#jon 'he basically kidnapped me'
Damian's birthday party
I have this thought in my mind where Damian asks for a small birthday party, he informs Alfred about the guests and informed his siblings where and when the party will occur, "I don't want nothing too big, it's just a few people who will show up anyway"
His siblings feel a little bad for it because they think Damian doesn't have friends besides Jon (they're wrong), then they decide to invite other young heroes to the party by themselves
on the appointed day both young justice and the titans show up to celebrate the younger robin's birthday because "he is the Dick/Tim youngest brother, he doesn't know how to make friends"
only to discover a group of kids partying with Damian. They are: Colin Wilkes, Maps Mizoguchi, Maya Ducard (Nobody), Suren Darga, Nika (Flatline), Jon Kent, Mara Al Ghul (she is his cousin, he invited her because of it - they have a non-aggression agreement), Carrie Kelley and plus Connor Hawke, Roy Harper and Lian Harper
The most awkward moment possible because in Damian small party has now people literally raised by assassins, heroes and civilians and now more heroes show up
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 year
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"can it be, that you actually CARE about those creatures!? you are just as crazy as they are!"
and yeah, he sure does care. so let me present you, batman n' his 'creatures' aka you become forever responsible for what (who) you’ve tamed.
(i remember watching the lock-up ep as a child, and rooting for bruce to save the rogues. i always was a villain-lover type of kid, n' those 3 were one of my fav characters in the whole show, so naturally, i wanted them to be saved. but that aside, it also simply felt idk, ‘right’ for bruce to intervene? at that age, i didn’t fully understand the complexity behind the topic, but it was one of those episodes that stuck with me for years. it’s actually pretty mature for a kid’s show to show smth like that.
i honestly wish, that the ep was fully focused on inmates and/or bruce investigating the abuse vs how it went into bolton kidnapping gordon n’ other folks. but hey, what we got was nice too!  there is something very lovely about the hero protecting their villains from anti-heros/villain-slayers. it’s a thankless job, clearly. but they still put themselves in harm's way, bc they don't approve of the abuse/murder. even if it’s their enemies. *or in some cases* esp if it’s their enemies.
now about the art...
idk, if the first one *the meme itself* was already done for lock-up ep or not. i mean, probably? maybe? either way, if it was done before, now there is another version for it.
n' ah. the second one is kinda just happen'. i was thinking about batman hanging out with every villain, who was in that ep. and how different it would have been, if it was actually about idk, batman, his rogues n' bolton trying to kill/capture them all or smth like that, rather than how it went in canon. anyhow, batman still wins in the end *naturally* and tries bring them all back into arkham, which is.....yeah, it prob will be difficult. mostly bc no one wants to go back lol. harley wants to see her trash man the joker, jon want to gas the city, wesker *actually* wouldn't have minded to go back, but the scareface wanna do crimes. n' bolton doesn't think, that he did anything wrong, so clearly he doesn't wanna be locked up *hehe, get it* with crazies as one of them. so basically, batman's battle for justice slowly turns into pokemon hunt.
in other words, bruce will have a long night ahead of him, with crane yelling into his ear the whole time. f in chat for our man bruce. he really needs it.)
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
How exactly was Jon Kent’s introduction handled? Did Clark essentially just bring him out like “hey guys, here’s my 10 year old son I haven’t told you about” ?
Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about this, because it is Extremely Comics and I love it.
The short version is that Jon and his parents are from another dimension.
The long version is that prior to the New 52 in 2011, Lois and Clark had been married for years, so when that marriage was erased in the reboot, fans were pretty unhappy.
Then in 2015, DC published an event called Convergence. The plot isn't important, but basically they pulled in all these different versions of their characters from different universes: pre-Crisis Green Lantern, vampire Batman, 70s Wonder Woman, etc. And they brought back a LOT of pre-Flashpoint versions of characters. (I've always assumed it was a test to see if they should undo the New 52 and that the answer was a resounding yes.)
And so they brought back the pre-Flashpoint Lois and Clark just for this one event. In the four years since we'd seen the characters, Lois had gotten pregnant, and during Convergence, she gave birth to Jon.
At the end of the event, the pre-Flashpoint world was destroyed, but the Lane-Kent family was able to travel to the New 52 universe. Of course, the New 52 universe already had a Superman and Lois, so the pre-Flashpoint Clark and Lois decided to just...live like normal people, which they'd never been able to do before. They changed their last names to White and moved to California to raise their son in peaceful anonymity.
So Jon spent the first 10 years of his life in California as Jonathan Samuel White, and has no idea that he's from another dimension, that he's half alien, or that his father is Superman. But then his powers start to manifest, and it turns out it's really hard to keep a secret from a kid with X-ray vision, super hearing, and Lois Lane's smarts. Eventually, his parents have to 'fess up.
Here is the key point: when the Lane-Kents came to the New 52 universe, they arrived 10 years in the past. So if that story took place in 2015, when it was published, they actually arrived in 2005. Meaning that Jon developing his powers at 10 is happening in the present day. Does that make sense?
Soon after this, the New 52 Superman dies, and pre-Flashpoint Clark is like, "Well, someone should be Superman," so he puts his costume back on and introduces himself to the Justice League/the world as the Superman of another dimension.
A bit after that, the 2016 Rebirth reboot happened, which was deliberately designed to push DC canon closer to pre-Flashpoint canon.
Then the New 52 Lois also dies, and pre-Flashpoint Lois is like "I guess I'll just go to the office and pretend to be her," which is wild because she is at least 10 and probably more like 15-20 years older than New 52 Lois. Lois Lane ages like fine wine: confirmed.
THEN Mr. Mxyzptlk kidnaps Jon and traps him in a featureless void and makes his parents forget he exists. In that void, Jon encounters the souls of the dead New 52 Clark and Lois and accidentally swaps them with his parents. Then he yells "NO YOU LOVE EACH OTHER" until they remember who they really are and merge with their pre-Flashpoint counterparts to form new, cohesive versions of Lois and Clark who are simultaneously from the current universe but also have been married for years and love their son.
This also, you know, just casually reboots the universe so that everyone remembers Lois and Clark having been married with a kid for years. So Jon was incorporated into continuity as a 10-year-old, but then the rest of his life was retconned into existence so that, like, Perry and Jimmy remember holding him as a baby and stuff. (And Jon has no memory of living as Jon White or anything like that.)
Anyway, very straightforward and normal, not completely bonkers at all.
