#it's consuming my every waking thought it was just supposed to be a quick little fun story to get the idea out of my brain
Also I'm curating a spotify playlist for this fic what on earth has my life become
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helionpegasus · 2 years
azriel x reader
words count: 899
warnings: none, pure fluff :) a bit angst??
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The rain got us by surprise. It was supposed to be an afternoon walk on the street, to enjoy the beginning of spring. 
We walked near the lake eating ice cream, stopped by the bakery shop to eat red velvet cookies and a strawberry pie. Both of us are weak for any sweet.
The days have been sunny and fresh, no warning of a storm breaking in.
“Should we risk running to your home?” He said while we were trying to hide from the rain in an awning from a shop by the street. 
“We will arrive there soaked.” I said laughing. “But we can try.” He only gave me a sly smirk, like that’s exactly the answer he wanted. The golden eyes shining like the sunset surrounding us.
With a fast move, he grabbed my hand and we started running through the streets. We were not far from my apartment, actually, arriving there was pretty quick, but not fast enough for our shoes don’t soak our feet in their own private pool.
My thoughts were interrupted by the soft brush his scarred hand gave mine. Hands surprisingly so soft and kind. I realized we’re already on my floor, standing in front of my door.  “Well… safely delivered. Perhaps a bit wet, but I think nothing is out of place.” Our laughs echoed in the empty hall.
I look up, meeting his eyes. Warm and expressive, the opposite of his inexpressive facial features that would not tell a thing. And I get lost in memorizing every piece of his beautiful face, like I’m scared of never seeing it again.
I didn’t realize we were so up close, our breaths matching, it must be pure muscle memory. Nozes almost touching, his hand smoothly reaching for my neck. I closed my eyes, just waiting for what’s coming next. So desperately hopeful, when it happens. His lips touch mine like they’re still shy and careful, then gaining confidence and deepening it.
His other hand found a place in my waist, pulling me more against his body. Hot besides the situation that we’ve been in. I link my arms around his broad shoulders, our lips dancing on their own, like this kiss is our savior.
“What if… you stay here tonight?” I asked unsure when we pushed apart from each other slightly, breathless. Scared of what his answer would be. 
He looked at me, searching for any regret. And found none.
“Yes, it sounds like a really good idea. It will be a long night, though.” And there was that smirk again. Enough to make both my legs weak with so little. I gave a smile of my own, and our lips were meeting again.
I don’t remember when we entered the apartment, nor the moment we got in my room. The moment we got our clothes off and linked ourselves in the bed, even less.
All I remember is looking at his beautiful face once more. Running my fingers through his dark locks. Tracing his pointed nose, full and soft lips, round ears and sharp jawline that needed to be shaved.
All I remember is resting my head in his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat and steady breath. Only my white sheet covering our naked bodies from the moonlight creeping through the window on our left side.
All I remember is feeling my chest burn to say all the feelings that I’ve been repressing to myself. To not disturb our peaceful bubble.
All I remember is waking up breathless. Soaked in my sweat. With the other side of the bed empty and cold. Because he has never been here.
The dream tonight was vivid as always. I started to get used to it. We all do when you have to deal with it for years.
Once I steady my breath, I walked to the bathroom to splash water on my face. Hoping that will wake me up a bit more.
“Morning!” Bryce said once I got in the living room.
“Morning.” I replied, going straight to the kitchen. I need coffee so bad.
“You look like shit.” “Thank you, Bryce! That’s exactly what I needed to hear.” My fake smile hides in the mug while I sip, letting the caffeine get in my veins.
“It’s those dreams again?” No answer from me was enough. “You’re getting consumed by it. Searching for help would not be a bad idea.”
“I’m not going to talk about vivid dreams with an amazing male that doesn't exist with my therapist.” The redhead rolled her eyes.
“I’m not saying to seek help from your therapist. Your grandmother was a Seer, right? Maybe this is some kind of other expression of power.”
“But a Seer is supposed to see the future, Bryce. A power that extends to seeing the future of everyone. But I only dream with him. I don’t know who he is, I don't know his name or what he sounds like. All I know is that he appeared once in my dreams, with such a warm presence. And never left.” I felt a tear roll in my cheek, I didn’t even realize I was getting emotional. Pathetic.
“Maybe the dreams are a sign of someone you’ll have to help in the future.” Her soft thumb brushed my single tear.
“Maybe…” I agreed.
“Or perhaps, you’re having visions of your mate.”
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m-jelly · 9 months
All I need - Chapter 2
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@ladycheesington <3
Levi x fem!reader
Future Fic, Romance, Drama & Romance, Falling In Love, mafia, Gangsters, Love, True Love, Fluff, Protective Levi, Possessive Levi
In this chapter: Levi goes off and leaves you alone in his office. While he is gone you meet Levi's fun half-brother. You and Levi's brother have a little fun together and have lunch. After falling for his brother's teasing, Levi comes running to you before taking you to see a surprise he has for you.
Part 3
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To say he was worried about you was an understatement. No matter how much Levi tried to put it off, he couldn’t any longer. As the leader of a gang that runs many things in the city, he had to attend many meetings because many people got it wrong. Clearing up people’s messes was a common job for him. He was supposed to spend every single minute with or near you.
A frustrated sigh escaped him. “Call me if you need anything and I mean anything.”
You smiled sweetly at him. “I promise. Everything will be okay while you’re gone.”
“Good.” He hesitated a moment. “You should go have a nap. Use the sofa in my office.”
“But what about my job?”
“Am I your boss?” His brow raised.
Heat spread across your cheeks as your heart raced. “Yes.”
He held your chin between his thumb and finger. “Well, I say you can. Be a good girl and do as you’re told.”
You giggled at his playfulness. “Yes. I’ll nap.”
His fingers moved to your cheek allowing him to squeeze gently. “Good girl.”
With a quick turn on his heels, Levi proceeded to the door. As soon as the door opened the loud noises of outside came flooding in. The thought of looking back at you danced in his mind, it teased him and pulled at his senses. Desire and need won over, so he turned and looked back at you to see you sweetly smiling. All he could think about as he looked at you was cancelling his meetings and staying by your side. However, that was not possible today.
You waved to Levi. “Have a great day. Make sure you drink plenty, eat and have a break.”
Love filled his heart at your caring words. “I promise.”
It was hard to watch Levi walk away and leave you all alone, but you did rather enjoy how tight and perky his ass was. Dirty thoughts filled your head as you ogled the god of a man, Levi. You turned around to face the office and felt a coldness consume you. Everywhere you looked you longed for him. It’d been almost two months since Levi walked into your life and both of you had a deep longing.
The sofa was perfectly soft when you lay against it. Levi’s scent was soaked into the fabric which just wrapped around you. You were soothed and lulled into a deep sleep full of wonderful images and dreams. Before Levi, you were always so tired and since he walked into his life it was like he had this calming effect on you. Sleep was easy now, but it would be better if he were there to hold you.
As you slept soundly a car pulled up to the building. A tall muscular man stepped out of the car with slightly messy black hair that was tamed back a bit. Piercing blue eyes scanned the building. The suit he wore hugged his tight muscles and made him look like the picture-perfect man. He carried himself well as he approached the building. The lock beeped and recognised his ID on his communicator.
He stopped a moment and looked around the room. Seeing a desk with cute things on threw him off a little, but it made him smirk knowing that Levi had a lady around. He moved to the back and was struck by the most beautiful lady he’d ever seen sleeping away on the sofa. Quietly, he moved across the room to you as you slept and crouched down. It was clear by the way he looked at you that Levi had been taking care of you and you sleeping on his sofa indicated that you meant something to him.
Feeling the presence of someone caused you to wake up slowly. It confused you a little because whoever it was had a presence that reminded you of Levi, but you were sure Levi wasn’t supposed to be back yet. As soon as you opened your eyes you felt very confused because the man looked slightly like Levi, but wasn’t Levi. They shared the same facial shape and dark hair, but his eye shape was slightly different, and his eye colour was more icy blue than steel blue. The hair was styled differently and his lips weren’t kissable like Levi’s.
You reached over and started touching the soft skin on his face. “You’re not Levi but look a little like him.”
He smirked at you. “If I said I was Levi, would I get a kiss?”
You snorted a laugh. “No.” As you sat up on the sofa you took all of him in, he seemed taller than Levi and was muscular but not as much as Levi. “Who are you?”
“Vincent Ackerman.”
Your brows knitted together. “Who?”
He rosed to his feet and smiled at you. “I’m Levi’s half-brother. We have the same father, but a different mother. Our father is so lovesick that he changed his last name to hers. She’s amazing.” He sat next to you. “Better mother to me than my own, which is why I call her mum.”
“I’m sorry.”
He chuckled. “It’s okay. I’m thrilled with my brother and new mother.”
You smiled at him. “And your father?”
“He's the head of the most powerful family in this city, well the most powerful criminal family.” He chuckled. “But you knew that.”
You nodded. “I did.”
A wonderful scent came from him when he threw his arm over the back of the sofa and shifted closer to you. “May I ask who you are?”
You gave him your name. “I met your brother about two months ago.”
“Oh yeah? Was he romantic?” His long fingers wrapped around his tie. He slowly dragged the knot down. “Did he woo you?”
Your gaze was strong as you locked eyes with him. “A rookie in training came over to my place for money, but it was money for a debt my ex racked up. He didn’t know that and didn’t give me any chance to explain because he beat me black and blue. When he returned to Levi and told him what he did, Levi came right over to me. Levi says he won’t tell me what he did to the rookie, but I can make an educated guess. Since then, Levi has been looking after me and is hunting down my ex.”
Vincent stared deep into your eyes. “You know, I can’t think of anything more romantic.”
You burst out laughing. “Right?”
He laughed with you. “My younger brother is a good lad, scary but good. He means well.” He shuffled down in his seat and got comfortable. “What surprises me is how much he’s looking after you. You must mean a lot to him.” He smiled. “I know that look. You’re going to tell me it’s not true, but trust me. I grew up with Levi. I was six when he was born and I was with him every step of life. Levi has never gone this far for a girl before.”
A blush heated your cheeks. “You’re just saying that.”
He lightly played with your hair. “Shy looks cute on you. I love my brother, so this is going to be hard not to pursue you and flirt with you. We have such similar tastes.” As he leaned his head over the back of the sofa and groaned, his hair slightly shifted off his face causing him to look a bit more like Levi. “He better not fuck this up.” He gave you the side eye. “You let me know if he makes you cry. I kick his sorry ass.”
“You’re stronger than him?”
“Fuck no, but he’ll probably let me kick his ass.” He lifted his head. “So, where is my little cute brother?”
“He has meetings today. He seemed upset about it.”
He leaned his cheek on his hand and observed you. “Probably because he had to leave you. He gets very attached to things he cares about, like his cuddly bunny when he was a kid.”
Your eyes sparkled at the information. “He had a cuddly bunny?”
“Yup.” He tapped on his communicator and showed you a picture of five-year-old Levi hugging a cuddly bunny with a tiny smile on his face, Vincent was right next to him with a big grin. “See?”
You wiggled closer and looked at the sweet picture. “Aww, look at you two. So cute. You know, you can’t tell here you have different mothers. You look similar.”
“Thanks. I like that I take after our father and not that evil creature who gave birth to me.” He held his hand up and stopped you from speaking. “Before you say anything, she used to beat me a lot and neglect me. She was awful. I love my mother, Kuchel.” He changed the picture of the whole family. “Kuchel accepted me right away and loved me like her own and still does. She’s the best mother ever. That big muscular man there with a scary angry look? That’s our dad, but he is as soft as anything.”
You giggled as you looked at the sweet family. “You all look so happy. Are you still like this?”
“Yeah, we’re thick as thieves.” He hummed. “You’ll fit right in.”
You pulled back from him. “I don’t know about that, but thank you. Oh, would you like a drink or something to eat?”
“I’m going to take you out. Not a date, don’t worry. Levi would murder me.”
You grabbed your handbag and smiled softly. “Can we go somewhere fairly normal? If you’re like Levi, then you’ll suggest fancy. He spoils me too much. I like just normal things.”
He stood up and shoved his hands in his pockets. “How did you know I would suggest a five-star place?”
“You and Levi seem a bit similar, but you’re more outgoing I think.”
He chuckled as he walked with you. “You’re right. How about pizza?”
“Yes! I love pizza.”
He offered his arm to you. “May I escort you?”
A nice scent filled your senses when you hugged his arm, it was gentle and lovely but it wasn’t as good as Levi’s. The two of you walked to his car. Vincent drove you to a nice pizza place in the city. He held the door open for you and selected a nice booth for the two of you to sit in. The two of you ordered drinks and pizza before talking together about Levi.
You gazed at more pictures on Vicent’s communicator. “He’s so cute.”
“Right?” He chuckled. “I adore him.”
You looked up at him and gently smiled. “You’re a good brother.”
“Thanks.” He released a long sigh. “Oh, I’ll message my brother we’re here so he doesn’t panic when he gets back to the office.”
“Thank you.” You downed some of your drink. “Are you all a close family still?”
“Yeah, all four of us are close and we all work together as well.”
“That’s good to hear.” You looked down at your communicator when Levi’s name showed up. “Oh, Levi’s calling.” You tapped for the video. “Hello, Levi. How are your meetings going?”
Levi softly said your name. “They’re okay, but you need to listen to me. Get away from that man. You have to get out of there, now.”
You snorted a laugh. “Levi, I know you two are close. He showed me your baby pictures.”
Levi went pink and groaned. “Tch, damn it.”
Vincent put his arm over your shoulders and leaned closer so Levi could see him. “Hello, little brother. You trying to scare this poor girl?”
“Just don’t…you…she…”
“Don’t worry, okay? I don’t steal things, you know that.”
Levi smiled a little. “Thanks. Anyway, I’m on my way back. Where are you?”
“Our favourite pizza place.”
You grinned. “It’s so delicious!”
A loving smile spread over Levi’s lips. “I’ll be there with you in a few moments, okay?”
“Sure! It’ll be lovely to see you.” Your words filled his heart with joy. “I’ll see you soon then.”
“See you soon.”
You ended the call and cast your eyes on Vincent. “What?”
A charming smirk graced his lips. “Nothing, nothing, you’re both just cute.”
You refilled your drink and ate more pizza. “Do you have a girlfriend?”
“No.” You leaned closer. “Why, do you want to apply for the role?”
You shook your head. “No thank you, you’ll just get cursed.”
A weight dropped on your heart. “I have a lot of bad luck with love. All guys I date turn into assholes and runoff, or another woman takes them.” Tears run down your cheeks. “Sorry.”
Vicent wiped the tears away. “Don’t be sorry. You deserve better.”
“Tch, oi? Hands off her.”
You turned and looked up at Levi. “Levi.” A smile spread over your lips. “You made it.”
Just a quick glare from Levi caused Vincent to move from next to you over to the opposite side of the booth. When Levi looked back at you his gaze softened. “Are you okay?” He reached over and caressed your cheek. “You’ve been crying.”
“I just…I was telling your brother that I’m unlucky with love.”
Levi sat next to you. “I don’t think you’re unlucky. I think you’re a good person. You’re a very kind and good person who bad people take advantage of.” He shuffled closer to you as his voice lowered. “But don’t worry, little bunny, I’ll protect you from the mean and nasty monsters.”
“Romantic.” Both Levi and you looked over at Vincent. Vincent smirked at you both. “You two make a great couple.”
You frowned as Levi blushed. “How did you get over there?”
“My cute little brother gave me an angry look to make me move.” He chuckled. “He’s very protective of you.”
You gazed at Levi. “I appreciate it so much. I want to do everything I can to pay you back.”
Levi held your hand. “Just being with me and letting me take care of you is all I need.” He jumped when a big dog appeared next to him. “Tch, the hell?”
You squeaked in delight. “Look at the little puppa!”
The owner laughed a little. “Sorry, Al is rather friendly.”
You gasped. “Al as in Al Capone?”
“You got it.”
You reached closer and paused. “Can I pet him?”
“Of course.”
You let Al sniff your hand and smiled when his head nudged your hand. You instantly fussed his face all over. Al moved a little causing you to lean over Levi’s lap. It brought you so much joy to fuss the soft dog and to see that the dog was happy to receive your attention.
Levi was going to tell the owner off about letting the dog loose, but as soon as he saw how much joy the dog brought you he relaxed. Levi loved dogs, but one was getting between him and you and that’s why he was a little annoyed at first. He tensed up as soon as you leaned over him, your face and breasts were close to his crotch. He was overwhelmed by your wonderful scent.
You looked up at Levi causing him to see right down your top at your ample breasts. “Isn’t he a cute dog? Dogs are so cute.”
A small strangled laugh came from Vincent. Once Levi glared at him, he covered his mouth with his hand to stop him from laughing. “Sorry.”
You sat up as your cheeks heated up when you released how close your face was to Levi’s. “Uhh, do you like dogs?”
Levi petted Al. “I do.” A few thoughts ran through his head. “Do you want a dog?”
Your eyes lit up. “I can get a dog?”
He nodded. “I can get you one. I’ll make sure he’s very trained as well.” He lightly rubbed your cheek. “Only the best for you.”
You gasped in delight. “I can’t wait to meet him.”
Excitement bubbled through him when he realised where he was going to take you next. “I have a gift for you.”
He got out of the booth and offered his hand to you. “Come on.”
It was like a deep instinct in you to just take Levi’s hand and let him lead you anywhere. “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere fun.”
You glanced back at Vincent as he followed. “Is Vincent coming too?”
Vincent winked at you. “Not this time, kitten. I’m heading off to work. Levi will look after you now.”
You stopped and tugged Levi a little. “Can I get your number? I want to stay in touch.”
Levi growled a little. “You don’t need his number.”
“But he’s family to you. He’s nice and I would like a friend.”
He released a long sigh. “Tch, fine.”
You took Vincent’s number and gave him a little hug. “See you soon!”
Vincent winked at you. “We’ll have pizza again.”
Levi pulled you along. “Come on.”
You stumbled along with Levi. “Are we going in your car?”
“Yeah.” He opened his car door. “Hop in, my little bunny.”
The seats of Levi’s car were warm against your body. An intense smell of Levi and his cologne filled your senses, it was alluring and arousing. Levi’s scent was pure perfection to you. You wanted to be wrapped up in it for eternity. Seeing Levi behind the wheel, his hands gripping it with the veins popping a little was incredible. He had impressive skill at weaving his flying car around traffic. It was relaxing to let him drive with classical music on. You felt at peace with Levi.
Confusion and curiosity slowly settled in when Levi drove you both up to a nice part of the city where your dream home was. It started to dawn on you that you were getting close to where your dream apartment was. You flicked your gaze to Levi as multiple questions were in your mind, you just didn’t know what to say or ask first. The apartment you wanted was just in sight, but Levi kept driving, which confused you again.
Levi pulled up at a cute one-floor home, one that was bigger with a more beautiful garden and looked so welcoming. He climbed out of the car and helped you out. “This is your new home.”
Tears filled your eyes as your heart raced in your chest. “My…my…new home?”
“Yes. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t get the one you dreamed of. I tried, but someone bought it.” He released a long sigh. “I searched high and low for something similar or better. I found this one and I made sure it has everything you need.”
You stared at Levi. “Did you spend all day today doing this and not in meetings?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I didn’t have a single business meeting today. I spent the day finding you an apartment and meeting with people to get it and to get the place filled with furniture, food and clothes.”
You dove into his arms. “Levi.” You clung tightly to him. “Thank you.”
