#i’m just annoyed w this general attitude
transcarcinization · 7 months
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i kind of dislike this post because i know the less memeable symptoms of adhd tend to be responded to poorly by people without adhd but i have adhd* and yeah the stuff i’m gonna mention in public about it is going to lean way more towards the ‘ooh shiny object’ side of the spectrum. this is how people talk about their mental illness around strangers sometimes. someone making their adhd seem lighthearted and fun does not mean they do not have adhd, sometimes it just means they don’t know you and don’t want to get into the worst bits
*professionally dx’ed, with several years of therapy and medication about it, although i don’t think you need that to know you have adhd
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sigilcatt · 2 months
Sebastian x Reader where they don't have enough data so they just ask if they can pay w/ a kissy?
zomg this is so cute???
{reader is GN}
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So far, the totality of this expedition sucked.
Signing up to fetch some stupid crystal for your freedom sounded like a flawless idea, sure. If you dismissed the plethora of creatures making an effort to kill you along the way. (Not like the people who sent you here cared, mind you.) You were chastised for any mistakes, even though they refused to even inform you about the opposing dangers to begin with. It was more of an…inconvenience if you happened to fail.
Regardless, between having to avoid possesed lockers, shadowy figures, and whatever those god-awful anglers were, you thought you were pretty damn good at this.
You’d managed to stay alive so far, approaching yet another door, this one marked “43.”
Hopefully this one would be easier than the last..
Gently slipping a thin, blue keycard inside the reader that had been installed into the door, waiting for it to hiss open with a scowl on your face. The door parted and swept aside, revealing yet another dark hallway before you.
Dammit, You thought with a groan, fumbling around in your bag to retrieve your flashlight. It was already low on juice, and of course, you had no batteries on you. Just your luck. Shaking it awake, the warm golden light illuminated the absolute mess of the corridor; large crates looked as if they’d been violently thrown across the room, one even appeared to have left minor damage to one of the many thick pipes lining the walls to your left.
Plus the considerable ragged clawmarks that laced the floor, but it was better to ignore those, no?
Taking a few deep breaths, you forced yourself to stray deeper into the space, your light scanning over each and every crevice. You weren’t about to risk letting anything jump out at you.
Except for the vent grille, apparently.
An earsplitting smash reverberated throughout the chambers as it rammed against the nearby wall, bouncing back for a mere second before collapsing onto the floor.
“What the hell-?!”
Out of shock, you dropped your flashlight, the generous amount of light you’d been given now gone as it rolled away from your feet. As you scrambled to pick it back up, a voice echoed through the vent opening.
“Got something for you.”
You narrowed your eyes at the small gap, quickly realizing who it was with frustation bubbling in your gut.
Sebastian. That 10ft sea monster that lingered around these areas, offering you useful supplies in exchange for data. You rolled your eyes with a sigh as you got on your knees, wincing with discomfort as you made your way through the vent to see him.
Of course it was him. Who else would it be? As much as he annoyed you with his unwarranted attitude and sass, he was still…nice to be around. Made things less lonely.
“Ah, you, welcome back.” He greeted, though of course laced his voice with sarcasm. “Really thought you’d be dead by now.”
“I’m more capable than you think, Seb,” You retorted, crossing your arms as you glared up at him, almost actually insulted he doubted you.
His long, grey, scaly tail sat curled against the wall, his selling items neatly attached to it. He scowled right back at you, demonstrating his usual toothy grin as his fins twitched slightly. “Sure.” He hissed softly.
You ignored him, browsing his wares with tired eyes. You approached his tail, ripping off a silvery flashlight and examining it. Without a second thought, you stuffed it into your bag and began to leave.
“Where are you going?” Sebastian scoffed. Abruptly, his wide tail clasped over the vent opening, preventing you from leaving. “You haven’t paid. You must actually be stupid, huh?”
“You owe me!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms into the air. “You scared me and made me drop my first flashlight. Now its’ broken, thanks.”
“Oh dear, really?” Sebastian hissed, feigning concern in his voice.
You groan in frustration as the sarcasm hit you, yanking your bag open to find any data you’d collected along the way. You were hoping to get this interaction over with, if he was going to be this sassy.
You stared into your palms, which held a few scraps of data, some of which were even broken during your travels. Whatever it was, you definetly did not carry enough to afford anything.
Sebastian laughed softly, seemingly observing this as well. “Too bad, then. That’s really embarrassing, I might add.”
“Wait, seriously?!” You clamored, desperate to leave here with something. “I can figure something out!”
“We had a deal. One you agreed to, in case you forgot. Either you pay, or you get nothing, sweetheart.” He added the taunting nickname with a scoff, reaching to take your bag from you.
You leapt away, knowing he’d tear it to pieces with his claws, even if he was trying to be gentle. Which he wasn’t, of course, but still.
“Wait, wait, I can-” You protested. An idea struck you suddenly. Not a very easy one, but it was something, at least. Oh well, what did you have to lose besides your life and freedom?
Sebastian pulled his hand away, narrow eyes boring into you as he waited for you to finish.
“How would you feel about some sort of…romantic gesture? Like, I don’t know, a fucking kiss or something?” You offered, preparing to be screamed out of the room.
But, to your surprise, that didn’t happen. He simply kept that narrow-eyed glare. At first, you thought he might not have heard you, so you drew in a breath to speak again. “I mean, come on. You think I can’t tell you at least like my presence a little? You’ve given me discounts and let me just sleep in here whenever.”
It was silent for a minute. The events you’d listed were true, however. You could recall moments when you’d just been so drained that he reluctantly allowed you to use his tail as some sort of pillow to rest with, along with the discounts on items he claimed were just him being in a “good mood” at the time.
“That desperate, are we?” Sebastian laughed, his voice yanking you out of your daydreams. He thought on your proposal for a few agonizingly long seconds before letting out a deep sigh. “…Fine.”
You let out a breath you didnt know you’d been holding, practically gripping your newfound flashlight as if it were your only lifesource. (It might as well be, considering your conditions, honestly..)
You opened your mouth to continue, though all that escaped you was a startled gasp as Sebastian lifted you off the ground. Cold, sharp claws grasped onto you with a gentleness you didn’t know he was capable of as he held you, level to his scaly face.
Your hands grabbed onto whatever part of his claws you could in order to keep yourself from falling as you stared at him with wide eyes.
“So?” He remarked with a frown. You cleared your throat with a deep breath. “Right..”
You leaned in further, pushing your hands against the side of his face as support before pressing your lips against him. Your body seemed to heat up as you did so, finding an odd sense of comfort as you let it linger for a few extra seconds.
“Mmh.” A satisfied hum escaped Sebastian as he gently curled his claws further around your body. Though the fear of falling wasn’t an issue for you right now. All you could seem to think about was the current situation, and the way it made you feel.
Eventually, you pulled away, wiping your mouth as you cleared your throat. You stared up at him, taking in the slight smirk being thrown your way.
“Good enough for you?” You asked, your voice softer than usual.
“Very,” He sighed, placing you down carefully. Your legs trembled as your feet finally touched the ground, due to the being held midair like that, and also maybe the fact that you had just kissed a sea creature you were told to avoid at all costs.
You tightened the hold on your flashlight as you stared off into space, thinking on your recent actions. Of course it earned you something, but holy shit.
In an attempt to take your mind off this, you sat down, arms wrapped around your legs as the lack of energy finally got to you. Sitting against the wall, you let out a sigh.
“Could I stay for a bit?”
“…For a few hours.” Sebastian exhaled, arms crossed as he glanced down at you.
You smiled, a silent ‘thank you’ as you let the well-deserved sensation of rest overcome you.
This was going to be an odd story to tell when you got back.
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so sorry if this is shit, /gen , I haven’t written in forever , plus im much better with hcs 💔
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celestie0 · 3 months
so are ihm gojo and kickoff gojo buff asf like post prison realm gojo or are they built like him pre prison realm cause if it’s post CHAIN ME DOWN NOWW
honestly when i both read and write for gojo i only ever picture buff gojo in post prison realm 😅 i just like guys that have nice arms (beefy biceps n strong arms in general w pretty veins <3 are literally the hottest thing ever to me) if you ever wonder “huh ellie really mentions gojo’s arms a lot in her writing 🤔” please excuse me my coochie was drenched picturing how his arms would look in the scene and i ended up subconsciously including the description in the writing
i’m not all too crazy for abs but like nice thicc arms n thighs 😫🤌🏼 and broad shoulders but a lean waist 🙈 sorry idk why i started fiending while answering this ask HAHAH
i have been sent a lot of incredible fanart that my readers have said reminded them of kickoff gojo n ihm gojo n a lot of them are really accurate to how i picture them while writing but i never saved them 🥲 so i just quickly found some pics/fanart that i think kinda represent them 😭 LOL i ended up getting a lil too into this haha sorry
yea kickoff gojo is basically cheeky post prison realm gojo w the slutty tiny waist n the athletic build n he just has that really boyish attitude all the time hahah:
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his moodboard that i made for him is also how i picture him!! and then some fanart i think kinda reminds me of him is these:
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1: @/_3aem on twt; 2: @/momoya348 on twt
pls he’s literally just black compression shirt gojo i guess HAHAHAH
for ihm gojo i think his drip n vibe is kinda similar to gojo in the baseball episode 😭 just woozy easy going suburban dad that’s just there to have a good time n can never tell when people are annoyed by him LMFAO but also he can be pretty serious mostly when he’s mad or concerned or inconvenienced (like shibuya arc gojo when he locked tf in…without the feral mania tho 💀)
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n yea some fanart on how i picture him overall:
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1: @/_3aem on twt; 2: @/tiyu0710 on twt
pls im sorry bb i know your question was such a simple one but then i just took it n RAN haha i think maybe bc i realized i’ve never actually shared how i picture them as the author?? lol so i figured i’d use your ask as an opportunity to!! hope this answers 🤣💕 much love from me!!
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diminuel · 4 days
Wanna hear something crazy re-“are these entitled commentators demanding updates actual readers?” question you just asked:
When I was in another big fandom, some…dedicated haters of the ship/character I liked would seek out BNF's and do basically what’s happening here: demand updates, criticize the characterizations but in the most wank-y way possible, etc, in order to make the creators feel like “real” fans of the ship/character hate the writer's work. More than one of the newer/younger authors&creators would end up quitting because of it! (Add to the death of real comments from real fans and the hater comments stand out waayyyyyy more ☹️, no wonder people just don’t bother after a while)
Yes this is psycho and yes it’s like, do you not have your own ships to have fun with??
(extra psychotic cus it was often by fringe members of the most popular ship (at the time anyway)?? Like, it’s ok! Go enjoy your many fan works with your ship! For bonus points the popular ship was only really a *thing* in the newest live action adaptation and in the older fan works of the original medium (comics) because they changed the canon ages and like merged 2 characters together, so they were extra like, insecure about how there were older, more popular ships in the fandom pre-adaptation or something so they deliberately went after even works that predated the adaptations and would attack it for being out of character!? Idk it’s crazy.
But once the open hatred of the ship/character didn’t work to discourage the creators/fans (and in fact would fuel the creators! or they would just delete on sight), the haters then learned hide their open hate as entitled “fellow fans” demanding updates or leaving “criticisms” of the writing. Like if an author complained in tumblr or discord to their friends of actual entitled fans of demanding updates and mentioning it hurt their drive to keep writing out of spite, these dedicated haters that literally stalked(!) these fan spaces would then start sending those same styled update demands, knowing it would drive this creator away from the hater's hated ship/character! Like, get a job! Touch grass!
So if you are in a fandom with a known amount of dedicated haters towards your ship/character (like say to the point where they have their own nickname for those shippers something like “Heckers” or “H*ll*rs), one sadly needs to be aware that haters those don't just stay in their lane, even if it is the 2nd or even 1st most popular part of the fandom! Punching up or down they justify it either way as “but they are hurting MY fav ship/character by writing this therefore I’m “justified”!” Crazy)
But also, yeah Fandom etiquette has TANKED in recent years and with the new generation because of both the rapid growth and mainstream awareness, maybe for good and bad because. Say the example of SPN, the old “don’t bring up shipping and Destiel at Cons to the actors!!” attitude has changed, for the better really! It’s no longer treated like a dirty little secret! Yay changing attitudes towards the gay community! Destiel fandom existing and creating most definitely lead to Cas continuing to be on the show and Destiel being canon at the end! But also like, you now get fans directly threatening the lives of actors/writers etc on Social Media for “sinking” their ship or playing an evil character or asking TRULY inappropriate questions at Cons, etc. so…
In conclusion, some of these entitled questions and demands for updates are 100% legitimate bad mannered fans being entitled and rude, because bad mannered fans have always existed and now fandom is sooooo big and fractured there's basically no common etiquette. And also, more then 0% of them might be obsessive haters of your ship/character mimicking the style&language of that kind of fan BECAUSE they know it makes the creator annoyed and less likely to continue writing for the ship/character they hate! Crazy I know! Either way, ignore them! If they are real fans and readers of your WIP then they are not the kind of reader you wanna creator for anyway! And they also might be crazy haters trying to smother your creative flame cus they are jealous! Do your thing!
