#kill me before i do that myself /hj
gayjunebug · 1 year
does your life ever go immediately downhill once the school year starts
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cosmicdenro · 2 years
hope u guys don't mind me being a little queer sometimes and talking to myself in the tags, it helps clear my head since people can filter out rant posts easily
#bc i had not used this place in a while until late 2022 ive absolutely forgotten if i used to talk to myself in tags here before or not#i say this bc i now have people who actively see my art here n just throwing random rants here would be very rude so i prefer tags help#feels safer here too LOL#also feels a little scary but im sure that's normal for many that there are ppl who read all tags mein gott#NOT A BAD THING THAT PPL READ TAGS i wouldn't be writing anything if i wanted to kill people for reading tags lol#just stating observations aheem aheem#its like writing on a public bathroom's walls and people passing by to be like “damn bitch ok” /funny#also do not worry at all about how i express myself i do apologize if my words sometimes sound like im on the brink but like#violence is the only way i love to be expressive HELP#watch me be on the government watchlist for the shit ive said gootbyeeeeeeee#but do not feel worried i will be ok eventually every time. sometimes i just gotta explode oh so violently to deflate and feel normal again#WISH I COULD USE EMOJIS ON THIS DAMN PC#anyway the person im trying my damned to avoid is Sure Making It Difficult#at least the people i wanted to know why i was autotune crying baby for a while heard me out n im alive in that regard finally smile emoji#how long can you keep gently hinting you want to distance yourself from somebody until you lose your goddam mind and feel sweet relief when#they actually leave said group themselves after getting my blunt hints help help#oh i sound so fucking rude with just my side but mein gott i don't care bc it was never a serious thing to begin with#just shot my anger thru the roof for good reason and finalliegh im getting mutual distance from that person lol#never get close with ur fave artists worst mistake of my life /hj for real#u start off loving seeing them every time and then boom youre sad how things turned out every time you see them my god#also make sure ur minor friends dont feel like they need to mend things for the adults i feel so fucking sad for someone bc of this rn but#i talked to them n hopefully they understand aouhg.#anyway back to queer posting thats enough soup for today good god#ranting
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CH2-12 thoughts (spoilers, I guess. You probably shouldn't be in the tag if you haven't finished the episode though.)
So! DRDT is officially back, and wow what a way to begin the rollercoaster we'll be put through the next few weeks. This episode was amazing, and I wanted to discuss my thoughts on it in a more detailed form. This episode gave us a lot of character moments that I want to at least mention, so let's get into it? Before we do though, I want to say that through these posts, I will be updating two things and showing them at the beginning and end First one being the swear statistics! It became a thing after my previous rewatch that every time a character swears, I count it, and I want to continue doing that for the rest of the series if I can so manage it.
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^ current swear statistics as of CH2-11
And the second being...drumroll please!
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My own personal DRDT CH2-Part 2 bingo card! If something on this list happens in CH2-Part 2, I'll check it off. Hopefully I can get a bingo or two in here, especially since, spoilers, two of the boxes have already been checked. But with all of that preamble out of the way, let's begin shall we? I’m going to cover the character moments we got in separate categories of the well…characters, rather than in order, for the sake of being concise.
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First and foremost, “Shut your whore mouth” made me scream at the top of my lungs. God I wish that was voiced. But more importantly, the thing about Arturo being very young for a plastic surgeon actually being addressed was not something I expected, especially so early. But I definitely appreciate the nuggets of Arturo backstory. Funny enough, his situation sounds very similar to Min’s in some regard, especially this line
(x) Arturo: I was only able to get this far in such a short amount of time because I specialized in plastic surgery, and nothing else. I neglected everything that wasn't immediately relevant to my goals.
This absolutely plays a factor into his relationship with his little sister. It more than likely was not just him leaving that made her commit suicide, but perhaps also years of neglect. And if she really felt like she couldn't live a life without Arturo in it, it's safe to say that their parents probably weren't the best either. The more I learn about Arturo and his homelife the more worried I am for him and especially his sister.
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Veronika didn't get much besides being her usual self, but I gave her a category because I wanted to point out two things One, Veronika calling Arturo cute. That just made me smile
And secondly, this line right here
(x) Veronika: Oh, and don't say something as boring as "I want to kill myself." I have no interest in such mundane reasons.
This is so fucked up and awful and gross and I absolutely love her for it. I just know she's going to get worse, I hope she does.
And also the fact that she apparently finds suicide to be inherently boring is very interesting, given the fact that she more than likely has the self-harm secret.
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I know he didn't have much, if any major role in this episode but...listen I missed him. So much. You have actually zero idea how much I missed him and his goofiness... But also I can't believe that was the explanation for the dent in the computer lab that's been bugging me for months. Well played DT-Dev... (though the fact that Whit got away with breaking a rule solely because MonoTV thought it was funny is a bit fishy...it's almost like he's the MASTERMIND-- /hj)
We also in general got a lot of Charles and Whit moments, which I always like to see I don't think there's anything else to cover when it comes to Wh--
(x) David: Ugh! Goddamn it, Whit, does everything you say have to be made into some shitty dumb joke?! You're actually really fucking annoying! Shut the fuck up!!
...Well, when I said I wanted more Whitvid interactions I guess this can serve as a reward. ...guys dont worry this is how we can still wi--
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...I mean, what else is there to say really?
No but actually I'll talk. This is what we've been theorizing for a year, and I actually had it in my predictions that Levi's secret was going to be the one revealed in this episode. But I did not expect it right at the end, nor did I expect it to be so sudden. And I don't think Levi has any reason to lie either, so I think this is his actual secret. Seeing him lose confidence and apologize for his unhelpfulness kind of stung to me, honestly. Levi has been trying to help the group since the very beginning, and that has only amplified since the start of Chapter 2. So seeing him...basically give up was very upsetting He is definitely going to be in the hot seat next week's episode and I am very excited for it, hopefully we get some insight on his past as well and...maybe a levi and nico interaction? please dt-dev? please? :>
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FishyFried, as always, knocked it out of the fucking park with Hu's voice acting, and her monologue towards David was just as amazing...if not a bit terrifying, as it directly parallels with her hidden quote
I want to pay for what I’ve done. But even then, I still want to live.
I think I've said this before, but I adore David and Hu's dynamic and how both of them tackle the themes of change in their own ways, how both of them project onto the people around them to fulfill their own desires due to being stagnant in their own growth as people, it's so much fun, and I can't wait to see how this continues to develop in the later chapters I am sincerely a ch5victim!david + ch5killer!hu believer at the end of the day.
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Oh Teruko, quite a bit to discuss with you today.
For starters, her genuinely feeling embarrassed and upset upon realizing what she did wrong, apologizing for it, and (how I interpreted it anyway) beginning to realize that working alone and not accepting help from others is starting to bite her in the ass? That was not what I expected. I really did think that Teruko was going to get worse before she got better, but maybe she's improving a lot quicker than I thought (...let's hope she doesn't backslide again though, especially if the culprit is who I think it is) Also.
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If I have to live with this knowledge, so the-fuck do you. And then there's her argument with David, which I already made a post about, but I want to add onto it by saying that the performances from Swords and LuucarIi here are absolutely phenomenal. One of my favorite voice acted scenes in the entire series. I have replayed Teruko's "Hah! Based on what?!" probably around 20 times and I will repeat it 20 times more because the delivery gives me actual chills. This fangan has such an amazing voice cast oh my god it's insane.
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Oh. You are such a broken, broken man, and you are absolutely going to go down the Simon Laurent route. I actually don't have a lot to add when it comes to David's actual motivations for his actions, I think a lot of us theorized that he was trying to kill everyone and himself. But the main thing I want to talk about is the Xander shit because oh my god this man is Down Fucking Horrendous. I mentioned all the way back in this post that David idolizes Xander just as much as Xander idolizes him. What I didn't expect was for him to still be clinging onto the hope Xander gave him and trying to follow in his footsteps, and being borderline possessive over the damn dead man. Xander may have idolized David, but David is obsessed with Xander and what he represents to him. And he is willing to ruin his reputation, reliability, and dignity in pursuit of what he thinks is right. Not to mention, it puts the Tally5 image in a whole new light.
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Though I still think these words apply to the very possible revolution that David, Xander, and Mai enacted towards Hope's Peak, a theory that has become even more credible after this episode, I also think these lines portray David's thought process during his actions in CH2-11 and his motivation for doing the things that he does. David calling Xander "the only good person he's ever known" is very, very telling when you consider what he personally thinks makes someone a bad person (lazy, useless, stupid). And that makes me upset. Xander and David's relationship will never not be absolutely fascinating to me. ...alSO DAVID APPARENTLY HAS MEMORIES FROM HOPE'S PEAK??? APPARENTLY??? Like am I reading that right or do I just have bad media literacy. How...How does he??? WHY does he??? Why did he say he didn't know who Xander was in the prologue???? I am very confused and I'm sure it will all be answered. Extra Thoughts !! - we got 7:30 AM confirmation, woohoo!! And the bonus of Arei swinging when she was first found was such a good detail and I’m surprised none of us noticed it, honestly. With that confirmation, that leaves basically everyone else (minus J, David, Veronika, Hu, and Nico) in the hot-seat. - the multitude of new sprites we got were so amazing, especially David's - Apparently everything that happened in the second half of CH2-11 was in the span of two hours?! Sheesh, the editing crew on the TV show must be working overtime. Hopefully they get a paycheck and its not just MonoTV who gets paid. - If I had any doubt in my brain that Eden was the culprit it has basically dissipated with this episode. I really do not know who else it could be other than her. three of the five main suspects other than her have basically been cleared up, either through alibi (J and Hu) or though plot (Levi) David and Nico are also cleared from suspicion Though there isn't really any plot or evidence reason to necessarily exclude Rose, given her moment in CH2-8 and, let's be honest, this murder being way too physically complicated for someone as lethargic as her to commit, I'm inclined to believe she is not And every other character has something that's clearly being set up to be further explored in Chapter 3 (Charles, Whit, Ace, Arturo, and Veronika) Like... even if you don't think Eden is the culprit, you can't deny that she's the odd one out here. I still think Accomplice!Levi is true, but I also truthfully think the culprit can't be anyone other than Eden - If I were to give one I-guess critique though, not just on this episode but on the trial as a whole, it's that we are four trial episodes in and there has been very, very little focus on the actual murder mystery itself. We have barely even covered 80% of the evidence. This isn't like, a huge problem for me specifically because I very much watch DRDT for the astounding character writing over the murder mysteries, and I definitely think that the lack of focus on the case is worth the amazing character moments we got in this episode. But I can see it really bothering some people, and there's a part of me that can't help but be a bit afraid that the actual solving of the murder case is going to hit the audience with a bunch of information at once and come across as a bit rushed due to the lack of focus it's had so far. I trust that DT-Dev is cooking though, and it'll probably be a lot more cohesive once we have the full trial to look through.
Predictions for CH2-13 - Like I said before, Levi is going to become the main suspect easily thanks to his secret reveal. I know Ace is going to be on his ass especially, because in his mind it would basically confirm the image he has already conjured up of Levi in his mind as a violent brute who is going to snap his neck any second. J is also going to jump to conclusions because that's just what she does, and she was already concerned about the murderer secret to begin with. - Furthermore, I think most of this episode is going to entail Teruko trying to disprove that Levi could've been the culprit. Considering the fact that there, well, isn't much evidence to suggest he didn't, maybe this episode will feature this chapter's Random Guess minigame. - I highly doubt we're getting an AM VS PM scrum debate now, but maybe we'll get one on whether or not Levi is the culprit? Maybe? - On the topic of trial minigames, I hope we get another nonstop debate, it's been like three episodes since we've had one lmao - Nico is either going to defend Levi, or reiterate the speech that J gave them in CH2-9. Either way, I hope this reveal causes them to interact it would be so interesting - We are on a track-record of having at least one person's secret exposed every trial episode. Considering the fact that Xander and Min are dead, and I do not think Teruko's secret will come out until the end of the chapter, that really only leaves Hu and Veronika...which is interesting, as they are both in the clear for being the culprit. Hu has already had multiple moments to shine in this trial, so I think its more likely that Veronika's secret will be the one getting revealed. How that happens, I am unsure. But I think Veronika will be the next person to have her secret revealed.
Conclusion Overall, I think this episode was amazing and a great way to kick off the end of the hiatus. I can already tell that these next few weeks are going to be a wild ride for us DRDT fans, but we're all in this together, so I think everything's going to be fine (nothing is going to be fine.)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 11 days
Yo man, I like reading your posts and your thoughts. It inspires me.
There were a few questions that I asked anonymously, but reading everything you wrote, and thanks to you, I changed my attitude towards Killer as a character (to be honest, I hated him before, as well as his duo with Color). And also, like one anon person, I love Delta.
How do you do it, inspire and change opinions about characters?
I become obsessed about them and learn everything I can and then yap about it on the internet. /hj
Also a lot of killers story requires even a base level understanding in psychology and abuse and trauma, I feel. Especially things like prolonged intense coercion, and dissociative disorders, paired with severe CPTSD. And I love psychology so he quickly became a favorite of mine.
A lot of my fixation towards killer actually came from the fact that—no one could seem to understand or agree on things about killer’s canon story (which in large part is because a lot of killer’s canon was unfortunately deleted, including an entire ask blog.)
So i went looking myself, found what i could, shared it around everywhere i could reach—and then started doing research and analysis, and sharing those too.
But also from what I can see, the UTMV fandom back then was all really young—focusing more on black and white, “good” and “bad” morality. Creepypasta-esque. Instead of acknowledging Something New for the tragedy and psychological horror it is.
It was never as simple as “sans goes crazy and kills everyone” or “evil Chara possesses sans to kill everyone” or “sans gets bored and kills for fun.” It was all deliberate, pointed towards a goal—and sans completely lost himself until he became something so completely foreign and unrecognizable. which was all intentional.
and another thing I love about killer is that he’s definitely not a “perfect victim.” He was a victim sure, and he was made and taught to be this way, but it doesn’t change the fact that this victim has victims and he’s still an awful, shitty person. there are completely valid reasons to despise that bitch, and everyone is well within their rights to do so (Delta and Delta lovers deserve to punch killer and humble him ong) even as he attempts to work on himself and actually process his trauma that had been going for an unknown amount of time.
(which still fascinates me. there is a period of time in Chara and killer’s partnership that we are unlikely to ever see. we have no clue just how long they were together. killer himself probably isn’t sure—maybe they were always together.)
and color is an interesting piece of psychology too. I completely understand why he inspires hope in killer—hope that change is possible, that safety is possible, that something better out there can exist. that not everyone with power seeks to harm and control, that not everything is control or be controlled or kill or be killed, that some things do matter. that what he wants matters. that someone out there still cares about him, and unlike papyrus or the rest of the underground—is willing to fight for him, too.
(of course, papyrus was willing to die if it made sans happy. but he was never willing to fight to make sans happy, as far as killer can see.)
color has really lost everything and everyone in his attempts to save them. he fought and fought and fought—until as a last ditch effort, he makes a desperate choice. and it works, but it dooms him. only, it didn’t actually work, because the feeling of the Genocide route is coming back—and it’s happening again.
We can see this same exact thing with killer, too. Nightmare replaces Killers when they are killed or no longer useful. Color can see right through Killer—he knows he doesn’t actually want this life. He just doesn’t know anything different anymore.
And so Color spends so long trying to get Killer to admit to what he actually wants—and when he does, when Killer finally just admits he wants his old life back—his brother, his family, he wants to be Sans again. Color doesn’t tell him it’s likely impossible—instead he offers to help.
And when Killer asks Color to save him, Color takes to it loyally. It’s not hard to imagine that Color tried and failed to help save and protect many, many, many Killers.
And yet with each devastating failure, he keeps getting up and going and persevering. Because he has to, because it’s the right thing to do, because Killer asked him to, because Killer needs help, because he cares so much about Killer, because Color can’t leave him alone or forget about him the way he was forgotten. No one else is going to care enough to reach out and try with Killer—and Killer isn’t likely to trust anyone else who tries.
Even Color has to work hard to earn and maintain Killer’s trust. A single slip up could send Killer recoiling and snapping at any hand that attempts to touch him. So despite how desperately Color wants to save him, keep him safe, take care of him—he knows he needs to go at Killer’s pace.
He needs to be patient, and he needs to be consistent, and he needs to be open and as honest as possible—even if it’s hard, and he needs to be careful around Killer, too.
He can’t allow his emotions to drive him completely, to make him blind to Killer’s violence and apathy and manipulation and controlling behaviors—not only because for his own well being, but because Killer would definitely lose any respect he has for him if he thinks Color can’t see him for what he is. He can’t allow Killer to think that he is weak—someone easily trusting, or naive, or easily led and used and taken advantage of.
