#it was grim but it was also amazing and I was never the same again
uglygirlstatus · 2 years
What is degrassi and should i watch it (because the screen caps you posted were hilarious)
Hehehehe thank you for asking, though you may regret it. Degrassi is an iconic long-running Canadian High School Drama that essentially invented the genre. Its roots stretch back to 1979 with The Kids of Degrassi Street, which was a season of standalone episodical dilemmas. From there it evolved into Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High, featuring a more set cast of characters through the 80s and 90s. Admittedly I have not watched these earlier iterations of Degrassi, it’s something I hope to remedy eventually but just haven’t been willing to put in the time yet.
A decade or so after Degrassi High (and it’s spinoff movie) finished, the creators had an idea to create another spinoff based around the now-middle school aged daughter of one of the previous teen characters (who was teen pregnant of course). In 2001, Degrassi: The Next Generation first aired (the working title was the jokey Star Trek reference but then it just stuck) and my life 20 years in the future was preemptively altered. There are 384 episodes across 14 seasons. I’ve watched them all through in chronological order twice. After season 14, the show switched to Netflix for 4 seasons Degrassi: Next Class, however the characters and plot lines were just a direct continuation of TNG Season 14, so I effectively consider them seasons 15-18. A lot of people hate Next Class but they’re wrong. I’ve watched Next Class four times because I actually watched it multiple times before even starting TNG.
What can I say about Degrassi. Degrassi is amazing. They have covered every topic you could imagine, some with grace and respect and power, and some with less of that. I think a lot of what makes Degrassi special is the fact that they only hire actors for the teens who are between the ages of 12-19. They’re very clear that they’re striving for a level of realism that adult actors wouldn’t be able to bring to a teen character. Because actors are younger you definitely get performances that are sometimes questionably acted and extremely funny as a result, but there are also a ton of really amazing actors on the show that really bring their all to playing these teens who are going thru shit, which hits harder in turn because you’re like ‘oh you’re litrally a baby :(‘. Right now, between Jenette McCurdy’s book and The Rehearsal there’s (rightfully) a lot of talk about the ethics of child acting and whether the ends justify the means and I’m not going to use Degrassi as an argument for either side, but if it’s something you can handle watching, the cast and characters are really something special.
Anyway Degrassi is the peak teen drama and it’s a blast to watch and an even bigger blast to discuss with people. On my second watch-through I watched it with my sister who had never seen it, and we spent each week after watching just discussing every character arc and who we do and don’t like and (her) predictions for what was to come. It’s just good TV like it’s dramatic and funny and heart-breaking and uplifting and powerful and stupid and FUN. It’s zany and ridiculous but it’s also grounded in real emotions and real circumstances. I recommend it to everyone I know and they say “fuck you ali I’m not watching 400 episodes of a teen drama” and they’re wrong for it.
If you are actually considering watching it obviously the correct way is to start at the beginning and watch in order but also technically you can sort of jump in at different points since the cast changes as the show progresses. There are plot lines and characters from earlier seasons which are mentioned again in later seasons but there are also plot lines and characters that are completely forgotten so. In my opinion the best chunks of the show are Seasons 2-5 (for the heart) and Seasons 9-12 (for the drama) but honestly every season has at least some really good storylines and character moments so I would recommend watching everything!!! If you’re in Canada (and maybe other countries?) all the eps are available FREE on YouTube in HD as official posts from the Degrassi team. If you’re in the States, HBO recently ruined your free YouTube access and you have to watch it there now
Alternatively there is a really good YouTube video about Degrassi that I love that you can watch to see if your interest is piqued although there are some spoilers obviously. But not even spoilers for everything like it doesn’t even touch upon my favourite Degrassi plot line where the kids of Degrassi illegally purchase a human kidney
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt.3]
(what if our mc just got tired of Night Raven College and it's inhabitants?)
(how would some of our NRC students react to this?...)
(includes each house leader +ace and deuce! as requested!<3)
(also includes lots of angst!/mention of blood but not a lot/ angst angst angst angst angst--/not proofread/may be ooc and inconsistent in some places(in both the second part and this part) my apologies!! T-T/mention of book7 overblot/did I mention angst?)
it's been over two weeks now, two weeks in RSA.
so far you've met the headmaster of the school, Ambrose LXIII, with the guidance of Rielle. the headmaster understood your circumstances and talked to you about how he'll try his best to find a way back home for you, and to ease up any of your doubts and concerns he even said he'll promptly ask a student to hand you a report from him of any progress he's made to ensure a safe passage back home for you!
even without having to be an official student or enroll they let you stay in the same dorm as Rielle with your own dorm room as a temporary stay here... and your dorm room was actually nice and well set up! like a hotel room... you were relieved you didn't have to worry about the ceiling cracking and falling on your face for the rest of your nights here.
and to your amazement the headmaster kept his word, unlike Crowley. any report of progress was mostly driven by research but he did mention a lot of Twisted Wonderland's history to connect to any potential gateways back to your world... and this felt way better than whatever Crowley was doing so it was like a breath of fresh air.
finally for the first time ever you've been able to feel like you’re several steps closer to seeing your friends and family back home!... every time you'd think about it you'd get goosebumps of excitement.
during these past few days you've met an enormous amount of friends! most of them being Rielle's while others were outside of the inner social circle but still all of them were friendly or just got along in some way or form, it seemed almost magical. aside from Rielle one of your other closest friends was this boy of green eyes and long, and I mean long blonde hair that usually either dragged behind him or was in a huge braid, he was actually the one who healed your broken arm and wounds with his magical healing powers from his hair! and now you're able to be more active again!
Raps is his name, and he was usually always called upon and under strict supervision by his father whom was a professor there... but you weren't sure if they are related by blood or not since the professor had dark black curls and grey eyes rather than the yellow haired boy's more bright features, but you never really bothered to ask or wonder much. in the end you two got along well and actually had a bit in common! mostly due to the fact that you both can relate to the feeling of being trapped, restrained.
in the end you absolutely loved your temporary stay here so far, you hoped no overblots would ruin your experience... so you never really let your guard down but nonetheless it was relaxing.
we wouldn't be able to say the same for Night Raven College and everyone you left behind though!
Meanwhile in Night Raven College....
it was after classes ended on this cold and grey day when five particular freshmen and a student robot of NRC have been grouping up after school for the past week for one particular reason only...
"where could they be?? we've searched everywhere! the halls, the classrooms, the garden, forest, the shore... it's like they disappeared from thin air!" exclaimed the ace, Ace Trappola to be exact.
"we've looked everywhere Ace, what also irks me is that even Vil has been harsher on the entire dorm since they disappeared." the apple of the group, Epel Felmier, sighed in frustration on the brink of snapping.
"...but could they have been taken, kidnapped?... I'm sure Grim would've heard of any struggle but we haven't even heard from the cat." spoke the wolf of the group, Jack Howl.
"no.. Grim has been avoiding us like the plague and even managed to sneak away from us several times. not sure where he could be hiding now aside from the old ramshackle dorm but-- even yet he always manages to slip through our hands!..." the spade spoke worryingly, Deuce Spade was deeply concerned for your safety and confused over Grim's actions.
"that human!! they've been driving the young master mad! all he's been talking about is where they could be and if they are alright!!... and every time I come back to him it's like the sky and his excellence himself just keeps getting worse and worse!.." the loudest knight of Malleus Draconia, Sebek Zigvolt, exclaimed loudly with worry for both the prefect and his young master... but more worried about the young master's train of thought with how worse the clouds have been getting with the most terrible rain and thunder when each day goes by.
"my big brother hasn't been sleeping at all.. way worse than when he has his game marathons. he's constantly looking for any digital footprint they could've left or even trying to hack into their location but it always overrides somehow... it always says that the device is dead or nonexistent." the younger of the shroud brothers, Ortho Shroud, is seen stressing over you and his big brother, Idia Shroud. "with the amount of information my big brother has been trying to look through it could possibly even make me short circuit."
the entire group was at a frustrating dead end for any clue of your disappearance aside from all your everyday items being left behind and your last known scent to be in the ramshackle dorm and at the very edge of the sea. other than that no one has much of a clue.
well they have been hearing from students that a ship appeared as quickly as it disappeared in the night/very early morning before anyone was up, and that one rumor caused other different kinds of rumors to spread like wildfire. some say you were abducted by pirates, stolen by mischievous pixies, suddenly teleported back into your world without warning, or even... that you have finally left on your own. everyone acknowledged the rumors but they didn't want to think about the reality, the cold hard truth, that you really could've left.
if only they knew how terrible their house leaders took it too.
(requested characters)
Ace: the ace, one of the first people you've met. he's always been a funny and childish friend, sometimes he made you laugh and cry of joy from his terrible yet funny jokes and antics while other times said antics would get you in trouble. he didn't want to accept that he could be part of the reason why you're gone, which is why he tried to convince himself and everyone else around that you were taken instead of leaving voluntarily... he wouldn't be able to handle the guilt and heartbreak to accept that you truly left. he loved you, he truly cared for you and your well-being-- he knew he had a hard time to express these feelings but you were his best friend! of course he cared for your health! but... he couldn't handle the fact that maybe just maybe... he wasn't there for you enough to stay with them a little longer.
he could still remember the first day that you were gone, you weren't in any of your classes-- the teachers didn't even call your name when taking attendance anymore. it was utterly bizarre. Grim was still in his classes yet he sat far away from any students that knew you and disappeared after every class ended.. it was as if he was hiding something. and he was, but Ace and Deuce had no idea what it could be aside that they knew it was about you.
in the end, Ace is left heartbroken knowing that he didn't make sure to do enough to help you even when you asked for it from them. he knew that all he and deuce gave you was pure and utter trouble.
and he couldn't accept the fact, so now here he is having his friends look for you when he knew that you were long gone without even saying goodbye.
Deuce: the spade, one of the first people you've met alongside the ace, a passionate yet slow boy with a heart of gold. as much as he cared for you too the way Ace did he knew that even he wasn't helping either. he knew they should've done more or at least what you asked of them. but now you're gone, and just like Ace it seems as if he too is in denial about their part in your disappearance. he truly wants to believe that you didn't leave on your own even if all evidence was starting to slowly point to that possibility.
unlike Ace though, he seemed to be accepting it faster than him. he still followed along with the story that you were taken but he knew that after all the trouble, all the overblots, all your injuries-- he knew you just couldn't handle it anymore. after all it was clearly written on your face the day when you awoke from losing consciousness in the last overblot that you were ready to move on and make proper progress to get home.
he just...truly wishes that at least wherever you are that you are at least taking care of yourself with more helpful and reliable friends by your side, something he knew that he and Ace weren't able to do.
(your dorm leaders)
inside of the dorm with pampered red roses adorning every corner was the queen of hearts of the Heartslabyul dorm completely and utterly tearing his dorm room into shreds in pure red rage. 
Riddle Rosehearts was fuming, heartbroken, and betrayed on so many levels that he hasn't felt in a good while. hearing from Cater and Trey about your disappearance and then hearing from other of his dorm students about the ship that sailed here as quickly as it left in the late hours of the night/very early hours of the morning.
he immediately assumed that you were kidnapped and in danger! he even marched to the headmaster's office to report your disappearance with other dorm leaders!... well actually-- surprisingly they all came at the same time without planning. but in the end when approaching Crowley with this question of 'where is the prefect?', the headmaster was calm, horrifyingly calm, and said a phrase that shook him on many levels with his fellow dorm leaders beside him.
"they parted ways with us to find other opportunities at finding their home! they felt too bad to tell you all so they just left."
