#kid yuu
janahanooo · 8 months
I thougth and thought and then, poof! This happened. I really like the concept of kid Yuu with a darker past, connected with the maffia in their world and then getting to know the "Fish Maffia" aka. Azul and Co.
Floyd: that- is that Shrimpy?
Jade: ...prefect?
Kid Yuu: *Is sitting near the dumpsters and looks at them suspisiouly*
Kid Yuu: ...strangers...
Jade: Ah, pardon us. Is your name perhaps Yuu?
Kid Yuu: ...oh. are you here to collect mama's dept? Mama isn't here... and I don't have the money....
Floyd: damn. Nah, Shrimpy, we don't even know your mom
Kid Yuu: oh. Okay. "Weirdo...I'm not a shrimp..."
Azul: Jade, Floyd. May I know why is there a child version of the prefect here?
Floyd: about that boss, we have no idea too. We found them near the dumpsters at ramshakle-
Kid Yuu: are you from the maffia, sir?
Azul: ...no.
Kid Yuu: yeah, I don't believe you. I know a maffioso when I see one. And sir, you sure look like one.
Floyd: can we keep the child?
Jade: I also support the idea
Azul: oh dear sevens...
Azul: *sigh* then make yourself at home, Yuu
Kid Yuu: "how does everyone know my name? Did mama really give me up this time?"
Kid Yuu: alright sir...
Azul: and please don't call me sir, I'm not even that old
Kid Yuu: sorry si- uh, mister...
Jade: fufu~ This will be an interessting journie
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writingattemptsxx · 6 months
Finn in Twisted Wonderland
Chapter 2: Exploring Campus
A school full of teenagers and staff, but what happens if instead of a normal student being teleported, a five-year-old comes along? Along with Grim breaking in to join him of course.
It's finally done! This took forever. It's probably not perfect, especially with Finn seeming exactly his age, but I'm happy with where it is as of now and can use this experience to help with future chapters. Any feed back and/or what you want to see next is welcome, if anything at all.
First chap here
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It wasn't a dream. There really was a kid in his school. Crowley woke up at his desk with a few books open, proving that fact to him. What was he going to do? He had dealt with teenagers. But this kid claimed to be five years old. How was Crowley supposed to deal with a five-year-old? He did seem well-behaved, but he cried a lot. He was a young kid and probably scared, so it was understandable. It was bad enough that Crowley didn't know how to deal with such a young kid already! But, with a crying kid? That cat, Grim, seemed to target that well last night.
He stood up from his chair and headed out of his room. The room he put the kid in was right next to his, so it wasn't much of a walk. He knocked on the door. “Little one… uh…” What was the kid's name again? Finn. “Finn, you should wake up now.” How is he ever going to explain this? He accepted a kid AND monster into his school. One as a student and taking partial care of the other. But, what option did he have?
He knocked again only to hear some slight stirring on the other side of the door. He opened the door. “Finn?” The kid was already sitting up as Crowley entered. He was lying on a simple twin-sized bed with Grim sleeping on the end of the bed.
“Hello, Mister… uh… What's your name?” Wait, did Crowley not give out his name? Last night was chaotic, so it's possible that it slipped his mind.
“Oh! Crowley! My name is Mister Crowley, the headmaster of this school. I'm the one who runs it.” Is this kid really five? What five-year-old uses ‘mister’ automatically?
“Thank you!” Finn beamed at him. He was definitely a weird kid. Crowley’s face must have betrayed his confusion. Finn seemed to notice it, at least. He got really close to the other’s face as he asked, “Are you alright Mister Crowley?”
“Yes! I'm alright, but you are five, correct?” He asked while lightly pushing the kid back. Finn gave a small nod in response. “Are you absolutely sure? Entirely sure?” He kneeled to be on Finn’s level.
“I’m sure.” He gave a completely confused stare and scanned Crowley’s features. An odd kid for sure, but at least he seemed well-behaved.
“All right then… If you don't mind me asking, what do your parents do? What are their jobs?” He could be a noble's son or just raised to be extremely polite for some reason.
He must have asked a sensitive question because Finn shrunk away and silently looked at the floor for a few seconds. Crowley was about to say that he didn't say anything he didn't want to, but Finn spoke up first.
“I don't… know…” Even his words shrunk back as he continued to talk, well until he said the next sentence. “Nanny says that they have very important jobs, though! She says they sell stuff! A lot of important stuff! Stuff that Mother and Father said I will learn about later.” So, Finn WAS the son of an important figure. Probably the son of some CEOs. Normal CEOs, hopefully. He should probably tell his staff about this, maybe they can help him find a way to send the kid home. He's probably missing his parents, plus a kid of important people missing is chaos Crowley didn't want to deal with.
