#if I can't have my comics I will stick with cartoons
potatoesarecheese · 4 months
I refuse to believe that bruce is a bad dad. I don't care how good the art, the story, the drama-- if a comic makes bruce a bad dad, I'm not reading it
you can't make me
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gwydionae · 6 months
Never have I been more grateful that time travel exists in the X-Men universe.
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This thoughts still cooking, so it might not make sense, but I think Thomas (Tomas?) Astruc is a very good case study on how being too attached to your own ideas can hinder your story telling.
I don't mean this in a "Thomas's original idea for the series was bad", but rather that he seems so attached to this concept that he can't stand other people having a differing view from him.
Chloe's the titular example here. Some people thought she deserved a redemption arc, and instead of just saying "nah, I don't think so" and continuing to write her the same way he had been, he had to prove them wrong, prove that his idea was the only correct one, and so turned her into the spawn of Satan and let her rule over Paris for some reason.
Instead of making Marinette less stalker-y, he wrote an entire episode poorly justifying it. And, imao, somewhat diminishing what PTSD actually is and does to people.
I'm not saying he has to make any change (though I think making Marinette less stalker-y would be a good change), but instead of 1.) sticking to his resolve or 2.) taking the criticism, he clung dearly onto this perception of his characters and his writing suffered because of how much he had to twist things to "prove" that his original assertions were right. And also that everyone who disagreed with him was wrong and didn't understand
idk if that makes sense, but the concepts been lingering in my head recently
It makes perfect sense! I've had similar thoughts. It's hard to say for sure, but Miraculous may be a case study in "kill your darlings". I'm not deep into the behind-the-scenes lore and I was not here in the early fandom, but I do know that, at some point, a much darker version of the show was pitched. That's why these exist (image source):
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[Image description: two sketches styled like comic book covers. Both have the title "The Mini Menace Ladybug". The left cover shows Marinette's silhouette in a doorway. The door's glass and the glass of a nearby window are broken. In the foreground lies a hand holding a ladybug charm. The hand is limp and surrounded by blood, implying that someone is injured or dead. The right cover is Ladybug doing a spinning kick while looking angry.]
We also have this evidence of the darker original concept:
Jeremy Zag then proposed another project... which he was unable to sell to broadcasters... the project was called "Ladybug". No one was interested, as the project was aimed more at an adult audience... Sébastien had to make sure that the project could be broadcast on Disney and TF1.... Thomas wanted to make a series for adults, but at the time, it was very complicated to make a cartoon for adults. What's more, they didn't have enough money to take on such a project. Sébastien finally agreed, but there were some changes to be made, which Thomas accepted... In the end, Thomas Astruc's entire project was discarded, leaving only the love story between the two heroes and the city of Paris, where the story was to take place.
I've been aware of this darker origin story for a while due to Tumblr and, because of this knowledge, I have often had the thought, "are the writers trying to sneak elements from this darker version into canon?" Because that's the most likely explanation for what's going on here.
If I'm right, then I think that was a terrible move on their parts. They needed to let go of the story that they couldn't sell and embrace the story that they're being allowed to tell. It's why "kill you darlings" is such good advice. Many good stories have been ruined by writers clinging to an idea that ultimately doesn't work for some reason.
It's why the sitcom How I Met Your Mother has such a universally hated ending. The show was originally supposed to go for two seasons and so they wrote an ending that would fit the second season. The show ended up running for nine seasons and, by then, the ending didn't fit, but the writers kept it and left everyone with a bad taste in their mouths, which is not what any writer wants. That's why you have to do what's best for the story even if it means abandoning something that you really love.
This early version of canon may also be why the writers are so obsessed with Marinette. My understanding is that this concept had her mainly acting as a solo hero and, oh look! What is one of canon's biggest problems? Marinette being treated like a solo hero even though she has a partner and, later on, a team!
Not saying that this theory has to be true, just saying that it would explain some things. And if they're poisoning canon by trying to include elements from their darker original? Then it makes sense to assume that they're also doing it for smaller stuff. Like I'm pretty sure I've read that the head writer wanted Chat Blanc to be a lot darker originally, but no one would green light it, so we got an incredibly lackluster episode that spat in the face of the genres Miraculous' is trying to be part of while also falling to have the sort of impact we'd expect from an episode like that. It's a good example of a darling that really should have been killed. It just doesn't fit.
(Totally unrelated sidenote, but is your blog name from Tangled? Because that's what I immediately thought of and it made me smile!)
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fetishfairytales2 · 4 months
The Cucky ALPHAbet, Pt. 1 (Heather)
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Credit for the original concept of Brandi and Heather goes to @wittlesissyb4by and their excellent story “Besties”. Credit for the original concept of the “Cucky Alphabet” goes to Safeword Ignored Comics.
Each of the bolded letters corresponds to the letter from the song!
Early morning…
"Oh, Brandi..." I cooed, still in Connor's arms after another round of mind-blowing sex. He was such a stud. "Stop, babe!" I giggled, feeling his lips on my neck. "You're going to get me turned on again!" We were about to go for round 3 when Brandi simpered into the room. "Mmmph?” She struggled to speak behind the lip gag I made her wear. Her perfect  permanent ‘o-face’ expression was so adorable! Just like a little dolly. And of course, Connor loved it for, uh, “ease of access”.
Sitting up in bed, I grabbed a used condom from the nightstand and threw it at Brandi. "Snack time, sweetie," I giggled. "But don't worry, there'll be plenty more alpha loads for you tonight." Brandi just looked at the condom, unsure of what to do with it. "Here are your options, dummy," I said, lying back on the pillow. "Either tilt your stupid sissy head back and suck it down, or I pour it in your diapee and you sit in it all night. Now hurry up and make your choice, loser.”
