#i think i'd loose my mind seeing them again and know they're together
theloveinc · 4 months
okay scrolling through ur bkg tag and saw ur tags on drummer bkg post!! (which love btw!! the whole jealousy song is so him dhdbsjsna like hes such a wet soggy cat i need him) ANYWAY and u saw japanese breakfast and u how u thought the lead singer and guitarist were dating but they’re actually married 😭😭😭😭 have you read crying in h mart? it’s about her mother dying of cancer and their relationship but she also writes about her and her husband getting together and oh my god their relationship is so beautiful and they love each other so much. when i saw them in concert anytime they looked at each other id tear up. yes i am crazy! anyway!! i was also high as hell at that concert too!! they put on an excellent show. i got to see them another time when they opened up for paramore too which was very cool
i've actually had a copy of crying in h-mart for YEARS except i've only ever managed to get about three chapters in, i think because when i first started it, i ended up getting a little swamped with school...
but it's still on my shelf WAITING FOR ME and this makes me want to pick it up again!! i know my friend finished it last month and put it on her rec list (also my mom loves it weirdly??), so i'll def put it back in my current pile of to-reads!! (which is huge rn because i have so many books i wanna donate to the classroom i'm working in, but actually want to finish first asdfajdkaj).
anyway, YES, I was BLOWN away by their performance!! which is always an experience bc i remember i wasn't super familiar with their music beforehand and they ended up being in my 10 ten artists or something the year after. i even managed to get the setlist!! which i gave to my friend bc she was the one who invited me<3
you can tell the whole band just has amazing chemistry with one another, and it shows not just through the music put in their stage presence, as well, which is not an average feat. you're so lucky you got to see them twice AND PARAMORE!! did you see the recent video where something went wrong on stage and hayley sang "someone is getting fired??"
LOL ANYWAY, thanking for the lovely ask and rec to pick CIHM back up!!
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vainvenus · 3 months
⌲;꒰ Groovy! ꒱
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Pairing :: Johnny Cade x Fem!Reader
Synopsis :: Johnny starts to crush on Dally's new friend who's a little bit different from everyone else.
Includings :: Hippie!reader, mutual pinning, readers love languages is personal touch, wingman!Dally, panicking!Johnny, this is kinda short, fluff
An - I'm just trying to drop/finish my drafts even though i think this fandom is practically dead...send outsiders requests if you'd like though!
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"I still don't get all that peace and love crap, it's not gonna solve anything." Dally scoffed as he walked beside the you and you shrugged your shoulders.
"You don't have to understand me. If you think fighting will solve everything I'll let you think that." You shrugged and Dally rolled his eyes slightly before his brows raised a little bit and he waved his hand up at a figure who was a few feet away.
"Johnny! That you, man?" He called out and the black hair boy froze like he was caught doing something illegal until he saw a familiar face and he eased up.
He walked over, looking over to the you. He took quick notice of your wardrobe, upi didn't look like too much like a Soc and you definitely couldn't of been a greaser.
You wore a white shirt that seemed a few sizes to big and bell bottom jeans that had multiple patches of different patterns along them and tan sandals. You had multiple necklaces on and a mute orange bandana.
You smiled softly at him and waved your fingers at him which made him stomach flutter a little bit.
"Aww, so you weren't lyin'! You do have friends~!" Yoi giggled, hitting the boy softly on the shoulder and the brunette rolled his eyes with a small snarl.
"Haha, so funny. Johnny, flower power. Flower power, Johnny."
"Flower power?" Johnny repeated as he shook your hand and you let out a short giggle which made his stomach flutter all over again.
"Not my real name of course, it's a nickname. My real name is [Y/n] but you can call me whatever ya' like."
"Ohh." Johnny nodded along, noticing how you still hadn't let go of his hand. Yours were warm and felt comfort at touch. "I...uh..I like your pants."
You beamed, letting go and shaking your leg a little. "Really? Dally thinks they look like an art project gone wrong."
"Because they do." Dally muttered and you rolled your eyes.
"I think they're far out, you're such a downer Dally! Hah! Downer Dally!" You laughed and Dally had let out a sarcastic chuckle with another eye roll. "Ahah. Almost busted a lung there."
"See? A downer. Johnny-man thought it was funny." You turned back to Johnny, messing with one of the loose patches on your jeans. "I could make ya' a pair- actually they probably wouldn't be your sty-"
"I'd like that!" Johnny piped up before you could shut the idea down and your eyes widened in surprised, you smiled at him. "Really?"
He nodded, smiling growing along with yours. "Groovy! I'll get onto it as fast as I can."
"Groovy?" Johnny repeated, tilting his head a little bit and you nodded. "Groovy, it's kinda like when y'all say tuff. It's just a good thing."
"Oh, groovy." Johnny said and you had giggled, patting his shoulder.
"You make it sound so weird like it's a different language or something. It's kinda cute." Johnny only smiled, trying to ignore the fact that you had called him cute.
Dally looked between the two of you, narrowing his eyes a little bit before a small smirk itched onto the end of his lips.
"Johnny, you wanna tag along with us? We were just about to head and see that new movie that just came out."
"You should, if you don't mind horror movies." You added and Johnny pressed his lips together in a small yet strained smile.
"Naw, I don't mind."
"I could have paid for y'all, you know. We didn't have to break in." You sighed and Dally chuckled.
"Now where's the fun in that?" He hummed as they all took their seats, a little bit away from the front.
"What kind of horror movie is it again?" Johnny asked and Dally shrugged his shoulders. He never really came to pay attention to the movies, he came to be a bother to those who were trying to.
"Some sort of slasher. Shouldn't be too frightening if you're scared."
"I'm not scared!" Johnny squeaked and you had giggled, leaning back in the chair.
"It's alright if you are. I wouldn't judge. You can even hold my hand if you want." You offered as the movie had and started. Johnny pursed his lips before he took your hand in his.
"I'm just holding yer' hand in case you get scared." He established and you had nodded, entwining your fingers with his their hands were basically locked together.
He smiled at that as he tried to focus on one thing.
Not looking like a scaredy cat.
But the movie was barley ten minutes in before Johnny had jumped back in his seat from the killer jumping out of nowhere, his scream muffled in the collar of his jean jacket.
He glanced over at you as he felt you squeeze his hand comfortingly. "Sorry.." He mumbled, his sunkissed skin growing warm from embarrassment.
"Don't apologize. You don't have to act all tough for me, Johnny. It's a horror movie for a reason." You reassured with a small smile as you moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Next time we can see something a little more relaxing."
"Next time?" He repeated like it was a foreign statement.
You nodded excitedly. "Yeah, next time! Do ya' not wanna see me again or something?"
"No!" Johnny quickly said. "I'd.. I'd love to see a movie with you again."
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stellarspecter · 17 days
STWG daily prompt 6/4/24: closet
pairing: stobin
wc: 738
transfem stevie, hurt/comfort, gender dysphoria (pls skip this one if that will be triggering for you!)
read it on ao3!
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“Okay,” Robin said, throwing open the doors to Stevie’s closet. “Let’s see what we’ve got to work with.”
Stevie sat back on the edge of her bed, a little afraid of letting Robin peruse her embarrassingly extensive collection of polos. "Not a whole lot," she said. "I've only got, like, one skirt."
It was the most basic skirt she could come by, plain black and knee-length. The best part was that it flared out nicely when she twirled, which she had only ever done in the privacy of her own bedroom.
"That's alright," Robin said. "You don't need to wear a skirt to be feminine. I mean, have you ever seen me wearing one?"
Stevie cast her mind back and found, to her shock, that she actually couldn't think of a time when she had seen Robin in a skirt or even a dress. "Huh. I guess not. But that's different, you're all..." She gestured loosely to her friend, who quirked her eyebrow.
"I'm all what? Dyke-y?"
Stevie flushed. "I mean, I didn't want to say it, but — yeah."
Robin laughed. "It's okay, babe. I know you wouldn't mean it in a bad way."
"Thanks." Stevie bit her lip, thinking over the rest of what she had to say. "It's not just that, though. When you dress more masculine, people still see you as a girl. Because you're built like one, you — you actually look like one." She motioned to her chest in the shape of boobs, and then thought better of it and put her hands back in her lap, anxiously twisting around each other. "But when I dress more masculine, people just see me as a dude with long hair."
Robin sat down next to her and laid a hand over hers. "Stevie..."
She swallowed hard, on a roll now. "So I have to wear dresses and skirts and makeup for people to see me as a girl. Because if I don't, they're just gonna think I'm a man playing dress-up. Hell, they're probably gonna think that even if I do everything right. I mean, they're kind of right, aren't they? I just — it doesn't look right on me."
"Stevie." Robin's tone was hard and steely, dragging the tears she was unprepared for right out of her. She rubbed a rough hand (too large, what girl had hands the size of her face?) over her eyes. "Look at me."
Woefully, she met Robin's eyes. Her best friend grabbed her face between her hands, fingers tickling the back of her neck.
"You are not just a man playing dress-up," she said fiercely. "And anyone who thinks you are doesn't deserve to know you. You are beautiful."
Stevie's eyes welled up with fresh tears. "Rob —"
"No, you are," she declared. "Because you're happy. Have you seen yourself when you wear that skirt? Your eyes just light up and you smile so wide. You look so much more like yourself."
Stevie was crying again, but out of happiness this time. "You're so nice to me," she got out shakily between gasps for air.
Robin smiled. "Because I love you," she reminded her. "You're my soulmate, remember?"
Stevie nodded. "I love you too." She leaned forward and hugged her, inhaling the familiar scent of her green apple shampoo. "Thank you."
"Of course," Robin replied. They stayed in the embrace for a moment more, then pulled apart, Robin brushing errant strands of hair out of Stevie's face. "Just because you don't have a whole closet full of dresses doesn't mean you're not a girl. Any clothes you wear are girl clothes, because you're the one wearing them. Okay?"
Stevie nodded, trying to resist crying again, but it seemed that genuine kindness was her one weakness. "Okay."
"We can go shopping for some more skirts later this week, if you want?" Robin offered.
Stevie sniffed and wiped at her eyes. "I'd like that."
"Great." Robin stood up and clapped her hands together. "But for now, let's see what kind of outfits we can put together with what you've already got! Styling can help a lot with making stuff seem more feminine. And accessorizing, so maybe you should get some more jewelry too."
"Sounds good," Stevie replied, coming to stand next to Robin, the both of them gazing into the depths of her closet.
Robin turned to look at her. "Ready?"
Stevie clenched her jaw and nodded. "Ready."
And together, they dove in.
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dividers from @/saradika-graphics!
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meowmeowriley · 4 months
Hi costume anon here!