He has to maintain a balance between that, and just being himself—practicing what he preaches, because killer will notice; he is watching. Color’s goal isn’t to fix him, that’s something killer has to want for himself, he’s just here because he wants to help and Killer asked for the help he needs—even if Killer’s SOUL Stages make him have conflicting viewpoints and desires, if any at all. He has to show up for Killer consistently, show he isn’t trying to use or control him, and be true to himself.
Of course, the journey to actually getting there would likely be a struggle for them both, but they’re both determined enough to try, I think.
Anyway rant over. So that’s basically what I do; get curious, go digging and researching and get obsessed and then make my thoughts and interpretations everyone else’s problem.
{ @ferociousperson }
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amarayys · 13 days
teruko with glasses oh my teruko with glasses oh my teruko with glasses oh my
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okay so i think it's really weird how hu keeps interrupting nico and talking for them. i think hu might be faking being with nico in the morning. Some notes before we begin: I suck at theories. please don't bully me /hj Hu and Nico might (??) be OOC for this, forgive me. My formatting sucks, but I tried. This is not meant to be an attack on Nico, Hu, or anybody who disagrees with this theory. please don't burn me at the stake /j If I accidently use the wrong pronouns for Nico at any point, please point it out so I can fix it!!! I've proof read this like 3 times because I keep making mistakes, but I DONT TRUST MYSELF. IDK WHAT TO CALL THIS SECTION LMFAO First of all, Nico never actually confirms being with Hu in the morning. They actually don't comment or react to it at all as far as the viewers can see. Hu has also been speaking for Nico (and interrupting them) quite a bit whenever they start to try defend themselves for a lot of chapter 2. Even before the trial, Hu has never actually let Nico defend themselves, instead just shouting at anybody who even tries to suspect them. ACE ATTACK Before I go on, let me say - I *do* believe Nico was the one who attacked Ace, and they did it without any outside influence. Nico confirms that they did attempt to kill ace, (image) without any prompting from Hu. Maybe Hu was involved in some way - for example, maybe she lent them the wire? - but she could also be in denial that Nico would do anything like murder and Nico got wire from storage or simply just stole it from Hu, which is what they probably did. We've seen them steal before (cough cough ROSE TURPENTINE) . I'm actually not too sure which one it could be... or if it's something completely separate, but that's not too relevant to the main topic of this post anyway. i seriously doubt hu forced nico to kill ace and I think this theory is based on the fact people think nico is some weak little baby (btw this is not an attack on people who believe this theory) cough cough anyway
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MOTIVES So...why would Hu lie? Why is Nico going along with it? Well, I have a few (shaky) ideas. 1. Hu came up with her and Nico's "alibi" in the moment, and it wasn't premeditated. Why? To keep herself and Nico (as she clearly cares for them) out of suspicion, whether they are involved in the murder or not Nico went along with it because they didn't want to be suspected, (we've seen them lie about what they were doing during murders in chapter 1 - where they claimed to be in their room while in reality they were walking around the place - because they didn't want to be suspected. They then proceed to heap blame on everyone without alibies to get suspicion off them, even though they had nothing to do with the case and were most likely just scared of being suspected as the blackened)
OR Nico didn't really notice Hu lying, and they were more focused on being interrupted. (again, nico doesn't confirm/comment on Hu saying they were together, instead focusing on how they keep getting interrupted)
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Nico is the murderer and is threatening/manipulating Hu to cover for them. This would be pretty ironic, seeming as many think it's the other way around... but Nico has no reason to go for Arei, and basically all the people left have more evidence against them, so I doubt it. Just thought I should include this anyway 2. It was premeditated, Hu is the culprit and Nico is being threatened/manipulated (for the whole of chapter 2??) and is helping her out. I **REALLY** doubt this, there's nothing to support this and it's VERY ooc for both Hu and Nico. It just doesn't work. Also, as I mentioned, Nico would not just kill somebody cause Hu told them too. Nico is NOT A PUSHOVER LISTEN TO ME- ahem. So no, I don't believe in this, but I suppose it's a possibility?? OR It was premeditated, they are both lying to cover each other, whether they are the culprit or not. Kind of OOC for them, but maybe??? I think I'm going to go with the first idea, along with Nico either not noticing Hu's lies or just going along with it to stay safe. It's just the most likely and most in-character for them. SUMMARY. Alright, here we go. PRE-MURDER: Nico steals (or simply just asks for, seeing as Hu would never suspect them) Hu's wire and uses it to cut Ace's neck open. Hu in uninvolved in Ace's murder any further than that. 1. Hu sees an opportunity to come up with an alibi for her and Nico. She doesn't want people to suspect them, so she lies in order to keep them safe and out of suspicion. She needs to keep everyone safe, as she sees herself as useless if she can't help people (episode 11 dialogue yall!!!) especially Nico, so she lies to keep them away from suspicion. 2. a) Nico notices Hu's lies. They hesitate, before realising the opportunity. They won't have to fight the others and be under suspicion if they have an "alibi". Hu will continue to defend them. They decide to divert the attention to them being interrupted again and don't say anything about Hu lying. 2. b) Nico fails to notice Hu's lies, more focused on being interrupted again. Their frustration leads them to completely miss Hu's comment, and the topic moves on. OR Im reaching per usual and nobody was lying about anybody's alibies. wooah. this was fun to make, although it kinda sucks.... ANYWAY, let me know what you think!!
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
Close | HJ - SMAU
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Chapter 4: Rent Free?! Series Master list | General Master list Word Count: 8k General Warnings: Strong Language, Mentions of alcohol, mentions of prescription pills (not abused), suggestive content. Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction, this does not represent the idols mentioned in any way. A/N: Kitty and I cannot write 'short' chapters, only medium to long ones. We are quite chaotic in the way we write, so we thoroughly hope you enjoy it. FAIR WARNING: THIS CHAPTER WAS PROOFREAD BY A TEAM OF : 2 HAN QUOKKAS, 5 JINIRETS, AND 6 LEEBITS AND YOU CAN TELL IT WAS. (Don't ask why I have that many- Mini)
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You knew this dinner was going to be awkward. You arrived at Minho’s apartment alongside Mini, Kitty, and Jeongin since you were asked (forced) to get groceries for dinner. You and Kitty assisted Minho in the kitchen while Mini and Jeongin helped Felix prep the apartment for the special guests. With Minho already downing a bottle of soju to himself, and Felix yelling about how he should have made something ‘better’ than brownies, you could already guess how the night was going to go. One of two ways, it would all be fine and everyone would get along or, the other option. It would go to complete hell. 
The door swings open and in walks the five guests, “How the fuck… did you guys not lock the door on your way in?” Minho pouts as he watches the intruders walk in seemingly easily. 
“No, it was locked.” Changbin smiles, as he raises a pair of keys jangling them in front of Minho. 
“Who the fuck gave you a- Felix!” 
“Well actually I caught the Felix myself, he just gave me the keys.” Changbin smirks
Felix preens at the comment and shoots Minho a smirk as devilish as the Cheshire cat. He runs over to Changbin and gives him a big kiss and wraps his arms around his thicc shoulders. The 4 other boys are still standing in the doorway, unsure of where to fit into the situation. 
“Your PDA disgusts me.” Mini says as she covers Jeongins eyes with her hands 
“That’s homophobic.” Felix says blankly
“Has nothing to do with you being gay, and everything to do with the fact that watching you kiss someone with THAT much tongue in front of THE CHILD just ain't right, take it to the bedroom where it belongs boys.” 
“We must protect the children! They’re turning the freaking frogs gay!” Minho yells out, 
“You guys realise I’m an adult right…” Jeongin sighs as he removes Mini’s hands from his face, 
“Blasphemy. You’re a child to us. My sweet lil son.” Kitty teases as she pulls Jeongin into a suffocating hug.
“I’m not your son.” Jeongin mumbles
“I swear you called us mommy the other day?” Mini laughs, 
“Can’t tell if this is getting kinky or weird.” Jisung scoffs as he watches the entire ordeal take place. 
“I can for sure tell you, I do not have a mommy kink, but for enough money I can have whatever kink you need me to have.” Mini winks, 
“That one is Mini.” Seungmin laughs, 
Kitty lets go of Jeongin and finally notices the people standing behind Changbin. “Oh shit, uh come in and make yourselves comfortable”
“Oh so you’re playing host tonight? I thought this was my dorm, my bad.” Minho scoffs
“Bitch, shut up. I’m trying to be nice and help you out a bit since you’re not doing anything other than stand there looking pretty n shit.” Kitty teases, poking Minho's arms.
“Felix and Changbin introduce everyone before Kitty and Mini drink themselves into saying dumb shit again.” Minho sighs, playfully slapping Kitty’s hands away from him
“Don’t they always say dumb shit.” Jeongin questions as he tries to fix his ruffled hair.
Mini whips around to face Jeongin, side eyeing him as she crosses her arms “You’re fucking grounded Yang Jeongin.” 
“Alright, alright, relax. You’re gonna scare them away” you finally say as you watch the confused and slightly amused expressions on your guests faces. “Anyways, Hi. I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you all.” you smile politely, “That over there is our child Jeongin, the one who looks like they might kill you is Mini, the other one that looks like they might kill you is Minho, and the one currently trying to attack Jeongin with kisses is Kitty.” everyone watches as Jeongin and Kitty run around the sofa in the living room, 
“And yes,” you sigh, “They are always like this.” 
After everyone introduces themselves, everyone settles into waiting for dinner to be ready. Kitty wrangled Jeongin into the kitchen to assist Minho in finishing preparations for dinner. Leaving you with the rest of the boys and Mini. It was painfully silent, other than Felix and Changbin catching up on their days. You had to admit they were painfully cute together, and you could tell just how smitten they were with one another. It's pretty impressive to you considering how different they are. Changbin is a buff gym bro through and through. He looks like he could kill someone with those muscles. Felix is this sweetheart who wears his heart on his sleeve and bakes brownies in his free time for fucks sake. Of course you know that Felix is a skilled martial artist, but down to his core he's just a kind hearted guy. They seem like total opposites. You presume that's why they’re together, both of them having such immense kindness and love to give. Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to work.
After Felix and Changbins conversation comes to an end, more silence falls over the group, only soft muttering coming from the kitchen. Hyunjin looks around and his eyes finally fall on Mini.
“You’re not as quiet as I expected, you don’t talk much in class so I figured you’d be like this at home but I guess not.” Hyunjin laughs as he takes a sip from his glass, 
“I just don’t like anyone in class.” Mini says, 
“You don’t like me?” Hyunjin questions as he raises an eyebrow
“Am I supposed to?” Mini shrugs, 
“WE’RE PARTNERS?!” Hyunjin flails his arms dramatically, acting as if he’d been shot directly through the heart
“And that means I have to like you? Didn’t get the memo sorry boo” Mini laughs as she walks away to grab another bottle of Soju. The more people drink, the less work would get done you thought. 
“Ay Minnie” Jisung yells out, both Mini and Seungmin turn to look at him, “Uh, shit I meant Seungmin… My bad, yo grab me another drink?”
“Get it yourself.” Seungmin scoffs, 
“Miniii,” Jeongin begs in a cute voice, putting on his best pouty face “Can you get me one?” 
“I recall earlier you told me you were an adult, and adults can grab their own drinks.” Mini quips as she turns back towards the kitchen.
“I think I love you.” Seungmin mumbles under his breath
“What?” Mini whips her head to him with wide eyes
“Nothing.” Seungmin smirks, shaking his head as he laughs to himself.
Jisung leans closer to Chan as he studies the interaction between Seungmin and Mini, “Twenty that Seungmin makes a move on her later” 
“Bet” Chan agrees as he shakes Jisungs hand
“Thirty on Mini making the first move.” you say as you watch Mini and Seungmin interact in the kitchen. Your comment surprised the two boys, not noticing that you were listening to their conversation. 
“You’re fucking on” Jisung smiles at you and you swear you felt your heart thud in your chest.
After some more awkward silences and even more awkward introductory conversations, Minho finally finishes dinner and serves it to the group. Thankfully once the food came out the conversation seemed to flow better. 
“So what I was thinking is everyone from the drama program could help with acting right?” Mini starts, “Then everyone in dance, well we’d need you for the dance portions.” 
“So where do we fit into this?” Seungmin gestures to Chan, Jisung, Changbin, Kitty and himself. 
“English majors, I need your help with the script. And Music majors well. I mean take a wild fucking guess.” Hyunjin sighs, 
“And what if you’re both english and music?” Kitty gestures to herself and Seungmin
“You’re in the music program?” Jisung raises his head in curiosity, 
“Mhm,” Chan hums, “She’s in my class. Speaking of which, how’s the song coming along? The one for midterms.” 
“Uh, yeah, well. It’s mostly, sort of done?” Kitty says as she awkwardly rubs the back of her neck
“Why does that sound like a question” Minho chirps
“Well, I got a name for it. And a general beat. But that's about it” Kitty says as she smiles up at Minho's teasing glances
“Ah that's my procrastinating mother for you” Jeongin smirks from across the table.
“Well if you need help with lyrics or anything, 3Racha’s got you,” Chan says sweetly with a gentle smile on his face
“Now what the fuck is a 3Racha.” Kitty asks, looking between Chan and Jisung who groans beside him.
“Is that really the name we landed on?” Jisung sighs, 
“It’s better than Trifecta that’s for sure.” Changbin laughs, 
“I agree, 3Racha is definitely better than Trifecta,” Kitty nods as she takes another sip of her soju. You noticed how Chan’s ears got a little red as he quietly thanked Kitty.
“Anyways, back to what we actually need to discuss.” Hyunjin sighs, eyeing Chan in slight disgust.
“I can help with the script too,” you say, raising your hand.
“Sweet, I’ll send you the basic idea for it later,” Mini smiles, “but right now, I am out of soju, and it is utterly disappointing.” she says as she gets up walking towards the kitchen, 
“Yep so am I,” Seungmin quickly stands following her like a lost puppy. 
“You owe me thirty,” Jisung laughs, 
“That is not making a move Jisung” you whisper-yell across the table to him
“Wait, we’re gambling and I wasn’t invited?” Minho huffs, 
“That's what you get for being a housewife. Not invited to the conversations between men.” Jisung laughs, 
“Does that mean you’ve made a wife of me?” Minho teases running a hand down Jisungs arms in teasing seduction, sending shivers down Jisungs spine.
“Moms… I’m scared..” Jeongin says loudly, causing Mini and Kitty to immediately stop what they were doing to check on the baby.
“What happened now?” Mini sighs as she finally walks back from the kitchen, 
“Minho’s flirting with Jisung…” Jeongin says, 
“Oh my god Min, stop being such a whore. Tone it down. You’re scaring him” Kitty says, throwing a napkin at his head. Minho sighs and shakes his head as he giggles, picking up the napkin and throwing it back at Kitty as he sticks out his tongue teasingly.
“It’s ok Jisung, we’ll protect you from the scawy man” Kitty teases 
“Please Kitty, we cannot afford another child right now. That one already lives rent free.” Mini sighs, 
“YOU’RE LIVING RENT FREE?” Hyunjin yells.
“Do I need to start calling you mommy too for that kind of treatment?” Seungmin asks in the most condescending and flirty manner, raising his eyebrows awaiting Mini’s answer.
“You don’t need to call me mommy to get that kind of treatment,” Mini winks, wriggling her eyebrows.
“I am disturbed on so many levels right now.” you say as you shiver.
“I- I can’t tell who's making a move right now and who’s making a joke..” Jisung whispers to Chan, 
“I think we all just lost..” Chan laughs while nudging Jisung.
“I’m sorry, what the fuck is going on?” Hyunjin’s confusion is written all over his face as he takes another swig of soju.
“Two friends in a room, they might kiss” Felix cackles from his throne spot in Changbins lap, throwing his head back in a fit of laughter.
“No they won’t” Mini laughs, shaking her head
“They might,” Seungmin shrugs his shoulders with a shit-eating grin adorning his face.
“So Seungmin can just say dumb shit and somehow have someone interested in him, and yet if I say something dumb I’m looked at like a moron.” Jisung sighs from his seat, placing his head on the table in defeat.
“Rizzless AND bitchless. Yikes” Changbin cackles from behind Felix.
“All it took was one mommy comment… I’m so ashamed.” you shake your head in mock disappointment.
“Actually it wasn’t that but,” Seungmin begins before Minho cuts him off.
“WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN MY KITCHEN?” Minho yells, grabbing a spoon like he's ready to fight. 
“NOTHING! WE JUST TALKED?” Mini throws her hands up in surrender.
“I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. HEATHENS.” Minho seethes in disgust.
