#i'm going to sleep now so imma do these in the morning
chosesun · 1 month
i'm tired. i'm gonna finish those starters tomorrow. i need to sleep.
drafts: 7 inbox: 6 queue: 4 starters: 1 or 2 idk
0 notes
thegnomelord · 11 months
sof and cute hcs of eldritch reader trying to learn how to people (and maybe some raunchy ones about learning how human "mating" works) hhhhnnnngggh
Imagine Learning To Be Human
CW: SFW and NSFW First TF141 with SFW, then NSFW headcannons, sexting, masturbation, sex toys, morning after (no sex), sexual nudity, nonsexual nudity, implied poly141. GN reader, 500-900 words for each blurb, so somewhere around 5.5k words. Imma be quiet for the next week or so as I prepare for an exam so I'm feeding ya'll :Dd
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Imagine SOAP— It's safe to say you're not the best with expressing what you think, especially not in this hollowed out corpse a tiny fraction of your consciousness inhabits. The more you try, the less human your attempts come out, only remembering that humans don't bend that way or don't do something after you've done it. You find yourself gravitating to Soap because he is the opposite of you, so open and responsive like an open book.
Imagine; observing Soap as he tries to piece together the fragments of a bomb, muttering curses under his breath as if the object had just called football 'soccer'. He's so concentrated he forgets the rest of the world exists, oblivious to you sitting across from him. But that's not a problem as it gives you a chance to watch and try to mimic what his face does; the slight hint of teeth as he nibbles on his lip, the furrow of his brows, the tenseness of his jaw pulling on his throat muscles…
You try to mimic every emotion he goes through as he tries and fails and succeeds and fails again to fit the pieces together like a jigsaw, but the hardest one to do is that smile of his. For some reason you just can't get it right, lips pulling back too far, teeth too much on display and brows too furrowed so you end up looking like an old savage.
Then as if to spite you, Soap looks up at you and immediately snorts. "What're yea doin' there Bonnie?" He coughingly laughs as your facial features return to your statue like state.
"Trying to look like you." You huff; at least you can do that correctly.
"Oh, look strapping don't I?" He snorts, doing what Ghost calls 'fishing for compliments' (though you're unsure how one can fish for abstract ideas).
"No more than the rest." You shrug and see him roll his eyes, though the corners of his lips are still quirked up, a hint of teeth on display and vestiges of dimples framing his mouth. "How do I do that?" You ask and motion to his face.
"Do what? Smile?" You snorts, already beckoning you over like you're a dog. "It's easy."
You lean across the table, tilting your head to indicate confusion but leaving your face a blank canvas. It takes all of your presence of mind not to give an earth shattering purr when his hands cup your jaw, distant stars quivering as his blunt nails scratch at your throat for a blissful second.
"Here," His thumbs settle at both corners of your lips, putting gentle pressure until he pushes the flesh back and up in a way that's natural to the skin suit but not you. "There yea go." He grins and pulls his thumbs away after a few moments, grinning when you hold the expression.
"Now yea're as dashing as me." He chuckles and you two must look like utter buffoons just grinning at one another; you wouldn't have it any other way.
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Imagine GAZ — You're not exactly alive, technically you're the antithesis to life and existence, so to you, simple rules like eating or sleeping are no more than chalk guidelines after a rainstorm. Gaz doesn't subscribe to this idea, he's always trying to get you to indulge in these human comforts and you always allow him, even if it does include eating more things in a week than most of your kin have consumed in a millennia, if that.
Imagine; wandering the halls on a lazy Sunday morning, no drills to run or missions to prep for, and being drawn to the communal kitchen by the sound of boiling water and banding pans. You find Gaz cooking breakfast for the boys; he's the only one who can cook (according to him) seeing as Price seasons his food with hope, Ghost burns everything into coal and Soap's not allowed into the kitchen after he'd tried to make tea in the microwave (which Gaz had later asked you to exorcise).
"Mornin'." Kyle yawns and smiles at you, dressed in shorts and one of your 'lost' shirts. You do your best to replicate his expression. "Help me, yeah?" He asks and nods his head at what he's cooking.
Your expression falls back to neutral. "You'll need to show me how." You admit as you get next to him.
"Not a problem," He chuckles as he shifts behind you, pressing his chest flush with your back with his hands hovering over yours. You feel his warmth when he rests his head on your shoulder, his hands firm and steady as he shows you how to chop tomatoes and sausages, how to hold the knife correctly and pulling your fingers back when the blade draws too close to the flesh, talking you through it until you can do it on your own.
After that he leaves you to your task as he almost dances around the kitchen, stirring a pot here then putting the kettle on there and so many more little things while you remain where you are because you, by nature, are slow; to adapt, to age, to change.
But you do it for him.
"Those look great." He grins when you're done and then herds you in front of the cooking pans, and you're a little apprehensive about the bubbling oil when he dumps what you'd cut up into the pan. But his warmth is at your back again, steady hands guiding you on how to cook the food without burning your skin and leaving you to it when you catch on.
Then you feel a tug on your shirt, his presence once again next to you, but this time he's holding a piece of sausage on the end of a fork, a hand beneath it so it doesn't drop, "Hey, taste this for me."
You contemplate arguing you can't actually taste food the same way he does, but he gives you a look that has you letting him feed you. Though it tastes no different from everything else, from his hand it may as well be sweeter than ambrosia.
"Tastes good." The way he brightens up at your words makes the food only taste sweeter.
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Imagine GHOST —You and him are similar in some ways, you both prefer to stick to what you know, who you know. It's harder for you to contain what you are inside your flesh body when there is so much life around you that every additional heartbeat pulls at the edge of your cold existence. So you stick to close to the people who's warmth has grown so familiar it's indistinguishable from the burning starts making up your real body.
Imagine; attending a celebration held by both TF141 and Los Vaqueros after a mission gone well, loud music and lewd lyrics blaring in your ears as men drink like teenagers at their first frat party. You're in a more secluded part of the bar next to Ghost, both of you nursing drinks while you watch the rest act like fools.
You're a little confused when you see Gaz and Soap move in a strange way, grinding against one another and pressed so close you'd think they're trying to mate, their hands roaming the other's body so roughly you're surprised no pieces of clothing come flying your way.
"Got a free show for my drink." Ghost chuckles next to you.
"What are they doing?" You finally ask when you can't contain your curiosity.
"Dancing." He answers and swallows the last inch of booze in his cup, setting it down on the bar. "For fun." He adds, already expecting the line of questioning, as if that's supposed to make you understand.
"They just look like they're trying to mate." You point out, receiving a long sigh in return.
"How 'bout I just show you." Before you can say anything he nicks the cup of untouched alcohol in your hand and swallows it all down in one go, putting the empty cup next to his before grabbing you by the arm and pulling you outside through the back entrance. You go along with him, but you're confused when you catch Soap's eyes and he wolf whistles at the two of you.
The world outside is calmer than the busy bar, the air much colder; closer to what you are. You turn to him once he lets you go, tilting your head and furrowing your brow to convey confusion. "So…what do I do?"
"Just follow my lead." A gravely chuckle escapes Simon as he closes the distance between you two, his rough hands settling on your waist as he begins to slowly rock both of your bodies along with the music, though his movements are more contained than what you'd seen, a steady push and pull compelling you to follow him.
"Why is this different than what Soap and Gaz were doing?" You ask, clutching his shoulders in return, your forehead almost resting on his chest as you look at your feet so you don't step on his toes.
You feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles, "They set a low bar." He rumbles and his hand moves to your jaw, tilting your head up so you two lock eyes, the intensity in his brown irises drowning out the sounds of the bar. "Eyes on me."
You nod. Your eyes stay firmly on him as you sway together to a tune he hums, finding a common ground in the way your cold and his heat mixes together. Above you millions of your eyes peer down at him, for as vast as you are, for this moment your attention is on him.
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Imagine PRICE — He can tell how tired you are, not physically but mentally; having to communicate and understand people without the use of a mental link, when even the most complex ideas can be conveyed easily, was starting to fray the edges of your control over your human body. He decided to do something about it.
Imagine; Price taking you and the boys fishing to a remote cabin next to a lake. Knowing you don't sleep he pulls you out by the lake at the ass crack of dawn, having you watch as he sits down on the dock, his pants pulled up to his knees so he can dip his feet in the water while he sets up the fishing rods.
"What are we doing?" You ask but follow his example and sit next to him, the cool water of the lake similar enough to the cold abyss your true body resides to calm your nerves, though you're unsure of what to do when he gives you the fishing rod.
"Fishing." He says as he shows you how to cast out the line. "You look like you need it."
You don't argue with him and just try focusing on fishing, letting him teach you how to watch the line to see when something takes the bait and when to reel it in. You’re unsuccessful your first few attempts, and you have half the mind to just jump in and wrangle the fish in the lake with liquid abyss, but he stops you.
"Catching isn't the point." He says as he smokes his cigar while he takes an old boot off your hook. "It's about relaxing, the fish are just a bonus."
You let out a low sound that vibrates the water, but you settle next to him and cast out the line again. You don’t know how long you sit there next to him, your sides touching with the fishing rod sitting loosely in your hands. After some time you manage to yank out your first fish, and you certainly don't gloat when you pull a few more fish out of the lake while he only pulls out seaweed, but the look of pride in his eyes makes it even better.
Any prospects of catching any more fish are dashed when Gaz and Soap wake up and take running jumps into the lake, scaring all the fish with their splashing. "Like school boys." Price remarks as Ghost comes up to you both, offering beers as he sits down on your other side.
"Summer vacation, captain." Ghost says and slips into the water, and you realize this is calming; in the way you haven't felt before, doing something familiar like watching Soap and Gaz trying to dunk each other in the water but feeling like you’re right there with them, laughing alongside them when Ghost scares the shit out of them by lunging out of the water.
“See sweetheart? ‘S not hard.” Price hums, adjusting his hat though his shoulders are already reddened from sunburns. He offers you his cigar and you accept it, breathing in the nicotine and smoke despite not having lungs or a circulatory system to be affected by it, before you give it back. “Taking it easy is good for you.”
You nod your head, content to sit next to him until something tugs on the line of your forgotten fishing rod and you scramble to reel it in. You give a small grunt as whatever is on the hook struggles, "Yank on it." Price tells you and you do, nearly toppling on your back when you finally win the tug of war. You blink as you look at what you've caught.
A Speedo.
"Well would you look at that." Price chuckles.
Judging by the way Johnny's suddenly bare assed and throwing obscenities in Gaelic your way, you assume that it's his.
“Caught a big one there.” Ghost notes, not yet laughing but his shoulders shake with silent laughter as he slaps Soap's cheeks (of his rear).
He yelps, confident enough to be naked in front of all of you, but not shameless enough to where his cheeks (on his face) don't redden from the way Gaz cackles and wheezes with laughter so loudly he nearly drowns. You give Johnny back his trunks before he can drown Gaz but, maybe you should fish any more.
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Imagine SOAP— If anyone ever asks Soap why he would ever send a dick pick to an ancient god, he'll blame anything and everything; on being stood up, on loving himself a little less, on mixing up the numbers, in being black out drunk…
Imagine; him being stone cold sober when the thought invades his mind and he spends the next hour trying to take a good picture: in front of the mirror, on the bed, no clothes, some clothes, the list of positions goes on. He doesn't want to come across like he's compensating by just holding his dick in his hand like some cunt; as silly as it is, he wants the picture to actually tempt you, to make you feel something, though the question of if you even can doesn't cross his mind. He ends up with a picture of him on the bed, the tip of his hard cock peeking out from beneath the band of his boxers.
He won’t admit he holds his breath when he sends the suggestive picture to you alongside a ;) , watching the text bubble appear and disappear multiple times before you just leave him on seen. He deflates and has half the mind to delete the picture and chuck his phone to the other end of his bed but he’s stopped when he gets a message from Price.
‘My office. Now.’
Turns out you were with Price when you saw that photo and without a second thought had shown him it and asked what it meant. Granted Price had seen more than just his dick, but he was less than happy about Johnny sending you unsolicited dick pics.
You quiz Soap for nearly an hour, stone faced and unbothered while he gets redder with every question (what can you send, what not to send, how much to send, etc.) and he gets the impression that's how his ma' felt when she gave him and his sisters 'the talk'. “So, yeah.” He clears his throat, whole face feeling hot. “Don’t do it ‘lest yea’r asked or yea like ‘em.”
Thankfully Price finally lets you go when you’re satisfied with his answers and Soap can’t scamper fast enough out of his office with his whole face in flames.
He deletes the photo soon after but you've already burned it into your memory where it will outlast the stars, and the idea to reciprocate festers in your ageless mind like rot until you find yourself in front of your mirror after a shower. You play with the phone for a long time, snapping a few blurry close up shots of your face while you attempt to change it from the front to the back facing camera.
It takes even longer to figure out what to send as Soap wasn't that clear with his answers. Your siblings give you pointers, and first you attempt to take a picture of your most private part — bones snap as your rib cage splits open into a maw, vines full of eyes wrapping around your ribs like ivy as tendrils of darkness unwind just enough for the anti-light of your very essence sucks up all the light in the room — but the mirror cracks and your phone just shuts off with a pitiful whimper.
After fixing the mirror you end up doing what you do best; you mimic one of the statues you'd seen the Greeks make, the towel wrapped just along the V where your thighs connect to your pelvis, exposed from the waist up with your skin still wet. Your body isn't as demure as the muses that sculptor had used, but you hope Soap will appreciate it as you snap a few more photos and send them to Johnny with the same ;) he'd sent you.
Soap nearly chokes on his spit when he gets the photo, all the blood in his brain flooding south as his eyes rake over every exposed inch of skin, every curve and every dip in the muscles making him drool and cock harden and he's racing to your room before you even have the time to turn your phone off.
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Imagine GAZ — For all of your pitfalls and misunderstandings he likes the little hints of inhumanity in your speech, in your mannerisms, in knowing you could be anywhere and anytime but you choose to be next to him. He couldn't imagine himself being enamored with an ant, yet you hang on his every word like he's revealing secrets you don't know, making him feel special; he feels so bad when his thoughts of you stop being innocent.
Imagine; He tries to keep things respectful, but his imagination runs wild when you do the simplest things. Bend down to tie your shoe? He's checking out your arse from the corner of his eyes. Stand behind him? He's suppressing a shiver just imagining your body draped over his in post-coital bliss. Check his skin for injuries? Gaz has to bite his lip to keep from begging you to touch all of him, to explore his body. Work out? Kyle's lucky if he doesn't start drooling imagining going over and licking the sweat off your skin, of feeling your muscles tense beneath his tongue while you continue to work out with him between your legs.
When he can't think of you without popping a boner he ends up having to compromise before the shame eats him whole. He goes on a random porn site; he usually prefers just using his imagination but when his mind keeps circling back to you he has no other option, and his conscience gnaws on him when he ends up finding a porn star with similar features to yours. It's not wrong if he's wanking off to a different person, right?
Heat's already burning in his stomach when he slouches in his chair, his back to his room and one earbud in his ear. Shame continues to eat at him when he's both delighted and disheartened by the fact the porn star sounds nothing like you, that his bones don't shiver like they do when you talk.
He keeps the volume low and instead focuses on rubbing and squeezing his cock the way the porn star does to a second actor, and he can't help imagining what you'd sound like; high pitched and whiny? Husky and low? Completely silent or animalistic? The idea of pulling sounds of pleasure out of your throat has him leaking. His head lolls back and he moans as he squeezes the base of his cock, his eyes open just enough to blur the fine details on the porn star's face so you two become indistinguishable.
His heart stops when you burst through his door, a random question leaving your lips before your ears pick up the moans and slick sounds coming from his direction. You're next to him in an instant, looming over his chair and caging him in with your eyes stuck to the screen. "What are you watching?"
"Get out!" He yelps and tries to push you away but it's like trying to move a mountain.
"Why does that human look like my vessel?" You persist, "And why are you watching humans mating when you told me it's wrong?" You tilt your head, luckily not seeing his hand on his hard cock, the porn reflecting in the blacks of your eyes.
“It’s on the net it’s different! People upload it for others' pleasure and-” He sputters and cuts himself off when he registers your words, freezing in place and that accidentally gets him to squeeze the head of his cock.
Your pupils widen like a cat’s when you hear the little moan escape his chest, your head automatically dropping down to see where his other hand is. "Oh,” is what comes out of your mouth when you see his hard weeping cock. “Can I?” You ask, making an odd motion with your head.
He thinks you're asking to leave and nods. "Yeah-" Gaz wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole, his cheeks burning red like he's a lobster in a pot. “-can you pl-please leave-”
He wheezes when your cold hand suddenly wraps around his cock, your hold firm and just at the edge of pain but still making him throb. A few more eyes spread across your skin to see him while you watch the video still playing on his computer, giving his cock a small pump and shaking the stars with your purr when he moans.
"What are-" He neck nearly snaps to look at you, a shiver raking his body and another moan escaping him as you squeeze the head of his cock, your skin like ice yet it makes him burn with arousal.
"Watch." You order and turn his head with your free hand so his eyes are back on the screen. You don't know why he's watching a fake 'you' mate when he could just ask you, but you know one thing; the person on the screen is competition, and by the way you roughly stroke his cock until he's whining and leaking like a tap, Gaz can tell— you don't like competition.
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Imagine PRICE — He never imagined he'd need to have 'the talk' with a god; sure, you may understand how sex works, but you're hopeless in understanding the nuances of it all. If someone doesn't directly say 'let's fuck' you assume any touches from them, even groping, is just them being friendly. It makes his blood boil, seeing you be taken advantage of like that.
