#i’m trying to eat my tea here and you make me leap out of my seat to answer the landline because you can’t wait 30 seconds for a reply. why
fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Swear to god if I was actually a proper reddit user I’d be posting the stupidest AITA posts
#so my friend rang me asking if i could print something out. mind you i got her message saying that and i was responding and she literally#didn’t even give me one minute to answer. so i answer the phone already annoyed because it’s like.. where the hell is the fire#i’m trying to eat my tea here and you make me leap out of my seat to answer the landline because you can’t wait 30 seconds for a reply. why#so i answer the phone and she sounds like she’s been crying so i’m like ‘god what’s this thing she needs me to print… a ransom note??’#why was it a template for a gingerbread house. so i’m like ‘yes of course i’ll print it. are you okay though’ she says she has an upper#respiratory infection. i’m like ‘that’s fucked up. i’ll print your thing but are you sure you should be cooking for people’#she’s like ‘thank you so so much ellen i’m so sorry for putting you out; i’ll pay you’ and like. here’s where i will freely admit that i was#being a dick. but i have told her a million times before to STOP offering me money for random stupid favours like printing literally one (1)#document for her or giving her kid a bag of crisps to keep her quiet or something. it drives me crazy when she does this because it makes me#feel like she’s trying to imply that i’m that much of a frugal penny pincher that i’m going to sit here and calculate how much a piece of#paper and a millilitre of ink costs me and charge for that miniscule sum. or like i view our friendship as transactional or something#which could not be further from the truth. like bitch i’d give you a kidney no questions asked. stop offering me money to print your shit#and she’s soooo apologetic over it too; she’s like apologising for being alive. and the self flagellating bullshit drives me CRAZY#like it does not cause me any trouble whatsoever to open one singular application on my phone and click two buttons. my printer is plugged#in 24-7 because that’s how it tells HP when it’s out of ink and to send more. a service i pay 99p a month for mind you. i don’t notice#i don’t care. most of the time i make my granddad buy my printer paper because he shows up here unannounced asking me to print dozens#of flyers from his club and doesn’t otherwise offer payment so i’m like ‘well can you buy some paper since i now have none’#so what i said to her was ‘if you offer me money one more time i’m never printing anything for you again’ which i think bamboozled her#i was like ‘i’m printing it now. pick it up whenever you want just don’t offer money’ she’s like ‘but i was just thinking—‘#‘DON’T FUCKING THINK’ yeah that was an overreaction possibly. but i was just like. i don’t want to hear your justification for why you want#to give me 5p or something for printing your stupid gingerbread house template. don’t tell me it. i disagree with it#if you want to pay for your shit to be printed that fucking badly you can go to the library#so anyway she messaged me saying ‘i’m not coming over because i don’t want to argue’ i didn’t reply but i was literally just sitting there#thinking… we don’t have to argue. i’ve told you my terms. just don’t offer me money for stupid little favours and you won’t hear an argument#from me. that’s all#i honestly feel like she’s just offering me money because she knows it makes me mad. she loves annoying me. well she’s succeeded#AITA? yes but also for the love of godddd will you just LISTEN to me. if it’s a joke it’s not fucking funny at this point it’s just annoying#personal#rant
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Ya se me pego la manía de querer a Guevara como el conejo de marzo así que lo solicito 😭(maldito hombre sensual)
Jun Guevara as a hare just hits this sweet little spot in my brain just right.
So without further ado… Jun Guevara as the March Hare! We’re taking over where we left off at the tea party!
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Down the Rabbit Hole
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Jun leaped over the table and snatched the tea pot from Hanayama’s hands. He mumbled out a few apologies before transforming into a hare wearing an olive green waist coat.
“After that hare!” Jun took off running into the forest with you in his arms as the barks of the hounds echoed throughout the air.
“What’s going on?”
“The Red King is aware of your presence. It isn’t safe now, meu amor!” Jun replied with a chuckle as he dodged the hounds and made his way deeper into the twists and turns of the dark forest. “Won’t be long now till we’re home and safe!”
Home and safe? What on earth could he mean by that? You didn’t even know the guy…
With a leap of faith, Jun narrowly avoided the jaws of a hound dog before he landed safely in his burrow. The brown hare slamming the door shut with a sigh of relief.
“We just narrowly avoided death, meu amor!” Jun chuckled as he set your tea pot on his wooden dining table. “Allow me to fetch you a sweet to get you back up to your regular height. I much prefer you to be normal.”
Jun then transformed back into his human form, a blush flushing over your cheeks when you realized he was only wearing a green waist coat and brown trousers.
“Here you go!” The handsome man handed you a cookie that ironically said, ‘eat me.’ The logic of this world you were in didn’t make any sense to you at all. “Just two bites should do the trick, anymore than that and the hounds will find us again. And I’ll be off with my head!”
Jun made a motion with his hand across his neck with a cackle. But you were entranced by his rabbit ears that flapped up and down… you couldn’t believe they were real…
Jun froze when your hand gently grabbed his right ear. His heart stopping for a moment when you ran the fluffy fur of his ears between your fingers.
“I can’t believe they’re real…” you mumbled aloud unaware of Jun’s blush.
“You flatter me too much!!” Jun squeaked put as he pulled away. His ears now trying to cover his face to hide his blush from your eyes. “Of course they’re real! I’m the March Hare… I also have a tail.”
“A tail?!” You shouted before covering your mouth in shock. You hadn’t meant to be so loud.
You cleared your throat before uttering in a barely audible whisper, “a tail?”
Jun turned around and pulled up his waist coat to reveal a fluffy white tail. Your eyes wide in shock at the cute little cottontail her had.
“I’m a bit shy about it but it-“ Jun’s soul nearly left his body when you poked his tail. The man jumping back as his whole body turned red. “I didn’t say you could touch it!”
“I’m sorry. It was so cute…” you replied as you held your warm cheeks in your hand. He was so cute as a rabbit too… would he mind if you ask him to transform into a rabbit? “Can you transform back into a hare? I… I want to hold you.”
Jun blushed a bright cherry red before transforming in a puff of smoke. A fluffy brown hare standing before you with a little green waist coat on. Jun leaped into your arms as you began to laugh. He was so cute!
Poor you had forgotten that he wasn’t just a rabbit but a man as well. Jun sighing in contentment as you cooed over his cute ears and rabbit body.
“I’m so glad you picked me to be your future husband, meu amor.” Jun whispered as you scratched behind his ears. “I’ll never let you go…”
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vs-redemption · 1 year
*His heart leaps excitedly when you chase his lips as he pulls away from the kiss, whispering your name softly before kissing you one more time. His heart does another leap at your groan, and he takes a moment to swallow his own groan. He doesn’t pull away right away, brushing his lips against yours once more. He grins shyly and his hands go down to gently squeeze yours* “I’m looking forward to kissing you more on this date. And… On future dates”
*He shakes his head so he doesn’t get too ahead of himself but brightens up at the bento boxes you pull out from your picnic bag. An eager rumble erupts in his tummy, suddenly hungry and very earnest to try the food you made. He helps you set them up, chuckling as you mention the guitar and wanting him to serenade you* “I’m a little nervous to perform for you, to be honest. I’m not that great at it and I dunno if I sing nicely. I-I have been practicing though! So umm, I do hope it’s to your liking” *He wipes his hands on his pants, worried they were a little sweaty from being honest in telling you that he’s nervous* “But I want to! Sing and play the guitar for you! Just… I’m not Ed Sheeran and I hope I don’t sound weird”
*He wants to kick himself for letting his mouth run while he’s flustered and making himself sound weird or dumb. He can imagine his friends snickering but also advising him not to overthink. ‘She’s not gonna jilt you just because you sang of key, Romero’ he thinks Mattsun would say with a hard smack to his back. He nods at the advice and gives you another smile before admiring the food in the bento; his tummy giving out another rumble* “This all looks really good! What yummy delicacies have you made for us to enjoy?”
Hajime Iwaizumi
(sorry this took a bit! summer is almost here and I hope you get to enjoy it)
*the way he whispers my name between kisses makes my heart speed up too. I liked hearing my name on his lips so sweetly. And having him squeeze my hand after made me feel safe and comfortable.* I think I’ll want plenty more of your kisses too. Especially on future dates.
*I was thrilled knowing he wanted more dates with me. I felt silly because I could hardly take my eyes off him as he pulls out the bento boxes, looking so excited. I felt so attracted to him already. The color of his eyes, the way his lips turned down into a frown or up into a smile, the soft look of his hair. Everything.* I know I’ll love whatever you play. And I’m glad you still practice. I play a little guitar so we could learn more together. *I laugh at his Ed Sheeran comment and shake my head* You’re cute.
*knowing he was nervous didn’t put me off at all. It showed that he cared why I thought and wasn’t too cocky. It also made me feel less weird for moments when I felt nervous too* well, I made rice of course. *I pop the lid off the bento and show him.* I also put some little sausages and a hamburger patty. There’s some potato salad on the side too. If there’s anything you don’t like you don’t have to eat it.
*I show him the drink options too. There was green tea, lemonade, and a couple cans of coke.* have whatever you’d like. I figured we could get dessert from one of the food stalls?
*I take my disposable chopsticks from the wrapper and pull them apart. I hesitate for just a moment before picking up one of the sausages from my box and offering it to him. He let me feed him before, so maybe now was okay too.* Sorry I didn’t cut them into cute octopus or anything.
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momolady · 3 years
The Sky Pirates Part Three
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So sorry for the long wait for the finale of this story! i never realized I hadn't posted it in two years! Anyways, enjoy!
Part One - Part Two
Female Main Character x Male Monster
The winds have been odd, buffeting about in a state of confusion. First one way, then the next, then curving around as if trying to see all sides. It feels very much like me, ever since I left Alecto and joined Cyrus aboard his ship the Apollo. I have felt lost and confused, but Cyrus remains my beacon, and when I begin to feel this way, I turn to him.
We have traveled to Reptilia, to the capital city of Kob Sinn. Cyrus was an orphan taken in by my mothers when he was young, but he remembers Kob Sinn. Now, Cyrus feels called to return to his homeland, and despite the confusion of the wind, it is as though it guided us here from the start.
Kob Sinn is as colorful as the Rakshasa Capital, but where the streets there are the color of golden sand, the streets here are a gray-green. Kob Sinn has mines in the ocean, where they excavate a stone that collects the heat from the sun and releases it when it is cold.
Cyrus seems content here, as if the call of the wild has left him. He’s always said his favorite place to be was on the boards of the Apollo, and yet, in Kob Sinn, there is a calm to him that I rarely get to see.
“What are you eating now?” he laughs behind me.
I have found myself in another noodle shack, and am eating thick barley noodles in an even thicker sauce. “It smelled so good here.”
Cyrus grins, showing off his golden teeth. “This is your third bowl today, and we still haven’t gotten all our supplies in order.”
I look up at him guiltily. “I never got to eat anything with my mothers. They always said the food on land was never so good, but it is so good!”
Cyrus chuckles, leaning over my shoulder and stealing a bite from my bowl. Then he grimaces a bit. “How are you eating things so spicy?”
“I like how it makes my nose run,” I laugh.
Cyrus kisses my cheek. “Hurry up and finish eating. We’ve still got to go to the lumber yard and cut a deal with the orchard. You’re my haggler. I need you.”
I give him a nod. “I’m almost done. Just wait for me at the candle shop.”
I quickly finish my food and a cup of tea, leaving the noodle stand satisfied. I’ve been eating a lot more lately. Then again, we are traveling a lot to make new connections and business partnerships, and I am able to try foods beyond what was allowed by my mothers.
As I walk towards the candle shop to meet with Cyrus, I see a man standing by himself, wearing an ornamental white-and-red coat. He has golden scales, but I swear his face looks exactly like Cyrus’.
I started to enter the candle shop when the golden-scaled lizardman grabs my shoulder. I grimace up at him and rip his hand away. “Excuse me,” I snarl at him.
He clicks his tongue. “Be careful, young lady. I wouldn’t go in there just yet if I were you.”
I continue to scowl at him. “I said ‘excuse me’ once, and I won’t say it again.”
He smirks devilishly, looking even more like Cyrus. “Were I not already married, I’d be head over heels for you. But I am merely warning you. I would hate for such a lovely thing to get hurt.”
I take a step towards him, reaching for the blade concealed in my belt. “What’s going on?”
He tilts his head. “Wait a second,” he whispers. “You’re a Fury.”
I’m ready to strike when someone comes flying through the window of the candle shop. Cyrus leaps out after them, bearing down on them and striking them in the jaw.
I grab my blade, but the golden lizardfolk catches my wrist. We struggle for a moment, and my dagger goes skidding across the stones. I try to hit him, but he catches my fist. I spread my wings, and the look that crosses his face is priceless. I flap them, taking off into the air, and the propulsion of it knocks him on his ass. I land on top of him, but someone knocks me aside.
“Bray, what the fuck are you doing?” a woman shouts.
“I told you to stay back on the ship!” Bray roars at her.
“Because you’re being stupid again?” The woman stands over him, glaring down at him. Her long black hair catches the sunlight, shining like onyx.
Cyrus drops the man he threw before Bray and this woman. “Someone better explain to me what the fuck is happening, or I will kill you.”
The woman steps forward. “Go ahead, kill him.” She sweeps her hand towards Bray as he rises. “No skin off my back.”
“Oh, and how are you going to explain that to the crew?” Bray demands. “Not to mention my son.”
“Oh, he’s your son now?” the woman scoffs. “This morning he was my son when his diaper was full.”
Bray jabs his finger at her. “I changed him five times yesterday!”
I whistle loudly, causing them to end their bickering and turn towards us. “What the fuck is going on?”
Bray smirks. “So the Fury is your protector, eh?” He stands tall, placing his hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Lucky you. No wonder you took to the sky.”
Cyrus frowns. “I don’t have time to be dealing with such nonsense. Who are you and why are you trying to attack me?”
Bray chuckles. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time. You took to the skies through, so I had no clue where you would end up. It was lucky we ended up in the same port together.”
The woman elbows him in the side. “Get to the point. This is Bray, former pirate lord, and I’m Ayako.” She points at Cyrus. “You two are brothers.” She then looks back at Bray. “See? Easy.”
Bray scoffs before he gives up and sighs. “Yes, my wonderful wife is correct.”
Cyrus shakes his head slowly. “No, that can’t be right. You must have me mistaken with someone else.”
“Considering you’re with a Fury, I highly doubt it,” Bray grumbles. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Seeing as Furies kidnapped you when you were little.”
I gasp softly. “My moms.” I turn to Cyrus. “But… you said you were an orphan.”
Cyrus looks conflicted and angry. “I… thought I was. Your mothers, they told me-” He looks back to Bray. “How do you know for a fact that I am your brother? What proof do you have?”
Bray motions towards Cyrus’s head. “The pattern of scales on your head - it’s the same as our mother’s, same as mine. Your tail is crooked at the tip because I stepped on it as a toddler.” He stands stiff. “I’m fairly certain it is you.”
“But why would I be kidnapped?” Cyrus scoffs. “There’s no reason the Furies would take me like that.”
“They hated our parents, our parents hated them. Simple logic, really. They took you to spite them.” Bray has a slight smirk on his lips. “Our parents were pirates on the seas and ran afoul of the Furies ages ago. They’d been battling over territory for ages, and finally the Furies snapped. They took you to prove a point.” He shrugs. “To be honest, I thought you were dead.”
Cyrus stands still, almost in shock. I place my hand in his and squeeze. “Say something,” I whisper.
“I can’t,” he whispers back.
I glare at Bray. “Then why the hell did you attack him? Why not just go up and talk to him?”
Bray raises his left hand. “We’re both left-handed. I just wanted to make sure.”
Ayako grunts and throws her head back. “I pray to the gods our son is smarter than you.”
“When we get home, my love, I’m going to plant another baby in you,” he says with a grin. “I liked you better pregnant. You were at least docile.”
“You can’t handle me docile,” she grins.
Bray shivers and leans closer to her. “I’m getting hard, my love. Stop this foreplay in front of family.”
I take Cyrus’s dagger from his boot. “I’m going to stab them.”
Cyrus stops me, then steps closer to Bray and stares him down. “Am I younger or older?” he asks.
Bray turns from Ayako and glares back at Cyrus. “You’re the baby, which is why it was so easy for the Furies to grab you. You had those fat little toddler legs.”
“Is my real name Cyrus?” he asks.
“Mother named you Chakrii after her father. I can see the Furies took that from you as well.” Bray’s eyes soften. “Does any of this ring a bell?”
“I’m trying to remember,” Cyrus shakes his head. “But it’s like water hitting a dam. Nothing is reaching me.”
Bray huffs, then takes something from an inside pocket of his jacket - a small stuffed doll with a warming stone in its belly. “This was yours.”
Cyrus takes the doll into his hand. It is the size of one of his fingers. The warming stone glistens, rubbed smooth by time. “Taddy,” Cyrus mutters. “I… how do I…”
“Furies have a way about them.” Bray glances over at me. “A way of twisting things.” He turns back to Cyrus. “I wouldn’t be surprised that they did that to you. Then again, being so young, it probably didn’t take much for you to forget.”
“This can’t be possible,” Cyrus breathes. He squeezes the doll in his hand. “I thought I was-”
My stomach gurgles, and I suddenly feel violently ill. “Uh-oh.” I turn quickly before the spicy noodles come back on me.
“Theai!” Cyrus rushes to my side, rubbing my back as I heave into the gutter.
Bray hums. “So, you and the Fury?” He tilts his head. “How did you manage that?”
I cough, and Cyrus wipes my mouth. “She’s my partner,” he growls. “My everything, so you don’t need to say a word on it.”
Ayako comes towards me, handing me a bowl of water. “Have you been feeling ill?” she asks.
I take the sieve from her hands. “I’ve been getting nauseous lately, but it’s just because we’ve been on land for so long. I’m using to being higher.” I take long gulps of water, feeling better as it cools me.
“Hmm,” Ayako stands back up. “We have a doctor specifically for our female crew members,” she says. “You should come visit them while the boys talk.”
“We have a doctor too,” I grunt as I stand back up.
“And I am sure they are wonderful,” Ayako replies. “But I insist you see ours.”
Cyrus takes me from her. “Why should we trust you?”
“We’re family,” Bray says with a smirk. “Besides, there is no reason for me to attack you. I don’t need to kidnap you for any reason, nor do I need anything you have. On my honor.”
Cyrus grimaces at him. “I don’t know you well enough to trust your honor, or your word,” he snarls at him.
“Then trust mine,” Ayako says. “Perhaps you’ll have the common sense for that.”
Cyrus sighs. “Fine, but only if Theai agrees.”
“It might be for the best,” I huff. “I’m starting to feel hot.”
Cyrus holds me tighter. “Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling sick?” he fusses.
“I didn’t want you to worry. And like I said, I thought it was land sickness. I didn’t know.” I pout up at him. “Maybe I’m just off-balance or something.”
Cyrus huffs. “You have been eating a lot of spicy foods lately. Maybe you’ve just upset something.” He huffs, then nods. “Fine. I’ll talk with Bray, and you see their doctor.”
We follow Ayako and Bray to their ship. Once on board, Ayako takes me belowdecks, where we meet with their special doctor.
While we wait for the doctor, I sit alone with Ayako in the small quarters. She’s very lovely. I can see how a face like hers would charm Bray.
“So, uhm-” I start unsurely. “How did you and Bray meet?”
Ayako smirks and lets out a laugh. “We’re were marooned together. His pirate ship attacked my father’s personal ship during a storm. Bray and I washed up on an island together.”
“Oh,” I gasp. “So, uhm… is he nice?”
Ayako starts to cackle. She hugs her ribs and looks at me with a grin. “Yeah,” she clears her throat. “Sometimes.”
