#istg Scar is just <3
tardis--dreams · 1 year
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Is anyone else like. concerned? by the relentless passing of time?
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skzdarlings · 7 months
i do ; skz ; felix x reader
requested by anonymous: ' I would love if you could use these prompts...on Felix x fem reader:❛ i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do. ❜❛ you're mine. you've always been mine. ❜I love possessive Felix, istg i would give amything to have him' plus two anonymous requests for: 'i'd say you need someone to put you in your place' for felix.
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pairing: lee felix/reader content info: look this request was for possessive!felix and so possessive!felix i delivered. he is a little weirdo in this tbh. but i think after all my anti-rich-guy stories, i have earned the right for one problematic possessive mafia boss who throws his money and his dick around hahaha. so yes, possessive!felix, virgin!reader, wedding night, arranged marriage, felix being a criminal boss, insta-love. reader's backstory involves a verbally abusive/neglectful family. explicit sexual content. word count: 4000 words.
masterlist. part of the valentine’s day stories series. credit to prompts. requests are closed.
enjoy <3
Your new husband is astoundingly pretty.   You expected a different face to be waiting at the end of the wedding aisle: harsh, old, scarred.  Maybe, if you let yourself fantasize, he would be handsome in a rugged way. 
You were not expecting Felix.  Slender, delicate Felix with his high cheekbones and freckles, his dark eyes and feather-soft blonde hair.  He smiled a dimpled smile as your father surrendered your hand. 
That surrender was a visual representation of a literal transaction.  You were a bartering tool to save your father’s business.  You knew an arranged marriage was inevitable when a few trades went sour and the company went bankrupt.  The family could only maintain relevancy and safety through a match to someone more powerful. 
Lee Felix is the heir to a very dirty criminal syndicate that blends in high society.  Everyone knows their money is blood-spattered, but they throw a good party and the jewels sparkle the same.
You knew his name long before the wedding.  Of course you knew his name.  But you did not know his face.  You expected a devil, not a vision of divinity, resplendent in white and gold. 
Your heart has not stopped racing since he first lifted your veil and kissed you with lips softer and gentler than your grandest fantasies. 
Now you are perched on a lavish bed in a beautiful penthouse suite.  The walls are windows, externally tinted but offering you a glorious view of the glittering cityscape at night.  You wonder how much of the city your new husband owns. 
Would that be an impertinent question?  It is not as though there is any real charade to play; this is not a love match and there is no sense pretending otherwise.  Enquiring after financial assets is arguably appropriate insofar as business goes. 
Then the door opens and your new husband enters.  All thoughts of business flitter into nothing, an insignificant detail next to your wedding night.  A night with this powerful and beautiful stranger.
“Are you nervous?” he asks in a voice so deep it keeps surprising you.  It suits his angelic appearance in a way, something so captivating about its low tones, effortlessly melodic.  But that melody is coloured darkly in its depth, scratching a shiver up your spine.  When he speaks, it feels like he is trailing his fingers up your back in a curious, searching touch. 
He looks at you with as much depth, dark eyes penetrating as he circles the bed.  He has been nothing but polite, but you can’t help but feel like prey being circled by a predator. 
Even more concerning, you can’t help but like it.  Since the moment he took your hand, his eyes have not left you.  It is almost overwhelming.  You have been invisible your whole life.  No one ever looked at you.  No one ever wanted you.  Your father scared off anyone who tried. 
Felix is not just anyone.  Anyone sensible would be scared of him.
You are also not just anyone. 
“No,” you answer.
“Really?”  He lifts a curious eyebrow. 
You are both in your wedding clothes, all white and gold.  Your veil is draped over a chair in the corner.  He puts his coat there too. 
He never looks away from you, rolling his shirtsleeves up his forearms as he approaches the bed.
“May I ask, why not?” he asks.  It’s a funny question, so polite but only posed because he knows his own reputation.  He knows what you must think of him.  The bloodshed, the ruthlessness, the merciless command he holds over his family’s legacy.  He might look unassuming, but he is not to be trifled with.  That gentle exterior could be unnerving to some people, even more than an outward brute. 
But you have dealt with those brutes your whole life.  An abusive father, cruel brother, an uncaring mother.  Hurt, neglected, ignored. 
Tonight, while you circled the reception to greet everyone, your father and brother pulled you aside.  Your mother had already berated you on the details of your appearance, but they were reprimanding you for every other misstep.
You almost burst into tears, tired and frightened.  You were so afraid you would never escape them.  Even at your wedding, on the cusp of a new life, they were dragging you around, kicking and screaming.
Then you felt a tap on your shoulder.  Bang Chan, one of Felix’s most trusted agents, stood there with a forced but cordial smile.  He looked at you and not your family. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said.  “Your husband is asking for you.  Please, come with me.”
Your father sputtered indignantly, unaccustomed to such blatant disrespect for his authority.  Chan said nothing to him, simply offered you his arm.  He also opened his jacket to flash the gun in his chest holster.  Your family had their weapons stripped before entering the reception.  It was a subtle reminder of who was really in charge. 
So your father and brother were left sputtering helplessly as Chan escorted you across the room.  Felix was sitting with some of his men, smiling his bright smile and looking like any happy young groom. 
That sunny face faltered when he saw your morose expression.  His glance passed to your family, a flicker of anger in his gaze.  Then he smiled at you and held out a welcoming arm. 
“Come here,” he said.  “Sit with me a bit.  Please.” That deep voice.  You felt it like a touch inside you. He had recited the scripted vows earlier.  This invitation was his first real address. 
You nodded.  Your legs were shaky from the confrontation, never mind the wobble from your heels.  Your feet hurt.  Sitting would be a relief if nothing else. 
There was an empty seat behind Felix.  It was the type of seat you were usually given: at the back where you could be forgotten. 
Once you were within reach, Felix grabbed you around the waist.  Your breath caught as you stumbled towards him.  He caught you and held you.  Then you were sitting in his lap, your dress draped everywhere, a glittering ivory prize perched safe and pretty on his knee.  He wrapped a possessive arm around your middle. 
It was more than a power play.  It was one thing to put you on his lap and show your family that he owned you now, but it was another for him to frown as he touched the painfully tight pearl belt around your waist. 
“Why is this so tight?” he asked, looking at you with concern.     
“I’m sorry,” you said automatically, in the habit of grovelling whenever someone took a disappointed tone.  “My mother,” you spoke softly, not wanting the rest of the table to hear. 
He leaned closer to you, offering you his ear directly.  A whisper was all you managed, unaccustomed to such attention.
“They’re real pearls,” you whispered.  “Very expensive.  Very fine.  Too fine for me.  My mother had the belt made small so I would remember to act worthy of them.  Sit straight.  Not over-eat.  You know.”
He frowned, his brow furrowing.  Instinct compelled you to soothe that displeasure, laughing like you were not upset.
“It’s all right,” you said.  “She’s right.  They are very fine pearls.”
“It’s not all right,” Felix said.  He looked at you, held your gaze in his own.  You found yourself counting his freckles.  “Do you like it?” he asked. 
Maybe it was his display of power.  Maybe it was his arm around you.  Maybe it was the freckles.  He looked so sweet, so sincere.  You could not bring yourself to lie.  Though you had defended your cruel family all your life, the truth fell from your lips in a rough exhale. 
“No.”  You felt tears in your eyes.  “I know it’s expensive.  I know it’s beautiful.  But I’ve never hated anything more.” 
