#le gonna make you sweat has arrived
beardedmrbean · 5 months
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vlance · 9 months
♪Heart to Heart♪
Part One
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-summary- Y/N is the 5th member of Aespa and is going to be collaborating with Le Sserafim’s Yunjin and Chaewon for a special stage. She is excited to be able to perform with two people she's been looking forward to meeting but also has the worst case of gay panic ever so when she's around two pretty women she can't help but develop a little crush on both of them.
-warnings- swearing, kms and kys jokes, inappropriate jokes, mentions of sex
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I could hear the clock ticking in the conference room. It was the only thing I heard while sitting there waiting for the two girls to show up. I tapped my fingers on the table out of nervousness, anticipating when they would arrive. My heart was pounding, I was sweating a bit too.
“Y/N calm down…you look like you’re being put on trial” Our manager looks at me and pats my back to try and ease my nerves a little.
“Can you blame me I been a fan for a while so it’s just makes me nervous” I looked at our manager and she gives a small smile.
“What are you even so nervous about you should be excited then” She stopped patting my back and turned her chair to face me fully and she leans back in her chair.
“I just don’t want to embarrass myself…I’ve had enough of that” I look away as my face turns red from the multiple times I have embarrassed myself in front of other Idols. Our manager gives me a small laugh.
“You’ll be fine” She smiled and me and pat my head. We continued to talk for a bit and had small conversations here and there while waiting.
I hear the door to the conference room open, I whip my head around to look at the door and stand up. I’m assuming that it was there manager that walked in first and held the door open for the two girls. They walk in and I freeze. I couldn’t move as they walked in and both give me a small shy smiles and bow. They both looked beautiful, I can feel the blush spreading on my cheeks. Our manager who is standing next to me elbow’s me in the side.
I started to bow continuously and smiled at them. “H-hello” I bowed one last time and sat back down, they sat across from us. I kept looking around I didn’t wanna make direct eye contact with them, I would probably melt. I could feel there eyes on me, they were burning holes in the side of my face. I took a glance at them to see them both staring at me me. Collectively the three of us were not paying attention to what our managers were talking about.
I stare at them but look away out of embarrassment. I look towards my manager and start paying attention. They are talking about when the special stage would be and if we would be having interviews. Just the usual things they talk about when we go through this.
“Okay so then Yunjin, Chaewon it’s..Monday so on Friday you guys are gonna come back here to the SM building and start preparations for your special stage” Their manager turns to them they both look at him and nod.
“Friday is good for you right Y/N…you guys can use your recording studio and then move to Aespas practice room when you guys finish recording” She turns to me and smiles.
“Yeah we can use my record studio” I nodded and then look down and scratch the back of my neck. “I’ll have to clean it first though…I have a lot of music sheets and files all around the place” I laugh nervously and I hear Chaewon and Yunjin chuckle lightly.
“Well then it’s settled then” Our manager says and gets up. We all walk towards the entrance of the conference room. Me and our manager are standing across from them and I look down staring at my feet not being able to face them.
We walk out of the room and say goodbye. They are walking towards the elevator and I’m staring at them the entire time. Yunjin turns around and gives me a smile and then waves, my face turns red and heats up I wave back at her and stare as they enter the elevator and leave.
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I take off my shoes as I walk into the dorm, Ningning is there at the dining table waiting for me.
“Sooooo” She gives me a coy smirk and raises her eyebrows.
“Do not give me that face…stop, stop that” I roll my eyes and she laughs.
“I just wanna know Y/N did you panic and accidentally call someone mommy again” She begins to laugh and Jimin, Giselle, and Minjeong all come into the room.
“Oh my god you make me wanna kill myself for bringing that up” I laugh along with her and look at my other members.
“Y’all wanna know that bad” I stare at them and sigh.
“Well yeah we wanna know the day in the life of your gay ass it’s our favorite reality TV show” Giselle states and starts laughing.
“Do not compare me to your keeping up with the kardashians….also you act like you aren’t a homo yourself….this entire group is a bunch of homosexuals what do you mean” I retort as Ningning just start bursting out laughing.
“Yeah but we aren’t as bad as you” Minjeong says while picking at her nails.
“What is that even supposed to mean” I give them an offended look that just makes them laugh more.
“At least we didn’t call Irene sumbaenim mommy…to her face” Giselle says and sits down.
“Or call Taeyeon pretty in front of a studio of people and forget to sing my line” Jimin starts imitating me on the face I made that day.
“Remember before we debuted we were walking around and you tripped and almost ate shit because you were staring at a girl at the Han river” Minjeong says and Ningning just continues to laugh at me.
“Okay okay I get it…Jesus don’t gotta single me out like that damn fuck you guys too” I sigh and sit down and put my head on the table.
“So what happened” Ningning said as she finally stopped laughing.
“Well they came I didn’t really pay attention to what Our manager and their manager were talking about we kinda just stared at each other and then they are coming back to the company on Friday and I need to clean my recording studio and god I don’t know what to wear what am I gonna do” I sigh and lean my head back.
“God all this stress…over two girls damm you barely met them and they already got you in a choke hold” Giselle says and all of them just keep on teasing me about it.
“I actually pray on all your guys downfall” I look back up at them. “I’m going to the room call me out when we go out to eat” I sigh and get up and I can still hear them laughing. I close the door to the room and lay down. I just stare up at the ceiling and slowly start falling asleep.
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-Note- I’m actually very excited about this series. So I hope you guys like this first part. I’m excited to write more and update this as frequently as I can. I’ll try and make future parts of Heart to Heart longer but for now they are gonna be a little shorter.
P.S. I forgot to read this before I posted it so bare with me.
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miniimapp · 1 year
4*TOWN High School AU - Theatre Club (Aaron T Edition)
Gen ;; fluff - headcanons
Warnings ;; none
Proofread + Edited ;; nope lol
Auth. Note ;; after months (??) of work, struggle, my blood, sweat and tears, i'm finally gonna get these motherfuckers out and i'm so glad
i wrote this literally last year and my style has changed a lil so spot the difference ig ??
enjoy !! <3
Aaron T - Hi, I'm Aaron T and I'm Your Freestyle Dance Teacher
When you'd heard about the school play you weren't all that bothered
It's cool that the arts department have the budget but you weren't too fussed either way
Until, of course, you were dragged into it
One of your friends really wanted to do the play but refused to audition without someone there with her
You didn't want to audition
The compromise was that you joined the stage crew instead
So here you are
Living your best life, truly
You're hoping if you repeat it enough you'll end up believing it
As a stage hand your main responsibilities are operating the moving scenery and rigging the fly system.
When you aren't doing either you start hovering, waiting for someone to give you a job
In the months of rehearsals and tech runs you'd come to realise that these theatre kids aren't the worst to be around
When they aren't obnoxiously screaming Les Mis or Be More Chill at the top of their lungs out of nowhere that is
But everyone has their flaws, you can't exactly blame them for theirs
In fact, you get along well with most of the cast - you'd expected them to be less respectful towards you but you were pleasantly surprised
Your responsibilities as a stagehand consequently mean you spend a lot of time with the people you rig up to the fly system
Including one Mr. Aaron T
Who you had not been expecting to see once tech rehearsals started but oh well, you're not exactly complaining
His entrance into another part of your life caught you off guard, in more ways than one
You see when you first saw him in rehearsals he was doing aerials, flips and handsprings like there was no tomorrow
You'd honestly been anticipating that there wouldn't be a tomorrow for him if he kept up those tricks
Luckily you've come to realise by now that he's basically a professional
A professional at giving you heart attacks
And so you're not too concerned anymore
Lies !! You still tense up whenever you see him do a trick
T finally noticed your existence when he came to you to get rigged up
Because of course he would be the one zooming around in the air doing cartwheels and somersaults
And his reaction to seeing you ??
Most of the cast and crew would argue it was more dramatic than most of the scenes in the actual show
You were just preparing the rigging system for when T arrived and out of nowhere you just hear someone yelling your name
You turn around, mildly concerned and majorly surprised, and find T standing there with the biggest grin you've ever seen
Mans literally runs over to you, flitting around you like an overexcited hummingbird as hyped up ramble spills from his mouth
Lord give you strength and all that because this ??
You did not sign up for this
And while you pretend to be annoyed by his antics you can't help but feel grateful for them too
T is a break in an otherwise stressful job
The director had been especially hard on you and the others working alongside you who operate the fly system
You understand why, obviously, but that doesn't make the pressure any easier to bear
Luckily not many people need to be rigged up to the fly system, 2 or 3 if everyone is present during rehearsals
Moving scenery, while used more than the fly system, is also not incredibly prominent so there's a lot of times that you're waiting around unless you're needed for a job
Time that you spend watching the cast performing and mimicking the dances with your fellow stagehands behind the wings on the opposite side of the stage
T makes sure to note this and comes to keep you company whenever he can
But he can't pretend he doesn't enjoy watching you dance and goof around when you can
While T is more versed in the acrobatic parts of the dances he is still fairly good at the parts the rest of the cast perform while he does his routine
Being one of few doing the acrobatics routines he first learned the parts of the dance that the rest of the cast learn so that if anything goes wrong he can default back to that
Given T has this knowledge he can't help but employ it when he spots you fumbling the moves for what must be the hundredth time
T decides to take matters into his own hands and speaks up the next time he notices you dancing alone
You very nearly jumped out of your skin when T started talking behind you as you attempted a step-ball-change in the small space you had in the wings
You whirled around, ready to start whisper-shouting at him for scaring the living daylights out of you, when he offered to teach you the real moves
Sorry what ??
No, no, no.
No because you only started doing this whole dancing thing to pass the time
It's just a stupid little thing really !!
It's not that you're secretly worried T's going to start making fun of you even though you know that logically he'd never do that
"Don't worry about it if not, I totally get it if you don't wanna! Just thought it'd be even more fun to teach you the moves so we can pretend we're on stage too, y'know?"
T's grin somehow gets impossibly wider as he hypes himself up and gets lost in a daydream of his
"Like, we'd close our eyes and pretend we're dancing on a cloud or, or we're performing to a huge audience or if that's not really your thing we could be like tiny little fairies dancing on mushrooms and flowers like in those Tinker Bell movies, have you seen those by the way I think they're actually pretty good!"
