#jesus didnt die for himself
every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
The Rebel's Final Yell
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I do not fight without a cause
I fight to protect
Till the very end
Because it's who I am
And now that you see me
As my knees buckle under the weight of life and the waiting embrace of Death
Please don't leave me here
Please don't let me be forgotten
Please don't let me die
The Rebel's Final Yell
Echoes on for ages
For anyone who will listen
His last shout at the Devil
Will be the one that matters most
I leave you today with a question
I may never find the answer to
Are our deaths really ours?
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preservingpussy · 2 years
Why do none of my faves ever get a soft ending????? Who do I have to kill to get a decent happy ending for fucking ONCE around here????????
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hikarry · 9 months
I'm not really on the team that swears to Jesus and beyond that Crowley lost his memories after the Fall. Yes, of course, he forgot some stuff because, ya know, he has been alive for more than 6000 years and if I don't remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, Satan knows he won't remember every single second of his life, but he remembers the important things
"Ah, but what about him not remembering fighting alongside FurFur or building the thingy with Saraqael?"
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Love, I give you two options:
Those are either some of the stuff he didn't consider important enough to remember OR he is just straight up fucking with them. He does remember, but why reveal it if playing dumb sometimes is good in the long run? Might be useful
Alas, I don't know, but I will die on the hill that he does remember
Which means he most probably remembers meeting Aziraphale. Not because Aziraphale was "important" at the time per se, or because it was love at first sight (because it wasnt, not for him. Bro was so focused on the nebula he didnt even introduce himself when Aziraphale did. He threw him a "Right. Nice to meet ya. Anyway, nebula time!"), but because he was there when Crowley created the nebula and, as he said, he had been waiting for that moment since "well, always". It's an important moment for him, so he remembers. Aziraphale just so happened to be present
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I don't know if that was the only interaction they had in Heaven or not (and that's not the point I'm trying to get to so I will ignore that problem for a later post, maybe), but when the now Demon Crawley was sent up to the Garden, he did remember Aziraphale. That's why he approached him
Cmon, Crowley isn't stupid. Of course he wouldn't approach an angel on the wall just willy nilly and make conversation. He didn't know Aziraphale had given away the flaming sword yet. Just approaching an angel from behind and morph into a demon next to him out of nowhere could be a death sentence. Or at least an A Line for a good smitting
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Yet, he did it. He had at least 3 other angels to choose from but he approached the angel that he remembered from back in the beginning that was kind enough to help him with the engine of the nebula. Hell! I even bet this was not the first time they saw each other in the Garden!
Bet they've seen and observed each other from afar a few times while they interacted with the humans (yes, cause I believe Crawley, before tempting Eve, tried to gain her trust. It's easier to listen to a friend than a random snake) or just around the Garden really.
That's why Aziraphale didn't get surprised when Crawley showed up at the wall, because he knew the demon snake had been around the Garden for a while. He probably even recognized him as the former Star Maker and hoped he was still a little bit of his old self so he allowed himself to engage in conversation
Anyhow, another clue? This:
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He remembers how Heaven works. He remembers he was a high ranking angel. Satan, he remembers the bloody passwords!
Do you know what else he remembers?
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Cause they didn't throw that line in there for nothing. No, gents. Cmon. Nothing is random in Good Omens
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He knows who he was. He remembers being the Star Maker that hung the stars in the sky
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He remembers why he fell, for goodness sake
And the fact that he remembers everything makes all of it so much more tragic, doesn't it? He remembers his life before the Fall, his supposed friends that dragged him into the pit with them, what Her love felt like, the "mistakes" he made that led to his Fall
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And it must have hurt. It must have hurt so much when he found himself in a pit of boiling sulfur with his wings completely burned and without Her love because he remembered it all. He must have been so bloody confused for so long
He might have regretted it. All the questions and the company he kept that made him Fall. But he doesn't anymore.
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He knows he doesn't need Heaven, he doesn't need Hell. They are toxic. All he needs is his pacific fragile existence on Earth with Aziraphale and yet...well, that's something else he won't forget now, is it?
*clears throat*
I rest my case
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fipindustries · 22 days
some comments on my second read of the locked tomb trilogy.
*it truly cant be said that you have actually read these books until youve read them twice. suddenly the whole experience is much more seamless, so many things make much more sense. now you can actually follow along what the hell is going on and appreciatte the characters for who they are.
*cytherea really did dulcinea dirty. i didnt notice the first time around but now on a re-read i can see how she played her as this hapless, subtly bitter, seductive nimphette. a picturesque wasting waif who all she can do is philosophise about how unfair her life is. and then you go to the second book and you see how proactive, mischevious and likeable in an honest way the real dulcinea is and you realize cythereas was being either lazy or kind of a bitch
*john comes off as so much more clearly an asshole in everything he says and does. specially in the fact that he obviously goes to great lengths not to admit to himself that he is an asshole.
*there are SO MANY fucking nods and clues and foreshadows of what is going to happen in the following books that its ridiculous, gideon talks about doing friendship bracelets in book one
*going slower through gideon's and ianthe's interaction in book two you can see much more clearly how they would end up as genuine friends by the end of book three. yeah they are squabbling but they are clearly having so much fun even though they wont admit it. gideon genuenly appreciates ianthe's jokes at least twice and they actually form a little bit of a bond shittalking other people and commiscerating over the fact that harrow is not interested in them romantically. i think guideon is impressed that ianthe is not just a snob or a prissy princess or a nerd and that she actually has a sense of humor that is actually very similar to hers and a genuine grit and willingness to get her hands dirty. but also is fucking hilarious that ianthe was actually fucking with harrow when she acted like she couldnt see the bodies harrow was seeing
*i can also see much more clearly how ianthe was kind of justified in saving john, yes a bit part of the equation was her wanting power and being in good standing with the god emperor but also i think she was genuenly concerned when mercy "killed" john and they told her that the entire dominicus system was about to die because of that. i think ianthe is not an idiot and she is capable of thinking longer term than we think.
