#jewish lily the world ….
jewishregulus · 4 months
can’t stop thinking abt lily evans who spends her entire childhood trying to fight the role her parents want to put her in, has a door opened into a brand new life she thinks is an escape route, and then dies in the same place she was expected to . snake eating its own tail . she’ll be a mother and a wife forever and she will never be herself. she smells like orange blossom and pistachio and her hands are sticky from cutting fruit for a sister who won’t take it from her anymore. she’s covered in freckles and has wild curly ginger hair and she wears overalls and striped socks and plaid button ups and she’s got a complex about every part of her identity. she struggles with being a witch she struggles with being jewish she struggles with being a lesbian . her dad is dead and her step dad is nice but it feels like a slap in the face. she’s petunias sister until petunia decides the step is important too. she trusts one friend too much and then he blatantly disrespects her and then she falls for it again!!!! she marries a man for safety and for friendship and she thinks she could be in love with him in a weird unique way. she has a son and doesn’t know how to feel about it because of the war but she loves him anyways because she loves so much. and then she dies for that love, because of course!! her entire life has been about what she could do for other people, this is how it would end. she has been forced to be a certain person her whole life and g-d she just wants to do Something to go against it …… anyways she’s kind of the best character in the world if you think about it
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sayruq · 4 months
Just days after US Army Major Harrison Mann resigned, the Biden administration has been hit with another major resignation, this time Lily Greenberg Call, special assistant to the Chief of Staff
An interior department staffer on Wednesday became the first Jewish political appointee to publicly resign in protest of US support for Israel’s war in Gaza.Lily Greenberg Call, a special assistant to the chief of staff in the interior department, accused Joe Biden of using Jews to justify US policy in the conflict. Call had worked for the presidential campaigns of both Biden and Kamala Harris, and was a longtime activist and advocate for Israel in Washington and elsewhere before joining the government. She is at least the fifth mid- or senior-level administration staffer to make public their resignation in protest of the Biden administration’s military and diplomatic support of the now seven-month Israeli war against Hamas. She is the second political appointee to do so, after an education department official of Palestinian heritage resigned in January.Her resignation letter described her excitement at joining an administration that she believed shared much of her vision for the country. “However, I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration,” she wrote. In an interview with the Associated Press, Call pointed to comments by Biden, including at a White House Hanukkah event where he said “Were there no Israel, there wouldn’t be a Jew in the world who was safe” and at an event at Washington’s Holocaust Memorial last week in which he said the 7 October Hamas-led attacks that triggered the war were driven by an “ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people”. “He is making Jews the face of the American war machine. And that is so deeply wrong,” she said, noting that ancestors of hers were killed by “state-sponsored violence”.
The resignation letter:
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
a bit of info on working with archangels 🕯️
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the archangels, and angels in general, are beings that will never intercede without your expressed consent! they believe in free will which means that they will only work with you, give you messages, etc., if you are open and willing to receive their divine messages.
a common misconception is that angels will only help those who are religious (i.e. christian, jewish, muslim) but that is not the case! angels have nothing but love for humans and nature so they aren’t tied to any specific religious affiliation, though they come from a more religious background.
each archangel, and angel, has their own areas of expertise when it comes to guidance but nothing is beyond them! so you can essentially reach out to any angel for anything and they will do their best to help you.
i’m going to briefly talk about seven of the main archangels and list some correspondences and offerings as well!
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archangel michael - the great defender
archangel michael is the great defender of all that is good. he can be called upon for help with strength and courage as well as general protection.
he is associated with the sun tarot card
offerings include: frankincense, rosemary, basil, white or blue candles, selenite, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel raphael - the divine healer
archangel raphael is the divine healer. he assists with physical healing as well as emotional healing. he is especially popular with healers and those who work in the medical field.
he is associated with the strength tarot card
offerings include: lavender, rosemary, chamomile, peppermint, green candles, fresh flowers, emeralds, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel gabriel - the messenger
archangel gabriel is a messenger who helps people learn how to communicate effectively. he can help you find the words you need to get your point across. he helps artists, writers, and teachers.
he is associated with the moon tarot card
offerings include: lavender, jasmine, lily, white candles, moonstone or clear quartz, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel uriel - the hermit
archangel uriel is a wizened hermit figure who helps us deal with feelings of loneliness that can become overwhelming at times. he helps us learn how to be alone without feeling lonely.
he is associated with the hermit tarot card
offerings include: sandalwood, frankincense, cinnamon, red or gold candles, citrine, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel chamuel - the peace bringer
archangel chamuels main mission is to bring peace to the world. you can call on him when you're suffering from anxiety or if you need help forgiving someone. he is especially helpful when it comes to relationship troubles.
he is associated with the lovers tarot card
offerings include: rose, chamomile, lavender, pink candles, rose quartz, love letters, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel zadkiel - the forgiver
archangel zadkiel is who you should call when it comes to forgiveness as a whole. he helps regulate emotions and work through them so we can feel that sense of forgiveness for others and ourselves.
he is associated with the temperance tarot card
offerings include: rose, lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, purple candles, amethyst, engaging in acts of service like volunteering or donating, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
archangel jophiel - the transformer
archangel jophiel is responsible for the positive transformations we go through in life. he encourages inner journeys that help us to discover our passions.
he is associated with the star tarot card
offerings include: chamomile, lemon balm, sunflower yellow or orange candles, yellow jasper, spending time in nature, practicing positive affirmations, water, letters or prayers addressed to him
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mypatchworkreflection · 4 months
"Lily Greenberg Call, a special assistant to the chief of staff in the Department of the Interior, became the first Jewish political appointee to resign her post in protest of U.S. President Joe Biden's support for Israel's genocide in Gaza."
"Call announced her resignation on Wednesday, which is also the 76th anniversary of the Nakba—or the expulsion of the majority of Palestinians from their homes in 1948 as part of the process of creating the current state of Israel.
