#it makes them happy and healthier and it makes them thrive
dickggansey · 2 years
i wish my best friend would understand that what helps them feel better doesn't necessarily helps me the same way. i wish they wouldn't keep pushing me to do things that aren't helpful for me. bc i know they just want to help me, i know they're being kind bc they care about me. but we just work differently, but i don't wanna dismiss their help :/
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years
How People Who Love Themselves Choose & Show up in Romantic Relationships
People who love themselves tend to have healthier and more fulfilling romantic relationships than those who struggle with self-love.
They set healthy boundaries: People who love themselves are able to set and maintain healthy boundaries in their romantic relationships. They communicate their needs and limits clearly and assertively, and do not tolerate behaviors or situations that are disrespectful or harmful.
They prioritize their own needs: People who love themselves prioritize their own well-being and happiness in their relationships. They make time for self-care and pursue their own interests and goals, rather than sacrificing their own needs for the sake of the relationship.
They practice self-compassion: People who love themselves practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness in their relationships. They are able to acknowledge their own mistakes and limitations, and do not engage in excessive self-criticism or negative self-talk.
They communicate openly and honestly: People who love themselves communicate openly and honestly with their partners. They express their feelings and needs clearly and respectfully, and listen to their partners' perspectives with an open mind.
They choose partners who respect and value them: People who love themselves choose partners who respect and value them for who they are. They do not settle for partners who are abusive, manipulative, or do not meet their needs.
They look for a relationship that is healthy, supportive, and fulfilling. Some key characteristics of the type of relationship that a person who loves themselves may look for:
Mutual respect: A person who loves themselves values themselves and expects their partner to do the same. They look for a partner who respects their boundaries, opinions, and choices, and who treats them with kindness, empathy, and understanding.
Emotional support: A person who loves themselves seeks a partner who can offer them emotional support during both good times and bad. They look for someone who is there for them when they need it, and who can help them navigate the ups and downs of life.
Healthy communication: A person who loves themselves values open and honest communication in their relationships. They seek a partner who is willing to communicate in a clear and respectful manner, and who can listen to their needs and concerns without judgment.
Shared values: A person who loves themselves looks for a partner who shares their core values and beliefs. They seek someone who is aligned with their goals and aspirations, and who can support them in pursuing their dreams.
Independence: A person who loves themselves values their own independence and freedom, and looks for a partner who can respect that. They seek someone who is supportive of their personal growth and development, and who can encourage them to pursue their passions and interests.
A person who loves themselves looks for a relationship that is based on mutual respect, emotional support, healthy communication, shared values, and independence. They seek a partner who can enhance their life, rather than complete it, and who can help them grow and thrive as an individual.
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unfortunate17 · 6 months
Hate how some ppl are saying it shouldn’t have been a big deal for Simon to delete his accounts and lay low for Wille. Yeah sure that’s probably what’s expected for the crown prince’s partner, but wasn’t s3’s whole point ‘why should he have to? Why should Wilhelm have to?’ You want a queer king to revolutionise the monarchy but want that monarchy to operate exactly as it always has?
It’s not even that he hated all the attention! He loved being appreciated for his music, he was so happy that boy in bjarstad looked up to him, he thought that if Wille had to start a foundation, he could do some good for a cause he believed in. Yeah they’ll probably always still be in the public eye, but I think with time and support Simon could make peace with that, if he got to handle it in a way that fits his values and lets both him and Wille thrive (this is how pop star Simon can still win). IMO the issue was the royal court and Wille’s own issues leaving him out in the cold, with no idea how to deal with the hate except to “ignore it”
No you’re so right 👏
Honestly I’ve always felt that Simon and Wilhelm both have very “small” dreams. I actually kind of disagree with the pop star Simon agenda (but I also don’t fully disagree with it I think it can work depending on the context), but yeah he loved the positive attention 😭
I see a lot of people who keep saying that abdication wouldn’t solve all of Wilmon’s problems but they’re kind of missing the point?
Like yes Wilmon will always have to live with scrutiny and probably security, but they’ll be free to live how they choose. Wille can cut his hair how he likes, he can get tattoos, paint his nails, move out of the country, choose not to have children, get married however he likes - or not get married, dress how he likes, develop his own interests without wondering how the public is going to perceive him, etc. Simon can post on social media however he likes - they’ll have no reason to hide behind outdated ideas of respectability or tradition.
They’ll be free in all the ways that matter.