"but they will be coming back to say goodbye before they go back home-- if they find a way back home... right?" spoke the leader of Ignihyde, for the first time out of his room.
"unlikely!" exclaimed the headmaster with a smile.
that one first phrase that headmaster Crowley told them was all that he needed to hear, in the moment of processing what he's heard everything was basically fading away as he also slowly but quickly ran back to his dorm room, in tears.
he was so angry, so furious, so emotional, so... he felt as if his own heart had been grabbed and thrown out of his chest. 'why couldn't you at least say goodbye??' he'd think.
he has never thrown so many books, ripped up so many letters he's written for you from himself that he never dared to send or give, and cut up then stepped on so many bouquets of roses in his room with your name on the tags.
oh, those roses. 
he stopped dead in his tracks with tears streaming down his face as he pathetically dropped down to his knees at the sight of all the five sad 'bouquets' of fresh red roses he planned to give you, now all had their petals and stems broken, torn, shredded, and crushed.
he then realized he didn't have his gloves on anymore... his palms had small yet prominent holes that were dripping red, red as the roses he destroyed. seems like the roses had thorns. 
ahh..he remembers now... 
those roses were meant just for you. 
"what do you mean you still haven't found the herbivore yet?..." spoke the ruthless Kingscholar lion of Savannaclaw in a low yet snarly tone "I doubt they could've swam themselves out of here with waters like the ones this place has anyway. you all are likely not even looking right." he huffed as he closed his eyes with his body on the ground of the botanical garden facing away from the hyena gasping for air due to all the running that he had to do to bring the news to Leona.
Ruggie took a few deep breathes and quick pants before speaking "...we've already got twelve other students including the Ignihyde dorm leader's younger brother and the vice-dorm leader of Pomefiore, a robot and a hunter, looking around and no one's found them! Howl already tried to sniff them out and all we came up with was nothing much but just a faint smell of them from the shore." he huffed and panted in exhaustion.
Leona just scoffed "as I mentioned before, you're all still probably not looking in the right places."
Ruggie tried to intercept but knew that even if he did it'd be fruitless and gain nothing from trying to correct Leona, yet he was frustrated too and wanted to know where you could be as well.
but unlike the freshmen at least Ruggie has been starting to accept the possibility that you really have left, forever. Ruggie was about to turn and leave to continue the search and try to sniff out any information from other students until---
"Bucchi." Leona broke the short silence with a throaty command for his attention which he certainly achieved with both of Ruggie's ears poking up to hear his next set of words.
"keep participating in the search for the prefect. If all continues to come up dry, then I'll just have to take this into my own hands."
and this time without trying to speak a single word back he nodded with a quick and stern 'mhm' before scurrying off to help the rest of the students. once the hyena was gone Leona then had his eyes look up through one of the many windows in the garden that are presenting the sky's ever growing storm. oh how much he was longing for you.
he could still remember as if it was yesterday, when Crowley told all of the house leaders the news after they all abruptly showed up at the same time.
"they parted ways with us to find other opportunities at finding their home!"
that phrase.. he remembered how taken aback he was.
Leona slammed his fists on the headmaster's table "parted. ways?? as in they left NRC?!" a low growl came from inside his throat as Headmaster Crowley contained his eerily calm smile on his face.
"Sir Kingscholar I must insist you to control your temper." he spoke in his usual annoying and irritating voice "It's what they decided and were set on, end of story."
Leona couldn't remember much else after that blow out since all he did right after that was back away and stayed stuck in his thoughts until finally he just left the room suddenly. He didn't listen to any conversations that happened after that since all he could think was 'why not at least say goodbye?'
he finished recounting the moment before he mumbled to himself "I still have too much to say to you.",
but really he hoped that somehow somewhere you could still hear him. even if you probably left them for good.
The sea witch of the Octavinelle dorm was pacing back and forth in every corner across his office in the Mostro Lounge. He's tried his best to squeeze out any information out of any of his dorm students or employees about the prefect with the help of his left and right hand eels ,Jade and Floyd Leech, with Floyd being the most productive yet not catching much information aside from the students he's squeezed the air out of exclaiming about some ship that has left in the midst of the night way pass midnight but too early to be morning. It intrigued all three yet it made our octopus pop a few nerves with how panicky he's been.
when he first heard this rumor it made him run to the headmaster's office with the immense fear that you could've been taken. he could remember his glasses slipping off at every bounce he made with each step of his run. he could remember the moment he opened the door to the headmaster's office along with the sudden appearance of all of his fellow house leaders in the same room..(excluding Malleus as usual) he could still feel the sweat dripping down his face, the crazy and misplaced strands of hair from his usual look, his glasses lopsided, and the scarf of his uniform threatening to fall off his shoulder-- of course he attempted to fix every one of these details on the spot to look somewhat presentable.
yet the answer he got from the headmaster was nothing short of soul-crushing for him. he asked a continuous amounts of questions as to why and how but all were dodged by the headmaster and answered with a short,
"it's just what they decided."
now he's just back into his office now diving head first into his work and school. much to his dismay it only kept him distracted for a temporary amount of time and in the dark of night under his covers all he could think about is you, just you.
he truly wished he could've been a part of your world.
the generous sultan of the Scarabia dorm was sulking in his room with his friend Jamil sitting by his side. Kalim was heartbroken over your disappearance and he remembers how worried sick he was at first. he like many assumed you were kidnapped and he was even waiting for some kind of ransom note to appear and he would've paid full price and more... but when he and other dorm leaders came to talk their concerns all they got was the news that you left voluntarily.
he was one of very few that felt that in their hearts you'd come back. one way or another Kalim felt in his broken heart that you'd appear as suddenly as you disappeared and unlike other dorm leaders he wouldn't put it against you to the slightest. he wouldn't hold grudges or be mad at you if you ever came back, in fact he understood why you'd leave and he was all up for making everything ten times better than before just so you'd never leave him again.
"you have to be realistic here, Kalim. for all we know maybe they found a way home faster than they did here, or they found a place where they don't have to worry about the next overblot or what their next meal will be." Jamil tried to be straightforward and blunt with Kalim, he didn't want him to have hope that you'd come back and then actually never coming back. "we don't know and may never know unless some kind of obvious sign shows that they will actually come back... but just don't keep your hopes up. for your sake." Jamil stood up from the edge of the bed to walk towards the exit of the room "I'll be back, I have to make dinner so you won't go to sleep starving."
With Jamil leaving Kalim then jumped out of his bed to open his window, the sky still not clear of the grey clouds and still not dark enough for the second star of the right to show up but still hoped that his message would still be received by the wishing star.
the platinum blonde boy held his hands together under his lips "please please please please.. please.." Kalim mumbled, wishing with all his heart.
"please, may _____ be safe, sound, and happy... wherever they are.."
in the dorm of the fairest queen was the dorm leader watching from up above behind the tallest window of his room. clenching both of the red velvet curtains in his hands as he watched a group of freshman and a robot, including one of his own, group up and talk hectically and stressfully to each other. Vil Schoenheit knew very well why this particular group of students were talking in such an exaggerating manner, after all... with what Rook has told him and what he's heard from various students around the school it was most definitely about you.
as collected and uncaring as he tried to seem right now he could definitely feel worry and a kind of anger bubble up inside him. 
'could you really have left?' he thinks.
remembering what the headmaster said and all the bits of evidence he and Rook have picked up it seemed that it was certainly the case.
"they parted ways with us to find other opportunities at finding their home! they felt too bad to tell you all so they just left." spoke the headmaster.
you really did leave without saying goodbye.
he couldn't completely blame you, as silent and busy as he was he obviously knew that his and the rest of the overblots and people that surrounded you were bringing you down. it's why he invited you at times for make-overs, spa days, and everything in between to at least brighten up your spirits whenever he could.
"I suppose all of that wasn't enough for you." Vil mumbled to himself as he aggressively thrashed both curtains he held in each hand inward to close off the view of the storm clouds from the sky, to stop those clouds from taunting him any longer.
that and because he couldn't let anyone from out his window see the mascara dripping down his face.
"Roi de Poison?..." his hunter spoke in a calm and hesitant voice, noting that this isn't exactly the time to try to make conversation.
and he was right "Rook!--" Vil seemed to have jumped, immediately yet carefully wiping his mascara-filled tears with a handkerchief on him. "what is so important that you had to come in without knocking??" he exclaimed as he has yet to face his hunter.
"Roi de Posion... there is something your eyes must see to believe." he seemed to take out his phone with an image on his screen.
"Well get on with it then!" Vil exclaimed before he finally turned to face Rook in dramatic motion, eyes still a bit bloodshot even from the few tears he had.
Rook carefully approached Vil, phone in hand, once he took one last look on the screen to make sure it showed what he wanted to show the hunter then finally faced the screen towards his dorm leader with hesitance.
it was a Magicam account, someone's most recent post...from yesterday..
it was Neige.
but.. wait... that person by his side.. it couldn't be--
why were you in Neige's Magicam post?
dorm leader of the underworld Ignihyde, has not been sleeping as much as he should be. of course he's never slept well in the first place but it's just been getting worse since the ramshackle prefect has left.
currently Idia Shroud was looking for any digital footprints he could find, trying to track your location, trying to figure out where you could be. in the end it was all for naught since for the past week or two he's found nothing and basically has given up at this point.
he leaned back against his gaming chair and with a sigh of disappointment, he didn't want to accept what Crowley told all of the house leaders in his office. he knew that there's some kind of trace of you out there somewhere, he felt like it was up to him to find the person who bothered to give him the time of day and attention that he'd never thought he'd get.
the light from his screens were causing his eyes to become dry and almost bloodshot, each blink hurting his mind and his focus. that was until a notification came from his phone.
that's strange.. no one ever sends him messages unless it's in game.
he grabbed his phone beside his keyboard to read the message. how odd, it was from the noob Rook Hunt. what would the vice-dorm leader of Pomefiore want anything with him? nonetheless Idia was slightly intrigued yet annoyed, he pressed on the notification to lead him straight to the new chat with the hunter, it said:
"Roi de Ta Chambre, I do hope this finds you well. A little bird told me that you too have been wondering about the safety and whereabouts of our beloved missing prefect. I may have the answer to your worries here."
below the message was a link to a Magicam post under the name of Neige Leblanc. he's heard of the name but was never interested in the petty and do-gooder lives of any of the RSA students. he cautiously pressed on the link to show a photo, a photo of said Neige Leblanc posing with a familiar face... a familiar face that he now wished he didn't see.
it was you, you were with an RSA student...
