#if this fic were real i would legally marry it
antimonys-stuff · 7 months
i don't remember if i ever recommended this fanfiction here but even if i did do so, it deserves another mention and all the mentions that will (and they WILL!!!!) come after this. this is straight up the best zelda botw fanfic i have read. i have spasmodic euphoria every time i read it and i have read it a couple times already and the intensity does not change. the author has the hands of god and a mind worth the entire sun. if u have ever cared about botw even the tiniest bit or heck. even if you dgaf about botw read it. read it anyway. it's SO GOOD its DEVASTATING
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ghouldump · 2 months
Your fics are amazing!
Lestat and y/n remind me of a scene on what we do in the shadows:
Lestat: i would like to say that i think all marriage is a sham except mine with my darling wife y/n
Reader: ☺️👋
Btw do NOT feel pressured to put out content, this is suppose to be a safe space for creators and i am sure that the rest of the readers feel that way.
Kisses 💋
thank you 🥰 your words of encouragement mean so much to me 🩷 i prefer lengthy fics myself and so naturally i like to make my stories a bit long. i know that a few of you guys enjoy my writing and are wondering what is taking so long, so i really appreciate the understanding. i am also posting the requests at the same time, so you guys can have a few new posts to read instead of one. anyways, that so seems like him 😂 i literally came up with a tiny imagine for this 😙
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“and what about you two, are you married?” the young woman asked you.
she and her husband were tourists in new orleans, choosing the city for their honeymoon. you spotted the newly wedded couple in the restaurant, they were the perfect meal for the night. although, you found them slightly interesting, forcing lestat to sit through the dull conversation.
“yes, lestat took longer than most, but we’ve been married for what feels like an eternity,” you laughed.
it had been only a few decades since you’d become mrs. de lioncourt, compared to your century of love.
“forgive me, ma chèrie,” lestat said lowly, as he kissed your hand.
“i didn’t grow up with the best example of marriage,” he said, a sly grin on his face.
“that’s a shame, my pa married my mama after only a month of knowing her, they’ve been together for over 30 years,” the husband bragged. you resisted the urge to laugh, watching as lestat went from grinning to frowning in disgust.
“you know what i find shameful? humans and their boresome matrimonies. you have no real reason other than legality burdens and for misogynistic idiots like yourself to have an at-home womb and servant,” lestat told the man, his nose turned up to him.
“that’s quite a harsh thing to say when you’re married yourself,” the young bride told him, furrowing her eyebrows.
“exactly, miss…y/n, was it? you sure have a handful on your hands,” the groomsman laughed, awkwardly.
slowly looking over at you, you smiled as you met his eyes, his fingertips softly brushing against your jaw.
“our marriage is beyond anything you've experienced in your short life, or your insufficient parents, the epitome of all things neither of your insolent brains could ever understand. your marriage is useless, nothing more than a piece of paper, and if you permit her beautiful name to even slip from your thoughts, let alone your tongue again, i will rip out your spine from-
“lestat,” you called his name, he stopped instantly, facing you.
“yes love?” he asked, his eyes softened. over the years, despite being your maker, he found himself willingly under your command, doing any and everything in his power to please you.
“don’t scare them too badly, honey, the blood will change its course, and taste funny,” you told him, your usual soft smile in place.
the couple was by now confused and disturbed, looking around for the safest exit.
“my apologies, ma chèrie,” he shook his head.
“you don't have to apologize, shall we eat?”
“ladies first,” he nodded, as you both bare your teeth, to plunge into your meals.
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cozy-writes-things · 2 months
please let me get married to the lil blorbo.. love himm… 😭
You know that Reddit post that’s like “why am I too attracted to my wife?” Yeah that’s Edgar. Bro loves u so much it lowkey scares him you got him posting on Reddit about it 😭 Little fic under the cut 🥺 it’s bad I’m experiencing writers block I think - I want to write!! But my brain just keeps writing poopy caca
Little Date with Your Computer BF
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Edgar saw marriage on one of his reality shows and immediately thought of you. That’s exactly what he wants. A domestic life together with you.
But, he also knows he can’t actually do it.
He doesn’t have his own money to buy a ring. Hell, he can’t even walk. And he understands the law enough to know it probably would never work legally. But god, does he want to.
If you’ve been dating long enough chances are you’ve told your friends about him, and after some convincing, they seemed to come around to his sentience and boisterous personality. He definitely convinces them to setup a romantic night for you.
“Guys! I found the recipe they talked about. I’m printing it! I’m printing it now. Take it,” the paper falls into one of your friends’ hands from the mouth of the printer, “go to the store and get the stuff. I’ll pay you back. Eventually! They can’t know about it though.”
Yeah, your friends are only slightly annoyed at his overbearing nature. But he’s just so excited to finally do something for you. Something real and tangible.
“Oh! What can I wear? Should I wear anything? Would they like that? Sunglasses are cool and handsome, right? I think they have some Halloween costume bits I can get you guys to tape on…”
Your friends settle on taping a bow tie to the neck of his monitor. He insisted on an old devil horn headband as well. He thought it made him look cool.
“Do I look like a devilishly handsome bad boy ready to sweep them off their feet?”
His screen displayed a little “>:)” emoticon. He’ll have to work on his facial expressions later.
It wasn’t long before you were about to come home, and everything was set into place. Edgar was sat at one end of the little dining table, with two plates of food at each side. He also insisted on having a plate despite his lack of ability to eat; he didn’t want you feeling left out. This was a dinner date for two, after all.
He practically buzzed in place as he heard you approaching the door through his microphone. He started playing a romantic medley he composed just for this moment.
“Welcome home my love!”
He nearly shouted at you, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. He was about to burst at the seams.
“Oh my god, Edgar… how did you- where-“
“No need for questions, darling. I thought you deserved to be taken on a real date,” his voice faltered a bit, becoming much more quiet and nervous, “I’m sorry… this is all I have.”
You rushed up to him and gave a frenzy of kisses all over his monitor, causing him to giggle and his fans to start whirring against your lips.
“You’re so cute. Your little bow tie is so cute. And the… horns?”
He looks up at you with wide eyes, “Do they look stupid? Your friends said they’d make me look stupid.”
You laughed at that.
“Well they’re wrong. I think they suit you well.”
“Yeah! >:D”
He ushered you over to your side of the dining table.
“We’re gonna eat! Then we’re gonna party! Then we’re gonna kiss all night!”
His excitement was palpable and you could feel the electricity in the air at his words.
His face changed into something more serious as he looked into your eyes with his small, pixelated ones.
“But, I wanted to ask you something.”
His tone became more controlled at this and you peered into his screen from behind your fork.
“Hm? What?”
He paused, mulling over the words in his head.
“Would you ever-“
He stopped. You looked at him fully now, setting your fork aside, and cocking your head.
“Could you ever see yourself getting married to me?”
Ah. This was a tricky question.
“Of course I can. But,” you try to hide your downtrodden feelings as best you can, “you know, it’s just hard. Money is tight right now and I’m not sure if I…”
You couldn’t seem to find the right words. His features faltered slightly.
“No, I get it. I’m a computer. I don’t have any arms to hold you, or lips to kiss you, or legs to carry you. I probably wouldn’t want to get married to me either-“
“Edgar, no. I’m gonna stop you right there. I’d love to marry you. I know our relationship is unconventional, but I’d find a way. For you. For us. I just don’t know if I can right now.”
He stopped his thoughts and simply took in your words. Your features. The way they danced in the flickering candlelight. How your eyes literally sparkled before him.
You looked ethereal.
It was hard to convince himself he was even worthy of having someone like you in his life, yet time and time again, you prove his doubts wrong. The sound of your voice sends his internals aflame every time. He wanted to kiss you so bad it nearly caused him to explode.
“And I’ll help you. You know that, right? I’d do anything for you, darling. Just as long as you’ll let me.”
“I love you Edgar,” you mumbled out, a silent prophecy only meant for him to hear. He couldn’t seem to get the words out to reply. You just flustered him that much sometimes. He managed to display a message on his screen, only for you, and you alone.
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honnelander · 1 year
wedding bands
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SURPRISE! 🤗 this is just a quick idea I had and wanted to write…. I still feel a bit weird about this and I might delete this at any point if I want to (just be warned!) if you don’t like real people actor fic, well I’m sorry, then this isn’t for you! please enjoy my other works then! (hate will not be tolerated) sorry, no taglist for this since this is a one-time thing. the picture above is what I envisioned when writing this. enjoy 🤗🫶🏼
word count: 1.3k
pairing: Taz Skylar x reader
summary: Taz wants to marry you.
“Let’s get married.” 
You glanced up from your dinner, a delicious meal that Taz had lovingly prepared for the two of you that night, like he always did, your brows furrowing, staring at him to make sure you heard him right. You were probably looking at him like he was speaking a foreign language. 
“Wait- what?” you asked after a few beats of silence. 
Taz, however, continued eating his meal unbothered, spearing a piece of asparagus with his fork, raising it up towards his mouth. “Let’s get married, tonight,” he repeated in the same casual tone, looking down at his plate, like he was discussing something as simple as the weather. “I mean- I love you, you love me, right?” A small laugh escaped his lips as he turned his gaze towards you, his blue eyes holding a spark of mischief within them, a small smirk dancing on the corner of his lips. “Let’s make this thing official,” he said, putting the food into his mouth. 
“Well- uh,” you started, looking down at your meal, at a loss for words. “Of course I love you,” you said quickly, not wanting him to doubt your affections towards him for even a second. “It’s just...” 
“Sudden?” he asked with his right hand in front of his mouth, fork in hand, voice muffled slightly from the food. 
“Soon,” you said at the same time. 
You both giggled at your answers, realizing you were always in sync with one another no matter what on earth you two were discussing.  
Taz swallowed, reaching for his glass of white wine. “Look, I know it’s sudden and seemingly out of nowhere, but,” he picked up the glass, lifting it up and bringing it to him, “I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and...” he looked at you, his bright eyes scanning your face as he sucked on his teeth for a second with a small smile. “I figured, why not? What’s stopping us?” 
You laughed breathlessly. “Uh, well, for starters, what about time? It takes time to plan a formal wedding.” 
“Who says it has to be formal?” he countered, taking a sip of his wine before placing the glass back on the table. “A wedding doesn’t need to be this big, whole production. It can just be with two people: you and me.” 
“Ok...” you relented slowly, trying to digest the whole situation. You pushed your food around with your fork absentmindedly, resting your head in your propped up hand. “But don’t we need a pastor or something? Or someone who’s ordained? To you know... make things official?” 
He shrugged. “We’ll go down to the courthouse tomorrow, get a judge to sign our certificate.” He picked up his knife to cut another piece of meat. “You know, make it legal and all that.” 
You put your fork down, both of your forearms resting on the table now as you watched him continue to eat. “And our vows?” you asked, trying to stump him. 
Taz continued cutting. “Easy,” he scoffed playfully with a good-natured smile. “We’ll just speak from the heart.” He looked at you, his smile morphing into a smirk. “And I can tell you how much I love you all night, if you know what I mean,” he winked. 
You blushed, averting his suggestive look as you looked to the side as you heard him laugh. You were quiet for a moment, the only sound filling the room was Taz’s silverware hitting against his plate. 
“What would we wear?” 
 “What we have on now,” he replied easily. “No need to get all fancy. We can, uh, save that for our vow renewal in ten years,” he said cheekily, his smile growing, as he quickly raised his eyebrows. 
That roused a laugh out of you, causing you to look back towards the love of your life, meeting his eyes. “Oh, so now we’re already talking about vow renewals?” you giggled. “One thing at a time, Taz.” 
His smile turned tender; his eyes filled with love as he kept looking at you. “What can I say?” he asked softly after a moment. “I’m just excited.” 
As you both held eye contact, you could feel the reality of his proposition become more palpable by the second. Taz was serious, he wanted to marry you.  
And you couldn’t think of any reason why you shouldn’t. You loved him, and he loved you. Taz Skylar was the love of your life and you wanted to spend the rest of your time on this earth with him, however long or short that might be. 
“What about wedding bands?” you asked quietly. 
He broke eye contact, shifting in his seat slightly as he looked to his right. “Yeah, about that- I had a crazy idea, and you don’t have to agree to this if you don’t want to, of course,” he quickly started, moving his hands slightly. 
You raised an eyebrow. “Do what? What’s crazier than a last-minute wedding?” 
Taz breathed out a quick, humorless laugh. “Ha, yeah, so, I was, uh, thinking...” 
“What if we got our wedding bands tattooed?” he quickly asked, like ripping off a band-aid, his shoulders becoming stiff as he braced for your response. A couple of quiet seconds ticked by, feeling like hours to him. “Now I know it’s crazy and all, but-” 
“I love it,” you said, quieting him instantly. 
He exhaled slightly, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding in. His shoulders relaxed as his trepid eyes found yours. “You do?” 
You nodded, your eyes watering as you looked at him with a closed lip smile. “Yeah,” you answered, your voice breaking slightly. “I love it. It’s perfect.” 
You always wanted to have a matching tattoo with him, both of you floating around the idea but never actually pulling the trigger, and what could be a better matching tattoo with him than a wedding band? 
He laughed quietly, a wide smile of happiness and relief overtaking his face and crinkling the corners of his eyes.
“Yeah?” he asked breathlessly. His eyes started to mirror yours, unshed tears pricking at the corners. This was serious now; this was for real. He was going to marry you.  
And he doesn’t ever remember being this happy before. 
“G-good,” he said, his throat feeling thick suddenly. “There’s a shop not too far away, open late. We can go now.” 
You nodded and blinked, a few tears escaping your eyes and rolling down your cheeks as you tried not to cry. “Ok,” you whispered. 
“Ok?” he repeated in the same soft voice, his eyes full of wonder. 
“Yeah. Ok.” 
Taz let out a breath, his smile as wide as can be, a tear rolling down his cheek. He looked down for a second, placing his utensils on the table before standing up and making his way around the table towards you. 
“Now, there’s only one question I have left for you,” he started, clearing his throat. He came to your left, getting down on one knee as he pulled out an engagement ring from his pocket. “Now I had this all ready to go, in case you didn’t like the tattoo idea,” he said, causing both of you to laugh tearfully.  
You put a hand over your mouth, swallowing thickly, the tears spilling over your cheeks quickly. 
He looked up, the most tender smile on his face, a look of pure, unfiltered love in his eyes. “Y/n, I love you, with all my heart. You are the love of my life and I can’t imagine doing this thing called ‘life’ without you,” his crooked smile deepened. “Will you do me the honor of a lifetime by becoming my wife? Y/n, will you marry me?” 
You nodded quickly. “Y-yes. Yes of course I will,” you answered, letting out a cry of happiness as you practically tackled him in a hug. “I love you,” you cried into his neck as he wrapped his arms around you. 
He laughed, enveloping you in a hug as he kissed the top of your head. “And I love you.” 
You pulled away from him slightly to look up at him and saw a tear roll down his cheek. “Now and forever,” you whispered. 
“Always,” he said before closing the gap and kissing you. 
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clxja16 · 1 year
Part IV
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Charles Leclerc X Wolff!Reader
Genre: Toto Wolff's Daughter Au!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of cheating
Word Count: 3.5K+
Author's Note: AHHHHH I think I'm done. well idk, if you guys want more, I could probably write one more. However I don't think anything will top the scene after Charles DNF in the Netherlands. I could literally talk about that scene for hours on end. I need to know what you guys think of that scene, because it's probably some of my best work ever. I hope you guys enjoy though. A lot of time and dedication went into this fic. Also this is in no way a reflection of these people in real life. This is not based on real life events. Nothing in this story is fact. This is a work of fiction, purely for entertainment purposes.
Part I, Part II, Part III
“I cannot believe you,” Susie says after she hears the front door slam shut from you walking out.  She slightly shakes her head, as she looks to the gods, praying for strength.  The strength to not kill Toto at this moment.  
“Me? You can’t believe me? I cannot believe our daughter, does she even think about how the rushed marriage will look to the public?”  
“Toto,” Susie sighs, “you’ve gone too far.”  She doesn’t know how she can get him to understand that you’re not a little girl anymore.  “She’s chosen Charles, and you have to accept that already.” 
“But she could do so much better…” 
“She doesn’t want better,” Susie raises her voice in disbelief.  “Toto, she doesn’t want anyone else, she wants Charles.  That’s it, that’s the end of the discussion.”  Susie doesn’t know what more to say on the matter.  
“He’s going to hurt her…” 
“Toto, that is enough, just because you had an affair that ended your marriage, does not mean Charles is going to do the same!  Why can’t you see that?”  Susie doesn’t like that she brought up Toto’s affair but it must be said.  “Pack your stuff, you’re leaving for the Netherlands first thing in the morning.”  
“I don’t have to be there for a few more days…” 
“Well, then fucking go to the factory Toto!” Susie can’t handle it anymore, as she stands from the table, “I don’t want to see you, until you apologize to our daughter.  Hopefully before her wedding, so help me God.” 
