#its pretty much what I expected. I’m entertained enough to keep reading but not enough to really care
dykenav · 2 years
I know I’ve reached a new low trying to entertain myself bc I just started reading a sarah j ma*s book
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cheiyunn · 8 months
Kimisute main story [1部 ] Part 6
Reon: What’re you reading Miyuki-san? Something important?
Miyuki: Its an article about GENESIS TRAX
Ryo: It’s about the label Nayuta’s dad is affiliated with right?
Reon: Gah–! Ryo-san keep it down ! shhh!
Miyuki: …Well Nayuta isn’t even here right now so do ya need to be so uptight and cautious anyway?
Reon: If we’re all noisy when we think he’s not here, there’s a chance he’ll overhear us when we least expect it!
Ryo: Ever since Reon got Nayuta all mad, you’ve been on your toes all the time now~
Reon: …talk about rubbing salt on a wound, Ryo-san! …well you’re right but still…
Miyuki: I mean, he did snap pretty hard at the person who said we should copy SYANA after all
Miyuki: Even I thought that regardless of how fussy and self-centered Nayuta is, that was crossing the line…
Reon: I wonder what happened with that him…
Miyuki: Hm? What happened as in…?
Reon: Cause it’s Nayuta we’re talking about? To feel that much anger and rejection towards his actual parents make you wonder what happened
Ryo: Reon, are you really that curious?
Reon: Eh? Are you guys on the opposite end?
Miyuki: Hm… I’m more of ‘I don’t get it but whatever’ I guess
Miyuki: At least just knowing that ‘That thing’ causes Nayuta to lash out is enough for me?
Ryo: Me too
Ryo: Rather than being concerned about why that bright star was created, it's more important to keep it’s shine clear and not clouded
Miyuki: Plus doesn’t he hate it when we get all nosy?
Miyuki: If he finds out that we’ve been snooping ‘round here and there….
Reon: …uwah, I don’t even want to think about it
Miyuki: You get it?
Ryo: Even if that star was clouded, it doesn’t hide the fact that there is that star
Ryo: The stars are always shining, and we need to protect it. So the people down below can see it.
Ryo: That role is probably also my atonement. The reason I came here to Earth…
Miyuki: …we don’t need to react right?
Reon: First one to react loses…!
Ryo: You two think the same right?
Miyuki/Reon: Totally!
[Dreadnought Music office]
Mashu: I’ll get to the point. How is Asahi.
Kenta: …in honesty, not very well
Kenta: Since the news of SYANA’s vocalist Iryuu Koga’s return, he’s been extremely agitated
Mashu: I see
Kenta: To see him get that nervous just with news, if the time comes where we need to meet him directly…
Mashu: Are you worried?
Kenta: Obviously. If Nayuta isn’t able to sing what are we supposed to do
Mashu: However, he can’t keep avoiding the issue either 
Mashu: …this is a hurdle for the future
Kenta: For Nayuta..?
Mashu: For everyone.
Mashu: Your practice time is nearing, it's best you get going.
Mashu: I also have a separate meeting to attend to
Kenta: …I understand. Excuse me.
Nayuta: CUT IT!
Reon: …hah….hah…! What now…!
Nayuta: Fuck. This isn’t enough to compete with him… more, something more…
Miyuki: My bad, Nayuta. I was a bit off on this one
Nayuta: It's not just Sakaigawa. Everyone was. From the top…
Reon: How many times are you gonna make us repeat the intro..!
Kenta: Reon stop. …. Nayuta, its best to take a quick break
Nayuta: …tch!
--[Door opens]--
???: Pardon my intrusion.
Nayuta: y-you’re… !?
Kenta: Iryuu Koga..!? why… why are you… here…
Tumblr media
Iryuu: Does it still bother you? Just when, will you be able to bring something that’ll entertain me. I’m waiting, kiddo.
Nayuta: ….!!
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I like going back to old pages on comedy message boards, as part of my general obsession with the idea that everything is better and makes more sense if understood in its full context. Also, I find it a combination of interesting, enlightening, and straight-up funny to read early reactions to comedy things that we’d now think of as classics. Look at something that now is a cool vintage thing where knowing about it means you understand this influential piece of comedy history, and see that when it first came out, it was dismissed as newfangled nonsense that doesn’t have any of the heart or talent behind earlier stuff and comedy isn’t what it used to be.
It's not just comedy, this applies to everything. The Beatles were dismissed by many Serious Music Critics, in their day, as shallow teen heartthrob pop music (as opposed to what they were, which were perpetrators and enablers of domestic violence). Bob Dylan was famously dismissed as a sellout in 1965 by some Mancunians who, when I listen to the kind of shit that’s come from a revolution that began by plugging in guitars, I sometimes think may have had a point. I am now just barely old enough to hear some music getting called cool “classic”, when I can remember that music being new and considered shitty pop music that will never be as good as classic rock.
I think I like those in particular for all the above reasons, but also because there is something comforting in seeing someone say something that made total sense given the information they had at the time, and turn out to be wildly wrong. Makes me think about all the things that seem obvious and definitely correct to me now, given all the information I have, and maybe someday, it’ll turn out to all be wrong. Most of the things I think are true now are pretty depressing, so it’s nice to think maybe no one’s ever really right about everything.
There are a lot of comments along these lines in old comedy forum archives, but my favourite by far of all the lines to have not aged well is the person who said in June 2005 that: “Comedians often seem to be of the ‘world owes me a living’ type - no matter how many times they fail, they'll never jack it in and work in an office. Yes, I’m looking at you, John Oliver.” Honestly, doesn’t that give you hope for the future? If you ever feel like you’re so bad at something there’s no point in carrying on and you should give it all up, remember that person who said that in June 2005. If you just keep working at it for another year or so, you too could have Ricky Gervais mention your name to Jon Stewart one time and get to leave everyone who didn’t like you behind.
Anyway, I came across something today that I’d not seen before, which is an article in The Daily Telegraph from August 2005. This is different from other stuff because it’s not just comments from random people in a place where anyone can post, it’s an actual publication. A shit publication, but still, people get paid to write for it. And in 2005, they wrote an article called “Politics kills off comedy at the Edinburgh Fringe”.
The judges have been lamenting the "soul-destroying" lack of humour at this year's award, the comic centrepiece of the Edinburgh Festival which, over its 25-year history, has previously uncovered talent such as Hugh Laurie, Eddie Izzard, Steve Coogan, Jimmy Carr, Frank Skinner, The League of Gentleman and Graham Norton.
When judges meet for the first time today to draw up a long-list for the £7,500 prize, they are expected to be "hard pressed" to find acts to fill all 30 spaces.
Yesterday, they described this year's shows as "silly", "flat" and "of the level of fifth-form humour", and complained that they concentrated too much on politics, particularly on Tony Blair, George W Bush and weapons of mass destruction.
John Pidgeon, the head of entertainment at BBC Radio and chairman of the judges, lamented the "remarkable overuse of the 'C' word".
In 2005, comedy had gotten too political, too sweary, had run out of steam, would never again be great like it was when it was bringing in giants of hard-hitting, seriously talented stand-up like Graham Norton; epitomes of comedy with a real heart and soul like Jimmy Carr; and noted guy who married a teenage student at the place where he was teaching, Frank Skinner. That list of white men is the greatest comedy ever got, and now all this new stuff is just kids trying to be cool with their c-words and their political material but it will never measure up.
I really enjoy this bit from later in the article:
The judges were at a loss to explain why 2005 was so short on talent. Graham Smith, Channel Five's commissioning editor for comedy, last judged the competition in 2003. "You could say there was a surfeit of rich comedy that year. The winner was Daniel Kitson and - just to illustrate how strong it was - Jimmy Carr came second. Any other year the runners-up would have been winners."
I like that paragraph because:
1) Apparently the decline of comedy took exactly two years; it was at the top of its game back in the glory days of 2003, and was dead by 2005.
2) Apparently the likes of Jimmy Carr only coming second is a sign of the incredibly deep talent pool in a comedy competition, that’s how strong the field was back then!
3) They’re talking about the Perrier Award, which Daniel Kitson won in 2002, over fellow nominee Jimmy Carr. In 2003, Demitri Martin won it. I should know, there’s a video on YouTube from 2003 of Adam Hills yelling about Demitri Martin beating him for the Perrier Award while they destroy a cow. Get your facts straight, people.
That aside, I was amazingly not at the 2005 Edinburgh Festival, so I guess I can’t really say whether it was any good. I’ve seen/heard a number of shows that were done there (Tim Minchin’s Darkside, bits of the Zaltzman and Oliver Show, two Daniel Kitson shows, I’ve seen some of what Flight of the Conchords did there that year, Phil Nichol’s Nearly Gay, I’ve seen Dara O’Briain’s 2006 DVD and I’m pretty sure that’s mainly taken from his 2005 Edinburgh show, I've seen shows by Demitri Martin and Flight of the Conchords that would have also been taken from 2005, 2005 had a Mark Watson 24-hour show), and have enjoyed all of them. But also, the ones I’ve seen/heard are the ones that were good enough for someone to still have heard about and bothered to seek out in 2022/2023, I’m sure there was a lot of shit going on in that year too.
So if anyone ever tries to tell you that comedy, or for that matter anything else, had “classic” years and they just don’t make the great stuff the way they used to anymore, remember that people were already complaining about comedy “getting too political these days” by 2005. I’m continually amazed by how often you can go back years, and find the complaints about “look at the problem with [anything] these days, it’s not great the way it used to be” stays exactly the same.
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!!Depictions of violence, in detail!!
[Transcript begins.]
[The rustling sound of paper is heard, as a page is turned.]
[A quiet chuckle is caught, as someone mutters]
?: "Anyone could've guessed that ending."
[Voice recognised: The Archivist.]
[A beep loudly emits from a walkie talkie nearby, and a static-y voice fills the area.]
?: “A! You’re needed! Get over here!”
[Voice identified: Cassius.]
A: "Can't a boy read in peace? For crying out loud.."
[There's another beep, along with the creaking of furniture, as The Archivist goes and picks up the walkie talkie]
A:"Fine. Coming now."
C: “You’d better, wouldn’t want to be late for your first job, now, would you?”
C: “Mhm. Now hurry up! We don’t have that much time until he gets here!”
A:"Oh gods, alright. I'm coming!"
[The Archivist is heard rummaging through some drawers, before grabbing a few items. A door is heard opening and closing.]
A:"I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this.."
[The muttering is continued for 4 minutes, as footsteps echo]
A: "Right. Here's the plan, a quick in and out job. No fucking- whatever it is that I do. Just a simple job. Done it before, can do it again.
A: "To keep them safe."
[There's silence, often broken by footsteps, for 5 minutes, before they abruptly stop.]
A: "Hm. This could be a quick weapon to use…gods. That is a sentence I never want to say again."
[He coughs, and continues walking. A door is opened, and it sounds like steps are being descended.]
[A is heard opening a door, and it gasps.]
A: "It's.. so pretty. Out here. Holy crap."
[There is a 15 second interval, before he speaks again.]
A: "I could leave now. Run and not ever come back here; showfall's files get fucked."
C: “Psh, yeah, right. Get the fuck in the bush, A.”
A: "Fuck you. Fine.
C: “He’s close, we have… two minutes? Until he gets here? Yeah, two.”
A: "Who, do I get to know who I'm killing?"
C: “Nope.”
A: "If there's nothing to be hiding, why don't I get to know?"
C: “It’s no fun when you know things, haven’t I made that obvious? Where’s the suspense? The drama?”
A: "Oh, you were definitely a theater kid. And, fine."
C: “I like to think that I would have been one, yes. Unfortunately, 1708 was a bad time for theater classes. I’m not sure I even knew what theater was until I joined Showfall.”
A: "Jeez, you're old. And they haven't had to replace all your joints with metal yet! Good for you, man. Good for you."
C: “Only some. And that’s not even because of aging! I’ve been stuck at 25 for… 330 years? Hard to say. It’s been great.”
A: "Huh, wow. That's..interesting. Don't think this kind of immortality is my kind of thing, though."
C: “Well, it isn’t a thing that everyone would like, yeah. It gets hard to keep yourself entertained after the first 50. Which is why I’ve gotten much more creative with my methods.”
A: "I'd imagine you'd have to. Not stuff people haven't done before, though. Plenty of time before you existed."
C: “Ha! Yeah. You know, just stabbing someone isn’t enough for me anymore, it hasn’t for a long time. It was fun the first time, my parents never fucking saw it coming, but now I have to plan it out, think on it. It’s hard sometimes, you know?”
A: "Uh..no. no I don't, I really don't. That's-uh..- That's messed up, man. I'm sorry but-"
[Cassius barks a laugh, finding amusement in his discomfort.]
C: “Didn’t expect you to understand, yeah. You’re a coward. Anyway! I think I can see our prey coming up, get ready, A.”
A: "Right. Okay."
[There's a shuffling of leaves, as his position changes.]
[Distant yelling can be heard, as someone approaches the area, the voice is almost familiar.]
A: "Wait… hold on a second."
C: “What’s wrong?”
A: "I don't think that's the right prey."
C: “Oh, it sure fucking is.”
A: "It can't be."
[Its voice is firm.]
C: “And why not?”
A: "Voice is too familiar. Not our prey."
C: “It is. Get ready, A. Here he comes now.”
A: "..fine. I'm trusting you with this."
[A blur comes shooting out of the trees, being actively pursued by someone else.]
C: “Go! Now's your chance!”
[A darts out, easily barrelling into the blur. The camera is shaking, but it can make out the person. He doesn't start to attack, but instead holds them down]
?: “Wh– A!?”
[Voice identified: Edgar.]
A: "Who- what- no. No."
[Cassius chuckles from his spot in the bush, not in frame.]
C: “Mhm, yep.”
A: "You- you're not supposed to- Edgar?"
E: “What the fuck? What are you doing, A? Why are you–”
A: "They fucking- they lied- you need to go. Now."
[He releases its grip on the man, the camera being more steady.]
C: “Ah! Not so fast, Archivist.”
A: "No. You said- if I did this. He wouldn't be hurt. He wouldn't be fucking in this scenario, Cassius."
C: “You trusted the word of a mass murderer? For shame, A. For shame.”
A: "I fucking did what I was told, I fucking- I helped you."
C: “That you did, Archivist. But you seem to have forgotten a few crucial parts of this department. We love to find loopholes. I’ll keep my word, if you phrase your requests properly. Wanna know what your slip-up was?”
A: "What. Tell me.'
C: “You made me swear to never let a PR member hurt your friends. You never said anything about making them.”
A: "All of your fucking cronies would willingly go for them. You know that. You can't make someone do it."
[It had adjusted his angle, making it easier for Edgar to slip out of if need be]
C: “All except you, Archivist.”
A: "You can't make me. I won't."
C: “Hm. Is that so? Well, I hope you don’t mind me giving the rest of PR the go ahead to target the rest of your little friends, then.”
A: "No. You aren't fucking doing this."
C: “Denial won’t save you, A. Let’s see those fighting skills of yours!”
A: "You know what? Fine."
[The Archivist appears to have a stronger grip on Edgar now. The camera is deadly still.]
A: “Edgar. I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me."
[The man doesn’t respond, instead glancing behind A, his subject of focus out of frame.]
[A is about to rear their arm up, but instead uses the grip it had to push itself backwards. In this action, he attempts to blindly hit what was there.]
[As the hit collides, Cassius laughs, half surprised, half amused.]
C: “Good one, A. You’ll be one of us in no time.”
[The Archivist has no response, it just stares at the man.]
[Cassius stands up straight, and cracks his neck, smiling. He flicks his hand upwards, seemingly for no reason. And then slides his feet out to take a fighting stance.]
C: “Round 2, eh? Let’s fucking do this.”
A: "Lets."
[The blond man takes no time to think before lunging at A, the spider-like legs emerging from his back as he does so. Barely in frame, something darts out of the bush and rushes behind the two.]
[The Archivist is too focused on the fight, and not stepping on its friend, to even notice. Learning from last time, it goes straight for Cassius's eyes. His hand flies to his face, covering most of it, he clenches his jaw, indicating that A has done at least a little bit of damage.]
[In only a few seconds, the sharp claws that are hidden in his hands emerge, and Cassius strikes out, aiming wildly for any part of A. It collides with flesh.]
C: “I’m not pulling any fucking punches this time, A! You want a fight? I’ll give you a motherfucking fight!”
[It, once again, has no reply. The Archivist quickly recovers his position, and yanks on a spider-arm in the opposite direction of his metallic joints. Cassius shouts.]
C: “Ugh! Those are attached to my spine, you prick!”
[A different spider limb pulls back as Cassius attempts to recover, it shoots forward, and the sound of metal cutting through flesh can clearly be heard. The Archivist cries out in pain, stumbling backwards. The camera is a stained red.]
[The limb wrenches itself out of where it had gone through, Cassius braces against the force needed to pull it back. He glares at A.]
[It is grasping at his arm, but they just meet the stare of Cassius.]
[Cassius holds his gaze for a few seconds, before his eyes move slightly to look behind A, he makes eye contact again, this time smiling slightly.]
[The Archivist turns around, presumably following the man's gaze. The scene behind A is just as bad as the fight they’re having with Cassius. Eden and Edgar are locked in combat, at the time that A turned, Eden was mid-air, tackling Edgar to the ground.]
A: "Fuck, No you don't-"
[As he begins to move, it's stopped by a tackle to the side. They hit the ground,hard on the injured arm. The camera falls to the side, revealing the current scene]
C: “I believe that would be my line, Archivist!”
C: “One word: no.”
[Cassius reaches towards A’s head, out of frame, grabbing hold and seemingly moving its head to look at him.]
C: “Look at me while I’m speaking to you. Don’t you have any manners?”
A: "NO- STOP."
[The spider attachments raise themselves into the air, ready to strike at any moment. Cassius Grins.]
C: “Oh, is that going to be a distraction for you? Sorry.”
[Cassius turns his head in the direction of the other two fighting.]
C: “Eden! Take that somewhere else, wouldn’t you? It’s a little distracting.”
Ed: “Alright!”
[Cassius turns back to look at The Archivist.]
C: “There we go, better?”
C: “You’re very indecisive. They may be too far already, unfortunately.”
A: "I'll do anything- please!"
C: “Anything?”
A: "...Y-yes. As long as he's okay."
C: “Why do you care so much? He’s just one dude. I never really understood your levels of empathy for these people, I can get caring about people, but to this fucking level? Honestly, it’s almost sickening.”
A: "I-I don't know man, just..please."
C: “Fine. I’ll tell Eden to stand down. But… you owe me a favor.”
[Cassius pulls out a phone, and lets go of A’s head to type a message. At the same time he seems to finish typing his message, a loud shout is heard from behind him. It’s distant, but clear. Cassius turns his attention behind him.]
[The Archivist tries to move his head towards the sounds. He can't.]
A: "That doesn't s-sound good."
C: “Hrm. Especially not for Eden. I’m going to guess he found out about Eden’s new enhancement.”
A: "O-oh? What..is it?"
C: “She had these amazingly well thought out snake teeth type implants. She’s venomous now. It was inspired by her name. Garden of Eden, the serpent. You know.”
A: "Please d-don't tell me she bit someone."
C: “Okay. I won’t.”
[Cassius stares blankly at A, giving enough of an answer in his gaze.]
A: "For fucks sake."
C: “Snake venom sure is a bitch to find, though. Let’s hope she didn’t up the full supply we got her.”
A: "Oh, my gods.."
C: “Anyway. Moving away from that. Do you forfeit? Or shall we continue?”
A: "..forfeit. just make sure he's safe. Not dead."
[A loud clang rings out through the forest behind Cassius. Causing his eyebrows to crease inwards. He makes an odd face at A.]
C: “I have a feeling he’s got that covered, actually.”
[Cassius uses his spider-like attachments to raise himself off the ground.]
C: “You should head back inside. We’re done here.”
A: "I-im not leaving until I know none of you fucks are going to kill or hurt him."
C: “Ugh, fine. Hold on, I’ll ask Eden about that.”
[He pulls out his phone again, but it turns out that he doesn’t even need to, because out of frame, two people can be heard rushing by, their footsteps heavy on the ground of the forest.]
C: “Oh. See? He’s fine.”
A: "Let him go home, not followed. Please."
C: “Okay, alright. I’ll fuckin’ message Eden again.”
A: "T-thank you."
[Cassius stares at his phone for a few seconds, then shows A the screen. The screen is too blurry to be picked up on the recording.]
[The Archivist laughs, almost deliriously.]
A: "Oh my gods, yes! Ha!"
C: “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Sure, whatever. You need to get going, though. Department heads orders.”
A: "Mm. How do I know you aren't lying again."
C: “I have a date tonight, and I don’t want to miss it. That’s how you’ll know. Now go. I’m not going to ask again.”
A: "..fine. You better stick to it."
C: “Mhm. Yeah, alright. Sure. I will.”
[Cassius walks out of frame, the spider arms retreating into his back again.]
A: "...I just wanted them to be safe."
A: "If this posts, Edgar, Rose, and fucking everyone else. I'm so sorry."
[Transcript Ends.]
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arsynnotarson · 29 days
Do you have any source-related thoughts/opinions you’d be willing to share? I’m particularly curious about your thoughts on people from your source, but anything you’re willing to share is fine
thanks for asking!!!
i assume you mean on the fellows in the festival, or on the festival as a whole? ill be covering both. its a long read, so prepare yourself, hah.
personally, concerning the festival, it was a bloodbath, as expected. i was used to seeing blood used for religious purposes like face engraving and ritualistic cutting, but since i grew up in prehevil-- while not great better than nothing--i wasnt used to murder being everywhere and expecting to be murdered. prehevil was a chore to be in, people being gloomy, not much going on besides religion and school, but killings werent on your front doorstep... atleast daily, that is.
back to termina, it was terribly stressful. if my hair wasnt already white when i arrived, it surely would have been that way if when i left (actually, there were white streaks in my hair, not entirely white, so thats a half-lie, haha.) you didn't know who to trust, what was around you, and what your enemy was capable of. its a miracle i survived it all, even against perkele. fog was oppressive, it was a labyrinth through the very few buildings that were still able to be entered, and puzzles that made me feel more miniscule than i already was.
about the others, id love to anecdote.
pav: pervy, obviously. obnoxious in many ways you can probably point out if you play my source material. loud often, and his favorite place to bark orders at us was in closed spaces. we didnt get to know eachother well, since i avoided him when i could for the aforementioned reasons. he was a hot-headed looney toon with abiut 4 good jokes, to summarize. used his looks to advantage, too.
osaa: we didnt speak much, and when we interacted or i had the audacity to approach him, itd be in small, surface-level conversation with unmistakable judgemental glares sent my way. i think there was a reason sometimes. although he was very smart, he was painstakingly independent. whether or not the headaches were from him or nashrah, i know he had something to do with it.
abella: very nice when she wasnt hiding the solutions to ciphers; thats my primary gripe with her, but besides that very kind. loved to pick flowers with olivia, and especially liked the red hues of nature, from the deep sunset to the maroon herbs. did not like the blood, though.
olivia: also a pleasure to be around. tried to help whenever she could, but is like a bit osaa in terms of being a lone wolf. she was reluctant to accept help, but a little awkward buttering up from marcoh, logic from me, and passive pressure from daan, she eventually took it. i think she may have gifted more herbs to certain people she favored, but the ones who got less didnt realize. also made very rare comments about others that sounded rude, but they were so cryptic no one could say what her intention was.
tanaka: didnt get to know him much. the fandom is pretty accurate with the unlucky streak, it was the little comedy we had in the hellscape, even if it did come from the same man falling over the same root in the ground for the 5th time. he was respectful to others as i expected from a man in a suit, but there were times where his anger would peek through when frustrated, like clenching his fists or tugging on the hem of his jacket while clenching his teeth. traded glasses with olivia when his inevitably broke with much hesitance.
marcoh: such a sweetie. a little stiff when it came to social interaction, but once the urgency picked up he stepped out of his comfort zone. caligura thought him and tanaka were dating and i think he prayed for them; not out of the kindness of his heart, though. didnt like fighting others, yes, but when it came down to protecting the only sane people he had arrived with, he did enough to keep them out of our hair.
levi: surprisingly entertaining if he liked you. he was very coy during withdrawal, running, and while it went down after he got it fix, it took a few hours for him to fully grasp the fact we werent there to kill him. maybe its because we grew up in the same area, but his sense of humor really appealed to me. nearly had me crying in the cabin when we hung out while others were out. i had to clear up that i dont know samarie too since he was subtly but very obvious he didnt like being stared at by a mysterious stranger any time he wants to talk to me at all.
samarie: really, really made me feel watched. i never knew her, except for the few times i saw her while on my way to schooland break hour. devotion was really creepy and didnt know at all on how to talk to anything. the fact she was dying was sad and made me pity her, yes, but... she still, you know, killed my dad. i hated him, but now i dont know what happened to my mom and will never find out verifiably. wasnt the conventional yandere type actually, just really, really obsessed, but had her moments of hating those i spoke to.
karin: talkative and didnt shut up. shes like that one person who you agree with, but they present it in such an unnecessarily hostile tone that you cant reblog it. she was tolerable sometimes when she wasnt going on about her feats on her newspaper and actually contributing, but those only lasted for so long. very literate and clever, despite all. i prefer daan more.
daan: has his flaws, like always needing to have the last word, which is smooth as velcro when it comes to arguing with karin. a lifesaver for the team, quite literally, even if he was talking down on you very transparently while making you a tourniquet that made you want to just bleed out there. i think he wanted to be a bartender when he was younger, or atleast was at some point, given his sudden skills on it. at the very least, he made listening to another argument in the middle of a murder game funny.
caligura: we didnt speak much. prefers to be alone, again. from what i gathered, if we ignore the homocide, he seemed to have more underlying issues. had a listless look on his face while he wandered when not angry. very paranoid, too, always looking over his shoulder in a way he tried to play off as casual. hates being startled, too, and wont hesitate to cuss at you (as if he would hold back anyway).
august: acted as if he knew more than we did; not in a superior, egotistical way, just knew his way around well for someone out of town. levi and i both shared the impression he was suspicious too, but he never caused issues with us and helped when he could. tanaka didnt take a liking to him though for a reason he only explained to marcoh, and i think august knew this. never talked but two times.
henryk: weird but not as weird as pav is. off his rocker, not only because of the manor incident, but he also mumbled to himself while he cooked. some little words were im understandable english, some in french, and the rest just vowels jumbled together. when i tried to read his mind, instead of hearing words, there were diagrams detailing topics i didnt have context of any kind to. also yelled to "get out of my head" when i was listening in on him. if that was a coincidence, or him being aware of my confused eavesdropping, are both mysteries that keep me up at night to this day.
congrats on getting to the end,,, thank you so much for the ask! i loved writing this!!! any further questions are welcomed and encouraged.
