#knight theory
trouslinabone · 1 year
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People are getting confused on why Papyrus seems to have trouble remembering it here, so I propose a theory:
He remembers it perfectly fine. He doesn't *WANT* to remember it, however.
I'm a strong believer that Papyrus is the Knight, so if he came from Deltarune, it means he's done some really bad things. He feels guilt, so he tries not to think about it. But, when he has to, he beats around the bush to not think too hard about it.
That's why he's so happy that Sans will answer the question for him despite being pissed off about a Sans-centric question earlier on in the QnA
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Sorry for the lack of cropping! I'm on my way to work!
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I acknowledge that Knight Alvin and Knight Papyrus are the two most popular candidates, and with good reason. But. May I also propose. Knight Alphys.
Association with Determination. (Carried out experiments with DT in UT,) Association with NEO as a concept. (Created Mettaton's NEO body. Asriel Dreemurr, whose God of Hyperdeath form shares similarities with Mettaton NEO's design, was revived by her. Undyne the Undying, who shares design traits with MTT Neo and God of Hyperdeath, who creates more of her own DT than any other monster, NEEDS to confess to Alphys in order for the True Lab to be opened, the secrets of DT and Flowey revealed, and the path to the True Ending revealed. Alphys has many crushes, but it NEEDS to be Undyne who reciprocates.) Shows strong tendencies of escapism, to the point of self-destruction, in normal Undertale. Holds strong connections with both Gaster(in UT) and Gerson(in DR).
Consider with me! We're led to believe Alvin is the Knight. But! It is a red herring. At one point when Kris and Susie go after Alvin, he explains to them about his Father's relationship with Dark Worlds, and how he's recently re-opened the Castle Town Dark Fountain because he felt it was necessary. But the Castle Town Dark Fountain and the other Dark Fountains are different--each Fountain reflects the will of its opener. Those other Fountains are impure, and are made by someone with a more anxious, self-deprecating, wavering heart.
They were made by Gerson Boom's other pupil, and his true successor. Ms. Alphys. Kris' own teacher. Because Kris' classmates have gotten a lot of emphasis...and the teacher is a member of Kris' class too.
Alphys. Who, in Undertale, had issues with escapism. Forcibly cast a human and her best friend into a role so she could feel better about herself. Because she hated herself to the point of wanting to vanish into an endless abyss. Alphys, who spends time putting milk out in an alley which has graffiti of a tree found in the Dark World, and of Everyman, who appears in the attacks of the Amalgamates, and of certain Dark World enemies. (Queen, most notably.)
Who would be able to pause class to go check up on Kris and Susie, and then shut the doors on them? Alphys. Who is known to frequent the Library often? Alphys, who left her opinion on Mew Mew Kissie Cutie in Library. Who's complaining about how the previous MMKC was too light, and likes how much darker and more complex the sequel is, in contrast to her more heroic and well-intentioned otherworld self? Alphys. Who in Undertale believes in the existence of alternate universes?
Fucking. Alphys.
Is this incoherent? Maybe! But I think of all the Dark World candidates, or of UT characters who may have significant roles later on, Alphys is comparatively overlooked.
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ridleymb · 1 month
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Based on a theory seen recently
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marenwithanm · 7 months
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You know Zelda, most Links actually were children during their adventures. Breath of the Wild Link Georg who was over 100 years old was an outlier and should not have been counted
As you can see, I'm still not over the idea of a younger Link and older Zelda in alttp. She feels so bad about dragging a little kid into this whole mess 😭
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gobbogoo · 7 months
"It's Been A While, Morgott"
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To me, this moment of tenderness all but confirms that Godfrey must have visited his Omen children in their sewer prison.
Consider everything we know about Godfrey. He actively venerated the Crucible and its primal manifestations. His knights wore helms decorated with horns and utilized its animalistic magic:
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Even after the Crucible fell from favour, these knights were tolerated right up until Godfrey was banished. Therefore Godfrey must have been preserving them even despite Marika's decrees. This makes sense, because Godfrey was born in the ancient era when the Crucible's wild power was considered a blessing, not a curse:
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"A vestige of the crucible of primordial life. Born partially of devolution, it was considered a signifier of the divine in ancient times, but is now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced."
To Godfrey, his Omen sons would not have been something to revile. This is supported by the fact that their horns weren't excised. I doubt it was Marika's choice, since she had turned against the Crucible by then. It MUST have been at Godfrey's behest. Likewise, who else could have commissioned THIS?
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A "memorial fetish fashioned in secret" that CLEARLY depicts Morgott. Someone CARED about this secret Omen infant. Enough to memorialize their their existence at the risk of the entire Golden Order. It literally ONLY could have been Godfrey.
