#i’m the problem. i know i am. but every time i try to speak out .. my past friendships + relationships + my Parents.. i can’t speak up
hii I don’t know if you are doing requests but if you are could you please do one with toto Wolff x wife reader where she’s just given birth and her in-laws make fun of her or give her mean comments and she gets all upset but doesn’t tell toto to keep the family peace but he finds out and gets a tad upset at her for hiding it but he rips his family a new one please please!!
Unconditional Support
Word Count: 999
Pairing: Toto Wolff x wife!reader
Summary: Y/n shares her vulnerability after giving birth, revealing the hurtful comments from Toto's family that make her question her worth, prompting Toto to confront them with fierce protectiveness
I don't speak Polish so if something isn't right pleas let me know so i can change it.
Also my requests are still open
Toto stood at the window, the hospital room filled with a serene quiet. You rocked the baby gently in your arms, trying to focus on the peaceful moment, but your mind kept drifting back to the things his family had said. Every comment felt like a dagger, cutting deeper than you’d let yourself admit. You’d spent so much time second-guessing your own reactions, wondering if you were being too sensitive—just like your ex-friends and ex-boyfriend had always claimed.
But this felt different. You had just given birth. You were vulnerable, exposed, and instead of support, all you got was veiled judgment.
Toto turned around, sensing your unease. He crossed the room in a few strides, sitting beside you on the bed, his hand resting on your knee. "What’s wrong?" he asked softly, his dark eyes filled with concern. "You’re not yourself."
You tried to smile, to push it down, but the weight of it all was pressing on you too hard. "I don’t know," you whispered. "I don’t want to make it a big deal. Maybe I’m overthinking things. Maybe I’m just being sensitive."
Toto frowned, his grip on your knee tightening slightly. "Sensitive about what?"
You hesitated, the words sticking in your throat. But the memory of Eva’s voice, sharp and critical, wouldn’t leave your mind.
"Your mom…" you started slowly, "she said, *‘Ach, du siehst müde aus’* (Oh, you look tired), and I know I *am* tired, but the way she said it—it wasn’t just concern. It was like I was already failing somehow. Like I should be doing more, looking better. I’ve just had a baby, and instead of asking how I feel, she’s telling me I look bad."
Toto’s jaw clenched, but you continued, the words pouring out now.
"And then Katharina, she didn’t even say congratulations before she looked me up and down and said, *‘You’ll want to lose the baby weight quickly, right? There’s a Pilates instructor in Vienna…’* I know I’ve gained weight—of course I have, I just carried a child—but she made me feel like it’s a race to get rid of it. Like my worth is tied to how fast I look ‘normal’ again."
Your voice wavered, but you pushed on. "And Margit—she took the baby right out of my hands and said, *‘Das ist nicht richtig. Soll ich es dir zeigen?’* (That’s not right. Should I show you?) I was trying my best, and she acted like I didn’t even know how to hold my own baby. I already feel like I don’t know what I’m doing half the time, and she just made me feel… useless."
Toto stood up, his face dark with anger. He started pacing, his fists clenching and unclenching. "Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?" he demanded, his voice sharp. "Why did you let them say those things to you?"
"I didn’t want to cause problems," you said quietly, your gaze dropping to the floor. "I thought… maybe I was just seeing it wrong, like I always do. Maybe I was interpreting everything too negatively again. But the more I think about it, the more I realize… it wasn’t okay. They made me feel small. Like I wasn’t good enough."
Toto stopped pacing, his expression hardening. "You were right. They were out of line. I’m not letting this slide."
Before you could stop him, he grabbed his phone, his fingers flying over the screen as he found his mother’s number.
"Toto, wait," you pleaded, "don’t make this worse—"
But his face was set, determined. He brought the phone to his ear, speaking in rapid Polish as soon as his mother picked up. "Mamo, musimy porozmawiać." (Mom, we need to talk.)
You could hear the faint sound of his mother’s voice on the other end, but Toto’s expression didn’t soften.
"Nie, nie później. Teraz." (No, not later. Now.)
He glanced at you, his eyes blazing with a protective fury. "Dlaczego mówili takie rzeczy do Y/n?" (Why did they say those things to Y/n?) His voice was cold, demanding answers.
You watched, feeling torn between relief and anxiety as Toto continued to tear into his mother over the phone. You couldn’t understand everything, but the tone was unmistakable—he was furious, and he wasn’t going to let this slide. He paced back and forth, his voice low and dangerous as he spoke in quick bursts of Polish, likely recounting every hurtful comment you had shared with him.
After a few moments, his voice softened slightly, but his anger was still clear. "Nie obchodzi mnie, czy miały dobre intencje. Nie pozwolę, żeby tak traktowali moją żonę." (I don’t care if they meant well. I won’t let them treat my wife like that.)
He paused, listening to his mother’s response, before he sighed, rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. "To musi się skończyć. Teraz." (This has to stop. Now.)
He hung up the phone, his face still tense, and turned back to you. "I’ve told them," he said, his voice softer now but still firm. "They won’t be speaking to you like that again."
You looked down, guilt flooding through you. "I didn’t mean for this to turn into a big thing…"
Toto knelt beside the bed, taking your hand in his. "It’s not your fault. They were out of line, and you deserve better. I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner."
You nodded, tears welling up in your eyes. "I just didn’t want to cause problems. I was so scared I was overreacting."
Toto cupped your face gently, his thumb wiping away a tear that slipped down your cheek. "You’re not overreacting. You’re not being too sensitive. You’re my wife, the mother of our child, and no one gets to make you feel less than the incredible woman you are. Not even my family."
You let out a shaky breath, finally feeling the weight of their comments lift just a little. You had doubted yourself, but Toto was making sure you’d never have to doubt him.
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stabyou · 2 years
some days i do feel like envy in his little tiny grub form from fmab. i just want love and i’ve been treated so badly by myself and everyone around me and the WORLD even that i have become so bitter and cold and jealous and i hate it. i want the love everyone else has so bad it makes me ill. but i can’t find it because i’m so closed off due to past trauma and friendships that ended badly. too scared of ridicule, too scared of being unliked, too scared of being anything besides what i am now, which is completely alone and devoid of any real human connections. anything else feels like knives. i cant be close to anyone because i feel like i’m putting a burden on them.
my existence is a burden. to be my friend, to be close to me, is a burden that is insurmountable. i wish i could be okay with the loneliness. i wish i could be okay waking up to nothing on my phone. i wish i could be okay without people thinking of me. but i want the warmth so badly. that’s all i’ve ever fucking wanted and i never got it. ever since i was tiny and begging my mom and dad to stop fighting. there was no time of softness for me. i just want to fall into love like a pillow. friends holding a cake that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY (i have never had a single birthday party) and we watch movies and play games and i don’t wonder where the love is for me.
i don’t think i’ll ever be brave enough. so alone i have to be. i’m really sorry to myself for this. i wish i could be stronger and reach out, but my arm is cut off at the crook. i cant reach any farther, i don’t have anything left to give.
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bongjuiceconcentrate · 5 months
#this is gonna be so tmi sorry i’m advance but#how am i supposed to deal with having a body and every mental illness and stomach problems and throat problems and being ugly and having no#hobbies or life skills or a job#i need to find a job but i also have to deal with my stomach and my throat so i can be well enough to actually move my body to find a job#but i don’t have much money left so i can’t focus on those things either so i’m spending literally hours a day in the bathroom and it hurts#to speak#and i don’t want to feed myself i don’t want to take my meds i don’t want to do anything but get high which also physically hurts also bc#throat#and i have to do PT everyday so i can shit better but i also need to find a job so i can’t waste silly energy on things like that but then i#can’t get a job because i feel like shit and am shitting literally all the fucking time#and obviously the logical thing should be to just take care of my health today so i can be good to#tomorrow to find a job right? wrong actually! tomorrow it’ll be something’s#and the day after that#n the day after that#and every day after that one too!#but no one is actually willing to help me with anything because i am a 1 dimensional human being who spawned yesterday who has never heard#of things like “’building tenacity’ and ‘having structure’ there’s actually nothing wrong with me i’m just lazy i guess!#but if i wanna kill myself that’s wrong and bad and needs to be stopped immediately#other people seem to look at suicidal people and go ‘i have no reason to want to kill myself so other people just need to push it through :)#thug it out lol’ and it’s like actually these are very good reasons to want to die#i have spent the last 9 years actively in treatment actively working on myself actively trying to build a better life#it has only gotten worse#don’t talk to me about getting over to the other side. i’m on it. it’s just as bad as every other one of the sides#life doesn’t ever get better for some people and just because that wasn’t true for you and your life did get better doesn’t mean other#peoples lives every will get better. like it is straight up not possible for me to have a better life. and i know this for a fact because if#it was#i would have it now and i would have had it for a while
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nyrasvoid · 1 month
The Cost of Duty
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Gwayne Hightower x Fem!Reader
Summary: Gwayne Hightower, is summoned in Kingslanding during his wife’s first pregnancy. After giving birth to their son without him, she struggles to forgive Gwayne upon his return.
Warnings: lots of angst because our girl is alone but a good ending i guess ?
A/N: no use of Y/N and also included Daeron in the fanfic, he’s 7 yrs old and raised by Gwayne and his wife
- Word count: ≈2.9k
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Your hand rests on your growing belly, feeling the subtle movements of your child. The babe is still small, just five moons along, but every tiny kick, is a reminder of the life growing inside you, a life you created with Gwayne. Yet, as the days pass, it feels like you are experiencing this miracle alone.
The door creaks open, and Gwayne steps inside, his expression tired as he pulls off his gloves. His face is lined with the exhaustion of someone who has been carrying the weight of Oldtown on his shoulders.
You watch him as he moves around the room, setting his things aside without a word. A part of you wants to let it go, to simply accept that he is busy, that he is doing his duty. But another part aches for his attention, for the warmth and closeness you once shared.
"Gwayne," you say, your voice soft.
He looks up, his eyes briefly meeting yours before he looks away again. "Yes, my love?"
You hesitate, trying to find the right words. "You've been so distant lately," you begin, trying to keep a calm tone. "I understand that your duties are important, but... I miss you. I miss us."
He sighs, rubbing his temple as he moves closer to you. "I know, my love. I know it has been difficult. But there is so much that needs my attention. With Father in King’s Landing, everything falls to me."
"But what about me?" you ask, your voice rising slightly. "What about our child? I need you, Gwayne. We need you."
He looks at you, with guilt in his eyes. "I am here now, am I not? I’m doing the best I can. But Oldtown... it doesn’t run itself."
You stand, unable to keep your frustration to yourself. "And what about me? Do I run myself too? I sit here every single day, waiting for you, hoping for just a moment of your time. But when you finally come, it’s like you’re not really here.”
You pause.
“You do not even look at me unless I speak to you first."
Gwayne steps back, as if putting distance between you would solve your problems. "I do not have the privilege of simply putting things aside, my dear. You knew this when we married."
"I didn’t know it would mean being ignored!" you snap, your hands trembling as you grip the skirts of your dress tightly.
He takes a deep breath. "I’m doing this for us, for our future. The child’s future. Can you not see that?"
Tears threaten to fall out your eyes, but you refuse to cry. "I just want my husband back," you whisper.
Gwayne’s face softens, and he reaches out to touch your arm, but you pull away before he can touch you. “My love-"
"Don’t," you say, "Just... don’t."
He watches you for a moment, but he says nothing more, only turning and leaving the room, the sound of the door closing behind him, leaving you alone again.
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Days pass, and the tension between you two only grows. Gwayne is present, but his mind is always on his duties. You feel as if you’re growing further and further away from him.
One evening, after a long day, Gwayne finally sits down beside you as you take your evening meal. You’ve been silent for most of the day, and now the sight of him so close yet so distant is almost unbearable.
He clears his throat, breaking the silence. "I have received a raven from King’s Landing today," he begins.
"And?" You replied unphased, not even looking at him.
"Father has summoned me," he says, "He needs my presence to sort out some political matters."
You place your spoon down. "King’s Landing?" you repeat, disbelief in your words. "That’s so far... and I’m already five moons along, Gwayne."
"I know," he says, his voice low. "But I will be returning as soon as I can. I won’t let anything keep me from being here for the birth."
You shake your head, unable to believe what you’re hearing. "You don’t know that. What if something happens? What if you don’t make it back in time?"
"I will," he insists, reaching for your hand, but you pull it back.
"You’re not listening to me!" you raise your voice at him, your frustration taking over. "You’re choosing to leave. You’re choosing your father over me. Over us."
He frowns. "It’s not a choice, my dearest. It is a duty. My father needs me."
"And I need you," you sob, your voice breaking. "I can’t do this alone, Gwayne. I shouldn’t have to. You are my husband before anything else."
He reaches out again, but this time you stand, moving away from him. "Please," he begins, but you shake your head.
"Don’t ask me to understand," you say, "Because I don’t."
After a long moment of silence, you hear him rise from his seat. "I’m leaving in three days time," he says quietly, his voice filled with regret. "Please, try to rest.”
You say nothing, you hear the door close behind him, and you break down crying, once again, you are left alone.
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The night before he’s supposed to leave, Gwayne comes to your shared chambers, his expression softer than it’s been in weeks. He moves to sit beside you on the bed, his hand resting on your knee.
"I know you’re angry with me," he begins, his voice gentle. "But I don’t want to leave on bad terms. I love you. You must know that."
You turn to face him, your emotions a mix of anger, sadness, and love. "If you loved me, you wouldn’t be leaving."
He looks surprised, but he doesn’t argue. Instead, he leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your neck, his hand sliding up your nightgown. "Let me show you," he murmurs as he presses tender kisses down your collarbone.
But the anger and hurt are still too fresh. You place a hand on his chest, pushing him back firmly. "Not tonight, Gwayne."
He pulls back, surprise and hurt showing in his eyes. "My love..."
"I can’t," you say, "I’m still angry. I need...time."
He nods understandingly. "I am sorry," he whispers, pulling you into his arms despite your anger. "I am truly, so sorry."
You let him hold you, sobbing into his arms without saying a word.
Gwayne leaves at dawn, you watch from the window, your hand resting over your belly as he rides away. He turns once, looking back, but you don’t move. You don’t wave.
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As the days turn into weeks, the loneliness only grows. Gwayne’s absence is a constant reminder of the growing distance between you. You try to busy yourself with tasks; embroidering blankets for the babe, reading, even taking long walks through the gardens. But nothing can fill the void he has left behind.