I also want to point out that the last thing Wilhelm says to his parents is that he loves them and the queen lets him go. It’s very much implied that Wille’s going to repair his relationship with his parents and it’s probably going to be a lot healthier now that he can be himself
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What supportive care do senior snakes require? Like, as they reach their later years, what should a responsible keeper do to keep them comfortable and thriving?
Great question!
The single most important thing that can be done for a senior snake is ensuring they have regular vet visits. A good yearly (or even twice yearly) check-up can do wonders for spotting common issues before they cause the snake any discomfort.
In general, here's what I do for senior snakes to make sure they stay healthy and happy!
Senior snakes will often have mobility issues. Their skin and muscles aren't as stretchy as they used to be! Thicker climbing branches that are easier to hold onto, shorter vertical enrichment that's closer to the ground, and softer substrate (working moss into your regular substrate is easy and effective) can help prevent injury from falls.
Senior snakes might have trouble digesting large food items. Cutting down on the size can help the snake digest comfortably and prevent regurgitations.
Taking them out for short handling sessions to get their bodies moving encourages exercise and keeps those muscles healthier for longer!
Senior snakes often have trouble shedding. Extra humidity boosts during shed cycles are often appreciated.
Senior snakes' immune systems aren't as strong as they used to be, so it's important to make sure your enclosure stays clean!
Supplementing their meals with vitamins can help keep their bones, muscles, and organs going strong! Ask your vet about good liquid multivitamins that can be injected into their meals. Even just an occasional calcium supplement can help keep their bones healthy.
With any senior pet, it's important to keep track of how they're doing. I recommend keeping a journal to track their feeding habits, shedding, and activity levels. Be sure to watch for any signs that your snake is in pain. Many senior snakes still have many happy and healthy years ahead of them, so it's important to do all you can to keep them comfortable and thriving!
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stromuprisahat · 4 months
Zlatá Malina (Golden Raspberry), pt. 10
Siege and Storm- Chapter 20
The confrontation after Alina witnesses Malyen's newest hobby of beating up male Grisha and kissing female Grisha that aren't her., pt. 2
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Yeah, I'm not sure if this was supposed to be hot, but it feels more threatening.
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Am I the only one to see an undertone of aggression again?
WHAT THE HELL was that?
Why does it read like "What did YOU do?!"?
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While Alina tends to jump to conclusions, this time I have to agree with her. Malyen's "us" sounds very much like "YOU".
Another point Alina should've used as a stepping stone for further development.
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This is rightfully among the most hated exchanges.
Malyen wants to carve out what makes Alina herself.
Even if he didn't know about the connection between Grisha and their powers, he DOES know she's healthier and closer to thriving than ever. He wants to take away that one thing that makes her shine- both literally and figuratively- regardless of what impact it might have on her. He correctly recognizes "it" stands between them, because this way they're incompatible, and he already made a half-step to change, but didn't like it, so something has to give.
Something obviously being Alina.
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Supportive boyfriend of the year.
Alina finally manages to tell him, so he literally turns his back on her and goes get drunk.
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Over and over.
Alina taking the first step for reconciliation.
Alina apologizing.
Alina taking on the blame.
Alina trying to lift him up on her level, when he's more than happy with her in his shadow.
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Alina's desires shrinking to be whatever Malyen wants... and she's sorry it might no longer be possible?!
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(Da tag)
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altocat · 3 months
I'm not sure how complicated a question this is: how would Sephiroth's childhood had gone if he were raised by Lucrecia but he was still at Shinra? (In a scenario where Hojo is completely out of the picture and hopefully dead). Or do you think Lucrecia would've abandoned Shinra completely?
On one hand, I think the presence of Hojo was definitely driving a lot of Lucrecia's mental health issues in Dirge. But she was already working with a massive guilt complex long before Hojo so with that in mind...
Assuming Lucrecia now has some level of power within Shinra with Hojo out of the way, I don't think the Jenova Project would have progressed to the extent that it did in canon. Nor do I think Lucrecia would have any part in allowing her son to effectively become a weapon for SOLDIER. My way of thinking was always that Lucrecia felt guilty over Grimoire's death and thus convinced herself that creating a "Cetra" would be a good means of atonement. Life for life. Something that would help the planet. I don't think she ever wanted or expected her son to be involved in war and violence. That wasn't what her work was about. And assuming she was able to keep it together long enough to see her son grow and thrive, she would never want him to experience the same level of trauma and loss she did. I think she would have fought Shinra tooth and nail keeping Sephiroth away from all of that, fighting them until it came to a head and either resulted in them "doing away" with Lucrecia altogether or having her escape with Sephiroth in tow.
