#is normal and i can deal with this! its totally ok and i have it well in hand. and if the results come back negative then we will know whic
sameteeth · 8 months
[guy who is trying to seek medical help]: this isnt bothering anyone right? i can do this, i can get screened for things. i am a normal adult. its normal to want your body to not feel like this all the time. right?
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sillyzel · 7 months
✨The Amazing Digital Circus Hunters AU
The players in the circus are playing Caine’s game, “HUNTINGG” or maybe, uh, they’re like bounty hunters with powers..
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Each player has unique abilities and can be used when they’re “hunting” for stuff in Caine’s game! Just-, Just that, simply.
(More under the cut)
Each of the players have unique abilities. Or, yeah, weapons. They use the weapons to help hunt stuff, of course. OR to KILL stuff. Players are kill-able but will respawn. Cuz, why not? If you’re an NPC, maybe you might just, die, yeah, die.
What are they hunting for?? Duh, it’s like, for ranks or smth. Higher u rank, more powerful u become, but when u get killed by anyone, well u gotta start over again. Who knows what u can achieve if u keep that first place…
Pomni - Police… with a sword.
Pomni is… yeah, that. Why? Bubble just thinks it’s cool. Yeah, she does have a gun too. Pomni’s sword can get longer and shorter, but it is limited. Sword can electrocute some bozos, but needs charging after 5 uses of electro-power thing blah blah. Gun? Normal police gun.
Ragatha - Bare hand fighter, most of the time.
She is, a bare hand fighter. KICK AND PUNCH, yeahhhhh, but uses the spear sometimes. She keeps about 3 spears in her back. Rather than using the pointy part, She usually uses the wooden part more. Pointy stuff has poison. It stings and it hurts making the area that got cut/stabbed with that feel numb. Possible cramps, ig…
Gangle - Chainy chainy stuff with a slim cutter on it’s end.
Gangle’s… weapon, can cut OFF your limbs… BUT that’s rare! Only if she did it right. Usually only cuts deep… nvm, it depends if she is using it the riiiight way! The chain can go longer, with limit, of course! Making the chain go shorter takes more time.
Zooble. I can say Zooble is like, an alchemist? Only if it’s fire-related. Basically, ya know, Staff with fire magic. BUTTT staff might lost its control sometimes. Zooble can use the staff, whenever. There’s always a “water-looking” bottle attached to the stuff. That thing is minimizing the chances of the staff to lose control. Also minimizes the fire a bit. Zooble can take it off, for about 20 minutes while using it. More than that, it burns the whole tent.
Jax - PEW PEW guns
Some sick guns. Yeaaahhh let’s goooo!1!1! 2 small guns and 1 big gun. 3 in total. The two smaller guns work differently. One works very fast and shoots 3 bullets at one click. One just shoots one per click, doesn’t deal much damage, but will make the enemy feel not-so-good and pass out, sometimes. Big gun? Fast, big bullet. Uses are limited. Only 3 times a day.
Kinger - DARK MAGIC GUY?!?!?
Exorcist? Dark magic? Whatever. Magic book. Yeah, he uses magic book to make and control magic. Just like Zooble, Kinger’s weapon can lose control too. Rarely. Magic book has no limits. The magic just- won’t work well if it’s closed. Quite hard to keep it open, y know.
BONUS - Links Abt this thing yes.
I have a feeling it’s not gonna be so “noticed” by other people, but I enjoyed making it while boredom.
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
I need to get something off my chest and this only became clear to me 45 seconds ago. 
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say the following. 
I am DEEPLY traumatized. 
For me, the trauma from losing my older brother to terror really never went away but it definitely became bearable. Life was going on. 
But then it came to an immediate stop on October 7th, 2023, the day my heart was ripped from my body over and over. 
So what happened 45 seconds ago that made me realize this? 
A friend of mine reached out. He produced a movie that he’ll be screening in synagogues across America on Tisha Beav, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, a fast day that starts in a few hours. 
He sent me a private link to watch the movie. He promised me it had no gore, no atrocities, and that I’d be safe watching it. 
I started the movie. I forced myself to keep watching. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 15 minutes. 
But then I asked myself why I was doing this to myself and I stopped the movie. 
I simply could not. And no, there was no gore, no blood, just a whole lot of unbearable tragedy. 
The movie had many people, heroes who told their story from that dark day. There were many positive messages in the movie and I totally see what they were trying to accomplish with this movie. 
But I simply could not keep watching. 
This isn’t behind us yet for us to look back at it. We are still in it! That day hadn’t ended. The mourning and devastation hasn’t ended. 
Our national suffering hasn’t ended. 
This entire country is traumatized. The government will have to spend BILLIONS after this war to deal with the PTSD of this entire country. Tens of billions.  
I still find it hard to register that October 7th happened. That thousands of Gazans, and I chose that word carefully because it is an absolute lie to say it was only Hamas terrorists, came in and massacred families. And while they did it, as many survivors have attested, they laughed. 
A few survivors have said that among all the bloodshed and cruelty, the part that sent shivers down their spines was the laughter. 
As these animals raped and beheaded men, women, and children, as they burned families alive, they laughed. Hysterically. This for them was the highlight of their life. 
But I can’t watch a movie about it because we’re still in it. 
We are doing everything we can to teach our enemies a lesson that gone are the days that you can just massacre Jews and not pay a price. They must pay a price big enough that they will know that they made a very big mistake on October 7th. 
Our enemies need to bleed enough that they can no longer say that they’ll do 10/7 over and over. They need to fear Israel. They need to know what happens when you invade our country and murder our people. 
In any normal society, the entire world would stand behind anyone trying to eliminate that evil. And you know what? They would. They’d stand behind anyone, anyone except the Jews. 
I’m going to say this as clearly as I can and yes, I am speaking from a place of pain, unbearable pain, pain and trauma, but I still have to say it. 
If you are calling for Israel to hold its fire before eliminating and obliterating Hamas, you are making a clear statement, “I know full well what they did on October 7th, 2023, and I am completely ok with them doing it again and again.”
That’s what a ceasefire with Hamas means. 
I have not gone down there to see the houses and cars burned to a crisp, to smell the death in the air. I couldn’t. I still can’t. 
I can’t watch or read about the atrocities. I block anyone who sends me that horror. From my perspective, those are snuff films, with one small difference. The atrocity in those films? The victims are my family members. 
Until Israel’s enemies, Iran’s puppets are a thing of the past, it is not only Israel’s right to eliminate them wherever they are, it is Israel’s responsibly! Its responsibility to its citizens. Its responsibility to those families. Its responsibility to the world! 
What Hamas did on that day, and I mean this whole heartedly, is the cruelest barbarism the world has EVER known. Ever. Yes, ever! 
There are many Holocaust survivors who were interviewed after 10/7 who all said the same thing. “Even the Nazis didn’t do this…”
The Nazis drank themselves to sleep. Deep down they were ashamed. Hamas live streamed it and is deeply proud of October 7th.  
So let me very clear. There is not ONE, not ONE other country on this planet that would have to justify a war like this after a day like that. Not one. 
Except Israel, the only Jewish state. 
I am far from being able to watch movies about October 7th. Maybe I’ll never get there. I’m unable to hear the stories, watch the videos, or even see the pictures. 
Every time I accidentally see anything about that day, I am retraumatized! 
So yes, I know we will win this war and I know things will be ok but I am far from there. I am far from being ok. This country is far from being ok.  
And the salt on the open wound is the fact that we can’t do what we need to do to eliminate the threat on our borders and ensure that 10/7 never happens again, because every step of the way, the global community puts wrenches in our wheels. 
“Proportionate response”? What’s proportionate to murdering 1200 innocent people in their homes? What’s proportionate to raping mothers in front of their children and children in front of their mothers? What’s proportionate to beheading babies? There is no proportionate response to such barbarism. It doesn’t exist. 
“Indiscriminate killing”
Such lies! 
“Don’t go into Rafah or else!”
The lies don’t stop. The deception never ends. 
Israel eliminates tens of terrorists. Hamas calls them kids and the world eats it up! 
The aftermath of 10/7, which continues till today, is almost as hard to believe as 10/7 was. 
There are two sides in this war and there is no option C. 
Israel who fights to live in peace and to remove the animals who raped our children from this planet before they do it again, but next time, it won’t only be Israel. 
Hamas who did what they did and aim to do it again and again. 
Those are your only two choices.  
Remaining silent today is the equivalent of witnessing first hand what the Nazis did and turning a blind eye. Remaining silent and neutral in this war is immoral. 
Defending Hamas or demanding Israel cease its fire and not finish the job is immoral. 
Giving Israel anything but your FULL support is immoral. 
And let’s say it as it is. Enough with the charade already. If, after October 7th, you don’t stand with Israel, you are actively encouraging Hamas to do it again. You are actively condoning the murder of Jews and encouraging them to do it again.  
If you don’t stand with Israel now, in our darkest hour, you stand with Hamas and pardon my French, but if you stand with rapists, murderers, and pedophiles who take pride in their “work”, well you are a terror-supporting, Jew-hating, mass murder-condoning piece of… and you will be remembered in history as such. 
I am deeply traumatized and the truth is, for this country and the Jewish people, trauma is the new normal because we are all traumatized. 
Anyone who knows what happened on October 7, 2023 should be deeply traumatized. 
Stand with Israel when we need you most. Do what you can to help. We won’t forget it. 
If you don’t, history won’t forget it. 
Tonight begins the 9th of Av, as I said, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. I’ll be going to the western wall to pray. 
For 45 years, I fasted on this day but deep down, I didn’t really feel the pain we are supposed to feel on this day. How can I authentically mourn the destruction of a temple I never saw and find very hard to relate to?
This year, I will feel it in spades! This year, we experienced an entire year of the 9th of Av. 
This year, we are fasting under the very real threat of our enemies murdering us again like they always have. 
Iran threatening to attack on the 9th of Av. They know what they’re doing. They know that this day is our most vulnerable. 
So tonight, I will begin my mourning and my fasting with a gaping hole in my heart and a deep prayer that God make this our last 9th of Av. That one year from now, we will dance again in the streets of Jerusalem and the prophecies of the Jewish people coming home will all have come true. 
Tonight I will try to embrace the pain and hope it’s not too unbearable. It will be. I know that. 
But tonight, for the first time in my life, the 9th of Av will be what it was supposed to be, a day on which we mourn and remember what our enemies did to us over and over. 
Tonight, this year, it won’t be hard to feel it. 
The only thing that’ll be difficult this year is to bear the unbearable pain that we feel as a nation. 
I wish you a meaningful fast if you’re fasting and if you’re not, spend a few moments to reflect on our history, specifically as it pertains to this day, the 9th of Av. Maybe even say a little prayer that we get past this. It can’t hurt. 
The Jewish people need the strength to get through this dark time in our history. We’ve been through worse and came out on the other side, but getting through this will require real strength and dedication. We need all the prayers we can get. 
Have a meaningful 9th of Av. I know I will.
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epigstolary · 9 months
Real Talk
TW: Medical fatphobia, health issues, fat shaming, toxic masculinity
Dude, you say you want me to help you, but you’re going to have to get serious if you really want to start losing weight. I’m a trainer, not a miracle worker. I mean, look at you; you know your body’s fucking disgusting, right? You let yourself get so huge that even your fat guy clothes can’t hide your belly anymore. Every inch of you is covered in blubber. Everywhere you look. And you have to push all that fat around every time you want to walk or move. It’s so gross watching you try to go anywhere. You’re just waddling around under hundreds of pounds of fat, wheezing like you just ran a marathon. Like… people aren’t supposed to get to the size that you have. And don’t give me that “health at any size” bullshit. You’ve got to have some serious problems to get this big and think it’s ok. Nobody your size is healthy. Your body’s a fucking disgrace, tubbo.
You gotta realize just how bad being this fat is for you, right? Think about it. All that fat’s wrapping around your organs. Either they work harder, or they just quit working. Your joints are getting annihilated having to move all that extra weight around. Your heart’s having to work so much harder just to do its thing because you’re so fucking big. Your body’s not supposed to work like that. It feels like it’s under attack 24/7 — because it is — so you’ve got anxiety, you’ve got inflammation, your hormones are all out of wack. Your body chemistry is basically fucked once you get fat. And fucking forget about it when you weigh as much as three normal people, like your flabby ass does.
