#if anyone reading this has thoughts opinions or advice then feel free to share
viulus · 10 months
Y'all I'm finally using a dating app, so that I can FINALLY fuck someone for the first time... Help 😵
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acourtofthought · 13 days
Whats your ship? gwynriel/elucien 🥰
When was the moment you shipped them?
What are your top 3 reasons why you ship them?
What is one thing you'd love to see in their book?
Elucien!! I definitely think Gwynriel is endgame and I think they'll be well suited however I'm not smitten by their pairing the way I am Elain and Lucien.
The first time I read the series I had zero problems with them being mated. I saw the Hybern scene and was left thinking, "that's a fun turn of events!" When I got to the novella I thought, "oh, I wonder if Sarah's going to have her with Az instead?" but after the Az bonus in SF I no longer believed E/riel would be a thing.
Truthfully, I didn't care that much about who Elain ended up with at that point because I was there for Feysands story and I was fine with whatever story Sarah wanted to tell for the side characters. It wasn't until I entered the fandom and started looking back over the books to engage in discussions (and that I realized there was a huge discussion over who Elain would end up with) that I really started shipping Elucien. They've since knocked Feysand out of first place for my favorite SJM pairing.
My top 3 reasons?
1) Because Sarah has beautifully set them up to be the most compatible pairing of all her series. Even standing on their own they share strong similarities and I can only imagine how much fun it will be to read about them when they're finally together. They both take care in their appearances and appreciate nice clothes, they are both happiest in nature (from the authors own mouth), they share a similar sense of humor, neither is the type to lash out and use their words to hurt others. Their pairing feels like a warm sunshine soaked day, loving and kind and gentle things reigning supreme for an author who typically writes her pairings as tough, edgy, morally gray warriors who don't let their guards down easily. Feysand and Rowealin were the pairings that did whatever needed to be done to save the world where Elucien feels like the pairing who reminds you of the good in the world that you're trying to save in the first place.
2) I love the aesthetic which kind of goes along with some of what I said above. I love that they are her chance to write two characters who truly embrace that Bridgerton / P & P way of life. Sarah loves P & P and while I know she likes to incorporate the love of Elizabeth and Darcy into all her pairings, Elucien is the couple who would actually embody a similar lifestyle.
3) I think Elain and Lucien are written as struggling to find true connection within the current main cast of characters. They get along with many, offering wise advice and show how they're both capable of "seeing" the others for who they are but that same cast of main characters don't seem to "see" Elain and Lucien with that same clarity. I believe that they, more than anyone else we've seen, will be capable of bringing one another's true depth to light because I think they'll see each other in a way nobody has really has. There's a reason there are so many bad takes regarding Elain and Lucien and who they are and I think that stems from readers falling into the trap of thinking Feyre and Nesta's opinions of them are the actual truth (instead of realizing that Feyre and Nesta at times struggle to "see" certain people for who they are outside of their own personal history with them - they struggle with objectivity). I think Elain and Lucien will be beautiful together because from their POVs we'll finally see them shine in the way Sarah has always wanted them to but needed their book to finally reveal that to us.
One thing I'd like to see from their book? I can't book because there are so many things! Elain as High Lady of Spring performing Calanmai with Lucien. Or Lucien and Elain as High King and Queen (with Lucien being given Gwydion by Nesta because of his possible Starborn ancestry), overseeing the peace of their lands. Elain being the one to free Vassa's curse with "light / healing" powers. Lucien being a f-ing beast with his full powers, humbling Az once he realizes that no, he would not in fact easily defeat Lucien, Elain curing the pegasus foal illness, restoring the dying lands in the different areas of Prythian, the sisters finally seeing Elain for who she is so the three of them can finally share in a healthy relationship, seeing Lucien reuinited with his mother, making amends with Eris.....and on and on and on.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 6 months
hello rats! (if you don't wanna read my bullshit skip to my official ranking of the cast, i know you want to)
Today i wanted to thank you all for the 100 subscribers i am truly thankful for all of you, i'm just out of words like, i don't even get why you all like subscribed to me, i just make random ass crazy rambles on a silly game! you know that's like insane! i also wanna thank you all for the constant support and advice, i'm not the most healthy person around, i'm very fragile and i often break down so life is not really the easiest, but this game, this community fells like an escape from that. Sometimes, often i get very negative thoughts about myself and like life and this blog kinda made me smile, it brought me a bit of light in my either meh or shitty life. So like thank you all truly, huh, also like i'm was finally able to talk with my mom about my like 99% chance of having autism, and she said yes for me to get a diagnosis, so like thank you shin too i guess since you were weirdly the reason i started questioning myself. I know i'm rambling nonsense but like i'm like feelings lots of stuff. I really had a bad week all around so like i'm not sure i'm gonna post this week that much. So like THANKS!
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so i wanna clarify that expect from exceptions i like most of the cast of yttd, i do not really hate anyone, except midori. While i shared my distaste of sheep boy i actually just find him mid, he's not really interesting to me. Also this is purely subjective and does not count how well written the character is, for example i have mixed feeling about keiji but i think he's an amazing character+he has the best free times in YTTS. i repeat, this is only an opinion, but i would love to have people tell me their opinions on some of the characters and maybe defend them. Differing opinions is good anyhow. So here it is:
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asexualaromanticblog · 11 months
Before Realising My AroAce Sexuality
I want to make one thing very clear before anyone starts reading. Though I identify as being asexual and aromantic, I can only talk about my own story because it is the only one I really understand. And I know that all of us have a different story. We all walk a different path. We all react differently to the obstacles placed in out way. But I can only talk about myself and how I, and some people I know who are also aro-ace, have been affected by their sexuality. I hope sharing my story, as well as my opinions and advice is of any use to you.
I also want all my readers to feel free about contacting me if they want their story to be published or simply understood, EVEN IF YOU AREN'T AROMANTIC OR ASEXUAL YOURSELVES. I will handle everything which any of you send me with the utmost discretion and to the word referring to your wishes.
I am a British demigirl teenager of 14 years of age who has been living in Spain since the young age of about 4 or 5. I am currently undergoing my freshman year of highschool. The presence of the doubt that I was asexual always dug at the back of my mind, but I liked to think I wasn't. I was SCARED: I didn't want to be lonely for the rest of my life. In fact, I was obsessed with the idea that I would find love eventually.