Wait… what was he going to do with this kid? It was the first day of school for the year. He couldn't look after a five-year-old, no matter how well-behaved. At that moment, a certain grey cat with blue flaming ears and a pitchfork tail caught his attention. He did accept Grim on the condition he would look after the kid, plus they hadn't set up a school schedule for him. He was planning to have a meeting with the teachers during midday while they were on break, and he could discuss it then. He can talk to the rest of the staff within the week about them… if they're still here.
Crowley’s hand reached over to the sleeping cat. He started shaking him awake. “Grim, get up. You have to keep to what you promised.”
“Myah…” He only muttered in his sleep, still not waking up. Must this cat be so difficult? The kid got up before him.
“Up. Up now.”
“Myah?! What is it?! You have some nerve waking me!” His head popped up off the bed it was resting, ever so lazily on.
“You made a promise to look after the kid, so keep to it! I have work to do and a meeting to schedule because of you.”
“What do you even want us to do?! The kid’s fine here!”
“I'm not letting you sleep stuck in one room the whole day! Why don't you go and explore? You two should stretch your legs.”
“We don’t know the campus! What if we get lost?!”
“There's no better way to learn! Just stay near the building and paths, and you'll be fine. I've got to do work now. Bye-bye.” Crowley stood up and headed to the door, waving at Finn who waved back. At least the kid is well-behaved. Now to see about that faculty meeting...
How dare he?! Didn't this man know who he's talking to?! The Great Grim, that's who! Fine. He should probably tell the other students they'll be studying with greatness. He hopped off the bed, standing on his back paws and motioned for Finn to follow behind. “Come on hench-human, you've gotta help me show everyone else that they'll be with greatness this year!” Hopefully, they have good stuff here at this school. They need greatness to help greatness.
“Where are we going? Are you sure we won't get lost like Mister Crowley said?” Finn was walking behind him, like a little duck following its mother, despite being visibly taller than Grim by two or so feet.
“That!… Uh,… We’ll see when we get there. And of course, we won't get lost! I'm The Great Grim! I won't ever get lost.” Grim grabbed the door that was left slightly open by the masked man, or Mister Crowley as Finn called him, and flung it open. He started marching to wherever he wanted. Finn followed trying, it seemed, to keep the same rough distance, but failing. He got distracted every so often, pausing to look at whatever caught his interest, then noticing Grim still walking and trying to catch up.
As they walked along, many people (who Grim assumed to be students) caught notice of them and started whispering. Who wouldn't take notice of the Great Grim and whisper his praises? Also, his small hench-human. He should feel so proud now. He's being seen with greatness.
They continued like this for a while until what looked like a shop caught Grim’s eyes. There were some flyers of discounted food in the windows. Grim was getting hungry and tired. Who wouldn't after walking for about an hour? He turned back to see Finn stopped in place a decent distance behind him. He was bouncing on his feet as tears were showing in the corner of his eyes.
“Hench-human? Kid? Ya’ good?” Finn’s attention snapped right back to Grim after hearing him, only to look horrified.
“I’m sorry! I’ll! I’ll keep pace! And! I won't ask to go!” His tears grew in his eyes threatening to fall and he babbled through most of his sentence. Was this kid going to cry?! He cries at nothing!
“Woah! You don't gotta cry! Let, uh, let's just go in there!” He motioned to the shop and sped away from the situation. Finn got a little shocked by the sudden speed-up then followed.
Grim pushes the door open and is greeted by a small jingling bell followed by a boisterous “Welcome!” from the other end of the shop. “What can I help you—” The man speaking trailed off as he looked around the shelves and noticed the two who entered the store. The man was dressed in a bright, almost neon-purple vest with a ribcage design. On top of that, he was wearing a dark purple, maroon-ish, blazer and a hat with parts dark purple, parts black, a red cloth, and a skull charm. On top of that, he has white bones painted over the brown skin on his neck and arms, alongside some marks underneath his magenta eyes. He seemed weird by Grim’s standards. A man seemed to be obsessed with skeletons and purple or something. Some of his braided hair was even dyed purple.
“Are you two supposed to be here? I'd love to help you two, but I can't sell anything unless you have money to buy.” He looked between them for a few more seconds. “Little imp, where's your mom and dad? You should ask-”
At this, Finn cut the man off looking around panicked. “Mother and Father don't like me calling them anything but Mother and Father!” Finn’s eyes finally went back to the man in front of him. “Even Nanny has to call them Mother and Father!”
“O…kay…? Then where are your ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ or your nanny? Shouldn't they be here with you?”
