#i would love to write about my ideas about what Lilia is sometime but I feel like canon will absolutely tear it apart lol
twistmusings · 1 year
Diasomnia - Heats, Ruts, and Mating Seasons
CW: nsfw, non-human anatomy, mentions of infertility, slight possessive behavior, otherwise that's pretty much all!
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus does have a rut, though it's not exactly the same as what you would see in a beastperson's rut. (It is still called a "rut" or "rutting season" though.) It's largely based on external temperature over time. While he, himself is warm-blooded, many of his reptile ancestors were not. If the daytime temperatures warm to be rather balmy (90 °-100 ° Fahrenheit or around 32 °-38 ° Celsius) for over a week, it can be expected to trigger his rut, and he will remain in his rut for however long it takes before the temperature drops again. Due to the location of Briar Valley, that means his rut is rarely ever triggered in his homeland, far to the North. That, however, means the opposite is also true: the warmer a location he is in, the more likely he is to have his rut triggered and have it last for a long period.
Malleus is demisexual, so his sex drive also differs from the average dragon fae. Generally speaking, unless he is incredibly familiar and comfortable with a partner, he essentially won't have a sex drive at all. Of course his rut will make him want to mate, but he isn't likely to seek someone out for it unless there is someone he is already in a long-term relationship with.
Malleus has an increased olfactory sense which allows him to pick up changes in others bodies in line with pheromones and horomones. He will pick up on others ruts and heats but it won't really affect him. He might use it to tease a partner, though, if he notices the change in their scent.
To get a bit nitty gritty, since he is a dragon fae, Malleus is classified as a Squamata (i.e. scaled reptile). He has scales that are plate-like and he will periodically molt. (However, molting time for squamata fae varies-- typically they molt more often when they are younger and are growing quickly and then less often once they reach late adolescence and maturity. TL;DR Malleus molts but likely only once every few years.) This might seem like a lot of nonsense, but it's not without purpose: squamata also share another pretty common features that has to do with mating. They have hemipenes and hemiclitores, meaning that anatomically, Malleus has two dicks. Biologically, it serves the function of ensuring that he would be able to mate should he need to mate multiple times, but realistically it just means that he has two dicks and two separate refractory periods. Depending on his partner, this could be a good or a bad thing, just depending on their stamina. Unlike other reptiles, his anatomy doesn't fully retract into his body, only partially.
So far as the appearance of Malleus' dicks, they're similar in structure to a human's, though visibly different. It wouldn't be entirely incorrect to describe it as spiny, though the reality is less unpleasant than it sounds. His dicks are ridged until around halfway down the shaft from the head. So long as his partner is prepared (which they would be, if he has anything to say about it-- he cares about them too much to let them get hurt) it wouldn't hurt, though it would feel pretty different from a typical dick.
Malleus' rut is interesting, to put it one way. As silly as it might sound, like some of his reptile cousins, dragon fae mating is largely based on status. Since he is a prince, and there's not a whole lot he needs to do to maintain his status as prince, his rut largely consists of him just being extremely tired and wanting to laze around in bed all day. If he does have a partner who wants to spend his rut with him, it's going to be a lot of napping and cuddling interspersed between sex. In fact, he's so exhausted by it that he can hardly drag himself out of bed to eat, so being cared for would be much appreciated. (And when I say exhausted I mean he is out. Like snork mimimimi out.)
When he ruts, Malleus does get pretty territorial. He dislikes having people he doesn't actively trust anywhere near his room or his partner. He also will protect his partner bodily, and will usually place himself between them and someone else. This ALSO usually means just laying his body over them because he's so tired. He will apologize for squishing them after he gets his wits about him again.
Due to his biology, without some medical assistance he cannot have biological children with a partner that doesn't lay hard-shelled eggs. It's not impossible for him to have children with a human/beastman/merfolk partner, but it's not something that can be done without medical assistance via artificial insemination, and will likely require a third party to provide a "host egg" for them.
Sebek Zigvolt
Being half-human and half-nocturnal fae, Sebek doesn't experience all of the symptoms of a rut that most nocturnal fae of his species do. His 'ruts' are usually an increased libido in the wintertime, and otherwise a pretty regular sex-drive.
During his rut period, regardless of if he has a partner or not, he tends to get a bit more aggressive and combative than other times of year. This tends to be the time of year that he gets into spats with the people around him without meaning too. If he is in a relationship with someone, they're pretty much the only person not on his warpath. Well, and Malleus, but he's a special case considering Sebek is his guard.
Like Malleus, he has a good sense of smell-- better than an average human though not quite a strong as a full-blooded fae. He will usually be able to smell the change in a partner indicating a readiness to mate, however he likely won't be able to pinpoint what it is that he is smelling and will simply think they smell nice and it kind of makes him want to spend more time around them.
Sebek's dick is pretty normal looking in comparison to other kinds of fae. To be crude, the only real attribute that he has inherited from his Nocturnal Fae bloodline is that he's hung like a goddamned horse. That being said, I don't think he probably realizes that he's on the big side compared to most humans (he's never really paid much mind to it), so he will probably be quite smug if he is told that he is. Like most other humans, his anatomy does not retract into his body when not in use.
Sebek is a special case when it comes to producing offspring. While he is biologically compatible with both humans, beastpeople, some merfolks and other fae (of the non-egg laying variety), because of him being a hybridization of humans and fae, his fertility is quite low. If he and a partner would like to have children with each other, they will likely need to look into methods of assisted fertilization or will simply have to be exceedingly lucky.
Sebek's ruts are easy to miss if his partner is not in-the-know about them. His sex drive is a bit elevated, but not extremely so. As mentioned before, he gets a bit aggressive, though otherwise he's simply pretty lethargic and unusually touchy. If he has a partner, he will often want to be close to them, and he will nuzzle against their face and neck. It's a instinct that he doesn't realize that he has that is his way of signaling an interest in mating.
Most of Sebek's knowledge about sex and anatomy comes from standard human sex ed, as Lilia taught him and Silver at the same time. It's not wrong, perse, but definitely leaves him with some inexplicable things that are his fae biology that he's unaware of. He probably isn't even aware that he HAS ruts unless someone else points it out to him. His response would be a solid progression of "don't lie to me" to "wait that can HAPPEN?" to "Fae truly are amazing".
Lilia Vanrouge
So, while it's heavily implied that Lilia is a vampire, that's not entirely accurate. I won't go into the long winded spiel I would if I were just talking about headcanons about Lilia's species in itself, but I believe he's moreso a general parallel to an unseelie fae. There are fae that are shown to drink blood, but without knowing more about him in canon I'm not going to label his species at this time.
That being said, and not to be boring, but Lilia is essentially an exact parallel for humans and their mating behaviors! He doesn't have ruts, and he doesn't have an especially strong sense of scent that would make him key into someone else's ruts/heats either. (In fact, it's possible his sense of taste and smell might be a little either altered or dulled, considering what we see in canon...)
So, given all this, I'm sure most of you are wondering why the hell Lilia is even on this list, right? Well, Lilia (and the others, but especially Lilia) are implied to be capable of changing their appearance for short periods. While that's a taboo magic in canon, you can't tell me that Lilia wouldn't be down to fool around with some shapeshifting in the bedroom.
Lilia can reproduce with most humans, merfolk, beastpeople, or fae (who don't lay eggs). Or he could just... Yknow, adopt another child. He's cool with that, too...
However, even with the experience already raising Silver, he's definitely not always got the best paternal instincts. Chalk it up to a combination of being a vet and being used to raising... Some particularly durable babies (*cough* Malleus *cough*). He does his best and tries to do right by his kid(s?) but sometimes it simply doesn't go to plan despite his best intentions.
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night-raven-tattler · 4 months
Hiyya, hopefully the request is still open. I really like your writing so I hope my request is no trouble.
Can I request Silver and Sebek about them having a nightmare? They're in relationships with MC/prefect and sleep together. They have a nightmare about MC and woke up with MC beside them.
If you accept this, thank you.
Hello, anon! Mx Tattly appreciates your request, hope you enjoy!
Night troubles
Characters: Silver, Sebek × Reader (separate, romantic)
Warnings: mentions of violence in Sebek's nightmare part
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Silver’s dream have always been very vivid
He could never tell if that was a blessing or a curse, especially considering how much he slept
Every green field he stepped on, every cloudy sky he watched, every word and every laughter from the people he encountered felt real, even if he knew they were all in dreamland
It made his heart feel a little lighter when he was being woken up from a pleasant dream, even if he fell asleep during important moments: the good feeling from the dream made his guilt of falling asleep a little bit easier to bear
Lately you’ve become a recurring presence in his land of dreams
You’d always smile at him, laugh at him, squeeze his hand with so much warmth and joy that he’d promise you to always treasure your hands
But sometimes…
The smile would falter, the laughter would die
The hand would turn cold and pull away as you try to run away from him
It was enough to leave him unsettled for days
But this time, the nightmare became different
As soon as your hand left his, you ran away into a dark forest, screaming you never want to see him again
That he wasn’t good enough, that he was a disappointment
Sentiments echoed by Sebek’s booming tone as the echo of your steps became smaller and smaller
Lilia shook his head disapprovingly, refusing to even look at his son
And Malleus…
He stared down at him, his fury awakening the most ravaging storm and thunder Silver has ever witnessed
Suddenly he found himself running away in shame, tears streaming down his own face
Just like that night when he was a child, and he found out he’s more alone in the world than he thought
So he ran, ran as far as his little feet could carry him, in the middle of the storm darkening the forest more and more…
One particular thunder shook Silver awake
Silver’s eyes opened suddenly and he gasped for air desperately
He got up from his sleeping position, pulling the blanket with him
He tried not to drown in the lonesome silence for a few long seconds, until he felt a warm hand rubbing his back comfortingly
“Silver, are you okay? What happened?”
Your hand was so warm and solid against his shivering skin, and he selfishly leaned into the small gesture of affection
He felt the bed shift before you gently cupped his face, pulling his head so he could look at you
Your eyes met, and your lips formed a thin line
“...Did you have a nightmare?”
Silver could only nod a reply
Your thumbs gently rubbed his cheeks, and Silver finally became aware of his tears
“Do you want to talk about it?”
…He hesitated
What kind of guard was he if he couldn’t face his own problems face on?
But the idea of you taking a peak at the darkness at the back of his mind felt terrifying
He looked away in shame, and that’s all you needed to know
“You don't have to do it right now if you don’t want to. We can just… go back to sleep and see how you feel in the morning?”
You gave him an encouraging smile, and his heart felt a little lighter as he nodded again
You dragged him back to a sleeping position, pulling him into your chest and gently running your fingers through his hair
And the shame and guilt he felt was pushed away by the peace and affection slowly warming his heart again
The way you held him against you, listening to your slowing heartbeat, made Silver feel loved in a way he hasn’t allowed himself to feel in a while
Not knowing what else to say, he mumbled a “Thank you” before he finally drifted off to sleep himself
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The very moment you laid your eyes on Sebek, you knew he was a very strict individual
His confident stride that carried him all over the place was something you’ve admired: after all, Sebek wore his status as a guard as his livelihood, not just a badge of honor
Yet, it made you notice his perfectionist nature; he needed everything to be fit for his Liege, and anything that fell short was not acceptable
And that nature was exacerbated whenever it came to Sebek himself
He wanted to be the best guard he could be, as nothing short of ideal could be fit for Malleus
And for you, as of late
Lilia and Malleus congratulated him when he finally confessed that Malleus was not the only one he wanted to protect anymore; even Silver smiled at him proudly as the news reached him
And, as Sebek finally came to terms with the pride he felt whenever he helped you and protected you, he finally realized how his burden has doubled
It was a challenge he gladly took on
But he shielded you from the burden of that newly found responsibility, not even realizing how big it was until it started plaguing his dreams
Long after he drifted off to slumber, he found himself in battle, fighting dark and faceless creatures, and not letting them reach a very frightened version of you that stood behind him, paralyzed from fear
And no matter how fast he moved, no matter how determined he was, no matter how sharp his sword was, he still was overpowered
The creatures passed him, getting to you and surrounding you until he couldn’t see you anymore
He just stood there helplessly while listening to your terrified screams and your desperate calls for his name…
“Sebek! Sebek, come on! Wake up…!”
