#i’m nothing and i wish i could just fade away already. i want so much but. the wanting is horrible when you’re so tiny
groupwest · 1 year
its all such bullshit
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loveinhawkins · 4 months
The squeak of Dustin’s sneakers fades away as he heads back to the hospital parking lot, where his mom’s waiting for him.
Eddie watches the door to his room swing shut—the movement as boisterous as Dustin’s entrance had been; for the whole visit, he’d acted almost as if nothing had ever happened.
“You know,” he says once the door’s fully closed, “I kinda thought he hated me.”
He tries to make it come out like a joke—maybe then, it won’t hurt quite as much. He should’ve known that Steve would see straight through it.
“That’s not fair,” Steve says quietly, from where he sits in the corner of the room—arms folded, eyes sharp.
The silence feels damning. Eddie doesn’t dare break it: just sits there and lets it sting.
But then—
“That’s not fair,” Steve repeats, a little softer, “to him or to you.”
Eddie can’t look him in the eye. If he does, he’s going to say something that’s true but hurtful nonetheless—and God knows, he’s done more than enough damage already.
Steve sighs. Eddie can’t work out how to read him.
Maybe if he just keeps staring at the clock on the wall, Steve will give up and leave, and Eddie can keep it together until he knows that he’s alone.
“When are you going to stop?” Steve says and, damn it, Eddie’s resolve breaks in an instant; his head turns, but now Steve’s the one who’s not looking, his gaze fixed on the ceiling like he’s trying to memorise it.
(Fourteen hairline cracks on the tiles. Eddie’s counted.)
“Stop what, Steve?” Eddie says shortly. Maybe this will work instead: if he manages to hold that awful, flat tone for long enough—
“When are you going to stop punishing yourself?” Steve says. His eyes flicker across the ceiling tiles.
Eddie swallows. Forces out, hoarse, “That’s not—”
“Not what?” Steve interrupts. “Not what you’re doing?” He shakes his head a little, and his voice lowers. “You’re acting like they’re right.”
Eddie grits his teeth; he asks even though he already knows. “Like who—”
“You do know you didn’t kill anyone, right?” Steve says bluntly.
For a horrible moment, Eddie can’t breathe. “I—yes,” he says; it’s wrenched out of him like an involuntary reflex, the thought playing in his head over and over at the boathouse, then at Skull Rock—I didn’t do it, I didn’t, please, please—until it sounded less and less like the truth, and more like desperation.
“Then what?” Steve says. His head tilts down—he looks right at Eddie, eyes blazing like a challenge. “What is it? What is so fucking terrible, Eddie, that you’d—”
“What d’you want me to say, man?” Eddie says, exhausted. “I—I hurt—”
His voice cracks; he can’t get through it, can only think about what he wasn’t meant to have seen: a nurse opening his door too wide, and in that split second, catching a glimpse of Dustin frozen in the hallway, Steve crouched down in front of him, speaking too softly to hear; how Dustin’s shoulders shook; you did this, you—
“You don’t think I wish I could take it back?” Steve says.
The words pull Eddie right out of his head. Cautiously, he asks, “What?”
“Because I would,” Steve continues, like Eddie hasn’t said anything. “I’d take it back in a second.” There’s a harsh scraping sound: the chair legs dragging against the floor as Steve stands, like he suddenly can’t bear being still. “I think about it every day. If I hadn’t—” He stops abruptly, like the words have got stuck somewhere painful. His jaw works once, twice. “If I hadn’t left you to—”
“Don’t,” Eddie gets out, pleading. His hand twitches on the bedsheets uselessly; he’s too far away to…
In so many ways, he wishes he was stronger.
“Steve, you—you can’t do that to your—”
“Right,” Steve cuts across with a humourless laugh, “yeah, exactly,” and Eddie gets the feeling that he’s walked right into a trap without realising. “So you don’t get to, either.”
“No! No, I’m not gonna just watch you fucking hate yourself for—for what? For being scared? For doing the best you could to—” Steve shakes his head again. “Dustin, he—he knows you were… I would’ve done the same thing.”
Eddie can hardly argue the point. He can hear from the strain in Steve’s voice just how much he means it.
And then Steve scoffs slightly, glancing up at the ceiling again—a fragile smile, like it’s only there to keep himself from crying.
“There’s—there’s so much—God.” He drags a hand down his face. “So much blame, Eddie. All the time.” He gets that awful, distant look to his eyes, the one that reminds Eddie that he was thrown into a story in its last horrific chapter; there are things he doesn’t know, but when Steve looks at him, he can feel an echo of the pain in his chest. “And I’m so sick of it.”
But Steve interrupts before Eddie can voice it: a weak laugh then, “Jesus Christ, haven’t you been listening? Don’t apologise. It’s enough that—that you’re alive.” Steve swallows, steps back. Jerks his head to the door, “Dustin—he’ll be okay, I swear, just give it time. Before you—it kinda, uh. It was awful?” His voice goes up, but not in question, not really: more like he’s the one trying to joke around it, now—because anything else is too much.
It’s another story Eddie isn’t privy to. But he can read it in the way Steve’s eyes trace the ceiling. In soft words exchanged just before a hospital room.
The guilt doesn’t fade, not yet. But its grip eases around his heart. Makes room for…
“Hey,” Steve says shakily, like he’s crying, too. “Eddie, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
Hands are on Eddie’s face, and maybe it should be overwhelming—but all Eddie can feel is something like forgiveness.
“It’s enough,” Steve whispers. “Eddie, I promise you. Please. Please let it be enough.”
Eddie can’t speak. But he gathers Steve’s shirt in his fist; and you, he means, and you.
And maybe Steve hears it, because he sighs like he’s finally let go of something—like he, too, has been cleansed.
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
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Jake Sully x Avatar Reader
A/N: This is not part on any request. I just had sudden wave of inspiration and decided to write something short for Avatar. Hope that ones who will read it have fun with it.
Please remember english is not my native language , so be aware of any mistakes. Work contains smut , minors do not interact.
Part 2
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He didn't know when everything around him fell quiet.
His thoughts focused on the woman in front of him. The way she moved, the way she spoke, the way she smiled.
He wasn't even sure when she stopped in place, only turning her head towards him to see why he suddenly fell silent.
-Are you okay Jake? - she asked looking at him carefully - Have you been blinded by my beauty so much? - she asked after a while with a malicious smile, tickling his leg with her tail.
Yes, he wanted to say. But at the last moment he stopped himself, lowering his head slightly downwards.
-You wish - he said as he walked past her.
Y/n followed him with her eyes, cautiously following his movements before moving herself, going past the man to go first again.
-I’m not the one who has been looking at me for a long time - she noticed softly, giggling after a while when her golden irises noticed the embarrassment on Sully's face - Don't worry, I won't tell anyone - she added, mimicking a locking motion on her mouth.
-I honestly don't care if you tell anyone - he confessed, imperceptibly approaching her.
-Oh, and why? Aren't you afraid that after this no woman from the tribe will want you? - she asked, teasingly - Now that we can choose a mate, I wouldn't jump from one flower to another if I were in your place.
-I already know which woman I want - he said without breaking their eye contact even for a moment.
-And does she know it? - Y/n wondered, tilting her head up to get a full look at the avatar's face.
-I believe so, but she loves to make my life difficult - he replied, hesitantly brushing away a lost strand of her hair with his hand.
-We can't Jake - she stated, turning her head away from him.
-And why not? - he asked, placing his hands on her neck so he could guide her jaw with his fingers, which he pointed back at him. - We have the right to do this, so why not Y/n? Explain this to me.
-We're not Na'vi, Jake - she began, frowning in irritation - Feelings are something more powerful here. They're important, they're long-lasting. What happens when we get back to our bodies, what then, hmm? We'll act like nothing happened while in Omaticay's eyes we'll be a married couple, one body and one soul - she explained, touching the skin under which his heart was.
The man took her hand and, lifting it, he kissed her knuckles.
-Is it really that bad? - he asked tenderly - Here or there, my decision will be the same - he announced, looking for hesitation in her eyes - What is yours?
-My mind tells me it's going to end badly - she replied, looking down.
-And what your heart says? - he asked.
-My heart...my heart says I need you. I need you by my side - she confessed.
-You have me - Jake replied almost immediately, his lips gliding over her blue face, marking with kisses every patch of skin exposed to him.
Y/n closed her eyes allowing the man to make every move, running her hands through his body herself, stopping at the nape of his neck at the border of his hair, which she caught between her slender fingers, pulling again and again as his mouth got closer to hers.
Finally Sully connected their lips in a slow and sensual kiss, so gentle that the young woman could compare the feeling to the touch of butterfly wings.
Her legs finally gave out, causing the avatar to grab her around the waist, carefully sinking to the ground with her, not interrupting their shared caress.
Every touch, every kiss and every embrace was like hot metal, leaving its mark on their bodies. However, when Y/n felt the touch on her braid, her intoxication faded. Opening her eyes, she watched Jake lift it up, guiding it towards him with the other hand taking his and binding them together.
Y/n's entire body trembled, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Her insides were overcome by an uncontrollable wave of warmth and pleasure and before she had time to think she was rubbing against the black-haired man like a cat, and when he moved her body, placing her on his lap, she began to moan softly, clinging to his arms like a last resort, too absorbed to noticing Sully marking her neck with wet kisses.
The next feeling the avatar experienced was the feeling of wet earth beneath her back. The man laid her down, slowly straightening up so he could look at the woman beneath him. She lay with her palms up while the violet light from the trees fell on her beautiful face. Her hair was scattered like halo around her head, and her yellow eyes were clouded with lust.
Unable to stop himself, Jake went back to molting her smooth body, tracing his way from the hollow of her neck, through her bare shoulders, the valley between her breasts, and her belly, feeling the Y/n muscles tense and unclench under his tongue. With a large hand, he grabbed the small fabric that covered her breasts, attacking them when his hand showed only a small piece of newly discovered skin.
She grabbed his hair, making sure the braids didn't separate under the sudden movements she made, writhing under Sully's body like a possessed woman. But when she spread her legs, pushing her pelvis into him in a suggestive way, he stopped again, looking at her with a question in his eyes.
-Are you sure? - he asked in a low voice full of the desire he was holding back.
-We've already done something that is considered sacred - she noted - Might as well go all the way - she admitted, her thumbs stroking his cheekbones - Unless you don't want to.
Jake wanted to laugh. How could he not want it when the woman he loved so much lay beneath him, moaning and whimpering, demanding his attention.
-There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you - he replied, lifting her body up so that she was sitting comfortably on his thighs, and she spread her legs so that her knees lay on either side of his hips.
-That doesn't answer my question - she muttered like a spoiled child, leaning against the man's torso.
-I know it do, you just want to finish me off - he said, kissing her forehead.
-Hmm...- she whispered, after a while moaning loudly, feeling how he enters her slowly, stretching her from the inside.
Their heads began to rub against each other as the feeling of euphoria flooded them harder and harder as their bodies merged into one. One they both realized. Now they were one body, one heart, one mind, one soul.
-Jake - Y/n whimpered into his ear, pulling his body as close as possible, even though there was no space between them.
-I'm here, I am - he whispered into her hair, moving his loins with her.
The couple sank into each other even more if that was possible. Every touch, kiss, or tighter grip of the skin they felt on each other and it was the best feeling imaginable. Neither wanted the moment to end, desperately trying to prolong it with each thrust and each clench.
Everything around them lost its importance, even when nature itself, seeing their actions, surrounded them with a safe coat, allowing the lovers to fully devote themselves to their feelings.
They made love for hours, never feeling the need to stop. Their hands, tongues and mouths wandered as their hips moved in an intimate dance.
Only the bright light falling on their faces and the unexpected fatigue coming in huge amounts made the two bodies separate from each other. However, not souls, not hearts, no ,these were connected. Now and forever.
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uplatterme · 1 year
“Say my name.”
—happy birthday to xiao! this is my first time writing for him? i hope it is okay :D
—sub!xiao/softdom!reader, gn!reader | nipple play, handjob, rimming (all xiao!receiving)
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Xiao doesn’t really care for what mortals think of him. 
That’s what he tells himself, at least. He doesn’t care whether humans are put off by him as long as he does his job well as a protector of Liyue. 
He doesn’t care if his ways of punishing monsters are to be considered savage or brutal by others.
Most of all, he doesn’t care if you’ve never cared to call him by his name.
The yaksha snaps his chopsticks just thinking about it.
He sighs, wondering if he has said something that you may have misinterpreted. Sure, he knows that his words aren’t the nicest unlike the other adepti but there’s not a specific situation that comes to mind.
Perhaps he’s overthinking it…
“Thank you so much again, Sir Adepti!” Your voice is nothing but praise. There’s no hint of aggressiveness at all.
Yet the thought of his name actually being said out loud by that voice seems so unreachable.
So this time it’s “Sir Adepti”, huh?
He supposes that’s better than the time you called him “Mr. Conqueror of Demons”.
“It’s no problem.” He replies, seeing the last hilichurl fade away.
Xiao finds it impressive that you manage to spot him whenever you’re in trouble despite not really stating his name yourself. He thinks about the possibility that you’re actually capable of defending yourself if needed, even if there’s no basis for such thought.
“As swift as ever,”
He tenses up at the compliment. It’s just a simple observation but he clenches his fist at the way you say it. Pure genuinity. 
You’re not saying it just because you want to be on his good side (even if you already are), you mean it and that idea brings unwanted emotions that certainly keep him distracted even if he doesn’t want to be.
“I apologize, what was it that you were saying?” He asks, seeing the way your lips move but not truly hearing it.
You chuckle, covering your mouth and uttering apologies that sound sweeter than dreams.
“A mora for your thoughts?”
“I have no need for mora, I helped you out because I wished to do so.” He completely diminishes the joke, instantly flying over his head. You didn’t speak much of it however, preferring to focus on what he said instead.
“Is that so? That’s interesting, I thought you did it because it’s your obligation.” You tease.
The reply catches him off-guard.
“You…are twisting my words.” He says, a much quieter tone than his stern ones earlier when he was warning you about the dangers of being out this late.
“Am I, Dearest Yaksha?”
There proceeds another title.
“I—You are aware that I’m the only active Yaksha? That title is not something I should be benefiting from.” He clears up. How longer were you going to play this game of yours? Is saying his name really that much trouble for you?
Your laugh surrounds the air once again, “It’s a wonder how you aren’t surrounded by fans all day with the way you are.”
He shrinks at the imagined situation. He would never, never allow himself to be near a large number of people just for reputation’s sake.
“I do what I do not for the people’s idea of me.” Xiao states.
“I know.”
He watches you look fondly at him before speaking up. “You need to loosen up a bit more, especially today. Don’t you think so?”
But before he can even ask for you to expand on what you meant, you had already walked far enough, and all he could do was stare at your back, his hands reaching out for something that’s already gone.
The feeling isn’t something new to him.
He returns to Wangshu Inn troubled, ready to sit down and ponder alone when Verr Goldet greets him with a smile.
“How did your patrol go?” She stands by the counter, getting something from under the desk while she awaits his answer.
“Nothing unusual.” 
“I’m pretty sure that Liyue would have been alright without your attendance for today.” She adds, giving him a small envelope that seemed to contain some letters.
“Some letters from everyone. Do read it when you have the time.”
He reads through the names on the letters. A few are from the residents of the inn themselves, some from the other adepti (which is surprising considering their reserved attitude), some from the townspeople of Liyue…
But what garners his attention is the last letter in the envelope stuck with a qingxin, a name that’s all too familiar to Xiao.
He places the other letters on the desk beside his bed, wanting to read what it is that you’ve said to him.
He reads through the content easily, and the way it’s worded easily strikes through his heart. In his private room, he flushes a deep red while reciting the words under his breath as if saying it will free him from the pounding in his chest.
Xiao reads out the last sentence, 
“Call out my name, Xiao.”
There’s no hesitation when he finally does.
He notices the presence on his balcony and he decides to see who the intruder is at this hour, only to find out that it’s you.
How long had you been out there?
