#is there like a version online somewhere of the app????
socksandbuttons · 2 years
Thoughts on Wreck It Ralph being 10 years old?
I keep thinking its december for its anniversary lol
I watched it for my birthday thats why
And its been 10 years and its still a fave honestly
(My tags hold a lot of my thoguhts)
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sunshineandspencer · 3 months
heyyy!! idk if you take requests or anything but I was listening the song “Three Letters” from She Loves Me and heard the line “If it weren’t for your endearing letters/ I’d be flying south will all the geese” and totally thought of Garcia signing up Spencer for a lonely hearts thing (as a kinda joke kinda not) and so he starts writing the reader but don’t know it’s each other. then they agree to meet somewhere and realize it’s each other and?! idk if that makes sense lol thought it was cute though
Three Letters (Request)
A/N: Hello!!!! I definitely do. I just haven’t had the chance to sort it all out (colds and farming sims own my life) but let me tell you this idea has me kicking and screaming. I’ve done something like this before but I can’t find it for the life of me and I love the idea that they’re writing to each other and just don’t realise - I took it as the sense that they’re co-workers and Garcia signed them both up, not expecting them to get each other. I really hope this is what you were looking for!! Also I have never heard of a lonely hearts thing (I’m British) but I love the idea of it, and hope that it’s definitely what google told me it is.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader.
Summary: Garcia is tired of Spencer being single, and if the only way to fix that is to sign him up for a singles pen-pal society, then so be it. While she’s at it, let her add their other co-worker as well, there’s no way that could have any impact.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: fluff, implied sa but nothing detailed
be added to the taglist
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Some part of him knew that this was a good thing, that talking to someone and hopefully getting a relationship out of this was a good thing.
However, Penelope - loving, caring, thoughtful Penelope - had been hard at work ever since she met him to find him somebody to love. It.. hadn’t gone well, and that is the politest possible way he could’ve phrased that without hurting her feelings.
First there were the dates, with a collection of either Penelope, JJ or Elle’s friends - none of which had turned out great.
In fact, one woman had stormed out the minute she saw him, because she assumed that FBI agents were all muscle and Spencer was the last thing she wanted to see. Another zoned out every single time he started talking, just humming or nodding until even he realised that she wasn’t interested.. she fell asleep in her damn salad. The final straw, however, was the woman who got outrageously drunk and tried to blatantly ignore his aversion to touch.
He got out of that as soon as he found her friend to get her home safely, and swore off ever trusting a date from any of those three women ever again.
Penelope, however, didn’t give up.
Her next plan of attack started online, with dating websites. Notorious in their line of work for usually being full of catfish and UnSubs, and many dating websites led to men and women being murdered. But she’s insistent, and he’s desperate to love somebody.
There are only several things that went better than his first foray into the online dating scene, and one of those is a vehicular fire, which tells you all you need to know.
Several of the women he matched with ended up only looking for someone to help them cheat on their significant others, many of them married. Which made his bright outlook on love slightly dimmer. The final woman from the online dating websites was the woman who turned out to actually be an UnSub - looking for cute young men to complete her ‘collection’, a human version of an antique doll set.
It was not a fun case to take part in, certainly not when he was greeted with the way he would’ve turned out had he met up with the woman and not done a background check on her first.
After that, he firmly shut down Penelope’s insistence on dating apps as well, his technophobia had barely survived having to use a computer for so long, and the library computers were an embarrassing place to try and match with the ‘love of his life’. So an app on his phone. Absolutely not.. he doesn't even know how to do that.
There was a break, a few months where Penelope didn’t try to push him into anything new or exciting, or downright horrifying. He turned twenty-four, he had a failed date with JJ, in which she actually bought along Penelope, and suddenly it all changed.
In his letterbox a couple weeks after that, was a letter. It had his home address on, but not his name, merely addressed to whoever this may concern.
It was gorgeous craftsmanship, a cream envelope with an actual lilac wax stamp on the back, with little flowers pressed into the wax. Of course, assuming this was an incoming case, he called Garcia to try and trace it, where she finally came clean.
“I’m so sorry! I completely forgot, I signed you up to a lonely hearts club. It’s a small society for two single people to exchange letters anonymously so you can get to know each other over time. It’s all handwritten! I thought you’d like that more than having to use a computer again. I’m sorry pumpkin, I- I can take you out of the society if you like?”
He thought about it, he actually thought about it so long that Penelope actually thought he’d hung up on her, or died, or something else entirely because he’s never this quiet.
But.. how bad could it really be?
It could, theoretically, be terrible, but it can’t hurt to try one last thing. He would have contact with whoever this is - he’s assuming a woman from the handwriting and the care gone into just the envelope alone - and if it all goes to hell then it just wasn’t meant to be.
One last try at love, he can grant himself that. Anonymously, he can do that, give himself a pen name and try to fall for words on a page - his written word was always better than his verbal flirting anyway.
As it turned out, however, he didn’t need to give himself a name, she’d given him one already.
“Hello sweet thing! Sorry if that comes off as too strong already, I’m just incredibly nervous and didn’t know what else to call you, so that is officially your name from now on. Unless you hate it, then you can absolutely tell me and I promise not to cry about it. I really don’t know what to say, do I start with my favourite things? Well.. I like Doctor Who, and I’ve always--”
The more he read of the letter, the more he wished it was even longer. This woman, wherever she is, whoever she is, is starting to make this out as the best idea Penelope has ever had.
He all but crashed his way into the stationary store, grabbing the prettiest envelopes and pens, and little details to add to the letter that he was so excited to add. Steamrolling through the store and getting back home to quickly respond. Instantly realising he was being far more.. poetic than he meant.
It was the combination of the childish excitement of having a penpal, his mother reading him love poems as a child, and his extensive knowledge on love letters.
Hell, he even ended his own letter with a Shakespeare quote. Basic, he knows, but it’s hard to think of anything beyond wanting her reply.
“‘Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.’ Yours, Sweet thing.”
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It had been nearly three months of exchanging letters, and he was absolutely smitten with this woman. They had stuck to the rules and not given away any of their information, only talking about the things they like and eventually writing nearly daily.
It would be daily if it weren’t for the useless postage system.
He knows that she lives pretty close to him, he knows her address, plus they’d both admitted to searching each other’s houses, and they’re only about twenty minutes away by car.
That’s it, however, they haven’t looked for the other person despite being desperate for it.
They had described themselves through letters, but both ultimately agreed to just talk and see how it goes and base their furthering relationship off that rather than off their looks. Of course, that just sprung up more worries that he won’t visually be enough whenever they finally meet.
Meeting was, by far, the one thing he both wanted and dreaded.
This woman, who he had only ever addressed with a barrage of cute nicknames and poetical references, who understood his every word and reciprocated his nerdy obsessions and added her own.. he wants to know her so badly.
There is a very big underlying fear that the minute they meet, it’ll be over, the magic of what they are will fade and he’ll lose all this. The thought of her letters being sent to someone else physically pains him.
Penelope, ecstatic that one of her ideas had finally worked, had been badgering to meet with his ‘mystery woman’ for weeks now.