How dare you so accurately call out my daddy issues and socially awkward arse 😖 (/j)! I would make a terrible Fire Lord but it’s good to know all those years of projection paid off, though now I’m head canoning Zuko as autistic (what have you done to me is this revenge?)
I personally want a Bloodborne tattoo oneday ngl though the outsiders mark is cool as fuck
I love your brain you have changed my view on the logistics (?) of how it would all go down!
Just imagine Ghost returning to systematically tear apart and destroy Dunwall like it was the Zaragoza cartel after he escapes to Karnaca and his family ended up paying the price for his “Treason”.
He becomes “the Outsiders Ghost” fully devoted to and for him people start whispering about what happened in Dunwall about how a dead man got revenge and how Rats and whale song swallowed an entire nation. Never anger the Outsiders lest his Ghost starts haunting you. (I love Spooky shit.)
Oh no! I made my friend rewatch DP That’s rough buddy (I regret nothing)
Speaking of DP, Gaz is a walking wifi modem and Soap is a portable power bank for his devices 😂 they stick to Ghost like glue on hot days you can not change my mind. The 141 would have the most terrifying reputation even though they’re all idiots.
Soap %100 has caused a black out and Gaz “accidentally” locked a general he didn’t like out of his house after he made Laswell and price mad.
Do you think Ghost would have to deal with the actual ghosts of soldiers would Soap and Gaz pick up on them too?
I can’t remember who said it but they head canoned Soap as lightning and ghost as rain and it changed something in my brain chemistry, good apart awe inspiring together (They were so right) and now I can’t get Sparky boom boom man out of my head I may need to rewatch atla.
Have a great day while I go off and try to regain my lost honour!
Hiiiiii Costume Anon! Thank you for gracing us with your presence!
Autistic!Zuko headcanon drop when friend? I wanna hear all his lil quirks and habits.
Thinking of FromSoft games, I've been thinking about an Ellen Ring AU. Idk if people would want it, but I just keep thinking about it. Ghost as the Tarnished, Soap as Ranni, Gaz as Melina. And it'd loosely follow my own playthrough of the games. Outside of Elden Ring, Bloodborn is my favorite of their games. It's so gooooodddd.
Even long after a believable lifespan has passed, rumors of The Outsider's Ghost doing his bidding circulate. Some believe it's an actual Ghost, others say he's The Outsider's lover that was granted eternity to be by his side. Either way, The Outsider and his Ghost are only mentioned in hushed whispers for fear of invoking their wrath.
DP AU, the 141 has a reputation for shit going sideways for their enemies before they're even on the base. Terrorists start resorting to defenses that don't rely on power or the internet because they see how effectively the 141 shuts that shit down. It doesn't help, their guerilla tactics don't effect Ghost. The team absolutely deals with the ghosts of fallen soldiers, but not as often as you'd think. They tend to stay where they died, or cross over, or go back to their families. Some though, will use their newfound deadness to be menaces, and those are the ones our boys deal with. Think Skulker or the Box Ghost, those types of problematic guys.
Duuuuude Sparky Boom Boom Man had such a cool bending ability. Personally I'd want to be a water bender, but fire bending is still the coolest form.
Good luck with your honor my (non gendered) Prince! Thanks again for humoring me 😁
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modern-inheritance · 1 month
Fish Tales
Now that the Invaders story concept/animatic project has established Murtagh and Thorn finally encountering Eragon, Saphira, Arya and Firnen all together for the first time since the end of the war, I started thinking and giggling to myself.
Let's say they're all just taking the time to chat and hang out. The crisis is over for now, the other adults are back, they're taking care of the cleanup and the kids and the new Riders. I don't know why but I want the trio to be in a hotspring. Not full on nekked mind you just like skivies and they are all just DONE once again because that was intense after being out of a fight like that for a longer span than any of them are used to. The three dragons are all just sorta play fighting. They're trying to hash out the hierarchy and Firnen is raring to show off to Saphira.
The topic eventually turns to Murtagh and Thorn's adventures and tribulations that occur in the book and there's a bit of good natured ribbing of 'ah...so you uh...you heard about the uh...' 'that you couldn't resist having a dragon rip a roof off in gil'ead again? Oh yeah. we heard.' 'Shit, if you had sent an invite ahead of time I would have joined you.' 'Arya you are LITERALLY the head of the Gil'ead restoration project you can't just-' 'shhhhhh let me have my hopes and dreams.'
After giving him some shit for the chaos, Murtagh suddenly perks up and turns to Arya. "Oh, you might find this amusing. Durza cursed a fish!"
"He cursed a fish in the lake! I killed it!"
He proceeds to explain the story to them, and then tries to explain Muckmaw's size, armoring, everything Durza had added on to the thing to make it such a monster.
It is met with...much skepticism.
Arya's just sorta got this amused quirk to her lips and keeps adding these little coments. "Muckmaw, huh? A scaaarry bottom feeder. Very terrifying. A shade's most ferocious familiar." "Oh, I'm sorry. A scaaaary catfish! With a big dopy mouth!" "Can't even feel it's mind, what ever shall we do." "Couldn't even put your arms around it. Riiiiiight."
No matter what he does Murtagh just cannot convince Eragon and Arya that Muckmaw existed, or that he killed it. He even does the "NO, I'm SERIOUS! It was THIS BIG!" bit with his arms stretched wide.
I don't remember what actually happened to Muckmaw's head, nor what species he actually was, but I'd like to think that Nasuada somehow had the thing recovered, preserved, and scrimshawed and then hung in some room in Ilieria. I know Eragon and Saphira are supposed to never come back but uh...occasional visits on big occasions are gonna be okay in my stuff.
And Murtagh and Thorn walk in at some point to just see Eragon and Arya standing side by side, arms hanging loose, mouths full on gaping as they're staring up at the wall at this fucking enormous fish skull carved with images of Murtagh's fight with it. They've been there for like five minutes.
He's very keen on rubbing that in their faces.
Eragon and Arya's actual reaction and conversation:
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mushroomnoodles · 2 months
So Simon is just gone just like that!? That must've been horrible Morri to see when he woke up!😢 like imagine saying goodnight to your dad and thinking what you'll do the next day together and he's just...gone. And how did Marceline react to Simon's death and Morri now down a parent?
tw parental death, grief, angst in general, god kid is raising themself
churning out some of these questions that i wanna answer with no art, mostly because i want people to know what happened/my thoughts even if i don't feel like drawing or don't have time to.
it was absolutely horrible for little 13 year old (250 year old) morrigan! they were very distraught and confused, because simon didn't even age or give them a warning. a thing they won't forget is the coffee machine was still on, with a full pot.
the emotional devastation sorta kickstarted their dormant god powers, and when they were silently trying to preserve simon's body (they didn't want him to rot, they wanted him to stay with them forever) they initially turned him to stone. morri has been highly intelligent since conception, so they don't exactly think like a teenager, more like a naive adult i'd say, but they're also still a child if that makes sense? they want their papa, they feel safe around him, they love him.
after their initial bewilderment they realized they could sort of force his body into whatever they wanted (remembering those long past memories of grasping for things with their powers while simon was still carrying them, changing those objects and hearing simon react to it) and turned his corpse into a crown that they could hold onto.
they couldn't really bear to be in the house, and they just wanted their dad back, so they simply left with some stuff they thought they'd need (they did want to be an adventurer when they were younger, so they had a loose idea of what to take).
when their judgement wasn't so clouded by leave me alone, my dad is dead, they were afraid pb would do things like she did when they were still in the womb without simon to protect them and also feared that they would be suspected for simon's death due to their. uh. nature. and they didn't want to tell marceline.
morri chose to navigate their puberty alone (and it was such an itchy one, growing spikes and claws) and when more powers came in (portals to other parts of the world, portals to other universes, floating) with no stable guide of their own they took to.. less than healthy coping mechanisms when they found bringing their dad back to life was going to be a lot harder than anticipated. every now and then, they'd hear of marceline looking for them, and they'd avoid her, ever so determined to "fix" things so they could go back to normal and their family would be fine.
morri did have a few on and off parental figures, especially when they were younger- kind strangers looking out for them for a bit before they scampered off again.
marcy, by the way, was having an equally terrible time. from her point of view, simon and morrigan both up and disappeared without a trace. why? how? she couldn't find simon, and with morrigan's inability to be physically documented, it was very difficult to pinpoint where her little sibling went. at first she thought GOLB had something to do with it, and sort of still does. but the thought that simon has died has crossed her mind many a time.
marcy is a bit harder for me to characterize so i think i'll leave it there for her.
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hangmanbradshaw · 5 months
Some questions if you’re willing:
1) besides Sereshaw/Hangster what pairings are your favorite in the TG universe?
2) have you considered writing your own version of what you would like the plot of Top Gun 3 to be?
3) pretending you had all the time in the world to write what’s the top five universes you would explore?
4) Ex Coach Rogers From IWBWY, any chance he ever gets his comeuppance? I know he was fired but is there ever a full on Bradshaw family mama bear style beat down on that jerk for trying to hurt Jake?
5) Vegas lol?
Thanks for all your contributions to this fandom. I don’t think I need to tell you how much I adore your stories!!! And for your kindness when I spam your messages with all my nonsense lol
Friend!! I'm always willing <3
1000% my fave other couple is Carole/Goose. I love some old school icemav, some Javy/Nat, some Bob/Nat. I can get behind a lot of them actually.
I have a super angsty, beautiful, heart wrecking redemption type post canon story in my head that one day I'll tackle, but it's not anything I think they'd actually make or even that I'd want them to make lmao. So probably not- I like my little AU worlds too much (but I do have a plot in mind I'd love to see. Give us the daggers in a squad OR give us Hangman and Rooster who are now on a squad together as wingmen and they have to call in Mav for 'one last ride' before he retires for good for some insane mission. Ideally though I want all the daggers back sigh.)
I WISH. Someone fund me so I don't have to work lmao I'll write all day happily. Okay so 1) the offer/mob universe which is coming soon 2) boxerina universe also coming soon 3) a world where they're rivals at a research station in antarctica feat. survival expert bradley and scientist jake 4) i'd actually love to write a straight up horror movie plot 5) a bonnie and clyde style world very loosely inspired by hit man that would be really fun
Rogers gets his in the form of Karma a la TSwift, but you know who we might see again? Maybe not how you'd imagine? Donny :)
IT'S STILL A MAYBE. I'm trying so hard to convince myself to be good and stay in KC and go to the watch party downtown, but I'm also like.....I could see Kelly Clarkson and Christina Aguilera and go to the Super Bowl Experience Saturday and also Chiefs/T Swift/the Tellers and and- ugh hahaha maybe.
You're so sweet <3 I'm always happy to get your messages. Thank you for always being so supportive and wonderful.