I fidget uncomfortably. “Do you like him?”
“I love him,” Ayako sighs dreamily. “I know how we come off, bickering all the time.” She turns and smirks at me. “But I like that about him.”
“Huh,” I glance aside. “A little weird.”
“A lot, actually,” she chuckles.
The doctor comes in, and she asks me quite a few questions before performing some tests. She takes a blood sample, then has me and Ayako leave.
“Is everything okay?” I ask.
Ayako nods. “No worries, this is her process for things. When I was pregnant she did the exact same things to make sure.”
I feel the wind knocked from my lungs. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” she murmurs. “It’s kind of obvious you’re pregnant, right?”
I open my mouth to talk when there is a loud crash on deck. Ayako and I scurry out to see Bray and Cyrus half-naked, clearly in the middle of a fight. Bray is picking himself up from the crate he collapsed onto, and Cyrus is readying himself for another strike.
Sitting in the corner is a baby playing on a blanket.
“Oh, no you haven’t!” Ayako screams. She shoves Bray back to the deck and picks up the baby. “You monstrous idiot!”
“He was fine!” Bray scoffs. “I made sure of that, and I was watching him the whole time. I swear, Ayako.”
“Oh, please,” Ayako growls. “You just wanted to show off! You weren’t watching him at all. How the hell could you with your head in your ass?”
Bray rolls his head and starts to turn back towards Cyrus. “Well, you’re here now, so let me finish this. I’m winning.”
“Oh, sure!” Cyrus laughs loudly. “I just had you on your ass.”
“Had the womenfolk not shown up I would have had you on yours!” Bray roars at him.
“Both of you need your asses worn out,” Ayako grumbles. Then she turns to me. “You care to see this at all?”
I look at her, then silently move towards Cyrus. “Is this really the way you intend to talk?” I ask him. “Have you two even discussed anything?”
“I need to work this out,” Cyrus huffs. “Let me deal with this, knock him around, and then we can talk.” He then gets a look in his eyes. “Are you okay? What did the doctor say was wrong?”
I think back to what Ayako said and screw my mouth into a tight line. “Not sure,” I grumble. “She had to do a test to make sure of something, so I don’t have an answer yet.”
“It’ll be okay.” Cyrus kisses my forehead. “Just some land sickness, like you said.” He smiles at me. “Go sit down somewhere cool. I’ll be done here really fast.”
I huff. “You sure?”
Cyrus winks at me. “I’ll win it for you.”
“Didn’t ask, but okay.” I follow Ayako, who takes me to the quarters she shares with Bray. She sets Hinata down on the floor, taking out toys to play with him.
Hinata has the same sunny gold scales as his father. His tail is a small stub, and his belly is still fleshy and velvety. He crawls around, stumbling when he tries to walk.
“You okay?” Ayako asks.
“A little shocked,” I sigh. “Today has been… a lot.”
Ayako smiles. “I bet.” She pats the floor beside her. As I sit down Hinata crawls up into my lap. “I’m sorry,” she then sighs. “I know all of this is so sudden, and Bray doesn’t know how to make a great entrance.”
Hinata is making small sounds as he plays with the buttons on my coat. His big eyes look up at me and he breaks into a toothless grin.
I smile back at him and rub the top of his head. “I’ve known Cyrus almost all my life. The story has always been he joined the crew when he was little, along with the other orphans.” I pick up Hinata, who giggles happily. “He was okay not knowing. As long as he had the crew around him, it was family enough.”
Hinata reaches out, pulling my hair and then grabbing at my face.
“Be nice.” Ayako takes him and sets him back on the blanket.
“Is Bray it?” I look at her, searching her face for an answer. “Or does he have even more family out there?”
Ayako nods. “His parents are still alive.” She waves her hand to the window. “After Demir started rising to power, they decided to hide on their island. They didn’t want to deal with Demir’s machinations.”
“Did they give up looking for Cyrus?” I whisper.
Ayako shakes her head. “Much like Bray, they tried to keep track of where the Furies were, but since they kept to the sky, there was no way of knowing. But they never stopped hoping that Chakrii - I mean, Cyrus - was still alive.”
I glance down at Hinata, who is chewing on a doll similar to the one Bray gave to Cyrus. It’s soft and floppy, with one of the Lizardfolk warming stones in the center. Hinata is chewing on the warming stone. Perhaps he’s teething. He drools all over it and makes gurgling sounds.
“Someone is hungry.” Ayako picks up Hinata and cradles him. She pulls down her blouse and her breast falls right into Hinata’s mouth. His tiny hands start kneading at her, burbling dreamily as he nurses.
I watch him for a moment, then look at Ayako’s tranquil expression. “Does that hurt?” I feel dumb asking, but I honestly have no clue.
“Sometimes,” Ayako answers.” She huffs. “Always. I get chapped and achy. If I don’t feed him it hurts more.” She smiles down at Hinata. “He’s a chip off his father’s block, that’s for sure, but I wouldn’t change a damn thing. I know he’ll grow up one day and all this will be behind me. But for now, I can handle it.”
Hinata is starting to doze off. Sometimes his eyes close, and then he’ll pop back awake to hungrily guzzle before he drifts off to sleep again. Once he’s out for good, Ayako takes him to his crib and tucks him in. She adjusts her top, placing her breast back inside.
“They say motherhood comes naturally,” she scoffs. “But I had a massive learning curve. It took me what felt like forever to get that motherly feeling. The first few weeks, I thought for sure I had been handed someone else’s baby.” She sits back down beside me. “I literally felt nothing.”
I look into her dark eyes. “What changed?”
“Surprisingly, it was my dumbass husband.” She rolls her eyes. “I woke up one night to see him tending to Hinata. He was singing, giggling, rocking him as he paced the room. Something about seeing him throw my baby up into the air and then catching him awoke that love in me.”
I can’t help but gawk. “He threw the newborn?”
“He still thinks it’s funny,” Ayako scoffs.
I whistle and lean back onto the wall. “Yikes.”
“And Hinata eats it up! He loves being in the air.” She bangs the back of her head against the wall and chuckles. “I shouldn’t complain. If you are pregnant, your kid will probably have wings.”
The idea hadn’t occurred to me. “Oh no,” I groan. “I was flying before I was walking. My mothers had to keep netting over my bed!”
Ayako sputters as she tries to keep herself from cackling. “I really shouldn’t complain.” She starts laughing out loud, but quickly quiets herself down. “So sorry,” she giggles.
I close my eyes. “I’m still sticking with the idea that I’m land-sick.”
There’s a knock on the door, and Ayako swings it open and warns the person on the other side to be quiet. “You done now?” she hisses at Bray.
“Is Hinata asleep?” Bray looks over her shoulder towards the crib. “Aww, does that mean I missed feeding time?”
Ayako rolls her eyes. “So, did you get it all out of your system? Did you roughhouse enough, or did you just come to look at my tit?”
“I always want that,” Bray says with a smirk. “But I also came to fetch you and Theai. So yes, for now the rough housing is over.” He glances back towards me. “So if you want to come and join us, you can.”
“I’ll stay with Hinata,” Ayako says. “You can go ahead. I’ll join later.” She steps aside as I join Bray in the hall.
“Is Cyrus okay?” I look him over, noticing he’s a bit worse for wear.
Bray cracks his shoulder. “He put the hurt on me alright, but I think I gave it back to him just as good.”
“Doesn’t answer my question, but sure.” I follow Bray, who leads me back towards the deck.
Outside I see Cyrus sitting down, drinking from a heavy metal goblet. He grins as I approach, and I see one of his eyes is swollen shut.
“Oh come on,” I huff. “Did you two really need to go to these lengths?” I check his eye, making sure there is no bleeding or any sort of dangerous injury.
“Easy there, love, easy,” Cyrus grabs my wrist. “I had fun! Quit worrying.”
“Fun?” I glower. “This was fun to you?”
“I roughhouse all the time, quit acting.” He kisses me, then sits me down in his lap. “Bray and I have been talking, but I wanted you here. You’re family too, so I want you to hear everything.” He runs his big hand up and down my back.
Bray chuckles, plopping down on a seat and stretching his arm out. “I was just telling your boy there about how I met Ayako.”
I shrug. “You were robbing her dad’s ship, got caught in a storm, and fucked on an island. Yeah, she told me everything.”
“I was telling the romantic version!” Bray growls. “How I protected her and saved her life. How despite our differences, we came together, and fucked like the world was going to end!” He laughs, then sighs. “She’s my angel.”
“We grew up together,” Cyrus replies. “Her mothers were the captains of two airships, and they gave me one of their small ships when I was old enough to run it. I had always been in love with Theai. She was so beautiful, so smart, that I wanted to become someone worthy of serving her one day.” He looks me in the eye and smiles. “Then one day, I thought I lost her. Her mothers put her in an arranged marriage, so I stole her away for myself.”
I smirk back at him and tuck my chin down shyly.
“Just like our dad,” Bray chuckles. “He stole our mom too, you know?” He sighs dreamily and leans back. “Our mother was royal, ya know?”
Cyrus and I both give him a disbelieving look. “You’re full of shit,” Cyrus laughs.
“Hardly,” Bray smirks. “You see, our mother was the first wife of King Niran. She was a Kobold princess who was given in an arranged marriage.” He points at his head. “Which explains the pattern on our heads,” he laughs.
“Well,” Bray continues. “Our father was Niran;s littlest brother, who had also been living a double life. He was supposed to be traveling and going to all these schools and shit, but instead he used his wealth to buy a ship and build a new life for himself. But he was home for the wedding between Niran and Ma, you see. For the two of them, it was love at first sight.” He claps his hand over his chest.
“They met in secret constantly. Stealing kisses, hiding away where they could just be with one another. Then, one day, Niran caught them red-handed.” He clutches his fist into a tight ball. “He was angry! His own brother betraying him in such a way! They fought horribly, but Ma stepped in and declared her love to Dad. So Niran gave them an option - disappear from his sight forever, or die as lovers.”
Cryus is clutching my hand tight as he listens to this story.
“So they ran away to become pirates that very night, and I was born not too long after,” Bray laughs triumphantly. “Oh, and you too, I guess.”
Cyrus sighs. “So we aren’t royal. We’re just disowned.”
“It doesn’t really matter, in my opinion,” Bray huffs with a shrug. “What matters is that we can be a family again.”
“They’re still alive?” Cyrus whispers.
Bray throws his hands up. “Of course they are. Why wouldn’t they be?” he laughs. “They’ve retired because of that annoying centaur.”
“Can we see them?” Cyrus gasps.
Bray nods. “Well, duh. I was hoping. They have no clue I’ve found you, so it would be a surprise.”
Cyrus turns to me and grasps my hand tight. “This is okay, right? I know we had plans, but we can do this, can’t we?”
I smile at him, touching his face and nodding. There are tears in his good eye, and the expression on his face melts my heart utterly and completely. “Of course we can. How could I say no?”
Cyrus clutches me tight in both arms. “Thank you! This means too much to me.”
“Oh, hey, Doc,” Bray says as the doctor comes towards us. “What have you got for me?”
“From the looks of it, I should have brought an ice pack,” she scoffs. “But I simply have news for Theai here.”
Every hair on my body stands on end, and even my wings bristle. “Sure. What is it?”
Cyrus eyes me, sensing my hesitation.
“The tests I performed came back negative,” she says softly.
My stomach drops with disappointment. “Oh. That’s good,  suppose,” I fidget in Cyrus’s lap. “Thank you.”
“You may just have an extreme case of land sickness like you said, coupled with all the extra food you’ve been eating. I would simply stick to some fresher foods and lay off anything spicy for a bit.”
“What was the test?” Cyrus asks.
“Pregnancy,” I grumble. “Ayako thought I might be pregnant.”
“Why the hell isn’t she?” Cyrus snaps at the doctor.
“The doctor arches her brows at him. “You might want to ask your dick that, because it certainly isn’t any of my business.”
Cyrus snorts, trying to hold back his laughter as the doctor walks away.
We make plans to follow Bray to his parent’s island. From there, we finished getting supplies and packed up the airship. We’re far too busy to discuss anything, but one evening after take-off, I find Cyrus sitting in our chambers, looking at the doll that was his as a baby.
“What are you thinking?” I sit down beside him and kiss his bare shoulder.
“When the doc told you that you weren’t pregnant, what did you feel?” Cyrus asks. “Were you relieved? Happy?”
I press more kisses down his arm. “I was disappointed.”
“You were?” Cyrus turns to face me and cups my cheeks in his palms. “No lying now, okay? We’ve always said we would let things happen on the wind, but I have so wanted a baby.”
I kiss his thumb as it strokes across my lips. “You met Hinata, right?” I murmur. “You saw how cute he was, how sweet.”
Cyrus presses his thumb into my mouth, then pushes it against my tongue. “Yeah. But I’m much better-looking than Bray, you know? And while Ayako is lovely, you’re so much cuter. I bet our baby would be twice as adorable and sweet as Hinata.”
I suck on his thumb, then look up at him and sigh as he removes his finger. “I think you’re right.”
Cyrus grins, pushing me down onto our bed. “So, I have your permission then?” I can feel his bulge through his pants as he grinds against my leg.
“Permission for what?” I giggle.
Cyrus snarls as he kicks away his pants. His cock springs out and lays against my thigh. His sharp teeth drag across the skin of my neck until he breathes into my ear. “I’m going to fuck you until you’re pregnant.”
I giggle shakily. “You think you got it in you?”
Cyrus opens my legs and runs his hands up them. “What a stupid question.” He looks down at my slit and rubs his fingers against it. “Look at you, already getting wet.”
I bite my bottom lip, squirming as his fingers push between my labia. He breathes, stroking himself with one hand while fingering me with the other.
“That’s my girl,” he breathes. A low rumble comes from his throat. “Yes. Like that. I love how you squeeze so desperately around my fingers.” He pulls them out, then lays them on his tongue, licking them clean.
I open up my shirt for him, exposing all of my skin. Cyrus smirks and leans down, his tongue darting over my breasts. As he moans it travels across my skin, making me let out a soft cry. I drag my hand down his back, feeling his scales and ridges until I touch the base of his tail.
Cyrus chuckles, lifting his head from my breast. “I’ll have to share these soon.” He smirks up at me. “But I don’t mind at all.” He kisses me, and his hands push against the back of my thighs.
His cock slides against me, growing slick from my own nectar. He grinds against me, poking, pressing, sliding. I snarl in frustration, simply wanting him inside me.
“Oh my,” Cyrus chuckles. He presses his thumb back on my tongue. “So scary. You aren’t getting impatient, are you?”
I bite his thumb as a warning.
Cyrus sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth. “Easy now.” His tip has pushed into my mound. “I wasn’t going to keep you waiting much longer.” A buck of his hips, and he’s inside me.
I whine against his thumb, arching my back in hopes of making him go deeper.
Cyrus watches me, his dark eyes fixed on my expression as he pulls out and eases back in. I bite his thumb again and give him the most pitiful look at I can.
“Don’t worry,” he breathes. “I’m just enjoying looking at you.” He thrusts his hips, going deeper inside me. “You’re squeezing me so tight, you must really want me to come for you.” He starts driving into me, breathing deep with each plunge.
I suck his thumb, moaning against it and crying out when he hits that sweet spot. My toes curl and clench, and my thighs begin to tremble.
“You’re begging me, aren’t you?” Cyrus pants. “I can feel it.” He drives deeper, grinding himself all the way inside. “You’ll get every drop of me. I promise.”
I kiss him as his tongue moves away from my mouth. He uses both hands to anchor himself, making sure his cock doesn’t leave me. He remains deep, thrusting there until I feel the air start to crackle. I lose my breath for a moment as I sink deeper into the bed. My wings stretch along the blankets, and my legs trap Cyrus where he is.
Cyrus snarls and bucks, and his jaw goes slack. He lets out a deep, guttural sound that’s primal and weak at the same time. Inside, his cock is throbbing, releasing, spilling his seed. For a moment he is still, breathing hard until he pulls back. He places a pillow against my lower back and he cups his hand around my mound.
“Not a single drp is to be wasted,” he growls.
“Okay,” I moan, exhausted and still shivering from my afterglow.
I’m not sure how many times we make love while traveling to Cyrus’ parents’ island, but I’m sure it’s more than enough to have a baby. We just have to be patient, for we do have a new family that is coming into our lives. We shouldn’t feel this greedy. We just want something that is our own - although we are excited to meet Cyrus’ parents.
The baby will happen sooner rather than later, though. We won’t have to wait long at all.
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moemammon · 4 years
When I was in High School, my crush and I got into a fight and neither of us were talking to each other. One day I was headed up the stairwell to get to my science class, when I saw them coming up from behind... I don't think they had even noticed me yet considering that they were busy talking to their friend BUT I am slow going up stairs so even if I rushed up the stairs roadrunner style they would have caught up to me, well; the little corner that connects the steps going up to the second floor and the steps heading down to the ground floor had a large open window... and I jumped out, like I literally just jumped out. I didn't even think it through, I just saw the window and my body was like "Yep, IK what to do." I landed on a bush or tree? It's too big to call a bush but too small to call a tree, landed in a squat before my feet gave out and I fall onto my knees and got two large grass stains on my jeans knee part, couldn't walk right either after that landing, I was shaky all day lol but it was a risk well calculated bc the whole thing would have been so awkward. I mean we used to be like BFFS before the rumors began and then they started and we just stopped talking without warning, we couldn't even look at each other. Our science partners, bc we were in groups of four, literally got fed up of our bullshit bc we literally refused to acknowledge the others existence... anyway, I digress...
Anyway, this whole story is a long winded way of me requesting how the brothers would react to an MC that literally just jumps out windows to avoid awkward moments, or to dodge people that want to ask them for favors, or when they straight up want to avoid someone?
And sorry about the large ass message, but thanks for letting me vent
You have a special place in my heart, window-jumping anon. Just uhhhhhhh look down next time okay? Ily
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC jumping out of a window to avoid an awkward moment
(Mario jumping sound effect)
He approached you after class to ask exactly what you were snickering at your D.D.D. about during class.
Must've been real funny if you weren't listening to your lecture, huh?
"I imagine you've somehow found something worthy of laughing about in Demonology 101?"
You do not have the guts to tell him that you and Mammon were texting back and forth, abusing a new photo editing app to alter pictures of the eldest himself.
I mean, take a wild guess about how he’d react to seeing how big you edited his head to be-
The avatar of pride lets his eyes pierce into you, like he's trying to stare a hole through your blanket of "uh"s and "um"s,
You don't exactly see a way out of this one, but you can NOT let Lucifer see your photo gallery.
So you glance to your left to the open classroom window, and do the only thing you can think of: you jump.
Luckily you're on the ground floor so you??? really didn't have to jump so dramatically. But the fact that you yeeted yourself into a bush JUST to escape has left Lucifer speechless.
Honestly? He so impressed with your dedication that he's not gonna stop you. Besides, he's gonna see you back at home anyway so-
Also thinks you might be hanging around Mammon too much because that 100% seems like a stunt he’d pull.
He KNOWS Lucifer told you to bring the credit card to him, and he demands to know where it's hidden! He's positive you know where it is!
But you don't really though?? You just brought the card to him like you were asked. If anything, you're the victim here!
But Mammon isn't having that. The avatar of greed is circling around you like an angry cat, patting you all over like airport security to see if you've got his beloved card.
"Where is it, huh?! Ya really think you can steal from THE Mammon?! Even if Lucifer told ya to, who do ya think you are?!"
When he has confirmed that you don't in fact have his previous Goldie, he's now cornering you up against a wall.
If looks could kill, you would've exploded into a fine powder
And you feel like your mental strength is about to do just that. So what do you do after you notices the slightest of breezes caress your face?
