#is it ooc for jason to accept help from tim?
citizenmoe · 4 months
*preparing for a wayne gala*
jason: how can you ever tell the difference between all the fancy forks?
tim: it’s really not that hard, the salad fork is smaller than the dinner fork, the cake fork has three prongs, oh there’s also the lobster fork and fish fork and…
jason: of course you know all this rich boy being raised with a silver spoon and all that elitist bs
tim: you know my parents forced me to go to etiquette school…
jason: and im supposed to feel bad for you?
tim: i still have my flashcards
jason: oh that would be great actually can i have those
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intriq · 9 months
batfam grief fic that i've been working on for far too long! is finally here! im back with the angst bois. i'd also like to apologize if this is insanely inaccurate/ooc of them bc lol its me
characters: Bruce, Dick, some of Tim
dividers thanks to cafe kitsune as always
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There are five stages of grief. Bruce knows this. He’s dealt with them before.
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Acceptance isn’t a stage Bruce has really gotten to yet. He doesn’t think so, at least. Not sure he ever will. He’s faced the anger and depression before, when his parents died. How he’d taken his anger out on the criminal underbelly of Gotham, using his anger to cleanse her streets of crime. Then spend hours in front of his parents grave, unable to think nor speak.
Now he has another grave to sit in front of, too. Jason’s grave. His second Robin, the one who he wants to make the last. He doesn’t want to doom another boy to death, not when he’d failed Jason.
Some days, Bruce can’t help but wander Crime Alley. Like he was hoping that someway, somehow, he’d run into that scrawny kid Jason had been back then. He’d give anything to see him trying to steal a tire off the Batmobile again. Anything. Hell, he wouldn’t even mind being hit with the tire-iron again.
He also sometimes wonder if Dick blames him just as much as he blames himself. If only he’d been a little faster. If only he could have been quicker, then he could’ve saved him. Saved his son.
Sometimes, when he closes his eyes, he can still see the explosion before him. The bright glowing hues, vibrant enough to leave specks of color behind his eyes for days to come. The sudden wash of heat, the ringing in his ears. Some days he can still hear and see the explosion that took his son from him, left him as a failure of a father and mentor.
He makes himself remember his failure by putting up a memorial of Jason in the Batcave. Curse him if he ever dared to forget his greatest failure; the failure to save his son.
The failure of not being able to protect him.
Dick could never blame Bruce. Bruce hadn’t been the one to set that bomb. Bruce hadn’t been the one to beat Jason senseless. But that didn’t mean he had the courage to go over and visit.
Not when Jason’s memorial, even his own grave would be there to taunt him. To give him a bitter reminder that his little wing was gone. He wishes he’d visited Gotham more often before Jason died, spent a little more time there. His way of grieving Jason’s death is quiet, with his emotions doing all the talking behind the doors of his apartment.
Dick is broken by the loss, but he is nowhere near as shattered as Bruce. Dick is used to working alone now. Bruce has to grow used to the quiet. How he can’t turn to ask his Robin a question to keep him on his toes and alert.
He also has to see how Alfred sometimes forgets to not set out an extra plate where Jason would sit to eat. Pot roast doesn’t taste quite as good as it used to; no matter how good of a cook Alfred is. It just makes him nauseated by the smell of it; and now it had been Jason’s favorite.
Criminals whisper and talk about how Joker seems to have broken Batman, with the way he wanders. The Gotham Gazette talks about how distanced and quiet billionaire Bruce Wayne seems. Citing testimonies from Wayne Enterprises employees of how he seems to look out the windows if his office; as if he were in a different place. In a trance.
Of course, Bruce doesn’t try to let this impact his work. He works more than he used to. Makes a record of locking up criminals and going through dizzying stacks of documents in mere hours.
Bruce busies himself. Drowns himself in work he knows that can be easily delegated to Lucius. Works himself until he’s dead tired, unable to keep his eyes open a moment longer. Even with the aide of caffeine, he still manages to fall asleep. Most nights his efforts are fruitful, and he doesn’t dream. That’s what he wants, to dream of nothing but a void. But that’s only most nights.
Other nights, Bruce dreams. He dreams vivid memories of that night. It’s an endless loop, though. Each time he thinks he gets close enough to save Jason, the warehouse explodes before him and he’s right back to where he started. Running, failing. Running and failing. Running, failing, repeat.
Over and over again. It’s the same ending each time; plays out the same each time. All until he finally wakes up and is freed by the waking world from the relentless cycle.
Bruce once dreamt that he succeeded; saved his son in time. Cradled his son’s broken body in his arms and told him he was sorry, holding him as gentle as he can so he doesn’t hurt him further. That time he’d even told his son, in that dream, that it’s okay to fail sometimes. He didn’t have to be the perfect Robin. That he didn’t need to be as great of a Robin as Dick was. That he was good enough in his own right, in his own way. Even apologizing for never saying it when he should’ve, promising to say it more often.
And then he woke up.
He woke up and remembered that he hadn’t saved his son. That he didn’t get to him in time. He’d been too late, just like his apologies were coming far too late.
When Tim first comes into the picture, taking the mantle as Robin via means of blackmail, he wasn’t expecting the void it had left for him to fill. Bruce always seemed careful around him, sometimes nearly calling him by a name that wasn’t his. Jason. It happened quite a bit the first few weeks, and Alfred had almost mistakenly had him sit where Jason used to.
Tim does his best to learn about Jason. Trying to find scraps of information throughout the manor, trying to piece together what he needed to figure out just how big the void he was filling was. And it’s hard to find much of anything, besides pictures. But he did learn more from the library, which had been neglected since his death. Alfred came in to clean it, of course. But it otherwise was devoid of people.
Tim learned about Jason through the books he’d read, reading his annotations. Noting how some books seemed more loved than the others. And what he deduced was simple.
He could be Robin, but he could never be the same Robin neither Dick or Jason were. He could never completely fill the shattered void left by Jason’s violent death. And he hoped he never would.
Sometimes Tim can’t help but feel like he doesn’t belong. The way the memorial for Jason stands in the Batcave, almost like a hovering promise to tell Tim that he had no right to be here. What good had he done, forcing a man to take him on in the same role his dead son once held? What right did Tim have to sit in the mantle of Robin? What audacity?
Perhaps even now, Tim will wonder what right he had. What right to demand to be Bruce’s next Robin. Because he’ll never know, truly. He may think of himself as better than Jason, but is he truly?
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tags: @brucewaynesspouse @fallingwaynes @mysticalemmi @slutforjasontodd @sylvemooniet @ceyla016 [<---hi there!]
i feel like im forgetting some people to tag lmao
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briarscreek · 2 years
The Hidden Library
Summary: You find a hidden library at Bruce Wayne’s Estate and an unexpected (but hot) guest surprises you.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Note: y’all are so horny for this man and i am too so here ya go. also, alfred is a little ooc since i didn’t want to specify pronouns and give everyone a chance to read themselves in this story. <33 (this is also my first fic so pls let me know your input!)
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How exactly did you find yourself in this situation, you had no idea. Well, you had some idea but not enough to comprehend that it was actually happening to you.
Almost a year ago, you had accepted the job of being Bruce Wayne’s Secretary. With the added stress of a very busy CEO and his constant disappearances, it was harder than you expected to help maintain his image of Gotham’s richest celebrity. So one late night at Wayne Tower when Bruce stopped by to pick up some paperwork while in a full tactical bat suit without the cowl caused your boss to reveal his biggest secret.
Bruce Wayne was Batman.
This didn’t necessarily shock you at first, it was more like finding the last and most crucial piece of a 1,000 piece puzzle that had been stuck under your couch for the last 5 months. The sudden excuses, random injuries, and multiple coffee cups a day had finally all made sense.
With the added knowledge of his secret identity, it wasn’t hard to connect the dots between his family and the bat dressed people running around Gotham. After that day, you started to uncover the human side of not only your boss but his kids as well. Dick was the resident goofball, Tim had coffee running through his veins, Barbara and Cass would let you in on their gossip sessions, Duke would teach you about the batcave and Damian constantly walked around like his kitana was glued to his hands. But one person in particular stood out from their unruly crowd. That would be one Jason Todd.
From the moment you met him for the first time, it didn’t take much detective work to realize you would have a crush the size of Metropolis for this man. The problem wasn’t that he was incredibly handsome and charming, it was that he knew it too. Mix a dash of danger, with a splash of a handsome face and a gallon of confidence; and you’d get an incredibly attractive man with extra fries on the side. Nevertheless, you kept it cool while trying to talk to him. Emphasis on trying.
For instance, a nervous habit that you developed while growing up was to subtly avoid and participate in a conversation by making yourself seem occupied with something else in your hands. Whether that be on your phone, writing something down, or even fiddling with the ends of your nails. This happened constantly while you were around Jason. You wanted to seem cool while also not giving away the middle school type crush you had on him.
It was on a random Tuesday evening that a pipe burst in your $300 per month Gotham apartment, which caused heavy water damage to spill into your kitchen and living room. You can’t really complain since the reason rent was so cheap was because of Gotham’s unnaturally high crime rate. It might just be the 45-year-old pipes or Scarecrow messing with the water supply again. Either way, the situation would sort itself out in about a week.
Being the generous philanthropist that he was, Bruce offered you to stay in one of the bedrooms at his mansion. You initially declined at first but the mention of Alfred’s cooking had you packing your bags faster than The Flash.
All this aside, let’s focus on what happened today.
Around 1am, you decided to wander down to the batcave in your pajamas and stick your nose in what ‘mission’ they had that night. Surprisingly, Alfred was the only one sitting at the computer while occasionally pressing a finger to his ear talking to the vigilantes that occupied the massive estate upstairs.
“So what villain is on the schedule for tonight?” you said while standing next to Alfred, announcing your arrival.
“No one so far, just patrolling. I believe they are finishing up as we speak.”
You knew this, since the only times any major villain actually did something was all coincidentally scheduled on the 2nd Thursday of every month. No one really caught on to this until you decided to map out Bruce’s and Batman’s coinciding schedule. You still haven’t told them this part yet, since a day off for them could potentially become the worst night in Gotham for victims of smaller crimes.
“Sounds fun.” You retorted to no one in particular.
Alfred turned his chair to face you, studying your slightly bored and exhausted expression.
“Do you like to read?” He asked out of the blue. You turned away from the computer screen to face him.
“Yes. Why?”
“Well, if you are planning on waiting for them to return, you could do that in library. It will take them at least an hour to take off their suits and discuss the next few villain cases.”
You were a little taken aback by his suggestion. Not offended, just surprised that he somehow knew you liked to read.
“That doesn’t sound too bad. If anyone needs me, let them know I’ll be in the library please.”
Turning to walk away, Alfred couldn’t help but answer back to you.
“Yes, if Master Todd needs you to patch him up, I’ll tell him where you are.”
Pivoting back to see Alfred’s smirk on his face left you with a small blush on yours.
“Alfred! I was talking about everyone! Not just Jason.”
“Oh yes. Whatever you say.”
Knowing you weren’t gonna win this argument, you stomped up the stairs while feeling Alfred’s smugness behind you the entire time.
In a haze of slight anger and embarrassment, you had begun to walk around in Bruce’s home without taking note of your surroundings. Even though you had moved in for a short while, you still had no idea what the layout of the mansion actually was. The only places you knew how to get to were the batcave, your room, the living room, and kitchen. Other than that you were stumped. Sometimes, you would have to call someone on your phone to help guide you but that was a little impossible since you had somehow forgot your phone in your room.
The feeling of a never ending labyrinth came to a halt once you opened a door on the 2nd (or maybe you were on the 3rd?) floor, three doors down from the stairs. Swinging the door open, you were met with floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall bookshelves and a gray bed positioned in a cutout specifically for it.
Huh, you thought. I didn’t know Bruce would stick a day bed in a library, that’s actually a genius move.
After perusing the shelves for a few minutes, you finally settled on a blue covered book and laid down on the bed. You adjusted to a comfortable position on the bed with your head on a pillow and your legs crossed, with one foot hanging in the air.
This particular book you decided to read was one you knew that suddenly became popular on a few websites in the past couple of weeks. It was described as a wild ride from beginning to end and you were mildly intrigued about starting it. You finally began to devour the words on the pages like there was no tomorrow, fully engrossed in the plot to not care about the outside world around you. If you were paying attention, you would of heard the door open slowly.
“Whatcha reading?” A familiar voice asked, startling you from the fantasy world you wrapped yourself in.
Jason stood, leaning against the door frame of the room while you were slowly sitting up on your elbows.
“Oh, hey Jason. I found Bruce’s private library.”
“Private library?”
“Yea, he’s got some surprisingly raunchy stuff in here. I mean, I found Ice-Planet Barbarians; which is in itself hilarious that Bruce has it of all people.”