As for Sephiroth's childhood, it's a lot more loving and stable than in canon, though there is still that level of gloominess that comes with his relationship with Lucrecia, especially since she regrets modifying her son. He loves her dearly and is 100% on her side in not wanting to join up with whatever SOLDIER has in mind for him. And if she were to take him and leave, he wouldn't protest in the slightest. If Shinra got rid of her, he'd know what happened and why. And would either have to be subsequently killed out of open rebellion or would just outright refuse to fight for them at all. Sephiroth recognizes his mother as an incredibly flawed and unhappy human being. And he still partially blames her for a lot of the hardships he's faced growing up. But he still loves her and recognizes her turmoil, feeling responsible for her and wanting her to be happy.
I'm gonna tack a happy ending onto this and say that Vincent (who doesn't get shot since Hojo isn't here) helps them escape and they form a healthier, more stable family unit on the outside, with Sephiroth growing into a reasonably well-adjusted adult. Having Vincent there as a stable force and a father figure really makes a difference for both him and Lucrecia's general health. And while there's always going to be some lingering tension in association to Shinra, they're ultimately very happy together.
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sciderman · 1 year
I think it's telling that you have only begun to imagine a healthy dynamic between all the boys, namely wade and cable, at This point in ask-spideypool's overall development. Like wade needed peter's influence to heal to the point that he and cable could get back on somewhat equal footing.
genuinely!! genuinely,, the thing that came out of writing this fic that surprised me the most is peter's genuine investment to see nate and wade have a healthier, more balanced dynamic. like - he's not an idiot - he knows what a chokehold nate has on wade's emotional state
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and even though he's insecure - he doesn't ever let those those insecurities get in the way of what's the most important thing to him - wade's happiness. and if nate helps with that, then peter will do anything to help that happen.
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i think it's the most wonderful thing about 9319 peter and wade's dynamic when they're at their best - they genuinely, genuinely just want each other to live their best lives and thrive. in any context.
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kind of obsessed with how much they just. love to big each other up and just fall over themselves to make each other happy. it's something i just love writing, when they're at their healthiest.
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when they're at their healthiest???? they are each other's ultimate hype men and might just be the happiest. easiest. healthiest and most compatible two people on the planet. they don't want anything else more than to see each other laugh and thrive and be their best possible self and it's so. so . it's so... it's just all about them overcoming their own insecurities so that they can love each other wholly and unapologetically
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
For the younger Dream AU, can you imagine what would happen if it wasn't Death he lived with but his parents?? Like his mother and father think that Hob is just their very nice neighbor who lives a few houses down and isn't totally destroying their son's ass every couple of nights. They don't know Dream is sneaking around them bc Hob is absolutely firm on Dream not moving in just yet as to not give it totally away. It's also more fun like that. Especially when Night invites Hob over for dinner bc she's convinced he can't cook for himself, even though he can, and attempts to talk to him but all Hob can do is eyefuck Dream from across the table.
How about a pool party during the summer holidays where Time talks to Hob about guy things, not noticing how thoroughly Hob rubs sunscreen in on his son. Or how closely they sit in the hot tub, sneaking in touches when he's not looking.
Also picture them going out of town for a little weekend getaway/day trip, but they don't tell Hob how long they're gonna be gone, just to peek in and make sure Dream hasn't destroyed the house. Cue them walking in on their precious baby boy on his knees with his face shoved into the carpet as Hob's railing him so sweetly and so well. The whole situation collapses in on itself as Dream gets kicked out and Time damn near starts a fist fight with Hob, thankfully a certain someone has room to spare in that big ole lonely house.
- 🤜 (can I have that one or is it taken?)
Ohhh yes this is GOLD. Welcome to the emoji party, 🤜 anon!
I'm obsessed with Dream sneaking out of his room, wiggling through a hedge and popping up in Hob’s kitchen, ready to be fucked. Hob is... not the most moral person, and honestly he's really enjoying the game of hiding all this from Dream’s parents.
Meanwhile Dream just wants it all out in the open already! He's tired of sneaking around and he wants to be able to make out with Hob in front of his parents, dammit! So, when his parents go away Dream knows that there's a chance they might pop back in... and he conveniently forgets to mention that to Hob, oops!
The comedy potential of Dream being kicked out and literally moving in 3 doors down with his dilfy older lover... God his parents hate it. They've already seen way too much of that relationship and they're about to see and hear more (Dream is very keen on leaving the doors and windows open so everyone can hear him being fucked... and Hob definitely isn't ashamed to fuck him in the back garden if he asks).
