#i wanna stop being in survival mode
ikkan · 1 year
of course my mom is trying to guilt me into staying, by using her tears 😑
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kindacreepy-kindaugly · 3 months
#he doesn't wanna acknowledge it but I think he really is tryin to rationalize somethin that happened to him not just the rest of us#i mean ofc in the physical sense it's the same anyway n it was before either one of us existed but#i........didn't think there was smth that he actually emotionally connects to like that#cause he's only ever mentioned 'what happened to us' as an entity that doesn't include him#n i guess i didn't wanna think someone who's been through that would go on to do it to someone else#but i mean i guess it makes sense#why he's so hell bent on ignoring the moral side of it. whatever happened did cause he wasn't strong enough to stop it#n the only way to keep himself from becomin a victim again is to always be the perpetrator instead#survival of the fittest#if you couldn't stop it you deserved it cause whoever's the strongest makes the rules#is that easier to accept than somethin just being _wrong_ n happening anyway? maybe#how the fuck do we unpack it though#it rly shouldn't be me it should be someone he can't coerce into takin part in his fucked up defense mechanisms but#but. idk. don't know how to go about buildin a rapport w/ him#especially cause if it's someone he can't physically intimidate he'll probably feel too vulnerable n just go full defense mode instead#i think someone he doesn't see as a threat but he can't manipulate either is.....pretty mutually exclusive#i.....wonder if he can't feel safe cause as long as he can do it to me it also means someone else could do it to him#it don't rly work like that cause it's cause of emotional manipulation now but. also.#maybe he doesn't consider himself as immune to that as we thought he did#he does have a pretty messed up understanding of things like autonomy n consent even wrt himself#if it doesn't go outside the role he plays n someone initiates i don't think he feels like it's up to him. it's just expected.#we've tried to get him to understand no one's gonna hurt him here. the worst that'll happen is bein restrained if he goes after someone else#which probably fucks w/ him even more cause he has no choice but to go along w/ it or be made to cooperate but#it's only when he's an active threat. it's self defense.#i think i'm onto something here cause rn sayin it'll only happen if he tries to hurt someone feels.....the same as shit like#this is only happening cause you're makin me do it#you wouldn't get hurt if you just did what you're told#all the. all the shit he's always tellin me to dodge accountability n make me feel like it's my own fault#goddamn fucking hell our psych literally just started her summer break it's over a month til our next appointment#spdrvent
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krewekreep · 4 months
Baby Daddy Red Flags: Bleach Edition (😜🤍)
This one…this one for the sluts! 😭💕 I’m an old anime bitch like lemme get it out my system! (We gonna tag this #ToxicTalk lmaoo, this is a safe space)
(If you wanna know who we share 😒, I’ll add an asterisk or whatever. ((They still mine first 😂💝🫡)) (will update and repost with new additions, semi-live post)
***ICHIGO: Lemme get my baby daddy out the way. Biggest issues would be his availability before and after the kid. Probably got pregnant in a makeup sex situation anyway. Ichigo doesn’t seem to type to breakup but will say let’s break. Based on how selfless he is it also can be seen coming from him not being able to save his mom—so he may have a savior complex. It may seem valiant at first like “oh wow you became friends with Chad helping him with bullies? You became closer to Orihime (😒) after helping her grieve her brother? You’re such a good person!” Til you realize seniority is in place and when his friends call he drops whatever he is doing to go help. It’s been time, money, etc and increasingly his selflessness comes off as codependent. Like he can’t stop trying to make up for something that wasn’t his fault.
He will also randomly reserve to right to become reclusive. Not necessarily secretive but less energetic, talkative, or engaged. (You def realize your baby got some functional depression going on. Iykyk). Might not annoy you but the random times he doesn’t want to be touched or seemingly avoids you does hurt…but he sincerely comes back letting you know he was in a weird space etc.
Ichigo’s biggest yes or no is if you’ll be able to sometimes come second or third (likely til you marry and/or have kids with him.) His father and sisters are absolutely #1, his friends are #2, and his oath to the Soul Society and humanity at large is a consequence of him protecting the first two so that’s of course #3. See where I’m going? Even on your best days you might be upset he runs off to Rukia’s or Orihime’s aid. That he has to “save the world,”to save you too. Jealous types might really become frustrated with Ichigo. And tbh I don’t see him breaking out of his ways. He won’t see a need to because there’s real results of his good deeds in his life. He knows he’s saved lives, so he knows he can continue to—so will you be able to handle the fact his duty and mindset will be self sacrificing? I don’t know I think I’d tie him down with a baby and move on.
**KENPACHI: I fully accept and am attracted to his animalistic tendencies. I absolutely can admit that about myself 😭 but…realistically you’d def have to tell him he’s too rough during sessions. He’s grown up wayward, defensive, survival mode, stomach touching his back— during a time so seemingly historical and old who knows how bad the conditions of poverty were—most kids died if they simply weren’t rich and able to eat. Or turned to crime at extremely young ages or exploited….That’s just global history in real life. And the soul society is that much more complex and arduous. Kenpachi will be a man of few words but immense action. If you want someone who will open up even eventually that is not Kenpachi Zaraki. You will highly likely never know of his past because he will never say he is excruciatingly doing everything to never have to. And no, he won’t communicate ever if anything terrible is on his mind. Although kenpachi is coded as barbaric he really is just that protective—he’s as angry as he will be based solely upon someone’s proximity to him emotionally. You and Yaru will be so exclusively held in a regard he won’t even understand. Just the black hole of his awareness he’ll surpass anything to save y’all. He won’t speak on why Lady Unohana isn’t around anymore (new anime, manga lore). But again, when he ends up rough too many nights in a row you distance yourself from him. He can’t admit to you he disassociates and goes back to bad times. He can’t tell you your comfort and warmth makes him remember the times he needed it before—he doesn’t mean to hurt you but he lives for a fight. But he wants to stop making everything and everyone something to “conquer.” He’ll be a real deal handful and it will solely up to you to either tell him you can’t be with him until he figure shit out or you’ll stick beside him and work through it together. (In this case Yaru is the “kid” yall share, I see him being weary of birthing a child and being a dad in such a “visceral” way. Will have total abandonment trauma and just can’t see him getting over it completely to bring new life into a world he already sees the worst in tbh.) but in terms of “baby momma” treatment? Or your prioritized and protected best believe. 💕 he also will force you to learn combat cause you should be able to take care yourself too. Which might either be hot or burdensome. You’re gonna know how to fight. And tbh he might try to bring it into the bedroom on some weird let’s play fight shit so watch yourself. That’s a BIG MAN! 😭😂💕 “HA! Now that you know how do a few things why don’t you test it on me?” Big cheeky sneaky ass grin girl don’t fall for it!
BYAKUYA: This is the guy who will match your freak everywhere but in public. No PDA—actually don’t even look at him or try to talk to him in public…be professional. He will be joking with others and you’ll get upset saying “Hey! You let the other members of the society tease you?” And in private he’ll admit it’s just to keep up appearances and he hates it all. 😭 I think his biggest issue will be coming off fake or disingenuous or you’ll have a hard time sincerely seeing him cause he’ll be so different depending on where y’all are. People wouldn’t know he’s like a mom boyfriend who makes sure you eat, sleep, and keep up with yourself. Yes, he will absolutely unintentionally say something insulting like “This doesn’t suit you. Find something else.” And yes he will be very clearly on guard when in public. People will openly wonder why you’re with him tbh. Which will frustrate the both of you of which neither of you ever bring up to the other. Byakuya has lost a love before—he won’t talk about it ever. You MIGHT get something out of Rukia about it cause it was her sister but I doubt she’ll go super intimate about THEIR relationship cause she respects both his and her sister’s privacy. So you might be stuck on an eavesdropping side quest with Renji that amounts to nothing cause he’ll sense yall. He’ll be amused and somewhat touched you wanted to watch him work though. He’s usually the one keeping check or track of things so he’ll never say he likes that you peep on him and mind his business. You care about him and he knows he’s a bit unfair not allowing any PDA. But he so openly loved on Rukia’s sister he couldn’t help the shameful self imposed embarrassment once he had to walk the halls alone…Byakuya will be a very intentional, quiet lover. I doubt he’ll moan very much tbh unless he’s exhausted and allowing you to take care of him. Sometimes he’ll absolutely disappear all day into work. Other times he’ll be sure to direct his underlings to wait on you in his stead. He’s more manageable if you can accept his sometimes snarky, distant, super private ways. As a father he’ll be annoyingly big on exceptionalism and them being smart and talented. You’ll have to be sure he isn’t burdening your kid when you aren’t around. And you’ll have to be sure he doesn’t inadvertently impart his insensitive habits too. Likewise, you’ll ABSOLUTELY have to “deal or no deal” him about giving affection to your kid in public. You will absolutely have to go off and tell him it’s y’all or his image. And yeah now he’s holding both yall hands albeit defeated. 💕😭
AIZEN: Shit…girl (im black my “girl…” is gender neutral don’t be annoying 💕) you already know what it is. Yandare, selfish, self righteous, MEAN, EVIL…but fine and rich as fuck. 😔🫤 it will be a doozy to be with this one. You literally have to know and accept what you getting into bestie. I can’t even warn you, you know! 😭 but seriously if your an aizen bias you accept him as is 😭 psycho ass. So I wanna just write how’d he be as a baby daddy. Now not to get…too mature…but if you happened to be someone captured/kidnapped by him and pregnant…baby you is a victim! BUT ITS FANFIC SOOO if you were the captured baby momma that’s in his realm with him…well girl you in the realm lord you stuck. “Can I go to the human world?” “For what?” “Uh, sun?” “Humph what do you need sun for…” He’ll look down at your crying child and be like “Ugh okay whatever but Grimmjow is your chaperone.” And you won’t care cause Grimmjow lets you run off and live life. Which Aizen knows but the minute you aren’t overtly scared and submissive to him he’ll lose his weird sense of “power.” You’re man crazy bestie. He’s definitely someone you won’t talk back to until you’re a parent and equally going to advocate for your kid. He’ll realize and laugh to himself “Their not really submissive at all…little minx…” and hold you in completely new regard. “So you took me as is because you wanted to?” He’ll start thinking shit that confuses him and decide to randomly kill a grunt to distract himself like no he’s not gonna reflect into a better person. 😂 you’ll have everything you want cause you can’t go nowhere 😭. Mind you yes the sex is mind blowing so you sadly do take what positives are there…his eyes don’t fall sexually to anyone but you. His body doesn’t respond certain ways to anyone but you. And as you stand next to him more and more he’s leaning into you and your baby’s energy rather than tryna to overtake yall with his. Just don’t speak about the change and it’ll be fine. The minute you tease or openly acknowledge his becoming softer and less controlling you’ll ruin all the progress you made. Let him feel like he’s in control or whatever.