“Oh, yesss, good girl," I moaned, tossing my head back in pleasure. Watching my pathetic little Brandi humiliate herself never gets old. I started touching myself as I watched her suffer, spreading my legs and teasing my clit under the covers. I'm sure Brandi is completely focused on me, but it's also fun to tease Connor a little. Mmm, I loved to flaunt my perfect body for real men.
I giggled as I watched Brandi struggle to get all the cum out of the condom and accidentally give herself a facial. "Keep it there, cupcake. It suits you," I snickered. "Come over here, honey," I beckoned. Brandi had her hands cuffed behind her back and a hobble chain on her ankles, making her waddle across the room a slow and humiliating one. Her pink tutu flared, showing off her Disney princess Pampers. "So, did you have a good time watching cartoons, Brandi?" I laughed, feeling Connor reach around me to play with my tits right in front of my ex-boyfriend’s eyes. “Mmm, thank you Daddy,” I moaned, just to rub it in.
"Mmmph, mmph…" she replied, staring at the ground. "Why not, loser?" I smirked and looked towards the open door. "Did Mommy's moans bother you? I know you’ve never heard them before, those are sounds Mommy only makes for real men..." I turned and kissed Connor again, more passionately this time, taunting her further. "Sorry, sweetness. I know it must have been tough hearing Mommy in action. Probably made that little sissy stick of yours struggle in that little chastity cage you’re locked up so tight in, huh?"
Once again, Brandi had nothing useful to say, just gazing at her feet like they were fascinating. I had to physically lift her chin to make her look me in the eyes. "Big news, little girl!" I declared, giggling as her face lit up with hope for a second, as if anything good could possibly come from this situation. "Daddy and I are going on a date today!" Her face instantly fell back into a sullen expression. "But we need your help, my dear!" Brandi's concern grew as she realized where this was going. "You see?" I turned to face Connor, "I can't bear to see her sad face! It's just so heart-wrenching!"
"Listen here, you little bitch," Connor barked at the pathetic sissy, towering over her. "You're gonna stay put and clean this fucking house. No kinky or weird shit. And we ain't dealing with your sorry ass tonight." I rolled my eyes and turned Brandi towards me. "What Daddy meant to say is that he's taking me dancing! We'll be out probably all night and I didn't have time to ask Kylie or Lyndsey to come over. So you'll have to be a big girl while Daddy and I are out, got it?"
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Why do we gatekeep comics?
Seriously. I've been in this fandom (well, the batman rogues side of it) for years, since '15 actually. It's crazy how often I run across a post that basically says "fandom has bad reading comprehension and valid interpretations of these characters come from me"
Do ya'll realize how snobby that sounds?
Let me tell ya, comics are NOT an easy medium to get into. I'm going to be using Jonathan Crane as my example, because that's my blog's whole thing. Speaking him alone, there's at least eight origins, dozens of verses, multiple versions and stories -- and yes, some do contradict each other. And that's a medium popularity rogue, what if we're talking Jason Todd or Joker? Even Bruce Wayne's set in stone origin can vary from comic to comic.
While I understand comics need to be read to understand a character to it's fullest, and in no way am I arguing that you SHOULDN'T read comics. What I am saying is, there's more than just the fandom popular ones, and comics are not a cheap medium to get into. (and yes, you can 'yo ho ho' comics if you catch my drift, but finding the obscure issues can someone be impossible even taking that route) Comics costs add up quickly if you want to collect, ranging from two to six dollars an issue and god forbid you wanna collect something out of print that never had a big release to begin with. eBay prices can get crazy, and not everyone lives near a comic book store.
I get asks all the time asking me where to start with Jonathan Crane and reading, but really....does it matter? Pick an origin, pick a handful of stories that may interest you and with maaaybe six to ten comics you'll have a solid understanding of the character. This works for any character btw, you don't have nor should you have to read everything or whatever the fandom considers "the most correct"
ALSO! There's more than just comics, maybe you watched the animated series as a kid and that's all you know! That doesn't mean your thoughts are lesser than someone whose read hundreds of comics!! You're allowed to stick with the meidum you like best, like the Arkhamverse video games or Teen Titans cartoon.
Why do we even push the idea that you gotta research comics for years before you can have an "acceptable opinion" on these characters? Comics are a special medium, they can tell multiple stories from multiple artists and writers. No one comic is above the rest, no matter what the fandom tries to tell you
Just. Have fun with it. Make your headcanons. Read the story everyone hates. Take the horrible canon (Jervis Tetch being a predator, for example) and throw it out the window!!
Do what makes YOU happy. I promise, you're never going to be alone in a fandom like the comics fandom. You're allowed to do what you want, I mean--half the time the professionals wing it and bullshit it, so why can't you???
Anyway, I'm getting off my soapbox for today.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
Star Trek series rated by horniness (as rated by me, an asexual, so you know its objective):
Star Trek: The Original Series - what is there to say for the series that invented slashfic, fuck-or-die, and Thiess's theory of titillation in costuming? The universe is full of greased-up pecs and scantily clad women wondering what is this thing you call...love? It's easier to mention the episodes that *aren't* horny. 10/10, for how could it be otherwise?
