#it's Mystery Student and I'm interested in the student that warned
ldrfanatic · 3 months
this happens once every few lifetimes
mattheo riddle x reader
synopsis - reader transfers to hogwarts from ilvermorny. she and mattheo fall in love with each other at first sight.
warnings - none, i think?
listened to while writing - the alchemy by taylor swift
i have a clara bow theo one in the works right now that i'm excited to drop at some point. ngl this gif of benjamin in deadly class inspired this idea A LOT.
part two?
slytherin boys works
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you waited with baited breath outside of the great hall.
any moment now the doors would swing open and albus dumbledore, who you knew only through legend, would announce your transfer to hogwarts.
it was terrifying honestly. leaving ilvermorny was indescribably difficult. but when your father got a job opportunity at the british ministry of magic, it was decided. already you were feeling overwhelmed. you'd done your research but hogwarts was much larger than ilvermorny. it was much older as well, and thus had gained a reputation over a thousand years of producing some of the greatest witches and wizards the world has ever seen.
the large magnificent doors opened and every pair of eyes was on you.
you walked forward with sweaty palms, subtly attempting to dry them on your plain, black hogwarts robes. another change. the wardrobe was much more strict here than back in america. and where every student at ilvermorny wore the same blue and gold, students at hogwarts wore colors representative of their house.
finally, you reached the end of the walkway and stood face to face with a dusty and rather ancient looking hat. to your light surprise, it spoke. a woman whom you'd met briefly beforehand, professor mcgonnagall, picked up the hat gently and motioned for you to sit on the stool.
it was time to be sorted into one of hogwarts four houses. you'd been in wampus, the house of the warrior, at ilvermorny, and despite hours of research, you couldn't distinguish what the hogwarts equivalent would be. all four houses seemed to be good choices but there was one in particular that stood out to you.
no shorter or longer than exactly fifteen seconds after the sorting hat touched your head, a declaration was made.
an older student in green robes gestured you over to the table on the far right. not wanting to sit at the very front and continue to be gawked at, you briskly walked a little further down and took a seat at the middle of the table.
once you'd taken your seat, dumbledore began to explain that hogwarts would be hosting the triwizard tournament this year. after a flashy introduction from beauxbatons and durmstrang, you effectively decided that you were not the most interesting shiny new toy at hogwarts this year and silently thanked the universe for this turn of events.
at last, it was announced that you could eat and the tables filled with food. all around you students' plates began magically creating complex dishes. there were even some dinners that held food that you were sure you couldn't see anywhere on the table.
frustrated, you stared down at your empty plate. it was a long journey to hogwarts. you were hungry and quite frankly tired of things being so different. if one more complicated situation made its appearance at this school, you were undoubtedly going to lose it.
"just think about a food you really want to eat. it can be anything."
a boy next to you with brown hair and bright blue eyes leaned over. a thick italian accent levied on his deep voice.
you closed your eyes and thought about a delicious juicy cheeseburger with golden-crisp french fries. sure enough, when you opened your eyes, your plate had filled with food.
absolutely giddy with glee, you turned to thank the mystery man.
"no problem. i'm theodore nott. this is draco malfoy next to me."
the platinum blonde boy didn't even look up to acknowledge your existence. theodore, seemingly sensing your mild displeasure, spoke up.
"don't mind him. welcome to slytherin house. riddle, say hello to our newest recruit."
the dark haired boy directly across from you who you assumed was 'riddle' did in fact look over from his conversation with a boy with a chestnut colored complexion. yet, when your eyes found his, he didn't say hello.
he didn't say anything actually. he just sort of stared. as you held eye contact, it was like lightning running through your veins and sizzling at your fingertips.
for a moment, you wondered if he'd ever seen a person before.
then, as if he'd snapped out of a daze, a gentle smile played at his lips. dark curls fell over his brown eyes that seemed to sparkle the longer you looked at them.
his large hand crept over the table until it was outstretched towards you with a kind smile.
you shook his hand with a shy smile. mattheo was currently looking at you like you were the only thing that mattered. in fact, your little interaction had gone on so long that theodore and the boy mattheo had been speaking with had both strucken up conversation with other students at the table.
mattheo eyed your appearance. his gaze flickered across your face, then to your hair, and all over the parts of your body he could see.
"sorry if this is a little awkward, but i can't remember the last time i was this captivated by someone." mattheo finally released your hand and you had to stop yourself from begging him not to.
"welcome to slytherin house. you're in the snake's nest now, beautiful."
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arminsumi · 11 months
tutor!suguru being a flirt
GETO すぐる
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note : a dumb calc daydream lol. i've been studying all night like a slut 🙄
warnings : 🔞 flirting/suggestive, not proofread written straight from the back of my mind lol but as kerouac said "youre a genius all the time" 🫡 hehe
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tutor!suguru would be so smooth and sultry, but he'd also try hard to maintain a professionalism. i mean... he could sit there and flirt for a whole hour, but he genuinely wants to help you get better at whatever subject you're taking.
he's the mysterious quiet student type, you know, the one everyone is fascinated by. got that charm. that allure. that magnetism.
and those traits are very apparent when he sits next to you and watches you scratch your pen across a notebook.
"did i do it right?" you ask unsurely.
"yes, that's right..." he has a natural seduction in his tone, "trust your mind more."
he praises you sparingly, making sure each praise is laced with lusty undertones. he's trying to hint to you heyheyhey... i'm interested in you.
and tutor!suguru has such smooth dirty jokes that slip by you when you're so caught up in a textbook; "i'll tutor you in bed if you want."
"m'kay..." you hum happily, deep in the focused zone, then you snap with realization, "wait, what?!"
"haha, nothing." he chuckles at you, habitually hiding his smile behind his hand. "i didn't say anything. keep studying. focus."
"okay..." you return to studying.
he leans in close and watches you answer each question. glances at your face in his peripherals.
leans closer. closer. closer. and murmurs; "you're doing so good for me... keep going."
he chuckles again, watching your eyes widen in reaction to his obvious flirting. "sorry... sorry, haha... i'll shut up now."
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© arminsumi
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pomefioredove · 2 months
ace with, "I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours." 😚🤌
HELP ME he's so cringe he'd 100% say something like this
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summary: "I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours" type of post: short fic characters: ace additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, secondhand embarrassment warning, random halloween(??) party for plot reasons, not proofread
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Heartslabyul has never turned a guest away from a party.
Ace had become accustomed to it. There's always someone out of place at the table- the purple of a Pomefiore uniform or the green of a Diasomnia, pointed ears or catlike ones, tall, short, students Ace hadn't even seen passing in the halls.
And having a costume unbirthday didn't make recognizing anyone any easier. Why did they agree on this, again?
"What's this one?" he asks, accepting a tart dish from Trey.
The stressed upperclassmen adjusts his glasses. "Raspberry, I think- no, strawberry. I'm losing track,"
"Yeesh," Ace mutters, looking out the window to the grounds. There's more than three times the dorm out there.
"Mondays, amirite?"
Trey just sighs.
Ace carries the dish to one of the many tables set about the gardens.
This one is empty. He looks over his shoulder; Riddle is busy berating another first year for chewing with his mouth open. No one has noticed the fresh tart yet.
He might as well sneak a slice while he still can...
Sevens. Ace flinches and the slice of tart slips right out of his grip.
Now he's going to have to clean that up, and without anyone noticing, too. Sigh.
"I know it's Halloween, but you shouldn't scare people like that," he says, turning to the source of the noise. "You-"
As soon as he sees you, his thoughts are cut short.
You're just some rando in a corny masquerade getup, but, damn, you're cute.
No way he's never seen you before- no, you've gotta be from another class. He'll have to pester Jack about it later...
"Oh, sorry," you say. The mask you're wearing makes it hard to read your expression, but he assumes you noticed the tart.
Your voice is vaguely familiar, but it's hard to hear with all the background noise, anyway.
Ace puts on his worst best smile. "Nah, it's fine. The vice housewarden is on full-time catering duty. No one will notice. So, you come here often?"
You snort. "Yeah, I guess I do. What's up with you?"
He got a laugh out of you. That's a good sign, right?
Now, time to go in for the kill.
Ace huffs, trying to act nonchalant. "What's up with me? Nothing much, just thinking about how I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours,"
A long, terrible silence follows.
And then you laugh. And laugh, and laugh. Ace grimaces. It's hard to tell if it's a good laugh or a bad one from your voice alone.
"Hey, what're you two 'doin?" a much smaller voice asks.
Grim is standing between the two of you now, paws on his hips, mouth half-full of cookies from the other table.
"Buzz off, Grim. Can't you see I'm busy?" Ace murmurs.
Then, much to his horror, the mystery student across from him takes off their mask and scoops Grim up like a baby.
He could die right then and there.
"Me," you say.
Grim doesn't seem particularly interested in the context, though he is smirking at the dumb look on Ace's face.
"But you- you're-" he stammers, his face almost as red as his hair. "I didn't even- recognize you! How-"
It's hard to get such a reaction out of him, the "lady killer" he is, and he swears he can see a little smugness in your expression.
Ace groans. "You can be a real jerk sometimes, you know,"
You wipe your eyes, sighing merrily. "No, no, don't stop! I want to hear another! Do you want me to put the mask back on?"
"A real jerk!" he repeats, fleeing the scene before he can say something even dumber.
At least Trey will be happy to have another set of hands in the kitchen...
So much for romance. He huffs and takes a tart out of the oven.
Note to self: pick a better line to ask you out with.
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beegomess · 11 days
T.R. || Do you know her? 'Cause I'm addicted
Summary: An enigmatic friendship between you and Tom evolves into an intense and dangerous romance, leading you both to explore dark magic and gain followers, while the weight of guilt and a dark destiny unfolds for those who aided you. Warnings: None
A/N: This imagine can be related to the chapter 'Loving You Forever,' serving as a sort of origin story, or it can be read independently.
Requests are open!
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There were those who believed that you had been completely consumed by love, that your vision was clouded by passion. The professors viewed you with a mix of pity and curiosity, and the other students thought you were just another victim enchanted by the web woven by Tom Riddle. To many, you were the typical young woman captivated by the beauty and charm of a boy shrouded in mystery—an innocent girl who, fascinated by his enigmatic aura, had let her own feelings drag her into his orbit.
But this view did not do justice to your true essence. If you were merely a young woman attracted by Tom’s allure, you would never have approached him with the determination you showed. Tom had always been an enigma, a mystery that inspired adoration from many but rarely unconditional loyalty. Girls dazzled by his magnetism offered to follow his dark paths, some even willing to commit to their own shadows to gain his favor.
What few understood was that, in truth, Tom was drawn to your own inner darkness. In you, he saw an even deeper reflection of his own complexity. Your ability to project a seemingly innocent façade, combined with a hidden depth, made Tom fascinated by something he could not fully illuminate himself. While Dumbledore struggled to understand the dark layers of Tom, you seemed to possess an even more impenetrable darkness, a latent force that you revealed only when you wished.
When Tom first saw you in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library, his initial impulse was one of alert and defense. You were surrounded by an aura of mystery that defied any attempt to categorize you easily. Your presence was a break from expectation in a space Tom considered his absolute domain. He entered the Restricted Section with the confidence of one who holds all secrets and mysteries within reach, but you, with your almost challenging indifference, immediately destabilized that balance.
Initially, Tom saw you as an imminent threat. Your carefree posture, your eyes that shone with an almost provocative intensity, and the way you moved with a grace that mixed disregard and challenge were enough to make him feel unsettled. The way you handled the books, the way your presence seemed to fill the environment with a palpable tension—this was a direct challenge to the control he so carefully maintained over his life and interests.
The initial irritation gave way to a growing frustration. Tom began to feel an unsettling sense that you were not only defying his authority but seemed to evade his attempts at manipulation. Your ability to remain aloof from his advances provoked a mix of growing frustration and fascination. What began as an irritating intruder soon became a captivating enigma.
As the days passed, Tom started to notice your presence with an unexpected frequency. In corridors where he had never seen you before, in moments of quiet where he expected to find you—you seemed to be always there, like a shadow moving with disturbing precision. It was as if you were aware of his intentions, or perhaps even provoking him deliberately. This constant feeling of being watched, of every step he took being followed, began to turn into a disturbing obsession.
Then, on a particularly quiet night, Tom decided to follow you. His instincts told him there was something important to be discovered. He trailed you through the castle’s shadows, alert to every movement you made. With almost predatory precision, he watched as you walked with deliberate calm towards the Black Lake, a place Tom knew to be a refuge of tranquility and mystery.
Upon reaching the lake’s edge, Tom hid behind a tree, his gaze fixed on you. He prepared to wait patiently, determined to understand what you might be planning. However, instead of being surprised by some secret plot, you simply waited for him at the lake, as if you had been expecting him all along.
The moon’s silvery light illuminated the lake and reflected in your eyes as you slowly turned towards Tom’s hiding place. An enigmatic smile formed on your lips as you spoke, your voice soft and direct cutting through the night’s silence.
— You know, Tom, you’re not very subtle for someone who prides himself on his cunning. — Your voice was a mix of challenge and knowledge, as if there was an intimacy between you that only you could understand.
Tom emerged from the shadows, his face a mask of curiosity and a touch of frustration.
— And I expected you to be occupied with something more... significant — he replied, the irony in his tone hiding a spark of frustration.
You laughed, a soft and almost melodious laugh that echoed in the quiet night.
— There’s nothing more significant than what is already happening, Tom. You follow me with a disconcerting frequency. It’s almost as if you’re searching for something you don’t know you’re looking for.
Tom looked at you with a piercing gaze, his mind boiling with a mix of emotions. Your presence, which had once irritated him, had now become a central focus of his attention, a mystery he felt an urgent need to solve. The feeling of being observed, the sense that you were always a step ahead—this all contributed to a growing obsession that began to shape his perception and actions.
As your friendship with Tom Riddle solidified, it developed into an intriguing complexity, marked by an aura of mutual distrust. Initially, your relationship was characterized by cautious respect and incessant curiosity. Tom, with his reserved nature and sharp mind, kept a calculated distance, while you, with your intelligence and charm, projected an aura of mystery that was not easily penetrated.
Frequent meetings in the library, surrounded by piles of books and ancient tomes, were the main setting for the evolution of your relationship. The interaction between you was full of subtle provocations and exchanges of looks laden with unspoken meanings. Even when working together to unravel complex spells and enchantments, there was a palpable tension that always lingered. Tom seemed always on the verge of revealing something deeper, while you remained a step ahead, your presence challenging and enigmatic.
One particularly quiet night, after a long and exhausting study session with Professor Slughorn, the dynamics between you shifted significantly. The library was enveloped in a tranquil twilight, illuminated only by the soft light of candles and moonlight filtering through the windows. You were alone, surrounded by open books and scattered notes, immersed in a discussion about a complex spell you had studied.
It was in this intimate setting that the tension between you finally found a more concrete expression. Tom, with an expression that combined curiosity and desire, approached you. His normally calculating and distant eyes were now filled with an intensity that could not be ignored. Without a word, he leaned in, and his lips touched yours in a kiss that began softly and hesitantly but soon transformed into something deeper and more passionate. The kiss was a milestone, a silent acknowledgment of the feelings that had built up between you, a confirmation of a connection that went beyond friendship and academic admiration.
After this moment, your relationship transformed into something more intense and romantic. The physical and emotional closeness that developed between you began to shape a complex dynamic. The bond you shared deepened further with the introduction of Professor Slughorn, who became a crucial mentor in your magical explorations. Slughorn’s guidance was essential for developing your skills but also became a starting point for a growing curiosity about advanced and eventually dark magic.
You and Tom began seeking Slughorn’s help more frequently, drawn by his vast experience and knowledge. Slughorn, enchanted by the potential both of you displayed, agreed to mentor you, providing access to rare tomes and teaching complex spells. However, this mentorship began to focus on darker aspects of magic. Your dedication and enthusiasm for these studies were apparent, and Slughorn started to notice that your interests were veering towards darker practices.
As you and Tom delved deeper into these studies, Slughorn’s influence, though initially beneficial, began to show its consequences. The professor started to feel the weight of his responsibility. The guidance he had provided, combined with your ambition and curiosity, led to deeper involvement with dark magic. Slughorn found himself regretting his role, realizing that his mentorship had somehow facilitated your inclination towards dangerous practices. The guilt of having contributed to this dark path became a heavy burden on his conscience.
Your presence, now marked by an intense romance and a joint quest for dark knowledge, did not go unnoticed by the other students and the faculty. Gossip began to spread through the school like wildfire. Girls, many of whom had watched you with a mix of envy and admiration, now whispered about your relationship with Tom. Your transformation from a popular and kind figure into someone involved in a tumultuous romance with an equally intriguing figure caused a frenzy among the students.
The buzz about your relationship and increasingly dark studies began to attract the attention of the professors. Dumbledore, with his perceptive gaze and constant concern for the students, began to watch you with caution. Other professors also started to keep a close eye, worried about the influence that your intelligence and fascination with dark magic could have on Hogwarts' balance.
As time went on, the future awaiting you and Tom Riddle began to unfold with disturbing clarity. The intense relationship and the pursuit of dark magic you fueled were set to trigger a series of events that would forever alter the fate of Hogwarts and beyond. The growing influence of Tom, now accompanied by rumors of followers emerging in a sinister manner, indicated the beginning of a dark and dangerous movement. The weight of guilt fell on those like Slughorn, who had contributed to this trajectory, lamenting the influence they had wielded and the consequences now unfolding. Your transformation from enigmatic students to leaders of a dark cause not only defied established norms but also signaled a future full of conflict and challenges, where past choices and mistakes would become integral to an increasingly dark and unpredictable destiny.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
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yumeka-sxf · 9 months
Now that I've finally read through the entire novelization of CODE: White, I'm ready to share a full summary of everything that happens - basically spoil the whole movie for those interested 😅
But before I get to the summary, a few notes:
I didn't translate every line from the novelization as that would have taken way too long. I go into more detail for scenes I was particularly interested in (like Twiyor scenes), or scenes that were easy to translate. But I still made sure to mention everything that's important to the story. If I gloss over some parts more than others, it's either because they were difficult to translate, or I didn't think they were that important. But even so, the "summary" still ended up being way longer than I anticipated!
I have not seen the movie myself yet, so everything in the summary below is based on the novelization only (of which there were two versions released, with slight differences between them). Obviously the novelization is an accurate adaptation, but there is a chance that a few things are different between the novelization and the actual movie, and/or the novelization may have left out some dialogue or minor scenes.
And lastly, it goes without saying but BEWARE OF MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW! Not only that, but please be considerate of where you share these spoilers. Remember to properly tag this post if you reblog it and think twice before you share any of this information on other social media. Most people don't want to be spoiled to this degree!
The movie starts with an introduction to the characters – we see Twilight carrying out a mission where he has to disguise himself as someone's wife. Meanwhile, Yor is doing an assassination mission. They both come home at the same time and are greeted by Anya. Bond has a vision of Anya and Loid getting sick from Yor's cooking, so Anya suggests that Loid cook instead.
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At Eden, Henderson tells the students about the cooking contest and how the principal will be the judge. Loid is on the roof, reading Henderson's lips. A falcon flies overhead and drops him a note with an F cipher. He goes to meet with Sylvia at one of the WISE hideouts. She informs him that she has another big mission for him, but when he objects that he couldn't take on something so big in the midst of Operation Strix, she hands him a photo of a man and child. She explains that the man is Major Depple of the Army Intelligence Department who has a lot of important people backing him, and since they hadn't made enough progress with Operation Strix, the higher-ups decided to pass it onto him.
As Loid leaves, he bumps into Fiona. Her hat gets blown away with the wind and he reaches to catch it, just as Yor and her coworkers are across the street. From where Yor sees them, it looks like Loid is kissing "the mysterious woman." Loid and Fiona have a fake conversation – he compliments her hat, she says it was made overseas, etc – while they're actually doing their secret "spy talk" (like they did when she first visited him at home). He tells her what's happening with Operation Strix, and she tells him that she had tried to warn him that it shouldn't have been left up to ordinary citizens who don't know anything, and that she should take on the wife role. Meanwhile, Camilla and co. tell Yor about the three signs of cheating: one, an increase in travelling; two, a change in clothing taste (to match the taste of his new lover); and three, suddenly giving gifts (because he feels guilty).
