#kinda wanna draw them now but also have many other drawings to do first
brucewaynehater101 · 10 hours
Sorry love space world building so wanted to add onto the fashion world building
So fun ideas for Tim Ruler of Worlds AU
To start, I think that the discowing inspired fashion becomes synonymous with formal ware. Because it was for a bet, they probably only plan on wearing the outfit one time for one major public event, so the planetary citizens think that “oh this must be a special outfit” AND this leads to them adopting discowing inspired trends into their own local customs for formal wear (bright colors, feathers, fringe, sequins, rhinestones, glitter, etc) (like how people copy royal fashion trends)
After seeing the popularity of the first discowing fashion trend (and subsequent subject happiness boost) Tim makes this the standard bet for YJ. Like whenever you wanna have a bet it’s not like “do this for $20” it’s “do this for public appearance in discowing” (“discowing” first becomes a name for an entire subset of fashion) They use it so frequently that there are so many different varieties and styles for Tim’s subjects to adopt (I also think that Tim’s subjects adopt everyday style fashion from YJ casual and costume outfits but that’s not the focus right now even if it’s also really fun)
Dick’s just feeling like such a good big brother/mentor figure cause his little brother and all his friends keep coming to him to play “design the costume” He knows they’re never going to wear whatever he designs (he never sees it on Earth so how would he know) But he’s glad they’re having fun hanging out with him nonetheless
(His heart explodes when he eventually finds out about the planets with “discowing” fashion. Explodes!)
Additionally, I think that because they end up making a lot of their public appearances in “discowing” fashion, the YJ and Tim start calling his empire “the discowing worlds,” aka, world where they’ve worn “discowing”
But after they end up referring to the discowing worlds while on a planet ruled by Tim,
“The Discowing Worlds” becomes the unofficial official name of Tim’s empire
All the different planets have their own local language variations of the name cause the cultural context of disco and wing are kinda hard to translate into something similar to “discowing” but they try (So like “the worlds of color and flight” or “flying music” or “song wing empire” or “space of radiant feathers” etc)
(This becomes the second use of the phrase “discowing” fashion aka how other galactic peoples refer to fashion trends from the discowing worlds)
I also think that the term “discowing” is only really used by Batfam and friends so it’s really unlikely that any of the human GLs have heard of the nickname for the costume. When they hear the name of the empire they can obviously tell that it’s human in origin and what each component means, but that doesn’t mean they could figure out that it’s referring to nightwing or use it to actually figure out Tim’s identity as mystery overlord (Maybe if they told JL, someone could figure it out but I just don’t think anyone who could figure out the connection would bother to tell the GLs what’s going on or even seriously consider that it’s an actual connection and not a funny coincidence)
So yeah Tim and YJ mess around and make Dick’s brand of fashion a flamboyant well-respected sub-genre of galactic style and accidentally name an empire after the poor design skills of the first Robin in the process
My gods. This would be hilarious to witness (Tim's entire empire being named variations of discowing. Some of the variations seemed rad, but the OG name is silly).
I wanted to add on, though, that YJ encounters a disco hell at some point. I wonder if that plot line could fit anywhere into this as well?
I'd also love to see drawings of their various "royal" outfits.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
The apartment next door. Cerulean tiles. Large french windows opening onto a balcony with string lights hanging from the railing. The smell of turmeric. Decorative plates on the wall. An open laptop on the dining table, playing 'Sweet Child Of Mine'. Old looking stuffed animals with mismatched button eyes sitting in a row on the couch. Pictures of dogs in costumes on the bathroom wall. A basket of folded laundry outside the bedroom door. Who lives here, Quil?
That depends on who sees the inhabitant, for every set of eyes will find something different to bring to life in that gentle home. It's a matter of perspective, after all.
When I look inside, I see a faerie living unsuspected and undetected, exploring the world outside the forest and finding comfort in the exciting. Their gossamer wings are hidden with a glamour, a simple trick taught to them young by a sly fox. Only when they stand in the sun can you see faint glimmers along the contours of their shape, but you'll brush it off as a trick of the light and make a joke about how they look like magic brought to life.
The windows are always open and the curtains blow in the faint breeze, the lights continuing into the house. They don't use lamps or ceiling lights, just soft fairy lights all along the walls and across the ceiling; the name makes them smile, but no one ever quite knows why.
Plants and spices adorn the kitchen, ingredients and herbs they use in poultices when they're alone, though perhaps they'll slip a spring into your purse when you visit, a hint of mischief in their eyes.
Pieces of their origin are mixed alongside the new joys they've found in this world. Stuffed animals with eyes made from buttons of an old shirt they brought with them from home, decorative plates with a theme of forests and things a little too fantastical to be real. Mushrooms and deer and waterfalls and homes built into trees. They claim they find it cute, that's all.
They dance to the songs they put on, moving in circles with a rhythm no one else quite knows, head tossed back, flowers tucked into their hair for the fun of it. With curls that kinky it'd be a shame not to decorate their afro, though at times they braid it back and wrap an embroidered cloth around. The pattern of the stitches seems vaguely familiar to you, like it means something, but each time you're close to figuring it out it slips away.
The dogs in costumes are endearing to all who see them, but the faerie smiles in secret about how they took the photos. How the things listened attentively to their every word and posed themselves, eager to please. Those who invite them over to their own home always comment on how readily their own pets love them, mistrusting creatures attaching themselves to them without question. They laugh and say they've always been good with animals, and for a moment there's a strange lilt to their words, something more.
The house is always open to the light and to the energy of friends and people and excitement and adventure and mischief. The bedroom is painted a deep green and the rug is threaded with flower designs like a forest floor, a pile of clothes all swaying and flowing and so soft to the touch.
When you ask me who lives in this here, I think it's a curious faerie. One stepping out to learn what there is beyond their forest. So far, they've found, the lady next door with the greying hair and lovely broomstick makes sweets that taste like magic, that taste like home.
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sysig · 1 month
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Tainted batch (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#Fine nevermind >:(#It's so weird to be posting vent-adjacent stuff while I'm doing so well currently haha#I started this months ago and have significantly improved my mood since then pfft ♪ I'd hope!#There wasn't anything specific at the time anyway just a thought circling around that I figured Charm would be more affected by#Considering most things for her are heightened in comparison haha <3 She'll get therapy someday#She also deals a lot in sublimation through art! And sometimes that means literally taking the materials and using them elsewhere#Honestly it's pretty cool that she can reconstitute her art :0 Drawing is a little different haha#I hadn't realized it'd been as long as it's been since I last drew Cirrus :0#Oh yeah Cherry Shortcake actually has a first name now lol#A few residents do! If you remember my mention of Aria from a while back - Marshmallow Fluff - I think those are the current three?#Still haven't really pinned down a naming convention haha...I've been thinking about three-letter last names for what feels like forever now#She was also an early contender for Digitally Rendered Resident huh... I could at least stand to name the others that have gotten that lol#So many things I wanna do with her - really want to finish her Biased Narrator fic sometime just dunno how to end it hrmngh#Anyway lol she gets a one-panel cameo and takes over the post pft no! Charm time!#Evil Time Charm time - kicked up her pulse as soon as she remembered#She kinda sorta remembers what happened but more than that remembers the Emotions - feeling Laughed At#And clearly it's [this specific thing]'s fault that she feels foolish! Avoid [this specific thing] and never feel foolish again Guaranteed!*#*Not actually even remotely close to a guarantee lol instead she's just avoiding something that at one point made her feel good#So easy to turn a positive memory into a negative one with just a change of framing huh?#I can't think of anyone in her life who would exploit that fun little feature in her outlook not even one!
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nights-at-crystarium · 9 months
You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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polariae · 3 months
Hi my loves!
So I would like to inform u of some problems about the fanfic Savior i am Co working on and the truth on how my Fanfic Ideas of my OC Izumi x Geto got taken advantage of. And how the tragectory of everything went on. From the start to the reason why I wanted her to stop/delete my FF.