You jump outta that open window, before Mammon can even finish his "Wh- Oi! What're ya-"
Even though you just face planted into the garden, you're up on your feet and making a mad dash for somewhere that wasn't here.
Mammon lets you run for ten while seconds before he's hopping out after you. You think you can outfox the Great Mammon?! Think again!!!
You... weren't interested in this movie in the slightest, but you didn't have the heart to tell Levi that. Especially not after he’d begged/harassed you for the past week about watching it with him!
Reluctantly you agreed, and now you were suffering,,,But Levi was ecstatic! This movie was a classic! Sure it was an old one and the acting was a little bad, but you could overlook that if you watched it with your heart, not your eyes!
According to Levi.
You managed to keep your eyes open for the grueling one and a half hour movie, enduring every corny line of bad acting, horrible CGI, and lame sound effects straight out of a 90s super hero movie, and now the hell was finally over...
Or so you though, until Levi followed that up by immediately pulling out a cosplay outfit worn by one of the supporting characters in the show.
Funny how it seemed specifically tailored to your measurements. Even funnier how Levi was looking at you with those damned eyes.
You knew what he wanted without him even having to say it. But one look at the gaudy outfit he presented to you made your heart burn with a sudden indescribable urge.... to escape.
Honestly you caught him so off guard by suddenly getting up and sprinting out of the room, that he makes a sound that's pretty much the noise equivalent of "?!?!?!?!?!?"
He watches you run down to the end of the hall, throw the window open, and fuckin JUMP. Pretty sure he just witnessed your death??
Also this kinda solidified his 'gross otaku' mentality, seeing as you literally jumped out of a window to get out of cosplaying with him. A simple no would've sufficed, MC.......,.,,..,,,
Hey gamers... can we get an F in the chat? 😔✌️💦
Satan lent you a book to read last week that he was sure you'd be interested in! He found it pretty interesting himself, so he wants to see if you'd like it as much as he did.
That being said, you don't have the heart to tell him that you,,, didn't read any of it. Well you kind of did, if the cover counts for anything.
You doubt he would accept that as an answer, considering how you told him how much you appreciated receiving the book, and how you'd definitely read it and let him know how it was.
So now, Satan had come into your room with two cups of tea, ready to settle down and have a nice, long talk about your thoughts on the riveting plot that you promised you would indulge in.
"I'm really glad you decided to read it. I found that the protagonist reminded me a lot like you. I'd like to know what you thought about it."
Satan sets down the tea cups, and one sip tells you that he brewed it exactly the way you like.
His expression is eager and warm as he waits for you to begin gushing about just how deeply the story touched you... how absolutely moved you are by the sheer majesty that was the book he lent you...
Okay yeah, you're sweating bullets. You can't imagine how the sparkly eyed avatar of wrath would react to learning that you chose the company of your D.D.D. over Satan's book.
You don't have such an ice cold hard that you can just crush this book nerds dreams like that! And every time you look at his expectant face, the weight of your crimes weigh heavier on you until... you break.
Satan watches in shock and awe as you almost perfectly reenact the big scene where the main character leaps out of the window of a building rigged to explode, before making their escape. And you did just that.
Wow.. he never thought you could be so moved by a story, but he completely understands...
He's made you model TWELVE outfits so far, and you swear if you see another ascot, you're gonna lose your mind.
Asmodeus doesn't seem to notice the way the light slowly fades from your eyes, because he's pulling out outfit number thirteen with that cheery smile of his.
"Isn't this one absolutely adorable? Look, this part will look lovely around your waist! This part here hugs your body in all the right places, and this-"
You can't do it. You've gotta get out of here. You'd love to stand around and get mild rug burn from trying on a billion different clothes, but-
Actually no you wouldn't.
You DID promise Asmo you'd hang out with him today, but this wasn't really your idea of a good time.
"-Oooh, just thinking about it makes me want to eat you up~! Here, put it on for me, will you? I'll give you a kiss as a reward!"
You would do no such thing.
You make a mad dash for his ornate window and push it open. He has no time to stop you as he helplessly watches you vault yourself out like the room was on fire.
"MC?! Wh-where are you going?? Come back here! Grass stains are impossible to get out of that fabric!!!"
He means well. I swear he does. It's just that Beel can be a little... overbearing when he's worried about you. He cares, okay?
But he hasn't seen you eat anything all day! You tell him it's because you've got a stomach ache from who knows what, and you promise you've had little snacks here and there to keep from starving, but he can't accept that!
Eating is important, and you need it to survive. So Beelzebub was currently trying to nudge your mouth open with a pizza slice, while you vehemently refused. "Just one bite. And then another after that. You have to eat, or you'll go hungry... and I don't want that."
Beel knows the true pain of being hungry, and he’d never wish that on you! So just forget about your stomach ache for two seconds and open up-
Not that you really can. The aroma of that pizza was not sitting well on your stomach, and you were pretty sure you needed a fast escape or you'd risk losing your lunch. Greasy foods didn't exactly mix well with sour stomachs...
Beel still won't let up. He has a strong hand planted firmly on the small of your back, as if trying to prevent you from leaning back any further in your attempt to escape the pizza.
"If you eat this, I'll treat you to dessert at Madam Screams," he says, as if bribing your refusal of food USING food will somehow work out.
You can't break his heart, but you seriously can't eat that! Your head is spinning, thoughts racing, face becoming greasier and greasier from the pizza pressed against it, and-
You snap. In a sudden burst of strength you break free from Beel's grasp, and sprint toward the nearest window. All you see is your chance for freedom, and you're taking it.
You leap out and tumble into the ground, all while Beelzebub wonders what?? Just happened???? Did you really hate pizza that much...?
He never knew you were such a picky eater... To think you'd go so far as to jump out of the window though...
You thought it was cute at first, when Belphegor wanted you to join him for his naps. And you didn't mind much. It was the weekend, you were tired, and he makes a pretty good body pillow.
But you didn't realize he planned for this to become an everyday thing. The youngest might not act it, but he sure could be spoiled.
But seriously, if you slept any longer, you might never have a normal sleep schedule again! It never occurred to you just how often Belphie sleeps.
He's definitely not human, because there's no way you can keep up with that, and maintain a normal lifestyle.
But the way he quietly, gently grabs your sleeve to cue your next nap session makes your heart clench. Why was it so damned hard to say no to this gremlin??
You were trying your best though, but the words always seemed to get caught in your throat. Belphie picked apart your excuses, doing everything in his power to take you back to the attic.
"You can study when you wake up." "Mammon wants to go shopping? Reschedule." "Lucifer told you not to be late to the board meeting? Just hide."
You're starting to get sucked into the sleepy lull of his voice, and it feels like your entire body is becoming heavy with fatigue. But no.... you resist!
Since there's no escaping this through words, you have to think fast. Fortunately, your fast thinking has led to an amazing solution!
Jump out of the window, baby
Belphie is just??? Did you fuckin???? Are your legs okay??????????????
He probably stops asking you to nap with him for a while, since you're willing to almost break your legs just to get out of it. You're gonna make him have weird dreams....
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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Chapter 4 of Gravitation
{series masterlist} | {next chapter - soon!} {previous chapter}
{crossposted to AO3}
Pairing: Tech x Original Female Character (Bree Peridot)
Summary: Bree lets her friends know about her decision, and life on Répit seems lovelier every day.
Tags: 18+. SMUT towards the end of the chapter: unprotected vaginal sex (please wear protection in real life!), making out, cunnilingus, blowjob, cum eating, thigh grinding. Food, fluff, family dynamics, brief talks of pregnancy.
Word count: 5.9k
Songs: scorpio, lucia emilia
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Tech had taken care of everything else up until that moment; Wrecker and Scarlett would catch up eventually, and news that Hunter was already at the cottage seemed like a ring falling on a finger. When Tech and Bree walked up the path of Clair and Crosshair’s cottage, it already smelled like something delicious was cooking inside.
They’d all grown to love that association.
Bree opened the door and let herself in proudly—as Clair’s best friend, it was her right to barge into her home when she pleased. The three—four, if you counted the cat—were all gathered in the kitchen, the source of the smell of cooking tomatoes, melted cheese, and spices. Clair and Hunter stood over the stove while she mumbled a few instructions on the dish they were cooking, and Crosshair sat patiently on one of the dining table’s chairs looking at them.
Crosshair was the first to acknowledge Bree and Tech, followed by his loyal cat Bean, who leaped off of Crosshair’s lap to greet the visitors, gladly rubbing his back on Tech’s boots.
That was when Clair looked over her shoulder with a grin. She set her utensils down and left Hunter to watch over the sauce while she went over to give Bree a big hug, later acknowledging Tech.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” Clair smiled. “Take a seat, I’m just teaching Hunter how to cook.”
“A rather unlikely event,” Tech commented as he pulled a chair out for Bree. “Not that I disapprove, I simply figured Hunter found himself satisfied with his current eating habits.”
“Actually, this isn’t for me,” Hunter commented while lowering the flame of the stovetop to let the sauce simmer.
“He wants to know how to cook some of Scarlett's favorite foods,” Clair said.
“As if he couldn’t be a bigger simp for her,” Crosshair crooned.
“You cooked for me too, Berry Pie; you’re hardly in a position to tease Hunter about this,” Clair winked at her husband.
“It’s just something nice I want to do for the woman I love,” Hunter said. “And since food is the way to do things around here, I figured I’d try my hand at it.”
“That is all quite lovely, but you’ll have to put a pause to it,” Tech announced.
“Why?” Hunter, Clair, and Crosshair said in unison.
“Because Bree has news for us all,” Tech replied. “As a matter of fact, we have asked Scarlett and Wrecker to come here. They will both arrive shortly.”
Clair looked at him blankly. “Tech, this dish is a surprise for Scarlett.”
“I did not know that,” Tech replied.
“Doesn’t matter, we’ll play dumb,” Clair said. “We’ll act like it’s just regular dinner.”
“And on the subject of inviting people to our home without telling us,” Crosshair glared at Tech.
“Your wife is okay with it,” Tech replied.
“Don’t you dare use my wife’s authority against me,” Crosshair growled. “Only she can do that.”
Clair had gotten out the kettle to put water on for tea. “I am always right. But,” she turned to Bree, “I know you. And if you didn’t give me a heads up, I’m guessing this is not just important, but recent.”
Bree smiled back at Clair. “It is.”
Clair knew better than to try to get it out of Bree now, but judging by the easy nature of the look in Bree’s eyes, Clair would assume she had good news. That much would be enough for the moment.
It wasn’t long before the door burst open again for it to reveal Scarlett and Wrecker prancing themselves into the cottage. As expected, Wrecker had been the one to burst in with more energy whereas Scarlett was calm and collected, her eyes scanning the group to find her lover awkwardly standing in front of the stove. Her attention diverted from Hunter when she caught the scent of the lasagne cooking, and her eyes widened subtly as she took a big inhale of its warm, comforting smell.
Wrecker, on the other hand, for once didn’t care what was cooking on the stove. He’d only heard Tech say there were good news to be heard, and Wrecker’s place had gone to one place only. He walked across the cottage’s kitchen and made his way over to Clair, picking her up in his arms and hugging her tightly.
“I knew it!” He bellowed. “Congratulations!”
“Wrecker, what are you—?” Clair asked.
Wrecker looked up at her, still squeezing her in his arms. “Well, you’re pregnant, aren’t you?”
Crosshair nearly choked on his tea.
Clair laughed, her voice strained by the strength of Wrecker’s embrace. “No—Wreck… can’t… breathe!”
Wrecker hurried to put her down. “Right, uh, gotta remember not to hug you that tight. But… you’re not pregnant?”
“Nope,” Clair smiled once she caught her breath, making her way over to Crosshair and gently running a hand over his upper back, meeting his gaze. “You’d be the first to know.”
“Well then,” Wrecker looked around, puzzled, his eyes landing on Scarlett as he pointed at her inquiringly.
Scarlett chuckled. “No. Don’t get me wrong, Hunter’s tried a lot.”
“Makes sense,” Crosshair mumbled as Tech nodded in agreement off to the side.
At that moment, pairs of eyes landed on Tech and Bree, with the latter getting up from her chair and drawing the group’s attention to her. She gave them a little smile as she looked all around them, and ultimately, she settled on landing her gaze on Clair to finally make the announcement.
“I’ve decided I’m going to move here to Répit,” Bree said. “Permanently.”
There was silence in the room while the news settled in everyone; Crosshair turned to look at his wife, whose gaze had softened and her eyes had begun to sparkle as a smile slowly formed on her lips.
“Bree,” Clair sighed as she got up from her chair and headed towards her childhood friend, pulling her in for a tight hug.
Around them, the sight made everyone smile, and being closest to them, Scarlett was the one who grinned brightest. She couldn’t resist the need to hug the already embracing Bree and Clair, and the two friends gladly let her in as they mumbled incoherent noises of happiness. Next to them, Wrecker followed, visually beaming with the biggest smile anyone had ever seen on him as he took the three women and enlarged the group hug—he was careful not to suffocate any of them.
Even Bean, the usually grumpy cat who’d reflect his owner’s mood, curled up against Clair’s foot, purring.
Crosshair got up from his chair and walked over to Tech, resting his hand on his brother’s shoulder. Tech didn’t find the gesture repulsive, but regardless, he looked up at Crosshair with a raised brow, his head tilting.
“You had to do with Bree choosing to stay here,” Crosshair told him, “and that makes Clair happy. Thanks.”
Tech’s confusion faded, and he directed his younger brother a smile. “I suppose I did. But Bree’s love for this place goes far deeper than just me.”
Before them, the embrace dismantled; Bree and Clair looked at each other with bright smiles, two childhood friends coming together again in the place they felt they belonged. The story had been theirs from the beginning, far before the Allium had been lost to the pirates on Naboo, far before Crosshair or Tech or anyone else had come into their lives.
This was just things taking their course again, and Bree and Clair had been kind enough to share part of that with the others.
“So, Clair didn’t know,” Scarlett looked around, her eyes landing on the stove again. “I could have sworn you did and that’s why you were cooking so nicely.”
Hunter’s gaze immediately snapped to look at Clair.
“Nah, I just felt like spoiling Crosshair a bit,” Clair brushed it off. “You all are welcome to stay and celebrate, I’m sure we can ration this lasagne for there to be a serving for all of us.”
“Though, maybe Crosshair could spare some,” Hunter found it easy to play along. “You’ve grown a bit of a belly since your wedding, my brother.”
“It’s not that big,” Crosshair said, looking down at his stomach. “It comes with being married to a baker.”
Clair walked up to him and hugged him, her hand gently squeezing the small curve that his stomach made—that indeed hadn’t been there in his days as a soldier.
“I love it, you know that?” Clair said to her husband.
“I’m still hot,” he purred quietly at her.
“You’re incredibly hot, and you actually eat enough now,” Clair winked.
Crosshair bent down and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll help serve.”
Crosshair took out the plates while Hunter tried, and mostly succeeded—with Crosshair’s help—to assemble the lasagne into different plates, surprisingly having made enough for everyone. Bree sat with Scarlett and Clair at the table, telling them about what would happen now and what pushed her to finally decide.
As they talked, Hunter and Crosshair delivered plates around the table, inviting everyone to eat—Hunter paid close attention to Scarlett's reaction when she tried the lasagne, and once she’d clearly liked it, she’d been the first one to finish her plate. Everyone else’s silence or minor chatter left Bree and Clair to direct the conversation, talking about the old days, but focusing more on the new days to come.
Bree thought back to their time on Naboo, and she and Clair had indeed never had an evening like that one. They’d spend their time only with each other, and having an entire family chosen by them was as new as things could get.
Bree knew it would be worth it, and better than she could imagine even then.
A ray of glee had illuminated Répit after Bree’s announcement. More than ever, it was a symbol that things were falling into place, and that a person’s will could prevail over expectations.
At least until she told her parents, Bree figured.
But she’d been through too much to not know already that things had to happen at their course. Deciding was the first step, followed by letting her second, chosen family know. Bree smiled at herself every time she remembered their reactions, namely the way Clair had looked at her. It was really beautiful; Bree had gotten used to visiting that little cottage and greeting that grumpy white, green-eyed cat.
She’d gotten used to Hunter’s swooning over Scarlett, to the magnitude with which Wrecker could feel, to Tech’s infodumping and his ingenuity.
“I sense you have drifted onto a different train of thoughts,” his smooth voice broke Bree from her daze.
With wide eyes, Bree looked over at Tech feeling as the heat rushed to her cheeks, and playing with her thumbs, she gave a light grimace.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” Bree said.
“I understand,” Tech smiled. “Big decisions carry with them a lot of pondering.” He turned around and looked at the whiteboard in his office, his goggled eyes narrowing as the scribbles and diagrams stared at him back in the face.
“Such pondering comes with these calculations as well,” Tech said, “which I very regretfully inform.”
“Well,” Bree stood from the chair she sat on, the chair she'd normally take whenever she visited him. “If I could eventually settle my mind, you can eventually find the answer to your calculations.”
Tech angled his body to look back at her, his lips softly curved. “I appreciate the encouragement, Bree.”
“Would you like to talk it out?” She proposed. “I promise I’ll listen this time.”
“Well, not much has changed in my hypotheses since we discussed them over lunch a few days ago,” Tech set his datapad down on his desk, finally turning away from the board and heading to sit on his own chair. “That is, of course, the problem. Nothing is going to change until I change my focus, my approach.”
“And you’re struggling to find it,” Bree finished for him.
“Precisely,” Tech replied. “There are only so many ways to approach electronics and circuitry. By the gods, the Havoc Marauder is infinitely more complex and I have disassembled and reassembled it countless times. Where am I going wrong?”
“Mind if I suggest something?”
“I am open to hearing what you say,” Tech said. “I unfortunately cannot guarantee I will follow through with your advice.”
Bree chuckled; many were the people who were open to hearing advice, and fewer were those who admitted they might not follow it. Honesty was, in any case, appreciated.
“Is this project urgent in any way?” Bree asked.
“Not at all, this began as a personal project that I now want to apply in order to help others,” Tech replied. “No one has put a time limit but myself, and I like to make progress.”
“Maybe you’re pushing yourself too hard,” Bree said. “When I tell you to take care of yourself, I don’t just mean eat healthy. Overworking is as bad for you as the next bad habit, or worse.”
Tech sat up straight in his chair, his gaze lost in thought.
“What is it?” She asked him.
“I have looked back at my whole life and realized no one has ever actually told me that,” Tech said. “Quite on the contrary, actually. I always had to be faster, more efficient, more productive. I always had to… to hurry. At times, my own life, the lives of my brothers’, we all depended on my quickness to perform tasks and find solutions.”
Bree’s features softened in sympathy. “You were soldiers… I’m not saying it’s okay, but I understand why you feel that need.”
Tech’s gaze finally met hers, for once finding himself at a loss of words and knowledge, baffled by the fact that the woman in front of him had been the only one who’d managed to do that to him.
“Bree, I…” Tech said. “I had not thought of that.”
She smiled at him and reached across the desk for his hand. “You’re not a soldier anymore. You do have duties and things that need to be done, sure. That’s part of being an adult in civilization. But it isn’t life or death anymore, and you can free yourself from some of that burden.”
As she’d been speaking, Tech had absently brushed his thumb over the skin of Bree’s hand. He’d looked away, his gaze brushing over his desk before returning to her, and once he’d registered what she’d said, he smiled.
“What?” Bree said softly, her own lips curving.
Tech gathered himself. “Truly, I am quite pleased that you will stay.”
Her smile widened, cheeks turning pink. “I am too.”
Bree retrieved her hand and placed it over her thigh, letting out a long sigh as she looked out the window at the pre-autumn landscape. “Of course, with deciding to move here, there’s a whole plethora of other things to consider, mainly where I’m going to live.”
Tech chuckled. “Plethora. That is one of my favorite words, and you’re the only person I’ve heard using it correctly.”