You spend time with Daeron, Gwayne’s youngest nephew, who has been staying in Oldtown under your and your husband’s care since he was born, and he had now seven years of age.
One afternoon, as the two of you sit beneath the shade of a large tree, Daeron looks up at you sadly.
You reach out, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. “What’s on your mind, sweetling?”
Daeron glances up at you, his blue eyes filled with a sadness. “Auntie… will you and Uncle Gwayne forget about me when the babe is born?”
The question catches you off guard. You shift closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him into a gentle embrace. “Forget about you? Never, Daeron. Why would you think such a thing?”
He shrugs, trying to appear indifferent, but his voice trembles as he speaks. “Because the babe is your child. He’ll be important, and I’m just… I’m just your nephew.”
You tighten your hold on him, your heart breaking at the thought that he feels so insecure. “Daeron, listen to me,” you say softly. “You are not just our nephew. You’re as much a part of this family as the babe will be. Gwayne and I love you dearly, and nothing will ever change that.”
His eyes fill with tears. “But… he’ll be your real son. Won’t you love him more?”
You shake your head. “Of course not, sweetling. I will love both of you equally, just as if you were both my sons. I promise you that. You and the babe will grow up together, and I will raise you both as brothers. Nothing will change how much I care for you.”
Daeron’s lip trembles, and he finally allows himself to lean into your hug, resting his head against your shoulder. “You mean it? You won’t forget about me?”
You press a kiss to the top of his head. “I mean it, Daeron. You are very dear to me. The babe will be your little brother, and he will look up to you, just like you look up to Gwayne. I’m sure you’ll be the best big brother anyone could ask for.”
He sniffles but nods. “I will teach him all the things I know. How to ride a horse, and how to climb trees…”
“And how to be kind and brave, just like you,” you add with a smile.
Daeron smiles a little. “I’ll do my best. I promise.”
You hug him tighter. “I know you will, Daeron. And I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”
He pulls back slightly, looking up at you with determination. “I’ll be the best big brother ever.”
You smile, ruffling his hair affectionately. “I’m sure you will be, my love. And the babe will be so lucky to have you as his brother.”
The boy’s expression softens as he looks at your belly. “Do you think he’ll be just like uncle Gwayne? Brave and strong?”
You hesitate for a moment, the thought of Gwayne filling your mind with sadness. “Perhaps,” you say gently.
Daeron nods, then his face brightens again as he looks up at you. “Can I help you pick out a name for him?”
Your smile widens at the offer. “Of course. Do you have any ideas?”
He thinks for a moment, his brow furrowing in concentration. “What about Maelor? It’s a strong name, isn’t it?”
You tilt your head, considering the name. “Maelor…” you say slowly. “Yes, it is a strong name.”
Daeron smiles, clearly proud of himself. “I can’t wait to meet him, auntie. We’re going to have so much fun together.”
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As the months drag on, you begin to feel your belly grow heavier each day. Letters from Gwayne arrive frequently, filled with words of love and concern, but you don’t care to answer them.
You feel alone, as the weeks turn into months and the baby gets more active. Every kick is a reminder that the time is running out and you can only hope that Gwayne comes back in time.
But as your belly grows, so too does your anxiety.
One evening, you feel a sharp pain. You clutch at your belly. It’s too soon, you think. Gwayne isn’t here. He promised he would be here.
The pain intensifies, and you know without a doubt that the babe is coming. Your maids rush to your side, their faces filled with worry as they help you to your bed. The midwives and the maester are summoned.
You grip the sheets, your knuckles turning white. “It’s too soon,” you gasp, tears streaming down your face. “Gwayne isn’t here… he isn’t here…”
The midwife shushes you gently, wiping the sweat from your forehead. “Breathe, my lady. Focus on the baby. He’s eager to meet you.”
The labor is long, painful, and each moment is filled with fear.
At one point, you feel that you can’t go on, the pain too much to bear. “I can’t,” you cry out, “I can’t do this…”
“You can, my lady,” the midwife insists. “You’re strong. Your baby needs you.”
The room is full of faces, of whispers and encouragements, of hands holding yours as you push with all your strength.
Hours pass, and just when you think you have nothing left to give, you hear it. A loud cry that fills the room. The midwives wrap the tiny babe in soft blankets before placing him in your arms.
Tears stream down your face as you look down at your son cry. He’s perfect, you think.
“Maelor,” you whisper, “my sweet Maelor.”
Days pass, and the babe grows stronger, his cries filling the empty chambers that once were filled with silence. Daeron is overjoyed to meet his new brother.
“Can I hold him?” Daeron asks one afternoon, his eyes wide with excitement.
You smile, carefully placing Maelor in his small arms. “Support his head,” you instruct gently, watching as Daeron cradles the baby with surprising care.
“He’s so small,” Daeron whispers. “Will he be strong like uncle Gwayne?”
You nod, your heart filled with pride. “He will. But he’ll also have your kindness, Daeron. He’ll need you to show him how to be a good man.”
Daeron’s face lights up, and he nods eagerly. “I will. I promise.”
You watch as Daeron gently rocks Maleor, your heart warming at the sight. For a moment, the loneliness fades, replaced by the joy of watching your sons together.
But as the days turn into weeks, Geayne sends letters, each one more desperate than the last, asking about Lucerys, about you, about your health. But you can’t bring yourself to respond, the anger still too fresh.
Maelor grows, his tiny fists curling around your fingers, tugging at your hair, his eyes beginning to focus on your face. He’s beautiful, perfect in every single way, and yet every time you look at him, you’re reminded of Gwayne’s absence.
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Two months pass before Gwayne finally returns. Word reaches you that he is only an hour away, but you remain in the nursery, rocking your son in your arms as you sit by the window.
Despite knowing Gwayne is coming home, you make no move to greet him at the gates.
Footsteps approach, and a moment later the door to the nursery swings open. Gwayne stands there, his eyes searching for you immediately. He takes a step inside, his gaze falling on you and the child in your arms. “My love…”
You do not look up, focusing instead on Maelor. Gwayne approaches you, dropping to his knees beside you. “Please, look at me. I am so sorry…”
You remain silent, unwilling to let your emotions show. Gwayne reaches out, placing his hand on top of yours. “I know I’ve hurt you. I never meant to be away for so long. I didn’t think it would be so… difficult.”
You glance up then, your eyes meeting his.
“I needed you,” you say quietly. “I went through the hardest moments of my life without you, Gwayne. And now… now you come back and expect everything to be as it was?”
“I do not expect that,” he says, “I know I’ve done wrong. And I can’t change what’s happened… but please, give me a chance to make it right. I want to be here for you, for our son.”
You look down at your son, your heart aching. “Maelor is already two months old,” you say, your voice barely a whisper. “You’ve missed so much, Gwayne. His first smile, the way he grabs my finger when he’s hungry… you weren’t here.”
Gwayne’s breath hitches, and he finally touches Maelor’s tiny hand, his fingers trembling as they brush against the babe’s soft skin. “I know,” he whispers. “I am truly so sorry, my love. I’ve never regretted anything more in my life. Please… let me be here now. Let me be the father he deserves, the husband you deserve.”
“We’ll see,” you say quietly. “For now, all that matters is that Maelor is healthy and safe.” You pause and take a deep breath, “But… I want us to be a family, Gwayne. For Maelor and Daeron.”
Gwayne nods. “Thank you,” he whispers, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your son’s forehead. “Thank you for giving me a healthy son, my dear. I promise, I’ll spend the rest of my life making this right.”
You watch as he cradles the babe in his arms, the sight filling you with joy.
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PS: I know I have to start writing for other characters, I just love this man so much 😔 So just a reminder that my requests are open 🥰🥰
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amourane · 5 months
kick in the right direction
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pairing: football player!seungcheol x mascot!reader
genre: fluff, university au
w/c: 0.9k
summary: seungcheol is the star football player in your university but he becomes a bumbling mess in front of you.
warnings: none, you do get hit by a ball though
a/n: i have decided to start writing fics for seventeen too because i just love them way way too much <3 also disclaimer this post used to be under my old url httphannie <3
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Seungcheol doesn’t know what to say. He usually has an explanation for his actions. There doesn’t seem to be anything coming to his mind when he sees you on the ground. The problem with being the star player on the football team was the amount of trust his coach put on him. As well as the thought that they needed to win every game, that wasn’t a problem though because Choi Seungcheol was a beast when he was in game mode. His aim was the best on the whole team, he’d never missed a goal. 
Obviously today was an off day.
“You’re staring, Cheol.” Jeonghan gives him a hearty slap on the back. “You really like our school mascot don’t you?” All Seungcheol can do is nod, watching as Seungkwan helps you up.
He really wants to go over and say sorry for nearly knocking you out with his kick but he can’t. Not because he doesn’t want to but because he simply can’t. It’s stupid really. Choi Seungcheol, star player of the football team, can’t say two words when he’s faced with you. He’s tried speaking to you. Once after a game, not the best choice because he’d become so nervous he spilt his water bottle all over you. Even after you told him it was fine he was still stuttering his words. Another time he’d managed to catch you walking down the hallway. The moment you smiled and said ‘hi’ his mind blanked. No words could come out of his mouth and he stood there gaping like a goldfish.
Talking to girls was easy for Seungcheol. He could give them a smile and they’d be fawning all over him. You were different. There isn’t one time he’s had a full conversation with you with nothing embarrassing happening. He’d stumble over his words or nothing would come out of his mouth. The only thing that kept him from giving up was the fact you would grin every time he came up to you and he didn’t like giving up.
“Of course I like her!” Seungcheol runs a hand through his hair. “I just don't know what to do?”
“You could ask her out.”
“I can’t!” 
His friend arches an eyebrow, clearly puzzled. "What do you mean you can't ask her out? Like you're scared, or you don't know how to, because those two are completely different things." Jeonghan's tone is gentle but probing, urging Seungcheol to confront the root of his hesitation.
“That’s not it. I’ve got everything planned out. I know what to say and I know where I want to bring her to. There’s a whole plan in my notebook, it’s coloured in and everything!”
“Then what’s the problem?”
Seungcheol fiddles with the hem of his shirt. “Whenever I go up to her to ask her out my throat closes and I can’t find the right words. Or when I try to even write my confession, my hand freezes and no letters can be written. It’s even worse because I manage to make a fool of myself whenever I’m in front of her!” He kicks the football away.
Jeonghan sighs, staring at Seungcheol as he aimed a perfect kick to the goal. The boy was completely enamoured by you. Practically the whole school knew about his crush on you. Everyone was just waiting for the day the both of you would come in hand in hand. 
“Y/n, oh my god! Are you okay?” Seungkwan was shaking you by your shoulders. You rub your head. That football was really hard. Who knew air could hurt you? “How many fingers am I holding up?” He waves three fingers around and your eyes struggle to adjust to his trembling hand.
“Calm down. I just got hit in the head, I don’t have a concussion or anything.” You just know there’s going to be a huge bump on your forehead tomorrow. “It’s partly Stuart’s fault.” You pat the dragon costume you had on. The fuzzy green body was heavy and the long swishy tail at the back was quite annoying to lug around.
"Why are you blaming our mascot? Stuart did nothing wrong," Seungkwan interjects, shooting a pointed glare at Seungcheol. "Star player my ass." He mutters under his breath, clearly unimpressed.
“Hey, don’t blame him. I’m sure it was an accident.” You give Seungcheol a little smile and an ‘okay’ sign to tell him everything was fine. 
“I can’t believe you like that dumbass, he can’t string two sentences together when he’s in front of you.” Seungkwan helps you up, handing you Stuart’s head. You dust off the dirt on your costume. 
What was there not to like about Choi Seungcheol? He was popular, athletic, smart and talented in everything. Not to mention he was the literal definition of eye candy. There hadn’t been many occasions where you two had met. He’d always stutter helplessly or his cheeks would resemble a fire truck, which was very endearing. It was quite funny seeing him stumble over his words whenever he tried to ask you out.
“Why don’t you just ask him out? You already know he likes you, not that he makes it the most obvious thing in the world.” 
“But isn't it just the cutest thing when he tries to ask me out but he’s a stuttering blushing mess?” You giggle when you catch sight of the pout Seungcheol has on his face. “I hope he asks me out soon though, I can’t wait to finally go on a date with him.” 
The smile you shoot at Seungcheol has him tripping over his feet, face planting into the ground. Suppressing your laughter behind your hand, you watch as he hurriedly picks himself up, only to see his teammates rolling on the floor with amusement.
“How long are you even willing to wait?”
“As long as it takes.”
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
anyways I’m tired of friends making me feeling like me and my emotion are a joke, only speaking to me if I speak first and/or ignoring me when I DO speak to them, I’m like tired of it
#whimsy whispers#whims woes#this is about a lot of people by the way not just one or two people#then again maybe I’m the problem and maybe I’m too sensitive that wouldn’t be surprising either#I’m just tired of trying to talk and feeling like I’m annoying or that nothing I have to say is important enough to even reply to#or literally knowing that if I don’t reach out first like each and every time that no one would talk to me#or that when I do try to talk first I still get ignored#I feel like I’m nothing and I’m really tired of it I don’t even want to try anymore#i don’t even know if there’s a friend who doesn’t make me feel like one of these things#I know it’s most likely not intentional by like it’s consistent and it sucks and I’m fucking tired of it#I get people have lives they get busy maybe they aren’t in the mood to speak#but when it’s almost every time I try to talk to people it gets harder to like want to keep trying#I’m tired of being told by people that they want to talk to me more or want to hear about my interested but each time I try to talk we#barely exchange ten words or when I try to talk about the things I like or am excited about it get completely ignored#how am I suppose to believe that people actually want to be my friend when it doesn’t feel like it?#god I’m like pathetic af for crying over this shit again#if one day I just stop talking to everyone entirely this is why#it feels like I’m wasting everyone’s time by trying to be a part of peoples lives#t​his regards also to the post I made recently about being tired of love and like feeling like I have none left to give#you can only give so much love and attention with little in return before you run out#I feel like a joke and a loser and someone for people to laugh at#my feelings don’t feel like they mean anything to anyone#every one of my friends falls into one or more catergories of ‘if I don’t talk first we never speak’ ‘when I talk you ignore me’#‘you make me feel like a joke’ etc#and I hate that I feel that way because I do love my friends and want to be friends with them but it’s hard#or maybe not every friend there’s like very few who don’t make me feel like this actually so I’m not going to say this applies to everyone#but it does apply to most people#delete later
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katsumiiii · 1 year
hobie x fem! reader
thinking of hobie brown rn…!
hobie who knows you love the height difference between you two and uses it to his advantage. is constantly angling his head upwards, which causes him to purposely peer down at you through his thick eyelashes. you always get flustered each time he narrows his eyes and tilts his chin, and him being the ever so perceptive spider he is, takes notice of your heated cheeks and continues to do so.
whenever he’s near a doorway or a thick frame he lovesss to lay a palm on the top of it, trapping your body beneath his as you ramble on about whatever it is you’re rambling about. he makes sure to nod along while effectively moving a hand towards your plush waist, bringing your figure flush against his own. he plays with the seam of your shirt, and urges you to keep going when you stutter from the sudden change in position.
hobie who loves to annoy you with his British slang. it’s not necessarily because he uses it often that irks you, it’s the fact that you have no idea what he’s saying and he never makes an effort to help you understand. (he actually finds it amusing each time you attempt to guess what he means and is completely off base every single time).