I realised I didn't like boys or men when I was about 10 or 11 years old. I simply did not feel romantically attracted by them at all. Yes, I found some boys attractive, and some actors too, but I found I was not able to form romantic attractions towards them. What's more, the people who I had previously 'liked' (obvoiusly I was like 11 so never anything truly serious) had always been very good friends of mine. Such close friends that our friendship almost seemed like the celibate and completely nonsexual relationships the popular kids were forming between each other.
I knew that gay people existed. I'd never been against it. From the moment I realised being gay was a THING, I'd supported it, even if I didn't feel that way myself.
So I went and thought: hmmm... I don't like guys. That must mean I like girls. Now, what girl do I like?
So I found a pretty girl, VERY popular (actually, I remember quite clearly her name was Inés). And I decided I had a crush on her.
Then, 7th grade, I changed schools. And I lost contact with all my friends (including Inés). I found a girl, a Russian called Maria, and decided I liked her. We dated, some months later. But we never DID anything. Max was holding hands or kissing each others cheeks. Then we broke up on rather bad terms., Even now, almost a year and a half later, we don't talk. I was in the same room as her for 15 mins and has an anxiety attack. I must admit, I hold a massive amount of trauma from that relationship still.
I had never made out with anyone and never really felt the need to, even though by 8th grade most of my friends had. I felt like I fancied another of my friends, Sarah, but when I confessed my feelings I got rejected. I was not too sore about it, surprisingly. I felt more like my pride was hurt than that my heart was broken.
And then, something magical happened.
In June of 2023, at 14 years of age, I watched Heartstopper in a day with a friend.
I fell in love with it.
And then, on the 3rd of August, when season 2 was released, I watched the entirety of it at night on my phone. And that was when I discovered asexuality.
More later!
Subscribe if you want more!
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jarvis-cockhead · 1 year
Rejection sensitive dysphoria awareness & how I cope
Disclaimer: I don't claim to be an expert, this is advice from my personal experiences aimed to help others who experience RSD, as I have a long term experience with the condition and don't often see people talk about how to manage it. I've had to figure out a lot of it myself so I wanted to share my methods for anyone else who might find them useful :] please if you think you experience RSD or any other neurodivergency do your own research, or ask for a professional opinion. Also please feel free to say so if you think my methods are actually bad/harmful or if you have any other methods, because like I said, this is just stuff I've figured out for myself, I don't claim to know it all!
Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is, in short, a severe emotional reaction to real or perceived rejection. It's most commonly linked to ADHD however it is likely something which just more commonly develops in people with certain neurodivergencies (I have a diagnosis of autism, for example). It hasn't been researched very much so there isn't that much information out there about what it is or how to manage it, but it's something which can significantly affect your wellbeing and your relationships with others. At times I find it debilitating. I've experienced it for a number of years now and I've spent a lot of time on self awareness and analysing RSD based anxiety. I hope this not only helps others with RSD but helps to spread awareness of the condition- if you think you experience RSD you absolutely are not alone.
The anxiety lens
It can be really tricky to identify which thoughts are real and which are not because the nature of RSD is one which is paranoid and always jumps to conclusions, and the phrase 'what if' is very powerful. One way I've learnt to deal with this is to remember something very important: when anxiety is present it is like a lens you will look through and it will cloud your judgement of what you see. If you are experiencing RSD and are worried your friend is upset with you, you will listen to them/read their messages as if this is true, and this is where your 'proof' comes from. RSD is triggered by perceived rejection, and of course this will be worse and more frequent when anxiety is clouding your perceptions. Reminding myself of this is probably the most useful method I have found to deal with RSD because it follows the RSD anxiety path as far back as you can take it. There are no 'what if's, the anxiety will be making you see things from an altered perspective.
Anxiety sources
Are there any other reasons your anxiety could be worse right now? Stress and hormonal changes commonly exaggerate my anxiety and this frequently manifests as RSD. Identifying this doesn't always make the anxiety go away, but it does give some peace of mind of the likely real reason for why I am suddenly feeling so much worse.
Social exhaustion
I find I can swing into a very low spot very quickly after seeing friends, which is most likely just social exhaustion but because it has come directly after socialising it can feel as if there must be a reason, and the RSD reason is that the social interaction must have 'failed'. I also find this especially difficult with my friends who also experience social exhaustion and also need a period of recharge because this could mean they aren't as chatty as usual, which of course feeds the RSD. Remember that you (and possibly your friend also) are likely just tired, and give yourself time to rest.
The better it is, the worse it gets
A cruel side to RSD I feel is that the more I care for someone, or the more fun I had in a social interaction, the worse my RSD can be. I can also find it hard to understand why someone is friends with me or accept that this is the case, and I get very scared of losing the people I care most about. However more often than no your friends do care about you just as much as you do for them, or they wouldn't be your friends at all. Your friends love you and they will not just abandon you or reject you for no reason, or even if you do make a mistake, because mistakes can be talked through and overcome. The RSD conclusion jump that your friend suddenly hates you is so incredibly unlikely (and if it does happen then that doesn't sound like much of a friend in the first place.)
Help! my friend has disappeared for a day (or longer)
This is never fun, RSD loves it when this happens because there is so much room for 'what if's. You must just remind yourself that it's very unlikely you're the reason they've disappeared, especially when you've not done anything deliberate which would upset them. They really are most likely just busy!
One good way to help deal with this long term is to have strong communication foundations where possible. Let your friend know this is something you struggle with, and let each other know that if there is ever a real issue, you can talk about it. Doing this will give you more room to breathe and more reassurance that there are no issues because your friend has not told you there are. It also isn't really your responsibility to be hyper aware of what you might have maybe possibly done 'wrong', it's up to the other person to tell you if there's an issue. Remembering that you're allowed to not worry about whether you've accidentally done something wrong can take a lot of weight off.
Help! I can feel myself trapped in an anxiety spot/loop
Sometimes while anxious if I talk to a friend I can get trapped in a loop of needing and seeking reassurance, knowing that I'm on the verge of an RSD based breakdown. My best advice for this is to just tell your friend you think you are entering/are in an anxiety loop- I find that exposing the anxiety makes it easier to deal with, while not actively asking for reassurance. Asking for reassurance in the moment is something I try to avoid wherever possible. While it can make things feel really hard and like youre suffering alone, I personally try not to so I can build up my resilience, as doing so can just reinforce the anxiety. Plus while I'm in an anxious state that reassurance sometimes doesn't do much anyway because I'm still seeing things from a perspective of anxiety.