As u know I have had my OC Izumi for some years now as a staple in my artworks and I got so much love and curiosity from yall to know more about her. I ofc had a whole backstory in my mind already fleshed out from the start for Izumi, since i just love to make up stories and backgrounds for OC characters. Its just something that comes naturally and all my maladapive daydream girlies will know exactly what im talkin about 😂 and after so many DMs about wanting to know more about her i was like, a fanfic would be amazing to do!
The problem was, English is not my first or second language and I just didnt had the means to bring my thoughts rightly to paper. I also am really invested in drawing here and that takes up all my freetime already. So i had no time or skills to make this FF work.
Thats how I came across a tumblr user who had open a requests on her page so I dmed her. I liked her other work she made with Geto (even tho it was kinda brutal) i liked her writing style a lot. So I asked her if she would like to write this story with me. We agreed that I would give her my ideas and she would write it. I saw her as a friend and trusted her.
But soon she wanted to add and change things up, she said that thats how it is with co writing and thats just how its gonna be. I was okay with that at first, since the changes were sometimes beneficial and it was fun to brainstorm with her. It was clear that this was my vision and any changes had to get through me. We both agreed on that but I was naïve and let myself get talked into things. I just wanted her to keep writing and was dependent for her collaboration.
For anyone who read the FF: The character Kai was never planned by me, it was a character she wanted to have in it, hes someone who abused Izumi in her captivity. He was like the prisonguard of her. I was like okay fine u can add him but i said from the beginning that I do not want him to touch Izumi in a sexual way.
I shouldve known immediately that things will go south as the writer said she wanted to add sexual abuse in it.
I was very reluctant but I sensed how she spoke that she wouldnt wanna write further so I agreed in just very mild things, which already were awful enough but i tried to make the best out of her wishes. Since she was insisting. And i hoped that if id agree to this mild things that that would be it and hopefully not picked up further in the story and at last forgotten by the readers.
My only thing i always said was: I dont want to have any of this abuse to interfere with Izumis and Getos relationship. That was a big thing since I wanted them to have a romantic and loving relationship further on. The NSFW scenes were planned to be sweet, and sensual especially cuz Geto wouldve been all Izumi knew sexually and her first (and Geto is just peak hotness and perfect for that) Izumi should enjoy her firsts with Geto fully.
Going on she started to change more things.. and it got further and further away from how Izumi and all was. She started to change Izumi and her personality. Shes so far off of what I pictured her to be and what was discussed. But that wasnt the worst thing.
Then the writer just started to take things to new levels, Izumi having to be forced to suck Kai off for food, Kai fingering her to her orgasm against her will etc.
Pls know that she just posted the chapters without informing me, so i always tried to talk her into removing these scenes but to no avail.
Boiling point was now the latest chapters cuz she made Izumi have panic attack and flashbacks. Worst, she made her having one as Geto and Izumi tried to take things further in the bedroom. She made Izumi think of Kai and her sexual abuse. Tormenting Izumi with memories of Kai sexually abusing her when Geto was touching her. Its awful.
And that was what made me just so so sad. Cuz Kai wasnt even supposed to be in the story at all. And now exactly what I didnt wanted happened. At this point i wasnt even invested anymore in the story cuz it just wasnt enjoyable to read about all this mess. Izumi was snappy, her personality is weird and unpleasant and it was just such a weird vibe between Geto and Izumi. The writer always talked her way out by saying thats just how trauma works ect. Without acknowledging my wishes and my OC Izumi. Izumi and Geto just were soo weird together and after this all their whole dynamic was not there anymore. It wasnt loving, it wasnt sweet.
And i would like to add that im a sucker for Angst. Like im not someone who reads fluff. But this was even for me not even Angst anymore, it was just uncomfortable.
Like it was the drop that made it overfloat. What made me not wanting to be associated with it anymore. She wrote on many Autors Notes especially the recent ones, that she does not have the drive to write more on the FF. That she healfheartly literally ended the FF today in 3 chapters. This fanfic just has nothing to do with what I imagined anymore and im sad that i gave away all my ideas away to her tbh. If i had known I wouldve never asked her to write my ideas out. It also became her most read Fanfic. We discussed sooo many cool ideas and scenes for this fanfic till the end chapters like i just dont understand why she just insists in having this sexual abuse in it and tormenting Izumi. And also drag it over so many chapters. So many of you DMed me and said hoe uncomfortable it made u feel reading the latest chapters and how the storyline just didnt seem the same anymore. Which was as u see now absolutely true.
I asked her many times on why she insists on having sexual abuse in it so much? But shes never gave me an answer, no she tries to turn in on me saying "u agreed to it". Which as I discussed with u above was not what happened AT ALL. She says she cant remove it anymore, wether the scenes or Izumis mental torment and trauma. But she COULD.
ITS A FANFIC. U can always make it work.
Its also funny how she tries to say "im doing it for free" to hint that she can do whatever she wants. In that case i just have to say; i also gave all my ideas for free like? Its insane how this is even a conversation.
The gaslighting she is doing in the chat is hard to manage and Im srsly so sad and also annoyed that this had to happen.
I wont engage in this with her more cuz I have to keep my mental health in tact.
You saw how she is turning things around, how she manipulates and changes the context of conversations. I remember vividly how the first times she laughed at how emotionally invested i was in my story and belitteling me. I created Izumi nearly 4 years ago while I was batteling severe anxiety while i was homebound. How she always blackmailed me in saying "ur not paying me so I can do whatever I want" and when I then gave her some payed content for free she is now changing the narrative as if she never asked for money. I was the one who thought we would do this for fun and was always hurt when she talked about this tid for tad mentality.
I tried to build a friendship and let things that she said pass during our "friendship" out of good faith. I was hurt how she treated me and dismissed me and my character requirements and how now that I was the one saying I dont see her as a friend anymore she turns it around to make it seem im the "mean" one for now standing up for myself. I am still shook about this disingenious behavior. I never sent hate to her even tho she tries with all her power to say so. I even insisted to keep things kind and graceful. And after she shit on me and I saw that she wouldnt budge, I stood up for myself. Also; Calling me a bitch and telling me to fuck off is no "quirky" way to talk to people as seen below. Especially in this context.
Shes now deleting every comment that doesnt benefit her on the comment sections. Im not surprised. So be it.
Tbh I do not care anymore. I just made story posts but since she showed the DMs I wanted to post the truth for u to read here as well. Iwont let this negativity from her linger any longer and give her any platform.
As I said in the DM i rather had kept this private but I had to share the truth in this matter since she spread misinformation. You deserve to know how things really went behind the scenes. And im sick and tired that my kindness is always taken advantage of.
I had to speak up for myself, my Ideas and my OC. Thank u for all that messaged me and having my back! Everyone of u sent nothing but love and support my way my heart was bursting out of greatfulness.
If you've read so far im so so grateful for ur time. And in due time I will tell the real story of Izumi and Geto in a FF worthy of their love.
Latesr DMs she also posted but here with context.
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nekoashiii · 2 years
idea !! what if reader gets isekai'd to genshin with their like 7 year old sibling, who also has the same godly attributes as their older sibling? i cant imagine the pure chaos of people trying to figure out if one of them is the imposter or not.
Which one?
Warning(s): Sagau. Our little sibling is kinda like Anya :)
[S/n] ──‌➤‌‌ sibling's name
Not proofread 💀
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"what are you playing??[Nameeee], can you help me with this math question?"
Your little sibling came up to you with paper and a pencil, having a hard time figuring out her homework .
"the answer is 6 [S/n], wanna play this new game together?"
Gasping she ran towards you with her little legs and watched you make an account
"woahhh, can you please choose that pretty girl, she looks so nice?" She said pointing at lumine, choosing her traveler at the beginning of the game.
It's been 3 weeks since you both started this account. And dare to say both got addicted.
[S/n] farming stuff and doing small quests while you pay for more wishes and get "pretty looking" characters for her.
"alright [S/n], it's 11pm let's go to bed now"
"But pleaseee, just a little longer"
Huffing out you replied "Alright fine go to your bed and I will show you the new trailer for the fatuis."
