#iron fam au
rebelquilts512 · 2 years
Iron Fam Encanto AU Bonus Content
Here’s a bunch of stuff from the Starks Don’t Shine They Burn universe that didn’t fit in the original post.
(Yes, I know it’s been awhile, hush)
It’s pretty long.
This AU has a much more ambiguous setting, since I could not justify having this set in Colombia with the amount of white people in this AU and didn’t know what other real life location would make any sense.
Like in the movie, the house in this AU is still called Casita and their sheltered town is still called the Encanto.
The mountains surrounding the Encanto are rich in metal ores. (Because it’s the Iron Fam and Tony needs a good supply of materials)
The birth order of the triplets is: Tony, Stephen, Carol. Mostly because I can’t picture Stephen as the youngest of the three and what I’ve seen of Carol has younger sibling energy.
James “Rhodey” Rhodes starts as Tony’s best friend. He becomes friends with all the triplets before he and Carol fall in love and get married. He and Tony are still best friends though.
One of the reasons he’s nicknamed Rhodey is because Howard and Maria got emotional when they learned that their son befriended someone named James (Like James “Bucky” Barnes).
Wanda Maximoff lives in the town and is Vision’s longtime best friend. They’re also pining for each other, but since Vision’s so busy using his gift to help the town they don’t have time to confess their feelings for each other.
Pietro and their parents are also alive and living in the Encanto.
They own a bakery or something like that.
There’s not really a Mariano character in this AU (like how Isabela was expected to marry him while Dolores was in love with him). Mostly because I forgot about him when choosing characters for this AU (Sorry Mariano, I do care about you). There also aren’t really any MCU characters that both Nebula and Monica know besides Carol Danvers, who’s their mom in this AU. I also didn’t think a Dolores style romantic arc works well with Monica’s character. I’ll probably have to figure out a suitor for Nebula so the dinner scene has a possibility of working.
Suggestions welcome.
The Dolores Confession verse in “All of You” is replaced with a Wanda confession verse in this AU.
Other residents of the Encanto include:
The Maximoffs (as mentioned before)
Oleg, Iryna, Pietro (20) and Wanda (20)
The Bartons
Clint, Laura, Cooper (15), Lila (13), and Nathaniel (5)
Bruce Banner (The Town Doctor)
Helen Cho (The retired/former town doctor)
Natasha Romanoff
(Peter’s friend) Michelle Jones (16) and her parents
(Peter’s friend) Ned Leeds (16), his parents, and his grandmother
Elderly Peggy Carter and her husband, son, daughter, and presumably grandchildren.
Her brother Micheal Carter, his wife, son, and grandchildren, including Sharon Carter (26)
Peter Quill (Early thirties)
Gamora (Late twenties)
Drax and his wife and young daughter
Mantis (Early twenties)
Darcy Lewis (20)
Jimmy Woo (21)
Harold “Happy” Hogan
Sam Wilson (Mid-twenties)
Assorted others
Not any Asgardians though, since they technically have their own magic it wouldn’t make sense for them to be here.
For those of you wondering what the in-universe reason is for a character being named “Vision” when a different character has actual visions of the future, my explanation is that one day when Pepper was like seven months pregnant with him (and Carol was like three months pregnant with Monica), Stephen has a vision about the birth of Tony and Pepper’s baby, which involves a midnight thunderstorm and a c-section, and inorder for both Pepper and the baby to survive Tony has to make a medical instrument that will limit the danger of a c-section. After the baby is born safely, Tony and Pepper (mostly Tony) name him Vision to honor the vision that saved him.
The other kids also have interesting births that (except Morgan) Stephen saw in a vision.
Nebula was born during a meteor shower with Aurora Borealis.
Monica came into the world with a rainbow.
Peter was born during a windstorm violent enough to fling the windows open in the birthing room.
Harley was born during a solar eclipse.
Morgan was born at sunrise to the rooster crowing, all the birds, chirping, and other animals making their morning noises.
I feel like Monica’s gift should be explained more. My main inspiration is this part of her Marvel Wiki article. The basics are that she can see different energies and across the electromagnetic spectrum, including a form of x-ray vision. Her eyes glow different colors based on what kind of sight she’s using/what she’s looking for.
Nebula still has a prosthetic arm in this au. The story is that a beast of some sort bit it off, when she was exploring the woods when she was around ten (age is subject to change), and chewed it to pieces. She manages to kill the beast with her gift, though doesn’t save her arm. Her Uncle Tony makes her a metal prosthetic arm that she sometimes uses her gift to manipulate into different forms.
Other possibilities to come, this is all I have for now. Will update when I have more.
I have some ideas of how some of the songs can be rewritten for this au, although if anyone has any ideas for lyrics feel welcome to share them. I may post the rewritten songs at some point.
I also used a dress-up game to give some idea of what the family looks like/how everyone's dressed that I may post if anyone’s interested.
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 14 days
I've started posting the last installment of my  Fostering Hope Series
Part 10: Stark Shift by happyaspie
No Archive Warnings Apply | Rated T | Chapters 1/2 | Non-Verbal Peter Parker, Foster Care AU, Adoption
Summary: An adoption date has been set, leaving Peter with a lot of mixed emotions. He has a lot to work through in the time leading up to what will become one of his life's most significant moments.
Slowly, Peter read the letter. It was a court date for his adoption to be finalized. In less than two weeks time, his last name would shift to the middle and a new surname tacked to the end. He’d be Peter Benjamin Parker Stark. A frisson of excitement zipped up his spine. At the same time, a twinge of sadness made itself at home in his chest. The adoption would make Tony and Pepper his official forever family. At the same time, the connotation of the proceeding wasn’t lost on him. It was a vivid reminder of his first family, all of whom were laid to rest: his mother, his father, his aunt and uncle. His eyes watered without his permission; a bizarre combination of elation and grief.
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sholangagaga · 1 year
did mark ever end up living after Wilson beat the hell out of him? He never got mentioned after that point so I was wondering what happened to him. And why did Wilson hate him so much??
He did! Mark was smacked around but he did get the medical attention he needed! He wasn't beaten to the point of death so there wasn't REALLY a worry that he wouldn't survive (Jin just assumed because she had no idea what Wilson did to him, so it made more sense to overestimate his injuries rather than assume he was fine)
You'll be able to glimpse more into Wilson's brain during his arc around the events of FNAF3 in Legacy, but to make a long feud short, Wilson really just disliked Mark because he has a massive inferiority complex.
