#if you poke around there are some people trying to get all the information they can on the scions
countcvnt · 7 months
Chapter One: Scrambled
Summary: Your memory is hazy, almost nonexistent, after being plucked out of a safe house and experimented on for months. When you're finally rescued you don't remember the people closest to you. Warnings: Canon Typical Violence (not much else this chapter), me using an english to scottish translator, not beta read Word Count: 3.3k A/N: Had this silly idea and turned it into a serious/angsty fic. I hope you all will like it as much as I do! Also, Reader has a call sign! It's Ace. If you prefer, you can read it here on AO3
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Your eyes are heavy, your body burns, and you can't stop shaking. You aren't even sure of where you are. Your eyes are trained ahead of you, looking at what you assume is a two way mirror. A scientist is standing to the side of you messing with some needles and medicines. Your half lidded eyes cut towards him and you see a thick blue substance in a syringe.
“What's that?” You croak, voice hoarse.
“Hm?” The scientist doesn't even look at you, “curious now, are we?” He asks, pulling the syringe up and turning to you. He doesn't answer your question though, not in a way you would like. “We are about to figure out what this is.”
‘We’. Your stomach flips. He didn't even seem to know what it was. You accept your fate. You have from the very beginning. You don't know how long you've been part of this ‘program’, and to you, it didn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters is trying to get out alive. No one seemed to be coming for you. No one has in all of the days you've been hidden away. You didn't expect anyone to save you now. So, you had decided to save yourself. Figuring out how to do that was becoming difficult though.
You know that behind that two way mirror are a bunch of guards. You know they're heavily armed. You know, no matter what they have juiced you up with, you aren't beating a bunch of armed men. So, you sit idly. Letting them poke and prod and decide you are going to wait until the perfect opportunity shows itself. You just have to hold on until it does.
A loud alarm suddenly rings throughout the building and you cover your ears, flinching. The scientist seems more agitated than anything. He doesn't seem as bothered as you are, by any means.
“Guards!” He calls out, looking towards the large mirror. “Guards?” He questions.
He puts a finger up at you, asking for you to wait a minute. As if you have any other choice. A loud bang comes from outside the room and chills run up your spine. The guard walks towards the door and he peeks out. He quickly shuts and locks the door before returning back to you. He scurries over towards the metal stand beside your seat. He grabs the syringe and picks it up.
Something clicks in you. The alarms are still blaring and the guards seem to be gone to check it out. You watch as the syringe comes towards you, headed right for your neck. You move faster than you're used to, and grab the man’s hand and push him back. A lot harder than you had meant to. He slides back and hits the wall. The syringe does not leave his hand.
You rush towards the door. You wiggle the door knob and try to rip the door open. It doesn't budge. You turn your head back and see the scientist steadying himself. Fear kicks in.
“Help!” You scream, slamming your fists into the door. “Please, help me!”
“That was really stupid,” the man behind you says. “No one can hear you, no one is coming to save you. They haven't yet, have they?”
Tears prick your eyes. You turn back around and your back hits the door.
“Y'know, I'm going to be honest.” He stalks towards you. “I know they picked you because you're so… compliant. But really? I think that big guy with the mask would have been a better choice.”
That stings. “Who?”
“Which one?”
“You know I can't give out classified information. But if this works, I promise, you'll know everything. As for the other guy? I'm surprised you don't know who I'm talking about. But honestly, after all the brain scrambling you've had done to you, I understand how you don't remember him…”
You lose it. Something in you snaps. You lunge forward and grab the man. The both of you tussle briefly. Until you get him pinned. Your body slams into his and you hold him down. You raise your fist and bring it down, slamming it into his jaw. Screams, pleas fall from his lips. He's begging for you to quit. But you don't. You, at that moment, decide you are going to do that to every single person who has harmed you, who caused this.
The door behind you blows open, but you don't falter. Your fists continue to slam into the scientist’s face. Until you hear someone with a Scottish accent say your name. You freeze. You turn to find a man in the doorway, his eyes wide. You furrow your brows when he whispers your name again. You move to get up, without thinking about the man below you. You don't realize he's moving. His hand comes up and the needle is pressed into your neck. Whatever the liquid was is quickly administered into your bloodstream.
You hear your name again, louder this time, but you fall to the side, eyes too heavy to hold open. Your head slams into the now bloodied white tile and you're out.
So much for escaping. _____________________________________ You wake up to beeping. A sound you had grown accustomed to recently. You feel monitors hooked up to you, and an IV in your arm. You twitch ever so slightly, every muscle in your body contracting. And then it hits.
Your eyes snap open. Your legs swing over the side of the bed. You rip every single monitor off of you, the IV flying across the room. The monitor begins to beep loudly and as you rush towards the door, exiting the isolated room, an alarm blares. You flinch momentarily, but do not let the sound stop you. You are looking for someone, anyone to give you a hint of what's going on. Nothing around you looks familiar. But from all the ‘brain scrambling’, that's normal. You're used to not knowing as much as you figure you used to.
A man in a bucket hat turns the corner, rushing towards what can only assume is you. You let out a low growl and begin to sprint. Your body slams into his and the both of you are sent sliding across the floor. You grab his vest and lower yourself to him, all of your weight holding him down. “Where the fuck am I?”
He's looking at you with confused eyes. He doesn't make any sudden movements. He immediately presents himself as a friend, not a threat. You squint and then see someone else coming around the corner.
“Price! Oh my-” the young man freezes. He says your name and your world is instantly rocked.
You haven't heard your name in god knows how long. The Scottish man had called out for you earlier, but before that? You really can't think of a time when someone had called you something other than some experiment number. “Who are you?” You hiss.
You feel the man under you tense up. He swallows hard and he says your name this time, slow and soft. He isn't showing any signs of wanting to throw you across the room or knock the shit out of you. You take it he isn't a threat and shift.
“You don't remember me?” The man in the ball cap asks, brows furrowed. “You don't remember us?”
Your heart jumps into your throat. You push yourself off of the man below you and you stand up. You brush yourself off and watch as he stands up. He radios someone to cut off the alarm and it's promptly stopped. You are thankful for that. You stand in the hall awkwardly and watch him and the other, younger man talk to each other with facial expressions.
“You're probably hungry,” the man in the bucket hat turns towards you, “how about we go get you some food?”
You aren't stupid, you know that also entails speaking with them about everything you just went through. Despite not wanting to talk, you nod. You are hungry and haven't had an actual meal in possibly months. The man reaches out to touch your lower back, to lead you to wherever he wants to go. You flinch away from him, everything in you tensing. You can tell it's a reflex. A habit. He's used to doing that. Your eyes scan him and you're searching your brain for everything, anything about him. But there's nothing.
“Sorry.” Is all he says. He leaves it at that. “Gaz,” he looks away from you and towards the other man. “Please go grab some food and meet us back at room 2B.”
“Yes, sir.”
The tension is palpable. You want to run. Fast. You can. You know you can. But something is keeping you tethered there. You follow a couple feet behind the man who had yet to introduce himself and keep thinking about ‘Gaz’. Your mind is reeling. You keep thinking about his name, his face, everything. You close your eyes tight and inhale sharply.
“Kyle.” It's all you say. It stops you dead in your tracks. Your eyes open and your breathing is heavy. “His name is Kyle.” Your breathing is suddenly ragged. You can't catch your breath and feel like everything is crumbling in on you. You fall to your knees and try to keep yourself from wailing. “I don't even know your name!” You whisper to keep yourself from sobbing. Your voice cracks.
“Price. John Price.” He drops in front of you. He reaches for your bicep. You don't flinch away this time. “Hey,” his voice is low, “look at me.” Your eyes cut up to him. “We're gonna help you through this. I promise.” You nod. You want to trust him. You need to. You feel like you can. You inhale slowly and Price helps you up. “We're going to go to room 2B, you're going to eat some breakfast, and we're going to ask you some questions.”
You nod and start following Price again. You make it to the room in silence and Price opens the door for you. You walk in and find four beige walls, a table, and four chairs. Nothing else. Until you look in the corner of the room and find a little camera. You lock onto it and squint.
“Why?” You point at it.
“Oh,” Price walks in and closes the door behind him, “it’s protocol. Security and all.”
“Fair enough.” You sit down at the table and look at the Price. “You gonna sit?”
Price holds onto his vest and leans against the table. “Not yet.”
You shrug. “Suit yourself.” Your stomach growls. You touch it through the thin white shirt you're wearing. “You think Gaz will be here soon?”
With that, a knock comes from the other side of the door. Two knocks, a pause, and another knock. Price opens the door and Gaz walks in. He has a tray filled with food and you are growing antsy. He sits across from you and slides the tray towards you. You try to not immediately dig in, but you can't help it. You grab a glazed donut first and begin to devour it.
“Oh,” you pause your munching, “thank you, Kyle.”
Gaz freezes. His eyes widen and he turns towards Price. It's your turn to freeze. You look up at him mid bite and blink. Gaz motions towards you and asks, “Did you tell her my name.”
“No.” Price shakes his head.
“You remembered?” Gaz seems ecstatic. “What else do you-”
“Nothing.” You snap. “I don't remember a damn thing.” You huff as you move onto the muffin on the tray. You unwrap it and begin to devour the sweet. “All I know,” You speak through bites, “is that I was locked up for God knows how long and they were experimenting on me-”
“Four months.” Gaz speaks quietly.
“Huh?” You question him. “How do you know?”
“We looked for you when you disappeared. It was four months ago when they got you. You really don’t remember anything?”
“Like I said,” You huff, “I just know they were juicing me up.” Before they can question you further, a light bulb goes off in your head. “Wait.” You squint at them, “The Scottish one. Where is he?”
They tense up. Gaz talks first, “You remember Soap?”
“Huh?” You cock your head. “Is that his name? He’s the one that found me. I assume he’s here. Or did he not…” You trail off.
“No, he’s here…” Price begins, “…We don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“Oh.” You shrug. “I guess that makes sense. How am I supposed to, uh, assimilate without being overwhelmed. I mean, why don’t we just rip that band aid off?”
“Trust me,” Price locks eyes with you, “we do not need to rip that band aid off right now.”
“Okay, okay,” You put your hands up. “Do you wanna ask your questions now?” _____________________________________ “This cannae be healthy,” Soap looks at Simon.
Simon shrugs, “Don’t care.” He’s watching the cameras closely.
“Thay aren't even in th' room yit! Ye'r peepin' an empty room!” Soap’s eyes move from the screen and back to Simon.
Simon’s eyes cut from the screen and to Soap, “Shut it. Price wants us to stay away from her for now. He didn’t say we couldn’t do this.”
As he says that, the door of the room opens. Price is visible first. And then, another figure walks in. You. Simon and Soap both tense. You look directly at the camera and point, asking why it’s there. You’re so clear. Soap’s heart jumps. Simon shifts.
“She remembers Gaz’s name.” Simon speaks through gritted teeth.
“A'm sure that's a targeted attack against ye, Ghost.” Soap is trying to find humor in this situation. He’s grasping for straws.
Simon is not enjoying it. “Shut the fuck up, Johnny.” Simon growls.
Soap focuses back on the screen and notices you aren’t even sure how long you’ve been gone. As Gaz gently tells you four months, Simon grumbles the amount of time at the same time.
“If Price doesn’t wanna overwhelm her, why the fuck is Gaz in there.” Simon is seething. “Why can’t we all be in there.”
Simon shuts his mouth as you say they had been juicing you up. He tenses. Soap does the same. They both need to know what it means. Simon feels like he’s going to combust. His eyes narrow once you mention Soap. Soap looks like he’s about to jump with joy, until he realizes you don’t actually remember him. Not past him saving you.
“Fuck this,” Simon pushes past Soap. “I'm going in there.”
“Hey! Price said-” Soap starts. He doesn't finish. “Fine-” he rushes out behind Simon. He guesses they're just going to bust into the room and Simon is going to make you remember. He isn't quite sure what Simon has planned really. But he decides he can't sit in the security room and just watch. He needs to see you.
So does Simon. _____________________________________ You reach for a fork for your eggs and lean back in your seat, plate in hand. You relax (as much as possible) and you look at Gaz and Price. You are studying them. Really digging into their features. You want to remember so badly. You have no reason to trust that they used to know you, a part of you is ready to attack in case they are lying. But most of you trusts them. How else would you remember Kyle’s name?
“Listen,” Price inhales sharply, “we want to help you, without overwhelming you. We need to know what you know.”
“Listen,” You mimic his tone, “I don’t know what you aren’t getting. I remember nothing, nada, zilch.”
“Okay,” Gaz interjects, “What’s your last memory?”
You're sent into deep thought. You place your hand on your chin and look off. “Well-” You begin, “I remember-”
The door of the room busts open. You tense, ready to pounce. Your palms hit the table and you stand up straight. The fork clangs against the ground. Two men walk into the room. The one who saved you and-
Words play in your head over and over again. ‘I think the big guy with the mask would have been a better choice.’ For a moment, your world is completely rocked. ‘I’m surprised you don’t know who I'm talking about.’ Your eyes lock with the large beast of a man. His eyes soften. Briefly. You swallow hard.
The entire room is silent. Until you open your mouth. “He wanted you…”
“What?” Soap is the first to question you.
“The scientist, the one doing the experiments on me-” You are tense again “-he didn’t want me.” Your head hurts. You place your hand on your forehead and groan. You are thinking too hard. Remembering too much.
“Hey,” Price motions for you to sit down, “it’s alright.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Ghost,” Price looks over his shoulder, “not right now.”
Ghost stiffens. He doesn’t say anything else. You sit down and inhale slowly. Your eyes move from the floor, past Price, and they hit Ghost. You feel something stir inside you. Like your emotions know more than your brain does. You want to scream. Every single man in that room seems to think so highly of you, and you don’t even remember them.
“I think I need to sleep.” Your voice is a whisper.
You don’t know the last time you got a good rest. You figure sleeping will help you. Price begins to grab for you, before freezing. You lean into him, letting him help you up. Price moves past the men and you tag along beside him.
“I’m going to show you where your room is. If you need anything, please let one of us know. But for now, we’ll leave you alone.” You are led down the hall and towards the barracks. It’s silent between the two of you, until you reach your room. “You have this room to yourself. I had some things rearranged, if it needs to be changed, and you aren’t comfortable alone, let me know.”
You nod at him. “Thank you. For everything. I’ll see you in the morning?”
“0600 sharp.” Price begins to leave.
“Wait,” You stop him. “You don’t happen to have my phone, do you?”
Price turns back to you. “No, that was not recovered. But, we can get you a new one. I’ll work on that while you rest.”
You nod. You head into your room and close the door behind you. You look around. There are two beds. You groan at the fact you can’t remember who used to be your bunk mate. You’re scraping through your brain, really searching for just an inkling of a memory. But… Nothing. Nothing at all comes to your mind.
Nothing about the four men convinced that you know them, anyway.
You lay down in bed and cover up. It’s not the most comfortable bed you’ve ever been in, but it is the most comfortable bed you’ve laid on in the last four months. Your head hits the pillows and you close your eyes. It takes longer than you’d like to go to sleep, but not as long as you expect it to take. You only hope you don’t dream of anything at all. You can’t be that lucky. _________________________________ “Price!” Simon shouts at the captain. His face contorted with anger and pain, and he is more glad than ever that they can’t see him through his balaclava. “What the fuck was that? We need to know-”
“No,” Price stops him immediately. “We do not need to stress her out further. We will figure this out eventually, on her time.” Price reassures his team. “You did not see the look in her eyes, the way she tackled me to the floor-”
“She what…?” Soap tenses.
Simon bristles instantly. He’s seething again. “What do you mean?”
“Ghost,” Gaz starts, “I know you want to know what happened. We all do.” He’s trying to get through to him. “But something is not right. The way she easily took Captain Price down- That wasn’t the Ace we know.”
“Of course!” Simon growls, “She was gone for four months, being poked and prodded-”
“Ghost,” Price interrupts, inhaling sharply, “she pinned me down and I could not get up. They did more than poke and prod at her. They-”
It clicks. “They were making soldiers… Enhanced soldiers.” Simon whispers. His face contorts again, this time with confusion, “Why did they pick her?” He remembers what you said. ‘He wanted you.’ Simon momentarily feels a pit in his stomach. “Ace couldn’t have been the only one… There’s no way they did this experiment on one person.”
“She was the only one at the underground compound.” Soap shifts. “Maybe she was the only success?”
Simon is stuck on why they picked you. It’s not like you weren’t capable. But you were never on the field fighting for your life. You were always on the sidelines, helping them get into the places, helping them get information. How had they spotted you and decided you were the best candidate? He knows that question is going to keep him up at night.
“Come on,” Price brings Simon back to reality. “We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
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night-raven-tattler · 9 months
What's your ideal type?
Summary: What would be the best traits for their potential partner to have?
Characters: Octavinelle dorm (Azul, Jade, Floyd) × GN!Reader (separate, romantic)
Other parts of the series: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia
Warnings: none
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Azul's ideal type would be...
Someone witty. Azul is a smart guy who likes being entertained. While his way of achieving that is less... for lack of better words, aggressive than the tweels', he enjoys a good mental game. If you can carry a good conversation with him, he'll remember you.
Someone who doesn't pressure him into making decisions. He is someone whose independence is very important to him. On top of that, his signature spell literally revolves around choice as a concept, so he understand the importance of it. Someone as stubborn as Azul will keep his distance if anyone tries to influence his free will.
Someone who appreciates music. He's a pianist and a good singer, which are skills that require a lot of practice and hard work, something Azul is known for. He will appreciate any genuine praise, but if you ask him to teach you more about music or, Sevens forbid, you want to duet with him, all of his three hearts are yours.
Someone who doesn't mock him, not even when teasing him. If you really know Azul, you know how bitter he is towards the people who have brought suffering onto him. The words they said are ingrained into his brain, controlling his choices for years after they were spoken to him. I'm not saying to constantly uplift him, but bringing up old wounds will only push Azul away with low chances of getting any closer again.
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Jade's ideal type would be...
Someone whose next move he can't accurately predict. It's kind of easy to catch the attention of any of the tweels, but it's also easy to lose it. The key to keeping Jade's eyes on you is to make him believe he's had you all figured out, then do something unexpected. Being a little unpredictable, even when you think you're outside of Jade's vision, will pique his curiosity.
Someone who plays along his little tricks and schemes. Jade is not an honest person: he always has some ulterior motive, hidden behind carefully worded questions and statements that he uses to poke and prod for information. If you try to help him and his twisted game of detective, he will certainly find you amusing, if not helpful.
Someone who goes exploring with him. Just like his brother, Jade has a fascination for the land above water, and he loves learning things about the fauna and flora. Someone who understands his appreciation for nature and genuinely embraces his curiosity will have a bit more of his appreciation.
Someone who doesn't try to understand him. Jade is very careful not to reveal too much about himself. Being awfully private with himself, he won't open up to just anyone. So he will appreciate someone who doesn't try to pry into his business too much. At the end of the day, Jade can be many things: a bartender, a vice housewarden, an informant, but he'd like to be seen as "just Jade" sometimes.
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Floyd's ideal type would be...
Someone who isn't intimidated by him. It's a surefire way to catch his attention. Even if you just pretend to not be intimidated by him, he'll stick around and try to push all of your buttons, test your limits, squeeze all that he finds interesting out of you.
Someone willing to teach him more about land folks. Everyone knows that Floyd has quite the interest about land folks and their customs. He wants to know more, so don't be afraid to throw random land people things towards him every once in a while. If it's something he didn't know about, he'll tell you to prove it. Congrats, he won't leave your side for a couple of hours.
Someone who doesn't compare him to Jade. Since he's the more polite and responsible one, Floyd gets compared to his brother pretty often, and some people even assume he's the younger twin. It is exhausting to have his other half be given as example on how to behave time and time again. If you reassure him he doesn't have to be like his twin, that being Floyd is just fine, it'll pull at his heartstrings.
Someone who takes his mood swings in stride. From people thinking he is a threat to people who just find him annoying and hard to work with, no one really takes Floyd's mood swings seriously. That doesn't mean he'll open up if you asked him "are you okay" and "what happened". Still, it would be the first time someone outside of his family reacted like that to him. It will baffle him, in a good way.
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eatmekaneki · 9 months
His Obsession
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✖︎Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x fem!reader
✖︎Word count: 4.8k
✖︎Warnings: smut; noncon; dubcon; k!dnapping; Kn!feplay; blo*d; manipulation; yandere themes; izuku is a yandere; all characters are aged 18+
✖︎A/n: I have a prompt list with random themes and characters I spin a wheel for and this prompt landed on Izuku Midoriya and knife play! So here we go!
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Izuku had been on his own a bit too long now. He’d been on a job in your city tracking a trail of criminal activity that had led him straight to you.
Wanted posters with your face plastered on them were hung across the walls of his dark and sad rental studio apartment.
He had maps everywhere with leads and sticky notes. Pins and strings were winding across them all in multicolored webs pointing to spots across the city you’d been linked to.
He knew the danger you posed to him especially.
Your quirk was a mind manipulation type. It made you drive men mad with lust. As far as the hero’s knew, you were able to do this through something like a telekinetic ability but to activate it, your whole body would break out into a blush. That was the only things he’d been told about you, other than that you’ve been using your charms to rob and manipulate people across your large city. No one quite knew the range of your powers, or if someone even looking at you through a screen could be affected.
Cursing under his breath he picked up a photograph of you that one of his informants had been able to get him and looked it over. You might have already been a problem for him even without your power.
He looked around the room at all of the other photos of you he’d gathered over the past couple months. The photos hanging by his bed were zoomed in on different body parts of yours; lips, legs, shoulders, fingers, eyes…one where your plaid yellow skirt had almost blown up in the wind.
He pinned the new photo up on his living room wall and put a new red string across to a second pin to mark on the map of where you were last seen.
You’d been starting to put together a crew of other villains that had quirks that could manipulate people, he needed to move in now before you took your crimes to a more grand scale.
Laying down in his bed he stared at the photos of you so close to him…you were so close to him, and he was so close to finally getting to you.
He imagined every night what it would be like to finally confront you, to finally get his hands on you…
The obsession of catching you had started to transform into an obsession of other sorts, and his hand often found his way underneath his boxers at night staring at photos of you. You were everywhere… everywhere in this city it seemed. Everywhere in his apartment as well, and he needed you everywhere around him.
He’d imagine that with your powers you had to have the sweetest pussy that he’d ever felt. He hated that you were out there using that perfect body to steal from people, making them drool over you with your charms. It wasn’t right. He wanted to, needed to teach you a lesson.
He tucked his favorite knife under his pillow, the metallic red hilt of it poked out slightly from his white pillow.
