Starfleet.
I saw Discovery explode.
Chris and Spock sat too straight as they rehearsed, their gazes too steady, her gentle coaching helping them find their normal postures, to remember that a lie announces itself through changes to the spine, the eyes, the hands.
They didn’t ask how she knows how to lie so convincingly.
I saw Discovery explode.
Spock mourns a sister whose memory he has to lock away.
I saw Discovery explode.
Chris thinks he’s consigned to pain, disfigurement, grief for his own sense of possibility.
I saw Discovery explode.
She has to playact placidity, can’t flounder, not now, not when she could get caught in this lie-to-be, exposed, a newly suspicious Starfleet digging through her service record for other deceits, oddities connected into a pattern, suspicions confirmed, the loss of everything she’s ever worked for.
The doors to Chris’ quarters close, Spock in the corridor, her standing just inside, and Chris looks up, his gaze clouded by fatigue, by time and fate, by a battle both lost and won, a present gifted to them by the Discovery crew’s sacrifices in the recent past and distant future. Chris can be prone to melancholy, to swings of expansiveness and self-flagellation. Maybe she should give him solitude, let him work things through on his own, not run the risk of her burdens compounding his.
“Did you …” The question sticks in her throat. “Did you want to be alone?”
Her chest is heavy with hope. Is she selfish for wanting to spend the night, for wanting to curl her arms and legs around him the way she has so many times before, but never with lies and loss and fear swirling together, a silent storm in the air of a broken ship limping home? Is she selfish for wanting a port in that storm, for wanting to be his port in that storm?
His head shakes and his voice is craggy, fragile in a way he won’t let it sound in front of anyone else, not even Spock. “Please stay.”
I saw Discovery explode.
Her pyjamas pulled from his drawer, clean sheets, no words. They’ve talked too much already about the cover story, about how Starfleet might try to set them against each other, about the need to protect this lie that’s more important than the truth and she’s too familiar with that balance, with the tightrope of wrong to get to right. How long can the balance last? Will this investigation be the tipping point that sends her falling, falling, falling into disciplinary review, court martial, probably prison?
The nightmares come. Twisted faces of angry admirals, accusations, Illyrians deemed sub-human, hunted like Starfleet game, incinerated by phaser blasts set on a wide beam.
Her shoulder is shaking.
Her shoulder is shaking.
“Una, you’re having a bad dream.” Oh no, Chris has enough on his mind. He shouldn’t have to worry about her. “Una, wake up.”
Clean sheets are bunched in her fists, her pyjamas damp from sweat.
Maybe it’s almost morning. Maybe she’s that much closer to this investigation being over and she can find a mission, any mission, and fly away.
“How long have I been asleep?”
“About forty minutes.” Chris’ furrowed brow is lit by starlight. “That looked like one hell of a nightmare. What were you dreaming about?”
Forty minutes.
Lies upon lies upon lies — and it’s only been forty more minutes.
She forces her fingers to relax, drop the sheets, ease him onto his back, let her head rest on his chest, steady heartbeats, as if she hadn’t just taught him that a lie announces itself through changes to the spine, the eyes, the hands.
“I dreamed … ” Her eyes flutter closed. She could lose everything. “I dreamed that I saw Discovery explode.”
Send me an ask with character(s) and a prompt and I’ll do my best to dream up something you’ll like. ❤️
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withlovemark · 3 months
all of the moments that led me to you. (ii)
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warning(s): steve's black eye (again), mentions of: gun, car crash, death.
pairing: steve x reader
words: 6.3k+
summary: a continuation of moments with steve harrington. takes place in season three.
an: first, thank u so so much for over 1k hearts on aotm pt 1 and to be loved. it’s unbelievable to me that that many people have read my writing. i’ve been writing and posting my stories on here a long time and this helps me feel like i’ve been growing, even just a little 🥹
second, i'm so sorry this took so long. i have no other excuse except the devil himself - mr. writer's block. thank whoever the hell is controlling my sim that they got rid of him (at least for now) and now i'm finally here to share this with you
hope you like it <3
yr. 1984
yr. 1985
i. robin’s game of you rule/you suck, intercepting russians and suzie 
quickly walking into scoops ahoy, you finally catch up to the curly headed kid, just in time to witness your favorite boys reunite through a silly greeting. 
you let them have their moment before finally making your presence known, “hey there sailor,” you greet steve with a quick hug, his frame enveloping you. 
he whines at the nickname, knowing how much you enjoy the little blue sailor outfit on him, mind wandering back to when you first saw him in the get up. 
“oh. my. god,” you gasp, a hand to your mouth, trying to hold your laughter in as he makes his way back into his room, after finally successfully putting on his “uniform.” 
“don’t say a word,” he warned, hands on his hips. 
“steve harrington. you are sooo…” he raises his eyebrows, lips morphing into a thin line, daring you to finish your sentence. 
“…pretty,” you giggle, closing the distance to adjust the sailor tie around his neck. he could’ve sworn his heart skipped a beat, maybe two. 
“it's not TOO bad, girls LOVE a man in uniform,” you tease, sitting back down on the edge of his bed. 
a playful smirk on your lips as his sailor hat comes in contact with your face in a matter of seconds causing a bubble of laughter to ring in his ear. 
a sound that has grew to be his favorite.
“sorry we came unannounced,” your voice brings him back to the ice cream parlor.
“he got home from summer camp today,” you explain, motioning to dustin who was now seated calmly in a booth,  “and immediately asked me to drive him here so he could see you,” you grin, steve returning the expression. 
“i think you’re his favorite,” a pout grows on your lips, eliciting laughter from the boy who you now call your best friend. the two of you being glued to the hip since that night in 1984.
days with steve harrington included sneaking into movies, butter popcorn in hand; road trips to nowhere and everywhere all at the same time; late night conversations that lasted into the a.m., a judgment free zone.
“well, yeah, i think we’ve known that a while ago,” he teases, earning a playful shove from you. 
“it’s ok though, i missed that little bugger too and there’s a new ice cream flavor i want you to try,” steve molds his hand into yours as he hurriedly leads you in front of the counter. the warmth of his hand disappearing as he made his way behind it.
you greet robin a quick hello and she acknowledges your presence by playfully saluting, making you smile. 
“here, try it,” steve snaps your attention back to him, placing what seemed to be a cup of just plain old vanilla ice cream in front of you. upon further inspection you notice it has chunks of something in it. 
“i don’t think ice cream should have that?,” you comment, eyeing it suspiciously. 
“just try it!,” he says, nudging the ice cream closer to your face. 
“alright, alright!,” you giggle, finally bringing the spoon between your lips. steve awaits your verdict, slightly bouncing up and down in excitement, eyebrows dancing.
“oh…wow,” your eyes widened, sparkling. tastebuds exploding at their new discovery. 
he knew you’d like it. 
“are those cookies?” you wonder aloud.
“mhmm, brand new flavor, cookies and cream, who would’ve thought huh?,” playfully raising his eyebrows as he stole the spoon from you, taking a bite out of your ice cream. 
“how are things with laura?,” you bring up nonchalantly, stealing the spoon back from him. 
“ugh, don’t even bring her up,” he rolls his eyes, grabbing another spoon from behind the counter while the two of you mildly attack the sweet cup. 
“another bad date?,” you concluded, eyes focused on scooping up a spoonful of your newfound favorite ice cream flavor. 
“we had absolutely nothing to talk about! i swear we just sat there and ate in silence the whole time,” he dramatically testified, shrugging his shoulders. 
“was the sex good at least?,” you asked, his face cringing. 
“didn’t have sex with her,” he shrugged,  “i just went home after and crashed, i think i really am losing my game,” he jokes. 
you know him well enough to know that he hasn’t been feeling as confident as he used to be. you think back to the night when steve confessed to you that he wasn’t able to get into the only college he applied to. on top of that,  his dad cut half off his allowance and he’s now, as he would describe it, “stuck working at a job that pays $3 per hour.”
all in all, steve felt like he had hit rock bottom. 
“how about you? how are things with isaac?,” steve smirked, changing the topic before you got to ask him if he was ok. 
“eh,” you replied. 
“ehhh?.” he mimics, urging you to go on. 
“not gonna go anywhere, very cocky, talks too much…and he’s a lot better when he doesn’t speak,” you cringed, remembering the way the boy spoke about basketball and cars the whole time, not at all caring about any of your interests. 
“maybe we should’ve switched dates?,” steve teases, head tilted.
you tuck away his golden locks that had fallen out of place and he finds himself holding a breath, eyes focused on your movements.
an action that was so familiar to him yet, lately, has been bringing up a weird feeling that he chooses to ignore.
“maybe we should have,” you playfully agreed, slowly retracting your hand, snapping steve back to reality. 
“anyways, thank you for my new favorite ice cream flavor,” you approved of the cookies and cream. 
“now, i have a favor to ask,” you grinned sheepishly. 
“hm?” he hums, grabbing a napkin and wiping away the bits of ice cream that have stained your lips. 
“can you watch dustin for the rest of the week? i have a bunch of cheerleading practices,” you explain, giving him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster, voice going a tad bit higher than usual. 
“yeah, yeah, you don’t have to do that,” he shakes his head, smile on his lips, “i got it all handled here, go ahead and just leave me with the lil monster,” he teases dramatically, making you roll your eyes playfully before beaming at him. 
“thank you, you’re the best!” you praised, lips planting a soft kiss upon his crimson cheeks, expressing your gratitude. 
he ignores the way time slowed down for a second, that fleeting surge of electricity that danced within him, igniting a spark that he quickly brushes off.
“i know,” he winks as you swiftly turn around, grabbing your bag and making your way out of the ice cream parlor. 
“stay safe!,” he shouts at your retreating figure.
“yes, dad!,” you tease, his face morphing into disgust. your laughter rings in his ears as you exit scoops ahoy right after lovingly messing up dustin’s pretty curls, an annoyed groan coming from the younger boy. 
“i can’t believe it, harrington,” the sound of robin’s voice captures steve’s full attention, taking his eyes off of your retreating figure. 
giving his coworker a pointed look, steve cluelessly wonders what she’s about to say when she pulled out her whiteboard and finally drew one tally mark under ‘you rule’
he rolls his eyes at robin, like he couldn’t believe what she just did, “hate to break it to you but i wasn’t flirting with her,” he defended himself.  
“huh, you sure about that, loverboy?,” robin snickered, clearly not convinced with the golden boy’s answer. 
“yes buckley, i’m sure,” steve deadpanned, “she’s my best friend alright so just…just erase that,” he mumbled, not entirely sure he believes his own words. 
it’s not like he hasn’t thought about it before…he has.
but falling for someone is never a good idea. he has firsthand experience that investing in love can be dangerous and if his worst fears happen, if the love unravels and crumbles down, he knows all too well that you will never get that same person back. 
and falling for his best friend? it’s not a risk he’s willing to take. 
he repeats to himself, ‘he must not have feelings for you. he simply doesn’t.’ these words continue to echo, living in his mind, until he believes them as truth. 
“well i think she could be your suzie,” dustin pipes in, quickly introducing himself to robin. 
“m-my what?,” steve inquired, the famous hand on his hip stance appearing. 
“your. suzie.” dustin pronounced slowly like that was going to help steve understand what he was talking about, “like how i have my suzie,” he adds. 
“and what the hell is a suzie?,” the older boy scoffed. 
“my girlfriend,” steve’s eyes widened at the boy’s proclamation, refusing to believe what he just heard. there’s no way dustin henderson has it all figured out before him, especially in the ladies department.
“it’s not important right now,” dustin says, shaking his head,  “i need to talk to you,” he says urgently. 
“we’re talking right now,” steve points out the obvious. 
“no,” dustin glares, “just you,” he continues, eyes glancing towards robin who just shrugged, not caring, as the two boy’s made their way back to dustin’s booth. 
“i intercepted a secret russian communication,” he confessed to the older boy.
believe it or not, those words were music to steve’s ears.
‘finally, he’ll be of use again,’ he thinks to himself as they start decoding the russian’s riddles. 
3 days later
the boys have vanished without a trace.
normally, steve would swing by after work, or when he was off – which you knew he was supposed to be, considering he gave you a copy of his schedule, – he would pick you up from cheerleading practices. 
dustin was also nowhere to be seen and the uncertainty of their whereabouts fills you with growing concern. 
there were no knocks at your window at midnight. no sound of an engine revving or the horn honking to greet you in the morning. not even the static sound from dustin’s talkie had made its appearance.
the last you heard from them was at the ice cream parlor. so after today’s practice, you were on a mission.  
you rush to the mall, hoping to see both of them devouring ice cream, ready to hear their half-ass apologies on why they went radio silent only to be face to face with two unfamiliar employees behind the counter, robin also absent from the scene.
quickly, you drove to steve’s house, the maroon vehicle nowhere to be seen causing you to reroute your drive to dustin’s house - still nothing.
this puts an end to your speculations – the boys are in trouble.
and they left you here with nothing but silence and the fear that’s rising in the pit of your stomach. 
you think back to where the kids usually were this summer and found yourself running down the wheelers’ basement, after mr. wheeler kindly let you in, only to reveal everyone else was already there…except for your two main culprits. 
seven heads turn towards you, your entrance hushing their conversations, “have any of you seen steve and dustin?,” you ask as they all shake their head no.
“well,” max spoke up, hope glimmering in your eyes, “el and i saw him at the mall,” she revealed.
“when was that?,” you inquire.
“like, 2 days ago,” she quickly replies, making you groan in exasperation. 
“hey,” nancy snaps you out of your despair, “they’ll be okay, it’s steve and dustin, they’re just probably out doing something ridiculous,” offering a smile, failing to comfort you. 
bless her but the only thing you could think about was how the last time those two did something “ridiculous,” they almost died, making you sink deeper into concern. 
“yeah, steve’s probably just helping him talk to his imaginary girlfriend,” mike chimes in as you remember the girl dustin briefly told you about when you drove him to starcourt mall. 
‘that was plausible,’ you convince yourself, finally nodding and accepting their assumptions. 