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tempestvista · 24 days
spoiler warnings for TMA
There is a decent possibility that I am going to eat my words if anything changes greatly since I have not fully finished TMA (Iirc I'm in the middle of season 4? I've been on pause for a bit though so I need to find my place again)
But can I just say how frustrating it is that like everyone villainizes Jonathan Sims in the fandom lmao?? Especially without even considering him and his character + character development as a part of his multi-faceted person and instead just dumbing him down to a one dimensional evil guy who they can also ship with others because ui ui sexo sexo
Now there are obvious things/reasons to dislike him. Namely, the stalking of his employees, which, I don't think I need to explain why is problematic and gross.
But the things I see listed as points against Jonathan Sims are often just… Side effects of him being non-consensually turned into a monster by a deeply calculating man who has a plethora of more knowledge from the get-go and far more manipulation over the situation than Jon himself? ''He killed innocent people!!'' Alright, so did multiple of the other characters?? Like a lot of them, actually?? That's. A really common theme??????????? An overarching pattern (in my analysis/eyes anyhow) in TMA is that literally almost no one gets a happy ending and usually the ones who ''do'' are based in the suffering of others + they've been turned
It just actually infuriates me when I see the "he killed innocent people'' argument without anyone acknowledging how it is near impossible to fight your nature as an avatar and again, really, really loosely saying here because I do not fully recall, but it seems like going against that nature can and WILL kill you. And you can call it selfish, but really, who WOULDN'T want to die? A lot of people have both a conscious and primal instinct to, you know, LIVE.
And again, also not acknowledging that multiple others have done the same.
Also, I see people either justify or entirely ignore the fact that at some point he was being utterly demeaned and belittled by everyone around him. If he wasn't being manipulated by Elias, he was being avoided by Martin, Melanie making cruel digs, being hovered over also by any given person, and generally having petty to hateful comments tossed at him by MOST individuals on any day at any hour. I acknowledge my bias and love for him really does jump out in this, but it also does make me mad that no one seems to care for the fact that he is ALSO a victim. He's a victim of manipulation, of being groomed into being an avatar (at least in my eyes), of being harmed by multiple entities and having lasting marks and impacts from each of them, of being falsely accused of murder (and everyone he knew at the time BELIEVING he was guilty), of being kidnapped/held hostage (MORE THAN ONCE), having to witness literal ghosts/bodies/skins of previous people he knew be lifted around and surrounding him talking about how he's a failure, a bad person, a bad archivist, the worst of the worst- which I cannot IMAGINE the nightmares that that situation would breed. Genuinely just sit and think about that for a moment. Also, as far as the Unknowing and any harm derived from that situation, if we're talking specifically about Sims again, he also had to live with the fact afterward that he was the reason Tim got killed. He has to live with the fact that he was so overwhelmed by everything and the manipulation of Nikola + the Stranger that when he came out of it, Tim had to be the one to end it because Jon failed to. He has to live with Tim being gone, and the fault of it weighing down on him. That is something that I do think one can blame him for (if I am recounting this all correctly). I wanted to bring this up in specific because Survivors guilt is very real and that whole ordeal and blaming must have been something beyond harrowing. He had to realize a thing was basically marching around in the corporeal idea of Sasha and that it WASN'T. HER. Of course this whole podcast is centered around being a nightmare, which is why I find it important to acknowledge the impacts of the nightmare on the people who very much are experiencing them!! And on a continued basis!! Living in that consistent traumatizing environment, developing hypervigilance, watching people drop like flies around you, like. holy shit man. Being traumatized, being threatened by what seems like fate itself at times, and also being used as a pawn for a massive scheme which he didn't even know was a thing. He used to have a life prior to all the world-ending, supernatural, lovecraftian horror stuff that became his new normal.
I know a lot of people would bash the ''I'm a victim too!'' card, but I really don't think that is an easy dismissal here because he just legitimately is.
That, and the people who villainize him also get really.. weird? At times? Like I know this is no longer an uncommon opinion - at least I hope not, but I don't really interact with TMA fandom at all besides liking, reblogging and saving fanart + fics- But people really just tend to make him into this gross or just. Absolutely downright awful human being (occasionally fetishizing his very nature even sometimes) and then Martin is the cutesy innocent person who has never done a single thing wrong in his life, Tim is the sexy hot bisexual who would fuck anything from a lamp-pole to eight mothmen, and Sasha is some demure, sweet and lovely little thing who only exists as just another background person in the polychives.
I can't say I've really seen that characterization of Sasha often thankfully… but that's also because some people straight up forget she was a vital character at one point lol (and I confess I'm not deeply attached to her so the art I save of her is usually secondary/included in other fanart)
I know some of this is redundant, and I am certain that if my memory wasn't so in and out as it is (especially as of late, the dissociation has been… bad, topic for another day, anywho-) I would be able to make more points against the things I've seen, but this is just one facet I really felt like addressing, since I think almost no one is innocent in TMA and harping on Jon specifically is … honestly pointless?? And bland/low hanging fruit as far as the conversation goes? Like big whoop, he's a monster, so is a majority of the characters in TMA? Lmfao??
All in all I say this without aggression or targeted vitriol. I hope people understand I am allowed to be angry at words without hating and/or wishing harm upon the people who say them /npa gen
And if someone happens to see this and has something to contribute, or a point to be made against me, I will gladly listen and engage! I like when people show me my errors, it gives me more perspectives. (Not intended arrogantly, genuine).
I do want it to be clear though that just because this is something I would love to discuss if anyone actually DOES - that doesn't mean I'm accepting of petty spats or arguments.
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almaprincess66 · 10 months
Archivist!Sasha AU
Sasha James is a fully fledged Avatar of the Beholding, roaming the apocalips with her murdetous plus one Tim Stoker.
So that is the basic concept, right? Like end game couple TimSasha. But that is season 5 and we have to get there somehow, so here will I present my character ARCs
S1 Everything is relatively the same. The statement givers show up, Melanie is having a great time with Sasha, Martin start living in the archives and during the Prentiss attack Jon gets replaced by the Not!Them
S2 Things get sketchy. Like things are properly fucked up but it's sort of fine. They can feel that something is out of place but can't quite put their fingers on it. Not!Jon is messing with the statements and research materials given his libary background. Michael gives more help with figuring out stuff just because he actually likes Sasha. Helen gets abducted. Melanie questions on why did Jon got replaced by a whashed up white boy. Leitner gets murdered by Elias using some eye magic. Sasha is not on the run.
S3 Sasha is not wanted for murder so they have more time and more options. Sasha is not a paranoid mess so she and Tim put together what the heck is going on. They question Elias about Not!Jon and he confirms. After hearing this Martin basically skyrockets into the lonely. They start to prepare for the Unknowing and because Tim is there it's more smooth. Melanie somehow gets to the Institute. Basira leaves the police. Sasha realizes that the only way to get back at Elias and move him from his position is to do private investigations. Sahsa with Tim's and Melanie's help goes on the S3 interview of the monsters part. This get's her kidnapped by the Circus of The Other. Michael saves her and he does NOT turn into Helen or tries to kill Sasha. The America bit is the exact same. They find the bombs and make a similar try to stop the Unkowing as to the tape. They now have sectioned police help and a somewhat Lonely avatar on their side to take shit down. They succeed but Tim gets a heavy burning. Martin dies and Daisy gets into the coffin. Melanie calls the cops on Elias and gets him out of place.