*this time around i could actually follow the absolute batshit insane mess that was john and alecto and mercy and gideon 1 and pyrrah and guideon 2 that ends with "harrow" having guideon's eyes that were actually alecto's that were actually john. jesus.
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
It's mostly the fault of poor editorial practices that B&R is so heavily misaligned continuity-wise w/ the main batman book. But walk with me for a minute:
You are Damian Wayne. You are 14 years old and have had one of the worst years of your life last year. Which is saying a lot.
Your brother, one of the people you were closest to, got shot in the head and forgot who you were. Your best friend went to space for a week and came back 3/4 years older than you, taking away your previously established dynamic and leaving you to have to bond all over again w/ a new one. You may or may not have gone wayyy too far with your new superhero team, who now all hate you, because you fucked up big time*
And worst of all, when you do try to do the right thing, you end up forced to watch Alfred, a father figure to you, the only one at your birthday that year, the person who has been so patient, loving and trusting with you, even when you probably didnt deserve it...die. you watch him die, and feel it's all your fault.
And your dad never corrects you on that last point. So you run away.
First to your mom who can tell something's up with you, she knows you don't give up that easy, you decide not to stay with her because you remembered how actually, neither of your parents are good at communicating with you despite their best efforts, so now you're 14 and flying solo.
And you do fly solo. For a while. Make new friends, new enemies. You think you're better off for it. You've got your best friend and your brother back. They're not around as much. It's fine.
And eventually your dad tells you that it's not your fault that Alfred died. Bit late but it's appreciated. Really. There's a bit of a hiccup where you get possessed by a demon and wage war against your father but after that, all in all, you two are...together again.
You start to think maybe you want to give him another chance, for the two of you to be father and son.
And in a change of pace, it works out! It's going good, mostly. He insists you go to highschool, you resist, feel like he wants you to be something that you're not (wants you to be normal), but eventually you acquiesce for your own reasons. He cheers you on at soccer and nosies around at your fundraising events with the other parents and gives you a stern talking to about your choice of girlfriend. Because he cares.
Except all the while this is going on, your dad is currently having his brain slowly taken over by an evil version of himself that he created and every time you look away he's slowly tearing your family apart (your brothers are just barely keeping it together. The ones who didn't get lobotmized that is Jesus Christ). You keep taking his side in these conflicts, for whatever reason. Maybe because he promised it would be different this time, and it isn't** and you're going to stick with him until he keeps his word for once.
But at the end of the day?
It's like your brother says. You're not the one who saves him. Broadly speaking, you've made things worse and needed others to come save you. And what else is Robin really for? You thought it was about redemption and teamwork but guess you're wrong. It's about saving your self destructive, apparently two-faced and erratic father. And you can't even do that right.
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* TT (2016) by Adam Glass is a racist ooc mess, but unfortunately it's still canon so I'm referencing here, though like a lot of works authors clearly wish weren't canon but are, it's been subsequently glossed over. Win? Maybe? Or not?
** again Zdarky's characterization of Damian is so outdated as to be ooc, and considering the way he constantly and explicitly uses it to illustrate Tim's strengths as robin, I'd argue there's. Also implications there. But the batshit insanity of the main batbook compared to B&R rn is crucial for this post, so I'm attempting to justify it. This time..
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reyadawn · 25 days
Workin' From Home - A Jolly Karlsson One Shot
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*image not mine, credit goes to owner*
Summary: Jolly is hard at work in his office trying to record guitar segments but his first time pregnant wife won't stop sending distracting text messages. He finally snaps...
Pairings: Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x pregnant reader
Warnings: 🔞+, language, kissing, choking, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, basically pure unadulterated filth sprinkled with humor 🤷‍♀️🤣😭
Word Count: ???
Enjoy! 🤣✌️
Jolly had been holed up in his office for the better part of the day. He was in the process of trying to record some requested guitar segments for a demo he and Noah were working on. Whether it made it to the album or not didn't necessarily matter. It still needed to be done regardless.
The coffee table in the darkly shrouded office was littered with Monster energy drinks, a half opened bag of Doritos, solo red cups all half full and Jolly's laptop. The screen's light was the only thing that illuminated his handsome features. Decked entirely in all black - skinny jeans with a massive hole in the left knee exposing his umarred skin and black t-shirt that showcased the tattoo sleeve and fingers of his left arm. His signature dark hair was pulled back into a messy bun.
Jolly rolled his eyes for what felt like the thousandth time in the past hour before pulling his cellphone from the tight confines of his jeans' pocket. The face iluminated instantly, his skin taking on an even more ethreal glow.
Gumman: ...I need those expert fingers knuckle deep inside my tight little cunt while your thumb rubs my clit until I cum all over you...🥵
Jolly had mistakenly reached for a solo cup to take a drink when he read the message, choking on a half swallow and almost doubling over into a coughing fit.
Jesus fucking Christ, this woman was going to kill him. Literally. Jolly's fingers quickly typed a response once he got his breathing under control.
I'm still working, karaste. Give me a few.
I frowned disappointingly at Jolly's response and sighed, rubbing my very swollen belly, my thighs pressing together to try and ease the ache I felt for him. All I could think about was getting railed. Day in, day out. Didn't matter where, I needed Jolly's thick cock like I needed fucking water after running a damn marathon. Pretty sure if I didn't stop having him bruise my cervix constantly, he was liable to get fucked into a coma but this last leg of pregnancy hormones was brutal. Didnt help our daughter was so active now, she was practically brusing my insides.