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Later that evening, Yor is still feeling anxious about Loid's possible "lover." When Anya gets home, she tells them about the cooking competition. Loid recalls from his data that the principal's favorite is the melemele pastry. If Anya could get a stella from the competition, that could help get him back into Operation Strix. He says that he read in the school newspaper that the melemele in Frejis is supposedly the best, so they should go there and try it for themselves via a family vacation over the weekend. Yor thinks back to the "increase in travelling" sign of cheating that Camilla told her about. Loid tells her that only families are allowed at the Frejis restaurant they're headed to, so she decides to go, though she's still conflicted about whether this is actually a sign of cheating or not.
They have some family time on the train to Frejis, though Loid still makes Anya study. They play cards and get food (Anya has a corn dog, Yor has a sandwich, Loid has a hamburger). After coming back from the bathroom, Anya notices a key by one of the sinks. Bond is with her, and through him she sees a vision of the future – in the vision, she goes to car 8 and opens a trunk with the key while overhearing two men mention that it's a key to a treasure of the Republic.
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Back in the train car, Loid brings up Anya's terrible handwriting while Yor mentions that they had practiced handwriting the other day. Loid says that Yor's motherly side is really coming out, which causes Yor to get flustered and makes her think that it's not her skills as a mother he could be dissatisfied with but perhaps her skills as a wife. She gets even more flustered when she notices a couple across the way kissing and starts nervously moving her lips, to which Loid asks if something's wrong. She stammers that her lipstick didn't warm up and is itchy, then says she's going to look for Anya since she's taking a long time.
Meanwhile, Anya and Bond find the luggage compartment and locate the trunk from Bond's vision. When Anya goes to grab it, Bond tries to stop her. At first she thinks that she shouldn't just do whatever she wants with other people's stuff, but then she remembers that the men in the vision said it was a treasure of the Republic, a treasure that could possibly help achieve world peace. She opens the trunk and is disappointed to find just a chocolate in it. But when she hears the two men, Domitri and Luca, open the door, she gets startled and accidently knocks the chocolate out of the trunk. It bounces off of Bond's nose, and when she tries to grab it, it falls into her mouth. She hides when Luca and Domitri come in to look for the trunk.
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They describe the ship sticker on it, and when they find that it's been opened and the chocolate stolen, they say they're going to kill whoever took it so the secret won't get out. When Anya accidently makes a noise, the men take notice. Domitri takes a flower out of his pocket and points it towards the dim light in the car, saying that his "flower fortune telling" will tell him who's hiding. They then notice Anya escaping into car 7 and give chase. They lock her in car 6, but when she starts screaming for Papa and Mama, Yor breaks open the locked door. She asks Anya who the two men are and Anya says that they're chocolate thieves who were being mean to her. Yor beats them up (after telling Anya to cover her eyes) just as the train arrives at Frejis station (Anya seems to feel bad that she sicced Yor on them when she was the actual chocolate thief). When they get off the train, Loid says that they should start heading to their destination (as Yor starts building a snowman). After they get their luggage and leave, Luca and Domitri emerge from the car they were in and say they need to contact the colonel.
The shop that has the melemele is called "Restaurant Rubble and Bonds." Since pets aren't allowed in the restaurant, they leave Bond outside when they go inside to eat. After ordering food along with the melemele, the waitress tells them that they're getting the last melemele. Bond watches them from the window, but then a waitress comes over and feeds him the special pet plate, which he happily eats. As the Forgers are eating, Loid tells Anya that she shouldn't eat with her hands, and that using a knife and fork are proper manners. Yor watches and notices the turtleneck sweater Loid is wearing, which makes her realize it's something that he never wears. She then thinks of Camilla's second sign of cheating, a change in clothing taste. The chef comes over and tells them how the war in Frejis was mostly fought in the sky, and the aircraft displayed at the front of the station belonged to a two-man team famous for shooting down planes during the war.
There's a brief scene where Yuri overhears his coworkers at the SSS talking about Frejis, and he of course wants to go since he knows Yor is there now. But the boss won't let him, so he makes a bit of a scene.
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Back at the restaurant, the chef continues to talk about the war and how he lost everything at that time. His decision behind making a restaurant catering to families was so people could experience the homemade food that he remembered his mom used to make. Loid can't help but relate the chef's backstory to his own. The melemele is finally ready and brought to the table.
Just as Anya is about to dig in, Colonel Snidel and some other soldiers enter the restaurant. The waitress and chef try to tell them that only families are allowed, but Snidel says that the military have authority in this area, even when it comes to food, and could close down the restaurant if they wanted to. They order the melemele, and when they're told that there isn't any left, one of the soldiers takes the melemele from Anya. Loid politely tells the soldiers that his daughter was really looking forward to eating it and if they could possibly order a different dessert. Snidel asks if they're tourists that came here to eat the melemele. Loid replies that they travel around trying delicious food. Snidel challenges Loid to a competition – if Loid wins, he'll give them back the melemele. The competition involves trying the three cakes that were placed on the table and correctly naming every type of sugar in them. Even though Loid correctly names them, Snidel also mentions the exact number of grams, making his answers the most accurate. Everyone's bummed that Loid lost, but he says that they could try coming back again. However, the chef tells them that they won't have more until Monday, which is when the Forgers have to be back in Berlint for the cooking competition. Yor asks the chef that if they provide their own ingredients, would he make it for them, and he agrees.
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The Forgers go to the Frejis marketplace to get the ingredients from the list that the chef provided. Having already memorized the list, Loid moves at super speed to every shop and quickly finds most of the ingredients. When he goes looking for the orange syrup, a man from a cosmetic shop asks if he'll buy one of the many lipsticks there for his wife. He picks one out, mentioning how back on the train Yor had said that her lipstick wasn't working out and if this one is a nice color. She's embarrassed at first, but then agrees that it's a nice color and accepts…but then she's reminded of Camilla's last sign of cheating: suddenly giving a gift (meanwhile Loid is just thinking how putting on the happy couple appearance is part of the mission). With all three signs of cheating having taken place, Yor says that she's going to the bathroom and dejectedly walks away. Loid wonders if she's just tired from the trip and if she'll be okay. Anya then calls Loid over to a shooting game booth that has the orange syrup as one of the prizes. After attempting the game and failing, Anya reads the booth owner's mind and realizes it's rigged. Loid gets suspicious as well and is able to masterfully shoot down the orange syrup while also exposing the owner's scam.
Loid is ready to look for the last ingredient, but then Anya runs off to ride the mini train. Yor rejoins them, having put on the lipstick while she was in the bathroom. Loid says it suits her and asks if she'd like to get a drink somewhere. They go to a café booth where Loid orders coffee. But Yor, thinking how she needs to confirm the whole cheating thing with Loid and can't open up without the help of alcohol, orders several cups of heated wine. She finally gets drunk enough to ask Loid if he has a lover.
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From the train, Anya looks over to see Yor grab Loid's scarf and pull him to the ground. Anya freaks out about "Papa and Mama flirting." They're both on the ground now, with Yor hovering over Loid before she finally passes out. She wakes up on a bench, where Loid asks if she's okay. She apologizes for what she did, but thinks that Loid will definitely want a divorce after what happened. When Anya reads her mind, she thinks of what Becky told her about divorces and how they cause families to fall apart. She then hears the ferris wheel attendant calling for people to ride, saying that it'll be a happy, "flirty" experience. Anya tells Loid and Yor that she wants to ride the ferris wheel, but then ushers them onto the gondola without joining them, much to their surprise. She tells them to get "flirty," to Loid's dismay. Yor tells Bond to look after Anya.
Yor realizes that she must look really bleak right now and it's making Anya worry. Loid asks if she's okay and she again apologizes for her behavior earlier. Loid replies that she's been acting weird for a while, causing Yor to finally admit that she saw him with his "lover"…someone with a large hat. Tears start welling in her eyes, so she covers her face with her hands to hide them. Realizing that the person she's referring to was Fiona, Loid explains that she wasn't a lover, just someone who needed directions to the art museum. Feeling embarrassed about her mistake, Yor looks away from Loid and out the window. She sees Anya and Bond below, the former waving happily at her. Yor waves back before mentioning if Loid could want a divorce, to which he light-heartily replies "no way." Yor says that she's lacking in a lot of ways, not just as a mother but as Loid's wife. Loid then takes her hands in his, looks straight into her eyes and reminds her of the promise he made via their marriage proposal.
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He says the marriage vows again before stating that he has no intention of breaking his promise. As Loid gets closer to her, Yor's face reddens and her heart races until she finally breaks – she smacks Loid on the cheek, sending him flying out of the gondola (which had reached the ground). But he adjusts himself in midair and lands gracefully on his feet. Yor grabs their belongings from the gondola and hurries out. Upon seeing Loid's swollen cheek, Anya panics that Papa and Mama were fighting and the Forger family is over. Loid and Yor object to this, with Loid saying that they weren't fighting. Anya then says that they were flirting, but they object to that as well, faces red with embarrassment. Anya just grins at them.
The clock tower bell chimes, signaling 5 o' clock. When Loid muses that it got so late already, Yor apologizes that it was due to her passing out from drinking too much. Loid asks if she and Anya will go back to the hotel while he gets the remaining ingredient, cherry liquor. He thinks to himself how it's something rare that would not likely be sold at a store, so he'd have to get it through illegal means, which means that Yor and Anya can't accompany him.
Snidel gets out of his military vehicle in front of a flying battleship. He's greeted by several soldiers who tell him that route negotiations with the Arbo Republic have ended and adjustments to Type F have been completed. Snidel suddenly shoots and kills one of the operations leaders, claiming he's a traitor who leaked military information to WISE. Luca and Domitri then arrive and inform him that the microfilm was eaten.
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Meanwhile, Sylvia meets with a bunch of WISE agents at their Berlint hideout. She tells them that they lost contact with their Frejis agent, suspecting that Snidel has taken action. She says that if the microfilm reaches the Arbo Republic, it could lead to an all-out war between the East and West. She doesn't think their agent had gotten the microfilm, but she knows Twilight is currently in Frejis, so he may be their only hope. She orders a couple of the male agents to meet with Twilight at Frejis and get the microfilm. However, Fiona interrupts and requests that Sylvia leave the mission to her instead. Sylvia objects, but Fiona is already leaving the room and on her way, thinking over and over to herself "A mission with senpai, a mission with senpai, a mission with senpai…"
Back at Frejis, Loid looks everywhere for the cherry liquor – he sneaks into a moonshine factory and even the wine cellar of a wealthy man, but still can't find it. He calls Franky at his tabacco shop in Berlint, inadvertently interrupting Franky's flirting with a pretty girl. He asks Franky if he can get the cherry liquor and that he needs it by tomorrow morning. Franky says he'll try but it would take him half a day to even get to Frejis, but Loid had already hung up.
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At the hotel, Yor unpacks while Anya admires the hotel amenities ("Hotel TV!" "Hotel toilet!" "Hotel bed!") She then takes her toys out of her bag – among them are crayons, a sketchbook, a rubber duckie, and a toy gun. She pretends to shoot Bond with the gun, then points the gun at Yor and asks if she's the "boss." At first Yor is uneasy about partaking in Anya's game, but then she gives in and pretends to be the boss who wants the treasure. This makes Anya even more fired up and she says "Let's battle, polite lady boss!" The three of them continue playing.
Loid returns to the hotel and finds Anya's drawings of the ferris wheel and shooting game booth on the table. Anya's sleeping on the sofa while Yor puts a blanket over her. Loid says that he's going out again because he found the liquor at a neighboring town. Since it's a bit far, he's taking a car that he's borrowing from the hotel. Anya wakes up and calls Loid a liar since he said he would be back soon but came back so late. He apologizes, but then she reads his mind as he thinks about the fact that if Anya doesn't get a stella soon, Operation Strix and their family will be over. Anya says she wants to come along with Loid, but when he turns her down, she sadly goes back to the bedroom with Bond. When Loid starts to leave, asking Yor to take care of Anya, Yor asks him how many seats there are in the car he borrowed. He answers five. She then asks if they can all go together, since it's a family trip.
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In the bedroom, Anya hugs Bond while thinking about the sad state of the family. Bond suddenly has a vison of the cherry liquor behind the cash register of a store at the plaza. At first Anya wants to tell Loid about it, but then she thinks that her secret would be revealed if she did (Loid would say "How did you know that? You can read minds? And Bond can see the future?") After realizing she can't tell him about it, she looks towards the window...
Meanwhile, Yor tells Loid how happy it made Yuri to be with her all day for special occasions like birthdays and family outings, and that it's the same with Anya. Loid thinks back to how happy Anya was when they were doing things together on the trip, such as playing trump, playing in the snow, and eating at the restaurant. He picks up the toy gun on the table and thinks back to how grateful Anya was for being able to play "spy" at the old castle. As he returns the gun to the table, Yor tells him how Anya was looking forward to so many things on this family trip, like eating sweets and playing together. She says she understands Anya's feelings since she's made Yuri feel lonely before. She tells Loid that Anya was really looking forward to being with him and how lonely it is to be separated from your family. She asks again if they could all go together to get the liquor at the next town, even though it's passed Anya's bedtime. When he starts thinking of the possible harm of bringing Anya with him, he pushes those thoughts aside and agrees with Yor.
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Suddenly, room service knocks at the door. When Yor says that she didn't order any, Loid looks through the peep hole and sees Fiona disguised as a maid. He then says that he forgot to order a large bathrobe and steps outside. In the hotel corridor, he asks Fiona why she's here. She repeats "room service" while actually saying "it's a mission" in spy talk. Loid says that she can talk normally since it's just the two of them, and asks if she could be quick since he's also on a mission. She starts blabbering internally about how she's alone with him – LOVE!
Back in the room, Yor hears a noise from the bedroom, and when she goes to look, the window is open and both Anya and Bond are gone. Meanwhile, Fiona explains the mission about the microfilm to Loid. When she mentions Colonel Snidel, Loid thinks back to his encounter with Snidel and the military back at the restaurant. Yor suddenly comes out of the room and tells Loid that Anya ran away through the window. She had left a note behind, but when Loid goes to read it, the handwriting is extremely messy – he can make out the word "sorry" (misspelled).
Anya and Bond arrive at the shop in the plaza from Bond's vision. She buys the bottle of liquor and happily walks with Bond back to the hotel, thinking that now the Forger family will be okay. At the same time, the military is looking for girls that match Anya's description, using a picture that Luca drew of her. Bond starts barking when he notices Luca and Domitri pull up in a car behind Anya. Anya and Bond try to run away, but Luca pulls Anya into the car. Bond bites Luca's arm but gets pushed away. As they drive off with Anya in the car, they run over a can in the road that hits Bond in the head. Bond howls sadly as he watches the car disappear. Back at the battleship, Snidel says that it will depart as soon as they get the microfilm.
Loid and Yor run through town calling for Anya. They find Bond collapsed on the side of the road. Loid asks if he's okay and if Anya was with him. Bond barks and tries to gesture about what happened, but Loid and Yor can't understand him. However, Loid notices something in Bond's mouth – Luca's armband that he had bitten off. Loid recognizes it and is in disbelief that Anya got caught up in the military.
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Then Fiona, still disguised as the hotel maid, pulls up in a car nearby and calls to Loid saying that he dropped something. In "spy talk" however, she says that he should prioritize getting the microfilm over Operation Strix. Loid thinks for a minute, then says loudly (so Yor can hear) "Ma'am, I would like to ask a favor…"
Meanwhile, Anya is brought before Snidel. Upon seeing him, she shouts that he's the guy who ate her dessert. He says that more important than the melemele, she ate their chocolate. She then states that he's the boss of those thieves. Luca and Domitri reprimand her for not using polite speech in front of the colonel. Snidel asks if she's been to the toilet since. Anya reads his mind as he thinks about how they hid the microfilm in the chocolate, and it's better to wait until she poops it out before killing her. Anya then realizes that the chocolate she ate on the train had the "treasure" inside, and if she poops, she'll be killed. Anya then nervously says that she's so cute that poop has never come out of her body, but then admits that she's lying upon seeing Snidel's cold gaze. Snidel instructs Luca and Domitri to take Anya with them and inform him if she poops. Anya begins holding her butt and starts shaking in fear. Domitri asks if she has to go, but she says she's just cold. She knows she mustn't poop or she'll be killed, but the more she thinks about it, the more she has to go!
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Back at the Frejis plaza in front of the station, Loid boards the old fighter plane that was parked there. He's able to operate the communication device and listen in on signals from Snidel's flying battleship. He manages to catch some of Luca and Domitri's conversation with Anya, including them saying that she's in this mess because she ate the microfilm. Upon realizing that Anya ate the microfilm, he breaks into a cold sweat, but quickly regains his composure as he gets off the plane and meets with Yor, who was waiting worriedly outside. He tells her that he thinks Anya is with the military, since he heard from the radio signals that they seem to have taken custody of a girl around five years old. Yor asks why Anya would be with the military. Loid knows that he didn't have any time to come up with an explanation, so he cuts the power cable on the plane and climbs back into the cockpit. As the propellers begin spinning, he asks Yor to stand back and tells her that he'll return soon. Yor thinks back to the two men who attacked Anya on the train and realizes that they might have been from the military, but she can't tell Loid about that or he'd know that she beat them up. She recalls what she said to Loid earlier: that they should all go together because it's a family trip. As the plane leaves, Yor jumps onto it and forces open the door at the bottom. Loid continues to pilot the plane into the Frejis sky, unaware that Yor is also on board.
Back at the WISE hideout, Sylvia thinks to herself that "the fate of the world depends on getting that microfilm…we're counting on you, Twilight."
Back at the battleship, Anya is trying hard to resist the urge to go to the bathroom. She moves her body back and forth to try and hold off the urge, which only makes Luca ask if she has to go. She says no and that she's just doing a dance she learned at school.
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Meanwhile, Fiona infiltrates the Frejis air traffic control so she can communicate with Loid on the plane. She tells him the location of Snidel's battleship. Loid compliments her on being able to get the information so quickly, causing her to say that she's ready to be his lifelong partner anytime and asks again if he'd let her have the wife role for Operation Strix…but the communication line had already been cut.
Back at the battleship, Anya is still doing her "dance" to resist the urge to poop, but she's practically at her limit (Luca and Domitri had also prepared a duck-shaped potty for her). She's sweating, tearing up, and her stomach is rumbling. When she feels her consciousness wavering, a bright light suddenly fills her eyes. She finds herself standing in a beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers and poop shaped clouds overhead. She hears a voice and looks up to see a divine-looking old man surrounded by light. He has a poop shaped crown and he's holding a staff with a poop shaped top. He tells her that he's the god of poop.
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He says, "You've fought well, warrior Anya. You've tried your best to protect world peace but...enough is enough." He puts his hand on her shoulder. She can feel his compassion flowing through his palms. "Relax your butt and rest, warrior Anya. Let's go to the peaceful garden of the toilet!" Anya tries to fly through the sky like the poop god, but ends up falling into the ocean. However, she's saved by waves of toilet paper that lift her towards a temple lined with statues of the poop god. A toilet is enshrined in front of the statues. The poop god gives a shout, and the toilet paper carrying Anya turns into a giant duck potty. The poop god waves his staff and the duck speeds out of the water, heading towards the bathroom above the alter. The lid of the toilet opens with another shout from the poop god and the duck moves faster. Finally the duck bursts into a ball of light and Anya falls, laughing, into the shining toilet.