Running to her room after she heard what you said, she called out to you
"Okayy! Come under the blankets [nameee] "
Letting out an airy chuckle, you joined her under the blankets and opened YouTube. Pressed play on the newest trailer and watched it with your sibling.
Giving her head a kiss, you decided to get up and leave, however due to her sleeping on top of you, leaving isn't an option.
Closing your eyes and enjoying the silence you relaxed..
However your phone opened the lock screen by itself and entered genshin impact. Sucking you both in teyvat
When the characters first became aware of their surrounding and what is actually happening, they started to look for a way to summon you back in teyvat.
And then, two voices could be heard.
One was mature and motherly, the other one was a little kid who sounded no older than 8.
Thus conflicts rised, who had the position of god, and then who is the other one?
They are confused, they don't know who is who, they can feel the warmth of two beings, So, are you Both rulers? Are you both gods, the divine creators? Or...?
Since they didn't hear anything about your parents, they assumed that you are a single father/mother that takes care of their only daughter, which is, again wrong
So To further prevent disagreement, you now have the title of "grand creator", while your little sibling has the title of "Teyvat's heir"
Since you didn't really play that much and just hopped in once in two days, the characters didn't have the time to turn the camera on and draw your face, to even see your face in the first place
And now each statue of yours has it's face covered with a beautiful veil. Or it's face getting covered by [s/n] long hair, the sun or simply just a pair of closed eyes with wings covering the rest of your body.
And when you "descend"...nothing changes you both still have different ranks and titles.
While you were tasked with more serious duty, [S/n] would be taken under mondstadt's wings, she could freely explore teyvat and eat anything without having to pay for it!
Other nations weren't pleased and demanded Barbatos to hand over you and [s/n]
People are not dumb enough in my sagau fics to outright attack you two.
They would just prick your fingers to see what color you bleed
But also imagine. You bleed purple with sparkles of blue and gold, while your little sister bleeds complete gold
Yeah that just further proves the point of you being the higher one. The person in charge.
I also can imagine your little sister getting approached by so many people, asking for their older sibling's hand in marriage. So your little sister dares them to say the bible in Japanese while standing on one leg.
Honestly it would be just a cute chaos. Nothing that serious would happen,...for now atleast
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roseyrays · 1 year
Hi can you please make a request about housewardens with mc who is like little girl aka memory from identity v. Identity v is a mobile horror game like dead by deadlight. Of course PLATONIC!! little girl! Mc loves to draw, play dolls and always calls the housewardens and the rest of the boys onii chan. She's also shy around people.
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🌻- OUR LITTLE SISTER featuring a little girl/memory!reader
dorm leaders | headcanon | platonic
warnings: includes overblot spoilers! and possibly ooc
notes: so being completely honest, i’ve never played idv before so i did my research so bare with me 🫠
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🌹- Riddle Rosehearts
a child? what is a child doing here?? he has so many questions
when he heard that crowley is gonna let you stay in NRC he’s worried
you’re a child alone with no one who can take care of you (kinda)
he noticed how shy you are when you don’t really respond to anything, you just nod at whatever he’s asking you
whenever someone is teasing you ESPECIALLY when it’s someone from his dorm it will be off with their head
after his overblot he is very scared on what you will think of him now
but you actually warmed up to him and see him as a big brother
you would always mention your hobbies with him
you mentioned that you love drawings and dolls
so he decided to give a some more dolls to play with and some paper and pens for drawing
he’s the best big brother anyone could ever ask for
🦁 - Leona Kingscholar
he saw you in person during the entrance ceremony
and he met you in the botanical garden
you were a lot shy when you first met him but you needed adult supervision so you decided to stick around him
leona dislikes children though (that’s a lie, he does care for children he just doesn’t really like them that much)
he realized how sweet you were to everyone and him
after overblot, even though he did some terrible things you were still kind to him
which surprised him
now he takes care of you and boom you have leona as a big brother now
he secretly loves it when he sees you playing with cheka
will buy you crayons and papers for you to draw with
(big brother lion we stan)
you once called him "big bro" and he was definitely trying to hide a smile
buys you dolls and drawing stuff with his money
(ruggie is fuming)
🐙 - Azul Ashengrotto
concerned that there’s child with no guardian in the school
would try to keep you away from floyd
(you actually wanna play with floyd cuz bro is great w/ kids)
makes you eat at the mostro lounge because he doesn’t like you eating cafeteria food (especially w/the long ass lines)
after his overblot he was terrified to face you because he would think that you would hate him
but ofc you don’t
you guys created a small bond and you actually got used to him
you called him cute when you saw his childhood photos
he was embarrassed
he buys you stuff that you love <3
🦦 - Kalim Al Asim
found you adorable!
he has like 30+ siblings, so he definitely loves taking care of kids
but the issue is he isn’t very good at it
jamil has to help him (like always)
anyways when you told him about your interests, he immediately buys you tons of dolls and art stuff!!
he let’s you play with his hair
wants you to meet his siblings because he found adopted a new friend sibling for them!
you also get along with jamil very well and nicely
he cooks for the both of you
after jamil’s overblot though like the others he (jamil) is scared of what you will think of him
but as expected you did not hate him which he’s very thankful for
so technically jamil is babysitting two kids
🦚 - Vil Schoenheit
why is there a child here?
rook is very delighted to see a child, he found you adorable and saw you as a sister while vil, very worried for your safety as well cause a child with no guardian?? dangerous
so he decided to take you to pomefiore dorm
he loves your cute doll
and will send rook to buy you some art supplies
during the vdc he makes you watch their practices because children easily get entertained right?
ok but like imagine a scenario when you guys meet Neige and he took one glance at you and immediately calling you “cute" and "adorable" cuz you are and once Vil sees you vibing to Neige’s song, he tries not to get jealous
after his overblot though
he finally let’s you interact with Neige for a bit jist fir a little bit
he acts like father lol
spoiling you with gifts and stuff
💀 - Idia Shroud
doesn’t really mind tbh
i mean he has ortho and he’s a little robot kid
he met you in person for the time when ortho decided to let you in the ignihyde dorm
he noticed how shy you are around people and he gets it
he himself is shy too
doesn’t really say it to you but he sees you as a sibling
pre overblot btw
when he saw you with rook and epel in styx, he was shocked
also worried for your safety cuz that is not a place for children
after his overblot
he was so nervous and sweaty on what you think of him
he was scared, he thinks he was gonna lose another sibling
but to his surprise and to no one elses
you forgave him
and called him big brother
he cried
so now you, idia and ortho are technically siblings now
they adopted you and you cannot decline that
🐉 - Malleus Draconia
he wasn’t there during the entrance ceremony or whatever you call it
but lilia was and you know he has an eye on adopting lost children
surprised to see lilia with a child in his arms
but at the same not (i think)
noticed you were a lot shy around people
so he (m.d) decided to make the dorm more lively
like adding more green fireflies and (very dark) but beautiful roses
after being settled in and being comfortable
you told him about your hobbies
asked lilia to buy dolls and drawing supplies for you
ofc lilia agreed, he loves making children happy
loves to watch you draw
he sent a letter to his grandma about you
something like “i would like to introduce you to the new addition of the draconia family"
that was after you called him big brother
he was happy :) he cried happy tears
and lilia is your father and silver & croc nut are your brothers
what a happy family
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orkbutch · 8 months
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Okay! time to add my accompanying essays with each image from this set of work about why I assigned which types of play to each set of characters, and how Baldur's Gate III supports these in the text of the game. Because I thought about all of this way too much im not joking
First, Context: All of these are drawings of consentual play happening between these characters after they have put aside any active conflicts between each other. Nontheless, they utilise the dynamics and emotional conflicts of these characters. Each of these characters are in some way violent people, deeply stressed out by their circumstances, and craving pleasure and connection. Sometimes you need a little pinch and squeal before the end of the world just to get through the night, you know?