I bit my lip, firing back another text.
Please, handsome...I'm going to wither and die because you won't fucking feed me! Now, get your sexy Sweedish ass in here and fuck me until I can't walk! 😒
All of a sudden I heard a loud bout of laughter come from the opposite end of the house and I smirked, hope burning in my chest until his next message came through.
I will service you in a little bit, karaste, I promise but I really need to get this done for Noah ❤️
I sighed, tossing my phone angrily on the nightstand, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and stood to strip out of everything I had on. My leggings and oversized Bad Omens t-shirt I stole from Jolly's side of the closet landed in a soft heap on the floor. I snatched my phone off the table, taking a few unabashed nude shots as best as I was able before sending them all to him at once.
Jolly's phone buzzed again, causing him to let out a string of cuss words in Sweedish. Opening his wife's text message, he halted his movements, cock instantly growing hard at what he saw.
"Fucking little minx...alright, karaste. If you want to be a brat, I'll treat you like a damn brat", Jolly said to himself, running his tongue over his teeth before slamming the lid of the laptop, standing and throwing the office door open.
I retreated from the bathroom, now clad in just my t-shirt and was halfway to the bed when Jolly rounded the door frame and stopped. I halted, staring at him in shock as I took in his pissed off demeanor. Lean but muscular arms crossed over his wide chest, feet slightly parted and a look on his face that read I was about to get fucked until I blacked out or yelled at...afterall, I had been a brat most of the day.
"So, you felt like being a fucking brat all day, is that it? Just couldn't be a good girl and be patient even for a few minutes so I could finish my work? You just had to keep pushing me, sweet karaste", Jolly said darkly, eyes nrrowing. I swallowed nervously. These were all rhetorical questions, right?
"It's not my fault you think Noah is more important than this tight pussy you've been getting. Perhaps he would do the job more credibly", I snapped before realizing my mistake. My eyes widened and I tried retreating for the bathroom again but being this far along had me moving like molasses. Jolly reached me in three strides, hand shooting out to wrap around my throat and back me up against the wall.
I stared up at Jolly in shock and before I could say anything, his lips crashed to mine in a uncerimonious kiss that was teeth, tongues, and saliva. He pulled away, a sinnister smile gracing his gorgeous features. I was currently crying between my legs, my thick arousal dripping like a faucet that wasn't quite turned off all the way. My clit throbbed almost painfully and my cunt clenched around nothing, causing me to whimper.
"Please, Jolly", I whispered, begging him.
"For what, sweet girl? Use your words", Jolly replied, his voice laced with venom. I whimpered again, my bottom lip trembling. He tipped his head back and laughed as his free hand went right between my legs, despite my large belly and sank two thick fingers inside my soaked cunt to his knuckles. I closed my eyes, letting out a moan of want and pleasure and it had Jolly moaning right along with me.
"Goddamn, sweet girl...you really did need some care...here, let me help you some more", he whispered, bringing his lips to my ear. His tongue extended, the tip licking the shell delicately before he applied pressure to my swollen clit with his thumb and started fucking me with his fingers. Curling them against the spongy part inside me as he furiously rubbed my clit had me seeing stars as my walls clamped down around his fingers and my thighs caged around his hand. I couldnt hold back the scream, my orgasm hitting me like a MAC truck.
Jolly suddenly pulled out of me, bringing his fingers to his lips to suck the juices from them and I cried out at the loss. With his hand still around my throat, he moved me from the wall to bend over his dresser. The height was perfect and he placed me in such a way that my stomach didnt touch anything.
There were no warnings, no preliminaries, no nothing as Jolly grabbed my hips and thrust his cock inside me until he bottomed out. I cried out, arching my back. One of Jolly's hands left my hip to wrap, once again, around my throat as his cock shuttled in and out of my dripping cunt. My thighs were soaked, legs were shaking as Jolly pulled my back to his front, continuing to relentlessly fuck his cock inside me. Each thrust had him hitting my cervix, my eyes rolling back and my breathing becoming labored.
"You gonna' cum again for me, karaste? Huh? This what you want...to be a brat and have me take you like this? Come on, baby...give me all you got", Jolly said harshly, snapping his hips so hard insie me he stopped, cock pulsing, coming deep as he roared out his release and triggered my own. My fingers gripped the wood as I opened my mouth on a silent scream, the coil snapping.
Once we were able to catch our breath, Jolly slowly pulled his cock free of my body and carefully helped me to the bed so I could stretch out on my side. He then disappeared into the bathroom and returned momets later with a damp wash cloth and helped me clean up. He then crawled into bed behind me, wrapping his arm around my belly protectively before planting a soft kiss to my hair. We were both asleep in minutes...
@anangelinthepit @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @bluestdai @collidewiththesavannah @concreteangel92 @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @fadingintothegrey @flowery-mess @concreteemo @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @lovexsleepyhead @millie-aubs @philomenie @sacredthefran @starsomens @somewhere-diamond @somebodyllelse @tikosblogg @thisbicc @xcllnt @xxrainstorm @xmads-omensx @yarasdead @jilliemiw86 ❤️❤️
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aspideronmywall · 5 months
Goose....was not a very compatible RIO.
This has been an idea rattling around in my brain for a few months now. I feel it's an interesting concept. Goose being an aggressive, or demanding RIO. Wanting to push people to the limits of their flying, making Mav and Goose perfect for each other.
(Apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes I may have missed!)
A bulkhead was slammed shut, the metal achingly bouncing off of its frame. Nick Bradshaw was storming through the halls of the boat, his pilot quickly in toe.