You held the book that you were referring to in your hand, and continued to read it. More like pretend so that you didn’t have to make direct eye contact with him.
“What part are you on right now?” He lowered his voice while sauntering towards you on the bed.
It made your heart stop and drop to your stomach with the way that he was looking at you. Like he was closing in on a target.
“Uh, well, um.”
You had completely forgotten the entire book. On to a new tactic.
“Wait, what time is it?”
“It’s almost 3am, last I checked” Jason responded.
He started to finally take off arm guards, setting them on the table. He walked around like he knew the layout of the room.
Wait if he knew the layout of the room-
He smiled while slightly wincing at you, chuckling at your reaction.
“Lower your voice will ya? People are sleeping a few doors down.”
Mortification filled you as you quickly launched yourself off the his bed.
“I am so sorry! I just thought it was Bruce’s cheesy romance library. I had no idea! Especially since I still have no idea the layout of this place. I seriously think that this place could give the Labyrinth a run for it’s money-“
With every step you took backward towards the door, Jason took a matching one. Until your back was against the door and he placed his hand on your mouth, stopping your ramble.
“There’s no need to apologize. I liked seeing you on my bed.”
You were now only inches from each other’s faces. Eyes widened, as you realized he not only had a hand on your mouth, but the other was pressed against the door behind you. Effectively caging you in, the tension rose between the two of you. One you had been avoiding from believing was real because of the overwhelming fear of giving yourself your own hope.
He slowly slid his hand down, gliding it along your cheek effectively tracing the skin. He looked concerned, so deep in thought he almost closed the gap between your lips.
“Why do you ignore me?”
“Ignore you? I don’t ignore you.” You said in a breathless whisper.
“Yea, you do. You never fully engage with me when I try to talk to you.”
You contemplated about finally saying it out loud.
“If I tell you, will you promise not to laugh at me?”
“Why would I laugh at you?”
“Jay, I’m being serious.” You stated, while still actively avoiding his intense eye contact.
“Alright fine, I promise.”
You still couldn’t look at him, so you squeezed your eyes shut.
“You make me nervous.”
“I do?” He stated with slight amusement in his tone.
“Yea, you do. God, I am about to sound like the stupidest person in the world right now but I have feelings for you.”
He stayed silent so you peeked your eyes open to gauge his reaction.
He was stunned, like he was hit with some sort of gas from one Gotham’s villains. His face split into a grin as he tried to keep his laughter to himself.
“Hey! You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
Jason finally collected himself, still not letting any distance increase between the two of you.
“No, no. It’s not that. I just think it’s hilarious that the reason you slightly avoid me is the same reason I talk to you everyday.”
“Are you being serious?” You said, trying to comprehend what he was saying.
“As serious as I am about kissing you right now.”
Something in you snapped, and a rush of confidence came to you that you didn’t know how to control.
“Then what’s stopping you?”
You finally held Jason’s eye contact, but only for a second before they instinctively closed when Jason brought his lips to yours.
Your hands explored his chest and shoulders while his never left your face. Your mouth opened slightly to invite his tongue in. You couldn’t get enough of him, and him of you either. But all good things must come to an end as you both parted for air.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I’d really like to wine and dine you before we go any further.”
You chuckled, “I’d really like that”.
Jason had another thing on his mind as he pulled away from you slightly.
“I know it’s late, or early, but would you read to me from that book?”
“Sure, but only if you actually go to sleep.”
“I’ll agree to that, but only if we get to recreate a few of those scenes from Ice Planet together.”
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hello - do you have any dick grayson-centric fic recs?
do i-do i have any dick grayson centric fic recs?? oh babe you have come to the riGHT PLACE. as any of my mutuals could tell you, i have so many goddamn fic recs it’s not even funny anymore. here are some of my personal top favourites:
1. And The World Came Crashing Down by @zhe-angst-diary  ~5k. a fic centered around dick’s self-sacrificial tendencies, especially for the batfam. a bit angsty, very much feels, a tad ooc, but i really did love it
2. bad signal by @prismatic-et-al 38k. the plotfic to end all plotfics. this author is one of the most brilliant dc fic authors i have ever come across, and the way they weave this dark, mysterious story is nothing short of ingenious. i was on the edge of my seat the entire time. again, brilliant.
3. Breathe In, Breathe Out by @kirazalea ~20k. this woman is one of my all time favourite writers for just some really really good stories about the batfam working through and overcoming their issues. this series is comprised of 2 fics that deal with the batfam discovering how much of an impact other people’s blatant sexualization and dehumanization of dick does to him, and how, over time and with help from his family, he picks himself up and starts to defend himself. really just a wonderful series
4. Declensions by @dustorange 13k. the best rom dick grayson fic to ever exist ever. you ever look at dc making dick romani and how they fuck up all the time and think “this could have had so much potential?” this work of art tackles that issue and creates something spectacular. each line of this fic had me screaming with joy. the robin cape symbolism? beautiful. i reread it all. the. time.
5. Don’t by @haunt-the-stars ~4k. do i have too many fics on here about dick dealing with + recovering from sexual assault and rape? probably. do i care? no. this fic takes a dive into trauma and how it can affect victims. it was absolutely heartbreaking, but also has the actual best wally + dick friendship i’ve ever read ever. seriously. if “wally west is a Good Bro” could be condensed into one fic, it would be this one. 
6. the fit of the cowl by @quillium ~4k. some people could argue dick was the best batman. other could argue the cowl only hurt dick. still others say dick could’ve been a much better batman if was better written. regardless of your opinion, you should definitely read this fic. it delves into the different reactions the batfam have to batman!dick. the family dynamics in this one were super interesting, and it’s always wonderful to read a fic about dick grayson  but from someone else’s eyes
7. Hard Truths and Other Realities by @ckbookish  ~108k. a series about dick feeling lost after being fired from robin and eventually finding his way again. featuring very very much wonderful uncle clark, and bruce isn’t an asshole, he’s just a worried dad that fucks up a lot but tries his best to make amends. also, dick bonding with jason. it basically takes you through that time period from the end of dick’s robin to him solidly affirming himself as nightwing and starting to forgive bruce. a really cool take on canon, loved this series!
8. Job Performance by @i-just-want-to-destroy ~3k. ohhhhhh dear god does this fic give me the feels. set during s1 yj, it shows what being a vigilante since the grand age of 9 does to someone, how much it hurts dick to compartmentalize, how much he doesn’t even realize it. this fic leaves you with a sense of “wow. this child. he’s really fucked up.” in a heartwrenching way.
9. a soft place to land by @bluebeauregard 3k. the best dick + tim being brothers fic i’ve ever read. people like to expand on his gradual acceptance and love of jason, people go batshit crazy over him practically parenting damian. and while i do love those, dick and tim had the best canon sibling relationship in the comics (at least, in pre52). this fic takes that and runs with it, and it’s so goddamn unique. i have literally never read this idea anywhere, so i was blown away by both the fic and the way the author wrote it. 
10. touch starved by @iwhumpyou ~4k. we’ve all seen fics where timmy’s touch starved from not receiving much affection from his parents growing up and the rest of the batfam smothers him in hugs. but what i really want is a fic where dick’s the one touchstarved because he grew up in the goddamn circus where everyone was close, but ever since he came to live with bruce, he’s been starved of the affection he used to so freely get, because his entire family is most certainly not the touchy-feely type. and for added angst, he doesn’t do anything about it because he knows his family has issues with trust/intimacy and he wants to make them as comfortable as possible. anyway apparently that fic exists and it’s this one read it and sob with me will you?
11. you gotta tip on the tightrope by Anonymous 12k. for people that don’t actually know much about comics canon and why exactly dick went undercover at spyral, this fic is absolutely wonderful. it shows the lead up of events that led to dick faking his death and leaving, and why exactly he chose to listen to bruce. (i’m using “chose” liberally here). plus, sibling bonding!! specifically with jason!
12. young volcanoes by @dottie-wan-kenobi 3k. i haven’t read this fic in a while, so i don’t remember some of the finer details, but i do remember loving it. also i have it bookmarked on ao3 with the tag “THIS!!!!!!!” so that counts for something. this fic focuses more on dick’s relationship with the titans rather than bruce or the jl, and centers around what their friendship has done for dick/how it’s helped him, and how much he loves them. a wonderful team fic. 
anyway, i hope you enjoy these babe!! these fics are all so so incredible, and i just want to give all of these amazingly talented authors one big incredible hug. 
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this is for the ask game! i was wondering what your opinion is on 19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Well this goes for both the batfandom, dc fandom, and the dick/nightwing fandom and that is the hypocrisy that stems from a lack of acceptance if that makes sense. I am guilty of it too although i try so hard not to be. I will specifically reference the dick fanon though as it is my main jam on here and i think it gives the clearest example 😊
So, Dick stans try so hard to correct everyone because there is so much nonsense that simply isn't true (i.e. sending tim to arkham) and we demand so much be put on actual canon because it honestly helps us out. Dick in canon really does have a moral high ground and leg up over a lot of other characters, not purposely, just simply out of necessity for the role he plays within the universe. We hate him getting any sliver of bad rap from fandom and we use canon as bible a lot. The hypocrisy comes when someone mentions something ooc for Dick (like him cheating) and yes, it is ooc, and yes- it was gross Devin Grayson, but if we demand canon to be held as standard, we have to also accept he canonically has done some really crappy things. Things that truly cannot be explained away, just like every other character. Dick has more comic history than almost every other legacy hero, it is going to happen that he is written to do bad things. We have to accept that we can still push for outright fanon misrepresentations to be corrected and still reconcile what dick's character is in context to and in relationship with canon.
It is a joke that dick or jason or whoever has never done anything wrong. That is fun and silly, but it can just be taken too far where unjustifiable things now have people trying to add reasons to insane actions.
Sometimes we just need to realize that we don't have to let those bad things influence our personal opinion or relationship with any character, but we do need to accept that it is okay for it to influence how someone else interacts with the same character.
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illumiru · 3 years
Ooh can u talk about ur theory where batcest fucked up fanon?
okay sorry for taking so long anon- i was very sleepy when i got this. take all of this with a grain of salt bc i joined the fandom late and i made a huge guess on what might have happened based on patterns from previous fandoms and my knowledge of fandom history. and hearsay from older fans.
BUT okay, my THEORY is that people who made b*tcest content then at the initial rise of the modern dc fandom probably watched young justice first and then go on to read a few comics here and there to discover their favorite robin. young justice was around the time new 52 became a thing so for a lot of fans at that time, that's usually their introduction to the rest of the batfam.
fandom does and fandom is wont to do though and since the batboys p much look like each other, they skewed their characterizations into easily digestible shallow tropes to make it easier to distinguish one robin from the other.
dick got saddled with the sunshine cuddle-monster (highly suspect this was influenced by young justice and n52), jason is the bad boy with the heart of gold, the draco in leather pants (possibly rhato influenced), tim is the sad uwu twink coffee super genius (red robin influenced) and damian's personality is either hellspawn or diagnosed 13 years old. (depends if they like damian or not).
the thing with the batfandom though is that a lot of them tend to be insular. so when it comes to dc content, they consume batfam content ONLY. knowing fandom, they can't consume content without shipping so they're like why not with each other? around the time, people are also a lot more likely to ship incest and don't consider adopted siblings actually related so it's seen as "not as bad."
that said, b*tcest has existed way before this period. even in batman year one: deluxe edition, there was a comic that said that some people saw batman and robin as a metaphor for homosexuality. (what the fuck)
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and there were livejournal groups for batslash. that said, fandoms were very small pockets of community at the time instead of the consolidated mass it will be on tumblr. so from what i heard from older fans is that at the very least people who were making any kind of fan content have read the comics. i think i read a meta that dick's fanon self at the time tended to be a bit like his outsiders self.
anyways, there wasn't even a reliable archive besides fanfiction dot net. so if people made ooc b*tcest fic or art then, it won't have the reach it has now in influencing fellow fans. (that said, dc managed to hire a writer who ships br*dick, giving these b*tcest shippers fuel. the resulting mischaracterization of the way devin writes dick will help fuel his fanon self later on. so that's one example already of how b*tcest fucked up fanon)
so with the influx of new fans from young justice and the rise of tumblr, modern dc fandom was born and in came the b*tcest shippers with fanon characterizations based off the show and n52 comics and their own headcanons.
with the way tumblr is set up, it's easy for non-fans of the franchise to see content from your fandom so people who haven't read the comics started coming in as well because they liked the fan content they saw. comics is a very daunting medium for people to get into because of the amount of material that can conflict with each other there is. so a lot of these new fans like to consume only fanon.
with the amount of b*tcest artists and writers there was, even people who didn't ship it would see non-explicit fanon content from these creators and assume it's is accurate. and so, the fanon characterizations became slowly accepted and popular and they end up adapting these b*tcest shippers' headcanons as well.
it did not help that a lot of b*tcest shippers will make meta to make certain batfam members closer than they actually are. and people took this plus the out of context panels as word of god of how they actually act around each other.
for example of fanon things that might be influenced by b*tcest
batfam living all in the manor (they don't.)
jason and tim's closeness with another (besides that one lobdell page where jason said tim's the only one he can stand and we shouldn't even consider bc lobdell does jackshit to research, they weren't very close at all.)
jason's use of the baby bird nickname for tim (major red flag)
dick being promiscuous/a womanizer/someone who likes getting naked (he's not. there's much canon evidence of him being uncomfortable with being objectified, unsure about nudity and being extremely monogamous. it's just a mischaracterization perpetuated by devin grayson (br*dick shipper) and tim seeley (hack)
i could list more (or you guys can comment more) but i'm honestly losing steam writing this. jnfenf i think as a fandom, we're getting better at debunking fanon at least - especially since the influx of batfans has slowed down compared to its peak. plus, inc*st is being more and more widely denounced in fandom spaces at all.
anyway, those are my rambling thoughts on how b*tcest shippers influenced fanon jkfnjkenf
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Ever since Tom Taylor took over Nightwing I have only made a post about one issue of his (I will leave it here Nightwing #78), that issue was beautiful, it was a solid start and the little things that made me feel a bit icky were not mentioned in the post because the issue was good.
