#it's a twin thing
lionmythflower · 6 months
evan: *sobbing* I hate this so so much WHY DOES LIFE HATE ME
Regulus: *panicking bc evan is crying*
Pandora: Oops gtg evan isn't feeling well
Dorcas: ???
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
It's A Twin Thing - Ch 5
The twins' birthday starts with some interesting revelations, meanwhile Hetty worries that Jeremy's visit may get Trevor sucked off.
They spent the whole night talking about each sketch with Trevor asking about the various dreams that he can remember and Jeremy taking the sketches out and making a timeline with them (since he didn’t always dream or remember them in order).  
The result is that when they wake the next morning, it’s to ghosts and living alike entering the room (since the door was open) to drawings everywhere and Trevor and Jeremy asleep in the mess of drawings.
“What is all of this?” Jay asks, as he picks up a drawing of the ghosts at the dinner party and the one of Trevor’s slow clap.  
“Oh, those are drawings – of Trevor’s time here,” Jeremy offers as he goes to collect them, again, when Jay picks up a notebook – one that worked as a flip book from Elias going to hell.  He could flip through it and see Elias disappearing, the ghosts reacting and Hetty trying to send Trevor to hell and his reaction.  
“This is so cool – check this out, babe, it’s a flip book,” Jay says, showing it Sam.  
“Isn’t this when Hetty tried to send you to hell?”
“Yes, it was.”  He gives Jeremy a look.  “You really had to capture that one?”
“I dreamed about it for weeks, so yes.”
Trevor rolls his eyes.  He knows Jeremy probably dreamed about it because Trevor kept having nightmares that it worked, and he’d wake up in hell.  He didn’t like sleeping alone because of it, so Flower had let him share with her until they wore off, luckily, they had worn off by the time they had to ‘bunk up’.  The comfort of sleeping next to someone had made him ache for more, hence trying to convince Hetty to stay for pillow talk once they got together.  Honestly, he had spent a lot of time avoiding her after that until what happened with Ari happened, and finally felt accepted by her.
“I still can’t believe your girlfriend once tried to send you to hell and yet…”  Jeremy teases.
“I did not actually think it would work,” Hetty huffs, as the ghosts that didn’t realize they were still dating act surprised.  “And I have since apologized.”
“You two got back together?” Isaac questions, surprise evident on his face.  
“They never broke up,” Flower says, cheerfully.  “Am I the only one that pays attention?”
“You don’t pay attention to anything,” Isaac retorts.  
“Then you must be more oblivious than I am – I mean, ever since the almost banished thing and the conjugal visits question – you didn’t notice that they’re always by each other or that Hetty’s been holding onto him rather than you or that whenever one’s missing so is the other?”
Trevor frowns, “We’ve been terrible at hiding this.”
“Wait, wait, wait – almost banished?  Conjugal visits?  How did I miss this?” Sam questions, before realizing that she probably doesn’t want to know and says, “Wait, don’t wait – I don’t want to know.”
“I want to know,” Jay complains.  “I should really be allowed to see them.”
“I just don’t understand,” Isaac says.  “I thought you decided that you weren’t meant to be after the disastrous tea date?”
“You mean this one?” Jeremy asks, picking up another sketch.  “And they didn’t actually break up – they just pretended to.  See?”
He gestures at a few different drawings of the fight (with speech bubbles) and them meeting up in the room to kiss moments later.
“Damn it, Sass, you’re really slipping now,” Sass mutters.  “It’s such a dumb plan, I should’ve noticed!”
“Obviously, it was a smart plan because none of you noticed except Flower – why are you all in here anyway? You don’t usually storm the guest rooms,” Trevor states, somewhat disgruntled.
“Oh!  We got distracted,” Sam states.  “Apparently, your phone died and when didn’t answer your mom called – something about wanting to make sure you were alright on your birthday.”  She hands the phone to Jeremy, as she says, “You didn’t tell us today was your birthday?”
“Ghosts don’t celebrate birthdays.”
