#it was definitely inspired by it
acekindaneat · 24 days
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do you guys think serizawa has seen reigen somewhere before in passing
reference + another version under cut!
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i knowww it's an old redraw thing but i wanted to redraw serizawa in it for so long... here's a version without the vignette
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yeoldenews · 21 days
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A selection of strange and cryptic personal ads from The New York Herald, 1860s to 1890s. 14/?
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blueathn · 5 months
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Nice flesh-eating violin you got there
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vos0q · 2 months
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“His hand and heart hesitantly reach out…”
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wonderthor · 1 month
breeding kinks are great yeah but they’re even greater when yall already have kids
probably already have more than you thought you would and content with the kids you have now, but your husband is keen in giving you just one million more
so you’re being pressed gently into the mattress with his body, laying on your stomach while his hand is under your throat so he can be cheek to cheek with you and he rocks into you over and over
and your head’s in the clouds, but you can still hear everything he says
“you’ve been such a good mommy, always so good to our beautiful babies, sweetheart. i think we should have another one. how about it honey, you wanna be good and give me another baby? another beautiful baby that me and you and their beautiful siblings will love on? come on, be good and give us another”
when you shudder and moan against him, telling him your answer, he gets a bit more serious. making sure to pound and pound into you, getting you ready to accept the copious amount of seed he’s going to give you. because he’s putting that baby in you right now.
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tubbytarchia · 1 month
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got an urge to design ponies oops
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emkini · 1 year
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For Hearth and Home by @sword-and-stars has been giving me brainrot for the better part of a month
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rosekasa · 3 months
ladybug totally talks in her sleep. especially during patrol naps, when sleeping feels like a mix of dreaming and reality, and so a lot of her dreams during that time involve chat noir. out of nowhere she'll say 'chat what the fuck' and he turns around like ???? what did i do??? but she won't elaborate. or, most commonly, she'll just say 'are you okay??' out of nowhere. and he's like. 'yes??' and she wakes up a little and is so embarrassed. she was having a dream about an akuma fight and was so convinced she just saw him take a hit. when really he's just chilling on the rooftop next to her
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pigswithwings · 11 months
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MYHOUSE.WAD - On Grief (1/2)
Sources: Jandy Nelson, "The Sky Is Everywhere" 🏠 Valeria Luiselli, "Faces in the Crowd" (translation by Christina MacSweeney) 🏠 @/greenmountainwitch 🏠 Rebecca Solnit, "A Field Guide to Getting Lost" 🏠 Elias Tigiser 🏠 Steve Nelson, myhouse.WAD Map 🏠 Amy Meissner, "Spontaneous Combustion" 🏠 Wikipedia - Grief
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mroddmod · 4 months
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the professional yapper
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kurbiismind · 7 months
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Oh hey, You know what they say :›
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moominsuki · 6 months
the pic of bakugou as a newborn makes me think of you both going into the future and you revealed pics of your little baby boy being born on social media and public mags and he’s literally the spitting image of katsuki - down to the wrinkly old face and open mouth that’s already yelling.
“why does our baby look like that?“
“like what? looks fine to me,” shrugs bakugou, sifting through the magazine that showed pictures of you and bakugou - a decade older - holding your little chap.
“like all wrinkly and scrunkly… he looks 85!”
“no one told you to have a baby with me,” bakugou grumbles.
“well, i at least would’ve liked to have been present at the birth… katsuo looks nothing like me!” you say, stifling a laugh at his grumpy face - his grumpy face that then sports wide eyes as he grabs the magazine back from you and finds the name of your new baby.
“katsuo, huh…” and you watch him stare intently at the faces in the pictures: your tired eyes with a content smile and his bleary eyes looking down at the mop of blond unruly hair swaddled in a blanket - a blanket he recognises to be something that you currently own back in the present.
“they say ugly babies always grow up to be the cutest,” you hum, and you point at katsuo’s eyes. “can’t believe he took YOUR eye colour and not mine! was i even involved in the process at all?”
katsuki chuckles at that, all chuffed, “the bakugou genes are just that amazing.”
“i better pray that he ends up with my quirk and not yours… i don’t want him to start blowing people up if he gets your personality too!” you say offhandedly, walking away and leaving katsuki to show the magazine back in the stand as he chases after you.
“oi! don’t say that and run off! hey, y/n!”
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Phantom home alone
A/N: I blame having read a couple of post of the batkids doing that. And my brain went, let's have Danny do that too! I am sure someone might have thought of that already tho...
Danny clutched the screw driver in his head and looked proudly at what he had build on a short noticed. Sure Tucker had notified him that someone was looking into his person, but he had not thought that whoever that was would come snooping around his home this soon. Espacially when he was supposed to be on a home visit to his parents that he had to cancel last minute for a collage project.
Well, it's too bad for those who are trying to sneak into his home. Danny was the son of a pair of the most inventive and creative inventors of Amity that made laser blasters out of toasters. Additionally he was a half ghost with a large variety of powers as well as someone who had the definition of mischief as daughter/sister.
Besides, he always wanted to get his own chance on doing his own version of home alone. His parents security system just never let him do that. That reminded him, should he see if he can bring to live and convince the hotdogs in his fridge to fight with him?
The Bats and Birds just wanted to make sure that this new kid in Tim's college classes was not as suspicious as he appeared to be. Really, if that kid hadn't off handedly commented about the basic components of fear gas while in Tim's presence he might never have gotten onto their radar.
Of course, as paranoid as they were, they had to scoop out the teens' place when they knew he wasn't around. They did not expect the apartment to fight back. And are those hotdogs wielding forks and knives as weapons?!
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maskofnova · 4 months
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I think its a rite of passage to make an au at least once, and ive been thinking super hard about how Sonic raised tails lately. So obviously an age swap au had to happen. Aka, the au in which they are both team turbo nerd and Tails needs a Vacation as a dire medical suggestion. (more rambling in tags)
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hopefulonion · 1 year
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A few posts done for fun on Twitter! 😭✌️✨
Featuring Soap on a leash and would you love me if I was a worm?
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bonemeal12 · 3 days
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The urge to put The Guy in creepy Pinterest bathrooms is real… and I have no self control
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