Finn pointed at Grim. “Mister Crowley said he's going to take care of me while we try and find Mother, Father, and Nanny.”
Grim cut in, making his presence known. “Myah! That's right! He needed me to watch over the kid while he worked, and I said I would and even let them teach me, The Great Grim, as a student!”
The man looking at them just stayed silent and still for a good while. Out of nowhere, he moved to grab a phone from his pocket. He scrolled on it before a bit before tapping on the screen and it started ringing. It rang for a minute or so, being the only noise in the room. Once it finished ringing a robotic voice started only for the man to hit the screen, quickly silencing it.
He stood there for another minute or so before taking a deep breath in and yelling at his phone. “Why don't you answer?! There's a whole situation going on and I’m not dealing with it with no info and after being surprised by it!” His yelling made Grim and Finn jump back slightly, only for the man to sigh and turn his attention back to them with a smile on his face. “Sorry about that! I’m Sam, the owner of the school store here. Do you need some food or something? I can always bill Crowley.” He mumbled the last bit under his breath with an amount of venom that shocked Grim. It probably wasn't Crowley’s first time pulling a stunt.
Next thing Grim knew, Sam was looking at Finn, who was looking at begging the cat through wordless puppy-dog eyes. “Little imp, you don't need to ask him. You can just have some. Crowley’s going to pay if you’re worried.”
“What?! No! Of course, he has to ask! I was put in charge! The hench-human should always ask The Great Grim!” Anything should go through him! Grim’s in charge!
“And what? You're going to make him beg for food? And also, you shouldn't call a kid a henchman or a hench-human or whatever you wanna call him!”
“I was gonna say yes! And I'm in charge I get to call him whatever!”
Sam’s attention turned back to Finn. “By the way imp, what's your name?”
At the question, his eyes lit up. He brought his hand up and started tracing symbols onto it, focusing intently, and from Grim’s point of view, what he was tracing looked like letters. “I’m Finn Lawson and I’m from Highfield, Andrila.” He finished saying the copy of what Grim heard him say before, looked back up at Sam, and beamed a huge smile at him.
Finn’s face turned upset at the question. He started to repeat his whole act and saying but focused far more this time. “I’m Finn-”
He was quickly interrupted by Sam, which Grim was thankful for, he didn't want to hear it again. “No no, I heard you, I just don't know where it is. I'll just ask Crowley. He owes me this information by now.” With the last bit of what he said, his face turned mad and decently scary, enough to make Grim’s fur stand on end from instinct. He felt kinda sorry for the bird man. “Anyways, as I said, I’m Sam. I own the school store here. Do you need something to eat? And you don't have to ask the cat.”
Again?! How many people were going to call Grim a cat? This whole school would know who he was soon, he was sure of that. “I’m not a cat! I'm the Great Grim! You better learn that. It will soon be in history!”
Sam seemed unfazed by what was just said to him, offensively unfazed, in Grim’s opinion. “Right right.” He then turned back to Finn. “You want to eat anything? I have everything in stock, though the most I have for heating things is a microwave. Some microwaveable soup or noodles might be nice if you didn't have breakfast.”
The kid thought for a second, looking between Grim and Sam. Eventually, he said with a beaming smile, “Yes, please Mister Sam.”
The newly dubbed ‘mister’ paused for a second. “Thanks for calling me mister, very thoughtful of you, but you don't need to do that with me. Just call me Sam. You aren't one of the students, just a kid. How old are you anyways?”
“You sound a bit old to be five. You sure?”
“Mother and Father said I needed to treat everyone proberly.” Pride emanated from the kid. So much that it almost made Grim burst out laughing after he didn't even say ‘properly’ correctly, even with the bravado.
“Well, that's nice. That's a good lesson. Do you want something to eat? I've got some soup I can microwave for you if you just sit over there.” Sam pointed at a tall but thin metal table with two matching stools. Next to it is a table with a microwave, plastic utensils, and some napkins. There was even a small sink. Everything Grim saw seemed completely decked out with whatever was needed.
Grim and Finn made their way to the small table while Sam went over to one of the shelves to grab something. Grim jumped up onto his chair and stood, changing the table from eye height on all four, to chest height standing on his back two legs. Then he looked at the kid on the opposite side of the table from him. The seat of the chair was level with his eyes, and try as he may, Finn couldn't lift himself onto it with how wobbly the chair was. Poor kid. If only he was more like The Great Grim, no height could defeat him then.
