#its not about finding a reason to love someone. its about cherishing the people you have in your life and wanting to see them grow
isabelguerra · 2 years
one of my biggest hurdles w the izjo aspect of wizard au is that i kept trying to figure out a reason for isabel liking johnny. like there had to be some catalyst for it or a specific aspect of him she liked. but whats nice about having a casual story you take on and off the backburner over a couple years is that u get to grow alongside it. and u kno what? i learned friendships and relationships dont have to work like that. sometimes its just about looking at a person and realizing that if they were gone you’d feel their absence. there isnt a huge reason. you dont need one. you can just feel something. you feel comfortable and at home and you want to be around them. thats wizjo
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esoteriamaya · 2 months
Astro Notes : Short N Sweet <3 Neptune's Revenge
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Neptune 1st House - Popular energy. Very well known for their beautiful, majestic energy. Could have a lot of haters but admirers at the same time. Energetically sensitive to alot of others emotions. Sometimes, it can be a lil confusing holding so much power. Because their energy can be mixed up with someone elses if they don't know how to tell the difference. They usually have a strong sense of self, its just other peoples opinions can get in away of that if they arent careful.
Neptune 2nd House - Could use some help on the financial train. They're organic to the way they use their money. I mean, they could be super horrendous spender, spending each and every dime on any and everything. While still some how always having more in their wallet. Or they could be pretty good at saving and are a little bit of a cheapskate.
Neptune 3rd House - Whimsical voices. Poetic writers. Creative thinkers. Very talented when it comes to the hands as well. Could be excellent drawers & painters. Neptune in the 3rd has an ability to travel to very interesting places that aren't too far at home. They may go on lil adventures here and there. But its always a treat. Its kinda strange how well they can be at finding good eats as well with all the travel they do. Could work abroad or go to college somewhere out of their comfort zone a lil.
Neptune 4th House - Has a lot of secrets when it comes to the inner child. Very free, sweet loving children. Can open a door to different realms like we're in Narnia or something. Angelic creatures who enjoy alone time near their favorite place. If they ever share that special place with you consider yourself lucky. They normally keep the things they cherish hidden for a long time.
Neptune in the 5th House - Artists who seek deep into the art and become it. Very creative & a one of a kind with the way they carry the emotion in what it is they do. Can have you thinking hard on what it is they are trying to convey, they are a master at making complexities more harder to figure out. Just be there in the audience and watch the show. You'll never leave the same again.
Neptune in the 6th House - Fun loving pet owners, they go hard for the planet and the creatures that come from it. Real advocates for change and don't take too kindly to insensitive people. Could need to sharpen their boundaries a little more with people. Also, are incredible writers and should tap into this side a bit more. You might end up surprised with what talents you have that could make you some money, or could be a really cool job.
Neptune in the 7th House - Romance is the thing that just keeps on given to these individuals. May need to put the rose colored glasses down. that man might not be for you, love. Don't forget to put more time into your own needs versus the needs of someone else. Your compassionate energy may run dry if you're not using that waterfall of emotion for yourself. People are drawn to 7th house neptunes alot more than you think. They are capable of seeing thru the veil, you just don't notice.
Neptune in the 8th House - Psychologically understands the reasons on why the universe is the way that it is and why the people in it behave the way that we do. Could be honest about a lot of things, dishonest about what they know. The world doesn't need to know everything, which is why the divine gifted them with certain antidotes. Only they can use this so bring healing to a certain nation (or individual) but not everyone can find this secret the way they can. This is normally given to them by spirit guides, ancestors, or thru drreams.
Neptune in the 9th - Impracticality is almost their birth right. They see things in a way that doesnt make sense at all but to them it means something. What I mean is that these people see the world bigger than what they people tell them. They could have big drams and not understand why they have them, but God put them their for a reason. So you can figure them out. You may want to travel and study abroad, or just move somewhere different and don't know how. Thats where all the magic happens, finding out and taking the risk. The sagittarian way.
Neptune in the 10th - Majestic auras. The highlight of the moment. The star. The siren. The energy healer. Do I keep going? Very special creatures who touched this earth to make their dreams come true, even if they have to figure it out themselves. Empathetic to the people around them and are big on helping out with anything whenever they can. The Queens & Kings of the law of attraction. Can attract what they want if they just believe it in it more.
Neptune in the 11th House - Community leaders. Ancients who know they way to what the true reality is meant to be like. Literally can change the world with the way they move, think, and go around helping others. Sweet and lovely people to be around. Needs healing in their own friend groups. Can be a little out there, but thats why people love them.
Neptune in the 12th House - Practical minds in a world that tells them their crazy. No they arent crazy, they just have multiple psychic gifts. And these gifts have a way in showing them things people aren't usually equipped with handling. They need more time alone and in nature to keep themselves grounded. Other wise, they will go crazy from the world telling them that their crazy... When really they know a little more than what they led on. The imagination is a fun place, but also a place where the most hidden becomes entirely to open. Seers of the daylight & the night.
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schoenpepper · 30 days
A Little Birdy Told Me~
Intro: You have two admirers, and someone spread the news that you're in a relationship with the other. How does it go?
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread, super rushed, one french word idk, main cast minus ortho and lilia
A/N: Super random idea. I spun the wheel of names and paired them all up and thought, huh, what if they were love rivals? Here we are. Super rushed so it didn't make it to my WIP, too lazy to get to that Jamil songfic.
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Silver (Vanrouge) vs Jamil Viper
Silver thinks you’ve made a great choice. Jamil is his peer, and he knows that the other will treat you well. He’s responsible, smart, good with- you’re not together yet? But whenever he sees you two, you always seem so happy with each other. Just friends? …Really? Don’t give him hope. Now that he knows he has a chance, he’ll do as a knight should do and fight for the right to court you, after all, his father taught him to go after what he wants in life, and he craves for your affection. So chivalrous and gentlemanly, he’ll have you swooning when he sweeps you off your feet without even realizing it. If you choose him, everyday that you’re together is another day that he treats you like the royal you are.
Jamil won’t fall for rumors that quickly, if at all. A student from Scarabia should uphold its core values, and that means he’ll find out the truth from you without even seeming too interested. Oh, you’re just friends with Silver? Hm, interesting. He’s saying this because he’s a little worried about your reputation, but someone’s been saying that you and Silver are dating. You should clear up the news, right? Hope you’re hungry, because he just happens to have too many leftovers every meal, everyday. Hey, if you’re struggling with that subject, you can come to his tutoring sessions with Kalim, one more person wouldn’t make a difference. If you choose him, you’ll be each others’ reprieve, his oasis in the desert.
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Epel Felmier vs Azul Ashengrotto
Epel is shocked, flabbergasted even. Ya’ sure ya’ want that nasty two-faced (omitted bad words)? He’ll come up to you looking like an absolute mess, demanding the truth. He thinks there’s two ways the rumor could’ve happened in the first place, a) that slimy octopus spread it himself, or b) people are just straight up blind, clearly Azul is no good for you. He’ll amp up the antics now because he wants a fair fight, between real men! Y’know, his grandma taught him how to bake a real mean apple pie, you wanna try it? You have class together, he’ll walk you, and even carry your books for you! All that stuff about how beauty and charm can be power too, don’t be surprised when he uses it on you. If you choose him, he’ll make sure to cherish you always.
Azul is panicking. He’ll make an attempt to verify it of course, but oh what if it’s true and you’re actually together with that little—it’s not true, okay yeah he never believed it for a second—stop laughing, Jade! He doesn’t see Epel as competition for your heart, so he might be a tad bit more confident than he should be. That doesn’t mean he won’t further his efforts though. Fancy candlelit dinner for two where he’s both the chef and the person paying? Foolproof notes for your potionology exam? You need a new set of kitchenware for Ramshackle and you can’t afford it? Gosh, all your problems are miniscule, dear. As for repayment, how about you sign on the dotted line? If you choose him, he’ll put up the suave debonair facade before slowly letting you meet the smart, diligent, resourceful, and sensitive little tako in the tako pot.
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Vil Schoenheit vs Idia Shroud
Vil doubts its authenticity right away, by the seven, you wouldn’t really choose Idia of all people, would you? While his reasoning is rather condescending, he finds that he’s not wrong at all, it was just some rumor spread by those with nothing productive to do with their time. If you think he’d ever find Idia threatening in a romantic rivalry, you’d be horribly wrong. Might be a little too sure of himself, but he does as he always has. He sends you products he swears are just extra from PR deals (they’re homemade don’t believe him), takes you shopping because potato, your outfit just isn’t it. He even strings you along to some gigs he has every once in a while. Feel honored, he doesn’t do that for just anyone, he’s a world famous model and actor, after all. If you choose him, you’ll always be pushed to be the best you that you can be.
Idia gets it, really. Anyway, how is he to compete with the sparkly and strict Pomefiore housewarden when Vil is practically perfect or whatever and Idia’s—what’s that, Ortho? You did some digging and it was just fake news? Lol, of course Idia didn’t believe the rumors lmao he’s not some normie who just up and believes lies, information literacy and all that, you know? Plus, he’s a genius, so he’d never ever fall for something like that. Doesn’t leave his room even after everything, but you know that gacha you like? Yeah, you have like a bunch of currency in it now, don’t worry about it. Does your daily grinding and in-game events with you, and if you really insist, then maybe he can go out with you to that movie adaptation that just came out the other day. If you choose him, he’ll let you chill with him whenever wherever (plus his wifi’s nuts).