Star Trek: The Animated Series - It's a Saturday morning cartoon series from the 70s, and yet... 3/10, for the surprising number of scantily clad muscular guys
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Oh, we *start* quite horny; Roddenberry is keen to let us know that the android has a penis in the second episode; but then Roddenberry dies, and by the final season even Troi is wearing a sensible duty uniform. 6/10 for Will Riker, though
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - We've got Quark's, where the women are scantily clad, the holosuites are for fucking, and the waiters give themselves ear infections from doing too much oo-mox on themselves. We've got Jadzia Dax, who has three hundred years worth of sexcapades in two genders and will tell you about them at the drop of a hat. We've got Bashir and his sad blue balls for the first two seasons. We've got Klingons breaking each other's clavicles to initiate coitus. And we've got an enemy power led by the perpetual mind-melting gangbang that canonically is the Great Link. 9/10
Star Trek: Voyager - Weirdly conservative in its sexual politics. I mean, it goes out of its way to stick poor Jeri Ryan in that body condom, and there's a whole episode about space whales wanting to fuck the ship, and another one about Janeway wanting to fuck an Irishman, and *two* episodes about Pon Farr...actually, you know what? 6/10.
Star Trek: Enterprise - You know what, let me tell you about this series; this series is like a 14-year-old asexual boy boasting about his supposed sexual conquests in the hopes that it will endear him to the cool kids. It doesn't work; there's nothing genuine about it and everyone knows it; no matter how many innuendos he throws in, it's clear that there's no joy in it for him and he'd be happier if he could just go off and read comic books. Secretly, he wishes his friends still wanted to play with action figures. -1/10
Star Trek: Discovery - The show presents us with wall-to-wall gays who just...never seem to shtup each other. Like, I of all people know that sex doesn't define queerness, but...really? I guess maybe they're afraid of being less than wholesome? Anyways, 2/10 for that time that the Emperor went off to fuck a couple of Orions in the middle of a dangerous secret mission on the Klingon homeworld.
Star Trek: Picard - A series so sexless that it can't even show its main canonical couple enjoying each other's company for more than 5 seconds each season. And yet the chaste Jurati/Borg Queen pairing manages to be the hottest thing ever in the history of fiction. Anyway, I guess they technically had Agnes sleep with Rios in the first season, so 1/10.
Star Trek: Lower Decks - Oooh boy, we're at the heavy hitter now, my god. Completely, unashamedly horny. Gene Roddenberry *wishes* he could have done that orgy scene that people on Twitter were freaking out about. 11/10
Star Trek: Prodigy- They're *kids*. 0/10
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Not really a lot, surprisingly given their TOS pastiche. Still, we get some stuff with Spock. 3/10.
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turtlenovela · 7 months
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Leo has the expression of someone who's slowly realizing he might be a furry 😆 and also that this very fuzzball he's falling hard for, is a terrible driver! 🛵🍃
This something I made for Valentine's day and posted it to my insta and YT
🥰❣💖 🐢💙🐇 These two were truly written for each other in every age of adaptions! I know that has never been the writers' intention, but it just happened. 🤷
Also, this is an Illustration from my Terror of Life fanfic!
When I wrote the scene in the chapter, I didn't realize it, but as I drew this picture: If Usagi would stick to his ponytail, Leo would have Yuichi's ears in his face throughout the whole ride. So I had to put it in a bun - which is so funny, since I can't help but think of Bun Man from the official Rise comic!
Don't be disapointed! This scene will not take place until chapter "Neo Edo" which is like chapter 27, but I post as fast as I can. Though they meet and clash in the first chapter, their slow burn romance develops very slooooooooow, since Leo is dumb and Usagi oblivious ;P
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artbyblastweave · 9 months
Hey I was wondering since you are very familiar with superhero comics/media and I am not: I remember reading on TVTropes about how there was some comic arc where Superman is basically forced to kill the Joker/does it under extremely understandable circumstances, but then immediately jumps off the slippery slope and becomes a horrible mass murderer. SO, I was wondering if Amy in Worm is a commentary/take on this, on what kind of warped understanding of morality taught by someone's family environment would one have to have to actually believe breaking one's principles once while being forced to by a serial killer would make you into an irredeemable villain forever, and what kind of trauma and warped understanding would you have to have for that to actually be TRUE and for you to actually do horrible things afterward. Emphasizing that that kind of moral arc is not how normal humans work and there would have to be very unusual circumstances for it to happen. But since I don't know about superhero comics I can't really elaborate on this, so I wonder what you think of the idea.