Then the issues felt like connectors or just very bland story wise. I had problems with the book also feeling like a Nightwing and (fake) Oracle book instead of just Nightwing. There were many instances where Dick alone could have gotten himself out of situations without Barbara, but because she was there the opportunity to show that he can do things was taken from him. I guess what I am trying to say is that the book has disappointed me but I didn’t feel like making a post because it was too early and this is an ongoing book that Taylor said he planned on continuing for a while, but now I can’t not make a post.
A few days ago, I finally read the Red Hood story in Urban Legends (I have a review for that one too I will link it here Red Hood part 4) and I couldn’t stand how OOC and disappointing the story/characterization has been. I am saying this because I am only reading these two books at the moment, ONLY these two, and all I have gotten from them is shit.
I know it’s still early to say that the Nightwing book is bad but…I hated this issue, I hated it with all of my heart. But now that I am a bit calmer, I have come up with some ideas of what is truly going on with the Melinda situation.
Anyway, let me give you my thoughts.
There are big Wilson Fisk vibes coming from both Blockbuster and Melinda Zucco. Those two will lie, manipulate and be evil every chance they get. They are working together to make Nightwing disappear. I know it. The whole “make us all much wealthier and to extend your power beyond the city” idea does not include Nightwing.
Melinda might not want to burn anything down but she sure isn’t a hero. This woman accepted the position of Mayor after watching Blockbuster kill the former mayor. I understand that talking with the BHPD isn’t the best idea but this woman feels way too comfortable in the presence of a killer.
She is cunning and she has plans, I strongly believe that she might be a villain and that she will betray Blockbuster and take all the power (if it reaches that point) to herself.
Heartless is just another weirdo, he tricks both Nightwing and the reader into thinking that he has a soft spot for kids but surprise! He doesn’t. There isn’t much to say about him, he just has very complex gadgets and doesn’t know how to fight. I don’t even have any ideas about who he might be.
What I know though is that there was absolutely no need for Dick to think that he had “underestimated” Heartless, my love you threw your stick at him while he was looking directly at you, there was a 50/50 chance of him catching it. I swear I don’t understand the need to write him thinking that mostly because Taylor then has Dick swiping the floor with the guy, not only is it a simple fight (for Dick) but it’s also boring for him. Taylor’s writing is so annoying sometimes, he just loves to write extra things that are out of place like the “Tim Drake. Thought of by many as the best Robin” why the fuck did he put that there? Honestly, what was the point of having Dick say that, I don’t read a Nightwing book to have Tim Drake praise. If it doesn’t offer anything to the story that is being told then keep the thought to yourself Tom...
Moving forward the scene in the pier was quite nice, mostly because it’s Dick’s quick thinking that gets everyone to safety, he knows exactly what to do and how to contact the Maritime distress channel.
He has hope for his city, he knows there is good in it and he believes help will show up when lives are about to be lost. I loved that, just like Heartless said, Nightwing IS Bludhaven’s Guardian Angel. Once again, I am having Daredevil vibes from Dick (like from the show)
After the fight we get to see consequences of Dick not healing properly from a shot to the head. He loses his consciousness which is extremely dangerous but luckily Tim is at arm’s reach to help him out of the pier.
There are many things I want to talk about from the scenes that happen after Dick wakes up in his apartment so here we go.
First of all, Bitewing is adorable, she loves Dick the most and was happy to see him awake once more, what a good girl!
Secondly, Barbara, honey, you do not have three names, you aren’t Batgirl anymore, you are a grown woman that needs to move on from a mantle that has other people that can do something else/better with it. And we all know that this Oracle is just the ableist version of Oracle. So yeah…all I ask is for Barbara to move on from Batgirl, Cass and Stephanie are right there, enough is enough.
In these panels we have Dick, Tim and Barbara being kinda dismissive about the homeless kids, and it has been happening for so many issues, what is the point, Taylor? You made Dick a millionaire and you just can’t have him say or think for a second that he will monetarily help those kids and make sure they are put somewhere safe? You are really going to wait up until you have Dick running for Mayor or something to help the kids? I just don’t get it. Kids living on the streets and each time they are mentioned the three heroes of the book act like it’s normal and doesn’t need fixing. What the fuck.
Then we have the gang finding out that Melinda Zucco is the new mayor, the woman has an FBI file and a redacted one! This makes me think two things, either things are like I thought in the beginning of the post (she is evil and very good at it) or this woman is actually FBI and she is undercover (this one is less likely because of what happens at the end of the issue).
What we can see from the file that Barbara found is very little, but in these two pictures we can see that maybe she was put in foster care and x age? Also, she was apparently investigated in April of 20xx, the investigation must have been recent, why would the FBI investigate a minor or college student? What if these files were implanted by Melinda for someone to find them, and for her to have some sort of proof of her lies? If the file is about her being left in foster care or something while would the file be redacted? I don’t know, everything about her is shady and I don’t trust anything from or about her.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This could be a complex and very interesting character but Tom Taylor and DC really love to do stupid shit for shock value (more of this later).
All the new information (the Maroni, Blockbuster and now this very shady Mayor) has Dick saying that it is a bit too much for him and yeah, it is too much, you know who could help? Red Hood. I am of course not talking about current DC comics Red Hood, I am talking about the Red Hood that I would love to see, just yesterday I had an ask about who would I like to see working with Jason and I said Nightwing because Dick puts a lot of responsibility on his shoulders so it would be nice if they negotiated and each could work on different crime areas in Bludhaven, if only DC would hear me…
Anyway, now that we come to the end of the scene let’s talk about Barbara’s shirt.
That was unnecessary and not funny. That’s all it was. Yeah, I know it’s a meme and I know it was included for funny ha-ha purposes but I am not laughing. Bruce has been written as abusive towards his kids for so long, Jason, Tim and Dick have been physically harmed by Bruce and writers use it as just something that happens, there are never repercussions for the Bat. And this shirt sucks because Dick was Robin there and he was a kid, so having Barbara or anyone wearing a shirt with Batman hitting Robin!Dick right in front of Dick is just disgusting. What if someone wore a shirt that had Joker beating Jason with a crowbar in front of Jason, would that be a funny ha-ha too? What about Dick wearing a shirt with the Joker shooting Barbara, is that a funny ha-ha? The answer to those questions is no, it’s not funny.
The idea of that shirt shouldn’t have been pitched, drawn or included after the editor took a look at it.
The picture is a meme in our world, not in theirs. And the readers aren’t laughing.
 Back to the issue, Dick is left alone in his apartment to rest (seriously? You think the man that showed up to help Bruce in Gotham with a knee brace is going to rest?) but he can’t, he just found out that Mayor Zucco might be trouble for Bludhaven and might be working with not only Blockbuster but the Maroni family. He is not waiting one more second to have a chat with her.
Dick is obviously still concussed so of course he grabs a mask that has a camera that Oracle can view, and of course he enters yet another window without being careful.
Melinda and Audre were obviously waiting for him.
But here is where the real bullshit begins. Dick is unmasked.
I am so mad; it’s been four issues and Dick gets his ass in a trap and is unmasked by a villain? Are you kidding me right now?
But that’s not all, after Dick breaks free and accuses Melinda of being the daughter of the man that killed his parents, she pulls out a uno reverse card and says that her actual father is John Grayson, and that she is his sister.
How about no. Absolutely not. Go away.
Let’s re-visit Melinda’s appearances in the book so far so we can start theorizing about her real intentions or if she could be saying the truth.
Back in issue #78 where she is first introduced to us, after Melinda watches Blockbuster kill the mayor, she goes home and tells her Audre that she is now mayor because Blockbuster did what he does, so she knows that this guy is trash and a killer. But that’s not all, Audre asks her if she came across Dick Grayson to which Melinda answers “I am not ready for him yet”. Audre suggests she talks to him sooner rather than later because she might not have “another chance”, and the issue ends with Melinda agreeing with her while she is looking at a Flying Graysons poster with a red circle framing Dick’s face.
That whole thing? Shady. Melinda, obviously, wanted to talk to Dick Grayson, probably to tell him that she is his sister, but why is there a time limit, why is Audre telling Melinda that she can’t wait too long? Is it because her undercover work is ending soon? Is it because it’s not real at all and she needs to tell that lie in order to move forward with some sort of plan? I don’t know…
In issue #79 Melinda (and Audre) are out in the open with Maroni and they are talking about her becoming the next Mayor, Nightwing was watching from afar so this is his first contact with her. And it might be the first time that Melinda and her friend see Nightwing in action too. I cannot tell if she is aware that Nightwing/Dick Grayson are the same person here.
In #80 she doesn’t make an appearance.
But now in #81 she is taking her place as Mayor of Bludhaven, there Commissioner McClean takes her somewhere she didn’t expect to go (she is shown not knowing that Maroni and Blockbuster were in the next room over). Once in the room she refuses to take the cash from McClean but she will take the money as a transaction (for a second I thought she wouldn’t take the money but she did because she is very corrupt) and talks to Maroni once more. Before I talk about what happens with Blockbuster let me say this, she acts so distant to Maroni, she calls him Mr. Maroni every single time and she comes off as cold and feeling no type of way while talking with someone that is part of the family that actually raised her, and this is not because she is in a room full of other people, she did it too in #79. It seems weird that she acts that way with someone that took her under his wing since she was eight years old.
When she sits with Blockbuster he says “tell us your plan for my city” to which she says all of this: “My plan, Blockbuster, is to make us all much wealthier and to extend your power beyond the city. But to do so in a way that builds on the good work you’ve already done I have no interest in burning anything down.”
At the start of the post I said she gave me big Wilson Fisk vibes and that right there is why. She is shady, she has plans on top of plans, she calls Roland Desmond Blockbuster to his face but says that he has done good work for Bludhaven, which is weird because Blockbuster destroys Bludhaven a couple of times a year…
As I said before whatever she has planned does not include Nightwing, and here is where I kinda start theorizing a bit more, what if Blockbuster told Melinda Nightwing’s real name, he used to know who he was once upon a time…
Later in this issue when Nightwing is going to Melinda’s place Audre is already waiting for him right next to the window (with a sword), so, was he making an insane amount of noise or were they told to be ready for him?
Melinda traps him and takes his mask off, she barely seems surprised about Nightwing being Dick, she barely reacts when he jumps at her. She is in complete control of the situation and proves that by disarming Dick, as fast as he accuses her of being Zucco’s daughter she tells him that her real father is John Grayson.
She is in complete control. She has to be lying, she put a stop to whatever Dick had to say and do in seconds. This woman is trained and she is manipulative as fuck!
And if she isn’t lying then fuck DC and fuck Tom Taylor, this woman is either younger or the same age as Dick, John Grayson was not a cheater, the man is dead, has been dead for so long, don’t throw dirt on his name at this point. I refuse to believe this is true.
I honestly think that she is evil, and knows more than we are aware of, her first appearance was shady as fuck, let's suppose that she didn’t truly know that Dick was Nightwing, why on earth did she have a Flying Graysons poster with a red circle on top of Dick’s face? That doesn’t seem like something a sister would do! And why would this be information that is so important that she NEEDS to tell him in a certain amount of time?
It’s fucking insane. Tom Taylor, if she is actually Dick's sister then shame on you. Disgusting, what is with writers and cheating, what the hell is going on? Dick doesn’t need to think back to his parents and see a cheater in one of them. This better be Melinda being a cruel and vile human being that is trying to emotionally hurt Dick/Nightwing so she and Blockbuster can do whatever its they want to do.