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jkpfr · 8 months
OC-tober Day 27: Monster
Knowing that I wouldn't have time to draw something, I spent the day wondering what I could possibly write for this prompt. I knew I was interested by it - I had a few ideas, but they weren't necessarily realistic to execute right now. My most solid idea featured my dear Artémis, but I'm pretty sure I already wrote about it before - and if I write about it again, I'd rather put a lot of care into it.
And then I remembered I started off this challenge by talking about my OCs rather than systematically writing for them, so I'll take the simple and silly route.
Earlier this month, you may have noticed I drew Benjamin as a mermaid. (Go give it some love! I'm not usually good at palette challenges, and I think I did well this time. Also I wish I could grab him by the waist and throw him over the roof.)
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This is from an AU I have had in mind for a while in which the Murder Fabrication cast gets turned into different fantasy creatures. As of the last time I conceptualised this AU, the options for different creatures were very few. I'm considering having a second AU with many similarities but still enough differences to tell a different story, and that would include only having one human character and at least one more creechur.
In this AU, there are three powerless humans who are trying to survive, in danger at the hands of everyone else. The ultimate goal is for everyone to survive until they can find a way to turn back into humans, but will they manage to?
Those are not necessarily monsters... we're going by a very loose definition of the term for the sake of this post. Here are everyone's roles:
Jan, Chloe and Ciel as Vampires. Those three struggle to accept that they now have to feed off the blood of the humans. Will they consent to donating? If they were to actually bite the humans, they would turn into vampires themselves, which would of course mean less humans. In the end, they might turn out to be the friendliest to the humans, whose blood they need to survive. The vampires can turn into bats, but they have poor vision and they struggle to get a hang of flying. They do not need to eat regular food.
Andi, Isabella and Mina as Witches. The witches are pretty comfortable, powerful and their survival mostly comes down to finding food and minding their own businesses. Though they could be useful allies, they're scattered around the map and hard to run into. They'll only help you if they want to.
Benjamin and Alice as Mermaids. Behind their pretty and innocent appearances, the mermaids have violent urges and should be avoided at all costs. To the most tortured mermaid, this comes against their will. They're unlikely to target other creatures, but they should be kept as far away from humans as possible. Thankfully, they can only live underwater. Still, their charms might lure you in...
Noah, Lois and Oscar as Werewolves. The werewolves are the most dangerous enemy. It would be a shame if this world could be manipulated to make every night a full moon [...] because they are aggressive, mindless creatures, and they are big. They are constantly purchasing the humans and are likely to cause collateral damage. During the day, they live in hiding, and God knows what goes through their minds.
Akiro, Chris and Keith as Humans. They are completely powerless and everyone is a threat to them. Good luck 👍 Word is out that there needs to be at least one surviving human for the game to end as it should.
...Is anyone missing? Did anyone see them yet? Well, we'll probably run into them at some point.
This AU starts off within a regular setting for Murder Fabrication Chapter 1. The friendships formed throughout the story may be very similar to those formed within the main story, and some may have already started - but the characters' differing forms will impose many different dynamics, and for some of them to be unable to be together.
I don't really know what else to say, though I would be happy to discuss what people think of the potential dynamics at play here, pushing me to Drop Hints, Tell Some Stories and Giggle To Myself.
By the way, completely unrelated, but some time ago I Tweeted this mysterious list.
What it means? Nothing to do with my Fantasy AU, but everything to do with Backstreet Boys - Everybody (Backstreet's Back), but make it Murder Fabrication.
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Maybe I should have drawn that.
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winter-spark · 28 days
Hiya friends, I'm having a writing predicament.
See I think just maybe my arranged royal marriage au might be too long. And mayhaps I need to break the chapters into their own stories and make the story a series.
Which is wild because the chapters were me trying to find the best places to split up the one shot that was getting too long. Plus that means that it might feel a little cheap to stop before the actual wedding.
But like let me explain why it might be too long. My first draft which was this 🤏🏾 close to being complete was a one-shot turned 3 shot, turned technically 4 because chapter 2 was split (chapters are named by "Acts" so chapters 2 and 3 are both Act II but Act II part 1 & part 2), then turned 5, then 6. It has about 35,988 words and again was incomplete(finished in my head.) But to put the chapter sizes in perspective, in my second draft, chapter one is currently 8,183 words. I'm still writing chapter two but I'm a third - halfway through it at 3,226 words. For comparison, the first two chapters of my tangled hs au are 3,926 and 4,601 words, chapter two being the longest of all the chapters I've written for it, chapter 9 the shortest at 2,899. Chapter 9 is not the end. With the way the story is going, there's still 4 (give or take one or so) chapters left.
Now that was a lot of words what am I saying? Well before I fully clarify, I love both stories. And I like reading both, and I have ideas still cultivating for both for my edits and conclusions. But it's easier to get in gear for the tangled hs one(I need less misleading nicknames for these). And I'm starting to think it's the way they're broken up. I think it's easier to get through thus easier to work on. See when I did draft two, draft one was a bunch of loosely connected scenes here and there (the beginning was solidly connected but as it went on the rest was just "oh I have an idea for a scene" several times some more attached together than others) so when doing draft two the hard part was making a calendar for the story and deciding when each event happened. Then I could just write the chapters like "this is day three so this thing needs to happen", and it's all heading to a conclusion and the chapters are complete chapters but they're largely built around small scenes I'd written, some things becoming a thing because "oh something needs to solidly get them to that point of their dynamic."
With the arranged marriage one, I started out solidly writing a story, each part in full, each part following the next, to the point that it visibly got too long to be a one-shot. With the tangled one, I was like oh to tie all this together this is gonna be too long to be a one shot, but with the arranged marriage fic I heard my sister in the back of my mind saying "some one shots are so long it's like okay you really could've cut that into chapters" or something along those lines as she told me before that she does feel like with some large one-shot there are clear good spots to cut it into chapters at and that it should be cut into chapters. So I thought, dang, this is probably one of those one-shots. I wasn't even done writing it I was on what became chapter three maybe now chapter four, thinking I'd be able to end it soonish but knowing it was long and needed that chapter split. So the division started up as large portions of the story. Then I went through to solidify them as solid chapters and fixing the pacing by adding more scenes to more clearly elaborate on the amount of time passing and what the characters were noticing. Which of course made the chapters longer.
Thus in editing and getting to the scene that's stuck in my head, it takes a minute while with the tangled hs au, revisiting rereading rewriting takes less time. I don't even think the arranged royal marriage one is a drag or anything but it's lengthy. In several aspects. So maybe leaning towards the bite-sized would make it easier.
However, I do have hesitance in doing that. See the thing is, it's a complete story. From chapter one to chapter 6. If I make them separate stories I have to work out if they standalone alright. Honestly, I think the first chapter would but Idk where to split it into chapters. And again how would I end the series? Like literally the last chapter is mostly wrap-up and fluff like idk if it can be its own standalone or if it would be a solid enough end to series rather than a single story. Like if I do this I'd have to probably expand it and I've already expanded it so much, it's so long.
On the other hand, if I do expand, like maybe I can throw in another perspective here or there as I do have thoughts on scenes that happened off-screen. I dunno though. But who knows how long it'll take if I do that. And I might have to give the others actual storylines. I mean like I could bring back the Izumi maybe having a crush on someone plotline that I scrapped because I was too indecisive but like that's a story rework lowkey? And another thing. I can't post a story until I'm done writing it but if it's a series would I be able to share the story as I go, as I finish individual works? Because finishing a whole series before posting any of it sounds like it'd take forever. But then I won't be able to go back and edit freely to make it flow better.
Oof. I don't know what to do.
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jennyandvastraflint · 8 months
Very glad you rebloged the ask game, I was hoping you would :D I hope you don't mind that I am sending too many questions. Just pick whichever ones you'd like to answer!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Your beauty never ever scared me? Answer it now!
(11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
just kidding, I know the answer to this one but feel free to talk about them anyway <3)
20. If you wrote a prequel to Lizard Queen, what would it involve?
22. Who is your favorite character in The Knight and the Dragon and why?
47. If the pirate/mermaid AU (all together or each part on their own) was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
So I'll be guided towards the next thing to read again ;)
Thank you so much!!
Okay, let's see!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Your beauty never ever scared me? Answer it now!
I think the inspiration for it in the first place! I technically wanted to write a Beauty and the Beast-inspired story, but halfway through planning I abandoned a lot of these aspects in favour of including a bunch of characters as cameos. (I kept the rose, though it had a different use.) It was very intriguing to explore a human curse (something I've now explored a bit, but always from Jenny's POV, as I realise. I'll shed light on Vastra's POV at some point in a different fic I think)
(11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? Okay we all know I'm extremely partial to my wives XDD I *will* make everything about them (yes ik it's annoying <3 But this is my account heheh), and will include them even in other works for a bit at least. It is 100% because I relate a lot to many aspects of them - the fun of Jenny's horrible parents, queerness, and the isolation they both feel to name some of them - and I'm well-aware of it XD Also my brain chose them as my special interest years agooo.)
20. If you wrote a prequel to Lizard Queen, what would it involve?
Oh, I have two answers for this... Either Vastra getting cursed in the first place and navigating life as a tiny lizard (maybe she meets Strax somehow just because.), OR the story of Jenny's mother and what happened to her. (As a sequel, I'd look at Vastra finding the ruins of her realm.)
22. Who is your favorite character in The Knight and the Dragon and why?
I'm obviously in no way biased because a) I wrote it and b) it has the wives, and since choosing either of them feels like cheating, I'm gonna say... Out of the rest of the cast, Ada? I think. I loved bringing her character to life in a different setting, especially since she's a character I very rarely see anywhere (and she had potentialll!!!) Her story can be adapted beautifully, and I feel like she would flourish with a job or hobby like that, working with herbs and healing. I'm definitely going to include her in Turn Loose the Mermaids btw!
47. If the pirate/mermaid AU (all together or each part on their own) was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
You really went with this one, hu... Okay, I'm thinking leather boots, worn, been through quite a lot, but very solid shoes you can always rely on. They're a pretty inconspicuous brown, a bit broken in parts but fixed up. They go almost up to your knee, hugging your legs very comfortably. They're also padded so they keep you warm in even the darkest winter nights. The laces on the sides have been added later to help the boots stay together, and they have beautiful jewels in different shades of green on the side that shimmer in the sun.