Finally, when she also, tentatively asked to meet with him for Valentine’s Day of all days, he knew she couldn’t deny her a single thing. Not when she sent with her letter, a coupon for flowers on their date.
A date. God.. he has a date for Valentine’s Day.
Not really a holiday he’s ever put much thought into before, but now it suddenly felt like the most important day that had ever existed. And one that came up far sooner than he expected it to.
Even with the place booked - a cute little café a little ways between both their apartments - and his outfit picked, and a card and little teddy picked with the help of Penelope, he didn’t feel ready. Perhaps it’s the lingering fear of rejection the minute she has to deal with him in person, or the fact that his last dates certainly didn’t go well.
Even with Penelope’s reassurance that she’ll adore him, especially after she actually read through his twelve page letter after she’d asked for his opinion on Egyptian mythology. Sending back her own absurdly long letter with a bunch more questions and her own fun facts that she could remember. He’s still absolutely losing his mind at the thought of having to finally meet her.
He got to the café about half an hour earlier than he needed to, wanting to make sure it was perfect (definitely not because he would’ve gone insane at home).
Spending whatever time it took for her to arrive making the table look nice, messing with his hair in the reflection and wondering if it really was getting too long. Constantly fixing his tie, and redoing it a hundred times over and tucking into his maroon cardigan sweater which Elle had called ‘dorky’.
Once it got to fifteen minutes before their date should’ve started, he felt a light tap on his shoulder, immediately rushing to get up and turn to meet his mystery writer. But.. it’s just the waiter, asking if he wanted another drink.
Jesus, they probably think he’s been stood up, and he quickly asks for another glass of water. 
As the man walked away, he ran his fingers through his hair again, looking towards the door - he’d been sat with his back facing it or else he wouldn’t have stopped staring for fifteen minutes.
Immediately, someone was looking at him, a vague sense of recognition swimming across her face. For a few split seconds he thinks it could be her, a beautiful woman with a bouquet of purple lilac blooms in her hands, but then he realises who it is, offering a small wave.
She’s friends with Penelope and, by extension, he’s spoken to and interacted with her quite a few times. They got on pretty well but never anything more than that since she’s always busy, part of the FBI’s CSI unit, and she’d even helped on a few cases before. But she isn’t here for him, she can’t be.
Walking over, she gives him a bright smile, eyes darting to the empty table and three empty water glasses - he’s been here for a while.
“Spencer! Hi! It’s nice to see you.”
“You too, I like the outfit.”
Looking down at herself for a few moments, she grins and then looks back up, doing a quick spin and then settling him with a mock-serious look.
“I’ve got a hot date, Penny said he would like this.”
“You look beautiful, don’t worry.”
Ahh, there goes any chance that she’s here for him, offering a smile and reassuring her that she looks great, eyes darting behind her to the door as she bounced on the balls of her feet. Eventually sucking a deep breath between her teeth and looking back as well.
Which got his attention, especially when she looked around the rest of the café with a confused look on her face. Sighing softly and looking around, his date wasn’t here, may as well help her.
“What does he look like?”
Turning back, she offered him a bashful smile, but she wasn’t going to turn down his offer of help, not when he’s tall and can see over all the stupid tall people around the café. Also.. it’s a very weird thing to explain.
Moving a hand to fidget with her necklace, his eyes focusing on it, vividly remembering her letters.
“--honestly, I have the coping mechanisms of a child. I still play with my necklace when I get nervous.”
“I don’t actually know, it’s sort of a blind date. Really hard to explain, Penelope kind of set us up in a way. I’m actually about fifteen minutes early so he’s probably not even here.”
There is.. no way this is happening right now. She’s still looking around the café for her mystery date, who might just be standing in front of her and he.. doesn’t know what to say or how to get his tongue to pick up from the base of his mouth.
Suddenly, and pretty violently, he’s flooded with the personality of the woman he’s been talking to for months, all of it projected onto her in front of him. It matches, from what he remembers.
The vague descriptions, her proximity to the FBI building, the fact she knows Penelope, the little TARDIS pin he’d seen on her lanyard that he never got the nerves to ask her about. Turning up to a date with a guy she doesn’t know, holding a bouquet of flowers that clearly weren’t for her, causing the flower token in his back pocket to start burning.
Fishing it out and stepping closer, getting her attention, surprised eyes snapping up to meet his at his sudden proximity. Until he took her hand and shoved the handmade coupon into it, her breathing immediately coming in short as they both looked down at it. Her voice trembled slightly.
“Oh~ hello sweet thing..”
“.. hello.” At his soft voice, she looked up and she gave him a completely bashful smile that matched the cute little poetic ramblings she’s been obsessed with for months. “Uhm, are those for me then?”
They both looked down at the flowers in her hands and she handed them over, feeling her heart shoot up into her throat as their hands brushed. Pointing at the purple lilac blooms as if he wouldn’t already know the meaning.
Needing to focus on something other than the fact that she’s going to kiss Penelope Garcia hard on the mouth for this.
“They uh- they are usually given to someone you meet for the first time, and signify the first emotions of love. Kind of love at first sight- not- not that I’m saying I’m in love with you, that would be a crazy thing to say on the first date- absolutely crazy--”
He eventually shut her up, leaning down to peck her lips softly, all nerves and panicked rambling dropped to just look up at him, in utter awe. Okay, maybe she can fall in love with him, she’s already halfway there with a month of letters.
Carefully, he guided her to their table with a hand on the small of her back as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and also he’d just kissed her to shut her up, and it worked.
“It’s fine, I love them, really. And Penelope was right, as your date I love the outfit.”
“Thank you, I love your sweater and-- ohmygod--”
As they sat down at the table, she buried her face into her hands, causing him to panic slightly, reaching out to carefully touch her shoulder. Saying her name worriedly as he set the flowers onto the table.
But she just looked up with a soft whine of embarrassment, peaking at him over her fingers.
“I called you my hot date to your face! That’s so embarrassing.”
Instantly relieved that it wasn’t anything he’d done, easing into a soft laugh and leaning back in his chair after squeezing her shoulder.
“It was cute! You didn’t even know who I was and you still called me hot.”
“It’s mortifying, you’ll never forget it and use it in your wedding vows or something.”
Sure, she was joking, but in the back of his head he filed something away for the future. A tiny, mental box, labelled ‘wedding vows’, wondering how long it would be until he could actually use that. 
Until then, he’d have to stick to ordering dinner on their first date.
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taglist ( ˘ ³˘)♥ @peliides @peachsodameg @angelinajolie0213 @jiggly-puff-12 @khxna @kennedy2156 @trulycayla @none-of-your-bullshit @alexxavicry @meg-black @princess76179 @khxna @chicken-fifi  (if your tag is here and it doesn't work, check your settings to see who is allowed to tag you or this might not work)
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fanghaunt · 3 months
Do you have any tips on how to render or anatomy? Specifically furry anatomy.
i dunno how to make this specifically furry but yes!
studying the forms and shapes of the human body is the best way to figure out how form and shading works. what i use to study is this figure drawing tool which is pretty good substitute for a figure drawing class if you dont have access to one
and then for references, i have a copy of the book "anatomy for sculptors" (i think theres a pdf version online somewhere but idk). iiiii wouldnt 100% recommend Buying that one bc while it does have useful information theres a lot of eurocentric/straight sized features described as "ideal" instead of being like. actually diverse information. but i do think there is good stuff in there besides that
another reference i use is the app "magic poser" for ipad. i paid the $10 or whatever it is for the extra features, its worth it
and finally, here's my massive pinterest board of pose references i use for inspiration
Studying this stuff will make it easier to draw and render whatever u want, including however u want to draw furry bods!