Imagine; You're in the bar with the boys and Price is a couple of drinks in when he sees being felt up by a stranger and you're oblivious to his advances. A green eyed monster nips at Price's heels and he doesn't notice when he puts himself next to you, 'accidentally' shoving the other guy back with just his bulk. His presence, his demeanor, and the few harsh words spoken in a clipped tone has the other guy scampering off.
He doesn't remember much after that, only the way you'd looked at him — with the intensity of a ravenous void, like he was a bright star you wanted to devour.
What wakes him isn't his clock, but the rays of sunlight gently streaming through the curtains. He groans as he registers the awful ache behind his eyes before he even has a chance to open them. He feels his bed shift and his eyes snap open automatically, he nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees you laying on your side as you stare at him.
"Jesus!" He jumps up, nearly topples over from the sudden vertigo but your steady hand on his shoulder keeps him upright, making him realize he's nude.
"He's not here." You shrug and as you sit up his sheets pool around your waist, making him realize you're naked from the waist up, though he doesn't want to think if you're naked naked. His fists clench when his eyes roam over your exposed body against his will, settling on the various hickeys decorating your shoulders and neck.
His heart sinks. "What…what happened last night?" He asks and doesn't want to know the answer, his stomach churns with shame.
"Oh, uh, you got drunk, I got you home, you started kissing and biting me." You say, tracing the numerous hickeys and indents of his teeth across your human form like they're medals. "Then you pulled me into your bed and wouldn't let me go. Then you passed out." You say as if nothing's wrong, and even if no sex happened it's little consolidation to the fact he took advantage of you.
“Why didn’t you stop me?” He asks as he takes a shaky breath, shoulders hunched up around his ears and eyes downcast, bile burning in his stomach.
"Why would I?" You tilt your head and shift positions to face him fully, the sheets falling away to reveal you are naked naked. "I may not understand you fully, but I would have stopped you if you did something I didn't want."
Price hates himself for how he can't tear his eyes away from your body. "But you let me." He insists and tries to get you to see reason, to be as angry and disgusted with him as he is with himself.
“Yes.” You are growing annoyed as well, silently cursing the frailty of the human mind; things would be easier to explain if you could just use mental communication… “You are less than insects to my kin.” You sigh and move to straddle him before he can get away, pinning him under you. “You are a sun to me.”
Even calling him a sun doesn’t do him justice; suns die out like firecrackers when your immeasurable body passes over them, when you devour them, him, you want to keep, to protect, to wrap in your cold abyss until he’s warm and safe.
He sucks in a breath, the gears in his head turning as he tries to understand. “What?-”
“Can I touch you?” You ask, your hands respectfully on your thighs as if you’re not pinning him in place with your weight. There’s a dark intelligence in your eyes, the same ravenous void staring at him behind the black of your eyes. You are not a child, you are a god.
"Why?" He sucks in a sharp breath as he breathes in your smell, the scent of dying stars and burn ozone tickling his lungs. "You don't have to." He says weakly, because what would anyone, god or not, want with him?
"You left marks on me, I want to do the same." The way you say it makes him think of godhood; not the bleak madness you are, but the type humanity romanticizes. Your lips part as if you're thinking of marking him, bits of oblivion staring back at him from the darkness of your throat when he looks too closely at your mouth.
He submits so fast. "C'mere then," He pulls you close by your head, kissing you like he's trying to steal your ichor, his body burning hot when your hands grip him tight enough to leave moon shaped bruises in his skin — the first of many you intend to give him, until you've marked him as yours and yours alone.
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Imagine GHOST — Ghost prefers to show you rather than spend hours trying to explain things to you, he's more stricter with you when you try to do things you're told not to, both for your and everyone's safety. You never do quite learn.
Imagine; Ghost recently confiscated your phone when you tried to see what humans thought about you, or what they imagined you and your kin to be, on a website called 'Rule34'. Ghost had snatched the phone out of your hands before you could even click the link. After a week he gave you the go ahead to take it back, but got called to run a drill so just said to go find it.
Now, you've been told not to go rooting around other people's belongings, but while searching for your phone you'd fallen back into your old habit and snooped around until you found a small box in the bottom of his dresser. Thinking nothing of it you opened it and found…something. A lot of somethings; handcuffs, rope, weird egg shaped thing, a weird tube with a hole in it that squished like a stress toy but had a cunt molded at one end, but what drew your attention — was the dismembered black cock in the middle of the box.
You and all of your kin scratched your collective heads over the thing you now held in your hand, you'd been under the impression humans didn't carry around body parts anymore so you were stumped why Ghost had a dismembered dick and balls in his dresser. Besides the pitch black color and flat base it looked so realistic and the way it flopped when you turned it in your hand made you feel the same way humans did when seeing you.
So you got up and wen to ask Ghost about it, the thing held out in your hand when you found him with the rest of the boys. "Ghost, why do you a have body part in your closet?"
Your question made them all turn to look at you, Ghost made a strange sound like a strangled dog while Gaz and Soap fell over laughing and Price shielded his eyes with the rim of his hat.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell.” He snarls and before you know it he’s stomping over to you and dragging you by the front of your clothes, “What I tell you about snooping?”
“I couldn’t find my phone,” You try to argue but don’t struggle and just let him drag you somewhere like you're a kitten until you find yourself in his room with the door firmly locked behind him.
"Right." His tone makes it sound like he doesn't believe you, his rough hand pushes you down on his bed and he yanks the thing from your hold. “You want to know what this is for?” He asks and holds the the cock with the head pointed at you like a knife.
You nod your head and try to rise up but he pushes you back down, you're not even sure where he gets the handcuffs from but there's cold steel around your wrists before you can notice it. It's his order to "Sit and watch." that actually keeps you down, and you see the corners of his eyes shift to denote a smirk. "Do what you're good at."
You don't blink as you watch him disrobe until he's only wearing his mask, and your surprise is obvious when he sticks the thing on the floor and it stays up right. "This," He growls and sinks to his knees on the floor, a towel under him, "Is a fuckin' dildo." He reaches over and takes a small tube, squirting viscous liquid on his fingers. "You don't ever take it out of my room. Got it."
He leaves no room to argue and you rapidly nod your head. You find yourself breathless as you watch him reach behind himself and you don’t even notice how a bit of your oblivion leaks from your pores and spreads across the ground like spiderwebs, eyes blooming in the small pools all around him so you can see the way he roughly pushes a finger into himself, your hands clenching as his rim flutters around his large fingers.
"What is it for?" You find your voice, the sound ringing like the inside of a dead star the longer you watch him roughly stretch himself, pushing two then three fingers into his ass.
"Fun," He chuckles and feels so powerful when your eyes have all but turned black with hunger you've yet to notice. "It's a toy, for adults." He pulls his fingers out and squirts more liquid on the dildo, before sinking down on the toy in one fluid move that leaves him hissing at the stretch, his rim fluttering around the thick base.
Something about the way the toy is of a similar color to your real body has you wriggling beneath your human skin, the air vibrating as you groan and try to reach out to him, wanting to cover him in your body and have all of him feel all of you.
"No." Just one word has you sitting back on the bed like a dog, a pitiful sound rumbling across the void as you can do nothing but watch. "This is what you get for snooping." He's so smug with the way he has such control over you without even touching you, his thick thighs tensing as he slowly bounces on the dildo, "Now watch. Maybe if you're good I'll let you touch me."
You'll do whatever he says so long as you get to feel him.
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
So it’s the middle of the night and I can’t sleep and I heard you were looking for prompts for the poly!plasticsverse. So I was thinking something like pre-relationship with the reader as in The Plastics are already together and have a crush on her so they start courting her (she shares one class with each of the plastics (like one class with Regina, another with Gretchen, and another one with Karen) and lunch (obviously) but she doesn’t sit with them or anyone for that matter, maybe occasionally she’ll sit with Janis and Damian)) but she’s not acknowledging any of their advances and obviously they’re a little upset because if she doesn’t like them like that she could at least have the decency to tell them to their faces instead of ignoring them and so the three of them together decide to “confront” the reader about it where they discover reader saw all of the advances but thought she was getting played because there’s no way they could actually like her when they’re so pretty and perfect and well… plastic, and she’s… not (cue Regina getting offended at reader talking bad about herself) then the plastics proceed to explain why they like her and she finally agrees to a date with them. Bonus points if Janis finds her after with the dopiest of smiles on her face (because they kissed her cheek) and says in the most deadpan voice, “I fucking told you so, idiot”
Also don’t know what kinda head canons you’re looking for but imma just leave these here: switch!Gretchen, powerbottom!Karen, pillowprincess!Regina, and top!reader
- 💕
Make Her Ours
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Description: Reader has a crush on the Plastics, who are already in an established relationship. She thinks she isn't good enough for them. Janis and Damian try to tell her otherwise but Reader doesn't believe her. The Plastics approach her at lunch and confess their feelings for Reader.
WARNINGS: fluffy, reader talking bad about herself, plastics being soft for reader.
Note: This is pre-polycule, or how our favorite polycule came to be. Aaron is still Y/N's best friend, and this is before Shane joined the group!
Y/N Y/L/N would consider herself kind of a loner.
Not really, she had one friend. And a couple of acquaintances.
Aaron, Janis, and Damian.
Aaron and Y/N had been best friends since Y/N was a sophomore. He saw her sitting alone at lunch one day and decided that he wasn't going to let that happen anymore. He walked over to her table one day and asked to sit, and the rest is history.
Flash forward to now, Y/N was sitting at lunch by herself, unaware of the stares from three specific girls burning into her.
The whole school knew the Plastics were in a relationship with one another. I mean, it was hard not to know when half of the females at the school were trying to get to be the fourth in the relationship.
They didn't want them, they wanted Y/N.
They all developed a crush on Y/N individually and when they got together they all wanted Y/N to join and make them the school's power polycule.
So, if courting was what they had to do, they were gonna do it.
Regina shared history with Y/N, so she saw the girl right after lunch. She was going to start things off for the group.
When she walked into History that day, she saw Y/N in their regular seat. Smiling, she sat down in the desk next to Y/N. Y/N looked at her and gave her a small smile before looking back at the board. The teacher droned for some of the time before allowing the students to work on their own time.
Regina took this time to try to talk to Y/N.
"So, Y/N. How are you today?" Y/N looked at the blonde skeptically. "I'm fine, Regina, how are you?" The blonde smiled, her heart melting at how adorable Y/N was. "I'm good, baby." Y/N blushed at the pet name.
Regina tried to make small talk with Y/N for the rest of the class, but Y/N was too nervous to fully engage so by the time the bell rang, Y/N quickly made her way out of the class. Regina huffed and pouted.
Maybe her girls would have better luck.
The next morning, Y/N was met by Gretchen at her locker, holding a can of Monster Energy Drink and a couple of donuts. Y/N smiled at the girl as she opened her locker.
"Hi Y/N! I got you this! I thought you might need it this morning, I know math isn't your favorite class." Y/N smiled and took the items from Gretchen. "Thanks, Gretchen. I really did need this! Shall we go to class?"
Gretchen nodded and they set off to math.
Gretchen had tried the same thing Regina did. Initiating small talk, calling Y/N pet names, but she got the same result as Regina. Y/N talked, shut down and when the bell rang, was the first person out the door.
Maybe Karen would be able to get to Y/N.
Wrong. Karen couldn't get to Y/N.
Not for a lack of trying, but she had basically told Y/N that she had a crush on her and Y/N automatically shut it down, not wanting to face the wrath of Regina for "trying to steal one of her girlfriends".
At lunch, Y/N sat with Janis and Damian since Aaron was off doing something for a class. She had told them how nice the Plastics were treating her and how Karen had told her about her crush. Janis and Damian shared a knowing look.
"Dude, they are so into you." Y/N looked at Janis shocked. "W-what? No. No, they aren't." Damian looked at the girl smirking. "Yeah. They are. I mean, Regina approached you first, Gretchen got you an energy drink and breakfast even though you didn't ask, and Karen basically admitted to having a crush on you!"
Y/N shook her head. "People can do nice things without having feelings for them." Janis and Damian looked at each other and burst out laughing. Y/N blushed as Janis shook her head at her.
"You're hopeless."
The next morning, Y/N found herself in the cafeteria, trying to get a little bit of last minute studying done before classes when the familiar click of heels headed towards her.
She looked up to see Karen, Gretchen, and Regina. The girl cowered under their gaze and blushed. "Hi guys?" Regina sat next to Y/N. "Can we talk to you about something?"
Y/N nodded as the other two sat across from her. Gretchen started. "We were wondering if you wanted to go on a date with us. Maybe tonight?" Y/N sat in shock. "W-what?" Karen smiled. "We wanna take you on a date! It'll be so much fun."
Y/N shook her head. "No, I heard you, I'm just confused." Regina looked at the girl with curious eyes. "What do you mean? Why are you confused?" Y/N shrugged and casually said. "I'm me."
The girls looked at each other confused. "Yeah? That's why we wanna go out with you? I'm confused." Y/N looked at Gretchen. "You could have anyone else in the school, I'm nothing special. I can't compare to you guys."
The girls frowned. Why was Y/N talking like this?
Regina gently grabbed Y/N's hand. "Baby, don't talk about yourself like that. You're an amazing human being. You're always so nice and you always help people when they need it. We want to take you out on this date because we all are starting to fall for you. How could we not? Will you please let us show you how amazing you are?"
Y/N felt their heart melt at the blonde's words. She looked at Karen and Gretchen who looked at Y/N adoringly. Y/N nodded. "Yeah. I'll go on this date with you guys." The girls squealed in delight. "Okay! We'll pick you up at 6! Dress casual."
Y/N nodded as Regina kissed her cheek. Blush spread across Y/N's face, only getting deeper when Karen and Gretchen kissed the same cheek. The girls left Y/N sitting at the table with a tomato-red face and a dopey smile on her lips.
Not long after the girls left, Janis joined Y/N at the table. She looked at the girl confused. "You okay, Y/N? You're a little red." Y/N nodded and whispered. "They asked me on a date."
Janis looked at the girl even more confused. "What did you say, Y/N?" Y/N spoke louder. "They asked me on a date." Janis was about to ask who when her brain clicked. She smirked at Y/N and patted her back.
"I told you so, dumbass."
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BITCH imma need a Jake sully x f!reader, where he calls us baby girl oh my god i would actually go feral.
I SWEAR every time Jake Sully says babygirl it just makes me 😩😩😩😩😩
Also, I'm making this human!reader because I just need to fulfill my size kink 🤭🤭
Not proofread soooo as usual, squint if you see mistakes 😙
Jake has an array of nicknames for you. Little pet names that make you blush and smile, bashful. All of them elicit pretty much the same reaction. Except for one.
Jake had accidentally called you babygirl without even realizing it. But the moment you hear it from his lips, you blush and your eyes darken ever-so-slightly. A warmth spreads between your thighs, spreading over your skin, flooding your womb.
You'd stuttered out a reply, nervous and flustered, and then he'd smelled it.
Your soft, sweet arousal. He was used to smelling it occasionally when his hands grazed your skin, or maybe he'd smell it on your hands, making it obvious you'd been touching yourself. But he'd never been able to get that reaction from you with words.
He cocked his head sideways. “You okay?”
That had only flustered you more and you ran off not long after, mumbling something about being late to some place or another.
At night, Jake had stayed up,wondering what it was he'd said that had you so turned on.
It must be long past midnight when he realizes it. And the very next morning, he's waiting for you in the cafeteria as you make your way to breakfast.
When you see Jake there, your cheeks instantly heat. Unconsciously, you wipe your hands on your shirt, sort of trying to dry away the sweat and also hoping the scent of your pussy isn't still imbedded in your skin.
You figure it must be, especially since you've been touching yourself almost nightly since you met Jake.
“Good mornin',” he greets, a sly smile on his lips.
You smile back. “Hi, Jake.” You sit at one of the tables. He sits on the floor beside your chair and he's still taller than you.
“How'd my babygirl sleep?” he asks, brushing a strand of hair off your face.
You shudder slightly. The way he says it has your body warming, especially since you'd spent all night replaying the memory of his voice as you desperately thrusted your fingers in and out of your sopping cunt.
“Um.” You clear your throat. “Yeah. Good. Good.” You nod, avoiding his gaze as you stare down at the plate of eggs and hashbrowns already set in your place.
“I'm glad.” His thumb gently caresses your cheekbone and then his fingers trail from your jaw to your collarbone before retreating. He doesn't miss the way goosebumps flower all over your skin.
You hum quietly, quickly stuffing a piece of hashbrown into your mouth in hopes that he doesn't ask you anything else.
The scent of your arousal slowly fills the atmosphere between the two of you, and Jake's cock twitches in response. He pushes the urge away and smirks slightly.
“You know, I've been thinking. I always give you tour after tour of the village and the clan and whatnot.” He glances sideways at you. “I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the lab?”
You laugh softly and point out, “You already know the lab.”
Jake is not the type to sugarcoat what he wants. He playfully rolls his eyes. “I was implying you should give me a tour of your quarters, silly.”
You blush more. “My...?” It takes you a moment to recover. When you do, you're quick to ask, “What for?”
He smirks, making what he wants absolutely obvious. Still, he innocently says, “I wanna get to know your place.”
You chuckle nervously. “My room's sort of a mess right now...”
He laughs and leans in a little closer. “I'm gonna let you think you're a good liar and pretend I believe you, alright?” he whispers. Then, leaning back, he says, “I don't mind a messy room.”
You can feel the embarrassment heating up your cheeks. “Um.”
He grins. “I promise not to touch anything,” he teases, crossing his arms and tucking his hands under his armpits.