He jolted awake and tried to move away from the hand that was shaking his shoulder desperately
“Calm down! Calm down… It’s me, it’s me…”
Sebek became fully awake the moment he realized the hand was yours
The concern in your eyes, the little tremor in your voice, the firm grip on his shoulder, everything made his stomach drop
He was dreaming of being incapable of protecting you and failing
Your concern for him, your want to care of him even late into the night was a slap in the face
He got up from his bed, frustrated, and paced aimlessly around the room, occasionally running his fingers through his hair and avoiding eyes contact at all costs
You let him have a moment to himself while you watched him cautiously, trying to find the right words to say
“Sebek, did you… did you have a nightmare?”
The way he stopped in his tracks was all you needed to know
And, knowing Sebek (or his pride, better said), it was all he was willing to share
You got up from the bed and walked to him slowly
His shoulders were so tense, you just wanted to rub his shoulders for a bit
But he flinched away, so you pulled your hand back
“Okay, I won’t touch you. But I want to help you calm down, what can I do?”
Silence took over the room for a few seconds
Until Sebek finally turned his face and looked at you
He tried opening his mouth to say something, but he changed his mind and closed it again
It was the first time you’ve seen Sebek so silent and unsure, so maybe a little encouragement would help him…?
“Uhm… I just want you to know that, no matter what you saw, we can face it together, okay? You and me. You help me, I help you. Alright?”
Sebek’s eyes widened slightly
But he collected himself quickly and nodded to you
“You’re tired, let’s go to bed. If you have any more nightmares, just wake me up. Okay?”
Sebek nodded again, and reached out to your hand, linking your pinkies together
“As you wish.”
You smiled at him and dragged him back to bed, relieved that your idea worked
A bit of encouragement seemed to help him
Maybe in time he won't need the affirmation, he'll just know you're always going to be there for him
But you didn't mind to remind him for as long as he needed it
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Hello, hello! Before requests close, could I request Deuce, Silver, Ace, and Malleus getting plushies from their s/o? For example, Deuce gets one of him in a chicken costume.
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Deuce Spade, Silver Vanrouge, Ace Trappola, and Malleus Draconia Name: {Character} when their S/O gifts them a plushie Requester: Anonymous
A/N: This is adorable! I would cry if someone gave me a plushie of these men, especially one of baby Malleus. He's so damn cute I nearly cried when I first saw him!
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♠️ It was around his birthday and you wanted to give Deuce, your boyfriend, something that he would love and keep around for years to come
♠️ You remembered hearing a story from his mother that, when he was younger, Deuce loved to mess around with the small plushies that his mother and grandmother both collected growing up
♠️ Deuce was rough around the edges, but, it sounded to cute for your heart to handle seeing a small little stuffed-Deuce sitting on his bed, just waiting
♠️ So, in the name of your sanity, you had designed a small plushie of your boyfriend, one that looked exactly like him inside of a large chicken outfit, it reminded you of when he dressed up as a bunny for the festival a few months prior
♠️ The small stuffed version of your boyfriend was adorable, and as you walked down to Heartslabyul, you asked one of the members where your boyfriend is, and they answered with practice for track
♠️ You sat down on the bleachers and cheered as he ran and did his exercises, and when his practice finished, he changed and met with you just outside the changing rooms
" Happy birthday, my One of Spades! "
♠️ He chuckled at the albeit odd pet-name and hugged you as you wrapped your arms around his midsection, his head resting against the top of yours as you chuckled at his reaction
" I have a surprise for you, it's in your dorm though, so come on! "
♠️ Dragging him by the arm, you went through the halls and eventually found your way to the mirror chamber and to his dorm's building before snapping his room's door shut
♠️ Pulling out the small box from underneath his bed, you smiled and held it out to him with both of your hands, a smile ever so present on both your faces, though his was covered in a rose-red blush underneath
♠️ The sound of paper being torn apart echoed through both your ears as he threw it in his garbage can and took the lid off the cardboard cube, his eyes widening as they laid upon the small object, it was him in a chicken outfit
" W-what is this exactly? "
♠️ You began to laugh as his face erupted in a flustered faze, why did you think of this as a gift? Oh god, if Ace sees this he's gonna-
" I hope you like this, dear. Happy birthday to my favorite boy in the entirety of Twisted Wonderland. I love you. " " I-uh, heh, I love you as well, love. "
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⚔️ This guy sleeps so much that he ends up forgetting what day it is sometimes, and for the past couple years, Lilia has been having to remind his own son when he birthday is, because of this issue
⚔️ But, this year, he had his S/O to remind him more often, since his father was dealing with something back in Briar Valley, though he did send a present for his son to open
⚔️ He was resting when you gained an idea. You heard from Rook that one of Pomefiore's second years was an amazing sewer and could make a bunch of stuff, and thinking about that, you wanted to make a thing for Silver to rest with when you weren't around
⚔️ Your boyfriend had his head on your lap with a small amount of animals surrounding you both, so, since nobody else was around, you messaged Rook and asked for the second year's number to ask him things, and he happily gifted you it
⚔️ While messaging the male, you sent an image of your boyfriend resting with you in his arms, in which he just sent you so many heart-eyed emojis in response, as well as a price for the gift and wishes of luck to you both
⚔️ Silver awoke nearly 30 minutes later when Sebek came to drag him to their Equestrian Club as you kissed his forehead and gave Sebek a nod of approval as he dragged your boyfriend away, with him waving tiredly as you grew smaller and smaller
⚔️ Once you knew he couldn't see you anymore, you began to walk towards the mirror chamber to transport to Pomefiore to check up on the plushie being made by the resident there
⚔️ When you walked into the dorm, he was just coming outside with a small box in hand, and you exchanged words and handed him the money he wished for before giving him a small hug before going your separate ways
⚔️ Silver had just fallen asleep again by the entrance of the stables, Sebek trying to awake him as Riddle sighed and rubbed his temples, frustration evident on his face
⚔️ You eventually were able to wake him and bring him back to his dorm with Sebek wishing you both goodnight as he trudged back to his room, probably to say prayers to Malleus before sleeping
⚔️ Before Silver could fall back asleep, you poked his forehead and handed him the same box the Pomefiore student gave you and he smiled lightly before thanking you and opening the gift
" What is this? Is this- " " It's us. I asked a Pomefiore student to make you it, you see? That's you holding me, and that's me right there holding my phone up to take our picture! Isn't it cute? "
⚔️ He smiled and hugged you before saying
" It's lovely, my flower. But, I'd rather rest with the real thing than a memory. Now, let us rest, I'm tired. " " You're always tired. "
⚔️ He chuckled as he fell asleep, the plushie of you both finally finding a place in his room, right on his nightstand, where it could be a reminder of the person he loved more than anyone else
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🪅 Ace Trappola, where do I begin with how many plushies you could get made out of him?
🪅 He does so many stupid things that you had caught on camera, and one of those moments was when he was holding a small hedgehog that they had in Heartslabyul
🪅 The smile that graced his face was one that you loved seeing, so, you asked Epel if he could bring this idea to the second year he had been talking too
🪅 He, of course, agreed and showed the second year a photo that you loved of your boyfriend and gave the student the money you owed before bringing the finished item to your dorm room and wishing you good luck
🪅 When you pulled out your phone, you immediately pushed the call button and the contact photo you had set for your boyfriend
" Heyo, it's Ace, what's up, Y/N? " " Well, I have something special for you because it's your birthday. Meet me at your dorm room, yeah? " " Sure. See ya then! "
🪅 Once meeting the mirror leading you to Ace's dorm, you rushed through and began to spring with all your might, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you ran, passing Deuce and Cater as they chuckled at your actions
🪅 You found your boyfriend's room and began knocking on his door with your heart pumping and your brain spinning, why did you decide to run like that?
🪅 Ace opened the door and pulled you inside, saying that Trey was looking for him, since it was his birthday, and he just wanted some peace and quiet with his S/O at the time
" So, what did you get me? "
🪅 You smiled and pulled the box out from the bag you put it in so you wouldn't drop it while visiting, and you handed it to him with the brightest smile on your face
🪅 He opened the box and his face froze when he saw a piece of paper on top of everything, a printed photograph of him on it, and his face dropped into a playful scowl
" Why this of all things? " " Damn it, Epel! It's underneath that. "
🪅 He watched as you pulled out a thin layer of tissue paper and hand him the small plushie of him with his signature grin in a 'chibi' form
🪅 He grabbed the plush and he smiled before laughing
" I guess I have to get a matching you one, huh? After all, one is not the same without the other. "
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🐉 You knew that Malleus had an issue with his birthday, especially after the fact that he normally had no one there, so he'd have to eat the rest of his cakes himself, and that has to be hard on his stomach and rest of his body
🐉 He loved spending his birthday with those he cared about, and since he had you now, his S/O, he would be able to enjoy this day maybe a bit more
🐉 Despite the tradition, he would tell you that you didn't have to worry about getting him any kind of gift, claiming you were the best thing he could ever want in the many years of his life
🐉 When you couldn't think of anything to get Malleus, you went to his father-figure, Lilia, and asked for his opinion
" Well, you know that he loves gargoyles, and you, of course. Why not merge it? Make him a gargoyle themed after you! " " Uh, I think that'll take me around five years worth of time, and his party is in eight hours, Lilia! " " Oh! I nearly forgot. I have a photo of a small Malleus that you wanted, and I need to get started on the amazing side they wanted me to work on. Aparently Trey, Jamil, and the ghosts want to work on the main courses with me, isn't that exciting? "
🐉 Malleus stood outside of Diasomnia, the wind blowing through his hair when you messaged a specific dorm member of Pomefiore's, asking where your gift for Malleus was, and they sent you a thumbs up emoji
🐉 Telling Malleus you needed to grab something from your dorm room, he smiled and nodded as you walked away to grab the gift from the dorm member
🐉 You paid him and began running back with a bag containing your present inside, a note on the front of it saying, 'Do not open until after the party!'
🐉 Once the party was over and everyone else had gone to bed, you and your boyfriend sat outside on a large vine of the rose garden, you pulled out the bag and laid it in his lap
🐉 He smiled and thanked you before de-summoning the tissue paper you had laid inside to hide the objects inside
🐉 Once he pulled them out, Malleus' eyes widened and he laughed as he allowed the mini Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek, you, and gargoyle plushies float in the air
🐉 Malleus hugged you tightly, his now-revealed tail wrapping around your leg as his eyes began to tear up
" Thank you, darling. This is the best day of birth I have ever had. "
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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5 Love Languages ♡
notes: might write these for all dorms if i have the stamina. if you would like to be notified when i post works for your favorite characters, you can join my taglist. also feel free to commission me! Also everytime I write anything for Lilia I have to physically stop myself from turning it into the angstiest shit I have ever written.
prompt: how they express the 5 love languages and how they like to receive love in return
contains: diasomnia x gn!reader
warnings: none
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𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕦𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕒 ♡
╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation
Malleus is one of the most verbally affectionate people in the cast. He may not be as in tune with his own emotions, but once he's aware of his feelings for you, he knows well to put them into words. He has this old-fashioned, sometimes almost poetic way of speaking and he doesn't even need to try very hard to make your heart beat faster. Like, just look at his lines in canon. "You're not afraid of me but I'm starting to become afraid...of losing you".....once you're dating him it's this x5. He'll take your hands into his and tell you that you make his heart flutter and that he wants nothing more but to spend the rest of his long, long life with you. He notices all the little things about you that he finds beautiful and he doesn't hesitate to tell you.