He held you tightly. “You’re welcome. You ready to see your new home?”
He put his arm around you and walked through the gate and up to the front door. He presented a keycard and pushed it into the card machine causing the door to unlock. With a gentle push, the door opened to reveal a roomy home all on one floor. The place was cosy, welcoming and decorated to your taste. All the lighting was soft with a warm glow. There was the perfect amount of blankets on seats and cuddly toys.
As Levi led you through your new home it was clear he had bought you the latest technology. Everything you dreamed of was now yours in your new home. He’d given you a massive comfy bed that you could just melt in. Outside was a pool along with a pretty garden full of fruit and vegetables. A gentle running of water near an outdoor seat that looked like a bed for you to curl up in looked like heaven.
Levi took your hand and took you to the kitchen. “I stocked it up. You have everything you need.”
You smile sweetly at Levi. “You want to stay for dinner?” Your cheeks burned. “The bed is big enough for us to share if you need or want to stay over.”
“If you’re happy to have me.”
“I am.” You pointed to the kitchen. “I will get dinner started. I’m going to make a nice pasta dish. Is that okay?”
Levi wrapped an arm around you. “Any food you cook will be divine.”
“You’re too kind.” Your cheeks burned a little. “Do you want to um maybe make some nice toasted bread with some olive oil and rock salt?”
He took his blazer off and rolled his sleeves off to reveal all his muscles and wonderful tattoos. “I’ll get right to work.” He started working and paused for a moment when he felt eyes on him. “See something you like?”
Your cheeks burned when he caught you staring. “Umm…yes…you…”
He leaned over and kissed your cheek. “Well, I really like what I see.”
You nibbled your lip a little. “Mm, that surprises me 'cause I’m not…I don’t feel…”
“You are more beautiful than you think.” He played with your hair. “You make my heart throb a lot.”
You blushed a little. “Mine too.” You turned from him. “We should get cooking.”
A gentle chuckle came from Levi. The two of you worked together making a delicious dinner. A divine mixture of herbs mixed in the air. It was like the two of you had been a couple for a long time. Working together to make a dinner was so natural. There was just something so wholesome and welcoming about the two of you. You slotted together like two puzzle pieces. It was just natural between the two of you.
Levi kindly set up the table while you plated up the dinner plates. Everything was set in its place before the two of you sat together and ate. As the night drew in the two of you remained together just talking and lightly holding hands on the table. It was Levi who noticed that time and that you were slowly falling asleep.
He wrapped his arms around you and carefully lifted you from your seat at the table. He carried you through the hall and to your new room. He gently woke you allowing him to present you with your night clothes. “You have to change into these, okay?”
You whined a little before sleepily changing. “Fiiine.”
Levi turned his back quickly. “You cute dope.”
You flopped onto the bed when you were done. “Mm, tired.”
“You should rest.” He helped you get into bed before he tucked you in. “Sleep well.”
A panic set in causing you to reach over and grab Levi’s hand. “You’re not leaving me, are you?”
“I just…I know you said I could stay, but I’ll go on the sofa.”
You pulled him closer to you. “Stay with me, please.”
You gently squeezed his hand. “Please?”
He hummed a little in thought. To stay with you in bed would mean steps towards you becoming a couple, but it could also mean you being put into danger more because of the job Levi had. However, he could protect you better if he kept you closer. As his mind raced over the things he should do, he decided to stay with you because you tugged him closer and gave him a cute smile.
He released a long sigh. “All right, I’ll stay. I’ll be sleeping in my boxes though, that okay?”
You watched closely as he removed his clothes. Your heart raced at seeing him standing in your new room in just tight boxers. The muscles on Levi were beautifully defined, he wasn’t covered in too many but the right amount to show he was incredibly strong. A few scars dotted his skin and some were only slightly hidden by his tattoos. Both his arms and legs were covered in stunning artwork, and his back was decorated to perfection. Only a few tattoos graced his chest.
Levi lightly ruffled his hair before climbing into bed next to you. “Are you sure this is okay?”
You nodded shyly. “Yes, it’s very okay.”
He relaxed against the sheets. “Good. Well, I’ll shut off the light.” He gave you a little smile. “Goodnight.”
You rolled onto your side and wiggled closer to him. “Night, Levi.” You whined a little as you started to worry. “You’ll stay, right?”
He reached over and took your hand. “Yes.” He placed a sweet kiss against your skin. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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starlightazriel · 4 months
a court of love & scars
tw: sa
other parts
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part 6, Gwen
Three weeks. It had been three weeks since I had kissed Azriel.
And... I hadn't seen him since that night. I had asked about him, asked Mor where he was. She had just brushed it off as he was busy working for Rhys, and she was so short and dismissive, that if I didn't know any better I would have thought she was hiding something. I didn't ask again.
Avoiding me. He was definitely avoiding me after that night we had, the moment we had shared. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone that I had kissed him and then he disappeared. There wasn't a day since the party had passed that I hadn't thought about kissing him. Never, ever had I been touched like that, held like that.
Before the kiss with Azriel, there was only two ways I had ever been touched.
One, by my former lover, a male from the summer court, a little older than me. It wasn't that I didn't love him, in the childish naive way that I could when I was so young. The extent of our touches were quick kisses and hand holding, and nothing like the kiss Azriel had given me. I wondered where he was now, if he survived in the war, though I couldn't say I wanted to find him even if he was alive. I wasn't the same fae girl that I had been all those years ago. What I was today, just wouldn't work, trauma had molded me. I carried a burden, scars that reminded of that burden daily. What I had to endure down there. And for so long.
Two, by Hybern, the soldiers that would visit me from time to time. Sometimes it would be one, sometimes it would be a group. I didn't remember all of it, but I remembered the pain, the pain that shot through the center of me, ripping me open, I would often bleed. My face pressed into the cold gritty grounds of the dungeon, mud getting in my mouth, clogging my nose, stinging my eyes. I remembered the noises, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, their grunts in pleasure, whistles if there was more than one of them, my own soft whimpers of pure agony. It would be a lie to say there weren't nights that it kept me up, nights that I woke up screaming and crying thinking that I some how had been stolen back and put back in that dungeon. I refused to let it hold me back. After so long in the dark, I couldn't waste more time in my own darkness, as hard as it was not to get consumed by it, I refused to let it take over. This was my life.
But when I kissed Azriel, I forgot about all of it, every single horrible thing had melted away into nothing leaving just me and him in the world and nobody else, nothing else.The kiss had ignited a fire in me, a feeling that I hadn't known existed, something that pumped through my veins and settled in the very pit of my stomach, something that left me slick in my undergarments, slick with need. My thighs squeezed together just thinking about it, imagining what it would be like if he kissed me in other places.
Tonight, I was sure, would be like the last few nights, I would watch out the window, fantasizing like the young girl I had once been, but I supposed in a less innocent way. I would fantasize that by some chance of fate I would see Azriel flying home and he would catch my eye and smile at me swooping down into my window. I would think about him kissing me like that again and I would imagine the way his hands would feel on my naked body as I touched it with my own. I didn't know how to pleasure myself, though. I wasn't stupid, I knew there was a whole world of sex out there that I had never experienced. It felt good, though, I didn't know how to finish it off, I usually ended up stopping out of sheer embarrassment remembering that my friend left after we kissed, he didn't stay to teach me about the things I was curious about. He didn't want to do those things with me. I dreamt about him too though, amongst the nightmares I had, I also dreamt about Azriel since the kiss we shared. I would wake up sweaty and tangled in my sheets, warmth and wetness leaking out of me and trickling down my thighs. Those dreams, would result in cool baths, and a shameful return to my bed.
Was it really that bad kissing me? That he had to run away. In the past weeks that he had been away I had gone over every scenario in my head over and over. Maybe I was a bad kisser, I didn't have any experience kissing like that. Maybe he was disgusted by the thought of what had been done to me in Hybern, didn't want my damaged used body. Or maybe he just didn't think I was ready. Maybe he had a lover already, maybe that's where he was now, feeling guilty for letting the kiss go on as long as it did. Maybe he just didn't see me like that.
Though I didn't regret kissing Azriel because the way that it felt outweighed any of my other feelings or doubts about it that I had. I did feel stupid, it was probably all the wine and spirits, the courage it had given me, as I stared up at him in all his glory, the way he had been looking at me. Maybe it had been in my head.
"-Azriel is arriving back tonight, should be here soon," It was Rhys' voice, speaking to Cassian that finally pulled me from my thoughts, though I hadn't heard anything else he had said. Or anything else that had been said the entire time we had all been sitting at the dinner table for that matter. I was too lost in thought. Coming back tonight. I missed him, and yes, I wanted to see him, but my gut twisted, nerves bubbling in my stomach. I got to my feet.
"I'm going to go get a drink, at Rita's," I say casually, rising from my seat, I had stacked my soup bowl on top of my plate to signify I was done, though more than half of it remained. "I'll be back later," I say, Rhys raises a brow, everyone was looking at me now. I had never gone out alone, not yet. They were studying me, all of them, I was sure trying to put the pieces together as to why I wanted to leave as soon as Azriel was brought up. Truth was, I wasn't ready to face him, or the embarrassment.
"I could go with you," Feyre offers, shooting me a small smile. "No that's alright," I say, maybe a bit too quickly, I can feel Rhys, watching me intently, trying to get past the shields I kept up, he was strong, but I was to. "I need to clear my head, thank you though, I won't stay out too late," I say, not wanting her to think it was anything to do with her.
My walk to Rita's was nice, the moon and the stars illuminating the road as I walked down into the city toward the pleasure hall. The sounds of drinking and dancing and gambling fill my ears as I grow near. Once inside, I walk through the crowd until I reach the bar, I sit on the stool and get comfortable, asking the pretty bartender for a double brandy.
I tossed the warm liquid down, asking for next one on the rocks so that I could sip it more slowly. I could feel eyes on me but I ignored them, leaning my elbows on the bar and letting my chin rest in one of my hands. Hours passed like that, sitting in silence only speaking to order a drink. It was getting late, too late, I knew if I didn't leave soon they would send Mor to look for me.
"Her next one is on me, and pour me one while you're at it," a male voice says, and I notice now, that he has taken a seat up next to me. Tall and large, but not like Azriel, with his Illyrian height and build, those massive wings. He had brown hair and blue eyes handsome, but again, not like Azriel, with his soft yet also rugged features, the way he was often unreadable, mysterious and sexy.
"And you are?" I snap, liquor coursing through my veins, I squinted my eyes a little bit as I turn to face him, he smirks wickedly, looking me up and down like Eris had at the party weeks ago.
"I'm Owen, I live here, in this city, princess, and I have been just waiting to run into you, I wasn't so lucky at the high lords party," he takes a long sip from his drink, not taking his eyes off of me for a moment. "Absolutely ravishing," he licks his lips, staring down at mine.
"I don't want company," I seethe, snapping my head straight again, not giving him the satisfaction of me looking any longer. Who did these men think they were? Why did they think I would want to talk to them? Why did they think it was okay to approach me and look at me like that? They should know better, I had been in a hybern dungeon almost my whole life, did they even know what kind of strength it took? They wouldn't be able to handle what I went through, I knew that. They just didn't understand. Especially not this male, by his appearance, a Velaris citizen through and through, rich, probably hadn't even seen the battles of the war I had been told about.
"Excuse me princess," he crooned, snickering a bit. "Piss off," I cursed, letting my gaze meet his, a look of utter disgust on mine. His eyes flared with anger, a dangerous looking one, but he couldn't touch me, not here. "You'll regret that princess," his voice dropped to a threatening tone. "Be careful what you say, and who you say it to, especially without your bastard body guards," he hissed, baring his teeth to me, I spat at his feet, he gripped his glass tight, as if he wanted to knock it over my head. "Hybern whore," he looked down at me with disgust now, replacing the attraction from before and he turned around and was gone, good, I thought, turning back to the bar when I knew he had left the bar.
My cheeks burned with embarrassment now, the whispers slowly turning back into lively chatter. I took a deep breath, ignoring the nagging feeling of shame at what had happened to me there. My body had been used, maybe ruined, for anything real. Maybe any male would only see me like that, always reminded that I was once simply used as a toy. I finished my glass, and then finished the glass that the male had bought me, and then I danced, letting the liquor flow through my veins, erasing my worries and my insecurities.
It had been maybe about 20 minutes when I started to feel dizzy, I left the dance floor, clutching the nearest chair, taking a deep breath and steadying myself. What's wrong with me? I swallowed hard, fresh air, I didn't know how but I made my way to the door, everyone around me too drunk to notice that something was wrong. The sound of the crowd and the music were fading the only noise was my pulse, pounding, echoing in my ear drums.
"I told you to be careful princess," a dark voice cooed, I couldn't recognize it, not now, too fuzzy, too foggy, my vision blurred, I tried to steady myself, tripping, almost falling to my knees as I gripped a near by wall.
"Hey is she alright? Are you alright miss?" Another voice called out. No! I'm not help me! I tried to scream, nothing, I couldn't speak, I couldn't form words. "She's alright, I've got her," the first voice speaks again, the venom in those last words. A strong arm snaked around my waist, pulling me to his body. Get off of me! I could feel tears streaming now, this was wrong, something was very wrong.
HELP ME! HELP ME! I chanted the words over and over in my head, desperately trying to scream, my vision cleared, we were in a dark musty alley, the smell of wet stones and rotting food scraps filled my nose, behind Rita's? I searched for my voice desperately tried to will myself to push him off, to run. Slightly less foggy with each passing second, Owen, the male from before. Hadn't he left? "Now princess, let me take care of you, before that little brew wears off," he purred, pushing me into the wall, my face hit the gritty wet stone with a little smack, tears streamed, he held me steady, his cold hands dancing over my body. No, no not again, please not again.
He ripped my dress open, I cried, all I could do was cry. I was weak, I couldn't move, could barely stand, he held me up. "You are a pretty thing, I know why they kept you for so long," his tone was so sick, laced with tenderness yet hate, as if he hated me for humiliating him but also still could appreciate my beauty. I whimpered, still unable to speak, my exposed body shaking under the cool night air. Please, not again. Mother please. I silently prayed, wishing that I hadn't came here tonight, not alone.
"Get your filthy fucking hands off of her before I rip your head off," cool, even, pure rage. I knew that voice. Azriel. Azriel. And just like that, the male whirled around, pants half unbuttoned, Azriels nostrils flared, eyes glowing with pure hate, my knees buckled and I sunk to the floor. My knees were to my chest, my head turned, Azriel didn't look at me though, he was looking at Owen. Pure unfiltered rage radiated from him, his siphons flared, darkness around the three of us now, but a different kind than before. Azriels shadows danced furiously around, some of them wrapping around me, holding me, soothing me with that cool pressure like when they did at night when he was in the house, and I woke from nightmares. I hadn't been so lucky in the recent weeks. Hadnt been able to sleep.
Owen was scared, I could see it in his stance though he was facing away from me. Azriel took another heavy step forward. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here," his voice was so calm, but I could see the rage in his eyes, the hate, the disgust. I wondered why the male wasn't saying anything, and then I realized, when I saw his hands fly up to his neck, he was choking. Desperately trying to pull the shadows away from his neck, Azriel bared his teeth, the shadows squeezed harder the males eyes nearly popping out of his head, he choked and spluttered, gasping for breath as Azriel got closer and closer to him.
He saved me, again, he saved me.
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
omggg i'm literally obsessed i can't stop writing this!!!! i briefly proof read lmk if there is any mistakes. 7 will be up soon xoxoxo
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BSD episode 11 my thoughts
I hope this ends up being canon to the manga it was so great.
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I knew this wonderful bastard wasn't dead and it was all an act
^ genuinely my face when he showed up added with a "that bastard"
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His acting was 8/10, what gave away he wasn't dead was his doofy little tongue sticking out 😂 I can hear Chuuya laughing at him for doing that telling him it was stupid and unrealistic
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totally thought it was gonna be through the power of their bond and their trust that Chuuya would have semi broke through the possession enough to use his ability to stop the bullet, but tbh this is better. Just them being themselves 🥰
I wonder how long they rehearsed this for, you know they did. not to mention Dazai's speech while Chuuya was drowning. Wonder if that was an on the spot thing or also practiced?
god give these two an Oscar for their performance jfc
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He was wearing freaking contacts 🤣 no wonder that vampire scream sounded so fake
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this is actually just adorable
why'd he decide to sit on the floor to take them out?? but can just take contacts out without a mirror? okay chuuya
he looks like a little dog!! (kinda giving inuyasha vibes ngl)
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what do you mean you did this all the time?! You just let him shoot you for fun?? guess he needed the gun practice after all🤣
"That dumbass was supposed to go easy" give him a break he doesn't use guns often
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I'm glad they're both okay though
but where and how did they get/find a split for Dazai's leg?? Did they like take a detour to the first aid station in the prison before heading to the exit? that would explain why Dazai's all cleaned up. got him a new pair of clothes too (maybe had a quick makeout session?)
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I kinda feel bad for Nikolai...he's so torn just holding Fyodor's arm. kinda gross but like yeah let him have some closure (we are absolutely sure he's dead right? no surprise come back?)
nice that Dazai let him have his moment without being snarky like Chuuya expected.
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No not my sad old gay men 😭
but in all seriousness this shit hurt. He was doing what he thought was right and the only way to achieve world peace...but like Fukuzawa said there is no way to do that...
Also all the things I didn't add in here like Aya and Bram, Atsushi and Akutagawa, Ranpo and the others, they're all in my heart too but the soukoku brainrot is real "I can't stop thinking about those tragic little gay men, they consume my every waking thought"
Anyway this episode was amazing. No where near as tragic and traumatic as we were expecting, and for that I'm thankful. We get a win!
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
A Family Affair Pt 2
Slasher AU CannibalFamily!EraserMicxReader
We’re going with the “strange family that lives outside of a small town” trope. After a few deliveries to the Aizawa household you get pulled in to an affair you never wanted to be a part of. Let’s see what happens after you find out about their dietary preferences. 
Super Dark Content Warning!!! Literally do not read if you have any reservation and definitely no minors!
TW: cannibal themes (including forced cannibalism), mentions of murder, mentions of corpse mutilation, kidnapping, unhealthy relationships, noncon, dubcon, biting
Thick rope dug into your skin, securing you to the bed frame by your wrists. This must be their room. The two men sat toward the bottom of the king-sized bed. An aroma of spices made your stomach growl until you remembered what - who -Hizashi was holding earlier when he mentioned dinner. Both had bowls of chili in their laps.  
After realizing you were beginning to wake, your blonde captor leaned forward with an offer to share, "You must be hungry."
You shook your head, refusing his offer. He didn't seem to mind, Hizashi was sure you would let him know when you were ready to eat. The married couple continued to eat in relative silence until your stomach growled again.
"Alright pretty girl, you’re clearly hungry," The blonde said.
Again you shook your head no. Their smiles dropped. With one captor on either side of you, you felt claustrophobic.
"Just one bite," Shouta instructed. “Don’t forget: you’re supposed behave.”
“I’m behaving,” You whined, “But I’m not eating a human being-“
"Enough of the attitude,” Shouta snapped. “We’re trying to help you, kitten. One bite. Open your mouth before I break your pretty little jaw."
Taking advantage of your shock, Aizawa forced your mouth open and was quick to force in the food. He kept your mouth shut until he was sure you swallowed.
"Good girl," Hizashi clapped. He rubbed your back as you went through a coughing fit. Gagging as the aftertaste settled in. "See, my cooking isn't so bad."