"Nakba and Shoah, the Hebrew word for Holocaust, mean the same thing: catastrophe," Call wrote in her letter. "I reject the premise that one people's salvation must come at another's destruction. I am committed to creating a world where this does not happen—and this cannot be done from within the Biden administration.""
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vintagetvstars · 4 months
Bea Arthur Vs. Lily Tomlin
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Bea Arthur - (Golden Girls, Maude) - Okay okay where do I even start!! Bea Arthur is incredibly attractive. She has a SUPER deep voice (stunning), a sort of regal, statuesque way of moving and talking, and she can kill you with a single piercing look. Like seriously. Her Looks have become a thing in both shows she plays a lead character in. Did I mention: TWO characters were *written for her*!! When she did Maude in 1972, she'd appeared on All in the Family as a side character and the people there loved her so much they went "this woman needs her own TV show". SO THEY WROTE IT. And made 6 seasons of it. That's how good she is. When the pilot for The Golden Girls was written, creator Susan Harris described the part that Bea would end up playing as a "Bea Arthur type" before they'd even cast her in the role. She was Jewish, she served as a typist and truck driver in the marines during WWII, she had a whole career off and on Broadway behind her by the time she started her career in television, and she was an ally to the gay community — there's even a shelter for homeless queer youth named after her. And did I mention her voice?? Because she can sing too!
Lily Tomlin - (Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In, Saturday Night Live, Murphy Brown) - “Lily Tomlin is, I believe, a great artist. I find that her work succeeds on every level: She is a great actress; she is a brilliant comedienne; she is a coruscating commentator on our times and on her place in the world; she is frighteningly clear in her ability to see and to share what entered her mind and her heart; she is amazingly generous with her material. The final point is one that you will not understand until you begin to create your own work, and you will know the brutal difference between those who give a great deal and those who give according to fashion and whim. Trust me when I tell you this is a brutal point.” — Tennessee Williams
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Bea Arthur:
She was just so funny and compelling onscreen. She had great timing. And she was beautiful no matter what age and she was an incredibly LGBT+ ally.
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I think it's a very common experience to start watching The Golden Girls and immediately develop a crush on Dorothy Zbornak - and it's not a coincidence. Between her statuesque figure, her regal poise, her sharp wit and her wonderful, deep voice, Bea Arthur brings so much to the table that it's impossible not to be head-over-heels in love with her from the very first moment she appears on screen. Career-wise, she's a legend of the small screen; she received the third most Emmy nominations for Lead Actress in a Comedy Series (an incredible 9!). Her guest appearance as Maude in All in the Family impressed both the public and the executives so much that they made a spin-off series *especially for her*. She led Maude - the sitcom - for six incredible seasons to critical and public acclaim, and this would already be enough to nominate her among the greats, but then - as the true queen she was - she went on to star into *another* legendary show, The Golden Girls, as *another* legendary character, Dorothy, and won another Emmy (as well as several nominations) for it, just because she could. As for her private life, she was known as a private, introverted person, who loved the simple things in life; all her fellow TV stars (including Angela Lansbury, who was a dear friend of hers) recall her as a kind, decent person and a wonderful professional, with impeccable work ethic and truly immaculate comedic timing. We do not support the military complex here, but we do support girlbosses winning, so let me just mention that she was one of the first women (ever!) to join the US marines; she was also a licensed medical technician. All in all - a legendary lady who definitely deserves your vote!
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how many people can dress up as the Statue of Liberty and look this good?
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have you ever seen a woman so beautiful you started crying
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soft butch queen. Who else could rock a papillon like that?!?
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1982 Bea Arthur - Fifty Percent.avi
Beatrice Arthur, Down in the Depths, 1980 TV
Lily Tomlin:
She's beautiful and hilarious! Her smile is so bright! photo of her and her partner Jane Wagner:
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leftistfeminista · 1 year
'I Won't Stop Until Israel Admits Its Ties With the Pinochet Regime'
Lily Traubman, who immigrated to Israel in the 1970s, hopes the documents she is trying to get from the Defense Ministry and the Foreign Ministry may even contain information on her father's killers.
A year ago there were headlines when four women filed a suit for sexual abuse they suffered in prison during the Pinochet period. They demanded that the abuse be recognized as a political crime and that their torturers be brought to trial. Were such attacks something that was directed from above?
Of course. Have you heard of “La Venda Sexy”? It was a detention center where people were tortured. The name actually means “Sexy Blindfold,” because the detainees’ eyes were covered the whole time and they were subjected to sexual abuse.
All the detainees were blindfolded the whole time?
Yes. They were arrested, blindfolded and put into a room, together, with their eyes covered. Then they were tortured. Most of the female detainees were raped and underwent sexual abuse. A girlfriend of mine was held there but was not raped. She told me she’d felt fortunate, but then came New Year’s and she was raped. They’d kept her for the holiday.
Venda Sexy was truly awful. They had dogs that were trained to rape women, and they would force spouses and family members to watch the rape. More and more testimonies about these abuses come out all the time.
And throughout this whole period, Israel, under prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin and Shimon Peres, maintained excellent relations with Chile. The two countries supported each other in the United Nations and signed bilateral agreements. Army Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur visited Chile in 1978, as did Deputy Prime Minister David Levy in 1982. Both met with Pinochet.
Pinochet was even invited to the synagogue in Santiago on Yom Kippur. Other presidents were not invited.
The documents declassified by the Americans also contain references to arms deals with Israel. Secretary of State George Shultz noted in a 1984 document that Britain, France, Israel and Germany were Chile’s arms suppliers.
All the weapons of the Chilean police and army were Israeli. In Chile I went around with a photograph of my brother in uniform. At checkpoints and in searches I would take out the picture and tell them that this was my brother, who was an officer in the IDF – even though he was a regular soldier – and that did the trick. The Chilean army greatly admired the Israeli army. When Pinochet wanted to visit Israel, he threatened that if he were not received here he would cancel a large arms deal. No dictator in the world, however bad he may be, can exist without international support. The dictatorship in Chile lasted as long as it did because there were countries that supported it, and Israel was one of them.