“we have bigger things to worry about,” jonathan said, directing the group’s attention back to their previous topic as they fill you in on the mind flayer — a mrs. driscoll, a tom and bruce, and a billy hargrove acting as its host. 
you just hoped to god that steve and dustin really are just looking for suzie because if they were in any kind of danger, you might kill them yourself. 
for now, you’d just have to play on this team. 
ii. starcourt mall and the TODFTHR 
starcourt mall in its after hours has a tauntingly beautiful presence, its hallways bathed in the soft glow of neon lights that crackle with static, creating an ambiance that breathes an almost palpable energy, as if the very essence of the mall comes alive in the quietude of the night. 
dustin finally radioed in a while ago with another code red, making goosebumps rise throughout your body. “code red” was definitely the last thing you wanted to hear. 
all the group could make out from him were the words, “open the gate,” and you knew this was all connected to everything you’ve seen in the past couple of hours. 
“where the hell is he?,” mike whispers as max shushes him and you silently thank her in your head. 
the group is extra attentive, everyone looking around in hopes they’ll find something out of place. 
finally, a faint click reaches your ears, followed by hushed footsteps. you think you’ve imagined it until nancy voices your suspicions, “what was that?,” she whispers. you feel the blood draining from your face, heart racing, afraid of the events that could transpire. 
following the sound, the group ends up at the second floor — right above the food court.
you spot the four men first, each one of them with their arms raised, gun aiming at a food stall. 
eleven immediately steps in making the car alarm go off then proceeding to throw it at the armed men. she leaves you stunned and amazed, like she's been doing the whole day, and you can’t help but send her a smile of gratitude. 
after a second or two, the two familiar heads finally emerged, eyes finding the golden ones you’ve grown accustomed to, all beaten up and bruised. 
rushing towards them, you pull dustin into a tight hug first, exclaiming “where the hell have you been?….i’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 
“i’m okay, i’m okay! i promise! im sorry,” he apologizes as you quickly look him up and down, your protective side kicking in, checking for any signs of injury until he finally slipped from your hold, reuniting with his friends. forcing you to look up at the beaten up, beautiful boy in front of you. 
“steve-,” you whisper, before running up to him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck, pulling him as close to you as possible. the beating of his heart against your ears, and in that moment, you feel like you can breathe again. 
he holds you just as tight, visibly relieved that you’re unharmed. as he exhales a sigh of relief, you pull away slightly, inspecting the mark around his eye. soft hands ghosting over the bruise that was already starting to turn purple.
“didn’t i tell you to stop getting into fights?,” voice laced with concern as you fought to hold back tears, overwhelmed by the rush of comfort having him by your side brings.
“i know it doesn’t look like it, but i actually won,” he smiled, tenderly brushing away the tears in the corner of your eye before they could spill. 
“what happened?,” you asked. 
a light cough from behind him breaks you out of your embrace, slightly pushing the boy away from you and finally taking in robin’s presence.
their matching appearance doesn’t go unnoticed.
“we found a secret lair, got drugged by russians and then they beat up pretty boy over here for some answers,” they share a smile. 
for a second, you feel your heart twinge. you’re not too sure whether it’s because the information robin shared painted a disturbing image in your mind or if it was because she was there and you weren’t. 
you can’t allow yourself to dwell on it as the group finally reunites, connecting all the pieces together and figuring out the next step. 
“oh screw tod, steve’s her daddy now,” steve says excitedly, as he got into the driver seat of the TODFTHER. 
robin and erica comment on his use of referencing himself in the third person and the word “daddy,” causing you to laugh as you sat in the passenger seat. robin, erica and dustin squeezing in the back.
driving off with the scoops troops, you make your way to dustin’s tower. 
“suzie must be pretty special, huh? for you to make this tower just for her,” you finally get a chance to interrogate the young boy, earning an excited nod from him and a groan from everyone else, making you feel like an outsider in their very obvious inside joke. 
“he described her as scientifically perfect and has yet to shut up about her,” robin fills you in, obviously tired of the topic at hand.
“i mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect but suzie’s about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be,” dustin added, causing more annoyed groans to slip from everyone’s lips except yours.
“she sounds made up to me. she sound made up to you?,” erica sassed back, resulting in an eye roll from the young boy. 
“steve, y/n, you believe me right?,” he says, sitting forward, glancing between you and steve. 
“of course,” you quickly assured him while steve remained silent, before finally nodding his head along with you. 
“you hesitated,” dustin points out, a pout on his lip, “why did you hesitate, steve?”
“i didn’t hesitate!” he defends himself, his voice reaching a higher pitch. 
the older boy turned towards you, asking for your help but all you could offer him was a shrug, a smile playing on your lips.
dustin impatiently repeats his question, finally getting his answer, “i don’t know man, no one is hotter than phoebe cates!,” steve bursts, earning a look of confusion from you and a whine from the younger boy, giggles bursting from the two girls sitting in the back. 
you definitely missed out on a lot. and you realize how much you hate it. 
“left. turn left.” dustin said suddenly, prying you away from your thoughts.
“there’s not a road here,” steve points out the obvious. 
“turn left! now!” the younger boy yells urgently.
“jesus! hang on!” steve yelled before finally making a harsh left, your hands immediately going up your face, acting as a shield against the tree branches coming in contact with the vehicle. 
“oh my god, where the hell are we going!?.” you shout through all the ruckus. 
“just keep going!,” dustin continues with his unreasonable directions. 
“we’re not gonna make it!,” robin yells from the back and you see determination flash in steve’s face.
“yes we are!, come on baby!” he urges TODFTHER to go on until it finally hit its’ limit, leaving the group stuck in the middle of the woods.
“guess, we’ll have to walk the rest of the way,” dustin says. 
“how far is this thing?” erica says, voicing everyone’s annoyance. 
iii. dustin’s tower and an epiphany
it wasn't long until the group finally made it to dustin’s radio tower, finally being able to instruct murray’s next steps.
you were seated on the field with the rest – the calmness before the storm. 
“hey, guys?” steve’s voice causes the group to get up and follow his line of vision. 
starcourt mall’s rapid flickering lights causing panic to rise in the air, dustin immediately runs back to his talkie, trying to radio the others but all that was received was a loud, screeching, monster noise. the younger boy repeatedly tries to get a response but all that was left was static. 
steve makes up his mind, immediately getting up on his feet, ready to run towards the direction of the mall, but before he could get any further, your voice makes its way to his ears, halting his movements.
“where the hell are you going?,” you shot, panic evident in your voice. 
“to get them the hell outta there!,” he exclaimed, adrenaline running through him. you knew you weren’t going to be able to persuade him to stay here with you. but after the past couple of days of thinking you’ve lost him, there’s no way, in hell, he’s leaving you here. 
“i’m going with you,” you announced, already walking towards him. 
“no,” he says sternly, meeting you in the middle, “just stay here, watch the kids,” his eyes pleading with you to obey. 
“robin can watch them,” you countered quickly, reaching out for his hand, fingers fitting in yours perfectly.
“y/n-,” he whispers desperately. hoping you could hear how much he wants you to stay here, where it's safe. 
he can’t keep putting you in dangerous situations just because he wants to play hero. 
“you’re not going without me! i won’t let you!” standing your ground, your hand tightening around his.
steve can’t help but think back to earlier that night, sitting in the tiled bathroom of starcourt mall, robin opposite of him. 
“i just don’t get it,” robin says groggily, slowly coming down from the high and voicing her opinions. 
“what?,” steve looks at her, eyes droopy, mouth slightly agape. 
“you…going on all of these dates,” robin pointed out, “how you don’t realize you have the perfect girl in front of you,” she wonders aloud  he knows she wasn’t talking about herself, especially after she trusted him with her little secret. 
“you don’t think i know that?,” steve says, eyes closing, head slowly coming in contact with the wall behind him, defeated.
“why don’t you do anything about it then?”
“because….because- she’s y/n! and i’m…” he pauses for a second, trying to find a better way to explain it to robin but all he could manage to say was “i’m just steve.”
“well ‘just steve,’ i think you’re pretty cool,” robin compliments him, allowing him to fully strip away the walls, his hidden feelings coming to surface. 
“she has dreams and goals and i know damn well, she’s going to make every single one of those things happen, meanwhile, look at what i’m wearing! look at where i am! sitting on a bathroom floor, drugged!,-”
“hey, what does that say about me,” robin interjects. 
“please, i practically dragged you in here with me,” he continues, “all i do is drag people into chaos….i dragged y/n in this mess too, i can’t continue holding her back,” an exasperated sigh escaping his lips. 
“hm, you don’t have to hold her back, y’know?” robin countered,  have you ever considered being the one to hold her hand and support her through all her ‘dreams and goals’?,” she asks, hopefully giving steve a new perspective. 
“she doesn’t want that,” he says defeatedly.
“have you asked her?” robin questions. steve lets out a sigh before shaking his head no. 
“you’ll never know if you never try, but if you need a little push, if i were her, after everything i’ve seen today, i would’ve left a long time ago,” she says like a prophet. 
those words echo in his ears now and he sees it all clearly. 
you stayed.
you could have left, could have stopped talking to him and walked away forever. yet here you are, gazing at him with pleading eyes, hands in his, hoping he won’t let go.
that fact is evident to him now as he feels your hand tightening around his. 
steve found himself nodding slowly, a blast of realization striking him. you mirrored his gesture, sealing an unspoken agreement – minds and bodies communicating before any words were uttered. 
within the next second, the two of you made your way back to TODFTHER, headed to the mall - together. 
iv. the car crash and neverending story
“holy shit, hoLY SHIT! STEVE-,” you shout, the boy’s foot not leaving the gas as the car continues to accelerate.
steve takes a quick glance at you, “PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON!,” he yells and you quickly obey his order knowing he has no intention of stepping on the brake. 
as soon as he heard the little click, with both hands on the wheel, steve immediately stepped on the gas, the car accelerating at a speed you couldn’t even imagine. you can’t help but hold your breath, scared for the impact you know is about to come. 
in a matter of seconds, TODFTHER crashes into the black car driven by billy hargrove — bursting it into flames. nothing can be heard but the ringing in your ear as you try to refocus. this wouldn’t be the first time the two of you had matching concussions because of billy. 
“are you okay?,” steve immediately inspects you, unbuckling your seatbelt, warm hands gently cupping your cheeks, eyes finding yours. your chest heaving, trying to make sense of how the two of you were still alive. 
as you catch your breath, you look up into his golden eyes, rapid breaths syncing. then, in one swift moment, his lips are on yours, in a quick, passionate kiss. 
well, this is definitely not how steve imagined his first kiss with you.
he pulls away as soon as he registers his actions and you’re left breathless, not at all sure with what happened.
“sorry, i got caught in the moment,” he panics. 
“it’s okay,” you nod still trying to catch your breath. 
you don’t catch the way his eyes lose a little glimmer of hope. he’s about to take back what he said until the mindflayer makes an appearance on top of the building and you both very much snap out of the trance, being reminded that you were still in the middle of the battle. 
nancy directs your attention to her, yelling for your safety. steve immediately jumps out of the car, his warm hands instinctively grabbing yours, making sure you enter the car first. 
silence envelops the vehicle, everyone too afraid to say anything as the haunting size of the creature continues to taunt the group.
it wasn’t until dustin’s voice rang into the air followed by a young girl that everyone finally released the breath they were holding. 
you look at steve with recognition, “suzie,” you say in harmony and he can’t help but be in awe. 
“you’re going to have to say sorry for doubting him,” you tease, making steve chuckle.
he liked that. the fact that you guys can immediately joke around like he didn’t just kiss you after he crashed the car that could’ve caused your deaths. 
suzie-poo and dusty-bun keeps the group entertained, especially when they start singing a duet to never ending story. 
steve looks at you like this is the craziest thing he’s ever heard, the rest of group looking disgusted. 
you can’t help but giggle, quietly singing along to dustin, for only steve to hear, making him shake his head in disbelief. 
“i cant believe she’s real,” steve says after the musical that is probably in the top three most life changing moments in his life and the two of you break out in quiet giggles. 
v. ambulances and “friends?”
the battle was bloody and not everyone came back unscathed. some didn’t come back at all. hopper made a huge sacrifice. billy was dead. 
now everyone was seated in their own ambulances, near star court mall, waiting for clearance. 
you’ve spent the last hour trying to comfort max in her grief. losing billy like that, right in front of her eyes, left her in her thoughts, refusing to talk to anyone. 
the only reason she let you in was because you knew her brother in a different light, unlike the others who has always viewed him as the villain. 
“is it bad that part of me is relieved?,” max quietly whispers like she didn’t even want you to hear it, almost like the guilt of saying it out loud was going to kill her. 
you shake her head no, “grief can present itself in different ways, you don’t have to feel a certain way,” you reassure the younger girl, “just feel what you’re feeling now and take it day by day” you try to comfort her, hoping your words can somehow reach her. 
meanwhile steve was with dustin and robin, sitting in a different ambulance. 
“i kissed her,” steve confessed to the duo.
“you kissed her?” robin and dustin says at the same time. one with pride, the other, shocked. 
“i. kissed. her.” steve repeats, more to affirm himself that it actually happened and it wasn’t just  the drugs that had completely worn off at the time nor was it the concussion he surely had. 
he really kissed you. he knows its true because if he closes his eyes and think about it hard enough, he can still feel the softness of your lips on his. 
“well are you gonna go talk to her about it?,” robin breaks him out of his daydream and the question immediately causes bubbles to rise through his stomach. 
he feels like he's going to throw up. 
“what if i dont?,” he panted, “i did tell her it was just a spur of a moment thing,” he reveals. 
“now, why would you tell her that?” dustin says like a father disappointed in his kid.
“i don’t want to ruin our friendship!” he defends himself, arms flailing in the wind. 
“you already kissed her dumbass, thats like #1 on things not to do to ruin a friendship,” robin points out and he knows there’s no way he was going to win this two to one battle. 
he was going to have to talk to you.
“hey,” steve's hushed voice breaks you out of your own thoughts. 
max has left you on your own a while ago, saying she just wanted to be alone. when she was gone, you had a bit of time to process everything as much as you can at the moment. 
“you okay?” steve asks softly. 
giving him a small smile, you pat the empty space beside you, inviting him in your ambulance, “could be better, but yeah…i'm okay, are you?”
he nods, answering your question. “are you sure?... billy is gone,” he mentions cautiously, afraid of how you would react but prepared to offer comfort. 