She gave him a proud smile. “Thank you.”
“As for where to live…” Tech trailed off. “I thought you were living with me.”
“Well, yes, but…” Bree trailed off. “I need to give evidence to the refugee program that I live somewhere, which means my name will have to appear in some sort of contract. I have to be paying rent for it to be to my name, and with that they’ll verify if my current income can sustain my living. It has to match, and if not, I won’t be let off the refugee program easily.”
“Right,” Tech said. “But you are living with me.”
“I appreciate you letting me stay with you in the meantime. I can’t very well stay with Clair or Scarlett; Clair’s married and Scarlett is just a few dinners away from getting engaged and they need their space. Perhaps I could find something with Mora or Iroh—”
“Bree, I believe you misunderstand me,” Tech said. “You already live with me.”
Bree’s big, green eyes widened at Tech, and once he realized what he’d said, he adopted a bashful hunch to his shoulders.
“I—I mean,” Tech began, his free hand clutching the curls on the back of his head. “You need not worry about finding a place to live. If you so wish, you have one already, and that can easily be arranged into a format of evidence apt for the refugee program.”
Bree chuckled; for someone so confident and intelligent and sure of himself, Tech was priceless when he was shy.
“I just…” Her amusement faded. “I can’t impose like that, not on your home.”
“Are we not a couple?” Tech asked. “Is moving in together not something couples eventually do?”
Bree blushed. “I’d never heard you call us that.”
“Well…” Tech trailed off. “Aren’t we?”
Bree grinned at him. “Yes, I believe we are.”
She and Tech remained in silence, their hands still holding one another once the words have been spoken, and in the moments that passed, the clock on Tech’s wall struck a new hour, breaking them from their trance.
“Well, I believe I can call it a day now,” Tech let go of her hand and stood up, reaching for his datapad and the keys to his office. “Shall we walk home?”
Bree’s smile hadn’t faded, and with the same spirit, she got up from her chair as well. “I haven’t decided if I will stay with you or not.”
“Right,” Tech chuckled. “Either way, the option is there. And if you wish to stay with me tonight…”
“I do,” Bree said.
Tech’s features had softened at her remark, and gracefully, he reached for the office’s light switch and flicked it off.
“Well then,” he said. “After you.”
Bree left the office with Tech following after her and the two walked outside, where it was much colder. Bree hugged herself, figuring one of the many things she’d need to get for her big move over to Répit was a bigger coat.
On the way, she and Tech had gotten to talking about their current duties, whether it regarded the bakery or the county, and as they made their way through the village, the sun kept going down and the villagers who owned food businesses set up for their nightly openings at the marketplace. Regardless of the appeal of a night at the marketplace, Bree and Tech continued to make their way towards the lake, crossing its shore and even passing the place where the Marauder was parked.
That part of the forest wasn’t much different than the others, but Bree had learned to identify it as Tech’s place. The hull of the Marauder, visible to the east, did its job in signifying it as Tech’s corner just like the lanterns led up to Clair and Crosshair’s home or the large spruces signaled Hunter and Scarlett's.
The sky had gotten darker, and the village gleamed warmly in the distance, and way in the distance, a waning crescent moon set. The whirring of insects and pit-patter of rodents gave the forest more ambience, and the scent of the plants lingered in the air.
Not much deeper into the forest was the small, discreet cabin that Tech had turned into his home. Tech was the one who walked up first to the doorway, and once he unlocked it, he stepped aside to let Bree in. The moment she stepped inside, the movement sensors around the place went off, making the entrance and living room of the house light up. The two of them looked at each other in silence once Tech was fully inside, neither of them saying anything.
It wasn’t an awkward silence. It wasn’t tense or painful, and while it would seem like many things were left unsaid, Tech and Bree had heard from one another what they needed to until that moment.
Finally, Bree smiled wider at him with a light sigh, and she made her way towards the kitchen intent on cooking something to finish the day right. Still wordless, Tech followed her inside and observed as she took out pots and plates, wondering what her experienced mind and skilled hands would want to prepare. Bree moved around with expertise, seemingly never missing a detail, and Tech found himself drawn to her, pacing one slow step at a time towards her until he was behind her and his hands landed on her forearms.
“Yes?” Bree asked him softly.
Tech hovered closer to Bree, and he only let go of her to take off his goggles and set them aside on the counter, allowing him to drift even nearer. He nuzzled the side of Bree’s head, taking in the scent of her hair, his breath sending shivers down her arms.
“Tech…” Bree whispered when she felt his lips pressing kisses down the side of her face.
“Do you wish for me to stop?” Tech asked quietly.
“No…” Bree sighed, letting go of the knife she’d been using to cut vegetables. She felt Tech’s hands begin to circle around her torso and, giving the cooking utensils a light push away, she sank into Tech’s figure and tilted her head, letting him have better access to her neck.
“Tech…” Bree whined when Tech gently nipped on the flesh of her neck. Her body squirmed in his grip, now more firm as his hands crossed over her chest and held her possessively even if his kisses were still kind.
Bree then turned her head and her lips were irresistibly close to Tech’s, and without hesitating, she closed the space between them. In his arms, Bree turned around to face Tech, kissing him harder as her hands went around his upper back while his arms surrounded her waist, his hands clutching at her clothes.
With craving, Bree pushed toward Tech, and the two stumbled until they were at the other side of the small kitchen with his back now pressed to the wall. Her hand fisted the brown curls at the back of his head, giving them a light tug—Bree shivered at the way Tech groaned when she tugged. Meanwhile, Tech had untucked her cream blouse from her long, brown skirt, the delicate fabric now ruined and wrinkled by his pulling, until Bree hastily stopped kissing him to take the blouse off, leaving her only in her lace bra on her upper half.
Tech took the moment to take his shirt off as well, throwing it onto the kitchen table. Bree took a moment to look at him, feeling her mouth literally watering at the sight of his muscular chest—it wasn’t unusual to underestimate Tech’s figure. He didn’t look physically impressive next to someone like Wrecker or Hunter, but he was definitely strong, his body toned, with his left arm covered by a sleeve of intricate tattoos Bree hadn’t yet deciphered but ached to know what they represented.
Bree would have loved to tell Tech something, anything to eloquently let him know how beautiful she found him, but all she managed was a little whine at the sight of him, her hand hovering up to cover her mouth as she hungrily bit her lip when her eyes settled on the growing bulge in his trousers.
With his iconic, confident little smile, Tech held his hands out to Bree. She placed her hands in his, soft and delicate in comparison to Tech’s stronger, larger hands, hands that didn’t lack the occasional scar, and she felt him pull her towards him, wrapping his arms around her as he kissed her again. The feeling of his skin on hers and the warmth between them made heat begin to pool at her lower core; she wanted more.
“Tech…” Bree whimpered.
“Darling?” He prompted her between kisses before managing to pull himself to a stop, looking at Bree in the eyes; even the blurry sight of her without his goggles was adorable.
He could see the desire with which she looked at him, the need that she had for him, and he could feel it when her hands landed on his chest in the form of fists that shook mildly with the rest of her body.
“I need you now,” Bree whispered.
Tech smiled. “So I gather, my darling.”
He grabbed her waist firmly and turned her around, now pinning her to the wall where he was as he hovered closer to her, his breath fanning over her.
“Fortunately for you, the feeling is mutual.”
Tech hungrily kissed her lips, amazing Bree further, but it wasn’t long before he made his way down. His hands massaged the entirety of her body, including her breasts as his lips made their way down the center of her chest, until it was time for Tech to kneel before Bree. He looked up at her, satisfied by the way her chest heaved in anticipation and the scarlet shade cast over her face, her usually down-to-earth green eyes entranced.
With a smirk, Tech gently took his hands to her lower belly where the buttons of her skirt were. He undid them one by one with a tender touch, and he let the long skirt slide gracefully down her legs, revealing her beautiful legs. The panties she wore matched the lace bra she had, and its delicate fabric hugged her hips beautifully, so much he almost didn’t want to remove them.
They were, regardless, in his way.
Tech wrapped his fingers around each of the sides of her panties and slowly pulled them down. He heard Bree’s breath hitching the lower the fabric got, and past her knees, Tech let the garment go, watching it drop gracefully at her feet. He helped her step out of them and he softly removed her shoes as well, leaving Bree in her small, delicate socks.
He looked up at her, hardly believing Bree’s beauty, and he made his way back up leaving a trail of tender kisses up her leg before making it between her thighs. He felt her hand running through his curls again just when his breath began to fan over her cunt, and Tech couldn’t help but smile when she parted her legs just a little, almost as if she’d done it without even realizing.
She was already gleaming and plump, aching for him, and Tech wouldn’t resist her further. He leaned in and brushed his tongue over her pussylips, reveling in the whine that escaped Bree, groaning when she tugged his curls again. Tech ravaged her tender flesh, eating her out with that expertise Bree praised of him.
Her head was pressed back to the wall. Her vision had blurred the few times her eyes remained open, but most of the time she was rendered too dazed to even think. One hand tugged at Tech’s full head of dark brown curls, the other one massaged her breast delicately over the fabric of her bra. Bree didn’t even notice when her hips began to rut against Tech. All she could make sense of was the pleasure he cast on her, the craving she felt for him, the need to get lost in him.
Unsurprisingly, Tech made her reach the pinnacle sooner than she could expect. His tongue flicking over the pearl of her clit, lips massaging the flesh that surrounded it, gliding over every nerve of her cunt with the perfect amount of pressure; it was all she could do not to crumble to the ground like the puddle she’d become.
When the waves of her orgasm finally hit, Bree’s body squirmed against the wall, her moans and whimpers high-pitched and delicate as opposed to Tech’s low, hungry groaning. His hands kneaded the flesh of her hips as he continued to feast on her, focused on the cues of her body and her voice and stopping before it was too much for her. Still, he felt her pulling on him, prompting him to stand up and look at her entranced green eyes still full of desire.
“More…” Bree whined. “I need more, Tech…”
Tech smirked, firmly grabbing her ass and pressing her harder onto the wall. “I would not dream of leaving you in a lack of satisfaction, my darling.”
Bree’s hands got started at unbuckling his belt and undoing the buttons of his trousers, and finally, Tech pulled them halfway down his legs, freeing his hard cock that sought out Bree’s warmth. Again, Tech kneaded her hips and lifted her up, with Bree wrapping her legs around his waist as he sheathed himself into her.
Tech groaned when he was as deep inside her as he could be, delighting in the sound of Bree’s ecstatic voice. She met his brown eyes adoringly, her hands running through his curls as she whimpered in tandem with the rhythm of his hips. Tech kept his gaze on hers, examining her until she reached that exquisite point where her eyes rolled back and her body surrendered to his strength.
He grinned, inevitably proud of himself and the pleasure Bree felt because of him. He listened to her moans and the way the impact of his thrusts sounded on the wall, so hard it made some of the decorations and the keyholder rattle with his strength.
At last, Tech was at the highest point of ecstasy as well.
“Bree—” He groaned. “I… ‘M gonna…”
Bree listened as he mumbled, his beautiful, smooth voice mostly drabbling incoherencies, but she managed to recognize the need and the warning that he was close. She knew how good he’d been to her, how selfless and kind and mind-blowing Tech could be, exceeding every one of her fantasies. It was the least she could do to give him a little something in return.
She pushed against him, prompting Tech to come to a stop. Dazed and puzzled, Tech watched her as she stepped from the wall and knelt in front of him, never straying from her intention. She took Tech’s cock in her hand, feeling as it pulsated in her grip, and she heard his awestruck sigh when she took most of his length into her mouth.
Her lips parted around his girth, Bree’s cheeks hollowed every time she emerged only to take him in again. She took him all the way down to his throat, pursing her lips around him making him shudder. Tech’s groans had increased their strength, and when his body gave a shiver, Tech fisted Bree’s hair when he finally released inside her, his body relaxing as the ropes of white were gladly swallowed by the woman in front of him.
They stumbled back onto one of the chairs; Bree straddled Tech, her wet, swollen cunt resting on his bare thigh, and she couldn’t help but grind onto him, seeking just a taste more of pleasure. Tech moaned softly, his hands traveling up her back until they found the hook of her bra and undid it, letting her breasts fall freely as he threw the undergarment aside.
Her lips fell on his. Tech let his fingers wander around Bree’s soft skin, reveling in the way his fingertips at times brushed with the strands of her hair. He felt the cool air crashing with the slick she left on his thigh, her body at times squirming weakly with newer, dimmer waves of pleasure, aftershocks of an already intense orgasm.
“My darling…” Tech mumbled. “You require something else for dinner.”
Bree moaned into him. “I already had a snack.”
He tilted his head and let out a breathy chuckle. “Are you referring to me?”
Bree hastily nodded with a hungry moan, her body quivering again as another small orgasm took over her body. After that, Tech placed his hand on her hips and stopped her, kissing her lips until he finally got her green eyes to land on him and her grinding on his thigh ceased.
“You always amaze me,” Tech whispered. “Do you know that?”
She smiled. “I figured it was difficult to amaze a mind like yours.”
“Not for you,” Tech spoke.
They kissed each other one last time before Bree sunk into his arms and rested her head on her shoulder. She felt a wave of exhausting casting itself over her, but no matter how tired she was, she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. Her gaze, once absent, landed on the unattended board of chopped vegetables she’d started with earlier—it was a mischievous little reminder of what had just happened, but nevertheless, she knew Tech was right about them needing to eat something.
Bree closed her eyes and rested on Tech; she figured she could remain in his arms a little while longer.
The night had blurred into day. Tech was already gone when Bree woke up on her side of the bed, unsurprising given the nature of his duties. Bree, however, had more time to spare in the morning, and after wrapping her naked body in a delicate nightgown, she made her way downstairs hoping to get some caf in her system.
Her body felt sore in the most beautiful way, tired of wave after wave of orgasms she’d felt even after the dinner Tech had insisted on having. The thought made her have a wide little grin on her features as she walked into the kitchen, warm and beautifully lit by the morning sun.
Bree was making a beeline for the caf blender, but she stopped when she saw a small pile of papers at the center of the table with a smaller, different colored slip on top of them. The pile and note where themselves held down by a plate of fresh peaches that made Bree’s mouth water and her stomach growl, but she set them aside to look at the documents waiting for her.
It was a contract signed by Tech, with one line at the bottom empty.
Bree nearly didn’t believe it, and she went to the note her lover had left for reference to seek the remaining clarity she needed.
My dearest, darling Bree.
I lack the knowledge of whether or not you heard me in the middle of the night as I woke to draft this. The document in itself was not difficult to write seeing our discussion from earlier; you may have already seen it is the ownership contract for the house itself. While the name of ownership remains mine, this contract is meant for you to sign yours as co-owner if you so wish.
I by no means wish to pressure you into a decision, I merely aim to let you know that you are welcome in my home and that, if you choose, you may use this as one more step regarding the refugee program on Coruscant. Showing this contract during the paperwork will suffice.
I also left peaches seeing as how your body will probably need energy following last night’s events. I do hope you are not too tired, but take this day to rest. I shall be looking forward to seeing you again later today.
Bree’s cheeks had begun to ache when she reached the end of the letter, and she set the paper aside to look at the contract again. She reached for one of the peaches, taking a juicy bite out of it as she pranced around the kitchen, preparing her own cup of caf.
Once her cup was full in her hand, Bree reached for something to sign her name onto the contract.
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Thank you for reading!
Tags: @nunanuggets @wildmoonflower @coffeyorky @lnparanormal @stardust9905 @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond
29 notes · View notes
binniesthighs · 3 years
cherry knot | reader x ryujin
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a/n: you may be thinking to yourself, ro! a gg fic?? how unlike you!! well, boy do i have news for you 😂 truthfully, i’ve always been toying with the idea of writing a lil somethin’ (esp for ryujin god i love her) so i thought why not! if this isn’t your cup of tea, that’s totally okay <3 those who do read, thank you so much for reading and i hope that ya like it hehe and let me know what you think of it! :D (thank you @dom--minnie​ for enabling me too ;) 
cherry knot | reader x ryujin 
🍒 Pairing: self insert, female reader x shin ryujin 
🍒 Genre: fluff n’ a lil bit suggestive 
🍒 Tags: friends to lovers, high school au (everyone depicted is 18+), all girls school au, high school crush!ryujin, shy!reader, confession of feelings, that good, good makin’ out, ryujin being flirty and smug as hell bc i love her, yeah this is just me gushing about shin ryujin, ro trying new things on the blog :) 
🍒 Word count: 2.9k 
🍒 CWs: mentions of food and eating reader included
The grass felt sticky and uncomfortable under your crossed legs, and when you swiped your hand against the skin, you could feel the indentation from the blades. Your knee-high socks felt itchy too; everything felt itchy. Even the cotton of your shirt felt like it was suffocating, and the bow tied around your neck which hung loosely should have hung even looser. 
To distract yourself, you plucked up the blades of green and tied them into knots absentmindedly. It was easier to pay attention to your idle hands compared to paying attention to her. 
Could she even tell that you were looking? Could she see out of the corner of her eye when she threw her cotton-candy pink hair behind her ear? Could she tell that you watched as she gulped down the lemonade and caught a glance at the peachy fuzz of her neck exposed by her collar? 
Stop looking. Stop looking. 
Your other friends tied up their hair in clips and with lazy hair ties to free their sweating necks from the sun. No matter the sweltering heat, it was always tradition for your picnic just before the summer vacation. One of them had brought a cake and each of the girls attacked it viciously with small forks and smeared bits of frosting on each other’s noses. 
“Come here!! You’re next!!” They beamed while launching themselves in your direction to dot your nose with the white cream. 
A flurry of high pitched giggles peeled out from each of you once another frosting victim had been dubbed. Your cheeks felt furiously hot knowing that she was looking; and that she was laughing along with the rest of them. 
“Awwww cute.” She adored with a smile that turned her dimples into whiskers on her cheeks. 
You quickly wiped it off with a handkerchief that settled into your damp hand.  
She’s looking, she’s looking…
The other girls pranced around the checkered picnic blanket in their white socks--undoubtedly painting them with green that their mothers would scold them for later. Their careless steps made a mess of the food wrappers and canvas backpacks that held down the corners of the thin fabric. The joyous cheers of the girls seemed to harmonize with the song of the cicadas in the trees; both sounds reminded you of the coming of the summer and the humid weather that makes the air dense. 
One of the girls brought out her phone and played loudly from it one of her favorite songs which she knew every word too, regardless of the fact that her tone was far from the singer’s. 
You and your friends never cared much for how others would view you. Even at school when you would march through the hallways arm-and-arm, others would stare at the way that none of you batted an eye at those who would glare. 
They were just jealous was all. 
“Be careful!!” You found yourself scolding, “What if you fall running around like that?” 
In response, your friends promptly stuck out their tongues in your general direction. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Ryujin coolly popped another cherry into her mouth from the bowl by her crossed legs. “If they fall, let them! It's funnier that way.” 
She threw a wink right at you, which you almost didn’t catch because you had quickly averted your eyes to become much more interested in the tiny tea-cakes. 
“You’re always worrying Y/n! Its summer!”
“I-I do not.” 
Ryujin chuckled in that way that always made you feel like your heart was just about ready to leap out of your chest. 
“Lighten up! Come on!” 
Before you could process it all, your friend patted down the wrinkles in her skirt and threw off her shoes. She rose, and neared your corner of the blanket with hands outstretched. 
“Stop worrying about things or if people are watching!” She scolded you with a cute and tiny pout, “Get up!” Ryujin wriggled her hands with emphasis to show you that you could take hold of them. 
The other girls giggled on, hardly even noticing the two of you over their singing. 