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Ruggie Bucchi vs Cater Diamond
Ruggie is confused, or maybe more nervous. Is it true? He goes about his day and pretends everything’s the same as it’s always been. Hey, Cater’s a real good guy, so you lucked out by snagging him, you know? Haha…it’s not real? Oh thank the seven (no he wasn’t about to cry). That threw him for a real loop right there, and it only forced him to own up to the feelings he’d desperately tried pushing back. So uh, if you need a guy to help out with chores, Ruggie’s real good at getting his hands dirty. Plus, if anything needs repairs, he’s never had enough money to call professionals, so he’s gonna be a dab hand it whether it be the pipes or the wires or the gas. If you choose him, you’ll get a lifetime of laughter and smiles.
Cater skips the ‘everything is ok’ thing and gets right to the ‘crying in his room’. He’s good at covering up his feelings, but he really does like you a lot, so spare him if he’s a little sensitive about this, ‘kay? He’ll be back to normal in no time! Anyway, Ruggie’s nice, if not a bit too clever about the wrong sort of things. So Cater hopes that you two are happy…or whatever. Trey needed to barge into his room to break the news because he wouldn’t leave, and there’s just so much relief, like he can breathe freely again for the first time in a long while. He’s bringing you to all the most cammable spots in town, doing things ‘besties’ do while posting all about it constantly. The guy to share memes and try the newest crazes with. If you choose him, you’ll always have fun at the forefront of the most popular things.
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Leona Kingscholar vs Deuce Spade
Leona doesn’t even bat an eye. So? Who cares? As if his herbivore would ever choose that blue-haired little punk. He’s correct in his assumption, but also kind of a jerk about it. Another one to not see the rumored person to be competition at all, but hey, it’s Leona, he’s just smug like that (and way smarter than he’s given credit for). While you do deserve a proper courting and all that jazz, he’s not exactly good with words, so his wallet will have to do as a love language. What, you got a problem with that? Of course you don’t, Crowley never gives you anything nice, but Leona’s a prince, you know? 100% uses you as a pillow whenever and wherever he naps, as long as you’re near, you’re cuddling him and falling asleep in his arms. If you choose him, you’ll always be secure, both financially and in his love for you.
Deuce drives down to the beach, and when he thinks he’ll start shouting in anger, he may or may not break down in sobs instead. But it’s a good choice, he admits, because Leona’s tough and he’s got power and money, and Deuce can only really claim one out of those three things. Almost shouts in happiness when you deny the rumor to his face. So like, you’re single? Then how about studying together? He’ll make you proud by showing you a perfect test score, promise! So cute when he tries to impress you by lifting stuff for you, or opening doors for you, or buying you snacks from the cafeteria when the line’s horribly long. Even offers to introduce you formally to his mom (tell him it’s too early). If you choose him, he will literally protect you with his life.
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Riddle Rosehearts vs Jade Leech
Riddle believes the news to be preposterous (he almost chokes on his tea). But, he prefers it to be verified before he takes any sort of action, and when you clear up the air during a tea party he’d invited you to, he feels uncomfortably happy. Jade isn’t anything bad, don’t get him wrong, he rather likes the polite and well-kept young man, but Riddle’s a better option, yes? Suddenly, you have your own exclusive throne at unbirthday parties. What did he hear about you struggling with a subject? He’s an outstanding housewarden and NRC student, so he’ll lend you his freshman notes if you wish for it. You really enjoy certain snacks and a specific kind of tea, you say? It just so happens he enjoys them too, so you can expect your favorites during tea time everytime. If you choose him, a structured and dignified life awaits you.
Jade smiles. What, you don’t seriously think he’ll believe rumors, hm? He keeps tabs on you, of course he knows your relationship status. Riddle is no threat to him or his feelings for you and thus he was never worried for a single second (lying liar who lies). Starts to scope out your possible feelings for him after the incident, also a small (big) possibility that he comes up with some overly elaborate scheme for you to confess to him instead of the other way around. Will fool you into thinking you fell first, and will definitely make you think you fell harder. Dinner dates, hikes, camping—he’s prepared for anything and everything, you don’t need to worry, dear. If you choose him (you will, he’ll make sure of it), prepare for a life of adventure.
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Jack Howl vs Ace Trappola
Jack is rather despondent; tail hanging sadly and ears flat on his head. He’ll overthink this, and maybe go for a run to clear his head. Well, you and Ace have always been close, but he thought he had a chance. He genuinely hopes you’ll be happy with Ace. All this directly translates to an ecstatic wolf beastman once the fake news is cleared up. There’s no way he’s letting this chance slip through his fingers, not when you’re right there! Do you need help with carrying that? Do you want to work out with him tomorrow? What, you think it’s too early? No problem, he doesn’t mind pushing the hour back, as long as it means he can go with you. If you choose him, every day will be (leg day lmao) another day of bettering yourself and living to the fullest.
Ace is one hundred percent ready to sabotage you. Yes he loves you, and yes Jack’s his friend or whatever, but there’s just no way in hell he’s giving you up. He’s your first friend in NRC, your best friend too! What’ll happen to him when you’re all lovey dovey with Jack? He’s thankful when you tell him it’s fake (that means he doesn’t have to break you guys up haha), and he tries to hint his affection for you through…interesting means. He’ll do things for you but claim you “totally owe him back” (you never asked), he’ll give you random stuff because he just “found them lying around”, and he gets so clingy and touchy but covers it up with friendship. If you choose him, every day will be exciting and new.
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Malleus Draconia vs Kalim al Asim
Malleus is upset. Al Asim is a rather cheerful individual, so perhaps that was the kind of person you preferred to court? He’s not quite well-suited to that, but he will try if he must. When Lilia informs him that it was all a hoax (lightning strikes down whichever poor soul started it), he calms down and gets remarkably happy. You are unattached to any individual romantically, child of man? How lovely. He’s princely and noble in all he does; holding your hand on late night walks while talking about anything and everything, giving you bouquets of your favorite flowers upon every meeting, and what he enjoys most of all, is dancing with you under the gaze of the stars above, even with no music involved. If you choose him, the throne of Briar Valley awaits.
Kalim straight up bawls when he hears the news. You’re with Malleus now? Really? If it makes you happy, then he’s happy (he is not, he is miserable). Malleus is a good guy. But, Kalim is also good, you know? Continues crying when Jamil tells him the good news, but this time from happiness. Well, it’s Kalim, so of course he’ll absolutely lavish you in wealth and luxury beyond your wildest dreams, gold and diamonds and gems galore. He throws banquets in your honor and teaches you how to dance and sing to traditional songs of his hometown, and he hand feeds you bites when he can. His favorite activity with you will always be a magic carpet ride, it’s just so fun, so free and romantic. If you choose him, Scalding Sands will be waiting with open arms and a parade of elephants.
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Sebek Zigvolt vs Trey Clover
Sebek doesn’t care. Why would he care that you, an annoying human, is dating another human? All that matters is…Malleus…and he needs to convince himself more that you don’t matter to him, not in that way. He can begrudgingly befriend a human, but he can’t… He tries not to react when someone tells him it’s fake, but he can’t help the beating of his heart or the shaky nerves. Suddenly, you might notice that Sebek is around more often. He will reluctantly help you if you struggle with certain subjects, or even help you carry things even when you seem perfectly capable of doing it on your own. He’s bright red when his hand just barely brushes against yours in the halls. If you choose him, he will be your knight and your protector forevermore.
Trey is mostly confused. He’s hesitant to believe it because Sebek is loud, a little arrogant, and perhaps a bit obnoxious—the complete opposite of Trey. His disbelief is proven right, and he takes a big sigh of relief. He really doesn’t know what he would’ve done had it been real. Hope you like sweets, because now you’re invited to every tea party ever in Heartslabyul, courtesy of their vice housewarden. He’ll bring pastries and cookies and puddings and cakes to you every other day, as mama said, the way to the heart is through the stomach, right? He might also give you a set of toothbrushes and his preferred brand of toothpaste in order to make sure that your teeth are unharmed by his sweets. If you choose him, he will be your safe haven in the chaos.
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Rook Hunt vs Floyd Leech
Rook is very happy for you, after all, what else is more beau than young love? He’ll clasp his hands together and spout some lengthy poem about intertwined hearts, but no one will ever notice his own as it breaks. Floyd is a very interesting person, Rook is glad you’ve found your one! But it doesn’t take long before he finds out the truth, and when he does (he’ll hunt down the source), best believe he’s skipping over to you and doing his best to serenade you with nothing but his bow as an instrument. He’ll teach you how to use it too if you want, perhaps a kiss will be enough as repayment? Just on the cheek. An arrow will fly through your window everyday with a scroll filled with words praising your beauty and kindness, so you better keep it open. If you choose him, you’ll learn how to see the beauty of the world even if it all seems dark.
Floyd is ready to fight! You, or that weird seagull, or whoever told him the news, everyone’s in for a real good squeeze. He’s pouty and annoyed and his mood is at an all-time low, beware all those who cross his path. He’ll find you to hear the news directly from you, so you better deny it quick before his squeeze breaks your ribs. Eh? It’s a lie? That’s so boring (he’ll hurt the source of this news for sure). Now you have a clingy eel always by your side, if he was clingy before this whole thing, he’s inseparable from you now. He’ll cook you something nice at the lounge if he feels like it, and you’re automatically invited to basketball practice whether you like it or not (please come, the team is begging you). If you choose him, one thing’s for sure, you’ll never be bored again!
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sefinaa · 9 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞, 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮.❞
Your future lover message to you.
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
My patience for you
my dearest, please take care of your needs and heal your inner child. I cannot see you go forth without you caring for yourself.. please, if you cannot for yourself, at least for me.. take care of yourself.. because I love you too dearly for you to waste your time doing nothing that shall help you in the near future.. and I cannot let you do that; I want to see you—I want to kiss you and whisper sweet nothing into your ears after we make love.. I want to see you smile every time I say something silly, in reality those stories are real, but I make it stupid just to see you smile.. so please for me and to see each other quicker, please take care of yourself.