0 notes
wwtneosay-archived · 2 years
For You? pt.1
series masterlist lies here
The pairing is Mark x Y/n x Haechan but literally all of 127 is mentioned, I was feeling a little bit obnoxious… No Sungchan mailman feature tho, if you guys are good maybe he’ll make an appearance next time ;)
Synopsis: childhood bffs turned superstars, within their years of success the bond of friendship has never been broken, outings to let loose are vital in order to withstand the pressures of being a celebrity. What will happen when you unintentionally push your body’s limits on a night out?
Word Count: 11.5K
The story has got it all; love triangle, eventual smut like… yeah , fluff, angst, heavy dialogue can be expected, also its multi-pov! I feel the need to mention that this story does not pass the Bechdel test..Oops! Mark’s residing in simp city and Haechan is, well, himself… but maybe you like that mix? Read below the cut to find out!
Authors Note: My first ever series haha… Had a lot of fun writing this ngl, like fully cracking up at some parts… yeahhhh I kinda love build up so there’s definitely a bit of background before you get to the dirty stuff, what can i say? I like to paint a pretty picture. But seriously , let me know what you thought :)
Here’s a small excerpt to coax you into reading it lmao <3 :
He retracts his head from the side of your body to take a look at your pretty face. The pleasure he gets from watching you snap out of his trance in real time scratches his ego in just the right spot, he tilts his head slightly as a cheeky grin envelopes his features, “You were so bold in the car, why are you acting so shy all of a sudden?”
You know, you wish you could say something, anything, to convince him his actions were not having an effect on you, but the alcohol has definitely dulled your wits. You go for the option that first comes to mind, playing it off… Yeah, that’ll do it..
Whatever is left of his spell wears off because you’re finally able to look him in the eyes again, “Oh please, I’m an entertainer! I had an audience to please”, you scoff, waving him off.
Yeah that should buy me enough time to build my defenses back up, you think.
You clearly miss the glint in his eyes before he leans into you once more,
“I’m your audience now, so how about you please me?”
Markly [10:45]: yoo u got five minutes, we’re on our way now.
The boy’s always had a handful to deal with whenever promotion season came up, to be completely honest you tried your best to avoid them this time around, the prospect of possibly adding more stress onto them doesn’t sit right with you, instead you preferred to cheer them on from the sidelines, sending coffee trucks or meals whenever an important date came up. It was your personal way of being there, offering that little dose of encouragement that everyone requires.
Luckily for you, promos don’t last forever, in this case they had ended about a week ago, no more appearances or hours of grueling practice, your friends would finally be back in your grasp.
You’re happy for them, that no one could deny, but it still hurts keeping a distance from the people you cherish the most. God, good thing this ends tonight, you’d been needing to blow off some steam.
Your ears prick up at the sound of tires rubbing over the gravel, you quickly finish up any last moment touch ups and Mark's text serves as your final queue to make your way outside.
Markly [10:50]: outside :)
Man, you would've never thought that seeing a pair of silver vans outside your house would bring you so much joy. You briskly make your way to one of the tinted vehicles, the door automatically opens and you are greeted with roars of cheers, if you didn’t know any better you would’ve assumed their favorite sports team just scored a goal, you don't mind it at all, in fact, you think they could be louder. You echo their enthusiasm, taking in each of their smiling faces before shimmying into your seat, you appreciate that they always left the seat closest to the door empty for you, makes things a whole lot easier, you know?
Their chauffeur (manager lmao) makes sure that everyone’s buckled up before pulling out of your place.
Questions immediately begin to bounce off the walls of the small van, “hey how’ve you been!? I feel like I haven't seen you in a minute..” Mark ponders, a warm smile gracing his features.
Haechan quickly chimes in without missing a beat, “She always disappears during promotions, have you guys just noticed?”
The members look back at him all at once, their faces show that they’re calculating the math, then they turn to look at you. The sudden attention kind of catches you off guard, damn, busted..
Before anyone has a chance to question, you rely on your wits to help you change the subject , “Awww Haechan… I didn't know you kept tabs on me, do you really like me that much?”, a smug grin is plastered across your face. Yeah, this should do it..
You’ve never seen Haechan’s eyes widen like that, his lips pucker into a small “o” as his gaze remained fixed on you. The members waste no time to point out his expression, you let out a cackle as you soak in his flustered face.
He attempts to summon his composure, when that fails he rolls his eyes instead, scoffing at your seemingly ridiculous statement, “Pffft, in your dreams.”
You mentally applaud yourself for not being on the receiving end of Haechan’s playful taunts for once, you can't deny that your ego is soaring right now. So this is why he behaves the way he does..
You lower your eyes, glaring at him as the left side of your lips curl into a smile, “Yeah, ok, sure.. I’ll pretend to believe you..” He lets out a breathy, almost silent chuckle as his tongue pokes against his cheek, it seems as if he can’t bear to hold eye contact with you any longer because he turns to face the window.
Haechan, giving up? Huh…
This sudden dominance, or whatever it is you have over him is quite amusing to say the least…
You take his silent surrender as a queue to move on.
Laughter and jokes continue to resonate in the van as you all fill each other in on any random moments that have accumulated in the past couple of months, nothing is off limits. It's nice to hear their voices again, you always appreciated that no matter how long you spent time apart from them, you were able to pick things up like it was nothing, it’s one of the luxuries of having long standing childhood friends that you often relished in.
A couple of minutes of catching up go by, you begin to notice the familiar billboards so you take it upon yourself to ask if everyone’s ready for tonight, and their faces light up in response, Johnny is the first to speak, “Hell yeah man, it's been so long.”
He was right, they've been busy for a consecutive couple of months now, they deserve to let loose.
Your eyes scan the streets to gauge the liveliness of the night, before you know it you’ve finally made it to your destination, an exclusive club in Hongdae. Security and confidentiality was what made the place so appealing to celebrities. Here, they were able to fully experience their 20’s without having to worry about public scrutiny.
The car comes to a stop and a symphony of clicks are heard as the members move to open the doors. Their faces are quickly met with the brisk air slamming into their cheeks. As everyone makes their way out of the car you take your time to admire the way the tips of everyone’s noses have slightly pinkened thanks to the cold. You’re snapped out of it as you hear your name being called, you whip your head to the other van and see the rest of the members. You’re greeted by Taeil first, “Hey y/n! It’s been a while, huh? Glad you’re back.”, you immediately smile and reach out for a big hug, partially because you missed him and partially to get rid of the cold that was beginning to envelop your body.
Taeyong decides to skip out on these types of outings since he’s not much of a drinker, and Doyoung would much rather spend his time surrounded by peace and quiet, so naturally Johnny steps in as today’s leader. He gathers everyone just outside the doors of the van, making sure to get a headcount before you make your way into the club. You take your time to greet the members that had been in the other van, making sure to congratulate them on their steady success with the recent album and their stages.
Once Johnny makes sure everyone is accounted for, you all head towards the entrance. Today the club was bustling, you could tell by the amount of people drifting on the sidewalk, some crouching down puking, others having a smoke break, believe it or not, they all seem to be enjoying themselves.
As you approach the main entrance, the two bouncers share a look and immediately unhook the velvet ropes. Jungwoo laughs as one of the bulky men breaks his stoic expression, “Y/N?? I haven’t seen you all in a while!! Have a round on me, I'll let the bartender know, Have fun tonight, ok?” He says with a wink. The boys cheer as you lean closer to him to give your thanks “Heeey, thanks Manny I’ll have to make it up to you some other time!”. How cool of him...
You obviously weren’t going to take him up on his offer, I mean if it was one drink sure, but a round of shots for 8 people? That's pushing it honestly.. Instead, you make sure to let the bartender know to put whatever he got tonight on your tab, yeah that's fair, he’s always been so nice to you and the boys anyways, so why not?
As you make it past the main entrance you can immediately feel the bass reverberating off the walls. Once you all reach the end of the dimly lit hallway, you can feel the anticipation beginning to rise, Johnny turns around to take a look at all of you “Lady and Gentlemen, let the fun begin…” He says as he pushes open the thick steel door.
Colorful lights splash against every surface, no matter where you look, something seems to be going on. Your vantage point offers a view of the entire club. You’re greeted by a pool of bodies floating around the dance floor, you place your hands on the balcony rails as you soak in your surroundings. You feel a hand being set down on your own, your eyes scan the limb upwards to find that it’s Yuta, he doesn’t say anything but just raises his eyebrows and gives his signature smile, you mimic his expressions and begin to follow him as he leads you to the section, the rest of the boys followed suit.
They’re greeted with every step they take, “Congratulations!” and “Long time no see’s” are being spewed at them left and right. You slowly begin to loosen your grasp on Yuta’s hand as you notice the way people have immediately flocked to them. He gives you a light squeeze, nodding a small “no” to indicate refusal of your actions. You return the squeeze, leaning into his ear to try to overcome the thumping music, “It’s okay! I’ll go set up the drinks, meet us at the table when you’re done!!” He concedes, letting go of your hand watching you make your way through the crowd to your guys’ section. When he notices that Mark trails you he allows himself to take his eyes off of you.
You successfully make your way into the section, pleased to see that your request had been fulfilled, 8 shots were placed in a semi circle on the glass table, ready to be gulped down. You took the time to call beforehand to make sure the bar had all the members favorite liquor in stock, and they even took the time to prep them like this, huh, you can see why you guys keep coming back. There was no need for labels on the shot glasses, each member had their specific tastes so it was easy to differentiate them. Don Julio, Fireball, Jose Cuervo, Jack, Jameson, etc… Some were questionable to say the least, but hey, it’s what they like…
As you’re looking down at the table, you hear a sudden “BOO!” accompanied by fingers nudging into your shoulders. You know, after all these years you’d think Mark would’ve given up on his attempts to scare you but that doesn’t seem to be the case, he still tries his hardest even though he’s met with failure Every. Single. Time. But hey, that’s Mark’s charm.
Dang, you really missed his little antics.
You bring your hands to your heart, dramatically feigning your recovery from the so-called “scare”. Once he giggles at your reaction you offer him a snack, ones graciously provided by the club. He scans the small basket, it's like watching a kid raid their candy bag after a night out trick-or-treating. You notice the way his eyes glimmer as he identifies the watermelon sour patch kids, and you can’t help the smile that grows on your face.
He shoves a few in his mouth before he notices he didn’t offer you any so he extends his hand out, shaking the bag to signal you to get some. You place your palm out and he dumps a few into your hand. The small action momentarily fills you with nostalgia, they taste like the past, you mean that in the best way possible.
You two take the time to catch up while snacking on the candy, your brain absorbs every little detail that spills past his lips. Talking to someone is one thing, but talking to Mark has always been a breath of fresh air, you can't explain it, he gives every word such importance, you can't help but be captivated.
After minutes filled with laughter and him filling you in on his recent activities, you begin to feel a bit thirsty, so you ask if he’s down for a lil pregame shot while you two wait on the other members to make their ways to the section, he happily indulges you, moving towards the bar cart thats a few steps away, “Your favorite, right?”
He doesn’t waste time waiting for you to answer because he already knows what your response is gonna be. One of the things you had in common was your love for sweet liquor, because why would anyone willingly subject their throat to that burn..
A golden colored liquid makes its way into two empty shot glasses, its saccharine scent could be smelt from steps away. Once he fills the glasses, he hands one off to you, you decide on dedicating this first round to him, looking him in the eyes as you begin to speak, “To your hard work and efforts on the new album, just know that it never goes unnoticed, and please know that you can always count on me to be there for you whenever you need me to be, I'm proud of you dude.”
It's funny, he meets your eyes then dodges your gaze mid toast, it seems he found comfort in looking at the floor instead. You decide on not questioning it, his expression is one of content after all. You find it more amusing to tease him a bit (still living off the high from Haechan earlier..) “Oh my god don’t tell me you’re blushing right now”, you say in a sing-songy voice as your pointer finger nudges his shoulder. “Are you that touched?”, you gently bring your hands up on top of your heart to emphasize the sentiment…It only takes Mark a few seconds before he’s able to hold eye contact once again, shaking his head at you as his goofy smile makes its way onto his features. He decides to ignore your previous statements, raising his glass to simply state, “To us! I’m really glad you’re here, let's have fun tonight.” You nod, clicking your glasses before you two down the shot. You miss the way his gaze stays fixed on you, he can't hide a content smile as you close your eyes, sighing in content, relishing in the fact that you didn’t have to worry about any bitter aftertaste.
You’re both startled by a playful lilt coming from behind, “What are you two doiingg?”. A quick “Nothing!” leaves your lips in unison and when you both turn to face each other, you can't help but burst out into laughter. Johnny finds it amusing, the way you two act like a couple of teenagers who just got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to.
He makes his way to your side, “If you guys are going to pregame, at least serve me one too!”He pouts, but only for a second before he bares his teeth at you. That’s your queue to present the chrome salver that held the pre-poured shots so nicely.
Johnny doesn’t hesitate to pick up his drink, knowing instantly which one belonged to him. He quirks a brow at you as he eyes the shot glass, “Damn you really love us, huh?”
You tilt your head as you suck in a small breath “Nah, I wouldn’t say all that… Maybe just a little..”
The two boys chuckle at your response. Before Johnny has the chance to gulp down his drink he hears his name being called out in the sea of people. It's kind of amazing how he managed to locate the source of the call. He raises the glass up at you, quickly swallows it, and sets it down on the table before sparing you and Mark one last glance, “Don’t have too much fun without me, yeah?”, with a playful wink, he disappears within the crowd.
Eventually the rest of the members make it to the table, each downing their designated drinks, laughing, and socializing in and out of the section. After the 4th round of shots you begin to feel the effects of the alcohol setting in, nothing anyone wouldn’t be able to handle though, you make a mental note to hydrate before the next rounds just to stay on top of your toes.
The boys seem to be having fun, each in their own little worlds, you can't suppress the smile that creeps onto your face as you take in their expressions. It's been so long since you’ve all had a night out together, you’re elated to see that everyone appears to be enjoying it. You take it upon yourself to mingle within the confines of the club, occasionally coming back to the section whenever anyone would order a round. It's becoming harder to keep tabs of how many shots you’ve taken, so after a certain point you decide to stop keeping track.
The alcohol has fully made its way into your bloodstream, the realization hits when you’re stumbling into the women’s bathroom struggling to lock the stall door. Damn when did these things get so difficult? Eventually you manage to shut it before continuing to handle your business. Luckily, unlocking the stall door is a much easier task.
You make your way to the sink because you’ll be damned if you become one of those girlies who don't wash their hands after using it, even though you’re tipsy your sense of hygiene is still intact.
The suds begin to envelop your hands, you sway a bit to the music before deciding an appropriate amount of time was spent lathering your hands. After you finish rinsing the last of the soap off, you take a quick glance in the mirror, taking the time to fix any stray hairs. You blow yourself a kiss before heading out.
You decide to settle on the dance floor, the music is directing your movements at this point. You look around the crowd to see if any of the members are near you, you make eye contact with a few that are, waving at them as you grin ear to ear. You have yet to spot the youngests of the group though, so you look in the next logical place, your beloved section.
That’s where you spot them, Jungwoo, Haechan, and Mark, each with a glass in their hand. You motion towards them in an attempt to get their attention, the crowd was looking a bit sparse, you figured more people wouldn’t hurt.
Jungwoo is the first to notice you and he lifts his glass in return. Unfortunately his simple acknowledgment wasn’t enough for you right now, so what’s the next best thing? Ah yeah… genius, you think.
You mimicked throwing a lasso in his direction, because if anyone were to go along with the bit, it was gonna be Jungwoo.
You begin to tug on the imaginary lasso and he lifts up, adding the exaggerated theatrics you sought out. At first Mark and Haechan look at him confused, but as you continue pulling, they connect the dots.
Jungwoo has made his way to your side, and you two let the music carry you. You spare the sitting younger boys a glance and motion for them to join you, Haechan shares a look with Mark, the left side of his lips tilt into a smile, “Should we join her or what?”. Mark keeps his eyes glued to you as he answers him, “I’m good watching, you should go though, have fun.”.
Haechan shrugs him off and sets his glass down, “Yeah, I’m planning on it…”. Mark is a couple shots in himself so doesn’t really pay Haechan’s statement any mind.
You notice Haechan get up but instead of coming towards you, he waltzes over to the DJ booth.
Booooo, if anyone would be down to dance it’d be Haechan? Maybe he just wasn’t in the mood tonight…
You peel your eyes off of him and decide to see if you can maybe persuade Mark once more, when the lasso trick fails, a gloomy expression resides on your face, you pantomime wiping the non-existent tears from your eyes. He laughs it off, and although he’s well out of earshot, you could’ve sworn you heard his laughter from across the floor, you can't help but giggle in response. Once you see that your efforts are fruitless, you decide to redirect your attention to Jungwoo. He takes your hand and twirls you around a couple of times, he might’ve snorted a bit when you stumble after the third spin.
When you pause to recover from the dizziness you see Haechan sauntering towards you two, an excited smile makes its way to your features.
“Couldn’t resist the fun, could you?” You beam up at him.
“How could I ever?”, he throws you a mischievous grin but you’re a bit too far gone to even notice.
As you envelop him in a hug the lights of the club suddenly begin to dim, turning a deep red. You look around you to see if it was just part of your imagination, but the roars in response to the shift in mood are what make you realize you’re not dreaming.
The mid tempo song that now echoed throughout the club called for slow movements, the groovy baseline paired with the ambiance set in place by club directors clearly portrayed their intentions for this particular moment. All at once, people make their way to the dance floor. In the rapid movement, Jungwoo had been swallowed into another section of the floor, so that left you and Haechan alone. Your eyes widen as sweaty bodies continue to force you two closer and closer by the second. Haechan doesn’t seem to mind so you decide you wouldn’t either.
The fact that you were still locked in the hug from earlier gave Haechan easy access to your body. His left hand reached for your face, his touches were feathery as he caressed your cheek, he chuckles a bit when you lean into his hand. Hmm how responsive…
Your response to his touch only encourages him to keep going. He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear before he lets his fingers glide along your jawline, they find refuge beneath your chin, resting there a bit before he decides to tilt your head upwards, allowing his eyes to come into contact with yours.
Low eyes study your features as a conceited smile creeps onto his face, you could’ve sworn you felt his irises searing into your flesh. He maintains steady eye contact before shifting his attention down to your lips, the quietest snicker leaves him as he inches closer towards your face, you can only flutter your eyes shut in response. Your senses prick up when you feel his plump lips graze against your ear, he lets out a small exhale before dropping his voice a couple octaves to whisper,
“You should probably close your mouth.”
You knew you had been a bit far gone but damn… How long had it been open?
He retracts his head from the side of your body to take a look at your pretty face. The pleasure he gets from watching you snap out of his trance in real time scratches his ego in just the right spot, he tilts his head slightly as a cheeky grin envelopes his features, “You were so bold in the car, why are you acting so shy all of a sudden?”
You know, you wish you could say something, anything, to convince him his actions were not having an effect on you, but the alcohol has definitely dulled your wits. You go for the option that first comes to mind, playing it off… Yeah that should work..
Whatever is left of his spell wears off because you’re finally able to look him in the eyes again, “Oh please, I’m an entertainer! I had an audience to please,” you scoff, waving him off.
Yeah that should buy me enough time to build my defenses back up, you think.
You clearly miss the glint in his eyes before he leans into you once more,
“I’m your audience now, so how about you please me?”
Hmm, that definitely sobered you up a bit…
You feel a small fire light up in your stomach, but you’ll be damned if you let him win again, he’s already gotten to you once tonight and that was enough for your taste, so you decide to stand your ground, lifting an index finger to his face, “ONE dance, since you want it so bad.” Ha, now it was his turn to scoff.
You turn around so your back faces him, the fact that he wouldn’t be able to get a read on your face was the main reason for this action, but you’re not going to complain about how close it brought you two.
The movements were set by Haechan, slow and drawn out to match the tempo of the song resounding throughout the club. He doesn’t waste time letting his curious hands roam your body. Each gentle drag across your exposed skin only stokes the flame that sits at the pit of your stomach, with each second that passes you begin to feel what once was a small pile of embers grow into a blistering heat.
Sweaty bodies surrounded your perimeter so unsolicited contact wasn’t unexpected, but Haechan’s grazes were different. You could’ve sworn he was riddling your skin with scorch marks, your eyes followed his fingers each time they came in contact with you just to make sure you were indeed imagining it.
At this point your ass was flush against his pelvis, the heat radiating off of him was beginning to become unbearable. You may have pushed deeper into him as he controlled your movements, not that he was complaining, his grip on your waist becoming tighter was quite the indicator. The song is beginning to reach its final couple of seconds, with that, your shared movements naturally begin to die down.
Before fully disconnecting from each other Haechan takes the opportunity to snake his hand upwards to the nape of your neck, he decides to continue a bit more into your scalp, taking a fistful of your hair, delicately tugging at the strands to turn your head to face him, your glossy eyes make contact with his.
God, did you always look like that, or was this expression only something you’ve shared with me?, he thought to himself.
The red lights compliment his features, if it were up to you, you’d look up at him until your neck cramped up, but you’ve unconsciously relinquished any authority over your body at the moment.
He chuckles at you before gently tilting your head to the side a bit, granting him access to your neck. The way you openly let him control your movements had his head spinning,
“What else would you be willing to let me do to you?”
His lips nip at your collarbone, traveling upwards, making sure to graze your jugular, because if you weren’t going to comment on how you were feeling, your body would do it for you.
A small huff is all you feel against your skin after he confirms his effects on you, but your senses are far too overstimulated for you to even realize he’s caught onto you. The journey of exploring your neck concludes when he comes to a halt at the shell of your ear, his lips graze it ever so slightly before he opens his mouth,
“Consider me fully pleased.”, his gravelly voice resonates in your eardrums.
He places what could possibly be one of the most delicate kisses onto your neck, before releasing his grip on your hair. You slowly turn to fully face him now, almost as if your body is just now processing all that it’s experienced in the past couple of minutes. His eyes don't focus on yours immediately, instead he concentrates on smoothing your hair back to its original state.
Before the final seconds of the instrumental fades into nothing his hand extends towards yours, pupils finally meeting your own. He simply brings your hand up to his lips, placing a small kiss on it, not once even daring to break eye contact. And with that, the song seals the moment you’ve shared perfectly. As the crowd woos the Dj’s choice in music taste, Haechan gives you a genuine smile paired with a wink before he makes his way back to your shared section.
You’re left completely bewildered, motionless in the crowd as you maintain focus on the back of his head. It takes Jungwoo rushing into your side for your senses to slowly make their return. “Wow that was amazing, did you see all the pretty lights?”, he asks with actual genuine curiosity. He decides to wave his hand in front of your face after not getting a response, “Helloo?”.
You feel your feet beginning to plant themselves back onto earth, that’s when you’re able to coherently form a sentence again. You beam upwards towards him, “It was mind blowing Jungwoo…”. He lets out a cackle before engulfing your entire upper body in the tightest hug, nuzzling his sweaty forehead against yours, “Haha, how cute, let's get something to drink, yeah?”, I mean, you've known Jungwoo for years now but it still amazes you how much he was into skinship, even in these conditions. Before you can answer he’s already tugging you towards your shared section. With your free hand you wipe away the sheen of perspiration that had built up on your forehead while dancing with Haechan.
The two of you finally arrive at your designated space. You see Johnny and Jaehyun have taken the liberty of inviting a few girls over, these two were like magnets, everywhere they went people just seemed to flock towards them, it was a sight to see truly, but you had more important things to focus on, your feet were begging for a break so you scan the section to find the next available seating. You spot a little booth off to the side, Mark and Yuta are already sitting there, perfect, you were in need of some familiarity after all you had gone through in the last 5 minutes.
You make a beeline to the booth and greet the boys, while Yuta immediately returns your smile, Mark doesn’t even bother to look in your direction, eyes deciding to focus anywhere but where you are standing. Hmmm, that's strange.. maybe he just wasn’t feeling the club anymore? He seemed fine a couple minutes ago? Maybe he just didn’t hear me? But that’s impossible because Yuta—
Your internal dialogue is cut off by Yuta signaling you to sit next to him, you plop beside him, “Having fun tonight?”, he asks. Phew, that's one way to put it. You resort to gestures to provide him with an answer, offering a mellowed out thumbs up. He chuckles as his hand reaches up to ruffle your hair.
