#it’s not that i personally enjoy the show because ‘wow look at these characters u love!! they sure are doing stuff !!!!’
pinkaditty · 9 months
Hi, hi!
I loved your perverted obey me brothers and you catching them with your underwear. Will you make a part 2 with the other dateables?
If not, no worries!!
I love your work and I hope you have a nice day!
anon. did u know that ur my first ask? did u know that anon? ily. i've been thinking abt this ask since i saw i first got it. i never knew getting an ask could be so euphoric.
Pervert (Obey Me: Shall We Date) Part 2!
summary: you are suspecting that someone is stealing your underwear. it will go missing and randomly reappear like it was never gone. you pretend not to notice, but set a little trap for the culprit… and catch them red handed.
a/n: folks. wow. i did not expect part 1 to be soso popular omg!! ily guys thanks so much for enjoying my stuff waaaah! sorry this second part took so fucking long man so much shit happened. like sooo much im so tired. anyways. here. this part includes the royals, angel, and human. ill be back with the others (thirteen, mephisto, and raphael) soon! they may be slightly ooc bc im unfamiliar with them but ill do my best! also im like literally praying that the characters i wrote here aren't ooc. I tried SO hard please lmk if they are. <;/3
content warning: as usual fem!mc unless you like to imagine yours as a crossdresser (mc's physical attributes are not mentioned but fem undergarments are), and suggestive nsfw content! lmk if there's anything i missed :(
read part 1 here!
For a short while, you had been reassigned to stay at Purgatory Hall/The Demon Lord’s Castle/wherever else the Dateables are due to Satan having accidentally destroyed your section of the House of Lamentation. No big deal, but all of the brothers were less than happy to see you go. It’s okay, though. You’ll be fine among the others…
The story is the same, of course. You think someone has been nicking your intimates in their spare time. Which is, of course, strange but simultaneously exciting. 
You decide to set a trap to find out who they are, leaving your hamper full of clothes in the washroom before leaving to grab some scent beads. When you return, as expected, you can hear someone rifling through your intimates, but it’s not rushed. Rather, it’s calm and calculated, as though said person was desperate to not be heard. You decide to wait outside the door for them. Once they collect the spoils of their work, they quietly slip through the door, only to find you leaning against the wall outside, looking at them expectantly. Your arms are crossed and you’re tapping your fingers on your arm. You raise an eyebrow at them, stifling the urge to cackle at their panicked expression.
“Explain yourself, pervert.” 
You know, simultaneously, you expected him and didn’t expect him at all - at the same time. It wasn’t exactly a secret that Dia was fascinated with humans, especially with you, but… To such lengths? Really? If only Barbatos could see him now. 
For a man that loves to talk… He sure is speechless now.
He’s frozen. The panicked expression remains on his face, his eyes flickering from the surrounding hallways and walls to you, to the floor, and back to the hallways. If there was a way out, he couldn’t find it. Before long, he deflated, resigning to looking down, a pitiful pout on his face. You got the feeling it was partially for show, though.
He whimpered like a hurt puppy before muttering a very formal apology. Keeping his head down, he held out the panties towards you. As you watch him, you realize this man has probably rarely ever felt shame before. It's almost entertaining - watching his eyes spin as he tries to adjust to feeling this way. Though he tries to hide it, you can hear his heaving breaths from here. He was ashamed. You could tell he wasn't ashamed for his actions; rather, he was ashamed because he was caught.
The thought makes you want to laugh, and you do, snatching the panties from his waiting hand. He looks up as you laugh, confused, his lips in a soft pout. His eyes almost look teary, as though he's that sad that you're laughing at him. You stifle your laughter with a hand and wave it off, walking past him into the laundry room to put your panties back in the hamper. Once your laughter dies out, you don't face him, but you do speak to him, knowing he is listening.
"Dia, the next time you find yourself fascinated with me, you can just ask. I'll be happy to spare a worn pair for your sake." 
You hear a surprised gasp, a shuffling of feet, and a relieved exhale. You turn to him, finally, to see him bowing his head in thanks. He's biting his lip and his face is bright red. Probably too embarrassed to make eye contact. He covers his mouth with his hand, muffling his words before speaking.
"Thank you, MC, for letting this slide… And please, don't tell Barbatos…" His face burns red at his final words, and you smile, amused.
"Don't worry, I won't tell." You wink at him before returning to your laundry, hearing his hesitant steps as he walked away.
He's frozen. Mortified. He stands there, rooted to the spot like a statue of stone. He stammers out your name in surprise, nervously shifting his gaze from you to your surroundings. He clears his throat, holding a hand up to his lips, and keeps it there, as though attempting to hide his growing blush. "I-I deeply apologize, MC. I should not have been here… You were not meant to see me… " He sounds out of breath, his words light and mumbled.
He turns away from you at an angle, shutting his eyes tight and keeping his hand in front of his face. You watch him take deep breaths and attempt to steady himself and regain his composure. You had to admit, watching him fumble through such an embarrassment was awfully entertaining. His chest visibly rose and fell with each audible breath. He gently teetered on his feet, as though he could fall over if he couldn't keep up. What a sight to behold, Barbatos at a loss for words and composure. 
You approach him quietly, walking slowly to prevent the click of your shoes from being heard. You know that while he can't hear you, he can feel you, and he knows you're close. He shuffles backwards shyly, attempting to replace the distance you remove with every step. Ultimately, however, he is too slow, and you manage to get close enough to him, cornering him against a wall inside the laundry room. You make no effort to cage him in, but simply watch as he continues to attempt to get ahold of himself. He swallows thickly and slowly opens his eyes, calming down. He lowers his hand back to his side, and looks at you levelly, his expression still embarrassed but not mortified any longer. You smile, raising an eyebrow.
"I'd like my panties now, thanks." You hold out a hand expectantly, and Barbatos obliges, pulling the panties from his coat pocket and placing them in your waiting hand, all signs of embarrassment gone from his face, replaced by his trademark smile instead. His ears however, were a dead giveaway, as the tips of them remained red. You simply chuckle and lean away from him, humming in thanks and placing them back into the hamper. He moves to assist you with your clothes, and does so efficiently, though you watch him carefully to ensure his nimble fingers don’t grab hold of anything else without your permission. When the task is finished, he bows respectfully.
“Is there anything else I can assist you with, MC?” 
You shake your head, smiling. “No, but thank you, Barbatos.”
With that done, his ears still burning red and his smile faltering slightly, he moves to leave. You stop him, grabbing his arm as he passes you. He looks back at you curiously, embarrassment still painted on his face. “And, please, ask me next time.” You smile, your eyes filling with mirth. “I’d be happy to give you a pair later as thanks for your assistance.”
He swallows thickly and his eyes widen. He bites his lip before nodding, thanking you briskly, and walking away hurriedly, his face red.
You think you see a flash of lace in his back pocket as he leaves, but maybe you’re imagining it...
Now, this was a surprise. The angel? Really?
He yelps in surprise, fumbling with the panties and dropping them on the ground, hiding his face in his hands and backing into a wall. He’s visibly shaking, his hands trembling as he hides behind them, not even peeking out to observe your reaction. His knees wobbled and he began to shrink in on himself, eventually kneeling on the floor. You watch him wordlessly, amused. He’s unexpectedly quite dramatic. 
After a few moments, you hear him mumbling to himself. Confused, you tentatively approach him, listening carefully. You catch little bits of what he’s saying before kneeling down, to which he shrinks further and his mumbling speed increases. Then it hits you. He’s… praying.
He’s literally fucking praying. 