“Happy Birthday. I hope you appreciate those letters because I cooked multiple batches of Adepti’s Temptation just to get an actual written letter—”
Xiao cuts you off as he jumps into your arms, hugging you tightly as if you’re going to perish any second now.
He doesn’t say anything, just continuing to hold onto your warmth and not knowing what to do next.
“My, which letter got to you? Was it the—”
“No.” Xiao boldy says.
“Say my name, please.”
You pull him away from you and stare into his eyes, wiping away the few drops of tears that have somehow escaped his tough shell.
The feeling of relief, warmth, and caring that he experiences when your voice finally says what he’s been wanting to for so long breaks Xiao. You didn’t need to confess your feelings in any other way, that was enough for him to know that you reciprocate his own.
He hugs you once more, burying his head onto your body.
“Thank you.”
Xiao had never thought he’d be caught actually using his bed for resting. Well, if what’s happening right now actually counts as “resting”.
He writhes at the feeling of your tongue through the thin cloth of his top, him being pinned down by your left hand gripping his wrists.
He has never thought that his chest would be so sensitive, but the way your lips pinch his nipples has his legs moving more than they should, no matter if he wants his body to stay still.
Keeping himself composed when it comes to pain is easy. Unfortunately, the opposite could be said with pleasure, since he is now instinctively grinding himself on your leg while you play with his erect nipples.
“Hnn—Aah. Please…”
He wants more. He bites his lip at the thought of being greedy, a needy whine escaping his throat despite that.
“Speak up, Xiao.”
The embarrassing noise that slips out of him when you call his name sends him flushing. Perhaps it’s because you’ve deprived him of such pleasure for so long that it causes cute spurts of precum out of his dick.
Your finger traces on the green markings on his lower region, slightly glowing with the way the light in the room is slightly dimmed.
“W-Want more…” The plead easily comes out of his mouth due to him being in such a dreamy state, it only registers to Xiao what he says when he feels you separating his legs away from each other.
It’s such a sight to see the adepti’s hole clenching and unclenching, his cum that leaked down from earlier beautifully surrounding it.
Xiao’s figure is quite small but that doesn’t take away from how his ass is nicely shaped, with a few scars on the side of his thighs from the battles that he’s suffered through.
Your gentle caressing of his cheeks makes his dick twitch slightly.
“N-No, you don’t have to…!”
It’s a strange sensation to have himself licked with such enjoyment, he feels a bit guilty enjoying this so much already but when he observes you devouring him with such hunger, the resistance falls flat on his tongue, easily replaced with soft whimpering.
You call for him once again but before he could even reply with something coherent, your tongue slips inside of him.
He struggles to lay flat on his back, his lower body inching towards your face.
The texture of your tongue against his rim has him breathing deeply and quickly, your hands spreading his ass apart so you could easily eat him out.
The soft kisses that you plant in between, the way your fingers dig into his soft skin…it’s ungodly.
And if that wasn’t already hypnotizing enough, your other hand slowly makes its way from his thigh to the base of his cock, just circling it with your fingers and squeezing softly.
Xiao grinds even more on your tongue but immediately apologizes when he notices how closer that brought him. He tries to move away but is immediately pulled back down, shivering from how your tongue enters him once again, stretching him out.
He bites his teeth together at that, his head hitting the soft pillow when your hand that’s only been gripping him has now started to stroke his length, never reaching his tip and only keeping your hand on his shaft.
Xiao doesn’t know where to focus, his eyes meeting the ceiling of his room. He’d be lucky if the residents of the inn were to not hear of the noises he’s making right now, though he finds that to be impossible.
He moans your name, begging you to let him take a break at least but also wanting more at the same time. He’s too confused on whether he should be enjoying it this much.
When you told him to loosen up, he didn’t realize you’d take it literally.
He feels his muscles tightening, his knee gently hitting the side of your body. He won’t—can’t last long.
Xiao fumbles with his words, he should warn you, shouldn’t he? If he orgasms like this, surely his cum would be a mess for you to clean up, right?
He tries, he really does. However, what comes out of his mouth are completely incomprehensible, just soft but loud moans. “Ah, uh! Hah—Can’t!”
He doesn’t miss the way your hand seems to be stroking him even roughly, using the leaking cum out of him as lubrication. The way his cum falls on your tongue, acting like that’s no bother for you as you continue to eat him out.
Soon enough, it takes everything in him to hold onto nothing, clenching his fists empty as he knows that he’ll end up ripping the sheets if he does that instead.
His cum splatters everywhere but mostly around his stomach and your face, the scream that erupts from him is humiliating and he only hopes that no one can tell that it’s him who’s the owner.
Xiao’s entire body, especially his legs, quiver.
He lays there weak on the bed, letting you go on top of him as you press your lips against his, the taste of his own cum turning him on.
He’s still breathing heavily, panting and moaning into your mouth. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you down and deeper into the kiss.
Once you two separate, a trail of saliva follows and gets left on the side of Xiao's mouth. 
The grin that appears on your face right after flusters Xiao and he looks away, only to have his face be grabbed by your fingers, turning his head towards yours for a quick peck.
“Happy Birthday, Xiao.”
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rainandandy · 24 days
College AU Rain Carradine X Reader PT 2
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Much requested Pt 2 to my College AU Rain Carradine X Reader fic part 1
Warnings: Friends with Benefits, Angst, Kind of a break up
Word Count: 1187
Pairings: Rain Carradine X Fem! Reader
Modern College AU Friends with Benefits
It had been three weeks since that night, and you hadn’t seen Rain once. You had managed to avoid her on campus, staying away from the places you knew she liked to hang out, burying yourself in your studies and trying to forget about her. But forgetting Rain was easier said than done. She was like a shadow that followed you everywhere, a constant presence in the back of your mind, even when you tried to push her away.
You were sitting in the library, your textbooks spread out in front of you, but your mind wasn’t on your work. You kept thinking about Rain, about the way she had looked at you that night, the way she had seemed almost… sad. But that was probably just wishful thinking. Rain didn’t do sad, not for you, not for anyone.
“Hey” a voice interrupted your thoughts, and you looked up to see one of your friends, Kay, standing beside your table. She looked concerned, and you realized you must have been staring off into space for a while. “You okay?”
You forced a smile, nodding. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… tired, I guess.”
Kay didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t push it. “We’re going to the coffee shop across the street. Want to join us?”
You hesitated, not really in the mood for socializing, but you knew that sitting here alone, dwelling on Rain, wasn’t doing you any good. “Sure,” you said, closing your books and standing up. “I could use a break.”
The coffee shop was busy, filled with students chatting and studying, the hum of conversation blending with the sound of the espresso machine. You followed Kay to a table in the back, joining a few other friends who were already there. They greeted you warmly, and for a moment, you felt a little better, surrounded by people who cared about you, even if they didn’t know what you were going through.
But then, as you were sipping your coffee, you heard a familiar voice behind you, and your heart sank. You didn’t have to turn around to know it was Rain. You would recognize her voice anywhere.
You tried to focus on the conversation at your table, but you couldn’t help sneaking a glance over your shoulder. Rain was sitting at a table near the window, laughing at something one of her friends had said. She looked… happy, completely unaffected by the last few weeks, as if nothing had changed.
It hurt, more than you wanted to admit, seeing her like that, seeing her so at ease when you had been struggling so much. You turned back to your friends, trying to ignore the tightness in your chest, the feeling of being completely and utterly alone.
But then, as if sensing your gaze, Rain looked up and caught your eye. For a moment, neither of you moved, the noise of the coffee shop fading into the background as you stared at each other. Her expression was unreadable, but there was something in her eyes, something that made your heart ache even more.
She was the first to look away, turning back to her friends as if nothing had happened. But that brief moment had been enough to shake you, to make you realize that no matter how much you tried to move on, you weren’t over her. Not even close.
You excused yourself from the table, mumbling something about needing some air, and walked out of the coffee shop, the cool evening air hitting your face like a slap. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but it wasn’t working. All you could think about was Rain, the way she had looked at you, the way she had dismissed you so easily.
You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t want to go back inside, but you didn’t want to go back to your dorm either, where you would be alone with your thoughts. So you just started walking, not really caring where you were going, just needing to move, to get away from the suffocating weight of your feelings.
It wasn’t until you were halfway across campus that you heard footsteps behind you, and then a voice that made you stop in your tracks.
You turned around slowly, your heart pounding in your chest. Rain was standing a few feet away, her hands shoved into the pockets of her jacket, her expression unreadable.
You didn’t say anything, just stared at her, waiting for her to speak. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she took a step closer.
“I saw you in the coffee shop,” she said, her voice low, almost hesitant.
“Yeah, I saw you too,” you replied, your voice colder than you intended.
Rain flinched slightly at your tone but didn’t back down. “Why’d you leave?”
You shrugged, trying to seem indifferent. “I needed some air.”
Rain frowned, taking another step closer. “You’re avoiding me.”
It wasn’t a question, and you didn’t bother denying it. “What do you expect, Rain? You told me you didn’t want anything more, that this was all it was ever going to be. What do you want from me?”
She looked away, her jaw tightening. “I don’t know.”
“That’s not good enough,” you said, your voice rising slightly. “I can’t keep doing this, Rain. I can’t keep being the person you turn to when it’s convenient for you, only to be pushed away the moment it gets too real.”
Rain didn’t say anything, just kept staring at the ground. You felt a wave of frustration and sadness wash over you, and before you could stop yourself, you took a step closer to her.
“Do you even care?” you asked, your voice breaking. “Do you even care about me, or am I just someone to pass the time with?”
Rain’s head snapped up, and for the first time, you saw something in her eyes that looked like real emotion, something raw and vulnerable. “I do care,” she said quietly. “But I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to be in a relationship. I don’t want to hurt you, but I’m afraid I already have.”
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, but you blinked them back, refusing to cry in front of her. “You have,” you said softly. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to try. I’m not asking you to be perfect, Rain. I’m just asking you to be honest with me, to let me in.”
Rain looked at you for a long moment, and then, slowly, she reached out and took your hand. Her touch was tentative, almost uncertain, but it was enough to make your heart ache.
“I don’t want to lose you,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “But I don’t know if I can give you what you need.”
You squeezed her hand, feeling a tear slip down your cheek despite your best efforts. “I just need you to try.”
Rain nodded slowly, her thumb brushing against your knuckles in a gesture that was almost tender. “Okay,” she said softly. “I’ll try.”
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sonoyoung · 2 months
— unsaid
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non idol!minghao x gn!reader | fluff + mini angst + second chance | 1.1 k | words i didn’t say - why don’t we
a/n. its been a while lol, i hope you enjoy.
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It was out of reach. He’d thought of reaching out to you, just to check up on you. He knew he’d made the decision but he wished he hadn’t, now he could see everything so clearly and you were at the center of it.
Once upon a time, he had you all to himself, you were ready to be anything he wanted you to be but that somehow wasn’t enough for him. Thinking back on the way he brushed off your feelings, pure and authentic love, only for him to give you back nothing, he could only regret it now.
Why was it only when it was too late that he realized these things? He had wanted to convince himself that his heart wasn’t beating because of the smile on your face, that the feelings he felt for you were only out of sympathy, after all he never wanted to date you in the first place.
He just couldn’t reject you, so he accepted. He assumed it would be short lived, boring and easy to escape. He would get to know you during that time, act like he was interested and then he’d figure out some dumb excuse to end the show because he had tasted the fruits that young love brought and they weren’t tasteful enough to make him want to try again. But somewhere along the line, the acting faded into his actual feelings, and everything felt so real.
That didn’t stop him from going along with his initial plans. So now you were gone, just as he wanted except he was starting to realize, it was far from what he wanted.
Everyday with you in such a short amount of time felt like a dream, like he was being blessed just swimming in your eyes. He’d listen to you for hours just drowning in the beauty, in each lash, in each curve. He could probably draw those eyes perfectly just from the memory. It was such an unexpected feeling that the only solution was to ignore it. Ignore the thoughts of a future together that sprung up right as tiredness settled in, ignore the spark that lit up in your eyes every time your hands would connect.
All of that for nothing because he had already made up his mind on the way things would play out. Surely he hadn’t fallen deep after a month spent together, it was so unlike him. So he went through with it, leaving so many words unsaid, leaving you confused about where it went wrong.
Now you probably hated him, while he was realizing how deeply he was in love with you. Would you answer if he called? Did he have any reason to call? He just missed your voice truly, the thought that he could never hear that voice again felt unthinkable.
Love was never good for him so he gave up on the wishful thinking, but what if this was the right one, the one they made movies about, he felt like he could write a whole script about this indescribable feeling.
Fuck the phone.
He never ran but he was running right now, checking his watch as he slipped through the pedestrians, judging from the time he knew exactly where to find you, he could make it.
Just as you opened the door he rushed down the corridor, out of breath, an unfamiliar sight from Xu Minghao.
“Hao…” Your words faltered, a face that once brought you so much comfort now all you could feel was a deep pit building up in your stomach. You wanted to ask why he was here, why he’d ended things so abruptly when everything was going well, but you just waited for him to speak for himself.
“I won’t ask for your forgiveness, I just… I didn’t realize this before but I’m so in love with you, and it’s so hard ignore because you’re the only thought on my mind”
Each step he took forward and closer to you made you want him even closer. You looked up at him hesitantly, the words sounded nice in your ears but he’d tricked you so easily once before, you wouldn’t have anyone else to blame but yourself if he was fooling you this time.
“You were able to figure that out in 48 hours?” He smiled, and you shift your gaze away from him, he really knew how to get you.
“I kinda always knew but… after that night, being away from you I realized it wasn’t something that would just pass.” His voice sounded soft, gentle, reassuring, sincere.
“The thing is… you hurt me Minghao, you got my hopes up so high and then you completely destroyed it.” Your feelings were undeniable, you’d liked him first, asked him out, planned most dates. A part of you wanted to see that from him, the words were nice but actions spoke louder.
“I know, and I’m sorry. I was an idiot…” He sighed looking up at the ceiling, he turned his gaze back down, a soft smile playing on the corners of his lips, “You know listening to you most of those nights together, I never wanted the sun to rise, I wanted to spend eternal nights with you.”
“I had so many signs but I was really just scared, of how much I did care for you so I ended up fleeing and hurting you in the process.” Your eyes closed shut from the slight brush of his fingers on your cheeks. Eyes back up on him you could only think of pulling him closer, closing the gap till you were one.
“Hao…” his hand cupped your cheek perfectly, his name fell out unconsciously. He hummed curiously scanning your face for a hint, you lift your hand up reaching for his collar to pull him in closer.
He let his hand go down your neck, a light gasp escaping your mouth as his lips pressed against yours. He kissed you so delicately, tasting your sweet balm right off your lips, pulling you in closer as you breathed out on him. The urge to drag him into your apartment only grew as his tongue met yours, before you’re able to get any further you’re interrupted by the sound of keys pulling away immediately to greet the older lady.
You turned away at the same time once she’s gone, eyes meeting with an amused smile on your lips, you let him take your hand in his, toying with your fingers mindlessly as he stood there, above you, just staring in your eyes lovingly.
“You promise you’ll stay?” You asked weakly, he let your fingers intertwine filling in the gaps, leaning closer to rest his forehead on yours.
“I promise you eternal nights.”
ty for reading feedback is much appreciated
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barleyo · 3 months
Hii! Merry Christmas<3 Can I request some nsfw for sir nighteye please? He works late and doesn’t get home until really late at night and the reader is kinda sad because they’re lonely without him. Ty :))
All I Want For Christmas.
Sir Nighteye x F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: As you can probably tell, I got the request last year during Christmas. Shame on me for taking so long, I truly apologize. You can beat me up if you wish, anon, I wouldn't blame you </3 (also if you noticed re-used writing of mine from other fics in this... mind your business)
Word Count: 1.4k
Tags: Nighteye's real name used, smut, p, handjobs, oral (f receiving), established relationship
The holidays were always hard. Mirai was dedicated to his job, being Sir Nighteye and all, even as the winter months approached. He never forgot about them, per se, but he never made much room for them. He tried to get off of work earlier when he met you, making sure that he would at least see you before you went to bed every night. A call, a text, anything. He did his best, but no matter how hard he tried, work was his driving force in life.