So the specific arc you're talking about was Injustice: Gods Among Us, and the tie-in comics produced as a backstory for that video game- which came out in 2013 onward, so the times don't line up for Amy to be a commentary on that arc specifically. In particular, Superman has basically the exact opposite issue that Amy does; he killed Joker because he murdered an entire city, and he justifies his subsequent slide towards tyranny on the grounds that he wasn't being proactive enough to stop things like that beforehand. Kind of a common refrain in "Superman loses it" stories- refer in particular to the "I did love being a hero. But if this is where it leads, I'm done with it" scene from the Justice Lords arc of the old Justice League cartoon. (Batman is occasionally painted as having a "murder-is-like-potato-chips" problem, refraining from killing because he wouldn't be able to stop. Depends on the writer, though.) What Amy absolutely is commenting on is what I think was a very pervasive idea in cape comics in the years when Worm was being formulated- the idea of the hero/villain binary as a real and meaningful thing, two meaningful categories of people which you can switch between as a discreet and meaningful action. Black Knight, Hawkeye, Rogue- all superheroes who started as supervillains, two distinct statuses which they held. Characters like Deadpool and Harley Quinn start as villains and drift towards a third-position antiheroic middle-ground that's treated as noteworthy for not really falling into either camp- in turn sort of generating what basically amounts to a third cluster, a coherent trinary. (A lot of 90s anti-heroes reifying the binary in how they're marketed as violating it.) Not actually many heroes I can think of who've gone full villain and had that stick, but definitely heroes who've flipped for a time in a meaningful way- Hal Jordan becoming Parallax sticks in my head. And at least since the 80s you've had writers making post-modern gags about powered people who opt out entirely and have day jobs using their powers for something mundane. (The X-Men are all over the place in here.) And subdued but gradually swelling in popularity is where Worm lands- the idea that what you're actually looking at here is a mob of agents, with their own granular agendas, alliances, outlooks, lines in the sand, and relationship to the law-as-written- that when a hero starts acting villainous or a villain does something heroic, when they approach a fifty-fifty split without actually changing their label, it's an indictment of the idea you can actually broadly group them so neatly in the first place. And there's a lot of clunky dialogue in parts of Worm where characters are treating the hero/villain binary as a real tangible thing- "hero behavior, villain behavior-" in a way that seems hilariously naïve and awkward from where I'm sitting in 2023, and indeed was probably kind of a no-duh moment even in 2011. Anti-heroes had been around for a while. But I do think that those sequences were written in conversation with an assumption about the genre that wasn't totally dead in the water at the time, an assumption that Amy holds as a way of showing how treating the categories as innate will drive you nuts when they fail to model reality. I genuinely believe that the MCU and DCEU have killed this binary dead in the general consciousness, though. These days a "superhero" is whoever the protagonist of the movie is, and the idea that that can encompass a whole range of moralities is pretty strongly cemented. A supervillain is whoever fights the star of the movie once and then dies. It's whoever is creating a problem right that second, not a social role you hold for a prolonged period. In this way and some others, Worm hasn't been commenting on the dominant paradigm of superheroism in some time- it's becoming kind of a period piece.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 8 months
tumblr.com/emdeerm insert-that-spiderman-meme
based on this prompt and the amazing fanfic "Wait I'm a Cartoon Over Here?!"
Ahem Damian flopped onto his bed, exhausted after having had to clean the bat litter once more, as per Alfred's instruction. However, that exhaustion was punctuated by an underlying satisfaction. Despite everything, he and Richard had succeeded. They made contact with Team Phantom (part of him felt dizzy and giddy at the notion, but he'd impale anyone who'd suggest it) and managed to keep Father and the others from combusting at the notion of their existence. Phantom had sworn up and down to never expose their identities, knowing just how important they are. ("You were my hero since I was 7, I'd rather eat Dash's underwear again than betray your trust!") If only he knew...
Speaking of whom, Damian clamped his hands of his ears as the girlish squealing in this room entered a fever pitch. He was starting to regret allowing Kent to enter the Manor while team Phantom were visiting.
"DANNY DANNY DANNY DANNY DANNY I'M SUCH A HUGE FAN OF YOU CAN YOU PLEASE SIGN THIS AND THIS AND THIS AND-" Damian could've sworn that's the spiel Jonathan had opened with about twenty minutes ago. Fenton, for his part, was doing his best to withstand the onslaught of super-powered pre-teen fandom.
He'd never be caught dead doing something so... debased. So petty and pointless as to gawk at a fictional character. He, the blood son of the Bat and his future successor.
"Come on Damian, aren't you excited too?" His heart rate spiked. Blast. How quickly could he break into Father's kryptonite vault...
"You sure you wanna mess him with right now? He really looks like he could kill you, and I read the issue where he tried to murder Tim."
Damian prickled, even felt a hint of shame knowing that Fenton knew just as much about him as he did, how shameful. No not shameful at all, why would he care about someone who probably wasn't even real. Damian moved to sit up and shot Jonathan the deadliest glare he could muster, an expression copy-pasted right off his Father's Batglare.
Jonathan, for his part, cowered behind Fenton. "You'd do well to keep remain silent, Kent, before I remind you that your life is as fragile as a dying rat." He all but spat out. However, instead of cowering further, Jonathan's lips curled into a devious expression.
Fenton's head bounced between the two. "Maybe this personal arc hasn't been published yet..." He muttered.
"Hey Danny..." Jonathan began, hesitantly. This could not be happening. Damian grabbed the nearest katana and lunged. However, his efforts were made fruitless as he passed through the duo like they weren't there. Dammit! "I know this is kind of embarassing, but we put in a lot of work and you're like my number two inspiration after my dad and we don't know how long you'll be here so., but you gotta keep this a total secret, like a total secret, you can't tell anyone."
Jonathan reached into his backpack. Damian swung his sword again. Anything, anything to prevent the inevitable. If this were allowed to happen, his life would be forfeit. Curse his hero this hero for being so overpowered. Where was the lipstick laser when you needed it? Or the fenton thermos? or the anti-creep stick, or anything?!
However, just as Jonathan was about to retrieve the forbidden contraband, a fist flew out and blew him away. "Woah what is this?" Exclaimed one Danielle Phantom. It was at that moment that Damian knew, there was nothing more that could be done.
Danielle rifled through the pages of the comic book that Jon was about to pull out (which, btw, was amazing! Danny might be into Nightwing and Martian Manhunter, but she could not count the number of nights she'd dreamt of flying with the Super Sons. Basically she was never gonna wash that fist again anyway) and was shocked to find the contents. "Yo Danny, have you seen this??"
Her template/brother/cousin/dad (his status is in a weird gray area at the moment) leaned over, eyes widening too.
For within her hands was the latest issue of the celebrated fancomic, the Secret Adventures of Danny Phantom, which circulated around this universe's social media forums and the schoolyards of Metropolis and Gotham. Danielle flipped through pages upon pages of lovingly hand-drawn panels.