You are so thoroughly amused at this that you want to laugh, but you wonder if being a victim of the wrath of Simeon or the almighty was worth it, so you decide against it. You stifle and disguise your laugh as clearing your throat, doing a comically loud “Ahem” to get Simeon’s attention.
Not one to be disobedient, he stops his muttering and slowly lifts his head to look at you. You smile smugly at him, your eyes narrowing with mirth. You reach out towards him and gently touch his chin. He flinches, but doesn’t pull away, looking between your fingers and your face curiously. You hold his chin and lift it upwards, and he follows your movements, adjusting himself so it’s easier to peer upwards at you. You smile wider, even more amused than before. 
“I don’t think that’ll work down here, Simeon.” Your voice is low and taunting, and Simeon gulps, his eyes still not leaving yours. He still doesn’t say anything, merely trembles, as though he were being judged.
Maybe he was, a little bit, but favorably so. It’s not everyday you’d find an angel ballsy enough to do this, right?
You tut at him, clicking your tongue and shaking your head disapprovingly. “Oh, Simeon…” You put on a fake pout, looking at him with pity in your eyes. “Don’t you know better than to do this?”
“Ugh…” Simeon bites his lip. His eyebrows furrow and his mouth creases downwards into a pathetic expression. You continued to stifle your laughter by biting the inside of your cheek. However, you are ultimately unsuccessful and end up bursting into an amused smile and a few breathy chuckles at him. 
When your laughter dies down, you look at him, still holding his chin. “Come now, Simeon.” You smile, winking at him. “All you have to do is ask… If you‘d like another pair.”
Simeon sucks in a breath in shock, and his eyes widen as he looks at you. He suddenly scrambles to his feet, straightening up, his head still bent forward in embarrassment. 
“I-I’m sorry, MC! It won’t happen again!” He swiftly walks past you, not looking at you and barely opening his eyes enough to see, narrowly missing the wall in his rush to leave. You listen to his retreating footsteps and only laugh. Maybe you’d drop by his room later and give him a gift.
Shameless. But he’s old and barely human. He’s also the worst.
He doesn’t react much besides his initial panicked reaction, which soon melts into mirth, a smug smile appearing on his face. He’s confident, but not that confident. His exaggerated smug smile twitches at the corners and his face remains flushed a deep red. He dramatically clears his throat and smiles coyly, the picture of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. “Ah…” He starts, shrugging his shoulders, still smiling, the corners of his lips still twitching. His voice shakes just slightly. “You got me!”
Your face can’t seem to decide if it wants to fall into a disappointed expression at his brazen admission or burst into a fit of laughter at his obvious fear. Instead, it seems to settle on a pitying smirk, and you have to stop it from turning into a full on grin. You sigh and shake your head, not super surprised. 
You approach him, and he visibly stiffens, but his arrogance forces him to stay in place, his confidence crumbling at your certainty. When you stand just in front of him, you hold out your hand, a smug look on your face. “I’ve got you indeed! Hand them over.” Your words are quick and terse, smug smile and knowing look still on your face. Solomon swallows, and looks to the side, gently dropping the panties into your hands. He makes no move to look at you again after that, still facing you but looking away. 
You scoff as you watch him simply stand there. You find it amusing, but you are also dissatisfied at his lack of retorts. You put your hands on your hips and smirk, attempting to provoke him. “Hm. I’d expect a panty thief to be more ballsy. What, cat got your tongue?” Your smug smile only grows and your eyes narrow with mirth. His confidence almost seems to fully crumble under your gaze, and he relents, his blush spreading all across his face. Yet still, he remains silent.
You approach further, your steps slow and deliberately intimidating. He’s rooted to the spot, unable to move, still frantically finding anything to gaze at instead of you. Eventually you stand mere centimeters from him, your body just barely touching his. You smirk at him and lean your head forward, blowing on him before pulling back. He flinches immediately, startled, and bumps into the wall behind him. You giggle at him, thoroughly amused at his frantic nerves. He looks at you pathetically, lips red from worrying at them with his teeth, pupils blown wide, red blush from his forehead to his neck. 
“Aw, don’t look at me like that~!” You tease him, pressing your finger into his cheek. He watches you warily, seemingly at a loss for words. Your lips pull into a wicked smile. “How long has it been, hm?”
Immediately his eyes widen and he stammers out some indignant words, trying to deflect and explain himself. You only laugh at his stammered words, and he eventually stops, worrying at his lips again with his teeth. “Oh, don’t worry, I imagine you have plenty of escapades. But why couldn’t you just ask me?” You tilt your head at him, looking at him with hooded eyes. “Hm? It couldn’t have been that hard to just ask.”
Surprisingly, he only sighs and shakes his head, blush still present. “My dear apprentice, I am only human. Even I still don’t know how to properly act in the face of attraction.” A small, wobbly smile pulls at his lips before he purses his lips again, biting down to stifle any further words. His answer was straightforward, but you can tell he is still nervous. His breathing remains heavy, his eyes are still wide, and he’s still covered in a crimson blush. You laugh again.
Instead of teasing him further, though you really want to, you smile. “Well, now you know. Simply ask, Solomon. I am willing to help you… if you want me to.” You smile before turning away, dropping the panties into your clothes hamper, and starting the wash. It takes Solomon a moment to snap out of it and leave, but he does. You could feel his eyes on you and his magic still lingers in the air.
a/n: *super saiyan yells* thank you for reading waaaaaah! i did my best and im soso sorry if any of these characs are ooc... if they are too ooc i might actually rewrite it fr im so scared :(
anyways as usual feedback is always appreciated, and so are comments, likes, reblogs and asks! (especially asks) please show me your appreciation! i love to know i've done a good job.
@ikevampharem asked to be tagged :3!
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goth-pod · 5 months
Goth-Pod Ep 5: Gotham Troubles
Welcome Back! Listening to you send ins, Juda Boone talks about things by Gothamites, for Gothamites!
[goth-pod is a fictional in-universe podcast based on the DC comics universe. Juda Boone is an original fictional character, not based on any real person or known comic book character.]
Transcript under the cut
Hello everyone and welcome to Goth-Pods special trials and troubles episode! I’m an indie theater’s take on the ghost of Christmas Present- and your host, Juda Boone. 
We're looking at your submitted trademark Gotham problems. So without my usual ramblings, lets get to business
For our first submission username Trekkle brought up a good debate: Subway vs Bus: The Subway is safer, since buses can get hit during rogue attacks, but if you're stuck underground there's a chance of a killer croc attack and also the birds ride the roof. 
Fantastic points, Trekkle! Thank you for writing in. I don't know exactly what you mean by the birds riding the roof, though. Do you mean Robin? Because I have been on the tram while a fight was happening between Robin and The Penguin on top. Of course, I missed most of it because I had my headphones in. Noise cancellation has its pros and cons in Gotham.  
There’s no set answer on this one, I don’t think. You kind of have to pay attention to what Rouges are active the way you pay attention to the weather. Cloudy with a 70% chance of a Riddler scheme? Maybe take the Buses, since they’re not connected to a maze-like system like  the subways are. But maybe it's sweater weather with a possible freeze-over because Victor Fries broke out two nights ago and is due for a showy return. Then an underground bunker with cushy seats doesn’t sound too bad.
From Clexx we have: I'm new to Gotham (full ride scholarship, thank you Mr. Wayne): Why does everyone hate Superman? I tried to get answers from a friend and they called Superman a Homewrecker. Is there an infidelity scandal around Superman I don’t know about??
Oh wow. First of all, congratulations on the scholarship! I'm assuming you're attending Gotham U? Just be sure you get a proper Rogue-proof gas mask. Yes there is a difference. It’ll probably be covered in your Orientation though, so onto the main question. 