“All I did was compliment her” Seungmin shrugs nonchalantly
“AHA! Y/N OWES US THIRTY!” Jisung yells, standing up from the table and pointing at you in sheer excitement. You assume he needed to feel like a winner for once this evening. You look at Mini in disappointment.
“I fucking believed in you.” you whisper, to which the only response you got from her was a confused look on her face. “Oh the betrayal.”  
“Oh so stalker Seungmin got a girl's attention before Jisung? Not surprised.” Hyunjin tuts after successfully shoving more food into his mouth.
“Stalker?” you ask, utterly confused.
“SHUT IT HYUNJIN. I know where you sleep.” Seungmin glares at Hyunjin who just pouts his lips and shakes his head back at him.
“Aw, babe, have you been stalking me? That’s so sweet.” Mini sings as she tugs on Seungmin’s sleeve.
“You guys really are a perfect match…” Hyunjin says, making fake vomiting sounds from his seat.
“Awe common guys, you know my dream is to be on the next episode of Dateline. Having a stalker would make such a great episode don't you think?” Mini whines swaying her arms back and forth, one hand still holding to Seungmins sleeve.
“I am concerned for your safety.” you say to Mini.
“I’m not. Mini’s pretty good in a fight.” Minho sighs, “I think I still have a scar from our last one,” 
“If anything y’all should be concerned for Seungmin’s safety.” Kitty laughs, 
“EVEN BETTER, Being hit is more fun than to be the one hitting.” Seungmin laughs
“Bro?” Chan questions, 
“Are we about to fucking kiss right now?” Mini quickly turns to face Seungmin
“Seungmin calm down, the switch in you is showing.” Bin teasingly warns as he wraps his arms around Felix’s middle, pulling him impossibly closer to his chest.
“I thought… I thought you were a sub..” Jeongin mutters meekly
“What? How would you know that?” Mini shoots back with wide eyes
“We uh… we share a wall..” Jeongin can't look Mini in the eyes as he finished his sentence.
“Oh my god, I’ve traumatised my child… I’m just like my mother” Mini dramatically falls to the ground in true hispanic soap opera fashion. 
“Oh my god, you’ve tainted our boy” Kitty dramatically runs over to Jeongin to pull him to her chest and smother him in snuggles.
“Uh… Well she wasn’t the first one I heard, like I know for sure you’re a switch..” Jeongin strains to say amongst Kitty’s smothering arms. Kitty immediately lets go of Jeongin and grabs his face in her hands.
“And how the fuck would you know that,” she says in an incredibly authoritative tone.
“You’re not very good at checking if I’m home when you bring someone back… have you never wondered why I don’t sit on the couch?” Jeongin says quietly, slightly jarred by the close proximity.
“And why is it that you’ve never said anything until this exact moment, hm?” Kitty teases, squishing his cheeks together between her hands.
“What was I supposed to say? Hey Kitty, don’t fuck random dudes in the living room?” Jeongin says with more confidence.
“I'm throwing that couch away.” Mini states.
“As if you haven't used it for the same purposes” Kitty quips back at her.
“As if you don’t know your friends' preferences.” Felix laughs, turning to plant a kiss on Changbins temple.
“OO we should make it a game!” Bin chirps from Felix’s shoulder.
“We could go get more alcohol…” Minho offers.
“Fuck it, we’re in too deep now” Seungmin shrugs.
“That's what she said” Jisung mutters sitting back down in his seat.
“And for that comment alone, you’re getting more alcohol.” Minho barks his order to Jisung, who looks at the elder in disbelief.
“WHAT? You can't be serious.” Jisung yells, once again standing up from his seat and proceeding to wave his hands around.
“We’ll send someone with you, don’t worry.” Minho smiles, instantly Mini raises her hands and grabs her boobs, Minho follows right after laying his hands flat on his chest. Kitty gasps and quickly grabs her boobs mid sip dropping her cup of soju in her lap. Felix grabs Changbins hands and happily places them over his chest. Jeongin was confused as to what was happening, missing part of the conversation, but once he saw his friends hands on their chests he knew what was going on. He laughed maniacally and firmly grasped his chest, leaving you the last woman standing.
“FUCK.” you yell, crossing your arms and pouting at the fact you just lost.
“Looks like y/n’s going with Jisung for more soju!” Jeongin teases at you, sticking his tongue out and pointing and laughing at your loss.
“What was that? Don’t get me wrong I’m all for the whole titty grab but I am so confused.” Bin says, proceeding to fondle Felix’s chest.
“It’s a drama kweens ting” Jeongin laughs, 
“A fucking what?” Jisung asks as he gets up to put on his coat.
“It’s the name of our groupchat don’t worry about it.” you say to him.
“God, yours is just as bad as ours.” Jisung rolls his eyes.
“What's yours?” you ask as you get up to get your jacket and shoes.
“Faves” Jisung grimaces as he says the name.
“Awe, how cute you love each other.” you mock
“It wasn’t our choice.” Jisung sighs.
“You guys can talk on your way to the store, hurry up before they close.” Minho yells from the table.
“Yeah yeah we’re going, relax.” you chirp back before toeing on your shoes and walking out the door, trailing behind Jisung.
The walk to the convenience store down the road wasn’t bad. It was a nice night out, the air cool and the night calm. You and Jisung were talking about the weird and questionable things your friends were doing this evening, laughing as you did.
“It’s good to know your friends are just as weird as mine,” you say happily as you kick your feet.
“It’s nice that they’re all getting along that’s for sure,” Jisung agrees, slowly walking beside you.
“I’m curious to see how well all of us are going to work together,” you say as you fiddle with the sleeves of your jacket, pulling them down to your fingertips.
“I’m curious about your friend and Seungmin to be honest,” Jisung says, giving you a light wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Yeah that was, something.” you awkwardly laugh.
“Let alone Chan not being able to control his blushing.” Jisung says looking up at the night sky.
“HE WAS BLUSHING? I THOUGHT HE WAS JUST DRUNK” you immediately whip your head to look at him.
“YOU DIDN’T SEE IT?” he yells back.
“WHAT NO! WHEN? WHY?” you grab his arms and shake him a bit, desperate for answers.
“Dude, you can’t bring up Kathleen around him, I’m pretty sure he’s had a crush on her since his first year. I don’t think any of us expected her to be ‘Kitty’ though” Jisung says as you continue to shake him.
You look at him in slight disbelief. “No. Fucking. Way.” you enunciate each word and shake him each time.
Jisung just laughs and grabs your arms, “Yes. Fucking. Way.” he mocks back at you.
You laugh at his teasing, until you realise just how close he is to you. You clear your throat and drop your hands from his arms. “So, you knew who Kitty was before you came tonight?”
Jisung chuckles at your sudden shyness. “Yeah, she's in the music department. I recognized you too. You’re in my lit class.”
“You recognized me?” you ask shyly
“Yeah, we’re in the same class.” 
“Mhm,” He hums, “We should get back before they hunt us down.” 
“Did you go to hell and back for those drinks?” Minho yells once you enter the apartment.
“Yes, actually we did. Got a sick ass burn on my left-” Jisung begins as he places the bags full of soju in the middle of the living room.
“DO NOT FINISH THAT FUCKING SENTANCE” Hyunjin shrieks covering his ears. 
“-arm? Are you okay?” Jisung finishes, quirking an eyebrow at Hyunjin.
“No.” Hyunjin sighs throwing his arms dramatically to his sides
“He lost a bet.” Seungmin sings
“We were gone for a total of twenty minutes, what kind of shit can you get up to in that short of time?” you question as you sit amongst your friends.
“Twenty minutes can get you a lot, there’s card games, drinking games, truth or dare, se-” Mini laughs, 
“FORGET I ASKED.” you yell, putting your hands up to cover Mini’s mouth.
“Wait, you can have sex in twenty minutes?” Jisung asks, cocking his head to the side.
“You can’t?” Mini asks after licking your hands. You whip your hands back at your sides and look at her in disgust and rub your now wet hands on her pants.
“He’s bitchless remember.” Seungmin adds from beside Mini.
“Did you just lick me?” you scoff in disbelief, still rubbing your wet palms on her pants.
“You’re mine now.” Mini says grabbing your hands and licking them again.
“Damn, and here I was wondering what it took to become yours. All I needed was a lick?” Seungmin says as he tilts his head closer to Mini.
“Is that all you want?” Mini asks, inching closer to Seungmin’s face.
“Find out what he wants through the games we all waited to play so that this feels less weird please.” Chan whines from his spot on the floor.
“Once again, you never fail to disgust me,” you sigh, watching you friend 
“GAME TIME GAME TIME!” Jeongin yells as he raises his glass of soju.
“Anyways Bin, it was your idea, you explain the game then” Kitty says, pouring herself and Chan another shot.
“All I was gonna suggest was truth or dare, or like- never have I ever.” Changbin shrugs. You notice that he and Felix have shifted positions on the couch, moreso cuddling up to one another, Felix’s legs draped over Changbins, both firmly squished to each other's sides.
“Circle time kiddos, everyone gather around the coffee table,” Mini claps her hands, 
“TAKE A SHOT BITCH! I KNOW YOU’VE SHOPLIFTED BEFORE” Kitty yells as she points to Mini.
“For legal reasons, I am taking a shot purely out of peer pressure.” Mini calmly says, taking a sip of her soju.
You watch as the group laughs, – 
“Alright, never have I ever-” Mini begins “Missed a class by accident"
“That was so… tame of you…” you say to Mini
“Even-” Jisung begins before Mini cuts him off.
“Yes.” Mini says shortly.
“You didn’t let me finish, what if I said something like sex in a public area?” Jisung asks mockingly
“My answer would still be yes?” Mini responds simply.
“She’s a fucking-” Kitty begins
“Slut?” Jeongin suggests
“Whore?” Minho yells right after
“Freak.” Felix says wiggling his eyebrows
“Mhm, yep. I can work with this.” Seungmin nods, taking a sip of his drink
“I hate it here.” Hyunjin says plainly.
“Have you prudes done it in public, hm?” Mini questions back to the group.
Kitty sips her soju not so subtly, before catching Chan and Felix’s attention as their eyes go wide, with the attention on Kitty, Jeongin quickly sips his drink and puts it down hoping no one saw him. 
“My child- you WHORE” Mini gasps, dramatically bringing her hand to her chest in mock disappointment.
“Like mothers, like son.” Minho laughs, the group laughs as they watch Mini throw a pillow at Jeongin, 
“God, I mean I’ve fucked in weird places but in a public area? I don’t think I could.” Changbin said as he massages Felix's legs.
“Me neither,” Felix says
“I’d try.” Seungmin shrugs, nudging Minis' shoulder.
“Yeah same.” Hyunjin says, as everyone’s eyes fall on him, “What? I would.” 
“I’ve never even been with anyone…” You say quietly, hoping that no one really hears your confession.
“YOU’VE NEVER HAD SEX?” Kitty exclaims as she whips her head in your direction. Suddenly all eyes in the apartment are on you.
“No,” You look around to everyone, your cheeks heat up in embarrassment “Is- Is that bad?” It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. More less the fact that you had never truly met anyone that had caught your interest enough to even want to date them let alone sleep with them. Sure a few people had taken you out on dates, but nothing ever went far enough for you to even consider them actual potential partners, and hookups just weren’t your thing. 
“No baby, that's not bad,” Kitty reassures as she notices your slight embarrassment.
“I mean, like it’s kinda-” Jisung begins looking for the proper words “cute.” He beams a sincere smile at you. Your heart thuds in your chest again. You don't know if you like that feeling yet or not, but his smile is quite intoxicating. Or were you just intoxicated?
By the time the talk died down, everyone was truly fucked. You don’t think any of them (your own friends) had drank that much in a while due to the stress of midterms coming around, and yet all of them went all out and pretty much shot for shot with the others who seemingly drank more often than the rest of you; with the exception of Chan who would occasionally fake the drink hoping no one would notice. Surely someone would have, if they hadn’t been so drunk. You had learned a lot about your close and new friends, some things you could have lived without knowing, but still now you knew. You were glad they were able to get along, but now everyone was passed out in Felix and Minho’s living room. Felix and Changbin had disappeared into Felix’s room after everyone else had fallen asleep. Kitty laid sprawled out on the couch with Jeongin cuddling on top of her. How they got into that position? A protective son making sure no one (specifically ‘Christopher’) would make their move on his mother, after witnessing Chan’s cheesy pickup lines and increasingly fond gazes. Hyunjin was curled up in a ball on the floor muttering incoherent words in his sleep, while Minho lays comfortably on his arm chair with a blanket wrapped around him. Chan was fast asleep on the floor directly in front of the couch. Making sure Jeongin didn’t pull some shit for sure. As if Jeongin would ever. That's his mother for Christ's sake. You distinctly remember the brief conversation between Mini and Seungmin before both of them ended up disappearing within Minho’s room. 
“Well, that bitch took my spot so, I’m taking his.” Mini slurs, as she gets up heading towards Minho’s room, 
“The others took all the good spots so I’m joining.” Seungmin adds, sending a smug grin to Mini.
“Fuck in my bed and I kill you both.” Minho mutters, still half asleep before falling back asleep. 
“They’re heavy sleepers huh?” Jisung whispers, he holds in a small laugh as Changbin’s loud snoring echoes through the apartment. 
“A bomb could go off in the Chaos dorm and they’d all still be asleep.” you whisper back
“Who’s the chaos dorm again?” Jisung questions through his drunken stupor, trying his best not to slur his words.
“Kitty, Mini, Innie.” you say as you point to each person in the room
“Got it,” Jisung says, throwing you an ‘ok’ with his fingers.
“Minho’s cats have given him enough hell. I'm pretty sure snoring isn’t the worst of it, one time Dori was running rampant in his room, and he just shrugged the cat off and went right back to sleep; and well I just couldn’t sleep.” you
“Yeah, I’m sure Felix is used to it by now.” Jisung
“By now?” You ask, 
“I mean, seeing as he hasn’t come out here, or woken Bin up I’m just assuming that he’s gotten used to the snoring…” 
“Can you two fucking talk somewhere else, some of us are trying to sleep.” Jeongin says, barely lifting his head from Kitty’s chest.
“Jesus christ you scared me.” you slightly jumped up from your seat, hand on your chest as you weren't expecting anyone to still be conscious.
“Either make yourself useful and get me a water, or fuck off.” Jeongin grumbles.
“I’m telling your mothers you swore at me.” you tease.
“All I gotta do is cuddle up to Kitty and she’ll forgive me.” Jeongin says as he nuzzles further into Kitty’s chest.
“Mini won’t,”
“You underestimate my cuteness, '' Jeongin says, wiggling his eyebrows, eyes still closed.
“You underestimate Mini’s bloodlust.” you shoot back.
Jeongin groans, carefully lifting himself off Kitty. He contemplates for just a moment whether or not to step on Chan before ultimately deciding not to wake him, out of fear Chan may attempt to take his spot. A spot he both found comfortable and slightly comforting. As much as Jeongin would run from any sort of physical affection, or push away his roommates when they’d try to cuddle up to him in a public setting; he did really enjoy being cuddled. More specifically to be the one to cuddle someone. So the idea of Chan secretly sneaking up to cuddle Kitty, and taking his spot was one he wouldn’t risk by pettily waking him up. He’d already lost one of his roommates to someone else, Kitty would not be next. Internally you laughed at Jeongin’s over protective instincts over his roommates.  When Jeongin had first arrived on campus, he did what he could to convince people he did not know the pair of girls. Though they made it painfully obvious with the constant use of his nicknames, running up on him and attacking his poor cheeks with pinches, and kisses. Eventually he had given up on trying to avoid them in public and ultimately joined in on the little friend group they had created. Jeongin would never admit it, but he did love the two like sisters. The jokes of them being his mothers came later in his first semester, after the group had learned he had been living with them the whole time; being housed and fed all for the low cost of zero dollars out of his wallet. 
Now that you really think of it, the entirety of the friend group had somehow been drawn in strangely.  When you had met the group; it had been Kitty, Mini, Felix, Jeongin and Minho. You remember distinctly how you were waiting in line at the coffee shop near the English building. It was your first day, you didn’t know anyone. People were already paired off with friends and talking while you stood alone. 
‘All I’m saying is that a small party in our dorm isn't a bad idea.’ someone had said behind you, 
‘Min, the last time you held a small party, one person threw up in the fucking tub, another ended up trying to steal Soonie, and god forbid Minho ever finds out about that because he will murder their entire bloodline.’ another voiced, 
‘And it was a fucking banger of a night, prove me wrong. That's right you can’t.’ the other laughed back, ‘and Minho didn’t notice his own child almost being kidnapped. Imagine? Anyways, that's exactly why I said in our dorm, no chance of SoonDoonDori getting cat-napped.’ 