"Goose, look I'm sorry-"
The large man had whipped around so fast that a rush of air grazed over the pilot's face.
"You're sorry? Sorry." Nick pinched the bridge of his nose. "We were going to die out there, die, Bellbottom." Nick took a deep breath to try and keep his composure..
Bellbottom, Nick's pilot tried to defend himself. "Look, I was only following the training.-"
"And you won't take any risks because you got that book shoved up your ass!" Nick shouted. his voice rang through the pingy hallway. "Because you won't fly fast enough, you won't take a tighter turn to get an edge on the enemy, I can't fly for you! My life is in your hands, what the hell are you going to do when your lack of some fucking kahunas gets me killed and makes my wife a widow, and my child fatherless huh?"
Bellbottom had shrunk against the wall by now, while Goose may have a slightly goofy exterior, the burning fire behind his eyes is felt through the intense stare that heats up his cheeks.
"We are lucky alert 5 made it in time..." Goose sighed, backing away from his pilot. "You're gonna have to find a new RIO... because I won't settle for a pilot who is incompetent."
Nick meandered his way to the mess hall, ever since he quit smoking, for caroles mental peace of mind, his new addiction was food, not that he didnt have a healthy appetite before, but stress eating became his new poison. The moment Nick sat down with a plate of food, his ears were drawn to an arguing pai of officers who had just walked past him.
"Jesus Christ Maverick, you aren't a stunt pilot, you're gonna get us killed out there!"
The short one, who Nick could only assume was Maverick, turned around, having to look up at his fellow officer.
"We were on alert five Ford, what was I supposed to do? Take a Sunday drive to an F-14 in the water with no MiGs in sight? we had to get there, and we had to handle it. End of story."
The taller of the two grabbed Mavericks arm.
"Listen here, kid. You're daddy may have been a hotshot pilot like you, but one way or another, that attitude is gonna get you, or someone near you killed, you just watch it happen. Find a new fucking RIO..."
After that insult to his father, maverick slumped into the seat across from Goose, with Maverick's back facing him. After Nick took his time chewing his food, he finally spoke up.
"You're Maverick?"
Maverick turned his head, and solemnly nodded. He swung his leg over the bench to face Nick. "Yeah, I'm Maverick alright, can't keep a damn RIO."
"And that's cause you fly too fast?" Nick questioned.
Maverick nodded his head, looking up at Nick.
There was a long pause between them, before Nick spoke again. "And I just got done yelling at my pilot for not flying fast enough."
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lethxia · 3 months
mic headcanons. tw for graphic language. maybe self-harm. definitely self hatred. //
hizashi doesn’t deal well with silence. this sticks with him for all thirty one and counting years of his life.
it’s not hard to tell given his disposition, but it’s really not like that. not as shallow as “it’s like he can’t fucking stay quiet—” “jesus christ, yamada, give it a rest,” “youd be easier to like if you just /shut up/.”
if only it were surface-level.
if only it didnt cut as deep.
hes /made/ of sound, born with it, his heartbeat his adrenaline the hum of blood in his veins and his quirk. his voice. all he amounts to, some days.
he learns a simple fact at age three, seven, sixteen, twenty two—that is to say, he internalises this lesson like a set of beliefs to live by, every single time he /slips/.
calling them that is cruel. a slip up, an honest mistake, whatever. too casual for what he actually does.
what doesn’t change is that he learns he carries destruction like a shadow. this fact is plain, clean-cut. obvious, to anyone’s who’s looking.
(and everyone is. blood on his hands. his algebra homework sullied by red, and his ears—he can’t hear. his teachers. his classmates. his friends—/not anymore/. everybody. looking at him. fear and anger evident in their eyes.)
(and he’s scared, he’s /so scared/, but what do you do when the cause for fear is yourself? when it lives within you? when the only way to absolve yourself of that responsibility falls just short of taking a knife to your own throat and letting the damage pour out?)
it’s his nature, he thinks, ears still ringing from the aftershock ten years too late. he hurts people. just his /nature./
he hates it.
standing in the rain, he thinks, absurdly, that he should’ve died here. wishes that it was him instead, pinned down by shards of concrete.
as if he could ever be beautiful enough to immortalise.
as if he believed the destruction wouldn’t follow him here. the first time he’d been given the tools to control his quirk, control himself, instead of scraping together some semblance of it with bloody, bare hands.
as if he was ever worth the cost it takes for existence.
hizashi stands there in the rain, age sixteen. he doesn’t want to leave. he does, anyways, because like all things leading up to this moment, he doesn’t have a choice.
silence follows him for the next few months. it kills him a little, more and more until one day he’s shaking, staring up at the ceiling and aizawa is bleeding from the ears, a trickle of blood running down his chin.
/shit,/ he thinks, throat sore. not like aizawa can hear him.
(but he hasn’t felt alive in so long, and like this, the oxygen in his lungs and panic singing in his skull, it’s like silence can never touch him again.
and he hates himself for it all over again. )
so he learns, relearns, tries again and again to accommodate both silence and his own quirk.
silence, because people die without it. his quirk, because he’s nothing without it.
another type of death. (maybe it’s a fair trade, his life for others. he knows what his pick is.)
he’s thirty now, the oldest he ever has been, his hair his style his rocking dj persona, everything so carefully cultivated to project the image of “harmless”. he’s proud of it. wears it like clothing, like a noose around his neck, like a muzzle. he’s proud of all he’s achieved.
but it always goes something like this.
the lights are off. it’s quiet, entirely silent, save for his own breathing. (god, when will that stop—)
he’s crying. he can’t feel his jaw from how hard he’s clenching it /shut./ his hand over his own mouth, cutting off breathing.