He held your gaze, your watery eyes in the dark depths of his own.
Then he grabbed the belt by a thin material strand and yanked.  A couple pearls popped right off and scattered.  The rest dangled on the belt, an absurd amount of wealth in his hand. 
Felix tossed it over his shoulder like it was garbage. Then he wrapped his arm around your waist and held you against him. 
You chanced a look at your family.  They were scandalized.  Horrified.  And you breathed easier for the first time in a long time. You have long suffered the oppressive strangle of control masquerading as love.  His protective arm felt nothing like that pearl belt.
So you look at him now.  You strive to articulate all these feelings.  You are not used to speaking and having someone listen. 
“I can’t explain it,” you say.  “Maybe it’s foolish.  But I… I just feel like I was meant to be here.  With you.  Like this.”
Your heart jumps at his expression, a luminous pleasure that brightens this dimly lit room. 
“That’s funny,” he says.  “I feel the same way.”
You swallow as he sits beside you.  Slowly, touch by touch, breath by breath, he is bringing your bodies together.  His knee touches yours, his arm your arm.  He folds his hands in his lap but he is close enough you can count his freckles again. 
“I need to be honest with you,” he says.  “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you.  A year ago.  At the winter masquerade.”
You look at him with surprise.  All at once, his eyes come back to you, gazing at you behind a golden bird mask at the annual winter social.  You couldn’t place the handsome stranger at the time.  His hair was dark then, his face in a mask.  He did not speak.  His distinctive voice would have given him away. 
He danced one dance with you, the only person who danced with you all night.  You were later reprimanded for behaving like a slut, even though he touched your waist and nothing more.
“You were very kind,” he says.  “I watched you with the staff.  You were the only one in that whole room to say please and thank you to them – did you know that?”  He sighs and looks away, thoughts travelling beyond this room.  “I came from nothing,” he says.  “My family… we fought to get where we are now.  But I remember, you know.  What it feels like to be the smallest and least important person in the room.”
You sit straighter when he looks at you.  Oh, your heart has not slowed its thunder.  Excitement and affection swirl together in a motley tempest of sensation, touched by his words and yearning for more.  You thought you had been sold to an uncaring bidder, but Felix touches you slowly, like he would a very fine work of art.  His knuckles caress your cheek, the slope of your jaw. 
“I thought…” He looks at you reverently.  “I thought… I would do anything to preserve that goodness.  I would protect it.  Like your family wasn’t.”  His brow furrows now, a shadow of his face.  “They would have ruined you.” 
His hand continues, knuckles skimming down your throat, your shoulder, your arm.  You shiver.   He has a terrible scar, scoring the whole back of his hand.  A stark difference to your unblemished hand, your manicured nails against his calloused fingers. 
He says, “I know what it’s like to be ruined.”
You look from your hands to his face, his handsome profile, the slope of his nose and his soft lips.  He is still looking at your joined hands. 
“I wasn’t always like this,” he says.  “I’d give anything to have my innocence back.  But I can’t.”
He lifts your hand, cradles it between both of his like something precious.  Your breath catches when he kisses your palm, lips soft against your skin.  
“So I told myself, I would do anything to save yours,” he says.  He looks almost… afraid.  An expression you never expected to see on this man.   “So I destroyed your father’s business,” he says.  “It was all me.  I knew he would never give you to a man like me unless he had no choice.  He would have given you away to one of his friends and they would have broken you.  But you were already mine.  So I left him no choice but to see things my way.” 
“Oh,” you say, surprised beyond all words. 
“I wanted you to know before anything… happens… between us,” he says.  “But I understand if your feeling are complicated.  Or if you… fear me.”
Your father has often boasted how many men fear him.  It does not sound like a boast from Felix, rather something lamentable.  His face is shadowed in shame. 
“My feelings are not complicated,” you say.  He is still holding your hand in both of his.  You lay your other hand there, a complete joining. 
He meets your gaze, an intense and imploring stare.
“I’m not my father’s daughter anymore,” you say.  “I’m my husband’s wife.  My loyalty is to you.  My place is with you.”
“Yes,” he says, spoken on a breath.  His smile returns.  “Your place.  I’d say you need someone to put you in your place.  Your rightful place.” 
He springs off the bed like there is lightning under his feet.  He is all smiles and sunlight again, a beacon in the blue dark of this room.  You cannot help but bask in his warmth, bereft in the chill when he leaves your side. 
He takes something from his discarded coat pocket, a case swathed in velvet, soft to the touch.  You hold it, admiring the texture.
He kneels behind you on the bed while you open it.   Inside is the most breathtaking necklace you have ever seen in your life.  When you lift it, the chain is long, designed to sit low, loose around your neck.  No more chokers.  No more pearls. 
“Oh, Felix,” you say, breathless and amazed, then very embarrassed.  You are not used to such lovely gifts.  Even the pearls were a punishment.  “I can’t accept this…” you say, stunned.
“You can,” he says. 
He takes the clasp then strings the necklace around you.  His fingers on the nape of your neck have you shivering.  The necklace clasps in place, then his lips are on your neck, a chaste press that nonetheless lights fire under your skin.  “It was made for you,” he says.  “Like you were made for me.” 
He takes the zipper of your gown between two careful fingers, so slowly lowering it.  It feels like you are unravelling with it.  The zipper reaches the base of your spine and his fingertips dance across your bare skin. 
He steps off the bed.  He looks down at you, his eyes intense but his smile soft.  He touches your cheek, strokes his thumb across it lovingly. 
Then he is sinking to his knees in front of you.  You already feel weak as jelly, but your whole body goes soft and pliant when he gently grasps your ankle, when he slides your painful shoe off your foot and tosses it aside.  He somehow finds every sore spot and rubs it better. 
“This is how it works,” he says.  He is on his knees but somehow his presence looms bigger than you.  You cannot look away from the thrall of his gaze.  “You are my wife.  And when we are out there, I am your servant.”  He takes your other foot and removes that shoe as well.  He massages you gently.  “I will never deny you anything,” he says.  “You can ask me for anything. All right?  I will give you the whole world.  I will give you my whole heart.  In return, I only want one thing.”
“What’s that?” you ask, already breathless.
“I am your husband,” he says, “and in here, you are my servant.  Only I can touch you.  Only I will have you.  All of you.  In every way.  Always, starting from today.  Starting from right now.”    
“Yes.  Yes.  But I – I’ve never done this before,” you say, aching to surrender but fearful he will regret this.  Though you are knowledgeable, you are lacking in experience from years of isolation.  “I’ve been alone for so long,” you say.  “I don’t want to disappoint you.” 
“You don’t,” he says.  He lifts your leg, swoops down to kiss your calf, then higher: your knee, your thigh.  “You could never,” he says, guiding your leg to rest on his shoulder.  He gathers the volume of your wedding dress in his hands and pushes it up, up. 
You almost forget to breathe.  He kisses higher on your thigh.  Then he grabs the thin material of your white tights and rips them open.
“You’re mine,” he says.  “You’ve always been mine.” 
You fall back on your elbows, limbs already quivering as he tears through your underclothes as if impatiently ripping open a prettily wrapped gift.   With your expensive lace panties shredded and your tights in tatters, he pushes your skirts up and out of his way.  You hold them while he kisses up your thigh.  He runs his tongue along the seam between your thigh and somewhere much more sensitive. 
“No one else has done this to you?” he asks.  He already looks flushed.  Desperate.      
