#kara zor-el headcanons
wonderbutch · 8 months
kara zor-el headcanons
- not stick thin. shes shaped like a soft door!!
- has scars from her childhood on krypton, specifically on her knees, arms, and hands
- kryptonians can scar if a) wounded and healed under a red sun and/or b) wound is caused by kryptonite (these scars won’t be That noticeable though). kara has scars on her wrists and upper arms.
- her eyes aren’t actually that blue. they’re more greenish grey, like her father’s
- bigender. when she was in midvale a lot of people would make fun of her because she looks very androgynous, but she didn’t realise until later that she was bigender and didn’t care how people perceived her gender
- starts binding in her 20s. as someone with super strength binding is pretty breezy for her however fighting is hard because sometimes she’s weakened and post fight her ribs are in HELL.
- likes having long hair, but cuts it again when she turns 18, and grows it out again the following year
- she’s not a Devout raoist, but she takes her religion quite seriously and also feels a huge kinship with the jewish people
- she specifically prays quite a lot to Cythonna (krypton’s ice goddess)
- she really really loves writing, and writes poetry constantly
- in a queerplatonic relationship with brainiac 5
- really into history. like REALLY into history. studies it eventually.
- is so fucking incredibly proud of her family. she can’t believe how much the house of el has grown since she was that small 15 year old kid in midvale.
- kinda has a complex about being alone though, but shes working on it!
- really loves nighttime. her favourite memories of midvale include flying alone at night
- doesn’t wear makeup often, it makes her itchy and she has sensory issues
- diagnosed with ADHD shortly after being adopted by the danvers, strongly suspected to be autistic but hasn’t been diagnosed for various reasons
- sleep talks in kryptonian. try explaining that to lena thorul after a sleepover
- really good with numbers and dates but not good at maths
- doesn’t actually like science all that much
- really really good with kids, especially babies. shes a damn natural and kids love her. she WILL start crying if she sees a kid cry
- secretly refers to herself as kar-el sometimes. only person she’s ever told is kon, who is also nonbinary
- unlike kal, she keeps her legion ring visible! when shes not Supergirl she cloaks it to look like a normal ring
- loves necklaces in theory but doesnt wear them because sensory issues
will prob add more to this but!! this is all for now!!!
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necer0s · 11 months
I think we should talk more about the different reactions Kryptonians could have to different radiation sources. Like obviously everyone knows that different solar radiations give them different levels of powers, and different kinds of kryptonite afflict them with different maladies.
But what about other radiation sources, the kind that those of us who don’t process radiation with our skin would never think about?
Let’s talk about how laser pointers make Kryptonians incredibly itchy, and how Kon’s friends love to tease him with them.
Let’s talk about how the Kent’s old cathode ray television always put Clark right to sleep, and how they dug it out of storage when Jon was having trouble sleeping through the nights.
Let’s talk about how neon lights make Kryptonians a little bit loopy, and how Kara and Kon once spent an evening trying different colors and models to see which ones made them feel slightly tipsy, and which made them feel blackout drunk.
Kryptonians can be weird in so many ways. Let’s have some fun with it!
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vodrae · 5 months
As Red Hood violently gets his hands out of Supergirl's grip without showing any efforts, Kara airy oxygeny hydrogeny beathy breathing breathes deeply profound deep.
- What ? The former Robin growls to her.
Kara's cheeks become scarellety bloody reddy red as she looks gently lovely fondly at the man before.
Scream Red Hood as he pumps gallons after gallons of venom in his veins to perform is best tug of war feat.
- Yes ! It's always a tie with Kon and Cassie ! PULL NOW !
- YES MA'AM ! He fearly scaredly shyly growls.
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leighlew3 · 6 months
Hi Leigh, hope you are doing well!
Maybe you have answered this question before: how would you have written the Supergirl reveal to Lena?
You still have the elements of it being so late in series and that Lena actually already knows.
I wonder how a good writer would approach this because in the show it was an actual train wreck- Lena wanting to expose Supergirl’s identity at the Pulitzer party before Kara actually said it?! So out of character. And all that stuff after? So stupid.
Anyway thanks for answering this question :)
Hi! Hangin' in there, thank you. 🤗
Well, it depends on what point the launch off was.
Let's say she learns via Lex, just like in the show (rather than rewrite the whole damn series in this post, haha).