They worst part is that Dream is thriving! He's doing great at university, he actually smiles at people these days, he looks so much healthier now he's gained some weight from Hob’s cooking. He's got friends! And Hob is absolutely besotted with him. He's happy, and it makes Night and Time absolutely shake with rage to know that their degenerate son is doing so well... right there, under their noses.
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cherishedproperty · 1 year
When You're in a Slump
The past few months I have felt like a person I don't recognize. At the beginning of February, I was in my happy, subby place. We put new rules in place, and I felt like I was thriving with them. We were connecting deeply through our D/s. Every part of me was on fire for him—eager to serve his every whim. I even asked him if he was going to get bored with being so satisfied...
By the end of February, I was in a slump. Work stress skyrocketed. Then I was in limbo for six weeks about a new job, marinating in uncertainty and insecurity. Then we mixed in travel and a few illnesses. Depression kicked in. I lost my motivation for just about everything. My sex drive plummeted.
The slump has led us to put some of our rules on hold—in particular, our newer sexual rules. I haven’t been able to follow most of them since the end of February. The touch/edging schedule, the plug requirement... I tried at first. I thought if I just pushed through, my desire would come back. But it just made everything worse. I would touch myself and feel nothing. Plugging myself felt invasive, not connecting. And feeling these things would make me feel broken and like a bad submissive. So we decided it was better to pause.
There doesn't seem to be any formula for fixing this. For a while, we wondered if the denial itself had caused me to hit a wall. Maybe I developed a negative association with orgasms that we just needed to get past? Monsieur tried encouraging me to orgasm during sex. But then I kept getting in my head about it, feeling like I'd disappoint him if I didn't. Now we've tried to remove all expectations from sex. We just see what happens. But still, orgasms are rare.
I'm still struggling to feel sexual at all. I hate feeling this way. I don't feel like myself. But I also know the problem is much broader than just sex. I'm struggling to want. I'm struggling to feel. So I'm trying to fix that problem, in the hopes that the sex part will resolve itself. Monsieur says I haven’t made myself a priority for a while now. I need to make room for myself and the things that nourish me before I can give any more of myself to others.
So I'm trying to run more and drink less. I'm trying to spend time in the sunshine and warmth, to have new experiences, to take naps when I want them. I'm trying to set healthier work-life boundaries in my new role. I'm trying to read my book out on the deck with the birds chirping around me. My hope is that if I work on the other stuff, it will create space for feeling sexual—or really, just for feeling in general.
Still, it's hard to feel out of touch with my sexuality and my submission. I'm sure they will come back in their own time. Both have always been so core to who I am as a person. But I miss myself.
And I know it's difficult for Monsieur. I see how he looks at me, like a starving man looks at a juicy steak. But I also see the concern in his eyes during our kneeling ritual. I see him searching my face for how I’m really doing. I see him opting for cuddles rather than sex, even though he knows I would do it for him. But he doesn’t want my acquiescence; he wants my full-hearted, enthusiastic submission. And I want to be able to give it to him.
Right now I feel so close and so far from the submissive I was in January. I remember being her. But I don’t know how to get back there. For now, I'm just grateful to have Monsieur by my side while I work to figure it out.
And when you're in a Slump, you're not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done. —Dr. Seuss
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(scared) What... what happens if Grian explains right off the bat when he's found out? (shaking)
in reference to the tags of this ask
So like. A really huge part of what Scar's plan entails in canon-- and yes, it's Scar doing this partially on purpose-- is the inherent kindness of the hermits. You bring a starving, dying man back into the fold, and you can absolutely bet that the VAST majority of hermits will at LEAST let him stay until he's healthier again. This is a deliberate move on Scar's part!!! The urgency of the situation (plus the familiarity) creates more of an incentive to let Grian in and then let him linger, which gives him a chance to grow his roots again and make up with the hermits. Scar wants him home again, permanently, and in this game its basically ALL about buying time.
So what happens when you take away that sense of "he's gonna die if we dont keep him here" urgency?? Well...
Well, in an au where Grian fessed up instantly abt the starving and making games when confronted, there's a lot more room to think about it. In some ways, hunger!Grian's canonical reaction to shut down and just let them furiously throw them out was a lot kinder and ultimately worked to his advantage-- nobody got any answers, so they started looking. People are more willing to talk to him if only to understand why. There's a clear element of "i was just doing this to survive and i feel fucking horrible about it" that is,,, pretty undeniable when you've got the person in question self-harming pretty severely about it. And yes, there's pity. Not always a bad thing, and in this case thats the element Scar is deliberately tugging on to make Grian's stay a bit more palatable until he can reintegrate himself
But when you have time to think about it, without that immediate evidence, without that sense of raw urgency sorta blanketing everything so people dont question as much-- what you get is a more measured, and ultimately more negative outlook. The hermits OF COURSE take the time to help Grian figure out how to feed without using people's emotions. They're kind like that. They do care. But theres now more time to think about this, more time to decide yeah, thats valid, sure, but he still used us and hurt a lot of us and also we didnt consent.