“No,” you answer.  You swallow hard.  “Never.”  You know some men do not enjoy providing this type of pleasure to their wives, so you are about to tell him that you have no expectations in that regard—
But then he is on you like a starving man, eyes closed and mouth open and licking through all that wet desire.  You fall on your back, pressing your heel into his back.  He groans, pressing deeper, tongue seeking, swiping, stroking. 
He grips your thighs possessively, holding you in place as he ravages you with his mouth.  He takes you up and over a blissful crest.  It leaves you a drenched and panting mess. 
He stands, wiping his arm across his wet mouth.  He does not look satisfied, eyes still hungry as he climbs on top of you. 
“My wife,” he says, like the word is sacred and impossible, like he thought a man like him could never say it.  “All mine,” he says, running his hands up your thighs, up your waist, touching every inch of you until he is cradling your face delicately in his careful but calloused hands.   
It makes your whole body clench up tightly, your breath stuttering as he kisses you.  You melt into the kiss, so different from the chaste peck of your ceremony.  It is a claiming kiss, the taste of you still on his lips, his moan in your mouth, his chest against yours as those sounds of pleasure rumble through him. 
He tugs down your bodice, then he is ripping through your underclothes again.   When your bodice is around your waist and your chest is bare except for his necklace, you find yourself covering your breasts instinctively.  He takes your hands, not forcefully but firmly, holding your gaze.  His mouth is already so pink and raw from kissing.  You wonder if you look as ravished.  Maybe more.  It makes you whimper, surrendering when he pins your hands on either side of your head. 
“This is mine,” he says, kissing your jaw, your throat, then lower.  “All mine, sweetheart.”
He wraps his lips around a pointed nipple and you feel the reaction between your legs, as if connected by a thread.  Your legs try to close around his hips but he presses down.  The crumpled skirt of your dress is between you, but he feels your thighs clenching, feels you desperately bucking. 
Even his chuckle is a deep sound.  He smiles at you, batting his eyelashes as he licks the curve of your breast.  Your whole body twitches again. 
“Mm,” he says.  “You feel that?  You getting all tight… and hot… just for me…”
“Felix,” you say, you beg.
He sits back on his heels to get your wedding dress off.  It is a flurry of ivory and silk, earning some laughter, then it is gone and your husband is staring down at you.   Again, you feel like prey, like a meal spread out helplessly for some predatory creature.  Again, you like it. 
He is just as impatient with his own clothes.  He does not look away from you while tearing his shirt open.  Buttons fly, forgotten, and he rips the material down his arms and off.  His belt is next, leather whistling through the air then joining the heap on the floor.  He grabs your hand and guides it to the hard shape in his white pants, groaning deep in his chest as your palm curves around it. 
You are so captivated him, by the way he feels, by the sounds he makes, that you are surprised when he touches you too.  Your legs part instinctively, then your thighs twitch to close when you are embarrassed by your eagerness. 
“Don’t be shy,” he says.  “Not with me.” His fingers feel divine inside you, gliding as if through silk, pressing at your walls and making you whimper.  “Yeah, my baby.  So nice… ‘n wet… for me…” he murmurs, more to himself than you. It still makes you clench, like your body wants him deeper, pulling tight around him.   “God.  Perfect.” 
“Aren’t we g-gonna—”  Your eyes drop to his waistband, then up to his eyes again. 
He smiles, laughs, and withdraws his fingers slowly. 
“Oh yeah, sweetheart,” he says, unbuttoning his pants.  “We are.  Be patient.  You’re gonna enjoy this.  Gonna remember this night forever.”  He leans down so his body is over yours.  He kisses you, presses you into the pillows.  When he pulls back, he traces a finger along the necklace, smiling brightly. “The first time I made you mine,” he says, speaking low and soft against your lips.   “I’m going to do everything with you,” he says.  “And you’re gonna want it.  All of it and more.” 
He has you begging for more already.  When he finally is pushing inside you, after so much torturous build-up, you are a breathless, sweaty tangle of limbs.  It feels like he is pinning you to the mattress, taking you so deep and so hard, like your whole body is changing to fit him.   There is a long, slow burn, but you are so wet and he is so careful; it is an ache that gives way to pleasure. 
His arms are around you, holding him above you, making you feel so completely shielded and enveloped.  He starts a slow pace that turns more frantic.  Your hands move all over his chest and shoulders to find a grip. 
“I love that no one else has seen you like this,” he says, grabbing your searching hand.  He brings it to his mouth, kisses your palm, your fingers.  He puts your hand on his shoulder, then he slides his hand under your head to cup your neck, holding you steady while he rolls his hips into yours.  “That no one else has felt you before,” he says.  “Been inside you. They don't get to have you, but I do.“
“Yes,” you say.  “Always.  My husband.” 
“Mm.”  He drops his forehead to yours.  “My wife.” 
You come again but it feels different, starting deep inside you and rolling outward, a full-body spasm that has you crying out his name.  He comes too, holding you against him, his lips on your neck as he says your name. 
Then he kisses you.  Then he lays you down.  He wraps you in his arms and squeezes. 
“Sleep for now,” he says.  “It’s been a long day.  And I want you again.”
“You have me,” you say, nestling in his arms, your head under his chin. 
“Yes,” he says with a smile.  He looks so sweet even while his wicked hands hold your body in a strong, possessive grip.  “I do.”      
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ween-kitchens · 8 months
i used to know (but i’m not sure now)
1298 words cw: panic attack
maybe joel should talk to scar. it- there’s no way he actually meant for joel to spiral into.. well, whatever joel has begun to spiral into. relatively close to a panic attack, probably, but joel can’t remember any of the techniques mumbo told him about for calming down after he and pearl started freaking out about being kicked out of the mounders- okay, he’s noticing a theme here.  that’s- that isn’t the point. he’s just- well, what if he goes to find scar to ask him about what he meant, and scar did mean to reference last life, and he’s- he’s mad at joel, or doesn’t wanna talk to him at all, and then joel has to leave again and he-
joel’s train of thought is interrupted painfully as he smacks the top of his head on his ceiling, and he realises that he’s been slowly flying upwards since he started spiralling. at least hitting his head managed to ground him. actually- can you call that grounding when he’s not on the ground?
joel is freaking out about past alliances. turns out, he’s not the only one
if I actually wrote/finished all the ideas I have in my head right now, i’d be posting daily istg
winter is the season of writers block however so you get this <3
if you’re going to like, please reblog!
joel is being dumb.
there’s no way scar was referencing magical mountain—he just saw a mountain and magic was alliterate with the word mountain, so he said magic mountain before he could remember about the almost identically named alliance they had, and by the time he remembered it was too awkward to change it. that’s- it has to have been that. that’s a very scar thing to do- it’s a very joel thing to do, in all honesty. if scar hadn’t said it, joel probably would have, and then he would be having pretty much the same dilemma—just a little to the left.
it was a slip of the tongue, and everyone moved past it, and- it might be their team name now, but that’s fine. is it a team on hermitcraft, or is it like.. a group? it’s not like they’re teaming up against each other this time, so they can’t be a team—or an alliance, on that note. it’s probably a group name then. maybe joel should suggest a different name next.. meeting? okay, he really doesn’t know as much about hermitcraft as he thought he did. 