Just thinking on the fly, here goes... I woulda just had her reeling, feeling betrayed, and isolating rather than putting on a front.
Kara doesn't understand what's happening, but wonders if maybe Lena is secretly angry with her for killing Lex (remember, Kara believed she took him down in that final fight at the end of S4). This is hammered in further after Alex plants the seed that, evil or not, Lex was still Lena's brother, and so some level of sadness is likely to still exist there. She advises Kara to give Lena time and space.
Kara, further worried by Lena's worsening isolation and mood, ignores her sister's advice and makes efforts to connect, but increasingly senses the distance and her guilt grows.
Meanwhile Lena -- between finding out the truth that Kara is Supergirl in such a terrible way, while also hiding that she killed Lex (to protect Kara, ironically) truly spirals and starts to think that Kara perhaps never was truly her friend at all, only using her to be able to eventually take down Lex. A means to an end. Feeling like that's all she's ever been to anybody, including her "best friend" who meant the world to her, Lena becomes darker and more cold, sure -- but never takes those ridiculous 'villainous' actions of any kind.
Alex pulls a typical Alex move and starts to suspect that Lena's isolation and darker vibes could mean trouble as "She is a Luthor." and she's worried she'll carry Lex's torch now that he's gone, and her isolation means she's up to something. Kara of course doesn't buy it -- much like in the show, defending Lena, rebelling against the notion.
After ramping the tension throughout Season 5A on these fronts, a dramatic series of events eventually leads Kara to go to Lena and try to have a much needed conversation. Lena thinks she's perhaps finally going to confess, and she allows herself to feel hopeful again -- alas that hope is dashed, when instead Kara simply apologizes for killing Lex (so she thinks she did), and not realizing how much doing so would cause Lena pain. Lena finds this ironic, Kara's concern for her pain, considering she's lied to her all this time and still won't be open with her. Lena then decides that if nothing else, she won't lie.
She tells Kara that Lex died at HER hand, not Kara's.
Kara is shocked. She's pulled away by an emergency before they can discuss this further. And thus, Kara now believes Lena's distance and darkness is driven by guilt over killing her own brother, and Kara now feels more guilty than ever that she went through that, and that she continues to keep Lena in the dark, even though Lena opened up to her. As we approach mid-season, the two have several 'almost' moments where it seems Kara might actually confess her identity. And we make it clear that she wants to. But the more she sees how hurt Lena is about having to kill Lex, to protect her no less, the worse she feels and the more she's terrified to tell Lena her secret, believing that Lena's done so much for her, meanwhile all she's done -- is lie. It wrecks Kara. And her anger issues start to rise up again, and that comes out a lot in Crisis crossover (in which our world's Lex is NOT yet present again btw), which is of increasing concern to everybody.
Post Crisis, in which Lena and Kara work together to save everybody even though they can barely even look at each other, we have these two idiots with their secrets, both struggling tremendously -- Kara with her anger and guilt, and Lena with her sadness and pain. And both with their regrets. And the rest of the group is noticing these tensions, between missions / various genre adventures.
It ramps up, until finally, shit hits the fan in a 100th episode. Lena is held hostage by someone threatening to kill her if Supergirl doesn't reveal her identity (similar to how it was in the show, but without the Mxy stuff, or at least using it better) -- Kara is fully willing to reveal herself to save Lena. She prepares to do just that, and even goes to the press conference, but just before she has to do it, her friends find a way to save Lena without the reveal needing to happen. But Kara is also nearly killed in the battle. The closest she's ever come to dying.
In the aftermath, Lena has now seen how far Kara would go to protect her -- both in terms of being willing to give up her life AND reveal her identity to the world. Lena of course forgives Kara (quietly, to herself) and decides to let Kara have her secret, even if it means they both pretend the other doesn't know, silly as it it. Alas, what she doesn't expect, at the end of the episode --
Kara reveals her identity to Lena (at Kara's place after everyone else goes home). Turns out almost losing her life made her realize she didn't want to die a coward and a liar on this front. And also, Lena not knowing put her at worse risk than knowing. And she deserves to know, so she can protect herself. So Kara can better protect her.