You tried to not let it bother you, you knew the hardships that came with being with a pro hero. You kept that thought in your head as you stood near the oven, bending down to shove your last batch of cookies in. 
You had been baking the whole day in preparation for Christmas. Hoping that Mirai would join you, you had an apron sitting on the dining room table for him, but that hope had faded out at around 9:30 P.M. when you realized it would be another late night of work for him. Your hands trembled a bit, the heat of the pans seeping through your old, worn oven mitts as you transferred a hot tray to your makeshift cookie decoration station.
You slapped icing on the warm cookies, blowing on them as the sweet frosting melted off of the tops. Your table had become cluttered and messy, with icing, sprinkles, flour, and crumbs dusting the tablecloth. 
“Damn it,” you mumbled, slipping your thumb into your mouth after catching a scoop of icing on it. You took a whole cookie, hands fidgeting at its warmth as you struggled to hold it, and took a bite, trying to enjoy yourself as much as you could, despite your husband's absence.
“They look nice.”
“Hmph?" You spun around quickly, hand wiping quickly at the crumbs on your lips. Your eyes relaxed when you noticed the familiar green tufts of hair and golden eyes before you. “Yeah, I’ve been making them all day.” She held back from adding 'no thanks to you' at the end of her sentence.
“Do you need any help? I don’t have to go into the office tomorrow. I can help out for as long as you need me to tonight.” Mirai offered his hand out to you, but let it fall down to his side when you coldly turned away from him.
“Most of the work is done already, I don’t think I need your help.” You winced at her own words, feeling the venom they were laced with. “I think you should just head to bed. I can handle this."
His stoney face didn’t budge, he clearly wasn’t satisfied with your answer. “I’m sure you can, but I’d like to help you. I enjoy spending time with you, doing things that you enjoy.” Rolling up his sleeves, he began clearing the table of the cookie cutters and mixing bowls, placing them softly in the sink. “I will wash those later, do not worry.” 
You ignored his words and tried to urge him away again. “Aren’t you tired from work? I really think you should go to sleep. Working for so long just to come home and do more work can't be healthy.”
“Is that what this is about then? Me working so long?”
“No, it’s not. And there is no ‘this,’ nothing is going on,” you scoffed, dripping more red icing onto a stray cookie.
There was silence for a moment before you felt arms wrap around your waist, firm but gentle. You placed the icing bag down on the table and tried to look, but your neck couldn’t crane far enough to see him. He slouched down, resting his head on your shoulder.
“I have been neglecting you, haven’t I?”
“Mirai, no, it’s not like that, I know your job is Important. I can’t imagine how hard it is to be a hero, but I just wish…” your voice fizzled out a bit when his large hands started to travel up and down your body, stopping at your chest momentarily.
“That I’d make more time for you? I hear you, dear. I’m not being fair, am I? Here you are, doing all of this alone, and during the holidays. Leaving you alone at a time like this isn’t considerate. Leaving you alone at all isn’t right on my part.”
He licked a stripe over your neck, sucking on the spot softly. His teeth edged the skin, leaving a small purple mark on it. After examining it once more, he let go of you and spun your body around to face him.
“I know you’ve missed me,” Mirai said softly, “I’ve missed you too. Being with you, feeling you, all of it. Can I show you how much I’ve missed you?” 
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Please.”
He used his long, thin fingers to untie the knot at the back of your apron, shooting it down to the floor. He made quick work of your pants too, leaving only your shirt on.
Before he touched you, you quickly made your move and unbuckled his belt, slipping his cock out swiftly.
Giving a few, testing strokes, you held as much of his cock that she could manage in your fist. You went fast, tip to base, knowing he would want to stop to please you instead. He shuttered a bit, hips threatening to snap into your hand. 
“You spoil me," he said softly into your ear, jaw tensing with each stroke, "but right now is not about me. I want to apologize to you, to make you feel good. Let me.” 
You didn't let go, instead you focused on the head of his cock, rolling it in your hands. “Not until you cum. I've waited too long for this."
Mirai took a breath through his nose and huffed at you. "Fine." 
He stopped holding his composure and let himself sink into the pleasure that your hand provided. He could cum quite quick if he let himself go, but his tense nature let him last quite a while in other circumstances. 
His breathing went ragged and sharp. He brought his hips back and forth, fucking into your hand desperately. He pulled your hand off of his dick before he could cum, not honoring your little agreement.
"Hey, you promised," you whined, frustration crossing your face while you looked up at him.
"I know. I am such a liar, aren't I?" His breathy laugh fanned your face, and the small smile he flashed was enough to erase any anger you had in that moment.
He placed his hand gently on your face, tipping your head to look up at him.  "Do you want my mouth, or do you want me to fuck you?"
"Your mouth." You felt his hands manhandle you upwards, placing your body on the table behind you.
"Good. I always like when you choose that option."
His mouth made quick work, tongue already gliding small circles around your clit. 
"Stop moving," he said, pressing his tongue flatly on your mound. Your legs kept pressing together, as if you were trying to push him away. He slipped one hand between your thighs and forcefully held them apart. 
His large tongue slid through your wet folds, slowly teasing through, from your entrance to her pulsing clit. He stopped at your clit again and clasped his lips around it, sucking on the tender bud. He let  dribbles of spit fall from his mouth onto your cunt, only slurp it back up again to keep you wet and messy.
Not hesitating, you reached your hand down and gripped his hair, holding him in place, and rolled your hips onto his face. 
He didn't mind, simply letting a soft laugh escape his lips. It was cute, the way you took what you wanted from him. 
Your legs stuttered as you moved, twitching while moans caught in your throat. Your hands still pushed his face into your cunt. The feeling of his nose nudging your clit sent you over the edge. A sweet wave crashed over you, making you practically vibrate with pleasure.
After your grip on his hair loosened, your husband stood up and looked down at you, eyes peeking past his fogged up glasses.
"So, do you think you can forgive me now?" 
You rolled your eyes at the smirk that played on his lips and shook your head. Rolling over, you pushed your ass up against the tent in his boxers. 
"Not yet."
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dindjarindiaries · 2 months
Senator's Shadow - Chapter 10 (Epilogue)
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summary: Years later, you reflect upon your first mission with Hunter and the squad, now experiencing the sergeant's love more openly than ever.
pairing: hunter (the bad batch) x fem!reader
rating: mature (18+)
tags: bodyguard romance, forbidden love, fluff & angst, emotional & physical hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, injuries & blood, trauma, eventual/mild smut
word count: 5.258k
chapter 9 ⟸ series masterlist
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chapter 10 (epilogue) ⟹
“Then what?”
Omega’s eyes were lit up in a way that made you laugh. She was on the edge of her seat, which, in this case, was a rock just off the shore of Pabu’s luscious blue waters. You shrugged and continued to smile at her eager expression. “My people elected a new senator, and I joined the squad. Hunter had me stay with Cut and Suu whenever they had to go back to Kamino.”
“Oh, yeah! I remember you telling me why you were with Cut and Suu when we met.” Omega raised her brow, and you took a moment to observe her in the twilight. Stars, had she gotten old, but so had all the rest of you. “Were you on that mission with them to Onderon?”
You shook your head. “Hunter told me about it, but I stayed behind because of his hesitance—mostly thanks to your warning.”
Omega smiled and jostled your shoulder with hers. “You’re welcome.” She let out a soft sigh, her expression becoming more serious. “Thank you for sharing that story with me. I’ve always wanted to know.”
You beamed, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “Thank you for listening to it. It’s very special, and I’m glad you’ve finally reached the age where I can start telling you these things.”
Omega narrowed her eyes playfully. “Hunter wouldn’t let you tell me before, would he?”
You laughed. “He never specifically said as much, but… you know him.”
You heard a crumble of rock from up above, and both you and Omega glanced at where Hunter had so obviously been perching to listen to the story for the past half-hour or so. You and Omega both chuckled before you looked at her with a raised brow.
“Protective.” You grew more serious. “He didn’t want anyone to know I used to be a senator, and I agreed with him. The only reason why we didn’t tell you is so no one would try to use you for that kind of information. But…” you gave her a proud once-over, “clearly, you’re old enough to handle yourself, now.”
Omega beamed at you before resting her head against your shoulder. You kept her hand and gave it another squeeze, your stare fixating on the Pabu horizon as she spoke. “At least somebody around here thinks that.”
You chuckled and rested your head against hers. “Give them time.”
Omega’s eyes glanced up at you with an amused sparkle. “They’re already all gray and complaining about their joints. How much longer do they need?”
That drew a louder laugh from you. All you could do was shake your head at her and shrug, minding her head on your shoulder. “Good question.” You heard more crumbling from above and it created a skip in your heartbeat. “Bold of you to say it within Hunter’s earshot, though.”
Omega made a psh sound. “I doubt he could hear it. His senses are fading.”
“You wish.” Hunter’s gravelly voice was already close to your free side. You turned your head to look at him.
Nothing about that first glimpse at him had changed over the years. In fact, the flutters he brought you were only more intense.
Especially now, as the smile he wore on his lips caused the corners of his eyes to crease and wrinkle. His hair had gotten longer, much to your pleasure, and the pieces that fell over his woven bandana gave him an even softer edge. Somehow, time had made him even more handsome. You hadn’t realized that was possible.
His stare caught yours, and you smiled as you looked down, your ears burning. Something about that look in his eyes told you that you would be hearing about this later.
“How much would you be trying to get away with if that were true?” Hunter had stopped next to you, his arms crossing over his chest as he raised his brow at Omega.
Omega rolled her eyes and sat up from your shoulder. You let her hand go. “You’d want me to get into trouble just so you could help me.”
Hunter’s brow furrowed. “I wouldn’t want you to get into trouble, period.” His jaw ticked. “You’ve gone through enough for one lifetime.”
Omega’s gaze softened at the moment your chest tightened. It had been hard for him to let go of everything Omega had been through over the years. You had spent many late nights reminding him that it wasn’t his fault, nor his burden to bear—and that it was because of him and his brothers that she now had an entire life of peace ahead of her, if she wanted it.
Omega stood to her feet and pasted on a reassuring smile. “Maybe, but I’ve learned how to keep going, anyway.” She stepped forward to wrap her arms around Hunter, who was surprised enough at first to widen his eyes. “Thanks to you.”
Hunter melted against her, and your heart did the very same inside your chest. You stood up but continued giving them space as you watched Hunter’s eyes close in sweet satisfaction. After a few heartbeats, Omega pulled away, her brow raised at him.
“So, you really managed to pull a senator?” Omega gave one of his shoulders a playful punch.
You and Hunter both laughed as he shrugged, his gaze finding yours again. “I got lucky.” Even in the darkening night, you could see the sparkle within his brown depths, one that never failed to make your heart beat just a bit faster. There was no doubt he could hear it.
You beamed and stepped closer to his side. Your hand found his, and you laced your fingers together in a way that completed you. “Luck had nothing to do with it.” 
The two of you kept staring at one another. That was a habit you had failed to slip out of. The corners of Hunter’s mouth were lifted in a warm smile that remained even as he lifted your entwined hands to his lips and kissed the back of yours, the hair on his upper lip and jaw gently tickling your smooth skin.
Omega clasped her hands together before she spoke into the suspended silence. “Awww, that’s the thing!”
That broke your gaze quickly. Hunter’s eyes betrayed his confusion as his brow shot up at Omega. “What thing?”
Omega rolled her eyes and gestured to your entwined hands. “The hand-kiss that made you two fall in love. Obviously.” She looked at you and shook her head. “I told you he couldn’t hear us.”
It was Hunter’s turn to roll his eyes. No wonder where Omega had gotten that from. “I heard everything, Omega. And even if I hadn’t…” he paused, his stare finding you again, “I would always remember the moment my life changed forever.”
There he went again, effortlessly making your galaxy nothing but him for the moment. You smiled so wide your cheeks hurt, and your free hand rose to cup the side of his bearded face. The pull between you was like gravity, bringing your foreheads and your noses together as you both closed your eyes and savored your closeness.
Given everything that had happened since you two had met, you took every chance you could get to savor him.
Omega squealed, a sound that brought you both back to reality. “This is so much more adorable to see with context!”
You giggled as you lifted your head from Hunter’s to look at Omega. “And don’t you ever settle for anything less.”
Hunter’s hand gave yours a panicked squeeze. “Let’s not talk about that.”
You and Omega both laughed at his protectiveness. Hunter narrowed his eyes at you as you nodded in his direction. “Yeah.” You leaned closer to Omega and lowered your voice. “Wait ‘til you’re off the island.”
Omega huffed and gave her head a fond shake. “Speaking of getting off the island… I’ve gotta go to a quick meeting.” She gave you a hug, and you dropped Hunter’s hand in favor of embracing her back. “Thank you again for telling that story. It means a lot that you can trust me.”
You smiled at her as you pulled away and held the sides of her face. Really, when did she get so grown-up? “We’ve always trusted you. It’s just that now, we know you can keep yourself safe, too.” You lowered her forehead to your lips and kissed it. “Safe travels. Okay?”
Hunter’s tone was low as he questioned her. “Who are you meeting with?”
Omega gave your wrists a squeeze and stepped away. “I’ll be back soon!” She grinned before turning and jogging off.
Hunter raised his voice for her to hear. “Is it Hera?” Omega didn’t respond, but he continued to call after her anyway. “It’s Hera, isn’t it?”
You took his hand again and gave it a squeeze. “You know the answer.”
Hunter’s brow creased, though he kept his gaze focused on Omega’s fading image. “She’s gonna get caught up in that rebellion.”
“She already is.” The nod you gave him was as reassuring as you could make it. “And when the time comes, you’ll have to let her go.”
Hunter let out a heavy sigh before he ultimately returned your nod. He turned his full attention back on you, which only heightened the intoxicating effect he’s always had on you. The worry etched in his expression dissipated as he drank in the sight of you, his warm eyes giving you a familiar once-over that made your knees weak.
“I liked your retelling of our story.” Hunter wore a mischievous smile as his forehead found yours again. “But you were missing a few… details.”
You raised your brow, chuckling as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “If you want to tell your daughter about our sex life, be my guest.”
Hunter’s nose scrunched up. “Why did you have to say it like that?”
You laughed, the giddiness within you rising when Hunter’s hands caressed your waist and held you in place against him. “You’re the one who brought it up!”
Hunter shrugged, though it wasn’t hard to catch the amused sparkle in his eyes—especially when you were this close to him. “That’s not the only thing I was talking about, though.” A knit formed in his brow as his gaze searched yours. “You didn’t tell her you resigned.”
You let out a soft exhale, your gaze falling to your hands as they slid down from his neck. Once they reached his waist, you held him tight and pressed your cheek against his chest, and the hand he set upon the back of your head welcomed you there. “It doesn’t matter how it happened.” You closed your eyes and let his warmth wash over you. “I was always going to come back to you.”
Hunter said nothing, no doubt rendered speechless as he kept you close and rested his head against yours. There wasn’t a single day where you regretted taking the path that led you to him and the rest of your newfound family. It hadn’t been easy, but you would do it all over again to be exactly where you are right now.
After a few more long moments of sweet silence, you spoke up again. “Has Echo gotten back to you yet?”
Hunter tensed underneath your grasp. “No.” His response was a sigh coated in concern. “He’s probably on a mission.”
Your lips pulled tight. “He hasn’t visited in a while.”
“I know.”
Your eyes reopened, watching the Pabu sun as it slid beyond the horizon. “Telling Omega our story reminded me of how much I miss him.” You held your breath and hoped the pressure would dull the sudden pain in your chest. “And Tech.”
Hunter’s chest also stalled underneath your cheek. You lifted your head to look at him, but his gaze couldn’t meet yours. Your hand cupped his cheek while your thumb ran along his skin to soothe him. When his eyes did meet yours again, he gently shook his head. All these years, and it still wasn’t something he could talk about—at least, not like this.