"tch..." Idia grumbled as he threw his phone back on his desk before he stepped back out of his chair and walked over to his bed "why did i even bother."
he fell face first into his bed and hugged one of his long yet soft pillows tightly, tears quietly falling down on their own slowly, he didn't dare make a sound in case Ortho would come barging in. he continued to cry quietly now acknowleging that you truly did leave without a goodbye, and left with RSA students no less, and with how you treated him before you left-- he dreamed that he might've had a chance with you.
but he should've known, dreams are for rookies.
the dragon prince of Diasomnia was a strange case, unlike every one of his fellow dorm leaders he actually knew that you left by ship. where to though he had no clue.
he remembers that he came to visit you at late hours of the night at the ramshackle dorm like he usually does except he saw you sneak out with nothing but Grim on your back. he followed you walking down to the shore to see a large ship awaiting for a passenger and what shook him a bit more was that the headmaster was there beside the ship, expecting... you. Malleus watched in confusion as you gave your beloved fiery feline a huge and long hug and some shared words with the headmaster. he was about to teleport himself right in front of you when he saw you walk up the gangplank of the ship to hop aboard but he stopped himself when he remembered about your cast.
ahh yes, how could he forget. he gave you the broken arm, the cuts and wounds, he gave them all to you when he overblotted. he knew that you said you had a chance of going back home but he didn't think it'd have you to go by ship.. and without saying goodbye.
in the end he just watched you and the ship disappear, watched Grim slowly walk back to ramshackle, and watched the headmaster disappear on the spot.
for the next few days that passed he's been mourning the loss of your presence, he's almost casted spells to take himself to you-- to retrieve you and hide you in a tower with nothing but him to protect you... to right all the wrongs he's made. he'd bring you fresh flowers every day and make sure to keep you healthy and happy, he'd do anything to have you back.
but he should've held back, every other person who's overblot you had to deal with should've held back. the headmaster should've done his job. then maybe just maybe you would've been able to be in his arms that night when you left.
in the end he was the only one who didn't ever visit the headmaster for any information about you. he had no reason after all he saw you leave.
after he gets a grip on himself though, he will confront Headmaster Crowley for any information as to 'why' he let you leave.
right now all he could ask is why... why why??.. the more he felt stuck in his thoughts the more the storm outside worsened. at this point everyone could see how he's feeling, his entourage of three tried their best to comfort him but it was no use. the prince of thorns was stuck sulking, and he didn't know how else to stop unless you were back into his arms.
he's also been taking way too many naps now, strange to his three knights yet he knew he did this because every time in every one of his dreams he had you in his arms and walked beside you. he had you all to himself in his dreams.
he saw that this was a better solution than being awake.
(THIS IS SUPER LONG and I might've messed up here and there T-T hope it broke a few hearts tho! I tried my very best in each one of their reactions!<3)
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wrishwrosh · 4 months
hey, i find your posts about historical fiction pretty interesting, do you have any recs?
anon this is the most beautiful and validating ask i have ever received. absolutely of COURSE I have recs. not gonna be a lot of deep cuts on this list but i love all of these books and occasionally books do receive awards and acclaim because they are good. in no particular order:
the cromwell trilogy by hilary mantel. of course i gotta start with the og. it’s 40 million pages on the tudor court and the english reformation and it will fundamentally change you as a person and a reader
(sub rec: the giant, o’brien by hilary mantel. in many ways a much shorter thematic companion to the cromwell trilogy imo. about stories and death and embodiment and the historical record and 18th century ireland. if you loved the trilogy, read this to experience hils playing with her own theories about historical fiction. if you are intimidated by the trilogy, read this first to get a taste of her prose style and her approach to the genre. either way please read all four novels ok thanks)
lincoln in the bardo by george saunders. the book that got me back into historical fiction as an adult. american history as narrated by a bunch of weird ghosts and abraham lincoln. chaotic and lovely and morbid.
the everlasting by katy simpson smith. rome through the ages as seen by a medici princess, a gay death-obsessed monk, and an early christian martyr. really historically grounded writing about religion and power, and also narrated with interjections from god’s ex boyfriend satan. smith is a trained historian and her prose slaps
(sub rec: free men by katy simpson smith. only a sub rec bc i read it a long time ago and my memory of it is imperfect but i loved it in 2017ish. about three men in the woods in the post revolutionary american south and by virtue of being about masculinity is actually about women. smith did her phd in antebellum southern femininity and motherhood iirc so this book is LOCKED IN to those perspectives)
a mercy by toni morrison. explores the dissolution of a household in 17th century new york. very different place and time than a lot of morrison’s bigger novels but just as mean and beautiful
(sub rec: beloved by toni morrison. a sub rec bc im pretty sure everyone has already read beloved but perhaps consider reading it again? histfic ghost story abt how the past is always here and will never go away and loves you and hates you and is trying to kill you)
an artist of the floating world by kazuo ishiguro. my bestie sir kazuo likes to explore the past through characters who, for one reason or another (amnesia, dementia, being a little baby robot who was just born yesterday, etc), are unable to fully comprehend their surroundings. this one is about post-wwii japan as understood by an elderly supporter of the imperial regime
(sub rec: remains of the day by kazuo ishiguro. same conceit as above except this time the elderly collaborator is incapable of reckoning with the slow collapse of the system that sheltered him due to britishness.)
the pull of the stars by emma donoghue. donoghue is a strong researcher and all of her novels are super grounded in their place and time without getting so caught up in it they turn into textbooks. i picked this one bc it is a wwi lesbian love story about childbirth that made me cry so hard i almost threw up on a plane but i recommend all her histfic published after 2010. before that she was still finding her stride.
days without end by sebastian barry. this one is hard to read and to rec bc it is about the us army’s policy of genocide against native americans in the 19th century west as told by an irish cavalry soldier. it is grim and violent and miserable and also so beautiful it makes me cry about every three pages. first time i read it i was genuinely inconsolable for two days afterwards.
this post is long as hell so HONORABLE MENTIONS: the amazing adventures of kavalier & clay by michael chabon, the western wind by samantha harvey, golden hill by frances spufford, barkskins by annie proulx, postcards by annie proulx, most things annie proulx has written but i feel like i talk about her too much, the view from castle rock by alice munro, the name of the rose by umberto eco, tracks by louise erdrich
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cloudcountry · 7 months
stumbling back to ramshackle, you let out a sigh in relief. you wanted nothing more than to collapse in your bed after a long and exhausting day dealing with people.
"huh?" your eyes caught a small white object laying neatly on the rug. approaching the dorm's porch, you noticed it was an envelope, sealed with lavender and silver wax in the shape of a sea shell. a telltale sign that someone from octavinelle had sent this envelope to you. but who?
you flipped it over, seeing your name written in a rather familiar style of messy cursive, which still confuses you until now, surrounded by little hearts and a cute little '1 year anniversary!!' right above. and the sender's identity being...
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u don't have to do this rq if u don't feel like it! :C i hope u have fun with your event!! ALSO REMEMBER TO HYDRATE AND TAKE ALL THE TIME U NEED TO DE-STRESS, LOVE U LOTS <33333
morning shrimpy! you know what day it is, don’t you? if you forgot i’m going to squeeze you. i’m serious.
i waited for you to come to my dorm and you never did :(( if you don’t show up within the next few hours  i’m going to hunt you down, so you’d better start running. that wouldn’t be a bad way to start our anniversary, eh? it’d be fun to chase you down while you’re all scared.
anyway, azul is making me work this evening again but i’m just not gonna do what he tells me. it’s not fair that i have to work when today is special. i bet you’d feel the same.
crowley made you run around a lot today, i can already tell. was it grim? you know i’ll squeeze him if you’re too tired. maybe i’ll save the hunting you down for another day...thinking about you in a bad mood put me in one. i don’t feel like it anymore.
i’m coming to ramshackle.
floyd leech.
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elitadream · 1 year
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Mario had been contemplating solutions in vain, sitting by himself forlornly after yet another grim and discouraging day of continuous failure when he registered the faint shuffling of timid steps nearby.
It was quite late and the man didn't exactly have the energy to feel surprised, but he curiously lifted his head nonetheless.
"Junior?" He wondered aloud, gazing worriedly at his provisory ally. "What's wrong?"
The young prince was rubbing his eyes, swaying idly on his feet and stubbornly staring at the ground. He didn't respond, but he didn't need to. His distress and need for company was plain to see.
Knowingly, Mario unfolded his legs and rested both hands on his knees, giving him a compassionate look.
"Couldn't sleep either, huh?"
Junior shrugged before joining him and leaning against his side, eyes downcast. There was no trace of mischief or deception to his demeanor. Only a defeated sort of acceptance.
Mario couldn't help but feel a genuine twinge of amazement at the vulnerable gesture.
"I'm... really sorry about your dad," he ventured, not quite daring to move.
Junior blinked wearily, but showed no other sign of acknowledgement. There was a brief moment of silence until Mario felt compelled to look at him once more.
"I don't know how long this might take, but I promise you we will find a way to turn him back to normal. I will not give up on you, or him. You have my word," he assured gently.
Junior merely curled in on himself more tightly as a response, appearing impossibly small compared to the gigantic beast his father had somehow become. His brows were furrowed in an expression the plumber had never seen before. A deep sadness mixed with a touch of remorsefulness, or perhaps resentment.
Mario was about to ask if he had somehow said something he shouldn't when Junior finally spoke.
"My Papa is wrong about you," he muttered, very quietly.
Before Mario could so much as blink, the small Koopa went on, shaking his head with a sniffle.
"You're not a coward and you're not stupid. You work hard and you never complain. You just want to help everyone, all the time. Even us."
His words, albeit said reluctantly, were spoken with uncharacteristic sincerity. Mario couldn't find it in himself to smile, so he carefully wrapped an arm around the prince's shell instead, giving his shoulder a comforting pat.
"I don't mind the insults. Not really," he amended softly, hoping that he somehow sounded more confident than he felt. "I guess that's just the way Bowser perceives me. It's okay."
"No, it's not," the young heir retorted. "He's very unfair towards you. He said some really mean and hurtful things, and-"
Junior stopped himself with a small whine, pawing at his face again. He was still averting his gaze, but the fragile tone of his voice betrayed his guilt.
"...I said mean things, too. I'm sorry."
For a few seconds, Mario could only stare mutely back at him, stunned by the unexpected apology. He then shifted closer, bringing his arm more securely around the Koopa in a side hug.
"Everybody makes mistakes," he murmured. "But everybody can change."
"I wish that was also true for my Papa," Junior mumbled, dejectedly.
At this, Mario hummed wistfully, his answer long believed and thoroughly considered.
"Maybe... all he needs is a bit of help."
When I first heard of Bowser's Fury a few months ago, all I knew about the plot was that Junior goes to seek Mario's help in the hopes of stopping his father's rampage. And words couldn't describe how much I LOVED the idea. Although this is an older drawing and my look for Junior has since changed a bit (the same way I eventually altered Bowser's design), this was the concept that later inspired the way I've decided to approach Mario and Junior's relationship in a broader sense - which means that there'll definitely be more with these two. :3
Mario being enduringly kind and winning foes over with nothing but his goodness of heart never fails to give me feels, and I want more of that. 💖
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yuusishi · 2 years
Hiya~ I love your works 🥺 May I request a headcannon about Sectoral heterochromia!Reader (The reader have a pink w/ mint green colours eyes OR A yellow w/ purple) i don't mind any genders
'They never show their eyes and always wear a mask (like Gojo's) until one day,after they became *the characters mention* s/o they decided that they're ready to show their eyes'
w/ Vil,Azul,Jade and Rook
Ignore this if you want,If you DO do this then Thank you!!
Vil, Azul, and Jade With a Reader With Sectoral Hererochromia!
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pairings: Vil Schoenheit, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech x gn!reader (separate)
genre: fluff
cws/tws: ooc Jade?
a/n: hi anonnie I didn’t include Rook in this (for once) cuz in my rules I said I’ll only do 3 characters per request! Also I’m still not totally familiar with how Jade acts so he might be pretty ooc
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¡ Vil Schoenheit !
He was amazed when he first saw your eyes, one being one-toned then the other two-toned, he’s rarely seen anything like this on social media much less in real life.
Was definitely happy that you trusted him enough with something that you usually cover up from other people!
Whenever you two are alone in either Ramshackle or in his room in the Pomefiore dorm he always faces you in bed just to admire you, whether or not you’re awake.
He loves you a lot and thanks the Seven for letting him meet someone as unique as you.
If someone suddenly bursts in the room (usually one of the Adeuce duo or Grim if you’re in Ramshackle) either one of you rush for the blindfold to cover your eyes again if you don’t want to show others yet.