Defeated, you sigh. “Fine. But if you touch a single thing, I'm kicking you out,” you joke, trying to push away the embarrassment you feel and hoping to regain some of your dignity.
He's kind enough to chuckle at that. “Alright. I'll behave, then.”
When you finish breakfast, you lead him out of the cafeteria, down various halls and into your corner of the lab.
Your quarters are made up of a total of three separate rooms. One, your greenhouse, originally a lab full of samples of Pandora flora that eventually overtook the space and now you grow them more than study them. Two, your office, full of thousands and hundreds of books you read for pleasure and not work; your desk is there, computer full of your daily logs. And third, your bedroom with its big queen-sized bed, luxurious mattress, rug-covered floor and joined bathroom as well as a small walk-in closet.
You lead Jake inside. The greenhouse first. He smiles at the small Pandora forest you've grown in here, each little plant encased in a special, all-glass habitat appropriate to its needs.
“This is neat,” he admits, chuckling.
You nod. “This is my favorite room,” you inform him, checking the temperature and humidity in each of the plants' habitats. “I always come in here if I want to relax and just be on my own for a while.”
“I can see why. It's so pretty.” He smiles as he watches you, fussing over your gathered flora.
You lead him into your office next. This room is the one you're most uneasy about. It's private. This is where your daily logs have turned from a record of Pandora to a teenagerish diary obsessing over Jake.
He walks in, fingers tracing over all the familar technology he doesn't use anymore. The space is all clean, spacey, extremely professional.
“It's so weird to be back in one of these rooms...”
You don't spend too much time in your office. You feel almost guilty about all the things you've recorded on your computer.
“Yeah. But you're all familiar with this sorta place.” You chuckle awkwardly; Jake can smell you're nervous. Your little hand grabs onto his for a moment as you tug him in the direction of your bedroom.
He follows after you, eager to see your room, the bed you sleep in, wondering if you ever touch yourself there while thinking of him...
Maybe he's too eager. His tail swishes around, excited, without him noticing. He only becomes aware of it when it knocks something over.
You're halfway into your bedroom by then, but you stop dead in your tracks when you hear your own voice from your computer.
“...and I try not to, I really do. But Jake's just...” A sigh. “God...”
“What's this?” Jake asks, turning around to find he's knocked over your log recorder, somehow managing to make it play last night's log.
You rush out of your room, reaching for the off button, but he holds you back. “No, no. I wanna see,” he tells you, his huge hand holding you away from your computer.
“That's private!” you argue, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
“Not if it has my name in it,” he responds. He turns his attention away from your complaints and back to your log.
“...supposedly just friends, I know. And what's more. He's, like, a whole other species. But I just...can't get him out of my mind, and...”
Jake's eyes rake over your face as you speak. In the video, he can see your raw emotions. Your wide, darkened eyes. The way you chew on your bottom lip. The little sighs and exhales that leave your mouth as you talk about him.
“...drives me crazy. For fuck's sake, I have to touch myself at least twice a day because of him. And when he called me babygirl.” In the video, you bite your lower lip and whine lowly. “I want him so bad. And it's so wrong, I know, but I can't help it.”
Jake's eyebrows raise, his tail swinging with excitement.
Behind him, you're holding your face in your hands, hoping you die right now. The embarrassment is gonna kill you anyway.
He pauses the log, slowly turns to you. Your gaze is quick to avoid his.
He takes a step closer to you and grabs your chin in his enormous hand, forcing your eyes up to his. “Kid,” he says firmly.
You're quick to break. “I'm sorry!” you exclaim, horrified. “I...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have— It was wrong of me to— I just—”
His eyes move to your lips as you talk, and he cuts off your rambling by sliding his huge thumb into your mouth. “Stop talkin',” he says, voice low.
You swallow, hard.
His eyes follow the movement of it.
“Did you mean what you said there?” he questions.
You nod slightly. “Mhmm.”
“Fuck,” he hisses. “Even the part about touching yourself?”
You grimace, blushing intensely. You look away from him and he tightens his grip on your chin. Your eyes find his once more. After a while, you nod. “Mm...”
And then Jake loses it.
His enormous hands grab you by the hips, pushing you backwards into your bedroom. He slams the door shut after himself and then helps you onto the bed.
“You should've said so sooner, babygirl,” he tells you, voice low and raspy. “I could've helped you out a night or two.”
He spreads your legs, your skirt riding up your thighs and exposing the edge of your panties. Your scent is thick—thicker than it's ever been—and Jake can't help the animalistic urge that takes over him.
He pushes you to lay back against the pillows, one of his hands holding you down while his other one holds onto your hip. He nuzzles his face between your thighs, rubbing against the soft skin there. He slides his nose up your slit, teasing you through your panties which are rapidly growing moist.
You whine lowly, breath hitching, hands moving to his head. You hold him, back arching slightly in search of his mouth.
He groans against you, tongue darting out to flatten against your clit through your panties. You squirm under him, thighs squeezing his head.
He chuckles, smirking as he uses his huge hands to hold your legs open. He grabs the hem of your panties between his sharp canines and quickly tugs them off. The sight is almost enough to send you over the edge, somehow you manage not to lose your mind right there and then.
He throws your panties aside once you're out of them, his eyes quick to fall on your cunt. Delighted, he reaches for you, one hand holding your hip in place while his other hand slides between your thighs.
His middle finger traces up your slit, teasing your entrance. He spreads your soaked folds, eyes focused on the way you clench around nothing, how your slick drips down to the bed.
“Jake,” you whine out, cheeks heating from his intense gaze. “Jake.”
“Yeah, babygirl?” he says, eyes fluttering up to yours. “What do you want?”
You make a soft, high-pitched sound when he gently slides a finger into you. “I...I want you.” Is that your voice? So breathy and whiny and weak?
He nods. “Off to a good start. But I know you can do better, baby.” He grins deviously. “What do you want from me, babygirl? Hm?”
You blush. “Want you t'fuck me,” you mutter, shy, nerves getting the best of you.
He taps your thigh, drawing your eyes to his. “What was that, baby? I couldn't hear you.”
You feel your entire face heating with embarrassment. He loves to tease you, you know he does, and it always makes you shy and flustered.
“Please, Jake,” you whine. “Please fuck me.”
A small growl escapes his lips. “Oh, I want that. You don't know how bad I do.” He holds your gaze. “Are you sure you can take it?”
You nod, too clouded in your lust to even consider it. “I'm absolutely sure.”
He nods. “Alright, babygirl. But first, I gotta get this pussy 'f yours all nice and stretched out. I don't wanna hurt you.” He dives back between your thighs, his mouth finding your folds, his nose against your clit and his tongue tracing around your entrance.
Your nails dig into his scalp, your body trembling under his enormous hands that hold you still. Your eyes flutter shut, mind lost as Jake devours your cunt.
He tries to be gentle, but he's so eager to please you that he accidentally grazes his teeth against your sensitive cunt. It sends a whirl of ecstasy through you, making your hips jerk.
Jake's tail flicks with surprise, his ears perking as he glances up at you. He studies your face, looking for signs of discomfort. When he doesn't find any, he runs his sharp canines over your swollen folds again, teasing your clit as well.
That gets you writhing, hips torn between jerking away from his mouth and pressing against it.
He gently bites your clit, growling lowly when you whimper. One of his hands moves away from your thigh and to your cunt. His rough, thick middle finger presses against your entrance, gathering your slick before pushing inside of you.
Your velvet walls clench around his digit eagerly, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the relief of having something inside.
Jake's mouth keeps working your clit, making you see stars, while he slides his ring finger into you as well.
His fingers are too clever by half. They find your g-spot with too much ease and are quick to curl against it, giving it the exact pressure it needs to make you writhe.
Your voice is a gentle whimper as you feel your orgasm nearing and start a high-pitched chorus of, “Jake! Jake! Jake!”
He chuckles against you, sending vibrations up your spine, his cock twitching in anticipation.
Your little hands grab onto his hair, trying to push his head away. “'s too much,” you cry. “It's too much! I-I can't! Jake, please! Fuck!”
He ignores your whining, knowing full well that you need to come. He keeps going, and your damn glad he does. But the pleasure is too intense; you're not sure you won't pass out any second now.
“No, no, I can't!” you insist, nimble hands failing at countering his strength. His mouth keeps devouring you, his fingers thrusting into you until you're falling over the edge.
“Fuck!” you cry, eyes fluttering shut, back arching. “Fuck! Fuck!”
Jake helps you ride out your orgasm until you fall limp on the bed, chest rising and falling with each breath.
“You okay?” he asks you, crawling on top of you, dwarfing you as he cups your face in his hand.
You nod. “'m fine.”
He smiles softly. “You still want me t'fuck you, babygirl?”
You nod. “Yes. Please.”
He nods. He takes his loincloth off, tosses it aside. Your eyes fall to his cock, heart racing at the sight of him. He's long, thick, and hard. The thought of it in you sends fear flying through you, and it only turns you on more.
You spread your legs in a silent invitation, your pretty eyes focused on his face.
Jake runs the thick head of his cock between your folds, teasing your clit, nudging your entrance. “Are you sure?” he asks, eyes studying yours for any sign if hesitance.
You nod. “Please, fuck me.”
“Deep breath for me, yeah?” His voice is soft, soothing, a gentle command. You nod. As you start taking that deep breath, he pushes into you.
At first, your cunt offers resistance, pain pricking your skin as the head of his cock struggles to fit. Once the tip is in, hoewever, the pain lessens and eventually dissipates, allowing you to relax.
Jake slides into you deeper and deeper, hissing quietly, his mind reeling from how tight you are. He fills you until the tip presses against your cervix, leaving almost half of his cock out of you.
He glances up at you to find your eyes shut, mouth open in a silent 'oh.' He chuckles softly, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Someday, I'm gonna be all the way inside of you,” he promises. “You're gonna learn to take every inch of my cock, babygirl.”
You moan, writhing underneath him, your body too overcome with pleasure for you to reply. Your breath is heavy, your back arches as he starts to move.
“Just like that,” he groans, one of his ginormous hands holding onto your hip, the other one braced on the headboard. “Good girl. Breathe for me, hm?”
You whimper, your hips grinding against his at the slow, steady rhythm he sets. You try to take even breaths, but with every tiny move he makes, shocks of ecstasy climb up your skin, knocking the air from your lungs.
“Oh, baby,” he chuckles, “this pretty little pussy is so good...so fuckin' good.”
You moan, hands curling into fists around the bed sheets under you. “Oh, God,” you cry out, your legs wrapping around his waist, pushing him almost impossibly deeper into you.
A snarl leaves Jake's lips. “Fuck, you're gonna kill me.” He leans down, his mouth meeting your neck. He bites your throat, his teeth dragging over your sensitive skin. He licks the sweat off your collarbone, buries his nose in the crook of your neck.
Stars dance behind your eyelids, your pulse races in your ears. You can't think, can't do much more than squirm under jake and moan.
“There you go, babygirl,” he whispers into your ear. “You're doing so good for me.”
Your nails dig into his shoulders, your heels pressing against the small of his back. He can't get enough of you, but he knows he has to hold back. He'll hurt you otherwise, and he'd never risk that.
Heat blossoms in your core, spilling between your thighs and aching deep behind your belly button. Your release peeks through the haze, steadily growing, like a snowball rolling down a slope, gaining momentum and size.
The sound of your voice, high-pitched and shaky, has Jake's ears perking up. Your velvet walls tighten around him and he groans.
“That's a good girl,” he hums. “My babygirl. You gonna come on my cock, hm? Gonna behave for me?”
You nod, eyes shut tight, your teeth digging into your lower lip as you try to muffle your whimpers.
“Answer me,” he demands, pounding you harder, his fingers digging into your skin, bruising your delicate body.
“Yes! Yes! I will!” you cry out, your body writhing, hips jerking as your orgasm bubbles right underneath the surface. Jake hisses as you clench around him, making it almost impossible for him to slide in and out of you.
Jake's predatory amber gaze watches you as you come undone. Your release crashes over you, making your back arch, your lips part. You moan, nails digging into his skin, slick gushing over his cock
Jake groans as he feels your pussy grow wetter, velvet walls clenching around him. And then his own orgasm takes over him. He spills his thick load inside of you, rope after rope of warm, sticky release. He pumps you full of his cum until it's dripping out of you and then he collapses beside you on the bed, breathless.
He hugs you to him, kissing your forehead. “You were so good for me, babygirl,” he says, his hands quick to massage your body wherever he left bruises. “Such a good girl.” He kisses your jaw, smiles against your neck. He chuckles and adds, “I bet that by this time next week, you'll have learned to take all of me inside that pretty little pussy, hm?”
You meet his gaze, blushing, your eyes growing wide. You nod, swallowing thickly. You're already thinking about what tonight's log is gonna be.
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veaspo · 3 months
Hiii!!! Could you do Tim wright but years after marble hornets, so he’s like 38-39 now as a father to a teenager. But like the teenager is edgy like dresses edgy and has edgy hair, yet is sassy and sarcastic like him but can be super hyper even though they are introverted. But they struggle with mental health a lot. But Tim isn’t their biological dad he’s just like a father figure to them. If you can!!!! Have a good day!!!!
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You had just woken up, you weren't really a morning person because it would just be a repeat of the day before. Get up, Eat, Sit around the house with your dad, and Sleep.
Your life was never really enthusiastic, your parents weren't the best people, when you were a toddler or so they just up and left you on the side of the road.
You were lucky enough to be found by Tim, your now father. Only a few hours after. You had to be pulled out of school around freshman year because people wouldnt leave you alone, you were just quiet but occasionally loud..not often though.
Tim noticed a change in your behavior regarding school, grades slipping, getting in trouble more often, caught skipping classes. One time he caught you skipping the entire school day.
He sat you down one day and had asked you whats going on, "Sweetheart, tell me what's going on. You were never like this before, I'm worried."
After he said that, a lump had formed in your throat. "I-i get picked on everyday..and I just think about like how life would be now if my parents didn't just up and leave..you know? Like what if I wasnt the way I am now? What if I was popular and had a bunch of friends?"
Tears were forming in your eyes.."Oh sweetie, come here." Tim said. You scootched closer to your dad and he hugged you, he hugged you like it would've been the last he seen of you.
"Why didn't you come to me sooner, sweetpea?" he asked. "I just didn't know how to bring it up to you, i'm sorry." you said, now balling your eyes out.
"Don't apologize, it's not your fault."
You were lucky to have an old man that understood..
guys guys guys this was my first angst, how'd i do🤼‍♀️
did it serve? or did i get cooked?
Feel free to leave requests and tips! 💙
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monikashinswife · 11 months
Drunk-Dazed (Monika Shin x F!Reader)
・❥・another one that I wrote just now because I kept replaying this clip and the interview with honey j where she gets drunk with 4 glasses of somaek in soju glass😭 Imma go sleep. Enjoy <33
credits to the rightful owner of the video: @ioqwoo on twt
You just started tucking yourself on the bed when you heard her. You quickly walked towards the noise and you snorted when you saw her stumbling with Hyo Won in her assistance.
She doesn't notice you right away when she started calling "Love" loudly slurring over her words. You immediately hum in acknowledgment while walking calmly to assist her. You laugh when you saw how Lip J is struggling. She gave you an annoyed look before letting out an "unnie" at you.
You knew that she can be handful when she's drunk, especially with how light weighted she is when it comes to alcohol. You offer Hyo Won to sleep at the guest room but she refused. Apparently she's the designated driver for tonight and you could only offer her a good luck before she leave.
You knew Monika would be home late. She already informed you that the season one crews would be going out tonight. And you were working late and just so happens to be getting ready to sleep when she came.
"Come here now." You said softly while guiding her arms around you. But she pulled herself away from you. You look at her drooping eyes that is filled with confusion.
"Who are you? Where's my love?" She said, out of it already. You smiled softly and tiredly and then she stopped you. "Stop that." She raised her hand to stop you.
"Stop what?" You giggled at her silliness, "stop smiling, you look like my girlfriend." She slurred over her words. Pouting lightly when you continue to smile at her.
"But I am your girlfriend." She tilted her head for a moment before walking towards you. She puts her hands on your face. Caressing it lightly, making you sigh.
"Well you do feel like her." She continued, smiling as she stroke your face. "You know how I feel?" You put your hands on top of hers while asking that.
"Mm-hm." She hummed, you smiled fondly as she looked adorable. Trying not to close her eyes because of how sleepy she is.
"Alright let's get you to bed Monika." You guide her inside your shared room. You're helping her put some comfortable clothes when you noticed that she's staring at you with puppy eyes.
"What?" You ask while folding the clothes that she wore. She pursed her lips before speaking, "Monika?" She questioned like a child. "Yes, that's you?" You answer her question.
"But- Why Monika? Do you not love me anymore?" She looked at you like a kicked puppy. And oh God she'll be the death of you.
"Of course I love you." You stroke her hair lovingly. And you melted when she snuggled closer to your hand.
"So why did you call me Monika? I'm love or Mon-mon." You laughed, because of how full your heart is. She is so adorable. You noticed how she's fighting to stay awake. But your soft strokes calms her down.
"Alright, alright. Get some sleep Mon-mon" She mumbled something before letting the sleep overtake her. You gave her forehead a kiss before you gather her into your arms. In an instinct she snuggled closer to your embrace.
"Sleep well Mon-mon." You internally squealed at how adorable she is. You knew that she secretly loved being called Mon-mon by you. And you would tease her in the morning about this.
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strawhatkia · 1 year
love you more when the day is new.
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INCLUDES ! katsuki bakugo, eijirou kirishima, and hitoshi shinsou x black!fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! weekend morning antics or, what it's like to wake up to the boys !
