#is this an ocd type thing? is it just a phobia?
anxiously-going · 2 years
Is it too early to start the day over again?
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theinoculator · 6 months
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You can call me inno, inocc, or Inoculator! This isn't my actual name, but I would rather have privacy and not have others, or me, get confused with the actual Inoculator leg on the marmaliser, or any oc's based of it either
Welcome to my blog, where I post art, and other stuff! Now, as I usually struggle to know what I have to give a content warning or not, I advise that if you either have epilepsy, a phobia of any colour, or just anything like that (sorry if i have not specified certain ones), i would not recommend going through my blog any further (don't worry, I will do know if there is NSFW content, but it is very unlikely I will post any of that unless it is a accident).
Now, please be patient with me on making art or comics, as I have a glitchy stylus, and have personal things to attend to some of the time. Please don't send a ask of anything too personal.
As of what is in my description, I in fact have a tiny bit of social anxiety disorder (was recently discharged, but it might come back), OCD, and autism symptoms, which have all been professionally diagnosed, so another reason I might take some time to do stuff, is due to that (OCD might not affect it, but idk, I was never told which type I had).
I might not post on the 13th of January for personal reasons (and no, it's not my birthday that day).
I'm still working on attempting to make my art better, so please excuse me if it is a bit crappy
(And yes, I admit it, I am a tiny bit goth)
I got a smiler, th13teen, frowner, oblivion, Galactica and a nemesis ref sheet
I'll add the rest of my characters onto this post when I finish their ref sheets
My oc's are also taking asks
Also if you want to draw fanart, go ahead! The only rules are that it's not nsfw Content, isn't mocking anything, and that's it! Kill them if you want, I don't care, just don't do it brutally if you kill them, but alive but brutally injured is better than brutal death
Also message me personally on Tumblr (or discord if you know my account on there) if there is a problem with any content I have reblogged, posted, or anything on here that may be a problem to you or others, or if you just want to chat, since I am open to being friends with anyone or if anyone needs support!
(P.s I am also a therian but I won't be posting any therian content, as I like to keep it in my private life unless I actually want to share it)
Have Fun! :3
Non-towers oc's under
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Questions about me!
Thanks for the tag, @sleketon666 ! 😄 won’t tag anyone else as this briefly veers into somewhat personal mental health territory (and is under the cut for mentions of that.) This was fun!
Do you make your bed?
Yes. Not super perfectly but I just kinda automatically tweak the covers on a morning.
What’s your favourite number?
Don’t think I have one. Numbers are more useful and interesting in aggregate haha.
What is your job? // A job you had that would surprise people?
Hmmm well not to go into too much detail, but my real-life work is in science. I guess that might surprise people who know me for my creative side over here! (But also problem-solving inherently requires creativity, and a good plot a good dose of planning and internal logic. Perhaps they aren’t so dissimilar after all ;) )
If you could go back to school would you?
What? Primary school? Secondary school? Non. Secondary was rough until sixth form. I was so fucking bored a lot of the time, and harassment in my school was rife. Although I would love to do lessons with my art teacher again; she was wonderful!
University-wise: already did. Horrible undergrad, in a very high-pressure place, that completely destroyed my sense of worth and all my plans for the future. Took a few years out, went somewhere less horrible, and crushed it. Ta-da! (I mean I’ll forever have a lot of lingering self-doubt but you know. I did the thing. And proved to myself I both love it and am good at it).
Can you parallel park? // Can you drive a manual car?
I hate cars (on both an experience level and an environmental/political level) and will avoid learning to drive for as long as I possibly can. Luckily I love big-city life, which makes that easier!
Do you think aliens are real?
For sure, in a balance-of-probabilities way. The universe is vast. Will we ever find them? Again, the universe is vast. At the very least though, there’s some alien microbes wiggling away out there. That’s fucking cool.
(And watch the science on this, bc we FINALLY have telescopes capable of surveying the spectra of some exoplanets. Exciting discoveries about other planets’ atmospheres to come, and their reflected light, which can provide indirect evidence of life!)
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Oh boy. Bad reality TV. It’s a guilty pleasure because I know it’s a) completely engineered and b) exploitative. (And c) complete brainrotting rubbish). But then someone says “the new series of Too Hot to Handle is out!” and OOPS I am THERE.
Nope. I’m not a tattoo person. I think some people carry them off but I wear a lot of different clothing silhuoettes and don’t enjoy tattoos half-peeking out of cut-outs. (I just like a “neat” personal style I guess?)
Favourite Colour?
Mmm midnight blue-purple. Some colours are contextual: that one is always perfect. (But I love colour full stop!)
Any phobias?
WASPS holy shit wasps. I know it’s irrational as fuck, and I know they’re important to the ecosystem. That is, in fact, one of the few things I cling on to when they’re really freaking me out. But suffice to say, you’ll never catch me sitting outside a pub in September.