You offered him a reassuring smile. “Come on.” You gestured with your head to Pabu’s night sky, where only a few lingering lights of twilight were left. “It’s getting late. Let’s get you to bed.”
Hunter returned your smile, but it was one of both gratitude and amusement. “You think I’m old enough for a bedtime this early?”
You laughed as you took one of his hands and held it tight in yours. You wrapped the other around his arm. “Going to bed doesn’t mean going to sleep.”
Hunter’s stare returned to you again. You looked up at him through your lashes, enjoying the hard swallow he took before he circled his jaw and focused on the way ahead again. There was a blush creeping up his neck.
You let out a softer laugh and rested your head against his arm. “Still nervous, Sergeant?”
Hunter huffed. “You’ll always make me nervous, Senator.” He gave you another quick glance. “But only in the best way.”
“I know.” You were beaming now as your thoughts returned to the story you had just told. “I really enjoyed telling Omega our story.”
Hunter’s hand gave yours a gentle squeeze. “I did, too.”
“What was your favorite part?”
Hunter hummed thoughtfully. You watched his dark eyes sparkle as he reviewed each memory. “Our first kiss.”
Your brow shot up at him. “When you had a fresh blaster wound in your side?”
Hunter shrugged. “It wasn’t that bad, honestly.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Need I remind you that you passed out from blood loss and I had to drag you to that base myself?”
Hunter was silent for a moment, but the tension wasn’t bad. It was the kind that made your galaxy hazy. “Now that you’ve reminded me, we have to pick up the pace.”
You giggled as he gently tugged you along. “You weren’t this excited about all of that happening at the time.”
“Because I didn’t know the outcome yet.” Hunter glanced over at you with a look warm enough to rival the last rays of Pabu’s setting sun. “If I had known I’d get a lifetime with you, I would’ve reacted differently.” He added the last part under his breath. “And bleeding out wasn’t helping, either.”
You lifted your head and pointed your finger at him. “I told you it was a factor!”
Hunter gave his eyes a dramatic roll. “Whatever.” He stopped the two of you for a moment, and the hand of his you weren’t holding held the side of your neck. “It didn’t stop me from doing this.”
He leaned in for a kiss so breathtaking and passionate that it made your knees buckle for a moment, but Hunter sensed it easily enough to steady you with his arm around your waist. The movement brought you flush against him, his hips caressing yours in a way that had you gasping for breath. Hunter let you borrow his own air, his parted lips offering everything he had for you to take. You accepted and relented, your hands now busy with the long hair at the nape of his neck as you easily lost yourself in your familiar rhythm.
Hunter’s tongue had only just started a breathtaking exploration of your mouth when the sound of a rock hitting the ground just beside your feet broke you apart. He shielded you for a moment before you both looked at the source.
A smirking Crosshair was sitting beside Wrecker, the former tossing another rock in his left hand as the latter cupped his hands around his mouth. “Get a room!”
You laughed and shrugged, too familiar with them all now to feel embarrassed that you’d been caught. Hunter was just unfazed as he yelled back at them. “Your aim’s getting better, Crosshair!”
Crosshair rolled his eyes and abandoned the rock in his hand. Wrecker jostled his brother’s shoulder just to earn a glare for the action. Meanwhile, you and Hunter took the opportunity to “sneak” away, his hand returning to yours as he led the two of you to the aforementioned room.
“Crosshair’s only getting grumpier with age,” you joked, though the statement was quite true.
Hunter chuckled and raised an eyebrow at you. “You say that like it’s surprising.” After a few moments of peaceful silence between the two of you, Hunter spoke again, his voice even softer than before. “It’s your turn, now.”
You furrowed your brow and looked up at him. “For what?”
His stare met yours. “To tell me your favorite part of the story.”
You grinned. “Oh, right.” You mused on the question for a small while, swinging your entwined hands between the two of you as you did so. Finally, you made your decision, and you took a deep breath before saying it. “The banquet.”
Hunter glanced over at you in surprise. “Really?” You nodded. “Why?”
You beamed. “Because that’s when I knew.”
Hunter’s expression morphed into confusion as he processed your words. You let out a soft laugh and rested your head against his arm again.
“You knew exactly what I needed without me having to say it, and the way you treated my holster situation spoke volumes.” You hesitated before adding more. “And when your hand touched my thigh…” you huffed and nodded, “yeah, I knew what we had, and what we could become.”
Hunter smiled at you. “I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that.” His brow raised, instantly making his sweet smile a lot less innocent. “Especially about your thigh.”
You laughed away your shyness, letting your gaze study your feet as you brought yourself closer to his side. “Did you do it on purpose?”
Hunter’s free hand found your chin. He tipped your head back up towards him, a habit he certainly hadn’t grown out of—and you hadn’t grown tired of. “Do what?”
Hot flames licked down your neck as your shyness grew. Only he could still make you feel this way, despite all the years you had spent together. “Touch my thigh.”
The warmth in Hunter’s brown eyes, still golden in the dying lights of Pabu’s sunset, became hotter. “Not at first, no. But your reaction made me want to do it again.”
You held his gaze, no matter how intense it was. “What was my reaction?”
Hunter gave his head a fond shake and lowered his hand from your face. His gaze settled on the horizon as he recounted the memory. “It was probably too quiet for you to even notice you had done it, but… there was this little sigh it got out of you, and I thought about it endlessly until you gave me another sigh to obsess over.”
You looked up at him through your lashes. “How many do you have to obsess over now?”
Hunter’s jaw tightened, as did his grasp on your hand. He exhaled and spoke in a low yet playful voice. “I can only walk so fast with these old knees, love.”
You laughed and rested your head against his arm. “Then it’s a good thing we don’t have to rush.” Hunter’s gaze began to burn upon you again, but you were too busy looking at your entwined hands to meet his eyes. “We have all the time in the galaxy, now.”
That had perhaps been the biggest adjustment after settling down on Pabu. No longer did the two of you have to sneak around and scrounge for spare moments to spend quality time with one another. Part of you missed the thrill of it all, but you were more overwhelmed by your gratitude for this peaceful life you had earned.
But that wasn’t on Hunter’s mind when you listened to him force his next words through a tightened throat. “We have half the time.”
You frowned and found his stare. Hunter had already started to grieve what his and his brothers’ accelerated aging would take from them, and you could see that in the darkened depths of his golden gaze. You raised your free hand to the tattooed side of his face and pulled your expression taut in severity.
“Even just a single second with you is worth the entire galaxy to me, Hunt.” You stopped your stride for a moment and held his face between both your hands, your brow furrowing as you gave him a once-over. “You know that, right?”
Hunter sighed and cut his gaze away from you, but only for a moment. “I do.”
Your heart ached for him. All the things that were taken from him—a proper childhood, a life of his choosing, all of it—made you want to curse those who put him and his brothers in such a position, but without them, he wouldn’t exist. It was conflicting even for you, and you had had enough conversations about it with Hunter to understand how it was for him.
“It’s just…”
You ran your thumbs under his eyes. “I know.” You pulled his head down enough for you to kiss his forehead before gesturing towards the open path ahead of you. “C’mon, Sarge. We’re almost home.”
The word alone made Hunter brighten as he managed a small smile and nodded. You cracked a few jokes on the rest of the trip to lighten Hunter’s spirit even more, mostly at the expense of his brothers, and it worked to relax him back to his normal self by the time you reached the door of your private home. Even just stepping inside filled you with a wave of relief like no other.
But you learned long ago that home wasn’t a place for you. It was a person, and the people he had brought with him into your life.
You looked up at Hunter as the door slid closed behind him. Your hands found the sides of his face again, and in the privacy of your home, you took your time studying him up close. He didn’t let himself grow shy, or at least show his shyness, as his palms splayed over your back and kept you close.
“You know,” your voice was feather-light as you spoke, your gaze flickering all over his face, “you’re only getting more and more handsome with time.” Your fingers gently brushed over the long piece of hair that framed his face.
Hunter beamed, and your chest warmed in relaxation as you failed to find any self-deprecation in his expression. “I would say that you’re only telling me that to make me feel better, but I saw how you looked at me earlier.”
He huffed as you looked away for a moment in your own shyness. “I knew you were gonna bring that up.”
Hunter’s hand found your chin as he gently held it and turned it back towards his face. There was no escaping the adoration in his dark eyes, not that you would want to escape it anyway. “It was the same way I was looking at you the whole time you were telling our story.”
You softened, your finger tracing the outline of his tattoo on his cheekbone that disappeared into his beard. “Yeah?”
Hunter nodded. “Yeah.” He took your wrist and held it delicately, running his thumb over your pulse point. “It’s the same way I looked at you the first time I saw you.”
You would have rolled your eyes if the words weren’t so genuine. You believed him because you had seen it, even if it was all so new that day. It truly had been love at first sight.
“Speaking of which…” Hunter grinned as he eased your other hand off his face. “I have something for you.”
Your eyebrow quirked up. “Is that right?” As soon as Hunter began striding towards your bedroom, you let out a gasp of delight. “Are you finally gonna show me your super secret project?”
Hunter laughed, creating a flurry of butterflies within your stomach. “Sure, if that’s what you wanna call it.”
Hunter needed to keep his hands busy without battles to fight or knives to flip, even if he did still carry his knife with him, and so he had taken up a hobby he hadn’t let you know about yet. He had insisted he was saving it for a special occasion, and as it turned out, that occasion was now.
You were aching to find out what it was.
“Okay.” Hunter’s voice was muffled through the door to whatever place he had been hiding his secret project. “Close your eyes.”
You obeyed, rocking back and forth on your heels in anticipation. You heard Hunter walk back into the room, but you kept your eyes closed until he told you otherwise.
“I know you left a lot of stuff behind on Eirus, and anything you kept with you got destroyed with the Marauder. But there was something I wanted you to have again.”
His voice was quiet, tightened in his nerves. It made your soft smile widen in sweetness.
“You can open your eyes now.”
You did as he said, and as soon as you caught sight of what he held in front of himself, you gasped again.
It was a near-perfect recreation of the dress you had been wearing the day you met Hunter and the rest of the boys. Every color, every stitch, and every accent mirrored exactly what was on that same dress, and it was evidence enough that Echo’s words from long ago were true: Hunter’s good at just about everything. Exceptional, even.
“Hunter.” Your voice was a mere, amazed breath as you finally unfroze and took a step forward. Giving it another once-over, you shook your head in disbelief. “Hunt, this is…” you shook your head, “I don’t even know what to say.”
Hunter shrugged, his stare fixed on the dress as he handed it over for you to hold. “I was at the market when I was trying to find something new I could do with my hands, and I saw this fabric and thought…” Hunter paused and ran a hand over his hair. “It just reminded me of this dress, and I thought you might like to have it again.”
You looked between him and the silky fabric in your hands, still unable to form a proper thought. Hunter shifted his weight and let out a huff.
“I don’t know where you’d wear it, or if you even would, so I probably should’ve asked you first…”
You still didn’t have the words, but you weren’t going to let Hunter begin doubting his incredibly thoughtful work. Stepping forward to close the gap between you, the arm not gripping the dress wrapped around his neck, bringing his parted lips to yours. Hunter breathed his sigh of relief into your mouth, and you smiled in the hope that he would do the same. It was only after he did that you pulled away.
“Thank you, Hunt.” You hugged the dress to your chest and gave him an enthusiastic nod. “I’m gonna try it on.”
Hunter’s brow shot up. “Right now?”
You nodded again. “Right now!” You maneuvered yourself around him and stood in the threshold of your bedroom. “Stay out here.”
The last thing you heard was Hunter’s chuckle before the door slid closed. You held out the dress in front of you and gave your head another fond shake. He had gone from a clone sergeant to a seamstress.
Two things he did perfectly.
You were quick in exchanging your comfortable island clothes for the dress. It fit you just right, as if Hunter had taken your measurements—which you were sure he had—to perfect the way every single part of it hugged your body. You checked over your reflection in the nearest reflector and grinned, the corners of your mouth stretching towards your ears as you gave yourself a spin.
You didn’t necessarily miss being a senator, as the weight of responsibility had been a hefty one, but this allowed you to play dress-up in that role again. Not only that, but it also brought you right back to the day that had started the rest of your forever.
Unable to keep it to yourself, you walked up to the door and spoke directly against it. “Are you ready?”
Hunter’s voice was muffled from the other side. “Whenever you are.”
You grinned and opened the door, keeping your gaze fixed on Hunter. He blinked a few times, his stare warming every inch of you as his jaw worked in poorly concealed admiration—not that he was trying to conceal it. You gave him a spin just like you had done before in the reflector, drawing a sweet, giddy laugh from him as he clasped his hands together over his middle.
You lifted the corner of your skirt and glanced down at yourself. “It fits perfectly.”
When your gaze met his, your ears instantly began to burn at the intense affection you found there. It was as if every loving moment you had spent together over the years was replaying in each golden fleck of his dark eyes. “It does.”
You stared at one another for way too long, though neither of you cared. After a few more prolonged breaths, Hunter extended an open hand to you, inviting you to set yours within his grasp. You complied, beaming as he took it and, without his gaze ever breaking from yours, raised it to his lips, gently kissing the soft skin on the back of your hand.
But this time, he didn’t let go. Instead, he gave your hand a tug, his other hand coming up to support your upper arm as he drew you towards him. You were more than happy to fall into his arms, laughing as you caught yourself on his shoulders. This shared gaze didn’t last as long, as the two of you were eager to share in another kiss, one more passionate than before.
Your arms had only just wrapped tight around Hunter’s neck when he suddenly lifted your legs and eased them around his waist. You broke away to look at him with a raised brow. “Be careful, Sergeant,” you warned, your voice breathy as you kissed his upper lip. “You might rip this beautiful dress you sewed.”
“Don’t worry, Senator.” Hunter was already walking forward with you into your bedroom, his other senses no doubt guiding him as he focused on returning your stare. “I can just stitch it right back up.”
And as Hunter laid you down on a bed you were grateful to share with him, you thought about each early moment and memory that led you here. You both had exchanged enough sentiments of love over the years for you to know how he felt, but it was always his actions that proved it above all else. This dress was certainly a pinnacle of that, almost equally matching his actions that came directly after.
You both had made a gamble the day you decided to pursue one another, but thankfully, it had paid off—and it made you grateful for everything you had gone through back when you were the senator being protected by the sergeant.
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chapter 9 ⟸ series masterlist
hunter tag list: @zenrobbins0021 @cw80831 @yunggoblin @maddiedrmr @Molmcb @jellybeanstacey0519 @violetlilly2020
senator’s shadow tag list: @callsign-denmark @dindadjarin @clintbarton-anon
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blindmagdalena · 11 months
I’m in dire need of angst. How do you think he would react to someone who didn’t have a close relationship with their parents? I’m just imagining an awkward Christmas dinner, their family totally sucking up to Homelander. But also not-so-subtlety making passive agressive/snarky comments towards the reader.
It was definitely his idea to go to Christmas dinner in the first place. You've been dreading it. He insisted, though. You don't want to deny him this when he doesn't even have a family, and he's clearly so excited by the prospect of it.
And to be fair, it started off well enough. Your family was so excited to meet Homelander. They couldn't believe this was really happening!
It didn't last long, though. Your dad just had to make an offhanded remark about how you sure were "dating up."
That was the beginning of the end.
Through the night, Homelander grows gradually less boisterous. He's talking less, listening more. You're uncomfortable, dejected, but ultimately you knew it would end up this way. You just wish he would have listened to you.
By the time dinner rolls around, the tension in the air is palpable. Homelander has stopped preening under the praises of your family. You want nothing more than to eat and leave.
The final straw is when your mother sneaks in a snipe about how you "Really could have dressed up for the occasion."
"Well, Sheryl," Homelander begins, his tone immediately catching the attention of the entire table. "You could have tasted the mashed potatoes before you salted them into an inedible sodium fuckfest, but hey, I guess that's beyond your scope of competence."
The silence is deafening.