Not that you seem to care, since you pay zero attention to your diet. It’s just fucking scary, bro. I’ve seen you pound an entire pizza or a bag of burgers and be ready for more. And that’s just, like, a regular lunch for you. There’s so much saturated fat and sugar in all the shit you eat for every meal, it blows my mind that you’re even able to function. Where do you think that shit goes after you cram it down your throat, meal after meal? It’s blowing up your body even fatter. It’s clogging up those arteries to make that overworked heart work even harder. It’s running through all the insulin your body tries to pump out so that it can deal with the abuse you put it through. I bet if I went through your kitchen right now, I couldn’t find one goddamn vegetable — all sweets, and takeout, and chips, and junk food, am I right? Yeah, you love kicking back on the sofa and working through a big pile of garbage like that, don’t you, fatass? I bet you sit there just belly out, crumbs and shit all over your tits, like a big fucking blob, huh?
Keep eating like that, and you don’t have a fucking chance. You’re just gonna keep blowing up until you finally have the fucking big one. That shit is so, SO bad for you. You want to not be a total embarrassment, fatty? You’re gonna have to throw the snack cakes in the garbage. You’re gonna have to cook stuff that’s not loaded with butter or grease or sugar. You’re gonna have to eat something green that grows in the ground every once in a while. And yeah, you’re probably going to feel like shit for a while because your body’s used to getting fed lard nonstop all the fucking time. But you gotta get a little self-control. The whole reason why you look like a fucking enormous cow, why you’ve got that belly packed full of fat fucking garbage, is that you’ve never had any.
I guess what I can’t figure out is, why the fuck did you do this to yourself? It’s so much harder to make it through life when you’re this fucking heavy. You can’t even go anywhere or do anything because you’re too fat to leave the house. Everyone you meet has to be shocked at what a lardass you are. Nobody who sees your disgustingly obese body is gonna want to fuck you, except the fucking weirdos who get off on that shit. Maybe that’s who you have to settle for, since there’s no way you’re reaching your dick with all that fat in the way. God, I can’t even imagine letting myself get too fat to be able to fuck. That’s so fucking gross, bro.
Like, look at me. Look at this rock-hard bicep next to that big flabby fucking water wing of an arm you have. Look at these abs next to you and that belly hanging down to your knees. It doesn’t even have a fucking shape. Look at these tight glutes next to that wide, wobbling, fat ass you’ve gotten from sitting in front of the tv stuffing your fat face for years. With a body like this, I can fuck anyone I want. How do you think that same hookup’s gonna go for you, huh? Nobody out there’s going home with a pile of jello like you You’re going home, alone, to try and figure out a way to get yourself off.
And dude, I’m not saying all this just to shit on you. I’m worried about you. It sucks to see my bro blow up into a fucking whale and get all mopey ‘cause he can’t get any ass. But you need someone to be real with you. Someone’s gotta tell you how much of a fatass you are, and how much of a fatass you’re gonna be until you get to the gym and shut this fast food and shit down. You can’t blame anyone but yourself for how you got this way. Keep complaining, and you’re going to keep being a gross fatty. You’re gonna have to go out, get some fucking exercise, and deal with being embarrassed at being the fattest guy at the gym until you’ve put in the work to fix it.
Trust me, bro, you’ll thank me later.
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sporesgalaxy · 4 months
The way Dungeon Meshi does gender makes me insane. It’s stated over and over that Falin and Laios really are more similar than anyone is looking for- Laios directly states as much at one point, Marcille mentions it when Falin wakes up the first time and starts bemoaning not eating any monsters, the magic mirror story even has fem!Toshiro crushing on Laios- but Laios is so protective of his little sister. Laios leaves home to start making a life he can one day share with her. And she leaves magic school because he has failed, and failed so hard that she’s worried that she might never see him again if she lets him leave without her. He wants to protect her from the way the world treats him, but he does not or does not want to understand the terrible truth- the world will never treat her as harshly as it does him, because she is a pretty ‘quirky’ girl and he is a big autistic man. Falin is happy, doing well in her own sphere, making a single friend (because she is still autistic, and has struggles of her own, even if they’re a different kind), but Laios still feels a need to protect her because his experience of this world has been nothing but cold shoulders and distrust all the way down. This story makes me want to sprint into the river. Laios and Falin are the best characters of all time.
Ouhhhhh I dont have time to reread dungeon meshi to give you good sources but based on my doodoo memory and vibes therein: I have to disagree that Falin was necessarily doing "well," and I especially disagree that the tragedy here is that Laios was doing something unnecessary by trying to make a place in the world for him and Falin.
Falin gets along seemingly ok in the world but it's because she's agreeable to a fault .
What's so interesting to me about the Touden siblings is the different ways they've learned to deal with being The Odd Man Out. Laios set out to try and forcefully carve out a PLACE for him and Falin in the world, where they could both openly and unabashedly be themselves.....Falin stayed behind, and learned how to hide the things that made her stick out too much, and how to appease people on the verge of rejecting her and Laios.
That can be functional, but it isn't good. It isn't happiness. It hurts in a million tiny ways every single day, to hide yourself out of fear of rejection like that.
At school, Falin must have spent a lot of time alone before she befriended Marcille, since Falin was familiar enough with the surrounding wilderness that she knew where that small Dungeon opening was. She sought out what happiness she could by following her unusual passions in more private ways, where no one would judge her for it. Falin didn't expect anyone NOT to judge her for her "weirdness" before she met Marcille, so Falin didn't even try to connect with anyone before Marcille at a level more personal than "classmate." That's not doing well. That's not living.
This kind of self-isolation is a coping mechanism for neurodivergence that functions for a while, but it eats away at you. Falin considered marrying Toshiro despite not loving him, essentially because it seemed like the normal thing to do and she didn't think she'd get another chance to be married at all. What if she had gone through with that, or something similar by the same reasoning? Laios lived in a state of being rejected over and over, which obviously hurts like hell. In contrast, Falin was willing to live a life she never wanted just to avoid total rejection. That can be incredibly painful too, in its own way.
Falin and Laios were BOTH tragically fighting doomed battles to find a place for themselves in the world during the time they were separated. Working together, supporting each other, they're able to do a lot more. Cries.
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cyber-clown · 1 year
zubat is one of my favourite pokémon and, because it is one of my favourite pokémon, i've used it in every single generation i've played where it's available. this has led me to notice that you can kind of use zubat to track game freak's evolving design ethos with the pokémon series allll the way from gen 1 through to gen 9.
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so if you don't know, zubat is a funny poison/flying bat pokémon. you can usually get it pretty early on in caves, usually sometime around the first gym. in gen 1 this is mt moon, gen 3 gives you zubats in granite cave right around the (mostly optional btw???) 2nd gym, gen 4 gives you them the moment you get to jubilife city, etc. it evolves into golbat at level 22, which doubles zubat's stats and lets it learn screech. golbat is a funny guy and i like him. don't know why they made him grow eyes though.
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point is, they're common and you get them early, so it's a pokémon that is very easy to slot into your team as a decent flying type with better utility and defenses (being a poison type) than your average earlygame bird shitter. they're also vaguely menacing if you're insane i guess so they're evil team fodder. ok. we know what zubat is now.
GEN 1: in gen 1, zubat's design is insane. early pokémon games are shocking well put together - for the bad rep they sometimes get for having a handful of prominent glitches, it's actually a testiment to the games that they just keep trucking through these insane edge cases rather than crashing. unfortunately, the design itself is... primitive. they had a smash hit but definitely hadn't fully found their footing. let's look at zubat's moveset.
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oh god! so, you would think this is a case of some kind of "first stage evolution syndrome" where zubat has a terrible, limited movepool that gets fixed when it evolves. gen 1 REALLY likes this gimmick: just off the top of my head this is the exact deal of abra and magikarp. unfortunately, no. the only damaging moves zubat learns before it evolves are leech life, a 20 base power (THIS IS LOW) move of a relatively weak offensive type, and bite. bite is fine. bite will hit most types except rock and ghost, and its power is fine. other than that, it just learns supersonic and a slightly less terrible version of supersonic.
then the insane thing: it learns wing attack at level 28. golbat learns it at level 32. it evolves at level 22. this creates an interesting dichotomy where on one hand you REALLY want to evolve zubat to golbat, given that it literally doubles its base stat total when evolving, but on the other that means you'll be waiting a full 10 levels from evolving to learn its only STAB move (in pokémon, pokémon get a 1.5x multipler to a move's damage if its the same type as that pokémon). said move only having 35 power. gen 1 is strange. i think this really shows the design philosophy of gen 1: everything is new, most things are weak, the balance is all over the place, you have to purposefully stop your funny bat from evolving for 6 levels just for it to learn a terrible flying type move that it can use for coverage. every other move it learns is either normal type or has <= 40 power. why.
GEN 2: gen 2 is the generation of "ok that was pretty good but had some pretty major flaws. let's try to fix them." gen 2 is kind of defined by how closely tied it is to gen 1. zubat is a great example of this. first of all the obvious thing: zubat gets a new evolution! if your golbat has high friendship and levels up, it will evolve into crobat. crobat gives the line about a hundred more stats (mostly to speed, with everything else getting a little peppering) and is maybe the funniest of all guys, his design being both cute, silly, and cool is maybe why i like the zubat line so much
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so what changes for zubat and its family in gen 2? three things of note! 1. more TMs to learn, giving it more tools to play with, including the new steel type move steel wing. 2. bite has been changed to a dark type move, giving the noble zubat more type coverage including the ability to hit ghost types and psychic types (who are normally strong against poison types) for double damage. 3. wing attack's power has been increased to 60 (almost doubled!) and it's level to be learnt lowered to... 27. 1 level!
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(from this point forward i'm not going to screenshot the TM learnset. i'll try to keep describing them, though)
also, the level requirement for bite has been moved to level 12, and it learns mean look at... level 36. ok so, yeah, not fixing the pokémon, but definitely some improvements here. you could actually reasonably recommend zubat to a friend or family member now if they particularly like its silly funny design
GEN 3: it's a new generation... literally. pokémon is now in FULL COLOUR and SYNTHESIZED SOUND on the GAMEBOY ADVANCE. pokémon is now fully establishing itself not just as a couple games and spinoffs, but a full on series that will ostensibly stick around between generations of games, generations of consoles, even generations of people.
so, yeah. this ain't your daddy's pokémon, he played pokémon red as a 7 year old but he's a full blown 13 year old now... much too cool to play these baby games. ...oh shit wait, every pokémon has an ability now? damn, nevermind, this rules! that's what i assume game companies think people will think when they do Big Spin Ups for a New Generation. i don't know if it DID convince a generation of millenium tweens that funny animal game is still cool, but the changes are appreciated anyway. steven stone is hot! i don't have anywhere else to say that. anyway, how did zubat change?
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our friend zubat gets lots of changes to keep up with the crowd now. bite has been moved back up to level 16, but zubat now gets astonish - a decent ghost type move that can flinch opponents, air cutter (this used to be TM only) - a slightly weaker and less accurate flying type move than wing attack, but one with an increased critical hit ratio AND it can hit multiple opponents in new-fangled double battles, and poison fang - finally allowing zubat to unlock its poison type STAB... if you either don't let your zubat evolve for 19 levels or, more realistically, teach it to your crobat at level 49... ouch! but, the biggest of them all: your zubat can now learn wing attack before it evolves! ...1 level before it evolves, but before it evolves!
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in addition, zubat's family got a new ability - inner focus: this lets them not get flinched. not that out there, but it's a welcome change! the line also gets a few more TMs unlocked, including coverage options like shadow ball, and the extremely powerful sludge bomb. you can really, finally, genuinely use zubat now! it's actually okay! it being a friendship-evolved pokémon is also ideal for one you pick up early game - you can usually evolve your zubat around the early level 30s, giving it a big stat boost earlier than a lot of other pokémon.
GEN 4: gen 4 is strange. it's a huge shift in the series, but it's also actually pretty similar to gen 3. it stays pretty true to the series roots, but also moves the ball in a way that would keep going and eventually mark what is effectively an entire change in identity for pokémon. steven stone is in heartgold and soul silver (yay!). gen 4 also cements gen 3 as the only generation of pokémon ever (so far) to be the only one on its console.
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we're making good progress here! wing attack can be learned even earlier, at level 17, meaning you should get it just in time for the grass type gym leader, bite has been reverted to being learned at level 13, and air cutter / poison fang have had the time you need to hold a zubat before they can be learned significantly turned down. if you do happen to hold your zubat until level 41, poison fang's spot has been usurped by air slash, a strong special move (gen 4 split all moves into physical and special, where before they were split between the attack / special attack stats by type) that has a 30% chance of flinching an opponent. zubat's physical stats may be better than its special stats, but only by a little bit, so this is a welcome option! zubat also gets a couple more good TMs, like U-Turn, a really strong move that lets zubat deal some damage and then swap with a teammate to hopefully avoid taking retaliation! anyway that's it really, just little steps!