As a kid I was terrified of hand dryers and air conditioning vents. To the point I spent every supermarket trip looking up to see whether I was standing under a vent or not. It is perhaps not surprising I ended up with OCD lol.
Favourite type of music?
Late 70s/Early 80s new wave. Talking Heads and Blondie my beloveds. 80s alternative generally.
Do you talk to yourself?
Unfortunately mostly when I’m struggling with OCD. I’ll curse myself out and say horrible things to myself aloud as effectively emotional self-harm. It’s not nice. (Don’t worry, I’m ok ATM. And have had therapy).
I will muse to myself a little sometimes, on a more fun note.
Do you like puzzles?
Yes! I go through occasional phases of being seriously puzzle-obsessed. Love a good overly-complicated Sudoku variant.
What did you want to be as a child?
Palaeontologist, all the way. I LOVED dinosaurs and would read my dinosaur books constantly. I think my faves were T-rexes (OBVIOUSLY) and Parasauralophus (probably not how you spell that and I suspect my ten-year-old self would have done a better job!)
Coffee or Tea?
Love them both. I drink more coffee atm but tea is great too (Lapsang Souchong being my absolute favourite. I need to order more!) I am 100% a caffeine addict but I find it so soothing. Even when I’m anxious, I want a cup of tea (yeah, yeah, sensible it is not. But ahhhhhh so relaxing).
Favourite Movies?
Star Trek: The Voyage Home. Just everything good about TOS Trek. Wonderful.
The Sure Thing: Underrated 80s romcom gem about an uptight, studious girl and a slacker-but-sweetheart boy getting stuck on a road trip together. It’s got a lot of humour and a lot of heart. Plus a great instance of the “confession via essay read in class” trope, which I love. The gif below is from this movie!
It’s a Wonderful Life//A Muppet Christmas Carol - I adore a good Christmas movie, and these are the best. I’m an atheist, but I adore Christmas; to me, it’s about kindness, family and community, which is why these films have me bawling my fucking heart out every year. (Yes, I cry when muppet Tiny Tim says “god bless us, every one”. Fucking come at me. Sniffle).
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variant-archive · 6 months
i've been scrambling to find flags/terms relating to all types of adhd, the same way ive seen a ton of flags for different ocd types/subtypes, same for other disorders (npd, specific delusion types, etc) i feel like it'd be great for people to have flags they can use to specify theyre type! if you could help find something like that id absolutely love it... /not forced
As far as being recognized by psychologists and co., there's only the three subtypes (primarily hyperactive, primarily inattentive aka me, and combined). There's also cognitive disengagement syndrome (formerly sluggish cognitive tempo) which is another attention disorder but not exactly an ADHD subtype, more like a parallel disorder of attention. My OCD subtype flags have all been subtypes that are recognized by clinicians so far. They can be found on NOCD which is a treatment and info site for OCD. There are also clinically recognized subtypes for personality disorders and delusions which is probs what you've seen flags for (although I have seen some PD "archetype" terms/flags but I consider that different from a subtype and more of a way to express yourself than describe symptoms, totally valid though).
That being said I think creating unofficial subtypes of existing conditions is... probably fine? Definitely better than straight up MUDs (for those who haven't gone into radqueer rabbit holes out of morbid curiosity, that means people making up entirely new disorders without any basis in science or any research or anything). But subtypes of existing conditions isn't a thing people besides those in the field of practice are doing yet afaik. I've considered doing this for OCD myself because obsessions and compulsions can be about anything so any number of subtypes exist as long as someone experiences them. But subtypes of things like OCD and phobias are a lot more simple, straightforward, and inherently implied/included under the disorder than it would be for something like ADHD. I think it's probably fine but it would require more consideration than coining a gender or something and individuals should get input from others with the condition. And definitely don't coin subtypes for conditions you don't have (unless you're helping someone who does, I suppose). Trust me, I super super get the appeal especially for those who don't fit the "stereotype" their neurotype has bc that can feel alienating for sure (I actually think this is a core reason why folks feel the need to coin MUDs to describe their exact symptoms, with the other core reason being that people with symptoms unexplainable by any existing condition want a "reason" or "cause" to attribute them to when sometimes people just... have symptoms, on their own, not fitting any diagnosis). Just be careful and considerate, please!
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redd956 · 2 years
Writing ARFID: It’s not picky eating
My big three pains: ARFID, PTSD, and Nightmare Disorder
I was ‘born’ with two of these, or really ARFID and Nightmare Disorder developed at an incredibly early age. Idk how common it is for someone to write about any character with ARFID, but I am creating this resource just in case.
First though you need to know what ARFID is....