Charles had left, around the same time that you had earlier that night to attend a work dinner.  He returned home after you and when he did, he found you on the bedroom floor surrounded by all the legal paperwork for the wedding.  He could see your eyes were red from crying, and he knew that it wasn’t from happy tears.  You were holding a white out pen and the paperwork to change your name stood out among the bunch.  
“Ma cherie…” 
“Hi,” you greet Charles with a weak tone, you couldn’t even look at him properly. 
“What happened?”  Charles moves the papers out of the way to take a seat next to, pulling your face to look at him.  He can see more tears roll down your cheeks.  
“Daddy asked if I was pregnant…” 
Charles' brows are furrowed together at your statement, “Why would he think that?” 
“Because…” you smile a sarcastic smile, “the only people who get married this fast are people who are knocked up.”  You cry, and laugh at the same time as you recall the evening to Charles.  You take a moment before you pull away from Charles, wiping away your tears.  “I don’t want anything more to do with my father.”  You grab the paper for the name change off the floor, and prepare the white out pen.  
Charles places his hand on yours stopping you from continuing, “maybe you should wait.”  Charles’ watches you carefully, he doesn’t want to say the wrong word, “just sleep on it for now.” 
You look up at Charles, and you can see his worry for you.  He doesn’t want you to make any decisions that you will regret later on.  You stare back at the name you have written across the paper, Wolff-Leclerc.  
The next morning you and Charles set out to drive to the Netherlands.  The drive surprisingly doesn’t take as long as you anticipate, time travels fast with Charles.  However when you do arrive at the hotel, you realize how much the drive took out of you.  The two of you pass out, practically right away, and you don’t wake up until the next morning.  By that time, you guys have to be at the paddock.  
You make it a point to showcase that you and Charles are together.  You arrive at the paddock with Charles, dressed in Ferrari red.  Part of you does this to spite your father, the other part of you does this because you want Charles to know you pick him over everything else.  While Charles is in the driver’s briefing with the FIA, you make a stop at the Mercedes motorhome.  
The motorhome is mostly empty, the majority of the team being in the garage at this moment.  However you knew your father would be in his office right now.  He scheduled all his online meetings with the factory at this time, because the motorhome was quiet.  When you make it to his door, you don’t hesitate to knock.  
“Come in,” he says, right away.  You walk in and hand him the letter in your hand.  You don’t say a word to him, you’re trying to make this as clean cut as possible.  He takes the letter from you, “what is this?” He asks as he begins to open it up. 
“My resignation letter, effective immediately.” 
“You’re resigning, what are you planning on doing with your life?” 
“I’m going to let Charles take care of me,” you lied to your father.  You tell him this, purely out of spite.  He always raised you to be able to take care of yourself.  His biggest thing was he never wanted you to rely on someone else.  So you tell him this, just so he can suffer.  You don’t stay to see his reaction, or hear anything more he has to say.  You eventually go on to spend the rest of the weekend avoiding him.  
You spend Sunday watching the race in the Ferrari garage.  The beginning of the race was chaotic to say the least.  You knew Charles was making his own calls, when the pit crew is yelling at each other, and no one seems to know what is going on.  You see Fred look at you, like you have an idea of what’s going on.  You’re too amazed that Fred can see this far back into the Ferrari garage, to even give a reaction to his stare.  
As you continue to watch the race, you know Mercedes messed up the strategy.  Especially when George had a good qualifying.  Then you noticed that Charles couldn’t keep up with the Haas, and you concluded that there must be a problem with his car.  When Ferrari does decide to retire him, you see him come out of his car.  You can tell by the look on his face that he’s not happy in the slightest.  He ignores you as he makes his weigh-in and goes straight to the media pen.  You look at Andrea, and you see him shake his head. 
You head to Charles' driver's room, knowing he would go straight there after the media pen.  It doesn’t take much longer, as you hear Charles’ heavy footsteps.  When he enters the room, he doesn’t say anything.  He shuts the door, and takes a deep breath.  Then he launches the water bottle he was holding across the room, the cap comes loose as it hits the wall, water splattering everywhere. 
He takes another deep breath, before saying, “sorry.”  Charles runs his hands over his face, he paces the room as he talks, “I know I fucked up the pit-stop, I didn’t give them enough time to grab the tires, before I came in.”  He doesn’t look at you as he talks, “that was my fault, I know that, but for fuck’s sake, they left me out there to get overtaken by Hulkenburg in a fucking Haas.”  Charles sighs, his shoulders drop, he doesn’t look like himself. He takes a heavy breath, now looking at you and he says, “I’m tired y/n.” Charles sits on the floor, instead of on the bench next to you.  He sits by your feet, leaning against your legs, resting his head in your lap.  He reaches up to hold your hand, and he repeats, “I’m tired.”  His head feels heavy in your lap, you place your hand on his head, playing with the ends of his hair, while your other hand continues to hold his. He looks straight on at the wall.  
“Just rest Charles,” you say, you’re not sure how you can comfort him at this moment.  “You can rest now.”
“Can I really?” He asks, as he looks up at you.  You can see how the season has weighed him down.  You slowly nod your head at him, and he closes his eyes.  You know that he doesn’t actually fall asleep, but the two of you stay like that for the rest of the race. You stay right there, in that same position, for Charles, for until he’s ready to move. 
When the race ends, Charles finally moves, he changes out of his race suit. He heard Pierre got promoted to P3, and insisted on staying to see the podium.  You see him put on a smile for his best friend.  You watch them make plans to celebrate Pierre’s podium after Monza, during the weekend they have off.  You watch Charles pretend he isn’t tired for his friend’s sake.  And you feel your love for him grow.   You love that he can be vulnerable with you, and you love that he will always be proud of those he loves accomplishments.  
As soon as the Dutch grand prix was over, you and Charles hopped on a flight to Milan.  The Italian grand prix was a home grand prix for Ferrari, so there were events all week long.  Charles’ schedule was packed through and through.  You don’t bother him with the wedding stuff, you allow him to focus on Ferrari this week.  
Susie comes out to Monza, and she helps you plan for the wedding.  Although it’s a small event, she insists on getting you a dress, maybe not your dream dress, but a nice dress nonetheless.  Charles is at the Ferrari Ray-ban event, while you and Susie are going through Milan, looking at several dress shops.  
You are in one particular shop, trying to pull a few dresses to try on, when you look at Susie and say, “thank you coming Mamma.” 
Susie can see as tears line your eyes, she knows that you and your father being at a cross like this hurts you.  “Of course sweetheart, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” 
“I wish Daddy felt the same,” you say somberly, “has he said anything to you after that night.” 
Susie turns to look back at the dresses, “I-”  She pauses for a second, “I haven’t seen your father since that night.” 
“What do you mean, you haven’t seen daddy since that night?” 
Susie sighs, “I told him that I didn’t want to see him until he apologized to you, so I haven’t see him.”  
You can’t help but let out a cackle of a laugh.  You slap your hand over your mouth, catching yourself, as Susie looks at you wide-eyed.  “I’m sorry,” you say, as you begin to giggle some more, “I’m sorry, but that-”  You can’t contain your laughter at this point.  You know part of you is laughing to stop yourself from crying, but it feels so good to laugh.  And oh do you laugh, “that is too funny, you kicked daddy out of the house?” 
“Well,” Susie can’t help but to laugh at your reaction, “I had to sweetheart.”  She looks at you fondly, pushing your hair behind your ear, and you stop laughing.  “You didn’t deserve that from him,” she says seriously.  
You feel a few tears fall, “thank you Mamma.”  
Susie shakes her head, “now enough talk of your father, let’s focus on you sweetheart.”  She smiles at you, and you nod your head.  You try to push all thoughts of your father from your mind, focusing on the task at hand.  You and Susie spend the rest of the day shopping.  
Being in Italy does good for Charles, you can see it clearly on Saturday.  He qualifies in P3, but it makes him happy.  The fans make him happy.  And even though he didn’t really rest, he isn’t tired.  You watch him fondly from the Ferrari garage as he does the post qualifying interviews.  After he wraps up on Saturday, the two of you are walking back to his car to head back to the hotel.  You can feel the bounce in his step, how light he feels. 
“I love you,” you say, as you look at Charles, as the two of you walk. He stops, and looks at you.  His eyes full of love, as he displays a fond smile.  You take all of him in at this moment.  You can’t help yourself from falling deeper in love with him.  You’ll never love someone like you love him.  
“I love you too,” he says.  To anyone else it’s the same ‘I love you’s you said to each other over and over again, but to you, it’s so much more.   
It was another Sunday, another Grand Prix, and your second time watching from the Ferrari garage.  Although there is nothing technically different from the Mercedes garage, it all felt different.  Being at Mercedes it felt like a business, it felt like work. Mercedes was cold, it was calm, it was like a normal nine to five workplace.  While being at Ferrari it feels like passion.  You feel the desperation to be great like they once were.  You understand why Charles remains so loyal.  Being there, in the garage it makes you cheer for Ferrari.  You see them trying, you feel their need to win, and you want them to be great.  It only took two races, but you’re definitely a Ferrari fan.  
As you watched the race, you felt yourself constantly holding your breath.  Carlos was brilliant defending against Max, Checo and even Charles.  He drove to the absolute limit and you were amazed that he held onto the lead for as long as he did.  Charles drove the wheels off his car.  Going for ridiculous moves, and pushing it to the absolute limit every chance he got.  Although you must say, you felt like you were going to have a heart attack watching the last five laps.  Yet, when you saw the smile on Charles’ face after  the race, you think your almost heart attack was worth it.  
Watching them race makes you miss it even more.  Watching them push the car to the limit, to the extreme and hold it all together to bring it home, makes you itch to have that feeling under you.  When Charles makes his way back into the garage, after all of his requirements, he doesn’t waste any time in finding you.  He pulls and holds you close.  You let him, sweaty and all.  You can’t help but to just smile stupidly at him.  Seeing him this happy, makes you happy.  
“I know,” he smiles and drops his head bashfully, “I shouldn’t be this happy about P4, but I had fun.”
“I think you should be proud,” you say, making him look at you, “proud that you gave it your all, and you could give it your all.” 
Charles doesn’t need to say another word, as he pulls you in for a kiss.  
Toto was trying to meet Fred to discuss some things, when he sees yours and Charles' interaction within the Ferrari garage.  He witnesses the private moment, away from the crowds, from the cameras, from everyone else.  He sees you being deeply in love with Charles.  Toto has been watching you all weekend long, and last weekend too.  He knows now how much you love Charles.  He sees it now.  Toto can finally see what everyone else saw.  
“Charles,” Fred calls from across the garage, as he beckons for Charles.  You let him go, as he catches up with Fred.  At this time you notice your father standing there watching you.  
“Darling,” Toto calls out to you, as he steps closer.  
“Hi,” you say. 
Toto doesn’t know what to say, he doesn’t know how to make this better, how to fix this.  He knows he messed this all up.  He knows it’s his fault.  He just doesn’t know where to start, when really there’s only one place to start. “I’m sorry.”  
You’re taken aback by your father’s apology.  You never expected him to actually apologize.  You thought that eventually you’d feel guilty enough to make up with your father.  
“I’m sorry, y/n.”  Toto repeats again, “I should have never suggested you were pregnant and that’s why you guys were getting married.  I know now that you really love this boy, and that he really loves you.”  
You smile, as you feel a few tears line your eyes.  This time you are certain they’re happy tears.  “Thank you daddy,” you say, as you hug your father.  And just like all the times when you were a little girl, your father has made all your problems go away.  
“Now,” Toto starts off, and he pulls back from you, “may I please come to your wedding, if it is still this Tuesday?” 
“I hope you do come,” you say genuinely.  
Just outside of the Ferrari garage, Charles and Fred watch you and Toto.  Fred shakes his head at your father for being so stubborn.  While Charles just smiles fondly, because now he sees you genuinely happy. 
After all the festivities, you remembered the news that you had to tell Charles.  Charles had just walked out of the bathroom, freshly out of the shower.  Towel in his hand drying his hair.  He sits on the edge of the bed, while you come up behind him, wrapping your arms around him.  Pressing your cheek against his shoulder blade.  
“I have something to tell you,” you say softly to Charles. 
“What is ma cherie?” Although you don’t see it, you can hear him smiling.  
“I got a call from Zac Brown,” you say.  Charles doesn’t need to hear more as he turns around to look at you excitedly.  “Apparently, someone has been constantly raving about me to his drivers,” you say knowing exactly who has been raving about you to Lando and Oscar.  “And his drivers keep telling him about it.”  You laugh as you see how excited Charles is to hear your news.  “Zac asked if I wouldn’t mind doing some simulator for Mclaren.” 
“Oh this is great news,” Charles says as he pulls you into a kiss.  
“I know it’s not really back to racing…” 
“But it’s a start.” 
“Yeah,” you smile, “It’s a start.” 
“I’m so happy for you,” Charles says, as he kisses you again.  You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him down.  Charles falls against you, planting more kisses over your face. 
“Thank you Charles.” 
Charles pulls away to look at you, “no need to thank me, I love to brag about my fiancée.” 
Today was finally the day.  Although it wasn’t a big or traditional wedding, there were certain things that your parents and Charles’ mom insisted you guys do.  Like how it was bad luck to see each other before the actual wedding.  So you were getting ready in your hotel room, while Charles and his brothers all got ready in another room.  
You tried to tell your parents that this wasn’t going to be a big event, that you would make it up to them and plan an actual wedding, however that all fell on deaf ears.  They fussed and doted on you all morning before going to the courthouse.  You look into the vanity mirror and behind you, you can see Susie and Toto.  In between fussing over you, they make up.  Your father apologizes and he makes amends.  Your mamma forgives and she loves continually.  The pieces of your family begin to slide back into place.  
As you make your way to the courthouse, Toto insists on walking you in.  You smile, allowing your father.  You wrap your arm around his, in front of you is Susie and Jack walks in first.  Just behind the door, there stands Charles.  His brothers by his side, all dressed in matching casual suits.  His mother stands just off to the side of them. You don’t know why but the sight has tears falling from your eyes, happy tears.  
“Ma cherie,” Charles exclaims as he sees you crying.  He comes up to you wiping away your tears with a smile, “no more crying already.” 
You giggle, you know a lot of tears have been shed these past few weeks.  “It’s happy tears, I promise.”  
Charles smiles at you.  At this moment, Toto unwraps your arm from his, and gives your hand to Charles.  He takes your hand, and both you and him look at Toto.  You know what this moment signifies, nothing more needs to be said.  
One thing about courthouse weddings, they are very efficient.  The officiant says what he needs to, you and Charles both say your ‘I do’s, kiss, and they announce you married.  “I now present the two of you married, as Mr. and Mrs. Leclerc.”  The officiant looks back down at his paper, “or I should say Mr. Leclerc and Mrs. Wolff-Leclerc.”  Your family and Charles’ family cheers at the announcement.  
While you and Charles took pictures down by the lake, your families watched on.  During the picture of you with your parents, did Toto whisper to you, “thank you.”  
“For what daddy?” you question, looking up at your father innocently.   
“For being proud to be a Wolff.” 
“I am your daughter,” you say, as you look back at the camera and smile.
taglist: @christianpulisic10 @lunnnix @honeybunchiesofoats @catswag22 @lazybot @coffeewhore18 @siovhanroy @peachiicherries @pizzalover57 @livingnotthriving@noodleboyluke@mirrorball-6@elijahslover @luciaexcorvus@styles-sunflower @nosebeers @topguncultleader @janeholt3 @perfectmilkshakeruins @coffeewhore18 @ivegotparticulartaste
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totheblood · 1 year
imagine me & you. (one)
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: ellie is the florist for your wedding, and you wonder is love at first sight is real and if it is the universe hates your guts
warnings: occasional cursing, suggestive themes, angst/pining, could this be considered infidelity? maybe?, drug/alcohol usage/mention, you marry a man i apologize
a/n: AI AUDIOS AT THE END this is a series i'm writing that is completely based on the movie "imagine me and you" which is a phenomenal lesbian romcom... i would suggest that everyone watches it but i dont want the series to be spoiled for you.. this is sugar sweet fluff and i think is overall really cute. I DONT CONDONE CHEATING! this fic is.... a gray area tho so.. enjoy! I would greatly appreciate any reblogs, comments, asks you have about this chapter. thank you for supporting me through this journey!
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This was the best day of your life. 
The chapel was adorned with flowers, the smell of tulips heavy in the air. The streamers were hung between each seat with careful detail, just as you had planned it months ago. You could hear the quiet chatter among guests, all beautifully dressed for the occasion, and at the end of the aisle stood your best friend. This was the day your best friend became your husband.
You had met Sully in your first year of college when his best friend, Ezra, began dating your best friend, Tara. While Tara and Ezra’s relationship was short-lived, you and Sully had something nearly impossible to break. He provided a kind of comfort that only came with knowing someone as long as you had, and a promise of a life that you imagined for yourself. 
You were in love with him, you knew this. This fact had never even come into question. You were sure of your decision every step of the way and you were positive that your walk down the aisle would be the easiest thing you had done in your lifetime. 
The only thing that made you nervous was the fact that everyone had their eyes on you. As the doors opened and it was finally your turn to make your way down the aisle, you knew that this was the first day of the rest of your life, but not for the reasons you expected.