“You get use to taste pretty quickly,” Shouta reassured, feeling the smallest twinge of guilt for being rough with you while you were still out of it. “Once you start to calm down you’ll realize it doesn’t taste much different than other meat. You’ll adjust.”
Hizashi was smiling at your struggle to regain composure. There was a sadistic glint that hasn't been there before. Something about you resisting like a pathetic lamb only to be corrupted-whether you wanted to or not-made his cock twitch. You cried out when he reached for bowl again, they said one bite. You were not going to eat any more.
Hizashi pouted at his husband, feigning a concerned tone, "She hasn't had a real meal in over a day, help me out here babe."
Shouta knew his husband well and it was clear where this was leading. They both thought you were a yummy little thing, wanting to consume you in every way but one. You would taste delicious but killing you wouldn’t feel right. Their blooming feelings for you paralleled their emotions for each other when they first met. Young romance. Borderline obsession. Frenzied.
Pretending to be over the whole situation, Shouta took his partners side, "Alright, take another bite for Hizashi, it shouldn't be as hard second time."
"You said just one bite-"
The blonde tried forcing the food into your mouth but you flinched away and spoon made contact with the corner of your mouth.
"Be careful little muse, you're making a mess. Although I wouldn't mind helping you clean up.”
Ever the tease, Hizashi shot forward to lick the sauce from your face before grinning toward his husband. After Aizawa gave a subtle nod, he flicked open a switchblade and cut through your clothes with ease. Only nicking you with the blade a few times - and to Hizashi that was your fault. 
“Look at how pretty she is, Sho,” Yamada cooed. You burned with embarrassment as their eyes appraised your naked form. Your body felt heavy and sluggish and your muscles were still slightly beyond your control.
The mattress shifted as Aizawa moved to toy with your erect nipple, “Are you cold, kitten? Hizashi and I can help warm you up.”
His lips brushed against your breast. Both men were moving with a gentle determination to make you squirm. As Aizawa continued to tease your breasts, Hizashi’s hand drifted down your belly until his fingers were grazing over the bristle leading to your warmth. The ravenette nipped your skin roughly, drawing out a yelp. With white-knuckles you gripped the ropes in hopes your trembling wouldn’t be noticed.
“Poor thing,” He chuckled while removing his shirt, “So nervous, I can feel your heart pounding. Like it’s begging to be let out.”
Objectively, the monster was well built and maybe in another life you could even say you were attracted to him. Several scars decorated his body but the most interesting and ominous was a shiny bite mark on his left shoulder. Shouta noticed your staring.
“Zashi gave this pretty little love bite to me on our third date. It healed like a bitch but was worth it.”
He spoke like a lovesick teen.
Hizashi’s fingers were beginning their exploration. Two fingers rubbed circles over your clit. You shuddered with unintentional pleasure. Perhaps it was a stress response but the arousal was slowing becoming a welcome distraction from your predicament.
Beaming with pride Hizashi used his free hand to tug at his husband’s belt loops. “I think our little delivery girl is starting to have a change of tune.”
Giving an embarrassed whimper you tried to spread your legs. Your body was seeking more pleasure. The blonde was eager to comply. Repositioning his hand, two fingers buried inside you and stroked your slick walls. The stretch was unexpected and tears pricked your eyes. You tugged at the ropes and bucked as Hizashi quickened his pace. Aizawa left your field of vision briefly before he returned, kneeling behind his husband and tugged the blonde’s hair forcing him to abandon your needy cunt.
“Wait,” You moaned, grinding against the mattress.
“Don’t worry, darlin’” Aizawa soothed. “We’re no where near done. Just let me help get Hizashi out of his clothes.”
You responded with a pathetic groan. Already clouded by the stress and drugs, you were giving into your sexual instincts.
“What are you doing?”
You could see something in Aizawa’s hands, a type of metal tubing, but you weren’t familiar with it.
“It’s a spreader bar,” the blonde explained. “When Sho and I have alone time we like to get creative. Don’t worry, he’s used it on me a ton of times.” 
“But what’s it do?” You suspected you knew the answer but were hoping for a different outcome.
Instead of telling you, Aizawa just began securing your ankles into the attached cuffs. Once bound, Aizawa took his partner’s spot, settling between your legs and worked his tongue between your folds. Serving its purpose the bar held firm when you tried to clamp your legs together.
Hizashi ogled at the sight of his husband lavishing his tongue against your messy pussy; with any luck he could burn the image in to his brain. Aizawa’s nails were clawing at your ass making sure he had pulled you as tightly to him as physically possible. 
The pressure in your stomach was beginning to build along with your frustration with the restraints. With labored breathing you whined, “Don’t like – don’t like the bar. Wanna move.”
Aizawa finally eased up on your pussy, “Poor baby,” he kissed your thigh. “How about after I get my fill of you, we see about taking off the bar. I don’t think Zashi’ll mind if you’re a little squirm-y.”
Nearly cumming as he returned his attention to your clit, you nodded vigorously. It didn’t take much longer for the electric waves to pulse from your core. Aizawa still wasn’t done with you, he pushed to the edge a few more times; he would stop short each time, smiling sadistically while you cried over your lost orgasm. During these intermissions he would kiss and nibble across your thigh. Hizashi lay to the side of you, stroking your face or pulling your hair as he saw fit. He enjoyed talking you through growing frustration. As Aizawa kissed his way around your thigh he reached out for Hizashi’s hand, squeezing it as though they could communicate through Morse code. Although they couldn’t, Hizashi understood Sho from the glint in his eyes. Suddenly Hizashi pressed his lips painfully against yours, before you could even comprehend what they were doing you were screaming and his tongue assaulted your mouth. You were sobbing from an unimaginable pain radiating up your thigh. You didn’t realize until Hizashi pulled away from you to check on his husband that you noticed Aizawa had sunk his teeth in to your skin, leaving a bloody wound. In spite of your screams and thrashing he resumed fucking you with his tongue, bloody lips pressed to your pussy with his eyes drunkenly staring up at you.
Although he couldn’t understand your fear, Hizashi wanted to comfort you, “Breathe, darling. You’re doing so well. Ya look so pretty with Sho between your legs.”
“Please let me go, please. I hate you.”
“Shhh,” Shouta lulled. Neither men could really get mad over your words, both understanding the pain you were going through. “I know it hurts. The pain will go away. Just a little mark, kinda like a wedding ring.”
Hizashi’s patience was waning. His throbbing cock dictating his thoughts. Desperately ready to turn you back in to a writhing mess that needed them. On top of it all, his gums ached with jealousy. Aizawa noticed the blondes pout and pulled him in for sloppy kiss. Your wetness and blood now shared between their lips. He whispered in to Hizashi’s ear something you couldn’t hear before rolling off the bed and disappearing from the room. 
Yamada certainly wouldn’t remove the spreader with your thrashing. While he waited for his husband to return he began kneading your body with his palms. Skillfully releasing some of the tension throughout your body. 
You were still sniffling, barely calming your sobs, when Hizashi could no longer hold back, forcing the tip of his cock in to your clenched entrance. 
“You’re tight,” The man growled.
“Darlin’, try to relax so it won’t hurt too much,” Aizawa’s voice called as he returned. 
Easier said than done.
Joining you on the bed Aizawa took a moment to admire Hizashi. The blonde had skillfully maneuvered you so that you could struggle too much and the sight of his cock joining with your body shot pleasure down Aizawa’s spine. Tempting as it was, tonight wasn’t the night for you take both of them at once. They were already pushing you past your limits. 
Begrudgingly you knew you should listen to your captor and you forced yourself to let go of the breath you’d been holding. Sparing no time Hizashi managed to bottom out pausing before thrusting roughly into your hips. The restraints paired with the way he was contorting your body strained every tendon in your body. 
Gluttony was tempting Hizashi to sink his teeth in to the meat of your other thigh, but the couple had agreed to take things slow. Well, their version of slow. Tomorrow he could leave his mark on you and Aizawa could have his turn in you. 
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Pleasure || Incubus!Gojo
Had to rewrite this like 3 times cause I couldn’t make up my mind 😀 Reader is gender neutral!
CW: language + spicy/suggestive themes (talks about reader being a virgin, different slangs for losing your virginity, etc. (PSA: virginity is just a social construct SO don’t feel rushed/pressured into having sex if you’re not ready 👍🏾)) but no NSFW
Dream’s Spooktober 2021
You lost count of how many times you had the same dream. The stranger with the snow white hair and the cerulean eyes that put you in a trance every time you lock gazes.
You want to be concerned because it isn’t normal to have the same dream every single night, far from it, but it seems that the more it’s reoccurring, the more you find yourself waiting impatiently for your body to fall asleep. Waiting to see the man who’s made his presence known and refuses to leave your mind even when you’re awake.
You thought that maybe the weird (but very enjoyable) dreams was a result of your hormones going haywire along with your friends pestering you about your love life. Or rather, about your friends pestering when you’ll finally swipe your v-card, getting your cherry popped, basically the same variation of, “when are you gonna get laid?” Maybe you saw him somewhere on the street and felt so smitten by him that you couldn’t get him out of head and used him to fill the void of your loneliness? It wasn’t uncommon to dream about strangers after a quick Google search, but it was starting to be alarming with how much you’re only dreaming about him.
And you would find yourself in the same position each night: pinned down on the bed, feeling his fingers hike your shirt up and ghosting over your skin, itching to go lower. Each kiss that lingered on your skin was clouding your judgement, but you still felt hesitant, still felt like this was all a dream but at the same time too close to reality. Was this really happening? Your mind feels so hazy, but he makes the haze feel good. As if this is suppose to happen, to just let it happen-
But then you wake up before it goes any further, only left with a teasing look and the words, “Until we meet again (Y/N)~”
You were frightened at first, but then it just made you frustrated. Frustrated at the state that he would leave you in.
It was like those words just made the fire inside you burn even brighter. The burning need never goes away, no matter how much you try to ignore the sensation, it still lingers until the next night when he keeps his word and comes back again. It was an interesting feeling, you would feel so drained but the fire within your body refused to acknowledge that. He was the only one who could extinguish it, and you felt insatiable without him.
There was so much you wanted to question, to ask him what’s going on or if this is some type of lucid dreaming, but the more he keeps smashing his lips against yours, the more that you feel reason leaving your head and being replaced by the burning need for more.
Every touch that he leaves on you makes you feel like the heat in your stomach is going to consume you whole, and you don’t want him to stop, please don’t stop-
“Oh don’t worry baby, I won’t.”
Gojo can’t wait to see the look on Suguru’s face when he sees you, oh he is going to be so jealous! If he’s feeling generous enough, he’ll try to take you back so that his best friend can get a taste too.
It’s been years since he’s had a taste of someone as pure as you, it almost makes him not wanna take all of you at once. But you make it so hard to not be greedy.
It’s not difficult for him to get anyone that he desires obviously, I mean just look at him! All he has to do is bat his eyes and run his fingers through his snow white locks, whisper a few words and then people are ready to throw themselves at him. It’s so easy that he has to laugh every time. Humans are so simple and so easy to fool, but at least he doesn’t have to put in work to get a meal.
But a sweet little thing like you catching his eye was a surprise, even to him.
You were suppose to be dessert for him after he fed off of your friends, nothing but a midnight snack for him. But then he felt it; the scent and aura of someone untouched, unplucked.
And he couldn’t resist getting another taste night, after night, after night. But you kept calling out to him, and what kind of monster would he be if didn’t answer you? And you have such a pretty face too, he couldn’t resist planting hot kisses on your neck, no doubt with the intent of leaving no skin untouched or unmarked.
Granted, no one was stupid enough to try and feed from you since he’s already claimed you. He’s the strongest demon to ever exist, so he’s not the least bit concerned of someone stealing you away. Besides, the pretty little marks that he’s been leaving on you should be more than just a reminder of who you belong to.
He’s careful enough to not drain you completely, he doesn’t want the fun to be over so soon, so he has to balance out his meals in between. But yet, he keeps finding himself coming back to you. The others don’t taste as sweet like you do, and he doesn’t find their expressions and cries of pleasure as irresistible as yours.
Oh he wants to corrupt you so bad, just keep you all to himself until you can give no more, but he doesn’t want to be done with you just yet.
No one cries his name out in pleasure like you.
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peachycoreroo · 3 years
Umm, I got a request! What about their s/o being sick and how they would take care of them? If you feel comfortable with that, you can a spice it up a bit with cockwarming 👀 I'd love to see Sugawara, Kuroo, Satori, Oikawa and Bokuto!
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characters: sugawara koushi, kuroo tetsurou, tendou satori, oikawa tooru, bokuto koutaro
genre: fluff, smut, comfort(??)
word count: 1.6k
warnings: fem!reader, it's mostly fluff, cockwarming, hinting at oral fem! receiving, mentions of medication, established relationships
authors note: uhh it got kind of repetetive with the cockwarming so i threw oral in there, but i hope you'll still like it!! if you see kuroo’s being the longest, no you don’t<3��here's a link to my masterlist
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sugawara koushi:
sugawara koushi was a good husband in many ways. he was attentive, loving and a great cook, alas a bit aggressively positive whenever you felt insecure or stressed. nothing you couldn’t handle. but as you laid in your shared bed with a cold, you once again were reminded of why you loved him so much.
“so, chicken soup or potato soup?”, suga asked again, after you didn’t respond the first time, being too immersed in your thoughts about him. coughing, you tried to sit up, just to get pushed down again.
“no. no getting up. you stay here, i do everything.” looking up at your silver-haired husband, you smiled softly and finally replied: “chicken, please.”
with a nod, you were once again left alone, just like before sugawara came home from work. ten minutes later, he returned with a steaming bowl and a spoon, sitting down beside you. refusing to make you do anything at all, he insisted on feeding you himself.
“thank you so much, kou’. you make the best chicken soup”, you lovingly whispered as he fed you, making him smile at the compliment you always gave when he cooked it.
after the meal, you reached out towards the elementary school teacher, murmuring: “’wanna be close to you.”
knowing exactly what you wanted, he lied down behind you before taking out his cock and stroking it a few times. as he pushed your panties to the side and slipped inside your tight walls, you felt like you could finally completely relax.
you felt safe in his arms, as he pressed soft kisses along your shoulder, knowing you always had a husband who was willing to take care of your every need.
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kuroo tetsurou:
being the girlfriend of kuroo tetsurou, employee at japan volleyball association, was hard at times. a lot of nights and weekends were spent alone, as your boyfriend had to stay overtime at the office on many nights, and, occasionally, even come in on saturdays and sundays.
that didn’t make you love him any less, but it did make for some hard times. for example, right now. it was already 11p.m. and your boyfriend was still nowhere to be seen, while you struggled with a fever the whole day.
having enough of not being able to do anything yourself, you staggered into the kitchen, determined to make some tea. as the kettle heated up, you leaned against the kitchen island, too focused on trying to stand upright to hear the front door opening.
kuroo was tired, but when he heard the kettle boil, indicating that you were still awake, it was like all the pressure from work suddenly lifted off of him. but when he entered the kitchen, excited to finally come home to you, he was only faced with worry at the sight of you, looking like you’re ready to collapse at any moment.
the black-haired man didn’t hesitate to pick you up bridal style, almost giving you a heart attack in the process. “tetsu’! oh my god, you scared me!”, you croakily exclaimed, voice rough from your throat aching.
“m’ sorry baby. you should’ve told me you were sick, ‘would’ve come home earlier”, he scolded, already knowing you didn’t want to bother him at work, no matter how bad you were feeling.
kuroo carried you into the bedroom, placing you on the bed before loosening his tie and putting a large hand on your forehead, checking your temperature.
“i didn’t want you to worry”, you whispered, your fever-consumed brain zeroing in on tetsurou’s exposed collarbones and dress shirt-clad arms. “well, mission failed, because now i definitely am”, he murmured, already leaving the room to continue making the tea you started.
grabbing his hand at the last second, you looked up at him, gaze glazed over with exhaustion. “can we just cuddle, tetsu’? i just want to cockwarm you. ‘wanna feel you after such a long day.”
how could he ever deny you asking so nicely? kissing your forehead, the tall man sighed. 
“anything you want, kitten.”
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tendou satori:
tendou knew something was wrong as soon as he woke up. you were restless beside him, sweating and groaning in your sleep, as if a nightmare were haunting you. as he reached out to wake you up, he immediately felt how hot your body temperature was.
with determination to take care of you, the red-haired male fetched some medicine, before finally waking you up. “y/n, sweetie. you’re running a fever, wake up.”
groaning, you turned away from him, not wanting to face the headache that was currently pounding in your head. you could feel your boyfriends’ fingertips gently caressing your arm, as he leaned in and murmured: “if you take your medicine, i’ll let you sit on my lap and sleep all day, sweetheart”, knowing exactly how to get you to take the medication.
you can’t remember when it became a thing in your relationship, but whenever you felt sick, stressed, or just had a bad day, you’d always sit on your boyfriends’ lap, stuffed full of his cock, while you peacefully napped.
groggily opening one eye to look at him, he knew he had you when you slowly sat up and reached out for the medicine he was holding. when the tall man was sure you swallowed, he sat down, leaning against the headboard, and pulled you onto his lap.
it was almost therapeutic for you, as you slowly sunk down on his cock, both of you sighing contently, before burying your face in his neck, ready to lose yourself to sleep once again.
with tendou’s cock inside you, and his large hand stroking your hair, you slowly drifted off.
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oikawa tooru:
“tooru, relax. it’s just a cold”, you tried to calm down your boyfriend, currently pacing inside your shared bedroom like a mad man.
“how can i relax when you’re sick! what am i supposed to do? oh my god, what if it gets worse?”
as much as you loved oikawa tooru with all your heart, his flare for the dramatic really didn’t help you in your sick state. this was the first time you caught a nasty virus since moving in with him and it clearly showed that he was the younger sibling in his family, never having to take care of someone, but always being cared for.
you sighed, massaging your temples: “oikawa tooru, you’re going to give me a headache. i just need some tea and sleep. i’m not going to die.”
“are you sure?”, he looked at you, worried. “it sounds like you want me to”, you deadpanned, making your boyfriends dramatic ass crack a smile.
“no, i definitely don’t, y/n. don’t worry. mission ‘tea for my sick girlfriend’: in action.” and with that, he disappeared into the kitchen, finally giving you space to take a deep breath. it’s not as if he annoyed you by any means, you knew he was just worried about you.
when the brunet reappeared with a steaming cup of tea, you had an idea as to how to calm him down.
“babe, lay down.” oikawa gave you a quick, puzzled look, before doing as he was told, not quite understanding where you were going with this. as you turned your backside to him and fondled for his cock, he quickly stopped you. “wait! wait, what are you doing?”
“if you want to help me, just slip inside and let me sleep.”
the setter looked at you, as if you grew two heads, only getting out a ‘huh?’ at your statement. rolling your eyes, you guided him inside you and cuddled up with your back against his chest, explaining: “it just makes me feel safe. i know you’re not leaving me to suffer alone.”
oikawa didn’t know that he could feel this soft while he had his dick inside someone, but there’s a first for everything.
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bokuto koutaro:
“’taro, i know you mean it in the best way possible, but you know i won’t be able to eat that.”
bokuto koutaro was a great husband. you could even say the best, but that might be your bias talking. unfortunately, he couldn’t cook if his life depended on it, and as much as you appreciated his efforts of wanting to take care of you while you felt under the weather, your will to live a little longer was stronger.
pouting, the spiker looked at you with puppy dog eyes. “but baby, i want to make you feel better! how am i supposed to do that, when you don’t even let me cook for you”, your oversized husband whined.