ARFID is a complex eating disorder that doesn’t focus on one’s body image AT ALL. It is also an anxiety disorder, and for some can be classified as part of a phobia. It is very disabling, making the everyday human task of eating an incredibly challenge
People with ARFID eat a small group of highly specific foods. The number tends to be underneath 25 foods, and go as extreme to only 5 foods. This is not a choice. ARFID is a disorder, where many develop it at an early age and/or thanks to sensitive sensory related stuff (ADHD, Autism, OCD)
When confronted with foods outside of the small group, people with ARFID are overwhelmed by anxiety. This can cause great distress, sensory overloads, avoidance, more anxiety, and phobia-like responses. This makes finding something to eat, getting foods, trying new foods, and eating out in public very difficult...
There is also a type of ARFID derived from a bad personal experience to a food
Do a lot of research! This is a very rare disorder, especially in adulthood, and has a lot of misconceptions going around.
- It is different for every person
The group of foods, why the ARFID person doesn’t like them, their reactions, and their current tolerance changes from person to person. Like every disorder y’know...
- It changes overtime
People with ARFID may never be cured, but they can get better. I am definitely a lot better now compared to my younger self. This can be through overtime exposure, change in patience, or through an expanded roster of safe foods.
- It is not picky eating
A person with ARFID is not being stubborn about their foods, no matter how it may seem. Many with ARFID genuinely want to eat other foods, and/or are frustrated by their condition. They may even like the taste of a food, but not be able to swallow it due to sensory issues. They cannot control what their ARFID has disallowed. When writing make sure you are describing ARFID and not picky eating habits. (I WILL ENJOY CHEESECAKE SOMEDAY)
- It is dangerous
Though people with ARFID are not starving themselves, they are missing out on major nutrients. Often times entire food groups will be excluded from an ARFID person’s list of foods. This leads to malnutrition, and depending on what they are lacking other extreme problems. Many people with ARFID will end up in the hospital at some point because of their disorder, usually due to malnutrition. Doesn’t help that the threat of the feeding tube can also trigger an ARFID response.
- It is complicated
Each person has it differently. Each person has a different criteria for eliminated foods. Some cannot handle mushy foods, some cannot handle crunchy foods. Some won’t eat foods that have spots on it. Some won’t eat foods that are certain colors. To make matters worse usually people have more than one reason to why they won’t eat a food. A major thing you’ll hear someone with ARFID say is, “I just haven’t tried it yet.”
- Trying new foods isn’t a simple trial and error process
When facing a new food a lot of different anxieties pass through a person’s mind. With ARFID many are barely up to the task on a good day. Some may even seem confident until the plate is in front of them.
- “I would rather starve”, and they will
Many people with ARFID will go extreme lengths to not eat a food out of their safe foods group. This includes starving. There will be no persuasion, no confrontation, no forcing that will change them. It is a disorder, not picky eating.
- Heightened Senses
Many with ARFID have a heightened olfactory sense, meaning a stronger sense of smell and taste. This may not only be the source of the disorder, but also makes life more difficult for a person with ARFID. They will often be hypersensitive to the tastes and smells of foods. The texture is also a sensitive topic. This also makes it 10x more difficult to sneak things into foods, because trust me, a person with ARFID is likely to taste it.
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telepathy-supremacy · 2 years
About Me
(Highly recommend reading this before you follow, but that's purely up to you. Just don't blame me if you get caught off guard by something I post/reblog when it's right here lol)
Main: @raelyn-dreams
Haikyuu Sideblog: @futureacesquad
Twisted Wonderland Sideblog: @pieceofourworld
I'm cool with dark topics in fiction, and believe in freedom of art: banning is a huge no-no for me no matter the content. As long as it's tagged, I follow "DL;DR" to a T, and highly advise other people following me do the same :)
Honestly, I don't have much if anything for interaction rules, but some things you should probably know:
Basically, as long as there's no explicit Not-safe-for-Luke discussions with me, we're good!
Don't drag me into fandom discourse, because a: 98% of the time I don't know what's going on and b: I'm happy in my own little curated bubble, please and thank you :)
I post whatever I feel at any given time, don't really have a schedule, I just kind do what I want.
And, last thing: I'm not a heavy interactor (I've had some bad past fandom experiences and I'm just not that type of person anyway), but I do appreciate any support I get 😊
Writing Request Rules
General Rules:
Please be nice!
Send your request through an ask or PM me.
I reserve the right to decline an ask for any reason (though I'll almost always give an explanation, and you're still free to request other things!)
I'm alright with translations, podfics, etc, as long as permission is given from me first!
Things I Will Write:
OG + Nightbringer events
Anything hurt/comfort (this is my jam!
Canon-compliant (missing scenes, character studies, etc)
Canon-divergent (provided it's a small-scale divergence)
Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen
Pre-Fall, War, and Post-Fall (before game events)
Alcohol/Demonus Use
Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Bipolar 2, Chronic Pain
Panic/Anxiety Attacks
Characters of any sexual orientation.