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dduane · 7 months
Middle Kingdoms "Tale of the Five" Mark V covers, minimalist (type 1) group, TDIF
This is the only one of these where I'm not going to put the work under a cut, because there are going to be twelve of them before I'm done, and I don't want to bore people with the roughs in progress.
So this was the sketch for this group's Door Into Fire cover the other day...
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And here's a rough example of what I was seeing in my head.
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Possibly a little on the nose, but (a) I had to start somewhere, and (b) it was 1 AM when I finished work on this one and I was beyond caring. :)
The "since we're talking about doors, let's lean into that" concept is one that's appeared in previous covers on this series—both mine and other people's—but none of mine have looked this polished, because I just wasn't as good at this stuff ten years ago as I am now, and I've now got far better tools.
...Though one hilarious exception to this situation has been applied to the lettering. The extremely nice Eye Candy plugin from Exposure Software once in its much earlier versions ran on both Corel Photo Paint (my preferred design software for pushing three decades now) and Adobe's various versions of Photoshop. But for whatever reason(s), that situation came to an end. Now, I have Eye Candy for Photoshop... but I really hate Photoshop, and avoid using it whenever possible.
So in order to add some pop to the Cinzel Decorative font on this page, I had to go elsewhere... which in my case means to the little Samsung notebook computer that lives (mostly snoozing) in the front window of the living room, and is still running Windows XP. (Because of this it's never allowed to go online any more, as it can't be made secure.) I refuse to get rid of it because we've traveled too far together, and I've written too many books on it, and I love it too much. But its other chief virtue is that it will still run Corel 11 (which my newer Windows machines refuse to do). And the install of Corel PP 11 in the Samsung will still happily run the old version of Eye Candy, which has all the familiar presets that I tinkered together over years of use. I really need to sit down, eventually, and figure out how to train the current version of Eye Candy to accept the presets from the older one.
But today is not that day. Today I just plugged in the .cpt Photo Paint file and edited it to add the golden-colored effect on those letters. That was all this rough needed for me to kick it to one side and get on with thinking about the next one.
Anyway, for those interested in materials: the hand and the doorway were created using Daz Studio. The blue fire is stock art. (I do have a very nice app called Flame Painter, from Escape Motions, but I'm not yet expert enough with it to use it much in cover work.) The basic (parent) font is Cinzel, as I mentioned: both Cinzel Bold and Cinzel Decorative Bold variants are used in this cover.
There are still a number of things that can use some tweaking in this one, but as I said, this is a rough. Over the next week or so I'll get around to the other two in this set, and get a better sense whether this whole idea is workable—as if the style doesn't work well across all three covers in the trilogy, it's useless.
And now I'm going to go make some oatcakes, as @petermorwood someone seems to have eaten all the ones I made last week. :)
(cc: @mutantenfisch: Links to the print copies at Amazon are over here, if you don't feel like waiting for the new covers...)
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
What you'll find here (refreshed Intro post, 16 June, 2024)
I generally post whatever is on my mind, especially contemplative and/or silly. Disability rights, queer rights, literature and the arts are perennial subjects.
Rest Assured: I will never make a “Reblog, or else you’re a bad person,” or “Reblog, or else bad things will happen.” post.
(Though I may ask for signal boosts, if someone is asking for specific help / advice, and needs to get their message out)
What counts as "Good Manners" around here:
Don't be mean. There's no need to be mean. Remember, wherever you go, there you are.
Praise what you enjoy before criticizing what you don't.
When you do give criticism, let it be reasoned ("It sucks!" isn’t reasoning).
Don't belittle, or mock, people for the things they enjoy (or what they don’t enjoy, either, respect people’s squicks, even if they seem odd to you).
If you must post provocative things, aim for provoking laughter, and provoking thought.
Remember that anger can splash onto innocent bystanders, and people "reading over your shoulder." If you must have an argument with someone in particular--rather than an argument for or against an idea--take it somewhere else (Send a private message or ask to the person)
When in doubt: Puns!
My blocking policy: When I get a notification that I have a new follower, I check, and I will block
Blogs I suspect of being a bot.
Tumblrs marked as belonging to TERFs by the app Shinigami Eyes.
Likewise, Tumblr users who want to exclude Asexual and/or Aromantic folk from the queer community (the Venn Diagram with TERFs is a near circle).
Any user that tags my posts with “q-slur." Since "Queer" is the term with the broadest definition, and widely accepted through academic consensus, I use it freely. If that word makes you uncomfortable, you would not be happy here.
Ableists . (Link to the American Wikipedia article on Ableism). This includes anyone who shows support, or asks for support, for Autism Speaks. I see a blue puzzle piece, I block immediately.
Any blog (or Anon who sends a message to my Inbox) that discourages voting in United States elections.
And Finally:
With help and suggestions from many others (some of whom wished to remain anonymous) I designed the Disability Pride Flag (Which is different from the Disability Rights Flag of the U.N.). Here is the flag as designed for computer monitors, mobile phones, and other backlit screens:
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To the extent possible under law, Ann Magill has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Visually Safe Disability Pride Flag. This work is published from: United States.
I also designed a version in fully saturated colors, which I recommend for physical media, such as actual flags, tee-shirts, print materials, etc. (Since physical media is more likely to be viewed at a distance, and atmospheric haze naturally filters bright colors).
I've put the full saturation version behind the cut (But please use the version above for online art):
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hello, Kimbap! May I request the overblot victims with an s/o who's got the ability to manipulate all kinds of electronics (computers, tvs, traffic lights) within her sight? She can also remotely control communication lines at quick speeds with this ability.
Wait that's such an interesting idea 😭 thank you for the ask! I'm sticking to the overblotters from the English version for this one ^^
Overblot students x s/o who can manipulate electronics/communications
First doesn't really see the reason behind it, thinks it's cool but doesn't see himself necessarily asking for help
He tends to like using everything on pen and paper still, so if he has to write emails or do things online, he may ask you there. In return, he helps you with things like snail mail (his handwriting's beautiful btw)
I feel like overall he would find it to be cool and will ask you about your abilities just to learn more about you. However, he won't be needing your powers anytime soon (just more simple online help would be enough)
He will only ask for your help in the most basics of tasks like turning on or off the lights or putting his phone on "do not disturb"
Despite his lazier attitude, he's pretty alert. He knows for example if you're going to use your ability when doing homework (will ask you randomly) and he learns how you are able to manipulate electronics without asking you a lot of questions
I feel like Leona would've liked you for who you were whether or not he knew about your abilities, but nonetheless he does find it to be a pretty cool (and useful) one
He really likes your abilities and will ask you to help him create some kind of digital ordering app or reservation platform for his lounge hahaha
However he does also like learning from you about your abilities and perhaps about electronics in general (you might have a lot of knowledge on them just because you use them so often). He's still not the best when it comes to online platforms, so you can definitely help him there
He finds your ability to be fascinating! While he himself won't be needing as much help as perhaps some others, he does appreciate the little help you give him when running the lounge's digital side
Will ask you how your ability came to be since it's really new to him. He likes learning about others anyways, so it's a nice thing for him to hear about!