“koutaro. baby. light of my life. the last time you wanted to surprise me by making dinner, you nearly burned down the whole house. how am i supposed to relax and get better, when i’m going to be worrying about you burning yourself to death?”, you asked gently, knowing how upset he can get when he feels useless.
already seeing bokuto’s face drop more and more with every word, you immediately followed with: “but i know how you can make me feel better without any dangerous kitchen activities involved.”
at that, he perked up. “really?”
slowly parting your legs, you looked at him expectingly. without having to say another word, the tall spiker was already between your legs, taking of your panties and licking a stripe up your slit.
when he heard your content sigh and felt you relax, he knew this was the best thing he could do for you.
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6okuto · 3 years
Okay hello, I love your writing! So I have really long hair and unless I tie it back at night, I wake up with just... Awful tangles in my hair. Maybe the reader was too exhausted the night before, fell asleep with their hair undone, and the LL peeps find them in the morning trying to brush out the knots? And the reader helplessly looks to their partner for help?
— M3 helping a reader with long hair
long hair problems </3 vry happy to hear u like my writing afbahfba thank u (°◡°♡)
sage and anisa. :handshake: look at their hair. look at it
anisa's gonna be your best choice especially if you have waves/curls
she's very careful and gentle! starts with her hands at the ends and works her way up,, offers to get conditioner and water if needed,, like okay expert. i see. je vois. je comprends
if it's one of those moments where your arms get tired she tells you to take a break and continues
i would Not be surprised if she had some oils or serums for this
she'd love to hear about any products you use on earth to make things quicker. if you like any of her own products she's happy to get more of it for you to have yourself
you also get to talk about other times it's happened to the both of you . tfw you bond over pain
she whispers sorry and pats your head a little if she hurts you
anisa smiling and kissing your head.....
if she spots you later about to sleep without doing your hair she'll remind you or offer to do it herself . happy to include you in her nighttime routine ouagh i love anisa
sage is an asshole /J he'll probably laugh a little when he first sees you though
what else is he supposed to do if he sees you pouting with a comb stuck in your hair
personally more of a using his fingers guy than combing. probably got used to doing his hair quickly through it But if your situation calls for more Extreme Measures he'll sit down and listen while you explain what you need him to do
he works pretty confidently but winces if he hurts you and apologizes before slowing down . he's a quick learner and figures out what works best
don't make a joke about not expecting him to be so good at it though. you know he's going to say something about being skilled with his hands. it's inevitable
if you weren't already,, he smirks and says something about you never forgetting if you slept with him every night. haha Wink
offers to tie it up/braid it for you. you can be matching :)
will tell you he's coming to you if he ever gets his hair tangled. also may or may not teasingly say he deserves something for helping . just kiss him
felix .
you may or may not have to walk him through what to do depending on your hair type
if it's relatively straight he's chill he's got it down . it's like a little calming bonding moment :heart: it'll be a bonding moment no matter what but if he's in danger of easily making it worse he's a little nervous
he panics a bit if he hears you yelp and takes his hands away for a second before apologizing
(it's very easy to tell him you deserve a kiss for that btw)
he has like,, a really concentrated look on his face. but he gets the hang of it eventually don't worry (too much)
might jokingly ask if you've ever thought about cutting your hair but he doesn't really mean it
he doesn't Want it to happen again but if it does he says he's much more prepared . it's like . oh a shame but also I'm So Good Now that it Doesn't Matter. Watch This,
all in all detangling can be really annoying and time-consuming but it goes much smoother with them around and they'll be willing to help whenever it happens 💪
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mousepsychologist · 3 years
With Aaron
Summary: Reader avoids Hotch after getting cleared for sex following a kidnapping incident because she is self-conscious about the scars left behind.
Pairing: soft!hotch X Female Reader
Content/warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI): Language, brief mentions of torture (similar to an episode of CM), brief mentions of knives and blood (as a means or result of aforementioned torture), mentions and descriptions of scars, insecurities, sexual content, oral sex: female receiving, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, praise, use of pet names and some fluff.
If I am missing anything please let me know!
Word count: 3,956
A/N: Submission for the @hotchafterhours Smutty One Shot Challenge. Also, this is the first fanfic I have ever written, so if it is super rough to read...my sincerest of apologies, and feel free to pretend this does not exist😅😂
Sex with Aaron…
That is all you ever think about. You are absolutely consumed with the idea of being with Aaron.
You love sex with Aaron. You’ve been having sex with Aaron almost everyday for two years now and holy shit...it is the best sex you’ve ever had. It is so good that even when you shouldn’t be thinking about it...you definitely are.
When you innocently watch him twirl a pen between his thumb, pointer and middle fingers while thinking, all you can think about is how those long, thick fingers feel inside of you. Or, when you watch him sip his coffee, all you can think about is how those soft lips feel sucking and nipping at your bare skin.
However, anything he does, innocent or not, it always gets you going. So, you can’t fully blame him. But, you know Aaron, and some days you are sure he intentionally tries to get you squirming...even at work.
Everyone knows he is Mr. Professional and you think just the same but you also know that you are his achilles heel. So, if and when he wants to play games, well...you can be his checkmate.
You will rock a deep v-neck blouse that gives him the perfect view of your cleavage or a tight pencil dress that accentuates your ass because you know it will cause his face to falter or his breathing patterns to become erratic.
The two of you are the King and Queen of the sexual chess board. He knows how to move in ways that make you scream out in pleasure while you know how to sacrifice your pawns so he can seize control of the bedroom.
And as much as you love thinking about sex with Aaron or actually having sex with Aaron, you are able to sometimes keep your sexual thoughts at bay.
However, when you aren’t thinking about sex with Aaron, you are thinking about cuddling with Aaron, watching TV with Aaron, going on dates with Aaron, cooking with Aaron, laughing until you’re crying with Aaron and everything else in-between. Anything and everything that the two of you could possibly do together is always what you’re thinking about.
Your relationship with Aaron has never been just about sex. However, sex with Aaron has always been a sacred thing between the two of you. He treats your body like a temple. Not just any temple though...rather a temple he seems to have built himself.
He knows your body better than you do and how to make you feel like putty.
He knows how to interpret your moans as well as assess your temperament and determine whether you want to have playful or rough sex or, just softer, lazier sex.
And up until now, sex with Aaron has never been something you were nervous or self-conscious about.
Everything changed following your kidnapping two months ago where an unsub managed to hold you hostage for a week.
It was the worst week of your life. It was a long week that consisted of beatings, cigarette burns and knives being dragged up and down your body.
***Two Months Ago***
When the team came bursting into the basement you were being held in, you looked like a bruised, bloodied, mangled mess. You are hunched over and tied to a chair with your clothes barely hanging on by a thread. Your body is littered with both long and short knife marks, small and large bruises, and multiple cigarette burns.
As your team stormed the area, you were so disoriented that you didn’t even comprehend what was happening around you.
A large, calloused hand gently touches your shoulder. You flinch and the hand immediately retracts itself.
“Y/N...” he pauses. “Y/N… it’s me. It's Aaron.” His voice is so quiet, calm, and soothing.
You immediately relax. You have never been more relieved in your life. You blink a few times and your vision unblurs to see an unfamiliar Aaron.
He is so panicked and scared. You are sure you’ve never seen him this scared. He is also tired. So so tired. You are positive he hasn’t slept since you’ve gone missing.
He slowly places his hand back on your shoulder once he realizes that you know it's him. You're slightly shaking and exceptionally weak.
“Sweetheart, I need to carry you to the ambulance. Is that okay?”
You nod and go to straighten up but immediately wince and whimper in pain.
“Y/N, no, don’t move. I’ve got you”.
To pick you up he gently places an arm under your knees and another behind your back. It hurts but you find solace in his touch and the faint smell of his cologne. You bury your face deep into his chest and feel your tears surface as you start to sniffle.
Aaron immediately notices and places a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
“Y/N, it's okay. I’ve got you.”
You press yourself further into him and grasp firmly at his shirt. Your tears start to come faster. “Please don’t leave me Aar. Please don’t go anywhere. I’m scared and I don’t want to be alone again.”
“Oh Love...it’s okay. You’re not alone. I am not going anywhere. I am right here. You have me. Always. I want you to forget everything and everyone else but me.”
You feel his grip on you tighten as you go unconscious.
That's the last thing you remember until you wake up in the hospital two days later.
***Present Day***
It has been 53 days since you have had sex with Aaron. But today is the day you are supposed to receive medical clearance from your doctor.
Up until this morning, all you wanted was to have sex with Aaron. Because of your doctor’s orders, Aaron wouldn’t give in to sex until you were cleared. You were totally okay with following the doctor’s orders but Aaron and you had decided that it was just best to not do anything remotely sexual until you were cleared.
So...for the last 53 days, the most the two of you have done is kissed and cuddled. No question about it, the two of you love to kiss and cuddle but...you also love to do SO...MUCH...MORE.
You understood where Aaron is coming from. He just wants you safe and healthy.
You, on the other hand, want so badly to be fucked by your boyfriend.
So, it’s safe to say that you are so excited to get cleared. You know Aaron is excited too... though he won’t admit it.
You have tried multiple times to get him off but it's never worked. You want to do it for him, but you selfishly need to have his large, veiny, cock deep in your throat. You want to taste him, to make him feel how he always makes you feel. You also miss the way his hips buck towards you causing you to choke on his pulsating dick.
But he never budged. And since he never did, this also meant that the two of you haven't seen each other naked in the last 53 days.
You miss his cock just as much as you miss his mouth sucking on your clit or having his hands pinch your nipples, but by waiting, you know that the first time back to having sex with Aaron will be worth the wait. As Aaron said it quite clearly one day, “Pretty girl, I’m going to make you cum so much that you won’t even be able to think straight. I may have to make you cum for every day you haven’t been able to.” He said this with a smirk and a wink, but you’re pretty sure he is not kidding.
...And damn it, you are so ready for it.
You wake up the morning of your appointment, and head to the bathroom to shower and get ready. This is what you’ve been waiting for. You are so excited to finally have sex with Aaron tonight. You take a little longer in the shower to prepare yourself. Using extra exfoliator, moisturizer and your more expensive shampoo and conditioner.
It isn’t until you step out of the shower and catch a glimpse of your naked body that your anxiety flares with a vengeance. Sure, a lot of the cuts and burns have healed and the bruises are long gone but there are still some scars that are still blatantly noticeable. They look so ugly, red and puffy.
The panic sets in at the thought of Aaron seeing you tonight. You feel the pressure of how tonight is supposed to go. You know Aaron loves you no matter what but that doesn’t silence the voices telling you otherwise.
A knock at the door pulls you from your self-deprecating thoughts. “Honey, are you almost ready?”
“Umm, ya. Just a sec.”
You quickly put your clothes on but your eyes never leave the mirror that is reflecting your damaged body. You exit your bathroom and head to the kitchen where Aaron is pouring two cups of coffee.
“Morning gorgeous.” You cringe at the name which you are sure he notices but he doesn’t acknowledge it and continues on. “You sure you don’t want me to come with you to your appointment?”
“No, it's okay. It shouldn’t take too long anyways.”
“Alright, my love. I will see you at work then.”
He walks up to you and kisses you gently. His hands lay on your hips and slowly take the ends of your sweater in them. You begin to feel his hands touch the skin just above your waistline and immediately grab both of them and pull away. He gives you a questioning look but before he can say anything you beat him to it.
“Babe, I really have to go. I don’t want to be late.” You place your hand on his cheek and give him a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you and I’ll see you later.”
You turn and walk out missing the clearly puzzled look on Aaron’s face.
You arrive at work a few hours later cleared to have sex again. And though you want to be excited, you aren't. You are so in your head that you don’t know what to do.
You know you can’t avoid Aaron so you walk into his office to tell him the “good” news.
Aaron hears you walk in and close the door. He quickly walks to you and kisses you before asking about the appointment. You inform him that you’re cleared and you panic more as you see the excitement spread across his face.
He cups one hand on your cheek while the other lays on your hip. He slowly starts to kiss you again. You love the taste of him. You can taste the coffee from this morning as his tongue makes its way into my mouth. Your hands go to his neck and begin tugging at his hair.
Aaron loves when you tug at his hair so you are not surprised when it elicits a few moans from him. And anytime a moan leaves those beautiful lips of his, it always runs straight to your core. You can feel your panties dampen as he sucks on your bottom lip and squeezes your hips.
You are so lost in this kiss and it’s the first time all day that you aren’t drowning in your thoughts.
You are in the moment and it's amazing.
The hand cupping your cheek moves to mimic his other hand squeezing your hip. You don’t even feel his thumbs rubbing the skin above your waistline and dipping under the top portion of your thong. You are so focused on rubbing your hands along his ribcage and chest. You love feeling his chest and tummy.
Aaron starts kissing down your jawline causing you to tilt your head back in pleasure. You can feel his soft lips dance their way down your neck. It's the stark contrast of his rough, calloused fingertips sliding up both sides of your ribcage that snaps you back to reality.
You quickly step away and readjust your blouse.
“Woah Y/N.” He gently grabs your wrists. “What is going on? What's wrong?” He asks with pleading puppy dog eyes.
“Nothing is wrong Aar. It’s just that we're at work with people around.”
“Okay, but that hasn’t stopped us in the past.” A slight smirk appears on his face.
“I know, but I would rather wait until we are home. Why don’t you come over to my place after work?” Hopefully being in the comfort of your own apartment will calm your nerves.
“I’d love to. I’ll meet you there as soon as I can.” He moves both hands to your cheeks and places a delicate kiss on your forehead.
“Sounds good. I just have a few more reports to finish before I head out.” You say as you head towards his office door.
“Alright, sweetheart. I’m looking forward to it!”
You can see the excitement on his face and hear the sweetness in his voice as you exit his office. The nerves fluttering in your stomach almost make you nauseous but you have to ignore your thoughts so you can focus on the remainder of the work day.
You are home for 30 minutes when Aaron finally enters your apartment. You're sitting on the bed, leaning up against the headboard with your knees tucked to your chest when you see Aaron’s broad shoulders lean against your door frame. You know you can’t keep up the facade any longer.
“Alright, Y/N. What's wrong? Something is clearly off with you. You’ve been distant all day today. If I did something wrong, please just tell me so I can fix it.”
The sincerity in his voice is almost too hard to handle. You can feel your eyes start to fill with tears but you don’t cry. You tilt your head down and stare at your fidgeting hands.
“It’s so bad, Aar.” As soon as those words left your mouth you knew that was the worst possible way to phrase the sentence.
Aaron immediately walks to the bed and sits cross-legged in front of you. The panic is evident in his eyes.
He grabs your wrists to move your arms up and begins touching along your stomach. His eyes are moving all over your body like a ball in a pinball machine.
He’s searching for an injury.
“What hurts Y/N? Let me see, please! I want to help fix it.” He’s so scared. You immediately feel guilty about how fast your words send him into panic mode but it's this caring nature that reassures you that Aaron loves you no matter what.
It's what finally gives you the strength to tell him how you feel.
“Nothing hurts, babe. I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to phrase it that way.” His face slowly begins to soften.
“Then what is it? I know something is wrong.”
“My scars, Aar. They are so bad. They are way redder and puffier than I thought they’d be at this point.” Your eyes are focused on your bedspread. Quite obviously avoiding the gorgeous ones you can feel piercing into you. “My entire torso is hideous...I just don’t want you to see it.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” His hands come up to cup both of your cheeks.
You cut him off before he can continue. You need to tell him the whole truth.
“I know it’s dumb but I have this fucking voice in my head telling me that you are going to be bothered by them and less attracted to me. Which I wouldn’t blame you because I am already thinking the same thing about myself.”
“Please, Y/N. Please don’t ever think that I would ever find you unattractive for any reason. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I love everything there is about you and nothing could ever change that.” He says this reassuringly while placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You can feel your anxiety slowly dissipate. “I know you do. I have just been so nervous thinking about you seeing them for the first time tonight. Plus, we’ve been talking about having sex so much once I got cleared and I didn’t want to ruin it.”
“Y/N.” He says with such conviction that you force yourself to look into his eyes. “I need you to know that we do not need to have sex tonight, tomorrow night or anytime soon.” His hands are now gently rubbing up and down your arms from your shoulders to elbows. “We will go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. And that will always be the case.” He pauses and lightly squeezes your arms. “Whether following an injury or not, okay.”
“I know, Aar. And you don’t know how appreciative I am of that and how happy I am to have someone as caring and supportive as you in my life.” You gently grab his face and place a tender kiss on his lips.
The love you feel for Aaron is all consuming. He has managed in a matter of minutes to dilute your anxiety to almost nothing. Now, all you feel is this intense rush of passion for the love of your life.
The kiss starts to develop into something much more needy. You both are fighting for dominance but you quickly relent and let his tongue invade your mouth. His large hands make their way to your hair where they lightly tug and pull.
Your hands are now on his shoulders pulling him on top of you while simultaneously working to unbutton his dress shirt.
You feel him hesitate and look down at you. “Y/N, are you sure?”. His eyes have never looked so intently at you.
“Yes, I am sure.”
That’s enough for him to abruptly continue kissing you. Your eyes are now closed as you lose yourself once again in an unforgettable kiss with Aaron Hotchner.
You are obsessed with how he tastes and you continue to feel yourself relax as you breathe in his pine scented cologne. The smell has and always will make you feel at home.
Aaron slowly removes your top and stops all of his movements which leads you to opening your own eyes.
You see him staring at your stomach which brings all of your insecurities to the forefront.
You feel yourself moving to cover your stomach when Aaron catches them and pushes each to the side.
“You are so beautiful Y/N. I can’t believe I get to have someone as beautiful, kind, intelligent, and courageous as you in my life. So please don’t ever try to hide yourself from me.”
The genuineness exuding from him is enough to melt all your anxieties. You know that you want him no matter what.
“Thank you, Aar. I love you so much and I don’t know what I did to deserve a man like you.”
“I love you too, sweet girl.”
His soft lips return to you. He slowly makes his way nipping and sucking at the skin from your neck to your breast. He begins to suck on your nipple while massaging the other with his large hand. His teeth graze over your nipple causing a ripple effect down your spine.
You love feeling his warm breath and wet tongue move across your already hard bud. Aaron tends to your other breast with his mouth before moving down your torso.
He begins to gently kiss each of your scars. You feel your stomach nervously tighten.
Aaron, as always, senses how your body briefly tenses.
“It’s okay, Love. I am right here with you. I want you to forget everything and everyone else but me.”
You feel your body relax. “I am okay, I promise. Please Aaron.” You beg with a quiet whimper. “I need you.”
His lips continue moving down to where you need him most as he removes your pants and thong. No matter your insecurities, you always seem to be needy for all things Aaron. So it's no surprise that you are already wet from only being kissed by him.
Aaron’s tongue moves further down so he can tease your clit. The action causes you to squirm beneath him. As much as you love his mouth on you and feeling him lick and suck on your clit, you need more.
“Aar, please…” you moan and arch your back off the bed.
“What do you want Y/N? Tell me and I will make it happen.” He responds while inserting two fingers into you.
He is curling his finger inside of you while continuing to suck on your clit. Your breathing has increased significantly along with your moans.
“Aaron…please. Please I need you inside of me.”
In an instant he grabs your legs and pulls you towards him. Once your legs are wrapped tightly around his waist, he pulls his already hard cock out of his boxers and begins to line it up with your core. He teases your entrance with his tip before he finally thrusts into you.