To the Homewrecker comment.. oh I didn’t think it’d come to this. Okay, there's this thing in Gotham. Clexx, have you ever heard of Bruceman? Ask your friend about it, they’ll probably love to explain more. Basically it is a Real-Person based Ship on Gotham’s two protectors, Bruce Wayne and Batman. One watching over the day, the other the night. 
This is another Topic that might take all episodes to explain, so to keep it short: People see Superman and Batman’s relationship- professional, platonic, romantic, or however they define it- as a threat to Bruceman, the number one Gotham Ship. Godspeed if you get between our beloved prettyboy himbo and our odd night-stalking cryptid. 
From Allison: My cousin is visiting and I want to show them why I stay in Gotham. Where can we go for 1) a low level rogue attack (for Bat sighting), and 2) where can we go for a Wayne sighting. (They think Dick Grayson is hotter then Brucie [eye-rolling emoji])
For the first one, I think any part of our public transport system will do, as we discussed before. The tricky part is knowing when it’s going to be low-level or if your cousin will be joining you in a shelter-in-place lockdown.
For a Wayne sighting, unfortunately it’s harder to say these days. Bruce Wayne has made several statements on how he’s spending less time at the company in order to focus on bonding with his new son, Jason. I hate to disappoint, but right now might not be the time for celebrity sight-seeing. Maybe take a day trip to Bludhaven! Your cousin might enjoy the chance to convince you instead. 
Thank you all for writing in and for joining us on this special episode! If we didn’t get to your submission, head over to our socials to see if we replied there. I’m Juda, you’re listening to Goth-Pod
Until then, Newcomers, visiting cousins, locals on the bus, Stay safe, Gotham.
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newtthetranswriter · 11 months
hii can u write a cuddle session with yuuta?
Tumblr media
Summary: Just a lazy day cuddling and watching The Dragon Prince.
Paring: Yuta x gn!Reader
Word Count: 874
A/N: Thank you for requesting this. I love cuddles with Yuta, he’s just so sweet. I couldn’t help but use the dragon prince as the show they watch while cuddling because it’s one of my favorites right now and if you’ve watched you should understand my comparisons, if you haven’t watched it I highly recommend, it has such diversity and has the same feel as Avatar the Last Airbender, plus there are a bunch of easter eggs for atla because one of the creators was also a writer and producer on Avatar. Anyway, enjoy this lovely piece and let me know what you think. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Dating Yuta has been a dream come true. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met and it feels like he understands me better than anyone. It’s almost like he can sense when I’m having a bad day because today he suggested that we skip hanging out with our friends to just stay in and watch one of my favorite shows. So, that's exactly what we are doing right now, we’er cuddled up on my bed with a bowl of skittles on my lap watching The Dragon Prince on netflix.
I just really enjoy laying with him and commenting on the little jokes each character makes or judging Viren for being a horrible father. We also like to try and figure out which character reminds us of each other and our friends, that’s the current debate we are having.
“There is no way Toge is Claudia, if anything he’s Zym. Because one, he can’t talk, and two he likes to cause trouble. I don’t think any of our friends are evil enough to be Claudia.” I said completely flabbergasted that he would insinuate that our best friend would be able to do such horrid things to people and animals.
He laughed and said “I wasn’t saying that because I think he’s evil or something, I was saying it because in the first few seasons Claudia is a complete dork, yeah she sucks for doing dark magic but she does dumb stuff as well. Anyway, now that we have Inumaki picked, who would Maki be? I personally think Rayla is an exact copy of her; they would both roll their eyes and slap someone for being an idiot.”
I chuckled at his defense, “I completely agree. Maki is also too stubborn to ask for help when she really needs it. Panda is Ezran, I will not accept any argument, he understands Toge and encourages his dumb behaviors.” I started with no room for argument.  “Also you are Soren, don't try to fight it, that's my final decision and I'm sticking to it.”
“W-what how am I Soren?” My boyfriend looked at me obviously confused by my statement. “I’m not disagreeing, I’m just curious why you think that.”
“Well for one you both use swords to fight. But most importantly, you are both extremely kind in spite of the fact you have both been through a lot. Soren spent years being gaslite by his father into doing horrible things, and when he tried to make his sister see it she also tried to gaslight him. Once he finally realized his family was doing horrible things he made the hard choice to leave them and change for the better. Now I’m not saying you have the same past but I know you struggled and suffered for a while. Having Rika lash out everytime something even came close to threatening you and not understanding it had to have been difficult, but instead of giving up, you decided to keep fighting and try and make it so no one else has to go through what you did.” I pointed out the major similarities between the two swordsmen. “Also I think you are both adorable.”
He just watched amazed by my reasoning, thinking I was just gonna say it was because they both use swords and are dorks, but no it was like I had thought about this alot. “I-i- Wow, you’ve thought about that a lot haven’t you?” he asked with a light blush.
I smiled up at him. “ Yeah I have, you have been through a lot and I'm proud of you for it. Now the most important question, what character am I?” I asked, trying to see his brain work.
“Oh definitely Bait.” He said confidently as I looked at him in shock.
“Excuse me, I just gave a college dissertation level speech on why I think you are a handsome swordsman, and all I get is a toad.” I said sitting up and turning to fully face him.
“Well yeah you are both adorable when you’re grumpy, both love shiny things, and you have a massive sweet tooth.” He said, defending his choice, reaching to try and pull back to lay with him. I begrudgingly layed back down resting my head on his chest, I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders as he placed a kiss to the top of my head. “Now shush, one of your favorite moments is coming up.”
I just nodded and snuggled closer to his side as I turned to watch as general Amya accidentally ruined her own engagement. I always find it funny, like yeah I get wanting to propose in a flashy way but seriously. Amya is a high ranked general who doesn't seem like someone who enjoys random surprises, what else would you expect to happen ambushing her with what look like flaming whips. I chuckled at the scene before closing my eyes, just enjoying the time I get to spend cuddling Yuta. I whispered a quiet “I Love you” as I drifted off to sleep.
Right as I let sleep take over, I heard Yuta respond with his “I love you too” before we both feel asleep to the sounds of dragons, elves, and magic.