Characters under the trans/nb/intersex umbrella
Characters on the aro/ace spectrums
Anything not mentioned here or on my other lists is also most likely a yes!
Things I Will Write, But May Take Longer Due To Research:
Eating Disorders
Autism, Schizophrenia, Bipolar 1, Severe Phobias, Dementia, Alzheimer's, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Mythomania (Pathological Lying), Narcissistic Personality Disorder, etc (feel free to ask me if something isn't mentioned!)
Cultural Traditions
Celestial Realm/Devildom Lore
Things I Won't Write:
Explicit Content
Excessive Gore
Smoking/Vaping/Tobacco Use
Child/Animal Abuse
Drug Use
Anything romantic/sexual involving Luke or MC
Anything I feel I lack the knowledge to write properly at this point in time
Character Death (excluding canonically-dead characters)
Suicide-Baiting (I'm aware Asmo does it a couple times in-game - I personally think of it as one of his flaws that he needs to work out, so I personally won't be writing it)
^ Adding to this, any of the characters being complete assholes to each other in general. While I'm cool writing fights, arguments, banter and misunderstandings, anything past what, say, Mammon gets in game is typically a no.
Explicit Demoncest
Anything set within the major events of the game past Lesson 20 (reaper arc, human world, student council trials, etc). This is purely due to the fact that I either haven't gotten to them yet or don't feel confident in my ability to write about them.
Anything heavily including Michael
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anonthany0306 · 13 days
Imagine a magical modern world where everyones ability is to manifest their personality/mental state/subconscious into a physical thing, and scientists find that theres a pattern within manifestations that allows doctors to diagnose people with a simple examination of their manifestation.
Trigger warning
And everything im about to list off would be traits if their abilities, not the actual abilities themselves
They stack, but are as powerful as the impact they have on the user
Narcs' manifestation would probably have something to do with themselves, or having themselves as the center
DID would probs be the ability to manifest multiple small/weak/incomplete symbolic (or not) things representing their alters or a single materialization of something cracked/split (necromancer except they bring to life their alters)
Id imagine depression would involve an ability with the perk to draw people in, like a siren
Anxiety would involve something to do with an unnerving type sensation, sounds, vibrations, disruptions, the sense of slowed or sped up time
Bipolar, a changing, fast, or sudden type ability
Ptsd/cptsd would probably have a flashing, sudden, or jarring type ability
Schizophrenia would be hallucinogenic, (that one spiderman scene from homecoming with that bastard man showing spidey things that arent real), aoe tyoe ability
Ocd maybe would have something to do with controllingness, intrusive/invasive actions (the itrusive thoughts in ocd becomes the premise of what happens to who ever their using their ability against? Idk ocd that well)
Phobias - depending on the phobia, the way you'd deal with what your afraid of being your ability. Arachnophobia - your ability being pest amd spider resiliant, agoraphobia - your ability having something to do with being able to hide somewhere safe that youve made (small portable inner world? Invisibility??)
ED; makes the person feel the opposite of their disorder (if the user has binge eating issues, then their power would make others feel empty/hungry/hollow; anorexia or restrictive would be like overwhelming the sense with a feeling of fullness, stuffiness, claustrophobia; etc)
Disassociative having something to do with an incredible europhoric/dream feeling or with an incredibly grounding, kind of like "oh yea i just remembered my entire life situation and cant escape" type feeling
ADHD either has something to do with the inability to have others activate their powers, control them well, or consistantly.
Addiction/substance abuse would be kind of like the helplessness, constant incessant need for something, anxiety, etc
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vampire-connoisseur · 1 month
I wish it was acceptable to change genre between movies in a series like movie 1 is horror with a creepy little girl and her sinister adult man imaginary friend where she says things like "he tells me what to do" and he disappears when she tries to look at his face but it turns out everything he tells her to do is normal "eat-your-vegetables-play-nice" type guidance so they just think shes beginning to develop ocd in a weird way and then she vomits and there are insect legs and pieces in it and she admits that her imaginary friend Alexander told her to eat bugs to get over her phobia of them and then shes like "mom dad I dont want to be vegan anymore" (because their family is vegan) and theyre like ok sweetie thats your choice. you can eat meat at school and when we go to restaurants, but were going to keep having vegan meals at home. just stop eating bugs ok? and Alexanders thing with the bugs and eating meat is sort of like renfield in dracula but projected onto this kid and then they find a bunch of stolen things under her bed including wallets and money and shes in huge trouble and she starts getting into fights at school and she insists that its because Alexander told her to and then suddenly she starts acting like her old self, even sweeter even, just absolutely perfect, but her parents can tell that something is wrong and shes shown sneaking around and following Alexanders instructions to murder her family with poison and she finally poisons their food but her father survives but is incapacitated and she takes the knife that her mother used for cooking and stabs him in the throat with it and only cries and acts confused and scared when people find them and then is taken away and it ends with Alexander stroking her hair ominously while she has no expression,
and then the next movie opens with her as a teenager singing to whatever the in and recognizable pop or rock song is when this is set as she hacks apart another victim on a bed of trash bags wearing the serial killer clear suit and not spilling a drop of blood and Alex is sat on the kitchen island swinging his feet, dancing, and also singing along to make her giggle and its a coming of age comedy where the killing is entirely played for laughs and her girlfriend has to accept her for who she is, murder and all. I just think the expectations set by the first movie would make the joke of the second movie land better, without retroactively compromising the tone of the first.