“well... i do feel sorry for max, she’s the one that lost her brother tonight,” he nods, understanding what you meant. 
billy was long gone for you. surely, not like this — never would you have wanted it to be like this. but he no longer occupies any part of your mind and definitely not your heart. 
“do you know what actually scared me?” you whisper, your breath coming in contact with the cold air. his silence urges you to go on. 
“when i couldn’t find you,” you admit to him and to yourself. 
steve sees everything that he needs to see in your eyes – love, fear, a hint of sadness. 
he has the urge to pull you into him, to feel your lips like he did earlier that night. but before he does, he knows he has to come clean. he has to do it right this time. 
“i have to tell you something,” he says urgently. 
“if something like tonight ever happens again, god i hope it doesn’t, but if it did and i never got to say this, i would hate myself forever,” he rambles, trying to buy time. he knows that after he says what he’s about to say then things with you will take a turn. 
“you're scaring me steve…what is it?” you ask, softly placing your hand on top of his shaking leg, hoping to somehow help him calm down. he takes a second to gather his composure.
to make sure he says the words the way you deserve to hear them – honest, sweet, gentle. 
“y/n, i am in love with you,” he confesses into the night air, soft brown eyes locked on yours.
you stare at him, eyes slightly widening, registering his words. 
for steve, time seemed to stretch endlessly, it could've been three seconds or three minutes but but it was unquestionably the longest silence he had ever endured. 
when you still haven’t said anything, he realizes he has made a mistake and knows he has to fix it, immediately.  
“a-and you don't have to say it back!, i'm not asking for anything!, i mean it would be nice but i'm totally okay with just being fr-” he fumbles over his words, hoping that dustin could find some sort of way to teleport back in time to prevent this confession from happening. but then he feels it — soft lips pressing against his own, shutting him up ever so sweetly.
his body responds instinctively, returning the gentle kiss, eyes fluttering close. this was how it was supposed to go. 
“please don’t say you're okay with us just being friends,” you tease, finally easing his racing thoughts. 
he chuckles softly, “i am… i am not okay with us just being friends,.” he admits, mirroring your expression. 
that one word was all it took for all of steve's worries to fade, happily pulling you closer until there are no spaces left to fill. 
bonus: pretty privilege (3 months later)
walking into family video, you gently drop steve’s hand, immediately missing the warmth it provided and causing a tiny frown to appear on your boyfriend’s face. 
“hey keith,” you greeted the boy behind the counter sweetly. 
“h-hi y/n, what can i do for you?,” he was grinning from ear to ear and you knew this was going to be easy. 
“do you think,” you start, voice going an octave higher, an innocent glow in your eyes, “you maybe have two job positions open, right now?,” you finish, a hand placed softly, and very calculatedly on his arm. you were completely taking advantage of his “secret” crush on you. 
steve glances between the two of you in disbelief. 
meanwhile, the boy behind the counter was a blushing mess, mumbling a “god, y-you’re so pretty,” and steve has to physically hold himself back from kicking the air. 
keith leans over the counter, “yeah, i’m-” he starts to say, but before he could end his sentence, steve’s hands wrapped protectively around yours, dragging you out of sight and in between one of the aisles. 
“what are you doing?,” he quietly blurted once the two of you were out of sight. his arms crossing against his chest, biceps protruding, eyebrows going up. 
“trying to get you and robin a job,” you reminded him of the reason why the three of you were even in this store in the first place. 
“yeah but what’s with the cute voice and the eyes!,” he points out, “oh keith! do you have a job opening right now?,” he bats his eyelashes, mimicking you, completely appalled by the way you used your cute voice that was only supposed to be reserved for him. 
“okay first of all, i do not sound like that. second, it’s pretty privilege steve and you have to know when to use it,” he rolls his eyes at your answer. 
“yes, you do sound like that!” he whines like a five year old child, “...omygosh keith you’re so manly!, you have a job, you-,” he continues mocking. 
“steve harrington,” you cut him off, “are you jealous?,” you accuse, holding back your smile. 
“i don’t get jealous,” he scoffs, an absurd expression on his face like he couldn’t believe you even suggested that. 
“really? because you’re looking pretty green right now,” you tease, a small smile playing on your lips. 
“y/n it’s physically impossible for people to turn green,” he rolls his eyes. you ignore the use of your name.
“it’s a metaphor,” you tease. 
“you're a metaphor,” he mocks and you can’t stand it anymore, he’s acting too cute. 
“you're cute when you’re jealous,” 
“you really shouldn't be though,” you continue.
“yeah i know...its just keith,”
“no, its because i’m all yours, steve harrington.” 
in an instant, all annoyance melts away from him and you know you won. your hands instinctively thread behind his neck, grabbing a hold of his curls, a routine you’re now all too familiar with but could never get enough of. 
the taste of strawberry chapstick mingles with spearmint. steve senses your smile against his lips, pulling you closer as his hands encircle your waist, deepening the kiss. soft moans escape your lips, audible only to him. 
he craves more of you, currently wishing you were alone in the comfort of his room, his car, or anywhere but here, in the middle of all these vhs tapes. 
“ehem,” robin’s cough breaks the two of you apart, making you jump.
quickly wiping your lips, you push steve away, taking notice of the lipstick that was now painted on him before sending robin an apologetic smile.
it’s all too easy to get lost in the boy beside you. 
“are you lovebirds done or should i go watch a movie first?,” she says sarcastically. she was honestly over all the lip locking. it was cute at first but the honeymoon phase is now starting to tire the rest of the group. 
“well, you could-” steve starts. 
you quickly jab him in the stomach, shutting him up. “sorry,” you smile sheepishly at robin, “yes, we’re done.”
robin chuckles, “whatever, i got us the job” she states, ready to get out of there. 
“how?,” steve asks, head tilting to the side. 
“told him that steve’s a real chick magnet and he’ll attract a lot of customers...especially hot babes,” she shrugs like it didn’t take any work. 
“ahh,” you nod slowly, agreeing, then redirecting your focus back to steve.
“see. pretty privilege.” you point out, making steve chuckle, his fingers naturally wrapping around yours as the three of you finally walk out of the store. 
and no, you don’t miss the way he looks back at keith with a smirk.
an: i will not promise a next year this time because in all honesty, i got nothing but moment titles. if i do write one, it will just be randomly posted one day lol.
thank you for reading! and if you were here when i first posted part one (exactly a year ago), extra love to you<3
please feel free to drop your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc, in my inbox <3 (anons are welcomed!)
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hunkpossession0 · 1 month
**Riding a New Life: A Ghost's Journey**
I had been a wandering spirit for what felt like an eternity. Ever since the accident that severed my connection to the living world, I had been drifting through the ether, invisible and forgotten. That is, until today.
I found myself in a dimly lit parking garage, the scent of gasoline and rubber filling the air. The growl of an engine echoed off the walls, and that’s when I saw him—a young biker, effortlessly cool in his black and red leather suit, leaning casually against his sleek Honda. He was everything I had once admired from afar, back when I was alive.
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I watched him for a moment, a pang of envy and longing coursing through my spectral form. Then, almost instinctively, I felt myself drawn toward him. There was a sudden pull, a rush of energy, and before I knew it, I was inside his body.
The moment I slipped into his form, it was as if the world exploded in sensation. The first thing I noticed was the heat—the intoxicating warmth of his skin, the snug embrace of the leather suit wrapping around me. It was a second skin, tight and form-fitting, accentuating every contour and muscle. The leather was smooth and supple, a mix of security and allure that was almost overwhelming.
I flexed my fingers, feeling the resistance of the gloves, the reassuring grip they provided. I couldn't help but admire the strength in these hands, the power in this body. My heart raced, not just from the thrill of possession, but from the sheer intensity of feeling alive again. The suit clung to me, a perfect fit, and I relished the way it made me look—strong, confident, and undeniably hot.
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Every step I took in the leather suit was a new discovery. The way it accentuated my broad shoulders, the way it hugged my biceps and triceps, making every muscle pop with definition. I could feel the smooth caress of the leather against my skin, the way it moved with me, an extension of my newfound strength.
After an exhilarating ride through the city, I decided to explore more of what this new life had to offer. I had noticed a gym bag in the trunk of his bike, and an idea struck me. I headed to the local gym, eager to test the limits of this new body.
Entering the gym, I felt a wave of excitement. The scent of sweat and metal filled the air, and the rhythmic clanking of weights created a motivating soundtrack. I walked confidently to the locker room, changing into a tank top and workout pants that showed off my muscular physique. The reflection in the mirror was almost surreal—I was now this fit, handsome biker with a body that drew admiration and respect.
I started with some light stretches, feeling every muscle respond with a fluidity and power I had never experienced before. Moving to the weight section, I picked up a dumbbell, the cold metal heavy in my hand. I began a series of bicep curls, watching in awe as the muscles in my arms bulged and flexed.
The intensity of the workout was intoxicating. I pushed myself harder, feeling the burn in my muscles, the rush of endorphins coursing through my veins. I moved from one machine to another, challenging myself with each set, reveling in the strength and endurance of this body.
Between sets, I caught glimpses of myself in the mirror. The way the tank top clung to my chest and shoulders, the way my arms looked pumped and powerful—it was a heady mix of vanity and pride. I couldn't help but snap a quick selfie, capturing the moment of pure, unadulterated strength.
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As the workout continued, I felt a growing sense of accomplishment. This body was capable of so much, and I was determined to explore its limits. The sweat poured down my skin, a testament to the hard work and effort I was putting in. And with each rep, each lift, I could feel myself growing more confident, more comfortable in this new skin.
But something was missing. My spectral journey had been long and lonely, and I longed to share this new life with someone who understood. That’s when I remembered my closest ghost friend, another lost soul who had wandered with me through the void. He deserved this chance too.
Later that evening, I returned to the parking garage, where I found another biker—a friend of the man whose body I had claimed. He was tall and lean, with a rugged handsomeness that made my decision easy. I called out to my ghost friend, guiding him to this new vessel.
With a rush of energy, my friend entered the biker’s body. The transformation was immediate. He blinked, adjusting to the new sensations, then looked at me with a mixture of awe and gratitude. We were no longer lost souls. We were alive, and we had each other.
Together, we returned to the gym. It was a surreal experience, seeing my friend in his new form, watching him flex and admire his new physique. We took a moment to capture it—a selfie of the two of us, side by side, strong and proud. The bond we shared as ghosts had transformed into something deeper, something more intimate.
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In the gym mirror, we stood close, our bodies radiating strength and confidence. My friend, now in his own muscular form, flexed his bicep while I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Our tank tops clung to us, revealing every sculpted muscle, every defined line. The pride in our eyes was unmistakable. Here we were, two souls reborn, finding a new life and love in the most unexpected way.
As the days passed, we explored our new lives together. We rode our bikes through the city, feeling the wind on our faces, the thrill of speed and freedom. We worked out side by side, pushing each other to new heights, celebrating every achievement.
Our connection grew stronger, evolving into a romantic bond that felt natural and right. We were a couple now, navigating this new world together. The love we had for each other, forged in the ethereal realm, blossomed in our new, physical forms.
And as we stood together, gazing at our reflections, we knew that this was just the beginning. We had found a new home, a new life, and most importantly, we had found each other. The road ahead was ours to conquer, and we were ready to face it together.
The leather suit, which had started it all, became a symbol of our transformation. Every time I slipped into it, I felt a rush of excitement and power. The way it hugged my body, the way it made me look and feel—it was exhilarating. And as we rode together, side by side, I knew that we were more than just bikers. We were partners, lovers, and together, we were unstoppable.
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alastor-simp · 10 months
Cater, Ortho, Silver, Neige, Chenya, and Rollo Flamme with a reader who sings like Japanese Singer "Ado"
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Thank you @ayachansan for recommending me to do the other twst characters I missed. I will include some of the side characters as well. Enjoy Everyone
Cater Diamond📱
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📱Cater was the king of keeping up with the latest music and fashion trends, This man was a social media addict, so it wouldn't be a surprised if he hadn't heard of you before.
📱He had seen many of his followers on Magicam talking about a very popular mysterious singer that had exploded all over the web. He was interested in what was so popular about this new singer, but after watching a few music videos, he quickly became a fan.
📱Cater was so amazed that he sent links to Trey and all of his other friends, including you, little did he know that you were that famous singer. His discovery of your talent happened when he was heading towards your dorm, and heard someone singing the lyrics of one of the songs from the famous singer. Cater then saw that it was you singing the song, while sitting on your bed, surrounded by various recording equipment.
📱Cater literally fangirled and ran towards you, hugging you tightly. He couldn't believe that the famous singer was you. The music videos were all animated so they didn't reveal your face, so it shocked him even more that the beautiful voice belong to you.
📱After calming down a little bit, you told Cater that you were a very popular singer from your home-world, and you preferred to keep your face hidden during your performances, but you were very happy that he loved your singing so much. Cater really wanted to question why you hid your face, but he stopped himself since as long as you were comfortable with it, he wouldn't stop you.
📱Cater would be one of your top commenters on your music videos, posting so many hearts and hashtags, yet he kept the selfies to a minimum when he hanged out with you since he still respected your privacy. His favorite song of yours was "missing", he loved how rock and roll the song was, but also how the message of the song is looking for connections with others.
Ortho Shroud🤖
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🤖Ortho was very fascinated about data and learning about new information that he didn't know about. He was interested in videos games and anime like his nii-san was and he enjoyed exploring more on his own time.
🤖Ortho had heard his nii-san talk about a very popular singer that was rising in the charts lately. Both him and his brother became very big fans. The animations were top-tier and the singers voice was heavenly. Ortho really wanted to his brother to go to one your your concerts since he was such a fan, but persuading him to go outside of his room was going to be a problem.
🤖All three of you were playing videos games in Idia's room, as you both had become very good friends after the whole S.T.Y.X. incident. Idia was talking up a storm about the famous singer and him and his brother had no idea that you were that said singer.
🤖Finally gathering up enough courage, you told both Idia and Ortho that you were that singer. Both of them stood shocked, but Idia looked like he needed more evidence, so you sang a few lyrics from one of your popular songs, and BAM he was 100% convinced. While Idia was passed out from the shock, Ortho flew at you and tackled you in a hug, calling you amazing, and asking you a bazillion questions.