GEN 5: here it is, the big one… the one that changed it all… just joking! infact, zubat didn't get a single move change in Pokémon Black and White, as it wasn't available to catch at all in that game! instead, it was replaced by the spiritual successors woobat and swoobat, cute fluffy psychic / flying types with little heart shaped noses - they even keep the theme of a closed pair of eyes opening up when evolved! i like swoobat's terrible, fleshy heart tail, too!
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anyway, zubat was revived in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, whereupon it did actually receive a moveset update. it's not a very big one, but it's appreciated!
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so, the pre-evolution options of astonish, bite, and wing attack have been moved a little further back, while players who wait a little bit are now able to learn the moves swift (a normal type move that never misses), and acrobatics (a move that has its damage doubled if your pokémon doesn't hold an item). cool stuff! air cutter, poison fang, and air slash have all been moved back a little bit. maybe this could be to disincentivise holding a pokémon that can evolve to learn moves, since this puts it much more in line with crobat:
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who knows? anyway! the other noticeable changes are the additions of a couple more TMs like venoshock (all TMs being infinite use now, so you don't have to worry about wasting a TM anymore!), a poison type move that doubles in damage if the target is poisoned (finally, more love for zubat's poison type!) and the hidden ability of infiltrator.
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what an unhelpful piece of flavour text! infiltrator is an ability that lets zubat ignore the effects of "barrier" type moves, which are moves that provide resistance or immunity to certain effects (such as physical damage, status effects, and debuffs). later on, this will be buffed to let zubats with infiltrator hit through substitutes, and even later will be buffed again to reduce wild encounters!
GEN 6: here's the real big one. gen 5 marked a distinct change in direction for pokémon as a series: a grander story, bold new characters, and a focus more on a journey that felt more like a hero's quest to prove themselves, rather than some random kid's uphill battle to get stronger. gen 6 took the new generation and made some bold decisions: now we have 3D models, and crazy plotlines, and fully arranged streamed music, and... much easier gameplay! well, easy is not the right word. pokemon games have always been kid friendly - but later games definitely try their best to streamline the experience. it feels a lot more like a power fantasy of a rise to glory, where previous games distinctly... did not. is this good or bad? well, it's all just taste! we all have our taste.
zubat received its major changes, again, in the second set of games of this generation: omega ruby and alpha sapphire. a step back to hoenn, including our good friend zubat!
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woah! can you believe this is even the same friend zubat we met all the way back in 1996? i'm so proud of him... well, what major changes are there? here's an easy two: venoshock is now a move zubat learns naturally, and almost every move has been substantially reduced in level up requirement! bite at level 11? wing attack at level 13? it feels like just yesterday we had to fight tooth and nail to keep bite at level 13! poison fang down by 12 levels to level 25, and so on. the big one here is that air cutter is now a move you can learn before even evolving zubat, giving you another flying type option! what could be awaiting us next, in the sunny alola region?
GEN 7: i like gen 7 :) i also don't know what preamble to give here. well, other than: gen 6 began the trend of adding a new "gimmick" every generation. these stick around for one generation, can only be used once per game, and provide some Big Flashy Effect. mega evolution was gen 6's, but that was restricted to a few specific pokémon (mainly fan favourites, no love for great pokémon like crobat... grr...) but gen 7 changed this: now any pokémon can use a Z-Power!!! once per game, a single move can be transformed into a powerful Z-Move, that does huge damage. this means our friend zubat can join the show. will it use a poison Z-Move, or a flying Z-Move, or maybe a random coverage move, like ghost or steel?
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um... what's going on here? zubat's lost leech life! well, look again. the iconic Zubat Move is still in its learnset, but it's now been QUADRUPLED in to 80 power, so it's been moved up and replaced with absorb as zubat's starting move. absorb is still stuck at 20 power. poor absorb. that's probably what it gets for being cousins with mega drain AND giga drain. crobat gets to learn cross poison on evolve now, a powerful poison type move that has an increased critical hit rate AND a chance to poison. other than these, zubat's learnset has not changed in any noticeable way. i guess that's a sign game freak has settled on a moveset to stay for our friend zubat!
GEN 8:
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what on earth happened here? where is zubat's iconic wing attack? leech life at level 55? well, generation 8, you see, represents a big shakeup for the pokémon series. the series has OFFICIALLY jumped from handhelds to the home console, and so naturally that leads to a very different design philosophy - including the removal of lots of moves from the game entirely, and the barring of some pokémon from entry to the region! zubat gets to stay, though, and its reward is an entirely retooled moveset. what can we make of this?
well, first of all, supersonic has been recognised as an Iconic Zubat Move after 20 years of proud service, being officially made a move zubat gets right out of the egg. it still sucks, but that's cool! wing attack and bite have been replaced with poison fang, retooling zubat to put the early focus on its poison typing: to this day zubat and its family are actually the only poison / flying type pokémon! air cutter has been pushed back above the "evolve threshold", where it joins a bunch of other iconic Zubat Moves. bite and leech life now languish, as moves that probably nobody will ever actually hold their zubat to learn, given it's only a couple extra levels for golbat / crobat to learn them. speaking of crobat, it's worth mentioning...
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crobat has a whole lot of tools to work with now! it's very clear they really wanted to play with crobat's unique role as a poison / flying type here by focusing a lot more on its Poisonous Traits - toxic, cross poison, and venoshock are all very fun tools you can play with that crobat gets access to with ease. what a treat! the number of TMs crobat can learn is also huge, with plenty of coverage across a bunch of types. now for gen 9!
GEN 9:
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oh zubat! you should have known that DUI would give you consequences. well, yes. this is zubat's journey so far. but i think that i've proven my point - you can distinctly see a shift from the early game pokémon design philosophy to newer games.
personally, i would describe this as going from the games being an "uphill battle to prove yourself" to a "journey across the land with your favourites". it's clear that, over time, there have been attempts to try and make a lot of pokémon more viable, so that if zubat is your favourite too you can pick it up and have it be useful almost right away, rather than its earlier role as a pokémon that takes a long time to get going but eventually gets tools that make it a lot more usable. i think this shows pokémon's shift to being more about the pokémon themselves rather than the journey, which is a safe decision that's probably made because every pokémon is somebody's favourite.
this has no real point by the way - i personally don't actually mind the newer direction of pokémon games (aside from the EXP share always being on...) and have enjoyed plenty of relatively modern pokémon games a lot - i really rememeber loving pokémon moon when it came out! but i do also enjoy the different "vibe" and experience of older pokémon games, and i think sometimes the best way to actually describe the differences is to just lay out them out, plain to see.
anyway, i hope you enjoyed and, next time you're in a dark cave, consider holding off on the repels. you might just meet your new best friend forever!
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rendy-a · 7 months
Hi, uhh I'm not really used to requests?
If you could do like a Self-aware TWST headcanons/fic idk
Like of the first years or Cater or.. Lilia idk
Thank you ♥︎
I feel like the theme here is both boys just seem to know too much about you.  They are so skilled at figuring out all your business and doing it in a way that leaves you oh so unaware.
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He low-key cyber-stalks you online.  It’s easy for him because he probably helped you set up all your socials and knows the passwords.  Not that he intends to do anything BAD with that info.  He just likes to keep up with what’s going on in your head.
Ok, so maybe he sometimes deletes your DM’s.  Trust him, Player, you didn’t want to see that message anyway.  Some people just don’t understand boundaries!  He’ll tell that flirty Savanaclaw B you aren’t going on a date.  Or that slimy Octavinelle C that you aren’t interested in that sort of deal!  Just leave that unpleasant stuff to your Cay-Cay!
If you actually want help running your socials (you popular Player, you), then he is your guy!  Just tell him what sort of vibe you are trying to develop, and he’ll totes take care of it.  Approachable food vlogger?  Edgy fashion vlogger?  Slice of life daily vlogger?  Anything you want goes!  Cater is more than happy to accompany you on any of these trips to be your camera man (and maybe someday more?)
The click of the camera shutter sound effect on your phone indicated Cater had finished taking your picture with the tart you ordered at the café in town.  You set your fork down and noticed Cater smiling at you.  “What?” you questioned him with a smile.  He laughs lightheartedly, “Oh nothing much, you just have a bit of cream there.”  You gasp and reach for your napkin to clean yourself up.  “No wait!” Cater says as he grabs your hand, “This is actually a perfect opportunity.  Let’s get a pick like this too.  You look totes adorable like this!”  You embarrassingly allow Cater to direct you into a pose featuring both the tart and your messy lips.  The camera sound comes again and you hurriedly set the fork down and wipe your face before Cater can suggest a re-shoot.
You only hope no one else has seen you being so foolish.  You look around carefully and cringe to see that most of the café patrons are watching you eat.  Being the famous Player was certainly a form of celebrity you hadn’t anticipated.  When your eyes settle on a table of students from NRC, one of them holds your gaze and jumps to his feet, “Oh!  Oh!  Hey there, Prefect!”  You smile awkwardly and wave unenthusiastically.  “Oh, hey,” you meekly reply.
This is all the encouragement he needs to stand and approach your table.  “It’s so nice seeing you around the town like a normal student,” he gushes to you.  “Well, that’s what I am.  Just a…totally normal student,” you finish lamely.  He beams back at you before getting a sheepish expression, “Oh and I’m sorry about the other day.  I didn’t realize how much I was imposing on you.  I should have known you’d be busy!”  You look at him with wide-eyed astonishment until Cater slides into the conversation to suggest the NRC student return to his own table.  “I don’t remember ever meeting that guy,” you mumble quietly to Cater, “what was he going on about?”  Cater pats you gently on the back, “Who knows.  Maybe he just thought you were closer than you were.  Some guys just don’t know when they aren’t wanted, ya know!”  Then he slides and arm around you, “Don’t feel bad though.  Your guy Cay-Cay will always be at your side to tell them off for you.”
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Whenever you have a question or need some information, its only natural that you go to Lilia for guidance.  He always seems to know just what you need!  Sure, some part of that is because he follows you around everywhere and can easily anticipate what you are looking for.  Then he has time to research until he allows you to locate him to ask for his knowledge.  That isn’t being manipulative, that is called being wise!
Ok, fine.  Sometimes he creates situations that cause you to need him as well.  To be fair, he is a fae and they are known to have a habit of mischief-making.  He is just indulging in his fae nature, and you can’t fault him for that, can you Player?  I dare you to say that you can when you are looking into his unbelievably large and innocent-looking bat eyes.  Don’t make him shed crocodile tears for you because he will! 
At least it seems like the only situations you are involved in lately are the Lilia induced ones.  Other troubles seem to have found their way somewhere else.  A pointed look from the fae hanging above your head in the shadows is all it takes to make those troublemakers take their argument out of your sight.  To think that they actually thought they could speak to the great Player about such trifles!  Not on General Lilia’s watch!  He’ll come out of retirement just to guard your precious self!
The wind blows through the cracks in the walls of Ramshackle and you hear Grim complain for the tenth time today, “I don’t wanna study now!  The great Grim doesn’t need to look things over every day!  I’ll just cram before the exam and do fine.  Now get outta my way Prefect, I’m going on a tuna run!”  You spread your arms wide, blocking the door even more.  “Oh no you don’t!  We are one student here; your grades are my grades!  I need you to study!”
Grim turns from the door and heads toward the window, as though he might choose to escape by jumping out.  There was an old tree, baren of leaves this time of year, that grew very near that window.  It wasn’t impossible to imagine a cat-like creature, such as Grim, might be able to make the jump to freedom.  You wondered if you should abandon your post as a door-guard to block the window instead when Grim startles and backs quickly away from the window.  You edge closer, alarmed at his reaction, to peer carefully into the night.  You look first at the windowsill and then at the bare branches of the lonely tree outside but see nothing shocking.  A bit of movement catches your eye, and you notice Lilia near the fence of Ramshackle waving over the crumbling stones in an oddly exaggerated and cutesy way. 
You turn back to Grim, “What’s up with you?  There isn’t anything there.”  He looks at you carefully and replies, “Didn’t you see him there?”  You look back out the window and see only Lilia, who is now floating above the fence and reseing his chin upon his hands as he forms them into a heart-shape.  “All I see is Lilia competing with himself for cutest lad in Diasomnia.  What am I supposed to be looking for?”  Grim gives you a look that is both pity and horror.  After a moment of silence, his unusual behavior gets to you.  “Maybe you are working too hard,” you say as you head to the door you’d just been blocking, “Why don’t I go grab you that tuna after all?” 