“babe, I’d love ta get ya that shirt you’ve been beggin’ for, but I’m skint right now. try me next week, yeah?” he hummed, kicking his feet up on the railing next to your bed.
“skint? I feel like you’ve used that one before..” you muttered, huffing in irritation by the smug look on hobie’s face, his lips quirked in amusement.
“told ya what it meant last week. thought ya said you could ‘se context clues?”
“whatever bee, maybe you should speak english.”
“‘aint that what ‘m doin’?”
hobie who always has a blunt neatly rolled on his dresser, his ash tray placed gently to the left of it. he often smoked before running off to whatever it is he did when he wasn’t home (he was very unpredictable as he switched it up weekly to “fuck up consistency” whatever the hell that meant).
hobie inhaled gingerly before tilting his head towards his peeling painted ceiling, his fingers lingered tightly on the wood before lifting it to your lips, “want a go?”
you shook your head, nuzzling further into his shoulder, “mhm no, too tired.” hobie chuckled before greedily puffing the joint, shuttering at the burning feeling it left.
“suit yourself love, more for me.”
hobie who you introduce differently to your friends each time you bring him up. one day he’s your boyfriend, the next he’s your significant other, and the next he’s your ‘close friend’. they always question the constant switch ups, but you don’t ever seem to mind. you know where you stand with the man, and to him that’s all that matters.
“so what’s up with you and…..” your friend trailed off, stirring the ice in her drink.
“hobie?” you questioned.
“yeah him, so is he your boyfriend or what?”
“it’s complicated, he hates labels, makes him feel confined.” you replied, shrugging your shoulders as you lay your head on your palm.
“that doesn’t bother you? is he like scared of commitment or something?”
you scoff, lightly shaking your head, “no, he just doesn’t want to contribute to the system.” you answered bluntly, taking another sip of your lemonade.
“the system?” your friend asked, eyebrow raised at the quip.
“nevermind, don’t worry about it.”
hobie who subtly brags about you to his people. loves to show you off, and has no problem admitting he does.
“yeah bruv, my girl jus’ got into her dream fuckin’ college. been workin’ hard for that shit all year, man.” hobie boasted, pushing his hands out in order to bounce off the wall next to him.
“oh my goodness how wonderful! when do we get to meet this companion of yours?” pavitr questioned, flinging his body upwards to keep up with the male to his right.
“eh, don’t know yet, when I feel like it, yeah?”
all in all hobie is so cute and I literally am in love with him!!
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soapsbaby · 1 year
Silly Spicy Call of Duty headcanons
Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, König, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, John Price, Valeria Garza, all x reader Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI) Themes: All NSFW but very lighthearted, nothing particularly triggering but ask to tag! Word count: 750ish
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These are just silly little headcanons about them, PLEASE if you have any like these send them to me i had such a blast writing them lol!!
Sometimes his mask slips a little and he looks goofy as hell, you have to do your best to not laugh into his face because you know he won’t let that slide.
Uses British lingo sometimes. Has called your pussy a “fanny” before. Got mad when that made you giggle.
Once got so frustrated with trying to figure out how to operate one of your vibrators that he broke it. Was very apologetic and immediately ordered you another one afterwards.
He is clumsy as hell. Every time you have tried to fuck in a position that is anywhere near athletic, something goes wrong. It’s a miracle neither of you have broken your necks trying to get it on in the shower. He will always take the fall though, protecting you with everything he has and curling himself around you even if it means he will end up bruised or bleeding.
Makes a lot of typos when sexting, never notices. Called you “baby gorilla” once (you will never let him live that down).
Gets offended when you call him “Soap” in the bedroom. You know my name, what are you calling me that for? Dummy.
He doesn’t usually wear his balaclava under his mask when you have sex since it gets too sweaty but since his mask is pretty loose he will sometimes have to pft-ppf-tpftt when it gets stuck in his mouth. Has almost choked on his mask before.
Gets so flustered that he will just start sputtering nonsense. Has on several occasions been so out of it that he has messed up the nicknames you use for each other. “yes show me that I am your little babygirl, wait- no, you are… I am your boy… you’re… Wait, I’m sorry”. Not a gender or kink thing, which would of course be alright with you, just him being a dummy.
Is a bit of a crier and drooler sometimes which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that he will sometimes accidentally waterboard himself in his mask and not tell you.
Has called you mommy once and was mortified. Neither of you have really spoken about it but sometimes you will drop little hints around him to get him flustered.
Likes when you suck him off while he is playing video games but then gets too into the game and genuinely can’t help but get annoyed when he loses because you distract him.
Cpt Price
Is oblivious to any signs that you want him. Will go into Dad story telling mode and completely ignore the effect he is having on you until you grab him by the shirt and just tell him to fuck you.
Has a sex playlist called "sensual" with just the most cliché sex songs on it possible. Can unironically have sex to "Careless Whisper" and “Let’s get it on”.
Has given you rug burn with his beard before. 0/10 very unpleasant experience (you’d do it again, though).
Will say things that could be interpreted as sexist in the moment and then immediately get apologetic. Who’s my good slut? I mean… If you want to be. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to… Are you okay with that? Okay. Cool.
Will fuck you in uniform because he knows you’re into that and then get distracted by things he finds in his pockets like shopping receipts. 
Doesn’t care whether or not you understand him, he will speak Spanish to you.
Gets tormented by you with new pet names every day. mí amor, I don't know what a Zaddy is. I don’t even know if that’s a good thing.
In the beginning of your relationship he was completely oblivious to most kinks. If you ever expressed anything out of the ordinary to you, he’d raise his eyebrows in confusion and say something like “what? why would anyone want that?” but was always open to trying anything. Now he is probably even more of a deviant than you are.
Has this roleplay thing going on where you are a traitor to her cause and she discovers it and gets to “punish” you. You find it a little silly but it gets her super riled up so you play along.
Secretly loves to bottom and to be taken care of by you but would never tell you (you know anyway). Thinks she is being very good at hiding it (she is not).
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misstycloud · 3 months
Yandere merman x reader x best friend
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Imagine a darling finding out she’s half-mermaid.
She lives in a small fishing village way out in he country. It’s the kind of town no one ever leaves. You’re born, grow up, and die there. Whole generations of families have lived there since long before.
Her parents are normal folks; father’s sailor and mother’s a stay-at-home wife. But since darlings family is so much like others’, she doesn’t understand why she’s so different. Her mother often jokes about how her first word was ‘sea’ and how she’d find her standing in her crib, staring out the window at the waves crashing into the cliffs.
Darling has been in a constant battle with herself her whole life. Since as long as she can remember she’s had a gripping fascination with the ocean. She can’t help it! Every night when everyone else laid sound-asleep in their beds, did she lie awake and fantasize about sneaking out and disappearing under the dark waves. No matter how hard she tried shutting these thoughts away, they always came back to haunt her.
While her mother thought is was cute and not a problem, it couldn’t be anything more. Her mother didn’t understand- as sweeet as she was. It probably stemmed from her being too busy with darlings younger siblings and doing chores, that she didn’t think of how the village spoke of her daughter. They call her strange and speak of what a waste of beauty on someone like her; she’s no good and you can’t marry her. Her mother didn’t know about how the rest of the kids teased darling. They pulled her her and pushed he on the ground. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence for her to find her school books wet with sea water, since she ‘likes it so much’. The teachers didn’t care either.
The only solace darling can find is in her best friend. He always defended her agaisnt her bullies- which was practically everyone- and stayed by her side, even when he could become affected too. Darling feels he’s too good to her. The times she felt so alone, he was there to comfort her when her confidence was at its lowest. He held her when she cried and patted her back, whispering into her ear about how sweet and beautiful she is.
Then, by chance one day, she meets a merman. She is surprised- merfolk only exists in stories after all! The merman is so inhumanly beautiful. With long hair cascading down his back and a long fish tail. His tail looked very strong, he was no doubt an excellent swimmer. At first she is scared of him, she runs away-ignoring his shouts for her to come back- and keeps to herself in her room. Her family is worried and wonders if something is wrong, but she tells them it’s nothing and that she’s just a little tired. In her room, darling thinks about the merman. How is it possible for him to exist? Was she hallucinating and perhaps he wasn’t real? Are there other mythological creatures out there? After overcoming her initial fear and hesitance, she decides to go back to the beach.
The merman was still there. She dares ask how he can talk and he responds with, “My people don’t speak the way you do, but I have taught myself the language of humans. That’s how I am communicating with you.”
She asks him more questions, all of which he answers truthfully. Or, well, she hoped he wasn’t trying to deceive her. Darling even gained the courage of asking whether the stories of merfolk feastin on human flesh is true, and when the merman confirms it’s indeed true, she backs up. When he notices her alarmed state, he hurriedly add that he would never eat her.
It’s then he hits her with the most shocking reveal of her life. Apparently, he senses mer- blood in her vains.
“….n-no, that can’t be. You must be sensing wrong- I’m human..!”
He sighs. “Merfolk are very intuitive. We always recognise our own kind.”
He reveals that he suspect her of being half- merfolk since the scent of mer is strong on her. Darling thinks it’s laughable, both her parents are perfectly human. It can’t be. Like, she’d notice if one of her parents was a mythological creature with a fish tail as a lower half.
The merman tells her of old stories among his people, of mers who reproduced with humans- whether its be willingly or the human had kidnapped them. The children would always be different. On the surface they appeared like any other human, but on the inside there would constantly be a longing to return to their orgins- the ocean. Darling is conflicted. On one hand she can’t believe what she’s hearing, however, the description of the half- bloods fit her too well.
That night she confronts her father while he’s getting off work. He breaks instantly. She is shocked to discover that her father had an affair with a mermaid whilst being married to her mother. He had discovered her while fishing in an unpopular area and took her with him. He sobs that he couldn’t help it, the mermaid was so enchanting he couldn’t control himself. When the mermaid fell pregnant, he was so scared of what his wife would say when she found out, but when the child came out human, he was puzzled but relieved at the same time. He brought the baby home and played it off as finding it abondoned by the docks.
Darling can’t believe it. Her father was practically a monster. She recalled the tales of kidnapped merfolk held against their will, by the merman. She couldn’t imagine what her birth mother must’ve gone through. Her father begs her not to tell her mother because it would destroy the happy family they’d built.
In the end, she chooses to keep the secret for the time being. The right thing was to tell her mother, but it was also true that it would ruin everything and she didn’t want her younger siblings to grow up in a broken family. The only thing she wanted was for her father to leave her alone and never speak to her unless absolutely necessary. He agreed.
She begins spending all her time by the beach, in the company of the merman. She wondered what his name was, and to her bewilderment, he shrugged and said he didn’t have one. So she decides to give him one herself, Aqualor. It seemed merfolk-y enough. Luckily, the merman didn’t object and smiled instead, accepting the name.
Her best friend is worried though. He can never seem to even catch a glimpse of the love of his life anymore. Where was she? Now that they’d both grown into adults, it became harder to see each other; he had to work to support himself(and her, in the future). He felt horrible about it, but in all honesty he was a little glad the rest of the village didn’t take to her. If they did, surely she would have been taken away from him. Even if she didn’t know it, she was incredibly beautiful. It was impossible for him not to be a little biased, but she truly was the most wonderful thing he’d laid his eyes on. He could only imagine how it’d be if people actually treated her like she looked.
While her best friend felt the separation anxiety, darling count be happier. Finally she had someone who understood her fully. There was someone to relate to when she explained the urge to dive deep beneath the waves and disappear, and how pleasant water felt on her skin. Aqualor understood everything perfectly.
Her best memory was of her first swim with Aqualor. She’d been somewhat sacred in he beginning. Despite her desperate longing for the ocean, she’d never been in it much. It was quite ironic. He’d been so patient with her, never pushing or getting annoyed. He waited until she was more comfortable venturing out in the openness. Now they swam together every day, laughing and playing. Of course, Aqualor was the superior swim more out of the two of them, but darling likes to think she isn’t so shabby herself.
This is how she thought the rest of her life would be like; she and Aqualor enjoying each others company from morning to evening, while she returns home to the village every night. She didn’t have a job- no one would hire her anyway- so why not have fun with your friend? It wouldn’t be the best life, but it’d be peaceful and easy.
However, the ‘easy’ disappeared when Aqualor asked if she’d like to join him in the sea permanently.
“What? What do you mean?” She tilted her head in confusion.
The merman flipped his tail in the shallow water- his upper body was on the sand while the rest of him remained in the water. “Would you not like to come with me? We already spend so much time together, so it would hardly be any different.”
“Yeah, but I can’t just leave. I have to stay with my family.” She glanced back up and could see the tiniest snippet of houses, the village.
“You mean the father who has committed sins, a mother who doesn’t care for your feelings and siblings who forget your existence?” He harshly pointed out. His words stung.
“They’re far from perfect, I know that. But still, I can’t just vanish- I don’t even think I can survive out there!”
He grabbed her hand, his were wet and slightly webbed. It didn’t bother her though.
“Of course you can. Remember your heritage? Besides, I will be there and guide you through it. I will protect you, I will hunt for you. It will just be you and me, happy and content. Doesn’t it sound lovely?”
She went quiet and looked away, unsure.
He continued, “You alway tell me of how the humans treat you. They scorn you and say hateful words about you. That is because you are above them.” He smiled. “You do not belong here- you are mer! You should be with your people.”
“But even if I have mer-blood, I’m still human, look at me.” She stretched out her legs, flexing them and empathising their difference.
“You may have the appearance of a human, you soul, however, it is of a mermaid. You long to be free and to live the life you’ve always meant to live. They can’t keep you here in this…” his voice trailed off to disgust “cage.”