S4 Sasha gets into the coma and turns into a full Avatar. Oliver Banks becomes the helping Avatar of the End. She goes back to work where everything is in chaos. Tim got marked by the Desolation during the Unknowing destruction. Sasha is a more accepting avatar and she gets experimenting real fast. She basically on week one helps Melanie to leave the institute for good. She gets Daisy out and puts her in the care of Basira. With Oliver's help them and Tim take out Peter Lucas. Anabelle shows up and offers a way to turn back Tim from his self destructive Desolation ways. The two of them together go to the place in Scotland where Gertrude set up the bounding ritual. There waits a statement for Sasha. The apocalyps start.
S5 TimSahsa go full kill bill on their way to get down Jonah Magnus. Like no mercy on anybody other than the kids from the Dark whom they adopt as an army against the other creatures that are also archivists.
This was a really long way of me putting down how emotional it would be if S5 JonMartin would stumble upon S5 TimSahsa and the two achivists would know but also wouldn't know each other because of the Not!Them.
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blushing-blushy · 2 years
hmm, just thinking about how Jon would be actually and horrifically traumatized during s3. he got kidnapped and tortured for a month by an evil mannequin (yeah we joke about the lotion but imagine what they had to do to keep him from trying to get out - tied up much of the time, allowed to sleep?  maybe - forcefed probably or at least extremely malnourished - probably beat up a few times at first by our lads B&H when he tried to escape - and probably honestly wishing for death - i mean 100% my guy would accept Michael’s offer, this man had been through hell and needed a quicker way out. god.). oh and then he also was nearly killed by Daisy, serious enough to leave that damn scar, and had to help her bury a guy she HAD killed. and then Jude Perry and all that horror that a bad burn causes - at home therapy i imagine to get any kind of feeling back into his dominant hand, i mean hell, he probably became somewhat ambidextrous at that point...
i just think about this so much. he goes through so much hell, and Tim hates him, and... just.  i mean Martin is there but Jon’s hardly there enough to really see him. no wonder Georgie tells him to talk to him, he’s basically the only other person at the institute who even treats him like a human. he’s probably so traumatized by touch at this point that he can’t be touched at all without thinking about Nikola or Daisy. and heaven forbid him being ok with shampoo or soap or aloe for his burns because it reminds him of being manhandled by inhuman hands. 
i just... it makes me so sad. A+ jonny sims for writing a character more horror-appropriate than this man. 
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tea-potato-gt · 4 months
My reactions and memes I thought of while reading the new “Shot in the Dark” book by @marydublinauthor @bittykimmy13 @kendsleyauthor for the first time! 🥰😆
Part 2 here / Part 3 here / Part 4 here / Predictions / Pirates AU
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
*looks at this post* me trying to imagine Russell Crowe with wings.
Who’s Damian? 👀👀👀
Chapter 3
This exchange, “Do you want more wine?” “I think i love you, Sylvia” was giving…
Chapter 4
Alice being baby, 🥺🥺 “a gift for keeping me company” 😭😭👻🤍
“Someone was in the house with me. Humans.” 🧠My brain🧠:
Okay, Alice to the rescue?! Slay queen! Slaaaayyy!… *Alice’s face distorts* OMG I shouldn’t be reading this so late at night 😟😨😭🫠🫥😰 I is scared 😟
Chapter 5
OooOoo Jon’s POV 👀👀 *looks through book* no Cliff Pov? 🤔 I guess Cliff is also 3rd wheeling his own book lol 😂
What a crazy how I met your mother situation. Jon: “Oh yeah, my best friend shot her.🧚‍♀️🔫 Then we kidnapped her and held her hostage for days. 🤷‍♂️”
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Chapter 6
The boys at Sylvia (from this chapter onwards):
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How Sylvia sees herself Vs How the boys see Sylvia:
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Jon speaks Spanish??? 👁️👄👁️ that’s new
Chapter 7
Cliff and “The Other” 💀💀💀 (get wrecked Jon)
Draw me like one of your human girls🧚‍♀️✍️📖🧍‍♂️
Sylvia asking what everthing is has extended my life by three years 😌🥺😊
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Chapter 8
How Sylvia sees her interactions with the boys:
Sylvia: “by your definition, you are a monster.”
*“The Other” gives Sylvia a handkerchief to keep warm* Part of me: aww that’s so nice 😊 The other part of me: Eeeeewwww 😷🤮🤢 who knows where that thing has been??? Girl don’t touch it!
*Sylvia escapes from the box and planning to go outside* Me: okay then what? You can’t fly? How can you escape if you don’t heal your wing?? 🙄
Chapter 9
Sylvia: I’m NEVER gonna tell these hunters ANYTHING 😤😡🤬
*Jon gives her a piece of chocolate 🍫 and shows her basic human decency*
Sylvia: “I lied to you”
Chapter 10
The boys based on their physical descriptions, or lack there of…
Apparently, Jon is built like a freaking tank💪, while Cliff is just a dude🧍‍♂️? 🤷‍♀️
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Jon: “What, are you gonna leave again? Over this?” Sylvia🧚🏼‍♀️:
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Sylvia: Okay! From this point on, I won’t say ANYTHING else to these hunters. 😤😡🧚🏼‍♀️
*gets a Pop Tart*
Sylvia: “my sister would live these”
*And here we see the start of Sylvia’s Pop-Tart addiction.*
Chapter 11
The disrespect the boys showed to my girl Alice😭
The boys at Sylvia after she reveals her magic:
Chapter 12
Jon at Cliff after he gets bit:
Sylvia asking for help to heal Jon. Voice: “You ask a gift of us?”
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Jon and Sylvia at eachother:
It was at this point, while reading, I looked up from the book and realized the sun was rising. 🌅🌄
Part 2 coming soon!