New Additions (1):
Hitsugaya: (adult of course) Hitsu will be a blend of Byakuya and Ichigo. The best aspects of him will be how attentive and actionable he is about his love for you. But — he will shy away from PDA and sometimes have moments of separated solitude. Unlike Byakuya, he will absolutely open up to PDA, just will never be the initiator of it. Maybe grab your hand at the end of the day to hurry back home or stare at you as long as he can while he observes your dutiful working. He’ll be shy always which keeps your love feeling young and refreshed. You’ll always be able to make him blush and unlike Ichigo, he’ll warm up to you imposing yourself on his alone time. He’ll be big on love making and planning when to have a child so it will be less spontaneous. He’ll have the baby registry and wishlists prepared, printed, and passed out to members of the Soul Society. He’ll enjoy trips to the human world to acquire new toys and trinkets for your baby.
As a baby daddy he’s almost too protective. You wonder what he’s been through as he’ll have a firm grip of your hips as you cradle your child. He’ll have a habit of looking at your baby and then between the both of you stunned at how he can see the perfect blend of your features on your child’s face. He’ll be very close to a simp honestly (which I’m a fan of) and be at your beck & call no matter the hour. Definitely the dad to tell you don’t worry about tending to the little one, keep resting cause he knows how tired you get. He’s honestly the perfect idea of a new father as he’ll be bumbling a bit but with so much to prove. I realize I kinda didn’t write red flags cause I truly see Hitsu adjusting to parenthood and a long term relationship the best. Only thing I can think is that he’ll be overtly willing to sacrifice himself for your family’s safety. So any massive issue in the Soul Society will make your heart sink a little because while he’s capable he’s been in enough life threatening predicaments to cause ample, appropriate worry. He’ll be hard to break out of working I think until your child starts schooling which could be frustrating cause he’ll overcompensate parenting in lieu of his work commitments. Overall, I think he’d be the baby daddy with the least to really worry about.
Renji: Oh lord— all tea, all shade this man will STRUGGLE. « What do you mean the baby is hungry AGAIN ? You just breastfed! WAIT DO NOT PULL YOUR TIT OUT IN PUBLIC WOMAN ! » He’ll have a hard time adjusting to your freedom as a breastfeeding mom for sure (if you choose to). Work ? What’s work? One thing you can count on is that he will absolutely commit to being a family man and even a stay at home dad. He’ll take all his PTO or even « quit » (basically will say don’t call me to help unless the Soul Society is about to die.) He will wait on you hand & foot because he can’t imagine how much your body and mind has gone through and the strength it takes to be so tired but smile and laugh with him and your kiddo. But, he may end up a bit controlling about you leaving the house without him. He’ll either become a sad puppy or an angry old man. « Baby…what do you mean you want me to stay home ? 😓🥺 » or «  Woman, what did I tell you about going out without me ? What if a crazy person tried to rob you ? » You laugh at him always being some level of dramatic but it may get annoying how clingy and worried he’ll become. You’ll have to remind him you lived this long for a reason…and plan to live longer, so he can chill out sometimes cause his worried nature worries you…you might benefit from guilt tripping him into apologizing and giving you a breather on leaving the house. But just know someone is watching over you. Renji would be a great cook or a terrible cook who improves over time. He might be great at catching the baby right when they poop or…end up shat on rushing to a sink. I really see him either being weirdly good at being a dad or definitely suffering from the learning curve.
Your baby will definitely be conceived in a wild love making, (maybe rough, passionate sex) session. And you’ll catch him blushing when he holds your baby and looks at you remembering the night you had. You’ll be the type to walk in on them sleeping crazily on the sofa, his arm instinctively holding your baby firm. He’ll be grateful to not have to jump up to go to work honestly. His biggest red flags will be being overbearing, needy, and likely requiring a lot of overt reassurance. (Which isn’t necessarily a red flag given he just will want to be a really good dad and partner.) Otherwise he’ll become a stubborn dad who will try (and fail) to « put his foot down. » Which will likely result in him sleeping on the sofa…💕
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icanseethefuture333 · 10 months
Celestial alignment: Pick a pattern in the sky
Messages to realign you with your soul path
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Replay by Lady Gaga
JMK by Sango ft. Xavier Omar
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Ten of Wands, Eight of Cups, The Magician, The World, & Three of Cups
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There is a call for you to let go of thoughts that are holding you back. There is something about repetition here that is preventing you from progressing into the next chapter of your life. You could be taking on the burdens of other people as a way to help them. Your guides are urging you to please stop. You are constantly making sacrifices for others when they aren't doing this for you. Your lesson right now is to focus on making yourself the top priority. You are always putting yourself on the back burner. Some people here take care of their family members or work in the medical field. It's understandable to be worried and to care for your loved ones or other people, but who's be concerned about you? Who is making sure that you are alright or have what you need? If nobody is there for you, then you have to be there for yourself. Start making goals or a list of things you wish to accomplish. You need to realize you are worthy and deserving of what you desire, start dreaming again, pile 1. The universe is waiting and ready for your call and demand. Once you have faith in yourself, the universe will be ready to make your dreams come true. A journey of peace, abundance, and celebrations will be coming your way soon.
Change your thoughts & way of thinking.
Practice mindfulness & work on releasing limiting beliefs.
Learn how to include self care in your daily routine
Set boundaries
Think about what your goals or dream are
Make a list or a vision board
Research information on manifestation or spirituality that aligns with your beliefs
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Bruises by Kelela
Brain by Mariah the Scientist
Omega by SAAY
Seven of Wands, King of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Aeon (Judgement), & Nine of Pentacles
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This pile gave me goosebumps when shuffling - You have a very intense aura and strong presence, pile 2! Something about having to "fight" or the "brain" being significant. I'm reminded of this wounded emoji: 🤕. You could suffer from past trauma or have a mental disorder. I had to rewrite for this pile because it didn't save and I felt so frustrated having to write for this pile again, but it made me realize that this is possibly how you feel in life. You are constantly having to work with difficult circumstances without seeing any progress of the outcome. There were a lot of struggles that you had overcome and I am reminded of movie The Truman Show. His entire life was just programmed for him and he was forced to live a life he didn't want for the entertainment of others just so they could have a TV Show to watch. So I feel like people found joy in your misfortune and suffering, which I am terribly sorry for. The thing is though that was in the past and you don't have to deal with these people anymore. You don't have to pretend to be this character that obviously doesn't resonate with you. You can create an entirely new life, new self concept, new everything for yourself. Think of who you want to be as an individual, not what other people have labeled you as or want you to be. You have to start realizing that you are free to do as you please. Life can be like a simulation and we could all be considered avatars, but we don't realize is that we are able to customize our reality in anyway we wish. You have the inner strength and passion but you are just stuck in this survival mode that is not serving you anymore. It is time for you to move on and your spirit guides are being stern with me right now but they're saying "take this shit seriously". If you have a dream or goal you know you wanna do, take action and stop complaining. Stop with the excuses, the self pity, and the martyr complex. Once you start asking the universe for help is when you can start to achieve your dreams. "It's like clockwork". I am seeing that you feel that you're running out of time in life to accomplish your goals but I am reminded of Maddy from Euphoria when she said "Don't worry, this is only just the beginning". Your "shift" or soul purpose has only just begun and time is ticking for real now. I am getting a vision of someone holding a bright lantern in a dark cave and they are like making a come hither motion with their hands. So I believe this is the universe and your guides saying if you need guidance and you are unsure what to do or where to go or how to even begin the project you wish to work on - Ask them. Once you start asking the universe for help shit is going to change in your life dramatically because your purpose is very significant and it is going to be for the better of society but you have to stop being in your ego and acting stubborn because it is not helping you or anyone else for that matter. I'm not saying you have to be some sort of holy messiah or the rebirth of Jesus Christ himself, but you are going to be someone who will make a difference in this world. As you embark on this journey, it is crucial that you pay attention to the signs the universe or spirit gives you. It is okay if you make mistakes but you have to be careful and aware of people or vices that will sabotage you in the end. So listen to your intuition and notice those gut feelings. I feel like people will be giving you your flowers in the future, that could mean you will be someone who has a certain level of status, or this means people will show appreciation or gratitude for your benevolence and charity. You have this gift or tool that the universe has blessed you with and you have to utilize it for the good will of others.