Essentially, what im getting at here is that in a hunger au variant where Grian fesses up immediately, the hermits do help him figure out a way to feed without relying on others... and then when thats all sorted out, a vote is called, and Grian is politely but firmly requested to leave. So he loses them anyway, and without the benefit of a mystery to help bring him back.
Thats not to say the vote wasnt awfully divided, there were plenty of people who were at the very least okay with him staying. But with more time and less distance to think things out, a lot of the folks who fall into the "wary but willing to hear him out" category in canon (i have a whole chart fiejfjdj) ended up moving to the "we dont want him here" side of things because they found themselves understandably uncomfortable with the situation and the harm caused by it to others. To their friends.
Basically, its enough of a majority vote to get Grian kicked anyway and without an opening to return. And in this au, i dont think he would return. The au as i have it outlined is that Grian ends up spending years alone on a singleplayer world, falling into his grief and into the rote cycle of surviving but not thriving, until Iskall (one of the people who wanted him to stay) meets him in a market hub and eagerly gets back in touch with him.
Its very much one of those aus that really SQUEEZES your heart, bc its about the loneliness, and the emptiness of losing your entire community, and knowing it is your fault. Its about what happens when you fully isolate because of guilt and forget what its like to be happy because you wont LET yourself be happy. And its about relearning what its like to be a person instead of personified misery. The recovery in that au is SO much harder, so much of a more difficult road (which is saying smth considering canon's is already super difficult), and takes a lot more time and effort on Grian's part. Its a good au, one im really sinking my teeth into and chattering about in dms, but my gods is it significantly worse in many ways to canon hunger au
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casablancarossa · 6 months
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The Serious Portion.
I am so happy to see our leader, healthy and thriving. He looks so much more healthier than the last time we saw him.
So, I hope that Lee Jinki is also at a more happier and healthier mental and physical health space right now.
That being said, we also got news that he has signed on Griffin Entertainment. And lemme tell you, I went down an adhd fueled rabbit hole to find out more about the company and the ceo based on the little information we have.
Unlike BPM, Griffin is new. Like last month new and we are naturally worried. There are many more risks involved especially as the first signed artist.
In the same energy, I would like us shawols to be diligent in asking Onew's new company to please take care of our leader and that Onew will bring them much fortune and prosperity down the line.
As per their company statement, I can only hope Onew thrives to make the content that he wants and have his talents nurtured instead of being gatekeeped.
Lee Jinki Fighting!!! Shawols will always be here.
The Crazy Fangirl Portion
I know! We know. We all knew Onew was a good looking guy. He had this charm? The uhm appeal?
What I am trying to say is that the man (under SM) looked like an angel and marketed him as this goofy sweetheart and we ate it all up. but he would probably devour your soul in bed.
Makes me wanna cry. LIKE I thought I knew what Onew looked like then suddenly I feel like SM slept on how good looking he is.
MAYBE because it has been almost a fricking year since we last saw him and he looks so healthy.
idk where I saw it but someone said these photos looks like Onew is in his revenge era and i cannot 😭😭
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A Blessing for the Cursed
I’m notorious for making little changes to the lives of those I pass on the street, but those changes always come with just a hint of chaos. This isn't as much the nature of my abilities as it is an indulgence of mine. In cases like this one, I demonstrate an occasional soft spot where there's an itty-bitty, minuscule, trance amount of a chance that I am capable of something resembling altruism.
Charlie, on the right, caught my attention at a school a few years ago. I'm always looking to take a jock down a peg or two so I'm known to frequent these places. Instead I found his sorry ass crying in the bathroom, and I couldn't—in my current form as an average student—get him to talk. Obviously I followed him home and dug around until I got answers—y'all, I'm not perfect. Anyways, I found out he was closeted and simultaneously being bullied by a number of students. Despite my sleuthing, I couldn't get names, so I couldn't rectify the situation through punishment.
Charlie became the recipient of a spell I normally cast as a curse, but in this case I re-worked it into more of a... blessing?—I'm not used to blessings. Don't get used to it. —Anyways, my classic curse for a homophobe: every time you demonstrate harm on anyone in the queer community, you change to become a member—shifting first in body, then in mind until you are everything you hate. In this case I inverted the trigger so that Charlie would get a bit gayer every time he received abuse or harm for being gay.