This doesn’t happen at all if you’re in his room in Pomefiore though because everyone knows how to knock there <3 that’s why he prefers for you two to spend time in Pomefiore.
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¡ Azul Ashengrotto !
Azul’s deathly aware and experienced in things such as insecurities, he was over the moon when you let him see your eyes for the first time because that means you trust him a lot and that makes him happy!!
The tweels tease him sometimes for being the only one in your little friend group without a form of heterochromia to which he just scoffs at.
If you two are just sitting in his office or in one of each other’s beds I feel like he’s the type to just suddenly pinch your cheeks impulsively
“What was that for, Azul” you whined while you rubbed your cheek ‘You just look too cute for your own good’ was what he wanted to say but what came out was “I just wanted to” as he buried his face on your shoulder, but you got his message either way.
If you two are in the same class he likes to just sit and stare at you lovingly but as discreetly as possible if the teacher gives some free time, not just admiring your dual colored eyes but the entirety of you in general.
Does the same thing as Vil where he rushes to cover your eyes if someone suddenly comes in, but in a less panicky way to not cause the other person to ask any questions, especially if it’s a person that you’re not comfortable seeing your eyes yet.
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¡ Jade Leech !
Jade knows when it’s time to joke around (though a lot of his jokes end up sounding like threats) and when to be serious, and of course trusting him enough with something like this is something he’ll take seriously.
He thinks your eyes look like the painted pebbles that somehow survived to sink to the depths where he and Floyd live, they look beautiful.
Heterochromia couple!!
Respects the fact you’d rather hide your eyes from others, though he doesn’t understand why since he thinks it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever seen but even if he doesn’t get why he won’t pry for an answer.
Even if you both have heterochromia he thinks yours is so much more beautiful because it looks like one of your irises is painted which makes you so much better!
I feel like he’d keep accidentally covering your eyes with his hand instead of your blindfold if someone suddenly walks in the room without knocking, it takes him a while to go for the piece of cloth first before his hand.
Whenever he goes out shopping by himself he’d sometimes buy you one or two blindfolds that have designs on it unlike your plain black one to just change things up a bit, but of course no design that would make you look like a fool, he doesn’t aim to humiliate you.
If someone keeps overstepping your boundaries and constantly asking to see what’s under your blindfold Jade’s there in an instant to stop that person, by force if needed <3
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shychick-52 · 5 months
'Day of the Sorcerers' is an even deeper study of Cedric's complex, tormented character than I thought at first. Now, there were a TON of amazing callbacks and symbolism in his incredible song (My Evil Dreams) to his friendship with Sofia and his painful conflict over whether their friendship or his evil dreams were ultimately more important. Here's two examples of incredible symbolism (one is from the song, the other is later in the episode)...
During his fantasy of becoming king, the rubies in the crown are clearly the same rubies Sofia made/gave him way back in 'Cedric's Apprentice':
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I think the rubies in the crown represent (like the song in general) how deeply torn he is over his ambitions and her friendship. And it was a good callback to how similarly torn he was back in 'Cedric's Apprentice' after Sofia left him the rubies she transformed with his guidance (arranging them into a heart shape)... back then, he only just started to see her as a friend; what makes the song/symbolism in My Evil Dreams so powerful is how far their friendship had evolved since then and how much she's come to mean to him, which he can't deny.
Later, when Cedric freezes the rest of the royal family and takes the throne, it's not Roland's throne he takes and transforms, oddly enough- it's Sofia's:
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I was talking to @bettathanyou about it recently. We think a possibility is that the symbolism reflects the tragedy of Cedric originally choosing his misguided ambition over her friendship, and the grim reality of that choice. In his song "My Evil Dreams" he chooses his ambition over friendship and over Sofia, and you see the grim reality that at least in that moment, Cedric truly has chosen himself over her.
And then Betta went on to add that it also likely reflects Cedric's true desires deep down, which isn't power, but friendship and love and acceptance and support- all of which he's always had in abundance in Sofia (but always forced himself to believe it wasn't enough, which was part of his tragedy). Cedric always claimed he wanted to be king, but he doesn't even take THE KING'S THRONE! He takes Sofia's throne, and we all know what Sofia represents- love, kindness, friendship, respect! All the things Cedric truly wanted, so of course he would take HER place and morph it into his own!
I absolutely agreed with Betta. And then I summed it up by suggesting that it perfectly reflects how even tho on the surface he appeared to choose his ambitions over her friendship, deep down (subconsciously) he still valued and craved her friendship above all.
And this is something else I noticed ONLY last night after watching this episode again. Cedric transformed Sofia's throne (and the surrounding pillars) to be raven-themed, symbolizing his "loyal" familiar and friend. But as we know, Wormwood never cared about Cedric or had any confidence in his abilities- he only cared about serving a powerful, evil master and becoming powerful by association, which was the only reason he ever stuck by Cedric and did all he could to help him steal Sofia's amulet. It's also why he so obviously manipulated Cedric in the song 'My Evil Dreams' when he was so torn, pushing him to choose vengeance and power over Sofia's friendship: "The princess may be nice to you / But what about the rest? / All those who point and laugh at you / Must see that you're the best!" (And ofc, Wormwood would eventually abandon Cedric, because he finally realized that Cedric turning over a new leaf meant he was of no more use to his own plans for power).
So, the symbolism in having raven-themed decor in/around what was once Sofia's throne is that it represents the difference between his relationships with Sofia and Wormwood- the purity of Sofia's true friendship and the toxicity of his relationship with Wormwood.
@bettathanyou @fantadym @moonypears-blog
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the first line being 'look, you didn't ask to be a half blood' 😭😭 this is the shows equivalent to the good kid reprise
The wooden sword 😂
they have my respect for showing a luke and percy practicing sword fight scene SERIOUSLY the rest of the riordanverse percy still hears advice from luke while swordfighting and that is a plot point that is so special to me okay
the transition from luke to percy as he asks for single combat it's SO CINEMATIC I LOVE IT
The threatening aura of ares after being grumpy and comedic is chefs kiss about dayum time
I wish they kept the scene where percy says something along the lines of "we didn't mention any dreams" when ares yells that gods don't dream but ofc tv!percy knows all
cue one of the most epic sword fight scenes of the century
The camera shots are too good I swear
Ok that was short
I kinda missed the police cars and the sirens in the background and the reporters and all that chaos
sallys in the breeze she's in the trees
Alecto redemption arc wasnt on my bingo card but I actually like it guys
percy staring at annabeth as she makes it harder each day to believe no one cares about him will never get old ❤️
“Wheres the glory in that” lazy ppl dont need glory
Rip lance reddick❤️
the next time hes going to roast zeus’s family percy is going to be older and more intimidating ZEUS IS GOING TO LISTEN and thats something so amazing
the way that percy fell to the ground with his arms on his head by instinct as zeus raised his lightning bolt
”perseus” wait a sec is this the first reveal of percys real name?
Dude was like no hon i aint gon tell bout what i dream about your mother kaboom peace out
huggggg (btw guys im in this show im the camper in the background clapping for the hug) i love that laugh from percy like ‘yep this is how we roll now not bad’
I love that theyre using that position to just ominously talk about clarisse not even letting go, just hugging it out talking about the traitor
Luke and annabeth in the same frame!!! We got a hand on annabeths shoulder AND NOTHING ELSE
Backbiter glowed up fr now he can make interdimensional portals
also percy knows everything as usual.
the girls are fightinggggg
”im sorry” *luke taking advantage to slash percy in the arm* you will always live in my heart
The heartbreak in lukes eyes
the hearbreak in annabeths eyes
also that shot of leah against the bright lights of the fireworks makes her look so pretty
ok we’re just going to gloss over the sadness of the betrayal
Can i just say i love chirons casting SO MUCH im so excited to see him party next season
“I am percy jackson” slay
the way shes just worrying about what it might do to kill her 🥺
annabeth: *Exists*
percy: ❤️🥺😁🥰
bro literally gave us the percy and sally reunion of our dreams
”your survival is the key to my rise” get lost grim reaper
petition to call kronos grandpa every dream
Percy arming himself with the umbrella
Woooooooooooo gabe dieeeeee
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kindnessisweakness2 · 6 months
"You look fucking sexy!" Cara whistled as Emily emerged from her bedroom in a pair of tight black leather look trousers and a gold halter neck top. It left her back bare apart from one band that stretched across the width of her back keeping the cowl neck at the front flying away and exposing her boobs. Her tattoo on full display. Paired with black chunky heels and dangly gold earrings, her long black & purple hair was pulled up into a curly/messy up do. "I don't know Car, I feel like it's too much." Cara shook her head, her own ear rings shaking. "No! You look amazing." Emily looked at Cara's outfit. Tight black jeans, a red lacy body con that made her boobs look incredible and red heeled boots. Paired with a black leather jacket, red earings and her hair curled she was ready to go. The sound of a car horn made Cara grin. "That's our cab! No time to change now come on you beautiful bitch. Get out!" Emily groaned loudly as Cara pulled her along, barley having time to lock her front door.
Not even 15 minutes later and they were walking through the gates of Teller Morrow. Jax was right about there being a party. People filled the parking lot, loud thumping of music could be heard even from outside as girls danced around any man with a reaper patch. "Damn these boys know how to throw a party!" Cara whistled as the man that Emily knew as Juice walked past. "And blonde Adonis did not disappoint, that boy is fine with a capital F!" Cara's eyes did not leave Juice as he sat down next to Opie on the far tables by the boxing ring. " Your a horny bitch y'know that?" Emily giggled at her friend. Cara rolled her eyes turning to fully face an amused Emily. "Oh come on! Not like you don't think the exact same about Blondie! I know you Em! I bet your dirty little mind has already fucked that man 6 ways to Sunday!" The Shock on her face was clear as Emily adamantly denied it. "I have not imagined doing dirty things to Jaxon Teller, you bitch!" Emily playfully shoved Cara! "Oh well that disappoints me darlin" a gasp fell from her lips as she turned to face the one and only Prince. Cara giggling like a school girl beside her. Emily felt like the wind was knocked out of her. There he was in his baggy jeans, a grey checkered shirt and that fucking leather kutte she wished she could pull him around by. She would never admit it but fuck the things she wanted to do to him. "Your back tattoo is awesome." He smiled as he admired her back. The full dark image of the grim reaper etched into her back was her most loved tattoo to date. "Thanks! I got it when I was 19 back in England. It's my favourite of all I have." Jax smiled as he watched her light up, tattoos clearly were a passion of hers. "What's the quote say?" Jax leaned closer, his breath fanning across her neck making her shiver and her own breath catch in her throat. "You can be a king or a street sweeper, everyone dances with the Grim Reaper.' Emily recited the cursive words that were inked across her shoulders. "A reminder, both the lowest of the low and the highest will have to face the reaper one day. Regardless of anything, you never out run the reaper. It'll always catch up." Jax smiled wide at her. "Sorry I'm abit morbid. Death, superstition, fate all of it excites me." Emily looked down and picked at the nail polish on her fingers. Noah would constantly tell her to shut up about all that stuff. Hated her ink, regardless of it's meaning to her. Tattoos to him were a turn off. Cara watched it. The moment Emily got excited finally letting a piece of her wall slip away. She also noticed how quick she retreated into herself. Shut herself up without having to be told. Quickly thinking on her feet, knowing she needed to change the subject, Cara stepped forward."Can you introduce me to your friend? He's fit as fuck and like I said earlier we need sexy men!" Laughing at Jax's expression, Cara noticed Emily smile again. "Juice. She likes Juice." Jax nodded throwing his arm around Emily he lead them both towards the table where his brothers sat. "Yo Juice! This is Cara, shes a friend of Em's." Juice smiled at Cara as she went to sit next to him. And that was the moment Emily knew she lost her friend for the rest of the night.