I shall be waiting for you,
Your prince charming –
Pile 2:
Proud of you baby
Pile 3:
I won’t give up on you
I can see you changing your life and I see that you met someone you don’t trust.. and that’s okay, I know you struggle with trust issues, but please know—that’s me. Its okay not to trust me now, and please don’t until you feel comfortable enough to open yourself up to me. I know youre an introverted person and that’s okay. Ill be the boat you will sail on and find that treasure on your map. I will be your rock when you play .. rock, paper, scissors.. ill be your armor when youre sobbing and ill be the one saving you when you start drowning in your trust issues once more.. and I’ll fight for you when you try to push me away again.
So go ahead and try but you cannot get rid of me because we are meant to be and that’s final.
Pile 4:
You’re the reason why I became so romantic
When the moon shines onto the river, we see a beautiful reflection shining, letting the people see the beauty and that is what I see within you, my love.. youre one dashing love and I cannot get enough of you especially during love making, but this isn’t a love letter I suppose.. this is my message to you and you shall receive it after I say what I love about you.
Youre one beautiful lover, the way you smile at me as I write and do my homework, waiting for me to be finished so we can cuddle and watch your favorite, us both laughing as it gets to the funny scene and then both saying we wont watch that same Disney movie once more, but we do. An endless loop of laughter.
From those to when we take a shower together but there is never any thoughts of doing the deed, only thinking of making sure the other is okay and properly cleaned, your innocence is the most beautiful as this world is truly a mess, but I shall never ever take advantage of your pureness as it floats my heart anew when I think of you and wishing I could give you flowers for all of eternity.. that is the love we shall cherished as this is what our love shall be.
So my message to you my dearest is, please keep being the most beautiful that you are and keep your pureness as it is the most beautiful of them all. As you are the most tantalizing flower one can pick and cherish, let it grow and feed it with water and sunlight as you watch it grow into the magic you wished you had seen the first time you lay your eyes on.. and that is you. you are my flowers and you are the magic within that I truly didn’t know I deserved or needed, so thank you my dearest and thank you for accepting me for who I am.
- Your dearest.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
Please, may we have the essay
With pleasure. The oc-fication is strong on this one. Its also a bit long so its under the read more thing. Have a space mining Jimmy concept thing as a bonus. He was born in a wet cardboard box all alone
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They met through Grian. After Scar and Grians amazing plan of tracking Tango down and offering him a job (in worlds most suck up way possible) semi failed because Tango turned out to not be the a high level criminal they though he were, instead they got someone who very much has not had a proper meal in at least 5 months. Almost imidiately deemed not dangerous, they wouldve turn him in for extra money if not for the fact that he still is an engineer genius they needed. Which is why Tango was stuck with them for a while; including for their visits to Jims ranch. Living in the middle of nowhere comes with peace and as much safety as you can get as a wanted criminal, but for Jim it means constant lack of supplies alivable in bigger parts of the universe; Grian, esentially, does shopping for him, and even if he teases him about it, theyre both glad he has a reason to stop by. Because the thing is, Jim doesnt handle the self imposed alone time well. Hes a very social person but also a stupidly proud one and cannot admit he maybe made a mistake after losing Scott (they divorced on mutual agreement, but that doesnt mean he handled it as well as he thought he did) and acted too impulsively; he loves the ranch, sure, and doing work associated with his home planet makes him feel better, but hes very much dependent on his close ones visiting. The fact that the ranch is so far away from civilisation is something he learned to cherish, in a way, as its the main reason why both Grian and Pearl can go and visit him for longer periods. No one can really find them there.
Its one of the reasons why he and Tango got along so fast; ranch is designed as a safe space. Jim is fairly okay with his friends lifestyles (even if hes not a fan of Grian bringing more wanted people there; but its not something hes willing to argue about if it risks Grian leaving. He doesnt believe that he would, but the fear is there) and likes the fact that his house operates as such. He can give them a place to sleep, something to eat; basically, he can take care of them, be of use to them, and he wants them to feel like they can depend on him, too. Tango desperately needs that space; he feels guilty for endangering Impulse and Skizz (hes been staying with them after the moon blowing up situation; they know he didnt blow up callisto up for sculk related profits, even if he doesnt want to tell them what exactly happened there, and that the area of explosion itself was an accident. They want to support Tango as much as they can), and even if staying with them makes him feel better, he cant keep on doing it. That, and theyre also similar enough... very much unfit for living among space crime, even if its something they cannot run from, and are much more interested in more... earthly, everyday matters, than space mining and enhancing humanity. In Tangos case especially its the longing for a simpler life, away from everything that made him what he is now. Its not that staying with Jimmy is completly safe, especially with the amount of people wanting to get Tangos bounty, but its safer, and something he keeps on doing selfishly, even if hes constantly feeling guilty for it. Even after Tango parts with Grian and Scar, he keeps coming back to the ranch, quickly making it a regular thing; Tangos ship is extra small (its not designed with living in mind; like a car) and doesnt even have a kitchen, so hes kind of... dependent on the ranch for basic life comforts. He helps a lot around the ranch to not feel like a parasite; helping Jim with optimizing mostly. Up to this point id describe their relationship as close but normal enough; theyre both slightly broken people who got to find peace in each other. Desperate for normal human relationships that both keep on losing the longer they live. Very much soulmates; if the world was different, they would live by each others side, but it isnt, so they try to make it work as well as they possibly can.
It takes a turn the moment Grian disappears. That itself very much ruins Jimmy, who already was worried about him and Pearl enough (even if hes admittedly a bit afraid of Pearl, he still cares for her), and now that his fears became real he just... couldnt deal with it well. Its both the fear of Grian leaving them behind, as well as the posibility of him getting imprisoned or dying. Jimmy is already painfully lonely as it is, cannot afford to lose more people, but hes also well aware that Tango wont stay; not because he doesnt want to, but because Tango cant afford to lose people either, especially since Grians disappearance happens at a similar time to Cubs sculk corruption (its complicated and this things already long enough, so ill just say its exactly what it sounds like) - something he absolutely blames himself for (as does Scar), and even when he manages to help Cub against his will, he knows that friendship is unsalvagable. So, instead, Jimmy makes Tango stay by sabotaging the ranch both of them worked on; whether its a small accident he needs help with, or a machine thats suddenly broken, or his poor excuse of a ship not starting properly, or Jimmy himself thats hurt, because he is clumsy and all bad luck tends to gravitate towards him. And when he breaks down and comes clesn to Tango about all of this, Tango cant really bring himself to be angry about it. He doesnt even really register it as an awful thing to do (he knows it is, but emotionally hes just... okay with it. The idea that maybe, in a different scenario, he would do the same, even if its manipulative and cruel), instead taking the way out hes been given and properly moving in. They both live in guilt of being too much to handle but its quieter when theyre together. Theyre both tired and willing to pretend everything is okay if it means getting some peace; and it goes surprisingly well for a while, not having to separate for longer periods and suffer the consequences of it. Until Scar comes and burns their home down in revenge
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chiiyuuvv · 10 months
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• WORD COUNT — 1k • AUTHOR'S NOTE — cute idea i had but had no intentions writing it.. so enjoy my bullet points!!
It all started when you were first introduced to the friend group, catching sungchans attention immediately at you shy but reserved aura
But all that shyness flutters away when sungchan musters up the courage to talk to you, quickly learning that you two have similar interests, along with living near each other
And so a friendship blooms. You and sungchan get closer while your new (his) friends tease the couple, saying how obvious you liked each other, yet you always shooed the idea off
Its a few months later when sungchan suggests that you go to a party with him. Sungchan loved meeting new people and acting 'crazy', and plus, youre always stuck in your room. "you gotta get out more," he'd bump your shoulder as you walked to class
And you're almost sure that you'll tell sungchan no, until he sends you a big pair of puppy eyes, bring his hands together with a pout.. he was almost on his knees. You hate him for it, showing up at the blasting house after school hours
"You came!!" He would gasp as he opens the door, clapping his hands proudly as he leads you inside
But despite sungchans warm welcome, you found yourself uncomfortable about the amount of people, leaving the house to get some quiet air
And although you tell him to stay inside, enjoy the party, hes right behind you, refusing to leave your side
You open up to him, saying the reason why you were so quiet, the reason why you hated being around people was because of your past school. You were constantly ignored no matter how many times you tried to make friends, so over time you shut down, finding comfort with being by yourself
Sungchans a very clear extrovert, so when you say that you didnt have any friends, his heart immediately breaks. He starts apologizing even though he didnt do anything at all, feeling so bad about your misfortune that he swears that he'd be with you no matter what
Hes also confused onto why you were so okay about it. The only that felt your lips was a sad chuckle, he would have been crying in your shoes. So he stops walking, being out his arms. "Need a hug?" You almost run into his arms, tucking your head into his chest as he rubs your back, still saying how sorry hes feeling
And after that day, sungchan was your best friend. Someone you could talk to no matter the mood. Someone you cherished ♡
Now, sungchans friends are really sure that you at least like each other, even in the slightest
But you're both persistent. Sungchan didn't want to be wrong and you didnt want to assume anything, as you both really enjoyed each others company, and was not about to risk it for some stupid feelings
But the boys are sick and tired of your endless pinning, pulling sungchan aside when youre in the bathroom and telling him how much sungchan is in love with you
And after the several points they made, suddenly everything clicks. The amount of time and effort sungchan put into your relationship, the boys were finally making sense
And since hes aware of his feelings, hes a little shy, avoiding your eyes so he doesnt stare at you lovingly and embarrass himself. When youre not looking he'd finally turn to your direction, a smile on his face as he watches your side profile glow
Sungchan starts to get some desires. It isnt creepy or sexual in any way; he just wants to cuddle you and hug you and squish your cheeks. But most importantly he wants to kiss you. So bad. Like soo bad
Sungchan randomly calls you to walk around the park that was nearby your houses, worry taking over you as he normally calls ahead of time
He starts complaining about how he feels sick. But not sick sick, love sick. He's found this girl that hes head over heals for, someone he wanted to spend his life with, someone that was you. But you didnt know he was talking about you, your heart going into void as he continues to rant about the nameless girl
Before he can reveal the identity, hes called home, giving you a quick hug because you made him feel better
But he made you feel bad
You spend the night and early morning crying your eyes out. You wanted to push away your broken heart, just be happy for the boy but you just cant. You felt broken
Sungchan comes to school happier than usual, ready to see your pretty face that was.. frowning..?? And avoiding him.. did he do something wrong?