he’s thirty, for gods sake, and he hasn’t “slipped” for a decade, but—
(aizawa, in the hospital bed. his skin almost as pale as the sheets. the doctor saying that it’s unsure if erasure is intact.)
jesus christ.
he squeezes his eyes shut.
silence. ten minutes of it. just ten minutes. enough for him to unpack all of that and shove it back /down/. he feels the youngest he’s ever been.
he drags aizawa out to the sports festival, after that. its easy, undemanding, to play up his persona and smile for the audience like he doesn’t have the ability to kill them all with one word. aizawa doesn’t flinch at his volume. he tells himself that this is contentment.
he drags aizawa out to the sports festival, after that. its easy, undemanding, to play up his persona and smile for the audience like he doesn’t have the ability to kill them all with one word. aizawa doesn’t flinch at his volume. he tells himself that this is contentment.
he doesn’t do well with silence. it’s trained into him all the same.
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crimeronan · 3 months
i think if lilith ever got amity out, Somehow, the next primary goal of everyone involved is get luz AWAYYYY from this man. like they can see it in his Eyes he is So So happy with her and it is not a good thing.
and maybe they even do it. they fake her death by saying she tripped in to the boiling sea, or something, or maybe she even jumped. something that leaves no blame and no body. and belos Reacts. there are no tears, just this blank anger and hurt (this realm has killed my perfect human)
but then, barely a night after luz is dead, hes just.. gone. they cant find him. theres no trace of a body no nothing not even signs of disrepair. hes just gone.
and everyone breaths a sigh of relief. theyve done it. the empire can be rebuilt in a way that will slowly kill it. maybe they put lilith in charge. it doesnt matter. it just matters that belos is gone and they'll be ok.
then he comes back. hes smiling and dirty and holding a little bundle in his arms. everyone fakes respect. theyre panicked. fuck, hes back. he didn't die of course he didnt. but hes back now and smiling oh so happily.
the bundle in his arms starts crying. there is a little human girl. "the isles have been blessed with a new heir."
and now that only leaves one question: whos FUCKING BABY did belos just steal??
i can't decide if it's worse if he DID go into the human realm to kidnap a random child or if he's, like, kept luz's baby teeth "just in case" something happens to her. man who has already trapped himself in a 400-year grimwalker cycle once: i could probably get it right if i do it again tho. it's fine :)
i feel like someone needs to kill this guy. who's gonna take one for the team.
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p1nk-matter · 5 months
...debunking PT did it
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So let me preface this by saying this was 100% inspired by a tiktok comment in a hxh phantom troupe's religious symbolism video back in 2021 (:/). The person who commented made such an impact I screenshotted their comments which unfortunately are not in correct order and messaged them this year (i just know they think im weird) but they never responded. I'd give their @ but its their government name (I take it) so msg me for deets. All credit goes to them as I'm just polishing and tidying these thoughts.
First op talks about Meteor City, a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist on any official records and are treated horribly from the outside, people are taken from Meteor City for crimes, prostitution, slavery and no one's doing a thing to stop it. People go outside and face racism, like the one guy accused of a crime he didnt commit and when the truth is shown no one does anything (think op meant The Bum Incident, vol 11, Chapter 102). These people get no justice, they're just used and this is where the duality of Chrollo comes in, he is a demon to the outside world because he is challenging the gods but also a Jesus figure for the underprivileged Meteor City. Even his reverse St Peters Cross on his jacket means that he feels unworthy to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus. Thats his way of saying he doesnt see himself as worthy of savior. His priority is the Troupe so they can together be seen to the outside world, they are literally a troupe of phantoms, trying to be recognized. This is why when he asks Neon if she believes in ghosts and she says no, she is the oppressor that doesn't understand the one hurt.
If you read the story with this idea in mind you start to observe that the Troupe only attacks people hazardous for the City (mafia, ants) or when they want revenge for one of them killed so its weird they are presented in a positive almost heroic light. Only exception that sticks out to the story? Kurta massacre.
The og commenter wondered why it was that the Troupe was always presented in a positive light. We've known the Phantom Troupe does acts of good alongside the bad but we also haven't seen anything entirely "evil" commited by any of them yet. Most of the legends surrounding them are hearsay. And though they could have easily killed Gon and Killua, they don't, twice. Also, Uvogin when taken by mafia/Kurapika says if freed, they wouldn't hurt them as they are not the target.
Op comments on how narrative should be filtered as its being commented via Gon- a non objective source, they claim that the 1st arc feels like a kid show whereas chimera arc feels dark, thats not to say it is actually like that but as Gon's perspective changes so does the narration. At first when innocent people die, he doesnt really care but in chimera we need a narrator to explain as Gon is too biased at that point. Regarding the massacre we only have Kurapika's word but what we are being told/shown about the Troupe is different. The characters talk about the Kurta massacre, how horrible and brutal it was but the narrative is keen and favors the Troupe, it paints them in a favorable light and why should the narrative do that, they don't become better people like the Ants after all.
From the moment they appear on screen, the narrative wants us to see them as underprivileged, both in York New and in the ship, even when they're fighting in Meteor City, they're fighting for injustice or when somebody hurts them. Then why justify their actions everytime they appear on screen if they massacred the Kurta Clan? If they are responsible for this why make them the underprivileged representation? Both Kurta and Troupe says the op are ostracized by the outside and seen less from people.
Say they did it. 3 ideas were proposed as to why.
1. for the eyes (Chrollo likes the eyes, like Hisoka said but Hisoka is a liar and also Chrollo has never shown interest in the show for them. For someone who steals things he likes, why make an exception and murder here?)
2. for money (that's not correct, we are told multiple times they don't care about it, neither money nor fame, they want to be recognized by the world but how would that work by killing a clan that's been hidden for 100 years, they dont get anything out of it.)