You grabbed onto her hands, already loathing how damp your own felt against hers out of your own nervousness. She still held onto you tightly, saying nothing of them and helped you to your feet. Immediately she brightened once you played along and started to swing your arms in tune with the song. Your friend lip synced to the rap part and you felt just about ready to swoon from how cool she looked saying the words with ease. 
“Dance with me!! Don’t pay attention to people walking by or anything like that!” 
Ryunjin led you by the hand to the patch of grass with little white and pink flowers laced into it. You really did try to pay attention to dancing, but everything else seemed to be distracting even when you tried hard enough. She brought your hand up higher to spin her, and when she twisted, everything seemed to happen in slow motion: the billow of her plaid shirt, her rosy-pink hair which swiped just at her shoulders, even the way that the sunset melted behind her into swirls of sunburst yellow and vibrant orange. It was like she was all a part of it. 
“Your turn!” She said, twisting you too. 
You didn’t realize that you would have been as dizzied by it as you were, but when you lost your footing, she was just as quick to help you with her hands carefully grasped onto your shoulders. 
“You okay?” Ryujin asked, out of breath, but still genuine. 
“I’m fine!” 
Your knees wobbled with barely any strength to them, but you mustered every bit of confidence that you had to keep being this close to her. You surprised yourself when you reached back for her hands to continue swinging them between you. 
The other girls collapsed back onto the blanket in a pile of shallow exhales and airy laughs that they exchanged between them. 
“No more dancing, I-I can’t do any more…” One of them announced while leaning against the shoulder of another one of your friends. 
“I forgot! I brought this!!” One of your friends with pigtail braids dove deeply into her backpack and pulled out nearly all of the contents before finding the small cube-case which was decorated with an obscene amount of keychains. “My camera! We have to take some pictures so that we can remember this!” 
The other girls squealed in agreement and ganged up on her to fit into the frame of the white Polaroid camera that she had also splattered with stickers. 
“Here, I wanna show you something.” Ryujin drew your attention back to the blanket where she settled back down with her own bag draped over her legs. 
“What is it?” 
“Ryujinnie! I wanna take your picture too! Your pink hair is so pretty…” One of your friends cooed with a sad downturn to her lips, “I hope that you never change it.” 
“Hmm, I don’t know. We’ll see. My cousin has been saying that she wants to see what I would look like blonde these days.” 
The small talk didn’t concern you too much, you were more concerned with what it was that your friend had to show you. 
“I’m going on a trip with my cousins soon so we’ll see what happens.” 
Your friend sighed, and skipped over the mess of the blanket to pull Ryujin by the wrist to the walkway a little farther off. “You’d look so cute over here!” 
She pardoned her, and stumbled after the eager girl to let her take a Polaroid of her. Even from far away, you could still hear the two of them admire the picture with happy little expressions of “ah! I told you that it would look good!” 
The two girls returned, and you began to worry if your friend even remembered what she had said in the first place. 
What is it? What does she want to show me? 
“Shoot!!” Another one of your friends huffed out while looking at her phone, “I forgot that I have to tutor the middle schoolers today!! I’m late!!” 
The girls went to action in a mere matter of seconds sweeping up the picnic assortment and shoving the leftovers into their backpacks. 
You helped them and tried to look over to your other friend who didn’t return your glances. Perhaps she really had forgotten. 
You let your imagination run wild for just a few moments, although the more that you did, the more it all just seemed preposterous. Maybe it was a confession letter, maybe she had written for you one of those poems like she had liked to do, maybe she had rather wanted to talk to you about something...say something that you wanted to say back…
“I’m going to stick around.” Ryunjin said suddenly with her hands on her hips. “Y/n, you’re welcome to stay too if you want. We don’t exactly have to go home yet since the sun’s still up.” 
Your friends looked to you for your answer, to which you stammered out an, “O-okay…” The best that you could. 
“See you later!!” They called after with their shoes only half-slid onto their feet. 
You waved them off, but the farther that they walked away, the more the realization started to hit you that you were alone with her. The sound of your heartbeat echoed in your ears, and you calmed it trying to think about anything else but the fact that now her attention was truly undivided upon you. 
“You said that you wanted to show me something?” 
Your friend nodded, and patted the grass beside her for you to join her. She gathered up the small bundle of cherries left behind and positioned them into her lap. 
“I learned this trick a little bit ago and I wanted to show you!” 
“A trick?” 
She nodded, and plucked from one of the crimson berries a stem which she put directly into her mouth. 
“What are you doing?!” On the surface, it didn’t seem like the most sanitary thing to do. 
Ryunjin stifled a laugh and lightly hit you on the arm to chastise you. “Just wait a minute!” 
You watched in your confusion as her face contorted a little, and her eyebrows twisted like she was thinking. Her cheeks puffed a little too, and you could tell that she was doing something with it in her mouth--it was only then when you realized that you had been intensely observing her mouth. 
In your embarrassment you threw your eyes in the other direction, but it was no use one you heard her start to giggle at how flustered you had become. 
“It’s okay, you’re supposed to look.” She assured you. 
“What-what is it?” 
“Annnnd done!” Your friend proclaimed proudly and you struggled to meet her again without feeling like your whole face and the tips of your ears were burning up. 
Right on the pink of her tongue she had tied the stem into a tiny knot which she displayed proudly. 
“You...did that with your tongue?” 
Your hands reduced back to their clammy state, and they found the grass between your own folded legs to find something to do. 
“That's...that’s pretty cool…” 
“I know right?!” 
Back came your friend's little dimples, and this time your chest started to feel like it was swelling with heat. 
Stop looking, stop looking…
“I can teach you how to do it some day if you’d like.” Ryujin’s tone dropped lower, and more serious in the way that some had thought to be intimidating. To you, there was nothing more that could make you feel the beat of your own heart more obviously. 
“Teach me? How??” 
The question felt like a butterfly in your lips, fluttering and ticklish, light and uncertain. You met her eyes the best you could; even though you knew that there was nothing about her that you didn’t already know, or that was threatening. 
Your friend tilted her head, inspecting you and the way that you could barely keep your glance away from her lips--stained just a little red from the cherries--then smiled. 
“W-what? What is it? Why are you smiling?” 
She sighed, and craned forward on one of her hands in the grass, bridging the distance between the two of you to caress down the side of your face, all the way to your jaw with the back of her fingers. 
“You’re just too cute.” 
“Hm?” Your chest threw itself up and down, and you could thinly feel the breath that tried to fill your lungs when she was this close. 
“I just can’t handle it any more.” 
Ryunjin nodded, softening her eyes until they were nearly closed, and rid the two of you of all space, leaning over just so you could feel the weight of her chest nearly pressing into yours. At first, she placed the lightest of kisses into you, so light that it barely brushed against your lips, but merely imprinted upon them. She leaned back, leaving you with the ghost of a feeling of her upon you. It felt a bit unfair how fleeting it was, and how she looked at you like that: smug as ever, but as blissful as she always was. 
Your breaths tried to make sense of it all, if it had just happened, and what to think of it. As quick as it was, all you could want was to feel it again. 
She cradled both sides of your face in hers, leaning in with more fervor and parting your lips with hers, leaving you to squeak from the sudden movement. You couldn’t figure out how to kiss back at first, or if you should hold her too. Your head felt like it was spinning in circles from your disbelief when you could taste the tiny tang of the sweet and sour cherries which lingered on her lips. She rubbed her thumbs into your cheeks, and angled you better to let her growing smile paint your own mouth from corner to corner. 
At last, you were able to find a rhythm which suited you, and you kissed her right back. She giggled at your stroke of confidence and the vibrations made your whole body tingle. Your feet had surely fallen asleep where you had folded them beside you, but the numb feeling of them dissolved once her hands fell to your shoulder where she held to you tightly. The pressure from the tips of her fingers made you shiver, and you too smoothed down the pink shine of her hair. 
The warm and ticklish feeling of her tongue grazed your lower lip where she changed her approach and deepened her kiss. The heat of tongues finally met in the middle testing and learning more of the other the closer that you became, and tiny airy gasps got stuck between both of your curiosity. In your lap, her hands found yours and they laced together and held tight; each digit wrapping the other and becoming one with the eagerness of her thumb rubbing little circles into the squishy parts of your hand. 
After the heat of your passion started to melt, you found yourself hiding your giddy laughter the best you could once she started to peck at your lips over and over until you felt like she had kissed you so close to the brim that you would overflow. 
“I said that you’re cute and I mean it!” She snuck the phrase in between a couple more kisses, eliciting you to fold up in your giddy embarrassment from the compliment. 
Ryunjin pulled away, and popped another cherry into her mouth from the bundle, then threw her arms around your shoulders. You simply let your hands rest in her lap covered by the plaid of her skirt; shaking from the release of the endorphins and the adrenaline. 
“Ryujin...I wanted to tell you that I’ve had a crush on you for a...really long time…” You shied, but she brought your chin back to look at her directly. 
“Good. Me too.” 
You couldn’t even process the combination of her words for them to make sense. White noise filled your ears, even though it should have been obvious from the way that she had kissed you like that. 
“Oh! Here. I wanted to give this to you too. Something to remember me by.” 
She reached for her bag, and pulled out a white-out pen from the front pocket. The Polaroid had faded into its full color, and she focused with her tongue peeking from her mouth as she wrote the message: 
see you soon <3 
- ryujinnie 
Over her head in the picture, she doodled a few hearts, then she blew on the ink to dry it. 
“For you!” 
You took the picture with your hands still thoroughly shaking, and all you could utter was a “thanks” while you took in your friend looking as gorgeous as she always was. You knew then that you would treasure the image forever, and the day which it was taken. 
“Who knows,” Ryujin started, and let her head fall to your shoulder where she nuzzled in, “This might be the last that you’ll see of my pink hair too.” 
You turned the picture over, already sensing how it made your heart feel like it was aching sticky and sweet, just like the cherries. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @cherrychngkyn @iwanttobangchan @dom--minnie @waterthemoon @pastelracha @mistakensilence @hotgorloikawa @bowlofblueberries @lmhmins @eunaeiekim 
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randomrosewrites · 3 years
The aftermath of the tempest
Pairing: Kaedehara Kazuha x GN reader Summary: Many, many years after Kaedehara Kazuha fled from Inazuma, a lot of things have changed, but his past burdens remain. Or, Kazuha has settled into his new life in Liyue, but still desires his home across the ocean. Words: ~2.7K Tags: Fluff, established relationship, Kaz and reader have a kid, gn pronouns for reader, kaz gets emotional at some point, implied beigguang as well
a/n: What's this? Rose is actually writing??!!
Read it on ao3!
The young girl furrows her brows, front teeth catching her lip as she stares at the board. She's in deep concentration, barely paying any mind to the sweets or the apple cider (poured within a much too expensive cup) beside her.
Her opponent, on the other hand, is the opposite, holding a cup of tea within her palms, white steam drifting from the cup the same colour as her hair. A mystical smile on the woman’s face gives nothing away.
The young girl places a hand on a chip. Then hesitates, thinking a moment more before making a move.
The woman sets her cup down, ruby eyes scanning over the board before she lifts a jewelled hand, moving chips across the board in great succession.
"And with that, I believe I win," Ningguang says. "You did very well this time."
The young girl pouts, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.
"Oh, don't tear up. It's alright," Ningguang produces a handkerchief and holds it out.
The girl takes it gratefully, hiding her face in the cloth. "Uh- huh."
Ningguang exhales. Children are so delicate, like the petals of glaze lilies. "How about you go to the other room? I'll clean up here."
The girl nods, and slides off her chair. "Can I take my juice?"
"Of course, you may. But remember to hold it carefully."
She nods.Holding the cup carefully with two hands, she slides open the silk screen and enters the next room.
Your head turns at the sound, looking up from your spot by the window: perched upon a lounge chair, feet up. You smile and gesture for the girl to sit beside you. She sets her cup down and crawls next to you, burying her face in your chest.
"How did your game go, Haruko?" You ask, combing her hair free of tangles.
Haruko shakes her head and a sniffle escapes her. "I lost."
You hum sympathetically, “I'm sorry. There's always next time. You and Lady Ningguang were playing for a really long time! Good job."
Harukao's grip loosens a smidge. "Thank you."
The screen door slides open again and Ningguang steps through. The material of her gold dress drags behind her as she walks, the movement smooth as water. She has a familiar treat nestled in the palm of her hands, a famous Liyue sweet candy.
You nudge Harkuo gently. She lifts her head, crimson eyes widening when she sees the candy. She scrambles out of your lap.
Seeing them side by side, Haruko looks more like Ningguang’s daughter than yours. Their eye colour and hair are almost identical. But Ningguang has high cheekbones and a sharp jaw, whereas Haruko has round, filled in cheeks, like her father.
"For you," Ningguang offers it to Haruko. "As thanks for an excellent game of checkers."
Haruko takes the candy with an excited beam on her face. "Thank you, Aunt Ningguang!"
“You are most welcome.”
With the candy, Haruko’s sadness about losing the match is all but forgotten. She rummages through one of the cabinets by the wall, pulling out a colouring book (A collection of cartoon-like Rex Lapis drawings in his dragon form) and the crayons that are specifically kept there.
Many years had passed since the first golden house went crashing into the ocean after the battle with the Ancient God Osial. But the loss only pushed Ningguang to rebuild the new one, bigger, more elegant, and efficient than the last.
Currently, it was parked atop Mount Tianheng, overlooking the harbour. It was fancy, the walls a rich cream and the floors polished dark brown. Some things had to be kid-proofed (especially when Haruko was younger and Beidou insisted on bringing her to visit.) But now, she’s old enough, and familiar enough with the building, that you’re not worried. Not even by the koi pond that circles the living room.
Ningguang plants herself across from you on the couch as Haruko begins to colour in Rex Lapis’ tail. “She’s growing bigger and bigger every day.”
You nod in agreement. “I swear, she’ll be taller than her father soon enough.”
Ningguang laughs. “Sooner or later.”
Haruko’s finished two drawings and is on the third when you look outside the window to the Port of Liyue harbour, glimmering with the midday sun. The familiar outline of the Alcor’s sail and ship dots the horizon. You stand up.
"Are you finished with your juice, Haruko? We're going to get ready soon."
She perks up. "Is dad here?"
You smile at her. "Yes. Almost. You want to be the first to greet him, don't you?"
She nods adamantly, hurrying to put away her things in their proper places.
"There are some ingredients in the kitchen if you'd like to prepare a lunch before you depart," Ningguang suggests.
“Thank you,” you say to her, before turning to your daughter. “What would you like to make?”
She thinks for a moment. “What do you think dad would like?”
“Hm. Anything that isn’t fish,” you make your way to the kitchen, Haruko following closely behind. “After a month at sea, I think he’s sick of fish.”
Lunch made and packaged, you and Haruko begin the long walk down to the Port. Steps of green plaustrite appear as you walk. They used to frighten Haruko terribly. Now, though, she loves the way they appear under her feet and disappear when she steps off.
“Watch your steps,” you remind her. Though you trust Ningguang’s architects, you want her to be careful.
“Uh-huh,” Haruko says, half-listening. She’s always distractible on these types of days.
Kazuha isn’t a frequent member onboard the Alcor anymore, but occasionally Beidou will plead with him to accompany her. She says his anemo vision makes cutting through enemies so much easier.
Kazuha will go on month-long voyages with the Crux, maybe two months if he feels like it, but refuses anything more. He doesn’t want to spend time away from you or your daughter.
By the time you arrive at the docks, you’re sweating and the Alcor is pulling into the harbour. Haruko hops up on a dock anchor, waving to the ship.
A deafening honk sounds from the ship, making Haruko laugh. Then again. Then once more. Honk honk honk honk-
Jeez, Ningguang can probably hear the boat from Mount Tianheng.
Haruko stands back just enough so that the sailors can tie the boat off and lower the gangplank, then she’s rushing onboard the ship. A woman hops down from the wheel, holding out her arms as Haruko leaps into them.
“Auntie Beidou!”
“Hiya Haru!” Beidou grins, swinging your daughter around in a bear hug, long brown hair flying everywhere. “How have you been? Jeez, you’re getting tall!”
“Good! Aunt Ningguang said she misses you.”
Beidou’s grin widens. “Has she, now?”
“Beidou,” you greet sweetly. (Walking on board with much more restraint.) “It’s good to see you’re well.”
Her eye softens. Haruko slowly slides out of her arms. “The same to you. I thought you guys were coming to meet us tomorrow?”
Your house, the one you and Kazuha have, is right on the border between Mondstadt and Liyue. It’s far from the port but it’s quiet, nestled by the beaches of Yaoguang Shoal.
“Well, Ningguang offered us to stay last night, so we did. Haruko wanted to see her dad as soon as possible.”
“Ahh, I see. Well, good to see you again.” Beidou turns to Haruko, mischievous smile on her face. “Your dad’s gonna be thrilled, watch this.”
She cups her hands around her mouth and shouts, “Kaz!”
High up on the mast, a tuft of white hair pops out from the crow’s nest. You smile and give a wave. The tuft disappears, and quick as the wind, the man reappears, hastily scaling down the mast.
He jumps the rest of the way and rolls to his feet, brushing white hair from his eyes, and is promptly tackled by Haruko, nearly losing his balance.
“Daddy!” she squeals.
“Haruko,” Kazuha grins, hoisting her up to rest against his side. “It’s been so long. How are you?”
“Good, dad. How was your trip? What did you do? Did you see any scary monsters?”
“Scary monsters, hm, I may have encountered a few.”
“You gotta tell me over lunch – can we eat it in the bird's nest? We made lunch for you!”
“Crow’s nest,” Kazuha corrects gently. “And really? Wow. Did you help make it?”
“Uh-huh! But I’m not telling you what it is; it’s a surprise! You’ll have to open it like a present.”
“That sounds lovely, Haruko. Thank you.”
You walk up to them and press a kiss to Kazuha’s cheek. “Hi, Kaz.”
“Hello, love,” Kazuha purrs, leaning into your touch. “You look stunning.”
Beidou guaffs, Haruko’s nose wrinkles. “Ew.”
(She used to scream at Kazuha to stop whenever he’d recite sappy love poems to you, covering his mouth with both hands so he’d stop talking. It always made you laugh.)
You pull away from Kazuha and save your daughter and Beidou from your ‘gross’ affections. “The journey to Inazuma ok?”
His eyes briefly harden. He smiles tightly. “It was alright.”
There’s a hidden we’ll talk about this later in his voice, unnoticed by Haruko. She wriggles and Kazuha sets her down.
“Can we climb the mast now?”
Kazuha takes her hand, “Ask the captain.”
“Auntie – Captian Beidou, can we climb the mast please?”
Beidou ruffles her head. “Of course you can, kid. Keep an eye out for me on there, yeah?” Then to Kazuha. “I gotta run some errands on land. If I’m not back by the time you’re gone, thanks for everything.”
Kazuha raises a brow. “Might those ‘errands’ have anything to do with that golden brocade you bought?”
Beidou just waves and grins, trotting off the gangplank and jogging towards the Jade Chamber.
The crow’s nest is really only meant for one person standing up, much less three adults and one child, but you make it work. Haruko is obviously given the best seat, you’re squashed beside her, and Kazuha balances on the edge of the nest, legs dangling over the air.
“Why can’t I do that?” Haruko asks as you unpack lunch.
“Because it’s dangerous. Your dad’s very experienced and can catch himself if he falls.”
You’ve seen it happen many times before. Kazuha losing his footing or grip, that split second when he fell and your heart stopped. Then the gust of air that followed, propelling himself back up to safety.
“Once you’re bigger, you can do this,” Kazuha says.
Haruko huffs. “You always say that…”
He chuckles and pats her head. “We just want you safe, is all.”
You pass out bowls and chopsticks around. Kazuha helps affix a chopstick holder to Haruko’s (she’s getting better, but it’s still a challenge to her.) Haruko insists Kazuha close his eyes as you pour out lunch.