This is a powerful message I channeled from spirit: "Others who have begun early are merely the matches that were chosen out of indulgence, for candles & waxes, the faster they burn, the quicker their ashes will fall. The last one to be picked, is the match that is the resource for those in need of hope and warmth when faced with the darkness."
Use your intuition
Release the version of yourself that is no longer serving you
Embrace change & endings
The end of a chapter means a new beginning
Rely on your inner strength & wisdom
Ask for guidance
Focus on what it is meant for you
"All that glitters isn't gold"
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Lemon by N.E.R.D ft. Rihanna
Starface* by Jean Dawson
Screen Time by Epik High ft. HOSHI
The Tower, Four of Pentacles (reversed), Three of Wands, The Sun, & Four of Wands
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The pile's energy instantly chirped me up and made so happy! Its interesting how the piles are always so unique in their own way. You could have been or are currently in denial with your circumstances. It reminds me of Hey Ya! by Outkast. Go take a look at that music video or listen to the song if you're unfamiliar with it. It's a fun happy song, but the meaning of the lyrics are actually quite depressing. You could have this mindset of: "Y'all don't wanna hear me you just wanna dance!". You could be someone who is pessimistic and a downer, always wanting to look at things from a more "realistic" perspective. Although, your spirit guides are asking you to actually change this way of thinking. I actually see that you have a really bright and energizing aura! You could be really funny, pile 3! Your purpose could align with having a good sense of humor or being a source of hope and optimism for others. You could be interested in working in the entertainment field. Once you get past this, you will realize how much fun life can actually be! Your past challenges could also be viewed from a more positive standpoint. For example, the situation might have been unfortunate, but did you learn anything valuable? Or was there any positive outcomes because of that said situation. Reflect on your life experiences and lessons to see where the universe actually might have helped you dodge a bullet or blessed you with protection or love. You could also attract new people into your life who will make you feel a sense of joy and gratitude. This pile just reminds me of a fun summer day, where people eat watermelon or have fun at the pool. Another song I'm channeling is Summertime by DJ Jazzy Jeff & Will Smith. You will be celebrating and having a good time with your loved ones in the future soon. I believe honestly your path for now is to focus on happiness and sharing love and light with others!
Have fun!
Make jokes that uplift people's energy
Focus on the good vs dwelling in negativity
Try to make someone laugh or smile!
Make plans for the summer
Hang out with your friends or spend time with family
Your past struggles are why you're still here. You overcame a great deal and should be proud of yourself!
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norvtown · 7 months
god kristen applebees makes me feel so insane, everyone thinks she's so immature and inconsiderate when really she's in survival mode and has been for so long that she's struggling to even take care of herself let alone be the last saving grace for a literal god, and everytime she tries to open up and actually be honest with someone they come away thinking she cant take anything seriously or shes not thinking about her future, when really no ones stopped to consider that maybe she is taking everything really seriously and really hard, and is just struggling with expressing it and dealing with it healthily because shes a teenager who lost her family and whose only real support system is the uncle of the ex girlfriend she left on not great terms, on top of being told that she's failing her entire school career which literally no one is helping her with, and everyone keeps telling her she just doesnt wanna put the work in and she's such a fuck up for letting two gods die, when really how fucked up is it to be told that you're the chosen one of a god who your toxic family uses to shame and demonise parts of you, and to evangelise for this god at such a young age, and to be told that you just werent 'trying hard enough' to maintain your belief in that god by your ex girlfriend who you really thought got you and your faith OH MY GOD no i just cant i just cant kristen applebees i love you i believe in you OH MY GOD
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wolfnight2012 · 6 days
So is the fandom at large still characterizing "Open Arms" as the ~pacifism~ song or have we gotten past that?
Like, I don't know how keen Polites was for violence as a soldier in the Trojan war, since we meet him after the fact & lose him soon after.
But "Open Arms" doesn't tell us about his capacity for violence. It barely tells us about his thoughts on violence as an option.
The most we can infer from "Full Speed Ahead" and "Open Arms" is that Polites doesn't believe violence is the only option (or the one they should jump to first.)
But that's not even what "Open Arms" is about (not really)
"Open Arms" is about Polites noticing Odysseus' trauma & trying to help his friend heal.
The first lines of the song are:
"I can tell you're getting nervous, so do yourself a service"
Here "nervous" isn't being used to mean "scared" but rather "anxious" or "tense." I think Polites is calling out the fact that Odysseus is going 'fight or flight' mode despite everything being calm/no threat in sight.
He then tells Odysseus to have hope.
"Think of all that we have been through, we'll survive what we get in to"
He then starts to call out Odysseus a bit more explicitly (and notice how Odysseus does not contradict him. After his first [and unconvincing imo] "I"m fine, Polites" Odysseus doesn't speak again until the lotus-eaters show up)
(Btw, if you wanna read my breakdown of Polites & Odysseus' relationship [as explicitly depicted in EPIC], I wrote a post about it here)
"I know that you're tired of the war & bloodshed" <-We the audience also know this: "Will these actions haunt my days/is the price I pay endless pain?" (Plus killing Astyanax messed him up)
"Tell me, is this how we're supposed to live?" <- Must we remain in that kill/be killed mindset, always on alert, always warriors first, men second?
"Look at how you grip your sword, enough said" <- I think we can infer that Polites is either calling out the fact that Odysseus hasn't let go of his sword since they left the ship (aka always in 'warrior mode' aka "is this how we're supposed to live?") OR that Odysseus is white-knuckling his sword, (aka he is nervous/ anxious/stressed about a potential attack despite no visible threats)
Either way, in Polites' eyes, this mentality is detrimental to his friends' mental and/or emotional health.
Then we get to the point where I think the misunderstanding started & ended up overshadowing the rest of the song:
"You can show a person that you trust them, when you stop and lower your guard" <- I think we can take this literally (lower your sword until you actually have need of it) or figuratively (be ~emotionally~ vulnerable by asking for help.)
"This life is amazing, when you greet it with open arms" <- It doesn't have to be "endless pain" Life can be beautiful, but you have to stop closing yourself off/seeing everything as a threat first
Polites is arguing that the world is not always out to get you. Sometimes people are decent. Sometimes they are willing (or want) to help you.
It's a bit of "Try extending your hand in greeting before reaching for your sword" (Not everyone will be friendly, but you won't know if you are aggressive from the get-go.)
And a bit "Life is what you make of it" (if Ody treats every stranger like an enemy, then that is what they'll be.)
"We'll be fine if we're leading from the heart" I talk a bit about this in my response here. TLDR; Odysseus is lying to himself when he says he can "Lead from the heart & see what starts" in "Luck Runs Out" because that is not what he is doing,(and his reward is the windbag betrayal) MEANWHILE he does successfully "lead from the heart" while warding off Circe's advances & it's what saves his men/gains Circe's sympathy.