I’m old and have followed works that got updated 10 years (!) later! A few extra days/months/weeks means nothing to me and it should mean nothing to real fans! It’s what the subscriber button is for! And also if you as a fan wanna give the author incentive to write more, leave them real and engaging comments! T'is the true, renewable energy! Not using these nasty , smelly, smog making demanding comments as fuel aka the whale oil of comments! And commenters, when writing these motivational fuelling comments, don’t even mention it’s for motivation! Heck don’t even say something like, can't wait to see more! at a certain point, just be happy it was written at all in any amount and extend that gratitude to the author (with your desire for more being your fuel for your comment!)
(But if you wanna maybe get the bad mannered fans off your back, remove any exact dates from your authors note after a while and like make a progress post on Tumblr to link to where you can just edit and add your time estimates and “announce” delays there so the poor widdle fans don’t *have* to “dig” thru pages of wonderful art and other (🙄) fandoms the poor dears. But it may also help so you feel less pressured if you don’t make yourself beholdened to a schedule, unless you like the deadlines for your own productivity lol then I just salute you. But that way you can just point to any annoying demands for updates to that one page)
Good luck! Do your thing! Enjoy a new fandom and the new creative energy it brings! A starting a new fandom gives you such a different rush/energy than an old, mature fandom for you. Neither is better or worse but it’s fun to have both! Enrich your enclosure !
Interesting and to be honest not entirely surprising? I’ve been in fandom for a long time too, so I’ve seen people be mean for no reason other than they enjoyed being mean and belittling fellow fans for enjoying their fandom differently than they did.
And you see quite a lot of stupid things in the Supernatural fandom when it gets to ship wars and slinging insults at each other. I had the feeling that I've seen everything but eh, fandom can still surprise me.
I do think people should get different hobbies than pretending to be fans and leaving mean comments to discourage others from writing. I don’t know if that’s what’s happening because who honestly cares enough about my niche A/B/O Destiel fanfic to want to sabotage it now, after 50 chapters are already out?
Just the general idea that fic or fanart of one thing is somehow eating up valuable “screen time” that should be dedicated to other fancreations (of different ships, dealing with different themes) is ridiculous in my opinion.
I could somewhat understand people being tense and overdoing it trying to prove to themselves and the creators that they are the true fans of the show and that they need to be catered to. But why put that effort towards fanworks of a show that’s been over for nearly 4 years? Prospective creators and platforms aren't going to look at AO3 and think "this random person wrote this historical arranged marriage AU, the SPN continuation should better follow its lead!"
You are completely right that I feel fandom etiquette has tanked. The barrier between fandom space and creators is just too brittle or at times even nonexistent in today’s media/ digital landscape. And social media aren't curated fandom spaces, it' all kind of things mashed together. And some people don’t seem to understand that the fanart and fanfic they scroll past on twitter isn’t “content” that is being produced to garner their attention. Likewise, my fanfic isn’t content I’m paid for to create that is just there for people to consume. It’s for fun, it’s free, it thrives on community. Nobody pays for it, which means that clicking away and ignoring it doesn’t cost anything. It’s no waste of time or money.
Anyway. I want to have fun in fandom. I try to share that fun. And sometimes I just fall down into a hole. And not just a different fandom hole... This whole year hasn’t been easy and that affects how and what I can create even though it’s not obvious what is going on behind the screen if you just look at my output.
All in all, creativity doesn’t always translate to a regular and consistent update schedule.
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f1nalboys · 4 months
since you're taking requests.. how do we feel about pegging feat. david the lost boys... i don't think i've ever seen anyone write about that and it's soo sad. missed opportunity imo
anon. i owe u my life. pegging david..... this is so delicious idk why i never thought to write it for him????? hes offcially reached pegging status everyone, thats how u know im down bad for the mf!!!! i had sm fun writing this and it took me way longer than it shouldve to write this amount of words but <3333 i hope u enjoy and thank you!!!
David x AFAB!Reader
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WARNINGS: nsfw, top!reader, bottom!david, pegging, brat taming, choking, mocking, begging, hand job, threat of edging/denial, david calls reader sweetheart, reader calls david a slut, kinda proofread (yall know me atp)
“Hurry up.” David’s voice comes muffled, but there’s no mistaking the crack in it. You snort, ignoring him as you run your fingertips up and down his spine in a futile attempt to calm him down. He moves slightly, groaning as the strap, which was settled inside him, pushes in further. “Fuck,” he moans and you watch his pale hand grab at your bedsheets. “Just move, Y/N, alright?”
You snort. “Is that how you ask?”
“You’re not fucking doing anything! I just want-”
“Does it seem like I give a fuck what you want, David?” You snap, hands gripping onto his hips and keeping him flush against you. He doesn’t answer besides a strangled noise. “You want me to move, baby?” You ask, voice teasing and soft. It makes a chill go down David’s spine, hearing you say the things he would to you. “Then you better start begging.”
He scoffs. “Y/N, I’m not fuckin’ doing that.” There’s a brief moment where David thinks this is working, that he’s gotten you to break; Your hips rock forwards slightly and he grins, his mouth open as he gasps into the bed. “There you go, w-wait, what? What’re you…?” He feels the thick base of the toy begin to slide out of him and that’s when David catches on. “No!”
David’s hands reach backwards as he sits up onto his elbow, blindly grabbing at whatever part of your body he can reach, desperate to keep the toy inside him. You smack at his hands and he whines and you know he's finally where you’ve wanted him the last hour. “Use your words.” You whisper and he groans, annoyed, but you pull out another inch and the annoyance falls away, devolving into panic. 
“Okay, okay,” he spits out quickly and you pause, a third of the strap left inside him. David cranes his neck back to look at you and in the light of your lamp you can make out the fresh tears that were brimming in his eyes. A few years ago, the very sight of him like this would have had you apologizing, trying to make amends. But now, after all your time spent with David, you knew this is what he wanted. Despite his attitude and his clenched jaw and his biting words and his general antagonism, what he really craved was to be used. The way he treated you was exactly how he wanted to be treated, and you had earned his trust to let it happen. “Please, sweetheart, just… just move, okay? Don’t pull out.”
You tilt your head at him, tsking. “That’s all? Really? I told you to beg and you give me that?” He narrows his eyes at you but keeps his mouth shut, knowing that you wouldn’t hesitate to pull out. “Try again. If you fuck up this time, we’re done.” You pout, voice dripping with mock concern as you reach around and wrap your hand around his cock, stroking him slowly, ignoring the way his elbows buckle. “And that would suck, wouldn’t it? Poor baby, doesn’t get to cum.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“You willing to bet?”
“Fuck, okay, fine.” David grunts, eyes fluttering shut briefly at the feeling of your hand around his aching cock. “Y/N, baby, please. I need it so bad, alright? You got me, shit, don’t stop.” As he begs, your hand picks up speed, thumb brushing over his tip each time. You pull a shuddering breath out of him and you feel a bead of pre-cum against your thumb and it’s like the dam breaks. His voice is cracking and high pitched, his hips moving involuntarily, pushing the strap back inside him. “Shit! There we go, just like that. Holy fuck, I can’t… I need you to move, please, baby. I wanna cum, I… I want you to make me cum, okay?
“You can take it all out on me, I swear. I’m an asshole, yeah?” You hum in agreement, still not moving your hips despite the sight of David fucking himself back on your strap, taking almost every inch. You want to, but then he wouldn’t learn his lesson. “Then fuckin’ make me take it. Shove my head in the pillow and make it hurt.” He says, his blue eyes darkening ever so slightly. He holds your gaze, a single tear slipping down his cheek. “Please.”
Your hips snap forwards harshly, plunging the silicone toy back into his hole. He grunts, head falling back onto the bed, eyes squeezed shut as you set a steady and harsh pace. “This what you wanted?” You grunt, leaning over him and placing your hand on the side of his face, shoving it further into the mattress. “God, you’re so fucking dirty, you know that baby? Just a slut, isn’t that right?” 
“Yes! Yes, I’m your slut, fuck,” he moans. Your hand is still wrapped around his cock and you stroke him in tandem with your thrusts. The position is perfect for David; he’s feeling you all around him, overwhelming each of his scenes, giving him nothing to focus on but this. You move your hand from his face, bringing it up the nape of his neck to tangle in the bleach blonde roots, and you tug. He whimpers as he listens, shakily forcing himself up until he’s leaning back against you, your hand making its way around his neck. 
“You close?” He nods desperately, grinding back against you, whimpering with each thrust. His cheeks were red, tear stains drying on his face, his eyebrows threaded together, and that same smug grin on his face. “Maybe I should stop, ya know? Edge you instead of giving you whatever you want all the fucking time.” Your thrusts get harder, your hand around his throat tightening. His eyes widen, smile faltering but you can feel his cock twitch against your palm, now slick with his pre cum. “You’re such a fucking brat, all the god damn time, I shouldn’t fucking reward you.”
The more you talk about denying him, the closer he gets. In times like this you felt more in tune with David's pleasure than your own, and how could you not? He was loud, whether he was giving or receiving, constantly moaning and grunting, filthy words flowing from his lips, and you’d have to restrain him to get his hands off of you; it was almost impossible to ignore. “So fuckin’ close, there we go, Y/N.” He grunts, voice hoarse from the grip you still had on his throat. “I need it so fuckin’ bad.”
Nipping at his earlobe, you whisper. “Come on then, slut. Cum for me.” You pull back in time to watch his eyes squeeze shut, his pink lips part into a long drawn out moan as he cums, your hand  dropping from his throat. Your thrusts slow down as he spills over your hand and you coo into his ear. “There you go, sweetheart.”
“Shut up.” David says sheepishly, out of breath, as he begins to come down from his orgasm. He settles back against you and sighs, grinning at you. “That was fuckin’ good.”
Grinning, you kiss him on the lips before trailing the kisses down his shoulder. “Alright, let's get you cleaned up, yeah?” He nods, hissing as you pull out of him. The two of you clean yourselves up and settle into your bed. “Thank god we didn’t stay at the cave; the guys wouldn’t let you live all that down, would they?” You tease, looking up at him from your spot on his chest. He snorts, cigarette loose in his lips, a glint in his eye.
“Trust me, they’ve heard worse from you.”
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mediumgayitalian · 8 months
part one
— — —
Reyna meets them right inside the borders, arms open wide the second she catches Nico’s eye. He leaves the rest of his friends to argue with Terminus – Nico stopped listening very quickly – and sprints right to her, nearly bowling her over with his enthusiasm. She laughs, holding her ground, but wraps her arms so tightly against him, squeezing, and she smells like wool and sunshine and her clementine shampoo, and just barely, chocolate. 
“I missed you,” he whispers into her shoulder, and instead of responding she just holds him tighter. 
Sometimes touch makes his skin crawl – hardly, anymore, with how touchy his friends are. Sometimes he has to remind himself that a hand on his shoulder is friendly, not trying to restrain him, that whatever annoying person who is ruffling his hair is fond of him, not mocking.
He doesn’t have to remind himself of anything with Reyna. Her touch is familiar. Her hold means safety, her hold means I watched out for you, kid, and never stopped. Her touch feels like Bianca’s, like someone who has seen him at his worst and angriest and not only loves him but respects him. 
“Hazel’s riding Arian,” she says, clearing her throat and reluctantly pulling away. 
Nico swipes quickly at his face and pretends he doesn’t want to tuck himself right back under her chin. (He is happy with his choice. Despite what he expected, he loves Camp Half-Blood. It’s home, now, in a way Camp Jupiter was never going to be. But his sisters – both of them – are his home, too, and it aches something horrid being away from them for so long.)
“Frank’s trying to chase after her, but he’s running out of fast animals, so it might be a minute.”
Nico cracks up at that image. It was clearly Reyna’s intention, because she grins, and continues, “He tried to dive after her as a falcon when they were running along the Bay, but he missed and nearly drowned himself. Or so claim the rumours, Kahale has been watching from the towers for the past hour at least.”