Wrestling & choking; Lae'zel (D) / Karlach (S)
I'll be honest, figuring out how Karlach and Lae'zel's dynamic would manifest was difficult for me at first. This piece came into existence primarily to balance the other pieces; it had to be the two of them with Lae'zel domming and Karlach subbing. But those restraints ended up guiding me to something I possibly may not have considered and have ended up really, really liking! Lae'zel immediately likes and respects Karlach because she is powerful, hardy, direct and honest. She tells Tav to show Karlach due respect the night she joins you. I think everyone loves Karlach because shes Karlach, but that is an unprecedented level of immediate respect from Lae'zel. I reckon one of the first things Lae'zel thought when getting to know Karlach was how fun it'd be to spar her, to test her strength. Not even sexually - just as bonding or morning exercise before taking on the day. And I know she'd want ideally to win, because she always wants to win, even if she'd be horny about losing.
Karlach seems to respect Lae'zel just as much for similar reasons; direct, honest, committed to her principles, and a beast on the battlefield. I think she'd feel a lot of empathy for Lae'zel's alienation from the world around her. She spent 10 years in Hell and is only now finally coming home, and she'd see in Lae'zel the opposite; someone flung out into space, braving a terrifying fate with nothing grounding or reassuring her. I think she'd be invested in welcoming Lae'zel into fun, casual friendship without being patronizing.
If these two powerhouses spent enough time wrestling each other or watching each other drill or whatever... INEVITABLY... it'd turn horny. Lae'zel's no. 1 turn on seems to be respectable beefcakes, and Karlach would fucking love wrestling in a horny way. Lots of body contact, its playful, its a little competitive, you got some power struggle shit going on which I think Karlach would enjoy, and she gets to use her big muscles for fun!
Wrestling also has a layer that I think Karlach and Lae'zel would absolutely connect on, which I kinda wanna flesh out in some more work: a love for Primal dynamics.
Now, a little detour, because Primal can be embodied and understood differently by different people. For some people, Primal is all about the specific power dynamic Primal usually plays on: Hunter/Prey. This is a dynamic of power struggle, pursuit, conquering and claiming, all things I think Lae'zel would definitely love, and Karlach would also enjoy. Where I think Primal clicks more for Karlach is another element of how many people do Primal: As play that emphasizes liberated expression of emotion, and roleplays loss of control. Its The Berzerker's Kink, and The Werewolf's Kink, the restless adhd jock's kink. Just getting lost in struggling and contact and fucking and roughness, and expressing whatever emotion comes during that. Karlach and Lae'zel find really, really good partners in each other for this kind of play.
Lae'zel is tough as fuck, competitive as hell and kinda scary, so Karlach wouldn't need to worry that much about getting too rough with her. She'd get to truly go hard in the struggle for power. But, ultimately, I think Karlach would let Lae'zel win pretty frequently (and tbh I think Karlach would usually win wrestling Lae'zel just because of her size and reach) because Karlach would LOVE being pinned and held by a body. Its the most high contact, our bodies are all over each other fun, and I think she'd relish that after 10 years of denial. She gets to just enjoy the feeling of being held, spent and physically overwhelmed after some good fun rolling around in the dirt. It's a great time. Karlach is deeply admirable to Lae'zel from the moment she met her. I think Lae'zel kind of sees Karlach as this singular force of nature warrior peer. Lae'zel doesn't have preconceived notions of what a tiefling is, or what most Plane beings are. She doesn't see Karlach as someone whose been Changed from an original form by time in the Hells. She sees Karlach, and she sees a war-torn tower of long surviving muscle that pours out fire and kills baddies with terrifying power and efficacy, who is also bright red and a team player. And seriously, I think for Lae'zel this would have been a moment of like. "Holy shit, they make people like this here? Maybe this Plane isn't so bad. She is a dragon and I want a ride." And getting to wrestle away control and power and subdue that beast, to conquer this amazing peer you admire so much, would be ... SUCH a rush for Lae'zel. The ultimate power trip. To bring Karlach the unique pleasure of being physically immobalized and held and conquered in a way thats hot, satisfying and safe. Yes. They'd love it. In Conclusion: They'd fuck a bunch and get extremely exhausted and roughed up. Then they'd go sit in a pond that Karlach would set at a comfy spa heat with her body and give each other shoulder rubs and drink beer. And they'd be like, "Hey seriously, x move was really good. I did not see that coming. Your leg lock is stronger than it was last month. I totally overpowered you with that pin though, right? Oh it was a fluke huh? We'll see next time." Jocks having some good rough fun.
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ecogirl2759 · 6 months
Kiyotaka, Chihiro & Mondo!
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
This part of my 4コマ KINGS series is request-based. If you'd like to see two characters together, let me know and I'll find those pictures! There won't always be enough to fill the image cap, but there are definitely some for everyone!
There aren't as many pictures of these 3 all together than my other posts, so this one won't be as long.
First, to get this one out of the way, this picture technically has all three in it, so I'm reposting this from my Taka+Mondo post.
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Also, here are these two pictures also from my previous post, just uncropped because Chihiro :)
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Imagine misgendering your friend haha
(女子 [Jyoshi] means girl or woman)
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Chihiro brings people together <3
(These are all from the same comic, Chihiro's trying to get them to stop fighting)
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Chihiro just wants to help :(
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They're singing the national anthem guys
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They're so precious <3
I'm kinda sad that they didn't have more pictures together tbh. Their dynamic is so slept on in terms of just general interactions.
Taka, being bold and blunt, keeps saying things about Chihiro that both he and Mondo know aren't true but they don't wanna say anything. Also, Mondo and Taka constantly getting into trouble, with Chihiro either needing to bail them out or being dragged along by his collar lol
Idk, those are just the first thoughts that come to mind.
I've been looking for an excuse to post that cover photo for a while now <3 it's so cute <33
Let me know who you want to see next!
Next up: Genocide Syo!
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hybbart · 7 months
Heya! I was wondering how medication and medical devices work in the ranchers au. Most devices need replacing quite often and after five years, many medications would be out of date and useless or even dangerous.
I definitely get if it's just a case of, they don't go off, since medicine is confusing but I was curious since it could lead to plot.
I should say that I specifically don't get into this stuff much just because I don't know much about it and I would rather keep things vague than accidentally impart incorrect information. As well as the fact that it is ultimately a biopunk setting with differences to our world. That said, have more rambles than I expected.
Right you are, there's in fact not a lot of medication left. People hoard anything they find but most is long expired. The hospital is lucky to have two doctors and Scar who know a bit more about medicine than the average person, but a lot of whats kept is just praying it still works.
Cleo thanks to being a gorgon is also in the drug development business, though she specialized in developing antivenom, but she not only knows but can help develop certain medicines. She and Scott have made quite a thing of their inn and I kinda wanna touch on it in the future.
Shubble, Katherine, Gem, Impulse, and Pearl know home remidies for a lot of things and have specifically been growing and creating them. These aren't going to replace complex modern drugs for specific conditions obviously, but they work and its easy to pass it around with the help of the radio station.
Overall, on bad days, Tango generally has to grin and bear it with homemade pain killers at most. It's rough and it contributed to the second wave of population decline after the first wave of zombie deaths. It's Scar's goal to specifically help survivors with this sort of thing, though.
As for medical equipment, it's a bit grim but since there's such a small population now and the hospitals were the first to go there was a lot of spare equipment from storage and patients left behind. In part because of Scar's own medical needs and in part for their desire to help others, Scar and Cub, and later Grian, collected what they could from abandoned hospitals and care homes.
It's obviously not going to cover everything, materials break down and as far as replacing them or things that need customization there isn't a factory just down the road that makes it all in house.
This is where I take the most artistic liberties, but Tango, with Doc and Zed, is the one to maintain Jimmy and Scar's equipment as well as his arm. Whether that's patching the existing, altering replacement, or crafting new parts. He knew a good bit from his job and hobbies but he's spent the past 5 years learning specifically how to diy for Jimmy and himself. It's not perfect but it's the best they have.