‘Innie isn’t gonna like the idea of people in our space. He’s doing his best at pretending you know?’ 
‘Little shit can pretend he showed up at the party or leave then? Duh.’ 
You quietly listened in to the conversation happening behind you, as the line moved forward. The two girls talking behind you seemed to quiet down before your turn to order had finally arrived. You scanned the menu for a moment, completely unprepared to order since you didn't know what was good or not.
‘You look lost.’ one of them said, you turned to face the two girls- 
‘Honestly, I don’t know what's good here..’ you whisper, the girls looked to each other before walking in front of you, 
‘I got you,’ she smiled, ‘Give us our usual's, and add one of mine for her.’ The taller one said. The girl behind the counter smiled, as she quickly punched the orders in. The shorter one simply smiled before she walked off to wait for her order. The shorter one gave off a warm welcoming vibe, she was really adorable the more you looked at her. She was dressed in a fitted white crop top, high waisted baggy ripped jeans with chain hearts on her hips, a cropped grey sweater adorning her shoulders, and a pair of Air Force Ones peaking out her pant bottoms. Her long brown to blonde Ombre hair fanned halfway down her back. She was definitely into her accessories. Every finger had a ring or multiple rings on them and she was wearing at least 3 necklaces that you could tell. She had chains on her hips, bracelets on each wrist, a watch on her arm, and bold earrings, all a mix of silvers and golds. Wired rimmed glasses, a simple makeup style, and a plain leather backpack with plushies hanging from the zippers finished off her look. While the taller one was a bigger build. She was honestly intimidating. She gave off a serious and a slight would probably start a fight kind of vibe. Which wasn’t helped by her appearance. While tall, she was covered in tattoos, long split dyed hair which easily reached her lower back had she not tied half of it up, and bold makeup. Her style was best described as what Pinterest would label a mix of ‘e-girl’ and ‘tech’. Baggy black pants with chains, and an unreasonable amount of pockets. A tight fitting black tee shirt, with a massively oversized black zip up hoodie. Like her friend, she wore silver and black rings on every finger. Mismatched silver earrings, one of a cross dangling down, while the other was just a chain. A simple silver chain rested on her neck. Completed with a pair of black combat boots and a black backpack lazily slung over one of her shoulders. You supposed the true ‘best’ way to describe her would be ‘Clad in black,’ as so famously described by Jonathan Harker after meeting Dracula. You’d have thought her a vampire if not for the silver, or were those werewolves that feared silver? 
You shook the thought from your head as the taller one grabbed your wrist lightly, tugging you towards the end of the bar to await your drink. 
‘First day?’ the small one asked, smiling warmly to you while the other checked her phone. You nodded softly, looking toward the ground. 
‘Just transferred here, I heard the Drama program here was better.’
‘You’re in the drama program?’ The taller one looked up from her phone, ‘Fantastic!’ 
Before you knew it you were being led down the pathways, through the campus towards the two girls dorm. A part of you just wanted a coffee and to go back to your own room, but somehow you had managed to be convinced to join them on what they described as ‘whatever adventure we come across’. When the door opened to their dorm, a boy stood quietly in the kitchen as he stared deeply into the fridge. 
‘Jesus you two really don’t cook in here.’ he muttered as he heard the door open, looking up only to find you standing beside them, ‘and who’s this?’
‘Just some girl I kidnapped.’ The taller one shrugged, ‘All alone in a coffee shop, can you believe it? Can we keep her?’ 
‘You can’t just keep bringing strays home.’ he sighed, ‘Can you two even afford another child?’ 
‘I- can uh,’ you looked towards the door, 
‘Don’t mind Minho he’s just mad he’s not the favourite anymore,’ 
‘Yessss Minho?’ 
‘Do you want to die?’ 
‘Don’t threaten me with a good time’ 
“Get out of my way,” Jeongin pushed past you as he made his way to the kitchen, 
“Manners Innie,” 
“Fuck you,” he whispered back, 
“Feisty.” Jeongin made quick of grabbing his water, and shuffled back towards the couch. He lightly kicked Chan before he climbed back on top of Kitty, snuggling back into her chest. Before you knew it, he was once again passed out in the comfort of Kitty’s embrace. 
Jisung held in a laugh, as he watched Chan stir in his sleep. Somehow, the kick from Jeongin hadn’t managed to wake him. 
“So,” Jisung whispered, “I’m guessing you were left with no choice about joining this thing too?” He slowly makes his way to you, as you stare out the window. Placing himself down in the empty spot beside you. You hum in response, as you watch the clouds roll in. Rain would be nice. “What’ya looking at?” 
“The clouds. Looks like it might rain,” you sigh, 
“Do you not like the rain?” 
“Love it actually,” you continue staring out the window, if the rain starts maybe you’d sneak outside and simply sit and watch as it falls. And as if the earth had heard your thoughts, the first drop of water slides slowly down the window. You always loved the rain. There was something about it that made you feel calm. Maybe it was the way that rain symbolized washing away the old and bringing in the new. Maybe it was the memories of playing in the rain as a child came to your mind every time a light sprinkling fell from the sky. Maybe it was the reminder of how you would make forts in your bedroom as a teenager at the first sound of thunder. You had always loved the rain, finding comfort in the humidity and constant pattering of raindrops. Every time it rained now, you would have the urge to go out and smell the rain. Taking in the scent of the fresh rainfall and wandering around to splash in the puddles. This time was no exception. 
You quickly get up, rushing to the door as quietly as possible. Slipping on your shoes, and slowly opening the door, 
“Where are you going? It’s three thirty in the morning-” 
“To watch the rain,” you smile before walking out the door, slowly closing it behind you. You rush down the hall and towards the elevator quickly hopping in and hitting the button from the ground floor. On the way from the fourth floor to the lobby, you remember you had left your phone and keys in the dorm, but surely no one would lock you out since the majority of them were knocked out from the night of drinking. 
You sat under the awning, watching as the rain turned from a light drizzle to an extreme downpour. Five minutes passed, before you realized that not only had you left your phone and keys back inside, but you didn’t bring your coat with you. You could endure the cold as long as needed if it meant you got to watch the rain. The sound of it hitting against the ground was the same calming pattering you remember from your youth. A wave of comfort already filled you as you listened to the sound of the rain hitting the ground, the awning above you, and the splash from the cars driving through puddles. The scent of it filling your senses, with a pleasant sense of nostalgia. Rainy days may seem glum to many; but to you it was nothing but peace. Rainy days meant relaxation and time for yourself. 
“You’re gonna catch a cold sitting out here without a jacket.” Jisung sighed, as he lightly placed his hoodie over you, “Seriously, you couldn’t take a moment to make sure you weren’t gonna get sick? You need to take care of your health, you know."
“Thanks,” you mumble meekly, slightly embarrassed you forgot such an important item. “I’m pretty okay with being cold, as long as I don’t miss the passing storm.” 
“You’d get sick for a storm?” 
“Any day.” he hums in acknowledgment, and slowly sits on the other end of the step. He watches as the rain pours down. The silence was neither uncomfortable nor awkward, but well appreciated. You hear him shuffle in his spot, looking to him you notice he’s sitting with his eyes closed, enjoying the sound of the weather. It was two more moments of silence before he begins to hum, a tune that wasn’t recognizable to you. 
“What’s that song?” you ask, 
“I don’t know yet, just something that popped into my head.” quickly he pulls his phone from his pocket and begins to record a voice memo into it, “Fuck.” he mutters, “No, not that.” 
You watch as he fidgets with his phone, typing and recording whatever comes to mind. You wonder if this is normal behavior for him. Does Kitty get like this too when she writes music? Do all musicians do this? His legs are bouncing up and down as he re-records and hums the tune to his phone over and over. You smile to yourself watching how serious he is about this little diddy he’s working on.
“I still freeze..” He whispers, “yeah, yeah that works.” he finally looks back up from his phone before giving you an awkward smile, “Ah, uh. Sorry, I just didn’t want to lose the thought, sorry if I was bothering you.” 
“No, no it’s fine.” 
“If you were wondering, I, uh. I-” his cheeks begin to turn a light shade of red as he looks back down at his phone, “I uh, write songs. Sometimes.” he coughs lightly, “I- I mean we all do, Chan, Bin, and I.” 
You watch as he fidgets in his spot on the stairs. He’s rambling about producing and writing music. You find yourself completely enamored by his cuteness. He's so shy while explaining his passion to you. You wrap the sweatshirt closer around yourself. Right, the sweatshirt. His sweatshirt. You look down and notice how the sweatshirt is ridiculously large on you, giving you the cutest lil sweater paws. You pulled the sleeves up to your nose that was starting to get a little cool. The scent of amber and lilacs filled your nose. The scent was strangely addicting and comforting, especially mixed with the rain. You wanted to wrap yourself further into this smell, you brought your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around your knees and nestling your face into the sleeves. Basking in the comfort and warmth. You look back at Jisung and notice that he’s only in a long sleeve. Why did he give up his sweatshirt to a complete stranger? You two only just met a few hours ago and he gave you the sweater off his back to keep you warm and is opening up to you about one of his greatest passions. You feel your heart swell the more you look at him and listen to him talk. His cheeks are so full, you want to poke them so badly. 
“Did I bore you?” Jisung whispers, 
“Not at all, I was just thinking” 
“What about?” 
“I feel the same way about both acting and lit,” you beamed at him, noticing his slight bit of embarrassment. “I don’t know. There’s something about acting that makes me happy. Pretending to be someone else, getting into the role of that person. Their emotions, their story.” 
Do you enjoy it because you get to pretend to be anyone else rather than yourself? So that you can escape your own emotions for just a moment? Jisung wondered, he smiled back at you as he let himself fall deep in thought. Because maybe that’s why I let myself fall into music. To escape my own reality. Do you do it as well? 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“Like what?” he laughs, 
“You look so sad?” 
“Mm, sometimes I overthink things. So,” he answered without thinking, 
“Overthink things? Like what?” He simply gives you a small smile, 
“Like if I enjoy the rain, or the silence that comes along with a rainy day.” He sighs, as he looks towards the rain once more. A part of him did want to ask the question he had originally thought. The reason you enjoy acting so much, but he knew it was a question that could potentially scare you off. Prying for such a personal answer could prove to be uncomfortable. Instead he kept his inner thoughts within himself and answered your question with a simple answer about the rain. 
“Sometimes, I wonder the same thing.” You look towards the rain once more, once again a comfortable silence falling between the two of you. 
Finally, with the help of the sound of the rain, and the warmth of Jisung’s hoodie you feel your eyes falling heavily. You begin to nod off slowly. The sound of the rain drowning out the rest of the world. You could feel your body starting to lean off falling slowly as you fell asleep. 
When you woke up, the smell of eggs and toast filled the room. Quiet chatter outside the room you lay in. You found yourself cuddled up in Jisung’s hoodie, with a blanket carefully wrapped around you. You carefully walked out of the room, opening the door to the ten people huddled around Minho’s coffee table. 
“Morning!” Felix chirped as he heard the door creak open, 
“More like afternoon,” 
“How did I get into Minho’s room?” you grumble, still half asleep. 
“Jisung brought you back up, heard you fell asleep listening to the rain again.” Minho laughed, 
“Oh-” you felt your face heat up, the poor man had to carry you all the way back upstairs. “I’m sorry about that Jisung, you should have just woken me up.” 
“It’s fine honestly, you were tired.” Jisung gave you a sweet smile, his cheeks puffing out. “I wasn’t gonna wake you.” 
“Please, as if you could, heavy ass sleeper. When she does sleep that is.” Minho laughs,
You give Jisung an apologetic look. You feel horrible for having him carry you up to bed last night. But damn, how strong was this man to carry you up? “Seriously though, I’m sorry. I do that a lot.” 
“It’s cool, honestly it really wasn’t any trouble.” 
“Little miss can only sleep when there's rain, Jesus how do you survive the dry seasons? Or the winter?” Minho scoffs, you roll your eyes at him and place yourself in the only available spot between Kitty and Mini. 
“Nothing a few sleeping pills and tea can’t help.” you shrug.
You all sat around, chatting lightly with each other while eating breakfast together. Everyone looked like they were nursing their hangovers, apart from Chan, Kitty, Mini, Minho, and Changbin who all seemed to be completely fine. You knew for a fact that Kitty, Mini, and Minho had ridiculous tolerances for alcohol, those three could drink a whole bar dry and still be fine the next day. Chan obviously didn’t really drink last night, and if he did have a shot in his hand, Kitty took it out from between his fingers and drank it herself. And of course Changbin was fine. You’ve heard stories from Felix how Changbin never got hangovers. You always thought he was lying but you saw for yourself that he was indeed telling the truth. The others were pretty quiet for the most part, some of them staring off into space, zoning out from just waking up or trying to quiet the pounding headaches in their heads.
“Wait , do I have everyone’s number then?” Mini asks, as she looks around the room. Everyone nods as she types away on her phone. Your phone buzzes a few times, before you finally give in and check the messages coming in. 
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TAGS @https-skzology @chanlixiiee @channiesbub @silentcry01 @iadorethemskz ♡ Thank you for letting us tag you
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henrybarrow · 4 months
More Henry Barrow HCs because I can🤭
(Possible special interest moment)
Idc if I said some of these before I can, and probably will, accidentally repeat myself!!:D
• Bro totally has like 0 communication skills😭 like the way he acts around Forrest, it's just too funny.
• I think he could have been homeschooled by Marie, like this boy had training to do NOT homework, he was most likely trained from being young to fight & kill.
• He'd probably kill anyone who tried to get close to him to understand him since his mother is his comfort, and without her he doesn't quite know what to do with himself and will just sit in a corner being lonely, doing Henry things... like plotting!:D (/hj)
• I also like to HC that he is a dog lover and when he was young, as he lived surrounded by woodland far away from anything, would play with dogs who had ran away from their owners, even if it was for just a moment while they went to grab a toy while playing fetch.
• He also makes absolutely AWFUL puns, which either make Marie laugh or cringe, no imbetween. He usually writes it down on paper to show her, and then keeps it safe.
• He did not inherit his mothers art skills!! Thankfully!! He likes to draw things he sees outside & sometimes will use an old camera to take photos for reference.
• The only things he got from George was his eye colour and height, but his eyes are still similar to Marie's despite this.
• He totally gets told off for playing any genre of music that isn't country or from theatre, Marie's just picky like that and yet still buys him a random vinyl if he behaves and DOESN'T set the house on fire (yes, it's happened before)
• He is scared of thunder funnily enough, he will start panicking and sit next to Marie for comfort usually.
• I also HC him as aroace (mostly bc I am but also because he most likely doesnt understand any form of relationship aside from his mother & son one, he probably thinks people are trying to get close to him to use his past against him)
• He most likely prefers to be alone, especially after the good & neutral endings of the game, let the boy grieve (that's probably also all he has left).
Clarifying this (possibly again) that idc if my headcannons don't make sense w yours, or if they don't make sense! It's just supposed to be me having a bit of fun w my favourite character ^_^ if you have any suggestions for any KF characters I should HC next lmk!! <3
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fbfh · 2 years
rocks at your window pt 5 - ricky bowen x reader
disclaimer: this series contains smut and chapter by chapter warnings, so as with all nsfw works, ricky is aged up to 18 and he and reader are both 18 and in their senior year!!
additioanlly we're working towards a ricky x therapy plot, so as the series goes on he'll start expressing more symptoms of mental illness and bpd, and he gets worse before he gets better. also obviously i'm not a professional and this is for entertainment purposes only, I have done research but PLEASE take this with a grain of salt or several.
!! contains spoilers for season 1 of hsmtmts and previous chapters of this fic !!
wc: 7.8k
genre: slice of life, hurt/comfort, smut
pairing: ricky bowen x (afab she/her) reader
warnings: actually proof read thanks cici, anti nini/nini being a pick me, one sided angsty gina pining, reader has professional theatre experience, brief vague mention of your parents marriage falling apart, carlos is struggling, a few paragraphs of ricky spiraling about his mom/wondering if she ever loved them, ricky has some flashbacks about that, nini is a self centered bitch, nini writes sad songs about heartbreak in her little mitchie's song book, reader was in matilda annie and hairspray when she was younger (unspecified as to who), one good boy, a GRATUITUOUS amout of titties/nip play, partially clothed sex, cockwarming/cum plugging, subby boarderline puppy boy ricky, ricky's in subspace a little bit with you, cuddling as aftercare, ricky's mommy issues are so bad (sorry freud), slowburn red x ashlyn, nini is an unprofessional menace
summary: after a fun, only somewhat chaotic photoshoot, you're gearing up for the blocking of when there was me and you, until rehearsal grinds to a halt with the release of some troubling news. ricky finds solace in your arms once again, and is enamored with the way you always know how to solve whatever problems are thrown your way.
song recs: I can't handle change - roar, truth justice and songs in our key - hsmtmts cast, you're my world - atlas
a/n: I finished the second half of this in like a day because I was so anxious about a check up because I hate medical stuff but the chapter's done and it went well. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out next week so I'll probably be so busy distracting myself from that I knock out like 5 more chapters /hj
anyway this was supposed to be short and it's almost 10k cause I have no self control lol anyway ENJOY <333
tags: @yesv01 @afidiofobia @aliyahsutherland @hopefullhearts @pikzel @demirunner @matiere-detoiles @ifilwtmfc @uselesssapphickitten @nxstalgicnxbxdy @ggclarissa @n-slayaaaaa @stormi-ames
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You exit the girls dressing room, running towards Seb, who just left the boys dressing room. 