Darling sat and listened to Aqualor’s ramblings. Did he have a point? It’s not like anyone would miss her really. Her friend, yes, but he has so much else to live for. He’s not strange and everyone thinks well of him. He’ll be successful.
“So, what do you say, my coral? Will you join me?”
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felinecyan · 3 months
Perfectly Fine
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[Keigo Takami x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Hawks plays off that everything is “perfectly fine,” but you know better than to believe him.
WC: 2186
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Soft!Reader, Slight Angst
I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with Hawks and angst, I blame Conan Gray being stuck in my head 24/7, but here you go! 😀👍
You knew he wasn't okay.
You saw him every day. You spent more time with him than anyone else in his life. He had always been so bright and so positive that it was jarring when you realized just how exhausted he truly was.
He tried. He tried so hard. He was smiling and making jokes like normal. It was so hard not to get caught up in his infectious positivity. But you knew him well enough to see through it all.
And his eyes said it all.
They weren't as bright and golden as they normally were. They looked dim. The dark circles underneath were a clear indication that he hadn't been sleeping well lately—or at all.
This was the one thing you absolutely despised about Keigo. His independence was a good aspect to have for a pro-hero, but not when it was detrimental to his own health.
He was always doing things on his own. He was a people pleaser, so of course, he didn't want to ask for help. It was his problem, so he'd handle it himself.
And you wished you could just knock some sense into that bird brain of his.
The last straw was when he came home in the middle of the night, completely disheveled, and collapsed on the couch.
It wasn't uncommon for him to come home late, and you were usually already asleep, but tonight was different. Tonight, you were still awake.
And it was almost 3 am.
You had heard him enter the house. You were about to get up to greet him, but his heavy footsteps had paused at the doorway. The silence continued for a few seconds until you heard him stumble and collapse onto the couch.
You got up immediately and rushed into the living room. Your heart broke at the sight of him.
He was sitting on the floor with his back on the couch. He had taken off his jacket and boots. His wings were limp, and the feathers were ruffled and messy. His head was in his hands, and his hair was an absolute mess.
"Keigo," you whispered, walking up to him.
You had a million questions going through your mind, but you were also worried he was hurt, so you decided to keep it simple.
"Are you okay?"
He didn't move. Not even his wings.
He did speak, however, but you wished he hadn't.
"Perfectly fine."
The words were like poison. His tone was so cold, so dark, so unlike him. You hated it. You had to force yourself not to recoil in disgust.
Just as he said those words, he made himself even worse by letting out a dry, humorless chuckle. It was so unnatural and wrong coming from him.
It scared you. It angered you. You couldn't understand how he could be like this.
You knelt down in front of him, placing your hands over his.
"Keigo," you murmured. "I’m begging you. Please don't do this."
"Do what?" His eyes met yours, completely focused. It was almost unnerving. "What am I doing?"
"You're pushing me away," you stated, trying to keep your voice from cracking. "Again."
His gaze lingered for a few moments before his eyes trailed to the floor. He let out a sigh, sounding almost irritated.
"I told you, I'm fine," he muttered, his expression hardening. "You should get some sleep."
His tone was much harsher than before, and it was beginning to frustrate you.
"I can't do that," you whispered.
"Why not?"
"Because I can't, Keigo," you said, your voice rising. "You make it so… so difficult for me to just sit back and watch you do this. You keep saying that everything is fine, but it isn't. It's not. You know it's not."
He was silent, and you were beginning to think that he was refusing to respond to you.
"You've been coming home at weird hours, and you don't even try to hide the fact that you're exhausted. Your eyes have bags under them, and your wings are a complete mess. You look so pale, Keigo."
"If you say you're fine one more time," your voice was trembling, and your eyes were starting to burn. "I swear, I will throw myself out of this window."
That made a small smile creep onto his face. It wasn’t genuine, but it was a start.
"As much as I love pancakes, you know I wouldn’t let you go through with that," he said, his tone becoming lighter.
You didn't hesitate.
"Then why are you making me go through with this?"
You didn't miss the small flinch he did. If you’d been in this situation a couple of years ago, you would’ve missed it.
But not anymore. You knew him better than anyone.
"We’re supposed to be partners, remember? You’re a harder book to read, Keigo, and I’m sorry I’m too easy for you, but we should be able to trust each other."
He only looked down and let out a sigh. He was trying so hard to keep his composure, but his emotions were beginning to break through.
You reached forward and gently placed your hand on his cheek, turning his face so he would look at you.
"And if something is bothering you, you should want to tell me. But I can’t help but feel like I'm not good enough to be someone you can confide in because if you did, then maybe you wouldn't look like this right now." You brushed a lock of his golden hair away from his forehead.
He looked so tired. So defeated.
And he was. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was struggling with himself. It was as if he were weighing his options.
Stay silent or talk to you.
Stay strong or admit his weakness.
You wanted him to choose the latter. You needed him to choose the latter. If he was going to keep pretending everything was fine, your heart couldn’t take it.
A moment of silence passed, and then two, and then three. It was like an eternity had gone by.
Then, finally, the room was filled with his deep, shaky exhale. The environment changed. The air was thicker. You felt the tension and the stress and the sadness.
"I'm not the person you deserve."
It was such a simple phrase, but you were stunned. He sounded so broken, and you didn’t understand why.
"I don't deserve you," he repeated, his voice barely a whisper. “I never did."
You were just speechless. You were expecting his troubles to be something along the lines of work or the Hero Public Safety Commission. It probably still is, but you weren’t expecting him to feel… insecure about himself.
"That’s…" You shook your head. "No, Keigo, that's not true. Why would you think that?"
"Why wouldn't I think that?"
He didn't wait for your response.
"I'm too focused on being a hero," he started, his expression hardening again. "I'm always out. I'm never here. Sure, I kidnap you and make you my hostage every once in a while, but even then, I'm always thinking about work. Always thinking about how I can save more people. I'm always busy, and when I'm not, I'm exhausted."
His hands tightened into fists.
"You deserve someone who can be here with you all the time. Someone who can take the time to actually appreciate you, not just a text here and there, or a quick phone call, or a stupid note. You deserve someone who doesn’t have to leave the house before the sun even rises."
Your eyes were beginning to water, and you tried not to sniffle, but it was becoming more and more difficult to control yourself.
"You deserve a life where you can relax. You deserve someone who you know is always going to be there when you need it. I can't be that for you, and it's frustrating because I really wish I could."
"Oh, Takami," you whispered, pulling him towards you.
His arms wrapped around your waist, and his face was buried in the crook of your neck. He was holding onto you as if he were hanging on for dear life.
"I hate being like this." His voice was muffled, but you could still hear the disgust in his tone.
"Like what?"
"So pathetic," he grumbled. "I hate acting like a kid. Like an immature, needy little… little child."
He had trouble getting the last word out. You couldn't tell whether it was because he was frustrated or ashamed, or both.
"Hey," you whispered, running your fingers through his hair. It seemed to always soothe him. "It’s not immaturity, and it definitely is not childish. It’s just being human."
You could feel him let out a long, deep exhale.
"You are the Number 2 Pro-Hero. You're a very busy man. I knew it then, and I know it now. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to be with you."
You paused, taking a deep breath.
"Yes, sometimes I get lonely, and I miss you, and it sucks. Sometimes, I want to lock you in the house and not let you leave until the end of the world, but that wouldn't be fair to your fangirls.”
That earned a small chuckle from him.
"And it wouldn't be fair to all those innocent people who need you too. I don't like having to share you with the entire city, but that's just the way it is, and it's something I knew I had to get used to."
His arms squeezed around your waist. You felt his warm breath on your neck, which made you shiver slightly.
"And it's not your fault, either. We will have times like these, where you're too busy, and we won't see each other for a while, but at the end of the day, I'm still going to be waiting for you. At the end of the day, we’ll be perfectly fine."
"What a sap," he mumbled, though you could hear the smile in his voice.
"Hey! I'm trying to be romantic!" You playfully smacked his shoulder. "Be grateful."
He chuckled and pulled away from the embrace. You didn't want him to at first, but when you saw his expression, you smiled.
He was grinning. He was finally genuinely happy. There was a twinkle in his eye, and his wings were perked up. His feathers were starting to look much cleaner and fluffier. He was starting to look like his old self.
"I'll make a mental note of that," he replied, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. "You are the cutest sap ever."
"Shut up." You rolled your eyes and let out a laugh. "Go to bed, bird boy."
"Wait, wait, wait, hold on," he said, holding his hands up. "You're not going to give me a good night kiss?"
You scoffed.
"And you say you’re not childish."
"No, seriously."
Before you could ask him what he meant, he grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap. Your arms instinctively went around his neck, and you squealed and caught off guard.
"Hey!" You protested, trying to glare at him, but it was hard to do when he was looking at you with such adoration.
"C'mere," he hummed, resting his forehead against yours. "Let's see how good of a kisser you really are."
"Okay, no, let's not," you said, leaning away from him. "That was awful. That was worse than awful."
"Oh, c'mon!" He chuckled, his eyes full of amusement. "I've been waiting to use that for ages."
"Well, don't," you said, shaking your head. "That just made me want to turn into a pancake even more."
"It’s too bad we don't have syrup," he joked, giving you a quick wink. "Guess I'll have to improvise."
"That's it," you said, trying to push him away, but he only laughed and pulled you closer.
"Stop trying to avoid the inevitable, darling," he murmured, his eyes meeting yours.
"Please don't say anything else," you begged, your face growing warm. "Please. I'm not kidding, Takami."
"Neither am I."
And this… This was what everything was worth.
Keigo looked so content. He was happy. He was relaxed. He wasn't thinking about anything but this moment. He wasn't overthinking things. He wasn't forcing himself to stay positive.
He was just being him, finally. The rest of the night the discussion wasn’t brought up again, and it didn’t need to. You both knew exactly what the other was thinking… feeling. And sure, there’s no doubt there’ll be another time when he will be stressed out again, overworking himself and pushing himself too hard, but you would be there to pull him back down.
You would be there to remind him that everything would be okay and that no matter how hard he tries to fix it all on his own, you would simply remind him that he doesn’t have to do that anymore.
He doesn’t need to keep hiding behind that smile; the only smile he should ever have is the real one.
The one where he truly is perfectly fine.
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kazumist · 1 year
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✩ — neuvillette gets a new problem: he finds himself crushing on you all over again.
✩ — includes: neuvillette x gn!reader. fluff fluff fluff!! no cws. wc: 503. reblogs and feedback are highly appreciated :D
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if there was one thing that neuvillette didn’t expect to experience again ever since he got married to you, it would be him being attracted to you all over again.
he had no clue how or when this started again, but he just woke up one day and couldn’t stop admiring you. his eyes wouldn’t leave you; whenever you two touch, it feels like a burst of electricity is suddenly rushing through him; and god, every time you kiss him, he feels like he’s floating.
was this normal?
neuvillette snapped out of his thoughts when you started waving your hand in front of his face. “neuvi, are you okay? you’ve been staring at me for a while. was there something on my face?” you asked him with concern, setting down two teacups of tea on the table. neuvillette coughs into his fist and looks away out of embarrassment that he got caught staring at you like a lovesick boy.
“my apologies; it was not my intention to stare like that, but i do think that i might be having a fever," he says. after hearing his response, you immediately got closer to him, checking his temperature. 
and this makes neuvillette’s temperature rise higher, if that was still possible.
“well, your temperature is a bit hot right now, but it isn’t bad enough for a fever.” you replied. “ah, uhm.” huh, did he just stutter? did neuvillette actually just stutter? “is that so? that’s good news then.”
“love, are you sure you’re okay?” you asked him again.
well, it wouldn’t hurt for him to express his current concern, right?
he doesn’t nod to answer you, instead, he starts voicing himself out. “to be honest with you, dearest, i’ve been… having a few troubles lately. every time you walk into the same room that i’m in, i just can’t help but admire you. every time you open your mouth to speak, i find myself ignoring and putting down what i’m currently doing just to listen to what you have to say. and every time you kiss me… i feel my knees getting weak.”
you let out a giggle at his words, and your poor husband just looks at you in confusion. “was there something wrong with what i said?” he asks. “no, no, don’t worry, neuvi. you just sounded so cute.” you reassured him.
“but to answer your little problem, i think you’re in love with me.”
neuvillette is confused. “in love with you? but how could that be possible when i’m already married to you? i have always loved you, so why am i only feeling this now?”
now it was your turn to blush, trying to keep it cool when you just heard your husband say such things. “well, dearest, love is quite a complicated thing sometimes, isn’t it?" you say, lightly poking his nose.
this time, neuvillette nods. love may be a complicated thing to grasp, but all he knows is that he loves you. and nothing will ever change that.
914 notes · View notes
alreadyblondenow · 12 days
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▸ Assassin Jaehyun x Assassin Female reader ▸ Smut, Smut, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Gore, MATURE ▸ JAEHYUN SMUT SERIES: FUCK, MARRY, KILL ▸ VOLUME I: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3 ▸ VOLUME II: PART 1, PART2
Summary: A new life without being an assassin. A chance to run away and forgive. A chance to do it all again and not fuck it up. How can Jaehyun protect you from his world now?
Warnings: THIS FIC IS FICTION ONLY, Smut, smut, smut, MATURE THEMES, Heavy description of killings because most of the characters are assassins, mentions of blood, character death, A LOT OF NCT MEMBERS WILL D WORD IN THIS FIC, unprotected sex, mentions of condoms, mentions of pill, pregnancy, swearing, mentions of alcohol. HEAVY CHEATING, FICTONAL MURDER, CAR CRASH, Not everything is proofread, apologies again. I hope I did not forget anything. PLEASE !!! DON'T READ IF IN ANY WAY YOU WILL BE UNCOMFORTABLE.
A/N: This is the fluffiest part of the series. The part 2 will have the gore and other shit heheheheheee. Thank you so much for waiting for Volume II ! I know how its so ugly to wait for an unfinished fic but I am doing my best huhu I'm sorry. I would like to mention that I changed the story, so if you read the teaser for FMK, I CHANGED THE PLOT A LOT SO - THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING
If a person really loves you, they will have a hard time choosing whether to stay and fight for the relationship or just let you go because it's what you want. It’s between respect and what you want. 
Jaehyun wanted to lock you inside this apartment. He was planning to keep you like a thing that he loves for safe keeping. He wanted to make you stay, and not give you a choice anymore. He wanted to own you. He didn’t want to let you go. You’re not leaving his life. Not now. Not ever. 