He gives a sigh and sits back at the desk, flipping open a textbook.  “Just forget about it.  I ain’t in the mood anymore.”  You look worriedly back at him, but he just continues to study.  You sit on the bed for a bit to watch over him, but it isn’t long until you’ve nodded off.  Grim, on the other hand, continues to dutifully study.  Why not?  It’s not like he’ll be sleeping tonight.  Not after the eldritch horror he’s witnessed hanging in the tree outside.  Lilia doesn’t usually employ that level of scare tactic outside of Halloween pranks, but for you, Dear Player, he is willing to make exceptions.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Hey how are you? I hope all is well. I was wondering if you could do a request where everyone in the 118 fully forgets the readers birthday except for Buck and the reader is upset because she always makes to at least say happy birthday to someone when their birthday comes.Buck is also in love with the reader and after work he goes to her apartment to wish her happy birthday and confess his feelings. (They both are in love with each other) He ends up cheering up the reader and spends the night (if its not too much can you add smut with fluff afterwards)
I'm sorry this is so long and Thank you!
pity party - e.b **
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summary: request :)
evan buckley x reader
gif from @evanbuckleydaily
a/n: warning for smut toward the end, but no where else! hope you enjoy bc birthdays are so special to me 🩶
even as a little girl, y/n loved her birthdays. waking up to the smell of sweet pancakes and seeing her friends made her ecstatic. birthdays usually get sadder by the year, as you inch closer and closer to being a senior, but y/n always took it as a celebration. why wouldn’t you celebrate your life? she’s been so happy since she came to la, and it’s a way to appreciate herself from all she’s dealt with.
the morning sun shone through her windows, leaving an orange color on her bedsheets. her work alarm yanked her out of her slumber. today, she was excited to wake up, maybe too excited. she did her hair as nice as she could and even put on a little bit of makeup for the day. she wanted to feel good on her birthday, so she let herself. yeah, she’s a firefighter, but a cute little up do was never the wrong way to go. normally, she just threw it in a ponytail, but today, she did a pretty low bun and added in a few braids. she grabbed her stuff, walking out the door with the bright smile on her face. it was plastered on there until she got to the station. everyone noticed that she was obscurely happy. not to say she wasn’t normally happy, but there was a glow to her that day.
she pranced into the locker rooms, passing hen and chimney on her way in. she pulled on her uniform and made her way out, starting to help organize the engines. “hey, y/n! what’s going on?” eddie says first. she gives him a nice smile before responding kindly. she’s a little taken aback at the lack of response from her birthday, but she moves on. it wasn’t until hen, chimney, and even her other coworkers didn’t say a thing.
maybe something was planned? a surprise? they could just be busy with work and home, too. they knew her birthday was coming up, and they knew when it was, so she was a bit thrown off. she didn’t want to be too selfish, though. the whole station doesn’t revolve on her terms. she mindlessly thought that they’d say something eventually, maybe they just had other things to worry about them.
y/n was on top of one of the trucks, rolling out and organizing the hoses on top. she didn’t have anyone else up there to help, but she was fine on her own. she did wish she had someone to talk to, especially on her birthday, but it was fine. suddenly, the back of the ladder shook a bit, revealing a thrilled buck who pranced to the top. “happy birthday, y/n!” he beamed, slipping over with his arms out as he embraced her.
“thanks, buck,” she says, returning the smile and graciousness he gave her.
“are you ok? you were so excited for today!”
“yeah! yeah, i’m fine! just thinking about today, that’s all.”
“well, i’m gonna make you have a good day, whether you like it or not.”
“ok, ok,” she curls her mouth back into a grin. “just don’t mention too much about it, i don’t want it to be too big of a deal.”
“i get it, totally,” he replies, starting to help her drag up the long hoses.
the alarm echoed through the whole station, and the team piled into the truck after putting on their gear. y/n sat on the end, staring out the window in slight disappointment about how her day was going. was she being childish? no, not at all, but her selflessness didn’t let her realize that.
“y/n, what’s got you looking all fancy all of a sudden?” chimney asks.
“hot date?” hen adds in. y/n continues to just look out the window, as buck gives his friends a confused look. she understands it now, they probably forgot or didn’t care enough. it hurt especially because they were her family. she came here to la, and she found her best friends who melted into more. they spent almost every day together, so she wanted a little more affection. but, there wasn’t anything she could do about it. she didn’t want to say anything because of tension, and they had enough work to do.
“just with myself,” y/n laughs, covering up her secretly hurt feelings.
“i think you look pretty, y/n!” buck says, shouting over the headphones he has in. she laughs at his volume, but he’s been treating her the best.
y/n was so in love with buck, and he was so in love with her. there’s no other way to put it. work would be a whole different experience without the other. they’re like two peas in a pod and are finishing each others sentences. when you think of silly phrases and metaphors for love, they are every single one.
“alright, lover boy,” chim teases before gazing out his own window.
“c’mon, guys, leave them alone,” bobby turns his head around to take some of the spotlight off y/n and buck. buck doesn’t think anything of it, somehow. he figures they already said something to her, so nothing came across as out of the ordinary to him.
they arrived to a scene, solving the calamity and issues that were sparked with the fire. it was quick, they do it every single day, so they were prepared and there were several hands on deck. multiple calls rolled in throughout the day between small intervals, and all of them passed without the two small words to y/n. none of them cared to ask, or really know anything. she had been painfully obviously distant that day, but everyone was just fooling around and talking about whatever, so they didn’t notice. the sun had finally set, and still, nothing. her day that was supposed to be great was pretty much over, and she felt like nothing happened. y/n didn’t expect too much, but she deserved more than what she got. at the end of the day, however, she still had buck. he was there the whole day by her side, making her crack smiles and break out in laughter, which was his favorite music. y/n decided to jump in the shower, wash off any extra negativity from the day off so she could let it all go. buck walked in the kitchen with everyone else.
“alright, y/n’s showering,” he begins. “bobby! where’d you put the cake and the candles?”
“buck, your birthdays a bit far away, don’t you think?”
“h-huh? no, it’s for…” buck starts to put the pieces together. there is no cake, decorations, or candles for her. they didn’t bother to remember or put the time in for someone who cares so deeply for them. “you guys remember, right?”
“remember?” eddie questions, confusion forming in the room at bucks upset.
“oh my god, that’s why she’s been acting different. it’s her birthday, you idiots! she’s been looking forward to this the whole month, and we don’t have anything for her!”
“shit, buck,” hen whispers. “it completely slipped my mind.”
“me too, i’ve been out with maddie a lot and i must’ve forgotten how soon it was,” chimney responded. buck looks around for any answers he can get, only to be confronted by looks of self pity and sulk.
“really? really,” buck argues. “have you guys completely lost it? chim, on your birthday she planned a whole party in her small apartment for you. bobby, for you, she spent hours with athena making sure it would be perfect. same with you, hen! eddie, she made sure all of us were there for you and had gifts for you to make you smile. she did all of this to make you guys feel loved. it’s one day a year, and she deserves it just as much as you all did.”
the team shared disheartened faces to each other, realizing what they’d done to y/n. she was without a doubt, the sweetest person at the station. she makes every single day a memorable one, especially the birthdays of her best friends. they tried to come up with reasonable answers as to why they didn’t remember, but none of them were justifiable. so, they waited for y/n to come out of the locker rooms, but she didn’t. her shift was ending, so she just went home. there wasn’t any time to plan anything, and she knew nothing was going on. buck can’t keep a secret if his life depended on it.
they sat there in nothing but silence until bucks phone vibrated in his back pocket. he saw y/n’s name lighten the screen, revealing a dispirited text from her.
“hey, just wanted to let you know that i already left, but i wanted to say thank you for everything today. this day would’ve sucked without you <3”
buck sighed after he read the last word, seeing the little heart at the end of it. “well, she already left, so,” buck gets up out of his seat, going to change into his own clothes. he already knows what he has to do, so he rushes over to the nearest bakery, the only one that’s open late at this time.
the owners are just about to close up, when buck runs in like a lunatic. “wait! hold on, please?”
“sir, we’re just about to close,” the woman says, walking outside the counter.
“i know, and i’ll give you a good tip, i swear. i need you to just write a name on his cake, please. you’d make a girls day, i’ll pay extra!”
“im sorry, but everything’s been put away for the night.”
buck groans, “fine, can i just buy these candles and this small thing of icing?” afterwards, buck sits in his car and under the happy birthday, scribbles in a messy y/n. it’s not perfect, but it doesn’t matter if it’ll make her happy.
when y/n arrives home, she immediately just goes to sit on her couch. she flips on the tv, whipping a blanket around her shoulders. she plays an old episode of the office, the one where it’s kelly’s birthday. it’s always one that makes her laugh, and why not just rub it more in her face that everyone forgot? she intently watched the episode, wallowing in let down. it was later than normal for her to be up, but she let it slide. it was almost the midnight, so she figured why not just stay up?
the harsh knocking on her door zoned her mind out of the show, standing up and opening the door slowly. her hair was still done, a little messy but still beautiful to buck. she made eye contact with the enchanting soul in front of her, smiling instantly at the sight of a little cake with candles that weren’t lit. “what are you doing here?”
“i’m not going to let you spend the rest of the night alone, not after the day you’ve had,” he steps inside the apartment, and she takes the cake from his hands.
“listen it’s fine, you didn’t have to do this.”
“you’re right, i didn’t, but i wanted to. there’s nothing i wanted more than to make you feel loved today. i don’t know what’s gotten into everyone, but you never deserve something like that. you’re my favorite person there, y/n, and i’d do-“
she cuts his frantic speech off by stepping in closer, connecting their lips for the first time. he’s a little surprised, but silently celebrating in his head. he leans in closer to her, placing his hands on her hips and pulling her into him. “thank you, buck.” she says, and he smiles against her lips.
“you know i love you, right?”
“good,” she smiles from ear to ear. “because i love you, too.”
buck doesn’t let himself hear another word from her before he presses his lips against hers again. whatever they had before was forgotten, because it had become more in a flash. he’s loved her for years, but he needed her to know now. he places his hands on the back of her thighs, picking her up and landing on the couch. he’s sitting between her legs, making out with y/n continuously until she pulls apart. she begins to undo her jean buttons, and he starts to take off her shirt. she does the same, gripping the seam and pulling it off to reveal his fit body. she’s seen it before, but in this moment, it sends waves of arousal to her core. buck starts rubbing her through her underwear as quiet moans are released from y/n. “buck,”
“whatever you’re about to do, don’t stop.”
buck takes that as a sign to continue, letting her stand up to slide herself out of the rest of her garments, as he strips to his boxers. his eyes sprint up and down y/n’s body, admiring every single part of it before he grabs her by the hips and yanks her in. she laughs out as he starts to plant kisses to his her stomach, making his way up to her breasts, loving on each one.
he’s suddenly pushed back on the couch, y/n’s hands making contact with his shoulders. he’s leaned back against the couch, and y/n peels off his boxers, revealing his dick, hard for her. she starts to wrap her hand around it, pumping it up and down as he groans out. “oh, don’t do this to me, y/n.”
“fine,” she smirks, leaning her leg on the couch and swinging her other one over. bucks hands make his way up to her breasts, squeezing them gently before connecting his mouth to them again like a magnet. she painfully grinds against his erection, causing him to whine from the teasing. it’s not until she runs his tip down her slit, and pushes his tip into her that they moan simultaneously. she sinks down, taking his entire length in her pussy. “oh, fuck, baby.”
“my god, y/n,” he notices y/n trying to muffle her moans, biting on her lip as she bounces up and down on his dick. “hey, don’t try and be quiet, let me hear those pretty moans.”
she starts bringing herself up and down faster than before, letting herself cry out sharp moans at the warm feeling in her abdomen. bucks hands make contact with her tits again, fondling them and pinching her nipples as she continues to ride him. one of her hands is gripping his shoulder, the other sinks down to rub circles on her clit. buck starts to get that familiar feeling back before announcing, “y/n, i’m gonna fucking come.”
“i know, baby, me too,” she pants out, breathless from the repeated actions on his dick. “come for me, buck.”
buck frees a loud moan from his lips when pulling himself out of y/n, releasing all over her stomach as her legs twitch above him. her mouth gapes open as her fingers reach down to her stomach before placing two in her mouth. buck swears he’s died and gone to heaven at the sight of the sexiest woman he’s ever seen.
