#is it actually poetry though?
miss-celestia13 · 11 months
Grey November…
As the earth beds down
Winter’s bitter hands branch out
Leaves, shivering, falling
Rich in gold and burgundy
Crackling underfoot
Fleeting mosaic colors
Waning with the wax of the moon
The withering of the last summer rose
Petals gilded in rot
Thorns dulled and forgotten
As cold creeps through bodies and dirt
It bites, cheeks colored with blood
Teeth fashioned in ice
Wool and fleece, a feeble armour
Wind laced in frost
Winters savage breath
Clouds leaden and laden
Unleash their gelid burden in silver tears
Unthawed and icebound
As skin freezes over
And winter slips through your bones
The land decays, and you hide inside
Under blankets, and hope for kinder days
Winter is death
Come spring
Winters sacrifice ressurects the first blooms
And we forget
Until winter wakes once more
An ending is an ending
But balmy days soon return
Summer coaxed freckles and honeyed skin
Flowers flush, and the earth renews
Fingers of sunlight undo winter's glacial loss
Brave the seasons
Of nature and life
Slowly, we realize
An ending isn’t always
The End
It’s rebirth
It’s very cold today. I can’t feel my face or toes. I was made for the Bahamas, and sunshine, not this baltic place! Please don’t judge my attempt at playing the poet. I have no grand delusions of my abilities. I just like words, and sharing whatever nonsense pops into my head here, and I have a lot of nonsense to spill 🤭 I simply wanted to make you all aware that I am fucking freezing. I hate it here. I am nothing, if not a dramatic bitch. If it wasn’t already obvious🤣 anyway, thaw me in May when the sun comes back for its two week tour, not a moment before! Thank you 😘❤️
Also, it’s technically still autumn. But Scotland only gets two seasons. Winter, and all of them, except summer, at once every other day of the blasted year.
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months
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i really need everyone but especially anyone who romanced gale with a bard tav to know about this interaction from early access that larian took from us
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juha-art · 2 months
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ELECTROCHEMISTRY- No one will ever want to sleep with you.
Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out, Richard Siken
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andstuffsketches · 2 months
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a selection of robins
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basilpaste · 6 months
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& he forgives you dogs are like that so loyal dead dogs are just happy you're here Let Dead Dogs Lie, Silas Denver Melvin (from Grit)
〔You grit your teeth so hard that they shatter into fangs.〕
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louis-disciple · 9 days
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𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦, 𝘐 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘖𝘧 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘔𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴 | Maggie Smith
Interview with the Vampire AMC
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endos will never be valid. if endos didn't exist, people with DID would have rights. I'm a SINGLET and I know this!!!!! Y'all probably also think ur animals.
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we arE animals.
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trickstersaint · 7 months
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vacation bible school activity: where did you find god in your life today? // february 18 2024
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kinetic-chaos · 9 months
Post tmosth Espio when they least expect it
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(I fucking love this game)
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 3 months
dead end job headcanons 321 go
I’m gonna try to keep these more lighthearted but if you guys want to hear a few messed up ones I can do that
. they are very fucked up mentally ill butches
. Briefcase specifically is transfem and bigender, using He/She/It pronouns (though all the talking objects use it/Its in some way in my mind)
. They usually spend a lot of time together at night, mainly because Briefcase is a workaholic and will stay up for hours doing paperwork while Coffin just doesn’t sleep a lot due to night terrors
. They both have autism they just don’t know it
. Coffin spends a lot of time doing research on flower language so Briefcase gets a lot of flower arrangements even if she doesn’t exactly what they mean
. They fight like an old married couple and they get into arguments a lot, they’re both stubborn and will take hours to apologize to each other
. Coffin is very touch-starved cause like look at them and Briefcase is one of the few people she’s open with regarding physical touch
. like she won’t violently push Briefcase off if he gives them a hug
. Coffin has given Briefcase a few of her necklaces/bracelets that are made of human bones, Briefcases accepts them but she’s like “These aren’t real bones…right?” And Coffin just stares
. Briefcase usually avoids eye contact while Coffin will stare deeply into your eyes with an unmoving neutral expression
.Coffin writes poetry for Brief sometimes, they're usually weirdly dark with a romantic undertone cause that’s just how Coffin does things
. Briefcase is a coffee person and Coffin is a tea person
. Briefcase is heavily allergic to cats but is willing to suffer for Deathbringer and Missile Launcher (Coffins cats)
only some of them but I love my fucked up butches <3
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poems for Grac(i)e - (for @imissthembutitwasntadisaster on her birthday)
Maggie Smith, Good Bones // Gerard Way, How It's Going To Be // Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous // Griff, Vertigo // Elizabeth Bishop, One Art // Taylor Swift, You're On Your Own, Kid // Kim Stafford, At The Student Poetry Reading // Fall Out Boy, Baby Annihilation // @/daisies-on-a-cup // Stephen King, It
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
devils poem?
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― How to Be Perfect, Ron Padgett
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amalgamationink · 6 months
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sokokoko · 7 months
I feel like sharing this. I wrote it a while ago based off my burn out :p
Burn Up, Burn Out, Little Star
I've been
Thinking and thinking
But reaching no end
Squirrelling away
In that place my thoughts tend
I think that I’m sleepy
I think that I’m beat
A sec to rest
Would be pretty neat
I just want to close my eyes
Indulge in things that don't feel wise
What do I care?
Why should I care?
If things go wrong
There's a creature in my chest
Pacing, pacing, I can't rest
Pacing, pacing, back and forth
I'm scared you'll see it and my worth
The creature's in my brain
Doing its song and dance all over again
I'm here with it
The exit’s there, but I can't fit
The guiding light has not been lit
A single task becomes seven, eight, twenty
My plate has already got plenty
Burn up, burn out, little star
No one should wonder where you are
You're just a blip
Some shoulder’s chip
Your dreams have told you so
Your heart has told you so
By now you should know
You're just a blip
Some shoulder’s chip
That heavy heart
Is just the start
Oh, heavy mind, oh, weighty soul
Go back to hiding in your hole
Deep in your head, you can be just be
Cross the line to fantasy
Your problems don't dwell there
This hell won't follow there
Your mind and spirit turn to air
Now your body's lost its pair
It's all done and dusted, then?
You’ll come back to reality exactly when?
You can't just not exist forever
You know this farce is far from clever
You’ll dopamine yourself to death
Reality will steal your breath
With the punch you're soon to get
Are you feeling sick yet?
The creature’s in my insides
Pacing my lungs, my stomach, mind
It churns my gut to see them try
I can't reach back, oh, ceaseless ‘why's
I waste my time in just a blink
It churns my gut to watch me think
Reality is just a blip
Reality’s my shoulder’s chip
Burn up, burn out, little star
Your supernova travels far
That heavy heart
Is just the start
Your mind and body; worlds apart
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brown-little-robin · 7 months
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academicgangster · 3 months
Man, sometimes you're really like 'so this terrible baby's first villanelle got published in an actual poetry journal?' and you reach the poet's profile section and they have a fucking MFA.
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