He fills you so well as he thrusts in and out. You can feel yourself climb towards your release with every thrust.
“Fuck, Y/N. You feel so good.” His pace quickens and becomes a little harder but he holds you like you are the most precious thing to walk the earth.
“I’m so close, Aar.”
“I know, baby. Let go, I’ve got you.”
That’s all you need to fall apart. Your body tenses before spasming uncontrollably. Your back is arched as Aaron continues to thrust into you to help ride out your high. It doesn’t take much longer for him to find his release as well.
You both try to ride out your highs as long as possible. The two of you are breathing heavily and a slight layer of sweat is now covering your bodies.
You gently begin dragging your nails up and down Aaron’s back as he is still laying on top of you. While still trying to come back to earth, he pulls out of you and rolls over to your side.
You miss the feeling of having him inside of you when he rolls over but the emptiness is quickly replaced as his arm is draped across your waist and is used to pull you to him. You are now laying more on him than the bed with your head nestled on his chest.
Aaron presses gentle kisses to the top of your head. “You okay, Y/N?”
“I’m perfect.” You are so at peace laying on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat.
Aaron is rolling the ends of your hair between his fingers as you continue to cuddle into him. “Okay, good. Are you sure that wasn’t too much this time?”
“It was perfect. I promise I would tell you if I wasn’t okay.”
“Alright, I just want you to be happy and comfortable no matter what.”
“I know, Love and I love you so much for that. You always make me feel amazing, especially when it comes to sex.” You giggle as you sit up to place a gentle kiss on his nose.
“Well, I am glad you enjoy it because I owe you 52 more when you're ready.” A devilish smirk is now plastered on his face.
“52 what?” Your puzzled look causes him to laugh.
“Orgasms, pretty girl.”
“52 orgasms!” Your eyes damn near pop out of your skull.
“Oh yes, 52...and not one less.”
And in this moment, well...all you can think about is 52 perfect orgasms with Aaron.
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dollslayer · 4 years
Botanical Interest - Thorns
Soft!Mob!Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: After dating the notable mobster Steve Rogers for a couple months you think you’ve got him figured out. An altercation in an alley leaves you questioning whether or not that’s true. 
W/C: 1995
Warnings: Violence, angst, fluff, swearing
A/N: Holy smokes! I am completely overwhelmed by the love that the first part to this story has received. Obviously, I couldn’t help myself so I wrote a part 2 also as an entry for @stargazingfangirl18 ‘s 5k soft dark challenge! Using the Mob!Au and the dialogue prompt “Oh, Honey, you weren’t supposed to see that”.
If you want you can check out part one here and my other mob fic here! Cheers!
Botanical Interest Masterlist I Main Masterlist
______________________________ 6pm was fast approaching as you began to close up shop for the day. Steve was here to pick you up for dinner and much to your embarrassment walked in on you having a very difficult conversation argument with a very difficult customer over pricing and promotion. Having run your small business on your own for years you knew how to hold your own but you completely froze when you saw Steve enter the shop out of the corner of your eye. 
“I- listen Mr. Andersen, I appreciate all the business that your venues have given me but I can’t afford a raise in advertising prices right now. I’ve been reliable and trustworthy and I’ve always treated your venues with respect. I’ve never been an issue for you, please don’t raise the rate. Wedding season is coming up and I need the exposure.” 
You tried to bargain with him quietly, hoping the music overhead would prevent Steve from hearing but it was a low volume and a small shop. You’ve only been dating for a couple months. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of him, especially not at work. 
Mr. Andersen exhaled sharply. You could tell he was annoyed at you for the pushback. “Look, I’m sorry but we can’t be making exceptions every time a business owner comes groveling.” 
Tears stung your eyes, you really did generate a lot of business through Andersen’s venues. They listed you as one of their recommended vendors to their clients, it’s been huge for you. Knowing that Steve was there made this even worse. “If I’d have known you were going to cry like this I would’ve just done it over email I mean really-”
“That’s enough.” Steve cut him off before he could humiliate you any further. He sent a quick text and shoved his phone back in his pocket before pulling himself to his gull height and squaring his shoulders. “You’ve done enough, now get out.”
A scoff from Andersen and a harsh glare directed towards you and he was on his way out of the building. Steve’s phone vibrated but he didn’t check it. Instead he walked over to you and extended his arm to rub your back. 
“Are you okay? That guy was a total fucking prick to you, you don’t deserve that.” Steve consoled you. He seemed calmer than you expected for having just witnessed something like that. You’ve seen him agitated but never upset. Maybe he was restraining himself for you but it didn’t matter, you appreciate him being there for you. 
“I’m fine, I just need to finish closing up shop and we can get to dinner. Just give me a minute” you said as you began to sweep up. 
“Alright, sweetheart. I’m double parked so I’m gonna go to the car and try to find a space.” You nodded as hummed along to the music. 
As Steve left the shop he pulled his phone out and checked his text from Thor ‘we got him’. When Steve heard that man talk to you like that he knew you didn’t want him to threaten Andersen and make the situation worse. You were already on the verge of tears so he decided to ask one of his men to hold Andersen out back where he could have a few words with him. 
Stepping around the corner into the alley behind your shop he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. He needed to be quick so you wouldn’t find out. He didn’t want to upset you further, he just wanted this guy to know that you can’t treat his girl like that. And maybe he could be talked into giving her the advertising for free.
“So you think you can talk to my girl like that huh?” He questioned. Andersen looked like Thor had already punched him once in the process of restraining him. Thor’s hold on Andersen’s arms tightened. 
Andersen was scared, but not scared enough to Steve’s liking. Before Andersen had the opportunity to answer Steve cocked his fist back and launched it directly to Andersen’s jaw. “Shit! I’m sorry, I didn’t know. We’re expanding and we need the money so I have to raise-”
Before the excuse could be finished Steve hit him again. “Stop! Please!” Andersen begged.
Steve chuckled. “No I don’t think I will. I can’t just let people go every time they grovel to me. They’d never learn.” Another punch landed. 
“You’re not gonna raise your prices for her. In fact, you’re gonna call her up in a couple days and apologize by offering her advertising free of charge for all of your venues. Do you understand?” Steve asked coolly. 
Andersen coughed up some blood. “I- I can offer her half price but I can’t just waive the cost like that!”
“Not good enough.” Steve punched him even harder, Andersen was nearly knocked out. Steve thought about the tears that slipped from his girl’s eye and couldn’t stop himself. He struck Andersen one more time with a growl and his head hung limp between his shoulders. Just then he heard the sound of shattering glass behind him and froze, hand still in a fist. 
Finally done with most of your tasks all you had to do was take out the garbage and empty the vase of leftover stems from bouquets into the dumpster. You opened the back door just in time to see Steve land a brutal punch to Mr. Andersen’s cheekbone. Mr. Andersen’s head fell and it was clear he had been knocked out cold. 
You hadn’t even realized you’d dropped the vase until you felt the shards fall around your feet. You couldn’t look away when Steve looked up at you with wild eyes, you’d never seen him so angry. You felt the way you did the day you met him. Nervous and frozen in place.
His face instantly fell and through his heavy breathing said “Oh, honey, you weren’t supposed to see that.” He was trying to relax his features as he approached you but you could only take steps back and into the shop like a scared animal being cornered. 
Your heart was hammering in your chest and you couldn’t tell if you were more angry or scared. You held your hands out in front of you and stammered “I’d better.. I need to lock up shop I’ll um, I’ll go”. “Sweetheart wait!” Too late. You shut the back door and locked it behind you. 
You went to your back office and sat down, not even sure where to go from here with this. You two had talked about his work a bit, it wasn’t like it could be avoided forever, you just didn’t think he’d bring it into yours. You weren’t scared of Steve doing something like that to you, you were scared of that look in his eyes. His capability of doing something like that with little thought.
Oh, God, what does this mean for the shop? Mr. Andersen will have you blacklisted. He’ll tell every wedding planner in Brooklyn. Now your heart was hammering for a whole other set of reasons. Too busy spiraling as you thought about it all you didn’t hear the bell of the front door ring. 
A knock on your open office door pulled you out of it and you looked up to find Steve. He wore what looked like a truly regretful expression on his face. You fought the urge to yell at him. You’re an adult, you’re going to talk about this like adults. Let him say his piece. 
He had straightened up, his hands were clean and his jacket was back on. He gave a heavy sigh. “Sweetheart, I don’t even know where to begin. I’m sorry you had to see that side of me, but I want you to know I would never ever do anything like that to you or anyone close to you. I only want what’s best for you.”
“And that’s punching one of my main sources of income?” You snapped. You appreciated the apology but you were getting too worked up in anger thinking about the future of the shop.
He was a little miffed at the outburst and became defensive. “That man disrespected you, disrespected your work. No one talks like that to my girl. That’s how we settle things in my world!” 
“Well you’re not in your mob world right now you’re in mine! And things don’t get handled like that! Do you have any idea the toll that could take on my business? He’s gonna have me blacklisted by the end of the day if he wakes up.” The last words came out a bit broken as you felt more tears build. You were more worried about the business than anything. 
Steve walked around the desk to console you just like he had not twenty minutes ago. He gently put a hand on your forearm. “You’re right. It’s not my world, it wasn’t my call to make and I had no right to react like that. I didn’t even think about that. The way he was talking to you, I just.. I got so mad. You work so hard and you don’t deserve that. Sometimes I forget there’s more than one way to handle things.”
Okay, that went better than expected. This is what made Steve so interesting to you. Steve was funny and sweet and charming as hell, but beyond all that there was this tender heart. He was dangerous but he was also fiercely loyal. He was more than a mobster and he was better than the brute force he used. It’s why you were able to accept that part of him, because it wasn’t his entire life, it didn’t consume him.
“Thank you for saying that,” You said quietly. You looked up to him and could tell that he really did feel bad. “I accept your apology and I appreciate it. But you have to make things right with Mr. Andersen. I’ll pay the new rate but you have to apologize before it’s too late.”
Steve was beginning to harbor resentment towards himself for fucking this up for you. Andersen just made him see red, he has such a hard time shutting that part of himself down. You work so hard and care so much there’s just no way he could let that stand. He just hoped to work through it and move on. He really didn’t wanna screw it up.
Steve was much more at ease knowing you accepted his apology. “I won’t like it but I can do that. It’s only fair. Can I make it up to you over dinner? We’ll make a quick stop to the hospital to set things straight with Andersen.” When you shut the door in his face in the alley he had Thor take him to the hospital. He’d call another town car to get home. 
He’ll apologize to Andersen and pay the hospital bill, but you’re not paying the increased rate. No way. Steve will pay him off enough that he won’t be telling anyone about the altercation, either. Win-win in his eyes.
You leaned your head against his shoulder in slight exhaustion and nodded. “Can we forget the reservation? I really want breakfast food right now.”
A soft chuckle escaped his lips. “Of course sweetheart, you wanna get takeout and go back to mine?” He felt you nod. “Yes, please”. 
“Let me just order a car and we’ll be on our way. I’m sorry again, sweetheart, I promise I’m gonna make it right even if that guy’s a douche.” You laughed a little bit and wiped the few tears that stayed in your eyes.
“So.... your girl, huh? Is that like some mob slang term I don’t know about? Are we official?”
A smile graced his lips. “I’d like to be, if you would.” 
You smiled back at him. “I might be persuaded with waffles.” 
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Seers' Miscellany
Prologue: Origins of the first bloom
A circular fic for the Dainsleif mini-series I'll be working on. This will be the introduction; of the evanescent bough keeper of the new world. "Observers of the North do not usually wind up in personal business, but when they do, in their wake comes great shifting of the plates of the timelines." Logs of the stag and the delicate flower.
Pairings -> Dainsleif x Reader; Reader is NOT Traveler
Word Count -> 1579
Themes -> Pretty sad, but also fluffy
Chapters -> 1
Warnings -> Story progression takes a while, oh dear why am I doing this now, I'm so busy
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"500 mora; and three answered questions."
He's not really sure what lead him to indulge the requests of a simple adventurer when he made his rounds around the city of freedom. Was it the simple need for currency? It couldn't be, he was better off with other commissions that Katheryne could offer.
Was it the desperation in your voice and eyes? You looked at him like a prophet, your only salvation, and perhaps in this context that may be true. You were but a lone adventurer and the way your weight leans heavier on one foot shows your struggle to those who have keen eyes like him, no other person wished to indulge your needs and you were getting desperate.
Or was it the three questions? Dainsleif have yet to hear such contractual obligations before, but it felt as tho it was the most important part of the agreement he took the moment you pleaded with that soft voice. Humble yet resolved, not letting him walk away without at least considering it once.
And so he found himself traversing the land of the wolves through a dangerous path, where you skip ahead with a gait of happiness, bubbly and energetic enough to surpass even his long legs. You hummed without consideration at the glee of finally having a companion, and he did not mind it at the slightest despite the attention it may bring upon your little party.
"First question," Dainsleif fleeted his gaze away from the horizon to turn to you whom slowed your pace to match his, head looking over your shoulder with a wide grin. "How are you?" So innocent.
He huffs in amusement, the most emotion you've seen of him. "You don't need to waste a contract question for such a simple question, you know," he stands behind you as you crouch down on a shrubbery filled with Wolfhooks. Your main objective for visiting Wolvendom in the first place.
You assured him that you meant your question in every way possible as your hands carefully pick at the herbs, wary of the thorns and the intrusive prickly leaves. Despite your attention turned away from him he knows you await his answer. Dainsleif hums to himself and stops—
How is he? What does he truly feel in this moment of his time?
A simple question yet risked for one of the three inquiries agreed upon definitely holds a deeper meaning. His train of spiraling thoughts halts upon the sound of otherwordly grunts and chants as he turns away from your still busy form (you seem very focused on your foraging) to find three Hilichurls approaching with ill intent.
Dainsleif squints at the impending threat before shooting a final glance to make sure you weren't looking. His arm glows blue as he raises it, power in the form of blue swirling mist surges around him - how are you? The feeling brings him back to vague memories of his past, of the energy rising through him at his expeditions with an old companion, of the thrill spent upon encountering the unexpected. Such thoughts are not vivid but the familiarity of what he is experiencing right now was enough for him.
Though he was sure that there were no camps before they went through this route.
"You asked me how I am," he spoke when you finally turned from the bush with an armful of Wolfhooks on your arsenal, confusion on your face at the sight of downed Hilichurls and the side profile of the bough keeper.
His cerulean eyes were fixated at his left hand that he repeatedly closes and opens for a few seconds, before he fully turns to you (your eyes did not miss the blue glow from underneath his cape, where his right arm should be) with a wisp of a smile, "I feel alive right now."
You reciprocated the gesture with a wide grin, "I'm glad to hear that!"
A majority of the wolfhooks gathered where given to the little Botanist Chloris, the seller of flowers, who looked relieved and ecstatic upon your arrival. Something Dainsleif took great notice of. Carefully handing over the berries and some which you had to pluck singularly from your companion's flowy cape, the little girl gave you her Valberries in exchange.
It was sweet and familiar, something Dainsleif took note as he accepted your offer of the fruit despite his none need for sustenance.
Your little chewing sounded through as you two settled on the humble camp you managed to setup with your supply for a single individual. There was a little hole in the middle for a campfire Dainsleif had made the effort to prepare knowing the coldness the night will bring soon enough, and your fragile form is not something he wishes to bargain now. Is that really the reason? Perhaps in the back of his mind, he was really just working on forgotten routines.
"Second question," his footstep at the edge of the camp halts as he turns once again, where you sat on the mat as tonight's bedding, hands flicking to remove the stray juices of the berries. He stood still in wait before he goes back to his mini mission of getting fire wood.
"Go on," he urged when you stood a minute longer in silence.
"Do you like traveling, Dain?" Easy enough, he simply said yes and left when you ended the conversation with a nod.
When he came back with the wood and tinder bundle for easy spreading, out of the corner of his eye he watched your hands work on the mortal and pestle as you grinded the remaining wolfhooks on your person. The fire started the moment he was done setting up the kindling and your face filled with admiration at the sudden and immediate spark, praising him for his quick work.
Dainsleif is both talkative and not, and at times he finds himself rambling to the wind. The moments of the night passed without much details until he found himself talking about his past adventures with his old companion, of the world they've seen together and the now estranged relationship between them.
His responses were sometimes cryptic unintentionally, and he apologizes when there are things about it that he couldn't answer simply because he could not remember. When silence struck after he finished his tales and meal, the beautiful spike in his eyes found yours gleaming despite the drowsiness pulling at your whole feature.
"I'm glad you're very fond of traveling. If not, I wouldn't have met you," and he wouldn't have taken the commission. Dainsleif's eyes flashed in recognition, finally understanding the meaning behind your second question. Somehow this little commission deal turned into a silent back and forth quip of him understanding past your simple inquiries.
Like a little game he muses on with his curious mind.
That night you rested with the extra comfort of his eccentric cape, something you needed more than him as he gazes over the clear night sky. His eyes silently traced the galaxy of stars while the sound of your whispered breathing accompanies his sleepless night.
The last question and that last of your very quick expedition came the next day at the cliffside overlooking the lair sealed by winds.
Your fingers were dusted by the violet paste of grinded wolfhooks long consumed the night prior, stained fingers gripping the thin and fragile stem of the yellow dandelion in its grasp. It was his great observation that let him realize the disaster that happened now but even his foresight could not prepare him for what has to come.
"Third question," his head snapped down to watch your ethereal face don a calm smile, the sun's setting light kissing your cheeks in the right angle that matched that of the clean clouds above. Your eyes silently questioned his unfocused gaze but he only shook his head.
Don't worry about it. "I know this last question would end the commission with you," your voice trembled in both fear and fatigue but Dainsleif didn't force you to preserve your strength like he should. "But I wanted to ask, maybe tomorrow again,
do you want to be my traveling companion?"
The hand that clutched the Dandelion found it way to the side of his mask, the petals brushing against his eyelids as he looks down at you with an eye. A ghost of a smile lingers on his lips as he leans on your hand.
"It would be my pleasure."
Life momentarily flashed over your orbs before you let out a sharp exhale and a breathless, joyous laughter. Relief overtook the tension that laid on your shoulders, and your hand would have dropped to the ground immediately if he had not gripped it on the last second.
"That sounds good. I've always wanted to travel the world," he pulls the cape closer around your form as your eyelids droop to a close. And he witness another breathe, "It was supposed to be today, but I feel really tired today, I'll rest early too if that's okay."
He rose from the ground with you in his arms, "I'll be here."
"Mmm thank you... good... night."
"Good night, little dandelion."
And perhaps that distant memory from faraway had urged him to invite and indulge, when he saw the same spark of intrigue and desperation, of the warmth of carefree days in front of him.
"But I will require advance payment,
500 Mora, and three answered questions."
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@genshin-idiot : here's your Dainsleif content
@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan
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highqueenofelfhame · 3 years
fafs, twenty-two
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masterlist // rowaelin au // 4k words follow @highqueenofelfhamewrites​ and turn on post notifs for updates! i don’t do a tag list anymore because it’s too time consuming and doesn’t work half the time.  thank you to @punkassbookjockey26​ and @westofmoon​ for help with this one! ash had a great idea featured in here and katie is always my little editing faerie that makes my writing loads better.
AND WE’RE BACK! first things first i do not know when the next update will be, this wasn’t even supposed to happen anytime soon but i missed it and them and here we are. i wrote it so quickly it’s a little weird. i also had a major hiccup with google docs during the editing process so if you notice any extremely wonky typos or sentences, please dm me about it so i can fix it. i think i got it all but i’m unsure and nervous lol. also-- i can’t believe this fic is 86k words. it’s the longest thing i’ve ever written and i am just very proud of myself and this fic. i hope you guys are still excited and eager to read this story, and i hope you enjoy!