This is still a bit of a soft biopunk setting at the end of the day with mutliple species and genetic modification, I imagine it might be a little bit easier to get hold of certain things than it would be in real life. I also think they live in a very different economy, and its probably easier to find sturdier and custom made items due to the variety of their society making mass production more difficult. This leaves the problem of certain species not responding to certain medicines though and needing more specialized treatment.
The degredation of materials is something I do try to take into account, which is the reason gas power is nearly nonexistent, but it's hard to take everything into account and sometimes I would rather not, simply because it allows more stories to be told if something is available but difficult to get rather than impossible. I'm not great with drawing or knowing technology so it's easier to just say something is jerryrigged than it is to actively illustrate how they did it. If it seems it might be possible I allow it.
The important thing to me is to consider the types of people who would think about these things first and if anyone might be that person. You know, someone with asthma is going to think of medication and figure out how to get it, a truck driver might know where to go for storages of specific supplies instead of raiding malls, and a historical reenactor might think of how to get and create sustainable materials. Everyone leads a life that puts certain things at the forefront of their mind that other people probably wouldn't think of at all. Especially going from a modern specialist society collapsing into a society that requires generalized knowledge. And the saved knowledge of these things didn't turn to dust the second the apocalypse hit.
Life's not as rough as it might be in other apocalypse media, just because I guess I generally don't really care for the unrralistically cynical outlook a lot of american apocalypse stories are made in for drama's sake. This is a story about people caring about and helping one another, and developing a new life for themselves. If they don't have access to something, people work together to make due with what they have.
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shayyprasad · 19 days
family | tom holland
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a/n: erm idk how i feel abt this one there's like no active plot- wrote this a while back um i might take it down
summary: for the first time, tom meets your family.
warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, indian aunties
pairing: indian!fem!reader x tom holland
word count: 2.2k+ words
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you shuffled through some more of your makeup, touching up your hair at the same time. diwali was held annually at your parents' home, where many relatives would take time off to see each other. during diwali, people would wear their finest clothes, illuminate the interior and exterior of their homes with saaki (earthen lamp), diyas (candles) and rangoli, perform worship ceremonies of Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and wealth, light fireworks, and partake in family feasts, where mithai (sweets) and gifts are shared.
it was also the first time that tom would be attending with you, which may have been the reason you were nervous. every since a young age, your parents had kind of expected you to marry someone of your own nationality.
after all, your two sisters did that, as well as your brother. your parents had met tom a couple times, but seeing as he was busy filming, they hadn't gotten to know him that well, despite the fact it was almost a year that the two of you were together.
you stepped out of the bathroom, picking up your dress slightly to keep you from tripping. pulling open a draw in the cabinet, you picked up a nice kurta set for tom, one that you'd gotten him last week. it was a pretty navy blue, one you knew would complement his warm eyes.
"oh, hey, love, you all ready?"
you couldn't help but nod shyly, most of your attire consisted of sweatpants, so him seeing you dressed up made you blush a little.
"you look really pretty, y/n," he kissed your cheek. "i love the traditional look on you."
"thanks, tommy. now go put this on, i don't wanna be late. can't make a bad impression, now can we?"
he rolled his eyes playfully and took the items from you, before changing. in front of you, making you blush a bright red.
"what, darling? we literally have sex all the time," tom snickered.
"yes, yes, i-i know. shut up and hurry," you said, getting over your embarrassment and shamelessly checking him out. 
"you're not very subtle."
"i don't need to be. we're dating, 'member? you're my boyfrienddd. and we have 'sex all the time,'" you mimicked. not giving him time to respond, you walked over to him, making sure it fit right. "this isn't tight or anything?"
damn, was he hot in that.
"nope. snug as a bug in a rug," and you couldn't help but snort at his childishness and the silly rhyme.
"cool, now say 'croissant.'"
"ouch, babe. so mean."
"mhm," you kissed him, and he caught you off guard, his tongue slipping in your mouth. it got slightly heated before you pushed him away, remembering you had things to do.
"woah, there, keep your dick in your pants just a little while longer."
"nooooooo," tom drawled, groaning teasingly.
"i didn't take all this time getting ready for you to wreck it in five minutes. you wouldn't believe how difficult it was to get this dress on."
"i bet it'll be easier to take off," he wiggled his brows suggestively.
"you can test that out once we get back home."
he helped you downstairs and to the car, as you terribly struggled to walk in the heels. after sitting you in the car, he got in himself.
"okay, tommy, when we get there," you spoke as he turned on the engine, "don't drink, they'll ask you if you want vodka and you refuse, cause it's a trick, got that? and, um... stay away from my aunts, well, actually, greet them, but not too much. because if you start talking with them, they'll make you spill things you wouldn't have said otherwise, it's kinda manipulative, but... in a good way. ooh! be funny, but not too funny, because then they'll think you're too funny, and we don't want that. and don't curse too much, they don't like that. but don't be uptight, y'know?"
"wow, okay, first off, angel, breathe. why are you stressing out so much? it's just your family, right? i've met them before."
"this is different, though. because it's diwali. and before it was just casual, and it wasn't for long. plus, that was just my parents. this is everyone. why aren't you panicking? you went crazy the first time you were about to meet them."
"'cuz if i panic while you're panicking, we'll be a huge panicky mess. only one of us can panic at a time. that's the rule."
you laughed.
"besides, they'll love me," he started as he looked over to you at the red light, "i know you do," tom murmured, leaning in.
"the light's green."
"aw, come on, y/n, you totally ruined the moment!"
"it would have been ruined anyways, angry drivers honking at us isn't exactly romantic, babes."
"yeah, yeah."
soon enough, with some giggling and talking, time went by and you reached. getting out of the car, you straightened up and smoothed your hair. "tommy?" you asked, glanced at him as you stood in front of the front door.
"yes, my love?"
"my family, they, um, they can be a lot, okay? they want what's best for me, they just don't know that it's you," he took your hands in his and opened his mouth to say something, but you interrupted him. "promise me something," you murmured.
"they aren't going to break us apart. because i love you so, so, so, so, so much, and you mean the world to me."
"well, darling, you are my world, and i solemnly swear," he put one of your hands on his heart playfully, "that they won't break us apart. nothing will. and i love you, too," he leaned in to kiss you, but you heard laughing and shrieking inside as the door opened. it was your niece, raja, or your sister priya's son. he was 8 and the most chaotic gremlin you knew, aside from tom.
"ewwwwwwwwww! they were kissing!"
we weren't kissing, but we would have gotten around to it if you hadn't interrupted, butthole.
tom leaned down to greet the kid, ruffled his hair slightly. "hi, raja, i'm peter," he said, changing his accent. you were slightly surprised that he remembered, last night you'd showed him pictures of your entire family, explaining who was who (you had a big family).
"shhhhh, you can't tell anyone! or the bad guys will get us!" raja giggled, and you gently moved him to the side, kissing the little boy's hair. it was the sweetest thing ever, seeing tom interact with the kid that way, and it made your love and admiration for him grow.
"amma! we're here!" your mom and dad greeted you by the door, and you bent down to touch your mother's feet, before realizing that you didn't share this detail with tom. but as you looked over, he was doing the same, and you wondered how he'd known. you did the same to do your father and he did the same to your mother.
your mom looked over to your dad, clearly impressed.
"hi, beta. andar aa jaa. sab aa gae, tum-he aakhiree ho. (come inside. everyone is here, you are the last.)" she gave you a kiss on the side of your head and you moved over to hug your dad as well. "hi, tom," she smiled.
"h-hello," he stammered as your mother gave him a hug, and visibly, he was surprised. you held in a snicker. tom moved over to shake your dad's hand, and the older man inspected him before giving a curt nod and smile.
you took his hand and squeezed it gently, kissing him on his cheek to calm him down slightly.
"there you are," your sister beamed, "didn't know if you and your hotshot boyfriend would show."
you rolled your eyes and gave her a hug. "love you, too," pausing momentarily, "tom this is d-"
"dia," he smiled, "it's nice to meet you. i've heard a lot." dia was your younger sister, age 23, she'd found the one last year and gotten married to him just 8 months later.