WARNINGS ! y'all live in an apartment (not the dorms), characters have been aged up, if i miss anything let me know (it's so fcking late)
WORD COUNT ! i have no clue...
A/N ! imma do a pt.2 because i wanted to add sero and izuku but i can't fucking focus so y'all have this for now !
SONG SUGGESTION ! breakfast in bed by rayana jay, breakfast by fana hues, one love by cleo sol
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🧨💢✧ KATSUKI BAKUGO !
with how early this boy goes to sleep, waking up before him is quite literally impossible
usually it's you waking up to him on his phone as he rubs your side with his free hand, tucking you in closer to his chest while looking the most relaxed you will ever see him
he always knows when you're about to wake up, and og i am not kidding, the boy picks up on when you're heart rate changes
but there's a reason, i promise ! kats is vv afraid of losing his hearing one day due to his quirk so he kinda asked recovery girl to teach him how to pick up on someone's pulse from their neck
after that, he always positioned himself so you would be laying on his arm and his hand would be on your neck some how cute right?
this is the best time for cuddles because he is so pliant and peaceful and warm
the moment you look like you're getting up, he immediately puts his phone down (he really didn't care for it but he was bored waiting on you to wake up)
he quietly accepts your hug, tangling his legs with yours and tucking his head into your neck with a sigh as you slowly wake up
"morning suki" "g'morning" "did you sleep okay?" "hm...i was bored waiting on you" "my bad, how long did you wait?" "not long...go to bed early" "not everyone is an old man like you kats" "shut up, talking shit this early- don't laugh-"
his arms tighten around you when you shift and he continues to rub circles on your back and rub your sides in hopes of you getting to relax more so you don't get out of the bed
"babes, we gotta get up" "hm." "we can't stay here all day" "like hell we can't" "kat-"
prepare for some soft kisses to shut that nonsense up because he ain't hearing none of it
i feel like if you had a scarf on and the knot was pressing into his face, he would just snatch that shit off in the middle of your sleep and either redo it or put a bonnet on for you
"kats...where's my scarf?" "hm? i took it off" WHAT-" "the damn knot was hurting my face" "...i oughta whoop yo ass" "oh shut up, i know you feel that damn bonnet on your head ! it's not like i left your head unprotected !"
how he gets away with taking it off without you noticing is a mystery (and a profound skill)
when it comes to breakfast, he is definitely making it and no you can't help
"one of these days you'll get tired of making breakfast every morning we have off" "dumbass, if that day comes i'm either sick or you need to come knock some sense into me" "i can cook, kats, you do know that right?" "i didn't ask, you do know that right?" "aight, nigga-"
he'll never say it out loud, but you're his girl and he's supposed to take care of you so breakfast is the least he can do; plus you're still sleepy, he doesn't want you to burn yourself (never mind the years you spent making breakfast for yourself)
big on french toast with brioche bread just because he can and he loves the way you struggle a lil to bite into that thick ass piece a bread ; you stuffing your face with food he cooked always makes him happy
(if you're the type of person that dances or hums or makes a face when eating good food, just know he's looking for that cue and won't be satisfied until sees it)
also food = love pipeline !
— ☾⋆⁺₊🐈‍⬛🌀✧ HITOSHI SHINSOU !
you always wake up first, always
toshi has trouble sleeping most days and with him being a stealth hero, sleep often alludes him
sleeping with you helps as much as it can but he still struggles sometimes so in the morning, you let him sleep as long as he wants
i'd like to think that he runs a little cold most nights so the bed being warm is important to him sleeping peacefully so in the morning when you wake up, you don't get out of the bed too quickly
he's such a cat, even in his sleep, so cuddling with him will get you an immediate response; if you tuck him into you chest and rub his back, he'll snuggle closer to you and sigh, relaxing even further into your hold ; if you kiss his forehead and rub his side, he'll roll into your touch; if you try to spoon him and nuzzle into his back, he'll hold your arms in his hands, stroking his thumb against your forearm
blankets *
it's getting out of bed that is incredibly hard because there's a chance he'll wake up which we don't want= mf needs sleep ; even if he sleeps for a little while long, he'll notice the bed get cold almost immediately
technically, this is the morning but y'all don't roll out the bed until noon because toshi needs sleep and you'll feel bad if you wake him before he actually gets up
great cuddler tho !
one of the few times, his hair isn't trying to impale everything near it
despite how much gel the boy puts into his hair, his hair is very soft and fluff (also do to the fact you make him take better care of his hair bc whew-)
smooth, silky, and soft ! it's hard not to touch as soon as you wake up because it's just right in front of your face and so you run your hands through it (kiri definitely wakes up the moment you start stroking his hair but like hell he's moving away, to relaxed to move)
when he does want to wake up, he stretches very slowly before letting out the loudest groan and popping every bone down his spinal cord
"well damn, kiri, you good" "never better" "okay well don't break your back, old man, we ain't even got out the bed yet" yea haha very funny"
another cuddle bug but definitely more aggressive, pulling you on top of him and wrapping his arms around you while kissing your cheeks multiple times, laughing when you groan or yell at him to put you down
he doesn't
i envision kiri as the type to just go back to sleep as soon as he's comfortable again so getting out of the bed is a very long affair
even so, he does not stop trying to kiss you anywhere he can reach (ofc a lil softer than before) and humming when you kiss him back
he's just so soft and loving in the morning, shit is almost overwhelming
just letting you know, i fully believe that if you let him start or start it yourself, he'll kiss you the entire morning and start tearing up because he just loves you so much
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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boyfriend. | f. | katsuki bakugo
lip gloss, lil mama. | f. | bakugo, sero, shinsou, hawks, and mirio.
taglist : @mypimpademia @sevvnt @cosmiles @megurulvr @dreampurpledreams
eijirou kirishima taglist: @cosmiles
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axailslink · 2 years
would do riri with a R who love to sleep whenever they can❤️
She's so beautiful when she's sleeping
Riri Williams x black! FEM reader
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Summary: you fall asleep on face time and Riri comes and visits your apartment with breakfast from waffle house.
"Babe? Babe? Baby? Love? Mamas? damn...she really fell asleep on me again she's always sleeping." Riri smiles to herself until she remembers "fuck she didn't eat" she gets up and pulls on the first clothing items she sees sprawled about her room which are some Nike sweats, a black jacket, and some slides. She makes sure to grab her wallet, keys and a water bottle the side of the campus Riri was on they're not as strict about the curfew so she could always really easily slip in and out. "Hey Mr Thompson so imma be real with you my girlfriend hasn't eaten anything today I'm going to buy her something however you could just let me go or we could race to my car and see who wins." Mr. Thompson shakes his head "go just be back tonight if you're not don't let me see you sneak back in" she nods and gives him a thumbs up she checks her phone and smiles at your little ugly sleeping face.
Riri loves you at what you'd consider your worst but she thinks seeing you like this is the most beautiful version of yourself. She mutes herself as she gets in the car and starts it up immediately driving to your favorite waffle house the one that knows you personally. When she walks in she gets something she knows you'll eat and her go to which is a Texas bacon cheese steak melt with a sunny side egg and grits. "Riri it's twelve at night how's my girl doing?" Riri glances at her phone then your uncle "she's still a bit of an idiot uhm she went to sleep without eating again so I'm doing my girlfriend duties." He nods and smiles "so when you gone marry her?" Riri laughs and stuffs her hands in her pockets "when we're done with school maybe..." He smiles and slides a little envelope across the table.
"She'd want it to be this ring" she reaches to open it but he taps her hand "don't not until you both are ready" he glances back at the other workers and grabs your food giving it to her she grabs the envelope and stuffs it in her pocket while handing him the money "thanks unc" he nods as she leaves. Riri and your uncle have been very close since they met. You weren't exactly sure why, but you never questioned it. You honestly thought it was kind of cute. Since the rest of your family wasn't too fond of her or your relationship at all, well that excludes your mother, she was a true sweetheart. But the rest of your family sucks ass so it doesn't really matter to you.
When Riri arrives at your apartment she carefully lets herself in with her copy key and locks the door back. She picks up a bit seeing that you have certain things strolled about before she finally walks to your room and just watches you momentarily. "She looks so damn tired" she turns the light on and hops on your bed food in hand you groan and grab her leg "it's twelve in the fucking morning calm it down short cake" she laughs as she sits down beside you and move your cover as she places your food on your lap you sit up and rub your eyes. "Baby I just want to go to sleep" she nods "that's crazy I just want you to eat plus I mean I bought your favorite after all even with my broke college student money" you laugh and smile at her "you bought my favorite?" She nods as she opens her own food and hands you a fork. "Thank you" she presses a kiss to your hand "of course now eat at least a little something before you go back to sleep." You just can't help but smile at her no one has ever cared about you this much except for your mother it was kind of creepy...your mother always told you "you won't find love until you find someone who makes you eat." You did just that so maybe you have found love.
"You have to get a stable sleep schedule baby because sleeping at random is not okay for your health" you look at her with a waffle halfway in your mouth "you want to talk to me about health stop smoking weed" she laughs and busies herself into her food "that's what I thought pothead." She smiles and slaps your thigh "eat your fucking food."
A/n: I swear y'all give me a request and make up a whole scenario
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It’s the voices anon, write how a normal day for any of the bsd characters (you choose) would start, but then it gets more and more bizarre and weird and they’re going crazy. Maybe with some crossovers too.
Also imma put a name for myself bc I CAN.
- 🚁💥 anon
That's basically just BSD in general, but yk what, why not ♡ thanks 🚁💥 anon !
I don't really understand the prompt but it's a good one, so
I'll start with...
Osamu D. ★★★☆★★★
As Dazai wakes up calmly in his futon, he looks around. Everything is in place. Everything is how he left it before he went to sleep. The empty bottle of wine from a year ago still on the floor. His work clothes hanging on the closet door. His bandages on his desk. Some guns randomly splayed across his room. And of course, the rope hanging from the ceiling.
It's completely normal.
So, what does he do? He gets up with a yawn, stretching out his arms and standing up. He takes off his shirt and starts unwrapping his bandages to put on new ones like he usually does, tossing the old ones in the trash as he wraps himself up.
Once he's done, he hears a knock on the window. He looks over with a "hm...?" To see a woman with a camera and microphone, screaming, "Sir, Sir!! Are you the one who keeps trying to kill himself and failing?" She yells, voice muffled through the glass.
He blinks. A few more times. Before a confused grin forms on his face as he walks over and opens the window. "This chick climbed up the building? I'm on the second floor..."
"Yeah, that's me! The infamous Osamu Dazai!"
He exclaims excitedly, grabbing one of the shirts that's lying on the floor to put it on. When he glances over the woman's shoulder, he sees a huge crowd of people bickering with cameras, notepads, etc. When I say huge, I mean at least a hundred.
He's absolutely stunned. How... Did this happen? No, what's happening in general?
"Sir—" "Dazai-!" "Will you," "Do you think—" "That boy is-"
The crowd mutters among themselves, writing things down while pointing the cameras at him. One person shouts louder than everyone, marching through the crowd.
"WHAT IS EVERYBODY DOING HERE?! LEAVE AT ONCE!!" As Dazai looks down, he sees Kunikida. He's extremely confused now. At first, he thought this was a joke, but after seeing Kunikida, he knew it wasn't.
After a minute of staring blankly, he closes the window and goes back inside, staring at his wall while thinking. "Is this because of the Port Mafia? No, she mentioned Suicide... Maybe it is?... Whatever."
He thinks to himself before he shakes his head, walking downstairs and to the office and looking at everybody. He sees Kunikida sitting at his desk, doing paperwork and immediately is even more confused. He looks out the window and the people are completely gone. Not a trace of them. Now he's slightly panicked.
"..... Good morning, Kunikida...." He mutters, not in his usual energetic and teasing tone, which makes Kunikida look up from his papers, raising a brow. "Good morning to you too, Dazai?" He says, going back to work.
Dazai just keeps blinking, standing in place. Which causes Atsushi to look over at him, tilting his head. "Are you okay, Mr. Dazai?"
Dazai pauses, seeing how everyone is being normal, just sighs and smiles. "Of course, I am! Why do you ask that~?"
"Well... Because you kinda have a rope around your neck–" Atsushi stops and sighs, seeing as that makes a lot of sense, since it's Dazai.
Dazai, on the other hand, stops smiling and feels his neck. There's a thick rope wrapped around it, wrapped pretty tight, but he doesn't feel any pressure on his neck whatsoever. He didn't put that rope on. "O-o-oh, I do, h-huh? Y-yeah, I guess I do..." He says, the panic clear in his tone. He didn't know what the fuck was going on anymore. He just woke up...
"Dazai, do you wanna go get some suicides with me?" Ranpo speaks up, leaning back in his chair with food in his hands.
"S-some... Some whats?" He asks, messing with the rope that's around his neck, eyes wide.
"No, Ranpo, you've had too many suicides! Don't trick Dazai into doing it with you!" Yosano pipes up, glaring at Ranpo.
"... Where am I?" Dazai asks, looking around. Everyone is quite clearly who they are. The Agency is the exact same. But Everything is weird. Why was there a crowd outside his window? Why was there a rope around his neck? Why was Ranpo talking about suicide?
He asks, looking around. Everyone looks at him like he's crazy, which he's starting to think he is....
A voice pulls him out of his thoughts, but he can't figure out where it's coming from. "Dazai... Dazai, wake up..."
"But... I am awake..."
"Dazai, open your eyes, come on..."
"My eyes are open...."
He thinks before a sudden pain in his cheek makes him jump out of what is happening. When he does, he's in a white room, lying in a bed. Nobody, but the nurses and doctors are there. There was no pain in his cheek. Or rope around his neck. Or crowd. Or Ranpo. Just doctors and nurses.
"Ah, you're awake. You ate some poisonous mushrooms and landed in the hospital. Please, don't be alarmed." The nurse speaks.
"Mushrooms... OH !! THE MUSHROOMS!! Another failed suicide attempt..."
"Don't be alarmed, huh? Well, the only thing that alarms me is your beauty, Belladonna~"
(This was my first time writing anything but smut for anime, so tell me how I did!! And if you want me to make this into a smut story lemme know! Thanks for reading!!!)
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
Part 6 is here!
I was originally planning to make this the epilogue of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮, but, I love you my baby readers soooooo, Imma extend the fic! ^^
So stay tuned as I am really excited to unveil more chappies with you~
A massive, massive thank you once again to @skeleton-the-gangser for requesting the story!
Taglist:@unofficialmuilover@sofilsworld@skeleton-the-gangser@ahashiraswife @sharkyy-tm
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚅𝙸
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: Curse words, Slightly Suggestive
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(Image is not mine, credits to the rightful owner)
You woke up with your limbs tangled with Sanemi. The man was still deeply asleep beside you, and you didn't want to wake him up. Sleeping, Sanemi looked so innocent. All you wanted to do there was look at him and take in this one-of-a-kind sight.
You caressed his scars as you always wondered where they had gotten them. Your touch seemed to wake him up, so you stopped, but it was too late; Sanemi was already blinking, wondering where he was.
You smiled at him and planted a small kiss on his lip. "Good morning, Sanemi." The math teacher seemed to realise what had happened last night, and so he pulled you into a warm embrace and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
Beneath the blankets, both of you were still naked, bearing the remnants of last night's making love.
"Nemi baby... I always wonder, why do you have these scars?"
You asked, caressing the huge scar on his chest while kissing the ones on his face. Sanemi was astounded by your question, but he had told himself a million times before that this might happen. So...
"It's from a car accident that happened when I was just 13 and Genya was eight. The one where we lost our mother and father."
"Oh... sorry for asking about that, Sanemi."
"No, it's okay. So, I tried protecting my siblings but failed, as even if I tried to, Genya still got those major scars and trauma."
You embraced Sanemi, trying to comfort him from the ghost of his past. Both of you lost loved ones in a car accident, and you can imagine how painful it is for Sanemi, especially whenever he sees his younger brother, whom he says he failed to protect.
"I'm okay, baby; no need to comfort me. How about you? What happened before?"
"Oh... I was ten when our car fell into the lake. I told myself before that I didn't deserve to live because my family was gone. But then, Tsutako-sama and Tomioka-san came into my life."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's alright, love. If my family is here, they'll want me to be happy. And I'm happy with you."
Sanemi smiled at what you said. He felt happy to hear that you were happy with him. So with that, Sanemi kissed you once again, which led to another passionate uniting of your bodies and souls.
You watched as Obanai stared at Sanemi, his friend, with concern in his eyes.
"Hey, I saw you earlier. You gave coffee to that weirdo, Tomioka. Don't tell me—"
"Eh, the man's actually nice. Try to talk with him some time." Sanemi said, patting the shoulder of his friend. Your boyfriend noticed that you were watching them, so he turned to you and gave you a wink.
It has been a few weeks since the incident with Tomioka at your house. Sanemi and your friend still haven't been that close, but they're casual now. Tomioka sometimes gives Sanemi ohagi, and on the other hand, the math teacher gives him coffee whenever he's worked up. It was too nice to see two of the most important men in your life in peace.
Suddenly, you felt a hand drape over your shoulder, and when you turned to see who it was, you were met with glistening fuchsia eyes.
"Told you! Just call me Tengen, remember?"
You nodded and gave him a smile. "Fine, Tengen-san."
"Eh? Drop the honorifics~" He added, letting go of you as he sat in Tomioka's seat.
You didn't answer the man, as you're quite confused with him. A part of you is wondering, why is he here now? Usually, this man is locked up in his art room. But then you just shrugged off the thought and started to look back at the test papers that were left on your table.