To him, everything Mark does is perfect and arrogant and he thinks "Well what's so good about him?! I can do everything he can do but better!"
Actually that's really just a Wilson thing in general. He really believes his own hype and any other man is just overly arrogant and trying to show him up and any woman should just fall at his feet because he's so amazing
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py-dreamer · 5 months
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More fanart woo!
Y'know that scene with one of the best background medieval-village tracks in fil history- (kingdom dance) where Rapunzel looks at the mosaic? Yea this is that
Unfortunately I don't have the patience to draw all them itty bitty tiles so I kinda cheated and used a stone texture layer on top (^-^')\
Hope you don't mind but I gave a couple more details to our favorite celestial-bull couple.
I mean Iron Fan is supposedly an empress of an empire right? Why not make her look the part? I didn't know how to bling up DBK though...
Also you might notice, I've drawn the samadhi flower! It has four big petals and four small in between (nod to the four rings) a pattern within shaped like flames (self explanatory) and a center with the 3 swirly thingy symbol (idk what it's called)
They were such a joy to draw! And ngl it was hard to draw everyone not pissed off....
They all have the sharp features!
You might notice right next to the lil baboo, DBK's hands are kinda charred to a crisp (I read the 1st chapter, yes I know) but this boi is grinning like there's no tomorrow with his wife and child and we love that for him!
There's a pot of burning incense which the chinese use for the dead which I don't think the ironbull couple would like very much.
Like they'd let the townsfolk do it, they're just being respectful, but they'd still resent it in hopes that their son is still alive somewhere
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and here's an un-shadowed version to see the fam better!
reblogs > likes
(click photos for less sh!tty quality)
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tartsinarat · 1 month
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As funny as it would be if this drawing was for an au of an au it’s not :/
It’s just Luz, King and Pip participating in the boiling isles version of Halloween, which is called the festival of Samhain there which is in fact the original name for Halloween and where it originated from in the toh universe rather than being totally Celtic like in the real world.
Here they’re collecting wood for the huge bonfire they’re going to make by the owl house and also making sure to avoid evil spirits whilst Pip explains the festival to Luz.
Luz originally thought that it was similar to the Halloween of the human realm until she found out that it was essentially a festival for the dead… which she found even more interesting because a) it’s such a lively celebration ironically enough and b) there’s costumes still involved and c) she’s eager to learn more about witch culture and thought it would be perfect to watch and dress up as characters from over the garden wall as a costume with Pip and King which they binged in a day.
It’s one of the few boiling isles holidays that Pip enjoys because he enjoys sneaking off from work to go watch the bonfires in Bonesbrough with King.
Also it’s the first year that Eda has allowed Pip to make a bonfire with King helping too as Luz is tasked with making sure these two don’t go crazy and set everything on fire but it’s also a treat for the three because of all the rough times they’ve been having lately.
Honestly despite the morbid nature of this “episode” it’s actually extremely wholesome and serves as a nice bonding moment between the three and Eda before everything goes to chaos.
This is because Samhain marks the transition from light to darkness as it marks the beginning of winter and the new year in the boiling isles calendar, which means Luz has also been in the demon realm for a year as well as having a symbolic meaning of the au going from dark to darker.
It ends with a nice moment of the owl fam just relaxing and watching the bonfire as hooty fights and eats an evil spirit in the background.
Also here’s a totally live image of king by the finished bonfire…..
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Just a simple GH au masterpost
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
Gonna need to make an official poll for this at some point… HOWEVER:
What kind of content would you like to see from me after TPiaG is finished uploading?
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I’ve got a lot of storylines I could pursue that are TPiaG-adjacent (like my 5,000 branching AUs), or I could try and continue the fic chronologically somehow. Alternatively, I could start a new fic with some original PMD characters of mine— or even try branching out into some more fandoms or posting my original work!
Here’s a list of some of my stuff I’ve posted about previously to provide some ideas, but don’t feel bound to discussing them alone:
Mortality Exchange AU: A TPiaG alternate storyline where Twig manages to kill Darkrai during the Dark Crater fight and becomes his replacement as the Legend of Nightmares.
Dugtrio Day AU: A PMD2 AU about a new Hero and Partner that revolves around a time loop, how it affects the Hero, and how she breaks out of it and deals with the aftermath.
Legends Lost: An original storyline set in the same universe as TPiaG, but starring an almost entirely original cast and plot.
Peepaw + Isekai’d Cat: A duo of PMD OCs— Necrozma and the once-human litten who helps him recover his true form by giving him hope— and their daily lives.
Paradox Fam: A group of PMD OCs starring a human-turned-flutter mane and said human’s adopted mother and father, a slither wing and iron moth, who hate each other’s guts.
Team Crypt: An exploration team of PMD OCs who solve mysteries in a manner that rivals the shenanigans of Scooby Doo and the Mystery Gang.
The Creeping Chronicles (at end of post): A fantasy story about bug people with trauma which has evolved rapidly and dramatically from when I impulsively uploaded a prologue in comic form.
Room 214: A stand-alone short comic about a reluctant exorcist and a friendly ghost that I think could be expanded upon into a broader storyline.
The Name-Oath: A two-part original story about a mortal woman who divorces a fairy prince after an ugly falling-out, and his desperate efforts to get back together.
THIMBLEQUEST: An original video game concept about a tiny moth knight who’s on a quest to find the seven holy thimbles and save the land from an ancient threat.
Unnamed Pokémon Gym Story: A mainline Pokémon OC that is a weather-enthusiast pokemon trainer and her golisopod who keeps bringing home injured bug-types.
Homebound: An Among Us fanfic featuring interspecies adoption, unlikely friendships, tragic backstories, and angst. A lot of angst.
Massive Art OC Dump: (This links to a summary of a lot of original projects with art associated with them.)
If you’ve got some time to share your thoughts or any ideas, please let me know!
Nothing is certain at this point, but I thought I’d start asking for opinions early!
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gilbirda · 1 year
gil gil gilgilgil gil gil.
i had
i had the best
the best
Okay so.
Soulmate Identifying Marks AU
i am
i need it.
(don't feel pressured i might write it myself but also might not but i had to throw the idea to you)
You got it.
[Read on AO3]
Jason never actually cared about his soulmark. Really. Why bother? He was poor, his parents' relationship was shitty (he later learned they weren't soulmates and Catherine sold him a pretty lie), and his life was complicated enough to add romance.