That’s all I have to say.
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midnights-light · 4 years
Ladybug and the Hound
So before I begin I need to say a few things
This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic so it’s most likely going to suck and all that jazz
I do not own any characters in the DC or Miraculous universes (if i did everything would make little to no sense so yeah)
Can we all agree that  @ozmav is an amazing writer?
If you don’t like Daminette, don’t read it’s that simple
I am also going to use “Dogs are a Ladybug’s best friend” by @kelelamentia for some inspiration on this cuz I love that idea
All characters are going to be OOC so just be prepared
If ya’ll like it I might write more just let me know if I should write more or if I should never think about writing again (I have low self-esteem so if it look like I am hating on myself it’s because I am but I’ll get over someday but if you criticize me please at least try to be constructive criticism)
Now onto the terrible thing I decided needed to exist
CN- Chat Noir
The Meeting
It was a normal Tuesday, ya know? Birds are singing, the sun is shining, the Eiffel Tower collapsed, ya know the usual. Well usual for Parisians who had to deal with this for 4 almost 5 years now but for those who just wanted a vacation like the Waynes... well let’s just say they were unprepared to see the Eiffel Tower come crashing down just a few blocks ahead of them as they were walking to get some pastries from Tom and Sabine Boulangerie patisserie for a afternoon snack and to walk Titus (they brought Titus because Damian refused to leave him alone in the mansion for two weeks while they are on vacation so Bruce reluctantly agreed to bring him with them). So them being them ran towards the fallen tower and see a few people dead and some injured. They help the injured, but just as they are about to get the remaining few out of the wreckage a girl in a clearly ladybug themed suit comes crashing to the ground creating a few cracks to form on the ground. She gets up with a groan just as a dog in a fox themed costume came running up to her and helps her steady herself. “Thanks, Hound.” says the spotted girl and as the batfam are about to check if she’s okay a... IS THAT A GIANT BABY?! Well the giant baby comes walking towards the girl and the dog when a voice shouts “If you go on a date with me Ladybug I will come help you just accept your feelings for me already!” 
Damian's POV
As soon as the spotted girl heard that she looked towards the owner of the voice and low and behold it’s a guy in a leather cat suit and on the outside I look indifferent to what is happening but on the inside the only thing I can think is ‘What is going on in this city!’ because I was just expecting a boring two weeks of ‘required’ vacation in the ‘city of love’ I hate the nickname of the city because as Father has shown love is a weakness. But apparently the city of love is not as boring as I thought it would be. The girl (ladybug I think is her name) now has a look of murder in her eyes and the dog (hound is what she called him) growled at him as ladybug said “Chat, you can’t be serious! You just caused the Eiffel Tower to fall and kill and injure people!” CN-“Yes because you can’t realize that we are meant to be together!” LB-”No we are not now either help or shut up so I can focus on gigantitan!” CN-”Fine then i’ll just sit here and enjoy the show” That one interaction makes me question if this is how it is everything something like this happens.
*Time skip because i can’t write smart plans or fight scenes*
Dick’s POV
After ladybug got his watch thing off his wrist she and hound tore it apart which released a black butterfly and the giant baby was now back to a normal sized baby. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?1 I’M SO CONFUSED! After I stopped questioning reality I realized that ladybug was comforting the kid (HE COULDN’T BE OLDER THAN 4 YEARS OLD!) she picked him up and was about to throw her spotted thing up in the air for some reason but was interrupted by the cat boy saying ‘Pound it!’ and acting like he actually helped her and didn’t just sit there on a roof watching ladybug and hound do everything. What the heck? Ladybug walks over to me and asked if I could hold the kid for a sec and I said sure because she looks ready to murder. After she hands me the kid she walks over to cat boy and started yelling at him about how he can’t just be reckless like that but it seemed to just go over his head as he replied saying something about how she owed hit to him to date him but I quickly stopped listening when the kid started crying because of all the yelling going on so I started to talk and play with him to cheer him up until he pointed to ladybug as she yelled miraculous ladybug and tossed the spotted object into the sky. I was confused about what she was doing until I saw a swarm of ladybugs appear and start fixing the damage, healing the injured, and even bringing people back to life. Then she came back over and was about to ask something but then a shrill beeping noise came from her earrings causing her to ask if we could watch over the kid until his mom came and picked him up. Titus and Hound were playing until she called him over to her and then they jumped, yes JUMPED, up to the roof and left. “What the hell was all that and does anyone else want to kill a cat boy?”
Tim’s POV
“So that all really happened, huh? It wasn’t really just a coffee dream?” I say and then look at everyone else has a different reactions to what just happened: Jason is looking at where dead bodies had been but now they were alive, Bruce is trying to understand what just happened, Alfred looks concerned, Dick is keeping the kid happy, and Damian is trying to keep Titus from running after Hound. I notice other civilians just walking around like nothing just happened and I’m just thinking ‘How long has this been happening and how have we not noticed? WHAT IS LIFE!?’
Jason’s POV
I look at everybody that was dead just walk away like nothing happened and I am about to ask Bruce if he know what that was when I feel someone bump into me. I turn around to see a girl around Damian’s age on the ground picking up the stuff she dropped while rapidly apologizing while a dog, presumably hers, was sniffing her making sure she was ok and had what looked like a glare on his face when he looked at me. M-“I’m so so sorry Monsieur! I wasn’t looking where I was going.” J-”It’s alright little lady, but if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the rush?” M- “Well you see I’m supposed to be helping in my parents bakery after I finished walking Captain but we got caught up in the akuma attack so I’m running a bit late. My names Marinette by the way. I don’t think I’ve seen you before are you visiting?” What’s an akuma? I’ll file that away for later for replacement to look at but for now. J- ”Yeah we are here for a family vacation to take a break from work. Would you mind if me and my family follow you to your parent’s bakery? We were heading to one for a snack but it seems we got turned around during the attack.” M- “Sure just tell me your names first so I at least know you to some degree cause I’m not supposed to talk to people I don’t know. I hate life but I’m not ready to die just yet.” She laughs and I swear it feels like the world just got a whole lot brighter, J- “Of course where are my manners name’s Jason. I have a feeling my family is going to love you and your dog.” I say as I hold my hand out for Captain to sniff and after he does he stops giving me what I swear looks like a glare but he’s still standing near Marinette when I notice my family looking at me and Marinette and Alfred asks me, A- “Master Jason are you going to introduce us to the young miss?” J- “Oh right, guys this is Marinette, Marinette this is Alfred he’s our butler/ grandpa, the one who looks like he’s about to pass out is Tim, the one playing with the kid is Dick, the stern one is Bruce, and the  one with the dog is Damian.” I say.
Damian’s POV
I hear Todd talking to someone and introducing us and as soon as I turn to glare at Todd I see the most beautiful eyes in the whole world. they look like sapphires and her hair is like the midnight sky. She looks like an Angel... wait WHAT!?  I only zone back in as soon as Todd told the Angel my name so I did what not even I  was expecting, I took her hand, gave the back of it a kiss and said, D- “Nice to meet you Angel.” I was not smiling when I saw her blush and I for certain do not want to make her blush again... but if I have a chance to then I will take it. Then I hear a low growl and I then notice that she has a dog (yes she loves animals to!) that is looking at me like he’s going to rip me to shreds and I will forever deny that I was a little scared. M- “Sorry Damian, Captain’s just a little protective of me and doesn’t like strangers being around me.” D-”I understand.” I say then I hold out my hand for her dog (Captain I think it was) to sniff and after he does he still growls at me but doesn’t look ready to tear me to pieces so progress towards getting to know the Angel before me. And then my good mood is ruined by the sound of my idiot brothers and father, the traitor, snickering behind us. I turn and scowl at them but they don’t seem to care. Meanwhile Titus and Captain appear to have met and are now chasing each other around making me and the Angel laugh. Her laughter sounds amazing and her smile makes it feel like the world brightens up just a little. M- “So shall we start walking to the bakery?” A chorus of yes comes from my family and then we start walking. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
*Whispering* J- “Am I going crazy or did Demon Spawn just laugh and smile at Marinette?”
Di- “No I heard it to *gasp* do you think he has a crush?”
J- “Are we sure he’s capable of having a crush?”
T- “Well I’m sure she will be good for him, but what I’m confused about is how she doesn’t recognize who we are. I mean how does she not know us she didn’t even seem to recognize our faces.
A- “I think Miss Marinette will do Master Damian some good.”
And Bruce is just looking at his youngest son with pride. His first crush and he’s able to witness it.
So as I said in the beginning this is my first fanfic and It’s most likely terrible so let me know if I should never write again, if you want another chapter, or if I should just reevaluate my life choices.
Chapter 2
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thezestywalru · 4 years
Here is my take at a maribat mafia au- here ya go @stareyedmoonchild. I have no idea what the pairing should be, but if anyone stumbles across this, please let me know your opinion. Just want to be clear: THERE ARE NO MIRACULOUS IN THIS FIC AND SOME THINGS MAY BE VERY OOC. This is my first fic ever on tumblr. Hope you like it! Thanks!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng peaked around the corner of the alley, ducking in quickly. She unloaded the empty cartridge of her handgun, listening to the satisfying click as the new bullet clicked into place. She smiled before realising herself. Reluctantly clicking the safety on, she stowed it into her purse. 
Strolling down the streets of Gotham, the petite woman of 23 perused the shops she passed, evaluating the clothing on the plain mannequins inside. Marinette was careful not to linger too long at any displays, having learned from her years at Gotham that appearing distracted would make you a target. Her phone buzzed from the pocket inside of her jacket, so she calmly opened it up. 
“We have a new assignment for you.” The message read. She smirked slightly, opening the burner app up and quickly devouring the contents. They instructed her to meet her contact at the club run by her clients. You see, Marinette was not a normal person, though she lived under the guise of one. Marinette lived for the adrenaline pushing through her veins. When the money she had saved up had run out, she had no choice but to accept the jobs. 
It was better than selling her body, she supposed, but in reality, she was selling her soul. It became a rhythm. She received her tasks, would scope out the... person of choice, and would her use method of choice. Marinette often implicated others for her deeds, changing the way the victims were killed so it wouldn’t seem too suspicious. A little sloppier on one person, a crime of passion on the other, quick bullet shot through the chin for the next. The blood didn’t matter any more- she had hardened herself to it. 
“Ah, lovely.” The boss stood up to greet her, grabbing her shoulders and leaning down to quickly kiss both of her cheeks. Bruce Wayne stood over a foot taller than Marinette, and she would be lying if she didn’t admit that she was slightly terrified of him. 
Bruce Wayne was the CEO of a fortune 500 company in Gotham. He had inherited it after his parent’s untimely deaths. Enraged, he had done everything he could in his power- barring becoming a vigilante- to avenge them. As a shrewd business man, he knew better than to be implicated in killing. He let others do the dirty work while he pulled the strings. You see, Bruce ran in the underground. Doing so, he provided shelters for the city’s homeless, giving in random acts of kindness, and it wasn’t just always to keep the police from sniffing around him. 
He had adopted several children, from what Marinette had found out. A majority had been recruits off the streets, and while she had never met them, she knew their names and their stories. 
Richard “Dick” Grayson had been a gymnast with his parents. He had been left an orphan at a young age, and Bruce had took him in. She remembered scowling at the old news-clippings fawning over the pair, as Bruce was known for his stoic demeanor. 
Jason Todd was next, an runaway with an unfortunate pain problem. By that it is meant that Jason had become addicted to the toxic pill known as the Lazarus. It had warped his mind, leaving Bruce to scoop him up and transform the boy’s world views. 
Tim Drake had been chosen only a few years after the other pair. He was an apparent genius, proven by his intelligence quota of 142 and acceptance to many Ivy League schools. Of all the brothers, Tim was the one Marinette respected the most. 
Lastly came Damian Wayne, Bruce’s biological son. Damian was the reported result of a drugged one-night stand between Bruce and his rival’s daughter, Talia Al-Ghul. Her motives were unknown, as she had left the boy with his father when he had turned 10. From the photos, he looked like a younger Bruce, stoic and unfeeling. 
Marinette idly wondered what the meeting was about as she sat down on the velvet couch in the VIP room of the Bat-cave, the name of Bruce’s club. It was used for many operations. There was a room that you could use for safe drugs. All drugs there were at minimum pricing, and had clean purposes. This helped get people off the streets as more and more addicts chose to join Bruce’s rehabilitation program that he had started with Jason. 
“You do so much for this city,” Marinette began. “So what can I do for you?”
Bruce chuckled warmly, taking a sip out of his beverage. He waved her slight praise away, ever humble. After all, Bruce Wayne may have been a mob boss and a bad-guy, but that didn’t make him a bad guy. 