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and when you looked up, it was Sanemi, who was staring at Tengen intensely. "Oh, what brought you here?"
"Eh? I'm still a teacher here, Shinazugawa-san."
"I know, man. I mean, you're always locked up in your cave up there."
Tengen draped his hand on your shoulder, and that instantly made a nerve pop out of Sanemi's forehead. But then your partner made an effort to calm down. He's aware that Tengen still doesn't know that you're off-limits, as you're already his girlfriend.
"Just wanted to see you all! Especially, Y/N-san." You were astounded at what Tengen said. Yes, you were close with him before even getting close with Sanemi, as he seems to be a cool guy.
A groan escaped from Sanemi's lips as he swatted off Tengen's hand over your shoulder. "Oi, don't pester Y/N-sensei. She's busy. Just come with us. Obanai and I will head out... Right Obanai?"
"Oh, are we?" Obanai asked, blinking in confusion.
"Yes! So let's go and enjoy the lunch!"
With those words, Tengen wasn't able to say goodbye properly. Sanemi quickly yanked the art teacher away from you, dragging the bewildered Obanai along with him.
Classes ended quickly after that moment. You decided to stay at school for another hour to finish some stuff, though. You haven't been able to talk to Sanemi, as he seemed too busy with his students. So now you're walking alone along the hallway when you overhear some students talking.
"Shinazugawa-sensei and Kocho-sensei look so cute together!"
"I know right! I heard that they were a couple before when they were still studying here."
"For real?!"
"Yep! I hope they will still go back together."
You felt a pang of pain in your chest as you listened to what these children were talking about. It's not their fault; they don't know that you're with Sanemi now. It's just uncomfortable to hear. But of course, you want to separate work from your personal life, so you stopped yourself from interrupting their conversation.
A frown was plastered on your beautiful face as you walked along the hallway. You weren't concentrating on where you were going, so you bumped into someone, which made you almost stumble.
"Oh sorry!"
"No, I'm sorry. Are you okay, babe?"
"Sanemi?" You looked up and were surprised to finally see your boyfriend. You almost wanted to just hug him and find comfort in his touch because of what you just heard.
"Are you okay, babe?"
"Sanemi, can we talk?" You asked with your tears almost spilling out. Kanae's past relationship with Sanemi is still a sensitive matter, as you still feel insecure. No one can actually blame you because insecurity is a hard thing to resolve.
Sanemi immediately nodded and pulled you towards his classroom, not caring if any teachers or students saw him holding your hand. All he wanted to do now was find out what had upset you.
He closed the door behind him and pulled you into the corner of the room, where you'd not easily be seen. Sanemi lifted your head with his index finger and caressed your cheek. His pale purple eyes are focused on yours.
"Baby what happened?"
"Sanemi, do you really love me?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"
"Tell me."
Sanemi placed a soft kiss on your forehead and held your hand tight. You felt as if the pain in your chest had subsided a bit in the math teacher's presence.
"I... I heard the students earlier..."
"What did those punks say?"
"They said that you and Kanae look good together."
"Sanemi, do you love me?"
"Of course! Don't listen to those little demons." Sanemi kissed your hand, comforting you. "You're my girlfriend now, and all that matters is that. Don't let others comments ruin your day."
You nodded, finally giving a smile to your loving boyfriend. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too."
"Nii-chan, are you... Oh, hi Y/N-sensei!"
Sanemi closed his eyes, irritated with the sudden interruption of his younger brother. But still, he stood up and went to Genya anyways, leaving you to watch them converse.
"Oh, um, Y/N-sensei, I need to stay for a couple more hours. The math club needs me. Let's just continue our discussion tomorrow."
Sanemi had that longing look in his eyes, but, of course, he couldn't leave his little brother. You just nodded and stood up from your seat. "See you then, Shinazugawa-sensei, Genya-kun."
You ended up walking alone, watching the sky as you enjoyed the calm breeze. It's almost night, and you're wondering if Sanemi will visit you later.
The man knows how to calm you down whenever that insecurity arises. Even if you deny it a thousand times, Sanemi will notice them and make sure to assure you of his feelings. Despite his harsh facade, he can't resist you.
A small smile crept up your lips as you muttered it once again. "Sanemi can't resist me." That gave you a tickling sensation in your stomach, which lifted your spirits somewhat. You just love how the man shows you the other side of him. The way he blushed, the way he would hold your hand, everything
You were about to cross the street when, suddenly, a flash of light blinded you.
"Hey...You're finally awake."
You opened your eyes, feeling that pain behind your head. You looked around but immediately felt dizzy. "Hey, don't move. You're still injured, so don't force yourself for now."
The voice seemed familiar, and despite what he just said, you still turned to look at him and met his golden-orange eyes. You're too stunned to move. Is this... Hotaru?
"Are you the God of Death?" You asked, thinking you were already dead, as you never expected to meet him again. The man chuckled and reached out to caress your cheek. "Is that a new pickup line?" He asked that, which made you feel confused.
You suddenly realised that, no, he isn't the God of Death. He's really Hotaru Haganezuka, and now all you want to do is just close your eyes and wish that when you open them, he's gone.
"Why are you here? I need to go home..."
"Hey, angel. Don't move for a while."
Angel... The word almost made you throw up. You wanted to leave, but your body is too weak to move. Hotaru seemed to notice it, so he placed a hand on your shoulder and heaved a deep sigh.
"For your information, I saw that you almost got hit by a car. I jumped in to save you, but you still hit your head on the ground. Minor injuries only, though. And yes, you're welcome. Tsk..."
He said it with a hint of annoyance in his voice. You gulped, feeling a mixed bag of emotions as you watched him fix the blanket over your body.
"Do you still talk to Tomioka? I'll contact him."
"He'll kill you if he knows it's you."
"Fine then. You're stuck with me."
Sanemi was pacing back and forth at his apartment, feeling worried that you hadn't responded to his messages. He wanted to visit you, but his little brother is sick, and Genya and his other siblings can't focus on taking care of him because he needs to prepare for the exams.
The math teacher tried to contact you again, but you're still unreachable. "For fuck's sake, answer the phone, Y/N!" He muttered under his breath as he tossed his phone on the table.
"Nii-chan, are you okay?"
He immediately hid the frustration in his expression as he looked up at his little brother, who was already awake. Sanemi sat beside him on the bed and checked if his fever was gone. But no...
"Oh Koto-kun. You should rest."
"But you're mad... Are you mad at me, Nii-chan?" The boy asked, which made Sanemi sigh. Of course, he can't be mad at his little brother for being sick. It's not his fault.
"No, Nii-chan's just got a lot on his mind right now. But I'm not mad at you. Never. I want to take care of you, so please rest. Okay?"
The boy finally closed his eyes again.
While looking at his brother, he can't help but think of you. It's just that he has a bad hunch, and he doesn't like it at all.
"I hope you're okay... Y/N."
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅…
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒐𝒌𝒂𝒚? 𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝒊𝒔 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒖 𝑯𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒛𝒖𝒌𝒂 𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆?
Find out more on the next chapter of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮!
Thank you so much for reading this. I hope I managed to make you more excited for the next chaps! 🌸
Feel free to reblog, comment or request!
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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ktkat99 · 1 year
Ao3 is down. I'll be posting here.
Two Weeks Of Whump Challenge Day 2. Isolation Chamber
Tim raised his fist to knock on Bruce's bedroom door, but froze.
He was being stupid.
This wasn't something he needed an adult for.
This wasn't something he needed to bother Bruce with.
But… he wanted to.
He exhaled and dropped his hand, head swimming.
He didn't need to wake Bruce.
He didn't need to bother him.
It wasn't like he'd never been sick before.
He coughed harshly and leaned back against the wall, sliding down to sit beside his adoptive father's closed door, letting his forehead rest against his knees.
He'd felt lousy when they'd returned from patrol, but since he'd lost his spleen that was nothing new. He could usually just deal with the fatigue, but this wasn't that.
He wasn't feeling any better, even though he'd been laying in bed for the past several hours. He felt hot, sweaty, sore, and completely exhausted.
His throat hurt.
He kept coughing.
And his ears wouldn't stop ringing no matter what he tried.
He wanted help.
He wanted someone to take over and make him feel better. He'd tried everything and just felt worse and worse.
But, at the same time, Tim knew he was nearly an adult. He didn't need attention like some kid, but he was just… so tired.
"Tim, wake up."
He tried to.
He really did.
But his eyes were glued shut.
Every muscle ached like he'd just gotten back from mountain climbing.
His head wouldn't focus.
It was hot.
Way too hot.
"Bruce? What's going on?"
"Get Alfred! Now, Dick!"
He heard a whimper and felt a large hand rub his chest. "Shh, shh. You're going to be okay. Just stay with me. Open your eyes.
Everything felt like it was spinning. He could feel his breaths coming out in desperate, short gasps.
"Jay, go get a thermometer."
"Hm? Why..? Oh, shit."
He coughed, body spasming.
Why couldn't he open his eyes?
Why… why was it so hot?
"You're going to be okay. Just stay with me."
Cloth was around his eyes when he woke up.
He… he felt something in his hand.
"Tim? Tim, can you hear me?"
"'ruce..?" His throat was killing him, and he hadn't expected talking to be as hard as it was.
The thing in his hand moved and he was able to tell that… it was another hand.
Someone was… holding his hand?
"It's me, buddy. How are you feeling?"
"What happened?" He was so hoarse he almost didn't even recognize his own voice.
"You're sick, buddy. I shouldn't have let you go up against Freeze without backup. You fainted in the hall sometime yesterday morning."
"Sorry." He breathed. "What're you doin' here?"
"Making sure you're doing alright. You scared the hell out of me, Tim."
"S'rry." He was tired.
"Don't apologize."
"You don't… need to stay. Imma be fine."
Something brushed his head, pushing his sweat-soaked hair back. "I'm staying. Deal with it."
Bruce's voice was soft, but he could hear that he was smiling.
"Mm. Tired." He whispered.
"You can sleep. I'll still be here."
The next time Tim woke up, there was beeping.
He felt the tickle of a nose cannula, and the pressure of tape holding an IV in his arm.
He was so cold.
"Bruce..?" He whispered.
The only thing he heard was the beeping of machines.
He still couldn't see.
His bones felt like lead weights.
"Bruce?" He tried to speak louder, but irritated his throat and fell into a coughing fit.
The beeps changed.
An alarm sounded.
There was a hiss, like a sealed door sliding open.
"Breathe. Come on, Tim. Breathe. In and out."
A hand rubbed his chest, helping to calm his fit.
"That's it. That's it, buddy. You're going to be okay."
He sounded worried.
Tim turned his head towards the voice.
"Said… you'd be here."
The hand stilled on his chest.
"I know. I'm sorry. But you took a turn for the worse, and with your spleen, we couldn't take any chances."
"You're in the cave. We had to set up the bio room for you."
Tim felt chilled all over again, for an entirely different reason.
The med bay was always kept sterile, but was also equipped with recessed, air-tight walls that could be pulled out to seal the room off completely in case of emergency.
It was mainly used in cases of bioweaponry, dangerous patients, or in need of a holding cell. In other words, he was in isolation.
"Tim, please." His hand was picked up by a gloved hand and pressed to a chest. "Breathe. Like this. You can do it."
He tried.
He really, really tried.
"Tim, you need to breathe slower."
"Please." He croaked. "Please."
"Tim, you're hyperventilating." A second hand combed through his hair, but stopped when the glove ended up just tugging his hair.
"Don' leave. Don't wanna be alone."
The hand holding his hand against Bruce's chest tightened.
"Buddy, I'm so sorry. It's for your own good."
"I'll be good." He felt wetness on his face and couldn't tell if it was tears or sweat.
He'd always been left alone when he was sick.
His parents always had work, and the people they worked with didn't need to be getting a child's cold passed onto them.
His father tended to… fancy… the nannies which meant his mother fired and rehired them too fast for any of them to care too much about his comfort while sick.
He used to bring him soup and hot drinks.
He used to sit with him.
He used to… be there.
"Don't leave." He whispered through gasps. "Please..?" He was definitely crying now.
"Tim, buddy. It's for your own good. I'm sorry. I'm… Timmy, I'm so sorry."
"I'll be good. Please. Please don't leave."
"I have to. I'm sorry. I- I shouldn't even be in here now."
"No. No, no, no. Please, please. I don't want to be alone."
The intercom blipped to life. "Bruce, he needs to be sedated. His heart rate's way too high, and he's panicking."
"Please. Don't do this. I don't want to be alone."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Timmy. It's for your own good."
He felt a prick in his neck and his brain started to fog.
He was tired.
His hand grew limp.
"I'm sorry, Timmy. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, son."
The last thing he felt was his hand being laid across his own chest.
The last thing he heard was the hiss of the door closing.
The last thing he knew, was that he was once again alone.
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quinloki · 5 months
…… it is consuming all of my brain function I barely have brain cells to rub together for ANYTHING ELSE RN IM SO SORRY ITS SO LONG
Marco and Sabo who aren't actually from conflicting organizations, they're from organizations that are partnered (whitebeard/revolutionaries) but they have this weird rivalry (mostly on Sabo's side tbh) bc Ace and Sabo grew up together but Ace didn't join the same organization bc Sabo disappeared similar to canon but they were reunited at some point and ace yapped his ear off about his partner marco
anyways the organizations both have someone in their eye (reader) and decide to work together to obtain the asset. however ace is trash at undercover work so they send sabo and marco together instead
reader works for croc maybe doing something similar to what robin used to do and kinda similar vibes to nami in a sense of owing croc a bunch of money they occasionally prowl the casino floor looking for dudes to 'rip off' to help pay the debt down
and oh look it's a pair of brothers talking about how their dad left them a bunch of money and they've never done this before time to get them drunk and clean them out ofc they'll only act drunk and you offer to escort them up to their room safely
then bam drugged and you're out cold and stuffed in a suitcase and they're out of there (but being followed oh nooo) and you wake up in a totally different hotel room and you try to fight them but trained spies so you basically just end up pinned like we're ready to make you a better deal than crocodile just calm down and you're like ???? wait you're not here to use me against crocodile??? i'm down I was only working for him bc I owed him money and his new business partner (doffy) gives me the creeps so what can you offer
and sabo is like what is this stockholm syndrome already and marco just shakes his head and sighs and they basically outline what the organizations are looking for/offer which is like 10x better than working for crocodile so you accept but oop yall are still being followed so spy shenandigans and little scuffles follow and you travel a lot trying to get back to their base
and it puts you all in very close proximity for some time often sharing hotel rooms and then one time the only room available is one bed and ofc then comes the bickering of who will sleep where with the guys planning on the floor and it's like come on we're all adults here it'll be fine (famous last words) and ofc yall wake up snuggled together and sabo is interally like wtfff that's the best I've slept probably ever
and yall have all been practically attached at the hip for safety so everyone is pent up and they both get some morning wood and its like this is wrong yall are brothers and they're like we're not real brothers?? and then you're like oh. well then.
fun times ensue and after it's a bit awkward like well what do we do now but then bam croc's men catch up so it's run away and not think about that time and there's a few more stops between then and getting back to safety and a few more fun times and then yall are seperated when you get back and it's like aw it's over but they start sneaking in to see you and it's like welp I guess this is a thing
and you see them together and seperate and while they see eachother in your company they see very little of eachother outside of it bc they're dealing with eachother for you except marco is very good at putting sabo under him and riling him up and it's always so hot to watch especially when marco orders sabo to do specific things to you
and yall have fun like that for awhile and then ofc there's some drama like maybe croc's men finally sneak in and snatch you up but you're like a beloved member of both organizations so they'll go to war for you and snatch you back and the boys are so happy to have you back they spend days showing you just how much
anyways brain is empty rn imma go to bed and maybe think about more or just more specific sexy times so sorry for the brain dump love you lots hope you enjoyed <3333
Okay - no but that was an awesome ride \o/
You’re in bad with Crocodile, and Doffy wants to “help”, but gods the strings attached to that offer are so bad you’d rather sleep with Croc honestly, but that’s not happening because your relationship with him is exceptionally negative in this story. (I imagine to the point of his cigars making you rankle.)
In come easy marks Sabo and Marco, and oh it’s fun and flirting as you ply these men with drinks and compliments. They even give you small gifts in exchange, tips whether they win big or not. The flirting becoming more heated as the drinks continue in.
Neither is really affected. Sabo’s tolerance is legendary, and Marco can’t even get drunk because of the Phoenix. At least not drinking so little. (He’d slammed a gallon or two once in frustration and had managed to feel drunk for minute or two.
Once the facade is dropped and things are explained (helluva hook you have there, Sabo admits, having taken a wild swing to the jaw), your on board. But you have concerns - your bullshit debt aside, you’re an asset to Croc, he doesn’t let go of assets.
Worry not, their bases are in the New World, and Croc’s connections are in Paradise. It’s going to be a long trip - island hopping down the grand line to reach the Red Line and safety. Weeks and months of staying under the radar and keeping close.
You’re the one to admit you don’t mind some stress relief as long as it doesn’t get weird. They’re brothers - oh wait they aren’t - okay but you’ll be coworkers of a sort, no mixing business and pleasure. We’re all adults here.
Your only concern is that these orgasms aren’t going to be outdone because it’s criminal how well these two work your body. You make it to the Red Line - feelings are caught, you’re caught, war breaks out.
Confessions and concessions as you drown in your two sweet blonde boys, never to be worried about anyone or anything no matter how dangerous it gets.
I love it - it’s a very action packed take on the ideas for Outnumbered, and I love the emotions tied to reader getting kidnapped/saved.