3. for revenge: Revenge for what? Kurta are a peaceful clan that hide for years. We know the Troupe left a note that is the motto of Meteor City (I'm adding here what op referred to: "we reject no one so take nothing from us"). Op says note means they serve justice to their city, when someone takes things away from them so what did Kurta take? From the thematic and narrative point they are not set up to have done it, op thinks thats 100% intentional.
Like said above, BOTH have the thematic of oppression from the outside world, they are a commodity for the rich and powerful (gods) but why is Phantom Troupe put in the light of both, the oppressor and the oppressed? Why would an oppressed group oppress another one for NO good reason? The Troupe doesn't kill innocent people if not necessary, they do NOT care about money or fame and the revenge aspect doesnt work because the Kurta were isolated from the outside.
If we look back at the York New Arc they never state the massacre, they simply suggest it and of course from a Kurapika POV they are guilty but if you look again you have to ask..are they really?
this took ages for me to coherently formulate and ik it goes back and forth but bless op's heart because it changed my perspective completely (more than any yt analysis found online) !
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
Mountain Recording Himself dominating the shit out of Rain and Dewdrop, He Gives the tape to Aether? Aether gets it, Watches it, his phone rings and it's rain Moaning out Aether's name?
jesus fucking christ
listen...i just wanna preface...if you see the word "daddy" in this fic no you didnt
Mountain: I’ve got a treat for you.
It’s a somewhat cryptic text for 4pm on a Tuesday. Aether hasn’t really been doing much all day besides lay around and strum out the random solo or two during practice. He had been trying to take a nap when Mountain texted him. He squints at the sentence, reluctantly rolling over to reply properly.
Aether: Oh?
Aether: Tell me more.
He puts his phone down, stares at it with lazy curiosity. It could really be anything—a picture of a rare plant he cultivated, a picture of an actual edible treat, a link to a song recommendation, maybe a picture of himself naked in the mirror…
Mountain: 1 video attachment.
Mountain: Tell me when you’ve watched it.
Aether catches a glimpse of the preview image, blurry and nondescript.
Aether: Why do I feel like you’re about to jumpscare me?
Mountain: Watch. Now.
Aether smirks.
Aether: Okay bossy.
He clicks on the video, wholly unprepared for what he finds. Mountain’s holding his phone near his thigh, or what Aether assumes is his thigh. He can only see a sliver of leg and darkness for the first few seconds, but soon he raises the camera to pan across both Rain and Dewdrop’s faces, obscenely flushed and desperate where they’re on their knees below him.
“Oh f-fuck,” Aether mutters.
From what he can tell, Mountain’s still fully clothed, at least from the waist down. Rain and Dew are both fully naked, cocks hard between their legs. The earth ghoul hovers his boot—fuck, his boot?—over Dew’s cock, not quite touching. His mouth falls open at the suggestion of touch. Aether can physically see him struggling not to buck into the rugged sole. Mountain, no doubt, punished him already for doing just that, judging by the handprints on his face and purple marks around his nipples.
The huff of a laugh ghosts over the microphone as Mountain pulls back. The camera pans to Rain’s face, eyes lidded and glassy. Mountain combs a hand through his hair and pulls, exposing that pale column of a throat. Rain struggles to focus, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he whines beautifully.
The video ends too soon. Aether whimpers as he shifts his weight, cock already fattening up beneath him.
“Fucking seven hells,” he says under his breath, staring at the frozen frame of Rain’s long neck.
Aether: Fuck you
Aether: devious bastard
He rolls back over so he can palm at his cock through his sleep shorts. He can only imagine how deep they both are, submitting for Mountain like its their job, high on that delicious haze the earth ghoul induces so well.
He’s just about to pull his cock out of his pants when his phone rings.
“Shit, fucking hell—” It’s Mountain. Of course it is.
“Mount what the—” the words die on his lips as he hears a moan float through the speaker, followed by Mountain’s voice:
Yeah, fucking take it.
That sends another spike of interest straight to his cock. He considers hanging up, he really does. But another moan squelches the thought. It’s loud and wanton, not so muffled this time. It’s immediately recognizable as Rain, high and feminine.
Tell Aether how much you want it.
His eyes go wide and his cock kicks in response, fully at attention now. Any thoughts of a butt-dial fly out the window at the sound of his name on Mountain’s lips.
Hng, w-want it so bad. Oh Aethe—
He can tell Mountain bottoms out by the way Rain chokes off the end of his sentence.
Good boy, such a wet fucking slut, aren’t you?
“Oh Lucifer, Mountain,” Aether mumbles. He puts his phone on speaker, abandoning it to get both hands on his cock. He can vaguely hear Dew whine in the background, probably forced to watch them as punishment, hands behind his back, cock ruddy and leaking…
‘M your slut, yours—ah—yours—
There’s a sound of a hand connecting to skin, followed by Rain mewling.
Be a good pet, tell our darling Aether what he really wants to hear.
Rain whines self-consciously, panting hard. He tries to get the words out, but they’re caught in his throat, mingling with his unbidden moans. Mountain’s really pounding into him, the sound of his hips snapping against Rain’s ass is audible even through the phone. Aether lets out his own whine, thumbing over the head of his cock and squeezing the base.
There’s rustling against the speaker, and suddenly Rain’s breath is right there, huffing into the receiver.
Go on.
Rain lets out a long, drawn-out moan that goes straight to Aether’s cock.
Mmpf, need you d-daddy, please—oh fuck!
And oh, those words are deliciously sinful, a rare treat. “Fuuuck, that’s a good boy, Rainey,” he breathes.