He isn't done. "God, y'know. You people. You had one job. All you had to do was be good. Nice. Shovel some food into your face and not be total fucking pricks at every available moment, but y'couldn't even manage that. Y'had to air out eeevery single little nitpick and grievance that sprang into your circus peanut brains."
You're stunned, jaw hanging. Your mother's expression mirrors yours. With a noise of indignation, your father begins to stand.
"Sit the fuck down, Henry," Homelander snaps with a flare of crimson to his gaze that puts a shiver down your spine. It works. Your father sits, and the light fades away. "Now that's the smartest thing you've done all night. Didn't think you had it in you."
Homelander pushes his mostly full plate away and sighs, picking up the napkin from his lap to fold. "I was the one who asked to come here, y'know. Practically begged. Thought Christmas might just be a grand ol' time. Do you know how often I'm wrong? I'll give you a hint: it's not often. But you..." He wags his finger between them, smiling more maliciously than you've ever seen him. "You folks really got me tonight."
He stands up. Your heart is pounding in pure anxious adrenaline. For a moment you have a terrible vision of him leaving you here, furious with them and you that this wasn't the experience he had been hoping for.
His hand in your face snaps you out of your thoughts. You look up sharply, and see him looking down at you, that wicked expression suddenly much softer. Kind, even with that anger still simmering under the surface. You close your mouth and take his hand, swallowing.
"Lucky for me I already got my Christmas wish, hmm?" He says, offering you a little wink. "You are... perfect," he says, leaning in to press a tender little kiss to your forehead, emphasizing it with a pointed mmmwuah. "No idea how you escaped all that unscathed," he says, nodding his head in your parents' direction. "So, how about you and I blow this popsicle stand and go find a whooole lotta mistletoe to stand under?"
You exhale a breathless little laugh, tears prickling hotly at your eyes, overwhelmed by how thoroughly he came to your defense. "I'd really, really like that."
Glancing over, Homelander offers your parents one last tight, venomous little smile. "Merry Christmas, you miserable fucks."
Which is exactly how he signs every single Christmas card he maliciously sends your parents each year from that day forward.
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sscamanderr · 5 months
Astarion x reader. My spin on the first biting interaction at camp with our fav vampire. I’ve been having some Thoughts.
Warnings: mentions of blood, light sexual tension. written on my phone. not proof read lol
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Teeth bared directly above your face, white and gleaming. Sharp. The sight had you scrambling backward, feet slipping on the bundle of blankets you slept with before your sleep-addled mind cleared and recognized the silver hair and ruby eyes.
“Shit,” whispered that purring voice.
“Astarion?” Your voice was thick with sleep still. Your mysterious companion held his hands up in an attempt to calm you as you matched his movements to stand.
His ethereal eyes remained warily on yours even as he bowed his head. “It’s not what it looks like, I swear,”
You glance at your other sleeping companions; too tired or too far away in their tents to hear. Seems you were lucky that nightmares kept you just on the verge of consciousness. A vampire was in your camp after all. “What’s going on? Were you trying to hurt me-- hurt the others too?”
Campfire flame danced in Astarion’s wide eyes. He inched away from your suspicious look. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you! I just needed, well…blood.”
“I wondered how long you’d last,”
You had your doubts at first, but the little puzzle pieces kept clicking. The boar your party had found days earlier. The coolness of the brush of his hand despite the battles and time under the sun. That was before you caught yourself staring at him a little too long at the smooth angles of his face, and the silver curls that swept around his elven ears. You were sure he saw you glance at his lips more than a healthy amount. That healthy amount helped you catch a glimpse of two pointed canines.
“You…You know?” He inclined his head slightly, rooted in place. His accusing tone held an urgency for you to continue.
“That you’re a vampire? Yes,” you stated. His searching eyes had you wishing you would sink into the ground.
“How long have you known?” He tilted his head to the side; a curious trait you found endearing if you didn’t think he appeared to be sizing up his next meal. And you very well could have been just that.
“Over a fortnight. Astarion--”
“You didn’t tell the others?”
“No. Gale thinks you have an affinity for blood magic you won’t tell him about and Shadowheart just thinks you’re odd. That’s all I know,” Your shoulders relaxed just a hair when Astarion smirked. He met your eye again and it faded.
“You have been keeping a close eye on me. Is it distrust? Or perhaps something else,”
“Nothing of the sort,” you assured him, “The signs were there, and I put two and two together. You’re not subtle,”
Astarion let out a laugh, airy and flitty. “And what do you plan on doing with your excellent sleuthing skills?”
“Depends entirely on you. How long has it been since you killed someone?”
“I haven’t killed anyone! At least, not for food, since I’m assuming that’s what you mean,” You nodded. “I feed on animals. I know you know that much. Boars, deer, kobolds—whatever I can get,”
You felt his gaze linger on your racing pulse point. He was focused so intently on it your heart raced faster at the attention.
“It’s not enough. Not if I have to fight. I feel so weak,” his tongue absently wetted his front teeth. Your lips parted a bit in realization: your sleeping self would have been all too easy for him to get to.
“You wanted to feed on me,”
“I…Well, yes, if I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better,” Astarion straightened and moved closer. “Please,”
The timbre of his voice made your flesh crawl. Not unpleasantly so.
“Why didn’t you ask me instead of trying to sneak a bite in the dark?”
“At best, I thought you’d say no. More likely you’d ram a stake through my ribs.” He eyed you up again. “No, I needed you to trust me. You can trust me,”
“I already did trust you. I thought that was clear,” you told him. His eyes flashed with something like surprise.
“Almost too trusting,”
“The least I can do is give you the benefit of the doubt,” you tried a small smile, not enough to show teeth. “The least you can do is trust me too. What do you need?”
Red eyes held you in place. Moonlight illuminated Astarion’s silver curls as he moved closer, footsteps silent on the dirt. “Let’s try to trust each other a little further, hm? I only need a taste,” he hummed, “I swear,”
You pinched your lip between your teeth, refusing to shy away from his predatory lean toward you. This moment held possibly the longest conversation with him you’d had so far. Despite your first meeting— which included a dagger to your throat and your fist thrown at his face— his actions gave you no other reason to doubt him. You did not know the man at all besides the bits and pieces he’d let slip, only on purpose you were sure. He’d kept you all alive thus far. That was enough for you.
“I…How do you want me?”
Astarion smirked. “Presumptuous, darling,”
Your cheeks burned. “Not like that—You know what I mean, asshole,”
“I’m hurt!” He placed a hand over his undead heart and feigned offense. Still, he came face to face with you. You felt your breath pick up when delicate, cool fingers moved your hair from your shoulder, baring your neck to him. Already this was feeling a touch too intimate for your comfort.
“Should I sit?”
“You should,” his words brushed against your skin; gentle, cool as the breeze. You leaned away from his touch, avoiding his eye as you sat in front of him on your bedroll. A log in the fire snapped, making you jump. “You seem nervous, darling,”
“Can’t help it. You want to take a chunk out of me,”
Another airy laugh left the man as he kneeled to your level. “That all?” he tilted his head again to make sure you met his gaze. You broke the charged contact to roll your eyes, allowing him that small win. “I’m no animal. Lie back,”
You tensed as he urged you onto your elbows. Fuck, this was like nothing you’d done before. Astarion was nearly draped over your body as he followed your own movements. His arm planted itself on the ground beside your hip and he began to bow his head toward you. “Wait, wait,” you gasped.
“What’s wrong?” There was no impatience present in his tone. Thankfully. Still, deep-set hunger swam in his ruby irises. Your cheeks flushed deeper at his closeness.
“How badly does it hurt?”
His expression hardened. He studied a spot on your neck, seeming a mile away in his own thoughts. It was emotion deeper than he’d previously allowed you to see.
“I’ll be much gentler than to you than the vampire that did this to me,”
Your curiosity was brimming when you looked at the symmetrical scars on his neck but you did not want to make him uncomfortable, so you remained quiet, and sent him a nod. Your exhale disturbed a few strands of his hair as he closed the distance between you completely.
Astarion’s nose and lips briefly skimmed the artery in your neck and you shivered at the feeling. Little warning alluded to his teeth finding purchase in your skin.
You let out a yelp of surprise, one hand digging into the dirt at your sides and the other flying to grip the front of the vampire’s shirt. Your breath did not come easily; the icy pain was almost too much. You felt your knees curl up as if your body was trying to fold into itself. The reflex nudged him closer.
The pain numbed as you felt him swallow against your throat, drawing your warm blood into his mouth. Your head fell back. His hand was there to catch it.
A fleeting moment of focus made you think the action was rather intimate. Possibly even sweet.
Another gulp. You squeaked, both in pain and in response to the foreignness of his ministrations. You tugged his collar and your eyes fluttered closed. You moaned softly as you regained your breath. His low growl, nothing more than a vibration, rumbled through your veins. Your body warmed.
Embarrassingly, you didn’t realize the rest of your body was moving until Astarion’s hand flattened over your hip. A groan left you when his teeth retracted from you swiftly. A cold hand held your own. Your neck stung when you turned your head.
Astarion’s pupils were blown wide so only a sliver of red outlined them. He’d shoved himself away, dropping your hand and stumbling into a standing position. With his fingers he wiped away your blood staining his lips. You stared, unabashed, when he licked them clean. He panted though he had no use for breath.
Lightheaded and slow, you sat up.
“Are you alright?” Concern rang in your words.
Gods above, Astarion thought, you had blood trickling from the puncture wounds in your neck that’d he’d left—fuck, he wanted to dive back in and lick up the trail leading down your chest—and you’re the one asking him if he’s alright.
His mind cleared. His hunger was satiated for now. His cock was hard. He hated how your moans affected him. He wasn’t even trying to bring them out of you, though he caught himself imagining how he could. Whatever it took to make you trust him, with no doubts. You claimed you already did, but would you go so far as to help him with his personal ambition?
The scent of your blood--gods, he was awash with pleasure of a kind he couldn’t name. He felt strong and…happy. Astarion was certain he’d said that out loud, judging by the shy smile on your lips. He’d have the blissful image and the taste of you on his mind all night.
Astarion made some excuse to get away from you, the first person he’d tasted since turning into the monster he was. He was invigorated. Ready to take on anything and anyone. Something he admitted to himself: he would --possibly, maybe-- willingly do just that for you. He would not soon forget what you had gifted him.
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Please Fix the Story pt 29- The Higher Realm
Next part. A little shorter, but I think part 30 or 31 may be the end of the official story, not counting any side parts. Wish me luck!
Masterpost linked here
“Adonis is here.”
As I processed his words, I watched the glowing words: “Soul transfer 59% complete.“ fade away. Once they disappeared, I felt a surge in the strange dark power with me. I looked down at my hands, seeing a barely visible power coiling around them.
Finally, I broke past 49%! And I can sense this power better than before. It’s definitely growing, whatever it is... even if I can't use it still. Hopefully this become something useful!
“Bel? Are you okay?” Liam’s questions broke me from my thoughts, and I looked back at him, the brief flash of dark power fading back into nothingness.
“I’m okay. So Adonis is here? Already?” At the grim news, I rubbed my hands together in excitement. “FINALLY! It’s time to unleash my super secret trap!”
“Your trap?” Liam rubbed his shoulder, likely still feeling the pain from his gunshot wound from the lower realm. “Is this what you’ve been sneaking off lately to set up?”
“Yep!” I grabbed Liam’s hand and pulled him over to a carefully marked cleared area just far enough away from the cave to protect it. It may not be much, but it’s Liam’s home… my home. I’d rather Adonis stay far, far away from it.   
Liam was staring down at our clasped hands with an absentminded smile, and didn’t seem to pay attention to our direction. Looking around once we stopped, he was clearly confused. “Why are we stopping here?”
“This is where we want him to find us.” I said with a confident grin.
At my words, Liam gripped my hand tightly, as if afraid that I would be taken away. His anxiety was almost palpable.
I tried to reassure him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Nothing good can ever stay here, Bel.” His eyes were filled with a sadness close to despair. “No matter how much I’ve tried to prevent it, everything here eventually withers and dies.”
“So do you want me to go back with Fart Sniffer McGee?”
He let out an involuntary snort at the silly, insulting name. “No I didn’t say that! I just…”
“Well, perhaps you should…”
A new voice spoke out as Adonis walked out from between the trees, standing in the small clearing in front of us. Seeing me, he smiled, a cocky expression. “Hello, Bel! Looks like your tamed monster recognizes reality better than you. Isn’t it time you admit it too?”
“There’s only one monster here," I said with a polite, distant smile. " And it’s not Liam.”
Adonis frowned. “Don’t deflect, Bel. The truth remains.”
“What this villain said is correct: Nothing good can survive here. You don’t… you can’t belong here… you belong in the Higher Real. Even this beast knows it. You belong with me!”
“So you knew we were talking about you?” I turned to Liam, chuckling, “Look at him, so readily accepting of the new name Fart Sniffer McGee.”
“Very self-aware.” Liam nodded solemnly.
“Personal growth.” We both applauded politely.
He didn't seem amused at our antics. “SHUT UP!”
“Ooh, I don’t think he likes it.”
Liam shrugged. “We can think of others.”
“Ooh! A new one every day!” We threw out a few, each one more childish and ridiculous than the last. Once we reached “Captain Bum Nugget” however, Adonis finally snapped.
“I SAID SHUT UP!” He took a step forward with a threatening gesture, and I let out a shout of victory.
“FINALLY, YOU HIT THE MARK!” I quickly pulled a rope on the ground, and a net holding a load of large smelly... material... fell. Adonis was quickly covered head to toe, and was knocked to the ground by the weight of the net and its contents.
There was stunned silence, but it was quickly broken by my laughter. “That’s what you get! Did you really think you could waltz right into OUR realm without consequences?! Enjoy being smelly!”
I looked over at Liam, expecting him to agree with me… but instead he was staring at the… material… coating Adonis with a horrified expression. He then sat down on a nearby stump and slowly put his head in his hands.
“Bel…” He sighed as he spoke. “Do you know what that is?”
“It’s feces!” I answered cheerfully. “I assume from some sort of large beast, although I’ve never seen anything in this realm big enough to make poop like this! It took forever to collect it and set up this trap.” I thought for a moment. “It’s strange though, this has weird flecks in it, almost like tiny jewels… such an odd thing. Do you know which animal…?” I trailed off as I saw Liam’s shoulders shaking. Is he crying?
Liam finally lifted his head, laughing uncontrollably, his face bright red. After a long moment, he finally said “Bel, it’s very creative revenge, but… next time, why don’t we work together to plan it, okay?”  His tone seemed resigned.
“…Sure.” I hadn’t expected such a big reaction from him, but quickly agreed.
Adonis finally recovered from his shock.  “Bel, it’s time to go home.” His voice was low and intense, but the intimidation factor was incredibly dialed down by his feces-covered appearance.
“I AM home, Adonis.” I grabbed Liam’s hand again. “I’m staying here with Liam. In fact… we’ve just agreed to get married!”
Adonis lunged forward, but we took a huge step back, avoiding him.
“Cut the crap, Bel!”
“Ooh… poor choice of words!” I tried to high five Liam, who hesitated for a long moment, and then finally gave me one with another sigh.
Adonis was undisturbed. “Joke all you like. You can’t change reality with quips and funny words.” His face was distorted by a snarl. “I don’t know how you’re still alive, but even if you’ve found a temporary measure, it won’t last forever. You are a heroine. THE heroine. Your very nature rejects and is rejected by this realm. The longer you stay, the weaker you become. Even if you force yourself to remain here, then the realm itself will begin to destabilize and fade.”
His words struck like a blow. “You’re lying.” I whispered, wishing I believed my own words.
Adonis chuckled grimly. “I don’t lie, Bel. You and I don’t agree at all on a lot of things, but you know me well enough to know I don’t lie.”
“That doesn’t mean you tell all of the truth.” Liam finally spoke up, glaring.
Adonis didn’t back down. “Shut up, Monster.”
“Stop calling him that!”
“Silly, innocent, Bel.” Adonis laughed at my outburst. “What do you think Liam is?”
“Shut up.” I didn’t want to hear what he had to say.