“got you speechless, huh?”
“h-holy shit, y/n,” buck stutters out. “that was fuckin’- oh my god.”
y/n giggles at his chaotic words, and she places her forehead against his chest, laughing. “thank you. for everything,” she remarks, picking her head up to look at him with her chin on his chest.
“i’d do anything for you. happy birthday.”
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bugsinshoes · 5 months
ok so i just watched @fordtato and @hkthatgffan 's respective videos about their interview with THE alex hirsch and i wanna just say OH MY GOD like SERIOUSLY
im gonna put my thoughts under the cut so theres no spoilers if you havent seen it already (BUT GO WATCH THEM NOW PLEASE !!!) + its gonna be LONG so BEAR WITH ME
ok, so i have MANY thoughts so sorry if none of this is coherent 😭 (this is not in chronological order of when the questions were asked, just me spewing out my totally normal thoughts about this interview so apologies for that)
starting off:
THE BABY IS SHERMIE?!?!?!? IM SO SO GLAD WE FINALLY HAVE CONFIRMATION WE CAN FINALLY LEAVE THIS TO REST !! I WAS RIGHT THOUGH SO HA !!! ACTUALLY SCREAMING !! TIMELINE BE DAMNED (also another thanks to hana, your timeline video is genuinely awesome. i never shut up about it. ever. any time i talk to my friends abt gf and i need to refer to the timeline i go: "IN HANA'S VIDEO-") anyways, i do understand it was a last minute decision on the writer's part of "oh. dipper and mabel need a grandfather, its not ford, and its sure as FUCK not gonna be stan sooo... third brother?" and i do understand alex being like, "oh, this is about ford and stan only having eachother" so i think making shermie younger was a GOOD THING? like, stan and ford had 18 years of just them so shermie wasnt in the picture, so stan and ford technically grew up on their own so ig it works? also, when stan got kicked out, he never got to see shermie grow up, probably only saw him at events when he had to pretend to be ford (post-1983) and as for ford himself, he was too busy in college and gravity falls to really visit the family so... it works! (despite everything)
that aside, lets talk about THE CRUMBS??? like i have some quotes here because i have a LOT to say:
"theyre both so damaged and they desperately need each other" - alex hirsch (talking about stan and ford)
LIKE SUIUHUSHUSH i HATE these brothers SO MUCH (LIES) i cant actually properly express my thoughts because WOW like its clear that they both have their own trauma and they NEED to address it but theyre both too STUBBORN to do so. theyve both been alone for 40ish years so of course they need each other. they grew up by the hip, so theres no surprise that they both need each other (whether they like it or not)
"[ford's] grateful for the forgiveness he thinks he doesnt deserve" -alex hirsch
ford thinks so lowly of himself at times it HURTS. like the lines in the journal about "only then would the freak return a hero" or about his guilt with bill and everything its just so important to his character im so glad we got so much ford content in this interview. like i am EATING ALL THIS UP RN
"[ford] has to always have a mission in front of him, because if he doesnt have a mission in front of him, hes thinking how have i treated people in my life?" - alex hirsch
ford distracting himself with things instead of facing his problems. probably something he had to do a lot, especially with his time in the multiverse. but it really hurts because i can imagine in the 60s, they never had any great coping mechanisms? so i can assume ford was just conditioned to distract himself from stuff so he never learned how to deal with things. and i KNOW in the journal hes like "i meditate!" and im sure that does help somewhat, but it doesnt address the issue itself soooo... sorry ford, but you cant just breathe your way out of everything
ALSO alex calling ford and fiddlefords falling out a "BREAKUP" (air quotes used) BUT A BREAKUP??? this is just adding fuel to my fiddauthor-infested brain rn. i CANT
and alex saying mcgucket is thinking like, "oh i gotta be a better partner" is HEART SHATTERING like the whole talk about fiddleford being "the building guy" who is kind of just there to make machines and please ford. its honestly so heartbreaking because fiddleford loves ford so much he'd leave his wife and child to go to absolute nowhere, oregon and the fact ford is too arrogant to see fiddlefords admiration and overall love for him its just IUIUAHHAS
and i do wanna say, i KNOW bill played a big part in this, by stroking fords ego and buttering him up with his kind words because he knew exactly what ford wanted to hear and that really affected how ford and fidds' relationship was like but THATS A TOPIC FOR ANOTHER TIME. all i know is that ford isnt entirely to blame, but he still is a massive arrogant asshole and he wasnt the best person to fidds at times (love him tho <3)
but im actually so happy because this interview sheds SO much light onto FORD bcs we BARELY got to know him, and hearing it from MR HIRSCH HIMSELF is just so good because we KNOW its a reliable source because its coming from ALEX YK??? like he wrote ford so he probably knows "oh yeah, that man is guilt-ridden as FUCK" and im so glad we get some crumbs of this guy i cant get enough of him !!! (impatiently waiting for the book of bill)
ANNNDD THE TALK ABOUT MAYBE GETTING A SEA GRUNKS SPINOFF/MINISERIES??? I WOULD EXPLODE GENUINELY ANYTHING WITH MY FAVOURITE OLD MEN PLEASE !! i would genuinely love to see more of their dynamic and how everything is after weirdmaggeddon and like dealing with trauma and UGHHH i would kill for stan/ford content PLEASE
hippie ford.
hippie. ford.
i am never getting over this (im internally SCREECHING)
im genuinely so happy with all the questions that got answered, as well as getting some deeper insight into characters and stuff. IM NEVER GETTING OVER THE AMOUNT OF FIDDAUTHOR CRUMBS YOU GUYS
im gonna end this by saying another MASSIVE thank you to hana and hk !! you both put so much effort into your respective videos and it was super super cool !! this was totally worth the wait !!! :D
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
dorm leaders when they realized they are in love with g/n!reader please
I'm so sorry for answering this ask so late, I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved making it !
Pairing(s) : riddle roseheart x reader, Leona Kingscholar x reader, azul ashengrotto x reader, kalim al-asim x reader, vil schoenheit x reader, Idia Shroud x reader, malleus draconia x reader
warning(s) : I don't think there is anything too angsty or scary, just fluff ! The reader is gender neutral and mostly addressed as 'you'
Dorm leaders realizing they are in love :
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle would be in denial about loving you, not because he doesn't want to but because his mother always said that love was a distraction to the rode of success.
No wonder her husband hates her
As much as he found the idea exasperating, rules were meant to be followed so Riddle would push away any personal feelings aside to concentrate on what was 'more important'.
He tried to do so ever since he met you.
He brushes his crush off as platonic to avoid getting distracted by these foreign feelings. You're just a friend he thought to himself, Just a friend and nothing more.
However, it's impossible to not notice the occasional blush that adorn the red head's cheeks whenever he's around you.
The way he stutters when talking to you despite being normally composed with others.
Riddle will also want to spend more time with you, what's better than a nice study session ? If you aren't the brightest, it's ok. He'll still propose to study with you even if you are the best.
In comparison to how he tutors his fellow dorm members, Riddle will actually be a little more strict. He wants you to surpass yourself and he wants to be the one to help you achieve that.
Gets flustered when you get too close to him, will jump a little if you surprise him at a time where he leasts expects it. It stops being funny the moment he yells : "OFF WITH YOUR-"
Trey will quickly realize his dorm leader's fondness for you and will try to talk to him about it. He also tells Riddle to confess at some point because it's possible to never get a chance like this again.
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona...I don't know much about how he would react.
The entire thing is quite complicated, he acts as if he doesn't like you but not in a way that tsunderes do. Leona is chill and treats you like he would with others but with more affection and favoritism.
Smooth talker. B*tch knows what he's doing and if you don't pick up on the signals, he's kissing you and waiting for a reaction to come out.
WILL act softer around you, he's not denying it either. "I like the herbivore and so what ? You gonna cry about it ?" Ruggie really envies you, you don't need to deal with as much stress as him...fucker-
He is a lovable *sshole and I'm not taking that back, he'll chuckle when you say you hate him cause he can get annoying. But in his mind I imagine him panicking like :
Wait seriously ? I mean, I hate myself too but really ?
His ears perk up at the mention of your name, very possessive and very jealous but he trusts you wouldn't try to date his sworn enemy.
After all, who doesn't want him ?
Although he acts prideful and confident he does have his doubts about you as well as if his feelings are reciprocated. Brushes it off like its nothing but someone out there is gonna notice that the dorm leader is ticked off.
He'll invite you to nap with him cause a human body pillow isn't all that bad to be honest, lunch at the botanical garden are a must as well.
Won't care of you're late to class, he's keeping you with him wether you like it or not.
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Azul Ashengrotto
B*TCH- trynna act cool and composed when he just spits out ink the moment y'all get too close. He cries about it in his octopus pot and says he'll never crawl out of it again only to come back and make a contract with you to get married I mean- go on a date.
That is totally what I meant....He scribbled 'forever' on it though.
Cute octopus, very shy, won't admit it.
He invites you to Mostro Lounge often, wether you wish to come or not is your choice but just know one of the leech brothers is dragging your ass back there.
He only trusts jade with this task because Floyd will not hesitate to tell you his dorm leader is madly in love with you.
One compliment is enough for him to try and impress you by being almost full of himself. He stutters a lot, it's adorable, you can tease him about it but don't go too hard cause the ink projectile is still an option.
"Why hello there [Name], I was wondering if you could work at the Mostro Lounge ? I promise I can give you a generous pay~" "Actually, your heart is all I need to be repaid but thank you for the kind offer."
Jaws dropped, face flushed, glasses foggy, the heart you wanted exploded and Floyd wheezing on the floor.
Azul rn :
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Kalim Al-Asim
Sunshine, so obvious, so adorably stupid he can't even realize you know.
He is a very generous person in general so expect a lot of gifts and plenty of attention directed towards you.
Always celebrates your presence with a party the moment you enter in the scarabia dorms. Jamil is pretty much begging you to invite him instead of coming, because he can only cook and handle so much.
If you're more of a flirtatious type, he will get flustered but not as badly as Azul. Just very bashful and proceeds to laugh it off to calm his beating heart.
"[Name] ! [Name] ! [Name] ! How about we hop over to the dorms ? I'm organizing another party and I think you should come too :D !"
He loves to say your name, he can repeat it every day non stop until Viper drags you back to make him shut up since no one had a second of sleep.
It's been three days, he doesn't wanna listen. (rather he can't listen cause your face is clouding his entire mind)
"Oh ! [Name] ! Wanna head to the light music club with me ? I wanna show you a brand new song we've been practicing !"
He spends most of his time with you and will insist you join him in a lot of activities, of course if you don't want to then that's ok as well !
if you want anything special to eat at lunch he'll buy it for you ! Money isn't exactly a problem for this prince.
He isn't all that flustered when he confesses to you, if you reject him he'll be sad but will understand. He will stay your friend though, poor cinnamon roll doesn't want to ruin your friendship.
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Vil Schoenheit
Confident and unbothered by the whole situation, you can't even tell wether he likes you or he's constantly trying to insult you.
It may seem strange, but I feel like vil wouldn't necessarily care when it comes to appearances. he just wants the one he falls for to at least take care of their complexion. He wouldn't love someone with no hygiene that's for sure.
Pays extra attention to you, even Rook could be jealous if he was capable of it. Oh and speaking of the hunter :
Get ready to have rook in your shoes for the rest of your life because if he follows vil around then he'll chase you around, bye bye privacy.
Potato this. Potato that. "Your posture should be better." "You need to fix your hair." "You have something on your face." "DID YOU NOT USE THE SKIN CARE I GAVE YOU- ?!"
He doesn't go soft, its the complete opposite for this guy. Vil really tries to bring out the best out of you but he can sometimes become overbearing.
If you lack self esteem, I'm sure he won't hesitate to show you just how beautiful you are.
*Pulls out mirror from nonexistent pocket* YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL
He balances his time by your side though, cameras are all around when a famous model attends one of the best schools. Rumors will start to spark and it's gonna be a little hard to ignore those. But he'll protect you from them and just deny the ones who talk bad about you.
You bet he's gonna confess to you when the moon is out. He's just smooth like that.
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Idia Shroud
Denial is a river in Egypt-
"No, I don't like anyone love is for idiots that have a social life." "Are you sure about that ?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH-"
He is Meg in Hades form, it's ok to be in love blue haired man. You have a crush on someone blue haired man and it's not the end of the world.
He will avoid you, a lot.