and that’s- well, that’s an entirely different freakout he’s probably gonna have soon, but- what if the naming of this mountain was a kind of.. omen? what if it all goes wrong, and it turns out joel isn’t welcome here anymore, and then he has to go find somewhere else to stay- and everyone has already established their neighbours and their groups and joel will be like the odd one out- and it’s his first season, it can’t go wrong this quickly. joel might be having two freakouts at the same time now- that’s probably not a great sign, huh?
maybe joel should talk to scar. it- there’s no way he actually meant for joel to spiral into.. well, whateverjoel has begun to spiral into. relatively close to a panic attack, probably, but joel can’t remember any of the techniques mumbo told him about for calming down after he and pearl started freaking out about being kicked out of the mounders- okay, he’s noticing a theme here.  that’s- that isn’t the point. he’s just- well, what if he goes to find scar to ask him about what he meant, and scar did mean to reference last life, and he’s- he’s mad at joel, or doesn’t wanna talk to him at all, and then joel has to leave again and he-
joel’s train of thought is interrupted painfully as he smacks the top of his head on his ceiling, and he realises that he’s been slowly flying upwards since he started spiralling. at least hitting his head managed to ground him. actually- can you call that grounding when he’s not on the ground?
forcing himself to breathe slowly, joel lands back on the floor. okay. he should probably talk to scar, considering he’s getting this het up about everything. besides, since when has scar actually done anything like that for no reason? never, that’s when. probably.
it takes a moment for him to hype himself up enough for joel to even approach his front door, but he gets there after a minute. he puts his hand on the doorknob, pushes it down, pulls the door open and-
-and finds himself face to face with an equally nervous looking scar. 
scar jumps, making a noise like a suppressed yelp as he realises what just happened. “I- joel. you’re- hello!”
joel has seemingly forgotten how to form any coherent words, because all he can do is stare as scar starts to ramble about wanting to give joel something that he must have forgotten at home because he can’t seem to find it on him-
“are you-“ joel says suddenly, surprising both scar and himself. his voice is embarrassingly rough, which- okay, he didn’t actually cry or anything, why does he sound so bad? “is- I don’t know how to. say it.” he huffs in exasperation. “is this about last life?”
“I-“ something akin to fear flickers across scar’s face, and joel immediately regrets bringing it up until scar says, “it’s not.. not about last life.”
for a moment, neither of them say anything—the silence so loud, joel feels like he’s about to lose his mind. then, simultaneously-
“I shouldn’t-“
“you weren’t-“
scar looks like he’s about to cry, and joel wants to hug him but has no idea how he would even try- or if scar would even want that. “you- you can go first.”
“I- i’m sorry. for being so pissy to you after- after I turned red, I mean-“ joel throws his hands out in exasperation. “I was red- those were the rules! you couldn’t team with me, and I just- I took it harder than I should have, and then I took it out on you. and you didn’t- you don’t deserve that.” joel’s voice breaks embarrassingly at the end of that, and he clears his throat. 
“oh.” scar has tears in his eyes, and his voice wavers and- fuck, did joel say something wrong? but then the smallest of smiles ghosts across his lips. “I thought- I was gonna apologise for kicking you out for no reason. I thought you were gonna be mad at me.”
joel gives a huff of a laugh, slightly incredulous. “wh- I thought you were mad at me, I didn’t- why would I be mad at you?”
“‘cause- well, it’s a little hypocritical of me, right? me and grian in third life were breaking the rules, and then I didn’t break them for you.” scar’s ear twitches. “are you honestly not mad?”
“I mean- I was.” joel admits. “but not- I wasn’t mad at you, though. I thought- y’know, was it me?” he tries to keep his voice steady, but it wavers against his will, and he glances away from scar’s gaze. “i’d- in third life, I didn’t have a team. and then I teamed with you, and in a week, I was alone again. i just,” he shrugs in an attempt at nonchalance as he looks back at scar. “but then I had boat boys, and then the bad boys, and then the mounders, and- I wasn’t mad anymore.” 
scar’s smile turns a little sad. “I.. i’m not exactly a stranger to that feeling. so- i’m sorry I contributed-“
“oh, no- jimmy did this too, you don’t get to apologise for my problems.” joel slaps a hand over scar’s mouth, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. “and, on that topic, i’m sorry if I made you feel like that in secret life- no, i’m allowed to say that because I actually did fuck up.” joel says as scar starts to protest. he moves his hand away for fear of being licked. “you always belong with us, you know that right?”
“I- joel, if you make me cry, i’m gonna be so mad.” scar laughs, already crying as he pulls joel in for a hug. joel freezes in surprise for a moment, but before scar can start to pull away, he hugs scar back. “thank you.” scar mumbles into joel’s hair.
“I mean it.” joel says, muffled against scar’s shoulder. “if you ever start feeling like you’re alone on this mountain, my door is always open. it- pretty literally, actually, it’s built so the door is open.”
scar snorts. “you’re ruining the sappy moment.” he tells him, hugging him tighter. “you can’t be vulnerable for one second, can you?”
“wh- okay, i’m working on it.” joel scoffs, and scar cackles. “I only see you guys in death games, give me a break.”
“I forgive you.” scar says, voice soft all of a sudden, and joel smiles to himself. “i’m happy you’re here. i’ve missed you.”
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demoman-kisser420 · 5 months
Cuddling headcanons for the mercs <3
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(All nine❤️)
This man loves to hold you istg he will just hold you to his chest and play with your hair as yall fall asleep
Definitely a spooning guy if yall are sleeping in his van there's limited space and he's just adapted to sleeping on his side
This man LOVES holding you like you will sleep on him he wraps his arms around you and reads as you fall asleep on him
This man Definitely will just rest his head on your chest as he falls asleep he likes when you pet him slighty
Definitely like demoman but also likes to protect you so he likes it either way he won't fall asleep before you at all like his brain won't let him
Loves spooning and he will rub your thighs or back before you guys go to sleep also wouldn't be apposed to sleeping in between you thighs
They love to hold you as you sleep like they won't let go at all the mask comes off during sleep they like when you trace there burn scars (I'm going off the unofficial pyro face by valve)
This man loves you laying on his chest it makes him feel confident that he can protect you he will play with your hair till you fall asleep
He's a romantic guy so really he wants you to lay on his chest but he also like spooning he's always gonna be the big spoon btw he wispers French as yall fall asleep
(I think I'm getting better but If you spot some spelling mistakes I'm sorry)
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mariariley · 1 year
omg thank you bb!
so i was thinking, what if the reader (aka us) brings simon to a family cook out? let’s say your mom has been dying to meet him anyways—& not only that, you notice that spaced out look on his whenever the team starts talking about their family members when it’s time to go back home.
and you’re kinda nervous because your family can be a chaotic mess, esp at cookouts. and while you both are there at the cookout, you can’t help but to notice how he barely leaves your side, almost stuck to you like some sort of adhesive!
likeeeeee! imagine your younger cousins running up to him, asking if he could help them fix their nerf guns because they keep jamming the bullets.
or how your aunties keep giving him flirty looks…and your grandma may or may not have made a comment about letting ‘him put a baby in you.’ and on the drive back to your place, you start apologizing for how embarrassing and chaotic they were and he can’t help but to smile to himself because he enjoyed every part of it <33
I told the person they can fill my inbox with as many ideas as they want :)
masterlist || have a request/ask? Here are the rules <3
Aunties would admire his muscles and height, his tattoos as well and “oh my gaaaawd he’s in the militaryyy” aka special forces but they see no difference.