“You’re celebrating this one,” Jeremy states, before saying, “hi, mom,” into the phone.
“We’ll leave you two alone,” Sam offers.
“Can I take some of these downstairs to look through?” Jay asks, and Jeremy nods.  
Most of the ghosts leave the room as Jay and Sam collect the drawings, except that Hetty is looking on uncertainly, as if she wants to join them, but before either he or her could offer or ask to stay, Isaac takes her by the arm, evidently insistent that they talk about the revelation that she and Trevor ‘fake broke up’ three months ago.
He doesn’t stop her from leaving with Isaac, as he wouldn’t want to get in the way, and within a minute, Jay and Sam bow out, too, leaving the brothers alone.
Jeremy puts the phone on speaker.  “I know you can’t hear him, but he’s here.”
“Hi boys.  Happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” Jeremy says.  “Sorry, my phone died, we were kind of up all night talking.”
“As if that’s the only reason your phone died – your phone was always dead because you hated technology.”
“I’ll have you know I’m much better about it now.”
“No, he’s not,” Esther says.  “But he tries.  Although I assumed that it was probably something to do with the two of you catching up.”
“I only try because the last thing I’d want is …”
“A repeat of me – you know, not knowing what happened?” Trevor guesses.  “That would never happen.”
“You don’t know that.  I could’ve easily overdosed –”
“You’ve never done drugs in your life.”
“Well, I could’ve done something else stupid.”
“You’re not the stupid one, J.”
“You’re not stupid, you’re just reckless.”
“There’s a difference?”
“Of course there is.”
Trevor huffs.  “I put two pills together to make green after drinking and doing coke that’s pretty stupid.”
“It wasn’t stupid because it wasn’t any different from your other parties, which you survived.”
“That’s the point, I was in danger of dying every time I did one of those parties… you wouldn’t be in danger of anything.”
“Not true – technically, I could die like Thor or Pete or Alberta or Flower …”
“You’re not dumb enough to hug a bear.”
“Okay, the bear one is unlikely.”
“You’re also unlikely to die by an arrow.”
“Okay, yes, the arrow is unlikely as well, but…”
“And you don’t drink and getting struck by lightning is like one in a million.”
“Okay so those accidents are unlikely – well, Alberta was murdered, but some other accident COULD happen. Sam almost died here, too.”
“That was my fault.  I wanted to beat the vase.”
“I know, but the point stands.”
“Fine – I can see why mom would be worried and why you would try harder to keep your phone charged, but that means that you’re kind of a jerk for not charging your phone just in case.”
“I’m not a jerk because I was distracted by you and let my phone die – you could’ve reminded me.”
“Why would I remember?  I can’t use a phone.”
“Not true – if you can use an iPad, you can use a phone.”
“But I wouldn’t be able to charge the phone – so the point stands.”
“That’s not the point – you always remember things I should be doing –”
“BOYS!  You’ve been together for a day and you’re arguing about phone charging?  And whether or not Jeremy could spontaneously die like Trevor?  Why are you putting me through that on your birthday?  Why?”
“Sorry, mom.”
They share a guilty look. 
“We weren’t really thinking,” Jeremy states.  Sometimes, it’s hard for him to remember that she struggles as much as he does with the loss of Trevor, especially since she can’t hear him right now.  “But we’ll stop that for now.”
“Good because knowing that Trevor’s up there, does make me a little nervous and –”
Trevor grimaces.  “Maybe…”
“No, I didn’t finally get the courage to visit just to leave so suddenly.  Besides, I want to get to know your girlfriend.”
“Don’t worry about my nerves, Trevor.  I want you boys to enjoy some time together.”  She pauses.  “How did you find a girlfriend in the afterlife?”
“She’s been here for a while – she’s actually the Lady of the House – the dead one anyway.”
��Wow, J,” Trevor states.  
“And it’s a long story, but they got together on the 26th of December.”
“Oh, that’s so nice.  I’m happy for you – not really surprised, I’m guessing it’s the one with the floofy dress?”