After/during her confession, Lena sheds a tear, and Kara starts to profusely apologize, thinking Lena is devastated by the revelation. But Lena confesses that it's tears of relief, because she's already known. She was just wondering if Kara would ever trust her enough to tell her the truth. Kara is shocked to know Lena knew, grateful she's kept the secret for her, and heartbroken to know she learned it from Lex, before killing him. She also makes it clear she didn't keep it from her because she didn't trust her, it was never about that. It was simply the belief that not telling her protected her somehow. But now she's seen that was foolish, in this case. Realizing now they've both been dumb and their secrets have done nothing but cause each other, and themselves, so much pain -- they agree: no more secrets.
And they hug it out -- because besties! Just gals being pals right?!
*eye roll*
Then the rest of 5B becomes all about Lex popping up alive, and being furious that Lena and Kara are closer than ever, and that his attempt to destroy their relatio- I mean "friendship" failed. And he comes at them harder than ever, with Lillian's help. And so on. And by the end of S5, in an epic battle, Lex is finally stopped and captured once and for all and hauled off to prison, but not before sending Kara to the phantom zone.
Lena is devastated, as she and Kara only recently had all cards on the table and were growing closer than ever, so S6A then becomes all about the super friends trying to find Kara in the Phantom Zone (with a LOT less cheesy stupidity, and a lot more focus on Kara's traumas and torture while in the PZ rather than any dumb filler crap with her dad being alive -- perhaps she sees him, but it's just a cruel illusion).
Meanwhile, Lena, at wits end, visits Lex in prison, hoping to get information out of him as to where and how they can find Kara in the PZ. But he taunts her, plays games with her, etc until finally, she tells him goodbye for good. He doesn't believe she'll be able to stay away forever, especially as long as he knows how to find Kara. But she finally sees through it all, basically tells him he's full of shit, that he has no idea how to reach Kara in the PZ, he's a liar, always has been, and his power over her is gone. She vows to find Kara on her own and to never be anything like him, as he's selfish and cruel and insane. And she finally walks away from him. And he can't believe it.
Now that she's found her inner strength, Lena is able to think more clearly, less out of anger and desperation, and thus she, Alex and the Superfriends eventually embark on an action-packed retrieval of Kara in the Phantom Zone, ultimately saving her in the mid-season finale.
The final half of the final season (6B) focuses on Kara's deep traumas experienced/re-lived in the phantom zone, as she struggles with doing her job as "perfect" Supergirl while mentally screwed up. No one really notices but Lena, because Kara hides it well. Alex is just happy her sister is back, busy planning a wedding, focusing on vigilante work, etc. And the Superfriends have lots of other issues to focus on as well. But Lena sees Kara's struggles because she knows a thing or two about trauma, and she's there for her. Especially after Alex and Kelly get married with a few episodes to go and Kara doesn't want to burden her sister, who is finally so happy.
The final episodes feature Kara facing her demons, internal and external (as villains from past seasons pop up to haunt her, as it turns out the events post Crisis brought them into this universe, and now they've come after her, and they've all got to take them down).
In the end, the show wraps up with Kara finding a level of peace she never had before, having faced the past and all she's gone through and lost, in great part thanks to having Lena by her side.
And the show ends focused on Kara, for an episode called KARA. Not focused on Lex, nor the supporting characters, not on shoe-horned cameos, nor other bs. But Kara herself, and her journey, her healing from a lifetime of loss and trauma, her relationships to her family and friends, and rediscovering that which is always going to rest deep within her soul, even if it gets a little lost sometimes...
Her unbreakable sense of HOPE.
The End.
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There is no way that Supers are built like that in the eyes of Kryptonians. As humans to get stronger we need to work out, working out causes micro-tears in muscles that heal stronger that causes us to bulk up. But Supers are aliens, they are specifically aliens that are much stronger than humans naturally without working out, the Supers living on Earth have never encountered something that would be super difficult to lift that often meaning their muscles never experienced physical strain often enough to cause the micro-tears that lead to bulk. Meaning that Supers shouldn’t be built like that, they have never worked out a day in their lives, so if they were to meet a Kryptonian that did work out it would be comparing a babies bulk to a body builder’s. Is this a long winded way to say that I think that the Supers are actually as strong as an average Kryptonian and actually don’t have super strength comparatively to their alien race? Yes it is.
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cobbleztone · 3 months
Bruce, Clark, J'onn, and Kara definitely gossip about the other members of the Justice League in Kryptonian, They do this in front of the others.
Clark also in Kryptonian: Oh my goodness! He knows that those pants aren't doing hem favors right?