"I didn't know we were a comic, too! I've never looked that cool before." Danny said, nothing the cover art.
"I dont think this is official, i mean, whatever official canon means these days. Look, there's no logo from the channel our cartoon's on."
"I can't believe I have fans who know enough about me to make a fancomic." Danny groaned.
"Oh shut up, Danny. you don't see me getting any fanart." Dani teased, until she reached the beautiful two-page spread of her, Robin and Superboy swooping in to save Danny from the GiW. Special attention was placed by the artist on her hair, and the unnatural glow of her ghostly eyes. Overall it was a very flattering picture. the real Dani's jaw dropped.
Danny turned to the gaping Jon, and the limp Damian, both of whose faces were drained of colour, looking even more dead than himself on a cold day. Realisation dawned inside of him. "Wait, did you guys make this?"
His interoogation could not continue furhter before Dani squealed with excitement. She phased out of the bedroom door in an instant before anyone could react, yelling in excitement about this amazing fancomic that Damian and Jon had made, like it was fate... Her voice was followed by one Dick Grayon's comment on Damian's evolving artstyle, before more joined the chorus. As for Damian? He rolled for 60d6 psychic damage, took 300, and lost the wlil to live. Jon was not far behind.
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salarta · 5 months
For those of you not aware, X-Men 97 pulled an asshole move of completely excluding Lorna from what happened on Genosha.
This matters because in the comics, she worked with Magneto (before she knew he was her father) to build up Genosha and is one of the survivors of the genocide. Her story was one of failing to save everyone but having to relive the nightmare endlessly by replaying its final moments with her powers until the X-Men got her out of the ruins. Her history was also respected here in the Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon, which gave her great episodes and depictions - the only good ones she's had in cartoons to date.
There seems to be a common thread behind this genocide erasure in Lorna's history: nostalgia for Havolaris and how Lorna was treated in the 90s.
Jordan White was clearly trying to force each of these things while senior editor. At the same time, he had the X-Men books acting like Lorna had no connection at all to Genosha. This went so far that even an event where Kitty Pryde (Jordan White's favorite character, I've been told) did a big thing with Genosha had Lorna's appearance relegated purely to helping Kitty's plan and complaining about a lack of coffee. No acknowledgment she was a survivor of the genocide.
Then we have Beau DeMayo and X-Men 97. To date, the only references we've seen of Lorna were exclusively images of her with Havok and 90s X-Factor. One in opening credits, one in a photo in Forge's place. She's nowhere to be found whatsoever around Genosha in X-Men 97. The show even had X-Factor characters like Multiple Man show up to check things out, but no mention or presence at all for Lorna.
Here's where we stand right now. For a long ass time, I've said that I think there's a path to a relationship with Lorna and Havok eventually being a good thing. I've said it would take work and time where Lorna as her own character is restored and treated properly. I've never said getting the pair back together and it being a good thing was impossible.
This pattern of blatant, deliberate disrespect toward Polaris and her connection to Genosha is seriously making me reconsider that stance. If Lorna surviving a goddamn GENOCIDE can't be respected all because of some nostalgic assholishness, then how in the hell can Lorna make ANY progress or have ANYTHING good so long as the cause of this problem has any play around her? How can Lorna be treated as more than some stupid weakling supporting character girlfriend only there to kiss Havok's ass and jill off over his costume if something as essential as SURVIVING A GENOCIDE going to be ignored in service to sticking her in a toxic relationship with what is increasingly looking like a character that is just irredeemably toxic for Lorna to be around at all?
Up until today, I've said very up front that I seem a path of redemption for this pairing. X-Men 97 is changing my mind on that. I'm very seriously starting to think now that there is no redeeming this pairing and turning it into a good thing. Not when people like Beau DeMayo will erase a genocide from Polaris' character history for the sake of his personal fantasies.
I've said this elsewhere. But in closing, I'm going to be making a very deliberate effort to avoid everything having to do with Beau DeMayo because of his actions here. It's too late for me with the two Strange New Worlds episodes he did. But I already took Witcher and The Originals off my watchlists. And if he steps his toes into anything else I care about in the future, I'll be making it very clear why he shouldn't be involved in those things.
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gattnk · 1 year
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It's hard to forget Ang-Lì and Mefisto, for the oddest reasons.
These two were unlucky enough to become cut content in the cartoon, and I can see why: the cast was huge, the new plot had a stronger focus on the protagonists, and sadly Ang-Lì and Mefisto were sort of... tertiary in the comics. While it seems like the comic was just about to pick up the pace with them, it got discontinued right before they got their moment to shine. I did my best to take all of this into account, and here's my resulting notes on the redesign process:
I dug up all I could about these two to make sure I understood their characters as much as possible, since the comics themselves shared very little. Finding the extra content that came with the comics was crucial (the original printed issues included all sorts of cool stuff you'd expect from kid magazines at the time).
I noticed how Ang-Lì is usually very enthusiastic in the comic, often cracking a joke or two mid conversation, and he also has a passion for earthly comic books. I gave him pretty plain clothes to contrast with his joking nature, represented by the yellow-orange. This way the color and his personality really pop up!
According to the extra content, Mefisto's super laidback about most things, with the exception of music: he's a metalhead who may or may not pirate his favorite Earth bands, who's also the vocalist of the devils, and can't make it through the day without his headphones. So I just went with the classic metalhead look: dark shirt, washed jeans, wallet chain and thick wristbands. The duller colors go really well with all the green hair, it doesn't feel like too much.
