#i will limit myself. to these
crehador · 2 months
ANOTHER... DIFFICULT...... this one bc i have like. no memories lol
so!! i will list the ones i remember first that i love a lot and/or mean a lot to me
also this got long so it's going under a cut
1) asterisk - orange range - bleach op 1
sorry i'm a bleach fuckboi. as if it's my fault. honestly the song is still awesome to me and it was so formative to me that nothing is going to take it down from number one on this list. ever lmao
2) jikai yokoku - tatsuya kitani - sentai daishikkaku op
OK I KNOW I JUST MET U BUT HIIIIII I LOV U honestly. honestly!! like you get it at this point i have talked about this enough but i am OBSESSED with this op
i love the song! but it isn't just about the song!! the visuals are so so so good and compelling, there are themes! there is a narrative! right in the op!
it's just. i'm. well. you all get it by now. it's phenomenal
3) kaen (fire) - ziyoou-vachi (queen bee) - dororo op 1
ok ok ok so for most of these i'm trying to link the actual anime op because typically the visuals are very important! but this one i can't resist linking the whole song because it's FIRE (LITERALLY. IT'S THE NAME OF THE SONG)
this was the first dororo op and hoooly shit. beautiful. it was also my first real dive into queen bee as a band, and i've been so into them ever since. every single queen bee anime op and ed deserves to be on this list but i will do my best to limit myself to only one or they would just. they would just be the whole list
also recommended: literally every other queen bee track pls. they're incredible
4) song of the dead - kana-boon - zom100 op
honorary shoutout to the sarazanmai op which is also by kana-boon! that is the one i considered putting on this list first before i remembered phew. no. alas. i have to give it to another kana-boon op
i just loved this to bits. the energy the motion and the music, all of it! i'm sure there's like some recency bias here but as of right now this definitely makes the cut
[please imagine i have inserted both noragami ops here. i had them both in before i realized there's a 10 video per post limit. so. tragically. i had to take one out. but just close your eyes and pretend it's here. also go to youtube and watch it again. it's good for you. it's enrichment. anyway. let's move on]
1) stand by me - the peggies - sarazanmai ed
so sarazanmai does make it onto the post after all lol
i really like this track! and the mixed... mixed medium? visuals? not sure how to describe it but they're beautiful to me. also it really fucked me up when in that one episode where [redacted] they [redacted] in the ed ads;flkajdklfj
i shan't say more
2) yofukashi no uta - creepy nuts - yofukashi no uta ed
in all honesty i think i like the yofukashi no uta op (daten also by creepy nuts) a tiny bit more than the ed but i love them both!!
but man i just love how all this happened like. the mangaka was so inspired by this song yofukashi no uta that he named his manga after it and when his manga was made into an anime the song itself became the ed. how perfect is that??
also creepy nuts. love creepy nuts. and actually now that i'm listening to them both again idk if i do like daten more like yofukashi no uta. god they're both so good. i can't choose lmao
3) seikai wa iranai - nanawo akari - sentai daishikkaku ed
YEAH THAT'S RIGHT THE ED MAKES IT ONTO THE LIST TOO!! IT'S JUST THAT GOOD!!! again yes of course i'm aware there's some recency bias at play here but really. really. it's good
4) antinomy - amazarashi - nier ed
ue ue ue i love this song. so much. amazarashi does it again. visuals are very good as well of course!! but it's like. definitely the song that takes this for me
5) my nonfiction - furukawa makoto & kohara konomi - kaguya-sama s3 ed (special)
ok i don't know if this even. technically counts. because it's not the "main" ed of the season, it was only played at the end of one episode but holy shit. holy fucking shit
the first time i heard and saw this it blew my mind and then i heard (if i'm remembering correctly) AND 18-YEAR-OLD ANIMATED THIS? ALL OF THIS?? ALONE???
incredible. i'm speechless. had this on repeat for so long after it first aired it truly deserves to be here
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i propose that instead of pride month, we have queer year (queer people are treated like actual people all year long)
edit: @ilackhumanqualities wins best addition to this post
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negativegrl · 1 month
shirts that go hard: rock n' roll edition
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the-chaos-goose · 2 years
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kiashieart · 11 months
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fellas.... (i’m late for pride month but this is for me anyways. hi. 😀)
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I have to know what everyone else thinks of this
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lazylittledragon · 10 months
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alt dads ft. eddie finally realising how bad he fucked up
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makowcy · 1 year
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linderosse · 1 year
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Item duplication is one hell of a drug 😎
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thedisablednaturalist · 6 months
I think when people think of mental illness and what helps, especially with things like anxiety and depression, the treatment involves pushing yourself. Pushing yourself to get out of bed, to exercise, to take a shower, to go out in public, to order your own food from the cashier, etc.
And because the mental health movement has grown so much, people think that's the default of ALL illnesses. That the only way someone will get better is if they push themselves. That practice makes perfect. That you'll become more comfortable or strong over time the more you do something.
But what people need to realize is, with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses, pushing yourself in most cases is DETRIMENTAL. Pushing yourself past your limits can lead to flare ups or further injury. That's why it's important to know your limits, how certain activities may affect your condition, and learn how to either adapt or get help to complete the activity in question.
Also, most of us are already pushing ourselves. Most of us don't have access to the help or equipment we need. Most of us live in places where we frequently encounter inaccessible obstacles. Most of us NEED to rest.
So please don't try to be our physical therapists or doctors. There are people specifically trained to help us navigate our own conditions and limitations. There are people trained to help us strengthen our body's resilience without causing flare-ups or injury. Do not tell us "it'll be good for you" or "you need the exercise" when we say something is too heavy or too far or when we say we need our mobility aid(s). Your friend with depression may need to be encouraged to get out of bed, but your friend with chronic illness definitely doesn't.
Respect our rest.
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wasyago · 1 year
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the brainrot won
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feeshies · 13 days
I never got into Harry Potter, but I have a lot more respect for someone who can say “these books were an important part of my life, but I recognize the pain and harm that comes from supporting them, so I’m making an effort to stop engaging with them” versus someone who’s like “lol the books were always bad, I don’t have to worry about boycotting them because I have Good Taste.”
Like, if you think you never have to think critically about the things you like because you only engage with “Good Art,” then that’s awfully convenient
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ispyspookymansion · 4 months
do not consider short-run painkillers prescribed for specific instances like a surgery or a major injury unless it’s a norm for you, use your own metric for that
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cacaocheri · 1 year
im obsessed with this audio and i HAD to draw it with sun
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
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alas, it seems the christmas mystery shall remain unsolved 🎁 happy holidays!
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talesfromthecrypts · 2 months
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How do you control people who no longer believe? You create something to fear.
The First Omen (2024) dir. Arkasha Stevenson
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