"Oh my god!" You exclaim, floored by his costume. It's pink and sparkly, and fits perfectly - even the heels. It's everything he was imagining. 
"I know!" He replies, matching your energy perfectly. You’re so happy that Seb loves his costume. Miss Jenn even added in a subplot and solo about Ryan finding himself beyond being Sharpay’s brother. He’s absolutely killing this role, breathing new life into it, and you couldn’t be happier for him. He’s still a little nervous, so you and your friends are making sure to hype him up.
You hear it before you see him, a hush falls over the room as everyone on stage around you falls silent. Someone tries (and fails) to hold back a loud snicker while a few people gasp.
“Alright, let’s do this!” 
You turn around at the familiar sound of Ricky’s voice, and he’s happy he got your attention. He’s met with a myriad of reactions at the questionably styled wig, but he only cares about yours. He’s only looking for yours. He gives you a look, a little quirk of his eyebrow that silently asks what you think. You smile radiantly, overjoyed to see him in costume for the first time. You feel like a mother sending her kids off to the first day of school. You have the urge to get pictures before the day is over. 
Standing downstage of you, Nina stares at him with her mouth open in a dramatic gasp, eyes following him as you move closer to each other. 
“Oh… my… god. There is so much to talk about.” She says. She watches Ricky closely, waiting for some kind of reaction to her words, but his eyes are glued on you. She tries again, letting out another very loud laugh, “I literally can’t even.” 
“I think he looks great!” you say with a sincere bubbling smile. You reach up, adjusting the alignment of his wig, the way the hair falls. He’s sure it looks much better than it had when he’d tried to put it on by himself. You tug gently on his hoodie strings, making them even lengths. He watches you closely while you do. He loves the feeling of you fixing his hair and clothes, he wishes there were more things for you to fix. You smile up at him, and irritation prickles in Nina’s chest at how close you are to him. 
“You gotta get the hair flip down,” you say, jerking your head to the side in example. He follows your lead, copying the gesture, and you go back and forth like that for a minute, quoting Troy Bolton and making each other laugh. Your eyes widen as realization strikes. 
"Oh my god, I know what this reminds me of…" you gasp, pulling out your phone to search for something, “I’ll text it to you.”
"Okay…" Ricky chuckles, smiling in anticipation and watching you type. You glance up when you hear Carlos telling Seb how amazing he looks. You pause typing and walk a few feet closer to them. 
"I know, he looks fucking amazing!" You say with a radiant smile, and Carlos thoroughly agrees. 
Spotting an opening, Gina makes her way over to Ricky. 
"Wow," she says with a smile, really taking him in. "You look great, Ricky." Just as she’s working up the nerve to playfully nudge him on the arm, he smiles, motioning over to where you’re talking to Carlos and Seb.
“Yeah, she said the exact same thing,” he smiles, greeting you as you walk back over, “Gina agrees with you.”
“I know!” you smile, radiant, “Not a lot of people can pull off the whole 2007 Mitchel Musso look, but you’re really making it work.” 
His heart pounds when you talk like that. Your words, your praise, your attention give him a sort of high he’s never felt from anyone else before. He craves it, and he always craves it more than he expects to.
“You think so?” he asks. Part of him knows he’s fishing for your attention, but the sweet look you give him, so excited to see him in costume for the first time makes it worth it. 
“Yes!” you exclaim, vibrancy rubbing off on him, “You look fantastic, Ricky.” 
His heart pounds loud in his chest, cheeks flushing at your words. Behind you, Gina’s stomach sinks. Old feelings of discouragement get more and more stirred up inside her the longer she stands there, watching the way he looks at you. It’s almost too much to bear by the time she cuts her losses, making up an excuse about getting something from her bag that she’s not sure either of you hear. 
Nina watches this, her gaze flicking between you and Gina. A gross feeling coats her stomach. She expected to stay friends with Ricky, expected to still be close to him. More importantly she didn’t expect so many girls to just throw themselves at him. It’s disrespectful. It’s disrespectful to how long they were together. She and Ricky have been friends since kindergarten, they have history. They’ve known each other forever, and… it’s just funny, she thinks, that you and Gina think you can just swoop in and replace her like that. Before she can fester in this feeling much longer, Big Red has everyone line up. 
“Okay, Chad,” he calls, pointing stage left, “Taylor, Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan… good.” 
Everyone gets lined up and spaced out correctly, as Red lines up the shot. 
“Jump on the count of three.” he states, and begins to count down. The sound of everyone’s feet hitting the floor at very different times echoes through the auditorium. Red squints at the result on camera, which is nothing short of a complete mess. 
“Wait, what happened?” he mutters. 
“Where to begin.” 
“Where do I start…”
You and Ricky say at the same time. You lean forward a little to share a look, a silent conversation exchange you both understand, both of you leaning past Nina to do so. She looks between you for that split second, then Ricky gets right back in line without even looking at her. 
“I think you went early,” Seb says to you.
“Wait,” Gina interjects, “are we jumping on three or after three?”
“Yeah, the count of three. Ready?” Red replies, doing nothing to clear up the confusion. 
“Red,” you say, and he looks up at you. Ricky watches you with a little smile, knowing you’ll no doubt know exactly what to do to get things back on track. “Are we jumping on the third or fourth beat?”
“Third,” he says, like it should be obvious, “on the count of three.” You nod, and turn to the others. “It’s one two jump.” you clarify, hopping as you do so to demonstrate. Your hair bounces and your skirt flounces and your heels make a little clicky noise as you land, and Ricky thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. He’s ready to try again, now fully confident the photos will turn out perfect thanks to you. Next to you, Seb lets out a puff of air. 
“I think I broke a heel…” he says, and you turn to take a look. Something itches at the corner of your mind, then it clicks. 
“Hold on, I saw some glue back here somewhere…” Red flashes you a thumbs up as you run into the wings, searching for the bottle of gorilla glue you remember seeing earlier. After digging around in the stage right wing for a minute, you see it on a shelf, next to what looks like a bucket of old paint. You stretch up as far as you can, but even in these heels, you can’t reach it. Before you look around to see if there’s something you can knock it down with, you turn back to the stage. 
“Ricky?” you call. He looks over at the sound of your voice like a puppy, scurrying over to you without a second thought. 
“Yeah?” he smiles. You point up to where the glue is.
“I found it up there, but I can’t…” 
“Oh, I got it.” he smiles, touching your arm. He reaches up and hands you the mostly full bottle. You thank him, squeezing his arm appreciatively.
“Thank god you’re tall,” you chuckle. His chest puffs up at your words, a soft heat creeping up to his cheeks. He watches you as you and Kourtney fix Seb’s shoe, how cute you look when you’re focused. 
“There,” you state, “as long as the glue holds…” Seb puts his heel back on, and does a few test jumps. The glue seems to hold, and Kourtney sends you back in line, adjusting one last part of Seb’s costume. You type something into your phone, texting it to Ricky as you head back to the front of the stage. Ricky catches the last half of what Carlos is saying. He’s clearly frustrated at the lack of productivity.
“...You leave the earth, you land.” 
“We just need to get back on the same page,” you say. Ricky pulls out his phone at the familiar sound of your ringtone he set. You must have sent him the thing you remembered. As he passes by, Nina sees your name at the top of his phone, framed by hearts. His screen is full of texts between you, but the last text Nina sent him got left on read? Ricky never leaves her on read. She scoffs at how oblivious he is to your blatant attempts to steal his attention from her.  
“Uh,” she says loudly, a performative smile on her face as she holds back a laugh when he gets closer to her, “I can’t look at Ricky, is that a problem?” 
He doesn’t look up, instead he looks at the text you sent him. It’s an image accompanied by the caption ‘you today’, and when it finally loads, he recognizes it instantly as a gif from the Elijah Wood ‘will you wear wigs’ interview. It catches him by surprise, and a loud screaming laugh tears from his throat. It’s so sudden, so sincere it brings a laugh out of you too. Everyone else either starts laughing with you, or looks completely shocked. 
He slaps a hand over his mouth, trying to stifle the noise without much success. A smug satisfaction settles over Nina before Ricky starts to type something into his phone. He starts laughing again, tucking his phone back in his pocket, and when he shares a look with you she realizes it wasn’t her that made him laugh like that. It doesn’t sit well with her. You’re biting your lip, trying in vain not to laugh too loudly or obviously while everyone stares at the two of you, small chuckles echoing through the room. 
“Okay.” Carlos says curtly, very clearly done with this bullshit, “Let’s take five.” 
“Thank you, five.” you say automatically, and Ricky puts his hand on your back as you start to walk offstage to get some water. 
“On five or after five?” he mutters, basking in the laugh you let slip out. Behind you, Nina lets out a shrill laugh at the comment, clapping her hands together in a way she’s sure will get Ricky’s attention. Her smile grows stale and evaporates as you sit next to each other without looking back once. 
“So, why are you supposed to say thank you five?” Ricky asks as you take a sip from your water bottle, today filled with lemon and cucumber slices. 
“It’s a call and response so the crew knows you got their instructions.” you say. He nods, and you continue, “You usually say it after a break is announced, when places are called, when they tell you how long until curtain, that kind of thing.” you conclude. Your knowledge about theatre never fails to amaze him. Hearing you talk about it makes him want to learn even more. 
“When I was in Annie it seemed like something technical was always going wrong, so the call times were all over the place. It was a hot mess, but it was still so fun.” You reminisce with a smile. That’s not the first show you mentioned you’ve been in, Ricky recalls. He can tell you have… probably the most experience of anyone here, but he doesn’t think he’s ever asked how many shows you’ve been in. He would have remembered if you told him. 
“How many shows have you been in?” he asks, watching your expression carefully.
“Uh…” you look over to where your castmates sit scattered about, then back to Ricky. You give him that look that means you have something to tell him when it’s just the two of you. “A lot. It’s a long story, though, I’ll tell you later.” You finish in a hushed voice. He loves when you talk to him like that, he loves the closeness between you in these moments. 
You know you should probably mention you used to do professional theatre in New York before you moved here, but you always hesitate to bring it up. The last thing you want to do is sound like one of those theatre kids. Besides, you haven’t been in the professional circuit since middle school. You stopped in between shows a few years back when your parents' marriage got really bad and your dad left, and you couldn’t exactly perform while moving across the country, but you’re so deeply glad to be back in theatre now that you’re settled in. 
Your mom was also worried about how much pressure was on you, being in a professional environment so young. She promised you that after you graduate, once you’re older, she’ll drive you all the way back to New York herself if you still want to do theatre professionally by then. You couldn’t argue with her, it was a lot to deal with that young, and your shitty dad didn’t make it much easier. She’s been able to watch the joy return, see your face light up when you tell her about how rehearsal is going, the progress you and the cast and crew are making, and you can’t deny she made the right call. 
You think it’s good for you to act just because you love it for a while. You want the full suburban high school theatre experience, so if that means keeping a low profile and not being one of those douchebags who always brags about “doing professional shows” then you’re happy to keep that under wraps, but as you watch Ricky’s face while he rambles to you about how much more fun it is to be in costume than he expected, you feel like you can tell him. He knows you well enough to know your intentions, know that you’re not bragging about it. 
At their next rehearsal, Red is relieved at how relieved Ricky seems. 
“It worked! I just… I really made sure she knows how much I like her, and…” Ricky laughs, running a hand through his hair. “Thank you, for the advice, bro.” he lets out another bubbling chuckle, his mind clearly somewhere else. Red squints, wondering if it means what he thinks it means. 
“Did you guys…” he starts slowly, not even needing to finish the sentence. The flustered look on Ricky’s face is the only answer he needs. 
“Uh…” he says through yet another flustered laugh, the feeling of your mouth around him, the way you taste still fresh in his mind. He locks eyes with you from across the room, and feels his pulse speed up. “Yeah. I’ll fill you in later.” 
Red playfully punches Ricky’s arm.
“I’m glad it went well! Cause I care about you, but also because I live vicariously through you.” They both laugh.
“Believe me, there’s plenty to catch you up on.” Ricky says, a wistful smile on his face, watching you talk to Natalie. 
“Maybe we should get started. Or at least start warming up.” you say. Everyone’s wondering why Miss Jenn and Carlos aren’t there yet. You can sense her hesitance. It's not surprising, this show is new territory for almost everyone. 
"You're the stage manager, you're third in command when Miss Jenn and Carlos aren't here. Why don’t you and Seb get everyone warming up, that way when they get here we can jump right in.” you offer, and she nods, gaining a little confidence. 
“Yeah, you’re right.” she says, walking over to Seb, who’s sitting at the piano. You’re sure the only thing Miss Jenn and Carlos would hate more than starting rehearsal late is wasting time, especially with how tight of a schedule you’re on. Natalie and Seb are discussing said warmups when Carlos enters in a hurry, clearly frazzled, announcing that Miss Jenn won’t be here. One look past his chipper facade and you know whatever’s going on his bad.  
“Miss Jenn had a… small personal matter to attend to, and won’t be here today.” in spite of the confidence he’s trying to project, you can see right through it. You’re sure the others can too. 
“Is everything alright?” Nina asks, only now noticing that Carlos seems off. He laughs a forced casual laugh. 
“Everything is fine.” he says, trying to convince himself, and you know that this is really bad. The next few minutes are spent arranging the blocking for when there was me and you. He introduces it as a forest of boys, and you think it could work really well if you execute it right. Instead of a giant poster of the basketball team to sing to, something in a tableau style will translate much better to the stage. It’s dynamic and expressive, while still making the same point, keeping the integrity of the message made in the movie. It’s also vaguely reminiscent of when Meg sings to the statues and the muses in Hercules, which adds to the whole Disney magic feeling. Overall you think it’s a great plan.
You’re about to express this, when you hear an all too familiar voice pipe up.
“Uh, Troy just broke Gabriella’s heart,” you resist the urge to roll your eyes, having a feeling you know where this is going, and Nina continues, "why would she want to see four more versions of him?"
You're somehow still shocked that she not only can't recognize that her character would handle a breakup differently than she would, but now she's trying to change a fundamental point in the show for no reason. Ashlyn, Kourtney, and even Natalie jump in and agree with her. This isn't the first time Nini has used her character as a thin veil to talk shit, and you're amazed at how bad she is at treating Gabriella like a character she's playing. For someone who wanted the lead so badly, she doesn't seem to care too much about it now. In all your years of acting, you don't think you've ever seen someone so unable to create a distinction between what they would do and what their character would do, and it’s very fucking weird. 
Before she gets literally everyone else to agree with her, you jump in. 
"Actually, I love this, Carlos. I think it’s really dynamic and effective without taking away from the song. Also," you turn to Nina, "it was 2006, so girlbossing your way through heartbreak wasn't really a thing. Plus, you're right; she did get her heart broken, she should be allowed to be sad about it." 
"Yeah," Ricky agrees, looking over at you when you speak, "totally dynamic." He loves the way you talk about theatre, how brilliantly you analyze details or staging and character interpretations. He wishes he could hear you talk more about it, and makes a mental note to pick your brain later. 
Nina looks at you, mouth agape, as Carlos gestures to you. Another perfect example of Ricky following you around like a lost puppy. 
"Thank you, Sharpay, exactly." Carlos states as Nina scoffs, shocked at your response. He lets out a small sigh, grateful for the backup. "Gabriella is heartbroken, she can't stop thinking about Troy, about the guy she thought he was."
Ricky walks back over to his seat to set down his script. He leans down close to you before he does, wanting your opinion before he shares the idea he got. 
"Maybe she could do, like, an acoustic guitar version. You know, strip it down." His voice is quiet, meant only for the two of you. You smile at him with such warmth before your gaze flickers to Nina. You hum, considering. 