“How’d you know?” Trevor asks, before realizing that his mother can’t hear him.
“Because she’s featured in more and more of my drawings – and even though there’s some I haven’t shown mom –”
“Oy vey – ones where…”
“Yeah, I can’t really control my dreams and visuals.  Wish I could, though.”
“Has it been – no, you know what…”
“It’s nothing too – inappropriate but I figured…”
“Still here, boys.  In case you’ve forgotten.  What’s her name?”
“Hetty Woodstone.”
“Does that mean she’s a relative of the weird woman that owns the B&B?”
“Sam and David, yes.”
“Wait, she’s related to your friend, David?”
“Yeah, she’s his great-great-great-grandmother – did you know he died at a strip club?  Sam wouldn’t tell me how.”
“He’s a ghost at a strip club?  Wow.”
“Who’s a ghost, where?”
“David – Trevor’s friend.  Although some friend he is throwing your body in the lake – is Hetty’s great-great-great grandson and he died at a strip club.  Fitting for that idiot.”
“He’s not that bad!”
“Do I need to repeat that he threw your body in the lake?”
“No, Thor does that enough, thank you.”
“Thor sounds like an awful roommate.”
“He is, actually.  Well, sometimes – he and Flower have scared me off with having sex ten feet from my head and before that he had nightmares about eating his squirrel best friend, but it’s not too bad…”
“It’s not too bad – you what?  I just… how?”
“Because now I just sneak into Hetty’s room with Flower.”
“Why wouldn’t you just trade rooms – you know what?  I’m not asking questions.”
“I have some questions.”
“Trust me, you don’t want to know, mom,” Jeremy states.
“Well, anyway.  I wanted to check on you and the woman said you were both still asleep, so why don’t you call back later?  I could get your father here and we could facetime.  We wouldn’t be able to see Trevor, but…”
“I’d be able to see you.”
“He’d be able to see you,” Jeremy repeats.  “We’d like that, mom.”
“Then we’ll talk later?”
“Sounds good.”
“Love you, both.”
“We love you, too.”
Hetty didn’t really want to leave Trevor and his brother alone.  She had tossed and turned all night, eventually getting up and going to the twins’ room only to spy them so lost in conversation and half-asleep that she couldn’t bear to interrupt.  Instead, she watched over them for hours, worried that if she wasn’t watching Trevor would get sucked off and she wouldn’t even get to say goodbye.  
It hadn’t really occurred to her that as much as they all wished to be sucked off that somehow any of them would be or that she would be this upset about it.  Maybe if it were Isaac, but she never believed that she could have this sort of attachment to Trevor.  
Trevor, the pantsless son of a bitch that had stolen her heart.
She never thought it was possible, but now, she could lose him.  
She’d never seen him so happy.  So at peace with everything.  In the last year, he’d essentially resolved many of the issues he had that would make sense for him to be staying there – he’s learned about his friends’ betrayal (and somehow forgiven them), his parents found his body (and they had a memorial even) and now, his brother – the other half of his soul – is here and they’re dealing with all of their issues. 
What if Jeremy is exactly what Trevor needs to move on and leave her behind?
Fortunately, he hadn’t, yet, left her behind, but she still didn’t want to be away from him for too long just in case.  Before he could invite her to stay when Sam suggested they all leave the brothers alone, Isaac takes her by the arm evidently wanting to discuss why she and Trevor had gone back into the shadows.  
She wanted to stay, and she could see that Trevor maybe… possibly wanted her to stay, but she could understand Isaac wanting to speak with her after the revelation.  
Rather than going downstairs, Isaac leads her into an empty nearby room.  
“I don’t understand, Henrietta,” Isaac states.  “Why would you pretend break up?  Did the tea date not show that he doesn’t fit in with us?”
It takes a second before Hetty realizes that Isaac meant what he said after the horrid tea date.  Although they had intended for the date to go poorly as part of their plan for things in their relationship to be on their terms rather on Nigel’s terms, she’s quite surprised that Isaac could live with Trevor for twenty years and think one awful attempt at tea should scare them off being together.  