I hope you like this description!! XD
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I have a bunch for this, I think XDD (Especially since archive-locking my fics my kudos have declined a lottt)
The first one would be A Lonely Place, which is a sort of Fantasy AU for the Paternoster Gang! I love how I came to explore pollution and environmental destruction in it, and also how Jenny and Vastra - in this at least - reluctantly grew closer. (Please they are such disasters especially in the beginning)
Then my Turn Loose the Mermaids series in which Jenny's family are a bunch of shitty scammer pirates, and Vastra is a mermaid (and later can shift). The first two parts are out rn, and I hope to write more of it soon-ish (uni is killing me I'm so sorry)
There'd also be my winter rose in which one Silurian goes splash in a river when it's very cold :D I love how that literally was my prompt for writing it...
And last but not least, I want Popcorn to get some more views! It's a Strax-centric fic (I knoooow, there's not much interest in that, but give my boy (gn) some love) set shortly after Demons Run, and it takes a look at Strax dealing with silence and peace after... well, a lifetime spent only in war zones? The Doctor gives him a way to cope with that, but it escalates a little. It was I think my first full Strax-POV fic, and he honestly has such a unique and intriguing view (which I wish Big Finish would explore instead of once again reducting Strax to comedic relief like the show already did :/)
Yeah, I think that's about it for now? I can't think of more specifically for this, but I'm leaving you a few more recommendations I think you might like! Rapid Fireee
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be
The Case of the Egg Thief
Sick fics for Jenny being sick (watch you sleep.), and Vastra being sick (Sleepy little darling, snuggle in tight) respectively!
Meeting Torchwood Paternosters meet vicious, sadistic Torchwood sapphics from Victorian England!
Right, I'll end this here now (it may have taken me almost the entire lecture btw to write this while paying attention as well) and I hope you are satistifed with all these answersss
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trans-doughboy · 1 year
I'm 5 months pregnant!
My belly is so big that sometimes I let it rest on a table just to give my poor back a break. I'm definitely more achy than I was, but I started exercising and it does help. I do stretches and yoga, but I'll be honest... my favorite exercise is getting creampied again and again by Josh.
He says he loves my swollen and ballooning figure, and his favorite way to get hard is to rub my tender belly. He constantly says during sex that he'd have to fill me up again after I give birth, because I'm the hottest while carrying his babies. Pretty sure these are just words of passion that he blurts out in the heat of the moment, but I kinda hope he's saying the truth. I wouldn't mind getting knocked up again by him. In fact, I'd love it. I'd love for us to raise together our kids while I'm incubating more.
I feel constantly over-bloated, like I'm going to burst. I knew that twins pregnancies blow your belly up faster, but it didn't dawn on me just how much faster until I started to grow. My belly always gets in the way. All the oversize XL and XXL hoodies I had beforehand are becoming just a little too snug, with a constant sliver of skin poking out from underneath. These twins are growing fast. During my last visit to the doctor, he said that they're growing faster than average but still within normal limits, and that I might go into earlier than usual labor.
I'm getting false labor all the time now. Especially in class. My grades are pretty good, but it's hard to focus when your babies are developing the habit of moving around and kicking your ribs.
Josh and I like to trail our fingers across my taut belly, and look at the babies' reactions. They especially seem reactive to his touch. Like they somehow know it's their father's.
I never would've imagined that I'd love being pregnant so much. Something about incubating life is... almost euphoric to me.
My friends are fascinated by my huge belly, and they shout in glee every time they see a kick. They love to massage it. I think some of them are into it, but I still pretend not to notice their raging erections so I won't embarrass them.
I'm still continuing to grow. Maternity clothes from a month ago that were just a bit loose are starting to get tighter and tighter. Good thing the second semester is almost over, because I can't wait to stay at home for my final months and be naked every day.
Thinking about labor is kinda scary to me, but I'm impatiently waiting for it. I want to give birth already. I want to push our kids out and hug them. Cherish them in my arms. But... I also want to stay with this swollen bump forever.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 years
Mysterious Benedict Society Liveblog Season 2 Episode 1 A Perilous Journey
Well boys and girls. Here I am again procrastinating (or taking a well deserved break- I suppose it's a matter of interpretation) to hopefully watch a clinically insane man try to hit some children with a golf cart. Yes, I know 2 episodes came out today, but with my schedule being what it is, we're gonna have to do these one at a time and skip the recaps. Alrighty let's go!
4:00- so far so good. Loving the kids in their new homes. Where is my girl Constance though?
5:00- Why the heck does he have a big banner of himself on the side of the building? What happened to being in disgrace and in exile? Now the man is appearing on the news. I thought the point was that they stopped the whisper from making people think he fixed the emergency, now he takes credit anyway? How? Why? What? At this point he's just messing with them.
5:40- oh my gosh he's throwing our girl under the bus, RIP Garrison I hope you come back but this might be it for you. Does this mean Curtain stole her invention and just yeeted her off the boat when SQ's back was turned? We're not even 10 minutes in and I have so many questions.
6:30- Um... what... Is he hypnotizing people with his mind? Does he have psychic powers now? YES BEAT HIM UP CONSTANCE!!! ah dang it. She'll get him eventually.
8:00- Curtain is on the loose, I'd be hung up on the injustice too. Not that scavenger hunting and woodworking doesn't have its place but there is like. A dangerous man at large. He's not exactly hiding. What's stopping you?
9:00- "Are you even invited to speak?" "I'm an esteemed scientist." "It's not an open mic" sljfkdsjfdf- If that isn't me at every academic conference. "Who is mocking me"- oh no poor benedict. PFFFT "Not even a high level conference" I love #2.
10:15- Uh oh they got them. Um... No sure why considering Curtain seems to have gotten away with it and no one on the team besides Benedict is trying to stop Curtain, and people think he's crazy. Why invest resources into kidnapping them?
10:33- AWE MILLIGAN! Kate, come on. He's trying. it's been years, but that wasn't his fault. YES YOU SHOULD GET YOUR OWN BUCKET MILLIGAN. It would be adorable.
12:00- Oh my gosh are we doing the Sticky abandoning his friends plotline AGAIN. We did this. Come on the show does so much right please don't rewind his character development he deserves more.
13:00- Awe Constance being so happy to see Reynie. And yes thank you- did you really never discuss Constance destroying that machine with her mind? You had a year. I get there were other things to figure out but still.
15:00- Ready or not here comes the plot!
16:00- "all our efforts" = yelling into landline phones in different languages. Seriously I have a draft about this, but they have the tech for brain sweeping and mind control, why is everyone (even Curtain) using land lines? If he wants to be famous and powerful, the man could have just made an iphone.
17:25- "maybe down a well. Maybe into a propeller." Geez, Constance has already accepted this. OR AT LEAST FIND THE WELL, yikes.
19:26- Yes back to Curtain's shenanigans. Oh my gosh I love how he planned little snacks for them, just to flex his meal prep skills. And the fact that he knew they would hit that part of the car and made a compartment to open like that- the level of detail this man has gone into for his silly little schemes is quite impressive.
20:20- could be a benefactor, oh boy he is in denial
21:00- There is no system. Yeah, basically my house.
21:30 (about)- Mail delivery, "Just a random example" oh my gosh are Sticky and Reynie about to have it out? Was sticky not getting his letters? So... they're actually ok then and there is no conflict here?
22:30- "not dad roommate". Oh the parallels between Constance and Curtain's lack of vulnerability are coming and I love them. If they give him psychic powers too, it's all really gonna come together. Oh no Milligan, poor guy he's trying so hard. Perhaps he could bond with Kate by providing the backstory of what happened to his wife/Kate's mom (when he remembers it).
26:00- Mr. Benedict would never ask us to desecrate a book- well he literally just did that to put a book inside a book unless he used a fake book.
28:30- Oh hello creepy women staring at the children in a car with no expression. You're unsettling.
29:00- Rhonda and Milligan and Ms. Perumal really should have known better than to leave them alone like that.
29:50- "who knows what danger they could be in" good point Reynie. At this very moment, Curtain might be force feeding them another round of snacks to try to impress his brother with his superior culinary skills.
30:40- Alright! sneaking on the ship. Love the call back to when Constance did that last time.
31:00 - I'm sorry what. What. Why. What. I just want the camera to zoom out and show a employee like "oh my boss is being weird again"... AH YES THERE HE IS!
32:00- At least they gave us a nice breakfast. I KNEW IT. This man may hate you, but he hates you not knowing how good he is at meal prep more, so you know you're gonna eat good. Ah there he is happy as a clam driving his little cart. Yes #2 kill him. Okay Curtain sounds a bit out of it. Is he feeling the effects of Garrison's invention too? He seems less uptight but more unhinged since we last saw him. Which I love.
33:20- this isn't like Reynie. It's just like Kate. Yep, they know their kids. Now go get them!
And that's episode 1 of season 2. I'll post episode 2 later when I get the chance but overall a great start. Still need to know where Martina is. Still need to know where SQ is. STILL NEED JUSTICE FOR MY GIRL GARRISON UNLESS SHE'S BEEN PULLING THE STRINGS THE WHOLE TIME. And also seriously, can we have Benedict met SQ already? Alright, that's it for now.
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
One of my favorite underrated ships has to be Asterin x Elide, even if they got very little scenes their was still a lot of tension, so maybe some headcannons or fluff with them?
A/N: This is totally a ship I can get behind! I haven't really done any headcanons yet, so let me give it a shot with this! Thanks so much for your request anon :)
CW: None! This is fluffy <3
Asterin Blackbeak x Elide Lochan
Asterin used to shamelessly flirt with Elide before they got together, and poor Elide had never been flirted with before, but was undeniably attracted the the blonde witch, and was always getting flustered in her presence
One time, when Manon was being particularly snippy, Asterin defended Elide from Manon's cruel words
Elide felt so bad that she'd caused a little fight between the two, that she went to Asterin's room late one evening to apologize
Asterin tried to get Elide to stop rambling, but she wouldn't, so the only thing she could think of was to kiss her
And it most definitely worked!
Elide's face turned beet red, Asterin couldn't help but laugh at her shocked expression
Elide stumbled over her words, but her apology was long forgotten and eventually, the two admitted their strong feelings for one another
They've been happily together ever since!
Asterin is a huge tease, always being flirty in public, making Elide blush, whispering filth in her ear to see her squirm
Whenever they're in a room together, Asterin is always closely watching Elide, ready to jump in and defend/protect her if ever needed
Manon pretends to find them sickening, but she secretly loves them together and has even grown more protective over both of them, wanting them to get to live a long, happy life together
Asterin likes to take Elide out flying on her mount, usually in the evenings to clear their minds
Elide gets stressed easily, and Asterin knows that the cool air on her face, in her hair, Asterin's arms around her waist, are how to calm Elide down and soothe her
Elide was the one to set a slow pace for their relationship, as dating and intimacy are all fairly new to her
They'd hang out all night until Elide couldn't keep her eyes open anymore, then Asterin would walk her (or carry her) back to her room, giving her a sweet goodnight kiss on her cheek
Finally, Elide worked up the courage to ask if she could stay with Asterin that night
She said "I'm just so, so tired, and my room is a bit far... it's okay if you'd prefer I didn't, o-or I can... you know... stay on the flo-"
She didn't get to finish before Asterin was, again, cutting her off with a kiss
"Of course you can stay here, Elide, I'd love it if you did."