If you managed to become friends before he fell for you it will be even more awkward, he wants to continue playing games with you but it's different now. He's scared he'll embarrass himself in front of you and it wasn't like that before. Ortho is the only one pushing him to talk to you, but how can he even look at you without turning into a fireball ?!
Whenever you manage to have small talk he just immediately switches to his tablet to hide his gorgeous face behind. Flirt with him and it'll be the end of it.
The ends of his hair become pink and he heats up like crazy, you'll kill him one day you know that !
The more extroverted you are the harder its gonna be for him and even worse if you like to flirt for fun because HOLY MOTHER OF THE HEAVENLY GODS STOP LOOKING AT HIM LIKE THAT-
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Is this joke getting old ? Because I still think he is a ticking nuclear bomb that is triggered by strong emotions such as confusion.
God that would explode so easily.
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus. Dragon boy. Precious. Just how rich are you-
I'm sure a lot of people have said this already but of course Malleus does not know how humans court other humans.
So he brings you diamonds rubies and other precious stones (necklaces and bracelets too actually) to show how much he fancies you.
Wether you refuse them or accept them is your choice but he gets really pouty when you don't keep it.
Malleus is a little confused, he doesn't understand why you don't comprehend the reason for his actions.
Lilia will probably pop out of nowhere before you meet Malleus again to tell you the meaning behind the expensive gifts.
Just so you know, Dragons are a specie that mate for life, and he chose you to be his partner forever.
"Do you wish to go on a stroll with me, Child of Man ? You would make me a very happy fae if you would ever so kindly accept."
Night walks are very frequent, you can notice the green fireflies peacefully floating around you. It's such a wonderful sight, but the only beautiful view he looks at is you.
"The moon is quite beautiful tonight isn't it ?"
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” is a phrase that means you're telling that person that you love them without actually telling them you love them.
Either you're dense or you just rejected him the moment you respond with a yes and looks at you expectantly but nothing happens.
Not a kiss ?
No ?
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thank you for reading and lasagna-
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
(send me recs pleassseeee ;-;)
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Hey this'll be the last time I use colored words for characters!
I think it's a bit too distracting, and the only reason I was using them was to let ppl know if their fav was in there, but now I'll probably just use CW/TW to mention character heavy asks/fics :)
Thanks for being patient with me for so long if ur still reading my stuff :0 <3
Listen as you read?
EDIT 1/1/24: Hey I expanded more about this on my Eldritch Fanfic Part 2 post, but unfortunately I did a form of exoticism by including the term "Huangdi" inappropiately here. I have since replaced it with "Emperor" as was the original untranslated term I would've used. I'm genuinely sorry that I did this, and will absolutely be on the look out/do better in the future. I hope you can understand.
also im so sorry?? Idky i was in such a scenario mood today??? Ig im in my exectutive dysfunction paralysis state so maybe that’s why, like it unconcoiusly wants me to waste more time not catching up on uni work??? anyway, hope u like this chaotic addon 😭
or i just love this ask sm, that’s entirely possible too <3
ok but they’d totally heard ur music tastes thru the screen right?
like just imagine-
the video game music is normalized, and to them its just another one of those “all kinds of magic in teyvat” causing the music, like the seelies wandering around all the time or elemental energy
Jean is flipping through a folder filled with the reports for the week, she’s got to get the routes ready for the week, then there’s the liyue shipments the knights need to help escort over, then checking in on any of the emergency stations/rations throughout Mondstadt for weary or hurt travelers/merchants-
She sighs, and yet another irritated thought is thrown Varka’s way in her mind, she can’t even muster the energy to make it outright dislike she’s so tired…
Jean was so concentrated she just now is starting to hear the Favonious Headquarter’s music once more, it’s peppy upbeat tune… grates like nails on a chalkboard.
and if she has to hear that damn flute for the next hour she works, she’s going to start banging her head onto her desk.
Out in Jueyun Karst, Xiao is dealing the finishing blow to a flying ruin hunter
He’s huffing and stabs his spear into the ground to lean on and catch his breath, the gentle music of the peaks begins to float around him once more
The Yaksha feels the earth beneath his feet shake. Not like from his Lord, not the other adepti angered, but an enemy so large it’s stomps shake the ground he stands on
Xiao quickly straightens less he fall over, pulling his spear out of the dirt with a little more effort than it probably should’ve taken…
The high sounds of the guzheng trickle through the air, a perfect representation of the base of the slopes, trees, streams, and nature all around him
Xiao turns to face the enemy behind him, his arm popping with tired joints,
…A ruin grader, two ruin hunters, and finally regular three ruin guards, follows it. they come around the corner of the bottom of another slope, and they're still simmering with black smoke, curling off their metallic shoulders.
Xiao sees several red targets layer over his chest,
the music fades a little, but sticks around, plucking strings gently. Xiao sighs, exhausted already.
Kazuha and Beidou had to redirect the Alcor from a nasty storm at sea that intercepted their usual route between Inazuma and Liyue,
the storm had practically chased them further and further down form the Inazuman islands
it wasn’t until Kazuha, from the crow’s nest, spotted fog on the waters that they realized they’d be forced to go into said creepy fog, what with the crackling looming clouds at their backs pinning them in
“Not good Captain, the fog is miles long, I’m not sure I can see a way around it…” Kazuha calls down to the deck, Beidou letting out a sharp sigh through her nose
“Damn… fucker’s not even sentient and it practically backed us into a corner, feels like we literally gotta escape the damn thing… BRACE YOURSELVES CREW, WE’RE HEADING INTO THAT FOG!”
The Alcor makes it’s way into the fog, a piano swells with a strange tune…
Beidou, Kazuha, and the crew know to listen to the music of teyvat, especially if you have a life at sea, where storms can appear in the middle of the day or other pirates could attack any moment.
The music means nothing good, but at least Kazuha can see the storm staying at the border of the fog, moving no further in, unlike themselves
“Shit… see anything up there Kazu?” the Captain steering the ship doesn’t even reach a shout, for the music has creeped out all conversation on board
“No ma’am, wait,” a chill breeze brushes through the wanderer’s white hair, he feels goosebumps jump on his neck and spine,
“…Yes! Portside Captain, land, no enemy movement yet!”
“Alright, here goes a bad idea…” Beidou’s arms flex as she easily turns the heavy wooden wheel, steering left,
the Alcor gently comes ashore, and they make anchor.
…there are no enemies, like Kazuha said, but the tune worsens, it had gotten louder now that they’re actually on the theme’s land
It plays slowly, encasing the crew of the Alcor in a paranoid quiet, and it almost has a melancholy note
Crows caw and fly off of a stone gate up ahead, they can see flickers of a strange blue light further inland, like figures carrying lanterns everywhere they go…
“Damn music, I wouldn’t feel half this anxious if it didn’t sound like we were walking into a monster infested cave…” the first mate says, the first person to break the quiet the music held over them.
“Yes, while we might need to stay here for awhile, I think we’re all very aware how dangerous this is…” Kazuha agrees, crossing his arms and squinting at the moving blue lights… the piano plays on.
You open on Spotify on your computer, clicking on your favorite kpop playlist, it’s been rainy all day, so you need the peppiness of this dance playlist to actually not be half-asleep playing Genshin-
You hum along to the Korean lyrics as you boot Genshin up, ugh, ur in-game music is so loud, u forgot u turned it up last time to hear the new Sumeru music…
Turning it down, you let the Kpop songs fill ur headphones as you nod to the beat, your team materializing on screen. Right, off to do commissions first!
Jean is like.. seconds away letting out a scream of frustration, anger, tiredness, loneliness, etc. her hands clenching her hair and ruining her ponytail when, thank Creator, the theme quiets down finally.
The loss of her immediate ire gone, she lets go of her hair, her hands just kind of hovering midair, not knowing what to do with herself, all the negative emotions giving her face wrinkles just melt off, leaving her stunned, blank face behind
🎶 Dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom Nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely! Kkamkkamhan uju sok gajang banjjagineun Jeo byeol jeo byeol geu yeope keun ne byeol 🎶
Acting Grand Master Jean actually screams when abruptly a song in an unrecognizable foreign language, blasts into her office, around it, filling the entire Favonius Headquarters with its… cheeriness??
Jean lets her hands fall onto the desk, still in shock
..well, she quickly decides she’s grateful for the new music either Barbatos or the All-Parent had heard her pleas for…
…actually, it’s kind of,, catchy?
Jean takes out her ponytail, massaging her aching scalp, huh, she really did have it tight she’s just now noticing, she feels a small smiles appear on her face,
she actually kind of wants to do something now (she kind of hopes this new foreign bard song sticks around..)
If you asked Xiao what happened in that battle he’d be hard pressed to tell you,
without going completely red in the face. LMAO
He probably wouldn’t tell the other adepti this, especially Cloud Retainer, but Xiao had definitely had to get used to fighting brutal battles to the sound of gentle summer day-esque music
Right as the aruguably, army of ruin machines spotted the Yaksha, he’d launched himself into the air to try and evade the rusted beasts, aiming his jade spear, adding winds to swirl around the staff to better boost his attack, the machines warm up, their targets moved and locked onto him midair, right as both sides launch their attack-
🎶 Geogi neo I fancy you! Amuna wonhaji anha Hey, I love you (Love ya!) 🎶
Xiao nearly falls out of the air.
Quickly recovering, he uses his anemo power to propel himself off to the side dodging, he swears to his Lord and his Emperor himself, delayed attacks, as if the machines were caught off guard too,
missiles whiz by him, exploding behind, the peppy song of foreign women’s voices sings out into Jueyun Karst bright and happy-
🎶 Geurae neo I fancy you! Kkumcheoreom haengbokhaedo dwae 'Cause I need you! (What?) 🎶
Xiao’s face goes from being confused to concentrated throughout the rest of the battle, and the worst part… it actually helps his energy levels.
and he finds himself nodding along
Kazuha takes the lead, his sword unsheathed and at the ready to cut down the slightest movement before it can get to any of the crew behind him,
He’s flanked by the Captain of the Alcor herself, Beidou’s electro shield emitting a deep hum as it blocks in front of both himself, and the crew behind him
all of the pirates have unsheather their own weapons, daggers, swords, claymores, bows, their all on high alert, waiting for.. well, any enemies at all.
In fact, Kazuha hopes he sees hilichurls soon, just for the familiarity it could give him and the his crew-
the music begins to fade away.
The crew stops just shy of the entryway that was perched with crows before they scattered, the white fog hasn’t moved beyond its lazy drifting, but the creeping sounds have stopped entirely. Not good.
Captain Beidou sighs after a few silent moments, other than the quiet breathing and shuffling of weapons from the Alcor crew.
She lets her claymore sword thunk against her shoulder, and just as she opens her mouth, turning to address the all, deciding camping here will have to do for the night-
🎶Fancy! youu, ooh Nuga meonjeo johahamyeon eottae Fancy! youu, ooh Jigeum neoegero gallae Fancy! ooh!🎶
Kazuha’s shoulder shoot up to his ears in a flinch, red eyes wide, he barely stops his reflexes from taking a hard swing with his sword, several crewmembers shriek, collide with metal clinks into one another, Beidou drops low, her sword swinging off her shoulder into almost a full swing at the ground-
🎶 Dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom Nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely! Kkamkkamhan uju sok gajang banjjagineun Jeo byeol jeo byeol geu yeope keun ne byeol 🎶
the music plays on, the only one making any noise as the entire Alcor crew just, stop. after their initial shock.
Kazuha’s the first to break.
He desperately tries to contain a quiet chuckle, which turns into a giggle, which turns into a full-on wheeze, as he buries his sword into the ground to brace himself on it and one of his knees
the Captain cracks by the time Kazuha wheezes, her laughter going straight to guffaws and knee slapping, her claymore shaking the ground where she stabs it to lean against
the crew erupts into laughter, both as the peppy foreign song echoes into the mysterious fog, and Beidou’s ridiculous laugh, as always
they don’t recover until two songs later when there’s finally a slow kpop song, Kazuha’s had to sit down, tears streaming down his face, Beidou’s half-dead, wheezing out complaints about her stomach, as the crew keep sending each other into more and more laughter right as they think they’re done.