I worry that my RSD will upset my friends or offend them
RSD can make you feel horrible for doubting your friends, and it can feel scary admitting any of these feelings to them for fear that they'll be offended you've thought that way about them, or that you're blaming them for your RSD. But good friends will listen and understand and know this isn't what you intend. To help, approach conversations from the angle of 'my anxiety causes me to feel this way', not that they themselves cause you to feel this way.
Why is this even happening to me?
RSD is suspected to develop from certain sorts of experiences in life, and is more likely to develop in those who are neurodiverse. Identifying what might have caused my RSD has given me a lot of peace of mind and reassurance that I'm not just going mad- these are responses based on past experience.
Managing RSD, from my experience, is a lot of building resilience and healthier thought patterns. It never truly goes away but you can get better at minimising it's effects. Introspection is key to deconstructing RSD and tracing it back to the sources. It's usually never actually about the other people around you, despite it absolutely feeling that way. I hope at least some of my experiences could be helpful to anyone who experiences RSD- best of luck and best wishes if you do :]
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laura1633 · 4 months
How did you start writing? I want to try but I have no clue where to start
At first I was just reading fanfics and after a while I thought it would be fun to try and start writing them. So I just had a go at it. I didn't worry about story structure or making mistakes, I just saw it as something fun to do with no pressure.
When I look back on my older stories I see lots of mistakes and think about different ways I would approach those stories but I am constantly learning and trying to get better.
I like to learn by doing so I just write and hope that as time goes by I improve. My advice to anyone who wants to try and write is to not overthink it and to just go for it and enjoy it.
Reading other people's work also helps a lot but it's always good to find a style that works for you and you will only really find that out by writing. You will also figure out if you like to plan or like to write more freestyle. It's all about finding what works for you and most of all enjoying it.
So if you have an idea and want to write it then just go for it. Don't stress too much and have fun.
I know a lot of people have friends who will "beta read" their work and give them feedback so you could always ask someone to do that if you are unsure and wants some honest feedback. I don't do that because I write so much I think I would stress a beta reader out if I sent them all my fics 😂 I just post them and hope for the best. They are free stories that I am putting out in the world so my opinion is that if people enjoy them then that is amazing and if they don't well they didn't pay for them so they aren't really losing anything!
If anyone has any tips for anon please feel free to share them in my ask box I will post them.
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lady-phenix · 4 months
Blog intro, Rules, Tags, and character profile
Welcome one and all to the Court of Ravens! My name is Ash and this my new rp blog. I'm trying to be a little better about being "professional" on here, though I wouldn't honestly call myself a pro. I've been role-playing here on Tumblr on and off since 2012 and I just like to have fun with it! That all being said I do welcome almost any and all folks from any Fandom to interact, with only few exceptions. Please continue reading below the cut to fully enjoy your stay ^.^
1. Absolutely no minors. Sorry guys, but im 30+ years old and not that I don't love yall and wish you the best, but it'd feel kinda awkward interacting with you guys. If you need help or advice though feel free to ask. I'm a person first and an adult second. Still if you're under the age of 18 please wait until you reach that age before interacting/following.
2. I don't generally do NSFW unless I know you very well (I'm demi-sexual and this kinda also applies to my characters). Also I'm not a porn source. I only NSFW if it serves the plot (I may be RPing as a demon but I generally don't participate in stuff like Sinday. More power to you if you yourself do, it's just not my thing). Also if you're below the age of 20 please don't try to do NSFW plots with me. If you have teen at the end of your age, you're kinda still a teen in my eyes. It's like that awkward gray area for me...sorry.
3. We are tolerant on this blog. I don't accept any kind of -phobia or -ism on here of any kind. Please be nice to each other and be nice to me. Don't be a dick.
4. I don't do Fandom drama on this blog. Whatever is going on with Viviziepop or who/whatever has nothing to do with me nor do I share any parties views. The opinions/thoughts expressed on here are purely mine. Don't pull me into drama or there will be problems.
5. Please be patient as I do have a life outside of this blog, and I'm about to work two jobs as well as work on a novel! I have a lot going on in my life so replies aren't always gonna be on my top priority. I also run several other blogs and have other OCs that I sometimes get more of an urge to write for. Thank you for your patience.
6. As the mun of this blog I have every right to choose who I do or don't interact with. Please don't take it personal if I don't get back to you right away. I'm probably super busy or I'm occupied with another rp for the time being. I admit I'm bad at multi-replies but I'm trying to get better.
7. Don't bring politics or social drama on here. I'm here for a good time and not to be reminded that reality sucks. Thanks!
8. I don't tolerate abuse of any kind. Mistreat me or my muse (as in like your characters whole thing is being an asshole for no reason) I will not hesitate to end the interaction and block. Me and my characters do not exist to be your punching bags. Fight scenes are fine, and insults depending on context are okay too. But being needless or senselessly cruel without reason isn't okay. Kinda goes back to just don't be a dick!
9. I LOVE shipping! I LOVE crossovers! And I LOVE OCs! All of that stuff! As it says in my description I'm Canon divergent and crossover/oc friendly. If this is a problem for folks I'm definitely not the blog for you. Please be respectful of my rp partners!
10. Seriously just have fun with it! I don't mind a little chaos, just so long as it's the fun kind. I try to be the cool mun who isn't so stingy about everything.
*as a quick side note, music is a big deal on this blog, so by all means feel free to share music yall love with me, and I may just do the same for you ;) *
This is kinda more for me than it is anyone else cause I'm terrible with tags and I'm trying to get better. These are subject to change/be updated. I'll also try to tag NSFW and triggering subjects as necessary.
tag: The Phoenix Sings- usually song/music related.
tag: thoughts of the Phoenix- usually just stuff I think Phenix would think of. These can be kinda random.
tag: matters of the court- anytime the Court of Ravens is mentioned, usually for lore purposes.
tag: matters of the goetia- any time the ars goetia or the goetia family are brought up/interacted with. Again this is usually for lore purposes.
tag: OOC- out of character, pretty self explanatory, whenever I interact out of character.
tag: open starter- any time I post an open rp starter that can be answered by anyone.
tag: rp title- I like to title rps sometimes so I'll use the title I come up with as a tag to keep better track of it. More for fun/organization purposes.
tag: Phenix interacts-tag used when interacting with specific characters. Again more for organization purposes.
tag: NSFW- pretty self explanatory
tag: TW- trigger warning: then followed by triggering thing- Done more as a courtesy than anything else.
tag: Phenix Aesthetic- Anything that goes along with Phenix's aesthetic
tag: Phenix Fashion- Things I imagine Phenix would wear. can be clothes, make up, etc.
tag: Phenix Poetry- usually poetry and/or quote related. Sometimes it's about her, other times will be specified.
tag: Phenix family- anything pertaining to her family, biological or in law.
tag: fanart- whenever I reblog fanart. Pretty self explanatory. Will also tag characters.
tag: The Phoenix Calls- used when reblogging rp memes and starters.
tag: Phenix canons- used for dropping bits of lore about phenix and her family.