Especially since she and Trevor had spent time together prior to getting together – watching TV, discussing livings, and even listening to each other’s stories.  He seemed to enjoy her stories as much as she enjoyed his stories, and it was not just during ‘pillow talk’. 
It may have taken awhile for her walls to ‘come down’ as he said, but when they did, she has yet to regret it. The man has wormed his way into her heart, and she cannot believe that Isaac is standing before her believing that one horrid tea date was enough to scare her away.  
She laughs.  Actually, laughs and shakes her head.  
“Isaac, as much as I enjoy your company and Trevor’s company, I do not believe that horrid tea date is a show of whether or not Trevor and I are compatible.  Particularly due to the fact that we did that on purpose.”
“What – what do you mean?  You purposely tanked the date, why?”
“Surely, you realized that Trevor and I coming out happened rather dramatically, yes?” Hetty questions.
“Of course,” Isaac states.  “I assumed that it was because Trevor likes that sort of thing – with all of his stories and such.”
“It was not for Trevor that I made such a big deal of our coming out.  It was because Nigel had caught us together the week prior and had opted to blackmail us into keeping his silence.”  She pauses.  “I am ashamed to admit that I was too embarrassed and wanted to follow through with the blackmail, as a result, Trevor and I broke up, but when Trevor went to tell Nigel that there was nothing to blackmail us with anymore, he said that he would still inform everyone of our entanglement.  Trevor followed through with giving Nigel what he wanted, despite getting nothing out of it and it was then that I realized that I had - that I have … feelings for Trevor.”
Not that she’s admitted such things to him.  
Isaac still looks entirely confused.  “I don’t understand.  How did that lead to everything that happened?”
“Well, I decided that the only way to deal with the situation and show Trevor that I was not embarrassed was to tell everyone.  We beat Nigel – checkmated him.  Yet, it felt as if he pushed us out before we were ready.”
She smiles slightly when she thinks about what happened after the big announcement.  Trevor had been delighted that she was no longer embarrassed by him but could understand that there was a level of uncomfortableness regarding how and why they came out.  He didn’t like that Nigel had essentially forced them out of their little horny nest as he enjoys calling it.  Thus, they had discussed it and decided that with both of them okay if people found out about them, they could essentially scheme their way back into the shadows and come out on their terms.  
“… and so, everything (aside from Stephanie’s input) that happened that day was planned, from the overly obnoxious way we showed off ‘being a couple’ to the awful tea date and the discussions we had with our friends in the house.  Everyone surprisingly played into it well, thus it was easy for us to fake fight and break up.”  Hetty smiles. “Then it was just us, again.  At first, we tried to be less obvious, but then I was almost banished, and we assumed that if we were found out, again, we would just let it happen.”
“This is what you want?” 
“More than anything.”
“Then, I support you and I shall talk to Nigel about this – blackmail business.  Perhaps someday soon we can actually attempt a proper double date.”
“It may take some time, but I think Trevor and I may enjoy that at some point in the future.”
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little-miss-buffy · 8 months
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Closed starter for @summers-spirit
Buffy watched Angel whimper in his sleep, her heart shattering. It was easier when he was acting like a feral wild animal, growling every time she took a step closer to him. It was definitely easier when he showed up all vamped out and snapped Pete's neck, but when he turned around and looked at her, his face going back to normal as he recognized her, the guilt she felt after running that broadsword through his heart came rushing back. Her heart broke when he said her name. Silent tears streamed down her face as he knelt down, wrapped his arms around her waist, rested his head against her stomach and sobbed her name over and over. She couldn't leave him alone now. Not like this, so she stayed with him until he finally laid still. Now, she was on her way home.
Buffy couldn't keep this to herself. She had to tell someone, but she had no idea who. Her friends and Giles would be upset with her for sure. Faith? She didn't trust her just yet. But, there was someone who she used to tell everything to who wanted Buffy to trust her more. As soon as Buffy walked through the door (which she was still getting used to), she quickly ran up the stairs to Stef's room.
