wispscribbles · 11 months
Thank you!!! He deserves to be picked up!
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nessieartss · 4 months
sukuna being totally cringefail is hilarious but what would he do if megumi actually flirted back????
I answered that kinda scenario here! But most of the time i think sukuna would just freeze on the spot and he could barely sleep at night lol
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stardustsea · 8 months
you can skip a lot of sg1, leo and day already gave up and went to sga 😭 sg1 is still fantastic though and i would definitely recommend going through it at some point 🫶
that was my plan for once i finished s1 but then i let strangers on tumblr convince me to stick with sg1 😭 i might skip ahead eventually but for now I'm contenting myself with being very judgmental of the bad decisions these characters make constantly
stop bringing random shit back to earth to examine it oh my god do you not have a random empty planet to use for quarantine yet
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hangingoffence · 11 months
a birdie (winter. it's winter) said that you have Opinions about Konig, care to share with the class?
do i? DO I?! *cracks my knuckles and my neck*
my biggest issue with the character is the fandom interpretation of him(like in most characters i like the ppl just dont see dont hear grrr makes me feral). It all stems from the fact that König has social anxiety and as we all know all people who suffer from anxiety are all alike and they are shy people pleasers who pick flowers and blush constantly. These people do not know how anxiety affect people in different ways and that its not a fucking one-size fits all. Shyness is a personality trait and social anxiety is a disorder that affects people on day to day life. This might be a surprise for some people but people with social anxiety might love to interact with other people, but their anxiety prevents them from doing it. The fear of being in front of people and the possibility of being humiliated causes people to stay away and not engage in social situations no matter how much they actually would want to. Social anxiety is NOT a personalty trait stop making it one!!!
König's biography in the game stated: König suffered from severe social anxiety throughout his life, often being bullied during his childhood. At the age of 17, he volunteered for the military./ However, his sniper hood terrified the Urzik hostages who had to be convinced by the rest of his team to follow König to safety.
His bio has also stated: Bullied throughout childhood, König found acceptance only when fighting - an activity in which he excelled./ While the sniper hood concealing his face makes him a terrifying figure. It's rumored what's under that hood is even scarier.
His voicelines do not suggest he's shy at all either. He's exited to get into the action and doesn't hint into any kind of insecurity. He also says things very straight forwardly and doesn't hesitate (though that's most just for the player experience but you can convey a lot of personality from just voicelines and he's nowhere near to a shy or insecure person.)
He certainly does not fit into the normal life due to his enormous size which makes it hard for him to go unnoticed. Him being bullied too feeds into the anxiety and the fear of humiliation. But him joining the military gives a set in stone power structure and certain scripted social situations you follow. He thrives in that kind of environment. He's good at fighting and through that he can feel like he fits in.
The sniper hood may even enforces that experience. Not having to show other's his face helps with the anxiety. It is certainly much easier to face and confront things without a noticeable face. It also helps with the scare factor. Other people are scared of him which means people do not want to confront him.
He's a high ranking military specialist. He does not act like a fucking child like the fandom portrays him. He's violent. He's capable. He's scary and he revels in that.
so tldr: STOP making him be the owo >////< *sweats* im so shy uwu baby ill kill you and your whole fucking family
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soleadita · 9 months
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delighteddreame · 3 months
Hi the 'I will not explain the joke' post is a reference to the 'litany against fear' in the scifi series Dune:
"I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it is gone, I will turn my inner eye to see it's path. Where the fear has gone through, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
So anything written that specific way is a reference to that! Hope this helps xx
omg i didnt see this for so long but thank you 😭 thank you so much genuinely!
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scattered-winter · 9 days
been seeing this go around so i thought i'd start a tag chain w it. anyway make a poll w ur all time 5 8 favorite characters and see which ones are everyones faves
tagging uh the family @dawning-day @soleadita @xandromedan @moonlightperseus @frigidboy @numerous-bees-in-a-skin-suit and anyone else who i missed/wants to do it idc go wild go nuts
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chronicowboy · 11 months
tomorrow will always and forever now be today (tomorrow is our always and forever) | 43k
"Think I can get a hug from my best man on my wedding day?" he asks, quietly hopeful in a way that makes Eddie want to tear off his skin.
"Sure," Chris replies with a shrug, turning to throw Eddie a cheeky grin. "Dad, Buck needs a hug."