“Ok, you can open them!” she says once things are all set.
Kazuha opens his eyes. A steaming bowl of Jueyun Guoba rests in his hands. Juicy cuts of ham, crisp Jueyun chilis, and the rich aroma enough to make your mouth water.
“Ta-dah! What do you think?”
“Oh, Haruko, it looks divine. You made this?”
“Yep! Hurry and taste it!”
Kazuha takes a bite, closing his eyes. “Delicious. So tasty. Captain Beidou should hire you as a chef, or better yet, wanmin restaurant should hire you.”
Haruko grins ear to ear, “Hehe, thank you.”
As you all eat, Kazuha tells you all about the adventures from his trips. How he saw the most beautiful of flowers, or how he fought a translucent glowing eel, Captian Beidou cooked it up and ate it, how she was sick for three straight days afterwards.
Haruko listens to him intently, staring at Kazuha with such a light in her eyes that makes your stomach flutter with pride.
You snuggle closer to Haruko, wrapping an arm around her. The three of you like actual crows, tucked high away, safe from the clutches of the outside world.
Haruko wears Kazuha out that day.
She seems to want to do everything Kazuha missed for the past month in a single day. You told her she needn’t rush – Kazuha wasn’t going away any time soon - but that didn’t deter her in the slightest.
You soak your feet in the icy ocean and search for seashells in the sand. You catch crystal flies in the old ruins, delighting in the way Haruko’s face lights up when the yellow wings fade, leaving just the core. You scale one of the many stone cliffs just to enjoy the view as Kazuha plays a tune from a passing leaf.
On your way home, you get some mora meat from a vendor and share the remaining candies from Ningguang as the sun dips below the horizon. When Haruko’s eyes begin to droop, Kazuha carries her on his back the rest of the way home.
Kazuha brushes the hair from her face, kissing her forehead delicately. “Good night, my starlight. May your dreams be as sweet as shooting stars.”
“Poetic,” you murmur, barely containing a laugh.
Kazuha’s eyes gleam as the two of you tuck the covers tight around Haruko, kiss her once more for good measure, then gently close the door on her bedroom.
Finally, alone, Kazuha wastes no time in wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head against your shoulder and sighing.
“Tired, pretty boy?” you ask, a lilt of mirth in your voice.
Kazuha hums in agreement, releasing you to intertwine your fingers. He gazes at you, eyes-half lidded, and presses a smattering of kisses to your hand.
“Shall we go on a walk?”
You glance at Haruko’s bedroom.
“Don’t worry,” Kazuha reassures you. “The wind will watch over her.”
You’re tired, but you’ve also missed Kazuha enough to fight off your slumber. You both wrap up, then make the walk down to the sandy pools of Yougung. The full moon is high in the sky, the breeze cool against your skin.
“Things are still bad over in Inazuma,” Kazuha begins, softly. The wind almost carries his voice away. “It’s gotten better. The vision hunt decree is struck down. Some visions have been returned to the people, but things are still very tense over there…It’s not a place where I want to bring our daughter…���
You squeeze his fingers tightly. It’s felt like ages since you first met Kazuha, when he was just a spry young man onboard the crux. His hair was shorter, he still wore bandages over his arm to hide his injuries from escaping Inazuma.
Now, he lets his hair loose. He wears more Liyue-style clothing. His right hand – the one in your grasp, has healed. Though the physical pain has left, the scars remain.
“I miss my homeland,” Kazuha croaks. “I love what I have with you – I love our home. But a part of me feels forever trapped in Inazuma. Longing for it. I-” He shakes his head, speckles of crystal tears forming in his eyes. Your heart aches at the sight.
“It’s alright, Kazuha,” you wrap your arms around him, rubbing his back. “I can’t begin to understand what that feels like…but I can be here to help you.”
“I just fear-“ he chokes, gripping your shirt. “I fear I’ll never be able to see it again. I’ll never get to bring Haruko to see the cherry blossoms that bloom in spring, or let her feed the cats that roam the islands like wanderers.”
Though you want to, though every part of you wants to assure him he’ll see it, you can’t promise him that. He knows it as well.
You comb your fingers through his hair as his tears stain your shirt. “If that’s the case - If things never get better in our lifetime - then we will make the most of it. Nothing lasts forever. Inazuma will one day change.”
You pull his head from your shoulder to meet his eyes. They’re red and puffy. You rub your thumbs over his cheeks, wiping away tear tracks.
“But no matter what, we’ll see it through together.”
Kazuha covers your hand with his, leaning into your touch. “Thank you, love. I am forever grateful that I get to spend my life with you.”
You rest your forehead against his, pressing forward just enough so your lips touch.
“Forever,” you murmur. “And then beyond where the wind lies.”
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
A Less Than Idle Threat
You glance over at the clock and groan softly, it’s 2 in the morning and you just want some sleep. You haven’t been sleeping well, not since Jack found you again. You know that Bucky will protect you at all costs but just knowing that Jack knows where you are is enough to make you anxious.
You glance over at where Bucky should be sleeping and the fact that he’s not there is concerning, he usually tells you that he’s going to be out late. You grab your phone off of the nightstand and text him, but his phone just lights up on the nightstand on his side of the bed.
“Well shit.” You grumble, you’re not going to get any sleep so you might as well go downstairs, get something to eat and make some tea. You grab your robe and shrug it on before making your way down the hallway and a flight of stairs to the kitchen. You put the kettle on the stovetop and click it to life when you hear the noise behind you. Turning around you expect to see Bucky but instead, to your horror you find Jack.
“Jack. What are you doing here? How did you get in here?”
“Thought you could leave me huh?” He growls and you try to move away from him but instead you hit the countertop.
“You should go.”
“If I go you’re coming with me.” He snarls reaching for you.
“I’m trying to save you. He’ll kill you if he finds you here!” You cry as his grabs your arm and drags you toward the doorway.
“Too late.” A low voice rumbles and your heart leaps. Bucky.
“Don’t move. Or I’ll kill her!” Jack snaps and Bucky laughs lowly. The knife flies from his hand so suddenly that you don’t have time to register him moving. It hits Jack in the shoulder with a sickening thud. You yank away from him then, stumbling into Bucky’s embrace. Bucky pushes you gently behind him before stalking further into the kitchen and yanking his knife from where it’d lodged itself in Jack’s shoulder.
“Sugar, what would you like me to do with this piece of trash.” Bucky asks calmly and that honestly might be scarier than the look of pure rage on his face.
“I-I don’t know.” You stammer and Bucky wraps a hand around Jack’s throat and slams him into the wall.
“C’mere Sugar,” Bucky murmurs, you move closer and he takes your hand with his free one. It blows your mind how he can be so gentle with you while literally choking a bleeding Jack against the wall. He presses a soft kiss to your lips, “what do you want me to do with him Sugar.”
“Take care of him.” You whisper. You know what you’re giving him permission to do but you won’t say the words.
“Okay,” Bucky says, “Let’s go for a little drive Jack.” Jack starts to struggle then and Bucky punches him twice, once in the face and once in the gut. “Sugar I don’t want you to have to see this.”
“I need my tea.” You mutter, your eyes not leaving Bucky’s.
“I’ll bring your tea up when I get back Sugar.” He promises and you nod once pressing a kiss to his cheek.
You leave the kitchen and make your way back up to your room, but you can still hear Bucky as he drags Jack through the house.
You try to sleep before he gets back but of course you just lay in the dark, waiting with a pounding heart for him to come home. The door opens quietly and he moves toward the bed like a ghost. But you know those footsteps, Bucky is home.
“Did you bring my tea?”
“Shit. No I forgot. Peter go get the tea from downstairs.” Your closet door opens and Peter slips quietly down the stairs.
“I’m sorry, how long was he in the closet?”
“Technically he was in the attic.”
“All night. He was my last line of defense. I knew that guy was waiting, watching, so I made him think you were alone.”
“Last line?”
“Barton was on the roof, Natasha in the garage and Loki in the basement. You were never ever alone in the house.”
“Maybe tell me next time. What if I was walking around naked?”
“Then I would’ve never left the house.” He flirts, “I’m going to take a quick shower then I’ll be to bed okay?”
“Okay.” You won’t ask what happened with Jack. Peter comes back with your tea, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He says, “can you let the boss know that I headed out. I wanna get back to MJ before it’s too late.”
“Yea, go ahead. I’ll let him know.” Peter nods then disappears out of the room. A couple minutes later the bathroom door opens and Bucky comes strutting out, towel slung low on his hips.
“How’s the tea?”
“Good. I told Peter he could go.”
“That’s fine, I’ll send Loki, Clint and Nat too.” He says grabbing his pajama boxers and sliding them on before joining you in the bed. He texts Loki, Clint and Nat and let’s them know that they’re clear to go then wraps an arm around your waist before putting his head on your thigh. You slide your fingers through his hair as you finish off your tea.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Protecting me.”
“You never have to thank me for that. You’re the only thing worth protecting in my life.”
“What about yourself?”
“I’d pick you first Sugar.” His confession warms your heart.
“I love you Bucky Barnes.”
“I love you too Sugar. Now finish up that tea and get down here so we can get some sleep.” He says nuzzling your leg with his cheek. “I’m gonna snuggle the shit out of you.”
“Okay, okay.” You laugh and put the cup with a quarter of your tea left in it on your nightstand then scoot down into Bucky’s embrace where you fall quickly asleep.
Thank you for the ask @middevil465 I hope it’s okay that I changed it up a little
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George Weasley — 5th December
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Summary:  You read him a poem as he laid on your chest, loving the sound of your voice.
Words: 1,870 words
Warnings: Major Fluff, I Blushed So Hard so You Shall Too, George Weasley Supremacy 2.0, Makes You Wish You Can Shift Sooner So You Could Have This Moment With Him, So Floofy It Hurts Physically
Disclaimer: S i g h. I am just so in love with this man. The way I blushed so hard through this entire thing is obvious enough I will never love someone as much as I love this 6′3 ginger dork. Ooh, also the poem is mine, I wrote it thinking of George fdhfhjks I’m actually so so nervous to show you guys my poem so I really hope you enjoy it!
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“Hey, flower,” George greeted you as soon as he walked in your dorm, seeing you leaning against your headboard, scribbling onto your notebook. He hadn’t seen you at all today, and your friends had told him you had called in sick, so right after dinner, he snuck some leftover food and went straight to your dorm.  
“Hello, mysterious handsome man,” You teased and laughed at him narrowing his eyes playfully at you. “How’s your fever, love?” He asked as he walked closer, giving you a sweet forehead kiss. You closed your eyes at the feeling of his lips on your skin, sighing in content, “Much better since Madam Pomfrey gave me some potions to drink. They were ghastly, to be honest.” 
George chuckled at your fake vomiting, slightly relieved that you were still his same, silly flower. 
He sat at the edge of the bed, right beside you as he held a tray of leftover food he had picked out, there were cauldron cakes, chocolate frogs, gummy worms, and a bowl of mushroom soup, which when you saw the thick creamy food you gasped, “They had mushroom soup today?!”
The next couple of hours were spent with you and him eating together in bed, you listening to his day today, Fred and Lee had tried to convince him to put some explosive powder into your mushroom soup earlier—you gasped in mock offense—luckily he said no, not wanting to be accidentally murdered in his bed at midnight—you nodded in agreement, he laughed—and the two friends wished you well. 
You instantly snatched the bowl and groaned at the taste of the soup on your tongue. George chuckled, “Yeah, reckon you would like a bowl of ‘em in bed.”
“You’re kidding? I would love to have it in bed, blimey you’re the best boyfriend ever, thank you, Georgie.” You gushed as you gave him a big wet kiss on his cheek, which he laughed loudly at.
And you told him about yours, about how ghastly this morning was that you had woken up in cold sweats and practically had to crawl out of your bed to call your friend for help—he was frowning so hard—and Madam Pomfrey had visited you twice during the day, giving you some potions and brought you some food to regain your energy—George planned to surprise Madam Pomfrey with sweets the next day as a thank you—and you spent the rest of your day writing.
“What were you writing? Another poem?” George asked, he had known you had a passion for writing ever since you were little. It doesn’t matter what kind of writing it was, you do everything. From poetry to short stories to even some of Hogwart’s news articles, you love everything there is about writing. Even songwriting, George had to close his mouth manually when he found out you could actually compose songs and sing, he thought he’s had enough reasons to love you as it is when turns out there are more and he’s more pleased to discover all of them over time with you.
“You’re right, actually. I missed you a lot today, so I wrote it for you,” You said with a small smile, eyes tearing away from George shyly. 
George had sworn his heart stopped beating for like 5 seconds.
“For me? Really?” He whispered in awe, his smile widening at your blushing cheeks. George was absolutely sure his face was the same hue as his hair at the moment, but his heart was leaping in too much joy to actually care. Seeing you before him trying to hide your heavy blush and trying so hard to contain a big grin with your teeth on your bottom lip had his whole knees weak. You looked mad adorable and all George wished to do at the moment was shrink you into pocket-sized and keep you in his pocket forever.
“I-I mean, no one has written me poems before…” He trailed off, his hand brushing the nape of his neck, feeling extremely giddy and extremely happy. He was usually the one who made you this way, blushing and stuttering, but when it’s your turn, he almost died out of heart attack each time.
“Well, you’re going to be surprised when I tell you that every love poem I’ve written, I thought of you.” You said, rolling your eyes playfully at his widened eyes, flushed cheeks, with a giddy grin on his lips.
There it is; the heart attack.
“Well I would love to hear you read it for me—excuse me, madam, coming through,” He said, shuffling on the bed closer to you, laying between your legs, his back on your chest and his head on your shoulder perfectly; as if your body was molded solely to hold him this way, and George wouldn’t agree more. You laughed as he finally leaned onto you, sighing in content as he did. You pulled the blanket so it could drape the both of you perfectly, and you leaned your cheek to his forehead. 
“Alright, but warning, it’s very very mushy,” You warned, and he smiled a bit wider, “All the more reasons to read it then.” 
You reached the leather brown notebook at your other side, flipping the page easily to where you want it due to the lilac feather quill resting between the tea-colored pages, acting as a bookmark.
Your arm beside George rested on his head, massaging his scalp gently as he liked it. George hummed in content as he leaned onto your neck, feeling very comfortable. The warmth from your body behind him and the heavy blanket draped across you both felt so comfortable that he didn’t want to move, ever.
“This is the first poem, I call it 5th December,” You said, and George opened his eyes, “Why 5th December? Isn’t that like, 10 days ago?” You chuckled, “Yeah, I first wrote it then, but I finished it today.” George hummed in understanding, “Go on then.”
“I’m not very good at reciting poems, so excuse me if it doesn’t sound right.” You said and George dramatically sighed, “You’re stalling, love. And even if you say it most horribly, I’ll still love it because you wrote it.”
“Aww, Georgie,” You cooed, kissing his forehead causing him to crack a smile. “Okay, okay, here it goes.” You said and George had his eyes on the notebook you’re holding, scribbles of black lines and paragraphs filled every page.
“Awh, darling.” George cooed and kissed your cheek, causing you to stifle a giggle before going back into reciting mode.
“If you ask what my birthday wish was,
I simply could not tell you because
I don’t wanna say it’s wanting you with me laying down the grass
Together at night with the company of the stars.”
As you read the words, George found himself getting flutters in his stomach. He was so focused now, wanting to hear more of your voice and this poem combined, because to him, there is no such beauty that could compare. All that matters to him as of that moment, was you.
“If you ask what my falling star wish was
I shall simply shake my head just because
It’s hard to describe wanting you by my side each and every night
Taking your hand in mine and waking up with you next in line.”
You looked at him, and George was already looking at you with full adoration. He looked so mesmerized and amazed, you smiled at this; how adorable. You closed the notebook, you had already memorized every line as you had read it over and over for the past day, getting butterflies in your heart as you thought of George every time. With your eyes on him, your soft voice recited the poem again.
“If you ask what my new year’s wishlist was
I would simply put my lips together because
I couldn’t tell you it’s wanting to travel the world with you
And just try together everything new and spend time with you.”
George was in a trance. The beautiful words you crafted together were meant just for him. The poem you shared with him was because of you thinking about him. At that moment, George had thought of something he never would’ve thought during his past relationships. 
“If you ask what my clover wish was
I would just laugh and tell you no because
I wish to touch every inch of you every second with all my will
For your lips against mine, I shall need no happy pill.”
He wanted to spend his entire life with you, and no one else but you. He wanted to live with you, to be with you during thick and thin. Because… Because he loves you.
As you finished it, you gave him a gentle smile. There was a silent moment from the both of you, the only sound was the raindrops outside the window, the rhythmic splatter of water was therapeutic, to say the least.
“And if you ask, why won’t you tell me anything of you wished for
Let’s talk about it over a nice cup of tea just brewed
I shall say with the love in my eyes a secret till forevermore
That if I simply say it to you, then none of them would come true.”
You took your time to look at George’s face. Sometimes you had marveled at the fact that you could get this ridiculously beautiful man to be yours, to like you for who you are, to accept each and every quirk you have without any feeling of annoyance or disgust by them. 
This ridiculously beautiful man, with lush and soft ginger hair, light colored long eyelashes, the stunning color of brown for eyes, and peach-hued freckles decorating his face like footsteps of an elegant ballerina on stage.
“I am so lucky,” Was all George could breathe out as he leaned upwards, engulfing you into a passionate kiss. George loved every single moment when he kisses you, your lips are nicotine at its best, and he would drop everything to be an addict, an slave for you; for thousands of eternities if he could.
His hands had found the back of your neck, pulling it closer to his direction, deepening the kiss. You closed your eyes to relish the moment, your hands already found their place at each side of his jawline, hungrily pulling him closer to you.
When you pulled away, your lips were ghosting each other, his hard breaths hit your swollen lips softly. “What exactly are you lucky for, Weasley?” You breathed out, still panting softly, the smile on your lips grew as it mirrored the lovestruck smile on his lips.
He kissed your nose, and the rosy cheeks returned, “For you, for the poem, for you reading the poem, for you writing the poem while thinking of me,” You giggled and he joined with a chuckle, a soft smile on his face, “For everything. I love you, my flower.”
“I love you too,” you bit your lips, trying your hardest to contain a smile, “If this is what I get after reading you a poem then do you wanna hear the second one?” George laughed loudly; happy and content just being there with you.
“Oh, absolutely.”
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cooliogirl101 · 3 years
so what happened with nana and shamal? are they a less intense version of gin and hisana? 🤔
The first time Shamal sets eyes on Nana Fujiwara, he is convinced he’s seen an angel. He takes in the warmth of her eyes, the silkiness of her hair, the way she smells like white tea and jasmine, and he leaps at her with welcoming arms, ready to embrace her and press himself against those soft, inviting curves.
He’s promptly enveloped in an enormous cloud of pepper spray. That basically sets the tone for the next two years of their relationship.
In general, Nana likes to think of herself as someone who gets along pretty well with people. She knows she has a bit of a temper, but she tries her best to keep it under control and to remain patient, calm, and understanding. 
That all goes out the window when it comes to Trident Shamal.
There are a lot of things about Shamal that she hates. She hates the way he leers at and chases after every girl he finds attractive. She hates his stupid, perverted grin and she hates the stupid, dopey look he gets on his face every time she sees him, and she hates his stupid, fucking ridiculous rule about ‘not treating men.’
Most of all though, she hates how he gets away with it. How every single member of the administration simply laughs it off, telling her it’s “just some harmless flirting, don’t worry about it.” One professor tells her she should be flattered and she almost commits homicide right then and there. 
Then to top everything off, she can’t even avoid him because as the top two members of their class, they always end up getting paired together for projects, which was...just typical. 