🤖After that, you had told Ortho that you were a very popular singer in your world and you decided to continue doing what you loved here in this world, but with your identity hidden of course. Ortho was just happy that you were doing what you loved but he did say to check in with him or nii-san if you were feeling stressed out or needed a break from singing. Ortho also really wanted him and his brother to create the next music video animation for you, as it would mean the world to him and his brother
🤖His favorite song of yours is "KokoroToIuNanoFukakai", he likes the medical theme of the video and how the song is complex emotions are.
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💤Silver was too busy improving his skills as a knight to really pay attention to things like music. He knew Lilia was part of the Pop Music club and had heard some of the songs that him and his club would sing, but nothing more then that. Also he had the tendency to fall asleep when listening to music, so even if he attempted it, it would result in him going into dreamland.
💤Silver was resting in the botanical gardens, when he heard the sound of humming nearby. He surprisingly woke up, which was a shock to him as he usually would be too deep in sleep to wake up to something like that. Walking around the gardens, he had spotted you, leaning against a tree, humming to yourself, with some birds scattered around you, enjoying your singing
💤Sensing someone next to you, you spotted Silver standing next to you with a blank expression, Greeting him, you asked what he was doing at the garden, and he said he had taken a rest near one of the bushes there and heard the sound of you humming. Realizing that you had woken him up, you apologized but Silver just shook his head and gave you his prince-like smile, saying it was fine, and that he found your singing beautiful.
💤Silver sat down next to you and placed his head on your lap, most likely still tired from waking up from his nap. He asked you if you sang other songs and you placed your hand on his head, and told him that you were a very famous singer from your world and since you can't head back to your world for now, you would continue doing your singing career here. Silver continue to smile at you and said he would enjoy listening to you sing a bit more. Giggling, you sang a very soothing song that relaxed Silver and made him fall back asleep
💤Silver would become more interested in music now especially yours. He was still trying to get use to some of your songs since you did sing a lot of rock or metal songs, but he did love your ballads as your voice was so heavenly. He actually came to your concerts, and tried very hard to stay awake as he didn’t want to fall asleep during your performance.
💤His favorite song of yours is “Where The Wind Blows” he finds the song very beautiful and loves the animation.
Neige LeBlanche✨
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✨Neige was a very famous actor. He has performed and sang in so many songs and has played as the main character in a lot of movies and plays. Despite being famous, he never met the fame get to his head and was the same adorable sweet boy he always was.
✨While attending RSA, he has heard a lot of his students talk about an amazing singer who has been trending a lot lately. Neige was very curious who the singer was as he had listened to the songs and was very enamored with them, but since the music videos were animated, he wasn’t able to see who the singer was
✨Neige had discovered who you were when he visited Nobel Bell College. He had visited with Chenya but lost sight of him as Chenya was being sneaky and turned invisible again, so Neige was by himself. He heard the sounds of someone signing and recognized that voice and rushed over. Spotting someone in the distance, he saw you sitting by yourself on one of the benches near the City of Flowers.
✨You were too lost in singing to realized that Neige was standing right in front of you. Upon realizing, you covered your mouth, apologizing profusely if your singing disturb him. Neige was sparkling, and he sat next to you. He literally went off on an adorable speech about how amazing your voice was and how happy he was able to find who the unknown singer was as he was a big fan.
✨Feeling shy, you looked away from Neige and explained to him that you sang a lot from your world, and decided to continue doing it here, but you were insistent on keeping your identity hidden. Neige hugged you and said it was okay no matter what you did. If doing that makes you feel comfortable, then continue doing it. His words made you smile, and you hugged the sweet boy back.
✨Despite being at two different schools, Neige made sure to keep in contact with you, messaging you to ask how your day was and to not overwork since singing so much can strain the voice. He did suggest to you if you wanted to work on a song together if you were comfortable doing it, and you agreed which made Neige very happy.
✨He loves all of your songs and listens to them 24/7, but his number once fave is your cover of "Snow Song Show". He finds the song very cute and loves the Christmas theme.
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😸This adorable rascal is the definition of chaotic. He listens to all genres of music as he is not picky whatsoever. He tends to listen to more silly songs as they make him laugh. He had heard Neige mention a new singer that was becoming very popular on the internet and it quickly pique his interest. Immediate fan the minute he heard your voice. He could not get over how much range your voice could reach and the animations for the music video were amazing.
😸Chenya was feeling in the mood to head over to Heartslabyul to play some tricks on the students, as well as see Riddle and Trey. He used his unique magic to turn invisible as not to be spotted by the other students, unless he wanted to be chased out due to the rivalry between both schools. Walking through the maze, his ears wiggled as he picked up the sounds of someone singing.
😸Venturing closer to the sound, Chenya was able to spot you, sitting in the middle of the maze, writing down what looked to be lyrics on a piece of paper. Mmm well well, so you were the singer that everyone was talking about. Feeling mischievous, Chenya made his head visible and popped up next you, causing you to jump in fright.
😸"Hehehe, so you are the talented singer aren't you, little mouse nyah~" Chenya smiled down at you, as he turned his body visible again, and sat down next to you, wrapping his tail around your waist. Realizing it was Chenya, you relaxed and smiled at him. Chenya went on to question you further about your singing and you told him about your world and how you use to sing a lot of songs when you were younger, and then got offered a contract by a very popular music industry and as time went on you became a very famous music sensation, but you were use to keeping your face hidden and would continue doing it that way.
😸Chenya listened to your explanation and didn't question further about the no showing of the face thing, but he was happy for you that you were still doing what you enjoyed even in a new world. Being how he is, he just wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled your head like a cat, as a way of him showing his support. Chenya would show up much more now at NRC, checking in on you to see how you were doing and to make sure you were not stressed with your career. He did have the tendency make his head appear using his unique magic whenever you were in your room, preparing for a new song. It did annoy you a bit, but it was just Chenya being Chenya, so you were fine with it
😸His favorite song of yours is "Fleeting Lullaby". He loves how crazy the animation is, but also likes how the song is about music connecting people together.
Rollo Flamme🔔
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🔔Rollo was a man of tradition. As being the board president of Nobel Bell College, he had no time to meddle with the likes of music and other forms of distraction. He does, however, enjoy the festivities that are held at Fleur City, but he prefers to dwell in them on his own terms. When on his own time, he does listen to more classical music when he is studying. The sound from the Bell of Salvation is another thing he enjoys hearing as well, as he finds it very beautiful
🔔After his plan to destroy all magic failed, he had to give in to the demands and continue to hold the masquerade for the students of NRC. The event was going well and he noticed that everyone was becoming acquainted with one another. "Hmph", he said to himself, and departed from the event and headed outside to enjoy the fresh air. He had arrived to the center of the college where the Righteous Judge statue was standing, and let out a sigh. Unbeknownst to him, there was another person there as well, and they were singing a random tune. This got Rollo's attention and he walked closer to the noise, and spotted you, sitting on one grassy areas next to the statue.
🔔Lost in your singing, you didn't notice Rollo was next to you, until you heard a cough. Seeing Rollo in front of you, you apologize, waving your hands up and down, feeling bad that you interrupted his stroll. Rollo put his hand up to stop your rant, and said he wasn't upset. Both of you just stared at each other in silence, but you decided to break that and patted the spot next to you, gesturing to Rollo to sit next to you.
🔔Rollo turned his nose up at that, as he didn't want to dirty his clothes, but you kept insisting, so he just heaved a sigh and sat next to you with his hands crossed in front of him. "May I ask why you are out here and not inside with the others?", Rollo asked. You just shrugged and said you needed some air especially how eventful the day was. Rollo grimaced at that, but said nothing, and continued sitting in silence.
🔔 "Your singing is very bewitching, I'm surprised you didn't join Malleus and the others went they had their little performance.", Rollo said as he gave you a rare smile. You told him about you coming to this world, and how you were a very big singer, but you rather your face/identity be kept hidden. Rollo listened to you talk, and just nodded his head at your words. You told him that if he wanted, he could attend one of your concerts if he wanted to.
🔔Rollo just shook his head as he was too busy with his duties to deal with things like that, but he did give you his phone number, if you wanted to converse and possibly send him any songs you have performed, just nothing too extreme as he wasn't fond of rock or metal. Nodding your head, you thanked him and continue to sit next to him in silence, enjoying the comforting atmosphere.
🔔After heading back to NRC, you and Rollo continue to chat together via messages, whenever you had time as you both had very busy schedules. Rollo was developing a bit of a soft spot for you, as here you were, a person with no magic placed in a world with magic users, yet you didn't mind it and continued doing what you enjoyed most, which he respected. Despite him not attending your concerts, you would receive a beautiful vase of roses addressed from him, as a way of showing his support. His favorite song of yours is "God-ish", he likes the use of the concept "God" in the song, and likes how much vocal range you hit in the song.
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grapefives · 1 year
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senku x gn!reader
astronomy + friends to lovers + reader is a good drawer + light fluff + author knows jack about astronomy + two nerds in a room they might…
he finds you wide awake, staring at the sky.
even more amusing; you have a journal and pencil in your hands, soft mumbles of spoken thoughts emitting from you.
“night watching to a whole different level, hm?” senku finds himself teasing as he climbs up to the roof to join you.
he’s rarely ever talked to you really, probably only to bark out orders and explain in full, head spinning directions.
“i guess,” you say awkwardly as you close your journal, a but shy now that someone is up here with you.
senku eyes the journal before eyeing you. he won’t press. instead he turns to look at the sky.
“what do you see?” he asks.
“the moon,” you say bitterly.
he snorts, “aside from it.”
your ears turn read but your face remains dull, “and stars.”
“hmmm,” he looks at the sky once more.
you find the courage to ask him, “and you?”
and as expected, he starts to list off all the things he sees. planets, the names of each star he assumes has exploded into nothingness while they were stuck in stone and a bunch of things you wished you comprehended.
“wow,” you mumble. “makes me wish i actually learned back then”.
“this is just basic knowledge,” senku says blandly.
he sees you frown. he feels a tad bad now.
“i can teach you if you want, there’s still lots i need to relearn since things aren’t the way they were anymore.”
“you sure?” you ask, looking at him with a tiny hint of excitement.
an excitement he knows very well, and as soon as the thought of how cute you looked like that, is just as soon as he suppresses it.
“you sleepy?” he asks, unsure how you’re currently feeling.
“nope, why do you think i’m out here?”
senku feels a smile crawl up his face, but his lips only twitch. “come on, let’s go.”
and he takes you to the observatory, the place you’ve been far too hesitant to ask permission to enter in.
and senku was a lot gentle with his explaining and ranting. above everything, he first made sure you were comfortable with jotting things down and asking random questions that were needed for your knowledge.
seeing you grin at your own discoveries and having someone to fawn over space with made senku feel quite warm.
observing and analyzing space became a thing between you too.
anything else went with chrome and gen and taiju. or anyone else really.
but he found himself enjoying having you for that specifically.
and when he saw how much you enjoyed it as well, his feelings started to shift.
late night talks. late night peace.
it was almost…. intimate. almost like, if anyone else came in, they’d disrupt the vibe and he’d probably feel irritated.
“and that’s it, i’m beat,” you huff happily but filled with exhaustion.
senku grabs your journal, which is already on its last remaining pages, and flips through it. he knew you weren’t guarding it as much anymore.
and he felt more comfortable to grab it now that he learned how easily you dropped your guard around him during these moments.
“nice,” he smiles, proud at how much and how fast you learned.
“off i go,” you say casually, leaving the journal in his hands. “put it in my bag when you’re done.”
“no,” he says with a puff, dropping the journal on the table.
you roll your eyes, smiling at him. “give,” you extend your hand and he stares at it, almost tempted to try pulling you into his embrace.
instead, he puts the journal in your hand like asked.
he watched you intently, finding himself fawning over how cute you look tired.
“good night,” he says as you walk past him to head out.
“night,” you say as you ruffle his hair, making him huff and slap your hand away.
your laugh rings in his ears. and when he feels himself blush, he grows in subtle horror at the realization of what his feelings for you are becoming.
it remains something to himself, locked deep down as the days pass by.
however he soon finds himself unable to fully focus, constantly glancing over at you.
he’s subtle of course, not risking anything.
but darn is it hard to suppress his feelings when you suddenly start to get touchy.
a pat in the shoulder shouldn’t be making him so flustered.
a simple praise shouldn’t make him yearn for something more.
you smiling at taiju a lot more shouldn’t make him jealous.
“i think i’m interested in you,” he blurts out calmly in the depth of the silent room the two of you are once again in.
your pencil stops moving and you visibly tense. your mind falls blank, unable to process the idea you once had to senku’s confession.
it floods your senses.
“what?” you ask, so soft in the room but so loud in both his ears and yours.
“you heard me,” he says, feeling anxious.
you force yourself to look at him, eyes slightly wide. “you… like me? are you sure?” it’s laced with fear and yearn
“i’m sure. why else would i say it?” he says, hoping he doesn’t show his nervousness. but he’s always been good at hiding it.
“you said think though.” you find yourself tease, the nerves giving you some adrenaline and confidence.
“y/n,” he says soft but sternly.
you find yourself grinning, “i think i’m interested in you too.”
but it remains like that. confessions in the air, because the two of you were far too nervous to ask the question.
that is, until gen figures it out and tells senku to stop playing dumb.
so once more, the two of you are in the quiet room. but after the confessions, the two of you had grown a bit… distant.
“i’m not avoiding you,” he finds himself blurting it out again
“mm?” you look up at him, quickly looking away.
“why aren’t we dating?”
you blink. then you laugh, “the simple question hasn’t been thrown. by neither of us.”
“then-“ he takes a deep breath, “let’s date.”
you find yourself frowning. but…. “how romantic,” you tease.
“take it or leave it.”
with another laugh, you take it.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 14 days
Hi, I saw your "y/n's fur changes color based on the moon phase" and I was wondering if you could do a extension of that, like, y/n's fur turns red when there's a red moon out and blue when there's a blue moon out, and it's sudden too, like, the Wukong's will sleep with y/n for the night, and they originally had white fur, but when they wake up, she suddenly has red/blue fur.