Back in reality, Anya finds herself on a bed in a room on the battleship. After hearing her mutter to herself about "what's the god of poop?" Luca excitedly asks if she's ready to poop and puts the duck potty on the bed. As soon as Anya looks at the duck, she comes to her sense and says, "no, I'm good." While Anya stays with Domitri, Luca reports to Snidel that Anya still hasn't pooped yet. Snidel tells him to cut open her stomach. Luca is taken aback by this and tries to protest, but after Snidel presses him, he reluctantly agrees to do it.
Meanwhile, Domitri is trying an exorcism ritual to get Anya to poop – he makes her lay on the bed with a banana, corn, and a pineapple along with coffee beans between them, all the while singing a song about "yellow three." When Luca returns, he asks Domitri what he's doing. Domitri replies that according to his coffee fortune telling, "yellow three" is lucky. Luca then tells him Snidel's orders and asks if Domitri would do it. Since neither of them want to, they decide via rock-paper-scissors, and Domitri wins. Anya reads Luca's mind about how he's going to cut open her stomach while Domitri holds her down. She starts shaking and thinks of Papa and Mama.
Meanwhile, Loid flies the plane close to the battleship and contacts them on the radio. He says that his plane is in a state of emergency due to a fuel system failure and would like to request an emergency landing on the battleship. When one of the soldiers tells Snidel that an unknown aircraft is requesting permission to board, Snidel demands that they shoot it down. Loid steers the plane out of the way of the sudden hail of bullets while Yor, still hiding in the back, hangs on as the plane starts shaking violently.
Back on the battleship, Domitri holds Anya while she screams for Papa and Mama. Luca approaches with a knife.
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Back outside, Loid desperately steers the plane to avoid the gunfire from the battleship, including homing missiles. In the back compartment, Yor isn't able to see what's going on, so she thinks to herself that Loid's driving is…rough. Loid manages to dodge the missiles, but one of them explodes next to him, causing the fragments to fall on the plane and damage the left wing. He knows that crashing is inevitable, so he steers the plane towards the battleship. The impact of the plane crashing into the battleship shakes the room where Domitri, Luca, and Anya are in. They all lose their footing and fall, causing Domitri to let go of Anya. She then runs away and through the hallway while they give chase.
Loid jumps out of the cockpit with his bag of spy tools and onto the battleship as the plane crashes. He thinks to himself that he first needs to confirm where Anya is and heads through a narrow passageway. Meanwhile Yor makes her way out of the back part of the plane only to be greeted by a huge gust of wind. She's surprised to be on the outer part of a battleship. She peeks inside the cockpit to look for Loid, but he's not there. She remembers that Loid said Anya was with the military, so she must be on the battleship somewhere. The opening to the bottom of the battleship is too narrow, so she decides to go via the top, breaking into a fast sprint.
The soldiers find the plane wreckage and Snidel gives orders to search for survivors. When one of the soldiers tells him that there's a woman running along the outer part of the battleship, he thinks he's joking. But then he looks at the monitors and sees Yor for himself. He commands that they kill her, since she decided to come aboard using that plane, that makes her an enemy. The turrets at the top of the ship begin firing at Yor, but she swiftly dodges them. One of the soldiers readies a grenade, but she takes off her coat and throws it at him, causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards. When the soldier falls through the deck onto the catwalk, the grenade falls from his hand. Yor gets away just as the grenade explodes, causing the area around the hatch where the soldiers were firing to burst into flames. The soldier watching from the monitor shouts "Explosion on deck 3A!" When she encounters the soldiers, Yor politely says that she came to pick up her husband and daughter, but the soldiers were already unconscious from the explosion. She heads further into the ship. The fire continues to spread through the battleship. Snidel commands the soldiers to go put out the fire, and when asked what to do about the woman, he says to send out Type F.
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Meanwhile, Anya is still running away from Luca and Domitri (while still holding her butt). She manages to elude them by slipping into a room without them noticing. She listens by the door, and when she hears that they went off to look for her elsewhere, she breathes a sigh of relief. As she turns around, she notices a toilet in the back of the room. Tears start welling in her eyes…after a long and painful battle, she finally won.
Loid hides in a small room while soldiers are running through the corridors. He wonders to himself what the explosion was and if the plane crash could have possibly damaged the ship's hull. He peeks through a gap in the door and notices an officer who appears to be a captain based on the number of stars on his badge.
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After giving orders to the soldiers, the captain walks towards the door. Loid pulls him in, knocks him out, and gags him. He then steps out of the room, now disguised as the captain, wearing his clothes and donning a mask with his face.
The sound of sirens are blaring through the battleship. Yor notices the soldiers desperately trying to put out the fire and apologizes to them. She again says that she came to get her husband and daughter and asks if there's anyone who knows where they are. One of the soldiers looks up and shouts "It's that woman!" The soldiers begin firing at her, but she jumps out of the way, grabs a nearby fire extinguisher and throws it at them, knocking them down like bowling pins. She's confused as to why they're shooting at her, then thinks that they could be part of the bad guy group that attacked Anya on the train. She picks up two knives that the now unconscious soldiers dropped. She then thinks of Anya being in trouble, without anyone protecting her, and her face becomes clouded with anxiety as she tightly grips the knife in her hand.
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Meanwhile, Anya happily bursts out of the bathroom with a refreshed look on her face, toilet paper rolling down her feet…only to bump right into Luca and Domitri. Domitri stands proudly with toilet paper around his feet, boasting about his toilet paper fortune telling. Anya's face goes pale. Snidel is informed by one of the soldiers that the child has been secured, and he commands that they bring her to him.
As she continues looking for Loid and Anya, Yor arrives at the entrance to the air cell and pries open the heavy door. She's met with a blast of hot air. The fire has spread all over the spacious room. As she goes further in, she feels a murderous intent behind her. As soon as she starts to look over her shoulder, gatling guns begin firing at her. She jumps out of the way as bullets are showered on her. She goes further down in the air cell just as a gigantic figure appears, slowly moving towards her with heavy footsteps. She politely asks who he is, but Type F doesn't answer. He reaches towards her but Yor kicks him to the ground, only to have more bullets fired at her that she subsequently dodges. She pulls out the knife and pounces on him, managing to knock off his helmet. She asks him to stop attacking but instead he presses his forehead against the knife, making a very inhuman metallic sound, breaking the knife. The arms of his cloak, that had been engulfed in flames, burn off to reveal that he wasn't holding gatling guns, but his arms themselves are guns. The rest of his cloak burns off, revealing a body made entirely of weapons. After he calls Yor an "intruder," she readies the other knife, realizing she has no choice but to fight him.
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Meanwhile Loid, still disguised as the captain, gives orders to the soldiers to help them put out the fire. When one of the soldiers asks where the hostage is, Loid questions him and he explains that she's a child about five years old and that officer Domitri took her to the bridge.
At the bridge, Anya is tied and gagged in front of Snidel. Snidel is upset that they missed getting her poop, but Luca says that it could still be in the sewage tanks. Snidel says that it could also still be in her body, which makes Anya even more afraid. Snidel tells them to keep her in the room downstairs and he'll "take care of her" once all the chaos on the battleship is over, while also ominously adding that he brought an extra big knife to enjoy kebobs. He then orders them to go into the sewage tanks and find the microfilm or else he'll cut them like kebobs too.
After leaving Anya in the room, Luca and Domitri grumble about how they're in such a mess because of some greedy kid, and Luca groans that he's still sore from being bitten by the stupid dog. Suddenly Loid, still disguised as the captain, gets the jump on them and knocks them out. He wonders why Anya isn't here since this should be the only bridge on the ship. He enters the room where Snidel is and says that he's going to report on the status of the firefighting operations, but Snidel dismisses him, saying that he's busy now.
In the room below, Anya can read Loid's mind but she can't move or talk due to being tied up and gagged. She realizes that she's tied to a telephone pipe that leads to the room above, so she slams her head against the pipe to get Loid's attention. Just as Loid is deciding to back off so as not to make Snidel suspicious, he hears the banging in the pipe and notices a hatch right below it. He realizes that Anya must be under there, so he pulls off one of the buttons on his uniform and pretends he's going to pick it up when it rolls near the hatch. However, Snidel says "wait, captain" and asks him when he began to smell like...a city. Snidel then immediately shoots at Loid, who manages to dodge, but the bullet grazes the face mask that he's wearing. Snidel continues to fire at Loid, who hides behind a console in the room. Snidel asks if he's the traveler from Rubble and Bonds and says that he shouldn't underestimate the nose of a gourmet like himself. Realizing he's been found out, Loid tears off the captain's mask. Snidel and the other soldiers begin exchanging gunfire with Loid.
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Back in the air cell, Type F continues to shoot at Yor, his gatling gun arm having now turned into a grenade launcher. She narrowly dodges his attacks and grabs a fire extinguisher set (with an axe) from the wall. They end up crashing down through the floor, with Yor slamming the axe onto his chest as hard as she can. However, this only reveals a firearm magazine in his chest hatch. The magazine sends bullets into the gatling gun. He aims at Yor again but she jumps away in time. As they stare each other down in the flame filled room, she wonders what she can do against an enemy who can't be damaged by knives or axes.
Meanwhile, Loid continues to exchange gunfire with Snidel and his soldiers. Snidel opens an attaché case with a gas mask and grenade that he calls "Type G." Anya reads Snidel's mind about the grenade being a poison gas grenade that he's been developing and wants to test out. She starts panicking, trying desperately to break free from her binds so she can warn Loid about the poison gas. An image of Loid covered in wounds as he tries to save her flashes in her mind as she thinks "It's Anya's turn to save you!"
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Snidel pulls out the pin from the Type G and throws it over to the console where Loid is hiding…just as Anya breaks free. As the rope suddenly breaks, she falls and rolls across the floor, hitting her head against a console in the back of the room. A green light illuminates on the console. Suddenly, the windows in the bridge open and gas starts getting blown all over, much to the confusion of Snidel and the soldiers. Loid uses this opportunity to make a move.
As the gas eventually leaves the room through the open windows, Snidel's men are shocked at what they see through the dissipating gas – their leader Snidel wrestling with…another Snidel! One Snidel tells them to shoot the imposter while the other says that he's the real one. Loid (disguised as Snidel) thinks to himself that since Snidel is the only one with a good nose, he just has to fool the others. Snidel brandishes his knife and threatens to tear off Loid's "imposter skin" and turn it into pork scratching. But Loid gets the upper hand and manages to grab Snidel and cause him to lose his balance, saying that his "imposter" skin isn't so flimsy that it could be cut off by the likes of Snidel. He wraps his left arm around Snidel's neck and tightens his grip, causing Snidel to drop the knife in his hand.
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The soldiers are still confused about which is the real one as Snidel's body falls to the floor. Loid says "Do you think I'd lose to a fake," fooling the soldiers into thinking he's the real one. He tells them that they're to head to the Arbo Republic as soon as possible and that they're abandoning the ship. He commands them to use the land route instead. Carrying the body of the real Snidel, the soldiers leave with shouts of "all personnel abandon ship!" When he's finally alone, Loid takes off his Snidel disguise.
Meanwhile, Type F's right arm is overheating but he tells Yor it's no use waiting until he runs out of bullets. Even though his chest plate was torn off earlier, all Yor has left is a broken knife…until she feels around in her pocket and pulls out the lipstick that Loid had bought her. She lowers the knife and tells Type F "this is your last warning, please stand aside. I only came here to get my husband and daughter." But Type F just says that they should all perish together along with the future of the East and West. He then readies another round of bullets. Yor dodges and makes a wide circle around him, dragging the lipstick along the floor. She slashes at his chest with the knife, causing the knife to break. As he jeers that a knife won't work on him, he looks confused for the first time when he notices a line drawn around him with the lipstick, leading up to his chest. She says that she heard that lipstick is half oil. He tries to shoot at her again but it's too late…the flames along the railing run down the lines of lipstick, igniting the weapons embedded in his body, causing him to explode. After confirming that he's been destroyed, Yor continues on her way.
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Back on the bridge, Loid opens the hatch to the door where Anya is and jumps down. She's overjoyed to see him as he asks if she's okay. She clings to him and buries her face in his chest. Just then, something falls out of her pochette – the cherry liquor. She tells him it's what Papa was looking for and he realizes that's why she ran away from the hotel. Upon realizing this, he can't help but smile, and Anya smiles too when she reads the thoughts he won't say. Just then they hear a loud explosion. Loid holds onto Anya as the ship shakes from the explosion. "Anyway, we better get out of here" he says.
Meanwhile, Yor opens the hatch at the top of the air cell and makes her way to the outer part of the airship where she sees Loid and Anya. They're both surprised to see her. "Mama!" Anya says as she runs to Yor, who gently hugs her while asking if they're both alright.
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Loid asks the same of Yor while also asking why she's here. After hesitating a bit, she admits that she came on Loid's plane and that since it was an "outing," that they should have gone together. She then asks if the people on the airship are actually the military. Loid pauses since he can't tell her the real explanation, but then Anya speaks up about how she ate their important chocolate on the train and that's why they were after her. Loid thinks to himself about how they must have hid the microfilm in the chocolate, but he can't tell that to Yor. So he says that chocolate theft is rampant in cold regions because people believe it will keep them warm...they'd even steal from a military ship. Yor believes him and comments that there's a lot of scary people in the world. They both scold Anya for what she did: Loid asks what the heck she was doing eating that by accident (while in his mind he's glad that she's safe) and Yor says that she shouldn't do whatever she wants with something that belongs to someone else. Anya guiltily says "sorry" and they both can't help but smile at her. They hear more explosions and Loid says that they need to get off the ship. Anya points towards the window and they realize that the ship is heading right towards the city of Frejis. Loid begins operating the device on the console. Yor asks if he knows how to operate it and he says that he knows how from when he did it as part time work when he was a student. Yor is impressed, but Anya knows he's lying.
Down in Frejis, people notice the large, burning battleship descending towards the town and begin running all over in a panic. On the battleship bridge, the ceiling blows off, causing an extremely strong wind to blow. Loid realizes that the propulsion system and lifting platforms are dead, and wonders if it's even possible to make a safe landing or even change course. Behind him, Yor and Anya are holding onto each other while the latter shouts "You can do it, Papa!" Loid says not to worry since the rudder is still intact. However, when he grips it, he can hardly get it to move and the ship is still losing altitude. Debris from the broken ceiling rains down on his head, causing him to lose his balance. Just then, he feels something on his right hand…Yor's hand. And on his left hand, Anya's. "Please let me help, too" says Yor, "Anya too!" says Anya. Working together, the three of them are able to move the rudder little by little.
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The Frejis clock tower looms before them but they're able to steer the ship so that it narrowly avoids colliding and only grazes the side of the clock tower. The ship continues to lose altitude, heading towards the surface of a large frozen lake. Yor hugs Anya close to protect her as the ship shakes violent from the impact of the landing. The battered ship glides along the surface of the water at high speed, whipping up a cloud of steam. The frozen water crashes onto the ship, putting out the fire. On a hill not too far away from Frejis, Bond and Fiona stand near Fiona's car and watch with bated breath as the battleship crashes into the lake. "Senpai…" "Borf, borf, borf!"
Back at the ship, the Forges escape from the collapsed bridge and onto the roof. They look in wonder at the pretty scene before them of the glittering ice particles shining against the city lights like diamond dust. Suddenly, water that had collected on the deck roof pours onto them like a waterfall, leaving them soaked. They're perplexed for a moment before Anya bursts out laughing with a "waku waku splash!" Then Yor also laughs. As he watches the two of them laughing, Loid smiles softly.
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Suddenly Anya sneezes and Loid notices something in her mouth. Loid realizes it's the microfilm, smaller than a fingernail. He wonders if it had somehow gotten stuck in her teeth. When Yor asks what it is, he clutches the microfilm in his hand and replies with a smile, "it's a return ticket."
The next morning at Berlint, Yuri listens to the news at his desk at the SSS: "The flying battleship that landed in Lake Frejis last night appears to have been an accident during a training flight. The committee has announced that it has already begun interviewing the manufacturer and the military." He remembers that Frejis is where Yor said she was taking a trip to and he wonders if she's okay. His lieutenant then opens the door and requests some documents. Yuri asks why the SSS has to be the ones to clean up this incident, and the lieutenant replies that if the people found out that the military was behind it, that would be troublesome. After the lieutenant leaves, Yuri muses to himself how it seems that WISE intervened in the incident though there's no solid information. He wonders how they could have possibly done it, then thinks "it must have been him…Twilight."
At the WISE hideout, Sylvia reads the newspaper headline which states that there were no survivors of the battleship incident. She compliments Loid, saying that even though the SSS put out the fire so to speak, he managed to not leave a trace of the Forgers' involvement. Loid replies that yes, the Forgers were just enjoying a normal family vacation. He takes out a wine bottle from his bag. Sylvia peels off the label, revealing the microfilm. She then tells him that he's back in charge of Operation Strix, much to Loid's surprise. She hands him a photo of Depple at night with a strange woman and says that his affair was exposed and he was disowned by the father of his wife. Loid smiles slightly when he notices that the woman with Depple in the photo is a WISE agent – in other words, he had fallen into their trap.
Afterwards, Loid meets up with Yor, Anya, and Bond at the park by a fountain. Yor asks how his patient was and he replies that it wasn't a big deal considering they called him out of nowhere. Anya asks Loid why there's no fish in the water and he flatly replies because it's a fountain. She then calls to Yor, taking her hand and leading her to the fountain. As Loid watches them happily talk about something, and Bond following along and enjoying himself, Loid lets out a sigh, but his expression is surprisingly soft. He thinks that even though he's able to continue Operation Strix, he can't let his guard down and needs to keep focusing on acquiring stellas. Anya reads his mind and is overjoyed that the Forger family isn't finished. Loid says that they should go home now since Anya has to "train" to make the melemele for the cooking competition tomorrow. Even though they weren't able to eat a real melemele, they at least have the ingredients for one. Anya asks to hold Loid and Yor's hand as she happily chants that she's going to make a yummy pastry. When Yor says that she'll help too, Loid and Anya politely turn her down. They then head home together.
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At the Eden classroom, the students are preparing their cooking ingredients. Becky says that she's going to make an orange layer cake that she learned from training with her pastry chef. She asks Anya what she's going to make. When Anya replies "melemele," Damian overhears and comments that it's an old pastry. Anya tells him that if she makes something good, she wants him to have it too. Damian's face reddens as he shouts that he'd never eat anything she makes. With a shocked face, she asks if he really hates it that much. This makes Damian's face redden even more as he shouts that he'd vomit if he ate her food. He runs off with Ewen and Emile following. Becky comments that he's the worst while Anya thinks that the friendship scheme is a failure. Just then, Anya and Becky turn towards the direction of an explosion sound.
Later that day, Anya shows Loid and Yor a note from school saying that the school kitchen broke down so the competition was postponed and the judge was changed to the vice principal due to scheduling conflicts. Anya laments that since it's not the principal, the melemele won't work. Loid thinks for a moment and says that he remembers reading in the school newspaper that the vice principal is crazy about the berry pudding from the southern region. He asks if they should go, and both Yor and Anya agree. Loid opens a map and points out the southern region. He says it's warm there so they shouldn't need a lot of luggage. Anya is excited about going to the ocean and wonders what playing cards she should bring while Loid thinks it would be a good opportunity for her to learn how to swim. Upon hearing all the talking, Bond comes over from where he was sleeping and gives a happy "Borf!"
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Meanwhile at Frejis station, Franky trembles in the cold and shouts "Hey Loid, I bought the cherry liquor!!!"
Afterword: Congratulations if you've read this far! When I first started this project, I honestly didn't think I would write this much for a "summary" 😅 I thought it would just be a few paragraphs tops. But as I translated, I was like "oh, this is interesting, I should write it down!" And I just kept going with that and didn't want to stop! Some may wonder why I would want to spoil myself to this degree, but for me, reading about the movie (in a language I'm not fluent in) is still no replacement for actually seeing it for myself - the novelization doesn't convey every line of dialogue, character action/expression, voices, etc. But now that I know what to expect, I can get myself hyped for the scenes I'm looking forward to seeing while also not getting my hopes up for something I won't see. I don't care to do this for most things, but I'm the opposite when it comes to my hyperfixations like SxF! I'm also not going to give my thoughts on the movie until I see it for myself. But I will say that based on the novelization, even though I thought a few things could be better, overall I think it will be a ton of fun and can't wait to see everything in full animated glory!