They decide their Akitsu Mikami must have the best sense of humor and must just be sitting on their celestial throne pranking some of their subjects from time to time, and the Alcor crew find themselves all the more appreciative for it, their nerves entirely gone about the island
Kazuha and Beidou are constantly asking other bards they meet to try and see if anyone can recreate the song for the crew sometime they liked the beat and the memory so much, Fancy by Twice will still get a laugh out of Beidou and Kazuha, and they’d quickly let you in on the inside joke so you’d be a part of it too (afterall you did it lol)
Who’s DANCING!! w/o u needing to do anything but play the music:
NILOU (she got those choreos done in like, an hour flat everytime u teach her, shes always begging for “just one more dance lesson Greatest Lord? 🥺”),
YUNJIN (difference betweeen the two dancers is that nilou asks :) → yunjin lowkey demands, she like always gets u into a situation where you have plenty of time to teach her and feel obligated, u just got gaslight gatekeep girlbossed into teaching her another kpop dance LMAO), they also see it as they’re (literally) god-given job to dance better than any idol you’ve seen do it before, esp when they recruit groups of other dancers to join for group choreos
Yoimiya! cutie #1, CHILDE, amber, eula, ITTO, bennett,
Collei (but shes shy u gotta encourage her),
Diona (cutie #2),
FISCHL (would form an actual group to dance all the choreos like a real kpop group),
Gorou (shy #2, needs encouragement),
Kazuha (tbh I think he’d have fun and be weirdly good at it, fem or masc dances),
Ayaka (shy #3, needs encouragement and would rather die than dance in front of ppl other than you),
Qiqi (but u gotta teach her slow bc she needs to memorize it, and also it takes her a bit to write down the dance steps in her journal so she doesn’t forget as much),
Razor (another person i think would just have fun with it! also he’d do it but it would be very, aggressive? like making finger hearts but violently shoving his arm out at ur face lmao),
HEIZOU (shutup he’d actually be good at it and brag- and flirt at you-),
Aether (shy #4), VENTI, xingqiu, xinyan, KAVEH
BARBARA (she literally stalks u around Mondstadt all like “oh hello your highness! just happened to walk by you and was wondering if you heard any new of those “kpop” dances, you know I’d LOVE to show it off at my next show-!” like she hasnt been a block behind you the entire day 💀)
babygirl Wanderer (he literally surveyed the area before he finally let u teach him any moves, and refused to any sort of dramatic moves, like fem or masc),
Alhaitham (but only like a small part of a guy group choreo like a bit from God’s Menu or smth, he was too lazy to do anymore even for u lol),
Cyno (dammit some of these bitches look way too good doing even girl group dances-),
Diluc (u got him to do like, a pose. LMAO and he saw Kaeya in the distance and quit immediately LMFAO),
Kaeya (but it didnt take much convincing, if anything it just took forever to teach him, he’s talented in footwork for swordfighting but apparantly not dancing, at least not modern dances he tripped so much ur convinced he did it on purpose at one point so he’d fall into your arms again lol),
Ganyu (super shy, wont do it around anyone but you, and maybe Shenhe),
speaking of Shenhe (she just took awhile to teach bc she wanted to stay upright a lot, kinda stiff),
Keqing (once again, another who’d only dance when it’s just u two lol),
Yae Miko (she just wanted to learn the whole choreo that’s what took so long… and now she’s making comments like “My goodness, my god wants me to dance for them? They’ll even show me how? Oh, now I must do it perfectly so I can satisfy you, my Kami.” STOP TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT UR TEACHING EVERYONE-),
Ayato (he’s acts so theater gay he refuses to do anything but the girl group dances/fem dances lol),
SARA (easy, give her ur strongest, saddest pout and she cracked like glass, u got her to do a whole dance with u/she actually got into it too, its her secret guilty pleasure now lol),
Kuki (did one sort of move then got BARRELED OVER by Itto’s crazied boy group acrobatics he likes so much, u know the backflips over each other type of ones? yeah. ),
Ei (the god herself/not the puppet, catch her never doing that lol, she tried but didnt, get it? she’s also pretty stiff, but she looks like she’s having fun so u just keep teaching her moves, and she likes that its you teaching her something new),
Thoma (shy #5 ? idek what number we’re on anymore lol),
TIGHNARI (u nag that bitch so hard he nearly throws a drink at you to get u to stop bothering him- NO he does NOT think those dances would suit his ears- dammit he wont do that dance, no matter how much he likes you- DAMMIT MY LORD-),
Xiao (if u thought nagging Tighnari was hard, this is like nightmare mode, not only does he not wanna do the dances, but he also wants to understand WHY u want him to dance each and every move- !! bc he would “look cute or cool”?!?!!?!!! …yeah he’s gone, he went so red u cant even get him back with tofu),
Zhongli (would like, be so confused on how to make his body do that, that he ended up just sort of posing, at least he looks cool)
(anyone not on these 2, u did, in fact, not manage to convince, yes, even if their god asked them to, nor are they doing it of their own volition lol)
also, im like, three weeks away form graduating uni? NICE, soon i will be free to assault u all with responses mwhahahaha (rubs my little gremlin hands together)
Safe travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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theee-collector · 1 year
Teen Wolf Librarian AUs
A collection of Sterek fics where one of them is a librarian (most play in a library themselves)
This is Lovecantrophy by orphan_account
12.1K | Sterek | Teen
In which Valentine's Day is closely approaching, and Derek is a disgruntled grad student who works at a library. He's hit a roadblock on his thesis, he's harboring a (not so secret) crush on Stiles, and he keeps receiving werewolf-themed gifts from a secret admirer. Basically, Derek is totally oblivious and angsty, Stiles does a lot of planning off-screen, and Erica and Scott are awesome friends who are awesome.
Unknowing First Date by gayderek
1.2k | Sterek | General
Derek doesn't share, but for some reason he lets the mystery boy sitting across from him borrow his headphones. Turns out that the Mystery Boy isn't mysterious at all. He's kind of annoying, but he's kind of cute too.
You're the piece that I just found out how to fit to by pseudofoucault333
23.2k | Sterek | Explicit
Stiles is known as the tattooed reference Librarian, the somewhat reluctant crush of most teenagers in Beacon Hills and the son of the Sheriff. Derek is the new Deputy in town who has a history of heartbreak. Will Stiles' persistence pay off to help him get Derek to trust him and will Derek finally admit to himself that not everyone looks at him and sees a pretty face?
Inside this place is warm by wolfcloaks
40k | Sterek | Explicit
Coming down; One love, two mouths  Stiles Stilinski: -Senior at Berkley -Double majoring in Human Biology and Biomedical Engineering -Student Librarian -Closet Artist -Basket case extrodanaire -Hopelessly crushing on Derek Hale (read as: pining) Derek Hale: -Grad Student at Berkley -Philosophy Major -Dog enthusiast -Does not cry during The Notebook, fuck you,Laura -Is definitely not pining over the librarian with the cute moles -Would very much like to tell the librarian's curly haired boyfriend to fuck off Or Where Derek and Stiles are complete dweebs in love and jump to horribly inaccurate conclusions Or When your meet-cute turns into a bit of an (light) angst fest but it's all ok in the end
Hale's Library & Coffee Shop by scarlettletterr
3.8k | Sterek | Mature
College Student Stiles is looking for a place to work - so he can pay his bills - when his friend from class, Erica, mentions that her boss is looking for someone to help at Hale's Library and Coffee Shop. Stiles gets the job, along with a giant crush on his boss, Derek, that seems obvious to anyone but him.
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
6.1k | Sterek | General
“Hi,” Stiles said jovially with a bright smile. “How can I help you?” For a few seconds, hot, sexy guy said nothing. He just stared at Stiles like he’d never seen another human being before. Eventually, after a sufficiently long and awkward silence, hot, sexy guy had said, “I’m looking for a book.” “Sure thing!” Stiles had then waited. Because—he worked in the public library, so someone coming in asking for a book was normal, but only asking for a book with no other details was a little too vague. “Um, I’m gonna need you to be a little bit more specific,” he’d informed him. “Right.” Hot, sexy guy had looked flustered, some of his murderous aura dissipating.
Checking You Out by wherearethebreaks
7k | Sterek | General
Usually, the people who actually did come into the library used the computers. Usually, Derek could just sit at the small table behind the circulation desk and spread out his papers and get his homework done. But not that day. Oh no. No, some random guy just barged in, doors slamming loudly behind him, tripped over a display for some new books they'd gotten, and didn't sign in, (which, who doesn't know that you have to sign in during school hours?) all before running, running, into the non-fiction shelves. Who runs in the library? Who doesn't sign in? The librarian who usually had to deal with the rowdy and unruly teens that often wandered inside to talk loudly with their friends, was in the bathroom. Meaning, Derek was the one who was going to have to deal with this kid. Something he'd never really done before; therefore, didn't know how to deal with. "Uh, excuse me?" A.K.A: Derek is a library student aid and loves the peace and quiet, a quiet that is interrupted by a fellow student that Derek has to kindly deal with. To bad the guy's a total cutie that shows up the next day, and the one after that to ask him out.
You taste so bitter and so sweet by EmmisaryStilinski22
5.2k | Sterek | Not rated
Dear 402, Your two dogs woke me up every night this week at 4 am! Please silence your hounds from hell! Regards, 403
Dog Days of Summer by CarnalCoffeeBean
1.9k | Sterek | General
Beacon Hills, as it turns out, is actually boring as hell. Or, the one in which summer is boring, Derek accidentally becomes a library volunteer, Lydia and Erica get shit done, Stiles researches werewolves, and multiple people trip, stumble, and fall flat on their faces on their way towards something resembling love.
Special Collections by hannah_baker
16.4k | Sterek | Explicit
Stiles Stilinski is a senior in college working on his thesis. Derek Hale is the grumpy (though inhumanely attractive) special collections librarian. All they needed was a common interest to spark a friendship that becomes more than either of the bargained for.
Can I get Your (call) Number, baby by lielabell
4.9k | Sterek | Teen
Thing is, for the most part, Stiles's loves his job. He loves the quiet hush of the library, the way it smells like must and old books. He likes walking through the stacks, collecting books to be shelved. Likes sitting at the reference desk, hell, he even likes the fact that they still have a card catalog, even though no one ever uses it. Everything about the job is amazing. Except... Except for the music majors.
Stacking up by bravelittlesoldier
8.2k | Sterek | Teen
Stiles is working in the basement of the Library of Congress and is feeling his social skills quickly deteriorate. Then along comes a new librarian working at Circulation who is most definitely a male model. Maybe its time to start re-socializing.
Librarians Always Know What To Say by codarra
1.1k | Sterek | General
Derek comes into the library where Stiles works. A lot. Only he doesn't know Stiles' name. And he's fairly certain Stiles doesn't know Derek exists.
Baby, I'm yours by yodasyoyo
4k | Sterek | Teen
Honestly, Derek Hale didn’t think he could be surprised anymore at the things you see working behind the circulation desk of the university library. He thought he’d seen it all. There’s a guy that comes in on Thursdays that carries a kitten in his bag and thinks Derek doesn’t know. There’s another guy that comes in every other day or so to catch a nap in a secluded corner. And then there’s the couple that Derek’s had to kick out three times now for having sex in the stacks. There’s this one guy that has, by far, expanded Derek’s list of strange happenings in the library. He only knows the guy’s name because he has to come to Derek to check out his books and it shows up on the computer but it’s not actually anything Derek can pronounce so it doesn’t really help. Anyway, Unpronounceable-first-name Stilinski is always up to something.
#librarynerd by yodasyoyo
7.7k | Sterek | Teen
“I’ll likely get far more done in the group if I’m not distracted watching you with your pen--” “My--My pen?” “Pens. Drinking straws. Don’t act like you don’t know,” Derek says darkly. “You know.” ____________ In which Stiles follows Scott into his Spanish study group, takes one look at the hot nerd who runs it and then decides to stay... even though he doesn't actually speak Spanish.
Old you in the garbage(new you in display case) by dearericbittle (dutchmoxie)
13.5k | Sterek | Teen
Stiles is lonely and desperate and suffering from a crush on the grumpiest librarian. So what’s a boy to do but cook up a ridiculous plan to get himself dated and/or finally get laid before the holidays? He just wants his She’s All That moment, okay? He never expected that the plan would actually help him get the guy.
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goosehadfood · 2 months
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I forgot to post this because I finished it at like 12 and then I was too busy looking at what cool lichens I could add to her and then I ended up far down a Wikipedia rabbit hole at 2 am.