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today3467h · 3 months
Embracing Mental Wellness: Key Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Individual
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Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy: A mentally healthy person typically exhibits the following characteristics:
1. Ability to make adjustments: They can adapt to different situations and changes in life.
2. Sense of personal worth: They feel worthwhile and important.
3. Problem-solving: They solve their problems largely by their own efforts and make their own decisions.
4. Sense of security: They feel secure in a group and show understanding of other people’s problems and motives.
5. Sense of responsibility: They are accountable for their actions.
6. Capacity to give and accept love: They can form and maintain healthy relationships.
7. Living in reality: They live in a world of reality rather than fantasy.
8. Emotional maturity: They show emotional maturity in their behavior, and develop a capacity to tolerate frustration and disappointments.
9. Variety of interests: They have a variety of interests and generally live a well-balanced life of work, rest, and recreation.
10. Resilience: They keep trying when the going gets tough.
11. Enjoyment of simple things: They can have positive experiences doing simple things, like going for a walk in nature, laughing with friends and loved ones, or listening to good music.
12. Letting go of anger: They do not spend time holding grudges against others who have hurt them.
Remember, these traits are general and will differ from person to person. Mental health is a positive quality of the individual’s daily living, where their thoughts, feelings, and actions function harmoniously towards a common goal.
How Can I Improve My Mental Health?
Improving mental health involves both physical and mental habits. Here are some strategies you can try:
1. Get restful sleep: Sleep plays an essential role in mental health.
2. Cut back on social media: Spending less time on social media can help improve your mental health.
3. Connect with friends: Talking to someone you trust can help. You may feel better if you are able to openly share what you are going through with someone who cares about you.
4. Try physical activity: Be active for at least 30 minutes daily. This can include running, walking, yoga, dancing, cycling, or even gardening.
5. Consider your diet: Eating a balanced and healthy diet can help improve your mental health.
6. Know when to let things go: Holding onto negative emotions can be detrimental to your mental health.
7. Rest: Taking time to relax and unwind is crucial for maintaining good mental health.
8. Get some sun: Exposure to sunlight can boost your mood and improve your mental health.
9. Professional support: Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you’re struggling with your mental health.
Remember, everyone’s journey with mental health is unique. What works for one person might not work for another. It’s important to find strategies that work best for you³. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s always a good idea to reach out to a mental health professional.
What are some common mental illnesses?
There are many different types of mental illnesses. Here are some of the most common ones:
1. Anxiety Disorders: Characterized by excessive fear and worry. There are several types, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and specific phobias.
2. Depression: More than just mood fluctuations, depression involves a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest and can interfere with daily functioning.
3. Bipolar Disorder: A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.
4. Eating Disorders: These disorders are characterized by obsessive concerns with weight and disruptive eating patterns that negatively impact physical and mental health.
5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): This disorder involves recurring, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): PTSD is a condition that can develop following a traumatic and/or terrifying event, such as a sexual or physical assault, the unexpected death of a loved one, or a natural disaster.
7. Schizophrenia: This is a serious disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Someone with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary.
8. Autism Spectrum Disorder: These are developmental disorders that affect communication and behavior, and includes conditions such as autism and Asperger syndrome.
9. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.
10. Personality Disorders: These are a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving.
Remember, if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, it’s important to seek help from a healthcare professional.
Read More:-
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starredforlife · 7 months
🙅‍♀️? and also what is the most fucked up horror film you've ever seen?
sorry for the late response!!
🙅‍♀️= what genre of horror/type of horror movie do you refuse to watch?
i'll try almost any genre once tbh but stuff with batshit ridiculous/gratuitous sexual violence and torture (which is most extreme horror) is typically something i avoid. i know if i'd watch it it would be with this completely unimpressed look the whole time. i got a big (ocd? phobia? idk) thing with hurting skin in any way (just the word makes me anxious) so i can watch stuff with that kind of torture but like. barely. and i don't enjoy putting myself thru it unless the movie is otherwise worth it.
what is the most fucked up horror film you've ever seen?
as seen above am not a v big consumer of the fucked up though a couple films have def piqued my interest (martyrs, mother, salo, antichrist, etc). i watched audition and liked it, watched infinity pool and thought it was a load of horseshit (not fucked up, either, really. the torture was that it was abysmally boring). when i'm in bad moods i love watching saw movies it's like cocomelon to me (they are very silly in premise so i can stomach the torture fine. + the traps are cool). i think one that isn't like, splatterpunk, but was deeply unsettling to me and left me a little sick was suspiria (2018). if you wanna feel bad watch it on a gray day with the aftertaste of bad tea on your tongue and nothing else to eat.