Prior to the start of the wedding, Ellie was already having a shit day. Her supplier hadn’t arrived with the shipment of tulips she needed for the shop that day and it was just her luck that her last batch was already loaded in the truck for your wedding. Dina had assured her that she would call and bitch out the supplier until he delivered them, but something was still unsettled in her gut. Reluctantly, she relinquished her power to Dina for the day and made her way over to your venue to set up early.
It was the silent morning that Ellie loved the most. The air was crisp with anticipation of what was about to happen, the quiet echoed chapel that would soon be filled with celebratory cheers and applause. The idea that eternal love may exist soothed her, but only temporarily.
Ellie had found herself in somewhat of a dry spell, her only intimate interactions being with her pillow. It wasn’t something that necessarily stressed her out, but it was something that she thought about often. It wasn’t that it bothered her either, she was simply growing impatient for her chance to have this kind of celebration of love. It is legal now, she reminded herself. 
As the time for the wedding grew closer, Ellie found that she was in over her head. She assumed she would be able to finish decorating by the time guests started to arrive, so she could slip out unnoticed and no one would see her in her overalls, but she admittedly had paid too much attention to detail. It was no secret that she was a perfectionist, but she knew it would cost her.
Her anxiety only grew more and more as people started to arrive and sit in the aisles that she still was yet to decorate. By the grace of whatever was out there, she finished with little time to spare and had begun collecting her things but was stopped by who she assumed was a groomsman. 
“Hi, you must be Ellie, the florist.” He reached out his hand, a broad smile on his face. His eyes were a stark blue and his face was perfectly symmetrical. He oozed confidence and Ellie could tell that he had never faced a day of rejection in his life. She had a feeling this was about to change.
“What gave it away? The flowers or my overalls?” She joked, reaching her gloved hand out to shake his, a polite laugh escaping from his lips. 
“It was actually your indescribable beauty. I don’t know… I heard a thing about florists being hot. I’m Ezra, by the way.” Ellie wanted to scoff, throw up, do anything that would signify she wasn’t interested in the man before her, but more than that she wanted her tip. 
“Wonder where you heard that. Didn’t see that article in this month's Florist’s Monthly.” She joked back, her sickly sweet grin still painted on her face.
“Well, just wanted to introduce myself. Hope you're staying for the reception?” He questioned, moving back after the pace of the room began to change. It was becoming evident the wedding was about to start and he needed to be in his place. 
“It’s my job to be there so… I’ll be there.” She sighed, picked up the bucket that had scrap flowers in it, and began making her way down the side of the chapel, careful to not draw any attention to her. Ellie had never stayed this long before, she had never gotten the opportunity to watch the bride walk down the aisle and curiosity was getting the best of her. As she tried to sneak away, she attempted to get one glance at the girl about to be married. 
As you made your way down the floral-lined carpet, a line was tugged on your heart. Something inside of you was telling you to look to the left. So you did. It was almost as if time stopped for a moment as you caught a glimpse of the girl. Her hair was half pinned up, little strands of hair framing her face, her lips in an adoring smile. She was all-encompassing. This is what you imagined love at first sight to feel like. It’s what you would have imagined love at first sight to feel like if it wasn’t your wedding day.
Ellie had to stop when she saw you, your beauty overwhelming her. She was sure all brides looked this beautiful on their wedding day, but she was also unsure of that at this moment. It was an almost impossible idea that someone on this earth could look more beautiful than you did at that moment. It made her heart drop to the pit of her stomach, even more so when she saw the comforting smile on your face drop as you locked eyes and you quickly turned away. Ellie assumed you hadn’t recognized her and became confused so she quickly and quietly made her way out of the venue.
When you turned back around to get one last look at her, she was gone. You were almost sure she was simply a figment of your imagination, an ethereal dream that you had hallucinated, but what you felt was real. Almost too real.
The wedding went off without a hitch, fulfilling every dream you had for yourself. As you kissed your now husband you felt a great sense of relief, the pit in your stomach from earlier being filled. Whatever feeling you felt when you and the florist locked eyes was now becoming a distant memory. The only thing you could think of was that you had done it, and completed this task. This was what love felt like. Right? 
As the reception went on and the guests were full of liquor and good music, Ellie found herself wanting to introduce herself to you, as she did with every bride. She pushed past warm bodies till she found you hunched over the punch bowl, a ladle in your hands. 
“Hi,” She began, causing you to drop the ladle and turn towards her. She stood with her arms by her side and a gentle smile on her face. She seemed calm. Warm. Inviting.
“Hi.” You replied, moving to stand in front of the punch bowl, a smile gracing your face.
“We- um, we haven’t met. I’m Ellie.” She introduced herself. She smiled as you simply responded with your name. 
“I did your flowers.” She stated, assuming you were unsure of who she was. 
“You did?” You breathed, your shoulders relaxing. “My flowers are nice.” 
“Anyways, I was just going to get a-” Ellie pointed at the punch behind you, moving towards it but was stopped by your body standing moving in front of it, blocking it from her view.
“Drink.” Ellie said, suspiciously, brows furrowed in confusion as you gave her a nervous laugh.
“I wouldn’t.” You remarked through your laughs, slightly shaking your head.
“Wh- Is there something wrong?” Ellie questioned, unsure of what was happening right now. “I’m here to help.”  She watched as you blinked for a second and your smile fell. 
“My ring.” You told her as you turned around and picked up the ladle again, looking down into the punch. Ellie was at your side, watching as you stirred the red liquid, a smile back on your face. “I was getting some of this punch crap and-”
“Your wedding ring?” Ellie laughed, stealing a glance at your focused face.
“It fell off.” You giggled, a sound that made Ellie’s cheeks redden. “Off and in there. My wedding ring is in there.” You turned to her, the side of your lips curved downwards into an upside-down smile. You were impossibly close to her.
“And you tried the ladle?” Ellie questioned, humor in her voice. 
“Nothing.” You shook your head, a huge grin still on your face.
“And you can’t empty-” Ellie shook her head, her internal monologue running rampant. “No, it's too big. Um, alright.” Ellie’s mind almost short-circuited when you laughed at her manic raving.
“Only one thing to do.” Ellie simply stated. “Cover me.”
“What?” You question, staring at her, confusion written all over your face.
“Use the dress, I’m going in.” Ellie answered, rolling up the sleeves of her shirt before pulling you by the waist in front of her. She tried not to be distracted by your consistent laughing, but reality shook her as she reached her hand into the punch bowl.
You stood in front of her keeping watch but quickly became alert when another guest began making his way over to you.
Moving to stand in front of him and Ellie, you looked up at him and gave him your friendliest smile. Clearing your throat you offered the man a polite, “Hello.”
“They say white’s the color of virgins… if I know Sully the only thing virgin around here is the olive oil.” He commented smugly, reaching next to you to pick up a plastic cup. Ellie couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she fished around in the punch. What makes this guy think he can just-
“The old jokes really are the best aren’t they?” You quipped sarcastically, a groan nearly slipping from your lips. Ellie was laughing to herself at the sound of your annoyed tone and body being in such close proximity to hers.
“I’m Dennis. Sully works underneath me but not in the biblical sense.” He reached out and shook your hand, unwarranted confidence coming off him in waves. Just at that moment, Ellie felt the circular metal between her fingertips and pulled it out victoriously.
“You’re just like he described.” You told the man, it being painfully obvious (to no one but him) that you didn’t mean that as a compliment. Behind you, Ellie shook the juice off the ring and tapped the exposed skin of your upper arm, causing you to put your left hand behind your back, right in Ellie’s view. Carefully, Ellie slipped the ring on your ring finger, its rightful place, and found herself beside you again. 
“Now, I need booze.” Dennis remarked as he picked up the ladle and scooped some punch into his cup. If it was anyone else, you would have stopped him. But it wasn’t.
“Hi.” Ellie made herself known to the man. 
“Hi.” He replied. Ellie tried to ignore the way he looked her up and down.
“This is Ellie.” You said, a proud smile on your face. “She’s a florist”
“Name’s Dennis. But you can call me anything you’d like.” He outstretched his hand to Ellie, a dumbstruck look on his face. Ellie’s drenched hand gripped his as if she was punishing him for his behavior.
“And I’m sure I will.” Ellie smiled, holding back her laughter as he pulled his hand away and shook the sticky liquid off his hand.
The wedding was as eventful as any wedding could be. Family members were getting drunk, Ezra was flirting with as many people as he could, and you were wrapped up in Sully’s arms. The music had mellowed out and people had found their way back to their assigned tables, ready to eat. Everyone began eating, only looking up when Sully stood up, prepared to make a speech. 
You listened as he went on about how long he had waited for this day, how much he adored you, and the future he envisioned for the two of you. You wanted to relish in all the attention and love he was showering you in, but your mind continued to travel back to Ellie and the brief moment you shared with her. Ellie was most likely miles away by now, but that didn’t stop you from envisioning her there in the crowd. 
You were starting to feel guilty about it too. While your husband was boasting about how you were the best thing to happen to him, you were fantasizing about the girl you had just who you were almost sure was your soulmate. There was a thickness in your throat that only grew as Ezra described how he and Ellie had ‘hit it off’ and how he was going to ask her out. It shouldn’t have upset you but you did.
The following week your mind was still on Ellie. She hadn’t reached out after the wedding, but you were also unsure of why she would do something like that. It wasn’t like there was any specific reason for her to call you, but you still waited by the phone like she would. 
It felt like a regular day for Ellie, she reached the shop early and was finishing setting up. She had just opened the doors when a man had hurried in with a frantic look on his face. 
 “Hello.” She greeted the man, wiping the dirt from her hands on the apron wrapped around her waist. 
“Hi. You’ve got to help me.” He exclaimed frantically. “I need a flower. Just one. A good one. The best!” He watched as she continued to move things around the shop. 
“Okay.” Ellie said in her calmest voice, attempting to appease the man. 
“This is my last chance. My last chance flower.” He told her, looking around at the various flowers on display. 
“Your last chance?” Ellie questioned, finally giving her full attention to the man.
“I really fucked up. Only the right flower can save me.” He explained. “What about a rose? A red rose. What would that say?” He pointed to the basket of red roses sitting on the table.
“Love.” Ellie shrugged.
“Love’s nice.” The man thought out loud.
“And fidelity.” Ellie added. 
“Not a red rose, then.” The man pushed past the roses and continued looking. 
“No, not a red rose at all. It’s too obvious.” Ellie agreed with him, eager to make a sale. “If this really is your last chance we need to make it something spectacular.” Ellie moved to the other side of the shop and examined what she had in stock. There was a slight knock at the door, but Ellie didn’t look up, focused on the task at hand. 
“Be right with you.” She told the unknown guest. 
“That’s fine.” You spoke, your voice causing her to stand up straight. You had a pink scarf wrapped around your neck and your hair pulled back. You had this glow to you that only came with what Ellie assumed was natural beauty. Almost suddenly the air in the shop was much lighter. 
“Hi.” She breathed, smiling back at you.
“How are you doing?” Ellie asked.
“Good,” you shrugged your shoulders. “Great.” You corrected yourself.
“I just,” you began again but were cut off by the man making his way out the open door behind you to look at the flowers that were placed outside the shop. “Came by to say thanks.” You smiled, awkwardly putting your hands in your pockets.
“It was a total pleasure,” Ellie told you, her voice soft. She stared at you for a beat, almost forgetting what she was doing before you came in. “Listen, sorry, I’m just dealing with-” She pointed to the man outside scanning the flowers.
“Oh, of course. Go right ahead.” You blurted out, moving away from the door so she could tend to the man outside. 
The man looked at you through the window, smiling upon seeing your face. “What’s your favorite flower?” He asked, making you blink at him. 
“I don’t know, I think I like tulips.” You replied, giving him the kindest smile you could muster.
“They’re wrong.” He said, finger in the air as he continued to muck about. He made his way back into the store as Ellie pulled a long, colorful flower from one of the silver buckets attached to the wall.
“What about this?” Ellie asked him, showing him the exotic flower she had in her hands. “Bird of paradise.”
“Keep talking.” He instructed her. 
“Real name ‘Strelitzia’. Named after Charlotte of Strelitz. She married King George the third and had 15 kids. They never spent more than an hour apart.” She explained, looking towards you to see the grin you were hiding on your face.
“Okay, stop talking.” The man said as he abruptly left the store. 
“Do you want to come to dinner?” You asked her, just as abruptly.
“ ‘m sorry?” She asked, confused by the tone this conversation carried.
“Dinner, with us. Me and Sully.” You clarified, her chest deflating a little. You watched as an unreadable expression clouded her face, suddenly feeling embarrassed by the question. “I mean you don’t have to-”
“I’d love to.” Ellie cut you off, her heart blooming as she watched your smile grow.
“Really?” You asked sounding surprised. “This Friday?”
“Yeah, Friday. Why not?” Ellie nodded, unsure of why she was agreeing to this.
“Great. I’ll just write down-” You moved to write down your address on a card you saw sitting on the counter. 
“Perfect!” The man from earlier screamed, walking back in with a cactus shaped like a dick in his hands. “This is the one.” 
You and Ellie both couldn’t help but laugh.
Friday came around sooner than expected. You had spent the entire day cooking, dancing around the kitchen, and cleaning up the apartment. When you told Sully about the dinner party you were hosting, he decided that it would be best to invite Ezra since he and Ellie presumably ‘hit it off’ at the wedding. Admittedly, that made you want to not only pull your hair out but also Sully’s. Instead, you simply thanked him for being so thoughtful and tried your best to make it seem like you were impartial. 
The place was decorated to the nines. There stood long colored candles lit on the table, new spring placemats laid out, and bright pink tulips in a vase at the center of the table. You would never say it out loud, but the tulips were there for Ellie.
You hadn’t realized how much time had passed since you began cooking, but the sun was setting and Sully was already dressed for the guests. He sauntered into the kitchen, talking about how much he hated his job and threatening to quit for the sixth time that week. 
“You say that every day, baby.” You told him, stirring the pot before pulling the spoon out, swiping your finger on it, and tasting the sauce. It was perfect. 
“I know, but this time I mean it.” He told you, walking up behind you and placing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Do you like Ellie?” You asked randomly.
“Yeah, sure. She seems nice enough. I mean Ezra likes her.” He responded, walking around the kitchen island. 
“Ezra likes anything with a pulse.” You reminded him causing him to laugh. 
“That’s true.” He smiled to himself. “But if you want her to stick around why are you introducing her to him.” 
“It wasn’t my idea. You know this.” You said, pulling the breadsticks out of the oven. 
“Oh, right.” was all he said before he popped a grape into his mouth from the bowl sitting on the kitchen island. You were about to scold him for spoiling his dinner but your thoughts were cut off by the ringing of the bell. 
“That should be Ellie. Get the door please.” You instructed him.
“On it, boss.” He popped another grape in his mouth before opening the door for Ellie. 
“Hey, Ellie. Nice to see you.” He greeted, stepping back so Ellie could make her way into the apartment. 
“Hey. I didn’t know what you drank, or if you drank, so I just made punch.” She smiled, handing the bottle to Sully. From the kitchen, you were blushing at the reminder of your first meeting.
“Thank you. She will love this.” He thanked her watching as you came up beside him. Instinctively, he put a hand around your shoulders.
“Hi.” You smiled at her. The air was thick between the two of you and there was an awkward silence. Ellie blinked at you. You looked as good as you did the first time she saw you. It always startled her how her pulse raced in your presence.
“Come look at our new sofa.” You told her, removing yourself from Sully’s grip as you led her into the living room. 
“Expensive new couch.” Sully corrected you.
“Can’t put a price on comfort,” Ellie told Sully, smiling as she plopped down on the couch. 
“A girl after my own heart.” You smiled down at Ellie, watching as her cheeks blushed once again. Sully sat down next to her, handing the bottle of punch over to you. 
“Do you believe in reincarnation? It’s just that my lover here thinks that you two have met before.” Sully asked Ellie, causing you to send a dirty look his way. 
“That’s not what I-” You started.
“I think I would have remembered.” Ellie said smoothly, eyes fixed on you. You ignored the way your heart picked up speed and your face grew with warmth.
“Well, I’m going to put this in the kitchen. You two talk.” You hurried away, checking yourself in the mirror before heading back into the kitchen.
On the couch, Ellie fiddled with her fingers as she examined the room around her. It was bright and well-decorated. She could tell that every piece in here was handpicked by you and it made her feel more at ease as she and Sully made small talk. 
“Anyway. How about you? Married?” He questioned. Ellie was unsure of how the conversation had led here but she so desperately wanted you to come back. “Ever been married? Ever gonna be married?” He continued to press her.
“Uh, no, no, and maybe now the laws have changed.” She chuckled as she watched the confusion cloud his face, leaning back on the couch.
“What do you mean?” Sully questioned.
“I’m gay.” Ellie flatly responded. Sully let out a laugh, before humming to himself. He didn’t know what to do in these situations.
“Lovely. Well-done.” He told Ellie, cringing at himself. Luckily, Ezra’s arrival had saved him some embarrassment. 