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toon-bunny · 1 month
Cathal head canons!!! I'm crazy about this guy so please be warned that there is a LOTTTTT under the cut
voice: Andrew VanWyngarden. soft tone, high pitch, speaks kinda slowly, little bit of vocal fry. breathy/hiccup-y laugh. definitely has that muffled synthetic sound like the in-game voice too
speaking sample (please ignore the weird title, this is just a good compilation)
singing sample (I don't imagine them singing, but I do like the voice effect here and the cadence)
personality: extremely perceptive and smart. friendly, light-heartedly sarcastic guy with a metric ton of non-emotive autism. it's kind of deceiving? because when u think of non-emotive autism u think of a guy who never smiles or changes pitch but Cathal is passively very smiley and has a laid back demeanor. very interesting guy to me. he is VERY passionate about his interests, they just aren't indulged/taken seriously by others so it's believed he just doesn't give a fuck about anything. that and they're still not very animated when infodumping
very alienated from living kind of outside of the cogs lifestyle. not that he should be pitied for not having to work, but how do you live and socialize in a culture completely dedicated to work when you don't Do That. but I think he would have odd friendships with other sellbot managers and probably some others
they have a good relationship with dad of course. I like to think that Allan Gets him and doesn't give him a hard time for his perceived lack of passion or anything like that. but giving him a very cushy job and continuing to encourage him w/ said job that doesn't interest him is just how Allan thinks is the best way to support him. I don't remember where I read this but I love the idea that Allan isn't emotionally getting anything out of his job either BUT he's better at masking that and believes he will if he keeps doing his best - it's "supposed" to feel good. sorry wait this is just me thinking about Allan
I do like the idea that, in addition to this job not really aligning with Cathal's interest, they also dgaf because no one would take them seriously in this position anyway even if they DID try. not only do they look silly and non-serious, they'd still be resented for having this position even if they proved they were qualified for it. so it becomes a feedback loop. I'm basically making a ton of reasons as to why he acts the way he does in canon which might seem excessive when ONE trait would explain it alone, but I really like when there are a bunch of experiences/symptoms/etc that foster a particular behavior/outlook and can't be untangled from each other
I think he likes TV shows because they kind of fill the void of connection with others… cartoons kind of endear them to toons but also whenever a character that represents someone like him shows up, they're 1) malicious and greedy, fat as shorthand for capitalist monster or 2) a selfish, stuffy nerd who's meant to be ridiculed by the audience. so no, liking cartoons doesn't necessarily make him more sympathetic to the toons' cause or push him to help, bc he's led to believe he also doesn't have a place in their society
all of the above points also make them a little intimidated by activism and seeking a better life. I think he got cornered into a particular brand of quiet nihilism. I am definitely inspired by this song
in terms of disabilities and conditions…..chronic insomnia from snoozing and lazing about all day, not getting any energy out when it's appropriate. CFS like crazzzzy. autism of course. and also ADHD's brother, cognitive disengagement syndrome
expanding on their canon interest in TV shows, I'm handing my luv of animation to them, but I also think this is the type of guy who could watch scarier stuff and just enjoy the artistry of it. as in "oh wow those practical effects are so well done" (guy who's unfazed by the horrors). (I'm so jealous of this I want to have this ability)
I think they'd like retro games more than I do, he seems like they'd enjoy a good GBA title. maybe roguelikes and metroidvanias, stuff that could be considered tedious and punishing to some but a really fun and rewarding way to waste time to others. he's got a lot of time on his hands to metaphorically bash his head against the wall with more difficult titles ykwim?
this bit's inspired by my friend's AU Toon After Time, I can't undo the association between them and tech knowledge/know-how LOL. I knowwww he collects VHS tapes and other old equipment and can also troubleshoot anything to do with old TVs, VCRs, etc
other details…
I KNOWWWWW it's so cliche to give the cogs tails but I can't help it I LOVE ROBOT TAILS. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. plus I love the idea that if cogs have tails, they are prehensile, but Cathal can't even be arsed and just lets it drag everywhere so it's all worn out and torn up from getting stepped on/caught in stuff. I also like the idea of it flopping VERY slowly once or twice if they're happy. like a very old dog wagging its tail
inspired by this post by bunglefication, I love the idea that Gizmo is treated well by Cathal and is more like a service animal to them :D so awesomes
bc my friend suggested "closet femme Cathal" once I am now 100% sold on Cathal dressing at least a little more femme at home 🌈 likes to get cutes with it for funsies. other than that, I like the idea of 90s tech guy/TTRPG guy type clothing for them. like imagine a Best Buy employee or Blockbusters employee in the 90s do you see my vision
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amyreads · 1 year
honestly im the same way, i would prefer fade to black than include explicit nsfw idk, i just dont really enjoy writing or reading explicit nsfw. like im ok with reading nsfw scenes if theyre not explicit, but i prefer reading about the romantic development side more and i tend to skip most sex scenes because they dont really interest me all that much. maybe its because im ace, but at the same time i know other ace people who write/read the most explicit nsfw content known to mankind so i think it depends on the person. <33 i do think that some shows have a lot of unnecessary sex scenes and no romantic progression or chemistry between the main couple, like they kiss and have sex once and they're already in love with each other. (im looking at you riverdale and euphoria). it just kind of leaves me scratching my head ngl.
I AGREE i thought i could write explicit sex--i mean i can--but i realized that im not supposed to hate every moment of it while i write lsmdhsdhsh like writing should be enjoyable i guess? if it's not don't write it? kind of deal but i feel like with the nature of infamous, people may expect like,,, the whole buffet of just pure, explicit smut and im def not the writer for that!
i could write about people doing drugs, i could write people fighting, i could write implied sexual situations, which i prefer, but i just can't write smut,, never could
i already talked about it on infamous blog that the scenes will be much more implied rather than stated, and i think i am going to go the fade to black route....readers and fellow writers can fill in the blanks
i think in the beginning, with if writers in particular, we strive to please everyone and we promise so many things like that because it's so new and so much attention and like wow! people are interested! i have to please them! but with time, it's nice to grow readers who you know are there for the story no matter what, so i feel like i have more freedom to set boundaries writing-wise and people will understand
the thing is, i have no boundaries with literally anything else. like MC is doing lines in a bathroom by the prologue lmao it's really just that
and i agree about the shows. honestly the gratutious sex in euphoria with characters who are teens,,,,,i had to skip quite a lot more out of just ??????
and sam levinson was outed as a fucking creep anyway so it makes it even worse (if u want to find out how terrible he is actually is)
but it's alright. we all have our writerly flaws. some people write amazing smut while others can't! and that's okay!
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What your favourite THAI BL says about you. Part 2!
Note : this is just meant to be a joke and to be taken lightly, check out part 1!
1. Dark Blue Kiss
You like frenemies troupe, sometimes during the day you start hearing the iconic opening. You are either a diehard fan of the series ( watch all of Kiss me again, Our Skyy ) or you are lazy- you watched those 3 videos of Petekao cuts GMMTV posted. I KNOW YOU DID IT because same.
2. Don’t say no
You either watched this because A, you saw that one spicy edit of a power bottom aka fiat played by First or B, you wanted to find out more about the side couple in Tharntype 2. You like it’s when stereotypes/ the “norms” are broken, a “slutty” bottom appealed to you more than the typical “innocent” BL bottoms. You are realistic and support new ideas. ( most of the time anyways )
3. Theory of love
Unrequited love? You love angst but can’t resist romcom. This one is your favourite out of all the OffGun series you watched so far because it’s actually relatable. And you probably like no. 4 too. You love to cry, your probably cried about that one insignificant characters’ death ( HOW WERE THEY INSIGNIFICANT THEY- is probably what you are thinking now…) Check no. 4 for more.
4. Until we meet again
Okay, we get it you like this one. You were probably crying in bed a moment ago and decided to take your mind off whatever you were thing about. Sorry if I made you cry again. Every little thing in life reminds you of scenes in this show. You overthink a lot about life and I mean a lot. Sometimes you look out the sky, and you remember that one scene- OH LOOK you are beginning to tear up again. ( I’m sorry ) you love angst a little too much. I don’t know about you but my Favorite line and I’m sorry if I get this wrong but it was something along the lines of “ how could you kill the person I love ” . And you are probably emo now. I’m sorry. ( but I did just proof my point…)
5. Ai long Nhai
You are lying. You just said it’s this one because you think it’s unique. I’m sorry but I watch this drama in 2x and I still find it slow. You are here for the visuals and the every so often sweet moments. It’s dumb, it’s cute. The visual WOWS. You love it because it’s a very light-hearted show. You’re a dreamer, you fantasise a lot. You are just here to enjoy the good things, the only thing you can brag about in this show is that there is actually a gay couple acting in this show. ( Porschearm are so cute though, I watched that one video where Arm bought a horse bag? THEY ARE SO CUTE ) okay I digress. Again, ✨V I S U A L S ✨
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syn4k · 1 year
It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize you guys wrote one of my favorite fics on ao3
Like I didn’t make the connection between the names on the different platforms then was like “ashes au haha like that one story?” Then realized it WAS that story and that you wrote it
I wanted to let you guys know that ashes au is The Best and every chapter rips my heart apart and stitches it back together halfway (in a good way)
I love how Gem and Fwhip are Trying to get along and sometimes it’s fine and sometimes it’s tenser than rubber band about to snap and oh god it makes me think of my own siblings. And Pixl!!! He is the densest and saddest character. The day he comes to terms with the fact people will want him around is the day the world will spring back to life haha.