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scary-lasagna · 2 years
Imma be honest, I dont care for a lot of the more popular creepypasta characters, BUT. If you could write headcanons or something similar about Smile Dog acting like a normal hellhound, flipping between cute puppy and hellish monster just on a normal day, I'd be so appreciative. I mean, hes a dog. You cant go too wrong with him.
Smile Dog
Smile has a very important job at the manor. He even has his own work vest and everything.
Smile takes care of the rodents with Seed, barks at Grinny cat, and has a side hobby of eating food off of the floor at family mealtime.
Then, at the end of the day, he opens Jeff's door without opposable thumbs (genius) and chills with his owner until he sleeps.
Of course, right when Jeff falls asleep, Smile must make sure to wake him up to go to the bathroom. This is an absolutely necessary part of his day.
Now that we have the overview, let's see what Smile does on a normal day.
"Hi, Puppyy!!!" The girl with Jeff's smile was always so nice to him before he went to work. And always scratched him behind the ear, just how he likes it. But she reeks of stinky perfume and nail polish, along with Jeff's dirty laundry, so Smile doesn't like to stay long.
Besides, Old Man is always on time to feed him, and he simply cannot be late.
"There you go," Slender says, with a single rub on the head.
And with a growl that shook the kitchen, Smile lunged at the food and immediately started eating bite-shaped chunks out of his food bowl.
You might be thinking, well, isn't that normal for a hungry dog? Well, hungry dogs usually eat what is inside the bowl. Not the bowl itself. But...it all goes down the same way, and he's never had a terrible potty break.
Speaking of potty....
"Jesus!" Tim snapped, and barely managed to swing his leg up in time to dodge Smile barreling down the hallway. "Jeff, get your fuckin' hound!"
Smile eagerly gnawed on the door handle until he managed to open it, and shoved it open. The door handle has already made its imprint of a crater shaped hole in the wall. The same routine every single morning really does a number on the drywall.
Jeff's eyes shot open, and scrambled out of bed before Smile could break another rib this week. Smile was too excited to hear his owner beg for mercy as all 160 pounds of dog galloped toward him.
Jeff was crushed and pinned all at once, groaning in pain from the sheer weight of his companion licking and gnawing at any bone he could identify. "All right, all right, I'm up. Fuckin' Hell, kid." Smile hopped backward, leaping vertically as Jeff staggered toward the useless leash and collar.
Smile dragged him around in the mornings until his zoomies wore off, but Jeff spent $60 on this at the nearest Underrealm pet shop; So he might as well use it, right?
After Jeff was dragged around, tripped down the stairs, and got new grass stains on his PJ's Smile was ready to take on the day.
For acting as a human ragdoll at times, Jeff knew Smile didn't ever mean him any harm. He was just a big goofball with a lot of energy. As Jeff fixated Smile's work vest, Smile took deep breaths, and scanned the lobby.
Mission today: Eradicate rodents. Yell at Grinny for sleeping on the job. Motivate and help Grinny catch rodents. Catch any treats the house guests are rewarding Smile. Go to bed by 11pm so he can wake up and do it all over again.
"Stay." Jeff ordered, and held Smile by the collar. And while Smile obviously had the strength to knock Jeff off his feet and rip his arm off from the sheer take-off speed, Smile listened to Jeff whenever he wasn't running at the speed of light.
Smile whined in excitement, and hopped around on each paw, twitching to get ready to run. Jeff attached the tracker to his "Hellhound at Work" collar, which only drove up Smile's excitement.
"Alright...go get em', kid." Jeff gave him a send-off smack on the hind, and Smile launched toward the open set of doors.
And so,
he's off.
"JEEFF!! Get your fuckin' hound!"
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k-nayee · 1 year
Hybe High public school au
wc: 8.3k Heavily inspired by Blackmilkbangtan's post
Dreamer M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
You take a peek at the clock only to let out a pained groan.
5:40 A.M.
'Why the hell is this woman waking me up so early?'
Letting out a yawn, you snuggle back into the bed, too tired to even move.
"____!" The sound of someone coming up the stairs echoes around your room until the door bursts open.
Despite wanting to ignore her and go back to sleep, you knew it would only end with an immediate ass-whooping if you did.
So like the good daughter you were, you obediently sat up and faced your mother.
Her eyebrows raise at your groggy answer, arms crossed with a spatula in hand. "Oh, so you don't hear me now?"
"Yes ma'am I heard you. But school don't start until 7:15."
"Okay and? What this gotta do with me? I don't care what time school starts. You still gotta get out this house before I leave for work."
With those final words, she turns and walks out the room.
Waiting until her footsteps go distant, you fall back to the bed with a groan and close your eyes.
'I'll get up in a few more minutes.'
"And you better get your ass up! Let this be the last time I have come up there to come get you."
You sit up with a glare. "Or not..."
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
The sound of the radio fills your head as you reach the bottom of the stairs.
Walking into the kitchen, you smile at the sight of your mom placing a plate of scrambled eggs in front of your little brother.
She gives your appearance a look before letting out a hum of approval. "Seems like you took heed of my words."
You lightly scoff at her playful words and kiss her on the cheek. "Yeah, either that or I'd end up six feet under. Hey Bubba!"
"Bubba!" [Brother Name] begins to bounce in his highchair at the call of his nickname, "Bubba! Bubba!"
"Yes it is Bubba! Yes it is!" Swiftly picking him up from the seat, you laugh when he squeals.
"Aight enough of that, let my baby eat his food. And we don't have a lot of time left so come eat." She shakes her head at the interaction with a giant smile.
"Yes ma'am," placing him back in his seat, you grab a plate only to freeze at the sudden ring of your phone.
____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Aye can you pick me up for school in the morning? 9:42 PM ADORAble💝: No problem but you better hurry up or imma leave your ass 9:46 PM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: 🙄 Whateva. Night 9:47 PM ADORAble💝: See you in the mornin' 9:47 PM ADORAble💝: Hey I'm outside 6:20 AM
"____ get off that damn phone and come eat!"
"Sorry Ma, but I can't." You send her an apologetic smile as you pick up your backpack from the floor.
"And why the hell not?"
"Because my ride's outside waiting for me." Quickly grabbing a piece of toast, you stuff it in your mouth and walk towards the door. "See ya later! Love yo-ack!"
Your words are cut off by the yank of your collar, forcing you back into the kitchen.
Turning around, you're faced with your glaring mother as she forces a foam plate into your hands.
"Uh-uh. This ain't no movie-type shit where you get only one thing and bust out of here. Girl if you don't make a plate and eat it on the way there. I didn't raise you to be wasting food like that. And I sure as hell didn't slave over this hot ass stove just for nobody to eat it."
Head bowed in defeat, you pile up your plate with food.
"And put enough on there for your friend. I know they probably didn't eat since they came to pick up your wasteful ass."
"Yes ma'am," putting twice as much on there, you cover it with a bag before giving both her and [Brother Name] a kiss on the cheek.
"See y'all later, love you."
Halfway out the door, you stop at the sound of your mom's voice.
"And don't be having no damn attitude just because I'm trying to make sure you eating right either!"
"Ma ain't nobody having an attitude!"
"Who you raising your voice at?!"
You rub your forehead in exhaustion. "I only did it cause I'm almost outsid- nevermind. I'm heading out right now."
"Oh, so you mumbling under your breath now?!"
"I-bye Ma!"
Walking out of the house with a groan, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of a familiar red car.
"Hey Adora!"
"Don't Hey Adora me! I been waiting outside for damn near twenty minutes." Your friend/neighbor sends you a glare as you slide into the passenger side.
You raise an eyebrow at her words. "Oh really? So I guess you don't want breakfast then. Tch, and to think my momma made me make you a plate."
"Breakfast?" Adora perks up with a smile before making grabby hands at the sight of food, "gimme gimme hoe! I'm starving."
"Nah-uh. You can eat once we make it to school."
"Now that shit's unfair! You know your mama's food is good as hell."
"I know. That's why I'd be damn if we crash cause your dumbass tryna fight over the last piece of bacon with me."
Smacking her lips in defeat, Adora rolls her eyes and started up the car. "Whatever...but I am getting that last piece tho."
"Bitch just shut up and drive!"
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
"So ____, you heard what happened with Kim Taehyung?"
You stop eating your pancakes with a sigh before turning towards the gossiping girl. "What happened?"
Adora quickly swallows the food in her mouth with wide eyes as she leans forward. "Aight, so it was brought to my attention that he got Suri pregnant."
Choking on your food in shock, you look at her. "Suri? You talking about that ugly bitch from second-floor Economics class?"
She nods her head. "Yeah! But you know it's all low-key and all since-"
"Kim Taehyung don't fuck ugly bitches, period." You roll your eyes at the phrase that's been around ever since his Freshmen year.
"Aw shit...there they go."
Following Adora's gaze out the car window, you catch sight of the black limousine pulling up to the school.
Usually, there'd be crowds of students gathering around the vehicle to see who's inside, but now, everyone knew.
Bangtan Sonyeondan, other known as the Bangtan Boys of Hybe High. They are considered the It group, everyone loved them...
'Dammit, them sons of bitches are here today?'
...well everyone except you.
Being the only one in the school who didn't fall for their good looks or charms, it seemed to make them gravitate towards you the most.
Some would say it was a blessing, but you said it was a curse.
"Hey ____, don't you have classes with all of them?"
Banging your head against the dashboard at her question, you prepare yourself for the day's encounters. "Yeah..."
Already dreading the next six periods of the day, you walk into the classroom with a sigh.
Your eyes skim over the class only to stop at the person in a black hoodie that you knew all too well:
Min Yoongi.
He was the only person in Bangtan that you never actually spoken to.
Instead of being the focus of attention, he took the role of that one quiet dude who sits in the back of the class.
No one- I mean no one has ever come close to holding a normal non-school-related conversation with him other than his small circle of friends.
In the school, Yoongi's considered the living, breathing form of intimidation: cat-like eyes staring at you as if anticipating your next move, face void of all emotion.
It's hard to even sit in a five-foot radius of him, but truth be told...the kigga was fine to not even try.
You'd hear of the countless attempts of girls trying to confess their love only to chicken out the moment his dark gaze landed on them.
Dude didn't even know people found him attractive until this one bold chick came up and told him so.
You will never forget the day he flushed pink as a look of confusion fell over his face.
"Alright class," you're forced from your thoughts at the voice of Ms. Johnson [English Arts teacher], "today I'm going to finally assign partners for this quarter's project."
As the whispers of who's going to be with who fills the class, you bow your head in prayer.
'Lord, I've been a good person right? Right. I do all...most of my work on time, I listen to my parents, and I even volunteer at the food shelter from time to time. Now I know you won't do me dirty with this project. All I ask is to not be assigned to no slow as- pardon, a person with a deficiency in common knowledge and book work. Oh, and please, please not Min Y-'
"Min Yoongi? You will be with ____ [Last Name]. Everyone's all partnered up? Good! Now please get to your assigned person."
Slowly turning around with pursed lips, you find him already staring at you in boredom.
His head nudges toward the empty seat next to him and you high-tail your ass over in avoidance of making him mad.
"H-hEllo" You wince at the crack in your voice as he pulls out some paper with a nod.
"Is everything good here? Need any more instructions?" You look up to find Ms. Johnson standing in front of the desk.
Yoongi pointedly looks at you causing your body to stiffen. "Nah we good Ms. Johnson. Thanks anyway."
"Aye yo Ms. Johnson! What was we supposed to do in the last part?"
Giving you one last smile, she turns and bends down to help another student.
"Goddamn! Ms. Johnson thicker than a bowl of oatmeal."
Eyes wide, you slowly turn towards Yoongi as he continues to look at her ass with an intense gaze before bursting with laughter.
"What?" He begins to laugh alongside you with a gummy smile.
"R-really dude?!" You wheeze out, arms wrapped around your stomach as tears filled your eyes, "S-she's damn near 40. Probably your momma's age."
"Shit, that don't mean nothing. With an ass like it's twenty, I'll gladly go for it."
Laughter grew louder than before, it was to a point where you didn't notice how the class went quiet and focused on the two of you.
"Ms. [Last Name], Mr. Min," you immediately stop laughing at the strict voice of Ms. Johnson and innocently look at her.
"Yes ma'am?"
"You want to tell me why you're causing such a disturbance in my class?"
Making eye contact with Yoongi, you bite your lip to keep from laughing more. "N-no ma'am. There's no reason."
"Uh-hm," she studies you for a few more seconds before finally dismissing it, "don't do it again or I'm putting you out...the both of you."
"Yes ma'am."
As she walks off, you share quiet laughs with Yoongi, ignoring the heavy gazes of nosey students around.
"You know ____, you kinda cool."
You scoff at his words. "You don't need to tell me that, I already know boo."
It was his turn to scoff. "Yeah, yeah."
Going back to the paper to start the project, a small grin adorned Yoongi's face the entire time.
Surprisingly, instead of doing the work, the rest of the class period was filled with both of you silently roasting other people.
Yeah, you're definitely gonna be sitting back there for the rest of the year.
'Maybe he's not as bad as I thought...'
"So...you just sat there and hanged out with him the whole time?" Adora raises her eyebrows as you walk down the hall to second period.
You shrug your shoulders. "Pretty much."
"I can't believe you bonded over Ms. Johnson's ass." She shakes her head in disbelief.
"I mean hey, have you seen it? Sis got a whole chariot back there."
Mumbling a you kinda right tho, she continues to walk forward as you stop at your classroom door.
"See you at lunch okay?"
You catch sight of Adora throwing a peace sign before disappearing into the sea of students.
"Good morning Ms. [Last Name]." You send a smile to Mr. Coleman [U.S and World History teacher] as he greets your fellow classmates.
"Morning Mr. Coleman! How have you been so far?"
The corner of his eyes crinkles up at the sincere question. "As great as always! Now, I want you all to get out your textbooks and open up to pages 2-"
His words are cut off by the sudden slam of the door, causing the class to slightly jump in surprise.
You turn towards the culprit only to let out a low groan of annoyance.
'Please, for the love of all things holy and pure...anyone but him.'
"Mr. Kim," Mr. Coleman's smile tightens into a grimace as the said student walks into the room with a cup of Starbucks in hand.
"Yeah? The fuck you calling my name for? Tell me whatchu want, I don't have all day."
Everyone holds their breath at Jin's words, body tense with worry as he saunters over to the desk next to you.
You look at your teacher only to find him rubbing his temples with deep breaths of air.
"Mr. Kim, please refrain from using such vulgar language in my class. Now what we were doing before you came in here was turning to pages 262-270 in the tex-"
Jin cuts him off with a squeaky laughter, hand slapping the desk as if he was told the funniest joke all of existence.
His eyes widen in shock once seeing no ounce of humor across the older man's face. "Oh, you serious? You must be out of your goddamn mind if you think Imma actually do this bullshit work."
"As you should know, I am nearly forty years your senior. So what you are saying to me is very disrespectful Mr. Kim."
"You right Mr. Coleman, you are nearly three times my age. But the question is: the fuck you gon do? Beat my ass? TUH, I think not."
The room goes quiet, the only sound being heard was of Jin sipping on his latte with raised brows.
Had someone from another school came and witnessed this, you're sure they would've had a heart attack.
But everyone here already knew what was happening and patiently waited until class started once more.
There was one golden rule that circulated throughout Hybe High: whatever Kim Seokjin does and says goes, no matter how wrong it is.
Being the son of two powerful people, it came with some very useful perks.
And one of them consisted of teachers being unable to kick him out in fear of being fired.
Another reason why he was untouchable was because of his looks.
Jin was fine as fuck, and he knew it.
There was never a day of him not wearing Gucci down to the socks like Big Poppa was his motto.
Saying homeboy was richer than Richie Rich wasn't an exaggeration.
Minutes passed before Mr. Coleman turns to the board and write down today's assignment.
"Okay class, I want all of this completed by the ring of the bell. Turn it in at my desk before you leave out."
Sitting down in his chair, he goes to his agenda to plan out future work as if he didn't just get his ass wrongfully handed to him.
"You so fucking wrong for that."
Jin frowns at the disapproving glare on your face. "The hell I do?"
"You really gonna ask me that?" You shake your head in disbelief and open the book to start on the work, "Bruh I swear...you rich people need to learn respect. Let you meet my momma and act that way. You'll be a brand new person messing with her."
Thankfully, it goes silent between you two which gives you enough time to finish everything.
Laying down on the desk for a nap, you peek through your arms when someone pokes your shoulder.
Jin sends you a bright smile. "Can you help me with my work?"
"The fuck? You damn near smarter than me. The hell you need my help for?!"
"I know but," His plump lips form into a pout, eyelashes fluttering as he gazes at you, "I don't like doing this boring ass work. So can yo-"
"No." You turn away from him and lay back down.
"But ____!"
"Don't call me! It ain't my fault you ain't doing your damn work. What this gotta do with me? Jack-squat."
"I'll buy you lunch."
Slowly turning back with narrowed eyes, you observe his face for any deceit. "Anything I want? And I don't want that cheap ass lunch-food either."
"Aight, say no more fam."
Scooting your desk closer to his, you open the book once more. "So the first thing you gotta do is..."
"Yeah, I want a triple hamburger with extra cheese and a medium vanilla milkshake."
"Oh! Tell him I want extra french fries. Wait, and make sure it's an extra-large." You giddily bounce on your feet as Jin walks down the hall.
He rolls his eyes at your excitement before turning back to the phone. "And make sure to add extra-large fries...yes that's all. I want it all here before 12:30. Bye"
Hanging up the phone with a sigh, Jin looks down at you with an eye roll. "Tch...you better be lucky I like you enough to go through all this trouble."
"Don't forget that I helped you with your classwork you ungrateful ass child."