Elide borrowed one of Asterin's tunics and loose pants, and Asterin swore she fell more in love with her that evening
They fell asleep with Asterin as the big spoon, and that's how they usually sleep, unless Elide falls asleep on her chest instead.
The closer they got, the more they confessed to one another
Asterin is always fretting over Elide and her ankle, always asking her if she feels alright, if she needs anything, if she needs to sit down and take a break
She'll rub salve into it to alleviate the pain every night, sometimes letting her hands wander farther up than necessary, not that Elide's complaining, though...
And when Asterin first showed Elide the cruel marks on her torso, Elide gently ran her hands along the brand, kissing the skin, trailing up to Asterin's face, kissing her lips before any tears could fall
Asterin scares the hell out of Elide, especially when she leaves to do a job for Manon or the other witches
She'll be gone for days without a word, and when she returns bloody and bruised, Elide immediately turns into a mother hen
She'll gasp, grabbing Asterin before she can relay any information to Manon, and drag her to the room they now share
She'll strip her of her ruined clothes, and set her in the tub
She'll gently clean her wounds, add cream and bandage her right up while also cleaning the blood and grime from her body and hair
Elide grumbles the entire time about how reckless she is and how she could've gotten killed
Asterin just listens with a small smile, knowing this is Elide's way of showing how much she loves her
Asterin learns she kinda likes being doted on
It was during one of these moments that Asterin first told Elide she loved her, catching her wrist as it went to wipe some blood from her hairline
Elide stared at her, so long Asterin thought maybe she'd made a mistake, that it was too soon for her
But Elide just went back to cleaning her face, after saying, "I love you too, you careless fool."
Eventually, when it comes down to being decided that Elide must leave Manon's clan, that she must be the Lady of Perranth, Asterin doesn't hesitate to announce she's going with her
Elide had been stressed about the whole thing, thinking it was the end of her relationship, that she was going to have to leave the love of her life behind
She was shocked when Asterin decided to leave so quickly, with seemingly little hesitation
She tried to get her to reconsider, to think about what she was doing
But Asterin just told her that she'd been Manon's second for a long, long time
She said that the witches were safer than they'd ever been now, especially with Manon becoming Witch Queen
She said she wanted a change of pace, that she wanted that settled down life that not everyone was lucky to have
Elide, finally convinced that it was what Asterin wanted, eventually asked Asterin, the night before they were set to leave, if she'd marry her
Asterin, of course, said yes
She even went further and asked to bind their lives together, so that Asterin wouldn't live the rest of her long life without Elide one day
That made Elide sob, and they held each other all night long
The next day, they set off, Manon still a little bitter about losing her second, but happy for them nonetheless
They married months later, and bound their lives the same day
All of their friends came from several different kingdoms to attend, and they'd both never felt as loved and adored as they did on their wedding day
A/N: That's all I could really think of! I hope this works, anon! Thanks again for the request :)
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alora-rora · 2 years
nsfw jesstra headcanons
we need more jesstra content so here you go, this is with yellow hair clip jesse in mind but it can be read with all female jesses, and jesse went with petra at the end of season 2
petra has a small chest and she thinks jesse wont like this but jesse doesnt mind and if anything she feels honored that petra trusts her enough to show her herself at all
jesse and petra are switches, i dont rlly see the two of them as bottoms or tops
petra and jesse were virgins when they first did it, but petra seemed to know what she was doing when she didnt because of the years of waiting for jesse to let her in, she was desperate to make up for lost time
jesse is either loud or really whimpery; nothing else
petra likes to be quiet but sometimes she lets a moan out if shes bottoming
i like to think in the jesstra world they kissed in the admins cabin, not nsfw but i'd like to throw that out there
they do NOT do public sex, public edging, risky sex, etc. because that kinda limits what they do and they don't want some random seeing them naked.. bc they're kinda worldwide famous.. yikes?
they also dont like quickies; when they do it, they mean it
following the last one, they only have sex when its meaningful like they almost died on accident on an adventure or theyre feeling sad and nostalgic about their pre-hero days
they dont rlly do hickeys on the neck because its easily visible and they dont want ppl to know about their relationship by a hickey
speaking of which; theyre nervous about coming out as a couple so they keep it secret
jesses obsessed with trying to make petra moan but she (petra) feels a little girly when she does it and she likes being butch n stuff
jesse shows petra its ok to be weak later in the relationship, but petra only ever feels ok to be weak around jesse (song suggestion: monster by adventure time feat. king princess)
again, following the last one, they didnt actually do it like touch touch eachother until 2-3 months in because they were nervous of what the other thought
until then however they did have steamy makeouts and kinda grind on eachother
they rarely use dildos, but when they did.. lets just say petra had to keep jesses mouth shut with her hand and yes petra used the dildo first
i feel like they enjoy peaceful sex, very soft and gentle unless they almost lost one another, in that case theres a tension in the air to show the other what they mean to them
they like to try and top the other when they both almost get badly injured
however if just one of them got hurt, the injured one kinda lets the other take over
if petras hurt, jesse likes to put bandages on, stitches if she needs, etc to the best of her abilities and petra feels all fuzzy inside at the fact jesse cares so much for her so when they cuddle after, they start to makeout and it turns into jesse praising petra and petra being a subby mess under jesse
if jesses hurt, petra likes to lightly scold jesse while practicing precision and caution in attending to the wound(s). after petra puts their foreheads together and tells jesse how she (petra) really really really cant loose jesse because shes one of the few, if not the only person she can show her softie side to, and before petra can start crying over her feelings jesse shuts her up with a kiss and then they have rlly soft sex
they only do it in bed. not on the couch, not in the kitchen, and not in the shower. again, when they do it they mean it.
heres a funny one: they almost got caught by radar when they went back for the holidays bc the boy goes to jesse to fill out legal documents abt the town and stuff, they didnt get caught bc they were just starting, aka kissing so they just pulled apart before the door opened
..they lock the door when they get intimate now
no clothed sex bc these women wanna see all their lovers blemishes and scars and love on them <33
no handcuffs either bc jesse likes being grabby to fluster petra and petra needs to keep jesses hips in place
jesses a bucker
petra shivers
i feel like petra and jesse know a lot abt the others body, hence it being almost like a competition to who can get the other to cream the most
winner gets the bestest aftercare bc these muscle girls can go ALL night if they wanted to
dw loser gets kisses after the other gets proper treatment
they arent messy, they dont throw their clothes to the floor, they just haphazardly toss them to the end of the bed where they'll be out the way but not on the floor
jesse gets horny easily just watching petra to daily activities bc shes so muscle girl so the arms the hands the abs, ALL of it makes her wet and then she dissapears for 15 minutes to give herself relief
if petra ever finds out.. pray for jesse. maybe send flowers. might do a fic on this one if this gets attention
petra doesnt shave baby smooth, i mean she trims it so its not a bush but she doesnt see the appeal in putting that much effort in shaving down there only for it to grow back
jesse likes to keep hairless because it makes her feel good bc she doesnt like hair in the way of her wetdreams at 2pm but she doesnt mind petras short hairs, she loves her butch either way
hope this feeds the mcsm communitys hunger for jesstra
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storylocke · 7 months
Alolan Dusk 8
[It seems Ilima had done well to at least deliver the message in Iki Town even if he never made it to the others. Word traveled quickly as Aether found many people had gotten packed and ready by the time they had arrived. And with the ferry system up and running with a speed reminiscent of the old days, there's hope that everyone should arrive at the floating city within a few days. If they could wait that long. 
The recent attacks weighed heavily on Lillie's mind as she and other members of the Foundation helped in going door to door to find those who hadn't heard yet. The president had promised they would give time for those not ready, but only so long as they could promise safety. Another attack like the one at the lab, and it would be time to leave.]
[Timidly goes up to Roark's house and tries the door. Nothing. She tries again, but after a moment, she realizes there's no sound inside. As she peers through the window, she finds the place is completely cleared of it's furnishings.] 
You won't find him here. [Lillie turns to him with a start, but the old man simply smiles.] You're looking for Roark, right? 
[Soft hum of amusement] Kahuna Hau~! It's nice to see you in person again. [She comes over to the porch railing and folds her arms over the banister] I forgot this is just the halfway house, so I'm sure he hasn't lived here for years. 
[Moves off the road so they aren’t hollering] No one has for a long time now. Being alone out here with that creature on the loose, it’s just not feasible to live in. I haven't seen Roark since his mother fell victim. I think he's been living on Akala since then. [Ahem] You know, you don't have to be so formal with me. 
I guess we have known each other a long time. [Tries to lower her voice as she knows there's people likely to pass by on either of the three roads that surround them.] Actually, that just brings up a bigger question. I know we took care of your grandson, and a few other Shadows at the time, but what did Alola do with the ones since then? 
Well, obviously we couldn't have them running around blindly threatening people. [Looks in the direction as he's sure she knows where] We've taken all of the ones we've found so far into Po Town. 
Po Town?!
[Shrugs a bit] As you said, it's not their fault they're in this state, and they're still human in my book. I thought having some semblance of civilization, or houses at least, might help them remember that… [Shakes off the sadness as he tries to keep up the authoritative tone] It's still a mess, but with Team Skull gone and the Shadows' destructive nature, it's not like the place could get any worse. Not to mention the high walls do good to keep them in and the curious out. [Glances back at her] Not that many would ever go that way besides me and Guzma now. 
[Comes down from the porch, smiling a bit] Wait, Mr. Guzma is still okay?!
[Amused as she runs up beside him. Maybe they can walk together back to Iki Town for the next load of supplies] Why wouldn't he be? The man is more hard headed than a Shuckle, but he means well. I had him working for me even before you guys left. 
[Quietly as she looks back down the hill to the beach where an all too familiar landmark is missing.] We thought the same about Professor Kukui… [Timidly as she trots to catch up to the Kahuna and they start walking again] And more than that… You know my mother was one of the first to start acting so strange, and her and Guzma were the ones to accidentally unleash Necrozma in the first place. I guess with everyone else who's been taken, I thought he would have been long gone. 
[Curious] I thought it was agreed her case is different from the Shadows.
Yes, but… [She hesitates on explaining exactly why] there's still some definite overlap.