Israel describes itself as “the state of the Jewish people,” but there are about 20 missing Jews in Chile who were murdered during that period, while Israeli governments and the military maintained close ties with Chile, accorded it legitimization in international forums and provided aid and training to its military and intelligence units.
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good-old-gossip · 4 months
Nakba and Shoah, the Hebrew word for Holocaust, mean the same thing: catastrophe. I reject the premise that one people’s salvation must come at another’s destruction
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Lily Greenberg Call announced her resignation from the Biden administration on Wednesday over the ongoing US support for Israel's war on Gaza, becoming the first Jewish-American political official to resign in protest against the war.
Greenberg Call, who was serving as special assistant to the chief of staff at the interior ministry, sent a letter of resignation to Secretary of Interior Debra Haaland on Wednesday afternoon.
In her letter, which was shared with Middle East Eye, Greenberg Call said: "I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous, continued support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza".
"What I have learned from my Jewish tradition is that every life is precious. That we are obligated to stand up for those facing violence and oppression, and to question authority in the face of injustice," she said. Greenberg Call previously worked on the presidential campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris before moving on to work on the Joe Biden presidential campaign in 2020.
Greenberg Call's resignation coincides with the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, or catastrophe, a day that commemorates the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians at the hands of Zionist paramilitaries in 1948, which ultimately paved the way for the creation of the modern state of Israel.
"Nakba and Shoah, the Hebrew word for Holocaust, mean the same thing: catastrophe. I reject the premise that one people’s salvation must come at another’s destruction," she stated in her letter.
"I am committed to creating a world where this does not happen - and this cannot be done from within the Biden Administration."
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stxr-bxy · 8 months
pagan marauders hcs
in this universe paganism/real witchcraft = wizarding world and paganism is actually respected as a religion
most of them are hellenists but there are also roman and norse gods too
- works with athena
- he just loves powerful women
- or women in general tbh
- also works with apollon bc he’s the sun
- not super religious but goes to temple every Wednesday to visit the athena alter and on Sundays for the apollon alter
- makes a stupid amount of moon water because he uses it all the time
- no clair or psychic abilities but is very intuitive
- i imagine he got into hellenismos because euphemia is part greek (hence her name)
- prefers roman mythology over greek but is eclectic/neo pagan
- she works with Dionysius because they’re both drama queens and Venus because she helped him with embracing his femininity and feeling confident
- wears a carnelian necklace all the time bc she’s ✨that girl✨
- when she first quit weed she would smoke lavender because it puts you to sleep without causing highs
- goes to temple with friends to hang out and leave offerings
- had really strict catholic parents but never felt very connected to the church and god never really interacted with him no matter how many times he reached out
- his parents don’t think that being pagan = devil worship but they’re those people that think any god except theirs is a demon trying to hurt ppl
- was one of those tiktok witches for a while but then realized that witchtok is shit for information
- he’s jewish but he’s still a witch so he still counts for this
- burns a lot of sage bundles
- Sirius sometimes goes to temple(jewish) with him so he’s not alone but most of the time he goes with his parents
- was actually smart about his journey and immediately bought books because social media is mostly bullshit
- he’ll sometimes go to his friend’s temple(pagan) with someone (usually sirius) when their other friends aren’t going or are working
- he’s very supportive and does have some idea of what’s going on
- except he keeps asking who some people are like some obscurer gods or mortals from myths
- “who’s selene again?” “for gods sake remus you ask this every time” “sorry. but still who is she” “the moon goddess remus…” “oh yeah”
- claircognizant, he just knows things
- he was raised pagan because his moms are pagan (peter has two moms argue with the wall)
- works with freyja and demeter and goes to temple on thursday and friday for both
- he and marlene go for nature walks when it’s nice out and they sometimes look for crystals when they walk
- one time he found a really big quartz and took it home (he asked first ofc)
- also believes in animism and loves animals
- has a cat named luna (i have a cat named luna so i am projecting)
- clairvoyant, has visions and prophetic dreams
- was raised jewish and even though she went along with it when she was young she didn’t really feel connected to god so she converted to hellenismos when she was 15
- works with persephone and aphrodite (i know they don’t get along but it’s fine because they’re not on the same altar)
- goes to temple on mondays and fridays for persephone and aphrodite
- meditates a lot and likes to make sure her chakras are aligned (i know chakras originate from hinduism but i’m pretty sure they’re an open practice any hindus can correct me in comments or rbs)
- loves rose quartz and opal
- always does her crushes astrology charts to make sure they’re compatible
- one of those girls with lots of incense
- when she was crushing on mary she wore so much rose quartz and carnelian to get her to notice her
- lowkey scared of tarot bc it’s way too accurate, she prefers oracle cards
- wears pentacle necklaces for protection
- works with medusa (because of the hc that mulciber sa’ed her so she likes her story) and aphrodite
- veils on holidays and when she goes to temple
- reads tarot for people as a side hustle
- loves florida water and uses it a lot because she’s latina
- wears her evil eye/nazar a lot
- has a little home guardian statue and it’s a statue of a little cat
- bought her first veil from amazon and it had such a bad energy that she couldn’t cleanse out so she just threw it away
- when she goes to the beach she looks for shells to put on her aphrodite alter
- works with hekate and persephone
- has always loved the idea of witches since she was a little girl
- her parents were also strict catholics but marlene never believed in god, she knew somewhere deep down that he wasn’t as real to her as her gods
- her parents basically thought that witchcraft was the devil’s work and they never approved of it, they still don’t but now they’re used to it
- meditates during the full moon
- makes devotional playlists for her deities
- has lots of crystals because “i just think they’re neat”
- avoids doing shadow work but then her deities get mad so she reluctantly does some
- one of those girls who has rusty nails and dead bugs just so she can hex your ex
- clairaudient, was always confused by the ringing in her ears and what it meant
- works with hades and persephone
- loves the myth about them