Horror Emoji Ask Game
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Test Anxiety Disorder – A Lesser-Known Performance Anxiety
If your child becomes cranky, withdrawn, and irritable before an important exam, it probably implies that he/she is suffering from examophobia or better termed as exam anxiety disorder or test anxiety. Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety that leads to a combination of emotional reactions and physical symptoms in an individual before and during an important examination.
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The condition affects the students appearing for SSC exams just like the ones appearing for medical/IIT entrance exam. This condition has seen a major rise in the recent years as an increasing number of parents have started to thrust their ambitions on their children or judge their children based on the marks they score in their exams.
Some of the common symptoms experienced by students undergoing this form of anxiety are stomachache, nausea, increased heart rate, excessive sweating, severe headaches, inability to concentrate, inability to organize things, excessive concern about exam, shortness of breath, nausea, fear of failure and low self-esteem. They are hardly seen smiling and often appear to be sad, angry, depressed, severely anxious and undergoing panic attacks.
Causes of Test Anxiety Disorder
The causes of test anxiety vary from person-to-person. Some of the common causes that are known to lead to this condition include:
High pressure situations, such as passing a test to pass a course
Fear of parental disappointment
Excessive parental pressure
Less preparation for the test
Waiting till the last minute to study or not studying at all
General fear of failure
History of failure or underachievement in tests
High level of self-criticism
Poor self-care such as lack of exercise or relaxation
Lack of enough sleep
Unhealthy eating habits
Dealing With Test Anxiety Disorder
To beat these anxiety attacks, it is important to take some simple steps. A few of these are as mentioned below
Taking enough breaks during preparation
Drinking lots of water
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables
Practicing yoga & meditation
Staying prepared for the exam well in advance
Getting enough sleep
Establishing a consistent pretest routine
Apart from these, one can also talk to his/her teacher and get an idea about the important topics for the exam. Necessarily, it is important not to try to mug up everything. Listen to some calming music to keep your senses calm and avoid getting anxious.
Parents should also stay supportive of their child’s ambition and avoid thrusting their decisions upon them. If required, they can also consult a psychiatrist for better health of their child. Want to get connected with one? Contact us today
Recovery Is Possible
Anxiety disorders can affect any individual in various forms such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social phobia (or social anxiety disorder) or any other. But it is important that you do not lose hope and seek help immediately as soon as you experience any symptoms of any form of anxiety disorder. If someone you know or a loved one is showing signs of developing any form of anxiety disorder or any other mental illness, take him/her for a consultation session at Athena Behavioral Health.
Athena Behavioral Health is one of the finest and leading mental health treatment centers in Gurgaon. Holding years of experience in treating individuals for various forms of mental illnesses and addiction to any form of substance, Athena takes pride in its team of professional psychologists who hold expertise in this domain. They make sure that the best customized treatment is provided to each patient to ensure their speedy recovery. So, if anyone around you is addicted to any form of substance or is dealing with any mental health issue, contact Athena Behavioral Health for complete treatment. Interested to know more details about our treatment plans and facility? Contact us today at 9289086193 or drop us an email at [email protected]
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healthbiz · 2 years
5 Facts About Anxiety and Memory Loss
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Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety, affecting around half of all people who suffer from it in some way. While it may seem like this shouldn’t be surprising, since so many other symptoms of anxiety are centered on cognitive impairment, you might be surprised to learn that anxiety and memory loss are actually two different things. It can be tempting to assume that memory loss is caused by anxiety when in reality it’s just as likely to be caused by any number of other factors. 1) Anxiety can cause memory loss. Anxiety can cause memory loss in a variety of ways. It can trigger a panic attack, which may cause someone to blackout or lose track of their thoughts. It can also lead to rumination, which is the process of constantly thinking about something over and over again. Rumination is believed to be one of the major causes of what is called overgeneral memory, which is when someone remembers all the details around a particular event but forgets the details about other events happening at the same time. 2) The more severe the anxiety, the greater the memory loss. Anxiety can be a huge factor in memory loss, and the more severe the anxiety, the more severe the memory loss will likely be. The severity of anxiety is often measured by what's called an anxiety disorder. The main types of anxiety disorders are Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), as well as many others. 3) The effects of anxiety on memory are usually temporary. Anxiety is a normal human emotion that people experience on a daily basis. It can have physical effects such as chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, and more. However, anxiety can also impact the brain's ability to recall memories from the past. Many people experience short-term memory loss when they are feeling anxious or stressed. This type of memory loss usually lasts only for a few minutes or hours before everything comes back to you in full clarity. 