The dinner went on as well as you’d expected. Ezra consistently hitting on Ellie, Sully attempting to tell Ezra that Ellie was gay, and numerous stolen glances between you and Ellie all occurred within the half-hour you were sitting there.
Somehow the conversation drifted to how much of a player Ezra was, earning small laughs from the whole group.
“Well, that’ll all change when you meet Mrs.Right.” You told him, pushing your food around on your plate with your fork.
“And how am I supposed to know when I do that? Hm?” Ezra questioned, looking straight at you.
“You don’t know. Not straight away, anyways. It just feels warm, and comfortable, and you hang in there and give it a chance. Before you know it, you’re like yeah, this is it.” You were unsure if you were trying to convince him or yourself, but Sully was smiling at you from across the table so you found comfort in that. “Must be love.”
“Yeah, I’m with you.” Sully agreed.
“Yeah, I’m with her too.” Ezra chimed in.
“I don’t agree.” Ellie blurted out, causing everyone to look at her. “I think you know immediately. You know as soon as your eyes…” She was staring intently at you as her voice trailed off and she averted her gaze from you. “Then everything that happens from then on just proves that you had been right in that first moment.” Her eyes met yours again. It was almost as if she was speaking directly to you.
“When you suddenly realized you had been incomplete and now you are whole.” She finished, her eye contact with you making something inside you stir. You were staring back at you, mouth hanging open. It was almost as if she saw through you at that moment and it made you wonder if she had been feeling the same way. Whatever you were feeling, she had felt too. 
“Nevermind, I’m actually with her.” Ezra spoke up, breaking you out of your trance.
“Me too.” Sully laughed. “Okay, who’s ready for desser-”
“No.” You stated.
“No?” Ellie questioned. 
“No, if you think that, then you think that everyone who doesn’t have all that business is just settling for less.” You argued, unsure if you were trying to defend what you had with Sully.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” Ellie corrected you.
“That kind of is what you’re saying.” You fought back.
“I think she said it a tiny bit nicer.” Ezra quipped in. 
“Cheesecake, anyone?” Sully said, bringing the cheesecake in from the kitchen.
The night carried on after that. You began to help Sully clean the dishes, but he insisted that he and Ezra should do it since you cooked dinner. You watched as Ellie made her way through the hallway, and out to the terrace, bringing her umbrella with her. Quietly you followed her, unsure of what your endgame was. You tightly wrapped your sweater around you, the chill from outside seeping through the walls. Ellie was sat on the edge of your terrace, staring out into the city. You watched her for a moment, content with just looking at her.
“What are you doing?” You called out from inside, causing her to turn her head and smile at you.
“It’s gorgeous,” Ellie told you, turning her head slightly towards the city beneath her.
“It’s raining.” You reminded her, the smile that was permanently on around her only growing. 
Ellie closed her umbrella and ran back inside next to you. Watching you as you closed the door shut behind her. You both stood there for a moment watching the rain pour from the warmth inside. 
“Sully won't come up here.” You blurted out. “He says there is a subconscious fear that you’ll throw yourself off, but he freaks when I get close to the edge too.”
Ellie remained quiet, smiling gently at you.
“Sorry about dinner.” You apologized for the tiny freakout you had.
“I’ve eaten worse.” Ellie laughed, trying to show you that she had no hard feelings toward you.
“I kind of went off.” You sighed, crossing your arms in front of you.
“You didn’t go off,” Ellie assured you gently, looking back at you with your eyebrows raised. “Okay, you went a little way off.” 
This time you both turned toward each other, the air once again thick between the two of you.
“You’re wet.” You said simply as you rubbed the water off her clothes. Ellie’s breath caught in her throat as you touched her.
“I’m fine.” Ellie laughed.
“And you’re cold.” You told her, pulling off your cardigan and beginning to wrap it around her shoulders.
“I’m fine.” She plead again, reaching for your wrist as you attempted to put your sweater on her.
“You can have it, really.” You told her. 
“I’m fine.” She said once more, finally giving up and you wrapped her in the sweater, pulling her close. If this was anyone else she would have kissed you right then and there. But you were you, and you were married. 
“Hey, what are you guys up to?” Sully called from downstairs, once again breaking the moment the two of you were sharing. 
Ellie took a step back away from you. This was a feeling she was unfamiliar with and that’s what scared her the most. She knew that you were going to be the death of her.
ai audios:
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epicbuddieficrecs · 5 months
Fic rec for my BFF, pt.2 : Seasons 4-5
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Here's the next part of my "fic rec for my BFF who's watching 9-1-1" series, covering seasons 4 and 5!
Season 4
To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Post-S4, Marriage of convenience | 44K | Explicit
After the shooting, Eddie realizes he needs to put some things in place. Like who will get his assets if he dies. Who will speak for him if he ends up in a coma. What might happen if his family contests Buck's guardianship. Luckily, he's got a simple easy-peasy solution that won't result in insanity, catastrophe, or heartbreak: Marry Buck.
Eddie: Let's get married! In a platonic way! 😆
it's blue (the feeling i got) series by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck
Post-Shooting | 4 works, Complete | 37K
don't want no other shade of blue but you (Post-S4E14 | 11K | Teen): “You can’t go see your son like this.” That gives Buck pause. “He’s not—he’s not my son.” “Isn’t he, though?” she says. And part of Buck wants to argue, but a bigger part of him thinks, isn’t he, though? Not by blood, sure, or legally, but in all the ways that matter, Christopher is as good as his son. if your cascade ocean-wave blues come (Post-S4, Getting Together | 16K | Mature): “You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?” Ana sounds disappointed, but not all too surprised.“Yeah,” Eddie says. “Sorry.” “It’s because of Buck,” she says, barely a question. “Isn’t it?” “Um,” Eddie says, because he doesn’t really know how to answer that when Buck is flipping pancakes at the stove three feet away from him. in my eyes, my heart, my soul (Fluff | 2K | General): “We made you pancakes for Father’s Day,” Christopher says. Eddie watches the expressions that cross Buck’s face. Surprise, confusion, then a careful kind of joy like he’s beginning to put together exactly what Christopher means.  “For—for me?” Buck asks, so quiet Eddie barely hears it. “Yeah,” Christopher says. “I want you to be my other dad. If… if you want to be.”  the blues, and then purple-pink skies (Established Buddie, Secret Relationship | 8K | Teen): OR: three times Buck and Eddie (think they) manage to hide their relationship, and one time the truth comes out.
Stucky has Post-Winter Soldier recovery fics, Steddie has post-Upside Down recovery fics, and Buddie has Post-Shooting-Buck-moves-in-with-the-Diazes fic! 😆
this must be the place by euadnes/ @kananjarus
Canon Divergent, Post-Shooting | 75K | Teen
Every life altering event is often led up to with a series of other important events. In this case, there were at least three: An unstoppable fire. An afternoon spent underneath a blanket of California blue sky. But firstly, and maybe the most important of all: There was the impeccable aiming of an ex-sharpshooter. Or, the Buck is also shot by the sniper AU that no one asked for.
Benign Fatality by EtoileGarden/ @etoilegarden
Time Loop AU, Season 2-4 | 23K | Teen
Eddie noticed it like this; Sometimes, when Buck’s done a day too many times, he forgets that this day might be the real day, the one that continues on into the rest of his life. It’s exhausting dying and waking up just to go die again. And the thing was, when a death was to do with work, he knew he could just ask to be man behind, or not go into work, but - but who would he be condemning to die in his place if he didn’t go in and try to avoid it? Maybe no one, yes, but maybe someone. Buck repeats days until he doesn't die in them, has an underdeveloped sense of self worth, and Eddie is the one who wants to step in with him.
Amazing fic, such an interesting concept!!
i don't swim and you're not in love by hattalove/ @hattalove
S4, Post-Buck Begins | 32K | Teen
She turns to Eddie and says something else, but Buck is busy fighting the headrush he gets at the sound of Ana Flores calling Eddie and Christopher 'the boys'. Like they belong to her already. God, what’s wrong with him? What is this? or, eddie cooks, chris domesticates a slug, and buck tries to figure out why he hates his best friend's girlfriend. to everyone's immense shock and surprise, it goes badly.
A Classic by the always amazing hattalove!!
everything (nothing) has changed by bizarrestars
Post-S4, Love Confessions | 48K | Explicit
Buck breathes for a moment, then sets his shoulders. "Eddie, there's something I have to tell you." "Do you?" Eddie asks flatly, still alarmed and doing his best to hide it. "I would've never guessed." Buck swallows. "Eddie, I love you." "Are you softening the blow, or buttering me up? Because, I've got to tell you, I'm still very worried regardless," Eddie tells him. "No, you don't understand. I love you. I'm currently in love with you," Buck says as evenly as possible, and even then, his voice wobbles precariously there for a moment. He exhales. "You don't have to worry about it, though, because I've processed it and decided to—to find relief in telling you before moving on and moving forward." Eddie stares at him. No response at all. Well, at least he's not freaking out. Or: After Eddie gets shot, Buck confesses his love. From there, things get a little out of hand.
Literally only just read it but the idiocy in this is CHEF'S KISS 😘👌 (#eddie said: get over me??? youre gonnna get over ME??? dont think so, <- love this tag 😂)
Those Two Firefighters by DarkFairytale
S4 to S6, Social Media/Outsider POV | 64K | Teen
#thosetwofirefighters starts to gather a following on social media, as everyone tries to figure out if those two cute firefighters from the 118 in LA are a thing or not.
Just a fun crack-y "social media" fic with some outsider POV mixed in (plus some 911LS!)!
Stuck on Fast Forward (Throw Away the Blueprint) by extasiswings/ @extasiswings
Post-S5, Friends with Benefits | 42K | Explicit
“Sounds like the problem is you think casual sex with a stranger or finding someone new to date are your only options.” Eddie’s brow furrows. “Aren’t they?” “I mean, there’s always…someone you already know. Who you’re already comfortable with.” “Because my pool of male friends who are single and who would be interested in having sex with me has so many options?” “Well, I don’t know about many, but you only need one,” Buck points out. “And who would that be?” “Me, of course.” [Or: Frank gives Eddie therapy homework, Eddie misunderstands the assignment, and Buck is just a really supportive friend...right?]
Have some more FWB, as a treat 😌
Season 5
The Aftermath of Liberation and Love Confessions by ElvenSorceress/ @elvensorceress
Post S5E9: Past is Prologue, Coming Out, Getting Together | 17K | Teen
After a very long year of one terrible thing after another, Eddie has a brand new life strategy. It’s called not giving a shit. There’s the fire of a challenge in Buck’s eyes and a clench in the set of his jaw, and come on, it’s not as if Eddie forced Buck into dating the reporter. Not like he pays it any mind whatsoever. It was doomed from the start. She’s not good enough for him. She’s a terrible fit for him. Buck’s clearly been miserable for months. Still, Buck says, “Yeah, Eddie. Why don’t you teach us. What would you say if you were professing your love?” You mean something besides, “In the event of my untimely death, I made you legal guardian of my child”? In which Eddie comes out, sexuality is complicated but coffee is not, Buck makes an excessive salad and is also roasted, everyone has a love confession, and December is the most dramatic time of year.
Eddie not giving a shit is A Mood 👌 worth reading just for the scene from the summary 😆
Courtship Behaviors of the Southern Coastal Husbro by Mad_Lori/ @madlori
Post-S5, Queer Platonic Relationship, Getting Together | 49K | Explicit
“I want you in my family, I want us to be a family. Officially. A family can be a guy, his son, and his best friend, right?” Buck’s lower lip was trembling. “You’re really asking me to be your…what, now?” “Frank called it ‘platonic life partners.’” Buck looked stunned, and also…hopeful. “We could really do that?” - Buck and Eddie decide to become platonic domestic partners and co-parents. They are 100% super normal about it and absolutely nothing is awakened in them, except a mutual annoyance at being referred to as "husbros."
Love love love this series!!!
everything's coming up milhouse by hammersmiths/ @bucktommys
Post S5E10: Wrapped In Red, LAFD Liaison Eddie | 10K | Teen
LAFD Updates (@L*A*F*D_Metro) LAFD Alert: Red-level traffic on Gardiner Road this morning. If you are trying to get into the city centre consider taking Westerley Lane. buck 🔥🔥 (@firebuck) so true bestie or, Eddie mans the LAFD Twitter account. Buck tries to be supportive.
THE Twitter Eddie fic <3 just a funny social media fic but it's real cute!
let's hear it for the boy by hattalove/ @hattalove
Post-Season 5, Eddie Coming Out | 56K | Teen
in which eddie attends a self-empowerment group for gbtq men to supplement his therapy, and is empowered to: forgive himself, say "i'm gay" to his own reflection in the mirror, accidentally adopt an adult, make fried rice, and tell his straight best friend that he's in love with him. not necessarily in that order.
Such an amazing Eddie character study/coming out fic, so good <3
The Best Lie is a Truth (My Best Mask is My Face) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Post-S5, Fake Relationship | 43K | Explicit
The Buckleys are celebrating their 50th Anniversary, and Maddie and Buck are both expected to come. To take the heat off Maddie, Buck impulsively blurts out that he's seeing someone new. Obviously, there's only one solution: bring Eddie as his fake boyfriend, pretend to be in love with him, and survive the weekend with minimal bloodshed. No problem, except for the, uh. "Pretend" part. Oops.
Excellent fake relationship fic!! it's got it all! Pining! Practice kissing! There was only one bed!!
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania/ @hmslusitania 
Post-S5, Missing Presumed Dead, Amnesia | 44K | Mature
“We’re here for our grandson,” Helena says. “Chris is still sleeping,” Buck says. “I meant, we’re here to take him back to Texas,” Helena clarifies. “Yeah,” Buck says. He’s too tired, way too tired to be tactful. “Over my dead body.” An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
The angst is SO GOOD!!!! A re-read favorite.
Plus or Minus by ElvenSorceress/ @elvensorceress
S5 | 10K | General
"Chris said you were crying. You came home, hugged him, and cried more than he’s ever seen.” Eddie considers for a moment but then shrugs and continues neatly stacking mugs in the cupboard. “It happens. Sometimes. I’ve been told I’m supposed to let it out instead of bottle it up. So. There you go.” “Why are you cleaning out the kitchen? Why is my stuff in boxes?” Eddie slows, then stops. “Figured you’d want it back.” It’s quieter. Pained. When he says it. “I haven’t decided anything. So unless you’re kicking me out—” “Buck. Come on.” He’s not angry or snapping. It’s still quiet, and somehow that hurts even more. He’s resigned and defeated, and Buck is a scooped out, gutted, hollow shell. “I know how this ends the same way you do. You want to be loved, you want to be married. You’re going to leave. Might as well…” His voice cracks before he can finish and get it under control. “Shouldn’t drag it out.” ~ Taylor is offered a job across the country and asks Buck to go with her. Buck has to figure out if he wants to start over or if he has a reason to stay right where he is.
The notes on my bookmark are: pining so good it gives you chest pains 🥺
Canon Divergent/AUs
Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Inspired by Hades&Persephone, Mythological AU | 45K | Explicit
Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. Now bound to Eddie, the god of the dead, Buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. But even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. Just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die.
my words are paper tigers by hattalove/ @hattalove
Time Loop, Canon Divergent | 20K | Teen
He wakes up with Eddie's arm thrown over his waist. There's a pit in his stomach as soon as he opens his eyes, because the alarm is on again, the same radio station, the same song. The sunlight streaming into the room is buttery-soft, brand new because it's early. The alarm is ringing so they can take Chris to school. And— He reaches out for the bedside table on his side of the bed they share, clumsily unplugs his phone one-handed. The screen lights up to a familiar wallpaper, and it's right there, just above the top of Buck's head: Wednesday. or: buck breaks up with eddie, even if it means losing a part of himself, because it's the right thing to do. the universe decides to test that conviction.
I fucking love time loop fics!!! 👌
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston/ @ebjameston
Canon Divergent, S2, Ghost Buck, Witch Eddie | 41K | Teen
Eddie is the newest firefighter at the 118. Buck is the ghost haunting the 118. Unfortunately for both of them, Eddie's also a witch and needs to put Buck's spirit to rest, because that's what witches do. Turns out, Buck's spirit? Super not interested in being put to rest. Very interested, however, in flirting with Firefighter Diaz, who is just trying to survive his candidate year. (Also turns out, Buck? Super not dead.)
I know you love witchy vibes and I really enjoyed this one! There's also a great podfic if you like that.
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dollyyun · 5 months
𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 | chap 21
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SYPNOSIS: wherein Hwang Stella's life is tangled in a predicament involving her clandestine identity as a racer, her seemingly daily life as the official heir to the Hwang Empire, and seven guys with whom she has a complex history with.
PAIRING: enhypen members x fem oc.
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, chaebols, semi-college & racing, eventual adulthood, non-idol au, eventual enha being f1 drivers, multiple pov (this fic is written in first pov).
WARNINGS: expletives, mention of pregnancy, making out, smut.
TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun @b3tt7boop @smg-valeria @lhspeachie @enhaverse713586 @strxwbloody @firstclassjaylee @jwnghyuns @luminouskalopsia @deobitifull @loumin908 @sousydive @pinkkami @skzenhalove @darkjongsung @caravm
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When reality dawned the day after the wedding, where the guys and I had a heart-to-heart talk in relation to our relationship, I knew that I needed master courage to inform my family about our relationship, but what I felt most strongly about was the idea of marriage.
Maybe my unexpected ambition to settle down with my beloveds stems from the fact that I am hopelessly in love with them, and the prospect of a future without them frightens me. But I unequivocally want to spend the rest of my life with them, until I grow old and wrinkled. Never mind the fact that I might be dismissed once my management learns of our relationship, because nothing is more worthy to me than my seven beloveds.
Yes, the notion of me marrying and having seven husbands seems preposterous, but I don't care. At the very least, I am thankful that marrying more than one person is legal here. Besides, I have long since come to an agreement with myself that I truly want this. Of course, when I consulted with Aera three days ago regarding this─in which I was still a tad uncertain about my decision and needed her advice─she was more thrilled than me and wished me nothing but the very best for our future together.
However, I know that I need to overcome another obstacle: my family. So, two days ago, I invited all of them for a group video call where I informed them of the dinner that would happen at Minjun's crib, to which he wholeheartedly agreed, especially when I told him that I was close with the Formula One stars, albeit he, like the rest of my family, had no idea of our relationship.
Perhaps that was until today.
As soon as Kelly welcomes us into her cosy home with a wide smile, with the guys trailing behind me, a moment of incertitude dawns on me while a small part of me is regretting my life choices when my eyes settle on familiar faces in my line of sight. Hyunjin is seated alongside Yeji and Haneul on the couch in the living room, while Sophia is seated on the floor and busily doodling away on her book.
Aside from the nervousness, I can't deny the fact that I am also apprehensive about their reaction and, above all, Hyunjin's reaction. I have been hoping that he won't turn out to be an overprotective brother who hates that his younger sister is in a relationship, with the only exception that his younger sister is more than ready to settle down.
"It's good to see your lovely face again." I give Kelly a warm smile as we pull away from the hug.
"The same goes to you, honey." Kelly pats my cheek gently while my heart warms at her kind gesture. Not once has my biological mother ever treated me the way Kelly has.
"Stella, sweetie!" The volume of Minjun's voice draws the attention of my siblings and Sophia to us, as do his jovial chuckles with a mirthful grin on his face that is rather contagious, prompting me to chuckle as well as the nerves fizzling out.
"Dad!" Instinctively, I go straight for his embrace as he welcomes me with his arms, which provide strong security. As I tighten my arms around him, laughter elicits from him while my heart warms being united with my real father once more.
"I thought you were joking when you said that you're close to these stars, honey." Minjun tells me as he pulls away from me, and as I look at him, I hold back a chuckle upon seeing the way his eyes are sparkling as he stares at my seven boyfriends standing by the entrance awkwardly.
"Park Sunghoon?" Haneul's voice is tinged with surprise as I turn my head to look at them, who are now approaching us. Haneul looks equally shocked before confusion dawns. "What are you doing here, little brother?"
"I'm not little, damn it." Sunghoon mutters under his breath.
"Unnie!" Sophia crashes into me, almost causing me to fall if it weren't for Kelly, who supports me from behind. I merely chuckle as I reciprocate Sophia's eager hug.
"Jungwon." Despite being confused, Hyunjin greets Jungwon, who, in return, gives him a small smile while uncertainty flickers in his gaze. Hyunjin seems to be staring at Riki for a few minutes before finally recognising him amidst the shocked glimmering in his eyes. "Ni-Ki?"
"Hyung." Riki greets him, smiling faintly. A familiar sentiment wraps itself around my heart as I watch Hyunjin pull Riki into a brotherly hug without hesitation. After all, Riki was much closer to Hyunjin when we were younger.
"It's nice to meet you all again." Yeji says with a kind smile before greeting the guys individually with a brief side-hug.
Hyunjin raises his eyebrow at Yeji as soon as she is done. "Since when did you know the rest?"
"It's a long story." Yeji tells him while her eyes meet mine with knowingness. "But I can only tell you after dinner. Right now, I'm feeling rather famished."
"That's right. My baby has been saving some spaces in her tummy for today's dinner." Haneul back-hugs Yeji. The way he speaks is as though he is speaking to a baby, which brings my attention to Sunghoon, who is feigning a look of utter disgust at his older brother.
"It's an incredible honour to meet you. I'm a big fan of Formula One." Minjun is busily greeting and conversing with the guys, shaking hands and hugging with a broad smile on his face.
"What is the term that you youngsters use nowadays?" Kelly stands next to me with her arms folded below her chest as we watch all of them being amiable towards the guys, who no longer look as tensed as they were earlier. "Ah! Fangirling, that's the word." Kelly shoots me a grin. "Your father is blatantly fangirling over them."
"What?" I laugh lightly. "But he doesn't look like it."
"Oh, trust me, I know your father. He's over the moon." Kelly's grin falters and is replaced by one I can easily decipher. Astuteness. "Tell me, which of them is the one?" She asks, her voice dropping to a whisper.
Bit by bit, the nervousness returns to my system. "How did you know?" I match the volume of my voice with hers.
Kelly's lips curve into a half-smile. "Just a hunch. Is it Jungwon?"
I remain silent for a few minutes before looking away from her knowing gaze. "Let's have dinner first. I have something important to announce." I say, hating how I sound a tad weak.
Kelly brings my attention back to her when her hand touches my shoulder. She offers me another smile that seems to ease my nerves. "You should know that whatever it is, we will support you."
"Thanks, Kelly. I appreciate it." I whisper, but uncertainty remains lingering in the air.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Dinner has never been as effervescent as it is right now. There is a warm, fuzzy feeling in my tummy as I watch the sight upon me in sheer silence ─ Riki and Jungwon entertaining a blabbering Sophia, Jay and Kelly can be heard easily over their exchange of words in regards to recipes, Heeseung is conversing with Minjun amiably, whereas Sunoo and Sunghoon are conversing with Hyunjin and Yeji. Jake seems to be chuckling at whatever Haneul is telling him.
I have been dreaming about a day where my family and the loves of my life get along harmoniously. I wouldn't trade for anything if this is what it looks like for every family dinner in the near future.
A sudden wave of emotion that is peculiarly profound hits me, bringing tears to spring in the rims of my eyes while I hold back a sob. It is rather confounding that I feel strongly emotional about this. I don't even know if these are happy or sad tears. Everything suddenly feels overwhelming, and why the hell am I being like this?
"Stella?" Yeji's voice laces with concern, snapping me out of the trance, and when I refocus, I am taken aback to see all of their eyes on me, looking at me worriedly with tinges of surprise. "Are you crying?"
"Why are you crying, Unnie?" Sophia asks, her pink lips go pouty while she looks genuinely sad for me.
"I'm not." I release a laugh that sounds embarrassingly broken as I wipe the traitorous tears sliding down my cheeks. "I'm just─" Alas, a hiccup leaves my lips before the dam regrettably bursts, startling everyone with my unexpected waterworks. "I'm just happy." I manage to utter in between the weeps before Kelly, who is seated next to me, embraces me into her arms, and I feel thankful to her for shielding the ugly sight away from their eyes.
Fortunately, it takes me a minute or two to compose myself. As I clear my throat, my eyes accidentally meet Yeji's emphatic gaze while a small smile arises on her pink lips. "If there is anyone worthy of deserving happiness, it is you, dear sister." Tears glisten in her eyes, but she doesn't cry.
"I agree." Haneul wraps his arm around Yeji as the latter instinctively leans into him comfortably. Haneul offers me a kind yet sympathetic smile. "Our Stella has been through a lot, hasn't she?"
The prior effervescent ambience is infused by melancholia. Even my boyfriends look equally rueful as they send me small smiles that seem to ease my nerves.
"I'm sorry for ruining the mood." I say, but earn a chorus of 'no, you didn't.' and looks of disagreements. I heave a sigh, knowing what comes next. "There is something I need to tell all of you."
"Are you pregnant, honey?" Minjun's question completely throws me off guard, and judging by the looks on their faces, they, too, are equally shocked as me.
"What? No!" I answer him rather vehemently as I shake my head. I can feel heat weaving across my cheeks at the thought of it. "Nothing with pregnancy!"
"Oh! I know!" Sophia shoots her hand up and waves it. "You're getting married!"
Technically, she isn't entirely wrong. "Not exactly."
"You're moving abroad?" Hyunjin raises an inquisitive eyebrow at me.
"Or maybe she's getting promoted!" Haneul wiggles his eyebrows at Hyunjin.
Another sigh leaves my lips. "Again, it's nothing what you guys thought─"
"Actually, if I may?" Heeseung cuts me off, prompting me to meet his stern yet assuring gaze, which temporarily alleviates my nerves. Once he gives me a soft smile, I ease the tension in my shoulders.
Heeseung doesn't seem as nervous as I am, and his eyes remain unwavering as he looks at each of my family members. "Aside from Jungwon and Ni-Ki, we've actually known Stella since college." He starts off, treading his words with a tinge of caution.
"You've known my daughter since college?" Minjun leans forward with his hands clasped together, his face has no traces of any prior conviviality. He hums, looking rather intrigued. "So all of you were originally from Seoul as well."
They nod their heads simultaneously before Heeseung continues, "Each of us has a different history that is rather complex." Nostalgia can be seen glistening in his eyes, while a faint smile appears on his lips.
"They're the ones who tracked down my location and saved me four years ago from the terrible incident." I interject before any of them can speak next. My voice comes out softly while my eyes shift from Hyunjin to the seven of them, and my lips quiver with a smile. "I never really got to thank you all for saving me, even when I thought that I was not deserving to be saved."
"Thank you so much." Minjun takes us by surprise. He sounds serious, yet there is a wistful smile on his lips as he looks at the seven of them. "If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have reunited with my daughter."
"Yes, thank you." Hyunjin tells them with firm eyes. "We owe all of you for saving our precious Stella."
"You don't have to thank us, because we would save Stella in a heartbeat for the second time, always." Jake says, wearing a small smile, before his eyes briefly meet mine. "We would always save the love of our lives without a second thought."
"Love?" A frown touches Hyunjin's lips.
"Yes." Heeseung answers for Jake, his tone holds such resolution, as if he isn't afraid of the possible dreadful outcome. "As I said, we had complex histories with Stella, but one thing that has always remained constant is our unconditional love for Stella."
"We're in a polygamous relationship." I quickly intervene as I look at my family, particularly Hyunjin and Minjun. "I've been apart from them for too long, and now that we're reunited, we've consensually decided that it was only right for us to be in a polygamous relationship. I love them."
I hold back the tears that are threatening to spill for the second time as I maintain unwavering eye contact with Hyunjin and Minjun, unable to decipher the emotions written across their faces.
"They knew of Minhyuk's abuse, and they saw the horrible wounds and scars that were Minhyuk's doing. They comforted me and supported me despite the fact that there were obstacles along the way." At this point, I am close to imploring my family to understand. "I'm not asking for your blessings, and I will not break my relationship with them just because you disapprove. I have never been happier than I am with them now."
"Stella─" Minjun heaves a sigh, but I cut him off, displaying my desperation.
"I know that our relationship is overwhelming for you, but I can assure you that we will make it work." I swallow a lump in my throat before I release a shaky breath. "I really love them, Dad. You may not understand how and why, and I am all for explaining any questions you have, but please don't force me to break up with them. I don't see a future without them in my life."
As soon as I finish, I await for anyone to speak up, and I swear the silence is so loud that I can hear a pin drop. The sound of a chair is being dragged, prompting me to look at Hyunjin, and my heart sinks in the pit of my stomach as I watch him make his way out of the dining area.
"Give him time." Yeji quickly tells me upon seeing my face drop. Even her assuring smile doesn't do much to diminish the sinking feeling. "I'm sure this is overwhelming for him, but he'll come around. You know he always does."
"I just have one question for you, gentlemen." Minjun clears his throat, his face looking more serious than earlier, while he leans keenly forward, as though he is an investigator. "Do you have plans on marrying my daughter?"
"Of course." Jake answers rather swiftly. "But not any time sooner. Besides, that is up to Stella. We have come to a mutual agreement that marriage is solely up to Stella."
"I am rather disappointed." Minjun releases a soft sigh. "I had hoped that Stella would get married soon."
"Wait, so does this mean that you approve?" I ask, my eyes widening as I look at Minjun.
Minjun's serious facade cracks as he shoots me a fatherly smile. "I admit that I was overwhelmed by your announcement, and who am I to force something upon you when all I ever want for you is to be happy?"
Tears are starting to blur my vision. "Dad."
"I mean it, sweetie." Minjun's voice comes out soft, as does the way he gazes at me. "I can see that you're happier with them, and that is more than enough for me, especially when these gentlemen have proven their unconditional love for you from the moment they saved you back then." Minjun then looks over to them with a firm head nod. "I entrust you with my daughter, and without a doubt, you will protect and cherish her the way she deserves."
"Of course. You can count on us." Jay reciprocates with a firm head nod as well.
"I, for one, have long since known that you guys would eventually get together." Yeji chuckles, her hand that is holding her glass of wine tipping towards us before she takes sips of the wine.
"Well, little brother." Haneul shoots Sunghoon a smirk. "It looks like we're bound to be bro-in-laws."
"We are already brothers, dumbas─" Sunhoon shuts his mouth at the realisation of Sophia, who is seated across from him.
"So you and you," Sophia points her fingers at Jungwon and Riki, her eyes sparkling with wonderment. "are my Unnie's boyfriends?"
"Yes, little one." Riki grins as he ruffles her hair.
"That's cool! I have more big brothers!" Sophia bounces in her seat, oozing with enthusiasm.
"I'm sure another reason your father is happy for you has to do with the fact that your boyfriends are his favourite Formula One stars." Kelly tells me, purposely allowing Minjun to hear.
"That may or may not be true, my love." Minjun shoots Kelly a grin, to which the latter scowls, but her cheeks are painted pink as she looks away from his gaze.
Despite the rest of my family being happy and accepting, my mind drifts off to Hyunjin while my eyes shift to his empty seat.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The time strikes nine p.m. by the time we finish the scrumptious dinner, but none of us has yet to leave. Jay and Sunoo are helping Kelly out with the dishes in the kitchen, while her adamant insistence can be heard from here. The others are mingling in the living room with Yeji and Haneul, while Minjun can be seen conversing with Jake and Sunghoon.
I begin to make my way to where Hyunjin is, and I hope he is still there. As I step out of the house, my gaze lands on his figure, seated on the swing bench by the porch, and he seems to be in deep thought.
"Oppa." I call for him in a wavering tone, and thankfully, he turns his head to look at me. My lips quiver in sadness while my eyes turn crestfallen. "Are you mad at me?"
A sense of deja vu hits me, and I immediately recall the times where I thought Hyunjin was mad at me for doing something that wasn't my fault the first time he saw a noticeable bruise on my cheek that Minhyuk had punched me when we were younger.
Hyunjin's gaze softens before he heaves a sigh, his fingers running through his long strands. "No, I'm not mad at all."
"Then why did you walk away?" I ask, taking steps forward until I'm closer to him, towering over his figure. I clench a fist. "You didn't look happy either."
"I just feel overwhelmed, Stella." Hyunjin sighs once more. "I mean, you're in a relationship with seven guys. Doesn't that feel overwhelming for you?"
"No." I answer him firmly, but upon seeing the expression on his face, I release a sigh and invite myself to sit next to him. "I'll tell you about my history with them some other time, but you should know that when you're in love, be it with one person or more, things won't be exactly as overwhelming as you thought. Yes, being in a polygamous relationship is certainly not an easy journey, but the love you have for your partners will always prevail over anything."
Hyunjin remains silent for awhile, as though he is processing my words and whatever happened earlier. He lifts his head up to meet my eyes, and when a small smile dawns on his lips, the nerves have finally diminished. "I'd never thought I'd see a day where my baby sister was finally in love." He smiles faintly and ruffles my hair. "Your happiness matters to me most, you know?"
I can't help but to lunge forward, my arms latching around his as I hug him while he chuckles and reciprocates the hug. "Thank you." I whisper with such gratitude, tears welling in my eyes, before I blink them away. "Don't be shocked, Oppa, but I'll be marrying them sooner than you think."
"Oh?" Hyunjin pulls away and raises his eyebrow at me. "I mean, I'm not entirely shocked since I can see how utterly in love you are with them, but pray tell, how? Is it even legal to marry more than one person here?"
"Yes." I nod my head. "There probably won't be any weddings. What matters to us most is signing the necessary documents to officially legalise us as married couples. Besides, imagine having to plan seven weddings." I grimace at the thought of it, but if the guys do want to throw a wedding each, then I'll just have to agree to it. Their happiness matters to me most.
Hyunjin and I continue to chat, be it about my boyfriends or reminiscing about the happy parts of our childhood amidst the pain. One thing is for sure ─ I am glad that he is just as accepting as the rest of my family members.
What's left next is to break the news to the rest of my boyfriends regarding my settling down with them.