Yes, daddy, please please, wanna cum for you.
Mountain chuckles darkly. Oh, I bet our Aether loves that, doesn’t he?
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speedydestinydream · 1 month
Post "Fight or Flight" Episode Thoughts
(general thoughts after watching episode 2 of the milliot spinoff; seeing if my predictions were right and just talking about the episode)
For reference, my pre episode prediction post
• Okay so they did show the video advertisement, and Elliot didn't really freeze up BUT he did stutter a lot which is fair, Milly didn't really speak but thats fair since it's. His gardening club
• Elliot was STRUGGLING with pulling out that fucking weed. Bro you can use a weed cutter THIS IS WHY THEY WERE MADE
• SEAAAANNNNN MOMENTTT YEAAAAHHHHH it's mostly his voice behind the camera but STILL. Also poor guy man accidentally ate compost RIP (Elliot being so apologetic for it,,, Elliot you are me and I am you.)
To be honest I thought black gold was oil tho??? Not compost? Idk
• Elli. Elliot. Elliot Thornton. Why did I just watch you bite into a tomato like an apple.
• Did he change shirts into the exact same shirt after that take cause he definitely had tomato juice on his shirt lol 😭
• Elliot practicing conversations in the mirror 🤨 Giving me huge Jake vibes here JUST LOOK AT HIM
• Milly has a father‼️‼️
• oh god cyberbullying... Elliot NOOOOOO
also for the students that were typing those replies. How stupid do you have to be to cyberbully someone on THE SCHOOLS OFFICAL GACHABOOK POST. WHERE THE FACULTY CAN SEE IT. USE YOUR BRAINS PLEASE
• Also... Bradley's last name is Buckley I think? Bradley Buckley? (the @ on one of the replies of the post)
• "Nothing will change. I'll always be pathetic." ELLIOTTTTTT NOOOOO
• "Stop fighting this isnt you 🥺" - Elliot, probably
• Ms. Cherry is PISSSSEDDDD
• I WAS RIGJT WE DID SEE NEW STAFF (the nurse!!) She seems nice :3
• Elliot: "Oh lord... I wanna die...!"
Milly: "Yeah, he's ok. He's back to normal." LMAO. poor Elliot bro
• He PASSED OUT and still doesn't wanna go home??? Elliot take the free go home excuse it's ok
• awwwwwhhhj he's blushinggg
• Faye and Dominic wanted to be friends with Elliot but thought he was avoiding them and Elliot wanted to be friends with Faye and Dominic but was too scared to talk to them,,,, awwhwwhwhw friiieeennndddssshiiipppp
• damn these two are PASSIONATE about their animals
• He sounds like a really sweet guy
• Bradley. Is blushing. Oh my god
• Man these guys all LOVE Elliot. Treating him like Jake 2.0 LMAAOOOO (seriously tho I'm so happy Elliot has 4 friends now WWOWOOOOO)
• His height compared to Milly I. He's SO FUCKING TALL WHAT. He's gotta be a senior atleast right???? Jesus christ how old is he
• "Who died and made you president of this club?" Dominic you are going up the ranks of my favorite tmf characters at an alarmingly quick rate I'm afraid that when I'm done typing this you'll be in my top 5
• Clozy Crunch? Wonder if it tastes good 🤔
• So real Hailey, princess is a stupid nickname fr
• "Hate is a strong word-" Jake bullied you for 2 years???
"Hate isn't strong enough of a word for me." Real Zander real
#letzandersayfuck2024 rip 😞
• awwwhh Elliot's symbolism with the pink cactus flower that's cute
• God they're so awkward I love them
• Milly you are blushing RED girl
• Hes just gonna. Leave the paper towel on the floor?? 😭 I mean I wouldn't wanna touch it either but atleast kick it to the bathroom??? Jake???
• Jake reprimending himself for embarrassing himself in front of someone and Elliot celebrating the fact he built up the nerve to talk to someone... oh how the tables turn
• Aww butterfly on Bradley's nose
• They're all BUDDIES
• Good ass episode and I was right with a lot of my predictions omg. How did that happen 😭
• Elliot I wanna see more of you and your club YOU WERE FUCKING AWESOME
Anyway that's all I just had to talk about this episode cause it was SSOOOOOSOSOOSOO good. I was literally screaming while it was premiering I was so overjoyed
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evildata · 1 month
just rewatched amok time and this time with my dad. was trying my hardest to not crawl on the walls throughout the episode
my dad as an average autistic thats very good at pattern recognition IMMEDIATELY found out the plot that kirk didnt actually die and mccoy just injected something in him that simulated death
he still has no idea about spock and jim being gay. or atleast hes trying to deny it cause he already seen enough spirk moments
my dad burst out laughing when spock explained about pon farr and realized it was FUCK OR DIE and when spock was preparing himself to the fight with that demonic ass face my dad shouted "I NEED TO MATE I NEED TO MATE" and i dont think ive ever laughed so hard in my life
that was fun i was about to scream every single moment
also he asked if i already watched search for spock cause hes curious about it, we need to watch it asap cause jesus christ ive seen enough spoilers on tumblr 😭🙏🏼
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shinigami88 · 1 year
Fyodor's potential
Fyodor wont die . If he dose it would a waste of potential. He didnt have any special character development and he can play a important role in the upcoming arc . We dont know his backstory or ability which is one thing im glad about, with us not knowing his ability asagiri could come up with something to save him. And the theories of jesus resurrection in 3 days are good too check bramstar theory ofcourse others mentioned some really good things too . If the next arc is order of the clock tower ( hopefully) i assume they would be even harder and trickier to deal with than decay of angels or guild , fyodor would probably have some information on them. He could aid the agency in some way even if its indirectly.