Two things happen at once then: Eddie has to plaster on a smile authentic enough to convince the one person on this planet that knows him inside out—except he doesn't really have to fake his smile, not at first, because of number two—he sees groom-Buck for the first time. And groom-Buck is every bit as beautiful as Eddie might have imagined him over the years. Happy eyes bright and blue, pink lips stretched wide in a beaming smile, cheeks flushed pink with joy, hair carefully styled and stunningly golden in the morning sunlight. He's half-dressed too, tux jacket still on the hanger on the back of the chair, so Eddie gets an unbarred view of Buck's white shirt stretched taut over his biceps, shoulders, abs.
For a moment, Eddie falls into the greatest betrayal his brain has ever laid out for him, imagining that he might have got to see Buck like this for the first time from the other end of the aisle if he'd just been brave enough to—
"I think he meant you, kid," Eddie teases as he drops their suits to the couch. He widens his stance, so Jee can run through his legs and evade another of Chimney's grab attempts, then he ruffles Christopher's curls as a steadying act before he's suddenly in front of Buck. And he tries not to think about the pathway cleared through the living room by Jee's chase, or the fact that they're under the archway between the kitchen and the dining table, or the knowledge that Bobby is an ordained officiant where he stands behind them. "Hey, Buck," he says softly, smiling genuinely now because this is Buck.
"Hey, Eds," Buck murmurs back, and it's the first time since they'd promised to have each other's backs that Eddie can't quite decipher the emotions making Buck's voice thick.
Eddie wraps him in a hug then, careful and detached as he can manage, but it's Buck in his arms, warm and alive and his for just a few more hours. He doesn't let himself hold Buck's hips like he used to before—before he'd realised why he'd wanted to hold Buck's hips so tightly—just splays his fingers over Buck's back and tries to focus on the soft cotton under his palms rather than the way Buck's temple rests so perfectly against his. Eddie stays there, for too long probably, fingers digging in too tight possibly, and squeezes his eyes shut when they start to water. He's clinging, and he tries not to think about how it feels a little like Buck is clinging to him too.
"Ah," Eddie huffs as he pulls away, taking two steps back just to be safe. He catches Maddie's eyes on him then, sadder than they should be for the happy tears she'd been crying just before he'd got here, and Eddie wonders if her big sister omniscience is working on him too. "Come on, Buckley. Got to make an honest man out of you sooner rather than later."
"Whilst we're on the topic," Chim intervenes, a wriggly Jee on his hips with two shoes on—finally. "Are we sure he should be wearing white?"
(OR: eddie gets trapped in a time loop on the day buck marries natalia)
@butchdiaz @danielsousa @shitouttabuck @alyxmastershipper @diazass @911-on-abc @folk-fae @stagefoureddiediaz @jeeyuns @piningeddiediaz @robsumagpie @athenagranted @prince-buck-diaz @eddiediaztho @carryingbears @ladydorian05 @made-ofmemories @sherlockcrossing @violet-rot @binickmiller @rainbow-nerdss @thatnamewill-probably-change @ducksbellorum @organizedstardust @mangacat201 @faggotjoness @sibylsleaves @kaseysgirl86-blog @daughter-of-winterfell @thisyearsloveisnow @goodiecornbread @wordsofdiana @thehumongouskargomice @xandromedan @acebuddie @girlnamedjesse @pirrusstuff @angstydiaz @haradrimculture @pinky-promisesss @starlingbite @dontneedmyheart @spaceprincessem @shortsighted-owl @buck2eddie @diazly
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jainyofjupiter · 4 months
“The Red Hood Comes Home Before Jason Todd Does” fic recs
aka fics where the bats don’t know that jason is the red hood
originally for @clarentssy but i just love sharing fics and am always happy to get more recs or just talk about them! i’m a sucker for long fics tho, so i hope you don’t mind!
prodigal by punkrockhades | 12k words
Dick thinks he’s doing pretty well at the whole ‘big brother thing’ but then Damian’s other big brother comes to town, mysterious and red-helmeted and oddly familiar, and seems to want nothing to do with the Bats sans Damian.
dead ringer by punkrockhades | 5k
The Bats find out that Jason Todd is alive and apparently has questionable taste in friends, if the Red Hood is any indication.
at me too, someone is looking by bacondoughnut | 116k words
Dick takes in an injured red hood and is confused on why he can’t seem to help but like the guy
Red Robin Hood by candlebreak | 188k words
Titan Towers AU where Jason decides to kidnap Tim rather than attack him and then just…continues to kidnap the rest of his family 
Vermillion by xandromedan | 55k words
another fantastic Jason homecoming fic with a fun amount of Jason fucking around with Black mask and earning Dicks faith before he ever takes the hood off
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ao3sbatfamily · 5 months
do you know that one fic where jason is hiding his identity while working with the bats and then he reveals himself after killing the joker??