“What about you?”, you ask, genuinely curious about what he’d say. Before he’s able to give you an answer he hears his name being called. Without a second thought you raise yourself up, urging him to see what’s up with his friend, he apologizes before leaving, “I promise to answer you when I get back!”He flashes a smile before tailing his friend, leaving you and Mark at the booth.
You position yourself in front of Mark, he wouldn’t be able to ignore what was right in front of him… right? You prop your elbows onto the table, “So how about you, mark?”, not even a second goes by before he answers you, “Never been better.” His voice was monotonous, devoid of any emotion, and he still has yet to spare you a single glance. Something’s definitely wrong, it's clear as day now. You knew Mark could be a bit hot headed sometimes, but it's never been anything like this?
You quickly scan your memories of what’s happened tonight to see if you could’ve said something to tick him off, but to your recollection, everything with him was going great up until now? Whatever it was you weren’t in the mood to handle his passive aggressiveness, not when everyone’s supposed to be having a good time. So you immediately cut to the chase, the alcohol in your system unconsciously dissolving any sort of brain to mouth filter you’d usually uphold, “Sooo, are you gonna act like a child, or are you going to use your words and say what’s wrong?”
His eyes finally look into yours, but the feeling is different. He’s never looked at you like this before and it’s driving you mad that you can’t pinpoint why.
A bitter expression dawns his features, he takes a combative tone. “I’m fine, and you seem to be having a blast too, so what exactly is the problem?”
Your brows knit together, still unsure of where all this hostility is coming from, and why the hell it's even being directed at you. You immediately become defensive, “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Why are you acting like this? Did I say something to make you upset?”, your sentences were laced with exasperation.
Mark opens his mouth to speak but before words are able to leave his lips, he’s interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Everything alright over here?”Haechan questions, he doesn’t ask for permission before he settles next to you in the booth. He offers you a smile before his eyes land on Mark, “Hope I’m not interrupting anything?”
Mark scoffs, “I was just leaving.”
He gives Haechan a once over before he plants his palms on the table to force himself up, storming off into the crowd.
Your eyes follow Mark's figure as it makes its way to the club’s exit. When you lose him in the sea of people, you redirect towards Haechan, “What’s up with him?”, you sigh before you prop an elbow on the table, letting your face rest in your palm, “Dude I wish I knew...”
The last thing Mark sees before exiting the club is Haechan’s hand placed on your back, rubbing small circles into your flesh. He mentally curses at himself for even deciding to look back at you.
Mark successfully makes it out of the club, the cool wind that smacks him in the face causes him to lose his balance momentarily, after a few steps he eventually decides to settle on an empty part of the curb.
His eyes close as he pushes out a deep sigh, nimble fingers fumble in his pockets to find the vape Johnny asked him to hold onto before they left the dorms. He oggles the small contraption with curiosity before bringing it up to his mouth. I’m pretty sure this is how Johnny does it…
He takes in a long drag and before he knows it, his lungs reach their limit, now I just let it sit there right…? He attempts to hold in the smoke but his lungs aren't having it. He enters a coughing fit, small clouds of smoke leave his pinched lips with each puffed exhale, he comes to the realization that it may be better to stop resisting it, so he lets out all the smoke in one blow. Great. Now he was pissed off and his throat stings, wonderful.
As he brings his hands up to his throat in an attempt to soothe himself, he can’t help but replay what happened earlier. Why would he shamelessly caress you like that for the world to see? Seeing you pressed up against Haechan only filled him with rage, which only increased by tenfold when the little shit was daring enough to hold eye contact with him, knowing the way his actions were affecting him. He’d pull you in closer each second Mark observed you two, sending him a wink when your body was flush against his.
Each time his hands laid themselves on your body he couldn’t help but wonder; Were you actually enjoying the way he was touching you, is that what you liked? How would you react if it was his hands on you instead? Would you be just as welcoming, maybe even a bit more?
Envy coursed through his entire being each time you two closed the gap between each other, what was he saying into your ear so sweetly that made you look at him like that? Did you have a thing for him?—
Mark shakes away the image of you two, finally letting an ounce of rationality seep into his system. He stares blankly ahead as he lets out a low groan. It finally hits him just how immaturely he handled the situation, I mean, you never belonged to him? You were well within your right to dance with whoever you wanted. How were you supposed to know how he felt? It's not like he’s ever told you anything?
His face finds refuge in his palms as he exhales. After sitting with his thoughts for a couple of minutes, he reaches into his pocket for his phone. He fumbles with it a bit before getting it right-side up. The bright screen lights up to reveal a picture Doyoung had taken of the both of you. Even drunk he’s able to recall what the two of you were doing, and the exact words that left his mouth, making you laugh the way you did. He smiles at the screen for a few seconds before paying attention to the time; 2:08AM. Dang it's pretty late… He determines that his night has come to an end, the thought of having to look Haechan in the face leaves a sour taste in his mouth, and he doesn’t want to put a damper on anyone’s (your) night more than he possibly has already.
With a few clicks he reaches his managers contact page,
Mark [2:10] : hey, yoiclose ??
Manager hyung [2:11] : Gonna be honest I didn’t expect you to be done so early, I’ll come to the front, we can meet there.
Mark [2:13] : csn we stip for food. ?
Mark slumps against his manager as he raises himself up, “Ah hyung, you always take care of me, thank you.” His words are slurred but his manager understands the sentiment. He helps Mark stumble his way to the car, making sure he’s buckled up before slipping into the driver's seat.
They’re a couple stops away from Mark’s favorite noodle shop before he asks him “What dish are you feeling tonight?”. When he doesn’t receive a response he adjusts his rear-view mirror to get a look at Mark, who has drifted into what seems like a peaceful sleep. He chuckles a bit at the boy’s figure, luckily the redirection wouldn’t take long, the place was near the dorms after all.
Pain. Throbbing pain settled on the left side of your head. That’s all you feel as you find the courage to open your eyes. You’re dazzled by the sunshine bouncing off the walls of the room, so you immediately pinch them shut. You know you’re at the dorms, the question is, who's?
Since sight is faltering at the moment, you decide to rely on your other senses for an answer. A small hum of a computer fan is what registers first, and you can only assume you’re in one of three rooms. It becomes clearer where you reside after taking in a deep breath, a familiar citrusy scent makes its way to your nostrils. Yup, this is Haechan’s room.
After what seems like a few minutes, you gradually begin to open up your eyes, allowing them to expand from a squint until they’re fully open. You slowly bring yourself up so that your back rests against the headboard. The shared room is pretty neat, it looks like they’ve got an air purifier running, oh so it wasn’t a computer...
Your eyes look over to scan Johnny’s bed and see that besides a small ruffle on the edge, it's fully made. He must’ve slept in the living room or something… hmm, that's pretty strange, he's never minded sleeping in the presence of others, much less you. Damn, could it be possible that he didn’t even make it upstairs?—
Your thoughts are interrupted by Doyoung’s muffled voice that can be heard through the walls. “Set up the table and go wake her up, she should eat something.”. A small groan is all you hear in response, followed by metal utensils clattering as someone springs a drawer open.
A small smile registers onto your face at the command. As you let out a deep breath your eyes peer down to the small bedside table, it holds a neatly setup cup of water and 2 extra strength Tylenols. When your hand reaches towards the cup you notice it has a sticky note on it, “please enjoy deliciously ;)” the little sun drawn on the corner lets you know this was Haechan’s doing. You let out a laugh but immediately stop, as it causes your head to pulse even harder.
Once you take the two pills you bring your body to the edge of the bed, slowly encouraging your brain to allow you to stand on your two feet. Your legs hover a bit before coming into contact with the floor and before you know it you’re standing, completely still but hey, you’re up.
You’re mid-stretch as you hear heavy footsteps making their way towards the room, and suddenly Haechan bursts through the door. You wince at the sound of the door slamming back into the wall. “My god, do you have to be that lou—“, you’re cut off by arms wrapping around you, flinging you onto the mattress. Haechan lands on top of you, legs cradling your sides. He soaks in your fatigued state, bringing a hand to your face to gently stroke your cheek, “All tired out from last night, huh?”
Your heart stops. You’re unable to produce a sentence as you attempt to recall last night's events, only to be met with splotchy blurbs of memories instead of full stories.
Haechan notices the panic in your face, and to be completely frank he revels in it a bit before revealing the truth to you. “I’ll save you the hassle, we didn’t sleep together.”
Relief washes over your features, and you shut your eyes, “Oh thank go—“
Once again you’re cut off, sleep still coats Haechan’s voice as he leans into your ear, “Although I will say, it was very hard to turn down your begging, you looked so pretty when you were—”, You pinch the underside of his arm to get him to shut up, and you’re glad it works, you shove him off of you, bringing yourself to stand up. He writhes around on the bed, exaggerating his pain, letting out dramatically loud wails. Seeing him like that made you almost forget how shit you were feeling, almost…
“Ok, alright, relax you little princess.”, you murmur.
He immediately freezes to make eye contact with you, “You think I’m pretty enough to be a princess?”
An amused scoff is all you can let out before deciding to change the subject, “If we didn’t sleep together, where did you sleep?”
His brows furrow at first, but he soon realizes what you mean, “Oh no— we slept together, we just didn’t sleep together, you know?”
Me and Haechan… In the same bed?
He can see the gears turning in your head at this newfound information, you fail to register the glint in his eyes before he continues, “ So you're telling me that you don't remember clinging to me all night, whining nonstop to get me to hug you back?”
You pinch your eyes shut, both hands instinctively make their way to your temple, lightly massaging the throbbing flesh.
“Of course I caved, I’ve never seen you act like that, plus Doyoung was getting sick of your noises, he came to check on us because you were that loud.”
Great, not only had you embarrassed yourself in front of Haechan but out of all the members on the 5th floor, DOYOUNG was the one to witness it? What kind of sick joke was this?
Your mortification is cut short by a knock on the door, you turn your head to see Johnny’s rangy frame leaning against the door. He eyes you up and down before his attention darts to Haechan then back to you, he does this twice and his face is awfully smug prior to opening his mouth, “Come on, you two dont want to make mom mad.” His voice is still gruff and you find pleasure that, by the looks of it, you weren’t the only one that had a rough night. As he pulls the knob to shut the door, he gives you one last grin, then he’s off with a shake of his head.
You slowly turn to focus your attention back to Haechan, pointing your thumb towards the door, “What was that all about?”
He feigns an unknowing shrug as a smile paints across his face, “Idk let's go eat, you already pissed off Doyoung earlier, don't wanna make it worse for yourself.”
As you mentally seek the courage to be able to look Doyoung in the eyes, Haechan climbs out of his bed and drapes an arm around your shoulder, leading you both to their shared kitchen.
When you step foot into the kitchen you’re greeted with groans and a couple of surveying looks instead of actual hellos. What could they possibly be looking at, this isn’t the first time they've seen me hungover? You decide to ignore their prying eyes, too tired to question their behavior.
So far, it's only the members of the 5th floor that reside in the kitchen, but you know it won’t be long until the rest of them make their way downstairs.
Doyoung’s parked in front of the stove. He always makes food for everyone after a night out, it's basically routine at this point. You know, even though he nags throughout the entire cooking process, you always notice the way he tries to hide his smile when he sees everyone digging in. You'll always be grateful that you have the privilege of calling him your friend, his presence is absolutely vital.
The only semblance of liveliness can be felt radiating off of Taeyong. You’re fascinated, staring at him with admiration as you watch him prep the plates of food, making sure to garnish each dish till he's satisfied with their presentation.
You decide to settle next to Johnny who leans his head on your shoulder when you’ve fully sat down. Bringing a hand to his head, you begin stroking his hair, “Have fun, at least?”, you ask, voice still a bit groggy.
“Of course… Not as much as you tho,” he says in between chuckles.
You freeze when the rest of the members chortle in unison to show that they second his statement.
I couldn’t have been that bad right? … Right…?
Hmmm maybe it's better to address the situation before continuing on…
You lift yourself up from your seat, gathering the attention of everyone in the room, making sure to meet eyes with each and everyone of them, “I’m gonna be completely honest, I don’t remember everything that happened, but I’m really sorry for whatever I might’ve done yesterday, and Doyoung, I apologize if I might’ve bothered you last night, that wasn’t my intention...”
The silence that filled the room was deafening, all that could be heard was the sizzling of whatever Doyoung was frying on the stove. Guilt washes over your entire being, gaze instinctively dropping to the table. Damn, what the fuck did I do?
Suddenly, a roaring laughter erupts, it's enough to startle you out of your remorseful state. Your head Immediately shoots up when Doyoung is the first to speak, “Why are you the one apologizing, Haechan was the one I could hear the most?”. A flurry of agreements echo within the room.
Your eyes widen at the sudden revelation of truth, they seek out Haechan who immediately feels the daggers you’re shooting at him. Punk ass liar…
Phew, I mean, at least now you know you weren’t the one being a complete nuisance. Still, this leaves a lot of questions unanswered, and it's becoming a bit tiresome to try to mentally fill in the blanks, so you settle on asking what happened instead.
“We had a blast at the club, but the real fun began when we came home.” Johnny grins, he notices the way your eyes are pleading him to continue, so he does,
“You couldn’t make it up the stairs so I had to carry you, but honestly listening to you going off on Mark was personally the highlight of my night,” Contemplation riddles his features before he resumes, “You know what, scratch that, it was actually when you threw up on yourself… and Haechan.” He cackles as he recalls your actions, meanwhile you can only duck your head and inhale a sharp breath in response.
The boys laugh as they replay the memory, you giggle a bit yourself as you bring your head up to look at Haechan, “…I may not be able to recall everything that happened last night, but I really feel that deep, deep down… you might’ve deserved that.”, you beam at him from across the table.
He raises his pitch a bit in an attempt to mimic your voice “ Wehh, i think you deserved it meh bleh blah— I can't believe this is how you treat someone who literally took care of you all night..”
Johnny interjects before you’re able to counter, “Hmmm I wouldn’t necessarily say that. I mean yeah, you did clean her up and all but you literally wouldn’t let her out of your grasp after that, I had to sleep in the living room because you were being so obnoxious.”
Leave it to Johnny to spare the bullshit lol, it's part of his charm that you often commend.
Doyoung relishes in the fact that he finally got an answer to his unvoiced question, “Oh so that’s why you’re wearing his clothes.”
A stream of “Ahhh’s” and nods of realization follow Doyoung’s statement.
You look down to see Haechan’s garments covering your body, top to bottom.
You're at a loss for words at first, then your eyes widen at the sound of alarms going off in your head, “YOU STRIPPED ME?!?”
All heads turn to Haechan, who remains unphased at the sudden attention, “I mean yeah, I wasn’t going to let you sleep on my bed after you puked all over us? Would you have preferred if I left you sitting in your pile of vomit?”
The gazes shift in your direction now. Damnit, you hate it when he made sense… Silence fills the room, but it's quickly shortened,
“Your panties were super cute by the way, I always did love Wall-e.”
The members attempt to stifle their laughter, but they inevitably fail, quite miserably in fact…
A deep warmth rushes to your face, you fight through your embarrassment though, forcing yourself to meet Haechan’s observant eyes, “Yeah I’m gonna need you to erase that image of me from your memory, IMMEDIATELY..”
“Sorry, already seared into my memory. I might need it for when i get a littl—“
“OHKAYYY, food’s ready!! Who’s hungry?” Taeyong jumps in to save you from further embarrassment, he sets a couple of bowls on the table before sitting himself down.
Haechan snickers at you before shoving a spoonful of rice in his mouth, he makes a conscious effort to chew extra loudly before blowing you a kiss.
“Gross.”, You sneer.
“You know you love it.”
You roll your eyes as you bring a spoonful of warm broth near your mouth, you let the smell fill your nostrils before digging in. Damn, Doyoung’s meals really never miss.
You can feel your stomach unknotting with each spoonful you take in. A comfortable silence fills the kitchen as you all savor the food, the cacophony of quiet slurps and metal brushing against porcelain dies down slightly when you hear the front door opening.
Yuta and Taeil are the first to make their appearance, compared to the rest of the group, they seem to be walking on water. Congratulations, sooo happy for them... They greet everyone with warm smiles before taking whatever seats are left at the table. Doyoung had already set up bowls for everyone, so all there was left to do was dig in.
As Taeil swallows his first bite of food his eyes land on your figure, he notices your attire and it strikes a thought, “Hey, Haechan has a shirt just like that!”
“It’s his.”
The way everyone in the room felt the need to respond to his observation in unison has you choking on a spoonful of rice.
Taeil and Yuta look at you wide eyed, before their attention shifts to Haechan, who does nothing but wiggle his eyebrows at them.
Yuta turns to look at you once more with what seems like a concerned look etched across his features, “ Wait… So you two.. Slept together?”
You enter a coughing fit at this point.
Johnny offers you a glass of water along with a pat on the back, once your breaths are under control you clear your throat to give Yuta an answer, “Absolutely not. I may or may not have thrown up on myself.. And Haechan… Point is, I ruined my clothes so that's why I’m wearing this..”
Taeil just chuckles as he plays out the image in his head, but your ears are able to pick up the soft sigh of relief that leaves Yuta’s lips, and to be honest you’re not entirely sure why that's his immediate response.
You swallow a gulp of water and attempt to steer the conversation in another direction, “Enough of me though, how was yesterday for you guys?”
The two boys continue on to discuss the highlights of their nights, you’re glad they were able to enjoy themselves and come out of it looking the way they did, they genuinely looked like they had a blast.
As Yuta gives a reenactment of one of his stories he mentions Mark. You politely let him finish before letting your curiosity get the best of you, “Hey so what happened to him last night, did he get home safe— Is he up yet?”. Haechan’s eyes peek up at your displayed interest in Mark’s night, as Yuta parts his lips to reply, he’s quickly cut off, “ Why do you even care, he didn’t even have the decency to say bye to us before bailing last night.”
All eyes are on Haechan now, and that's when he realizes that he verbalized his thoughts instead of keeping them contained.
Johnny shoots him a questioning look, “Woah woah woah, what's with all the hostility all of a sudden?”
He’s stunned, but only for a split second before he formulates a response, “No hostility, just stating what happened.” He drops his spoon in his empty bowl before lifting himself from the table.
Your eyes trail him as he places his dish in the sink and trampes off to his room, all without sparing anyone a single glance.
What the fuck was that?
You raise an eyebrow at his behavior, “ Alright… You were saying Yuta?”
“Oh yeah, He’s asleep for now, Jungwoo promised to wait for him so they can come down together.”
“Perfect!” You immediately raise up off your seat, discarding your used dishes into the dishwasher before briskly making your way to the door.
As you squat down towards the floor to slip on a pair of shoes Taeyong shouts, “Where are you going!?” You peek your head into the kitchen, breath a little short when you reply, “He seemed angry about something yesterday, so I was gonna stop by our favorite spot and get us something so we could talk about it. It's past 9 so it should be open by now, do you guys want anything?” The members shout out a couple of menu items and you make sure to jot them down on a piece of paper so you’ll be set for when you call in the order.
As you slide on some sandals, Johnny makes his way to the door, “Want me to come with?.” You flash him a smile, “It’ll be right back, it shouldn’t take me more than 20 minutes bc it’s a pickup.”
He throws his hands up in the air in a false defeat, “Okie dokie, walk safely then, If you need anything text me, we’ll be here.”
“Bet”, You wave a goodbye at him as you sprint down the hall.
As you arrive at the shop you can see your order sitting on the counter off to the side. When you get ready to make your payment you notice a dessert tray sitting behind the glass window to your left. The pretty white plate holds about six bear shaped cookies, how cute. Hmmmm… Since Haechan didn’t come out to request anything you figured you’d take him some, I mean, you never did thank him for taking care of you after all …
“Hey! I knew it was you, there were a couple extra meals than usual, having some friends over for breakfast?”
The owner is an older woman, she’s taken a liking to you and Mark, every time you two visit she offers something on the house. You always accept it of course so as to not come off as ungrateful, always leaving a sizable tip in return because damn this woman can COOK, you can taste the love she puts into her meals, truly. You silently ponder if this is how Doyoung’s cooking will evolve…
You explain to her how you’ve spent the night with friends and just wanted to provide a meal in return. She smiles wide at your explanation, “They’re very lucky to have you.” The comment has you blushing a bit, she giggles at your slightly flustered figure.
“Would this be all for you then, dear?”
“Oh, and can I also get two of the bear cookies please?”
“Yes of course!”
She packs the cookies in a small brown bag and hands it off to you before continuing to process your payment.
When you grab the order off the table she walks towards the door to hold it open for you, as you approach the threshold, you thank her and she gives one last remark before you make your way back to the dorms, “Make sure to bring your boyfriend next time, he’s a keeper that Mark.”
She places her hands over her mouth before speaking again, “Oh my, don't tell me you two broke up? It wasn’t my intention to bring up any bad memories.”
You chuckle at her worried expression, “Oh no don’t worry, it's nothing like that. Mark and I are just friends, that's all.”
“…Just Friends?” She looks at you as if you had broken out in foreign language.
There’s a small silence before she speaks again, “Are you sure we're talking about the same person, I mean the scrawny one who wears the round glasses. The one you always come in with!” Yup that's Mark alright..
You let out a genuine laugh, one where if anyone were walking by they'd think you just heard the joke of the century.
She just looks at you in amusement as you attempt to regulate your breathing. Once you’re able to catch your breath you give her one last thank you for the meal and head back in the direction of the dorms.
Me and Mark? That’s a new one, you smile to yourself.
She stays at the door observing your walking figure, she titters a bit as she shakes her head, speaking aloud to herself, “Pfft, she can lie to herself all she wants, I see the way they look at each other.”
You return to the 5th floor to deliver the orders, as you step in you celebrate slightly when you notice Jungwoo and Mark still haven’t made it down yet. Echoes of thank yous can be heard as you pass them their food, they look at the meals starry-eyed like they didn’t just eat less than half an hour ago lmao.
Once you ensure everyone’s gotten their food, a quick “You’re welcome!” leaves your lips as you practically glide towards Haechan’s room.
You don't bother knocking, that would take too much time.
He jolts on the bed at your sudden intrusion but he doesn’t bother taking his eyes off of his phone, “What’s this?”
“FOR YOU!!!!!” You yell, crashing next to him on the bed.
He’s still failing to acknowledge your presence, so you decide to get closer, batting your eyes as you shove your face between his eyes and this phone screen. When he breaks out into laughter you explain to him,
“You seemed off earlier plus I mean… I never said thanks, you did take care of me last night.. So like, two birds, you know?”
As he pulls out the cookies, he attempts to hide his enthusiasm, but you’re able to see right through him, “Bears, how original.”
“Oh please, you love it”
“Only a small amount…” He flashes you a smile, the kind that makes its way to his eyes.
After he takes a bite, he brings the cookie up to your mouth, motioning for you to take a bite yourself. When you lean in closer, you open your mouth to welcome the cookie, only for him to shove it up your nose.
You quickly expel the crumbs from your nostril, guffawing at his action, but if you were being honest you kind of wanted to taste it, so you squeeze his arm to hold it still. Even though you tremble a bit to keep it steady, you do manage to get a bite and wow, as expected, the owner has yet to disappoint…
“Hmmm so good~”
He chuckles at your satisfied face, “I know, where did you get it from?”
“Its this one spot Mark and I are always going to, this lady, Haechan, she makes the be—“
He cuts your sentence short, a hint of annoyance laced his words, “Oh yeah, Mark never shuts up about it.”
“I should take you, it's super close! We can go after your schedules one day if you want?”
He pictures it in his head, you, in that one dress he likes, sitting to grab a bite to eat, getting to listen to you go on about whatever interests you in that moment…
He’s looking off into the distance completely silent so you backtrack a bit, “Or not, no pressure…”
When he snaps out of his daydream he looks into your eyes, his face is unreadable and it’s throwing you off. You shift side to side on his bed, fidgeting with the hem of his tee that drapes your body.
He only blinks at you twice before leaning into you, softly placing his hands on each side of your cheeks, his eyes dart back and forth between yours then down to your lips, almost as if he was searching for any sign of resistance on your end. When he finds none, he brings his thumb up to your lips, gently running the digit against them. You let out a soft sigh of relief at the contact, as if the greatest weight had just been lifted off your shoulders, and when your eyes flutter shut he takes it as his queue to close the little remaining distance between you, pressing his plump lips against your own.
A spark of electricity travels through up your spine, causing your brain to momentarily short circuit. Fried neurons send the signal to tilt your head, deepening the kiss. Your lips part slightly to allow him to slip his tongue into your mouth. When his wet muscle comes into contact with your own, you can't help but wonder how it would feel gliding across your body.
Your heart is slamming against your chest as each second goes by and you’re curious if he can hear it. You realize that your brain can't help but crave more of him, because before you know it, you instinctively leap to straddle his lap. The newfound heat of your body on his has him groaning into your mouth. Fuck, it should be illegal for him to sound this pretty…
He slips his hands up your his shirt, raking his fingers up and down your back. Although you made your way onto his lap, he finds that you’re not close enough for his liking, so he decides to slightly dig his fingernails into your soft flesh. The action causes you to arch into him, causing you to let out an absurdly loud moan when you feel his dick come into contact with your core.