- his parents raised him catholic but he stopped believing in god pretty quick because his prayers were never answered
- loves it when mary gives him tarot readings
- prefers runes to tarot but still likes tarot
- goes to temple on mondays because of persephone
- he talks with lily and marlene about persephone a lot and celebrate her return together
- his favorite holiday is yule because he loves all of the folklore surrounding it and the trees
- he used to charge his rose quartz in the sun because he didn’t know you couldn’t do that and then the color faded so he stopped doing that
- does lots of shadow work because he’s fucked up in the head
- a lot of people think she works with gods like iris or aphrodite but she actually works with nyx and hekate
- does scryings for people
- clairsentient, always picks up on other people’s emotions and the vibe of a room
- goes to temple on saturdays for hekate and with reg on mondays because the services include nyx and persephone
- one of those girls who used a spirit/ouija board and then all of witchtok came for her
- very experimental, uses egg shells in hexes and stuff like that
- also works with the fae and leaves them offerings for ostara and litha (and just in general)
- gives people little rocks and crystals she finds
- little kids love her and they always have such a good energy
- makes art of her deities
- italian folk witch and pagan
- always wearing his nazar to protect from il malocchio cause he doesn’t fw that shit
- works with hades and hermes
- he’s half italian on his mom’s side so he got his practice from her
- uses people’s hair in his spells and no one knows where he gets it from
- “barty why the fuck is my hair in your spell jar?” “idk man…” “liar”
- messes around with tarot and runes when he’s bored
- goes to temple on mondays with reg and pandora and wednesdays for hermes
- clairvoyant (to go along with the seer barty hc)
- mabon is his favorite holiday because food
- works with selene and hekate
- her and marlene love talking about hekate and honestly they could talk about her all day
- lowkey wanted to work with freyja at one point but she already has enough deities
- veils a lot for spiritual protection, can be as simple as a bandana or her hair braided but she likes regular veils too
- one of those girlies who walks barefoot in the forest
- grows her own herbs in her garden
- selenophilic
- needs to know everyone’s big 3
- not super religious but still a witch
- he mostly does kitchen witchcraft
- he makes simmer pots and uses herbs when cooking
- hangs rosemary over his front door to protect
- has a cinnamon broom
- mops with rosemary water
- can’t meditate for more than ten minutes because he gets distracted or has an itch or something
- forgot to mention he worships luna, solass ( idk how to spell it) , and the mother (moon, sun, and earth)
- avid pentacle wearer
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jechristine · 5 months
Would love to hear your thoughts on the interview (not to be rude to the others but Zendaya’s parts of the interview specifically 😁)
I was reminded again at the huge gulf between what we want from the people whom we—fans, the “culture”—choose to platform and what they actually have to say to us. It’s not their fault, and it’s fine!, but at the end of the day millions of people may read this interview and it’s kind of…nothing?
So I have been interested since I read the script eons ago about why it was critical to this film that the racial makeup be as it is. This was the first time I’d seen that addressed at all.
First, this paragraph from Zendaya—
“It’s very clear to her that she’s coming into a place of privilege and access that she clearly didn’t grow up with, so she enjoys fucking with them about it,” Zendaya said. “All of her background is riding on her shoulders. It’s clear that she’s had to fight her way in, and is dealing with it on the daily, what it means to be a Black girl in that space. Tennis means more to her than it does to them; it’s not just something she decided to do because ‘I had the luxury of getting tennis lessons as a kid.’ This is it for her. This is what’s going to take care of herself and her family and the future. There’s so much riding on it.”
I don’t remember from the script if Tashi discusses her upbringing or her parents’ wealth. Does she? I can definitely appreciate how Zendaya’s skintone stands in for an “outsider” status in the lily white world of tennis, and the emotional and real, racist barriers that were the product of that status, but is Zendaya’s skintone also meant to stand in for what? Cycles of generational poverty? That seems like a much harder leap to make if it wasn’t addressed otherwise in the script (was it?).
The most interesting angle here to my mind is to compare this to what Zendaya’s been saying about her come-up as a entertainment star and about family’s, friends’, and colleagues’ dependence on her, which Zendaya has never discussed as itself racialized.
We get another paragraph from the writer—
Kuritzkes knew where his characters came from as soon as he started writing: “Tashi was always a Black woman. Patrick was always a very well-to-do Jewish guy, and Art was always a somewhat well-to-do WASP.” Along with the inspiration he took from watching that Williams-Osaka match, he says, “It just kind of felt ridiculous to create a love triangle set in the tennis world with three American players and not have one of them be a Black woman. Because that is the story of American women’s tennis, if you look at all of the big superstars from the past decade.”
So Tashi is Black because we’ve had Black tennis superstars this decade? (Worth noting that Osaka was not economically disadvantaged…) He really doesn’t say much here at all. Is his head kind of empty?
And I’m still stuck on how anyone could write/cast a multiracial love triangle, and lead promo with a racialized line, without exploring the racial dimensions of the story very much at all.
I think it’s fine if Zendaya wants to keep her cards close. I don’t expect much from her as a thought-leader after she opted out of the actors’ strike. But I’d also be thrilled to read a deeper conversation.
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thistlecatfics · 10 months
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marginalia by @spindrifters (E, 266k+, wolfstar)
This story began a long time ago. That part is already written. Nothing can be done about it now. It began with two young men—barely more than boys—who upended the world, magical and mundane alike. Grindelwald and Dumbledore, glorious leaders of the revolution, who brought wizardkind out of hiding and into the light during those last, violent days of 1899. But a winter's night seventy-seven years later is where things really kick off. Because Remus Lupin knows what to expect when you’ve been sold somewhere new. He knows it better than he ever thought he'd have to by this point. He knows how to survive. And Sirius Black is doing his best to just graduate Hogwarts and get himself and his brother away from this goddamn house. He's got it figured out by now. He has a plan. Neither of them, however, had accounted for the other messing everything up by the mere fact of just existing. (Or, the one where Sirius is heir to a pureblood first family and Remus is a half-blood servant, but a chance meeting leads to healing old wounds, stumbling into love, and just maybe accidentally kickstarting a revolution.)