"How are you Em?" Opie asked as everyone around the table smiled at her. Juice and Cara in their own little world, but Happy, Opie, Chibs and Halfsack all watched her with smiles. Shock and confusion must of been clear to see on her face because Chibs spoke up. "Don't worry darlin' we don't bite! Jackie boy here don't shut the hell up about ya. Oh and that lasagne you made...perfection!" He smiled as Jax went red. Emily couldn't help but smile back. He was comforting, had the whole daddy vibe going on. Before she could say anything back to Chibs, she jumped at the feeling of a hand trailing down her back. Turning quickly she locked eyes with Noah. "Are you out of your fucking mind?" She snapped. Noah flashed her a smile that months ago would've easy made her melt and give in. But now? Now it made her angry. "You Not gave in yet? Thought you would've calmed down by now." Jax tensed beside her. "Thought I told you to stay away prospect?" Noah bristled at the way he spat out the word prospect, like it was an insult. "When are you gonna accept the fact I'm done with you?" Noah's face scrunched in anger at her words."You being done have anything to do with the fact HIS bike was parked outside our house 3 nights ago?" He spoke through gritted teeth. Jax went to step forward but Emily's hand on his chest. This was her fight. "MY House. MY bed. MY Choice." Noah's hands shook With temper. "Oh so your not denying it? You had him in MY BED?" Emily felt the redness creeping up her neck spreading like fire. It wasn't embarrassment though, it was pure rage. "Oh you mean the bed you had that WHORE in? No not that I got rid of it. Just like I got rid of you you little weasel." The laughter from Jax tipped Noah over the edge. "I told you to stay away!" Out of nowhere, Noah was knocked to the floor by a feisty brunette. Cara standing over him high heeled boot hovering at his groin. "I dare you to move you little wanker." Noah looked up at her clearly pissed off. "fuck sake when did you get here?" Hands on her hips, Cara blew a fallen strand of hair from her face. "Not soon enough, clearly. Now listen to me..." Cara pushed her stiletto heel hard enough into his groin to make him groan but not near enough as hard as she wanted to. "This is your last warning to back off. I swear little boy, I'll stomp on them till their mush." When Noah didn't respond she pressed down slightly harder, making him groan in pain again. "Fine." He spat. When Cara didn't move her foot, Noah looked at her questioningly. "I think your missing something?" Noah grinded his teeth in anger. Looking at Emily who stood silently next to a grinning Jax, Noah mumbled a pathetic "I'm sorry." Cara sighed in fake disappointment. "I think you can do better than that." Noah muttered something about her being a crazy bitch. "I'm sorry Emily. I really am. I love -" Cara clapped her hands sarcastically, "Well done almost believed your performance. That'll have to do, your cutting into our fun now off you fuck!"
Emily looked blankly at Noah as she watched him pull himself up from the floor and with one last look sloped off into the clubhouse. She had an unsettling feeling in her stomach as it twisted and turned. Was it just the effect of seeing him again? If he thought Jax was sleeping with her did everyone else? Was this fun and games to Jax? Fuck around with the prospect and wind him up, get under his skin. She didn't know what to think. But there's one thing she couldn't deny and that's the way her heart leaped when she looked at Jax. The way her stomach fluttered. That feeling was hope. And she wouldn't allow herself to entertain it. She's messed up enough as it is right now. Jax could have anyone he wanted, it was a known fact he slept his way around Charming and she won't let her heart get crushed again.
Distance. That's what she needed.
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astro-pioneer · 1 year
teenager in love!
he's absolutely smitten by you. is that bad? 『ace, ruggie』
an absolute simpleton
he's so giddy whenever he's around you it gives everyone whiplash
grim could be getting the slandering of his life and ace would see you walking and be like !!!! and switch up so fast
he'd leave deuce, grim, and yuu behind just to walk you to class and enjoy the small time together fjdjfjdj
definitely the type to somehow leave class early and wait for you at your class
one day he had a present for you and bashfully admitted the begging he had to do to get it made him have to feed the flamingoes for a month
riddle and trey (mostly trey) feel bad and give him the stuff he asks for with no punishment because 1) every heartslabyul student is now slacking and 2) the grovelling got on riddle's nerves quickly lmao
grim gets pissy whenever ace sits with you during lunch because it's one less person he can steal food from but that's a him problem
"This isn't fair! Who's going to give me more food now!?" It was a miracle most of the students were ignoring Grim's meltdown during lunch. His eyes were drilling holes into the back of Ace's head a few tables away. It was an amazement in of itself that the bread sitting in the monster's mouth wasn't soaked with the dramatic tears streaming down his face. "How dare they take my other supplier away from me!" Deuce and Yuu tried their best to ignore him.
Ace was sweating, holding his sandwich while trying to avoid looking behind him. It was an amusing sight to see; it wasn't every day the cat made the redhead shiver. "If you'd like we could have lunch another day? It seems like your friend doesn't seem fond of us hanging out." Ace whipped around quickly, a mean glare being sent to Grim, who screamed and dove into the magicless prefect's blazer.
Turning back around, he sent you a grin, "Never! Say, how about we also have lunch together tomorrow? Same table? I can bring you a pastry or something! Also don't mind the furball, he's just stupid."
four words: a piece of shit (in leona's eyes)
he has no problem going out of his way to assist you! carrying textbooks? hold the lightest one, he'll take the rest
leona's a hater because he gets ruggie's attitude after he was a literal saint with you
dude practically spends more time with you in your dorm than his own dorm (leona's room and laundry are getting out of control please give him back)
the only time he's not as sweet is when he sees you struggling with something
prepare for a whole bullying session before he swoops in and helps you
definitely would skip away like a buffoon while telling you you don't owe him anything
leona would pay to unwitness that
Leona groaned, trying to tune out Ruggie's complaints about how Crewel is on his ass about trying to get the lion beastman to attend class. Like hey, he's a pretty lazy dude, what do you expect? "Hey, Leona! At least pretend to listen, will ya'?" Leona was thinking about what to make the hyena get him for lunch.
He cracked an eye open after not hearing any nagging in his ear, only to roll and shut it again. Don't get him wrong; he doesn't hate you. His room just needs to be cleaned, is all. He could faintly hear Ruggie's conversation with you, something about test tubes or something.
Hearing footprints tap away on the tiles, he opened his eyes again. Ruggie somehow was able to forget all about his issues with his dorm leader. He rolled over, getting comfortable. He needs to thank you when he sees you later.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
hey, this is kind of heavy so don't publish it if it'll ruin the vibe because i appreciate the community of unapologeticaly thirsty bitches (affectionate, gender neutral) that is your blog
i just wanted to say thank you because well there is not a lot of joy left in life
by not a lot i mean fucking none lmao
it feels like i'm not allowed to feel anything except hopelessness because being hopeless is a logical conclusion of how everything around is, but then, i also don't have the moral right to feel hopeless because i should be raging, i should go and die pointlessly for the cause or whatever
and yet, the way you write those silly military men allows me to feel comforted, to stop fixating on the future i never had but still mourn
your reader is amazing too, a strong person who didn't allow the dystopian reality around turn her into a coward with a closed-off heart, someone who is able to care despite how much heartache she was forced to bare through no fault of her own
in general, my favorite gateway to maladaptive daydreaming 10/10 would recommend, so thank you for that and i hope that it's okay to let you know that your work made my life a little better, so. again. thank you
Hi burrito anon. Thank you for sharing this 💚
I know we all feel the same, or at least similar with everything going on right now around the world. Things are looking grim and it's hard to see any hope or goodness in the world most of the time. It's especially bad when there's nothing you can really do about it directly. That helpless feeling is hard to come to terms with and I know a lot of people are struggling with that right now.
I'm glad I'm able to help even just a little. Fantasy is my escapism and even turning something as bleak, and like you said, silly, as Call of Duty into an escape for others is really all I wanted to achieve. I love hearing how much this story has touched people and made their days better, or even their lives, because that's really why I posted it to begin with, and why I continue to post it.
I'm so glad I took the risk and posted this fic. I'm glad I didn't just leave it to die in my WIPs like so many others. You and all my readers are what keep me going, are what make it worth it to post every week, to talk about it, to build the lore like I have. I've never gotten this deep into a fic before, and it's because of all of my lovely readers.
I should be the one thanking all of you for giving me this opportunity. I've met some amazing people so far on this journey, and I hope I meet some more by the time we get to the end. Even then, I have no plans to go anywhere.
I'm so glad you feel that my fic has made things better for you, even just a little. That makes my world a little better, hearing that. 💚💚
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skelethom · 2 months
Skelethom - Welcome!
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About me (๑'ᴗ')ゞ
Hello everyone! I'm Skelethom (Thomas, Thom or even Tom! Or whatever nicknames you come up with! I love nicknames), i go by he/him. I was born on November 19! I'm a scorpio, and my home country (who i never left) is Brazil, my first language is Portuguese, but i learned english all by myself (that's why it's so bad Lol), i also know a tiny lil bit of Spanish, French and Italian (but not as much as english).
My illustrations are made on my Phone (that isn't very good) using my finger to do so, same with the lil animations i make, i joined the eddsworld fandom in 2014/2015, started fully posting on Amino and Musical.ly but moved to Instagram, Twitter (but i deleted my posts) and Musical.ly turned into TikTok and i kinda never left so yay!
I have accounts on multiple websites but my nickname is almost never the same, i try to put "Thom" somewhere in my name but sometimes it doesn't work so it goes to my bio.
And also through my posts i got the chance to meet a lovely girl who i have the pride to announce as my girlfriend (who sometimes i call a wife since she'll have to get used to it) @doktorspiele-be , you guys should check her art, just saying.
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Interests ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)
I simply love miniatures, they're adorable! Any and all kind of tiny stuff, i love dolls specifically porcelain ones!
My favorite character from eddsworld is Tom, i love pringles, my favorite dessert is oreo ice cream sandwich and a breakfast i like to eat once in a while is grilled cheese with chocolate.
I think gastronomy is amazing even though i barely know how to cook.
I love skeleton guys like Sans from undertale, Lewis from mystery skulls, ghost rider, Grim reaper from the Grim adventures of billy and mandy.
Which also reminds me that another one of my favorite things is "Old" animation, basically 2000’s cartoons! Jhonny bravo, KND (Kids Next Door), Cow and Chicken, Invader Zim, Courage, Dexter’s laboratory and ETC.
I like emoticons, Roleplay and RPGʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ!
I also have an interest in Gore, Torture (both physical and mental) and virus/infections!
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DON'T (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
I'll say both what i don't do and what i don't want anyone doing around here.
I don't do Matt related requests! (Unless it's someone's self insert, in that case i can CONSIDER MAYBE doing it).
I don't do criminal weirdo shit neither do i want you guys asking for this kind of Stuff, if you support or like it unfollow me and go to the nearest police department :3 (P3do, Zoo, Necro and ETC).
Don't want ANYONE to fight over shipps on this account, this is a safe place for everyone (except the previously mentioned weirdos) so no shaming over something so silly as who they think would make a cute couple!
DON'T shame headcanons! "Oh but this is so inaccurate cause in the ep [..] He said" i don't care, let people have fun, let me have fun, and you can have fun without fucking everyone elses experience.
I don't like Ellsworld so i don't do Requests (again it depends on Self insert so i MIGHT do it).