Jamil might ask if you can hack into systems and if you can. For some reason I can see him going after scammers that try to target Kalim's computer haha. It might be kind of fun to prank them too
The vice dorm leader isn't the best with technology so you might want to help him out when you can. He'll deeply appreciate it, perhaps he'll make you some of your favorite foods in return!
You can turn off or block people that try to message him? Like all the crazy fans he has or his annoying manager? Great. He'll ask for your help
Vil's more tech-savvy than he looks, mainly because he has to keep his online presence so up to date. He however, likes how you can manipulate communications. He also likes that you can change traffic lights so whenever you two are going somewhere, expect him to ask you to use it
Though he may find your ability to be super useful, he still feels bad when asking for your help. He'll show you a lot of gratitude whenever you do end up helping him with something, perhaps in the form of a really expensive perfume haha
Probably the only one that uses your ability the most but you also like using it with him so it's a win-win situation
The internet speed in his room is like crazy high, some other Ignihyde students will ask how that's even possible. Like how can it just be Idia's room and specifically only when you're around haha
He would've been too shy to ask you for help at first, but seeing how he looked curious about your abilities you decided to help. Honestly now you two use it whenever you two play games together or watch anime (it's very convenient!)
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daredevilexchange · 1 year
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Do you like Daredevil, The Defenders, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, the Punisher, and/or Team Red, in their comics or TV (or, in some cases, cinema!) versions?
Then, get ready for the new and improved exchange… still with a Remix Option! You can say you’re open to getting a gift created from one of your own fanworks :D
Signups for DDE’s 2023 Exchange open until September 4!
Works revealed on AO3 on Halloween, and submissions posted on Tumblr from Halloween onwards.
How? Sign up here! You will be able to give several prompts (different types of prompts, too! Music, scenarios, one word prompts…) and you will, of course, receive several prompts ^_^
Your job? Use at least one of these prompts to create at least one fanwork! You can combine several prompts in one work, use the same prompt for several works… The one hard and fast rule is to respect your giftee’s squicks!
Please get in touch with your giftee anonymously if only to let them know someone is creating something for them, and of course if you have any question :-)
What types of fanwork? Here’s what you can do: Gifsets (6 gifs min), Fanfic (1,000 words min), Fanmix (6 songs + cover min), Fanvid (1 minute long min), Graphics / Fanart, needle art, podfic.
What’s the timeline? Signups until Sep 4 (your time zone is fine), prompts sent around a day or two after that (depending on your time zone), fanworks due OCT 28 in the AO3 collection if you're using AO3, and must be submitted to Tumblr. AO3 collection revealed on Halloween! If you have a scheduling issue please get in touch with the blog, we can probably work something out ^_^ And you will be able to post on the dedicated AO3 collection earlier since it will be kept unrevealed until D-Day- aka Halloween! Yes, you can go wild on bats and zombies if that's your jam ;-)
Where to post? Tumblr, AO3 (Exchange collection name: dde2023 / Daredevil and Defenders Exchange 2023)… let us know where you’re posting so we can share it on our two blogs, DW and Tumblr. AO3 can’t host video or graphics, but you can still put them up on the Archive as long as they’re already online somewhere else like Instagram, DeviantArt, YouTube, Squidge hosting, etc. Get in touch if you have questions about posting !
Posting guidelines are here (this link should be opened in a separate browser tab, NOT the app) or here, please take the time to read them! You will find more important information there. If you do not have an AO3 account and want one, please get in touch with the blog.
**Spread the word!**
A winning banner by @neonbrutalism !
Banner ID: All four Defenders and Frank are sitting around a table strewn with red goblets, coins, and beer bottles and cans. They're playing cards and gambling. From left to right, Matt wearing a red shirt is feeling his cards with his fingertips, Jessica in black has her chin in her palm and is side-eyeing Luke, Luke i a yellow shirt is grinning down at his hand, Danny in green is looking pensively at his own, and Frank, seen in profile in his customary black shirt, is gritting his teeth. We can see the back of Foggy's lavender shirt as he's leaving the table; there's an empty chair left around the table.
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that-norse-pagan · 4 months
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Low Energy and Accessable Deity Work
I've gotten a few DMs now that inspired me to make this post- Thank you All who asked, I love getting post inspiration !
I know not every Norse worshipper (including myself!) does not always have time to put full efforts into their work. I personally am disabled and sometimes I am in and out of hospitals, as well as simply don't have the energy to keep up! Sometimes my altars sit dusty for months.
I want to start by saying Deities are forgiving. While some have seemed frustrated with me before, they always end up settling back into routine with me in time. I tend to start by dusting off and cleaning the altar when I have the time and energy, as well as give an offering and prayer. The short of it is-
Modern Life gets busy. You get Busy. You get sick. They understand. They won't hold it against you or abandon you.
Now for the actual advice! (Sorry for the long intro 😅)
I find apps to be incredibly helpful when I don't have the energy to do a full workup to my worship. There are apps that you can draw and read tarot cards from, apps to track moon phases, apps for runes, all of it! Some of my most useful FREE apps I'll list below. (Not Sponsered)
Daff Moon- this app can track the cycles of the moon down to the percentage! It also tracks sun rises and sets, planetary alignment, and other astronomical events! When I can't do my research for moon phases in the coming days or weeks, this app is very helpful.
Runic Formulas- This one is SUPER useful to me personally. I don't always have energy to throw my runes, bones, etc. Not only will it give you runes with deep descriptions, associations, and more, but it's SO helpful when it comes to creating your own bindrunes or studying pre-made binds! It also has an in depth course that teaches beginners about Norse Paganism and different Deities!
Learn Old Norse- Not for everyone of course, but I like to try and pray in the original languages of the culture. It will teach you Grammar, Pronunciation, and more!
Low Movement Days:
Sometimes, pain, sickness, and Disabilities make it hard for people to move. And there's no shame in that!
Prayers in "odd" places- one does not always need to kneel before ab altar or raise their hands or even speak to pray. Sometimes it's easier to lay in your bed, couch, wherever you are, and think of your deities and your prayers to them.
PDFs! Sometimes books aren't accessible to all, but often I've been able to find online versions of most texts and books I adore (Somewhere there is a post with book recommendations), but it's very useful for affordability, restricted movement, etc.