I cannot wait to see where the story goes next and whenever I check my bookmarks for updates I always look to ashes au first
anon, please know that the intial response up here when we saw this went like this:
lance [clicking the askbox expecting another ask game ask]: oh shit, ray look at this ray (the main person up here who has actually physically written the vast majority of Ashes): what? lance: look at this ask ray, walking up to the front screen: yeah? oh what the fuck? oh wow. holy shit. hold on WHOA.
and then we proceeded to keysmash about it on Discord. based on our very normal reaction, one can clearly judge that we get asks of this moniker a lot and are used to it (joking)
seriously though, this ask has made our evening and probably our entire weekend due to several reasons- hold on let me make an itemized list real quick hi its ray i stole the fingers i am going insane over this. Hello. Hey.
do not worry anon i would have done the exact same thing if this wasn't our fic that we were writing. it has happened to us before on multiple occasions as well you are not alone
if you or a loved one have experienced physical or emotional pain while reading this fic, you may be entitled to financial compensation
yeah uh. Yeah theyre siblings alright! some days they are getting along just fine and some days they are literally ready to dropkick each other into a tree
pix is layered like a French pastry. this is intentional. how have we done this so in depth and so well? don't worry about it (it's a little technique called "mild to moderate projection") (yes, we are actively going to therapy and have been going for years. do not worry)
asks like these are the literal backbone of everything we write ever. i am not kidding when i say that we have been pouring all the effort we can into writing this, partially because we refuse to fully abandon a multichapter ever, partially to distract ourself from the huge amount of schoolwork we've been subjected to lately, and partially because of the readers (including you!) that leave so much godsdamned feedback that we read when we are sad
things like this are the world to me and out of all the words we've ever written, i don't think any of them would show our gratitude enough, so we'll stick to showing that by keeping this thing going for you and everyone else who keeps up with and enjoys this fic
thank you SO MUCH for this and please subscribe to the work if you haven't already because ao3 gives you emails every time a chapter updates. we love u and we understand so so much but desperately refreshing the page will not actually make us write it any faster although i wish that was how it worked </3
we wish you a Very and a Good :] hope to see you when the next chapter drops, whenever the hell that might be!
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moonspower · 1 year
Hows my portrayal? Let me try to articulate my thoughts besides saying "WOW I LOVE VI" because I have followed you for awhile across a blog or two, and I DO love Vi but WHY? Well he's a very well thought out original character and he's very original imo in terms of his lore and how you portray him. You add NPCs to his world and those NPCs too also elevate Vi's character in terms of helping me understand who he is as a person because you take the time to describe not only the NPCs but their relation to Vi and what kinda interactions they have with one another. Vi himself to ME is just so fun to see him interact with characters across different series or other OCs because I like seeing what he gets up to. I really enjoy his attitude towards romance and people that piss him off.
✨ @salfxsher. meme. still accepting!
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stop, stop, stop it!!! im gonna die…… this is legit one of the nicest mssgs evarrrrrr. mostly because you're someone that's really paid attention to virote, his backstory, and what he's about. because ngl people who lack actual literacy outside of their shitty blorbos and shows kind of flatten him and shit lol. im glad you really get his complexity and his world , sometimes i feel like im punching at air to make vi make sense. but anyway. im so glad we became mutuals cuz omg ur range. u rly gave us sanrio looks and then some....... iconic. ur an icon in this community.
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kithtaehyung · 8 months
🎧💌not sure if this anon is taken but i got some things i desperately need to get off my chest.
first of all, i’m sorry it’s taken me so long to speak up but also the fact that you’ve brought me out of hiding, MY GOD UR GOOD.
i’ve been a silent reader for a while now, i don’t even know how long. over a year maybe??? whatever, i just know that i stopped by and never looked back. (UR STUCK W ME SORRYYYY)
i’ve been meaning to say something for so long but your writing has become so incredibly personal to me that it scared me a bit. does that make any sense? like being here and experiencing this little community you’ve got felt like a dream. i feel so safe here, and seeing you go back & forth w others also just brings a smile to my face.
realized a while back that i was doing a great disservice by not expressing just how much you’ve influenced my silly little life. i’m doing this thing you see, where i’m trying to be more vocal you know, because wow communication does wonders. so here it goes..
your writing is incredibly intoxicating. your ability to suck readers into this little world of yours? deadly. (NEED YOU ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY).
3tan is what originally roped me in but it also gave me the opportunity to explore you as a writer and i’m eternally grateful that it did! your stories are some of my favorite, hands down. i was fairly new to this world when i found your writing, and when i say you set the bar so high.. yeah… thank you for that tho. truly. changed my life.
it’s been an honor to see you grow and i cannot thank you enough for letting me experience the joy that is your writing. excited to see what the future holds for everyone involved. even though we all face our own realities, it’s nice knowing we can show up here together and just shout into the void. wouldn’t have it any other way :]
anyways, just wanted to stop by, let you know i’m OFFICIALLY ur bitch (mainly yoongi’s tho DAMN HIM), and extend my gratitude for all that you do.
sending love 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
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AHHH HELLO, LOVE🥹🤍 that anon emoji combo isn’t taken so of course you can have it! It’s all yours🥳
Apologies that it’s taken me a few days to answer! When I get such amazing messages like this, I want to be sure I respond with the same energy and attention. And fkskfldl it’s been busy as hell so I finally have some time to really sit and thank you for all the kind things you’ve said🫂
First, thank you for even reaching out! I know it takes so much courage, even if you’re sending a message anonymously🥺 but you did it and I’m proud and now UR STUCK WITH ME TOO HAHAHA SORRYYYYY🤪👍 it’s all fun and good vibes here, yeah? The community is what makes everything special. Because we’re all just people getting through life, and this is a place we can just relax and have a good ass time🍊
And thank you for reading three tangerines and staying here for the long haul! It’s been a ride and even if I didn’t know you were with me, I felt a lot of energy from y’all so you have helped me, too.
I’m also happy that all these stories and words and characters have helped you in some way. You’re the reason I keep going despite all the.. idk, shit, life throws😅 Because that’s what these fics are all about!
And UR MINE😤 YOONGI GET IN LINE!!! sending you all the love and i hope you keep enjoying your stay!
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
ok so,, I was reading your HMD fic, and I'm genuinely blown away by how accurate the characterization is. I love the fic so much,,, I could write an essay on how it's already ripped my heart out.
but like,, whats your thought process / routine when going to write their characters?? any characters really. I'm asking bc I'm struggling with this sm, and I feel like my characterizations just come out as dry 😭 any tips help 💛
(no but deadass I love ur writing sm u have no CLUE)
WOW. Both your compliments and the fact that you enjoy my characterization enough to ask for advice are such honors to receive, anon 😭 Thank you so, so much, for the lovely message, for reading and enjoying my fic, and for sending so much love about my writing!!
As for characterization: it definitely took me a lot of practice to nail down both House and Thirteen. It’s something I’m constantly working on each time I write. When I write House specifically, my parameter is always “can I hear these lines of dialogue in his voice? do they sound like they fit?” House has such a distinctive personality and style of speaking that provides a really strong, detailed sort of “litmus test” to put my writing up against. When I’m having a hard time getting him right, I go back and rewatch some of my favorite clips of him to get into the flow of his banter and picture his mannerisms/nonverbal cues when speaking.