I do not like video with sudden loud noises and i do not like jumpscares.
DON'T LIKE AT ALL: the owl house, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, viviziepop, muder drones, ANY minecraft smp’s, eddsworld beyond and maggots.
But by now this is it! Buh bye!
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hi !Can you make this pls 🙏
Mc as collector (owl house) Mc have the same powers and pers personality as collector
Ex : mc move the Moon infront of them and show their powers
Hi! I'm going to be honest, I haven't watched this show yet ;-; my busy schedule doesn't allow much time for shows these days. But I did some research and hopefully you enjoy this!
MC as the Collector from Owl House
First of all, your trickster personality is what gets you and Ace to be super good friends. Riddle hates that the two of you are always together causing schemes, but it gets worse for people like Riddle the moment you befriend Ruggie as well haha
You definitely know how to do revenge with a flare. Not only are you amazing at magic, but you also have the ability to make it look flawless. When someone pissed you off, you caused them to be your scroll for a day. They never messed with you again
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Crowley was afraid of you either
Malleus likes your company however, he likes the playful side you have. Oh, and if Sebek thought having one Lilia was enough for him, imagine having two. Lilia likes you a lot as well!
If you ever decide to move the moon for some reason, expect lots of either cheering or questioning from your fellow classmates. Riddle will ask how you did it and why, while Ace and Grim want to learn how you did it
Don't send them out of Twisted Wonderland, they like being in their realm ;-;
Overall, because this is a magic school, you'll fit in quite well. Perhaps you'll just be a little too good at magic for a lot of the first years haha
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delta-piscium · 1 year
part 1 | cw unresolved angst [unfinished/for now not being worked on]
Eddie feels excitement buzz through his veins, the same way it does before a gig. A steady hum that has him tapping his fingers against the wheel as he drives.
He’s leaving Hawkins today. He and Steve are leaving Hawkins today, together. They aren’t going too far, only moving to Chicago. It’s far enough away and big enough of a city to get a new start. A place where everything that happened the past few months won’t follow them but also close enough to visit.
Eddie spent some weekends there when Hawkins got too much and Indy, which had been his usual escape, had felt too close. He’d slept in his van and it had honestly been miserable which said a lot about how much he needed to leave.
But it had paid off, he’d gotten to know some people and through them got a job. It was at a bar that regularly held concerts, he’d even managed to get a regular spot playing there.
He’d been so nervous to tell Steve, to ask him to leave with him when they’d only dated for a couple of months but he’d agreed. He’d smiled so big when Eddie asked and they’d gone there together just days later to look at apartments and jobs for Steve. Miraculously they’d found both.
Eddie is honestly amazed at how thorough they’ve been. He’s always envisioned himself packing up his van in the night and just driving. No plans, just him and his van. He likes this better though. Likes the certainty of it, likes that he and Steve have this plan together. That they have a future together.
He turns into Steve’s driveway, his parent's driveway really. After all, he won’t live here anymore.
Eddie has to stop himself from straight up skipping up the driveway, still does some weird half-walk/half-jump thing because he’s too damn happy not to.
He knocks on the door, his lips stretched in a huge grin across his face. One that he couldn’t suppress even if he wanted to.
Steve opens and-
And he’s still in his pajamas, a grim look on his face.
“Did you oversleep?” Eddie teases even as he can tell that isn’t it.
The corners of Steve’s mouth twitch down and Eddie instinctively reaches a hand out to touch, to comfort, only Steve takes a step back. Making a mix of dread and confusion creep through him.
“I’m not going.”
Three simple words and they have the world tilting.
“You’re not-“ his eyebrows scrunch together, trying to make sense of it. “Like today? Do you need extra time? We can postpone by a couple of days but-“
“No, Eddie.” Steve cuts him off, “I’m not going at all.”
“What do you mean?” Is all Eddie can say, is all he can think because what does Steve mean? Eddie doesn’t understand.
Steve looks annoyed, he’s never annoyed with Eddie. Always so patient and kind, but now he looks like he does when his parents show up once a month only to disappear again. And he’s looking at Eddie.
“I can’t leave Hawkins, the kids,“ he turns slightly looking to the side, away from Eddie and that is so much worse. “They need me.”
Eddie wants to scream, wants to ask Steve what about him? tell him that he needs him too.
“When did you decide you weren’t going?” He asks instead, he sounds detached.
Steve shrugs, still refuses to look at Eddie.
“A couple of days ago.”
Eddie feels it like a punch in the gut. A couple of days and he hasn’t said anything? Has pretended to be happy with Eddie about them leaving.
Every doubt Eddie has ever had about Steve and their relationship comes crashing down on him in full force. Tiny voices telling him that Steve never loved him, that this never meant as much to him, that he’s had his fun now and is throwing Eddie away. King Steve is done playing with him.
But, all those things clash so hard with everything Eddie knows about Steve, has spent months learning and falling for. Except the Steve he knows, his Steve wouldn’t do this. Wouldn’t pretend to want a future with Eddie only to take it back at the last second. But obviously he would, since that’s exactly what’s happening now. And if Eddie is wrong about that then why wouldn’t he be wrong about everything else?
Still, through his doubts he hears himself say a broken “Steve?”
He says it like a question and a prayer. Begging Steve to take it all back in the crack of his voice.
Steve swallows and maybe he will take it back because the bob of his throat looks like doubt but then he opens his mouth and he doesn't take it back.
“I’m sorry,” He says and then he turns around and leaves, closing the door in Eddie’s face. Closing the door to their lives together, catching Eddie’s heart between the hinges and crushing it.
Eddie stands there for what feels like a lifetime, waits for something to change. For a second he thinks Vecna is back and this is all a mind trick, almost hopes it is. Nothing else happens though, and eventually he stumbles back to his packed-up van and drives.
He passes the town limits alone, just him and his van.
part two
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the-fandom-therapist · 5 months
As promised, I'm tagging you @ultimateplaylistmaker x) Hope you will enjoy it!
This is my interpretation of their "alicorn Kokichi AU" check it out everyone it's awesome!
It's crack taken seriously btw, I put way too many details and changes, I hope you'll still like it!
Also apologies if anyone is OOC, I never wrote about MLP before x)
That's the first part, mainly Kokichi's, I'll write more about the others! -I stopped because Tumblr was struggling to show all of it lmao, I think I've reach the characters limit-
Death is a bitch.
Wait, no. Death is a dude. Well, bastard then.
The terms of their deal were SIMPLE! He beats the god -at poker you morons, he's not stupid enough to challenge the Grim Reaper at chess, one of the oldest games in history, and apparently one of its personal favorites- and him and all the other idiots from the killing game get brought back to life.
(No he's not attached to any of them. Absolutely not. He just added them so he wouldn't get killed again straight away by that damn assassin. Because without the space idiot to restrain her, she would have gone to kill him again. Anyway, not the point.)
And he fucking did, yes sir! Outsmarted the god of death himself, the grim reaper in person! He's amazing like that. Don't try to fuck with a Supreme Leader of Evil!
Anyway. Point is, he won. He tricked the god of death himself to fold on his turn by pure bluff.
And that was the condition: if he could trick death itself to fold, to give up while he had nothing, then it could recognize his value. Apparently, Death -or Thanatos if he remembers correctly- likes bold humans, so it -he?- have no problem make an exception from time to time. Under conditions obviously.
He didn't had many humans who tried. So every attempts was a welcomed change from the -apparently- frankly boring existence he had.
Hey, he wasn't about to complain, it helped here.
He grabbed his scarf -how the hell did he had it with him when he died without it, no clue, but again let's not look a gift horse in the mouth shall we?- and thought of his team. He'll see them soon.
He was already starting to feel weird. Like he was being sucked out of his own... body? Probably Death doing his thing.
However, right before things turned to black, he could have sworn he heard a "wait shit-" and saw a panicked expression on the god's face.
Huh. Wonder what that means...
The first thing he registered was the smell.
A foul smell, and one he knew well, considering he'd not always been hanging with DICE in the most sanitary places.
Garbage. his mind helpfully provided.
Wow, fuck you too Death. Really, too much honor!
He scoffed, and started to get up wobbly. Waking up from dying was... weird. His head was killing him -ah!- same for his sides.
When he tried to get up from the ground, he barely made one step before falling back on all four. And...
Wait a second.
That's not a hand. That's a damn hoof! What the hell?
A quick check up confirmed that yup. He's a horse now. Everything's fine.
Oh and he have wings too. Because why not.
What the hell did Death do?! Wait. Didn't he acted surprised before he passed out?
...Did the god of fucking DEATH made a mistake?
How do you even fuck up that badly? He's human for fuck's sake! Now he's a horse?! (Well technically a pegasus he guesses.)
Alright. Focus Kokichi. Freak out later. Right now you need to know where in the world you are.
At least he still have his scarf. Which... thank god (clearly not Death.) it helps a bit to have something familiar.
Alright. Now that he more or less put himself back under control, he needed to exit that damn alleyway... He could already feel a headache. Gre-
Hold up. There something on his head too.
Great, now what?
...That felt like a... horn or some sort.
What, so he's both a fucking unicorn and a pegasus now? That's a thing?
Does Death have fursonas or...? Actually, that could be an interesting question.
But that's not the time for this.
Right now he needed to hide. He heard voices, and even though he couldn't understand the fuck they were saying -great, he wasn't even in Japan? That wasn't a language he recognized either.- he could hear the dangerous tone they had.
So that's what he did! He bolted under a pile of trash, not caring about the smell. And he saw...
...Are those supposed to be horses too? They... looked like a mix of horse and bugs.
Not thinking of the Insect Meet and Greet. Bad idea. Not thinking of Gonta's execution either. Nope. Not doing that.
They were all black, green big buggy-like eyes and wings... Were those fangs? Yikes. He definitely doesn't want to be seen by them... And they have holes in them? Shouldn't that hurt?
They were speaking. Something he couldn't understand... But they weren't alone.
There were actual horses with them! But wait.
They were clearly prisoners. Uh oh.
Welp, seems he was right to hide! One point for him. But something was a bit weird too.
Some had horns. Some had wings, and some had neither. But none had both, asides from these... insects-horses bad guys.
Clearly he's not in Japan (or on Earth at all) and this place is populate with sentients horses. Or ponies, who cares.
They don't seem to be able to have both a horn and wings. Only these creepy bug-horses seem to. And they don't look friendly.
If he want to fit in, he'll need to hide either the wings or the horn. He doesn't want to end up in jail before he can figure a way to go back to his own world.
...The horn would probably be the easiest to hide. He'll just need to lie about why he have something on his head that looks like one.
Easy peasy. He can do this. Hell, he tricked the god of death, he can trick a few horses!
...He'll just need to learn the language. Great.
Also, he needed to find a way to avoid those creepy bug-horses guys. Something tells him that looking like one of their prisoners wouldn't help him there.
But first thing first: find a way to hide that horn. He suppose it's a small mercy that he got thrust in a dumpster. It's easy to find what you want, as long as you know how to look.
Two minutes later he found some sturdy papers and got to work. With hooves it wasn't easy, but he had all the time in the world.
...He's pretty sure he passed a good hour on it. But it was done! It was clearly not in the best condition, but at least it hid the horn efficiently -it was a hassle to put the rubber band around something on his head with hooves, but he did it. It wouldn't do to have his cover getting blown away by the wind!- and would stay in place.
While he was working, he kept hearing some words in particular. They sounded like names?
And it thankfully made him learn that even if he couldn't understand what the FUCK those bug-horses were saying, he could at least understand the normal ponies. (Probably because he's one too.) Phew.