Waking up with Aelin’s body still tangled with his after a day of complete and utter ravishing was a luxury that Rowan never wanted to give up. Her golden hair was splayed across the pillow with her face turned toward him. The sunlight illuminated her body’s  soft curves and hard muscles, and he didn’t stop himself from exploring her skin with his fingertips. 
In sleep, her face was smooth and void of concern, worry, or anxiety. She looked so calm like this, and Rowan desperately wished he could bring that same sort of peace to her reality. Most of the time, when she was awake, when the facade of the swaggering assassin fell away, there was still a tightness in her jaw and a sharp coiling to her muscles. Like she was always on alert. Even when she was quick with her wit and sharp tongue, he knew that part of her was still always lying in wait. 
Rowan knew she’d never known a day of peace in her life. Maybe before everything had happened with her parents, but ever since she was a young girl, the explosion of chaos that wrecked every day had sharpened her into a blade. It was paranoia. It was spending her life peering around corners before she walked out because any number of people could have been waiting to take her down.
But when she was asleep, she looked younger. The romantic in him thought she looked like an angel, but he was sure if he voiced that out loud, she would adamantly disagree. Still, she was so beautiful. Any hour of the day, she was the most immaculate thing he had ever seen, and he loved her. 
Love. When he had said it yesterday, something had changed on her face. It wasn’t anything he could quite place— he was sure he saw relief, adoration, and love on her face. Yet, there had been tension to her mouth when he kissed her. It had confused him, but she had seemed so wholly blissful the rest of the day it had been easy to push from the forefront of his mind. It had been a day of cooking together, watching movies, and completely ignoring those movies to peel their clothes off and drown in the feeling of one another. They’d had yet another coupling before drifting off into deep sleep, and Rowan had muttered the words between her shoulder blades seconds before falling into oblivion. Aelin had squeezed his hand in response, but at no point yesterday had she said it out loud.
Not that he needed her to. Rowan saw her for everything that she was. He knew about lives she’d taken, about the blood that stained her soul. He knew that sick, fleshy slap had been Arobynn’s heart hitting the ground, seconds after Aelin had succeeded in cutting it from his chest. None of that scared him— Rowan knew he had no reason to fear the woman that shared his bed. Yesterday had been tangible proof of that, that she was willing to further darken her soul to keep him safe. He would do the same with no hesitation. Rowan would follow Aelin Galathynius to the ends of the earth if it meant being with her. 
But he sensed some hesitation. He could see it in her face and feel it in the way her hands had stuttered over his skin. Despite that, Rowan knew that she loved him. If he was to believe the feeling in his gut, she had felt that way for a while now. Perhaps he had just said those damned words too soon. 
His thoughts were brought to a pause as she roused from sleep, bare legs shifting against his. Beneath the sheets, her body arched as she chased away the stiffness in her limbs, toes pointing while they ran down his calf. It took a solid thirty seconds for her eyes to blink open, the morning sun casting brilliant light within them. Rowan couldn’t help himself and leaned down to press the softest of kisses to her mouth. 
“I need to shower,” she whispered, voice thick with sleep as the heel of her hands dug into her eyes. Rowan watched quietly, letting her drag her body awake while his knuckles brushed over her ribs. 
“I have to go into the office for a few hours. They have some questions for me that I’m sure they’ll have for you, too. But I told them to give you another day to rest.”
“You were kidnapped and drugged. I hardly need another day to decompress,” she countered, sitting up and reaching for his shirt at the edge of the bed. Rowan watched while she tugged it on and flipped her hair out from the collar. 
“It was a long day for you, too.”
“I can handle it.” Taught tension strung the words together as they hung between them. It was so close to coming across as snappy, and she seemed to realize it as she looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a tight smile. “But if you think I should wait until tomorrow, I’ll wait until tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” he said, relief flooding him to his toes. Instead of saying anything, Aelin merely hummed in response and disappeared into the bathroom. In truth, he’d wanted to talk with Lorcan first and see what was going on after his curt summons an hour ago. If anything negative was going to come of what had transpired over the last few days, Rowan wanted to know, and he wanted to be able to give Aelin any heads up that he could. 
As he heard the sounds of water thumping against the tile of the shower, Rowan stretched his own body out in his bed. Focusing on the ceiling fan above him, he flipped through the Rolodex of his memory to recount everything that had happened in the last few years the best that he could. 
Everything had started at the gala where  he’d first met Aelin. Their casual friendship came after, followed by a relationship that blossomed over several months. And when Sam had been killed, and he found Celaena Sardothien left for dead in a warehouse,the truth had slowly unraveled. Anger had been the first thing he’d felt, followed by betrayal. Losing the woman he’d known as Lilian had forced him through grief as if she’d died. 
And in a way, she had. But Rowan also knew that the woman he loved was one and the same. It was the same heart beating under his fingertips, the same lips he ached to kiss. Aelin had made more than one comment lately about burying Celaena Sardothien somewhere that no one could ever find her, paired with a sardonic laugh that made it sound like a joke. But some days, he couldn’t figure out if there was truth in that statement. If she was going to try to run to escape the terrors that she’d endured over the last few years. 
His fingers raked through his hair as he threw his legs over the side of the bed and made for his closet.He went through the motions of putting on a suit for work, his mind still caught up on Aelin. Despite knowing she wouldn’t run, there was still that fear there. Rowan just wasn’t sure what he was more scared of - the law catching up with her or the pain of being left behind. 
It wasn’t good. In fact, it was worse than terrible. He’d known it from the second he’d stepped into the conference room and noticed the files stacked on the tables. There had been no reason to read the labels. He already knew that every file was a different assassination that Aelin had committed. From what he could tell as he lowered into a seat, this was a meeting about what they could do to finally convict Celaena Sardothien. 
It had gotten worse as soon as Lorcan started talking. There had been no beating around the bush about what everyone wanted to happen. Maeve was even sitting in at the head of the table while everyone on Rowan’s team chimed in about different cases they had studied and what details could potentially be used for evidence against her. To his credit, Rowan managed to stay silent the majority of the meeting and only spoke when he was required.
But as soon as everyone had filed out and the door clicked shut, Lorcan had said the one thing Rowan had been hoping he wouldn’t ever hear.
“We want you to testify against her.” The sentence sent a powerful jolt of dread through his body, and his hands began to shake against his thighs. He curled them into tight fists and turned his gaze to the window. Rifthold was bustling beneath them, no one having a single clue that they wanted his testimony to lock away the love of his life.
“Look,” Lorcan said, leaning forward on his elbows. “I’ve let you carry out whatever dangerous, kinky fantasy you wanted to play with and kept my mouth shut about it. You’re an idiot if you think I don’t know where she stays most of the time or if I don’t see how you’ve started to look at her. But she’s a murderer. One that you put behind bars not too long ago. One that I know you’ve been getting closer to, and I thought she might tell you something that would help our case. That’s why I let it happen because we need whatever she tells you when she thinks she’s safe to really be able to put her away.”
“She doesn’t tell me anything useful about the case.” It was only partially a lie. He knew some of her secrets, some of her darkest and heavily guarded ones. But there was a lot of information that she never told him because it could be used against her. 
“I think we both know that’s bullshit. You’re playing house with her, for gods' sake. I know she’s told you at least one thing that would be useful, and you have to wake up at some point, Rowan. You aren’t doing yourself any favors by deluding yourself into thinking you can have a future with her. She’s a murderer. She’s a con artist. She’s a thief. She is just biding her time before she slits your throat in the middle of the night and—”
“That’s enough.” 
“When we call you to testify, you’ll be under oath. You can’t lie, and if you pull this same bullshit in court that you’re trying to pull with me right now, I will personally make sure you’re locked up for it.”
“Like a good friend,” he snarked, eyes hard as he looked back over at someone he had considered a friend at one point. Maybe not now. Not when he was hellbent on locking Aelin away by using his own words against him.
“If you want to ruin your own life, that’s on you. Don’t try to pin that on me.” Rowan’s jaw clenched while he stared at Lorcan, the darkness in his eyes having nothing to do with their color. “I’m not a fool. I know she was somehow linked to what happened to Elide, and you are insane if you think I’m going to let her walk around and do it again.” 
The temper he had been keeping on a tight leash was slipping. His nails were digging painfully into his palms as the vein in his forehead pulsed. If Lorcan was looking for his body language, he might notice how hard his heart was beating based on the throbbing of the artery in his neck. He might see the rigidity in Rowan’s jaw and the anger flaring in his green eyes. 
“Aelin didn’t have anything to do with what happened to Elide, and you are too clouded by your judgment to see a clear picture. By ignoring the facts, you aren’t protecting her. You’re using it as leverage to get a leg up in your career, so if you want to talk about who is putting Elide in danger, look in the mirror.” There was a sharpness to his tone that he couldn’t keep hidden, one that had Lorcan’s shoulders tensing as he clenched a pen in his fist. 
“You can tell me all you want that your little girlfriend didn’t try to kill my fiancée, but I don’t buy it. If it wasn’t directly by her hand, she had some part in it, and I will not let that happen again.” If Aelin knew what Lorcan was saying, the guilt would eat her alive. It already had been. He had seen her jolt awake in the middle of the night so many times from the deaths that fell on her head. He had spent too much time chasing away the nightmares, too much time holding her hand while she cried about what had happened to everyone she had ever loved.
“You protect what’s yours, and I’ll protect what’s mine.” Rowan couldn’t have said it more plainly if he tried. There was no surprise on Lorcan’s face, however. He merely sat back in his chair with a slight smirk pulling at his lips. When all was said and done, and Rowan looked back on the argument, he might not have a clue who had the upper hand. There was no telling from where he sat who had won.
“When this all falls apart and bites you in the ass, I can’t wait to see what you say about her in court.” 
Rowan said little else before leaving the conference room and exiting the building altogether. Every muscle in his body screamed at him to hit something, anything. He had half a mind to go back inside and lay Lorcan out on his ass for everything he’d insinuated about Aelin. Even the brick of the office building would satiate his need to hit something as hard as Lorcan’s head. 
His day really couldn’t get much worse than how it had gone so far, he decided. Aelin had seemed almost distant this morning, barely returning the kiss he gave her before he left his apartment. Now he was expected to plot behind her back, a move that would lock her away forever. Trying not to dwell on the verdict, he took his time walking to his car, flipping his keys over his finger to give his hands something to do. 
Life in prison wasn’t the worst her sentence could be. Rowan already knew that if she was found guilty, the penalty very well could be death. 
Undeserving. Aelin Galathynius was wholly undeserving of the way Rowan looked at her when she woke up. Despite her heart fluttering in her chest when she saw his expression, her veins had flooded with ice. It had been easier to pretend everything was fine yesterday after he’d uttered those words to her. It had been easy to keep dragging him back to bed to avoid talking, to avoid her own feelings bubbling to the surface. Feelings that she was doing her damnedest to keep choked down but wasn’t sure how much longer they could stay locked up. The warmth of his body pressing against hers had almost been enough to thaw out her bones. Yet when she woke up and saw that look on his face, a heavy weight had dropped back into the pit of her stomach. 
So after he left, she’d carefully packed all of her clothes into a small duffel bag she found in the top of Rowan’s closet. Every shirt she’d brought had been folded into tiny squares the same way she had folded away her feelings. 
It wasn’t that she didn’t love Rowan. She did. It was the most overwhelming thing she had ever felt, making every part of her body ache. Yet, she refused to let herself feel it. She refused to let him feel it while so much was on the line. It wasn’t just their hearts; it was everything. His life, his jobs, his friends, his soul. How much would Rowan compromise to keep her safe? How much would he wash down the drain to save her from the fate that awaited her? She had already lost everyone and everything that there was for her to lose, but she couldn’t be the reason why Rowan lost everything, too. Not when she was so undeserving of the love that radiated from him. 
Not when she had a ledger so crimson and bloody that it would never be clean. Her soul was marred with scars of every life she had ever taken. Those people had stopped breathing by her hands, and she would be damned if the same thing happened to him. He’d already been kidnapped because of her. She didn’t believe any of the bullshit Arobynn had spewed about her being a pawn. If anything, he was trying to make her hesitate long enough to let him live so she could dig for answers. 
But she knew Arobynn. Knew he was a liar. Knew everything he did and said was to save his own hide and prolong his useless life. She had seen him do it again and again, and when it came down to it, she wasn’t willing to let him say anything in his defense. If Rowan hadn’t said her name and pulled her from that blind rage, Aelin may have gone as far as to cut his tongue out just to ensure that even in whatever hell he burned for eternity in, he could never speak another word. 
No, everything had been because of her. All the pain her loved ones had felt while they bled out on the ground. Rowan kidnapped and drugged and left with bruises speckling his body. And she refused to let it go on any longer.
“What’s this?” Aelin’s eyes moved to the front door where Rowan now stood. She hadn’t even heard it open or close, so caught up in her plan to get out of there as quickly as possible. There was a rigidity to his body that had been mirrored in his tone. Compared to how Rowan had seemed yesterday and this morning, he looked like a wire ready to snap. Confusion weighed heavy between his brows, and the color seemed to be slipping from his cheeks.
“I’m going back to my apartment. Without an imminent threat, I don’t need to be here anymore.” It was the truth of the situation but not of her heart. She hoped her voice was steady and convincing enough. 
“Is everything okay?” He asked, kneeling before where she was perched on the end of his bed. The duffel bag was full beside her, and she didn’t miss how his eyes focused on it before looking back at her face. 
“Aelin.”  So many emotions flickered through her name when it tumbled from his lips. Frustration and concern seemed to be the most obvious, perhaps a bit of anxiety. Exhaustion. Worry. Irritation. It was difficult to pick out which ones were aimed at her. For his sake, she forced herself to smile. 
“I just don’t want you to get in trouble with me being here all the time.”
“I don’t care about that.” A pang of sadness ricocheted through her body. That he truly didn’t care about the consequences of being with her because he thought he loved her. 
“I know you don’t, but I do,” she said simply. Her smile vanished as he gave a curt nod and rose to his feet with a sigh. The fingers that had spent hours memorizing every inch of her body only yesterday raked through his hair roughly. The meeting hadn’t gone well; she could tell without asking. 
“Do you want me to help you carry the bag back?” The words sounded tired and heavy, escaping on the end of a sigh. His body language told her he would rather not be having this conversation and the way he put more space between them to lean against the bathroom door made it even worse. 
“No. I could use a walk anyway.” She had told herself all day that it would be easier if he didn’t put up much of a fight and try to persuade her into staying. Still…when he didn’t object any further, it felt like a confirmation that maybe he hadn’t meant to say what he’d said yesterday. Maybe it had been a slip of the tongue while he was delirious from pleasure. 
It made it easier that he walked her to the door and just let her leave, but it didn’t hurt any less when he didn’t at least try to kiss her goodbye. 
“You look like shit,” was the first thing Nox said when Aelin opened the door to her tiny apartment. Eyes rolling, she let him in and scooped the takeout bags from his hand, heading for the couch. Pride and Prejudice played on the television while she dug into her container of Chinese takeout. Making himself at home, Nox kicked his shoes off by the door and soon dropped to sit beside her to eat his own dinner. “You wanna talk about it?”
“I want to eat my food and chase it with the bottle of rum you said you’d bring.” There was little inflection to her voice while she spoke around a mouthful of food. 
“Is this about the suit?”
“I literally just said that I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You actually didn’t answer my question; you deflected, which is kind of cowardly if you ask me. I didn’t think Celaena Sardothien was scared of anything, least of all a conversation about her feelings.” His words hit their mark, gnawing at her mind the way her teeth did her cheek. Turning them over in her mind, her eyes blurred on the meal in her hands. Celaena, perhaps, wasn’t scared of anything. She could walk into any situation and leave the victor, compartmentalizing any feelings she had into perfectly wrapped packages that she could assess at a later date. 
Aelin wasn't that person, though. These days her feelings were a hurricane ravaging her soul, and she couldn't escape them. Not anymore. 
When she had ripped Arobynn’s heart from his chest, she had expected to feel content. There was a peace she thought would crash over her in waves, like his heart no longer beating would soothe the darkest parts of her,soul. Instead, there had only been a sharp ringing in her ears while she held the fleshy mass in her hands, an emptiness that she had never felt before crushing in on all sides. It may as well have been her own death. Maybe that’s what it would take for her to feel at peace.
“Celaena.” Nox’s voice followed a jab to her shoulder with his finger, and she whipped her head around to look at him. “What is it? What’s wrong?” 
Her heart was beating so hard she could barely hear his voice. It almost sounded like she was underwater. It took several more thumps of her heart to focus on his face, and she didn’t realize that her cheeks were wet until he brushed at them with his thumb. Truthfully, she ached to tell someone, anyone, about the turmoil that ravaged her. But Rowan was the only person that knew her for everything that she was. He was the only person, save for Arobynn, that knew her true identity. And Rowan was the last person she could get herself to be fully honest with today. Nox didn’t know the truth; he was on a  need-to-know basis. There was just no accounting for how he might react if she told him everything, so instead of letting honest words tumble from her lips, she forced them up into a smile and shook her head. 
“Nothing. I’m fine.”
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The Gym Membership - Part 9 (Tech)
Summary: Tech takes a step with a friend he thought was out of reach.
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Thank you for being patient, loves, you guys are awesome. Tech’s portion is very sweet - I least I think so, but it’s also going to be a bit of up and down. 
There will be a chess game that is played through out Tech’s portion, it is the game played by Kasparov vs. Topalov - played Jan 20 1999, at the Hoogoes A tournament. Please note I am not a chess player, I do not watch chess, hence why I focused on an already played game. 
I hope you guys enjoy this version of Tech, I thoroughly have. 
Love oo
Warnings: Awkward flirting, chess play, sibling teasing, mentions of human trials for a prosthetic, mentions of prosthetics, mentions of surgeries, difficulties with human trials, fluff, babysitting, mentions of shock, parental yelling, I think that’s it, if I miss any please let me know. 
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Tech and Zaina were finishing their workout by the far west wall of the gym, both sweaty from their workout, they’d already spent the better part of an hour building up to deadlifts, each bringing out the other’s competitive nature. 
“I’m surprised you did not ask Hunter to help you”
“Well, as much as I enjoy Hunter’s company, I don’t necessarily want to spend every single waking moment with him.”
“Really?” Tech asked his eyebrow crooked upward, “I thought you two were …”
“Oh we are, it’s just …” Zaina placed the barbell down in front of her, turning to look at Tech, “I mean you know what it’s like when you’re dating someone, as much as you enjoy your time with them, and don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with Hunter and Omega, it’s…” Zaina couldn’t stop the giant smile that graced her lips, “they’re amazing and everything I could have wanted, but sometimes it’s nice to have a moment to yourself, or to spend time with someone other than them, just for a little bit. You know?”
“I suppose. Granted most of my girlfriends end up breaking up with me, because I forget I’m dating when I delve into a project.”
“I’m sorry, that sucks. They should be understanding at least”
“Oh no, you misunderstand. It is not that they are not understanding. In fact, it is quite the opposite, I once dated a woman for seven months before she finally broke up with me. Granted I was extremely consumed with my project for the better part of six months, out of those seven.”
“Oh. I see. Can I ask you something?” Zaina tilted her head to have her follow him towards the juice bar.
“Of course”
“Is there anyone now that has your eye?”