You feel like you're getting whiplash as you listen to his rant, trying your best to keep up
What T's saying makes sense though, underneath all of the waffle you understand what he means
...at least you think you do
So that's how your "dance lessons" (as T so lovingly calls them) begin
And surprise surprise you find yourself having a lot of fun doing them
Soon enough it's not just the moves you're learning but you're also figuring out more about T as well
You knew each other before this, you've sat next to each other, you've talked, he's borrowed your things, you've both embarrassed yourselves but now you feel like you're really growing close to each other
He's quickly becoming one of your favourite people, whispering silly little secrets in your ear, twirling you around
T laughs freely when you whisper sarcastic comments back as you twirl him in return
Soon the "dance lessons" become more just you two dancing in the wings
Slow dances full of twirls and spins, overly-dramatic box steps, random waltzing and accidentally stepping on each others toes peppered with healthy doses of laughter and whispers
(Omg this is the sappiest shit I've ever written,, my teeth are rotting help)
Obviously, T doesn't know the dances to every song and not every song has a dance anyway so when it comes to numbers that T doesn't participate in things get a bit more...chaotic
Like,, a lot more
I'm talking dramatic lip syncing, down on his knees during every emotional song
Mans is as over-the-top as possible hoping he can draw a laugh from you
And it works !!
So y'know, can't blame him for the dramatics tbh
Somewhere along the way T learns the words to most, if not all, of the songs
He definitely serenades you as you two dance
T savours any reaction he can bring out of you, but his favourite is making you laugh or smile
He swears that you glow brighter than the stage lights when you let yourself feel freely
T pulls you close and sings into your ear, his voice rich and smooth, a heavenly melody for only you to hear
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
46-  “I’m right here baby, it’s okay”
i was wondering if you could do a Leia/Donna Prompt
You’re an awesome writer
Aw, thank you anon and thanks for the ask! I hope you like this Donna/Leia moment! Prompt Ask Game
"Alright, here we are," Eric narrated as he pulled the family mini-van into the parking lot of Leia's elementary school. They all piled out of the car and watched the other students and their families heading towards the school's gymnasium, most of them lugging instrument cases.
Leia clutched the handle of her clarinet case tightly. Were her fingers sweating? She didn't know they could do that.
"Maplewood Elementary's star performer has arrived," Eric continued in a sing-song voice. He tapped the back of Leia's head affectionately. "C'mon, we better get in there. Gotta get front row seats." He was wearing a camera around his neck, and Leia eyed it wearily.
Eric gestured to Leia's grandparents, and they smiled at her brightly and started to follow him towards the school. But Leia felt like she was glued to the spot. Her feet wouldn't move. Only her mom noticed.
"Yeah, you guys go ahead. Save a row of seats," Donna stepped forward. She touched Leia's arm. "Give us one minute, okay?"
"Okay," Eric hesitated for only a moment, his eyes flicking between Donna and Leia uncertainly. "But don't be too long. Show starts at 6!"
Donna put her hand up in acknowledgement and they all headed for the gymnasium door, leaving mother and daughter alone in silence.
"You okay?"
Her mom's words unleashed an unexpected torrent of vulnerable emotions, and to her horror, Leia started to cry.
"N-no," she choked on her sob, and Donna immediately embraced her. "I'm s-so n-nervous, Mom!"
"Oh, Le-Le." Donna sighed, and pressed a reassuring kiss to to her daughter's temple. "It's okay." Leia continued to cry, shaking harder now, and Donna hugged her tighter. "I'm right here baby. It's okay," she whispered.
"W-what if I m-mess up?" Leia gasped through her tears, clutching onto her mother tightly. "I have a s-solo, Mom. E-everybody's gonna be looking at me."
"Then you mess up," Donna shrugged. "That's alright." She pulled back slightly and braced her hands against Leia's shoulders. "Honey, it's a 6th grade band concert. No one is expecting perfection from you." She raised her eyebrows imploringly. "Okay?"
"B-but - "
"But you know what?" Donna smiled at her. "I doubt you'll mess up. Because you have practiced this thing day in and day out for three months. I bet you know it in your sleep." She chuckled. "I know it in my sleep."
Leia flashed a smile briefly, but Donna could tell she was still worried. She chewed her lip, mulling over a question. Finally, she spit it out. "Mom, do I - do I have to do this?"
"Leia. I'm never gonna make you do something you don't really want to do."
Leia breathed out a sigh of relief. She met her mom's eyes, grateful. "I just - I don't want to let you guys down," she said softly, her eyes filling up with tears.
"Le-Le," Donna grabbed her hands. Her own eyes were getting wet. "You won't. You can't. Your dad and I are proud of you always, kiddo. He’d be in the first row with that camera whether you’re first chair or the last chair." She bit her lip. "I just don't want you to let yourself down by missing out on this opportunity." Now she squeezed Leia's hands affectionately. "You've worked so hard for this, honey. Earning first chair this year, all your practice - I just - " she cleared the lump in her throat. "Don't let yourself down, Leia."
The little girl nodded, a determined edge in her eyes for the first time. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, undainty, and then straightened her blouse.
"Okay, I'm ready." She picked up her clarinet case.
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blackbat05 · 3 years
Night talks and Dim Sum
Shangqi x Reader
A/N: Hey y’all! This is my first time trying to write a one-shot/fic on tumblr. I have an existing wattpad account where I have some stories published! It’s mainly DC (young justice) combined with hunger games so if you are a fan, do check out @Runnerpottermore! Anyways, I have no idea why I suddenly decided to write a fic after so long - maybe because I wasn’t going through the best of days and also watched the movie recently? I just love the whole cast in general and Mr Simu Liu just killed his role - so yeah! Before I ramble on, I hope you enjoy my fic that I came up with!
Genre: Fluff, PG13, platonic friendship that can maybe turn into something more?
Warning: None? Just maybe broken Mandarin and sweaty people?
Extra Note: Please be kind to me!🥺
I take a deep breath, moving the cursor to close the window. Another day was done. Leaning back against the office chair, I stare up into the celling before closing my eyes, taking in the conversation a few hours ago.
‘It’s difficult to change what has already been so ingrained into our childhood. But what you can do is ask - what is the part of yourself that you want to keep?’
Rubbing my temples from the simple yet complex question, I decided that it was time to hit the road and get some fresh air. It was 6pm, Shangqi and Katy were probably still at the hotel.
As dreadful as running sounded to many people, this was one of the days where I could just zone out and mull over the day. The feeling of my shoes pounding into the pavement, body slowly being covered by a sheet of sweat… it felt good. Turning into the last corner of the run, a light tap on my shoulder jolted me out of my little world.
‘Woah is just me!’ My sudden stop had almost resulted me barreling right into Shangqi’s equally sweaty frame. He gives me his signature boyish grin only to earn a smack on his shoulder.
‘干嘛!’ (gànmá) [‘What are you doing!’]
‘吓死我了!’ (xià sǐ wǒ le!) [‘You scared me!’] I retorted back, removing my headphones. ‘What are you doing here, I thought you still had work?’
‘We did, but our shift ended early so I thought I’ll get in a quick run.’
‘10km is quick?’ I look at his phone that was calculating the distance, brows raised. ‘You’re a beast.’
‘Ha ha, very funny. Enough about me, what’s got you out today? I thought you were taking a break?’ We walked side by side, towards the direction of a renowned dim sum stall. ‘Yeah…’ I dragged my words for a while, hesitating to continue. ‘Just needed to think some things through.’ Shangqi nods. That’s the thing I liked about him. He never forced me to tell him things that I didn’t want to. He would wait quietly until I was ready.
‘I don’t know if I’m even going in the right direction. I thought I was doing things right - getting the grades, making sure I understood what was being taught at school… I was so sure that I could help people if I put my mind to it. But these feelings of not being able to do more… I don’t even know my future as a social worker anymore.’ I bit my lips, kicking a stray pebble.
‘Hold up!’ Shangqi steps in front of me, gripping the sides of my shoulders. ‘What did you say?’ He asks me in mock disbelief. ‘I said I’m not a good-‘
‘Nope! The conversation before this has been void! Because the (Y/N) I know is an amazing person and social worker who helps these kids to become the better version of themselves.’ He waves towards the many young Asian-American kids running around merrily in the playground as if to make his statement. A small smile formed on my lips watching Shangqi’s exaggerated movements to the disapproval of an elderly man with wispy white hair. He seemed to have noticed the looks he was getting as he dropped his hands to the sides in embarrassment.
‘Look, my point is that not many people can do what you do. Putting people before yourself, how many people would do that in this world?’
I throw him a skeptical glance. ‘You’re doing it. You’re a literal superhero that stopped a mythical creature from destroying our world. Not that it hasn’t happened.’ Shangqi snorts, ‘Sure. But hear me out. Who were the people that worked day and night to restore some order when the snap happened? Who made sure that these young kids weren’t afraid and reassured them that everything was going to be alright.’
He did have a point. Five years ago, the whole world was thrown into chaos. If I could forget something, it would be the chaos at the children and youth center on the exact day of the snap. Kids as young as four, crying uncontrollably for their missing parents. The older children who put on brave faces for their younger siblings but they too couldn’t make sense of the situation. The remaining social workers scrambling to attend to every need, every child. I was one of them. The sleepless nights, the constant worries - the social services were already overloaded, anymore pressure and the whole industry would collapse. I wanted to believe him but the doubts were becoming stronger by the minute.
Shangqi carefully stares at me as if analyzing my micro expression. ‘I know what I’m saying won’t change anything instantly. But what I do know is that we all have these moments of doubt, even me. I can’t offer you professional advice, but just like how Katy, my aunt and my mom were there for me when I needed them the most in Ta Lo, I’ll be here if you want to talk.’
‘You’re a good friend you know that right.’ My heart felt much lighter compared to the day.
‘Better than Katy?’
‘Don’t push it.’ I joked, eliciting laughter from both of us. Before we knew it, we arrived at the dim sum stall. As always, it was bustling with hungry customers. ‘Come on! Katy’s got a seat for us already, I’m starving!’ He opened the door for an young couple pushing a stroller.
‘Wait!’ Shangqi looks at me curiously. ‘I know we’re both sweaty but I think the situation calls for one.’ I gave a huge hug, ‘Thank you, that meant a lot to me.’
The sudden bear hug definitely threw the man off, but he to was glad for the heart to heart conversation. For more reasons than one.
‘Alright then! Who’s up for some char siew bao! I’m gonna inhale them - deserved it!’ I loudly declared my war against the dim sum, walking towards Katy who was enthusiastically waving at us.
Little did I know, there was a lot going on in Shangqi’s mind too.
A/N: Wew! That was long! If you’ve read it up till here, thank you for reading it! This idea really just popped out at the last minute so I’m not sure if it’s to y’all taste. Please do forgive me for my inaccurate translation - I am Chinese but like Katy my Mandarin is super rusty. Also whichever countries you come from, please give your social workers more recognition. They deserve it for a long time coming! Do give a comment or like if you wish! Just here to write and try and give simple joy to people who are such fans of Shangqi and the MCU in general.