Your noise causes him to bring his actions to a halt, as he pulls away from your lips to get a good look at your face, you begin to feel the sting of embarrassment course through your veins.
When his blown out pupils look into yours for what felt like eons without saying a word, you promptly remove yourself from on top of him.
He eyes observe your now standing figure in awe. He doesn’t know how to process your reaction, it's so uncharacteristic of you, or was it? He’s never seen you in this state before. His head becomes overloaded with sinful thoughts. If that’s what you sounded like with barely any effort, what would happen if I actually tried a bit more? He feels lightheaded just thinking about it.
You stare at his heaving figure from a safe distance, before letting out a small chuckle,
I really just made out with Haechan right now..
You tuck your hair behind your ear as you prepare to speak, your voice wavers before breathlessly pushing out your next words, “I uh.. hah— I really should go upstairs.” You rapidly head for the door, not daring to look in the boy’s direction.
As your hand reaches for the door knob you feel his hand on your wrist, it's followed by a low voice, a foreign seriousness coats his next words, “It's not in my head, I can't be the only one who felt something at the club last night, you know what I’m talking about, and you can say whatever you want, but this—”, he motions at your flustered state, “confirms that for me.”
How dare he? I mean he’s absolutely correct but still, how brazen of him..
A small glimmer makes its way to your eye, you let a confused expression bloom onto your features before turning to face him,
“Last night… at the club?”, you furrow your brows as you tilt your head to the side to really sell your faux confusion.
He’s completely taken aback, dumbfounded, it takes him a minute as he chooses his next words carefully, “Yeah— I mean… Wait a second, you’re telling me you don’t even remember the club? What exactly is it that you DO remember?” You can feel his hand becoming clammy as he continues to hold his grip onto your wrist.
It's getting harder to hold back your amusement, but you manage to put on an excellent performance.
You stare at him blankly before raising an eyebrow, “Dude I literally blacked out? Did you forget the part where I asked everyone at breakfast to fill me in on our night?”
He freezes, demonstrating the telltale signs of someone who’s buffering in real time, Oh fuck, tell me that did not just happen right now…
You let your facade drop after a few seconds of silence, letting a smug aura emanate from your body, “But please, don't stop, what was it exactly that you felt last night?”
He quickly loses his grip on you, turning around to make his way back onto the bed, “Weren’t you in a hurry to leave or something?”
A puff of air leaves your nostrils as you observe him sliding under the covers, “Yeah I’m just gonna go up to the 10th floor” As you’re opening the door you turn to face him, “I’ll be back later though, try not to miss me too much”. He lets out a scoff at your remark, “I think I’ll survive.”
How does this man have an answer for everything? Hmmmm, how could I possibly get a reaction out of him?
As you pull the door to shut, you make sure to leave just enough space for you to peek your face through, getting in one final quip, “Oh— and if you decide to feel anything else, be sure to share it with me this time, you have my number.” You shoot him an exaggerated wink before slamming the door shut.
He sinks into the mattress as he hears your fading footsteps, wishing it would swallow him whole.
This is gonna be even more fun than you thought..
That’s a wrap on chapter 1!
part two can be found in this masterlist
What could possibly happen next?
Any feedback is appreciated haha :)
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Tiny Angry Thing
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing (maybe XD)
Genre: FLUFF, Romance, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Meeting up with a crush can be nerve-wrecking enough on its own. However, when it's your first time interacting with said longtime crush in person, not knowing what to expect, it's a whole different experience.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for this adorable request and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get to it and turn it into a fic but here it finally is and I hope you come across it, give it a read and enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
"Awww, that's just adorable!"
"Shut up!"
Y/N and Corpse have been arguing for a decent amount of time now over something so dumb it's unbelievable. Well, to be fair, they're arguing, while he, on the other hand is being entertained. Playing Among Us with proximity chat is a recipe for disaster when Y/N and Corpse are thrown in the mix. If they don't manage to bribe one another, only one survives and that's that. It's a tough and tense battle that everyone underestimates and calls childish.
At the moment, the spark that started the fire was Corpse walking in on Y/N beheading Brooke. They hadn't been Impostor in almost seven rounds and the boring crewmate role was really starting to get to them with its monotony. Finally, they had the opportunity to show their tactical and kinda evil side and they sure as hell were not looking forward to having Corpse report them at the very start of the round.
And, as logic would suggest, they were quick to try and bribe their way out of it.
But Corpse refused to bite, which has led the two of them here - a bickering about how Y/N would be more than able to kick his ass which is apparently incredibly amusing concept to him.
"You won't be saying it's cute when I get you bruised and battered!" They barked, ready for battle right here right now if it were possible.
"Honest to God, I'd love to see you try. I wouldn't even do anything, not even dodge, you can swing punch, kick, the whole nine yards and I'd just...stand there, you know, see what happens." He replies, humoring them.
"Listen, none of that has to happen if you turn a blind eye just this once! Just this once, if you catch me again, that's on me, shame on me, but this time you can let it slide and spare yourself the pain of my wrath." They try to reason with him a bit more rationally now, realizing if this 'fight' is actually hooked up the two would end up meeting in person and there might be some physical contact like a hug or a high five and they're pretty sure their heart won't be able to handle that.
If anyone's gonna lose that fight, it's gonna be Y/N.
"So, if I tattle, I'm getting a free tickle attack from you?" The way he phrases it makes them fume because there's nothing they hate more than someone doubting their strength. "Sounds fair..."
With that, aka within the blink of an eye, he's reported the body and as the microphones come unmuted, he wastes no time tattling like Y/M expected.
Well damn, fucking damn, he's really looking forward to this.
Oh boy, Y/N doesn't have the slightest clue, do they? They have no idea how much he's prepared to do for someone he loves.
* * * *
The events of that stream that happened two days ago has lead Y/N here - at a sort of abandoned playground behind a factory that used to be a school. It would be a super depressing and eerie sight if someone wasn't keeping said playground in check. Swings, slides, monkey bars, everything was in a great condition without a spec of rust. They were all painted over with bright colors, shining next to the gloomy, dark grey factory standing tall next to it almost shadowing it.
There, Y/N sits on one of the swings, their feet not able to rest on the ground. They struggle to push themself to swing with only the tips of their shoes making contact with the gravel below their feet.
Them and Corpse took the term 'meet me by the monkey bars' rather literally as you can see but it's definitely the best course of action for the two of them, seeing as how it was so far in the outskirts and distanced from civilization, they'd feel disconnected from the rest of the busy city. It's so quiet here, so calm and quiet and just a tiny bit creepy.
Especially when you hear the crunching of leave and branches under someone's approaching feet - which is exactly what Y/N hears, causing them to jump to their feet and turn around.
"You expect to beat me in a fight when just my footsteps frighten you?" The soothingly familiar voice accompanying the unfamiliar face has Y/N smiling widely as they run into the arms of who they estimated to be a murderer just seconds ago. "Is this a throw-off tactic? Some fucked up idea of lowering my guard?"
"Oh fuck off." They mumble, the side of their face pressed against his coat clad chest. "I'm just so glad to see you." Pulling away slightly, they lift one hand to ruffle his hair, causing his lips to curve up in a smile before letting out a giggle, "I had a feeling your hair looked so messy." They comment, grinning up at him mischievously.
Corpse looks down at them, eyes soft and shiny as he tilts his head to the side, "I have to say, if this is a part of your techniques to take me down, it's working."
Frowning, they pull away from him, "You know how to burst a person's bubble alright." They grumble as they unzip their jacket, throwing it over the swing they were sitting on, "But I have to thank you for reminding me - I would've probably let it slide otherwise."
As they roll up their sleeves, about to turn around to face him for the 'fight', they are engulfed in his arms all of a sudden, causing them to squeal and squirm instinctively before giggling.
"Maybe I don't want you to let it slide. I mean, to me it's a big deal. If it weren't for that, we wouldn't be here, would we?" He asks, resting his chin on their shoulder which takes quite a bit of bending down due to the big height difference.
Understanding his point, and glad he's as happy as they were to see him, they snuggle into him, "I guess we wouldn't be but that wounds me, honestly." When he hums questioningly, they continue, "It tells me you would've never wanted to meet me in person otherwise."
He chuckles as he moves to rest his chin on top of their head instead, "No, that's definitely not what I was insinuating. I would've made another excuse to do so, just as easily as I made this one."
Their eyebrows furrow once again as they turn in his arms, this time the look being one of confusion rather than annoyance, "Wait...this was your plan all along?!"
Corpse shrugs with a smirk upon his face, "Perhaps...", seeing Y/N's narrow eyed glare he hurries to 'correct' himself, "Well, not all along. But when I saw how angry you got at such a minor comment I thought to myself: 'I gotta meet this tiny angry thing ASAP'." He chuckles as he watches the emotions on their face switch.
"Tiny angry thing?!" They snarl at him, eyes flashing with anger, bringing him to the brink of laughter which he wouldn't dare let out of fear they might actually lunge at him and batter him. "Really?"
His hand gently rest on their cheeks, tilting their head upwards ever so slightly, "Yeah, but believe it or not, I like tiny angry things. Much like yourself."
Y/N has never been one who blushes easily but then, right then their cheeks turned as red as the fallen leaves surrounding the two of them. As if they needed any more signs of what those butterflies in their stomach meant.
"Well, I'm in luck then, aren't I?"
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noodles-and-oodles · 3 years
How dare you be so talented!! 😤 i love ur writings sm its unhealthy lol may i request the vice dorm leaders confessing/ or maybe trying to woo their gn!crush hcs pretty please with a cherry on top? Ace dont eat the cherry cuz i read the ones for azul and i just had to get the vice dorm leaders in there cuz i wuv em so much (>/////<) thank you noodle senpai 😘
Ahhh I’m glad you’re enjoying! lol it’s just the crack and idiot energy 🥴 thank you though hehe. Thank for you for requesting and I hope this is to your liking!
Trey Clover
Trey will use what he’s good at to woo you, whether it be baking you treats or helping you out with something. He’ll always be available for you so please, don’t hesitate to come find him
He will definitely drop loooots of hints, heart shaped cookies, subtle compliments, and he’ll even ask you to bake with him. He’ll show off his skills, make that corny oyster joke, and just overall keep you entertained!
God forbid ADeuce finds out about his crush on you, they’ll certainly be butting their nosey asses in any chance Ace they get when they see you two together. Deuce will do his best to make Trey out to be the coolest senpai in the world while Ace will just outright say “wouldn’t it be pretty cool to date Trey-senpai?”
Trey’s mortified and tells you to brush off whatever they said to you but when you don’t deny or reject, Trey sees an opening. Maybe you actually found the idea of dating him appealing and this was the time to up the stakes? Trey will from then on do his best to make sure it’s CRYSTAL clear that he likes you
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie knows he doesn’t have much to offer, so he’ll also have to use what he already has in order to get you to notice him. He’ll offer to do things for you, without expecting anything in return and is always up for helping you out
The hyena is so sweet…if you have a favorite lunch from the cafeteria he’ll be first in line to make sure he can get it for you. He’ll even trade with others if he can just do you can have it, anything for you
He’d probably want to ask someone for advice but Jack and Leona are clearly no help so he turns to your friends, the ADeuce combo, in hopes that they would have some intel (they don’t)
Eventually, he’ll just realize that being himself will have to do. He’ll make some jokes, hoping to see your smile and slowly but surely will try to throw in some subtle brushes of your hands to see how you react
Jade Leech
Jade’s way of wooing is just so…Jade. Don’t be surprised if this man gives you a mushroom at some point, it’s really just his way of sharing his hobby with you in hopes that you’ll take interest in it as well. Maybe not as much as him but enough to keep a conversation going
He’s a natural tease, it’s just how he shows his sadistic tendencies affection, cause he likes seeing your many expressions whether it’s you smiling, blushing, or even pouting. He loves them all! However, sad tears is the exception, he doesn’t tolerate anyone making you upset, even himself
This eel is ever the gentleman but it increases tenfold when you are around, he only wants you to have the most pleasant experiences with him unlike others who don’t get to see the nice side of him often
Jade is patient because idealistically, he wants you to confess first and if you do, he’ll ask for reaffirmation a few times, that way he knows for sure that he didn’t accidentally scare you into confessing, he knows he’s pretty intimidating so it would make him feel better to get a positive response from you first
Jamil Viper
Unfortunately for Jamil, he quite literally doesn’t have the time to try to woo you really. In between all of his work, chores, and taking care of Kalim that leaves not a lot of time for him to try and fight for your affections
It frustrates him but don’t worry, since he really really likes you, he’ll make time to see you. You’ll likely wonder how it is that he can spend time with you when he’s so busy but who knows, maybe that actually makes you happy (I know I would be) But also worried at the same time ahhh
Small gifts are his go to method! For someone that doesn’t have time to spare, he can brainstorm things that will be quick but thoughtful that you may like. Snacks, thoughtful but small notes, and if he has extra time he may even gift you with some handcrafted jewelry that he made himself
I also like to believe that if he had a day off, he’d totally ask you to spend it with him or something. Just talking, relaxing, and spending time with his crush is probably a dream to him since he so rarely gets to have a proper conversation with you, even when you see each other in the halls
Rook Hunt
Rook is everything but quiet about his crush on you, he’s always complimenting you from the moment he sees you til the moment you guys have to unfortunately part ways with one another. His way of showering you with his affections can even be a bit overbearing at times
Poems, lavishes of love letters, and most importantly, his undying loyalty. He’ll ask you to do even the most random things, his only reason being that he wants to spend time with you. Rook’s dramatics are always a good mood setter, you’re entertainment will surely be guaranteed anytime you two are together
He does his best to learn everything about you!! From the things you like, dislike, love, hate, and even small habits that you may have. Rook will memorize them and store them for later usage when it comes time for him to give you his routinely shower of affection <3
Rook tries his best to not scare you off but even he can’t help gushing at your beauty, as a man that proclaims to love beautiful things, it wouldn’t be in his nature to just not say anything lol. He’ll compliment you til your ears fall off and whew boy, his confession (the one he isn’t giving every day I mean) will be so romantic you may just cry
Ortho Shroud
Ortho baby!! He won’t be included in this 🙇‍♀️
Lilia Vanrouge
Haha, Lilia is such a trickster, it’d be hard to tell if he’s just teasing you or if he actually really does like you. He may play a joke on you every now and then, but he likely doesn’t mean anything by them. It’s more for his own…data collecting
Despite all his tomfoolery, Lilia is a smooth talker! With many years of age comes great experience so it’s no surprise that he knows just the right things to say to sweep you off your feet. He’s also got all the dad jokes, words of advice whenever you need them, and most importantly, an ear whenever you want someone to talk to
Lilia loves conversations with you, even if they’re really random. He sees them as a great opportunity to get to know you even more, making sure to remember what you’ve told him and using it to surprise you later. Just a bunch of small things here and there in hopes that you’ll notice that he really is listening to you when you confide in him!
This fae is pretty talented in many different areas, instruments being one of them. Who knows, he may dedicate a song to you one day or teach you how to play an instrument so that the two of you can play together! Lilia’s holding onto his lucky knickers that through doing this he’ll finally be able to manage to worm his way into your heart!
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callmeshakespurr · 3 years
Hey, if you're requests are open could you do a Rick Flag × Male Villian Reader (fluff) idk something cute where Rick Flag ends up falling in love with Male Reader, and the feeling is mutual. Idk you can fo what you want with it. ❤
Rick Flag x Male Reader
Requested: yes
Category: fluff, just a little bit of angst
Warnings: slight torture (?), i mention a knife like,, once
Note: I haven’t watched Suicide Squad in some time, so this could’ve turned out just the tiniest bit yandere, I hope you don’t mind! Also- I kinda struggled with this cause its my first time writing an actual one shot, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways (:
Tysm for requesting, hope you enjoy it <3
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“Where is he?”, Amanda Waller called out as she walked down the hallway, towards the high security room you were currently kept in — Colonal Richard ‘Rick’ Flag not far behind her.
Her call grabbed the attention of the two guards, who stood in front of your cell.
“Is he in there?”, Amanda asked again, approaching the door with fast steps. One of the guards nodded and opened the thick metal door to let the director and the colonel in.
Amanda Waller had tried to get her hands on you for almost five years now, after you first made an apperiance in a club, killing two people. After that, several assassinations followed. Nobody knew who you exactly were, what you looked like, who you worked for; you were like a shadow — what people then came to call you, Shadow.
The major reason of why nobody could get a hold of you even in the slightest bit, was because you always vanished before anybody could even spot you.
After two years of not being able to catch you, the police gave up on further investigation in your cases. Amanda didn’t break so easily though. She wanted you in one of those cells she kept so many freaks in already, and she wasn’t going to give up until she had you sitting behind one of those metal doors, unable to escape her.
After all these years of going after you, she did manage to find out two major things about you. Why you always managed to escape without anyone catching a glimpse of you, and what your weakness was.
All these things led to the present situation.
You sat in a dark room, the only light source being a small lamp, dangling from the ceiling. Your ankles were tightly cuffed to the chair you were sitting on, on your wrists and neck you felt something cold and heavy, which seemed to send small electric shocks through your body every few seconds.
You weren’t sure where you exactly were, since you passed out before they got you. Hell, you didn’t even know who ‘they’ were.
You closed your eyes, trying to concentrate on your thoughts, which was not as easy as you hoped it would be. To say that you were in pain was an understatement. The electricity flowing through your body kept you from thinking straight, and send a wave of pure pain through your limbs with every shock you got.
A female voice ripped you from your trance, and you slowly opened your eyes again, head still hanging low. You knew that voice and you knew that you didn’t stand a chance anymore.
“Your powers won’t work anymore, unless i allow you to use them, so don’t even try.”, that voice belonged to none other than Amanda Waller, probably the only person on this planet you actually feared. You were never scared of what her minions could do to you, no. You were scared of what she could do to you if she ever managed to get you — which almost happened on several occasions.
You clenched your fists, trying to ignore the pain that came over you again, as you frantically tried to somehow sort your thoughts and find a way out of this, but nothing seemed to work. There was no way out of this. There was no escaping this. The feeling of helplessness washed over you, a feeling you didn’t like at all.
“You’re Y/N L/N, you’re a teleporter, thats how you managed to always vanish before the police got to the crime scene”, Amanda spoke, watching you as you sat there on the chair, staring at the ground, unable to move a single muscle. “It took me some time, but i managed to figure out how to block your powers”, she continued, taking slow steps towards you “Teleporters are extremely sensitive to electricity, some mightve even already died due to the constant pain if they were in your place.” She stopped right in front of you, looking down at your slumped figure, the only thing restraining you from falling over being the thick metallic handcuffs that kept your hands tied behind the chair.
Amanda grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at her. Your sight was blurry and it cost you a lot of strength to even keep your eyes open, but you did manage to make out the silhouette of a rather tall person standing at the entrance of the cell, watching the whole scene, before your focus was back on the woman in front of you. “You’re actually a very pretty boy, Y/N, and very smart too, it’s a shame that you decided to end up like this.”, she said, before letting your face go. “Rick, take him to get the injection, then get his things and introduce him to the team. After that, you can take him to his provided cell.”
The man standing at the door — Rick, you assumed — made his way towards you, as Waller left the room, leaving you to the colonel.
Rick helped you out of the cuffs, that kept you strapped to the chair. Looking at you, he almost felt bad, you looked so drained and helpless. He had never exactly agreed with anything Amanda Waller did, but seeing what just a few hours under her control did with you was another level of not agreeing with something she did.
“Can you stand?”, the colonel asked and you nodded, slowly rising from the chair. Your legs wobbled beneath your weight and you instinctively grabbed onto whats next to you, which just so happened to be Ricks Arm.
After making sure you had gathered enough strength, he began to walk with you towards the door.
time skip
It’s been a little over a week now since they’ve brought you here — you think. Every day was the same. Sitting on the cold floor of your cell, staring at the camera in the corner of your ceiling, some guard bringing you food, you not eating it, some guard taking it away again and reporting everything to someone, more staring at the camera, someone bringing you food again, you not eating it again, the guard taking it away again and reporting everything, all over again, everyday.
The only slightest bit good and entertaining thing was the colonel — Rick Flag, as you learned was his name — checking up on you every now and then when he didn’t have anything better to do. You didn’t quite understand why Rick was making efforts to look after you, just for you to not answer his questions anyways, but you appreciated it. It made everything a little more bearable.
Of course, you were one of the bad guys, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t have a life outside of assassinations.
When you weren’t working for other bad guys, you loved to just sit in your apartment and read, you loved to go onto high buildings and watch over the city. You dreamed of leaving everything behind and exploring the world someday. You worked at your favourite coffee shop, hell you even had a cat. The thought of your only friend being probably already dead or suffering made you sad, but what could you do about it?
Sometimes, you wish you hadn’t picked the path you were on, but looking back at the time you chose to work for the bad guys, you didn’t really have a choice.
Your train of thoughts was interrupted, when you heard the door to your cell open. Hoping it would be Rick, you looked up, your eyes only half open from the lack of strength you had. What you did not expect was to see Amanda Waller standing in front of you, Rick Flag behind her.
“Stand up”, the woman demanded. You listened, as it was of no use to resist her orders. You slowly got up on your feet, which didn’t last long, since you almost immediately fell over, landing painfully hard on your knees. To your suprise, Rick immediately rushed to your side, helping you stand up again.
“I don’t need him on missions like this”, Waller spoke as she watched you lean onto Rick for support. “Take him to the base, the council and I will be waiting there in the meeting room for him.” With that, Waller left again.
The way to the car wasn’t long, but with you almost not being able to stand on you own, let alone walk on your own, it took a little longer, which only fueled your anxiety. The ride to the base was even worse though, since nobody talked and you had five guards sitting around you.
Finally arriving at the door of the meeting room, which was located in the base, the two guards standing in front of it immediately opened the door as soon as they saw the colonel.
The room was quiet at an instance, when you stepped a food inside, Rick following very close behind you — just in case something should happen.
Amanda Waller stood in front of a group of suit wearing men who all sat at one big round table, most likely discussing something. She gestured you to come next to her, to which you complied.
“And who is this now, Director Waller? A new addition to your group of- freaks?”, asked one of the men as he looked you up and down, probably doubting that someone like you could be much of an good asset.
“This, Gentlemen,”, she grabbed your arm and moved you a little forward, making you almost tumble “is Y/N L/N or ‘Shadow’, he was an assassin for almost five years now, working for several other bad guys. Nobody got a hold of him till now due to his teleporting ability. He has over a hundred confirmed kills and not once did anyone ever get near him. I’m using these electric cuffs”, she grabbed your arm again and lifted it up to present the metal cuff, which was secured around your arm “to block his powers, which means he cannot teleport, as long as the electric shocks are on full power. As soon as I turn down the power a little, he can use his power, it is more draining and limited to a certain radius, but it works. I have him under full control and I want him on the team.” Murmurs broke out between the people in the room, as soon as she finished.
“I’m sorry, director, but do you really think it’s a good idea to put another- another misfit on that team? They’re bad guys and will always stay bad guys, and their freaky abilities make them even more dangerous.”, one of the men in suits spoke.
“As I said, I have him under full control, gentlemen. Let me demonstrate.”, Amanda spoke, turning to you, as the people sitting at the table sat back.
Waller took out some kind of remote and tapped on something. First your body tensed due to all the stress and pain you were under at the moment, but as soon as Amanda tapped on the remote, the electric shocks suddenly weren’t as intense as they were before, and your whole body relaxed, your eyes almost watering due to the wave of relief washing over you.
Rick was more than tense while watched the whole situation, only realizing in how much pain you actually were when Waller turned down the intensity of the electric shocks emmitting from the metallic cuffs you were wearing.
Waller looked you in the eyes with a serious expression on her face. “You disobey, you die, got that?” And suddenly you remembered the injection they gave you, when they first brought you here.
Seeing you had no other choice than obeying her, you simply gave her a small nod and looked around the room, taking in every detail. You looked at the small table in front of you, spotting a sharp knife, which you figured was put there by Amanda specifically for you in this exact situation.
With fast movements, you grabbed the knife and teleported to the other side of the room, holding the knife to one of the mens throat. Everyone in the room stiffened even more, and you heard at least three guns clicking.
Looking up, your eyes met Rick’s, before you looked over to Waller, who was already fixated on you. You slowly pressed the knife more against the man’s throat, wanting to see what Waller was going to do. The next electric shock came and you almost yelled out in pain, letting the knife fall, teleporting back to Waller and falling to your knees, clutching the metal around your neck.
Rick wanted to rush to help you, but was quickly held back by Amanda, gesturing him to wait.
“As you can see, I can control his powers however i want to, and should he disobey in any way, or should his powers bolt”, she tilted your head with her finger, than pressed onto the spot on your neck where they injected you, “he dies.”
Still staring at the ground, you swallowed harshly. You’ve never wanted to go back in time and undo all the bad things that happened so badly like in this specific moment. Maybe if you’re parents hadn’t ever found about your ability, you would still be at home, with your family, not here, being tortured by some government lady who wanted to use you as a weapon.
“There’s one more thing. I don’t need him on any mission in this shape. He needs to recover, quickly, and while doing so, I want him under Rick Flags complete supervision. It might cost a little more effort, but think about of how much use he will be for us”, Amanda said, a mischievous expression crossing her face for a few seconds, that going unnoticed by you and pretty much everyone else in the room.
time skip
Three whole months had passed. You’ve been staying with Rick ever since Amanda Waller announced that he had to fully supervise you.