There were ways to reform a villan. He’d seen it happen. A few of his former classmates had told him how they’d taken some villains underneath them to teach them a lesson. He never thought he’d be one to need to do it; but, for you he’d do anything. You could be good, and you could be his.
You were standing in line at a small bank you’d planned on getting a bit of free cash from. Nothing huge so you didn’t bring any of your crew you’d usually keep around with you. This was just for some pocket change for dinner.
You were scoping out the tellers and trying to figure out how to make sure you got the cute older man with glasses at the first desk. He was pretty fit for his age and you wouldn’t have minded taking him out for a spin after you’d gotten some cash out of him.
You let someone go in front of you when the wrong desk opened up next for you. impatiently you hoped that he’d hurry up with the customer he was with. You wore your favorite low cut shirt and short skirt that you liked to have on when you were on a job. It was plain, no grand villain costume for you, just something cute and flirty. Men were easy, even without your quirk. sometimes all it took was shoving your tits forward in their face and they’d give you exactly what you wanted.
Finally the coast was clear for you to head forward. You put on your best flirtatious grin, and felt a small pink blush forming on your cheeks as you started to activate your quirk. that would guarantee you’d be the most appealing woman this guy had ever laid eyes on. At least for while you had your quirk activated he’d think so. He’d have no choice. Even after you’d linger in his mind from time to time if he stared too long at the blush on your cheeks and the way it almost swirled hypnotically under your skin. That was your plan at least. To take all you can but leave nothing but memories of you for their jerk off library.
You barely took one step forward before you were stopped frozen in your tracks. you felt the back of your shirt lift slightly by rough fingertips and something cold and sharp touched the skin of your lower back.
“Tell them never mind, we forgot something in our car.” A quiet voice growled from behind you.
Your jaw hung open slightly. You weren’t sure what to do but every instinct in you that wasn’t keeping your knees from buckling was telling you to listen to the command.
“N-never mind, sorry.” You stuttered speaking to the bank teller then walking out of the line.
The mysterious man behind you still held the blade to your back and walked with you.
“We forgot s-something…” You rushed as fast as you could, trying not to make a scene.
The man walked you to his car, a black SUV, a rental by the looks of it. He shoved you forward against the door face first. Your chest was pressed up against the window and your cheek hit the car hard enough to bruise. He then grabbed your arms, those rough and battered fingers digging sharply into your skin with a power you knew you’d never resist. He put them both behind you and slapped a pair of handcuffs on your wrists.
“You are under arrest for theft, and sexual coercion.” He grunted as he secured the metal handcuffs with a click as they locked into the tightest he could get them without cutting off circulation.
You heard the shuffle of his feet moving against the gravel between your own feet. A knee roughly shoved one of your legs aside. even though you had panties on under your skirt you felt exposed there in the parking lot.
You did a quick glance up to see that it was unfortunately a very empty lot and he had you positioned on the side of the car where any passersby might see.
You felt a nauseating chill -and though it was only because you couldn’t help it- you felt excitement in your core as he started to brush the front of himself against you. He was hard.
You opened your mouth to say something but he suddenly and roughly grabbed you by the shoulders and spun your trembling figure around to face him.
His wavy dark hair fell over angry eyes and a terrifying expression. You recognized him instantly. Though he seemed so much different than you’d seen him on television. Instead of his hero’s outfit, he wore casual loose black jeans and a black hoodie with a black baseball cap, likely to try and disguise his appearance.
Pro hero Deku, one of the strongest heros currently in the game. And supposedly a sweetheart, and good man.
The crazed, widened eyes on face in front of you had you questioning if tabloids had done him wrong. With that knife in hand he looked scarier than most villains you’d worked with in the past.
“I’ve been trying to find you for a long time. You really haven’t been behaving.” He held the knife up to your face, scolding you with it like he was wagging a finger at you.
You felt yourself shudder as your body tried to slump away from the knife the best it could without jerking away from him in a way that might set him off more.
He looked you up and down silently, giving you a terrifyingly casual smirk suddenly before commanding you.
“Now get in the car.” shoving you aside and opening the door you’d been in front of before roughly forcing you in.
He drove you back to a small studio apartment in a part of town you knew well. It wasn’t an area you liked being in. It gave you an uneasy feeling out here. The streets were littered with trash and rats and it felt like there was just a thick layer of smog everywhere more than the rest of the city.
You wondered what a pro hero like him was doing here. Even more strange was why he was even taking you here, instead of a police station.
You gulped nervously. Now that you think of it, you hadn’t heard him call your arrest in to anyone at all. Wasn’t that standard to do?
As if reading your mind he spoke from in the front seat.
“The only one that knows you’re here is me…” A trembling, but excited smirk came across his lips, he seemed like he was starting to sweat slightly.
“Sorry, I’m just so nervous” He chuckled. “I’ve never tried rehabilitation before…so it’s like you’re my first!” he grinned a large smile at you.
You had no idea what he was babbling on about. You were only wondering if when he opened the door you could just use your charms to let you make a run for it.
He stepped out for a moment, gathering a few things from the trunk into a black backpack before putting it on and walking over to your door.
The blush came back to your cheeks and your pupils turned into hearts as you activated your quirk fully.
He swung open the door and you met him with the biggest puppy dog eyes you could muster and a pout on your lips.
“Deku…please, I think I just need to go home.” You flirted. “I can give you something sweet before I go if you want.” You winked at him, with no intention to let him have an inch of your body.
He stalled for a moment, looking you up and down. You bent over slightly so that he could stare down your shirt better. You heard a small sharp intake of breath, and his hands twitched at his sides, like he was resisting the urge to reach out and grab you.
You smirked. They always fall for your charms.
Suddenly, Izuku started breaking out into a crazed laughter, throwing his head back and clutching a hand to his stomach with the hand that clutched the knife tightly still. Your expression fell and your body tensed up, suddenly realizing you weren’t safe from this anymore.
“Honey, that’s not going to work on me.” His eyes met yours. “I’ve been attracted to you. For a while.” He leaned forward down to your level, getting close and dragging the knife across your cheek. The feeling of the cold metal made you tremble.
“I figured the best way to get immune to your charms was no different than building up a tolerance to poison.” He spat out that last word at you, glaring at you as his eyes flicked from yours to your lips and back. He was mere inches away now, and still holding the knife to your skin.
“I’d cum to you every night, sometimes many times a day, just so when I finally got you that you wouldn’t have any affect on me.” The look he gave was unashamed, though what he said had you hanging your jaw open.
He what?
You weren’t blind to the idea that often the men you enchanted would need to go home and take care of themselves later. But, this man you’d never met, this hero no less…thinking of you that way, that often. You gulped and felt it hard to swallow.
He stepped back from the car, grabbing you by your arm and dragging you into the building.
You did try and struggle against him as he pulled you into his apartment, but it was never going to be any use. Your strength matched with his was an absolute joke, and you knew the knife wasn’t the only threat that he had here. Waving around the knife seemed to be more of a show for himself than anything. It didn’t make it less threatening though.
With your hands still behind your back he pushed you forward and you stumbled inside his apartment. He gave you a few more heavy shoves as you clumsily tripped over your own feet and landed stomach down onto his bed.
Your skirt fell up as you landed, your bare ass cheeks now exposed to him on the bed. You heard a sinful and desperate moan from behind you.
You quickly tried to cover yourself back up the best you could, a real blush forming on your cheeks slightly.
Izuku practically growled at seeing the flash of skin you’d accidentally given. He jumped on you and straddled you, sitting on the back of your thighs so that your ass was directly in front of his clothed erection.
You gasped and tried to squirm forward to release yourself from being pinned. Useless and hopeless of course.
This felt so wrong. You weren’t a saint yourself, but this man was supposed to be a top pro hero. A good guy.
You’d seen him on posters and always thought he was such a pretty man. One you’d love to ruin. Of course you’d thought of it. Who doesn’t fantasize about a pro hero from time to time. Not like this though…
Gone was anything resembling a hero. He was just an insane looking man with a knife in his hand and a devilish smirk on his face as he lifted the skirt up further.
“Fuck.” He hissed out. His hands shooting to massage at the plump cheeks. You whimpered out in protest at the feeling.
“Deku…please…what are you doing.” You sputtered your words out against the gray blanket on his bed your face was now buried in.
He grabbed your hair in the back roughly and turned your head so that you got a good visual of what was plastered all over his wall.
You felt cold ice in every limb at the sight. All of the photos of you on display right where he’d been sleeping…every night. You were repulsed and terrified. This wasn’t a normal investigation for him. He wasn’t just tracking down a villain, this had become something more for him. You’d had your own stalker and hadn’t even realized.
It hurt where he was still pulling at your hair. You didn’t dare struggle against him though. With the hand not holding your head down, you knew he still had that knife close and ready to use.
He lowered his face down next to yours, his cheek just ever so slightly brushing against your skin. You flinched away and that seemed to set him off.
“You’re going to have to get used to me little slut.” He then brought his lips to yours and sloppily kissed you. Again you tried to flinch away but he held you right to him in an uncomfortable attack.
You felt his hips starting to press deeply into you and grind against your ass. His hard cock was aching to be set free.
He needed this so badly. He’d been waiting for too long to have you beneath him like this. He told himself this was the perfect time to teach you a lesson. You deserved to be taught a lesson.
He pulled away from you and sat up again to get a good visual of the way he had you in front of him.
“Don’t. Move.” He spoke quietly, but in such a chilling tone that you instantly froze up and obeyed.
He then took the knife and put it to the back of your neck. Slowly he trailed it down, not enough to cut through the fabric of your shirt, but enough for you to feel the tickle of the blade against you.
It sent a shudder across your body and at that your stomach flipped, hoping you hadn’t twitched at all and made him cut you.
“You’re shaking little slut.” He chuckled breathily the knife stalling at your lower back.
His other hand grabbed tight to your hip and he pressed down holding you still to the bed.
“Don’t move.” He repeated hastily and excitedly in a raspy voice.
His hand left your hip and he pulled at your panties.
He took the knife and cut along the fabric of your underwear right over your crotch. You sucked in a tight breath as he was trailing dangerously close from your clit to your asshole. He then set the knife down on the bed next to you. Taking your panties between both hands and ripping it further leaving everything exposed in front of him.
You squirmed harder at this. He gave your ass a hard smack, causing it to redden instantly. You knew how hard he was capable of hitting. the fact that you knew that was probably the most reserved he was capable of being made you feel like death might be easier than what was about to come here.
“Deku…please don’t.” Without many other options to stop this, you tried to turn your quirk on again and woo him into letting you at least have it more gently
Your whole body covered in a slight blush for a moment as you activated it.
To no avail though. Izuku gave your ass an even harder smack. You yelled out at the sharp sting and your eyes squeezed tightly shut. It felt like that one already was developing into a bruise.
You could hear a snicker from behind you.
“It’s not gonna work, naughty girl. Like I said..” he pointed to the pictures of you on the wall.
You looked again through tear blurred eyes again to see the one in particular of your skirt almost flying up.
“I got off to you all the time. I'm immune to your charms.” He started to unbuckle his pants. “At least enough to do this my way.” He grunted as he took his thick and throbbing length out from his pants.
You hoped that the power he extended through the rest of him didn’t reach there, but you knew that’d be reaching for too much luck.
He was huge, and veiny and angry and dead set on being inside of you.
“I am going to teach you what happens to naughty girls like you that whore themselves out to commit crimes. Making good people cum in their pants over you, even if they don’t want to?” He spat at you.
You felt his plump head pressing against your entrance.
He tried to tease you slightly but he saw that you weren’t at all ready for him.
You were going to be reluctant it seemed. But, he didn’t care. He moved back and angrily shoved your legs further apart in one motion, using his knees, and went to enter again. This time with more force, not wanting to have to try again.
“It’s about time you learned what it feels like to be forced to...” he lost his words as he sucked in a sharp breath. The feeling of your walls sucking him inside so tightly had his eyes already rolling back. His lower half shuddered and he realized he was right, you had the most perfect pussy he’d ever been inside.
His hands gripped into your hips so tightly you were scared he’d forget what he was doing and snap you in half.
His head was hung back and he’d stalled for a moment, before starting to move himself slowly.
You hated how he was filling you up so completely. Every time he pushed himself all the way in your body was betraying you with a moan falling out reflexively from your lips.
He seemed pleased at this and continued to give you deep thrusts, his hips pounding against your ass. His breath hitched in his throat when he locked on to the way your ass was jiggling and rippling each time he smacked against it.
“Fuck you’re so good…” he moaned, grabbing the handcuffs by the chain between them. He used the motion to pull you up, making you arch your back and making him slide even deeper inside of you, kissing painfully against your cervix.
You let out a small scream as he started to pound into you roughly like this.
He didn’t seem to mind your protest though. In fact he might have even liked it.
“Guess you don’t make all the men you trick fuck you like this Hm?” He slammed up into you in one rough and painful movement. “Gonna have to show you why it’s a bad idea to go around offering yourself to everyone like a slut.” He grabbed your head again and shoved you back down onto the bed, pressing your face into the blankets but lifting your hips up into doggystyle.
“Please…stop…” you sobbed, hating the filled up feeling of his cock sliding in and out of your walls. He filled you up in a way that was making your pussy throb all over.
You couldn’t help it though. You couldn’t stop your body from enjoying the feeling.
With each unwanted movement, you also were overwhelmed with the reality that he was good with what he was doing. It wasn’t fair.
With no warning the blade of the knife was back against your ass.
You could feel the tip cut slightly against your skin. Not very deep, but enough that you knew he’d broken skin.
“FUCK” you screamed, “What the fuck!”
You heard chuckling from behind you, a raspy and breathy series of laughs. He was so far gone in the moment he might have lost his original plot of trying to rehabilitate you.
He wasn’t sure what lesson he really wanted to teach you at this point. Now that you were here all he really wanted was to never let you leave. Maybe that’s all this ever was about.
You looked so good in person, everything he’d ever dreamed of in a girl. You felt even better. It was just a shame you were a dirty slutty villain. He realized that was the real reason he needed to rehabilitate you.
He’d make you his. His good girl instead of the dirty criminal that you were.
That required a lot of hard lessons though.
“Please…” you sobbed
A trickle of blood ran down your ass cheek from the cut, he wiped it off with the sleeve of his hoodie in awe. he never realized how pretty blood could be until he saw it on you. He’d been around it plenty, but this felt like something else.
To test it he stopped his movements and gave another small cut to the other cheek.
“NO!” You screamed out. He simply smirked at that, letting his thumb run over the cut this time smearing the crimson red across your skin as he picked back up his torturous pace.
The power surging from him being inside you was something you could practically feel. His quirk was something terrifying when he wasn’t being a hero.
It also started to feel like a slight bit of static inside of you along with every pump, he was directing a bit of his power to his entire pelvic area. Whether on purpose or accident you couldn’t tell, but the pace was like nothing you’d ever felt before.
You felt your stomach tightening and you started to clench around his dick.
“Deku…stop…don’t wanna…c-cum” you whined with tears flooding down your face now.
His face lit up at this.
“You’re gonna cum? Shit..” he reached around between your legs and found your clit with two of his fingers. He flicked the swollen area between his middle and index quickly.
“N-no! Please no!” You cried out, though it was useless. His attack on your clit continued, flicking and massaging it with just the right amount of pressure.
It sent you fully over the edge. You shivered as the waves of guilty euphoria were pulsing throughout you. Tears were pouring as well, any makeup you had on was down your face with the wetness as you were sobbing at your body’s betrayal.
Izuku looked down at the way your messy face was pressed ruined against the mattress. All for him. All his now. He’d give you all the lessons you needed. Show you how you’re all his and you don’t need to go around being a slut anymore.
“Tell me this pussy belongs to me now.” He hissed out at you as he was smacking his hips relentlessly against your ass.
“W-wha” you blubbered out.
“You heard me whore.” He grunted as something he did seemed to feel particularly good. “Say it.”
You whimpered, not wanting to give him this, but knowing you didn’t have much choice.
“My pussy is yours now Deku.” You cried out.
He seemed pleased at this, and started fucking into with an even wilder pace. Lots of ‘fuck’s and ‘damn’s were being repeated and you could feel yourself sore with the feeling of his brutal pace.
“Deku it hurtssss” you whined. Something in that seemed to set him off, his eyes widened and he let out an animalistic growl.
“Oh my goddd I can’t keep it in…” he mumbled, slowing his pace and becoming more uneven with his thrusting.
“Gonna cum!” he let out a hoarse cry as he collapsed on top of you, bucking his hips over and over clumsily as he spilled inside of you, letting out a series of ‘oh my god’s.
He pulled out and instantly put himself back inside his pants. You were sat still dripping and full of the cum he’d left there.
“Absolutely disgusting.” He chuckled. “Villains are absolutely disgusting.”
He shook his head at you before shoving you over onto your side.
“I might’ve gotten a bit carried away. But I guess I have to work up more of a resistance to your quirk than I thought. You really do bring out people’s inner animal with that.” He glared at you. “It’s dangerous. Too dangerous even to put you in prison. You’ll just manipulate the guards.”
You now saw that he was moving towards a spot on the bed you hadn’t noticed, a sturdy metal bar with another set of handcuffs on it.
He forced your arm to it and hooked you in to the new handcuffs. Taking the old ones off and tossing them aside.
“I think it’s safer for everyone if you just stay here with me.”
The terror must’ve shown on your face because he gave you a small kiss on your forehead.
“It’s alright. I won’t need to be mean to you once you’re rehabilitated.”
You realized he’d picked the knife back up at some point, as it was being waved around in your face.
He then walked away to his kitchen that was still in the eyeline of his bed, to get himself something to drink.
“I’ll figure out a way to get out of here. you’re no different than me for this Deku” you spat that last bit. “You’re a villain now too.”
He ran back over to you, jumping on the bed in a crouch like an animal and grabbing your face roughly.
“No sweetie, that’s not true. You’re the villain here, and I’m the one teaching you a lesson. Just like it’s always been.” He gave another menacing smirk as he saw you shaking slightly. “Anyways, it’s your fault. You brought it out in me, flaunting it around all over the place.”
You had a feeling you’d flown too close to the sun with your quirk. How could you be so stupid to not realize it would eventually get the wrong hero too riled up.
He had become a feral animal when it came to you.
“So, like you said, you’re mine now.”
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
can i req miguel and sunshine where she has a BUNCH of hickeys but shes too nice to make fun of so the spiders tease miguel instead?
Just A Taste
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(Miguel O' Hara x Female! Reader)
A/N: Omg this is so funny and cute!!! I was kinda struggling writing this because I was like, 'How much is too much for hickeys?'. It's currently hot as hell where I live and so you can tell where that inspo comes from this can be read as a part 2 or a sister fic to Just A Bite. I almost made it an unofficial part 2.25 to Our Girl, but I changed my mind. Also, I'm sorry it's a little short, but I hope you like it.
A/N: I also really wanna try that sorbet thingy where they come in the fruit shells if you know what I'm talking about. If you love this then please check out the master list and if you wanna be kept informed about updates on the Miggy and Sunny series, then comment on this taglist and you'll be added.
WARNINGS: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female reader/ Female pronouns, Barely any use of Y/N ((Sunny is her nickname, not her actual name)), OOC Characters, Flirty Miguel, Some implications of NSFW content, and Google Translated Spanish.
It was very rare that it would get so hot that Miguel would be laid back with the rules. He held everyone to a certain standard when it came to being a part of his elite task force and he was a stickler for them to act like it. Despite this, he only expected three rules to remain to be followed at all times.
All Spidermen can’t travel to other worlds without notice.
Spidermen can’t travel without a mask on to protect the identity of all Spidermen.
Everyone has to wear their spider suits at all times.
Unfortunately, certain circumstances don't really allow certain rules to be followed reasonably. Especially when it involves people with special circumstances.
Such as this.
“Miggy!” A soft whine emits from the chair beside him as the woman sat upside down. Her unmasked face felt hot as a light sheen of sweat made her beautiful face glow against the soft light of the monitor. “It’s so hot…I thought you said Lyla would fix the air hours ago.” 
Miguel rolls his eyes at the sight of her feet lightly hanging over the top of the chair as. “Mi amor, if you stay like that, you’re gonna have a lot more to worry about than a heat stroke.” He playfully pinches her ankle as he grabs a tablet from the table, fanning his own burning skin.
Due to a massive heat wave, Earth-928 was experiencing the hottest summer it has ever had in history, causing Lyla’s A/C system to malfunction. The Lobby was left a broiling mess with Spidermen refusing to come by until the AI’s systems are rebooted. Only a handful of spiders were on base with the residential sweetheart suffering the most since she lives there.
“Can I please take this off?” She moans as she swings up and shoots him those dreaded puppy dog eyes. 
“Oh?” Miguel quirks an eyebrow as his eyelids lower. A playful smile graces his handsome face as he chastises. “I didn’t expect you to be so risky, mi sol.”
A flurry of butterflies spread out in her gut as she glares at Miguel. His response is to chuckle as that pretty glossed lip pokes out as she scolds him, “Not like that, Miguel, and you know it. This suit feels like a furnace and I just want to relax…”
The idea of his cute little lover prancing around in the nude would be an interesting idea to Spiderman, but he knew that his love would never agree to do that with others in the Head Quarters. Miguel bites his lip as he contemplates torturing his arañita some more, but he decides to show mercy as he relents.
“Alright, mi amor.” He sighs as he allows his own suit to dissipate, exposing the tight black tank top and tight athletic pants. “Pero tendrás que cumplir esa pequeña fantasía mía más tarde, mi niña bonita.”
His remark is ignored as she stands up from her cheer with a quiet “fuck yea”. After tinkering with her gizmo, the black and white suit disappears revealing her white tank top and black running shorts, but Miguel couldn’t help but smirk at the blotches of bruises that marred her skin.
Just before he could comment on it, the door opens as a voice complains, “YO BIG MAN! You need to tell that computer to fix this air!”
Another voice accompanies the new yorker's as the tall Brit yells out. “It’s sweltering here, man!”
Ben and Hobie came to a halt as they see their friend smile at them. “Hey, guys!” Sunny calls and waves at them while their faces grow ten degrees hotter.
The poor woman’s entire body was covered in hickeys. Her shoulders and collarbone were littered with several little puncture wounds while her neck had multiple light scratches dragging down. A distinct handprint was present at the base of her neck like a necklace with matching bracelets on her wrists. Her exposed thighs bared no better as the inner sides of her thighs had similar bite marks with a matching set of claw marks on the outside of her thighs. 
Ben swats a hand over his mouth as his hand slams over his horrified mouth while Hobie looks at Miguel in an amused expression. The urge to throw himself into another dimension plagues Miguel’s thoughts as he realizes that he will never live this moment down for the rest of his life. Rubbing his hand over his face in frustration, the oblivious spider turns back to her lover as she tilts her head at why everyone was acting weird. 
