#i want to help him with his homework like i literally want to do everything with him
bbyobbyo · 3 months
seventeen as dads headcanons
content: reader is married to svt, normative(?) family structure, literally just unhinged thoughts, not proofread lol
note: was trying to write an actual fic but then got distracted sorry, dadventeen brainrot is so real
Super protective “don’t touch my family” dad outwardly
All of his kids’ friends are straight up SCARED of him
But within the household he's the one sneaking ice cream when you say no, albeit guiltily
Shopping trips with him will always result in buying something for them and he is very willing to be taken advantage of
“Babe if I can’t spoil them now, they’re gonna grow up and move out before we know it!”
Tries his best to be handy around the house, but probably makes it worse, ends up calling Mingyu to come fix it
DEFINITELY a “go ask your mom” dad
This man not only powerless, he doesn't even want the power, he's just here to have a good time and if you say they can't, then sorry kiddo
You can’t tell me that he doesn’t bring up becoming a family prank channel at least once a week
LOVES bragging to everyone else about his kid’s achievements, cannot shut up about them to anyone in a 5 foot radius tbh
His kids definitely talk to him about everything, which is great because he is SO nosy.
Has a list of all their best friends, enemies, and crushes at school somewhere on his notes app for future reference when they come to him for advice
The REAL practical joke dad, admittedly made them cry a few times when they were younger and felt really bad about it
Perfect sweet husband and father in image, all of his kids know he’s actually lame af
Dominates the summer barbeques, UNDISPUTED GRILLMASTER
Super dependable, will drop everything if his family needs him and never goes back on his word
Gives surprisingly good fashion advice
Definitely walks around the neighborhood with his baby in a sling carrier strapped to his front, POINTS AT EVERYTHING OF INTEREST
When they start learning how to speak he adopts all his baby’s weird mannerisms (it started off as a cute joke but then realized he couldn’t stop)
Cries at every baby milestone until they’re like 10
Will not stop bringing up embarrassing childhood moments, especially in front of their kids’ friends/significant others
Cuts fruit for them instead of apologizing
Will fully ally himself with his kids
Like legit would do anything for them. ANYTHING.
I’m talking borderline go to his kid's school to beat up their hypothetical bullies himself sort of dad
The kids can always count on him to say yes if you say no
Absolutely DEVASTATED when they grow out of the tiger stuff he buys for them and become angsty teens
“What do you mean tigers aren’t cool? Do you not love your old man anymore?”
Quiet doting dad
Definitely more affectionate when the kids are younger but gets into the awkward advice-giving stage when they grow up
LAME DAD JOKES GALORE, groaning is a regular activity in this household
Tries to google basic algebra every time his kids ask for help on math homework because he doesn’t want to admit he forgot everything
Chaotic af unsupervised. “Guess we’re having pizza again tonight kiddos” kinda dad because he cannot and should not cook
Another quiet dad, but make it savage
I feel like he would just love roasting his kids (affectionately of course)
And always overwhelmingly acts of service so his kids know they are loved
Allowance randomly appearing under their pillow, their favorite foods magically stocked in the fridge, always relenting to one last bedtime story no matter how tired he is
Would let you have final say but he makes it really clear he’s on their side and empathizes with them but its out of his hands
“Next time just don’t get caught, okay?” *winks*
Loves loves loves just spending time with his babies
Doesn’t matter what he’s doing he just wants to be in the same room as them or cuddling and holding them
Emphasizes equality in your relationship so his kids can grow up with those values and learn to respect others
Doesn’t believe in allowances but will cave and literally buy them anything they want if they ask
Would rather die than miss any important event (competition, speech, recital, talent show, graduation, etc.)
Absolute super dad, what can’t he do? Nonstop home improvement projects, cooks anything his kids are craving, offers to drive everyone everywhere
But also the whiniest dad ever lol constantly complains about people “ruining his system”
Absolutely FUCKS at the school bake sales, earns them twice the target fundraiser amounts because he's dilf material and knows how to get the moms to spill their pockets
Likes to have the final say, but you’re both usually on the same page in regards to discipline so his kids aren’t getting away with anything
Just the most supportive dad in the universe, the kids learn to never take him for granted
You already know his kids are gonna be spoiled rotten. He will be the favorite parent by default sorry I don't make the rules!!
His arms are the very definition of a safe space
Leaves all the discipline to you because he cannot keep a straight face when delivering a lecture (one time he made them cry and also ended up crying because he felt so bad)
Does so much embarrassing shit just to cheer his kids up when they have a bad day, acts surprised when they tell him he's cringe
Such a pushover that they are probably gonna make fun of him when they're older, but that's okay because they know there's no universe in which their dad will stop loving them
As long as he can pick them up still, his kids are never on the ground for too long
Two words: SPORTS. DAD.
He could practically captain the cheerleading teams at their school with how many events he's been to
Knows all of his kids’ friends parents, they all get together and have coffee once a month actually
Nags nonstop and complains about everything he has to do for them, but is always diligent and does it without question
Gets so pouty when they start getting embarrassed to show affection, he WILL get his cheek kisses if it's the last thing he does!!
Chillest dad in existence?!?
Literally as long as his kids are safe he doesn't give a single fuuuuckkk
“Sleepover? Yeah, call me when you're done and I'll pick you up.”
He WILL argue with you if he doesn't think there's a good reason to say no to them
So cute and encouraging to all their weird hobbies and phases throughout the years. “Lemme see” and “Really? Show me” are regular phrases in his vocabulary
His kids are definitely gonna inherit his legendary facial expressions afnngjdg
Super affectionate and doting, but also quite strict with them at times
“I just want the best for you, I want to see you succeed”
HAS A PHOTO OF THEM READY AT ANY TIME, lockscreen is a different shot of his kids every day and is eager to show it off even if no one asked
Not so subtly signs his kid up for dance lessons
Just the most encouraging dad ever, makes sure that they know making mistakes are a part of life and that he will always love them no matter what
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potterrstar · 2 months
do you miss us? ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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sirius black x fem!reader
summary: james wants to ask lily out, but she can't because she's always with y/n, so sirius decides to help him a little, that means spending a little time with his ex girlfriend.
warnings: a lil bit of angst! and then fluff! sirius and reader used to date, and a lot of jily!
word count: 2.5 k
a/n: hi everyone, hope you are doing great, this is literally my first post ever! i'm excited but at the same time i find everything super weird, i'm trying to settle in so i'm sorry for any mistakes, i hope to improve!
Sirius was a bit fed up with James if he was honest, not to be misunderstood, he adores James with all his heart but he just wouldn't shut up about Lily. The worst part was that he wouldn't ask her out, he could talk about her all day but he wouldn't make a single attempt to ask her to Hogsmeade or anything.
"I understand how much you like her, Prongs, I just don't understand why you don't ask her out, it doesn't have to be anything exotic, you know?" Sirius fiddled with his wand, sitting on the couch in the common room.
"Because she's with y/n all the time! Lily's never alone, I can never get to talk to her, you know, alone" James sighed dropping his body into the chair at the table.
Y/n. It was even a little hard for him to think about her, they hadn't ended in the worst possible way, it just didn't work out the way they would have liked it to in the first place. They had only broken up a couple of months ago, sometimes he thought he missed her, the times he didn't miss her it was because he convinced himself that he didn't, but however! They were still friends… Or something like that, at least he hoped so.
"Well, interrupt them, I don't think y/n would mind you stealing Lily away for a bit" Sirius rolled his eyes.
James plopped down at the table, giving an exaggerated sigh "This is it, we're never going to date, or get married, or have kids, or-"
Sirius interrupted him laughing "What are you talking about? Calm down mate, it's not as bad as you think" Sirius got up, sat down next to James and gave him a little pat on his shoulder "Look, at the weekend we're all going to Hogsmeade, there you can buy her a drink or go for a walk, yeah? You're not finished."
It was already the weekend! You were extremely excited as you hadn't been out to Hogsmeade for weeks, there had been so much homework and exams lately that there was no time for anything. An outing like this was a huge respite.
"Look, sour popsicles! James used to give me these in first year" Lily showed you the little colourful lollipops. Just now you were in Honeydukes buying sweets out of hand. It was going to be Marlene's birthday soon and you wanted to throw her a big party.
You gave a little chuckle. "Yeah, let's take those too" You thought it was a bit funny how much Lily talked about James, she did, even if it was unconscious, James here, James there! It didn't bother you though, it was nice to see her denying it.
"What are you laughing at?" Lily asked you with a frown.
"Oh! James used to buy me these! He's so cute! I want to marry him!" You mimicked her laughing.
"What are you talking about? I never said that, I don't even talk like that! Pretty bad imitation of you, huh?" Lily was completely offended, which again made you laugh.
"Oh, hi, James!" You said looking behind Lily, as if James was there, which he wasn't. You just liked to tease Lily.
Lily turned around quickly, arranging her hair, nervously. "Where did you see him? I can't find him." Lily searched for James with her eyes.
"Come on, Lily" You said laughing as you gave her an obvious look.
Lily turned to you, noticing your stare. "Oh leave me alone." Lily's gaze dropped a little, which worried you a little.
"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad." You patted her shoulder a little in apology.
You played this way with Lily all the time, it never bothered her, you don't know what her sudden sadness is about.
"Don't worry, it's not that, it's just- I don't know, do you think James likes me? I mean, I know he always jokes about it, but he's never tried to go out with me, we've never even had a conversation alone."
"Lily, are you kidding me? All of Hogwarts knows that James Potter has an absolute and complete crush on Lily Evans" You laughed a little, which caused her to laugh too. "Come on, Li, don't be put off by that! He's probably even around, all of us students came, I don't think he's the exception."
Lily smiled gratefully at you "You're right. Thank you, sweetheart."
Suddenly, James appeared behind Lily, this time in earnest.
"What's up, Potter?" you greeted the brunet, not to mention that your ex-boyfriend was standing next to him.
"Listen, Y/n, I don't think it's funny a second time," Lily demanded.
"A second time of what?" James asked behind Lily, giving her the fright of her life.
"James!" Lily shrieked. "Lily!" James shouted back, imitating her.
As the two of them frolicked around as they always did, you shared a couple of glances with the black-haired boy next to James. You examined him a little better, you hadn't seen him in a couple of days, he was wearing his white shirt with the first few buttons open revealing a bit of his chest, he had half his hair up, a little longer than he had when you were done, his eyes looked greyer than they normally did. He looked good. He always did.
"Hello," you said, giving him an uncomfortable look. It was a little hard to meet those eyes that were once yours.
"Uh, hi…" He responded in kind. He was having a hard time seeing your eyes, which were once his.
You don't know at what point Lily and James ended whatever conversation they were having, but Lily turned to you. "I'm doing some shopping with Y/n, sorry" Lily apologised to James.
"But Y/n doesn't mind, do you?" James said looking at you, you looked back at him wanting to know what the hell he was supposed to be talking about. Maybe, just maybe, you missed a lot in the pale boy in front of you.
"Umm, sorry I- I wasn't listening" you stammered a little looking at them.
"James was just telling me that, if we could go to The Three Broomsticks, but you know we're buying Marlene's birthday stuff and I don't want to leave you alone" Lily said looking at the floor.
You realised that this was the opportunity Lily had been waiting for a long time. "Are you kidding? It's fine, it's perfect, don't worry about me, we don't have much shopping to do anyway." You told them with a smile.
"See? Everything is fine," James looked at Lily.
Lily analysed the situation, it was clear that she wanted to go out with James, but leaving her friend didn't sound like a viable option. "No, James, I'm sorry, I really don't want to leave her alone." Lily said somewhat sadly.
Sirius, on the other hand, also saw the situation. He knew Lily wasn't going to leave her friend shopping for things on her own, and he also knew how depressed James was going to be for the rest of the month if Lily turned him down for the one way out he had risked asking her. He thought about staying with Y/n, not that he wanted to of course, but it was for the greater good, it was definitely for that, he was only going to help his friend, it had nothing to do with him.
"Maybe-" Sirius suddenly spat and everyone looked at him "Maybe I can stay with you" He turned to look at you and you felt your heart skip a beat. Stay with you? Just today was the first time you'd been with him in the same room for more than ten seconds without running out since you broke up. "I mean, to help you finish shopping, after all Marlene our friend right?" Sirius tried not to make it sound like he needed to spend time with his ex-girlfriend, which he kinda did.
Lily and James smiled "Actually, it does sound good" Lily said with a bit of hope and James felt his soul return to his body.
You were paraplegic, saying yes meant spending, Merlin knows how much time alone with your ex-boyfriend who you're probably not over, but it also meant that Lily could finally go on a date with the guy she liked and the truth is that didn't sound bad at all, I mean, you knew how excited she was about that and there's nothing you wouldn't do for your best friend, even go shopping with your ex-boyfriend, why not?
"Sounds good" You gave a genuine smile "I hope you're good at picking out candy" You joked to Sirius.
"I think I am" Sirius gave you a wink. You felt yourself turn a little red.
"Thanks Y/n, I promise I'll make it up to you, I love you!" Lily said as James led her out of the tent. You laughed a little at this and Sirius mimicked you.
"I really hope they get married because I can't stand it anymore" Sirius rolled his eyes and that made you laugh.
"What?" You asked him as you looked at the shelves of candy.
"James!" He expelled as if he was taking a weight off his shoulders "I swear to Merlin that's all he talks about!"
"Is it that bad?" You looked at him, you watched as a couple of strands of hair fell across his forehead, you felt the urge to move them, but you couldn't, not anymore.
Sirius rolled his eyes "You doubt it? The worst thing is that I'm the only one he tells, Remus and Peter are smart enough to ignore it."
You laughed "Poor thing, Sirius. He's just very much in love."
Sirius sighed "Well, I was never like that."
You gave him a somewhat sly look, wondering if Sirius ever talked about you like that with James.
Sirius immediately caught your gaze and stumbled a bit over his words "I mean- Not that I wasn't in love like that- Just that I never bothered him that much about it- Not that it bothered me being in love with you- you know." Sirius cursed inwardly, it was kind of funny, he thought of himself as a confident person, somewhat boastful even but when it came to you, all of that just disappeared.
"Don't worry, I get it" You smiled a little "I think I used to annoy Lily a lot" Remembering when you first liked Sirius.
"Did you?" he asked curiously.
"Quite a lot. I hope she wasn't that bothered" You laughed a little.
Sirius smiled "I don't think so, how could you ever bother anyone?"