I feel slightly nervous queuing up this post for WIP day since the updates have been coming fast and furious lately!
I love, love, love a thoughtful canon divergence with big magical theory and deep heart. I'm also a sucker for a servant & master trying to figure out how to possibly navigate a relationship together! This fic handles power dynamics so thoughtfully, and, as a privileged rich white kid, I particularly love seeing how Sirius navigates and angsts about and works against his privilege.
This fic also has one of the strongest openers of any longfic I've ever read. Usually, I find longfics struggle with how to start, but that first chapter is both gripping and exciting AND manages to perfectly introduce the key characters AND drop key hints about how this world works. It's a masterclass in first chapters.
Other things I love about this fic: Sephardic Jewish Remus! Boldy badass Dorcas Meadowes! An actually thoughtful version of the Snape & Lily friendship! Tedromeda!! James & Sirius friendship!
Read it while it's still a WIP and so you can say you were here before it blew up :)
My other recs for @hprecfest here
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jewishregulus · 2 months
which characters do u hc as jewish? and also would u like to elaborate. id love to hear more about ur hcs. <3
i just got jumpscared by more catholic trauma hcs so let’s get into this!!!
i have three main jewish hcs that i care about very deeply and make content for primarily : those being remus , lily , and the black family ! (wolfstar invented jewish love…..) however i do have other hcs i simply enjoy more passively : dorcas , hermione , lucius , occasionally marlene , and mary! i used to hc pandora as jewish but that was before she was a rosier to me and the rosiers are not jewish in my head but i might sway back towards it 🤞
i have elaborated on jewish lily and the jewish black family in the past so perhaps it is remus lupin’s turn ….. remus is plagued by survivors guilt which i think is really added to by his jewish experience. we are a people who are raised to celebrate our survival and perseverance. i think this would make for an interesting storyline regarding remus and his complex relationship to religion after becoming the Sole Survivor in a way of his friend group …. (obviously sirius is still alive but he’s in azkaban so LOL) … i think in many ways remus would struggle with religion and find comfort in g-d at certain points and then pull back and be more questioning at others. “if there is a g-d he will have to beg for my forgiveness “ (if you use that specific quote for catholic trauma or whatever you should die and go to hell btw) …. he is constantly alienated from the muggle world and viewed as a monster in the wizarding world. his story is very reminiscent to me of certain jewish stereotypes (secret shapeshifters who drink the blood of christian babies blah blah blah) and i think it could be very interesting to see remus battle w these preconceived notions of himself in two different worlds, begging to be understood and viewed as a person in each of them. i like to imagine lyall as a rabbi in many modern aus ! despite remus’ battle w religion i think in the end he feels rlly connected to it and does pray actively and such : because i dislike the trope of religion always being traumatic and harmful especially with jewish characters in which our religion is consistently demonized by the public for evil practices …. this is also why to me remus would only date / marry jewish people bc it’s simply a custom! jewish wolfstar FTW!!!!!!!
my remus is mizrahi, my lily sephardic, and the black family is ashke as hellllllll yall seen them ….. both of remus’ parents r jewish and the black family whole is the most ancient and noble house of judaism, while my lily is patrilineal. i think her n petunia r half sisters and while lily is jewish petunia is not, which creates a divide in their relationship!!
in terms of who i think is actively religious : i think lily remus regulus andromeda and narcissa are , whilst sirius and bellatrix are not particularly , atleast not to the degree it matters to lily remus and regulus!
one of my favorite things abt my jewish hcs is the fact that james potter is just oddly surrounded by jewish people despite not being jewish ….. he loves us fr ……. like all of his closest friends are jewish save for peter 😭 its bc he’s hindu fr like that’s cousin
but my most important jewish marauders thought is that there is another world out there in which hogwarts is a jewish boarding school and i think it’s the timeline we all deserved ….❤️
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apilgrimpassingby · 2 months
Demons of the Hebrew Bible
Since today is also the day for Lord of Spiritsposting, I've decided to make a post I considered yesterday - the demons of the Hebrew Bible. This will be a long post, so I'm inserting a "Keep Reading".
Azazel: Appears only once in Leviticus 16, as the being in the wilderness to whom the goat with the people's sins laid on it in the Day of Atonement ritual is given (this isn't sacrifice, because the animal isn't killed or offered on an altar, among other things). Becomes a Devil figure in some later Jewish literature like the Book of Enoch, and is associated with deserts, sin and goats - the name literally means "the goat that goes away" (an archaic translation gives us the word "scapegoat"), and the seemingly-random reference to goat demons in Leviticus 17:7 comes just after Azazel's appearance.
Deber: The most prominent of the gang, appearing (usually in conjunction with other figures on this list) in Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Amos, Habakkuk and the Pentateuch a total of 49 times, usually unleashed as punishment for some sin by Israel (compare "handing people over to Satan" in St. Paul's letters - 1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Timothy 1:20). A nocturnal demon of pestilence and destruction associated with the underworld in Canaanite mythology.
Hereb: Rendered as "the sword" in English; the next most prominent one, appearing 29 times and, like Deber, in conjunction with the others. A demon of violence and destruction associated with blood-drinking (Isaiah 34:5, Jeremiah 46:10) and flesh-eating (Deuteronomy 32:42, Jeremiah 12:12) and probably the rider on a red horse from Revelation 6:3-4.
Lilit: Appears just once, Isaiah 34:14, where she's dwelling in some ruins. Usually translated as "screech owl" or "night bird", but some use "Lilith". In Mesopotamian mythology, the lili are a class of nocturnal female demons associated who kill babies and are associated with owls, so the translation as "screech owl" is acceptable. The Songs of the Sage from the Dead Sea Scrolls refer to liliyot (feminine plural) as a class of demons: "And I, the Instructor, proclaim His glorious splendour so as to frighten and to te[rrify] all the spirits of the destroying angels, spirits of the bastards, demons, liliths, howlers...