Once he became a vigilante at the tender age of thirteen, he understood that love was a luxury, and that having a soulmate at this point was a liability more than a blessing. A curse, even. He envied Dick, who didn't have a soulmate mark, and who loved freely and without hesitation; he envied Bruce, who loved intensely and burned just as bright.
He just. He couldn't do it.
So he chose to ignore it. Sometimes he hated it, sometimes it felt like a shackle to a complete stranger, someone he was supposed to tie himself to-
(Someone that didn't belong in his world. Crimefighters and civilians were not a good idea.) - so he just scrubbed at the damn ink on his skin when he got pissed at it, and covered with long sleeved clothes when he wanted to ignore it.
And then he died.
He was surprised to discover his mark was still there after coming back to himself post-bathing in the Lazarus Pits. He lowkey had hoped his soulmate was free from the connection the moment his heart stopped beating. But it was still there.
It was a bird. Ironic.
A freaking bluejay.
It was still colorful, it has all the details, no matter what he did about the mark. His soulmate was still there on the other side, waiting, biding their time. He wondered if their mark became a black silhouette like it did when partners died. He wondered if that stranger was holding hope or gave up on him already.
(He hoped they did. Giving up on him was the best option.)
When years passed and he didn't find anybody with a matching tattoo, blacked out or not, he tried to forget about it again. Holding hope was useless, and he had more important things to do. Dick eventually stopped asking about it, when they were back on speaking terms. Bruce still gave it pained looks when he visited the Cave.
That's why when a woman sat down on his table and hid her face behind a binder, he didn't notice the picture on it at first glance.
"Hello?" He put down the cup of coffee and sat straighter. It was never a bad idea to be wary.
"Um." The woman lowered the binder enough to look around the quaint café. She turned and checked the window, but if there was someone there she wouldn't be seen. That's why Jason liked this table, it was the best strategic point. "Sorry, I..."
"Hiding from an ex?"
The woman rolled her eyes, setting the binder back on the table. "Try a creepy coworker."
She tried to downplay it, but by her body language she was more affected than what she let on. He was interested in her story immediately. No woman was going to be stalked on his watch.
"Did you try the police?"
She looked at him like he was crazy. "Police doesn't do shit in Gotham."
Her sharp tone and eyes made him smile immediately. "Have you tried kicking him in the nuts?"
The unknown woman arched an eyebrow and untied her tight bun, massaging her scalp for a second, revealing long natural red hair. Jason noticed her white shirt, so she may be coming back from work. An office? He wondered where she worked. He could try and find out and then identify this creepy coworker-
"Hard to do that when she doesn't have a pair of those." The woman snorted. "My stalker is a woman."
"My mistake. Have you tried kicking her anyway?"
She made a face as if she didn't know what to do with him, but laughed at his comment. He smiled back, glad to see her relax after the scare.
"Thanks. I really needed the laugh, stranger." She made a move to stand up. "I'll leave you alone now."
He nodded, making a note to follow her and find as much information as he could about this stalker.
His eyes wandered to the picture taped to the front of her binder.
A bluejay.
"Wait." He extended a hand, catching her-
It was like an electric current coursed through him, from the palm of the hand that touched her forearms to the tip of his toes. He knew she felt it too, because she froze where she stood, her eyes glued to his hand on her person.
He had to let her go, he knew, but he couldn't. He really couldn't. He knew what this meant, and yet he didn't want to believe.
"Where did you get that?"
It took a moment to come back to reality and process her words. She was looking at his arm, her free hand hovering over the hem of the jacket her had rolled up to be comfortable. The shape of the tail of the bird was in plain sight.
He could lie and say it was a tattoo. That he thought bluejays were cool. He could say so many things.
He didn't need to say any of those lies.
The woman put the binder back on the table and rolled up the sleeve of her sensible white shirt, on the same arm he had his mark. He knew what he would see, what he could see, but it didn't prepare him to the sight of the same bluejay shape blacked out.
"I cried for you. I felt you die."
Her eyes were haunted with memories. What could he say? What could he explain?
"I should have looked harder for you." She narrowed her eyes. "I knew I could still sense you, but I didn't want to hope..." She trailed off, biting her lip.
"It's okay. People shouldn't be running around chasing ghosts." He understood her. Really. Holding hope for the impossible could be dangerous.
The woman smiled at his words, truly smiled, amusement morphing her expression like the turning of a page. She sat back down and extended her hand.
"Jasmine Fenton. Professional ghost hunter. Or was." She rolled her eyes. "I was taking a break now, actually."
Jason tried to gauge if she was joking. But she was completely serious.
"Jason Todd." He shook her hand anyway, barely stopping when the electric current made an appearance again.
"Like the dead socialite?"
She did her homework.
"Yeah." It was his time to be amused. "Just like him."
He smiled back at her, and it felt right. Like coming back for air after being underwater for too long. Like feeling the sun warming your skin for the first time after a long winter.
He always found the soulmate talk boring, and in his darkest hours, pathetic. He would never experience that, and romance was for those that could afford it, so why care?
But now, touching her, seeing her smile and her teal eyes that hid many secrets, Jason decided that those people were very off about their descriptions - and very right at the same time.
So he just ignored everything he thought he knew about soulmates and tried to remember if he had the rest of his day free, since he apparently had a soulmate to get to know.
Hate the ending, might rewrite it.
Bone apple teeth.
Also I hc Jason as aspec if it wasn't obvious here.
Do you like my stuff? Buy me a Ko-fi!
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Where did the idea that Macaque and PIF are swirn siblings come from? I've seen it in a few other fics and while I'm not in any way against it I am curious. Is it just fannon or is there evidence for it in either the show or the original text? And how did the two of them meet in your au?
I believe it's a popular fanon idea. I think it spawned from the fact that Wukong and DBK are canonically sworn brothers, and thus Macaque and PIF would have interacted back in the day through the Brotherhood - both were/are not looked upon the best by the leaders of the Brotherhood, so they may have found friendship in one another. They are also both cool af characters that sadly never interacted in the show proper.
Macaque ( -_-)/\(-_- ) PIF: Being bad b*tches with wind powers and impulsive spouses who got trapped under a mountain for 400+ years.