You rolled your eyes "Don't do that" You said to Sirius.
"Do what?" he laughed, feigning innocence.
"That thing you do, you're flirting with me, don't do that." You smiled.
"I'm not!" He defended himself offended "I'm just telling the truth, which is different."
"Shut up" You rolled your eyes smiling. For a moment you felt everything like it was before, and for a moment you wished everything was like it was before.
Sirius relaxed his face a little "I mean it, you genuinely are the most interesting person I know, I don't see any way for you to annoy or bore anyone."
You felt a bit of tension in the air so you made a little joke to ease it "I know I'm the best thing you ever had, you don't have to tell me."
Sirius laughed "Hey don't you think that's enough candy?" he said looking at the bag you were carrying, you didn't even realise how much you were carrying from talking to him.
"Oh Merlin, you're right, more than enough, let's go pay."
You and Sirius walked over to pay, so you took out the money you had counted with Lily yesterday, you paid and you walked out of the shop, Sirius helping you with the bags.
There had been a freak snowstorm at Hogwarts a few days ago, even though it was the middle of June. Professor McGonagall at first thought it was a prank by the Marauders, eventually she found out it wasn't them as James told her that they didn't play pranks on that silly level. Then she found out it was a prank by some Hufflepuff second graders, honestly you found it funny, they couldn't reverse the spell so we had to wait a couple of weeks for the snow to stop.
"What should we do? I honestly don't think James and Lily are done." Sirius looked at you.
"Definitely not, I think we should head back to the castle so we can take advantage of Marlene being around and I can hide this well" You smiled at him.
Sirius nodded and took off his coat and placed it on top of both of you so you could get to the castle without getting covered in snow, on the morning you went down to Hogsmeade the storm wasn't this bad.
You grabbed the edge of the coat next to you to cover yourself better and discovered the initial of your name embroidered with red thread that you had made a couple of weeks after you started dating Sirius. A small smile escaped your lips.
This little thing of embroidering your initial on his stuff came about as a silly joke that people would realise he belonged to you, obviously you didn't mean it, but he didn't have a problem with it, so he embroidered a couple himself.
"What's up?" Sirius asked when he saw your smile.
With a small smile you showed him the edge of his coat.
He rolled his eyes with a smile. "Leave it."
"Why didn't you take it off?" you asked curiously.
Sirius frowned "Why should I?"
"I don't know, because we broke up?"
"So?" He turned to look at you. "Just because it's over doesn't mean it wasn't real, you're the realest thing I've ever had."
You stopped walking and looked at him "Sirius, you don't mean that."
"Of course I do" He stopped as well, he picked up his scarf and showed you the corner, where your initial was also and his ring, which on the inside he wore it as well.
" I take you wherever I go." He said to you with a nostalgic smile.
"Do you miss us? Because I feel your absence wherever I go." You asked him directly, feeling your soul leave your body.
Sirius dipped his hand into your neck and you felt your neck crawl.
You smiled "Just to confirm? Will you tell me?"
Sirius moved to your lips and kissed them tenderly "More than you can imagine." He murmured against your lips and kissed them again.
"This is great" You smiled and moved the strands of hair that were in the way of his forehead. "I've wanted to do that since I saw you."
Sirius laughed against your lips. "I have to cut it" Referring to his hair.
You let out a gasp. "Are you mad? You cut your hair and we're done again I swear."
"We're done again?" Sirius repeats. "Does that mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend again?" Sirius asks with a grin.
"Absolutely. Any problem with that?" you smiled back.
"Never" Sirius grabbed the back of your neck and kissed even harder, careful to never let go again.
Though if he did, he'd always take you with him anyway.
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phas3d · 2 months
Fake Dating | Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
notes :: fake dating is the FUEL TO MY LIFE AHHH slightly inspired by "please please please" by Sabrina Carpenter because ofc it is
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He's bullied you for ages, literally making your high school years hell
But after his father and mother pressure him with questions about a girlfriend
He gets sick of it and wants to shut up for ONE NIGHT just one fucking night
So he gets you to pretend to be his partner, because you're the only girl willing to say yes (because ur scared of him)
Corners you and threatens you, "If you don't give me an Oscar worthy performance I will literally burn all of your uniforms and books"
Now you're at his house, eating expensive steak under 3 chandeliers
No one knows why he has 3 chandeliers,,, not even his parents
But instantly, his parents love you for your nerdiness and cuteness
They see you as a sweet and innocent little partner for Draco :)
But uh oh... you were TOO perfect for his parents
Now Draco is asking you to go with his parents to Germany for a "little trip"
Except their idea of a "little trip" is a week vacation in the most expensive hotel and meeting German celebrities
You can't speak German, but Draco can so he helps answer any questions asked towards you
But for some reason, he gets super agitated as you keep attending parties and people keep coming up to you
He gets so mad on the second-to-last-day of the week vacation to the point he grabs some random guys collar and shouts at him
You pull try to pull them apart but it's too late...
Draco gets his ass whooped... Badly... Embarrassingly bad...
You leave the party early, going back to the hotel alone as you patch his wounds
That's when you ask why he was so upset
But he refuses to answer, saying it's just that the guy was annoying
It's obvious that he's lying, so you keep pushing him and pushing him
So he angrily blurts out: "Because people keep fucking asking for your number!!! GOD!!! You're so dense!"
He says as he lightly flicks your forehead before staring deeply into your eyes: conveying everything he's been feeling for you for these past weeks of "fake dating"
Mattheo is Tom's worse enemy, despite being brothers
Yet again, Mattheo teases and mocks Tom for being a loser with zero "rizz" or whatever that means
He's sick of Mattheo's stupid ass slang, everyday he hears "you're a beta" "ur aura is so low" "zero rizz bruh"
He's literally going to kill him
But sadly he can't do that, so he comes up with a different solution
He chooses you, a random kid he did a project with once, to pretend to be his new partner
You were hesitant but he then threw in an extra bonus, he would do all your homework for two classes of your choice
So obviously you had to take it
He had to prepare you for the worse: Mattheo
Tom forced you to visit his dorm to study how to reply to Mattheo when you finally meet him
He also made you study how to act like a couple in public
Which he knew nothing about... He was technically right about hand holding and matching clothes
But his version of hand holding was very uncomfortable, the type where you don't interlock fingers
And the clothes he picked were ugly as hell, no way you'd ever wear that stuff
So you had to help him a lot with learning how to act natural in relationships
When he feels that you're finally prepared, he lets you meet Mattheo
Mattheo is super sus at first but is too dumb to question harshly
But now, you're stuck as pretending to be Tom's girlfriend for the rest of the year
He's painfully unaffectionate in public which makes you slightly embarrassed because he makes you look like a clingy girlfriend
But in private, when he's teaching you what to say and doing your homework: he's surprisingly sweet
He gets better at being a boyfriend over time and even takes you on full dates, not just fake photoshoots to post online
But he's still insisting to keep this relationship as just beneficial, no string attached
You can't help but start to fall for him, it's literally impossible to not
He gifts you everything you've ever wanted, takes you to fancy places, making him chuckle under his breathe feels more rewarding than any A+ ever, and those small private moments where you can feel a soul behind his eyes instead of the ice cold make you love him
So you cut it off with him, lying and saying you don't need the benefits and it's too hard to keep lying
He accepts this and lets you go
You end up being really popular once you're single
And that pisses him off ENDLESSLY
He found you first! He basically made you! You're still his, he can't let someone take all his hard work
And for some reason,,, he felt hollow after you left - as if he lost something dear to him
He's not sure how you brought out these emotions, but he wants it back ASAP
Oh my god double trope: because Mattheo started dating you because he was dared to
You're seen as a kinda bitch in Hogwarts because a group of girls said so
But in reality, you're really chill and grounded, which surprised Mattheo when he went on your first date
You made him laugh a few times (a lot, he's too cocky to admit it)
And you also were really similar to Mattheo, you liked the same games and shows
As he kept pretending to date you, he started to actually like you and your presence
But he's still not too attached because he knows he needs to break up with you in about 2 months
As the weeks pass by, you accidentally read a message for Mattheo
It was from Theo, saying "Jesus dude, you two almost seem like a real couple. You should try acting haha"
You froze but started to plot your revenge on him
You kept acting like everything was fine and normal, and then broke up with HIM
Mattheo was shocked, because not only has he completely fallen for you but he's also never been broken up with
He unsure of what to do, but all he knows is he wants you back
Pulling girls has almost never been a problem for Theo his entire life
He even pulled grown women while being 14 years old (he's a victim...)
But his main problem is pulling a girl that would be approved by his parents
Theo surrounds himself with heavy drinkers, partiers, and dumb jocks: meaning there's not many partners that are "marriage material"
So he asks you, the Head Girl of your house, to pretend to be his girlfriend for family events
You agreed due to the large sum of money he was paying you, it's insane how rich he is
Every time Theo had a family event, he would just call you up and BOOM his family loves you
But as you keep coming to these family events, acting as a couple becomes less and less awkward for you both
You both agreed to not kiss each other due to this just being acting, plus kissing at family events is weird
But God, Theo really wants to break that rule when you and him are alone on the balcony at night while you ramble about the struggles of being Head Girl
He never thought he'd fall for the super nerdy, responsible, and awkward Head Girl - but he did, and he fell super hard
Theo wants to straight up ask you to be his real girlfriend, but he's so scared
He's scared of making you uncomfortable for catching feelings or making you think he planned this all along
Enzo's best friend is Blaise, almost everyone knows that
But what everyone also knows is that Blaise has the FATTEST crush on your best friend, Pansy Parkinson
And even more well known is that Pansy liked him back
There was literally no reason for these two to not get together, they were just too scared to confess
Which is odd since they're both so head-strong and confident, you guess it's just because they're scared of rejection
So Enzo reaches out to you, asking you to help come up with a plan to set them both up on a date
You two are complete strangers, only ever talking once or twice whilst in a group
So you both create a lie: that you and Enzo are going on a first date and need them to tag along to make it a "double date"
Obviously, this works on them because they're great friends
So now you and Enzo are on an awkward fake date while your best friends basically make out next to you
The original plan was just to tell Pansy and Blaise that there was no spark between you and Enzo
But due to you both spending an entire 12 hours together with Blaise and Pansy, you guys got comfortable with each others
He makes you laugh a ton and you do the same
You both love really niche topics and shows, even sharing the same favorite sports teams
Your bond only grows stronger after Blaise and Pansy ask for another double date
But you and Enzo take it slow, having the most sexual tension for months because you both were just claiming to be "friends only"
You finally broke that after about 4 months, thank God
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xsaltburnx · 8 months
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It's always been you
(Farleigh takes your virginity)
a/n: so here it is, I'm sorry it took so long, I hope you'll like it
warning: swearing, pure smut, using the word baby a lot (sorry not sorry), P in V, creampie, just basically being obsessed with Farleigh
word count: 3,589
His arms were wrapped around your body and his head buried in the crook of your neck. You inhaled deeply as tears fell from your eyes and rolled down your cheeks, soaking his grey t-shirt. You quietly sobbed into his chest, his one hand gently rubbed your back, comforting you while the other was stroking your hair.
"You know I'll always come back, we'll see each other very soon." He said quietly, and felt your body press up against him even more, if that was possible.
"I know but you're leaving now and the worst part is that you'll be half way across the world and even the time difference, what will I do without you?" You said through sobs, another tear rolling down your cheek, your eyes looking up at him. He looked at you and wiped away your tears with his thumb, his lips curling up into a smile.
"Don't worry, I'll come back soon and you'll join me out there next year anyway and we'll make up for all the lost time while I'm at Oxford. Maybe you'll find someone new to mess with while I'm gone." He teased you and wiped another tear from your chin.
"Yeah right, that's not possible." You hugged him again, this time tighter, your face pressed against his chest. "I'm gonna miss you so much." You whispered.
"I'm gonna miss you too, but I really have to go now." He took a step back as he fixed the bag strap on his right shoulder. "I'll call you when I land, okay?"
"Okay." You nodded and looked at him one last time before he turned around and walked away towards the escalator, getting further and further away from you.
You and Farleigh literally grew up together. His mother and your mother instantly became friends when Frederica moved to America. It helped that you were both living on the same street only a few houses away from each other. Kindergarten, high school, literally inseparable. You did everything together, often spent nights at each other's houses, even in high school.
In 7th grade you were each other's first kiss. It wasn't like you two were in love, you just wanted to experiment a little bit and since you felt comfortable around him, why not. That was the only kiss you two have ever shared. You were never romantically involved and never planned on doing so until his senior year.
You watched him around all these girls and suddenly started to get a little bit jealous. Every time he came to you to say how he's going out with someone, you kinda always wished it was you and that's how you knew you had very strong feelings for Farleigh but you never said anything because you were afraid it would ruin your friendship. You tried to hide it as much as possible, keeping it cool when you were next to him, where you spent the night in his room smoking or just talking until 3 am, it was something you got used to.
You loved watching him focus on his homework, how his curls always stayed perfectly in place, his fingers twirling that yellow pencil over and over again, his eyes scanning the pages carefully. How his eyebrows furrowed when he didn't understand something, but even when he was busy, he always found the time to look at you, even for a second but it was enough to bring out a smile on your face. And a year later, that's exactly what you two were doing, only you were now officially at Oxford.
He was laying on his bed, his head right at the foot of the bed, hanging a little bit down as he placed a cigarette between his lips and took a deep drag, the smoke coming out of his lips in circular shapes. You swallowed hard, your heartbeat picking up its pace inside your chest. God, he's so damn beautiful. You completely got lost in your thoughts, Farleigh's deep voice spreading through the quiet room, but to you it sounded like a muffle.
"You okay?" He turned around so he was laying on his stomach, his hands under his jawline, supporting his head, his feet dangling. You shook your head and snapped out of it, a smile plastered on your face.
"Yeah, of course, I was just, um, thinking about... something." You trailed off and ran your fingers through your hair.
"It's your turn. Truth or dare?" He asked and took another drag, again blowing out the smoke as you watched it slowly evaporate.
"Truth." He chuckled and cleared his throat, a smile on his face. He looked like a child who just got offered their favourite candy.
"Okay, okay!" He jumped up and now sat on the bed, his legs crossed. "The weirdest place you've had sex?" He trailed off, his question catching you totally off guard. Was it personal? Yes. But that was Farleigh so it didn't matter. Little did he know that you actually were still a virgin. You went through thousands of scenarios on how you could ever answer this question. Judging by the look on his face and how long it took you to answer it and how much you stuttered, he figured it out on his own.