Thirteen… is a lot harder to give advice for. Truly I think I’m only as comfortable as I am writing her because I’ve just spent so much time thinking about her (and talking about her with friends). In general, I kind of take apart characters in my mind and try to break them down to the simplest components: what do they want more than anything? what are they most afraid of? what’s important to them? how do they see themselves when they look in the mirror, and how is that different from the image they project to everyone else? and why are those two images different? Both House and Thirteen perceive themselves differently than how they carry themselves and act around others. If you can take the moments of vulnerability in the show and really dig down into them, use them to get to all the layers of the character, it really helps with generalizing how they might feel and react in other situations, writing dialogue, etc.
And, most important of all: It doesn’t have to he perfect! You can make mistakes. Practicing & making mistakes is how we improve. And besides, it’s hard to draw a character completely accurate the first time, right? It’s the same with writing. It takes time to get to know the ins and outs, but eventually you know them well enough that it becomes almost second nature. And: don’t be afraid to take liberties! If you think a character would say or do something, try it and see how it feels! And think about how you might feel in a situation or what you might say if you were that character. Bringing bits of yourself into your writing is a surefire way to make it more lifelike and authentic, and your readers will be able to connect with it, too.
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supnerds · 2 years
NINTH! have u watched anything new recently that you liked? or supremely disliked?
okay so I was holding off on answering this until after my exam this morning but then I woke up sick as a dog so now this is my consolation prize.
Anyway!! Let me tell you the wonders of one of the latest shows I’ve watched: Parallel World Pharmacy, aka Isekai Yakkyoku!
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so side note I’m coming back to this after finishing typing the whole thing and holy wow I went on a bit of a ramble. Idk how to put things under a “read more” on mobile so this is your only warning :)
Our main character is a research pharmacist, who works hard to discover new drugs to benefit patients. However he realizes too late that he misses working with real patients - the main reason why he became a pharmacist. Unfortunately, our dude dies from overworking because setting healthy limits for ourselves is so last century.
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Surprise surprise however - he doesn’t go to the afterlife or whatnot - instead he wakes up in the body of Pharma de Medicis, a ten year old boy who is the son of the head pharmacist in a medieval fantasy world (listen I know how it sounds stick with me)
Part of this world’s mechanics are that nobles are distinct from commoners by the fact that they are able to wield a specific element (hello atla). Before our dude moved in, Pharma had previously only been able to create water (these nobles can wield one of the four elements, and only in a create or destruct way - never both and never more than one). Somehow, Pharma 2.0 now has the ability to create and destroy any element he can think of (hello 21 century knowledge) and uses his knowledge of chemical structures to create medications to help those around him. Through reasons, he is able to open the first pharmacy for nobles and commoners alike, and quickly grows in popularity.
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Okay so now for my thoughts on the whole thing. I’m gonna be honest, the main reason I clicked on it was because the title said pharmacy and I am actually currently in pharmacy school. I may have gotten a wee bit excited that there was an anime out there focused on my career path (because let’s be honest have you ever seen anything about pharmacy? they say pharmacy is a small world and they are absolutely correct). As I was watching, Pharma actually consistently used accurate treatments for all the conditions he finds which was so exciting for me. I remember there was one episode where a person had tuberculosis - I only learned about the treatments for that sometime last year and the anime got it all right, down to even the chemical structure. So yeah on that hand it’s super cool for me.
One potential drawback - my man Pharma is ridiculously OP, and consistently continues to get more so. I actually looked up the manga after finishing the anime and the manga does a better job of actually showing him get tired and hitting his limits (which was a great callback to you know HOW HE DIED IN THE FIRST PLACE) but still. There’s an amusing bit with some characters who believe him to be an incarnation of the God of Medicine (which the further we get into the story the more likely it seems) and keeps hinting that he may not have much longer in this world for all the power he has, which would be nice to see as a limiter on how much he can do. The story does show how Terrifying he can be with access to so much power, which is also really cool
Story-wise, I found the whole thing pretty compelling. Again I may be biased re: the whole pharmacy thing, but I honestly really enjoyed the whole thing. Another drawback - really long times between updates, or maybe just for English translations. It’s been at least 2 months since the last chapter was posted, which yes not that long but also I want more
also the overall style is just absolutely amazing I love the art and backgrounds etc so here have a few more pics
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Overall I think it was a really good show/manga, though if I had to pick between the two I’d go with the manga largely due to just how much More there is and for actually giving him limits and such.
lol that got a lot longer than I thought it would. thanks for letting me ramble!
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raisinchallah · 1 year
LMAO i didn't mean to sound defensive! i actually had so much fun with hannibal, i wouldn't say i hate it at all. but yeah you're so right about abigail. even the metaphors the show used with her were so, idk, dehumanizing? the football, the teacup. also the dreams will has of her where she's all placid, smiling (and also likes him). please sir this girl was an anxious wreck and she HATED your guts. i remember being the character's age when i watched it and being like 'wow, i would've hated all of these adults'.
ok now i understand what ur saying ha yeah i actually think her relationship with hannibal is very interesting and coherent in season 1 its her relationship with will and i guess any agency outside of this that leaves u sort of baffled like will projects onto her like if she is innocent he somehow feels like he is more innocent but she is rightfully kind of afraid of him and theres not really anything interesting but with hannibal it like both makes sense why people would trust him with her hes a respected psychiatrist and has gained the personal trust of everyone involved in her case vs will its like why is he here and also that she is the first person to realize whats going on with hannibal is fascinating like i love the scene when he invites her over to dinner and gives her shrooms mostly to mess with her and alana shows up and is like what the fuck and hannibal convinces her its fine and to stay for dinner and alanas sitting there enjoying her meal and theres just this split second look on abigails face you can tell she knows what the meat is and she looks at hannibal clearly putting the pieces together even more like obviously the second she put even a few pieces together when she was like oh and you be the man on the phone was of course when hannibal had to entrap her into his life again very vampirically that like killing and the secrets he will keep literally changing her that she cant fully escape him idk its an interesting thread thru season 1 of course thats also i think where like the weaknesses with her writing compared to like claudia who is also very much viewed as a vessel for louis and lestat to project onto but thats of course partially because its all being told from louis's point of view but also viewing her as simply a doll they can mold to their will which very much leads to the destruction of their family and growing resentment in claudia like shes never fully granted agency shes actually quite defined by lack of agency which is extremely difficult for her to deal with the older and older but idk shes a fascinating character to me that i really love and idk aggravating the inspiration was taken from her but i just dont feel like abigail is as clearly defined in the story even as a character confined by not being a main character and stuck in relation to other characters and mainly viewed through their eyes like she is successful as a puzzle piece in hannibals complex machinations to frame will but idk feels lacking in what does she want like i think dragging her story out to parts of season 2 and the visions of her in season 3 like idk i feel like its satisfying if she died in season 1 or if she actually survived into season 3 and wandered europe with will dsjklfda; which of course would be another parallel with interview lol i did enjoy wills conversations with mind abigail in season 3 like post season 1 her involvement starts to make a bit more sense she has faked her death left the world of the living behind and has few other options and sticking with someone else manipulated and messed with by hannibal her relationship with will would start to make sense as well but idk shes kind of a baffling piece of the puzzle but whatever ok sorry for this text wall <3
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tired-needs-sleep · 1 year
what's your favorite thing abt one (or some) of your oc's personalities? do they have any certain behaviour patterns/mannerisms that you love? choose whoever u wanna talk abt, I'd love to hear :]
drops everything runs over to you. some? how about all the main gals.