Malleus loves being on the receiving end of compliments as well. It boosts his mood instantly to have you gush over him or go on a tangent about how much you adore him. Malleus sucks up compliments and affection like a sponge. He'll have the softest smile on his face when you cup his face and tell him he means the world to you. He takes your hand into his and presses soft appreciative kisses to your knuckles. Malleus is whipped for you and the second your relationship is no longer a secret everyone will notice.
╰┈➤ Quality Time
Malleus loves spending time with you. Quality Time with him is the foundation of your relationship and the whole reason you even got this far with him. After centuries of being alone, Malleus adores having someone who will just ask him to hang out with them like it's second nature and he won't hesitate to seek you out either when he has an idea for how to spend your day together. This goes without saying but Malleus would love to take you on long nightly walks under the stars and hold your hand; exploring his favorite ruins and explaining every gargoyle he sees to you. You expressing interest in him and listening to his words with your utmost attention was what touched his heart first and it never fails to make him grateful for your presence in his life. Malleus is also up for almost any date ideas you bring to the table. He has much to explore about this world and what better way to do this than with the person he loves? He's curious and attentive. As your lover it's self-evident for him to learn more about your hobbies and engage with you in the things you're passionate about. His interest in your life is nothing half-hearted and you can bet he's getting just as excited as you about the things that matter to you.
╰┈➤ Gifts
Malleus likes to give you gifts as well. It's custom for dragon fae to give their lover prized possessions such as gemstones and jewelry, but Malleus has a very different understanding of what a valuable gift is than most fae engaging in this method of courting. So you'll get expensive jewels alongside a photo of his favorite gargoyle and a broken chandelier he found in an abandoned building. Sometimes you don't really know what to do with the gifts he gives you but he insists that once you become his consort you can have your own dragon hoard and just put everything there.
He treasures every gift you give him as well, no matter what it is. But he is especially weak for gifts where he can tell that you put a lot of thought into it. Something personal, adjusted to his interests. A modern book about gargoyles or a beautiful ice cream cup. He'll thank you and press a kiss to your lips gently, reminding you that he loves you and that you're the greatest gift he could ask for.
╰┈➤ Acts of Service
Don't let him. At least not in the beginning of the relationship when he's not as attuned to your needs yet. Because we know how Malleus trying to do things for other people usually turns out...acts of service from this man could be anything from a mild inconvenience to a magical safety hazard. He has the best intentions but the worst approaches.
Once he becomes aware of those shortcomings, he makes a point of asking you directly how he could support you. He will accompany you to tasks and appointments that stress you if you so wish, as well as use his magic to make life easier for you if you tell him that he can. It'll take him a while to not mess it up but he'll try for you.
Malleus generally doesn't see a need for you to assist him in anything while at Night Raven College, as he can do most of his tasks easily with magic. He still chuckles at your attempts to do so and feels flattered though. When you become his consort, Malleus treasures when you support him in his duties as prince and later king. Sometimes you'll personally bring him a few snacks and a cup of black coffee when he's busy with his documents. He'll thank you and presses a soft kiss to your lips, smiling against them and squeezing your hand gently, offering that you may seek him out if you need any assistance with your share of the work as well.
╰┈➤ Physical Touch
Malleus is touch-starved so he will happily take you up on the offer to touch you, if you allow him. When you two are alone, he'll be snuggled close to you or at least has an arm wrapped around you or holds your hand.
He'll let you touch his horns. They're quite sensitive and he'll close his eyes, letting out a soft sigh as you work your magic. When he's stressed or something upset him, he loves to rest his head in your lap and have you card your fingers through his hair and gently caress his horns.
Malleus also loves when you kiss the markings on his forehead. It's a silent promise for dragon fae that one intends to stay by their side forever. Malleus takes this gesture as an unspoken sign of your devotion and he'll reciprocate it, even if you don't have any dragon markings.
He loves to be snuggled up in bed with you or take a nice warm bath, kissing you softly for as long as you let him. He loves to spoil you with his affection and receive yours in turn.
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╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation
Lilia has his own, sometimes strange way of reminding you verbally just how much you matter to him. He always expresses his love for you in words when you least expect it; often by using unusual analogies and sentences that aren't very direct but still make it clear that he's speaking from his heart and out of genuine adoration for you.
Lilia is used to taking care of others; having served Briar Valley for centuries as well as having raised both Malleus and Silver. His love for you will shine through the most in moments where he's worried about you or scolds you playfully. He'll float if necessary, putting a hand at the back of your head and letting you bury your head in his chest. He'll look down at you with a peaceful smile of such pure devotion and fondness you don't get to see that often, softly telling you not to worry too much or to be more careful. He presses a kiss to your forehead as a reminder that he's always there when you need him.
Lilia can be a tease when he's on the receiving end for compliments. He'll usually laugh it off. "Khee hee, you flatter me", he'd chuckle and press a kiss to your cheek. But sometimes you'll see him respond with a sly smirk. "You think this getup suits me? Well, tell me all about it, won't you?", he lowers his pitch, maybe whispers in your ear or nibbles at your lips gently. Though, his teasing demeanor quickly shifts back to a hearty laugh when he sees that he has made you flustered. "Hehe, I didn't mean to fluster you", he lies. He absolutely meant to do that.
╰┈➤ Quality Time
Even though Lilia has been on this earth for a very long time, he still treasures the time he gets to spend with the people he loves and you're no exception to that. Sometimes you may underestimate how much all these small moments shared with you mean to him, especially with how casually he tends to talk about him, but those are the things he'll remember most when his final day does come.
Lilia loves to share the things he finds fun with you. He'll let you sit on his lap (or sit on yours) when he's gaming online and let you watch, explaining the game to you so you can share the experience together. He'll totally be up for playing games with you if you'd like to get the game yourself. He's the kind of man who's super welcoming to new players and willing to help you out whenever you need it.
He'll also offer to cook with you. If you are brave enough to let him into a kitchen while you're preparing a meal, you better keep a watchful eye on him to make sure he doesn't put any "special ingredients" into the dish that he thinks would "spice it up". Sometimes he'll be very insistent about doing things his way and assures you repeatedly that he has ways to improve the recipe tremendously. Pay no mind to suggestions like "Are you sure we don't want the oyster sauce in there?" or "Shouldn't we leave the gratin in the oven for a bit longer? The cheese on top isn't even black yet"; for the good of everyone involved.
Lilia knows how, even for someone with a long lifespan, life can feel surprisingly short; as can the time we spend with those we care about be cut short in an instant. As someone who has seen the horrors of war and experienced loss over and over again, Lilia sees even more meaning in the fact that you've chosen to spend a significant portion of your time with him. Time is a precious resource and he'd choose to spend his on you and the children he raised over and over again.
╰┈➤ Gifts
You need to find some sort of way to get yourself out of the predicament of being given "homemade meals" by him because that stuff is inedible, if not actively toxic, but you can also tell he put a lot of effort into it, however misplaced that effort may be. He'll be so excited when he brings you the dish, waiting eagerly to see your reaction to his cooking. Only that your reaction would probably not be what he anticipated.
Other than that, Lilia has a way of finding gifts and souvenirs you would enjoy for sure, just as he does for Malleus, Silver and Sebek. He treasures every gift you give him as well, whether it's something expensive you bought or something as simple as a sloppily made acorn necklace. For Lilia, it's the thought that counts when it comes to gifts.
╰┈➤ Acts of Service
Lilia doesn't mind helping you out when you need it; assisting you in matters that may stress you out or that you may have trouble with on your own; though Lilia is someone who will also always encourage you to be brave and find your own way to tackle issues head-on. He can't always tell you how to solve a problem in a way that works for you, but when you do find out yourself, he'll be very proud of you.
Lilia insists that he doesn't need your help with anything and most of the time that is true, but that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate your attempts at doing so anyway. And if he truly does need your assistance with something, then what you do for him will be something he'll never forget.
╰┈➤ Physical Touch
Lilia enjoys touch; especially for showing his affection to you when he can't really put it into words. You'll definitely receive headpats whenever the occasion calls for it.
He'll also let you cuddle him when you wish to do so, letting you rest your head on his chest while he has an arm wrapped around you. He'll let you fall asleep while he holds you; though Lilia tends to shift around a lot at night. Sometimes you'll wake up and find him sleeping upside down on the ceiling instead. This is normal behavior for him, don't let it deter you.
Lilia likes teasing you with his physical affection. Expect quite a few kisses on your neck and close to your earlobe. He finds it very amusing when he can fluster you. Though, his teasing is often followed by a genuine, gentle kiss to your lips or your temple, to reassure you he truly does mean all the affection he gives to you.
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╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation
Silver isn't really that good at putting his love for you into words and when he attempts to do so, he'll be quite awkward about it and maybe stumble over his words a few times. His care for you shows in the way he's willing to protect you and how he worries about you a lot. That is the one thing he never fails to tell you. That you do not have to hesitate to call for him when you need his help for anything or feel unsafe in any situation. Your comfort and well-being is so important to him and he treasures when you acknowledge his efforts at preserving those things. He loves when you tell him he's a good boyfriend and is relieved to know that he's doing everything properly when it comes to making you feel loved and cared for in the relationship; as he doesn't really have any experience with dating and was quite nervous at first.
Silver gets flustered quite easily when he's on the receiving end of compliments. Lilia teases him about it a lot when he first starts dating you. His father is going to try to play wingman for the two of you and he's having the time of his life with it. Lilia will also absolutely tell you about the sweet things Silver has said about you when you're not around. Silver doesn't really know how to respond to a lot of verbal affection, so he just tends to let his actions speak and holds you for a while or gives you a sweet kiss.
╰┈➤ Quality Time
Silver has learnt to appreciate the time he has to spend with his loved ones, especially growing up around people who will live for so much longer than he does. So he too will treasure how much time you're willing to dedicate to him.
Before he confessed to you, he was a little unsure what activities you would enjoy doing together and he was a little hesitant to suggest anything; letting you pick whenever the occasion called for it, but he starts taking the initiative more once he actually starts dating you. He'll get one of the horses from the equestrian club ready and will take you on a ride, letting you sit behind him and relishing in the feeling of your arms wrapped around him and you holding onto him for support.
Silver sometimes, as he always has a habit to in any situation, falls asleep during your time spent together and he'll feel so sorry for it. At first he's worried that you might take it as a sign that he finds your presence boring or isn't really committed to your activities together, so reassure him that you don't take it personally. He'll still feel a little guilty, but he appreciates the reassurance. He'll try his best to stay awake during your dates.
╰┈➤ Gifts
Silver is pretty classy when it comes to gift-giving. Flowers and chocolates are his go-to option along with anything you have previously expressed wanting or enjoying. When he knows you like a certain brand of tea or a type of shampoo, he gets it for you when he sees it in a store. Silver is very attentive and notices when you run out of things needed for your daily life and he has a habit of getting them for you.
Silver has a tendency to be humble when you give him gifts. "Thank you, y/n, but that really wouldn't have been necessary" and "You didn't need to go out of your way to get me anything" are not unusual sentences to come out of his mouth; even on anniversaries or Valentine's Day. He'll be a little awkward about receiving gifts from you but he does appreciate them a lot nonetheless!
He's especially fond of practical gifts. Things like new riding gear or polish for his sword. It tells him that you're paying attention to the activities he cares about and support him in his training as well as with his hobbies. Silver will thank you for your gifts with a kiss on the cheek and reminds you that he loves you very much.