Honestly, Nana thinks the fact that she hasn’t killed him yet is an enormous testament to her self control. She could probably put that on her resume under ‘special skills’-- has refrained from murdering classmate (was there a word for that? Classmate-cide? Peer-tricide?) despite being given literally hundreds of reasons to do so. 
Not to say she hasn’t imagined doing so. Vividly. She ended up doodling so many scenarios that she had to get a second notebook. 
Any other day, and Shamal would have been thrilled to have Nana Fujiwara, the loveliest, prettiest, most adorable girl in his class, knocking on his door. Any other day and he would’ve been more than happy to wax poetic about her beautiful smile, her fiery personality, her large, doe-like eyes, the soft curve to those plump, inviting lips, the-- well, the list goes on. 
Right now however, he hadn’t showered in three (or was it four?) days, he was drenched in his own sweat, he was running a fever of 39.5 C, his head was throbbing painfully, everything hurt, and to top everything off, the room smelled strongly of vomit. 
“Shamal, I know you’re in there! Open up!” Shamal groaned miserably, covering his eyes with one arm as the pounding at the door caused his headache to go from ‘someone trying to drive an iron spike through my head’ to ‘iron spike is now on fire and accompanied by a hundred tiny hammers, please kill me now.’ 
“Goddammit Shamal, you were supposed to send me the draft of your half of the project three days ago! Open the door!” Nana continued to shout through the door. “I swear to god, if you don’t open up, I will kick your door down, don’t think I won’t--oh.”
Nana blinked, irritated scowl melting away at the sight of his appearance. She frowned, a touch of concern creeping into her expression.
“Are you...okay?” She asked hesitantly. It was the first time he’d heard Nana Fujiwara sound hesitant and Shamal hated it. 
Summoning up whatever last reserves of strength he had left, Shamal put on his best flirtatious grin, eyes curving up into crescents. 
“Aww, you don’t have to be worried about me, beautiful!” He cooed, then clenched his teeth as he felt his stomach swoop nauseatingly. “I’ll be fine, just had a lil’ too much to drink last night.” He leaned casually against the doorframe, which had the added benefit of keeping him mostly upright. “I just need to sleep it off and then--”
“Yeah no, you’re clearly not okay. Stupid question,” Nana murmured, clearly ignoring everything he’d just said. She stepped closer, placing a hand against his forehead. “Jesus, you’re burning up. Come on, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
“No!” He shouted. Nana flinched, startled, and Shamal cursed under his breath. He hadn’t meant to do that. 
“No,” he repeated, calmer this time. “No hospitals. I’ll be fine.”
“Shamal--” Nana began. 
“They won’t be able to do anything,” he interrupted. “I’ve been through this before, I know how it goes. I just need to wait it out.” He swallowed. “Going to a hospital won’t help. Please, Nana, I--”
He suddenly doubled over, retching violently the rest of his words disappearing under a river of vomit. Shamal had just enough time to see Nana’s eyes widen before he slipped into blissful unconsciousness. 
Shamal woke up to gentle hands dabbing at his face with a cool washcloth, the pleasant scent of white tea and jasmine, a familiar voice murmuring soft reassurances in his ear.
“Shhh, you’re okay. It’s just me,” the voice whispered. “Go back to sleep.”
“Nana?” Shamal asked, fighting to stay awake. “You stayed.”
There was a pause.
“Yeah,” she said finally. “Yeah. I stayed.” 
Honestly, Nana had no idea what possessed her to actually listen to her obviously sick, half-delirious, idiot classmate instead of doing the reasonable thing, which would’ve been to dump him at the nearest hospital. 
Maybe it was the fact that he’d actually called her by her name for once, instead of some stupid pet name. Maybe it was the fact that she knew firsthand how miserable hospitals could be and could sympathize with his desire to avoid them at all cost. Or maybe it was the fact that she recognized the tone of voice he’d used when he’d told her that there was nothing the doctors could do to help him-- the kind of resigned certainty that could only come from experience, of having your hopes dashed over and over. It was a tone of voice she was well acquainted with. 
(“I’m sorry Christina, there’s nothing more we can do.”)
It could have been any one of those reasons, or all three of them. She tried not to think too much about it. 
It took another two days before Shamal’s fever started coming down and three before he started sounding halfway coherent again. On the fourth, she found him sitting in bed with his breakfast untouched on the nightstand next to him.
“Is something wrong?” Nana asked, frowning. “Are you feeling nauseous again?” When he shook his head, she continued, “I can make something else if you don’t like--”
“Why?” Shamal interrupted. 
“Why what?” Nana asked, puzzled. “Why did I make eggs? I was looking up things that are good to eat when you’re sick and I came across a recipe for Chinese steamed eggs. I wish I knew about this before, I mean like it provides protein but it’s soft like a custard so you don’t have to chew much and--”
“No, why-- why do all this? Why go to this much trouble for me?” Shamal demanded, gesturing wildly with his hands. “The cooking, and the-- the washing, and you even cleaned up my apartment, and I don’t-- I don’t understand why--”
“Well, what was I supposed to do, just leave your unconscious body lying there on Death’s front doorstep?” Nana asked uncomprehendingly. 
“I threw up on you!” Shamal snapped, sounding mortified. 
“Yeah, you aren’t the first person to throw up on me, and you won’t be the last,” she responded dryly. “I’d be in the wrong line of work if I let a little vomit get to me.”
When he still refused to meet her eyes, she sighed. 
“Look Shamal, I may not like you-- actually, I can’t stand you-- but that doesn’t mean I want you to suffer like this. You don’t deserve that, no one deserves that.” 
No one deserved to feel like their body was failing them. Nana swallowed, forcing her voice to remain steady. 
“I was in a position to help, and so I did,” she said quietly. “It’s as simple as that.”
“...as simple as that,” Shamal echoed. “You truly mean that, don’t you? No favors, no debts, just--” He laughed, a little disbelievingly. “You’d go above and beyond the call of duty even for those you hate, just because it was the right thing to do.” He shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. “You really are something else, Nana Fujiwara.”
Nana glanced away, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. She wasn’t sure if he was just acting weird due to the lingering fever, or-- or dizziness from missing breakfast, but something about the way he was looking at her in that moment--
“I should take your temperature again, it’s been over eight hours since I last checked it,” she said abruptly. “I think I left the thermometer in the other room, wait here.” She marched off and tried to ignore how it felt like running away. “Eat your eggs.” 
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moemammon · 3 years
Hi there! I finally snapped and walked out of my shitty job after being there for almost 3 years, so could I please request the brothers reacting to the MC finally quitting their horrible job that they've been encouraging them to for months? Thank you!!! <3
Congrats on Quitting! (Feat. the Demon Bros)
(There's nothing like the sweet sweet release of leaving a shitty job, but it ain't an easy task. Good for you! 😤💪)
He's seen the way your job has been affecting you. The weary look in your eyes, the way your joints constantly ache, the dread on your face when you'd soon have to go into work. Trust him, he knows the feeling all too well.
Naturally he tried giving you that push to leave, but he knew he couldn't make the decision for you (as much as he wanted to). He’d just have to wait until you made the move yourself.
So when you DID? Oh, he was so relieved. He never doubted that you had it in you. Extremely proud of you for taking that leap of faith, and he won't let you regret it.
You're 👏 getting 👏 spoiled 👏
"Where would you like to have dinner? I'll make reservations at once." "...Why are you giving me that look? Obviously this calls for celebration. I won't be taking no for an answer."
Even Mr. Money Bags himself knows that no amount of money is worth suffering over (uh, at least not suffering for three years straight)
He's been bugging you to quit for forever now. "If it's money ya need, I can introduce ya to way better jobs! There's this guy I know that can set ya up with something real nice-"
When you announce you've finally quit, he literally sweeps you off your feet and shouts for joy. Fucking FINALLY! He was getting worried, always seeing that gloomy look on your face.
And now? You're not gonna be spending much money. He's spending for you, buying whatever you need (and everything you don't need). You're unemployed, so let him spoil you!
"Nuh uh! Don't even THINK about bringin' your wallet with ya! Didn't I say I'd be payin' today?? Just worry about relaxing a little, and let The Great Mammon take care of everything' else!"
Working irl was never something that interested Levi, unless he was doing volunteer stuff at concerts and conventions. But seeing what you're going through? Yeah, that's exactly why he stays home.
He's tried to ease your nerves by inviting you over for games and tv, but there's only so much that Ruri-chan can do for an overworked human.
So the moment you announced leaving your dead-end job, he was over the moon! This obviously calls for a movie marathon night! He's got plenty of recommendations, but it's probably best if you pick, right?
Trying his best not to overwhelm you with his excitement, but he can't wait to start spending more time with you!
"Seriously? You finally quit?! That's... that's great! That means you'll be home all the time, and-! Er... if you wanna come over, my door's always open for you!"
Literally told you right away that you should quit. He's not so oblivious that he doesn't notice how you're being exploited.
You're a hard worker, and your worth was being taken advantage of. Why would he want to sit around and watch you wither away? It annoyed him to no end.
So he did all he could to convince you to leave, suggesting alternative career paths, mentioning he could help you find something, but only you could make that important decision.
And BOY was he thrilled when you decided to leave. He congratulated you immediately, then proceeded to let out every insult aimed toward your job that he’d been holding in this entire time.
"They weren't good enough for you, so I'm glad you've finally realized that. If you want, I could leave them with a 'parting gift' to show them just how much you loved your job? I can even whip up something special for your boss."
All the days you had to suffer working at a place like that.. You always looked HAGGARD coming home, and he hated it!
But now that you've quit working at that terrible place? Asmo's gonna make up ever single day that you could've spent pampering yourself. Also tried convincing you to start an OnlyFans-
He'll make sure you're so relaxed and cared for, you'll completely forget about all the grief your job put you through. Work? Who's she??
Massages your shoulders while you tell him stories of all the shitty customers and coworkers you've had to deal with. Spill the tea, hun. Speaking of tea, do you want him to top off your glass for you?
"Ive been worried sick about you, you know! Instead of working, you ought to just stay home with me instead! I know plenty of ways to make money without having to leave the house, after all~"
He always tried making sure you ate well before you left for work, but it didn't seem to be enough to keep you from being worn out when you got back.
He even tried suggesting that you workout with him to relieve stress. But after a hard day at work, it's understandable that you didn't want to move much.
Beel wasn't the type to outright urge you to quit, since it's nice to have a way to earn money, but after seeing the metal toll it was taking....
He couldn't have been happier when you announced you'd finally quit. Like Lucifer, he immediately wants to celebrate! This calls for eating until you're about to burst! Do you want Madam Scream's? He'll get you a lifetime supply of blackberry cheesecake, too!
"Since you're finally free from that place, we'll be able to spend more time together. It's been lonely, not seeing you as often. The food tastes better when I enjoy it with you, so let's eat together from now on, okay?"
Sometimes, you were such a hard worker that it exhausted Belphie to even look at you. But he knew you were only human, and your stamina wasn't as limitless as you tried to make it out to be.
You were growing weary, both physically and mentally, and he could tell from a mile away. Was it really worth all this hassle just to make a buck or two?
He certainly didn't think so, and tried to get you to see it from his point of view. Just find something easier to do that wouldn't wear you out, you know? Or be unemployed. You know his brothers won't let you stay broke-
You tell him that you've finally quit, and Belphie can't help but smile. He won't admit that he was getting worried for your health, but you can tell from the way his expression relaxes.
"The hard worker had finally joined the lazy side, huh? That means you'll be able to make up for all the lost sleep, and I think we should get started right away. No objections, no objections. Come here." ".....I missed holding you like this."
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night-eagle-flight · 3 years
Little Sunflower (One-Shot)
“Connor meets someone smaller than him. He thinks its the most adorable thing ever and the plot is up to you. Maybe he gets the feels and wants to know her more.”
Connor was running through the city of Boston trying to find cover. Red coats were after him after a very successful tea party and being captured wasn’t exactly something in his agenda for the night.
He made a sharp turn on a corner and bumped straight into someone causing them to fall. Connor immediately looked down and saw you on the ground rubbing your wrist. The flowers you had been carrying had scattered all over the floor; the wind blowing some away.
“I am sorry.” Connor said softly as he helped you up and began picking up some of the flowers with you.
“THERE HE IS!!!!” Yelled out a red coat.
“I have to go!” Was all Connor could say as he pushed the few flowers he had picked up into your hands and began to run. He looked behind him as he ran and felt bad when he saw the redcoats trample over the flowers you were going to pick up. He felt worse when he noticed the bottom of your lip quiver as he turned another corner. 
A few days had past and he couldn’t seem to get you out of his mind. He got up one morning, went out to pick some flowers that Prudence said were the nicest near the homestead, and then headed straight for Boston.
He had no idea how he’d find you but he figured eagle vision would help out a bit. He turned corner after corner and eventually started climbing up roof tops trying to find you. 
“Where are you?” He mumbled to himself.
Finally he saw you headed towards the pier and he made a quick leap of faith while ensuring the flowers wouldn’t get damaged. When he stood up he ran towards your general direction, since you disappeared in the crowd, and eventually saw he your small form walking towards a flower vendor. 
“15 shillings.” Said the vendor when you approached.
You stopped mid-way taking out your purse and looked up, “Th-that’s 6 shillings more than last week.”
“Listen lady,” Said the vendor without looking up from the newspaper, “You want the flowers or not?”
“I-” You were interrupted.
“She would not.” Connor said behind you.
You turned and saw the tall man and gasped a bit, “You’re the one that ran into me that day!” 
“I am very sorry about bumping into you and ruining your flowers, but I wanted to give you these to replace the ones I made you drop.” Connor handed you the bouquet.
“Oh!” You looked at the bouquet as you carefully took it from him, “T-thank you! These are....” You inhaled the scent and grinned, “Gorgeous!!! Where did you find these? I’ve never seen these before!!!”
Connor smiled as he saw you get excited over the flowers. You looked adorable when you looked up and gave him a large smile.
“You are welcome.” Connor couldn’t help but be curious, “Why do you always buy flowers?” 
“Well,” You started, “The city tends to become very bland when you stay here long enough. There really isn’t a lot of color that brightens up the day.” You smelled the flowers, “Plus they have a very pleasant smell that makes me feel... happy. Relaxed even.”
“Perhaps I can take you to pick your own flowers one day?” Connor asked.
“HEY!!! Don't go taking my client!!!” Yelled the forgotten vendor.
Both you and Connor turned and sent him a glare before walking off.
You looked up at Connor again, “Truly you would take me there? No tricks?”
“Yes.” Connor could see the happiness pretty much radiating from you and he couldn’t help but think your stature just added to your adorableness. You were like a little sunflower by how you were beaming. Perhaps he would get a chance to get to know you better in the flower fields when the day came to take you. 
“Please, allow me to make you something to eat. It’s almost lunchtime and I’m sure you’re hungry.” You said, “I really am grateful for these and well... you made my day!”
“I would be grateful.” Connor said as he felt his stomach grumble. 
“Great!” You said excitedly.
As both of you walked, Connor felt his heart beating a tad faster when you grabbed one of the small flowers from the bouquet and placed it by your ear. He could feel a small blush creep on his cheeks when you looked up and couldn’t help but think once more,
“You really are an adorable little sunflower.” 
And that’s it for this One-Shot!!! Hope you guys enjoyed and I hope it meets the requested expectations! :) Thank you for reading!!! 
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twistedlymad · 4 years
I almost forgot, can you please also do a story where the MC (fem reader) finally attends her first dorm leaders meeting. Will it go smoothly or end in a disaster. Once again thank you and stay safe.
I would like to say, nothing will ever go smoothly in my stories, so, expect chaos at every corner :)
And also, I have read a few stories regarding dorm leader meetings here and they’re all so wonderful! So, I decided to make this an online dorm leader meeting!
Anyway, I do hope this story lives up to your expectations! Thank you for requesting and have a lovely day!
What if you had a dorm leader meeting? (Ft. Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus, Ace, Deuce, Sebek, Epel, Jack and Grim) (Lilia, Silver, Jamil and Trey are mentioned)
“Tonight, we will be having our dorm leader meeting online!” Headmaster Crowley said to you while you were on your way back to Ramshackle Dorm.
“Okay, but why are you telling me this?” You questioned.
“Ah… You didn’t know?” The latter responded and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Know what?”
“A-Ah… It must’ve slipped my mind. Well, the other dorm leaders want you to join since you are considered a dorm leader.” You froze when he said those words.
“Do… Do I need to prepare anything?” You asked, hoping with the little time you had left you can prepare the needed inventories.
“Nope, just, be online by 8 o’clock later!” With that, the headmaster had left you and your bag of groceries in the corridor.
“Huh… Dorm leader meeting eh?” You said to yourself and made your way back to your Ramshackle Dorm.
“Grim! I’m back!” You yelled as you closed the door behind you. A small furball can be seen running towards you and leaping to you.
“(Y/N)!!!” The furball said and you caught him in your arms.
“Woah! Careful! I’ve never seen you this clingy.” You said, laughing and Grim just looked at you with the biggest puppy eyes one could muster.
“Did you get it?” Grim asked and you just sighed.
“Yes. No wonder you leaped at me.” You said, reaching in your plastic bag and pulling out two cans of Tuna.
“Yippeeee!! Thanks (Y/N), you’re the best!” Said Grim, running off with the two cans of Tuna.
You just laughed and shook your head. You proceeded to go to the kitchen and set and sort all your groceries. After doing so, you saw that it was already 8 o’clock.
“Ah! The meeting!!” You remembered and quickly ran to your room. Of course, Grim was already in your room, eating his Tuna.
“Alright, Grim, I’m going to need you to be silent for awhile. I’m having a meeting.” You said to the furball and got a ‘fgnaaa’ of confirmation.
You set up your laptop and checked your inbox. Surely enough, there was a link sent by the headmaster. You checked yourself in the mirror to make sure your clothes and hair isn’t messy before clicking on the link.
“Ah!! (Y/N)!!” A voice called to you when you arrived at the virtual meeting room. You had your camera off but your microphone was on.
“Good evening Headmaster Crowley.” You said and were greeted by an enlarged Crowley’s face filling up your screen. You giggled at the sight. The headmaster finally sat back down in his chair and not fill up the entire screen with his face. Multiple notifications can be heard from the headmaster’s end.
“Ah, it seems everyone else is here.” Crowley said and let everyone else in as you muted yourself.
Once he did though…
The seven dorm leaders had come online with their cameras on. Well, all seven except Idia who only had his microphone on.
“Riddle, anything else?” Trey asked Heartslabyul’s dorm leader.
“No, the tea and dessert is fine. Thank you Trey.” Riddle said to his vice-dorm leader. Trey then left the room.
“Uwahhh! Riddle, you have dessert? Jamil! I want some too!” Said Scarabia’s dorm leader.
“No Kalim. You just had dessert, you can’t have any more.” Jamil said as he took his leave.
“Pooey.” Kalim pouted.
“You know, I could probably get you a deal that gives you unlimited desserts at Mostro Lounge.” Octavinelle’s dorm leader said to Kalim. The latter’s eyes sparkled.
“Oh, Kalim, you potato, don’t trust Azul that easily.” Said Pomefiore’s dorm leader with a small mirror in hand.
“So, how do I do this?” Malleus asked Lilia, Silver and Sebek who were right beside him.
“Just, don’t press anything, me and Silver already set it up nicely for you.” Lilia said as he left the room with Silver and Sebek in tow.
You giggled to yourself as you saw everyone on your screen with their usual chaos.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough everyone. Now, welcome to our weekly dorm leader meeting! Only this time, we have decided to have the meeting online!” Crowley boomed.
“Right, forgive me for asking but, why can’t we have our meeting at the usual place?” Azul asked.
“Don’t you remember? Some students were playing magift when all of a sudden their magic accidentally hit our room, causing the whole place to be ruined.” Idia replied.