This one? I simply adore it.
'Vermillion' by xandromedan
Author: @xandromedan
Joker breaks out of Arkham, Batman and Robin in pursuit.
Batman and Robin. There's a new Robin. After he died, after he was killed, there's a new Robin– a new kid in his colors– and... and the Joker isn't dead.
The Joker was in Arkham. Not six feet under– nails snapping, dirt crushing in, he can't breathe– not a the bottom of the fucking ocean. 
Fucking Arkham.
His breathing is getting out of control. He can feel his heart speeding up, and knows it's useless to stop it. There's something in his head pushing at the seams of his very fine control, cracking along the edges and sending lightning through his bones. His chair screeches across the checkerboard floor as he stands up, table creaking and eventually breaking into chunks under his grip as he pushes down on it for some sense of stability.
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ddesertmoon · 7 months
Batman Fic Recs Feat. Jason Todd’s Return
All my favorite fics about Jason’s return to the family. Gen, and mostly hurt/comfort.
Red Hood by envysparkler
“Gotham doesn’t relinquish her soldiers, no matter how far they’ve fallen from the nest.”
In my opinion, this is THE quintessential Red Hood debut fic. It’s got this one trope I love: regular civilians take a chance and protect their protector (it happens a lot with Spider-Man and its really great to see crime alley thanking Jason in the same way).
Vermillion by xandromedan
“Jason Todd returns to Gotham with a bang. In between setting up a criminal empire, dealing with national conspiracies, and the Joker, he re-learns how to be a person.
When the Bats learn of a new face in Gotham's underground, they get interested. Some of them get friendly. His plan becomes... complicated.”
I love when Red Hood becomes close to the bats without revealing his identity… idk something about how he BELONGS with them even though he’s changed…
hang on ‘til the chaos is through by JustGail
Jason likes Tim. Or, he thinks he does. Tim has spent most of the week since he moved in locked up in his room, only coming out for meal times and sometimes to use the big TV in the media room, but the few words Jason has managed to extract from Tim show a bright kid who can clearly easily keep up with the best of ‘em, despite his young age. So he’s pretty sure he likes Tim, or at least will, with time.
Tim knows there’s something going on, and the worst part is that Batman isn’t even trying to pretend there isn’t something going on.
Stay out of it, he’d told him. Like something as big as a new player in town is something that Robin could stay out of. That Tim could stay out of.”
So so SO good. The story focuses on Jason and Tim and how they both join (or return, in Jason’s case) to the family. Both of them are characterized perfectly.
ghost story by envysparkler
“Jason Todd dies in Ethiopia. Well. Kind of.”
After Jason dies, he’s forced to watch his family grieve as a ghost. This gives him a new perspective when he returns to Gotham (which changes everything). I LOVE this fic. It’s suspenseful and emotional, AND there’s found family.
Twists And Turns Will Take You Home by Sun_Moon_Stars_Jedi
“Bruce Wayne is used to getting kidnapped. He's used to Gotham's villains hating him.
So why does this new crime lord come to his aid when he can't defend himself?”
Short and sweet. A little identity reveal fic because Jason Todd + identity reveal is my favorite combination of things. The fact that it’s told from Bruce’s perspective and you can see his slow realization… perfect!
miss me? by envysparkler
“Jason’s plan to observe his family’s reactions to his resurrection…does not go as intended.”
Basically, Tim, Dick, and Bruce assume Jason is a hallucination because they’re all so fucked in the head that them hallucinating him makes more sense than like. Magic or something. Very good! I love it when characters are fucked up and sad.
Late Night Encounters by paperxcrowns
“Not long after Jason comes back to Gotham and asserts himself as the Red Hood, Tim meets Jason in a diner late at night and by some miracle he doesn't recognize him. After another chance meeting where Jason still doesn't make the connection between him and Robin, Tim decides that this might just his chance to get to know Jason Todd.”
Pretty much exactly what it says in the description. Red Hood hates Robin, but he befriends the sad teenager named Tim. The secret identity thing causes issues which cause explosive emotions and slight agony for the characters!
best laid plans by Valkirin
“Tim Drake knows that Batman needs a Robin. When Bruce and Dick aren't interested in what he has to say, Tim makes his way to the cemetery to say a few words to the boy he's trying to replace.