The most unusual part of this situation for me is that I've continued to check in on Charlie as he's grown into adulthood. The first time I checked in with him, six months after I placed the curse, the changes were significant. Charlie had come out and become a prominent member of his student body, starting a thriving GSA club and making a cohort close friends who would help him stand up to his bullies. He went from an unassuming kid at the back of the class to someone who kept up with the latest trends and fashions. He started eating a bit healthier and being more active—stopping just short of fully working out—and caring more about his appearance. I couldn't help but notice he had a few guys and girls looking his way. Despite all the physical changes, the most notable change I saw was that he was happy.
That might have been the biggest shift I've seen over the years. I think the upgrades largely kept the bullies at bay and thus kept the changes over time much more gradual. I know he's kept up one hell of a sex life through college, but now he's got his first long term boyfriend. Unfortunately being openly in a same sex relationship in public for basically the first time in his life has opened up Charlie and his new boyfriend Danny to more homophobia. Turns out, Charlie's curse kicked into overdrive. Danny, the quiet theater kid he was dating has become a hot muscular hunk who's on the brink of becoming a moderately successful movie star.
At this point, they're never going to be completely free of the judgement and discrimination of the ignorant, but they don't care. Charlie and his fiancee are out and proud and happier than ever, plus it seems the curse I placed on Charlie will guarantee he and his fiancee will always be hot and rich in spite of what the haters try to do to them.
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Golden skiffia (Skiffia francesae)
Critically endangered
When the golden skiffias still lived in their natural home, it was a warm, quiet, gentle, spring-fed river with a bottom of sand and silt and mud, where they found shelter in the roots of floating plants that grew along the shore, beneath a canopy of acacias and willows. They foraged for algae on the plants, and thrived in their river, the Rio Teuchitlán.
Decades ago, the Teuchitlán was polluted, the springs that fed it were damaged, the acacias and willows were killed, and the banks were smothered in farms and urban sprawl. The skiffias barely persisted, and the last nail in the coffin was the introduction of the invasive common platyfish. It took only a year for the platys to outnumber the skiffias fifty to one. The golden skiffia was declared extinct in the wild in 1996. 
Some people loved that river. They despised the horrific things that had been done to it. That’s what drove a coalition of conservation groups to heal the river - they stopped the pollution, restored the banks, and removed the platys - then, they got to work putting the pieces of its ecosystem back together. In November 2022, Over a thousand golden skiffias, descended from fish that had been cared for in aquariums for almost fifty years since they were found in a dying river in 1976, were finally released back into the wild. 
…I can’t find what happened after that. Their relative the tequila splitfin was released a few years earlier, and it’s been thriving - but no update at all on the skiffias. I hope they’re alright. 
Golden skiffias are barely more than one and a half inches long, they’re really cute- they’re very energetic too, always chasing each other and searching and exploring and picking at everything they can find, as long as they never venture into deep water. And they’re social!!! they love to be in large, loose shoals where they find safety and potential mates. They can be hard to find but they’re so interesting and I love their bright yellow splotches :3 
Also, they’re in a really wonderfully bizarre family called the livebearers- they literally give live birth!!! Not like seahorses where they keep the eggs in a pouch, or like some snakes where they just don’t lay them until they hatch. No, they have an umbilical cord and everything. They have way fewer babies that way, but they’re safe from anything that might eat fish eggs, which is most things. Also the babies are HUGE :P
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Golden skiffias hate deep water, so they need a shallow tank - it should be at least 15 gallons but ten inches of depth is plenty for them to explore. The tank should mimic the Teuchitlán - dense vegetation and sunken wood to provide shelter and grow algae, moderate water flow, and lots of oxygen. A simple bubbler is a great way to keep them healthy. The water should be hard, and cool (68-74 F) since anything more than room temperature can affect their immune system. And it has to be really really clean - change out at least two thirds of the water weekly!!! I know that sounds really excessive if you’ve kept any other fish but most goodeids really do appreciate it. 
They have a couple other odd requirements too. They do best if you give them even cooler temperatures, like 40-60 F, for 3ish months in winter. That way they can rest - they won’t breed in winter since they’re just chilling but they’ll be healthier in spring. The other is that they will thrive more if you keep them outside in the spring and fall when the weather is nice. They don’t really need it, but something about it makes them a lot healthier and they breed so much faster. 