“I already told you: I don’t lie. I call Liam a monster because that’s exactly what he is.” He grinned. “ A literal monster. Don’t believe me? Just ask him.”
I felt Liam shaking beside me and gripped his hand tighter. I knew Liam wasn’t human, but I don’t want to learn the truth from Adonis. Which means I have one option left:
“Yeah, I know.” I rolled my eyes, and stated nonchalantly. “Liam told me a while ago.”
Adonis was taken aback by my confidence, but soon his eyes narrowed, studying me. “You don’t know. He wouldn’t tell you!”
“Think what you want.” I shrugged. “But I’ve been here a while… since you kidnapped me and dumped me here, by the way… and it would be impossible for Liam to hide his true self for this long.”
“I know everything.” I lied, knowing almost nothing. “And I don’t care. I’m staying with him anyways.”
Adonis was silent for a long moment, looking at us both, his gaze dropped, focusing on our clasped hands.
“FINE.” He turned around, and I tried not to chuckle as he trailed poop on the ground.
But his next words stilled any desire to laugh.
“This place will either kill you or destroy itself. The end will come sooner than you expect. If you don’t care about all the countless lower realms and all their innocent inhabits out there that you are condemning to destruction by staying here, then at least care about your own well being, or your friend’s, as he needs this place to stay alive.  If it fades... well, you know. I’ll come back to collect you once you’ve come to your senses.” He shook his head, and I felt a growing sense of dread. “Give up, Bel. You must accept your fate.”
He was gone, and Liam and I were left alone.
I let go of Liam’s hand, stepping away, and he reached out as if to catch me, his hand pausing mid-motion, his face pale.
His terrified eyes met mine. “Bel… I can explain.” Liam’s voice was hoarse, his eyes red, his hand still in the air, shaking. “Please… I’ll tell you everything. Just… just don’t hate me, please…not you too.”
My heart broke at his pain. I reached out, grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled him closer, hugging him tightly. “I don’t hate you.” I could feel his entire body trembling. “Not even a little.”
He stepped backwards, a small nervous smile on his face. “You say that now but… You don’t know my secret yet.”
“No matter WHAT you are, Liam. You are you. And that’s all that matters.” I held a finger against his lips as he started to speak again. “That being said. Why don’t you tell me in the morning? You and I are both tired, and I don’t really feel like hearing your biggest secret after Adonis the Poop King threatened us. Tell me in the morning, IF you really want me to know."
Liam’s smile grew, his whole expression lighter. “The morning then, I’ll tell you for sure.”
We separated to get some sleep.
Fragments of worlds flashed through my dreams, one after the next, so quickly I couldn’t grasp what was happening. The few scenes it lingered on made me wish it hadn’t.
He was on the ground, bleeding from a gunshot wound. The growls of zombies could be heard in the distance. My eyes were blurred with tears.
All I could see was blood, too much blood.
“Liam.” His name escaped my lips.
“Sorry, I have to go first.”
More blood.
“Next time, let’s get married? “
Before I could respond I was in a new world, facing him once more. He was larger, more muscular, but too pale. Laying on a bed. Two small puncture wounds were visible on his neck.
“Liam… wake up.”
My hand, shaking, tried to check a pulse, hoping, praying to find it.
There was only the stillness of death.
World after world, flipping through too fast to remember. Finally, it stilled once more.
“Why do you always die, Liam?” I was crying once more.
He laughed a sad sound, but I couldn’t see him. His voice was above me. “That’s the fate of a villain, Bel. That’s the fate of a monster. I was never meant to be happy. I was only ever meant to be sacrificed for others’ happiness.” He faded away to nothing, and I was alone in the dark.
The blue words hung there, threateningly, and I backed away. The words followed, leaving me unable to run away even if I wanted to.
I woke up in a cold sweat, struggling to sense what was real and what wasn’t. Breathing deeply, I pushed myself up, getting out of the bed, moving towards the center of our cave.
I wanted to find Liam.
I searched all the rooms, however, and he wasn’t there.
Panicking a bit, I walked out of the cave.
Something small and white fell from the sky and landed at my feet. I looked closer. It appeared to be a white dove. Its neck broken. Blood pooled underneath it, almost staining my feet.
“What…?” Where did the dove come from, how had it survived in this realm? Why did it die?
As I watched on in horror, the blood moved and formed into words:
I ran away. I was no longer sure if I was still trapped within the dream or if reality itself had gone insane. Nothing else mattered but my goal:
I needed to see Liam.
“Liam!” I called out again, seeing some traces along the ground and following the trail. I could hear movement up ahead, and Liam’s voice, talking seemingly to himself. The voice was familiar and not at the same time, spoken with a deep harsh tone.
“Okay, I just have to be calm, Bel said she doesn’t care what I am…. NO!… this is stupid, I should run away… but I can’t run away, that would mean leaving Bel behind… Maybe, I could take her with me? … YEAH! ... But wait... that defeats the purpose of running away to keep her from finding out what I am!”
I heard a loud growl and a thud. The sounds didn’t seem human. I slowed down, getting a glimpse of an enormous dark something beyond the trees in a large clearing ahead as his voice continued.
“Okay, just tell her the truth, and explain all the benefits… free heating source... free rides flying in the sky… umm… something else…  Come on, Liam! Think, think!”  
More crashes sounded out, and I hesitated to move into the clearing. What will I find?
I thought of my dream, of Liam in many forms dying in front of me. I thought of the bloody message scrawled out in front of the cave. I can’t back away now.
“Liam!” I called out, trying to keep my voice from trembling. “I’m here! Can I come into the clearing?”
I didn’t want to force him, especially hearing his anxious rants.
Liam let out a shriek, the sound mixed with a strange inhuman growl. “BEL?! Umm… so...you want to come into the clearing… I’m a little indisposed at the moment…”
“Liam.” My voice was soft now, but in the dead silence of the forest, I knew he could hear me. “I want to see you. I won’t run away.”
“…” The silence dragged on and on. Just as I was about to give up and walk away…
“You can come.” He sounded scared, resigned, but at the same time, determined.
“Are you sure…?”
“I’m sure.”
I took a deep breath and stepped forward.
Immediately I looked up, tilting my head back all the way upwards just to see his face. He was large, not quite as large as the ancient beast from previous the lower realm. If then he had been the size of a mountain, now he was the size of a three story house.
He was darker than the night sky above him, with shining scales interlocking in a tight armor.
Spikes rose up in a long row, bristling, protecting his back.
Large wings, with stretched leathery skin flapped nervously behind him.
A long winding  neck, leading upward.
Teeth, enormous and deadly, protruded from an elongated scaly jaw.
And looking straight at me, unblinking, were his eyes, the vertical slit pupil set within a wonderful, familiar dark blue. The face seemed unsuited for showing emotion, yet I could see everything he felt within the depths of his eyes.
It WAS Liam.
Liam was a dragon.
I hesitated for a moment, and in that silence, I saw the fear bloom brightly within his eyes. His head tucked in, hiding underneath his wings.
“Liam… you’re a dragon?” I phrased it as a question, but he could be nothing else. “Wow, that’s really cool!”
"Really?" Slowly, his eyes peeked out from his wings.  “You’re not just saying that?” It felt strange to hear Liam’s voice coming from this form, but it was the familiar sound that reassured me as well.
“Nope! I think you look very strong and awesome!” I reached out a hand and moved forward, Liam stuck out his head close, allowing me to touch the side of his face. The black shiny scales seemed softer to the touch than I had expected, the surface cool against my palm.
“You really don’t care? Even though I’m a monster?”
“I’d rather be in the company of a dragon like you than the kind of monster that Adonis is.” I shrugged. “I guess that says a lot about me.”
“Thank you, Bel.” His voice was filled with relief, and I couldn’t help but smile.  
I settled in, asking, “Have you always been a dragon? Or did you start out human?”
"Always." Liam crouched down, keeping his head low towards the ground so I didn’t have to bend my neck to see him. “This is what I am. I’ve been like this since I was old enough to remember anything.”
“Were you always here, in this realm?”
Liam let out an angry growl. “No. I came from a different realm. One where dragons and humans existed together. I was young… very young, when I was taken away. Dragons tend to be solitary creatures, but typically they protect their young until they reach adulthood.” He sighed. “My parents, however, died right after my birth, killed in a large battle with humans. After that, I was being raised by my grandfather. He was amazing! He taught me what it meant to be a dragon.”
“Your grandfather raised you?” Is he…” I trailed off, unable to finish the question.
“Dead.” Liam’s voice was flat. "The System came to collect me. My grandfather tried to stop it… he was destroyed, along with my entire realm.” Two golden tears dropped from the dragon’s eyes. “I couldn’t save him, I couldn’t save anyone.”
“The System?”
“I don’t know what it is. It appeared as bright blue words written across the sky when I saw it. It’s what makes the portals… what creates the missions we see in the lower realms. It controls seemingly everything but at the same time seems to be interested in nothing. I don’t know if it’s a god or the devil or something else entirely… but I watched its power as it destroyed my realm.”
Bright blue words? Shuddering, I thought of the counter that only I could see. Is that the system too? I reached out, trying to hug the enormous dragon head. “I’m sorry Liam.”
“It told me I was born to be the ultimate villain, and that all others would derive their fate from me.” He sighed. “It said that the classic story was that of a hero, a princess, and the monster that kidnaps the princess. My fate was to separate them, and then be destroyed to allow for a happy ending.” He looked down at me. “Then I woke up here, alone except the occasional creature that tries to survive… they never do, not for long. This world slowly destroys them. Of course, most nights, portals would open up and drag me in.”
“You saw my mission last time. They’re all like that. Lose everything, get severely injured… die. Every single one of them. The story of the lower realms can’t be complete unless there is a satisfyingly bad end to the villain.”
“Did you always follow the mission?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“Not at first. Especially when I was still very young, I struggled against it, tried to avoid it. I would run and hide and stay away. But then the lower realm would be destroyed, I would wake up here and the next world would open up shortly. Finally, I started to complete the mission as quickly as possible, so I could just go back home, and no one else would get hurt.”
I wished I couldn’t imagine it, but I could. I had been to countless lower realms with Adonis. How many of them had Liam been there, dying, getting hurt, just so that he could stop suffering and come back here? How many times has he chosen to die painfully, rather than let a lower realm be destroyed? I remembered him drinking the poison when we first met, his nonchalant expression at his upcoming demise.
“Bel, don’t cry.”
“I’m not…” My voice paused, as I reached up and felt tears running down my face. “I…”
“It’s okay, I’m used to it.”
“It’s NOT okay!”
“It’s my fate.”
*** Soul transfer 73% complete. ***
I ignored the words, feeling slightly sick sight of the glowing blue letters. If this is the system, this… thing… kidnapped Liam and forced him into this never-ending hell. I can’t trust anything it says.
Liam laughed, his eyes happy. “Yeah, screw fate.”
I touched his face again. “I will protect you. I won’t let fate, or the System, or even Adonis win. We’ll find a way for me to stay here, and then find a way to avoid our fates AND save the lower realms.”
“What you don’t believe me?”
He blinked. “You still want to stay here?”
“Yeah… aren’t we getting married? Typically married people stay in the same realm of existence.”
“Of course! Didn't I already ask you in the last lower realm? Out of the two people I’ve met in the higher realms, you are definitely the best husband material.”
“I’m a dragon.”
“And the other choice is Adonis.”
“… Fair.” He chuckled. “I believe you, but promise me:  if we do anything to go against fate… let’s do it together.”
“Deal. Now let’s head back.”
“First, you’ll need blood.” He raised a claw, and bit it, dripping golden drops into a small bowl. He then was covered in a black smoke, and a much smaller, much more human Liam emerged and picked up the bowl, walking towards me with a smile. “Here you go.”
I finally forced out. “LIAM, YOU ARE NAKED!”
“Shoot!” He shoved the bowl into my hands and grabbed pants that had been neatly folded nearby, his face bright red. “Sorry, I forgot.” He paused and looked down at himself. “Everything I have should be normal for a human, right?”
“Liam… It’s fine… yes, you’re normal.” I coughed as he grinned with relief. “There’s nothing wrong, I just… was surprised.” I turned away and drank my bowl of blood, waiting until the sounds of changing had stopped to turn back towards him. He took the bowl and wiped it clean, and then held out his hand for mine.
As we held hands, he laughed again. “Sorry, I forgot you get shocked when I get naked suddenly.”
“This is the first time this has happened, though?”
He paused at my words, his eyes confused. “No… it’s happened before. You were an elf…” He shook his head, as if to clear it. “I can’t remember clearly.”
“Maybe you were flashing some other person?” I raised an eyebrow.
“No, I’m certain it was you.” Was his firm answer.
“Okay, sure… so, Liam?”
“I have a very important question.”
“What’s that?”
“Was it YOUR poop that I dropped on top of Adonis?”
“OH LOOK AT THE TIME! Let’s go home!” And with that, Liam dragged me out of the clearing and back to our cave, with me laughing the entire way.
When we arrived, we came across the dead dove once more. Liam stopped in his tracks, staring down at it silently.
“Actually, this was part of why I was looking for you in the first place. It just flew down out of nowhere, and killed itself here.” I stared at the words written in coagulated blood. “Who would do this?”
“The System.” He spit the words out like a curse.
“Why doves… I thought it spoke in blue glowing letters?”
Liam was still staring down at the dove, and for a moment, I could see the dragon he was behind his human appearing eyes. “Doves have meaning.”
“Often a messenger of the divine, or for all-powerful beings… they are also seen as a symbol of peace. So to have one come from the heavens and kill itself, for the message to be written in blood….
“It’s a declaration of war.” I shuddered. “It wants to force us to accept our fate. Me to go back to the Higher Realm and play heroine with Adonis… you…”
“To suffer and die in an endless sacrifice for the happy ending.”
I squeezed his hand. “Neither is going to happen.”
He didn’t look away from the bloody message. “I hope you’re right.”
Days passed.
Adonis, unfortunately, had not lied. Over time, Liam’s blood became less and less effective. I stayed in bed for most of the day, only able to do brief outings into the forest before having to rest once more. Liam grew increasingly frantic, increasing the dose and would have tried to drain himself dry if I hadn’t stopped him.
But I wasn’t the only one affected.
The edges of the realm were starting to fade into darkness. It took a while for us to realize, but when we came up to the nothingness, the emptiness where forest had once been, I was forced to confront the truth: I was dying. The realm was dying. I couldn’t stay.
But Liam couldn’t leave, except for the lower realms.  
The portals became much less frequent, but I went with him each time. We tried to find ways to fix the worlds that completed both our missions, I tried my best to protect Liam from getting hurt.
We did not see Adonis again. He seemed to be biding his time.
Or he was so mad at Operation: Poop Trap that he is spending some time away from us. Either way, not too sad about it.
Finally, one day came. I couldn’t get out of bed at all. Liam stayed by my side, feeding me meat and mixed vegetables he had cooked. His cooking skills were fantastic now, but my failing body could barely appreciate it. I tried my best to eat, anyways, hoping not to worry him.
“Tell me what to do, Bel.” He whispered, feeding me another bite with a roughly carved spoon. “I don’t want to send you back there… but I can’t watch you die.”
“What if I would rather die than go back?” I asked. “Would you knock me out and send me anyways?”
Liam hung his head. “No. I won’t force you. I know better than most what its like to live with no choices. I can't send you into the same existence. If you choose to die...” His eyes filled with tears. “I’ll choose to go with you.”
“That’s MY choice, Bel.”
I sighed. “Well, let’s try to avoid that ending then.” I started coughing, unable to take another bite. Liam out away the food with a solemn expression.
“Do you have a plan?”
“I’ve fixed countless broken stories. I always have a plan.” I tried to grin, but was too tired to maintain it for long. “I just need to make it to the next lower realm.”
I thought of the glowing blue counter I could see, and the dark power that even now hovered around my fingertips.
Hopefully this works. Everything depends on finding the right type of lower realm. I don’t have much time left, so I really hope the next one will have what I need. For both of our sakes.