"Pssh whatever, just get to class."
You turn and realize that he had walked you all the way to your third period.
"W-how the hell did you know what my next class is?"
"I'm Kim Seokjin, I know everything," He sends you a wink, walking down the hall along with the other students.
"Stop doing shit like that dude! That ain't cool, and we sure as hell ain't no couple."
Walking into class with a huff, you slow down when seeing your teacher collecting his things.
"Um...Mr. Clark? Where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be in front of the class?"
He looks at you with a shrug. "It seems that he already knows today's lesson. So I figured why not just say fuck it and let him teach."
"Good morning third period!" Just as Mr. Clark sprints out of the room, you turn to find exactly who your teacher was talking about:
Kim Namjoon.
He's one of the most-in fact the smartest person you've ever met during your time in high school.
Being in the top ten of Most Handsome of Hybe High along with a deadly set of dimples, Namjoon was for sure a long-time crush of yours.
You would think he'd be the most sought-after person, but frankly, he's not.
With the tendency of playing the role of the smartass teacher's pet, many would find him more on the he fine but don't wanna hit it side of the spectrum.
"Mane dude get outta here! Don't nobody wanna hear your shit today!" A voice calls out causing Namjoon's eyes to narrow.
"Oh? And please do tell me why not." He crosses his arms with a fake smile, "because I would gladly be happy to fix the lesson if it causes you unsatisfactory."
"Nah bruh you hearing me wrong. It's not the lesson, it's you. I don't know why you think we forgot about what yo ashy ass did. Just because these thirsty ass hoes say it's okay doesn't mean we do."
You look at the glaring faces of all the black dudes in the class in confusion.
"What the hell happened?"
Their gazes shift towards you before softening. "I forgot you came here in 10th grade and don't know. Why don't you tell her, homeboy."
Namjoon begins to fidget, a nervous smile appears as he pulls on the collar of his shirt. "C-can we not bring this up?"
"Well since he ain't telling, Imma go ahead and say it," the dude closest to you leans back with a sigh, dark eyes still on shifty male, "back in freshman year ya dude here thought he was black and got a perm."
"P-perm?" You sputter out in shock, wide eyes looking around to see that they were serious.
"Oh, it didn't stop there. Should've seen him at the time! Sagging, grills, jersey shirts; all of that mimicry shit. Football team had to beat his ass when he said Nigga."
"Really Namjoon?!"
"H-hey! In my defense, I was uneducated as fuck and learned most of my English from Living Single and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
"Yeah, but really Joon? You really went that far?"
Namjoon's face grows red from shame, his hands covering the skin to hide it from the class's view.
"Come on! I get it: what I did was wrong and I rightfully deserved that beat down. But it's been years since it happened. Can't we just let bygones be bygones now?"
"Oh we been forgave you, it's just funny to see you grow all shy 'n shit."
He visibly relaxes at the laughter and smiles filling the room. "So...we good now?"
"Yeah, we good."
"Okay guys! Homework's due tomorrow, I want it turned in the moment you stepped through that door." The voice of Mr. Clark fills the room as the bell rings.
Things already packed and ready for the next class, you wait at the door for Namjoon to finish talking to the teacher.
His dimples appear after seeing it was you. "Hey ____! You still down for me to tutor you for math after school right?"
"Ah, sorry I can't. I have to look after Bubba while my mom's at work."
"Oh," your eyes widen in realization, head lowering to avoid his curious gaze, "that's...my little brother's nickname."
You shiver at the way his deep chuckles fill your ears.
"Bubba...that's cute."
"Ha. Y-yeah, I try."
It becomes a comfortable silence between you two during the walk down the hall.
"So ____, I was wondering if you and Adora would like to hang out with u-"
You look behind you to the source of interruption with dread. 'Oh hell no.'
"Hey," Namjoon tilts his head as the figure gets closer to where you were, "is that-"
"Well that seems like my cue to leave. See ya later Joon!" Speeding down the hallway without hearing a reply, you dip out of his sight.
After minutes of staying camouflaged amongst the hormonal bodies, you finally make it to your fourth-period class.
"Hello Ms. Pain- um...who are you?" You stop your greeting once taking a look at the front desk.
Instead of your beloved Calculus teacher Ms. Paine, there in her place was a small old man.
"My...name is...Mr. Abdul. And...today I...will...be your...teacher." He wheezes out through his oxygen mask before pointing to the class, "please...have seat. And...write name...for attendance..."
Quickly writing your name down on the piece of paper, you sit down and pull out your phone.
____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Bitch...Ms. Paine gone for today! 10:25 AM ADORAble💝: Foreal? Did she leave any work out for us to do? 10:27 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Don't know, but there's this small sick-ass old dude for our substitute tho. I feel bad for him 10:28 AM ADORAble💝: Damn. What's his name 10:28 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Mr. Abdul 10:29 AM ADORAble💝: Oh shit! You remember that prank I told you about the Soccer team pulling on that foreigner teacher I had a while back? 10:35 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: You talking about the one who was duct-taped to his chair? 10:37 AM No...that's him?! 10:37 AM ADORAble💝: Yup. 10:37 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: They going to hell for that one. 10:38 AM
"____~" you freeze once a familiar musky cologne fills your senses, head dropping to the desk with a thud.
'Calm down. Your reactions to his bullshit will only egg him on more.'
Turning around with a sigh, you give the fakest smile you could muster up. "Hello Taehyung."
"Hey bae, you been missin' me?"
"Hmm, let me think about that...hell no." With a glare, you pick up your things and move to the back of the class.
"Why you gotta treat me that way?" Taehyung gets up from his seat and begins to follow after you, "now you kn-"
"Oh Taehyung~"
Both of your attention shifts over to a group of girls seductively waving at him.
"See? They want you. Now stop..." Your sentence trails off once you turn to find him already gone and over there with them. "...bothering me."
Kim Taehyung.
Out of all of the dudes in school, he was the most desired one on all grade levels.
It really wasn't a surprise upon finding out that he fucked almost all of the girls here.
Like, the kigga got a serious body count under his name.
Hell, if it wasn't because of their young age, he would've probably already wormed his way through the Freshmen. [We stan a man who has boundaries here😤]
Somehow, you were able to brush past his panty-dropping charms and treated him as any other regular classmate.
Wrong fucking choice.
Ever since the day of you dismissing his advances, he's been dead set on making you his.
Now to be honest, with his low-key lightskin fuck boy tendencies flaring up more often, there were some close calls of where you almost fell for it.
And it seemed that today was gonna be one of them...
"So ____," he drawls out your name with his deep voice, hands pressed on the desk as he leans close to you, "about earlier."
You scoff at his words. "Boy if you don't get out my face with that buffoonery. Ain't nobody but yo hos got time for that."
"Oh so you jealous? I don't know why tho. Cuz when it comes down to it: they just for fun while you the real thing."
Taehyung looks at you through lidded eyes, hand coming up to lift your chin as he leans even closer.
'Don't fall for it...snap out of it!'
"Tae...if you don't back the fuck up."
He pulls back from you with raised hands, a smirk still resting on his face. "Aight Imma back up. Damn ____, why you gotta be so hard to get?"
You look at him as he sits down and observes the outfit he's wearing today with a hum.
How he makes a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and some white sneakers look like some Calvin Klein-type shit, you may never know.
'Hold up...' Your eyebrows furrow when noticing his pants more closely, '...is that-'
You choke on air, head looking straight ahead so he won't catch you in the act of peeking.
'Goddamn! Why the fuck he wearing grey sweats KNOWING his dick big? No wonder why all these girls chasing after him.'
"Aye ____"
The hair on your arms raises when Taehyung's breath fans the bottom of your neck.
"How 'bout you stop staring and finally hop on it like you should've been doin'. I know you want to."
"Oh God!" You let out a mortifying cry, head falling to your arms to hide your embarrassed face.
"____...____," he lightly grabs your neck, forcing you to meet his dark gaze, "we both know that's what you gonna be screaming out in a few minutes if you keep on-ah!"
His laughter fills the class when you begin to hit him in anger.
"Stop. Fucking. Playing. With. Me!"
"Aight I'll stop! Damn you hit hard as fuck." Taehyung sends you a boxy smile, the once fuck boy aura disappearing without a trace.
Taking a quick look at the board, you almost break down at the big bold letters of Turn in before the end of Class, worth a test grade decorating it.
With a quick glance at the wall clock, your eyes nearly bulge out. '11:05?! When? Where? How?'
"Shit shit shit!" You begin to panic, there's no way you could finish in the remaining ten minutes.
"Here," A paper is placed on top of the desk causing you to look over at a relaxed Taehyung.
Picking it up, the shock is evident on your face when seeing that it was the work...only this one was completed.
A lost look appears on his face as you stare at him in disbelief. "What?"
"The fuck you mean what? How the hell were you able to do all this?"
"Oh that? Yoongi goes to this class before us, so he sent me the directions ten minutes before we moved." He shrugs as if it wasn't that hard to do.
"You did all of this in just ten minutes?"
"Well yeah. Can't you?"
"Hell no! Shit like this takes me damn near the whole period." You look at Taehyung in awe, your perspective on him now changed, "and to think I thought you was dumb."
"Nah, I gotta act that way for the girls. You see how dry Namjoon be with his intellectual headass personality."
"Mmm, true true."
After ten minutes of speedily copying his work, you let out a sigh of victory of finishing just as the bell rings.
"Thanks Tae~" With your work in the bin, you send him a bright smile before walking out.
"Aye, now gonna give me a chance right?"
"Lemme see...that's still a hell no for me! Thanks for trying tho."
Taehyung smacks his lips with a shake of his head. "Damn bae you play too much, just let me fuck with you. I'll drop all my hoes no cap!"
"Bye Taehyung!"
You ignore his whines of protest when Jin appears with a bag of Dixie Queen. Quickly running up to him, you take it and whip out your phone with a smile.
"Adora you gotta meet me in the cafeteria girl. Look at all this free food I got hoe!"
"Aw shit...I think I ate too much." You let out a groan of discomfort, rubbing your bloating stomach as you walk from the cafeteria.
"See that's what your fatass get! I told you not to be eating all that food." Adora shakes her head at your whining.
"I know...but it was so good tho!"
She snorts at your words before turning you towards your designated class.
"Now go inside and digest all that food you selfishly ate by yourself. I'll see you in seventh-period."
"You really upset about that?! I worked hard for that food and you know it!" You call after her as she walks to her class, "Plus, how you gonna be mad when you didn't even ask? I don't read minds!"
Knowing how useless it was to continue to yell after her, you walk into the classroom with a sigh.
You look over to find an energetic male bouncing in his seat as he waves you over.
"Goddammit Hoseok! Calm down," Mr. Boyce's [your Biology teacher] voice booms out in annoyance causing the younger male to smile.
"Sorry teach! Will happen again though!"
Jung Hoseok.
There were only three words in the entire world to describe this dude: Loud. Ass. Clown
You don't know if his mother dropped him as a baby or accidentally took too much weed when she was pregnant with him.
But one thing for sure, the nigga is so out of pocket and he says the wildest shit. Ever.
"Hey Mr. Boyce," the fragile voice of Jimin brings your attention to the front of the room, "Ms. Johnson wanted to give you this week's schedule."
"Okay, you can just sit it on my desk."
Walking across the room, the soft-spoken boy quickly does what he's told before leaving.
"Damn Jimin! Whatchu doing out here with all that ass on a Monday? Double cheeked up in the afternoon, the sun still out and all."
The room goes quiet at Hoseok's words, everyone turning to focus on what he's talking about.
"U-um...bye!" Jimin speeds out in embarrassment once noticing the number of eyes beginning to zone in on his ass.
To make it worse, the poor boy's last class was Dance of the Arts and he had yet to change out the snug tights he was wearing.
"All. That. Ass. Hm-hm hmm," Hoseok shakes his head as his gaze follows after Jimin's trailing chariot.
Was it mentioned that everybody thought he was low-key gay? No?
Yeah, that too.
"Okaaaay? Anyways, since I don't have anything planned for today we just gonna watch a video."
Cheers filled the room when Mr. Boyce turns on the projector with some educational video on pause.
With all of the drapes covering the windows, the last thing to be done was to turn off the lights.
Mr. Boyce quickly turns on the lights at the sudden scream. "What happened?!"
"Bitch if you don't get your big-headed ass off me!" Heads turn toward you glaring at Hoseok as he buried his head in your chest.
"Hoseok, what's wrong?"
You push him off with a huff as he looks up to your teacher with a sheepish smile. "I just scream whenever the lights are turned off. That's all."
"Okay...okay!" Rubbing his forehead in exhaustion, Mr. Boyce throws his hands up in defeat, "no video. Just write a few notes from this short slideshow and it'll be the pass for this week's test. You fine with that?"
With reluctant mutters of agreement, the synchronized sound of notebooks opening echoes in your head.
There were moments where the whole class-even the teacher- would hold their breath and wait for some crazy shit to be shouted out.
But surprisingly, Hoseok was quiet throughout the whole thi-
"Aye! Where y'all get that pic of Jimin and Namjoon from?"
You look up to see a picture showing the difference between a circumcised and an uncircumcised dick.
"You know what? Y'all can have a free day for the remainder of the period."
Turning in what you've written, you turn at the sudden poke of your cheek. "What do you want?"
Hoseok smiles at your bored look, not once fazed by the Yoongi like personality.
"I was wondering how your weekend's been. That's all~"
You perk up at his words with a smile of your own, remembering why you love hanging out with him in the first place. "Okay so on Friday..."
Minutes passed of you venting out to Hoseok as he willingly listened. It was one of the most efficient ways for you to get rid of your stress.
"And then she gon tell me Oh so you mumbling under your breath now, can you believe it?! Goddamn! She be going off on the simplest things. Oh and don't get me started on this one time where I-"
You suddenly cut off your words with pursed lips causing Hoseok to lean closer.
"Oh shit! What happened?"
Letting out a nervous giggle, you quickly shake your head. "N-nothing too serious. It's not something to be worried about."
"Now I wanna know since you acting like that. What? Did you get caught fucking Taehyung? You pregnant? Don't worry, he'll own up to it since you ain't ugly like Suri. He probably happy that he got you cuffed. Always talking 'bout she better get as much dick as she can, cause the very moment I'm in ____ it's gonna be the last time she ever gonna get some from another nig-"
"Okay damn, I'll tell you!" You cut off the rambling male before leaning in close, "So what had happened was..."
Shrinking into your seat from the heavyweight of the gazes around, you send a withering glare to the still gossiping Hoseok.
"Goddamn bitch! This the exact reason why I don't tell your ass shit!"
"____ I said I'm sorry! You know I can't control how loud I speak sometimes. ____!"
You continue to ignore the whining male as he trails after you to your sixth period- other known as the free period of the day.
Walking into the class, you immediately go to the back and sit in an empty seat.
"____ please talk to m-oh hey Jungkook!"
You look over to find the said male focused on the device in his lap.
"Is that Mortal Kombat?"
Swiftly looking up at you, he gives a stiff nod before returning to his game.
Jeon Jungkook.
The up-most purified symbol of a game-ass virgin who lives in his parents' basement for independence.
From his wide doe eyes to the raven-colored locks on his head, Jungkook could probably pass Taehyung's count if he wanted to.
But there was just one slight problem...
The boy is weird as fuck.
It's 2020 and yet he still plays with his 2011 old ass 3Ds, all day every day.
If not that, he'd probably be cooped up in his room to play Overwatch or some shit.
Growing up with PlayStations and Xbox-360s in your family, it didn't bother you, so it was easy to befriend the introverted gamer.
Finish Her
Letting out a satisfied sigh, Jungkook places the game down with a stretch.
"Oh yeah!" You look over to see him pulling out a small red tupperwear before handing it to you.
"What's this?" Your mouth waters at the sweet smell once you open the top, eyes taking in the food's colorful designs in awe.
"O-oh," Jungkook rubs the back of his neck as he avoids your questioning gaze, "it's just that I missed lunch and never got a chance to give you this. It's called-"
"Mochi!" Hoseok bounces in his seat and looks at you with puppy dog eyes.
Rolling your eyes, you pop a treat into his mouth causing his face to brighten in happiness.
"So when are you gonna start opening up your social circle?" You study Jungkook's lean frame for a moment before reaching over to also feed him.
He looks over at you with a raised brow, head laid down to allow you to continue giving him bites of the treat. "Whatchu mean? I already have you, the guys, and games. What more do I need?"
"I mean other people. Human people. Guys and girls your age man! You don't see the number of girls flocking towards you these days?"
Hoseok scoffs at your words. "Who doesn't? Not only is he the youngest of the group, but the motherfucker is also the strongest? Plenty of coochies tryna be served on a silver platter to him."
It was Jungkook's turn to scoff. "I don't know what y'all talking about. I'm not even that strong."
"Dude, you bench-pressed a nigga and threw him on the ground for messing up your Mario Cart Go score." You deadpanned at him with a blank face, "And you got the nerve to say you not that strong?"
"Yeah, and since most of the dudes saw they now think he's scary as fuck while it just made girls want him even more. Cause you know, they like the strong ones who can pick 'em up and throw them against the wall."
"Well they can want me all they want," Jungkook rolls his eyes at Hoseok's words before picking up the 3Ds once more, "cause I ain't fucking with them when they leave-outs looking the way they do. Should be ashamed of those messed up ass things they called edges too."
As he goes back to playing the games, you turn to Hoseok with a sigh.
"He's forever gonna be a weirdo is he?"
"Yeah. Not to mention how he uses the restroom too. Cause whew chile."
"Use the restroom?"