Buffy knocked on the door three times before just walking into the room. "Okay, you want me to start telling you stuff? Fine. But, this is a big one and you cannot tell ANYONE. NO ONE." She took a deep breath. "Angel's alive."
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artsymeeshee · 5 months
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aphel1on · 10 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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simplyjustagirlsblog · 11 months
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i love laura palmer
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ravenlilyrose · 17 days
Bruce is at a gala, okay, and he’s talking to a woman.
Random woman: “And we found out that we’re having another child!”
Bruce: *absolutely cackling inside, because this is about to be the funniest thing he’s done in weeks*
Brucie: “That’s wonderful! Where are they? Can I meet them? How old are they?”
Now Brucie is standing there, scanning the room for children with a huge grin on his face, while all of the random rich people stand around like ‘who’s going to explain to the adorable, well-meaning idiot that most people know they’re going to have children a few months before the children are born.’
And worse, who’s going to have to break the news to him that he can’t meet the kid today?
Because this man… this man has acquired all of his children with zero premeditation. Yes, he does have a bio kid, but that one showed up on his doorstep as a preteen. He did even less acquiring with that one than with the others.
Bruce has a blast acting out his disappointment, and has to turn some so that he can no longer see Tim and Cass leaning against each other and laughing, because otherwise he’s going to start laughing.
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noodles-and-tea · 2 days
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Continuation of this
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Physically? I am sitting in my bedroom. Mentally? Spiritually? I AM DEAD ON THE FLOOR!!!!! THESE TWO HAVE KILLED ME!!!!
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(Another drawing! This was originally attempt #1 at drawing stan, and then fiddleford just showed up. Kinda feels like them five minutes after the above acting like nothing happened though, so it works sdjkgkjfshj)
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some-kind-of-creature · 2 months
It wasn’t supposed to be a secret.
If you died while with the league, you will no longer be acknowledged to have existed, especially if you died during a mission. A disappointment will not be remembered.
The bats and birds don’t like speaking about the people they have lost, so they don’t. If someone ask about the dead, they will tell the person they don’t talk about that.
So how was Damian supposed to know that he should have told his father about his dead brother?
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eaissilyy · 2 months
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A kinder mother would sure seek her sons, even if it was her who abandoned them.
(Just a Thought of Marika in ragged clothes and covered in veil, unfortunately didn’t hide her grace, descending down to the shunning ground she made to cage her rage and grief from the time long past, just to see her sons who she refused to hold and look at their births. SADLY THAT’S NOT WHAT HAPPENED AHUGHGAHHHHH)
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
It's A Twin Thing Ch 7
Trevor has the best birthday of his afterlife.
“So, tell me more about yourself,” Jeremy says, as he sits with Hetty a little off to the side from the computer where their parents are chatting with Trevor via Sam, who had wanted to be involved for some reason.  Of course he’s using his power to send messages to them, which helps.  
“Oh, um, I am Henrietta Woodstone.  I have lived at the Woodstone Estate for my entire life and afterlife.  I have been dead for a hundred and thirty years.  I was married with children in life, but my ex-husband who is rotting in hell means nothing to me –”
“I meant, personally.  What do you like to do?  What interests you?”
Hetty looks taken aback.  “Why ever would you want to know that?”
“How else am I going to get to know you?” Jeremy questions.  
“I thought you shared dreams with Trevor?  Would you not know about me through those dreams?”
Jeremy laughs.  “I only get vague ideas – I see the events and recreate them in drawings and paintings, but I rarely remember the conversations or information provided in them.  I just… remember the feelings.”
“The feelings?”