Livyatan: Usually anglicised as Leviathan, and appears five times: Job 3:8 and chapter 41, Psalms 74:12-14 and 104:26 and Isaiah 27:1. Based on those appearances, he's a multi-headed fire-breathing sea serpent immune to weapons who battles with Yahweh and (of course) always loses. The myth of a god fighting a sea serpent is a staple of world mythology. Likely correlates to the beast from the sea of Revelation 13:1-10, since Leviathan is paired with a beast from the earth (Behemoth; Job 40:15-24) - also compare Revelation 13:4 ("Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”) to Job 41:33-34 ("On earth there is not his like, a creature without fear. He sees everything that is high; he is king over all the sons of pride").
Nephilim: Famously appear in Genesis 6:1-4 as the warriors born of the sons of God and the daughters of men, understood in Second Temple Jewish texts such as the Book of Enoch and the Septuagint to be giants born of fallen angels and human women. They appear by the name Anakim or Rephaim in Genesis 14:5, 15:20, Deuteronomy 1:28, 2:10-11, 2:20-21, 3:11, 3;13, 9:2 and Joshua 11:21-22, 12:4, 13:12, 14:12, 14:15 and 15:8 and war with giants appears in 2 Samuel 21:16-22, 1 Chronicles 20:4-8 and, of course, 1 Samuel 17 (the David and Goliath story).
Qeteb: Appears just 4 times (Deuteronomy 32:24; Psalm 91:6; Isaiah 28:2; Hosea 13:14), together with Deber in the Psalms and Hosea appearances and together with Resheph in Deuteronomy; if there's any lesson from this post so far, it's that plague demons hunt in packs. A diurnal plague demon whose name is rendered in English as "destruction"; nothing more to be said.
Ra'av: The third most prominent one, appearing 35 times; a famine demon whose name is rendered in English as "famine" or "hunger" who is unleashed on Israel as punishment together with (surprise!) Hereb and either Deber or Resheph. Probably the rider on a black horse from Revelation 6:5-6.
Rephaim: The spirits of dead kings who dwell in the underworld not doing much, translated in the ESV as shades and appearing in Isaiah 14:9 and 26:14; the same imagery and concept is being used by Ezekiel 32:20-30.
Resheph: A demon of plague and conquest worshipped as a god in Canaanite and Egyptian culture, depicted as a bearded archer on a white horse. Appears just 6 times in the Hebrew Bible (Deuteronomy 32:24; Habakkuk 3:5 Psalm 78:48; Job 5:7, Song of Songs 8:6); the name is rendered as "plague" or "pestilence" or occasionally "fire" or "sparks" because the name literally means "burning". Probably the rider on a white horse from Revelation 6:2.
Sources and Further Reading
"Before Him Went Pestilence (Hab. 3:5) - Biblical Lexis and Semantic Field of Epidemics" by Jozef Jankovic for The Old Testament Society of South Africa
"A Land of Giants" by Frs. Andrew Stephen Damick and Stephen DeYoung on The Lord of Spirits
"War, Famine, Disease, Death and Hades" by Fr. Stephen DeYoung on The Whole Counsel of God
"Who is Azazel?" by Fr. Stephen DeYoung on The Whole Counsel of God
Who is Lilith - Ancient Development and Origins of the Demon Queen by Dr. Justin Sledge on ESOTERICA
Or in short - stop making it all about Lilith. Use some other Hebrew Bible demons.
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yamayuandadu · 11 months
Are you or do you ever plan on taking a crack at the Lilith article? It's way too focused on the medieval folklore version Lilith as a unique figure (Adam's wife) and conflates her with the names of the classes of demons that preceded her (lilitu and lili) which makes them seem like specific figures as well. There might be grounds for splitting Lilith (figure) and her antecedents (classes of demons) into two separate pages.
Sorry to disappoint but I have at best limited interest in Lilith and I can confidently say that I'm never going to contribute to her wiki page, not least because its edit history is bound to be filled to the brim with confrontational enthusiasts of fringe theories (and Lilith is 90% fringe theories and "reinterpretations"). This is probably going to sound harsh but one has to pick their battles. My free time is limited and this this would be an enormous effort with little to gain, for the sake of a genuinely insignificant figure whose claims to fame are appearing in an enumeration of animals in the Book of Isaiah and the (severely overestimated today) role of a boogeyman in late antique and medieval Jewish folklore. To put it differently: I can write article on many more historically significant figures in less time and with less stress and need for confrontations than this would involve, I am afraid. At most I might write an ardat-lili wiki article at some point because I think it would be funny to post it with a caption like "world's first documented femcel" on here but don't hold your breath for that.
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Her resignation letter described her excitement at joining an administration that she believed shared much of her vision for the country. “However, I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration,” she wrote. In an interview with the Associated Press, Call pointed to comments by Biden, including at a White House Hanukkah event where he said “Were there no Israel, there wouldn’t be a Jew in the world who was safe” and at an event at Washington’s Holocaust Memorial last week in which he said the 7 October Hamas-led attacks that triggered the war were driven by an “ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people”. “He is making Jews the face of the American war machine. And that is so deeply wrong,” she said, noting that ancestors of hers were killed by “state-sponsored violence”. The Hamas-led attacks on 7 October killed about 1,200 people in Israel. Israel’s military campaign against Hamas in Gaza has killed more than 35,000 Palestinians. The Biden administration has pointed to its repeated calls to Benjamin Netanyahu’s government for more precise targeting of Hamas so as to spare more civilians. It recently paused a shipment of bombs to Israel, saying it wanted to prevent Israeli forces from dropping them on the crowded southern Gaza city of Rafah. “I think the president has to know that there are people in his administration who think this is disastrous,” Call said of the war overall and US support for it. “Not just for Palestinians, for Israelis, for Jews, for Americans, for his election prospects.”
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stonecoldhedwig · 2 years
Fic List
I have not done an updated fic list in a while, so here it is! I want to finish up my WIP this year, and then in the works I have a Dating App AU Jily fic (Remus is a dairy farmer?); another Oxford Chronicles installment; a massive Jily Hogwarts era thing; a Lily Luna/OC Quidditch AU; and about 19 other ideas.