“Miggy, are you alright?” She mumbles as Hobie joins them up there with fake concern wrapping around his voice. “Yea, boss, are you alright? You looking a bit flushed, yea?” Hobie struggles to hide the growing laughter in his voice as Miguel throws him a nasty glare. 
The punk was never afraid of getting under his leader’s skin, but his ego really took over when he knows his boss would definitely not do anything while his missus was right there watching him. Ben also decides to join the fun by remarking, “Yea, you look like you need something to blow off that steam. Maybe a little taste of something sweet, right?” He teases as he figures he was safe.
Unfortunately, he unknowingly sparked an idea in the naive spider’s mind. She claps her hands in excitement as she exclaims, “That’s a great idea, Ben! I think I have some sorbets in the freezer of Miguel’s apartment.” 
Miguel wickedly smirks as he realizes that he may have an opportunity to exact some revenge as the two other boys tried to reason with her to stay. 
“Oh wait, Sunny, You really don’t have to..”
“Yea, Love. We are fine really!”
The boys try to reassure her that she didn’t need to travel all that way to get some ice cream before a smooth voice says, 
“Es una idea maravillosa, mi amor.” Miguel praises as his love’s smile brightens in response. “¿Por qué no vas a buscarme a mí ya ti ya que estos dos quieren ser miserables en este momento, de acuerdo?” He coos causing the woman to swoon at his soft tone.
“Alrighty, Miggy.” She grins as she opens the portal with her gizmo. The boys’ hearts stop in their chests as the little spider ignores their pleas to stay and happily skips through the portal to Miguel’s apartment. 
“Now then…” Miguel’s menacing voice twists around his cruel smile as he looks at the trembling boys. “What is it that you guys wanted to talk about?” 
Yep, they are fucked.
As the portal reopens on the observation deck, a smiling jumping spider comes back through with two packages in her hand and two spoons as she calls out, “Miggy, I’m back!”
“Llegando, mi sol.” His voice surprises her as he swings himself back onto the platform. She tilts her head as she begins to ask where he went when she noticed that he was now shirtless with the evidence of what she’s done to him now on full display.
His chest had small dark circles littering his pectorals that created a  trail down his abdomen and his abs, disappearing into the dark brown happy trail that began below his belly button. Upon seeing her stunned face, Miguel chuckles as he gently takes one of the icy treats from her shaking hands and a spoon before sitting down in his chair. 
“Gracias Amor.” He says nonchalantly as he rips open the packaging and starts eating the sorbet from its fruit shell.
“N-no problem, Miggy..” She sits beside him and opens her treat as she avoids looking at his powerful back muscles as they flex and move as he ate the sugary sweet. She almost drops the damned thing after the deep scratches on his shoulder blades reminded her of what they did just the night prior. 
“¿Qué pasa, mami? Miguel mocks as a mischievous smirk causes his fangs to poke out. “¿No te gusta tu sorbete? ¿O hay algo más que te gustaría probar?” He purrs as the spoon in her hand falls to the floor with him chuckling.
“Miguel!” She scolds as she begins to bend over to pick up the spoon as another spoon full of an icy treat. Her stomach flips as Miguel looks at her with his pretty apologetic red eyes as he pokes her pouting lips with his peace offering.
“I’m sorry for teasing, my love. You just look so cute and flustered.” He admits he gives her a soft curl of his lip.
Matching his smile, Sunny opens her mouth and happily accepts his apology with a small moan. She sighs as she lets go of his spoon with a satisfied smile.
“So good!~”
“I’m glad.” He smiles as he dips his own bite and eats it. “Es casi tan dulce como tú…”
“Miggy!” An embarrassed voice shrills as the man laughs with his love.
arañita - Little spider
Pero tendrás que cumplir esa pequeña fantasía mía más tarde, mi niña bonita.--But, you are gonna have to fulfill that little fantasy of mine later, my pretty girl.
Es una idea maravillosa, mi amor.- That's a wonderful idea, my love.
¿Por qué no vas a buscarme a mí ya ti ya que estos dos quieren ser miserables en este momento, de acuerdo? -Why don't you go get me and you some since these two want to be miserable right now, alright?
Llegando, mi sol.- Coming, my sun.
Thank you,love- Gracias amor
¿Qué pasa, mami?- What's a matter, mami?
Es casi tan dulce como tú…–It's almost as sweet as you...
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edennill · 3 months
The house of Fëanor at the airport:
still making hasty additions to his luggage ten minutes before leaving
incurably absentminded in the terminal because he just had a new idea for a project enter his mind and is upset he hasn't got time to take out his notebook
still tries to wrote something down every time there's a queue
lost the twins twice
"some of us have also got stuff we'd rather be doing and can manage to put it aside for a moment, Fëanor"
frighteningly efficient
still stops every few minutes to remark that she would like to sculpt this or that random passerby
assigned third parent™
will do everything he's tasked with without question
responsible for the well-being of at least two of the younger ones
inwardly exasperated and outwardly an example of patience
small, efficiently packed suitcase
has taken 3 different musical instruments with him
whines if you tell him to take care of his younger brothers
walks three yards before the rest of the family
has quarelled twice with Celegorm and once with Caranthir since they started check-in
wants to go into souvenir shops
was planning to smuggle his pets into his luggage but was informed they might be confiscated at the airport
dressed way too cold for the weather
teases his brothers and gets yelled at by everyone
runs circles around the rest of the group
tries to get on the luggage conveyor belt
finds souvenir shops boring; crashes a vase in one
tired and cranky
lags behind the rest
nose in a book
terrified he will forget something made of metal at security
packed way too much but later people will always ask to borrow stuff from him
model child
unless he's running after Celegorm
or teasing Caranthir
insists on pulling his own luggage but quickly gives up
thankfully can be trusted to keep next to his father at all times
pulls his father into souvenir shops
Amrod and Amras:
seem to be attempting to roleplay Home Alone in New York
categorically forbidden from entering souvenir shops
try to poke inside the security scanner
Bonus - Celebrimbor:
model child no.2
makes new friends who don't even speak the same language as him
bought reams of overpriced stuff in souvenir boutiques by the rest of the family
has no concept of stranger danger
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starsainzjr · 8 months
Lights, Camera, Action
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Pairing: Lando Norris x director!reader Faceclaim: Gemma Chan
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yourusername posted a story
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Liked by 419,303 others
f1wags Meet YN YLN! YN is a successful Hollywood director and producer with movies like Barbie (producer), Boston Strangler (director), and Little Women (director) under her belt. Earlier this afternoon in a Tweet, a fan working as a makeup artist on an undisclosed movie set claimed to see McLaren driver Lando Norris on set with a bouquet of sunflowers.
An hour later YN posted a a picture of a bouquet of sunflowers to her Instagram story with the caption "Pleasant surprise at lunch 🥰" (pictured above). Could it just be a coincidence? Sure. But we may soon have a new WAG in the paddock!
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marissa.lancaster4 Hi! I'm the fan that posted that Tweet. Because of the NDAs that I have signed as a part of my employment I cannot say what movie I am working on nor who the director is. But I can confirm after speaking with several of my coworkers that it was Lando I saw on set earlier today.
f1wags Please DM me if you have any more information that you can share!
mickieslaren Am I the only one that gets a bit weirded out by how we treat celebrities' love lives like this? Maybe Lando was visiting a friend or something. Either way it's none of our business what he was doing on set
landoslove It is a bit odd but, then again, both Lando and YN live in the public eye. There are always going to be little things like this that get scrutinized mickieslaren I just wish they could have a bit of privacy is all landoslove That makes sense. But this is out of our control
nowinsnorris YN is literally so stunning. Lando has some serious game if this is true
landoslove He's trying so hard to beat the norizz allegations
yourusername Hollywood
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Liked by florencepugh, americaferrara, simuliu and 509,201 others
yourusername Halfway through filming! I have a never ending supply of sunsets and sunflowers 🌅��
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florencepugh Come to my hotel room I have a mini champagne bottle I can't get rid of by myself
yourusername I'm omw simuliu Am I invited? florencepugh Sure we need someone to supervise I suppose
americaferrara Go do incredible things! Cannot wait to get my eyes on this once its done
yourusername There's a bucket of popcorn with your name on it!
landoslove Sunflowers she says? 👀
nowinsnorris She's not as slick as she thinks she is
haveyougotpubesyet No bc I'm confident Lando would follow YN around like a lost puppy in the paddock
landoslove I cannot wait for this to get proven real mickieslaren Or we could just leave them alone and let them live their lives haveyougotpubesyet We're not harming them, just having meaningless fun trying to connect invisible dots landoslove Yeah. We're not, like, cyber bullying them or anything mickieslaren I'm just saying it probably can't feel great to have random people poking around in your love life
landonorris Santa Monica, California
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Liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, danielricciardo and 782,293 others
landonorris Ready to rock 🤘🏎
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oscarpiastri We really need a McLaren emoji
landonorris 🍑? oscarpiastri I'm taking your phone away landonorris 😨
carlossainz55 Welcome back to the real world
landonorris I don't like it I wanna go back charles_leclerc We have the easiest lives ever get it together. Both of you landonorris Yes, father. Carlos come get your teammate carlossainz55 Nah, this could get fun
landoslove SANTA MONICA
landoslove YN just posted from Santa Monica
nowinsnorris This is me not getting my hopes up buuuuut YN is a director and she lives in California... landoslove Lalalalala I can't hear anything lalalalala
yourusername The Outback
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Liked by simuliu, florencepugh, americaferrara and 600,338 others
yourusername Out of the studio for the back half! So unbelievably happy to be back in Australia 🦘🌏
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simuliu Yeah yeah pretty pictures can you come kill the spider in my room now please?
simuliu YN I'm serious, I've been texting you for 30 minutes I know you're seeing these simuliu YN IM NO LONGER ASKING yourusername @/florencepugh do you hear anything? florencepugh Nope. All quiet. Not a peep simuliu Very funny. When I die who are you going to get to finish your movie? yourusername I am on my way to humanely get the scary spider out of your room and put it outside simuliu Hurry up it's staring at me florencepugh With how many eyes?
nowinsnorris I'm already in love with her. I might love her more than I love Lando
landoslove YN YLN - Daniel Ricciardo team up 👀
ynsaction I've never been one to gatekeep but if these F1 delulus keep coming near my wife I will actually lose my mind
yn.florence No literally! She is a feminist icon who has said multiple times in interviews that she's not looking for a partner and focusing on directing and producing. Pls stop shoving her into a WAG box ynsaction I'll always welcome more YN fans but every other word in these comments is about Lando Norris. I'm about to scream landoslove Hi, sorry isn't feminism about women being able to do whatever they want? YN is allowed to change her mind if she met the right person yn.florence If you'd been paying attention you'd know the last interview she made her wishes clear in was a week ago which, according to the calendar, is after people started trying to tie her to Nowins or whatever his name is
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landonorris Australia
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Liked by carlossainz55, danielricciardo, oscarpiastri and 799,397 others
landonorris Good to be back! We'll continue to work and push and get stronger as the season goes on. Thanks for having me, Australia! 🦘
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oscarpiastri The garage used to be so quiet
landonorris You missed me, admit it
carlossainz55 Bit rusty there, mate
landonorris Says the man who got his third consecutive P4 finish. You ever gonna bump up to the podium? carlossainz55 At least I finished in the points charles_leclerc Guys I cannot keep doing this please
landoslove My boy is back and better than ever
haveyougotpubesyet He looked so happy to be back!
nowinsnorris I'm gonna have to change my username this year, aren't I?
landoslove YES YOU ARE norizz481 Here's hoping I get to change mine too landoslove YOU'RE BOTH GOING TO HAVE TO CHANGE USERNAMES I'M SPEAKING IT INTO THE UNIVERSE
yourusername Perth, Australia
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Liked by florencepugh, simuliu, americaferrara and 600,495 others
yourusername A week and a half left of filming and I cannot wait to celebrate all we've accomplished with these two! Behind the scenes dump coming soon 😉
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americaferrara Congrats all of you! So so unbelievably proud
yourusername Wish you could've been along with us on this ride! See you soon my love
florencepugh My favorite project in a long time! Let's finish this out strong!
simuliu No not that picture 😭
yourusername Listen, it's too good not to share with the world simuliu I'm a superhero, I don't need this kind of harassment yourusername Cope
ynsaction This one is going to be so so good I'm physically vibrating I need it
yn.florence Mother! She's going to win yet another Oscar for this one, I can feel it
ynsaction Our girl don't need no child race car driver
nowinsnorris I'm becoming such a huge fan of YN. She and Lando would be perfect for each other
landoslove Shhhhh you'll scare the fragile film girlies ynsaction God, the f1 delulus are back. I was hoping we got rid of them yn.florence I don't think we're that lucky
f1wags Perth, Australia
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Liked by 421,871 others
f1wags Picture taken of Lando this morning in Perth, Australia coming out of a florist shop. Not pictured is a bouquet of sunflowers. This is the second time this month that Lando has been spotted with a bouquet of sunflowers.
Lando has been linked to director YN YLN who is wrapping up her new film in Perth. Only time will tell if YN posts some sunflowers in the coming days 👀
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haveyougotpubesyet He is the definition of boyfriend material I swear to god
landoslove Getting closer and closer to beating the norizz allegations
landoslove IS HE BRINGING HER SWEETS TOO??? This boy is going to be the death of me
nowinsnorris What do I need to do to get myself a Lando
mickieslaren Just reminding everyone that Lando does in fact have sisters who were in attendance at the race this weekend and may also enjoy getting sunflowers from their brother
landoslove Jesus, take your negativity away from us who are trying to have fun mickieslaren Yeah it's fun for you now but what about Lando who is trying to go about his day without having some delusional fangirl losing their mind over him buying sunflowers? If you were really a fan of his you would let him live his life landoslove He's a celebrity! His fans are just trying to connect to him mickieslaren When I hear that Lando has gotten a restraining order against a fan I will not be surprised when you suddenly get very quiet
yourusername posted a story
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yourusername Hollywood
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Liked by americaferrara, florencepugh, landonorris and 671,209 others
yourusername This is where the fun begins 🎞 Three months of editing coming up
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florencepugh Im omw with more coffee
yourusername I love you
americaferrara Ahh keep the Excedrin close by
yourusername There's a whole bottle in the corner
simuliu I hope you're making me look good
yourusername Yes, I'm including the scene where the spider crawled up your arm and you screamed like a baby simuliu You're definitely my favorite director, I love working with you yourusername You are also definitely the star of this movie and have more screen time than Flo simuliu Hey, I will always be willing to have less screen time than Flo
ynsaction YES I have been missing YN editing content so bad recently
ynsaction She is such a mood when she's editing she gets so unhinged
landoslove Unhinged YN editing plus Lando being generally unhinged 👀 ynsaction Jesus give it a rest already
yn.florence I, for one, am chasing to focus on incoming unhinged YN posts
landonorris China
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Liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, yourusername and 801,387 others
landonorris So close to a podium finish! We'll make adjustments as needed and push on. See you in Miami!
View all 208,218 comments
oscarpiastri So my days of quiet garage are definitely over?
landonorris You're stuck with me forever, mate carlossainz55 Good luck, Oscar landonorris WOW
landonorris @/charles_leclerc your teammate is being mean to me
charles_leclerc You think I have control over him?
ynsaction Not YN in the likes I had such high hopes
landoslove Genuine question; why are you against her finding someone she likes to be with? ynsaction I'm not against her finding someone she likes to be with, I'm against all Lando's fans trying to shove her into a WAG box when she's spoken so much about not wanting a partner at the moment. Especially when it was as soon as a month ago landoslove Okay, that's valid. But we're not trying to shove her into a box. This is just harmless shipping. I'm sure you do it with fictional characters you like ynsaction YN is an idol to me. I'm protective over her, I'm sorry if I've been bitchy landoslove I've been bitchy too, I apologize as well
mickieslaren I still don't like pushing into celebrity love lives
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yourusername Miami, Florida
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Liked by florencepugh, simuliu, landonorris and 622,118 others
yourusername First time out of the studio since editing started. Thank you @/f1 for hosting me!
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f1 Anything for our favorite director!
florencepugh Did you see The Guy???? 👀
yourusername It's not too late to make the movie about Simu simuliu YES... I mean, yeah did you see The Guy???? 👀 yourusername You're both blacklisted from my film sets
mclaren Give us a heads up next time you come! We'll set you up in the garage!
yourusername Oh that would be incredible! Thank you so so much!
ynsaction She always looks so adorable I am in love with her
yn.florence Mother is Mothering
ynsaction all hail
haveyougotpubesyet McLaren sipping after her too now
ynsaction Who wouldn't simp after her tbh
landoslove Just soft launch already
landoslove Florence and Simu chirping her about seeing The Guy I'm DYING
nowinsnorris The Guy is 100% Lando. It has to be at this point
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Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, yourusername and 379,177 others
lando.jpg Hangin'
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charles_leclerc You caught me so off guard
carlossainz55 Best picture in the middle tbh
yourusername posted a story
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yourusername Monaco
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Liked by landonorris, florencepugh, simuliu, and 801,836 others
yourusername Beautiful day in Monaco made even more beautiful by this wonderful boy! Congratulations, @/landonorris I'm so proud of you!
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yourusername Way to call me out, guys, thanks for that. You do remember I'm technically your boss right? florencepugh Movie wrapped, love. You can't tell us what to do anymore simuliu At least until we sign on for another one of your projects
landonorris Awww you drunk talked about me 🥰
yourusername I'll chase you
landonorris Monaco
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Liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and 781,003 others
landonorris I have the best date for the party @/yourusername
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yourusername Best weekend ever
landonorris Only because you were here
oscarpiastri Here's hoping the garage will be quiet again
landonorris No shot but nice try yourusername I'll do my best to keep him quiet for you oscarpiastri YN is my new favorite
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Liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and 241,966 others
lando.jpg You have a movie coming out tomorrow. I am so incredibly proud of you @/yourusername. Everything we've been through together, I cannot believe what a kind, strong, beautiful woman you are. I love you, I can't wait to see what you're going to do next
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yourusername I love you so so much, darling. Thank you for being there through everything
lando.jpg My dream woman
florencepugh Yes!!!! Drinks on Simu at the afterparty!
simuliu Drinks on me!!!
All photos from Pinterest, Instagram, or Google Images
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
hey sex witch, you’ve talked a lot about porn addiction on here but I have some other questions if that’s ok.
I go to Christian highschool and we often have discussions about porn addiction.
my teacher says that most addicted people start consuming porn at around 9. And that even seeing one naked person or one porn or whatever on the internet can put you at higher risk of developing an addiction to porn.
does absolutely any of this have a base in science? Or is this all fear mongering and what not?
hi anon,
first of all, I just want to say that I think it rules that you're seeking information outside of what's being taught at your school. learning how to question what you're told and seek out answers from other sources is a really important skill that can be VERY hard to even begin if you aren't given the resources to easily go looking for information, and I think it's great that you're taking the initiative of seeking out other perspectives :)
now, let's break this down: the concept of "porn addiction" is one largely discredited by psychologists. while people can certainly develop maladaptive coping mechanisms around sexuality, porn, and/or masturbation, this isn't strictly the same as addiction, and several studies have found that the people who are most likely to identify themselves as porn addicts are people who harbor religious or cultural shame about sexuality and porn use, rather than people who use porn more than the average person. it is, largely, a matter of perception.
while access to smartphones means that many people first encounter pornography at a young age - the current average age is somewhere between 9 and 13, depending on the study - and that can be confusing to a child who isn't given the proper framework to understand what they're seeing, it's also not a new phenomenon. in my role as a sex educator I also get to talk with a lot of parents about their early sexual experiences, and many of them recall encountering printed pornography as children when they find it in gutters, the woods, the bedroom of parents or friends' parents, or even stowed in farm equipment. these adults tend to remember being intrigued and excited along with a little confused or alarmed by this first brush with sexuality, but crucially it did not define them as people. as evidence by the fact that they've grown up to send their children to queer-friendly, sex positive, nonjudgmental sex ed classes, early exposure to porn did not stop them from growing into curious, thoughtful, and supportive parents who want to encourage healthy attitudes toward sexuality for their children. porn alone does not have the power to determine the direction of someone's life.
just seeing a naked person or pornography on the internet also cannot immediately make you an "addict." as you've already guessed, this is what we call fear mongering, using information in a way that's exaggerated to make people nervous to even engage with a topic. fear mongering about sex is common among adults and education systems that don't want to young people to be curious about their bodies; another common one is "teaching" young people about sexually transmitted infections by only showing them pictures of untreated cases that have become drastic and painful while insisting that no STI can ever be treated, which is definitely not the case. but the facts don't matter; the priority is trying to make sure teenagers are too scared to have sex until they're adults and the school system is no longer responsible for them.
(and it doesn't even work; states with higher rates of abstinence only education are CONSISTENTLY among those with the highest rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.)
when presented with absolutist statements like this, it's worth poking holes in the logic. for instance, if seeing any naked figure is bad, what about classical art? do nude marble statues put you at risk of being a porn addict? what about other artistic depictions of nudity? or anatomical illustrations? what about real people just changing clothes in a locker room, or young siblings bathing together? does it not count for people who are nearly or partially nude, like someone wearing a bathing suit or athletic clothes? people changing in a locker room together? what about young children being bathed together? and what about all of those depictions about Jesus on the cross wearing nothing but a loincloth? what's the line between "good" and "bad" nudity, and who's deciding where that line is? can such a line even really exist at all?
the truth is that people are undressed or partially undressed in all kinds of situations, and none of them are a corrosive influence on your brain. just looking at something is not enough to completely rewire your brain and permanently change your behavior. ultimately, you are responsible for your own actions.
I hope this has been a helpful answer, and that you stay curious about what you're being taught.
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wcbblife · 3 months
Public relationship with Juju HCs
a/n: I have another one brewing that's a secret relationship with her. Reader is an athlete too btw.
First of all, Juju would be pretty shameless if you two are out to the public. I think she wouldn't shy away from making it known that you two are together. Whether it's showing up to a game around Cali together or her showing up to a school activity with you by her side.
You two would be considered THE power couple since you’re both athletes for USC.
Juju is always on the big screen when she’s at your games and vice versa. When you two are watching another sport, you two always get called out in the crowd. In that case, Juju smiles with a hand around your hips or shoulder to let everybody know just how she felt about you without even having to say a word.
Birthday and anniversary posts are a must for her. She’s also always posting funny videos of you with her laughing in the background and the occasional fit check with an off-screen kiss at the end that makes everyone go crazy.
Some reporters usually try to poke and prod for some scandalous information, but Juju never deters from the fact that she’s down bad for you. She never hides that.