About Phenix
And those are all I can think of. If I come up with anymore ill update them! ^.^
Verses and AUs
1. Canon universe- formerly trapped in an abusive marriage, Phenix spends most of her time taking care of imps and other hellborn and sinners who escaped bad situations in her family home, Raven Hall. She wishes to continue her mother's legacy with the Raven Court, and wants to eventually make it an official branch of hells government to give the so called lessers in hell a voice.
*Canon for the blog, but not the show. Though I do try to work within the shows boundaries with this.
2. Ward of the Morningstars/ ward!phenix AU- in this alternative universe, Phenix was taken in by Lucifer after her mother was killed because he felt partly responsible for what happened to Ravenna and for Phenix's fall from favor with Paimon. She sees Luci as a second, but primary, father, Charlie as her sister, and Damian Morningstar as her brother. Vaggie is her future sister in law, and the deadly sins are her aunts and uncles (though some she favors more than others).
3. Royal Guard AU- this is an AU where Striker is a captain of the guard in the House of Andras. Realizing just how bad Andras actually is, Striker and Phenix concoct a plan to free her and put an end to Andras' wicked hold on her. This features the pair Striker/Phenix in a romantic way.
4. Human AU- Phenix is a human royal from the small kingdom of Goetia who's of marriageable age.
5. Genderbent AU- Male Phenix whos escaped from a bad marriage and just wants to raise his two kids, Javier and Viviane, in peace.
6. Queen of Wrath AU- This is based on a fanfic that I'm writing in which Paimon and Satan, the king of wrath, struck up a deal many years ago and has led to Phenix becoming the deadly sin's wife. Unsure if I'll post the story itself but this will be updated if and when I do.
*please note that all of these are subject to be changed/updated*
Full name: Phenix Quezala Goetia
Gender: female
Age: 30+
Demon bird form: a giant five eyed quetzal (two on each side of her head plus one in the middle of her head) that appears to be made of various colored flames.
Ordinary demon form: (terrible at drawing so I'll give a physical description) 9 feet at the tallest. She's mostly red feathered, though she has gold feathers on her face, particularly around her eyes and prominently in her long tail feathers. Her chest is black feathered, with what looks like a light red/orange heart on her bust. Her eyes are mostly black with red-gold irises and odd lavender pupils. She has a third eye in the middle of her two regular eyes, but its usually shut so not visible to most unless they have supernaturally goof eyesight. The feathers on her head start short at the neck and shoulders and but spread elegantly down her back, as though theyre layered atop of each other. They're mostly red but are tipped in black with gold accents. Her style of dress varies on the day and who she interacts with. Despite her fiery colors she actually has a deep fondness for cooler ones like emerald green, blues of any kind, and anything purple. Will on special occasions wear her husband's colors of cream, black, and purple...rarely.
Powers: pyrokinesis, sound manipulation, imitation of any voice, knowledge of most if not all instruments.
Nicknames: Nix, Nixi, Rose Red (I highly warn against calling her this, unless you want your vocal cords pecked out)
Titles: Princess of the Goetia family, Grand Marquess in the House of Andras, and Queen of the Court of Ravens.
Blood Family: Shax (maternal grandfather), Viviane (maternal grandmother), Ravenna (mother), Marchosias (older maternal uncle), Malphus (younger maternal uncle), Paimon (father), Stolas (older half brother), Octavia (niece)
Married family/in laws: Andras (husband, a just no, JN for short), Caim (Andras' brother, a just maybe, JM), Larissa (Andras' mother, JN MiL), Aamon (Andras' father, a total Just Yes, JY FiL)
Important information: There's a lot of backstory to her, but I might reveal that in increments rather than just dumping it all here. So here are the top ten things you should know about Phenix:
She's King Paimon's oldest daughter, but not his oldest child. She's younger than Stolas by about eight years. He went through wives like Henry the 8th. Phenix is the result of his second marriage and her mother's name was Ravenna, who started the Court of Ravens under everyone's noses.
Phenix and Stolas are close, despite their mothers having been serious enemies. He's one of the few people in her life who call her Nixi. She's also 100 percent supportive of his divorce and is close to Octavia.
She got her grimoire at 11, much like her brother, and was given the purpose to act as a muse for musicians and poets throughout the world and across time. She was also betrothed to her husband Andras at this time.
She married Andras at age 20. They've been married for ten years but have no children...yet. Andras has tried to keep her content through the use of illusions. On the blog, she's mostly out of his fog, and he's the reason she hates the nickname Rose Red.
The Court of Ravens was created by her mother Ravenna when Paimon attempted to divorce her but failed. She meant for it to be a safe haven for anyone seeking refuge from a bad situation. Anyone can join the Court, no matter their station, any and all hellborn and sinners are permitted to join the Court.
Phenix has a key to the Court, which is disguised as a portrait ring of her mother. There's more of these rings that are commissioned in Lust and Gluttony. They all look slightly different but always have Ravenna's flying raven signature on them somewhere. Gates to the Court can be found in Gluttony or Lust, and they can only be gained access by the rings which are guarded by Beelzebub and Asmodeus respectively.
Phenix is technically Queen of the Raven Court, and has been since her mother passed. However, she didn't know about the Court until she herself had need of it.
Phenix is accepting to any and everyone. She despises the Goetia's way of thinking, and when she takes her place as Raven Queen, she denounces the Goetia in favor of "her" people, the outcasts and needy of Hell who come to her for protection and sanctuary.
She has seriously thought of killing her husband and taking his prized angelic sword, Exnoctum, as her own.
She does eventually want to have children, not only to succeed her as Raven Queen/King, but to pass on her so called radical beliefs about equality in hopes of eventually ending the stigma that comes with the caste system of hell.