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xhanisai · 3 years
Truth Or Dare?
Adrien gulped, completely frozen in his seat under the gaze of his demonic classmates, the almighty, notorious peer-pressure throwing a concert whilst his Lady continued to act like that the string on the floor was far more interesting than the fact that her newly discovered partner was currently in the hot seat. 'Now how do I answer this!?' He panicked internally, twiddling with his thumbs and praying to the Gods more reliable than Plagg that Marinette would suddenly come up with some brilliant, top-notch plan that would surely get them both out of this. Especially if she doesn't want him to whimper out: "Ya got me! It was Marinette when she kissed the evil out of me after I got shot by Dislocoeur, hahaha! Oh, do I need to mention that I have no recollection of it whatsoever and that I was decked up in my usual catsuit whilst she was in her polka-dotted onesie? A brilliant first kiss, amirite!? Not to mention that our second kiss was also wiped from my memory, cheers for that Alya and Nino!"
Pairing - Adrinette Prompt - 'Truth or Dare?' ~(x)~ . . . Adrien was fucked. He was entirely, thoroughly, immensely fucked. And not in the literal way much to the teen's utter dismay and painful frustration. And certainly not anytime soon, judging by his princesse's stiff, flustered posture who was on the floor across him, along with the rest of their class sitting in a circle (sans Lila and Chloé, Dieu merci). Gremlin-like smirks were etched on their friends' mischievous faces and sinister cackles escaped their mouths like the Madhatter from Alice Au Pays Des Merveilles. Even timid ol' Sabrina wore a grin that would rival the Cheshire cat. But never mind that. What was the cherry on top was how both he and Marinette just found out each other's identities no more than ten minutes prior. The two idiots were desperately sprinting back to collège Françoise Dupont after their latest akuma battle without noticing the other, only to literally collide into one other and their transformation to wear off immediately, leaving them both with matching gaping expressions. If luck was on his side, the scenario would have carried on with Adrien whipping out 'suave move #9236' and channelling his inner 'Tamaki Suoh', helping his Lady to her feet with a smile so sexy and seductive (guaranteed to win her over of course) and then him proceeding to ask her out for a cup of coffee where they can talk! Then, he would have totally charmed her with another brilliant smile that would have surely fly kicked away whatever feelings she had for that 'other' boy (he named him M. Imbécile), caressing that soft, soft cheek of hers with his hand and surely they would have leaned in for a hot, passionate, true love's kiss (and he'd finally know what it's like to be properly smooched)! MAIS NON. NON. His five seconds of absolute happiness, of pure bliss after finding out that the two girls he bloody loved so damn much and practically worshipped, were one and the same- WAS INTERRUPTED. . The inconveniently timed Ladyblogger and her DJ boyfriend arrived at the scene, practically snatching both him and Marinette away and back to class, babbling about how Mme. Bustier was going to arrive late hence they were going to take advantage of it. By taking advantage, they meant avoiding all responsibilities by playing a specific game. A game that Adrien has learnt to now, unconditionally despise. . "We're not getting any younger here, Buttercup. Tell us, who was your first kiss? And don't even think about lying your way out, we can tell by your face that you definitely got some sort of action~" Alya's glasses flashed in such a devilish way, even Le Papillon would have found himself shitting his pants. "Of course, if you don't want to answer the truth...you can always pick dare," 'LIKE HELL I WILL!' The last person to have picked 'dare' was Rose and she was instructed to deliver a hearty smack to Kim's bum! The teen model pretty much vowed that the only booty his hands were allowed to touch was Marinette's, with consent obviously. And vice versa. And the person before Rose who chose 'dare' was Nino! He was dared to sneak outside, climb to the top of the building's rooftop and sing Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' from the top of his lungs, recording himself live on Instagram as proof. It was a miracle that he never got caught by the staff! Again, the feline hero very much preferred that any attempts of his serenading would only be heard by the ears of the love of his life. . Adrien gulped, completely frozen in his seat under the gaze of his demonic classmates, the almighty, notorious peer-pressure throwing a concert whilst his Lady continued to act like that the string on the floor was far more interesting than the fact that her newly discovered partner was currently in the hot seat. 'Now how do I answer this!?' He panicked internally, twiddling with his thumbs and praying to the Gods more reliable than Plagg that Marinette would suddenly come up with some brilliant, top-notch plan that would surely get them both out of this. Especially if she doesn't want him to whimper out: "Ya got me! It was Marinette when she kissed the evil out of me after I got shot by Dislocoeur, hahaha! Oh, do I need to mention that I have no recollection of it whatsoever and that I was decked up in my usual catsuit whilst she was in her polka-dotted onesie? A brilliant first kiss, amirite!? Not to mention that our second kiss was also wiped from my memory, cheers for that Alya and Nino!" Unfortunately, (once again) for him, not even his pleading kitty eyes were able to penetrate the wall of aloofness that Marinette held between them, leaving him completely on his own, ready to be torn apart by their friends' malevolent hands. He was the equivalent of a teeny tiny, illegally cute kitten, surrounded by a circle of hungry, deadly, carnivorous wolves, licking their chops! Yet, Marinette remained unphased, pretending to stare out into space and think about what her Maman and Papa would prepare for dinner as if Adrien's scrutinising gaze weren't like arrows all over her side. However, much to her disadvantage, Agreste is her partner and he knew her very, very well. The desperate cat was able to pinpoint the cold sweat that was growing on her forehead, knowing that his presence was starting to get to her and conscious of the fact that she cannot ignore him for long either. 'Come on Marinette, you can't resist me forever. Please help!' His lack of any sort of psychic powers didn't stop him from wishing that she could read his mind but dammit did he try. 'Don't you love your pauvre Chaton!? Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît, My Lady!!!' Just before he could resort to begging out loud, Alix Kubdel... ...snickered. Simply from that evil, ominous sound, both Adrien and Marinette paled on the spot at a speed faster than M. Césaire's panther could ever dream of running at. "Ever since we asked you that question, not once have you looked away from Marinette...now why is that~?" The short girl's insight caused the rest of the class to gasp cheekily and "Oooh~?" simultaneously, their ferocious appetite for juicy gossip now at full throttle much to both heroes' apprehension. "And you, Mari! You look like a kid who got caught stealing from the cookie jar. I think the two of you have something big to admit to the rest of us, hmm?" "...No-oooo...?" Dupain-Cheng refused to make eye contact with anyone, her lips stuck between what looked like a grimace and a fake smile, continuing her sentence which was just as truthful as Jagged Stone's claims of being in his mid-twenties. "I am still a lowly virgin maiden in the kissing department...heheh...heh..." Adrien on the other hand blinked owlishly as he finally came to a conclusion, his singular working brain cell grinding its gear through his thought process. Oh? Ohoh??? OHOHOOHOH??????? . "So that means I was your first kiss too?" . If there was a compilation labelled "Top Ten Ways That Adrien Mothafuckin' Stupid Agreste Fucked Up"... This would be number one. "...You didn't hear me say that out loud...right?" He gulped meekly, shrinking under the astonished looks that everyone gave him, his Lady's jaw dropping further than what he assumed was humanely possible. He. Was. Fucked. . The entire classroom erupted with utter chaos. Ranging from high pitched squeals from Alya, Rose, Mylène and Kim to "HOLY SHIT!" and "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?" from Alix, Nino, Juleka and so on. Even Marinette was left burning brighter than a tomato, covering her face in embarrassment along with her iconic mantra: "THIS IS A DISASTER!!!" and shaking her head. Money was exchanged from secretive bets that were placed on the model and designer, naughty comments were thrown around left and right and even more! If one were to enter the room right now, they'd think that they've just stumbled across a hectic zoo. Never in his life did Adrien want the ground to swallow him up so badly or even run away at the speed of sound to an unknown island where he would live off of fruit and grow old all alone without ever getting married. Marinette probably- no, she definitely hates him now. Her refusal to come out of her 'Don't talk to me, I'm catastrophising' human ball and face him was more than enough evidence to prove that. Who was he kidding, thinking that he would be able to get such a wonderful, spectacular girl like her to fall for a hopeless, ridiculous nincompoop like him? His attempts in the past never worked out before and it certainly wouldn't have worked out now. Forget about pursuing a romantic relationship with her, he's one-hundred percent sure that he's absolutely tarnished what was left of their friendship! He can visualise his terrifying, depressing excuse of a future already. No more shy, cute greetings with a gorgeous smile in the mornings before class from Marinette. No more fun banter and warm hugs on their favourite patrol environments from Marinette. No more cheeky jokes and flirty teasing from Marinette. No more timid conversations and saying his name in the most softest way he's ever heard from Marinette. And, no more perfect "Bien joué!" fist bumps after an akuma battle from Marinette... How...how was he supposed to live without her? 'Shit, I can feel my eyes starting to water...' He took a deep breath, staring at the ceiling to force the traitorous tears away from daring to come out. The last thing Marinette needed was to deal with a dumb crybaby like him after he's just embarrassed her like that with his stupid, big mouth- "-But when did this happen, Marinette??? Girl, why didn't you tell me!?" Snapping out of his self-pity, Adrien tuned back into the pandemonium, wincing at how mortified Marinette still looked (albeit she was no longer in her cocoon of doom). She pursed her lips at Alya with that adorable pout of hers, unsure of how to answer with something that didn't sound like a terrible excuse. . Finally, a solid answer blared in Adrien's brain, the blonde teen adamant that he turned the situation around and salvaged what was left of the bond between him and his Princesse. For now, he can focus on the dreadful future after he got the current situation sorted. He would do anything to make Marinette feel good around him again. "It was during that time we were at le Musée Grévin when I invited Alya, Nino, Marinette and Manon to join me," He ignored the way that their classmates leaned closer with wide grins, focusing on sending a quiet apology to Marinette's direction with his pleading eyes alone. "I was being dumb and tried to play a prank on Marinette when the other three were away. I ended up tripping and Marinette tried to help me but I accidentally pulled her down with me and...we accidentally kissed..." Although the scenario wasn't fully true, Marinette did manage to land a light peck upon his lips during that incident and that's all it took for it to be branded in his memory. The sear of foreign warmth that left his lips in tingles, the subtle taste of strawberry gloss that left him hungry for more and the unadulterated softness that rivalled even the most expensive of silk. He hoped that his little white lie towards the end was enough to alleviate what was left of Marinette's embarrassment, deaf to their classmates' coos and brows furrowed to emphasise how sorry he was to the girl he loves. Although there was still a hint of pink on her cheeks, her expression was something that he wasn't able to decipher and that only made his heart race even faster than before. 'Please don't hate me, please don't hate me, please don't hate me-' "So how was the kiss, then?" Ivan waggled his eyebrows, both him and his girlfriend playfully winking at Marinette at her protesting stammers. "Oh? E-Erm...it was very quick and brief so I didn't get a chance to enjoy it-" His treacherous eyes decided to land on Marinette's lips midway, his mind screaming to stop digging a deeper hole for himself. He wasn't quick enough to flit his gaze away, the indication that he wanted to kiss her again so painfully obvious that even a blind person would have noticed. "-It was very soft and nice, however! I don't regret it-" Suddenly... . ...Marinette stood up. Adrien felt like his heart was going to bust out of his chest with the way it ricocheted against his ribcage, his emerald eyes wide with apprehension and his breath lodged in his throat as if a vice was clasped around his neck. Was she going to kill him? He certainly thought he deserved it. "Alya," The heroine in disguise began, the teen model unable to hide his flinch. "Dare me to kiss Adrien." 