Part 2 of the Moon Fur 🌙
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(Lmk Wukong) it's really interesting to him. It's one thing for you to change from full moon to dark moon. Then he goes and learns that you can change into other colors too, he woke up one morning to find your fur was red because of the red moon that was coming out. Then a few years later the blue moon came and your fur matched the moon color, now he wonders what other color you'll be His eyes sparkle in astonishment.
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(NR Wukong) It doesn't normally matter what color You are to him, but as long as you remain fluffy and cute. Wukong was amazed by how you can match the moon, when the red moon was our he called you bloody Mary because of your fur , and when the blue moon came out he called you bluebell. You were always so beautiful and fluffy and he's always interested in what color You would be and how you would match the moon.
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(HIB Wukong) He and the children were getting ready for bed, when the notice immediately that your fur was blue. Luier head exploded with all the questions he had, and Silly girl was playing with your blue fur in joy. You remind him of a beautiful jewel like a diamond, and then they saw your fur turn red reminded him of a blood diamond. In other words you were even more beautiful with you color changing moon fur.
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(MKR Wukong) His mind was blown by this discovery, along with fruity. You had caught him of guard when your fur color changed, to the phases of the moon. Then when he was asleep and got up along with the pilgrims everyone was surprised to see your Blue fur, which surprised Wukong and Fruity had noticed and flew and admire your new look. Then a few years later he finds that your fur is now red along with the moon. Wukong was very curious and secretly Amazed from this Anomaly.
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(Netflix Wukong) HE wants to know everything. He Admittedly have so many questions for you and how your fur seriously work. Like you match the full moon one time for goodness sake, then he finds You can at one point match both the red and the blue moon. This is so cool to him and would try to study it so he would collect stray fur from you and He finds that even when it's not on your body anymore they would change along with you. He finds you so amazing and Mysterious.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones!!
Summary: Teaching Malleus how to caught fireflies leads to a dramatic confession from him.
Author's Comments: I wanted to write fluff of firefly catching because Malleus EXPLODES into fireflies when he teleports but then I got dramatic because I can. I screamed when I finished editing this because I thought the ending was SO CUTE but enough tooting my own horn MALLEUS LIKERS COME GET YOUR JUICE!!!
“Child of Man, what are you doing?” Malleus asked, tilting his head curiously.
You stopped in your tracks as the glass jar flickering in your hands, a few bugs floating around in the container. You lit up like the bugs bouncing around your yard when you saw him, holding the jar in front of you proudly. A few tiny flickers of light lit up and faded, the brief sparkles causing Malleus to look up at you in confusion.
“Fireflies!” you shouted, “I didn’t realize you guys had your own version of fireflies in this world since I hadn’t seen them before! I had them back home and seeing them again made me so happy. I used to catch them all the time on summer nights.”
“You catch bugs?” Malleus furrowed his brow, gently taking the glass jar from your hands, “I suppose they are beautiful.”
The things humans noticed were so strange. You had only a century to live, and yet you found yourself fascinated with such small details.
Perhaps he didn’t mind that about you, though.
“Come on! Would you like to catch some with me?” you asked, taking the jar back from him, “Grim is already in bed, so it’ll be just us. Besides, he’d try to eat them and we really should release them afterwards.”
“I wouldn’t mind us being alone. You know that.” he said, watching as you set the firefly jar down on the front porch.
“I do.” you snickered, picking up a net.
You showed Malleus how to lure the fireflies over with a flashlight and how to swing your net to catch them. But the time he’d gotten the hang of it, you’d caught quite a few yourself. In a few moments, Malleus had caught a jar full of his own fireflies.
“Nice!” you beamed, setting the two jars side by side, “They’re so bright. It's so nostalgic I might cry a little.”
“What was your home like?” he asked, captivated by the lights.
“It was…” you hesitated, your voice dropping to a lower volume as you continued, “It was really nice. It wasn’t much different in this world in terms of nature, though we didn’t have magic. We had so much technology though, even robots. I mean, we made mechanical humans! They definitely don’t have that in Briar Valley.”
“No. They don’t.” he confirmed, “It sounds like your people were very adaptable. Were they all human?”
“Yeah, we didn’t have any merpeople or beastmen if that’s what you’re asking.” you shook your head, “And some of those humans were my friends.”
“You have friends here, do you not?”
“Well yeah, but…it’s not the same. It’s like I’m split between two worlds, and that’s when I start thinking about what the Magic Mirror said. Maybe I really don’t belong anywhere.” you mumbled, furrowing your brow.
“It doesn’t matter to me whether you belong anywhere or not, Child of Man. I hope you know that. A magic mirror cannot possibly understand how you make the people around you feel. I’m sure I’m not the only one that would tell you that you have a home here.” Malleus said, taking your hands in his.
A strangled noise escaped your throat as he knelt in front of you, green eyes shimmering in the darkness.
“Malleus-” you started, only to stop yourself when he shook his head.
“You’ve shown me parts of my own world that I never would have thought twice about.” his eyes flickered to the fireflies before meeting your gaze again, “You’ve taught me that the world can be more beautiful than we realize if we just look a little harder.”
“It’s just fireflies.” you mumbled, flustered.
“It’s more than bugs to me.” he protested, furrowing his brows as he squeezed your hands tighter, “It’s a discovery. It’s proof that I’ve been far too arrogant. You understand that I mean what I say, do you not?.”
“I know you do.” you murmured, squeezing his hands back.
As the two jars of fireflies flickered occasionally on your front porch, you stared down at the Prince of Briar Valley. Time seemed to slow down as the two of you looked at each other, lights bursting and fizzling out around you.
“You’re making it hard for me to want to go back.” you murmured to the night air, your words easing the uncertainty clouding your companion’s mind just a little.
“Good.” he smiled, a smug look on his face as he brought your hands to his lips, “If you want somewhere to belong, you can have the place by my side.”
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steviesbicrisis · 10 months
The Choice is Yours, Steve Harrington
When Steve Harrington starts getting threatening texts from an unknown number, he tries to take matters into his own hands. Little does he know that every choice he makes could have major consequences. His choices matter, and so do yours. So, what’s it gonna be? (An interactive modern day AU! by @steviesbicrisis and @hairstevington)
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Ugh. Hargrove.
The guy was just - he really sucked, and Steve wished he was fucking gone. Now he was threatening Henderson? No way. Steve was going to settle this once and for all. Billy wasn’t going to mess with him anymore, he’d make sure of it.
Of course, Dustin was at the stupid concert. Steve really wanted to avoid it, but obviously he would do anything to protect his friends. He headed off to the Fairgrounds, practicing his speech to Billy the whole drive.
Listen to me, asshole. You’re gonna stay away from me and you’re definitely gonna stay away from my friends, or else. Got it?
By the time Steve got to the concert, it was winding down. People were pouring into the parking lot and speeding away in their cars. Steve knew that the kids planned on sticking around afterwards in hopes of meeting the band, so he figured they’d still be there.
It was kind of scary, being there alone at night. Robin was around somewhere, though, so that gave him some peace. He could probably just say her name three times and she’d appear beside him.
He continued looking for his friends as the place emptied out, feeling chills down his spine with every passing moment.
And then, he heard Billy’s voice. He sounded angry, as always. Steve followed the voice, puffing his chest out and trying to make himself look as intimidating as possible.
“Hargrove,” he said once he rounded the corner. Billy was alone, and he smiled the moment he realized it was Steve approaching him.
“Harrington!” he cheered wickedly. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Steve rolled his eyes.
“You’re gonna leave us alone,” Steve demanded. “Me, Dustin, my other friends, all of us.” Billy smiled, fearlessly closing the gap between him and Steve until their faces were inches apart.
“Or what?” Billy teased between gritted teeth. “What are ya gonna do to me, Steve? You think you could take me down?”
Steve swallowed. Something about Billy always brought out his worst, most violent urges. Truthfully, Steve knew he wouldn’t win in a fight with Hargrove, and yet - he threw the first punch.
Steve’s fist clocked into Billy’s jaw. He laughed in response, then tried to hit back, but Steve dodged it. He was doing well at first - keeping up, at least - and then Billy got the upper hand.
Steve fell to the floor. Billy got on top of him. There was punch after punch after punch, and then everything went black.
When Steve came to, his ears were ringing and his head felt like it was going to explode. He’d failed. He’d come here to protect Dustin, and now who knew where he was or if he was safe? Steve sat up, and that’s when he saw that he still wasn’t alone.
Billy was on the floor across from him, sitting up with his back to the wall. He wasn’t moving. Steve couldn’t see much in the dim light, so he used his phone to get a better look.
Oh, shit. There was blood everywhere, all stemming from stab wounds to the stomach and cuts on his arms.
Billy was dead.
Steve jumped backwards, falling over and skittering across the floor to get as much distance from the body as possible. This wasn’t happening. No, this wasn’t - who could have done this?
His shaky hand went back to his phone, which he’d dropped on the floor upon his discovery. He picked it up to call the police, because that’s what he knew he was supposed to do next. Even in his shock, he knew that’s what he had to do.
He dialed 9-1-1, and then his phone buzzed.
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Same poll on Google Docs
The Choice is Yours, Steve Harrington | Ao3 Next
How to follow the story
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Hey! I just saw your post about some meta doing good but then misunderstanding the characters at some point. If you do not mind sharing, what are certain misconceptions that you usually see and don’t agree with?
Hi! I don't mind sharing but before I answer this I wanna say that I do love that this fandom has so many interpretations of Aziraphale and Crowley's actions and thoughts and motivations. I think some of those interpretations don't always line up with everything we see of them in the show and I feel that both of them have areas where they can be misunderstood. But if anyone reading this finds themselves disagreeing with me, that you do see some of what I'm about to say in their characters, I'm not trying to take your version of Crowley and Aziraphale away from you and like, ruin that fun by saying people are wrong, or something. Fandom becomes really stiff when the culture only has one idea of who the characters are.
That said, I'll start with Crowley because I've always found him most relatable, and so I think about his character more than Aziraphale's.
The first thing is Crowley's temper. I've read quite a few metas talking about how Crowley needs to better manage his anger because it shuts Aziraphale down and makes it harder for him to talk. I don't see this. I mean, yes, Crowley has a temper. Crowley has been shown to be angry. But I've not seen it shut Aziraphale down. When Aziraphale gets nervous around an angered Crowley, it's always because Crowley has said something blasphemous. Such as at the bandstand when Crowley is cursing the Great Plan. Aziraphale becomes scared FOR Crowley and Crowley is never angry AT Aziraphale. I can't think of a scene off the top of my head where anything Crowley does makes Aziraphale feel like he can't say something he clearly wants to say.
But also, I feel that this take of Crowley's character, that he struggles with his temper around Aziraphale, somehow erases how gentle he really is with Aziraphale. He's always so patient with him, even when it would make sense for him to be off the rails angry. And also also, the two main times we see Crowley lose his temper around Aziraphale (the bandstand and then the fight in episode 1 of this season) are both times of great desperation. The world was ENDING. He was SCARED (He's really good at hiding how scared he is). And then Gabriel shows up and Crowley doesn't know how but he feels this will disrupt every single good thing in his life. And so he explodes in the street, something we don't have reason to think Aziraphale saw. Crowley literally left to go cool down. I think he did his best.
I also see a lot of metas speak to Crowley's apparent lack of self-worth. I've spoken about this before, I think Crowley is very confident in who he is. I think he knows himself better than Aziraphale knows himself. Crowley has ALWAYS known who he is, his arc is not one of self-discovery. It's actually Crowley's dedication to being himself despite what Hell would have him be that causes him conflict and intrigues Aziraphale so much.
That also leads into this idea that Crowley can't see himself clearly and therefore can't accept Aziraphale's love. As if he can't comprehend why Aziraphale might love him. But, we literally watch as Crowley graciously accepts every advance that Aziraphale makes. Crowley is the one who "goes too fast" and he probably has a lot of joy every time Aziraphale makes another step forward. It's Aziraphale who said, "Let's go out for lunch" the first time. It's Aziraphale who invited a demon into the bookshop meant to be an embassy for Heaven. It's Aziraphale who said "our car", and then Crowley gave him the keys. Crowley even blatantly says, "We've spent our entire existence pretending that we're not." This implies that he KNOWS. He knows Aziraphale has been pretending too, for 6,000 years, and before that too. Crowley knows he's loved, the problem was that he wasn't allowed to be loved by an angel, and neither of them ever got to say it out loud.
And then there are other, smaller things I see in metas that I don't generally agree with (though I completely understand how people got there). Which is this idea that Crowley feels rejected by Aziraphale. I mean, yes, but also no. I don't think Crowley got in the car at the end and drove away thinking that Aziraphale loves Heaven more than him. I think he's more angry that every single time Aziraphale falls to Earth, Heaven tugs on this rope around his waist and pulls him back up. I think Crowley understands Aziraphale's dilemma a lot better than we think he does.
And also, more recently I've seen some speculation about how Crowley wanting to run away is somehow a character flaw? Like, I agree with the point that both of them were wrong. Fixing Heaven won't work, so Crowley was right. But also, running away isn't a long term solution for them because they both love Earth too much. But I don't exactly see this as a character flaw? In season 1 when he mentions running away, let me remind you that THE WORLD WAS ENDING. He was desperate and he was scared. And in season 2, it wasn't so much a plea to literally run away into the stars and escape as it was an immortal being saying, "Look, Gabriel and Beelzelbub did it. Wherever they are, they're together, and they're dedicated to being happy together. Can we do that? Can we do that forever? In this bookshop or in the stars (in a cottage in the south downs?) Because I love you and I don't wanna think about belonging to anyone else anymore. WE don't need to belong to anyone else anymore. What do you say?"
And as for Aziraphale, I've said before that I don't think he wants Crowley to be an angel so that he can love him more. Aziraphale loves him as he is. And I think there are more articulate posts out there outlining why. The ask for Crowley to be an angel again has nothing to do with Crowley himself except that Aziraphale thinks Crowley would be safer that way. Aziraphale can fix Heaven FOR Crowley. Crowley's fall was wrong and he can now right that wrong. This happened, tragically, because Aziraphale loves him exactly as he is. And as much as Crowley's heart is broken right now, I don't think he doesn't know that. He knows the love he's had from Aziraphale these millennia was real. He knows it.