oh. ih god oh my sweet trauamtized ocs.
i talk so much here. like a lot more than normal. sillies,,
for rhea i think one of my favorite things is actually how i imagine a novelization of their save file. since i think it would be so cool if taka dies, (but technically speaking either taka route can work for them. the choices are both in character for her so it's basically a 50/50 chance she'll lean one way or the other) i want to show just how absolutely fed up and tired of team meteor rhea is, so instead of the usual tone of narrative showing the reader how rhea feels on the inside at the moment, rhea stands up while holding taka's scarf, and the tone changes. from something like, say:
rhea blinked at cain through the window they made in the blanket cocoon they were in. of course he was right. there were more important things than feeling sad over something in the past. that could wait until later.
it would become this if it took place after taka dies:
they blinked at him. “right. there's more urgent things than this. what's the plan?”
i think i can explain a lot better with demonstration than describing it but i'm completely obsessed with this style choice. basically it shuts out about 90% of their inner monologue that is usually in what i write. most feelings and thoughts would be shown through actions and words, but i have not had too much luck with writing that style quickly since i'm so used to adding a “they sighed, irritation ..yadayadayada” to some part of an interaction. i still love it, just takes longer since i would need to go back and filter things out. also i get rid of things like the 'felt' in “she felt the wind on her face” to become “wind blew on her face.” makes it seem less casual and more tense. past me may be a little silly but that was one of the better ideas for them.
also after taka dies they go apeshit because they grew as close friends whole they got lost traveled through the desert. like team meteor killed kiki, someone i imagined rhea would be close to, kidnapped the kids, tried to kill them multiple times, and probably more i can't think off off the top of my head, but then taka? a good friend? nah i think i would be done too lol
that's just the narrative as well. rhea as a character i adore so much. like how they blush at the smallest complement or gravitates towards citrus fruit. or how koa (espeon) evolves to save them again, since they did that on the train too, so rhea returns the favor and ends up with a cool lightning scar as a result. and how they just squeeze their heirloom as a stress response. sometimes she bleeds. sometimes she does not notice. thank you twitter mutual that was an amazing idea
ALSO ALSO ALSO their relationship with amaria. i have a whole draft talking about this. what really sold me on the don't fight taka route was amaria attempting to drown the player. i don't know how the scene goes exactly but i was not about to let that opportunity go. rhea finds themselves looking up to amy and is like "wow. strong trainer. i wanna be like that sometime maybe." and i imagine they got along too. which makes it hurt more when they're both underwater and rhea can't get air. (i like to hc that the dive tm just enhances the trainer's ability to hold their breath underwater depending on how strong the pokemon using it is and at that point it's been a hot minute since resurfacing) so rhea, afterwards, goes from enjoying being underwater and surfing to being anxious when there's other people around. they're okay when alone but is usually on high alert anyway.
nia?!?! nia. so rotten over her. i love how she's just playing pretend basically. she's very hurt on the inside even before nancy dies but she just acts very extroverted and hyper to distract herself. she is still generally a friendly and generous person but it's like, she's pretending it isn't affecting her, when it is. little things like how she flinches when people begin to argue around her or how she has less faith and trust in authority figures, even being a little less obligated to do what they say. (see the time where i think it was crescent told her and ren not to go after melia and nia straight up told them, "nah we just didn't care what you said to us") i haven't thought of too many more but they will be there!!
the biggest thing i've been obsessed over with her is how she deals with the "death" of herself. at first her favorite color is red, since pink is a shade of red and nia and nancy were super close. but that shifts from red to orange and yellow after she comes back. ironically the same color as lava. hm. but it's not just the colors!! she likes wind. and rain to an extent, but not too much rain. her hair type and rain is not a good combination when she just got her hair done. but mostly wind. she can feel the wind. it reminds her she's still there. and that breaks me because she's learning to notice smaller things she didn't before. go girl go enjoy life as much as you can within the circumstance. the relationships with other characters too. it really made rejuvenation for me. playing fetch with aelita. i was dying of fun. nia smiled for the first time after mom died there. playing with her bestie and a cute doggo. goodest boy ever. hanging out with melia. nia found hapi and her meeting very sweet.
also erin saying that nia fidgets a lot in her sleep. makes sense, since nia has bad nightmares. twisted endings to things scare her to the point she dreads going to bed. i like to think melia catches her awake and they talk a little before nia thanks her for what she told tesla at terajuma.
nia may not have an "oh my god. i'm not straight" moment but she will have multiple instances of "wow. i am really gay. shameless even" just like me. should've seen my reaction to medalis' art smh
oh boy. emo girl. kisaragi. she's not nearly as developed as nia and rhea but i still adore her and her seriousness and parental issues
do you know how excited i was when valkyrie gave me the go ahead to make them. went feral. absol aura wielder beloved. i never figured out their hair color since red eyes go well with both white and black hair. they developed some trust issues a lot earlier than the other two ocs because they already experienced fake friends so many times. i was like, it would be cool if sara was from aevium, where most of that au is, and went on the desolation boat with the help of their friends because they were so done with their parents.
so sara tends to come off as sort of mean at first, because she defaults to “this person might just want something from me and leave afterwards, so why get attached in the first place anyway” so it takes a while for them to fully trust anyone, really. they're super soft on the inside though. mega soft. see when they interact with their absol, hasumi. i'm such a heckin sucker for mean/rough exterior but soft characters. they are so shaped. hug shaped. i like how they'd just melt if you say something like how you think they're so cool. they have some self worth issues thanks to their parents comparing them to their siblings often and disregarding what they might want to study at school for whatever they think is better. which is never better for sara.
i also really like what i have for their current dark type behavior (since soul bonded with absol, they can display characteristics similar to the type):
gets a headache that can turn to a migraine with too much exposure to artificial lights.
low sugar tolerance
feels connected to night/darkness as a whole, but in sara's case specifically the moon or a dark forest
can see better in the dark
unusual stealthiness. literally walks silently most of the time
hates bugs, would never admit to being scared of certain ones
practically nocturnal, does better at night but can handle the day fine.
i still don't know how the fighting type weakness can manifest? there's also the general effects an aura wielder has. like being resistant to illness, which i find funny because i hardly ever get sick. i woke up sick one day and was better in 2 hours. why is my immune system made of steel? i've been joked about because of it kashahhasja
also she likes ghosts since like absol, they think they're generally misunderstood. sort of like them. maybe people think they're stuck up or rude or something when that's not who they really are, like how people can think all ghost types are malicious when most aren't. also finds them fascinating how there's no scientific explanation for some of the cool things they can do!! and that's even cooler. how do you phase through the wall haunter do it again. again. again!
tldr i'm soo normal about them all.
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mariproducer · 2 years
Talking abt mp100 in relation to mlb
(Spoilers for the first 2 seasons of mp100 under the cut)
Oooookay so last night I finished mp100 and wow was I blown away by how much of a feel-good show it is. It's emphasis on choice, on enjoying life, on being a kid, on having a support system. I cried a few times bc it made me that emotional seeing Mob's journey and how he interacts with the world.
While I really hate having to draw comparisons btwn things (says the guy whos constantly drawing comparisons btwn things), since mlb was the last "new" thing I watched prior to mp100, obviously I had mlb's presentation and execution in mind. And man... watching mp100 really drove home how bad mlb is with representing and showing its ideas.