“So, rumor has it you've been spending a lot of time with someone special lately outside of basketball. Care to expand on that?” Juju raises an eyebrow, clearly annoyed at the fact that he was asking such a question at a basketball conference, “You mean my girlfriend?” She tries acting tough but the mere idea of you makes her break into a soft smile, “Yeah, we’ve been hanging out a lot since the season started. We might not get to be together as much once the games start to roll in.” “And you’re sure it’s all well? I mean, we’ve barely seen anything about you two these past few days.” It’s impossible to miss the huff of breath that she lets out. Almost frustrated. “Yeah man. I mean I think we’ve been better than ever. She’s been focused on her rehab, and I've been playing basketball.” She shrugs, “She’s got me breaking all of the coach's rules.” Juju tries to liven up the room with a joke and they all laugh as her coach smacks her hand in a playful manner.
Same with being shameless about you, she doesn’t hesitate to protect you when those crazy overbearing fans criticize you or the media gets out of hand.
"I'd like too also say that what the media paints my girlfriend to be is completely wrong. It would be nice for people to stop talking without knowing anything about her and us personally. " Seeing the media paint you as someone overbearing or keeping her from her full potential pissed of Juju a lot. She turned to the camera capturing the interview. "I would recommend not getting too comfortable on speaking about our relationship. It's none of your business at the end of the day. "
Her media team are literal menaces lowkey. They never miss an opportunity to tease you two. Whether it's making a cheeky caption with Juju's picture or commenting on a post about you.
Never fails to give you the credit you deserve. It can sometimes feel like all the attention is on her, but Juju uses her spotlight to let everyone know just how important you are to her and how she's down bad for you.
TikTok videos together>>>
You have countless videos of her just laying on you when you two are together in bed. Especially those where it’s without her knowing and she’s acting all weird or her just sleeping. Whenever she realizes, a shit eating grin settles on her face. She literally begs you to post them every time people doubt the status of your guy's relationship because it makes her feel super cocky.
She would wear your jersey. I don't make the rules.
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animeredhead101 · 3 months
Tim Drake/ Danny Fenton Masterlist
Mesmeric Revelation by DisillusionedDanny :
Danny couldn’t stop the future. That much was true. Despite not cheating on his CAT and doing every single thing by the book to make sure that this future was not a reality, it had happened anyway. The nasty burger had blown up. His parents, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, they were all in the building when it happened.With his friends and family dead, Danny goes to the only place he thinks is safe. The infinite realms.As Danny attempts to move on from the tragedy he manages to get summoned by cultists, build a new family for himself and even find love. Not all in that exact order.Tim Drake thought getting kidnapped by cultists was probably the most annoying thing to have ever happened to him. Little did he know it would also be the best thing to ever happen. Word Count: 71,980 Complete Its very heartwarming with a dark tone in the beginning. I enjoy reading this as a comfort fanfic.
Shovel Talk by SummersSixEcho :
When Tim decided to tag along on a road trip with Danny to meet his parents, he was kinda ready for the shovel talk with his friends and family. But bringing out the secrets buried in Amity Park? That’s another kind of shovel talk Danny hadn’t prepared him for. Word Count: 71,396 Complete
Bitter, had the Heart by CastrianAmore :
Tim is the only one consistently watching. Thus he’s the first and only one to notice one more body following the streets like the bats do. A kid with all black hair and white motifs and an attitude problem that reminds him a tad too much of Jason. It was a shame Jason was adamant that he “didn’t know anything”, what a liar right?But the streets of Gotham listened and the name on everyone’s lips playing like a discordant harmony was one word: Distortion. Not that Tim knew what it meant yet, but Danny would make sure he would. If Danny lived long enough for Tim to find out. Word Count: 182,548 Complete
Tim Jr. Coffee Machine Extraordinaire by PaperPuffin :
Dick worried his lip between his teeth as he looked Tim over. His little brother was standing, zombie-like, in front of the Cave’s coffee machine. Not that the act was unusual for Tim. Just… the thing was, Tim had been doing better. Word Count: 2,330 Complete
Wanted: Dead and Alive by Astereae :
“Hey, I do I... Do I know you?” Danny asks, a hand coming up to brush something off Tim’s cheek. “No,” Tim says. “We haven’t met.” “Oh, no, I do.” Danny says, and he smiles, teeth white and sharp. “You’re that guy who rearranged my guts!” Rearranged his- Tim glances at the knotted scars on the boy’s abdomen. He can see the shine and shadow of haphazard stitches that weren’t meant to hold forever, that tore and healed over. His- This- “WHAT!?” Nightwing shouts, equal parts confused and delighted. Tim’s fucked. OR Danny Fenton's been in GIW captivity for 4 months. Tim Drake gets kidnapped by the GIW one Tuesday evening in May. Considering how many of the Bats and the Birds have died and come back to life, it was only a matter of time for some people interested in the afterlife to come poking around. The detectives can't seem to uncover any information about the mysterious white vans, however. And they keep losing the mysterious boy who seems to be the one person in Gotham to know anything at all. Word Count: 121,281 Completed
Family introductions by Half-dead Ham(Grima101) :
Danny and Tim have been dating for about a year now, figuring out their relationship between Tim’s vigilante duties and Danny’s Ghost King responsibilities. Danny is taking a small (unauthorized) break from his paperwork to find his bf flat on his ass sick trying to go on patrol. The only way to stop him was to take his place, and Danny was lucky they're the same size.
Word Count: 14,070 On-going
An Interesting Family Tree by Scififan33 :
Danny's life in Amity Park wasn't perfect, but it beat his old life. The GIW and Fenton parents didn't make things easier but at least ghost attacks had lessened since he was named Prince, to be crowned upon his twenty first birthday.He'd run from the League almost a decade ago, risking getting their attention, and for a stranger? It was insane. And yet he still got on the plane to Europe to find and warn one Tim Drake that he was being targeted. Word Count: 68,348 On-going This is one of favorite fanfics, I love the interactions of Danny and Tim throughout the story. I also love how the author writes two story lines together. I love both Fandoms and to read a story were they work well together is always a treat!
Tim Drake's I.E.F (Invisible Eldritch Friend) by Half-dead Ham :
The last thing Tim expected while getting stalked was to get used to the unseen creature and how they started taking care of him. He expected even less for them to be the same age
Word Count: 72,042 On-going
I find it hilarious that the bat stalker gets stalked and they some how make it into a funny Rom-com.
Till Death and Beyond by Scififan33 :
Danny and Tim have known each other for a year, have been dating for months, and are very happy. Sure, Tim would prefer if his boyfriend let him help him at least get a nicer apartment, or even an internship at WE but Danny won't let him. Dating Tim is not keeping his head down but as far as everyone knows, Danny Fenton died with his parents and sister. Danny Nightingale has no links to him, thanks to Tucker and Technus' magic.But there are still those who would love nothing more than to get their hands on Phantom, despite his not having been seen in a long time.And why is there a vigilante bleeding out on his apartment floor? Word Count: 79,279 On-going I love the fic for the fact that we talk about how the bat-fam treats Tim. Like he is such a sweetheart and he is not treated they way he should be. Like don't get me wrong I love the fics were Damion and Tim get along and fix their relationship but the way they interact this would not have occurred and to see this in this fanfic and Tim recognizing that its not okay was amazing. I also love that Danny doesn't take any shit from the bat-fam, hes likes fuck with Tim and see what happens. Defiantly one of my top 5!
The Rebirth of Tim Drake by Bewitched_Forest :
Tim gets turned into a halfa after an incident with a newly spawned Lazarus Pit, electricity, and Ra's Al Ghul. When he awakens, he finds himself in the Ghost Zone. Taken to fellow Halfa, Danny Fenton, he travels to Amity Park where he learns with the help of Danny and his friends just what he has become. And how being a Halfa has made him one of the most hunted beings in the world.
Not Abandoned! Updating will just be whenever I feel like it cause I got burnout.
Word Count: 57,663 On-going
My Name is Not Wounder Boy! by CrepuscularCryptid :
Casper High's juniors go on a trip to Washington DC every year. This year it's Danny's class's turn. Absolutely nothing goes wrong. Nothing. Shut up, Tucker. ************* Wherein Danny meets Wonder Woman, fosters diplomacy between the Living and the Dead Realms, and eventually gets a new haunt. Word Count: 44,832 On-going
The Price Of Peace by JoyLess_Nightsk :
The Juistria League - the alliance of the major countries of the continent Juisitria - has long since stood for peace. Unfortunately there is one country that is a thorn in their side whenever they try to solidify that peace: The Infinite Lands, a country of barbarians to the north where the only reason they survive is the magic in the air. Where the magic is so strong that even children develop a talent, which they themselves call "the blessings of the dragons". The country that, last time the Juistria League had tried to negotiate, had waged a war more brutal then anything seen before on them, for over a decade - right until the moment a rebellion caged him. Not long ago, his murderer took the title. And now, that very same newly crowned High Chief demands negotiations of them. Bruce would rather die, would rather see Gotham and all of Juistria in flames than to allow that man to take one of his children. Tim, however, makes another decision before he could say that. Now, everyone has to hope Phantom will be happy with the boy… Meanwhile Danny is just too stunned that they actually agreed to that to do anything about the sudden engagement. Word Count: 50,397 On-going I usually am not a fan of fics like this but I kinda love this but just the fact that their are so many miscommunications between the Gotham and Infinite Lands. It definitely a great start and I cant wait ti read more!
Rated M
A Grave Affair by OnlyHereForTheSnacks :
Tim was used to life taking unexpected turns. It was just another part of being a vigilante. Sometimes life gives you lemons and sometimes an immortal assassin sells you into an arranged marriage to the Ghost King for a piece of jewelry. (Lots of plot. Smut in Ch.3. Mind the tags) Word Count: 14,744 Complete
Seeing Double by Wraiith(Jayyydez) :
"You remember that conversation we had about me being able to duplicate?" Tim's brow furrowed even more. Which conversation-? His mouth dried all at once, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest. Oh. Oh, Ancients and Gods alike, help him. Danny was having this conversation with him. He was having it with him right now, and Tim felt more awake than he had in days. Word Count: 7,752 Complete
Skin of Your Teeth by halfgone(milkywxy) :
Tim can't bring himself to lie about his secret identity anymore. When he spills his secret to his boyfriend, Danny, many more secrets are soon to follow. Some with interesting results. Prompts: Tim Drake |Eldritch Danny| Teeth Word Count: 7,065 On-going
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Designated Lockpicker
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Inspired by this post
Saw this and I HAD to write something about it. It only took me until 11:45 to finish it but it's okay I'll suffer the consequences
Warnings: one swear word, reference to Astarion's past abuse, mention of a terrible texture, innuendos
Word Count: 1,219
You poke your head into the room. Dust motes float through the air, which reeks with musk and mold. You'd probably cover your nose and seek fresh air if this wasn't the millionth time you’d smelled it.
Your eyes scan along the walls, floor and shelves, searching for anything interesting. Food would be nice - Gale wouldn’t stop pestering you for ingredients to cook with. Bandages wouldn’t hurt either if it would ease Shadowheart’s workload every time you got into a minor scrape.
The room was rather sparse, but it looked like it may have been a study at some point. Books were scattered everywhere, chairs were tipped on their sides or had broken legs, a desk was angled oddly for its placement. Whoever lived here before, they must have left in a hurry. Which was excellent news. Maybe they left something behind.
From the other rooms of the building, you can hear your companions’ muffled voices. You can only make out one or two words as they speak. Karlach seemed to be talking to Astarion; Wyll and Gale were going back and forth further away. You couldn’t hear Shadowheart or Lae’zel, but this didn’t surprise you.
The floorboards creak and groan as you step into the study. Stray beams of light keep the gloom away, for the most part. You can almost imagine how lovely it once was.
You go to take a book off the shelf, but immediately draw your hand back when the binding squishes at the slightest pressure. You scowl in disgust and wipe your hand on your pants to remove the gross sensation. Unfortunately, your more learned companions would not be getting any new reading materials today.
Against the far wall, stationed behind the desk, was a dresser with a glass case on top. All the case had was scrolls, damp and turning green. Any information they may have held was gone.
You grab the handles of each drawer in turn, sliding open the dresser to reveal its contents. A vial of ink here, another useless scroll there - nothing exciting. Until you open the bottom drawer.
Poorly hidden under some loose paper was a chest. It appeared to be made of metal, hardly rusted despite its surroundings. For its size, you were shocked how heavy it was when you lifted it out and set it on the desk just behind you. The lock didn’t look too complicated. You had some spare lockpicks in your pack, you could easily grab one and get it open. You could.
Instead, you leave the chest where it is and step into the hall. You try to listen for your friends, again, but they seem to have done deeper within the establishment. So you do the next best thing: “Astarion?”
The shout travels down the building, and from one of the rooms pops out the vampire spawn. He seemed confused why you’d be calling him of all people. But the confusion is quickly masked with suave confidence as he sauntered down the hall to you. “Yes, dear?”
You smile sweetly at him. “I found a locked chest. Could you help me open it? Please?”
He smirks and taps a finger under your chin, getting you to tilt your head upward with just one motion. “Since you asked so nicely.”
He follows you back into the room. His nose scrunches with the smell of rotting books, but the look is gone as soon as he sees the chest. You round the desk and turn it around toward him. He can’t stop his smile as you rest your arms and chin on top, still fixing him with that darling look.
This had become a habit, to his mind, anyway. For you, this was an enrichment of sorts to provide Astarion with a sense of purpose. Late night talks had made it abundantly clear just how much he loved feeling useful. For two centuries he was used, his autonomy stolen from him for the sake of his master. But little tasks like this did not feel like an imbalance in power. He would open whatever lock you wished for the praise you showered on him alone, but you also ensured he got his pick of whatever was inside. He was being rewarded for his services, something that never happened before - nothing good, anyway - and you loved giving him his moment to shine.
He just assumed you couldn’t pick a lot to save your damn life.
“I’m beginning to think you just like watching me,” he teased. He produced a pick from his pocket and began working away at the lock. “Trying to learn my trade secrets, are we?"
You hummed, looking down at his hands as they moved together fluidly. He could do this in his sleep. “Never. I just love watching you work, that’s all.”
He chuckled. “Really now?” He lifts his attention from the lock to look at you, hands pausing in their ministrations. “And what is it about my work that you enjoy so much?”
You meet his gaze. He can only describe the look you give him as fond. Love seems to rest in your irises, gleaming back at him, on display for the whole world to see. “Your hands,” you answer, and while it was supposed to be part of your playful banter, you say it so genuinely. “You’re always so precise, like you just know exactly what needs to be done before you even start. It reminds me of your embroidery.”
“And here I thought it was for more depraved reasons.” It’s a deflection. He still isn’t used to being seen like this. Seen by you. He still thinks of the way you describe how his hair curls around his ears, and how his face wrinkles when he laughs. “I’m always happy to give you a hands-on lesson, my sweet. Just say the word.”
“And if I ask for you to teach me how to embroider?”
His devious smirk relaxed into a soft grin. He nods. “It would be my honor.”
Silence takes over as he returns to his work. It’s warm and welcoming, despite your surroundings. Basking in the quiet felt easy around him. He could be reading a book, and you’d slot yourself right next to him, and never was there an expectation for him to stop to entertain you. You just wanted to be around him. It meant more to him than you could ever know.
With a final turn of the pick, a faint click comes from the chest. He seems to puff up with the success, like an all-too-proud bird. He slips the pick back in his pocket and steps back as you round the desk. Instead of going straight for the chest, you cup his cheek in one hand and press a kiss to the other. His cheeks would be positively flushed if he had the blood for it.
“Thank you, Astarion,” you whisper against his skin, pressing another kiss to his cheek right after. He leans into the heat of your hand.
“It was my pleasure, darling.”
You pull away with a grin that could put the sun to shame. You turn to open the chest, eager to know what hides behind those metal walls, and he cannot stop admiring how perfectly a stray beam of light hits your skin.
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Gun for hire (1)
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Summary: You’re his next target. Nothing else. Right?
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x fem!Reader
Warnings: hiring a killer, Lloyd being Lloyd, being followed, sunshine reader
Gun for hire (Prologue)
Gun for hire masterlist
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Lloyd curses himself once again.
He still didn’t get his money. His newest client is an annoying piece of shit. And on top of the pile of shit, this assignment turned into, the exotic beard wax he wanted to order was sold out.
In other words. Lloyd Hansen is fucking livid. 
This doesn’t keep him from following his latest target around town.
So far you went to work, bought a muffin on your way to the library, and talked to the librarian for half an hour.
Lloyd yawns, bored beyond belief. He never followed such a boring person. Most of the people he killed were criminals, or at least interesting. You’re just…too nice.
You made it your mission to visit the elderly librarian every day after work to make sure she gets her extra portion of sugar – hence the muffin you bought. Plus, you try to make her feel needed by asking questions about books you already read.
He’s close to calling it a day when a man walks past you and the librarian. The man bumps into your side and has the guts to yell at you.
Lloyd pokes his head around the shelf he is hiding behind to watch you smile at the man. He can’t believe that you smile at a man yelling at you not moments ago.
“Crazy,” he concludes but decides to watch you for a little longer. Assignment or not, he’s got nothing better to do today.
“Sir,” you carefully pat the man’s arm while you speak to him in a low, but soft tone. “Your day must have been hard.” You batt your eyelashes, and smile again. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been so rude, right?” 
The man suddenly smiles and apologizes repeatedly. The man’s whole demeanor changed so suddenly Lloyd could not believe his eyes.
“Drugs maybe…or a hidden gun?” Lloyd wonders. No man ever changed their opinion so fast without being under the influence of drugs, or in danger. “That woman must be the devil in disguise or something. She must be more dangerous than I first thought.”
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“Come on, do something more exciting,” Lloyd grunts as your daily routine drives him up the walls. He looks at his notes again and sighs deeply. 
He rereads his notes and tries to find new information.
“Work. Buying something sweet for Grace, the elderly librarian. Talking to said librarian for half an hour. Going home. Watching TV.”
This is not how imagined his Friday night would look like. He wanted to spend it at his favorite strip club, a pretty girl’s mouth wrapped around his dick.
“She’s so…” he rubs his tired eyes, “boring. I can’t believe someone wants to kill her.” Lloyd ignores the kink in his neck and his burning eyes, or the fact that he’s watching you giggle at something your elderly neighbor said. “I hate her so much.” 
He could just end your life or call it a day, but he keeps on watching you smile and giggle. “She’s a fucking ray of sunshine. What the fuck!”
Lloyd shakes his head. Today someone spilled coffee all over your pretty sundress. Your boss yelled at you. And you lost your phone.
Nothing seems to ruin your mood. You are still laughing and joking with your neighbor.
“I should just go over there and kill them both. Less headache for me – a house and a car for my client,” Lloyd is tempted to get his gun and silencer out to shoot you and your neighbor. “Maybe later. I need to unlock her phone first…”
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Lloyd rolls his eyes while scrolling through your phone. There are mostly pictures of bees, flowers, and cake on your phone. No interesting or naughty stuff. 
“This woman can’t be real. She buys sweets for the librarian; cooks soup for her sick neighbor and has a fucking insect hotel on her veranda. She’s crazy…this must be it.” 
He nods to himself. “I need to find out more about her. Maybe some files are password-protected. I know she’s hiding shit from me.”
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“Boss, it’s two weeks,” one of Lloyd’s men dares to say. “He didn’t pay.” The man clears his throat. “The woman is still alive too. What is your plan?”
“I need to find out more about her,” Lloyd grunts. He doesn’t need one of his bootlickers to sniff around and find out Lloyd is following you because he’s fascinated and a little grossed out by your bubbly personality.
Your friendliness is hard to stomach, and he wants to find at least one thing you try to hide before he kills you.
“Boss, he didn’t pay,” the man insists. “We don’t work for free. That’s rule number—” A gunshot ends the man’s life. 
“Rule number four is to never doubt me and my decisions,” Lloyd sneers at the dead man on the ground. He snaps his fingers at one of the others. “Clean this up. I got a job to do.”
“Boss…” the man nods and goes to work.
“And bring me her boyfriend. He broke our contract and didn’t pay me a single buck. I want to know why he believes he can fuck with Lloyd fucking Hansen.”
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“What are you doing at my house?” You take a step back. A stranger is standing in your living room, a gun with a silencer aimed at your head. “Oh…Tommie.” You shake your head and sigh. “He’s such an unhappy man.”
Lloyd cocks a brow at your reaction. You don’t scream or beg. Instead, you are concerned about your ex-boyfriend.
“He doesn’t have the money to pay me back for the house and car,” you conclude and nod to yourself. “But he has the money to pay you?”
You take a step toward Lloyd, taking him by surprise. He backpaddles and aims his gun back at you.
“You don’t look like a guy he found on the street and paid him twenty bucks. You look like a…” You tilt your head to look the man in front of you up and down, “professional.”
“Sorry, but you got to go…” He murmurs, wondering a little about his words. It’s the first time he said more to a target than hello and goodbye.
“Uh-okay,” you wring your hands. “I just ordered takeout. Can I eat it before you kill me?” You cock a brow. “You know, the whole last meal thing and stuff. I got dessert too. Please don’t let me die hungry.”
Lloyd is stunned. No target ever accepted their fate without fighting back. Most of them at least begged and pleaded or offered more money.
“You can have some dessert too,” you softly say. “I guess in your line of business you don’t often get invited.” You giggle. “You know, because you kill all of your clients.”
“I don’t kill my clients,” he sighs. “Fine, have your last meal. You are giving me a fucking headache, sunshine.”
“Aw, that’s a cute nickname,” you point out. “Do you call your girlfriend that too?” You ask while walking past Lloyd. “I’m going to eat now. Please don’t shoot me before I finish my meal.”
“Just shut up,” he grunts and follows you inside the kitchen. “Why are you not screaming or throwing a tantrum?”
You shrug. “We all must die one day. Right?” Watching Lloyd, you smile. “Please don’t shoot me in the face. Someone must identify me, and I don’t want them to see me like that.”
“You always think about others first.” 
He watches you prepare two plates of food. You watch him watching you. He cocks a brow, believing you will try to trick him. “It’s not poisoned. I’ll eat it too.”
“Do you want to sort things out first?”
“I got everything sorted out,” you smile. “I’m just worried about my neighbor and the stray cat I feed. They are both old and need help.”
Lloyd shakes his head. “You must be crazy thinking about others while a stranger threatens to kill you.”
“I thought you wanted to kill me, not just threaten me,” you round the counter to place a plate close to him. “I didn’t take you for someone making empty promises.” You run your fingertips over the hand holding the gun and smile. “Right. Mr.…?”
“Lloyd,” he says and drops his eyes to your finger running over his hand. “Are you flirting with me?”