“Thank you for this. I’ve run out of things to give him shit for, lately, I needed that.”
“Anytime.” She flicks her gaze over at his crew of dumbasses, who have not, in fact, managed past the border in the ten or so minutes since Nico ditched. In fact, their whining and arguing is drawing a bit of a crowd. 
Or maybe that’s Leo and Lou Ellen, who have given up trying to get through and are amusing themselves by making a mini firework show. Will seems to be the only one still actually arguing with Terminus, long arms flailing as he tries to convince the god to let them in. (Well, one arm is flailing. The other is clenched in the back of Cecil’s shirt, preventing him from running off to do Zeus knows what). Piper is next to him, possibly by virtue of charming their way in, but she appears to be occupied with teaching Kayla and Austin some kind of clapping game. 
“We should probably go collect your circus.”
“I mean, we could also walk away,” Nico offers, even as he follows her towards them. “They’re capable people.” He pauses, thinking back to the sheer number of rest stops they were kicked out of on the way here. “Kind of.” And fast food restaurants. “Mostly.” And, notably, one public park. “Well, whatever. I’m sure they can figure themselves out. If we go to the cafe now, we’ll have hot chocolate to rub in Cecil’s face by the time they finally argue their way in.”
Reyna says nothing, although her mouth twitches. “Terminus,” she calls, when they’re close enough. All the squabbling and fireworks and general ruckus stops as everyone turns to look at her. “These are friends, who have come to visit. Why are they being detained?”
“Detained?!” Will squawks. “Try held hostage!”
“Back in my day you’d be whipped for your attitude, boy, why I should –”
“Oh, go ahead, Bucky Barnes, I’m real scared –”
“Your man is going to get himself smited,” Reyna comments.
Nico sighs. “He gets himself almost smited a lot, actually.” It takes him a moment to clock the entirety of Reyna’s sentence, in which time her smile becomes evil and Nico’s face matches the hue of Apollo’s sun cows. “And he’s not my man! Why would you say that! What does that even m –”
“Terminus,” Reyna says again, visibly snickering, “this group has my permission to enter the borders.”
Terminus grumbles, but he knows better to defy her. There’s a brief shimmer to the air, and then the seven of them scamper inside before Terminus changes his mind.
“What have we come to,” Terminus mutters. Will sticks his tongue out behind his head.
As the group follows Reyna and Nico towards the city, Nico squeezes her hand once and ducks back to join Will, who is still pouting. He couldn’t help his smile if he tried.
“What happened to civil relationships, Mr Diplomacy?”
“It’s not my fault!” Will cries. Nico ducks slightly to avoid his hand before he’s smacked in the face – he’s gotten smacked enough times by Will’s dramatic gesturing to become well-used to avoiding it. “I was polite, I requested entry, I had our papers, he was just a dick!”
“I think you maybe just don’t get out enough,” he says, biting the corner of his mouth to keep from laughing. It’s hard, because Will’s eye genuinely twitches. “I think Chiron was right, man. You need to be re-socialised.”
He can’t quite keep his shoulders from shaking as Will’s jaw clenches. It’s just – he is so so easy to wind up. He really is. The second you learn what buttons to push, they’re big and bright red and begging to be abused. Nico didn’t get it in the summer – but by November, he was exchanging looks with Cecil, of all people, and snickering every time they made Will stomp out of the pavilion. 
(It has, of course, nothing to do with the way his face scrunches when he glowers, or the way his blue eyes go dark and a little bit furious and a lot bit sexy. Nothing to do with the growl in his voice when he bites out “I swear to all that is holy, di Angelo,” and shudders zap up Nico’s spine. Obviously. It’s just funny.)
Will opens his mouth – no doubt to let loose a string of insults that would make Mr. D. blush – but before he can let Nico have it, a flash streaks in front of them, and a second later a gust of wind bowls them both over with a yelp.
Groaning, Nico tries to stand, but finds that he can’t. He glances up and meets Will’s eyes, milimeters from his own, and goes so brightly scarlet that he can hear Reyna’s sharp bark of “Ha!” before she clamps her hand over her mouth to keep her dignity. 
“Get off me, Solace,” he complains, but the effect is significantly lessened when his voice cracks – no lie – thirteen separate times.
Cupid, he thinks, as loudly and pointedly as he can, kill yourself.
“I’m not that heavy,” Will grumbles, getting petulantly to his feet and immediately tripping over the world’s smallest pebble. Nico covers his face and screams, very quietly, just a little. When he finally manages to drag his hands away from his eyes, the face of his sister hovers over him, grinning wickedly, dark eyes glinting.
“Wow,” she whistles, at least having the decency to keep her voice down, “Piper wasn’t kidding. You’re embarrassing.”
“Shut up,” he says halfheartedly. “Just – leave me to die.”
She laughs, and Nico smiles on reflex, because she sounds like twinkling gold bangles on a waving arm. He accepts her hand up and laces them together, squeezing gently. Her smile widens further when he leans over and presses a kiss to her cheek.
“It’s good to see you, bella. Even if you’re mean to me.”
She knocks their heads together gently. “You just make it so easy. You should try not swooning into his arms whenever he so much as smiles at you, it would help your image –”
“My image is fine –”
“ – and I heard something about a sleepover? Unsupervised? In cabin 13 –”
“That was greatly exaggerated! We passed out playing –”
“ – can’t forget the time he laughed so hard he snorted and you walked into a wall and broke your nose –”
“You weren’t even there for that! No one was! How do you –”
“Dear, dear brother,” she says, patting his head patronizingly. He's appalled with himself for leaning into the touch. “There is not a soul – living or dead – that doesn’t know about it. I was IMed by four separate people an hour after it happened.”
“I’m leaving,” Nico announces abruptly. He turns back towards the van. “I’m going back to Dad, I’m literally never leaving my bedroom again –”
“Oh, no you don’t.” She hauls him back after the rest of the group, a few yards ahead of them, still grinning. “Let’s go, Nick Gatsby. I want to watch Aeliana’s eye twitch as a vanful of noisy Greek teenagers cause a ruckus in her restaurant.”
— — —
part three
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stupd000 · 7 months
My typed reaction of Vegas BA bc everyone’s asleep
I love the guy who checks us in
Oh um don’t call me pet
Okay don’t like it so far
aw shucks i missed you too boo
no i will not come closer
ew no go away
oh nvm ig we are
wait so are we the dog or is he
okay this is getting boring
can we fuck now
oh wait nvm this is hot
oh WE’RE the puppy
that’s um
is he calling me special
no i’m not ready to play VEGA.
i have a feeling we’re not alone
or we are
okay we got some vouyers
that’s erm
don’t call me pet
excitement? no honey i’m scared
yes fear
ok can we fuck now
damn he talks a lot
stop echoing
oh don’t call me pup
oh this is some like
kinky kinky shit
how big is Vega
just in general cuz i thought he was like
6,1 and scrawny
um no my breath is oxygen not yours
this is definitely um
correct circumstances?
wardrobe?? bitch what is this Narnia
i’m kink shaming
I am not getting on all fours what the fuck
oh nvm ig we are
this is uncomfortable
this is some furry shit
UM ..!
this would be hot if i wasn’t a fucking dog
don’t shush me bitch
are we still on all fours
that’s mad embarrassing
i am not yours
I’d rather you not take care of me
this is very um
Do we have dignity
do we have any pride at all like oh my god
Don’t slut shame me bitch
oh my god.
if he says puppy one more time i’m killing myself
if he puts a fucking collar on me i’ll jump
Dog tag is crazy
“property of vega” NO.
Stop vega this is not a joke
I’m jumping off a ledge
Okay stop slut shaming me Vega
i’m insanely uncomfortable
by the way guys i made chicken alfredo today
i hate his fucking tone
don’t take that attitude w me bitch
oh wait he called me pretty nvm
this is insane
it’s 2:30 am i cannot handle this
okay so we archin
this is strange
oh my god no
no wait cuz there was this one kid who wore a butt plug tail to school it was crazy bc a guy pulled it out
This is some furry shit
not that there’s anything wrong w that live ur truth
the plug is insane
i’m actually sobbing this is NOT OKAY.
what position are they in im so confused
this is peculiar
Vega is a furry
i hate this
i hate this sm
okay no need to take that tone Vega😒
bitch we can’t breathe wtf
no i wont whine around that tootsie roll u call a dick
okay can u not choke me
don’t call me a slut you cunt
oh my god hurry up vega
I don’t love anything about this
this is insane
okay adjective king
ew don’t call me that
i am not licking the floor sir
i am not licking your boot either
lick your own fucking boot
this is actually pissing me off he’s annoying
are we almost done
Do we have no sense of shame
like at all
second hand embarrassment
okay are we done
no? okay
ew don’t call ur self master
that’s not..
the growling is insane
damn right i’m divine
ew don’t call the that
not the baby voice
stop this madness
what do you want from me WHAT DO U WANNTTTT
okay are we done
That was horrible
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fanfic-scribbles · 7 months
Dinner Date Chapter 30
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Overall Story Facts:
Fandom: MCU Captain America/Avengers
Story Summary: Steve Rogers has a girlfriend. A prickly, generally asocial girlfriend, but they make it work. They have more in common than some people might think.
Quick Facts: Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Female Reader
Story Warnings: Reader-insert that verges on OFC, written in 1st person past tense
Chapter 30: Fight Fight Fight
Chapter Summary: All couples have their problems. Some of them are just a little stranger than others– the problems, that is. …And the couple.
Chapter Word Count: 1312
A/N: This is just a weird little thing I found too funny for my own good. Similarly, the next few chapters will probably be a lot more random than usual, as I clear out some of the old vignettes and pieces I have that I really like but that probably won’t work with the next part of the story that’s coming. What next part? Don’t worry about it :)
Steve was mad at me.
“Thanks, sweetheart; you’re the best.”
The only problem was– I didn’t know why.
“I’m really glad you invited me over today.”
I squinted at him, but all he did was smile sweetly. “What’s wrong?” he asked, eyes widening with concern. With fake concern. I didn’t know who he thought he was fooling– certainly not me– but I had nothing to really call him out on. All I had was a suspiciously forced cheerful attitude, a plethora of compliments, and overwhelming sweetness. Like, the compliments were…fine; nothing insincere, it was more the way he said them. The way he said everything, actually. It was starting to make my skin itch, and he had to know it. He knew how I felt about him being…saccharine.
Still. Bringing it up would be awkward, and if he was mad at me…well, I probably deserved it. If all he was going to do was be a little petty, maybe I could work it out and apologize properly instead of making it a bigger fight by admitting I didn’t know what he was mad about.
“Nothing,” I said and held out the bowl.
“Thanks sweetheart,” he said and took a handful. “I really love how generous you are.”
Yeah, I was definitely in the doghouse for something. I just had to figure out what.
Try as I might, though, I could not get to the bottom of this.
“You’re so sweet.”
I did glare at him for that one. Again, I was faced with innocent blinking eyes. I glared more, but then he lifted a brow and held out the bowl of chips, and I tentatively reached out and took one. “Thanks,” I said, for lack of anything better.
“I don’t mind sharing.”
The way he said that was so weird I knew it had to be a hint. So: food. It had to do with food. Stealing food? But I hadn’t stolen any of his food that I could think of. We shared bites of things all the time. What would drive him to needle me for nearly a week straight? It was weird. And unsettling.
“That’s…good?” I said uncertainly.
“I think so,” he said mildly, and when I twitched he nearly grinned. He looked at me, like he was waiting for something…
…and fuck that. Whatever I did was not bad enough for all this irritation. It couldn’t have been. I would have remembered it, I would have.
The smile was gone, but he looked over me with an air of self-satisfaction that made me twitch again.
I hoped I would remember it soon.
“Hey Honey.”
“Oh what the hell is that?” I asked and turned to face him.
Again I was met with blinking innocence. There was something about that boyish expression that made me…I didn’t even know. It was cute. It was too cute. And he was trying so hard to be annoying and completely succeeding in a way that made me jealous. If I tried to be that sickly sweet it would be disgusting (or hilarious) but he pulled it off in a way that completely caught me off-guard every single time.
“I just wanted to try out some new nicknames,” he said. “Is that a ‘no’ on that one?”
“Yeah, no,” I said and watched his face. He didn’t so much as twitch. I opened my mouth, ready to ask him why he was acting like this, but I stopped. I was going to figure this out.
“What do you think about going out, Pumpkin?”
I had to figure this out.
“Would you like a bite, Sweetie?”
“Is it too cold in here, Cupcake?”
“Look at this, Sugar Pie.”