This became an essay, maybe one day I'll figure out how to get my points across quickly lol. But yeah, these are just my thoughts about who I understand these characters to be in canon. And I know that even though it's been nearly a month since the season dropped, people are still working through all the details that led up to our favorite angel stepping into an elevator and the demon who loves him more than life driving away alone in silence. I'm honestly still working through it too, there's still so much to think about.
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sussyscurryscorpio · 2 years
Random Astrological Observations Part-7
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(This picture doesn't belong to me in any way)
(Please take only what resonates)
~Who said that Capricorn Venus aren't vengeful? They are. Don't believe me? Go and cheat on one and then look how they pay that hurt back to you.
They'll eat and leave no crumbs of you. Also, karma. These people are protected by Saturn. Hurt them once, shame on you. Hurt them twice, well, again, shame on you.
~Pisces Mercuries are so brilliant. Like so frigging brilliant. So many physicist/scientists have this placement and voila, discoveries.
I mean how does one become good in science? By knowing how to apply science. And how does one do that? By imagination. Did I hear somewhere that Albert Einstein was a Sidereal Pisces Mercury too? Explains how he was able to give so many theories.
Now, on the flipside, people say that Einstein had a terrible memory. Well, our vivid little Pisces Mercury is at play here too. You see, Mercury is debilitated in Pisces. It is bound to make someone focus more on imagination and less on logic.
Why do you think Einstein denied the existence of Black Hole till the very end even when his equation showed it's discovery.
~On that note, Einstein's Venus was EXALTED in Pisces, i.e., in conjunction with his Mercury. So, he was able to reap good effects of Mercury because the Venus' exaltation cancelled Mercury's debilitation.
Therefore, his childhood struggles to be a science student led to his becoming one of the greatest physicist of all times.
~Please, for fuck's sake, never make a Scorpio Venus jealous intentionally. They'll either rip someone's head off and their own's. I've experience this as a Scorpio Venus in Tropical, even when I don't like Tropical much.
I mean, after things went south with my bf, he posted an intimate picture with some girlie and oh god, I went ballistic. I threw my tablet across the room like a frisbee 2 seconds after I saw that pic.
No tablets were broken in this stunt. Just injured :)
~On the flipside, if I were to judge my anger based on my Sidereal placements, I'd say my lackey Libra Mars made me do it.
Libra Mars isn't equal to low anger. Low drive? Maybe. Low anger? Hell no. I mean, Aries Mars radiate their anger outwards and you can feel it too, BUT Libra Mars had a brooding anger like a bubbling, thick, slimy, scorching hot liquid. You won't know they are angry and that's what is scary. You won't know when or if they'll explode.
~How do I say it that Air placements, especially big 6 (excluding Aquarius) are highly capable of cheating on someone without stereotyping? Like, I always thought that it was a Bias until I saw it happen as well. Maybe because of Rahu (North Node) in first house of Navamsa or I don't know but man, it sucks.
I know. You shouldn't blame your poor life choices on astrological placements but why does it always have to be Badly Aspected Rahu or Air placements (again, excluding Aquarius) more likely to do it?
~With that, let's take a deep breath and talk about Sagittarius Mercury. I swear I don't talk about Sagittarius placements much.
Blunt. Yeah. BLUNT ASF. I know, I'm stereotyping but god, this placement just says things as they are. No sugar-coating, no messing around. Even if they have a Capricorn dominant or Virgo dominant chart or some grounded placements, they'll still say whatever it is with a chilly voice.
They are the people whose words really sting. Also, these people aren't 'ride or die' friends, rather, they are those honest friends who'll call you out whenever you're wrong.
Many-a-times, they don't even mean to say it, and it just slips past their tongue. But well, we do not blame you at all Sagittarius Mercury. Hugs to y'all peeps.
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flowersandbigteeth · 6 months
I was wondering what some of your OCs were like as children. Like who were the rebellious ones? The quiet ones? The mature ones? The ones who haven’t really changed vs the 180-degree switch? Etc.
And as a bit of a more in depth add-on, what made them change (or not) into the monster they are when they met reader?
Also I feel like they’d all be adorable as children. With some of them not having grown fangs, horns, tusks, etc. then *boom puberty* and they’re large intimidating monsters! It’d just be so funny having monster children with them cause you’d get to watch their unique growth cycles and any habits that come with it.
So cuuuuute ^_^ I love the idea of pre-teen monsters getting into hijinks
I picked some monsters below:
Vass was quiet, but a little rebellious. When he was a child, his mother and father, the King and Queen were at odds. As mentioned in one of the chapters, his father was a pretty awful dad. His mother was demanding, hoping to shape him into a future despot. She already had his future partner picked out and demanded they spend time together. Vass never wanted any of that and spent lots of time hiding and knitting to pass the time.
Arion was also very studious, but in a more happy go lucky way. His parents coddled him and listened closely when he babbled about his newest discoveries. He liked to be carried as a baby and usually curled up in him mom's coils while she went about her business and read books. Sadly, schoolchildren were not so loving or accepting. He had few friends and got picked on a lot. That's part of the reason he developed into a Yandere. He knew he was lovable, but he had a hard time making friends, so when he meets the love of his life, he'll do anything to keep her
Serge was spoiled rotten. He always got whatever he wanted when he wanted it. He was a little awkward in his teens, skinny and clumsy, but had a major glow-up in his twenties. He grew up with the belief that anything he wanted belonged to him and anyone who stood in his way was wrong. He was an absolute terror to his parents, exploding in melodramatic theatrics if they ever told him no. Even as a little baby he cried a lot and wanted to be carried.
Levi was meek. If you saw him as a young child, he would normally be dressed in a dark suit with a troubled look on his face as if he were at a funeral. His mother and father never got along. Though he preferred his father, he was a hardened vampire lord and didn't give him much affection. Levi learned to gain his love through good behavior. He was very studious and obedient. In return, his father helped him build his self-esteem and cruelty so that he could properly lead the family. He very much relied on his father until he was killed by his mother. That changed Levi deeply, as he had to become the leader overnight. In another life, Levi would have been happy to follow his father around as his protege for centuries but was forced to take on responsibilities before he was ready
Cedar was a sweet kid, but growing up was hard for him. He always outclassed his peers athletically but didn't like fighting. He never wanted to hurt anyone and preferred to read. He had a kind soul and struggled when he was conscripted into the army as a young Orc. Things changed when he saw his fellow cadets being abused by a general. He challenged him and won. Since then, he realized that sometimes might is necessary, though he still prefers reading and strategizing to battling.
Lethia has always been a good, bad girl with a mind for business. She opened her first enterprise when she was just a demonlette stealing her family and friend's talismans, shuffling them, and then selling them back to them giving each person someone else's. She was eventually caught, but her parents were impressed with her initiative and encouraged her to study business. She was a little gangly around puberty, but she was scrappy with a hot temper so she became every girl in her class's she-demon in shining armor.
Severin was always popular. He grew up handsome, and strong and was a natural-born leader. In some ways, he was too good, always following the rules, and could be a little high and mighty. It hurt him that some of his peers didn't like him because he was too perfect, but everyone knew he was destined for greatness. Though he had plenty of friends, he carried with him a little bit of sadness because, despite his confidence and muscles, he was a people pleaser inside. He did grow out of that, but when he meets his love, he can't help but bend himself into pretzels to make her happy. Once he has her to please, no one else's opinions on anything really matter to him.
Chase was also very popular. In tentacle monster terms, he was very handsome. As a kid, he was more rebellious, playing pranks and getting into scuffles, but his parents thought strength was a good quality to encourage. Despite his antics, he was very smart and always made good grades. While many girl tentacle monsters in his class swooned over him, he was more interested in getting into trouble with elaborate projects. He was a shoo-in for the position with his dark lord, having lots of evil doings in his portfolio by the time he graduated high school.
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ffruitsalad · 8 months
Fable SMP Commission Experience 4/7
In this section, I'll be sharing sketches from what I call "Scene 3: Portal Scene," where Fable first opens a portal in Icarus' chest to the moment he gets interrupted by a launched firework!
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"Fable stands over [Icarus], his left hand pixelated and glitchy. Fable pushes his left hand into the center of Icarus' chest. A bright colorful light beams and shines out of it."
I felt that, around this point in the scene, it would be good to switch to a harsher brush in order to mark a turning point in the story. It also allowed for me to show more fast motions, like in the energy of the light and the combat!
After submitting this sketch and while working on the digital, I double checked the script and saw an edit saying it was only his left hand on Icarus' chest. Whoops!
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"Fable's eyes begin to glow the same color as his jaw drops in awe. Fable's mouth pulls up into a smile as he widens the portal and the light glows. Icarus winces... Fable turns his head to look down towards Icarus, still smiling. Fable's smile drops only a little."
For this scene, I really wanted to give a malicious edge to Fable's joy towards his discovery, so his face has a lot of harsh lines and black areas. I wanted the light to erupt from his eyes to show the strength and energy of this new power.
I reworked the shot of Icarus and Fable in the final so that Fable's expression could be seen! It was important for me to show the complete disregard for Icarus' well-being.
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"Icarus starts to panic in pain."
For the shot of Fable's glowing eyes, I was thinking of ways to show the intensity of a one-track mind. I thought about big cats in the wild, and how when they look at their prey, their eyes are wide and unblinking. I also wanted to emphasize the wrinkles to make his eyes pop out more.
Until a while ago, I didn't realize that Icarus' darker eye was always leaking blood! In the final, I made sure to edit it so the flow changed from when he was lifting and putting down his head.
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"Fable focuses his grip and pulls the portal open more. The light is blinding. A firework slams into Fable, exploding..."
One of my favorite scenes to put to digital! I made Fable smaller in comparison to the light effects to sell the "blinding" aspect of it.
I wanted Fable's face to be a bit distorted and wide from this mix of madness and ecstasy. I was thinking a lot about how that's drawn in media, and I took a lot of inspiration from illustrations of the Joker.
There aren't really any substantial doodles of the firework bit. It was mostly just me faffing around in the digital version!
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cleromancy · 10 months
saw a post that was like. "jason probably wouldn't have ACTUALLY killed the joker if the joker had killed Bruce and jason had lived" using willis and harvey as an example and while i can see where that's coming from i do not agree at all for a couple of reasons.
firstly. jason finds out about willis's probable death in batman 410, which opens only 6 months after moving in with bruce; the 2-issue felipe plotline directly precedes the first issue of the death in the family arc, during which canonically the incident with felipe leads directly to jason being benched and seeking out his bio mom. most peoples sense of personal morals develops drastically from ages ~13 to 15, and we have direct evidence of this happening for jason whether you believe he killed felipe himself or not (more on this in a bit).
but going back to the two face incident and Willis. jason's still calling bruce "mr. wayne" at the beginning of this issue (bruce actually tells him to call him bruce *directly* before jason finds the file), and after the training montage they actually start talking about harvey after jason asks about the giant penny:
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so one of the first things jason learns about harvey is that his benefactor and mentor, in whose house he currently lives, cares about Harvey as a person and believes he doesn't necessarily have to be this way. i don't think this is the main factor in Jason's decisions wrt harvey in 411, but i want to make note that it *is* a factor, and revisit it down the line.
moreover, bruce is making the case that harvey does villainous things because he's unwell, not because he's just a bad or selfish person.
this got long! cut for length.
of course we know jason at first still *does* want to kill harvey (batman 411):
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this is however depicted as a very robin buildup of emotion, rather than a decision he made with a clear head and the intent to follow through. theres no indication this was a decision Jason thought through or a certainty that harvey had to die--theres no indication he even considered it before he got there and was physically facing him.
after the mission:
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the thing that breaks through Jason's defensive shell is the word 'trust,' and it's there that Jason explodes and explains--and expresses how hurt he was by *bruces* actions. by *bruces* perceived lack of trust.
and there's a resolution which i'll describe and elaborate in a little bit, but this is bruce's assessment following that:
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(...also worth noting that in 410 alfred adminishes bruce for comparing jason too often to "the first robin". there's evidence here jason's already feeling pressure to live up to dick's example, those high standards, or at least the version of them bruce has told him about, which almost certainly wouldn't have included that dick at one point wanted zucco dead, himself.)
and I cant post the entire sequence without running out of images, but to recap, jasons on-panel emotional progression after finding out two face killed his dad goes from shock at the discovery, stewing and fuming without telling bruce what was wrong, the furious outburst above when he and batman run into harvey, the tough guy facade, then a tearful fight where he accuses Bruce of hiding willis's death from him bc he doesn't trust him. pausing here to get into more detail on that last:
a thing you often see in traumatized/abused people, particularly children, is a conviction that any transgression will lead to disproportionate consequences, a constant sense that the rug could be pulled out from under them at any time. an invisible line they could trip over and lose everything. given his age and the complexity of the situation, jason most likely conflated a jumble of feelings here without the maturity or emotional management skills to untangle them. the ones we specifically get to see are jason feeling betrayed by bruce, angry at both bruce and harvey, and insecurity over whether hes still good enough to be robin. however, i think its reasonable to assume two further things: one, that jason hadn't been entirely confident in his place at wayne manor up to this point, and two, that he'd conflated being robin with that security. pretty clearly when jason asks if he's a washed-up robin, he's worried his outburst meant he might not be good enough for it anymore, and extrapolating further from that, hes possibly worried he might lose that level of security, of usefulness, of connection. so hes got a lot of really big, really upsetting emotions rn.
then the resolution of that fight pictured above is bruce telling jason he was wrong to keep willis's death from him, explaining his intentions, and then what you see in the above panels where jason asks for, and receives, reassurance, followed by them making a new plan of how to proceed together.
so the other thing that changes jason's mind to my reading, though this is extrapolation, is bruce reaffirming the trust between them, reassuring Jason that he has *not* crossed the invisible line that would make bruce hate him or kick him out, and jason feeling secure enough to leave that mental space of recklessness, of feeling like he had nothing left to lose. and that would be proceeds which is jason following bruce's lead as his adult guardian, with a clear head:
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so summing up my thoughts on jason and harvey. 1) he's insecure enough in his place with bruce, and young enough to defer to adult perspectives on morality over developing his own, that his decision was more about following bruce's lead than the beliefs he would develop as he aged, and 2) that even when the emotions did boil over it wasn't exclusively about willis, and the deciding factor was not, in fact, "doing it because he took me away from you."