Grandmas too but in the “You’d be a great lookin’ father” way. They would squeeze his muscles nonchalantly I swear. They would definitely start the “bearing children” subject a little too many times.
At some point Simon would have to tell them he doesn’t want kids mostly considering his job to which they’d wave their hands and laugh.
Uncles and grandpas would admire him as a patriot and ask him bunch of military and weapon related questions considering most of them served in the army as well. Tbh he would enjoy talking to them about it.
Cousins (and younger siblings if you have any) would sit down and listen to him talk about his missions. He would add some unrealistic stuff that didn’t really happen just so he would make it more entertaining for them. He would show them a scar and tell them how he fought a lion or something lmao. They’d be like:
“WOOOOAH! You fought a tiger AND a lion at the same time!?”
“With bare hands.”
I love the nerf gun part you mentioned. He would definitely end up playing with them for some time. He would teach them how to hold the guns and aim properly lmao. The game would end with him being “shot and defeated” by the kids. Simon laying on the floor pretending he’s dead while the kids are dying from laughter at his goofy death sounds mimicking.
Simon would eat like never before, he would praise your mom’s cooking.
When you’d apologize on your way back home he’d definitely tell you he enjoyed it and that he would come again.
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Divider owners already tagged in my previous posts, I don’t want to spam them 🖤
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
FOURTHGRADE ; dating hcs
warnings ; language, talk of substances, talk of like makeout stuff (not in great detail or anything but yk)
genre ; fluff
requested by ; @th0tblckgrl
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guys, he isn't dumb, he just lacks common sense I swear
he excells in tech classes and art stuff
math and science will be his downfall (real tbh)
always films you doing tricks and shit
has a whole vhs worth of film of raw, unedited footage of you two skating together (mostly you) and stupid cute shit he's caught on camera
he titles it "y/n/n <3" with a red sharpie too.
dyeing his hair w him
he never switches out that bleach & pink istg
it makes for good hangouts and stuff tho
you watch his gecko for hours while he's doing homework and shit
she's just so adorable omg
he likes you on top when you're making out and shit
he loves being straddled and being able to hold you by the waist and shit
he's not super clingy or anything but he loves his hand holding and cuddles
he has acne, and if you do too, oh my lord match made in heaven
he loves tracing your scars with his infamous red sharpie and it stains your face for almost a day lmao
he likes picking at your bacne just through impulsive thoughts
"ow! Jesus christ!"
"sorry! it was ready to pop, I swear"
dude Ray loves you two together sm
he's your biggest shipper <3
fuckshit constantly teases you two
I personally hc that fourthgrade is asexual so here's context for the next one
since he's ase (and even if you are two! me too twin) you guys don't take it all that sexual, and gets a little icked when the guys make jokes about you two fucking sometimes
most the time he laughs it off but other days he's just eughhh
and you instantly turn to whoever made the joke and silently shake your head and do the 'you're dead sign' with a respectful face iykwim
he likes staring in your eyes sometimes and getting lost in them
when he's writing movie scripts for fun, he uses you as a faceclaim (along with the other boys tbh) for whatever lead there is or the leads love intrest/best friend. everytime without fail
basically just fanfiction about you two
again like fuckshit, friendship before relationship
matching belts or band shirts
if you also dye your hair fun colors, he dyes it for you
movie nights every night I swear
getting high with him in the dead of night on a friday/saturday night >>>>
hugging him from behind too 💔💔💔
I'm not like trying to infantilize him, he's just a softie for u
stealing shopping carts and bringing them back to skate locations is just a tradition
a lot of times Ray and Fuckshit are busy and they leave ruben and stevie with you so you guys are basically a little family doing fun shit
skating around town, going to the public pool, chilling inside gas stations, renting movies, trauma dumping etc
you're literally just ruben and stevies parents
the ultimate comedy group too 💀
shit, you, fourth, fuckshit and ray are actually way too funny when you're super drunk/high at parties
like you'll be in your own corner watching over ruben and stevie playing uno and start talking about testicul bombs and radioactive cum??? (based on a true story)
alr that's all I got I hope u enjoyed LOL
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 3 months
supernatural post simulator part 1
(part 2)
🚗 impala67 Follow
any1 have a good pie recipe? #hangry
😈 6669 Follow
pu$$y in bi0
🚗 impala67 Follow
fuck off crowley i know its u. i WILL report u for harassment
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
Dean…how do you know it’s him? The only post on the blog is a picture of his dick. 🤨
🚗 impala67 Follow
…how do U know its HIS dick ???
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
…dm me.
🌕 queen-of-moons Follow
trouble at the devil’s sacrament i see 👀👀
#the tea is PIPING
(6 notes)
🐺 were-inthe-pire Follow
turns out getting sucked dry by your absolute bear of a vampire husband during a full moon helps lessen the effects of the transformation!!! who woulda thought! ! (& i don’t just mean by his fangs 😉🤭)
🧛‍♂️ pire-inthe-were Follow
anything for you, darlin 🖤
🚗 impala67 Follow
get a room u 2
#(love yall)
(458 notes)
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
which weapon is best for decapitations, trying to prove a point
machete 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 50%
sword 🟦🟦🟦 30%
razor wire (??) 0%
saw 🟦🟦 20%
final results 247 votes
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
see @.lawboy ??? wtf were you thinking using fucking RAZOR WIRE???
💻 lawboy Follow
It was all I had available!! It was creative and resourceful!!
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
whatever. 🙄
#i will never let you live that down istg
(73 notes)
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
are my dark circles and scars and daddy issues and mommy issues and blood stained clothes and swagless demeanor bewitching & charming you yet?
🌟 dreamscape Follow
yes <3
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
kaia bb ily <3
🌟 dreamscape Follow
ily2 <3
#txt me when ur home from hunt #dnt 4get again pls i wry
(3 notes)
💻 lawboy Follow
Hey all! As requested, I have made a comprehensive ranking of Céline Dion’s discography, including explanations for each song’s placement! Full list below the cut. :)
—-read more—
🚗 impala67 Follow
heh finally fessing up 2 ur music tastes samantha?
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
finally fessing up to wearing pink satin panties (and liking it), dean?
🚗 impala67 Follow
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
#thanks for the intel cas
(17 notes)
✍️ farethewell-deactivated20201112
does anyone want to hear about my ocs 😇🙏
🚗 impala67 Follow
💻 lawboy Follow
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
no. 🖕
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
fuck off
🌟 dreamscape Follow
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
i will fucking skin you bitch
🌕 queen-of-moons Follow
👤 ap-hansolo Follow
i reactivated my account JUST to tell you to go fuck yourself @farethewell-deactivated20201119
#literally NO ONE CARES
(32 notes)
🌳 anna-conda Follow
I have a foolproof process for deconstructing cultush religious indoctrination. step 1: Be reincarnated as a different species. step 2: Remember your past life and be admitted to a psych ward. step 3: ….well. I'm still workshopping. I will get back to you on that.