I tried to emphasize their interests with their accessories since their clothes are quite plain compared to the other redesigns. Since Mefisto's headphones are so important to him, they also had to pop out, hence the orange, white and toxic green. In the meantime, Ang-Lì's kicks are a pun of sorts: he keeps the jokes running. lol.
Turns out Ang-Lì's mascot is a stick bug, who knew? He keeps it in his shirt pocket like a pencil, as a bit of a joke. Meanwhile Mefisto places his gecko mascot on his wallet chain, like those lizard keychain bottle openers that used to be popular in the 2000s. I thought it represented their respective natures well.
I actively chose to swap Mefisto's skin color. The devils could use a bit more variety, honestly, and it still holds homage to his old color palette. Besides, you don't see many black metalheads in media and that's a shame! Rock on my metal siblings!
Ang-Lì had a pretty solid design from the start that still holds up well, so the biggest personal change was the haircut. everything else (clothes aside) I kept pretty much the same.
That would be it for these two! Honestly, keeping their character essence was particularly easy, compared to my other redesigns (yes, even easier than Raf/Sulfus). Even with the little content we have, all in all they're pretty solid characters! So yeah, they deserved to be brought back. I did my best to give them the spotlight more often in my script, let's see if I do them justice!
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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lunatvicluna · 11 months
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You know...
Everyone's got their hands on us in one way or another.
"You can't think that way!",
"Your reasoning is wrong!",
"That's infantile!",
"You have to. You have to speak differently."
In a different dialect, in different words, in a different language. Gestures not gestures, you always owe someone something.
You don't fit in because of your looks? You're weird.
You're different
and you'll always be different. It's such a strange feeling when you're a human being, but your own appearance oppresses you in every possible way. Your interests, your orientation, your skin color, your language, your hobbies, your character, your opinion, everything. Absolutely.
And in the world of cass rottmnt. Everyone sticks together. Different species, different languages and hobbies, different diseases and different temperaments…. and they all love each other. Family… Maybe I want to be held and cherished like that. And I envy cartoon characters… and I want hugs from them. I guess that's why I create characters and draw all those cute sketches and… secretly, in my dreams, dreaming about the frames of a comic book cass, that one day I'll open my eyes to a society full of hate…. and I'll be woken up by being patted on the head by Future Leo..
Maybe this is all really infantile
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deuynndoodles · 11 months
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[ID: A banner including an icon of Catori to the left, and to the right, text reading out the OP's username, which is deuynndoodles (pronounced dune-doodles). Catori is a small, blue, star-themed raccoon with a red ribbon tied around her neck. She is sticking out her tongue happily. end ID]
kofi ★ commissions (open)
ao3 ★ discord ★ spotify ★ sideblog
hi there, i'm dey and i'm an artist! use whatever pronouns you'd like. i mainly do visual illustrations, comics, and doodles, but i dabble in animation, poetry, and writing on occasion.
cheers! ✌💫
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[ID: a colored, digital meet the artist. The artist, named Dey, is young and feminine presenting. They have warm, light skin, brown eyes, various moles and freckles, and their wavy, scruffy brown hair is in a high ponytail. They have a tail and pointed ears. They wear a t-shirt dress, a hoodie around their waist, ripped jeans, sneakers, and most notably, a key necklace. Dey waves at the viewer with a grin and a wink. An arrow points to them, saying "my sona".
Catori, a small, slight blue raccoon, slinks around Dey's shoulders. She has stars peppered throughout the dark of her fur and wears a ribbon around her neck. An arrow points to her and says her name.
Dey is gesturing to some text and flags in the upper corner. It says Dey is an adult, uses any/mirror pronouns, and their birthday is June 15th. They are agender and aroace, american, and autistic.
In another section, their likes are listed out. They enjoy loz (legend of zelda) and danny phantom. Their favorite animals are raccoons and they enjoy spending their time watching cartoons, learning, and making art.
In the last section, their daily essentials are drawn. They include, from left to right: a phone, a water bottle, a wallet, keys, a usb c charger, bluetooth headphones, a tablet, and a pen and stylus. end ID]
beliefs and faq under the cut!
my beliefs
anti racism. i acknowledge i am on stolen land. in that sense, i am pro-palestine/sudan/congo/etc.: please donate if you are able! remember your daily click.
pro queer rights. that said, i support any good faith identity (and yes, that includes masc lesbians etc.)
pro choice. give people the support and medical care they need.
pro disabled rights. self dx is valid. fakeclaiming is always bad. all people own their bodies, no one else, and reserve the right to do whatever they'd like.
pro endo. plurality is already stimatized enough, no infighting.
neither proship or antiship, but a secret third thing (wants people to touch grass). tag appropriately and we won't have problems.
fiction influences reality, and vice versa. they are not 1:1 but affect each other. ensuring media comprehension and literacy is important so we don't get things mixed up.
atheist. i do my best to support, but there are some things i simply can't wrap my head around. apologies in advance.
anti ai. as it is now, most ais are built off stolen work and scraped databases. legal protections must be set up.
suicide baiting or calling others slurs is not okay. the only scenario in which it is okay is if both individuals are friends, they're joking, and consented beforehand OR if it's reclaimed and used in a non-negative context. i do not condone anyone in "my community" that suicide baits.
honesty is the best policy. i tend to be blunt and straightforward, simply because i dislike playing the game of social norms. i never mean to offend: i will tell you directly if something offends me.
i do not share donation requests or other forms of reblog bait. i apologize, but i keep this blog as a form of escape and i do not like bringing real life matters up terribly much.
note that this is not a dni. i would, instead, prefer people to keep these in mind when interacting. i reserve the right to block.
if i ever do something offensive and/or juxtaposes with something above, please let me know in a private space.