The time you spent with Rick made you feel as if everything wasn’t so bad after all. Occasional talking here and there, Rick cooking something for the both of you every now and then, you almost felt normal again — weren’t there the electric cuffs reminding you of what was real every few minutes.
Over the past three months, your sleep only got worse. You got used to the constant pain by now, but the electricity didn’t only affect you physically, it also messed up your thoughts like hell. Sometimes you didn’t know where up and down was anymore, everything was all over the place inside your mind.
That was also the reason, you were up right now, in the middle of the night, sitting at the big window in your bedroom, looking over the city. You hugged your knees tightly to your chest, and rested you chin on them, letting a few tears slip. You hadn’t cried in a long time, but you were just so exhausted. You were never this close to giving up than right now. Nothing seemed to ever be okay again, you couldn’t do anything but accept your fate.
Being to entangled in your own thoughts, you didn’t hear your bedroom door open.
It didn’t take Rick a long time to spot you in your place at the window. He just came home from a mission that Amanda Waller had wanted you on, but Rick insisted on giving you a little more time to deal with everything.
The tall man closed the door as quietly as he could behind him, which seemed to not be quiet enough, since you jumped slightly at the noise, quickly standing up and turning around. Rick gave you an apologetic look, before slowly walking towards you, “I’m sorry, I should’ve knocked, I just wanted to check up on you and see if you’re alright-“ “It’s fine, I’m fine”, you interrupted him, wiping your tears quickly, taking a deep breath.
Rick frowned, he had never seen you cry before. He cared too much for you and he knew it, he just couldn’t help himself. Stopping in front of you, he looked down at you, only for his eyes to meet yours. For a moment, you both got lost in each others eyes, before you ripped your gaze away, looking to the side.
“Do you want anything else from me?”, you asked shakily, getting a little nervous with his burning stare on you.
“I actually do, yes-“, he hesitated for a moment. You looked up at him with a questioning expression. “Close your eyes”, you complied, closing your eyes slightly, one hand moving to hold onto Rick’s shirt so you didn’t lose your balance. You felt him lean down slightly, till you could fell his warm breath on your cheek. You surpressed a shiver, as he carefully tilted your head.
Now, you didn’t really know what to expect; you and Rick had gotten closer but you weren’t sure, if there were actual romantic feelings, or if he just pitied you, so a kiss wasn’t exactly what you expected. But you definitely would’ve expected it more than what happened next.
A small ‘click’ echoed through the dark room, the next thing you knew was, that all the pain suddenly disappeared. Your eyes watered when you felt Rick’s fingers carefully removing the heavy metallic cuffs around your wrists and neco, pure relief washing over you. Your leaned your body onto Rick’s, unable to support your own weight for a few moments.
When you had finally gained control over your own body again, you moved back a few centimetres and looked up to Rick, who met your confused eyes. “I couldn’t bear to see you in so much pain any longer, so I triedmy best to convince her and I’d say I’m lucky that she trusts me with you.”, the colonel smiled a little, raising a hand to softly carress your cheek. Your eyes widened. He quickly removed his hand again and apologized, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
Rick took a step back, still being careful so you didn’t lose balance again, “I should go, and you should sleep, you need to be well rested and-“
You were fast to interrupt him by taking a quick step towards him, getting a little on your tiptoes, before pressing a small kiss to Rick’s lips. You carefully looked him in the eyes again, “I don’t know either, but it just felt like the right thing to do.”
It took the man a few seconds to process what just happened, but when he did, he was quick to kiss you again, his soft lips over yours, moving slowly, as you kissed back. He put his hands on your waist, while you locked yours behind his neck. You kissed for a few moments, before the both of you had to breathe again. “Thank you”, you whispered against Rick’s lips, before receiving another small peck. “Sleep with me tonight?”, he asked quietly, getting lost in your eyes again. You gave him a small nod, allowing him to pick you up and carry you to his room, both of you smiling as you fell onto the mattress.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 12 - Bad Surprise [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Sometimes plans have to change.
Series Masterlist
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Every job required something from people, and your job was no different.
Being a spy was not a conventional profession, everyone knew that. You were expected to be on the move all the time, be a good liar, be a good fighter, be whatever the job told you to.
And most important of all; never show fear, which you were usually fine with. You had learned long ago how to keep your calm in times of crisis. You had even managed to keep your calm facade when your last mission required you to play Russian Roulette with a target in order to keep your cover.
But this? This was something else.
Bucky cleared his throat to stifle a laugh as he looked down at you.
“Is it just me or are you using me as a human shield against a peacock right now?”
Your eyes snapped up at his for a moment before you turned your gaze to the peacock again, taking a subtle step to Bucky’s right to keep him between you and the animal.
Coming to the zoo was his idea, and you thought it could be a fun experience. You had never been to a zoo before, and it would count as one of the old times dates, so you were almost giggly by the time you got there.
Right until now.
“I think peacocks don’t have souls.”
“Alright.” Bucky sipped his coffee while you tried to ignore the fear bubbling at the pit of your stomach, eyeing the peacock that walked around the area behind the fences.
“I’m serious,” you insisted “What if it attacks me?”
“It’s not going to attack you Y/N.”
“It could,” you said, “It looks like it wants to attack me.”
The peacock fanned out its feathers all of a sudden and let out a squawk, making you jump out of your skin.
“Fuck!” the curse left your lips and Bucky’s eyebrows rose, an amused grin pulling at his lips.
“Sorry!” you said quickly, “Sorry, I…I don’t trust peacocks.”
“You got mugged in a dark alley and got shot, and a bird is where you draw the line?”
Correction, you were once held at gunpoint by the Italian mafia and peacocks were still where you drew the line.
“That’s not a bird.”
“….Peacocks are birds.”
“No, that’s the devil looking like a bird,” you said, “In-in bird shape. Bird shaped demon.”
“Okay, how about we see some other less threatening animal?”
“Let me check—oh my God Bucky they have sharks, I love sharks!” you said, waving the brochure in his face and he pulled his brows together.
“Sharks fall under the less threatening animal category?”
“Of course they do!” you said, looking at the brochure before looking around, “I think the aquarium is over there, let’s go.”
You grabbed his hand to entwine your fingers with his as you both started walking towards the huge blue structure.
“So I feel like I shouldn’t ask because I know you can’t exactly tell me the details,” you said, “But you’re not going on another mission soon, are you? This week?”
“I don’t think so,” he said, “Why?”
“I’m kind of planning something.”
He tilted his head, “What are you planning?”
“Not a club, relax.” you said, “Although I find it quite ironic that you’re this unstoppable brave superhero with super strength who gets intimidated by dancing.”
“I’m not intimidated…” he grumbled under his breath, making you giggle.
“Whatever you say,” you sang, and reached the entrance of the huge building and you pulled your hand out of his.
“Excuse me sir, is the aquarium still open?” you asked the security guard by the door and a small smirk appeared on his lips.
“Yes but it is closing in ten minutes sweetheart.”
Jesus Christ….
You smiled politely at him, batting your lashes.
“Oh—“ you took a look at the sign, “I just want to see the killer shark and we’ll be out. In five minutes. Please?”
He eyed you up and down but seemed to snap out of it when Bucky cleared his throat behind you as if warning him, making the guy gawk between you two.
Even you had to admit you seemed like a quite unusual couple. You were wearing a short white sundress with ruffled sleeves and sweetheart neckline with your hair loose while Bucky looked as if he was there to kill someone, a complete opposite of you with his dark jeans and black leather jacket as well as leather gloves.
You didn’t even have to turn your head to know that he was glaring at the guard before the guy shifted his weight, then stepped aside.
“Thank you!” you said, grabbing Bucky’s hand as you led him inside. He followed you without any objections whatsoever, in complete silence as the sight of blue filled your vision along with many fish swimming behind the glass.
“You don’t even see it, do you?” he asked softly and you pulled your brows together.
“Does anyone ever say no to you?”
You approached the label by the glass, “You do.”
“Do I?”
“All the time,” you nodded, still reading the label but your head shot up when you felt him tug you by the hand. A giggle escaped from your lips as he turned you around so that you could look up at him, then wrapped his arm around you to scoop you up, making you squeal.
“All the time?”
“Put me down!” you said, your laughter echoing in the empty aquarium halls and he tilted his head.
“Not until you explain yourself,” he teased you, “All the time?”
“Sometimes, sometimes!” you said quickly, “Very rare times I might add!”
“Mm hm, I thought so.”
“If you drop me, I swear to God—“ you started but was cut off when he pulled you into a kiss, making you wrap your arms around his neck. He took a step with you still in his embrace and you gasped as you felt your back hit the thick glass, but every single protest you could think of seemed to disappear from your mind as you lost yourself in the kiss. You raked your fingernails over the nape of his neck, making his grip around you tighter-
Then someone coughed.
Bucky pulled back instantly and you turned your head to see another rather annoyed technician leaning on her hip, watching you with her brows raised.
“Aquarium is about to close,” she said, pointing at you, “Take it elsewhere.”
Bucky put you down and you tried to fix the skirt of your dress, trying to look presentable.
“Sorry!” you said as Bucky mumbled an apology beside you as well, and the technician shook her head and walked away, talking about how she wasn’t getting paid enough for this. You covered your face and let out a whine but Bucky chuckled, causing you to lower your hands to stare up at him.
“Why is this entertaining for you?” you exclaimed and he held your wrist, gently steering you to the exit.
“Come on.”
“We can never come here again, ever.” you insisted as you followed him outside. It didn’t escape your notice that he bumped his shoulder into the security guard’s quite hard, almost knocking him over on your way out and your jaw dropped.
“That was mean!”
“Nah, he had it coming. Are you hungry?”
“But you could get in trouble. Besides, he was a nice guy—“
“Uh huh, a nice guy who was ogling you.”
You pulled your brows together, pretending to be confused, “Oh I’m sure you misunderstood.”
He tilted his head and pulled you closer to wrap his arm around your waist, then brushed his lips against yours, making you sigh.
“Bucky, it was mean and you can’t just kiss me to distract me—”
“I can try,” he murmured to your lips before kissing you again and you looked up at him when he pulled back with a grin.
“Fine,” you admitted, still pouting. “I’m hungry. Starving actually, let’s eat something.”
You were finding it harder and harder to convince yourself it was time to go home after every date with Bucky.
Scratch that, you were finding it harder and harder not to invite him upstairs.
But of course, you would have to report it back to the General and discuss the further strategies with him and for some reason, it felt more of a betrayal than this whole thing.
Surprisingly enough, it was something you wanted and not something you would will yourself to do because of the mission. There was no denying it, he was an attractive guy and you really liked spending time with him and you kept having dreams about him and whenever you were with him you had this lightness in your mind, as if you were a different person.
A better person, maybe.
You shook your head at your thoughts and left your apartment to knock on Keith’s door.
“It’s me, open up.”
You heard footsteps before he opened the door and a boyish smile pulled at his lips at the sight of milkshakes in your hand.
“Jesus, finally!”
“I made it at home, can’t promise it’s good,” you said as you walked past him into his apartment and stepped into the living room, “What are you watching?”
“James Bond,” he grinned at you, “Hey, have you ever tried milkshake with gin?”
“Me neither, let’s try it.” He said, taking the big glasses from you to pour gin into them. You sat on the couch and took a look at the screen.
“How many times have you watched this again?”
“Like a hundred,” he handed you your glass and you took a sip.
“Not bad,” you commented, putting your feet up on the coffee table. He sat beside you, keeping his eyes on the screen.
“What did you do today?”
“Had a date.”
“With Barnes?”
“Yeah. At the zoo.”
“He took you to the zoo?” he asked and you nodded.
“And peacocks are fucking scary,” you muttered, “And hey, we learned that Bucky is the jealous type.”
“The guy was dating people back at 40s, I could tell you that much myself.” He snorted, “Chloe says you went on a mission with Julian?”
You slipped a little on the couch, “He’s an asshole.”
“I know. Is he really that bad in bed?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “Nah as much as I hate to admit, he’s pretty good. Unfortunately.”
“So top or bottom?”
“He goes either way to be honest, that comment was more about me.”
“About you?”
“Yeah, I like to be on top.”
“Suddenly everything about you makes sense,” he murmured and you took another sip of your milkshake.  
“Don’t try that with Barnes though, the guy is from 1940s. He’s probably used to missionary only, you don’t want to give him a heart attack,” he wiggled his brows, making you scoff.
“Shut up.”
“Chloe is right, maybe you should go full on vintage on that when the time comes.”
You turned to look at him.
“Speaking of Chloe,” you said, “Anything you would like to tell me?”
Keith’s grin faded slightly and he shifted his weight, “Like what?”
“Bringing her coffee, taking her out to the field…” you trailed off, “What gives, man? I thought we had a deal.”
“We never had a deal,” he defended himself, “You slammed me back during training years ago at the academy and told me not to even think about it when you saw me looking at her.”
“No,” you shook your head, “Five years ago, in Ireland. That undercover job, the one that almost got you killed? We made a deal.”
He swallowed thickly, looking down at the milkshake before taking a sip. “Y/N…”
“Keith, you can’t,” you insisted, “She deserves a normal life, a normal family and kids and a dog and stuff.”
“I know,” he ran a hand over his face, “I know.”
“I don’t know.”
“You’re a spy,” you said, “You said it yourself, spies die like flies.”
“Not all of them,” he said, “General is still alive. He has a family.”
“Yeah, one in a hundred,” you said, “Face it. That’s a very low possibility for us.”
“You don’t think you’ll get to grow old and have a family and all that?”
You pulled your brows together.
“No,” you said, “Of course not. I’m probably going to die in one of these missions.”
“You don’t believe that.”
“Keith, I can’t have any of those,” you said, “I can’t. I…it’s impossible.”
“Don’t you want to?”
“It doesn’t matter what I want,” you muttered, “I made my choice ages ago.”
“Y/N,” he sat up straighter, “Do you want to?”
With a very bad timing, your imagination went overdrive and a strange scene flashed before your eyes. You laughing in Bucky’s arms, watching two kids playing in the garden-
You shook your head, trying to shake off the thoughts.
“I could never have that,” you stated simply, “You might love Chloe and you might also be lucky enough to have her love you but…it’s not the same with me.”
“I’d say Barnes loves you.”
A bitter smile pulled at your lips and you bit inside your cheek, taking another sip of your milkshake.
“He loves someone who doesn’t exist,” you managed to croak out, “He loves my cover. He could never love me.”
Spending the night at Keith’s and drowning your sorrows in gin and milkshake meant that you would have a killer hangover the next day. Unlike Keith, you didn’t have the luxury to sleep until the noon, seeing that you had a cover job to keep so for the whole day until noon, you walked around like a zombie.
Coffee helped though. Just a little.
Thankfully it was a slow day at the shop. After serving a couple of people, you had nothing to do other than seriously considering sticking your head in the freezer to get rid of the hangover.
“Long night?” Tara asked as she walked past you to put the straws into the cup and you nodded, groaning.
“Remind me not to drink, ever.”
“I make that promise to myself every Monday, does not seem to work.”
You chuckled, “Have you ever tried to mix gin into milkshakes?”
“Don’t,” you shook your head as you helped her to move an empty milkshake container into the kitchen. “It’s a terrible idea and I’m experiencing the consequences of that mistake right now.”
“That sounds like a fun night though.”
“Fun night, terrible morning,” you let out a laugh as you walked out of the kitchen but as soon as you did, your eyes caught the sight of the man in the shop. Your smile was wiped off your face as the familiar anger filled your system.
Jesus Christ, this day sucks.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you asked and Julian had the audacity to shoot you a grin.
“Whoa cute outfit,” he said, eyeing you up and down, “Holy shit I didn’t even know I was into this whole thing, I’m having an epiphany.”
You looked over your shoulder to see if Tara was still in the kitchen, then turned to Julian.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was craving milkshakes,” he stated, “Hey, would you recommend Lavender Macaron?”
“Get the fuck out of here.”
“I think I’m gonna go with Lavender Macaron, makes me think of France,” he said, “Fun times.”
“Fun for you maybe.”
He shot you a look, “Come on Y/N, we didn’t leave the honeymoon suite for two days. That was the greatest-“ he lowered his voice, “Mission I’ve ever had.”
“You’re putting this entire operation in—“ you started but stopped talking as soon as Tara walked out of the kitchen. Julian raised his brows for a moment before smiling at her and you went under the counter to grab his arm.
“Y/N, is everything okay?”
“Just peachy,” you said as you dragged him out of the shop, and he heaved a sigh, following you.
“No I’m serious…” he said with a chuckle as soon as you both stepped outside, then motioned at the uniform, “This is something else.”
“Why are you here?”
“I heard that it was good, I did not think it was this good.”
“I’m seriously two seconds away from punching you.”
“How come you never dressed up like this for me when we were dating?”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you insisted and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I was around.”
“And I’m supposed to believe that?”
“Believe whatever you want,” he said, “Your shop has good rating, although I’m beginning to believe it has less to do with milkshakes and more about the waitresses.”
“Julian I swear to God—“ you started but you were cut off when someone cleared his throat, making both you and Julian turn your heads. Your stomach dropped as soon as you saw Bucky watching you two with a frown and you withdrew your hand from Julian’s arm.
“Bucky,” you breathed out, “Um-hi.”
“Hi,” he said without taking his eyes off Julian, and you could almost see the wheels turning in his head.
He was trying to decide whether he was a threat to you.
“I didn’t…I didn’t know you were coming.”
“I figured I could drop by,” he said, crossing his arms, “What’s going on?”
Fuck, you had no idea how to turn this around. Thankfully neither of you had said anything about the mission, so it was more than likely that Bucky just knew you knew each other, but other than that, your cover wasn’t blown.
“Nothing! Nothing at all, he’s just—“ you stammered, trying to come up with an explanation, “He’s um—“  
“Oh come on Y/N, don’t be one of those secretive people,” Julian said, “You hate secrets. You’re Bucky, right? I heard about you.”
Bucky just raised his brows, his glare on him unwavering but even if it was quite chilling, Julian was a trained assassin just like you were, so he was used to it. Instead he curled his lips, looking between you before offering him his hand.
“I’m Julian,” he introduced himself, shooting you a grin as if you two shared an inside joke “The evil ex-boyfriend who’s gonna take her from you.”
Chapter 13
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
Feral (Tendou x F! Reader)
Hey! Here’s Nyx being super late with a collab fic for the Haikyuu Headquarters Collab, which can be found here! 
Special shout outs to @the-great-queen and @fallingintoimagination for getting me hooked on Feral Tendy <3 and @mammonrights for bein a heathen with me.
Warnings: Biting, Marking, Slight breeding kink cause it’s me, A lil bit of predator/prey play, and NSFW abound~ 
You quite enjoyed the calm, lazy weekends where you curled up with a book or movie, ignoring the outside world and the coming work week. The same couldn’t be said for your friend, currently draped over your lap, whining.
 "I'm so bored, let's do something fun." Tendou looked up at you with pleading eyes as you kept watching your show. You were only a few episodes out from the season finale, and you weren't too keen on stopping now.
 "I am having fun, Sa-to-ri." You grinned, glancing down at him, "It's not my fault you don't have any taste." He pouted at you, the teasing something that had thrived in your friendship.
 “It’s not my fault I’ve already read the whole series before the show started. I could tell you what happens if you want.” Your attention turned fully to him, what he wanted all along.
 "You wouldn't dare, Tendou." You tried to keep your gaze hard on him, despite the growing grin on his face.
“Ooh, pulling out the last name, that hurts.” He put a mocking hand over his chest. “And I wouldn’t have to ruin the whole series for you if you just entertained me a little.” You huffed, pausing the show and giving him an unamused glare.
"Fine, and what do you want to do exactly?" He sat up, leaning in close to you. You could feel the heat of your face at his nearness but kept up your mask. It wasn't new for you and Tendou to flirt like this, but it never failed to excite you.
 “Would you believe me if I said you?” The coy grin he wore made you roll your eyes.
 “No.” You turned your face away, trying to calm your desperate heartbeat before you gave him more ammunition to tease you. His calloused fingers slid under your chin, bringing your face back to his gaze.
 "I think you're lying… you want it, don't you?" You bit your tongue softly, trying to weigh your options. Tendou would notice right away if you lied, and you wouldn't dare tell him the truth, that you had been dreaming of the day he'd finally make a real move.
 It seemed Tendou was especially impatient that day, pressing a light kiss to your lips before retreating, hopping off your couch to stretch. “Let’s play tag.”
 You were snapped out of your stupor at the kiss by his words, wondering if you had possibly imagined it. "W-what?" His eyes drifted to yours with a predatory smile.
 “Tag. If you can keep away from me for… hmm… fifteen minutes, you win. We keep watching your show, no more complaints from me.” You furrowed your brows.
 “Satori, we’re not kids anymore. I figured you’d want to go out to a club or something, why tag?”
 “Cause it’s fun. Live a little, play tag with me.” He shrugged and held out a hand, which you reluctantly took, pulling you to your feet.
 “Fine, and what happens if I lose?” His eyes glittered with a curious mischievousness, and you were almost tempted to pull your hand away.
 "I'll think of something. Now for the rules. No leaving the house, no locking doors. I'll give you a 30-second head start. You can hide if you really want to." His grin only grew as he spoke, showing his excitement for your little game. You rolled your eyes again, ignoring the spark of adrenaline that ran through your veins. "Sound good to you?"
 "Yeah, sure, Satori."
 "Then… Run." The look in his eyes sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but wonder if this was how a rabbit felt staring into the eyes of a wolf. Once he started counting, you were pulled from your frozen state, turning and bolting down the hallway. You could still hear him, his singing echoing through your house as he counted down the seconds to his hunt. With no more than a handful of seconds left, you crept into the ancient wardrobe in your room, thankful you hadn't had the time to fill it properly. You bit at your lip, trying to get the door to close from the inside was harder than you expected.
 Your breath hitched as you heard his footsteps, far too close for you to fiddle with the door anymore. You pressed yourself into the dark of the wardrobe, hoping it was enough to conceal you as his shadow snuffed out what remained of the light.
 Your hands flew to your mouth, holding in your breath along with the whine that threatened to escaped as he paused in front of you.
 “Come on out sweetness, maybe I’ll make your punishment something we’ll both enjoy?” His voice was deeper than usual, a darkness you’d only caught glimpses of before now on full display. You shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as you were, the heat pooling in your stomach as he lingered. Something about the tension, the anticipation of being found was a drug to you.
 He slowly moved away, something you only noticed by the return of the light. You sat for several long moments, trying to hear past the blood rushing in your ears as you peeked through the door. The room in front of you was empty, and he could no longer be heard. If you wanted to run, now would be the time. Cautiously, you pushed open the door, creeping out one leg at a time until you released a shuddering breath, straightening your clothes.
 "You should probably run now, little lamb." The voice made you jump, even more so the sight of Tendou, leaning against the door you had just open, a malicious grin splitting his face in two. You ran without any thought, slamming doors behind you as you tried and failed to remember your house's layout. Every step, every labored breath you took, you could hear him nearing. You could feel him hot on your heels, to the point where the doors were no longer falling closed behind you, merely bouncing off his extended arm, slamming against the wall.
 You had made a mistake somewhere in your panic. A room with no other doors, no easy means of escape, just you and Tendou standing at separate sides of the room. All you could do was watch as he closed in, your heart jack-hammering against its cage. The only way out was around, to fake out the former Guess Monster of Shiratorizawa.
 Breathe in, breathe out- glance to the side, opposite of where you were planning of going. Your mind was working faster than you thought possible, acting on the barest hint of thoughts as Tendou's hands neared you. You ducked, somehow slipping through the narrow escape between his arm and his body. Your lungs burned as you ran, the peals of laughter echoing throughout the halls as the hunt continued. How long could fifteen minutes be?
 Each step, each ragged breath sent a fire through your veins. Maybe Tendou had the right idea, when was the last time you felt this alive? Slipping through doorways, skidding along tiled floors, nervous laughter seeping through your lips as his cackling rang in your ears. Faster, quicker, just seconds ahead of his hands, you ran. You couldn't hide, not anymore, all you could do was hope that you were faster than him until the clock ran out.
 You somehow found yourself back where you started, the timer of his phone counting down the last seconds of your game. You had won, you knew it, just a few more seconds…
 A shrill scream tore through your throat; you had let yourself get distracted. Calloused fingers wrapped around you, holding your arms tight to your chest as the alarm rang through the house. You had almost won… Tendou pulled you flush against his chest, every inch of him wrapped around you, pressed against your back.
 “Too bad, little lamb.” He taunted, his lips brushing against your ear. “You were so close.” You hadn’t even noticed the whine that escaped you until you heard him chuckle, low and dark. “You stopped there near the end… did you want me to catch you that bad?” You shook your head, belatedly noticing how his hands sunk into the plush of your chest. “You can deny it to yourself all you want, but your body says differently. You haven’t even tried to slip away.” He moved his head to brush his lips against your neck, the barest brushes of skin. There was no fighting the shiver of pleasure that ran down your spine or the gasp that slipped past your lips.
 You resisted even less when he turned you, pressing your chests together as his head dipped to kiss you hungrily. You opened to his whims easily, tongue and teeth clashing with no other thought than the hunger that burned deep in your stomach. When had your hands buried themselves in his? When had he stopped kissing you in favor of trailing bites down the length of your neck? It was happening so quickly, and yet it seemed as if this had been building up as long as you could remember. He devoured you, as he did so many other things. Headfirst into his passion with little regard to anything else as his rough hands slid under your shirt, quickly pulling it up and over your head. He barely pulled away to pull his own off by the collar, whipping it to the abyss that existed outside of you and him.