She lifted her head to face her partner, her sapphire blues no longer hidden in the shadows of her fringe and sparkling with both amusement and...love? Her kissable lips were upturned into a confident smile with a gloss that was begging for him to taste and he was absolutely losing his mind. Was he dreaming? He must be dreaming. Yes. No way in the seven heavens would Marinette, THE Marinette, would want to kiss HIM, the embodiment of bad luck! Yet, the twinkling of her eyes and the warmth that radiated from her as she walked closer and closer towards him said otherwise. He didn't even hear Alya's excited declaration for Marinette's dare, solely focused on the way his Lady kneeled in front of him, smoothed her hands towards his cheeks and cupped them so gingerly. . "Pucker up, Buttercup," Marinette murmured against his lips with an endearing smirk, grazing her nose with his and rubbing his cheeks with her thumbs before sealing the kiss. . With all the romantic daydreams and boyish yearning he went through when it came to Marinette's lips, Adrien thought that he was well prepared for the real deal if the day were to ever come, disregarding his bad luck of course. However, he has been wrong before. He's absolutely, definitely, positively wrong now. The brief, shocked, brush of lips back in the wax museum was barely a taster. Barely a glimpse of the real thing. Not even close to a sample of the luxury. From the moment she pressed her lips against his, Adrien was hit with an outstanding overwhelm of fervour, tenderness and sweetness. His body instinctively shuddered as a pleasant fire seeped from her mouth to his and then coursed through the veins of the rest of his body, his hand that was clutching his precious good luck charm gift from Marinette then loosening its grip and automatically reaching for her cheek. His piano fingers dug into the locks of one of her ponytails, entangling them. 'If this really is a dream, then please, don't wake me up,' The sensation was slightly odd and just, indescribable at the same time. Yet, the more he tasted that strawberry gloss, the more her lips moved against his, the further he fell in love, addicted to the sugar that he's craved for so long. His red-tipped ears were oblivious to the class' whoops and cheers, his heart crashing against his chest louder than ever and the feel of hers doing just the same against him had him soaring. 'She never hated me all along, right? This isn't a kiss of hate at all,' But most importantly, the feeling of Marinette's pulse quickening from when his fingertips slid down to meet the side of her sensitive neck, cradling the back of it and the almost inaudible whimper she let out, was branded to his touch and memory like an imprint. 'So this is a real first kiss? Is this what Marinette felt when she kissed me to get rid of Kim's spell? How did she manage to keep her composure around me since then?' Just as Marinette pulled away, her eyes shimmering with wonderful emotions and her lips as beautifully rosy as her cheeks, Adrien couldn't resist and pulled her back in without a beat. As if to make up for all those missed opportunities, all the moments where he could have stolen her breath away and all those unsaid words that surely would have made them happy. They could talk about the reveal and their feelings afterwards in the safety of Marinette's humble balcony without any prying eyes. They could sort out their overwhelming emotions and bask through their memories over that cup of coffee that Adrien now has the confidence to ask her out on. But just for now, the two of them wanted to enjoy their present and make the most of it. 'Sweet, sweet, sweet, she's so sweet...' . . . ~(x)~ A/N: Ah shit it's six am. I'll edit this tomorrow.
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starglitterz · 3 years
cynosure. (playlist)
─── playlist !
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synopsis; you and xiao are genmates under the famed streamer company genshin impact. the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable, and your fanbases absolutely love your collaborations. but when you both start meeting up offline more and more, your connection starts to deepen past just harmless flirting and playful banter. with these real feelings starting to affect both your job and reputation online, how will you two react when your relationship becomes the internet's cynosure?
a/n; aghhh i hope the formatting for this is okay LOL
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❝ it's eight o'clock in the morning, now i'm entering my bed. ❞
(i) pain - pinkpantheress
❝ had a few dreams about you, i can't tell you what we did. ❞
❝ but i've been lovin' all the time, can you place your bed next to mine? ❞
(ii) wii date - city girl, highvyn, tiffi, siopaolo
❝ my duo all time, all night laughing on my facetime, we may talk fictional but you're my real life. ❞
❝ if i walked up to you and told you that i loved you, would you say it back? ❞
(iii) bad texter - ryan woods
❝ 'cause i know you wanna reach me, but i'm a bad texter. ❞
❝ you got me feeling lovesick, lovesick, cold sweating and i love it, love it. ❞
(iv) medicine - shawn wasabi, tia scola
❝ you make time feel never-ending, i'll stay forever if you let me. ❞
❝ am i tripping or did i arrive in paradise? i haven't felt this good in such a long time. ❞
(v) out of my mood - gate 문 
❝ 'cause this is unreal, and i can't afford to feel the way you make me feel. ❞
❝ how could i be her one and only when she's so fine? what does she see in me? ❞
(vi) electronic lover - breathe electric
❝ she said i'm just her type, and i like it when she types. boy, i wish you were beside me. ❞
❝ it's you, it's you, it's all for you - everything i do. ❞
(vii) video games - the young professionals
❝ i tell you all the time, heaven is a place on earth with you. ❞
❝ 'cause i'm holding my breath wondering when you're gonna wake up in my arms. ❞
(viii) blueberry eyes - max, suga
❝ i can't wait to kiss you each morning, with strawberry skies! ❞
❝ baby just hit my line, i really like your style. ❞
(ix) hml - sisyfuss
❝ baby just hit my line, i think you’re super fine.❞
❝ my boy's got his own ringtone, it's the only one i know. ❞
(x) ringtone - 100gecs, laura les, dylan brady
❝ it's my way of trying to let you know, i've got a little thing for you, i've got a little crush or something. ❞
❝ you should've picked mercy, you should've picked any kind of support. ❞
(xi) no mercy - the living tombstone, littlejayneycakes, blackgryph0n
❝ if you like mercy so much, why don't you just marry her?! ❞
❝ am i not enough? do i even matter? ❞
(xii) futon - ūla
❝ i can make it better if you hold on, we could be together for like so long! ❞
❝ the day we first met, inside my quiet heart, as if a new world has opened. ❞
(xiii) heart attack (츄) - loona
❝ can’t stop thinking about you, i keep thinking about you more and more! ❞
❝ if the future has to come for us, i'd rather shine even if i'm offline. ❞
(xiv) ぴこぴこ東京 (pico pico tokyo) - yasutaka nanaka, momo mashiro
❝ and even now my heart lights up, bright and glittery! ❞
❝ i wanna be a 3d ghost in your dream. ❞
(xv) plug me in - lil soda boi
❝ i feel like telling lies and love and morphine. ❞
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spotify playlist link.
taglist (open); @noirkkat @bookuya @ohmykazuha @glazelilyy @mika-zuko @oreoz-unfortunately @tiny-aroace @xiaophobic @test-tube @yanphobics @storytravelled @mirikusashes @ben6ett @oliviasslut
© starglitterz 2021. do not repost or modify in any way.
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for the revolution ~ enjolras;les mis
word count: 2101
request?: no
description: she wants to fight for her country, but he won’t let her, so she decides to disguise herself
pairing: enjolras x female!reader
warnings: swearing, violence, death, mentions of steamy stuff at the beginning
i watched les mis for the first time last night, so if this has an inaccuracies please forgive me as i’m currently writing after one viewing (also i’m gonna be changing how it all ends just for a more fluffy ending instead of a sad one)
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His body was pressed against hers, both of their bodies still stuck together with sweat. Enjolras’ lips gently grazed her neck, causing her to giggle every time he touched her sweet spot.
It took a lot of will power, but finally Enjolras separated himself from her. He began to stand, only for (Y/N) to take hold of his hand and pull him back into the bed.
“Must you go already?” she asked with a pout.
“I have to meet with the boys,” he told her, although he moved his arms around her to hold her close.
“You’re starting a revolution tomorrow, you can spend one night with your girlfriend. Especially since you are leaving me tomorrow.”
Enjolras sighed and kissed the top of (Y/N)’s head. “Not this again, my love. You know I am leaving you for your own safety.”
(Y/N) propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at her boyfriend. “I do not understand why you won’t let me join you lot. Gavroche is fighting with you, and he is a child!”
“You know it has nothing to do with your gender, as you keep insisting it is. It is because I cannot stand the thought of you being hurt. This is my fight, our fight, this isn’t a fight for you.”
(Y/N) cupped Enjolras’ face. “It is our fight, Enjolras.”
He sighed and pulled away from her. He turned his back to her as to make it easier to dress himself to leave. He knew that if he looked at (Y/N)’s face he would cave and stay with her. He promised his men he would meet them tonight, he had to meet them tonight. They started their revolt in the morning.
(Y/N) watched sadly as Enjolras reluctantly pulled his clothes on. She understood that he was just worried for her safety, but (Y/N) was also worried for his. She knew how dangerous this was going to be, she knew that the policemen would not stand down against the Friends of the ABC, and neither would Enjolras and his friends.
She just wanted to protect him, and to fight for her country at his side. She wanted to be a part of history.
Enjolras turned to look at (Y/N) one more time. She looked up at him with those beautiful eyes that he loved more than anything. He approached the bed and leaned over to gently kiss her forehead.
“I will come back to you, my love,” he promised.
“I will be waiting,” she responded.
Enjolras smiled. He had to pull himself away from her before convincing himself to stay.
Once the door closed behind him, (Y/N) softly counted to 60, making sure he was gone and that he wasn’t coming back, before she quickly jumped up from the bed. She made quick work of collecting some of the clothes Enjolras had left at her place and pulling them on. They were very obviously big, but nothing too suspicious. And they covered any...identifying features on her body.