Again, please remember to be cautious about where you share spoilers and to properly tag posts on social media. And if you end up sharing large portions of this summary elsewhere, a shoutout to my blog would be nice...I spent many hours working on this!
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hi!! May i have a request? (If it's already open) (^^')
Where Heartslabyul first time meets the ethereal and an albino reader who is a sweet and kind, but at the same time they are very shy person when interact with a new people.
(I'm sorry if this is kinda complicated request, I hope you have a great day! ♡)
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request! I actually had a lot of fun writing this one and the idea of albinism is something that always interested me, because let's face it, they all look so ethereal
Please enjoy!
Request: Heartslabyul with Albino!reader
TW: None
A/N #2: Headers were created by @blueberry-pride
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There is already a high chance that Riddle already knew what albinism was given the occupation of his parents as well as his own studies
But you are the first person he has ever met with albinism
It was just before one of the Unbirthday parties, last minute checks were taking place when he had met you and he quite literally paused in his steps
You were....... beautiful
Just putting it lightly (man low-key believed you were an angel at first because how else could you have such an ethereal glow?)
You had arrived at the dorm, parasol shielding you from the sun
Riddle was quick to notice your more shy demeanor to some of the other students who passed by you, and then how you would interact with others you had known
You were so.... kind
Rather a rarity here at Night Raven College
Once he finally snapped out of his stupor, the housewarden would begin to make his way towards you, hoping that it was a more warm smile that was on his face
The man was still learning
Perhaps you would like to join him for the Unbirthday party? It would be his honor
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It was during Vargas Camp when he had first encountered you and honestly, at first, he thought you to be a diurnal fae, given your ethereal appearance
But was pleasantly surprised when discovering that you were only human, one born with albinism
Warning bells in this man's head started straight away
Isn't the sun rather harmful for your skin and your eyes? Why in the world were you chosen for this event?
Trey had shuffled off his jacket in order to cover what skin he could from the sunlight so it wouldn't harm you. You got his beanie as well
Didn't have anything to help with your eyes, though, but he had a backup plan
The man carried you back to camp so you could shield them with the use of his jacket
Ever the gentleman
Once you were safe inside of the tent and away from the sun, he got to see your truly kind nature whenever he would bring something for you, whether it be food, some water, or news about the event
He also managed to get you exempt from several of the activities that required you to be in the sun for longer periods of time
Perhaps once you guys made it back to NRC, you would join him for some pastries in the Heartslabyul kitchen?
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The two of you quite literally ran into one another
You were walking back from Sam's mystery shop with a new array of goodies that you had been eyeing, and Cater was nose deep in magicam reels to really notice where he was going
It was the classic hands brushing against each other when he was trying to help you pick up your things that had spilled from the bag that you had dropped
Right away, he was intensely captivated by the sheer beauty that was you. He had seen those born with albinism before, mainly on magicam when he would see photo shoots, but you were the first he ever met in person
And right away, he had a feeling that this was almost a love at first sight
How could he not?
You were absolutely breathtaking, the way the sunset shone upon you, making you look nearly golden, your kind smile, the little apologies that left your lips as you fumbled to pick everything up
You were so kind, and it wasn't even your fault
Cater was instantly ensuring you that you were not the one at fault as he quickly gathered your dropped belongings, placing them back into the bag before he gave it back to you
He wasn't sure how long the two of you sat right there walking, but by the end of the night, you had both exchanged socials before going on your merry way
He was totes going to invite you to that new cafe that opened up this weekend
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Jerk (affectionate)
Okay, you guys met in the botanical gardens after getting paired up in alchemy class for the current assignment
You were one to always keep yourself covered up. Thick layers, beanies and hats, sunglasses, masks, you name it
You had one of the more severe cases of albinism, known as oculocutaneous albinism (OCA), therefore, you were far more susceptible to the rays of the sun, making you burn more easily and severely, it also harmed your eyes much more
Ace was unaware of this
Man hasn't exactly seen much of you, well, the you that was under all of those layers
Seriously, how are you not sweating to death? It's near a sauna in the botanical gardens right now
It was when you had tripped over one of the risen roots of a tree and fallen to the ground when he caught a glimpse of what was underneath
Seeing your glasses fall, and how you were quick to shield your eyes, but then seeing the paleness of your skin between your hoodie sleeve and the gloves you wore, the man was in a stupor
Managing to shake himself from it, he reached for your glasses, for once, no quick remark on his tongue, he could already seen the redness forming on your skin from the several minutes it was exposed
Once inside safely, you confided in him, letting him see you beneath all the layers you wore
....... are you an angel?
Yeah, he asked that. Can't blame him, though, you were so beautiful and if one looked for the definition of 'angel', it would be a picture of you
So.... wanna swing by club practice tomorrow? He could use a cheerleader
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He had just gotten done with club practices when he saw just how quickly you were moving, using your uniform jacket as a form of shade
Seeing that it was nice and sunny out, he was both confused and concerned
Precious boy
He was quick to grab the rest of his things and run over to you.... before nearly tripping on his own feet once he was close enough to see you
Asked if you were an angel #2
When you explained to him that you were just trying to get out of the sun as it is rather harmful to your skin, our precious man was quick to offer his own jacket as well to help shield you
You put yours back on to cover your arms, while Deuce held his up to keep you blocked from the sun until you both made it safely indoors
Once inside, formal introductions were underway, and while it was clear that he was nervous (you were literally the most beautiful and most kind person he had ever met in his life, he is telling his mom about you later), he was rather a fun person to converse with
It looks like he would now see you the following day in the library to study, maybe he can bring you a drink or a small treat? It would make him really happy if he could
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Thank you so much for this request! I absolutely loved it! Have a wonderful day/night!
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herstoryheaven · 1 month
Descendants James Hook x Reader: The Kiss That Set Us Free
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Request: Hiiii! Can I maybe request a James Hook X female reader where some princess gives James a love potion? Reader has to save the day with true loves kiss ofc (definitely not stealing the plot of descendants 2)
Reader: Female
Word count: 3168
Average reading time: 11 min 30 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Merlin Academy was a place where the children of royals and villains alike attended, a melting point of clashing destinies and unbreakable friendships. Among its students was Y/N, a poor girl who had earned her place through a scholarship. Though she had no fancy title, she carried herself with a quiet strength that intrigued many, including James Hook.
James Hook was known for his mysterious charm and flirtatious nature. He had taken a particular interest in Y/N, often observing her and finding excuses to be near her. Despite her initial confusion as to why someone like James would pay her any attention, Y/N couldn't deny the flutter in her heart whenever he was around.
Just like today, Y/N took place under a large oak tree, absorbed in her studies. She was so focused on her book that she didn't notice James approaching until his shadow fell over her pages.
"Fancy finding you here, lass." James said, a playful hint in his voice.
Y/N looked up, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of his familiar smirk. "James! You startled me."
"Apologies." he said, though the twinkle in his eye suggested he wasn't entirely sincere. "What are you studying so intensely?"
"Just some history." Y/N replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "We have a test coming up."
James leaned against the tree, his gaze never leaving her face. "Always so dedicated. It's one of the things I admire about you."
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up. "I just... want to do well. Prove that I belong here."
James tilted his head, his expression softening. "You more than belong here, lass. You're one of the brightest students at Merlin Academy. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise."
She looked down, fiddling with the edge of her book. "It's just... sometimes it feels like I don't fit in. Everyone here has a legacy, a name. I'm just... Y/N."
James crouched down beside her, his fingers gently lifting her chin so she would meet his gaze. "You're not 'just' anything, darling. You're remarkable. Titles and legacies are overrated, anyway."
Y/N's breath hitched at the intensity in his eyes. "You really think so?"
"I know so." James said firmly. "And if anyone gives you trouble, they'll have to answer to me."
She couldn't help but smile at his protectiveness. "You don't have to do that, James. I can take care of myself."
He chuckled, a deep, rich sound that sent shivers down her spine. "I have no doubt about that. But I like taking care of you."
Y/N's blush deepened, and she looked away, trying to compose herself. "Why are you so nice to me?"
James's expression grew serious. "Because you deserve it. And because, Y/n, you intrigue me. You're not afraid of me, or my reputation. You see me beyond the hook."
"I don't understand why you'd pay attention to someone like me." Y/N admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
James moved closer, his fingers brushing against hers. "Maybe it's because I see something in you that you don't see in yourself. Maybe it's because you're different from anyone else here. Or maybe, lass, it's because I can't help but be drawn to you."
Her heart raced as she met his gaze again, the sincerity in his eyes making her feel both vulnerable and cherished. "James, I..."
Before she could finish, he leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear. "Just know, darling, that you have my attention. Always."
Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine at his words, her heart fluttering wildly. She had never felt this way before, and it both excited and terrified her. But as she looked into James's eyes, she realized that maybe, just maybe, she didn't need to understand why he paid attention to her. Maybe it was enough to know that he did.
Over the next few weeks, James continued to find reasons to be near Y/N, their interactions filled with teasing banter and stolen glances. Despite her initial confusion and insecurities, Y/N found herself growing more comfortable around him, her feelings for him deepening with each passing day.
As Y/N was in the library, her nose buried in yet another book, this time about magical creatures. James sauntered in, his eyes immediately finding her at a corner table. With a mischievous grin, he approached her quietly, leaning over her shoulder.
"Finding anything interesting, lass?" he whispered, his breath warm against her ear.
Y/N jumped, her heart racing. "James! You promised to stop scaring me."
He chuckled, pulling out a chair and sitting beside her. "Stop scaring you, but darling that’s my specialty. And I simply can't resist seeing that cute little jump of yours."
She rolled her eyes, trying to hide her blush. "What do you want, James?"
"Just checking on my favorite student." he said, resting his chin on his hand as he gazed at her. "What are you reading?"
"It's about magical creatures." she replied, closing the book slightly to show him the cover. "I have an assignment on them."
He leaned in closer, his face inches from hers. "Fascinating. Which one's your favorite so far?"
She glanced at him, her pulse quickening at their proximity. "I like the phoenix. It's a symbol of rebirth and resilience."
"Like you." he said softly, his eyes locking onto hers.
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up. "Me?"
James nodded. "You're strong, Y/n. Stronger than you realize. And you're constantly rising above everything thrown your way."
She looked down, biting her lip to hide her smile. "Thank you, James. That means a lot coming from you."
He reached out, gently lifting her chin so she would meet his gaze again. "I mean every word."
Another day, Y/N was walking to class when she felt a hand slip into hers. She turned to see James, his usual smirk playing on his lips.
"Thought I'd escort you to class." he said casually.
"You don't have to do that." she replied, though she didn't pull her hand away.
"I want to." he insisted, giving her hand a light squeeze. "Besides, I enjoy your company."
As they walked, James began to whistle a familiar tune. Y/N laughed softly. "Is that 'A Pirate's Life for Me'?"
He grinned. "A classic, don't you think?"
She shook her head, amused. "Only you, James."
"Well, I am a pirate's son, after all," he said with a wink. "It runs in the blood."
They reached her classroom, and he reluctantly let go of her hand. "I'll see you later, darling."
"See you, James." she replied, her heart fluttering as she watched him walk away.
One evening, Y/N was sitting by the enchanted lake, enjoying the peace and quiet when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see James approaching, carrying a small picnic basket.
"Mind some company?" he asked, settling down beside her without waiting for an answer.
"What's in the basket?" she inquired, curious.
"Thought we'd have a little picnic." he said, opening it to reveal an assortment of fruits, cheese, and pastries. "I figured you'd like it."
Her heart warmed at the thoughtfulness. "This is really sweet, James."
He shrugged, though she could see the pleased look in his eyes. "I aim to please."
They sat together, sharing the food and talking about their classes and dreams. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the lake, James turned to her, a serious look in his eyes.
"You know, lass, I enjoy these moments with you more than anything else at this academy."
Y/N felt her breath hitch. "Really?"
"Really." he said, his voice soft. "There's something about you, Y/N. You make everything... better."
She blushed, looking down at their entwined fingers. "You do the same for me, James."
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing her ear. "Good to know, darling. Because I'm not planning on letting you go anytime soon."
Her heart soared at his words, the fluttering in her chest intensifying. Though she still didn't understand why James Hook would be interested in a poor scholarship student like her, she couldn't deny the happiness it brought her. For the first time in a long time, Y/N felt like she belonged. And as long as James was by her side, she knew she could face anything that came her way.
Sadly, that wonderful feeling for Y/N didn’t last very long as her suspicions were confirmed that James was, in fact, not interested in her at all. As today, the atmosphere at Merlin Academy was disrupted when princess Aurora approached Bridget for one of her famous pink flamingo cupcakes. Bridget, ever the sweetheart, happily obliged, unaware of Aurora's true intentions. Aurora had a love potion, and she discreetly applied it to the cupcake before offering it to James.
James was lounging near the fountain, chatting with some of his fellow students when Aurora walked over, a charming smile on her lips. "James, my love." she cooed, holding out the cupcake. "I thought you might like a treat."
James raised an eyebrow, intrigued but cautious. "What's the occasion, Aurora?"
"No occasion." Aurora replied, batting her eyelashes. "Just thought you'd enjoy it."
He hesitated for a moment before taking the cupcake, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Well, I never say no to sweets." he said with a grin, taking a bite. As he chewed, a strange, dazed look came over his face.
Y/N, who had been sitting nearby, noticed the interaction and felt a feeling of unease wash over her. She watched as James's usual playful banter with her ceased abruptly. He turned to Aurora, his eyes filled with an intense, almost unnatural adoration.
"Aurora." he murmured, his voice filled with awe. "You look... stunning today."
Aurora giggled, pleased with the immediate effect of the potion. "Thank you, James. You're so sweet."
Y/N's heart sank as she witnessed James showering Aurora with compliments and attention. It was as if she no longer existed in his world. The playful glances, the teasing comments, the stolen moments, they all vanished in an instant.
James walked over to where Y/N sat, but instead of his usual greeting, he barely acknowledged her. "Hey, Y/N." he said curtly, his eyes never leaving Aurora.
"Hi, James." Y/N replied softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "Are you okay?"
"Never better." he said, smiling dreamily at Aurora. "I just realized how incredible Aurora is."
Y/N's heart broke at his words. She tried to keep her composure, but the pain was evident in her eyes. "I see."
Aurora, noticing Y/N's discomfort, smirked triumphantly. "James, why don't we go for a walk? I'd love to spend more time with you."
"Of course." he said eagerly, offering his arm. "Anything for you, princess."
As they walked away together, Y/N felt a tear slip down her cheek. Bridget and Ella, who had been watching from a distance, quickly came over to comfort her.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Ella asked, concern etched on her face.
"No, I'm not." Y/N admitted, wiping away her tears. "I thought... I thought James liked me. But I guess I was wrong."
Bridget hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. We didn't know Aurora would do something like this."
"It's not your fault." Y/N said, her voice trembling. "I just have to accept that someone like James could never be interested in someone like me."
Ella shook her head fiercely. "That's not true, Y/N. You're amazing, and if James can't see that, then he's the one who's missing out."
"Yeah." Bridget agreed. "We'll figure this out. Maybe there's something more to this."
Y/N nodded, though her heart still ached. She couldn't deny the happiness James had brought her, but now, seeing him with Aurora, she felt like an outsider once more. Just like back then Y/n questioned her place at Merlin Academy. 
Noticing Y/N's sudden withdrawal, Bridget and Ella grew increasingly concerned. They watched as she became quieter than ever, only showing up when absolutely necessary for classes. Her usual warmth and laughter were replaced with a haunting silence.
As Bridget and Ella found her sitting alone by the edge of the forest, staring blankly at the ground.
"Y/N, we need to talk." Bridget said softly, sitting down beside her.
Ella nodded, sitting on her other side. "You've been so distant lately. We're worried about you."
Y/N sighed, trying to hold back tears. "It's just... James. Seeing him with Aurora, it hurts more than I thought it would."
Bridget placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We know, Y/N. But there's something strange about all this. James wasn't acting like himself."
Ella leaned in, her eyes filled with determination. "We think Aurora did something to him. We have to find out what."
Meanwhile, Uliana, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent were observing James's strange behavior. They gathered in a secluded corner of the academy grounds to discuss their suspicions.
"Something's definitely off with James." Uliana said, her eyes narrowing. "He's not acting like himself at all."
Hades crossed his arms, his expression serious. "Aurora must have used a spell on him. It's the only explanation."
Morgie nodded in agreement. "We need to do something about this. James may be a flirt, but he wouldn't abandon us like this."
Maleficent, her eyes glinting with a hint of malice, spoke up. "There's one way to break a love spell. True love's kiss."
Uliana smirked, her gaze turning towards Y/N. "And I think we know just the person who can help."
The group of villains approached Y/N, Bridget, and Ella, their presence causing a tense silence to fall over the group.
"Y/N." Uliana began, her tone surprisingly gentle. "We believe James has been spelled by Aurora. We need your help to break it."
Y/N looked up, confusion and hope mingling in her eyes. "Me? How can I help?"
"True love's kiss." Morgie explained, a sly smile on his lips. "It’s the only way to break the spell."
Y/N's heart raced. "But... why me? Why would James love me?"
Maleficent stepped forward, her gaze piercing. "You’re underestimating yourself. James has always had a soft spot for you. If anyone can break this spell, it's you."
Y/N swallowed hard, her mind racing with doubt and fear. "But what if it doesn't work? What if he doesn't really love me?"
Hades sighed, his fiery hair flickering with frustration. "We won't know until you try. Do you want to save him or not?"
Bridget and Ella squeezed Y/N’s hands reassuringly. "You can do this, Y/N. We believe in you."
Taking a deep breath, Y/N nodded. "Alright. I’ll try it."
As the night fell, Y/N approached James, with slight fear, her heart pounding in her chest. The intensity of his gaze, now directed only at Aurora, was disheartening. She braced herself, reaching up to cup his face, and pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss.
To her shock, the spell broke instantly. James blinked, his eyes clearing as the enchantment faded. Bridget and Ella squealed in delight, while Uliana, Maleficent, Morgie, and Hades smirked knowingly.
James, now fully back to his senses, wasted no time. He pulled Y/N firmly against him, his strong arms wrapping around her waist. He kissed her again, deeper and more passionately, as if to make up for lost time. When he pulled back, his eyes held nothing but sincerity.
"Be mine, darling." he whispered, his voice raw with emotion.
Y/N's heart raced, her cheeks flushing at his intense gaze. "James... I..."
Before she could finish, Aurora's furious voice cut through the moment. "How could you choose her, a peasant, over me, a princess?" she spat, her eyes blazing with anger.
James didn't falter. Instead, he pulled Y/N even closer, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "Stay still, love."
He then stood behind her, his arms securely around her waist, and pressed a kiss to her neck. Y/N shivered at the sensation, her body leaning back against him. James kept his eyes locked on Aurora, a challenging smirk playing on his lips.
"Tell me Aurora, why would I want a princess who spells me." he said, his voice low and dangerous, "when I have my own princess who would let the world burn for me?"
Aurora's face twisted with rage. "You fool! You don't know what you're throwing away!"
Before James could respond, Maleficent stepped forward, her aura radiating power and intimidation. "Watch your tongue, Aurora. Or I’ll put you to sleep for eternity." she threatened, her voice cold.
James's smirk widened as he felt Y/N relax slightly in his arms. "Aurora." he continued, his tone mocking, "A princess who uses spells to get what she wants is no match for a girl with a heart as pure and strong as Y/n's."
Aurora's eyes darted around, looking for support, but found none. The others stood firm, their expressions resolute. Even Hades, with his usual nonchalance, had a hint of protective fire in his eyes as he watched the scene unfold.