In "The Monkey King and the Infant" au they're sworn/adoptive siblings due to mutual past history, even before The Brotherhood. They met as young children (an incident where little Princess Tieshan stole her big sister's bag of wind and got stranded on the moon), and later became eachother's confidants when they reunited as teens (Macaque becoming PIF's attendant). When the Brotherhood started up, Macaque accidentally introduced PIF and DBK while sneaking out for a meeting. When PIF was disowned by her family for falling in love with a demon; Macaque was one of very few from her old life that stayed by her side. They supported eachother emotionally through thick and thin - SWK being imprisioned + his and Macaque's breakup, PIF's banishment and troubles having a child etc...
Then Macaque "died".
And so PIF lost the closest to a little brother she ever had.
DBK finding out about Macaque's death (or whatever version someone spun about it), combined with Red Son being taken away by Guanyin after the Samadhi Fire ritual, is partially what drove him into a rage + his own imprisonment under a mountain. And so Princess Iron Fan was left (almost) completely alone for roughly 400+ years. It's no wonder why she fcking hates SWK's guts.
By the time of the fic start, she straight up decides "fck this I'm taking my kid back and finding a way to remove the staff. I ain't waiting around on earth alone anymore."
Then a month or so later she recieves a knock on her door;
Macaque: "Hey, jiejie [big sis]. I uh... kinda got revived???" PIF: "...how and why?!" Macaque: "No idea [lie]. Ok, long story short; Wukong knocked me up-" PIF: "THAT SON OF A BIT-" Macaque: "Yeah I was mad too. We're kinda *still* on a break right now so can I crash here until... I dunno either he apologizes, I stop being mad at him, or you know... forever?" PIF, (trying to hide tears of joy): "Forever sounds like just long enough."
The emotional reunion is interuppted by toddler Red Son charging head-first (bull calf style) into Macaque out of excitement.
After realising that his sworn uncle is very upset with the Monkey King; Red Son declares war on Sun Wukong and later secretly begins devising a plan to kidnap him and force him to lift the staff. PIF thinks its adorable how protective Red Son is over them, while Macaque is reading the kid's revenge corkboard like "Oh dang, he's really going for it. I'm so proud of him. Wait... is this what having a kid feels like??"
When SWK shows up looking for Macaque, PIF pretty much wind-fan kicks his ass straight out of the mountain. Cue Wukong thinking he has to do something; Big, Dumb, Dangerous, and Extremely Hearfelt in order to get back into both Macaque's and PIF's good graces...
Small spoilers:
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Macaque, extremely touched but confused af: "Peaches, I would have accepted an apology and some flowers!" PIF, non-stop cuddling DBK since he got back: "Not me. This barely gets Wukong off my hit list."
Its a huge thing. The citizens of Diyu are shooken. By the end of it, the fam is extremely confused but happy to be reunited. Red Son declares it his first ever evil victory.
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jesterhasmoved · 1 year
Question about the adopted big bro Nezha au! What’s Nezha’s relationship with Red’s parents? Like, do DBK and PIF begin to view Nezha as a second son? Would DBK not try taking over/destroying that village and thus not be sealed under the mountain? And if that’s the case how would having his dad still in his life affect Red Son? And would the fam still get up to evil plans by the time season 1 happens if not?
Well it's complicated to say the least.
I will say I haven't read JTTW yet this is all based on LMK and small snippets from the internet I've seen.
Nezha kinda just showed up at their doorstep a while after the samadhi ritual and just offered to babysit Red so they didn't really have much of a relationship at first. Nezha spent all his time with Red. He of course did things around the house, he's no freeloader, but there wasn't much between them.
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Nezha of course attempted to stop them from doing evil, but they didn't really listen to him. Why would they? I will say his action probably caused DBK's attack to happen later then it did but I doubt Nezha being there would have ever soothed his thirst for power enough to stop him from attempting to take over.
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After he was sealed under the mountain, it was devastating for them all, they had to go into hiding and Nezha thought about returning to the celestial realm a few times but decided against it for Redson's sake. This did cause Nezha to become closer with PIF though. She definitely started seeing him as a second son. After DBK returned PIF basically said "Oh ye he's our son too btw" and DBK was like "Sick". So yeah
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Now about Season 1. Nezha is a child, he may be thousands of years old technically but he still has the undeveloped brain of a kid. And a kid, spending over 500 years with the same people is definitely going to affect his impressionable child brain. He, of course, isn't 100% with the whole "Plunge the world in darkness and rule it over with an iron fist" thing but he doesn't do much to stop it. He helps Redson with all his evil stuff, because he loves his lil bro, DBKs power absorbing armour, the great wall race, and stealing the skeleton key. He, however, would bever say he's evil and just says he's "Protecting the world from much worse" He doesn't really see what he is doing wrong. He doesn't believe he's doing anything wrong. He of course see's it later on. But in S1 he is on their side, not as passionate about as they are of course but he is on their side.
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I will say this AU is just something I made because I wanted my comfort characters to interact and it's more of a crack but not crack concept so I haven't thought of everything thoroughly. Hope this answers your question well!
Please people ask me more stuff. It makes me so happy.
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jasmine24715 · 1 year
I’ve seen the bnha actor AU...I’m so late to the party...but I needed to come back cuz I got invested again.
So here it is, bnha actor au / reader insert headcanons
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✧ You play a character in the LOV who is in a little “love triangle’ between Dabi and Shigiraki (Ironically enough it plays into your real life on set everyday lol)
✧ Endeavor played Thanos in the Avengers and you were Gamora so of course any chance you get on set with him you both reenact scenes-
"did you do it"?
"what did it cost..."
"... honestly not much-" "DADDY NO!"
✧ now that you both play on Boku no Hero (but unrelated characters) you guys barely see each other
✧ but when you do he always makes sure to give you a hug and a pat on the head because he sees you as an actual daughter 🥺
✧ Everyone on set loves you and you always wonder why because you barely do anything but stay in your trailer all-day 
✧ Toga always tries to drag you out of your trailer to hang out and go eat with everyone tho so :P
✧ you and the LOV cast did an interview altogether and it was purely chaotic because everyone is a menace both on and off screen. 
✧One time you were paired to do an interview with both Dabi and Shigaraki and safe to say, there are now memes and compilations of you three being THE WORST to interview. Either one of you answers the questions normally and the other two are making jokes OR all three are answering questions in the most chaotic way possible.
✧Dabi sometimes asks you to stay and talk in his trailer as he’s getting HOURS of makeup on and you oblige cuz you feel bad lol. So you both have a bunch of Instagram photos/videos of you two “behind the scenes”. You barely post tho so everyone’s still waiting for the U.S.J. Arc photo dump.