Offerings- not all offerings need to be a huge ritual, I promise. Sometimes it's as simple as setting a new item on the altar. Sometimes it's a small prayer when you think of them. Maybe it's going on a small walk for them. I personally work with Fenrir, and will go on walks offering to let him use my eyes and experience freedom from his chains briefly, or I offer my pain, some food as I eat, etc. I've also simply sat on my bed and meditated. Your practice can change day-to-day, and that's okay!
Sometimes we are away from our altars. Whether it's a vacation, a hospital stay, or just a time you're gone from home for ages. You're not required to pack up your whole altar or bring a ton of things with you, it can add more stress than good. Sometimes, all I do is sit in front of the altar, speak that I'm leaving for a while, and promise an offering or altar clean when I get back.
Charms! Sometimes is one so desires, you can enchant a devotional piece of jewelry, a veil, or even a water bottle you carry around (I see you, chaos magic users) to carry around as a symbol to your devotion, and sometimes touching or feeling it or saying a prayer on the go is a lovely way to connect. I wear an Obsidian ring for Fenrir and a Coffin Nail necklace for protection. It's very helpful to have as I travel.
Important Travel- our health and well-being need to come first. I view it in the same light as many Islamic and Muslim religions. One can prioritize themselves when in any danger. Deities will not be important in those situations, and they will absolutely understand.
Mental Blocks/Disabilities:
As someone with Autism, it can be hard to know exactly what to do. I struggle with meditation when I get distracted easily and can even forget about my routine and duties I like to do. ADHD and more forms of Neurodivergence, like depression, can make it extra hard on some folks.
Don't be too hard on yourself. - Its very easy to feel like you're not doing a "good job" or failing promises to your Devotion. Beating yourself up over it (as hard as it is not to), can be extremely difficult. I find it helpful to simply apologize if I feel like it. They'll understand
Base your practice to you! Not everyone has the exact same abilities and not everyone can do certain things! You don't need to be perfect or follow everything you see on the internet. Often it's people showing their best and most dramatic presentations. It doesn't need to be perfect all the time.
You don't have to do everything. Some people struggle to meditate, others with focus on tarot readings or pendulum readings. It's okay to completely opt out if those despite them being common!
Accessibility and Affordability:
Not everyone is able to afford fancy crystals, tarot decks, and to set up entire altars. Some people grow up in houses with other religions and can't practice safely. Paganism isn't always accessible to everyone, but here are safer more accessible ways! Here's a couple:
Tarot Deck replacements- playing cards can make a great replacement for a tarot deck. If anyone wants a tutorial, let me know and I'll post one! You can also make/draw your own and make it comfortable to you, and if anything it's easier to connect more. You can hide them easier by saying it's just drawings. They also make Braille tarot cards for my blind folk. :)
Crystals- They aren't a necessity for your work. I often see people talking about their beautiful altars and crystal collections, but it really isnt needed. Not to mention the prices some shops charge! Sometimes connecting with nature is easier. Rivers rocks for water deities is an example. You can also see what crystals can be found in your area and dig them yourself.
Pendulums: It's easy to make your own! Before I could afford all the "fancy" supplies, I used a ring on a necklace or a necklace with a heavy charm to communicate.
Deity Statues: In religious hoseholds that don't accept you, this can be very unsafe, not to mention expensive! I had to pay 80 US dollars for a Hekate piece once. You don't need expensive statues to worship your Deities, you can print out small pictures if them you are drawn to at home. If you don't have access, some libraries offer free or 10ish cent (a US dime) printing. :)
For my closeted folks, celebrating pagan holidays in private can bring joy. Find foods associated with those holidays and eat them! I've attached a basic wheel if the year above. :)
A Farewell:
I think I've touched on many things in this post, but I'll keep updating it as I think of more things! Also feel free to comment if you want me to add anything to said post.
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beyondthisdarkhouse · 2 years
What is the Tumblr kokobot mental health thing and why does it keep messaging me when I go into various mental health/neurodivergent tags? I'm generally looking for community and I don't appreciate this site deciding I am In Danger. You're a therapist and I feel like you've probably talked about mental health apps before so thought I'd ask
Uuuugh, that thing. I think I blocked it a couple months back. BUT, I'm going to be as fair to it as I can.
The part you and I bumped into is their automated chatbot, which monitors traffic on social media sites to detect people having mental health crises and try to convince them to access mental health support. Apparently their bot got good enough at detecting human behaviour patterns online that they actually spun it off into a separate company for a while and then sold their tech to a corporation, before returning to the mental health idea. They returned to it, critically, as a non-profit, which is why I'm willing to give it a second look at all.
tl;dr: I would not immediately warn everyone away from using it! Which is more than I could say for a lot of Silicon Valley mental health startups. I don't love the current implementation, but I think they might have the makings of a decent mutual aid platform for temporary moments of stress.
Long version below
Like, I was not a fan at all of Trill when Tumblr partnered with it, because I felt that they were using well-intentioned volunteers to do potentially harrowing and dangerous work without adequate training or support. (Or not-so-great volunteers, since I was dubious about their vetting process) And a lot of Kokobot's origin story is in some ways really similar to Trill.
Most of these startups and initiatives mean well. They want to make the world better and help provide comfort and support to people who need that. I admire them for their dedication to a good cause. However, I believe that when you are devoting significant resources to building a system where you ask people to choose you for support in their moments of vulnerability, you cannot put your intentions ahead of their needs.
Like: It is really great that people want to help the less-fortunate. I think it shows warmth of heart to want to go somewhere and build homes for the homeless. But if you've never built a house before, and the houses you build are so poorly constructed that they fall down or catch fire or whatever, and they wouldn't have if you'd put the equivalent amount of money into hiring local out-of-work carpenters to do the work properly, I don't think you should keep operating like that as a charity.
I'm also judging Koko a bit as the former teenager who wanted to help people, in terms of how much they provide guidance and support to the helpers they've recruited.
Finally, I feel the need to remind all of us, as useless as such reminders feel, that if you are not paying for a social media platform, you aren't a customer; you are the product. "Kokobot", the organization, the platform, the AI, are not the core producers of its value. Its users are. Without people in distress to whom to provide support, and without supportive people there in times of distress, it would not exist.
Maybe this will never be an issue. Maybe this conflict will never arise. Maybe the nonprofit organization will be devoted enough to the needs of its userbase that they will serve them faithfully and well. I hope so.
I'm just... jaded, by things I've seen before.
What I don't like at all:
It took me a lot of work to go from looking up Kokobot on Tumblr to understanding how the company worked, what using the app was like, and whether their work was being informed by anyone with a lick of knowledge about mental health care. I still don't know a lot of stuff about how they handle anonymity in situations like imminent suicide or homicide, or abuses of the platform.
Kokobot messaging people out of the blue is creepy as hell. My first response was, "Fuck off, I can TELL you're not ethical." Most ethical guidelines I know of for mental health therapists explicitly forbid directly soliciting clients ("Hey there, I can tell you've got a few issues. Here's my card"), especially when people appear psychologically vulnerable or in distress. The only wiggle room there is when you're working in disaster relief and crisis intervention, but that does not make it an "anything goes" situation.