James turned his attention back to Y/N, his expression softening. "Lass, you're my princess, with or without a crown."
Y/N's heart swelled at his words, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes. She looked up at him, her voice barely above a whisper. "James, I... I don't have a title or riches. I'm just me."
James cupped her face in his hands, his eyes filled with adoration. "You don't need titles or riches to be special, Y/N. You're everything I want. And if it's a name you're worried about, how about becoming Y/N Hook? Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? My pirate princess."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening. "You mean that?"
"Every word." James replied, his voice unwavering. "I love you, Y/N. I want you by my side, always."
As they stood together, surrounded by their friends, Y/N realized that love and loyalty mattered far more than any crown ever could. She leaned into James, feeling safe and cherished in his arms.
Aurora, seeing that she had lost, turned on her heel and stormed away, her face a mask of fury. Maleficent watched her go, a satisfied smirk on her lips. "Well, I suppose the sleeping curse can wait. Pity I didn’t get to use it now." she muttered.
Bridget and Ella rushed forward, enveloping Y/N and James in a big hug. "We knew it!" Bridget exclaimed. "We knew you two were meant to be together!"
Uliana, Morgie, Maleficent and Hades exchanged smirks, their eyes gleaming with approval. "About time." Uliana said, her voice filled with satisfaction.
James pressed another kiss to Y/N's neck, his breath warm against her skin. "I love you, darling." he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering devotion.
Y/N turned in his arms, her eyes meeting his. "I love you too, James."
As they kissed again, a cheer went up from their friends, and for the first time, Y/N felt like she truly belonged. With James by her side she knew that this will be her once upon a time.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: Anonymous
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In The Library
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader
Summary - Request for “Could you please write a NSFW scenario where Ominis and the female MC are working on homework in the library at night time. They start chatting, first about normal, everyday stuff but then the conversation turns playfully risqué, the topic comes up and MC admits that she's never been intimate with anyone before, Ominis is a little surprised because he thinks her and Sebastian have probably gotten together but MC admits that she has a crush on Ominis and then things kinda go however you want from there. Maybe they end up messing around in the library, out of sight? I love your writing ♥️"
Word Count - 1,540
Warnings - 18+ smut, somewhat exhibitionist
A/N - I feel like this definitely appeals to the folks who really like dialogue and dirty talk
You and Ominis were sat next to each other in the library. You had been lucky enough to find a spot with peace and quiet and best of all, Sebastian hadn't come to intrude you. You really enjoyed spending alone time with Ominis and felt like it didn't happen often enough.
You were about finished with the questions you had to answer for the assignment you were working on and you kept stealing glances at Ominis. He had such a particular beauty about him. His alabaster skin and clouded over blue eyes were such a striking contrast. His blonde hair always sat perfectly atop his head and you had such a strong urge to run your fingers through it to mess it up.
You loved watching his fingers glide across the braille pages in front of him it was almost as mesmerizing as listening to him read out loud to you. You caught yourself leaning towards him when your chair tipped over and you bumped right into his shoulder.
"Sorry," you muttered as you pulled yourself back up.
"Are you tired, Y/N?" Ominis marked his page before closing up his book, "We can be finished for the night if you'd like."
"No! I — I mean, no. I just finished with what I was working on for now so I was lost in my thoughts for a minute. I didn't mean to intrude in your personal space and distract you."
He smiled softly, turning to face you, "I don't mind. It might be good to take a break for a few minutes."
He leaned back, stretching out his arms and fingers over his head and you just fell back into admiring him. His smiled turned into a smirk and he rolled his eyes in your direction.
"I can tell you're staring at me."
Your cheeks turned red and you shuffled your books around to seem busy, avoiding his statement.
"It seems Sebastian hasn't landed you in detention in a few weeks."
You appreciated his change in topic and shrugged, leaning forward with your elbows on the table, "Well, he's been spending a lot of time with that student who showed up in 5th year. I'm not really sure what that's all about."
Ominis read your tone as one of jealousy, "Is that such a problem?" He sounded slightly annoyed, assuming you'd much rather have been studying with the other boy instead.
"I think it's pretty relaxing not having him around all the time," you confessed, struggling to read his expression, "I think it's been too long since you and I have spent time together without being his babysitter."
"I do agree, but I'll admit I thought you were closer with Sebastian than that."
"What are you talking about?" You angled your chair towards him, curious.
"I just thought that, well, you were..." his words trailed off and he gestured with his hand, trying to get you to understand the end of his sentence.
"Oh, gross! I would never with him. What is wrong with you Ominis? He's just an annoying brother to me."
This had his interest piqued; to hear that you lacked an intimate interest in Sebastian, but here you were with him.
He laughed lightly, "You can't blame me for thinking that. I'm not the only one. If not him then who else? Is there a mystery man in your life?" He teased you.
You felt a little taken aback that Ominis was asking you that. It also caused you to feel somewhat bashful.
"Well, no, why does there have to be anyone? What about you? I don't see ladies crawling all over you."
He wet his lips, giving you his full attention as he reached out to place a hand on your bicep.
"I might tell you, but we are talking about you right now. We spent the better part of 7 years here and there's no one that's caught your interest? That you've even experimented with."
You nearly choked on your own saliva when he asked you that. You hissed his name from your lips, quieting your voice to continue the conversation.
"Are you serious? You're asking me that here? No, I've never done anything like that, I'm way too busy with my studies."
"Never? What does that extend to? Surely you've kissed someone."
"Of course I have. Here and there, but nothing that was memorable, nobody I even care to remember."
"Have you had any clothes off with anyone around?" His voice was low and you convinced yourself that it was just to be quiet and avoid getting in any trouble.
You squeezed your thighs together to hide the heat you were feeling, but unfortunately his hand was firmly above our kneecap.
"O-Ominis, why are you asking me these questions?"
He traced over your leg with his fingers, completely fixated on you.
"I'm just curious."
You scooted your chair closer to him out of fear that you would be caught having this conversation any moment. Even if it was just Sebastian it would be mortifying.
"No, I haven't okay. I just wanted to wait for the right person."
"If that's true why are you telling me all of this?"
You turned your face away from him, speaking so he could barely hear it.
"I wanted you to be the person. I always have."
When you said that every ounce of restraint that Ominis had flew out the window. He sat up straight and took his hand back to adjust himself in his chair. He then searched for your chin, turning you back towards him.
"Then take off your undergarments."
You were floored, not having expected those to be the next words from his mouth. He felt your jaw go slack and leaned into your neck.
"If you keep your mouth open like that then we're going to have to go somewhere else." You shivered hearing the lust in his voice.
You looked around and there wasn't a soul near you. You could hear faint chatter from the first floor, but you were fairly isolated in a corner all the way up on the second floor.
You moved your hands underneath the table, jumping when he places a hand back on your thigh. His touch feels like fire now. You sit up enough to slip your underwear past your bottom and over your thighs where Ominis catches it with a finger. He slides them past your knees and lets them hit the ground with no remorse.
"You're a good girl," he remarks.
You lean against his shoulder as his hand slides past your thigh, catching some of the wetness that had leaked from your underwear.
"Ominis w-what are you doing?"
"Well, I'm not seeing anything, but I'm okay with skipping over that part for now to feel some things instead. And to make you feel some things that I think you need."
You bit into your lip hard, turning your face against his arm and clutching at his cloak as you felt a finger prodding your slick. He dragged his finger through your folds, nudging your sensitive clit and you whined against him.
"And you want to do this here?"
He swirled his finger around your entrance, slowly making his way inside.
"Merlin, you're tight," his voice was breathy as he continued going in and out of you, "There are a lot of things I'd like to try elsewhere, but I think you enjoy the risk of being in here."
He added a finger inside of you, stretching your walls and making you squirm in your seat. You squeezed your eyes closed when he added his thumb to your bundle of nerves, continuing to pump in and out of you at a steady pace.
"Ominis," his name feel from your lips are you were begging him, but you weren't sure what for. You knew you should want him to stop and not do this here, but you hadn't ever felt so good. It was nothing like any time you had ever touched yourself.
"Say my name just like that when you cum, okay?"
You were practically falling over into his lap as you started to see stars. He held you up and kissed the top of your head as he rubbed quicker circles.
"Cum for me, darling, I wanna feel your pussy pulse around me." You clamped a hand over your own mouth as you bucked your hips against his palm eagerly. You muttered his name and though it was muffled you knew he must have heard it.
As you rode out your orgasm you rested yourself in his lap, feeling exhausted, but happy. He used his free hand to nudge you upright into your seat. He would have loved to see the look of bliss on your face, but he had to settle for your gasp when he removed his fingers from you and put them in his mouth, sucking them clean with a soft pop.
"You taste wonderful, Y/N. I think I'll be hungry for seconds very soon."
You sighed and rested your head against your hands to catch your breath. Truly, your brain was just catching up to everything that just transpired.
"Ominis, you are going to be the death of me.
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loudclan-clangen · 6 months
Hey there!
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Checking out Loudclan? That's great! Thanks so much!
Loudclan was originally planned to be drawn as I played the game like most other clangen blogs... Then I got frustrated about how slow it was moving and played ahead. Just a little bit, nothing to worry about, only about 1000 moons. So this blog should be running for A WHILE. I also take pretty big liberties with the designs and events. I think it's more interesting that way! Also it's been several real life months since I started playing and some things I just... forgot. Or lost. Either way, it's fun to stretch my creative skills.
As for the mechanics of the blog:
General Content Warnings Include:
Death, Animal Death, (Cat Death specifically), Death in Childbirth, Violence, Murder, Illness, Gore, Grooming, Abuse, Bad Parenting, Cheating, Affairs, Drama, Cursing, Language, Dirty Jokes, ECT. (if i missed something please let me know)
Updates are not going to be on a consistent schedule... ever. I'm a college student. I just don't have the time or energy.
The style is going to vary wildly. It's been years since I've consistently drawn cats and I wasn't ever really happy with the way I did it back then anyway. Come along for the ride with me! I'm just as surprised by what my hands create as you guys!
Loudclan is set in a fictional location that is based on South Central Alaska. A group of rogues fled up the mountains to get away from the deep snows of the valleys at the beginning of a particularly harsh winter. The clan follows three "Leaders" in the form of the Leader, the Lead Healer, and the Lead Mediator. These leaders will each pass their position on to their oldest heir, the closest related member of their direct family. Issues regarding what happens when two cats have similar claims have yet to be sorted out by the clan, and may never be fully decided... *insert mysterious foreshadowing sounds*
If you are interested in more of a deep dive into the lore check out this post: Lore, or anything tagged #loudclanlore .
Want to see a list of all of the Loudclan cats? Go here: Allegiances.
Asks are welcome! I will do my best to answer them quickly and efficiently! I am happy to talk about characters, art, process, gameplay, pretty much anything. (I probably won't be showing sprites though, just because I've played ahead so far and a not insignificant amount of them are just... gone. Lost to the ether. Sacrificed so that my laptop could keep running the game.) All asks are tagged #loudclanasks .
Also fanart/writing/edits are more than welcome! You guys are so cool and talented and I am honored that you would want to make something based on my dumb little pixel cats. Referencing or imitating my style/designs/layout is absolutely allowed, just make sure to mention me so I don't miss them! All fan contributions are tagged #loudclanfan .
I will never complain about anyone "blowing up my notifications" or spam liking. I think it's so neat to see people go through the blog liking as they go. Don't worry about it. I enjoy seeing you enjoy my work!
A little bit about me, you can call me "D"! I use any pronouns, I'm pretty ambivalent about them but the majority of people use she/her for me and I'm fine with that. I'm 20, I live most of the time in Alaska and part time on a ranch in Texas and I'm working on my BA in Elementary Education. I started reading Warriors in 2nd Grade and stopped in 6th Grade but the brain worms never die. If you know me in real life no you don't: It took me all of high school to kill the furry allegations I'm not going through that again. Oh, and my main blog is @restinginpiecesofpizza but warning, there's spoilers for Owlstar's family tree for like 8 generations posted on there.
If you think Loudclan's cool and want to help me out consider checking out my RedBubble!
Anyway, thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you enjoy!
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law in pink | s.r
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♡ previous part | next part ♡
summary: Finally the mystery of Mr. "W" has been solved, but his appearance will cause quite a few problems.
warnings: this chapter contains strong themes such as harassment, strong vocabulary, physical violence, among other topics !!!
this story is spencer reid (season 7) x ssa elle woods!reader
words: 1,606 words.
! a/n at the end of the chapter, pls read it; I think this is not one of the best chapters I've ever written, so I apologize in advance :(
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The stares around you were attentive to your words, even though Hotch and Rossi weren't the gossipy type, they wanted to hear the reason why that jerk was so interested in spending time alone with you.
"Warner and I have known each other since I was a student at UCLA, but he broke up with me when he decided he didn't want a 'Marilyn' by his side, but a 'Jackie'. To prove that I could be a 'Jackie' too, I decided to study to get into Harvard Law, but eventually I realized that I didn't need a 'Kennedy' to decide if I wanted to be a 'Marilyn' or a 'Jackie', if I wanted to I could be both at the same time." You took a long sip from your cup of coffee, which was already iced, before watching the faces of the people listening intently to your story. "Things didn't end very well between the two of us, even more so after a certain event in our college life that made him want to try it with me and I turned him down."
You bit your lip in embarrassment, but not for being overwhelmed by the fact of what had happened, but for hiding that part of your story from your friends.
"I know you have to be as honest as possible in this kind of work, but I didn't think I'd run into Warner one more time in life. To me, he's a chapter in the past and that, if I could, I would eliminate him." You admitted with a laugh, bringing both hands to your waist. "I'm sorry, guys."
"It's okay, darling. It's understandable why you didn't talk about him, he's a total jerk from head to toe, even his cologne shows it." Emily was the first to comfort you, something that made you let out a soft sigh and give her a small smile.
"As long as that doesn't interfere with your performance and behavior, you wouldn't have to explain, Woods." Hotch commented, who was nodding and giving one of those smiles that you understood was a soft sigh to your heart.
"Thanks Hotch." You replied back, as you heard him let out a 'get back to work'.
You stared at the coffee cup, sensing Spencer's presence in front of you. Your gaze was fixed on this one, who was folding his arms as he watched the toe of his sneakers.
"Doesn't it bother you that he's around?"
"Doesn't it bother you that he's this... him around you? You know, involved in the case." You sighed, resting both hands on your hips as you watched him. "Because if I were in your position it would bother me, much more so with his attitude and wordplay concerning J.F. Kennedy and his possible affair with Marilyn Monroe-"
"Spencie, it doesn't bother me at all. Warner is part of my past and without him, I might still be in California, working at something I might not like and living in that bubble that held me back for too long..." Your feet carried you to stand in front of Spencer, managing to take his hand in your hands and you smiled. "Besides, I wouldn't have met the best jet travel companion."
The blush on the tall man's cheeks made you smile, leaving a kiss on his cheek and a squeeze on his hand.
"Even if you don't believe it, I'm stronger than I look." You commented as you tried to strike a pose that could show off the muscles in your arms, but ended up laughing as you saw him fall into a fit of laughter at your attempt. "I'll be fine, Spencie. Don't worry."
The latter let out a sigh and nodded softly, allowing himself to stop worrying about the man who looked like he would cause more trouble than he thought.
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The rest of the week had passed quite calmly, the case had given quite good resolutions and they had managed to find the culprit after a couple of evidences.
Your hands found themselves putting the papers away inside a folder with the name of the case on it, placing them inside the box of evidence and documents left on the station table.
"A lot of work, Y/N?"
Your whole body tensed at the sound of that voice, causing you to turn to watch Warner enter the office.
"Sort of, but that's normal for this kind of work, after all." Your response was terse, turning your attention back to those papers.
It was clear in the atmosphere that you didn't want to share with Warner, and that what you wanted in that instant was for someone to arrive and interrupt your meeting alone with him.
You had both ended in a rather humiliating way, especially for him, even more so when you came out of college with contacts and he with no girlfriend or contacts, even with a matriculation with honors.
"You should thank me" Your head turned to look at him, feeling his words give off that self-centeredness that had blinded you when you were dating him and that, now, only made you want to vomit "without me, you wouldn't have made the decision to study at Harvard and get this life of luxury you have right now."
"With you or without you, I would have succeeded whatever I did because I did it with my effort, not yours." You paused before turning around. "But yes, I do appreciate you acting like a rube and opening my eyes to what I wanted to be in the future. Thank you, Warner." Your tone of voice was pure sarcasm, but the man didn't even know a lie from the truth.
Your hands were quick so you could put things away as quickly as possible, but your body was set in stone when you felt his hands run along your waist.
"Don't play hard to get, I know you miss me as much as I miss you. You try to dissemble in front of your colleagues, but I know you still love me, c'mon boo bear."
Disgust was in the pit of your throat and your body was not reacting to those actions, why couldn't you move?
" L-let me go, Warner."
Suddenly, your mind reacted, beginning to send stimuli throughout your body in the form of an alert.
"Don't be mean, Y/N... Admit it, you miss me."
"Let me go now."
 "I know you like it and I know you don't mean it."
"Stop it!"
Your palm began to burn as the sound of the resounding slap you gave your opponent reached your ears, causing you to quickly pull away from him. Your chest rose and fell, feeling the desperation to escape right then and there as fast as possible.
"On your fucking life ever touch me again, on your fucking life." Your hands went to your body, beginning to bring warmth to yourself in order to soothe yourself.
"You're stupid, look how you left my face. You're going to pay for it."
But before you could do anything, Warner's body fell against the table. Your gaze lifted, settling on Spencer who was holding the man's wrist and keeping him pinned completely immobilized.
"Even you won't be able to get out of this one, 'lawyer'. You dare touch her again and I swear I'll kill you and get rid of you without even realizing you're missing." Spencer's steady gaze made her connect with yours, feeling her relax at the calmer sight of you. "Are you okay?"
Your head nodded, watching as Warner couldn't get rid of Spencer even if he gave all his efforts. Your body relaxed, feeling at peace as you realized that, with Spencer by your side, no one could hurt you.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
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The trip back home took longer than usual, the recent events had left you spinning some thoughts that were not going to leave you alone.
Everyone was worried, but they didn't want to relive the events for clear reasons. But you also didn't want everyone to see you as if you were made of porcelain, what had happened had left you with more lessons than fears.
Your attention turned to the cup of tea in front of you, taking in the smell of book and coffee wafting from your seatmate.
"Green tea with a teaspoon of sugar, just the way you like it."
A faint smile tugged at your lips, caused by the man's arrival.
"Thank you, Spencie. This was just what I needed right now." You admitted, taking it in your hands and taking a soft sip, letting out a long sigh after swallowing it. "It's been quite a long day today."
Silence flooded you both, causing you to bite your lower lip in order to turn in the direction of your opponent.
"Y/N, about what happened..."
"It's okay Spencer, we don't need to talk about it. Besides, I don't think it's the right place." You sighed.
You both stood in silence, respectively staring into your cups with that splinter in your heart. The situation had been enough for both of you.
"Thank you Spencie." The silence you decided to break, turning in his direction. "I appreciate you being there."
"War-" he paused "He won't bother you again, rest assured, I'll take care of it personally."
You nodded softly before turning your attention to your mug, keeping the silence between the two of you.
Your hand wrapped around Spencer's arm, resting your head on his shoulder.
This time the silence wasn't awkward.
It was a comfortable one that indicated they would be okay.
Yeah, they'll be alright.
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♡ previous part ♡
a/n: hello everyone, I am finally making my presence known I'm really sorry for leaving you all so soon, but if you don't know, I'm in my last year of college and it's become a total chaos, and between my assigments and social life, my inspiration had to give up and it's become a bit difficult to bring you a chapter of both "Law in Pink" and "Boy Wonder and the Rockstar", even bringing you au's. I promise you that I had this chapter almost ready but I wasn't quite convinced, so I didn't want to leave you with a chapter that I really felt wasn't the essence that I give off in each chapter. I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter of "Law in pink", thanks to all who have left their comments and interactions, I appreciate them infinitely. see you soon!