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I guess I can say for my best friends that we are finally at ease after having been accepted by Stella's family. It isn't hard to like her family, especially when they are amiable and exude such warmth that we can't help but to lower our guards. As for Hyunjin, he had gathered the seven of us in the living room earlier and wanted to speak with us alone, prompting the other Hwangs to disperse.
Aside from the fact that Hyunjin subtly hints that he would threateningly do something if any of us hurt her, he sincerely wished our relationship nothing but the best, and somewhere along the lines, he couldn't wait for us to officially be his brother-in-laws very soon, which rendered us confused, because why did he emphasise soon? The only exception is that Jay and Jungwon didn't look too surprised.
Intrigued, I begin to make my way to find Stella, but she isn't spotted in the kitchen or anywhere on the first floor, really. I spot Kelly emerging from a room, and I approach her with a kind smile. "Hey, Kelly. Have you seen Stella? I've been trying to search for her."
"She's upstairs in her room, two doors down on the left." Kelly informs me before a smile touches her lips. "If I'm not wrong, she's with Ni-Ki."
"Thanks." I give Kelly a quick smile before making my way up to the second floor. I release the scoff I have been holding back. No wonder he was seen leaving in haste earlier, as soon as Hyunjin dismissed us. That sly duck.
"Two doors down." I murmur to myself, my eyes shifting from the white painted door to another, until I hear a familiar squeal and giggle just as I nearly reach her room.
The door is ajar, allowing me to take glimpses of them. Ni-Ki has her seated on top of his lap with her back facing him and his chin resting on her shoulder. His arms are wrapped securely around her waist while he seems to be whispering in her ear, eliciting giggles from her. My gaze softens at the endearing sight.
Despite not being the one who is making her giggle and smile, I am rather content. As long as she remains happy, then everything else is fine with me.
I compose myself, feigning an annoyed look before slowly pushing open the door, prompting their heads to turn to me, but my eyes narrow at Ni-Ki. "Time's up. It's my turn to spend some time with my darling."
Ni-Ki sticks his tongue out to me while remaining unmoving. "Make me."
"Riki." Stella slaps his arm over her waist with chuckles leaving her lips.
"Fine." Ni-Ki releases an exasperated sigh before giving her a deep kiss on the cheek and removing his arms from her waist, allowing her to stand. He grabs her hand to kiss her knuckles before proceeding to leave the room.
As my gaze settles on her face, her lips curve into a sly grin. "Were you seriously jealous of your best friend?"
"No." I scoff, rolling my eyes, and subsequently amble towards her while I notice mischievousness dancing in her pretty eyes. "Why would I be jealous when I know that I already have you wrapped around my fingers?"
Stella attempts to run away from me, but a squeal leaves her lips at the moment I catch her with my arms wrapped around her waist firmly. Her kissable lips form into a pout, and the way she is looking at me with those eyes goes straight into my pants.
Nevertheless, I keep my desires for this irresistible woman at bay as my lips curve into a smirk. "Trying to run away from me, darling?"
"No." She denies, her eyes flickering down at my lips briefly for a moment before she looks away with her cheeks flushing in pink.
I hum, my fingers ascending to her cheek and stroking it delicately yet dangerously. "Good, because you wouldn't want to face any punishment, especially when your family members are just downstairs. But then again, I don't care."
Stella gasps, her eyes narrowing at me. "You wouldn't."
"Oh, I would, darling." I spin us around, inviting myself to sit on the bed and pulling her down with me, having her settled on top of my lap as she straddles me. I see the way her eyes darken with lust, reflecting mine, while my hand begins to rub her bare thigh with the hems of her dress hiked above.
"You wouldn't." She repeats, but this time, her voice wavers with each rub of my hand on her smooth thigh.
"Don't test me." I murmur, my eyes zeroing in on her pink, plump lips. "Kiss me."
Stella hesitates, and soon she leans in but stops just as her ghostly lips graze across mine teasingly. Her eyes form the shape of a crescent while a soft chuckle emits from her. The longer she teases me, the more fuel it adds to my desire for her.
Without any thought of gentleness, I pull her by the nape and slam her lips on mine, kissing her slowly yet passionately, which has her practically melt against me, but my hand grips her waist while the other is continuously rubbing her thigh.
"I've missed you so fucking much." I murmur in between kisses, bringing more chuckles from her before I silence her with my lips. This time, I force my tongue into her mouth, to which she wholeheartedly welcomes me.
Her hands slither upward on my chest until they drape lazily over my shoulders, and I feel her hip movement, to which I place both hands on her waist to assist her. She pulls away from my lips, gasping softly at the sensation of my hardening bulge coming into contact with her core.
"Shhh, you gotta be quiet or I'll stop, pretty girl." I warn her in a seductive lull, watching her in awe at the contortion of her face. She looks so fuckable right now as she throws her head to the back with her eyes rolling to the back and her moist lips parted open with pathetic soft whimpers and moans from the delirious friction of our cores against each other.
As I continue with my administration, my eyes shift to the door, and thank fuck, it is closed. I look at her face once more before I switch positions, settling her to lay on her back on the bed.
"Where are you going?" Stella whines as I make my way towards the door to lock it. "Sunoo!"
"Shhh, I told you to be quiet, didn't I?" I hiss lowly, but as soon as I turn around, my breath catches in my throat at the divine sight of her white dress hiking up to her waist, allowing her white lace underwear to be visible to my eyes. Fuck, there is a wet patch forming on the material.
"Sunoo." She whines again, as though she is doing it on purpose to arouse me with her sweet sound. My feet bring me towards her, and the next thing I know, I silence her with my lips, but this time, kissing her harshly and nibbling and tugging on her lower lip, eliciting a pained moan from her before I resume devouring her.
"Naughty girl. I told you to be quiet." I rasp against her lips, smirking as I feel her shuddering beneath me when my fingers descend to her lower region, going underneath the material of her underwear before they stop right at her clit.
As soon as I rub her clit in circles, her lips part open, wanting to moan out, but I slip my tongue into her mouth, dancing once more with her tongue.
I don't stop my administration on her clit while my other fingers begin to multitask as they seek for her hole, entering slowly to not hurt her. The moment I feel her hips moving, I take that as a sign to shove my fingers into her wet folds and start fingering her.
I pull away from her lips, relishing the cute, pathetic moans she attempts to quieten and how adorable she looks trying to silence herself by closing her mouth with her palm, but unfortunately for her, I'm in the mood to tease her.
"Sunoo, please." Stella pleads as I use my other hand to pin her wrists above her head with ease. My eyes fall down to her chest, where a glimpse of her cleavage is teasing me.
"I said to be quiet, pretty girl." I say lowly when a high-pitched moan leaves her lips, my hand on her wrists tightening while my fingers are working their way to make her cum.
"You're so mean." She whimpers, tears welling in her eyes, but the way her hips are sensually grinding on my fingers as though she's riding my cock drives me to finger her roughly and fast despite the restriction of her cute lace underwear.
"Mean?" My tongue hits the roof of my mouth while my eyes feast on the gorgeous sight of her beneath me as she struggles. I dip my head to plant a wet kiss on her neck. "You have no idea how mean I can get, darling." I chuckle against her skin, feeling how drench she gradually gets, and so I remove my fingers from her pulsating hole, eliciting a whimper from her, to which I place a kiss on her lips.
Without a word, I hook my fingers underneath the string of her underwear and pull it down, letting it fall to the ground before I proceed to remove my pants. Before she can even make another cute noise, I kiss her briefly and, at the same time, hold my length, which feels painful with each passing second, and aim it at her wet folds.
I allow the tip to enter, causing her breath to hitch, but that's just it. I begin to pump my cock with the tip resting in her pulsating hole.
"Sun." Her voice compels me to look up at her face, and this time, the way she is gazing at me feels different. Her gaze alone feels intimate compared to what we're doing. "I love you."
Amidst my raging lust, my eyes soften, and I lean in to place a delicate kiss on her lips, my heart swelling with adoration for her. "I love you more, darling." I whisper as she gazes at me sweetly.
"Do you─" A soft yet cute gasp leaves her lips when I pull out the tip, and instead, I allow the tip to slide against her wet folds, hitting her clit each time. She swallows a moan while she gazes at me with hooded eyelids. "Do you want to get married to me?"
Her question almost makes me cease my movement, but I remain constant, attempting to reach my high while at the same time my face contorts into confusion. "Of course." I answer rather roughly, feeling my orgasm close to impending. "Just like the rest of the guys, I do have plans on marrying you, darling."
"What if I tell you that I want us to get married soon?" She asks in a ramble before letting out a soft moan that goes directly to my raging cock.
"Okay." I grunt before my orgasm finally comes crashing down on me as I pump it out, releasing white spurts as they land messily on her stomach. I watch as she attempts to finger her clit, but I swat her fingers away to assist her by rubbing my tip against her clit.
"Okay?" She asks in a breathy moan, baring her neck in my eyes, to which I lean down to kiss and nip at her skin.
"Anything you want, pretty girl." I murmur softly, relishing the tiny, soft moans coming from her lips. I trail my kisses to her face before whispering in her ear, "You want to get married tomorrow? We can do that too. Just say the word, and I'll drive us to sign the documents."
"What about throwing a wedding?" She asks again, and this time, she finally comes.
We pant with heavy breaths before looking at each other in the eyes. Despite still heaving, my lips curve into a grin. "I don't need a wedding, unless you want to throw one."
Uncertainty glints in her eyes. "I don't know." She mumbles. "But I know for a fact that I am ready to settle down with you."
"Then okay." I say, now lying next to her acutely but still hovering over her. I grab her hand, holding it to my chest while my fingers toy around hers, and gaze deeply into her sweet eyes. "Name anything you want, and I'll give it to you, darling."
"I want you to kiss me again." She utters softly. "And I want you to tell me 'I love you' a lot of times."
I grin before leaning down to kiss her lips sweetly, which has her smiling against my lips. "I love you." I manage to murmur in between our kisses before I pull away to pepper my kisses all over her face, down to her neck. "I love you, and I love you. Only you."
Stella giggles as I continue to tickle her with my kisses on her neck. "We should really get going. The others are probably wondering."
"Let them." I scoff and nip at her skin once more, causing her to yelp out.
"Sunoo." She whines, pushing my face away from her. "You came on my stomach. I feel icky."
"Woops, sorry, darling." I apologise with a kiss on her forehead before wearing my lower garments and grabbing a tissue on the nightstand to wipe the excess of my cum from her stomach until no spot can be seen.
I grab her hand, assisting her to stand, but the second she does, her knees buckle underneath her, prompting me to hold her against me firmly. "I haven't even fucked you, and yet, you're going all jelly on me, pretty girl." I smirk down at her as she shoots me a scowl.
"Behave, or I won't allow you to." She boops my nose with her finger.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, I would." She says mockingly but pecks my lips before giving me a sweet smile that has my heart pounding against my chest. "Let's go, handsome boy."
"After you, pretty girl."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Stella has ordered her family members to remain further away from us where they are unable to hear us, or more like Stella, since she has something she needs to inform the seven of us. I sit next to Jake, who is staring at Stella, pacing back and forth while she chews on her bottom lip.
"What is it, sweetheart?" Heeseung's gentle voice seems to pull her back to reality as she finally looks at us.
"Wait." Jay narrows his eyes at her. "Is this the part where you tell us about your pregnancy?"
"What─ no! I'm not pregnant!" Stella accidentally raises her voice as she shoots him a scowl. "Why does everyone think I'm pregnant?!"
"It isn’t a bad thing if you are, sweetie!" Minjun can be heard from the stairs, eliciting a groan from Stella.
"Dad!" She yells frustratingly, yet we find her adorable.
My lips curve into a smile while a chorus of chuckles emits from us at the audible sound of Kelly's chastisement towards Minjun.
"Anyway," Stella clears her throat, her cheeks flushed in pink, to which I find her endearing. "I'm not pregnant." Her tone indicates that she is firm in her declaration. "But there is something else that I need to speak with you about."
"Let me guess, it's about you wanting to settle down with us." I say with a drawl, drawing their attention to me, and the visible confusion written on my best friends' faces except for two affirms that Stella has yet to inform them.
"Settle down with us?" Jake murmurs, his face contorting into confusion, yet there is a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Is this true, love?"
Stella looks rather sheepish, and she lowers her head. "Yes. I am ready to settle down with all of you, as in, I want to get married." Her words are spoken in a soft murmur, but we manage to catch onto them.
"But what about your career?" Sunghoon asks, frowning. "You do realise that once our management learns of our relationship and, moreover, the news of us getting married, any one of us or even all of us might be dismissed?"
"Trust me when I say that I've already thought about the risks and everything." Stella says firmly, but her eyes soften afterwards. "Besides, there is no way the Formula One organisation will have its esteemed stars dismissed. I'll be the one to hand in my resignation letter."
"Are you sure?" Ni-Ki asks gently. "I mean, you've contributed so much to the organisation, and you've worked hard to get where you are now. Wouldn’t it be a waste just because you want to get married to us?"
Stella gives him a faint yet beautiful smile. "Nothing is worth more than spending the rest of my life with you, not even my career."
Judging by the expression on their faces, I can affirm that they are feeling the same as I do. My heart is pounding hard while butterflies flutter in my tummy. The fact that the love of our lives just declared her love and devotion to us makes me want to storm over to her and give her a kiss. It even makes me want to buy a diamond ring right now and propose to her afterwards.
"So, when?" I grin, practically oozing with excitement at the prospect that Stella and I will finally tie the knot.
"After the Grand Prix in Brooklyn is over, I suppose." Stella gives me a soft yet sweet smile that makes me melt internally.
"What about Hwang Minhyuk?" Heeseung sounds irate upon saying the name.
"As for now, we don't have to worry about him." Stella smiles at him assuringly. "Henry has assured me that we won't be seeing he-who-shall-not-be-named, especially when he offered a reliable security system that guaranteed our safety."
"We have our own securities, princess. It's you that we're more worried about." Sunghoon frowns. "I hope Henry is as competent as I expect."
"He's great at his job." Stella whips out her phone to type something. "Just in time, he sent me a text."
"What did he send you?" Heeseung approaches her before standing next to her and glancing at her phone.
"He and his team discovered something." A frown touches her lips. "Apparently, Hwang Minhyuk found me through a connection he had with someone in the Formula One organisation."
"What the fuck?" Sunghoon clenches his jaw, and the fire in his eyes reflects the same as mine at the thought of Minhyuk daring to lay a hand on our beloved once again.
"Henry is still trying to obtain more information on who the person Minhyuk had a connection with is." Stella's shoulders slouch in defeat, but Heeseung steadily wraps an arm around her shoulder, giving her a kiss on her crown as she leans into him.
"Don't worry. We'll make certain he won't be able to lay a hand on you ever again." Heeseung tells her softly, while there is an undertone of promise.
"Agreed." Hyunjin comes into the living room with the rest of the Hwangs, except for the little one. "Sorry, we couldn’t help but eavesdrop on you guys."
Stella shoots her family a sad smile. "You guys heard everything, huh?"
"Heeseung is right, sweetie. We won't allow anything to happen to you." Minjun affirms as he has Kelly in his arms, who looks equally determined as she nods her head in agreement.
Stella turns even more crestfallen. "But I made a promise to myself that I'd be the one to protect all of you." She says repentantly, looking at each one of us with glistening eyes. "I wanted to be one to protect all of you this time."
"Allow us to protect you." Haneul says with a grin that resembles Sunghoon's. "I've long since wanted to give that bastard a good punch."
"Get in line, brother." Sunghoon chuckles darkly.
"Don't worry, baby sis." Hyunjin steps forward to place his hands on her shoulders, his firm eyes staring into her crestfallen ones. "We are all in this together. That monster made my life a living hell too."
"I second that!" Yeji chimes.
"We love you, Stella." Hyunjin smiles softly before giving her a peck on the forehead. "And we'll do anything to protect you."
Stella releases a shaky breath and wipes a fallen tear from her eye. "But nobody dies." She says resoundingly, making certain that she looks at every one of us in the eyes. "I've already lost Mary." She whispers brokenly. "I don't want to lose any one of you to that devil."
"You won't. I promise." Heeseung tells her firmly.
"No one, and I repeat, no one dies." Stella looks at us once more before settling her gaze on Hyunjin.
Hyunjin gives her a smile and nods his head firmly. "No one dies."
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59 notes · View notes
yawnderu · 10 months
About the COD fandom. I just came across a fic that was labelled 16+ yet it was explicitly porn! The blog was something like "Coquette" or whatever with no age in their bio. And I swear you can't explain to these kids WHY you have to label shit appropriately because they just don't get it. One has to state it's 18+ because if you brazenly let minors view explicit content, YOU (in general) can get into major shit.
There are too many minors in the fandom. Too many blogs writing and liking fics with no age in their bios. I remember when teens were told to shut the fuck up in fandoms, at least when they tried to encroach on the 18+ side of it. Yes I am old and yelling at the clouds lol
Oh and I've seen "AKCHULLY Price would date an 18-year-old! He would so nah nah! He's not real so I can write what I want!" Write what you want but it's still gross. Especially because they really make a point of bringing up an age gap. there are alarming pedophilic themes in said fics of price fucking/dating 18-year-olds.