@kokobot posting lots of testimonials from users about how great their service is. Again, something usually strictly forbidden by ethical standards! When someone has just come to you in distress and you've provided them help, and then ask them to give you a Yelp review, you're not usually going to get thoughtful, measured, and informed feedback. It's a weird power dynamic that might be great advertising, but not great informed consent.
While Koko might be a legit company that does its job well, its presence and behaviour opens up the field of what is acceptable behaviour on social media. If one app can track mental health tags and solicit vulnerable people into joining their group, why not another? What will stop Scientology (which has done this in person for decades) from creating a similar app, pitching it to people in need, and coaching its users to go off all their psychiatric medications and use pseudoscience instead? Where are the safeguards?
What's Not Terrible
Kokobot is clunky and weird, but like I said on my post on Trill, the hardest part of moderation on social media is the amount of labour it takes, and the human cost of that labour. It seems to me that by using AI, Koko might have found an efficient way to automate much of that labour.
I tried out the actual app itself, messaging on Telegram; for my "problem", I just said I was concerned that a friend was messaging Koko a lot and I wanted to make sure it was legit. Sending it out required answers to some pretty vital questions—did I feel hopeful or hopeless about the world? What kinds of best- or worst-case scenarios was I imagining? They were worded in a way that felt human and genuine, and the chatbot was responsive and encouraging before my problem ever got human eyes on it.
(For the record: These are questions that can very quickly give information on whether someone is likely to be a danger to themselves or anyone else, which are really important.)
Then, at the bot's suggestion, I also helped a couple other people, where I was given very rough and ready training on active listening, then coached into writing a response. It avoided a lot of on-ramps to community toxicity, inasmuch as the problems and replies were private and anonymous, and there were instant feedback options if anything was worrying or upsetting.
This process showed what I think was a more sophisticated and useful implementation of AI than, uh....... like 99% of the AI I've seen. This is mostly a statement on the state of AI, but still. Koko seems like the bot's responses were really carefully workshopped and designed by actual humans who knew about crisis intervention and risk assessment.
The replies I got to my "problem" were fairly good, empathetic and genuine. (The bot encourages people to be a little dorky, and seeing an auto-generated response I myself was suggested made me roll my eyes; this could reduce the value for some people.)
I can definitely see the benefit of encouraging people who are feeling distressed to help others. Engaging in peer support encourages empathy, and helps people feel like they've got something to offer, and that problems might be solvable.
In the end, Kokobot is an expansion of the kind of work volunteer-run distress and crisis hotlines do. It has the potential to do a lot of good, but the organization itself has to consider so many other factors and processes than its users do. I sincerely hope it and Tumblr are being extremely thoughtful and careful in how they handle this work.
I would be delighted to be proven wrong, and have them turn out to be totally amazing. I really hope they do.
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bahoreal · 3 months
hi! I was wondering if you knew of somewhere streaming three body with english subs? I just finished the first book, looked at the netflix version, saw they seem to have split wang miao into three americans????? and now I'm scrolling through your three body tag and the chinese show looks incredible but I've never tried to find cdramas online before and don't even know where to start! thank you ☺️
HELLO THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS TO ME yeah that's why I haven't watched the netflix version yet 😅 apparently they completely removed the cosmic horror element which was, to me, one of the most compelling parts! the tencent version of three body is incredible but unfortunately since it aired a while ago its slightly harder to find for free online now.
It's on YouTube here! https://youtu.be/CzHJK4Qsrow?feature=shared on the MiGu channel, it looks like its been taken off the Tx channel for some reason? Still the same show, still amazing!
You can also get the WeTV app and the episodes are there if you get vip ($5.99 per month, cancellable at any time). These are 4k just in case you want to see Zhang Luyi (Wang Miao)'s face in superimpressive detail lol
I hope you enjoy, please feel free to make posts and @ me i LOOOVEEE three body im always happy to talk about it :3
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kitakit-otome · 1 year
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Just downloaded the new Obey Me app and I’m going to be giving it my review and opinion!
I never finished the first game, got around to season 2 some time after the MC came back from the human world and then my phone ran out of memory for the game lol. It kept lagging so much and sometimes it would just crash right away so I gave up an uninstalled it from my old phone 🥲
But I did get hundreds of followers in my old tumblr account because of Obey Me and honestly it was such a fun game at the time. I had fun interacting with other fans of the fandom and gush over our love for the demon brothers. I wasn’t too keen on the MC’s origin story so I’m just gonna… ignore it 😅
For those who don’t know, I am working on the design for my online persona for the past week now who is an angel, but now after playing OMN a bit it’s been giving me the itch to give her a sort of alter ego or alternative versions of herself. So I’m planning on the works of her human form (which I guess will represent me in the old Obey Me game) and her demon form which will represent me in Nightbringer. I’ll post it here when I’m done if anyone’s interested because for sure I’m gonna start drawing art for Obey Me again after this.
Anyway I digress—
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I really like the new features of the DDD app in Nightbringer. We have a new rhythm game that I don’t really understand yet how to time my attacks.. and we have like a parody of the Marauder’s Map from Harry Potter?
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They also have 3D models for the boys now! I love watching the interactions between the brothers with this, plus it’s great for the video call feature in the Wanderer’s Whereabouts because it seems a bit more realistic than just the audio calls we used to get. The 3D models are very expressive and the animation seems smooth. The backgrounds are being used well here from the old version of the game.
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And I think it’s cute that we can see the brothers voice their thoughts when we gift them a sheep stuffed toy. We’re essentially spying on them or “babysitting” as the brothers sees it. Since we are their attendant now in this game, ordered by Diavolo, I guess it makes.. sense? Humans have like a CCTV in their homes to keep an eye on things when they’re not around so I think that’s what the WW is meant to be as an app. It’s not bad of a feature and I enjoy seeing more of the animations of the brothers being put to use.
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Also can we please take a moment for this scene of Mammon wondering why he cares about this toy so much that resembles his MC (AKA us)?! 😭
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Bro doesn’t know us because of the plot line of the game being the MC traveling back in time (I don’t really know why yet aside from the premise of a certain demon granting our wish of taking us to somewhere where we will be happy AKA to reunite with the 7 brothers in the Devildom)
You will probably need to play the first game to understand what’s going on. Or at least to understand our connection to the characters of the game from the future timeline.
Personally I think the new chibi art of the game is stellar! Super cute! The designs on the cards are great too.
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The story seems interesting and I’m getting really hooked since we have a lot of new apps on the DDD to keep me from being bored. I felt like the affection raise in the first game seemed useless but it was explained to me that affection level allows you to get bonus stuff like Devilgram posts or extra calls, so yeah that’s cool to know now.
I think my only complaint is the rhythm game mechanics. I don’t really get how it works or I do and the timing is off? I don’t know if I’m the only one who has this problem or what, but I’m annoyed that I keep missing so much like wtf. My scores in the first game were way better than this 😭 Every time I tap when the item is on the line it just doesn’t work so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong lmao
I’ll continue playing the game but so far I want to give it a 7.5/10 ⭐️ I will be posting more of this game soon.
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adarkrainbow · 4 months
Lost media quest: H&G Epic Tales (part 5)
Now that I compiled all the info I could find online, it is time for me to share with you the result of my various emails!