q: what do you use to draw?
a: i use a samsung galaxy tab s8 and draw in ibispaint.
q: what are mirror pronouns?
a: i borrow your pronouns—hence the phrase 'mirror'. when you refer to me, use your own pronoun set. (ex: if you use she/they, when you refer to me, also use she/they.)
q: what are the dates in the tags of your posts for?
a: i buffer my posts in case i go through an art block phase. the date represents the day i finished work on the file (in mm/dd/yy format).
q: why do you not use alt text?
a: it's usually more accessible to scroll down a little bit than to click a small button in my experience. alt text could be improved, as well, so i find this method best. if any screenreader users have critique, please share!
q: can i make something based on a thing of yours?
a: of course! just @ me in the post + give credit if it's specific enough :]
q: may i use your art as a pfp/phone background/etc?
a: i'm perfectly fine with personal use. just link back to my account if others will see it. if you are profiting off my art, however, that is a whole 'nother conversation we should have in dms.
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mandoratheevilchaser · 3 months
For the 2 ships thing: Bruce/Talia or Tygra/Cheetara?
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Well, I see I've played my hand if my weaknesses can be so easily identified. Rip my heart out while you're at it, why don'tcha?
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The thing is Brutalia and Tychee both represent two very different flavours that I love in shipping dynamics.
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I love angst. I LOVE it. I thrive on it. I'm also a sucker for star-crossed lovers – my favourite movie was and is Pocahontas; this was inevitable. And Brutalia is a healthy mix of both. They're just so fucking tragic. Because they genuinely love each other but they can NEVER be together. They can snatch little moments of love and happiness here and there, but they can never bask in it, never live in it. That's partly because of the status quo (even though Talia's has changed fucking three times, which is like a comics-faux pas, smh), partly because of the cyclical nature of comics and the fickleness and shittyness of writers, but also just partly because of their in-universe situations. They love each other. They can't be together. Too bad, so sad. It's fucking delicious.
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Brutalia is my favourite comic book couple and one of my favourite couples of all time (possibly even second?). But Tychee all but changed my brain chemistry as an eleven year old. It was actually the reason I even watched ThunderCats in the first place. They featured ninth (way too high) on Lewtoons' (miss him 😔) Top 10 Cartoon Couples video and honestly tween me just thought they looked really aesthetically pleasing together. Aesthetically pleasing enough that I checked out ThunderCats 2011 on a whim. Which became my new favourite show. Until I watched the original, at which point, it got bumped down to my second favourite show. Over a decade later, ThunderCats is still my favourite franchise. Thanks, Chad. Anyway, point is: I came into the show already rooting for them and I also came into the show already knowing how the love triangle would play out, so I probably wasn't as blindsided as some other people were. But boy, did they exceed my expectations.
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Another thing I'm a sucker for is couples whose relationships are based on loyalty and friendship, rather than just chemistry and Tygra and Cheetara just THRIVE in that space. I know I said I love angst, but I can appreciate some fluff when it's got some substance to it. And Tygra and Cheetara just genuinely bring out the best in each other and clearly make each other happy and I just think that's fucking beautiful. I know a lot of people dislike the „I have to stick with him” scene in New Alliances and I'll admit I have some misgivings about it myself, but I'd be lying if I said a considerable part of me didn't love it as well. And don't even get me started on the cave scene: „You're fast enough to get out of here. Go!” „You know I'd never leave you behind!” It’s the LOYALTY. FUCK. They are just. a healthy, functional, compatible, supportive, loyal pair and what more can you honestly ask for? Also, I love meet-cutes and didn't Tychee just have a meet-cute for the ages.
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As for their relationship in the original show and the comic books, I love that just as much. Maybe even slightly more, since the friendship aspect of their relationship is way more pronounced and friends-to-lovers is another trope I love. Of course they were never confirmed in the show, but. My dudes. The vibes were there. One of my favourite moments is when a villain's got Cheetara trapped and calls her helpless and Tygra saves her and she calmly replies with „But not friendless. Thanks, Tygra.” Shoutout to the reboot for continuing the tradition of Tygra and Cheetara constantly saving each other to the point of ridiculousness. And yeah, the comics didn't do a lot for them, but I love WilyCat and WilyCub and I'm happy they all got to be a happy little family :).
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Tldr; Brutalia has my whole heart. But Tychee has my heart and my soul and has already rotted away most of my brain. They're my favourite couple of all time, in anything, ever. Thanks for your question. Sorry about your braincells if you read all that ^.^’
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worldseer · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Oh lord, top ten of ALL media I loved? Fuckin' hell. Alright, just to cheat, I'm choosing to do this in no particular order and sticking to one media because I frankly do not have the capacity to process top favorites all at once. TOP TEN OF MARVEL COMICS/MCU IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier - Heavily relate to his issues, I've been told I look like him, and overall I love his character. Been obsessed with his character for years now, and I want nothing more than for him to be happy.
Moon Knight/Mark Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley - Steven Grant is heavily relatable to me, and Moon Knight in general has always been interesting to me. I learned about the character before the show itself, and even his design itself draws me in. I'm a sucker when his cape makes the crescent shape too.
Ghost Rider - Nonspecific simply because all the Ghost Riders I know are badasses. If I had to be a hero/have the powers of any Marvel character, I'm choosing this one. Love the idea of the character, and wish it gets a good adaptation for film/tv show soon
Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner - Gender Envy. Also heavily relate to him because of similar issues. Consistently struggle if I want to be him or be with him.