Lastly, there's the circumstances of Godfrey's banishment. Most people say he was simply cast aside after he ran out of enemies to fight, but this CAN'T be all there was to it, because Raya Lucaria still existed. A FAR better explanation is that Godfrey began to show signs of disobedience. Godfrey was a man of instinct and emotion. Could such a man have sat idle while his children were imprisoned and his comrades reviled by the very order HE helped build?
No. And so Godfrey began to visit his Omen children in secret, where he told them stories of their lineage and their origins. In Morgott his stories instilled a Lord's sense of duty for the Erdtree and everything it could be.
In Mohg, his stories instilled an Omen's sense of pride for the Crucible, and everything it once was.
Until Marika learned of her husband's treachery, and the Omen Twins never saw their father again.
Someone pointed out that Serosh exists to channel Godfrey's emotions, and what's the first thing we hear/see when we approach Godfrey holding his son? Serosh roaring in anger. Beneath that kingly countenance, Godfrey is a lot more distraught than he's capable of showing.
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mikakuna · 4 months
this is one of the arkham knight audio files where jason kinda breaks down to barbara and it's SO SAD. the way his voice shakes and gets smaller like a child's when talking about what joker did to him gets me so bad :(
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rayroseu · 6 months
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HEAD IN HANDS,,,, Just realized the profound realization that at Knight of Dawn and Meleanor's fight, I know they'll never talk it out... But I just realized that the story even expresses that fact visually....
throughout their fight and even until their death, they stayed at their "masked" form.
So, in Knight of Dawn's view, Meleanor was just a dragon and why the story makes it seem like he's just "insensitive" to the fact she's a living person too, because in that fight, he viewed her a monstrous dragon because Meleanor fought him as that. And, Dawn as a human, can't possibly interpret Meleanor's language as a dragon, much like how Humans are inept in fae language and why humans are still having a difficult time understanding faes and their morals.
The same thing with Meleanor, Knight of Dawn was in full armor in that time, so in Meleanor's point of view, Knight of Dawn was just "a piece of metals". (Like how Malleus viewed Ortho as just a "metallic technology"). Additionally, Knight of Dawn was a person who seem to want to say many things but never did(?), so Meleanor never heard him—
So their resistance, in giving up their role was expressed in the narrative decision that Meleanor fights as a dragon and Knight of Dawn will fight her in full armor and also he's a person who doesn't speak much especially in battles (much like a "metal").
Dawn was only "understood" somewhat when he crashed to Lilia, causing his head armor to fall off.... causing his "mask" to fall off
Its the little things to me OKAYY 🥹🥹😭😭
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the-meme-monarch · 6 months
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they weren’t kidding that frisk someone can sure strange
anyway so the “see you in the next hell, losers” is inspired by this video ! it made me Think. undertale was their first hell(possessed by the SOUL), deltarune is their current hell(wants the SOUL back)
and the “try as you might, you continue to be yourself” is from when you get a second red flag in Ball Game in undertale ! thought it’d be ironic since. theyre kinda not acting like themself since they don’t have the SOUL anymore. not that they even really know who they were without it
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also knight chara is here
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tonythr · 8 months
Quick Slash is even cooler from a narrative perspective, and why I think the Nailsmith's story parallels the Pale King's
Cold take: Quick Slash is the best charm in Hollow Knight.
Slightly Warmer take: Quick Slash is the only S-tier charm that is great from both gameplay and lore perspective (aside from maybe Spell Twister).
The reason for this is that its existence is actually a
Here, look at this.
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So, Quick Slash is something that was created from a relatively big number of objects that were discarded and deemed imperfect, and that possess a collective will of wanting to fulfill their purpose.
You know what that reminds me of?
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A large amount of creations: check.
Discarded as imperfect: check.
Still possessing a will to find closure: check.
Being a part of a larger, more powerful thing: check.
Having a common creator who is responsible for their creation and rejection: check.
So yeah, I think that Quick Slash's lore (or at least its description) is meant to parallel that of the Vessels'.
But I wanna talk about that last point: the creator.
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It is heavily implied that the person who created and then later discarded those nails was the Ancient Nailsmith we see in the room where we get Quick Slash.
(Oh by the way I just realized that this stone ring thing on the right of that room is actually the furnace, neat.)
Judging from their Dreamnail dialogue, this Ancient Nailsmith was trying to achieve the same goal as the other, more famous Nailsmith we all know and love: creating a Pure Nail.
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And you know who else was trying to create a perfect, Pure thing while discarding many other similar things that later gained a collective will?