(3 notes)
👁️ lobotomizer3000 Follow
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
@.staff wtf you said she was perma-banned
🚗 impala67 Follow
yeah @.staff do ur job holy shit
👁️ lobotomizer3000 Follow
(3 notes)
👼 ilikenougat Follow
hi :)
(4,849,499 notes)
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tibby-art · 4 months
You are literally my favorite artist. Like in general. It’s just the ‘tism in me. You capture every characters energy so well istg, Scar always has no thoughts head empty energy, Cub looks like he’s silently planning murder in his head, and Grian is just done with everything. Anyway, have a good day! :3
:D tysm 🩵✨
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thegnomelord · 6 months
Hi hello, how are you? hope you are doing well friend! I realized I’ve never interacted with you despite having followed for ages, you’re a huge inspiration of mine and Istg all of your fics are absolute bangers 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Any who Im be so real, I haven’t drawn in a hot minute especially digitally so all my proportions are wonky but your hound fic has got me in a chokehold and I had a huge urge to just draw, I assume Hound would have scars but I don’t know where and how exactly so I left him pretty blank. And just how I imagined him other than the other two I covered his face to leave to imagination.
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I draw so much better traditionally cuz I have a messy art style but bam, kachow, idk Hound our beloved
Okay 1: that's super cool and you're so talented dude! :Dd I love love love how hairy and bear-y you made Hound <3 he's a chonky lad lol And Hound learning about him being KIA is exactly how I imagined his reaction to be when it happened :D
And 2: Yeah, I imagine Hound would have plenty of scars, maybe even more than Ghost, but I generally leave it for the reader's interpretation and imagination how and where they are.
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sigmxnd · 2 months
Frowning friends head canons NOW POOKIE 👿👹👺
i love you pookie. /p
you have no idea how long i've been waiting for someone to ask me this question
so i realized i've never actually written them all down and have just kinda been thinking about them in my head, so i'll put down the ones that have been floating around + add on if i come up with new ones
tw for mentions of smoking weed (its only once but still)
starting with them both:
they've known each other for a very long time, but got seperated a lot due to unstable housing. they reunited and have spent the most time together as adults (+ they live together)
100% make fun of and talk shit about other couples they see out and about
they are in love. they kiss and smooch and cuddle. physical affection is definitely their language. but only at home cause out there they gotta look menacing. they are happy with each other :3 (everyone else can fuck off though)
in a universe where they survived istg they have like almost a cartoonish rivalry with the smiling friends. imagine that "nice onezie does it come in men's" audio. that's them
stole their main outfits from some high schoolers but the rest they either shoplift or dig through the dumpsters for
halloween is the best only because they make stupid bets and competitions about scaring the trick or treaters only to have nobody come near their building (pim may or may not buy the big candy bars to give out on purpose)
when i'm thinking of a scenario/ship that's not gnargrim, they're in a qpr :3
i really like the idea that they love david bowie
gets frequent bouts of paranoia and generally has a lot of trust issues (especially with therapists)/low self esteem. took a lot of convincing himself that gnarly actually liked him and didn't have any hidden intentions
autistic. every character i like gets hit with the autism beam it just has to happen
gay + demiromantic/sexual
(sorry i can't think of more rn jfhwieifhe)
does his job good, takes it seriously, but off the clock he's probably one of the most unserious critters there is. he's my favorite of the two so i make him a lot like me🐺🌕
stoner :3
autistic. nuff said
his favorite mlp movie is rainbow rocks and his favorite episodes are a canterlot wedding parts 1 and 2 (cause they're MY favorites)
my furry version of him has a bent tail for a reason now and i'm writing something that has to do with it :3 (he also has a lot of scars that i've just been too lazy to draw on him that i'll mention in the thing i'm writing)
uses brainrot terms ironically/to piss people off
(while i do think that the ff and the sf would be enemies in a really funny way, i also like to think about gnarly & charlie being buddies/friendly with each other outside of work. i contradict myself all the time :3)
and thats all the ones i can think of for now. tysm for asking pookie :3
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thehistoriangirl · 3 months
my mexican twin.... I DEMAND MORE LATINX READER X VIKTOR!! (politely) i think its just fun to see representation even in lil silly fics hehe
For now I have some headcanons I would love to write into fics but I haven't had the inspiration to do it as prettily as I wish to 😭😭 I hope you like them 💛💛💛
Okay so the headcanons:
Viktor x Latinx gn!Reader (SFW)
TW: These are Mexican-related (bc I'm Mexican lol), but some can apply to different Latin cultures! :3
He DEFS gains a few pounds once you two start dating
Like either because YOU feed him (sometimes against his will bc he's """soooooo busy""" (shoving him a torta de milanesa during his lunchtime)
Or because YOUR FAMILY feeds him once you present him over. Imagine your cool grandma/cool aunt inspecting it with 😱😱😱😱 faces because MY MAN IS SO SCRUNKLY. It's a family's duty to up some pounds on those bones
And he enjoys to be being pampered you know, I imagine him like the classic "Oh but I'm full already 🥺" when you put another bowl full of pozole in front of him, and then he says he's only eating it for peer pressure around the table--but that's. a LIE!!!!
Yall can't tell me he doesn't get a round bump after a particularly yummy party. He's like starting to doze off on the table like a baby after eating his fourth tamal during your cousin's XV años.
Even if at night he's like 🥺🥺🥺 "my love my tummy hurts" (for the spice, idk why i headcanon he can get gastritis really easily lkfhjdklfjf) and here it goes the milk remedy winkwink
Also pan de dulce 👀👀👀 he falls in love with pan de dulce istg, and he can eat it with milk????? sign him the fuck up. The same with pastel de tres leches
Also he starts to mumble songs in bad Spanish--an idea @apuwu had talked with me over Discord before JKDJHDFJKFJH. My man is just vibing without knowing the grisly lyrics behind a seemingly happy tune
But you prefer not to tell him because he just looks so adorable mumbling it mindlessly while working <3333
He doesn't dance much bc his legs hurt if he keeps putting pressure on it during too long, but you can definitely coarse him into dancing one or two.
Otherwise he just likes to watch you dance, even if you don't really know how to/are a lil bit clumsy. You look very happy dancing with your family/friends that he gets smitten all over again
He's kinda scarred for life once he saw kids breaking a piñata during one of your nephews' birthdays & un bolo during a baptism (where the hosts throw money so the guests could pick it up) (iykyk)
He started to watch telenovelas by mistake. Like maybe you were watching one or just putting it like white background noise while doing something else.
And at first he was like 🙄🙄🙄 "if the characters would do X thing or Z, this problem would be easily resolved/this problem wouldn't exist", and you tell him that it is for the 💥d r a m a💥
As it happened to the best of us when you're hanging out in the living room and your mom is watching a telenovela---Viktor just gets HOOKED. He doesn't know when it happened or how but he is invested
Sometimes you arrive home from a date with your friends and find Viktor and Jayce watching a telenovela on the couch
[For context, in my lil derange mind, in a contemporary AU Jayce is Latino. No i will not elaborate thank you]
He helps you make the Día de Muertos ofrenda <3333 he just loves to gets all craftsty and he's so interested about the concept that he even brings a photos of his passed family members. May even cook something they liked to put it in there alongisde yours :3
For now that's all! I hope to make some short fics with these soon! Like during Independence's Day KDJFDJKFJHF <3
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sunsetsandsunshine · 1 year
Hey~! :D
Idk when or if you're releasing another fic for TMNT 2012 anytime soon, buuuuuut can I ask for some headcanons in the meantime~? 😇
If you have any to share that is. :3
Ofc you can my fellow Anon! (Funny you mention TMNT 2012- I’m literally working on a fanfic for it rn but shhhhh- didn’t hear it from me…)
~ TMNT 2012 Tickle Headcanons (pt.1) ~
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Look at my children 💞✨💖💞💕🫶🏾🫶🏾- absolute angels who wouldn’t hurt a fly /j
I’m glad the fandom just…universally agreed that Leo is the most ticklish out of his brothers
It just makes sense
Mr. I’m-so-serious-and-I-have-to-set-an-example-for-my-younger-brother’s is ticklish???