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Summer Kent lore dump
Ages ago @mik3stuff asked me to tell him about my DC self-insert because he wants to make one too and the ask he sent me got lost in my drafts and i FINALLY remembered and got the motivation to make this!It's long and i do mean LOOOONG because they've existed since 2019 + I tagged canon characters for personal organization and i'm very sorry if that annoys anyone!! /gen /srs
Summer Kent was born Frankie Garcia,in Metropolis,to Mayerlin and Sebastián Garcia.His parents divorced when he was a baby with his mom getting custody of him and his dad neglecting him and they were abusive to him in the classic 'neurotypical cishet parents with a queer neurodivergent kid' way along with some racism on his mom's part since she was white and he grew up getting bullied at school and with no friends too.One of his first memory's is seeing Superman for the first time and being a huge fan of his ever since so when he realized how awfully his parents treated him,he started dreaming Clark would save him
On his 10th birthday,Lex did a rampage across the city in a Lexcorp robot and killed his parents by throwing them onto a building so hard they died on impact,immediately kidnapping Summer to experiment on him afterwards.The experiment in question was to inject him with the dna of the last Kryptofang,a kryptonian species that were basically Krypton's equivalent to dragons but with the addition of telepathy,as an attempt to train him to kill Clark.He was encloused to a Lexcorp lab for 3 days until Clark found him thanks to his and Lois' investigations on Lex's plans.Since Frankie wanted nothing to do with his birth parents,he told Clark his name was Summer when asked since that was the season where he discovered Superman
Summer and Clark instantly bonded so he had no hesitation when he found out about them wanting him to adopt them and this also made Lois his adoptive mom and baby Jon his little brother,along with Jimmy and Lana being his(nonromantically involved)honorary uncle and aunt.They became his sidekick under 'Sparks',both because of his pyrokenisis and his new family being sparks of hope in his life,and him and Lois pulled them out of school so they wouldn't get bullied anymore and Lana was their teacher thanks to her children's education degree she'd previously given up on using.Lex did a smear campaign against Sparks/Summer to detract suspicioun on himself and that made them become more angry and violent and pessimistic than ever combined with their fresh trauma(Clark,Lois and Jimmy did their best to spread good word of them ofc)
A year into his sidekick career,they met Jason due to Clark bringing him on a Justice League mission the same day Bruce did him and they butted heads because of their opposite personalities but were best friends by the end of the day,calling eachother 'Basket Case and Bird Boy' as insults turned affectionate nicknames.Through him,Summer also befriended Eddie and Jason dubbed them 'The Magic Trio' due to his belief that being Robin gave him magic,Eddie's demon theme and Summer's powers.Jason was a positive influence on Summer with his optimistic and peppy attitude and genuine belief in him and made him become more of an 'ideal' hero.Ironically,Bruce disliked him because he thought it would be the other way around
Sparks eventually gained the nickname 'Superpunk',much to his dismay because the Metropolis media meant it as an insult and he was also a goth tomboy both in and out of costume
Clark got Dick and Kory to mentor Summer and this led to them becoming Summer first crushes,with him being aware of the Dick one and throughly embarrased by how obvious they were with it against their will and confusing their's on Kory for jealousy over her being Dick's soulmate(but there was no pick me-ness on his part and instead they were always kind and supportive to eachother).His bi awakening happened when he was 14 and slightly unrelated but in this verse,Eddie was Jason's.An unofficial mentor and moreso intergenerational friend was Selina,who he gained his love of cats from
When Jason was 15,he realized he'd fallen in love with Summer and Dick convinced him to ask him out to a Gotham Academy dance as a confession but then Ditf happened and Summer shut down so hard he had to put the sidekick mantle on hold.On june 1st,he flew to Gotham to visit Jason's grave and got into a fight with Mr Freeze,who accidentally killed him via hypothermia and that made the ghost of the last Kryptofang manifest in his headspace along with his own ghost.They had a conversation that ended with him naming it 'Fantasma' and it convincing him to live again.Clark ressurected him with the Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix using a piece of his hair,Summer having lost three fingers by the time he came back to life and now living with prosthetics.Clark and Lois sent him to live with Jonathan and Martha in hopes of helping him cope and it worked as he learned how to do farmwork,diy and bake,was showered in kindness by his abuelos and got close to Fantasma who taught him Kryptofang things(which Clark also had with the info in the Fortress of Solitude but it had even better knowledge on them than him for obvious reasons)
A while later,Summer moved back to Metropolis after demanding to when he saw Superboy(Kon)and Supergirl(Cindy)on TV,wondering what the fuck was going on.Their relathionship had a rocky start to say the least but Summer still tried to be the best older sibling he could be to them once he saw how poorly the adults in their lives treated them and this led to them having a healthy if very weird dynamic and Summer himself got a new pseudo father-son relathionship in John while they worked on fixing the broken KRM.Jon had developed a love of video games while he was gone and got Summer into them too and over the course of these runs is when we get the arrivals of 4/8 the remaining Superkids:Mia,Chris,Laney and Match and since this was at the same time as Stephanie's and Cass' Robin and Batgirl eras,he teams up with them and they become a trio with Summer taking Babs place as their third while Babs is allowed to truly stay Oracle like she deserves-He was also much kinder to Stephanie than almost everyone else and this made it so they're the closest out of all the platonic World's Finest duos
The combo of his character development and constantly being around Kon and Stephanie who're both gnc trans people in their own ways made Summer's egg as a bigender and genderfluid transmasc crack and he got a new costume and official hero identity under 'Superpunk' for reclamation that only lasted 3 months until he switched to newER one under 'Ember' as he realized he's actually a pastel femme now,Kory and Dick helping him make the second costume.As Ember,he became second only to Clark on the beloved Metropolitan hero list thanks to how many feats he accomplished and his bubbly sweetness and humility and told his Papí he wanted a boy middle name so he gave him two:Valentino and 'Va-El',a kryptonian one to show him he saw him as much his son as he does his bio kids.While all this was going down over the years including the above part,he also had his first relathionship in Rose,dated Kyle(who is only a bit older than 90s YJ like him to avoid creepiness)and had a short thing with Eddie and befriended Natasha,Helena,Cassie,Bart,@insomniac-jay's Dahlia,Solana,Lilith and Daisy,@honeypotsworld's Onya and Lucille,@theautisticcentre's Mathew and Jennifer and @refrigeratedboombursts's Kahali.Kara,Mae,Karen and Krypto come in here too