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That's right - it's the guy who is also responsible for creating those other discarded things we discussed earlier!
Ok, but what I really wanted to talk about here is how all of what I just said ties back to that other, more famous guy - The Nailsmith.
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We don't know for sure how the story of the Ancient Nailsmith ended, but it feels like it exists there mainly to put an emphasis on the City's Nailsmith's story; to convey that his struggle is an important theme in this narrative (because ancient means important, ok?) And, I mean, the City's Nailsmith's story also parallels that of the Pale King's in the same manner, right?
The thing is, we already know how PK's story ended.
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In trying to achieve perfection, to create an eternal Kingdom by making a Pure Vessel devoid of mind, voice and will, the Pale King doomed himself to be taken over by his regrets, by the vast emptiness of the futility of his struggles. But was it because he failed, or because that was where his story was headed all along?
What if PK succeeded? What if the Radiance was sealed forever? What if his Kingdom actually stood eternal, never to change, never to end? What if he realized he achieved his only goal in life?
And that's the part where we get to a story the ending of which is up to the player's choice.
To quote White Lady, only two obvious outcomes there are from such a thing.
The first is an honorable death by the fruits of his labor.
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If we choose to kill the Nailsmith with the Pure Nail, he dies happy, knowing that his life's goal is accomplished and having gained all the satisfaction he could from it.
The second I find preferable, a new passion.
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If the Nailsmith doesn't feel the finishing blow of the Pure Nail, he is left unsatisfied. But, while trying to resolve that unsatisfaction, he eventually finds something (and someone) that gives him a new calling, a new thing to create, a new reason to live.
And, while those are both equally valuable, equally canonic outcomes, don't you think the second one is just... better? I mean, not only does it include the achievement of the Nailsmith's goal, but it lets him live AND gives two lonely souls a partner in life! I feel like that's the thing this narrative is trying to convey. What it's trying to say about the meaning of life, about our dreams.
Maybe that was the ultimate folly of the Pale King - the inability to change. His story would've ended in the same way, regardless of whether Hallownest lasted eternally or not. He would be dead, if not by the hands of the Void, but by his own - but ultimately, by the hands of that vast emptiness of realizing that you achieved your only goal and that now all there is for you is this eternal satisfaction that slowly fades away, leaving you with nothing.
TL;DR: Quick Slash is the best because it's a metaphor for discarded vessels; perfection is overrated, try to get laid instead.
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e-adlirez · 2 months
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“The capital lies before us, my friend. What a sombre place it seems and one that holds the answers to many a mystery. I too have felt the pull of this place, though now I sit before it I find myself hesitant to descend.
“Is it fear, I wonder, or something else that holds me back?”
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mebis-art-dump · 2 months
Did you know Mawleks and Goams most likely had a common ancestor?
Did you also know the Abyss spires are of natural origin?
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The ancient world sure was filled with collosal ass creatures
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itsmebeff · 2 months
[knight!papyrus] perseverance.
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here are some sprites i made for this guy too. not fully complete yet but whatevs
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phantomgrape · 8 months
Thing I noticed while I was chatting with some pals about Hollow Knight
Crystal peaks being the ONLY part of the game where you actively ASCEND to progress is fucking genius.
Crystal Peaks was the place the place where the moths resided, as did The Radiance presumably. The Radiance in her presence and boss fight have a heavy emphasis on flight and ascending upwards (look no further than the final part of the fight, where Ghost LITERALLY climbs up to her to land the final blow).
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In retrospect, Crystal Peaks in its fundamental design almost FORESHADOWS this moment and its association to The Radiance and her moths.
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obsessivefangirl · 2 years
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roborabbitart · 10 months
So for anyone confused as to how both Necrodeus and Morpho Knight both exist in Kirby lore, allow me to present this thought:
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^ God of Fucking Kills You ^
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^ God of Makes Sure You Fucking Stay That Way ^
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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rayroseu · 7 months
The conflict between cosmic magicians✨✨🖤🪄
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Although its kinda funny that as per card release date,,, they really copied Grim's XD That cat will throw a tantrum for not getting credited XD,,, also they really are obviously telling all these characters are somehow related with each other 👀✨
I actually view cosmic as the type of magic that is stronger than any element even though in gameplay, they have no advantage towards any element lol Idk it just seems, in the story, the casters of it are powerful and without weaknesses so that's why their main magic is this
its really funny how it seems like Crowley Malleus and Grim are on competition on who's the ✨MOST UNIQUE cosmic card✨ 🤣 I can't wait for Book 8 and see their dynamic,,, 😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻✨
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