He sits up at your question and frantically nods. "Yeah! Did I mention he pulls his pants all the way down to pee?"
'All the way down?' Your head tilts in thought as you observe Jungkook with a pout, 'he ain't worrying about the piss on the ground? A true one.'
"His dick big too-"
"This why people think you gay."
"Adora!" You call out your friend's name just before she goes inside.
Waiting until you reach her, you both enter the class and go sit near the windows.
"Goddamn Adora! So much shit happened in one day, I just can't!" You lean against her for support as she pats your back in comfort.
"There there, just hang in there a little longer. 'Cause the moment class ends, you can go home and watch a Spongebob marathon with Bubba. Don't that sound nice?"
"Yeah...it does."
"Ah! Did you get the papers I requested for today's assignment like I asked?" You turn towards Ms. Kim [History of Dance teacher] as she faces the doorway.
"Yes ma'am. I was able to print out a good amount before the printer machine stopped working." A soft voice that you knew all too well reached your ears.
"That's good enough! I guess we'll just have to get in groups of three until there's more made. Would you mind passing it out while I go see if there's any in my car Jimin?"
"Yes ma'am."
The moment Ms. Kim is out of the way, your eyes are immediately glued to one thing and one thing only: ass.
Specifically Park Jimin's ass.
It was no joke when Hoseok spoke of it during fifth period, cause when people say the dude's got ass...he got it.
No matter what he wears, it always ended up looking good because the JiBooty [your personal nickname for him] never fails at doing so.
So many girls envied him, and so many guys declared going gay if it meant being able to get a night with him [and DAT ass].
Like seriously, homeboy booty jiggles when he walks. Just like now as he goes through the aisles to pass out paper.
"____ if you don't stop looking at his ass and focus!"
You turn towards Adora with a pout. "You telling me all that cake ain't making you want to follow and spank it?"
"Spank what?"
Flinching at the sudden sound of Jimin's voice, you look up to find him staring at you with raised brows.
"She talking about how she wanna spank yo ass 'n shit."
You look at her in betrayal. "Bitch..."
"Then stop staring at his ass and do your work!"
He continues to look at your bantering before interrupting it by laughing.
You turn and nearly coo at the way his eyes form into crescents, a light blush filling his round cheeks in a reddish hue. [Sadly...not the ass cheeks]
Jimin sits down with a sigh and places the assigned paper in the middle. "I was gonna ask if I can work with y'all unless you only my ass to be on the team?"
'Hell yes! That's all I need, you and Adora can leave. I'll find a job to support the both of us...maybe even buy a little puppy.'
"No! Of course not," you scoff at his words and send him a smile, "we'd gladly let you join our group."
"Okay! So what are we doing now?"
"Write an informative essay based on the notes we had taken yesterday of the origins of Ballet," Adora flatly explains as she brings out a sheet of notes.
"Oh..." Jimin trails off his sentence, a lost look adorning his face at the girl's words.
Pulling out a duplicate of your notes, you slide it over to him causing a smile to appear.
"Thanks ____~"
Adora's mouth drops open once she sees Jimin take out his wallet and hand you a five-dollar bill.
"You know you don't have to keep on paying me every day just for some notes right? I usually just go to the machine and copy it." Despite saying those words, you still took the money and put it in your pocket.
"Oh I know, but I like doing it anyway."
"Well ain't this some bullshit!"
Both of you turn towards the girl as she shakes her head in disbelief.
"What? What? You seriously asking me that? You out here doing his notes for some measly five dollars while you see a bitch back here struggling?"
You look at your hands with a pout. "I mean...he still gives me money even when I don't do it."
"That don't mean shit!" Adora shifts her attention to Jimin as he rolls his eyes, "and you!"
"Tch, what I do now?"
She scoffs. "You need to stop dragging behind! How the hell are you one of the top leading dancers in this school but failing in dance history?"
"Because Adora, that shit's boring as fuck! Don't nobody wanna waste their time listening and reading about the past. I sure as hell don't."
"You will when you're unable to graduate and struggling to find a stable job."
"Pssh, I doubt it."
"Oh really?"
"Yes really. I fail? Oh well. If you hadn't noticed all the designer shit I've been wearing, my parents got money boo. And to add to the facts, I'm the heir to Park's Incorporated after my father steps down. Plus with this ass and flexibility, I can easily be working that pole at night. Set. For. Life."
You shift at the tension between the two people, sweat grazing your forehead from their heated glares. "C-can we please just work on the essay now?"
"I swear... it's always gotta be about money," Adora ignores you and gives Jimin a once over, "I'll admit about the stripper one, but that's all you got babes. Cause we both know that if it wasn't for your dad, you'll be homeless by now."
Jimin sits up in his chair with a dark look causing your skin to crawl.
Most of the time he's all sweet 'n cute, but when you piss him off...he can turn into a scary-ass bitch.
"You talking about mines, but didn't yo daddy sell weed to support you? Oh okay. Come for me when you ain't no longer wearing those triple generation hand-me-downs from World War I."
"T-that was only one fucking time! How the fuck do you know that?!" Her voice rises in pitch as a blush fills her cheeks.
"He told me himself. I knew from the start he didn't know a single thing about hustling the moment he started gushing about you when I said I attended here for school. Surprised he didn't get arrested from that shit."
"Guys!" Hands slammed against the table in anger, you finally grab their attention, "despite loving drama as the next person, now is not the time to be coming for each other."
"Did I ask for an explanation? No! So do that shit after school!"
Jimin kisses his teeth with a sigh which caused your gaze to shift to him. "You!"
"Wha- the fuck I do?!"
"For saying that triple generation hand-me-downs from World War I shit. Now I'll admit it was funny, but then again them my motherfucking clothes she borrowed from me!"
"Well how was I supposed to know that! It ain't my fault you pulling it off while she looking the way she looking..."
"...okay Imma let you off because of the compliment. But I outta still smack the shit out of you for dissing my style tho."
He sinks into his chair with a pout, too afraid to glare directly at you so he does so at the floor.
"Now I don't know why the fuck you laughing!" Hearing Adora's laughter you turn towards her with an even harder glare.
She stops and looks at her lap. "Bu-"
"I ain't hearing shit from you! Stop starting stuff you can't finish, cause we both know that Jimin can easily flame your ass a new one. The bitch is a fucking Libra! Probably know all the messed up shit this whole town did over the years."
"Oh I do. Got eyes and ears all over the place."
You clap at his words in agreement while she looks at him with a sneer.
"Didn't you just hear me?! Stop terrorizing him! He even went after the damn Mayor and forced him to make October 13th the official Jimin Day and that no one else can have the same birthday as him. If that was possible, what makes you think you safe?"
"The fuck?" Adora looks at you in disbelief. "What the hell happened to the babies born on that day?"
"They either had to get it changed or be kicked out."
"...please say you lying."
"Nah, she's serious. Cause Park Jimin ain't sharing his birthday with none of these hoes. Period." Jimin leans back, dark eyes greedily taking in the way your friend pales in fear.
"Alright!" You turn towards the door in time to see Ms. Kim walking into the class, "it seems that there are not any more papers. So instead of turning in the ones you've done for a project, it'll be just extra credit."
The bell goes off just as she finished those words.
Collecting your things, you shake your head at the way he continues to taunt Adora before flicking his forehead.
"Shit! Why'd you do that?"
"Stop staring at her with that menacing ass smirk! You even making me feel scared from it."
Jimin's whole demeanor flips at your words. Jumping up from his desk, he coddles you in his arms.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you ____. Can you please forgive me?" He looks down at you with big bright eyes, lips forced into an adorable pout.
"Uh-hm, I'll see. But first, apologize to Adora. Poor thing almost looks like she about to hide away."
Jimin turns toward the flabbergasted girl and gives her a bow. "I'm sorry if I frightened you! Please forgive me."
"O-oh um..." seeing your encouraging nod, her lost expression melts into a nervous smile, "...it's alright. No need for that. All is forgiven."
You snort at the gleam of hope shining in his eyes as he looks your way.
"Yeah, I forgive you. But look at how maturely you handled the situation though! I'm so proud of you Jiminie~"
If this dude had a tail right now, you're sure it would be wagging like crazy.
Reaching up to give him an affectionate pat on the head, you also place a small peck on his soft cheek.
"____?!" By the way Jimin lets out a big gasp as he holds his face, you instantly regret your actions.
"Now Jimin," you hold your hands up with a grimace, "before you start freaking out. That was just a friendly kiss, so please don't go all out about this. I don't have time to deal with-"
"EEK! I HAVE TO TELL THE GUYS ABOUT THIS!" With a girlish squeal, he sprints out of the room.
You stare at the now empty spot, body shaking once realizing what the dancer is about to do. "...shit!"
"Wha-the hell?!" Adora yells out in shock when you yank her out the classroom.
"Keys bitch! Give me the fucking keys!" Your heart races in fear, eyes quickly zoning in on the red car once you step out of the school.
"What's wrong?! Why are we running?!" Despite asking she puts her trust in you and hands over the keys.
"By my calculations, there's a good five minutes remaining. That's enough time to get in and zoom off. We just have to leave before-"
'Shitshitshit! I'm supposed to have five minutes!'
"Is...is that Taehyung?"
Refusing to look back, you tug on Adora's arm harder as you finally make it to the car. "Yes...and by the number of footsteps behind us, his after-school groupie is most likely following him."
"Tae what about us?!"
"Taehyung I love you!"
"Where are you going?"
"Taehyung I'm pregnant!
"Suri, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't fuck ugly bitches. Perio- ____ wait for me!"
You finally relax once you zoom off school campus, the crowd of people in the parking lot growing smaller as you drive away.
"Goddamn! You telling me you have to go through this shit every day?" Adora leans back with a sigh of disbelief.
Giving her a tired look, you purse your lips knowing there'll be hell to face tomorrow. "...yeah."
'Only at fucking Hybe High...'
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bollface · 3 months
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(📼) ᰔᩚ 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ・.。゚
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prompt — found love tapes
pairing — jimmy x johnny
season — season five
warnings — not proof read, rushed, sleep deprived writer, random bullshit I popped up with, slight angst
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Robby grunted as he placed another heavy carton box on the floor, sneezing when dust brushed his nose, he was in his dad's apartment, helping do some spring cleaning, so from the morning to four in the afternoon, Johnny and Robby have been throwing away some of Johnny's old 80s stuff.
"you know, from how much trash you have, you look like a hoarder" he commented yelling to his dad who was out in the kitchen taking the bad meat out of the freezer.
"the fuck is a hoarder? Just move boxes! If their tapes leave those alone" yelled back at Robby, mumbling about 'kids these days making up shit'
Robby rolled his eyes at his dad and peaked into the box, it had old looking posters, baby shoes, DVDs of old movies, and VHS tapes.
The tape peaked his interest, he picked one up and looked at it, blowing air on it to get rid of the dust, 'Anyone else but you— if you feel lonely watch this' read the tape with the white sticker in the middle.
"what the-" Robby whispered before looking for a VHS player, and luck was on his side cause he found one, her placed the items on the side and moved the rest of the box to a pile.
"what is this? Why does Dad have it" he whispered, was it like something his dad did for some girl? Write a love song and record himself but never gave it to her because he was a wuss? Probably.
Maybe the guys would like to see it, have something to tease his sd with, Robby reached for his phone in his back pocket, going to his contacts and called Sam.
"Hey, Robby what's up?"
"Sam! Hey so uh where are you right now and who is with you" Robby started as he stood up and went to his closet grabbing his backpack and placing the vhs player and tape inside.
"Uhm just me Tory, Miguel—you know the usual friend group? Why? Is everything fine with you and your dad?" Sam asked with a concern tone.
"yeah everything's fine, just Uhm doing spring cleaning in the apartment, hey so imma pass by I found something" Robby said as he placed the phone between his shoulder and ear as he grabbed his beaten up converse.
"what'd you fine?" Asked Sam intrigued.
"tapes, but this one seems interesting it was like hidden under bunch of random stuff and it looks really like well played, anyways imma pass by soon, meet you ina bit!"
"okay bye-"
Robby hunged up and finished tiring his shoe before grabbing his skateboard, "hey so I'm going to hang out with the group for a bit, I'll be back soon" he said walking into the living room, seeing his dad placing the new groceries into the fridge.
"eh alright, be careful, you need a ride?" Johnny asked looking at his son, but Robby shook his head holding up his skateboard, "nah got this, bye be back in a bit!" He said and walked out the apartment.
It took him some time to reach the larusso houses but when he made it, before he could even knock on the door Anthony opened the door, "she's in the living room with the others" he informed before disappearing somewhere.
"Robby!Sam said you found something about sensei" Miguel said waving at Robby from the couch, "yeah I found like this tape, look" the blonde digged in his school bag and took the tape out, tossing it to Miguel.
The boy caught it and stared at it, turning it around and thumb grazing the fading tape, "super old" chuckled Eli, "you got a VHS player?" Demetri asked looking at Sam, "done worry brought that too" Robby said as he placed his backpack down and slowly took the dusty player out.
"dude isn't that shit heavy?" Questioned Eli.
"yeah it was but hey, I'm really interested what that tape has, like it's a love song! It has to be because 'if you feel lonely watch this?' come on my dad must of wrote it! Aren't your curious too? We now her little of my dad's life other than the fact he was a bully" Robby explained, he felt like a kid in Christmas.
"I'm curious, sensei Lawrence doesn't seem a romantic" Tory smirked as she grabbed the tape from Miguel's hand, "kinda cute and dorky, for Sensei Lawrence" Devon said looking at the tape.
"alright, intrest is peaked, let me help" Demetri got off the couch and helped Robby set up the vhs player into the flat screen tv, "what if it's someone singing to sensei Lawrence?" She asked tilting her head.
"like anyone would serneat my dad, I don't think he would like it...okay! We got it!" Robby high fives Demetri and they quickly went to the couch, watching as the tape rolled and popped a boy with fluffy brown hair, holding a guitar on his lap.
"Uhm hey Johnny or future Johnny, uh, it's Jimmy, of course, I Uhm wanted to make this tape because maybe one day, when we grow, up our life's will be different, and we will separate, so I'm making this as a way you can remember me if that ever happens or if you just miss me that much."
The boy, or Jimmy's chuckled softly, their voice was sweet with care and honey, eyes looked into the camera with love and adoration, even if that specific Johnny wasn't there.
"who's he?" Whispered Tory towards Robby, the blonde boy squinted, inspecting the other boys on screen who tuned the guitar a bit, "uh seems like a friend of my dads" Robby whispered back.
"right, so I hope you listen to this it's our song" Jimmy quirked a smile before his hands started to strum on the guitar, humming into the melody.
"You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on your back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Jimmy sang softly looking into the camera before back down, fingers making the soft melody on the guitar.
"I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of the train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Robby and his friends stared in awe, so Tory was right, His dad was getting serenaded to, and from a boy who looked really enamored with Johnny, the same the boys lips would quirk into a grin when he sang the lyrics, and the soft pink flush appeared in the boys cheek.
"this is...really sweet" Robby whispered staring at the video in awe, his chest felt warmth with the love that radiated from the screen.
"Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Jimmy smiled shoulders chuckled for him, pearl white showed, he sang with love, with feeling, even if it was to a hot headed stubborn blonde boy.
"The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me
So why can't you forgive me?
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
"I will find my niche in your car
With my MP3, DVD, rumple-packed guitar
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
He hummed the rhythm, nodding his head with it, Robby stared, lips quivered, this touched his heart, it somehow did, and he was glad, he liked knowing someone loved his dad, from what he's heard and seen, not many liked his dad, it's nice seeing someone that looked like he adored his dad.
"Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B A start
Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
"the guys sings pretty" Miguel whispered smiling at the tape, everyone nodded with a hum, they watched how the boy felt more comfortable with the song, full on smile appeared into his face and the soft pink flush went to his whole face.
"You are always trying to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you
We both have shiny happy fits of rage
You want more fans, I want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Jimmy looked into the camera, brown eyes stared at it with love and adortion, as if Johnny was sitting there reacting to the song.
"Don Quixote was a steel driving man
My name is Jimmy, I'm your biggest fan
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Jimmy paused a bitz stopped his strumming before he smiled, a full loving smile and started to strum again, honey voice sang with love.
"Squinched up your face and did a dance
You shook a little turd out of the bottom of your pants
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you
But you"
Jimmy ended the song with a sigh and soft tap on the guitar, "I love you Johnny Lawrence... remember that" he said softly before he looked up with a smile, in view came in Johnny cupping Jimmy's face.
"I like that song... especially when you sing it" Johnny said with a giggle and lead down to press a kiss into Jimmy's lips.
"well now you got this tape for you and forever, say bye" Jimmy chuckled moving his guitar to the side of the bed, and pulled Johnny by his waist and looked up at him like a puppy looking up at his owner, blue eyes looked at the camera, and a smile spread across the flushed pink face.
"bye future me! Hopefully I'm married to this hunk of a man!" Laughed Johnny before Jimmy stood up, and shuffled to the camera, and Johnny stopped the recording and the tape turned off with a faded laugh and squeak.
Robby stared at the black screen, tears softly rolled down his cheek, why happened, why didn't his dad stay with Jimmy? Why did his dad have to suffer? This was new to him.
"that was very sweet" sniffed Eli, Robby turned seeing how everyone was sniffing or looking away with a bit of disappoinment.
"yeah..." Robby whispered, still staring at the black screen, hoping for something else to pop up.
Maybe in a other universe, his dad was happy with Jimmy, had a family, had a happy life, a perfect one, with Robby in it.
Maybe in another universe.
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A/N— this is not proofread, this was rush, it currently 3am and I'm tired and JUNK MENTION
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