"No matter the place, we can light up the world, here's how to start" <- Again, life is what you make of it. You can make it a good one; not everything is an enemy/potential threat. Stop being a warrior first & go back to being a man
Of course, this doesnt immediately work, because Odysseus greets the world with his sword when the lotus-eaters show up
(Tbh, I find it hilarious that the lotus-eaters' FIRST word is "Welcome" and Odysseus responds to a Friendly Greeting by drawing his sword)
Like, Odysseus is genuinely seeing a threat here, he IS scared "nervous"
His first words to the lotus-eaters is a demand/warning for them to "stay back" (and both their cute voices [going off audio only] or their canonical fluffy designs tell us these are tiny things. They have no weapons, they haven't indicated any aggression, but Odysseus is so high-strung he sees something he might need to fight anyways)
THIS is what Polites has been refering to. THIS is why he's so concerned about his friend. That is not healthy and Odysseus is buckling under the weight of living in "survival" mode/always being "on"
"My friend, greet the world with open arms" <- this isnt Polites horrified Odysseus is responding with aggression/concerned for the innocent lotus-eaters, THIS is Polites (knowing Odysseus is tired of war & bloodshed) reminding his friend that he doesn't have to put himself through this. There IS another way. These creatures could be friendly, "Maybe they'll share some food, who knows?" Maybe, maybe not, but they won't know until they extend a hand first & ask.
And Odysseus does it by half measures *cough* just like all his actions after "Just a Man"*cough*
He lets the lotus-eaters know of their plight "We're only here for food" and threatens them in the next breath "600 men are waiting/stay back, I'm warning you/my men will turn this place into blazes"
He doesn't even ask for food/help, he simply lets the lotus-eaters know they're searching for food, then immediately piles on three additional threats to make sure they don't try anything.
Then of course the lotus-eaters offer food, but not food they can eat & Odysseus becomes dejected (which I think implies he was [sorta] listening to Polites, or at the very least, is so tired/stressed/wrung-out that he was secretly hoping it could be as easy as Polites claims.)
And Polites tries one more time.
"I'd like to show my friend that kindness is brave" <- I've seen so many people call Polites naive. That his optimism is too extreme/and not fit for the world (or at least the world of EPIC) but i would disagree with this common interpretation as well.
Why is kindness brave? If Polites believed greeting the world with open arms would help them find ONLY friendly strangers (instead of hostile ones or outright foes) then why would kindness be brave. Wouldn't it simply be? After all, what's brave about a sure thing? What's brave about having a get-out-of-danger-free card?
Kindness is brave because sometimes you WILL be met with hostile strangers/foes. But you extend your hand in peace first anyways. You don't know for certain if you will be met with friend or foe. But that does not mean you walk around, one hand on your sword, seeing enemies at every turn. You greet the world with open arms & give strangers the benefit of the doubt first, THEN use force if necessary.
I see Polites' philosophy as similar to Waymond's from EEAAO in that regard.
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Polites, like Waymond, is choosing kindness. Is choosing to be optimistic. Not because he is naive to the ways of the world, but in spite of them. That is how Polites fights against darkness & despair. He is not naive.
When Polites tells the lotus eaters he'd "Like to show my friend that kindness is brave" he knows he's taking a risk. That's why it's brave. He is extending his trust to these creatures in the hopes they'll help/they have no ill intent, BUT being Well Aware he could be met with the latter.
Just because he's optimistic about the outcome doesn't mean he doesnt understand the risk. To refuse to dwell on the negative doesn't mean you're unaware of negative possibilities.
Then Polites reiterates his advice "This life is amazing, when you greet it with open arms" because it doesn't have to all be war & bloodshed & stress. You CAN find goodness in the world, and you'll feel much better if you don't assume everyone & everything is out to get you. And he lets Ody know he's aware of what he's going through/what's upsetting him.
"I seen in your face there is so much guilt inside your heart" <- I genuinely don't know if the crew know Odysseus dropped Astyanax, every time Odysseus references the infant, it's vaguely or as an aside. But even if Polites DOESN'T know Odysseus killed an infant, he still has 10 years of war to draw from (plus the wooden horse/killing sleeping Trojans bit.) Like, Polites is aware of what Odyssues has done, he knows what Odysseus is grappling with. This is not a simple/superficial/naive call for Odysseus to 'cheer up!' Polites knows of the darkness weighing on Odysseus' shoulders & he's telling Odysseus he's allowed to put it behind him.
"So why not replace it, and light up the world" <- He's allowed. It's over. It's behind them. Polites does not want his friend to torment himself forever. Whatever he did, he can move on. He can be a better man that what he was forced to become while at war/Troy (remember, Polites is well aware Odysseus is "tired of the war and bloodshed".)
And how can Odysseus begin to heal from his guit/trauma?
"Greet the world with open arms" <- stop seeing every stranger as a potential enemy/threat. Open yourself up to the possibility that good things happen sometimes. Sometimes, people are kind
"Greet the world with open arms" <- and Odysseus begins to tentatively open himself up to the concept & take Polites' words to heart
"You can relax, my friend" <- you're allowed
Sidenote: I told myself this post would ONLY be about Open Arms (and this ended up being SO Much longer than I anticipated) but I have a few more things to say, so I'll try to be brief.
Warrior of the Mind:
I'm convinced Athena pops in when she does because Odysseus is listening to Polites. He's been eaten by guilt since Astyanax & shyed away from violence in Full Speed Ahead. His nervousness is not very "warrior of the mind" of him. YET Athena doesn't come in to scold Odysseus at any of these points.
It's only when Odysseus sings Polites' chorus back to him, signaling he's opening himself up to the concept of open arms that Athena makes her entrance.
I'm not asserting this, but I think the argument can be made that Odysseus checks out the cave because of Polites. Like, either:
A.) He's giving Polites' advice a try here & now by trusting the lotus eaters/that they mean no ill-intent OR
B.) (less likely probaby??) His friendship/affection for Polites is the sort where he wants to please him. Polites is set on trusting the lotus/showing Odyssues "another way" & Odysseus will humor him because it's Polites asking
(Tho obviously the other explanation is that they are just THAT desperate for food & Odysseus doesn't think they have time to go searching for yet another island when this one (the lotus eater one) already turned out to be a bust
I feel like the general consensus for Polites' section of "Underworld" is that Polites died still seeing/believing in the good of the world OR that his dying wish was for Odysseus to chose nonviolence/pacifism???
(But as you can tell from *gestures at this entire post* I don't subscribe to the idea that "Open Arms" is about nonviolence. THEREFORE)
We know Polites last words/action in life was calling for Odysseus. And, imo, Polites' dying wish was for Odysseus to heal. If "Open Arms" is about Polites' calling out Odysseus' stress/trauma & trying to coax Ody to approach life differently so he can start to move on from the horrors of war.
Then that means, in death, Polites is stuck hoping Odysseus heals. Over & Over Polites sings for his friend to let go of his guilt & try to build a life worth living (not just one have to survive in)
And THAT imo is 1000x sadder than a call for pacifism. Because Polites' dying wish doesn't come true. Odysseus' mental/emotional health grows worse & worse. He pushes everyone away in the Ocean Saga, to the point that his crew of 10 years starts to doubt him! He already "can hardly sleep" in the Circe Saga. The Underworld Saga almost destroys him and it only gets worse from there!
In the Underworld Odysseus is confronted with Polites' love for him. His desire for him to get better. His hope for Odysseus to find peace/happiness.
Polites loved him soooo much, his Final Thoughts were concern for his friend. (Then Ody gets to hear from his mom, who loved him so much she died waiting for his return)
No wonder it breaks him.
[Anyways, if you wanna see my (much shorter) post over how the Wisdom Saga basically argues for/confirms Polites' philosophy Was RIGHT, you can find it here]
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buckgasms · 1 month
I realise that this might not be soemthing your interested in writing (and that's ok ily). Just wanted to tell you that after finishing the Dark mafia bucky (not bunny and clyde) I cannot stop thinking about how angsty it could get after the last main part.
Like i, myself, would not be able to handle that shit mentally. Like Reader staying in the bedroom all day because she's so worried and paranoid about soemone seeing her and laughing or soemthing after her... time... with bucky at work. Everytime bucky comes home minory upset or angry she goes into defence mode because she's worried he thinks she has betrayed him again. She can't sleep without him hugging her because all she can imagine is that somehow Rumlow survived and is gonan come kill the both of them.
I'm sorry I love in angst central sometimes <3
Thank you nonnie ilyt 😍 You are so spot on with this 👌🏼
Here is the link to the very dark fic if you are interested
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Yeah I think his little bird is going to be so nervous from now on, but I think Bucky would be ok with it you know?
Like he doesn't mind if you don't wanna leave the house because it means he knows where you are and he can watch you on his cameras like a crazy man.
And imagine if his little bird is in his office you always dash under the desk when anyone comes in so you don't have to face them. He chuckles and strokes your hair as you cling to his leg. You sometimes watch as he pulls his cock out of his trousers under the desk and take it in your hand to give you something to focus on.
When you do have to face them you can't work out if they are thinking about it or not. Thinking about how you looked that day, how they applauded and jeered at you, now smiling and being somewhat respectful. It makes you cling to Bucky closer and press your face into his arm or chest for comfort. Your face burns when they chuckle at you, but at least Bucky holds your tighter.