After the discussion we fell silent, but stayed side by side, enjoying being together. A deeply uncertain future faced us, but at least one thing was true:
We were facing it together.
That night, a new portal opened up. Liam, carrying me, stepped up to the red-rimmed glowing opening.
"Are you sure you want to come?" He asked in a worried tone.
"I'm sure. Once we're inside, I'll try to find you as soon as I can."
"Focus on being safe, first."
I smiled, resting a pale hand against his face. "I'll find a way for us to escape fate, Liam. I promise. The key to it is in this realm." It has to be.
His arms tightened around me. "As long as we're together."
"Together." I agreed.
He stepped into the portal quickly. As always, we were separated immediately after crossing the portal and fell into darkness.
I woke up, confused, looking all around me.
I was in water. Fish swam all around me, sunlight filtering through the waves and bouncing around them. Coral littered the ground, seaweed waving nearby, an intricate underwater garden. It was beautiful. A paradise.
And that’s when I realized I was breathing underwater.
Hmm… that’s not normal. I looked down at my arms. They seemed human enough, my hair coiling around my body. At least I’m not a fish or a sea monster. I thought, looking at the rest of me.
Then I saw my tail.
Ah crap.
I was a mermaid.
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
I wish you’d write a fic where Joel Miller gets to take a relaxing bubble bath while being showered with kisses. He deserves it 😌 ✨Steph ✨
STEPH! 💖💖💖 I know this was just supposed to be an ask game but I just had to write something because you are absolutely right 😌💜
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
genre romance, smut, fluff
word count: 1k
summary: you convince joel to have a bubble bath with you.
warnings: established relationship, handjob, honestly this is just two people having a good time with each other, so there isn't really a dom/sub dynamic going on, but if we have to label it joel is definitely on the more submissive side, mild dirty talk
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You’re already in the bathtub when you call out to him. You hear Joel’s footsteps as you slide further down the porcelain tub, moaning at the feeling of warm water engulfing you. The bubbles feel like fleeting velvet over your skin. It’s been a while since you had gotten the chance to relax. There was a lot to do in Jackson. A lot needed to be done. But thankfully, it was worth the ache in your bones. 
A soft knock echoes and Joel cracks the door, peering inside. You motion for him to come in. 
“Hey,” you say as he pulls a small stool with him and sits next to the tub. “How’s your day been?” 
“Good, I guess,” he murmurs. “Much better now that I’m seein’ you in all your naked glory.” 
“Hmm, I wish I could say the same but you’re layered.” smiling, you cradle his cheek with one hand, your thumb smooths over a cut that’s been long since faded. “Why don’t you join me?” 
He looks unsure. You see the way his chin moves, left to right and then right to left. His eyes drop to the bubbles covering your chest. With a grin, you pull him by the collar and messily  press your mouths together.
You feel Joel's soft and inviting lips against yours. His hands come to rest on your bare shoulders, his fingertips tracing a gentle pattern of circles on your skin. His tongue is warm and sweet as it explores your mouth. He nips your bottom lip, his hands slipping down your back and around to cup your waist. You let out a soft moan as his fingers delicately massage your curves.
His lips press harder against yours, and you pull away, grinning at him, albeit heavily flustered and dizzy. 
“Well, don’t keep me waiting,” the smile he answers with warms your heart. “Join me.” 
Joel strips efficiently and quickly. He places the dirty garments neatly over the chair, his back is tense, the scars like a star filled sky. You know them by heart—tracing them almost every night since the two of you came together. He turns, a little flushed, a little embarrassed. Your gaze drops to his half hard cock that hangs heavy between his legs. Your cheeks burn, your walls clenching around nothing at the sight. 
“Uh…” he hovers around the edge of the tub awkwardly. “How do we do this? How do we fit?” 
“Just lay on top of me. I want to feel your weight.” when he still looks unsure you add. “Let me pamper you, big boy.” 
With a hesitant smile, Joel steps into the bathtub, the hot water enveloping him as he settles in between your legs. He slides towards you, your chest pressing against his back as you cradle him from behind. His body is tense, but you can feel his muscles relaxing as you run your hands over his chest, tracing light circles over the raised scars. You lean in and press a kiss to his neck, the heat of your breath against his skin sending shivers down his spine.
Your hands roam the contours of his body, mapping out every inch as you go. He sighs in contentment, his body melting into yours further. You can feel his heart racing against your chest, and your own heart mimics his rhythm, beating frantically. 
Your lips never leave his skin. And your hands move lower, slipping beneath the water as you tease him. He moans softly, his head falling back against your shoulder. His cock pulses against you, and it grows harder with each stroke. You reach around, your fingers wrapping around the base of his shaft as you stroke him. His breathing grows shallow and his hips buck against your touch, seeking more pleasure.
“F-Fuck, darlin’,” he gasps. “If you told me you had this in mind i’d jump in sooner. Jesus fuckin’ Christ.” 
“You like it?” you hum, pressing another kiss into the back og his neck. You taste him, dragging your tongue over the salty skin. “Tell me what you want?” 
“Well, for starters, I’d want to feel your perfect pussy around my cock,” he lets out a flustered laugh, bucking into your hand. “But this works too.” 
“That was the greatest non-answer I’ve ever heard,” you tut, squeezing the base. He hisses. Your fingers tremble as you move your hand to the front of his neck, tracing your thumb down the column of his neck. “Come on, tell me.” 
“Just touch me,” he breathes out. “Kiss me. Touch me. It all feels so fuckin’ good darlin’. Like heaven.” 
Upon hearing that, you continue to touch him, your fingers exploring his body as his breathing grows more erratic. You can feel him shaking with pleasure, and you know he's close. The water sloshes around you, some of it going over the tub. You press your tumb into the slit and his thighs spasm. You increase your pace, your fingers stroking him harder and faster. His head rolls to the side, the curve of his nose pressing into your neck. Your own arousal grows as he moans into your skin, biting and licking whatever his mouth can reach. You moan alongside him, your own hips starting to rock back and forth but it’s an unfruitful endevour. 
But it’s worth it seeing him like this, hearing him. His orgasm rocks through him, his body shuddering against yours as he releases. You feel the throb of his cock under your palm. You greedily crash your lios into his, swallowing his groans and sucking his bottom lip between your teeth. 
You wrap your arms around him, holding him close as he comes down from his pleasure. 
Your lips find his ear, “Pretty,” you murmur. “We should do this more often.” 
Joel nods into your neck, nuzzling closer. He presses his lips right above the vein that maenders down your neck. 
“We sure should. I feel like a cat in a sunbeam, could lay in here forever,” he drawls, eyes fluttering closed. “But,” he adds suddenly. “I think we should get out of this here tub and go to bed. I bet that pussy is soaked for me. Can't wait to taste you.”  
You let out a sharp chuckle, “I mean…we are in water.” 
“Don't play dumb darlin', you know what I mean,” he answers, his tone sounding annoyed but you can tell that he's just teasing. "Come on now. Don't keep me waitin'."
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msfcatlover · 25 days
Nightwing!Damian would still be of the Corruption, though he has so many healthy relationships in his life that its influence on him is slipping. His swarm is smaller now than it’s ever been. His power fades day by day. He might even manage to be human again someday (he doesn’t know how he feels about that, when his swarm are so beloved & his monster side has always been a source of pride for Damian.)
Tim was always going to be of the Eye, being Oracle only doubles down on it.
Cass in the TMA AU is basically Agnes Montague, but for the Stranger. That wouldn’t change either.
Steph was only just starting out when Damian took her under his wing. She never fully got caught in the spiraling fixation on destroying her father by any means necessary, she couldn’t pursue one goal to the exclusion of all others, and as the first fully human (non-Alfred) member of the team, everyone would be doing their best to protect that humanity, monitoring her for any sign of supernatural influence and guiding her away before it could get its hooks in her (they are still Bruce’s children, after all.) Until she came out of the dirt, unsheltered & unprotected, already marked so many times over, with fear & rage boiling in her blood. Until Talia gave Steph her mind back, gave Steph a purpose again, and the rage boiled over plasmatic hate. Until Steph laughed like a roaring maelstrom, sparks crackling in her wild hair, something bordering on madness in her eyes, and Talia thought: Oh. I have made a mistake. (The storm would be leashed, eventually. Steph does have self control, she has goals to achieve, plans to make, and power alone could not do that. But in that moment, when Steph realized her killer was still killing people despite everything that had happened, in her pain & fury, she gave in. She stepped backwards off that invisible ledge and plunged headfirst into what she knew she was Becoming. She embraced it, wholeheartedly. In that moment, it almost wasn’t Stephanie Brown in that garden, but the Cataclysm itself inside her skin. Almost.)
Duke… I’m still struggling to think of a good match for, but honestly in this AU… His ability to connect, to make people listen to him, his desire to step up & save the city himself if he has to, and the fact Duke is the eldest/first batkid in this AU (giving him & Bruce even more in common when Batman had only ever fought alone) all make me want to say Web. BUT with his powers, his ability to lead a crowd, the sheer scale of his potential, I also want to say Vast? What little I know of Gnomon also says Vast, ALTHOUGH…. …we could play off their shadow control, invert Duke’s light powers for this AU, and say Dark. Which would make Duke borderline antithetical to Web!Bruce, but hey, maybe Web!Bruce wants to prove to himself just how much choice he still has—that the Web can make him as uncomfortable as it likes, but he’s still going to take care of a child in need. (Assuming he is going against the Web’s wishes, of course, and it isn’t reverse psychologying him…) (My gut says Web!Duke, though. The more I think about it, the more I like Web!Duke conceptually… but I am worried that it doesn’t fit him. That Duke’s all-or-nothing “if no one else is going to, I’ll do it myself” attitude & raw charisma is not close enough to the Web’s need for control. I don’t like it when people just assign characters an Entity for the Aesthetic(TM) or for shallow, surface-level reasons—it has to resonate with their own personal failings, or else what’s even the point?)
Jason was human when he joined the family, and they’d want to keep him that way… but I think by the time he gets back from the Red Robin arc, Jason would’ve been claimed by the Hunt.
Dick gets scooped up by the family almost immediately in this AU, and Cass does her best to temper in his early-days bloodlust. With Cass as his Batman, I think Dick would be tempted by the Vast, but ultimately chase after her by embracing his own Otherness. (Or Dick was already a Stranger when his parents fell. But honestly, I like the arc of Dick learning to love himself & following in his mentor’s footsteps so much more than making him a Stranger because Circus.)
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kix-mm · 8 months
Part 3 of A once cruel god. G/t short story?
A once cruel god. G/t short story pt3
Pt1 - Pt2 - Pt4
The human slowly woke up, feeling a wave of dread and fatigue wash over them. Victor, a young and powerful god, had recently reclaimed them after previously granting the human freedom. He renamed them to "Amber" after witnessing the human spiral into panic when called their previous title of "my flower." Amber was a name they never intend on using other than when Victor was around. Only to please him and avoid being ripped apart any more than the human already was. After all, humans only have so many limbs to have ripped off before the damage becomes lethal... In fear of this monster that they call a god to go back on their word (which he did), they never granted themselves a home, a companion, or even a job. That way, the damage would be minimal.
Their thoughts were suddenly interrupted by an all too familiar touch. A large finger, gently stroking their back. Amber felt the finger move away as soon as they flinched. “My fl-Amber, are you awake?” Asked Victor. Their stomach dropped, suddenly feeling ill when hearing his voice. No, no! Amber wasn’t ready to deal with this, nonono why couldn’t this have been just some horrid dream?!
Victor watched Amber quickly curl up under the covers. He bit his lip and tried again, in a softer tone this time. “Amber? You don’t have to hide away, it’s okay… I’m sorry I scared you. Please come out”
Ambers frail body contorts with horrid cracks and pops to his wish's command. their muscles cramped as their body sat up and pulled the covers away. This was involuntary to the human, but they knew better than to fight the commands of a god. This was known as gods will. If a divine being such as Victor were to want something badly enough, their words could literally force it to happen. He never meant for it to be a command. But his wish to see Amber was strong enough to make it happen. Victor watched in horror, unable to stop what he had started.
He held the human that gasped for air in the palm of his hand “I’m s-sorry Amber, that… wasn’t my intention. I-I didn’t mean to, honest!” Victor speaks. They could feel the pain and anxiety radiating off of Amber. He loosely wrapped his hands around the trembling human. Amber tensed and squeezed their eyes closed, trying to make themselves small. "i-it's okay, it's alright Amber, let me heal you, let me take the pain away"
Amber stares at the god with wide eyes. "No, no! Please dont! Please dont!!" They plead while trying to wiggle out of their hands. At first, Victor didn't understand why. He knew that even back then, his healing never hurt humans. It was only once he noticed the scars and blemishes disappearing that he understood what had Amber so distraught. Amber would rather suffer in pain than risk Victor seeing the human without those. But it was already too late. Most of Ambers scars had faded into nothing, except for the ones Victor had inflicted on the human long ago.
Victor knew that the feelings he had towards the human were strictly one-sided. He knew that his feelings were wrong, but he couldn't help it. Victor looked down in shame. "Sorry..." he mumbled. But the apology fell on deaf ears. Seeing the pink on the giant's cheeks made it harder for Amber to face him. Their body constantly shook with dread and anxiety. Was their torment about to start all over again? Or would it be much worse this time? If Victor was still into the same sick and twisted entertainment as he was before... There was no doubt that he would have found new ways to pass the time. Maybe he would be even worse than he used to be... and what about Victors love? Amber had already blown thir cover that the human had absolutely no room for Victor in their heart... would that even matter to Victor?
But Victor had no such will for Amber. If anything, he wanted nothing more than for Amber to finally get the comfort they deserve. Unfortunately, he knew all too well that it wouldn't be well received. There would be suspicion, the constant worry of why and what the real intentions were behind his kindness... it stung his heart knowing that Amber was most likely speculating what kind of horrible torture they would have to endure before being granted freedom once more...
Victor ever so gently picked Amber up, making Amber hold their breath and cling to their thumb out of fear of being dropped. "Too high, too high!" They squeaked. Victor paused. How was he supposed to pick Amber up if they were afraid of hights? He had never considered this to be a hinderness before "I um... sorry, let me just -" he continued to lift Amber and brought the human to his chest. "Will this be okay? I won't drop you... you're safe now, that's a promise." A promise? From him?
"J-Just like you promised that I was free?" Amber mumbled begrudgingly. That caught Victor off guard. "Yes, exactly, why do you bring it up?" He asks while gently stroking Ambers back, he was trying his best to console the trembling human in his hands, but his efforts seemed to only stir up the human more as they tried to minimize contact with Victor.
"I'm... I'm back here, aren't I? Back in the place I was promised to be free from..." Amber explained while trying to keep their head away from the giant's chest. Hearing the gods' heart pound so loudly was bringing back memories. And what was worse was when Victor noticed, and their heart suddenly stopped. obviously, that made Amber very nervous.
Victor lifted Amber higher. "Amber, you aren't a slave anymore, I'm not going back on my promises this time, I've become better, honest! Or at least I'm trying. That's why... that's why I need you, you are the only one who knows me. You must- no... I need your help, please... help me become better for you." He pleads to the human. A god, pleading to a human? That's new... that's something both hod and humans would joke about, and yet here he is doing exactly so...
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honey-on-your-tongue · 2 months
Too Late
Javier Peña x f!reader
Part four
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The rest of the night is a blur.
After the quickie in the back of his car, Javier drives you home. He walks you to your apartment and patiently waits for you to unlock the door.
When you swing the door open, you turn to him, hopeful. You want to take him to your bed, want him to have his way with you. “I…Do you wanna, um…?”
He must see your intentions in your gaze because he smiles softly, that charming sideways smile, and leans closer to you. “You should get some rest, angel,” he tells you quietly, his breath warm against your face. “We got work tomorrow.”
You nod, a little embarrassed that he turned you down and even more embarrassed that you dared ask. “Yeah. Yes, of course.”
He leans closer and kisses your lips slowly, softly, before pulling away. “I’ll see you in the mornin’,” he says lowly, voice thick.