And that's pretty much all you need to know about Phenix. If I come up with anything else or change her canon, I'll be sure to update the list. Now as I said there's a lot of lore surrounding this character and a lot of it involves her family, and especially her mother and connections to the other sins. However, I feel like those should be revealed in time. Until then, by all means feel free to interact! Phenix is super friendly towards most folks. Thank you so much for reading! I know it was a lot! <3
-Mun Ash
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lyranova · 5 months
Hello, since you make the ask game too, can I ask you 🔪🥤🧃🍬 and 🌿
Hiya Vilandel! Of course you may 🥰!
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hmm…I guess I’ll go with the weirdest thing I googled today for a project which was “What are different parts of a ship called?” because…I need it for an AU request 😅!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Aaahhh the list of authors is too many 😭! I mean, I’m going to recommend all of my friends and mutuals who write (because you’re all absolutely amazing 😤💕!). I admit, these days I’ve been really bad about reading fanfic unless someone sends it to me directly (so if anyone has a fic/series/oneshot that they think i’d like or that you want me to read, please feel free to tag/send it to me)😅. But all the writers I have tagged are amazing 😤💕!
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
Personal lore that i’ve never shared 🤔…hm, I don’t think I’ve shared this but I’m actually blind in one eye. Well, partially. I have a condition called “Lazy Eye” which basically means the vision in one eye is considerably weaker, and so my brain “ignores” it. So I didn’t even know it until I was in first grade 😆. I don’t really notice a difference with my vision unless I close my “good” eye, or when it comes to my depth perception!
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Hmm…this is where I realize that I don’t have very many opinions on specific, popular characters 😅. I have certain opinions on certain things in BC, but i don’t really have any thoughts about a popular fandom character 🤔. (Agwjsjzjw i’m so unfun when it comes to opinions I’m so sorry 😭!)
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Take a break! Listen to some music, watch tv, go outside and enjoy nature! Just do something besides writing or art; sometimes that really, really helps (at least, it helps with me). For low creativity, that’s a little more tricky for me 😅. Usually I talk to my friends and we plot AU’s or scenario’s together and it’ll spark my creativity. But also looking at prompt lists or playing with incorrect quote generators helps a lot too!
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aprilsadviceaskblog · 5 months
tw, just talking about obsession with fp, mention of past grooming (not in any detail)
I'm looking for advice and maybe some opinions on the situation
I need help with detaching from my fp. And I'm not sure where to start, and I'm scared to let go.
For context, I'll write the important parts of my story with this person.
He's a mutual friend, we've never been close. The moment I've met him I thought it would just be a crush but i was so damn wrong. He's the first cis guy who I feel never treated me any differently because I'm a trans man. I helped him kick out a groomer from his band after we found out his intentions, I was later groomed by said guy and my fp offered to help me report him which I unfortunately declined (and also lied to his face that I wasn't being groomed because I so embarrassed about it). That simple act of kindness just made my attachment worse.
He found out I "liked" him later, and politely declined me because he's straight. He was so nice about it which didn't help stop my obsessive tendencies and soon enough he realized it was more than a little crush. He quietly cut me off but we still hung around the same people and he was never rude to me.
I started realizing I went too far and I talked with him at one social gathering back in December last year. I apologized for everything, said I was aware I've crossed his boundaries, that he didn't deserve it and that i didn't expect forgiveness but I was letting him know I was aware of how far I went amd the guilt was eating me alive (I knew names of his family members, had pics of him saved, drew him a lot and he found out after somebody told him). He listened quietly, then slightly smiled and said that it's okay, we all fuck up sometimes and that everything is okay in between us. He was much more mature about everything than I was, I don't think I even deserved to be forgiven so easily. I thanked him and that was it. We had more pleasant interactions after that and things seem to be better.
But I know my obsession hasn't gone away, I still haven't deleted pictures of him I have, I still draw him, I still make harmless jokes about him but they just prove I still think about him all the time. I feel really bad because I promised I won't make him uncomfortable anymore. In a few days marks one year since I've met him and my life changed because he introduced me to so many new people from our friendgroup. I don't think he realized how much of an impact he had on me.
I just want to see him as a normal mutual friend. He's a very sweet person and tolerated me way more than he had to. I'm sick of my whole life and emotions relying on a person I barely even talk to.
Please help.
I wrote a post on having healthy relationships (platonic or romantic) with a FP, and I think some of it may be helpful. It's here.
In case you don't want to read that, I will share the most relevant points here.
"One of the first things is that even though it may be uncomfortable, diversify your relationships! Have different people that you have different similarities with. For example, maybe you really love a certain show, well making friends in the fandom might be a way to have someone to talk to about that interest.
Focus on your own hobbies. It's important to try and find a way to be happy on your own.
Practice your DBT skills. There are so many different skills useful for different situations. Here is a page I am working on of definitions of different skills. If one skill doesn't work for you, please don't give up on DBT skills. I've tried a lot of different skills, and a lot of them don't work for me but some work really well."
I might also treat the obsession to draw and stuff like that kind of like an urge? When you get the urge to do it, maybe try practicing your urge surfing?
Radical Acceptance might also be useful.
If anyone else has any advice, please feel free to share it. I feel a bit stuck on advice here!
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if it's okay to ask and no worries if not, do you have any advice on things to maybe keep in mind when writing tri-stamp characters? this feels silly to ask since canon is right there, but i'm curious about your thoughts on this since canon and fanon personification is a really interesting mesh to wade through, so to speak, and i've like the meta you've shared recently on it. have a good one!
i am by no means an expert and the answer is in fact "watch canon again and act like you have never read a fanfiction in your life and take diligent notes" but also that takes time and it's kind of hard to forget fanon when you consume a bunch of it so here are my Hot Takes as a person who is Autistic About Details, character-focused bc those are the details i am autistic-est about:
- everyone in this show is Kind Of A Disaster. they are managing their trauma about as poorly as it's possible to do (tbh, that's kind of the point!)
- also, specific to the multi-canon issue: stampede s1 is pre-timeskip (this is especially relevant to trimax comparisons, as all of trimax — the manga after the first two volumes of trigun — takes place after the two year timeskip.) the guys are not fully cooked. they're at the beginning or the midpoint of their character arcs.
some notes on specific guys:
- vash refuses to process his feelings or admit that he might have the wrong approach in some scenarios. i've got some. Opinions on the general babygirlness of fanon vash but the tl;dr is that he is a Lot more stubborn and a Lot less well-adjusted than he would like you to think he is.