She picked up one of Enjolras’ hats and stuffed her hair underneath it. There was no way to change her face, the face that Enjolras knew so well. She just had to hope that he wouldn’t see her, or that none of his friends would recognize her face.
Her heart was racing as she made her way to the pub that she knew the Friends of the ABCs always met at. When she arrived, they were already setting up the barricades. She was quick to join, trying to blend in the best she could.
“Oi! Who are you?” asked one of the men. (Y/N) recognized him as Joly, one of Enjolras’ friends. He was looking at her long and hard, waiting for her response. She privately prayed that he wouldn’t recognize her.
“I-I - ” she stuttered, trying to come up with an answer.
“She’s with us Joly.”
Another familiar face came to (Y/N)’s aid, but this one, much like her, was dressed in a disguise.
“You don’t have to be so suspicious over everyone, Joly, she is just a young buck like us,” Eponine said, putting an arm around your shoulder. “Come, arm yourself.”
She led (Y/N) away from a still suspicious looking Joly.
“What are you doing?” (Y/N) whispered to her brave friend as she picked a gun and shoved it into the waistband of Enjolras’ pants.
“The same as you apparently,” Eponine responded. “I want to be part of the revolution, and I’m trying to look out for Marius.”
(Y/N) followed Eponine’s longing gaze towards the man she had been hopelessly in love with for years; Enjolras’ best friend Marius. Her heart ached for Eponine, especialyl with the latest news that Marius had fallen in love with a strange, blonde girl.
“I just want to be a part of the revolution,” (Y/N) told her friend. “Enjolras refuses to let me take part, but I want to fight for this country. You cannot tell him I’m here, please.”
“Of course, they don’t even know that I am here,” Eponine promised. “Just...stay safe, please.”
(Y/N)’s eyes trailed back to Marius, who was now talking to Enjolras. She looked at the man she loved, imagining the devastating heartbreak he would feel if he lost her on that day.
“I will,” she told Eponine. “I promise.”
The watch was boring at first. Little excitement happened, besides the reveal of an undercover police officer trying to infiltrate the barricades.
(Y/N) was sat behind the barricade, huddled next to another of the men, when a shot rang out. She quickly looked over and felt her heart break when she saw little Gavroche holding a bullet wound with one blood soaked hand.
“No!” she exclaimed before she could stop herself. “He’s a child, leave him alone!”
Another shot rang out, hitting Gavroche again. He stumbled this time, his skin turning deathly pale. A final shot deafened (Y/N)’s ears, but she couldn’t tell from what side the shot had come as one of the police officers fell at the same time that Gavroche did.
She began to climb over the barricade, desperate to get to the lifeless little boy. Someone grabbed her arm and tried to pull her back. “Are you insane?!”
“We can’t leave him out there!” she cried, forgetting to disguise her very feminine voice. “We have to bring him back, we can’t leave him!”
Whoever grabbed her pulled on her arm hard, causing her to spin to face him. (Y/N) came face to face with the blue eyes and curly blonde hair she loved more than anything.
“(Y/N),” Enjolras breathed.
(Y/N) pulled her arm free from her boyfriend’s grasp before he could say anything else. She pulled her gun from her waistband and began to fire on the closing officers.
A sense of pride swelled in her as she watched officers fall from her gunfire. The other men followed suit, climbing from their hidden spots and opening fire. They were outnumbered, but they weren’t going down without a fight.
(Y/N) saw the officers coming closer to Gavroche’s body. She looked over her shoulder at Enjolras, who was busy trying to battle himself. She took a deep breath and leaped over the barricade, quickly sliding down to cradle Gavroche’s small body in her arms.
He felt weightless as she lifted him. His whole life ahead of him, taken by those damned officers. (Y/N) had started back up the barricade when she felt a stabbing pain run through her shoulder. She screamed in pain but refused to back down. She was near the top when another searing pain shot through her stomach, causing her to exclaim in pain again.
One of their men took Gavroche from her as another pulled (Y/N) the rest of the way. At some point, she had lost the hat concealing her hair, but she didn’t care anymore. She laid back against the barricade, one hand covering the wound on her stomach. She winced as she put some pressure on it in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding.
“Out of the way!”
Through her blurring vision (Y/N) could see Enjolras as he knelt in front of her. He looked over her injuries, trying to put pressure on the wound on her shoulder but stopping every time she winced.
“Why did you do this?” he asked her as he pulled her into his arms, cradling her the same way she had cradled Gavroche. “Why did you come like this? Why did you come at all? I told you - ”
“Foolish of you to think I’d listen,” she responded, her voice weak.
Enjolras smiled through the tears forming in his eyes. “You have me there.”
(Y/N) smiled as well before beginning to cough, the taste of something metallic coming up in her mouth. Enjolras held her tightly and kissed her forehead. “Stay awake for me, okay love? We’ll get you help, but you have to stay awake.”
The edges of her view were starting to fill with black spots. “It’s getting hard to see, Enjolras.”
“I know, love, but you have to fight it, okay?” Over the continued gunfire, he shouted, “I need help! Someone, get her some help, please!”
The sounds around her became more and more muffled as the black began to swallow her whole.
And suddenly, she felt nothing.
(Y/N) woke up some time later. She wasn’t sure how long she had been out. She wasn’t even sure she was alive. She was sure those wounds had killed her, that she was waking up in heaven.
The hot pain coursing through her shoulder and stomach, however, alerted her that this was far from the truth.
She opened her eyes and immediately cringed as the sunlight beamed in through the windows. She closed her eyes as her head pounded from the sudden bright light. Through her closed lids, she could see the light disappear. When she opened them again, she could clearly see the face of Enjolras leaning over her.
“You’re awake,” he said, softly. “I was so scared that you...”
He trailed off as he took her hand in his and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“How long have I been out?” she asked him. Her throat felt raw, from lack of use she assumed.
“A few days,” Enjolras replied.
Her eyes widened. “What? Days? Enjolras, what have I missed? Where is everyone? Have we won?”
“Calm down,” he told her. (Y/N) realized then how painful her wounds felt when she got worked up. “We won.”
Relief washed over her and she couldn’t help but laugh to herself. Enjolras smiled at her response, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
A realization hit her in that moment. “Gavroche.”
Enjolras’ face darkened as he looked down at their intertwined hands. “We...we lost a few good people. Eponine was among them.”
(Y/N)’s heart broke. She felt tears welling in her eyes. “And Marius?”
Enjolras shook his head. “No, Marius made it out. Eponine took a bullet that was meant for him. She...she died in his arms.”
Although the fact that her friend was dead hurt her greatly, (Y/N) was glad to know that Eponine had died in the arms of someone she loved, someone who loved her even if it wasn’t in the same way that she wanted.
“I’m so sorry, Enjolras,” she said, her voice just barley a whisper. “I’m sorry for going against what you asked me to do, and for worrying you like I did. I just...I wanted to - ”
“I know,” he cut her off. “You wanted to fight like the rest of us. I understand. I cannot be mad at you for that. I’m just...I’m so glad you’re alive. I’m glad that I haven’t lost you.”
(Y/N) squeezed his hand. “You’ll never lose me, love. I promise.”
Enjolras smiled and climbed onto the bed next to (Y/N). He took her in his arms and held her close, the way he had that fateful day before the revolution started. He held her tightly to him, as if afraid that letting go would mean losing her again.
(Y/N) settled into Enjolras’ chest, taking in the familiar scent and warmth that came with him. “I’m glad you’re okay, too, love.”
Enjolras smiled to himself and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Rest, love. When you’re feeling better, I’ll take you out into our new world.”
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intynidad · 3 years
Hihi! I just found your blog so is it alright if I request for Leona, and Malleus (not poly) for an MC in which their phone (from their world) is filled with idol pictures and they think that idol used to be their s/o? Its okay for you to decline this one if its too much of a hassle ^w^
the start
-did you finish it?- you said bouncing your leg
-almost ready y/n-san!- say the ortho while holding a little screwdriver 
you may be wondering what is happening...well you were cleaning a couple of stuff in your dorm when Grimm knocked over a big box, that box has all the things that you had on yourself when you came to twisted wonderland
from the pocket of your jacket your phone bounce through the floor landing at your feet, the screen was broken since you arrived at twisted wonderland and even if you tried to turn it on it never worked and only did a weird buzzing sound
you mentioned one day while walking around campus with ortho and the little boy eyes light up saying that he could see and try to fix it and that’s how you ended up in ignyhide, your heart going crazy at the thought of having your phone back 
-I DID IT!- the little shourd said with excitement
you took your phone and give ortho the biggest hug 
after touching it for some time you discovered that the messages, calls, and most social media didn’t  work (probably for the fact that you were yeeted into another dimension) but your music apps and your camera roll was perfect, you were so excited that you wanted to show it to all your friends and you knew exactly with who start 
Leona Kingscholar
-Oi, what do you want herbivore-
you woke up the savanaclaw dorm leader from one of his countless naps just for geek over a phone ??
Leona was kinda annoyed and sincerely he wasn’t paying attention until he saw your lock screen.
Was that a boy?
he snatched the little device from your hands and looked at the person on your screen 
....who the hell was that guy?
-oh? HE IS JIMIN HE IS MY OPPA!- you said with dreamy eyes Leona started to bowser through your camera gallery and that boy was at least half of it.
shit, he never really did a move because he thought that you already like him, do you like this kind of guys better?
his dark skin and messy hair was nothing like this dude from your world
has he been too subtle while courting you?
-what did he did-Leona say
-eh, what do you mean?- you said with confused eyes
-what did this person do to gain you-he didn't show it but he was kinda angry
-oh! well he dances so well and I love his voice plus I think he is super cute- your eyes light up again
fantastic, not he only loses the throne but now he loses his little herbivore to some random boy, so what if he can dance or if his voice is good. Leona could give you a crown and a life full of luxuries with only moving a finger
-the first time I saw him live I was screaming so hard that my throat hurt for a week-
wait, what???? live???? the hell???
-and when he and the rest of the group performed “blood, sweat, and tears” my soul left my body-
-the rest of the group????- does his herbivore has their own harem????
-oh yea! well, he is part of this cool band called BTS they are 7 members and-
a band…. this boy was part of a fucking band….
now he just feels stupid, he thought that he was your boyfriend goddamit herbivore you give him a good scare
-and then we have Jungkook he is a vocalist aND AHH- you suddenly were surrounded by strong arms and tackled to the floor.