Sam appeared behind him, putting two decently sized plastic containers with thick lids on the table, then lifted the kid onto the seat. “Right, so you just need to let this microwave then cool down for a bit.” He opened one of the lids, letting Grim notice the holes it had circling a bit away from the center. He peeled a thin layer of plastic off then put the lid back on, finally putting it in the microwave for a few minutes before putting it in front of the kid. “Let that sit for a while and I'll get you a spoon. I'll first give the cat his so just sit for a second,” he said all of it while doing the same actions for Grim’s soup.
Grim put his hands on the table as Sam turned to put the second soup in the microwave. “Hey! I'm not a cat! I'm-”
“The Great Grim, yeah. I got that.” Sam turned back to them, grabbing two spoons, while putting Grim’s soup in front of him and giving him an extremely unimpressed expression. “Both of you, blow on it before eating, it's still probably a bit hot.”
They both immediately dug in, and it wasn’t too long until Grim was done. Just this wasn't enough! He raised his voice to get Sam’s attention who was looking at them behind the nearby counter while organizing some things. “Hey, you! Can ya get me more? I'm still starving.”
“You're already done?! And no, if you want more, pay for it. You already got one free and one is a fine breakfast.”
Seriously? Only one could never be the lavish breakfast Grim deserved. And he said he understood how great Grim was. The wait for Finn to finish felt like hours, and he was so done with this place. Can he see the rest of the school that was graciously allowed to teach him?
As if his wish was heard, Sam piped up. “Hey, you two. I need to go to the bathroom for just a second. You two just stay there.” He hurried to then disappeared behind a door with a toilet symbol and the word ‘Bathroom’ above it.
Hopping off his chair Grim decided it was enough of this place. His wishes were already answered, so best to use this opportunity. “Right kid, time to go.”
“What? But Mi- Sam just said to stay here!” Finn grabbed onto the seat with confusion and fear plastered over his face.
“He's known us for only a few minutes and the Headmaster himself said I'm in charge, so what I say goes. So, let's go.” Grim started to the door and he heard the kid jump down and shuffle to follow him.
Grim took Finn a distance away from the shop. Every step further only made him want to freeze. Grim was put in charge, but Sam was an adult, and you always have to listen in to adults. At least that's what he was always told.
There were many people scattered around the halls and lawns. Do all these people just like waking up early? Was the usual wake-up time here different? Finn guessed he would usually be woken up around now, but a lot of people were already up.
Finally Grim stopped on a stone path with two rows of statues just in front of them. They all looked so pretty. Who were they? On one side, there was a lady in a crown holding a stick topped by a heart, an octopus lady holding out a paper, and a man with lion ears and a big scar. On the other side, there was a lady in a long dress holding an apple, another lady with horns in a cloak holding a stick topped by a ball, a man with a tall hat holding a stick topped by a snake, and a man with a flowy robe and fire hair.
Grim ran up to one of the statues, jumped on the block the statue of the person was on and turned back to Finn. “You know, they'll have a statue of me here one day too!”
Finn looked at Grim, then at the statues, then back at Grim. He didn't fully believe Grim, but he was taught never to deny those in power, and Grim was told to be in charge by Mister Crowley, an adult.
He walked up to Grim and the statue. “That's cool…” Finn’s lies are almost always obvious, and Grim clearly picked up on it. Ignoring Grim’s obvious displeasure, he reached out and touched the statue. The stone it was carved out of was rough and dense. It was a statue of a lady in a very fancy dress that reminded Finn of what he had seen from people visiting his house. She also had a crown. On top of all of that, she held a long stick, one that would be tall enough to hit the ground of the statue base she was placed on if she weren't holding it up. It has a heart on the very top of it, right above where she was holding it. It reminded Finn of the canes he'd seen before every so often but without the normal handle. “Who is she?”
“Dunno, looks rich with the crown and clothes.”
“You don't know the Queen of Hearts?” A voice from behind Finn spoke up. When they turned to face the source, it turned out to be a tall and lanky boy dressed in the same black outfit as all of the other nonadults they had passed before. He had messy short red hair and a red heart on the outside corner of his left eye.
Grim hopped down from the statue and walked closer to the boy standing in the middle of the stone walkway. “Queen of Hearts? Is she some kind of big deal?”
“She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses, long, long ago. She was really strict and wouldn't tolerate even a single rose off-color. Her whole kingdom was madness, but not one subject would defy her. Because if they did, it was immediate decapitation!”
“Wha?! That's seriously messed up!”
“Pretty cool, right? I'm a big fan. Like who would obey an only nice queen?”
“Yeah, true. Leaders should be strong. But anyways, who‘re you?”
“Ace. First-year of Heartslabyul starting today. Nice to meetcha!”
“Grim, the greatest mage ever to live, and this is my hench-human, Finn!”