I already talked abt how the lessons in s4 started caving in on each other bc mlb has no sense of consistency. Contrast that to mp100 where Mob repeatedly tells himself things, like to not harm someone with his powers or that he's just like any other person, doesn't matter if he has psychic powers or not. Ideas that were internalized into him by Reigen, who saw a kid lost in the world and didn't want to see him get eaten alive by its harshness. Mob learns things that stick, that help him thru situations, that he can teach to the ppl he meets. And mlb's lessons? They're usually for Marinette. No other character gets to grow or have their views challenged or get a new perspective; when other characters are given the chance to change, the writing immediately backtracks and keeps them on the same path they were on before. And even Marinette herself isn't immune to having her lessons walked back on.
And then there's that huge emphasis on choice. A lot of things that happen in mp100 are through someone's conscious choice. Whether it's adult espers misusing their powers or Mob using his own powers to protect those he cares for, every single character has the ability to choose for themselves, whether right or wrong. And it really shines thru when former adversaries in mp100 come back to help. Theyre shown that there's another way to live, but they chose for themselves to become better people, to use their powers for good instead of bad. It's not just for fighting either: Reigen tells Mob that it's ok to run away, to give up, he says that it's not Mob's duty to save the day with his powers. Mob still proceeds to do that anyway, but being offered that choice to begin with, to know it's an option... its really powerful. On the other hand, Marinette ... doesn't really have a choice: she's forced to attempt confessions when she's not ready or comfortable or the role of the guardian is forced onto her. The only time Marinette really got to choose was when she decided to become Ladybug once more to save Alya. We don't get to see Marinette feel like she's growing into her role or embracing it or making it her own or just getting the option to choose. The show goes out of its way to push and pull her around, to take away any semblance of choice or agency from her.
Like ugh I'm still just baffled at how ppl say mlb is good or smth or that it's well written because I can't see it at all. Watching mp100, looking back on medias I consumed in the past like haikyuu, it's like. I've seen good shows I've seen well-written shows. They may not be for everyone (e.g. I know haikyuu can be a snooze fest if u can't sit thru sports anime or ur like me and play volleyball lol) but like. There's good media out there that can get ur brain pumping tryna interpret and understand but mlb is just. Not one of those types of medias. It just isn't.
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key-lime-soda · 2 years
RE: resippy tiem :)
Okay, so what I said earlier in that one response to that one ask: It was like... almost sorta an overstatement when I said that I had multiple recipes prepared, as 1) I have many more for Maiko (which I will elaborate on tomorrow or something, it's getting kinda late) 2) I don't have like... exact recipes? More like, general ingredients and ideas that'd fit together for Jackson, which I normally forget but I very likely will look through the Jackson Trace Time Tab (doesn't exist, i'll just look back at like. what i've seen of him) and I can gather more ideas coherently then and 3) It often isn't like! A full recipe! Sometimes I just look at some of Jackson's dialogue and go "Hm. Yeah. That's a grilled answer if I've ever seen one." and then go on with my day.
Anyways! Going back to Maiko's Recipes, (not sure if I even brought that up) you once said that she enjoyed making french toast of sorts: I think that she'd like to ham that stuff up with decorations, just because like! I think she's somewhat of an overachiever in an early stage, and also she cares about the appearance of something quite a lot-- that's what being too invested in cooking competitions can do to someone, man. Citing this ask, Maiko enjoys rice pudding and french toast, implying she enjoys sweet foods with a strong savory undertone, and ones that start out simple but can be modified to the chef and eater's likes and dislikes- which I think shows the level of care between father and daughter here, even in a miniscule way.
Before this, from this ask, the wording of how Maiko wants to join a cooking competition somewhat implies that she favors cooking over baking (or at least that's how I interpreted it) which may be in part due to nurture, Jackson favoring savory, more 'fast-acting' foods over sweeter pastries, with some exceptions, the exceptions being that he seems like the type to go to a local bakery for a croissant when he was busy with work. This might also be a hint into Jackson's personal preferences in food- like I might have mentioned offhandedly before, he seems like the dude to like warmer foods, and also more spicy foods. And like. Based in grains and stuff? He also isn't like, super-heavily carnivorous, not eating meat more than??? Once a day?? But that's just straight up headcanon territory. Also-- So many sauces are just... so fitting for Jackson. I had an actual recipe earlier, but I doubt I could find it in my mindscape now.
One of the recipes I had laid out for him was almost a sort of birria taco? But weird, with more vegetables, a greater citrus-y (specifically lime) presence and a thicker broth. Like. A rich, multi-leveled flavor with a solid base sorta dish. I think the meat inside the weird taco (like i MIGHT have said, i can never describe these recipes thinking back on them) was chicken, which doesn't say much other than I like chicken tacos.
ANYWAYS this was a long and rambly ask, really sorry about how incomprehensible this is, i'll probably swoop back in with more recipe stuff tomorrow-ish? Because i am Tired and Not Thinking As Precisely As I Should Be- Goodnight!
(also sorry if I mischaracterized either of the guys mentioned in this-- i tend to get lost in my own headcanons with characters, very sorry if this did happen)
wow ok that's a lot to unpack (I'm smiling like an idiot btw)
your way of interpreting characters is so interesting??? like u think of food components when you hear certain things. I'm gonna study u so much cuz that's really cool. I think I kinda do the same but with colors? I hear noises and think of colors if that makes sense.
also I love ur headcanons. plz never apologize for making them, it makes me so happy. I'd say half of them are right tbh so congrats!!
few response notes! :3
Maiko would definitely go all out and make the fanciest French Toast ever. She wants to make her dad proud, y'know? And as much as he appreciates it, he still inhales the whole thing in like 3 minutes because this man is always late for work.
Rice pudding is like a comfort food for her. Reminds her of Jackson cuz he's the one who always makes it for her. She likes to make French Toast because it's Jackson's favorite breakfast. He probably doesn't like it too sweet though.
She does favor cooking over baking because she hates using an oven. It's so hot inside and has a risk of burning yourself and that scares her. If your properly trained, you can easily avoid burning yourself with a stove (as long as you avoid hot oil too, which isn't her forte either)
Her love of cooking came from watching cooking shows all day when she was really little. Cartoons only play in the mornings back then so she'd watch a Food Network kind of channel in the afternoons. Maiko is autistic, and cooking is her special interest.
Jackson actually does really like meat. Beef is probably his favorite. He doesn't eat it that often because he's not that wealthy and can't afford it (remember: he's a private detective who gets paid the bare minimum, and lives with a college student. they're both broke losers)
He definitely eats a lot of rice. Inherited from his dad, who grew up on a rice farm.
that taco goes hard /pos
this was fun, I'd love to do this again <333
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nightowlwriting · 2 years
the way u characterize steve… especially 40s disabled steve… i’ve never seen a take like that and i never resonated or even enjoyed steve’s character much before this tbh i thought he was very propaganda star spangled bullshit but wow. u have truly changed my perception on his entire character. canonically too.
i haven't answered this ask because sometimes i just go to my inbox and look at it 🥺 i don't think you understand how much this means to me!!! i see such potential in steve's character and the russo brothers wasted it!!!!!!! wasted it all!!!!!!!! like they wasted a lot of shit in the mcu but i digress.
as a disabled person his story is supposed to be ~uplifting~ because he ~overcomes~ his disability but i am also disabled and it's nothing but a horror show to me. that's why i write him the way i do, from a different perspective, because while i am disabled (just like he was disabled) i don't need to be fixed (he didn't need to be fixed and neither does any disabled person)
i actually go a little deeper into this concept in a part 2 to one of my steve fics because the concept of "fixing" a disability especially in ww2 times is...... yikes at best and horrifying conceptually at worst. i could probably write a thesis on this concept honestly.
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