"Are you still a virgin?" He leaned forward, a cigarette still burning in his hand, a straight line of smoke slowly disappearing into thin air. You looked down and played with your ring on your middle finger. You started feeling really nervous, thinking Farleigh would mock you for it because let's face it, most of your friends lost their virginity at the beginning of high school but you didn't want to.
"Yes." You answered so quietly that Farleigh barely heard you. He put the cigarette on the white ashtray that was beside him and got off the bed. He sat right next to you, crossing his legs.
"What's wrong?" He saw you looking down at your fingers and how you played with your ring and he knew that you felt uncomfortable. He knew you too well and could always tell when something was bothering you.
"Nothing." You answered quickly.
"C'mon, it's me." He placed a finger under your chin, lifting your head up to look at him, his big brown eyes now looking straight into yours. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat before speaking.
"Can I tell you something?" You asked gently and felt like your heart literally skipped a beat. His hand fell down to his knee, his fingers picking on a single string sticking out the side of his pants. You don't know what has gotten into you but suddenly you felt like you had all the courage in the world just form inside your body, ready to admit how you felt about him for so long.
"Of course you can." He leaned back, supporting his weight with his arms, his legs stretched out in front of him.
"I always thought I would lose my virginity to you. I don't know, it was always in my head how you would be the one because honestly you're the only one I feel comfortable enough to do it with, even if it's just like a friend helping another friend and nothing more."
You watched him just stare at you, his lips slightly parted and you didn't know if he was shocked by what he heard, if he even wanted to have something with you or he would just laugh in your face. But he didn't. He opened his mouth, looking like he wanted to say something, then closed it again and then opened again, unsure of what to do.
"Do you still want me to be the one to do it?" He asked all of a sudden, catching you totally off guard. You clearly didn't expect that from him, never even dream of this actually becoming a reality but the thought of this leading somewhere, to what you wanted for so long was bewildering.
You kept playing with your fingers, an unpleasant feeling in your stomach, was it because you were nervous or was it from the couple of drinks you had a few hours ago, you weren't sure, but you did know that it felt like your heart was literally in your throat. You stuttered and couldn't take your eyes off him. Looking at him like that, sitting on the floor as the moonlight fell so perfectly on his face, illuminating his right side. God, you were so in love with him. He was so damn perfect. No one compared to him, but frankly, you didn't even care about anybody else.
"Yes." was all you managed to let out. 
"Are you sure?" The look on his face was so soft, he wanted to make sure that it was exactly what you wanted before making a move, before he even touched you.
"There's no one else I'd rather do this with. Only you, Farleigh" you trailed off and swallowed hard, your palms getting a little bit sweaty because of the way he was looking at you.
"Come here." He stretched out his hand and gently caught your wrist, pulling you closer to him. You got up and walked over to him, his hands guiding you on top of him, your legs on each side of him as you sat down and wrapped your legs around him. You swallowed hard and took a deep breath, a hint of goosebumps rolling down your back. 
"Farleigh, I need to tell you something first." You said quietly and looked down, your heart beating so loud in your chest, you were sure Farleigh could definitely hear it.
"I'm listening." His eyes were fixated on you so much that it made you weak in the knees. A sparkle in his chocolate brown eyes, his full lips so kissable and you were definitely having a hard time controlling yourself. 
"I-... What if-..." you stuttered, having trouble finding the words.  "I've always liked you Farleigh. I mean, for the last few years, I've grown some kind of feelings towards you and now I'm sure that you were more than just a crush." 
You watched as his lips slowly curl up into a smile, his thumb brushing your cheek first and then started slowly moving towards your bottom lip, pressing on it gently as he pulled it down a little, separating your lips.
"I've been in love with you since, well it's been a few years now." He trailed off, never taking his eyes off you. "I was scared you didn't want me that way so I never said anything." He somehow looked defeated. His brows furrowed, his lips parted as he sighed loudly, fear somehow creeped its way into his body.
"Farleigh?" You said quietly, his head bent down a little bit, looking at your legs wrapped around him. 
"Farleigh, please look at me." You placed a finger under his chin and lifted his head up to lock his eyes with yours. "How could I not want you? You're absolutely perfect." 
You slowly inched closer, his lips parted and you felt his hot breath on your face. You caressed his cheek gently, a hint of stubble under your fingertips. You enjoyed that feeling, being so close to him, such an intimate moment and it was finally just the two of you in a way you have always imagined. 
"I want you in every human way possible." You pressed your lips against his, his arms instantly pulling you closer, heat from his body radiating off him and onto you, the room instantly getting much hotter. He pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth, a silent moan escaping your mouth as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth. 
"If at any point you want to stop, just tell me, ok?" He whispered and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers grazing your flushed cheek. 
"Okay." He placed his hands under your thighs and got up with you in his arms, your legs still wrapped around him. He walked you both to his bed and gently placed you down as you sunk into a soft and comfortable bed, a few pillows surrounding you. He untied your shoes and placed them neatly next to his bed, while he kicked his, one shoe on one side and the other on the other side of his room. You laughed out loud at his actions, not really understanding what was the point of that. 
You stretched out your arms as a signal for him to come back to you and he did just that. He laid on top, his one arm supporting his weight, while the other cupped your face as he kissed you so gently, with so much passion and then rushed and hungry with lust at the same time. You craved him and you were not letting him get away this time. 
He trailed his hand from your face to your neck and then to your waist, careful to feel every inch of you, not wanting to miss anything. You bucked your hips a little bit and suddenly felt his bulge in his pants, a moan falling from his lips. He smirked at you, your eagerness clearly very amusing to him in some way.
"You're wearing too much." You whispered between kisses, a chuckle escaping his lips as you tugged on his shirt, desperate to take it off.
"Then maybe you should take it off." He replied and moved back, allowing you to grab the hem of his t-shirt and slowly lift it up and over his head before you threw it god knows where. You took a few seconds to admire his beautiful body, everything about him was perfect. The way the hair on his body travelled from his belly button to the place underneath his pants and boxers. You sat up and placed a gentle kiss on his stomach, your fingers grazing the skin on his hips as you wanted to touch every inch of him and worship him like he deserves.You hooked your fingers inside his pants and pulled them down with his boxers, revealing his already hard cock. Your eyes widened at the sight of him because the only thing that was in your mind was how could he possibly fit inside you, You tensed up and swallowed hard, feeling more nervous than before and Farleigh saw that immediately. He bent down and looked you directly in the eyes before he gave you a kiss on the lips, trying to calm you down.
"You don't have to do anything, this night is about you." He whispered in your ear and then took your shirt off followed by his fingers skillfully unhooking your bra, revealing your breasts to his eyes. You slowly laid down on the bed and lifted up your hips, allowing him to take off your jeans and your panties, your naked form now exposed completely to him. "You're so fucking beautiful." he whispered under his breath and swallowed hard. Your gaze fell down to his cock as you saw it hard as a rock, his body shivering a little bit. 
"You ok?" he just nodded and placed a kiss to your lips and then moved to your neck, sucking on your sweet spot as you threw your head back, giving him more access. He nibbled on your neck slightly, his hand roaming over your body, drawing invisible shapes over your stomach before he moved it slightly down to your inner thigh. A feeling you thought you would never feel travel through your body and then even a better feeling suddenly took over. His finger grazed your clit as he slowly started moving it in small circles, the pressure just right. 
You touched yourself before quite often, always imagining what it would be like if someone else was doing it and now there it was, Farleigh touching you like this, you completely succumbing to his being. His eyes were on you the entire time he was touching your clit, getting you closer to your release as each second passed, slowly getting desperate to feel you wrapped around him so beautifully. Your breathing started getting louder, quicker and more shallow and he instantly knew you were getting so close. 
"You can let go, baby." he whispered in your ear and it even turned you even more, if that was even possible. How could those four words have such an impact on you, how could he have so much control over you, have you in such a vulnerable moment and have you think how you would never want anyone else to see you like this. To see how your body convulsed and your inner walls clenched as an orgasm travelled through your body, the feeling of so much euphoria almost too much for you. "That's it." 
You calmed down after a few seconds, his body pressed up against yours, his pelvis constantly grinding up against your hip, desperate for some friction. 
"I want to try something, okay?" He said and you just nodded as you felt his finger travelling down to your opening and slowly breach your cunt. You fingered yourself many times before but his long fingers definitely felt better inside of you. He added another one, gently stretching you out, preparing you for his thick cock. "Damn, you're wet." He whispered and kept moving his fingers,in a scissoring motion.
"Farleigh, I really need you. Please." You practically cried out, clearly so desperate for him and you just wanted to feel him whole, to have him buried inside of you for hours if needed, you just wanted him. 
"Are you sure?" He asked again for like the tenth time that night, but you really appreciated it and at least he wasn't rushing anything and respected your boundaries. You just nodded and pulled him closer, your legs wrapping around his waist as he positioned himself , his tip touching your entrance.  "If it hurts too much, tell me and I'll stop."  He trailed off and then you felt his tip slowly enter you, stretching you out completely. The feeling was somehow hard to describe. Did it hurt? Maybe a little bit, but it definitely did sting a lot. You whimpered quietly as he kept going deeper as you felt every inch of him and suddenly felt so damn full. He bottomed out and then stopped, completely buried inside you. 
"Hey, are you okay?" he saw a single tear roll down your cheek, his thumb wiping it away before he pressed around fifteen kisses all over your face, trying to take your mind off the pain happening in the lower half of your body. You nodded and chuckled and after a few minutes felt the pain slowly fade away. It still stung maybe a little bit but now it wasn't unbearable and you wanted him to move. You bucked your hips again and clenched your walls, a groan falling from his lips.
"Farleigh please move." His hips pulled back almost all the way and then went back in at a painfully slow pace, his cock completely nestled inside of you. He pulled back again and then thrusted inside, each time faster and faster until he set a perfect pace, careful not to go too hard because he didn't want to hurt you in any way. 
"Holy fuck, you're tight." He threw his head back in pleasure, his hips repeatedly slamming into you, his tip grazing that beautiful spot inside of you with each of his thrust. You arched your back and wrapped your legs around his body even tighter, trying to get him closer even though that wasn't possible because you two were as close as you could possibly be. "You're taking me so well. baby," 
You moaned out loud and bit your lip so hard you drew blood because you started feeling that incredible and sweet release building up inside you again. Those words, those goddamn words he whispered in your ear turned you on even more and made you want to fuck him like there's no tomorrow. You reached down to your clit and started massaging it in slow circles just as Farleigh did it before, desperate to reach your orgasms while he was still inside of you. 
"Farleigh, I'm gonna cum- fuck!" You threw your head back and arched your back again as you felt your orgasm tearing through your body, your cunt squeezing Farleigh's cock and a few moments later, he let out the loudest moan possible, his hot cum filling you up to the very last drop. He thrusted inside you a couple more times before he pulled out and collapsed next to you, your hearts the only thing that could be heard in that room at that very moment. 
"Are you ok?" He asked and propped himself up on his elbow, his fingers tucking a strand of your hair behing your ear again. 
"Perfect, actually." He leaned in and kissed you gently a couple times before he wrapped his arms around you, your sweaty bodies pressed up against each other. "And we're definitely doing this again and again and again and-" 
"Again?" He interrupted you and watched you as you laughed and nodded. "I agree, but first we need to talk about something."
"I know." You trailed off, your eyes already closed.
"In the morning." He placed a kiss on your forehead and covered both of you with a blanket as you both drifted off to sleep, 
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prettieinpink · 1 year
Being that girl once again- back to school!
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It’s back to school season everyone, and my favourite times of the year. In this post im going to give you stuff to do for back to school + advice in specific areas of your school life! I hope everyone can take away something from this post <3 
Revise your past term content in your core subjects, ensure there’s nothing you do not understand(it’s better to understand now than have to understand later)
Review what you are going to be learning for this current term in your core subject, you don’t have to study it, just familiarise yourself. 
Catch up with your friends- hang out, call or text before the new school term. My favourite thing is to create predictions of drama, couples etc in the upcoming term w my girlies!
Create SMART goals for you to achieve that term, in any aspect you want. I say; 1 goal for academics, 1 goal for social and 1 goal for extracurriculars/sports. 
Clean your room !! do a deep clean and declutter. E.g wipe down all surfaces, hover pillows, vacuum floor, clean mirrors, take out any clothes you dislike
Do an everything shower + face masks!!
Everyday afterschool, revise everything that you’ve learnt today + the things that you struggle on
Anytime you get homework, complete it as soon as possible. Most of the time, it’s easy and non time consuming. 
Create study guides for exams/tests while actually learning instead of when the assessments are actually coming up. It saves you a lot of time, which you can use for studying effectively.
If you don’t already, have a specific learning/studying style that works for you. E.g flashcards, blurting, mind map, spaced repetition, the feynman technique. (ofc you can have multiple). Just know the pros and cons of each studying technique. 
Or, what I do is that I assign specific studying techniques to different subjects e.g science - blurting, HASS - flashcards, maths - the feynman technique. This may be different to what you have the most success learning.
Have a place, time every day or at least most days, where you can study without distractions. I like to study at the library afterschool, it’s chill and literally void of any distractions.
The only advice in which i’ll say is not optional– do practise questions under the said test conditions. Stop using websites, listening to music, being on your phone etc. Get in the zone and transfer the environment. 
Make an effort to say hi or goodbye to some people, even if you do not know them that well. If you’re up for it, ask them how they are going or how their day has been.
Start remembering names and birthdays. This will literally make people like you so much more, it’s so simple but people swoon over this. Process names in your mind and write down birthdays in your calendar. 
Don’t be afraid to talk to others. Most people do not care if you talk to them, and some are glad that you talk to them. This is how people become well-known or well-liked. 
Watch videos on how to converse with people you do not know well effectively and become close with them. TED x has a lot of videos on this, and are usually helpful. 
Don’t try to fit in with the crowd. It’s so draining, and even if you think they do, they most likely dislike you(sorry!) . Instead, find/be with your people. 
Join a club/extracurricular. You meet so many like-minded people this way, while still developing your own skills. I say everyone should at least have one solid extracurricular. 
If you are in a talking stage, three weeks is enough time for him or you to decide if you’re willing to date them. It’s not the 1920s anymore, we have imessages, facetime, skype and others to communicate and get to know each other without contact
Call out your friends if you notice them doing something toxic or generally anything they shouldn’t do. E.g gossiping, getting mad at others, bullying someone. If they continue, it will influence you in the long run.