“Hmm” Tech took the seat beside her, thinking about the question, was there anyone? There was, but the chances of her being interested in him, that was another thing entirely “Why do you ask?”
“Cause there’s this woman” Zaina began slowly watching Tech’s expression carefully, “I believe you met her, when I had you guys over for games night about two weeks ago” Tech shrugged his shoulders, “she’s one of the girls I work with, blonde hair, gray eyes, very pretty.”
Tech remembered her, she was very pretty, but as interesting as a piece of blank paper, “Right, what about her?”
“She wanted your number, I said I would double check because I didn’t know what your status was or what your inclinations were; so would you be interested if she called you?”
Tech thought about it, he was unattached and maybe she would be fun for a few dates, but in the end it wasn’t his style. He wanted someone he could share ideas with, someone who would interest him not just physically but mentally as well, a quick fling was more up Crosshair’s alley “Thanks Zai for the offer but I’m good. She is …” Tech cleared his throat, scratching the spot behind his ear trying to think of the best way to explain what he meant, “as pretty as she is, she is not my type.”
“Well, what is your type?” Zaina asked, taking a sip of the drink Hunter had left in front of her after leaving a kiss on her forehead, which instantly caused her to look away abashed, yet there was still a coquettish smirk on her face as she looked towards Hunter. 
“Zai, I am not sure I can explain it as easily as …”
“Hi Tech” Tech glanced up to see Kamarie, at seeing her beautiful smile his heart began to beat quickly, he felt as though he couldn’t breathe. If he could describe his ideal woman to Zai, well then that would have to be Kamarie, she was brilliant, funny, kind, beautiful and for some inexplicable reason she was his friend. She was the kind of woman you never forgot, at least to Tech she was. 
Zai tapped his foot subtlety when he hadn’t said anything “Hello Kamarie, it’s a pleasure to see you”
“Not as great a joy as it is for me. In fact, it has been a while since the last time we met, is everything going well with you?”
He felt his throat go dry, and no amount of swallowing was helping the situation, “Yes,” he cleared his throat, glancing over to Zai, “have you met Zaina, this is Hunter’s girlfriend and Mel’s cousin” Tech motioned towards her, she’d been eyeing his interaction the whole time, Zaina pulled herself together, turning to look at Kamarie, holding out her hand readily with her usual friendly smile. 
“Lovely to meet you, Kamarie. Take it, you're a friend of Tech’s?”
I was quick to take her hand, “Yes, we met a while back. He was kind enough to help me when a rather obnoxious and determined gentleman wanted more of my attention than I dared give him. He refused to accept my disinclination for what it was and proceeded to make his attempts to interest me even more forceful, which of course did not impress me even the slightest. As such, Tech interfered and promptly removed the gentleman from my presence with a promise should he attempt to influence my opinion in a manner that greatly distresses me, Tech would be the one to deal with him.”
Zaina glanced over to Tech, whose cheeks had a dark tint, “Wow, impressive Tech. You certainly know how to make an impression” Tech noticed the smirk on Zaina’s face, which he promptly tried to ignore. 
“I did what any gentleman would have done” Tech waved off.
“I doubt that; you and your brothers were raised better than most” Zaina smirked.
Tech seemed to ignore Zaina’s statement completely as he turned his attention to me, “Kamarie, before time passes us, Bishop E3 to H6”
“Oh Tech, you must know such an action would only cause me to act in a manner to defend my Queen and King. Bishop G7 to H6 captures Bishop” I couldn’t help smirk at Tech, “As a man of skill and forthright, I imagined your attacks to be slightly more daring, unless I underestimated the skill with which we are playing.”
“Perhaps I wanted to provide a sense of calmness and wellbeing making sure you understood the gravity of the situation when I tell you, Queen D2 to H6 capturing your Bishop.” Tech looked so proud of his move a smile etched on his face that reached to his eyes, “I would suggest taking the time needed to fully consider the ramifications of your next move. I would greatly dislike the idea that you are leaving your royalty at their most vulnerable.”
I couldn’t hide the smile as I looked at Tech, I wouldn’t have expected anything less from him, “Ingenious, as always.” I looked away from him for a second and realized we had gathered a bit of an audience, I cleared my throat,” Tech, Zaina, Hunter, and Echo” I nodded to the four of them, a smile etched on my lips as I headed off to my workout. 
Zaina looked from Kamarie’s retreating form back to Tech, “Okay, what the hell was that?”
“Oh we are playing a very intricate came of Chess, Zai”
“No. I know that; I mean the tension between the two of you” Zaina wiggled her eyebrows up and down.
“Oh, I felt that tension” Echo reinforced, he was biting his bottom lip keeping himself from laughing.
“Don’t bother, sarad’ika” Hunter stated as he passed Tech his drink, while winking at Echo.
“What? Why?” Zai looked from Tech to Hunter, “Tech, you want to tell her?”
“Come on” Echo nudged his brother
“Hunter” Tech’s tone was final, Hunter shrugged ignoring his younger brother and turning his attention to the woman who was beautiful inside and out, and had captured his heart completely, something that he didn’t think would’ve been possible.
“Fine, I’ll tell her.” Hunter leaned closer to Zaina, he took her hands in his, tracing her knuckles with his thumb, “He is heads over heels for her, has been for some time, right Tech?” Hunter glanced over to his brother, who simply glared at him as he chugged back his drink. He turned his attention back to Zaina, smirking as he continued, “I’m pretty sure she feels the same way Sard’ika, especially after that day Tech stepped in; but Tech is too cowardly to ask her out.”
“I am not as you say ‘cowardly,’ I simply do not wish to impose a desire she may have no inclination towards. I want to be her friend, rather than not being in her presence completely.”
Zaina bit her tongue to keep her from laughing at how adorable Tech was, “Do you notice how his speech pattern changed after she showed up?” Zaina teased smirking at Hunter’s nodding. 
“If you both will excuse me,” Tech stood, irritated with the three of them the seemed to be studying him, “I have to change. I am meeting with one of our equipment vendors.”
“Oh of course, Tech” Hunter smirked, “a meeting” he teased, while he winked at Zaina.
Tech simply rolled his eyes, finishing his drink at the same time, walking away from the three of them. He wished he could be more forthright, more like Crosshair in that sense, being able to just ask or put himself in a position where he could potentially risk a friendship. After all, he never seemed to have any issues discussing how he felt towards someone; then again Crosshair never stayed with anyone long enough to make them valuable enough to treat with the dignity and respect. Tech wanted to be her friend and more than that he wanted to always treat her with respect and dignity, not as just something to occupy his time. 
Tech scrubbed his skin harder than he realized, his frustration clearly evident on his irritated skin. He stepped out of the shower, wondering if he could take that step with her. He wasn’t a romantic per se, in fact he was most definitely not a romantic, according to his previous paramours he was the least romantic person they had ever come across. Granted, the only reason he was with most of them was because they asked him. 
He didn’t want to think more about Kamarie, but no matter how hard he tried that smile, those eyes, that intelligence she demonstrated again and again, were permanently etched into his memory. What he needed was a night out, to forget what he was feeling. She was a brilliant engineer and the last thing she’d be interested in would be someone like him. 
As Tech walked out of the locker room, he noticed Kamarie was sitting at the juice bar with Zaina, he wanted nothing more than to have his feet carry him over to them, to sit and listen to her, to hear her voice fill the space around him, listening to her discuss one subject or another, to hear her call his name yet again. 
“Tech” It was almost as though his thoughts had granted his deepest wish, he glanced over to see Kamarie waving him over. 
Before he even realized his feet were taking him to the very person, who he wished would become his world,“Yes?”
“I wondered if I may trouble you for some assistance with my latest project, as you know I’ve been having difficulties not just with the hydraulics, but the program coding focusing on making sure the hydraulics do not overexert themselves, worse still it appears the coding is refusing to recycle itself at the end of every action.”
“Are you sure the coding is properly entered?” I didn’t even answer him, I simply raised my eyebrow at him, while I leaned into my hand that was propping my head.  
Tech noticed how Zaina was hiding a chuckle behind her knuckles as they pressed into her lips as her elbow rested on the back of her chair, Hunter seemed similarly amused. 
He felt his face heat up, “I would be only to happy to help you address this problem, unfortunately, at the moment, I am on my way to attend a meeting with one of our suppliers.”
“Do not stress yourself, Tech. I will give you my number, contact me once you are free to do so” I promptly handed Tech my business card before I headed to the locker room. It was a little odd to have so many watching us, yet I understood it was due to their admiration for their brother.
Zaina tried, she really did try not to say anything, she wanted to be supportive of Hunter’s younger brother and did not want to embarrass him, but she couldn’t help smirk at his shocked expression, as his eyes read and reread the card in his hands. 
“Do you think his brain short-circuited?” Crosshair’s voice teased as he walked up beside his younger brother. 
“I think his brain is rebooting at the moment,” Hunter laughed, “let’s give him a minute or two to come back to us” Hunter and Crosshair chuckled.
“Will you two stop?” Zaina defended Tech, “Leave him alone. It’s not every day his Bishop captures the Queen” she tried, she really did but she couldn’t stop smiling from ear-to-ear at seeing Tech’s cheeks deepen a darker red at the teasing he was receiving from the three of them. 
“For your information, Zai,” Tech smiled as he turned the card in his hand, before he locked eyes with her, as a self-satisfied smile appeared on his lips, “I always capture the Queen” he smirked as he headed off, tucking the business card into his pocket. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
My stomach was fluttering when I noticed Tech’s caller ID appeared on my cell. I wanted to answer, but of course at that moment, I was inundated with questions, as I did my best to answer the panel before me. 
“Are you sure you’ll be able to meet the deadline?” Lama Su narrowed his eyes on me.
“I understand the panel's concern, but must I remind you we are here for the benefit of veterans and those in need of prosthetics. Human trials for our prosthetics are progressing at exceptional speed. There have been difficulties with seven percent of the trails.”
“Could you please clarify the difficulties?” Tong Wee asked as she readjusted her pen ready to take notes.
“Certainly” I pulled up the next slide from my presentation, “as you can see from overall feedback, most patients have reported they find the prosthetic to be a benefit to their life. Patient FJ-3645 directed our attention to one issue with their neural interface, at times the connection would drop between the patient and the prosthetic. We discovered the problem was a firmware issue; which has since been adjusted — however this particular patient has stated that the issue, although fixed, has affected the overall feel of the equipment. We are currently trying to determine the problem the patient is sensing. I would like to next direct your attention to patient EF-2487 this patient was at work when the prosthetic completely failed. It appears in this case the neural interface completely crashed.”
“I do apologize for interrupting” Nala Se began as she held her hand up, indicating for me to stop my presentation “are you saying most of the issues are neural interface based?”
“In these particular two patients it has been, for Patient FJ-3645 the problem with their prosthetic developed from a firmware issue; for Patient EF-2487, their problems arose due to a temperature issue.”
“A temperature issue? Would you please do your best to clarify this statement” Nala Se tilted her head at me.
“The patient’s body temperature runs higher then normal and works in an environment dealing with extreme heat raising their normal body temperature even greater.”
“Why was this not dealt with before human trials?” Tong Wee noted.
“None of the scenarios could have predicted a body temperature that normally ran as high this patient. Their physiology is actually quite unique.”
“No doubt there would certainly be some patients who inevitably end up running a fever”
“Of course, which was taken into account during the trials and even at time of development. However, what was not taken into account was a normal body temperature of 110. This particular patient was selected for the clinical trials due to their unusual biology.”
“How long did the patient wear the prosthetic before it completely  malfunctioned?”
“A total of 875 hours, approximately 36.4583 days”
“That is quite the achievement, what exactly transpired?”
“The neural interface was burnt from the internal heat.”
“Have you been able to determine, what exactly about the patient’s physiology causes their temperature to run at a higher rate?”
“At this time we are unable to determine the direct cause. The patient has undergone several tests already, the theory at present is a belief the patient has a form of thyroid disease or possibly a heart arrhythmia we are currently running several tests to determine the validity of those theories.”
“What are the other issues?”
“Another patient had a hydraulic issue”
“Excuse me” Lama Su narrowed his eyes at me, “Do any of the problems actual deal with some sort of manufacturing issue?”
“If you turn to page 153 of your reports, you will note out of the fifty complaints we have received out of 700 patients, only one was a manufacturing issue which was fixed promptly”
“Any other issues we should become aware of?” Lama Su looked up from the report I handed out to them at the beginning of our meeting. I was about to open my mouth, when he cut me off, “More specifically, any issues that will cost the company money?”
I let out a sigh, “No. Majority of the issues are due to the physiology of the patient or a firmware issue.”
“In that case, I do not see a need to continue the meeting. Excellent work, doctor. We look forward to your next report.”
“Thank you ladies and gentlemen” I nodded to the panel of six men and women, grabbing my equipment and reports promptly leaving the meeting room, as soon as the panellists all left. I looked at my phone, as a notification for a new voicemail popped up. I couldn’t help smiling at the thought Tech had left me a voicemail.
I waited till I was in my office, closing the door before listening to his message.
‘Hello Kamarie, I do hope this message finds you well. As you requested, I finished with my meeting and contacted you as soon as I was able to; I wish to reiterate that I would be elated to help you figure out the coding issue you have come across. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.’ 
There was a silence for a second before Tech's voice came back on the line.
‘In case, I forgot to mention, this is Tech. Tech from the Marauder Gym. The same Tech you play chess with …’ I heard him let out a sigh, ‘Again, I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.’ 
I couldn’t help smirk at his nervousness that clearly seeped through. I sat at my desk, staring at my phone, I wanted to call him, and tell him I could never forget him, I would always remember him, for as long as I could. 
Yet, regardless of how much I wanted to take a step with Tech, I kept remembering the last time I was so upfront with my affections, not just my affections but also regarding my condition. The last time I informed someone about my future and what I was facing, it didn’t end well. 
However, start something off with Tech on a lie, even if it was an omission was not the way I wanted it to begin and somehow I felt that he would be someone who would not shy away or run away simply because things may be more difficult than expected.
I took in a deep breath, chasing to have faith in a man who by all accounts seemed to be the encapsulation of what I had longed for, my finger shook a little as I dialed Tech’s number.
“Hi Tech”
“Kamarie … I … the message …” Tech took in a deep breath, “I cannot apologize enough”
“No please let me apologize”
“There’s nothing to apologize for”
“If you are sure”
“I am”
“In that case, how can I be of service?”
“Well, I would like to go over the coding issue with you, do you think you’d be able to come by my office?”
“In an hour?”
“Unfortunately, that will not be possible, I’m finishing up with some work here, would it be all right if …” Tech cleared his throat, “Would it be all right if we met up for dinner to discuss it?”
“I believe dinner would be an even better suggestion, than what I had planned.”
‘Did you get a hold of her?’ Another voice came on the line, it sounded like Crosshair cutting off Tech, however I hardly spoke with the man so I could be mistaken.
‘Yeah, I did…’ before he could say anything, more loud steps came booming over the phone. 
‘Hey!’ Another voice called out.
‘Wrecker? What’s up?’ Tech asked
‘I’ve been calling you’
‘We didn’t hear you’ Crosshair’s voice rang through, ‘Anyway, Tech, you should just ask out Kamarie, you like her and she likes you, that’s evident by how she smiles at you.’
‘No di’kut!’ Wrecker’s booming voice came over the speaker, ‘I meant, when I tried calling Tech on the phone, I couldn’t get through, Cross.’ 
“That’s because I’m on the phone … right now … with Kamarie. She’s on speakerphone and no doubt has heard all of this”
“Hi Crosshair, hi Wrecker, I apologize for not saying anything earlier.”
There was nothing but pure silence for a minute, before I heard Crosshair’s voice trail off ‘Oh, shi…’ followed promptly by shifting feet and a door slamming shut. 
I was smirking as I nibbled on my bottom lip, I couldn’t believe he liked me. I thought for sure there was no way he would’ve been interested in me, after all he was … he was amazing, intellectual, kind, dignified, treated me with utmost respect, and quite handsome. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped from my lips at the sound of the door closing.
“Well, that happened.” Tech chuckled, “I believe there is a requirement here for me to express my deepest apologies on behalf of my siblings, please do not pay attention to anything Crosshair said, he is just … he is an idiot.”
I giggled at his reaction, yet doing my best to still my nerves, “I must disagree with your assessment of the situation, Tech.”
“Please enlighten me”
“Your sibling simply pointed out an interesting fact that has been a quandary of mine for some time”
“How interesting. That is an important factor in this observation. Wouldn’t you agree, Kamarie?”
“I wholeheartedly agree”
“Is what Crosshair stated factual?” Tech asked with hesitancy, maybe she was just being friendly.
“I believe it to be quite accurate, I know for myself it has been some time since my opinion of you has risen considerably. I find my mind often drifts to moments where I spend a significant portion of my time, contemplating your facial features, your kindness and your intellect.”
Tech cleared his throat, “This seems to be a dilemma for the both of us. With this new information available to both of us, would you care to join me for an evening meal with a romantic notion attached?”
“I would be delighted”
“Would you still care to discuss the coding issues at dinner?”
“It could be one of many topics we can discuss this evening”
“In that case, I eagerly look forward to our evening together”
“I do, as well. Tech, before you go, there is something I wish to say”
“Please feel free to alleviate any concern”
“I appreciate that, I simply wish to point out, Bishop C8 to B7”
“Oh now that is quite interesting. Pond A2 to A3.”
“Pond E7 to E5”
“Queenside castling”
“Queen D8 to E7”
“Protecting your King, I see, very clever”
“Would not want my King to be so vulnerable to opposing forces, he should remain vulnerable only to his Queen”
“I agree wholeheartedly, a King and Queen should only be vulnerable to each other”
“It takes a great deal of trust and respect to rule together, to know how to handle the skills each one brings forth.”
“Especially when going into battle for the first time.”
“At what time and where should I meet you?”
“Would 8 p.m. accommodate your schedule?”
“Perfectly, Tech.”
“I will call and make a reservation and provide you with the details promptly”
“I await with eager anticipation”
“As do I”
“Goodbye Tech”
“Goodbye Kamarie”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hunter watched as Zaina held Iris, rocking her back and forth. Even though Hunter understood how much it still pained Zaina to hold something she would never have the opportunity to have, he couldn’t help think she would’ve made an absolutely wonderful mother. He was glad at the very least she would be able to dote on her niece, and they had agreed to look after her for the weekend. 
Wrecker wanted to surprise Mel with a special weekend away for the two of them, to celebrate their engagement. He had wanted to do it sooner, but between Iris remaining in the hospital for a tad longer than they had expected and Zaina being attacked, not to mention the wedding preparations, time seemed to slip away from him and before he knew it, Iris was six and a half months old.
“How’s it going babe?” Hunter whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on Zaina’s temple.
“Good, I think she’s finally asleep” Zaina answered back matching his tone, doing her best to keep her niece asleep.
“Guess what?” Hunter asked as he wrapped his arms around Zaina and Iris
“Tech finally asked her out”
“No. Seriously?” Zaina turned to look at him.
“Yup, he was asking what restaurant we went to for our first date today after he got off the phone with her”
“Aww that’s so sweet”
“Dad!” Omega shouted as the front door slammed, waking Iris after Zaina spent the past thirty minutes getting her to fall asleep. Her wailing from the unexpected noise pierced not only the living room but everyone’s ears as well.
“Omega!” Hunter shouted back at seeing his daughter walk over to them wincing at seeing Iris in Zaina’s arms wailing. She felt guilty, she hadn’t realized Iris was going to be there.