 Throughout the house, he led you, a trail of clothes littering your path. He was nothing but a storm of lips and teeth, marking every inch of skin he could reach, claiming you as his prize. He hadn't even stripped you of your underwear, but the way he was grinding against you, laving his tongue over the deep imprints of his teeth had you writhing for release. Finally, a single finger dipped between you, dragging over your covered folds and feeling the dampness that made the fabric cling to your skin.
 “Pretty little lamb, I’m going to destroy you.” He chuckled, his breath falling heavily against your neck. You nodded, already a whining mess.
 “Please, Satori… I want you, please.” Was that your voice? You hardly recognized it, buried beneath all the lust and longing weighing down the tone.
 He spoke mockingly as he slowly pulled the last scrap of fabric down your legs. “I knew you wanted me, little lamb… but I didn’t mind playing our little game to make you admit it. You opened your mouth to refute him, to say something in your defense, but the only thing that came out was a sinful moan as his teeth sunk into your thigh, marking you so close to where you wanted him.
 Words failed you, lost in the haze that was Tendou Satori, and all you could do was pull him in closer, desperate to feel him inside of you. He fit against you so well, the feeling of his lips on yours was a drug like no other. You melted against his touch, conforming to his body as he hitched your leg high up on your hip. His touch on your hip was firm, holding you still as he teased at your entrance, watching your face with a sadistic smile.
 Ever so slowly, he sunk in, his mouth open as he let the softest of groans escape him while he watched you writhe as you tried to push down further on his length. "You know, little lamb… I never said what I would take as my prize…" You attempted to clear your cloudy eyes, focusing on his gluttonous face.
 "I thought this…" A sharp thrust, bottoming Tendou's length inside you brought your sentence to a breathy end, but you tried to continue on, "I thought I was your prize?"
 “Hmm… but you gave yourself over to me without me even asking… I guess I’ll just have to cum in you as my prize.” It shouldn’t sound so appealing falling from his lips, but all you could do was keen out, desperate for him to take you in any and all ways he wanted. He won you fair and square.
 “Please, Satori, whatever you want, just move!” His smile darkened, a calloused finger coming up to brush lightly against your cheek.
 “How can I resist when you beg so nicely for it?” With that last word, his hands returned to your hips, holding on in a bruising grip as he pulled out slowly, watching the tears gather on your lashes as you pleaded for him to move faster. As soon as the tip traced your entrance, something in him snapped. He bucked into you wildly, pulling a loud moan from your lungs.
 Gone was your lazy, teasing friend that you spent calm Sundays with, replaced with a hungry animal, intent on devouring you from the inside out. Each roll of his hips pushed you further from your thoughts, focusing only on the carnal way he hunched over you, sucking deep marks into your skin to remind you long after this was over of what he turned you into. Just a mewling, desperate mess, falling apart underneath him, pliant to his every touch. And touch he did, imprints of his hands seemed to be carved into your hips, the ghost of his teeth in every bite he laid on your skin still stinging, only heightening the pleasure of his cock pistoning within you.
 The pleasure became overwhelming, and you dug your nails into his shoulder, desperate for anything to ground yourself in this moment. It only spurred him on further, a deep growl rumbling in his chest as you marked him in kind. Some small stake that showed you weren't just a passive participant in his game. You pulled him close with the grip you held on his shoulders, panting heavily on his shoulder before you bit into his neck, mirroring one of the many marks he had left on you. The whine you pulled from his throat only made you moan against his skin as he pushed your legs higher, trying to find a better angle to sink into you as you savagely attacked his neck.
 You only pulled away when you felt the peak growing impossibly close, a breathy moan of his name bringing him back to himself.
 “Please, Satori, I’m so close.” You let the tears spill from your lashes, twin rivers framing your face as you stared up at him, pleading. “Fill me up, please.” He groaned lowly, pulling back just enough to sneak a hand between your bodies. Those stupid, calloused fingers you had grown to appreciate so quickly deftly found your clit, sensitive from all the friction of his rutting, and he relentlessly assaulted the swollen nub. You felt him start to twitch inside you as you tensed, finally cresting in pleasure.
 He was thrown violently into his orgasm as you cried out his name, clenching your fists around his shoulders once more. Each thrust as he worked through his release brought you closer to over-stimulation, the added friction on the edge of pain as he filled you.
 The house was finally quiet, the only sound coming from your intermingling breaths, heavy and satisfied. He collapsed next to you, content to relax against your pillows as you processed all that had just happened. When you remained silent, he turned his eyes to you with a grin. “We can go watch that show now.”
 You couldn’t stop the nervous giggle that escaped you. “After all that, you want to go watch that show?” He nodded, smirking.
 "Yeah, why not?" He sat up, stretching out his shoulders, and giving you a good view of the angry red lines you had left all over him.
 “So… do we just pretend this didn’t happen?”
 "I don't know what you mean, I thought I made it pretty clear." You wished you could see his face as he got up for even a hint of how he felt.
 “What do you mean, Satori?”
 “I won you.” He sung, “I marked you inside and out. You’re mine now.” He turned with a mischievous grin, and you wouldn’t be surprised if this was the outcome he wanted when he walked through your door this morning. Still, you stood, walking over to him and running a hand down his chest.
 “You did, didn’t you?” With your confirmation, his grin softened to a more sincere smile, ducking to place a kiss to your cheek.
 “So, time for your show, little lamb?”
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hi do you think you do the 4 lords reaction to finding out their GN s/o has a shadow demon that goes wherever they go and some time find the 2 of them playing board games
Hiii!! okay important note here! i decided to go a little off topic (sorry) for the purpose of a part 2 where the lord’s s/o will be an angel!! of course still gender neutral and there will be a shadow demon but the s/o will be a demon that hasn’t fully formed yet!
i’ve been really uninspired lately so this probably isn’t my best! i apologise :((
Devil or Angel? Pt.1
General HC’s
It was strange how quickly your life had changed. One morning you were just a normal villager in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere Romania and the next day you woke up from the cold dirty ground with a pair of huge dark wings and sharp nails.
You had been exploring some of the woodlands surrounding the village, looking for a water source which was running low when a dark figure came barrelling towards you. It felt like hours, when really it was only a few seconds of sharp searing pain. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave the village alone.
You didn’t die however, or maybe you did? You weren’t quite sure what was happening to your body. All you knew was it must have been something supernatural to make the huge black wings appear.
“Looks like you finally woke up! Do you know how fucking boring it is just waiting for you to wake up?”
You screamed in terror at the large demonic creature floating above you. It was surrounded by a cloud of black mist with red eyes that pierced through its silhouette. It had a large wicked smile aligned with sharp teeth and a set of wings that matched your own.
Behind those eyes was something much more human however, in fact it looked rather bored.
“Who, or what are you?! And mind that language!”
The creature only laughed at you, amused by the whole situation which bothered you beyond compare.
“Well I’m a demon, if I didn’t swear you’d probably think me an angel with these playful charms I posses! And to be more specific I’m your demon, it seems you fell prey to one of the other demons condemned to this world it’s quite the tragedy really.”
You were shocked at just how easily this creature, this demon talked to you. As if it was a completely normal morning and life in the village had not changed at all.
“Oh don’t act so shocked, you medieval villagers have been worshiping my kind for a lot longer than that Mother Miranda. You’re one of us now!”
Surprisingly over time the creature, who’d you’d nicknamed “red” for their glowing eyes, was slowly growing on you. You might even call them a friend.
Sure Red was cocky as all hell and didn’t hesitate to cause trouble amongst the village but they became very protective over you and showed you the ropes on life as a demon.
Life can get kinda boring when you’re practically immortal and so you and red pass the time playing old Romanian board games and solitaire. When village life got really boring you even stooped so low to play go fish together.
A lot of the time you cause mischief in and around the village while Red was practically the devil on your shoulder, egging you on to stir the pot. The lycans were particularly enjoyable to taunt.
Regardless of everything, you couldn’t see yourself without Red and to lose them would crush you. There had been one too many nights when you’d chat about everything and nothing until you fell asleep curled up underneath your wings.
That was when you felt a protective wing curl around you, one that wasn’t your own.
“Always gotta fall asleep on me don’t you, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll have you partying all night before you know it kiddo.”
Alcina Dimitrescu
It started out as a stupid dare when Red dared you to sneak into Castle Dimitrescu and steal the Lady’s lipstick after hearing the village gossip that it was expensive.
You did not expect however to get caught in the hallway, starting straight up into the eyes of Alcina Dimitrescu, a stuttering and blushing mess. It was something that Red would tease you for until eternity ended.
After winning her favour, both you and Red were invited to stay in the Castle with Alcina and her daughters. She thought you were much better company than her brother and her affluent but gothic lifestyle totally appealed to you.
As it turns out you and Alcina had a lot more in common, both being creatures of a supernatural nature. You enjoyed the lazy afternoons curled up on the couch, a glass of maidens blood in your hand as she gentle stroked the back of her hand against your wings.
You had the finest outfits that matched your black wings perfectly and everything was tailor made so you were comfortable.
Red taught you how to fly so you were able to use your wings to be at eye level with Alcina which was perfect for hugs and kisses.
It turns out that Red is a great babysitter for the girls and keeps them entertained with hunting maidens and chasing them around the Castle while you and Alcina can spend some time together.
Donna Beneveinto
At first, Donna is truly scared of you and Red much like how you were in the beginning. But eventually, with the help of Angie she saw that you were not going to harm her.
You loved to spend time with Donna and watch her make her dolls or sew her dresses. Sometimes Red will come back with Angie from a day of causing trouble to find you reading to her another encyclopaedia of plants. Her head is resting on your chest and your wings are wrapped around her protectively while you read.
Your favourite thing to do together is to take Donna into your arms and fly to the top of the mountain where the waterfall begins and watch the sunset together. She’ll always have a deathly grip on your hand the whole time even though you’ve reassured her that you’d never drop her.
One time when you leaned in and gave her a kiss, a rather loud noise was heard from the corner and interrupted you.
“EWWW you guys are too cute!! All that lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick!”
Red is standing to the side with Angie on their shoulder who is sitting there making her own dramatic faces. One of Angie’s wooden hands covers Red’s eyes while the other is held on her forehead as if the kiss was enough to kill her.
Besides from their comment both Angie and Red act like your wing man for your relationship with Donna. They absolutely love you two together and have set up many dates for the two of you.
Salvatore Moreau
You meet Salvatore Moreau one day when you’re at the reservoir playing hide and seek in the near by mines with Red.
As it’s your turn to hide you end up ducking between some planks to find a tv set up and a small couch. Sitting in the middle of it happens to be someone you now know as Sal.
He thought you were going to kill him at first, hiding his face in his hands but very slowly after some months he saw that you weren’t a threat.
Over this time trying to convince Sal that you weren’t going to hurt him and trying to spend more time with him, Red took the opportunity to tease you for your crush.
“I think someone’s in got a little crush hmm??”
Eventually you become very close with Sal and the two of you will playfully chase each other at the reservoir. Sal will swim just below the surface while you fly just above it and your fingers brush together just where the water meets the air.
One time when you were chasing Red around the rooftops of the old village, you slipped and fell into the water, something that your large feathery wings did not enjoy and Red had to pull you out.
You ended up bundled on the couch with Sal, a bunch of blankets around you as your wings dried out. It took forever and you ended up a giant bundle of fluffy feathers but Sal thought you looked adorable.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl caught you and Red taunting the lycans when he went to check on them at their den one day. At the site of you two he raised an eyebrow and proceeded to light a cigar.
“I think you two may be lost, don’t you know it’s dangerous out here?”
You can hear the sarcasm in his voice and you spread your wings out to be intimidating, Red’s black mist behind you adding to it.
“Indeed it is very dangerous out here, I’d hate for you to get hurt.”
It was then when the three of you burst into a fit of laughter knowing that you were the strongest creatures in these woods and nothing could really hurt either of you.
Both you and Karl had a mischievous side and spent a lot of time causing trouble for his sister in her Castle.
It was fun to spend time with Karl and you both grew rather close. He even trusted you enough to let you help him on some of his plans and designs.
Red was particularly fond of the idea of killing Mother Miranda.
“Ooh when she’s gone can I have my picture put back up?! Pretty please!”
Karl designed his soldats with a red glowing chest plate that reminded him of your red glowing eyes which now matched Red’s.
While Karl will deny it forever, he’s completely in awe of you and finds you absolutely breathtaking. He can’t get over how soft your wings are and always cuddles up to you complaining that it’s cold even though it’s sweltering hot in the factory.
One day Karl took you by surprise and kissed you gently but with a degree of confidence which took him months to find. You melted into him and wrapped your arms around him securely, completely forgetting Red who’s hovering in the room.
“Guys I hate to break it to you but I’m kinda third wheeling here…”
Needless to say, Red third wheeled a lot and ended up befriend Sturm as an alternative to watching you guys make out.
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ryosmne · 3 years
Tattoo artist! Sukuna x reader part 4
Hello, it's me your friendly neighborhood Sukuna simp, I don't have much to ramble about today, I hope you have fun reading this part :)
Series masterlist here
Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption, implied smut that I'm too shy to write.
The café was unusually quiet today, maybe it's because the other days y/n found herself sitting at that exact spot by the window, Mai was the one sitting across from her. Today was different, Nobara took Mai's place for brunch after class, to be fair she hadn't showed up in some time so both Nobara and y/n jumped at the opportunity to spend some time together.
"So, does it feel lonely now that Yuuji and Mai spend so much time together?" Nobara asked, evidently trying to make y/n admit to some form of jealousy she was sure she had. "Not really, I'm happy she's finally with someone so good for her and she's finally off my back about hooking me up with random dudes" y/n said and she was honestly happy for her best friend, Yuuji was a very nice guy and in the past few weeks he's been seeing Mai, he's nothing less of a sweetheart and y/n saw him a as a little sibling even though they were roughly the same age.
"Of course, why would you be lonely, Sukuna's been keeping you company too." Nobara's eyes had a glimmer in them, not because she wanted to tease y/n, but she was very invested in the girls business with the oh so attractive tattoo artist.
Nobara did her homework on the guy, he certainly wasn't as polite or well mannered as he came across the night they met. He did seem like trouble at first glance, but the way he looked at y/n that night, or the times he waited for her to get off class to have some time together, Nobara would say that even a blind man could see that y/n had been tugging on Sukuna's heartstrings.
"It's not like that" y/n was once again flustered. What was she to the pink haired man, who missed no chance to be around her? "You're making out in his car in broad daylight, what is it like?" the brown haired girl chuckled, her friend was an idiot if she worried for a second about the man who looked at her like she would disappear at any second. "I don't know, but we aren't together like that, he's an interesting guy" y/n longed to be with him, she had a faint memory about him talking about something like that the time he spend the night with her, but then again, she was drunk and that could be her mind playing cruel tricks on her.
"Ok then whatever you say, I really hope you're not doubting the dude that cooked you ten different options for breakfast, after he took your drunk ass home."
"Wait how do you know about that- did Mai? Oh I'm gonna kill her."
Despite the tiny voice asking 'what are we?' in y/n's head, her days with Sukuna have been some of the best she's had. Granted they couldn't see each other that often, whenever they did, it was always better than the time before.
Sukuna had taken her to all the restaurants he knew were good, cafes with the best tiramisu she had ever tasted, taking an hour and a half to get to the next place he'd see her smile listening to her excitement filled voice as she told him how delicious the food was, then giving him some attitude mumbling about how she didn't expect him to have such nice taste, was the easiest victory to him, the highlight of his day.
He hadn't managed to get her back to his chair like he needed to yet, he had been so busy finding the best places to take her to that it seemed like it completely slipped his mind. It hasn't slipped Sukuna's mind though, he's just been nervous to bring it up again, what if she doesn't want to do that anymore? What if she changed her mind? What if she just agreed because she felt compelled to do so? Sukuna didn't know which one was worse.
Even on the days they couldn't see each other they were in touch, texting silly things or messing with each other. If a day was anything other good Sukuna could vent and let out his frustrations talking to y/n and she often did the same. Sukuna preferred calling her for that, not only to get things off his chest but because her voice was so calming to him, the need to hear it grew stronger each day he wasn't able to see her.
Afternoon classes were always adding to her demise, y/n even accepted Mai's gossiping over paying attention. Yuuji as she expected was as sweet as he looked, Mai was once again gushing over him and his adorable nature. Y/n just smiled at her friend who rumbled about the boy who, by now had a very firm hold of her heart. "You and Sukuna?" She asked, prying for any information she didn't already know from Yuuji. "Me and Sukuna" y/n stated back, shit eating grin on her face, knowing how not entertaining Mai and not feeding her what she wanted completely pissed her off. Y/n's phone buzzed from her pocket, giving her a little break from her friends curiosity.
Can I take you out after class?
Y/n's lips tagged into a small smile. "Speak of the devil" Mai teased looking over y/n's phone.
Hmm depends. Where to?
Its a surprise, doll
You know I hate surprises, but I can make an exception for you.
Mai pretend to gag next to her, but y/n payed her no mind. She had already seen enough from her and Yuuji to do the same.
You won't regret it, I'll be outside when you're done.
"Just don't make out in the parking lot again, being in his car doesn't mean that we don't see you." Mai was being Mai again. Y/n shoved her arm lightly and told her that they all knew how her and Yuuji sneaked around the bathrooms, laughing as her face flushed red.
Sukuna entered her field of view leaning against his car, finishing up a cigarette, looking too good for anyone not to stare at him. The total black outfit he had on did wonders for him, even if it was the simplest of crew cut shirts and sweatpants, every piece of clothing complimented him. Waving at Mai, y/n walked towards him noticing he's cocky expression. "Feels like you're eating me up with those eyes" he laughed, why must the sound of his voice be this melodic at all times. "Don't worry I missed you too" Sukuna said laying a soft kiss on y/n's lips as a greeting. If her fellow students weren't staring already, now they surely were .
" Where are we headed tonight?" Y/n asked fastening her seatbelt, she still kind of thought of Sukuna as clumsy, even though he's driven her many places, it's not that she didn't trust him, he was a very good driver. Hey safety comes first.
"You'll find out" he spoke with a little grin, before starting his engine and driving off.
Unlocking his door, he let y/n step inside first. Sukuna's house was surprisingly neat, everything looked to be in place, the décor was minimalistic. It felt like Sukuna very home-y, but then it didn't. It was too tidy, y/n didn't really think of him as a tidy person. The place also had his scent of sandalwood so y/n easily relaxed into the new space taking some more steps forward to look around.
"Bringing me to your house like this without taking me to dinner first, tsk should've known you were that type 'kuna." Y/n said in a mockingly disapproving tone "Who said that, I'm cooking dinner for you." Sukuna said draping his arm around her shoulders guiding her to his kitchen.
Whatever Sukuna had on his stove smelled scrumptious, making y/n's mouth water, maybe how pretty Sukuna looked with an apron on and a little sweat forming on his forehead from the heat of the stove helped too.
"You know, I would have never guessed you knew how to cook." Y/n let some of her assumptions fly in the room, she was the only one with a pass to talk about whatever she wanted with him. Sukuna wasn't going to shut her down. Y/n had leaned back on his table, her eyes roamed his figure freely. Sukuna would look over his shoulder smiling to himself every time he caught her in the act.
"I had to learn, Yuuji and I lived with our Grandpa, when he passed, it was just me and him." Y/n's heart clenched in her chest, Sukuna sounded different saying that. The truth is, Sukuna had never talked about that with anyone, he never made word of his grandfather's passing or the hardships him and his brother went through when they were left alone. He had mentioned to y/n that his and Yuuji's grandfather raised them, but from the way he spoke about him y/n was sure his Grandfather was doing well. "I'm sorry for your loss" was all she could muster at that moment, the pain in his voice was much too real for her. "Thank you, at least my brother turned out pretty good" he quickly changed the subject to something ligter, surprised at his self for opening up to her so easily. "You didn't turn out that bad either" y/n let the words spill, she had spent the past half hour blatantly checking out his back, she had nothing to get shy about. Sukuna let out a laugh, gripping his wooden spoon a little tighter throwing a glance over his shoulder. "Is that what you think?" Y/n shifted in her seat, how could this guy go from sentimental to laughing about his brother and to whatever this dark seductive tone was, she had no idea.
"Come on don't get shy on me, you were having fun checking me out just a minute ago, see anything you like" in the blink of an eye, Sukuna was slightly bent down facing her. Even after all the makeout sessions they've had that usually ended with y/n slapping his arm worrying that someone saw them and Sukuna looking at her with a cocky grin reassuring her that they gave a good show to whoever was watching, he could still make her all flustered, and she looked adorable like this, a deer caught in headlights. Sukuna kissed the tip of her nose, telling her she looked cute before turning his attention back on the food.
"Did you find that movie?" Sukuna's voice came from the kitchen, y/n was fumbling with the remote on his couch. Sukuna insisted on eating in his living room, he didn't want this to feel too formal, he still had whine out with fancy plates and everything, but he only wanted to cook for his girl and see her eyes light up eating his food, like they always did when she tried the food on the restaurants he took her.
"Yeah, here let me help with that." She said getting of the couch to help him set everything. "No no no, you go sit down, I'll do the work." Sukuna insisted, y/n only raised a brow at him and complied.
"Okay, you have to teach me, this tastes so good 'kuna" that nickname stuck, not that Sukuna complained, his stomach still did flips every time y/n called him that. She was looking at him just the way he hoped she would. The dish was quite simple, chicken with some red salsa and vegetables, but it was better than anything she'd ever tasted.
"I can give you a little cooking class, as long as you go grocery shopping" He offered her a little smile and y/n rolled her eyes playfully.
Y/n was leaning on Sukuna's chest with her arm hooked around his waist, he had a firm hold of her too, mindlessly looking at the screen but not paying enough attention to it. The movie y/n chose turned out to be a barely watchable C grade thriller and the two glasses of wine they had didn't make it tolerable either. Bad movie or not, having her under his arm like this was all he needed to feel calmer. Sukuna was so calm that he forgot why he brought y/n over.
"Can I show you something?" Sukuna spoke softly, looking down at her, y/n nodded in reply and groaned loudly at the loss of his warmth when he got up from the couch, Sukuna could only chuckle at her .
"Just two drinks and you're already a brat."
"Shut up."
Sukuna came back holding a big folder and some sketch books, y/n's curiosity picked and she found herself straightening up a bit.
"I've been dying to show you these." Sukuna stated as he flipped through the pages. Y/n's eyes danced all over the various shapes and designs he had came up with. Her eyes traced a particular three headed fox, she had never seen anything like that before, she reached out her hand to feel his drawing on her fingertips.
Sukuna's heart picked up its pace, she was currently in aww at his favourite piece for her. "Are those what you told me you came up with form me?" She was amused, she stared at him wide eyed not believing that anyone would ever do something like that for her, "Yeah, every design here is meant for you, you can pick whichever you like, but if you don't want me to tattoo you, I'll understand, you don't have to let me if you don't want to." Y/n couldn't believe it, there were enough drawings in here to fill her entire body in ink. She had hardly believed him when he said he had a vision for her sleeve, but this, this was out of this world.
"I don't even know what to say, these are so beautiful, but why did you go through all this trouble?" She still couldn't see a reason for it. "You've given me so much inspiration from the first time you visited, I can't get your skin out of my head, seeing you in my work is just surreal. I would do anything to do it again" Sukuna's words had not yet sunken in properly, y/n was still in disbelief.
Sukuna placed his sketchbooks on the coffee table, his hand prompting y/n's chin up so he can look at her face in the dim lights of his living room. "I will decorate any part of your skin you're willing to give to me, I'll give you the best work I can, please let me do this much." Sukuna almost sounded desperate, his face was once more too close and his wine scented breath tickled her lips, he had almost gone mad drawing in most his free time, and every time he saw her, a new idea of what would fit her popped into his head.
"You can do that" the moment these words rolled out of y/n's tongue, Sukuna had heard all he needed, and latched his mouth on hers, allowing his hands to explore more of her body. Between heavy breaths, Sukuna whispered about the softness of her skin, how he couldn't wait to mark her again, how he wanted her to be his canvas, his and only his. Diving in her neck once more, littering her sensitive skin with bruises she'd have to cover up tomorrow and her hands tangled up in his hair. "Just be good for me and I'll be gentle" His words only made her anticipate more.
The next day Sukuna was walking like the happiest man on earth, he woke up and had breakfast with his beloved doll, he had a smile on his face you couldn't miss. His co-workers didn't miss it either nor did they miss the huge forder he had under his arm when he came in, but they didn't question it.
Gojo spent his time teasing him about his unusual demeanor while Geto laughed to himself assuming what everyone else did.
Teasing him and prying about Sukuna's previous day didn't really work in Gojo's favour, Sukuna would simply ignore him and his smile still hadn't fadded. Gojo took it as his personal mission to piss him off when he had a lightbulb moment.
"Come on man, you talk about her all the time and when she comes over we're all working, when are we gonna get to meet her?" Gojo pushed, for the third time today, he finally found a weak spot.
The entire crew was curious meet y/n, properly this time at least, but Gojo was the only one who could confidently voice that. "Tell you what, go one month without fucking someone in here, and we can all go for some drinks tonight." Sukuna said in a joking manner, there was no way Gojo Satoru would agree to something like that, the man couldn't last two days on that deal, he was not about to give his word to Sukuna and take one for the team.