4) Chronic anxiety can lead to long-term memory problems. Chronic anxiety can lead to long-term memory problems. It's not clear why this happens, but some experts suspect that the stress hormone cortisol might be a factor. Cortisol is released when your body is under stress, and it may interfere with the hippocampus—the part of the brain responsible for memory formation. In addition, chronic anxiety has been linked to lower levels of glutamate, which is a neurotransmitter important for learning new information. 5) There are treatments available for anxiety and memory loss. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders you can find in the United States. Fortunately, there are different types of effective treatments that can be helpful. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one form of treatment that has been scientifically proven to be effective. CBT helps people identify what thoughts and behaviors contribute to their anxiety, so they can then make changes for a more positive outcome. If you or someone you know suffers from anxiety, talk to your doctor about CBT as an option for treatment. Read the full article
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tellerairbus40 · 2 years
Stress Therapists Who Could Really Help
While just about all of us previously or another may possibly feel a particular degree of panic, or anxiousness: of a test, a task interview, performing upon stage; this type of anxiousness isn't debilitating and even is usually short-lived. It is some sort of natural psychological happening which is managed various methods inside preparation for that will upcoming event. But there are those that suffer from panic to the stage it hinders their own day-to-day existence. Many things, like see the market or college, even just departing their homes, can cause severe anxiety, perhaps panic attacks. Nevertheless anxiety may seem to be more prevalent throughout teens, if without treatment, can carry straight into adulthood. Some of the varieties of anxiety problems: GAD (General Anxiety Disorder), a general anxiety not triggered by one particular event, but a new sense how the even worse can happen at any time, anywhere. Panic Condition, cardiovascular anxiety or even fear for simply no apparent reason, which usually triggers physical symptoms for example dizziness, heart palpitations, tingling feelings on the body and at times the person experiencing this may believe they are having a heart attack. Social Anxiousness Disorder is the worry of being throughout a public condition. Other anxiety disorders are OCD, several phobias, agoraphobia, post traumatic stress dysfunction. Some thoughts are that though anxiousness is a disorder in itself, that can be coupled with depression, both associated with which must end up being dealt with every bit as for the health and wellness. stress Therapist Hong Kong Maple Tree Counselling Psychotherapists Feeling such anxieties can make one feel uncomfortable in doing plenty of issues, and there are treatments, such as particular anti-anxiety prescription drugs, to therapy counseling which can help the particular person suffering the particular anxiety look for their very own strong point regarding self and become conditioned to pull coming from that strength, to cope. Some would like therapy, such because behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, more than a possible habbit on pharmaceuticals. The particular person suffering by anxiety needs to be able to be able to feel relaxed in speaking about his / her issues along with a therapist they will can trust with their thoughts and thoughts. Those involved throughout the life associated with the one suffering anxiety, such because family, have to learn strategies to comfort and help during this period. Finding the appropriate therapist who will end up being there on their behalf is 1 of the almost all important measures in dealing with anxiety plus functioning fully.
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 years
If you don’t like animals I hope you get well soon xx
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softxsuki · 3 years
Good evening, can I request something personal? I have severe coprophobia, fear of feces, and it extends to a form of OCD. Could we have headcanons for Shoto and Kaachan with an s/o who has that, or at least germophobia?
Todoroki and Bakugou (Seperate) with S/O Who Has Germophobia
Pairing: Todoroki x Gn!Reader, Bakugou x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Germophobia
Genre: Uhhhhhh kinda fluffy? idrk
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 720
Summary: How Bakugou and Todoroki react/respond to you telling them that you have germophobia. 
[A/N: Hello anon! Ofc you can request something personal, though I chose to write that Reader has germophobia instead of coprophobia. I know more about germophobia and I didn’t want to make assumptions about your phobia which I’m pretty unfamilar with and google wasn’t very helpful in terms of how people with coprophobia interact with others and such. I hope that’s okay! Feel free to educate me more on coprophobia if you’d like though, I’d be interested in learning more if you’re comfortable with that. ANYWAY, yeah I was supposed to post this request hours ago but I got distracted so now it’s 1:45am and I’m just now finishing this up...my bad heh. Hope you all enjoy, though! <3]
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Todoroki is confused at first (ofc) but as soon as you tell him that you have germophobia, he’s intrigued
He’ll ask you more about it because he’s genuinely curious about what it’s like to have a fear of germs and wonders what your day to day life is like
Therefore he practically interviews you with tons of questions and waits patiently for you to answer them all, so long as you feel comfortable with the questions
I think he’d be okay with maintaining his distance from you if your phobia is triggered one day and you’re avoiding all contact from him and anyone else
He’d make sure to keep his distance and talk you through it, reassuring you that you are going to be okay until you calm down
In the moments where he does want to hold you and show you his affection--because of course you’re his significant other and he cares about you--he’ll go wash his hands and make sure he’s as clean as possible before coming to you
“I washed my hands...could I hold you now?”