“Can you pass me the syrup, Sweetness?”
I hit my fist on the table. “Okay, okay, okay,” I said and, because dignity what dignity no I didn’t know her, dropped to my knees next to his chair, clasped my hands, and groveled. “Please stop. I’m sorry, I’m sorry; I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry!”
He smiled sweetly but said nothing. Just sipped his coffee, and I knew, just by looking at him, he had no intentions of letting up. I groaned. “Please, I can’t take this anymore! I swear I’m sorry!”
“If you don’t know what you’re apologizing for, then are you really sorry?” he said skeptically.
“I am!” I insisted. “I have been trying to figure this out for two weeks now but you know my memory is shit.” I looked up at him and tried for the most pathetic expression I could manage.
Apparently, it was suitably pathetic, because he broke a little, with a snort and a smile that cracked open before he could put his hand to cover it. He sighed and dropped his hand. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll stop.”
I let out a huge sigh of relief. Then I studied him. “So,” I said. “Your method of tormenting me is giving over-the-top compliments and stupid cutesy nicknames?”
“Mm hm,” he said smugly.
“And you were willing to call me shit like “Bonbon” for weeks?”
“Or longer.”
“You bitch,” I said in awe. “You’re so petty. So sadistic.”
“Yup,” he said, popping the ‘p’ extra hard.
I stared at him, just sitting there, calmly drinking his coffee while I lost my mind. He shot me a devious little smirk, but there was a softness in his eyes, and he kept looking at me like he was gauging just how bothered I was by this. Toeing the line, but I knew if he thought he’d gone over, he would have stopped immediately.
“You are the perfect boyfriend,” I said, overcome with just as much softness.
He blinked, then blushed and ducked his head.
“Dude,” Clint wheezed, and I suddenly remembered we were among friends.
“You two need therapy,” Sam said with mild awe. “Not couple’s therapy; just, in general. Good Lord.”
“There isn’t a therapist in the world qualified enough to deal with either of them,” Natasha said, still reading her paper.
I got off the floor and dusted my knees, a little embarrassed. Steve pulled me in with one arm and I hugged him, feeling the walls break a little. “I am sorry,” I said. “For whatever I did that annoyed you enough to keep this up for two whole weeks.”
“I’ll forgive you.”
Satisfied, I let that be it.
…Well, mostly satisfied.
“Now that you aren’t mad anymore, will you tell me what I did so I can never do that again?”
He sighed heavily and frowned at me as he let go. “I mean it!” I said. “I really have no idea what happened.”
He rolled his eyes. “You remember that breakfast we had? From the French place with the really good pastries?”
I had to think. “Like, the Sunday before last?”
He nodded. “When you ate my pastries?”
When I–?
Oh. Wait a cotton fucking second.
I stared at him. “You mean that day that you decided to get something different so I got the special croissants?”
He frowned. “But…you also got the tart.”
“The tart was for later,” I said, watching him start to close in on the memory. “Remember how I said I was bummed I didn’t get to mooch off your croissant? And that I had to get my own? I complained about it so much that you complained?!”
He squinted. I folded my arms and waited for Mr. Eidetic Memory to catch a clue. And so did everyone else– Clint and Sam leaned in like they were watching a dramatic play in a sports game, and even Natasha deigned to lift her head.
When it finally, finally clicked, Steve’s cheeks flushed pink and he ducked his head into his shoulders. “Oops.” He gave me a very, very sad expression. “I’m sorry?”
I narrowed my eyes.
He sure as shit was going to be.
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parola-di-winx · 7 months
Hi! Could you explain what Selina's deal is exactly? Doesn't she have the Legendarium in your rewrite? (Your askbox says art prompts, so if you don't mind doodle a little Selina to go with this ask too ^.^)
helloooo as usual sorry for taking a few days to answer i'm horrible. ok mmmm see i’m not great with writing and i don’t have all my thoughts perfectly sorted out but. in short.
she does have the legendarium sort of it’s just not like the show. it doesn’t summon fairytales creechers bc i find it silly it just holds any type of spell and magic and allows you to use it regardless of your level and skills if it makes sense
then the deal with selina in general is that she’s an earth fairy of snakes with one mom from earth and one mom from tír na nóg. specifically i made selina’s earth mom be from southern italy like meeeeee bc the old ladies in my town (my great grandma) do a weird pagan-christian type of Magic and selina gets to mess around with that too besides her fairy magic. she grows up to be a bit of a Hoarder of different magic types and techniques or whatever you'd wanna call it. whenever the wizards start hunting down the earth fairies for good selina is orphaned (haven't decided if earth mom dies too or not tbh we'll figure it out later) and gets stuck in tír na nóg w the other fairies. yea i stole icy’s s8 tragic backstory and gave one to selina instead bc she needs like Anything at all. eldora’s like a guardian fairy and her role sort of is to take care of the younglings so she takes selina under her wing especially bc selina gets like super super ambitious and is obsessed w learning more and getting stronger. that's how she ends up getting the legendarium from eldora and it fits perfectly w selina’s collectionist attitude abt magic if you will fjwifoafk. as she immerses herself in her studies she grows resentful and angry at her parents for letting themselves get killed which is really just being angry at herself for being a little kid who couldn't help. when the revenge fairies start arming up she joins them and it cracks eldora's heart a bit. they don't let her in any actual fight from s4 - she's still young and the earth fairies have already lost so many of their youngs - and it makes her bitter. even more so when they eventually repent. she's now convinced that fairies are weak and good for nothing - her mom died and her sisters in arms mellowed out - so when tír na nóg is finally freed and she can go study in magix she decides to hop ship and enroll in torrenuvola becoming a witch. the legendarium helps, it lets her use spells from magic types that aren't her own, of levels that she hasn't yet reached, so she does extremely well for herself as a brand new witch.
so the trix notice her, pick her up, bring her into fights w the winx & roxy in s5 blablabla but she Does get redeemed and she Does attempt to transition back to fairy and join alfea (make it a narrative abt Accepting Yourself For Who You Are <3 lmaonfjsidiw) but it doesn't really work out and she gets stuck as some type hybrid. she has to re-do her first year so even tho she's a year older than roxy they end up in the same class and in fact not only that but they also end up being roommates bc the winx don't fully trust her on her own so they pull some strings to get them stuck together which is ANNOYING bc they DON'T GET ALONG but they'll get better w it :^)
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i'm riddled w exams so take this absolutely shitty horrid criminal fast as fucc boi doodle of selina & her noodle salem studying together and sharing snacks like that vine you guys remember vine
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ozimagines · 4 months
Chris Keller, Tobias Beecher, and Y/N in: Paternity Test part 2/?
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“Tobias merely sent me a message that my presence would be appreciated tonight.”
“Hmm.” Keller hummed under his breath. He’d tried not to be too much of a dick with the minister. He’d always been there for Beecher and Holly.
Still, that holier than thou attitude really put a sour taste in his mouth.
“Can I call you Chris?”
“If I can call you mom.” Chris responded sarcastically. Said rolled his eyes.
“Fine then. Keller. Whatever your feelings on whether or not you should have had a kid, you have one now. You owe it to Y/N.”
“Kid’s done just fine without me.”
“But as a familial unit-“
“Said, respectfully, blow it out your ass.” Keller’s seething from his chair. “I find out I’ve got a long lost kid and had to listen to your bullshit in the same day. I’m basically battin zero today.”
“You already have a kid, if I’m not mistaken.” Kareem said, still sipping on ice tea. “A wonderful daughter.”
Keller shrugged, not really wanting to talk but not wanting to let all of these thoughts die in his head. Maybe make Said realize what this meant.
“She’s my daughter, but she’s all Beecher inside.”
“That’s not true and you know it.”
Said reminded him of Holly before Chris was her dad and Holly after. She was more outgoing, less apologetic. She even talked like Keller sometimes, and he referred the man to a time where she was talking about some “rat” classmate she’d have to “talk to” if they “knew what she meant.” They were all a little concerned.
Plus the countless Father-Daughter adventures he’d take Holly on. One ended with them watching a soccer match in a small Greek restaurant. He’d really come to love that kid.
“Don’t think I worry about that every goddamn day? Holly turning out like me?”
Tobias entered the room not a moment too soon.
“Kids are down.” He looks between the two of them. “Another pleasant exchange?”
“Seems so.” Kareem responded.
“We have Y/N to worry about now.”
“Why?” Keller interjected, rubbing his neck. “Y/N already has a family. She/he/they don’t need us.”
“But he/she/they want to know us.” Beecher insisted, sitting down next to his boyfriend. “We are Y/N’s family now.”
“Everyone deserves a family.” Kareem says, catching an annoyed look from Keller.
“Fine.” He grumbles.
The next morning, too come down to Toby and Chris in the kitchen. You watch from the doorway for a second.
Keller’s got his crotch pressed against Beecher’s backside, kind of swaying together. He kisses Toby’s neck.
“Only thing more delicious than this breakfast is you, babe.”
Beecher was making pancakes. And waffles. And French toast. He didn’t know which you liked.
“Chris, I’m gonna burn myself.” Toby’s admonishing him but smiling all the way. He kisses Chris’s nose.
They seem happy. Really happy. You feel guilty for showing up after all this time.
You knock on the doorframe and both men turn around, one with a smile and one without.
“Y/N!” Beecher shows you his massive breakfast he prepared for you, apologizing if you don’t like any of it. As it turns out you like it all.
Beecher leaves to go wake Holly up, and pats Chris on the back reassuringly before he does.
You and Keller are alone together now.
He’s staring at his shoes, stacking pancakes and preparing toppings for everything.
“W-which are your favorite?” You ask shyly. He thinks for a second.
“Waffles normally but I like Toby’s French toast. It’s never too eggy.”
You nod your head and remark you like waffles too. He knows it’s a general statement, but it gives him the creeps.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Hasn’t stopped you yet.” Chris said. You’re standing behind him with the plate Toby handed to you. Suddenly, Chris takes the plate from your hand, and it seems like you’ve crossed a line.
But he’s just getting you a few waffles and slices of French toast.❤️
He hands the full plate back, gesturing to the syrup on the counter.
“Well? Go on.” Keller prodded.
“Why don’t you seem to like me?”
He was a little startled but thought on it for a second.
“Are there any leading theories right now?” He asked back.
“I think you have a wonderful life and family. And I think I messed it up by being here somehow. I understand why you hate me.”
Chris’s heart ached. It was a dull, painful feeling. Something in him just wanted to comfort you. Something primal. Instinctive.
“Look, I don’t hate you. I don’t even dislike you. I don’t know you.” He shrugged, putting some food on a plate for Holly the way she liked it.
“You can’t always feel about yourself the way you think others feel about you. It’ll tear you up inside. You gotta have a thick skin, or this world… it’ll chew you up and spit you out. Hear me?”
“Yes, Mr. Keller.”
*sigh* “you can call me Chris.”
“Can we compromise at Mr. Chris?”
He smirked and chuckled a little. You were very mature.
“Sure, kid.”
When Beecher enters, you and Chris are in a death match debate on whether or not Batman is a superhero.
“What’s his power then? Hm? Money? He’s just a rich bitch in tights.” Chris checkmates, with a big grin on his face as you laugh.
“Language, Chris.” Toby said, but he’s smiling. Holly gives Chris a hug and sits down next to him, her plate already being made by him.
Toby’s too. Chris considers it a point of pride that he can make anyone in the family a plate and they’ll love it. Shows how he knows them.
You’re all sitting and talking and laughing like a family.
“Is there anyone else I should meet? Like Miss Bonnie and Uncle Kareem?”
Keller bristles at his kid calling Said “uncle” but he says nothing
Holly takes over
“There’s uncle Ryan, and uncle Cyril.” She leans in a whispers. “He’s the best.”
You ask and they explain Cyril’s condition.
“He’s really nice.” She continues. “And he always asks Ryan to buy him candy and always gives me the yellow ones because he doesn’t like that flavor and they’re my favorite.”
Beecher and Keller exchange knowing looks. Cyril LOVED being Holly’s uncle. And even though they were worried about him being violent at first, Cyril just took on a protecting role. In fact even that had become sort of a problem when Cyril yelled at another child for being mean to Holly. (They had to explain the optics of a fully grown man yelling at a kid to him.)
Since then, Holly and Cyril were inseparable when they hung out.
“You can meet them today if you want to, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
Beecher sets up the meeting. It’s at a park. Holly and Cyril’s favorite because there’s a playground and a duck pond.
“Hey, Ryan.” Beecher called, and Ryan’s head turned to greet him. There was a tall kind blonde haired man standing next to him. They both looked a little scary at first, if you were honest.