“I’ve always said that respect is better than fear.” He responded. “This way, I can help get people off the streets. They make a living, I make a bit of money, and people are safer.”
He turned considerate. Marinette straightened up in her seat, feeling her switchblade in her boot shift against her ankle. 
“i would like you to work on a case with one of my sons. I believe you would be able to teach him some of your... how shall I say.... expertise?” He cocked an eyebrow, sipping once again from his drink elegantly. She opened the flask of whiskey from her purse, and bumped it against him clear glass in a gesture of good faith.
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trashystar420 · 5 years
CHAPTER 3!!! Babysitter Maribat AU AGE Reversed Chapter 3!
Well here’s chapter three, not sure how good it is. A bit OOC here so yeah.
Selina awoke from the annoying buzzing from her cellphone resting on the night stand. It was Bruce?!? Selina immediately answered.
“Wh-THE MANSION IS IN ONE PIECE SELINA!!!!! Do you know what this means!?!?” Before the older woman could respond, Bruce interrupted her, again.
“ I can take you out on dates, I can actually focus on work without having to stress over them, I can actually feel confident walking into my home to NOT find it in pieces!!!! Selina please you must give me that lady’s number!!! Selina Love!!!” Selina was too stunned to even respond. How were you supposed to respond when the BRUCE WAYNE, stotic man who feels nothing, shows more emotion then he has in the last thirty years. Not that this was a bad thing, for a happy Bruce meant a GRAND time in the bed.
The cat lady licked her lips, eager to have the man in her bed yet again. She really must thank that girl for doing this for her.
“Brucie Dear, could you please slow down, I can barely stay awake, especially from last night.” She purred. What she didn’t expect was the tone in his answer.
“Oh, I know and I can keep coming back, IF you give me that young lady’s number.” Shit, since when did he get this aggressive!??!? The poor lady was blushing a new shade of red. Bruce wasn’t the type to be this aggressive. Now she REALLY must thank Marinette.
“Ugh let me talk to her first, then we’ll see.” And she cut the call. Getting up from her bed, Selina’s nightgown slipped out of her shoulders. The proof of Bruce’s late night visit was all over her neck and upper chest area. Blushing at the reminder of what went down that night, Selina made up her mind and called Marinette quickly.
“Mari dear, I’m sorry, were you sleeping?” She asked wincing that she woke the poor girl up, she wasn’t much of a morning person, much like herself.
“Mmmm” the older lady chuckled.
“Hey Mari dear, you know the babysitting gig I set you up for?” Somehow that woke Marinette up.
“OH NO DID I DO A TERRIBLE JOB?!? What if he fires me?!? What if he blacklists me and I can never get my dream job!?? Am I going to jail I can’t go there Selin- Marinette calm down!!!” Selina finally calmed the now sobbing Bluenette over the phone.
After a few minutes of Selina calming the girl down, Marinette was now in a better state of mind to listen to what Selina had to say.
“So he actually wants me to be a permanent babysitter?” She clarified. Selina confirmed.
“Why is this so hard for you to believe?” Selina asked annoyed. The young designer chuckled, as though the older woman knew no better.
“don’t you think it’s a bit weird how he hasn’t even had me for a week to SEE if I was good or not? What about a proper background check?!? For all he knows I could be a suspicious person who is in it for his fortune or something?” Selina rolled her eyes. Leave it to Marinette to start overanalyzing.
“That’s because I recommended you to him dearie, are you saying I have poor judge of character?” She teased.
“Yes” she retorts back then precedes to laugh, Selina gave a pout but let it slide. She really owed Marinette this.
“So Selina, how was it?” Mari asked in a mocking tone. Selina heaved a sigh.
“It was absolutely Devine Mari Darling. It was perfect, though I think the neighbors might complain over the noise.” The more experienced woman smirked. Marinette blushes on the other line and quickly chastised her.
“You asked for it!”
“Ugh so should I call him?”
The Wayne’s were currently seated in the dining room, everyone eating the breakfast Alfred made for them. What was unusual about this morning was Bruce’s mood visibly brighten, which set everyone else other than Alfred off.
Tim reaches over to lil Dick.
“Why do you think he’s in such a good mood?” Dick asked. Tim being the know-it-all he is, gave an answer.
“Bruce got to go out with Selina, and came home to find the house not in shambles.” He whispered, fearing that the good mood his father has will dissolve.
“Father, are you ok?” Damien asked. His father smiling unnerved him. Something about it felt really unnatural.
“Never felt better.” He responded too quickly for Damien’s liking. Jason was just poking his pancake with a fork. Alfred looked concerned, usually Jason loved eating anything and everything.
“ What is the matter Master Jason? Are the pancakes not to your liking?” The butler asked. Jason shook his head, then looked at Bruce with fierce determination burning in his eyes.
“Hey Bruce.” The man looked at the young boy feeling slightly apprehensive.
“Did having sex with Aunt Selina really feel that good?” Bruce immediately spits his drink. Tim was on the floor bawling, while Damien did his best to look unaffected, but ultimately snickered. Dick, being the innocent bean that he is, wonders out loud what sex is.
A blushing Bruce told his clueless son it meant nothing, while Alfred gave a disapproving look to the troublesome brat.
“Master Jason was that appropriate?” Before Jason could answer, Tim gave a ‘yes’ in response to the question. More laughter persisted as Alfred gave a dejected sigh, Dick being clueless, and Bruce wanting the earth to swallow him whole.
The phone left on the counter buzzed. Quirking an eyebrow, Alfred retrieves the phone for Bruce.
“Unknown number?” Bruce took the phone and accepted the call. He waited on the other line with baited breathe thinking it would be another spam caller. Instead a familiar feminine voice spoke.
“A-Are you Mr.Bruce? The one who needed a last minute babysitter? Selina told me that you were planning on making me a permanent one...”
“Ah Ms.Dupain-Cheng, did Selina give you my number?”
“Yes, sorry to call you so early.”
“Ah I wouldn’t worry about that. Anyways this is good timing, I need to talk to you about being a babysitter. I made sure to deliver you your check in the mail. You should have gotten it by now.” Shuffling was heard from Bruce’s line. And some crashing noises. Bruce was close to wincing.
“Ah um... si-sir y-you didn’t”
“Oh yes I did”
“But sir this is $10,000!!! Isn’t that much for babysitting two kids, well behaved ones at that?!?” The entire mansion echoed the laughter that came from the businessman.
“It’s because they behaved so well that I gave you that much, but now that I think about it. Perhaps I should give you three extra zeroes.” He replied. Now everyone was listening in on the conversation.
“NO! I-I mean, Monsier Wayne, please this is considered too much for a babysitting job, and for a day. Please I can’t accept this.” Bruce wasn’t having any of it.
“Oh no I insist you have been a great help. You have no idea how hard it is to manage those troublemakers.”
“You must be joking, the boys have been nothing but angels”
“ either way no take backs” Bruce stubbornly stated. The boys couldn’t pick up what Marinette said over the phone that was muffled by Bruce.
“Can you come at least once a week?” He asked. More muffled digital voices in. The boys gaped as their well respected father, fist-bumped to himself like a little kid getting the best thing in the world. Alfred had merely begun cleaning up after the Waynes.
“Yes you can cancel in advance if something comes up.” He answers
“Yes you can take the boys out, but make sure it is not passed 7.” Jason and Dick perked up at that. Even Damien had to do a double take on that. Tim was listening intently to every little tid-bit.
“You want to start by the beginning of next week?” Bruce asked to confirm.
“I would be glad to Monsieur Bruce.” Marinette finished.
“Please Ms.Dupain-Cheng call me Bruce.”
“Only if you call me Marinette.”
“Then it is settled, Marinette.”
“See you next week Mon- er - i mean B-Bruce.” And the call ended. Bruce was half tempted to do a happy dance, but after looking at his boys, decided not too.
“Now everyone, I expect you all to be in the bat cave by 8, we have another serious meeting to discuss. But right now. ‘Looks at wristwatch’ looks like I have to get going.” And off Bruce went. His kids could only stare as he took off in his very expensive looking car.
“Miss.M-Marinette is going to babysit us!” Squealed Dick while Jason grinned from ear to ear.
“I’m so gonna beat pixie-bob at ultimate mecha strike three!!!” Jason spoke determinately. Tim just sipped more of his coffee, realizing he’s gonna need another mug and walks to the kitchen to make some more.
“That harlot is simply humoring you two.” Damien answered, while looking away. Dick and Jason were clearly offended by that statement.
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” Dick screeched as he racked his older brother who was completely caught off guard.
“Yeah lil Dickie teach Demon Spawn a lesson!!!! Jason cheered from the sidelines, and Damien struggles to get the flexible boy of him. Dick eventually kicks Damien in the family jewels.
“Ahhhhhhh oh you are so gonna- eat shit Bitch!” As Jason threw a chair at the incompacitated Damien. The two younger boys fled the scene as a rather pissed off Damien got up. Alfred offered him an ice-pack and he reluctantly took it.
“When I get my hands on those two.” As he stormed off after his idiotic brothers.
“Tikki!!!!!!!!” The super heroine pleaded. The small goddess just gave her a look.
“Just take it in strive Marinette”
“But it’s $10,000!!!!! Don’t you think it’s too much!?!?”
“I don’t know, sounds to me like those boys were not so nice to begin with Mari” Mari scoffed. How could anyone think anything bad of Jason and Dick. They were absolute angels and totally adorable.
“Please Tikki, your just jealous.” The kwami just gave her a look, before muttering ‘clueless holders’
“I heard that!”
“That’s kind of the point!” The kwami sighed. It’s going to be quite the adventure.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
In the extremely unlikely event that Bruce dies for real, or finally retires, who out of his various children do you think should (not could) inherit the Cowl? Just based on skills and temperament, who do you think would be a perfect fit for the next Batman?
I’m a firm proponent of the Cass For Batman movement. 
Here’s the thing…..I think by the time any of the Batkids are old enough/tall enough to pull off the cape and cowl look….any and all of the Batkids have the skills to be Batman, or hell, even to surpass him. I’ve always said the high concept of the Batfam is that they’re a family of Mary Sues, that’s their point. Put any one of them in a room with any non group of Bats, and they’re all by default likely to be the most skilled, best fighter, etc, etc. But them together….eh, too many people IMO spend too much time trying to rank them when it seems pointless to me…..you put a family of Mary Sues all together in the same room, they’re all still Mary Sues. (And keep in mind, I’m not using Mary Sue as an insult. Obviously. I love them all, lol. And Batman is the original Mary Sue as far as I’m concerned).
So bottom line is, any one of them could be Batman, skill-wise. Cass I think is the only one who has consistently truly wanted to be, temperament and ambition wise.
I was a big fan of Dickbats, when he wore the cowl. He was good at it, both times, after Bane and then when Bruce was believed dead. He’s Bruce’s eldest and has been by his side the longest of all of them, there’s a degree to which part of me wants to say it should always go to Dick after Bruce, just in acknowledgment of all of that, but honestly? It shouldn’t IMO - again, I liked the Batman we got when Dick wore the cowl before, but it took a toll on him from a character standpoint, because he’s never wanted to be Batman is the thing. He wants to be his own person, of his own design….yeah, he stepped up and made being Batman work for him, on his terms, but it was never his first choice, and IMO never would be, and I’m all about Dick getting to choose. So no, it shouldn’t be him.
There’s at least one Earth in the DC Multiverse where Jason became Batman and was good at it. But with Jason its all about temperament. I honestly don’t think Jason wants to be Batman, not anymore. He wanted to be Batman during Battle for the Cowl, but that Jason was written extremely OOC then and by Morrison as well after that, IMO. He cared more about making a point to his family - or at least Bruce (or even just the ghost of Bruce) - than he cared about innocents, and that’s never been a take on him I find convincing or compelling. I’m fine with Jason killing, I’m behind him on a lot of occasions, but that’s only a Jason who kills out of empathy for the victims who will never see justice otherwise, because a broken system just flat out doesn’t care about them. 
And I think ultimately Jason’s biggest grievance with Bruce is he sees Bruce’s refusal to kill his murderer as proof that Bruce ultimately doesn’t care about Jason, based on an inverse of the same logic - and with this being something that Jason has trouble just flat out owning up to in that specific sense (at least after UTRH), because he refuses to be a victim, and Bruce has already made his choice there once, as far as Jason’s concerned, and Jason is too proud to beg or ask a second time. But during the Battle for the Cowl era, Jason wanted to be Batman, but to prove a point, that his way of being Batman is better than Bruce’s, and like I said…..that just never felt like Jason to me. His conflict with people is often based on him believing he’s right, but its not truly about proving that or needing to, IMO….he just believes he is and does what he does. He craves being avenged, not being validated.