Anyways lichens are literally so cool because they are like THE symbiotic relationship. Like the 2 components most lichens have (Algae and fungi) are so intertwined that they are considered their OWN SPECIES?!?! THEIR OWN FAMILY?!?! Like when most people refer to symbiosis they refer to things like clown fish and anemones, which is a good example but both can survive somewhat without each other. But the algae and fungi that make up lichens are SO intertwined that they can be considered species of their own and are often ONLY seen with each other! That’s like if clown fish and anemones became so reliant on each other that they merged and became their own species. THAT IS SO AWESOME PEOPLE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS MORE PLEASE IVE BEEN HOLDING THIS INFORMATION IN FOR SO LONG AND NOBOY CARES WHEN I EXPLAIN HOW COOL THIS IS.
Ok deep breath guys sorry you had to deal with that infodump but if anyone ever asks me about plants/fungi/algae I will never shut up they are my special interests and I will never get tired of them.
Anyways I added some Foliose lichen to sequoia’s back instead adding those web thingys. I also tried to add some flavoparmelia caperata on the knot near the end of her wing since it’s one of my favorite kinds of lichen. I also added some of this one type of mushroom that usually appears on older trees but I forget its name.
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Hehe haha anyways I’m totally normal about plants you guys should ask me about plants because I am sooo normal about them it’s crazy.
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
Aaravos x reader Hcs
here r some aaravos hcs bc i am in pain i wrote this with killer cramps while running on 4 hrs of sleep and an energy bar so i cant promise this will be good.
🥀CW: fluffiness, teasing, smut, thigh riding, subby aaravos, oral (reader receiving), hair pulling?, wax play, overall filth
🥀minors dni with nsfw part
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after being trapped in the mirror for so long, aaravos is severely touch starved
whether u two are in a romantic or platonic relationship, your personal space is his personal space as well (unless u tell him to leave you alone, but even then he'll still probably tease)
He is the type to just walk up to you and rest his arm on your head
he is TALL
if you are short (like me) and you ever need to reach something up high, this man practically materializes behind you to grab it for you he will hold it above his head and giggle while you struggle but will eventually give it to you
i feel like hes the type of person to enjoy slow and "elegant" music he would love my way by frank sinatra you can not tell me im wrong bc im not
aaravos will pull you into a slow waltz at random times
he enjoys the arts, and i feel like he would enjoy painting and doing sketches of you
he LOVES it if you play with his hair, just run your hands through it and he will literally melt
if you can do pretty hairstyles or braids he will be very content in relaxing while you do his hair
aaravos definitely enjoys reading, and would totally read to you if you asked (he would tease u a little tho but thats ok)
"do you really enjoy my voice that much, little star?"
he has the most stunning laugh
normally he just lets out small chuckles or smirks but the first time you make him genuinely laugh you just sit there in awe
he is ✨fabulous✨and takes forever to get ready
the type to arrive fashionably late (he will make an effort to arrive on time for dates tho)
hes a total drama queen and will make a huge deal about kissing you
he acts all confident but in reality is ridiculously nervous when he first met you
you were the first person to truly capture his heart and he doesn't want to fuck it up
he knows he isnt the most easy person (elf??) to love but will make an effort to be better for you
he prefers to listen in conversation rather then talk alot, however if you ask him about something hes interested in or ask him a magic question or something he will gladly talk for hours
enjoys holding your hand, you two are practically linked at the waist
he worries more then he lets on and will enchant little objects and give them to you for protection when he isnt't around
whether you are with him before or after his imprisonment, he is EXPERIENCED
he likes positions where he can be close to you such as missionary, but also likes you on top of him/riding him
if you pull his hair or his horns he will immediately submit
he likes to use his size to his advantage and pin you down
really into biting and marking, esp after his imprisonment, he wants everyone to know your his
whether your human or an elf, he will overstimulate you
he can go for hours
i feel like he would prefer giving to receiving, he will eat you out or suck you off for HOURS until you are whimpering for him to slow down
if you have boobs, he will mark them and play with them there is no question
he is 1000% into wax play he can make his hands really hot or cold and the sight of u with wax slowly dripping down your chest makes him feral
wouldnt mind if you did the same to him 👀
i feel like he would be super into it if you rode his thigh, he would be mocking you the whole time but it would turn him on sm
"you couldn't wait at all, hmm? is your pretty little cunt/cock really so needy that you had to be this impatient? acting like a bitch in heat, covering my thigh with your slick. your going to have to clean up your mess dear~"
he gets pissed if he asks you a question and you dont respond
super into eye contact during sex, he thinks its very intimate and attractive
your pleasure ALWAYS comes first with him, he will make you come at least twice before coming on his own
i dont think he would be super into causing you a lot of pain, like i dont think he would want to hurt you alot but will pinch and occasionally slap if your into that
super into being in pain for himself though
edge him until hes sobbing, then overstim him until his thighs are shaking
cover them in marks, he will admire them later
overall a very attentive and sensual lover, but definitely has a dirty side<3
can you tell i have an obsession? lmao. i tried to make this super gender neutral, lmk if there are any mistakes! reqs are open, im considering getting into writing some more
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Danny's Evil Jaunt Pt. 3
(this is the chapter but I have work soon so I will tag everyone later a swell as links) @little-pondhead @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 (you two get tagged because your the big inspirations :D
warnings: swearing
Word count: 1.3k
Let it be known that Fright Knight loves his job. It's literally why he still exists. He exists to serve the King of the Infinite Realms and stand as the embodiment of Halloween and similar celebrations. That said, he feels conflicted as he gazes at the mechanical husk his future king shows off. 
Compared to a normal mortal, its stature was massive. Though for Fright Knight it was about equal height, possibly a little smaller. The inspiration was clear and a little flattering. The metal was shaped into a stylized Fright Knight, complete with a (mundane) sword.
He eyes his king as the Halfa clings to its arm. He rambled about how he was planning on taking the husk to a pocket that was populated with heroes with him to guard him, and how he wanted Fright Knight to help with ‘teaching it how to do those cool sword moves you do Frighty!’.
Has his king replaced him?!?! No, surely not! There's no way this heap of scrap could ever compare! He had been around for CENTURIES while this thing hadn't even existed an hour ago! The king still had his hands inside it making adjustments yet!
“My Liege! Please forgive any misgivings about this… thing, but may I know the purpose of such a creation? You said that it was for protection yet I am here.”
His king turned his head towards him, arms still hidden within the side of the imposter. “His name is Fright-bot, and he's gonna keep the heroes off me while I work! They get annoying when you're trying to do some welding and all of a sudden you have like three arrows comin’ at ya real fast.” the young Halfa finally pulled his glove clad hands out of the monstrosity.
“He's also for keeping my other works safe, that's why I need him first. I’m thinkin’ of keeping most of my bots in my ‘therapy’ dimension that Clocky showed me for convenience, and they need a guard! But I can't just have you away to protect them! You need to do head guard stuff! I know you want to protect me and stuff but I can’t just let you just out in the living world with me all the time!” the king continued as he slid the siding back onto the almost finished robot. “Besides! It's kinda like you're protecting me from afar! Since it’ll be your techniques and stuff. I just gave it a body and Tuck helped me with the learning algorithm stuff so you can teach it.” his legs finally released his hold on the beings arm, dropping into a handstand and falling back onto his feet upright.
The flaming kight considered this. While it’s true that he can’t always accompany his king (as much as he would like to) it would be nice to have some assurance that the King would be safe. Perhaps he could convince the King into some sort of deal…?
Well Danny could say that he’s extremely happy with the events that happened at the castle! He and Frighty came to a deal finally! Frighty would teach Fright-bot how to fight and stuff but Danny would have to put in a built-in alarm system that notified Frighty that something bad was happening, so he could come in and save Danny’s day. Overall pretty good! Now to start working on those blueprints, he was so excited!
‘Ok, who gave the kid permission to build huge robots?’ Oliver thought as he saw the Fenton kid perched on top of the mecha-knight looking thing, and pulled back on his bow. Just as he released the arrow the thing’s head swiveled around like an owl and caught the damn thing! The kid looked up at Ollie and smiled.
“HI MISTER ARROW!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?” the kid shouted at him and jumped off the robot. Oliver sighed and readied another shot but was forced off his rooftop position by the purple knight.
“Who's your friend there, kid? He looks like the wrong kinda crowd,” the kid’s grin grew wider as he unfolded that damn cannon and attached it to a slightly glowing tank on his thigh.
“Do Ya like ‘im?! I built him myself, his name is Fright-Bot!” The fanged grin of the kid did not get any less unsettling as the newly dubbed ‘Fright-bot’ landed next to Fenton again.
“Uh uh, real nice kid. Why don’t you calm down and give up for today, yeah?” Oliver made sure to keep the knight within his sight. It honestly looked like it could snap someone in half.
“Hmm? Ahh.. I don't think so Mr.Arrow, I worked really hard on Fright-bot and I wanna see how I can make him better y’know! I promise I’ll keep the damage to a minimum!”
“You have your fingers crossed behind your back, don’t you.”
“What nooo… I would never lie Mr. Arrow, it's very hurtful that you would even CONSIDER that I would do such a thing. I believe you owe me an Ice cream now!”
“Kid, there was a snowstorm yesterday. And I don’t think you need any sugar.” The bow pulled back and the Knight rushed.
It wasn’t a fair fight in the slightest, Ollie was out numbered and the goo that was glowing a slight blue-green did not help. Especially with the still slick roads, so it was only a matter of time before his legs were stuck to the concrete. Frozen actually, the goo turned into weird ice. Fenton had the big guy grab his arms while the kid himself searched his body, eventually finding his wallet. The one he brought on patrol in case he got a bit hungry. Guess he was really buying the kid ice cream after all.
“14..15..16..21. Nice! You think it’ll cover it Fright-bot? I don’t know the prices but I think it’ll be enough. You watch Mr. Arrow for me! I’ll be back soon I promise!” and like that the kid expertly glided over the iced roads and into the Ice cream parlor. To be fair to the kid, the Ice cream here was kinda expensive.
While the kid was gone Oliver tried to escape from the Ice and the robot, but neither were budging. Well until Roy came up and stabbed the focused robot in the back, somehow causing it to malfunction and release Ollie’s arms. It fell to the ground with a heavy thud as Fenton came out of the parlor. 
“Oh no! HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” Fenton screeched. Then released a guttural groan and whine. “Come onnnn…. I still had an hour left! And now I have to leave EARLY!” he honest to god pouted at the two vigilanties. 
Then a lazarus green swirling mass opened in between the opposing parties and out stepped another Fright-bot, this time with a much more intimidating demeanor. This one was bathed in purple fire and held a sword covered in green flames that gave off the feeling of nightmares. 
“MY KING! I RECEIVED THE ALERT AND CAME AS SOON AS I COULD'' it bellowed. Shaking the ground around them.
King? What, did Fenton make them refer to him as King? That felt weirdly out of character for what they had seen so far. 
“Frighty! You were just WAITING outside weren’t you!” Fenton yelled at the knight. The knight didn’t take his eyes off the two perceived threats. And picked up Fenton by the scruff of his coat.
“My King! I knew we couldn’t trust your safety with that pile of metal! Only I- FRIGHT KNIGHT, is worthy of protecting you! NOW YOU TWO. YOU ARE HEREBY GUIL--” the knight spoke and was cut off by Fenton. 
“We get it Frigty! Just.. Can you grab the Fright-bot and just take us home please… I told you this was a trial run to see how to improve him!” the child pleaded. The knight stared forward for a few moments before sighing and coming forward, yanking Oliver out of the Ice and flinging Roy and him out of the way. Then picking up the lifeless metal and carrying Fenton away through another swirling portal where it closed behind them seconds after they were out of sight. 
“Hey Arrow, what the FUCK was that?”
“A massive pain in the ass that keeps getting bigger”
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siren-speaks · 1 year
ok so another Total Drama AU
i have some problems with creating AUs
But a monster world tour AU. like some contestants are monster
for example:
noah- a siren that doesn't like music alejandro- a vegetarian vampire izzy- a shapeshifter that definitely shouldn't be a shapeshifter owen- a human that everyone thinks is a monster bc of how he can eat but no just human tyler- a ghost that can feel pain duncan- high elf that is just a piece of trash Courtney- demon that is very particular about her deals Sierra- nymph that was so obsessed with cody she carries around her potted plant she comes from cody- alien that tries hard to act normal but acts weirder than if he didn't try
and they would just end up messing up and not really competing but also not allowing the other to win.
(its bc most of them have long lifespans/ have no defined age, so they don't really need the money bc they have the money or just scam it out of people)
heather and gwen are the only ones who know that something off about the other contestants, but no one listens.
(this would be alenoah bc yes [also heather is a normal human, and i see a teen dating a 100+ vampire a little weird so no])
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