(speaking of that last point, about "took me away from you," we do also know that Jason didnt *expect* Willis to be around consistently or there for him bc in post-crisis Jason's debut issue when bruce asks where his parents are jason says that he doesn't know where Willis is but says derisively that hes probably back in prison. the consistency and presence in jasons life is key here.)
so time has passed and now jason's the age he will be when he's murdered, either 14 or 15 depending on the version of his death certificate you go by. (i, like most people, go by 15.) either way, he's now demonstrating the maturity to be developing his own sense of morality independent of Bruce's, which we see in batman 422, when bruce relays the story of judy koslosky killing the unrepentant serial rapist who murdered her sister, and who she had baited into choosing her as his next victim:
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i put a particular emphasis on this because judy's perspective is one that jason goes on to paraphrase to talia in lost days: "I didn't *'murder'* him. you murder *people.* i... ...*put that reptile down.* don't *tell me* the world isn't better off." evidently her perspective stuck with him.
with that in mind, i now argue that it is irrelevant for the purposes of this post whether jason pushed felipe or "spooked him" and he slipped. either way, we have evidence that Jason believes that sometimes a person's death, and therefore causing that death, can be the just course of action. but what i actually want to talk about is that in the case of felipe, batman 424 is ALL ABOUT how Felipe can't be touched for the rape and battery of gloria stanson.
essentially, the law's hands are tied, so batman and robin try a different avenue. the garzonases have been smuggling drugs or whatever--war on drugs propaganda not important--so theyre trying to deport Felipe for that. jason points out, "that's *not much* of a punishment," and bruce replies, "I'm afraid it's the *best* we can do."
so for the moment, Jason is focused on punishment--just retribution for the pain felipes caused to whatever degree the law and batman can deliver. he's willing to settle for that, at least up until they book Felipe and he makes a point of making a phone call in front if them to harass gloria.
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and, well, then they rush to gloria to offer protection and tell her felipe was on his way back out of the country, only to discover gloria hanged herself rather than experience felipe a second time.
this is the point at which robin gives batman the slip and follows felipe to his hotel room, where we the readers witness him talking wistfully about how he'll miss american cocaine and american women. (*cough*PROPAGANDA*cough*)
again, it's irrelevant for my purposes whether Jason pushed felipe or not. what is relevant, is that when jason saw that the man they were trying to send away from his victim used the opportunity to victimize her agajn, and she took her own life as a result, jason arrived on felipes balcony. whether he intended to kill him or not, jason weighed the life of one of felipes victims against, at minimum, the potential fallout of a diplomatic incident bc Jason showed up at *all.* remember, they persecuted him on a lesser crime bc the law, and batman, can't prosecute for the one that left a woman dead. this is jason acting outside of that agreement.
the other reason we needed to talk about Felipe was bc the issue following, batman 425, has some... poorly written fallout where starlin was *trying* to show that 3 more people died bc of Felipe's death but in practice looked more like bruces carelessness/incompetence lol. but it's relevant rn that bruce made a point of telling jason that actions like that can have unintended consequences that he'd bear responsibility for. so that's a factor in play too at this point.
so to my mind, there are three major factors to Jason's decision on whether or not to kill the man who killed bruce. 1) personal hurt; "because he took me away from you," 2) the relative morality of the killer (motives, circumstances, and Do They Deserve It?), and 3) whether or not the world would be better off (which would have worse consequences, to kill them, or to let them live?)
(post-resurrection jason is a different story because lost days explicitly shows us Jason choosing not to kill the joker because then it'd be *over*; he goes on to tell talia that the world would be better off, "but i don't really give a *crap* about the world." and while we can't take him completely at his word there, because he spent the entirety of lost days leading up to that *extremely* giving a crap about the world despite his best efforts, at this point jason has made the choice to prioritize his hurt over the greater good. so while lost days jason would be less concerned with things like potential fallout because he has no intention of fixing any of the messes he made, we'll assume that the alternate Jason would still be in hero mode, and would take responsibility for them upon himself.)
on the topic of if the world would be better off, i dont... really have any interest in arguing whether Jason would believe the world is better off without the joker. he *would* believe that, full stop. where bruce told jason back in 410 to think about the tragedy behind harvey doing the things that he does, the joker... simply does not have one. by utrh *at least* jason fully believes that the joker caused pain for pains sake and filled graveyards just to fill them. and they had yet to fully build the joker up by that point to the unrepentant, uncomplicated monster that he is today, so I won't apply that retroactively, but by then he had already shot and paralyzed barbara. furthermore even if jason didn't kill the joker for killing bruce at the tender age of 15, as the jokers crimes and body count escalated Jason would be repeatedly facing *this same decision* each time. so let's take it as read that Jason would at some point weigh the joker's death against the deaths of uncountable future victims, and choose the side of the victims.
but right now we're arguing whether or not jason would kill the joker *for killing bruce,* specifically. so to be clear what im focusing on for the moment is reasons he might talk himself out of it--so, moving on to the next part of that: diplomatic immunity?
one of the reasons post-jasons death bruce doesn't rain holy hell on the joker is-- okay let me just say this whole plotline is blatant propaganda against the middle east. but if you take the conditions the story lays out at their word, Iran made the joker their embassador to the UN so he has total diplomatic immunity to any crimes committed before or after being appointed to that post, meaning he couldn't even be prosecuted, and any unlawful pursuit despite this could cause an international incident. and SUPERMAN HIMSELF comes down to tell bruce this. for our alternate Jason, we already know he's willing to cause those consequences even if hes not necessarily prepared to face them.
so recapping, jason 1) believes that killing someone can be the right thing to do if it means the world is better off, 2) was not deterred by the possibility of a diplomatic incident when seeking justice for gloria, and 3) has no sympathy for the joker in particular. *eye* think thats enough evidence, but i actually do want to go back to Jason's personal hurt re bruce and how it is presented differently to willis.
all the way back at the beginning of this post i talked about Jason's feelings of betrayal, how the perceived lack of trust was what finally made him break and tell bruce everything. this is, to me, a big deal. by contrast, we have no evidence that jason ever had or expected any kind of trust from willis; he didn't know Willis's whereabouts and assumed he had wound up in prison again without feeling the need to tell jason or catherine. willis was not someone Jason had ever had consistently in his life, and losing him to two-face was not functionally different from losing him to the justice of the state.
i do not believe the fleeting rage or feelings that he had a right to know what happened to willis would be *at all* comparable to the tidal wave of emotion Jason would feel, at this point, at losing Bruce.
"because they took me away from you."
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chameleon66 · 9 months
Laugh for Me!
Ships: Intrulogical (Logan x Remus)
Word count: 2785
Warnings: Censored swearing, Remus being Remus, mild angst, tickling, pranks, teasing (Let me know if I need to add anyhting)
Remus was unhinged in every way possible, good and bad. Part of the reasoning behind it was just who he was. I mean he is the personification of every morbid, sexual or intrusive thought that danced its way through Thomas’s head so no one could really blame him for being himself. But another part of it was because he enjoyed others' reactions to it, every reaction he got.
When Patton would scream in terror or when Virgil would hiss at him, it all filled him with glee. He loved observing the other sides reactions to his antics and figuring out what freaked them out and what didn’t freak them out.
But one reaction he did love getting from others was laughter, other’s laughing just made his heart figuratively explode in his chest. So after stewing on the fact that he enjoyed making other people laugh for a fraction of a second he created a new experiment and so began “Operation make every side laugh and figure out what makes them laugh so he can exploit it whenever necessary and also think of a shorter name for this operation.”
Surprisingly Virgil was the easiest one to figure out with minimal research, he laughed whenever Patton made a pun and Remus couldn’t tell at first if it was because it annoyed Logan when Patton made puns or if he actually liked them, so he would have to gather more data.
Luckily after some spying, he found that even when Logan wasn’t in the room when Patton made puns, the jokes always made Virgil laugh, quite honestly he was expecting something very different from ‘Charlie Frown’. But he wrote it down in his notes nonetheless as Virgil’s Hysterical Hacker (That's the name he came up with).
Patton was also elementary to figure out, as the happiest side he would laugh at a lot of things. At first Remus thought that Patton’s Hysterical Hacker would also be puns but it occurred to him Patton didn’t really laugh at puns, even if they weren’t made by himself but then Remus made a discovery.
One day as he went to the kitchen to fetch one of his Cock shaped popsicles from the fridge he found Patton sitting in the kitchen on the computer laughing like a hyena of helium, Remus almost had to be concerned if he was breathing or not.
When he asked Patton what was so funny he was shown a twenty minute compilation video of cat videos on youtube. Some cat’s fell into boxes and others played with balls of yarn but regardless it all made Patton squeal so Remus wrote ‘Cat videos’ down as Patton’s Hysterical Hacker.
Roman took a bit of investigating but as it turned out the answer was right in front of Remus' face, it was rooted in his dear twin brother’s love of Disney. One family love night it was Roman’s turn to choose the movie and he went with a Winnie the Pooh movie much to Remus’s, Janus’s and Logan’s displeasure.
Watching the movie was like folding socks level boring but then something caught Remus interest, after the gang tried to catch a ‘Backson’ all of them fell down a hole except for Piglet who then was challenged to find something to get them out of the hole with.
Piglet’s attempts were all stupid and fueled by miscommunication between Piglet and Rabbit. The scene wasn’t what caught Remus’s interest though it was Prince's not so charming reaction that got him listening.
Roman was rolling with laughter throughout the scene which led Remus’s to the ever so boring conclusion that Roman’s hysterical hacker was, family humor. Something that could be found in every Disney movie ever to exist.
Remus still wrote it down though and moved to the next side.
Janus was a challenge, despite having lived with him in the darkisde of the mindscape for most of his life, Janus never really went into hysterics, sure he’d chuckle but that was all Remus usually saw out of him.
But Remus did get an idea, Janus always seemed to be amused at other’s pain or displeasure like when Logan would get a papercut and Patton would insist on kissing it better or when Virgil’s pet spider Kat would escape his room and Patton would jump on the table and scream.
So as an experiment Remus poured a big helping of salt into Roman’s coffee one morning and when Roman began screaming of how it felt like he was ‘drinking the water of cold, unforgiving and salty seas’ Janus went into his deep villainous belly laugh at the scene. While Logan just rolled his eyes and Patton ran up to Roman all concerned like the father figment he was.
(Virgil was still asleep because he’s not a morning person)
That result said it all, Janus’s Hysterical hacker was another's pain/misfortune. Remus beamed as he wrote it down in his notes.
Hysterical Hackers
Emo widow — puns
Daddy — cat videos
Romano Cheese — family friendly humor
Lies and dulls — other’s pain
Logie bear —
But as Remus finished writing he came to a realization, there was one side left to figure out. His boyfriend. Logan.
You’d think that being his lover Remus could figure out his Hysterical Hacker with ease but now that Remus was thinking about it, he hadn’t really seen Logan laugh before. Maybe he had seen him chuckle once or twice but Remus couldn’t even recall a specific time he saw Logan do that.
That realization made Remus feel sad, He couldn’t remember a time his own boyfriend, the freaking light of his light, had laughed.
But that realization also made Remus more determined than ever to complete his research project. He'd make Logan laugh even if it was the last thing he would ever do.
It was time to get serious. Logan as the logical side didn’t spend time doodling on emotions or things like that so Remus had little to go off of. So that meant he’d need to experiment.
Remus cracked joke after joke around Logan day after day but came up empty handed each time.
Remus upped his pranking game on all of the other sides but each time Logan observed a prank happening he would only roll his eyes at the display.
Remus spied on Logan for hours on end but he got nothing even, when Logan was alone he wouldn’t laugh at anything.
Remus kept trying day after day to get Logan to laugh, he kept getting more and more desperate for it. It almost became like a craving to hear Logan laugh; it was starting to drive Remus insane. He just had to hear Logan laugh, he just had to!
After a full week, Remus had run out of patience so that meant he would need to get information straight from the source and not through spying, experiments or research.
“Logan, I need your help.” Remus rose up into Logan’s room with no warning and interrupted the rhythm of clattering keys of Logan’s computer.
Logan turned in his spinnable desk chair to face his boyfriend, Logan’s rise teemed with interest. They had collaborated on many different projects together and it only made sense really, they were a perfect pair for answering questions.
“Yes Remus, how may I be of assistance?” Logan asked, pushing his glasses up his nose.
Remus didn’t hesitate before he started explaining his predicament to Logan.
“So I started this research project a few weeks ago about what each of the sides hysterical hackers are.”
Logan’s head tilted to the side like a curious puppy’s would.
“Hysterical Hacker?”
“What makes each side laugh, like really laugh.” Remus contextualized
“Ok, please continue.”
“So after I figured out the other’s Hysterical Hackers and I moved on to yours but I couldn’t really find anything that makes you laugh even after I did experiments, observations, you know that sciency stuff you're supposed to do.”
Logan gave a hum of understanding before he got up from his desk chair before speaking again. “I must admit I don’t have much of a sense of humor.”
“Well I could tell that much.” Remus joked sarcastically but inside he was bursting with curiosity. He had come to find out what makes Logan laugh but it appeared that even Logan didn’t know.
“But if you wish, I can help you gather more data.” Logan offered and Remus didn’t hesitate before he responded.
“Yes, so where do we start Logie?”
“Firstly I’d like to hear what results you got with the other’s”
“Well P*ssys is family disney humor, papa bear’s is cat videos, Double dee’s is other pain and tickle me emo ‘s is pun of all things.”
Logan's face tinged with a blush and Remus wondered for a minute if it was something he said. Logan didn’t mind Remus’s colorful vocabulary and his usual reaction to it was an eyeroll, so what prompted the blushing?
Logan centered himself and pushed more words out. “I see, well then since everyone’s Hysterical Hacker is different, we can assume that mine is different too.”
“Lo lo are you ok, your face is all red?”
“I’m quite alright Remus.” Logan’s answer however did not satisfy Remus and he didn’t need the snake like lie detector to know Logan wasn’t telling him the truth. So Remus did the only Logical thing.
Remus ran forward full speed at Logan and tackled Logan down to the floor, sitting on his hips and hands pushing down on his belly to keep him down
“Re–Remus what are you doing?” Logan’s voice was up a few ocatives and the blush on his face got redder and spread across his face.