Reframe your mindset. I know most of us do not favour school, but do not dwell on negativity and find ways to be positive/neutral about your circumstances. You’ll feel so much better.
Detach. Detachment is literally essential in highschool, there’s so much drama and most likely you will somehow get tied up in it. Stop absorbing what happens and let it influence you, observe what happens and learn from it. I have a post on this here. 
Start saying affirmations everyday. I know affs are usually viewed as a manifestation thing, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a simple one minute way to cultivate a neutral/positive perspective of yourself. 
Journal. Things will happen, so journaling is a great way to discuss your circumstances, feelings, trauma, relationships etc and develop a sense of identity at the same time. I have a post on this here. 
Meditate. It can be go-go-go constantly, but just take a break and gain some mental clarity and see how much better you feel decluttering your mind. 
Embrace a change and growth mindset, especially in an environment where we are constantly required to adapt. 
Start stretching.. seriously. You sit at a desk for like 5 hours a day excluding lunch and recess, everyday, which is of course going to do a number on your body. It can relieve pain in many different areas.
Have at least 1 form of exercise you do everyday. I know being students, we have to sit at a desk constantly. But, do not give up on practising good exercise habits. Not only can it help with results, it’s good for you.
Get the recommended sleep of 6-8 hours per night, which is good quality sleep without disruptions. It helps with long term memory and you’ll feel better. 
Start packing healthy but tasty lunches to school instead of buying. You’ll save so much money in the long run, and it’s better for your body. 
Get your uniforms tailored just a bit. Not too noticeable, but enough that it fits better on your body. Especially for button formal shirts, as they make you look 10 times as bulky than what you actually are. 
Buy new jewellery, earrings, necklaces or whatever you’re allowed. Subtle but noticeable jewellery makes girls look so pretty.
Learn new hairstyles!! Don’t just wear the same hair everyday, mix it up, it’s fun and makes you look attractive. 
Get a good eyebrow gel + clear mascara. Legit life changer, I look so much better everyday because I look put together without make up.
apply  vaseline on areas you would apply highlight, but avoid your eye area. 
Have a good skincare regime!! Being a student is stressful, getting pimples is a sign of stress. 
Okay that's it. Happy back to school everyone! Here’s an affirmation for you <3
I am intelligent and capable. I am skilled and confident in my abilities. I am perceived well by others. I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am looking for this term to be full of good grades, vibes, friends, growth and fun. 
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A Love Game
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DI!Single!Dad!Leon S. Kennedy X F!Teacher!Reader
Summary: You hear a glimpse of Leon's relationship with his daughter. And later he makes you a proposal you just can't refuse
Warnings: mild sexual content, still minors dni, brief phone sex, allusions to sex, Leon has a mouth on his as always, bit of soft!dom leon, mostly Leon being a soft dad on this one, foul language (as always), no use of y/n
WC: 3k
A/N: so I'm totally in love with this dynamic! And yalls support was insane. I literally wrote two separate drafts of a continuation of these two and whichever I finished first was gonna be posted, so the light smut one won bc I'm tired atm and didn't feel like sitting in front of my computer for 6 hours🙃 so this short part will have a second part to it with full spicy time. And another standalone part with these two (coffee and other things) having some more spicy time is also in the works, so stay tuned. Besitos <3
Universe Masterlist
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Leon blinked slowly, his eyes now starting to grow sore from staring at the bright computer screen for so long. But he just hadn't had time to finish this stupid report. Sure, he has had two whole days to get it done, but with a tiny human clinging to his arm every waking minute, it was a bit more complicated than he thought. But he couldn't possibly ignore his little girl when he barely had the time to be with her without having to worry about stopping some mad scientist with too much time in their hands. He didn't mind though. His little girl was more important than anything else. 
Still, he took advantage of the little window of time he had now. He had given Isabella dinner a little over an hour ago. Then left her in the dining room to finish her homework. She had always been a smart girl, responsible with her homework, she never fussed when he asked her to do it, so it didn't worry him in the slightest to leave her to do her own thing. She tended to get distracted when he was around anyway. 
Though, maybe an hour had gone by when he heard tiny feet pad bare through the wood floors and he saw a mess of chocolate brown strands sticking from its bun peek above his computer screen. He slowly lowered the screen until it was almost shut and he was met with a pair of sapphire eyes that were a replica of his own. He raised an eyebrow at her. 
"Daddy." She took a step closer to him, her eyes big like she wanted to ask him something. 
Leon sat up fully, setting his laptop aside and nodded at her, giving her his full attention now. "What's up bee?" 
"Can I.. uhm.. I can play with your switch now?" She asked, dark lashes batting as she fiddled with her hands. As if she had to give him puppy dog eyes for him to say yes. He kept his face serious though. 
"You wanna play on my switch?" She nodded. He ran his fingers over his light stubble as if he was thinking real hard, he pursed his lips in thought. "I dunno hun, did you finish your homework?" 
"How did you know I had homework?" She asked with an adorable frown on her face, it took Leon all of his willpower not to break then. 
"Well I do now." He slipped a smile and she pouted. He couldn't help but chuckle at his little girl. He took her in his arms and sat her on his lap. "Well I knew before. Wanna know how?" 
Her head perked up. "How?" 
Leon leaned into her ear with a smile, "'Cause dads know everything about their little girls." He pressed a kiss to the side of her hair and set her back on her feet. "But yeah, Miss Pretty Teacher told me." 
"That's cheating!" She whipped her head around with a gasp and glared at him. He again couldn't hide his laugh. 
"Yeah alright, you caught me," he raised his hands up at her in surrender. "You can play on the switch for a bit. Do you remember how to turn it on?" 
Izzy proudly nodded and skipped over to the large TV hooked up to the living room. The TV had been on, nothing playing, but just on, since Leon had intended to play some white noise in the background but never actually loaded up anything. He switched to the right input as he watched Izzy turn on the Switch. It took her a second to remember how, but she was happily skipping back to the couch with the controllers as the loading screen came up before Leon could get up to help. He shook his head to himself, but he puffed out a breath when Izzy jumped on his lap, rather hard, the little girl giggling when he groaned. 
"Jesus Christ, when did you get so big?" He chuckled, fixing her on his lap so she wouldn't fall and watched as she scrolled through the games until she found Mario Kart. 
"I turned seven in October, remember?" She piped up, genuinely reminding him of such an important date, as if he would ever forget. He nodded. 
"I know, Izzy. I took you to Dave and Busters with Amara, remember?" 
"Oh. Yeah, you're right. That was fun. We should go again sometime! Please daddy?" She turned her head to look at him with this smile on her face and her big blue eyes. 
God, what did he ever do to deserve this kid? 
He pressed his lips to her forehead and nodded. 
"'Course. I'll talk to Amara's mom, okay?" 
He watched as Izzy excitedly nodded and cheered happily before she got lost in the game in front of her. He didn't mind her having screen time. It wasn't like she had an iPad glued to her face twenty-four-seven. He let her play once or twice a week, and maybe a third if he was feeling like playing with her. And she was more than happy to spend that time with her dad. 
Tonight he wasn't really feeling playing, so he watched her do her best. To her, she was the biggest winner there ever was, throwing turtle shells and bombs at practically nothing and hitting the wall with every curve, but she had fun with it, so he let her be, cheering her on whenever she finished a race, even if it was in ninth or eighth place. 
Maybe thirty minutes had passed when he felt his phone buzz beside him. He took his eyes away from the colorful screen to look at his phone. It lit up with a text, and his smile grew wide at the name. 
My pretty teacher. 
He grabbed his phone and quickly opened the conversation. You had been texting back and forth all day, for days now, after what he considered a perfect first date, but he just hadn't gotten around to match your schedule to plan another date. So you had resorted to texting and maybe calling once here and there. But God, he was really missing you right about now.
My pretty teacher: sorry, I went to dinner with my mom and sister. And I just got home. Hru? 
He bit his lip as he attempted to type into his phone one handed. 
Me: It's fine. I'm ok. With izzy. 
My pretty teacher: awww🥰 
Me: Can you call? I'm texting with one hand at the moment. 
You saw the message, and he could see the three text bubbles appear and disappear. Until they didn't come back. He mentally grimaced at himself, maybe the idea of talking to him while Isabella was there made you uncomfortable? Shit. He hadn't thought about that. Christ, he hadn't dated in so long he had forgotten that being a single dad wasn't exactly the biggest turn on. No matter how much one liked kids. 
His anxiety riddled brain stopped racing when he saw your contact name pop up on his screen as his phone started ringing. He grinned to himself. He glanced at Izzy— her full attention was still on her game, he shrugged and answered the call. He set his phone down, still having one ear bud in from when he was working on his laptop. 
"Hey Miss." He spoke first, his heart racing in his chest a bit. 
"Hi Leon." He could hear the smile in your voice. That shy smile he thought was the prettiest thing. 
"You busy?" He asked, still a bit worried he was interrupting you in the middle of something. Though the indistinct sound of TV playing in the background let him know that maybe you weren't that busy. 
"Not really. I got home a little bit ago so I was just about to run myself a bath." You answered, walking back and forth between your bedroom and the bathroom connected to it. "You?"
Leon tried his hardest not to think about your words too much. Not right now. 
"Nah. Just watching Izzy play on my switch. She's kicking ass in Mario Kart." He heard you blurt out a giggle, which made him chuckle, but what made him actually laugh was Izzy shooting him a frown over her shoulder. 
"Daddy, that's a no-no word." 
Leon snapped his head down at Izzy and he frowned, not sure if he heard her correctly, "What's that bee?" 
"I said that's a bad word."
"What is?" 
Leon almost snorted at the way she said the word. With a frown and her lips pursed. He didn't care if she said bad words or not. He sure as hell said them all the time, but he encouraged her not to repeat what he said, in front of other people, at least. He narrowed his eyes at her. 
"So don't say it. I'm an adult. I can say them." When she kept looking at him, he placed a hand on top of her head and —gently— turned her head back towards the TV screen, despite her protest. "Keep playing your game, Isabella. Or you can't sit on my lap anymore." 
All Leon could hear was you attempting to muffle your laughter, but he could hear your giggles loud and clear. He only rolled his eyes, but he had a tiny smile of his own. 
"C'mon don't laugh, being a parent is hard. Are you the one teaching her this no-no bull— B.S?" He caught himself, closing his eyes when you laughed even more, now not even bothering to hide it. 
"I have to! I have a swear jar, I'm sorry. I gotta set an example." 
He actually laughed at this, remembering the mouth you had on you when he had you on his bed. 
"Yeah, well, you weren't so pure and innocent when you were screaming—" He caught himself again, his own eyes widening when he remembered Isabella was right there and he sighed out softly. "Give me an hour and I'll give you the answer you deserve, Miss." 
You stayed quiet for a second, not because he offended you, but because you needed a second to breathe and control the heat that flashed between your legs at his insinuation. You exhaled deeply before responding. 
"You're what again? Playing Switch with Izzy? 
Leon hummed in response. "She is. She's sitting on my lap so I'm being forced to watch." 
"I'm not forcing you!"
"On your game, Isabella. Stop listening to my conversation." 
"Does she have her own Switch or something?" You asked, now sitting on the edge of your bathtub as hot water poured from the faucet. 
"No. It's my Switch. But I leave it in the living room so she can play sometimes." He answered you with a shrug you obviously couldn't see. 
You chuckled softly, "How old are you again?" 
"Thirty-eight, but that's besides the point. I barely have time to use the thing. I mostly bought it for Izzy." He wasn't lying— entirely. He sometimes played, late at night by himself when he wanted to drown himself in a bottle of whiskey. He would choose to play a game to blow off steam instead of getting drunk with his little girl sleeping in the next room or passing out drunk at some shitty bar. 
"I'm very convinced by that." You snorted, making him sigh out at you.
"Hmph. Whatever. You wouldn't understand how cathartic throwing green turtle shells at tiny cars can be." 
"Oh I bet." 
"Daddy?" You heard Isabella's voice through the phone and your heart warmed.
Leon looked down at Izzy, "Yeah?" 
"Who are you talking to?" She asked with genuine curiosity, her very glorious race tournament now over and her attention was on him. 
He heard you go silent, most likely having heard the little girl and he sighed out, his eyes landing up on the ceiling for a second as he thought of his answer. 
"Just a friend, bee." He ultimately decided on that answer. It wasn't that he was ashamed of being with you, not at all, but Izzy was still young, and even he knew there had to be a proper introduction of you outside of your teacher role. He actually wanted to do this the right way.
"You fuck my brains out last week and I'm just a friend now?" He heard you comment in his ear and he groaned out. 
"C'mon, that's not fair." He leaned back into the couch, his forearm over his eyes now as he basically had two women all over him, pressing him with way too many questions for his liking. 
"I'm just giving you a hard time, Leon. I get it." There was humor in your voice, lightheartedness and even though he couldn't see you, he had a feeling you had that gentle smile on your lips. That eased the pressure on his chest. 
"Listen sweetheart, it's almost Izzy's bedtime," His eyes were on Izzy now, and with his eyes he was nudging at her to start wrapping up her game. She pouted, but didn't otherwise fuss. "Call you in an hour?" 
You both had this dumb, lovesick smile on your face, if only you could see the other.
"I'll be up."
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The warm water, the foaming body wash and the intoxicating smell of your favorite candle had done wonders to relax you. When you left the bathtub you felt like a whole new person. Though there still this tug of butterflies in your stomach as you anxiously waited for Leon to call you. 
You sat on the edge of the tub, warm and fluffy robe wrapped around your naked body as you mindlessly scrolled through your social media for a little while before you decided to check out for the night. You nearly slipped right off the tile when your phone buzzed and you felt a cold shiver run down your spine. 
"Hey, sorry about, y’know, earlier. Izzy and I are like that." You smiled at the sound of Leon's voice, now a bit hushed but more relaxed and carefree, like he now could say whatever the fuck he wanted. 
"It's okay. It was cute, hearing how you talk to her. You're sweet." You smiled to yourself, and you could hear him breathe out a soft laugh, most likely a bit flustered by your words, but he otherwise didn't show it. "You put her to sleep though?" 
"Yeah, I stayed with her 'til she fell asleep. I'm in my bedroom now, about to take a shower." He said the words slowly, with purpose, like he wanted you to think about it like he had been thinking about you, taking that bath. "So, you take your bath yet?" 