Its only when hes talking to wonbin that he realizes hes the source to your problem, sending you a quick text to meet him at the park, same time
He continues to talk about his nameless crush, watching you hold back your tears as he just couldnt take it anymore.
"Whats wrong?" He whispers, pulling you close as he begins to wipe your tears away. He gets a little angry when you keep refusing to talk to him, telling him repeatedly that everythings alright when youre face is close to a rivers
So he apologizes, which makes you feel confused, as he smashes his lips onto yours
"You.. you're the girl I've been talking about." He lightly strokes your cheek, his eyes watering at thought of making you cry over him. "I should have told you sooner.. im so sorry for making you wait." He'd pull you into a hug, his voice cracking. He really feels so bad
After telling him plenty of times that its alright, that he didnt do this intentionally, you suggest that he comes over for dinner, so you can talk (kiss) about this more
It all started when hes interacting and laughing with your parents and siblings, feeling so connected and happy that you felt your heart warm of joy, knowing that hes the one. And with his very obvious glances, you can confirm that he feels the same ♡
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
Hi! I see the requests are open so can I get social media au for Ollie Bearman with camille pidoux as the y/n face claim? (I'll drop the detail of request and the face claim's intagram on the next one)
based on this request. hii! thank you sooo much for your request, i absolutely loved the details and tried to make it as perfect as possible.
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
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liked by yourusername, mickschumacher and 84,975 others
olliebearman date nights with my love
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olliefan1 this is like a hair appreciation post
formula1forever its the way we dont even know what she looks like but everyone is already simping over her
↳ olliefan2 its her vibes... theyre captivatingly powerful
olliesmysterygf we love someone who loves books
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For as long as you could remember, Ollie Bearman had been in your life. Your parents claimed that the two of you met in 4th grade, but you could swear you had known him much longer. It was as though your brain was engraved with images and stories from his childhood, his old picture-books being your main source of entertainment at his home.
The two of you were inseparable growing up. Everyone gave up at some point, your parents, teachers and even friends. You came as a set, and that didn't change when you started dating.
Admittedly, you had been hesitant at first. You loved him, there was no doubt of that. It was clear as day to the both of you as well as everyone else. He loved you too, more than he thought possible. But his career prospects meant he would be far away from home majority of the year. Quite simply, you were afraid he would forget about you one day, leaving you behind, heartbroken and alone. Even as friends you found it hard when he left, it felt like the other piece of you was no longer there.
However, in classic Ollie fashion, he managed to convince you. Alongside a plethora of gifts and little notes, he made a promise to never do anything to hurt you or let you forget your worth. Till date he had kept that promise, not once giving you reason to worry.
The two of you were older now, no longer little kids running around in the backyard after school, but the intensity of your love was the same. Although you couldn't be with him in person all the time, you cherished the moments you could. You went on dates all the time, simple and quiet ones, but they were incredible nonetheless.
Ollie would regularly take you to bookstores, feeding into your love of reading. He didn't read much himself, and was perfectly content sitting back and watching you pick out things to read, looking over the back cover before bringing them back for him to hold. He didn't mind, he'd do anything for you. You were perhaps one of the few people in his life who had never used him for his fame, never befriended him with the sole purpose of scoring passes to a race. It was why he had vowed to himself to never lose you, he understood how rare it was to find someone who cared as much as you did.
Another sign of Ollie being perfect was the fact that your cat absolutely adored him. The moment Ollie entered a room, your cat would forget about everything else entirely, although you understood why, you sometimes wished you could do the same as well.
You loved him, and he loved you. That was all you knew, and all you needed to know.
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liked by yourfriend, olliebearman and 234 others
yourusername a little bearman appreciation post (because no matter what, ill always love you)
view all 56 comments
olliebearman thank you my love ❤️
↳ yourusername ❤️
yourfriend you guys are so cute together!
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liked by yourfriend, arthurleclerc, kimiantonelli and 23,985 others
olliebearman so, so proud and so delighted to tell you that the love of my life got into cambridge! shes the genius out of the two of us, if you couldn't tell... i love you so much darling! ❤️
view all 8,475 comments
f2fan ollie is a genius too, he was smart enough to get the prettiest person ive ever seen
↳ olliefan5 yes bcs i want that pink sweater so bad
olliefan6 he brings her flowers that so sweet
↳ bearboy and the way the flowers match her outfit too like this man thought of everything
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liked by yourusername, arthurleclerc, f2 and 205,987 others
olliebearman it seems you have found her... so i present to you the most wonderful person in the world- my girlfriend yn.
view all 9,857 comments
olliefan7 not the emphasis on "my girlfriend" like that man knows were gonna try and steal her
yourusername thank you bebe
↳ olliebearman ❤️
↳ olliefan9 yes cause we know who she is now
olliefan11 watch this account become a yn fanpage now bcs honestly i would do the same
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yeetmeoffjueyunkarst · 11 months
In another universe... Is good enough.
part 2 to this, ft various characters previously mentioned
It's obvious that you're gone for good. The only reason why they can cope is because... they pray for the multiverse theory to be real, so that their dreams, even if not fulfilled in this universe, can be fulfilled in another universe.
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For Xiao, Diluc, Sara and Rosaria.
It's obvious that you've moved on.
It's in the way your eyes shine that wonderful sparkle around someone else, the ease of your steps, the gentle grasp on another's arms.
It's the way in which all the little conversations you used to have are now exclusive with someone else.
But even then, their memory of you has not faded. You are still a warm fire in their hearts, keeping them alive even if you are not there to nourish that flame anymore.
Sometimes, they find themselves thinking of you. They think of all the good times they had with you.
Every call of your name. Every touch that burns their skin. Every smile of yours, so brilliant and vibrant in their memories.
Even if it fades... They do not regret knowing you. They do not regret loving you.
For with this, they know that they could be possible, in another universe.
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For Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Yae Miko and Kokomi.
Obviously, they couldn't cross over to the world of the dead with you.
As they sit right in front of your grave, wiping it with a wet cloth, they're stuck on their thoughts on you. When you were alive.
Every little moment, from simple talks about dinner, to the back and forth bickering, to the more intimate times when you both bared body and soul to each other...
They do miss it. But the flow of time is always constant and will not stop for anyone.
"Let's go home." Their new lover, one who they would spend the rest of their lives with, without you, offers their hand.
They take their hand, getting up and moving forward.
Thank you for being part of my story. I know you want me to move on and seek someone else, even if it pains you. Because I would have done the same, even if it means ignoring my selfish heart for you to be mine only.
And if you were to be alive, they would stay with you, in another universe.
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For Jean, Lisa, Kaeya and Venti.
The gods didn't favor you both, for in the end, you were both separated.
It's not as if the both of you didn't try, really. But in a world where fates are often intertwined with each other, the freedom to transcend such bindings are often hard to obtain, and in some cases, impossible to overcome.
Please do not be upset that it was doomed from the start.
For it was still real to the both of you. All your feelings, all your treasured bonds, all your touches, cuddles, kisses and sweet nothings.
It was all real.
Please be assured that the both of you would be able to break free from all these shackles, and have a chance for your own happily ever after, in another universe.
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For Ei, Keqing, Itto and Heizou.
They never did get to see you again after that.
It was as if you were a dream, a mirage, magically disappearing into thin air.
Like the lightning striking and disappearing after its brief magnificience awes them.
Your radiance divine, they could not forget for the rest of their days, even as they marched towards their own ideals for the sake of what they believed is right.
They can no longer look back. You were the last straw, the final puzzle piece into solidfying their resolve.
They no longer have the honor of having you grace their life with your presence, because it would only bring heartache to you both, given your differences.
The differences that they oh so cherish deeply.
At night, they wonder: Would the two of you have found some way to put aside your differences and worked hard to love each other for them, in another universe?
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For Tighnari, Amber, Xiangling, Nilou.
They've now left you behind, and you're watching their backs as they stride ahead in confidence.
It was stupid, in hindsight, to look down on people. You all of all people know that.
Because they were the ones who never looked down on you when you were at your lowest.
When did it go wrong, really? When did it go wrong for you to become so arrogant and take them for granted.
Now they're gone, like leaves dropping from their trees in autumn.
You fool.
Now, would you like to pay for your price in regret, regret over what would have been in another universe had you cherished them while they were around?
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For Ganyu, Sucrose, Shenhe.
Too much indecisiveness led to an entire lifetime's worth of regret.
Before they knew it, you disappeared into the snow, like a little tiny snowflake in a sea of multiple snowflakes.
Where were you? They could not find you, because some things... you can only come across once in a lifetime.
It comes unexpectedly, serendipitously, without warning.
It comes and it goes, and you have to be ready to seize the opportunity. Especially when it comes to love.
The next time they saw you, you were so wonderfully dressed up in wedding attire.
But you are facing someone else at the altar.
Not them.