╰┈➤ Acts of Service
Perhaps the most prevalent love language Silver has. I mean he's literally a prince's attendant, a guard and his motivation is dedicating his life to pay his adoptive father back for raising him. If Silver is good at any way to express love, it's acts of service and that is what he defaults to. He's always ready to get you whatever you need to be comfortable and happy; he'll protect you whenever the need arises and he is dedicated to supporting you with any situations you might struggle with.
He's so attentive and can even go a little over the top when you're not feeling well. You're sick? He'll look up how to make a nice soup for you and brings it to your bed along with however many blankets you need and a warm tea. Nervous about an upcoming event? He'll hold your hand, gently caressing the back of your hand with his thumb to reassure you that he's right here with you to support you. He'll try to find solutions to the problem to make you feel more at ease. You're crying? Silver is ready to hand you tissues and wrap his arms around you, letting you cry into his shoulder.
Silver is a giver in a relationship and acts of service is another thing he will say he doesn't need and that you don't need to go out of your way to do anything for him. He can even be a little stubborn with this. Lilia might bonk him gently and tell him to just let you spoil him for once.
╰┈➤ Physical Touch
Silver loves cuddling. He'll fall asleep very easily when he's nestled in your arms and has your fingers running through his soft hair. He'd have a smile on his face that he isn't even aware of in that moment.
His kisses are gentle and sweet most of the time, reminding you of the pure and unconditional love he has for you. You're his first love and it shows. It takes him a while to ease into being shown a lot of physical affection but he adores it. Never complains about it and just accepts it without question.
He also doesn't mind PDA. He enjoys taking walks with you around campus, holding your hand or having an arm wrapped around you. He kisses your lips or your forehead as a quick goodbye whenever you part ways to go to different classes.
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╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation
The one love language Sebek likes to receive the most. He's not too enthusiastic about mixed signals and when he's truly dedicated to someone, he wants to know he's doing a good job at providing comfort and happiness for them. If you don't tell him on your own, he will ask you whether you're satisfied with how much affection he's showing you, if he's giving you everything you need and whether there's anything lacking. Sebek takes pride in being praised for his care and attentiveness and he craves the affirmation that he's a good boyfriend to you.
He will boast about it when you compliment him and he might let it go to his head once in a while. He definitely brags about the compliments you have given him to other people and sometimes you'll have to remind him to tone it down a notch.
Sebek is also very quick to compliment you in return. You're also Sebek's first relationship and he needs to unlearn the tendency to idealize you the way he does Malleus (he also needs to unlearn to idealize Malleus but that's another cup of tea). Either way, if you're dating Sebek you will know exactly where you stand with him. He leaves no room for doubt about that. He could go on for an hour about all the things he loves about you. He's the type to send you a whole love letter in your DM's.
Sebek finds so many little things he thinks are beautiful about you and with time you'll become aware of every single one of them.
╰┈➤ Quality Time
Sebek feels honored that you spend your time with him. He enjoys the quieter moments; having tea together or talking about books you have read. Like Silver, he will also take you horse-riding and enjoy the scenery on the Isle of Sages with you.
Sebek's ideal date is just going to the bookstores on the island and picking out books for each other; preferably something one of you has read already, so you can both look forward to the other's thoughts about the matter. He loves just being snuggled up in a cozy position on the couch and reading idly next to each other. You occasionally exchange kisses or he'll glance over to your book, see which chapter you're on and ask you for your thoughts on a particular thing that happened in the book.
╰┈➤ Gifts
I hope his parents don't give him that much pocket money because Sebek is not above spending a ridiculous amount of money on gifts you really didn't need. If someone just offhandedly mentions something would be a good gift for a lover, Sebek is already contemplating whether to get it for you. I'm honestly surprised Azul hasn't made a regular customer out of Sebek yet because convincing him that you or Malleus would like a thing is a pretty solid way to get Sebek to spend money.
He treasures every gift you give him. Even if you didn't intend for something to be a gift. You could give him the wrapper of your chocolate bar and he'd treat it like a family heirloom. This is another "Sebek you need to tone it down a notch" instance.
Sebek is appreciative of literally everything you do for him so if you want a boyfriend who'll have grand reactions to your affection and is no stranger to elaborately explaining just how much a thing you did touched his heart, Sebek is your guy.
╰┈➤ Acts of Service
Sebek's #1 love language when it comes to giving you love. When you need something, Sebek gets ready to provide it for you before you even finished your sentences sometimes. "Sebek. Chill. Sit down", you take his hand and guide him to sit next to you again. "Right...", he responds and runs a hand through his hair awkwardly.
He moderates a little as your relationship progresses. At the beginning of it he's in a state where he would gladly do your homework for the rest of the year and make you dinner every evening etc.
He is so touched when you do things for him in return. He's like "wow, they actually put in so much effort to support me 😳🥺" internally and struggles to process that he's actually that lucky for this to be happening to him.
╰┈➤ Physical Touch
Sebek loves physical touch and he's actually kinda sensitive. At the beginning of the relationship when he's not used to your affection yet, just a kiss or you running your hands through his hair is enough to have him stumbling over his words and struggling to form coherent sentences. Sebek.exe has stopped working.
Sebek actively encourages as much PDA as possible without having it affect his reputation as Malleus's guard. He loves to boast about your affection and your love for him. Literally, the entire school could hate your guts and Sebek would still brag about being your boyfriend.
If you don't stop him you're going to be that couple who kisses repeatedly in the hallway before class starts.
Sebek especially adores cheek kisses and when you nuzzle his neck. But literally all affection from you has the potential to make his heart melt.
If you go too overboard, he might cry out of happiness.
taglist ─ @moldy-cheeto @vera-deville @rose-the-witch1 @endlessorrow @xxheartspadexx @mochinee @curekibouka-writing
also sebek is surprisingly hard to write for if you have to ignore malleus for the most part
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courtlyharlequin · 1 year
Hello! May I request the Diasomnia boys taking a familial role for the reader? For instance Lilia being the father, Malleus being the older brother, etc. it doesn’t have to be those in specific so feel free to put your own twist to it! I’ll love anything you write :) and thank you!
I Found It All On My Own
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A/N: *weeps* I love Diasomnia's found family dynamics. I decided to do Lilia as the father figure, Malleus and Silver as older brothers and Sebek as like a twin brother in the same year? Oughdfhj I feel like with everything going on in chapter seven right now, these headcanons would be perfect to write. Don't worry there won't be major spoilers. Well, if you know then you can spot them, but they won't ruin the story for you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is naturally protective of everyone- especially the people he's close to. His family, if you will. Perhaps it's because he feels bound to his duty as a dorm leader, an heir, or maybe he knows how fragile life is. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt or be unhappy
He goes out of his way to intervene or watch you from afar... just to keep you safe. Malleus is like one of those older brothers that spy on you for "your own good" or "just to make sure"
Sometimes, Malleus would cast a spell to ensure whatever your date, errand, appointment, hangout with a friend, etc. goes well. There will be no rain, sleet or snow. Not a single loud in the sky. The weather will always be perfect. Everything would be too perfect.
If another party is late, makes a side remark or wrongs you, Malleus might entertain the idea of striking them with lightning. Or... slightly inconveniencing their day after they part ways with you.
If you pick up on it, you'd have to tell him. He wouldn't stop otherwise. In your heart, you know he means well. Malleus wants you to be happy no matter what. Your smile means the world to him. He truly enjoys hearing about your amazing day and how you smile when you show him the things you bought or the grades you got, but how can there be good days if there are no bad ones or any mishaps?
Reassure him that if you ever need help, you'd ask him. If there's anyone in the world capable of protecting you and coming to you when you need someone the most- it's Malleus. Tell him that and he'll be trying to hide his smug smile all day.
Lilia Vanrouge:
He's a father figure for many, including you. While not the best cook and using... conventional methods of parenting on some occasions, Lilia is someone you'd accidentally call dad
His age is most certainly a factor, but it's also how he always tells you stories from the past or invites you to sit down and play some video games with him after a long day. Like a dad who doesn't know how to comfort you, but tries his best anyways.
Another way Lilia comforts you, or rather, shows his love is buying whatever you seem to like eating at the moment. Oh these frozen waffles taste good? He'd get you a few more boxes for good measure. He can't cook, but he'll get you all your favorite snacks and frozen meals.
Like Malleus, Lilia also looks after you. He just isn't as much of a helicopter as Malleus is. So maybe not like Malleus.
Lilia simply asks you about your day. He's quite perceptive and has incredible intuition so even if you lie, he knows something is up. He won't ever ask you directly, believing that you could figure it out eventually. Still, he quips the typical dad thing and says that he'll always be here if you need him. You could tell him anything!
Not that you would. Teenagers tend to be more reluctant to share things with their guardians. He would know. He was that age some centuries ago.
...He might meddle a little if he sees you struggle a too much though. If you have trouble making friends, Lilia might ask Silver to befriend you. Or at least walk you to class and make some small talk
Silver is little more subtle than Malleus and Lilia when it comes to showing love and looking out for you. He won't buy you too much food or curse your worst enemy, but he'll support you!
He's never had a younger sibling and you're the closest thing to that he has. He cherishes you a lot because of that
His speech isn't as eloquent as Lilia's nor is he as powerful as Malleus, but you can always count on him to show up for you. You have a recital or speech to give? He'll be there. You post something on social media? He's the first like. He won't comment, but he'll like the post. And reblog/retweet it if you need more exposure
He also wouldn't mind if you steal some of his stuff... in moderation. Silver doesn't get irritated easily. He's fairly lax when it comes to these things so if you want something- be it food, clothes, some school supplies- all you have to do is ask
Silver is the dream big brother most siblings would want. You and him rarely ever argue. He's got a decent temperament and hypes you up when you need it.
He'll also agree to help you hide something if you really don't want Lilia or Malleus to know. Silver will recommend you tell them about it, but if you insist... then he won't push it. He'll be hesitant, but he won't spill the beans.
Silver also has this inability to be not so good at comforting (maybe he gets it from Lilia), but he tries his best. He's not good with deep, long conversations about life or growing, but he would one hundred percent listen to you and pat your back or head depending on the situation
Sebek Zigvolt:
If Silver is the sibling you get along with, then Sebek is the one you don't get along with. Neither of you hate the other, it's more so constant bickering over trivial matters
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"How do you know I'm looking at you? Aren't you the one looking at me?"
Nevertheless, like most sibling relationships, at the end of the day, you still love each other. Sebek isn't as soft spoken like Silver. He doesn't show love like Lilia or Malleus either. He's a bit on the harsher side, but his actions will somehow always speak louder than his blunt words.
Sebek will help you with your homework. He won't do a full on tutoring session, but he'll show you how to solve a problem or two. He might even lend you his notes. From the bottom of his heart, he really does want you to succeed.
If you need someone to give you the truth and nothing but the truth, Sebek is the one to go to. He doesn't sugarcoat his opinion that often. If that sweater looks ugly, he'll tell you if you show it to him
Sebek also won't hesitate to call out anyone who says something mean to you. Though the two of may have your back and forths, the things he says to you are never truly hurtful. Sebek doesn't fully realize it, still calling you "human", but he does worry about you from time to time. What kind of trouble would you get into? Would he be able to help?
He doesn't have many friends or siblings... Silver hardly counts in his eyes. You sort of count? He's fond of you to say the least. He'd like to pat your head like Silver does one day.