That’s what Jaehyun wants. 
But Jaehyun loves you, that’s why he did not chose what he wanted to do. Jaehyun indeed loves you. You can see it in his eyes. Now that you’ve finally broke your silence and told him that you wanted to leave. And not just leave this place… you we’re talking about leaving his life. This life. For good. 
He was silent. He didn’t know what to say. But you can see in his eyes, he’s hurt. He even turned his back against you because he didn’t want you to see him cry. It’s not that this relationship grew out of love, but love was the problem all along. You and Jaehyun have this love for each other but life is doing it’s best to stop you two from pouring it. 
At this moment, Jaehyun is so frustrated, thinking about the time where it all started. Where did everything went down hill? 
His father’s death? 
Mark’s death? 
“I know you’re deep into thinking right now” you disturbed his thoughts, sobbing, and struggling to speak for yourself but you have to. “But I have respect to you Jaehyun, until this very end, I need you to let go of me. Were tired of fighting, I can feel it. I’ll leave once you approved or accept that this is our end” you said and left the room. 
For Jaehyun hearing those words from you hurt. He wanted to hold you, stop you and grasp for every love that you have left for him. But he couldn’t. He was like a stone, he looked heartless on the outside for making you leave the room, but on the inside he was burning with want to make you stay. 
For three days, you waited patiently for his decision. And in those three days, Jaehyun was just gone. He wasn’t working, he didn’t attend any meetings, gone. Just gone. You packed your things as slowly as you can just so you could keep your calm composure.
And by the time he finally arrived, you knew that the day was today. You will finally leave and will be granted freedom. 
“I’m not going to try and win you back im not going to beg for you to stay. I want you to stay… but that’s not what you want “ 
He looked calm now you thought. He looked so tensed, mad and hurt the last time you were on the same room.
“But at least give me the chance to let you go properly in the way you deserved. Its the least I could do”
In the days he was gone, he did his best to think straight. He did his best to understand your part, why you want to leave and what good is this going to give you both? But to every question he asks himself, all answers just ends up putting you in good position. He can imagine you with a good life, perhaps leaving his life will give the peace he can’t give you. And besides… having a peaceful life was all you ever dreamed of. He has already become the villain in your life he can’t continue to do that.
You allowed him to help you pack.
You allowed him to drive you to your new place. 
You noticed he still wears his ring. 
You thought that this day would be awful, heavy and full of tears. But you can see right through Jaehyun that he made sure not to give you a hard time especially today.
“Hmm the place is small are you sure you dont want a bigger one?” You just gave him a look and shook your head no. 
Surprisingly Jaehyun looked like a normal person today. He still wears black though, all his tattoos are covered with thick clothing at least you get to see him like this one last time. Like a normal person. One without blood in his hands.
While you two were busy unloading your stuff, it was obvious that Jaehyun was taking his sweet time with you, he doesn’t normally move so slow like this, he even checked every inch of your new place and made sure you were safe. If you’re being honest… you’d kill to make time slower for this specific day. 
But after eating quietly at your empty living room floor, it snowed and the room became colder than it already is.
“Jaehyun I want to thank you for today,”he nods his head, looking at you straight in the eye while listening to every word you say, “You know where I live now. But please I hope you keep your word. Let me go” you just said that to avoid him spying on you. Who knows? 
He just nods.
“I hope you get to have warm nights now that I’m out of your life” Jaehyun said before finishing his beer.
“Im off now” He said with a cold tone. 
That night. You watched him get in his black car without even making a second look to you. He started driving the moment the car was ready to go. 
For almost 2 decades of being together. For the love you thought no one could ruin…. Everything went back to square one, on this cold and quiet day.
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A year later 
Who would have thought that living a decent and innocent life would be something… so challenging. 
Challenging because now you realize killing someone just because you can… is not normal. It’s necessary and it can be avoided. 
You found a decent job at the library and youre a part timer at a convenience store… everything felt normal. You love it. Even if its boring.
“Well… you’ve been an assassin for far too long” Yuta laughs through the phone, “you should practice self reflection and do some meditating perhaps it could help you” Yuta suggests. 
“Hows Taeyong? Is the baking classes paying off?” You asked. 
“Yeah, surprisingly he bakes really good. But the guy is a perfectionist… nothing he makes make him happy” 
“Well tell him he’s doing a good job already” 
After that sweet call with your friend, you headed to your second job, a convenience store not too far from your place. It’s already 9PM, the person before your shift should be ready to head out. The job is kinda lonely, late hours can be so boring, but you figured its quiet. Plus you can eat peacefully, that’s what matters. Now that you’re alone,  eating peacefully with the food you made while looking at the window and watch the snow fall… 
You remember the night you and Jaehyun parted ways. You haven’t thought much about him. Youre lucky moving out goes hand in hand with moving on… but are you moved on officially?
Everyday, you come home and congratulate yourself for having a kind of life like this. A peaceful and quiet life. 
And everyday… you can’t help but think about sharing this kind of life with Jaehyun. Will he like it too? 
As you prepare to go to bed, it was a really cold night and you wanted to make sure you’re well rested by the morning comes. But just before you close your eyes, a loud bang at your gate woke every bit of you. 
You got a kitchen knife just to sure, funny how not being an assassin for a year can wake every instinct and skill you have with just a loud bang. 
By the time you open it, you were quick to point the knife to the person banging at your gate in this ungodly hour. 
It was Jaehyun. Covered in blood. 
He smiled before he could even speak a word and fell into your arms. Helplessly.
You carried him inside and took care of him. 
He lost a lot of blood already but you knew better, of course you can’t call the hospital or the police. “Fuck Jaehyun what am I supposed to do?” But you come your senses and just did whatever you can. 
You removed the bullets, stitched him up, cleaned him and made sure that he’s not in pain. Of course… he never removed his wedding ring.
When the sun came out, you went out to see his car and parked it inside. It was full of bullet holes and it seems like he really got lucky last night. 
He slept the whole day, it was already sunset when he woke up. He saw you sleeping beside him and didn’t even have second thoughts about hugging you even though every part of him hurt. 
“What the fuck happened?” You asked gently. 
He can clearly remember how you held a knife on his neck the night he arrived. He just smiled. “Still an assassin, you still got it” he teased you. 
“That was just for protection you idiot— answer me what happened” 
“Well, a business meeting did not end well, what’s new?” He smirked as if he didn’t just almost died. 
“You need hospital by the way… can I call someone to pick you up?” You asked with concern. 
“So eager to get rid of me huh?” 
“No Jaehyun. I don’t know how to keep you alive— please. Call someone” 
“But I like it here… I seriously thought that I’m gonna die last night, and all I could think about is seeing your face again. I’d die happily” 
That explains the smile before he collapsed. 
It’s hard to reason out with someone in this state, especially with Jaehyun. So you left him and prepared for dinner. But Jaehyun as the hard headed man he is, got up with all his strength to be with you in your small kitchen. 
“I shouldn’t be here” he said weakly. 
You walked towards him and hugged him gently, thankful that he is indeed alive. But you have to understand that you cant keep coming back to what hurt you. 
“Stay for dinner, we’ll figure this out” 
That night, you two talked like you didn’t you didn’t grew apart for a year. You were still the comfort that he longs for and he’s not ashamed to show it. While he was talking he didn’t hide anything from you for he was sure that you will never judge him. He admitted that he’s not in great shape, business is not well, drugs was all he had when you left, and that he was depressed. “My father left me with gold, money and a legacy… but not a happy life y/n” he scoffed and finished his meal. 
 When he was fetched by his new assassins, it was harder to leave than he thought. He feels sick, he never wanted to leave your place ever again, just like the night he left you here for the first time. The night he let you go.
“I bet you’re disappointed in me. I promised to never disturbed you but here I am…” he says with weak eyes.
“You can always visit me Jae… but not this way” you joked and kissed him on the cheek. 
Little did you know that your invitation made him happy, a push to be a better man again. He didn’t want to face you again like this, broken,  an addict, lost. He wanted to be better. And so he stepped into his car with hope, with motivation, a better drive to live a new life and bring back the mighty Jaehyun. 
Months passed by and you find yourself thinking about Jaehyun again. Waiting for a sudden visit, waiting for him again. Maybe it’s because you heard his story now? That he ruined himself because he lost you, it’s not your fault of course, you’re not responsible. It’s his own doing and free will! 
But when your waiting has finally come to an end, Jaehyun surprised you in an unexpected way. 
It was night time you just got home from a tiring shift and you barely can’t keep your eyes open while doing your dinner. When the doorbell rang, it woke you up in an instant because…. Who would visit you at this hour. You hid the kitchen knife behind you, as you open the gate with one hand. And there he is. Holding flowers in his arm while the other has a pizza box. 
“I bet you have a knife behind you” he chuckled and received a warm hug from you, welcoming him like he’s not a stranger to your life. 
He looked well, better than a few months ago. He told you he’s 3 months sober now, and that looking forward to see you is something that pushed him to do well. “Thank you” he said warmly. It wasn’t an easy battle, but he still loves you too much that he never wanted you to see him broken and lost.
The night was sweet, you didn’t expect to spend it so close with each other. Almost as if you two were still a happy couple. But that’s what forgiveness is all about. What happened in the past can’t be changed, but it happened already.
“You’re not mad at me anymore?” Jaehyun asks, why he’s slowly caressing your back while you lay on his chest comfortably like you’ve done it a thousand times. 
“About what exactly Jae?” you giggle, “About ruining our relationship? Your father’s death? all the betrayal, Mark’s death?” 
“Everything. Every little thing” he admits. 
“Ever since you set me free, I can’t help but think, ‘can Jaehyun live a life  like this? Peaceful and slow?’ I think about it everyday Jae. That’s how much I forgave you already”
Hearing your answer made him tighten his hug, as if he thanked you silently. As if telling you, he’s truly not worthy of your love but he will stay in your life. 
“You’re not just here for dinner, am I right?” The question shocked Jaehyun and caught him off guard. He didn’t expect that you’d see right through him. It’s not right to suddenly invite your ex lover (ex wife) to have sex after everything that’s happened in your life. 
You watch him become shy, ears red as fuck and dimples flashing before your eyes, “If somehow I put you in the mood” he answered shyly, but bravely, his hand still holding yours fondly “but nonetheless my intentions are good. I really wanted to see you again” he admitted. 
And as a prize for his cute honesty, you started kissing him softly. Testing waters. But of course, the man longs for you. He accepted those small kisses and returned some to you too. You feel his heart pounding against his chest, “nervous?” you teased him licking his lips before you proceeded and started to kiss him deeply. You feel his hands roam around your body, your night dress slightly lifted and your lacy panties, his tight pants are the only barriers that are stopping you two to fuck then and there.
“we shouldn’t be doing this” he whispered in the most frustrating tone, you just giggle and accepted every hungry kiss and bite he gives you. 
You two soon ended in your bed, hands with each other, lips to lips and bodies immensely closed. But Jaehyun didn’t want to ruin a perfect day, you didn’t have sex, but there was passion and intimacy happened in your bed that night. 
“We can have sex, hopefully next time?” He smiles sweetly while you continue to kiss him. Holding his hand and keeping him close. 
Jaehyun slept like a baby that night,  he hasnt been sleeping well ever since your relationship went downhill even more when you left, but tonight he slept like a baby. Peaceful, deep, worry less. Truth be told he didn’t want to sleep that night. He wanted to just stay beside you, look at you and bask in this feeling of being near you again. But he was just so comfortable beside you that he can’t help but sleep. 
“Good morning” you kissed his exposed back, tracing his tattoos which tickles him. He smiles sweetly his ears turning red. He missed this feeling. The feeling of waking up happy, looking forward for a beautiful day, seeing you and getting to hold you first thing in the morning. 
It feels like a dream. 
“Am I dreaming?” He asks sweetly, reaching out to you for kisses, sweet and hungry ones. Kisses on your neck, kisses on your lips. good morning indeed. 
“You know when you left, you never even visited in my dreams. It feels like my life was in constant punishment when you left” he said while touching your lips. Still can’t believe that you’re somehow…. Back together now. “By the way, I haven’t slept that good for a long time” he added.
You can really see that he’s well rested. ”Is it because of me?” You asked sincerely Jaehyun can see the guilt in your eyes. He just pulled you in for a hug and kissed you good morning, He didn’t want to ruin such a beautiful morning. 
“How about, I make us breakfast and you hug me from behind?” He suggests. 
“Sounds like a plan” you answered and placed a kiss on his head before you got up from bed. 
Both you and Jaehyun can’t believe that you slept on the same bed last night… he was looking at your ceiling with high hopes that maybe, if he could make the right things now, and make it up to you… maybe? You can come hone with him in 127 house again? Start a new life? And try again.
“Jae, what time are you going to leave today?” You disturbed his thoughts. 
“Uh… afternoon. I have to fly to Italy… for work” you already know what kind of business that is and you didn’t bother asking. What’s important is, he’s here. 
Nothing is clear with this relationship yet. Welcoming Jaehyun in your life again is like coming after what broke you. How did this happen? After today? And then what? You're back to 127 house and become a Jeong again? 
You were in deep thoughts while you watch him move around your kitchen, while he prepares a breakfast for two, while he makes your morning drink. You look at his healed tattoos, the ones that are new when you told him you wanted to leave. Maybe that’s a sign? Maybe you needed both to heal and be far from each other in order to realize that you two are meant to be. No doubt. 
“Hey,” he asked sweetly and disturbing you with your ugly thoughts. “You okay?” He asked as he hands you your food. A plate so full that it made you remember how he used to take care of you back then. 
“I was just thinking how suddenly you’re back into my life. I’m not going to pretend that I’m not thinking about it… I mean the whole idea of me leaving is to be away from you” you said as gently as possible. Jaehyun is not an unreasonable man, he understands where this is all coming. Theres no need to argue for sure, there’s no need to comment to what you said for every part of it is true. He just smiled at you. 
“Your placed changed so much, I see you really put into work on every corner. I even saw your garden, was that lemon tree I saw?” He asked with a smile, genuinely curious. 
“Yes, Taeyong planted it for me. They visited once. I suck managing this place Jae, but I love it” you chuckled, “who would have thought that I would have my own place”
“Who would have thought that I wont be part of this too,” he smiled and took a bite, “Its been what? A year already? Almost? I almost didn’t recognize you if I’m being honest you look free, you don’t look scary anymore” 
You couldn’t believe what you’re hearing, he’s just making you laugh. He loves seeing your smile. 