"all good things, i hope?"
"mostly," you chimed in.
a man appeared next to dia and you hugged him briefly, too. (there was a lotta hugging.)
"hey, tom, i'm prakash. nice to finally meet you. big fan, by the way."
you felt a need to interrupt, "me too. he's my celebrity crush."
tom rolled his eyes playfully, adding, "i better be. and it's nice to meet you, too, mate."
the four of you sat down on the couch, joining everyone else.
"priya," your older sister introduced, grinning. "raja's mom. and this is aditeya, my husband." adi leaned over to shake his hand and tom greeted him verbally as well.
"siddhant, my younger brother, but everyone calls him sid." not to mention, very overprotective. (and your favorite sibling.)
sid gave him a once-over and reluctantly reached over for a handshake. "hey, thomas," he nodded, unamused.
"relax," you mouthed, "he's just protective."
you went on to introduce him to all your aunts and uncles, and then finally, have some snacks.
"we adjusted the spice level," priya said.
"and there's milk," you added.
"nah, don't worry, i love spicy food," he waved his hand nonchalantly.
you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, considering that he couldn't eat any indian food you made, you always had to lessen the spices for him, but it made a funny first date, for you, at least.
he took a bite of the samosa andhis eyes widened as he swallowed it down. 16 pairs of eyes  looked at him expectantly, waiting for a reaction."
"i-it's very good," he choked out.
"babes, you want milk?" you asked, knowing very well that he did.
tom forced a smile, "no, no, i'm good."
"okay..." you drawled. "enjoy then!" then you took a bite and beamed.
"i'm thirsty," you declared, to anyone willing to listen. then you stood up and strode into the kitchen, grabbing the milk from the fridge.
"you like him?"
you yelped and whipped around, seeing that it was just sid.
"shit, bro, you scared me! what the hell?"
"tom. you like him?"
"well, duh, why else would i be dating him?"
"how serious are you?"
"what is this? 20 questions?"
"just answer," he insisted.
"siddie, you don't need to worry," you said, knowing the childhood nickname would soften him up.
"i know, but-"
"no, look, trust me, he's... i think he's the one. he's been there for me like no one has. tom's so different, and not just a brainless actor. i know he'll keep me happy, and i also know that to him, i come before acting. he's made that a priority and showed that to me."
"i- okay. i trust you. and i'm happy for you," he leaned on for a hug, and once you broke apart, you poured the milk into the cup.
"who's that for?" sid asked. "you? did you think it was spicy?"
"no," you snorted, "it's for tom. he just won't admit he needs it." you walked walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room, taking back your seat. you set the milk in front of you, taking a sip first.
the second you put it down, he grabbed it and chugged the glass, resulting in some stares and odd looks casted toward him.
"i- uh, i really, really love milk," he blushed.
"definitely breastfed," your mom said.
"is he really the one if he can't even handle the samosa?" one of your aunts chimed in.
someone got to it before you did, another aunt, "shut it, rashmi. always talking."
"oi, chup, (shush.) i'm looking out for the girl."
"how about you look out for yourself? oh, wait, you already did. and see how that went with akash?"
they went back and forth bickering, but you smiled, considering this as a win. who cared about what they thought? their judgement? yes, they were a lot and they were your family, but tom was, too.
you loved your overbearing family, and you loved tom.
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starlightwoofwoof · 7 days
Do you have any other akumatized villain/victim designs for the smxmlb au?
Y E S I D O A C T U A L L Y -
honestly one of the main reasons I made this AU lol
soooooo I made edits of them cause I didn’t really feel like drawing them (except for Sweetener, I kinda had to draw him) but ye- HERE WE GO THIS MIGHT BE LONG BECAUSE I WANNA EXPLAIN A LOT OF THINGS ABOUT THEM
okay, first of all, of course I did the main characters, ✨ these little sh!ts ✨
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These are Scratch and Punk, The Spooky Kids
okie so I think I might do a list of things for these guys lol
Reason for Akumatization : okay I have two ideas, we can go the goofy route and make them fight over a piece of Halloween candy from, like, 5 years ago- (or we can go the darker/more serious route and make it have to do something with like what happened in SM6)
Corrupted Item : That piece of candy- (or something else for the other route, not sure)
Fun Facts :
They got akumatized together
You might think they’re still in costumes, BUT NO THEY’RE R E A L
Their powers are making people do the Spooky Dance and celebrate Spooky Month .. FOR E T E R N I T Y
okay, next up, we have THE HAT BOYS ‼️‼️‼️
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Rage, Regret and Rejoice (there’s no yellow lol), The Emotiongang
Reason for Akumatization : The trio were having a sleepover, until Ross and Roy had a fight about .. actually I haven’t really thought about it, probably something about Roy’s parents- (Robert didn’t even realize the situation until it was too late)
Corrupted Item : Ross’s beanie (idk why his specifically but ye-)
Fun Facts :
They also all got akumatized together
yes they’re inspired by those theatre masks-
Regret and Rejoice’s mouths on their masks can’t move, although, Rage’s can
honestly, I’m not even sure if I can call Rejoice a villain, he’s just happy to be here- (no thoughts, head empty)
They can produce auras from themselves of their respected emotions, making people around them feel the emotions they’re producing (Regret and Rage don’t like Rejoice’s powers since they mess up with their negative emotions, and evil plans-)
Next, we have the villain which I showed in the introduction post, K e v i n
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The Sweetener
Reason for Akumatization : probably something Kevin-usual, him being angry about his job
Corrupted Item : His work hat
Fun Facts :
His powers are kinda scary- he has a bunch of candy, obviously, but they’re not normal candy. As soon as you eat one of his candies, you slowly turn into one of his candy minions and follow him wherever he goes, like some kind of zombie (whatever that means-)
I’m not sure what he is honestly, like obviously he’s a candy monstrosity, but idk if that’s gum, some weird form of cotton candy or even ice cream-
He can speak, but he usually just roars, growls and groans most of the time
I kinda wanted to name him ‘The Candyman’ but I thought that was too basic sooooo The Sweetener was my next best idea-
And finally, the last one (for now-), we have Rad :D
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The Glitch
Reason for Akumatization : .. I have no clue to be honest, Radford is such a happy guy, but ye-
Corrupted Item : His funky 3D glasses
Fun Facts :
His powers are being able to go in and out of screens (kinda like Prime Queen) and I like to think he can also possess people, like a ghost-
He is still a pretty happy guy, just more like the insane kind of happy-
man all I can think about is the Sonic Adventure 2 Dub (Hero Story) video where Eggman kept calling himself The Glitch- (watch me make a funny animatic thing soon lol)
OKAY THAT’S ALL OF THEM- (obviously I really want to make more, I just haven’t had many ideas, BUT MAN I WANNA MAKE AN AKUMA! STREBER SO BADLY- I know I can just make him vampire themed but still, I wanna make him more than that for some reason-)
Feel free to ask (or suggest, especially with Glitch’s backstory-) anything about them okie see you lateeeeeerrrrrrrr :3
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bluginkgo · 6 months
The ending of season 1 is a pretty common topic right now. Of course, many theories have been said so here I am adding my own jumbled mess of thoughts and probably repeating what other, smarter, people have already said.
Spoilers, duh
The main question I actually kinda wanna take a dive into is why destroy earth?
A parasite on a usual timeline, tries to take over its host and use the host to produce more parasites to infect others. Ok, that's fine. But if absolute solver is like a parasite- which is what it seems to be almost like- why destroy earth? Yes, we saw what it did to the Elliot mansion. That must have been only just the beginning and a small taste of what it's capable.
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So by the parasitic definition, it should try to find more hosts and more zombie drones to expand its reign. But does that really require to make earth into what N saw?
The first time I saw this theory it was pitched by LoreDrone on youtube- they do amazing theories and explanations. Go take a look, they explain it much better than I can. But basically they said that perhaps the true form of the absolute solver isn't this:
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Or this:
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And definetly not this:
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But instead is a black hole AKA this:
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That once the parasitic like nature finally takes complete control of the planet, it will do this and create a black hole.