"Celestia" "Cadence" "Chrysalis" were the words he kept hearing in those creepy guys' language. Also there was the same word in front of the first two names, the third one had another word.
Considering the normal horses were calling the first two "princess", he could understand Chrysalis was probably the leader of those bug-horses.
Sounds like girl's names either way, so if the first two were princesses, the last one must be a queen, and probably an enemy if what he was seeing was any indication.
Anyway, that wasn't important. What was, was to find a way to avoid these... bug-horses things. (He's pretty sure he heard the horses -or ponies they were rather small- call them something like "Changelings"? Whatever that means.)
However, when he thought about that, he had an odd feeling. It was like his body was telling him "big thing's coming towards us captain!" And when he went to -discreetly duh- check, he was greeted with a white light which was sweeping those Changelings and send them flying far away from here, leaving the horses alone.
...Well damn. He suppose he didn't had to worry about those now. That's one thing taken cared of.
Now he could use that diversion to get the hell away from here! It was a good time to learn if he could run like this.
Running... to somewhere. Away from this place at least. It have a big castle nearby, and he's going to bet there's a ruler in there. Probably those princesses. And he does NOT want to be near the persons -or horses in that case- that can put him to jail.
Next, he need to find a way to get something to eat. Because he's plently good at picking pockets, but usually he have two human hands for this!
That also leave the problem of figuring the currency... Urgh. All that reasoning hurt his head.
First thing first. Waiting for the night to fall. It's easier to walk in the shadows -even if looked to be a rather light shade of purple- that way. And apparently, there was a wedding going on? Perfect. Everyone will be too busy with that to notice someone hanging around.
Maybe he could steal a few things along the way before buying supplies to perform in the streets and gain more money legally. Because while he doesn't mind stealing, if he get caught he doesn't have his team here to bust him out...
Raah, enough self-pity! He have a world to figure out!
With a slap on his face -or rather, a punch...- he started to run forwards. After a few struggles, he was able to run like he didn't learned like, five minutes ago, and he setted off.
The adventage with big cites, was that no matter how odd you may look, nobody will pay enough attention to retain your face. Because why should they? You're just another person passing by.
That's how he successful picked the pockets of a few horses without anyone noticing. Seems like even in this world the riches were dumb! And here he was, worried that with hooves he'd struggle.
He hid his treasure in his scarf. Regrouped the coins in one wallet and-
And holy shit were those gold coins?!
Kokichi knew they looked rich, but he never thought they'd literally carry GOLD on their person like that!
...Something was clearly fishy here. It looked too good to be true.
Aaaaaaaand he was proven right. Goddamnit. Apparently gold didn't had the same value here, if buying only a few pastries costed two or three golden coins!
...He really hoped he could ask the prices directly, because if he have to dicipher any writing he's screwed.
Because apparently, even if he could understand the language, he couldn't read it! Damn it. Back to first grade he goes, having to relearn how to read! Just his luck.
Entering a shop and interacting without knowing any of the mannerisms of the ponies would be a bad idea. He was lucky the shops there stayed opened the full night thanks to that wedding (a royal wedding even, damn. One of those princesses?) but if it's to blow his cover, it's stupid.
Maybe he could pretend to be deaf? That could work. He just hope they don't have a sign language here, otherwise he's fucked.
He eyed the shop (it had a jester's hat for a roof. That's clearly the place he needed to go to!) and took a deep breath.
Alright! Time to see if he's as good as an actor as he was when still human!
He pushed the door to be greeted by a cheerful pony behind the counter (he's going to call them ponies because they are seriously smaller than horses, all of them.)
"Welcome, welcome! Are you searching to prank your friends? You are at the right place! We have everything, from fake flowers to- um, boy?"
Well, sorry random pony but he have to pretend he can't hear you. So he just looked at the shelves with a lost expression.
"Um hello?"
The cashier was probably puzzled. Eh, sorry. But well, he needs to be safe here!
Once he noticed what he needed, he grabbed the deck of cards -with his teeth, not like he had any other options...- before going to the register. The pony was clearly confused, but he still tried to keep a smile on.
"Ah, found your treasure? It's gonna be two golds!"
Now... Action!
He pretended to be confused for a second. Then he widdened his eyes, before putting a hoof at his ear -that still felt SO weird- and then shook his head.
And thankfully, the cashier seemed to understand, thank fuck.
"Oh! Alright, hold on!"
He went to rumminaged behind the counter and put a paper and a pen. Then he started to doodle two coins, and pointed to the deck of cards.
Alright then! It worked. Phew.
Also, it looked like a gold is really just a golden coin. That's a mystery solved at least. He nodded, before putting the wallet from his scarf, and taking out two coins that he put on the counter.
He got a bag out of this, and his deck of cards.
And a bunch of informations too. Apparently ponies are way less ableists than humans! That guy literally went "alright please wait" when he pretended to be deaf.
He grinned. Oh he's going to abuse of it so much.
Now though, he had a stand to settle... But later.
He's tired, and he's been there for a long time. The day was even not so long away from rising, so he thinks he should settle for the night.
Since he can keep the deaf act, he could probably find a room. Probably. If not, he'll just find a dark corner and sleep there. Not the first time he slept outside after all!
Finding a room was easy. So yay for him!
Falling asleep on the other hand, was not.
Let's put asides the few attempts he had to do to find a comfortable position as a pony to lay into okay. Their bed weren't different from humans, and it wasn't that hard.
However, sleep meant nightmares for him.
Really, that was expected. He struggled enough to sleep on a daily basis -what do you know, killing games are bad for your mental health! Shocker. Who would have guessed- so with the whole mess that happened with his death, that was even worse.
Everytime he closed his eyes, it's to reopen them in the hangar. And while being human again would be great, reviving his own death isn't synonym of good dreams.
He gave up sleeping after three times waking up in cold sweat. But hey, apparently that was enough sleep so the sun that was starting to rise was already really high! So midday, or later then that.
He payed for the room and left. Now, to find a place far enough from that town...
He travelled by night, slept in the day, and gathered as much informations as possible.
Apparently the kingdom as a whole was called Equestria -damn really no inspiration uh- and that Celestia princess was ruling over it in the big castle he saw at Canterlot (the capital then) with her little sister Luna. Both responsible for the sun and moon respectively.
Okay so appareltly the celestial bodies aren't moving without help here. All the work of magic. Even the weather was controlled by pegasi.
Actually, maybe he can try to learn how to fly while he's at it, that'd be fun. It's not because he's stuck here -preferably temporary, looking at you Death!- that he can't have a bit of fun while he's at it.
He wonders if that include the others too.
Wait shit.
The others.
They are going to have his head if they learned they'd be brought back as fucking ponies because of him. (In his defense he never wanted that, it's Death's fault!)
But to avoid suspicion on himself, he'd had to also cover their asses. Great. Let's see.
He'll just explain -once he settled somewhere- that him and a group of others were kept prisoners by those Changelings. And when they attacked Canterlot, they brought him and the others with them, to use as hostages if they get caught before they could carry out their plan.
They'd been raised by them, away from ponies since they were toddlers so they don't even have "pony names" (he realized the names here were fucking cheesy, nothing like Japanese names) and now they're just completely lost. And if the others were talking about things that didn't made sense, it was for that reason.
Yup, sounds good! With a few fake tears it'll do the trick perfectly. Now, he just need to find an isolated place to settle.
Also maybe picking a name along the way too. That'd be a good idea to blend in.
Oh wait, does he have to pick one for the others too? He hope not.
Anyway, for now he needed to concentrate on himself first.
...He'd made a HUGE mistake.
He was -apparently, if the ponies' words were to believe- close to a little town called Ponyville (do they really have no inspiration for the names? Come on guys!) so he had decided to shift his sleeping schedule to actual night since he was pretty close.
"Not like that would change much about my dreams" he thought.
Ah! He couldn't have been more wrong.
The nightmare started the same. The usual deaths, and executions, before his-
But when the press was about to come down, he felt something... different.
Pure white energy -that he could recognize as magic now- completely wipe out the hangar out of existence.
Now he was just... In uh... Space? The spaceman'd be thrilled.
He was on a path made of light blue light and white dots... The same thing that was everywhere.
There were doors too, the hell?
"Whomst in Equestria's name art thou?!"
Uh oh.
He turned around -he's so damn glad that in dreams he's human...- and is greeted by-
Wait what?
That's a dark blue mare -definitely taller than most ponies- with... weird space floaty mane.
But the most important thing is that she had both a horn and wings!
How is that possible? He thought only those Changelings guys could-
Waaaaaait a minute.
She had what looked to be a crown. And she had a moon... tattoo? On her flank.
Is that the fucking princess of the moon? What is SHE doing here?! Also, how is that possible that she also got both wings and horn-
Oh. Oh no.
That's a fucking status isn't it? Having both. Normal ponies either have one of the two, or neither. Having both must mean being royalty.
...Yeah no. He's keeping that horn HIDDEN. He want to be able to leave this world, not being bond here by duties!
(Besides, the only people he want to lead are his minions. No one else.)
No wonder ponies were looking at him weird! That's like pretending to be royalty!
Let's hope it's not a crime... Wait, if it was he would have been arrested already.
"Answer us!"
Oh whoops. He forgot the princess was still here.
"Gotta go, bu-bye!"
He needs to wake up. He have to. He can't stay here. He have to!
He doesn't know how, he doesn't why, but he successfully woke up after everything around him turned purple.
Now. Now let's think.
He needed to avoid getting the attention of the princess. Considering she didn't intervene until now, he assume that it's because she's only walking in dreams in the night -make sense for the moon princess to be up in the night.
So... He need to keep the noctural schedule. Sleeping in the day, to avoid her. And if he can't, then he need to keep her at bay.
But considering he doesn't know how to use magic, he's going to focus on the first option.
To be able to use magic, he needs training. And to train, he needs books -no way in hell he's asking for help after learning all that mess about royalty- and to be able to understand those books he need to learn how to read.
A hell of a program he have in front of him. Oh well, at least it's gonna keep him busy.
Alright. He needed to go now.
To that town he goes! While expecting to not draw attention.
He arrived at the border of it. There was a rather small and cozy looking cottage here, surrounded by forest. It was midday, the pony probably wasn't hom-
His thoughts were cut off by a high-pitched scream. Probably a girl's voice.
...Great, what now? A scene like this would be hard to settle-
There was a yellow pegasus. Pink mane, who was protecting herself (assuming she was the one who screamed) from a bulky earth pony (that's how those who have no wings nor horn were called right?)
The earth pony was really tall, like, two heads more than Kokichi himself. Light green color, dark green tangled mane...
Red eyes with round glasses, and a bug cage warped around its neck.
"Gonta so sorry! Gonta not meant to scare horse!"
Wow, go him. Yelling his name like that and sprinting in their direction.
That at least got both of their attention. So there's that.
Gokuhara was looking at him with pure confusion. Probably didn't recognized him, which was fair. He was a fucking pony for fuck's sake.
"Uh? Does Gonta know you, horse? Gonta sorry, doesn't know horse with wings..."
"Geez, thanks a lot. he huffed. Can't recognize your leader? So mean! How could you forget about me? he started to sniffled. You're breaking my heart! How could you?!"
The theatrics were apparently enough.
"At last! he said, raising a hoof. That's me alright."
"Kokichi is a horse."
"Pony technically, pegasus to be more exact. And you're one too."
"But Gonta die-"
"About that! he cut him off. We need to talk in private. Bu-bye yellow pegasus, sorry for the scare!"
He grabbed Gonta's bug cage's strap and pulled to make the other follow him in a recluse place.