Tim has the chance to say far more than he expected when Jason digs himself out of his grave that night. Tim does his best to get Jason home to Bruce. The League of Assassins finds them first.”
This one’s more about both Jason and Tim “coming home” but I’m going to count it because I love this fic. In the end, they’re all together which is all I can ask for.
dead ringer by punkrockhades
“‘Oh, are you guys talking about Jason?’ said a familiar mechanized voice from across the rooftop, and the Bats spun around to spot the Red Hood casually leaning against the rooftop access door. ‘I miss that kid, he was a riot. Hope he’s doing alright.’
There was a moment of silence as the entire group stared at Red Hood, processing his words, and then Red Robin blurted, ‘Wait, you know Jason?’
‘Sure,’ Red Hood responded breezily, amusement written in the lines of his posture. ‘We got pushed into the Pit at the same time. He went a little crazy and fell off a cliff, but shit could only go up from there, am I right?’”
Basically Jason (as Red Hood) pretends to be his own friend and casually makes the batfam lose their minds. Very funny!
Aftermath by ivy_and_ivory
“Now: Batman is in Paris, pulled there by a case that extends beyond Gotham’s borders, when circumstances lead him to a badly injured Red Hood – who might hold the key to Batman’s investigation.
Then: The Red Hood storms into Gotham, begins to stake his claim on the criminal underground, then abruptly disappears – but only after he breaks into Arkham Asylum and leaves the Joker dead in his own cell.”
You have to have an ao3 account to read this fic (sorry) but if anyone wants to know how to make one I can help! This is a really great case fic. Batman doesn’t know who the Red Hood is, but their relationship is complicated from the start because he was able to do what Batman never could: kill the Joker.
Tap by CKBookish
“Bruce returns home from the time stream, haunted by phantoms and dreams. Dreams of a past that can't be real.
But all of that wouldn't be so bad if his home didn't feel so empty in the absence of one of his children. Jason, refuses to talk to him or even answer his calls and Bruce can't figure out why or what he did wrong, not after they had mended their fences before his disappearance.
Catherine struggles to hold it together for her and Jason as life falls apart around them. When all she has to give is love she does her best to give it all.”
I really love this fic because it shows vignettes of Jason’s life with his mom without shitting on her as a character. Also, it’s a bit different from the other fics here because it takes place after Bruce comes back from the timestream instead of at the beginning of Jason’s stint as Red Hood.
when my cage is by the window (I can see the sun) by mikkal
“When he was seven, Damian finally escaped the League of Assassins - but not without his brother sacrificing himself to give him time. Now, six years later, he's Robin and Tim's been captured by Ra's in his latest plot. The family goes to Nanda Parbat to rescue him only to run into a revelation that might just break them.”
This fic is INSANELY well written. The small snippets of Jason and Damian’s time together are beautiful. It doesn’t have a happy ending necessarily, but you could probably interpret it as a happy ending!
robin’s roast by envysparkler
“There’s a new coffee shop in Crime Alley. It’s called the Red Hood.”
Jason gets to establish himself in Gotham as the owner of a new coffee shop instead of as a crime lord. This ends up being more effective in completing some of his goals than being the Red Hood would have been.
grave secrets by envysparkler
“Jason only came back to confront Batman and kill the Joker. His job is done.”
Be sure to mind the trigger warnings in the tags. This fic is very different from a lot of the ones on this list, but it’s VERY good.
The Long Road Home by BumblingBeesAndWillowTrees
“The first time Jason held Damian in his arms, the green abated and he knew he had never loved anyone else so fiercely before.
The thing about love is that it is so rarely enough.”
Jason raising Damian!!!! The family meeting Damian and not knowing that Jason raised him!!! Identity reveals! Aaaaaaaaa!!
Also, you need to have an ao3 account to read this fic, sorry.
prodigal by punkrockhades
“Dick liked to think he had a pretty good handle on the whole ‘big brother’ thing by now, even if Tim still saw sleep as optional and Damian still got a little stabby when a hug lasted too long.
But then Damian’s other big brother comes to town, mysterious and red-helmeted and oddly familiar, and seems to want nothing to do with the Bats sans Damian. Damian is strangely close-lipped about his other brother's past, but Dick is determined to find out more about the Red Hood - he could always use more little brothers, anyway!”