Hmm… [There's a long silence between the two before the old man speaks again] I'd be lying if I said we haven't talked about it. A lot. It's possible that since he's been staying with me, and Iki Town has remained untouched, he's just lucky. But… sometimes Guzma thinks the wicked thing won't take him because he's not good enough for it. Or worse, maybe after calming down from its initial rampage when released, it's had the time to realize it should be grateful to him for helping it escape. Normally I don't like to talk about people behind their back, but these past few years, I get the sense he's been haunted by all this in a way that's different from the rest of us. Even if you did speak to him, it's unlikely he'll tell you anything. 
[Saddened, but understandable.] That's probably for the better. Ilima told us that he thinks the monster has been targeting those who might know too much, so keeping quiet would actually be smart. 
[Stops short, and looks down at her in shock.] You heard from Ilima? The last we knew, he left Iki Town to go to Akala, but Olivia said he never made it. We've all been worried sick, especially after what happened to-
[Lifts a hand to cut him off] He made it to Aether. [Glances down as they wait for a man to pass by them on the road. She couldn't remember the town being this lively before outside of the annual festival. But with so many people around, it was best not to get into it.] That's all I can say. 
Ah. [Has his suspicions as to why, so he won't push it any further. Motions for her to step inside his house.] There is still the matter of the Shadows though. People are hesitant to take in the Pokemon we've found, but we've still had volunteers. The people are a different matter. It pains many to see their friends and family reduced to this state. Quiet and lost… I wonder if they even remember who they once were. 
I'd like to think so. It's taken a long time, but I think we've made some real progress with Hau at least. He talks to himself sometimes… [shifts awkwardly] and perks up a little when Gladion or I come by so I think there's something familiar there. It's strange though. [Sinks down a bit] We can't actually have conversations. Even though it seems he's been slowly relearning things, he always seems surprised to see me. Almost like he forgot I'd been there the day before. [Gives the old man a halfhearted smile] But he seems happy. Even if lost in his own little world, I think it would do wonders to see you again. 
[While this should be good news to hear he's doing better after not being able to see his grandson for so long, the description also brings up the painful memories of why he left in the first place.] And the outbursts? 
[The smile fades as she had hoped that wouldn't come up yet] Happening more frequently, I'm afraid. We don't know what it is that sets them off, but it always seems so sudden when he goes into attacking. Never at me though. With me, it seems when something sets him into action, he starts looking around for a threat that doesn't exist, and tries to break out of the room. I'm a little nervous about what will happen when we end up with more than one Shadow in a room, but the hope is that if we put the worst cases in isolation, we can maybe put those who are calm for the most part in groups. 
[Despite the bad news, he appears relieved] So you are planning to take them. And you have a place for them on board? 
Those we can find, at least. We've tried to make room by clearing out all of our labs to just be holding cells. I know how terrifying it will be for everyone to live so close with them, but I can't imagine leaving them here. And like I said, they'll be out of the way mostly, but maybe… maybe having a safe space for families to reunite, even if just for a little bit each day, might help us all start to heal. 
[Places a hand on her shoulder with pride] We'll have plenty of time to figure things out once we start. I'm just glad to know we have your support since I'm not sure I could leave in good conscience if we sailed away with my family all in good hands, while knowing how many were left to fend for themselves. [He looks out the window with a bit of guilt. Watching all those outside preparing Berry crates and parents holding onto their children so they didn't get lost in the shuffle of moving heirlooms. To think after all these generations, he'd be the last Kahuna to run this ancient little village.] Lillie? Can I ask you a favor? 
[Brightly] Anything I can do to help! 
[Pulls down a set of keys from the little rack by the door] We've still got a lot of work to do here. Would you try to find Guzma for me? 
[She takes the keys and looks through the unique designs with some fascination.] He's not here? 
We weren't sure what the plan was for the Shadows, so he went to check on things this morning. We wondered whether try to somehow make arrangements for him to Fly back here regularly, or to just leave the gates open and pray. He took food and supplies over there, if it would do any good, but would you tell him to get back here? Knowing Aether has a plan, I feel we could really use his help here at home. 
I can do that. Melemele seemed well prepared for our arrival, but Gladion and I had planned to visit the other islands just to make sure the others did too. 
[Impressed] My! You're a busy girl! Well hopefully I'll see you on board then. 
[Finds Gladion passing the school and pulls him inside the gate] Thank goodness I found you~!
Wha-? Hey! What's this all about? 
I got to talk to Kahuna Hau and he said all the Shadows they've found have been living in Po Town. [Holds up the key to the gates] And he asked me to go find Mr. Guzma out there, but-
Hold up. Guzma's still here?! 
[Goes to answer. Shakes her head] I was surprised too. I'll explain on the way. The point is, since we know where they are and I'm going that way, I thought we should try to get as many as can loaded up while there's not too many people in Aether Paradise. Wicke is greeting people at the door and going over rules, so now might be the best time to take the Shadows downstairs without drawing too much attention. 
[Nods in agreement] We'll need to tell Faba that we're taking the boat to Ula'ula and I'll call to inform Wicke about our change of location. 
Did I hear you say you're off to Ula'ula? 
[Turn to see Colress approaching them from the school building] 
[Innocently] Yes. We're going to visit Po Town since Kahuna Hau asked me to. That's not going to be a problem, is it? 
Not at all. I just stopped by here to gather some information, but the person I'm looking for should be somewhere on the next island. [Oh look, perfect timing. Haughtily] Are you also heading to port, Chauffeur Faba? 
[Glares at that voice] Your petty attempts to insult me won't work today. I-! [Freezes as he passes the gate, and turns to see the three of them all looking at him. Immediately turns his attention to Gladion.] What I mean is... I was… I was just looking for you two! I received word that I've got a long overdue meeting with someone on Poni Island and I won't be helping here.
[Uh…huh] You're in luck then. The three of us are heading to Malie City next. If you'll take us there first, we'll meet up with the company transport and you can go from there. 
[Mix of anger and dismay] But Ula'ula and Poni are in opposite directions! 
We could drop you off first, but then that would leave you without a boat. 
[Raises a hand to quiet them all] Faba actually has a point. If we're looking at distance, it would be just as easy for him to take us back to Aether Paradise and we'll pick up an empty transport from there. 
[Sigh] Might as well. [Looks between Faba and Colress and addresses them more sternly now] I assume both of the people you're meeting are eventually coming with us. I want a full report about what you find out when we meet back at the base this evening. 
[Sly grin] Of course, Mr. President. It would be my pleasure. And thank you, Miss Lillie for-
Save it. We need to get going. Just remember, everyone, whatever business you have is your business, but it needs to be wrapped up before sundown. Word here is that things tend to get worse after dark. Agreed? 
Everyone: [Soft, more serious tone] Agreed.
A/N: As we start to explore relationships in the verse after this point, I thought I should explain some things. This is after TPP:Ultra Sun, which in my timeline is about a generation or two after Sun and Waning Moon. "Quips" was our rival Hau in Waning Moon (we had a Lost Host who got decently far before the reset). Some *might* even remember him from my Waning Moon series. I had the idea thanks to Randomized Ultra Moon that Hala being tagged as Hau was just WM's Hau was all grown up. Same goes for Lusamine where this Lusamine never dealt with Nihilego like in Sun and WM, but they're not the same person. So on and so forth.
0 notes
louismeanhoe · 3 years
only bought this dress so you could take it off
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pairings: louis tomlinson x f!reader; harry styles x ofc.
warnings: nsfw!! contains descriptions of sex.
a/n: this was sorta requested? it's a first time! with an attempt to write something funny, too. i do hope you like it. oo and harry is louis' best friend in this one ;)
word count: 5,2k+
Nothing could bring me more frustration than my boyfriend's lack of interest in, well, me.
Louis had a reputation preceding him.
I heard the tales of the girls he left stranded. How he left them all so blown away by his skills, they didn't bother the humiliation of chasing after him if it meant they would have him again. And if I were to say I didn't want to get to know him, biblically, I would be lying.
When we first got together, I thought his distance was just the first-time jitters. He admitted that he'd never been in a committed relationship before, just brief flings that went away. I was so touched that I let the chaste kisses slide, after all, I was hopeful that once he realised that being intimate with me wouldn't change our dynamics, he'd be more comfortable with touching me. He'd be bolder, sliding his hands up underneath my loose sweaters, and the skirts I wore for him.
Three months had gone by and... nothing.
If he had any clue about how nerve-wracking this anticipation was to me, he didn't show it. He always kept a safe distance. Sometimes it felt like he didn't even want to have his hand sat on my thigh while we drove to places or the long make-out sessions that would leave us both dishevelled and breathless. These little things seemed like such an ordeal to him.
I groaned, out of bitter disappointment, which made my best friend laugh, still flickering through her phone. She came around noon for lunch, then, on a whim, I told her everything, that our four-month anniversary was coming and we hadn't done anything. Not even hand stuff. It was so embarrassing.
"You need to stop being so paranoid, babe.”
“It’s easy for you to say. Harry is a fucking sex machine!” I spit back, narrowing my eyes at her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. What’s wrong with me? We’ve been dating for four months! Four fucking months! And he didn’t even try to unhook my bra when we’re kissing!”
Madison went quiet, with her legs pressed up against her chest and her chin resting on her knee. It was the typical position of someone whose mind was working on a solution to a problem and, for my well-being, I could only hope she found a way to help me. Feels like a silly problem to have, but beyond the physical aspect of it, I wanted us to connect as a couple. Somehow, we didn't seem like we had just yet.
"I think I know what we can do," She said, standing up from her seat and smiling, as a child smiles when they're about to engage in some mischief.
“Do tell me, please.”
"I won’t tell you, because I know you'll say no before you even think it through, but trust me, this just might be what gets Louis on his knees for you."
There's no one I trust more than my best friend, that's for sure, and I knew she held my best interests at heart. She could be a little too much sometimes. Not that I have many choices to choose from, though. My best bet was to trust that whatever she had come up with, would help me.
Desperate times, desperate measures.
"Madison, I cannot believe I let you drag me into this place!”
The entire scenario was a bit too much to swallow. I wouldn't have imagined in a million years that I'd need to go to a sex shop to snag Louis' attention. If I were honest, it was quite the opposite of how I had pictured our sex life would begin. Anyway, here I was, staring at a stack of sexy costumes, oils, creams, toys… Things I didn't even know existed.
“Don’t pout at me, babe, I just want to see you happy. Better yet, satisfied.”
"Fine, I just hope this works.”
“Psht, of course, it will,” She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Louis is a man, darling, and men think with their brainless heads.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Oh my God, do I need to spell it out? Boys wanna' have sex. All the time. So pretty much anything slightly related to it can get their ‘little friend' up and ready to play.”
“That can't apply to Louis. I'm serious. I think he might be saving himself for marriage.”
Maddie laughed at my desperation, earning a glare from me in her direction. I kept looking for a decent costume so I could get this over with. It would be mortifying to bump into other friends or colleagues while leaving a shop such as this one. The very thought makes me want to hide for cover.