... And unfortunately I do not have much to offer you.
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I first contacted the people who worked on the storybook's animation and that had either a gmail adress or a Tumblr. So far I have sent messages to Paco Vink, David Muchtar, Jelle Brunt and Sjan Weijers. So far, only David Muchtar answered me. Of the animation team, those I only couldn't reach Ruben Zaalberg (he has a LinkedIn but I am not on this website). I also sent a formal email to Anikey Studio via their official website - no answer so far.
I thought about contacting Lou Attia, the voice actor for the English version of the app, but couldn't find any way to do so.. If I still do not have in the future any answer, I will try contacting other members of the team. I do not expect any answer, but at least I would have tried!
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The good news is that, as I told you before, David Muchtar did answer me and we had a quite pleasant conversation!
Unfortunately, he confirmed that he had preserved nothing of the files, art or animation he worked with during his time on the "Epic Tales" project (in fact, he told me if I ever found anything, I should sent it back to him because he would like to see it one more time). So all he could offer me was his testimony and his memory (which was, also unfortunately, quite vague - since it had been twelve years). But it was already a very valuable set of information, and so far the most precious information outlet I could have!
I am not going to speak of the story details here, I will keep this for a different post, but here are some facts he could share with me (some which are just confirmations of what I posted about previously, others which are new):
David Muchtar was an intern at Anikey Studio when he worked on the project. As such he didn't have any overview or decision when it came to the story as a whole, he just, to quite him, "animated what was in front of him". There was a second intern of the Studio who worked on the project: Ruben Zaalberg, who was a classmate with Muchtar at the HKU. They both interned for eight months roughly at Anikey. It was Muchtar's first experience as an animator for a studio.
He is pretty sure Anikey Studio still has the files somewhere, but since they don't own the rights to them, they likely can't release them (but he can't confirm this).
Paul Hanraets was the creator and investor who made the project come to life in the first place. He was a businessman who owned a company called Gambitious - it was a crowdfunding platform meant to help independent game developers and publishers, by helping them get funding. "Epic Tales: Hansel and Gretel" was a personal project of his, a "side-project" in which he poured his own, personal money. And while he had planned to continue the "Epic Tales" line, the first game never made him enough continue to continue the project (despite being quite famous upon its release).
The story and the visual style of the interactive storybook were designed by both Paul Hanraets and Anikey Studio. Anikey was truly a small studio at the time, consisting only of two men (Albert't Hooft and Paco Vink) plus one freelance animator (Jelle Brunt, who notably worked on the Anikey short film "Fallin' Floyd".
One specific animation David Muchtar had to work onto was, in the tableau of the kids sitting in front of their house (I posted several screenshots of it), the squirrel - supposed to come out of a hole in the tree, and run on the branch. He had been given the background art and the squirrel concept art by Anikey Studio. His job was to create the animation, clean-up the art and do the colors. In the same scene he had to animate the characters of Hansel and Gretel, while the woodcutter was done by Ruben Zaalberg.
Outside of this specific example, David Muchtar worked on many different animations throughout the game - each animation he was handed was his sole and entire responsibility, apparently? So, in his own word, this made him act as a "key animator, inbetweener, cleanup animator and colorist". He did note that in the final product, it is his drawings, his animation, directly put into the app - with no other hand or influence modifying his work. And that such a thing is very rare for him, despite having been working as an animator for more than ten years now.
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Beyond all this info, he did share with me some story details. While my posts about this lost media are not very popular, I did find a few testimonies of other people who crossed path with this application... However they range from "I saw a demo in a shop a long time ago but couldn't play it" to "I only played the storybook twice, and so I only recall one or two scenes". But, as it is with all serious research, it is not because a testimony is fragmentary that it is less valuable!
We are currently re-creating an enormous puzzle scattered throughout the world, and each piece, no matter how tiny, is important! In fact, this will be the object of my next series of posts. Given all I could collect, I will try to reconstruct the story and content of the animated storybook...
I will mention that I do believe the storybook was actually influenced by some specific cartoon works. Several reviewers described a "Disney-feeling" to this animation - and I hold the belief that the way the witch was vanquished (not though an oven, as the app was designed to be a light-hearted and more cartoony take on the story) is an homage or was inspired by Disney's "Babes in the Woods"...
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That being said, I will already post here two precious resources for information about the changes performed to the Hansel and Gretel fairytale by the storybook.
Katie Bircher's review of the app for The Horn Book gives us a lot of insightful information as it highlights key differences and divergences with the original story:
A caveat: as the Kirkus review points out, the characters of Gretel and the children's father are "largely relegate[d]...to passive roles." In the father's case this passivity minimizes his complicity in the wicked stepmother's machinations, rendering him innocent. In Gretel's case, however, it makes her a mere tag-along to the story's star, "clever" Hansel. (And another thing — we're repeatedly told Hansel is clever, but his behavior isn't consistent with this characterization.) Most of the app's changes to the plot are innocuous, if unnecessary, but one change I find troubling is the revised denouement. Instead of Gretel saving the day by pushing the witch into her own oven, here Hansel defeats the witch alone. This version is more Hansel's story than that of Hansel and Gretel.
[... Here is a list of other elements unique to the app's story:]
Tiny, bad-tempered gnomes are ubiquitous in the illustrations and animations, but never mentioned in the text until they eat Hansel's breadcrumb trail.
After the children's wicked stepmother takes them deep into the forest, she gets lost there herself and is never seen again — although her complaining can still be heard.
Hansel shoots the witch with his slingshot, pitching her forward into her own cauldron, which propels her up the chimney and out of the house.
A garden full of modern-day sweets (e.g., fizzy lemonade, gummies, and cotton candy) surrounds the witch's house. The enchanted gummy animals are returned to their true forms after the witch's defeat. A formerly-gummy swan offers to fly the children home.
Hansel, much heavier after his ordeal, is magically restored to his previous skinny state.
I will complete this review by the Kirkus Reviews linked within the previous article, which does note a lack of "psychological melodrama" and notes:
These include grimacing monsters and surly gnomes popping into view, the evil stepmother’s Cockney-accented screeches and fragmentary ditties like a skeletal minstrel’s “Dinnertime dinnertime for the witch, / She will eat the little boy, she’s suuuuch aaaa….” That fortuitously interrupted last line, plus some eerie moments in the dark woods, may be more appreciated by sophisticated audiences. On the other hand, neither the witch nor the stepmother is definitively killed off, and the title screen offers a “Play Around” option that dispenses with the storyline entirely in favor of going to any screen to check out the interactive features.
If you ask me, I think we have enough dark Hansel and Gretel retellings around to allow us a light-hearted, goofier one... But that's just me!
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suzieb-fit · 5 months
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I wanted a free app that showed NET carbs, rather than MyFitnessPal, which only shows total. I'm trying the free version of the "Carb Manager" app. Considering the paid subscription, buy I'll decide that once I know if I like using it.
The calories are a basic function. I'm not taking too much notice of them. Just working on the ketobiotic macros that are recommended by the author of the "Fast Like A Girl" book.