And so they put on a fake smile, clapping and cheering you on without even objecting to your wedding when the priest asks for any objections.
They should have taken that chance. Now, all is left is daydreams of being together, only achievable in another universe.
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For Zhongli, Childe, Ningguang, Neuvillette
Duty, duty, duty.
Duty to the people. Duty to the family. Duty to the friends. Duty to the higher ups and juniors. Duty to their desires and dreams. Duty to their lover.
It's a shame that they seemed to have neglected the last one.
Poor them. Always so busy, always scrambling back and forth behind the shadows while keeping up a cool facade.
The next time they come home, all that is left of you is a few memories, some belongings, and a letter.
I'm done. Let's separate. There aren't any feelings anymore between us. You don't even make time for me anymore.
No takebacks, no chances, no nothings. Only sweet delusions of a you and them in another universe.
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So many universes out there, so many possiblities. Even if we are not fated to be in this universe, I pray with all my heart that in another universe, we could be handling taxes and doing laundry together, even if it is in a simple laundromat. I pray that fate does not deal us a bad hand, and we could live in peace and happiness together and never be apart. Never be separated by external forces, and have our hair turn white together.
My sincerest wishes to you, my love. I will live well for you. May we be happy together in another universe. I love you. So, so much. More than you could ever know.
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poichanchan · 2 years
Hiii, someone relatively new to the phandom having just played through p5r, but can I ask how the swap au premise works? I'm curious what your own takes might be on how the situations for both joker and akechi happened to lead for them to be on opposite sides in comparison to the game! I tried to look it up a bit, but there's a lot of different headcanons, but I love your concepts so much I wanted to see if you had any particular thoughts on the setting :3
Hiiiii welcome to p5 brainrot jail haha! (genuinely though, welcome and im happy you enjoyed p5r!) Everyone has their take on swapAU, I specifically wanted to play with the idea of Goro and Akira swapping their ROLES ONLY.
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In my AU Goro Akechi is still the son of Shido who is largely out of his life. Goro's life is a mess, his moms in rehab, and he is sent to Tokyo on probation (to his mother's friend Muhen the owner of JazzJin). I've adjusted Goro's life just enough to have him keep his childish love for justice. He finds his found family in the PT. Goro is a Snarky, whole, intelligent, a little mean, energetic, gets flustered, but also is passive and observant when he needs to be. HIS ROUGH LIFE MADE HIM GRUFF AND HONEST BUT HE ISNT JADED. Akira hates how shallow and transactional his life is. He has his awakening, ends up on Shido's radar via the research group he has in place to explore and exploit the metaverse. Akira's parents probably work around the research team somewhere and didn't think too hard about what they were getting their son into... a mix of negligence and wanting to get more opportunities as a family/bootlick. From there he has his forced 2nd awakening and gets ensnared in Shido's conspiracy. There is a lot of resentment in his life because of this, and when he is faced with Goro's existence, the literal SON OF SHIDO WHO HAS THE SAME POWERS yet life turned out so different for him because their roles are swapped its terrible. Akira is also very good at adapting to who he talks to like in canon. He is good at socializing and charming, thus the detective prince facade becomes a thing to help him gain access to deeper levels of mementos blah blah blah
Akira is also rationalizing a lot, he is seeing himself weeding corrupt people out, a hero getting hands dirty and sacrificing self for greater good. The metaverse is his stage. And he is THE showman. Detective prince Akira is more sweeping/showy/charismatic/flirty, his joker vibe comes through more normally. APART from the resentment Akira has for seeing Goro live his life the way he does, the resounding ITS NOT FAIR he feels in his heart, he also reeeeeally want the stupid phantom thieves to 'cherish your normalcy. stop messing with my plan. how fucking naive do you have to be to think THIS is justice?' COLD SEETHING FOCUSED FURY FROM AKIRA Its such a mess lol But i think hit Akira in the places that would make him play out the detective prince and Black mask bits without losing too much of his own flavor. His rationalizing is important, otherwise i felt he would feel the moral conflict harder and withdraw instead of being showy and sweeping. Also for their social links i have thoughts, i think detective Akira's special place would not be... jazzjin. I think he would drop by like canon Akechi drops by Leblanc, but nothing more. I have in mind a place up high at a height, something like the Shibuya Sky observation deck as a place he personally visits often to reflect and stare at the massive view of the city from. It felt right to have him up there looking down alone but comforted by it. Plus eventually share the view with Goro who he sees as this actual fated rival for all the reasons above. Their outfits are the way they are because i did not want to change them too severely in colorpallette or essence but wanted to play up some parts of their personality and represent it in the outfits. AND BECAUSE THIS IS A SHUAKESHU BLOG I NEED TO STRESS THAT because they are less jaded, because Akira is bolder and flirtier and Goro is more stubbornly optimistic about this dark world akira sees, they get closer alot faster, which makes the whole black mask and interrogation room bit very messy/
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added pix to make post spicier THIS IS A MASSIVE POST BUT IM GLAD YOU ASKED BECAUSE I DUMPED MY THOUGHTS IN ONE PLACE FINALLY. there are some other things ive thought out a tiny bit, like hobbies etc but i put them down later when ive developed it more etc @ anyone reading, thank u for reading and these are my personal thoughts i am thingying to entertain myself!!!!! dont be mean to me thanks ;v;
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keruimi · 5 months
String of Fate
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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x reader
Warning: Angst with Happy Ending, slight mention of suicide.
Note: I began to notice how some of my oneshots have a little detail of how they fall in love so my apologies if this goes the same with this one. I just really love writing the angst one. Hope you all enjoy it!
In this world where soulmates exist, meeting them is one of the biggest blessings we can receive.
But I, who was born with no red strings in sight, I thought they were just fairytales.
Until the people around me start to find their other half.
One by one.
That made me realize the reality I need to lived in ever since I was young. I was not gifted with natural talent, and even deprived of a soulmate.
That made me question, what did I do in my last lifetime to receive this kind of destiny?
It was one of the things I envy from many.
Without soulmates, its was known that you were already complete.
You were the type of person to live your life to the fullest without worrying about the destined one that was supposed to complete you.
But it made me lonely and empty.
It feel like my world was colorless. It feels like I have no rights to ask for the things I wanted before.
And a selfish thought came to my mind when a woman caught my eyes.
That woman became the reason why I started to hope once more.
Is it possible to break this kind of fate? Is it possible to just look for love by yourself?
Because I was sure I started loving her.
Amari Y/n
A classmate of mine whose heart is very kind. A woman who is willing to lend anything to help someone out.
Yet she is also one of the loneliest in our class. Never belong to any group of friends.
You can consider her as the friend you can run to, but never someone you can stay with.
And I'm sure we both think the same thing.
My first meeting with her is something I can't forget, when I realized I created a happy memory in her senior high school days.
When I lend her the heart that symbolizes the gratefulness of the giver to the receiver.
I was the first one to give her the heart out of how many hearts passed to the other classmates during our open forum.
I am the first one who gave it to her.
It was a simple action that I didn't mind yet the appreciation I heard from her was something that touched my heart.
She manages to appreciate that one action. I began to understand her situation better, that no matter how much she tried to be kind, no one ever told her even a simple thank you.
Not even a slight word of appreciation.
That made me want to care for her more.
Made me want to cherish her more, at least giving me a small hint of possibility that I can find love like the others did.
But I knew I can't never go against fate itself.
That one moment gave me a slight hope of a future full of love until we became friends.
Having her presence became one of the happiest moment in my life. It feels like I can finally breathe for once. Without berating myself for loving someone who is not mine.
But I should have known that we were not in the same shoes.
In other way, she would be destined to meet someone.
And it already happened before we even meet each other.
I knew her heart is already given to another man.
That first failure hurted me, knowing I would utterly be lonely. I wouldn't end up with anybody.
And if I keep trying to seek for love, one way or another, they would leave me too.
That even if I made her happy first, that would only last there.
"Oi Captain, you're lost in thought again" Hanamaki exclaimed as he put his hand on my shoulder as I looked ahead of me, where Matsukawa happily welcomed his soulmate to his life.
The feeling of jealousy can't even be exempted from my friends.
Why can't I have that same destiny like they have?
"Congratulations" I mumbled that made my friends look over to me who lifted a small smile from my lips.
It hurts.
I would never experience those.
"Hey Oikawa..."
"Quit sulking, I'm sure they are just out there" Iwaizumi hit my back as I just stumbled forward.
Even with that kind of fate, I can accept it. But it's hard to hope already.
Because even if I am admired by many, I only have my eyes on one woman who is already happy in the arms of another man.
I badly wanted to have her and I don't know why.
Yet I can only hope at least that in another life...
She can be mine...
That was a wish I couldn't prevent myself from not thinking.
This was just a one sided love. Where there's no happiness. A wish I would bring until I meet death, completely kept as a secret to many.
Because it was a crime yearning for someone else's soulmate.
But would they still blame me, if I proved myself right?
That she needed me more than her destined one.
Because I proved that to her when we met at the rooftop.
The place where she attempts to take her life.
When that one who was supposed to love her forever, rejected the bond I wished for.
"Let's talk, Y/n" I stuttered out as I saw her holding a knife towards her chest as her hands trembled.
"Why?..." I heard her mutter as tears fell from her eyes.
"What can I still do to be loved by someone?" She looked up at me and I saw the same longing I once saw in her gaze when I first met her.
Why is fate so cruel?
If you're just going to connect her with someone who doesn't want to be her, why didn't you just give her to me?
Why do we always need to cry for the same reason all over again? The existence of soulmates.
"Please listen to me"
"I already did everything" she let out in a tremble as a sob left her lips. "Everything"
"But no one wanted to stay with me. No one is willing to love me"
"You have me" I exclaimed as worry etch in my face as I slowly took one step at a time towards her.