“Do you need help?” A friendly voice snapped me out of my inner worries. "You seem to be lost."
“Hm? No. No, thanks, I know what I want. It’s somewhere in here.”
“And you have just confirmed to me that you are lost,” He smiles, touching my shoulder. “Tell me what you need so I can go see if we have it on our stock.”
“Okay, okay, I admit it! I have no idea what to do to get my boyfriend turned on!”
He looked at me in sympathy, unsure what he should say, and I couldn't blame him. Who would want a trainwreck like me as a customer? I wanted to just give up and go home. The best approach wasn't ambushing him but talking. The old-fashioned way.
It occurred to me that Madison hadn't come here out of the goodness in her heart to help me out. It was likely she needed things for herself and used me as a pretext to swing by, I had long lost her in the multiple aisles on this place. I didn't think this would be so... big.
“It looks like you spaced a bit.”
“Sorry, I’m just a little lost and a bit desperate. Not that I should be telling this anyway.”
"Right, uh, as I was saying, you needn’t worry, I'm quite good at picking these things and it will blow your boyfriend's mind.”
"Yeah, I’m not sure if that’s possible," The tips of my ears went warm. "I’ve tried bending, unbuttoning blouses, and double meaning sentences… Nothing seems to work on him.”
John, his name was sewed to his pinstriped button-down dress shirt, gave me a yellow smile. If I thought I felt embarrassed enough before, it was no match to how I was feeling now. This had to work. I mean, I knew I wasn't exactly what he was used to, the blonde girls with skinny bodies, but I had my charm. Plus he asked me out, he pursued me. He had to be attracted to me in some way.
“Babes!” Madison yelled, coming from somewhere I didn’t know. “Look what I found!”
“Where were you?”
She shrugged, shooting me a playful smirk.
“It doesn’t matter, just take a peek at this costume. If Louis doesn’t feel like sex-ing you up with this, I'll do it myself.”
I couldn't bite back the chuckle that followed. Madison was the reason why my days were far from being boring.
"Right, tell me what it is first.”
“Gee, you’re so slow today,” Maddie cocked an eyebrow, putting the dress on the marble counter next to where we were. “Fine, this is what Jessica Rabbit wears. She sort of reminds me of you, you know, the big boobs and stuff, also, as far as I know, guys fantasize a lot about her.”
I grabbed the red panties that were part of the nice set and knitted my brows together. Yes, the plan was to impress him with everything that I got, but… I wasn’t sure if I would have the courage to wear this in front of him.
“I have to agree, this one is... Feisty,” John puts in as if he's an old friend of ours. "If I might give you a little bit of advice... Clothes, or toys, won't do the trick. You need attitude, so when you do wear this, put on red high heels, and just go for it. I don't think there's any way he can resist it."
“Oh, I’m betting on that,” I said, sighing. “Otherwise…”
“Can you trust me, for once?” She chimes in, crossing her arms.
"It isn’t about trusting you or not, Madison. I’m just keeping my feet on the ground so I won’t get disappointed.”
"Would you please forget about that? And you wrap this up, please, we’ll take it.”
John nodded, leaving us both alone. The lingering warmth that spread across my cheeks seemed to be fading as I got used to the idea. It wasn't a big deal. Louis was my best friend above all, I trusted him enough to do this. He was caring, loving, and gentle. Everything I dreamt of.
Oh, fuck, I love him.
[Louis' house, a few hours later]
Louis was sprawled out on the couch, eyes glued to the TV screen where some action movie I didn’t bother to catch the name of was playing. While entranced by the movie, he ran his fingers through my hair, in the most soothing strokes. It was all so cosy, I almost forgot what I had planned for tonight. Madison and I had gone into his flat earlier to hide the bag with everything I'd need, so he wouldn’t have the slightest of clues about my intentions, because it had to be a surprise. The unknown was my leverage.
It was around eight. I'd decided I'd do it after the movie ended, but I just couldn't wait anymore. I start to fidget on my seat, a bit nervous about the whole situation. He seems oblivious to the war going on inside my brain.
"Um, Lou, do you mind if I go to the bathroom?”
“Sure, luv',” He frowned for a minute, staring at me with a curious gleam sparking in his eyes, “Been acting weird, though. Did somethin' happen?”
“Nah, nothing happened. I’m just worried about some things.”
“What things?”
“Not a big deal, don't worry, baby,” I shook my head, refusing to give him a more precise answer. “I’ll be right back.”
Leaving the huge living room behind, I ran towards his bathroom, where all my stuff was concealed. As soon as I got in, I locked the door behind me so no one would come in unannounced. Trust me, boys have no sense of private space, especially Louis’ best friend, Harry. All these precautions were necessary. A sigh slips past my lips as I pull out the bag, looking at my trembling figure in the mirror. It was now or never.
I took off the oversized blue sweater I had on and the jeans skirt, not bothering to fold them before shoving them inside my backpack. The red dress was soft under my fingertips. I put it on the marble sink, slipping on the lingerie first, a strapless push-up bra that made my breasts look amazing, and a lace pair of panties that barely covered anything. Wow. The garter was also in place. At last, the actual costume. It had a sweetheart neckline, hugging me so tight I was afraid things would spill out, then there was the rift, going all the way to the beginning of my thigh.
The woman in the mirror looked good.
After a layer of red lipstick, mascara to make my lashes thick and long, a bit of illuminator on my cheekbones, on the tip of my nose too, I felt as if I were someone else. I put on the silver heels and the purple gloves. Ok. Now I'm ready to go back.
Before I went to the living room, I took a deep breath to even my nerves. I smiled to myself and went out, sneaking, the sound of my heels on the wooden floor being muffled.
“Sweets?” I asked, still hidden inside his bedroom. “Are you still there?”
“Yeah, I am, c'mon, you’re missing the best part!”
Another deep breath.
I decided to leave all my woes behind and, in confident steps, I went to where Louis was. The moment was so intoxicating that I didn’t even pay attention to the fact he was no longer alone, meaning that, yes, I was standing in a sexy costume in front of him and Harry. Both had their eyes wide, staring at me with slight confusion and surprise.
“Oh my God!” I screamed, realising we weren’t by ourselves. “What the fuck are you doing here, Harry?!”
“Well, I do live here...” He answered, a dirty smirk stretching his lips. “So you’re already on sexy fantasies stuff? Nice!”
“Harry shut the fuck up and stop looking at my girlfriend’s legs.”
Louis got up on his feet, gripped my arm, and hauled me somewhere with him. He was very much annoyed at Harry's behaviour. The way he kept gawking at me made me uncomfortable, and there was no possibility he didn't notice that.
“Where are you taking me?”
“My bedroom. I don’t want public when I make you moan my name, pet.”
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Harry cheered, laughing. “Make me proud, tiger!”
“Fuck you!”
He slammed the bedroom door closed, propping me up against it and attacking my lips without hesitation, a surprised gasp slipping from me. I threaded my fingers into his soft brown locks, pulling them, kissing him back with the same fire he seemed to be fuelled off, turning both of us into a complete mess. My hands began wandering across his body, feeling the tense, hard muscles underneath the thin fabric of his navy blue loose sweater. It made him tighten the grip on my waistline, pressing me even further and allowing me to feel the growing bulge on his beige shorts.
“I had no idea yeh wanted t'do this so much, pet,” He whispered, trailing down my neck, soft lips pressing ever so gently. “If only I'd known… I would’ve done this sooner.”
“Oh, Louis… Fuck.”
A strangled moan escaped when he ripped apart the thin red dress, leaving me in the red lace lingerie set only. The expectation, besides the adrenaline, made goosebumps crawl my entire body. Everything was happening exactly as I imagined it would be, perhaps even better than my late-night fantasies. It should be deemed a sin for him to have forbidden me from this.
Wordlessly, I unhooked myself from his embrace, switching our positions so I was free to take off his shirt, peppering wet kisses across his pale skin. I got down to my knees, stopping right when my head was facing the very evident volume on his shorts. It made my mouth water, I couldn’t wait to finally taste him. In a wavering fit of desire, I pulled down his shorts, the black boxers beneath all tight with the size of him.
“Babe, are you sure you want to do this?”
I was stuck within a frenzy where nothing else mattered but Louis and me. Each insecure thought had been shoved away, hidden where they couldn't bother me. So I did, I freed him from his underwear, his cock bouncing, already slick with pre-cum.
“Yeah,” I whispered, looking up at him in awe, "Pretty sure."
This wasn't about teasing him, but I started slowly, my hand going up and down, thumb toying with his tip. He grunted. Oh God, I was certain he'd be the death of me. Louis had his eyes shut, back pressing against the wall, bent to my will. I had to say, this felt pretty amazing.
“C'mon, pet, don't be mean,” Louis groaned, his fingers gripping my hair. “I want to feel your mouth around me.”
The words themselves were already too overwhelming, but coming in that raspy low tone, there was no way someone could answer anything that wasn’t a yes. And the way his face was scrunched in pleasure… Fuck, I never thought he could get more handsome. I was dead wrong.
While one of my hands worked him off, I pressed my lips to his cockhead, drawing him in, his taste strong on my tongue. Each of his hands cupped my cheeks, and we looked at each other then. Me, stuffed with him in my mouth, and him, those bright-blue eyes that could pierce holes into the very soul of me.
"Can I fuck that pretty little mouth of yours?" Louis whispered.
My panties were so wet I thought he just might have broken my faucet. I indulged him, curling my lips and flattening my tongue, allowing him to go deeper, to a point I felt him at my throat, the air growing scarce. His hips went back, and I gasped for air, saliva dripping down my chin. He pushed back in, finding a pace. Mumbling my name, lost in a haze.
I squeezed my thighs together, in hopes that the growing heat between them would give me a break. If he made me so flustered like that, on my knees, sucking him off, I was one hundred percent doomed when he fucked me.
“Oh fuck, you're good at this,” He bites his lip. "Don't want to finish in your mouth, pet. Don't tempt me."
A chuckle fell from my lips as I continued to pump, his beautiful blue eyes connected to mine in a very sensual glance. Louis gripped my arms, quite suddenly, lifting me harshly and quickly pinning me up against the tall mahogany door of his bedroom, his lips hard against mine. This time there wasn’t anything sweet. It was urgent, aggressive even. The couple who just wanted to share an intimate moment was gone, now we were two people entreating to relieve the tension we had created. His hands grabbed my buttcheeks, so strong I knew there would be red marks left behind.