The insane amount of times absolute solver has referred (or others have) to black holes is crazy. The most direct being: "The Solver of the Absolute Fabric. The void. The exponential end."
Sound familiar? Yeah, sounds like a black hole. It would actually explain some random things that we see throughout the show.
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Like the two black holes that slowly float away after Uzi and N defeat eldrich J.
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And not to mention all of the black holes that are seen in drawings both from Nori and others in eps 4 and 6.
There is an issue here though. The small creatures that we see for eldrich J, the corrupted core plus the small head that was projecting Khan's dead body only have a small impact and therefore produce little black holes. Uzi was able to create- although accidently- black holes throughout Dead End. All of which could not take full form as the first time, she passes out and thus the black hole form disintegrates. And the second time was when N chopped off her arm.
This all means that the absolute solver needs more solver drones like Cyn to create a large enough black hole to take its final form.
Here's the kicker though.
Why send disassembly drones to the planet then? We get a direct quote from Liam himself saying that spoilers! The humans didn't make the disassembly drones- which pretty much leaves Cyn to be the one that made them, and that's pretty true seeing as she was already making prototypes in the library basement in ep 5.
Copper 9 and many other planets (when Tessa explained) were studying absolute solver and trying to use its powers. "But all they did was spread it." Sounds like a perfect plan for the absolute solver, right? Spread the parasites and its hive mind/cloud based nature to overtake galaxies! So then... why send disassembly drones to Copper 9? The main hub where two very powerful solver drones, by the looks of it, that have huge potential! Nori and Yeva.
And both killed by disassembly drones. Sounds counterproductive, doesn't it?
"J, relay hand. Cyn's orders."
"Step 1: Clear drop zone of life and construct spires. Step 2..."
"Enter labs with this symbol."
Ladies and gentlemen, here we are. Idk if it's a commonly accepted theory or take, but I'm on this boat and I will proudly burn down with it.
Cyn is on our side.
Tessa (although she's very sketch) and J are trying to figure out why Cyn sent disassembly drones to other exo-planets. It is also Cyn's administration that's blocking absolute solver from completely corrupting our trio. It was also Cyn that ordered the eradication of all worker drones. We see that many of these worker drones are... by all technicality and for the most part aside from some odd balls- are correctly disposed of. Their bodies are ripped apart, devoured of their oil and cannot reboot as a zombie drone.
If Cyn was completely corrupted by absolute solver, she'd send the disassembly drones to perhaps kill the worker drones to increase the rate of zombie drones to wake up with the absolute solver string in them- just like seen with Cyn. But no. The entire spire is constructed of corpses in pieces.
Now as for my take on the ending (and let me tell you, I bet you I'm 100% wrong and this will probably not happen) I think our trio will beat whatever the f*ck is in Cabin Fever labs and team up with Cyn to then go to other planets and save them from absolute solver. A rather optimistic uptake, I know. But I'm also for a lot of the more bittersweet and not so happy ending theories that are out there.
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I saw it from @villainsrule2018 for the first time. That this image may be Copper 9 by the end of the season. I absolutely love the idea that we might lose Copper 9 but perhaps save other planets. But I have another take on this. This is earth. We've lost earth already, and off to the side we have Copper 9's moons, implying Copper 9 is its next target.
As per usual, there's plenty of holes and inconsistencies in my theories and ramblings. Feel free to expand or go against this, I love hearing other theories on how season 1 will end. ^_^
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nanaten · 1 month
I'm sorry for not requesting a drawing with this space, but I just have to ask... what is the appeal of Clausten? I am not trying to be mean or anything, I legit am very curious.
I can kinda understand Nesscas, it's the result of fledgling mother fans from Smash going "these two would be cute together" (at least that's how I always took it, apologies if that seems rude), but Clausten feels kinda like... those same mother fans finding out about claus and ninten and going "gasp! leftover stripe boys" and mashing them together like... idk what a good term is for this.
Again; sorry for misusing this space, i kinda just want to understand this ship. Not dogging on you or others for enjoying it, just wanna understand it.
I suppose while I am here, I guess I could request a doodle of Lloyd. Maybe of him blabbing about Superman comic stuff to Ninten or what have you. Lloyd needs more appreciation.
Also sorry this may be a mess to read, it was just kinda stream of consciousness
Hi! No need to apologise, I think this is a very good question!
I understand that the ship, on a basic level, doesn’t really make much sense at all! It began as a crackship enjoyed by a small percentage of the mother community and slowly developed into what it is now— a ship with many enjoyers, but not many that know exactly why they enjoy it.
I want to preface this by saying, I do not speak for every person who enjoys Clausten. I am just one of many, and this is all my personal perspective. Thank you for enquiring about it, honestly, because I love speaking about them. So, here we go!
First and Foremost: It’s a crackship— so more than any other reason I can give, it’s just plain fun! These are two characters I love and adore with my whole heart, so it’s just fun to have them interact, and of course, it’s fun to view them as a potentially romantic pairing! Ninten is my favorite character of all time, and Claus is my favorite in Mother 3 specifically, so it’s like a personal wish fulfilment to draw them together.
It’s fun to not take strict canon all too seriously. I pull my silly guys from the source material and I mess around with them whichever way I desire B).
I definitely don’t think it’s entirely fair to view Clausten as, like, Nesscas leftovers either, lol. Ultimately these characters are all very different in terms of stories, how they’re written etc, and both ships have very different qualities that make them loveable in their own right! Liking ships like Clausten has alot to do with how you view these characters— What do you gather their personalities are, how compatible would they be, etc? And the way I characterize Ninten and Claus, atleast in my head, make them very compatible. (Ninten being adventurous, outgoing, snarky, and boyish, and Claus being similar— but more reserved, and more careful as a product of his experiences.)
And finally— I really think them as people— not my own view of their personalities, but judging based on canon events— that the two are very similar, and could find solice in their similar experiences. I think the characters are weirdly connected, in a way, for starters— Claus, if you think about it, is Porky’s second Giegue/Giygas. A new puppet, a new ace, a new strength that he takes away the humanity of.
Ninten, being directly related to Giegue, who I can imagine feels somewhat responsible for the corruption of Giegue alongside what comes after the events of Mother 1 , is also connected in some way to Porky, and then Claus. This is basically an extended way of me saying “Their stories are linked in the overarching tale that is the Mother series”.
Claus’s feelings towards Ninten would be complicated initially, or atleast I think so— for his inability to defeat Giegue weirdly, inadvertently caused a chain reaction that lead to the events of Mother 3. (Giegue lives —> Invades Eagleland —> Porky Gets corrupted —> Giegue is then defeated by Ness and Co by going to the past but Porky Escapes —> Porky goes to the future, Mother 3 time —> The Plot Of Mother 3 Happens You Get It). The two’s distant but important connection in the story of the games leads to some extremely interesting food for thought, or at least I think so. How would Claus view the situation? How would Ninten feel after finding out what happened to Claus? How would the two bond over this weird experienced they’re both tied in?
And that is made all the more interesting to me when possibly viewing it in a romantic lense, or atleast something that could become romantic. It’s complicated and messy and there’s so much history behind the two, it’s interesting to think not only about how they’d meet and how they’d feel about eachother, but how they would handle romantic feelings— how a relationship between two very troubled people could work and be okay, and help them mutually heal.
All this is to say, they’re tied in the story and I think putting the two in a romantic relationship is very interesting. Also, it’s just fun :’)
(This post is a TOTAL mess, it’s midnight and I should be sleeping, but I got too excited to write about them hahaha. Thank you so much for the question! Also, I’ll make my next post a big lloyd appreciation, I like to draw him. Thanks again! X))
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ashesbreadandbutter · 1 month
I've got one: an Adam that can SEE soulmates. He grins nastily as he takes a GOOD LONG look at Alastor and SMIRKS "Vox, huh? You love him, hmm? I can see it written right on your disgusting soul Al-ass-tor. Annnnd even better he's your soulmate. I kill him, I cause you unimaginable pain and suffering for eternity without touching you." And then he takes off, leaving Lute and his army to take care of the hotel--who HEARD HIM to search for Vox.
The Vees are in full out panic mode, of course. They have no idea what to do. Vox say he can carry both Val and Vel through the electricity but they need a location to go too--abd the vacation home is too far, he doesn't have the juice.
Valentino is pissed at Vox for being Alastor's soulmate, and panicking about the certain death heading their way.
Velvette doesn't care: "Take us as far as you can to the vacation home and we can steal a car!"
Alastor is RAGING. How DARE that pompous f-wit threaten what is HIS?!? (Although he is pleased Adam did announce Vox was his too all of Hell. Now no one would dare try to date Vox after he killed the moth.)
(Feel free to use :3)
Thank you anon because I definitely WILL be taking this.
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No really this is good, honestly you anons are helping write the best voxal fanfic with me as well speak. I think after I finish my current writing coms today then I'll start on this story. It honestly sounds really fun and I'm a bit of a slow burn kinda gal with a passion for angst so this is definitely up my alley.
The idea of Adam coming in? Mwah!
Like imagine the way Alastor freezes the moment Adam says that stuff about going after Vox and especially before Vox finds himself having to defend the vees. Bro doesn't even know what's going on at first and that he's basically one of the reasons it's happening. Imagine his shock if Alastor does hunt him down before the angels get there, both confusion AND relief showing on his face just to see Alastor. Though there's also annoyance.
"ugh! I could have handle a few angels Alastor!" He growls after Alastor grabs them after fighting and imagine something like after Alastor saves them he and Vox are having this argument just for Vox to stop when it seems Alastor did in fact take some damage.
"a few isn't tons Vox." Alastor would most like his back while cradling a wound and Vox might as well be the one to help him clean it up, matter of fact he has too because everyone is rather fearful of the pair. Alastor doesn't want anyone to deal with the wound like a stubborn dog unless it's Vox and this could leave them a lot of time just to sit with each other. It's silent as Vox carefully cleans his wounds, gentle and careful not to do anything that would hurt even more and then as he's looking over Alastor's body he'll glare at nothing halfheartedly, brows burrowed in confusion and annoyance.
"why'd you do something so stupid?" He'll ask and I can see Alastor's ear twitching. Vox basically asks him what's his problem. Why'd he go out there to fight so many angels and over HIM of all people? He's both flattered and a bit unnerved.
If Alastor really did all that to help him then maybe he SHOULD go back to the hotel just to keep an eye on Alastor's healing though maybe it's just a way to get closer because though Vox being Alastor's soul mate is life changing on his own, knowing and seeing Alastor after such a fight and touching his wounds really manages to draw Vox in. Like he wants to be with Alastor in the same bed and everything as he heals.
I wanna say Alastor will heal with no issue but imagine a case where he doesn't. Where the angel blades hold off his healing for just long enough to where Vox is actually worried over the other man.
This could be an interesting part to rebuild their connection. Seeing Alastor almost die while showing Hell that Vox BELONGS TO HIM really makes the TV demon flustered and more than he's ever been before. (Vox likes knowing Alastor is possessive enough to literally have a battle of his own with heaven. It makes him feel special and more than he ever has before)
I'd like to say this situation really convinces Vox but with their history he's worried about getting too close even though he wants to.
He's scared of falling in love with Alastor because what it its 'not the right time' again?
Vox is definitely an over thinker in this case, will sit through the healing process for Alastor but maybe he finds Alastor's words to be a fluke? Did he really mean it? Yeah he almost DIED but he couldn't possibly- he definitely means it.
They've had their history but Vox is a runner now and Alastor wants to chase him. After all, who could know him better than his old friend and whether Vox likes it or not no one would DARE (especially after the shocking announcement that they are soulmates) take Alastor's destined spot in his life.
I honestly love these ideas and I have many myself, keep em coming y'all!
- A
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crushedsweets · 4 months
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hi >.<
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this is so fucking sweet i remembered how happy i was when i first got my car. i cried everyday for a week straight because i was so happy. very glad yall got to watch me get my first car. i spend over an hour in her every day commuting now. LMFAOOO (i named her lindsay btw) ((after tdi lsinday)). im so sorry im late but thank you so much this meant sm !!! <3
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you asked me this in august im evil oh my god. anyway i aagree. but i am always inclined to forever think he's a midwest emo guy. twin sized mattress forever
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im immediately inclined to say clocky or toby the second i see time and fire mentions. so ticciwork. my clocky is often a bit messy so she'd be pissed and angry and upset over the sort of war she's found herself in, especially as she sees toby just falling deeper into it. 'my god, was i oblivious?' when she finally realizes toby will always, always put Slenderman before her. frustrating. 'hell stays hungry for a world so weak' natalie is hungry for a good world, but she thinks everyone is too weak for goodness, meanwhile toby is hungry for power so he can make everyone else seem weak. etc. 'they only want you to bleed' they being slendy, operator, zalgo, etc etc etc... power, being a pawn, fighting, using humans as toys in a battlefield, etc etc.. yeah
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i genuinely think nina is a really good influence on so many of the creeps. like theyre all assholes, traumatized, refuse to believe in the good in the world, etc etc. but nina is traumatized and still kickin. she comes in like ^_^ hello chat. and i think that, while its still important to feel the shitty feelings, it's really grounding to see someone whos just so .. able to be happy. idk. someone who SEEKS joy, rather than expects it to fall into their lap, and blames the world when it doesnt
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this si perfect idk why i forgot about bats for him. gotta get back into this idea
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AHHH OK I WILL DO MORE EVENTUALLY i just wanna say thank yewww i think theyre such a good sibling dynamic. like little brothers and big sisters and both being little assholes to eachother but would die for the other. idk. ugh. important to me.
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actually this sounds really sweet..... thats funny cuz i was JUST talking to a friend about who i would have EJ go endgame with if i had to, but i couldnt settle on anyone. but liu seems like a good fit for ej. i think they'd be super sweet
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AH THANK YOU!!! he reminds me of my little cousins HAHA theyre like 10-14 right now and theyre all cuties.... just playing roblox and being mischievous...
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THIS IS ABOUT THE BLUSHING NAT DRAWING ISNT IT AHAH OMG THANK YOU!!! i think shes so cute. i know she cant handle compliments. she's either deadpanned 'thanks' or just covers her face and says 'shut up' cuz she doesnt know what to do.
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GOOD NEWS THEN ive drawn her a handful of times since u sent this HAHA TYSM
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you sent like... natobina i think... ok tbh kinda slaps
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OK REAL but also when i read it i keep reading it as 'cochina' and i cannot bring myself to name the throuple that </3 HAHA
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i want jeff to ache in his loneliness
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i need to draw connie asap but also THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR THE CAR CONGRATS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY CAR SO MUCH i gotta go vaccuum her..
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shes such a cat to me. feline. of sorts, if you will
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also good news for you anon, i have also drawn her an ungodly amount of times since youve sent this. LOL
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literally the second that people tell me i made them start to like clocky i am overwhelmed with joy. i feel so much ache when people aren't fond of her bc shes so fucking cool and such a good character and so much fun. so sad that 2015 era creepypasta fandom destroyed her. but im here to fix it...
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incredibly. happy. to do this to u.
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nope! im not too interested in the 2021 nina just cuz i feel like i've seen that character concept many times (not just in jane), BUT if i had to do my own intepretation of her, 2021 nina would be INCREDIBLY immature in like. not a childish way, but an entitled, angry-fueled adult who cannot comprehend anyone else's thoughts/feelings. and thus, would despise OG nina (although within reason, OG nina idolizes the person who killed her family) . but even if there wasnt a good reason to dislike OG nina, she'd be mean. and OG nina would be mad and bitch. and theyd theyd fight. HAHA
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I-IF...???????? ANON?
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