"Yeah, it was nice. I definitely needed it. I could've used some company though." You bit your lip, testing his reaction. There was silence, then he hummed. 
"Yeah? That so?" Now it was your turn to hum in agreement, your legs instinctively closing as you tried to soothe the ache between your thighs. "I'm sure you could've. Would've been nice to have someone hold you, right? Have someone leave kisses on your wet skin, say how good you're doing while getting your pretty pussy fingered?" 
You couldn't hold back the moan that left your throat at his words, and your free hand instantly traveled down, stopping at your belly. 
"Oh, that's a sound I'll never get tired of hearing. Fuck, you're already moaning for me and I'm not even there to give you a reason." He exhaled out a chuckle, his hardening cock starting to press against his sweatpants. 
"Fuck, I really wish you were here." You sighed out, your hand itching closer towards your already wet cunt, but you knew it wasn't your touch you ached for. It was Leon's. 
"Yeah? Why's that?" 
You whined softly, your phone almost slipping off your grip as your head fell to the side. "Leon…" 
"Tell me." 
"Because… I really, really, need you to touch me, hold me, ugh— I just need you to fuck me, Leon." 
Leon clenched his fist as his side, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he listened to your desperate words, and the sound shot straight to his cock. Fuck, he'd be lying if he said he didn't need you, too. 
"Goddamn baby," He grunted softly, his hand now brushing the front of his sweats, where his cock strained against the material, and he tried to muffle the sound between his teeth, but you heard it anyway. "You have no fucking idea how much I've been wanting to ruin that pussy of yours again. It's actually driving me crazy." 
You shuddered, the ache between your legs starting to become unbearable. "I really want to see you too, baby." 
Leon closed his eyes, biting his lip raw as he thought fuck it. He could explain in the morning. 
"Fuck it, just fuck it. Wanna take the drive here? I swear I'll give you exactly what you need and it'll be so worth it." 
You'd like to think you were a rational person, you always thought things through twice, three times if necessary. You didn't take risks, much less acted in a way that could be considered immoral, but for Leon? Fuck, for that man you would become the biggest whore in this world if it meant he would take you just one more time. 
"Be there in thirty." 
Fuck it. 
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Sneak peek of A Love Game Part II, coming soon
His lips were hard on your own, messy on your jaw, like he didn't know which part he wanted to kiss more. Your fingers were entangled in his perfectly soft honey brown strands, already melting under his touch. His hand came up under your jaw to grip your face in place, long fingers sprawled out over your neck. He pulled you back by your face and his eyes were hard on you, with this mixture of authority and utter need to fuck you. He could be both. 
"This is how this is gonna be. I'm going to throw you on that bed and fuck you the way you deserve. But I better not hear a single fucking sound leave those pretty lips of yours. Not tonight. Got it?"
Stay tuned for upcoming parts lovelies. Besitos<3
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lust4life01 · 6 months
literally anything with donnie is fine! just wanted to tell you how much i love your writing too!! :)
Awe thank you sm qt!! I whole heartedly appreciate that, it means so much to me💘 This is a little rushed <3
Baby, Sit.
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(Not my image!!). 18+
Warnings!!- Enemies to Lovers, Jealousy, dom x sub, smut, oral (m receiving), fingering, slight chocking, possession and teasing.
Dom Donnie x f/reader
(Donnie and reader are both 18!) Disclaimer/ this is purely fantasy, if somebody is cruel to you irl it does not mean they like you, they’re scum :)
Summary: You were hired by Rose and Eddie Darko to baby sit for their youngest child Samantha, little did you know you would be sitting for some else.
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Being an eighteen year old student, you were painfully broke, so when your mother had referred you to her friend to baby sit, you immediately accepted.
When your mother had told you the name of the woman who’s child you would be looking after you felt a wave of anxiety rush through you.
Rose Darko. As in the parent of Donnie Darko.
You and Donnie had been in the same school, you were the same age. And unfortunately you couldn’t stand him and vice versa. There was something about the pair of you that didn’t work. He was always so uptight and had to be right about everything, it was infuriating. There was one main factor that contributed to the continuous clash between the two of you, which was the fact you dated his best friend up until pretty recently. You hadn’t seen Donnie since then considering you had no reason to be around each other anymore but the thought of seeing him again made you want to scream into a pillow.
Whenever you two would be in the same vicinity he would just straight up ignore your presence or when he did acknowledge you he would be blunt and snappy. You had no idea why but this lead to a lot of animosity between the two of you.
So when your mother had told you you would be babysitting for Samantha Darko you immediately wanted to call up Rose and tell her you wouldn’t be able to do it. However you were pretty broke and you assured yourself you probably wouldn’t see Donnie, not if there was no one to baby sit his younger sister. Plus what was you supposed to tell her? Sorry I can’t watch your child that I’ve already agreed to watch because your son hates me? Yeah no.
“Hey (y,n) yeah we’ll be gone for a couple hours but we left some money for pizza.” Mrs Darko told you as you stood in their kitchen.
You already knew Samantha from when she would bug Donnie at school and run up to the friend group. She was a sweet kid and she liked you well enough so that definitely eased your nerves.
“Okay great, does Samantha need to be in bed by a specific time.” You asked sweetly, knowing full well you’d probably let her stay up regardless.
“Um nope just not too late and by the time we get home. Oh and she has homework to do.”
Rose sterling looked at Samatha as a warning.
“Boringgg.” Samantha protested whilst stood directly by your side.
“Okay well we’ll see you later, have fun” Eddie spoke as they made their way out of the door.
Rose returned and popped her head into the door before leaving .
“Oh (y,n) I’m sure Donnie will be glad to see you again.” She smiled and quickly left before you could even form a response.
Your mind paced. Was Donnie supposed to be here? Why did they need a babysitter then? Did they know you two used to be in the same friendship group? Had he mentioned you? Was it negative? Did he express how much he hated you? Would you actually see him again?
“Can you paint my nails?” Samantha snapped you from your spiral of anxious thoughts.
You turned to her and smiled. “Of course”
You had painted her nails, watched her dance rehearsals and told her how good she was, ordered pizza and now you were helping her with her homework.
She had to write about the character of Pony boy Curtis from ‘The Outsider’ by S.E Hinton.
You had loved studying this book when you was her age and literature in general. So it was absolutely no bother helping her complete her assignment.
“Well, he’s obviously very different and unique to the other characters which can be inferred through-“
You were cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing.
“Pizza, thank God!” Samantha cried out holding her hands together.
Laughing at her childhood silliness you walked over and opened the front door with cash in your hand, your stomach very exited to finally eat.
However, you were not laughing when you opened the door to someone that was not the pizza delivery man. In fact you no longer felt hunger but complete nausea. Instead a tallish guy with dark hair and piercing blue eyes stood on the other side. Donnie.
You didn’t say anything, just moved to the side to let him through. He didn’t say anything either. Simply walked past as if you weren’t there, the smell of cigarettes trailing behind him.
“Ugh it’s just my stupid brother, not pizza” Samantha whined.
Donnie pulled a face at her as he made his way through the house.
“Hey Sam, when she goes home tonight, Freddie Kruger is gonna craw out from under your bed.” He teased through a creeping voice, obviously trying to upset her.
Samantha in her upset state, Freddie Kruger clearly being a touchy subject, yelled out whist nearly in tears
He then made his way over to her homework and scoffed, picking up her copy of The Outsiders and mumbled “mediocre.”
He then proceeded upstairs, leaving the minute he’d managed to make someone else feel bad. Typical.
You rolled your eyes at his cruelty. Of course she wouldn’t be reading fucking Dostoevsky at her age.
Remembered what it was like being in an English class with Donnie gave you a headache. He had great ideas but god forbidden you had an opposing idea. He would scoff and roll his eyes. It drove you crazy. He wasn’t always like that thought, at one point he used to encourage your ideas and even swap notes with you.
You were cut from your thoughts once again when the door bell went again, fortunately this time the pizza man was the one on the other side.
Sam ate some pizza, you no longer felt hungry but you did eventually managed to calm Sam down. The pair of you just chatted about whatever she wanted. She was telling you about some childish drama in her friendship group and you nodded your head pretending like it wasn’t the funniest shit you’d ever heard. Childhood drama is always hilarious when you’re no longer a child.
Despite being distracted by Sam, you kept thinking about the boy upstairs. “Do you think your brothers eaten?”
Sam shrugged her shoulders “who cares?” annoyance laced in her voice at the mention of her older brother.
You said nothing and proceeded with her homework.
Once she had finally finished she was ready to sleep. Her expression exhausted and she yawned after almost every word of her sentence.
“I’m- not even like- that- tired.”
You giggled at her before telling her she should probably head up to bed but you did promise to braid her hair first.
“Thanks for keeping me company (y,n), you were always my favourite out of Donnie’s friends” she smiled and hugged you at the bottom of the staircase.
The word ‘friend’ lingered for a while in your head. It was true, you were friendly at a time. It sucked because he felt good to be around for a time.
You stayed downstairs as she marched off to bed, whispered a sweet “goodnight” as she made her way to bed.
There was still around an hour and a half until Eddie and Rose were supposed to be home and you hadn’t seen anything of Donnie since he had come home. It was weird, you felt like you hated him but you also wanted to be around him. You especially wanted to know why he hated you. A part of you hoped that maybe he’d go back to his old self but instead you pushed him into the back of your mind and stared to clean up a little.
Once you had cleared up you sat onto the couch and grabbed a book from your bag and stared to read. You only had a few chapters left so decided to try and finish them tonight.
You were so drawn into the book that you didn’t realise a familiar figure loomed behind you. Donnie stood behind the couch reading over your shoulder. After a couple second of you not noticing his presence, he leaned down to your ear.
“Good choice.”
You jumped and your head snapped round to Donnie, almost slapping him out of instinct as a small yelp slipped past your lips.
“What the fuck Donnie. I could have woken up your sister. What’s wrong with you?”
His face was close to yours, and a small smile crept onto his face as he watched your second of distress. “Hello to you too (y,n)”
“Why are you being so friendly? Thought you couldn’t stand me?” You asked with your brows furrowed and your tone daring. You weren’t even with his stupid friend anymore so you had no clue why he was still such a dick.
“I’ve never said that.”
His answer was short and blunt but he had that smug grin on his face. Not one that radiated happiness or flirtation but something else. Power maybe? Like a wolf who had corned a bunny and laughed hysterically as it tried to escape.
You didn’t try to escape from him though. You kept your eyes locked onto his, not daring to dart your eyes away as a sign of weakness.
“You didn’t have to.”
He however did not have any snarky remarks in response. Instead he made his way round to the spot on the couch next to you and snatched the book from your hands.
“Ah 1984. George Orwell. You know when I tried to explain to your small minded boyfriend. Oh no. Ex-boyfriend, the concept of this book it was exhausting.” He rolled his eyes dramatically with that mean playful look on his face.
Why on earth was he doing this? Mentioning your ex boyfriend, calling his own friend small minded, even speaking to you. You racked your brain on why he was doing this. Sure you had known he hated you but that usually manifested itself through his lack of interest in engaging with you or his need to argue with everything you ever said. Now it was like he was taunting you by giving you this almost flirtatious, slightly sadistic attention. It was so odd but so hypnotising.
“But then again, I never did understand why he was with someone like you.”
You couldn’t tell if that was a compliment or an insult. Someone like you? What exactly did that entail.
“What are doing Donnie?”
Your brows were furrowed slightly and your eyes a little sad, completely fed up of trying to work out his cruel ways, or even justify them to yourself.
You and Donnie had been somewhat friends before you started dating his best friend, but as soon as you did he became a new person. When you’d occasionally chat in the library about whatever book you were studying he’d always smile or when you’d catch each other on the way home and he’d be a little awkward but totally engaged with whatever you were saying, it was nice. That all came to a stop when his friend had started to pay you attention. You thought maybe Donnie felt as though you’d stolen his best friend and for that you did truly feel sorry.
You were now face to face in the dimly light room. Just a lamp illuminated the two faces.
“What were you doing (y,n)?”
He was no longer smug but he had caught and attitude with you. There something underlying in this anger in his voice. A deep irritation sat on his tongue.
“What do you want me to say Donnie? Sorry I didn’t live up to the expectation of being your friends dream girl, or sorry that you felt abandoned by him?
He shook his head and let out a hysterical laugh. As if your words were a pathetic joke.
“Ugh (y,n) I honestly thought you were smarter than this. I didn’t give a fuck about losing ‘crucial friend time’” He mocked.
“It frustrated me that someone as smart as you would even consider giving someone like that your time of day. Someone who you couldn’t converse with about anything slightly philosophical or opinions on a new book or poetry, because ‘books are useless, or ‘metaphors are stupid’. Mimicking his best friends voice as he spoke.
You said nothing. You were speechless and your brain hurt from trying to work him out. You just thought to yourself after his little outburst. Then it hit you. Was this jealousy?
“Why do you care so much Donnie? It’s not like I could talk about poetry or a new fucking book with you. You wouldn’t even talk to me.”
You snapped back, testing him. Was he truly jealous of not you, but your ex?
You were both still face to face. Inches away from each other.
“Only after you climbed into bed with someone who didn’t deserve you.” His voice was assertive and filled with envy yet his voice was low.
The realisation on how close you two had gotten finally hit the both of you. You were staring at him with your lips slightly parted and a slight confusion brushed your features. Why did you find this hot? God, you told yourself this was wrong but the sound of jealousy in his voice made your chest heave with excitement.
The sound of your heart beat was loud, it felt as though your heart had been placed to your ear. His lips were so close to yours. But you were upset, with another overwhelming feeling aching in your chest. Lust?
His eyes were still fixed on yours. “It should have been my bed you were climbing in.”
He brought his fingers up to your jaw possessively.
The two big black holes that had replaced his usual pupils drew you in. His eyes trailed down to your slightly parted lips. There was a part of you that wanted to cry and shout at him for being such a dick, but you couldn’t. It was like you had been hypnotised. Or maybe you’d just awoken from the trance you’d been under. This complete and utter blindness towards Donnie’s feeling towards you, or yours for him.
Amongst your silence he crashed his lips to yours. The kiss was hard and desperate. He pushed his tongue past your lips and you let a small moan slip. His hands cupped either side of your jaw as his teeth sank into your bottom lip.