I think any time he's angry you go very defensive and jumpy. Normally when he's angry he gets it out at work or the gym, so he only comes home really angry very rarely.
You shuffle around the house as you hear him shouting down the phone, slamming doors and all sorts. You plant yourself on the floor where he sits on the sofa, having left your dress on the floor and you shiver in your underwear.
Finally he appears and finds you waiting then for him and be flops down on the sofa and smiles. "Ah there's my little bird, waiting just for me huh?"
You nod and rest your arms on his thighs, smiling up at him, letting him stroke your face and run his fingers through your hair. "Thought you might have had a bad day?" You say softly and gently massage his legs, hands drifting higher, making him sigh.
"You worrying about me birdie? Did I make you nervous?" He smiles and pinches your chin pulling you forwards until you are straddling his lap, his hands squeezing at your waist.
"Hmm, tell me baby, you feeling nervous again?"
You nod and nibble at your finger, sitting down more comfortably on his lap, eyes stinging a little bit. "Don't want you to be mad..." You whisper, as he grips your face between his big hands.
"I'm not mad anymore baby, remember. It's all fixed. All fine now..." He smiles gently, stroking your cheeks and leaning upwards to press little kisses to your nose and cheeks.
You let out a shaky sigh and smile at him, but your heart still hums quickly in your chest.
You do often wake in the night, screaming, reliving that night where you pulled the trigger. Your body covered in sweat and hands shaking as you struggle to see anything in the darkness.
"Ssshh baby it's ok" you hear Bucky murmur as he pulls you in close to him, letting your sobs wrack through your body. "I gotcha."
"What if he comes back?" You sob as your fingers cling to the thick muscles of Bucky's back, fingers tracing along old scars.
"Ain't gonna happen pretty girl, I promise..."
He rolls over until he's on top, your eyes finally adjusting to the dark see his serious blue eyes staring at you. "He's never gonna come back, and you are safe with me, ok?"
You nod and let him press kisses to your forehead and you cling to him tighter still. You feel his hand wrap around your thigh and lift it higher. His cock is guided into your heat and you gasp as he slides himself slowly into you.
You still feel sensitive from the evenings escapades but that's what helps him glide into you, your body so responsive. "Good girl, always ready for me hmm? You feel that? Feel how easily you take me?"
Your body feels on fire as he gently rocks into you. He presses kisses to your face, licking away tears as you groan.
"My baby, you got nothing to worry about anymore. Just relax, just let me make it all better ok?"
Ooof yes very angsty but I'm a sucker for a happy ending so I feel like they'll work it out 🤭
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vannies · 1 year
Honestly how do you think blade would react to seeing someone who looks a lot like his s/o when he’s out on a long trip?
miss u 2 much ft. BLADE
ART CREDS narutoss.ramen on TWITTER
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pairing: blade x gender-neutral reader
warning: fluff, soft blade, honorable kafka/silver wolf mention, OOC BUT ITS OKAY HES CUTE, short fic!
note: hi anon! this req is soo super cute.. imagine him on a long trip with the stellaron hunters and being away from you was too much to handle ! if he had the chance, he would’ve left all of them to stay by your side !
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i feel like blade is like the most loyal guy ever. on nights where the both of you are relaxing and drinking in the moonlight, he definitely swears to you on his life and body that he would never cheat and has eyes only for you. unfortunately for this unlucky man, kafka and the others would force him onto a 3 week vacation!! on his trip, blade absolutely cannot survive without you. he’s so used to your daily affection that he would whisper your name, hoping you’ll magically appear in his arms. kafka could tease him by taking his phone away from him while you guys are chatting, and he would go full-on rage mode. summoning his sword and everything just for a chance to hear your voice again.
silver wolf could ask him to go to the arcade, and he’d groan before accepting. walking in, he’d see someone that resembles you perfectly. it makes him stop in his tracks, ignoring silver wolf’s complaints. oh, how blade misses you dearly. he’d do anything to just fall into your warmth again, seeing a person who looks just like you makes him remember just how much he longs to see you physically in front of him. when he’s finally free from what he calls “the chains of the word “vacation”, he rushes home. you’d welcome him back with open arms, but you were literally taken aback when he held onto you so tightly, knowing he wasn’t one to really show affection.
“did you miss me that much?” you’d tease.
he nods and digs his head into your shoulder, “yes. yes i did. there was someone that looked just like you, it made me miss you too much, just wanna hug you again.”
such a cutie when he’s feeling soft. patting his head, you’d laugh. teasing him for the rest of the night. after that, blade would act like that morning never happened. he hides his soft side so that his companions wouldn’t make fun of him later, he’ll only ever show it to you <3
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writing block.. sorry guys.. more reqs soon.. T-T
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adviceformefromme · 23 days
I don’t understand if I’m lazy or in survival mode or just chilling
To give you more background, I procrastinate a lot. And even worse, the routines I set up or say I want to set up I never do or complete them.
For example, it might literally be taking vitamin D daily and I know it’s good for me and I should do it but I never do, I might take it for three days and then stop caring subconsciously I guess cause then I stop. Or I keep saying I wanna learn to produce music, I’ve been wanting this for years and now I have the means to do it and for some reason I just don’t.. I have the program on my pc but I’m sitting on the couch scrolling tumblr or having Netflix on. Even self care, I need to put my nightly cream on and I just don’t do it.
Honestly I don’t know if it’s that I don’t actually care or I’m lazy or chill or in survival mode. I don’t think it’s that I don’t care because then I wouldn’t be immensed in guilt, I wouldn’t be trying to find out why I don’t do it, I wouldn’t be writing this ask.
Am I lazy? I guess I’ve always been low energy - but is that out of laziness? Idk
Am I chilling? Ofc I’m a chill person but there’s a difference between being chill and being nonchalant right?
I’m getting closer and closer to survival mode, but if it’s that how do I solve it? How do I escape? Can I do it even with having things trigger me? What are the steps to it?
I’ll be grateful to get your opinion on what’s happening
Hey sweetie, I recommend this video which answers your question in a nutshell. xoxo
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heartsforhavik · 10 months
gorgeous (havik x gn! reader)
warnings: slight gore i suppose? and spoilers for mk1’s story mode but if ur reading this i’m sure you already know.
a/n: i still dont know how tumblr works but i love havik sm so i just wanna keep writing him. anyways this is based off of how i was listening to gorgeous by taylor swift and thought of havik bc he may look like a burnt rotisserie chicken but HE IS VERY GORGEOUS TO ME!!
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you always had a crush on havik. you originally met through quan chi, since you were both working with him. but you decided to not pursue havik, since he seemed very keen on his journey to liberation. you figured he wasn’t looking for a relationship, especially because he probably isn’t the type of guy to commit to one.
besides, you had some problems of your own to deal with. for example, even though you were working with him, you still found quan chi to be a pain in the ass. he was always asking you to do meaningless chores and missions, while giving the harder ones to your other allies like sareena, darrius, and nitara. you were tired of being treated like you were weak.
“quan chi.” you called out from behind him.
“oh, (y/n). i’m assuming you have finished scouting the area.” he said, as you were both at the ying fortress. you were there with quan chi, aiding him and shang tsung as they were working on their soul stealers. quan chi had ordered you to keep watch outside the fortress along with nitara and sareena. they apparently had a run-in with sub-zero, scorpion, and smoke.
“i have. sareena and nitara ran into a few intruders recently.” you informed.
quan chi furrowed his eyebrows. “intruders? were they sent by liu kang?”
you nodded. “most likely. nitara and sareena could not stop them. they are probably already inside as i speak.”
“stay here. keep watch while i apprehend our little intruders.” he growled.
you rolled your eyes. “i will not stay here. i’ll apprehend them myself, quan chi.”
then, you ran inside the fortress before he could argue with you. you must prove yourself useful, so quan chi will cease to underestimate your kombat.
you ran into the fortress and found a swarm of guards running around the area led by sub-zero himself and shang tsung.
“what is the meaning of this, shang tsung? isn’t sub-zero working for liu kang?” you questioned.
sub-zero scoffed. “i refuse to be associated with liu kang anymore. while working with him, the lin kuei were doomed to mediocrity. now, we will achieve greatness. unfortunately, kuai liang does not understand the lin kuei’s potential. we must not let him escape.”
you nodded, and went on your way to help find kuai liang. if you were the one to apprehend a member of the lin kuei, you would be well respected. you were determined to find him.
until you ran into havik and darrius. and they had just fought kuai liang.
unfortunately, it looked like havik’s face didn’t exactly survive the wrath of scorpion.
“havik..?” you whispered, seeing half of his face gone. it was flesh instead of his regular, beautiful skin and lips.
havik’s expression was of rage and exhaustion from his defeat. until he saw you, and his face softened. he went quiet, not replying to you and just looking down.
“what happened?” you asked, kneeling down to his side. “did scorpion do that to you?”