"You have me Y/n" I whispered as she showed a painful smile.
"But you will leave too"
I shook my head at her words as I reached my hands for her.
"When the one who is destined to me decided to leave" she exclaimed followed by a chuckle before she slowly pointed the knife at me.
"How are you any different?" She let down the knife as she took a deep breath.
"I'm tired of trying to reassure myself that someone can still love me. Someone who would treasure me. Someone who can love me for who I am" Tears began to leave her eyes again before she turned her back on me.
"I'm tired of fooling myself that I am worth it." My feet began moving on their own when I saw her slowly walking towards the edge of the roof.
"Please Oikawa"
Her trembling voice made me stop behind her.
"Just let me end this. I don't want to suffer longer than I should be"
"Please" I whispered before I felt my arms surrounded her body.
"Stay with me"
And I finally caught a glimpse of the thing I badly wanted other than bringing my team to the nationals.
It was the red string that connected my heart to hers.
A concrete evidence that my destiny finally took pity on me.
It was the moment that almost scared me but the moment I receive the greatest blessing.
It seems like I don't need to wait for another life.
When she finally became mine in this life.
"Tooru!" I heard the voice of my soulmate as I hummed loudly that made her decide to enter while I continue to pack my things.
I didn't know how I changed but I knew I softened to the world more than before.
When I finally met my soulmate. Even if I was her second chance.
"Are you really going to leave?" She asked me before I felt her arms around my waist.
I turned and sat on the bed before I pulled her to my lap.
"Yes. I want to achieve one of my dream"
"Do you want to tag along?" I immediately suggested when I notice how she sadly gazes at my own.
"I don't want to burden you" she muttered that made me immediately shake my head.
"Of course not Y/n-chan! I think I will manage a different country better if you're with me. Do you really think I will leave without you?" I ask her before I tuck a few strands of her hair behind her ear.
"I promise to provide for you, cherish you, assure you, and love you. Because that's my role"
"I have loved you ever since before we even became soulmates. You should know already that I can't live without you " I cheekily smiled at her before pecking her lips.
"So please open your heart to me. Trust me. And love me. If there's a misunderstanding between the two of us, talk to me" I took a hold of her cheeks, still wary of her mental health ever since that incident.
"For you, I am willing with everything"
For a future we both have dreamed.
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vroomvroomwee · 10 months
Alright, I've seen plenty of comments about how the special is overdoing it, or the rep is being forced, or it was cringy, and honest to god I'm gonna rip my fucking hair out. I didn't think this needed mentioning, but apparently, it does. All the people who are saying these things, and I mean specifically those who are queer, have seriously missed the fucking point of the episode.
It. Is. Supposed. To. Be. Centered. Around. Trans. Acceptance.
Say it with me. It is supposed to be about transgender identities. Now I know we want to watch our favourite silly alien run around and explore different planets, but it seems to me most of the people who are saying these things are forgetting what cinema is supposed to be about. Because cinematography at its core is ART. And what does art do? It expresses that which cannot be communicated with words. Art is the tool you use when you want to shout at the world that won't listen. Art is the weapon in your hand that you use to explode all your feelings and emotions. Art, always, at its core has a message.
Some movies do it subtly, making us dig deeper to find the hidden meaning. Some do it bluntly and expose the audience to the harsh, terrible, gruesome reality that we live in. Both are valid choices in filming and are commonly used in practice. This episode of Doctor Who chose the latter.
And rightfully so. If people who think the show is unnecessarily forcing rep or have nothing better to do than whine and be disappointed, then they clearly haven't been paying attention to what's happening in this world. Right now, we NEED bluntness. We need someone to stand on the rooftops and scream their heart out at the injustice and hate that trans people are facing.
And to come after one of the few pieces of media that actually tries and actually wants trans people to feel included and loved and safe is distasteful, shallow and nasty. Why is our own community trying to tear down those who are trying to help??
This is a show who's been queer since the very beginning, and STILL people could not see it. We can't blame it for resorting to directness. Is the show perfect? Probably not, but it comes pretty darn close and certainly not like any other show or movie has EVER done before. Is it going to be outdated in a few decades and we're all gonna laugh at it? People can laugh if they want, but you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna cherish it.
I'm gonna keep it as close to my heart as I possibly can because it will have been the reason it remains unshattered. I'm going to love it for the rest of my life because it loved me when no one else wanted to, when no one else cared about me or treated me as a human being. I will never stop loving it because its bravery will have paved the way for other trans and non-binary representation.
It. Is. Meant. To. Send. A. Message.
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aangelinakii · 3 months
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characters written about in this piece : conner kent, wally west, kaldur'ahm, m'gann m'orzz, artemis crock
not proofread !
note : if you're looking for dick grayson, as he was a member of young justice ( obvi ) he and the other batfam members are written about in this post ! <3
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CONNER KENT — quality time
i can't see conner as an overly (physically) affectionate person, as his other stronger emotions are often more evident within him. he doesn't feel comfortable with physical touch; he's been through a lot, just not his kind of thing. he has a lot of suppressed rage, so doesn't know how to express himself through words in a charming way, poor guy. so i think he finds quality time most peaceful. he can control the boundaries of it; how close you are together, how long you spend it together, what you guys do. obviously he is receptive to your boundaries, too, but he feels most at peace just being in silence and spending time together, even if just doing separate things but in the presence of one another.
his favourite ways to spend quality time : doing separate things, like chores or hobbies, whilst in the same room , cooking together , reading the same book, nodding when you've finished the page so he can turn to the next one , sparring or working out together
WALLY WEST — physical touch && words of affirmation
the way i see wally, he's quite a casually touchy person, implementing physical touch into daily situations with his friends and loved ones. he loves a good, even short, hug upon seeing someone, or a high five, handshake, dap-up with a friend. literally anything, he will take it in stride. i also think he can be quite hormonal and touch-starved, especially as a teenager, so he enjoys casual physical intimacy. i don't think there's a reason for this, he's just that type of person. loads of people are just touchy people, and that's okay.
he also is a talky person, can't shut up, won't ever shut up. sometimes the things he says can be a bit.. off putting, but we all know he's just a lovely guy. without realising, wally will give compliments, or give praise to those he loves. another love language of his is words of affirmation, done in a casual way, not meant to be taken seriously. but when he's in love, or crushing on someone, they're definitely meant to be taken more seriously.
favourite forms of physical intimacy : a hug when he sees you again , a high five after winning a team game , slinging an arm over your shoulder or around your waist as you walk side-by-side , legs tangled as you lay in bed watching a film together
words that he means : "you look so amazing right now" , "you did great!" , "you need to teach me that next time, i want to be just as good as you" , "you have the best smile. you know that, right?"
KALDUR'AHM — words of affirmation
he's reserved in a group setting, even with close friends, but i feel as though kaldur would be extremely romantic, but not outwardly so. he keeps his romantic gestures behind closed doors, away from prying eyes, meant only for the two of you. he doesn't show off, he has nothing to prove. but when it's just you two, he cherishes and adores to no end, but not in an overwhelming way; he knows his boundaries. i think he most likes to use words of affirmation to show affection. he has a great voice, just imagine him praising you and reassuring you. i feel like he also likes to receive affirming words, too, since often his motives are wrongfully questioned. he likes feeling trusted, and being shown that he is.
words that he means : "i'm so proud of you" , "i'm so lucky to have you in my life" , "the universe really took its time with you" , "i would choose you in every lifetime"
words that he appreciates : "do you know how handsome you are?" , "i trust you" , "you're so important to me, i hope you realise that" , "i feel so safe with you"
M'GANN M'ORZZ — acts of service ( && close proximity. )
m'gann is the type to feel like she needs to prove herself, even to those she loves; especially to those she loves. she wants to be enough, feel like enough, seem like enough. and so she tries to show her love, through acts of service. even something as small as picking lint off your clothes, to something as grand as making a whole roast dinner for you to come home to. part of her does these things out of hopes that she will receive the kind acts, too, but part of her does them because she wants to show you what love feels like, because she exists, and she is full of it.
i don't see her as an incredibly touchy person, but i feel that, because she is so positively consumed by a person when she falls in love with them, she just wants to be near them all the time. m'gann can be overly aware of boundaries, and doesn't want to do anything wrong to make anyone uncomfortable, so that's part of the reason why she isn't touchy, as well as her own preferences. but she absolutely adores close proximity, just being in the presence of the one she loves as much as she can be.
ways she likes to show her love : cooking you food , tying your shoelaces , taking off your makeup for you after a long day, if you wear it , starting your day with a warm cup of your favourite drink , peeling the skin off your satsumas
ARTEMIS CROCK — quality time
similar to conner, i don't see artemis as an incredibly touchy or affectionate person. she's private, as shown by the lengths she goes to in order to keep her family background a secret, and would want to keep any romantic relationship under wraps as much as she can. instead of showing her love through hugs or icky sweet words, artemis likes to share quality time with her significant other. she thinks it has a wide meaning; you can do pretty much anything with another person and call it "quality time." she likes that it's not too committal, and she feels like she can leave at any time (not that she would want to, but not that she would say that.)
her favourite ways to spend quality time : playing video games together (she's a naughtydog lover) , sitting in the car or on its hood eating something from your favourite food truck , stargazing , exercising together , calling you when she's on her way home
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earlgreytea68 · 3 months
I admire your writing SO MUCH. What is your writing routine? Or do you have any writing tips you might like to share?
Awwww, THANK YOU! That is really so lovely to hear!!
My writing routine changes from time to time, which I mention because sometimes it's worthwhile to switch up your routine if it stops working for you.