A small hiss left your lips at the sharp pain that send a shock through your body. Donnie’s hand trailed down from your jaw to neck and his hand slowly snaked it’s way around to your throat. He added a little pressure, not enough to hurt you but just enough to make you feel everything more intensely whilst his other hand brought some hair behind your ear.
He pulled away from the kiss, keeping his hand exactly as they were and just admired the mess of emotions plastered along your face. Anger, confusion, fear and lust. To him you looked like a beautiful oil painting, so many different things happening at once and he got to be the observer. The artist even, controlling what you felt next.
“Donnie” You whispered.
“Shh baby. I’ve got you now.” There was an element of comfort in his voice but mainly possession. A wider grin played on his face as he said those words, violently bringing his lips to yours once again.
The feeling of his long fingers inching closer up skirt and thighs made you want to cry out and tell him exactly where to touch you. But you didn’t.
The slight pressure from his veiny hand wrapped around your neck and the near brushes to your clit through your underwear, were getting you so worked up.
“Donnie, please.” you whispered against his lips, your voice quiet and needy.
He practically growled in response “Oh now you want me? Such a slut.”
As you whimpered underneath his tough he chucked into your ear. “Bet he couldn’t make you feel this good.”
You came quickly under his palm, your head was a mess. There was so many emotions running through, it was like ecstasy. He was a drug.
“Mhm, good girl. If only you hadn’t been so stupid, could have had this ages ago.”
He pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to your lips.
Taking them into your mouth and swirling your tongue around his fingers while he starred at you intently, made him throb hard.
Snatching his fingers from your lips he grabbed your jaw harshly.
“Now be a good girl and sit.” He motioned to the spot on the floor between his legs. “Cmon baby, sit.”
You obligated, desperate to hear him feel good. Desperate to win his approval by being the cause of his pleasure.
Sat on your knees in between his thighs, he sat on the couch and wiped the mess from the corners of your mouth with his hand. The same hand in which his fingers had been inside you.
Reaching for his zipper, his hand caught your wrist tightly as he peered down at you.
“Did I say you can touch me?” From your angle he looked so much bigger than he was.
You huffed out a small whine, “Please can I touch you Donnie. Please?” You looked up at him with doe eyes, it used to work on him when you wanted him to do something for you. Usually homework. And it did.
He now brought his lips in between his teeth, admiring how pretty you looked on your knees.
He nodded his head and you quickly undid his zipper and brought his jeans down to his ankles.
The hard erection confined to his underwear made your mouth melt. You kissed him over his tight underwear and he groaned quietly.
Staring up at him innocently, he nodded his head, giving you permission to take off his underwear. Immediately you pulled down his underwear and grab him by his base.
You licked him from his hard base to his red tip and started to kitten lick around the top of his cock.
Donnie breathed heavily and grabbed your hair into a make shift pony tail roughly.
“Stop teasing (y,n) or I swear-“
The warning was enough for you to cut him off by taking him into your mouth suddenly. You bobbed your head and licked his veins as his grip on your hair got tighter.
“Fuck. Gonna cum soon. Look at me.”
He pushed you onto his dick deeper, it violently hitting the back of your throat as your eyes watered.
The sight sent him over the edge, shooting his cum down your throat as you swallowed submissively.
He let go of your hair and offered his hands to help you up, once again wiping away the mess he’d made from your lips with his finger.
“It was nice to see you again (y,n).”
(Not proof read) 🙏
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koiiiji · 5 months
being in big deals from beginning with Sinu, but leaving with Samuel after
pairing ; samuel seo x reader x jake kim
tw ; polyamorous, mfm, possessive! samuel
author note ; my first time writing for lookism and for this two, also im on chapter 343 only, so if something not accurate enough im sorry!! ALSO celebrating 400 followers!! and even tho ask box is closed, i still want to do something nice for you, so if you want you can leave your requests for SHMOL sketches under, i will do it super short and put it in one post!! lookism and windbreaker💋✨💐🤸🏼‍♀️
author note 2 ; not proofed, i wrote it after work with one eye open, so i just throw it to chat gpt to check any mistakes, if you find any you know who you can judge😤🫸🏻
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⋆𐙚₊˚ you have been with big deals even before Jake and Samuel joined, which means you were more close with Sinu, who was like a older brother figure for you
⋆𐙚₊˚ you always were good with calculating and make predictions so you literally was the reason why big deals didn’t have any debts to any other gangs or companies
⋆𐙚₊˚ when Jake and Samuel joined big deals they firstly didn't pay too much attention, just another girl spinning around Sinu, nothing new
⋆𐙚₊˚ but then they started to notice that you always appears at every meeting, even if it were just for big deal, not including girls who work on their street, always whispering something on Sinu ear and checking some papers
⋆𐙚₊˚ it was slow burn in beginning, they payed you more attention on meetings, started more small talks time to time, as soon as they caught that you are actual part of big deals. also, later they learned that you actually liked Sinu as older brother, and that was the moment when they start... acting…
⋆𐙚₊˚ of course you had your small moments together before. like you accidentally fall asleep on Jake’s shoulder when everybody celebrated another holiday, or when you asked both of them to show you some actions, - in case if you will be alone on the street, so you can protect yourself - and seemed that Samuel got a little carried away and pushed you too hard, but catching you by your wrist just moment before your head was about to hit the ground
⋆𐙚₊˚ there were always that moments between three of you
⋆𐙚₊˚ but first one who started to show off were Samuel
⋆𐙚₊˚ he already were jealous over the fact that Sinu choosed Jake as his favourite one, so he can’t let Jake to have yours attention as well. later it will be worse, when he will learn who Jake’s father was
⋆𐙚₊˚ Samuel would always flirt with you making it crystally clear that he likes you, and you wouldn't even notice it because of amount of work for big deals and of homework you still had in school
⋆𐙚₊˚ and when Samuel brutally flirts with you, trying to get your attention, Jake would snort, turning his eyes somewhere else, trying to ignore it and telling Jerry to "stop say stupid stuff like this" when he, once again tried to push his boss to admit his feelings towards you
⋆𐙚₊˚ for Jake it's complicating because he see how Samuel likes you, so he doesn’t want to ruin everything even tho he himself had so many feelings towards you
⋆𐙚₊˚ and Jake waited for too long...
⋆𐙚₊˚ when Samuel took leading position in big deals you were forced to stay by leader side to help him earn as much money as possible to pay to big four, but when Samuel left big deals for workers he asked you to go with him
⋆𐙚₊˚ Samuel was far from gentle man, but when his huge arms hugged your shoulders from behind, softly murmuring into your ear to come with him in new gang, to join him and stay by his side, offering you simply better life, where you won't need to calculate how to save more money until next month, where you will be able to buy expensive clothes, where you can offer yourself jut... more... it was hard to resist to Samuel espesially when you lived your whole life expecting how to safe money to the next month and economize as much as you can
⋆𐙚₊˚ so thats how you left big deals with Samuel, still with heavy heart for Sinu and big deals in general
⋆𐙚₊˚ Jake was feral when Jerry told him that. in his head it was more like Samuel forced you. oh, Jake were fully aware that Samuel were able to use power over girls, and Jake blamed himself for the fact that you had to leave the big deals
⋆𐙚₊˚ when you and Samuel become part of workers, he won’t let you go far away from him. you would be his personal assistant and manager. everything but always by his side. you always. by his side. always. Samuel even went that far that he rent big apartments for both of you, of course with separate rooms, you still didn’t accept his feelings and were naive about what kind of emotion you rise in him
⋆𐙚₊˚ Jake tried to contact you few times but, oh wow, what a surprise, Samuel always were the one to pick up the phone, telling him to leave you alone
⋆𐙚₊˚ to say less Jake felt terrible back then, things that happened to Sinu, Gun Park and his big four gangs, praises about money and the heir at his place, big deals, everything at one time…
⋆𐙚₊˚ and then prison… Jake felt like biggest loser on this planet
⋆𐙚₊˚ and he would never wish you to see all horrors of this place, but here you are sitting on the other side of safety glass, looking too beautiful to place like this, too pretty in your fitted white shirt and pleated skirt. Jerry probably yanked you right out of the office. another self note - to chastise Jerry next time for bringing you to place like this
⋆𐙚₊˚ “Jake… im sorry, i had no idea what happened to you” you murmured softly into the receiver of the phone connecting the two sides. “Samuel never said anything about that… I was shocked when Jerry just caught me near office and crammed me in the car”
⋆𐙚₊˚ after that day, you came to Jake more often, slipping away from Samuel under the pretext that you wanted to meet an old friend from school and he didn't need to attend girls' gatherings
⋆𐙚₊˚ when Jake finally got out of prison, one of the first things that he did was ask you to eat ramen together. you told him everything about your new life, that now you live with Samuel and he takes care about everything, starting with payments for apartments, finishing with fuel for car, as he always ready to ride you to any part of city
⋆𐙚₊˚ Jake felt feral when you told him whole story.
⋆𐙚₊˚ not only that bastard not tell you what happened to Jake, but he also controlled the calls and forced you to live with him. Jake knew what Samuel's feelings were for you, even if you perceived his care and relationship as friendly or brotherly, Jake still guessed what was behind it. but he never imagined that his friend would get to the point where he would keep you with him 24/7 and secretly control your phone calls from anybody from big deals
⋆𐙚₊˚ after that meeting Jake knew that he can’t offer you to stay at his small room he rent, even if he really wanted you to stay more by his side. he didn't tell you about his guesses about Samuel, you don't have to worry, yet you were safer with him than with Jake now. the only thing he did before sending you home in a taxi was hug you so tightly - tightly, it seems that his hands were a little lower than he should have allowed himself, and his hot breath was a little off when his lips were too close to your neck.
⋆𐙚₊˚ in the end, Jake pushed your hair off your forehead, and pressed his lips firmly to your forehead, shut his eyes and quietly promised himself to deal with Samuel later
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bloodwrittenletters · 27 days
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pairing . . . jason grace x fem!reader
the cassette playing . . . so american! olivia rodrigo
the letter reads . . . some headcanons about you and your cute boyfriend: jason grace!
warnings . . . none!
a/n . . . i literally can't write anything to save my life these few days, so jason grace headcanons! this beautiful blonde boy deserves more love.
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✴ he's the type of guy who would ask "can i be your boyfriend?"
✴ even before you started dating, he would go OUT OF HIS WAY (and everyone else's) to give you what you wanted.
✴ learns an specific type of hair routine to help you.
⤷ would ask piper, hazel, or annabeth for hair care products or how to take care of your hair type.
✴ the moment you guys start dating, all of his closet is yours.
⤷ you eventually start to feel bad and tell him he can also wear your clothes if he wants, a week later you find him wearing your pink top.
⤷ "i got stuck, but i look way too hot in this... can you help me take this off?"
✴ everything he makes in arts and crafts, he shows it to you.
⤷ half of the time, it's jewelry for you. the other half is for percy and leo.
✴ if you ever get in a discussion with one of his bros, he looks like a sad puppy for having to pick a side. but he always picks yours.
✴ whenever he goes to new rome alone, he comes back with millions of gift for you.
⤷ that either made him think of you, or thought it would be something you like.
✴ has shared a playlist with you.
⤷ before he asked you out, he made three playlists. "songs that would be ours if we were dating. / songs that remind me of her. / songs about one-sided pinning."
✴ he was surprised when he found out you also had a crush on him.
✴ supports everything you do. (sports, hobbies, etc etc)
✴ this man will 100% have a shoe box of things you gifted him, going from a chocolate wrap to comfort him when he first came to chb to glasses with little lighting bolts.
✴ if someone hits on him / ask him out (didn't know / didn't care he has a girlfriend) jason has two options:
⤷ "no, thanks. although my girlfriend would love to be your friend, have you met her yet?"
⤷ "no. i'm deeply in love with my girlfriend, have you seen how pretty she is? i bought her this bookmark yesterday."
✴ never really liked valentines day or any other holiday since it wasn't celebrated in camp jupiter, but goes all out with you in each one.
⤷ dress up with you for halloween if it's something you want to do, fills every room with hearts and flowers and takes you out in special dates for valentines day, plans your chritsmas gifts months ahead.
✴ if you have herritage ( or are ) from a different culture, he would learn everything and more.
⤷ makes sure that he respects it and honors it. learning your home language, learning your favorite foods, learning your history etc etc.
✴ he burns an extra piece of food for your godly parent.
✴ helps you with homework / does it with you.
✴ loves doing double dating.
⤷ your favorite one has been hazel and frank. his favorite one has been percy and annabeth.
⤷ if the second one happens, you and annie feel like the third wheel of their bromance.
✴ he doesn't have a good relationship with his dad, and... his mom is dead, so he introduces you to thalia, apollo, and maybe hera. also with all of your other friends.
⤷ "guys, this is yn."
⤷ "are you forgetting that i've known half of them longer than you have? did your amnesia came back?
⤷ "the voices in your head are getting louder, my love."
✴ that man LOVES pet names. specifically the original ones he comes up with for you.
✴ he loves to gossip with you.
✴ he is SO FUNNY. we have to stop pretending he's not.
✴ for your anniversary he would probably make you a memory book of your whole relationship.
✴ "i love you, good night, dear."
⤷ "are you staying with me? isn't that against the rules?"
⤷ "screw the rules. good night, my love."
✴ you're one of the few ones allowed to use his sword.
✴ loves matching outfits with you.
✴ he said, 'i love you' first. it was an accident when the two of you were in the middle of fighting monsters, and it just slipped.
✴ has your initials in a chain around his neck.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
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╭₊˚ ๑︰your boyfriend is odd, but i guess it adds to why you love him :)
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:★: relationship : miles morales x g-neutral reader
:★: warnings : none! fluff
:★: a/n : quality > quantity but if i'm not writing i feel lazy ☹ RAGHHH hobbies r stressful (not rlly unless u make them stressful).. super quick post since i feel a little silly
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Miles 'Clingy' Morales after he's been on patrol for a whole day and wants nothing but to be with you in your arms, maybe a little too much after he webs you and him to the bed cause he is DETERMINED to cuddle you for three hours straight.
Miles 'Loved by your Parents' Morales who's invited to the house almost every other day because your parents miss him. You're well aware he's busy with his double life as Spiderman, but still appreciates his efforts to visit your parents whenever he gets the chance.