“Hey, kid.” Ryan greeted, and you assume Beecher explained ahead of time. You would be mistaken however. Beecher wasn’t sure how to explain over the phone.
“This is Y/N.” He introduces you and Ryan and you shake his hand. You go to shake the other man’s hand and he just looks at his brother. He leans down and whispers something to Holly. You’re suddenly very self conscious. Holly smiled.
“No, Y/N is really nice. He/she/they’re pop’s kid.”
Cyril’s eyes got really wide, and when he spoke, you smiled.
“You two had another baby?”🥹
Beecher chuckled and told Cyril that’s now how that works until Ryan waves for him to not bother explaining.
“So… I’m an uncle again?”
“Seems so.” Ryan said, sliding a taunting glance at Keller, who rolled his eyes and scratched his nose with his middle finger.
Beecher tells you and Holly and Cyril to go play but not to go too far.
As soon as you’re out of earshot, Ryan turns mockingly to Keller.
“Condom’s a lot less expensive than child support, my friend.”
“Little late on the advice there, O’Reily.” Keller snapped, eyes flitting to you from time to time to make sure you’re okay.
“Will you two stop.” Toby chided. “Y/N’s here. Now. The woulda coulda shoulda’s are out the window. We have a child we need to support.”
“We? Unless my biology teacher lied to me, Beecher, I’m not sure that’s possible.” He smirked and checked on Cyril in the same breath. He waved when Cyril looked back at him. It wasn’t that he disliked Holly. In fact, her blunt honesty was growing on him. He just had his hands full as a single dad raising Cyril.
“Holly’s not Chris’ biological daughter, but she’s his daughter. Y/N’s not biologically mine but that doesn’t matter. Keller’s mine so Y/N’s mine.”
O’Reily sighed and backed off. He dropped the facade.
“How ya handling it?” He asked Keller.
“Really shitty. Why?”
“If it helps, you’re already as unfun and lame as any dad I know.”
*sigh* “Thanks, O’Reily.”
“I’ll pretend I’m not also insulted.” Beecher continued. “Anyway, I wanted to introduce Y/N to the family. And you guys are sorta family.”
Ryan relented on that front. They’d watched Cyril for him on several occasions. He and Holly would stay up watching movies all night, and Beecher made sure he ate and brushed his teeth and all that. Keller had even softened up to him after taking on Holly.
“What d’you think they’re talking about?” -Ryan
Meanwhile, when you walked over with Cyril and Holly, they were chatting like old pals and you were just trying to keep up.
“…and then Miss Ramos shared her banana bread with me.”
Cyril asked Holly about school often. He really wanted to go to school but Ryan said no. So Holly would call him after school and tell him everything she learned and when the teachers were nice.
“I’ve never had banana bread. Ryan says it’s icky.”
“Uncle Ryan doesn’t know anything then because this was really good. I tried to save you a piece but dad said it wouldn’t last. So I ate it.”
You giggle softly at their conversation; you realize why Cyril gravitated towards Holly. She spoke to him like an equal. You sit by the duck pond and Holly takes a bag of peas out of her pocket.
“Its for the ducks.” She narrates unnecessarily, and you pretend not to have known ducks can’t eat bread just so she could excitedly tell you she learned it in school.
Cyril quietly says your name, a little timid as he is with all strangers.
“Do you like ducks?”
“I do.”
He grins really wide and sits next to you, Holly on your other side, as he tells you how to feed them.
“You think it’s gonna hurt when they eat from your hand but it doesn’t. But don’t try to pet them. They don’t like that.”
You’re feeding the ducks together, chatting and laughing happily. 🦆 ♥️
Later, you’re at the playground and Cyril is pushing you and Holly on the swings.
“Uncle Cyril pushes swings the best. Better than Dad, even. He pushes really hard and you swing so high! I said my uncle pushes the highest and Samantha H. was like ‘no my uncle does’ and I said ‘no he doesn’t because my uncle Cyril is the strongest guy ever’.”
You swear to take her advice and Cyril starts to push. He goes slow at first but then he does one that sends you and Holly into the stratosphere.😂
“Whoa!” You found yourself saying, as you rocked back and forth at insane speeds.
Cyril beams with pride while Holly talks about him. He likes being the cool uncle.
“Who else should I know?” You ask earnestly between giggles and pushes from Cyril.
“You’ve pretty much met the core group. We sometimes go to like plays at the theater to support someone else my dad knows from prison. Mr. Miguel. He’s the stage manager which means he gets to be bossy to like everyone.”
You make a mental note of the name.
“Has Y/N met Mr. Said?” Cyril asks.
“Yes, last night.”
“I asked him if I could call him Uncle like Holly does but Ryan said not to.” Cyril explains.
“Oh, then there’s the bad guys. Like really bad guys that my dad met in there. The guys that took me.”
You’re surprised she can talk about it so openly.
“I’ve been seeing a therapist since I was seven. It’s been almost five whole years of talking about it. I have trouble remembering Gary sometimes. And then sometimes I remember him so much it hurts.”
She looks sad for a second but her eyes light up.
“But my therapist is really nice. Her name is Sister Peter Marie but if you’re really good she lets you call her Sister Pete. She always gives me a lollipop after my seasons.” She’s grinning again a to the thought of it. She points at Cyril. “She’s uncle Cyril’s therapist too!”
“She’s really sweet unless you make her angry like by not giving her Jericho if she asks.”
Holly explains Jericho as a puppet that Cyril does. No one, I repeat, no one likes Jericho except for Holly.
Cyril was having a bad day and wouldn’t give up Jericho before The Keller-Beecher’s arrived for dinner. Beecher was about to take Holly home when she walked straight up to Cyril -she was maybe ten at the time- and placed one of the flowers she brought on the puppet’s head. He said thank you in the Jericho voice, and Holly flinched until she said…
“Whoa. Cool! Do it again!”
“Who are the bad men?”
“This guy named Schillinger and then this other guy named Robson.” Cyril answers and looks at the ground. “They hurt me but I’m not supposed to say how in front of Holly.”
Your eyes dart to Holly who shakes her head.
“He didn’t tell me but I know. It’s the same thing that happened to my dad. And yours.”
You ask what and she explains the situation to you; she knows what happened to them in prison. One of her classmates was bullying her about having two dads AND two dads in prison. Said she didn’t understand the word he used at first, but she looked it up after school. She said she didn’t tell them she knew, because they didn’t tell her, so it must not be appropriate for her to know.
“They’ll tell me when they’re ready. Like they told me about loving each other when they were ready.”
“…Jesus.” Was all you could think to say. Your head was spinning you were a little older and had definitely heard and understood at least some of the implications of that word. It made you sad, as you looked back at Cyril first, then Tobias, then Chris. Three vastly different men who all suffered in the same way at one point. And now they had all this. A family. You were suddenly very proud to be related to such strong people.
“Are… are you okay?” You ask Cyril, who still looks upset. 🥺
“Sometimes I’m sad. But now I have my best friend and Ryan so I’m really happy sometimes too.” He explains. You ask who his friend is.
“Me, of course.” Holly says, showing you their matching best friends forever bracelets. Holly explains with pride that she made them.
“The same men that hurt them are the ones that took you?”
“Kinda. It was his son. But they’re all bad. But his grandkid goes to my old elementary school and the middle school is right next to it so sometimes they see each other. They’re also doing ‘interactions’ but I don’t think they’re helping.”
“Can’t imagine they would at this point.” You admit, understanding the gravity of the situation.
“Want a hug?” Holly offered. You smile and nod. She hugs you and then Cyril bear hugs around both of you.
The guys see it.
Keller can’t lie to himself, it made him happy to see you happy. To see you with his daughter.
“That’ll melt ya, huh?” O’Reily mused.
“So, I the reason I asked for you to meet Y/N…” Beecher was treading carefully. Ryan could be slippery. “…you remember our deal years ago when we got out? About Holly and Cyril.”
“Yeah. I protect Holly, you guys protect Cyril.”
“Since the verdicts of so many inmates are being overturned because of Kibbler… so many of the people we knew… the people we pissed off, are out now. We gotta be careful-“
“What’re you getting at, Beecher?”
“Y/N’s a part of the deal now too.”
“It was one for one, man.” O’Reily stated coldly, “We each picked one person to save. Above all else. That was the alliance.”
“Alliance? What’re we, back in Oz?”
“You’re a college boy, right, Beecher? Use that university head of yours. We. Are. NEVER. Getting. Out. Oz is till you die.”
“So’s family, O’Reily.” Keller said suddenly, pulling his boyfriend away and getting nose to nose with Ryan. “You oughta know.”
“Feeling especially paternal there, K-boy?”
Keller’s eyes went cold and Killer Keller stepped into the ring. His voice lowered, and O’Reily sensed the shift.
“Y/N’s a part of the deal. Now and forever.” 💀
O’Reily survived as long as he did because he could sense danger, and there was danger in his voice. He nodded, and said nothing else.
The dependents ran up to their respective caregivers. Beecher immediately started smiling like nothing was wrong. Keller and O’Reily snarled at each other for a second but sensed it wasn’t the time.
“Have fun, kids?” Beecher asked, getting down on his knee for Holly. She responded in the affirmative. They started walking back to their vehicles.
Beecher saw something out of the corner of his eye and looked at Keller in alarm. One look was all it took for Keller to put an arm on both you and Holly and push you towards the car.
“Heads down.”
To be continued…
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padfootastic · 2 years
H E L L O jfp-eyes pen (thats your new name btw)
i know its a little late but my mind keep going back to it and i also talked about a similar issue w several other people on here since and i was wondering if you can/want elaborate on what you said about this:
"like, u want potters to be desi? it’s not just the cute clothes and good food and linguistic differences u need to keep in mind. there’s so much more where it comes from, including several practices that will be considered highly objectionable by this rigidly judgemental crowd."
((i am v v interested but no pressure to answer this, i totally get if you dont want to get into this discourse))
dani—you’re gonna pull me into the desi potters discourse one way or the other, eh?
so. i’m not sure how much sense this’ll make because it’s like…half-baked thoughts but my problem with this scenario actually stems from a more macro, general trend i’m noticing in fandom behaviour. for some reason, puritan culture & veiled conservatism is coming back in the guise of progressiveness? and that’s leading to a lack of critical thinking in these spaces & randomly attributing buzzwords to things out of context bc u don’t have more than a shallow understanding of it.
which means that that comment was directed at a very specific subset of fandom that decided that idk ignoring the Bad Things & Flaws would somehow make them cease to exist. let’s only take the most ‘exotic’, fun aspects even if it’s a completely one dimensional reading & run with it. they wouldn’t be able to tell u what desi is beyond the barebones.
so, you’ll have people vehemently arguing that the potters can’t be anything but desi and white james is gross and i’m just like—why. why are u, as a non-desi person, so attached to this headcanon that you’ll ridicule real people for it? and then their attitudes as well. the incest thing, for example. there are communities in india that marry their first cousins—if i write a story tomorrow where james marries his mother’s imaginary brother’s daughter, then depending on how i HC him, that’s perfectly culturally acceptable (and desirable). if i write a story where euphemia and fleamont use corporal punishment for him, and he takes it super lightly and jokes about it, that’s also fine. (which is a direct contrast to how the western black family & sirius’ abuse is treated). there’ a community in india where the man ‘drinks’ from his mother’s breast, publicly, at his wedding to symbolise the last time he’d be her son before he becomes someone’s husband. another where a new mother can’t feed her son until her sister-in-law washes her breast thoroughly. caste is something that’s not even touched upon. it’s so complicated. but how do u think it’ll be received by most of the desi potter crowd if i actually do write any of this? will i be praised for my ~representation or called out on twitter for being a freak?
and that’s really where i get annoyed. the attitudes most of this crowd hold does not have any space for cultural subjectivity, what is ok to them has to be universally ethical. there’s no way other cultures do things their way and if they do, it’s barbaric/backward/problematic etc etc. pseudo-colonial, like i said.