I have modified them for my lifestyle and preference. I need more protein than the FLAG approved level, and I only work to the 50g maximum NET carb/60% minimum fat targets.
The only exercise I'm doing today is a half hour online training session. That was at 8am. Full body, using resistance bands. Full day off apart from that.
And I threw in a longer fast. That was no effort, because of that workout. I was training her when I'd normally have breakfast.
A mixture of plain mixed nuts and salted peanuts with collagen coffee for breakfast in the motorhome. We're heading somewhere new after lunch.
Omelette (cooked with olive oil) with ham, full fat cheese and a handful of lettuce. Very basic, but very yummy!
And yep, feeling pretty good!
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cryptid-manor · 1 year
FAQ, Q&A, Resources
Hi, I’m new in town and you lot have been very kind to follow me.
Here’s a little blog post that I update occasionally.
Do you have any technique or app recommendations?
If I’m on-the-go, on my tablet or phone, I use a lot of different applications. Procreate w/ an Apple Pen, Midjourney, Dalle, Glitché, Filmm, GlitchCam, Groovo, Canva, PicsArt, VSCO. I’m getting into Lightroom, Photoshop and Adobe Express editions. Save and edit and save and edit and save and edit and save and edit.
If I’m at my desk, I use GIMP a lot. I use or add a few old school glitch art techniques that can only be done on my Mac or on my PC. Versions tend to jump from phone to laptop to phone to laptop.
Here are two tutorials if you’d like to learn some, ever more seemingly, old school techniques for yourself. I’d be utterly pleased if this was your first entrance to “glitch art” —
Do you sell prints or shirts or any fine, fine merchandise anywhere?
Not of anything I make with MidJourney. Well, technically, no merchandise of anything right now. If you see it sold online, it’s a fake. If you see anything of mine go viral somewhere other than this Tumblr account, it’s fake.
Maybe I’ll make postcards, some day, out of sheer novelty. But, honestly, right now, a lot of this blog is going to turn into behind the scenes, drafting, etc.
i.e…. “~•*•THE PROCESS•*•~”
At 800 followers, I feel like I’ve cultivated a scene that I can trust with feedback on my other passion projects.
Wait, other projects?
Oh yeas. Have you ever read House Of Leaves? That’s what the inside of my brain looks like if I don’t Make Things.
Ok cool.
Yeah, for sure, of course.
Can you recommend any fandoms or other accounts that you like?
I like stuff. Stuff is good. Have you seen some of the stuff out there? It’s everywhere. Stuff is all over the place, and I love it. And I love that for me. And I love that for you.
Stuff for everyone, stuff for all, I say, at times when I’m going from here to there.
Here’s some of the stuff I like. Do you have any stuff you like?
— Degenesis (TTRPG)
— Trevor Henderson (@slimyswampghost on IG)
— Plastiboo (Artist)
— @louceph (seriously, a truly amazing artist)
— @hannahorca (wow wow wow)
— Mayfair Watchers Society (Podcast)
— Quiet Part Loud (Podcast)
— Welcome To Scarfolk (Book)
— Uzumaki & Gyo (Manga)
— Elden Ring (Video Game)
— Lovecraft Country (Series)
— Blasphemous (Video Game)
— Berserk (Manga)
— Oats Studio (Series, Netflix)
— District 9 (Movie)
— Love Death + Robots (Series)
Any more?
Sure but they might be “off-brand” for the aesthetic.
— Hollow Knight (Game)
— The Long Dark (Game)
— Frostpunk (Game)
— Nausicaä (Movie)
— Princess Mononoke (Movie)
— Scavenger’s Reign (Series)
— Raised By Wolves (Series)
— This War Of Mine (Game)
— Midnight Gospel (Series)
— The Beginners Guide (Game)
Okay, so hey I’ve fallen in love with one of the Monsters on here. Can I adopt it and name it and feed it and call it mine?
Listen your head-canon is your head-canon but for god’s sake remember that I have to read the fic and you have to write the fic. A curse on both our houses if ever used for PvP combat.
Do you sell NFTs?
Okay…have I thought about it? Yes. Sure. Whatever. But I don’t sell NFTs. No “legitimate” NFTs of my work exists. If you see it, it’s fake.
I’ve told myself there’s only one way I’d use an NFT or Ethereum — if someone would like to “legally” adopt one of my OC critters. I would literally draw up the novelty adoption papers. That sounds like so much fun.
Thanks for hanging out and reading my words. This kind of came to an abrupt end, didn’t it? Yeah, pacing isn’t something I’m good at yet. But am I not deserving of love, simply as one voice amongst the many spiritual echoes singing the tune of our grand eternal choir of life? Am I not worthy of perhaps a little treat?
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hey lovely! so I’m relatively new to Luciferianism and I’ve been doing as much research as I can about it and Lord Lucifer, and I was just wondering if you had any tips on how to introduce Him into more subtle aspects of life? I’m stuck in quite a Christian household that doesn’t allow me to express my beliefs very outwardly so I’m trying to find any information I can get on prayers and how to worship Lord Lucifer in a way that will not alert my parents to my beliefs. I completely understand if this is something you are unable to help me with and I appreciate your entire page! <3
Hiya! I think I can help with that!
If you can, you could try to set up a subtle altar, one that is functional but doesn't contain images or sigils that would give away whom the altar is for or just light a few candles, maybe some scented ones that correspond to Lucifer's sacred herbs or some in His colours. If you can't have an open altar you could make one in a box or a drawer. If you can't have an altar at all, that's fine too. If you can't give physical offerings you can just do devotional acts that correspond to His teachings of enlightenment and freedom.
If you want to communicate with Him, but you can't have physical tarot cards or other divination tools, there's plenty of online versions you can try out. I particularly like the app Labyrinthos, it's completely free and offers a variety of tarot spreads and you can even create your own.
As for prayers, there's not a lot of "official" ones out there, so most practitioners, like myself, write their own. I'm not really comfortable with sharing mine, but I have reblogged a few that you should find somewhere on my page and if you look for luciferian prayers on tumblr, you should find some. But the best thing you can do is probably write your own!
And, finally, in my opinion the best way to honour a deity is just to research them, find out more about them and their mythology, and when you're ready you can choose to reach out to them or not.
Feel free to reach out if you have more questions, I'm happy to answer anything I know the answer to!
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trans-cuchulainn · 7 months
For learning Irish are there any apps/online resources you would reccommend?
at the moment not really. idk. i'm still fucking around in the post-duolingo, also-memrise-is-going-downhill void of trying to use anki and hating it. i think there are a lot more apps for beginners but i haven't used them so i don't know how helpful the courses actually are
there's an online/interactive version of Gaeilge gan stró that you used to be able to get a free trial to and that would probably be solid but i never had the concentration to get through it
the asynchronous online courses DCU runs via futurelearn are helpful if you're willing to invest time and effort but it's not like an app where you do five mins a day, it's gonna be multiple hours per week. they start with irish 101 and cycle through, not all courses run simultaneously but they come back around periodically
i have shared some links before that are probably somewhere on my blog and i will try to dig that out and reblog it
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