-le-Leona! what are you-
-shhh herbivore I'm tired of hearing you talk about another man, and for making me waste my time you will be my personal pillow now-
Leona was actually happy that you were only talking about a boy-band and not a lover, he put his nose on your neck and inhaled your scent...he is gonna make you pay for the scare you give him
maybe a couple naps with him or maybe giving him your heart is a good payback 
Malleus Draconia
the heir of the valley of thrones was waiting on the rooftop of ramshackle dorm for one of the most amazing creatures he had the luck to meet 
and there there are 
-well hello child of man-
there was the little magicless human with their cheerful smile waving at him without a care in the world
even tho they discovered his true identity they still called him by the almost childish nickname and oh how he loves it
-look what I got, malleus!- the tall fae teleported behind them and saw the little device they had in hand
-Oya, a cellphone?-
-is my phone from my world-they looked at him in the eyes without a single bit of fear-i have so many things to show you!-
they passed the time looking at some of the songs you used to listen to, pictures of food of your world even a photo of you when you were just a toddler
malleus couldn’t help to imagine that his kids would  look like a tiny version of both of you
it made his heart flutter
until he saw a certain photo…
-child of man...who is this person?-
the same face was in at least half of your gallery...who is this man?
-oh?-you looked at the picture malleus was showing you- That's Jimin! he is my Oppa and I'm a full stan of him!!!-
stan?????? Oppa???? what????
this was one of those “slags” that Lilia told him?
you said you were his “stan”... so...oh dear, you just say that you are his.
he feels like a fool, did he misunderstood your kindness?
of course, you have a lover, somebody as amazing as you should have a million of them in your world but why did you choose this “Oppa”???, in particular
-ehh,tsunotaro are you ok?- you waved your hand past his face
malleus stood up and shook your hand-a I'm sorry for the inconvenience child of man, please tell this boy my congratulations for successfully courting you, I wish both of you the best- he said with a melancholic face
-what???-you looked at him with a confused face-lover?-
-yes, sorry for not congratulate you before as I was unaware that you were the partner of this man-
-he is not my lover, he is part of BTS-
-BTS? is that the name of his kingdom, or maybe is the name of your homeland?-
-NONONONONON is none, BTS is the name of their band-
-a band?-
-yes, look I have some fancams in my phone of their dances!- you say while excitedly playing the video-
ah, so he really misunderstood the situation, so this boy is like sir schoenheit!
he felt relieved so  he didn't lose the battle for your heart but he now understood that he should start to make “moves” on you 
after all, He does not want that his little fantasy of having a heir that looked like his adored  beasty would stay as  just a fantasy
Reblogs really appreciated
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My little Brothers revenge- Final
The next day at school time dragged by for Justin. while his teacher was tickled pink that he'd done so well on his extra credit work, Grizz's hadn't been met with the same gushing, and more of a "well at least you tried and I appreciate the effort you put in."
Needless to say this didn't help mend any fences between Grizz and Justin and come noon hour Rayne was even angrier. It had only been the fact that Rayne was one more suspension for fighting at school and he'd be expelled that saved Justin from a ass kicking.
With all the grades going to the same school and the lunch hours the same, Justin found himself hanging out with Alex's group ironically, and even then they only allowed it because Alex had let them in on what he had planned for Justin.
As it got closer and closer to 3 Justin toyed with trying to get himself detention so he'd have to stay after school and put off his upcoming humiliation but then pictured trying to explain it to his parents and that wasn't a fun mental picture either.
As the final bell rang and the loser's club met up to walk Justin home, claiming to be his honor guard to protect him, Justin mentally wondered what he had done to deserve all this.
Their dad worked 9 to five five days a week so he wasn't home as the boys arrived, and Mom had recently taken up a part time job working 12 to 5 herself.
She had waited till Justin was old enough to be trusted to look after Alex, though if she had known what was about to happen she might not of been as eager to start a job.
"Alright BABY brother..ready for your first of many, many diapers?" Alex asked as they got inside, practically bouncing he was so excited.
"Would it make a difference if I said no?" Justin groaned, though he had accepted this was happening.
"heh, not in the least bit! Max, would you be a pal and go and get ohhh.. i dunno, what do you guys think would be a good number of diapers for widdle Justin to wear?" Alex chuckled, looking at Max, Kyle and Lyle.
"Well we want him padded for awhile so I say one." Max said, nodding thoughtfully.
"Bull dooky on that!" Kyle giggled. "10!"
Justin paled at that and whined loudly.
"Uhhh I like the idea of that.. but I think we're gonna have to be more realistic." Lyle said, rubbing the back of his head. "3?"
"Heh, all good suggestions. Max, I know we want this to last awhile but i also want a waddle in his set. Kyle, I like how you think but maybe save that for when mom and dad aren't gonna be around. we don't want him busted in diapers right off the bat. I think we'll just go double diapers for now and see how that works." Alex said and nodded to Max.
With Max heading down into the basement to get the diapers from where they'd been stashed, Alex had the twins go and make sure doors were locked and curtains were pulled, then go down into the basement and pick out some baby toys for widdle Justin.
"ah come on, playing with baby toy's in the living room?" Justin whined.
"I can always have you play in the front yard." Alex said with a smug grin.
"..Oh boy! playing in the living room! weeee!" Justin said quickly, sweat dropping.
"That's what I thought. Lose the pants and undies."
getting the diapers on Justin's big butt turned out to be a bit harder then Alex had figured, and he wasn't sure if he was gonna trust them for a stinky accident though he was positive they'd hold up to wet ones.
'eh, so i just make him a pants pisser. win some, lose some.' Alex thought with a grin.
He was currently using a role of light green masking tape and after using it to make sure the sides of the diapers were fixed on tight, he was running it around Justin's waist so they're would be no quick and easy getting out of the diapers and Alex would know if he had taken them off without permission.
Just to make sure he had each of the loser club sign they're named in pen on the waist band as Justin turned red as a cherry and had his hands to his face looking ready to cry.
"Now Little Justin.. I want you to TRY and be a big boy and use the potty for uh-oh's." Alex said as he finished signing his name.
"What!? After he made-" Lyle started up.
"-Us poop ourselves!?" Kyle finished, both twins filed with righteous anger.
"Justin would be too toxic to hide it, plus I'm not sure the diapers will take a load of back door fudge without leaking. anyone wanna clear that up?" Alex asked.
"heh, yeah guys, Alex has a point. sides, you two DID turn Judas on us so consider crapping yourself karma." max added.
"For the record, I am perfectly fine with crapping in the potty." Justin chimed in.
"That's good to know baby bro. though there's just onnnnne thing about that.." Alex said and flashed a impish grin.
"Why do I get the feeling this is gonna suck." Justin muttered, shifting and crinkling in his white and pink diapers.
"Because despite what your test scores say, your not stupid." Alex giggled. "Anyways, You have to get permission from one of us to go and use the potty for boom boom and one of us will be waiting by the door to make sure your in your diapies when you come out. or if you need help with your pampers after."
"Of freaking course.." Justin whined as the loser club laughed.
Sat on the soft blanket on the floor and in a t-shirt and diapers, Justin was made to put on a show for the younger boys using the stuffies that the twins had fished out of the basement for him.
they had been washed and dried before being stored in a plastic bag so no one was worried about Justin getting sick as he had a interesting epic war between 4 teddy bears and then a lion, tiger and bear stuffie. (And yes a 'oh my' comment had been dropped.)
The only reason Justin didn't have a paci in his mouth at the the moment was the fact that the loser's club wanted to heard EVERY single bit of the 'plot' of Justin's little show he was putting on for them, even though it was clear that he sucked at improv.
"S-So then uh.. the Lion decided that the four bears had disgraced the bear on his team too many times at.. gathering..honey! yeah honey and so-"
the losers just chuckled and encouraged Justin on, though he never once go into the being a big baby dork to their disappointment.
the story came to a sudden end however when Justin turned beet red and dropped the stuffies and his hands went to his crotch. he'd been on his knees at the point and hunched over.
"Alex..alex please..I gotta take a whiz so bad my back teeth are floating.." Justin whimpered.
"And? your WEARING your bathroom for piddles remember little guy?" Alex asked smugly.
"..O-Oh and I have to take a crap! so you better le-" Justin tried but Max snorted.
"Nice try dip shit. you must think we're as stupid as Rayne if we're gonna fall for that." Max said.
"But..But..I can't just wet myself like a baby!" Justin whimpered.
"Oh! I know what the problem is!" Lyle said, locking eyes with Kyle, who shared his brothers grin.
"Yeah, me too! don't worry Justin! we'll help you!" Kyle said.
Before Alex or Max or even Justin could ask what they meant, the twins had sprung up from their seats and tackled Justin to the floor though a combination of surprise and leverage, then they were on top of him and tickling his sides.
"ah! No Stopppp!" Justin cried out, actually being fairly ticklish though normally it wasn't a weakness Alex could take advantage of as Justin would just easily over power him.
the tickling made what little bit of self control Justin had left vanish in mere seconds and with a wail that made all of the losers club wince, and some dogs around the block howl, Justin flooded his pretty pink and white diapers.
If Justin had thought the low point of his day had been being made to wet himself, he soon found out just how much worse it would get as the heavy soaked padding sagged around his hips, and he was told how he'd have to earn a diapie change before their parents got home.
"Unless of course you wanna risk leaking during supper." Alex chuckled.
"...I hate you. SO much right now." Justin huffed, rubbing at his tear stained checks.
"Awww don't be like that, you'll hurt big brothers feelings" Alex scolded but couldn't stop grinning.
"You should be thankful we're giving you a way to earn a diaper change nice and quick anyways." Max added. "We could just wait half a hour and let you squish around in your soaked diapies."
"Yeah, I think you should tell Alex how much-" Kyle started
"-You love him and how he's the bestest big brother in the world." Lyle finished.
"..Your joking right? It's bad enough I gotta do the stupid diapie change song, now you want me t-" Justin started to rant, but was cut off.
"Say it or you can sing till your blue in the face, I won't change you till 3 minutes before mom and dad are due home." Alex interrupted.
"...I Love you Alex and you the best big brother in the world." Justin said, huffing and saying it in a flat tone.
"no no no, say it with some gusto!" Max snickered, bringing out his cell phone to record.
"Fuck my life.." Justin groaned and face palmed, then taking a deep breath and forcing a cheerful tone into his voice. "Gee golly big brother! I wove you sooo much! your the bestest big brother ever!"
between the goofy look on his face and the statement, the loser's club was roaring with laughter.
"Awww, I love you too. now let's get on with your little song~" Alex wheezed between laughs.
Set to the tune of tinkle tinkle little star, Justin started singing.