(disclaimer: i want it to be made very clear i’m not demanding people nclude this stuff in their fics. i’m well aware of how escapism works, being the premier advocate for it. im just saying it won’t hurt to be mindful of these facts, that this is a whole culture that’s ridiculously diverse that doesn’t just exist for the sake of people’s headcanons)
and this isn’t even going into the cultural nuances of how desi families work. you can’t bring in american/european individualism & have james move out at 18 & write everything transactionally & do everything the way u would for a white character but only pay lip service when saying they’re brown ykno? when u say they’re a certain identity, there’s so much that comes with that. and if u don’t include any of that, then it really just makes me wonder why u want a brown james—feels like ego appeasement and falling to peer pressure half the time tbh.
another important thing for me is that so much of this crowd intersects with the ‘fandom is activism’ crowd and i just. fundamentally disagree with those people. and find their words/actions incredibly performative. by which i mean, the way they treat real people—people from the communities they’re adopting as HCs for their beloved characters. there’s this…hypocrisy, yeah? what i mentioned above, about how if i wrote some culturally different practice, i’d probably be attacked. they don’t want desi potter, they want white-lite potters that is palatable to & tailored for their own constitution but in a form that they can pass of as ‘oh look, my characters r diverse which makes me Morally Good and i can use that to shit on others’.
i think my problem is just that i don’t like it when people use the identity headcanons to portray themselves as being inherently better because they have ~equal representation. fandom is not a government institution—lateral visibility & membership is not a prerequisite to wanting to write about x and y fucking or going on a date or hugging or having a conversation. making a marauder group where each character—functionally an OC—is from a different community (often w/o considering how intersectionality works) for the sake of saying ‘oh i have a x in my HCs’ does not make u some radical leftist, yeah? and i strongly dislike people who pretend it does.
#also jfp-eyes pen skshdjhskcwdj#see i’m more open ab this now bc i’ve outed myself lol#earlier i was worried i’d fell on myself in the process of expressing my opinions so i just stayed quiet#this doesn’t apply to everyone obv#some people don’t want it to be that deep#(but then my question is why even incorporate it if u don’t lol)#this isn’t a black or white/yes or no thing#there’s no wrong or right way for things here#it’s just personal discomfort i was expressing tbh#this wasn’t easy for me to articulate#bc i’m not exactly sure what it is about this whole thing that bothers me sm#i think it’s also just—american audiences in general that irl me#irk*#esp w all this shipping/fictional likes discourse that keeps going on#bc they’re really very self centred imo#and it’s weird watching this for the outside#lol dani u really got me ranting here#but it’s an issue that bothers me sm#esp that puritan young adult/teen crowd#who somehow believe they know best#and intersectionality—identities are such rigid boxes for them#the fluidity & agency & human element of it is completely erased#bc *what* they are becomes more imp than what they can do for the plot#and then u start putting fictional characters on a pedestal and fight w real people#like i just wanna say—my litmus test for anyone advocating for desi potters would be this#if i wrote a story where fleamont hits him with his footwear and james jokes about it before going on to marry his first cousin#then will u accept it?#bc if u say u do then good. if u don’t tho—take a long hard inside urself re why u fight so hard for desi potters then#pen’s asks#pen’s notes
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crawsley · 6 months
ok first of all love u love ur work u r like a modern day michaelangelo to me but of fics not scultptures if u know what i mean. seconly i have become unbearably fond of carlos sainz lately(kicked puppy who got fired and then his appendix said im moving out) and i wanted to see if u had any thoughts about him bc i think ur blorbofication of him would b extremley entertaing. love u have the best day ever!
Okay I’ll admit. Most of the thoughts I’ve had about Carlos Sainz jr revolve around him looking like That and coming from a family like That. And what if he were kind of a jerk about it? There’s a subplot in peachbellini’s incredible girl lando fic involving him being a misogynist asshole and I’ve reread that little section of the fic probably 4x since the initial read lol. I’m mostly uninterested in treating pro athletes like poor little meow meows. I want to torture and torment them not tuck them into bed generally.
So re Carlos recent ups (driving well! Won AUS!) and downs (no seat yet next year, appendix exploded), I feel strongly like he would be quietly losing his mind behind a veneer of masculine confidence. He has to act confident, that’s how powerful men act. Never mind that he feels like his life is unravelling in front of him. Mostly this has to do w the fact that I think girl Charles just broke up w him in this verse and is visibly much happier for it? And he’s trying to pretend it doesn’t bother him seeing her laughing and not devoting more thought to him than she would any other teammate.
It’s not like he was in love with her (debatable), but even before they dated he always had her attention, right when he walked in a room. She was always happy to bring him a water or a towel or (whatever), and he liked that for misogyny reasons. Didn’t think much about it bc that’s his due as a man in racing, but he’s sure noticing it now Charles isn’t going out of her way for him anymore. And he hates it!! Makes him feel like less of a man not being able to boss her around. He’s also having to confront the fact that even as a female driver she is more important to the team than he is! I feel like previously he wrote it off and wrote it off until he found out on social media that Lewis was getting his seat in 2025. Woof.
All this to say : he is a bubbling pot of something with the lid barely containing it all. And then he wins AUS! And I think in some way he expected Charles to treat him like she did the last time he won (BJ, attention on him all night), but she completely doesn’t lol. Is excited for him but is just as excited for lando. And laughs at him when he offhandedly, casually, mentions what she did for him last time. Doesn’t even treat it like a serious question, completely blows him off in a callous and borderline cruel way that comes out of left field for him, bc he’s never seen her direct that kind of attitude towards him. Like he occupies such a small portion of her mind that she treats him like any other annoying peon.
Ofc this ends w him mentioning this to another male racer expecting sympathy and getting the same kind of incredulous reaction. Another blow to his pride. And honestly I’d love it if he were saying that to/around Oscar , bc he feels like the perfect candidate to offer “hey if you still want that bj, mate…” ! Mean spirited offer, and Carlos is still in mega internalized homophobia mode. But also 👀 he’s horny, he’s mad, he’s frustrated, and he doesn’t really like Oscar. He could probably treat him however he wanted and Oscar wouldn’t sell it to any tabloids either. Tempting…
And Oscar does blow him! He just also makes him tear up fingering Carlos’ hole at the same time and then come so hard he almost falls over.
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xsezzie · 2 years
D, G, I, Q, U, and W for Alhaitham and Kaveh, please! (Sorry if that’s too many!)
Look, I’ll write essays for these two… 👀
Thank you for your ask! I have answered some for these two in the past so I will copy paste some answers from old posts, and write new stuff for the new letters! 💕
D | Death Spot
Kaveh: Okay okay… my baby girl is getting the sensitive back treatment here. Just look at that outfit 👀 He is wearing that on purpose hehe
Alhaitham: My candidates are still the same, I’m thinking either armpits or lower back now though~
G | Gentle
Kaveh: He suffers. Not as much as suffering with full on tickles, but gentle tickles are enough to get him whining and squirming. If you steal his hair feather and try to use it then he’s gonna squeak and try to escape.
Alhaitham: It’s annoying to him if he’s someone he doesn’t know, but if he’s comfortable with the person he’s gonna squirm or swat them away with a little smile on his face :3
I | Interrogation
Kaveh: Immediate surrender. Maybe a bit of attitude towards the attacker but he will not last one second, he might even give up before they start. LOL
Alhaitham: Big nope. He’s gonna act tough but he’s so not… he’s a big softie on the inside. 🥰 I think he would take it with more pride if it was someone he doesn’t know though. But if it’s a friend of his… hoooooo boy is he gonna be embarrassed.
Q | Question
Kaveh: “Huh!? W-Well… who isn’t!?” He will start to get nervous and be on his guard, he knows anyone who asks this question 100% has the intention to try and tickle.
Alhaitham: “Of course I am.” He says with his usual stoic look and tone. Meanwhile his inner monologue - “Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit”
U | Unusual
Kaveh: I like to think his ankles are and legs in general are pretty ticklish. Softly spidering over his ankles gets him kicking and squirming. Just don’t even think about touching his feet. 👀
Alhaitham: Do ears count as an unusual spot? They do in my books. He always has them covered so they are probably rather sensitive~ Kaveh is going to use that feather in his hair to his advantage.
W | Word
Kaveh: “W-Wha?” General confusion to you blurting out “tickle” all of a sudden. But his cheeks turn a little pink. He looks a little on guard and is thinking “What was that? Are they going to tickle me? Were they just saying it to rile me up? Maybe I misheard??” His mind goes into overthinking mode wondering what on earth is going to happen.
Alhaitham: Not much of a reaction, unless it’s in a teasing and tickly situation already. Otherwise his reaction is “Hmm? What?” looking confused and generally bored 😂 If you say it to him while you’re already teasing him with tickles, then he will tell you to shut up while turning a little red~ hehe
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countlessrealities · 2 years
How are you guys dealing with rejuvenated petal? How different is she from the petal you’ve come to know? (For rick, morty and summer)
Morty and Summer exchange a hesitant look at the question, while Rick simply takes a swing from his flask, looking unbothered by it from where he’s leaning against the workbench behind them.
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“Uh, she...w-we are doing okay? I-I think,” the boy eventually replies, breaking the silence. “I-I mean it’s...sometimes i-it’s a little hard to be around her, b-because she’s weird. N-Not in general, but...uh, well, o-okay, maybe a little in general too. B-But mostly because she’s not Petal, y-you know? She’s...a completely different person. A-Almost. So...a-at times I really don’t know how to act. I-I want to treat her like I treated Petal, b-but she gets confused a lot when I do.”
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“Yeah, we have to, like, explain her everything. She doesn’t know the basic stuff about Earth,” Summer chimes in with a little huff. “It’s funny...till it gets annoying. But hey, it’s not her fault if she lost her memory or whatever. Dealing with an amnesiac person is hard. And, well, at times we’re not patient enough, I guess.”
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“B-But we try!” Morty hurries to add with a nervous grin. “I-I’ve been trying to, uh, you know. S-Show her things and tell her stuff tha-that might help to jog her memory. O-Or at least I hope that they can.”
He fidgets in his spot, glancing down at the floor. “T-This Petal is nice too, b-but...uh, I think she’s a little too nice, you know? T-The other one fitted in with us a little better. I-It’s not that I don’t like her, but...I-I miss my actual friend. An-And she insists treating me like I’m her owner or-or whatever and that...i-it makes me really uncomfortable.
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“I like our Petal better,” Summer states openly and shrugs. She doesn’t have a problem with being more directed in her opinion. “Not to be mean, this one is okay too, but...the actual Petal is more fun. This one is too sensitive. I mean, Grandpa made her cry. That was so awkward to deal with. And Morty is right. All that...servant attitude is, like, super weird. And not in a funny way. I hope she gets her memories back soon.”
A beat of silence passes.
“Grandpa Rick?” “R-Rick? The question is for you too.”
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“Sh-Sheesh, fine. I-I thought no one gave a shit about my opening. S-Since they are ‘too mean’,” Rick scoffs, shooting Morty a pointed look as he speaks the last two words. “Ho-How am I dealing with her? I-I’m not. She’s mostly around my two little shit. I-It’s not like I spend time with her. An-And when I do, I treat her as I’ve always done. T-The difference is that now, instead of talking back, s-she gets upsets and fuckin’ apologise an-and shit like that. S-So, she’s still a pain in my ass. J-Just in a different way. I-I’ve tried to get her drunk, b-but someone,” another look at his grandkids, “forbid it it.”
He rolls his eyes, taking another sip of liquor before continuing. “A-As for how she’s different...she’s almost nothing like the other one. E-Everything Sum-Sum and Morty said, yeah.” He waves a hand. “An-And I agree with Summer, I prefer the other one. I-I’m not saying that I was fond of her, b-but she was more entertaining. This one? I-It gets old way too fast.”
A pause.
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“An-And I like the punk vibe a lot better than tha-that Disney princess shit she’s wearing not. I-I mean, sure, she has nice hair, I guess, but I-I’m more into the rebel thing than into this ballerina thing. Y-You know, it’s hotter.”
“Oh my god, Grandpa!” “R-Rick! How is that relevant?!”
{ @petalsxfallen​ - mentioned }
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plutolovesyou · 6 months
10:15 Saturday Night
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☆: this one-shot is based on this little imagine/idea thing y'all really liked! ellie coming into your bedroom after throwing rocks at your window, that famed rom-com trope. i love making titles from songs so here’s this one. linking it because i despise the way the audio embed thing looks, that shit’s so ugly- have nothing else to say except this was meant to be only fluffy, but i got a little carried away at the end (and sub!ellie turns me into a rabid raccoon so) 😇 smut is embarrassing af to write i better get over that lmao but anyway, hope you enjoy!
♧: 5k word count
◇: SMUT!! porn w/ plot, but it's sweet. lotsa fluff too, modern au, established relationship, reader feels gloomy in the beginning, mentions of unspecified argument, dorky ellie saves the day, mentions of being irritated at family, mututal teasing back n forth, ellie’s lowk annoying LMAO. kinda mean reader (but in a hot way), lazy/rushed intro bc i’m impatient. cuddling → starts out as top!ellie but oops! a dash of nipple play, a little fighting for dominance ending in sub!ellie & dom!reader, fingering (e! and r! receiving), oral (e! receiving), risky sex. she's a whimperer folks- lawd i needa ruin her….this is very self indulgent, in case you couldn’t tell. lmk if i forgot anything!)