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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sebscore · 2 years
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pairings: sebastian vettel x driver!reader / fernando alonso x driver!reader / lewis hamilton x sebastian vettel
warnings: none.
author's note: when I think of a gen z driver on the grid, I think of her teaching the older ones what certain words mean. I had a lot of fun writing this one and I'm happy with the positive reactions to the female driver headcanons post! I might turn this into a series, but I seriously need a name for it, so suggestions are always welcome.
• • • • • • •
"Hey," Sebastian tapped her shoulder and she pulled her airpods from her ears, "what are you listening to?" He had been curious to what the young lady had been listening to every time she pulled her airpods out. 
"Lady Gaga!" She told him, excited that the German driver was interested in what music she listened to. She showed him her phone and it showed she was listening to "Love Game". 
Sebastian nodded, he knew the artist but her songs were a complete mystery to him. "Is it a good song?" 
"It's a bop, Seb." 
The curious grin on Sebastian's face was replaced by a confused expression. He had never encountered that phrase before. 
He offered her an awkward laugh. "Oh, that's good, Y/N." 
The young woman noticed the visible confusion on his face, and her suspicions were confirmed by his hesitant answer. 
"You don't know what that means, do you?" 
Sebastian became flustered as soon as the question left her mouth, a bit embarrassed that he was caught. 
"Oh my god, Sebastian!" She exclaimed, shocked that he didn't know what the word meant. "This is unacceptable!" 
"Y/N, I don't know that kind of language, I was born in the 80's." He defended himself, blaming his age for not knowing popular slang. 
"When you say a song is a bop, it means you find it a very good song." She explained, almost like how a teacher would clarify something to their student. 
"Ah, okay." Sebastian was confident he was never ever going to use that word in a conversation, but at least he learned something new. 
"Seb, Y/N." Fernando approached his two colleagues, greeting them with a smile. 
They greeted him back and it was like the Spanish driver came to them at the right time. "Nando, do you know what 'bop' means?" The German asked him, hoping he would be just as clueless as he was. 
"What? Bomb?" The confusion on Fernando's face caused the woman to burst out laughing, amused by the entire situation. 
Sebastian chuckled at her, before focusing back on Fernando. "No, no, bop," he clarified for him, "it's something that you call a song." 
The Spaniard shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed together. "No, is it an internet thing?" He directed the question towards the young lady that still was losing her mind over Fernando's confusion. 
Sebastian answered for her, starting to laugh as well. "Yes, when you really like a song, you call it a bop." He explained to the older driver, the use of his hands showing how serious he was being. 
"Bop?" Fernando said one more time, still confused by the pronunciation of the word. 
Y/N nodded, her laughter having died down. "Yes, bop! B-O-P." She spelled for him. 
"You really learn something new everyday, huh?" 
Despite Sebastian's claim that he would never use the new learned word in a conversation, he couldn't help but wanting to show off that he had acquired new knowledge to some of the other drivers. And he knew exactly who to start with. 
The Mercedes driver flinched at the sudden opening of his driver room door, but he immediately smiled upon seeing who was his guest. "Hey, Seb!" 
"Oh, you were listening to music?" Sebastian had taken notice of the headphones that laid beside Lewis on his couch. 
The Brit nodded, putting the song on pause. "Yeah." 
"What, uh, were you listening to?" 
Lewis chuckled, not being used to the German asking after his musical interests. "A song by Future, he's a rapper." 
"Oh, nice," he nodded, "Is the song a bop?" As the word left his lips, he glanced at Lewis to catch his reaction. 
Lewis was surprised, not expecting Sebastian to throw in a word like that in a conversation. "Yes, it's, uh, very good indeed." 
Sebastian was pleased with himself, content that Lewis seemed impressed with him. 
"Where- where did you learn that word?" The man opposite him giggled, not having a clue as to how Sebastian even knew about the existence of the term. 
"Y/N taught me." He answered with a proud look on his face. 
"I should've known." 
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gyorouis · 2 months
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— "your mystery, like an orange peel's stings left its mark despite my delicate efforts."
genre: fluff, angst
pairing: varsity/med student!yeonjun x med student!y/n (fem reader)
warning: swearing, (bad writing lol)
word count: 3.4k
now playing: between friends — pleasure delayer ୨ৎ
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the first time you laid your eyes on yeonjun, was when your university had a sport’s week. you were patiently waiting for your friend beomgyu who was busy taking photos for the journalism department's upcoming feature. you stood there, outside the court, hands on your pocket and chewing on your gum, time seemed to drag on. growing increasingly bored waiting for beomgyu, you eventually wandered into the gymnasium.
loud screams from the spectators on the benches filled the air, some holding red balloons and others clutching yellow ones. you scanned the crowd, searching for a tall guy with copper hair and a camera hanging around his neck. finally spotting him, you saw beomgyu sitting on one of the benches, completely absorbed in the game, seemingly forgetting that his best friend was waiting outside the gymnasium.
“y/n!” he screams when he spots you, glaring at him as he waves his hands, signaling you to sit beside him. you shake your head, sports like this don’t excite you. he stomps his feet and looks at you pleadingly. defeated, you slowly walk towards him. you release a deep sigh when you sit beside him. “is that a sigh i'm hearing?” he exclaims. you roll your eyes and try to focus on the court where the game is happening. you see the players dribbling, shooting, and the crowd cheering enthusiastically with each point scored. you can't quite grasp what makes this game so thrilling for people like beomgyu, who is groaning each time your department scores. you’ve never enjoyed watching basketball; the fast-paced action and strategic plays seem lost on you. you glance around at the excited faces of the fans, trying to understand their enthusiasm.
you were fidgeting in your seat, unease creeping in as your eyes swept across the bustling stadium. the air was thick with the clamor of enthusiastic fans, their cheers echoing off the walls. red and yellow balloons bobbed above the crowd, adding splashes of color to the sea of faces. despite feeling out of place in this lively atmosphere, you resolved to give it one last shot and focus on the game unfolding before you.
as you glance towards the court, your eyes fixate on a dark-haired guy wearing your department’s basketball jersey. he stands out amidst the flurry of action, his movements flowing with a captivating confidence. although you’re not well-versed in basketball, his skills and passion for the game are unmistakable and draw you in.
you notice how effortlessly he dribbles the ball, swiftly maneuvering past defenders with grace. each shot he takes seems calculated yet instinctive, earning cheers from the crowd each time the ball finds its mark. his movements possess a mesmerizing rhythm, like a dancer on a stage, commanding attention with every pivot and feint. despite the noise around you, you find yourself leaning forward, completely engrossed in observing his every move.
unbeknownst to you, beomgyu has been observing you, trying to gauge exactly where your eyes are fixed. a grin appears on his lips when he discovers your gaze directed towards the court.
“that’s yeonjun, choi yeonjun,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. you side-eyed him. “i wasn’t asking his name,” you explained.
“yeah, whatever. oh, anyway, he’s just from the other block so you will probably see him around, especially in our department's building,” he added casually, watching for your reaction.
“but i never saw him around…” you replied, your curiosity piqued despite yourself.
bingo! beomgyu thought, noting your subtle interest in yeonjun.
"well, now you did," he said before standing from his seat. "where are you going?" you said, trying to focus on the game while looking at beomgyu. 
"you said that the game bores you, right? let’s go! besides, i’ve already got enough shots for the paper," he said, noticing your furrowed eyebrows and dropped shoulders. but before he could say more, you stood up. 
"you’re right, let’s go," you said, starting to walk away, leaving beomgyu confused. "i thought she would want to stay until the game ends," he whispered to himself, shaking his head at your unexpected decision, before following you.
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the second you saw yeonjun again was in your department building’s lobby. it was a few days after that first game encounter. he was walking with his friend, a tall, blonde figure. yeonjun sported the casual attire of a medicine student heading to class, with his basketball warm-up draped loosely around his neck. you watch intently as he strides towards the elevator, mere feet away from where you stand. your gaze lingers on him, absorbing every detail of his demeanor and appearance, as if etching his features into your memory. the air seems to hum with anticipation as your eyes meet his unexpectedly, sending a jolt through you.
it was only a fleeting moment, but his eyes locked onto yours for what felt like an eternity, a good 13 seconds if you could recall. your heart raced as if it might burst from your chest. in that brief exchange, you felt exposed, as if he could see right through you. now he knows you exist.
the night after, you found yourself giggling uncontrollably, playfully nudging beomgyu as you recounted how yeonjun had looked at you in the lobby.
“what the fuck? you actually counted how long he stared at you?” beomgyu exclaimed, feigning disbelief and disgust.
“do we have overlapping schedules with their block?” you asked, brushing off beomgyu's reaction.
“damn, you're really into him,” he chuckled under his breath. your gaze turned pleading, a look beomgyu knew all too well—an expression that signaled you were about to ask a favor, one that could potentially lead to embarrassment for either of you.
unable to resist your persistence, beomgyu raised his hands in defeat. “fine, fine. i’m close with soobin. i'll ask him about yeonjun,” he conceded reluctantly.
in the days after the basketball game and that brief 13-second eye contact, yeonjun becomes a familiar sight around campus. you spot him often: in the library, flipping through books with focused intensity; at the campus café, laughing with friends over cups of coffee; and even during evening strolls, where you both occasionally pass each other under the soft glow of street lamps. it's as if he's woven himself into the fabric of your daily routine, appearing in unexpected moments that leave you wondering if it's mere chance or something more.
you catch glimpses of him between classes, sometimes pausing near the same notice board or lingering near the art building where he seems to appreciate the sculptures on display. each encounter brings a mix of curiosity and fascination as you observe his interactions with others and the way he effortlessly commands attention without trying.
weeks pass, and you find yourself pondering about yeonjun more often—and whether he notices your coincidental meetings as much as you do. it's a strange sensation, this heightened awareness of someone who was once just another face in the crowd, now seemingly everywhere you look on campus.
when you thought you were content with those small smiles and nods toward each other, you were wrong. one time, you were waiting for beomgyu outside their journalism office. as you stood there, you heard a familiar laugh echoing down the hallway. your heart raced, and you wished the floor would swallow you up as you realized the laugh was drawing nearer. it came to an abrupt halt when the person causing the laughter noticed you standing there.
you could still hear small chuckles when someone patted your shoulder. you slowly turned your head, praying, "please don't be yeonjun, please don't be yeonjun." as you looked up, your heart pounded. standing before you was a tall guy with tousled blonde hair and black glasses, his smile warm and genuine. "hi, you’re beomgyu’s friend, right?" he asked, his voice smooth and friendly. you were left dumbfounded, your mind racing to process the situation. if you weren't mistaken, this was yeonjun’s friend, the one you had heard so much about from beomgyu.
just as you were about to answer him, yeonjun appeared at his side. oh, that eye smile; you swore you could die just from the sight of his genuine smile. he waved at you, and you shyly returned the favor, feeling your cheeks flush.
"oh, is that the camera that beomgyu uses?" yeonjun exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement as he hopped to stand beside you. your heart skipped a beat at his sudden closeness, his presence both electrifying and overwhelming.
you weren't sure how you managed to answer all his questions about the camera and how it worked. his curiosity was endearing, his eyes sparkling with interest as you explained. each time he leaned in closer to inspect the camera, your heart raced. his fascination with cameras was evident, and you found yourself captivated by his enthusiasm. as he listened intently, nodding and asking follow-up questions, you couldn't help but be drawn to his genuine passion and the way his smile made everything else fade into the background.
"can we use it, or like take a picture now? no, uhh, can i take a picture of you using that?" he asked, his excitement palpable. you didn't utter a word, just nodded in response.
standing there awkwardly, you waited as yeonjun prepared to click the shutter. he stole a glance at you, his voice soft and inviting, "smile for me." the sound of his voice felt like a gentle caress, warming your heart, and you couldn't help but smile genuinely. sensing your reaction, he looked at you again, a faint smile tugging at his lips before he skillfully pressed the shutter.
"see? it came out nice!" he exclaimed, showing you the picture. his talent for photography was evident as he had perfectly captured your sweet smile. "it's pretty, you're pretty," he added, his words delivered with a sincerity that made your heart flutter, as though he hadn't just sent your thoughts spinning in delightful chaos.
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just then, yeonjun's presence in your life became more significant. you found yourself either spending lunch with him or walking home together, as your paths aligned perfectly. it was a simple joy, yet it filled you with contentment. you desired nothing more than these moments with yeonjun, even if it was just as friends.
tonight, you are walking with yeonjun under the serene night sky. the moonlight casts a gentle glow on both of you. originally, soobin and beomgyu were supposed to join you, but beomgyu, sensing the need for some space, invited soobin to accompany him to the convenience store.
“aren’t you hungry?” yeonjun asks, breaking the awkward silence between you. 
“i’m not, how about you?” you reply. yeonjun seems taken aback by your response; he had silently hoped you would say you were hungry so he could spend more time with you.
“i’m not hungry,” he says with a smile.
“are you sure?” you ask, stopping in your tracks. he nods and, without thinking, takes your hand as you both cross the street. the sensation of butterflies in your stomach feels like an understatement; it’s as if they’re having a jubilant party, all energized by yeonjun’s electric touch.
you let your body fall onto the mattress, a smile still lingering on your lips. you place your hand, the one yeonjun held, near your heart. a thought emerges: is he thinking about it too? is he smiling about it too? does yeonjun feel the same way you do? the smile slowly fades as you consider the possibility of your feelings not being reciprocated.
you are content with having yeonjun by your side, but your heart longs for more than just friendship. a part of you wonders if it might be worth taking a chance. despite the uncertainty, there lies a possibility that he, perhaps, feels the same way too.
you woke up. no, you didn’t even get the chance to sleep peacefully; your mind was clouded with thoughts of yeonjun. lazily, you got up and prepared for campus, dreading the webinar you had to attend and praying you wouldn’t see him today because you looked exactly like a panda.
you sat beside beomgyu, half-listening to the speaker. it had been easy to avoid yeonjun so far; you hadn’t seen him since arriving at the auditorium. your eyes wandered around the room, searching the crowd. just as you were about to give up, your gaze landed on the balcony of the second floor. there he stood, arms crossed and resting on the railing, his eyes fixed on you as if he had been watching for a while, waiting for you to notice him.
you smiled and were about to wave when he winked at you. caught off guard, you quickly looked behind you, checking if the wink was meant for someone else. when you looked back, yeonjun was chuckling, clearly amused by your flustered reaction. feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, you turned back toward the stage, trying to focus on the speaker. but your mind kept drifting back to that moment, a flustered smile tugging at your lips. the memory of his wink lingered, making it impossible to concentrate, as your thoughts danced around the possibility of what it might mean.
one night, you lay awake in bed, replaying a memory in your mind: a rainy afternoon where you and yeonjun had taken shelter under a gazebo. you shivered from the cold, and without hesitation, he had draped his jacket over your shoulders, his hands lingering on your arms as he looked at you with a tenderness that made your heart ache. “you always get cold so easily,” he had said, his voice soft and caring. the warmth of his jacket and his gentle touch had made you feel like you were the only person in the world that mattered to him.
another time, during a group study session, he had absentmindedly brushed a strand of hair from your face, his fingers lingering on your cheek. “you look tired,” he had murmured, concern etched on his face. “make sure you get some rest, okay?” his touch had sent shivers down your spine, and the way he looked at you made you wonder if there was something more behind his actions.
and then there were the nights you spent talking until the early hours of the morning, sharing your dreams, fears, and secrets. his presence was a constant comfort, and the way he listened to you, really listened, made you feel seen and understood in a way no one else had ever made you feel. 
these memories replayed in your mind as you stood outside the campus café, waiting for yeonjun. you had asked him to meet you, your heart pounding with anticipation and dread. as he approached, his usual smile faltered when he saw the seriousness on your face.
“yeonjun, we need to talk,” you said, your voice trembling with the weight of what you were about to say.
he nodded, his expression concerned. “what’s wrong, y/n?”
you took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. “i need to understand what’s going on between us. all those moments we’ve shared, the way you look at me, the way you touch me… what does it mean to you?”
he blinked, taken aback by your sudden intensity. “what do you mean? we’re friends, y/n. you know that.”
your frustration bubbled over, and you couldn’t hold back any longer. “friends don’t look at each other the way you look at me, yeonjun. friends don’t act like they’re the only ones who matter in the world. you’ve given me so much hope, and it’s tearing me apart not knowing where we stand.”
his eyes widened, and he took a step back, clearly caught off guard by your outburst. “i… i didn’t realize you felt this way. i never meant to hurt you.”
“then what did you mean, yeonjun?” you demanded, your voice rising. “why did you give me your jacket when i was cold? why did you stay up with me all those nights, talking about everything and nothing? why did you make me feel like i was special, like i meant something more to you?”
he looked away, guilt and confusion clouding his features. “i care about you, y/n. i care about you a lot. but there are things in my life that make it complicated. things i can’t control.”
“what things?” you pressed, desperation seeping into your voice. “what could possibly be so complicated that you can’t be honest with me?”
he ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his every movement. “it’s not that simple. there are expectations, responsibilities… things you don’t know about.”
tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, the person who had become so important to you. “then help me understand, yeonjun. because right now, it feels like you’re playing with my feelings, and it’s killing me.”
he sighed, his shoulders slumping as if the weight of the world was pressing down on him. “i’m sorry, y/n. i never wanted to hurt you. but i don’t think i can give you the answers you’re looking for.”
the finality in his words hit you like a punch to the gut. you had hoped for clarity, for a resolution that would either bring you closer together or allow you to move on. instead, you were left with more questions and a heart full of pain.
“i can’t keep doing this, yeonjun,” you whispered, your voice breaking. “i can’t keep hoping for something that might never happen.”
he reached out as if to touch your hand, but you stepped back, the distance between you feeling like an insurmountable chasm. “i’m sorry,” he repeated, his voice barely audible.
with tears streaming down your face, you turned and walked away, the sound of your footsteps echoing in the empty night. the memories of your time with yeonjun played in your mind like a bittersweet melody, each note a reminder of what could have been.
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months had passed since that painful confrontation with yeonjun. the ache in your heart hadn't completely faded, but keeping your distance had become a coping mechanism, a way to slowly detach yourself from what could never be.
you focused on your studies and threw yourself into activities with friends, trying to fill the void left by yeonjun's absence. it wasn't easy. thoughts of him lingered in the quiet moments, in the spaces between laughter and conversation.
one afternoon, you found yourself walking through the campus courtyard, lost in your thoughts. the air was crisp with the promise of autumn, leaves crunching underfoot as students hurried to their next classes. you glanced up, and there he was—yeonjun, standing near the library entrance, his gaze fixed on something in the distance.
your breath caught in your throat. it had been so long since you had seen him up close, since you had allowed yourself to acknowledge the pain he had caused. part of you wanted to turn and walk away, to retreat into the safety of avoidance. but another part, a stubborn part, urged you to confront the lingering emotions once and for all.
as if sensing your presence, yeonjun turned. his eyes met yours, and in that moment, everything unsaid passed between you. there were no words, just the weight of regret and longing etched into your gazes.
you saw it in his eyes—the same regret mirrored in your own. the pain of what could have been, of the misunderstandings and unspoken truths that had driven you apart. for a fleeting second, you both stood there, frozen in time, suspended between what was and what could have been.
but reality intervened. a passing student bumped into you, breaking the spell. yeonjun looked away first, his shoulders slumping imperceptibly. you took a step back, the distance between you suddenly feeling insurmountable once again.
with a heavy heart, you turned and continued on your way, the memory of his eyes haunting you. it was a silent goodbye, a final acknowledgment of the love that had never quite found its voice.
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gyo's note: hi! this is my first time posting my work here, a feedback will help me work on my writing more, i've been enjoying the song pleasure delayer these days and i just can't help but write a story about it (and yj happens to suit the way i wanted the male character to be written!) i hope you enjoy reading this, xoxo.
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✮ 2024 gyozies, all rights reserved.