You look him straight in the eyes and smile. “Why would I flirt with my executioner?”
Gun for hire (2)
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rebeliz7 · 1 year
More than anything
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Wanda Maximoff x Super Soldier!Reader
Warnings: Killgrave shenanigans - forced acts - descriptions of blood - fighting - quite a bit of fighting.
Request: What about a Wanda maximoff x powered fem reader where Killgrave gets to the reader and forces her to fight the avengers and try to kill them and Wanda is the only one who can stop her.
Word Count: 4520
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You don’t believe in bad omens. At least you’ve never been one to pay that sort of thing any mind. 
When you enter Tony’s lab and you notice him atop a large iron ladder, trying to reach a vent, you’re wondering why he isn’t using one of his suits to levitate so high that you end up walking right underneath the open ladder. 
The weird this is---you notice it, and a weird heavy weight settles in the pit of your stomach because of it. 
“That’s bad luck, you know?” Sam tells you as he walks inside as well. 
“It’s just a ladder, Wilson.” You try to brush it off but he shrugs his shoulders, and you kind of hate him for telling you that.
“Not what my mom used to say.” He says, but you keep the comeback to yourself this time. 
It’s not what Wanda says either, and although you don’t believe in that kind of thing, you’re still aware of superstitions and always try to avoid ‘poking the bear’.  
You talk with Tony and leave his lab quickly. It’s not until much later that you remember this particular moment and that damn ladder. 
The mission was a simple one. Get in, detain the suspects, free the hostages. Simple.
Simple is the furthest from your current situation though. 
When you got to the scene earlier, you quickly noticed the swarm of people willing to fight anyone who tried to get in. The odd part about it is---they all seem to be fighting against their will, as if someone’s forcing them, controlling them. 
“Something isn’t right.” You speak through your coms, as you press your back against a near wall to catch your breath. 
“Talk to me.” Natasha’s voice comes through quickly, but so does another attack. 
You barely avoid the iron bar coming to your head, only to come face to face to the guy that’s gripping said bar with trembling hands and tears running down his pale cheeks. 
You watch him for a split second, but he’s fighting against what he’s doing and the same feeling that washes over you when you walked inside Tony’s lab makes a comeback. 
That damn ladder. 
“Something’s not right, Nat.” You respond, avoiding the guy’s attacks again but refusing to attack him back. 
He screams, coming at you with more attacks, one after another. Taking pity of him, you take the bar off his hands and slap him across the face. He falls unconscious and you catch his body before it hits the ground to lay him down gently.  
“These people are not right.” You tell the team through the coms again, eyes still on the guy that’s on the floor. 
You have a terrible feeling. 
“I agree. It’s like they don’t want to be here. Someone just apologized to me before attacking.” Sam’s voice comes through, and you decide to leave. Better to leave now, and come back with more information than fighting in the dark like this.  
The reports said that you need to stop a group of individuals who are dangerous and seem to be enhanced in some unknown ways, and have been causing mayhem across town. You haven’t seen anyone enhanced so far but that’s not to say that something isn’t right. 
“What do we have here?” A voice speaks, making you halt in your step and turn around slowly. 
A guy, shorter than you and much more skinny, smiles at you. Involuntary shivers run down your spine at the sight of his creepy smile, but you still assess him. 
British accent, in his early forties, purple suit and one hundred percent creepy.  
“Who are you?” You ask him but he just smiles, and walks closer to you.  
“Drop the mics, darling.” The shot of electricity that runs through you at hearing his command, feels like a bucket of ice cold water dripping down your back. 
You do as he says, without resistance and when it’s done, panic begins to build up in the pit of your stomach. You’re terrified. 
“What’s happening?” You ask him, your voice an octave higher and he simply smiles. 
“No talking on your part for now. I’m going to do the talking, and you’re going to listen. Speak only when I tell you to.” He says and tears spring to your eyes when you realize that you can’t talk, even though you want to. “That’s better.” He smiles. 
This is what’s happening here. All these people were ordered by this guy to fight you and now you see it. You need to warn the team, but you don’t know how. 
“First of all,” he says as he runs a finger down your jacket clad arm, making you shiver involuntarily. “Take this off, it's way too hot for anyone to be wearing leather.”
Every cell in your body wants to protest at this particular command, but you take off the jacket just like he wants you to and drop it on the ground. 
You know that you have to warn the others, you have to fight him, you have to stop him---but you can’t move, you can’t even talk. 
“Come over here.” He tells you as he enters a room that leads you down a dark hallway, and you silently follow him. 
“Smile, darling. You’re looking way too serious.” He says over his shoulder and you feel your lips rising up on the edges, and you’re smiling so wide that it’s hurting your cheeks but you continue to do it because you have to and that’s all that matters. 
Doing what he says it’s all that matters. 
“Break this door.” He orders next, when you stand in front of a wooden locked door and without a question you kick it open for him. 
“You remind me of someone.” He says with a bit of melancholy in his tone but when he catches sight of your face, he grimaces and flinches back. “Stop smiling now, you’re creeping me out.” He laughs, and you stop immediately.
“You’re an Avenger, right?” He asks as he guides you down some stairs. “I saw the mighty Captain before I found you all alone in those stairs. Lucky me. Answer.”
“I’m a Winter Soldier.” You answer, and he claps his hands in delight. 
“Oh, this is fantastic! You and I are gonna have so much fun together. Yes, we will!”
He guides you to an underground parking lot and then hands you the keys of a car before getting in the passenger seat, and you follow suit. 
“Be a darling and drive us out of this mess, would you?” He says offhandedly, bored, and you turn on the engine before backing up. 
You drive away from the building and your team doesn’t notice, no one is following you and you want to ask him what will happen with the people he's leaving behind but you still can’t talk freely.
“Take me somewhere safe.” He says after five minutes on the road, and you immediately think of safe houses. “A place where the Avengers won’t find us.” He clarifies and you nod at him.
Pictures of places where the Avengers would never find you pop in you head at his request, and you turn the car around. He smiles, a look you can’t comprehend passing through his eyes, and then your cell phone rings. 
“Who is calling you?” He asks as you retrieve your phone promptly, you see the picture of your girlfriend on the screen and your vision becomes a bit blurry around the edges with the blink of your eyes. 
“My girlfriend.” You tell him and he takes the phone from you, studies the picture for a hot second and then gives it back to you.
“Answer. Tell her that you’ve taken another route back. Tell her you’re okay and that you’ll see her soon.”
Something within you wants to fight back but you slide your fingers across the screen to answer anyway, because you need to do as he says. 
“Hey, babe.” You answer casually. 
“Where are you? Are you okay?” Wanda asks, sounding agitated. “Your coms are down.”
“I’m okay. I’m taking another route back to the Compound.” You tell her, the lie falling easily off your lips and you feel sick to your stomach. 
“Why? What happened?” Wanda asks and you can hear the worry in her voice but you need to say what he told you to say, nothing else matters. 
“I’m okay. I’ll see you soon.” You end the call at once and the man smiles at you, and when he stretches out his hand you place your phone on the palm of his hand willingly. 
He doesn’t speak for the rest of the ride but you feel him watching you, and you can’t resist him at all even though somewhere in the back of your mind you know that you need to. 
When you arrive at a place that you know he’ll be alright, he takes a deep breath before sitting at the head of the dining table, as if this has always been a place known to him and you are an old friend. 
“Come, sit with me.” You sit to his right and with a finger on his lips he seems to be deep in thought.
You’re shaking, afraid out of your mind because the more time you spend with him the more you realize that nothing else matters to you. 
Still, you try to resist the urge. 
“Why were the Avengers there today?” He asks after a beat.
“We were asked to help by the local police.”
“Do they know of me?” He asks and you shake your head. “That’s grand. That’s fantastic! Now!” He claps his hands again, his smile never wavering. “A Winter Soldier, you said?”
“That makes you just as strong as Captain America.”
“Just as lethal as good old Barnes, right?”
Your head is fuzzy, like you can’t think of anything else besides this man and his words.
“I want you to kill them all.” He says and your head spins, but you don’t know why. All you know is that you need to do as he asks. “I want you to kill all the Avengers and when that’s done I need you back here with me. I have plans for us.”
You secure the safe house before you leave. You know exactly where to find the Avengers, you know exactly how to kill them all and you have an order. 
You ditch your car a mile away from the Compound, and you make your way inside without any resistance. You know this place like the back of your hand after all. 
You could just walk through the front door, you realize, but the rifle in your hand would be too suspicious to not raise any alarms. You need them dead, and you need them dead quickly so you can go back to that man. 
You have so many options to take them out, so many ways that they won’t even see coming. 
Groaning to yourself, you keep on walking, trying to ignore why there’s a knot around your throat or why the thought of killing these Avengers pains you so. All you know is that you have an order and you need to fulfill it, you need to do as he asked. 
Nothing else matters. 
You could wait for everyone to go to bed first, but Friday would send an alarm to everyone the moment it recognizes that it’s being hacked and you can’t be found out just yet. You’ll do this without hacking into Friday, it seems. 
You place bombs on every getaway route and wait. The moment the bombs go off, you know Friday will lock them in, activating security protocols. 
When the bombs go off, and everyone tries to run out you’re waiting at the perfect spot for them. 
Sam is the first one to run out. He breaks one of the large windows in the common room, but he doesn’t make it further. You put a bullet in his shoulder, on the only blank spot of his suit just as he’s about to take off flying. 
He falls backwards with force and you curse under your breath. The bullet should have gone into his head, that was the right thing to do. Now he’s injured and in the blue. 
Kill them, he said. 
You have a clear shot to his jugular and you shoot. 
The bullet ricochetes off Captain America’s shield, who just came out through the same window to his help. You instantly try to point at the new target, but Steve throws his shield at you in a split second. 
Rolling backwards, you barely avoid being hit by his shield. Not missing a beat you get ready to shoot again but the look on Steve’s face makes you take a stop. 
“What?” He asks himself, confused. You shake your head, fighting against the cloud of fogginess that’s taking over your vision and the ripping pain that threatens to break you from the inside out. 
Throwing the rifle to the ground, you decide to jump down and meet them halfway but not before checking your chest for wounds. This pain---this pain feels too real to be anything other than physical. 
You don’t know what’s happening anymore. You just know that you need them dead. You need to do as the man said. 
“What is happening?” Wanda asks, finally making an appearance and your eyes meet hers across the yard. 
You want to go to her---but she’s an Avenger.  
“She did this.” Steve tells her and you take a deep breath. You need them dead, you need them all dead.
Not waiting another second, you leap for him, punching him in the jaw before he can see you coming. You need him dead, you just need the Avengers dead. That’s all you know, that’s all you need to do.
Steve fights back, although still confused and reluctant to do so. When he punches you in the jaw, something crosses your mind, recognition. 
He punches you again, making you take several steps back. You need them dead, don’t you?
Looking up, you catch sight of your own reflection in one of the larger windows and you become so dizzy that you almost lose your balance where you stand. 
What are you doing?
“Why are you doing this? You have to stop!” Steve tells you but you’re staring at your reflection because you’re crying, and your tears seem to expand the pain in your chest---your chest that isn’t injured.
“I have to kill you.” You tell him as you turn around to face him one more time. 
Steve frowns, blood dripping down the side of his mouth where you punched him before. The need to scream overtakes you, even more so when you see Sam bleeding out on the ground and Wanda---Wanda who doesn’t seem to be able to move, too confused by what you’re doing. 
You see her in your peripheral vision a second too late. Natasha comes at you from the shadows, and she’s hard to pin down. 
One of her bites hit you in the back, making you fall to your knees, the electricity of it making you grow in pain. Not that it’s enough to keep you down, and she knows it. 
Next, she jumps on your shoulders with one of her signature moves but you’re ready for her this time around. You grab her hair in a tight grip around your fist and pull her forward with all your strenght. 
Her back hits the ground hard and you’re so worked up, that you go after her without a pause. You raise your boot clad foot to stomp on her face but someone pulls you back, making you stumble before you realize who’s come to Natasha’s rescue. 
Steve looks pained, his lip has swollen and you can’t seem to shake the look of Natasha’s terrified expression off your head. 
You need them dead. You just need them dead. You need to do as he said. 
Attacking Steve for a second time is far easier, you know him and you know his weak spots. He grows tired after only a few minutes, as if he’s no match for you at all, and you know you can finish him. 
You almost have him, you can do this fast and you can be back to the man before midnight. You need to get back to him because he has plans. 
Bleeding and tired yourself, you manage to get a hold of his shield. You can taste blood on your tongue, tears running down your cheeks and you’re about to finally end him.
He’s on the ground and you can end him with one hit of his own shield---one single blow and he’ll be dead. You have to. 
“No.” A voice echoes in your ears, inside your head---it vibrates all throughout your body, you feel it in your veins. 
“No.” The voice says again, cutting through the fogginess of your brain like a well sharpened knife, and the pain is unbearable.  
“Stop!” You scream, as you let go of the shield and you fall to the ground, hands on your head and rolling on the grass.
The pain is blinding---it feels like your head is splitting in half. You can’t take it.
“Darling, you need to stop.” The voice says and you scream louder, unable to take the pain that comes with that voice. It’s scrambling your brain, you can feel it. 
“Please.” The voice begs, broken and strained. 
“Stop!” You scream back, finally recognizing the voice. 
You have to kill them. You have to kill them, that’s all that matters. 
“He’s controlling you.” Wanda says, still in your head, her voice resonating only for your ears. 
But you need to go back to him, you need them dead. He’s waiting for you.  
“No, you don’t.” Wanda says, replying to your thoughts. “You don’t need to go back to him. You need to be here. With me. With us. We’re your family.”
Screaming, your voice carries out as you punch the ground so hard that the dirt gives in with the force of your fists.
You can see the forgiveness of your brain slowly lifting, as if it were a drape and someone is finally opening it, letting the light come through. 
It takes a moment for it to sink in, but that blinding need to do as the man told you to do, still palpates within you, although not as strong.
You catch sight of Steve, bleeding on the floor where you left him. His face is bloody, his left eye shut closed and swollen---you almost don’t recognize him, and you did that to him.  
Your hands are splashed with his blood and dirt, and you’re shaking. 
“I need to do this.” You speak out loud. “I need to do this.”
Wanda’s close to you now, tears running down her cheeks as she reaches for you. 
You clutch her hands desperately, but she’s firm as she takes your face and forces you to look at her, although you can’t meet her eyes. 
“Look at me.” She says but her lips aren’t moving, she’s still in your head. “Look at me.”
Hesitantly, you meet her hazel eyes. She’s so strong right now, stronger than you ever thought possible. 
“You have to fight it. You have to fight him out of your mind.” She tells you. 
“You don’t understand.” You cry, head shaking as his command unravels through you. “I need to do what he asked me to do. I need to.”
“No.” She fiercely tells you, her hands anchoring you. “Fight him back.” She orders you---and something within you breaks free.
The light pours in and the pain is so devastating that you fall backwards, clutching your head as everything overwhelms you. 
You scream until your voice begins to waver, until your head feels as if it’s been chopped off and replaced. 
“I can’t.” You cry out when you still need to do as he said, only now you’re aware of it. You know what he asked and you know how wrong it is.   
“Listen to me.” Wanda’s voice orders again, and you will yourself to listen. “You’re stronger than this.”
You’re not, you’re really not. You can’t fight this command.
“I love you so much.” Wanda tells you as you try to stay concious.  “I love you and I need you to fight him out. Do it.”
“I lo - ” Your voice is hoarse and a sob breaks through your lips when you look at her. “I lo - I love you too.”
She sends you a small smile in return and you focus on the images that she’s putting in your head, images of the two of you together and you let her wander your mind until you inevitably pass out. 
You wake up with a start, and one hell of a headache. You’re in the medbay and Wanda is sleeping right next to you, her arm firmly wrapped around your middle protectively and you don’t know what to do.
“You kicked our asses.” Natasha casually says from a nearby chair that you didn���t notice before.
Her voice comes accompanied by a wave of guilt that washes over you mercilessly. Especially when you look at her face and catch the fresh bruises adorning it. Bruises that you put there. 
Tears rush to your eyes as everything comes back to you, and you can’t get a grip of yourself.  
“I’m so sorry.” You cry, begging for her forgiveness. Nat’s quick to walk over to you though, and press her lips on your temple for a few long seconds. 
“None of that.” She assures you when she leans back and takes your hand with both of hers. “We tracked your phone. We took precautions and we caught him. He’s on his way to the Rift as we speak. He’ll never get to you, or anyone again.”
You almost bolt out of the bed at hearing that anyone else could have been in close proximity to that man, but Wanda holds you tighter. 
“We got him.” She tells you softly and close to your ear, making you cry even harder.
You cry for long minutes that feel like an eternity. 
You were a Winter Soldier, you’ve been that kind of slave but back then you didn’t know anything, you didn’t know what you were missing, you didn’t even know who you were. 
This man made you a slave while you could still remember your name and the people that you love, he made you go after them and turned your head into a mess in order for you to do what he wanted you to.
“I love you.” Wanda murmurs in your ear again, and again and you hold her just as tight. 
If it weren’t for her---you don’t even want to think about what could have happened if it weren’t for her.
You only raise your head when you hear pouring, and you find Liho walking on your legs. He immediately pokes your mouth with his head and your nose throbs in pain, and you remember that Steve broke it. 
“They’re okay.” Wanda says, her hand on Liho’s head and her lips pressing fleeting kisses on the corner of your lips, as if she can’t be away from you. “Nothing they can’t recover from.”
“They’ll be fine.” Natasha says offhandedly as she picks up her cat from your chest and you grip Wanda’s arm to keep her close. “I’m gonna take this one up for some food, and I’ll put something together for dinner. Come up in thirty.”
You nod, still a bit uncertain that you deserve her care after what happened but thankful nonetheless.
“Thanks, Nat.” Wanda says for the both of you and then she sits up on the bed, her hands never leaving yours. You watch as she kisses your bruised knuckles, and you love her so much that your breath comes out short. 
“I think I knew.” You say and she gives you her entire attention. “When I shot Sam, I knew I should shoot him in the head, but I still shot him in the shoulder.”
“You were struggling. You were fighting him even before I intervened.” She says, leaning down to wipe away your tears and to kiss you softly. You cup her face and return her kiss.
“I could have used the rifle on Stev,e but I didn’t.” You tell her next and she nods, a proud smile on her lips. 
“I know.” 
“Do you think they’ll forgive me?” You ask her, and she kisses you again. 
“There wasn’t a moment when Steve thought that you were doing that on your own.” She tells you and then points to her head, you know she’s telling you the truth because she saw inside of his head. “Sam is slightly disappointed that he didn’t get to kick your ass but he didn’t doubt you either. Neither did Natasha.”
“And you?” You ask, your hand on her shoulder, keeping her close and revealing the weight of her body half on  top of yours even if you’re hurting, even if you can still feel Steve’s fists colliding with your ribs. 
“I believe in you.” She says, her lips close to yours. “I love you more than anything.”
You pull her closer and kiss her until you can’t take the pain on your nose, and she pulls back with a smile on her lips. You don’t know how you got this lucky, you don’t even know how she made her way into your life or how you made your way into hers. 
But God! You love her. 
“Thank you.” You tell her as you remember the things that she made you see when you were struggling. She showed you the first time she saw you, the first time she wanted to kiss you, your first kiss, images of you two watching a movie and grocery shopping, small things that pulled you right out of the nightmare you were living. 
“You continue to save me.” She frowns at hearing your words and you kiss the palm of her hand. “You came into my life and everything changed.”
“So did you.” She softly says and you smile.
“I love you more than anything too.” You tell her and she kisses you again. 
You’ll have to apologize to Steve and Sam, but for now you can just kiss your girlfriend and be grateful that you didn’t do anything that can’t be undone. 
Liho jumps on your bed soon after though, a clear sign that Natasha is already waiting for you and you have to follow him to the elevator.
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chouettecrivaine · 7 months
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Love's the Only Medicine [Honkai: Star Rail]
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Characters: Dr. Ratio
Notes: SO. First off, those of you waiting on Lyney fic, it is postponed for now because I'm stuck :( but for now I'm working on a Dr. Ratio fic and I'm having a little trouble so these are my headcanons for how a good/healthy relationship with him would actually work because I love to write fluff all the time <3
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So, how does one go about romancing the Dr. Veritas Ratio?
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Have independence. Dr. Ratio is a busy man, and while he'd of course value your relationship (why else would he be in a relationship in the first place?), he wouldn't fare well with someone who is the clingy type. A relationship that would work best for him is one where you share in each other's missions, victories, and defeats as best as you can without melding your lives into one singular identity. With the exception of certain instances where you worked with him prior to the relationship starting/getting serious (though even then, he might drop the idea of separating your work paths a little bit to ensure there is no space for rational, scientific endeavors to be tangled with personal emotions), Dr. Ratio is perfectly content to with a relationship where some aspects of your lives don't always cross. Of course he wants to spend time with you! He just appreciates his own ability to act independently and keep work and personal matters separate. (Plus I feel like he'd find independence kinda attractive anyway :P)
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Keep him grounded. Dr. Ratio gets lost in his thoughts frequently. He understands that facts and calculations can only go so far in the real world (though they could go MUCH FURTHER in his opinion, hence his cosmic mission to eradicate foolishness) but he loves finding the rational, mathematical answer to things. It'll be up to you to navigate a little bit more expertly on this plane. If he's trying to piece together a solution to a planet's hunger crisis, well, maybe let him sort through his lofty thoughts then. But if he's simply ignoring the world and thinking for the sake of it, you'll be able to get away with poking him out of the stupor and getting him to actually communicate with the world around him.
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Be the people person, but don't apologize for him. Veritas has a tendency to rub people the wrong way. He's rude, abrasive, and arrogant. When others say such things without realizing you're nearby, you AGREE with them. But these are all things he knows, too. In most cases, how the reception of information makes somebody feel doesn't particularly concern him. But sometimes, especially now that he's actively placing himself in the social situation of being in a relationship, talking with people in a constructive way is necessary. He's fine with defaulting to you in these instances if it makes you feel useful. However, it is simply a matter of leaving a task to the one who knows better. If you start apologizing for his silence or a prior brash attitude, though, then he gets a little prickly. He stands by his behavior! Don't make him out to be someone you should have to apologize for or ashamed of.
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Have clear communication skills. Listen. Veritas is an eloquent speaker, and he says exactly what he means to. However...good communication is more than just saying words that mean exactly what you want them to. You have to present information in a way that others can receive, and that's where he falls flat. The onus will fall to you to exemplify that sort of skill. Now, you don't have to teach him step-by-step how to talk nicely, but being able to do so yourself and give him a gentle nudge when it really matters will go a long way in ensuring you're talking to each other and not at each other.