"I think you're the only one who could pull off an acoustic guitar ballad in the middle of such a… high energy show." A small, knowing laugh is shared between you, and as every kind word from your mouth does, your message comes across loud and clear, bringing a warmth to his cheeks and a puff to his chest. A rush of good happy chemicals hits his brain. As he heads back to his box, he ruminates on the sentiment. Not only do you think he could totally pull it off, you think he’s the only one who could. He fights a smile, trying to pay attention to the suggestions everyone starts giving Carlos. 
“Or,” Kourtney jumps in, “she could be surrounded by a forest of supportive sisters.” she shares a look with Nina, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. You hope it’s not only obvious to you that no one’s even really talking about the show anymore. A few other girls agree, and you can tell Carlos is losing patience. You walk across the room to check on him when he snaps.
“Okay, guys, this is not a democracy!” he yells, hands falling to his side before one rests on his hip, the other pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Are you okay?” you ask, sincere and quiet, but not cloying, with a situationally appropriate level of concern on your face. 
“Look, it’s not that deep,” Nina says, and you’re glad she’s finally backpedaling - or at least trying to - even though it took her this fucking long to realize she should. “We can just wait till Miss Jenn comes back and-” 
“Well, she’s not here, and I don’t know if she’s ever coming back!” Carlos spits, relieved to finally get the distressing information off his chest. 
Ricky’s stomach sinks, and he’s met once again with that disgusting cold feeling frying his nerves. It’s been a while since he had felt it this strong, this fresh. There were bad moments, sure. Like when he caught the family portrait of the three of them in the laundry room. He felt so sick looking at his mom’s smile. It seemed so genuine, and he hasn’t been able to stop questioning its integrity since. He’s spent every spare moment he’s not thinking about you or the show reanalyzing every conversation, every interaction, every passive aggressive remark and dish towel thrown too hard against the counter top, trying desperately to figure out if hers was the face of a housewife slowly losing her sense of self, unsupported, taken for granted and growing resentful, finally pushed to the edge.
Or did she never love them to begin with? Was everything out of obligation? Did she make him tea when he was sick or stressed or sad because she wanted to or because she had to? Maybe she loved them at some point, when he was too little to remember it clearly, or even know what he was supposed to be looking for. Old memories flood back, and he finds himself scouring them for a time when her tea might have started tasting different. Maybe that’s when she stopped loving him. Loving them. 
He’s dragged into the undertow without warning, breath knocked out of his lungs by the force of it all, by the spike of anxiety that shoots up and stays there at the thought of Miss Jenn leaving. 
“Wait, what?” he manages to choke out after that split second of spiraling, his stomach churning. Your hand finds and grabs on tight to his before he even speaks. You’re next to him in an instant, and he latches onto you, for once feeling like he has a buoy in this relentless sudden storm he always seems to get dragged into. Right when he thinks it’s going to be okay, right when he starts to get a handle on everything, he’s knocked off his feet.
You hold his hand with both of yours as he steps off his box, tighter and warmer and more reassuring than anything, and you rub your thumb against his skin while Carlos begins to tell you guys everything that’s going on. You listen with rapt attention, while keeping a close eye on Ricky. Everything is deteriorating so fast, and soon Nina grabs her backpack, storming to the exit and claiming she ‘needs a minute’. Kourtney follows her, then everyone else, and you feel Ricky’s hand shake in yours. His breaths get quicker as he watches everyone around him, his castmates, his friends, leave without a second thought. 
“Rehearsals are officially canceled until further notice!” Carlos calls out, before leaving, defeated and fighting tears.
You continue to brush your hand over Ricky’s. The gesture is comforting. 
“Well,” Gina says, grabbing her bag, “that fell apart fast.” 
“Nothing fell apart.” you and Ricky say at the same time, yours sure and deliberate, his desperate to be true. Gina lets out a singular breathy laugh, unable to ignore how in sync the both of you are. 
“Everything’s going to be okay. We’ll work this out.” you state, and Ricky latches onto your words, how assured you seem, throwing himself and all the belief within him that you’re right. 
“Yeah,” he agrees, “it’s all going to be okay.” 
Gina’s stomach twists at the way he repeats your words. 
“Do you know something I don’t?” she asks Ricky. You send her a look, clearly asking what the fuck. Before you can call her out, Ricky jumps in. 
“She’s Miss Jenn. She’s unstoppable. The whole show’s unstoppable.” 
“But, what if-” she ignores your glares, demanding she knock it off. “What if it does stop?”
Ricky squeezes your hand tighter. 
“Gina-” you say, a warning tone to your voice.
“Let’s not go there…” he says, a begging tone to his voice. 
“Yeah,” you agree, “let’s not.” You turn back to Ricky, your free hand resting on his arm, rubbing gently. He wants to cry - both at the situation you’re both struggling to deal with, and the catharsis, the comfort he feels when you touch him like this. 
“The show must go on.” You say firmly, “There’s no chance something as trivial as a mistake on Miss Jenn’s resume is enough to do any actual harm to the show.” there’s a light chuckle to your voice, one that he mirrors.
“Yeah,” he agrees, needing you to continue, which you do.
“When I was in Matilda when I was younger, the entire basement full of props got flooded the week of opening night.”
His eyes widen in concern, and you continue. 
“Everything was soggy, and completely covered in mildew by the time we got back to the theater. You know what we did?” you ask Ricky rhetorically, who’s looking at you so intensely, hanging on your every word. “We paired down. We went for an abstract, minimalistic set design. Even threw in some shadow play for effect until the props and sets were all fixed.”
“Really?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you state, “and the critics loved it. They were raving about how genius it was, a brilliant way to showcase Matilda’s imagination and view of the world around her.” you say, quoting one of the more memorable reviews. 
“So,” you say with a new lightheartedness to your voice brought on by the anecdote, “the point is, everything will be fine.” your sincerity is palpable, and you watch as he lets out a small, shallow breath. Gina doesn’t miss the way he relaxes when you put your hand back on his shoulder, the way he mirrors your expressions and body language and words without even realizing. He’s beginning to calm down from the worst possible news they could have gotten just because he’s with you. 
“Y’know what?” she says, swallowing the lump in her throat, “I’m gonna head out, so…” she points toward the door. Ricky glances up, then back at you.
“Get home safe.” you say with a polite wave before continuing to reassure him. You talk a little more, and you’re relieved that you can see he’s starting to feel better. The distraction is helping him, you realize, as you stroll around the empty theater hand in hand. “Why don’t you show me that guitar version of when there was me and you?” He laughs nervously.
“I don’t know…” he mutters. A hint of concern flashes over your face. If he doesn’t even want to play guitar, it must be really bad.
“C’mon, pretty please?” you say, causing butterflies to swirl in his chest, “I want to hear it stripped down, and you’re so good at guitar…” 
He lets out a flustered laugh, butterflies fluttering in his chest as he accepts the guitar you hand him, taking a seat. You watch him attentively as he begins playing the first chords, humming along.
In the hallway, a few feet away from the door, Nina sighs. 
She can’t bring herself to walk away, not this time, not when she knows he’s probably wallowing,  waiting for her. Letting out a loud, dramatic sigh, she decides to be the bigger person. She turns and walks back to the rehearsal room, hovering in the doorway when she hears familiar strumming. She watches Ricky, his back to her while he plays. She starts to enter the room, pausing when she sees that he’s singing to someone. Not just anyone, but you. You’re looking at him fondly, chin resting in your hand. She doesn’t have time to roll her eyes before you start singing along, noting how his voice stops shaking when yours mingles with his. 
She’s having the worst day ever, EJ keeps texting her, and there’s Ricky, serenading you. She can’t even talk to him alone for five minutes without you hovering. She feels sick. She hates this, hates the way you ogle at him. She should be the one in there, the one duetting with him.. She’s known him since kindergarten for god’s sake, she has the right to comfort him. Tears welling up in her eyes, she storms off, pulling her song book from her backpack to pour everything into its pages. She’s ready to fill it with songs of betrayal and heartbreak. 
After some more singing, wandering around, and examining old props from former shows, you and Ricky find yourselves on a stiff couch that’s been hidden in the back of the prop room for ages. Just being around props, costumes, old playbills and other paraphernalia makes Ricky feel better. There’s a restorative quality in theaters he never knew about until now. It’s like he can pretend that nothing is different than it was yesterday, like everything is still the same. 
“Can… can we just stay here for a while?” he asks, hugging a basketball and leaning into you. 
“Yeah,” you say softly, “‘course. As long as you want.” you press a kiss to the top of his head, and you both settle deeper into the couch, rough woven texture rubbing against your arms. He rests his head on your shoulder while you play with his hair, telling him more stories from your time in Matilda. Most notably how nice the person who played Miss Trunchbull was, and how tangled everyone’s hair was from being teased and styled so much. It smelled more like hairspray than when you were actually in Hairspray. 
You trace shapes on his back while you talk. His breath is warm on your neck, and he can smell your perfume, the same peachy perfume you wore to homecoming. He’s flooded with memories of how beautiful you were that night, how you touched him, how you tasted. He lets out a soft sigh at the memory. He’s craving more than holding you, he needs to be closer, needs more. He needs to be inside you. He gives a fleeting thought to your location; it’s late, and he’s sure no one will come sniffing around the prop room in the guts of the theatre department. It’s enough justification for him, and he indulges his desires, beginning to press kisses to your face and neck. He grabs at your waist, drawing an anticipatory giggle. The noise soothes him, and he wants more. 
“I-” he tries not to let his voice waver, but you know him so well by now it’s impossible to hide, “...just need you close. Need you with me.” he sighs into your skin, desperate for your smell, your touch, you you you. You rub his back, your touch so cathartic it makes him want to cry.
“I’m not going anywhere, Ricky.” you state gently, and he latches onto your words, wanting desperately to believe them. You pull him in to kiss you more, and he shoves his tongue past your lips, sighing into your mouth at how much better he already feels from that alone. He was right, he really does just need to be inside you, be as close to you as possible. 
He climbs on top of you as you lace your hands through his hair, embracing the taste of your tongue against his. He lets out a shuddering sigh as you place your soft thigh between his, and he grinds against you, unable to stop his hips from rutting into you. He whines at how good it feels, how much better you make him feel. He tugs at the waistband of your pants, and you smile a little at how eager he is for you. You reach into a pocket deep in your bag, zipped up tight, to grab a condom while he makes quick work of shimmying both your pants down.
“Will- will you put it on for me?” he whines quietly into your neck, and you nod, humming and running your hand through his hair in response. 
He’s already moaning and you’ve barely started to put it on. He’s so needy, so desperate for you that it brings a smile to your face. You can’t deny how cute you find it. He pushes into you, trying not to go too fast, and the air is knocked from both your lungs as he works his way deeper into your wet, welcoming cunt. He fucks you needy and desperate, whining cutely like a little puppy as he humps into you. He grinds his pelvis against your clit, needing to be closer to you, and the noises you let out are like a warm shower after a long day.
“F-fuck, Ricky, just like that… good boy…” 
He speeds up, whining and panting into your mouth as you praise him, and he feels little tears begin to prick at the corners of his eyes. Both for how fucking bad today has been, and how fucking good you make him feel. Your touch, your words, the way you call him a good boy and reassure him as he tries to pull you closer to him even though you’re already as close as you can possibly get, it’s all so addictive. You’re so wet; tighter and warmer and more reassuring around him than anything. You feel so soothing, like aloe on a sunburn, and he wants more and more and more of it. 
The head of his cock keeps rubbing against that spongy part inside you, drawing out more gasps and moans, more noises that make his heart pound. He can’t get enough. He’s grabbing at your clothes and clinging to you, begging, whining your name over and over like a prayer. He feels you tighten up around him, feels the way your legs shake, and it sends him over the edge. He had been sucking a hickey into your chest, but now his teeth and tongue graze your skin as he moans, rutting deeper and deeper into you as he spills all of himself into your welcoming embrace. 
A few moments when he would normally pull out and get up, instead he buries his face in your neck. “Can we… just stay here for a minute?” 
There’s still a fragile quality to his voice, and you begin running your fingers through his hair again, before pressing a kiss to his temple. 
“Sure,” you say, nodding. You play with his hair as he sucks on your tits, his arms wrapped tight around your waist. He runs his tongue over the soft flesh, reveling in the taste, the way your walls flutter around him when he plays and sucks on your hardened bud. He finds comfort in the gesture, the way you taste. You stay like that for a little while, and Ricky feels his brain go fuzzy with how good you feel and taste, how sweet you are to him. If he could live between your legs - and with his face in your tits - he would in a heartbeat. 
Your phone buzzes, pulling you slightly out of the warm little bubble you’ve created. It’s Ashlyn. You know she’s upset, she has to be after today. Ricky freezes, looking up at you to see what you do. You bring your finger to your lips, gesturing for him to stay quiet, then place your hand on the back of his head, bringing him back down to your soft chest. 
You pick up the phone, chatting with Ashlyn, listening as she vents and worries to you, gently scratching Ricky’s back the whole time. You have such a casual, nurturing energy, and being squished between your tits, still deep inside you while you idly chat on the phone makes Ricky’s head spin. He can’t get enough of you, can’t stop thinking about how good you treat him, how nice your attention feels. When he wants a little more, he’ll grind his hips against your twitching clit, just to feel the way you throb and squeeze around him, to hear the little hitch in your breath that you try to conceal. 
You send him a warning look, but you can’t keep a straight face, not when he’s looking at you like that. 
“Hey, what if we did a song?” you ask into the phone, Ashlyn silent on the other end as she listens, “Like, what if we did a huge, original, show stopping number, and, like… a flashmob at the meeting tomorrow. You know, show them what we can do when she’s the one directing us.” 
“I… love that. Oh my god, I’m dead. Yes.” she states, and you smile. “I- god, I’m already getting ideas. Uh… okay, can you meet me at Big Red’s?” she spitballs, excited to work on this.
“Yeah,” you say, gaze flickering back down at Ricky, “we’ll be over in a few, text everyone else - we’ll need as much backup as we can get.” you chuckle. 
“Oh,” she says, a knowing tone to her voice, “is… Ricky with you?” Dammit. Now you have to play this off.
“Uh, yeah, we were just-” you trail off, fighting a giggle as he grinds against you. He chuckles into your tits, feeling them jiggle around his mouth.
“We were just hanging around the theater,” you finish, “he didn’t want to leave yet.” 
“Yeah,” she says, thinking about earlier, regretting leaving so soon, “tell me about it. Anyway, get here as soon as you can so we can work on this.” 
She hears a light, flustered giggle distantly through the speaker, and knows it’s him making you laugh. She could let it slide, but calling you out is too tempting.
“...Hi, Ricky.” she says. It’s silent for a minute. 
“Hi, Ashlyn.” his voice is sheepish, and she hears you both giggle. She’s glad you know she knows you’ve been hanging out together, flirting too, no doubt. You hang up shortly after, then begin the process of finally detangling yourselves from each other, and cleaning up enough to look presentable. Ricky’s chest squeezes when you adjust his hoodie strings and fix his hair. He returns the caring gesture by helping you to his car, your legs still wobbly. 
By the time you get to Red’s, Ashlyn already has some lyrics she’s working on, and part of a chorus. Red looks at Ricky, nodding toward you. Ricky looks at him pointedly, gaze flicking to Ashlyn, noting the flustered look on Red’s face. Red gives him a look that screams HAHAHA WHAT? NO! Why is it obvious?? Ricky makes a mental note to grill him on it later. 
They watch you and Ashlyn work together, brainstorming lyrics and choreo as everyone else arrives, and Ricky is thrilled to see you in your natural habitat like this. By the time everyone else is there, you, Ashlyn, and Carlos have made great progress, with everyone else helping to bounce around ideas and iron out details. 
“You know,” Nina starts, a performative tone of wisdom to her voice, “I think we should go for a power ballad.” 
“Uh…” you look over at Ashlyn, who you can tell is feeling defensive over the work you’ve already done. You look at Carlos, who doesn’t seem to want to do a power ballad either. You choose your words carefully.
“I totally see where you’re coming from, a power ballad would be really impactful, but I think in this case we need to go for something with more wow factor.”
“A power ballad has wow factor!” she says. Even she realizes how flimsy that sounds. She lets out a contemptuous sigh, “But a power ballad would show how much she means to us.” she’s clearly trying to tug on the heartstrings, and it’s not working on you. You check the clock. You don’t have time to debate with her. 
“Realistically,” you start, a decisive tone to your voice, “I don’t think we have time to rework all this into a power ballad. I think we should stick with the direction we’re going in, and commit-”
“Oh, so you want to play it safe?” she asks, seeming like she caught you in something, “I thought music… was about taking risks.” 
You hold back the biggest sigh of your life, when Ricky jumps in behind you. 
“I think we should listen to her.” 