Who would’ve known!
Definitely not Leo that’s for sure-
Was taken aback just by how ticklish he was and how much he liked it
I feel like Raph can say the t-word as if it’s just an everyday thing
Like to him, it’s just an everyday word. Sure, tickling itself is embarrassing, but the word? Meh. Not really.
Uses that advantage ALL THE DAMN TIME while talking
Saying shit like: “The adults or just having a tickle fight. It’s fine, you guys.” or “That tickled my fancy!”
As he just evily watches his siblings crumble at the mention of the word
He’s such an asshole ISTG /aff
Master Splinter knows his sons enjoy tickling so he always tickles them but uses excuses like “You need to be able to sense where I’m coming from, my son.”
As he’s just brutally tickling the hell out of one of them
He’s the tickle monster they all agree to never ever EVER cross paths with
(They love they’re Dad with all they’re hearts but he can be one hell of a tickle monster)
Mikey is the kind of person who will tickle his brothers with every single chance he gets
Leo’s meditating and he’s ignoring him? Tickles.
Raph is whining and bitching about Mikey’s awesome cooking skills? Tickles.
Donnie is being grumpy? Tickles.
He will take every moment in the day to tickle his older brothers
Which is simultaneously his downfall but he really doesn’t mind
He absolutely loves hearing his brothers laughter- it’s his favorite thing in the world
Ever since Leo got thrown through that window (R.I.P. buddy) and was in the tub healing, there were scars and cuts on his shell
He’s extremely self conscious about it and frequently tried to hide the back of his shell sometimes- thinking that his shell looked utterly disgusting and he shouldn’t have to let his family see it
Donnie, being the medic of the family, would always remind Leo that he shouldn’t be ashamed of his scars- that they loved him- scars and all
And sometimes (all the time), Donnie he will lightly trace over Leo’s shell scars, playfully scolding Leo about how he shouldn’t be ashamed of himself or anything about himself and that he should love himself for the way he is because he’s perfect
And Leo’s just all embarrassed and giggly whenever Donnie does that; squirming and blushing like a tomato, not being able to do anything but just take it
(I put a pt.1 to this bc most likely I will be adding on to these. I have so many HC’s for these dumbass turtles it’s honestly concerning. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!)
@itzystopkiddingmenowloco @skye-minecraftyt-blog @tickleebug @vxlepop @mythica0 @someone1348 @snugglyfluffle @prettychillbrainfreeze @td-obsessive-therapist-friend @charismakat
My fellow TMNT 2012 enjoyers 💖💞💖✨💕
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 11
chapter 20:
1. god, i’m glad to know this bridge plan is stressing sirius out too
2. i love sirius’ pure ANGER at how reg and james’ love story is broadcasted to everyone when sirius knows that they deserve privacy.
3. 😟😧 is peter going to be a
5. 😧 vanity noooo
6. 😟 hodge would have turned 15 tomorrow. and james just pushed him in the river. fuck, well, that’s something james is gonna think about forever
7. i am NOT gonna get over vanity’s death
8. reg’s knife throwing skills came into use and yikes. i wish it didn’t have to
9. (bad timing, but nonbinary mathias has my heart)
10. oh god. irene asked regulus to give her mercy and kill her. this. wow. this hurts in ways i can’t describe.
11. everyone is fucking dying, and james just got hurt, and reg is trapped on the other side of the river. jfc this chapter is wild
12. reg, you’re having a panic attack. i understand those. listen to me and jsut follow my voice and breathe with me, okay? in and out. 1…. 2…. 3…. 4…. good. breathe please. i wanna help so bad. please i wish i could help reg breathe.
13. god, it’s hurts that in sirius’ pov, he knows that this is the biggest breakdown reg has EVER had
14. sirius, don’t do something stupid
chapter 21:
1. 😧 THIS is how the plan is formed? sirius talking to slughorn about two victors making it out as long as they’re from the same district? wow. i was almost looking forward to the death pact, while also knowing it would be out of reg’s character (and james’) so it would be unsatisfying. i like this a lot, actually
2. dorcas leaving her home in the most ratty-ass pajamas to run four miles 😭😭 she’s still a queen to me
3. marlene’s reaction is heartbreaking, honestly
4. i love how there’s the line about dorcas caring for vanity and hodge. she cares. marlene asked her to, chapters and chapters ago. and dorcas cared. this hurts
5. 😟 regulus is so angry that he plans on avenging james with what i assume is the most torturous murder to others
6. !!!!! is reg about to take that hint from slughorn? does he realize james is alive?
8. remus comparing sirius’ excitement about slughorn’s decision to a dog >>>>>>
10. sirius expects people to not listen to him, so he tells remus to just tune him out, but remus loves to hear sirius talk. <33333 they’re made for each other
11. sirius having worn a dress before and enjoying it >>>>>>>
12. “”Really, your body is a galaxy, and your scars are your stars."” (remus making sirius feel better about his scars) OH MY GOD!! this is gonna be my equivalent of atyd’s “you were beautiful”
13. remus’ shirt is off and sirius wants to cry over how gorgeous he is. (when i first had sex, i cried over how pretty my partner was. i do not judge sirius for this reaction)
14. the way remus gets his moony nickname in this fic, with his scars being compared to moon craters >>>>>>>>>
15. despite sirius wanting to have sex with remus, i love his decision to wait so he’s mentally in the right place for it. and i love remus’ treatment of sirius’ relationship to sex. that’s exactly what i, as an aroace spec person, needed to hear
16. i’m so fucking PISSED that the hallow took away sirius’ acceptance of pleasure. remus and i are gonna fucking take down the hallow for that
17. authors notes say that sirius is demisexual, and i am all on board. another demisexual!! me and sirius are twinning! i love this!!
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scarlet97531 · 3 months
((General warning for graphic depictions of violence, lots of caps lock, and some swearing sprinkled in for fun for the rest of this post, also I don’t hate WoF, I love WoF, but I also think it’s batshit insane and needs to be addressed (in a pretty unserious way)))
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The fucking prologue.
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This shot was the gateway drug for us istg. This fucking book series got is so hooked on fictional violence man 😭
We were drawing detailed dragon gore as fanart, looking at detailed gore that other people had drawn as fanart?
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Seriously am I crazy????? This is the second main character killing her father to prove a point?????????
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This is what we get for an explanation for where the first main character came from? His backstory is literally that his mom sold him for some cows??????????????????? WTF
Also just mudwing society in general is. It seems. Pretty weird. Like really weird.
“As the [human] shrieked again, she bent down and bit off its head.
“Blech,” she said, spitting it out again immediately. The head bounced across the grass as the body slowly toppled over, blood pouring out of it’s neck.”
“She scored her talons along his wing, ripping open the scars”
“She shook Dune lightly, as if she were shaking the fluff off a dead pigeon. He clawed at her talons, his eyes bulging. “I mean, what use is a crippled dragon who cannot fly? I’m surprised you haven’t killed yourself already, SandWing. But I can take care of that for you.”
“No!” Sunny screamed, leaping at them.
But it was too late. With a chilling crack, Queen Scarlet snapped Dune’s neck and dropped his body on the stone floor.