“Yes, the students were the first-years. I made my first-years write a 1000-word apology as punishment.” Said Riddle, taking a sip from his teacup.
“Hmph, I made Jack clean the dishes for Savanaclaw for 2 weeks.” Said Leona.
“I had Lilia take care of Sebek’s punishment.” Said Malleus.
“I made Epel wear a mask before sleeping for a month.” Said Vil.
You winced at everyone’s punishments as you remembered seeing your friends all looking pale and mumbling incoherently. All you could make out from their mumblings were ‘1000 words, he’s crazy…’, ‘my hands are going to die…’, ‘Lilia-senpai won’t leave me alone…’ and ‘stupid Vil, stupid mask, stupid beauty rules…’.
“Isn’t that what your dorm members usually do?” Kalim asked Vil.  
“Yes, but he doesn’t do it from time to time, so as punishment, I made sure he did it every night.” Vil replied, checking his face in the mirror.
“Pfft, sissies.” Leona said with his eyes closed.
“You got a problem pussycat?” Said a slightly annoyed Vil, putting down his mirror.
“What did you call me?” A growl can be heard as well as a scowl can be seen on Leona’s face.
“Now, now everyone! Stop fighting!” And Crowley comes in and saves the day. “Please, we’re here today to have a meeting, not an online brawl.” The headmaster continued, until Idia cut him off.
“Sorry to interrupt Headmaster, but, why are there 9 of us?” That’s when all the dorm leaders noticed.
“Yes, if counting all 7 of us plus Headmaster, there should only be 8 of us. So, who’s the plus one?” Azul asked. Crowley just gave them a smile.
“Well, plus one, introduce yourself.” The headmaster said to you. You let out a small sigh, before turning on your mic.
“Hello everyone, I’m (Y/N) (L/N) and I will be joining today’s meeting!” You said to them as you could see visible shock on their faces. Kalim was the first to overcome the shock and greeted you back.
“(Y/N)!!! I’ve missed you!!!” Kalim yelled into the mic.
“Yes, (L/N)-san decided to join us today for this meeting as requested by all of you during our last meeting.” Crowley said. “Now, can we officially start our meeting?” Asked the headmaster and everyone agreed.
“So, first of all…” Crowley decided to start off the meeting.
You did not understand anything at all.
‘Why is it so chaotic?’
‘Were all meetings like this?’
‘Was this normal?’
You thought to yourself as you looked at your screen only to see Vil and Leona in a very VERY heated argument, Kalim laughing himself to death, Idia just went silent, Malleus looking confused, Riddle and Azul were trying to break up the two dorm leaders who were arguing but they roasted while doing so and are on the verge of tears,
And Crowley?
Crowley straight up gave up.
What happened you ask?
Well it was pretty simple.
When Crowley said that you all should take a 5-minute break before continuing your discussion. You let out a small yawn and gathered up your papers, pilling them up nicely. When your eyes looked back at the screen, you noticed 6 of the dorm leaders were controlling their laughter. You were confused until your eyes landed on Leona’s video.
Apparently, he had forgotten to turn off his camera when he stood up to get his water which was located on a table behind him.
Sure, it wasn’t a problem at all…
If he didn’t forget the fact that he did not put on any pants.
So, a pair of pink, cat-themed underwear is shown on everyone’s screen.
“Say, pussycat, I didn’t know you were a real cat lover.” Vil said, trying his best to compress his laughter.
Leona immediately turned around, almost wanting to fire back at Pomefiore’s dorm leader when he realized what he was referring to. The lion turned red and immediately covered himself by squatting down so the camera couldn’t see his lower half and slowly made his way back to his chair.
Once he did, he fired back at Vil by saying the following words:
“You messed with the wrong lion, sissy.”
And he started to share his screen to everyone. Once he did though, a video of Vil singing and dancing to ‘Dancing Queen’ played, leaving Vil in utter shock as everyone stifled their laughter.
“hoW?! HOW DID YOU GET THIS?!” Vil asked furiously. Leona just shot back a smirk.
“Oh, I have my ways…” The lion said as the video had finished playing.
“Why you little-“
“Leona, Vil, that’s enough.” Riddle had spoken. You sighed internally, glad that this chaos would end.
Oh, how wrong you were.
“Shut up shortie!”
“Stay out of this you tart-lover!”
Riddle was clearly in shock. His face began to redden with anger but he couldn’t fire any insults back. He didn’t know what to say. Nothing he said would hurt the two arguing dorm leaders in any way.
“Leona, Vil, I don’t advise you to-“ Azul spoke up until…
“Octo-punk, shut it!”
“This is none of your business, four eyes!”
So, now, you’ve got two dorm leaders who were at the brink of having a meltdown and two fierce dorm leaders shoving insults in each other’s faces. Kalim was laughing with tears almost coming out of his eyes, Idia had already begun to laugh uncontrollably when he saw Leona’s pink underwear. And then there was Malleus.
Tsunotaro looked absolutely dumbfounded. He didn’t know what was happening nor why was this happening because he just came back from the 5-minute break.
Let’s not forget about you. Oh, poor you.
You facepalmed. HARD. Aren’t dorm leaders supposed to show good examples? Aren’t dorm leaders supposed to have the basic necessities to become a leader in the first place?
Aren’t dorm leaders supposed to NOT have petty fights and NOT INSULT one another?
It wasn’t a wonder why the students were so… So chaotic. If, the dorm leaders themselves were this chaotic as well.
You looked down and rubbed your temples as you tried to think of a way to calm everyone down.
“Seriously you guys, I love you guys and all but this is absolutely twistedly mad.” You said to yourself. (Hi, I am very subtle with my name yes? :’) )
Or so you thought.
Suddenly, silence filled your room. You were confused, weren’t they all just arguing, breaking down and laughing uncontrollably just a second ago?
You looked up to your screen to see 6 faces looking at their screens, a slight blush appearing on everyone’s faces.
“Oya? (Y/N) loves us?” Malleus asked, a smirk on his face.
Then, realization hits you like a bus. Your microphone was on the entire time.
They had heard what you said a moment ago.
“Um… GOTTAGOBAI.” You said and logged off.
Well, you tried to.
You see, when the arguing occurred, Grim was sleeping peacefully on the table beside your laptop. You petted him from time to time and expected him to sleep through the night until the next morning, after all, he looked so deep in slumber.
But he woke up and he crawled onto your laptop.
“Yanno, what time is it (Y/N)?” Grim asked as he crawled on your keyboard.
“Grim, no! That’s the video-“ Grim had accidentally pushed down the button.
“-button.” And your camera was on, showing everyone your face. Your… cute face!! Add on your small blush and you have the most adorable face hands down.
And your outfit. Oh, your outfit! You didn’t think you would go on camera, so you just put on an oversized shirt, short shorts and called it an outfit.
To think someone this cute had semi-confessed their feelings for the dorm leaders.
So, now, with the combination of your cute, semi-blushing face and cute outfit, the dorm leaders’ blushes had darken.
“Well, would you look at the time? Our meeting has ended, so see ya!” You quickly said and closed your laptop. You let out a sigh and looked at Grim, who was on your bed, sleeping again. You smiled, pet him a little more and went to bed yourself.
It took all your willpower to not blush the next day when you saw each and every dorm head.
But of course, things changed.
The dorm leaders would follow you around school each day, making your friends look at you in confusion.
“When did Dorm Leader Rosehearts get so close to (Y/N)?” Deuce asked his friends as he saw you talking with Riddle.
“Beats me! Vil also has been sticking around with (Y/N) a lot! From giving her masks as a gift to straight up giving her stylish clothes.” Epel replied.
“Leona-senpai too… Ruggie-senpai had sent me to get him for his classes while he was napping but when I found him, he was already walking with (Y/N)!” Said Jack.
“Malleus-sama had also been hanging around (Y/N) lately. Every time I go search for him, he can always be found beside (Y/N).” Sebek also expressed the changes he saw in his own dorm leader/young master.
“Guys, guys, is this what I think it is?” Ace asked his friends. They turned to look at him confused.
“Don’t you see? They’re trying to steal (Y/N) away from us! Her friends!” Ace concluded to them.
“Nah, I don’t think they would do this… Right?” Deuce started to question alongside his friends.
And so, you were left with 7 clingy dorm leaders and an additional 5 clingy best friends. All of them, wanting you to themselves. You might find yourself overwhelmed from time to time, but hey! You’ve got a bunch perfect boys looking after you and making sure you’re okay 24/7.
Lucky you ~
“And so, that is why we must enhance our defenses to our dorms if anything ever happens again.” Azul concluded and the dorm leaders nodded.
Your eyes were glued on the screen when all of a sudden Malleus’ video had turned off. You noticed this and were quick to inform him on it.
“Malleus-senpai, your video turned off.” You said.
“A-Ah? Really? But I could still see everyone?” Malleus said back.
“No, Malleus, (Y/N) meant that your camera had turned off.” Vil said to Diasomnia’s Dorm Leader.
“Alright, so, what do I press to turn it back on?” Asked Malleus.
“The button with the camera icon on it.” Riddle replied calmly.
“Alright... So, all I have to do i-” Malleus was cut off.
He... He accidentally logged out. Everyone stayed silent, not knowing what to do. No, wait, not everyone. Idia was laughing uncontrollably.
It wasn’t long before Crowley received a notification saying someone wants to join the online meeting.  
“Ah, Draconia-san is coming back in again.” Said Crowley.
“Welcome back Dra- Vanrouge-san?” Crowley asked, shocked to see Lilia’s face on the screen.
“Good evening everyone. Sorry for the inconvenience.” Lilia said as he moved away to reveal Silver and Sebek trying calm down a Malleus who was on the brink of having a panic attack.
“I... I don’t know what happened!” Malleus said as Silver and Sebek tried to comfort their young master.
“Is... Is he going to be okay?” You asked.
“Oh yeah, he’s fine.” Lilia replied and everyone had spent a good 5 minutes trying to calm Malleus and refrain him from using any offensive magic that would potentially ruin his entire dorm. 
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bestruction · 4 years
Mikasa taking care of you
Tumblr media Tumblr media
She texted you, asking if you wanted to go out for something to eat. When she read your reply saying that you had broken your ankle, she didn’t even respond back.
You were surprised, obviously. It was not her habit to do this, and 30 minutes later, your doorbell rang.
You took little leaps to get to the door, and when you opened it, you found your girlfriend standing and holding two bags full.
“What is all this?”
“You should have told me before”
You locked the door, and when she watched you took little leaps to get to the couch this time, all of her mother’s bear senses were activated.
She placed the bags on the coffee table and helped you to sit down.
“I brought your favorite snacks, tea to relieve the pain, and give me the name of the painkiller that the doctor told you to buy more in case it ends”
You were touched, of course. Mikasa did not have the freest schedule. Sometimes you spent weeks without seeing each other thanks to work and college.
She was tired, but it was clear that she wanted to be there with you.
She looked at your golf ball-sized ankle and asked how it had happened. When you told her, she sighed, sitting next to you to put an arm around your shoulder.
“I can’t leave you alone for a second, can I?” She said, kissing your forehead “And I wish I didn’t need to”
No one couldn’t tell who was taking care of whom. She, who came to check on you or you, who was recharging her energies.
The truth is, she didn’t want to leave you alone.
You didn’t live together, but it was common for her to stay for the night. So she stayed.
And the next night too.
And the next one after that.
And then she asked if she could stay until you got better. She didn’t want to make you feel suffocated. It just would be easier for her to come straight to your apartment at the end of the day.
Because 1. She couldn’t stop thinking that you might need something.
And 2. It would be more time with you.
She is always trying to help you around the house. If you go to the living room, she rests your arm on her shoulder to help you walk. If you want to eat, she goes to the kitchen to get it for you. she wanted you to rest as much as possible so that your recovery would be faster. Especially since she knows you’re not the type of person to ask for help.
“Why don’t you just ask me for help?”
“Mikasa, I’m not porcelain. Stay here”
“No, you stay! I go get it for you”
And good luck, she can be really stubborn. Especially if in her head it’s for your own good.
So take a deep breath and enjoy the treats she can and wants to give you. It’s just one of her ways of showing you how much she loves you and cares about you since she doesn’t say that often.
When you’re unable to sleep because of the pain, she would try to stay awake with you talking and fall asleep eventually.
Yes, you’re going to give one of those silly little smiles watching her sleep with her hair all messed up and her face smashed against the pillow.
Okay, she may have bought her favorite snacks on the first night but after that day, you’d only see vegetables rich in calcium and fruits rich in vitamin C to help your recovery.
All those little gestures accumulated over the days would make your heart warm.
Cuddling on the sofa would be a routine. It was common for her to arrive from college, take a shower and pull you to lie on her chest while she patted your waist with her fingertips.
She’d laugh at your face when you were groggy because of the painkillers, but she will also find the cutest thing in the world.
And when you fall asleep because of the effect, she’d cover you up and straighten you on the bed before kissing the tip of your nose.
All these days with you would make her think about what it would be like if it were permanently and not just because you were injured.
You guys have been dating for a while … So why not?
The only problem was: She didn’t know how to bring that up.
One night, your ankle was already much better and less swollen. You two were having dinner in the kitchen, and without really knowing how to formulate the words yet, she said, staring at your leg.
“Would you like it if it happened more often?”
“Break my ankle? No!“
"Not this” She put another spoonful of food in her mouth “This” She completed pointing to the two of you.
“This…? Oh, have dinner together? Yes, I would like to, but I don’t think that is possible with our routines unless you spend more time here ”
"That’s what I mean!”
She was red and couldn’t look you in the eye. Mikasa was confident to do many things, but getting out of her shell was not one of them.
Although if it was necessary to leave her shell to start to share one with you, she would try.
“I want to spend more time with you”
“I want it too, Mikasa”
When she finally looked at you, words were no longer needed. You had already understood and accepted the proposal.
How could you refuse to have the girl you love around?
I'm sorry for taking so long to post
Hope you can enjoy💞💞
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shadow--writer · 4 years
Main six reaction to MC making them breakfast in bed (as fluffy as possible)
Awww I love this! I need some good fluff in my life, hope you like it! 
Requests are open and I think I’ve figured out why I was shadowbanned XDD. Check out my pinned post for rules and all that, I have been writing headcanons for a bit but they haven’t been sHOWING UP- so go take a look :DDD
Also these got pretty fluffy I’m gonna have to sit down for a moment XD
Main six x MC making them breakfast in bed
Late to bed late to rise, when he does sleep he is a brick
So getting out of bed early to make him breakfast is a bit of a struggle
He does prefer to be little spoon (poor man just wants cuddles) so untangling yourself is no trouble 
It’s when he rolls over onto you things go wrong
He wakes up briefly, cracking an eye open.
“I am not waking up at this ungodly hour.” and then passes out again
A while later he wakes up (again) to the smell of eggs and cinnamon 
He panics, trying to find you, but your side of the bed is cold
Then you walk in holding a tray of breakfast, trying hard not to drop it
He’s...he’s stunned. 
And so in love with you, he is re-realizing that now
“Oh MC you didn’t have to!”
So many kisses, he compliments your cooking, waving his fork around like a wand
He’s not used to this kind of love, he’s still blushing about it
Setting the empty dishes away he grabs and pulls you close, planting loud wet kisses into your hair, making you squeal
“I loooooove you, I love you!” 
He’s very dramatic but he does mean it
Also don’t count on getting out of bed anytime soon
He has to thank you properly 
Early to bed late to rise. Deep sleeper 
Astoundingly hard to wake up, normally it’s a pain, but today you have a surprise for him so you don’t want him awake just yet
Faust wants to help you too!
You both sneak out to get pumpkin bread and the ingredients to make his favourite kind of tea
He wakes up to the smell of pancakes, pumpkin bread and the sound of the kettle
After having a momentary heart attack at Faust being very up close to his face he relaxes into the cushions of your bed
“Oh MC all of this for me? You shouldn’t have!”
Between each bite he’ll attempt to kiss you
Key word being attempt
After you both are done he tackles you in a hug, sending you two tumbling off the bed laughing in a tangle of limbs
He kisses you so hard your cheeks squish against his mouth
“I love you so so much MC, thank you for this.”
Faust joins in on the cuddle pile, swaying back and forth happily
She’s used to having breakfast in bed, some days she feels like taking her meals alone
But from you?
Oh it’s extra special and such a touching gift
“Oh my dear! All of this for me?”
She’ll insist you stay and eat with her, no getting out of it 
You enjoy listening to her talk while the both of you eat, she looks so elegant even in the early morning 
She enjoys the mess that is your hair, ruffling it as she munches on the toast with a smile
“MC love, you really didn’t have to do this.”
But ya wanted to, so make sure to let her know this 
She’ll make sure to thank you by kissing every square inch of your face. No place will be left unkissed!
“Are you sure we can’t stay in and just relax today?”
Call off all her morning meetings, she has something more important to attend to
She’ll drag you into bed with her, stroking your hair and face, smiling and laughing. 
“Thank you MC, this was sweet. I love you so much you know.”
This man is an early bird
Like you better plan on getting up an hour after you fall asleep otherwise he’ll beat you up 
When he does wake up and you aren’t there he does panic 
But hearing you hum and the smell of eggs makes him relax
When he catches on you’re making him breakfast oh he goes red 
Like red red
You enjoy seeing it
“M-MC did you r-really have to make me breakfast?”
In bed. Ya gotta remind him of that. No getting out of bed until he’s eaten
He settles back into the pillows, sulking a bit 
Inanna hops up with you two, settling down over your legs
Muriel is still red
But the food is good. Really good.
“You’re...you’re a good cook MC.”
He’ll hide behind his hair, making you chuckle and brush it behind his ear
In a moment of bravery he’ll plant a kiss against the tip of your nose, before turning back to his food
After he’s done he wraps his arms around you, keeping you in bed
“Thanks...I...I love you.”
She also has to get up early for work, so she’s used to getting up 
But today you gotta leap outta bed and get to work quickly
She’s a light sleeper (unlike her brother) so you gotta be extra quiet
Waffles are hard to make quietly but you make due, keeping an eye on Pepi
She wakes up to the smell of waffles and...are those pastries?!
You walk in a tray piled high with eggs waffles and homemade pastries 
Portia is so touched you’d go to such extremes for her
“Get back in bed my dear! I’m not gonna finish this myself MC!”
She’ll feed you some of the pastries, laughing when you get cream on your nose
Pepi did enjoy the food you left out for him too
Portia will kiss the cream off your nose every time you get messy, making the both of you laugh
“Ooh you’re just as sweet as this cream is!”
Like everyone else, she will spend the day in bed with you 
Oh and she will get you back for this you sweet wonderful person you 
“Ahhh MC I love love love you so much! Thank you darling dear of mine!”
Unlike Nadia he gets a big head about breakfast in bed
He orders it all the time 
But from you, ohoho he’s never had breakfast in bed from someone like you before
He loves it. He would want it all the time
And he’ll try to do it for you (and fail, spectacularly)
But it’s the thought that counts, and he’d much prefer it from you (along with those working in the kitchen)
He loves surprises and this is one of the best yet 
My mans here sleeps like a log, deeper than Julian 
Well, depending on the day. Other times he’s up at the sound of a breath
Luckily you caught him during a deep sleep time
When he does wake to you holding a tray and breakfast oh how much does he want to kiss you
Pulls you back into bed with him, you making sure you don’t drop anything
“oooooh MC I love you~”
This man eats quickly you aren’t sure he’s breathing
But he loves every bite
It was made for him by you so of course it’s going to be wonderful 
He enjoys being loved on and getting surprises 
“Mmmmm MC you’re so talented, thank you my love, my light my dear!”
Laughing at his ridiculous pet names
If you stay in bed they are gonna get so much worse
Plants a kiss into the crown of your head, muttering “Love you my sweet.”
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