- wolfwood is a walking raw nerve in clothes that don't fit. he's a mess. every single one of his behaviors is a trauma response, and he's much, much worse at hiding it than either of the classic wolfwoods. he's having such a hard time. he's young, we don't know how young, but we know he's never really been independent or in control of his own life.
- meryl is very much at the beginning of her character arc — in s1 she's in way over her head, and pretty sure if she just sticks to her guns and is Brave that things will work out (she is 23 she is not prepared for any of this) she is not the braincell she is flying as blind as anyone.
- roberto is the only one with any sense of self-preservation but he gives it up about when he realizes meryl has none. also he's a wolfwood. he's the spare bits of classic wolfwood that stampede!ww doesn't have because he's a disaster on two legs
- i have both Fewer Thoughts and So Many Thoughts on knives that he'd probably have to be his own post w a bunch of cws. stampede knives is. there's a sadism to him that makes the stampede version stand out — he's much more keen to get his hands dirty than other versions.
feel free to ask if you want my thoughts/meta/a deep-dive on anything/one specifically, i Love to talk about my opinions.
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
hey! I was wondering if you have any advice at getting stories out there? I’ve started a sideblog to practice some writing and I’d love to get some engagement - I’m not even sure if my posts are showing in the tags I’ve used :/
Ooof, it's rough starting out when no one knows your blog name and you have no idea if your stuff is being seen or if it just hasn't found its audience yet. Hang on in there, Anon!
I'd say maybe have a few stories ready to go, and if you've already posted them, create a masterlist immediately before you lose track of where your stories are (searching for stuff on Tumblr is a lost cause), even if it's only got a few things on it to start with. That way if someone does find your work, they can find more of it immediately. Link it at the bottom of every story too, and on your blog.
Make sure your grammar and formatting is as tight as you can get it. People know quality writing when they come across it, and if it's well written and edited, they're more likely to stay than if it's full of goofy paragraphing, typos, and has a jokey 'lol un-edited' at the start (I'm exaggerating for effect, but I have actually noped out of stuff on AO3 after reading that in the author's notes at the start. If the author doesn't care, why should the reader?).
Speaking of AO3, if you have an account on there, so long as you're not taking money for your writing on here, you can also link to Tumblr from AO3 (if you don't know how to code a link, google it, it's really simple - even I can do it!!) and if people don't have to copy paste a URL, they're probably gonna check it out if they use Tumblr too. Same for other socials - link back to here. Use the audience you may already have somewhere else, but don't spam them.
Interact as your blog's name so that people see your name around the place, because tags suck. (I don't follow any tags, I only follow people, so I'll very rarely come across something 'out in the wild'.) Since you're a sideblog, you can always go anon and then sign off your ask as your sideblog's name.
Be patient. It sucks, but don't expect to get hundreds of notes overnight.
Open your blog to all the prompts and challenges that you're comfortable with. Don't burn yourself out, but if people can engage with you and if they get something out of it too, then they're more likely to reblog your work. That's what I did at the start - I just got people to send me prompts for free stories and I wrote for free, for *exposure*, you might say. (Don't write anything you're not comfortable with, obviously, but be open to new challenges and writing things you maybe hadn't thought of).
Participate in fandom challenges if it's fandom you write for, and look for other writing challenges or events. That can help build a sense of community and might bring you an audience that way.
If you're in a server with people whose opinions you trust, share your work on Discord and maybe ask them for feedback and/or reblogs if they're on Tumblr. Only if you're comfortable with that.
At the end of the day, remember why you're writing though. Notes and responses aren't the be all and end all of creating. Create stuff first because you enjoy creating it, and then share it because you want to share it. Don't give up or get disheartened if you don't get much traffic for a long time, and just keep on sharing anyway. That way, when people do find you, they've got a good backlog to go through as well!
If anyone has any more advice to add to this, please feel free to stick it in the notes!
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hoghtastic · 9 months
“We went to school with Chucky. I personally appreciate people pointing out that body shaming and stuff like that is shit, but in this case be assured: reading all this solely feels like karma doing it's work.”
I actually don’t know about that. It seems a little too convenient that “you went to school with chucky” as we are talking about her alleged behavior in school. This is one of those things an anon said about “taking everything with a grain of salt”. I really don’t believe you, as this could be another one of Alex’s bored fans trying to “confirm” a rumor that’s going around (and was most definitely started by fans around the same time as the other blog posted that ask) all you have to do is check the dates, and if you were around on that blog at the time of the rumors starting you would know that. But unfortunately people would rather be bullies because they like a celebrity that they can’t have so they have to make other people look bad or crazy (because deep down they know that’s what they are) this blog isn’t even relevant enough for many people to know about (stated by the admin themselves) if it was, there would be several people in his comments “warning” Alex about his “awful” girlfriend, not just the 1 lana account, or the account spamming gifs, which I’m pretty sure are the same person. And the only reason the admin wants you to “please not” spam his posts with that type of stuff is because they know this blog is wrong, and if Alex or johanne found out about it, it would most likely get deleted. Hope that helps 😙
Anon to anon, in response to this ask. 😊
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, and you’re absolutely right — you’re within your right not to trust everything you read online. But I believe everyone around here already knows that and it’s up to them to decide for themselves what to believe or not. However, stating one’s opinions (or even stories) on a gossip blog doesn’t make anyone a bully. Bullying would be to personally attack/harass Johanne, Alex and/or anyone related to them, or inciting others to do so. Which I personally do not condone.