So bottom line is, I don’t think Jason in this main Earth would ever really want to be Batman, because BFTC aside…..I think he’s perfectly aware and comfortable with the fact that his way is not Batman’s way. That who he is by choice is not who Batman is, or would really choose to be. And he’s fine with that. The thing about Jason, as far as I’ve always seen it, is he’s never been upset that Batman wouldn’t kill the Joker, his murderer, that Batman wouldn’t avenge him. He gets why Batman wouldn’t. The thing that he can’t ever really reconcile is that Bruce, his Dad wouldn’t avenge him, whether as Batman or just as a grieving father. And that ultimately has nothing to do with Batman as a concept, as a hero or anything with someone who is not Bruce under that cowl. And thus who and what Batman is, ultimately has nothing Jason really needs or wants to be.
Tim, just like the older two, is more than capable of being Batman…..but he doesn’t want to be either. He’s afraid of who he might be as Batman, ultimately. He’s more than once been shown visions of a future where he’s Batman, or faced time traveling future versions of himself as Batman, and its never been a pretty picture. Tim as Batman, in the various futures he’s seen that come to pass in, almost as a warning, is someone who in each of them has kinda gone full Dark Side, embraced the idea of vengeance over justice, or total control over even the chance of chaos befalling someone he cares about, etc. Because Tim does have these tendencies, I’ve always maintained, and he’s not oblivious to them either. He doesn’t deal well with loss, and has a tendency to lose himself in his refusal to accept loved ones as being gone (even though yes, admittedly he is sometimes right to), or just….a denial of the way things are. 
And Tim, like any of the Batkids, is more than capable of circumventing the way things are, by virtue of genius inventions, time travel, etc, or manipulating powerful beings into acting exactly as he needs them to in order to achieve some end, etc. So the thing is, any of the Batkids losing themselves to their refusal to accept things the way they are, the natural order of things, is a potentially dangerous thing, because there is very little they aren’t capable of when they put their minds to it, but Tim is the one who is most afraid of this possibility. Dick rejects the possibility as willfully and stubbornly as he can, when people try and force it on him. Jason has at times accepted it and not looked back until much later if at all. Cass has lived it and found it to be her worst nightmare, and Damian was taught to embrace it and had to unlearn that.
Tim is distinct in this regard, in the sense that he’s the one most afraid of being tempted by it, and afraid that he could be tempted…….its not so much that he’s walked a fine line with this in the past, he’s never really done all that much in terms of becoming the future versions of himself he fears, here and now in the present….but he is aware that something about him and his choices attracts the likes of Ra’s al Ghul’s attentions the way Dick attracts the attentions of Slade, Cobb and various other assassins. Ra’s tends to focus on Tim and trying to get him to side with him, more than he really ever does the others, not because any of them couldn’t be just as deadly were they to side with them, but rather I’ve always viewed it a matter of temperament……I think Ra’s has always viewed Tim as being the one he has the best chance of convincing to side with him or try things from his POV…..because he knows or believes, or at least Tim sees it that way, as Tim being the one who could be potentially sold on the idea of total control. Of having the power to ensure nothing harms anything that he is protective of, that he has power enough to stop even death from reaching his loved ones.
But, at the same time, Tim is also the Batkid who is most invested in…..kinda….preserving the idea, and the reality, of the Batman who has been his hero since he was a kid. The Batman that he tracked down and sought out in order to try and help him in any way he could when he was only thirteen. To try and keep safe and to keep from becoming the darker version of himself he was becoming after Jason’s death in his grief. 
Like….to Dick, Batman was always just Bruce, his partner….he wasn’t someone he had a lot of preconceptions about before he met him. He’s never really been anything but Bruce to him, and thus he’s never actually been some larger than life figure. He’s known him as his guardian and father figure as much as he’s known him as his mentor and teacher…they go hand in hand for him, not really much of a time gap in between him being the one and becoming the other. So in as much as Dick has always looked up to Bruce from an early age, Batman has never been any kind of mythic ideal for him….its just Bruce in another guise. His guardian, friend and eventually dad. 
And then to Jason….I’ve talked about this before, but I think Jason and Dick are both the reverse of Tim and Damian because the latter two came looking for Batman and stayed for Bruce, but the older two came to trust Bruce first and only came to trust Batman because of that. And so to Jason, Bruce was his dad even before Batman was his mentor and partner, and no matter how much Jason may have enjoyed being his partner at times and wanted to impress him as Robin, it was always Bruce that Jason valued far more than Batman. If he had to choose between the two, he’d choose Bruce every time, and at times I would describe their conflicts even before his death as being the result of Batman kinda getting in the way, when Jason just wanted to talk to Bruce, his dad. 
But to Tim….even while its not like Tim as Robin was naive or had this unrealistic view of Bruce or the fact that he was as human as anyone else….and even though its not like he didn’t value Bruce for who Bruce was aside from Batman, and eventually see and value him as his father……there’s always been a difference to the way he speaks of Batman, the idea of Batman. He’s the first of the Batkids to ever really approach viewing the cape and the man underneath it as something….necessary to Gotham. That the city or even the world needed, the way Batman was before Jason’s death, and that Tim felt driven to try and bring him back to. Dick and Jason were both aware of Bruce’s good qualities and all the things Batman did to protect the world of course, but while to them that was more or less just Bruce doing things in the way that made the most sense to him or worked best for him, Tim’s the one whose first real glimpse of Batman and view of him was formulated at a distance, where all he could really see was what the Batman presented to the world and thus represented, before he was close enough to see the man behind the mask. 
So he’s the one to first or most wholly truly grasp the symbol of Batman….and that’s what I’m trying to get at there. He respects what Batman stands for, the necessity of that, the Batman he’s dedicated so much time and energy and his own life to safeguarding and preserving that heroic/protector spirit of his as much as he has prioritized physically guarding that Batman’s back as Robin…..like, Batman as Tim wholly believes Batman should be, matters far to much to Tim to ever ‘jeopardize’ by giving into Ra’s temptations, or his own dark visions or future glimpses of who he might become. And so no, Tim would never want to be Batman either, because he’s afraid of the Batman he might be, and its too important to him that Batman be what Tim believes the city and the world needs Batman to be.
And then there’s Damian, who again, is more than capable, at least by the time he’s an adult, and unlike pretty much all the others, has spent most of his life intent on becoming Batman. He’s always viewed it as his birthright, his destiny…….but that was before he came to Gotham, met his father as well as his brothers, and was Robin to Dick’s Batman. There’s a lot of reasons why I think whether he’s even totally realized it yet or not, I don’t think Damian still wants to become Batman even as of this point. Such as the fact that with the right writers, he’s discovered that he likes the freedom to choose who he might be, the unknown of it all rather than the certainty and thus the restrictions of being confined to an inevitable destiny. Various events since he’s come to Gotham, like him dying, discovering his grandfather intended to try and use him as his new younger vessel, etc….many of them to different degrees have made him view fate as being just as likely to be a trap as it is to bring the freedom and power he once thought his fate promised him. He’s still young (and he’s still written by a bunch of shitty writers who see him and think “Oh, this is a brat with an attitude and a history of violence, that means he’s basically the Antichrist like that other Damian was, yes?”) so there’s a lot of stopping and starting with this character growth, but the growth is there, if you focus on it and not just the writers who are like “I see a kid named Damian, I write that kid named Damian as pure evil, cuz I gotta, its the rule.”
But also……there’s an endless number of ways in which Dick and Damian are the mirror of Bruce and Dick at their beginning, and this is just one more of those to me. Because I think deep down, Damian no longer wants to be Batman, not all that dissimilar to how Dick never wanted to be Batman. Because it was never that Dick didn’t respect everything Batman stood for, and I don’t think it was ever that he was afraid of drowning in the darkness typically associated with the mantle….because Dick was the one who was truly in the dark spot when he first met Batman. Batman was his light before Dick ever climbed out of his depression, reignited his own inner light, and became Bruce’s light too. So Bruce’s Batman didn’t ever equal just darkness to Dick in the first place. No, Dick’s real issue with being Batman was always just that it wasn’t him…it was his dad. He didn’t want to wear his dad’s old clothes, he wanted to be someone that was uniquely and distinctly him.
And I think its the same thing for Damian at this point. Even though he’s been Bruce’s Robin as much as he was Dick’s, Dick was Damian’s first Batman, the one who made him Robin in the first place. And I think despite what Damian grew up thinking Batman was….when he came to Gotham he really only had enough time to grasp the fact that nothing he thought he knew about Batman or his father was accurate….before Bruce was believed dead. So the new image he formed of Batman, of who and what he was, the Batman that replaced those false impressions…..was Dick’s version of Batman. And now, I think, that’s forever kinda immortalized in Damian’s mind as what Batman is supposed to be, and so I don’t think he wants to be Batman anymore, because that’s not him. 
And not even because of insecurity, like he wouldn’t be capable of being that Batman, but rather because I think Dick is the one who taught him to seek more for himself than just what he’d been told was his destiny by others, to choose it for himself….and so I think Damian would never truly want to be Batman at this point because to him, Batman is forever the guy telling him to be his own man, something new, something he hasn’t even thought of yet…..not just some other version of the identity he’d thought was his destiny since he was old enough to talk.
Duke also would be more than capable of being Batman, and I could see certain AUs where it might end up being him, and I’d like to see some of those AUs, but ultimately I don’t see him wanting it either for much the same reason as most of the other boys: Duke’s someone who’s also found power in finding himself in his own identity, building his own mantle and persona and name for himself from scratch as The Signal, rather than step into the shoes left by someone else. I’m short changing Duke here, as he deserves more than just that sparknotes paragraph, but this post has more than gotten away from me already and its late, so I will happily come back to that at a later time if anyone wants.
But that brings me back to Cass. As I said, its not about her being the best fighter of them, like, that making her inherently more suited for the cowl skill wise or whatever….since any and all of them are hyper-competent across the board and possessing their own various specialties. So they’re all more than skilled enough. But its a temperament thing, the thing she has marked off in the pro column of “Why I Should Be Batman” that none of the others do. Its that of all of them, she’s the one who truly wants it, and for the right reasons. Who sees power in it, for herself, the kind of power that she would choose to wield in defense of others, power that she wants to be the kind that defines her and who she is as a hero. As opposed to the boys who see it as something they’re leery of, or that they feel embodies a sense of self that just isn’t them. 
Any of the boys as Batman, just like Dick did, would likely do better at it than they thought. They would likely do so through each of them subtly redefining it in their own ways, making it their version of Batman, a Batman each of them could comfortably be, without losing themselves in it. But the same isn’t true for Cass, I think, because that’s the point: she wants to be the Batman that Batman already is, to her. 
She wants to fill those shoes, because of all of the kids, she and Tim I think are the closest here, in that they’re the two who never fully stopped seeing the larger than life symbol of Batman, even after getting to know and love the man underneath it….but while for Tim, that symbol was more about what it represented to Gotham, what it could be for the world….for Cass, that symbol was more about what it represented to her. Batman was her hero, before she ever saw him be anyone else’s…..he was what saved her, that made her believe she was worth saving, and Batman, that Batman, is what Cass in turn wants to be for other people. The hero for them that he was for her.
At his best, Bruce has been many things to his various children, as both Bruce Wayne and as Batman. He was the light that first showed Dick the way through his trauma, he was the father that Jason never had, he was the symbol that Tim believed in from afar and that lived up to that promise even when Tim met the man underneath, and he was the legend that Damian heard and wanted to be.
But for Cass, and only Cass….he was all of those things at the same time.
And that is why I think Cass is ultimately the only true successor to the Batman that is, (or at least, the Batman that he is, when at his best aka not written by Tom King or those of similar ilk). Rather than a successor who would become a Batman in name, but with their own individualized take and reinterpretation of the cowl and what it means or stands for when worn by them. And its why I think Cass is also the only one who truly wants to be that successor, and for reasons she finds fulfillment in, rather than seeing as baggage that weighs her down or keeps her mired in the past, in grief, stuck walking the same path someone else already walked. She knows who Batman is to her, and what his symbol represents, and she knows that its everything she wants to be, and nothing that she would feel trapped or limited by, rather than empowered by.  
I think any and all of her siblings have the potential to someday mirror their own pasts with Batman and Bruce, and who he was to them:
For Dick, being who and what Bruce was for him when he needed him first - that means being Dick Grayson, with Batman merely a secondary title. Just like it was Bruce Wayne he had needed, with Batman merely incidental to that….and all of this being born out as true with Damian, when he ultimately responded to Dick’s efforts to reach him far more than Dick-as-Batman’s.
For Jason, being who and what Bruce was for him might mean being a father someday - and with who he is as the Red Hood potentially being the thing that gets in the way of that, just as Batman was what sometimes got in the way of him and Bruce. And thus with the Red Hood being the thing he might have to choose to hang up and put behind him, if he truly wants to learn from the mistakes his father made with him.