Gojo stood before the pink haired man, his glasses low on the bridge of his nose "Then, it's a deal" he said, obnoxious as ever with his hand extended for Sukuna to take. Sukuna knew Gojo was a man of his word, and if he shook on something, he would no doubt keep his end. Now Sukuna had to keep his as well.
Hey doll, I was wondering if you'd like to go grab a few drinks with me and the rest of the guys after closing?
Sure, I'll be there before nine, what's the occasion?
No need, I'll pick you up, they just really want to meet you, you don't have to come if you don't want to though.
Don't be stupid, I won't pass the opportunity of collecting blackmail on you.
Sukuna was smiling at his phone, that was so typical of y/n, his grin quickly faded once his eyes met the idiots standing before him with hopeful eyes. "Just don't do anything stupid" he sighed defeated before getting back to work, this was going to be a long night.
Y/n easily spotted Sukuna's car, he was parked just further down her street. Carefully swinging the passenger door open, she expected at least extra someone inside, but it was just Sukuna.
"Hey 'kuna." y/n greeted stepping inside, Sukuna faced her with a half smile, lazily bringing his hand on her jawline, pulling her in for a short kiss. "You're looking very pretty today, dollface." he spoke, still inches from her face, as his eyes traced her figure. Every inch of exposed skin begging him to mark it. Sukuna halted his wandering thoughts when y/n spoke again. "Everyone ended up ditching you in the end? cause you could've taken me out without an excuse like that."
"I wish they did, but unfortunately for both of us we'll have to suffer through it, I know you'd rather have me all to yourself." The mare glance he gave her from the corner of his eye as he put the car on speed was enough to have y/n's hear thumping in her chest. "Speak for yourself, airhead." Y/n's tone didn't lack at all in sarcasm. She did want him all to herself but she also was very intrigued by the rest of his crew, Sukuna always spoke about them. Whether it was stories from his childhood, college or everyday work things, y/n kept hearing about Nanami, Geto, Gojo and Megumi so she looked forward to getting to know them for herself. She had only seen Gojo and Nanami. Megumi and Geto had always been occupied when she dropped by the shop she would catch a glimpse of them tonight.
Sukuna's hand had taken a grip of her thigh, making y/n not so focused in their conversation. Sukuna was mindlessly squeezing while warning y/n about his friends.
The bar looked more like a museum in her opinion, still a very beautiful, elegant place. Y/n expected no less from Sukuna, he's already accompanied her to the best small restaurants and patisseries, sometimes she wondered how he came to know this many perfect date spots.
Sukuna had managed to slip his hand in her's the moment he noticed eyes on his precious doll and guided her to the table his co-workers were sat.
"You owe me 50 Nanami, they did show up."
"You're making me regret this already." Sukuna said, his head dipping slightly
"Come on 'kuna don't be such a grump" had that been y/n's voice Sukuna would've smiled down at her and his demeanor would instantly change, Gojo's voice only offered him annoyance.
Y/n took notice and softly brushed his hand with her thumb, Sukuna let a little laugh and proceeded to introduce the girl under his arm to everyone. "Y/n this is Geto, Megumi and you already know Nanami and Gojo here" Sukuna spoke pulling out y/n's seat as she shook hands with everyone. Gojo took the chance to piss his friend off, after all he would have to strictly work for the next month, he brought y/n's hand to his lips, giving her a compliment on her dress, making Sukuna red in the face.
Everyone took a liking to her very quickly, seeing exactly why Sukuna was so taken by her, she was witty and smart with a silver tongue that was also very sharp. Geto begun telling her about Sukuna's embarrassing drunk nights in college while Gojo laughed and even Nanami snickered. Megumi made Sukuna regret the day he considered taking him in his shop when he told y/n how he always cried as a kid if he didn't have a cookie after his meal. "That's why you always grumble about dessert?" Y/n asked him choking in laughter, Sukuna mumbled a reply and went back to looking annoyed, he was really happy to see y/n interact with his friends so effortlessly. This girl was constantly giving him more reasons to be around her.
Y/n was in the middle of a deep conversation with Nanami about philosophy, her eyes gleaming when he mentioned Plato's allegory of the cave. Geto subtly tapped Megumi's leg to get him to notice how Sukuna was resting his chin on his hand staring at y/n, who was blabbering about Greek philosophers, with the most sweet expression on his face any of them had seen. Gojo also took notice of that and an unspoken pact of 'annoy the fuck out of Sukuna' was made then and there.
"Have you thought about the next thing you want done or did you just want one tattoo?" Gojo asked the girl, breaking her conversation with Nanami a little too early for her liking.
"Yeah, I'll be getting some more work from Sukuna pretty soon" y/n replied proudly, her mind wandering to the night before to Sukuna and the beautiful pieces he came up with just for her. Sukuna perked up, his heart thumping by how happy y/n sounded with these words rolling out her lips.
"You sure you want him to do it though? You know I'm free if you need." Gojo's voice was condescending like always. Sukuna tensed up, jaw clenching at the thought of anyone laying a finger on y/n's skin. "Are you crazy? with work like this, I wouldn't let anyone else do it." Y/n laughed, Gojo must've been joking anyway.
Sukuna found so much comfort in her reply, she loved his artistry and never hesitated to show it, no matter how much of a brat she could be with him. Geto butted in the conversation too "y/n is right, look at how beautiful Sukuna's work looks on her, there's no way she'd change him." Y/n nodded at his words. "But I also do black and gray, I'm sure I could come up with something for you" Sukuna's eyes were glaring daggers at the raven haired man next to him, he remained oblivious to it laughing on the inside, Sukuna was so predictable.
"Thanks, but you said it yourself, there's no way I'd change him." Y/n spoke confidently, taking a sip of her vodka, knowing that at this point she was stroking Sukuna's ego and it would only grow bigger. Sukuna had no idea what everyone was onto trying to tattoo y/n, probably piss him off. From the looks of it, y/n wasn't going to let that happen. Nanami was observing quietly exchanging a few more words with y/n, he was right about her not taking other people's bullshit, Gojo couldn't pull anything with her, Nanami could see what Sukuna saw in her.
"Y/n, when you first came you were going to get tattooed by Megumi right?" Nanami spoke, Sukuna never expected him to join the others in their stupidity. "Yeah, he takes the walk ins right?" Y/n said casually, paying no mind to what Nanami was trying to do, the rest of them were also shocked that he decided to join in on making Sukuna's night a little hellish. Oh the betrayal.
"Did you want to get tattooed by Megumi?" Such a simple question, but Sukuna was at the edge of his seat "Yeah, I did, he was the reason I chose Domain in the first place, everyone loves this guy's work, I was pretty excited." Sukuna's face dropped, it's not like he didn't expect that, of course y/n came based on the reviews, he couldn't be mad at her for not booking him, she didn't even know him. He was pretty happy that he ended up taking her in that day, even if his insides boiled with jealousy at this very moment "Sorry for ruining your plans doll" the same smugness echoed in his voice "I can only stay mad at you for so long." Meeting his enlarged pupils and darker eyes, she could tell Sukuna was indeed, jealous. He had nothing to be jealous of, she didn't plan on leaving his side anytime soon, but when Megumi took his turn in the game everyone seemed to play, y/n found it hard not to join them. "If you still want to I can tattoo you since I never got to" Megumi knew he was walking on thin ice when Sukuna gave him a look that made him wish he was dead, these two got in fights all the time as kids and ended up with bruises all over them, if Megumi didn't ease up Sukuna would gladly remind him of the past.
"Uh, yeah, if you've got a design" y/n said with a bit of hesitation, Sukuna was seathin next to her, his hand aggressively palming her leg just above the knee. The rest of the night Sukuna didn't really speak, only leaned in y/n's ear to tell her to slow down on the vodka, the rest of the guys continued to talk amongst themselves as if nothing had happened.
Exiting the bar, y/n was walking- trying to keep up with Sukuna who walked fast to his car after mumbling a goodnight to everyone. Y/n regretted playing along, she'd never seen Sukuna this quiet. " 'kuna, I'm sorry I really didn't want to upset you" she said her eyes on the ground, gently tagging at his jacket, how could he ever get annoyed with her when she looked like that. Sukuna wasted no time swiftly taking a hold of her, his lips ghosting her's "I'm not that upset, only a little" his voice barely above a whisper, lips grazed over hers briefly. Sukuna didn't know if that was his heart or hers thumping so hard "I'm tired of dancing around it" his breath was hot, warming up her face making y/n's face impossibly hotter. "Dancing around what?" She asked with visible hesitation. Sukuna dipped down once more, not so softly this take taking her soft lips into his own, gently tugging on her bottom lip with his teeth, letting one of his palms to rest on her cheek and the other taking a loose hold of the back of her neck. Her arms naturally found their way around his neck. "I told you I want you all to myself" . Did he mean what y/n was thinking? Did y/n want him to call her his? Sukuna almost crackled at her puzzled expression. Sukuna wasn't one to express things this openly, y/n was a bit dense in that department so he had to, at least he told himself that.
"I'm starting to get a bit disappointed, I clearly remember you saying 'i would say yes' with some romantic mumbling" Sukuna said, stroking her cheek ever so slightly.
Her breath was striped from her lungs, it wasn't from the kiss this time. So that did happen, y/n's mind was not playing tricks on her, Sukuna had in fact asked. Her eyes once again gleamed looking straight to his crimson irises. "So will you be mine?" He was more confident this time, they had grown closer, laughed more, shared more, Sukuna wanted this from the very first session they had together and the more time he spend around her, the more he couldn't bare the thought of anyone laying their fingers on her. Perhaps Nanami's little show got under his skin way more than he could ever admit, but there was no way he's letting anyone mark her. Y/n was his personal artwork, only the finest of pieces shall taint her skin. "Yes, airhead" y/n said, finally having enough air to form words, still in his arm with a smile on her face, indulging him on another deep kiss. "Let's seal the deal then."
Sukuna finally got to fulfill his need, y/n was back on his chair late in the afterhours of the night. He finished free handing another of his designs he showed her the night before, the outline of her sleeve, with the Cerberus foxes he created just for her.
Y/n was standing in front of his full body mirror, examining the very delicate lines of his marker. His arms snaked around her waist, Sukuna could watch her admire his art for eternity.
"You look so beautiful in it" he simply stated, looking at their reflection he could only note her beauty. Y/n looked beautiful, beautiful on her own, beautiful in his tattoos, beautiful in his arms.
"Your art is probably the most beautiful thing I've seen, but you too are a close competitor" her voice crystal clear, she managed to make a faint pink dust his cheeks. Sukuna wasn't one to take compliments, but from her? He could listen to her little praises all day. "Now, now get your ass back on this chair, you're not getting out of this"
"I didn't plan to anyway."
Bonus Domain shenanigans: Megumi had the pleasure of opening up the very next morning, what the hell happened here, he was about to call the cops when he saw Sukuna looking scruffy and sleep deprived, emerge from the back room, same pants and undone dress shirt as the night before. "What the hell" was all that he could say. Sukuna was thankful he let y/n out the back just so they could both avoid the embarrassment that was to come.
"What happened here?" Geto asked the moment he came through the door, although he already knew, Sukuna was predictable. "Nothing happened" Sukuna groaned trying to get them to shut up, he just needed some coffee. He disappeared in the back again.
"yeah sure, 'nothing happened' does he think we're stupid or something" Gojo said to Nanami, who already had a headache and he hasn't been in for 15 minutes yet. "Stop it already nothing happened" Sukuna said, coming out in the front to order a coffee. Gojo stared at him, walked closer to him and began laughing straight to his face, "fuck you're laughing at?" Sukuna was confused
"Next time, clean the lipstick off your face and neck." Nanami chuckled while Gojo continued to laugh at Sukuna's frustration.
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@artist4theworld @skatercashew
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goblinshork · 3 years
Ok so what abaut Bodyguard and Agony whith a a naga prince that just hates the royal life and dreams of just having a simple life living in a cottage and selling homemade jewelry, so Reader his childhood best friend, personal bodyguard and person who he feel in love whith decides to make his dream come true (bonus if the prince has a sister so the kingdown whont stay whiout a ruler and she helps Reader whith the plan, bonus+ if the prince is kinda huge and scary to other people but he is just a chill dude that likes to make rings and necklaces)
Short scenario please! (Also sorry if its too long, feel free to just ignore this if you whant)
Not too long at all and I think it's an extremely charming idea! Thank you for sharing; big gruff, undercover sweeties are one of the most Choice(tm) archetypes.
This also got super long, but the vibes were singing to me.
Features: Slight angst, happy ending, kissing
Bodyguard + Agony (Monster Ask Meme)
Hands, Touching Hands (m!Naga x gn!Reader) [3.7k]
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“Don’t lie, how many names do you remember?”
Alok yawned, curved fangs peaking out from almost-lips.
“None, thankfully,” he said, scratching at his curls, cut short enough that they barely formed.
“Oh—no, you won’t distract me. You agree with me don’t you?”
The book Alok had toyed the entire briefing slammed shut, the many bracelets at his wrist clinking for emphasis when you did not answer.
Watching him unfurl his tense length of tail, broad shoulders rising far above you as he 'stood', there was little to say but, "It’s not my place."
"Then it’s not mine, either."
He slunk toward the door and you picked up the book--the monstrous thing--with your arms rather than your hands before following him.
"Just give it time," you said in a reassurance that was too shallow to drown his mood.
Every move forward looked painful as he slithered forward like a child first learning to move against stone rather than soft grass. Unlike when he was a child, he was stilted by frustration rather than inexperience.
The conversation was left dropped, burning like the weight of the tome in your arms. If you were alone, you'd tell him to carry it. But servants, nobles, and royals passed frequently, all low bows and murmurs, moving on a touch quicker than polite.
When you first arrived to the kingdom, a slave dressed sweetly and presented as a gift, you'd marveled at how anyone could find the royal family intimidating when removed from their wealth and status.
Baby yellow skin and soft pink dapples painted everyone of them. Alok, himself, was more pink than yellow, and it reminded you of those delicate, painted dolls you'd press your face against glass to get a closer look at before being shooed away by the shop-keep.
You supposed little had changed since then, except now you were simply stared at, expected to keep your fingers off the pretty pink glass always, always in front of you.
The hallway Alok stopped moving forward in was empty, private; his. Without a word, you tossed the horrible book toward his crossed arms and swept the windows, floors, and ceiling for anything strange. His fumbling for the book, fingers audibly skimming against pages, made you smile.
"It's clear," you nodded. "Workshop, right?"
Alok deflated a bit, too caught between the mention of his workshop and pretending to have perfectly caught the book to keep his anger stoked.
"You're asking now," he said flat, looking from the book to you.
Putting up your hands in mock defeat, you turned, alert enough.
"I'm not angry at you.” The slits that served for his pupils, deep red and small in their focus on the gem he was cutting, turned to you when you said nothing in response.
“Sorry, I--” was dazzled by your eyes? Was enamored by how passionate you are for perfecting that sparkling little gem? “I know.”
“I just wanted to say it.”
You stretched from your place beside the door, perched on one of the few chairs at your disposal in the entire castle, “Thank you.”
“Don’t be patronizing,” Alok grumbled, pausing in his work. “I know...I know very well you must be tired of this, even if you won’t say it.”
The window was suddenly so interesting, your throat burning as you swallowed down the feeling kindling there.
“This is my home,” you said after hearing the scales of his tail shift closer. “There’s nothing to be tired of.”
Slowly, his hand rose to hover over yours, where it lay on your lap, “But you should be. I’d give you anything you needed. They couldn’t stop me.”
Everything you wanted to say was tucked in the patch of air that separated his touch from yours.
Any person, bought and raised to be singularly loyal would hesitate at the offer of freedom, wouldn’t they?
They’d want to grab his hand, wouldn’t they?
You could only guess as a love for a prince was not something to be said aloud unless you were allowed.
And you, a slave turned body guard, were not.
Standing, you scattered the almost-moment with a shake of your head, “I don’t care about freedom half as much as you think I do.”
His hand fell limp to his side, the slits that served as his nose flaring wide, as you continued.
“I’m your bodyguard and I’ll be your children’s bodyguard and I’ll be the same to whoever you choose from that book,” you finished, thoroughly shooing yourself away, wanting so much to run out the door.
Alok said your name quietly, but you remained silent.
And everything was still until it wasn’t.
In one smooth motion propelled by his sheer size, Alok stretched to the book and hurled it out the open window.
“No, you won’t. I’ll be their prince,” he said low, body suddenly too large for the room. “But I won’t be their king.”
You did run, then.
Perhaps the only place off-limits for a would-be king allergic to potential suitors was his sister’s drawing room.
Adur payed you no attention as she demanded entertainment from the brightly colored darlings and dark patterned beauties of the upper echelon.
“Did you know, I simply adore the pattern of your bangles lately,” she cooed, pointing to a decorated tail. “So perfectly in style.”
She continued on, picking this and that to sigh over, as you stood against the corner that provided the best view of the room, next to the door. 
You recognized each piece she fawned over as being similar to something Alok had on display or nearly-done in his workshop. Ah, to know a magician’s tricks.
Melting into a squat, you let their voices wash over you. No heart could hurt for long listening to women enjoy court gossip as much as this bunch did...from a distance.
When you, Alok, and Adur were younger, the rules seemed less stone and more like blades of grass, flexible and beneath you. Adur set you in front of her always revolving group of friends and tried to fit tail bangles around your thighs and waist. Alok insisted you sit side-by-side while studying geography, arithmetic, and etiquette. You lay between them on sunny afternoons, napping, legs touching tails.
But everything golden goes grey eventually.
“Well, do tell me. Did he throw it in the fire?”
You turned from the window, swapping red, setting sun for sharp, red eyes, “Out of the window.”
The room was empty but for you and her now. Adur pacing around, tail making quick work of circling the room as she read from her collection of letters.
“Still the amount of melodrama I expected so,” she shrugged, raising shoulders toward her pleased mouth as a silent finish to her sentence. “I, on the other hand, did pick.”
You rose, legs tingling from the sudden change. “Who?”
“Prince Talsa,” she said after cutting open a letter with her claw, “I’ve already decided on a short engagement and a respectable wedding down south. Perhaps closer to his kingdom than ours.”
“Talsa? Not rare one who everyone’s after?”
Adur looked at you as though you should know better before deigning to explain, “Prince Talsa is rather plain looking for a naga, yes, but that’s just the point.”
“Go on,” you said, wanting so much to be distracted.
“Think about it,” Adur scoffed. “Rare, beautiful babies create wonder amongst people, but children who look as though they could be born anywhere....don’t you see the appeal?”
She leaned against the window, long black hair obscuring her pink and yellow face, “They would be royalty that even the most common of folk could feel familiar to--feel endeared to. Even someone as devoid of charm or pretense as Alok could gain some favor. From their birth, I’ll have them attend every little festival and celebration. Their bond with the people will be unshakable.”
“You’ll make the best queen,” you said, unthinking to the implication.
“Has something happened to Alok?”
“No, you ju--”
Adur turned to you, delicate face empty, “It doesn’t matter what we know. He’s the eldest and alive and destroying a book won’t change that.”
Your hands shook as you laced them together, risking at least your life, by asking:
“What if we could change it?”
Everything in the little room lacked splendor, save the jewelry that her brother displayed to no one but himself, built only to separate Alok from his mentor. A failed attempt to elevate a man too gargantuan to grow further.
Even the flooring was rough on the tail, not smooth stone but brick for retaining heat. Only care for function within these four walls.
Adur noted her brother’s tail was bare as she swept over the lacking room, only his leather work belt draped over the apex where tail met torso. Every bit of jewelry he wore crowded his wrists and fingers, noisy as he worked on some large bangle unfamiliar to her.
He looked haggard, frown too ugly and deep to be a mere product of concentration. Grey tickled the roots of his bangs, pronounced enough to shine in the lamplight. Alok was getting too old to be a prince with only time for his hobby.
“Sometimes I think it would be kinder to simply put you out of your misery,” Adur said, closing the door behind her.
Alok’s back tensed, but he did not pause his work, “I’m surprised you said it out loud, but don’t say it like a joke.”
“Don’t be so serious,” Adur sighed, “of course it was a joke.”
“Where is--”
“Your human delight? Running errands for me.”
Alok did turn then, face flickering through emotions too fast to name, “They’re just as much your dear friend as mine, you little viper.”
“Forgive my callousness, but I find you respond to little else,” Adur said, picking at the sheer fabric of her top so it draped correctly against her arm again. “And perhaps they are my friend. But they are not just yours.”
“I won’t be king...even if they weren’t here.”
Adur laughed in a sizzling tone, forked tongue dancing with humor, “Oh? And I suppose your little fantasies of running away involve you doing so alone?”
Only the flames licking back and forth in the small forge answered her.
“You’re too old to be deluding yourself like this,” she went on, dropping a bottle and a sheer robe on Alok’s work desk. “It’s time to make choices once and for all, brother.”
“I’m not--”
“I’m not asking you to rule. You’d be pathetic at it, yes, I know. If not for our dear human friend, you’d have flunked every tutor save for your precious jewelry maker.”
Alok curled back over his tail, fingers picking at the fabric of the robe his sister had dropped. “Then what are you asking?”
Hand on the doorknob, Adur smiled, “if you had your way and left to live like a common man with your human, would you really never come back?”
Adur opened the door. “Good.”
The drider--Woodnet? Woodne? Wodner?--stayed near the the door as you did, but unlike you his sleek, black legs rested on a few thin lines of webbing where wall met ceiling.
Slowly, Alok raised his face to address the bodyguard, entirely unused to being the short one. Worse still was the struggle to match sights with the correct pair of the drider’s many blinking eyes. If you were here, you’d have nudged him to follow your lead already.
If you were here...this wouldn’t be happening in the first place. Just another wishful thought to swallow down as Alok struggled to stay polite in the face of his father’s prime bodyguard.
“Outside the room is fine,” Alok said in a clipped tone, turning as he did to avoid dealing with anymore niceties.
“Forgive me for questioning, Prince Alok,” the drider said, voice drifting down like floating silk. “But bathing is when you are most vulnerable. I can not help but object to the risk.”
The drider polished each word, in no hurry to finish his sentence and Alok’s eyes rolled once--twice--thrice by the time there was silence. If only this were any guard other than his father’s favorite.
“I understand,” Alok said. “But, the windows are trapped and you will be guarding the only entrance.”
The sound of burdened legs skittering down stone, followed by the opening and closing of the lone, stone door was his answer.
Driders were generally no longer friends of Alok’s kingdom. Wodnel....no, Wodni perhaps, was a relic of a time long gone, when his father was just proving himself a leader of a nation. That Wodnir--that was it, Wodnir--was so protective of Alok, having sparsely been involved with him and having been enslaved through ruthless, warmongering means made Alok’s shoulders bunch, the muscles between protruding over scales.
Is that how it was between you and he? Did you feign fondness and care or was it true? Was it true but maligned of him to hope for it due to how you came to be near him? Because of he was?
Alok disrobed and slunk into the hot water, hoping to drown his pithy doubts that crowded so large in his mind.
Flakes of shed rose to the top the longer he soaked, proof of a difficult shed. There was sure to be more bits to come as he scrubbed himself with the, apparently, ‘to die for’ body scrub his sister had left last week.
You were usually the one to soothe his bubbling stress in a life of constant politics and decorum, but the bits of dead skin were proof enough that Alok truly was getting too old for delusions. You’d only been away for a week and a spare number of days and here he was, so tense that not even a hot bath could unfurl him.
Politics and decorum. How would he survive tonight without you? Adur was announcing her engagement tonight, in tandem with the nobles emerging from their collective sheds at the tail end of the Harvest Festival.
Alok scrubbed himself raw, hoping to emerge a new man who could weather life half as well as everyone around him. But the harder he lathed himself in soap, the clearer the truth rang.
If only he could have you.
You had relieved Wodnier of his duties, thanking him with a bow, and standing stiff beside the door for precious minutes, waiting for his delicate range of hearing to wane.
As an apprentice, you had met Wodnier often enough to know he wished you well as much as any spider did a fly.
Hammering against your chest, you feared the vibration of your heart was loud enough for him to hear. And there was always a chance the door shutting at the end of the curved hallway was a trap; that Wodnier still stood in Alok’s quarters and was not making his way back to the King.
But you didn’t have time to be safe, only quick.
Jittered by adrenaline, you sprinted to Alok’s room---toe first, heel last--and back, holding your breath once you made it back to the door of the bath.
Sweat pooled against your forehead, but nothing sprang toward you sans the faint sounds of Alok bathing.
You slipped past the door, the pack in your hands bulky enough that the door opened wider than you’d wanted, the hinge creaking.
The figure behind the curtain froze before calling back your name.
“We don’t have much time, Alok,” you pressed in a sure voice, but your legs wobbled as you neared the curtain. “I’m....I’m running away and I’m taking you with me.”
Coming past the curtain, your chest could barely contain your quick breathing. His hair was devoid of any gray, blacker than pitch as it fell just above his ear holes and forehead. Muddy brown and maroon scales were sleek and wet, droplets rolling down his body, even near his---
You looked back up quickly, away from where his belt always covered. “I mean, I want us to run away and we need to go now.”
Having followed your wandering gaze toward the apex of his stomach and tail, Alok frantically looked toward his arms, the muddy water, “What in the fuck is this?”
“Adur is helping us,” is all you said and it was all Alok seemed to need as he picked up the bottle the dye had been in, nodding. “She said it’ll only last until your next shed but, by then, hopefully....”
“She wants to be queen very much,” he murmured.
You tore open the pack, reminding yourself that time was short, and held them out. “Yes. So, we need to go.”