The batfam knows the Red Hood as a violent vigilante (and as Damian’s mysterious brother) but then they get to meet Jason!! Identity reveal and all that jazz!
the bird, the fog, the mist by bacondoughnut
“Jason Todd returns to Gotham with a foolproof plan, to kill the Joker and protect the city as the Red Hood in a way that Batman never could. But when he gets there he makes one major decision that's not a part of the plan. He goes home.
aka; The one where Jason tries to balance being the Red Hood with repairing things with his family, and maybe learns a thing or two about forgiveness and family and love along the way”
Jason comes home but he’s still the Red Hood and there’s a WONDERFUL amount of secrets being kept. I like this one because it’s the opposite from a lot of the other fics on this list (in that the family meets Jason Before they meet Red Hood)
You need to have an ao3 account to read this fic
forward tho’ I canna see by nex_et_nox
“One of the thugs trying to sneak up behind Robin stoops low, comes back up swinging at Robin's unprotected back with a fucking crowbar—
Metal clatters against the ground; the body follows it a second later.
Jason lifts his finger from the trigger.
Robin whirls, taking in the body dropped with a headshot. With a scowl, Jason kneecaps the idiots trying to take out Robin from behind again.
[or: Jason, newly returned to Gotham as the Red Hood, keeps accidentally helping out the Bats. It's really frustrating.]”
Oneshot with a bunch of interactions between Red Hood and the bats. Identity reveal that’s soft and sweet and everything I’m looking for <3
Bonus: Incomplete Fics (at the time of this list’s creation)
riptide by punkrockhades
“Jason’s first mistake was hacking the Bats’ secret comm channel.
Although could it really be called hacking when they’d never bothered to change their frequency since his Robin days? All he’d had to do was log on, and boom – instant access to the best ways to avoid meddlesome Bats while he got shit done. And since his end was carefully muted, they wouldn’t even know anyone was listening.
His second mistake was thinking he could listen without getting sucked back into their drama.”
I love this fic SO much. It made me feel so many emotions… the buildup to Jason’s reveal is amazing and the reveal itself is perfect. The last chapter is (as of right now) not posted, but that chapter is an epilogue so the story is able to stand without it! A million out of ten, would recommend.
Chapters: 5/6
what you’re longing for (you claim to abhor) by Ghxst_Bird
“He smiles, all teeth, ‘Come on Replacement, I even got to the door with both legs busted. This should be nothing.’
‘You’re right. Jason… Jason wouldn’t have given up. He would fight, I can still—’
The boy wobbles, and Jason has to suppress the mortifying impulse to jump to his aid.
‘I can still fight. Batman needs me.’
‘That’s a terrible idea,’ he muses aloud, and if there’s a hint of real concern somewhere under all the roiling green, well, nobody can prove it.”
AAAAAAAAAGH THIS FIC. This fic is SO good. There’s a ton of interactions between Jason and the family when they don’t know his ID because they assume that Red Hood’s relationship with Jason Todd isn’t “of course I know him, he’s me” but something Very Different. Angst, humor, the whole shebang.
Chapters: 10/11
(likely to update soon as the author has been posting a lot recently, but who’s to say. Either way, great story!)
Welp, there they are! Hope everyone enjoys because this is my favorite trope :D
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moonlightperseus · 27 days
tagged by @moonsharky
do this picrew (the hair color isnt quite right but it never is)
do this uquiz (jasldkgjalkjgklasjdkg was NOT expecting that result. wild)
tag people
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tagging: @xandromedan @scattered-winter @soleadita @dawning-day @oldestinker @lucyfrostblade @the-darkgod
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xandromedan · 3 months
need you to know. when i reblogged that timeloop post from winter i almost specifically said i’m not sure i’d believe it if tumblr user xandromedan, known gaslighter re: character deaths, came to us about a timeloop situation. (LOVE U!! <3)
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
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this is like a poem to me
@xandromedan @soleadita
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rowan778 · 11 months
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Another day another drawing w/o lineart wahoo
thank you to the lovely @xandromedan for the inspiration Hope you like the piece :)
A round of applause for my shit handwriting. The comic reads: (Bones) "Jim you can't date your XO, it's against regulation" (Kirk) "Nuh uh" (Bones) "TF YOU MEAN 'NUH UH'"
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soleadita · 8 months
girl what is wrong with you
<3 i love friends in phone <3
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