Gambit/Remy LeBeau - I love a sarcastic man with a bit of fruitiness, and a smug ass face. Also his powers are interesting as well, and he's frankly a genius for using playing cards as his usual weapon (mass produced and several on hand).
Spider-Man - Also nonspecific, since I grew up on watching Spider-Man cartoons so I love Peter Parker, but also after ATSV I've gained an interest in Miguel O'Hara as well. Peter in the comics always has my heart however, some of the lines he has in them are iconic as hell.
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto - He's a villain I can't ever hate, and probably has the second power I'd choose if I had to choose a power from a Marvel character. I too would cause mass destruction if it meant that me and people like me would stop fucking yknow- being killed and persecuted. And bro is (usually) old as fuck as he does this, still kicking ass.
Matt Murdock/Daredevil - Once again, relate due to similar issues. Also what's more funny than a sarcastic lawyer going out to beat the shit out of criminals every night? Plus it's a bit unfair that he looks hot beat up. . . iykyk.
Wade Wilson/Deadpool - Self explanatory.
Loki Laufeyson - Similar thing to Bucky and Kurt: obsessed with character for years and a part of me wants to be them. Might have kickstarted my discovery into being nonbinary honestly now that I think about it. . .
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jjenjoyer · 2 years
hope is a dangerous thing - jj maybank
summary: jj maybank hates the new girl in town.
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - lana del rey
fuck it i love you - lana del rey
warnings: mentions of violence, language
[jj's pov]
[896 words]
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i first saw her out on the waves during hurricane Agatha. stupid mystery girl, surfing the surge like its nothing, as if she couldn't get wiped out with one wrong move. what a poser.
i hate her.
great, she's in my class too. pink really isn't her colour, and that cardigan seems way too hot for the outer banks, what on earth is she thinking? really dumb outfit choice. i'm glad that she didn't sit next to me, thanks a ton mr. sunn.
i hate her, and her ugly pink cardigan.
oh, just excellent! thank you so much kiara, how lovely of you to invite my mortal enemy to party with the pogues at the boneyard tonight. i bet she can't even hold her liquor.
i really hate her. she seems fake, nobody is that nice.
speak of the devil. at least this time she's wearing something decent, but it looks shit on her. i can't believe she's had 4 beers already and still doesn't look tipsy.
i cannot stand her.
oh great, she's walking up to me. whatever god is out there, what did i do to deserve this? fuck you, honestly. her voice is sickeningly sweet, but kinda raspy, like textured honey. ew. at least she brought me a beer. i don't like her freckles.
i don't want to be around her.
she's getting on with the pogues alarmingly well. this is not looking good... ohhhh no, john b, why would you invite her to hang with us at the chateau tomorrow?! i bet she's a slob.
she better not try to talk to me. i don't think i can handle that.
...why is that kook staring at her like that. he looks like a starving wolf, practically violating her with his eyes. she's not even all that great to look at, but still, that's not gonna happen on my watch.
i hate that i'm starting a fight for no reason, its none of my business but oh well, too late to back out now.
why is she drawing stars around my bruised knuckles. and why is she concentrating so hard, holding my hand with an unbearable softness, her tongue sticking out comically, like some cartoon character. how did i even get here. fuck.
i don't like her...
her bubbly laugh when i crack a joke is so annoying, making me feel all gross inside. i wish she would shut up so i can get it out of my head, although i doubt i could if i tried.
i can barely hold the soft, yet intense gaze of her massive e/c eyes. she looks like a bug, i really want to squish her. maybe then i would stop feeling like this. i don't know why she's so persistent even though i'm clearly showing no interest.
i really hope she doesn't see through me.
ah great, i'm sick. thankfully the pogues are going fishing today, and taking whats-her-name with them. i need some time alone with my thoughts, although i'm not sure if i can handle them. someone's knocking on the door, maybe john b forgot something.
"its open!" i manage to croak out.
oh no. no no no no no please not her. anybody but her. goddamn it.
"hey, jj, um- if you tell me to i'll leave, but i heard you were sick, and thought i could help-- my mom's a nurse, so i know a thing or two-"
"i don't want your help. go have fun. i know you don't want to be here, plus you'll get sick too." why the fuck does she care about me. she shouldn't.
"i do, and i'll take that risk. plus i don't really wanna get sunburnt, my outfit isn't really suitable for the situation."
she's right, it definitely isn't. that flowy off-shoulder crop-top and embroidered jean shorts are way too flattering, and its not looking good for me.
i hate that she cares, its not helping my situation.
the way she looks after me makes me want to scream at her. why the fuck is she so gentle with me when i don't deserve even a sliver of it?
i hate to admit it, but she's been pretty decent company today. we got to know each other, and the fact that she fits all my criteria for 'ideal type' makes me want to die, because there's no way it'll actually happen, right? she's way too good for someone like me.
who am i kidding, i don't hate her. in fact-
"hey jj? you with me, man?"
"uh yeah- sorry, what were you saying?"
"why do you hate me so much?"
oh, dear...
"you're too perfect for your own good. it's killing me, knowing that acknowledging my feelings will only end in disaster, because i am the last person to deserve you. so no, y/n i don't hate you. although i really, really fucking wish i did."
her shocked expression confirms my opinion, i bet she's gonna sprint out of here in-
lips. my lips are touching something. what the fuck is going on. fuck, she tastes like lemon ice cream, do you even get that in obx? fuck if i know. goddamn.
so, as i was saying, i do not, in fact, hate y/n l/n. as a matter of fact, it is the exact opposite.
i am an absolute goner.
a/n: this is so trash lol yall should see my old stuff, idk what happened to my quality of writing, academic burnout is my biggest suspect tho >:/
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