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hanafubukki · 15 days
I'm back with another Lilia thought! This one isn't mafia au though, so you can wait with reading it so it won't spoil the immersion lol ( I'm so glad you liked it btw 😭)
This one is about you being Lilia's fae s/o. When he went to NRC with the boys he gave you a cell phone to stay in touch with him with. You use it to play games together and communicate (I think it'd be mostly texting as to simulate writing letters to your loved one who's away), but something he'll never tell anybody about are the more private messages you share. Because he's an old man, sensing lustful messages with Lilia is like writing prose. Taking turns to write and seeing the messages show up in real time...there's just something about this old man and language when it comes to intimate times. He'll save the conversations to re-read whenever he's needy. There's not much video/photo sharing (again, to fit with the whole writing letters thing), but it'd be fun I think if you discover the Twisted Wonderland version of Only Fans and jokingly tell Lilia that you wanna make an account and have him as your only subscriber. He actually loves the idea, of you being needy and the way he finds out is a ping notification that you've uploaded a new photo of yourself- for his eyes only. You'd want the account to be private since it's for personal use but I can see Lilia maybe being adventurous and being into teasing other men knowing they'll never have you. They can see a few clothed pictures but the number of people who can see it all never goes above 1.
-Fake Date Sebek Anon
[Talking about this fic]
Hello Fake Date Sebek Anonie 🌺🌷💞
That Lilia Mafia ask really just hit me suddenly and released all the core memories I had and I couldn’t not make it into a flower shop combination. Thank you Anonie, that AU lives in my brain rent free 💞💞
God can you imagine?? The text messages switches between Victorian flirting to modern flirting and sometimes the combination. Texting each other how much you missed the other so.
Telling him, how you miss his warmth and his touch. How your own imagination and hands can do so much. Even magical toys do not help. Gradually it shifts to this account you see humans use.
How innovative and advanced. Of course you bring it up to Lilia and he’s down. As long as it’s only him that can see it. He loves knowing no one can have you. You’re his.
He loves to show off your more casual pictures but he’s full of pride. No one else can see you, feel you, or touch you. No one else would know your taste.
Hm? What’s this? It’s as if you heard him. You sent him a new picture. He’s happy that fae’s have an abundance of magic. Silver, Sebek, and Malleus can look after each other for a few hours.
He’s going to teleport to you right now. The urge to feel and taste you too great. His hands itches to shred the clothes you have on and Lilia is not one to deny himself of his favorite treat. 💞🌺
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hoshinoyozora · 2 years
Tale of the Timeless Couple
🖤 Pairing: Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Female! Reader
💛 Word Count: 1,1k+
❤ Warnings: -
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission. Also, don’t ask for a sequel unless I like the story enough to write one. Please reblog so other people can see my stories!
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Youths were known for their naivety, and just like many others, it was the cause of your downfall too.
Beguiled by the promise of happily ever after, as shown in those romantic movies and books, you’d mindlessly agreed to eternal life with your soon-to-be husband, Malleus Draconia. It was especially enforced by the bitter knowledge that Crowley had never intended for you to return, and that you’d have no means of funding yourself after graduation due to the lack of necessary documents. It was either you marry a rich man and become slightly more ‘recognized’ as the proper citizen of Twisted Wonderland, or doomed to work as a maid in someone else’s house. Malleus, of course, saw no error in your judgment, despite the seeming shallowness of it, and swiftly carried out your transformation.
Due to your relationship with him, you’d always been a part of his little family. But only now did you fully integrate into it, into their lifestyle. The Draconia Family. The Royal Family.
It was blissful in the first few years, as many marriages were, burdened only by the new responsibility of being a ruler to both humans and dark creatures. Malleus and Lilia helped you with the Royal affairs, while Silver and Sebek familiarized you with the Draconia knighthood system. Sometimes, Malleus’s grandmother would visit and chat with you, offering either piece of valuable advice or rumors that would aid you in some way. You weren’t really allowed to go anywhere anymore, and definitely not without tight security. But Malleus permitted you to attend your friends’ weddings, just as how he permitted them to attend yours; a visit that excited nearly the guests in there due to it being a Royal one, and thus, exclusive.
Their occasional letters were probably the highlight of your day, and you thanked Malleus for having the bigger heart not to get jealous and cut off the only connection to your past and humanity. Your heart warmed when you saw pictures of their babies, noting all the resemblances in their features, and mused about what kind of face your child would have.
It was serene.
Until it wasn’t anymore.
Perhaps it began when you received Deuce’s letter containing a photo of him and Ace in an overdue reunion at a restaurant. Your eyes, sharper from the transformation, noticed all signs of aging on their faces. Instinctively, you touched yours and felt only the youthful smoothness of the skin. You rushed to the mirror, and your stomach sank once you realized the signs would never appear in you. For some, it might be a blessing. But for you, it only served to remind you of what you lost.
Your humanity, in all its glory. Ugliness and beauty. The smoothness and the wrinkles.
And then, several years went by, until Jack passed away peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by his big family. You mourned in your office whilst clutching the letter Ace sent to you, unable to attend the funeral without messing with everyone’s schedules.
Black was the color of the Draconia family, but that day, it took on a special meaning.
Ace followed, still a mischievous man to his old age with a more tamed pride. Deuce remained as a policeman until a particularly nasty magic incident occurred, leaving Epel as your only living friend. No longer fixated on the idea of a ‘manly man’, he confessed to you that he was actually lonely. His wife had long died, and his children had all grown up and moved out of the house. You wished you could’ve visited and comforted him, but once again, duty was your obstacle.
Until you belatedly found out that Epel had suffered a heart attack after helping with his family’s farm.
“What are you thinking about, my love?”
A pair of arms hugged your swollen stomach from behind, but you remained motionless as you gazed through the window. Malleus rested his chin on your shoulder and stared at your profile.
“Nothing much.”
“You know better than to lie to me, my love.” said he, twirling a lock of your hair with his left finger. “If you have a problem, you can talk to me and we shall find a solution together.”
Malleus wouldn’t understand that the problem you had was beyond repair, and you feared his response should you reveal the truth.
“All of my friends died, Malleus. Except Sebek, but he’s just a guard to me now.”
“Humans have always had short lifespans.”
You flinched, and you wondered why you reacted that way when you were basically near immortal now. Perhaps some human instincts hadn’t fully disappeared yet.
“I miss them.”
Malleus fell quiet, and your heartbeat slowly picked up with each second passed in silence.
“It is a normal reaction,” he drawled as though empathy was something unfamiliar to him. “and you’ll get over it in due time.”
You wetted your lips, preparing yourself to ask the question that had been haunting you.
“What would you do… if I were to go home?”
“You don’t think I’d allow you to do it, do you?”
You stiffened in his embrace.
“… What?”
“Crowley had always been very slow when it comes to finding your way home, but he hadn’t completely stopped until I ordered him otherwise.”
Your stomach dropped.
“Luckily, you learned that it was futile to place any hope on him, so I wouldn’t have to inform you anything.”
“Why? Because we were meant to be together, of course. The moment you agreed to be my lover is the moment you agreed to be mine forever.” Malleus sighed blissfully, tightening his hold on you. “And it doesn’t really matter whether you accepted my proposal or not, although it does make everything a whole lot easier. I don’t wish to hurt you, after all.”
You were mistaken. You were horribly mistaken. There was no happily ever after in marrying him. Financially, yes, but mentally? Literally?
“What about my friends?”
“I told you, they’re humans. They have terribly shorter lifespans than ours. Therefore, I don’t need to worry about them so much. Not when they’ll die sooner or later.” Malleus hummed, swaying your body in an invisible yet haunting tune. “Although, of course, I still have to supervise all of your correspondence.”
It was understandable, and you should’ve expected it. Some letters might contain threats, however unlikely it was, and Malleus was merely ensuring the safety of everyone involved. But the knowledge that he read everything that you wrote to them – intimate things that you were more comfortable sharing with your friends than your husband – unnerved you.
Maybe it was why he spent more time with you when you complained to Deuce about him being busier nowadays.
“Now, don’t overthink about the past. You’ll upset our baby.”
He caressed the bulge in your stomach, where the long-awaited child resided.
A shame that you couldn’t share baby pictures with your friends, not even the news of your pregnancy.
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merakiui · 3 months
Hi! This is my first time asking someone in Tumblr, so I don't know if this is the right place to ask or is this a place to make a request only?
But I have a question regarding tips on writing fanfic or the twisted wonderland character in general.
1) How do you write the characters personality in the fic? Do you have to do a lot of analysis characters before writing it?
2) How can you describe the moments and the vibes especially the creepy and angsty moments so well? It is as if you're in the story yourself!
3) How can you get such a good and unique ideas?
4) I love your fics! It's so amazing that I've always check up your ramblings to see new stuff! Also, you're so funny it's cute
Hi hiii!! :D this is the right place to ask all things! Thank you for your questions! I love rambling about writing, so I'm happy you're curious.
1.) I often study their canon habits and interactions to see how well that translates into yandere. In twst's context, there's a lot of potential (considering many of the cast are inspired from villains and the storylines have gotten dark on plenty of occasions). I also just enjoy analyzing characters!!!! It's so fun to look at them individually but also the dynamics and connections shared between other characters as well as their backstories and motivations. If it's a character I haven't written much of before, I'll do more research and analysis beforehand. When it comes to book 7, I've held off on spoiling myself as best as I can and diving into the plot because I want to be surprised when it comes to English. orz which is why I've yet to write anything in-depth for Silver, Lilia, and Sebek.
2.) Aaaa I'm glad it feels immersive! I look at it objectively and try to imagine what someone might do in a certain situation. It varies by character and personality, but then it's also fun to consider the various ways in which paranoia or anger or angst can take someone. I've felt raw, paralyzing fear before in the past, so sometimes I draw from my own experiences when writing those sorts of strong, all-consuming emotions! I also think the setting can help add to the overall atmosphere and feeling in a story. Using the weather to reflect emotions in characters, using the scenery to juxtapose something horrible with something happy, using the allure of various settings to add to the romance or heartbreak, etc etc. There are so many elements to a story that can be played with to get the desired emotional effect!!!
3.) I think it's just in my nature to tell stories. I adore writing and coming up with new ideas. >w< I'm always looking at things through a creative lens hehe. Most of my ideas are the product of my thinking too much or considering a simple subject in a complex light. I like being able to add unexpected twists to the plot.
4.) THANK YOUUUUU!!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ I'm immensely flattered you would tune into my ramblings. And thank you for thinking I'm funny! This is arguably the highest compliment anyone can bestow upon me. I greatly enjoy being a court jester and making others laugh or smile. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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juno-of-wonderland · 11 months
Hello, have you been well?, I hope so.
posso encomendar um Lilia x FEM!reader?
Like, Lilia is supposedly having a "midlife crisis" after realizing that MC/yuu is younger and has more "current" tastes(like she would be looking for piercings and tattoos and Lilia would be like "ah, these young people nowadays
(acho que seria uma boa ideia se MC/Yuu fosse maior de 18, justamente por causa da diferença de idade entre os dois)
I'm sorry if the writing is confusing/or I asked for something outside the rules, English is not my native language and I used Google to translate the site..
I'm fine, thanks for asking and don't worry about the text ^^ English is also not my native language and I make a lot of mistakes, but let's get to your request.
Lilia Vanrouge
-Llilia and you are already formed -he works at the castle and you are attending university -Lately you've felt the urge to change your look, maybe buying top blouses, cutting your hair, getting piercings or getting tattoos -one day you shared this with Lilia and he had a smile on his face -"my dear would look beautiful anyway" he said like the devoted boyfriend that he is for his girlfriend -you were super happy about it, but Lilia's behavior started to get… strange -sometimes he would come home with crazy ideas like practicing extreme sports and having change his appearance with you -he also started talking a lot about his past alone or with you, he started to make your hair stand on end with him -You once heard him wondering how he ended up with a girl as beautiful and amazing as you, that worried you a lot, Lilia wasn't insecure -You also had a fight over Lilia buying an expensive motorcycle, he doesn't even know how to drive it! -one day you cornered him against the wall and asked what was going on -he confessed that he was thinking he was old and he didn't want you to date a boring and outdated old man -you came to realize what was going on and assured him that none of it was true -you did everything to make him feel good and loved -"thank you, you are the wisest girl in the world, who knew I would sink so low, ah~ love does so many things" he chuckled at the end
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ryuichirou · 1 month
Talking about brocons, people being annoying and other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
I’m sorry when did someone call Idia a brocon in canon?!? 👀
Asking for reasons….