Miles 'Golden Retriever Boyfriend' Morales who treats you like literal royalty every single day. He loves to do little acts of service for you in his free days, like buying you snacks or giving your head a massage. Just whatever to show his love for you. ♡
Miles 'Easily Jealous' Morales who tries to lowkey shoot his webs towards the feet of anyone who tries to approach you with vibes he doesn't approve of. He'll keep your attention away by pointing at shops you like that both of you are passing by, but he needs amazing aim to hopefully also hit their eyes.
Miles 'Smart Boyfriend' Morales who tutors you in the subjects you struggle in, chuckling at your own misery as you resist the urge to tear apart the paper of your homework. He's always so patient with you though, all your concerns and frustrations hes there to take care of.
Miles 'Reassurance' Morales who kisses all your physical insecurities and says something he loves about them. Who reminds you about how perfect you are no matter what, never resenting or wanting to push you away whenever you're upset or in a mood to just be alone.
Miles 'Gentle' Morales who never scolded you whenever you made a mistake or did something to upset him, and instead talked to you patiently for hours on end without a single tone of anger while he spoke. Who whenever he saw you injured, would immediately rush to his mother with you in his arms and have the most trusted nurse he knew to take care of you.
Miles 'Nervous' Morales (MnM lol) who sometimes forget hes quite literally dating you and gets shy or flustered like he's still in his crushing stage with you. Who sometimes can't believe he's dating someone as amazing as you, and can't help but still get flustered about everything relating to you.
Miles 'Listener' Morales who will always be there to listen to your vents, rambles and needs whenever you try and communicate them with him. He'll take mental notes or take LITERAL notes depending on how important they are to you. <3
Conclusion : Miles is very green flag 🙏
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fatuismooches · 9 months
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At the beginning of your relationship with Dottore, there had been numerous times when he had tried to leave you, or rather, attempt to force you to leave him in the Akademiya. Ignoring you, snapping at you... most notably literally kicking you out of the dorm (to waking up and nearly stepping on you, as you had decided to knock out right at the door.) Merely because he still had difficulty believing he was loved by you, despite having known you for years. It took much time but, eventually, your feelings finally clicked in that genius head of his.
However, uncharacteristically enough, there was one time you debated on whether you should leave Zandik. Only one time. And he had found out. If only you had been more careful.
It happened during the later stage of your illness when your ability to do many basic tasks had been stripped from you, leaving you reliant on Zandik for many things. You felt very guilty, for making him so do much work for both himself and you, but there wasn't much you could do about it, being the way you were now. Did you tell your lover about this? No, of course not.
But today, today would just be another regular day of what you had accepted to be your new life. However, you had noticed in the morning he seemed rather irritated, but you had no chance to ask him about it since he had to leave for class. You wondered what that was all about. (You, somewhere in the depths of your mind thought. You were continuously being a burden on the knowledge-driven scholar, no wonder he'd be irritated.)
When he returned to the dorm, you could tell that the foul mood still remained. Though, you could not understand what had caused it. He was perfectly fine last night, something must have happened after you fell asleep... As you watched him, the words "welcome home" could not seem to come out as they usually did, especially when he had not even acknowledged you yet, only emptying his bag with all of his books and other tools. You swallowed nervously, wondering how you were going to go about this when he spoke.
"Where do you plan to go?" You were understandably confused by this seemingly random question.
"Um... nowhere?" A nervous smile made its way to your face, as Zandik only gave you a blank look, before carefully unfolding a piece of paper, and reading it over once more, no emotion on his face. Which, was already quite alarming for you, because Zandik was the kind of person who always had a hint of annoyance written on his face. He then turned the paper to face you and you squinted, reading the contents.
Oh. You instantly recognized what it was. It was a form that one had to fill out if they wanted to move out of the Akademiya's dorms.
When you said you felt guilty for everything, you meant it. Meant it to the point you worried if you were still good enough for him, if you had become annoying, a bumbling nuisance that had become more of a chore rather than a partner. It worried you, and you couldn't help but think about it. What if you were right? What if he did feel all of those things? Then maybe, maybe you should relieve him of this burden. You. Then, he could continue to pursue his goals, without the added hindrance of taking care of you.
It wasn't something you were set on yet, more like something you mulled over in your head. But you had filled out the potential moving out form tentatively just in case you decided to go through with it. Ah, you probably had shoved it in your bag along with your many missing assignments, and Zandik must have found it after trying to check your homework... But now, your lover was staring holes into you, expecting an answer.
"Well, I- I didn't mean it. It was... just in case," you were just spewing words at this point because you really had no defense. After all, how do you explain to your roommate of many years that you were going to move out and disappear without telling him?
"Just in case," the scholar repeats. "Just in case..." And then Zandik laughs. At what? You're not sure, because you've only seen him laugh at other people's foolishness, or in scorn and bitterness. It's a bit unsettling, seeing him act this way, but you have no time to think about it before the paper is torn right in half twice and then abandoned in the trash bin.
"No." Well... alright then.
"No, no no no. How utterly absurd. Ridiculous. You are not going anywhere." The way he says it simultaneously sounds like an order to you yet also an attempt to reassure himself of your impossible departure. You wondered if he interpreted your reason for leaving as something more... drastic.
"Hey-" You stand up, hoping an embrace would calm his nerves, but he begins to pace around. Now, this wouldn't be unusual, he tends to do this while he's ranting or deeply thinking about his research but obviously, it's different this time.
"Leave? No," Zandik scoffs to himself, "the possibility is nigh on impossible. There is no need to plan for such lengths, I shall make sure it doesn't come to that." When he finished mumbling to himself, you tried to interject before his gaze snapped back to you.
"And you. You, how dare you go behind my back and do such a thing? Do you think me incompetent? Do you think me a senseless fool that I would allow you to do this?"
"I find this quite tasteless, especially after how much you parroted about 'always being by my side' or 'never leaving'. Or have you finally shown your true colors? Leaving me after-" Zandik cut himself off because the words he was going to say next shouldn't be said out loud. Leaving him after he's already obsessed with you, when he's already in love with you and would go mad without your presence. But then all he could feel was your arms around him and your face buried in his chest.
"Zandik please, I'm sorry," your voice was but a whisper. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything like that." Zandik's hands itched to hold you back, but he restrained himself, needing to hear your reasoning.
"I don't want to leave you, I really don't. I love you! So... that's why I filled that form out. Because I... am scared of burdening you too much. I know how you are. I know you want someone who is useful, w-who can be of assistance in all kinds of ways, not someone who is dead weight. So I... I don't want you to force yourself to- ow!" Your increasingly pitiful dialogue was interrupted by a flick to your forehead and the clicking of a tongue.
"Fool..." he moved his hand to rest on the top of your head. "You can be quite intelligent, but the reasons for your stupidity can be headache-inducing sometimes. Now that you've said all of that, has it clicked how idiotic it sounds?" Though your partner's words sounded harsh, his tone was noticeably softer. You could only cast your gaze downward as he sighed.
"I too wonder why you do not take your own advice. Were you not the one who said to... 'talk things out', before jumping to conclusions? So why have I not heard of this?" (The phrase feels out of place and rather disgusting on the man who normally refuses to hold a conversation on anything other than research, but he forces it out for your sake. Unfortunately, he can also hear your sing-song voice in his head as he replays the words.)
"Because... it's dumb, like you said. I shouldn't waste your time anymore..."
"I usually do not entertain dumb inquiries but... you are an exception. My assistant's questions must always be clarified." And as his lover, your troubles must always be assuaged, but that part was left unsaid, although you knew what he meant. "Yes, your usefulness was a great help, but I couldn't care less about that right now. I care about you, and if taking on extra responsibilities happens to fall under that feeling, then so be it. I don't care," Zandik said bluntly. Was it elegant? No. Was it truthful? Yes. It made your cheeks warm a bit.
"Well... thank you for the honor," you couldn't help but crack a tiny smile as Zandik only mumbled something incoherent before pushing you back to bed. Ah, you were feeling a little drained from all of that.
"Now that all that is sorted out, and that hopefully every inch of that nonsense has left you, I suggest you go to sleep quickly, unless you want to be kept awake by the sounds of my latest experiment." You only giggled at your boyfriend. He's unkind... in a kind way if that made sense. But before you could be whisked away to the land of dreams, Zandik spoke once more.
"...Do not try to leave me ever again."
"...I know, Zandik."
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depresssant · 2 months
thinking about a venom!reader in the MHA world...
ok i got very carried away with the dabi part but ykyk. uh two are platonic yan and the other is romantic. but basically, i was thinking about a quirkless reader who becomes the host for venom in the mha world. how cool would that be?
maybe i'll do a deadpool one as well, but i love venom too much atm.
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⏤ venom!reader: you're just a quirkless reporter with a dark past. you work⏤well, worked for a news channel diligently, making sure to bring justice if not through a quirk, then through a camera. that is, until you investigate a company accused of trafficking quirkless civilians to test for quirk development. however, the chairman of the company doesn't take kindly to your intrusion and has you fired.
⏤ venom!reader: you sneak into the company's lab with the help of one of the chairman's closest scientists. you stumble across an alien, symbiote, from a whole different planet. this symbiote picks you as its host and you now have a literal parasite feeding off of you. the chairman is ecstatic since none other hosts have lived as long a you, so he sends men to capture you but venom is having none of it.
⏤ venom!reader: you escape from the chairman's men while accidentally getting your boyfriend, soon-to-be fiancé murdered in the process. you swear to get revenge, and the hero commission is more than willing to turn you into a hero if it means using you to push their agendas.
⏤ venom!reader: you accept despite knowing this won't end well. your mind is on revenge and revenge only. you want to murder the chairman, but for now, you have to bide your time. you're paired with the pro hero hawks, and he wants to be your friend so damn bad. you're assigned as an apprentice under the number one hero and decide to use these people to help you with your revenge.
— venom!reader: you're able to charm everyone with a charismatic personality. okay. that was a lie. you're brash, reckless, and stubborn, but perhaps that's something the number one hero's masterpiece loves about you. you're like... the wild older sister that's always bringing chaos to the family. you take shoto todoroki out on outings when you're not working yourself to the bone, and it warms his icy heart. you return to his home bloody and bruised up after a long day of fighting villains, and the first thing on your mind is to help him with his homework? the way you look after him is so domestic and familial.
— venom!reader: you make shoto want to keep you in his home forever, away from harm's way. you're destined to be his older sister, and there's no way you can be anything else, right? he doesn't know you don't really care about him. you just treat shoto todoroki well to get on his father's good side. but he finds out your true feelings the night you spend rambling off in a drunken haze to fuyumi, who may as well be as wasted as you. you and her talk about one day moving and leaving everything behind, and shoto can feel his entire world fall apart. no. no. no. no. you and fuyumi are his older sisters! you're supposed to love and care for him. nothing more! your jobs have gotten into your heads too much! he can't let either of you leave. no. he won't let either of you leave. you've become shoto's lifeline, and he'll die of you disappear.
— venom!reader: if you aren't hunting down the people on your list at night, you spend the day doing the commission's dirty work. your partner, hawks, who aides you with your work, isn't the most tolerable person to be around, but he pays for your food every time the two of you go out, so you're not too keen on dropping him just yet. his constant remarks about how you should be his apprentice instead of endeavor's are a bit annoying, but you brush them off. the heroes working directly for the commission are all fucked up in some sense. you would know since you've worked for them, and your old partner form the old days is no exception. he shows you off to the media as his best friend, but just because the two of you hung out so much back when you were younger doesn't make you friends. at least in your eyes.
— venom!reader: you don't see the maniacal glint in hawks's eyes when he looks at you. he looks at you as if you're the entire world, but you don't even spare him a single glance. why? why do you not smile at him like you used to? why do you keep a distance from him? why? why do you hate him? why won't you just LOOK at him? why? why? why?
— venom!reader: weeks after the grand chase between you and the corporation's men, you're still left with a terrible reputation. you work as a hero, but the people view you as a villain, and your symbiote doesn't really help in fixing your tarnished reputation. so many people died because of the chase. you seem like such a villain. would it be surprising if you tried to join the league of villains? you join hawks as a mule in the l.o.v after much conviction, and none of the villains unsettle you as much as that guy, dabi.
— venom!reader: dabi's gaze unsettles you. it feels like he's picking you apart with his haunting sickness that has you questioning how good of an actor you are. he's clearly done his research on you when he asks about your apprenticeship under endeavor and how you live with the man. there's distaste in his tone not for just the todoroki family, but you too. the two of you fight a minute into the conversation, and you evade him so quickly, he's quite embarrassed. the two of you are forced to partner up multiple times, and it's the usual mean and snarky banter that has both of you wishing death upon the other.
— venom!reader: walking in on blood running from his eyes, you offer him your help to which he denies quite harshly. but you're adamant on gaining the trust of the league, and dabi's too tired to deal with you so he lays back on the couch and lets you clean up all the open wounds he's got. touch makes him disgusted. it has him wanting to hurl and scrub away at his skin till it bleeds all over again. but you're touch... isn't so bad. you handle him with care, something dabi thinks he's never felt before, and even though he feels that similar nausea creep up his throat, he can still let your hands ghost over his stables and open wounds.
— venom!reader: you're able to read him like an open book, and dabi hates it so damn much. he hates your sarcastic remarks. he hates your brash and reckless behavior. he hates how you treat him with such gentle care. like... like you actually care about him. it reminds him of fuyumi. he misses her. you're like her. then, he sees you get a call from that brat—that "masterpiece"—and dabi's blood boils a fury. you talk to that twerp with a tone full of care and understanding. why won't you talk to him like that? why is his puny little brother able to call you older sister? why do you smile at his words? you're supposed to smile at him. let him be your brother. damn it, the scarred villain will do anything if it means taking away everything endeavor and his damned masterpiece love. but you? endeavor doesn't matter at all. he just wants to see you call him brother. once. just once. though, dabi knows he'll lose it if you give into that wishful thinking.
⏤ venom!reader: you don't realize just how horrifying of a situation you've found yourself into until you are gifted the dead body of your next target with the name of the villain that killed the person carved on their back. there's eyes always on you, and red feathers constantly litter around the corners of your apartment. but you brush it off. you know, but you push it aside. your revenge was more important. you're so dedicated to your cause that it starts to take a toll on you physically and mentally.
⏤ venom!reader: you turn more and more villainous as you take away the lives of all the people standing in your path of revenge. you've become a blood-thirsty anti-hero, feeding your parasite human brains and yourself the blood of your enemies. you're getting closer and closer to your goal, but at what cost? the lives of so many that you've lost count? innocent and guilty—you're losing your ability to differentiate. blood, guts, and revenge are the only things on your deranged mind.