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Waiting for the telephone to ring, and I’m wondering where she's been. And I'm crying for yesterday, and the tap drips. Drip, drip, drip, drip….
Robert Smith’s vocals rang through the room as you spun around in your chair, round and round and round until you got dizzy, your brain being jostled around in your skull as if you were on a rollercoaster. Gaming chairs, powerful things they were. You were lost in thought, pondering the state of the world and your life, because you had nothing better to do other than wallow in your miseries. 
Everything was going downhill, or that’s certainly what it felt like currently. You hated every single one of your responsibilities and life was generally not being kind to you. But most of all, you hated disagreeing with your girlfriend. Ellie could get a little feisty when things didn't go exactly her way, and you loved that fighter quality about her, but maybe not when it was used in your disagreements with her. This particular day her spunky attitude was getting on your nerves, and both of you had gotten a little irritated with each other.
You knew that neither one of you meant anything you said in the heat of the moment, you just had occasional squabbles like everyone else. However this time, today’s words hit you a little harder. Not to mention it was spring break and so for the time being you’d gone back home to spend time with your family. Ellie had done the same. You were very grateful the two of you grew up close to each other, only started your relationship years after initially meeting. You enjoyed reminiscing about the budding moments, adored looking back on the good ole days. 
The source of today’s irritation could have been a myriad of things. Maybe you’d had another little fight with your family members, had a lot of assignments due after the break was over, and the weather was generally horribly ugly. Gray, cloudy skies, pouring rain, wind and chilly temperatures, everything was just going swimmingly. When all of that added up it was only natural for people to be a little on edge, and briefly forget the good moments life had to offer, wasn't it?
Picking up your phone, you stared at the sent message to Ellie, just a plain text asking what she’s up to. Even in moments of disagreements where you needed space to get yourself back on track, you would send her little messages as a way to show her, and reassure yourself, that it was only temporary and the two of you would talk it out amazingly and come out even stronger on the other side.
But now you’ve been left on delivered for hours, was she really that busy? Knowing her, it was likely. Her and Joel were probably out fishing or hiking or doing some other fun outdoorsy activity, while you were just left to rot within the confines of your childhood bedroom. Had she not ticked you off earlier you would have asked to come with. Waiting on an answer from her of any kind would only serve to frustrate you even more, so you put your phone away and collapsed into your warm, inviting bed, despite it being way too early to go to sleep. But you didn’t feel like doing much of anything else, so a little shut-eye wouldn’t hurt. 
Within moments you were out like a light. Blissfully relaxing in dreamland, where you were frolicking amongst colorful flower fields and riding on the back of a unicorn into the sunset, dancing with fairies and twirling to your heart's content. Your family dog’s deafening barking was drowned out by you playing the harp with elves and floating endlessly into an abyss of turquoise waters. You were so deep in this wonderful dream, it was healing you in all the right ways you needed right now. Restoring every ounce of energy you lost, fighting against your inner saboteurs so efficiently. You’d simply stay there forever if you could. Until-
Plink, plink, plink. A small, repetitive sound persisted through your slumber, eventually waking you up. Startling awake and switching on your lamp, you stepped out of bed with a groan, stumbling over your steps and rubbing your eyes to get to the window to see what in the world could possibly be happening.
It was raining heavily, and seemed to be hours after you had initially fallen asleep. You squinted through the raindrops coating the pane of glass and down into your yard as an attempt to scout out the noise. Looking down through the blur, you were met with your loving, apologetic girlfriend, her form scurrying around your yard in the dark of night, scavenging your yard for something. Were those pebbles she was throwing at your window? How cliche.
It appeared as if she had found some, standing upright and rearing her arm back in preparation to fling it at the glass, until she saw you and waved. You didn't open the window just yet, and signaled to tell her to scram. What was she doing here at this hour, in this weather? You flapped your arms frantically in every direction, out towards every axis, resulting only in her pouting and shaking her head. You weren't going to get rid of her that easily.
Twisting and turning the knob to open the window with a creak, you lean outside in the drizzle and stage whisper down at her. “Ellie? It's like, I don't even know the time, but it's late. What the fuck are you doing?” The phrases thrown at each other during your earlier squabble flickered through your mind again, but you pushed them aside because the sight of your love always made your heart melt. And she was clearly up to something, so you were going to see it through to the end.
She shouts up at you, “Hey, I wanna say I'm sorry for earlier. I wanna make it up to you so-” She cuts herself off by bending into a kneel, setting down her bag on the wet grass and rummaging through it, pulling out her navy blue ukulele and clearing her throat. You feel yourself blush from the actions, might be from second hand embarrassment, might be because you're touched by the gesture. She begins.
“So, uh, I tried getting my guitar but it was too big to carry all the way here and I don't want it to get wet so, this'll do.” She strums it, gently swaying from side to side, and sings a scuffed rendition of A-ha's Take on Me, her voice shaking slightly and the cheap instrument being significantly out of tune. The rain and distant thunder was drowning her out, but watching patiently was more than fine. You stay at your window, listening to her serenade until the last few lyrics.
Not even realizing it, but once she finishes the performance, your heart is warmed and you're beaming at her. You truly loved her so much, and as much as you wished to, couldn't stay mad at her for any longer. And regardless, standing out in the rain getting soaked to the bone like that was her punishment, in a sense. The moonlight is dancing on her face in a way that makes her eyes twinkle as if they were plucked straight from the cosmos, and she's grinning widely at you. Enchanting as ever.
“Did it work? I love you!” She blows you a kiss, wipes her slicked down hair from her face and shudders violently. “It's really cold down here, can I come up? Please lemme in.” The slight nasally tone in her voice could make you do anything for her, damn, this girl didnt even know how much of a hold she had on you sometimes.
“Fine. Just one sec.” You closed the window on her to take a quick, silent stroll through the halls of your house to make sure every one of your family members was situated in their respective rooms, and unlikely to be disturbed by any ruckus. By the time you made your way back to your own room, Ellie had already perched herself in the big oak tree next to your house. She was crouched at the top of it, gripping onto a branch and peering inside your room, calmly waiting for you to return and so you could give her the “okay” to come in.
She startled you momentarily, looking like a bit of a creep staring into your house like that, but you laughed it off and opened the window fully for her. “Okay, here goes.” Ellie mumbles under her breath and inches forward closer to the edge of your roof. It wasn't a big gap, but there was a sure possibility of injury and it was a risk you didn't want her to take, but Ellie being Ellie, she was going to be reckless and do it anyway.
What if her foot slipped on the wet shingles and she went splat on the ground? Or broke every bone in her body with a crunch…? That wouldn't be pretty. Your stomach flipped with nerves and you grimaced, turning away. “Please don't die.” She didn't respond and instead only focused on completing the jump to your roof with a “hmf”. One step was done, you breathed a sigh of relief and opened one eye.
She was slowly making her way there with both arms outstretched, and as she had almost completed the journey, she tripped. You screeched quietly and turned away again, that was definitely helpful, but bracing yourself for the worst inevitably proved unnecessary when you heard her familiar raspy giggle. She caught herself just in time and was at the windowsill now, appearing winded from the effort and adrenaline.
“Heh, told you I'd be fine.” “Ellie don't scare me like that, just hurry up.” You helped her crawl inside your candle lit room by the arm, and once she was inside only then did you notice how drenched she was from the rain. Just sopping wet, dripping water all over your, thankfully, hardwood floors. The severity of the conditions outside only became even more apparent to you now, poor girl was about to turn into an icicle. It would be mean of you to leave her like this and let her catch a cold, she hasn’t wronged you quite that much. But a part of you was feeling a little playful, a little mischievous perhaps.
“Don't move, I'll find you something warm.” Before you can disappear inside your closet to find her some dry clothes she attacks you in a clumsy embrace, resulting in you being soaked now too. You try to pry her away and feel goosebumps come on as her cold lips connect with your neck, moist smacks as she smooches you all over.
“Let go, Els, c'mon you're gonna get me all wet too.” You lament to her, then regret your choice of words instantly as she pulls away to look at you, wiggle her eyebrows and smirk, to which she comments. “Damn right I am, that's m'goal.”
Whenever she pulls dirty jokes on you your immediate instinct is to burst into laughter, but you clap your hand over your mouth and hiss back at her. “Shhhh we gotta be really quiet, everyone's asleep. I don't feel like getting a talking-to at breakfast in the morning, y'know because ‘their house, their rules’.” You whisper the explanation to her as you roll your eyes and mock your family's words, adding air quotes as well. 
Ellie gives you double thumbs up in response, solemnly swearing to not produce a peep. After rummaging through your drawers, you find a warm pajama set which matches yours and make her put it on while you sneak around to grab her a towel to dry off with too. 
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Moments later the two of you are cuddled up in your bed together, entangled in each other's arms, enjoying the quiet company. Just listening to the other’s steady intakes and exhales of oxygen, warm hands caressing over clothes stroking each other's hair, wanting to absorb into the other and assimilate into one being. What a shame that wasn't possible, you thought. 
There wasn't too much of a need to discuss the disagreement in depth, because of the mutual understanding it wasn't anything serious, and ultimately the product of annoying circumstances, which was definitely a huge relief. Shit happens, and you were as glad ever to be entangled in her arms again, although it was worth mentioning in short anyway. You break the silence by whispering into her ear.
“You didn't have to come here Els.” You hear her let out a throaty chuckle, then squeeze your waist tighter. “I felt bad, I know you've been kinda under the weather recently. And wanna say sorry for being annoying earlier.” She murmured into the side of your neck, sending tingles on a path spreading throughout your whole body.
While the the two of you were cuddling in your room keeping conversation faint as can be, she had absent-mindedly began to roam her hands around your body, from the sides of your ribcage, to clutching your waist, to settling on your hips to play with the waistband of your fleece pajama pants. She was placing feather-light kisses on your neck simultaneously, and you found it hard to believe she didn't know what she was doing, but it was definitely working on you, and you frankly found it funny. She really did have a habit of being handsy. Your logical side was screaming how bad of an idea this was, but your horny side…
It was like the angel and devil sitting atop your shoulders, debating the pros and cons. You wondered who was going to win.
Teasingly whispering back to her, “Els, what do you think you’re doing?” Even through her hushed tone, you could hear the smirk dancing upon her pretty pink lips. “Nothin’ much, just feelin’ up my girl.” She finishes the statement with a firm squeeze to your boobs. Subtle. And just like that, the little devil was winning, you could hear their maniacal cackles metaphorically in your mind. 
“Ellie, my fuckin’ parents are asleep in the next room over, do you know how thin these stupid walls are?” “So?” “So??? Do you want me to die knowing they were woken up by their adult, straight-A, accomplished, child sneaking in her girlfriend in the middle of the night, like we’re teenage hooligans in a movie or something?”
You'd put Pinocchio to shame by lying like this, knowing full well having her cuddled up close to you, feeling her strong hands sensually explore every curve and valley on your body, and her wearing some of your favorite pajamas was slowly but surely getting you all worked up. All that in tandem with the risk factor was turning you on much more than you'd care to admit. Unpack that another day. Your face was burning and your heart rate was increasing whether you liked it or not, and your girlfriend was right there…a little messing around wasn't going to hurt anyone, was it? 
Hesitantly giving in, you turn around in bed to face her and wordlessly press a kiss to her lips, shoving down the lingering embarrassment. It surprises her and she doesn't kiss you back right away, instead laughs in your face and cracks more stupid dad jokes, only making you roll your eyes and punch her in the arm. She snickers, “Ha, not so good after all, are ya?”
When you don't throw a snarky remark back at her she takes your face in her bracelet-clad hand, thumb gliding across your bottom lip smoothly. The dim light in your room casts shadows on her face that make her look mystical, and hot as hell. “Wanna make you feel good.” She murmurs, mostly to herself, while scanning your features shamelessly.
You abruptly sit up and she follows, watching you quizzically. You look her up and down a few more times, just for the sake of it, before roughly yanking her towards you by the shirt and slamming your lips onto hers. She responds properly this time, slipping her tongue into your mouth with ease just how you like it, her grabby hands running all over your body, not knowing where to settle.