A Great Many Things (M, eventual E; Alicia Spinnet/Oliver Wood; canon compliant; probably my favourite OC ever)
Celandine (E; Wolfstar, Jily, Blackinnon, literally every ship ever; open relationships; magical AU)
Coming, Evans? (M, but eventually E; magical AU inspired by Around the World in 80 Days; Jily and Wolfstar)
Highgate Mews (M; established Wolfstar, Jily & Dorlene; Muggle AU; part of the Marauders Map series)
Honeybee Mine (M; Muggle AU; Jily and Blackinnon; James Potter keeps bees)
The Shoelaces Case; or, the many ways to spend your 37th birthday (M; Blackinnon; magical AU; time travel)
Use Your Best Colours (T; canon from Hedwig's perspective; it's so stupid)
Multi-Chapter fics (completed)
In Love and Death We Don't Decide (M; eventual Blackinnon and Jily; Hogwarts era fic)
Miracles series (James Potter as the Boy Who Lived):
A Bitter Little Eucharist (T; established Wolfstar and Jily)
The Marauders' Map series:
Hepburn Avenue (M; text fic; utter chaos as the Marauders meet the girls at uni)
Canterbury Lane (T; Wolfstar; Remus checks Sirius out in a car)
Costa del Sol (T; text fic; established Jily and Wolfstar; the gang go on holiday; currently unfinished for a really petty reason and tbh, probably staying like that)
Caraway Street (E; established Jily and Wolfstar; the post-uni years)
Peverell Hall (G; fluff; James Potter's idyllic childhood)
The Oxford Chronicles series:
The Paintbox (M; Blackinnon, background Jily and Remadora; Muggle AU)
Jily One-Shots
A Little Bloom of Hope (T; Muggle AU; flower shop)
Better Ways (G; pre-relationship)
James Potter and the Case of the Lacy Black Bra (E; everyone lives)
Last Rites (E; canon compliant; emotional smut)
My Heart is Overcome (Gen; canon compliant; fluff and angst)
The Parting Glass (T; fluff)
The Way the Light Looks (T; fluff, but in an angsty setting)
Blackinnon One-Shots
Confession (M; love confessions)
Oceans and Glaciers (E; ok, it's actually a 2 shot, but hey ho; very explicit)
Wolfstar One-Shots
Mosaic (E; 8 one-shots with a lot of different kinks, I guess)
Snowed In (T; first kiss; Hanukkah; Jewish!Remus)
Until It Shines (G; mild angst but also very fluff; canon divergence)
Hinny One-Shots
A Lesson Overheard (E; first time[ish]; canon compliant)
A Place for Hidden Things (T; canon compliant; post-canon; sad but with a happy ending)
Opaline (E; post-war; angry sex and unhealthy coping mechanisms)
Three Gnomes in a Knitted Trench Coat (G; technically canon compliant; a bit of a crack fic tho)
Misc. One-Shots
Afternoon Delight (E; Colin Creevey/Draco Malfoy; yeah, I hate myself too)
Enough Pizza to Feed a Horse (G; canon compliant[ish]; the OotP girls hang out)
Giving Us Doomsday (T; angst; original OotP celebrating New Year)
God Bless the Shed, and All Who Sail in Her (G; fluff and humour; the Potters being Potters)
hoax (G; Marlene/Gideon; angst; implied cheating)
Remember that You are Dust (M; 2nd person POV; the universe addresses the Marauders at the time of their deaths)
The Theory of Relativity (T; established Jily and Wolfstar, previous Remadora and Blackinnon, but not in a misogynist way; Lily is enby)
Rabastan Lestrange/Narcissa Malfoy fics
coney island (M; angst; sex; adultery)
The Burning Edge of Dawn (M; angst; who is Draco's dad?)
All's Well That Ends Well (even if it takes four years) with a lot of people (E; Wolfstar; angst then fluff)
WIP: The Secret "Oral" History with @jennandblitz (E; 1980s university; lots of drugs; we affectionately call this Coke Fic)
WIP: We Were Electrified with @siriusly-sapphic (M; how the Lestrange twins became the worst people ever)
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marlesbian · 2 years
How i perceive Lily Evans
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
- Liliana Selene Evans
- Bisexual (with a preference for women)
- she/they but still identifies as a girl.
- January 31st, 1960
- irish and spanish. (I love the jewish Lily hc but idk about judaism so i won't write about it)
- Born january 30th, 1960
- Gryffindor
- has OCD (obcessive compulsive disorder)
Life, family and history:
- Working class family, her dad was a miner, mother was a housewife and costureira.
- Her family was complicated, she was very close with her dad but never with her mom, though, her mother always complained about her weight, her hair, her friendships, everything really.
- Her mother was blonde, skinny and had been a model in her youth, so she tried to traumatize Lily a lot with weight related things, but Lily never ler herself be bothered, because her dad always hyped her up.
- Her father was a sweet kind man, he was big and brute looking, but those were just looks. Lily was his little princess, she looked just like him, big and ginger, with the same emerald green eyes.
- They were thrilled to have a witch in the family and that was when the relationship with her sister started to get bad.
- Her father died when she was 15 and mother died when she was 19, a few months before she found out she was pregnant.
- Her and her sister had a fine relationship growing up, because of the 4 year difference, Petunia looked after her a lot, especially when Lily was a toddler. Lily always looked up to her big sister and while at hogwarts sent letters all the time, but as she grew up and her sister ignored her more, she stopped trying. Didn't send any more letters, didn't talk to her in the summer.
- They stoped talking to each other after their mother died.
- She did want Petunia to be Harry's godmother, but they hadn't spoken to each other in years. She also died not knowing Petunia had a son.
Hogwarts years:
- Top of the class on almost everything. Favorite classes were Charms, Divination and DADA.
- On her first month of divination classes she got there late and had to sit with James to share a tea cup. The teacher came to their desk to talk to them and noticed something curious, both of them had identical fate lines. The teacher then began to do a complete reading of their palms. The professor told her that both of them had short life lines and identical fate lines, and that they would still develop a stronger bond. That kept Lily up at night, what did it mean that her and Potter had twin fates?