In Utrh,Bruce calls him to Gotham because he has a feeling Red Hood is Jason but dosen't tell him that's why.Summer still resents him for not killing the Joker but Dick convinces him to agree and him and Jason get into a one on one fight where Jason recognizes him and unmasks himself.Summer is nearly shellshocked because they recognize him too now and he tries to go in for a hug while talking about how much he missed them and makes a joke phrased compliment on their current look and attitude but they fly off in heartbreak at their childhood best friend coming back only for him to be evil.Fantasma forms a mindlink between the two since it's tired of Summer's constant thoughts of him yet refusal to talk to him and this leads to them reconnecting and reforming their bond that was never really lost,including Jason coming to visit him in Metropolis,over the course of a whole year.He also regains his confidence in his love for them and starts shamelessly flirting with them and they're very flustered by it and pretend to hate it but they're secretly loving every second of it,as well as being convinced he's just messing with them instead of having actual feelings for them
Duke is the 5th Robin in this verse instead of Damian and We Are Robin still existed but like him they're elementary and middle school ages instead of high schoolers and Summer is an older sister figure to him,Mar'i is also canon here and two years younger than Lian and they grow up to date and Talia gets herself out of the man-driven narratives DC refuses to free her from by taking over Lexcorp and turning into a force for good by completely rehauling it and is a comphet lesbian happily in love with Selina
Summer becomes Damian's first real friend in their miniseries that takes place slightly before SOB which is about him befriending people his age specifically and regularly appears on Stephanie's Batgirl(60 issues here),Duke's Robin,Cassie's Wonder Girl and all the other Superkids' runs(Kon upgrades to Power Boy instead of the T-Shirt bullshit)and @jellyjays 's Blitz Cross,one of Summer's many found siblings,makes it's debut inbetween these time frames
Jason is an influence on him once again but this time in the opposite direction,making him become more sardonic and brutal as Ember and this causes the Metropolis media to frame him as 'evil all along' which hurts him so much he decides to finally join The Outlaws.The original trinity is Jason himself,Eddie and Rose and once Summer joins as 'Ignite' with a new suit he made and an additional black domino mask gifted to him by Jason to match him,they're 'The Dark Core Four' and @moonage-gaydream's Pepper is their Greta in the sense that she joined because of her crush on one of them-Summer,who she befriended before he ditched Metropolis and who liked her back.Thaddeus(who's a trans girl)is added to the team after they accidentally save her life and then come in order Kahali,Kyle,Artemis,Imani,Mathew,Lilith and Daisy simaultanously,Duke,Azriel(Created by Jay once again),Venus and finally Jennifer.Jaysumm are the Team Mom and Dad from the start AKA Dadhood and Supermom but Thaddeus legitimately views Summer as her mother
Their base is an old abandoned but still functional mansion of Bruce's that they call 'The Fortress',Rhato is 120 issues lasting 3 years in-universe,the Outlaws are a crazy ass and morally gray found family,Mathew is the token cis and Pepper is the token allistic and they've disbanded by the end but on good terms and keep in touch.During it,Jason Summer and Mathew are briefly Lanterns(Star Sapphire/Violet,Black and Green respectively),Rose leaves back Ravager to become Willow,Kyle upgrades to White Lantern,Thad realizes she's a girl mid-way through,Kahali gets killed and ressurected just like his didi Summer and Duke gains reality warping in addition to light and darkness powers.He's actually the reason the N52 exists so he's God actually.Summer takes some detours later on in the run as Outlaw bussiness gets him tangled up with the Gotham Academy kids and starring in the Lumberjanes crossover
Canon couples other than Jason and Summer are Eddie/Lilith,Rose/Imani or Rose/Pepper,Tim/Kahali,Kyle/Venus,Artemis/Daisy,Mathew/Jennifer,Duke/Luna(my Aquafam oc i made to be his love interest)and Thad/Azriel.There's also some mix and match verse's in there,including an adult Outlaws polycule
Jaysumm is finally canonized in this series via Summer one day being especially stressed out and missing the Superfam to boot and Jason comforting him which turns into a makeout session and them sleeping together and agreeing to be fwb because Summer somehow STILL dosen't realize Jason is literally in love with him and they're now a couple in every way but going on dates until Summer has another intense missing of the Superfam day on halloween when he wants to take Jon trick or treating so Jason and him sneak out in a werewolf and fairy costume respectively to do it together,with Jon wearing an Ember costume because he missed his first brother just as much.They have a great night and Jon and Jason still get along like they did when he used to babysit him as Robin and after they drop him at home when they finish,they stop by the fast food restaurant Summer used to work at for late dinner and that's when he finally has his Jason love epiphany.He goes through several stages of emotion over the next hours and blurts out a confession when they make it back to the Fortress because it's killing him and Jason confesses back and they have a long session of different kinds of kisses as they go to Summer's room to sleep
Post-Rhato,Summer goes back to Metropolis with Jason in toe due to their dating status at the same time Clark ends up in a coma thanks to saving Jon from Ultraman so Summer takes up the Superman mantle in the meantime since he's the eldest Kent sibling.Kenan,Carol,Jane,Laura and Lucy are Superfam members by now and Summer,Lois,Martha,Kara and John make his Superman suit together as a bonding activity and his hero work is better than ever,the effort he puts into it being to redeem himself from what he did as vigilante.Also,Talia makes him his own Krypto equivalent with kryptonian technology named 'Kryptona',a robotic female supercat who can speak english,spanish,arabic and kryptonian and has pink hearts for pupils
He also mentors Damian's team,the All New Teen Titans,because Jon is a part of it and so do Jason,a newly Batwoman Stephanie,Duke codenamed 'Eris' and Cassie who's now 'Wonder'.The members other than Damian(Shadowbird)and Jon(Superboy)are Maps(Robin),Maya(Nobody),Suren(Fang),Kathy(Beacon),Colin(Abuse),Irey(Thunderheart),Bobby(Wonder Boy),Nell(Batgirl),Keli(Teen Lantern)and Laurel(Supergirl + A trans girl variant of Jon instead of a genderswap and Earth 11 is generally very different here).75 issues,their Titans Tower is in Brooklyn and the ships are Damimaps,Jonay,Mayakathy and Surnell but only Mayakathy is explicit and the rest are just implied since they're all so young.Stephcass and Cassiegeorgia are canon too
Two years pass until Clark wakes up and by then,Metropolis loves Summer so much that when he announces he's been Ember,son and daughter of Superman,the whole time and is going back to it they do multiple kinds of grand apologies to him for their mistreatment and Jason also gave him a domino mask again but this time a baby pink one to symbolize him finally embracing all parts of himself and Summer adds on a pastel trans flag colors Superfamilia battle jacket and pink demonias for the final touch.Them and Jason have officially settled down together as they buy a house and have Metropolitan and occasionally Gothamite adventures and end up having four kids:October,Gus and Zane(identical twins)and Thea.Summer opens up his own bakery called 'Summer's Desserts' but stays Ember and Jason becomes a librarian when he's not Red Hood
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chainsawcorazon · 7 months
one thing i’ve realized - older!jon slander because of wanting supersons back, and post-flashpoint!lor zod slander because of wanting chris back but without the baggage of his multiple tragedies are two sides of the same of coin. it’s like ppl love the concept of the Son of Superman but hate the very inevitability of the tragedy that is BEING a Son of Superman. we live with knowing lois can let clark go into the night because he belongs to the world and not just to her, but ppl struggle with accepting clark is destined to be a failure of a father BECAUSE of that same reason. you can’t be a father if you belong to the world, because being a father means you have to be your child’s number one, and that’s not something clark could do for chris OR jon, and usually of no fault of his own.