The kiss is hot and greedy, pure need coursing through your veins. You'd only been apart for a week at most, and it was definitely a week too long. Your own hands find their way up to her auburnette locks as you grab a fistful and pull, coaxing a scarcely audible groan rumble from her throat. You nip and bite down on her neck, stopping when you get to her pulse point where you could feel just how hard her heart was racing, reveling in the tiny pants leaving her lips as she tried so hard to stay as quiet as possible per your request, screwing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth.
She pulls you back up to meet her in a sloppy kiss, maneuvering the two of you so she was on top of you and you were on your back, gripping the soft flesh of your thighs as she places herself between your legs. Her fingers playing with your nipple while the front of her pelvis rammed against your heat was making you desperate for more of her, and quickly.
Her hands slid under your shirt and caressed your skin all over your entire torso, then you stopped her to take your shirt off and throw it to a corner of your room. Ellie wasted no time to place her mouth on your chest, peppering sweet kisses wherever her lips could reach, licking and sucking on your nipples until they hardened, pausing to stare up at you when the sensation made you squirm into her and sigh. “So much for being quiet, huh?” She taunts oh so smugly, thinking she's got to you. 
But her voice fluctuates in pitch as her mind becomes more clouded with arousal, resulting in you getting wetter and wetter. She was going to kill you. Bucking your hips into her in pursuit of some friction, she takes the hint and briskly undoes the bow on your pj pants, and slides her hand in. Her fingers land on the wet spot soaking through your underwear and she prods at it, just to annoy you further.
She really was being purposely insufferable today. You jeer at her, “can you just-” She shuts you up by kissing you again, messily and open-mouthed, swallowing every little sound you made. You pull her closer against you by the waist, and she whimpers. That turned you on even more, if that was even possible, your whole being thrumming with lust, new ideas materializing in your mind. What if you got back at her for being annoying, and in the best way?
The risk factor of having to stay impossibly quiet only added more fuel to the fire, and now you wanted to challenge it as much as you could. You snake your hand down her body and palm her pussy over her clothes and you swore you could feel her clench as soon as you made contact.
She lowers her head to your shoulder and her hand in your pants stops moving, you've officially broken this girl with one lazy touch. “Hmm?” You hum, feigning foolishness as if nothing was deliberate. “Seems you're the needy one here, Els.” Cooing at her in a low voice, her uneven breathing fills your ear. The way she'd planted herself on top of you made the task difficult but not impossible, and you shimmied your hand to her boxers, feeling up the wet spot that was surely triple the size of yours. Not cracking jokes now, is she?
And voila, you knew what your next moves were going to be. Your only goal was to have some fun with her now, just because you could. You began to rub your fingers up and down her slit, the thin fabric catching her clit perfectly making her breath hitch as she tries to suppress whines. “Hey, that's not…fair.” Ellie attempts to regain composure over herself and talks back through gasps, but you don't cease what you're doing. Breaking her was too good.
She fights back by copying your motions, her shaky hand rubbing your pussy at a messy rhythm, up and down, side to side, really not accomplishing much because eventually you win, and she removes her hand from you and presses her body against yours, clutching your waist for dear life and shoving her head in the crook of your neck to stabilize herself. 
Her whimpers and tiny moans were music to your ears, egging you on to do more. Moving the fabric aside, you slide a finger inside her needy, drenched hole, slick dripping down your knuckles as you find her spongy spot and curl your fingers against it. She hisses on top of you, clearly you were doing something right. 
Inserting another one, you could feel her walls clench and gush around your digits, as you ruthlessly pressed against her g-spot, the heel of your palm bumping against her sensitive clit, eliciting harsher whines from her, muffled by your shoulder. 
After a short few moments, you could tell she was about to cum by the way her pussy walls fluttered, and whimpers increased in desperation, sugary, dulcet “ah- haah"s escaping from her lips. 
“Gettin close, Els?” Your voice was supple as honey, you were enjoying this too much. She gulps and nods her head, “yeah..hn..please.”
Not so fast. “Hm, okay.” Replying in a cheery tone, as cheery as you can be while whispering that is, you stop all you're doing and tap her on the back. She puffs and sniffles, her voice small and trembling. “What'd you do that for?” 
She was too cute like this, you chuckled at her pathetic attempts to rut against you to get that release, and grunt in annoyance. 
“Patience.” “Whatever.” She grumbled. “Lay down.” You order her gently, and stroke her hair. Of course she obeys, she needed this too much. 
With shaky arms Ellie lifts herself off of you, pouting down at you then plopping herself down beside you in the bed. 
Switching places, you stare down at her fondly, wanting to make her feel good properly now. She deserved it after all that. You bend to kiss her forehead, which makes her blush go from rosy to crimson to maroon, her freckles blending in with her cheeks, and she bites her bottom lip while avoiding your gaze. Her expression was simply adorable, all flushed and fucked out already, all for you.
You grope at her chest, making her whine and scrunch her face up. “Need you, please.” She asks, so nicely, her normally confident voice breaking. Of course you'll give her what she wants.
You decide she's waited plenty enough, and tug her boxers and pajama bottoms off in one swift motion, discard them in the same corner of your room your shirt is currently residing, and get to work. 
Wasting not a second more, you rapidly shove your face in her pussy, latching onto her clit and sucking with fervor. Taking her in your mouth, grazing with the tips of your teeth ever so gently. She squirms beneath you, her knuckles turning white from how hard she's gripping the sheets on either side of her. 
Losing yourself in her, nipping and sucking and licking to your heart's content, humming at her taste and purring praises into her, “pretty, pretty pussy” the vibrations from your low voice reverberating through her only making everything more intense. One particularly forceful knock of the tip of your nose to her clit makes her squeal and close her thighs around your head, unfortunately that was much louder than preferable.
Both of you freeze, chests heaving up and down, staring dazed and wide-eyed at the other, and listen through the walls to see if it caused any disturbance, and you shoot a glare at her once confirming it was unnoticed by anyone in your otherwise silent house. Not a rustle was heard, thank goodness. You exhale through a whistle, then warn through your teeth, “One more sound and I'm pushing you right out that window, got it?” 
It came out meaner than you'd meant it to, but she accepts and nods meekly, responding in a wobbly voice, “M'sorry, can't help it.” You relax and press kisses on the soft flesh of her inner thighs, before resuming just as before.
You continue devouring her, her toned abs flexing and caving in beautifully, the light slurping and squelching sounds filling the room, all while holding her hips in place, fingers pressing into the shape of her muscles while she arches her back above you and her fist flies to grab onto your hair, with deathly strength. A symphony of choked “guh- uh” left her throat while you lapped up her slippery fluids, sensing her body twitch as her orgasm began to build. She didn't even have to tell you, you knew her body like you knew your own at this point.
Curling your fingers in her once more, tongue never halting its circles around her pulsing bud and a final thrust to her g-spot was enough to push her off the edge, finally.
The rush ripples through her as her whole body seizes and tenses up, she's creaming around your hard-at-work fingers, and you help her ride out the high by licking gently and weakening the pressure until she pushes your head away because it was getting too much. All that with no sound louder than a mere squeak and string of whispers resembling your name and a colorful array of profanities, she had bitten down on her hand so hard her canines had left dents, but otherwise looked so content and at peace. Gasps lessening and breathing steadying to the pace before, a faint smile on her pretty face, and her eyes lazily closed. 
Seeing her all satisfied and happy in turn made you happy, and you cuddled on top of her, laying your head on her chest. Her heartbeat was going at such a fast and frantic pace, you loved hearing it slow back to normal. 
Adjusting yourself made her wince, still so sensitive from all you did. “Sorry Els. Did so good.” You mumble and lean up to peck the side of her neck as she drapes her arms around your back and rubs in circles, calming the both of you.
She hums contentedly. “Love you.” “Love you too Els.” 
You didn't even care about cleaning up or moving or anything of the sort, because being close to her was all that mattered. The last thing she said before falling asleep and kissing you on the top of the head was, “To the moon and back.” And you fell asleep immediately after her, feeling loved and comforted just like whenever you spent time with her, your girlfriend's ideas always turned out well after all.
Now as for the morning, that was a problem for future you to deal with. Were your parents going to barge in your room and throw her out, or was it going to be an awkward conversation? Who cares? Now it was only time to drift off to dreamland together, hand in hand.
And that you did. You disappeared from this reality and into an ethereal dream world just like earlier, only she was there with you. It was eternally euphoric, the two lovers delightfully singing duets with the fairies, skipping into the horizon and climbing up the arcs of glittery rainbows, it was more than you ever hoped for. As if there never was any disagreement to begin with, all issues were solved when you were together with her, your other half.
Now this dream you really wanted to stay in forever, but since that wasn't possible, you vowed to savor and appreciate it, and her, to the fullest.
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lol someone sedate meeeeeee. idk how to end these. pikmin :3 IKKK THE ENDING IS RUSHED TOO AAAA whateva.
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thoodleoo · 2 years
one of my friends is doing the whole english teacher abroad thing, and they’re disappointed they’ve been assigned middle schoolers. i’ve never been a full on teacher but i do have a LOT of experience leading swarms of children and some teens and i think middle schoolers are fun as hell!!!
what are some of your favorite things about teaching middle schoolers, especially compared to other ages? and why do u think ppl love to hate middle schoolers so much?
derision for middle schoolers is p wide spread, but ppl hate the concept of middle schoolers more than actual middle schoolers? which makes me think most adults haven’t thought about category: middle schoolers since high school, and retain the high school attitude about it. bc high schoolers love dunking on middle schoolers, to prove their own maturity (i’m not like those annoying dipshits!) and bc even the least cool high schooler is cooler than the coolest middle schooler. it’s like ppl hating new jersey. seeing full adults dunking on the concept of middle schoolers is kinda pathetic imo, but i also don’t understand adults who fear teens
idk if my experience of middle schoolers is skewed bc i’ve mainly worked w them in the capacity of ~cool older kid~ rather than fully in charge like i have w other ages (i keep remembering TAing a college science lab when i try to remember the last time i worked w middle schoolers lmao). the ~cool older kid~ role vs ultimate authority of teacher may be skewing this, but generally all i’ve had to do to get middle schoolers to work w me rather than against me is not go in with an attitude of “ugh. middle schoolers.”
huh. i have another question. so i’ve been in the ~cool older kid~/TA role a lot more than i’ve been the sole teacher, and when i’ve been the only teacher it’s mainly been for smaller groups. social stuff is a big part of the cool older kid role, in part bc ur a pseudo peer, kids are listening bc ur cool and they want to, more than bc ur in charge and they have to. even as a college TA, a lot of what i did was try and make sure everyone in a lab group was participating, get shy kids talking to their lab groups, and be an easy person to help with “dumb” questions. at one point, most of the groups forgot write down their data not just the final answer, so the next lab i went around to all the groups w super secret insider info and in a lowered voice told them how to get full points (write down these four data points in ur answer)- that info was listed in the instructions, but they paid attention to my super secret insider info in a way they didn’t when the prof announced it to the room. and they remembered it in future labs. i’m mentioning this bc it wouldn’t have worked if the prof had done it- my friend has some “mean girls” in their classes, which i found frustrating bc i’ve always considered the social dynamics of a class i’m partially/in charge of to be my responsibility, and mean girls fairly easy to defuse. now i’m wondering if the reason i think that is bc i’ve primarily been in the role of cool older kid, which has a different social weight than teacher. i haven’t had to change my techniques when i’m the teacher, but most groups i’ve taught knew me as cool older kid/TA first.
anyways what are ur fav things about teaching middle school? i haven’t worked w them enough to describe middle schoolers as a category rather than as individuals or small groups, so idk if the traits are unique to the individual or the age. all i can think of is a twelve year old isn’t afraid to love dinosaurs in a way a 16 year old is afraid to.
i am IMPRESSED with the fact that you managed to send something this length through my askbox
i dunno man. middle schoolers are cool. i think a lot of people who hate on middle schoolers are like...projecting? because they remember their middle school experience sucking and just sort of assume that all middle school kids are miserable
i won't say that it's all sunshine and rainbows, but i really enjoy the age group. part of it's that i get to see my kids grow up a lot over the course of their time with me. 6th grade to 8th grade is a HUGE developmental change. but i also just think they're a lot of fun! a lot of middle schoolers are goofy and funny, and it's fun to watch them start to figure themselves out. it's also SO easy to work with them as long as you treat them as human beings with thoughts and opinions. i don't tend to have too many behavioral issues (aside from the usual talking too much) because my students know that i'm not, like, out to get them.
that's not to say there are NEVER problems- this is the age when kids really start to push their boundaries, after all- but if you don't go in with the mindset that it's going to suck, middle school is actually a great age group to teach!
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