“yes. he shoved my face in there.” he spat, pointing at a pot of some kind of burning liquid.
“i see..” you sighed. “that must’ve hurt. aren’t you going to heal it?”
havik paused, and thought about your question. he stood up and looked into a reflective surface nearby, analyzing his new face.
“i suppose i won’t. i can use it as a symbol of chaos.” he claimed, proud of his new revelation. he looked down to your slightly disappointed face and scoffed. “is there a problem with that?”
“i mean, no, not at all. in fact, i think you still look… gorgeous.” you muttered.
havik raised an eyebrow. “still? gorgeous?”
you paused, deciding whether you can pretend you misspoke or be honest.
“yeah.. i thought you looked great when you still had your face. and now, i think you still look good. especially because of how proud you are of your new appearance. that is very honorable.” you admitted.
havik chuckled. “i see. i appreciate your compliments. i do believe my scars are a memorabilia of my past struggles and reminders of the kombat i have faced. my wounds are a sign that i honorably fight for liberation, and i will never surrender to anyone or give up, no matter how painful the journey may be.” he ranted.
you listened intently to his rant, genuinely interested in what he had to say. you didn’t fully agree to some of the things he does, but you overall sympathize with his struggles and understand that his anger and drive are because of his rough past. you wanted to help him, and free him of his pain. even if you disagree with some of his methods, you’ll be there for him.
“you are one of the only people to truly understand me. i appreciate your intelligence.” havik complimented. “would you like to join me in my journey? i could use your skills and i can provide you safe haven from harm. however, you must agree to accept chaos.”
you thought about his offer for a moment. if you decided to directly work with havik, you’ll most likely never go back to your regular life. you will make enemies that you don’t want. you realized he will probably be your only company for a while.
“i will join you.” you replied.
and so, you both worked together to spread chaos and bless outworld with anarchy. havik was very pleased with your efforts and how you wouldn’t hesitate to help aid him. he ended up confessing his feelings for you, and you were both pretty happy together. he was overprotective over you and vowed to keep you safe from harm. you were supportive and tried to help him heal from his past.
overall, havik loved you. even though he never imagined himself feeling so devoted to another being, he was grateful that you were the hope and light that kept him sane throughout his life full of blood, sweat, and tears. with you by his side, and slowly succeeding in freeing his people in seido, havik was very content with his life.
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Wait. I wanna hear you Will Solace headcanons
Okay so be prepared for these to be wildly inaccurate because all I know about this guy is from fannon. Most of this is also me projecting.
1. Bass player. Yes that is 100% biased, as I am also a bass player (and I hc myself as a legacy of Apollo). No I have no basis on this claim other than Basses Are Just Cooler Than Guitars.
2. OR he’s the guitarist, Nico is the Bassist.
3. If there is a piano in the house, he WILL play it. For hours. Gods forbid you take him anywhere with a public piano.
4. Hates learning Music Theory, learns by ear and by feel. As an Apollo kid, he can instantly read both tab and sheet music, but uses neither.
5. Also has perfect pitch (can name any chord just by hearing it).
6. He’s a Star Wars fan, right? Can talk for hours about John William’s use of Lydian Mode in the score to convey a sense of majesty, and don’t get him started on the expert use of Vagnarian methods of leitmotif-
7. Okay, so maybe he knows a little music theory.
8. Writes terrible poetry that’s low-key kinda good.
9. Founder of the chb LGBTQ+ club.
10. Bisexual flags everywhere. He always at least one pink, purple, and blue pen on hand, doodles exclusively in those colours. His doctors notes are colour-coded pink, purple, blue.
11. BIG supporter of Trans rights- is qualified to help with Gender Affirming Healthcare for anyone at Camp.
12. Apollo is also god of prophecies. Will has the power of foresight ONLY for TV show/Film/Book endings. He is able to predict how a character would die with incredible accuracy after one episode. Morbid as fuck, so naturally Nico thinks it’s the hottest thing ever.
13. SWIFTIE!!!!!
14. Friendship bracelets. VERY swiftie-coded, he has a million of them on both arms, cutting off his circulation.
15. Paints Nico’s nails. Nico insists on all black, but gave in and let Will paint ONE nail fun colours, bedazzled with charms and shit. As long as it’s the middle finger.
Now, specifically my Will x Leo (Platonic) headcannons:
16. Will and Leo become very close at camp simply because Leo has absolutely zero sense of self-preservation. Like that kid does not value his life in any way at all, and so always ends up doing the most reckless shit ever, and, naturally, ends up spending a lot of time in the infirmary, usually only after being dragged there by Jason (“What’s the big deal? It’s just a broken arm. I’m ambidextrous! Besides, I’ve survived worse.”)
17. Will loves him because he’s never there longer than he has to be.
18. Except sometimes he does have to force Leo back into bed while Leo’s yelling loudly about how he needs to get back to his work, the Argo II won’t build itself, and to let go of him or he’ll burn you.
19. Will makes him wear enchanted plasters (band aids) that he can’t take off without doctor’s permission, to stop him absent-mindedly picking at old scabs and bits of skin. He also keeps fidget toys and stress balls to give to his patients. Leo has stolen ALL of them.
20. Like seriously, it is a problem. Leo has had to make them a whole bunch more fidgets because he’s taken and then overworked them until they all broke.
21. Both their southern accents come out more when they talk to each other. If a conversation goes on too long, they evolve into using so much fast-paced Texan slang that no-one else can understand them- it’s practically its own language.
23. Leo helps out in the infirmary a lot- he’s useful if you need to sterilise equipment or cauterise any wounds.
24. It works sort of like an exchange of favours, where Leo also calls on Will anytime he needs a human flashlight to work on a project.
25. Leo has a lot of scars from his rough childhood. Will is one of the few people (aside from Jason) who’s actually seen them all. They never talk about it, and, as his doctor, he’s sworn to secrecy, but some of them are really disturbing. It will never not shock him that demigods can get hurt by things in the mortal world.
26. Leo makes sure Will uses accurate engineering jargon when writing Star Wars fanfiction.
27. Aside from Leo, Nico is the only one who reads his fanfiction
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The Overblot gang with a Floridian!Yuu.
They catch them feeding a gator and being like “sup, wanna see a cool trick?” And just makes the alligator do the “bop” thing with his mouth with a piece of chicken, and jump reeeeeeeeeally close to them. Always chill with the gator and keeping a good eye on him.
When asked where they got a fucking gator, they just said “oh, he was here already, he is pretty chill” You’re free to imagine where the fuck the gator came from.
And that actually explains why Yuu always has a large stick with them, is so they control both students and the alligator.
They have this guy vibes. I bet this Yuu gets weirdly along with Rook and gives him the teeth the gator looses from time to time.
I know, this is pretty long request, but now I love and believe Floridian!Yuu would actually be chill and survive anything that crazy world throws them.
Nah don´t worry Anon it isn´t that long, anyway hope you´ll enjoy
also included Idia because the first part of Chapter 6 dropped while I was still writing
will desperately hope for a rule which will forbid the Alligator from entering Heartslabyul
if the Alligator is anything like Grim it will cause chaos and he will not allow this in his Dorm
will be very disappointed that there is none, even worse there is one which requires one every 432th Unbirthday Party to be in attendance
but he will be very relieved that it has better manners than Grim
but when he saw the little trick you showed him…
you seriously thought he was about to Overblot again
definitely screamed at you to never do something reckless as that ever again
“and yes it doesn´t matter how much you trust the Alligator Yuu! never do this again!”