Jeremy hums.  “I remember how annoyed he was when you wouldn’t let him attend the dinner party.  I remember how delighted he was when your scheme to fool the house paid off.  And I remember how afraid and upset he was when you tried to send him to hell…”
“I did not mean it.  He was just an easy target to test on, we – we were not close then, and I would never…”
“Hetty, relax.  I know that he forgave you.  He wouldn’t be with you if he didn’t, which means, he doesn’t actually believe that you wanted to hurt him,” Jeremy states, plainly.  
While he and Trevor hadn’t discussed it, he knows his brother well enough to know that Trevor would never sleep with Hetty if he didn’t believe that Hetty didn’t truly want to harm him and had forgiven her for her attempt regardless of if she thought it would work or not.
Hetty relaxes.  “He was angry with me for a long time…”
“He had nightmares for a long time,” Jeremy admits.  “I know because I had them, too.  It’s one of those moments that was imprinted in my brain.”
Hetty looks down, clearly upset.
“But he forgave you when you proved that you had accepted him,” Jeremy states, causing her to look up confused.  “What happened with Ari,” he explains.  “You had seen a different side to him, you had been the one to bring him back downstairs to see what you all had planned, and when you apologized after that – for thinking the worst of him and for trying to send him to hell, even as a joke – he knew you meant it.  And he forgave you.”
Hetty nods.  “I believed him to be too much like Elias…”
“Because he puts up a front to protect himself…” Jeremy offers.  “Lying about his hero tendencies that backfired.”  She gives him a confused look and he laughs.  “Let’s just say that the night he died wasn’t the only time he did something that stupid with regard to his pants.”  She still looks confused, so he says, “He’s come home without pants several times – largely because after his stupid run of fun thing, he didn’t want anyone else to go through that.”
“Oh,” Hetty states.  “That is … perhaps he was destined to die without pants then.”
Jeremy laughs.  “I believe it.  It’s too bad that he didn’t believe in my ghosts’ stories.”
“Your ghosts’ stories?”
Jeremy hums.  “I always believed in ghosts, Trevor didn’t.  I used to make up stories about ghosts that lived in our house, at the school, at the mall… all the time.  It’s a shame I’m not a writer because I was extremely imaginative when it came to these stories, but I don’t really like writing, but I did draw them a lot.”  He clears his throat.  “Anyway, there were always common things about the ghosts – like the way you look when you died, which included clothes.  I always teased him that he should be more careful about walking around without clothes on because he could become a naked ghost.  Can you just imagine that?”
They both laugh.
“Are you mocking me over there?” Trevor asks, gaining their attention.
“No… what would give you that idea?” Jeremy offers, giving him a grin.  “I simply suggested that you have an issue with pants.”
“I do not have an issue with pants,” Trevor retorts.  “I just happened to die without them.”
“Because you had habit of coming home without pants on.”
“I did not – it wasn’t a habit.  It just happened sometimes.”
“Exactly how many times did you leave your pants somewhere and went home half-naked?” Sam asks.  “Wait, no, don’t answer that.  I don’t want to know.”
“I want to know,” Flower asks.  “I’m curious.”
“I knew you had a problem with pants,” Alberta says, excitedly.  “Your mother showed a picture of him without pants when they came to visit, and I asked him if he ever wore pants.”
“I was TWO!”
“And at thirty-two, you still didn’t wear pants,” Jeremy jokes. 
“I wore them – I just happened to take them off at a rather unfortunate time,” Trevor states.  
This causes everyone to laugh. 
“Why are talking about my pants anyway?”
“Oh, I was just explaining about my ghosts’ stories and how I always told you that your habit would bite you in the butt one day.”
Trevor sticks his tongue out at Jeremy.  “You’re the worst.”
“You’re supposed to be nice to me – it’s my birthday.”
“It’s my birthday, too, you know and you’re not being nice.”
“Technically, you’re the one that said that ghosts don’t celebrate their birthdays… so, does that really count?”
“You – you just – are you serious right now?”
“Of course I am – technically, I’m just using your own words –”
“ALRIGHT BOYS, PLAY NICE,” Esther yells through the computer.  
“Sorry, mom,” they say together. 