J'onn in Kryptonian as well: i can respect gossip, but must you do this infront of who you are talking about?
Kara surprise its in Kryptonian: C'mon, it's not like he understands us.
Rest of the JLA:
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 21 days
Kara Zor-El Danvers from Supergirl is autistic!
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
If you r still taking requests headcanons for superfam yandere pls ? 💙❤💛
Yeah! I sure can do that! You are the first one asking for them so congratulations and thank you!
Even though I've mentioned I'll be just writing about Jon and Clark Kent but I'll add other family members as well for some specific headcanons like this one. But please, dear anon, remember to send a more specific request if you want to send requests in the future!
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(Gif my unknown)
Out of all people a family welcomed you with open arms, and your life changed ever since...
It all started when you met Jon at the Wayne Manor. You were Duke's childhood friend, and now you helped him and Tim to upgrade their fighting techniques. As a young well-known champion in martial arts, and a person that didn't want to get involved with hero work but still wanted to help who saved the day, you were an accomplished person in their late teen years.
You bumped into the boy and oh God wasn't he the cutest thing you had ever seen? The 10-year-old boy stared at you with his large blue eyes, stunned as you apologized for being careless as you patted his head smiling at the feeling of his bouncy curls. Damian had to smack the boy to make him get back to reality.
"The name is Jon!" He said loudly as he shook hands with you, squeezing your hand tightly. "Nice to meet you, Jon, I've heard about you...you must be Damian's best friend right?" "We just patrol togetherrrrrr!" Damian said, annoyed with how it was obvious that he and Jon were close. "I'm Y/N...I do apologize for not seeing you here..." you were going to continue talking when Duke called for you, so you left Jon and his friend alone with a quick apology, not knowing what was going on in Jon's mind.
After that Jon would show up in the manor whenever you were there, following you around with a big silly smile on his face, asking you to teach him how to fight as well. After telling you his father had allowed it you accepted, now having the boy stick to your side, all the time, poor Damian had to pull him out of the dojo to make him snap out of the trance he was in or Jon was going to babble about everything and anything while you instructed him. But you didn't mind that at all, Jon was so cute and energetic that you enjoyed spending your days with him.
"Y/N you know Thanksgiving is close right?" Jon said as he floated in the air "Yeah?" "My mom said you should come to spend Thanksgiving with us!" He said as he opened his arms, hitting your head with the back of his hand accidentally "Oh sorry sorry sorry!" Jon was quick to hug your head while he still floated, making you chuckle "I'm fine, but if you keep squeezing my neck like this I'll suffocate!" Jon let go of you, waiting for your reaction to what he had said "I didn't know you had told about me to your mother Jon..." you said, teasing the boy, you liked your privacy and you had told him before that he shouldn't tell everything about you to his family, he babbled a lot, so it was not possible for him to be a secretive person. He shyly would nod, making you chuckle "I'll think about it" "Yay!"
But the truth was far from what you had thought, the invitation was planned, and it was going to be the first step of you meeting the Kents. Kents knew you way before Jon had met you in person, Clark had his eyes on you since the time you had helped Kara in one of the few missions you were involved in. At first, it was just interesting to Clark to keep an eye on you from time to time, you two even had met before and shared some good conversations. It was just a simple friendship between the man of steel and you, or it was what Clark thought before Jon met you as well.
Lios and Karen found it cute how Jon talked of you as if you were an angel from above. Kara even had teased Jon about having a crush on you to which the boy had yelled "NOT AT ALL THEY'RE JUST MY FRIEND!" Every day that passed the family got more intrested in meeting you, you were strong and charming, and Jon loved being close to you, so, Lios like the good mother she was, helped his son to plan about having you meet the family, and what excuse was better than the upcoming Thanksgiving? And you had taken the bait.
How did you manage to survive Jon's tackle hug when you showed up in front of Kent's house is still a mystery, the boy nearly crushed your bones when he squeezed you in delight. That was when you met Clark's gaze again, those deep blue eyes gleaming as you smiled at him. The family seemed to be happy having you there, they were pretty decent and nice for a family of superheroes.