definitely tried to fight alligator because it stole his favorite napping spot
and his lunch, which to be fair was his fault for leaving it lying around without supervision
but now you have a video of Leona getting his ass kicked by an Alligator and you definitely sent Ruggie the Video so he has something against Leona
honestly he didn’t really react when you showed him what the Alligator can do
and with that I mean not biting your head off while your feeding it
but he also feel asleep and only woke up to tell you to stop wasting food so makes sense why he had no reaction
everyone else in Savanaclaw though looked at you like you were crazy
he actively hides from the Alligator, why you ask? you had it while he was trying to take Ramshackle from you
and believe me the Alligator would have happily mauled Azul and the Tweels to death
it doesn´t help that it always finds a way into Octavinelle and also a way into his office
but he knows that it´s Floyd who always brings the Alligator into his office when he sees it wandering in Octavinelle´s halls
or even dragging it into Octavinelle
and the Alligator is still trying to kill the three of them
he believed you officially lost it when you showed him a cool trick the Alligator can do
and he definitely knew you lost it when you also offered him to do it, Floyd happily insisted on doing it instead of Azul
he seriously wonders if he got a second Kalim, because Kalim also has the habit of bringing all kinds of animals home and keeping them
considering all the other Overblots reactions he is probably one of the chillest with it
and it doesn´t help that Kalim loves the Alligator and wants to constantly invite it to Scarabia
he desperately hopes this won´t make him want one as a pet
the only time he hated the Alligator was when you decided to show your trick, which he would usually couldn´t care less about
but then Kalim wanted to do it too
and now he´s in panic mode because if anything were to happen to Kalim he would be dead
he will definitely pay you back for this
the first time Vil meet the Gator was when Rook asked him to collect teeth from Ramshackle
he was under the assumption he was supposed to collect Human, Beastmen or Fae teeth
and not those from a distant relative of Sebek
but no it turns out Ramshackle has their own beast and he isn´t talking about the Prefect or Grim for once
he doesn´t even want to know how you found it
if it wasn´t for that stupid trick of yours he would have just left after getting those teeth
but no you had to give him half a heart attack just because you thought it was funny
and he decided to scold you and maybe curse some of your things
(because Chapter 6 dropped while I still had it, I´ll include Idia)
he was very glad you didn´t try and bring the Alligator with you while he Overbloted
he is pretty sure you would have let it eat him
the very first time he meet the Alligator though was when you let it lose in Ignihyde after his Overblot
he was terrified but also impressed that it was only chasing him down
and that Ortho couldn´t stop it, it was surprisingly good at dodging all of the beams
he looked ready to faint when you showed him what the Alligator could do
you actually thought he did faint because Ortho also tried it
even worse for Idia after the Alligator stopped trying to eat him Ortho befriended it and now regularly takes it to Ignihyde
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tigirl-and-co · 2 months
I have once again purchased an OC with a primarily Blue and Black colourscheme and have given her so much trauma
Design and art by @rabiesram
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Meet Veronica 'Vee' Masterson! She/Her, transfem
Before I explain her personality, let me explain her role in the story, because it will give context.
So, for quite a long time I've been trying to figure out a big first arc for Underbelly- I have the final arc all mapped out, but I didn't wanna just drop into a long story without setting precedent.
Enter Veronica! Something of a rival for Moony, they're in the same grade and are very similar but different enough that they clash badly. Basically, Vee is a character foil for Moonsong.
Where Moony expresses her trauma through self-destructive tendencies and being a verbally aggressive loudmouth, Vee shuts down (except when somebody REALLY pisses her off, like Moony, and tends to be outwardly aggressive and violent when provoked.
Also, like. Look.
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SO. Basically, the arc is about them coming to understand each other- both of them are in very shitty places as far as home life goes, but while Moony has Smudge and Pansy, Vee doesn't really have much of anyone.
As they start bonding, Vee starts to realize that self-isolation isn't doing her any favours, and it begins to get through to Moony that going out to parties and the situation she's gotten herself into is maybe actively detrimental to her wellbeing.
They get closer, and Vee very nearly becomes part of Moonsong's group. Unfortunately, she is [MAJOR PLOT SPOILERS REDACTED] and is thus either not present in later arcs or only shows up briefly
HOWEVER, [ENDING SPOILERS REDACTED] and I think it would be neat if he helps out Vee too.
And in the epilogue, I was thinking of Moony coming out as trans sometime when he is in his mid-20s, and I think it would be cute if they end up together, since they've already helped each other heal over all that time.
(as Vee grows up and slowly stops being in survival mode all the time, she starts discovering hobbies. I think she'd be into retro gaming and small-scale sculpting)
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Some little things for our little goo goobie (but it's just how I imagine mc to work)
- being afk is like zoning out, but real hard. (Or dissociation) like you just stand there, staring at nothing.
- your inventory is really just like pulling things out of your hat like magicians, (Example: dsmp charlie uses his slime, you don't see it because the colors he puts on his slime hide the things inside of him like bones and what not)
- I imagine everyone just having this specific object (or communicator like they call it in fics) where you can text, see coordinates and stuff, like a phone basically.
- public out other tabs, like discord, google or YouTube is basically just you stopping for a minute or talking to yourself unless someone else is in vc,
If it's like Jschlatt where he goes around with music full blast and everyone can hear it, I imagine either them being able to speak music, or having a radio blasting the music while walking around
- those times the two players are so far away from each other it's basically impossible to talk, they probably use the communicator
- dying is really just you becoming a puff of smokes and coming back in your bed, like Steven universe style, very fun. (Unless it's like, a serious rp then it's like super brutal where you just fade away slowly. For characters like slime in dsmp, he really just melts and reforms somewhere else or directly there.)
- creative mod is like, being a god yeah.
- being in spectator mode is like being a ghost.
- survival is the standard.
- yes if you are a player you should have a nametag, instead of being above your head it's prob like with employees where they go the little nametag with they name (dsmp slime, or any mob character does not have one, if they do they probably made it themselves.)
- mods are like, places in the world, or different universes. It all depends if you wanna connect the servers or not.
- the crouching thing, the basically mc way of saying "I'm friendly" is indeed a known message, but for us it's crouching, maybe for the characters it's a sign, or them crouching a bit to make themselves look more submissive (like some animals do.)
Usually only players know this, so characters who are considered mobs (aka: non humans) have no idea of this. If they do, they learned it.
- servers like osmp it's just us seeing mobs interacting from their POV, they don't actually act like humans, it's just showed in a way we can understand. (LOOK I LIKE THEM BEING MOBS RATHER THAN HYBRIDS OKAY?)
- mobs just fuckin hate humans dude, that's it. They just don't wanna die so they attack you, that's why they are friendly to everything but YOU (and other humans like villagers.)
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DR3 episode 10 Makoto Vs Munakata BREAKDOWN
recently someone else made a post about Makoto's feral-ness during the showdown he had with Munakata in episode 10, of course it's quite cool, but i feel some may take it the wrong way so i wanna set the record strait and also gush about stuff i love in that scene that people may not notice so first lets lay some context
future arc episode 10: prior to this Munakata has gone on a downward spiral of insanity being a knight templar and that his way is the right way and that he must kill all despair meaning everyone he even practically killed Juzo and even before his full berserk mode he was highly aggressive and hostile towards Makoto not listening to his words at all and belittling him, in short at the time he was far from "a reasonable folk" and Makoto at the time just had his girlfriend friend Kyoko die in which Munakata challenged him to a once and for all face off, in which Makoto bears his will and steady's himself, though being open about the pain in his heart of her apparent passing and this is important as his heart is his most powerful weapon ok now lets start
so we start with the precursor as Makoto walks to Munakata and they think over their ideologies. and how Munakata wants to pull a "kill them to save them" with Makoto and everyone cause he thinks despair must be destroyed and you know its interesting cause then Makoto says
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i remember it shaking me how steadfast and determined he was, to stop Munakata at all cost but i just want to point out something from here on out that i feel is very important to what we shall be seeing
Makoto Planed all this
not the before stuff i mean as soon as he walked in that room he knew what he would say and what he would do, he had his end goal in mind he even says so near the climax with the doors but even before that he planned what would happen prior it may not seem like it due to how he always seemed on the losing side and sure he probably didn't plan to get beaten up so much but he still knew what he would do and how he would do it, and people don't talk about that much but this all shows how Makoto is much more intelligent then we give him credit for, but I'll explain as we go on
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so then we start Makoto steps on glass to alert Munakatas attention, you can tell it's on purposes as there's no indicator of uncertainty or fear on Makoto's part, it's to say "i am here lets end this" as when Munakata speaks makoto still stands strong not faltering or fumbling. then he says "i wont hesitate anymore" makoto will face munakata head on and do what he needs to but even then befor anything he trys to talk down munakata saying how killing eachother is pointless and that they can still work together
of course munakata doesn't listen but no one can say Makoto didn't try
and that's when the chase begins, but who's the hunter and who's the hunted? that's what one must ask
so though munakata attacks makoto runs out closing the door as it's revealed in the end makoto knows munakata can't open doors and uses this to his advantage drawing distance and gaining time to make his next move, as
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open door which of course Munakata knows is a set up,
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but jokes on him makoto knew he would know it's a set up, or not, it's a win win either way because if he didn't know
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deep fried zealot on the barbie! but since he did know he survived which leads to the next phase of makotos plan. and if any of you are wondering why makoto would do such a thing
he was always feral! he just didn't have much chance to act on it because he's polite and sees the good in people, but even he has his limits, so you best start appreciating the kindness Makoto shows in you when he does, well on to phase 2!
cause munakata survives with his sword and shoots makoto with tengans weapon which hurts of course so makoto runs off as his blood leads munakata exactly where makoto wants him to be he even says so
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of course makoto knows about the fire extinguisher and he dosent just mean that but I'll bring that up in a second as we see makoto look around waiting for munakata who comes in soon after and makoto is hidden now holding the fire extinguisher to bop munakata on the head! which fails, he also throws it but that fails, now one ask if this could kill munakata but from my research it seems it would only hurt maybe konk him out as for something to hit your head and kill you it must be about 24 kg (52 lbs). for it to be lethal from arm length and the average fire extinguisher is around 5-10 pounds and as much as i like to believe makoto is this
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hes more likely this
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so that fire extinguisher is more then defiantly not killing just gonna sting maybe knock him unconscious which would be a win, but he failed but dont worry! this leads the phase 3! which brings up how before he threw it he planed on using it for its intended purpose, (which is a important part of phase 3)
because though it gets thrown away and jammed in the wall it BLOWS UP HITTING MUNAKATA IN THE BACK AND MAKEING A SMOKE SCREEN EVERYWHERE! which disorients and distracts munakata for makotos phase 3!