Nina starts to thank him, the sees that he’s pointing to you. The words dry up in her throat.
“She is like,” he continues, “the most talented person I’ve ever seen. She really knows what she’s talking about, guys.”
Everyone seems to agree, except for Nina. You can feel the pissy aura radiating off her already. You send him a grateful look, then turn back to her, trying to be professional.
“A power ballad is still a great idea-” 
“No, no.” she says, passive aggressive and dismissive, “you go ahead. I’ll just be quiet.” everything about her is making your irritation spike, but you know you don’t have time to babysit her or her feelings. If she thinks she can make you feel bad for that, then she’s wrong. 
“Okay, as long as you’re sure.” You state, before getting back into it with Ashlyn. 
As soon as you finish holding out the final note, you’re met with cheers that turn into roaring applause. Your mom and Ricky’s dad both advocated for Miss Jenn, tipping the scales for Principal Gutierrez to agree, letting her keep her job. Ricky finds you immediately, picking you up and spinning you around. He holds you so tight, and you both giggle, elated. You can’t believe it really worked. When he pulls away you can see it on him, the electric energy, the rush of a good performance. He doesn’t even need to say anything because you’re feeling the same thing, and the silent understanding is shared between you.
“This will be nothing compared to opening night.” you say, your smile infectious, and he can’t wait. Like, he genuinely can’t wait for opening night. He’s never been more motivated for anything than he has for this, performing alongside you again. He’s gotten a taste, and he wants more. 
Nina hugs Seb. When she pulls away, she sees you and ricky talking animatedly - and very close together. She deflates at the sight before her. You’re holding each other and laughing, absolutely beaming at each other. A knot forms in her stomach. 
“What are they even talking about?” she scoffs. 
“Probably some cute story about when the basement flooded when she was in Matilda.” Gina mutters. Nina hadn’t noticed she was there, but something about that rings a bell she can’t place. It’s scratching around in the back of her mind, and she wonders why that sounds familiar. 
Across the room, Ricky catches his dad and Miss Jenn talking real close together too. You follow his gaze, eyes widening. You see how his brow furrows, and think now would be a good time for a distraction. 
“You know,” you start, drawing his attention back to you, “if you want to this weekend, I can show you some of the shows I’ve been in.” you offer. 
“Are you kidding?” He asks with a chuckle, his whole face lighting up, “Yes! Yeah, absolutely!” You smile, your expression mirroring his.
“After we catch up on our sleep, though,” you say, exhaustion setting in from both the all nighter and the high energy performance you just pulled off. You rub your eyes, bleary. “Cause I am about to crash, dude.”
“Same,” he laughs, and it quickly turns into a yawn. You both giggle, making your way to Ricky’s dad’s car so he can drop you off before you take Ricky home. Your mom has a meeting starting ten minutes ago, so she had to rush over to city hall right after you got the good news, and Mike offered to give you a ride. He drops you off, watching the way you and Ricky talk. You’re still having a good time together even when you’re this tired. It’s a positive sign, he thinks. Soon they’re turning into their driveway, and he knows he has minutes before Ricky’s out like a light. 
“She seems nice,” he starts, expecting Ricky to brush it off or act all embarrassed, demand you’re just hanging out, or whatever the kids are calling it now. Instead, he’s met with a wistful sigh.
“Yeah… she is.” he says with an exhausted, sincere smile. The openness of his answer surprises Mike. “She’s… the best.” 
Ricky’s inside and falling into bed before Mike can ask any follow up questions, but he intends to a little later. He doesn’t know if it’s because of Jenn, or the show, or you, but he’s so glad to see Ricky smile like that again.
150 notes · View notes
birb-boyo · 7 months
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BE MY VALENTINE!!! OR ELSE!! /lh /j /p
A little suggestive, but I know you like it that way/hj
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It was fairly quiet. When you woke up, you were met with the light nudging of his foot as he tried to bounce it while laying in bed.
You turned to face him. “Are you alright?” His foot stopped their bouncing when he hummed a yes.
“Why are you up?” He asked, an eyebrow raised.
“My body just does that sometimes.” You shrugged. He responded with a small ‘ah’ and let it go.
For a while, you stared at him. The window casted perfect light into his eyes, making the blue even more bright. You reached out to him, leaning up slightly to kiss the red tattoos that ran along his cheek.
He chuckled, a faint smile on his face. “Good morning love.”
“Good butt-crack of dawn!” The two of you jumped. You turned to see your redheaded love. “Why are you two up?”
“I just woke up, he was already awake.”
Malon sat up with a sigh. “Do we need to make a trip to the bathroom?” You gave a questionable noise before you could see that she was looking over your shoulder.
Silence followed for some time before he nodded. Link and Malon crossed over to get off of the bed. Link went to his dresser, Malon disappeared into the bathroom. You sat on the bed, not know what exactly was happening.
That was until Malon came back. “The bath is getting ready, do you want us in there with you?” Your ears flickered as you were volunteered.
“That would help…I think?” Link sighed, a slight smile on his face. Malon looked at you, her hand out to help you out of the bed.
“Isn’t it a little too early…?” You chuckled nervously, rubbing the nape of your neck.
Another lump of silence went through the room. It was times like these when you asked Hylia to just kill you.
“Honey, he had a nightmare,” Malon smiled. “But if you want to-“
“No!” The two laughed at you as you angrily got out of the bed by yourself. Malon took your hand and the two of you followed Link into the bathroom.
First, his shirt came off, then his shorts. You were starting to cave into yourself.
“[Name], I’m not taking my underwear off, you’re fine.” That didn’t help as much as he probably thought it would.
Your mind was certainly not helping with the nervousness.
“Hun, we’re just here for emotional support. No sexy times, I swear.” Malon sat on the floor, fully dressed, next to the bathtub as Link got comfortable. “It’s a coping mechanism for him.”
It’s times like these where you’re reminded just how much you don’t know the two you are married to. How much you need to learn. How long they’ve known each other.
Link hummed with Malon’s words, his sigh as his sat in the warm water like honey to your ears, further fueling your…thoughts.
You sat down next to Malon, at the dry side of the tub. You looked around, finding the silence awkward. Then Link leaned his head back, his hair spilling outside of the tub, and Malon’s fingers began to comb through it almost immediately, like it was uniform. Then she began to hum her song. The same song that got Epona to sweeten up to Link. A song with so much history between them. You felt like you were miles away.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Malon’s singing was interrupted by her own words. Link shook his head, his smile growing.
“[Name] posed a great proposition earlier, if I do say so myself.”
“I wouldn’t mind dessert-“
“Only good boys get dessert.”
You coughed to hide your laugh. Link turned away, his back facing the two of you, groaning like a child. “You do not get to call me a good boy!”
“I didn’t,” Malon chuckled. “I called you a bad boy.”
“I swear to HYLIA-“
11 notes · View notes
booiiee · 7 months
Brooklyn Baby
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter- 3
You’ve had your share of dates, some good ones too, like that time this boy in college took you to see the northern lights- in a museum obviously and that one weird guy who took you to this restaurant with a complicated name that has the best wine you’ve ever had, none of those relationships lasted (fortunately?), but seeing a live band? For a first date? Very little possibility of anything going wrong really.
D- He is adorable but he is so stupid I’m sorry
R- Don’t say that! He is so cute
D- …..and dumb. Who takes someone on a first date at a noisy place like seeing a band? What was his other option? The Movies??
R- Dee….
D- No I’m just saying how are you guys supposed to get to know each other if you cannot hear yourself think!
But anyway, please wear white, you’ll look like a sexy swan, even better if he plays it safe and shows up in a black tux, you guys would look like you’re at your wedding reception
R- OKAYYY slow down, it’s a date, a first date
D- First of manyyyy
Now show me your final look
*You stand in front of mirror and flip the camera to show your final look to your ever so eager friend*
D- HOT HOT OHHH he is gonna dieeee
**Please picture this in white
**Hyunjae calling**
H- Hey, I’m outside your building.
You look out your window and as Hj’s searching eyes find you, you step away from the window.
R- I’ll be down in a second.
HJ's outfit
He’s dressed like a dream and Dee would have a field trip the moment she finds out you guys were coincidentally twinning, GOD he looks dreamy in white!
He hands you a rather big bouquet of flowers with a note that says “Don’t breathe if you’re allergic to pollen!” you laugh and say “I am not”
H- Well someone’s dressed to kill
R- And yet here you are, alive and well
Hand to heart he goes “Barely, Rose, Barely”
R- You don’t look so bad yourself
Funny how we’re accidentally twinning
He leans closer to your face making you lean on the car as he says in a hoarse voice “What if I was watching you and planned my outfit accordingly?”
R- The chances of both of us being a serial killer are zero so, no.
H- OKAY I LOST, let’s not have this roleplay EVER
He opens up the car door and like a boy from a fiction book, puts his hand over your head as you sit inside.
H- I did not know what flowers you like so that’s why the bouquet is a little messy, next time I’ll get you the ones you like
R- I like most flowers, peonies are my favourite and I know you’d think ‘d say rose cause im named after then but they’re not really my favourite you know and-
WAIT how do you know there would be a next time?
H- You did say yes to this date and I am going to make sure this date doesnt suck so fingers crossed
H- umm yeah?
R- did i say that out loud?
H- So you DO always make sentences in your head before speaking them to me!
R- How far is this place? And what band is it?????
H- We have actually arrived.
When someone asks you out to see a band you expect a cafe or a bar with loud music and a lot of people, like any normal person. Turns out, by band he meant a private band that’s going to play music whilst you dine ON A FUCKING YACHT!!! You guys sit down as the band plays a rendition of a song you fail to remember.
H- Did i leave you speechless or do you absolutely hate this place?
R- umm so when you said we were going to see a live band, this isn’t what i was expecting. Its a little….grand. It’s crazy Expensive!!
H- Oh of course, I had to make a good first date for you, I want many moree
The date went really good. You were comfortable with each other all the while having the romantic feeling of the date, later in the evening he even asked for a little dance and OH did you fall for him again. One date became 3, his contact on your phone changed from Hyunjaei to J with a heart. It wasn’t until the third date- a movie night at his apartment- that you kissed and it was unlike any kiss you’ve ever had. The atmosphere was CALLING for you to kiss, hell you would've kissed him on the yacht 3 weeks ago but he didn’t initiate but now that he had, there was no way you would back down.
Your first kiss with Jae also became the second, third and fourth and it could’ve become so much more if his neighbour had not decided it was the perfect time to come knocking on his door.You were prepared for him to either ask you to leave or sit in an awkward silence the rest of the evening, in your experience that’s how guys reacted after an interrupted makeout session. Hyunjae, however, made sure to cuddle you on the couch and talked to you the rest of the evening and if he stole a kiss or two in between, you weren’t the one to complain.
Two months into your relationship Hyunjae had dropped the L word and you wasted no time to tell him you felt the same- he was still never finding out he was your bias, you are taking that to your grave, or so you thought. Dee was meeting Hyunjae for the first time in the 2 months you’ve been dating, blame it on her “I wanna see him treat you good first” attitude- she was lying, she loved him way before you actually dated. She knew everything except the part where he still did not know he was your bias and you used to stay up late reading fanfictions about him. So when she went back home and texted you “why did he seem so surprised when I mentioned your stan account? Does he not know you were a popular hyunjae author?”
H- Soooo when you said you did not hate me, did you forget to add the part where you were head over heels in love with me Miss Hyunjaescurlsdaily???
You throw the cushion at him and try to run in annoyance without remembering he’s twice your size and faster. He pulls you onto him as you both fall on the couch and for the first time all evening you realise just how many buttons he’s got unopened.
H- You can ogle all day but I am still gonna talk you you about your fan account.
H- Yes you will. Now be a good girl and tell mee
In all honesty he said it jokingly but the way you reacted to that name changed the tone of his voice immediately.
H- oh, is it something you like hearing me say? Hmm love, tell me, what else do you like hearing from me?
The context of the conversation is long forgotten as his hands slide down your waist onto your thighs GOD WHY IS YOUR DRESS SO SHORT? And before you can process anything he’s now flipped the position with you under him, one hand on your thigh the other holding your neck gently, slowly moving up to your lips.
H- tell me rose, what do i do in those stories you stayed up all night reading?
Hmm? Was it something like this? *a peck*
Or perhaps this? *a kiss to your jaw*
Tell me, love. He asks as he softly bites at the base of your neck, making you sigh- only fueling his actions cause now his other hand is travelling up and up and all the way to somewhere too hot for the couch in your hallway.
R- Jae please. You half whine half sigh
H- Please what love? You wanna tell me something? His kisses on your neck dont stop. His hands now circling around your breasts, everywhere but where you needed.
R- Touch me.
H- I am touching you. His hands are now caressing your neck all the way to your cleavage and stopping just before your breasts.
R- You know what I mean. THIS IS TOO MUCH and not enough at the same time
H- I really *a bite at your left collarbone* really *and the other side* don’t *one just above your breasts*
R- oh god- you moan loud
H- Don’t think about god right now, love. I want to hear my name. He says as his hand travels south and cups you over your not so fancy underwear.
R- hyunjae! You moan loud sending him crazy as he other hand *finally* takes a handful of your breast over your dress.
H- If you want me to stop just say the word my rose, I will stop right now.
R- No, no please. I want this.
He cuts you in between as he jumps to kiss you hungrily. You’ve had some intense kisses with hyunjae but none of them were like this. He was kissing you like he wanted to show you how much he needed you, which wasn’t something you needed to be told, his bulge was obvious and obviously big.
You don’t remember when he threw your clothes off of you but the moment he took off his shirt you really felt as if you were seeing it in slow motion. He visibly shivers when your hands meet his chest and you moan when his fingers make you aware of your own wetness.
H- I want you. Do you want this?
R- I do. I want you.
You realise you’ve been taken to your bedroom when your back touches the soft sheets. Jae kisses you once before getting down himself. His gaze makes me shy as you try and hide your most private parts of yourself from you.
“Don’t take away my privilege of seeing you, my love” he says as he pulls your legs apart and attaches his lips to your thigh.
His kisses grow hungrier as he goes down and down until he reaches your very core. This can’t be- He won’t go down on you, right? Guys hate-
You yell as he licks you down there, holy shit what was that feeling?!
H- I told you love, don’t think about god, let me hear you scream my name. He says as he really gets to work
R- oh hyunjae fuck !!
The smile on his face was devious as he watched you come. He got down from the bed and started to unbutton his jeans and WOW you underestimated his size and wow you said wow out loud. He smirks and laughs a little hearing you say wow which, even in this situation made you want to squish his face, HIS LAUGH IS EVERYTHING!!!
He made sure he prepped you well but eve he knew it wasn’t gonna be enough cause the moment he entered you he really felt like he could come then and there.
H- oh fuck you’re taking me so well, my love, mine
Fuck you’re just so perfect for me
He kept groaning and praising you as he put those dancer hips to use and soon you both forgot count of how many times you screamed his name in pleasure. He held on to your breasts like it was the only way to keep himself sane, like you were laced with some aphrodisiac, and you kept pulling him closer, wanting him to lose himself in you.
The morning after was far from peaceful as you both wanted a repeat of the night before so if Eric’s knocking at your door screaming his name at 12 PM, it really brings you both to reality and against your wish, away from each other physically.
E- I don’t even wanna know why you have got so many marks on your body when you have a schedule today but JESUS CHRIST she looks like she was hunted by an animal!
And oh my god doc, are you blushing at that?!
H- Eric, get out.
E- So you can have a round 2 and be late?
H- It would actually be round 4
E- OH MY GOD!! I am outta here! Meet me downstairs in 5 minutes. FIVE!
With a pout on his face, which you did kiss away 5 times, Hyunjae leaves for his schedule and you prepare yourself for all that Dee’s going to say when she sees those marks on you.
Days turned to weeks and soon hyunjae and you shifted to an apartment together. There were days where paps would follow him around but nothing he couldn’t fool himself out of. 10 months later you’d find yourself not getting a call or a text on your birthday but before you can throw yourself on your couch and sob your way into the next day, you come home to decorations and hyunjae, your hyunjae, on his knee- a blue box in his hand as he says, “Sorry I didn’t wish you at midnight, I was getting the correct blue box for you this time around.”
You said yes- a sobbing mess- and as your friends and family emerged from the background you complained to Dee that she let you get proposed in such a basic outfit. Hyunjae said “you look ravishing” so that made you feel better, and the HUGE ring on your finger, obviously.
D- You know this ring looks so familiar to the one y/n gets in- you stop her mid sentence before Hyunjae could hear
D- You do know he’s read your fics right?
H- Now she does
You turn as you hear Hyunjae answer Dee
R- Oh my god i am so embarrassed right now
H- Aww babe don’t be. It wasn’t anything you haven't told me before. Although that thing y/n does we should try that toni-
D- Eww you guys are too comfortable around me!