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Argue with him. Like, not actually. Argue with him academically. Veritas has stated that he feels incorrect on a matter if people agree with him. So don't agree with him! Don't spark debate just for the sake of it, but you shouldn't be afraid to voice your opinion when it goes against his. Dissent is the forebear of accuracy, after all. He won't be gentle with his arguments, but he never means to condescending when you're sharing your scholarly ideas. (Plus, this will help you get accustomed to when he is actually trying to argue you in a less casual context)
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅His love language? Quality time. Wanted all across the galaxy to solve this crisis or that, Dr. Ratio is a busy, busy man. So when you come in at the top of his list of priorities, that's how you know he's in deep. If you receive a certain love language particularly well, he can adapt! But his default is both to give and receive quality time. Even just time together that isn't attentive and specifically for each other can mean a lot to him. If you're both busy with work, he can be placated by attending to your duties but staying in the same room as each other. Don't worry about distracting him, either - as of late, he finds himself distracted when you aren't around, and at ease when you are.
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Have a hunger for knowledge. It can be intimidating to hear him denounce all fools of the universe when he doesn't give many specific answers as to what a fool is. Veritas doesn't care about a lack of knowledge; what he cares about is a lack of awareness and a lack of trying. He'd be a fool himself if he pretended as though everyone had the same access to the same level of education, or that there weren't people who gravitated towards certain skills. After all, he's widely regarded as a genius, but you don't exactly see him releasing academic journals on any musical studies, do you? (Now, could he write one? Probably. But that's not the point.) As tough of a teacher as he is, what he's after is undying tenacity; that you never falter in the face of obstacles, and that you never place your scholarship on a shelf so high it winds up collecting dust, unused. If you don't know something, that's fine - go figure it out! Don't just say 'I don't know' and leave the matter at that. Learning through experience is an incredibly strong way of gathering knowledge. Just...don't expect him to be any nicer about your lack of prior knowledge just because you are close to him or you are trying to remedy that. At the end of the day, you did fall in love with a guy who's just kind of an ass sometimes :/
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Be honest. This is one that could go for anybody in any relationship, but it is a top priority for Dr. Ratio. He's based his entire life on searching and spreading absolute truth in every corner of the cosmos. Normally, this takes the form of objective, empirically provable fact. But he finds it frustrating if you won't be honest about your feelings or what you want, how is he to know what to do? You'll have him acting like a fool with your refusal to face your own truth! (This is, of course, a roundabout way of saying that he doesn't have it in him to be playing games. Be straightforward with him, please. It'll be much easier for the both of you that way.)
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Don't be afraid to get a little poetic on him. Veritas is a scientific man. He understands artistic endeavors, of course, but that isn't how his brain is wired. He operates in verifiable conclusions and building hypotheses, not the more abstract patterns of intuition or leading by the heart. He can analyze and understand such things, but if you want him to be able to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of the world, you will probably have to lead by example. You won't change his way of thinking, but maybe if you see a rare bird one day, he'll appreciate the opportunity to see something so rare and beautiful instead of analyzing how far it has deviated from its normal breeding grounds.
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Flirting is a game, but love isn't. Don't be so dull with him! Dr. Ratio would love an opportunity to subtly ash his wits about yours in a little flirtatious back-and-forth. Both in the early stages and a more established relationship, Dr. Ratio loves a good challenge and could spend all night just trying to out-flirt the other. Regardless of whether or not you're one to get flustered, he loves your reactions anyway. Sheepishness, frustration, no emotion whatsoever - whatever you feel,, he finds how you try to school your expressions into complete apathy amusing. He is hard to fluster himself, but if he continues the same line of teasing in the morning the next day, you can assume he's been thinking about you all night. However! Dr. Ratio often expects people, especially those precious few who he respects, to operate on his level. If he's truly buckling down for the long game, he'll make sure to make his feelings clear. Flirtation is always on the table, but "playing hard to get" or trying to "keep him guessing" as you near a truly established relationship is a turn off. Flirt for fun, not to manipulate his interest in you. Believe him, he would've left by now if he wanted to.
∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Look beyond his scientific approach to matters of the heart. In loving anybody, you'll have to learn how to read between certain lines. Even if you are a pure-blooded emotionally charged person, Veritas can only meet you halfway on the road to compromise. Take the time to study how he speaks and what he means- concise as he is, speaking so straightforwardly all the time often has an opposite affect on his words when he's trying to be romantic. Learn the ways he looks after you and tries to make your life easier without asking; notice how he spends a large portion of his available time with you, even if it means dragging you along to discussing things with people who he feels are completely beneath his IQ; realize that his tone may always be steadfast and dominating, but he never speaks out to shut you down or demean you the way he does to others. If you can translate all the little ways he uses to show you how much he values you, then you may just find yourself in a relationship far more enriching than you'd expect.
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imagines--galore · 7 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Eleven
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten,
A/N: Omg I had such a HUGE influx of readers for this story, and I am grateful to each and every one of you for reading my story! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and all the others I will be writing in the future.
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Working at the tea shop was Orora's first time at a job. She was just as green to it as Zuko was. However, she did not voice her disgust at the notion every few seconds. She was eager to learn, and ready to earn her living. As much as she appreciated the money Iroh had given her, she wanted to contribute to their financial situation as well.
The first day had been busy. There had been the different types of teas she had to learn to brew, other then the ones she already knew thanks to her Master. Then there were dishes to wash almost constantly. Not a lot of customers had come in that day, Pao having closed the shop early to allow his new employees to get to know their work place, so it hadn't been as tiring as she had thought it would be.
What Orora found she liked to do, was wash the dishes. She got to play with water and bubbles, and it helped calm her. Strange, she knew, but after so many days of being on the run, doing something as simple as washing dishes was oddly calming. Not to mention the job allowed her mind to roam and ponder over things she had not allowed herself to for quite some time now.
As she set aside one of the more expensive looking cups, the young waterbender sighed softly through her nose.
So far the truce she had offered Zuko seemed to be working. Though it had only been a few hours since it had been put into effect. And they'd only managed to snap at each other twice. True after the second time Iroh had seen the wisdom in separating them by giving them jobs to do at different ends of the shop. Zuko worked the front, taking orders and such, while Orora washed the dishes in the back.
Picking up a plate and dunking it in the soapy water, Orora continued to let her thoughts wander and ask the questions she wished she could say out loud.
Such as why were Zuko and Iroh fugitives of the Fire Nation? They were royalty, surely the Fire Lord would want his brother and son back. And did Zuko's sister truly want to kill her own Uncle? That thought sent a shiver down her spine. But what about their mother? Didn't she have a say in all of this? Was she treated just like Orora's mother was treated?
She had so many questions, and more, and all she wanted to do was march right up to Zuko and demand that he answer them.
But something held her back.
Maybe because she was a polite person who didn't go about poking her nose in other people's business.
Or perhaps, more likely, she had no desire to cause Zuko any pain by talking about his past. It was surely a sore subject, from the bits and pieces of information she had collected over the months. Besides, he already had his hands full trying to adjust to living in Ba Sing Se. Orora just wished he would figure himself out faster so she could ask all her questions.
Oh, she could ask Iroh if she wanted to, and her would probably answer, but for some insane reason, she wanted the answers to come from Zuko himself.
Spirit help her but she felt it was the right thing since it was his story.
Memories of every encounter she had ever had with the young prince rose unbidden, yet not unwelcome in her mind, as she started to play with the water not having any more dishes to wash.
It was strange, how someone she had not even known a few months ago was now at the very center of her life. He wasn't all that she thought about, really this was the first time she was allowing herself to think of him to such an extent. Usually she had other things to think about. Such as surviving, learning from her Master, perfecting her water bending techniques, inventing new ways to incorporate ice into her fighting, improving on her combat skills, restocking her medicinal herbs, making sure she didn't loose touch with her healing side, because as much as she liked to put her waterbending skills to use by fighting, she knew healing was a major part of who she was.
All those thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind, as she focused on a pair of golden eyes that seemed to watch her wherever she went, watching her every step. At first she had thought, it was perhaps because he didn't trust her. But slowly, that mistrust in his eyes had faded. Now, when she would catch him looking at her, he would look away.
Then again, who was she to complain. She looked at him and had been caught looking at him by him on multiple occasion.
Her fingers continued to twirl, her gaze listless as she created pretty patterns in the water.
She thought of the night when they had first met, officially at least. When he had tried to rob her. She could still recall every detail with a clarity that surprised even her.
She contemplated on their little sparring session and the conversation after it, how she had encouraged him to find something to live for, to fight for.
She recalled how shocked she had been when she realized his true identity. A prince. An honest to goodness prince. One who couldn't stand her, and who she couldn't stand either.
At least, she thought that was the case.
Her mind conjured the moment where she had first touched his scar. How vulnerable he had looked, and yet he had trusted her enough to not push her away. The way he had protected her when they were at the Oasis. The conversation they had shared while bathing. That one brought a fierce blush to her cheeks. And despite her best effort to move on to the next one, she found the blush only intensifying as she remembered the moment they had shared on the mountain.
Where they had acknowledged that they were soulmates. Where he had gripped her wrist, so desperately and yet so soft. Where she had wandered how his lips would feel against her own. And she was sure he had been thinking the same.
After all, hadn't he leaned forward slightly before the elements of nature had tread on their moment?
So lost in her thoughts, that she didn't even sense as someone else entered her work area and stood next to her. Watching her.
"Uncle says its time to go now."
The voice jolted her out of her thoughts, scaring her so much that she jumped where she stood. Her bending reacted out of instinct, mirroring her startled emotion as her hand shot a splash of water on the figure standing next to her.
"Spirits! You startled me!" She panted, resting a hand above her heart. Zuko glowered at her in return, water dripping from his hair and onto his shoulders. The girl winced, pursing her lips to hide a smile, though it still escaped. She couldn't help it, he just looked utterly ridiculous.
At his warning growl, she couldn't help but giggle. A strange sound since it hardly ever came from her. "Sorry, here." Quickly bending the water, she threw it back into the sink and gave him an apologetic smile. His glare did not let up.
"We're done here for the day. Lets go." He grumbled, before making for the door. She rolled her eyes. Clearly he wasn't too pleased with her little reaction. As he stomped off, she called after him, removing her apron as she went. "I said I was sorry!"
Their new home was a small apartment, just big enough for the three of them. As soon as they returned, Orora quickly settled in the middle of the room, wanting to get in an hour of meditation before bed. She crossed her legs, closed her eyes, folded her hands in her lap and evened out her breathing.
Which left Iroh to brew some more tea for them, and for Zuko to lay on the sofa, hands tucked behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling, his mind going over the day's event.
A job. For once in his life, he was actually working for a living. The notion had seemed strange at first, not to mention he had felt that it was beneath him, but what Orora had said was true. They did need jobs if they were to survive in this city.
Reluctantly, his gaze flickered to the water tribe girl as she sat meditating peacefully, oblivious to the effect she had had on him.
Him. Prince of the Fire Nation. Being effected by the words of a commoner.
Or rather, he was being effected by the words of a girl who was his soulmate.
Letting out a silent groan, his hand came up to press the back of his hand against his eyes, as if to physically stop him from staring too long at her. It was starting to get pathetic, just how much he would want her opinion on things.
He wouldn't go so far as to say he wanted her to approve of him, but it was pleasant to have someone else beside his Uncle give him a little wisdom. He spoke of life in riddles and words that were heavy with emotion.
She would give it straight to his face. No regard of his feelings, his stand on whatever topic it was. She would just come out and say it.
And he appreciated her for that.
True he never always liked what she said, but sometimes they were the exact words he needed to hear.
Like the talk they had had after their impromptu battle near that lake. He still hadn't found something to live for, or to fight for, but at least he knew that he was looking for something.
Not to mention the fact that he would be ever grateful to her for saving Uncle's life. He would never say it outright, but in that moment he had been so so scared and she had stepped up and healed Iroh. Even after getting to know who they were and the lies she had been led to believe for so long.
And how she had probably saved him that stormy night on the mountain. A moment of weakness on his part, letting his emotions get the best of him, but she'd been there. She'd been where he needed her to be, and had not held back when telling him off for being so reckless.
He had to stop his thoughts there, not wanting to dwell too much on what would've happened if that moment in the rain had gone on any longer.
And then there was the truce. To live together somewhat harmoniously.
Lifting his hand, he looked at her again, watching her face. She looked so calm in that moment, as opposed to the plethora of emotions that always played about her features. Zuko found he was beginning to think of it as a game. A game where he would try to guess what she would feel next, and whether it would effect him in some way.
So far, almost every emotion she felt was directed at him, and though he would never ever admit it out loud, he kind of liked having her attention be on him rather then anything else.
Huffing to himself, as if disgusted with his own thoughts, he rose to his feet, moving to the pantry to see what he could have for dinner.
"Orora, my dear." Glancing up from where she had been counting the money of the customer who had just paid, the young waterbender gave Iroh a nod. "Yes Master?"
"We seem to have run out of Jasmine. I have asked Pao and he says to take some money from the till and buy some Jasmine tea from the shop just down the street."
Taking the money, Orora quickly nodded, before rushing to the back of the shop where Zuko was on dish washing duty. Seeing her taking off her apron, he frowned. "Where're you going?"
Straightening her clothes, the girl replied. "Ran out of Jasmine, just going to buy some." She had barely made it to the door when Zuko called out. "Wait, I'm supposed to go with you when you go out into the city."
Orora glanced over her shoulder, rolling her eyes slightly. "Relax Your Highness. Its only a five minute walk, nothing is going to happen to me." She opened the door, moving to step outside, but then she paused.
"Although, it is sweet of you to worry about me." She glanced over at him, a smile on her lips as she caught sight of the obvious flush on his cheeks as he looked at anything but her. "I'll be back soon." She said as a way of promise, before she was out of the tea shop.
It was a five minute walk, and once the goods were secured, the girl began to make her way back to the shop, her heart still warm at the prospect of Zuko actually worrying about her.
Her happy thoughts, however, were interrupted rather rudely when a hard hand grabbed her shoulder, yanking her into a dark alley, covering her mouth with a rough hand.
The instant she felt the unfamiliar hands, she began to struggle and push with all her strength, trying to get away.
"Stop moving!" A voice hissed, a very familiar voice.
Her eyes focused in the dark, and she was able to make out the face of the boy they had met on the way to Ba Sing Se.
The Freedom Fighter, Jet.
Her pale blue eyes narrowed, and a look akin to a cold anger burned in the gaze she fixed him with. "Look I just want to talk, that's all." He said, still not letting up from where he had his hand on her mouth.
She continued to glare at him, even after he had removed his hand, though his other kept an almost painful grip on her wrist. "I'm trying to help you. You're a waterbender, there's no way you would be with those firebenders of your own free will, so they must be keeping you prisoner somehow."
He knows, a voice hissed in her mind, prompting her heart to beat faster in her chest, and an ugly feeling of fear to coil in her stomach. But she didn't let it show.
Instead, she remained the epitome of disgust and anger. "What in the world are you talking about?"
There seemed to be an almost manic look in his eyes, accompanied by impatience, as he dropped her hand, and grabbed her shoulders. "You don't have to lie for them. I'm trying to help you. I just need evidence and then we can end those two firebenders."
End?! Spirits! He wanted to kill Iroh and Zuko.
Shrugging out of his grasp, Orora stepped away, fingers pulling the cork of her water satchel in case she needed to defend herself. "You're out of your mind." She growled at him. Despite the terror she felt at hearing his statement, her instinct to protect her two companions was far potent, which was the reason she was even able to face the boy with murder in his eyes.
"Just admit the truth! They're firebenders! And they deserve to die." He was starting to get frustrated with her. "I don't care what you say, I will find some way to expose them, and when I do, I'll have the pleasure of executing them."
Hearing those words, hearing the tone in his voice, the sheer hatred and anger in his eyes. Something in her snapped.
With a fierce cry she threw her arm out, the movement elegant yet deadly, given that Jet found himself staring at the very sharp ends of multiple icicles that she pointed in his direction.
"This is your first and last warning." She hissed, her voice full of warning. "If you come near them, if you so much as harm a single hair on their head, I will personally see to it that you pay for it." She fixed him with a cold stare. "In blood."
So saying, she turned her back to him, leaving him trapped behind her icicles. They would melt soon enough, though the words Jet called after her as she walked away, echoed in her ears all the way back to the tea shop.
"You would threaten someone who's on your side. You're willing to protect the enemy?! You're a traitor to your own people. A disgrace! You're just like them! A killer!"
As soon as she reached the back door of the tea shop, Orora leaned up against the wooden door. Her heart was beating so fast, she was afraid it would somehow burst out of her chest. A stinging sensation behind her eyes told her she was close to tears. Lifting a trembling hand, she pressed it to face, willing herself to calm down.
She had to warn Zuko and Iroh, make sure they were on guard. She couldn't let anything happen to them. They were her friends. She cared about them. Both of them.
Somehow, she managed to calm herself down, slightly, and entered the shop. It had taken her a good fifteen minute to calm down. Grabbing her apron, she tied it behind her in a haphazard manner before rushing out to the front of the shop.
There was Iroh, pouring tea for a customer, with Zuko picking up cups left behind by a previous customer. She all but stumbled forward, catching Zuko's hand, prompting him to look at her, confused and slightly alarmed at her obvious panicked state.
"Orora? Wha-"
But she didn't let him finish. "He knows." She whispered, aware of the other customers around her. "Jet knows." The words were spoken so softly that no one else could ever hear them, and yet Zuko did. Loud and clear.
However, before either of them could talk further on what she had revealed, the door of the shop slammed open and Jet himself walked in. A strangled gasp left her lips, as she caught sight of that murderous look in his eyes once more.
"I'm tired of waiting!" He pointed an accusing finger at both Iroh and Zuko. "These two men are firebenders! And that girl is helping them. She's a traitor!"
Immediately, Zuko pushed Orora behind him, gripping one of her hands to make sure she stayed there. Uncle and nephew exchanged a look which seemed to mirror what the other was thinking.
Play dumb.
"I know they're firebenders, I saw the old man heating his tea!" Jet continued, advancing towards the trio with his hooked swords out of their sheaths. "He works in a tea shop." A nearby customer stated in a rather confused voice, but Jet wasn't having it. "He's a firebender! I'm telling you!"
The same customer stood. "Drop your swords, boy. Nice and easy." Jet ignored him, his gaze never leaving Zuko's as he began to advance towards him and Orora. "You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do." His gaze flickered to Orora who, previous fear forgotten to be replaced by a burning anger, glared back at him. "Or would you rather have your girlfriend get hurt defending you."
She felt his grip on her hand tighten to an almost painful level. "Zuko, no! He's goading you!" She whispered, even as the previous customer moved to step forward, ready to unsheathe his sword. Zuko simply glanced at her. Her heart dropped to her stomach. She knew exactly what he was about to do.
And sure enough he stepped forward and grabbed the swords the customer had been about to withdraw. "You want a show?" He growled. "I'll give you a show!'
He pulled a table in front of him with his foot and kicked it at Jet, who was quick to slice the table with his swords and jumped over it. As he landed, he swung both hook swords at the Fire Nation prince, who deflected the attack and jumped backward onto another table. Which was again sliced in half by Jet, with a mighty swing of one sword through the middle of the table.
Somehow Zuko managed to balance on one half of the table, on one foot! Jet was unrelenting as he continued his frenzied attack by cutting the legs off the table. Zuko was quick on his feet as he jumped up. As he landed, he swung both broadswords at Jet's feet, but he somersaulted away and landed in a crouching position before charging forward. Zuko swung both of his swords at Jet.
Both weapons clashed as both fighters tried to best the other, glaring at each other as they did.
Orora's scream cut through the air as she used her waterbending to push the two fighters apart. She moved to stand in front of Zuko, multiple ice knives nestled between her fingers as she stared down Jet. "We are not your enemies! Stop acting like a complete lunatic!" Zuko growled behind her. "Orora, stay out of this!" Jet's grip on his swords only tightened. "I will not listen to anyone who betrays their own people to help firebenders."
He took a running start, prompting Orora to drop in her stance to defend herself, however her plan of action went out the window when Zuko pushed her to the side. So forcefully that she fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Jet threw his leg out, catching Zuko in the chest and watching as he went flying through the air, smashing through the doors of the tea shop and out into the street. As the rest of the patrons rushed out to see what would happen next, Iroh quickly helped Orora to stand up.
"Are you alright my dear?" He asked, checking her over for injuries. She gave a quick nod, before stumbling to the door of the shop, Iroh following behind.
Outside the battle continued to rage between the two teenagers.
"Please, son, you're confused! You don't know what you're doing!" Even he was getting worried that Zuko would snap and use his firebending. Orora began to pray silently to the Moon Spirit, hoping her pleas would be heard and that Zuko wouldn't get hurt or reveal his true identity. The people would surely kill Zuko and Iroh, if they knew who they really were.
"Bet you wish he'd help you out with a little fire blast right now." As Jet swung at Zuko's feet, Zuko stabbed one of his broadswords through the hilt of his sword, pinning it to the ground. Jet looked annoyed at loosing his weapon, before focusing back on Zuko. "You're the one who needs help." Zuko responded. Leaving the sword embedded in the floor, they shifted to combating with a single sword each. Jet turned in a circle, trying to swipe at Zuko once again, but Zuko quickly advanced and swung his sword at Jet.
The Freedom Fighter quickly bent backward to avoid the blade, though it did manage to cut the straw sticking out of his mouth in half. Regaining his balance, Jet jumped backward onto the edge of a well. "You see that‌?!" He called out to the gathered crowd. "The Fire Nation is trying to silence me. It'll never happen." He attacked once more, hooking his sword to the top of the well and sending a flying kick towards Zuko.
Zuko growled as he dodged the kick and swung his sword at Jet once again. He moved to the side, and suddenly they were back-to-back, trying to land a hit, but neither could get past the other's defense.
Just then two newcomers entered the crowd. And from their uniforms, they looked to be of an official status. "Drop your weapons." One of them commanded. The two fighters stepped away and faced each other. Though Zuko lowered his sword, Jet pointed his weapon at Zuko, Iroh and Orora.
"Arrest them! They're firebenders!" Iroh stepped forward, throwing his arms out. "This poor boy is confused. We're just simple refugees." Pao, wanting to defend his employees joined in as he pointed to Jet. "This young man wrecked my tea shop, and assaulted my employees!" The customer from whom Zuko had borrowed the swords stepped forward. "It's true, sir. We saw the whole thing. This crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in the city." Iroh blushed at the compliment. "Oh, ho, ho. That's very sweet."