Since they’re social animals, make sure you get at least a small group to start out with. They’re easy to breed as long as they’re happy, but they can be pretty slow about it - they take about 8 weeks to give birth to 5-15 babies (more as they get older). Luckily, as long as they’re well fed and they have enough room they won’t eat their fry, so you only need one tank. Since they are endangered at best, it’s important that you don’t keep them with other skiffias or they could hybridize - I don’t have anything against hybrids except that it doesn’t really count as preserving the species. They’re best kept only with their own species or with something small that won’t eat the fry. It’s hard to find much information about the golden skiffia specifically but some of their relatives can be aggressive so keep that in mind and add plenty of hiding spots to the tank.
Skiffias need a plant based diet with just a little protein - they love blanched veggies and seem to dedicate their lives to eating algae, and you can feed them regular fish flakes and pellets too. Their favorite protein source is baby brine shrimp - just make sure you only give them meaty foods as an occasional treat :3
These are rlly fun fish if you can find some - just make sure u share the babies :3
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hearthandheathenry · 8 months
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14 Ways To Live A Healthier Life That Anyone Can Do
Use cast iron, stainless steel, glass, and ceramic cookware/dishes. Use wooden and steel for the utensils. Ditch the plastic and chemicals! They are even finding microplastic in the blood of newborn babies! If you can't afford to switch, switch slowly and buy second-hand! These materials will last through generations!
Buy and cook more fresh, high-quality food. Stop buying premade and processed garbage! The hidden massive amounts of fake sugar and additives in everything is far more damaging than a little bit of extra grass-fed butter or grass-fed meat on your plate. You can find local and even organic produce and meat for cheap at your local freshmarket, mexican grocery store, or asian grocery store. Aldi and Trader Joe's are also healthy yet cheap stores! You will also be surprised how little time it takes to cook versus having something pre-made, and with home-made food you'll have control over exactly how much sugar, fat, etc you have in a given meal. Neither of these are bad in moderation, but the key is moderation!
Prioritize your health and try to create less stress. Brush and floss your teeth, take care of your skin, eat as well as you can, move more, and sleep enough. These are things you should be doing AT MINIMUM to stay healthy. Stress also has a huge impact on health, so it is important to do your best to lower everyday stress and balance your hormones.
Do things that make you feel good. This ties into the less stress philosophy and the rule of everything in moderation, and this looks different for everyone, but generally focus on hobbies and habits that are good for you overall and dont cause addiction or mental health issues. The more things you incorporate into your life that you enjoy, the more you will enjoy your life.
Be aware of your feelings and honor them. No ignoring how you feel deep down! Notice what makes you smile and what makes you sad. Feel it all and try to see what your brain and body are trying to communicate to you about things. Your emotions and thoughts have a purpose, try to see what they're saying.
Try to wear or use more organic materials. Try to use cotton, linen, wool, etc for your clothes, sheets, and more. For jewelry try to use gold, silver, steel, copper, etc. Drop the acrylics and plastics. Invest in your clothing and wear quality materials - your health and wallet will thank you.
Try to kick any drug or alcohol habits. We only have one body in this lifetime and these things WILL catch up to you healthwise. The short-term dopamine is not worth the long-term consequences. Ask anyone who's suffered from their decisions from when they were younger.
Spend more time in nature. Being outside has many health benefits and it does incredible things for mental health. Find a place you can visit outside that brings you peace. Try taking a daily walk.
Learn to set boundaries for yourself. Including towards yourself! If you are pushed past your limits of exhaustion, honor your body and rest. It is okay to have soft, flexible boundaries, or hard boundaries, but they are rules we put in place in regards to ourselves to keep ourselves safe and happy! IE - "If I need sleep I will not keep pushing myself and I will go to sleep" or "I will not put up with being yelled at and I will remove myself from that situation".
Walk as much as you can, while you can. Try to opt out of convenience when possible and walk a little further to the front door of the store or try incorporating a daily walk into your routine. Moderate exercise is great for our health!
Do something daily that will exercise your brain. Whether it is a fun crossword puzzle or just something in your daily life you need to problem solve, do something that is going to flex that brain power and keep those pathways firing. If we don't use our connections, we literally lose them over time!
Talk to at least one person a day for at least 5 minutes. We are social creatures that thrive off community, so it is extremely important for our mental health to find connection with others and feel seen and heard and like we matter. Not only that, routinely reaching out to others will help you make and maintain relationships of all natures!
Educate yourself. Learning shouldn't just stop after you finish schooling. You should continually be trying to further your knowledge about yourself and the world around you. You live in the age where information is readily available all the time, so make an effort to use it to better your life, and learn how to sift through the misinformation as well. Not knowing how to do something is no longer an excuse as an adult when you can easily look it up or ask for guidance.