✧Since finding out you and Dabi hang out when he’s getting his prosthetics and makeup done, Shigiraki decided it was his place to drag you out of your trailer and force you to sit through his makeup hours. His still a little weirdo in real life but he’s not AS weird and just jealous lol
✧You and Dabi jokingly ship your castmate's characters together and make fun of them for it, but when both Todoroki and Inasa became a couple in real life, it shook you both. #inatodo trended on Twitter for days.
✧ while you’re usually in your trailer the one time you decide to go out and watch your fellow castmates work, you walked in when they were filming young Shigiraki murking his whole fam.  
✧safe to say you never go out of your trailer to watch anyone doing their scenes (unless it involves you) ever again. (you cried...hard) ps. the actor who plays young Shigaraki also has a baby crush on you and it is adorable when he tries to follow you to your trailer. A real-life gremlin just like his character. 
✧after a while since everyone knows you just stay in your trailer they decided if you’re not going to come to them, then they’re going to come to you. :D
✧ and yes that includes the 1-A actors, all of the LOV cast, and sometimes even the pro-heroes. Your trailer just now unanimously became the hang-out spot and while you act annoyed, you secretly love the company. 
✧the pro-heroes who are basically just veteran actors (except for Present Mic, who’s only been acting for a year) like to ask how you’re doing and settling into the industry/business since it can be a rough/demanding one. 
✧They really care and want to share their wisdom with everyone because they’re just the best.  
✧It’s ALWAYS hilarious when someone messes up their lines because the whole cast will literally DRAG them for it, so now everyone's afraid to fuck up.
“So, you fail once more Todo-...Tog...Tomura? God, there’s too many of you.” 
 “Master how could you have betrayed me like this...”
“Damn even All For One can’t remember your irrelevant ass”
✧you and Twice like to play small pranks on your respective castmates and come back together to give each other ideas.
✧sometimes Dabi ends up finding out about the prank early and joins you to prank the rest of the gang.
✧red carpets....a WHOLE DIFFERENT can of works to open that i don't have time to get into. Let's just say as chaotic as you all are behind the scenes on set/interviews is 10x worse at red carpet events. like why can’t y’all chill?!?!
Anyway, that’s all I have for this, sorry if it sucked but it’s been a while lol. Watch BNHA and drink your water, k bye.
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alannybunnue · 1 year
reader appearing in Game of Thrones era is gonna be like a hallelujah for the guys that didn't get her last time. it's like their second chance. And the youngins too, they've heard so much about Reader and they've always assumed that it would take another hundred years for her to show up but nope. she's her with her baby (theon).
she's the one who raises Theon in Winterfell. Im pretty sure that guy had pride and self-worth/self-esteem issues in the OG series. Well reader's here and she looks at those in the eye and just says "No".
Man, her time at Winterfell's gonna be awkward as hell— Like Ned was pretty chill back in the day, but Lyanna's a pretty sure subject and Ned used to have a little puppy crush on the reader so interacting with Cat is um.... yeah awkward. Reader WISHES she were in Dorne instead.
The real chaos starts when the Robert and his fam go to Winterfell after Jon Arryn's death tho. Bobby B didn't marry Cersei cuz Lyanna's still kickin but the psych damage she went through in the Rebellion makes her into someone like Cersei. Reader's not having a good time, she's like: "i should've taken Theon and jumped under the waves while I still could" BUT SHE PERSEVERES IT'S FOR THEON OF COURSE SHE DOES. Reader's going through her Mom/Big Sister arc this Era and it gives her strength she never had previously
All for Theon 💖
Actually, as much as it would be awkward, it's not, because is not the only one who's got a crush on the girl...Catelyn does too 😌
Now to the story
15 years had passed since the Rebellion ended and Robert Baratheon was named King of the 7 Kingdoms.
The Demigoddess since then, returned to the Iron Islands to stay away from everything, but she still wanted to be on Land. Her father allowed if she remained with the Greyjoys and the ironborn. She would also exchange letters with an old friend from Dorne, Elia Martell, who was hostage with the pearl back at the rebellion.
She kept her promise for 6 years, when the Greyjoy's rebellion happened and Theon Greyjoy was taken as hostage by the Starks, the princess went after him.
The pearl saw the young boy as her own child, and couldn't leave him alone in foreigner lands. Even if she knew that it meant to go against her father.
So, to keep everyone from committing war for her another time, she convinced Ned Stark to keep her away from prying eyes and in exchange she would be responsible for Theon. Ned reluctantly accepted, for he and his wife both had feelings for Sea princess and his sister, who was now Queen, hated her.
The Demigoddess spended the next few years taking care of not just Theon, but also all the other kids in Winterfell, she had a heart for all of them, without exception.
But the true problem was when Robert discovered that his once beloved was residing in Winterfell, far away from her father, and Ned never told him.
That angered the man, who was married to a cheap version of the real deal that the Demigoddess was, he immediately went to visit Winterfell.
The Starks immediately knew that she needed to be hidden before Robert arrived.
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verdemoun · 22 days
Don't know if you've already talked about bill but how is he coping with modern times? I always imagined a modern bill becoming a car mechanic, or something adjacent, maybe even becoming a small influencer where he posts abt trucks and such (and also his dog. I just know that man gets a dog in any type of modern au)
i have not spoken about bill because bill as a character just makes me so sad fam like was he doomed to be the power hungry bastard of toxic masculinity we see in rdr1 or did the events of rdr2 actively make him that way why was everyone so mean to him like you can see the way people treats him chipping away at him it makes me want to scream but back to timewarp au
therapy. my otp is bill and therapy. man needs anger management and to unpack that emotional baggage. it would take a while but once bill made the connection sometimes when he feels angry and acts out he's actually feeling sad/upset he'd start to develop as a person really quickly.
he would be so conflicted about seeing the gang again. why does no one talk about what happened to bill in the gap between rdr1 and 2?? dutch fucking left him behind bill would've followed dutch to the ends of the earth and been the perfect obedient loyal son he always wanted and dutch just threw him away because hunting down arthur and john for betraying him was more important!!
the new main gang would've picked him up because they knew he was going to be timewarped but it would be so uncomfortable.
poor kieran would've been so terrified he had to stay with annabelle and grimshaw until bill left. he usually regresses a little whenever someone timewarps because he has obvious reason to be nervous about the gang but it would've been a full breakdown just knowing bill was coming back. bill would've felt bad about it too because he never made the connection between how the gang's teasing made him feel vs what his bullying was doing to kieran.