so if you can’t be a father bc you belong to the world, what does the world do? it sends your adoptive baby back to the shadow realm, and then your second baby gets kidnapped by some demonic version of you and abused in a volcano.
it’s fascinating bc one could argue that in the many versions of lois that has existed in the various continuities, there were times clark WAS the garbage partner and DIDN’T deserve her, just like there were times where one could argue she was being a bitch to the sweetest guy with the biggest burden. after decades and a crisis or ten, they did eventually find that middle ground where clois could exist with lois accepting she might become a widow eventually, and still that clark belonged to the world.
but adopting chris, having jon, losing chris twice, losing jon, getting them back in different ways and just not being really able to RAISE them because they’re GROWN….. it’s a challenge that’s gonna take decades more of storytelling to get to a good place bc clois have no choice BUT to be shitty parents, bc they married knowing the other could just die at any time. so what happens when the danger couple has kids? of course they can’t get their shit together! in theory they’re great ppl, but in practice they fail at the basics because they have no choice BUT to fail.
bc how do forgive yourself as a father for not being able to stop your son from sacrificing himself to save you from being his birth father’s warden in the phantom zone, just for him to get benjamin buttoned in that hellscape?
how do you forgive yourself as a mother for leaving your son to crazy peepaw bc of your own VERY real insecurities, only for your son to come back with a plastic smile and a glint behind his eyes bc he’s half mad but pretending be just fine bc your abandonment led him to being tortured by some madman during his pubescent years?
and then, adding fuel to fire, they both just…. let jon go to the 31st century. chris didn’t even get a return parade cuz they nuked the universe with flashpoint, but two strikes…… otho and osul gotta take this shit home for the fallen 😂😂😂
i don’t know where i was going with this, but im just saying, the chronicles of lois and clark being terrible parents is absolutely hilarious to me and i love it.
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do you plan out your stories in advanced or do you just start writing and hope for the best? I'm trying to get back into writing but I always end up completely deviating from any plan I made beforehand
My writing process is chaos, anon.
For a tl;dr: I just start writing and hope for the best
For a longer explanation of my process, see below the cut. Also, I feel dumb saying this, but spoilers for my own fics, especially the mysteries (which are better examples for plot planning than my romcoms)
1a) I get an idea, something super basic. Like, "time travel murder mystery" or "Sansa and Jon reluctant roommates". The idea then usually forms into a series of scenes or one particular scene in my head - for example: Sansa is dead, Jon goes to her funeral, later is questioned by police as a suspect, then time travel. Or, Sansa is already having a bad day and arrives at her brother's house only to find he's also letting his friend stay there and they were both unaware & kinda pissed about it, which starts them on the wrong foot as she threatens him with a knife.
1b) OR I watch a piece of media, go "wow they fumbled this great premise hard and I want to fix all the things I didn't like" and then I take the inciting incident and build my own story from there. (See: Doona. Business proposal is different, I actually liked the show, but Jon and Sansa did not fit the main leads' personalities so I had to change everything after the inciting incident. Plus I just find it more fun to come up with my own story than following the source material to a T)
2) this idea does not leave my brain, even if I want it to. I don't think you can force this step, tbh
3) I write a first chapter to get the idea/scene out of my head so I can get back to writing the story I'm already in the middle of. I post the chapter to exorcise it from my mind
4) this does not work
5) People in the comments are excited, which makes me excited! I obsessively think about it until I have a vague idea of how I want the story to go. Usually I have an end goal and some important story beats. Nothing is set in stone, and 99% of the time I don't even bother writing an outline, because I know I won't stick to it. The only "outlines" I make are just a string of ideas in the general order I want them to go in
6) I think of scenes I want, then work backwards to how to connect them
7) when I write a chapter, I know what I want the chapter end to be/the cliffhanger, and I write until I get there. Only once or twice have I had to cut chapters in two, but I try not to do this, even if the chapter ends up being pretty long.
8) sometimes you have to throw away ideas/scenes you thought were set in stone. Sometimes you start writing and those scenes Do Not Work anymore, and that's ok
For example, in mongrel heart, there was supposed to be this big, super dramatic showdown with Ramsay, like this big action movie scene. But when I got there, it felt totally wrong for the vibe of the story, so I went with a more intimate/personal final fight. The scene I had envisioned was totally gone. I had to add Oberyn kind of at the last minute, because I had come up with this elaborate world in the background, and needed to wrap that up.
For you on the run, I wrote the first chapter because "Sansa is kidnapped in a library" would not leave my head. I then posted it and had to scramble to come up with a plot. I knew the why, I knew I wanted it to be for Sansa's own safety, but WHO is out for her? I honestly don't think I decided for certain until she's back in winterfell.
In help me out of the shape I'm in, the bad guy was going to be ol' Bobby B, until I started writing chapter 4 when it switched to Joffrey because I had started fleshing out that case more and liked the horror of it being someone Sansa had "dated" more
Anyway, the gist is, I write as I go, and I go where the story takes me as I write. I'll be completely honest and say that a lot of the time, the excitement in the comments makes me excited to write and fuels my creativity. (this can backfire though. The few bitchy/negative comments on trojan horse kinda ruined the momentum for me on that one, which is why I'm not as actively writing it, despite REALLY liking it and thinking those comments were kinda dumb/narrow minded. And I'm not even talking about the rando anon who seems to have made it their mission to be negative on multiple jonsa fics, those people I don't even take into account. It was the ones from people who CANNOT escape a POV trap and make me so frustrated that I don't want to write anymore lol. I feel like how grrm must feel in these moments). But yes, the basic gist is: chaos and my obsessive brain that needs a creative outlet
I know this method isn't for everyone. I know there are authors out there who write an outline before they ever write a sentence, and they post their first chapter with the chapter count already out, bold and confident in their outline. This is not me. I could never aspire to this level of control
Anon, I hope you keep trying! Write those stories! Be creative! Remember the number one rule of fic: it's FUN, so have fun and write what YOU would want to read!
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I know for a fact I've heard people doing this 'kinda-isekaid' trope where like a wormhole swallows people and drops them in an anime world without them dying.
Reader, normal, basic reader, falling in, with her (for them) quirky clothes and bag and whatever their 'phone' is and all their whacky stories and stuff, ending up enchanting Cross Guild (more so ending up kidnapped by Cross Guild first because Crocodile saw a huge business opportunity upon hearing she came from the future and knew about products and technology that sold a shit ton. And then instead gets his heart captured too hehe) do you think there's any Fratellis song for this? Do you know if any of them, if not the exact vibe, instead would fit with which member of Cross Guild falls in which order and why? Hehe loving this little dare!!!