⏤ venom!reader: you keeps pushing the brewing situation away until you're running away from the very heroes and villains that are after you. you're like a ghost with how you've disappeared, but it seems like no matter where you run to, you're enamored admirers will always find you.
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also, if ya'll are looking for a story with this prompt or premise, i've got the one for you. my book is called venom (link btw) and idk... now that i've gotten my e-begging out of the way, enjoy ur day.
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hayakaki · 9 months
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bros the type to! - yuta okkotsu
pairing: yuta x f!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
bros the type to! crouch down and tie your shoelaces for you
bros the type to! hold the door open for you
bros the type to! have only one following on ig, tt, etc.. and thats you
bros the type to! listen carefully everytime you talk
bros the type to! drop everything that hes doing just for you
bros the type to! help you with anything whether its homework, fighting, etc..
bros the type to! like all your tiktoks and comment on them, especially if its the ones where you post yourself - ‘beautiful’ ‘gorgeous’ ‘i love you’ ‘this is my girlfriend btw’
bros the type to! rant about you to all his friends
bros the type to! stop talking and letting you interrupt him cause what youre saying is more important than his talking
bros the type to! have either you as his pfp or the ‘i love my girlfriend<3’
bros the type to! get excited whenever you ask if you want to match with him
bros the type to! cook for you; breakfast, desserts, sweets..
bros the type to! buy literally everything for you, even if you took a small glance at something he’ll take note of it and buy it for you
bros the type to! have his pinky locked with you whenever in public so he gets to feel you but also doesn’t get lost
bros the type to! take note of your favorite music artist(s) and buy their album for you (maybe also sharing earphones and listening to it together<3)
bros the type to! swap shoes with you whenever they hurt or bother your feet
bros the type to! get flustered everytime he sees you wear his clothes
masterlist !
©hayakaki - pls do not repost/copy my work !
pls correct me if i have any grammer mistakes!
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000-pawz · 3 months
OKAY OKAY (more under the cut cause i got carried away HELP) also this is my new universe guys so if u see more dad bnd posts, THIS IS THE REFERENCE I LOVE DAD BND
⭐ sungho girl dad agenda! no arguments!!! i also think sungho would have the most kids for some reason??? maybe 3? elementary age twins and then a baby (i will hold on to this for as long as i live)
⭐ he always wears the baby harness everywhere he goes
⭐ brings all the snacks to every single game. he's the cooler dad with all the caprisuns and cheese sticks
⭐ wakes up super early to make breakfast for everyone and pack lunches
⭐ helps his kids with all their homework and art projects. if his daughter shows up in your doorway in the middle of the night saying they forgot they had a project due tomorrow, he will run to the store at 1 am to buy glue sticks and cardstock to make sure his baby has a project to show for tomorrow
⭐ can be a little overprotective, but he just wants his babies to be safe!!! always reminds his kids that he'll come running whenever they need him
⭐ i think riwoo would be a toddler boy dad!!! literally like an even minier riwoo
⭐ when his son was a newborn, he spent most of his time doing skin to skin contact, just soaking up the new feelings of being a father
⭐ supports his kid through EVERYTHING like if he wants to dress up as a pretty princess, he'd buying two tutus on his way home
⭐ very gentle with his disciplining. if his son draws on the wall, he'll show him how to clean it up and then softly explain why it's bad!
⭐ has a hard time saying no and WILL give his kid cake for breakfast if he asks
⭐ loves loves loves cuddling while watching animated movies, sharing a big blanket and snacks with his baby <333
⭐ girl dad to two girls!!! they're a year or two apart
⭐ #1 family guy and the leader of the neighborhood dad group chat
⭐ spoils them so so so so much!!! you literally have to tell him to stop buying them new clothes every other day because you're running out of closet space ><
⭐ shows off his kids to EVERYONE and always adds "they look just like their mama <3" with the biggest smile on his face
⭐ organizes all the barbeques and picnics, invites all the kids in the neighborhood (yes, even sungho's gremlin twins)
⭐ cries every time his kids make him a gift and gives them the biggest hug ever
⭐ also cries on every single birthday because why are they growing up so fast!!!!
⭐ i see taesan as a girl dad tbh </3 he'd probably only have one daughter too
⭐ reads his kid the most outrageous bedtime stories like why are you reading "1984" by george orwell to a four-year-old
⭐ would let his daughter record a silly intro for one of his songs and show her how he makes music
⭐ takes soooo many pictures of his daughter, like half of his camera roll is his daughter and the other half is you
⭐ his daughter always has the best outfits!!! would love matching outfits too
⭐ i think his daughter would subtly adopt his opinionated nature and then he would be confused as to why she's so sassy and opinionated >< the apple doesn't fall far from the tree taesan
⭐ boy and girl dada!!! <333 i think the girl would be older too?
⭐ is super annoying during drop-off and probably yells out the window how much he loves them just to embarrass them a bit
⭐ lets his kids do the most random things to his hair... you'll come home and leehan will have a head full of bows, cars, and stickers (you have to help him get the knots out later that night)
⭐ the easiest dad to talk to ever. never gets upset at his kids for confiding in him and always gives them the best advice
⭐ falls asleep in one of the kid's beds every night because putting them to bed is the most exhausting task ever
⭐ teaches his kids how to care for fish and lets them redecorate the take every now and then
⭐ takes his kids on random trips to aquariums, parks, museums (and no, he never asks for permission from you so you always find out in the most random ways, like your son showing you his new shark plushie from the gift shop)
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reidslovely · 1 year
Something about helping frat!blonde! Peter touch up his roots. Like he calls you and reader must think its for hooking up purposes - then he surprises her w “can you. uh..retouchmyrootsplease” and she’s like “??? 🤨wat” and you just go over to his place and spend time with him, washing his hairr, he making eye contact with reader through the mirror, etc. But he’s still stubborn about his feelings so he’s like “this was a one time thing only don’t let it get to ya head”
sorry if this was jumbled I just had this in my head for a while now
Yes this idea is so so so so so cute. I have written something vaguely similar before but I love it so much I don't care to write it again
please reblog or comment in place of liking/hearting this post 🫶🏼
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“Pete?” You questioned picking up your phone, your eyes locked on the clock that read 4:00pm. “It’s far too early for a booty call..what’s up pretty?” 
“Ya flatter bashful.” His chesty laugh could be heard on the other end of the phone. It sent your heart doubling in speed, your cheek pressed lovingly into your shoulder. 
“You still with me bashful? I need you to do me a favor.” 
“So this is a hookup call..you only ask me that if-” You're cut off by him rushing out a string of words. None of which you caught. “Pete..baby. I need you to breathe and say that again.” You laughed softly, already gathering your stuff up to head over to the Theta Tau. Regardless if this was a hookup situation or not you were tired of your homework and Peter always seems to take any type of stress away. 
“Can you uh..” There's an awkward cough and sigh. “Retouchmyrootsplease?” 
The questions still came out as one word this time around but at least you actually caught what he was saying. 
“Sure, Pete.” You tried not to laugh. “Do you have what you need or do we need to run by Sally?” 
“No, no I have everything here for you. Thanks for this.”
“Course Pete, anything for you.” You hung up before you could get any type of snarky reply. 
Peter’s blond locks were a new addition about three weeks into your situation ship and you absolutely loved them. They flattered his face, and made his little baby deer eyes even more baby deer like. Which made you want to kiss him even more, and made it hard to say no when he’s asking you for another round. 
“You’re literally the best for this. Just moved up to like number two in my ranking.”
It was a joke, you were easily number one if not the only girl in Peter’s ranking but you have to play along or else you’ll scare him away. 
“Offended, whose number one.”
“May..sorry.” Peter sighs dramatically, leading you up the stairs to his bathroom. Tossing a few nods and hey’s to his brothers walking down the steps. 
“Mhm can’t be mad at that.” 
Peter laughed sitting on the chair he’d tucked away in the bathroom, pulling off his shirt. 
“Awe did you go ahead and set everything up for me?”
“No I was gonna do it myself but that's how we ended up in this scenario in the first place.”
Peter would never admit to it but he had set everything up for you. He’d done it before he even picked up the phone: not that he knew you'd say yes but he could hope. 
“Mhm I see.” You hummed running your fingers through Peter’s hair. He grabbed his phone starting his music, looking at you in the mirror as you started sectioning his hair out. 
Admittedly the whole time he was locked on you. Every move you made he was locked on you, not wanting to miss a moment. His head lolled back as you ran; you painted the bleach on his roots. Earning soft little ‘stops’ and ‘hold your head up’ from you as he relaxed. Your eyes were fixed on his hair making sure you’re applying everything evenly and correctly. Peter held his phone up in the mirror snapping a quick photo of the two of you. The photo falling amongst the others he’s sneakily taken of you or the both of you that you had no clue about. 
“Okay you gotta sit for a while and then I’ll wash it, tone it, all that after.” You said sitting on the toilet lid next to him taking the gloves off, tossing them in the trash can. 
“This is nice.” 
Peter's comment threw you off, you two only really hung out in the context of having sex or it being mutually beneficial for both. You hated to admit you had more moments like this. 
“Mhm no pressure, at least not for you. I still gotta make jokes and keep you entertained.” 
“Tragic.” You tsked resting your arm on the sink hand to head as your free hand started a 30 minute timer. 
“Come on, we have enough time to watch some of that Hulu cooking show you like.” Peter stood taking your hand in his walking to his room. You flopped down on Pete’s bed watching him sitting next to you. “Careful you’ll get bleach on your..”
“No no, I'm good sitting up.”
You nodded and laid your head on his lap watching The Bear, Pete’s fingers combing through your hair switching between watching the TV and you. 
Pete’s head was tilted back in the sink, a towel under his neck for comfort. “Stop looking down my shirt, Parker.” 
“I’m not…I’m not.” He lied, turning his eyes up to look at you as you shampooed after toning his hair. “Do I look fabulous?”
“Oh absolutely.” You laughed wrapping his hair up in a towel helping him sit up. Ruffling the towel through his hair you laughed watching it sticking up every which way. You blow dried it for him smiling and singing under your breath as you fixed his hair perfectly. 
“How do you feel Parker?” 
“Amazing..I look great thanks bashful.” He says turning around, capturing your hips in his hands. “Let's get dinner, and then we can come back here.” 
“I hate sex after dinner.” 
“No, no we come back here and finish the show.” 
“Oh I get to come back to the Theta house? And not have sex?” You fake a gasp of shock. 
“I know it’s a rare occurrence. This is a one time thing though, don’t let it get to ya head.” Pete taunts, hand rubbing your side grabbing his wallet off his dresser.
“Oh baby it has.” 
Peter knew and even in his playful disdain and stubborn personality you were slowly craving a spot out in his chest and making a home in it, and at this point he had no say in it.
tags: @helloheyhihowdyheya @sincericida @moonyslove78 @a-lumos-in-the-nox @messymissy @adhdhufflepuff @toomanyfictionalboyfriends @ateliefloresdaprimavera @eevylynn
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hauntedrain · 9 months
Part 1: F1 Drivers as Fathers Headcanons
A/N: Not edited.
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✧*̥˚ Part one: includes Charles, & Max*̥˚✧
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Charles Leclerc ⋆୨୧˚
I think Charles would be such a caring dad. I mean I think the way he cares for his family and how he talks about them shows that, but as a parent, I definitely think that care and love would be over the roof.
I don't think he would necessarily try to get his kid into driving/karting nor would he act disappointed if they chose something different or nothing at all.
However, if his kid did get into karting or driving he would be their number one supporter and would be extremely excited about it. I mean he would do everything for his kids if that was their dream, but that goes for anything they choose.
I feel like before the kid was born/when he initially found out that he was going to be a father I think that he would be very nervous about it. Like what if he cant be there to spend the most important parts of his child's life because he had to race, or was busy with formalities?
But I think overtime, especially after the kid was born, I think his worries would ease a bit and he would just try to enjoy the moments he does have with his family.
I think as his kid got older and was able to walk and do more active things, Charles would literally do anything and everything with his kid. Like he hears his kid wants to go to the park? sure he's already got it planned and ready. Wants to go to one of his races? He has everything prepared and excited. Or even just waking up in the middle of the night to read and sit with his kid because they had a nightmare.
He is the type of parent to agree with his kid that they should totally get a dog out of the blue just because his kid said It was a good idea. (and how can he say no?)
He would try and be the best dad that he could be, and be really caring to his child and their needs.
I also think that he (if he got to choose the name) would name his child after Jules, his dad, or someone really important to him.
Also like he said once (pretty sure unless I'm going crazy) he would like 3 kids.
Definitely a girl dad though.
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Max Verstappen ✧.*
Firstly I think he would be the most careful and most attentive father to his children. Like asking them and genuinely caring if they're alright, or if they need anything. Or helping them with anything like their homework or random things they want to do.
I feel like he kinda has a shadow over his shoulder telling him he's like his dad or going to be like him, so for one, he would definitely need reassurance and he himself would be extremely cautious about the way he acts with his kid.
Furthermore, I think those worries would be very evident when he first found out he was going to be a father. I think he definitely questioned if he was ready for it and if that fatherhood was for him. I think it would take him time but at the end of the day I do think that he realizes that he can do it and not to worry about it and that it will be okay.
I think he would try his best to keep his kid away from sports and competitiveness. However, if it did come down to his kid getting into a sport then he would 100% be there every step of the way and ensure that they don't feel pressured or hurt by the sport and the ways of competitiveness.
Like always assuring that they want to do the sport and that they should only do it if they enjoy it and not just to impress him or make them have that "connection" via sports. I also feel that with the sports thing that he would be so scared about them getting injured or hurt, especially if it was an extreme or risky sport.
I think he would also just in general try to be there for his kid throughout the racing season, even if it's hard. But he thinks it's worth it if that means he gets to spend time with his family and connect with them.
I think he would love to do activities with his kids, like playing video games or board games with them or playing tag or football with them. Anything that they enjoy he would do without a second thought.
Like if he woke up and his kid was awake and they wanted to play a video game he would most definitely play with them, even if it's really early in the morning. (them sitting on the couch or something playing rounds on rounds of Mario Kart)
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⭒❃.✮:▹A/N: I hope you like it and it's good, I'll do part 2 and more with other drives. (if you have any requests I'd love to hear.) And I'm probably going to do a lot more headcanons as of right now because I'm working on a few multi-chapter fics <3 love you guys.
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