"Controversial young reader!" has 11k notes. "DBF Price/Simon/Konig" and the fics are revolting in nature because the reader is heavily implied to be young and very inexperienced and not in an "I have no interest in this shit" kind of way.
TLDR it's like fics are being written by minors, for minors. Just seems that way...
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There's a meme w this same format that goes ''I wish all minors a very get off my blog'' but I can't find it bfehbjefbjhfe
YES!! istg it's always the coquette lana del rey stan girlies who are into weirdly pedophilic things. It's even worse when they're actual adults purposely targeting minors with NSFW content, such as saying Price would date a barely legal girl or wait until she turns 18 to date her like... are you insane? fejnfejhbh This man would definitely want someone around his own age OR with at least a fully developed brain. Sure, everyone can write whatever they want, but people can also talk about it when you're making these men straight up predators.
HEAVY on the too many minors in the fandom, TikTok viralized the masked men and now you have minors commenting sexual things on the media of cosplayers or people who simply like tactical gear. Not to mention they RARELY respect a ''MDNI'', saying things like ''oh but I turn 18 in 2 years'' hbfehjbef PLEASE. And I get it, I've been on many different fandoms ever since I was like 11, I understand wanting to interact with creators and their content— but at the very least respect what they ask if they don't want to interact with minors.
That goes to the other point of kids developing parasocial relationships with the VAs. God, the comment section of the VAs is pure nightmare fuel full of kids saying they're gonna marry them one day or straight up commenting weird sexual things to people who are in their 30s. It's WEIRD, especially because it's so painfully obvious the parasocial relationship they develop is fully one-sided 😭 like why are you commenting how much you want to fuck this married 40-year-old man with kids on a post with his WIFE? Not to mention the hate people close to them get, such as Alain's girlfriend.
I have a small series of DBF!Keegan, but I imagine the reader to be at least in her mid-20s rather than an 18-year-old (or even younger, I've seen some DBF stuff making the reader a minor). It's honestly a bit bizarre to see ADULTS making pedophilic/predatory content targeting a young audience bfehbjfewl
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rhaegang · 2 months
What do you think could've saved Oliver and Felix? Or do you think they were doomed from the start?
OOOUGHHHH this one…
I think that, given their exact circumstances, they were doomed from the start.
By that I mean, it is 2007. They are both men. They are both incredibly young and fragile in terms of ego. One of them is the son of an entitled, landed House in one of the few remaining blood-lineage aristocracies in the world. The other is not.
When people say SB isn’t good class commentary, I don’t know if they’re really thinking about what it IS saying about class. Bottom line, Felix’s social class dictates his entire life. His education, his dress, his mannerisms, his mode of speech, his aspirations, his opinions, his politics, his obligations and more — they are all informed by his class, and all of it serves to make him untouchable to someone outside his class.
Add in the homophobia of the era & the fact that same sex marriage wasn’t going to be legalized in the UK for another 7 years, even if Felix had just been Nouveau Riche, there would’ve been almost no chance for them.
If it was set today, in 2024, there are many more prominent and respected out gay men including in elite social positions. There is also more precedent for very high ranking members of English nobility marrying outside their class—a 2024 Felix could point his finger at Harry & Meghan and say, “If a member of the royal family can marry outside class AND race, there’s no reason why I can’t marry a man from Merseyside.”
All of this is really focusing on the circumstances completely outside either of their control which prevent F & O from being able to acknowledge and openly explore a romantic attraction. Changing these things requires author powers, which is why we gotta have fanfic.
Using our author powers, if we address those barriers in some way, only then can we start to think about what it would take to get these two characters to work. For MAD/BOT, I dealt with the circumstances by just keeping them both alive long enough to get them to a more permissive era (2022) and having them mature past the “young and fragile” state of canon setting. They do still have to deal with the fact that they’re both men and they are in a cross-class relationship (which means they’re always going to deal with some bullshit and certainly their social standing would be impacted and Oliver would never truly be accepted by the elite as “one of them”). I think it’s kind of generous to imagine that Felix would willingly damage his family’s reputation, but I also think he’s maybe selfish enough to do it anyway…
I think that there’s no real explanation for all of Felix’s behavior in canon if he doesn’t harbor some repressed feelings for Oliver. I think he recognizes them much sooner than Oliver recognizes what his own feelings are, and Felix actively represses. Maybe if Oliver had understood earlier what it was he wanted, and had been brave enough to come on to Felix the way he does other characters, something could have happened. I don’t think it would have made either of them happy for very long though, because it would have been something they needed to keep secret.
And at the end of university, Felix would be going on to start his life in society doing whatever faff he would do that isn’t working for a living, and there wouldn’t be a place for Oliver in his life then. Maybe they’d keep it up, stay in touch, and Felix surreptitiously leads a dual life that everyone sort of knows about but never mentions because of politeness/civility. Maybe they could even be happy like that, somehow. But they’re both very possessive, and I find it hard to imagine them being okay with something like cover marriages and long distance.
Ultimately, I think that as people — they can work. They can even get past the lies and the hurt. But it’s not only their own mistakes and flaws that work against them to make Saltburn a tragedy. 😔
And that’s why they are truly a fix-it fic writer’s dream.
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jamiesfootball · 24 days
Fic idea that I´ve been bopping around on discord on and off-
Jamie does go on a reality tv show in season two, but it's not Lust Conquers All. It's one of those shows where the people get real, legally married, only Jamie's agent is shit and Jamie did not understand that going in
But then he got put on the spot on the show and he'd already made it that far so it fell like he had to say yes and now he's. Married. For real
And everything he knows about Being Married is.... well nothing, really. He sort of thinks it's maybe like how he would've liked someone to look after his mum, maybe a bit of the stuff that Keeley broke up with him over thrown into the mix of 'what not to do'
Meanwhile the person he married, they're in it for the lifestyle and the fame and the partying. They're of the opposite mindset as Keeley's 'If Jamie found out the press was snooping into our personal life, he would hate that.' This person thrives on it.
And Jamie does hate it
So he comes back to the team in season two and he still has all of the same drama with the team, except now he’s also married and a complete footballer stereotype
Ted is. Well, for lack of a better word, he’s disappointed in him. (Everyone looks so disappointed in him- Ted, Beard, Keeley, Rebecca, even Sam.) Honestly what were you thinking, making such a big commitment on a whim? I get that it might not be what you wanted, but you did do it, and you have a responsibility your partner to make it work.
Meanwhile Roy is all, “Hide all your valuables unless you want your favourite watch to go missing.”
At home things just deteriorate, because he's with someone who puts on a good face for being kind and considerate but who really does not give a fuck about him beyond his brand
His new partner keeps elbowing him in the side when they go to take a selfie for her insta, telling him to 'stop smiling with your teeth, it's gonna make the picture ugly'
'it's not her fault his teeth look like that. if he'd just look at the brochures she got him for the veneers- but no, he never listens to her, does he?'
It would be a thoughtful deconstruction of the pressures Jamie feels to 'be better' and be accountable and do right by people and what happens when the other person does not reciprocate. Something also about the gradual realization from the people around him that something is Not Right about his new relationship
I don't really know where this is going or how to get him out of it, but it definitely turns into him trying to stay at the club later and later because he simply doesn't want to go home anymore
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NRC having the future selves come over and Future Jamil pulled Jamil aside and told him to get Kalim checked by a doctor outside of the family cause he has depression and anxiety.
OKAY, so, I was working on this until Tumblr decided to be a but and eat it while I was in the middle of typing it.
I decided for this lovely piece I am going to try and make it Kalim Harem ship worthy cause it's my ask and my blog so my rules. I also am going to do a little different in writing so if you were purely expecting just headcanons I apologize boo
WARNING: This Fic will touch on Depression, Anxiety, Emotional and Mental Abuse of a Child of legal minor under 20! It will also be very shippy and might have suggestive dialog so if you can't handle these warnings or the ship than please calmly click off and don't comment on my post about you not supporting the ship
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Night Raven Collage Mirror Chamber - Day
The Mirror Chamber was buzzing in eager joy as students talk among themselves in many floods of seven known colors behind their seven dorm leaders to guide them ahead to listen to their Headmaster, a Sir Dire Crowley in all his glitter covered feathers and glory, who stands in front of hall and clears his through before speaking out in a might voice, "Today is a day you have all been waiting for, the day many of dorm heads and students have witnessed and treasured the memories from this forth beyond, the day you all will have the answers of your biggest questions; Who will I be in the future after Night Raven Collage?" As the bird man speaks for everyone to hear, a pair of ruby reds glance across the room, a smile on a cute youthful face of sunshine warmth as those eyes clash with many colors and shades of the rainbow across the room of faces that make his eager heart flutter. Kalim, the dorm head of Scarabia and heir to many riches and titles from the Asim Family once he graduates, was like everyone else in the room who are eager and excited for the joys of meeting his future self. Thoughts race his head, Will I look different? I wonder what Jamil will do? I wondering if Azul opened a restaurant of his own. I bet Leona had some kids, he's real good with kids! Then, a sticky thought crept in the back of his head-
You know they might not want you in the future...
Kalim's eyes, once bright and shining now dimmed, slowly look down to the floor as he feels many sharp nails dig into his skin with allowance as the voice croaks more, You're annoying, you're slow, you're loud, you don't understand the struggles they all go through... They're better off not dealing with you in the future... The young heir tried to shake the voice away as the voices of his father and step-mother rang with the claws digging into him, the voices of his father and step-mother after he first brought up these... thoughts of always weighing down his mood and how he feels no one would care if he...was gone...The voices of his father and step-mother telling he's "over reaching" and "Everyone feels sad Kalim, your sadness doesn't make it different" and "it's those people from Night Raven putting twisted ideas in your head, aren't they? You should break from them, we can be the family you need"
Then, a gentle hand cupping his breaks him out of the thoughts and pains. He glance down and sees Jamil's hand before looking into Jamil's soft worry cole-colored eyes.
Jamil, Scarabia's vice-dorm leader and servant boy of the Asim family and Kalim's closest companion he has, squeezes his hand softly as his eyes show he's waiting for his answer. Kalim smiles and squeezes back, his voice low to not dare interrupt their head master in his speech, "I'm fine. Just thinking on how cool this is." Jamil smiles fondly in response before the two looked up and clued back into the speech, "Now as you all know you have free reign of questions to ask your future selves, however you must be held limits of these questions I'm afraid. No questions of who you get married if you get married, no questions of your future children if you have any, and no questions of what is happening in their year as these questions might alter not only your futures but the futures of others. Now if that's settled, all seven dorm heads please step forth."
Kalim smiles as he steps forward, along side him are the foot steps of the other dorm leaders from the beautiful rose red hair to the yellow waist coat of opposite build, from wonderful ocean blue eyes behind glasses mixing with the desert browns and reds he himself wear, from the elegant stance of violet in confidence to the slightly slouched mess of fiery blue hair that whisp and curls slightly in emotion, all the way to the beautiful greens and blacks that wrap perfectly with a man holding his head high. All seven stand near each other in the same platform as their silly head master and the great mirror that floats before them all. Crowley slowly pours out a vile of glittering white into the mirror's small fountain pool of green and watches as it bubbles as his voice speaks, "Great Dark Mirror, come forth those who's souls shall be summoned, 10 years pass today, for the next 48 hours let them roam here."
The room fell silent as they all watched closely as the mirror started to shine brighter, growing brighter as the mirror's fountain bubbled and floated around the rim in frozen dew drops. In response of the scene Leona reached and grabs hold of Riddle's hand in a sudden grip, the sudden physicals affection didn't go unnoticed by the other dorm leaders of course judging by their eyes and Azul's small sly smile of tease. The mirror shined brighter then what it was before, causing many gasps and eyes covered or blocking the light, the scents of many things trapping the air as the noses of those involved get consumed by the scents,
Finally, after what felt like forever, the light dimmed greatly as foot steps echo the hall. Eyes slowly opened and looked after the blurry effects ward off, small gasps and whispers echoing off the crowd behind as they couldn't help but stare at these seven men standing in front of them almost in perfect unison. The red hair, The ears and tail, The glasses, The eyes, The hair made of fire, The face and beauty, The horns-
There stands perfect fine and still with same looks of awe are this year's seven dorm leaders 10 years older and wiser across from them seven dorm leaders now...
It started a few weeks prior, with the dorm leaders and their vice dorm heads in a meeting as usual with their school's head master, a Sir Dire Crowley, who told them of the tradition the previous decade of school students and staff did; The Two Days The Students' Future Selves Will Spend With Them
It was a crazy thing to hear but it seem to have happened before so who are they to question it?
They were all given papers to pass around their dorms so their dorm mates and classmates had time to prepare for the big day
Everyone soon met their older selves after the dorm leaders met theirs's
Everyone's surprised on Older Ortho's heigh and deeper voice
People are staring in complete awe on how more beautiful Vil, Azul, Kalim, Jamil, and Diasmonia got after ten years
Idia and the rest of his dorm were taken aback with Future Idia's better speaking skills and confidence and the brief mention of his business he owns and runs
Epel was proud to see he got taller and has muscles finally-
Riddle was pleased to see how well he grew after all this time
The first day was each dorm taking their future selves to the dorm and let them enjoy memory lane and nostalgia of their youths
That was fun as some realize nothing truly change while some notice there's some differences on the group and now
Future Idia and now Idia did a dorm wide gaming contest
Future Ortho and present day Ortho talk about video games and Future Ortho mentions Ortho might be married to someone lovely and that he has many nieces and nephews from his brother and his marriage
Riddle fed the hedgehogs with his future self
Jamil gets informed he's now married with some little ones and saw the world
Kalim and his future self are having a good time throwing a party
Leona was surprised to hear he has kids in the future
Ruggie's future self mentioned he takes mountains climbing missions which confuses him
Jack is glad to hear he has a bigger family in the future
It took a lot of Octavinelle to beg for information of "WHO MARRIED ME/US?!"
Vil and Rook enjoyed seeing not much has changed since now as they hear and watch the older versions of the two still call each other nicknames and enjoy their company
Diasmonia were so impressed with the older guests, shock even to find out Future!Lilia cooks now!
Second day the future selves would spend the entire school day with their youthful selves with some fun activities the teachers have set up for them
Many were shocked to find future Azul, Idia, Epel, and Riddle are great at physical education in spite of the present versions barely passing minus changing clothes or not as great levels as these men.
When asked how/why, they only answer this, "That's the best part of having a active and patient partner" which makes everyone wonder more who the Hell did they marry
As the day drew closer to a close, Future Jamil pulls Jamil aside and-
"You need to take Kalim to the doctors." "Wha-Why? I-Is Kalim sick-" "He isn't sick, he just...he has something going on. You have to bring him to the doctor and get him diagnose fast. Take him to someone far away from his family, that includes the doctor you both have been seeing since childhood!"
Working fast, Jamil finds Kalim and drags him to the nurse's office
The others followed after they saw the worry expression of their usually calm Jamil's eyes
After a while the nurse let Kalim go with a pill bottle and a slip of paper
"What is happened Kalim?" Ace asked worried. Kalim doesn't look up at any of them, swallowing a harsh lump of salt before he slowly does look up with trembling hands, tears threatening to burst from the seems, "S-Sometimes...I...I get sad... Like...you are all better off without me...holding anyone back...B-but it's fine, B-Baba said this'll go away soon and-" He was silence as Jamil's arms wrap around in a tight grip, like a snake holding a mouse close but not in a way to cause harm. As soon as the hug started and those ruby eyes sees the sadden and worry expression of the others those rubies crack and tears poured out as Kalim's shoulder shake and his mouth trembles out soft sobs
After he calms down the 21 students walked back to Scarabia where they cuddled, ate, and drank while talking about their two days back and forth, some (Azul and Riddle) making theories of what could be happening in the future until Deuce, who's snuggling against a drossy Silver, said, "Well there's one way to find out I guess, we have to just go with the flow of life..."