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"Henrietta," particularly verse 2.
Dear Henrietta, we're just three lonely boys
Though the girls love us we're so
Into you incredibly, we'd love to see you terribly
We'd love to hate ya but we don't have no choice
Just a few beautiful unstable powerhouses unironically simping over this strange Reader that fell into their lives out of who knows when/where. They don't like it but they just have to deal with it now.
Buggy falls first. Almost immediately. Reader treats him with actual dignity and respect and kindness and defends him against his comrades' bullying. "Desperate Guy" is his jam. First line of the song alone seals it.
Pleased to meet you baby, I'm your fool
Mihawk next probably. Starts with him being a bit impressed that you have the nerve to stand up to him, but less both him and Crocodile. Solid respect for that. Interest leads to infatuation, but he's not going to admit to it openly very quickly, and resents it a bit. "Give Me My Heart Back MacGuire" from Jon Fratelli
I fell from the stage with a thunder, tricked by desire
You've got the rest of me,
Give me my heart back, MacGuire
Sir Crocodile is beyond pissed about the entire thing. You were supposed to be a tool, you're ruining everything. Buggy and Mihawk are both willing to go against his plans to use you for profit now, and their already shaky alliance is on the brink of crumbling. All because of some little brat with a few gadgets and weird stories. He doesn't want to be impressed, but goddammit, he is. "Magic & Mayhem" from Jon Fratelli, the ENTIRE SONG more or less, but if I had to pick a verse,
Restlessly, helplessly, stranded where I used to be
Our nights had changed, drowned in fire
Frozen with a fool's desire
Say something, say something, say what you want
But it's all crashing down on me
I say again, there is a Fratelli song for EVERYTHING
I am happy to continue with this ridiculous challenge or end it here.
For anyone just tuning in, I posed a challenge a few days ago revolving around my coinciding hyperfixations with One Piece and The Fratellis, that anyone who wishes may propose absolutely any One Piece related scenario and I can and will find a Fratellis/Jon Fratelli song that fits the vibe.
Either way this has been unreasonably fun for me and thank you to everyone who has participated 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️
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hummingbirdspark · 9 months
Feel free to use these ideas if you want! You do not need to credit me, but just let me know you did so I can read it.
Details for the story ideas under the cut
Kidnapped and forced to do maths
Pretty self-explanatory, they get locked in cells equipped with digital blackboards and stuff and can’t leave until they answer enough questions right. Penalties for wrong answers is death. Perhaps opportunities for teamwork?
Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts au
Might not make sense if you haven’t seen Kipo but Carmilla uses megamute dna to try and make humans able to live on the surface, but after getting kicked out of her burrow, she has to wander the surface, looking for humans desperate enough to accept her ‘help’. I already have a bulletfic for how each of them gets found and mutated
Steven Universe au
Mechanisms as the Off-Colors. Gems thst either rebelled against or were thrown out by the diamonds. They wander the galaxy, and sometimes assist gem rebellions. The moon war was fought over earth’s moon base, between the crystal gems and those loyal to the Diamonds.
Doctor who TMA au
Jon and Jonny were brothers on Gallifrey, and while Jon excelled in timelord school and became The Archivist, Jonny was distracted by paying off his father’s debts and failed, never to receive the title of “the Captain” or 12 regenerations. He didn’t stay mortal for long, as Carmilla found him like in cannon and mechanized both of his hearts. They stole a TARDIS called Aurora and fled to the stars. Many many years later, The Archivist finds his long lost brother when taking his companions, Martin, Tim, and Sasha to the Steamworld Intergalactic Music Festival
False domestic psychological prison
An enterprising young member of an intergalactic authority comes up with a new idea for these immortal criminals’ containment: the only prison the Mechanisms can’t escape is the one they don’t know they’re in. They capture the mechanisms and through a combination of the sedative effects of the Lotus, and some memory altering microchips, they get the Mechanisms to think they are just (mostly) normal people on a normal planet. To make them less likely to escape, they gave them something they never could have had before. Jonny gets respect as the owner of a tailor shop, with workers who call him sir, and trust and obey his judgement. Brian, as a priest is listened to in all his advice and praised for his wise moral decisions. Will they realize it’s a trick? Or stay living this lie forever?
Spaceteam fic
The Aurora gets stuck in a strange wormhole (bifrost?) and she can’t operate anything but basic piloting. Suddenly strange new controls are on the bridge, as well as whole other consoles of controls. Instructions for what to do are provided on screens, but they don’t match the control each mechanism sees on their console. Luckily they’re all within shouting distance, but they will have to learn to work together… as a spaceteam. Set Sigmaclapper to 5! Soak Ferrous Holospectrum! Baste the Emergency Whittler!
Summer Camp Councilors
Human au where the mechanisms are councilors at Camp Cosmo, with wacky hijinks, camp names, and songs. Several units of cabins inspired by the 4 story albums, a great spot on a canal with sea kayaking, regular kayaking, sailing, and canoeing. A high ropes and low ropes course, an archery range, and an arts and crafts area are also present for those who aren’t water crazy. Pack up your sense of adventure and extra flashlight batteries! Hopefully the campers won’t get into any drama…
Kofi rat from Small Saga meets Marius
This is for the KofiAssam fans out there! Our very own rat-tailed rover finds themself on a massive metal god dwelling and encounters The Metal Armed God!
Marius Von Raum finds a rat wearing clothing that seems to be able to play the mandolin. Good thing he learned to speak rat when he and Toy Soldier went to that candy planet where Toy Soldier somehow became a prince…
Steam Powered Giraffe roleswap
What if Doctor Carmilla lived on earth and created nine singing automatons that could self repair?
What if Colonel P. A. Walter mechanized 6 humans with blue matter to create a force of galactic heroes, that then forgot their original names?
1920s American speakeasy
Probably heavily based on Lackadaisy. Carmilla’s Speakeasy is a great place to get illegal alcohol, and its secret entrance is inside the Cafe Aurora. The owner, Carmilla herself is illusive at best, and her seeming to only show her face at night has lead to rumors of her being a vampire or witch. Rumors that are only worsened when she gave each of her employees a strange new gift: pins, that she insists are a new part of their uniform to be worn at all times. The purpose of the pins is made clear when Jonny is shot by a rival rumrunner while on a job and comes back from the dead.
SCP contains Brian and Toy Soldier
Brian was on MJE and Toy Soldier was under direct orders from a researcher to not escape. The only question is would Doctor Bright be an expert on immortality, or would letting him know about The Mechanisms be a terrible idea?
Marius backstory oneshot based on the christmas armistice
There are many things Byron Marius expected to hear in the middle of a war. The pound of bullets, the screams of other soldiers, and crash of giant robot mechas overhead. What he didn’t expect to hear was singing.