“Okay,” you say quietly, wishing you could just drag him into your apartment and spend the rest of the night exploring him.
He kisses your forehead. “‘Night, angel.”
“Goodnight, Javi,” you reply as he turns around and walks down the stairs, towards his apartment. When he’s out of sight and the sound of his footsteps fades away, you sigh thickly, leaning against the open door of your apartment.
*What was I thinking?* you wonder. Javier isn’t a man of commitment. He’s committed to his job and to casual sex. But me…I’m just another side piece. And I’m still walking into this…
For some reason, that doesn’t bother you as much as it should. You go to sleep with a clear conscience and an untroubled mind. Or maybe that's only because Javier just fucked you dumb.
The next morning, your mind is in a haze. You don't regret what you did with Javi, not at all, but…
But what if he did? What if he wants nothing to do with me anymore? What if I'm just meant to be another notch on his belt?
You fear he'll have a bet going on with the other men in the office. He conquered the new girl in a month. She was so easy for him…
You try to shake those thoughts away as you get ready to go into the office.
Just take it easy, you think to yourself. Just see what happens. Don't get ahead of yourself.
As you're walking out of your apartment, you pass the small table where you keep a bowl with your keys. You eye the one to your car, wondering…
Paranoid that Javier will want nothing to do with you now, you grab your car keys, already mentally preparing yourself to keep yourself together as you drive to work.
But when you reach the apartment lobby, Javier is standing there, leaning against the wall. His aviators on, his leather jacket hugging his strong arms. He has a hand in his front pocket, the other one holding a cigarette to his lips as he smokes.
Your entire body heats up. Jesus fucking Christ, you're obsessed. You could stand here, watching him for hours.
As you approach, he turns to look at you, a gentle smile growing on his lips.
Fuck me, you think. I'm never getting over this man.
Every time Javier sees you, it's like the world stops and stares with him. He will never, ever not be absolutely enthralled by you.
He hadn’t gotten a blink of sleep. Not an ounce. He’d been thinking about you, reliving what had happened in the club and in the back of his car. He thought about it over and over, his cock hardening at the memory. He’d jerked off, hoping it would take you off his mind and let him sleep.
It did not work.
He barely slept at all, only thinking of you, your gorgeous body, the way you moaned. Your warm, wet, tight pussy.
Eventually, instead of lust, his mind was overcome with guilt. A thick, heavy guilt that weighed him down.
How could he have done that? He took something that wasn’t meant for him, something he wasn’t worthy of.
He fucked you like you could be his, like you would want him. You, the sweet, innocent thing you were and he had gone and put his cock in you. He was corrupting you. He was bad for you. You deserved so much better.
He figured last night was a weak moment for you, just a tiny while where your guard was down. And he’d gone and let his emotions and desires take over.
Fucking imbecile, he curses at himself.
And to top it all off, when you’d offered to do it again, he’d agreed. And when you invited him into your apartment…
He regretted saying no. But more than that, he felt guilty that he’d even considered saying yes. Why should he be able to have you?
And you. Oh, you sweet, sweet thing. You’d begged for him, you wanted him, you’d made him feel like he was worthy of you for those glorious hours in the back of his Jeep.
But now that he sees you standing there in the apartment lobby, ready for work, looking so young, so sweet, so untouched by all the horrors that haunt Colombia and, by extent, him…He feels that he does not deserve you. That he should’ve said no. That he should’ve stayed away from you.
You grin at him softly, approaching him carefully. And, God, he tries. Really, he tries.
But when you’re so close, your perfume invading his senses, he loses it. He pulls you in by the waist and kisses you deeply, his mouth soft yet ravenous against yours.
You let out a little surprised gasp and then kiss him back. His cock is already straining against his jeans, needing to be in you again.
It’s never going to be enough.
He pulls away, kissing the tip of your nose as he greets, “Mornin’, angel. Sleep well?”
“After that little stunt in your car? Absolutely,” you tease.
He chuckles. “Then I guess I’ll have to do it every night. Only so you can get your well-deserved sleep, of course.”
You laugh and his heart flutters.
No, no, no, his conscious yells. Don’t get into this. Don’t get into something you can’t get out of.
As if he had the strength to retract himself from this spiraling rabbit hole now...
His eyes fall to your hands and he sees that you have your car keys in your grasp. He frowns slightly. “You, uh, you goin’ somewhere before work?”
Your gaze follows his and when you see that he’s eyeing the car keys, a soft pink blush spreads on your cheeks. “N-no.” You shake your head quickly. “I just thought…”
He can feel you hesitate. He wants to grab your face in his hands, trace your cheek with his thumb, tell you it’s okay.
Instead, he waits.
When you see he’s expecting your answer, you finish, “I thought you…wouldn’t drive me this morning.”
There you go. See? Now you’re making her anxious. You’re going to hurt her.
He shakes his head softly. “Angel, no. Why wouldn’t I want to drive you?
You blush more, soft eyes glancing at the floor. “Well, I…it…I thought that after last night, maybe that was it?”
He grabs your chin in his hand, tilting your head up so you look into his eyes. “You thought I only wanted to sleep with you and that it would be over?” he asks you.
That’s how it should’ve been, he thinks. No, in fact, you should’ve never even slept with her in the first place. You should’ve just left her alone from the very beginning.
You nod softly. “I was just worried…I was afraid that maybe—”
“Angel, angel,” he says, cutting you off. “No. I’m not—” Not that kind of man. The lie is on the tip of his tongue. So he rephrases his sentence; he doesn’t want to lie to you. “I wouldn’t do that to you. You deserve more than that.” More than I can offer.
He doesn’t say that either.
A soft sigh of relief leaves you, a smile forming on your lips. You lean closer to him, those beautiful eyes falling to his lips.
He meets you halfway, this kiss tender and careful. He’s going to break you. He’s going to hurt you. It’s like someone’s tossed a delicate flower into his rough, bloodstained hands. After all these years in Colombia, all he knows is violence. Defense and offense. You either shoot or get shot.
But you’re this sweet, soft thing that should be placed on an altar and worshipped. Cared for. Treated with the utmost delicacy and attention.
And he can’t give that to you. He hasn’t even thought about ever having that since the day he didn’t show at his own wedding.
He’s lost hope in ever finding something more than a hookup. And the thought that you need—that you deserve more than that scares him. It scares him because he wants to give it to you. He wants to be more for you. He wants to be worthy of you and that would mean walking into unknown territory.
How could a man like him ever find peace and quiet? Ever find his way into your heart? How could he ever be worthy of you?
But he doesn’t say any of this to you. He just kisses you, enjoying the taste of your lips, and he knows.
He knows, he’s fucked.
Months go by. And day after day, he promises himself this is the last time he’ll fuck you. It’s the last time he’ll kiss you. It’s the last time, it’s the last time, it’s the last time.
That last time never seems to arrive.
In his apartment, on his couch, he’s fucking you from behind. You’re on all fours, fingers digging into the cushions as the pounds into you.
“C’mon, baby. That’s a good girl.” He watches as he slides in and out of your warm cunt, his cock coated in your sweet slick. “Oh, you’re so tight. I know you’re close, angel.”
You’re trying to push your hips back against his, attempting to match his rhythm, your body shaking.
Javier’s hands are splayed over your hips, occasionally moving to your ass, down your thighs.
He’s gotten to know every inch of your body. He’s memorized every sensitive spot. He could pleasure you with his eyes closed and that makes him both proud and guilty.
How can he keep doing this to you? He’s bad for you. You shouldn’t be with him.
But fuck, he can’t stay away from you. And God knows he's tried.
But nothing is enough. His hand wasn’t enough. His hookers weren’t enough. No amount of sex with strangers or cigarettes or whiskey has managed to keep him away from you.
You’re all he needs. He’s deeply convinced of that. He feels it. As long as he has you, how could he ever want more?
He wants to take you to his bed, wants to fuck you there, wants to spend hours with you writhing in his sheets.
But he never does.
He knows that if he takes you to his bed, he’ll go all night. And if he goes all night, he’ll want you to spend the night. He’ll want you to fall asleep in his arms, want to wake up next to you. He’ll want to wake you up with his tongue between your thighs and then he’ll fuck you slowly, softly, tenderly…lovingly. He’ll want to make you breakfast and keep you in nothing but one of his shirts. He’ll want more.
And he doesn’t deserve more of you. You’ve already given him so much. So much he’s not worthy of.
And he still wants more. So much more.
So he sticks to his couch, to the kitchen counter, to the back of his car. He never takes you to his bed. And he always takes you to his apartment because he knows that if he goes into your apartment, you’ll lead him to your bed. And he’s not deserving of that.
“Javi!” you moan, trembling as he tightens his grip on your hips. “Fuuuck!”
He groans, teeth clenched as he feels your pussy tighten around him, his cock twitching in response. “I know, I know…You're so close, angel. You think you can come for me? Hm?”
You nod, eager, desperate. “Mhmm!”
Fuck, every sound you make is magic. Every time he thrusts into you he feels in heaven.
He shouldn't enjoy it as much as he does, but the way your cunt takes him drowns out all those thoughts.
He watches himself slide in and out of you, the condom coated in your slick. He wishes so bad he could fuck you raw, feel that soft, warm pussy right against his skin.
But God, that would only make everything worse. So much worse. If he can't let go of you now, he doesn't even wanna imagine how impossible it'll be to even fathom to be with someone else after he's felt your bare pussy on his cock.
Suddenly, Javier thinks he understands all the people addicted to cocaine, all the people who make up Pablo's empire.
One little taste is all it takes. The tiniest of experiences. One good time and suddenly life could never be the same without the drug.
That's what it's like for him with you. He can't let go of you now. He needs you, he's obsessed with you, addicted.
He wants to turn this into so much more. Date nights, cuddling on his couch, soft kisses on your forehead…
He grunts, fucking you harder.
He doesn't deserve that with you. He's not the kind of man you should be with. You sweet, precious angel…
“Fuck,” he hisses between clenched teeth as he feels you tighten around him. “C'mon, angel. Come for me, yeah?”
One of his hands slips underneath you, tracing down your stomach, finding your needy, sensitive clit.
You gasp, back arching. “Mhmm! Mhm!”
“I know. You're so close, yeah? Be good. Come for me,” he says. And as you come, he groans, his hand digging into your hip, his other fingers still circling your clit.
He can imagine making coffee for you in the morning, having you walk around his apartment with nothing but one of his shirts on. He can imagine you being his.
But he wouldn't dare. How could he ever pretend to be worthy of you? He's not. He's a broken, broken man. And you're so young, so sweet; you're just too good for him.
The feeling of you clenching tight around him makes his hips stutter, his cock twitching in you as he comes, spilling his release into the condom with a loud groan.
He collapses onto you, his chest against your back, one of his hands holding him up on the sofa. He takes deep breaths, steadying himself, pulling his mind back to reality.
And then he pulls out of you and he's up, tossing the condom away before quickly tending to your needs, cleaning you up and taking care of you.
He gives you a soft, careful kiss and wishes…
Wishes he were better.
Wishes you weren't so innocent.
Wishes things were different.
But most of all, he wishes he didn't want you as much as he does.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune! Thank you baeee, love these!
@maiyart @cheesepannini @picketniffler
I'm sososo sorry for the delay! I've been dealing with so much shit omggg but I'm back now 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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ieatsaltychildren · 2 months
Obey me x replaced!reader
I did use she/her pronouns in this. Theres not a ton of dialogue and was honestly part of a vent💀 Remember that I’m in no way trying to romanticize any of this.
TW!- mentions of an eating disorder, suicide, overdose, death, probs OOC, angst no comfort.
Some songs I listened to while writing this- Rock Bottom-Eminem, The way I am-Eminem, 4 morant- doja cat, Alone-doja cat, 25 to life-eminem. Literally these on repeat😭
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Life is hard. We all know this, but why did this have to happen? Why did she have to come along and take them away? Why did they choose to leave me?
I shouldn’t have trusted them. The one time i let my guard down and this happens. Mila, the bitch who took them away. I was nice to her, i tried to be her friend, i wanted to get to know her but apparently she only wanted to see my downfall and the brothers kneeling for her.
I don’t like talking about when she first came, but for the backstory i will. Diavolo thought it would be a good idea to invite another human to be an exchange student. At first i was overjoyed. I wanted to have another human girl to talk to and relate to, but once she showed up everything went wrong. She started framing me for shit she did, and i just stood there and took the scolding i got.
Eventually all the brothers just went to her and ignored me. They only talk to me if they need something done or they yell at me. I still always try to get them to love me, yet i always fail.
She even was able to get the angels, royals, Solomon, mephisto, and even Thirteen and Raphael on her side. Everyone left me. Every day is just a repeat. Wake up late most days, have lucifer remind me of how much of a failure i am, skip breakfast, go to classes, probably skip lunch, go to classes, go back to hol, force myself to eat dinner, eat dinner in my room, and sleep. Every day. Theres nothing to be excited about when i wake up anymore. No more hanging out with mammon, no more being levis player two, no more sleepovers with asmodeus. The only one who remotely cared about me was barbatos. Maybe he could help me get back to the human world but it wouldn’t be any better.
What hurt most was mammon, my first man leaving me. He swore. He fucking swore that he would always love me yet he still left me. We weren’t even dating so why does it have to hurt so much.
Even fucking beelzebub. He always acts so sweet but he left to. They all did. Maybe its good mila came along. She showed me that they weren’t trustworthy. It still hurts though.
I just want it all to be over with. If liliths not gonna kill me then I’ll do it myself.
My lifes been shit anyways. It never got better. It sucks to always wake up stressed. It sucks to always be hoping and praying that ill just die. Mila coming along and replacing me just added onto it.
I have attempted at my life multiple times since she came. Never has it worked. But maybe that will change soon. Maybe that will change tonight. I wonder how long it would take them to even notice, they didn’t notice my failed attempts so why would they notice a successful one. I wonder how they would react, the royals, angels, every single one of them. I already know mila would be happy. Maybe they would feel the same.
The laughter of the brothers and mila snaps me out of my daze. It reminds me of the short lived happiness i once had. The happiness i wish i still had. But soon it would all be over. Once the pills fully kick in I’ll finally be happy.
I have tried overdosing before. It didn’t work last time but it should work now. I have a good feeling. Or maybe thats just the drugs. I didn’t even write a goodbye note to them yet. It’s fine though.
Hearing their laughter in my final moments hurt but felt so good at the same time. It’s kicking in. It’s finally working. Ill be free.
My vision got blurry. I could only hear a distorted version of their voices that eventually faded out. Then it all went black. Its the end
Im free
It had been a few days since you died. No one knew until 4 days had passed. Mammon needed to borrow money from you for diavolo knows what.
He knocked on your door “Y/nnn, open up I need to ask ya somethin”
No response
He knocked again and yelled “y/n?”
No response
So he went to tell lucifer. I don’t know if he intended on telling on you or was concerned. Probably the first option.
“Lucifer, y/n won’t open her door”
“What do you want me to do about it?” Lucifer sighed sick of his brother’s shit.
“I just need to get some grimm from her”
“Just go in. She’s probably just sleeping”
“Fine then” mammon replied starting to walk out the door.
As he approached your door he got a certain nervous feeling. He just ignored it, nothing bad could happen, right? Wrong.
As soon as he opened your door he saw you dead on the floor, drug bottle in hand.
He stood there frozen. How could this happen?? He was supposed to protect you. He was your first man. He hopes you were just passed out but deep down he knew.
He ended up calling for his brothers. This is the one time they really actually looked at you in months, hell almost a year. Mila was happy, as expected but she covered it up with tears.
Soon solomon, the royals, and angels showed up. Raphael, thirteen, and mephisto even showed up.
They all realized how shitty they treated you. They realized how badly they fucked up.
I might honestly make another ending where y/n keeps pushing and ends up fucking mila up or goes back to the human world and tries to get her shit straight. Im not sure tho. Might do how they would react too y/n dying AND where you went after you died. I wrote this for 3 hours straight😭😭😭 my hands are cramping
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