Knowing it would be like adding wood to the fire, Orora stepped forward. "And he attacked me and threatened to hurt my Master and his nephew." She walked towards the two men, hand exposed to the wrist where he had grabbed her earlier. Sure enough the bruise from his grip was already beginning to change the color of her skin. The sight of it had Zuko nearly swinging his sword once again, but Iroh placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
It would seem the two had heard enough. As Jet continued his tirade of firebenders and Fire Nation, he was escorted to a cart where he was put in the metal cell and taken away.
Orora watched him go, unaware of the crowd as it dispersed around them.
"Orora?" At Iroh's voice, she turned around, still a little spooked with what had just happened. Or rather what could've happened. "Why don't you and Li go home. I'll help Pao clean up and meet you there."
As if she had no control over her actions, Orora took off her apron and handed it to Iroh, who gave her a sympathetic smile. "Do see that my nephew wasn't too hurt from the kick, my dear." The concern was evident in his gaze, as was the guilt in her own as she glanced at Zuko who was returning the sword to it's rightful owner.
Giving him a small nod, she waited for Zuko to walk past her, before following after him towards their shared home.
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1 @lovesammikinzz @fuzzyfestcat @msrawog @notsaelty @lust-for-pan @aces-tattooartist
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moodymisty · 2 months
Oh boy I have been waiting to be able to put in a request! Wanna start of by saying, love your writing and especially your Cato fic ^^ A joy to read.
Im curious about if you would write in more details how Cato is sweet for his lady? Or maybe is 'sweet' not the correct word, but I will love to read you thoughts about the relationship that is not all about sweaty action. Are the couple able to be subtle or sneaky enough to flirt out in the open? How are they acting behind closhed doors, is it then you will seen the Cato acting more bombastic on his feelings toward the diplomat?
I hope you will like this request ^^ keep it up with the great writing.
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Author’s note: Sure, lets have some of that sweet Cato action <3
Relationships: Cato Sicarius/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None really
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Cato, once he gets over his constipated emotional crush stage, is a white knight. Maybe less so in the way Titus is, but he is still a bit dramatic. It's all in private though, or only around a few people he knows his reputation is safe with.
Offering his hand to help you down, shielding you from rain or sun with his cape are some examples.
But he does a decent job of making it just seem like he's being polite, abit perhaps having a bit of favoritism. So he isn't going to blow the secret by acting a fool.
In private, he's a bit more overtly romantic as you'd epxect. But he's also super confused and out of his depth; Being an astartes. The most he's heard about romance is from jokes from other astartes (not the best information source to begin with) of from the other serfs, whom he's found himself listening in on quite a bit more as of late.
That one male serf said that baseline women like...What? That doesn't sound right but maybe she will...
Though as sneaky as he is, he isn't totally perfect. Even his men, as emotionally stunted as they are have noticed the soft stares he'll give you while you talk, or while you're working on your dateslate and he simply watches. Similarly now you always sit right beside him, when before you would do anything to be away from him.
Loves to kiss your forehead. There's something about it that feels while romantic, also a bit protective. He is a captain yes, at times of your retinue, but he also is your protector at all times now.
He cannot flirt. It's not possible. You've tried to subtlety teach him but he is just not able to. The best you are able to get out of him is a 'your attire looks good today.', or that you look shorter than usual. You've just chocked it up to 'astartes speak' flirting and take what you can get. It's cute in it's own way, apart from the time Ventris told you that your small fingers would be good for poking eyes out, and Cato promptly smacked him? You assumed it must've been another weird astartes flirt.
You once joked with him while alone together that since he has two hearts, he must be able to love someone double the amount you could. It was a stupid joke and you promptly rolled your eyes at yourself and moved on, but Cato really liked it and always remembers it.
bonus: You begged him for like a solid 3 weeks straight to let you try a taste of his astartes gruel, before he finally caved and let you have a taste. You promptly threw up, making Sicarius laugh so hard the other marines though something was wrong with him, as they'd never heard the man let out more than an amused chuckle. To this day he still hasn't let you get over it.
"That tastes vile Cato! Why can't you just eat my food!" "Because you don't have 400 kilos of muscle and fat to maintain, my love."
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seulgiwifeee · 6 months
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What Shall I Do || Wendy
♡ Member: Gangster*Wendy x Nerd*Femreader
♡ Theme: Fluff, SOME angst (like the TEENIEST bit)
♡ Warning: Cussing, Wendy low key likes to be praised ? :0, she just wants to impress you :(, detailed make-out session (hehe), <<<a TAD bit suggestive during it, slow burn I guess? But it's worth it I promise ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝
♡ Description: The troubling girl that Wendy is has found herself falling for the girl who couldn’t be anymore opposite of her. She decides she wants to act upon her feelings, but she doesn’t know how she’ll be able to successfully approach you until she walks past that tutoring flyer that’ll change everything.
Word count: 9.2k (I got carried away..LOL)
(Genuinely didn’t know what to make as the title so I just put the title of a song I thought would go good with reading,, #stream What Shall I do by Hoody and all of her other songs ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷)
All idea credits go to the amazing @wendyslegalwife ‘s request ⸝⸝ɞ̴̶̷ ·̫ ‹⸝⸝ ♡ !!
How could people so polarly opposite ever make things work out between them?
Wendy questioned that each time she'd catch herself staring at the beauty of Y/N, muttering stubborn curses at herself when she'd realize you were making her lose focus and blush in front of her clique for simply existing around her.
They would try to poke sly teases at Wendy, asking her whom she was giving 'lovey-dovey' eyes to, as they'd say, but the sharp turn of her threatening eye was enough to shut them up and make them uninterested quickly.
But anyway, the question still stands—what was so enticing about you?
Why did Wendy have to like you?
You, Y/N L/N, out of everyone in this school?
There was nothing special about you.
You were just a huge distraction and if anything Wendy shouldn't have even been acknowledging your existence.
You're a nobody!
She had better things to focus on and you're not even her type!..
..Or so that's what all her stubborn mind used to tell her.
Now, there's no denying the heady effect that your presence alone has on her each time you enter the classroom. Wendy's the first person to even notice your appearance, and without fail each time, her eyes stay glued onto your figure until her conscious snaps her out of it or if one of her friends nudges her to back to reality.
Was it the way you spoke with your honey-sweet voice any time you answered a question?
The alluring look you'd unknowingly eye your teacher with when you were focused on the information she would share during discussion?
Or how Wendy thought you looked so nerdy-cute from how your large glasses would sit propped down on your nose, practically sliding off, and how your tongue just slightly poked out from the side of your mouth each time you were fixated on completing an assignment?
Or maybe it was all? (It was)
Despite whatever reasoning it could've been, all that Wendy knew in conclusion was that she wanted— No, needed you. Badly.
But she's the most feared girl at the school, along with her little gang. Everyone, plus the teachers and staff members, is scared of or intimidated by Wendy. Yes, including you too.
How could Wendy get with someone who flinches every time she walks past them or nervously looks away when they dare to steal a glance at her for any longer than a split second?
It's not like she's some kind of bully or has ever done anything to you; she'll only become aggressive if someone purposely does or says something to her or her friends to piss her off, and that is when things can get scary, so other than that Wendy's nothing more than a harmless (-ish) troublemaker if no one tries to mess with her.
But unfortunately, the damage of her aggressive and intimidating past actions has left too much of a dent into the school's atmosphere for people not to be uneased by her, and all the fear that's been instilled in everyone's minds is practically irreversible for her to suddenly try acting all soft, thinking that could make people in any way forget the girl she's shown herself to be for last few years.
And aside from the rough image she has to put up with, she knows that you on the other hand probably wouldn't even try giving her a chance to date you.
Like come on, you, Y/N, the girl who makes straight A's, never skips class, avoids drama at any cost, actually cares about her studies, and is probably the sweetest person in this school just to end up with Wendy; this little delinquent she knows that you probably portray of her as who can flip the mood just by walking into a classroom with the wrong look on her face? Not a chance.
But that dismissive thought doesn't deter Wendy because no matter what, she will still do what she can to show you, to prove to you that there's more to her than just the edgy facade she shows on the outside.
It's just.. how will she be able to show it?
She already knows that she can't casually walk up to you because either you would take that as a threat and run away before you'd allow her to get a single word out, or she wouldn't last more than two words into the conversation before you'd run away from the bubbling fear and anticipation. So either way you're going to end up running away.
Okay.. so how will Wendy be able to approach you that doesn't end up with you running away?
Maybe she could find someone who could give her your number and then you two could try messaging?
Never mind, she knows that would just creep you out even more.
Okay, no message, now what?
With each new idea Wendy comes up with, she has to scratch it out because it's either bound to not work or there's just that one flaw that completely ruins it.
Soon, that brain fog kicks her in the ass hard and she can't figure up any new ideas. It doesn't break her determination, of course, she's too prideful for that, but she's definitely losing her patience.
Wendy walks down the hallways with her usual mean mug, clearing the path of nervous and startled people just by walking near them.
She steps past the bulletin board filled with posters of the school's weekly news, not minding any business to them until she suddenly pauses and makes a rewind back to a little certain flyer that catches her attention from the corner of her eye.
"After school tutoring with a buddy!" is printed in bold blue letters on the poster.
Wendy takes time to read more into it, finding out that the school's top students have joined together to host this little tutoring program to bring students with struggling grades to stay after school so they can get help on understanding their course better and getting their grades up. The person signing up can also choose who they want as their tutor and, surprise surprise, you just so happened to be one of the top students involved with this.
This is perfect. If you end up tutoring Wendy then she can finally have an excuse to approach and start some form of conversation with you, and you wouldn't even have any choice but to talk with her!
But the only downside to this is that you're tutoring for the math section. Wendy can't stand math for the hell of it, that's by far her weakest subject and just one look at her grades can be backed up as evidence to prove it. Also, the spots are very limited since it's only around fifteen students who'll even be tutoring, and there's also another student who's tutoring for math, so it's not even guaranteed to Wendy that she'll end up with you as her tutor if someone doesn't get to you first or if she'll even manage to turn her papers in time before all the tutoring spots, in general, are taken.
And again, she just doesn't want to deal with anything math-related.
But.. whatever it takes for her to talk to you.. she'll just have to push herself through it and risk these chances.
Once she gets the papers, she fills them out and turns them in as quickly as she can, determined to seal her spot with you, and impatiently lives the day on and she waits for the upcoming Friday to find out whether or not she makes it in.
The exact moment as Wendy arrives home from school that Friday afternoon, looking down to check her phone as the time changes from 4:59 pm to 5:00 pm on the spot, she grins widely once that confirmation email pops up in her notification bar, letting her know that she's eligible for the tutoring and that you've been assigned to be her tutor. 
Well.. Of course, Wendy got accepted so easily, it would've been incredibly stupid on the school's part for her not to be; the second the administrators received her filled-out papers she was the first student they even signed up for the program. And really.. if the school could've, they would've tried to sign her up for more tutoring other than just math.
Wendy's small moment of happiness, though, is lifted momentarily once the sheer realization dawns on her, the remembrance of certain things said in the tutoring flyer and the things she'd have to face that she didn't take into account earlier all floods back into memory.
She's in tutoring. Tutoring.. meaning she's going to have to be associated with a bunch of other dumbos and idiots.
Also, tutoring sessions are supposed to be happening after school in the cafeteria.
All at the same time.
It doesn't matter to her that the tutoring is one-on-one or if everyone's going to be spread out in their own "private" section of the cafeteria, she can't be seen in front of all these people receiving help. She knows she doesn't actually plan on taking the tutoring seriously since it's just a tactic to get closer to you, but no one's going to catch on to that from the bare eye! They're just going to see Wendy as a weakling!
She can't let that happen.
She hurriedly types out an email to Mrs. White—the vice principal and head person in charge of this program—asking if there are options to tutor somewhere else, and not too long after, she responds back suggesting that you two could tutor separately from everyone else in one of the empty classrooms, but that solution is not good enough for Wendy.
She needs the two of you to be alone, somewhere more private than that.
Matter of fact, she doesn't even want to be on school grounds when you two are having your sessions.
Wendy writes again, asking in desperation if it's possible she and you could work off campus, but all Wendy's told is that the first session has to be done on school grounds, just so everyone can be monitored and can be seen if there needs to be any switching around and other nonsense Wendy didn't care to finish reading about.
Although.. Mrs. White at the end did say that after the second or third session, she'd see what she could do for you two regarding this, but Wendy knows that "I'll see what I can do" bullshit 99% of the time usually means there's nothing that can be done.
Well, that's great.
Wendy's nowhere near satisfied with this, but again, if she wants to get closer to you, then she'll just have to deal with this nonsense.. she supposes..
Sooner than Wendy can even realize, the day finally comes.
She never realized how much she'd really been anticipating this day until the final dismissal bell of the day rang, her heart dropping as everything suddenly hit for her to process; she can't tell whether she's more excited or nervous.
As she exits the classroom, her little gang is confused once they see her creeping the opposite way of the exit and all begin to question her.
She makes up a quick lie along the lines of needing to go to the bathroom and that all of them could just go ahead and leave since she'll catch up with them later. And like the airheads they are, they somehow believe her, not even giving her any further questions before they go on and leave campus.
Wendy lets out a sigh of relief and once they're far out of her peripheral, Wendy quickly speeds down the hallways, not caring one bit if she bumps into anyone, and hides around a secluded corner in the science building. She makes sure to keep herself hidden from any lurking eyes, continuously checking the time on her phone to see if it's anywhere close to the time yet for the tutoring.
"Hurry up.." she mutters impatiently looking down at the time and tapping her finger on the wall behind her as she keeps an alert eye out to make sure no one's walking near her.
The slow minutes tick by and it only serves to heighten Wendy's anticipation, but after what feels like forever she looks back at the time and sees that it's just five minutes past the time tutoring was officially supposed to begin.
She finally curves out from the corner, quickly peeking her head out to make sure the coast is clear before she marks her way toward the cafeteria doors. She takes in a deep breath, clenching her fists to her sides before she brings herself to open the doors.
As Wendy steps inside, she looks around at all the people inside getting situated with each other. Lingering near the entrance, some people sitting around spot her there and a quick change of emotion from their once cheery, talkative expressions is noticed—Fear.
Of course..
Wendy rolls her eyes at them, unbothered, and walks towards an area where there's a group of people sitting, assuming that's where she should be sitting too.
She sits at the end of the table and immediately buries her head into her phone, not wanting to draw any attention to herself, which honestly she knows is pretty useless since her classmates can very well still see her and are very well terrified and confused about why she's here.
Wendy feels an abrupt shift in the table as she watches her phone and looks in the corner of her eye to notice everyone scooted further away from her. She scoffs, putting her attention back to her phone and muttering under her breath, "Losers."
Everyone around Wendy joins with their tutoring partners as she restlessly continues to wait for you. She can feel cold sweats trickling down her forehead as her hands begin to shake. Wow, you were the one making Wendy nervous. Only could you ever do that to her.
She continues to distract herself scrolling through her social media until she notices a pair of feet approaching her and hears a small voice speak out. "Uh.. Wendy?"
Wendy looks up, her heart skipping a beat as she meets eyes with no one other than you. But her demeanor clearly doesn't show her nervousness, seeing as you cling tighter to your notebook in a tense stance.
Wendy quickly softens her features once she notices your uneasiness and tries her best to play a sort of soft, inviting smile instead. "Y/N?"
You nod your head hesitantly, not fully trusting the sincerity in Wendy's smile, and look down at your notebook.
"So.. looks like I'm tutoring you," you mumble with a blatant tone of awkwardness, placing a piece of hair behind your ear as Wendy nods along.
"Which table would you like to work at?" you ask, trying your best to mask the edging fear layered behind your voice with a fake smile.
Wendy's eyes spark up and she suddenly stands up from the table, causing you to flinch and instinctively take a step back.
"Actually, I was told that we were allowed to study alone in one of the unused classrooms."
Your pupils dilate instantly just at the mere thought of being trapped alone with Wendy. It was already bad enough that you were chosen by her to be her tutor buddy, but now she wants you two to be isolated from everyone just to where she could do god knows what, whether it's something to you or someone else? This is like asking for death.
"Uhh.. are you sure you wouldn't just like to study over there somewhere?" You gesture your finger towards a different direction in the cafeteria in hopes of changing her mind, but her plan stays firm as she shakes her head.
"And be stuck seen in here with these losers? It's already degrading enough for me just having to sit at this table, you're real funny if you think I'm staying over here any longer." Wendy walks past you without warning, heading towards the exit.
"B-But.." you call out weakly as she walks further away. You mutter a curse under your breath, holding in a deep breath before you push your legs to reluctantly follow after the troubling girl.
You guys walk down the empty hallways in silence, an awkward tension very noticeably stirring up between you two as you try your best to avoid eye contact, maintaining a fair distance while Wendy struggles to think of how she can spark up a flowing conversation.
After a few turns searching around the hallways, you two find a vacant classroom. You open the door with your key, but Wendy still somehow manages to get a hold of the door before you, holding it open as her hand gestures for you to go inside. You quirk a brow but nod your head in a simple gratitude as you step inside. The further you walk inside, the more you start to regret signing up to do this tutoring program.
You really don't want to be alone with Wendy. You don't understand— Well, you do understand why you're so unsettled around Wendy because of obvious reasons, but it's not like Wendy's ever done anything to you specifically. She's never hit you, threatened you, or given you a dirty look.. Shit, you're not sure if you've even spoken to her other than today.
And if you're being honest with yourself, you know you're only scared of her because of all the rumors that's been passed around. Because truth be told, you've never really seen her in action before with your own eyes.
So why is your body giving you symptoms that make you seem like you're so terrified of her?
Why is your heart beating in erratic patterns even while she's not doing anything to you?
Maybe you don't trust her?
Yeah, that's it. You just don't trust her.
You sit at one of the tiny desks and Wendy pulls a chair out from another desk, setting it across from you. As she pulls out her phone you look back down at your clipboard. "Alright, so you need help with algebra 2 I see.." you mutter and Wendy hums unenthusiastically.
"Do you have any homework assignments that we can look over?" you ask, but she shakes her head muttering a quick "nope."
"Well, do you have any note—"
"Nope," Wendy says bluntly, interrupting you before you can barely finish your sentence.
"Do you have anything algebra-related in your binder?"
Wendy shuns you with another sharp “no.”
You sigh with disappointment, though you're not surprised, mumbling an awkward "okay" and flip through your work folder. "Well, that's okay because I have some worksheets in here that we can work on together, so—"
"—Hey," Wendy cuts in again, a little more aggressively than she had intended. Your ears perk up from the sudden, harsh interruption as your heart begins to gradually pick up its pace again as you hold your breath. "Yes?"
"You know, this is our first day of sessions. Don't you think we should get to at least know each other better so that we can get more comfortable working with each other?"
Oh, you're pretty sure you know Wendy well enough.
"Um.. I guess?" you mumble with uncertainty.
Wendy smirks and leans back into the chair, grunting as she stretches out her arms. Your eyes narrow down for a split second, noticing the shiny belly piercing adorned on her toned stomach as her dress shirt slightly lifts. Cute.
"So.. I already know we have each other's names established by now—me, Wendy, you, Y/N," Wendy says and you nod.
"So then, Y/N, tell me some things about yourself so that I can get to know you better."
"Just anything?" you ask and Wendy nods.
What is this, an interrogation? Why would Wendy care anything about you? Was this all just a distraction so that you two couldn't start on any work? (Yes, it definitely is)
"Um.. Uh.." you don't know what to start with or say first because, well, what are you supposed to say when you're put in such a sudden and awkward position?
"Come on. Just tell me the basics, like what's your favorite color?" Wendy says trying to help by giving you some ideas.
"Umm, my favorite color is blue."
Wendy nods, biting her lip. "Me too.. What's your favorite candy?"
"I like any sour candy," you state simply.
Wendy hums with the subtle nod of her head again. You continue for the remaining minute answering Wendy's questions about yourself, but you suddenly begin to stumble on your words, avoiding eye contact each time you speak as her piercing gaze bores into you in a somewhat intimidating way.
"Yeah, I have a younger sister and she.. she.." Wendy's resting bitch face is in full play and it does nothing but intimidate you. Her dull eyes pierce into the depths of yours, an impassive look's glued to her face as the corner of her lips is hung downturned.
Wendy's clueless about your fear because this is only her focused face, she's taking the time to study each and every one of your intricate features. She can't control the way her features curve, she doesn't even notice her facial language looks threatening in any way right now, but once she sees how uncomfortable you've suddenly gotten she quickly realizes and softens her expression again.
You still don't say much, avoiding eye-to-eye and staring down in your lap.
Wendy frowns and taps her acrylic in front of you to grab your attention. You look up, breath slightly shaky as you lock eyes with her once again.
"Hey, I know this is kinda awkward having to work with me n' stuff, and I know you're probably scared of me, I can't really blame you, I guess, but I swear I won't do anything to you.
Besides, it's not like you've ever done anything to piss me off, so there's nothing to even worry abbot. I promise I won't bite." There's a hint of humor to her words.
You look into her softened eyes and for once, you seek a little comfort. You notice your muscles have tensed down and you sense a small truth to her words. Still hesitant, you mutter an "okay" before you and Wendy continue this little get-to-know-each-other thing, you gradually loosening up and getting more comfortable the more you talk with her.
You and Wendy end up not getting any worksheets done or even starting on anything.
You sit alone in the classroom, your patience gradually wearing thin as you wait for Wendy to arrive for your next meet-up.
It's nearly been seven minutes past the time the session was originally supposed to begin and Wendy still hasn't shown up or answered any of your questioning text messages regarding where she was.
You lean back in the chair, your feet propped up on the desk as you scroll through your phone to pass the time quickly. After another three minutes or so, Wendy finally arrives with a plastic bag in hand.
She sits in the seat already propped out for her and places her belongings down. "Hey!"
"Hi," you mumble. "You're twelve minutes late."
"My bad, my bad. Just had to go to the store real quick." She lifts the plastic bag, pulling out two water bottles and two bags of candy.
She slides one of the bags and a bottle over to you. "Here."
You never asked her to bring you anything.
You look down and see a bag full of blue raspberry gummy bears all coated in that sour sugar.
Wendy brought you a bag of blue, sour candies right after you told her the other day that your favorite color was blue and your favorite types of candy were sour?
Maybe you're thinking too much into it since Wendy also bought herself the exact kind of gummies, but your intuition was right because Wendy was, in fact, doing this on purpose. You didn't know it, but this was her subtle way of showing her affection towards you.
You soon noticed a pattern as your sessions continued; Wendy would distract you with questions about yourself, never letting the two of you do any real work, and then the next session she would gift you small things that were or resembled your likings you would've mentioned the day before.
She would be slick about it too because she would never bring attention to the gifts, she would just hand them to you, never bring it up afterward and then continue her distraction question any time you would even think about saying the word algebra.