I always advice trying to write at least a little bit every day, even if it's just a sentence or a paragraph. And rather than framing it that way -- a sentence, a paragraph, a hundred words -- I set aside time to write. Even if I only sit down for five minutes and spend the whole five minutes re-reading what I wrote last time, keeping the story there in my mind is useful to me.
Because I think you should try to find time to write every day, I try to have a time set aside each day to write. When I was younger, I used to write at night. Then two things happened: (1) I got busier, which meant I was sitting down later and later at night for my writing time; (2) I began to be so tired at the end of the night when I finally got time to write. I didn't really notice that I was tired, what I noticed was I was having a hard time writing. The stories felt like slogs and I wasn't getting anywhere.
So! I read somewhere about someone who used to get up early in the morning to write. Look, I am not a person who's waking up at 5am to write. But some mornings I wake up fifteen to thirty minutes earlier than I need to, and I sit up in bed and I write, and this has worked really, really well for me. My brain is much more awake at the beginning of the day and the words have come more easily and it's been a nice way to ease into the day. The problem is it's not a very long period of time, but it's better than nothing. Again, when I was younger, I used to find the time to write for hours. Life happens. Rather than lamenting the loss of marathon writing sessions, instead I cherish the time that I get.
With that said, you might be like, "Hang on, sometimes you very quickly turn around a fic right after some event has happened, how are you doing that in 15 minutes at the beginning of the day?" Oh, don't worry, I'm definitely not. Because this is my other piece of advice: Sometimes you get an idea that just, like, goes, and when that happens, I write. Now obviously you can't do this if you have other commitments, but anything that I can procrastinate to the next day in favor of writing a fic that feels right there, I do, and I do it without guilt, because I can do it the next day, and who knows if the fic will be there the next day. I don't know if that's exactly advice, because I know I have a much more flexible schedule than many people do, but I did want to explain that I promise I'm not lying when I say usually I only write 15-30 minutes a day lol
So that is my "routine." As for "tips," my main writing tip is to write what you would like to read. If it interests you, then it's done its job. For this reason, I think writing is very personal and there are almost no universal "tips," because different things work for each person. I, for instance, cannot outline and hate to do it; it messes me totally up. I start with a vague idea and a first sentence and I go from there. This works for me. I'm unbothered by not having a plan. It wouldn't work for everyone, so if that idea freaks you out, make an outline! But if you feel like you get stuck at the outline stage, this is permission from me to ignore it entirely and just write.
Other things that personally work for me: I try to trust my characters. If I'm struggling with a story, it's probably because it's wrong, and I need to figure out what I did wrong. Like, the characters are in the wrong place and don't want to do what I'm trying to make them do, that's why they're fighting me.
I try not to write "boring" parts. Like, if I'm bored by what I'm writing, I assume everyone else is, too. Just skip to what you want to write and write that. The "boring" part can't be too important to the story if it was boring.
If you're writing a love story, give your characters time to fall in love. That is not the boring part, I promise. If they had a good date, tell us what they talked about on the date. Write the actual dialogue. Whenever I find myself writing, "They talked for hours," I stop and think if I can put some of that conversation in. That, to me, is the important stuff.
I happen to be an auditory thinker, not a visual one. I think in words, not images. For this reason, my first drafts tend to be a lot of dialogue. When I read them over, that's when I add in beats here and there to pause the flow. A dialogue tag can be a nice beat to make the reader pause and not be overwhelmed by the conversation. If you're struggling with dialogue, sometimes I try it out loud, playing both parts.
Identify what writers you admire do well. Not just "writing." Like, I think some writers write excellent descriptions of kissing, for instance, and I wish I wrote better descriptions of kissing. Once you identify the more specific thing they're doing that you admire, really study how they're accomplishing the effect that you like. What makes that description of kissing so good? Thinking about what makes something seem "good" to you can help you to think about using those same tricks in your own writing.
My only universal rule of writing: Resist epithets. You almost never need them. Just use their name or a pronoun. It will read better, trust me.
I hope some of this is helpful!! I will say that I got a comment recently (I read ALL of your comments and they are all wonderful and also so deeply helpful to me in your reactions to things, even if I'm often terrible about responding to them, they are lifelines for me, please know I read and appreciate so much EVERY SINGLE ONE) and the comment said something like, "I used to read your Sherlock stuff! I can't believe now you're in FOB fandom! Your Sherlock stuff was fantastic, but your writing has gotten EVEN BETTER!" I put this in not to brag about this comment lol, but to say that I agree with it, I think I am a better writer now than I was ten years ago and a better writer than ten years before that. You're always getting better, because you're always practicing and learning for the next story. You might not feel like it's happening -- it's not like I'm like, "Let me go PRACTICE writing now!" -- but it will!
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warsamongthestars · 5 months
I am going to need to sit down, and go through all of the show, and I hope to (energy providing). Mostly to make a review, or series of reviews. Produce a few what-ifs. Someone might want the fanfic inspiration.
( I hope, I'm not going to promise because I am bad at energy, and I'm not going to promise things until I can actually deliver. So let's just say I want to do it, but we'll see if it happens or not. )
Look, I still dont' want to rain on people's parades this close after the Finale, so read at ye own risk. Lots of critical down below.
I would call the TBBshow a waste of time. But its not a waste of time, the reason being is that, I have dedicated an enormous amount of energy, to tearing this show into pieces. It soothes and enflames the rage that lies in my heart.
( Remember, I do love Star Wars, and I love the Clone Wars. And Anger and Fury are what happens when something you love, or something you cherish and care about, gets hurt very badly. And I find that the TBBshow is both the weapon and wound. But its a weapon I can turn against itself. And it is a wound I can remedy. )
Now for my bit thoughts on the finale, and bit thoughts on the show itself.
They're just big bits, because when I want to really tear into the little issues of this show, I will go molecule-by-molecule, atom-by-atom when I do.
I am going to be the fucking Saturday morning cartoon villain, with suit and cape and evil laughs, about it.
One). Fifth Enhanced Clone and Omega wasn't it, remember? You remember that from the first Finale?
I remember. The show didn't.
I 'd like to think it was Emerie. It points it that. But even now, I have doubts.
Because what was the point.
They oh so twittered about Emerie, and that didn't end up much--and I'd know because the biggest TBB Fans here haven't talked jack about her. That's how good her character is.
Just listen to the silence and all those crickets.
Two). Remember how this was supposed to be the Republic becoming the Empire?
They didn't act like it, did they. You could place these scenes in the Clone Wars, and y'know, it would not only still make sense--it would be more pointed on how the Republic had always been the Empire underneath.
Because you don't get the evil of an entire instellar Empire out of nowhere. That just doesn't happen in stories that have any depth.
If it does happen, you're reading a kindergarten story then.
( ... Frankly the kindergarten story would prolly tell it better, honestly. )
THree). They killed Tech, and CX-2 meant nothing.
You can't tell me they didn't have time, because they spent 3 seasons bullshiting and then at the last minute went "Oh shit, we're supposed to have a plot! Uhhh THORW SOMETHING AT THE WALL AND WE'LL SEE WHAT STICKS"
They knew full well how much fucking time they were alloted, because TV time always allows at least 3 seasons unless you have fucked up that royally.
It is by Contract. They Knew, and they still Bullshitted.
They murdered Tech for Shock Value. Oh someone is going to say "But George Lucas didn't Like Tech--so it made sense to kill him!"
I know they're going to say it.
If they didn't want Tech, then they shouldn't have created him. If you didn't want the Apple Pie, you shouldn't have made the damn Universe. When you introduce a vital character, a main character, people are going to care about them, especially upon character development.
So when you kill that character for Shock value, and then made that value meaningless by lack of conversation and perceived impact, then all you've done is spat in the face of everyone who cared about him--who might've identified with him--or felt that they needed a fictional example of grief--or fucking hells, just WANTED TO HAVE CHARACTER IN YOUR FUCKING CHARACTERS.
Tech was the point where my fires started. He was the point, where I realized, there was no hope in this show. Can't repair the character dynamics, can't do anything of significance now.
And by their refusal to allow the characters communication and grief, they stamped Tech into the dirt by the heels of their imperial boots.
CX-2 had all this development, for fuck all. What was the point of the CXs if they weren't going to do jack with them.
Four). Spent an awful lot of time shitting on other ideas.
Every possible guest character that could appear, did appear, and it took away from the story. Worse, it took away from Authors, and Game Makers, and spat all over them with a "Haha this is OUR CANON NOW!"
Cid lost her appeal. Because it was an episodic format, and the series did not stick to an episodic format. Would've been a great minor villian, too fucking bad though.
Phee was a phenomenal character (even if I don't care for Indiana Jones / Lara Croft archetypes), and she didn't go anywhere. She stood nearby Tech, gave him a pet name, and that's it. They wasted her.
( I would say that the shippers went too hog wild--but shippers have always been hogwild. To say that they're overdoing it, means they've been underdoing it. They will go hogwild for "Nameless Twi'lek in Background". That's the beauty of the shippers. Keep shipping folks, the Empire can't take all of us out. )
They killed Scorch. Scorch, from Republic Commando, is dead now. You remember that happy go lucky guy? The one who wanted to go back for Sev?
Well. He can never go back now.
( From the bottom of my gamer heart--I felt like this was the greatest Fuck You of all time. Tech's death was already unforgivable, but this? This is as if you just executed Carth Onasi in front of me. )
( The only way they could've done worse, is if they had made a poor copycat of the deathstar as some star destroyer with a rip off of Darth Revan except he's like, the grandson of Darth Vader or something. And he like, murdered a lot of Jedi again, because they wanted to rip off the prequels... )
Why did we need KANAN AGAIN!?