Now please, do not pretend to know me or my motivations and do not twist my intentions. The reason I advise people not to “spam his posts with that type of stuff” is because I personally don’t agree with it, as it can be considered bullying, as aforementioned. I know how to separate things, and believe that it’s one thing to have an opinion and discuss it among ourselves, where it doesn’t hurt anyone, and it’s another thing to actually go and take the time to spread negativity/hate on their pages. To put it simply, let’s make a parallel with the physical world — think of this blog as a tea house, where friends and like-minded people gather to discuss things and voice their opinions, in a fun, judgment-free, lighthearted way. No one’s harming anyone at the end of the day, so it would be okay. However, would it be okay for any of us to enter Johanne’s house and tell her “I don’t like you, because you did so and so… and you’re ugly, and your attitude sucks!”? Would you do that to a neighbour you don’t like? Or would you just choose to ignore them and go about your day, occupying your time with more pleasant things? So, this is my reasoning behind advising people against doing that on her IG. Do you have to agree with it? Absolutely not! At the end of the day, I’m not anyone’s mother or teacher, so you’re totally free to ignore my advice. I’m only responsible for my beliefs and my own actions anyway. 🤷‍♀️
But as you can see, none of it has to do with knowing that this blog is “wrong” or being afraid of Alex & Johanne not liking it. As long as there are celebrities, there will always be gossip blogs and magazines, some more relevant than others. Do you truly believe celebrities like those? I bet most of them really don’t, especially when the news/gossip aren’t flattering, but the public does, and continues to engage with them. So as long as there’s interest, such spaces will always exist. Besides, if things got deleted or ceased to exist just because someone has a problem with them, there wouldn’t be many blogs, books, movies, tv shows, artwork, etc… around anyway. 🤷‍♀️ It’s impossible to please everyone at the same time, and that’s a fact. What’s also a fact is that the only one with power to delete the blog (besides myself) is Tumblr, and according to its guidelines, there’s nothing wrong with this blog. As long as I’m aware, I’m living in a free country (and assume you are too), where freedom of speech is everyone’s right. No rules are being infringed — I personally checked, and you’re free to do so as well. Hope that helps. 😘
(And if you really think this blog is so “wrong”, wouldn’t it be wiser to find some other content which is more “right” for you? Or is being here some kind of guilty pleasure? 😉)
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decafdino · 1 year
Can you give me some advice plss? bc I just love your writing so so much... then I think it's a good idea
I love writing stories and imagining them, I think of a new one pretty much every day but there's one that I can't get out of my head and I really want to write so maybe I can post it and be able to share some of my thoughts of Carlos childhood and Tarlos in general.
... but my insecurities won't let me write a full paragraph without thinking it's awful and everyone will hate it. So I was wondering if you have any tips for me.
Thank youu
Okay so first off— it means a lot that there is someone out there who is seeking my advice on writing. Like wow, thank you.
Second, I understand what you mean about having so many ideas swirling around in your head. Brainstorming is one of my favorite pastimes and definitely was my jumping off point when I started getting in to fic writing. I started out writing 911 LS fic because no one was writing the story that I wanted to read, so I just did it myself instead.
As someone who reads a lot— and I mean A LOT— I have seen many different styles of writing, from modern poetry to classical literature to (my most often-read medium) fanfiction. Fic is special, because there's this understanding when you click on the title or link to a page that what is being posted is made out of love for the fandom you're writing for. It means that it doesn't have to be perfect, and as a reader, for the most part, if I can understand what you mean through your word choice and what's happening in the story, I'm going to enjoy it. I can say with absolute certainty no one is going to hate you, the author, for writing something in celebration of a fandom (the exception of course is if you choose to write about something that's controversial in any way in your fandom space, but that's generally a given for being online.) Plus, the worst that could happen is if someone doesn't like your fic, they'll hopefully just click off. If you're writing for LS specifically, I can basically guarantee you that whatever response you get is going to be positive, because that's just how this fandom is in my experience.
The point of me saying that is that if you have an idea, you should write it. It doesn't have to be perfect in the first draft, and honestly when you post the final draft on ao3 no ones expecting you to be Shakespeare.
(Also, if you want to know a secret? Tons of authors struggle just the same as you do with imposter syndrome. In fact, I've taken a break from writing today because I was stressing myself out about it so much. Twenty-four hours later and I'm feeling better about it. Whenever you get that way, I think it's important to remember that no one is going to write like you do, because that's the beauty of the artform: it's unique. When it gets overwhelming for me, I like to take a step back for a day or two, then come back at my draft with a fresh set of eyes.)
But I think the most important thing, if you do want to get in to writing, is to not delete the stuff you've written. Yeah, you might cringe later at it, but first drafts ain't pretty for anyone. They're for laying the foundation of your story, and the best part is no one ever has to see them because you can just edit the fic to be better and better in the later drafts. Again, if you have an idea, then you should run with it. The only opinion that really matters is your own.
TL; DR I believe in you, anon! Go forth and create your own beautiful, unique art! (and maybe also send me the link if you do end up posting so that I can hype you up)
Much love,
DecafDino | Flogsam
ps. feel free to hmu if you have any more questions. my inbox is always open ;)
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gillianthecat · 2 years
hi gillian! you have so much to say about all the bls you watch (this is definitely not a bad thing, i enjoy reading what other people think about our shared interests) but i was just wondering how did you survive being a lurker? did you write your thoughts anywhere or did you just kept them to yourself? i struggle with this myself, i feel like i have so much to say about everything, but i don't really say it or share it, i happily read other people's opinions and silently agree or disagree idek where i'm going with this lmao i guess i'm just curious to know such a "talkative" and person as you was once a lurker
Hi Anon!
So interestingly, when I was a lurker I didn't watch BL at all, barely knew what it was. I joined Tumblr because of a hockey romance writer (Taylor Fitzpatrick, I'm still a big fan of her work) and then mostly started following fanfic writers. Because I mostly read fanfic for media I don't read/watch or for sports RPF in sports I don't follow (which I know makes me a bit of an outlier) I didn't have much to say about the source materials. And because my tendency when writing about stuff is to be pretty analytical and to pick works apart even when I love them, that wasn't something I was going to do in public on tumblr where any of the authors (many of whom I followed) could see it. That just felt invasive. All of which is to say, being a lurker came very naturally to me at the time; it honestly didn't really occur to me to do anything else. And I didn't write my thoughts down or share them with anyone else, my fanfic reading (indeed most of my reading) had always felt like a private part of myself. I had plenty of thoughts and comparative analyses, etc, but it just kind of bubbled up in my brain and then disappeared.
My transition into posting on here about BL happened fairly spontaneously, pretty much immediately after I started watching BL; I don't really remember consciously deciding to make that change. Perhaps I did, and it's fallen out of my mind, I do remember being a little anxious the first time I reblogged something with comments of my own, feeling worried that I would bother people or people would think I was weird or something. On the other hand, my reblog was about Pete and Vegas' kink-filled explicit sex scene, so I must not have been that nervous 😂 I do remember tagging a lot of my posts "#my ramblings" early on; that self depreciation helped me mitigate my self-consciousness about whether my words were "worthwhile." Which I've come to the surety (at least on most days) is a meaningless concept here on tumblr, people can follow you or block you, you're not forcing your words in anyone's face. Seeing all the silly stuff that does get posted has helped me get over the feeling that I'm supposed to be making "worthwhile" content.