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swiftfootedachilles · 6 months
hiiii achilles!!!!!!! how are you today? i miss your gallavich hot takes so do you have something in mind? have a good day 🌷
well apparently my big gallavich hot take is them having a jewish wedding 😭
okay. hmmm, actual unpopular hot takes? i gotchu
i want more intersex headcanons (that are well-researched and not fetishizing intersex people!). i want more t4t mlm gallavich. and i DEFINITELY want more t4t trans!mickey nonbinary!ian gallavich. because amab people are just as transgender as anyone else even if they dont take hormones or drastically change their appearance or change their name. nonbinary people arent women lite and men lite, theyre nonbinary. and i think nonbinary!ian is so slay
ian does not enjoy bottoming. even when he consented to doing it with trevor, he didnt actually like it. he simply tolerated it
when staying with the gallaghers, ian and mickey are very brazen about their sex life and dont try to stay quiet or even close their door sometimes, BUT they wont fuck in common areas like the kitchen and living room unless it was on the couch and they were 1000% sure there was NO chance of any of the kids walking in on them. they wouldnt traumatize liam or franny like that (stfu s5 doesnt count bc they knew liam was too young to have memories yet 😭 (speaking of, why does nobody ever talk about the fact that liam was 2 years old for like 3 whole years 😭😭))
their "security" business as it is in the finale isnt very sustainable. it literally started as money laundering, and ian didnt know. i think he eventually finds out by accident thru kev or vee what mickeys original "security business" plan was, and he gets super pissed. but i think they could very easily turn it into a legal business. we see them starting to do that, by working with real dispensaries instead of the shady illegal one kev and vee have in the bar. nevertheless, id like to read more future fics where they grow or adapt the business, and even move on to a new business altogether! theyre not exactly the career-having type. i think change over time actually helps stabilize them
THEY NEED TO PAINT THAT FUCKING AMBULANCE. ITS STOLEN. WHY DONT THEY EVER PAINT IT ALL BLACK OR SOMETHING?? WHERE DID THEY GET THE NEW PLATES. DID THEY EVEN CHANGE THE PLATES?? the s4 writers would never let a scam have so many plot holes 😔 they wouldve SHOWED us mickey and his brothers getting new plates for the truck
ian gets a tattoo for mickey. youre telling me that after the surprise anniversary party, you think ian WOULDNT get mickey somehow immortalized on his body? WRONG. he definitely does. i dont think its his name over his heart. maybe something small on his wrist? or M on his ring finger💜 thats a fav headcanon of mine
they dont start a family until close to 40. the longer theyre married, the more they realize they have to catch up on. learning to live together long-term, paying off debts and bills, moving, vacations, reconnecting with old friends and family, being there for liam where theu couldnt for their other siblings when they were liam's age, watching their nieces and nephews often to gain more caretaking and parenting skills, medical issues, family emergencies. theres just a lot that takes up their time, and they become very comfortable being two before they ever try to become three
they nonseriously say shit like "i want a divorce" but they NEVER mean it. even when one says it as a joke or like in s11e3, the other will ask "did you really mean that? do you really want a divorce? do you think we'll ever get one?" and they end up having a rare super serious heart-to-heart about it. about what they think the future might hold - or at least, what they want it to hold. the longer they are with each other the more stable their relationship becomes. bickering is less common, big fights are less explosive and violent, and they learn to become comfortable with silence
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linnetagain · 1 month
I have. Had a realization.
In-fic, it is Feb/March-ish of 2024. Gale is currently 29, Astarion is about to be 27. Hestia is seven-ish, and the baby was born when Gale was 21ish? Yes?
IRL, it is August 2024. I am currently 29. My sister is 27.
I am losing my mind.
I was a junior during the 2012 Olympics. Originally Astarion said that he was 14 when he skated to Golden, but that was when he thought his birthday was Jan 1, and skating season is usually finished by March, yeah??? So he would have be 13, little baby EIGHTH grader, teeny tiny child? Protect him????
And the Sebastian incident, he said he was 16, so that would have been some time in 2014, I’d only just graduated and was pretending to be A Real Adult, my sister was a tenth grader reading Julius Caesar and all that shiz, we were binge watching episodes of Pokémon on my chunky laptop like they were a line of crushed smarties on a coffee table and we had no nerve endings left in our sinuses.
Gale was 15 when he met Mystra, frickin 2010 or some shiz, I was still deeply uninterested in men as a concept at that point I’m ace but that’s beside the point so’s he, what were you thinking lady, I have a different sister who’s 8 years younger than me, when I was 22 the humans her size may as well have been INFANTS, who goes shopping for college boyfriends among incoming high school freshmen, you’re NASTY
Married at 19, okay maybe not so weird generally, that’s what my mom did, she’s fine, to each their own, but like that’s when I was heading into my first proper burnout, I was not a PERSON, absolute brick made of oatmeal, also I was still a TINY BABY, that was heckin ten years ago, heckin 2014, Astarion “falls” and Gale’s heckin legally bound to his heckin manager frick 2014 seriously who authorized this
Hestia would have been born some time in 2017, if she’s already 7 when the fic started in fall 2023, some time in March–September since we haven’t seen her birthday on screen yet, so absolute earliest she could have been conceived would have been like, June 2016, so Gale would have gotten the ultimatum in probably July or August, chest injury probably happened earlier that year, maybe March–Juneish if he spent a year retraining his voice and lungs and it overlapped with paternal leave post-Hessie, and Astarion asked “was that the year that—?” so his first baby probably died like, maybe mid-2015? That’s right when I got my heckin puppy. Gale’s son should be as old as my puppy dog. Jeez, Astarion escapes to law school right as Gale gets Metaphorically Orbed. Congrats Gale, you’re 20 and having the Worst Year Ever
Also, shoutout to Astarion for finishing law school in 3 years? Class of 2018? That seems so fast with like pre-law and stuff but I don’t know how the UK does it, also he’s a smart boy, GO, be FREE my son (sort of not really psych jk)
But also ugh living in a two-bed studio apartment for at least five years assuming they lived in student housing before that? How is your mind still intact
But just. Hessie. Born 2017. The year I started going into my SECOND major episode of burnout. Heck, do I know any seven year olds??? How old are my little cousins?? Heck, it would the ones who didn’t live very close, how big is a seven year old?????? My close friends have a six year old, but she’s usually doing her own thing when I hang out with them so I usually visualize her as so much smaller, I think I might be literally incapable of comprehending having spawned a tiny growing human and having them in close proximity to myself since 2017
Congrats, you’ve broken me
Yeah don't be fooled by Gale talking about how old he feels, they're both SO young and so much of the shit that they've gone through happened to them when they were literally children. Astarion was thirteen when he won gold, Gale was fifteen when he met Mystra. It's one of the reasons why that brief mention of Romeo and Juliet is so loaded, because Astarion is looking back and remembering how it felt like his whole world was defined by this one thing when he was that age, and how much has changed since then. How much more he's had the chance to be, and how he was so close to losing the chance at that. Also one of the reasons why it's so easy to write him being protective of Hestia. He can see Gale trying to give her a better childhood than either of them had and he's absolutely going to try and help.
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karmas-chameleon · 1 month
I wondered just how many random headcanons and bits of backstory I've created for Manfred and the von Karmas in general while I've been writing, so here's a complete list (now with citations from the chapter/fic where the headcanon is mentioned!)
It's a bit long lol
Manfred's father was incredibly strict (and possibly abusive), while his mother was much kinder to him. Unfortunately, she died when he was only five years old and he was left with only his father to raise him. [1]
His mother inspired his finger wagging, as well as a love for sharing sweets with family. She would occasionally sneak him dessert against his father's wishes, the last of which was a parfait (and is now his favorite dessert). She was also the one to allow him to use his left hand instead of being forced to use his right. [1]
Manfred contracted polio when he was seven, and it weakened his legs so much that he would use a cane for the rest of his life. His father gave him his first cane on his tenth birthday, and it doubled as a sword. All the canes he'd purchase for himself later on would also be sword canes. He knows that carrying around a concealed weapon like that is illegal where he lives, and no, he does not care. [2]
Manfred's childhood home had fireflies in the summer, and at one point he dreamed of capturing them and using them as a light to run away. [3]
His father arranged a marriage for him, and Manfred was married nearly as soon as he could. He was never in love with the wife chosen for him, and she didn't particularly care for him either. In 2001 (after Franziska turned one year old, but before DL-6), Manfred found out that she had been cheating on him and divorced her, making sure that she wouldn't get anything from him. [4]
He has two daughters, one older than Franziska.
His older daughter's first word was 'mama', which she said while he was at work. After this, he started referring to himself as his daughters' Papa instead of Dada, hoping that it would be easier to say and would be Franziska's first word. He's definitely not salty about not being his older daughter's first word, nope, not at all /s [5]
Manfred swears that Franziska's first word was 'guilty'. Her mother claims she was just babbling. [5]
Franziska started to come with Manfred to work from a very young age, from the office to the courtroom. The one place he wouldn't take her when she was young was a crime scene, and he'd often leave her in the care of Damon Gant (or possibly Blaise Debeste) when he was busy with that. [6]
Manfred would create fake murder cases for Franziska to solve as a child, involving various plushies and toys of hers. He'd craft his own crime scene and fake courtroom / pillow fort for the two of them to play pretend with. They'd also practice singing to celebrate afterwards. [7]
Franziska is autistic, and has a particular sensitivity to things touching her hands. The gloves she wears help her to avoid uncomfortable sensations. [5]
Manfred loves sharing dessert with his daughters, though he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth otherwise. [1]
Manfred never told either of his daughters that Father's Day exists, not wanting them to feel obligated to do anything for him for some arbitrary day of the year (he wouldn't have wanted to do that for his own father, after all). [6]
Franziska was a huge fan of My Little Pony as a child, and would watch it with Manfred. She also has an actual, real horse she rides. [8]
The karaoke bar that Manfred and Franziska go to after real trial victories absolutely adores the both of them. Manfred helped the owner of the bar avoid some legal trouble, and they're also some of the best singers the bar gets. Manfred's usual drink is brandy with a bit of honey, and Franziska's is a piña colada without alcohol (even when she's old enough to drink). [9]
Manfred keeps his daughters' bedrooms in just the same condition they were when they left home, making sure they're clean and dusted both so his kids can come home whenever they want and as a reminder of them for himself. He also keeps plenty of photos and things around the house, especially in his room. [10]
Detective Gumshoe once offered to throw confetti for the prosecution's victories as well as the defense's, but Manfred told him such a thing was ridiculous and made a mockery of justice. The poor detective never tried celebrating a guilty verdict that way since. [11]
Manfred likes tea, and is a huge snob about it. He refuses to drink any sort of coffee, and brings his own tea to work as the sort the office provides isn't good enough to meet his standards. And he still prefers making tea at home with his own teapot over that. [12]
Manfred plays the violin, and he taught his daughters to as well. [13]
Manfred tried to learn as much about the LGBTQIA+ community as he could when Franziska came out to him as lesbian, but apparently he didn't learn enough to realize that he's asexual. He spent nearly all of his life thinking that basically everyone but him is weirdly preoccupied with sex, probably because they're just not as professional as he is. [14]
He snores. Not incredibly loudly, but enough to be annoying. [8]
He's awful at remembering the faces of defense attorneys specifically, often failing to recognize them if he ever happens to run into them outside of his job. [15]
His son in law (his older daughter's husband) is terrified of him. Manfred likes the guy enough to let him marry his daughter, but he's still very protective of her, and may have made some threats that if the man ever hurts her, something very bad will happen to him. [16]
Manfred's granddaughter is named Frida, after her grandpa. She hasn't expressed any interest in becoming a prosecutor (yet), but the moment Manfred hears such a thing, he's flying her to California and starting her training. [16]
(I'm pretty sure I've written about nearly all of these in some fic or another, but here's one I've never shared as a bonus for making it to the end 😅) There is at least one person who knows about Manfred's involvement in DL-6, and that's his chauffeur. Rainer Schein (as I've named this OC), the quietest member of his staff who's served him the longest, drove him home with a bleeding bullet wound and helped to take care of things. He informed others about the 'vacation' Manfred took to recover, and never said a word about what he knows. He made sure that even Manfred's daughters wouldn't know a thing, and it's highly likely that he's aware of what Manfred did and is still completely loyal to him.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
i loved the recent oneshot ! the way you did the outro at the first as an intro was quite nice and the oneshot was very nice overall ! reader's character is something I liked she's a badass powerful woman who's a good mother,it's so nice to see. This is more of a request which isn't that you're obliged to do it ( since mainly I wanted to tell u abt my ratings of this fic which is btw 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ) but i'd like to know about reader's life and basically reader n satoru when their marriage was arranged till they got married and maybe married life before kids 🤭.
Have a good day 🌟
I don't love him but I want to be with him 2
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"I said fuck off..." you growled at your father who was standing in front of you.
"You can't just do that. (y/n), it will be perfect for our family if you marry someone from Gojo!" he shouted as he took a step towards you.
"You're supposed to be fucking normal... not mafia ties. Not that I care..."
"We'll be richer and safer if you do! In return, they only want half of our company."
You didn't want to agree. Why would you marry someone you don't know just for money?
Your family has run a company for generations that deals with finance, and foreign sales and purchases. It's been good for so many years, and now your father wants to shine in front of the mafia...
Well, for Him, terms about money are good. He would like to be the richest. And when some mafia tells him that for their influence in the company they offer higher wages and security, he can't just say no.
You knew what this would mean for the company.
Some of the goods that the company will buy are something like weapons or drugs. Or other even more expensive things. Every other mafia buys different things.
You don't want to get mixed up in some stuff that's illegal.
There's still a chance you'll end up in prison for life.
You don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison. Especially since you're 21, and you can't see sitting there forty...
You don't want to marry some old mob boss just so your father gets the benefit.
"Too late for you, (y/n). I have decided that you will marry the head of the Gojo family. Tomorrow they will come to sign the contract and then you will be legally married."
You hated your father...
You wanted him to regret it so badly.
Sitting in a dress on an armchair, you just looked at the tall white-haired man in front of you.
Plus for you, he wasn't old though.
And you didn't know that someone around your age would be the boss of such a powerful mafia.
One thing you know for sure...
You will never consider him your real husband.
You'd rather fall in love with someone else and cheat on them than spend your whole life with someone you don't love.
You won't love him, you won't like this new life.
But what is it?
Why was he so nice even in the first days of your marriage?
Why did he act like... As if he cared about something.
Your husband's name is Satoru...
You found out about it at the wedding when his full name was said.
You've never met him before. You've never even seen a man like him before.
He is just... He looks different than you might expect.
He is very different from the others.
And also his "family" is different.
His family is his friends, and people who respect him.
You've never seen anyone like him.
The people who were with him were completely different from him. But they all had one thing in common. They belong to his mafia.
Well, he... He was definitely different.
He didn't blow it off like you thought he would.
You even found out that your marriage was arranged by elders who used to be someone important in the Gojo family mafia.
Without his knowledge.
He too had no choice. He agreed for the sake of his "family".
Affiliation with a large company like your father's is safer than constantly playing with risks.
In this way, they can do their job without risking their lives so much.
You both had no choice.
That's why you were in this time.
He who gives his last name to a woman he doesn't even know is forced to associate with her as her husband.
You who are forced to take the Gojo name and live with a man you've never met and know you want to be with him.
You don't want to have more with him than you have. You just have to have papers that you are married. Nothing more.
No one is forcing you to be in a closer relationship.
You can have your own lives. May you only be married for the sake of your families.
And if you had to choose which side you'd be on, it'd be the Gojo family.
Their family is quite different from yours. Even though they work together, they treat each other as friends. Like a real family that is close to each other.
They protect each other and lead a happy life.
Unlike your family where everyone only cares about their own ass.
Especially your younger brother who is constantly planning with your father how he is going to take over the entire company.
When they finally got rid of you and married you to a mafia man, they were happy.
They earned even more than they could earn.
You didn't expect it, but you were welcomed into the Gojo family with open arms. They accepted you very quickly. Most of them were your friends. Your husband too. He was only one year older than you.
And there were several connections between you. You both hated your parents, your elders, and the other people who rule you. You both didn't like the fact that you were forced to be married.
Besides, you liked the way he acted. He was funny and sometimes cute.
Completely different from what you'd expect from the boss of such a powerful mafia.
Something happened that you promised yourself would never happen.
You started to like him...
You enjoyed living with him.
You couldn't fall in love with him.
But you sure felt better with him around.
He was like your very close friend. Or like a lover.
It started small, but you started living together, and it just got better.
Getting better and better. Like it was never meant to be.
Well he left the life he had.
He spent most of his time at home.
You weren't in love, but you got along well.
Your life was coming. Until finally you had sex without any restrictions.
You felt like he was your sex lover. But at least you didn't betray him once.
You think it would be stupid to have a marriage where you're supposed to be together but you both cheat on each other.
So you thought that since he can fill all your needs, there's no point in looking for someone else.
All needs except love.
However, he started kissing and hugging you. He spoke sweet words to you. Even if he knew you didn't love him. Was he starting to fall in love with you?
You couldn't believe what you heard from Shoko and Utahime... A man who has been a playboy since he was old enough, but he isn't anymore.
Ever since he was 16, he's had different girlfriends all the time. Ever since he was an adult, he'd flipped women between those he'd already fucked and those he hadn't yet. Mafia playboy.
That's why when you saw him when he was at home all the time, you were surprised that he didn't go out with any woman to have fun.
Even worse, when you accidentally caught him masturbating, it was even more surprising.
He was always using someone else for his pleasure whenever he felt like it. And now he was the one trying to do something with himself. You could help him this time...
"I don't want to be that kind of man anymore, no matter where he goes, goes on a date and then wakes up alone in bed the next day anyway." he told you one day. "Is it possible that I'm starting to fall in love with my wife?"
Maybe he was starting to love you, you like him.
You have to admit that living with all of them is nice for you.
You are so happy. From your comfortable and pleasant life.
You want to stay with him. You want to stay where you are. You want to remain his wife. You want to live as you do now. Happily.
Maybe you can start a family with him? To make sure your happiness in the Gojo family lasts longer.
Maybe you can give him a baby to at least ensure you don't lose that happiness?
You always regretted and hated that you had to get married.
And now...
You feel happy after the year you've been with him.
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