the rest of the gang would've gone straight back to teasing bill because that was the dynamic last time they were all together. he would've hated it and lashed out a lot. he became something after they died they better respect it but of course they just don't. bill would've barely understood modern era before he bounced.
happy stuff now i promise. he ended up hitchhiking for a bit and learning about the modern world from truckers. he would love going to bars and truck stops and dodgy mom and pop diners along the highway.
he ends up getting a job on a ranch (ironically the modern day MacFarlane which became a massive multimillion dollar operation) and still gets to ride horses almost every day. he picks up herding super quickly and gets all the validation and care he deserves. the owners love him and are really supportive and patient when it comes to dealing with his temper.
he gets a little power trip out of learning to drive the semi-truck and unlike most of the hands is always super excited and happy to go on cross-country road trips delivering things to processing facilities. his favorite thing though would be the combine harvester he will work 14 hour shifts without complaint harvesting grain.
bill loves dogs almost more than he loves his horses he cannot drive past a sign that says puppies for sale without at least stopping to look. this habit has resulted in him having five dogs and they are his new gang. his first dog was a stray he picked up on the side of the road it's a wire-haired gundog mutt just called Mutt. he also has two cattle dogs (Clem and Roanoke), a long hair shepherd called Mercer and finally a catahoula called Abel. they are all working dogs and he does not go anywhere without all of them. they all sleep on his bed and are just as happy to go on cross country road trips in the semi as he is.
he can control all of them with a whistle or non verbal commands and they are insanely well trained. Micah fucking hates him sure Baymax can bark and growl and look scary on command but the second one of Bill's dogs curls up its lips Baymax is hiding behind Micah terrified and Bill is so fucking smug about it.
through therapy and having his ideals challenged bill starts making an effort to be less racist and sexist and actually confronting some of the gang about the way they treated him in 1899 and mending those relationships because look yeah he went off the deep end after the VDLs but he does still care about them and wants to have good relationships with them he's just got to work through a lot of issues go bill i believe in you
and most importantly he finally got over the internalized homophobia and admitted to himself he's a bit/lot gay. he's not wearing beads at pride levels of comfortable with it yet but he is a classic bear who will protect the gaybies from violence with violence.
it's like a many, many years slow burn but him and alden get together because charlybird's art is one of the only reasons i gave bill a chance as a character and i am a better person for it
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
The late night au 😭😂 are there other famous bridgerton siblings? If so can we see them on the show relentlessly mocking Anthony and then being like “oh to make this a well rounded discussion let’s bring Kate out here to explain the awkwardness in more detail!!” And Anthony’s just there like “WE’RE IN LOVE NOW ITS ALL OKAY! KATE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!”
…kinda want the entire bridgerton fam +edwina +Kate to be special surprise guests someday and Anthony just there like “*smh* we LIVE together now leave me alone”
I think pretty much all of the Bridgerton siblings are famous in their own right and Violet Bridgerton is a pretty well-known novelist. At some point they've all been on Anthony's show. Kate's on there pretty much all the time. She stops by his taping on the way home from her day most days if she can. They let her in the stage door and she hangs out in his dressing room while he gets ready and she ties his tie for him and then she sits in the wings, watches him on the monitor and then they go home together.
And it's sweet. Kate loves their little routine. And she loves going on his show. It's not a secret in the industry that you are not going to get the first interview when Kate Sharma's new project is released. It's been booked for months on Anthony's show. And she loves seeing Anthony grinning at her from behind the desk.
"You already know who she is! She's beautiful, she's insanely talented, she's crazy enough that she's still my girl: Kate Sharmaaaa!"
If you're lucky as a show you get her second or third interview and even years afterwards people still ask her about that first interview with Anthony and she always laughs.
"You know, it's really funny: That was maybe the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me, and yeah if I'd been clearer about my intentions and Anthony had picked up what I was putting down we could've been together five years earlier but Anthony is... kind of grouchy in the mornings, and he irons his socks which I think is ridiculous but he is confident in himself, and kind and he's absolutely the love of my life. He's so supportive of my career and he's stayed in late night to look after our family while I have my career And I'm just glad I have him now. I'll always be glad for him."
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mcwentfandomtraveling · 7 months
Just wanted to introduce my Marvel Oc :D
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This isn't a fic or story, it's mainly just like a little show and tell thingy mingy or something like that XD
Anyways, Hihi! Felt like introducing my marvel oc! I'm so glad that there's a multiverse so that fanfic writers and artists and content creators can have thier own little canon slice of Marvel! Since there are tons of different versions of earth! Who's to say yours isn't there *somewhere* in the vast multiverse? :3
Everything is canon now! Well in your own version of Marvel that is! Mine is pretty tame! Sure there *are* threats but no one dies :D
I guess for the most part...my marvel au here is mostly domestic stuff because fluff makes brain go brrrr! And I just love having Stephen, Tony, and the siblings of the Supreme fam as my found family :3 Anyways! I'd be glad to meet your ocs as well!
Anyways! Marvel Earth-616 is great! Beloved! Muah! Love it! I just like having an au for funsies! I wonder what I'd call the earth of this au 😅 I'll have to think about that! Anyways, my oc!
Her name is Savannah Anthea Stark-Strange! Sav is what her family and friends call her!
Let me explain her name in a sec after I tell you how she was born! Basically Sav was born from a wish, specifically the wishes of Tony and Stephen who wanted to know what a biological child between them would be like!
they never really spoke about it to one another they both just silently wished to know what it would be like to have a biological child!
And that wish was given life in space and eventually Sav was formed, with memories of her family and a basic understanding of the world and at the physical age of 18.
She got her name since in that wish Stephen was thinking "awww I would want to name the kid after my Anthony, if it's a girl I'd go with Anthea, if it's a guy..."
And Tony was thinking "I would name the kid after Stephen, however we really don't need another name that starts with Ste so I'll go with Savannah since it starts with an S and has that air of importance he has! If it's a guy..."
And so that's how she got her name! :3
She loves her family very much!
Oh oh! Let me tell you about her superpower! She can manipulate her dna to be biologically related to whomever she wants! So like if she thinks of the avengers as her family, which she does! She's formed a biological attachment to them! Which gives her a watered down version of any powers like hulk or super soldier powers!