You both laugh as Daisy leave with a disgusted face, joining Eric who by the looks of it must’ve guessed the reason.
R- I really love you, you know that right?
H- I do, and I love you.
ALTHOUGH, I would love if you do that thing that y/n does.
hope you like it @un-love 💞
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head-empty404 · 11 months
the lack and bareness of noob x reader fics is killing me and i wish i had the ability to write one myself. i'm not a writer at all!
what i am saying is that he's my emotional support shadow wraith and i love him. i don't care if he's not bi-han in soul cause there are a few characters that refer to him as who he was before, such as kuai liang.
i love the angst of being the lover of bi-han when he was alive before becoming noob but there should be more than just that, if you get what i mean. maybe noob will show some emotion towards the reader, bi-han's soul coming back perhaps?
like, there's some fluff potential with saibot too cause c'mon have you seen what they do in some of noob's round victories and outros? they're adorable!
idk i'm terrible at describing stuff i want.
take this as an open request if you want but i'm just pouring out my thoughts that have been plaguing my mind for a while ever since i got back into mortal kombat.
that and i'm starved of noob content and i might go feral /hj
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
PSYCHIC DAMAGE LMFAOOOP omg…now I’m shaking just thinking of the wc HAHAHA I’ll start mentally preparing…
OK DID YOU READ THE CH???? ANOTHER MANIFESTATION OFF THE LIST?? I’m strike throughing this to make it harder to read at first glance in case you haven’t read yet We literally said tabieita best duo because they’re mature enough and confident enough alone which allows them to duo without dependence THAT WAS LITERALLY LIKE HALF THE CH????
Yuki third wheel friend…yuki the “walk behind the duo on the sidewalk” third friend….tbh I think the person I’ve seen him with the most is actually Isagi??? From his little tantrum/rivalry moment….no ykw you’re so right we claim yuki!!
LMAOOOOOOO I’m crying this is so true to their dynamic and I love it sm….barou nagi honestly another iconic duo I can imagine Barou being like “you better stand six feet away from my ball at all times”…
STOP WAIT THATS GENIUS Barou one of the girls HAHAHA that’s so real though!! It kinda reminds me about how Kunigami was canonically like that before bllk because he hung around his sisters a lot!! IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF LAUGHING “y/n l/n is a lovely girl who can really keep a house clean. any man would be lucky to have her” GOODBYE the duo wingman plus imposter wingman dynamic im so living for this….
OOOH NICE!! Except for the knocked out part LOL I feel like I’ve heard that they have that effect…but fr!!! I have no idea how it’d work exactly but you could also maybe consider taking a smaller dosage to see if it’s enough to keep the nausea under control without glueing your eyes shut….that’s sometimes what I do with allergy meds LOL
PARAGLIDING omgggg HAVE FUN!!!! I can def imagine how it’d seem intimidating but I bet you’ll have a lot of fun once you’re in the air!! Just channel your inner crow HAHA THE EMO MOMENT LMAOO BUT DONT LOOK OUT THE WINDOW /hj I feel like seeing the scenery and other cars move from the side perspective makes that dizzy feeling worse…..could be different for you though but that’s what I’ve noticed!
REAL lowk I wonder if it’s maybe more of a he doesn’t actually know what loneliness is because he’s been left alone all his life kind of thing….but anyways…..
-Karasu anon
YOU SHOULD BE SCARED 😈 or alternatively grateful HAHA looking back at that 6-9k word count estimate is cracking me up because this one is making the otoya version look short 😭
I DID READ IT FINALLY AND OMG WHEN NAGI CALLED THEM A MATURE PARTNERSHIP I WAS LIKE ??? why is bro reading the tumblr convos that’s word for word what we said in the past 😟 also wait this is cracking me up…
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CANNOT believe we have a canon panel of hollyhock sengoku era otoya now ⁉️ pov bro on his way to chill in y/n’s room instead of actually trying to find and kill reiji hiiragi as he was hired to 🤫
i do think i’ve seen him with isagi the most also because of the mancity match but tbh isagi has so many more relevant duos (rin, bachira, barou, even hiori and nagi) that it feels very very one sided?? i wish yuki and kuni or yuki and reo would become a duo because i think he would work w either of them really well!! technically reo and nagi are already a thing but it could be a way to break them up and let them find new friends and partners that push them more!! and kunigami + chigiri is also a thing but chigiri is so chill w everyone that i could see kuni and yuki being like a secondary duo the way isagi and hiori are
BAROUNAGI MY FAVS IN EVERY WAY!! truly they have the relationship rin and sae could have if they were just a tiny bit more normal abt things/their rivalry (but you didn’t hear that from me 😶‍🌫️) and LMAOO omg wait lowkey if only kunigami wasn’t busy in wildcard he would also be a hilarious prospect for that kind of thing 😭 barou gives me such one of the girls vibes though like i bet he’d let his gf braid his hair and whatnot…the SECOND one of the bllk boys says smth he tweaks heavy but he won’t take them out even if they’re shit because like his girl worked hard on them 🙁 LMAOOO the yuki barou team up would be wild especially when karasu is actively working against them 😰 and nagi is also just there for some reason too??? i think it would be funny if he gets dragged into things as a repeated bystander and eventually he gets super invested because it’s like an episode of a drama for him but irl 😭 so he somehow knows everything going on but refuses to intervene on either side (which pisses barou off) because he exclusively wants the tea and doesn’t really care how things end up 😩 he’ll randomly drop hints to move the plot along when it’s getting boring though but they’re cryptic enough that they end up causing more chaos than anything…like “karasu i heard y/n likes tall dark haired soccer players” “SHE LIKES ARYU???”
unfortunately i was knocked out on just half of a pill 😩 and paragliding was super super cool + not scary at all but i DID throw up into a little plastic baggie like 5 or 6 times and was nauseous/dizzy soooo would not repeat that experience 😓 but honestly i’m still glad i did it because it was so fun besides the vomiting and such a unique experience!! truly felt like a little bird hahaha…apparently nausea and motion sickness are a symptom of my birth control so once i’m back home i’m going to call the doctor and see if they have any tips!! for now we must endure i suppose 😔
truly i don’t think nagi understands human connection or loneliness or anything like that too well so he’s fine living without actual relationships because you can’t miss what you don’t know 🙁💔 but honestly he seems like he would’ve been very loving if he was raised normally?? like despite what everyone thinks he’s pretty loyal to reo and treats choki so nicely that if he had had a proper upbringing he probably would’ve been such a good friend/significant other 😪 that’s just my headcanon though until we get his actual backstory (like his childhood not just right before bllk) and see what things were like…adding this to the manifestation circle because i NEED to see baby nagi!! i bet he was soooo cute (and also i need to know if he escaped the bowl cut allegations 😭 his hair is wavyish so i think he must be safe?? but you never know)
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hermanunworthy · 11 months
WE ARE SO BACK (im going to die)
- I.
- I?????
- kills myself
- i havent even continued to the actual episode yet im just so shocked and upset by this. scam u evil mf i love u but why
- finally unpausing. im a ghost now im dead
- "maybe it was just a phase" HOLY SHIT THATS BIG
- damn the marlowe family daddy magic sequence was sooo much faster than the wilsons
- glenn showing up high is quite upsetting to me actually
- "dang. idk if i like that guy" whimpers like a hurt dog
- "get taylor and nick out" and not hermie. sorry ill shut up (NO I WONT. THERE HAS BEEN NO HERMIE THIS EP BESIDES THAT DEVASTATING RAD FACT)
- i. i am in shock. idk how to feel. oh my lord
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woltourney · 1 year
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Killhare of Caerbannog (@caerbannogs) v. Kasha Sho (@r04ch)
Killhare of Caerbannog:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. I’m Killhare of Caerbannog! But you can call me Kills. Pronouns? Uh, she / her, I guess? I’m not picky, though.
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Viera! Rava, specifically.
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Dark Knight! Recently I’ve been learning to punch things, though, which has been fun.
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. N/A
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. ...and it's on now? Yes? Okay, okay. Uh, I'm Killhare, which I already said. Becoming a hero? Well, I always knew I wanted to protect my people, and I left my home behind to do that. I kinda grew into my role as a hero over time. And I do like it, I guess. I can't think of any better way to spend my life than by helping others. And I am pretty good at it, so I kinda have to, you know? if not me, then who? Anyway. My free time these days is spent mostly with my family. Just to keep me busy, I've taken on a job as a gleaner, which has been fun. It's like seeing Etheirys again with fresh eyes!
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I think that I should win because I am an exam- ex- exemplary? An exemplary hero of the realm, and I believe that as I've saved countless lives… Elinor, do you really expect me to read this with a straight face? …still recording? Shit. Uh, well, I'll be honest with you, one of my little sisters put me up to this competition. I think she wants to lift my spirits a little. Why I actually think I should win is because I want people to have someone to look up to. I had some amazing role models growing up, who inspired me to be a truer, better version of myself, and I want to do the same for others. Saving the world is great and all, but there's more than that to being a hero.
Kasha Sho:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Kasha Sho, They/She (trans queen)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Au’Ra Raen
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Gunbreaker + Monk
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal Malboro <3
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. I want to preface this by saying I made Kasha’s lore before I knew about the Yda/Lyse thing. Im not retconning because Kasha is better than her anyways 🙄 /hj Kasha was raised in Doma on a small farm! She had a younger brother and an older sister, her older sisters name was Kasha and she was killed by an unknown group. My wol then took their sisters name and fled to Eorzea on a refugee boat. She landed in Ul’dah and started from there! Kasha is VERY aggressive, mean, and insulting. She does not know basic manners and will speak her mind freely. Eats with their hands and also eats ANYTHING… Kasha doesnt like being the WoL, but continues this role because if she wont then who will? They’re very loud and boisterous and confident. Will fight anyone and everyone. She has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most countries. She doesnt know how to read and is an overall idiot but shes doing her best leave that little guy alone Shes also 6ft tall and buff as SHIT
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I WILL WIN because Im the best fighter out here and I will CRUSH THE BONES OF MY- this isn’t an actual fight? … Um 😶 I would TOTALLY win a real fight. Just so you know.
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rayisalive · 2 years
Im gonna bully everyone just for the fact i can, LOVINGLY! /hj
Im abt to make a buncha simps angry /j
Riddle: yknow i would say “hows the ground” but im shorter than him sooooo- ngl him in his dorm uniform be looking like a semi-used tampon-nhe could commit a murder though and u cant see the blood bc of the red though lol. Hes got the boots, the cape, why bot just become a superhero or add some sparkles and become a drag queen idfk
Tr*y: ew. Broccoli head deku ripoff walmart dude with nike ass eyebrows, how ur dad gonna look better than u??? Evil smirk of death, id rather kiss gargamel
Cater: hes addicted to magicam and thats a problem he gonna become a clout chaser instagram bitch (/j) carrot face, should i feed him to judy hopps???
Ace: ✨ nope ✨
Deuce: i dont wanna- uhhhh- dummy but he has an excuse and i respect that- honestly how do i bully him- cant make fun of the chicken egg thing bc i learned it with him-
Leona: lazy? Ew. Furry? Double ew. Smug bitch? Triple ew. Works ruggie to the brim? Quadruple ew. Those shoes? Quintuple ew. That hair? Sextuple ew. Ur bed? Love it but ew probably sweat on it and he too lazy to clean it and u dont wanna make ruggie do it so u can lay on tbe bed nasty bitch.
Ruggie: furry whos addicted to donuts, and probably robbing people. He should be on dr. phil, “Hyena addicted to robbing people” or a dhar mann show “hyena loves robbing people, lives to regret it”
Jack: this is him mid-transformation
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Smh /j
Azul: ur a monsterfucker if hes ur fave, arent ya?(unless ur asexual then same hh-) need more corruption, need more businessman, need more capitalism. Also need more purple hair dye for yall to be calling his hair purple in fanfics its moreso periwinkle, specifically periwinkle silver(/j no need to be specific idrc lol)
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Jade: his mushrooms taste bad, 2/10 for easy acess aka breaking his door down and forcibly taking them (/j) fr though who cut u and ur brothers hair like what????
Floyd: eh- same as jade tbh except instead of mushrooms im taking ur snacks
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Also please clean ur room before shit grows and well- yeah- pretty self-explanatory, ur overtaken by it and become a mindless monster with one job, kill jade /j
Kalim: too naive, eat snake in front of jamil (/j) he reminds me of emma from tpn
Jamil: dance dance?? Dont have an opinion oh him so snake hair, UMA FROM DESCENDANTS- /j
Vil: done and done
Epel: bbygirl five words only, please dont gender dance moves-
Rook: french dora. Stalker. Berries and cream man haircut.
Ortho: baymax 2.0 except not better- u want me to bully a kid whos not a kid????
Malleus: horny boy (this stems from a joke abt his dragon horns for the love of the sevens please no more sex jokes-) how much do u think he has to pay in damages for them breaking dorways as he walks??
Lilia: peepaw. Grampy. Old. Boomer. Mega boomer. Scene kid wannabe. Emo girl wannabe. Emo boy wannabe.
Silver: slep
Sebek: loud, uptight, gReEn, hair??? Ugly, very ugly.
You thought i was gonna leave out the staff and rsa? No.
Crowley: lazy ass bitch who wont do his own work im not afraid to take him to the nearest kfc to be cooked chicken
Trein: old.
Crewel: crewel sounds like cool. What not cool? His pet kink (/j)
Vargas: no- just- no-
Neige: hair needs some fixing- please-
Che’nya: shes better. She slays. She queen. Ur nothing compared to her (/j) her mom cool too
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saqui · 2 years
Rwby Ships as my kpop playlist songs:
I'm a very huge kpop stan and I think it would be nice to have some fun just by mixing my two interests into one. Enjoy!
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What I love about this song is it speaks about taking your time to go deeper, slower, in the moment. It also gives deep comfort or ease. This song best suits Rosegarden in my opinion because from how I see Rosegarden, as the world is going faster that it's heavier to carry its heavy weight, they find as if the world became slower and lighter the moment they see each other.
Overall, the vibe just suits 😌🥰❤💚
(1) We goin' slowmotion
(2) I want a deep talk
(3) All day, let's go, it's a long day, trust me, lean next to me.
Renora - "But You" by iKON
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One, I can definitely see Ren singing this to Nora.
Two, this song tells about how sure that the girl, he used to be in a relationship before, is the only one for him no matter what and would want to start over again which I think suits them sooo much. Plus, I think this is something how Ren would really deeply feel about Nora even especially how they are currently.
(1) You're the reason. I need you baby
(2) Start over and fall in love
(3) We know each other better more than anyone else
(4) Nobody but you
Bumbleby - "Bet You Wanna" by BLACKPINK
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They're high for each other. They're hooked for each other. Just look at the gif. Does that not speak volumes to you??? /hj
Anyways, yes, this song has the whole vibe of being high because of their partner. Blake and Yang have always been clingy and whipped for each other and this song expands that idea more. This song is playful and teasing like their love language so it's this I choose.
This song kinda mentions a lot of fire too.
(1) Take me to your paradise cuz I don't wanna wait anymore
(2) Something 'bout me's takin' you higher and you ain't ever gonna come down.
(3) I'm lighting your fire and it ain't ever gonna go out
Blacksun - "Thank You" by TREASURE
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Both Blake and Sun are thankful for being with each other. There are so many lessons and memories they've made from each other and I guess it's time to say "Thank you". They wish each other good things in the world. That's the whole point of the song, just being thankful and moving forward. Also, the vibe or the music just suits them a lot.
(1) Thank you that I met you
(2) All we have to do is walk on the flowery path
(3) Instead, I promise you don't get sick and I hope you meet a good person.
(4) Thank you so much, I was so happy
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Arkos - "Shout Out" by ENHYPEN
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Honestly, everything about arkos makes me associate everything specifically about being true to your feelings which I think relates to the song about "shouting" it out and considering how Pyrrah was always keeping her feelings to herself.
This song also has that beautiful vibe I feel for this ship.
(1) The fake paradigm that locked me up beyond the border line drawn by someone, I shout out, and this is my shout out. I'm all for myself.
(2) Shout out my heart for you. My burning heart, shout out.
(3) I'm trapped in a wall that locked me up. Your voice is calling me
(4) My life without you is a misery
(5) With my real voice, I'll tell you my true feelings.
Everything here is only based on how I interpret both the songs and the ships. This is really fun to make!
The songs are beautiful!
If you're looking for other ships, maybe I would want to make another post for it. That is if you guys are also kpop stans haha!
I'm also genuinely curious what songs you think would fit these rwby ships too, let me know! 🤩
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