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which leads me to point out something genius The dud fire extinguisher? It was the same one that Asahina tried to use to cover their escape in episode 2. Likewise, the hole in the floor is the one Great Gozu smashed for an escape route in the same episode. In "fighting" Munakata, Makoto made use of observation, deductive reasoning, and a pretty good memory; skills that he'd honed in his own Killing Game, which Munakata had earlier derided for being too orderly compared to fighting in the real world.
which of course leads to the kicker as they are both down the hole, munakata apears to have makoto right where he wants him right there in on a silver platter for a kill, but on the contrairy, makoto has munakata right where he wants him as makoto reveals he knows munakats forbidden action, and thus makeing it so munakata cant kill him and has to listen. moral of the story
munakatas like "your plan faild i am not dead" makoto:
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this of course all leads to the epic confrontation scene
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it was with empathizing and saying these words to munakata did he finally pierce his heart and get munakata to back down...
so much for useless platitudes ay munakata?
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nomsfaultau · 21 days
I've got an idea of putting the Fault crew into situations again.
Fault crew is just chilling (or as close as you can get to it with the amount of stress they are under constantly) when they suddenly get teleported to the backrooms. You can choose the version of backrooms if you wanna. If you're going classic then it's the empty office building with yellow carpet and fluorescent lights, like in the og picture, no creatures. If you're going with the new backrooms then good luck because there's a shit ton of levels and creatures and all that. How do they fare?
Extra questions:
1. Who's the most likely to accidentally get into the backrooms? For context you're more likely to glitch into the backrooms in places that look weird, unnatural, empty. Also places that have not been there before like extra corridors and doors.
2. Who will be able to keep their sanity for longer?
3. Will they keep together as a group? Separate? Get lost?
If you're making this into a story then you can let them leave or not whenever you see fit : )
A large part of the horror of the backrooms is of course the isolation. With the monsters, it’s an added feeling of being helpless and having nothing to defend yourself, which, the daily crew are anomalies. They aren’t defenseless in the slightest. In general I prefer the backrooms with out monsters bc I feel like it cheapens the original focus, but if the monsters are only moderate threats to the anomalies, I believe the focus on isolation still stands. So I’ll have vague references to backrooms monsters since I think they add an interesting element, almost an omen.
Because over time, scp sbi start to become the backrooms.
The Blade The Blade is least likely to get in the backrooms because it’s very hard for him to get in most human buildings already. Once there though he has a very high in mental fortitude (unless you consider the fact he might not be particularly sane to begin with). Adhd would hate the boredom but it’s better than the Foundation in that regard. Ironically the things trying to kill him would help him deal with it better since it’s something to do. As for wandering around completely isolated…honestly no different from before he went to college? Of the mortals The Blade has spent the most time completely alone since unlike Wilbur he can’t pretend to be human even a little. It’s very familiar in a way that’s bad for him, but he’s survived it once. This time he starts openly talking to the voices for company. It’s less that he loses sanity, and more that he looses civility, reverting into the feral being he once was.
The Blade hates it. It feels like back when he was a kid, pointlessly wandering, nothing more than a mindless killing machine. He’s aches for his friends and the feeling of control. He’s backsliding, he knows he is, but there’s not much he can do besides be ashamed. The Blade attacks on sight now. Too many close calls in the past, of things pretending to be people, and The Blood God thinks it’s too dangerous. He takes control of his vessel more and more. The Blade starts to wonder if there really was danger every time his body is seized, but doesn’t want to risk being wrong. Black outs are very frequent, but with little way to track time or location he scarcely notices. So, definitely depressed, but this isn’t like. A new low for him. Only difference is he isn’t struggling for more and more bodily autonomy, but just accepting it. Other survivors just consider him yet another monster to avoid, and they aren’t wrong. The best tip to deal with The Blood God is to never encounter him, and after that try to find a place too small for him to get you. After that...pray.
The Blade is the only one who could escape, if Tommy is still in the real world. When he's summoned back Philza has to stop him from just shredding everyone. The Blood God is restless, refusing to release control, bristling and lunging and still stuck in survival mode, trying to protect his vessel. It takes a long, long time for his hackles to lower.
The Blade is different. Muttering to himself constantly, always one second from lunging, prone to slipping into The Blood God for no reason at all. But he does escape, and knows he can be rehabilitated with a bit of work since he’s managed it in the past.
The others….not so much.
Tommy Tommy…already does badly when alone. Isolated forever, no end in sight? He falls apart the quickest of anyone. But for the first few days or weeks he holds together alright enough. At least, until he nearly dies and the summoning circle just. Doesn’t work. The Blade can’t save him, since you can only get into the backrooms through clipping. He’s alone and his friends are gone and it just wrecks Tommy.
If he doesn’t immediately fall into a black depression, Tommy finds safety in the cisterns. The Red spreads through the entire water area, and none of the monsters can attack him. They absolutely devour one another though, and so the place becomes almost a safe heaven from attackers unless of course you get even a drop of Red on you. Then the sanity plummets into bloodlust. Still people make rafts and boats and it’s okay ish. Like Venice but evil. If you’re in a hazmat suit it’s a very safe place. Also it’s safe if you’re alone, since it’ll wear off after awhile and there’s no one to hurt. Except, some people when Red’d fall out of their rafts and go sloshing through the Red looking for targets. Tommy usually finds them, brings them to a safe area to decontaminate. Is likely very uncomfortably physically affectionate, since isolated, mind-controlled, blood crazed survivors that ignore him are his only source of physical contact, and he's starving. So while it might only take an hour for them to decontaminate on their own...that might not account for the hours, maybe days, where Tommy is just hugging a feral survivor who doesn't really acknowledge his existence.
Once they’re decontaminated he gets them a raft and pulls them to the main island. Tommy is absolutely desperate for people. His sanity plummets the fastest of anyone when alone, so he’s chatty and pleasant and very happy to have company. And he's built up this collection of survivors, isn't it so great, you should stay.
Really, it's not a choice. Once they're on the main island he pushes the raft off to sea, so to speak. No one except for him can leave. They’re trapped in an island surrounded by blood Red waters that will steal their sanity and agency if they touch it. Tommy strands them away from their rafts, and builds up a community of such people. If anyone tries to leave at most they get nowhere, and at worst will attack others on the island. It’s completely safe from monsters, and there’s an actual community there, so it’s probably one of the best place in the backrooms. Still it’s a village of kidnapped people so like. Not the greatest coping mechanism, Toms.
Likely, Red contamination occasionally breaks out, leading to the entire island massacring each other every decade or so. Tommy is completely devastated, and then begins to gather more survivors for the next round of community.
Tubbo Tubbo is the most likely to get into the backrooms by theory of large numbers. Buncha bees everywhere poking around, likely to get sucked in. Means the overall hive is less likely to get got tho since they’d know to avoid that glitchy place. Once there, Tubbo spreads through the entire backrooms with bees constantly exploring. Trying to find a way out, supplies, safety, others. It’s a massive hit to their sanity to do so, to see everything fully. But when someone falls in Tubbo is the first to find them. The bees save anyone who is stuck, helping them avoid monsters, getting them supplies, leading them to the hive. And then once united…Tubbo subsumes them into the Hive. They have to, they need the injection of people with more sanity into the Hivemind, or they wouldn't be able to monitor so much of the backrooms and rescue more people. This would obviously be very deep into their isolation but they need to survive. And they’re saving others, since anyone they haven’t Collected is eventually killed. And all the Hive members live as long as they can keep reproducing. It's functionally immortality.
They start putting hives in various places that are safer so if others are destroyed they can recover, slowly build more and more population since you can’t starve in the backrooms so they don’t need the nutrients to support it. Even if huge chunks of them are killed they can fall back and regrow in safer levels. Over decades this becomes multiple Tubbo bodies, each replaced as it is destroyed. With so many Hive members it’s easy to have separate ones controlling various bodies. Over centuries this is them conquering certain levels and developing control of them. This leads to massive sprawling structures completely covered in honey comb. There are giant bee cells capped in wax that are filled with things. Might be larvae, or helpful items, or a growing Tubbo body, or a monster drowned in honey being slowly eaten, or tunnels to another level. Tubbo essentially becomes another layer of the backrooms.
also rip I will have to finish this later bc many thoughts
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