As for superheroing...Sav...isn't exactly a front-liner so to speak like Tony or Stephen or Steve or any avenger is...she's more like...support for them!
Her dad, Stephen, taught her the mystic arts to a really good level as a way he bonds with her! I occasionally refer to him as "doctor-dad"
And her dad, Tony, taught her tech stuff to a really good level of understanding as a good way to bond with her! I occasionally refer to him as "Iron-dad"
So she mainly helps out as backup and support! Due to the skills her dads taught her she made herself a magical relic! :)
Technically it's a supersuit, similar concept but vastly different then Iron-dad's! So written within the code are mystic arts spells that give this supersuit a soul and a personality (Cloakie has a personality! Idk if it has a soul but 🤔 I'd like to headcanon it does!) So it's a sentient AI supersuit named Sunday (Because Sunday is way more fun then Friday XD) that takes the form of a Blue Balloon dog when she's not wearing it! :3
It's basically a fun lil' companion!
It can fight with some spells that Sav programmed into it, it can heal wounds, and it can contain stuff like in a magical cage!
Sunday can talk! But she only talks to people she cares about and trusts! Like Sav, Sav's family, Sav's close friends! If it doesn't trust you, it'll just woof and pretend to be completely useless at anything like a cheap toy dog.
Anyways Sav helps out during fights by either quickly healing some wounds of anyone or by containing threats so the avengers can think about what to do with it...
She gets along pretty well with her siblings! She's the same age as Peter, but her other siblings are Morgan, Harley, And America!
(Parker, Stark, Keener, and Chavez)
Her superhero name is Cryptex as a nod to her dna being ever-changing due to her magical abilities :)
Like the code to a Cryptex that can be changed and stuff :D
But she's not that gung-ho about fighting...she'll do it...occasionally enjoy training...but she's got stuff she'd much rather do...
Some stuff she finds interesting and random facts:
• She loves magical relics and wants to make more since it's been ✨️forever✨️since new magical relics have been made and she makes stuff that really reflects the current times, for the sanctum to use ofc! (She's made just one other sentient AI with a personality and everything a little similar to how she made Sunday for someone but I'm not going to mention for who, it's a little AI Balloon Bat!)
• She's always been fascinated with the concept of childhood since she's literally never had one, being formed already as a teenager with thoughts, memories, knowledge, of any teenager!
So she likes buying toys and plushies and stuff just for the fun of it sometimes! And she'd totally be down for riding attractions at fairs and stuff!
• She's playful but isn't really sarcastic and teasing as most of the family is for some reason so she likes sweet things like talking in a more sweet manner I guess instead of a snarky sarcastic one
• Sav is really pansexual, and ambiamorous, people are nice and pretty, her prounouns are She/her but occasionally He/him! :3
She does have a male form she can sometimes shift into, in that form her name is Savion!
Wow, can't believe people actually read this far! Hi! :D
I have a question if you don't mind!
I really want to give her sort of an adversary, frenemy, something to spice up her life in some sort of way...but I'm just not connecting with any villains :/
Does anyone know of any antihero or morally grey Villian that might be easy to empathize with so perhaps I can make another oc and give Sav an adversary?
Thanks for the help and suggestions! I appreciate it! Hugs!!!
...huh...not sure what to say now...
More potential Balloon pals :3
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And Sav would be delighted to make you one! :D
If I post about her I'll call her # Marvel Sav
And if I talk about my ocs I'll put it under # Nori's ocs
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
After Red's near death experience, he learns that the incident that led to everyone learning that Xiaotian could lift the staff is mentioned, that's a quick gateway to Xiaotian Cuddles.
He only misuses this information once or twice.
sequel to this post
Hehe def.
And the Staff gets removed fully in the au by Wukong early on, so that thing is just sitting around the apartment most days, looking like a weird coat rack.
Then Xiaotian just freaking *grabs it* one day and the fams are all freaking out. Both from the implication of the little kid's power, and also because little Red just got a hard bonk from it.
Wukong: "Nobody panic! Maybe the staff...lost weight??" *tries picking up the Staff without shrinking it first* *crack!* Wukong, wheezing and clutching his lower back: "Nope. Still 17+ kilograms. Bad idea." Macaque, sighs: "Shrink it, and I'll get you the tiger balm." *meanwhile in the restaurant* Red, being treated for the bonk: "That hurt!" Xiaotian/MK, crying: "I'm so sorry!! I thought it was fake!" Nezha: "Luckily you were only playing. A swing at full-power could have been devastating." Mei: "That was cool! Can I try lifting the stick now?" All the adults: "NO."
MK was too young to remember that it was the Real Staff, but he knows that he hurt Red bad that day, and tries to make it up to him a lot.
Red in the Au gets left with a small bonus scar on his forehead from the incident.
And yes, he frequently pulls the "remember when you hit me with that iron staff?" card on Xiaotian growing up to extort him for hugs and noodles.
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starlightscarsyt · 1 year
DRDT AU ☆Siblings of Despair Time☆
In some other universe, the siblings of the DRDT cast are all alive and well, and we get to see what happens when they all meet while their fams are at school! Think of this AU taking place in a Non Despair kinda AU.
Carlos Cuevas - Older Brother of Charles Cuevas
Age: 22
Height: 5'11
Weight: 175 lbs
Birthday: August 26th
Likes: Sunlight
Dislikes: Violence 
Carlos is overall pretty relaxed. He's like that one friend everyone can be themselves around. He's caring and is always watching over people, his younger brother especially. He may not be an Ultimate, but he is very friendly and full of wisdom!
> Family
Charles Cuevas - Carlos' younger brother, by at least 2 years. He taught Charles a lot of different things, such as cooking, cleaning, etc. In a sense, Carlos is someone that Charles looks up to, even as an adult. They care about each other, despite all the teasing Charles can endure from Carlos.
Margaret Cuevas - Carlos' mother. She appeared to be a very kind woman, but also a bit controlling. Carlos loves her, but also sort of distrusts her, in a sense.
Darius Cuevas -  Carlos' father. A relaxed, yet also very controlling. Carlos loves him, but also distrusts him, in a sense.
> Friends
Diana Chiem - One of his closest pals. They met at a park one time, and eventually ended up becoming friends. They're playful with each other, and are practically best friends.
Olivia Giles - These two met when Olivia was trying to beg Arturo to let her come into Hope's Peak University. Since Arturo couldn't call his parents, Charles got an idea, and asked if Carlos could watch Olivia while Arturo was at school. Olivia was nervous around Carlos at first, but soon grew to really enjoy his company. Carlos now offers to babysit her whenever Arturo or his parents couldn't watch her.