Finn gave a very small and quick bow and shuffled behind Grim, which didn't do much considering Grim’s lack of height. He stared at the ground trying to avoid looking at the new person in front of him.
“Neat names. Also, going back to the first thing, do you know who any of these statues are?”
Finn looked back up at Grim, seeing him looking at all the statues before he looked back at Ace and spoke. “Nope. Notta one.”
Ace pointed at the furthest statue in the same row. The one with a man who had long hair braided into many parts, lion ears, a lion tail, and a big scar over one of his eyes. “That one’s the King of Beasts, he wasn't born to the throne but gained it through smart plans and schemes. When he became king, he gave the Hyenas equality and let them live on the same lands as everyone else.”
He pointed at the statue in between the Queen of Hearts and the Kind of Beasts. It was a lady with octopus tentacles instead of legs, a seashell necklace, and she was holding a partly open paper in one hand. “Sea Witch who lived in an underwater grotto. She gave her whole life to helping merfolk in need of whatever. Just with a price, that was a tad steep.” Ace then started on the other row, pointing them out starting furthest to closest.
First was a man in a long robe with fire hair, revealed to be the King of the Underworld who worked tirelessly to keep the Underworld in check, despite never asking for the job.
Second, a man in a different robe that had pointy shoulders, another long stick but this time topped with a snake, and a tall hat. He was told to be the Sorcer of the Sands, an advisor to the bad Sultan But through smarts, he revealed a swindler trying to trick the princess.
Third, a lady with a horned hood, a long cloak, and another held stick but this topped with a small ball. She was the Thorn Fairy who lived on a magical mountain. She was an extremely strong and powerful ruler, even compared to the others. She could make storms, cover her kingdom in thorns, and even turn into a dragon.
Fourth, and last, was a lady in a long robe and a crown and who was holding out an apple that looked like something was on it making a skull. She was revealed as the Fair Queen who was a ruler who put everything into whatever she did, even her looks, which she checked daily. She was also known as a master of making poisons.
“All pretty cool, right?” Ace had pride written all over his face after his little lecture. “Not like some little cat.”
“Myah?! What was that?” Grim’s fur stood on end, and even from behind him, Finn could see and feel small yet burning-hot flames coming out of Grim’s mouth at every word.
And at this, Ace burst out laughing. “Pfft! Hahaha! I- I can't anymore! Hahaha! Are you clueless?! The kid might have an excuse, but who beyond kindergarten doesn't know the Great Seven? You need to go back, kitty? Hahaha!”
“What did you just call me?! I'm Grim! The Great Grim! Not some cat or kitty! You should be groveling!” The flames were coming out only bigger and hotter. A lot hotter. Finn stepped back, away from the flames and the now growling Grim. Grim wasn't just a cat. Grim was who chased Finn through a long hallway. Grim has as much fire as he needed one breath away. Grim was the terrifying creature who made him so scared only yesterday.
“Groveling?! Ha! You're just some weird cat unable to even name history’s biggest figures! Anyways, I gotta go. This has been a blast. Byyyeeee!” Ace turned around and started to walk off, only to stop in place as a fireball shot by his head.
Finn turned around and ran to the statue furthest from them. He almost dove behind the lion-man statue and brought his knees to his chest and arms over his head while covering his ears. Tears immediately welled up in his eyes and his heart pounded in his chest as fast as it could. None of the sounds he heard went away from covering his ears, it only muffled. He tried to close his eyes but all he could see was the hallway he had run from Grim and the fire.
There was so much yelling. Some from Ace. Some from Grim. There was even the heat from Grim’s fireballs shooting by with high-speed wind moving them around. Whenever one of them hurled by, Finn’s eyes shot open showing more and more people crowding around yelling and only adding to the sound.
It went on for what felt like forever until one loud voice smashed through all others, enough for Finn to make out. “ENOUGH!” It created pure silence, allowing Finn to uncover his ears and open his eyes to see Mister Crowley and Mist- Sam push through the crowd. Sam spotted Finn and ran up to him, lifting him, clutching him to his chest, and started rubbing his back.
Mister Crowley stamped a larger key, one that was almost half his height onto the ground. “What is going on here?”
Finn turned his head to see through blurry, tear-filled eyes, the previously fighting duo scared and unmoving in front of the headmaster next to a black, charred, statue of the Queen of Hearts.
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reinbouxsworld · 9 months
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first encounters
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mellosdrawings · 3 months
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It's "bully Azul" time !!