“While me… I’m still the same Jaehyun, the same Jaehyun that fell in love with you-“
“No Jaehyun you’re different. Every part of you is different now” Jaehyun didn’t argue further because its true. Maybe it was a compliment? Maybe not? He looks at his reflection through the dark coffee and see his face. His neck full of tattoos, he can see through his eyes that he’s broken and lost. But alas a happy man, at this point of hour.
By the time Jaehyun left you didn’t expect it feel so heavy. You wanted to ask when can you see him again? But you sure do know that doesn’t work that way. He comes when he comes. And you’re just crazy in love while waiting for him. 
“I’ll be back” is what he said before he placed a kiss on your lips, a deep one. A kiss that wanted you to pull him back to your arms and stop him from leaving your house. But no. 
What the fuck is this? Why are you jumping back to what hurt you?
“How’s everything while I’m gone?” Jaehyun asked sternly to his bodyguard. 
“We lost a few men but the deal is sealed sir. Might I add sir that your fiancé is already waiting in your private plane” 
The mentioned of the word “fiance” made him miss you already. He lets go a deep sigh and took one last look to your house before he orders his bodyguard to drive. 
When Jaehyun arrived at his private airplane, there, a lady same as your age is waiting for his fiance to arrive. She is Jaehyun’s fiance that he got into a relationship with because he’s sad and depressed because you left him. He did tried to love her at some point… but he just ends up looking for pieces of you in her that she will never have. 
Jaehyun thought that marrying himself away will eventually make the heartbreak go away… but it never did. The relationship evolved between lust and pure passion only… at first. Until her father, a powerful like Jaehyun made a deal with him. “Marry my daughter and we will be 2 families that is so powerful that no one will dare piss you off anymore”
Jaehyun agreed. Proposed and gave himself more troubles and problems. And that is the start of his fall. His mighty reign being shaken. But that is when he became honest with himself too. He needed you back in his life. 
Before the accident that brought you two together again, Doyoung is the one who suggested Jaehyun to see you and try to win you back, simply because he can’t stand what’s happening now with everything. “Maybe y/n can bring the old Jaehyun back” Doyoung said to his boss.
Not long before Jaehyun left to see you, his fiancé staged an ambush and tried killing Jaehyun. She was well aware that Jaehyun will not be easy to kill, its fun for her too. She’s crazy like that. One of the many things Jaehyun liked about her… but not anymore. 
Present time
“Well are you two together again? What does that make me?” The girl started while she poured a whiskey for herself. 
“Don’t even bother touching her. You’re aware of who she is and what she’s capable of. You’d be dead by now if she knew about you… and what you did” Jaehyun said before closing his eyes, just soaking in with the feeling of the calm you brought to his life again.
“Why cant you love me Jaehyun?”  The girl cries. 
“I tried” is all Jaehyun could say.
“Then why are we still doing this? Why are you still marrying me?” The girl asked, sobbing like a helpless person. 
“Business is business babe” he reaches for the woman’s face a caressed it like he admires her. But Jaehyun just closed his eyes and slept the whole flight. But the desperate girl went down on her knees and unbuckled Jaehyun’s belt, pulled out his cock and gave him a blow job. This girl is crazy, desperate for Jaehyun’s love and attention, but all she could have right now is lust. 
Jaehyun may be an angel inside your home, but outside of it’s four corners, he’s back to being heartless. Well, you can’t blame the man who loves you. This world that he lives in will eat him alive if he continues to be soft in front of other people. 
“Is that the best you got?” Jaehyun moans and held on to the girl’s head before thrusting slowly and deeper. Reaching low inside the girl’s throat, thrusting inside out until he cums.
Jaehyun was away for a couple of months, no calls, nothing. Taeyong and Yuta managed to visit again over the months that Jaehyun is away, you loved every moment of it. You just wish that Jaehyun could be present too, and he could spend time with the others too just like old times. Watch the sunset together. But you all know that it’s not that simple anymore. Jaehyun is different and will not understand the word friendship anymore, for he’s not looking forward to rekindling with Yuta and Taeyong too. All he cares about is… you.
“Now that you two are back…” Yuta started. 
“What’s the plan?” 
“It’s up to him. If he leaves the life that ate him whole, then maybe we can really start again. But if not… I’ll leave for good. I’ll hide from him this time. I’ll never go back there” 
“But do you think it’s going to happen now?” Taeyong adds. 
“No. Honestly. I think I’m giving myself a big trouble. You guys… I don’t even know when is he coming back, he’s not even calling? I can’t see the real Jaehyun yet. The one that I loved, the one that I married… but, now that I’m not an assassin anymore… I’ll let myself love him as my true self… you know?”
“Speaking of marriage, did you divorce him when you left?” Yuta asked. 
“No. I was hoping that… eventually, we can put it into good use? He loves me. I know enough that he will not marry anyone else besides me” 
“So you’re ready to be a Jeong now?” Yuta asked, “now that the Jeongs dont own you, are you ready to be a Jeong? … you know, like a normal person”
Assassin or not, Jaehyun’s world is crazy. And that is why you can’t answer Yuta yet. 
“I need some time” that’s all you can say and Yuta respects that.
Meanwhile… Jaehyun is celebrating for 3 months straight with his engagement. A fake happiness of course. But a good time is a good time. He will endure everything until all of this is done and he can come back to you. 
“How’s Y/n?” Doyoung asks quietly beside Jaehyun while his boss watches the sun goes down. It’s beautiful here in Italy Jaehyun thought. But the situation he’s in right now is ugly. 
“She’s good… For the first time of my life I slept soundly… beside her. During the time that we were together, I just cant help but think that… letting go of her is the best decision I’ve ever made, and I’m happy I let her go and build this life that she has right now. A life without me, without the killings, dodging bullets….” 
“So you’re giving up?”Doyoung asks calmly, “If she can’t bring your might back then what can? Who can?” 
“I’ll think of something else, but for now… I would have to keep him away from this life. She doesn’t deserve this”
After 6 months of faking happiness, never ending parties and business arrangements, finally Jaehyun arrived again at your place. Unannounced and alone. 
You just finished taking a shower, humming happily a song that you heard from the radio. You bathrobe is what covers your body, hair still wet from the warm shower when suddenly… 
“Nice song,” Jaehyun whispers beside your ear with his deep voice. 
Which startled you and made you threw a punch which he of course can dodge. He covers your mouth when you realized that its Jaehyun. Hugging him tightly in your dark room. He didn’t missed the fact that you’re only wearing a robe and you’re both happy about seeing each other again. 
“Is it a good time?” Jaehyun asked like a gentleman. He was talking about having sex. He just wanted to make sure that you’re okay with this. 
“Its a perfect timing” you said and kissed him, helped him remove his clothes. He was dressed in Prada from to toe, you already knew that he came from an important event that ended very late. A business meeting? 
“Stop it with your thoughts,” he whispers and made you focus on him by revealing you left boob and proceeds to licking your nipples. Pushing you against the wall and continues to lick and suck on your left boob until your nipple is sensitive and you’re to left to want more on the other side. He has the changed a bit when it comes to stupid shit you thought. 
He motions you on your bed without breaking what he’s doing to left boob. He bits it playfully before he stops and pushes you to your comfort. You watch him undress the last few garments he’s wearing. Specifically his expensive watch and his boxer briefs. 
And when he’s all naked on top you, kissing your exposed neck, he swiftly removed your robe and positioned him in between your legs. 
“Do you like it?” He asked first before he proceeds. 
Of course you love it. Everything he does. 
You feel him smile in between kisses. But not because of lust, he’s just happy that he’s making love with the love of his life again. 
“I love you. Always have. Always will Y/n” 
He left those words before licking the folds in between your legs, making you moan and say his name over and over again because of the things he makes you feel using his tongue. You feel him lick you slowly, from time to time and proceeds to spreading your folds and finding sensitive spots in your cunt that only he know. He has always been your weakness. 
When he was done giving that great oral, he finds your lips kisses it endlessly, down to your neck, the valley between your boobs, giving both of your boobs a good lick… as if he has kissed and marked evert part of your body. 
“I don’t have condoms with me,” he whispers while he continues to kiss your neck. “Am I lucky?” He playfully bit the shell of your ear. But you were quick to teas him. 
“After all the shit you put me through? — I have condoms by the drawer” you teased him and watch him roll his eyes but happily reaches the first condom. 
You watch pump his cock a few times while his fingers runs up and down you wet slit and watch you shiver. He rolls the condom and lines his tip on your cunt, his lips were quick to find yours as he pushes through your walls oh so slowly. Like he’s savoring every second that he’s thrusting. 
When was the last time you two made love? 
Probably the night of your wedding? 
Jaehyun hates that thought. So he thrusted deeper, watching you melt with every sensation he gives you, catch every moan you let out and grant everything you asked. 
You want him to kiss you while he fucks you? Sure. Jaehyun made sure that you’re breathless with his kisses, leaving you wanting for air. You want him to go deeper? Sure. He pins your legs down on the mattress making sure you wont close them so he could go deeper. 
“Dont stop” you moan out. And Jaehyun got excited and put you in a new position that you loved. Lifting one leg up on his shoulders as he goes deeper while fucking you. You said dont stop right? He felt you cum already, but you were so into the sex that you don’t care if you came already. You want him to keep going while he overstimulates you, putting you in all fours, pulling your body against his chest and squeezes your boobs while he fucks you.  
After a few more rounds on different corners of the bed, you and Jaehyun rest and catch your breaths after using all the condoms you have in store. “If it wasnt for the condoms” Jaehyun giggled and placed a kiss on your lips. 
“Are you staying for the night?” You asked as you cling onto him. The man keeps you around his strong arms. 
“ I will. I want to stay. Can I stay?” Jaehyun asks sweetly. 
“Of course” you answered. 
“How about your life?” You feel him keep you closer as if he’s not ready to let go if you wont allow him to come back in your life. “Can I stay in your life?” 
“Id love that” you answered him sincerely. 
And you saw the same smile he flashed the night he asked you to marry him. 
That night you realized that he loves you. And no one can ever make him happier. 
After that night, Jaehyun made sure he will not make the same mistakes again. 
Whenever he leaves, he leaves with a promise, may it be small or something big like, “I’ll fix you porch light when I come back, don’t get someone to do it” or “lets go see a movie, a musical perhaps?” 
He made sure that even though you can’t contact him through phone, you have this certainty that he will come back. 
He never brought work whenever he’s with you. This time, its you whom he saves from over working. Like now… 
Jaehyun just arrived with groceries in his hand and he you were on the phone with your boss from the library, you were talking about your updated schedules when Jaehyun just placed a kiss on your lips. You thought that … that was it. But no. He looked you in the eye and kissed you deeper, he can hear your boss through the other side of the line, reciting the dates of your schedule. When the call ended and you were breathless the whole time you were kissing, you smack his shoulder and placed a kiss on his cheek and marking the dates on your calendar. 
“Wow you’re one busy librarian…” Jaehyun says, “I’m happy for you” he smiles and kissed you one last time before unpacking the groceries. 
“How long are you going to stay? Its been three days since we last saw each other… I just noticed that you’ve been coming here more often” you smiled and hugged him from behind. 
“I’m staying longer this time because I will be away for much longer… BUT but.. don’t worry, we will have so much fun” Jaehyun felt your embrace became tighter and grow silent, but what can you do? 
“I have something for you.. its a trick to make you stay.. I hope it works tho” you blurted out and told him to go in your room. The gift is big so he can see it immediately. You didn’t go inside with him. You figured that… when he sees that gift, he will need those special seconds all to himself. 
And by the time Jaehyun saw it… you heard him play the piano again. 
He never touched one when he started training to become an assassin. But you knew that music was his first love not you. 
He went back to where you were standing, he leaned on the wall beside you and crossed his arms. “Its working… “ he smiled and kissed you deeply, thanking you countless of times for bringing music back to his life. 
Your relationship with Jaehyun went on like this for a year. Celebrating each other’s birthdays together, countless of beautiful nights and mornings of him playing the piano you gave him, giving your house life, and enjoying holidays together. Sometimes Jaehyun comes home to you with blood in his hands, but you’re well aware of what kind of person he is outside your home. You never fight or argue, Jaehyun was the one who’s so quick to stop you whenever a conversation is getting heated. The flashback of the nights during your marriage kept flashing in his head. And he will do anything in his power to stop it from happening again. 
“Mmm one more?” Jaehyun requests after you two finished your nth round for tonight. He will leave first thing in the morning so he is doing everything he can to keep you awake. 
“Jaehyun I’m defeated” you chucked and kissed him. You feel his cock go hard and you feel him hump your thigh, all you could is complain… but you love every second of it. He’s been fucking you deep and slow lately, it feels extra good because its raw. “But can you please be faster or rougher this time?”
“Why? Don’t you love it when I go deep?… and slow?” He teased as he pushes in back to your cunt. Making you moan a little louder, he bit your should and slapped your ass. Spreading your ass cheek while he pounds hard. 
“Fuck Jaehyun I’ll break-“ you struggle to tell him as he fucks you deep and rough. 
“You asked for this.. just a minute ago” he kissed your neck and bit you again, “make up you mind” 
The round ended with his mouth on your left boob, his right hand on your right boob and his cock continuously shoots loads of cum inside you. He was out of breath, you look at him and he was just as ruined as you are. 
He removed his cock slowly, kissing you all over body. Everything that he sees a little red on your skin, “sorry for this” he apologized and kiss you. 
“This is nice right?” He looks you in the eye. “Life has been so much better for us right?” 
“Yeah” and you proceed to sleeping in his loving arms. You didn’t hear it but he told you he loves you. 
On the next day, you find no Jaehyun in your bed but a note with red roses instead.
“I’ll be back by the time these roses withered. Just in time to give you fresh ones” - J 
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Little did you know, he was gone early this morning because he’s getting married. 
“You told me you would be back last night?-“ Doyoung was quick to tend to Jaehyun, his cousin, his boss whom he needed to deliver at the altar in approximately half an hour. 
“The sex was good-“ Jaehyun teased Doyoung. 
“Okay shut up before you put her in trouble,” Doyoung says as he helps his boss put in his coat. 
“I need a tequila shot, I can’t do this sober” Jaehyun demands, and in a matter of second 3 tequila shots are ready for him. 
The wedding was grand. It was the biggest wedding of the century and every public platform is updated with the happening of the great Jeong Jaehyun’s wedding to the country’s darling. A power couple in the eyes of the public, but they know so little of what’s really happening. 