For Tim, being who and what Bruce was for him at first, would ironically mean being the darker, grief-driven version of himself that needed someone else to remind him of who he was…..a version of himself for some precocious would-be hero to save the way Tim had once been determined to save Bruce from himself.
And for Damian, being who and what Bruce was to him at first, would unfortunately mean being in someone else’s eyes no different - and no more approachable - than the legend Bruce originally existed as for him. It might mean being distant and out of reach even as what someone really needed was for him to be there and in the flesh. And thus by extension meaning that given the choice, Damian would likely prefer to be for that someone what Dick taught him to be, what Dick was for him…..real and present for that someone else, even if they weren’t that person’s first choice.
And so only for Cass, would being who and what Bruce was for her, mean Cass being someone’s hero. The person who saved by inspiring, just as Batman had saved her by inspiring her. Protecting her by the mere act of proving that he wanted to protect her. Who gave her a new life just by showing her what was out there and what that life could look like.
That’s the Batman that Gotham’s future needs. The same Batman she needed, and the one only she can truly be because of that.
And that’s why IMO it should be her who ultimately takes their father’s place as Gotham’s Dark Knight.
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Hello! Can you give me some fic recs centered on Tim? I’m very interested in Tim’s relationship with anyone. He and the Bats, Titans, Jack and Janet, girls, Wayne Enterpises, schools, super criminals, crossovers (if there are mistakes, I’m sorry, because English is not my native language)
hey babe!! (don’t worry, english isn’t my native language either, but you’re doing great!) i don’t have as many tim recs as dick ones, but i do have a few goodies.
1. And Now I’m Covered In The Colors, Pulled Apart At The Seams by @sohotthateveryonedied 17k. a wonderful spin on the “red string of fate” au that takes a look at the different relationships in tim’s life, everything from his parents to his siblings to his friends and love interests. this story was emotional yet sweet and i love love loved it.
2. Gonna Be A Better One (A Thousand Miles To Your Door) by @traincat ~19k. a look at the time when tim was benched for robin bc his dad found out, except tim and kon were dating at the time, so this fix explores tim and kon’s relationship as they try to be “normal” and end up falling even more in love. be still my timkon heart.
3. Heart, Humble by Betty (if anyone knows their tumblr, please lmk!) ~8k. another fic about that time tim’s dad found out he was robin, because dear god does that have so much potential. this fic deals with jack grappling with the fact that his son is robin wtf and it’s both funny, heartwarming, and emotional. one of my absolute favourites.
4. if you get lost (you can always be found) by @ace-corvid ~34k. this is probably my most favourite tim-centric fic of all time. tim’s trans in this fic, and the fic takes him through the major events of canon, with a bit canon-divergence in the end. it tackles this monuments challenge beautifully, and i’ve practically accepted this fic as canon by now. 
5. Pounding the Pavement (Running on Empty) by @chibinightowl ~4k. if we’re being completely honest, tim’s always been healthier, lighter, and happier when he’s with young justice. bart, tim, cassie, and kon are the b e s t team/friend group, and i love them beyond words. after an injury, tim decides to move to california to live there with yj. it’s a little bit bittersweet and chock-full of new beginnings.
6. the prophetic spring by @theinternationalacestation  ~32k. this fic is part of this author’s reverse robins au, and it’s one of the very few reverse robins fics i actually like. scratch like for this, i adore it. it takes a dive into highlighting the stark differences between red hood jason and red hood tim, showcases just how someone like tim would react to having that type of tragedy happen to him. it’s a tad dark and has plenty of tws, so if that’s not your thing i’d stay clear, but otherwise, i could not recommend this fic more. 
7. The Same Mistake Twice by @sohotthateveryonedied (again because i’m a slut for their fics) ~8k. have yall heard of joker jr? well, this heartbreaking fic is an au of the joker jr arc where the batfam comes together to help tim recover. it’s mainly tim and jason bonding, but dear god is it emotional. there is so much hurt/comfort, whump, and angst packed into this fic trust me you will cry.
8. Sticks and Stones by @soleminisanction ~10k. this isn’t exactly a character bashing, but it definitely isn’t steph-friendly either, so steph stans, you may want to steer clear. but dear god is this a fic that i needed. steph and tim’s relationship in the comics is borderline emotionally abusive, and while this fic does play it up some, it’s nice to see it getting addressed. it’s jam packed with core four fluff though, and that’s super nice.
9. Surveillance by @smilebackwards ~17k. i reread this series so often it’s not even funny. civilian!tim au, where he discreetly tries to help the batfam through his computer skills and general Smortness, gets caught, and sort of dragged into the batfam. absolutely wonderful, i adored it. also, it turns into timkon near the last couple of works!
10. Where the Healing Begins (Fix You) by @thingr1 ~21k. i had to include one of these on here. timmy deals with depression. his family helps him find his feet. the later chapters are a pretty heavy tw, so be careful. it’s a tad ooc, but a lovely read.
11. The Wound Begins To Bleed by @agent-skulldrey 7k. tim accidentally becoming a good big brother to damian. this fic was so heartwarming and sweet, also consisted of tim punching a racist asshole bully in the face, and rounded it all off with good dad!bruce. so a win-win-win in my book.
phew. that got longer than i expected. once again, i’d like to give a ginormous virtual hug to every single one of these absolutely incredible authors. enjoy reading babe!
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storiesaremylife · 7 years
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Y'all asked for it
Ok, I must be the only person in the entire world who thinks Jason's personality has never really changed. And I mean from Robin to red hood, yes, but I also mean from his original backstory to becoming a street kid. Aside from the first three years of being the Red Hood with his PTSD/anger/pit driven psychosis (even jason will say he was out of his mind these years) that didn't end until like Bruce came back from the dead, with some good spots mixed in between (Countdown, Outsiders).
Jason has ALWAYS been obsessive and a little dark. This didn't suddenly happen one day. He was willing to kill Poison Ivy to save Bruce. When he was almost killed by a criminal called Dr. Dang, he put the dude's actual tooth on a necklace and wore it all the time. He questioned the no kill rule and didn't seem satisfied with Bruce's answer, but respected it because he looked up to Bruce so much.
(I don't have sources, but these are all from Batman/Detective Comics BEFORE Jason's backstory was retconned. And if that last one sounds familiar, it might be because of this:
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In today's issue of Tec)
Jason has stopped Bruce from killing before, but honestly? Was it because he didn't believe in killing or because he knew what it would do to Bruce?
So yeah, Jason's personality hasn't changed all that much since 1984, aside from increased trauma and growing as a character. Not that you all want him tok grow as a character, but you know. Details. Not relevant.
Another thing people are up in arms about is his admiration of Dick. Everyone's acting like this hero worship came out of nowhere. Like... what? Literally no. Jason has always seen Dick as a hero, has always looked up to him. Dock was the impossible standard, yes, but Jason didn't resent him until New 52.
They didn't have much of a relationship when Jason was Robin, and I believe that directly affected Dick's relationship with Tim. Dick adored Jason like a little brother, even wanted to be the one to adopt him initially when his parents were killed, but he let his relationship with Bruce get in the way of his relationship with Jason. It's hinted later on they did more stuff than Jason's quick term with the titans together, but on screen there wasn't a whole lot.
There's an entire Nightwing arc on how Jason hero worships Dick. The One Year Later story, if you want to check it out. I don't remember the issue numbers, sorry. Before issue 136 I believe. Dick took a break from Nightwing, not sure if he wanted to do that anymore, until Jason dressed up as him and started killing people. Jason was psychotic, but basically he wanted to work with Dick. He wanted to fight crime together. Dick was the only person he really reached out to, and Dick repeatedly turned him away because he'd started killing people. This happened several times. Maybe Jason's mind would have started healing sooner if Dick had accepted his offer and tried to help instead saying h3 wished Jason had died in Under the Red Hood, but that's neither here nor there.
I think y'all know where I'm going with this. My unpopular opinion. The whole killing thing.
You guys are under the impression that Jason loves to kill and will kill any and every one. But that's not true, not outside of that Nightwing arc, and Battle for the Cowl. Y'all need to pay more attention. Jason Todd is WILLING to kill. Anyone he kills has either done somerthing so super bad they definitely deserve it, or is a strategic move as well as the first thing. Jason is embarrassed by the person he was when he was seventeen. Jason slowly phasing out killing is not ooc.
Have you ever thought about why he started killing people? Other than the fact that he thinks sometimes the bad guys deserve to die (an idea stared by Diana Prince and Wally West btw), he did it to get Bruce's attention. Honestly. He did it all to maneuver Bruce where he wanted him, and yeah this was when he was psychotic.
In New 52 he didn't kill a lot on screen, and who he did had pushed him too far for him to let them live. He's not killing anyone now because he promised Bruce, and Bruce is the most important person in his life. (You want references read anything with Jason Todd ever). He doesn't necessarily agree, like he didn't really agree when he was Robin, but he'll do it to have his family back.
You: Jason Todd is a loner
Me: Jason Todd craves family and acceptance and after God knows how long he's finally got it and y'all are upset about it.
Rant over. Sorry for the lack of coherence, i typed this all on my phone.
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Why Rebirth’s Stephanie Brown isn’t the Same as Preboot Stephanie Brown
Hi I’ve got opinions about how the reboot has been handling my girl. 
I’ve been enjoying Detective Comics for the most part, but I’ve been frustrated with Stephanie Brown’s role in them for a while. And I think I’ve finally put my finger on it. 
Special thanks to @renaroo for all her help finding panels and issue numbers!
Below the cut is 2k of screaming and panels. 
Stephanie Brown in the preboot era was a kid with a bad past. Her mom was a drug addict, her dad was abusive and a villain. She lived in poverty for at least chunks of her original run as Spoiler. She dated older guys, one of whom got her pregnant and ran away, and has been implied to be a sexual abuse survivor.
And as Spoiler, her life wasn’t necessarily better. She dated Tim, and they had a pretty decent relationship, but Tim didn’t tell her his secret identity, on orders from Batman. For reasons. (Bruce later told her his identity without Tim’s permission, which… doesn’t really make things better.) From day one, she was an outcast from the family; she regularly got locked out of the Batcave, wasn’t informed about major developments in the family, and Bruce denies her training and resources. She even suspects that this is because of her family life. 
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(Robin (1993-2009) #100.)
@renaroo and I have talked about this, and a part of Bruce’s reaction to Steph during this time period was clearly based off Bruce’s recent trauma because of Jason’s death. Steph, Cass, and Tim’s relationships with Bruce in the preboot were all tied to that event. Tim stepped up as Robin, providing Bruce with the balance and support that he knew he needed, so Bruce couldn’t really send Tim away. Cass had no secret identity, no life to return to. Bruce looked at her and saw his own morals concentrated, a dedication to the cause that he thought makes Cass an ideal protégé and possible successor down the line. (Not that it ever happened of course because of course it didn’t.) Besides that, Cass was a better fighter than he was, and had been looking after herself for years. Firing her wasn’t very effective, although he certainly tried in the later parts of Cass’s initial Batgirl run.
But Steph?
Steph was none of those things. Bruce didn’t need her, she wasn’t trained and capable like Cass. Instead, everything that Bruce saw when he looked at her probably remindd him of Jason. A mother lost to drug abuse, a father entrenched in crime and violence, a kid from the less great parts of the city. The parallels were right there to Bruce. But Bruce was too late to save Steph from this life, unlike Jason. Instead, Steph had decided to save herself. But he looked at her, and he saw a kid with no training and no experience. And he’d just lost a partner from a background very similar to hers.
He told her to go home. He never really stopped, not until she became Batgirl. (Although they had some amazing bonding moments as well, which I’ll probably make another post about later)
As a result Steph was an outcast for the majority of her run as Spoiler. She got brief flashes of integration and family; she teams up with Cass, works with other heroes like Black Canary, Huntress, and Oracle. She worked with Tim and Bruce as well. But just as often, Bruce did things like forbid Cass to patrol with Steph and the aforementioned locking her out of the Batcave and not telling her that the family was undergoing a MAJOR crisis at the time.)
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(Batman: Bruce Wayne: Murderer? Robin (1993-2009) #98 - Yes Bruce was in prison at the time, but you’d have thought that SOMEONE would have thought to tell her he was unavailable.)
The end result of this should happen when she becomes Robin. Steph becoming Robin should have been cathartic; a culmination of Steph’s hard work paying off and Bruce recognizing her place in the family. And it was for a while!!
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(Detective Comics (1937-2011) #796. Making me nostalgic for what could have been. Steph with anger issues and a complicated but growing relationship with Bruce? Amazing.)
Instead, it was a cheap stunt by DC. Steph got fired, Steph screwed up by starting a gang war, Steph died. (And then came back in an outrageously OOC manner, but that’s another story.)