"It was good to meet you Y/N," Clark said as he shook hands with you, his large hand dwarfing yours. "I enjoyed your company as well Mr. Kent, thank you for inviting me!" "Oh please! Call me Clark, feel free to come back whenever you want!" "Can you come back tomorrow?" Jon aid as his head popped out of his room's window, he was listening, in fact, everyone in the house was listening to your conversation. "No Jonny, you know coming to your place takes a lot of time!" You gently scolded your student, making him pout. "What about the weekend?" Clark asked, surprising you. You looked at him, humming to yourself. "I would bother you-" "You are no bother dear...we enjoy having you around." Your heart melted at those words, "I try to..." Clark smiled as he squeezed your hand tighter.
From that night you were going back and forth between metropolis and Gotham, meeting the Kents every week. Thankfully your job gave you excuses to explain your trips to metropolis, you were getting used to meeting The Kents and they had started to root for you so hard that those roots had become unshakable before you could even notice. How could you? You enjoyed yourself so much when you were with them that you couldn't even tell. How could you tell Clark had asked Bruce to make your job require to stay in metropolis? You worked for Bruce after all! How could you tell that the Kents watched after you without you even noticing? There was no chance of you guessing what was behind those innocent smiles and hugs?
Lois treated you like you were Jon's sibling, pampering scolding you if necessary. You got used to her food quickly that eating out seemed dull to you. Just the way she smiled at you when she told you to turn around so she could see if the sweater she had knitted for you fit you well enough or not made your heart warm. Karen was the aunt you never had, along with Kara, they two dragged you around wherever they went, making you feel like you were a part of their family from the start. Bizzaro was like a cute puppy, but one the size of a tank who could crush you with using just his fingers, he liked to solve puzzles with you or have you read him stories. Krypto liked to join in as well and you had to deal with "trying to not wake them both up challenge" when they fell asleep next to you. Conner found you fascinating, he had so many things to learn and you were there to help him whenever he needed help. You both made good pancakes, well, before he got good at making them he has blew the whole kitchen a few times. Clark, oh Clark was obsessed from the beginning, but you didn't mind, how could you refuse his fatherly affection? The time you spent together working on the farm was the best moment of your life. He was fun to talk to and he always listened when you needed to talk, you had opened up to him quicker than the others, besides Jon, who followed you around like a duckling.
It was nice, too nice to be real actually. And the fun ended when you had told them you were going to leave the country.
"What?" Clark asked as his eyes widened, "You know Mr.Kent, sometimes people should leave their lives behind to make better ones, you always had told me that!" Clark hated it when you used his surname "But I didn't mean it like you leaving everything you have built here behind!" "I don't have anything here..." you sighed, "What about us?" Clark said as he walked to you "Us?" You asked, now confused "Yes! What about us! Me! Lois, Jon, Kara, conner, everyone! You are going to leave your friends behind?" You mentally winced at hearing that "I have to keep my reputation as a champion Mr.Kent...I can't risk losing it right now...my future depends on it!"
Clark couldn't believe his ears, now that everything was going to settle down and get better, you were going to leave them? He had started planning to find a place for you close to his family so he could keep an on you all the time, and now you were talking about a future without him and his family evolved? He couldn't have that! You could get harmed when he's not there to help you, he loved you like you were his child! How could he let you go?
He talked to his family about your decision, making everyone go through a turmoil of sadness, you knew they wouldn't like it, that was why you just had told Clark so he could share this with his family. And they didn't accept it the way you had expected.
Everything seemed normal, and it was strange to you. None of them acknowledged the fact that you were going to leave. And if you had reminded them about it they would just say they "knew" about it, you didn't suspect anything, thinking they had finally accepted it, and it ease your mind, but you didn't know what was going to come.
You were driving to the airport in hurry, Kara had talked on the phone for too long, and it had distracted you. Your flight would leave in half an hour and you were not there to check-in! Your mind was filled with worried thoughts about your journey, not noticing the truck coming your way and missing some of its tires, hitting your car and making it fall off the road, the sheer power of the blow you had had your head making you black out.
You woke up, in pain. Finding yourself in the white room of a hospital. You had a hard time remembering what had happened, but thankfully Clark and Lois were there to help you. You had teared up seeing them, Hugging Clark's arm as he shushed you, the fear you had felt during the accident now breaking loose. Your both legs were broken several times, and one of your wrists was like that as well, you had lost your chance for chasing your dream, but thankfully Kents and Waynes were there to help you. Lois insisted on taking care of you herself while you were in the hospital, convincing you to let them build a new portion of the house of them so you could move in with them. They were there for you tending to your every need, Clark even surprised you by saying that he and Lois had adopted you even if you were an adult already. This way you could be a part of their family so you wouldn't feel left out. It was all a nightmare ending in a sweet dream, or so it seemed...