“Please, Lou…”
Louis' features grew mischievous as if he was planning to do something nasty to me now. He didn’t answer me, his fingers tracing up my thighs at ease, eliciting mellow moans to fall out from my mouth, wetness pooling. Once he reached the curve of my ass, he pulled me up to wound my legs around his waist, it made a girlish scream slip, then a schoolgirl giggle. Soon enough I felt the softness of his mattress on my back, his body hovering above mine.
“Tsk, tsk, you have been a naughty, naughty girl.”
“Me? Oh, no, you were the one who forced me into using these low tricks to get your attention.”
“Again, I had no idea you were so interested in knowing what I could do,” Louis snapped back, confidence infused on his irises.
“Shut up and show me what that mouth of yours can do.”
"Hmm, feisty, gonna' have to teach ya' some manners later, won't I?”
A strangled moan bubbled in my chest, the double entendre left me on edge. Or perhaps was the deft brush of his tongue as he slid down my body, the prickle of his beard enticing, I was shaking and he hasn't even started. When settled on his stomach, his shoulders breaching the spot between my thighs, I felt the warm breath fan over me, then a kiss on my inner thigh. The tip of his nose got close but backed away, the wet press of his lips on my other thigh.
“Oh fuck, look how wet you are, pet.”
“It’s all for you,” I breathed out, watching him play with the red lace of my panties. “P-please.”
He nods. The rough pad of his thumb sinks on my clit, over the thin fabric covering it, he starts a deliberate circle, tantalising me. Louis does it once, twice, three times, god knows how many times, never diverting his deep blue eyes from mine. He observes as I lose touch with reality, falling back into the alluring taste of pleasure as it starts to pull me in.
I slip into it, moans torn from a porn movie. He teases one finger into me, the rash of my panties leaves a burning feeling in the wake as he pulls back.
"Take them off," I plead, in a breathless impulse.
Louis clicks his tongue, smiling, but doesn't comply, rather, he pushes them to the side. The breath is knocked out of my lungs when he leans to have a taste, thin lips wrapping around where I thrummed with want. I curse, my head lolling back into the plush of his pillows, while my hips thrash forwards, not an ounce left of shame as I grind against his face.
The way he eats it, like a starved animal... It makes me all the hotter and bothered. No one should be this good at this. I could understand the girls now, I'd fight with teeth and claws to have him spend his time between my legs, gentle tongue coaxing orgasm after orgasm from me. Ripping pleasure like one rips apples from a tree.
“Holy shit, I'm gonna', shit-”
“Already, pet?” His tone shows mockery, though I don't feel embarrassed to be put under his scrutiny. He pushes two thick fingers into the wet snug of my cunt, dexterously finding a spot there that made my legs go weak. "Hmm, thought I'd have to work harder."
"Fuck you, Tomlinson," Words float out from my mouth, I'm so far gone it feels ethereal, it feels like I'm not talking at all. "No, no, fuck me."
Bliss finds me quick, but it finds me hard. I shake, and scream, and make a whole mess. His mouth doing its continuous work to guide me through it, to spread it further, to make it last as long as it can. His fingers push deeper, then stills, butterfly licks on my clit the only stimulus. Louis doesn't stop until I'm crying, begging for him to stop.
“Done so good f'me, gorgeous,” Louis mumbles, bending to plant a kiss on each of my inner thighs. “Holy fuck, you're beautiful.”
I offer him a spent laugh, my limbs limp, heavy like stones. He kisses the jut at the bottom of my tummy, the snakes up, finding my pebbled nipples, sucking on them like a babe. His eyes closed, low hums of pleasure as he does. I'm still too sensitive, but it's to no avail, the insatiable throb begging to be taken care of again.
His lips crash on mine in a feverish touch, my taste heavy on his tongue. This night had so far been so much better than I had set out to be, Louis worshipped my body like the pagans worshipped their gods.
The heavy pressure of his cock on my hipbone lit a fire on me. Before I could get a hold of myself, I was rubbing the wet tip to the swollen of my clit, the pulse too much for my dazed brain to handle. He grunted, reaching beside him, followed by the noise of a drawer being opened. When he didn't find the condom he was looking for, Louis sucked one last time at the delicate skin of my neck and stood up, to search it further.
"Son of a bitch," He snarled. “I can't believe that.”
“Harry used all of my condoms again!” Snorting, he headed to the door. “I'm going to kill him!”
“As much as the sight of you slaughtering Harry sounds appealing,” I giggled, standing back up on my feet. “It's not necessary. You think I'd go through all this trouble and not by protection?”
“Oh, right,” He scratches the back of his neck. "That's a good call, babe."
"Give me a minute to get it?”
On my tiptoes, I gave him a brief peck on the lips and rushed to his bathroom, where I had left my backpack. It had been indeed a good call to have thought to buy them, or the whole moment it would've been ruined. I dismiss the thoughts while checking myself in the mirror, a wild-haired, swollen-lipped woman staring back at me. Love bites covered a great expanse of my collarbones, breasts, hips... Pretty much all bits were stained purple.
I shake my head, bending to pick up the bag and grabbing the two packages stuffed to the front pocket.
“I'm coming!”
Armed with a red-laminated package, I jogged back to his room, my chest heaving in exertion. I wasn't, however, ready to the sight of him, laid back, eyes closed and big hand around him. Little noises seeping. Holy fuck my panties were wet. For a moment I thought I had peed myself. No one should look so hot. How in the world was that fair?
"Couldn't wait for me, sweets?"
"Getting it ready f'yeh, pet," Louis looks at me, a lazy smirk growing.
"Seems ready, from where I'm standing," I wink at him. "Got this for you."
I tossed him the condom.
“Strawberry flavour?”
“Do you want to argue about it?”
“Nope. Don't care.”
Louis laughed and slid the rubber down his cock. I took the opportunity to ditch the panties, hurling them to a corner, then crawled back to him. He shifted me down, hovering on top of me. When he kissed me, only love and care trickled through. I could feel how much he wanted me, but I could also feel how much he did love me.
“Please... No more games,” I mumbled, stroking the back of his neck. “I need you inside me.”
My sickly sweet beg was enough for him to plunge into me, both of us moaning in unison. I felt full, contented, despite him being still. At this moment, it all felt worth it, all the trouble I went to get him. I felt connected to him, we fell together like puzzle pieces.
Louis let me adjust to him, his cock a whole new stretch, but the dull ache was too much to allow the stillness to linger a second more. I rolled my hips into him, a scant movement, but enough to spring warmth from my toes to my head.
“So fucking hot, pet,” His voice had reached a deeper tone, it sent chills down my spine. “I don't think I can ever grow tired of you.”
The first snaps were slow, he was testing it out, how deep he could go, how fast. I entertained him, my legs wide open to accommodate the weight of him, curled up and pressed to my chest. Louis growled then, grabbing and putting them over his shoulders, slamming deeper, nudging the very end of me.
He kissed my forehead, reassuring words dripping from him like honey. Their meaning lost in my spinning head, all lost and drunk on him, the warm sweat-slick skin the only anchor to reality I had.
I felt it coming this time, building up to a bone-crushing fall. So fast I didn't think I had it in me. As I neared the sweetness of the second orgasm, each muscle snapping, he pulled out. I whined at the emptiness that crept behind when his cock slipped out of me.
"What are you doing?" My voice came out in a childish whimper.
"Get on your hands and knees f'me, sweets," Louis told me. No, he commanded me. I moaned, shaking, and tried to do as he told me, but faceplanted his pillows. "C'mon, on your hands, pet, you can do it."
It took every scrap of strength I had, but I did it, only to come toppling down as he smacked my ass. Strong enough to leave a handprint. I squealed, fisting the sheets.
"My pretty little squeaky toy," Louis held my hips up, his cock taunting as he dragged up and down. "Make more of those sounds for me, hmm?"
In a rather sharp blow, he was inside me again, stretching, making room to his size. The short nails dug into the small of my back as he pounded, the clap of our skins echoing like a sinful symphony. I was full. Of him, of emotions.
“This is so fucking good, can't believe it took you this long to give it to me good...” I teased, it falls out wracked with pleasure and between desperate gasps.
It was merciless, but the faster he went, the wetter I seemed to get, squelching sounds as he went in and out. Louis was using me as a personal ragdoll, each stutter of his hitting the right spots to coax out mindless noises.
“Faster, babe, I-I’m so close…” A loud exhale stumbles out, my hands wandering through my body in hopes to soothe the growing high.
“If I do that, you won't be able to walk,” It's a deep, oblivious response. Almost as if all he needs is the littlest of encouragement.
“I don't fucking care.”
The room started to whirl when Louis kicked it up a notch. I had no control whatsoever over my body. It was all instinct: the moans, the grinding on his cock… None of it was me, it was the lust-driven woman in my place. Louis guided his skillful fingers to my spasming clit, rubbing it.
“Oh, Lou, I'm gonna...”
“Cum to me, pet.”
I screamed, my whole being reacting to the mix of sensations that came over me. Toes curling, back-arching, arms and legs heavy like lead. I wasn't expecting to be this baffling, this good, but I wasn’t complaining either. My high wore off eventually, and I sighed, closing my eyes. I listened as Louis kept going, falling apart soon after, my name on his lips.
The following minutes were soaked in silence. While I lied tired on the soft mattress, Louis went up to remove the condom, disposing of it in a bin. Within seconds he returned, pulling me to his arms, embracing me. I figured out words weren’t needed now, just us holding one another fulfilled our every need. He stroked my back and I drew small figures on his chest, tiredness consuming us.
“Are you alright?” Louis finally asked, eyes locked on the ceiling. “You’re too quiet…”
“'Course I am, babe,” A tired smile curved my smudged lips. “Thank you, for this.”
“I think I am the one who should be thanking you,” His chest shook with a quick laugh, “You're so perfect, love, I still 'ave no idea what did I do to deserve yeh.”
“Stop it,” Propping myself up, I looked at him, sceptical. “You didn't have to do anything to deserve me, because you're already a wonderful person, Louis. And I love you. God, I love you more than I ever thought I'd love someone.”
“Not more than I love you, baby.”
Louis stole a chaste kiss on my lips, smiling as he did so. I threaded my fingers on the unkempt strands of his hair, pulling his face towards mine and deepening the kiss. I was far from done with him.
"What an insatiable girl," Louis joked, kissing the tip of my nose and hiding his face on the crook of my neck, hot tongue licking a stripe on my burning skin. "Are you ready for one more?"
"Oh baby, you thought one fuck would be enough?”
“Well fuck me, you dirty talking to me is going to ruin me, d'yeh know that?” His hands slid down my belly, only stopping when he reached the needy cunt that was craving for his touch. “Oh, pet, you're going to break me.”
“Yeah, yeah, just do your job right.”
Laughing, Louis agreed with a nod, gluing his lips to mine again and I could tell that, from now on, he would never leave me flustered again.
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