(Og post here)
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ryllen · 4 months
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the next thing u know, yuu would have the possession of malleus' bones
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crystallizsch · 21 days
DID SOMEONE SAY FILIPINO TWST (no one did it's just me 😔)
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below the cut is stock photos of what is a trike/tricycle in the philippines (what they’re riding on) if you're unfamiliar!! and also some rambling about my heartshackle trio ;;;
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i referenced the one on the left, there's usually supposed to be a screen where ace is popping out (and also i think deuce would prefer riding the one on the right where it's an actual motorcycle and not just a bike)
i like to think that the trio found this tricycle trashed and broken somewhere and they tried to fixed it up so they could all take a ride on it
ace and deuce kinda fought who’ll be the first to ride it and deuce only won because they all agreed deuce was the one who actually knew (for the most part) how to fix the thing
++++ some more concepts/hcs between them in this au(???) 😳
all three of them are childhood friends who grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same elementary school. unfortunately in high school they ended up in different schools, but they all still remained close friends 🥹
grim exists but as a regular cat who “belongs” to yuuna (yuuna was just grim’s favorite out of the three). technically he’s just a neighborhood stray, yuuna can’t really keep him as a pet at home (and neither can ace/deuce) but somehow grim keeps finding the heartshackle trio whenever they’re all together. and so grim just became part of the group.
yuuna has a physical album of photos dedicated to all the times they go to jollibee. they take a photo with the jollibee statue every single time they all go there.
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ventique18 · 6 months
Sort of mini sequel to my previous comic lol
Warning: teenage smooth brain childishness
🌸: "Damn it, my ass hurts like hell."
❤️: *GASP*
♠️: *GASP*
❤️: "I KNEW IT! You WERE doing something scandalous yesterday!"
♠️: "That's illegal!!"
🐺: "What? What scandal?"
🍎: "Wait, what sort of illegal things? Did you cheat in Trein's quiz too? Or, *gasp* murder?!"
🌸: "What the hell are you talking about? I was doing SQUATS yesterday. And even if we were doing things, why would it be illegal??"
♠️: "You're at school!"
❤️: "Jack, Epel, listen. Yesterday we saw them alone at Ramshackle and you wouldn't believe what they were doing--"
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Daytime TV Dreaming (A Fyuuture Kid AU Drabble ft. Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle)
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While camping in the mountains during Camp Vargas, you encounter a monster exactly like the one you fought off with Ace and Deuce at the beginning of the year. While trying to fight it off again, a strange portal opens up in the mine and a person jumps out of it to your rescue. He says he doesn't remember much, but it's clear when you bring him to Crowley that this boy is also from your world, despite being a mage, and until the headmage can think of a better solution, he assigns "Yutu" to your dorm.
Something a certain someone has an opinion about.
notes: When I was re-working my masterlist I deleted a fic that I meant to be the start of a series where Yuu’s child travels back in time to try and prevent the destruction of Twisted Wonderland and their parent's untimely death. For some reason I wrote that child as having been born after Yuu was forced to leave Twisted Wonderland with modified memories, so he doesn't actually know that much about his dad until he gets iseakaid just like Yuu did to attend Night Raven in a much more dystopian setting. Anyway if I ever go back to that concept I'll probably re work it, but I thought it would be fun to share my notes about the guys reaction to this newcomer who gets sorted into Ramshackle Dorm. They/them used for Yuu as always but they are implied to be afab, "Yutu" is not meant to be the child's real name, and he is meant to be wearing a disguise to make his identity less obvious. Actual fic can be found on my masterlist.
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Ace- is legitimately worried about the intentions of this weird newcomer but it comes off as him being a jealous brat so no one takes him seriously. Look, something just doesn't feel right about this! Your world doesn't have any mages but now one shows up? And he's weirdly familiar with you? Cmon someone other than him start asking some questions please! Tries to have "a talk" with Yutu, who is trying really hard to understand what his parent saw in his dad and... just not getting it at all. RiP Ace you have been assigned cringe before the kid has even been born.
Deuce- only concerned with making a good impression because if this person is from Yuu's world then they might value his opinion on.... things. Also an honor student would try to win over his crush on his own merit and not by intimidating potential competition. Actually ends up befriending Yutu and really liking his vibes, which gives the boy a lot of guilt because he knows his dad would probably feel very guilty if he knew what his son's life has been like.
Trey- he is slightly worried about how Yuu will handle having to take care of an actual person and not just a monster, but he also feels like it is none of his business so he doesn't pay too much attention. But then Yuu mentions that Yutu is a pretty talented baker and that's why they haven't been bugging him for sweets as much. Well isn't that just ADORABLE??? Trey isn't upset about this at all nope, not one bit. He's extremely upset and Yutu is stirring the pot because he thinks making his dad angry is funny.