“Sweetheart don’t, she didn’t know”
“That’s still no excuse, sarad’ika. How many times have I told you not to slam the door!”
“Sorry, I didn’t know Iris was here, but …” Omega began.
 Hunter chuckled, feeling bad at raising his voice “Doesn’t matter. From now on, unless you are in trouble, bleeding, or running from some psycho, act like everyday Iris is here.”
“Okay dad,” Omega smirked, “but I was wondering, did you know Uncle Tech is sitting in his car in front of our place?”
“Before we begin with your uncle, do you know what time it is my dear?”
“I know I’m later than I said, but not by much, just …”
“Thirty minutes to be precise”
“Z wanna help me out?” Omega pleaded
Hunter looked from his daughter to his future, at least he hoped she’d be his future if everything went according to plan, however his look clearly stated no interference.
“You know Megs I would love to help you but I gotta take care of this little one, see if I can get her back to sleep” Zaina bounced Iris in her arms hoping the rocking motion would calm her down, she headed towards Iris' crib in the spare room, “She’s not wrong” Zaina mumbled under her breath, as she passed Hunter, noticing the smirk on his lips, “He has a point” she mumbled out to Omega as she stood in front of her, before placing a kiss on her forehead, smirking as she went off with Iris.
Hunter let out a deep sigh, “All right, did you eat?”
“Yeah, Hera’s uncle made us spaghetti”
“Did you finish your homework?”
“Yes. We started our project, which is why I was late”
“Okay, let me go talk to your uncle, but you gotta text me, you know the rules”
“Well you didn’t text either”
“Because Howzer texted, next time you don’t text, you are getting grounded missy” Hunter walked over to his daughter, wrapping his arms around her hugging the stuffing out of her as she hugged him back, “sorry for raising my voice.”
“Sorry for not texting and for slamming the door.”
“I’m serious though, next time you’re getting grounded”
“Yes, Dad” Omega chuckled as she released her dad, walking over to the living room.
“Not kidding” Hunter stated as he grabbed his phone simultaneously putting on his shoes and headed out the front door.
“Love you too, dad”
“Yeah, yeah. Say that now with the threat of being grounded looming overhead” Hunter chuckled, as he walked over to Tech’s car. 
He was surprised to see the loon on Tech’s face, he looked shocked, shaken to his very core. The only other time he’d ever seen Tech look like that was when he received news about Echo and Wrecker’s injuries. Hunter knocked on the window, pulling Tech from his own thoughts.
Tech turned his head blinking at seeing his brother beside his car, as he lowered the window, “Hunter?”
“Hey buddy, you okay?”
“Yeah, what are you doing at my place?”
“Tech, you drove to my place”
“What?” Tech looked from Hunter, to the house behind his brother, there was no mistake he had driven to his older brother’s home. He must have been in more shock than he thought, not to mention his body clearly knew what he needed even if his mind was too in shock to register. 
“You wanna come sit with me on the porch, tell me what got you driving to my place at 11 at night?”
“I … uhhhh…”
“Come on buddy, turn off the car”
Tech followed Hunter’s orders, moving without even realizing he had left the car, his keys dangling from his fingers, as he shifted on the seat on the porch. 
“Want a drink?” Hunter offered, Tech simply shook his head ’no’ as he took in a shuddering breath, Hunter nodded as he took his seat, “Want to tell me what’s got you looking shocked?”
“Did something happen on the date?”
“It … ummm…” Tech looked at his hands they were shaking, Hunter reached over and grabbed them, hoping he would be a grounding force for his younger brother, “Tech, hey whatever it is, it’ll be okay.” 
Tech nodded squeezing his older brother’s hand, Hunter was shocked, he wasn’t one for emotions or a display of emotion, whatever shook him up, must have been pretty intense, he waited to hear what Tech had to say.
“As you know I met up with Kamarie for our date” Hunter nodded, waiting for Tech to explain more, “everything was going great, better than could have been expected, when …
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
An Indulgence for the Night
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: Compress stans have finally been fed and I want comfort (I also wanna get a feel for him)
Atsuhiro lays in bed, a thick comforter on his body that traps heat and feels as if it weighs more than the world itself. His body is tired, exhausted beyond belief with eyes that droop and vision that grows hazy the longer he stays awake. And yet, he can’t force himself to fall asleep- no matter how long his eyes stay closed, they only reopen and he has to bite back a groan to keep you from waking up. 
It’s silent. The electricity that hums in the walls do nothing to calm him down, they make him wary and they’re too loud for him to concentrate on anything. Outside, nothing moves. The trees stand still, not a car flashes by with its headlights, there’s no squealing of tires that fill the night in a godforsaken screech- the world is on pause and he is unable to sleep because of it. 
He’s thought about waking you up, to seek a bit of comfort from you in hopes that it would lull him to sleep but you also need your rest- you’ve been out and about for so long and you’re tired- he won’t ruin your sleep just because his body and mind have decided to fight against each other. He’ll stay in the soft bed, grow warm and have muscles that ache to be stretched until sleep does finally consume him. He’s a grown man- he can handle a bit of restlessness. Even if it means doing it alone. 
The patience lasts for five minutes before he’s removed the too heavy blanket from his body and stretched his legs out in front of him. His hand drags down his face and he’s biting the bottom of his lip as the pink under his eyes leaks for a quick second. He shakes his head and binches the bridge of his nose, nails pressing into the thin skin and tosses his legs over the bed, leaning forward and holding onto the residual limb with a soft groan. His feet- decorated in geometrical print socks with neon colors that you once gave him- press flat against the floor and he paces around the room. He’s aware of what he's doing. You may be a sound sleeper, but with enough noise, you’re bound to wake up. He feels a tad guilty, lips pulled into a frown but he thinks this is better than shaking you awake. At least this way he can pretend that he didn’t mean to wake you up. He’s alway been a great pretender. 
His steps are dulled by the socks, the floors are new so they hardly creak under his weight and there’s a higher chance that he’s going to wake up the people below rather than you. His arm is beginning to ache- a dull pain that isn’t as strong as it once was and his movements are getting sluggish. Perhaps he'll fall asleep with the pacing before you even have a chance to wake up. It was selfish of him to do so anyways- he could have just held you by his side, it’s always been enough to make him grow at least a bit drowsy, to feel himself relax in your arms as you stroked his hair around your index. He just wanted an excuse to not be alone tonight. To not let the silence drown him. 
He stops midway, shoulder slumped forward and head in an acute angle, eyes that close and he can feel his body sway, and he’s sure that if he stays in this position, he’ll end up falling asleep but he’s also positive that if he were to move, he’d disturb the sleep that has begun to creep into his mind. There’s no real reason why he can’t fall asleep, no nightmares that threaten to reveal themselves once he’s vulnerable, no churning in his gut that warns him that something bad might be approaching; there are no worries that keep him awake. He is with you, he is in bed with you, your body draped in a shirt of his, nestled under the blanket where he should be and you both are safe- you’re alive and unharmed. There really is no reason for him to be awake. 
With a heavy head that has begun to ache, he walks back into bed, and lays above the covers, right arm near your body as his hand dances over the space between you and him and under the covers, he grabs your hand, running his thumb over the knuckles, dipping in the small spaces and there’s a tugging feeling gnawing at his chest, telling him to shake you awake and deal with the consequences later as he just wakes you up. There’s no reason to do it- the anxiety is at bay, and he supposes he’s just restive- he just needs something to quell the silence and fill it even if it’s your voice in a hushed manner. He wants to call you name and his mouth opens, turning his head to look at you and your sleeping expression that is content and he can’t bring himself to. You’re content and you indulge him enough with his own wishes- you at least deserve sleep that remains undisturbed. 
His hand lets go and even under the blanket, it isn’t as warm as it was. He reaches over and presses his lips against your temple, tilting his head until his nose is pressed against you in a soft tap. His breath fans across your face, a shuddering breath that leaves him feeling shaky and even as his body grows weary, he tilts his head, lips pressing against your sleeping face, and your brow twitches, aware of his movements and he can’t stop the soft kisses that cover your face. He kisses at your brow, shushing the little twitch and pecks under your eye, feeling your lashes brush against him in a butterfly kiss. He peppers you in kisses, leaving your face marked by his love, feverish and pressing deeper the more he continues, feverish as he breaths against your lips, eyes shut tight until color blooms. He shudders when he feels your breath and lets out a low whine when you brush against him, leg kicking out softly to touch at his. He’s sure that if he were to kiss you again, to let his lips brush against your skin or have his nose swipe against yours, you’d awake and you’d welcome him into your arms.
Atsuhiro remains still, eyes closed and breath heavy and deep, and he’s sure that sleep is just a touch away, that he can rest against you for a moment- for the night until sleep catches him in their clutches but the he hears you yawns, a soft whimper that starts in the back of your throat and he opens his eyes to watch as you roll on your back and curve over the bed, eyes shut tight until you drop unceremoniously onto the bed. You blink once. Then twice. And you turn your head to face him.
“Well hello, you,” you say in a weak voice, a hand coming up to rub at an eye that is still bleary with sleep.
“Did I wake you up?” He asks, smiling as you narrow your eyes in a playful manner.
“I don’t know-” a yawn interrupts you and makes your words so hollow- “were you trying to?” With another yawn you roll back to face him, inching closer to him with the blanket pulled tight in your hands.
“Would you like the truth or a lie?” His voice is hushed, lowered into a whisper as the sleep that he desperately craved, slips past him in wisps.
You hum and bury yourself deeper into the bed, raising the blanket so he could join you. He gladly takes the invitation and comes to rest near you, resting on his arm and raising a brow as he waits for your answer. “Humor me.” Your smile is coy, teasing as you lean up and brush your nose against him in a small kiss.
“Ah!” His smile brightens, immediately closing his mouth until his smile is stretched across his face. “That,” he says in a quiet voice, “I can do, my dear.” He legs jerks against you, knee pressed against yours, until he bends his leg and pushes himself against the softness of your thighs. “I’m always here to entertain, of course.”
You roll your eyes and he can feel his heart quicken. Every smile of yours turns him into someone who he once was as a child- someone who blushes furiously at the sign of attention from someone attractive, whose heart skips a beat when his hands meet yours and words start to slur and stutter until he can do nothing more than smile sheepishly at you. He’ll hold his hat in hand, fiddle with the brim and speak through the mask, face growing hot under and for once, he wished that he could drop the theatrics but you always stayed close to him, pecking him through the mask and letting you hands play with the edges as you held him. You gave him the chance to reveal himself to you, something intimate that left him teary eyed and looking away as if he were sharing something forbidden with you. He let you see all of him- to indulge you in moments that felt so intimate that he was sure his heart was going to stop, to collapse as you took his face in your hands and held him tenderly.
“Well,” he starts off slow, voice below a whisper in a gentle tone, “if I have to be honest- which I will be-” he winks at you and he takes great delight in your chuckle- “I just couldn’t sleep.” His eyes lower and focus on how your lips pout and open. “Nothing bad- just restless, I suppose.” 
You snort and he looks up at you, a silent warning as he raises his brows, lips curling into a lopsided smile. “You- restless? Well, color me surprised.” Your hand reaches under the covers and cups his face and he lets his close in a flutter. “And how long did it take for you to wake me up?”
He smiles and shakes his head softly. “I’ll have you know, I lasted much longer this time.” He opens his eyes and meets yours for a second before turning his head and pressing his nose against your palm. “I even paced around the room,” he mumbles into your hand, pressing a gentle kiss against the lines that decorate your palm.
“Oh you poor baby,” you pout, tapping your fingers against his face. He smiles against you and shakes his head.
 He takes a deep breath. “Alas, that’s how it is.” He pulls away from your hand. “I did want to wake you up,” he confesses, ears burning in shame. “I paced to get your attention. Kissed your face in your sleep and wished that you would wake up.” He can’t meet your eyes, keeps them focused on the thin line that your lips have formed into. “I-” he sighs and closes his eyes, letting the word hang in the air.
Your thumb strokes his cheekbone and the space between his brows knit together. He wants to open his eyes but he’s unable to face you without feeling a tad of shame. He lets out a shuddering breath when your hands slide down his face, and thumb presses in the middle of his lips, dragging down until they part and he looks at you through half-lidded eyes, swallowing nervously. In his chest, his heart pounds against him, painful and heavy, longing and yearning to kiss at your lips and let himself indulge in your touch for the moments that he is awake. He lets out a soft moan, letting his eyes close and lips remain parted when you run your hand through his hair, curving over the side of his head and feeling at the soft curls that decorate his head.
“You know, you can always wake me up when you’re restless,” you mutter, your fingers binding and scratching lightly at his head. “I don’t mind-” your motions are soft and controlled and he sighs in relief when you go to cup his face again- “not when it’s you, Atsu.”
He smiles softly, eyes closed and nods. “If I have to be honest, I think I’m finally starting to grow weary.” He opens his eyes only to shut them once a yawn pulls his mouth open and tears prick at his eyes. “Thank you.” He bows his head and inches himself close to you, leaning in to close the gap between the two of you. “I appreciate it very much.”
“I know you’d do the same. Because that’s who you are,” you reply, closing the gap.
And he would. He’d stay up for hours if it meant that you wouldn’t be alone. He’d do whatever you wanted if it meant that you would smile. He wants nothing more than to see you happy and right now as you kiss him and pull away to pepper kisses down his neck and against the lobe of his ear. Atsuhiro would cherish his moments with you, to keep himself against you and welcome your touch and return it eagerly as he felt you smile. You hold him with softness that can never be replicated, cusped in your hands and fingers threaded through his hair as he whines under your touch, letting out a breathless laugh. He’s grateful to have you here, pressed against him and mumbling good night to him as you push him onto his back and drape yourself on his chest, your hand drawing loose shapes on his chest that he is too tired to make out and he lets his eyes close as your hand falls flat against him, curling and pulling on his chest and he’s glad he got to kiss you before he fell asleep.
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Hello, hello!! It's me again!! Here to interrupt your feed with yet another of my random genshin thought of the day! Recently, on one of Zach's (Aether's VA) streams with Poonam (Klee's VA), one of the viewers mentioned something about Klee driving a mini-car affectionately titled the 'dodocar'. This got the gears in my head turning, and I started thinking about the different modes of transport each character would use. These are some scenarios my brain came up with!! I wanted to send them your way because you always have the loveliest ideas, and wanted to know if you had any more thoughts on the matter! As such, Miss Hazel, today I present to you my offering of Genshin boys as different modes of transport! 💕
- 🔎
Diluc would drive a car. No question about this. I've always imagined him to have a sleek, modern-looking car that's maybe a little bit on the pricier side, but not completely outrageous by any means. The man doesn't really seem like the type who would want to show off his wealth, but he also can't deny that he has an eye for much of the finer things in life.
You watch as Diluc mans the car, watching the rolling hills flash by the window. There's something uniquely intoxicating about sitting in a car with someone else for hours on end. It makes you want to open up to them, makes you want to share stories which you perhaps wouldn't have wanted to share otherwise, much like a drunkard who's had one glass too many and is now blabbering on about their whole life story. Ah, but then again, perhaps this is only so because the two of you were drunk on something else entirely? You didn't know the answer to that question, but as you watched the way his sunset-eyes crinkled with mirth at your terrible, terrible Michael Jackson impression, you think you were okay with never knowing the answer to that question so long as the two of you could stay in this moment forever, just as you were.
Albedo doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would really enjoy driving. Instead, I think his preferred mode of transport would be cycling! He wakes up much earlier every morning because he insists on cycling to work instead of driving. Albedo seems like a very practical sort of fellow. Sure, cycling is more time consuming, but it's efficient, more environmentally friendly, and overall better for his health. That makes it a win in his book.
On the weekends though, especially as the weather starts to get warmer and the air is filled with the welcomed promise of spring, Albedo would often take you out for dates in the park on a special tandem-bike. The two of you would cycle around for a while just watching the flowers bloom and the greenery come back to life, before stopping for a quick picnic lunch underneath a grand magnolia tree. You laugh as you move to wipe the little bit of cream from the cake you two just devoured which is still stuck on his upper lip. It's a sweet, saccharine kind of love, one that reminds you of fresh morning-dew and hopeful new beginnings.
Over the summer, you found out that Childe has somehow managed to get his grubby little hands on a jet ski. Uh-oh. He says he wants you to ride it with him. He's saying please. He's giving you the puppy-dog eyes. You cannot say no to that face. You do not know where he got it from or even when he learned how to use a jet ski, but really don't think this is a good idea. Come on, you cannot look at this man and try to convince me that he is not an absolute speed demon. One moment he's showing off cool tricks on the jet-ski and then the next moment he's- oh JESUS CHRIST CHILDE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, SOMEONE'S GONNA FALL!!
Thankfully, he's a skilled enough driver that everything went relatively smoothly. This time, at least. As he stops the vehicle to give you that dopey little grin and make sure you're still alive, you take a moment to playfully hit him on the shoulder for making your heart race a million miles an hour. He only laughs. Still, it was exhilirating. And you would never admit it to his face, but he does look kind of cool showing off tricks on the water. Maybe this wasn't such a terrible idea after all.
Kaeya is a proud owner of a motorcycle. Specfically, he owns one of those lovely old-school 1980's Honda motorcycles. The people living in your neighbourhood almost went mad the moment they saw him pull up at your door with, complete with dark sunglasses and a leather jacket. You thought he looked rather stupid. Still, you were glad that he brought his bike with him. It made it easier to traverse the city traffic and get to your destination quicker.  Kaeya takes you out on a ride to one of his favourite destinations for a midnight snack: a night market, filled with rows and rows of stalls selling piping hot food. You hop from stall to stall, sharing the food and tasting everything the market has to offer together before heading back with a full heart and a full stomach.
There's a sense of youthful freedom that comes with taking late-night rides with your beau like this. Your arms around his waist, the wind billowing past your face, the moonlight reflecting the stars in his eyes... It makes you feel young again, makes you feel as though you were seventeen once more, discovering the thrills of love for the very first time. You've missed this. You've missed him. Sighing contentedly against his shoulder, you silently watch the blinking city lights fade in and out of view as you drive through the city that never sleeps.
Zhongli... Has no vehicle of his own. He's broke, your honour. Sorry Zhongli, I don't make the rules here. Thankfully, he lives in a city with a great public transport system, so he has no issues getting around if he needs to. The lack of personal vehicles also means he gets to spend more time walking with you, an activity which he has grown to really enjoy, so I suppose there is a silver lining after all. The two of you often work rather late, so the streets were usually barren by the time you leave the office. You and Zhongli would often walk to the train station together after your shifts have ended, basking in the stillness of the night and the almost alien glow of fluorescent lights.
He loves chatting with you during these walks. He would ask you questions about your day, about your work, about plans for the weekend. Sometimes he would point out the different types of plants and rocks he noticed on your walk to the station. In the train, the two of you would sit silently together, content to just enjoy each other's presence. Sometimes, on particularly rough days, you find yourself falling asleep on his shoulder while waiting for your destination. He finds this incredibly endearing, and would always take it as a cue to give you a quick peck on the cheek before tucking you closer to his side.
Sometime later, you two are awoken by the train staff. The both of you had fallen asleep on the train and had missed your stop. Whoops.
i love these! 
I really vibe with the Albedo one too - he’s very practical and pretty frugal, waste isn’t something he seems to enjoy creating so everything eco-friendly would be his go to ( we can be eco-friendly together my dear )
lol Zhongli!
plus you made these cute little interactions T.T adorable to the max!!
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