You can admit, you do appreciate the small gestures from Wendy, but you did not sign up for the two of you to just sit around hanging out and doing nothing productive.
You only volunteered to tutor, not to waste an hour out of your day making conversation with someone who's not even your friend. You might not be scared of her anymore now but you're just barely starting to settle your comfort around her.
You two have already had four sessions now and haven't gone far with anything. The most "work" Wendy's probably done so far is glance at a worksheet..
But you have to hurry up and get some sort of progress in because if the principal finds out you two have just been dilly-dallying the entire time then they won't hesitate to remove you from the program.
Wendy makes her appearance very known as she busts into the classroom with a mischievous smile, late as usual, and plops down into her seat haphazardly. "Hey, so what's your—"
"We're doing work today."
The charm in Wendy's eyes darkens and her smile fades almost instantly from your sudden interruption. "What?.."
You slam your folder in the middle of the desk and slap a blank worksheet on top of it. "I said, we're doing work today."
Wendy narrows her eyes at you, quirking a brow. "Okay well, it's Friday. So that means today's technically a free day so really we can just start working on assignments next week—"
"—No, Wendy!" you state firmly, making sure to amplify the harshness in the tone of your voice. Your eyes widen slightly as you surprise even yourself with your use of assertion, it's a foreign concept to your usual sweet nature, but you narrow them down back seriously. "If you continue to goof off instead of completing any of your assignments then I'm going to have no choice but to cancel our sessions and find another person to tutor for."
Wendy's taken aback slightly by your change in tone, her impassive expression slightly making you uneasy since you can't tell what she's thinking or how she'll take this, but she doesn't try to fight your words and just ends up sighing, resting her cheek into her palm as she looks off with disinterest. "K.."
Concealing your feelings with a smile, you nod as a wave of relief washes over you, inhaling a jagged deep breath after you had unknowingly held in your breath again and pointing to the first problem on the sheet.
"This is a pretty simple problem to start with. Do you think you can try this out for me?" you ask with a forced tone of enthusiasm just for Wendy to shrug nonchalantly. "I guess."
You hand Wendy one of your pencils and slide the sheet closer to her. "Remember, I'm here for a reason, so whatever step you may get stuck on just ask about it."
Wendy gives you a single nod without looking up at you and stares down at the worksheet, all the numbers and wacky symbols already giving her a headache. Math.. God, the one thing she was trying to avoid doing.
After a minute of Wendy just staring at the paper, not even attempting to jot anything down, you tilt your head. "Do you need any assistance?"
Wendy groans. "No.. No. I'm fine! Just.." She grits her teeth, airing in aggressive breaths as her grip on your pencil intensifies until she punctures the sharp tip of the pencil into the paper, the lead slightly crumbling underneath the force as a tiny hole is formed. Oh no, she's getting stressed.
"Wendy seriously, I—"
"—I got it. Okay?!" she snaps, smoke practically blazing out from her ears. You flinch back from the aggressive tone, just nodding and deciding to stay silent, not wanting to irritate her any more than she already is.
You watch closely as Wendy sketches random lines and numbers, erasing them all and rewriting different ones just to erase those ones as well. Her mind cascades into a whirlwind of panic as the pressure starts to weigh down further on her, beginning to hurriedly jot down random stuff in the hope it will form some sort of sense and refresh her memory.
Wendy doesn't know a single thing she's doing. She never pays attention in her classes, especially not math, so this girl can't even grasp an idea of how to start these stupid equations.
And now she's in front of you, looking like a dumbass as she struggles with a problem that's supposedly supposed to be one of the easiest.
Wendy knows most people look down upon or think lowly of her when it comes to her smartness and knowledge in the core subjects, and of course, she's been one to never give a fuck about their opinions because she can just fight anyone who dares to speak about it, but it's different now that she's stuck in front of you struggling on basic problems, feeling your piercing eyes never leave her.. It makes her feel smaller. Dumber.
Heat radiates off Wendy as her cheeks flush a bitter, crimson red, and her face contorts into a grimace as her mind turns foggy. She's absolutely reached her limit now. She throws your pencil across the room, you ducking sideways just in time, and she buries her face into her palms, groaning in almost a screech and roughly pulling down on the sensitive skin of her face.
"Wendy? What's wrong? What are you struggling with?" you quickly glance down at her paper, seeing all the eraser markings and random numbers.
"Fuc— Everything! I don't fucking know any of this x and y shit!" Wendy blurts out, panically running her fingers through her hair as her face hues a darker red from stress and embarrassment, maybe even shame. "I—I—"
"—Wendy, calm down. Look at me."
She hesitantly lifts her head until you two lock eyes. You bore your vision far into the depths of her dark eyes, frustration clearly displayed outside, but there's also a newfound look of vulnerability you notice as you search deeper—something you've never seen Wendy express.
"I feel so stupid, Y/N.. I-I just don't know what to do," Wendy admits sheepishly, her eyes wavering as she looks down with a burning shame.
"Wendy.. it's okay to not know everything. That's the reason why you were put in tutoring in the first place—so I can help you. (Well..)
There's no need to push yourself down." You reach out to lightly place your hand on her arm but quickly pull back once she stares at you again with her sharp gaze.
Man, now you're talking to Wendy like this? Never has she felt so little, showing this side of her vulnerability to someone, especially to you. But in a way, despite how bashful she may feel right now, there's still a comfort she feels in admitting her weakness to you.
"Come on, look at me," you encourage. She looks back at you and sighs.
"I'll promise to go easy on you and make sure you understand this well enough, you just have to stop avoiding it."
Wendy tenses down and nods. "Okay.."
You smile and pull out your folder again. You pull out a note packet and place it in front of her. "Okay, let's start with refreshing our memory with the basics."
To both of your surprise, there was a upgrade in progress from Wendy after the next few tutoring sessions.
No, it wasn't and still isn't an easy flow teaching Wendy when you're basically starting from the bottom, but at least you could tell she was actually trying, putting in some kind of effort. Although she still managed to sneak in some distraction questions to steal some minutes of your time; there was just no way Wendy was going to make it through an entire hour doing nothing but work, especially in her most hated subject. Even if it's with you.
She also continued to give you small gifts of the things you liked at the beginning of your sessions and you would still humbly accept them.
"Is this right?.." Wendy asks as she nervously slides the worksheet toward you.
She bites her tongue in anticipation as she watches you inspect her work. You look back over to her with a soft smile and nod. "Mhm, you did this perfectly!"
Wendy's eyes immediately light up, biting her lip as she tries to suppress a smile.
You've also been very observant of Wendy recently. Very.
Her actions, and the way she reacts to certain things.. One thing specifically you've noticed was the way her eyes perk up anytime you're pleased with an equation she solves correctly. She genuinely gets so giddy and smiley, it's almost like she's happy to make to proud.
Or the look of contentment on her face whenever you'd flash her an assuring smile, letting her know that it was okay for her to make mistakes whenever she'd start to become hard on herself.
You've also noticed other things.. Like her piercing obsession.
Both of her ears are pricked with piercings from the bottom to the very top; it almost seems like there's a new one placed in every other session! She has a belly piercing that you've already noticed during earlier meet-ups, a nose piercing, a lip piercing, a tongue piercing?!
And sometimes when she.. free balls it, you catch yourself looking down at her chest and noticing piercings in a little certain area you're too ashamed to admit you enjoy staring at. But hey, you only stare back when they look at you first!
As more time went by, you started to realize that even on days when you two weren't having your sessions, all the images of Wendy's piercings stayed engraved in your mind.
You weren't shy to admit, they were sexy and you did believe they made Wendy more of an attractive person.
But maybe that wasn't the only thing that you felt made her attractive..
Maybe it was the flow of her husky voice every time she spoke, the plumpness of her dark red lips moving keeping you transfixed.
Or maybe it was all the silver rings adorned on her slim fingers clacking against one another.
Or the comforting vanilla musk that trailed her every which way she went, although you did think it didn't really match her vibe.. But maybe that was what you thought made you find it more attractive.
Maybe it was the curve of her slender nose or the contour of her defined cheekbones. Her perfectly smokey makeup or the thick bangs that just barely covered the edge of her eyes as she carefully gazed at you with that look she'd shoot you with each time she was focused on listening to you talk.. the way she'd slowly lick her lips and ever so lightly bite the bottom of her lip.. every 'mhm' she hummed and the gentle nod of comprehension that'd come right after when you would ask her if she understood what you said..
Maybe.. you not only thought these qualities made her an attractive person.. but that these were the specific things that made you attracted to her.
Maybe the flutter in your heart every time you would catch yourself around her all this time wasn't actually out of fear or of not trusting her, but because deep down you were falling for her and that you subconscious was just trying to dismiss those feelings..
And just maybe.. you need to stop thinking 'maybe' to all of these things when you know it's all true.
You can't even try to deny it.
There's no 'maybe' anymore.
You are crushing hard on Wendy.
And normally you would shame yourself for having these feelings, falling for someone like Wendy out of everyone, but there's something about this side of her she's been showing you for the past few weeks and her charms that doesn't make you feel any regrets for feeling this way and only drags you deeper into her love trance
You and Wendy are basically flirting with each other in your sessions now.
She tells you jokes to make you blush, you stare at her in ways that you know will get a bright flush out of her, you two give footsies under the desk, you two bring each other snacks, sharing them, you two just blush at each other when you're not even doing anything!
There really is no hiding it, at this point.
Anyone with vision can clearly see you two want each other.
And you weren't stupid, though maybe a little obvious at first, because as more sessions went on you quickly caught on and realized that all of Wendy's gestures since the very beginning were all planned out and were done with the intent to win you over. And it was working.
Wendy on the other hand still wasn't sure whether or not you were feeling her.
Obviously, she could see the difference in your comfort level with her from the beginning of your sessions to the present, but what if you were only seeing her as friend material at most?.. which of course isn't true because you know you like Wendy, but as long as you don't confess it to her then she won't ever be sure.
"Okay, solve this last problem for me, and then we'll be done for today," you tell Wendy as you point to one of the unanswered problems sitting on the worksheet.
Wendy nods, beginning to write away, and after no more than two minutes she hands you back the sheet. "Is this right?"
You scan her work and with a simple smile you lift your gaze back to her, humming a gleeful "Yup!"
Wendy blushes and applauds mini claps as she grins widely. "Finally. We're done!" she celebrates, springing up from the seat and picking up her bag.
You follow along with her, gathering all your belongings and putting them up before you throw your bag over your shoulder and follow Wendy out of the classroom, promptly locking the door afterward.
"So, where are you headed to once you leave?" Wendy asks as the two of you strut down the empty halls side by side, barely an inch of distance between you two.
You roll your eyes slightly with a chuckle. "Why do you ask me this every day when you know what my answer's going to be; home."
"Oh yeah.." Wendy mumbles as you roll your eyes again playfully. "So, what are you gonna do when you get home?"
"Study," you tell her simply and she fake gags, muttering "nerd" which results in you playfully shoving her side as you two fall into a mirth of laughter.
As you two exit the building, you feel a sudden buzz come from your phone. You look down and immediately frown, seeing as your mom just now had given you a heads up that she wasn't available to pick you up from school today.
Wendy hears your groan and turns to you. "What?"
"My mom can't pick me up, now I have to order an Uber.." you mutter, crossing your arms.
"Orr.. you could just let me take you home," Wendy blurts in a suggestion, holding her hands up as she holds a shrugging stance. "Just saying."
You shoot her an unsure look, not because of the idea of her wanting to take you home, but because that would mean you would have to ride on her motorcycle. And for someone who's never stepped foot near a motorcycle having someone like Wendy be the first person to drive them on one is kind of a terrifying thought.
"I don't know.."
"Oh come on, it won't be that bad," Wendy assures rolling her eyes.
You narrow your eyes at her. "Sure.."
You cling around Wendy for dear life as you scream the entire fifteen minutes on the ride to your house.
Wendy giggles and continuously jokes with you throughout the way, teasing you with scares by randomly swerving or stopping in the middle of the road to tick you off.
As soon as she pulls up to your house you let out a huge sigh of relief. With how she was driving, you thought you weren't going to make it out alive.
As she parks, you continue to keep your head leaned on her shoulder, your arms still wrapped around her waist, squeezing tightly onto her abs.
Starting to blush from your action, Wendy jerks her head, clearing her throat to catch your attention, and you quickly widen your eyes in realization, letting go of her now feeling embarrassed once you see how you remained around her.
You unbuckle and pull off your helmet, handing it back to Wendy and she lazily hangs it on the steering handle. She rotates her body to the side and turns only her head to you as she watches you pull off your backpack and reach inside for your glasses.
You place your glasses on, slipping back on your backpack before looking over to Wendy, immediately locking into her gaze. "I guess I'll go now.." you announce unenthusiastically, prepping yourself to sit up from the motorcycle, but yet you don't find yourself moving.
"Alright.." Wendy says lowly, continuing to stare at you as she waits for you to make your move, but you don't budge. Not even an inch.
You continue to sit, motionless, held in a standstill gazing at Wendy as she shoots you an equal gaze.
She bites the corner of her lips hungrily, you unknowingly wetting yours slightly. The buzzing tension between you two grows as you subtly inch closer to each other; the unknown force between you is practically impossible to resist and the way Wendy's staring at you is so much more different than usual.. The burning intent behind her eyes is unspoken, yet you can understand it so well. And Wendy can see all the desires floating in the pearls of your unwavering eyes, letting her know that you're feeling the same thing she is.
The both of you can already sense what's coming next.
The thumping in your heart beats quicker as you inch closer to the point where both of your legs are pressed against each other. You two continue and continue to hold your hungry gazes until you finally crash your lips together in a heated kiss full of need and longing.
Your hand explores the back of her head, her hand cupping your cheek tightly as the kiss gradually deepens. Her tongue slips past your teeth in search of yours, dancing all around in your mouth and you softly moan at the action.
You two are kissing like you've done this thousands of times with each other.
After a few seconds you two finally pull back breathlessly, your chests heaving up and down and faces red.
"Oh.. wow.." Wendy mumbles, biting her lip as she eyes your numb lips that are now stained with her cherry lipstick.
You feel your cheeks burning, not even knowing what to say, and dart your eyes between Wendy and your house. You stare at her, wrapping your arms around her waist as you pull yourself in impossibly closer against her.
"I want to do that again."
"Anddd done. Is this good?" Wendy asks, looking down at you with a simpering smile and holding out the sheet with her completed equation.
You take a few seconds to inspect it before placing it on the desk and warmly smiling up at her, silently already letting her know what your answer is. "Yup, you got this correct too!"
Wendy grins, holding her arms tighter around your neck and adjusting herself more comfortably as she sits in your lap. "Woo! You know, that was the fifth one in a row I've gotten correct. Don't I get my reward now?" Her palm rests under your chin, the tips of her fingers gently tilting your head back so your eyes only meet with her gaze.
You hum with a nod and lean in, softly pressing your lips against Wendy's. Your hands continue to hold tightly onto her waist, your nails gently digging into her back while Wendy keeps your head firmly propped up in her hold.
What's supposed to be a quick, innocent kiss quickly escalates into something a little more. You part your lips slightly, allowing her greater access to mingle her warm tongue inside with yours. Her breathy moans against your lips buzz throughout your body and you can taste the metal of her piercing as her needy tongue swirls all around your mouth.
Wendy squeezes her thighs around you tighter, clutching onto your hair in her strong grip and you moan slightly, lifting your eyelids as she gently bites down on your bottom lip. "You've been doing such a good job today." The gentle praise vibrates against her lips, sending needy chills up her spine and eliciting a sheepish giggle to bubble out as her cheeks flush a rosy pink. You smile smugly at the way you can make her shy so easily and lick her bottom lip into another messy kiss.
Yeah, uhh.. so you two do that now.
Ever since that afternoon of you guys' first kiss, a new relationship has been blooming between the two of you.
You're not officially dating, but you know you two have made it way past the friend stage now, and by this point, you two do know you like each other.. so why aren't you together?
That's a very good question that neither of you can answer.
Aside from trying to figure out this complicated relationship, you two are incredibly flirty and touchy with each other now, clearly.
Of course, though, only during the tutor sessions; you two act like no more than strangers during the school day, but sometimes during the one class you two share, Wendy will discreetly slide you little trinkets or candies as she walks past your desk.
Also, to bring context about that abrupt make-out session.. a method that you two have thought up to help encourage Wendy, even more, to complete her assignments and get them done correctly is treating her with a kiss for each equation she solves correctly on the first try. And this strategy has worked like a charm.
Like, of course, Wendy will do everything to try her very hardest so that she'll be able to share a kiss with you and hear the sweet praises you love to sneak in between that you know drives her crazy. How could she pass that up?!
You two continue to messily moan into each other's mouths, your hands eagerly exploring all around each other's bodies and the kiss becoming sloppier and losing more meaning as you two melt further into each other.
Right as Wendy's hand slides down to your lower abdomen, daring to try taking this heated make-out session into the direction of something further, she's interrupted as two firm knocks are heard from outside the door.
Now, who would be trying to come in here at this time?
Wendy groans, lazily pressing a series of kisses against your lips until she finally pulls back. She looks down at you in a daze, a smile quickly lifting the corners of her lips as she notices her lipstick smudged all over and around your lips. She places her thumb over your soft cheek, swiping away some of the lipstick before she pushes herself off of you and heads towards the door.
Wendy opens the door, her expression flipping like a light switch as a mean mug already plays on her sharp features, but she softens up just slightly once she sees it's only Mrs. White outside. "Hello, girls!"
As Wendy says her greeting, the older woman notices both of your faces, seeing that deep red stained messily all around your mouths.
She furrows her eyebrows in question but quickly shakes it off knowing she'd rather mind her business and not know what you two had been doing prior.
"What brings you here?" you ask as you discreetly try to wipe your mouth, Wendy's lipstick staining brightly onto the back of your hand.
"I'm just here to check up on everyone's progress, to see how well we've all been doing." She walks towards the desk you're sitting at, tapping her pen against her clipboard and clicking her tongue as she turns to look at Wendy. "And I especially need to check up on this one."
Wendy rolls her eyes while you cover your mouth in a silent chuckle.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Wendy lazily flops down back in her seat as Mrs. White leans against the teacher's desk.
"Wait, so what are we supposed to show you?" Wendy asks, folding her arms under her chest.
"Just try your best to solve some problems on your own. And you," Mrs. White looks over in your direction, "ask her some questions about what you two have been working on so far to see how well she can answer them."
You nod in response and grab your folder, pulling out a sheet of notes. You and Wendy shoot each other one last preparing look, letting out a sigh before you two begin.
Mrs. White is astonished once she sees Wendy actually answering your questions correctly and solving these equations all by herself without even asking or looking over to you for any assistance. Yes, she might've gotten some wrong, but looking at the fact a majority of the problems she solved were correct was just enough for Mrs. White to put a smile on her face.
"Wow, Wendy. I can't believe you've improved so much! I'm seriously so proud of you."
Well, Wendy definitely can't say she hears that "proud" word told to her often. Wendy rolls her eyes, playing a smug smile as she blushes. "Yeah, you should be proud of me!"
Mrs. White shakes her head with a sigh and turns her focus over to you. "And you, Y/N. You've done an excellent job at tutoring Wendy; I don't think I've ever seen growth this significant in such a short time. I'm proud of you both."
You smile coyly, sharing your words of gratitude before Wendy groans and starts to shoo her off. "Okay this is getting too sappy for me, you can get out now."
Mrs. White holds up a pointing finger at Wendy, pursing her lips as she fights to stay professional with her words before she shakes her head, fanning off Wendy, and waves her last goodbye at you as she exits the room.
Once the door closes, Wendy looks over to you, grinning wildly seeing how your arms are already spread out for her.
She steps around the desk, straddling back into your lap and places her hands on your cheeks.
"Now, where did we leave off?"
As more weeks go by, Wendy only progresses more and more.
If someone had seen her after not knowing who she was a few months ago, they would've never guessed this math genius was the same person.
She's improved so well to the point that it seems like she didn't even need the last few tutoring sessions she had just because she was that good! The grade in her algebra class has skyrocketed to percentages that no one would've believed she could ever achieve, and not only that, but you've also motivated her to take her other classes seriously too!
Of course, they haven't succeeded in advancing as well as her math grade, but at least she was finally turning in her work on time for once in all these years.
Also, Wendy's been so distracted in wanting to impress you, to please you, and to make you happy that she hasn't stumbled herself into any trouble or drama! No fights, no skipping, no detentions, no suspensions. None.
Wendy never expected to go this far with math, let alone any other subjects! It's so crazy for Wendy to think all she needed to take school seriously and become a (sort of) changed woman was to drag a hot, nerdy girl into her life.
The two of you sit on the bench outside the front of the school after you guys finally finish your last tutoring session of the year.
Your head comfortably lays on Wendy's shoulder as you two stare off into the orangey-pink hues of the nearing sunset. As she gently rubs on your thigh continuing to stare off into the sunset, she can't help but want to express the thought that's been lingering in the back of her mind for a while now. She turns over to you, barely parting her lips.
"Are we dating?"
Your ears perk up at the sudden question, turning only your head to her. "Are we?"
You two, after all these weeks and months, still haven't confirmed anything between each other. Why??
Why do you two have to be so complicated??
"I mean, we touch each other like we're a couple, we gaze at each other like we're a couple, and we definitely kiss like we're a couple.."
You turn the rest of your body to her and smirk, placing your hand on her waist and scooting in closer to her. "Well, then I guess you've found your answer."
Wendy blushes and looks down before she meets back with your gaze. "Well, can we go ahead and, you know, confirm it with each other—make it official? Our whole dynamic is going to confuse me even more if we don't put any official label on each other soon."
You giggle coyly and tilt your head. "Alright then. Will you be my gir—"
Before you can finish the sentence, you feel a finger forced onto your lips. You furrow your brows while Wendy shakes her head.
"No, I want to be the one to ask you it!"
You pull her finger down and shake your head slowly as you try to hide a laugh. "Alright then."
Wendy holds onto your hands, interlocking your fingers and squeezing you tightly.
"Y/N.." Wendy starts with a shaky breath, the intense blush on her cheeks taking over as she struggles to not stray her eyes away from you out of shyness. Wendy.. being shy. Once again, only you can do this to her, make her feel like this. "Will you.. be my girlfriend?"
You squeeze her hands tighter, your knuckles turning whiter and flashing her a bright smile. "As long as you'll be mine."
And with that left off as the final words, you two lean in, sealing your relationship with a gentle but strong and promising kiss.
i REALLY hope you guys enjoyed this..
— Seulgiwifee ໒꒰ྀི♡˵ᴗ͈ . ᴗ͈ ꒱ྀི১
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