Your mind was incapable of remembering Superman's figure in your car's mirror, as he held a metallic bar in hand. Later the police report would say the tires were pierced by something hard like metal and it had made the truck lose its balance and hit your car, but the report never get to you. Clark had taken care of it.
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 9 months
I like to imagine kryptonian x ray vision is actually seeing in the 4th dimension. So like, when their eyes look weird that's just a placeholder as their eyes move out of our line of sight. I get a kick out of imagining if you're in just the right place at the right time you can see disembodied baby blues.
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X-ray doesn't work since they see details x ray machines don't see, and the way radiology works is you have the X-ray emitter and the sensor and what you're imaging is between those, it's not like echolocation and there's not enough natural x rays.
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flamevbirdv · 6 months
hc that if you asked Clark, Kara, Kon and Jon what kryptonite feels like you'll get completely different answers it hurts but it hurts different for all of them
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seekinghelp-adhd · 5 months
I've been thinking about the jobs that some of the DC heroes have behind the mask for a fic recently
Like, Bruce is a CEO because he inherited the company from his parents. Clark is a reporter because it's a great alibi. Sometimes it's as simple as that, and that's fine.
But like, Nightwing is a landlord (at least I think that hasn't changed). Think about that. On the surface, he had excess, saw people in need, and decided to help them. If you look deeper though, Dick grew up in a travelling circus and lost his family when that circus couldn't pay off the mob. He never had a home until Bruce took him in, and now he's providing that home for others.
I love that, so I decided to come up with a few more like it. Feel free to use these in any story you're working on, I'd love to see other interpretations of this!
Conner Kent should go into Social Work. He's a kid from a bad home with sucky parents and a troubled past, but Clark took him in and gave him a family. He would probably want to provide the same love, hope, and security for other kids in his position.
Tim is a brilliant detective who lost his family to crime, and he would probably want to do something to help others get justice. Put the guy in Forensics, or put him on Homicide and let him solve murder mysteries. I have no idea why Dick is the only Robin allowed to be a police officer in some headcanons, but Tim is perfect for this. Why does everyone just make him coCEO?
Kara should absolutely be in either archaeology or anthropology. She lost her planet like Clark, but she also lost something that he didn't - her culture. She remembers Krypton. She lost an entire way of life. She would probably be pretty invested in making sure that other cultures and civilizations lost to time have a chance to tell their story.
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vesuviusdotcom · 7 months
quick supergirl thought but i believe english js like her. 4th language. obvs she speaks lurvan (argo, kandor etc.) kryptonian, but i think alura in-ze is from somewhere else bc her name is a completely different style to dru-zod, jor-el etc. and it would explain why kara is kara zor-el rather than kal being kal-el and not kal jor-el, bc they have different traditions, languages and cultures. so second language is alura in-ze's native tongue, personally i think it's urrikan based on continents appear to have consistent languages & act as countries. her third language is amazonian greek bc i like the wonder woman origin and they took her away before she really could've mastered english, so her first earth language would've been amazonian greek. and then she learnt english from the danvers
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ffiamgoku · 1 year
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I will never get over the headcannon of Sam Arias/Reign being Astra's daughter and thus Kara's cousin.
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Thinking about the Supers doing/not doing certain things on the daily because of their powers.
Thinking about Jon waking up hours before everyone and confiding in Damian that it's because he spends the time searching for all the toys kids misplaced so he can return them because he often heard them crying without them.
Thinking about Kon smiling involuntarily when he's offered chocolate chip cookies because halfway across the world there's a pair of twins who always try and sneak into the cookie jar and he can hear their parents trying to stifle their giggles.
Thinking about how their powers, the reason they'll never feel totally human, help them connect with humanity.
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lgbtqiacharacterotd · 4 months
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Today’s Fourth LGBTQIA+ Character of the Day is Kara Zor-El from DC Comics, who is a lesbian!
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just-an-ari · 2 years
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headcanon- lena gets easily overwhelemed by hapiness, and her gf is there to kiss it better sfw here- (other version will be posted on twt in a bit, once ive had some food)
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