- She started loving to watch quidditch, she found it so interesting and fun. Lily loved the wizarding world and everything about it, it fascinated her, specially hogwarts. She loved discovering stuff about the castle and most Sundays she took the afternoons to explore the castle, she befriended the ghosts and loved talking to them, she loved the elves and wanted to do something to help them when she graduated.
- She always knew she liked girls, her first crush was a girl, her first kiss was girl and first relationship was with a girl, and she always knew she liked boys too. The first boy she had a serious thing with was James, otherwise all the boys were random kisses at parties. Like she fell for James HEAD OVER HEELS.
- The first person she wanted to kiss, like really kiss, was Mary. Mary who always had some lip gloss on, whose hair smelled like coconut and cinnamon, whose smile bightened everyone's day. Yeah Lily wanted to kiss her, it wasnt even a crush, she didn't feel that way about her, she literally just wanted to kiss her. A LOT.
- Her first kiss ended up being Marlene and her first girlfriend was Alice mf Fortescue. (She and alice were literally perfect i have written loads about them)
- She had a duelling club where she helped and trained muggleborn students to defend themselves. In her last two years the club became more about helping everyone defend from the death eaters.
- Great amazing student, naturally smart but studied a lot because she did got introduced to magic quite late, she was a perfectionist and a bit bossy. She craved academic validation and had a thirst to prove herself, prove that yes she was muggleborn and that did not make her less, that made her stronger for having extent knowledge of both worlds.
- Her favourite subject was potions and she actually adored Prof Sulghorn and he adored her, he saw her dedication and innate talent.
How i perceive her:
Physical appearance;
- Ginger, flaming red wavy kinda curly hair. PLUS SIZED!!!!! had lots of freckles everywhere on her body, kinda tall like 1,73m
Her style was kinda hippie 60s movement but she was very punk rock and also a marxist.
She loved tattoos and she had a gold nose ring piercing.
Loved long skirts, button up shirts woth long sleeves, colorfull patterned dresses, embroided jeans, sweaters and jumpers and cardigans.
Just a jewellery person, loved any type of jewellery (mostly earrings and rings).
Chipped black nail polish or no nail polish, kept it natural.
Random headcanons
- She had always loved astrology, muggle witchcraft, crystals, tarot cards reading and then divination, when she got to hogwarts.
- Lily loves the beach. Loves the Sea animals, to feel the sand, to swim with the fish, to taste the salty water on her face, the comforting ocean breeze, the distinct smell of the sea, loves seagulls and picking shells then giving them back to the ocean.
- She just had a lot of raw magic inside her, she was great at wandless spells and loved controlling that force inside of her with her mind. She was great with non verbal spells and the magic got very explosive and unstable when she felt any strong emotion (anger, sadness, happiness, anything)
- Lily was an artists and very good with manual labor art such as sculpting, ceramics, painting and crafting in general. She loved making earings out of clay in strange shapes.
- Lily loved music, her dad introduced her to the Beatles and it was one of her fav bands. Her favorite song was "Strawberry fields forever". She was the biggest Elton John fan and also a fan of Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.
- She adored reading and read almost every genre, her favs were mystery and romance. Huge Virginia Woolf and Brönte sisters fan, she absolutely adored Wuthering Heights and A room of one's own. She also loved reading biographies.
- When she was small she wanted to be a marine biologist (before she found out she was a witch). Then in the wizarding world, she became a soldier in the war and was one of the best duelist they had, she sometimes trained the younger recruits.
- While speaking, she had the voice of an angel but she was a TERRIBLE singer. She still sang anyway.
- Her and James started to bond after she drifted apart from Severus because of Elton John. They were both fans and bonded over it, they met on his show during the summer (James went with his parents, she went with Mary). It was a simple thing but it was the start. After they got together, "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" became their signature song on karaoke night.
So i just feel like i really wanted to put this here bc jily is awesomeeeeeee. They are NOT boring, they're angsty, they have so much to be written about, like: how Lily went from not liking him to being friends then falling in love, how James felt when she rejected him for the first time, how hurt he felt all these times when Lily said something bad about him because she was defending her friend (Snape), the betrayal Lily went trough after that OWL test, how she had to question everything she thought to be true, how she started to trust James, see his true self, see his heart and his intentions. How Lily didn't want to admit to herself that she had been in love with someone she thought to hate for years. Her denying her feelings, trying to hide them, trying to be okay with the idea of falling in love with a man she once thought to hate. Also they were very good friends in their relationship, they trusted each other blindly, talked about everything, knew all about the other but still kept their relationship fun, loving, warm and passionate. THERE IS JUST SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT WHEN IT COMES TO THEM. I will stan jily till i die.
JAMES DIDNT SPEND HIS SEVEN YEARS PESTERING AND ANNOYING HER TO GO OUT WITH HIM. Yes she found him annoying for a long time, because he was over confident, couldn't seem to keep quiet, was always talking and up something, to some prank. She though he was mean and a bully for a long time. They were kind of friends the first years, but Severus was always trying to change her mind about James, he kept trying to rot her idea of him. In 5th year James did have a huge crush on her, asked her out a few times, mostly as a joke (internally hoping she would say yes), justto keep his character up. She started to get fond of him after she saw how James sided with Remus after The Prank. She had always admired him, how great of a friend he was, how strong and smart and extremely kind James always was. So they became close on 6th year, very close. He did have feelings for her but that never stopped him from going out with other people, falling for other people and that didn't make these feelings any less real. James was like that, he was always so full of love to give, it was impossible for him to not love everyone. She only started dating James close to the end of 7th year, after they had spent all of that time together on head girl and head boy duties. When she did fall though, she fell hard, no holding back, he was like a piece of her that was missing and finally got put back in it's place, their love was strong and powerful and the moment they kissed for the first time, she knew that was who she wanted to kiss till her last day.
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