Now onto my own thoughts about fyodor, he is someone who can trust if he manipulates. trust issues , probably due to the things that had happened to him . he probably didnt have many close people to him other than his family members which he probably lost. whatever his ability is i assume it must have been traumatic like many other abilities we have seen up to now. he could probably lack affection and friendships . the fact that Nikolai said they didnt talk much could probably been because of 1- his lack of trust in people or pride ( him trying not to let get anyone close to him due to maybe something he experienced ) 2- his goal orientation . however he is a human and humans would definitely feel the lack of all of this. sometime humans with such thought pattern would postpone all of these needs of theirs for later until they reach these goals they have. To make myself clear what fyodor might have been thinking was something like First i will reach my goal then i can have friends and i can do anything i want.
Not for ship reasons or anything . i simply see potential in fyodor as a character. I dont know but i really hope he could live a good life afterwards of all of these events. The real Dostoyevsky used redemption alot in his stories. Even though i had to time to read 2 of his books i took a look at what people said as well. He could develop into a good character , since even now he wanted a perfect world even though it could not exist him wanting children to be happy could relate to probably the crimes and abuse people commit towards many children and causes the cycle to continue in many cases. If he comes back i hope he just gets to live a normal life , and have anything he couldn't have till now. Slowly learning to trust , have someone who cares for him and try to make the world better by being a good person himself to effect others.
( again there are lots of theories about the 3 days Resurrection even after that i hope it has an inpact on his character . and he gets to find a way to be good. Even if asagiri decides to use the great ' losing all of the memories ' im totally okay with it as long as fyodor gets to live and develop more)
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Pastor Jeff x Reader HCs (Crackfic??)
General Themes: Religion, Aftercare/Implied Sex, Cuddling, Kissing, Angst
Authors Note: Obession 1# in young sheldon, not kidding, maybe dr linkletter or hagenmeyer but he is number 1# (though connie is a good runner up)
Anyways hes a religious man, he is a pastor so expect him not to be home in the afternoon unless you work with him, he is also goes on church retreats often so expect alot of alone time, though that doesnt stop any affections from him, he always calls you to make sure you are safe and okay because he loves you more than Jesus himself
But when he has his day off? Expect sex, he is a pastor but when he wants it, he wants it, also very gentle mind you, also he is very clingy afterwards, loves you and your body is just a plus to him, anyways he gives the best aftercare, sometimes he doesnt even take care of himself, he wants you to be comfortable, though when you dont want to, hes chill with it but makes up with it by being overly affectionate
Speaking of he loves kissing you anywhere when you want, how you want and where you want, he is also very big on consent, if you dont like touching, the most he will do without asking is a hug or a chaste kiss on your cheek really, but when you allow him to kiss you passionately, he will pin you to the nearest wall and hold your neck, that is if you are married, if not dont expect it much outside when he asks or when you are engaged
Cuddling this man feels like hugging a warm and soft stick/twig, i imagine him to be thin and slim but also tall and has long limbs, especially his arms, he could wrap his arms around you twice around your waist if you are small enough, speaking of which he finds it cute youre shorter if you are, he loves picking you up when you allow him to
Also loyal as can be, wont even look at a woman unless its for work or something important ot just yknow being the pastor, he will die by you or die before he even thinks of cheating, if you break his heart, its fine, as long you are happy and live peacefully
If you ever cheat on him, he wouldnt do anything, he would just let it happen and wont bat an eye, but the bottle isnt large enough to hold his feelings, eventually he will explode at you and it will always end with you breaking up or divorcing and you moving out, and him drinking his heart out until he passes out and forgets the night, it haunts him forever and will probably stay single until he dies
He wouldnt complain if you did something to him, just as long you didnt bottle it up, he will take it to his grave, even if it hurt him, he will suck it up, he loves you too much to let go of the fleeting feelings of love in general, hurt him as much as you please, he wouldnt say a thing
Hes insecure of himself all around, low self esteem and all, he knows he shouldnt envy others for having your attention, but he just have a gut feeling he csnt get rid of that you will leave him some day and leave him all alone by himself, thats also a reason for him being a bit of a pushover and letting things happen, hes a pastor, alot of things get past him, no matter hoe much it hurts him to see it happen
Also a bit toxic and possesive, he loves you and wants you to be happy but he cant bear to see you with another person, because hes not the type to care for himself and cares about others...unless they flirt with you in that case they are never ever going to enter or step foot in his church ever, a yandere of sorts i guess?
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
theres something to be said about the fact that i can't seem to process my emotions or find meaning in life outside of stories.
i need a fictional counterpart, a fictional role to align myself with. a Theme of the Story to follow (never give up, you can't do this alone, that kind of stuff) no amount of sitting and thinking and philosophy will change my outlook, but a new archetype? a new character, their devotion, their worldview? I could do that.
like no amount of rational thinking helped me with this recent thing that happened to me, and ive been hurting about it for months at this point, but i think im just starting to get over it. and that's because of a character I'm writing, who's emotional arc is mirroring mine. And I just adjusted my view of it and huh, i wouldn't mind that outcome. it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
anyway i just read judas by jeff loveness and it was beautifully drawn, and i appreciated the story too, so maybe thats why i wanna change my name to judas lmao. i dont really want to tell people IRL though, cuz they wouldnt get it. and itd be a whole thing.
judas is basically the only person from the bible i've ever given a shit about.
(when i was younger i remember wondering why judas couldn't go to heaven, if his betrayal was necessary for jesus to die, and if he was so upset about it that he didnt even spend the money and then KILLED himself. but idk i dont think the people in the church actually gave a shit. they never tried to make it make sense to me. so judas is just like, this little guy i've squirrel away now)
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