It happened in Book 5, Episode 5-13, near the end of the episode! As Cater and Lilia were explaining the Shrouds’ situation to Yuu and guys, Grim commented that Idia is a total brocon, or something among the lines lol
Anonymous asked:
Cater saying he wants to date Vil + Cater's union birthday saying he wants Vil as a brother = canon brocon Cater methinks
Oh my god… Cater really said ���but what if Vil is my brother AND we’re dating”. This boy is either very confused or very kinky, probably both 😔
Anonymous asked:
the Asim siblings are so interesting, like, are they close to eachother? how can they keep track when there are so many of them? what do they think of Kalim, do some of them resent him? are some obsessed with him? the latter in particular gets funnier if you have other siblings that instead decided to follow in their big bro's footsteps and joined the Jamil fanclub. the two groups would argue endlessly about who's better. than add in a third group that just likes them both and might even ship kalijami...
now that I think about it, I've seen some fanworks where Kalim tries to convince Jamil to call him onichan. would that make him a brocon? I guess for Kalim it's less about the idea of having Jamil as a sibling, and more about him being someone that Jamil can rely on without needing too many formalities between them, and the first thing that comes to mind is an older brother... Keep dreaming Kalim, the dude literally sees you as a toddler to babysit!
Hmm, I think they aren’t super close, but those who are closer in age are more likely to be friendly with each other + those who have the same mom (let’s be honest, there is no way all of the Asim kids were born by one lady). And the younger ones probably love Kalim much more than the older ones, both because he is better at connecting with kids + because the older ones technically still have a chance to take Kalim’s place if they’re lucky. But they’re never openly antagonistic; the “default” state for all of them is that Kalim is their beloved older brother that is always playful, fun and kind.
There absolutely are some of the Asim siblings that are obsessed with Kalim and THERE ABSOLUTELY ARE some of the Asim siblings that are obsessed with Jamil!! Imagine looking at Jamil your whole life and not getting obsessed?? lol Jamil would probably think that his own little Asim fanclub is the worst thing to ever exist (having Kalim only is troublesome enough…), but wait until he learns about the KaliJami fanclub… Kalim’s little sisters watching these two always being together and being closer to each other than Kalim is to his actual real brothers? They absolutely ship them lol
Kalim really is such a toddler though… And while I don’t think his wish to see Jamil and himself “as brothers” is in any way related to anything brocon-like, I do think that he really wants to express that his bond with Jamil is special.
Alright, now we’re entering the people-are-annoying territory.
Anonymous asked:
Normally I'd ignore the "don't sexualize the underage pixels" crowd but I love overanalyzing things and could write a mini essay on them (It's weird but I might do that, could be fun).  The thing that stands out most is the obvious hypocrisy.                                                          Kids kids kids, if you play TWST you don't get to say this stuff.  Even if you don't know it's for adults or who Yana Toboso is, look at the cards!  The game itself sometimes sexualizes its own characters!  Even the first and second years!  You harass the fans but give the creators' a free pass?  You're not saying "it's wrong to sexualize fictional minors!" you're saying "it's wrong to not make money off of your thirst!" and "it's only wrong if I don't like the final product!"  You're not mad that adults are creeps, you're mad that they're not pimps!  If the developers ever publicly distance themselves from certain fans, you guys will be the ones called out, not the people who simp over Ortho and freely admit it
Yeah, Anon, this is one of the most annoying things. When they cancel a piece of media + an author + everyone who enjoys the same piece of media, at least it’s somewhat consistent. Still quite stupid, but it’s not trying to sit on two chairs at once. But when they harass artists and writers that are doing fan-content for a piece of media, but then completely ignore when the said piece of media does it… I always remember that twitter argument about how Ortho isn’t shota-bait and therefore the antis have all the rights to enjoy twst since they aren’t weirdos, plus all the endless talks about how Ciel isn’t at all sexualized in the manga and how there is nothing at all sensual in the way the official manga art for Kuroshitsuji is drawn… at times things that they say sound honestly quite concerning (i.e. things that they consider platonic or fatherly), and if I didn’t know for a fact that these people are just bluffing, I would’ve become worried about their own life experiences. But yeah, thankfully, this is just them trying to punish people for thirsting for twst characters and then somehow do it themselves without being called out for it. They enjoy that piece of media critically, which means they’re off the hook! Not like the “weirdos”!
I had a point to make, but I just got salty lol
Also yep, you’re completely right: the developers/the authors tend to distance themselves from the type of fans that ultimately negatively impact the enjoyment people get from their product, and it’s never the type of people who ship characters and draw smut with them. Really makes you think.
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epictacobird · 1 year
Demon Slayer!Mc thoughts
(Pretty angsty btw, dark themes, it’s literally demon slayer lol, no spoilers here)
this is the longest I’ve ever kept one idea in my head I’m scared
I cant stop thinking about an mc from demon slayer and I blame anyone whose ever written angst for an mc/Yuu that came from a world worse than twst.
Like 😭
Demon slayer!mc who hates the fact that they don’t want to go home. In fact, they’re almost terrified of the day Crowley announces he can send them back (even though they have doubts it’ll ever happen)
Finally, they can live like a normal person. They are no longer in danger, overblots or not they don’t have to fear for their life every night. They have friends, and for once they don’t have to question if they will see them again. They don’t have to worry if they’ll enter the scene of a massacre, the smell of blood and fear is almost nonexistent compared to the past.
Oh but how they cry when they think about the people who sacrificed themselves for their sake. How, if they choose to stay, they will abandon the hopes and dreams they protected with their life. All the death they had experienced was for the hope of a better future, and now they find themselves willing to leave those hopes behind for a selfish desire. If they choose to stay, how many lives will be lost? How many families torn apart (literally) if they choose to abandon their duties?
And they wonder if they could ever possibly tell their friends about their past.
Sure they could, after all they know how much it shows when they jump at the smallest sound at night. But their just a bit scared of the dark!
Yeah, they stare off into space sometimes with a look that holds all the worlds terror and cries but they just look like that yk?
And hey, they promise it’s fine to get only a few hours of sleep at awkward hours of the day. Grim, don’t worry but please don’t tell anyone about how they wake up screaming and crying some nights. They promised to buy you extra tuna for the lost sleep.
And what if they learn how these demons are created? Would they understand that these creatures are far from human? Would they understand that these demons cannot be saved, and the only solution is to decapitate them?
They wouldn’t be able to stand the mistrustful and maybe even disgusted gazes of their friends.
I could see demon slayer mc’s relationship starting out very different with diasomnia too. The first interaction with Malleus was probably terrifying for them. I mean we got a non-human, horned tall man popping out of nowhere in the middle of the night.
I’d imagine they’d warm up pretty quickly though. Especially with Lilia, considering they share similar experiences. Maybe even become a training partner with Silver.
Sebek tho, they have never hated anyone more.
He talks like demons. Hating and looking down on humans for being weak and useless. Honestly, if mc is hot-blooded enough they’re throwing hands. After witnessing so many people die, so many allys give their lives for humanity, are they really going to just take that?
On a lighter note, think about how strong they are. Especially if they have heightened senses like Tanjiro or Zenitsu. Vargas loves them fr, they’re on par with beastmen and dominate in so many sports. Instant training buddies with Jack.
Imagjne Riddle or Azul (if they have a deal) trying to teach mc how to write a formal essay lmao. Especially if they’re more like Inosuke who doesn’t even know how to read
This entire thing has been rotting my brain lmao
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Hello! Could I get a romantic matchup for twst? I understand that there might be a ton of other requests, so take all the time you need :))
I'm an INFJ 1w9, Libra! I tend to change the way I act depending on the person I'm talking to, and I have this bad habit of saying what others want to hear instead of saying my own opinion,, I'm also quiet reserved most of the time. (my friends' first impression of me was that I was intimidating?? 😭) I try to keep up a good image most of the time, but I'm naturally very clumsy so my efforts are futile 😔 with the people I'm comfortable with, I'm a lot more enthusiastic! I end up being the one rambling about my interests to them and apparently I joke a lot with them. During school breaks I prefer staying in my room hanging out by myself. I get very tired of interacting with people (not that I don't like them, i just get tired!) and I need time to recover. I'm also a pretty hard worker and people say I push myself too hard sometimes 😅 I'm generally someone who's calm and not very prone to anger, but once I do get angry everything just starts to spill out.
In my free time, I like making art and do creative writing! . And if I'm not doing that, then I'm probably busy reading a book, playing RPG/Rhythm games or watching anime :) I also like to indulge myself in new knowledge? For example if I don't know much about Chinese mythology I'd end up just researching and learning more about it for hoursssss until I get a good grasp of it I really like well-written stories, RPG + rhythm games, all kinds of animals, coffee, art supplies, museums, aquariums, libraries/bookstores and shopping <3 I dislike overwhelming situations (like a loud party or fireworks) and people who are rude and inconsiderate for no reason,,
As for a partner, I'd like someone who's wits can keep up with mine, have a great sense of humor, and is willing to listen to me and understand me without judgement either— A sense of security would be nice. My love language is gift giving + words of affirmation, while I'd prefer to receive quality time and acts of service!
I'm so sorry for writing so much 😭 thank you in advance!
I match you with...
Tumblr media
What a shocker, hm? I chose Idia for you because of your shared interests and characteristics. I would've chosen Lilia, except I wondered if you'd prefer a more quiet company (who isn't surrounded by figures like those in Diasomnia). However, I did have a hard time, as Idia is pretty hardcore when it comes to his shut-in-ness.
Despite Idia saying that he'd want nothing to do with romance, we'll just say that he was a little bit emotional due to what happened in the ghost bride event, and ignore this.
Idia is the type of guy to not interact with others, and prefer to stay in his room, and since you enjoy spending time in your room, you could possibly stay in the same room and recharge together, but that's just an idea.
Gaming? RPGs? Anime? Sign him right up. Expect to go on anime binges with him, or spend the night playing games with him. While you might not be as hardcore as he is when it comes to these things, spending time with him will be satisfying, even if he would get rather embarrassed.
In the start of the relationship, it might not come as a surprise if Idia can barely look you in the eyes. I mean, someone like you with someone like him? He wouldn't be able to understand it. However, once further along in the relationship, it would be much easier to have a conversation with him.
Idia, when in the zone, can be a great conversationalist, taking some inspiration from the dating sims he plays, he'll try to do some "cringy romance stuff" if that's something you'd want, but please don't expect too much from this poor shut-in.
He most likely won't go on outings with you, but he'll gladly send Ortho with you if you need the company. You'll likely end up spending quite a lot of time with Ortho when you go outside. You'll need to accommodate for Idia's agoraphobia, but all in all, it should be a fulfilling relationship if you don't mind going into the family business with him.
Thank you for the request!! Sorry it's a tad short, I hope you enjoyed it!
Other character(s) considered: Lilia, Silver
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Had an idea that just wouldn't leave me alone; how the boys reaction to their crush blurting out their feelings for them? Like, whatever happened before that lead up to this is up to you, be it them just cracking a joke and their crush just lovingly going "this is why I love you" or maybe after the lads nearly got hurt in a fight and, in a moment of high emotion/worry, just going "it's because I love you okay?!" Either way their crush runs off afterwards because they're 110% sure it's gonna end in rejection/they didn't mean to just say it outright.
Sorry if this is confusing, my brain is just going 3am brand crazy rn ya know?