"Tinkle tinkle in my pants,
I just blew my last chance to wear big boy pants.
wetting my my diapers till their super soggy
It makes me sleepy and kinda groggy
Alex please change my diaper butt
then pat me on the head like I'm a mutt."
Needless to say Justin wished a hole would open up in the earth and swallow him whole, but the performance was deemed acceptable by the losers club who noted it wasn't like Justin wouldn't have time to perfect his act.
One soggy diaper change later, and after letting Justin sit on the potty for five minutes and try and go 'uh-oh', and Justin was in two of the blue and white diapers this time and was allowed to wear a baggy pair of shorts over them as Alex set him to work doing any chores that needed to be done while the loser's club did their homework.
with the chores done Justin mentioned that he was kinda thirsty and so much to his humiliation (and the losers club delight) he was given a sippy cup full of Kool-aid to drink, never having noticed that some pills had been slipped in and dissolved, just chalking the weird taste up to the sippy cup being old.
He was sipping away on pills that would make sure he was peeing like a race horse and having to stick around Alex all night long, as well as a mild sedative that would have him going night night much earlier then normal. (one of Alex's new goals was to have a later bedtime then his big brother naturally.)
After finishing his sippy cup Justin was supervised as he did his homework and the rest of the losers club took off since technically they weren't suppose to be over.
Ironically compared to all the other times Alex had attempted to tutor his big brother, somehow having him in double diapers had him paying more attention and picking up on what was going on faster then normal.
'huh, Maybe I SHOULD send him to school in diapers..at least on test days.' Alex wondered and giggled a little.
Justin looked up, wondering what the the giggling was about but Alex just put him back to work.
The rest of the night was mostly incident free except for a cute moment at the supper table when Justin had been in the middle of telling his parents how happy his teacher had been with the extra work he'd done AND was giving props to Alex for helping him when he just stopped, their parents giving him a weird look but Alex knew full well what was happened, baby Justin was making piddles.
"It's Ok Justin, you don't have to hide I helped you." Alex said, jumping in and playing it as if Justin was worried they'd be mad. "I didn't just give him the answers but helped him to find them on his own. we're gonna start doing stuff like that more often so Justin can keep his grades up for when he wants to join the football team next year."
"Heh. Well ok." Dad said super proud. "Justin, I don't mind if Alex is helping you, just as long as he's not giving you the quick and easy way out."
"Oh trust me, I don't make this easy on Justin. right bro?" Alex said and smirked, winking at Justin.
Only their mother seemed to pick up on the fact there was two different conversations going on, but being tired from work she left well enough alone.
And so after supper Alex changed Justin's diaper and let him sit on the potty for 10 minutes to see if he could made boom boom (and to Justin's humiliation, he was praised and told what a good boy he was when he DID manage it)
Re-diapered and lead to the bedroom, Justin found himself super wiped and ready for bed even though it wasn't even 8 pm yet, but just chalked it up to his stressful day.
"Hey squ- Big brother.." Justin mumbled, rubbing a eye as he headed for his bed.
"Yessss?" Alex asked, already knowing where this was going.
"Can you tell mom and dad I'm too sleepy and going to bed early?" He asked.
"of course I can' you don't mind if I stay up do you?" Alex asked, but Justin was laying in bed, eyes closed.
"What..whatever." he yawns and was snoring softly before Alex even left the room.
Day's turned into weeks, and before long Justin's once 11 pm on weekday's bedtime had been adjusted to a 8 pm one, with Alex's jumping from 9 pm to 11.
Ironically, 4 days into the diaper punishment from Alex, and Justin's padding had been found by they're mom, Forcing Alex to come up with a off the top of his head story about how Justin had started bed wetting too and begging mom not to tell dad because Justin didn't want dad thinking he was a wuss.
that was ALSO why Justin hadn't said anything and only asked Alex for his help.
their mom had bought the line hook line and sinker, but had also gone and tossed out the other diapers and still told their dad about it, before taking Justin out to pick out his own diapers.
Naturally Alex was giggling his butt off the whole time they were gone and telling his friends about it.
Grizz and Rayne never really forgave Justin and isolated him more and more and so it became more and more natural for Justin to hang out with Alex's friends and just be treated like everyone's kid brother, even as his accidents got worse and he started needed day time diapers as well.
Ironically the daytime wetting, at least during school hours WEREN'T something Alex was behind, but it only reinforced the perception of Justin being their little guy.
at the same time as Justin's accidents got worse Alex finally stopped wetting the bed and just kept his avengers diapers around for when he or the other loser's wear to make Justin who had turned into a cry baby feel better.
And so, a tale that began with one brother being a bully and a dick ends with the bed wetter now the big brother despite being smaller and younger, and a ex-bully now a 24/7 diaper dork. Don't you just love a happy ending?
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O, Canada
A small gift of Renga fic to @emmettspeakz
Reki laid on the floor awoken by the sun’s rays. He and Langa had just ended up having an impounti sleepover at his workshop since he stayed up until 3 in the morning fixing up their boards. The redhead looked over at Langa who muttered to himself in his sleep. 
“Oui, j'aimerais le pain au chocolat (Yes, I’d like the chocolate croissant). Oui, l'école va bien (Yes, school’s fine)...Papa, quand nous reverrons-nous? (Father, when will we meet again?)...Adieu,” Langa opened his eyes only to see a very confused Reki. “What’s wrong?” 
“You were just sayin’ some weird stuff in yer sleep.” Reki answered.  
“Oh, was I talking in French again? Sorry, I grew up in a resort town between Quebec City and Montreal, where there’s a lot of French-speakers. I speak French, English, and Japanese.” Langa yawned, “Sometimes I speak another language in my sleep.” 
“Really? That’s so cool.” Reki’s eyes glistened.   
“My adopted dad Oliver-”
“Wait, wait, hold on. You’re adopted? Since when?” Reki’s glistening eyes turned to confusion.  
“Yeah, haven’t you ever wondered why I don’t look like my parents?” Langa pointed to himself. “My biological dad gave me up to his two friends Oliver and my mom when I was...4? Yeah, that sounds right. He was really busy with work; he’s a UN representative for Canada and he felt it’d look bad on his part to have a bastard kid so he swept it under the rug. Though it might come out if I go through with Miya on competing in the Olympics in a few years.” 
“That sucks, I had no idea...,” Reki sighed, “Who am I kiddin’? I’m practically in the same boat. My dad works at a black company. The old man gets maybe four hours of sleep a week if he’s lucky. I never want to end up like him, just tied to an office chair.”
“What do you want to do?” Langa asked. 
“I don’t know. Skate, I guess.” Reki yawned.  
“Yeah, but even skilled skaters like Cherry and Joe have day jobs. Hell, even Adam does and he runs the circuit.” Langa brought up. 
“Man, don’t bring up that bastard’s name this early in the morning.” Reki groaned. “Besides, I got that job at the shop.”  
“We both know that’s not gonna pay the bills,” Langa pointed out. 
“True.” Reki sat up, “Our English teacher said the career survey’s due on Monday. Ugh, I still haven’t got a clue.”
“You’re pretty good with your hands and handling tools. You don’t want an office job, and I can’t blame you. Maybe technical school?” Langa suggested. 
“Joe mentioned that last week. He said he’d be glad to write a letter of recommendation for the trade school he went to, but I don’t know if I’d like to work in a kitchen.” Reki looked over at his tools. “Maybe a handyman? I’d probably like fixin’ things up a whole lot more than I would be at my dad’s place. Just thinking about being a boring salaryman makes me wanna puke. Dad always looks so miserable, like someone just yanked his soul out of his chest.” 
“So sort of what you looked like after skating with Adam?” Langa asked. “Except all of the time?”  
“Please don’t say that bastard’s name. It’s too early in the morning.” Reki moaned and rubbed his eyes. “Or ever say it,” 
Langa laughed lightly as Reki pouted. “Hey, I wasn’t joking!”
“I know.” Langa smiled and then planted a small kiss on Reki’s cheek. “My biological father and I meet up to have dinner once every six months. I only recently mentioned that I was dating you in a text and he told me he wants to meet you.” 
“I’ll need to brush up on my English then.” Reki sighed. 
“I’m sure Boyer-sensei will help.” 
Their English teacher was a brunette American woman they called “Boyer-sensei”. She had a larger frame and was pale. She walked around collecting the career survey forms from her students. As usual, Reki was looking at his phone, texting with Langa about a new skate trick they saw on Instagram. 
“Reki Kyan. Langa Hasegawa.” Boyer-sensei looked down at the redhead and blue-haired skaters. “Do you have the forms I passed out last week? The student council wants them to be collected by tomorrow afternoon.” 
“Yeah,” The couple handed them to their English teacher. 
Boyer-sensei was genuinely shocked. “You never have your homework done.” 
“Are your standards really that low for us?” Langa appeared distraught. 
“Yes, they are.” Boyer stated firmly as she read Reki’s list. “A repairman...construction worker...hold on, are you really Reki Kyan? You’re not an Auton, are you?”
“What’s an Auton?” Reki asked. 
“It’s a monster from Dr. Who.” Langa explained. “They create replicas of humans. Do you not have Dr. Who available in Japan?”  
Reki was quiet for an awkward moment. He wasn’t sure. “Well, I figured it was a weird nerd reference.” 
“Anyway, Boyer-sensei, most skaters have day jobs. I’m NOT giving up skating anytime soon.” Reki grinned and winked over at Langa who smiled back. 
“I guess that makes sense. I-I just never thought the day would come where you have a single brain cell or atom of responsibility in your veins.” Boyer-sensei was floored. “The world really is ending.” 
A few weeks later, the day finally arrived where Reki would have to get into a decent pair of dress clothing for the first time since...ever. Cherry and Joe helped Reki pick out a traditional red yukata that didn’t feel trashy as his regular look but not so stuffy it made him visibly uncomfortable.
[SNOW (LANGA): Just got in his rental from the airport. I gave his coiffeur your address. We’re on our way.] 
[REKI: Cool. Waiting outside.]  
Reki stood at the edge of his driveway tapping his skateboard nervously. He tried to imagine what a fancy-ass version of Langa would look like in a suit with the UN logo.  
A vintage red BMW pulled up. He instantly recognized Langa who was in a iron pressed dress shirt and khakis. The coiffeur was a local man he recognized as a regular at S and the shop, but he was silent the entire time. 
Next to him was a man with Langa’s exact same hair, face, and height. The only difference the eye and hair color along with the fact that he wore glasses. He had blond hair and purple eyes. His dad didn’t look that old. He looked like he was in his early twenties. He was even more well-dressed than Langa and Reki combined. A satin beige suit, Italians handmade shoes, slightly wavy hair that smelled like fresh-brewed coffee.  