Cater- oh look, another person who won't be a part of his life eventually. He doesn't get any weird vibes from Yutu so he doesn't worry about what his appearance might mean too much, but there is something about the way the newbie insists on trying to be his friend that reminds him a lot of Yuu and isn't helping with this whole "denial of the crush" thing he is trying to do. If he didn't know any better he would think Yutu was doing it on purpose.
Riddle- immediately starts butting into Yuu's life more to give them advice about being a proper housewarden. Not that he didn't already see them as one, it's just disciplining a human student and disciplining Grim are a bit different and no he is not using this as an excuse to spy on the Prefect how dare this brat suggest his intentions are impure?!?! (Ah but you see Riddle you can't just take Yutu's head off in front of their Prefect because you want them to liiiike you and he is so going to use that against you.)
Leona- understands that something is not quite right as Yutu's explanation of who he is doesn't quite pass the sniff test. Literally, the brat smells like Yuu with his magic and since Leona was one of the people who got a good look at the portal Yutu came through he pieces things together pretty quickly. Not that he immediately goes and pulls a Vader on the kid, he just makes it clear he knows there is some time travel involved and demands to know what his goals are. He can leave the family shit for after he's secured the kid's existence.
Ruggie and Jack- while they have different opinions on the new kid, Leona's sense of smell still tells him Yutu's identity and as their dormleader he feels the need to take them aside and mention what he knows... sort of. He tells them that he's pretty sure time travel is involved and that Yutu is related to Yuu, but he neglects to mention the whole bit about who he thinks the father is... which drives them insane in completely different ways.
Ruggie thinks that since you clearly have a thing for beastmen anyway he would be stupid not to shoot his shot. He doesn't give two shits about whether or not Yutu is his kid, time isn't real so he can just rewrite it a bit.
Jack is determined to treat Yutu fairly and protect him since you are his friend and that's what friends do for each other's kids. Has a full blown panic over whether or not this might give the kid an identity crisis and takes him aside to reassure him he doesn't want to replace his real father, and that he will be happy as long as Yuu is happy. que the world's most awkward conversation
Azul- Oh? Ramshackle has a new dorm member? And he's a mysterious mage... allegedly from the same world as Yuu... something doesn't make sense here but while he is figuring that out. Capitalism ho! This is a great money making opportunity he is observing and scheming and thinking about the perfect contract to get Yutu to spill all his secrets. Unfortunately, Yutu seems to be afraid of him for some reason? Not Floyd or Jade, just him. He can't say he dislikes it... but it is a bit odd, at least it gives him something to talk about with you???
Floyd- Also saw the portal that Yutu came through and thinks something must be up with how close the guppy seems to want to be with Yuu. Starts calling him baby shrimpy as a joke because of how clingy he is to you, but he really really hates it. He can't fight baby shrimpy because that will make you not like him, and he can't scare baby shrimpy off with a deal because he's weirdly smart with those sort of things. He also seems to really look up to Floyd... like that one spiderverse meme, and Floyd hates it! he already had a hard enough time getting Yuu alone when Grim was around he doesn't need a second baby unless it's actually his >:CCC
Jade- a new mage? How delightfully unpredictable. He's probably the only one genuinely happy Yutu is around because of how funny the story of his arrival is. The only upsetting thing about this is that he wasn't able to go camping with Yuu himself. Like Azul he senses something is wrong with Yutu's story, but he doesn't intend to press him until he has the new kid's trust. He's just here to help after all, there's nothing to be afraid of so long as there is no need for him to be jealous.
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midnightmah07 · 3 months
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Daiggie's adult/married designs are here 🥺🥺 took me a while but!! This was fun!! I'm literally having such a big brainrot over their future so imma dump some stuff under the cut 😭😭
Oh also!!! I drew little Maggie here<3 I'm still unsure about the colors of her design but for now this is her official (child version) design!
Daisy decided to work as a pre school teacher when Deuce and Ace told her how good she was at handling children, she also liked the idea of being a teacher because she really admires Trein's job!
Trein unofficially adopted Daisy after she graduated NRC, he let her stay at his house with him in the Shaftlands because she had nowhere else to go, and she only moved once she managed to find a job at Sunset Savannah and find a place to move in with Ruggie after their marriage.
Daisy's documents were arranged right after she graduated. She made sure to get everything she needed, including registering as a citizen with the name "Daisy" instead of "Eléa", but stayed without a surname until she married Ruggie, then she took his surname as hers.