(Also!!! Love your writing!!! I'll be coming back often to see what's new lol)
Thank you!!💖💖 I hope you enjoy these!! And thank you again for all the love and support!😁
The Boys (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, and Alwin) React to Their Crush Blurting Out Their Feelings For Them
-Kyle would be surprised and shocked because after everything he's done, he just can't believe that you share his feelings for you. He's been mulling over his feelings for a while now, always telling himself that never was always the right time. But the hunter never expected you to just blurt them out.
-It was during a hunt with a deviljho. Kyle got hurt terribly, leaving you to fend the thing off. However, you were blind with fear and anger to possibly think straight during this battle. You managed to throw the foe off course, but when tending to an injured Kyle, you blurted something out that you weren't expecting.
-"I love you, you dumbass! What would I have done-"
-But you cut off the rest of your words as you realized what you had said and the look on his face. Pure shock. You couldn't stop yourself from running off of the scene because you were certain the angsty hunter was going to say something negative. Kyle tried to call out to you but didn't have the strength at the moment. But be warned, after he's healed, he will confront you on this.
-Reverto would get an air of confidence around him, finding some humor in the situation. To hear his crush say something like that out of nowhere just made him feel all special. I mean, it would to anyone really. Reverto knew his humor would pay off at some point.
-You guys were hanging around the nighttime crowd of Lulucion at one of the local taverns. It was noisy and crowded, but you guys were only paying attention to each other. Perhaps it was the slight buzz you guys were drinking or perhaps you really weren't thinking, but you said something you weren't exactly planning on saying after one of Reverto's corny jokes.
-"You see...this is why I love you!"
-You said it between laughs, but this caused the whole place to nearly go silent. At least, that's what it felt like to you. Reverto started to comment on it, but you sprang out of your seat without another word and ran. However, the hunter was quick to chase you down, trying to reassure you that you didn't have to worry about any rejection. Still, he was chasing you for a while.
-Cheval would definitely think he misheard you, but the look on your face and the fear in your eyes would tell him differently. Of course, he's been mulling over his feelings as well, but to you, it was a much bigger deal. After all, you didn't like seeing him hanging out with gaggles of people.
-You guys were at a festival where Lilia casually tagged along with the two of you. It was clear that she kind of had a crush on him as well or that's how you interpreted it. You wanted to keep your mouth shut, you really did, but sometimes it's hard to ignore that icky and bubbly feeling you get in your chest whenever you see them together. His attention was supposed to be on you, so you made sure it was.
-"Pay attention to someone who loves you Cheval!"
-Equal parts of embarrassment and shame ran through you when you noticed everyone looking at you, but Cheval most of all. He blinked a couple of times, but you ran away before he could say anything. The jealousy and fear that was coursing through your veins made you think rejection was on his mind. So, this problem could be confronted when he found you hours later hiding in an alleyway.
-Alwin would just be confused, probably thinking you meant it in some other way. I mean, how could you look at him the same way he looks at you. A wyverian and a human could never work out, that's what he tells himself. That's why, on that one day, he knew you must've meant it in some other way.
-It was just a simple day in Rutoh, you seeing him whenever he wasn't busy with something a villager requested of him. Of course, his stomach would flutter whenever he saw you. Meanwhile, you were just admiring how thoughtful and kind he is to consider everyone around him. Perhaps it was in this dreamy state when he came to see you during a break that you said what you did.
-"I love you..."
-The words were plain and simple enough that there shouldn't be anyway to confuse them with another meaning. However, you didn't know that Alwin was still processing it by the time you quickly walked away from the scene. The rest of the day went on as normal, you trying to avoid him and him still processing till nightfall came. It was then that Alwin finally clicked what you meant when you said that and he sped to find you no matter what.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
I have voice lines from each character taken from their cards, and you have to guess which character said it 🥳 No duplicates! I chose lines that mention one other character because I feel like that gives just enough context 🕺 IDK where I got the idea to do this 🤔 I think I was reading one of the character lines and I was like "hrmm this looks like something [Other Character] would say, you'd never guess [Actual Character] would say this..." & then I came up with the idea and wanted to do it bc it is FUN 🕺🕺🕺 I had a time picking these out cause god all these silly guys are so weird and unique that trying to find lines that don't immediately give away who it is was HARD, especially for characters like Idia & Rook who are incapable of saying things in a normal way JHGFDSDFGHJGFD anyway here they are, HAVE FUN. One of them is a blatant give away lol
Ow… While we were in the middle of stretching, Lilia pushed my back down as hard as he could… I even told him to be gentle.
Kalim-kun gave me crackers with a buncha different flavors. It's not a bad gift, but… I dunno, not really what I was expecting to get from him.
Diamond saw the grade l got on my test earlier. He wouldn't stop laughing at it.
I saw Jack's tsum chasing a butterfly in the hallway, and it felt odd. Most likely because Jack would never do that.
If you're not done with your assignment, maybe go talk to Azul. He'll tell you anything you want as long as you pay the price.
Trey-senpai helped me with washing the dishes. He said that it was in lieu of a present, but I feel bad having a senpai do that for me.
Malleus gave me some rare herbs he had that grow in Briar Valley. He remembered me mentioning that I couldn't get my hands on any.
I'm starting to think Coach Vargas speaks an entirely different language. Maybe I'd understand him if I took Animal Lang before Flying?
Silver trains every morning. That dedication of his is something to be admired.
Hey, next time let's go to the town at the base of the mountain. I want to try out the outfit coordination tips that Vil-senpai taught me.
Aren't you in the same grade as Sebek? What do you think about him? Isn't his voice the most annoying you've ever heard?
Epel gave me a jacket with a tiger embroidered on it. It has different colors than his. Maybe sometime we can get together and match each other!
Apparently, Ortho-kun and his tsum watched a science fiction movie together. If I were to watch m something with my tsum, I wonder what movie we should select?
Leona-kun's tsum was walking toward me, and I felt this mysterious aura around it. I almost jumped out of its way without thinking!
When I handed Grim-san a flower, he immediately ate it. All I wanted was him to say it was pretty…
The portrait that Rook sent of me… It's not terribly made but, when I think about how he was constantly observing me, I feel uneasy.
When I invited Jamil to my party, he grew suspicious and asked "What's the catch?" …And here I only wanted to get along.
I want figure out the secrets behind Ace's magic tricks, but he's too good that I can't see through it. Grr…
Riddle got really passionate when we were talking about the treats for Halloween earlier. Sweets are just amazing, aren't they?
Idia-kun seems to be in good spirits when he's in costume. There's no need to check under his pumpkin head to confirm it. His footsteps sound different than usual.
The terrarium that Jade gave me is so lush and green that it looks like an oasis. It reminds me of back home!
Epel from Pomefiore… Despite how he looks, he seems like a man of strong will. It makes me want to cheer him on.
JFLDSKJFKDLSF JUMPSCARE IN MY INBOX HI FELIX omg a game MADE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!! <- i love. quotes and categorizing and guessing sdjklfjdsklfjskdljfkdlsjf WAHOO!!!!!!!! god you are so right about idia and rook LOL omg i'm excited let's GO!!!
Literally pausing the fic i was writing and putting my answers in a google doc bc i know im gonna talk Forever on every guess and i dont trust tumblr or my internet to stay up long enough in this ask while i Go Crazy fjksljf <- little did I know I would be doing this over night also LOL 
Putting under a readmore bc I Went Crazy. SORRY. 
Final answers are BOLDED!!!!
Trey. i remember this one lol. probably his PE card!!
hmmm sounds like cater? for one of his birthday cards. i can't remember many people who call the second years -kun besides cater and i think ruggie, and i dont think ruggie would complain about food. i remember he likes giving grim crackers kflsdjkfld but thats not really how grim talks 🤔 i'm not sure exactly which bday card it is tho. i dont think it's the union card bc i have that one, so i think it's either his first suit or third bloom card? BUT THEN AGAIN ruggie might complain about crackers bc he wanted something expensive…… yeah ok im going with ruggie actually!!!
omg im pretty sure this one is beloved son juice spade. i def remember reading that one lkjsdfjlksd and i know juice calls most of his seniors [last name]-senpai. i think it was either his standard card or his dorm card but i dont remember which one wrong. Juice is later. This has to be ace?? God are you sure you only picked one quote for each person JKFLDSJKF
kdkjlsfjkldsf omg this one's stumping me!! idk why my first thought was jade LOL jade or riddle. but this has to be someone who had a tsum in the same event as jack, and jade didnt have his til tsum 2 so it cant be him. i think?? i think riddle. riddle tsum card. wait are we all heartslabyul cards first is this in order- not riddle. Umm. sebek???
ok nvm. my first thought would be one of the tweels and it sounds too Average Polite to be floyd.”maybe go talk to azul” FLOYD WOULD NEVER!!! Well maybe he would. Actually he might if hes being a little bastard “ehehe maaaybe talk to azul huh~” TONE IS EVERYTHING AND I CANT HEAR!!! Im going with jade!! I dont know which card jfklsdjkfs i should bc i god jade’s dorm card recently!! But i havent groovied it yet and tbh i dont think ive even set it in my home screen yet bc i was still going wild trying to get masquerade cards fklsdjkfls. Its probably either his dorm or standard uniform card. It feels like a standard uniform thing but tbh i do not know!! No actually im going with floyd. I think the lack of tone is throwing me off and hes being a goober. And i have too many jade guesses elsewhere!!!
6. Wait fuck this one sounds like juice but im SO sure juice was earlier with caycay [spoiler alert no he wasnt i just glanced at #12 HELP-]. And ace would never feel bad about free labor LOL jkfldsjklfjdkslfj… omg wait. Birthday card… who duos with trey…. I know epel is with him on one but im p sure that’s trey’s union birthday card. I could half cheat and just look up who has a bday duo with him but I CAN DO THIS PROCESS OF ELIMINATION!!!it feels like a first year quote but also i suppose a second year could say it. I was gonna say probs a union or bloom card bc it feels like one he’d interview for at the party but i dont know?? Who did you interview, trey…  but maybe it wasnt an interview bc they kinda just show up at each others parties!!! Maybe it was jamil actually?? I think he calls  the third years senpai… im between jamil and epel bc i havent guessed jamil for anyone but idk my first thought was epel…….. but now I’ve gone and picked Epel for something else so I’m picking Jamil!! Idr which bday card. One of the first two I think bc it sounds familiar to me. 
7. Fuuuuuuuuuuck i have heartslabyul brain disease this one sounds like riddle 😭 but also jade!!! Wow they really are Similar, Kind Of ldksjflksdjk IM GOING WITH JADE. FOR NOW. except what if this is vil. It could be vil. Herbs for potions. Im going to die here. Ok I picked Jade for something else so I’m picking Vil now actually. 
8. Uhhhh uhhhh ummm an unathletic character LOL. maybe azul or idia… im going with idia jfksdljfk oh oh and if he shortened it to animal lang, that sounds like something idia would say?? [remembering engtwst where he said rollo was Throwing A Tanty fisjkfjesjlf] ok yea lets go with idia!!
9. Ummm. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm. Um. come back to me 🚶 I’m in back uhhh I haven’t said sebek or malleus for anyone. And I mean sebek I feel like cant compliment silver without also being a bitch in the same breath so perhaps malleus? Yeah actually makes sense bc malleus calls most everyone by their last name except people in his dorm and tbh idk who else would comment on silvers training like that (except maybe juice or jack but. Begone!!!)
10. You know what’s killing me. I recognize a lot of these lines. I just. Cant remember who said them kfdlsjfklejlfe THEYRE GONNA TAKE MY TWST STAN CARD AWAY!!!! Sounds like something theyd say in the fairy gala event? Bc thats where vil was helping a bit?? Maybe kalim… or silver… UHHH… and I can’t narrow it down more bc I’ve gone thru by now and all I have left are those two and lilia and he said senpai!! Wait does Kalim say senpai. I am p sure silver does but I don’t actually remember if Kalim does!!!! Silver??? Silver fairy gala is that you????