It's very freeing (especially as a former perfectionist who once felt she had to read and analyze every single one of an author's dozen or so novels* in order to write a term paper on him) to realize that I don't have to be an expert on anything to write about it on here. I can write in the voice that I want to, and use too many adjectives and adverbs and run-on sentences, and not feel like I have to write concisely or "properly" or even "understandably" if I don't feel like it. I can just share my thoughts and reactions and even be wrong (gasp!) or ignorant (the horrors!) and nothing bad will happen. I've been fortunate in that no one has been hateful or even slightly rude to me yet (the QL community seems particularly kind, even for tumblr), but if it ever does happen, that block button is a powerful tool.
One interesting side effect (or perhaps cause, who knows how these chains of causality are linked) is that I almost never watch episodes of shows straight through anymore. I used to be a binge watcher, a whole season (or more!) in one go with barely a break. Now I almost always pause many many times an episode. Sometimes just to take a break, sometimes to write down my thoughts in the notes app or something (i'll often have two devices in front of me at once, or switch back and forth between apps/tabs/programs) or to liveblog here on tumblr. I'm now pretty much incapable of watching a show without feeling the urge to write about it. Which is both good and bad 🤷🏻‍♀️
In terms of what actually happened to get me posting: I think sometimes (like today) my brain just overflows and then I start writing and the self-consciousness mostly falls to the wayside. Which isn't a helpful suggestion if that's not what your brain does, but it is what happened.
The Advice Part:
I have a couple of ideas for you, based on possible things that could be holding you back from participating. If it's that you feel self-conscious, you can keep doing what you're doing now and sending anonymous thoughts to other bloggers. Not everyone accepts anon asks, but most people who do are happy to publish them and have a conversation with people on anon. Or you could create a sideblog, or even an entire separate blog that you use to post your thoughts about BL, in a way that might feel even more safely anonymous than your regular tumblr. You don't even have to tag anything or follow anyone if you want the cocoon of being relatively invisible while expressing your thoughts. Then, if that starts to feel more comfortable you could start tagging, or reblogging other people's stuff, and start sharing your ideas more publicly. Or stay in that cocoon forever; there is no reason to leave if that's what feels comfortable!
Or you could start (assuming you don't already) by reblogging stuff and adding comments in the tags. And if that starts to feel less scary, or like not enough room for what you want to say, you could shift to reblogging with comments in the... whatever its called, the not tags. And replying rather than reblogging might feel a little safer - it's not quite so public, only the original poster or those who intentionally look into the notes will see it.
If the issue is that you feel overwhelmed by all your ideas, or all the shows, you could pick one or two shows to talk about. Or one or two bloggers to reply to. Or set a goal for yourself of one post a week/a day/whatever works. Just something to create some structure for yourself to make it feel less overwhelming.
Looking back over your ask, I'm not even sure you were looking for advice, but... uh... here some is anyways? Feel free to write back! With questions about this, anything else, or just to chat some more. Or for an anonymous venue for your thoughts!
(One last piece of practical advice, inspired by my computer just dying on me as I was finishing this up. Save Your Drafts! Save early and often. Save whenever you have to navigate away from the editing page. Most of the time the post editor is pretty good. And it even has an autosave function now, at least sometimes, under certain conditions. Which has saved me before from losing stuff, but it's not a surefire thing. So, since it's a pain to try and recreate something painstakingly written, I do highly recommend saving early and often.)
*the novelist was Ayi Kwei Armah, for anyone curious. and it must have been less than a dozen books. but it felt like a lot. sadly I remember very little of either the books or the term paper now.
p.s. I am like so unbelievably flattered by you coming to me for advice and wanting to know my story. i'm flattered by any and all asks i've ever gotten, really. so thank you 😊
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akash894545 · 2 years
Real estate investment and free holidays is a platform that combines several profitable real estate trends in one space.
There is a lot of good and useful information about real estate investing that you can find online.But to be fair, sometimes it can feel like too much information, which begs the question, “Can you really learn about real estate investing from a blog? The answer is "Yes" if you know what and where to look. We all know that time is money when it comes to Real estate investment and free holidays. With that in mind, here's our list of the best real estate investing blogs in 2020 and why you should consider reading them.
 The real estate industry is changing rapidly, as are the markets you are currently in or considering investing in.
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One of the dangers of just reading about real estate in the MSM—publications like the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, or your local paper—is that by the time the information hits the press, everyone knows about it. As the saying goes, "Old news is no news."
The best real estate blogs are like having your own youth feed for fresh news. To be fair, other people may be reading the same pages, but only a select few, and the other person probably isn't putting the information into practice the same way you are.
Reading real estate blogs will help you take your business to the next level by understanding trends, making them your friend, and staying one step ahead of the competition. Other benefits of reading real estate investing blogs are:
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runningmymouth · 2 years
Running my mouth...
Hi... As you can tell from the title I will be running my mouth. I think at this point in my life you can say I am a professional at it. Most people would agree. Sometimes in life I say too much, sometimes nothing at all. That's the thing about me, I'm human.
At times I have so much to say, where these things come from? I'm not sure. Articulating words can be such a powerful thing. Words hold so much power behind them. You can read them, hear them, speak them, write them out... however you choose to express them is your free will and person choice. They can dig deep into your brain and trigger emotions and feelings. They can tell stories, lies or describe things in the world around us. How you choose to use your words is up to you.
Sometimes I choose my words wisely and get what I want. Sometimes I choose words that hurt others or myself in the process. Sometimes I choose not to use words at all and disassociate. Sometimes I just run my mouth.
Now, "running my mouth" has so many meanings to it in my opinion. "Running my mouth" could mean that I am loud and talking during a show or movie... oops. "Running my mouth" could mean I have long conversations on the phone with my mom or my friends. "Running my mouth" could mean that I suck at telling stories because I insert tooo many parts and details into telling my story before I ever get to the point. If there even is one? "Running my mouth" on this page just means I need to get the thoughts out of my head and onto something other than my partner or my mom or whoever happens to be in the line of fire. I think for me I needed a platform to share my thoughts into the world without anyone I know having to listen. Sure, that is what some say therapy is for. But for me, I've always had that inner narrator or person in my head to listen and talk to.. I think I have always taken others advice really poorly because I like to prove people wrong. I've always been the one person I could always count on because growing up in a small town, everyone knows everyone. I like to keep my true deep feelings to myself at times. I like learning from others mistakes and then also making my own. Isn't that what life is kinda about? So here it is... my brain and thoughts and rants will be moving in Tumblr. Cheers to running my damn mouth.
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