Whenever you’re over in his room, he’d make sure to tidy up (I mean like deeeeeep clean the heck out of his room) before you come over to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible in his space
If you have any OCD habits like washing your hands every few minutes, or carrying disinfectant spray with you, spraying everything you touch or use, he would never judge you for doing those things, but he silently watches and makes mental notes on your habits so he could keep some disinfectant spray around or stock up on your favorite hand soap--whatever you need, he’s got it
Overall he’s very understanding and is always ready to learn more about your phobia along with what he can and can’t do with/to you together as a couple
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Bakugou acts nonchalant as soon as you tell him about your phobia
“Okay, and?? What’s that gotta do with anything?”
Genuinely doesn’t think any differently about you and still cares deeply for you in his own way
HOWEVER, he does become a little more aware about the cleanliness around himself as he wouldn’t want to freak you out by accident
I think he’s fairly a clean and organized person already despite his rowdy and explosive behavior, his room is the complete opposite of him; things are alway in their proper place, his bed is always made and washed regularly, his bathroom is spotless--he’s very well put together behind closed doors, lucky for you
I feel like he also practices healthy hygiene so he’s clean in general despite how messy he may look at times--he just doesn’t put the effort into what he wears, but all his clothes are cleannnn 
He would put in a little extra effort to make sure things are as clean as possible for you whenever you come to see him (even making sure that he looks well-put together and smells as good despite the natural aroma his quirk gives him, which could be either a good or bad thing for you) but he’d never tell you about all the extra efforts he puts in for your sake, but you’ll definitely notice
He’s very observant so if he sees that you wash your hands frequently he’d secretly buy you some lotion or hand cream of any kind to help prevent your hands from getting too dry, which could become painful over time
Literally has no idea what to do whenever you start freaking out about him being too close or if you’re having an off-day with your phobia, so he ends up just giving you some space and texting you later on in the day whether you’re feeling better or not
Will cook for you while you’re there with him so you can keep an eye on him and make sure the ingredients are cleaned and handled to your preference--although he’s a fantastic and cleanly cook who stays organized and is precise about the way he cooks so you’ll never have any problems there 
Will also fight anyone who tries to touch you without your permission *insert personal guard dog*
But yeah, he really won’t think differently about you, he will make sure things are in tip-top shape for you without making a big deal about it  :)
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Posted: 11/6/2021
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mossywritingg · 3 years
Writing Character with Anxiety/Depression
I have seen so many people who write these things and are so insensitive to people who actually experience these. These are just a few things that could be helpful to know/use in your writing when writing a character with these mental illnesses.
1. Depression isn’t just being sad and anxiety isn’t just constant fear
When writing these, you have to really get into the characters head, describe how they’re feeling
2. This is the biggest one: DO RESEARCH
LEARN. READ. Most likely, you're going to want to find personal experiences from people who have been though anxiety/depression. That is one of the best ways to properly write these characters
Feel unable to do anything (basic things like getting out of bed, getting dressed, brushing teeth, taking a shower, etc)
Feel worthless/question their worth almost constantly to a point where they think everyone around them hates them
Look happy - on the outside, a character could easily put on a huge smile, but then you have to remember, especially if it’s your protagonist, to describe their actual feelings (Ex. “She looked at me, concern prominent in her eyes. I smiled, giving it my all, showing her the opposite of what I actually felt. Right now, in this moment, I felt so helpless, almost as if the world would explode if I let anyone see how I really felt.”)
Disassociate - this is an important one. People with depression try to stray away from people so they won’t see how they actually feel. People with depression also usually feel like a burden, so it that’s also where anxiety could come into play if you’re writing the two together
Unable to sleep/sleep often. Insomnia can be developed due to depression
Feel angry, agitated, may come off as rude a lot of the time when they aren’t meaning to be
Changes in diet (increased or decreased) which can lead to changes in weight
Ask questions - anxiety, like depression, makes you question if you are actually worthy of the love you are receiving. People with anxiety usually need reassurance about a lot of things, not only their worth but other things as well
Apologize a lot - this comes from a place, once again, of needing constant reassurance. People with anxiety will often apologize for things that they didn’t even do because they fear it was their fault (a lot constant apologizing stems from trauma)
Symptoms of anxiety - palpitating heartbeat, sweating, feeling tired, hyperventilating, feeling a rising fear/wave of nausea wash over you, shaking/trembling
You feel anxiety build up (different from panic attacks). It can be caused by something or it can happen with no trigger at all
Types of Anxiety (or where anxiety can be presently shown) - social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, specific phobias, OCD, PTSD
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