69 notes · View notes
twstgarden · 10 months
❀ ❝ 𝗽𝗲𝘁 𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗻𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 ❞
━ riddle rosehearts, ace trappola, ruggie bucchi, malleus draconia x gn! reader ━ good old headmaster, dumping his tasks onto you. surely, you're used to this, no? however, this time, you were tasked to take care of a bunny that belonged to a friend of the headmaster. you decided to seek help from your dearest, but how will it go? (f/n means first name)
requested by: @r0sevipxr request type: headcanons requester's message: Hayy, lady phantomhive! First of all i hope you're having a wonderful day,week,month whatever! I apologize if this request is long ish? (BTW I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR AESTHETIC!! Its so elegant and pretty and fairy gala ortho is one of the best and prettiest cards in the whole game!!!) (And im very interested in your skill of writing mystery and horror.. thats so unique!) Im thinking of silly fluff headcanons with Riddle, Ace, Malleus and Ruggie (separated) The backstory is: crowley being his idiot self is accidentally forced to take care of a random old mage's pet bunny for a couple weeks. But instead, he dumps all the work and responsibility on the reader because he has "more important duties to attend to" (👹). Reader asks the character for help! Will we succeed? or almost kill the bunny and crowleys head is chopped off? Who knows! florist's note: hello, dearie. thank you, i hope you're having a great day as well. this request is quite lighthearted, i love it. hope you enjoyed, though i realised some of these are quite short. thank you for the request, little one. <3
this work does not contain spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia’s arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
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━ 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 ━
headcanon: riddle can take care of a rabbit effortlessly. you, however, cannot... and it caused you two to lose the rabbit somewhere in heartslabyul's resident building.
you and the headmaster were standing face-to-face as he held a bunny with a smile on his face. "i said, can you please look after this bunny for me? i have a meeting to attend to and i cannot bring a pet with me, now can i?" spoke the headmaster once more, making you sigh as you begrudgingly grabbed the bunny from him.
"why me? surely, there are other students that are well-equipped. why not leave him in heartslabyul?" you questioned, raising a brow as the bunny settled in your arms while you were busy talking to the headmaster.
"no time to talk! bye!"
there he goes again. as if he was in a rush, the headmaster runs off, leaving you in the hallway with the white bunny in your arms. you sighed heavily before looking down at the animal that seemed to find your arms a cosy place to nuzzle on.
speaking of heartslabyul, you decided to visit your dearest beloved in case he could help you with your little rabbit duties.
"...so you wish to let me assist you in taking care of a bunny that the headmaster entrusted to you?" asked riddle as his gaze flickered between your pleading eyes and the rabbit's innocent one. you nodded in response as you held the bunny upwards, "yes! i'm just afraid i might do something to this bunny accidentally and kill it! the headmaster told me it belongs to his friend and he's supposed to take care of it for a couple of weeks."
"but then, that should be the headmaster's responsibility," replied riddle. you sighed, "but you know he dumps his duties on me..." riddle hummed in response, not wanting to reply further to avoid disrespecting the head mage, even if he knew of his tendencies.
with a sigh and a small smile, he patted the bunny's head, "alright, but there are certain ground rules we need to follow when taking care of a bunny." your eyes lit up with joy as you smiled at riddle, "i knew i could count on you!"
"no, wait, f/n! you're not supposed to give milk to an adult rabbit!" warned riddle as he saw you reaching for the milk powder container on the cupboard, making you look back at him with a curious look. "really? the headmaster told me to feed it milk and grass..."
riddle placed his palm on his forehead, "feeding them milk will cause digestive problems, dear. here, you can feed the rabbit with one cup of fresh grass." he then handed you a cup filled with freshly cut grass from the dormitory garden. you thanked him and placed it in the bunny's cage as the animal started to eat its meal, leaving the door of the cage open as you added a cup of clean water beside the grass meal.
once the rabbit started eating, you sighed in relief and smiled at riddle, "thanks for helping out. the headmaster even gave me the wrong information... if it wasn't for you, this rabbit might have had diarrhoea by now."
"you're welcome. i don't think the headmaster has the proper idea on how to take care of a rabbit..." trailed off riddle as he turned around to grab a few things from the cupboard, while you also turned around to grab a glass of water for yourself.
and once you two got back to the kitchen counter, you saw the half-eaten cup of grass and a half-filled cup of clean water in the cage, with no signs of the bunny.
"...where did he go?"
"i don't know..." you replied before you placed your glass on the table and ran off the kitchen to search for the lost rabbit, making riddle trail along with you as he called for his dormmates, ordering them to search for the rabbit at once.
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━ 𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙖 ━
headcanon: due to his flamingo and hedgehog care duties, he knew a thing or two when it comes to handling animals - though, he does have a record for sometimes losing them all over the heartslabyul garden. however, this time, he has it under control as long as you take care of the rabbit with him.
"woah~ a bunny!" exclaimed ace as he passed by the hallway and saw you holding a rabbit which was given to you prior to the headmaster's sudden escape. you turned to face him and handed it to him, "hold this for me."
"where did you get this?" asked ace as he held the bunny that you handed to him. "the headmaster is making me take care of it in his stead... you know, as usual," you spoke as you grabbed your smartphone and started searching through the olympus search engine to find ways on how to properly take care of a bunny.
"you're searching? psh, we can handle this! not to brag, but i have taken care of animals in my dorm... well... my demon dorm leader makes me, but... it still counts!" there was a cheeky smile on ace's face as he said those words, making you raise a brow in amusement as you continued reading through the search engine results.
after reading the do's and don'ts and the diet that rabbits should take, you were confident that everything would go smoothly. you followed ace back to your dorm and grim eyed the new intruder with a stink eye, "why is there a rabbit in here?"
"the headmaster dumped it on me," you replied as ace sat on your couch and played with the rabbit, finding it easy to handle it for the time being. grim sat beside ace, looking at the rabbit as he spoke, "so you're on pet-sitting duty? hehehe."
you had a bored expression on as grim tried to tease you, but you knew he was wrapped up in this order as well.
"did the headmaster leave some food for the little thing?" asked ace, making you shake your head. "all he told me was to take care of the rabbit and that it belonged to a friend... and he is supposed to take care of it for a couple of weeks, but he handed it to me," you replied as you started searching through your kitchen cabinets in case you have anything that was supposedly included in the rabbit's diet.
"ehhh~ i'm starting to feel sorry for you," spoke ace in a rather lighthearted tone as he laughed a little, letting you know that he was only joking around and messing with you. "hmph, anyway, i'll drop by sam's and see if he has some rabbit food in there. behave," you spoke, directing your last order to both ace and grim.
they gave you a rather sheepish smile with a thumbs-up, and though you did not trust those smiles one bit, you had no choice but to leave the dorm for a while, hoping they wouldn't do anything and possibly lose the rabbit.
surprisingly, everything was going smoothly. ace lived up to his word as he knew what to do to make sure the bunny remained well-fed, entertained, and satisfied. by the end of the day, you and ace were asleep on the couch, your head on his shoulder and the rabbit on his lap. grim was asleep beside you, resting peacefully after a long day of tending to the rabbit and getting used to the idea of taking care of one.
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━ 𝙧𝙪𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙝𝙞 ━
headcanon: he knows. he just knows. of course, he won't assist you for free.
"ohh~ a rabbit."
ruggie's voice caught your attention as he peered from behind you while you were standing in the hallway, bewildered at the headmaster's audacity in running off after dumping his responsibility on you. you should have gotten used to it by now, but even then, you still can't believe he has the nerve to do such a thing.
"that headmaster... ugh..." you groaned under your breath, making ruggie laugh a little as he looked at you and then at the bunny. "shishishi, poor n/n~" teased the savanaclaw second year, making you sigh as you looked at him.
"you know how to take care of animals, right? i mean, your best subject is animal linguistics! i'm sure you can talk to this rabbit and figure out what he wants at certain times!" you spoke, aware of your dearest's abilities and hoping he would help you.
"hmmm~ i won't do it for free, though," mumbled ruggie as he was starting to think to himself before giving you his usual grin, "shishi~ how about dinner in exchange for helping you?"
you raised a brow in response, "are you asking me to go on a date or do you actually just want the food?"
you laughed a little and sighed, "fine~ my treat." ruggie gleamed with joy as he grabbed the bunny from you and walked with you back to ramshackle. on your way back, you and ruggie were conversing about your day while he pats the head of the rabbit, making you grin a little at how adorable he was.
i mean, technically, you've never seen a hyena with a rabbit, and as far as you know, rabbits are part of the smaller prey that hyenas tend to hunt in the wild.
"i know what that grin means," spoke ruggie as he gave you a displeased expression. you chuckled in response and smiled at him, "i was just thinking that you look quite adorable~ hehehe~"
"hmmm... did the headmaster drop off the food of this little thing, too?" asked ruggie, trying to change the subject as he looked at the rabbit that was eyeing you both. you shook your head in response, "nope, not at all... we should head to sam's shop."
at the end of the day, ruggie seemed to have been taking care of it for the majority of the time. once the rabbit fell asleep, you opted for ordering dinner online to make sure the rabbit wouldn't be left alone in the dorm and may run away due to less supervision.
you were sure grim won't keep an eye on the rabbit, anyway.
as you took a bite of your meal, ruggie seemed delighted to be having his dinner with you in your dormitory. you both were seated on the couch with the television turned on, letting a random channel play through to function as background noise while the rabbit remained asleep in its cage.
"thank you for the meal~" spoke ruggie with a happy tone as he continued having his dinner.
"thank you for helping me," you replied with a smile as you sipped on your beverage, bringing both of your hands up to high-five one another for a job well done.
"shishishi, we make a great team~"
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━ 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙪𝙨 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙖 ━
headcanon: though he is knowledgeable, taking care of a small prey like a rabbit is one thing he isn't familiar with. as a result, both of you try to navigate through this responsibility.
"hm? what are you doing in here, dearest?"
malleus' voice caught you off guard as you turned around with the bunny in your arms, looking up at him as you sighed, "ah, the headmaster was here a moment ago. he left me this rabbit to take care of..."
malleus raised a brow in response, "a rabbit? i do not recall the headmaster ever having a pet rabbit..." you chuckled in response, "it belongs to a friend of his and he was supposed to take care of it for a few weeks, but he says he has some 'important things to take care of'."
you rolled your eyes in response before heaving a sigh, holding the rabbit to your chest, "well, at least the rabbit's cute..." malleus hummed in response as you both started to walk together back to your dorm. an idea suddenly came through your head as you looked up at him, "hey, um... mal, can you help me? i don't think i can take care of a bunny alone..."
malleus was stunned to hear your request. though he is quite unaware of pet-sitting a rabbit, he did not want to turn you down. he gave you a smile and said, "you request my assistance? now, how can i say no to your request?"
you smiled, feeling happy that you wouldn't be taking care of a rabbit alone.
needless to say, he was just as clueless as you.
"from my knowledge, the grass is included in a rabbit's diet. however, this one seems reluctant to eat it, " spoke malleus as he eyed the rabbit. they simply stared at the small bowl of grass before them before taking a few steps back, nuzzling themselves in their cage with obvious discomfort.
"...maybe they're not hungry...?" you trailed off, tilting your head as you sighed and patted the bunny's head. malleus seemed disappointed that the both of you were not going anywhere with your pet-sitting duties for the past 3 hours.
you decided to look through some useful sites while malleus stood beside you, watching you navigate through the device and reading through some rabbit care guides. "hmm... we should place the bunny in a quiet and secure place... let's go upstairs," you spoke as you looked at malleus, making him nod in response as you both went upstairs with the bunny.
"and we should bond with the bunny so they warm up to us..." you added as you sat beside the rabbit cage, leaving the door open so they would step out and get used to the environment.
so far, you have been adjusting quite well and it reached the point where the bunny also warmed up to malleus, no longer feeling intimidated and instead, prefers to snuggle with malleus at the end of the day.
it seems as though your temporary pet-sitting unexpectedly turned you both into rabbit parents.
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© twstgarden 2023 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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emeritusemeritus · 6 months
hello !! 🌷 i read spellbound and im IN LOVE with the way you write, so could i request a weasley twins x reader as well? if you don't want to write both twins in love with reader, then just fred </3
so the reader is a hufflepuff student who has been close friends with the twins since the first year at hogwarts, to the point of molly inviting her to stay for a few days sometimes. and the twins (or just fred) like reader so much as a best friend— until reader becomes more than that.
something "but you belong to me." with them. like, reader getting asked out and people confessing to her, but the twins are possessive of her; mysteriously, people who confess to reader inevitably get a wave of bad luck (because of the twins' pranks).
a more possessive side of them, you know? house of balloons has been on my mind these days 2!€+2(3 🤕
thank you so much ! i hope you have a lovely day.
Hi lovely, hope you are well!Thank you so much! I hope this is okay for you?!🖤
Warnings: minor sexual references, pranks, mild swearing. Possessive behaviour, slightly dominant twins. Love confessions.
Word count: 2.2k
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You're in my world now, you can stay, you can stay
But you belong to me, ooh, you belong to me
Being best friends with both Weasley Twins had many pros and cons, of which you'd considered frequently over the years.
They were funny, charming and kind, kept you on your toes, you never went more than an hour without belly laughing. Your life was abundantly better because they were in it.
On the other hand, you got way more detentions, had to attend quidditch matches that weren't your own house and even if they were you were cheering for the wrong team because you were a Hufflepuff and they were Gryffindor beaters. Their family was far from rich, not that it ever bothered you in the slightest, but from another more shallow persons perspective you could see how that would be a factor.
Most importantly, they seemed to scare all the boys away you ever dared approach you. Like guard dogs they seemed to deter any boy away from you and in turn there was not a single boy good enough for you that you'd even shown interest in as Fred and George were always quick to point out their faults, making your crush disappear soon after.
It wasn't always like that but around your fifth year you seemed to take notice of the rather starling pattern of events that repeatedly kept happening. A boy would show interest in you, flirty looks that lingered and secret stolen smiles, maybe they'd even approach you and ask you to Hogsmeade, but most of them didn't get that far. You'd mention it in passing to the twins, catching them up on your days after having your owl classes spent away from each other and by the next day, all semblance of attraction would be lost. The boy would often not look at you, look fearfully at you or worse, would randomly spout big puss filled boils all over his face.
You were ignorant to it in the beginning, but then you began to take it personally thinking that someone was playing a joke on you, getting the boys to pretend to be attracted only to laugh with their friends behind your back.
"Angel I'm telling you that is definitely not happening," George had said to console you as you cried to them both down by the lake after hours.
"We'd have heard about it wouldn't we," he adds, gesturing between him and Fred who looks on at you with worry in his eyes.
"Yeah," Fred nods, "nobody ever says anything bad about you. You're not the kind of girl that would happen to anyway."
"What to your mean?" You'd asked, sounding more than a little pathetic as you sniffled, wiping your nose on the sleeve of your jumper and then casting a spell to clean it off.
"You're pretty, really pretty," George says, a gentle smile on his face.
"More than pretty, that crap only happens to the ugly girls and you are definitely not ugly," Fred says, throwing himself on the floor beside you.
"Probably just lost his nerve that's all," Fred adds, picking up a rock and trying to skim it across the lake.
After that night you watched the interactions closely, anytime a boy would try and approach you, putting on his best smile. Some were nervous, some where cocky but in the end they all ended up the same way, actively avoiding you. It was your sixth year now and you were growing tired of it, leading you to venting your frustrations to the twins during another late night adventure.
"I'm fed up of it! I want to experience going to Hogsmeade with someone,"
"You do that with us," George says with a cocky smirk, but you simply shoot him a glare as you carry on.
"I want to hold someone's hand, have them tell me I look pretty."
"I did that this morning," Fred interjects.
"I want to be dated, i want to be kissed, I want to have sex!"
"I volunteer!" Both twins say, immediately standing up with their hands raised, earning a roll of your eyes as you laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.
"Both of you sit down and shut up!" You laugh, pushing them back to lean on the stone wall they were originally sat on. "I'm serious, I think there's something wrong with me."
"There's not a single thing wrong with you princess," Fred says, turning to George who backs him is with a slow shake of his head. "Those boys are just idiots, you're better off with us."
When the Yule Ball was announced and people started immediately bagging dates, your concern only grew as time passed and you weren't asked. It was strange, you'd see the boys looking at you, heard rumours they were going to ask you from your friends but then nothing seemed to happen. Until Cedric came along. You'd been friends since your first year, not overly close but friendly enough, you shared classes together and he was an excellent quidditch player, almost as good as George and Fred.
"Hi, um, how are you?" He asks, cheeks flushed pink as he catches you in the corridor outside the great hall.
"Hi Ced, I'm good thanks how are you?" You smile up at him, confused by his nervousness. His foot was bouncing on the spot and his hands seemed to fluctuate between being in his robe pockets to outside again, almost like he couldn't make up his mind at where to keep them.
"I was wondering," he pauses slightly, "are you with the Weasley twins?"
"Umm no I don't know where they are? I assume they're at dinner," you say with a frown, wondering why he was bringing up Fred and George so randomly. He lets out a nervous chuckle, placing his hands back in his pocket as he shakes his head slightly with a shy smile.
"No I meant, with them, you know," he says, emphasising the 'with' this time.
"Oh, no," you say with a smile, "not with anyone."
"Good," he says quickly before realising what he'd said. "I mean... sorry." It was almost painful to experience this, watching as he stumbled through his words. "I was wondering if you wanted to go."
"There she is!" Fred says, walking over to you having appeared out of the hall, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you tightly to his side.
"Thanks mate, sometimes she wanders off, good job keeping your eye out for her, appreciate it."
Fred pulls you away and you're so stunned that you mindlessly follow him, your mind not able to string two thoughts together as you take a place beside them at the Gryffindor table, taking off your tie so you wouldn't be spotted amongst the crowd of Gryffindors.
"What was that about?" You suddenly ask, snapping out of your confused gaze and looking up accusingly at Fred who's devouring a chicken leg with as much tact and delicacy as Fang would.
"What?" He asks with mouth full of food making you squint at him in disgust as he asks stupid.
The next time it happened, you realised something was up.
Ron and Harry were discussing dates in study class across the table from you when they got the news from Hermione that even Neville had got a date, making him more depressed than ever.
"Y/n, you're a girl," he says, pushing back his hair from his face as he addresses you.
"What gave it away?" You snark, hardly looking up from your parchment as you finish up your sentence. Fred snorts on your right side and goes back to his own writing, if that's what you could call it with his terrible handwriting. You can almost feel George beside you tensing up, his shoulders squaring as he looks at his brother, watching him closely.
"We'll have you got a date? You could go with me," Ron says with a little shrug, unsure of himself.
"She's already going with us, back off little brother," Fred says suddenly, eyes snapping up to glare at his younger brother with the same viciousness as his tone.
"Since when?" You ask, eyeing him curiously.
"You want to?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You look towards George who looks on expectantly and you relent, knowing that it would be better to go with your best friends than go alone.
"Fine," you say, "but no funny business," you warn them both, stretching out your index finger to point at the both of them accusingly.
"Never," George says dramatically, closing his eyes as if the very thought was unheard of, making you glare at him.
Apparently the word didn't spread quick enough about you going with Fred and George because only two hours later you were asked by Justin.
"Well I wasn't sure if you were going with them both or not, I heard it last week but you hadn't said anything since," he explains after you'd tried to delicately let him down.
"Wait what? Last week?" You ask, confused by his words. He nods slowly, as if you should know.
"Yeah I heard them telling Lee that you were going with both of them, which you know Lee, it spread quicker than jam on toast. No one really thought anything of it at first, I mean George said ages ago that you're practically dating them."
"Excuse me."
The realisation had your head spinning, had they really be plotting for this long. It was then all along?
"Oi Weasley and Weasley, open up!" You said loudly, banging on their dorm room door, having crept in with Ginny on the way in past the portrait hole.