Consume more positive media and less media overall. What we watch and listen to really affects our thoughts, moods, and subconscious. There is a reason upbeat music motivates us! Try to keep your media exposure to uplifting and feel-good things rather than ones that cause anxiety or sadness.
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thrashkink-coven · 8 months
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A much needed chat with Lucifer
I came to Lucifer this morning feeling very torn up. I don’t talk about it very much, but I am estranged from nearly my entire family. I was very neglected as a child and I needed to separate myself from them for my own well-being.
There’s a lot of grief that comes from that. Not because I think I’m unjustified, but because I was justified. Because I made the right decision. I took care of myself when no one else would. I was strong, courageous and I stayed true to myself. So desperately I would like to be in the wrong and know that my pain is the fault of my own selfishness. Then I could change, then I could fix it. But it isn’t. That’s the bitter truth. I can’t fix other people, and I can’t make them love me.
I love my blood family, I do, so much more than they love me. I think about them daily and it brings me nothing but pain. I have too much love within myself for my abusers, knowing that once they were the victims of the same abuse. Oh, if I could jump back in time and save us all from this generational curse, if I could feed the mother of my mother words of love and care. She too was once a child who knew nothing more than love.
I love those who wish me nothing but Hell, I would love them more than any man or God, any faith or doctrine, I love them more than I love myself.
That’s why I had to leave.
I’ve been happy, healthier now than I have ever been. It’s easy being apart from them, more peaceful, more fulfilling. I tell myself that grief is the last gift that love gives us, it’s a good thing that I still hurt. That I haven’t grown apathetic and numb, that I am an oozing bleeding heart that craves understanding.
I want to become the part of them that I love so much, I want to be the person I needed them to be. I want to love myself as deeply as I love them, because they are a part of me.
I love my mother so much that it forced me to love the part of her that lives on in me.
So I will cherish it, nurture it, hold it when it cries, and encourage it, because it’s her, and it’s me. The greatest gift I got from her wasn’t her love, it was my love for her. In the end I will always love her, protect her and fight for her, the her that beats my heart and grinds my teeth. The her that she gave to me.
I am a loving thing, I can’t refuse it. It’s my greatest feature and my deepest curse.
What is it in a child, that makes them love their creator so much, regardless of how many scars they receive from it? Is it the same love that brings a devotee to their knees before a mysterious, unknowable God? Is it the same love that forces life to keep living in the face of so much death? Is it the first and purest thing a sentient thing can know? Beyond intellect, beyond reason? Is that a beautiful thing, or a pitiful curse?
Maybe it’s both.
Thinking about them will always hurt more than anything, maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe that will keep me away from them, and the part of them that I carry in my chest will continue to thrive. And if they never see me again, it will be because I love them so much more than I miss them.
To be patroned by the God of Love is to be in love with Love Itself. To love Love Itself is to become it, and to become grief and to become love again.
I pray it never stops hurting. A shadow is a sign of light.
Thank you Lucifer. I needed that more than you could ever know.
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ju1ian · 3 months
also didn't want to put it in the other post because that was more light-hearted but truly, thank you for nypw.
I think I've already posted about how it's helped me but still. truly do not know where my life would be if I never found that fic. I saw so much of myself in Dave and having that, seeing someone who was going through some of the same things as me, who had the same feelings. I started rooting for Dave to get better, to recover and live a happy life. To be happy and safe and well. It sounds super sappy but that made me realize that I deserve that too. If someone that I see so much of myself in deserves that, why don't I?
So, I started fighting to recover. Can say that, yeah, things are still hard, but it's better. A LOT better than what it was. It's so strange to say that but it's much better.
Don't want to get too emotional about it but just. Thank you. It sounds strange to say but I don't think that my life would be like this, clean, happier, and healthier if it wasn't for nypw.
(also sorry for saying this all in an ask, my messages don't work for some reason 💀)
This also is so touching and so impactful.
I'll be honest, seeing your original post about how nypw Dave helped you overcome your own obstacles is one of the things that inspired me to have him live through the story.
Learning that my work has helped you so much, is honestly so overwhelming, in a good way.
Thank you so much for reaching out and letting me know, and for reaching out all the other times too!!
I really value your input and your reactions! I love reading them.
I hope you can continue to thrive and recover! I am so proud of you!
Thank you so so much for reading and appreciating my work, I am so grateful to have people like you in my life who make writing really feel like it's worth something
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