We got some of the catharsis of her becoming part of the family in Steph’s run as Batgirl, but it was undermined by a lot of things. To make her Batgirl, Miller began what Tynion and the Nu52 (and later Rebirth) continues to do.
They take away what makes Steph interesting.
Steph’s anger issues were integral to her early character. She canonically went to visit her father in prison to fight him. Her anger was not once touched upon in Miller’s Batgirl. Her status as a teenage mom was similarly erased. Her trauma at the hands of Black Mask was only hinted at once, after Steph was shot in the head, when she saw him in a flashback. 
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(Batgirl (2009-2011) #6. Don’t worry, this will never come up again.)
And her friendship with Cass, a relationship I would say was defining and important to Steph, was washed away, with Cass not even appearing in Steph’s history of the Bat Family. Steph still had to fight for her acceptance in the family; Babs didn’t want her to be Batgirl, her first ever meeting with Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne was a disaster, and she struggled to find her place. There was still catharsis there; she built a team and support network for herself, and it was wonderful, despite my issues with that run.
Miller also started moving Steph away from her roots with her mom; Crystal in Miller’s run was clean and she and Steph seem to have achieved financial stability. But in the preboot, both of those worked, since we’d seen how far they’ve come. Arthur’s abuse wasn’t directly stated, but his attack on her specifically through Black Mercy mad it pretty clear that there were still elements of abuse present, even if the events Steph had referred to in previous stories weren’t shown.
But Tynion doesn’t have that history to build off, because the Nu52 annihilated Steph’s entire history.
Steph in Batman Eternal is from a perfectly happy middle class background, with her parents already split up and with joint custody. Her dad isn’t abusive (in fact, him being a supervillain appears to be a complete surprise to her), her mom isn’t an addict. She’s never been a teenage mom, and although she starts a relationship with Tim off page, she knows his secret identity from the beginning.
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(Batman Eternal #3)
And Bruce accepts her into the fold right away in Detective Comics. As a fan of Steph, the catharsis is there on a meta level; Stephanie Brown is accepted enough by the company to allow her to be in the comic which they named themselves after! What a change from the days when Steph was brutally killed off and then banned from appearing in any medium! But in universe? That catharsis doesn’t exist.
So suddenly, Tynion is faced with a character with many of Steph’s traits; the name, the upbeat attitude, the costume, with none of her history or markings.
(Sidenote: Steph’s anger isn’t completely non-existant in the Nu52/Rebirth era: Selina notes that Steph is angry during Steph’s appearance in Catwoman #42.)
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(Catwoman (2011-2016) #42. Thank you for this moment, it’s a balm to my soul.)
Steph’s inclusion by Bruce in this initial team he sets up is a fascinating choice. He’s integrating her into the family from the very beginning of her character arc. This could have been a chance to let Steph grow in new directions; she could have grown closer to Cass and Harper, have Bruce and Kate as mentor figures, and explored her relationship with Tim in new and exciting ways. She could have met Duke and Jason and bonded with them over their similarities.
But instead, Steph and Cass barely interact, Harper’s relegated to cameos and sage advice, and Steph’s character is instead defined solely by her relationship with Tim. She has a few nice moments with Bruce, like the hug I’ve been waiting for ever since I got into comics.
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(Detective Comics (2016-) #940. THAT HUG)
But overwhelmingly I’ve been left wanting more, and not in the good way. It’s not satisfying. Steph has some great moments in ‘Tec and even some great lines, just like during her run as Batgirl. But there’s a kind of hollowness there for me, lacking the heart and soul of Stephanie Brown.
Tynion also makes some strange changes with Steph; she loses her snark and attitude that even Miller managed to maintain. 
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(Robin (1993-2009) #56. Just hanging around, you know.)
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(Detective Comics (1937-2011) #796. Poor Bruce has to hang around with snarky teens.)
She’s lacking her relationship with gravity. 
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(Batgirl (2000-2006) #20.)
She also no longer loves being a hero and doing good, instead having her arc being dedicated to… saying that superheroes shouldn’t exist… while still functioning as a vigilante… (I really don’t like this kind of arc in comics, not going to lie, so I’m predisposed to not be happy here. But I still think this is a RADICAL departure from Steph’s prior characterization.) 
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(Robin (1993-2009)  #100. Here we see Tim planning on retiring, and knowing that Steph is hardly about to stop being a hero.) 
It all culminates, of course, in Steph’s departure from the team after Tim’s death. She calls out Batman for his actions, raises some valid points about how he’s not really parenting Cass (which… Tynion continues to ignore, because what, letting Bruce adopt Cass and teaching her to read? Nah, she’s too busy learning Shakespeare and hanging out with Clayface.) And after that moment of awesome she… leaves.
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(Detective Comics (2016-) #947)
She becomes the outcast again. But this time it’s her fault.
And it’s so frustrating to me, this idea that Steph’s isolation is her own fault in Rebirth. That Bruce offered Steph a place and a team, but that she rejected it, is so aggravating. Steph’s isolation is supposed to be Bruce Wayne’s mistake which she pays for throughout her superhero career. Steph wants this place with the family, fights for it tooth and nail in the preboot. Now, if Steph had gone through the preboot arc, fighting for this, trying to earn it, and then turning away from it out of frustration with Bruce? I’d have been willing to listen, and might have even been excited for it.
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(Detective Comics (2016-) #957. This is just such a departure from preboot Steph that it boggles my mind.)
But this is a Stephanie Brown who has not been a hero for long. This is Stephanie Brown, who is about the age preboot Steph was when she became Robin, new and inexperienced (meanwhile Tim is exactly where he was in his own timeline when Steph was Batgirl, a frustrating process that’s also familiar.) Steph is younger than she was in preboot and less competent. So are Barbara Gordon and Cass. The Batboys have gotten to grow up and improve. The Batgirls were forced backwards in both age and ability, and yet were older when they started their superhero careers, making them inherently less experienced then their male counterparts.
Part of it is, of course, DC’s refusal to let the Batgirls move forward in the status quo. Babs can’t become Oracle again, Cass can’t become Batgirl, and Steph can’t be Robin or Batgirl. The Batgirls (and Harper) are all now around the same age, and their relationships have been completely and utterly decimated by the retcons and reboots. Steph and Cass aren’t best friends, Babs isn’t a mentor to either Steph or Cass. Steph’s relationship with Bruce is no longer the complicated beast that it was pre-Flashpoint, she still hasn’t met Damian and established their bond, and her first interaction with Dick was an aggravatingly airheaded “kiss me sexy Batman”.
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(Batman and Robin Eternal #2. Just. Why.)
And her relationship with Tim is lacking some of the most interesting elements; the drama of Steph’s history and Bruce’s disapproval. But despite its blandness, it continues to be the front and center of Steph’s arc. It’s what drives her away from the others and causes her to isolate herself. Steph functions as a manic-pixie figure to Tim, encouraging him to live his dream, while still being the goofy and funny partner he needs, with her primary motivation being his death.
Her goofiness and mourning are both clearly about to pay off in a manner which I am terrified about. In Detective Comics, Anarchy clones Steph’s phone. A phone which, it was shown in the previous issue, to contain information which could compromise Tim (and by extension everyone’s secret identities). 
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(Detective Comics (2016-) #963. Oh look and Tim even told her it would be a bad idea! Haha, how funny!) 
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(Detective Comics (2016-) #964)
We could be about to witness War Games, reboot version.
But this time, there will be no one to blame but Stephanie Brown. She chose to isolate herself, she was sloppy with her phone’s security, and she was fooled by Anarchy.
If Tynion does what I’m scared he’s going to do, we’re looking at some next level bullshit.
I live in fear.
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renaroo · 7 years
(pre-52) I have to wonder why DC always had it out for Stephanie. Out of the Batfam, from Barbara to Damian, each of them has made mistakes...But Stephanie is the one that gets the most torment. She's the one that gets the most lectures. Batman sets her up for failure and then blames her for failing. I've toyed with the idea is because Bruce has PTSD from Jason but then Damian comes along. I don't know why DC creators have a personal bone out for Steph. (1/2)
Bruce didn't even act this way towards Tim and Tim came right after Jason. What is worse is that there are moments where Bruce is so proud of Steph and he encourages her and maybe even accepts her and I LIVE for those moments but they all feel like some awful abusive relationship when he goes back to being an asshat. To this day I still believe that the creators made Bruce be OOC as possible—as if he had some personal grudge against Stephanie...Which makes me think that DC has a grudge. (2/2)
Well, it wasn’t just Steph and it wasn’t just after Jason’s death. If you look at the post-Crisis retcons of Bruce’s relationship with Barbara, at his relationship with Helena Bertinelli, and so on. So really it’s less that Steph receives a uniquely terrible treatment, it’s more than there’s a painfully obvious trend of which in the post-Crisis only Cassandra was an exception to the rule. 
And there’s a lot you can extrapolate but Stephanie’s specifically bad treatment from War Games on I’d argue was mostly editorial being... unusually blatant with their sexism. She dared to go into a role that was “for boys” -- to be Robin. And she got punished even though none of her actions were out of line with Robin stories or even Batgirl stories before her.
So... I don’t know. I really genuinely can’t help you there. I agree that they would bend over backwards to make Bruce as OOC as possible to be an ass to Steph -- and at different times did the same with Babs, Tim, Alfred, and even Cass -- and I really don’t have an explanation for it. I wish it weren’t the case but that’s what it was. 
I just hope we won’t see that sort of honed in mistreatment for any character in the future.
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comic-commentary · 7 years
Hey Luka! I’m new to the comics world but it did’t take long for me to start loving Jason, he’s my favourite character and I think he has a good and pure soul no matter his fighting crime methods, but something’s really bugging me and I don’t have anyone to ask about it. In various depictions, he’s tried to kill Bruce, right? (and Tim, and he shot Damian- that’s the stuff I read about but feel free to correct me cause I didn’t read the actual comics). (this is part 1, luckily I saved it)
part 2- I can’t grasp that fact because Bruce probably only survived because he’s Batman but as far as Jay was concerned, he was ready to outright kill him, he did pull the trigger or he did push the button for explosion or whatever, right? So what if Batman had slipped (more like figuratively lol), Jason would’ve actually killed Bruce then?I know he wasn’t quite at his right mind at the time, but it makes me sad and terrified to think about all the same and i want to justify his actions so bad.
part 3 (no more parts) And just imagine the consequences, what would’ve become of Jason once he realized what he had done? And it would’ve ruined the whole family irrevocably and he could've never been part of it again. It just hurts me to think that he was ready to do it and even though he couldn’t at the very end, he still did try it on several occasions prior :(
Hey there! I’m glad you’re having fun in the comics world.
Yeah, Jason hates Tim and has assaulted him quite a few times. Technically, he shot Damian in Battle for the Cowl, but that was so ridiculously OOC (for everyone, not just Jason) and ableist and gross that I, and many other people, try to block it from our memory. Considering Jason’s fondness for Talia and his protectiveness towards children and Winick himself saying that Damian is Jason’s favorite and Winick writing Jason almost getting his head bitten off trying to save Damian....... I really don’t consider it when analyzing Jason’s character. Pre52 Jason hates Tim but he likes Damian. 
The thing about loving Jason is that you need to accept that you can’t justify all of his actions. 
In the original comic, Under the Hood, Jason never threatened to kill Bruce at all. He put a gun to the Joker’s head and angled himself such that Bruce would need to shoot Jason in the face in order to stop him (or so Jason thought). The only people dying in that scenario were...Jason or the Joker. Earlier in that arc, Jason actually helped Bruce when they were fighting together, and Bruce was surprised that Jason had his back like he did back when they were Batman and Robin together. 
In the movie adaptation, Under the Red Hood, the climax is...way harsher overall. I criticized it heavily right here, but here’s an excerpt: 
I’m not surprised that Jason actually shoots at Bruce, and that Jason just slides down the wall as he activates the bomb because there’s literally nothing to live for at this point. He’s done. He’s going to kill himself because he doesn’t matter to anyone, he’s going to kill the Joker because the Joker is a monster, and he’s going to kill Bruce because Bruce didn’t care about him. It’s…like, this is all Jason has, and it’s still not enough to get even a reaction from Bruce?  
Even in that scenario, Jason has resigned himself to death as well. A passive suicide.
Essentially, there is no outcome in which Jason would need to face the consequences of killing Bruce. Either Jason would die, Joker would die, or all three of them would die. But Bruce dying while Jason lives? That was never an option. 
Jason can make all the excuses he wants, but he had the perfect opportunity to blow Bruce to pieces back during Lost Days, and he walked away. If he truly wanted to kill Bruce at any point, I’ve no doubt that he could. But, just as Bruce loves Jason too much, Jason loves Bruce too much too. 
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