11. HELLO????????? SDJKFLDSJKLFJSD WHO’S BULLYING SEBEK HELLO???? Sounds like firstyear warfare but this is clearly an older student talking. God im slacking i havent read as many of the newer card lines/some of the dorm ones that came out later. i  was gonna say lilia til he went ISNT HE SO ANNOYING. Lilia would nev- well. I guess it depends on the tone kjfslfs lilia might say hes like. Lively or something. I could see a fan translation being like “haha hes so annoying :)” but like who else would be asking about sebek besides someone in his dorm… sounds too blunt for malleus but i havent read his or like any of the diasomnia dorm lines since they came out later AUGHH omg… and god wait what if it’s general lilia hes meaner!!! But i feel like “hey what grade are you in” isnt something hed say At War lfksjee. actually I’m picking leona for this one. Resident diasomnia hater and all around cranky bastard- WHAT IF IT IS GENERAL LILIA THOUGH. WHAT IF THATS THE LILIA LINE TO THROW ME OFF I haven’t looked at that card at all yet bc I was behind on catching up to main story when it came out!!! I could look now but I’m waiting til I’m done with the quiz LOL omg. Ok no I’m keeping Leona bc the other 3 remaining quotes I have do NOT fit him shfnfnfbfnfnf
12. HELP THIS ONE IS JUICE NOT THE OTHER ONE!!!! I remember they talk about cool jackets in juice or epel’s PE card story. And eppy duos with juice’s first bday card so i think?? It’s that one?? Why am I doubting myself tho. Like I know they talk about it in a pe card and I’ve literally seen fanart of them with matching jackets. But what if it’s ace LOL but no I’m sticking to juice!!
13. The. the language sounds like jade. Help why is everyone heartslabyul or jade. Im going to cry why is this So Hard IM PICKING TSUM JADE!!!
14. J. jack?? Ive read this line. I have!!! Tsum Jack??? WAIT NO HE LITERALLY SAID LEONA KUN. was it tsum cater???? Man who tf was in the first tsum event I need to check again bdbcbcbnfbg but i think it was tsum cater!!!
15. FJKSDFJKDSLJLFDJLS i think ive read this one too but WHO 😭flowers… fairy gala?? Who says grim san besides probably jade… this doenst sound like a jade line…. OOH WAIT maybe fairy gala ortho?? Bc i can’t think of anyone else that might say GRIM SAN and also go “I wanted him to say the flower was pretty :(“ idk ortho says everyone's full name and grim doesn’t have a full name, maybe he calls him -san
16. God this could be almost anyone. I have not read this line before ljfsjeklkfjekkjjskkjejf or wait??? Idk maybe i have now im doubting everything but maybe vil??? Like who else would rook send a painting to where they’d be like only mildly concerned [i mean maybe trey but i already know treys line LOL]. but i mean vil knows rook’s always watching him… is he really That Surprised… MAYBE EPEL????? Yeah ok I’m going with Epel I ended up picking vil elsewhere and he’s just the right bit of “rook does some strange things but i guess it’s ok….” And I think rook would get a painting of his beloved son LOL
17. Azul’s first birthday card fklsdjfklsdjfsldkf jKLDFSJF another one im 100% sure about LOL. azul 🤝trey => having very specific lines i remember LOL. but you know i know this one 🕺
18. HFDSFKJLDSJ UMMM. jack????? Maybe?? Going grr… i thought it could be GRIM but since you said he’s not an option. Wah. cries. Omg. ace did cheat at cards in jacks robes card so im going with that one
19. Help that’s so cute i love you riddle rosehearts. Omg. um. Umumum god there were so many halloween cards. idia is the only character that i remember besides riddle that loves sweets so maybe idia?? But idia def calls him riddle-shi and i cant remember how consistent he is w/it. Tbh this kinda sounds like kalim kflsjdljbut also it made me think of silver?? Like idk why i could just hear him being like 🧍sweets are amazing arent they 😐 LOL. Hmm. Kalim silver or lilia. Idr if lilia uses honorifics… ok ok ok now we are down to Kalim or lila for 19 and 21 HELP LOL!!!! I could see either of them being like haha how fun ^.^ but also I know(?) Kalim likes sweets and I know lilia doesn’t like Specifically Marshmallows…. But maybe he likes other sweets…ok I can’t dwell forever I’m piling Kalim but my runner up guess is lilia lol. 
20. Who says idia kun…. Besides cater and maybe lilia idr…. But i guess sometimes he doesnt though so yeah I think rook? I’ve read this line before too I just CANT REMEMBER!!! 
21. Oasis…… k… kalim??? OASIS MAKER!! Sounds way too excited to be jamil. Idk who else is associated with oasises but also lush and green…  UMMMMMM. I DUNNO im going with kalim even tho i remember sand in his hometown event lol. But also at this point I’ve narrowed it down so much that it could be either Kalim or lilia. Enough enthusiasm to be one of them and lilia’s home is green I guess?? More terrarium -like to me djfnfngn the word oasis is throwing me off but also lilia has traveled the world and has probably seen an oasis… but would it remind him of home… but would Jade give Kalim a terrarium… I feel like he’d give it to lilia?? I also feel like I probably read this line when looking for Jade and lilia mischief evidence or something once lol. But I could’ve been looking for second year friendship. Or just looking at voice lines LOL omg Ugh who are youuuuu. Ok same as 19, I have to choose LOL I’m locking in lilia but my second choice in my heart is Kalim
22. Wait fuck UGH this sounds like groom outfit riddle!!! Im like. Almost positive thats a groom riddle line!!!! I remember him saying he wants to support epel!!! Unless it was groom ace… but im pretty sure it was riddle??? GROOM RIDDLE!!!
ok i had to stop doing the auto numbered thing and manually type them bc tumblr got mad at how many characters i had in that huge chunk LOL AUGH i. ok. i think i kept them ordered properly tho.
This was psychological warfare but still Very Fun!!!! I love going Bonkers over Characters and GUESSING GAMES!!!!
This taught me that it’s been too long since I’ve read certain lines and that there are a lot I need to catch up on. I’ll be on the wiki later reading the rough Everything character by character 🕺🕺🕺‼️‼️‼️
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linawritestwst · 1 year
hello!! can i request a twst matchup pls?? ty!! my pronouns are they/them and im intp-t and my zodiac sign is virgo.
my pronouns are they/them and im intp-t and my zodiac sign is virgo. 
my personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too 
my hobbies/likes includes writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt especially analog horror, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love matcha green tea, i also like dark clothes, i like simple baggy sweaters and jeans, i really love a meadow full of lavenders 
my dislikes are loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), worms, hot weather, arrogant people 
what i look for in a partner: someone loyal and kind, will be there for me through thick and thin, someone who i can trust since i have trust issues
i would prefer not to date someone who is a cheater, playboys bcos i really despise those kind of people, secretive, someone who doesnt appreciate me, abusive, toxic in general.
i also prefer not to be match with the first years bcos i only view them in a platonic way but second and third years are okay!! ty!! 🍂💫
YAY I'M A VIRGO AND INTP-T TOO LET'S GO!! and i hope you like your matchup!
the character that i think would be a good partner for you is..
malleus draconia!
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i'll explain why i chose him:
you don't have to worry about being "too shy" or anything like that when you're with malleus. you don't have to talk a lot or act in a more extroverted way if you're uncomfortable, but if you're in the mood for that, malleus would love to hear your thoughts and talk more. and oh, people think you're intimidating too? he sure can relate to that. and please, don't think of yourself as a burden to him. don't push him away, you have no idea how happy you actually make him.
malleus would find your observant nature quite interesting as well and he would think that it's amazing how you're capable of noticing the small details that no one else would think about. he finds your interests and hobbies fascinating, you sound like one of the smartest people he's ever met. and hello?? you love abandoned places too?? that's it, most of your dates are going to be you two visiting places like that now. haha, don't worry though, malleus is probably definitely gonna try to come up with something else. also he can be your dark academia bf
malleus would be a very loyal partner, he doesn't want you to feel as lonely and left behind as he feels sometimes. he's still learning how relationships work, so he may ask lilia for advice and he may make mistakes sometimes, for example, he may be a bit clingy since you're so precious to him, but he's willing to grow as a person and learn how to be a better partner for you.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
Anon Sent
This is a little long, bear with me.
I think you’d get along with Trey and Silver just because they’re very chill people. They feel like the type that’d wholeheartedly listen to you ramble about your story ideas and praise your voice readings of various literature.
Even if Silver doesn’t understand at first I think he’d sincerely listen to you as long as you’re willing to explain to him. Even if he doesn’t understand in the end I think he’d appreciate and admire your passion for the subject, being able to relate to it with his own passion in protecting his family. If you read to him, he may fall asleep in the middle which he’d be very sincerely apologetic for but he’d also acknowledge how soothing your voice was and would be willing to listen to you again and try his best to stay awake. He may never succeed in that but at least you’d have a nap buddy and audience of cute forest critters. Listen I think he’d tried most forms of coffee before so if you’re into that go to him for advice. While he may not have the pickiest tongue to tell the subtle differences, he can at least point you in the direction of better tasting ones. He probably buys so many bags of coffee they’d go bad before he can finish them so expect him to ask you if you could help him finish them and give you free coffee. Free coffee!
Trey on the other hand would probably patiently listen to you when the two of you are baking together or even having tea time/trying out his new creations. Who knows maybe you’d end up inspiring him to make a new recipe or he’d inspire your next story. If you choose to bounce your ideas off him, he’d probably sheepishly smile and say that he may not be the best person to ask because he doesn’t know too much about writing but he’d be willing to help. He’s being humble but I think he’d be better than he claims. He seems like he’d be a careful listener that’d pay close attention to your words and ask questions when he doesn’t understand. He won’t comment on things he’s not confident about but when he does you can bet it’d come in useful whether its his life experiences (running a bakery, sibling anecdotes, etc) or his hobbies (baking, science club facts, selective breeding plants to bake with, dentist facts, etc). When you’re feeling upset I think he’d turn on his big brother mode (the one he turns onto Ace/Deuce sometimes) and without pressuring you too much would try to brighten up your day by asking you to try his new tart or talk to him about your hobbies.
I genuinely think they are two of the nicest people in NRC that won’t be in your face about it (*cough*Kalim*cough*, Ortho to a lesser extent, Ace/Deuce/Rook/Lilia). To be honest, the two of them rank towards the bottom of characters I’m interested in just because their personalities don’t stand out too much among the colorful cast of TWST. Of course that’s only fictionally, in real life I think they’d be some of the most reliable best friends you could ever have. Octotrio, though I love you all deeply with a passion that made me collect all your cards, I would run away from you in real life. No offense.
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Ah Silver. His temperament would be a soothing balm compared to the rest of the college. I actually don’t know much about him, most of what I know comes from the way he speaks. Once I do figure out that he attracts forest critters, I would go out of my way towards him to pat them. If they let me of course. I will not help to wake him up unless he’s about to be late for class or something. Yeah, Trey does strike me as patient listener, but is also willing to be comfortable in silence since I will just, have an empty brain while I’m cooking. I go into autopilot usually. Often he does play down his own knowledge and abilities, but he can hold his own pretty consistently. Granted, he’s a little too aware of his own weaknesses, and in his head it’s rather obvious to him what his weaknesses are when they’re not that obvious. Oh the octotrio. Interesting as they are, the danger they pose is too much for most of us. They’re pretty closed off to forming more bonds unless you benefit them in some way or another. You had to have been around them at certain points in time but now that that period is over, it’ll be pretty difficult to try and get into their circle without you being just a “pros and cons” person. Kinda sad to see that he doesn’t see any value in us despite from an entirely different world, but I suppose that’s expect since just knowing something doesn’t mean it’ll churn out money.
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