Ruggie has the habit of showing up to Daisy's work with a few flowers (daisies and dandelions) to gift to her whenever he can. Daisy's students didn't know she was married to Ruggie once they saw him at first, but they always tried playing cupid for the both of them, since they thought Ruggie was merely trying to hit on their teacher. Ruggie told Daisy to not tell them for a while because he thought it was cute how the kiddos tried to set them up. When they found out they went crazy.
Ruggie got offered a job as a Spelldrive player after a match in his third year of NRC. He has been working as a pro for a while and is able to support himself and his granny, but Leona still offered a job in the palace and said the position was always open if he changed his mind.
The school Daisy teaches at has different cutesy names for each class, and Daisy's classroom is named "pumpkin".
Daisy's pregnancy was 100% accidental and it happened on their 3rd year of marriage. They weren't thinking about kids still since they wanted to enjoy each other for a few more years, but were overjoyed with the idea, Ruggie was so shocked by the news his coach had to send him home for the day bc he kept messing up during practice.
Ruggie is extremely beloved by Daisy's students and they're always happy whenever he arrives. He's always willing to play with them and act as a big brother figure, which makes Daisy super happy and charmed.
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"I hate fem!yuu" "I hate yuu harem" " I hate a dainty/lady like yuu" yeah well you know what i hate?
They are minors.
They are children.
There to busy studying for test and doing school work to think about that.
And some how yuu harem and having a female!yuu is worse just think for a second about the difference writing smut about minors or having a silly little harem romance you tell me what's worse
Oh and you can't fix it buy say "all characters are 18+!" Like no stop using that as an excuse for writing smut on underage characters it fucking disgusting
Anyways that just my personal thoughts on this.
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luxthestrange · 11 months
TWST!Memes #78
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A meme in honor of @jackplushie,@galaxyshine24-7 Silver bullet au if you dont know about this stellar series !!! YOU GOTTA SEE IT!!!
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writingattemptsxx · 11 months
Cater and Finn at an unbirthday party
Cater being Cater and just hanging out with Finn
This is the only other thing I wrote with kid Finn before making this blog, so I have nothing else left in storage. Time to write, I guess. Also, this one is checked by Grammarly, so hopefully better grammar.
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Finn was eating a cake. He wasn’t even done. Yet, somehow a chunk of frosting ended up on his mouth, and not in it. Cater sat across from Finn and watched over him for most of the unbirthday party, yet even he was amazed by how Finn got practically a quarter of the frosting on his face. Admittedly it was adorable. Adorable AND totally a great picture moment.
Cater opened his camera app and directed the phone to point at Finn. “Finn! Over here!” Finn looked up and smiled after noticing the camera. Cater took a “few” pics from different angles, even leaning in his chair a bit to see how those angles worked. Luckily they sat at the end of one of the scattered tables that also only had a small group on the other side. He was so focused on getting a good angle and shot, that he didn’t recognize when others around him started to get up and clean. He only noticed once his name was called by an all too familiar voice.
“Cater! Put down your phone for a minute and help clean up!” The all too familiar teapot tyrant, though Cater knew enough to only call Riddle that in his head. Working on it or not, a housewarden Riddle is still a housewarden and a Riddle.
“Yup! Sorry, Riddle!” Cater quickly went to work. He had the photos he needed, plus, he’s not getting on Riddle’s bad side. He quickly grabbed a paper towel and helped wipe Finn’s face, which got a small giggle in return. “Finn, let’s clean up, yeah?”
“Yeah!” Cater was tempted to leave the cleaning mostly to Finn with how excited he sounded, but he knew better than to do that to a five-year-old. He knew better than to let a five-year-old clean up alone too.
As Cater and Finn started stacking plates, Cater was only thinking about how he could use a few of the good shots as bargaining chips with the staff. He had other pictures worth posting, so what’s better insensitive for the teachers to let him post them than an exclusive picture of Finn at a party they weren’t there for?
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blanketorghost · 10 months
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adult domestic fluff 🥺🥺🥺 The twins were such clingy babies, rip Yuu's hair
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I feel like Azul would take a rly rly long time to come to terms with his natural weight, so he'd only start getting chubbier in his 30s. It does help that Yuu hypes him up all the way, though
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br3adtoasty · 4 months
🕊️ [ Juno Tauber - Glimmering Soirée ] 🕊️ [GROOOOVY!!]
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“I wonder what would happen if I were to release both my hands right on this balcony’s edge, dear Prefect… I jest, of course.”
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ryllen · 7 months
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poke dog thoughts
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crystallizsch · 6 months
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finding out from two different voice lines from two different cards that jamil practices dance moves that he finds is two too many for me not to go 🤨🤨🤨
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here are the voice lines in question -
Luxe Couture:
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Club Wear:
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(thank you to mysteryshoptls for the translations!)
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