Every powerful businessman is invited. Every assassin that the Jeongs own is present, theres no safer place in the world right now. And Jaehyun just wants to get this over with and come home to you. And lay out his plan to you. But this is going to be a long suffering, he still have his “honeymoon” in Italy. 
Jaehyun knew that you will eventually hear about this marriage, how could you not? It’s all over the news.  Jaehyun just hopes and prays that you allow him to explain first before you curse him and leave him again. Nonetheless, he will fight for you this time.
It was a long painful waiting for Jaehyun’s return. Maybe it’s for the better so you could have time to feel the heartbreak and have time for yourself before he comes back and feed you with lies again. 
You remember the night that you two got in an argument because he thought you were accusing him of cheating, he told you, “I am many things but I will never cheat on you” 
Look at you now Jae. 
It’s obvious that the marriage is for business only. But who knows? You still have your doubts. 
It also… doesn’t change the fact that you’re the mistress now. Yes you got married but… who would believe you. He married this girl in the eyes of the world… everyone would believe that I’m a home wrecker now. 
And then you felt it….
You came running to the sink to throw up out of nowhere. You felt weak in an instant. 
Maybe its because the thought of Jaehyun? Just thinking about him makes you sick to the core. 
Or your period is late? 
“It can’t be” you thought and ran to the nearest drugstore to buy a pregnancy test. 
But as you walk your way there. You kept on thinking about the things that will happen after this. 
Jaehyun will not let you go.
Everything will be complicated again.
It can ruin his marriage, it can ruin a lot of business deals.
It will ruin him. 
This peace that you have right now will be taken away from you and bringing a baby in this scary world is the last thing you want to do now. 
But the thought of…. “what if everything works out? Jaehyun loves kids”
And all this overthinking made you miss the stop sign at the side walk and you were hit by a car in a matter of seconds.
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Thank you so much for reading this work of mine! If you love what you read, please leave something in my inbox and tell me how you feel! CLICK THIS LINK. I hope we can practice, give and take.
Stay tuned for the next part! -B.
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wendysimp · 10 months
Secrets Out Pt.1 (Wendy x Seulgi)
Wendy (Step Sister) is back X Seulgi X Male Reader
Tags: Shower Sex, Risky Sex Blowjob, Double Blowjob, Spitting, Deepthroat, Daddy Kink, Threesome, Riding, Face Sitting and much more!
This is a NEW series which is continuing off from The Big Reveal. Hope you guys enjoy.
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(Y/n’s POV)
Ugh school… WHY?! I just want to be glued to my bed all day.
“Honey? Wake up, time for school.” Really mom?
Just kill me honestly. After finally getting up from my comfortable bed I should be sleeping in, I grabbed myself a change of clothes before heading out to have a shower. There’s only one problem… My Sister is in the shower already.
Last weekend. One of the craziest things ever happened. What is it you ask? Well to keep it short and sweet, I not only fucked my big sister Wendy, but I also got to fuck her hot friends too.
I could remember every single second of it. Even after that Wendy and I would mess around. Speaking of Wendy… I look around to make sure the coast is clear. Good! I’m gonna get in and surprise her.
(Wendy’s POV)
Nothing more like starting off the morning with a nice warm shower. I love the feeling of the water dripping down my body… and feeling Y/n’s cock inside me- okay wait what?! Fuck!
That dumbass really got me needing him more. Oh who am I kidding, I’ve always been needing him. I even sucked his dick under the table while having dinner with our mom there as well. Luckily she didn’t catch us.
I’m getting wet. I-I… need him. I slide my hands down to my pussy, rubbing it just like how he does it to me.
“Mmm Y/n I need you’re touch.” I moan softly to myself.
“I see you can’t stop thinking about me sis.” My eyes widened.
I turn around, see Y/n and before I could scream he covers my mouth and pins me against the shower glass. I look up into his eyes.
“Shhh mom will hear you.” He whispers. Even the way he talks is making me more wet.
He finally removed his hands and I cover my body.
“What are you doing here dumbass?!” I asked him and he rolls his eyes.
“Come on, you’re really coving up even though I’ve seen you naked before when we fuck?” This tease.
I slap his arms and continued to wash up as I tried to ignore him. I felt him hold me from behind, feeling his hands roam around my body. Fuck Y/n you’re killing me. I bite my lip hard trying not to give him a reaction he wanted out of me.
“Come on, don’t you need my touch sis?” H-his hands! His rubbing my pussy.
“S-shut up and let’s hurry and finish up before mom suspects something.” I tell him but he doesn’t listen. No surprise there since he barely listens to me.
“Shhh she won’t.” I felt his lips on my neck. It turned me on so much I even let out a little moan. He smirks against my skin.
“You like that don’t you?”
“S-shut up you perv.” I tell him as he keeps going.
I felt his cock press against my ass. This fucker! You know what? Two can play that game!
(3rd Person View)
Wendy turns and Kisses Y/n deeply while stroking his cock slowly making him harder and turned on. They pull away as they look into each others eyes
“Hurry up and fuck me!” Wendy whispers.
And with that, no hesitation from Y/n as he turns her around again, bends her over as she was against the shower glass once again. He lines himself up along her pussy and slides into her.
Y/n let’s put a grunt while Wendy let’s put a moan as she feels him deep inside her. Y/n grabs her hips and start to thrust deep and hard as their bodies slap against each others.
“You fucking like that Wendy? You like when bro fucks you so good?” He slams into her harder causing her to roll her eyes back.
“Y-yesifuckingloveit!” She moans uncontrollably.
Y/n gives Wendy a light spank on her ass, leaving a mark which she didn’t mind at all as she was filled with lust.
“F-fuck you’re so deep inside of me!” She moans and looks over her shoulder at her brother.
(Y/n’s POV)
A knock can be heard and we both look at each other.
“Don’t stop.” She whispered to me which I nodded and keep fucking her tight pussy.
“Wendy, are you okay in there?” Mom asks her.
“Y-yeah mom I’m fine just- f-fuck!” She moans leaving mom confused. I chuckled.
“Calm down mom will catch us.” I whispered and tease her more while fucking her faster and deeper. She turns and slaps my hand.
“S-shut up dumbass!” She whispered to me.
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Y-yes mom I’m okay. I-I feel s-so… s-so fucking good right now.”
“W-well okay. I’m off to work now, make sure your brother gets ready. I love you.” She says before leaving.
“Love you too!” She yells back.
Mom leaves and she pulls my cock out of her before turning to me and said…
“Take me to your bed and fuck me!”
(A little time skip)
We finish up and Wendy raises from between my legs, wiping her mouth.
“Thanks for giving me my breakfast baby boy.” She winks after swallowing my load I shot into her mouth.
She leaves my room, telling me to hurry up and get ready. What a great way to start the morning.
I put in my clothes get my bag and keys then wait for Wendy. She comes down a few minutes later and see her with a nice, beautiful dress which looked so sexy on her. The things I’d do to her right now with that dress on.
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“You look beautiful Wendy.” I tell her causing her to blush and look away. I chuckled.
“T-Thanks dumbass. We also gotta pick up Seulgi on the way to school. She needs a ride.” She tells me which I didn’t mind at all.
We head over to Seulgi’s and she comes out with a nice blue dress that looked absolutely fucking great on her. Look at her curves!
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She enters the car with a big smile and puts on her seat belt.
“Hi Y/n! Hey Wendy!” She greeted us warmly.
“Hey baby, you look really great today. Love that dress you got on.” I flirt. Wendy doesn’t seem to like it when I flirt with her friends.
Seulgi blushes and bites her lip.
“Okay not now! Let’s get to school before we arrive there late.” In a rush are we sis?
“Yes ma’am I’m on it.” I start to drive.
“You’re annoying you know that?” She rolled her eyes.
“So how was the sex on his bed this morning?” Seulgi asks with a teasing smirk which caused her to get a slap on the arm by Wendy.
“Y-you weren’t supposed to mention what I told you in front of him!” She scolds her.
“Oww okay okay!” Seulgi rubs her arm.
“Wendy relax. You okay Seulgi?” I asked her and she nodded.
“W-Wendy? Could I maybe have your brother again?” She asks.
“Eww what?! No!”
“Oh come on, you’ve got to have so many turns with him and plus, I’ve been missing the feeling of him inside me.” She looks over at me and I wink at her.
“I missed that feeling too.” I tell her.
“Okay first of all, I’m right here, and secondly, I’m not just gonna sit aside and watch you guys fuck! We got school to go too!” Wendy isn’t a fan of being late to school.
“Who said anything about watching when you can join us?”
“Yeah she’s right sis come on.” Why does Wendy have to be a party pooper?
“No! That’s final.” She looks out the window as silence fill the car.
Slurping, choking, moaning and spitting. If you haven’t guessed it yet, Wendy changed her mind last second and here we are, in the backseat all together, naked as they share my cock.
“Mmm that’s it keep sucking just like that. You’re so good at this Seulgi.” I smile and praise her as she winked and bobbed her head all the way down my length.
My cock hits the back of her throat which felt like I was in a dream world. She chokes and pulls away to catch her breath then spits on my shaft. Meanwhile, Wendy was doing fucking amazing with my balls in her mouth. I could feel her tongue just run circles around each of them and felt the vibrations on my balls from her moans.
They both switch as Wendy takes me into her mouth and Seulgi taking my balls.
“Mmm you like that huh perv? You like the way your big sis sucks your big fat cock?” Wendy smirked as she continued to blow me.
“Shut up and just keep sucking.” I lean my head back in pleasure.
They keep going until they eventually pull away.
“Lay down daddy. I wanna show you how a good girl rides.” Seulgi really turns me on with the way she talks.
I listen and lay down as she straddles my lap and Wendy straddles my face with her pussy. Fuck what a time to be alive. Without wasting time. Seulgi slumps down on my cock, riding like there’s no tomorrow while Wendy sits her ass on my face. Moans fill out the car but Seulgi let’s out a scream.
“Ahhh fuck Y/n your cock is deep inside of me! I-it’s so big!” She yells in complete pleasure.
“S-Seulgi be q-quiet… p-people might hear- f-fuck right there! Fuck me with your tongue baby boy!” She let’s out a yell as well as she couldn’t help herself.
I grip Seulgi’s hips and squeeze onto Wendy’s ass. The car was shaking like crazy with the way they were both riding me. They both switch places as Wendy rides me as I get a taste Of Seulgi’s soaked pussy.
“F-fuck bro! Your dick is so good.”
“K-Kiss me Wendy.” They both pull each other into a heated make out, moaning into each other’s mouths.
Having Wendy and Seulgi is one of the best things in the world, but how could I forget Joy? Yeri? And Irene? Having all five is so much better but hey, I’m not complaining.
After a while of riding both my face and cock, I felt Seulgi release onto my face and Wendy onto my cock.
“Ahhh f-fuck yesss y/n!” The both moan before getting off of me.
They both look at me with a stare full of lust and smile.
“Daddy still needs to cum. How about we help your brother unload?” She looks at Wendy with a smirk.
“You read my mind. Don’t be afraid to let it all out baby boy.” She winks and they both get in between my legs just like before and lick up from the base to my tip slowly.
The both kiss my tip and stop as Wendy takes her phone out.
“Let’s make a video for our girls. You wouldn’t mind taking the video do you baby boy?” Wendy looks up at me.
“Not at all.” I say and smile as I take the phone and hit record.
They kiss my tip again.
“Hey girls. You’re missing out. Too bad you guys can’t be here.” They both tease the other girls and down my cock into their mouths.
They both take turns slurping my cock and occasionally spit on it before making out with my cock in the middle. I was going completely crazy. Watching them pass my cock around to each other like it was delicious food.
“Give us your cum baby boy.” Wendy strokes me.
“Give it all to us daddy. Give us your big yummy load. Shoot it down our throats.”
Their dirty talk is fucking amazing I can feel myself getting closer… and closer… and-.
“I-I’m gonna cum. Open up!” I tell them and they listen and do what I said.
They open their mouths and smile as they both wait patiently for my load. They both stroke me which took me into another dimension.
I watch as my load shoots out and down their throats but some hitting their beautiful faces. They smile and giggle as they start to play with my cum and share it. These girls are crazy. They make out before swallowing my cum and show the camera that there was none left but a mess still on their faces.
“See you guys soon.” They both blow a kiss and wink before I end the video. Wendy takes her phone and sends it to Joy, Irene and Yeri.
Seulgi cleans her face and lick the remaining cum off her fingers. Wendy does the same and looks up at me.
“You made a mess dumbass. Lucky you, I don’t mind cleaning it off.” She smirked.
They both get up and sit on each of my legs and lean in for a three way kiss. We made out for what felt like ages before we pull away to catch our breaths.
“Let’s get to class now.” Seulgi says and we nodded as we all get our clothes back on and head into the school.
We head to our classes which of course, we all received a detention. Was it worth it? Fuck yeah it was. I’m also glad we didn’t get caught. Word does go around pretty quick.
(Unknown POV)
What the fuck?! I just witnessed Y/n fucking Seulgi… and his step sister in his car?! I heard screams in the parking lot and decided to check it out, that’s when I saw the scene happen in front of my eyes.
I recorded most of it. I can’t wait to show the girls… though, looking through the video, Y/n’s dick is making me… wet. Fuck I wonder how he feels inside- okay enough! I got to get out of here and change my panties.
To be continued!
I’m so so sorry I took so long to put something out. Personal reasons that prevented me to do so. But I’m back and hope I can be consistent like how I was before. I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry if it was a little shorter than expected but I wanted to get rid of the cobwebs when it comes to writing. Again I hope you enjoyed and… this is only the beginning.😉
(If there’s any errors please let me know and I’ll fix it. Thank you!)
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sunny44 · 8 months
Co-parenting (Part 1)
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x ex wife!reader
Warnings: Carlos being a bitch, fighting and maybe other things.
Summary: Co-parenting is never easy but y/n never though it would be so hard.
Next Chapter
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Carlos and I got divorced 2 years ago, and currently, we share custody of our daughter, which means I have her since Carlos travels a lot due to racing, so every weekend he’s free, he comes and picks up Maeve.
But this time I had a very unpleasant surprise.
Being famous, I was always aware of what was happening with Carlos, even if I didn’t want to, and a few months ago, rumors came out that he was with some model, and when we separated, we made an agreement that any person who entered romantically into our lives, we would introduce to each other before involving that person in our daughter’s life.
But it seems Carlos had a problem when it comes to him.
I crossed my arms watching Carlos and the model girlfriend get out of the car and come towards my door, besides not notifying me about it, he simply brought her along without any prior discussion or approval.