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
That’s all, folks
I have way too many ideas.
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magpod-confessions · 4 months
question for YOU, admin!!! What are your favourite fanfics if you have any?
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You rly want to do this anon?
Anyways LETS GO I have a hoard
^ Best fic I have ever read in my life. Also the only one thats made me cry. Basically Jon gets kidnapped by the institute when hes 8 and just oh man the horrors GOD. Fav fic love it sm
I have others but due to the horrors (anxiety horrors) I dont want to share them (anxiety horrors are weird)
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tamatama-kilo · 1 year
ok tma spoilers for like a lot of it but istg i need to rant to SOMEONE i need validation
ok so in s4 safe house fics or just jmart fics in general around like s3-5 why the actual hell is jon not as clingy like i get he's worried about being weird (along with literally 7000 other mental and physical and emotional and psychological issues) but this man has literally no connections period. sure, he technically has georgie, but FUCK does she not make him feel literally any better because of saying shit like "just stop doing this and it'll help" GEORGIE. I UNDERSTAND YOU CANNOT COMPREHEND BIG EYE IN SKY. BUT FUCK YOU. anyways jon has no one. not a single goddamn person who gives a shit about him.
well, except martin.
even when he was his ACTUAL SHITTIEST EVER, martin still somehow fuckin managed to make tea for this sopping wet cat of a man and care about him and be concerned even with the "i need to be good enough for him" bullshit which i could go on a whole other rant about THAT but i can do that later but it might be because of what i mentioned earlier, being scared of being vulnerable, being judged, stuff like that, but if i were jon? you bet your sorry ass i would be attempting worship that motherfucker
obviously i'm probably missing a bunch of details but i have so many thoughts happening in my head
CONTINUING ON FROM THIS so i mentioned how martin has this whole "i need to be good enough for him" mentality yeah right so i'm gonna talk about that because i love him and i need to FIX HIM
so we all know his mother is an absolute bitch and she deserves to get her skin flayed in front of her but essentially: she neglected him, held enormously high standards for a child she didn't even really care for, got sick and needed martin to drop out of school at FUCKING 15 and get 2 jobs to take care of her and she could not must up a single FUCKING thank you. and the whole thing with having no present father and all that but im not talkin about that right now
so when martin got moved to the archives he had someone new to impress, someone to get validation from, etc etc and because jonathan sims is the World's Shittiest Boss talks shit about martin ALL the time, is just a menace to him, and is super fucking mean to him calling him useless and dumb and i want to actually murder s1 jon how DARE you talk about my BOY LIKE THA-
anyways because jon is a similar-ISH person to please for his mom, martin has that constant sense of "how can i prove this" "how can i be better for him" "how can i be good enough" because he was so goddamn desperate for literally any validation from anyone and god that hurts me
i have so many thoughts
they all came from an old archived tumblr post basically analyzing jons past trauma up to the kidnapping in s3 and about the trauma from that and shortly afterwards and oh my god i genuinely think you cannot get someone more traumatized than that i mean jonny how the fuck
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laurellerual · 2 years
You have such great insights on Arya so I’m curious on how you think Gendry and her would reunite (hopefully in twow lol) I’d imagine it would be in the riverlands with the brotherhood but I don’t know how each would react to one another or how it might play out
Haha thank you so much. If you want to take a look, I drew this. Ok, let's speculate:
We don't yet know what will prompt Arya to return to Westeros, but whatever the cause, I believe she will try to return North. But she won't be able to find a ship that goes directly there because: "It would make no difference if you could, child. The North has nothing for us. Ice and war and pirates.” And none of those problems are going to be resolved anytime soon, so she might choose to take a ship that takes her further south to the Riverlands forcing her to retrace her steps.
Having landed near Saltpans the obvious route is to start traveling north following the course of the river to the Crossroads Inn and then take the King's Road from there. All roads lead to this inn, it's the easiest place for a traveler to find, and there is Gendry. I think he may be the first person she knows to meet upon her return to Westeros.
I would love if Gendry was the first friend to call her name in ages, it would be a very emotional scene. After all, he was the last person on page to address Arya by name (ASOS - Arya IV) before she left for Braavos. Next up is that heartbreaking scene where Arya hears someone screaming her name in the rain before being kidnapped by the Hound (ASOS-Arya VIII). She thinks it might be Harwin or Gendry, but “the thunder drowned them out as it rolled across the hills, half a heartbeat behind the lightning” says Gendry to me.
Arya's reaction is the hardest to predict. It really depends on how the first chapters of TWOW go. I think a more mature Arya, while feeling hurt by his decision to stay with the Brotherhood, is fully able to understand his need for self-determination. She basically had no problem understanding Hot Pie's decision and she doesn't hate Jon for leaving her to join another brotherhood. She's just overwhelmed because the people she loves always seem to leave or die on her.
Gendry… in AFFC he seemed ready to smash the Hound skull, so I would say that his reaction will be first of all one of relief and happiness to see her literally come back from the Underworld.
I would like it if Lady Stoneheart were the first topic of discussion. Maybe Arya asking why he's here with childrens and not out there playing the stupid knight role with the Brotherhood and him trying to explain about the lady.
Arya doesn't understand, then she remembers that strange wolf dream she had years ago and realizes the role she played in the resurrection of her mother. It would be a chapter full of mixed feelings: the happiness of being able to embrace her mother again and the sense of guilt of having contributed to making her this way.
Then... Arya doesn't know the way to the Hollow Hill, but Gendry does.
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 6 months
I love you forever
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/eyJIKzR by sleepynixx AU where Jon and Martin are in a loving relationship during season 3. Please check the tags for content warnings! This fic explores Jon's experience and trauma during his abduction by the Circus of The Other, and how it affects his relationship with himself and Martin after he escapes. This was basically just an excuse for me to write painful JonMartin content because I love suffering over my favorite couple. Words: 4784, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Nikola Orsinov Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: Spoilers for The Magnus Archives Season 3, Set in Episodes 99-101 | Circus of the Other Kidnapped Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Post-Episodes 99-101 | Circus of the Other Kidnapped Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, scenes including Jon's experience during the kidnapping, and scenes of his experience after, Mentioned Nikola Orsinov, She/It pronouns for Nikola Orsinov, Non-Consensual Touching, themes of helplessness and despair, No Character Death, Trauma, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Traumatized Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Has PTSD, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Needs a Hug, Martin Blackwood Takes Care of Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood Needs a Hug, Jon and Martin are together in season 3, they get really sappy in this one, I apologize for nothing, Nikola applies lotion to a non-consenting Jon, mentions of being tied up and gagged, mentions of death and dying, Kidnapping, Abduction, Emotional Baggage, there are a few swears used, loss of self read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/eyJIKzR
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