Shadow looks older than this guy. Reki blinked, his face full of confusion. Did he say father or brother? Reki was almost positive Langa said father, but how young was he when he had him? Two? 
Reki shook his head. Just don’t blow it, don’t sound like the moron you are in front of this fancy-dancy foreign guy. 
“Hey, Langa! Got a fancier ride than usual?” Reki greeted them with a smile. 
Langa blinked at his and the other man. “Yeah, you wanna get in.” 
The moment Reki got in there was an awkward silence. Reki sat in the middle of the two Canadians. The redhead had a million questions but the air in the backseat was so thick. 
 “So you smell like coffee.” Renga stated as Langa shake his head. “That’s a good thing. I usually smell like sweat and Mountain Dew. I actually took a shower today and brushed my teeth.” Reki smiled brightly. 
“Good, glad to know.” The diplomat smiled nervously. “My name’s Matthew Williams, PhD, Canadian UN diplomat.” 
“I’m Reki Kyan...I like to skate. I work part-time at this skate shop with Langa. We’ve been dating for...I think four months.” The redhead explained. 
“I’ve heard from Langa’s mother. Thanks for teaching Langa and being with him. So is there skate hotels you like to frequent?” Matthew asked. 
“Does the hospital count?” Reki asked. 
“I wouldn’t exactly give it five stars. Langa, has Japan been treating you well so far?” Matthew asked.  
“Yeah, most people are pretty nice. There’s no Tim Hortons, but I’ve gotten addicted to Ramen. Still would love a donut every now and then.” 
“That’s the place where they sell donuts instead of fries, right?” Reki looked over at his boyfriend. 
“Yeah,” Langa replied.
“Man that sounds delicious!” Reki smiled.
“So Langa, your mother told me that you and Reki had a falling out a month ago because of this shady person called Adam.” 
“Yeah, it was pretty bad.” 
“You know I’ve made people...disappear before for ignoring me, causing me trouble, just being an obnoxious brat of a twin brother who tormented me since 1867 until I couldn’t take it anymore.” Matthew stated with a mixture of innocence and sinstery. “I could make this ‘Adam’ person disappear, too. I’ve made good friends with Russia since we used to share a border back when Alaska was part of the Soviet Union.” 
“What do you mean ‘disappear’?” Reki’s eyes widened. “Wait, how old are you? You were around during the Cold War...that’s um, Langa?”
“Alaska was annexed by the US in the 1950s.” Langa stated. 
“Right, I knew that.” Reki nodded. “Uh, so wouldn’t that make you seventy or something? Like my grandpa’s seventy-three and he’s got really bad teeth.”
“Reki, why don’t you tell him about your career survey?” Langa smiled. 
“Oh, I’m planning on going to technical school.” 
“That’s nice.” 
There was an awkward silence between the trio. 
“So...are you going to charge me anything for making Adam ‘disappear’? You’re not going to get in trouble for that, are you?” Reki asked. 
“I have diplomatic immunity.” Matthew replied, “Laws don’t apply to me.” 
“Well, I won’t lie it is tempting.” Reki bit his lip. 
1 week later 
Reki, Langa, Miya, Shadow, and Cherry relaxed at Joe’s Italian restaurant as the TV played the noontime news. 
“Politician Ainosuke Shindo has been found in his mansion dead since yesterday morning. It’s suspected that the killer used radioactive poison to taint his food. If you have any information, please contact the police.” The newswoman stood outside of Adam’s mansion that was taped off.
Everyone looked over at Reki and Langa. 
“What?” They stared around at their fellow skaters. 
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To the Moon and Back (Peter Parker x Stark OC fanfic) Chapter 1
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Word Count: 1396
Summary: Nixie’s living her great life as the star student at Manhattan Science Prep as well as being the daughter of the billionaire/superhero Tony Stark while also being Manhattan’s local superhero, Moonflower. But that changes when Tony transfers her to Midtown High.
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“Remember, no shenanigans. And don’t. be. late! I have a lot of other things to do besides being your personal chauffeur!” Happy said sternly as he looked at Nixie through the open car window.
Nixie chuckled, “Have a great day Happy!” She said with a huge grin on her face.
“You too kid.” Happy replied who now has a smile plastered onto his face as he drove off.
Nixie tightened her grip on the strap of her backpack that was only hanging on her right shoulder while her left arm wore an arm sling due to an injury after patrolling last night in Manhattan. She walked through the courtyard of Knox Academy, everywhere she turned, students and staff would greet her. She was quite famous for being Tony Stark’s daughter, as well as Knox’s best flyer in their cheer team, and an overall star student. Although, not one single person at her school knew that she was also the local hero, Moonflower. Her father had suggested publicly announcing her as Moonflower to everyone, but she refused and wanted to separate her crime fighting life and her personal one.
Once she had reached the school’s entrance, a familiar voice called out her name, “NIXIE! NIX!” She turned to see her only friend, Klara who was running to catch up to her. 
“Hey Klara.” Nixie said, 
“Hey...” Klara replied as she rested her hands on her knees while trying to catch her breath. “I have some big news and you need to hear it.” She said as they both started walking to their first class, Algebra 2.
“Alright, shoot.” Nixie said,
“James just asked me out!” Klara shrieked,
“Wait really? That’s great, where’s he taking you out?” Nixie asked,
“Well… First we’re gonna watch the Swan Lake and then he’s gonna take me to Le Bernardin for dinner…” Klara kept going on about what she was going to wear and how she’s expecting James to kiss her on their first date but Nixie couldn’t help but space out as her head started to whirl and she started seeing brief visions of her going around New York but it seemed as though, she was with someone who was wearing something red, it couldn’t be her father because the person she’s been seeing in her visions were just wearing red sweats and goggles. 
“Nix? You good?” Klara waved her hand in front of Nixie’s face making her snap out of her visions. 
“Yeah, sorry… Uh, what were you saying?” Nixie asked,
“Well, I was talking about what I’m gonna do on the date and I noticed your arm sling…” Klara replied as she looked at Nixie’s injured arm,
“Oh yeah, uh I was just practicing judo with Nat and I got injured.” Nixie lied,
“Since when did you do judo?!” Klara said with a bit of doubt in her tone
“Since like forever…” Nixie chuckled. 
“Well, I’m gonna head to history, see you at biology!” Klara said as she ran to her class as Nixie just waved goodbye.
The day went on as usual for Nixie, but she still kept seeing these visions with the mysterious man in red sweats, at first it wasn’t bothering her but it happened so frequently that her head started to hurt. 
It was noon and she had two classes left, Nixie was walking to her biology class until the school’s speakers announced, “Nixie Star, please head to the principal’s office immediately.” Nixie presumed that it was just going to be another academic acknowledgement but what she didn’t know is that it was going to be her last day at Knox.
Once Nixie arrived outside the office, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door, “Come in!” The principal said in a sing-songy voice. Nixie opened the door to see the principal and to her surprise, her dad.
“Dad? What are you doing here? Wait... Am I in trouble???” Nixie asked and both the principal and her dad simply chuckled at the state of panic she was in.
“No, I was just talking to your principal about how you’ll be transferring schools.” Tony said.
Nixie felt like her heart just dropped at the words “transferring schools”. She liked Manhattan Science Prep, she had a friend, good classes, and she was fitting in and she thought that was pretty impressive being that it was her first year. “Y-you’re kidding... right?” She asked her dad,
“Nope.” He answered.
“It was nice to have you at our school Ms. Stark, we wish you the best in your new school!” The principal said, Nixie looked at his dad who was ready to leave,
“No need to worry about your next class, you get the luxury of going home early.” Tony said as he got up from the chair, “Thank you Ms. Jenkins, have a nice day!” he added
“You too Mr. Stark.” The principal replied.
Once they got out of the principal’s office, Nixie couldn’t help but ask, “What is this about really? Am I actually transferring schools?!”
“We’ll talk about it once we get home.” Tony replied as they hurried to get to the car and return to the Avengers tower.
Back at the Avengers tower, Tony and Nixie headed straight to the boardroom where meetings are usually held at. Natasha was already there waiting for them. “Hey Nix, how was school?” She asked
“It was going great... Until I found out I’m transferring schools.” Nixie said glaring at her dad who was setting up his phone and placed it on the table to show a video from Youtube.
“What’s this?” Nixie asked, and to her surprise, it was the same guy in red sweats swinging around the city shooting webs from his wrist and blocking the bus 
“This,” Tony paused the video where the guy can be seen stopping a bus from hitting a car on the other side of the road, “Is the reason why you’re transferring.” Nixie looked at her dad very unimpressed which made Natasha burst into laughter.
“Wait, what’s so funny?” Tony asked,
“I’m sorry, it’s just that she looks so pissed and-”
“Language…” Steve said as he entered the room which made Tony roll his eyes while Natasha kept laughing.
“Moving on…” Tony showed a picture of Midtown High School,
“The only info we’ve got on this… this spider-ling is that he’s the same age as you and he goes to this school in Queens.” Tony explained.
“So you’re telling me that I have to transfer schools and play a game of figure out who this spider-dude is…” Nixie said still a bit confused,
“And, you bring him here.” Natasha added.
“Bingo.” Tony said as he turned off his phone.
“Wait, but what am I gonna get once this is over?” Nixie hoped that her dad would say something that she’s been waiting for almost a year now.
“Well… A possible spot as an official Avenger.” Tony answered,
“Possible? Not even a secure spot??” Nixie complained,
“Nuh-uh don’t even try to argue, it’s been settled, and you’re starting tomorrow.” Tony replied,
“TOMORROW?! I didn’t even get to say goodbye to my friends at Knox! Dad, can’t you just have your other shield agents find out who this spider dude is???” Nixie pleaded, 
“If you want to be an Avenger, then you have to do this mission for us, are we clear?” Tony said and the only thing Nixie could do was sigh in defeat,
“Fine.” She replied with clenched teeth and walked out of the boardroom.
“Well that went well…” Natasha said sarcastically,
“Trust me, she’s only complaining now but she’ll eventually warm up. Besides, it’s a good challenge to see how she’ll do in a school with more kids, that’ll keep her competitive spirit going.” Tony replied,
“You don’t think it’ll stress her out?” Steve asked, 
“I know my daughter Steve, she’ll be fine…” Tony answered.
Meanwhile in Nixie’s room, she’s been sitting on her desk for the past couple hours watching the same video of the spiderman over and over again. The only thing in her mind right now is why is she seeing visions of herself with him? