#it also IS scary to show how much you care about certain things that may not be as much of a big deal to others
sevicia · 4 months
I honestly think I'm way too sensitive for the way the world is rn like just generally speaking ykwim. but I don't wanna change that. I spent my entire childhood unable to feel much of anything at all and accumulating piles upon piles of resentment and fear that I still can't express because it scares me. I've mentioned this a bit jokingly but it really does feel like I gained consciousness not too long ago and am just starting to feel like a person. It's been taking me a much longer time than most people my age but I try to not be too angry at myself for that because it just doesn't feel like something I would've been able to force anyways. Basically I may be stupid (💯) but I'm gonna be earnest & sincere about it.
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coralinnii · 3 months
Congrats on 2.7k followers!! You deserve it! :D For the event, may I request Malleus, Azul, Jade and Floyd with a gentle giant S/O? As you can already guess, S/O is super tall (you can change this detail if you’d like, but perhaps they’d even be noticeably taller than Malleus?) and maybe even kind of intimidating because of it, but they’re very friendly, quiet, and gentle. 
Again, congratulations on your achievements!! Keep up the great work you’re doing 🥳
‧₊˚✧ My Statuesque Sweetheart ‧₊˚✧
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↳ Tall Gentle Giant/Reader
feat: Malleus ❋ Azul ❋ Jade ❋ Floyd genre: fluff note: no pronouns were used with the reader, I love beluga whales (it’ll make sense in Jade’s ver.),
Sooo…being someone that can’t relate to being tall :I, I went around to ask some of my taller friends to know what’s that like, so this took longer cuz of research. I also got into Genshin to prep for another prompt someone asked me and dang, do I gotta research on that too.
Similar prompt: Tall!reader who loves hugs
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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You were certainly a surprise to him. In his long years, rarely does he find people where he doesn’t have to tilt his head down for once.
Despite your height, you were as cute and friendly as a woodland creature, a contrast to Malleus who exudes regal power without much effort. He’s fascinated by you as your stature can command the room yet your energy has a rather soothing effect on him and those around you. 
Man is saying you have zero scary dog energy, and that is adorable to him.
If you’re the affectionate type, congratulations! You’d be one of the few to be able (and allowed) to reach his horns. What started as curiosity soon became a habit as you made it your love language to care and clean Malleus’ iconic features. As a bonus, everytime you are done it’s fun to lay your head gently upon Malleus’, between his horns which catches him off guard no matter how often it happens. 
Having a tall man with money certainly has privileges as you now have access to his personal tailor as well. Was there a pair of pants you really like but it only reached your ankles? Not anymore, let the royal tailor deal with that and add some matching accessories to that. 
However you feel about your height, you are a sublime creature of beauty to Malleus. When he looks up to you smiling at him with the shining moon behind you highlighting your tall outline, he hasn’t seen anyone more otherworldly than you. 
You stand out amongst every human I have encountered. Hm? Ah, I do not refer to your stature but rather… the way you effortlessly capture my attention and ensnare my thoughts with visions of you.
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Azul being around an incredibly tall person? What else is new? Azul doesn’t feel all that insecure about his height, before or after meeting you.
Well, you’re definitely the most pleasant person he knows that towers over him, at least. He knows that many, him included, would use your sort of stature as an advantage over others. Instead, he likes your rather sweet nature and way of conduct. 
If you have stretch marks due to your rapid growth spurts, Azul would feel absolutely touched if you trusted him enough to show it. Azul would genuinely praise your resilience to may have been an aching and painful experience to go through. If you let him, he could create a potion to get rid of the marks if it truly makes you insecure, but he finds you beautiful no matter what. 
Watch him flinch and get flustered anytime you wrap your arms around him, smothering him with your taller form. You would laugh to see him so easily out of sorts if you press your weight onto him. He can handle it of course, but the heat of your all-encompassing hugs is vastly different from his time in the cold sea. 
Azul would provide certain things that would suit your needs that others may overlook. Suddenly, you would find blankets that can cover you entirely, or you were gifted a coat that is actually a long coat that doesn’t awkwardly cut off at a weird length on you. Mirrors in Azul’s private room are always suspiciously up to your eye-level whenever you visit. 
He’s happy to know that you see him as someone reliable regardless of that. He has an interesting way of showing his appreciation
Do you like the new decor of the Mostro Lounge? The new additions are quite beautiful and eye-catching. The tall but dazzling designs were inspired by you, after all.
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Oh my. What a sight to behold, you are. 
Jade doesn’t seem like the type to brag about his advantageous height, but he is aware that not many can reach his stature and even fewer actually pass him in that regard. 
He still treats you as courteously as he always does, even more so as the two of you start to grow closer. 
A nice bonus about having a tall boyfriend is that most of the things in his room are perfect for you! Beds you can fully stretch out in, actual full-length mirrors that don’t make you bend down, and furniture that doesn’t require you to squish yourself into. Jade’s (and Floyd’s) has become one of your favorite places to visit.
He does find it amusing that some people may find you intimidating because of your height as he knows that you were far from any definition of that word. Jade would chuckle to himself whenever he sees you getting happy or excited, like watching a playful beluga whale squeaking in joy. Your gentle features and bright smile shines through any misconceptions of your intimidating form. 
Though not quite used to it, Jade doesn’t mind having to crane his neck to meet your gaze. Especially not when he could watch your adorable quizzical expression as he asked you to lower your head to him, only to whisper teasing words into your ear. He especially finds it fun to watch you jump to your full height in flustered surprise, even occasionally bumping your head on a hanging decoration. 
Really, how could he resist you? 
Do you need rest, my love? Perhaps a cup of tea can soothe your aches and joints while you sit.
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Oh, Floyd would have no issues with you being taller than him. Probably the opposite, really.
Don’t @ me but I fully believe Floyd has a thing for legs, be it his own or others. He’s so fascinated by these human features that you may even catch him blatantly staring appreciatively at your legs. 
“What’s the big deal? They’re right there, who can blame me?”
He will however, with full confidence, laugh his lungs out if you hit your head on the door frame or trip on an ottoman seat you didn’t notice. Maybe he’ll rub the ouchie away but he’ll be laughing while he does.
Be prepared for impromptu fashion shows with custom made shoes to show off your gorgeous mile-long legs. Floyd could spend hours looking through online shopping with you, showing you websites that specifically cater to tall drinks of water like yourself.
This man will be floored by the experience of being the little spoon of a hug. To be able to lean into your arms and rest his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat while you  lovingly pat his hair? You can be unknowingly smothering him and he’ll be loving every moment of it. 
Regardless if you’re confident or not, Floyd loves to take you dancing. If you’re not confident in your dancing, Floyd is more than happy to lead you with every beat until you have fun. The man just loves to see the flashing lights paint your body, with your smile being the brightest of them all.
Did you get taller, Shrimpy? Aha ha, just pulling your leg there! Though, wouldn’t make a difference to me. You’re still a hottie even if you, hehe!
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inthestarsme · 2 years
Astro Observations pt.5
‼️Don't repost my Observations without consent and mentioning my page‼️
I very much respect non-binary or trans people. If i'm talking about man or woman, i'm talking about cis-men or woman i know, because often, due to societal coding/standards, there can be differences depending on the gender. But it could very much apply to you if you are non-binary or trans. Just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, as spiritual people like to say.🫶🏻
If you don't agree with my observations, please don't send any hate. They're only my personal observations that i'm posting just for fun. Especialy the specific ones can only apply to certain people. So don't take anything you read too seriously. It's not a science, just pop-astrology!😎
‼️TW: Mentioning of mental health struggles, abuse and other darker stuff. If you think reading this might trigger you, please stop reading!‼️
So let's go!
Lots of planets in the 7th house, especialy conjunct: A big part of this life might be about your marriage partner or life partner or just the relationship to your closed love ones. This can be amazing, but i need to tell you to be careful who you choose as a partner and who you let close to you in your life. As this is the house of open enemies too, this could also go south, especialy if there are also planets like mars, pluto or saturn involved. this could go from just staying in a unfulfilling relationship way too long (because your life seems to revolve around this relationship and you don't see a live without it) to being in an abusive relationship. ❤️‍🩹
Saggitarius AC: This gives the person bad guy vibes, but in a different way than Sag MC. In the MC it's more how the public perceives you, maybe through the career choices you made, but not necessarily how you actualy are as a person. In the Ascendant it is how you might actualy be like in more private settings or how you show yourself to your closer peers. Not a bad person, i feel like to be that saggitarius has way too strong morals, but just this bad b*tch energy that surrounds them and like a dark "emo" vibe. Or your actual personality could be described as "bad bitch"-like. could also really like dressing in black/ darker colours and/or with spikey/scary accessouirs.😈
Sun in Leo in the 8th house: I already talked about in another post how i've met a few people with leo sun who told me they love sex. One of those people has Leo sun in the 8th house, and he is into bdsm. so basicaly, i think the 8th (scorpio) house influence gives this love for sex a more extreme touch, and because scorpio is also posessive, stuff like bondage fits into it as well.⛓️
Chiron conjunct AC: You might've struggled with bullying or got outcasted by people who were dear to you because of the way you looked, dressed or how you behaved. But it doesn't have to be because of other people, it could just be that for some reason, you never liked your personality and always saw something wrong about who you are. Because of this, the thing you're most insecure about or hurt you the most is yourself or how you view yourself. I feel like this is a difficult placement for Chiron because it's hard to heal Chiron wounds. They are where we know how to heal others but we don't know how to heal ourselfes. And especialy because we might not think we're even worthy of healing, this placement might especialy struggle with dealing with their insecurities.🫂
Planets in the 22nd degree: As many may know, this is the so called "kill or be killed"- degree. How i personaly interpret it is, that in whatever planet or other placement you have this degree, it will be hard for you to develope the good trait of the planet. Let's take sun 22nd degrees in the 7th house as an example. You may naturaly love to be in love and love relationships, it's where your heart lies, but because of this degree, you have experienced so many relationship wounds, that you get a huge ego (the sun can also be ego if underdeveloped) to either hide your wound, or in the hopes of never getting hurt again (or both). This could then either make you completely turn away from relationships or a very narcissistic partner. And especialy when you have other more challenging planets conjunct the sun, it can make it even harder. You feel like, you either kill your heart, or you will be killed by it, because it may for example hurt too much. 🔪
Jupiter conjunct mars in the 10th house or conjunct the MC (also just Mars, but Jupiter "enlargens" the placement): Your career might be all about fighting. If it's just in the 10th house it's just your career and what you may be professionaly most respected for, conjunct MC may be what the general public knows you for. This can mean literal fighting like marshal arts or fighting in a war.🤼‍♀️
Ruler of the Ascendant in the 12th house: I personaly have this placement, and it's really hard for me to truly understand who i am and what defines me. As i get older i learn more and more about myself, but at the same time i have to unlearn a lot of stuff people told me about myself which i then belived to be true (because i didn't know who i am). For example, when i went to school i was always directly or indirectly told that i was more or less stupid. Everyone thought that, because i couldn't express myself properly in front of the class because of social anxiety. Because of this social anxiety, i was also always seen as shy, which is why i always thought of myself as shy and introverted by nature. But now as i got into university and learned how to approach people and my social anxiety has gotten a lot better, i now know i am actually way more extroverted than introverted as long as i'm surrounded by the right people and actualy not shy at all. And i learned that i wasn't actualy stupid, my struggle was just expressing myself properly and not having enough access to proper knowledge or the mental capacity to learn new things (i had quite a hard childhood, so i mentaly had to deal with a lot of stuff). So i feel like with this placement, it's important for you to always challenge what you believe to be true about yourself and be open to changing your perspective on yourself. Just because you may think something about yourself because everybody has made you feel like you are whoever they thought you were, doesn't mean you are actualy that. To you especialy i wanna say: i feel you, and you can got this!💪
Moon in the 12th house: This could mean your mother being abscent because of her having to stay in psychitric care or in prison or just some sort of very restricting place or situation. She might have been a drug/alcohol addict. Or she could've been emotionaly absend or it just felt like she was absent because the connection to her was missing. But i personaly could never make a connection from my moon sign to my mother, even though this is a interpretation a lot of astrologers make (which is why i feel like mentioning it, it's still valid). For me personaly, i feel like the moon just tells you about your emotions and how you might try to soothe yourself in different situations. With this placement specificaly, it might be very difficult for you to access your emotional life because you surpress your emotions and so they hide in your subconscious. Because of that, it might be very hard for you to know how to soothe yourself, so you might turn to drugs and because of that end up in prison or they express themselves in mental health struggles which may lead to you needing psyhchiatric care (or also to prison, if you do something bad because of that). But i don't want to make it seem like it's not okay for you to get the help you need. This is not an easy placement, so if you feel like you cannot handle what is going on with you psychologicaly, please seek professional help!🌘
Mars in the 7th house: This placement can indicate your partners (or just close loved ones) being potentialy abusive or you tending to be more aggressive towards your partners. Whoever is your open enemy might especialy try to go against you in a more aggressive way, so be careful with this one!🤕
That's it for today! If you liked it, feel free to leave a like, comment or to even reblog my post. Until next time, stay the beautiful human being you are.🫶🏻
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Hi!! I hope you’re having a good day, just wanted to let you know I really love your race analysis!! I was wondering if you have any tips for newbies for analyzing races? I’m just getting into f1 but I really want to be able to understand the races and you always have such great insights! 🫶
Ah thank you so much! It means so much to hear that <3
So here are some easy first steps(I have listed all links and resources at the bottom)
Re-watch races/take notes: It can be very easy to get caught up in the emotion of a race if you are watching live. Re-watching after you've had your emotional reaction helps you see what actually happened from a less clouded lens. This may sound silly but seriously it makes a big difference(and you can tell so many analysts do not do this)
Watch free practice and qualifying: Not everyone does and as we've seen a lot about a race can be determined in free practice. Especially take note of what the drivers are telling their team as feedback on the feel of the car over the radio. This is really valuable information.
Play around on F1 Tempo - this is one of my favorite websites, lets you see the telemetry from races and also qualifying and free practice. Just mess around comparing laps and understanding how the site works. It may look scary but you get the hang of it pretty quickly. It's really fun!
Don't expect to be an expert on everything: I'm obviously way more dialed into everything going on at Ferrari with their car development and drivers than say Haas. So focus on the teams and drivers you care about, don't think you need to do it all at once.
I know this doesn't sound like much but it seriously will get you started, most people(who claim to be analysts) don't even do this much, they watch the race and call it good(and that is totally valid by the way, this post is if you really want to dig into analysis).
These next few tips are if you want to get even more involved ↓
5. Learn some of the basic parts of an F1 car: You don't need to learn all 20,000 that Williams has on their spreadsheet, but familiarize yourself with the major components of an F1 car and their general function.
6. Research track characteristics: Every track is different and that always plays a role in analysis. The Formula 1 website has a tab on the race schedule where you can learn about a track, it's a good overview of what a track is like and gives some helpful stats.
7. Learn tyres: knowing tyre compounds, their functions, and how track conditions affect them makes a big difference. When I started watching F1 at first I was always confused by why cars were behaving a certain way, then I learned about tyres and a lot of things started to make sense. It's a really important part of in depth race analysis in my opinion.
8. F1 race visualizer: helps you look at positioning so you can see lap by lap replay for the ordering of the track. This is really helpful to see overall track shifts, and also to see who was behind or ahead of who and for how long.
9. Watch onboards: obviously during the broadcast we are only ever shown a fraction of what happens in any given race. I always watch Charles' onboards. And if there is a moment I really want to see I can go check onboards. So if for example I want to see what happened with Logan's race, they don't show most of that, but I can see everything through his onboards if I need.
10. Follow sources reporting on current developments in your team of interest: these will keep you up to date with what is going on with the car on the technical side. You can see what the team is saying about the development direction etc. What to follow really depends on your team.
I'd say these are good first steps to take to feel more informed about a race and what's going on at a particular team. This is probably "beginner" and "intermediate" tips, and I advise starting slow if you are brand new. Practice forming your own opinions and making your own observations. It can take a little bit to get the hang of so remember to be kind to yourself and don't expect everything to make sense overnight.
If anyone wants I can also make advanced analysis tips for those interested.
The important thing is that you are learning what you want and having fun with it!
Also obviously I am here if anyone has any questions <3
Resources F1 tempo - for race telemetry data Formula 1 race visualizer - for field placement lap by lap Formula 1 track info - Info and data on any given track in the F1 calendar (Monaco for example)
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what fursonas would you assign the rangers apprentice cast?
oh boy. well. i'll do my best
full disclosure. i know very little about furries. the "jesus's fursona is a carpenter ant" thing was a one-off joke based off of his profession. but i'm gonna approach this as "what animal is this character like", and try to work with that
Will - Crow Will is clever, and a prankster, and also loyal, so I made him a Crow. They quite often play with wolves, and play tricks on them, pulling their tails and stealing food from them, but also show loyalty to people who look after them. Crows are highly intelligent, making tools to do what they like, and are skilled mimics - better than parrots. These fit with Will's ability to blend in to any group he finds himself in and his ability to find creative uses for people to do seemingly impossible things. (Ravens do all this too, of course, but crows are significantly smaller than ravens, and a defining trait of Will is his height - or lack thereof).
Halt - Wolf Wolves have reputations as solitary, independent creatures (think of how "lone wolves" are spoken about as though they're cool creatures even though we know they tend to live in packs), and also strike people as quite scary. In truth, wolves live in extended family groups, male wolves make good and protective fathers, and they tend to avoid people. Plus everybody mistakes certain dog breeds for wolves, and Halt has his identity consistently questioned by people who expect the legendary ranger to be someone much different.
Horace - Horse Gonna be honest, I was pretty torn between this and dog, but I went with horse. People often don't expect much of horses, and they're not known for their intelligence like dogs are. But horses are very dependable, do what they're trained to do very well, and can absolutely fuck you up if you get on the wrong side of their hooves.
Cassandra - Peregrine Falcon I hummed and hawed over this one, but peregrines fit Cassandra's vibe best. All birds of prey have a certain regal air to them, but peregrines are well-known for being highly effective hunters, dive-bombing their prey to snatch them in their talons, and I think that parallels Cassandra's use of a sling quite well.
Alyss - Swan Couriers in Araluen are known for wearing long white dresses (like swans), and Alyss is frequently described as very graceful. Swans also have a mean streak and can break your arm with their wings, and Alyss showed her mean side plenty of times during the series. Nevertheless, they're very caring parents to their cygnets, paralleling Alyss's willingness to sacrifice herself to save a child.
Pauline - Dove This one's pretty basic. Doves are considered symbols of peace in much of the world - and what better symbol of peace is there than the head of Redmont's diplomatic corps?
George - African Grey Parrot Parrots are well-known for their ability to mimic speech, and African Greys are among the best. Alex, an African Grey studied by Irene Pepperberg, famously asked questions about himself, generated entirely new sentences, and otherwise indicated he understood the words he was saying instead of simply parroting (heh) them back to Pepperberg. Thanks to him, African Grey Parrots are considered some of the most intelligent birds and are thought to have a similar capacity to human toddlers. So, the character who uses his words the best, and speaks at length, is the parrot.
Jenny - Cat Humans may be the only animal that cooks, but cats are still well-known for feeding each other. They over-hunt any area they're in to create a stockpile for cats in a colony who can't hunt as well, or to teach kittens how to hunt. Despite living in these colonies, cats are also quite independent, not adhering to a strict social order like dogs do. Finally, it's commonly accepted that cats basically domesticated themselves (there's more nuance to this, but go with it). Thus, Jenny, who decided who she wanted to be apprenticed to and got herself that spot, who struck out on her own to create her own restaurant, and never met a person she didn't try to feed, is a cat.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
worst thing about being with the THH cast?
Sayaka doesn’t ever tell you what’s wrong, since she doesn’t want to worry you. It may feel like she doesn’t trust you, she can open up to you but often chooses not to.
Leon is stubborn. He will never lose a fight, even when you’re clearly in the right. It’s frustrating how stubborn he can be, and his anger issues do not help either.
Chihiro is constantly trying to be a better partner, even though you keep insisting they are perfect the way they are they always insist they can be better. It just feels like no matter what you do, they won’t listen, they don’t believe you, they never think they’re enough.
Mondo gets jealous, and it’s constant. And as we know his jealousy can prove to be dangerous. If people thought he way scary when he’s angry they haven’t seen him when he’s jealous and it’s something you have to deal with. Not only how loud he yells when he’s jealous but how he may treat you at times because of his jealousy.
Hifumi may at times seem more interested in 2d or even Celeste than you. Fear not! He loves you! However, his other attachments are strong ones and it may make you feel like you’re not as important, he doesn’t mean it though.
Taka never takes time to himself, it’s hard to do anything with him that isn’t work. If you two are hanging out it’s with mondo, it’s really hard to spend some fun quality time with him.
Celeste does not ever show her true self to you, for the longest time you didn’t know about her fake accent and fake hair. In the end, you don’t know that much about her despite dating her.
Sakura is a hopeless romantic at heart but has a hard time showing this at times due to being embarrassed. She makes you feel like maybe she’s embarrassed of you or being with you, that’s not the case though of course.
Mukuro may seem like she prioritizes her sister over you a lot of the time. She’s willing to throw away you and herself and everything she’s ever wanted for despair, even if it’s not something she particularly cares for.
Where do I even start with junko? She’s willing to kill you because she knows it’ll be one of the most despair inducing things in the world, or even put you simply through pain and suffering because it would hurt her that much.
Makoto thinks he constantly needs to compensate for you dating him, always getting you gifts and insisting on buying you things and never lets you do the same in return. It’s nice but it’s kinda sad.
Byakuya has an attitude, and when he’s in a grumpy mood does not want to deal with you. He may make you feel like you don’t matter to him at times but he will remind you when needed.
Hina acts upon her feelings too much and may assume certain things without consulting you first about them. She makes reckless decisions without asking you about them, even if they’re matter you should deal with yourself.
Toko is a bit .. gross in her pervy nature.. as you may know. She is also extremely negative towards herself which may cause some issues in your relationship and how she acts towards you.
Kyoko may not always tell you things, she will eventually but it takes a bit. At times it may seem like she doesn’t trust you and then may turn around and get upset if you do something similar. She can be hypercritical at times.
Hiro is a loving boyfriend but he messes up a lot. Anytime he tries to cook or clean he may mess up the food and there may be spots that aren’t perfectly clean either. He tries his best but it can get exhausting.
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mari-lair · 8 months
İ really loved this one like the last one like, oh my god! İt really made me think about Teru's words and the way he would be if he was really reckless with his love
İ loved how Teru basically confessed, how Akane knew exactly how Teru's love was(to an extent) and the overall pacing..
My favourite was def the mirrorings of demon Teru and real Teru, Akane really knows Teru well and knows about how he acts and what he may do. İts really interesting to think about how much Akane knows about him and his selfish tendencies time to time..
To be honest his idea of Teru as a husband changing in the same day is so nice to me as well, Teru's love can be so gentle and sweet if you're in conditions that allow it and i love how Akane realizes that and almost immediately changes his perspective, maybe if Teru was cursed again, he won't think of him as an evil cruel demon
And the 'they have been there for two years' i can go on for HOURS. How Akane doesn't trust it in the slightest once Teru says it, but the more Teru gives those hints, the more Teru explains his behaviour, he believes more and more. At first it was a simple 'no, its the potion' but the more Teru gives those details he never noticed, the more he realizes and even asks Teru personally (of course once Aoi is mentioned, all those details go poof ugh i love my loser boy)
And honestly, Teru saying out all the things he thought inside him outloud to Akane himself really makes me soft inside.. he really was good at working on his words, even to the last scene, he is good with his words and he is good with his movements, he can make Akane believe he hates him in less than a week!
I really also loved your way of portraying Teru's love and how he shows it, it's so pin point to how i imagine it would be. He can be sweet and caring but he can also be forceful and selfish if he can't get what he wants, a detail i always loved about Teru..
And honestly? How sweet Teru is and Akane finally picking up on the hints and the way his strong hatered(?) Gets blocked by the feelings he kept inside and never wanted to let out takes over him a little, his image of Teru changes and hate becomes too strong of a word
İ also enjoy how Akane projects his own way of loving onto Teru, when he thinks of Teru being inlove he immediately thinks of a public confession, a proposal and not whatever he lived, it's such a nice thing i enjoyed im not sure why..
But im still not over the demon Teru and real Teru mirrorings... Maybe Teru won't be as cruel and forceful as a scary demon would be but Akane really was on point for certain aspects... And then it changed once he feels Teru's sweeter side, it makes me think he tries to never misjudge Teru, even in the worst of situations... (🌈) (Sorry i just loved it a lot... Reminds me of the little 'his Akane' in the other fic... A made up persona of Teru in Akane's mind ..)
Overall... Really nice fic... İ love them so much .. i love these silly losers i hope they die /affectionate (sorry if some parts sound off, i tried my hardest to get everything in)
HYGBUYIYUGHYU This is such a sweet and long comment! Thank you for taking the time to write it!
I am glad you enjoyed this one too! Trying to do a pacing I was satisfied with was a bit tricky since Teru isn’t nearly as open about his feelings as Akane, and since it wasn’t in his pov every word was harder to pick, but the way Akane view changes was my favorite part to write! I’m happy you liked how it all turned out :D
Yes!! Akane’s demoniac mental image and the way Teru ‘trap’ him in a princess carry by the end were written back to back, on the same day.
Exactly!Akane doesn’t go out of his way to demonize Teru, he just doesn’t have all the pieces, and the ones he is given is... less flaterring yguuygy he is basically being bullied is hard not to have a negative view of it T-T And Akane projecting his own way of loving is a touch I am still very happy about, he can be self centered in such a casual way is wonderful but e is a perceptive boy! (except when aoi is around, what a loser boy indeed~)
Thank you again! I got hyped when I read your ask, so have this sketch as a gift!
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callofdudes · 8 months
hello, sorry if this is rude, but I wanted to ask why you write Ghost the way you do?? I haven't played the games yet but I've been seeing some people debating on others writing him different ways.
Hey anon, I don't think it's rude. Now, if I understand this correct, yes, there are people who have been debating and even aggressive toward some people who write for different characters.
But I'll break down why I write Simon why I do.
First off, for those who haven't played the games and haven't looked into a character further than their sex appeal; Simon isn't heartless and rottenly cold.
He's not. Nor would he push around and hurt people who are in his circle on purpose. Going back to 2009 when Simon was shown in the og trilogy he was very close to captain MacTavish and made jokes and comments all throughout the game. While he's still very much professional, he has that balance.
It's shown, even in the new game that Simon cares deeply. One reason I think people want to think he's so cold because that's how he likes to present himself. But in the military, being particularly scary is probably favorable. That and being in the military as long as Simon or Price has, they have probably learned not to get too close to soldiers.
Since the sad part it, there's a very high chance they won't make it long.
And an intimacy issue. I've seen people getting upset because some people write Simon to flinch at every little touch. And while I think part of that has truth, Simon 100% has intimacy issues.
And this is partly me projecting into him, because Simon wouldn't be raised how he was and not have issues or extremely negative views and experiences around intimacy. And I doubt the military encouraged any different.
While I don't think he would flinch at every single thing, certain things are completely beyond his limits. I personally had a very abusive relative who always wanted hugs and I was always forced to hug her and be close to her. And since getting away I am extremely careful and particular about who hugs me.
I am uncomfortable hugging people who aren't in that selected little few, and really I'm still only 100% with hugs from my dad.
So does Simon have intimacy issues, absolutely he does. He doesn't know affection, and for someone who hasn't known a lot of a affection it can come off like a red flag or a trigger because they aren't used to it happening so in their mind; something must be wrong.
And a lot of affection can take Simon out of things. Like myself, if he's love bombed he is out of it and needs to step away because... Like what does he do? That's too much in one place at one time. Big boundaries.
But Simon is also gentle. Just because all of these things have happened to him doesn't mean he's always nasty. He's very gentle toward someone who shares an up bringing or even just a situation like he had. He's gentle with hostages and with kids when he finds them on the field. While he may not like children, he doesn't do anything to openly show that.
Touch-starved. All I need to say. When Someone like Johnny, or Reader gives Simon affection that he likes, he wants it all.
Like snuggles, when Simon comes to the realization of how much he just genuinely and innocently likes the company of a close body with warm arms wrapped around him, he wants more. He wants what they can give him. He needs to trust them though.
Simon is very closed off only until he's with those he is close with.
And yes, Simon is strong, but that does not mean he can't have mental struggles. Simon, in my world has had struggles with food because I have.
Simon can have anxiety and still be able to throw out quips and quick remarks like when johnny and him were bantering in the alone mission about his mask. He can have both.
You can be both confident in your profession and lacking confidence in another field. I see this a lot with König as well. They are both firm and know the drill and are very, very confident in their field of work because they know it.
But taken out of that head space and thrown into something casual of domestic for a bit and it completely takes them out and gives them anxiety.
Simon can be self conscious of his body and his stretch marks and still have confidence in other things.
And this is just how I personally like to write Simon. There is probably a lot more I missed but off the top of my head this is how I write him. And I enjoy writing him like this, and I'm glad others do as well.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
congrats for 2k followers daze!! you total deserve it🙇 may i req for general yandere hcs with arashi if it's ok? tysm!!
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Awww thank you!!! That´s very sweet of you 🥺💕 More than happy to write for Arashi, thank you for the request!! ^^
Likes and reblogs appreciated!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, violence towards others
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General Yandere! Arashi headcanons
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Arashi is a protective and doting yandere! She´s very obsessed and passionate with her darling and so everyone around you two will know just how taken she is with you!
She would be very sweet and gentle most of the time, she wants to take care of her darling and so Arashi likes to give them lots of gifts. It´s very common for her to bring her darling on shopping trips to find new cute outfits for them. She does listen to your own wishes but she also has the tendency to pick out a lot of clothes for you to try on and she won´t take a “no” as an answer. Just trust her tastes as a professional model, she only wants you to look your absolute best!
Her stare would be so intense too as she carefully examines how your new outfit looks on you before beaming and showering you with compliments
“Oh my! You look so wonderful in this, y/n! I knew I was right to pick this one out, it suits you so well. You like it too, don´t you? Oh you´re just so adorable I could eat you right up!”
There´s this certain glint in Arashi´s eyes when she says that, that kind of scares you. For just a moment, you saw a glimpse of the darker side Arashi tries to hide from you
Because yes, I think she would try to hide most of her yandere side from her darling, or at least to not make her twisted sense of love all too obvious. She dreams of a sugary sweet romance with her dearly beloved and so it wouldn´t do for them to see her as some kind of scary monster, no?
Still, Arashi has no problem with showing her strong and intimidating side if someone is annoying or harassing you. How dare they try to mess with you? Don´t worry about a single thing, she´s going to take care of them for you!
It´s like all hesitation is gone the minute she sees you being uncomfortable, her gentle expression all gone, instead an angry frown now on her face
She´s going to beat the pest that bothered you into a pulp for you^^ They should know never to mess with you again or there might be worse consequences for them in the future
Just. very overprotective with her darling, She hates seing you in distress!
She doesn´t tell you that the reason she likes doing your makeup so much is that she gets giddy at having an excuse to be so close to you and to use her own makeup brushes and lipstick on you and vice-versa
It´s not very hygienic but she loves applying the lipstick she had used on you just a few moments ago to her own lips, sighing blissfully at the fact that you were sharing an indirect kiss. If only she could kiss your lips, oh how wonderful that would be!
Arashi also is incredibly touchy with her darling, she loves hugging you tightly or holding onto your hand in the crowd so you “don´t get lost”. She gets excited at every opportunity to be close to you and gets visibly upset when others try to intrude on your alone time. Can´t they see that you´re already taken? It should be obvious from how terribly clingy Arashi is!
She would try not to mind it too much because she doesn´t want you to get upset but sometimes she just really wishes all of these other people would just leave you alone so you could only have each other. She doesn´t need anyone except you so why should it be any different for you? You would be happy together!
Loves taking pictures where it´s only the two of you and treasures each and every one of them. Might even purposefully cut off other people from a group photo because she doesn´t want to be reminded that there are other people in your life
A thought I had is that Arashi might invite you along to a photo shoot with a couples motive that she is modeling for and just coincidentally the other model that was supposed to be her partner for the job got into an unfortunate accident and had to be hurried to the hospital
How sad! But what will happen now? The photo shoot is super urgent and there is no one else on set that could do the job for the other model!
You can probably imagine where this is going. Arashi says that you could be the other model, she thinks you´r really good-looking and perfect for the job so if someone as experienced as her thinks you´re suitable then there isn´t really any reason to refuse. It´s not like they have any other option at the moment
She would even do your makeup herself and then you´re both posing in front of the camera in matching clothes and being so close together, bodies touching as she holds your hand tenderly
Arashi is enjoying every moment of this, wishing that you could be like this forever. She wants you to be a real couple and not for show! But she´s definitely taking this opportunity to make as many romantic gestures as she can get away with just for this photo shoot
Wrapping her arms around you, gently stroking your cheek and even kissing your hand like a loyal knight protecting their liege. It´s all so romantic, her heart is beating wildly
The agency that booked the photo shoot is very impressed with how real you two managed to portray a couple in love, you can almost feel the intense adoration in the gaze that Arashi directs at you, it´s like you´re the only person that matters in her world!
The result to all of this? When the advertisement actually gets revealed to the public, everyone that sees it is convinced that you must be dating Arashi in secret. How else could you explain the undeniable intimacy between the two of you?
Arashi is more than happy with this development, now no one is going to try and take her precious darling away from her again! Come on, you know you two would make a really cute couple, why not try it out?
Everyone else is already convinced you two are dating anyway, who would believe you if you said it wasn´t true? It´s best to just give in and let Arashi live her happily ever after
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calxide · 2 years
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pairing: kazuha x reader
warning/s: no pronouns used for reader, one-sided pining, mild angst (you might need to squint), lowkey self-indulgent fic, lmk if i missed something
word count: 784 words
NOTE i was listening to joshua's cover of 'double take' on loop then decided to write something to pass time. i just can't take kazuha out of my mind these days hnggghhh. anyways, have fun boring yourself with this drabble as we wait for genshin's maintenance to finish lol <3 (this has been sitting pretty in my drafts for a while now and i didn't proofread this properly sigh) ✧ good luck to everyone pulling for kazuha! 🍃 might turn this to an smau, who knows
EDIT ok, so i made an smau based on this. feel free to check it out! <3 [MIXED SIGNALS MASTERLIST]
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KAZUHA didn't mean to fall in love with his friend. He deeply swore in his heart, when you two had first met, that he would never ever catch feelings for you. But it's funny how life works like that sometimes, isn't it? The past months had passed by quickly. After certain twists of events, you and Kazuha found yourselves spending a lot of time together, even forgetting about the existence of your other friends. The time spent together wasn't wasted away either; Kazuha learned more things about you in those months than he knew before, but it was all good. You'd started spending more time together, getting together on weekends, or simply hanging out on the roads in Inazuma. The only thing was that he had been falling head over heels for his best friend, you.
And as much as he tried to resist it, he couldn't keep himself away from you. It was as if your presence was contagious; even if you two are not together at the moment, he still found ways to think about you. Every night, his mind was filled with thoughts about you. And there was no way he could tell you about his feelings unless he wanted to risk losing you.
He once promised that you two would be friends forever. Would confessing his love for you break that silly little promise you two made before? He wanted to tell the entire world just how much perfect you are. How much he loves, adores, and admires you. You may have flaws, but that was what completed you as a person. He always felt comfortable when he was with you.
He felt a confusing switch in his heart the moment he fell for you. It was when he saw you differently; that he wanted to be more than friends with you. It was scary. His emotions are going to consume him one day, and he doesn't know if you'll still be by his side when that happens. So, he tried to distract himself. By doing anything, but thinking about you. He'd start conversations with others, pretend to be interested in their stories, anything to avoid his stupid feelings.
But he sees no one but you. Even if you are lost in the crowd, he'd be the first one to see you. When he's with you, he always tries his hardest to remember everything about your presence. If you are feeling down or sick, he'd be the first one to notice and take care of you. Even in his dreams, he sees your sweet and soft smile that makes his heart melt every single time. Whenever he looks into your eyes, he feels his heart beating fast. He was absolutely horrendously in love with you.
Sometimes, he wonders if you ever feel the same about him. Do you? He doesn't know, and he's not going to do anything about it, he decided. He wouldn't want to ruin the friendship he has with you. Not when he could be having this amazing friendship with you. If it is meant to be, then they will come eventually.
He hated how he strongly believed that if you two are meant to be together, then the universe will send him a sign. But no sign came. It felt as if fate was playing with him.
He would be using the time he has in his hands to write poems, letters, and even songs about you. He would dedicate them to you in the hope that maybe someday, you'll read them. He hoped he could show you how much you mean to him. He also wishes he could say what he has been wanting to tell you since the beginning. He wished you could reciprocate those feelings he has. But the chances of that happening seemed slim.
He wanted to spend his entire life with you. There was nothing better than being by your side, he thought. No matter how hard it got, he would wait for you. Because you're worth it. No one could compare to you. But he knew that it won't happen. So instead, he decides to cherish the moments he spent with you. He'll treasure these memories until the very end.
He wanted to be by your side forever, even if you two are not romantically linked together.
Can you sense the signs that he's sending you? He wonders.
Do you feel the love he's giving you? That one question sends shivers down his spine.
If so, does he have a chance? He hopes.
Kazuha doesn't know and will never know the answer to such questions.
But deep down, he knows that he wants to ask you the truth one day.
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desceros · 6 months
Disclaimer: I am ignoring the original context of the song to reshape these lyrics for this AU lmao sorry 
Disclaimer again: I may have missed posts or just have incorrect views on the boys and their relationships with lamb-chan and with each other! If I get anything wrong I apologize! I am just a silly goose! 
Lyrics will be in italics, my thoughts in bold, I did not include the repeats of the chorus and such :)
One, two, three, one, two, three
One, two, three, one, two, three
One, two, three
[Not deep at all, but I like this opening because there are three of you. This is the basis of the entire AU, that both of them have to share you, they have to put up with each other if they want you. It’s not “just the two of us,” it is inherently three, and this repetition here of the one, two, three is reminiscent of that, and I love it.]
You know that he trusts you and I know that he loves you
But somehow you convinced me again
[These lyrics are SO Leo to me. Like, Leo knows you have this intense relationship with Donnie, that you and Donnie are so intertwined, Donnie trusts and cares for you so much, and Leo doesn’t know if you really see that Donnie is in love with you, but Leo does. Leo sees it. And he’s very possessive and he’s such a little shit about his time with you, but I can’t help feeling that a part of him would wonder why you would want him (Leo) when you have this other person (Donnie) who is so clearly and wholly devoted to you, but you keep coming back, you keep seeking Leo out, and you have somehow convinced him that… maybe he can have love and devotion and softness and openness, too.]
My foundation rumbles and all my morals crumble
[This lyric fits both boys. For Leo, he has built a certain way of living, a certain persona, a certain set of “morals” as a person. For Donnie, he has created this idea in his mind of how life is going to be. And now, they’re both suddenly… unsure about those respective things. Like, here you come, and now everything that was once so clear and true and obvious is just. Not.]
My father's warnings run through my head (one, two, three)
[I haven’t seen any posts about the boys’ interactions with Splinter so I’m not going to really say much except I’m sure that Splinter would have something to say about the whole situation (and again we’ve got the repetition of one two three that calls back to the nature of the relationship)]
Your heart's a vine that I've bled trying to climb
Yeah, you're making a ruin of me
[Love can be painful, and it can change you. Leo is being forced to soften and open up, while Donnie is being allowed to sink his teeth in. That’s scary and uncomfortable, and the things that you bring out of them go against how they have always seen themselves - thus you are “ruining” what they thought they were by showing them that’s not exactly true.]
Try to survive, keep my spirit alive
But like a knife in the woods
Yeah, you hunt down the good in me
[For Leo, lamb-chan is finding (hunting down) the good in him that he kept suppressed/didn’t know was there. For Donnie, the “good” in him is being destroyed (almost like it is being hunted and killed) because of him being allowed to give in to those thoughts and urges that he always deemed so dangerous/wrong. And they’re resistant to change (try to survive, keep my spirit alive) but there is nothing they can do about it in the end, because you and the change you bring are inevitable]
One temptation sparked this
Now I can feel the darkness
It's my own fault but you had this planned
[These lyrics evoke more of the same for Donnie, I think. The “temptation” is you, of being with you in that way, of letting himself feel and act a certain way with you. Letting that “darkness” (possession, jealousy, lust, etc.) start to creep in and take hold. Feeling like it’s his fault for letting this happen, but also knowing that you have a hand in this, too, and you’re making decisions that allow this from him and even encourage it.]
All of me, you take now, like criminals and shakedowns
[For Leo, this lyric fits him in sort of in a literal sense (you’re taking all of me, including my shady shit) but this lyric also sort of fits in a different, figurative sense (you take all of me as if you were shaking me down, as if you were stealing me away and I cannot stop it).]
Yeah, you make me forget who I am (one, two, three)
[For Leo, you make him forget who he feels like he is supposed to be (a bad guy), you allow him to forget about this hard persona that he’s crafted, you let him be someone softer and more open and more vulnerable than he ever dared to let himself be. For Donnie, you being with Leo starts to change him (or, more accurately, reveal him as who he really is rather than who he’s forced himself to be), and then when Donnie is allowed to be with you in a different way than he ever thought he would be, it’s, again, this feeling of forgetting who he is/letting that darkness take hold/restructuring how he views your relationship with him. And once again, you’ve got the repetition of one, two, three calling back to the nature of the relationship.]
All of your good is mine
All of your good is mine
All of your good is mine
All of your good is mine
[This is the only part of the song that is sung in a female voice rather than a male one, so to me this is lamb-chan saying to the boys “yes, you are good, and you are mine, and the things inside of you that I am revealing are also good and mine.]
If my brain wasn’t soup, this would be better. I’m sorry jfkdlsa;jfdskl;
duuuuuuude this was fuckin INSANE a+ in red pen at the top of your essay. consider having your brain be soup more often
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Hey, can I get some positivity please?
I feel like a work in progress but also so old. I am 24 and I feel I have the issues of a teenager. You know, most people get their first mental illness signs as a teenager, get therapy and get their life together while still teenagers. They still become ordinary adults. I showed signs of mental illness so young but wasn't allowed to visit a therapist. I still have the same issues I had when I was 14. All my friends from that time overcame them and are ordinary adults now. I am still a work in progress. And so old, I mean, if you want to be something special in this world you have to start at 4 years old. I wanted to be something special too but probably will never be. I can so hardly imagine a future different from the present, because all my conscious life I was mentally ill. I have no hope it can be better because I can't imagine something else.
I don't know what this was. Just... I feel way too old for my own issues, you know? Get anxious when people yell at me, have troubles getting out of bed, don't know how to talk to adults, what am I, 14?? Sometimes it feels like that. It feels pathetic to be still that broken at my age.
Hey there,
It's okay to be a work in progress. Many people in their 40s, 60s, even 80s still feel they are a work in progress. I promise you: you are not behind in life. While you're right that many teenagers struggle with mental illness, that doesn't mean that you are wrong or behind if you're also struggling. Mental illness doesn't care how old you are, and anyone of any age can be affected by it. In fact, young adults (18-25) are the group most likely to experience mental illness with 30%. You're still very much in that young adult range. (source). I hope that helps a bit. Know that you are not alone and that there are people twice your age who are struggling as well. You have time and you have a life worth living.
I totally get that it feels too late. We hear about prodigies playing instruments and doing physics at like 8 years old, but those people are very much the exception. Also, those people often also struggle mentally because they feel they are only worthy for their talent and that they have piqued. The vast majority of people will not be spectacular, and that's okay. We still have worthy lives and experiences.
It's so, so hard to have perspective when you're in it. Our brains are so good at being negative and inviting hopelessness in. But they are also so changeable and you have the ability to feel hopeful and proud of yourself and your life. You are incredibly young, by most perspectives, tbh. I know it's difficult to believe, and you are absolutely allowed to be angry or upset or any feeling about how you didn't get the help you needed as a teenager.
Hope and imagination are scary. And when you've only known mental illness and hopelessness, it's incredibly challenging to let yourself even open the door of optimism and the future a tiny crack. Like most things, having hope takes practice. You have practiced hopelessness for a long time, and it's time to start practicing hopefulness. This doesn't mean blind optimism, this doesn't mean things will get better overnight, but it does mean that you can get to a place where hope feels more comfortable.
I promise you, there are people of all ages that get anxious when yelled at, can't get out of bed, and don't know how to talk to adults. I know it feels like you should be over these issues by now, but being unkind to yourself won't help you achieve your goals. It's not pathetic to be in your situation.
I'm so sorry you were denied healthcare for your mental issues as a teenager. That sucks, and you deserve help for your mental illness(es). I hope that you are able to reach out and get help now, as an adult. It's okay to grieve what could have been.
I know how hard it is when certain people want you to believe otherwise. People who don't have it all together may feel insecure and insist that they DO have it all together and that others should by their age, as well. But that isn't how life works. People wish it did, but it doesn't. Life always changes and things seldom go as planned. We can't put our self worth into things like that.
I think it's quite common for people to be having a harder time than they let on. Your peers might be struggling more than you know. Even if they weren't, you aren't doing yourself any favours comparing yourself to them. Do you compare yourself to people who are doing much worse, mentally or otherwise, than you? If so, does it help? Just something to think about.
Here are some actual actions you can take to increase your hopefulness and help you get to a place where you feel better about your life:
Journaling. One journal for venting and writing your feelings w/o judgement. Another one for gratitude. Every day, write three things you are grateful for. I know how this sounds, but trust me, after a few weeks or months, you might feel a little more grateful. I do this, and even though it feels dumb sometimes to write that I'm grateful for something small, it is nice to notice the good things in your life. There are more than you think.
Examine what messages you send yourself. What is your self-talk like? Just notice it without judgement and consider what it does to you. What thinking traps might you be falling into?
Self compassion. This one is HUGE. You deserve so much from life, and you deserve to feel determined to to live your life how you want. Empower yourself. Ask yourself, "how would I be living my life if I had hope?" Then, try doing the thing that you'd do if you felt better about yourself and your life. Just see how it feels. Try some of these guided practices here & scroll further to try some self compassion exercises.
Here is a list of books on self compassion.
Wishing you the absolute best. You have such a beautiful, long life ahead of you.
Mod Misa
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digimonloving · 1 year
Even though Arcturusmon only has art from TCG and a pixel form, I already love him. May I request a HC of Arcturusmon x Fem! Reader? To everyone's surprise their relationship is very healthy and loving much like Gomez and Morticia.
Arcturusmon x Fem!Reader
Arcturusmon may be a Digimon that is made from focusing and pushing dark energy to its limit... but that doesn't exactly mean he's evil. As a matter of fact, when it comes to you, he seems to cherish you even more, and he seems to look at dark things as beautiful. He can even make the darkest of things seem so beautiful to your eyes as well with how he introduces you to it and how he treats such things people may consider terrifying or scary.
Black roses are his go-to flowers to give you, always careful with how he maneuvers it through your hair or perhaps onto an article of clothing with the thorns still on it.
Arcturusmon is also quite affectionate and comes up with the strangest nicknames for you, and yet they still sound so full of care and love that you hardly notice their oddness. He says them with so much adoration, so much love, the deep voice of his just making it much more alluring. You love it, and you can't help but to swoon every time he goes on about how he loves and adores you.
If you love the dark and creepy aesthetic as well, then it truly is a match made in heaven. For he does adore doing dark poetry with you, and he does enjoy getting you the oddest of outfits to wear that he thought you may look good in. Even if you didn't, he may do so, because he loves the idea of you wearing such dark clothes compared to your usual ones. You don't have to, but on special occasions, perhaps entertain him some with it.
Arcturusmon actually helps with any fears you may have by showing you the upside to it. He talks you through them gently, whispering that it's not as scary as it may seem, that certain things don't actually want to harm you, and that nothing will harm you so long as he is with you. Even the creepy crawlies he helps you identify and shows there is nothing to fear from them as he holds them. You don't have to, but he does it with such ease, even with his drill-like arms.
Absolutely cloaks you with his wings when you're cold, or about to fall asleep. He may be a bit strange to fall asleep on, but he is very warm. Cloaking you with his wings like he's wrapping you up, whispering sweet and soft nothings into your ear as he lets you drift off. He always somehow manages to slink out from under you and fetches you something to eat and drink in the morning. Don't ask him how he managed to cook something if he presents you with a hot meal. He managed, that's all you need to know.
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hangingoffence · 11 months
a birdie (winter. it's winter) said that you have Opinions about Konig, care to share with the class?
do i? DO I?! *cracks my knuckles and my neck*
my biggest issue with the character is the fandom interpretation of him(like in most characters i like the ppl just dont see dont hear grrr makes me feral). It all stems from the fact that König has social anxiety and as we all know all people who suffer from anxiety are all alike and they are shy people pleasers who pick flowers and blush constantly. These people do not know how anxiety affect people in different ways and that its not a fucking one-size fits all. Shyness is a personality trait and social anxiety is a disorder that affects people on day to day life. This might be a surprise for some people but people with social anxiety might love to interact with other people, but their anxiety prevents them from doing it. The fear of being in front of people and the possibility of being humiliated causes people to stay away and not engage in social situations no matter how much they actually would want to. Social anxiety is NOT a personalty trait stop making it one!!!
König's biography in the game stated: König suffered from severe social anxiety throughout his life, often being bullied during his childhood. At the age of 17, he volunteered for the military./ However, his sniper hood terrified the Urzik hostages who had to be convinced by the rest of his team to follow König to safety.
His bio has also stated: Bullied throughout childhood, König found acceptance only when fighting - an activity in which he excelled./ While the sniper hood concealing his face makes him a terrifying figure. It's rumored what's under that hood is even scarier.
His voicelines do not suggest he's shy at all either. He's exited to get into the action and doesn't hint into any kind of insecurity. He also says things very straight forwardly and doesn't hesitate (though that's most just for the player experience but you can convey a lot of personality from just voicelines and he's nowhere near to a shy or insecure person.)
He certainly does not fit into the normal life due to his enormous size which makes it hard for him to go unnoticed. Him being bullied too feeds into the anxiety and the fear of humiliation. But him joining the military gives a set in stone power structure and certain scripted social situations you follow. He thrives in that kind of environment. He's good at fighting and through that he can feel like he fits in.
The sniper hood may even enforces that experience. Not having to show other's his face helps with the anxiety. It is certainly much easier to face and confront things without a noticeable face. It also helps with the scare factor. Other people are scared of him which means people do not want to confront him.
He's a high ranking military specialist. He does not act like a fucking child like the fandom portrays him. He's violent. He's capable. He's scary and he revels in that.
so tldr: STOP making him be the owo >////< *sweats* im so shy uwu baby ill kill you and your whole fucking family
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Watching you dancing in your platform shoes You look so pretty in these reds and blues Baby, please, I know we're diving deep And you can barely breathe I'm scared completely that you'll up and leave me Is it worth this feeling?
Who are we kidding? That night in Milwaukee Was already starting
Your hair in my mouth Pull me down to the couch Oh, I want you right now And everyone tells me My heart beats for nothing But something is changing
I've still got that ring that you let me wear In that haunted swimming pool, I know you felt me there You'll win this hide, don't try to change my mind I feel so sure this time
Standing in just your t-shirt I know that this will hurt If you let go of me first
Who was I kidding? That night in Milwaukee You already had me
Your hair in my mouth Pull me down to the couch Oh, I want you right now I want you right now And everyone tells me My heart beats for nothing But something is changing
Standing in just your t-shirt Something is changing If you let go of me first Something is changing
@karatecaulfield back to making the lesbians little graphics and such!!!
Actually posting it is my birthday present to myself XD I just turned 26!!! This just in: Getting old isn't actually that scary. It might be when my health starts failing and whatnot, but for now I am vibing. Might finally get a job soon, too, so I can now shitpost without worrying about money constantly!!!
Truly what has obsessing over a couple of rich lesbians done to me akanhdusygduyis Do you know how much I would've cared about finding the perfect picture of a ruby ring 3 years ago??? 0%. YasMoon has forever altered me. There's no going back to who I once was.
I still debated myself for a long-ass time because like. I was like is that TOO much red nail polish??? Should I crop it out in the middle left pic??? Is it more symbolically poetic or whatever if only YASMINE has flashy red nail polish??? Is she the only one between them who gets to act like a showy tropical bird doing a mating dance??? But then I was like nah...wearing matching nail polish is 4000% one of those coupley-things-we're-gonna-pass-off-as-best-friend-things Yasmine and Moon would definitely do. And they both look damn good in it, so. Fuck it!!! They went matchy matchy to their secret hotel date!!!
So I got kind of obsessed with the idea of a YasMoon songfic based on Wisconsin Ave by Kailee Morgue, where basically Yasmine secretly books a nice hotel room the night after her 15th birthday (so pre-show!) so she and Moon can have a night to themselves and finally be free to do whatever they want! I've mentioned it in previous posts, but I am like. VERY certain these two were messing around backstage during (and before) Season 1, and the idea is so JUICY that I sadly am coming up with plot bunnies about it faster than I can write them D:
For whatever reason, Wisconsin Ave is the one that keeps chewing on me like a brain worm, and may in fact become a full-length songfic one of these days ^^; So naturally, to tide me over until then, I sated this desire the only way I know how...
This moodboard goes with this, this, this, and this! (Might make Daze Inn its own moodboard too, if I REALLY can't Find My Chill with these things ^^;) Tangentially related, but Yasmine's blue dress at the beginning of the Halloween episode in S1 was SUCH an underrated look. Like I don't care if it was supposed to be slutty or whatever!!! It served!!! I miss her skimpy little outfits tbh, the girl can have a redemption arc without having to dress "modest" like the good girls ;_____; Let her dress like a slut!!! This is her holy divine right as a woman!!!
Also they definitely underwater kissed in that hotel pool. I know, I was there, they told me themselves--
In any case, Moon would absolutely see Yas spinning around in that dress in a pair of stylish platform heels and just be so fucking gone for her. I love imagining it as this sweet, blissful moment of butterflies in her stomach and the unique euphoria of young love...and then reality comes crashing down seconds later and Moon is like "oh, I am fucked." Because all they get is this one perfect night--one night to be themselves and love each other the way they want to and let loose and do whatever they want...and then they have to go home. They have to go back under the watchful eyes of parents and classmates and snotty neighbors and everyone else who they have to hide from.
And Moon has to wonder. What if this this little arrangement between--this affection limited only to where no one can see--gets to be too much for Yasmine? What if she starts wanting someone she can show off? Love in the open? Take home to her parents?
...a boy?
And she lives in that fear. She lives in the fear that Yasmine could snatch away everything they have on a moment's notice and leave her behind to pursue something a little less...complicated.
She feels it all night--watching Yasmine dance, kissing her on the suite couch, wearing the ring Yasmine got as a birthday gift with their feet dangling in the Universal Studios Hilton pool that some kid supposedly drowned in. Waking up in Yasmine's shirt the next morning.
Knowing that she's Yasmine's, whether she wants to be or not. Moon is in too deep to pull herself away now.
The other girls in their group sneer at her. They see how she looks at Yasmine. They know the admiration in her eyes go beyond platonic.
And they hate her, because she's the only one that Yasmine gives any of that back to. She's The Favorite. The right-hand Beta Bitch. Unquestionably second in their lunch table's pecking order. She calls the shots far more than any of the other girls are allowed.
Not that Moon feels the need to call shots. But it's still a privilege not afforded to the girls who throw snide, passive-aggressive comments her way.
It'd bother Moon more if Yasmine actually gave a shit. But their "friends" are irrelevant to the queen bee beyond how good they can make the table look to the rest of the school.
Harper Moreno confronts her one time. Corners Moon on the way to history class--a class she notably doesn't share with Yasmine.
"I know you want Yasmine." Harper doesn't mince words. "I see you over there, leering at her all lunch. You're wasting your time."
"I don't--"
"No use lying about it." Harper's eyes flash coldly. "You really think you're the only one of us who's ever wanted to fuck her? You're not special, Moon."
Moon sways on her feet, caught off-guard.
"Did you ever...?"
"Not me, no. But I know others who have."
Yasmine would tell her Harper's trying to get the better of her. Work her up until she loses her composure and gives Harper the kind of undignified reaction she wants. Something she can get Aubrey or Jenna--probably hiding somewhere in a nearby crowd--to stealthily record and put on her Instagram story.
Something to bring her down so Harper can fill the now-vacant spot of Yasmine's second-in-command.
Moon isn't going to have it.
"You don't know me," she says coldly. "You don't know her. I matter to her in a way you don't."
It's a cruel thing to say. Yasmine would approve.
So much of what Moon does hinges on that these days.
Moon doesn't like the conniving smile Harper gives her. The way the other girl steps forward, putting only a few inches between them before leaning forward and hissing in her ear.
"It's all for nothing, you know. Your little crush. Yasmine will throw you away once she's done with you, just like she does with everyone."
As Harper saunters off, she throws one last sneer over her shoulder.
"I've known her since middle school, by the way. I've learned by now you don't get attached. Maybe you should wise up, too."
Most everyone else she talked to told her something similar. Her mom warned her away even more strongly.
"I went to high school with that type of girl too, Moonchild. They'll break your heart. Plain and simple."
But on the morning after Yasmine's 15th, looking at herself in a hotel mirror clad in Yasmine's clothes...
Moon has her doubts.
After all, it's not just any girl Yasmine invites for a private getaway in a luxury room. And if the loose Paris t-shirt hanging off her, the ruby ring still on her bedside table, and the bright red nail polish Yasmine picked solely to match Moon's are any indication...
Yasmine seems to have gotten pretty tangled up herself.
And something is shifting. The way Yasmine's sprawled out on the bed with her hair a rumpled mess on the pillows, drool trailing from her mouth...
It's imperfection she's never dared show before. Every past time she and Moon screwed around, one always fled before the morning came.
Now here Yasmine is, messy and flawed and laying it all bare for Moon to see. Trusting Moon with it.
It feels like the beginning of something.
Not the beginning of a "real" relationship. Moon isn't that naive.
But the beginning of Yasmine considering what they have is deeper than she planned?
That Moon can hope for.
(This is Harper btw)
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I gave her a personality and a backstory!!! She fucking sucks and I'm very excited to write more of her being a menace <3
I do fr wonder about the other girls at Yasmine and Moon's S1 table. Like who are they??? Did they really all just ditch tf out of Yasmine after the wedgie incident??? Why did Yasmine deem them in particular worthy of the Rich Girl Clique, but only sometimes (since it's different extras at the lunch table in different scenes)???? Anyways, I imagine they prolly were passive-aggressive terrors to Moon because of all the blatant favoritism and special treatment she got from the Alpha Bitch. There was so totally inner bullying going on in that clique, and someday!!! I will write about it more than anyone ever asked for!!!
Anyways!!! More posts about Best Lesbians coming soon :3 As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request!
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thegirlfromhawkins · 2 years
Celebrating Halloween/Samhain w/ Eddie (gn! reader)
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(yes i had to use this photo)
Obviously, I have to post something special for spooky season. I am a Halloween whore after all as well as a witch hence the inclusion of things having to do with that. You don’t have to be a witch to read this though! I can’t add every detail about the witchy stuff mentioned in this headcanon but if you do have any questions let me know! I may be writing more Halloween stuff to post if I have time but thank you for reading!
• Eddie enjoyed the fall but he wasn’t prepared for just how much you loved it
• Knowing you were a witch he figured you’d love Halloween however he didn’t know everything that came along with it
• Seeing how much you were into celebrating the holiday made his heart flutter though
• He loved hearing you talk about your traditions and all things you had planned
• Your face brightened up every time he’d ask you questions and show interest too
• That was one of the greatest things about your relationship
• You both cared about each other's interests even if you weren’t into them
• Eddie actually did take quite an interest in the history of the holiday having no idea that certain things were from witches
• He then concluded that it was bullshit how people dismissed the original meaning of the holiday and where it came from
• More forced conformity he said
• Giving him the rundown on things took a while and I mean a while because there is so much to learn that even you don’t know everything
• He took a liking to many things you introduced him to
• Tales of faeries and goblins reminded him of d&d immediately peaking his interest
• You were wary about even telling him about Mischief Night because every night with him seemed like Mischief Night
• Still, you should’ve known that telling him these things would lead to him playing silly pranks on you the day before Halloween
• You would both go on apple-picking dates as well after talking to him about all the traditions having to do with apples
• Eddie wanted to do all of them if possible and you had to remind him to slow down on the antics cause there was only so much time you had to teach him about everything
• He was always like ‘Hell yeah let's do it’
• Not a bad characteristic of his but even you can get tired with the festivities
• You and he did the simpler traditions like apple peeling and divination traditions with the seeds
• While peeling the apples together to see the supposed first name of your future spouse when you’d toss it over your shoulder he was dead set on it being your initial
• “If this doesn’t say you I’m doing it again.”
• “Eddie that’s your third apple already.”
• Trust me apple peels were all over the place and Wayne would find remnants of apples when he came home from work
• Of course, since it’s spooky season you’d also just spend time having horror movie marathons
• By the end of watching all the movies, you’d both feel like movie critics deciding which ones were actually scary and had the best effects
• Baking and cooking together became a regular and Eddie didn’t realize how much fun he could have making stuff with you
• Getting delicious food was a bonus for him
• Even Wayne thought that you should both keep it up cause he was enjoying the leftovers just as much as you two
• When it came to all the fun crafts Eddie was well prepared and insisted that you get ‘the best pumpkins in the land’
• His pumpkin came out scary to no surprise and made its guts come out of its mouth
• What more did you expect from him?
• When it came to costumes he had all these ideas and brainstormed for weeks
• He wanted to help you make them once you decided on who you would both be dressing as
• Eddie has a creative eye and always had mainly good ideas for what to add unless he was joking around as he does occasionally
• Decorating together was a highlight of the holiday as you both combined your own touches to the spookiness
• Eddie was quite the crafty man when it comes down to it and was always down for whatever ideas popped into your head
• Needless to say, Halloweens with Eddie are forever to be remembered and each year is as special as the last and you’d go on to make your own traditions together
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