"Our favourite girl, how can we be of service?" Fred asks as he opens up the door, giving you a brilliant smile. He's shirtless and you falter slightly at the unexpectedness of the view. When he catches you looking he winks playfully as he shuts the door.
"Still want no funny business?" He teases, hopping down onto his bed.
"I know it was you two," you say, catching George unaware as he walks out of the bathroom, seeing you stood by the door. "It all makes perfect sense now! You've been pushing the lads away haven't you! Practically bloody dating?" You shout, shooting George a thunderous look. "Bit suspicious that the last three blokes that tried to ask me out have a) magically developed a face full of boils, b) had his eyebrows burnt off and c) got a bloody black eye from your stupid telescope! Tell me now, is it a coincidence?"
For the first time, you see the twins share a look between themselves before their faces twist into guilty expressions.
"It's just," Fred begins.
"You belong with us," George says, taking a seat opposite where you stood on his bed.
"Excuse me?" You say, brows pulling together as you send them both a harsh glare.
"You're ours princess, you always have been. Just like we're yours."
You're speechless as you look between them both, seeing them looking back at you with expressions you'd never seen in them. They looked hungry, honest and slightly vulnerable, rendering you completely mute until you could find the right words.
"How long?"
"Can't remember," Fred replies quickly, honestly. "Before you first came home with us for the holidays."
"That was third year!"
"Second year then," he says with a shrug, completely unashamed to be answering so honestly, unashamed of his feelings.
"The bloody sorting ceremony if I'm being honest," George says a bit less bluntly, "but definitely when you threw that snowball straight at Fred's head for calling you badger girl," he says with a chuckle, making a smile appear on your face.
"I swear I've still got a mark from that!" Fred says with a smirk and you roll your eyes at his dramatics. "Should have been a bloody beater with that aim."
“I’ll beat you now,” you threaten playfully, watching as his face erupts with a devilish grin.
“Beat me off whenever you like,” he retort and you have to fight rolling your eyes again as a smile tugs at your face.
It's quiet for a moment, no one speaking, not knowing how to proceed.
"You really mean it? You… both…me?"
"Yup,” they both say, as if it was nothing, as if you’d asked them to borrow a pencil.
“Told you Angel, we’re yours, always have been. If you’ll have us.” They both look up at you with hope clearly plastered across their faces, eyes twinkling as they show their vulnerability.
“One condition,” you say, cocking an eyebrow up at them.
“Anything princess,” Fred says.
“No more pranks on lads that talk to me, not everyone was trying to ask me out you know.”
They look like they’re going to protest, not liking the idea of the lads talking to you especially if you were now theirs but you smirk and decide to put their minds at ease.
“Once everyone knows I’m yours, officially this time, it won’t be a problem.”
“And how to we do that?” George asks, squinting a little.
“Either of you ever given a love bite?”
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beplerblurbs · 1 year
matching hats s.r.
pairing: unistudent!ricky x gn seatmate!y/n
genre: fluff
w/c: 2.1k
warnings: intentional lowercase, reader is shorter than ricky(?), not proofread
prompt: your seatmate ricky. reminds of you of a cat. you like to crochet during lectures and end up making ricky a cat beanie!
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you and the rest of the students scamble off the cramped bus rushing to get to your classes. there's been a traffic with freshmen moving in and parents wanting to make sure they're prepared and such.
it was a little annoying because you knew your lecture hall was filling up with every second the bus was trying to reach the university bus station through all the traffic.
eventually you reach your lecture hall along with a cluster of other students for your arts history class, not the most interesting thing on 9 am mondays...
you entered from the back of the classroom, you see the professor preparing her lesson way at the front and the back of many students as they murmur amongst themselves.
with about 90% of the seats already taken, you wouldn't be surprised if you had to sit on the stairs at this point. eyes wandering for an empty seat, blond head stood out with no one beside one of his seats.
walking down the steps to reach the mysterious guy "sorry, but is this seat taken?", oh... he's so cute
with styled bleach blond hair, thick eyebrows, curious eyes, slightly ajar lips and neck tattoo saying 'role model,' you were taken aback by his good looks.
"no, take a seat" a warm smile welcomed you to your seat before he went back to looking at his laptop to prep for class.
just as you get out your notebook, your professor starts the lecture.
"good morning class, hope the travel to class was great considering the beautiful weather today," ironic considering you're actual trip.
the professor goes through the basic course breakdown to help everyone gauge expectations. you're already writing down due dates in your notebook's calendar. the prof seems really chill and you appreciate that.
she switches her slideshow to a large text that says 'introduce yourself to your seat partner and tell them a fun fact'
"you guys see the screen... do it, i'll give you guys 2 minutes" the class giggles at her bluntness.
you put down your pen to focus on this mysterious guy. he's confident and relaxed, he avoids making the situation awkward and goes along with the professor's request.
"hi, i'm shen ricky. i'm an international student majoring in performance arts and... my fun fact is that my friends said i resemble a cat earlier today" he smiles to himself, seemingly unexpected fun fact he chose to share.
"oh? i dont see it exactly... nevermind, maybe i just need to know you more to see it hah."
you on the other hand can't seem to not be awkward, trying to smile through it "uhm anyways, i'm y/l/n y/n, and i'm a student under the entertainment management program and this is one of my electives. my fun fact is that i love to crochet, you'll probably see me do it in lecture at some point."
"ah!" you were startled by ricky's excitement, "crocheting sounds so fun, i need to learn it at some point." you turn slightly pink, seeing someone be so interested in your seemingly boring hobby.
ricky continues on, "i think that just means we have to be friends and sit in class together so you can teach me," suddenly, ricky's hand as his phone out with his new contact ready to be filled with your information.
"sure!... this isn't like flirting or anything right?" as much as you were attracted to ricky's looks, you always set boundaries for yourself for comfort. you wouldn't let some new blond guy mess that all up.
he scratched the back of his neck, "oh no, not at all, but i really apologise that I came off that way. i'm actually interested in crocheting though!" his genuine tone was enough for you to forgive him and give him your contact.
"okay class lets start with the first lesson," before you could even give him your phone to fill in his number, the professor quiet downed the class.
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unknown number: hi it's ricky, boy from arts history.
you take a bite of your favourite late-night snack, gummy worms. you had started studying a bit and took a break to go to your closest convenience store.
y/n: hi! its y/n, why are you texting at this hour? lol
you change the contact name,
ricky: sorry are you busy? I just wanted to make sure you still wanted to sit next to me in class on wednesday, if not thats fine!!
you giggle to yourself, why does he text cute too...
y/n: oh no worries, i just got my daily dose of gummy worms haha
y/n: but yeah we can meet up before class and sit together! i'll make sure i'm early next time...
ricky: lol yeah maybe to get a good seat, i'm usually in the library an hour before class
ricky: just lmk and i'll wait for you
and with that the conversation ended just as you re-entered your apartment to get back to studying.
hes seems so sweet compared to his cold appearance.
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getting up early wasn't your favourite activity, but ricky said he would be in the library at 8 am (like a crazy man) so you decided to give him some company and teach him how to crochet.
you come in the library with an iced coffee in hand and leftover gummy worms in the other. a distinct blond head and neck tattoo became proportionate as you closer. "how are you so awake at this hour?" you yawn sitting in the chair across from ricky's.
he laughs, "i try to eat a full meal, i don't know if gummies and coffee count as one," you disregard it, "yeah, yeah.”
you set down your food and pull out two small bundles of yarn and two crochet hooks. "one for you, one for me. which colour would you like?"
"green please!" (i miss rijeong) you slid the pale pastel green bundle to his side of the table, leaving you would the baby blue yarn.
an insightful and detailed lesson on crocheting and somehow ricky's chain fell apart 3 times. he was genuinely trying. you thought it would frustrate him but him seeing you giggle at his mistakes made ricky feel warm inside somehow.
you sighed and made ricky put down his hands from crocheting. "we should got go to class now, i'll teach you another time. take notes for me as a trade?" it was an offer ricky couldn't give up, in his head it gave himself a reason to talk to you even more.
ricky simply nodded and put the yarn and hook into his bag. you guys walked out of the library, heading to the library with 15 minutes to spare.
during class, you spent most of it crocheting while taking in the information and ricky took notes on his laptop. yet he was the one not really listening, he was focused on how endearing you looked simply crocheting and listening intently. you didn't notice that though.
you ended up making some cute hand rags that you needed for your kitchen. "thoughts?" you ask ricky while showing off your 30 minutes worth of time. his signature sweet smile arose "very stylish, you're so cool." his non-chalant remark made you blush and shyly put away your pieces as the professor had ended the lecture.
"same time friday?" ricky said standing up, backpack slung over one shoulder, "same time every lecture," you confidently spoke, smiling and quickly going to your next class.
you weren't even in rush, your next class was in 30 minutes. ricky stood still in the lecture hall smiling to himself.
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every lecture you began making random pieces, eventually making a sweater, a scarf, mittens, cup holders, and the list goes on. some of these for you, and some for ricky.
you stopped going to your convenience store at night, you became accustomed to ricky getting you some gummy worms the next day. in return, you got him and yourself iced coffees for the day. suddenly being awake at 8 am wasn’t so tough
as well, everyday you and ricky were texting more, hanging out after classes, usually to cafes. ricky was able to make a progress and finish a small square, but the focus needed made him want to take a break from the hobby. he said he preferred watching you crochet anyways.
this is what friends do right? hang out, talk and laugh, share sentimental stories, get each other small gifts, hug tightly goodbye, holding hands...
your boundaries were loosening up. however, with how much you enjoyed ricky being with you, you didn't mind it.
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you were tapping your coffee lid as a fidgeting habit, ricky doesn't even acknowledge it. there was a comfortable silence as he scrolled on his phone and you looked out the window with the warm sunlight yet the dead trees and snow in the plant beds. the winter made the outdoors almost unbearable as you hated the cold, but you felt warm next to ricky…
you turn your attention to ricky and his relaxed state, focusing on his screen. "hm." you made a noise that caught his attention, he rose his eyebrows as he shifted his focus to you. he put down his phone and rested his chin on his hand, elbow propping him up.
"what you thinking about?" not phased by his flirtatious antics at this point, you didn't move. "i guess you do look like a cat,” you poke one of his cheeks. now he was confused, "all of a sudden?"
"yeah! like you have big doe-y eyes and your cheekbones kinda resemble the follicle cheeks... you just need the ears and whiskers." you eye-smile at the thought of rickys 'intimidating' face with cute ears and drawn on whiskers.
rickys ears can't suppress his feelings anymore, they grow bright red and he turns away, looking outside to the bright outside. "whatever." you knew he liked it but you let it go.
"we should go to class now," ricky stands up with his bag over his shoulder, waiting for you to pack up and walk with him to class. you reply a quick 'okay' before you stand up.
ricky already has his hand out for you to hold. you intertwine fingers with him and walk to your guys' class.
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sitting in class you had some pink yarn in hand but you can't think of making anything other than those cute cat beanies you've been seeing online. mainly because you really wanted to see ricky in one.
it was simple and quick to make so you made two, matching hats make such a cute pair.
ricky was still actively committed to the deal where he does notes while you crochet. you hid the two pieces in your bag when he was focused.
"yah, what'd you make this time, i didn't even notice you finished it early"
you both walk out of class early and felt a strong wind chill hit both of your faces. ricky hides his face in the scarf you made before in class. "its so cold still, are you cold?" you see ricky's breath in the air.
"well i think this will warm us up," you smile pulling out the hats from your side bag pocket.
he makes a little happy 'o' face, ready to cherish the next crocheted piece you made. "ouu, what is it? what is it?" his eagerness made you smile big, and ask him to close his eyes.
he closes them quickly, eager to see what it is. you snuggly put on his cute pink cat beanie on his head, and then your own. "okay! open!"
ricky is completely whipped for you seeing your adorable face and a cute cat hat. "you're so cute, what about me? what do i look like?" he quickly pulls out his phone to swipe to the camera app and see what he got.
"the same one dork, aren't matching hats cute?" you can't even hide your smile, the cold was helping you look like your bright red cheeks were appropriate for the weather.
ricky had slowly begun to recognise your soft, vulnerable side had been coming out when you were with him. you were truly comfortable around him and it made him melt inside.
you suddenly felt your face smushed up against ricky's chest, a warm hug. "thank you y/n. it is cute" his little giggle came out as a vibration against your ear. you were also melting.
you look up at him and everything felt perfect. "hey ricky?"
"i love you."
a moment of comfortable silence, with the warmth of his heart heating up yours, you knew what he felt too.
"i love you too, y/n"
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author's note: this ended up being longer than i expected........ i hope u enjoy the ricky fluff </3pls send in requests!!!!
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whateverloomis · 4 months
hihi! could I request poly!ghostface with an idol reader? afab but any/no pronouns works
The reader just enrolled in the school recently, both to be closer to LA and try and keep the public away. Reader isn't world famous or anything, but has a recognizable name. Maybe has been on a talent show and radio station a few times.
Hi! Thank you for your request anon 💖 This was a very interesting one to work with. I did a lil twist with the LA detail. I don't know if you wanted some saucy smut in here so I kept it on the teasy side, (I love this gif set 😭🙈.)
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Warnings: Teasing, inappropriate touching, manipulation, alcohol consumption, getting tipsy, cliffhanger (I think?), unedited
Reader: They/Them pronouns in italics. Reader is AFAB fem presenting.
"An independent journalist?" Sidney asked, intrigued and confused all at once.
"Yeah, like. Y'know, the people who go around asking questions about crime cases and other crazy news." Tatum answered, filling the group in with the latest gossip.
"Yeah, I got interviewed yesterday, but apparently it's like a low-key thing. Some kind of personal project that might not go public." Randy added and Sidney nodded, processing all the information.
The press being all over town was bad enough, and now some secret journalist or something? She definitely wanted to avoid anymore questions, so she took note in order to avoid anyone that might've seemed, strange? She didn't really know how to handle the situation.
"Hey, how come I haven't gotten a cool secret interview?" Stu asked, pouting like a little kid.
"I don't think someone low-key like that wants to interview your loud ass." Billy replied and Stu faked being hurt. The rest of the group laughed at the boys usual grumpy commentary.
"Look, that's the journalist." Randy whispered and stared in a -not so subtle- way. Everyone else gave their visual attention to the person and Billy raised an eyebrow in amusement. Then he looked at Stu, who also seemed a bit more interested than usual.
They didn't know what to expect from the title "journalist" when it came to appearance but it definitely wasn't this. They had a short black dress on with a cream colored cardigan sweater. Black combat boots and white knee high leg warmers that completed the casual outfit and gave it a touch of cuteness compared to the little dress that hung dangerously close to their ass, threatening to rise up at any moment.
"Well damn." Stu said in a flirty and amused tone. Tatum glared at him and then the group continued their usual chaotic conversations and speculations about the ghost face murder case.
Inside the campus, a memorial for Casey Becker and Steve Orth was placed at the end of the main hallway. YN was looking at every detail and every note the students left close to the couples pictures and took notes in their leather journal. It seemed like a casual thing but Billy and Stu knew what was up.
"You think they might have a lead?" Stu questioned as he and Billy walked along the hallway casually, trying to seem like they were doing anything else other than approaching the journalist.
"I don't know... But we better make sure they don't find any." Billy answered and Stu widened this eyes, excitement radiating off him.
"Hooh, what are you suggesting man? We kill them?" Stu whisper-screamed and Billy hit his friends arm. "Would you shut up? That's not what I'm saying... Maybe, a distraction of some sort... A mislead." Billy answered and Stu got even more excited. It was like a game to them, one they knew how to manipulate however they wanted to.
After the last class of the day, YN was ready to go to their small apartment and put the pieces together with the info they gathered about the ghost face case.
As they were putting their books and other things into their shoulder bag, Billy approached them. He seemed mysterious to YN and they instantly grew curious. Maybe he knew something about the case?
"YN, right?" He said, his tone slightly flirty.
"Yes, and you are?" YN asked, mimicking his tone and smiling up at him innocently.
Billy let out a breathy laugh, smirking. "Billy. Billy Loomis. I uh, heard you were investigating the ghost face case or something of that sort?" He said, taking a step forward and placing his hand on YNs desk.
"Words getting around huh? Yes. I'm keeping it low-key though. Not everyone peeks my interest with this." They replied and Billy raised an eyebrow.
"No? Do I seem interesting enough?" He asked, smirking down at YN as they chuckled at his flirting and interest.
"Can't deny that you do, Loomis. We can talk. My place at 7? I'd rather be somewhere comfortable." They said and grabbed Billy's hand softly, writing their phone number and address on the palm of his hand with a marker.
Billy looked at it for a second and smiled at YN, nodding and leaning on the desk. "I have a friend too, he has some pretty interesting info as well. I could bring him over, if you'd like." He added and YN thought about it for a second. Other than receiving what seemed like good insight, if his friend was just as attractive as him, they wouldn't mind that one bit.
"Sure, that's fine with me. See you at 7?" YN checked one last time. "We'll be there." Billy replied and watched as they walked past him towards the exit door of the classroom and the boy couldn't help but scan their gorgeous body from head to toe.
"Wine?" YN asked the boys and Billy declined. Stu was about to say yes but Billy kicked him under the table.
"Dude, f- Uh, no I'm good. Thanks-" Stu stumbled on his words and YN giggled, pouring themselves a glass. It was perfect, if YN was tipsy enough the boys would be able to twist and turn their words in order to steer YN into the wrong direction with the case. They could also get information out of them and mess around with it too. Perfect plan.
All three of them conversed easily and it got better once YN started to get affected by the alcohol. They told Billy and Stu about how they lived in LA and how it was too overwhelming to live in. After they heard about the small town of Woodsboro and ghost face it didn't only peak their interest, but it was a perfect excuse for them to move out of LA and transfer into a new college. Have a real change in their lifestyle and pursue their journalism dream.
As the conversation went on YN got more intrigued by the boys and what they were saying.
"The thing is that Sidney's dad is missing. And it happened exactly when the murders took place so, it makes total sense that he'd be the prime suspect." Stu commented and YN wrote every single thing down.
Billy was standing close to YN, leaning against the kitchen counter trying to peak at their notes, but he could barely read anything.
"So what else do you have in there?" Billy asked, not caring about keeping his intentions low-key. He moved towards YN who was sitting on a stool, using the counter as a table.
"Nothing you should be concerned about, Loomis." YN answered and took another sip of their second glass of wine that night.
Stu chuckled and placed his hand on top of YNs. "C'mon, you can tell us, we can provide a lot of info."
"Yeah, we have a friend who's a cop too, so we have good insight." Billy continued and kept walking towards YN, sliding his hand against the counter top.
YN giggled at their attempts to get an insight scoop of what they've collected so far, but maybe the boys were right. I mean, they did have a cop as a friend, so that was definitely a good source.
Billy was a few inches away from YN, leaning against the counter top. "C'mon baby, you can tell us. We can keep a secret or two." He said and placed his hand on YNs left thigh.
They were almost drunk at that point and didn't care what they did or said. They were soaked between their legs because of the alcohol effects, plus Billy and Stu being so flirty and straight forward wasn't helping with their needyness.
Stu walked over to YN and stood right behind them. He placed his hands on their arms and soothed them. "We'll even introduce you to our cop friend, it'll be a perfect link for you." He whispered in their ear and they shivered at the sound of his soft voice.
"Mm... That does sound good... but I have a feeling there's a catch." YN said. Even in their tipsy state, they could reason and detect the boys wanted something in return.
"Now we're talking." Billy said and smirked, running his hand up and down YNs thigh. "We don't want much just..." He paused and stepped between YNs legs, running both his hands up their thighs and lifting their dress up the tiniest bit. "Wanna have a little fun with you, that's all..."
"It'll be good for you babe, you'll get exactly what you want, hm?" Stu said softly and placed his large hands on their waist.
YN was nearly melting at their soft touches and in their lack of sobriety Billy and Stu's offer sounded more than satisfying.
"Mm, you have a deal then." They replied and ran their left hand up Billy's chest.
"That's what I like to hear."
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