“Dune!” Sunny howled. She squirmed past Scarlet and crouched beside him, shaking him with her front talons. His mangled wing flopped, his scales scraped against the rocks. His black eyes were empty. “Dune, wake up!””
Honestly it is so unsurprising we turned out the way we did when this is what we were reading as a kid 😭
Literally our primary caretaker is named after Scarlet. The same scarlet in those quotes earlier. Like this shit is so in our brain and has been since we were twelve.
This shit. Is. Crazy.
And then every time I try to point out flaws In the writing or the plot ppl tell me “oh it’s not that deep it’s just a children’s book it’s not a big deal” LIKE. FUCKING. HELL IT IS.
I am completely convinced that if we had never read these books our gorey pseudo memories would not be HALF as detailed and disturbingly accurate as they are now. Like seriously we did so well in anatomy classes because of this. Maybe that’s mostly the autism but i we never would have been so interested in anatomy if we weren’t trying to figure out how to draw anatomically accurate dragon disembowelment because of these damn books 😭
Anyways all this said I still fucking love wings of fire and I’m thinking of bringing back that thing where I draw cute cartoony dragons dying horribly :3
If anyone has horror stories about growing up reading wings of fire I want to hear them
WAIT ONE LAST THING- I forgot to mention the icewing massacre, attempted genocide, and general dragon racism….. hmmmm a topic for another time perhaps
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70swizards · 1 year
remus hcs i’m begging
your wish is my command
my remus hcs :)
he’s hyperlexic, he learned to read and talk really really young by copying sounds around him (echolalia) and associating them to the written language
he’s trans :((( it’s one of the many reasons he and reg bonded so well in like third / fourth year (in an au where canon is… well… nothing)
has the worst daddy issues on the planet, like idk but if my dad locked me in a freezer every for hours durinf my most vulnerable nights i’d definitely feel the same-
he wears armbands starting third year and Never takes them off, his excuse being “it’s a fashion statement”
lowk needs glasses but will never fucking admit it or get his eyes checked, he's always Squinting while reading and ends up getting headaches
refuses pain meds because he's built tolerance and is afraid to for other meds
his eyes display so much emotion, and they're often covered by his hair (cute little sandy ringlets) the moment he's sad or embarrassed or uncomfortable you can tell by his eyes
so insecure of his scars he's constantly trying to hide them
when he gets the big scars across his face in fourth year, he stops looking at people while talking, he always finds a way to seem busy or distracted, but he just can't get himself to keep looking, he can't let them stare
his hugs were just as warm as those fucking jumpers he always had on. he Hates physical touch, mostly from trauma, but if you're a close friend and manage to get a hug from him you will become an addict.
he will never buy anything his size, always larger. even if he's constantly wearing a binder, he doesn't think its enough. in summer its oversized tees and armbands, in winter its jumpers
so unnecessarily sarcastic it's hilarious. he will Always have a retort ready, count on it
he's constantly biting his lips and making them bleed, and it gets far worse when he's anxious
uses baby perfume (zwitsal) so he always just smells clean and soapy rather than a signature cologne scent (because transphobic parents and he couldn't ever get himself to put on "feminine" scents, he's cry for hours and have to shower, but could never get cologne, so... middle ground)
he drinks his coffee with so much milk and sugar you quesrion if you could even count it as coffee at that point
adores drinking tea before bed, a habit he built after effie woukd make him her chamomile tea for his stomach aches when he’d stay over in the summer, and irs just so much better in the winter
has so many freckles, like everywhere. thehre so concentrated on his shoulders
cant see himself ever ruining a book by bending its pages and breaking the spine (yes he annotates and people think he’s writing down incredibly intellectual things when most his annotations are just him calling characters gay) but is disappointed when his books don’t look worn out when he’s done reading them
is Always wearing socks, you’ll never catch this man without them, and Yes he sleeps in socks
always wearing a million layers, he gets cold so fast irs hilarious
okay that’s enough for now but i coukd go on forvever istg, so sorry for the late response bht thank you for sending something in! <3
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my name is Ariadne, it is nice to meet you! my pronouns are they/it, and I use all gendered terms
linguistics and anthropology are my favorite things ever, so if you want to tell me about language, culture or history, do so!
I love asks, talk to me, ask questions, give opinions, whatever!
I don’t really get context clues so apologies if I mess up! bigots of every breed go away, I will block you
my personal tags are #ari says some stuff for me being silly and talking, #ari likes things for stuff I love, #ari is confused for when I am confused and have questions and #ari draws some stuff for when I post my drawings! If you have any poetry requests, art requests or prose requests, I do them for free! I love creating but inspiration is hard to come by for me
if you use my art in anything, please credit me!
I love mutuals so much, lmk if you want to be taken of this list or added, I forget a lot lol
@ang3lic-t3ars @whydousernamesevenexist @garden-of-runar @prongsbitch @aesthetic-writer18 and some other people I’m sure! artists I heavily recommend and/or my favorite albums by them
MARINA, I love her so so much, very dramatic pop
Les failles by Pomme, my French is minimal by their music is so beautiful, like poetry
the record, and the rest by boygenius, AHHHHHHHH nuff said
Me by Brooke Alexx, sounds like bubbles
Tir by Cerys Matthews, a lot of Welsh folk songs and lullabies
Anything Conan Grey has ever made, istg
The Fool In Her Wedding Gown and Coyote Stories by the Crane Wives, and everything else really, but those are my favorites
Malfunction by Dead Posey, very brain scratchy rock
HOLY FVCK by Demi Lovato, I like it very much and FREAK is so good
Love me not and Scatterbrain by Emei, sounds like a mental breakdown but fun!
Gayle, especially their singles
Black Soul Ceremony and Fool and the Thief by THE HARA
I Love It and Light Me Up by Icona Pop! I love it so much such a jam
Human Again by Ingrid Michaelson, genuinely one of the most heart wrenching thing I’ve ever listened to
Applause by Lady Gaga
born to die (the album) by Lana Del Ray
EVERYTHING LAUREN ALAINA HAS MADE IN HER GORGEOUS EXISTANCE also good if you want none problematic country music I saw her at the Grand Ole Oprey and I think I died
Maddie Zahm is so Marlene to my if I have to write her POV I turn on one of hers
Unbroken and Scar by Missy Higgins, her voice is so iconic
Je te laisserai des mots by Patrick Watson (my American ass keyboard hates me for that)
All of the Queen classics, they are so good
How to be me by Ren, the harmony is sooo gorgeous here
Weight of the World by Shayfer James
stupid and happy face by Tate McRae
All I Can Never Be by Trash Boat
Runnin with the Devil by Van Halen
Eden by Willowbrook, so pretty!!
Neotheater and OK Orchestra by AJR
ROCKISDEAD by Dorothy, country folk rock sorta thing, I love her so much
Paris Paloma, specifically Its Called Freefall and drywall, they are engraved on my heart
Harbinger by Kiki Rockwell
Little Girl Gone by Chinchilla
The Mean Girls soundtrack
Hazel Eyes by Sabrina Jordan
Florence + the Machine
Yaelokre <3
GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo, I scream her songs like i have an ex to scream at ( i don’t)
Come Away and Irish Eyes by Rose Betts
Rich Man by Emhahee, it’s just a demo but I love it so much
Rät and Lotta True Crime by Penelope Scott
and finally, the Ride the Cyclone soundtrack
Yall better take my recommendations this took almost an hour to type out
anyways, I have no consistency and I like it like that :)
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