“I’ll stop being mean – for now,” Jeremy offers.
It’s the happiest birthday Trevor has had in a long time – and not just because ghosts don’t celebrate birthdays, but because he’s reunited with his family, and Hetty, whether she’s ready to admit it or not, actually has feelings for him.  After everything that’s happened – the uncertainty regarding their sexcapades and hiding – he was sure it would take a lot longer of being comfortable as a couple before she would even venture to think that something could be there, but apparently, not.  She hadn’t said it in so many words, but he could tell that her worry over losing him was on par with if she were to lose Isaac, and that meant something.  
He meant something.  He meant something to her.  
Such a great a feeling after their first coming out a few months back.
Now, he can feel better about his feelings for her.  Especially since his parents and brother appear to approve.
Plus, despite the differences in time and death, somehow, she managed to find things in common with his parents, and Jeremy had fun trying to mimic her so that they could get an idea of what she sounded like, but he was genuinely trying and terrible at it.  Jay, having been possessed by her, had a better idea of what Hetty’s voice is like and took over.  It was very entertaining because Jeremy would lean over to whisper what Hetty said to him and sometimes, Jay would pause as he tries to imagine her saying it before attempting it and then Hetty would criticize his efforts which would cause Jeremy to laugh.  Especially due to the fact that every so often, Jeremy would claim that Hetty said something totally ridiculous, and Jay wouldn’t realize that until he says it and Jeremy bursts out laughing.  
Jay would then mumble something about being annoyed by Lefkowitzes before asking what she actually said to give it another try.  It was a very fun afternoon, plus he got his own iPad to write to them.  One that Sam agreed she would try not to police what he did with it as long as he didn’t get into their website to mess with it or their bank accounts to spend their money – which, fair.  
He couldn’t imagine being happier. 
After they ended the call, Trevor and Jeremy had opted to go for a walk just the two of them.  
“So?  How’re you feeling?” Trevor asks.  “Because I’m feeling on top of the world.”
Jeremy grins at him.  “So much better.  Honestly, I – I didn’t know what to expect.  I knew you were here, that you weren’t alone, but I – I wasn’t expecting you to be so happy and at peace.  I thought I needed to come here to fix both of us… I thought that was the point of this twin thing…”
“Maybe a few years ago that would’ve been the case, and – don’t get me wrong, you helped me so much today – but yeah, I’m a lot happier than a dead guy has a right to be.”
“To be honest, I thought you would ascend if you were that happy – I didn’t want you to be upset and stuck because of me…”
“But I’m not either of those things, J.  I mean – sometimes there’s rough days when I wonder why I’m here, but a lot of days – especially lately, I almost forget I’m a ghost.  Like I’m on top of the world …”
“Like you’re on top of your tower with all the money in the world, with your wife and your favorite movie and everyone’s having fun?” Jeremy finishes.  “Your own dream come true.”
“Or at least as close to it as I can get.”
“You’re really that happy?”
“Probably the happiest I’ve ever been.”
“So, it won’t upset you if I’m the reason you’re stuck?” Jeremy asks, looking worried.
Trevor gives him a soft smile.  “No, it won’t – with the dreams and drawings, I kind of figured and to be honest, I am perfectly content right now to wait and see what happens.”  Then he gives him a look.  “And I don’t want you joining me anytime soon – in the afterlife.  Live your life to the fullest, J.  That’s what I want for you.  Not worrying about me or spending all of your time drawing my afterlife.”
“To be fair, your afterlife has made me a nearly famous artist,” Jeremy states with a smile.  
“I’m happy to hear that, but you know what I meant,” Trevor states, giving him a look.
"I know.”  He sighs.  “It’s been a long twenty years and I go through phases…”
“Hopefully being able to write to me and know that I really am doing just fine will help.”
“I think it will.”
Given his promise to Hetty, Trevor goes to find her after saying goodnight to Jeremy.  Although he expected her to be in their special room, as he goes to the stairs, he’s caught off guard by Flower stopping him.  