The doorbell rang, and I walked to the front door, and there were Carlos and Rebecca, both trying to look welcoming and unconcerned.
“Hi, Y/n,” Carlos said, smiling. “How are you?”
“What is this?” I asked, pointing to the two of them.
“What do you mean?”
“You demand an agreement, and when it comes to you, you simply ignore it.” He took a deep breath.
“I know, but we’ve been dating for a while, and I thought it was time for you to meet her.”
“Meet her?” Y/n’s voice trembled with frustration. “You can’t make this decision alone, Carlos. We are her parents, and this should be a decision we make together, not something you just think is a good idea and ignore the fact that I am her mother.”
Rebecca stepped forward, with a gentle voice.
“Y/n, I really just want to get to know her. I’m not trying to replace you.”
And my frustration only intensified.
“It’s not about replacing me. It’s about us making decisions together for our daughter, and that doesn’t involve you being here.” Carlos sighed, running his hand through his hair.
“Look, it wasn’t our intention to make you uncomfortable. Let’s talk about this, okay?”
“Oh, so now you want to talk?”
“Can you stop being so difficult? She’s my daughter too.”
“Then start acting like a father instead of going around kissing models in clubs and then bringing them to my doorstep.”
“I am a father when I can be because my life is very busy, and you knew that when we had her.” He says arms crossed. “Maybe you should stop being a terrible mother making me lose the little time I have with my daughter, and then we talk about it.”
“Carlos.” Rebecca speaks as he finishes.
“You know what, if anyone here is a terrible parent, it’s you who prefers to spend your weekends in a car racing in circles and risking leaving your daughter without a father. I’m here every day doing the best I can to take care of her, but apparently, that makes me a terrible mother, so I’ll call her and you do whatever you want since it’s always been like this.”
I enter the house holding back my tears and go call her, she was so excited to see her dad that she didn’t even notice the tension between us, and I thanked god for that.
He tried to talk to me before leaving, but I just said goodbye to Maeve and closed the door, but I couldn’t help but notice that Rebecca wasn’t there anymore.
Hours passed and when the end of the day came, I heard the noise of his car, so I went to the door, and when I opened it, she came running.
“Mom, look.” She said showing me a bag full of things. “I’ll show you everything after I take a shower and have dinner.”
“Okay, my love, go ahead.” She smiles, says goodbye to him, and goes to her room.
“Can we talk?”
“No, I don’t want to talk to you.” I tried to close the door, but he held it. “You’ve already said what you think of me, and I’ve already said what I think of you; I don’t think we have anything else to say.”
“What I said is not what I really think.”
“In fact, it is, at least part of you thinks that way, and I’m not going to take back what I said about you because I think that way. I know it’s your career, but I won’t admit that you break our rule, tell me I’m a terrible mother, and then come back wanting to apologize.” He doesn’t say anything. “You don’t know how hard it is to see the guy you loved more than anything with someone else, but especially to see the father of your daughter say that you’re a terrible mother even though I work really hard to give her the best life I can.”
“I’m sorry.”
“That won’t fix things this time, Carlos.” I say looking into his eyes. “You don’t do anything to make my life easier; you show up, do your fatherly duty for a weekend while I stay here dealing with everything else. I don’t have the option of having only the easy parts of having a child. I have to deal with the pressure of being a single mother, having to hide from her every time I need to cry because I can’t take it anymore doing this alone, or having to leave her with my parents because I can’t even get out of bed to take care of her while you’re out there sticking your tongue down supermodels’ throats.”
“I didn’t know you felt this way.”
“And how would you know? You’re never here.” He doesn’t say anything. “I don’t need anything from you, not anymore. The time when I needed you here has passed, and I hope it never comes back.”
“Is everything okay, mommy?” Maeve asks appearing on the stairs, having taken a shower and wearing pajamas.
“Yes, my love, what do you want to eat?” I say wiping my tears.
“I want nuggets with veggies.”
“Okay, so let’s make them.”
“Are you going to have dinner here, daddy?”
“No, my love, I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“But don’t you have to go travel?”
“I do, but not now.”
“Okay.” She goes to him and then comes back to the table. “I’ll really come to pick her up tomorrow if that’s okay with you.”
“Bye.” He leaves, and I lock everything.
“Mommy, where are you?” She screams from the kitchen.
“I’m coming baby.”
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I’m not sure if I’ll write a part 2 but if you guys want another part, let me know.
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writeriguess · 18 days
Katsuki x female reader where your toxic ex won't leave you alone and katsuki teaches him a lesson.
You’ve been ignoring the constant buzzing of your phone all day, trying to focus on anything other than the notifications that keep lighting up your screen. Every time you glance at it, your heart sinks. It's him. Your ex. The one who can’t seem to take a hint, no matter how many times you've told him it's over.
Sighing, you shove your phone back into your pocket, trying to ignore the anxiety gnawing at your insides. You've been doing so well lately, moving on and finding peace. But every time he reaches out, it drags you back into that dark place. You’re tired of it.
“You okay?” Katsuki’s voice breaks through your thoughts, startling you. You look up to see him leaning against the doorway, arms crossed over his broad chest, his sharp red eyes scanning your face with concern. “You’ve been out of it all day.”
You force a smile, not wanting to worry him. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… tired, I guess.”
Katsuki’s eyes narrow slightly. He can always tell when something’s off with you. He pushes off the doorframe and walks over to you, his gaze never leaving yours. “Don’t give me that crap. What’s going on?”
You hesitate, biting your lip. Katsuki’s not the type to let things slide, and you know he won’t back off until you spill the truth. “It’s just… my ex. He won’t leave me alone.”
A flash of anger flickers across Katsuki’s face, his jaw clenching. “He’s been bothering you?”
“Yeah,” you admit, lowering your eyes. “He keeps calling and texting. I’ve blocked his number a few times, but he just finds another way to contact me. It’s like he won’t take no for an answer.”
Katsuki’s hand finds yours, his grip firm but reassuring. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I didn’t want to drag you into it,” you murmur. “It’s my problem, and I didn’t want you to have to deal with it.”
Katsuki scoffs, clearly unimpressed with your reasoning. “That’s where you’re wrong. If this bastard’s making you feel like crap, then it’s our problem. You’re mine, got it? And no one messes with what’s mine.”
His words send a warm rush through you, but you can also see the fire burning in his eyes. Katsuki’s protective streak is something you’ve always admired, but this is different. He’s genuinely pissed, and that’s something your ex probably isn’t prepared to handle.
“Katsuki, I don’t want you to get in trouble,” you say softly, but he shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about me. Just tell me where to find this asshole.”
Before you can protest, your phone buzzes again. Katsuki snatches it out of your hand, his eyes narrowing as he sees the name on the screen. “Speak of the devil.”
“Katsuki, wait—” you start, but he’s already answering the call, his voice a low, dangerous growl.
“Listen up, you piece of shit. I don’t care what kind of delusional crap you’ve got going on in that twisted head of yours, but if you ever contact her again, I’ll make sure you regret it.”
You can hear your ex stammering on the other end, but Katsuki’s not having any of it. “No, you listen to me. You’re done. She’s done with you. And if you don’t back off, I’ll make you wish you’d never met her.”
There’s a pause, and you can almost imagine the fear creeping into your ex’s voice. Katsuki’s words are filled with so much raw, unfiltered rage that you almost feel sorry for the guy. Almost.
“Good,” Katsuki says finally, his voice cold and final. “Now, fuck off.”
He hangs up and tosses the phone back to you, his expression softening as he turns his attention to you. “You okay?”
You nod, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. “Yeah… I think I am. Thank you, Katsuki.”
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest. “I’ll always have your back, no matter what. Don’t ever forget that.”
You smile against his shirt, feeling safer and more loved than you have in a long time. With Katsuki by your side, you know you can face anything—even the ghosts of your past.
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mrsriddlenott · 8 months
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Ex!Mattheo Riddle x Muggleborn!Reader
Angsty asf,Break Ups, Language, Voldemort, Wizarding War.
Summary: You and Mattheo were just wrong for each other, destined to be ripped apart. He hurt you trying to protect you, and even apart is trying to protect you still, but he can’t think of everything.
“We’re done okay, I am done. I don’t want this anymore Mattheo,” You screamed as he stopped, shocked in front of you, “I can’t keep doing this.”
“What are you- you’re not saying….” You scoffed as he approached you again, stepping back so he couldn’t touch you like he so desperately wanted to. “You can’t be serious y/n we basically just started.”
“No we didn’t! That’s the fucking problem, we’ve been doing this for months and I thought it meant something to you and then I find out your friends don’t even know who I am??” You scoffed, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms as he tried to speak, “You wasted my time, if you wanted to just be fuck buddies I’d have been fine with that and I would have kept it a secret for you if you asked but you made me feel like…..” You laughed at your own stupidity as you turned away from Mattheo’s pleading eyes.
“Princess I didn’t just-“ You cut him off before he could finish, turning back around yelling as tears welled in your eyes, “You lied to me Mattheo, you said you wanted something real, you told me you wanted someone you could trust and that you had finally found someone and all along you were the untrustworthy one!” Mattheo’s hands fell to his sides as he tried to form words, but nothing would come out.
“Were you embarrassed of me?! Is that why? Did you feel like all your rich, perfect friends would hate you for being with me or did you just want me for fun until you needed to find the pureblood future wife your father expects you to have!?” You breathed heavily as you registered your words, his eyes shone with tears at the mention of his father and only locked on yours for a second before turning to your door and tugging it open.
Mattheo stopped, weighing the odds before turning back to you with tears in his eyes, “I’d much rather marry you….but that can’t happen because he won’t allow it. I guess we did waste our time after all.” And in a matter of seconds he was gone, from the dorm, the school, from your life, no one actually knew were he went but there were rumors he left to join his father’s cause, which you just couldn’t allow yourself to think were true.
It had been weeks since you last saw his face or heard his voice, after months of seeing each other in every second of free time it hurt to wake to the reminder that you were alone. But today was different, when you dressed and returned to your bed after a morning shower a neat envelope awaited your arrival, you recognized his hand writing immediately and tore it open.
Y/n, I’m sorry. I can’t take back what I’ve done now, when you hear it you’re going to hate me and the thought breaks me. Please don’t blame yourself because I had to, I could never let him hurt you and despite everything I did to keep you safe he found out about you. He made me do things I can’t say here, things I see in my dreams on nights you stray from them but I promise one day you will be happy and safe. I will give up my life to make it so.
Tears blurred your vision as you tried to fathom what Mattheo had done, what his father could have forced him to do. What he had done to protect you. You crashed to your knees, sobbing and wishing you could somehow get a timeturner to go back to that night, beg him to stay, apologize for being so stupid. Of course he had kept you a secret for your own protection, the son of Voldemort couldn’t be walking around with a Muggleborn Hufflepuff who could barley pass by. He had kept his friends in the dark so they couldn’t tell anyone, he had snuck you around the school, not because he was ashamed, but because he wanted you safe. You had to get him back, no matter what he did in his father’s name he was yours and you were his, always.
By the next week everyone had heard the stories, Muggle and Muggleborns being tortured, “traitors” to the cause being executed, you didn’t know if he was involved, not for sure but a part of you knew. There were signs, people whispering about a new lord in training, a new way for Voldemort to gain power using his son as a weapon. It wasn’t long before most of Mattheo’s friends had gone too, making it all the more obvious where he had gone. It hurt you more to know he was doing it for you, every name of the missing and dead reminded you it was all to protect you. You began to lose hope that you’d ever see him again, that he was lost, forever his father’s minion.
You sat with your back against the cold stone wall of the astronomy tower, letting the smoke of an un-hit cigarette waft past you as you lost yourself in a deep thought. You had been having trouble sleeping, imaging the awful things being done to Mattheo and by Mattheo was bad enough but it only got worse at night. You’d found yourself gravitating to Mattheo’s spot often these days, and you couldn’t stop yourself from wondering what life would be like in a few months. You’d be gone from Hogwarts for good, and who knew what that meant for you now, you had just begun to imagine leaving into the world alone when the sound of rushed footsteps caught you off guard, but not more than the voice that came with the halt of shoes on marble, “What the fuck are you doing here?! I thought you’d be in your dorm,” He spun around to watch the door, cursing to himself as though a plan had gone terribly wrong, and you supposed it had.
He looked tired, his hair disheveled with large bags under his eyes and his voice seemed different, harder, “You need to get the fuck up now and run, just go hide somewhere please if they see you they’ll” He was cut off by the sound of more boots quickly ascending the steps up the tower before he was grabbing you and aggressively trying to shove you into a closet too late.
“There’s the girl,” a gruff male voice shouted as the door swung open, “Knew if we followed you we’d find her.” Mattheo’s head hung as his voice broke, “no, no, I didn’t do it all for nothing.” He turned quickly, his arms out and blocking you body with his, “He can’t have her, I did everything he asked.”
“Clearly not since you’re here,” a second, larger man, cackled out, “Didn’t Daddy tell you to sit tight up in your mansion Pretty Boy.” The man laughed as though he was the funniest man alive as everyone stared back and forth, recognizing all four of us wouldn’t be leaving this room if things didn’t go as planned. “He can’t have her.” Mattheo spat again, with less conviction.
“Well you know the deal Handsome, and the Dark Lord is tired of waiting on your decision, you take the mark, we leave this pretty little thing alone and you never speak to her again….if not we have orders to make her death last awhile.” You flinched behind Mattheo’s muscular frame, not at your impending, excruciating death, but at the thought of Mattheo officially joining the ranks of the Death Eaters. If he had the mark there was no way out, no convincing the courts to spare him, even if he survived after all he had done that mark is a one way ticket to a Dementor’s Kiss. “No Mattheo you can’t”
Mattheo turned to you as your voice shook, tears falling down both your faces as he grabbed your cheeks tightly, kissing you as though you were air and he was hyperventilating. His head rested on your forehead as he thumbed your tears away, “I don’t have a choice Baby, I love you and I always will.” He tugged you into his arms, his lips next to your ear as he whispered low enough just for you to hear, “I am going to do everything in my power to come home to you, but I want you to live your life, when you get out of here run and forget me, become a Healer like you wanted and know I’m looking out for you.” He slipped away from you, leaving one final kiss on your temple before he was tugged from the room and from your life.
And you knew, from your safety, that he had taken the mark and would eventually take his father’s place as the Dark Lord if the war didn’t end soon. Maybe then, with all that power, he could end the war and return to you, a fantasy that gave you hope in the darkest days of the war.
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