Oh look, Rex, and... Clones... Fucking wonder what's going on there. I can't imagine that the sequel of the Clone Wars would have anything to do with Clone Wars maining Clones. Can't imagine why they might've been important for the Star Wars audience. They're just CLONES AREN'T THEY ITS NOT LIKE THE AFTER EFFECTS OF THE CLONE WARS WOULD HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH CLONES.
Completely dissed the Chip plot, for victim blaming, and all the victims paid for it. In fact, they even villianized the victims and punished them dearly. Through execution, or dismemberment.
And they just straight up murdered every villian they could get away with, for... no reason. It wasn't satisfying. It was bullshit.
The sheer audacity to fuck Echo up. He was our Audience Surrogate, on par with Ahsoka, and THIS IS WHAT THEY DID TO HIM? Made him a bit player in his own show?
Only gave Fives, one of the most important people of Echo's life, a mere throwaway mention.
Not gonna get into what they did to me boys the Bad Batch, because we'd be here all day. And I've got other things to do.
And finally, because this made me rage so fucking hard.
FIVES) The Spoken Message "Now we can be who we want to be!"
The Entire Point of the Bad Batch, was that they were already being who they wanted to be or who they were, since their introduction in Clone Wars. They were Unique Nonstandard Clone with Unique Abilities and excellent character (In the Clone Wars)
And suddenly the show wants to say "Oh by they weren't really being themselves--"
They didn't set that the fuck up. The TBBShow, spent the last 3 years fucking around in the ether. They had plenty of time, and they squandered it, and then they rushed jobbed like kids on final group project day.
If the "Good Soldiers Follow Orders" was the set up, then that is akin to saying "Oh don't worry about being drugged into doing something you didn't want to do, you can learn from the experience of having all your choices forced from you and against your consent, and be better from it!"
We can even take in-story!
They spent, so much time, never once talking to one another, about one another, setting up jack all. In fact, vast majority either followed Hunter's lead or ignored him, and left the Camera--there has never been any "Oh we can be who we want".
Unless you're Omega. And y'know, I tots watched a show called the Bad Batch, because I was totally clearly there for an original character not apart of the Bad Batch.
At the end of all it, I have to ask... what... story were they trying to tell exactly?
The show didn't dedicate itself to anything. It spent so long avoiding dedication that it robbed all impact, and left a constant sense of tension in every episode.
It didn't dedicate to a story. Oh it dedicated to the Rush, the New AND SHINY CONTENT--but that's it. Honestly, if they wanted the feeling of rush, they should've just dedicated themselves to Youtube Shorts, Vines and Tiktok.
I'm not here for the rush of content. I'm here for a fucking story, with characters. I have games that are decades old, I have the original Han Solo Trilogy, far before that fucking film.
And I go back, and I reread and replay, because I fucking love them. And that's what you do with something you love, you return to it constantly, its not a Fad that passes once the rush stops.
But I can only go back to the TBBshow, to take what little is good, And destroy the rest, and plant garden above the ashes.
(There are things good in this show that I want to drag out into the light and into better things. And I know, plenty of people have found that good too, and they have done the same. The sheer dedication of interpretation is a beautiful thing. )
There is no Replay Value here. By all accounts, they turned this into a throw-away show, that I guarantee, in about six months, half the fandom is going to be gone from because there's no substance here.
( I'd be shocked, but also not shocked, if it isn't, but I'm not hopeful here. )
And I'll guarantee to you, my audience, that I am going to be here with a never ending coal-fire in my chest.
Because as a lifetime Star Wars fan, from birth and unto where ever the end of my journey is, it has me--it can have my Love, or it can have my Never Ending Rage, but it has me regardless.
There are other things, believe me, I am not finished, but I wanted to get the big points down and out, to air my grievances. Twas an emotional response of sheer fucking unbelievable rage. The fires of mustafar would mean nothing in comparison to fires that lie inside. ( i'm in my darth vader arc. )
This hasn't been a waste of time... But fuck it was a Waste of Story and a waste of characters, and I will never forgive the TBBshow, for the fact that the Clone Wars lead me to love, and the TBBshow lead me to antagonizing rage.
The TBBshow story should've been a tragedy. That would've set some things to rights. If they had just, killed the team, and finally made the Empire into the tragic but villianous threat it really is, then that would've at least, made up for somethings. It wouldn't have fixed the show--S1 and S2 are still bad and no amount of good endings will fix that--but it would've been an anchor for it.
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not-goldy · 5 months
The solos in your ask pretending they know what jikookers think and OF COURSE victimising their fav in the process. Never forget to victimise, otherwise you're not a true solo.
Meanwhile, actual jikookers : love the both of them equally, love that they love each other, will keep loving them even if it turns out they were just the greatest of friends who enjoyed giving each other blueballs, love Jimin's songs, love Jungkook's half naked welives, love Jimin’s cutest welives making legos, love Jungkook's songs, love love love.
I don't know about every other jikooker but you've summed up me and the jikookers who hang around my blog succinctly.
Which reminds me, someone brought up Larry and Louis complaining about how he can't break free from the rumors-
I don't expect Jikook- either of Jikook to ever come out and disrespect their bond minimize invalidate it like many fake ships do post the band phase era. Especially the ones who deliberately feed into those shipping narratives for clout.
Jikook's relationship is not founded on two people playing naughty just for shock factor. And if you've been in various shipping spaces for as long as I have you tend to pick up on these things very fast.
Performative bisexuality is real
Queer baiting is real
But some people just wanna be brazen for no reason at all.
And when you have that lens you quickly can tell which moments of Jikook is just that- two naughty boys who have no qualms feeling frisky with eachother or playing up that friskiness for the cameras.
We know all that. We see all that- but we also see beyond that, we see the thing that explains the subtext, and explains choices they make to the point we can even predict those choices before they make them and 9 out of 10 we'd be right.
Yet these people are consistently wrong about jikook. Tuktukkers are consistently wrong bout their ship because they can't tell what's real from what is a performance.
I'm gonna make one such prediction and yall mark my words:
Neither Jimin nor Jungkook will EVER deny their bond EVER.
They will ALWAYS CHERISH their bond and speak fondly of what they share between them, honor it always in spite of whatever labels fans want to place on it.
They both mean something to eachother
And I think what keeps them going is this baseline.
I can see them reminding themselves of this over and over that they hold on to that baseline whatever anyone says.
I think this is my second long term prediction I've made about two bts ships. Vmin and jikook.
In whatever years yall find me and remind me I told yall so.
Love is energy.
It cannot be created or destroyed but it can change form.
If a person can come out and say all these things that other ships come out to say about their ships when their ships no longer serve them, without acknowledging appreciating their actual bond then the bond was not there or strong to begin with
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ravenbloodshot · 9 months
Ji Chang Wook- Insecurities vs. Confidences
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I saw in multiple interviews of JCW saying he doesn't find himself attractive so that's what inspired this reading
He may be insecure about taking photos/selfies. May feel awkward and uncomfortable at photo shoots, not really sure how to pose himself and show his best self
He might idolize men that have bigger muscles and abs, wishes he himself had them or just feels insecure being next to a buff man (I heard "wide shoulders" so that could be the thing he wants most)
He doesn't like it when his skin breaks out and he gets pimples, finds it to be very annoying to deal with and unattractive
He has problems feeling like a sunbaenim, he feels/acts too meek and humble around ppl in the industry, co stars etc.... So at times he thinks of himself as more of a rookie and not on the level of other prominent actors. The energy feels like he's seeing other actors act stoic, cold and regal (and he idolizes that) but he can't seem to turn himself into that kind of person, he's too personable and too much of a people pleaser to behave like the cold celebrity type. So he may feel like he's not on their level bc of this. Its basically imposter syndrome.
He's the type of person that if his life is going good, he would be waiting for the bad to show up.
When it comes to his looks, he's not particularly fond of the fact that he's considered a pretty boy mostly bc it messes with his acting gigs (aka his money). He's probably only seen as good for doing romance movies/dramas. Another thing is that he kind of focuses more on the negative vs the positive, meaning a million ppl in a comment section could be telling him he's god's gift to earth but one comment saying he's ugly could make him feel like shit.
His thoughts is his own worst enemy
In love: he fears coming on too strong. Which is a reasonable fear since I see he does come on too strong (too clingy and anal). Can be a bit much. He fears loving someone that doesn't love/want him. He fears being with someone that just wants him for clout or money
He's confident about how pure and non corrupt he lives his life. He's not the type of celeb to get into scandals or be exposed for living a double life, he lives his life fairly and justly so he's confident in relaying that to the public and not feel like a fraud. I think he would be a guy that feels dirty/weird telling the public his life is happy or his marriage is happy when in reality its not.
He's proud of how far he's come without having to forget his morals or the people that have helped him succeed. He knows he's been through a lot, but now he's on top and he didn't have to do any grimy shit to get there
He likes how creative and ambitious he his. May still have a lot of goals/dreams he wants fulfilled not just in his career but in life, so he's confident that they can be fulfilled. Also, he likes that he still strives for more, still greedy for more even when he's accomplished so much. He still wants more. I wouldn't be surprised if he strives to win an Oscar (like most actors) but he more so gets a rush of adrenaline/passion thinking about him possibly getting such an award, it inspires him to keep going.
He trusts his intuition. Its steered him clear of a lot bad shit and close calls (its like if he was walking down the street absent mindedly and his gut just told him to cross the street and once he does a building collapses). He may have a strong intuition that has protected him from the worst of things that could've happened. So strong that even when he doesn't listen to his intuition, he listens to his intuition (if you get what I mean)
In love: he's confident when dealing with simple aspects of relationships like going out and conversing. He knows how to savor/cherish the simple things. He also does well not to go back to exes, for him, once the relationship is over....its over. There's no going back for him
Superstar by Lupe Fiasco is a song that fits this readings energy
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