Ryan Rosales - They were introduced through Olivia. Carlos enjoys hanging out with Ryan, as they are close in age. He invites Ryan to hang out for gaming sessions whenever he's bored, and they always have a blast together. 
Olivia Giles - Younger Sister of Arturo Giles
Age: 13
Height: 4'10
Weight: 122 lbs
Birthday: December 17th
Likes: Flowers
Dislikes: Airplanes
Olivia is very clingy. If she gets attached to a person, she doesn't want to leave their side. Despite this, she is very sweet and loving. She loves having fun, and can be very peppy at times.
> Family
Arturo Giles - Her older brother. Arturo may not be too fond of her, but she's very fond of him. Olivia would take any opportunity to follow Arturo to school or anywhere else, as she admired him a lot. Even so, even Arturo doesn't like her too much, she still cares about his little sister. To quote that one phrase: "Nobody can bully my one sibling besides me."
> Friends
Carlos Cuevas - She admires Carlos a lot. Even if she was very shy around him at first, Olivia grew very fond of him. She views him as the fun babysitter she can hang out with while her older brother is at school.
Ryan Rosales - These two met while fighting over a game console. Ironically enough, they became very good friends through that, thanks to competitiveness through gaming. Ivy enjoys Ryan's company, and is very happy to have a friend who is somewhat close to her age.  
Ryan Rosales - Younger Brother of J Rosales/Moreno
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Weight: 128 lbs
Birthday: March 4th
Likes: Video Games
Dislikes: Candy
Ryan is very mischievous. Unlike his sister, he enjoys the fame and paparazzi, fueling his big ego. He's very competitive, mainly in things such as gaming. Despite this, he's a very chill guy, even if he's very annoying at times.
> Family
J Rosales/Moreno - His older sister. The two of them aren't exactly fond of each other, and the main reason is due to envy. Ryan always got to be himself, which J was envious of, while Ryan was envious of J getting to work with effects and technology. Despite the envy, they can't bring themselves to hate each other. It's tough love, essentially. 
Mariabella Rosales - Ryan's mother. Ryan loves his mom. She always showered him with affection, and got him quite a lot of things. He admires his mom, and wants to be even more famous, just like her. It's…almost sad that he doesn't realize how bad she is.
Hank Moreno - Ryan's father. Ryan doesn't like his dad as much as his mom, but he still thinks he's cool.
> Friends
Olivia Giles - Disliked her at first, but is actually quite fond of her. Ryan likes Olivia taking on adventures to places like arcades, malls, etc. He enjoys having her as a friend, and hopes to keep her as one.
Carlos Cuevas - He sees Carlos as the epitome of cool. Ryan very much admires Carlos, and wants to be all cool like him. They get along very well, and Ryan enjoys Carlos' company very much.
Diana Chiem - Older Sister of David Chiem
Age: 25
Height: 6'1
Weight: 186 lbs
Birthday: November 3rd
Likes: Makeup
Dislikes: Crowds
Diana is the embodiment of edgy. She acts all tough and stand-offish, when in reality, she's literally just being an older sister. She enjoys being by herself a lot of the time, and doesn't enjoy being out in public. Though, under that thick skin, she has a heart of gold.
> Family
David Chiem - Diana's younger brother. He used to be very clingy with her and admired her a lot, but now that they're both older, things are a lot more chill. Diana isn't exactly too fond of David, but she doesn't completely hate him. If anything, she's the one always getting him out of trouble.
> Friends
Carlos Cuevas - She wasn't fond of him at first, but slowly grew very close to him after they've hung out a few times. She acts like she doesn't like him, but is actually shown to see him as a best friend. 
Aoi Nageishi - Surprising how they became friends, but it started with a fight in a store for the last makeup palette. After a tough battle, they actually bonded and ended up being real friendly to one another. Diana respects her, in a sense.
Ami Nageishi - Mistook her for an Aoi clone when they first met. After getting to know her, though, she also ended up respecting her, just like her twin sister.
Aoi Nageishi - Older Sister of Arei Nageishi
Age: 23
Height: 5'8
Weight: 126 lbs
Birthday: September 1st
Likes: Popularity
Dislikes: Homework
Aoi was originally used to be very nasty and rude when she was younger, but has sort of changed since then. If anything, Aoi is just very sassy and knows her way around certain areas, such as hair and makeup! She's basically that one friend who'll be your personal makeup artist if you're ever in a tight bind!
> Family
Arei Nageishi - Aoi's younger sister. They used to hate each other growing up, due to Arei being bullied by her, but now as adults, they don't talk much. Their relationship hasn't fully mended, but it's getting there.
Ami Nageishi - Aoi's twin sister. They get along swimmingly, and can almost always be seen together. They're like two peas in a pod, and always have each other's backs.
> Friends
Diana Chiem - She immediately took a liking to Diana after a certain event. She loves hanging out with someone similar to her and her sister, and even lets Diana use her beauty products anytime!
Ami Nageishi - 2nd Older Sister of Arei Nageishi
Age: 23
Height: 5'8
Weight: 166 lbs
Birthday: September 1st
Likes: Fashion
Dislikes: School
Just like her twin, Ami used to be very nasty and rude at a young age. She's also changed in a sense, as is also very sassy! Unlike her sister, she's more skilled in areas such as clothing! She's basically the friend who can make you feel like a model.
> Family
Arei Nageishi - Ami's younger sister. Just like Aoi, they used to hate each other growing up, but have grown distant in adulthood. They haven't mended their relationship in a while.
Aoi Nageishi - Ami's twin sister. They're stuck together like glue, and are always hanging out together.
> Friends
Diana Chiem - She was a bit upset after being mistaken as Aoi, but got over it quickly. She always offers to help Diana with her fashion sense to make her feel more fabulous.
Touya Todoroki - Younger Brother of Teruko Tawaki
Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Weight: 113 lbs
Birthday: April 1st
Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???
Touya is sort of an oblivious guy. He's normally unaware of things a lot of the time, and it makes him come off as dumb. In reality, he's just easily distracted and is just very playful! 
> Family
Teruko Tawaki - Touya's older sister. They were seperated at a young age, and haven't reunited until now. They plan to try and catch up, but that isn't exactly easy when you've been separated for several years.
> Friends
He doesn't have any…at least…for now.
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