“Hey, Flower, I – um …”
“You can take our room,” Flower assures him.  “I’ll share with Thor tonight.”
“Thanks, I don’t want to kick you out…”
“You’re not, but before you do go into our room –” she stops and hugs him, tightly.  “– I know that you deserve to be sucked off, but I’m really glad you’re not.  I don’t know what I’d do without my best friend.”
Trevor smiles at her as they let go.  “Like I told Hetty, I’m not ready to leave, and I’m glad you’d miss me enough to want me to stay – even given what that really means.”
Flower simply smiles before skipping off to Trevor and Thor’s room.  
He looks after her for a second before he enters Hetty and Flower’s room.  
The second he does; he is accosted by Hetty with a kiss.  Like most of their kisses, it’s long and passionate and immediately makes him want to lead the way to the bed.  
“Someone’s eager,” Trevor states, panting slightly as they break apart for air.  “We have all night; we don’t have to rush.”
Hetty hums.  “Perhaps I believed that I could give you a birthday present, however, your birthday expires at midnight…”
Trevor glances at the clock in the room.  Thirty minutes to midnight.  
“A present?” Trevor questions.  “What kind of present?”
“The kind you’ve been asking for.”
“Splash?” Trevor asks, hopefully. 
Hetty grins.  “Anything for you, dearest.”
“One lucky ghost.”
“Make that two,” Hetty says before kissing him.  
The night was all theirs.
Trevor sighs, contentedly as Hetty cuddles into him.  Neither of them have to leave the room, they didn’t have to worry about being caught, it was nice.  Just the two of them, enjoying the night together without worry.
“Yes, Hetty?”
“There’s something I’ve been thinking about today…”
“Hetty, I told you – I’m here to stay,” Trevor assures her.  “I’m not going anywhere.”
“No, I – I know.  I am just … I never thought that I would feel as worried – attached to anyone other than Isaac…”
“It’s okay, Hetty.  I appreciate that you take a long time to warm up to people.”
“No, Trevor.  You do not understand.”
“What don’t I understand?”
“I – I want to tell you something, but I – I do not know if I can.”
Trevor looks at her, can see that same look in her eyes from earlier.  It’s clear to him that Hetty wants to say something … possibly about her feelings towards him, which were already obvious … well, sort of obvious.
“Hetty, you don’t have to say anything you can’t say,” Trevor states.  “When you’re ready for it, that’s when you should say it – not now, not because you’re still a little bit worried that I might ascend.  I told you – I’m not going anywhere.”
“I believe you, however…”
Trevor smiles at her.  “I know you care; you don’t have to say it.  I care about you, too.”
Hetty gives him a light kiss.  “Thank you for understanding.”
“Always.”  He gives her another kiss.  “And hey, something else good came out of today.”
“Yeah, now we don’t have to hide anymore,” Trevor states.  “And this time, it wasn’t because of some annoying little teapot.  Mind you, my brother’s usually better about keeping secrets, but…”
“It was time.  We were not as subtle as we thought, and I do not wish to hide anymore,” Hetty agrees.  “I had been considering it for some time.  Particularly since the almost banishment – the thought of losing you for a year…”
“We’ve both been rather attached – it was obvious,” Trevor states.  “And I think it’s good to stop hiding.”
“Me too.”
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little-miss-buffy · 8 months
⚠️Got demon goo on my sister's brand new sweater
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"That's okay because next time I patrol, I'll wear YOUR favorite sweater. AND your favorite shoes."
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missmisnomer · 3 months
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it's always a good day to wake up and choose violence
More Rise silliness [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
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akanemnon · 4 months
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Maybe they shouldn't have brought up Asriel... The aftermath
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month
Wait if in your fix-it AU, there’s no Empire and Anakin is still alive…does this mean when Thrawn gets exiled he’s actually just going over to crash at his buddy Anakin’s house for the time being?
Anakin: oh good timing, we needed a babysitter!
OMG YOUR MIND this is the best idea ever yes
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