Once far enough, he sighed.
"Alright, just hear me out. I know you're confused as hell, me too. Maybe even mad at me about what happened in the game, I won't blame you for that. But we have other things to worry about: we're not in our world, I think you noticed as much."
"People are horses." nodded Gonta with a serious expression.
"They call themselves ponies, but yeah. There's no human here. There's no killing game either. Monokuma doesn't exist. The Academy either. This world... is more or less peaceful."
"No killing game? he softly asked. No Monokuma?"
"Nope. Nothing. And... Considering we're both here, I'd say everyone who died is also here. Though to find them is going to be complicated..."
The leader pondered for a second. How could they find everyone? It would be best if everyone wasn't far away from each other, if Death comes back for them -and he better!- it'd be quicker to be send back.
"Kokichi died?"
Oh wait. Oops. Right, he forgot Gonta wouldn't know.
"Yup! Right after you in fact. Anyway, not the point-"
"Did Monokuma also punished Kokichi?"
Uh? Why is he asking that?
Everyone... Please stop blaming Kokichi now.
...He's still too kind.
"Nope. Maki killed me. he paused. Or rather Kaito. Eh, one of the two. I don't know what finished me off. he shook his hoof. Anyway, not the point. I died, and Kaito also died probably because he was sick. Meaning, everyone who died before you, plus Kaito and myself are probably here."
"Yup. But we need to recognize them -wouldn't be too hard probably...- and find a cover story."
"Cover story?"
"This world doesn't have a killing game Gonta. That means, if we tell them what happened to us, they won't understand, and that'll bring us problems."
"Oh. Gonta understand. But Gonta doesn't want to lie to them... They look nice."
"Good thing I'm here! Leave the lying part to me. I'm a liar after all! Also we need new names. Because names here aren't like ours. If we want to blend in... Just leave it to me okay?"
The giant just nodded.
The leader just nodded back, before returning to the cottage. Let's hope she's still here and uh... Not freaking out.
...Uh oh.
She called her friends apparently. There were five new ponies all around her. Two unicorns, another pegasus and two earth ponies.
"Hey you two! How dare you scare Fluttershy like that!" yelled the blue pegasus.
"Ah! Gonta sorry! Gonta didn't meant to scare pony!"
Well, here goes the enthomologist, apologizing again. But Kokichi's not going to play that card. He put a hoof in front of the giant and frowned.
"Don't apologize, we don't know if they aren't with them!"
Cue confusion. That's what he want to see!
"W-With them?"
"You know how they are! They can change appearance at will and pretend they're your friend!"
Not a lie. The mastermind was -if what Death told him was true- a master of disguise. The Ultimate Cosplayer after all. And the ponies would probably think of the changelings, which is what he wants.
"Hey! Are you saying we're changelings!"
"And what if I am uh? he grinned. Don't like having the truth in your face?"
"H-Hey now."
Oh? The purple unicorn stopped the blue pegasus. Seems like he found the leader of that little group.
"We aren't changelings. We swear on Celestia's name!"
"And how can we believe you uh? You could be lying!"
There. That was the cue for Gonta normally...
"They don't smell like changelings..." he mumbled.
"You should listen to your friend! We're not changelings! We fought them!"
Now, to pretend to be hesitant.
"Are you sure?" he asked the enthomologist.
Gonta nodded, and he pretended to scratch his head -while leaving the papers around his horn alone- with confusion.
"I think we all started on the wrong hoof. gently said the purple one. You are at Ponyville, you're safe! There's no changelings here."
"Why did you thought there were some in the first place? Changelings don't live here. We kicked their butts not so long ago!"
"Rainbow Dash! You're not helping. she smiled at them. Sorry about my friend, she's very straightforwards. How about we talk somewhere else, around pastries?"
"Oh oh! the pink one started to jump happily. I'll go prepare them! I'll be right back!"
And she left... by jumping? Why not.
Time to bluff the hell out of this conversation.
...It had been stupidly easy. He explained to them that Gonta and him were part of a group of ponies who got abducted when they were toddlers by changelings, got raised by them, humiliated, turned around each other et cetera... Got brought along at the assault on Canterlot, and since the white energy who yeeted the changelings didn't hurt them, they ended up here, and don't know what to do or where to go.
That's how he learned that the wedding that took place was the purple one's (Twilight Sparkle apparently. Still cheesy, yup.) brother's, and they were here, and were also fighting the changelings.
And apparently that wave of magic was from the love between the bride and groom.
Ew. They didn't ended up at Equestria, they ended up at "Cheesy Land". But he still noted the information.
When they asked about why the hell he got a fake horn, he explained that it was to be less beaten by changeling. After all, they have both horn and wings, so he thought if he looked like them they would leave him alone. Not that it worked. -The fact that it was curved helped his story. But come to think of it why is his curved and not everyone else's? Not even the princesses' are curved. Weird.) Now though he just keep it because it's the symbol of the princesses and that's pretty cool! After all it was one of them that indirectly freed him and the others from the changelings' grasp. He's pretending to be like them! (they had no idea how true that statement was.)
That was way too easy to make them believe that with fake tears. Even Gonta tried to comfort him even though he knew it was fake (though it was probably to make it more believable. Gonta is a lot of things, but an idiot isn't one of them.)
"But then... You don't have names?" asked the other unicorn -Rarity if he remembers correctly.
"We have the ones the changelings gave us. he said, wiping the tears with his hoof. Mine's Kokichi Oma. he pointed to Gonta. His is Gonta Gokuhara. But those aren't real ponies' names."
"That's true..." Twilight seemed thoughtful.
"Oh oh! Maybe we can pick some for you!" the pink one said, with a smile that reminded him a bit too much of Angie.
"...I'd prefer choosing my own thanks."
"Of course! Pinkie, let them chose... Once it's done, we'll ask the mayor to put you in the records." Twilight said.
"That'd be nice. Also... If you find someone with a weird name, that's probably a friend of ours."
Not really true, but he needed to find those idiots as quickly as possible.
"I'll pass the word at Clousdale!"
Aaaaaand the blue one was already gone.
"I'll ask around the farm if anyone saw a lost pony." the orange one nodded, tipped her hat and left.
"I'll send a letter at Princess Celestia too. the purple unicorn nodded towards the... dragon? at her side. In the meantime, do you have ideas of names? Also, what are your talents?"
Talents? That's easy- oh wait.
"What do you mean by talent?" he asked, raising a hoof to stop Gonta from talking.
Translation: is that the same thing as their Ultimates?
"Oh. Yeah, I suppose the changelings wouldn't do that... she mumbled to herself. Something you are really good at? You both have your cutie marks so..."
What the fuck is that now. (Also, cheesy, the return.)
"Oh! Gonta is an enthomologist!"
He saw Fluttershy -that's her name right?- perking up from behind Rarity.
"Oh that's great! she turned towards him. And you?"
"I guess you can call me a trickster. he smirked. I prank people. And trick them. a pause. Mainly changelings though."
A lie but hey.
"If Gonta's talent is "Enthomology" you could call mine "tricky dice"." he shrugged.
But that question of names... He needed to find one. And Gonta too.
"Hey Gonta, how about "Baron Buzz" for you? Sounds good?"
"Oh! Gonta not mind this. Gonta likes it!"
"Well, that's settled then. Mine now..."
He think again.
Let's see their situation.
He got attributs that could get him royal duties, which is problematic. He needs to hide it...
He made a deal with Death and no one need to know about that. To get everyone back to life, but also to fuck with miss mastermind too while he's at it.
He grinned.
"Call me Royal Collusion then!"
That's when both Rainbow Dash and the farmer came back.
"I found a pegasus that looks really lost, and he calls himself Kaito... something."
"I found a small guy that call himself Ryoma!" added the other.
Oh. Well that was quick.
"They're with us alright. You're coming Gonta? Let's get Ryoma back first."
"Hm hm!"
First they get the depressed tennis player back, then the astridiot.
Welp, they got a pretty nice program ahead of them it seemed.
"Then let's go."
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yakkyrwhackr · 5 months
My Thoughts on Sonic Prime Season 3 (Spoilers Ahead!) I'm going to structure this in a sandwich style of reviewing, because there's a lot of good, a bit of bad, and a decent chunk of lame shit. Let's hop in, shall we? The Best: Grim Big Let's start this review off with the thing I adored about this season the most: GRIM BIG, BABY!!! Grim Big is the funniest shit ever and I loved every moment he was on screen The Lame: The Grim Bots (Minus Grim Big) The Grim Bots are cool in concept, but they just don't really do anything and have no notable personalities. They're just there as fodder. Alpha Grim Sonic does get a TINY bit of personalization in episode 5, but that is ENTIRELY carried by Shadow challenging him to "prove his worth" and the mild scowl AGS gives in response. Also the Grim Birdies are the most annoying fucking things in existence and I hate their sound effect. Alpha Grim Sonic could NEVER be Chaos Sonic.
The Great: Fight Scenes One of the best aspects of this season was the fight scenes (minus the ones within the Kracken and Mothership) by far. All of them are such a treat to my eyes and I loved every second of it. The Lame: Inconsistencies The writing seems to pingpong in tone a lot. One minute everything is hopeless, and then sonic has a plan. That plan falls apart due to infighting, rinse and repeat. Nine also feels a little inconsistent, as sometimes he's angsty, sometimes he's cocky, and sometimes he's manic. It's pretty jarring. Dread is also inconsistent. He said in either episode 2 or 3 that he had no incentive to fight, and then in episode 4 onwards, he's fighting with enthusiasm. He really only gets an actual incentive in episode fucking 6, which he abandons IN THE SAME EPISODE.
The Good: Nine While Nine was a bit inconsistent at times, he was still pretty good in this season. I can tell the VA and animators really tried. I just wish he was given a better and less inconsistent script. He gets really good in the final 3 or so episodes.
The Bad: The Retro Scene Just like in other seasons of Prime, the retro scene was pretty bad. But I feel that this season, it felt especially cheap and unnecessary. It looked like a fucking flash animation. Not even dialogue this time. It was pointless too because the entire first season had Sonic reminding Nine of him and Tails' friendship.
The Extra-Enjoyable: Jack, Squad Commander Red, and Renegade Knucks All three of these were great. Some were greater than others (Renegade Knucks was definitely the best by far and was the one of the only characters I can definitively say I cared about. Like, Renegade absolutely STOLE the show.) I enjoyed watching them on screen. Again, some more than others (I love you, Renegade Knucks), but all were enjoyable nonetheless. The Thing I'm Undecided About: Sappiness Sonic is a sappy guy. I am more than aware of that. However, I feel a few scenes put too much sappiness for the scene, or used sappiness when it could be used elsewhere. For the sake of being fair, the sappiness in the final episode WAS a good use of it. Overall not my biggest problem with the season. (I ran out of bads so the sandwich style ends here)
The STUNNING: Animation The animation in this season was PHENOMENAL. Multiple times this season, my brain was just in constant awe with how good it looked. Everyone was super expressive and bouncy. Definitely amazing. The Peak: Shadow Shadow was GREAT this season. I loved his interactions almost as much as I loved Renegade Knucks. Definitely the best Shadow has been written in a WHILE. It was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise flanderized character. We got a bit of Shadow in season 2, but this is where I think he really shines. I certainly will not forget the ultimate lifeform beefing with a 9 year old. Peak, honestly The Very Nice: Rusty I feel Rusty had more time to shine this season. She had more lines, her animation was more expressive, and even her voice actress seemed to read her lines with a bit more emotion. I especially liked her monologue against Alpha Grim Amy. Show's still not canon though :)
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