“You are going to tell me why you are all blushy or I will leave at the top of a broken ferris wheel until you confess!” Remus never made an empty threat and Logan knew this all too well.
“I’m fine–just get your hands off–off me!” Logan's voice also sounded a bit strained and Remus could help but wonder why. That’s when he noticed Logan’s belly trembling under his hands and before Remus could truly think it through he began skimming his fingers over Logan’s tummy.
Logan’s lips flattened and he bit down on his bottom lip which was enough for Remus to understand.
“Aww… is the nerd ticklish?” Remus asked in a baby voice that made Logan so flustered he couldn’t even get words out.
But that still answered Remus' question, Remus found a way to make Logan laugh and he’d say now was a pretty good time to exploit it.
Given Logan seemed to be able to hold in his laughter while Remus was tickling his tummy that meant it wasn’t his weak spot and that meant Remus would need to experiment some.
“Where are you ticklish Starlight?” Remus asked, pausing the movement of his hands for Logan to catch his breath and answer. Remus, being smart, also pulled both of Logan's hands above his head and put them both in his left hand freeing his right hand for tickling.
“I am not ticklish!” Logan insisted, which was the biggest lie Remus ever heard.
“Oh ok, so if I were to pinch your side then you wouldn’t react?” Remus' hand went to pinch Logan’s side and Logan’s mouth tightened around itself probably in an effort to not laugh.
“You need to laugh!” Remus stated. “I command you to laugh for me!” With that being said Remus started scribbling his nails into Logan’s side and then it was all over.
“Ahhhhhahahahahahah no no no REEhehehmush nohahahahahahaht there.” Logan’s laugh was so sweet and light and Remus became addicted to it almost instantly.
“No way Jose, now I need to find all of your tickle spots, so you make things easy and just tell me where your tickle spot is or I can tickle you everywhere until I find it.” Both of Remus’s options were not what Logan was hoping for but Remus was so adorable and maybe he would go easy on him if just told him.
All taken into consideration Logan got out in between laughs “Knees” and Remus did not need to told twice.
Remus let go of Logan’s hands and turned around and sat on Logan’s thighs. Remus' hands went onto Logan's knees and gave them each a squeeze, Logan let out a squeal and his leg began thrashing around, trying to escape.
“Someone’s got very ticklish knees.” Remus smirked at Logan as he began to trace circles around them which got Logan giggling. “But I don’t think your knees are what I’m looking for.”
“Wehehehehehell whahahahat are you lohohohahahaking for?” Logan’s speech was infested with giggles and it made the ever so stoic logical side look a little sillier.
“Your Hysterical Hacker of course!” Remus exclaimed, punctuating the sentence with a squeeze of Logan’s kneecap. “If you won’t laugh on your own, then I’ll make you.”
Well if Logan wasn’t flustered before, he most certainly was now. Remus stopped tickling his knees and Logan took the chance to catch his breath because he knew that Remus wasn’t done with him yet.
Remus carefully examined Logan trying to decide on where else to try tickling him. His sides and knees were certainly good spots but not the best spot clearly. Then Remus’s eyes fell on Logan’s feet which were still dressed in shoes and socks.
In all of the time Remus had spent spying on Logan he hadn’t really seen Logan take off his shoes much. Except when just before he went to bed.
Oh Remus was good.
Wasting no time Remus moved down and sat on Logan’s legs and began to untie the laces on Logan’s shoes, it didn’t take long for Logan to catch on to Remus' devious plan.
“No, no Remus! No, not there!” Logan tried pulling his legs out from Remus but with no success due to Remus’s weight being on top of him.
“Actually Lo lo you said you’d help me find your Hysterical Hacker and if you really want to help me then you’ll sit nice and still and let me experiment.” Remus’s voice had gone uncharacteristically flat as he talked to Logan and Logan found himself with no other options than just to sit there and wait.
Once Logan’s socks were off his feet Remus started Gently running his fingers down the arch of Logan’s foot and he was not expecting the reaction that he got.
Remus’s finger’s stopped and he looked back at Logan, who was bright red and now had a hand covering his mouth in embarrassment.
“Jesus f*cking christ Logan, did you just snort?” Remus asked in disbelief, were his ears playing tricks on him?
Logan looked away but nodded, Remus shocked expression turned into an ear splitting grin as he squealed to Logan. “Oh my f*ck that’s so adorkable!”
“No it’s not, it's embarrassing!” Logan argued, Remus's gears were now turning. Was this why Logan never laughed? Because he was embarrassed. Well wouldn’t do at all.
Remus grabbed Logan's foot again and began tickling the skin under his toes and that got Logan screaming.
“Logan, you listen to me, and listen well!” Remus ordered to the laughing side beneath him. “Your laugh is amazing and you had better start laughing more often and if you don’t then I’ll tickle you until you pass out everyday, ok?”
Remus let go of Logan’s foot and got up off of him. Remus sat and watched his Boyfriend catch his breath and once he saw Logan lay limp on his bedroom floor he spoke to him.
“Hey, you alive?”
“Well no thanks to you.” Logan grumbled back to him.
“It was for science, my laughy Logie.” Remus insisted to Logan.
“Don’t call me that.” Logan though found himself giggling at the silly pet name.
“But it suits you so well.” Remus came down to Logan and gave him a kiss on the cheek which must have changed Logan’s mind because he didn’t argue back anymore.
“Well then I need to go update notes, I love you my laughy Logie.” Remus sunk down and rose back into his room to finish up his notes.
Hysterical Hackers
Emo widow — puns
Daddy — cat videos
Romano cheese — family friendly humor
Lies and dulls — other’s pain
Logie bear — tickling his sides, knees or feet (further research might be needed for my laughy Logie)
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palepinkgoat · 3 months
* Wednesday Tag Game*
I've been tagged by so many sweeties! @heymacy @energievie @deedala @suzy-queued @jrooc
name: karen
age: * D E E P S I G H*
location: dirty south
what is your DJ name?  Olde Antipsychotic 💊
if you were a genre of music, what would it be? Whatever genre the B-52s are.
what would you title your biography? I Thought I'd Be Better at This
what are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? Sneak into places! Fancy plays for example? Can I eat something? Then fancy restaurants. I don't know. Maybe the Oscars. I feel like I should say The White House but I don't give a shit.
what subject do you wish was taught in every school? personal finance, but make it fun.
when was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? I honestly can only think about crawfish and that was a few years ago at a low country boil party. I did not enjoy it.
what is the most underrated city you have ever visited? Fargo, North Dakota.
what day in your life would you like to relive? The day I graduated high school. I hated school (and was "bad" at it but mostly because I had a bunch of undiagnosed disabilities) and was bullied a lot my whole school career. It was one of the best days of my life to know I'd never need to do that again, or see any of those stupid fucks again. I was free.
if you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? showering. I feel like it's such a waste of time. I hate being damp so it's a sensory nightmare when I get out. But sometimes in there it's nice. But it's not my favorite.
how long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? maybe a month but the second i run out of my meds i’m screwed! <--- @heymacy said it best
what would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? I saw a conspiracy theory-esque tv show about how mermaids are real - they are just way down deep and look terrifying and alien. There was footage and I still hope it was real. Basically learning what lurks at the very bottom of the ocean would make all our brains explode I'm pretty sure.
if you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? I'm scared of the water, but a lake sounds nice. It would be cool to have chickens again, so maybe like 10 of those pecking around and pooping on everything. Because sadly that's mostly what chickens do. Destroy gardens and poop everywhere. But they are still pretty wonderful. tagging @gallawitchxx @samantitheos @mybrainismelted @francesrose3 @michellemisfit @wehangout @transmurderbug
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sotwk · 9 months
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4th Day of Yule: “Four Calling Birds”
Prince Arvellas Thranduilion x Reader
Third Age 247
Men-i-Naugrim, Eryn Galen
At first, the cacophony of merry calling, booming laughter, pounding hooves, and exploding snowbanks unsettled you. You had served in the House of Thranduil all your life, just as your parents had, and you frequently saw the king's sons around the palace. You thought you knew those princes well--or at least as well as a scribe-in-residence would reasonably be expected to know the royals. This morning however, you realized you had been given a unique opportunity to see the princes in a different light, released from the confines of court protocol and formalities. 
Who would have thought those gentle-mannered, refined lords could be so… so… wild out in the…wild? 
“No no no!!! I said I was not ready! That was foul play!” Young Prince Gelir sputtered, shaking off the mound of snow that had been dumped over his head by the shovel-sized hands of Prince Turhir. He clutched the silver mane of his horse to maintain his position on its saddleless back, while pawing furiously at his wet face. “You sneak! You rotten--”
You diverted your eyes, which had gone wide at the outburst of coarse verbiage from the prince’s mouth. Most of the cursing was drowned out by the taunting howls and cackles of Princes Mirion and Turhir, which were even more shocking sounds coming from the noble elder sons of King Thranduil. Noro! Noro! The deep voices shouted, and in thundering gallops all three riders vanished yet again behind the trees further down the Forest Road. 
“What does that word mean?”
You turned to the littlest of the Thrandilions, Legolas, where he squirmed in his seat on the sleigh between you and Prince Arvellas. Thankfully, his brother, who had remained silent for most of the ride so far, spoke up to answer. 
“Nothing you need to learn or utter for a while yet.” Arvellas shook his head and smiled. “In fact, I would advise you to avoid repeating any new words you hear coming out of Gelir’s mouth--especially when he is yelling them.”
Legolas scrunched up his nose and nodded. “All right.” The elfling leapt back up on his feet, despite being asked to sit down only a few minutes ago. You and Arvellas exchanged glances, and he raised his shoulders in a resigned shrug. It was probably too much to expect of a five-year-old to sit still, anyway. 
Legolas had already pouted plenty over the fact that he had to ride in the sleigh instead of being allowed a steed of his own. You sympathized with his frustration at first-- until you witnessed the sort of risky play the princes liked to engage in. You adored horses, even though you did not ride or own one, but the princes’ giant Arrochs, taller than you by over two feet, wider than a bull elk and possessing unpredictable temperament, frightened you a little. The older princes seemed to wield full mastery over them, but even Gelir was just starting to learn, so you shared in the Queen’s reluctance to permit little Legolas to mount one just yet. 
“Look up there, your High--Legolas!” You pointed towards the naked boughs of a nearby tree, where a curious tree mouse scrambled across a high overhanging branch to watch their sleigh pass by. “That one is called a skyrunner.”
The elfling oohed and ahhed with loud appreciation, as he did at every creature you pointed out to him. Seeing the unbridled enthusiasm of a child enjoying new woodland discoveries made you so very glad you pushed aside your nervousness and accepted Arvellas’s invitation to join them on their winter ride down the Men-i-Naugrim.  
But being in the presence of the Scholar Prince in this situation, even surrounded by his boisterous siblings, challenged your ability to wrestle away unwanted thoughts about him. It was easier to think of yourself as his mere colleague when you were busy working side-by-side in the libraries, with piles of texts to fill your mind. You reasoned that Arvellas had asked you to come for the benefit of your wildlife expertise; no had yet surpassed you in the number of pages written to document the native flora and fauna of Eryn Galen. 
And what a pleasure it was to travel through these woods with the princes! For no matter how loudly they hollered, how fiercely they threw snowballs at each other, or how savagely their horses charged in and out through the trees, the forest animals did not retreat from their chaos. In the many years you had dedicated to tracking the native beasts of this realm, you had never before seen so many different creatures and rare species all at once come out of hiding, drawn to the exuberant energy of the five Thranduilions. 
You were so enraptured by the number of singing birds that perched on the sleigh’s front bow, and the squirrels that scrambled onto the backs of the pulling horses, and the one cheeky fox that crept up a delighted Legolas’s lap for some pets, that you did not immediately notice that Arvellas’s eyes were not on the wondrous sight of the gathered animals.  His gaze, perpetually kind and soft, and blue as the sunny winter skies, had settled solely on you.  
When you looked up and your gaze finally crossed paths with his, a strange, completely unwilled squeak flew from your throat. Mortified with yourself, you scooted sideways on the cushioned bench to maximize the distance between you. Suddenly, his arm stretched out and his hand encased your fingers in a tender squeeze that sent a clear message. 
You found yourself leaning close to the prince, drawn to him just like the woodland creatures were, goosebumps rippling over your skin when he whispered your name. His hand left yours to reach for your face, and your eyelids fluttered in anticipation. 
“SNOW!!!” Legolas yelled happily, dropping back down in the center seat while you lurched away in time to avoid knocking heads. “It is snowing!”
At least the falling ice flakes kept the elfling completely oblivious! As you tried to gather your composure, the roar of laughter announced the return of the other princes. Three riders burst back out on the road ahead, but only Mirion drove his horse all the way up to the sleigh. 
“Come on, honeg,” the eldest prince said, and stretched out his hand to Legolas.  “I will take you for a turn.”
The elfling jumped up so hastily he almost toppled off the sleigh. “Truly??”
“Are you sure that is wise?” Arvellas tried to say, even as Mirion yanked their littlest brother onto the Arroch’s back, securing the child in the circle of his arms.
“This is his opportunity.” You did not miss the twinkle in the Crown Prince’s eyes, and certainly not the indiscreet wink he tossed at Arvellas.  “And what can be wiser than seizing hold of every opportunity?”
They galloped off to rejoin Turhir and Gelir, and their merry band launched into a raucous song that faded with them into the distance, leaving behind the sleigh in the silence of the falling snow. 
It took a very long minute before Arvellas finally broke that silence. “I apologize if this outing has not turned out to be quite what you expected,” he sighed.  
“No… I suppose it hasn’t.” You took a deep breath, and something in the smell of the fresh snow and the way it brushed your cheeks gave you courage. Or perhaps the princes’ attitude of reckless abandon had pulled you in, too.
You scooted back across the bench, even closer this time, and snuggled in when Arvellas moved his arm to welcome you and draw you against the warmth of his chest. “Because I never would have dared expect anything as wonderful or perfect as this.”
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Yuletide Series MASTERLIST
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Yule Event Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @freshalmondpandadonut @fizzyxcustard @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @spacecluster @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell @acornsandoaktrees @warriormirkwood @emmanuellececchi @minaturefics
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