“You have no idea--,” Alok started, before interrupting himself. “I need something from the workshop.”
“We don’t have time.”
He shook his head as he took what you offered, dressing himself in plain leather and thick, scratchy wool. “It will be quick.”
You opened your mouth--- “Please.” --but couldn’t keep firm in the face of his pleading.
Alok threw a few rings, bangles, and tools into the bag.
“Only enough to sell and get started again,” he assured.
But as you turned to leave the room, his hand was on your arm, pulling you back.
“I love you,” he breathed, holding two thick, ornate bangles in his free hand. Both were decorated, from the side you could see, with marigolds, jewels gleaming in the center of their petals. You recognized each one.
One was the size to fit a large tail while the other...
“I want us to leave belonging to one another.”
Your shaking hands dropped the large bag and his slid to hold both yours in his large one. “If we leave together, we’ll live together too won’t we?”
Even your head shook now, from side to side, hoping to discern the moment as waking or dreaming. “Alok. Of course, because...Of course we will.”
“Oh, please say it,” he said, tugging you nearer still.
He repeated your name and like a spell, you found your words, “We’ll live together because I love you, too.”
His thin mouth, soft and bloodless, fell to yours from his full height, his body curling over you as he pressed against your lips again.
“Let me put it on you,” he whispered, mouth moving against yours as you clung to him.
“Hurry and then we can....Just the bangles and then we must go before it’s too late.”
Careful of his claws, he lifted you to sit on his work table before slipping his own bangle over the small tip of his tail and up further, until it stuck in place under his belt.
There was no time to remove your pants, to mold the bangle against your bare thigh as was intended, but Alok’s thick hands skimming around the metal the entire way up burned as though he were doing just that.
You slid off the table, when the bangle was snug, to melt against him for one brief moment of loving calm, your face rubbing against his neck.
You didn’t have time for more.
After disentangling from his tight hold, you threw the bag at him, near tears as he scrambled to catch it. “I know it’s selfish, but I’m so glad you’re going to be mine instead of a king.”
And then you ran, hand in hand.
“Hey! Heeeeey,” one of the children yelled as the whole group of five ran toward you, kicking up dust on the dirt-packed road. “My momma said that snake man eats kids who don’t do chores!”
“My papa said he can’t help with the festival because he’s growing more arms!”
“That’s dumb, Brittany. My papa is smarter and he said the same thing as Corey’s momma. He’s a kid eater!”
The group shrieked in delighted horror as they squabbled on the specifics of what was really, truly going on in their village.
You hiked the basket in your arms higher after several attempts to respond, loudly telling them to pay attention or you’d leave.
As though pulled forward by strings, they straightened as still as a child could, a few even holding their hands over their mouths to keep silent.
“All of your parents are right,” you nodded, “Every two months he must curb his huge appetite and force back his new, child-grabbing arms so he doesn’t hurt the very naughty children of this village.”
They all clamored to stress their innocence in a cacophony of babbling that soon grew into questions.
“Is that why you live with him? ‘Cause you protect the village?”
“And him,” you said.
“At the same time?!”
“Of course, it’s my job. Now go back toward the smithy before you find out just how many arms he has.”
Lunging forward in jest was enough to urge the children away, all of them teasing the other that they would be last to get there and a snake man’s lunch.
“You’re horrible,” Alok groaned, scales pale pink and yellow from a successful shed. “Soon, they’ll be grown-ups, running us off.”
Hefting the basket onto the dining table, you laughed, “they adore you in secret.”
The cottages here were baked of mud, hay, and a few supportive beams of wood and yours was no different. There was no splendor in the room-less house, but it was truly yours and his. And that was luxury enough.
“They had enough this time?”
You shook the canteen of dye, moving to stand next to him on the low hammock that served as bed, “And the next shipment of birch will contain enough to last us three months or more.”
Alok smoothed his claw down your face, his own expression wistful, “I feel too content to explain.”
You pressed your nose against the pink of his jaw, letting him raise you to straddle him.
“Then show me.”
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yurimother · 3 years
LGBTQ Light Novel Review – I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 2
A Defining and Relentlessly Queer Work in the Next Era of Yuri
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I have backed myself into a corner and see no way out of it. For I have already awarded Inori's I'm in Love with the Villainess a perfect 10/10 score for its stellar first outing. And then, upon seeing what Inori did in the second book, I regret my choice because I have no way to raise the bar on perfection as Inori did in her light novel. Indeed, it has taken me far too long to write this review. My mind is thoroughly exhausted after pondering what I read and accepting the honest truth: that that may very well become a defining work in the next generation of Yuri. For as much time as I spend diving into the Sapphic news of the day, I devote even more to looking to the next big movement of Yuri. If I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 2 is a signal of what Yuri's future holds, then we are entering an extraordinary queer era.
The story takes off shortly after the first book. At least for the moment, the commoner revolt is quelled, and Rae continues schooling alongside her beloved Claire. Storylines include a new transfer student rivaling Rae for Claire's affection and the girls going on vacation to visit their families. However, the story takes a pretty dramatic and welcome turn halfway through the book. Through a combination of luck and her expect negotiation tactics, a fruit of her intimate knowledge of Revolution's world and inhabitants, Rae is tasked with investigating corrupt nobles. This change allows Inori to take the world and characters further than in the previous book. While the first volume did an excellent job establishing the world inside the school, this entry ventures beyond the academy's borders into international relationships, the church's role and goals, and the dealings of various factions and political parties. It is appropriate progression and one that lends to the story's main arc well.
While all of these events occur, Rae continues her mission of protecting Claire from the inevitable new order. By the time the finale rolls around, it is so immensely satisfying to see all of her plans and strategies pay off. It carefully balances rewarding the reader's attention and keeping them engaged with new twists and revelations. As the story develops, Claire is exposed to more of the reality of common life through Rae and comes to appreciate her privilege and understand the realities of socioeconomic inequality, evolving from the arrogant young woman we initially met. This path has two effects on the story; first, it allows Inori to explore real-world economic disparity issues while still worldbuilding. Second, it ultimately continues the story of Rae's plan, as she wants Claire to be in the commoner's good graces.
These elements make for a fantastic story in a rich, developed fantasy world. However, I adore I'm in Love with the VIllainess not for its intricate magic system but because of the phenomenal LGBTQ+ representation. I was floored by a frank, open, and wonderfully thoughtful discussion of queer representation in the first volume. Few, if any, Yuri works have done anything similar, and it was honestly an inspiration for me, so much so that I awarded it a perfect score almost solely for that passage. However, Inori once again usurps her own throne, taking this forthright and deliberate queer content and turning it up to eleven!
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It is almost easier to count the number of main characters not confirmed as members of the LGBTQ community. Figures big and small have their identities explored and revealed during this novel. Some began believing themselves to be straight and exploring their sexuality further. In contrast, others are comforted by Rae's fierce, outspoken, and brazen support and pride in her identity to come forward. One particular scene that comes to mind is when she scolds a pair of nuns for using religion to justify their homophobia. This moment was particularly satisfying to return to after the Catholic Church's recent disavowing of same-sex marriage.
The series even has a character struggling with gender dysphoria who is liberated from society's expectations thanks to a rather ingenious plan of Rae's and her friends, new and old. While not exactly an example of authentic transgender representation as we consider it, as the character's struggles with gender result from a magical curse, but the parallel is clear. Speaking of reality though, the volume grants some glimpses into Ohashi Rei's life, the woman that would one day wake up as Rae.
Rae's experiences with LGBTQ+ identity, set in the real world, are powerful and pull few punches. It is perhaps here that Inori gets most honest and tragic, as Rae painfully describing the ostracization and suffering faced by queer people, culminating in a trans man's suicide (the author thankfully does not describe the actual death). However, Inori balances this pain with the thrill and joy of discovery and accepting oneself, and finding kinship. It is writing that could only come from an author who had experienced these feelings herself, and they will be immediately understood and have a visceral effect on queer readers. I love these moments so much for their vulnerability and relatability. But my favorite part has to be the ending (skip to the final paragraph if you want to avoid spoilers and somehow have not seen the cover of Volume 3).
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We finally come to the big queer happy homosexual ending, which is also gay, and my great Yuri goddess, it is perfect! After wading through a revolution and enough surprise revelation to last a lifetime, Claire and Rae settle down into their new life together. Although they cannot legally get married, despite their best efforts, they are absolutely wives. Their families support them, they love each other, and they even have kids! Yes, this unexpected and blissful development, the final gift of this volume, comes in the form of adopted children May and Aleah.
As I exclaimed upon the reveal of Vol. 3's cover, which features the mothers and children, "WE DID IT!! YURI FAMILY!! In Yuri, there are virtually NO stories about queer women raising a family with children together. It is a long dream of mine, the YuriMother, to promote such stories. To have one of the most profound and explicitly queer Yuri stories end in such a happy and new way brought me to happy tears. Except, this is not the end! There are two more volumes beyond this one that continue the story of Claire, Rae, and their children! There is even a very sweet and wonderfully sappy, tear-jerking, bonus chapter of the mother's bonding with the children and helping them recover from their traumatic past. And even become TEACHERS; I could just die happy in this Yuri paradise!
'We need to show we are prepared to live happily ever after, as a family of four. So, I swear to God: I will always love May, Aleah, and Rae.' When Claire said this, she broke out into a tremendous smile and I found myself once more overflowing with love for her. I held her close without saying anything.
Inori's I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 2 is precisely what an excellent sequel should be and everything I have ever wanted from a Yuri story. It appropriately raised the stakes in every way, expanding the world, flushing out its many factions and conflicts, and setting a new bar for queer representation and discussion in Yuri. Everything Inori writes feels so perfectly slotted together. Each set piece adds to the character development; each queer issue and identity showcased helps build towards the satisfying and exceptionally gay finale. It is a superlative weaving and integration of the priceless artifacts into an absolute masterclass of LGBTQ+ storytelling. I suspect that this is one of the opening works in Yuri's next era, and I cannot wait to see what follows.
Ratings: Story – 10 Characters – 10 Art – 4 LGBTQ – 10 Sexual Content – 2 Final – 10
Check out I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 2 digitally and in paperback today: https://amzn.to/39gE664
Review copy provided by Seven Seas Entertainment
My sincere thanks to Jenn Yamazaki, Nibedita Sen, E.M. Candon, and the rest of the team at Seven Seas Entertainment for translating and adapting this light novel.
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Can I get the brothers reacting to finding MCs sketchbook and it’s filled with drawings of the demon who picked it up? All of them are masterpieces and some are angsty or sad, others happy, some just them doing mundane things. When confronted, MC just says “Of course I draw you all the time, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. You’re my muse.” Thank you in advance, if it’s too complicated you can skip.
AN: This cute prompt has been sitting in my inbox for far too long. Thanks for sending this in Nonny <3 I love this idea. I tried to keep each scenario short so I could get this done quickly, as you’ve waited long enough for it. Tried is the key word here ;u;
You’re maybe already dating the boys in these? Or very close? They’re not explicitly romantic but have some affection. I also didn’t make the MC say these exact words, or even anything at all in some of these prompts, but the general feeling is still there. I hope that’s alright!
You left the book behind when studying together, rushing off to meet up with Mammon after you realised you were late and would hear hell for it. He notices it sometime later, too busy relishing on even the short period of time he’d gotten to spend alone with you in relative peace.
He picks it up and, curious, with no worries that you might not really want him to look through it, he flips it open to the first page. He realises what it is right away, and continues to flip through the pages until he gets to a drawing of him. Its such a perfect represention of the moment that he can recall exactly when you must’ve drawn this.
You’d come into his room to have a break from all the noise in the rest of the house, and you had laid on your stomach on his bed and worked away at something as he went through paperwork at his desk. He’d wanted to ask you, at the time, what had you so focused, but he hadn’t wanted to ruin the sight.
He continues to flip through the pages, and frowns slightly for every drawing he sees of one of his brothers, but his lips twitch up every time there’s even a simple doodle of him. He counts, unconsciously, and realises you’ve drawn him more than anyone else. Pride swells in his chest, so very familiar and not at the same time.
He hears the tapping at his door and calls out, immediately, for you to come in. He knows that knock, after all, and you’re one of the few members of the house that he wouldn’t hear coming down the corridor. He leans against the front of his desk, holding your book open in front of him, not bothering to hide the fact that he’d looked through it.
The particular sketch he’s looking at is one where you must’ve been close - you’ve detailed in every long, delicate eyelash, his hair falling in front of his face and his lips slightly parted, only the faintest frown on his face as he focuses hard on his work. He smiles as he tips the book forward, watching as your eyes are drawn to it. To his surprise, you only smile, relieved, raising a hand to your chest.
“Thank goodness, I did leave it here after all.”
You walk over and hop up onto his desk, leaning towards him as you try to see which sketch he’s looking at. He slouches a little more to make you comfortable and shows the sketch.
“You’ve drawn me a lot,” he comments.
“Of course. You’re beautiful, how could I resist?”
He presses a kiss to your temple and rests his head against yours, smiling. He doesn’t often like people commenting on his appearance - he was confident enough about it, knew how he looked, but he didn’t need to hear about it all the time. Still, from you, it didn’t hurt. Especially not if you felt inspired enough by it to draw him.
[[Other brothers are under the read more]]
Mammon had burst into your room and you weren’t there. Frustrated by your absence and unsure of when to expect you back, he decides to pick through your stuff. He wasn’t going to steal any of it - he’d been called out by Beel about that, before, and whilst he’d denied it at the time he knew it was true. He’d much rather steal something for you than from you.
The book is open on your desk to a page full of mindless doodles. It piques his curiosity, and he grabs it and sits down, kicking his feet up on top of your desk. It wasn’t like you were there to tell him not to, and you’d left without telling him where you were going so he was going to do whatever he wanted until you got back.
He flicks back to the start of the book, and honestly his first thoughts are about how you could easily sell these drawings for a lot of Grimm. Sketches of the Devildom, of flowers and creatures you couldn’t find in the human realm, of how the Devildom looked all lit up with the moon overhead, from the highest balcony in the RAD building. He’s in awe, mouth a faint ‘o’ shape as he continues to turn page by page.
The first drawing of him makes him freeze up. He was a model, Mammon knew he must be handsome. But he’d never felt it like he did now. In the drawing, he’s sitting on the floor, cushion in his lap as he plays some game on a controller. His expression is somewhere between frustrated and delighted, his hair fluffy and messy because he’d been running his hands through it.
He remembers - you’d been having trouble adapting to the Devildom so he stole- borrowed a console from Levi, but you were too tired to play. He played anyway, hoping that at least watching him would distract you enough, and to convince himself that he was in part doing it for him too and not to entertain some random human.
You walk in and he slams the book shut, but its too late - you’ve seen him holding it. You don’t seem mad about that, though, and instead glare at how he has his feet up on your desk. He adjusts quickly, fumbling as he tries to put on his confident act, walking over to you as he waves the sketchbook in the air.
“What’s this, then? You’ve been drawing me without asking me first?” he asks, teasing lilt falling flat in his voice. His face feels far too warm, as it often does when he’s around you.
“I couldn’t help it. You’re so pretty I just had to.” You shrug, nonchalant. You swipe the book from his hand and sit on your bed, tapping the space beside you. “How far in did you get?”
Mammon pouts as he goes to sit beside you. “Not far.” As he sits beside you, he grabs your sides and pulls you to lay down, holding the sketchbook open up in the air. He’s desperate for some attention right now, but he wanted to keep looking at your art. “Let’s look through the rest together.”
Levi was flustered. You’d been spending time in his room, and he loved your presence but it took him so long to get used to it each time that you stopped in to hang out with him. You’d brought the book you always had with you, and were working away on something, laying on your stomach on the floor with a Ruri-chan plushie in one arm.
He fumbles with his controller and sighs as he misses yet another jump in the game he was trying hard to distract himself with. Every time he glances over, he wants to ask what you’re doing, why you’re here with him when you could easily do your work elsewhere or with any of his brothers, if you were really happy to just sit in his presence like this. His voice dies in his throat and his face flushes when he catches sight of you, so he never does get to ask.
He’d messed up one too many times and was starting to get frustrated when he glanced over and realised you were looking at him, too. Heat floods into his face, and his frustrations die before he can even mumble out his signature ‘this is so unfair’. You smile, going back to your work before dropping your pencil. You wiggle around until you’re sitting, cross-legged, and hold out your sketchbook.
It was a drawing. You’d been drawing, and you’d been drawing him. Levi leans closer hesitantly, wanting to get a better look at it, trying not to think about how giddy and anxious your proud smile made him feel. He works up the courage to take the book out of your hands and looks over the drawing. It takes a long time before he can say anything, too busy focusing on all the little details - how his face is scrunched up from frustration and concentration, how his headphone cord is coiled around his fingers from when he’d been playing with it and hadn’t untangled it fully, how his head was tilted to stop his hair from fully falling in front of his eyes.
“You... its really good, but, I don’t... I’m not this handsome,” he mumbles, face bright red, and he flinches when you laugh.
“You are. More-so, actually, but its hard to capture from this distance.”
Levi can’t respond, just swallows. You sigh, something fond in it, and walk on your knees until you can fall against his side, cuddling up to the Ruri-chan plushie.
“Look through the other drawings. I only draw what I find beautiful. That’s why I drew you.”
His smile is faint, but its enough. He’s hearing your words, even if they’re hard to process for him. He relaxes and flips back to the front page, ready to look at the rest of your work with you.
Books were commonplace in his room. They were part of the furniture - quite literally, as they were piled up everywhere, even on top of his bed, although he’d made an effort to stop putting them there so long as you were spending time with him, so that you had somewhere comfortable to sit or lay whilst you were reading.
And yet, he always noticed when one was out of place, or when a new book had joined his collection without his knowing. Sometimes this happened because his brothers had found something interesting but weren’t willing to say aloud that it had reminded them of him, or that they bought it because he might enjoy it, so they’d simply popped into his room and added it to a stack. It was normal at this point.
That’s why he didn’t question it when there was a new book left on his bed, and when he didn’t hesitate to lay down and open it up, curious as to what story one of his brothers had left for him this time. Instead, he’s met with drawings. Amazing drawings of the Devildom, of his brothers... and of him.
There are notes, as well, few and far between, that allow him to place this as being your book. He knew that scrawl. He felt guilty to look through your sketchbook without your permission, but now that he’d already opened it, he was too curious to leave it be. He’d be honest about it later and deal with the consequences then, or joke about how you’d been drawing him without his permission so you were equal now.
The drawings were beautiful, more detailed that he’d seen for casual doodles left in a book without being shown to the subjects in them. He takes his time to look over each page carefully, each drawing filling his heart with something foreign, sweet and sticky like berry pie. He spends extra time focusing on each drawing of himself, wonders how and why you’d made him look so soft. It was hard for him to get portraits done as his presence could invoke anger in others and leave harsh and angry lines and brush strokes on the canvas, but clearly he didn’t have that same influence on you - instead, each drawing of him was more delicate than any of the others, like you’d put more effort in.
Satan returns it to you later, a smile on his face. He does apologise immediately, for looking at the drawings without your permission.
“Its alright. I’m just glad you found it for me.” You’re completely cheery, not bothered at all, and Satan sighs in relief.
“You’ve drawn me quite a lot,” he notes.
“Well obviously. I spend the most time with you,” you say, smiling when you catch the faint pout he covers up. That wasn’t what he had expected or wanted you to say, clearly. Nor was it all you had to say on the matter. “Also, you’re very beautiful. I wanted to try and capture that and keep a little for myself.”
He smiles now, content, and pats you on the head. “If you want me around, you only have to ask.”
You’d been working away at something as he picked out an outfit and fixed his hair, and he’d been dying to ask but he just needed to adjust a few more strands first - you were going out to Majolish together and he wanted to look perfect. He always did, of course, but when the two of you were going out together he put in even more effort than usual.
When he finally finishes, he jumps up out of his chair and rushes over to you.
“How do I look?” he asks, beaming, full of confidence as always.
“Fabulous,” you say, reaching out to readjust a few strands of hair that had fallen out of place from his quick movements. He sits down on his bed beside you and pulls you up until you’re sitting beside him, hugging you around your waist.
“What were you doing whilst you were waiting? You looked so focused, it was adorable~” Asmo chirps, looking pointedly at the sketchbook. His eyes widen in genuine surprise. “Wait, is that me?”
You nod, lifting your sketchbook up so that the two of you could see it properly. You’d been drawing him, just little sketches as he flitted about the room doing this and that to get ready. You couldn’t have spent long on each one, and yet they captured him perfectly. He looked elegant in each, determined and beautiful.
You flicked back to the previous page before he could comment, and Asmo’s breath caught in his throat. This drawing was him, it was so brilliant an example of everything that he was. He was looking at you and smiling, and you’d captured the love and admiration in his eyes so perfectly he wondered if this was somehow a photograph.
Asmo tears up and hugs you tighter, burying his face against your neck. You can feel him smile wide against your skin. He stays like that for only a moment before his excitement bubbles up to the surface and he litters your cheek, nose, and forehead with feather-light kisses. He’d do anything for the one who saw him as he was.
Beel had a pretty normal schedule for each day - he’d exercise, go to school, spend time with you and Belphie or his other brothers if they were around and alright with it, and of course, he’d eat quite a lot. You had a good idea of where he’d be throughout the day, and when you had the time for it, you’d accompany him so he wasn’t alone. Whether that meant sitting on the counter as he dug through the fridge, or laying on the sofa with your head in his lap and your feet in Belphie’s, you just liked to spend time with him.
And, a lot of the time, he noticed you had this little book with you. He’d caught you glancing at him many times, but didn’t think anything of it. He glanced at you a lot, too, so maybe it was only to be expected. He’d gotten used to the butterflies in his stomach when you two randomly linked eyes and you grinned, twirling your pencil around in your hand.
A lot of your time was spent together in relative silence, as well, and he was accustomed to hearing your pencil scratch against the paper. But he never asked what you were doing, because if you wanted to tell him you would. He trusted you to do that. And his trust paid off, when you were both watching a show together.
He notices early on that you're paying more attention to him than the screen, and when the episode finishes you tap him gently on the shoulder before stretching out your wrists. He looks to you, tilting his head in curiosity until you hold the book open in front of him.
It was a drawing of him, focused on the screen, odd lighting casting shadows against his form. He had something in his hand, some sort of food, but you’d put more attention into actually drawing him. So much attention that he was sure no matter how long he looked, there would always be something more to notice.
“Its me?” he asks, unsure lilt in his voice. He looks bashful, like he’s done something wrong. “Why?”
You stretch out your arms again, thinking, and finally answer, “Because you looked beautiful, and I wanted to draw you?”
It was neither easy nor hard to make Beel blush, and most of the time it just seemed to happen. You hadn’t caught onto the pattern yet, hadn’t been able to perfect it so that you could make it happen whenever you wanted. But you smile in silent victory now as his ears and cheeks flush a reddish pink, pairing nicely with his wide eyes.
His surprise gives way to a smile, and he leans over to wrap his arms around you, holding you close. All he can manage is a thank you, but with that you know how much he appreciates it, how much he appreciates you.
Belphie would often drag you off to the attic, and whilst he enjoyed the times where you would curl up in his arms and nap with him until you absolutely had to get up, he knew he couldn’t expect that of you constantly. You were still human, and you could only sleep so much before you had to get up to stretch or eat or just do something else to occupy your mind.
You’d built up a habit together, now, where if you wanted to get up you’d tap his arm twice and he’d reluctantly let you go. He’d stay awake if you left the room, just enough so that he’d be able to tell when you returned. If you didn’t, he’d have to go seek you out again by himself to drag you back with him and absolutely not just to make sure you were okay. If you did return, he’d go back to sleep and let you do what you wanted, opening his arms up if you tapped on them again to crawl back into his grip. It was peaceful, and though he never said it aloud, he loved it.
Often times, when he did wake up, you’d be sitting nearby in a little bundle of pillows and blankets that you’d made with a book and pencil in hand. You were quick to notice when he woke up, so Belphie could never just watch you to figure out what you were doing, which frustrated him to no end but at the same time it was nice to be known. Still, he was determined to figure it out.
His determination is unnecessary, because one day he wakes up and you’re looking straight at him, smiling contentedly. He woke up too fast, then, heart pounding as he tried to remember that expression. Did you admire him so much to look at him like that, even when he was just sleeping?
“You’re awake,” you say, voice light and cheery.
“And you were watching me sleep, as always,” Belphie scoffs, pulling the blanket up over his face to cover up his blush. “What’s new?”
You pout and stick out your tongue at him, and he lowers the blanket enough to return the gesture. It was hard to remember just how old he was when he acted like that.
“With good reason,” you tell him. He raises an eyebrow, and you smile and hold out your sketchbook. He takes it immediately, trying to act nonchalant as he opens it up and flicks through the pages. You barely catch how his eyes widen, how his breath catches and he slows down, taking in each drawing carefully.
“There are... a lot of drawings, of me sleeping,” Belphie says, swallowing, raising the book enough to try to cover his smile. Too late, you think. You’d caught him.
“You look cute like that. Plus, its the only time you sit still enough for me to draw you.”
“Or you’re just that obsessed with me. Weirdo.” He closes the book and hands it back to you, sitting up to stretch. He keeps his eyes on you, notices when you frown the tiniest bit. Was his teasing too much?
He sighs and slides out of bed, sitting in your pile beside you. He leans against you, like a cat looking for attention without wanting to admit it, and takes your hand in his, playing with your fingers.
“Thanks, MC.”
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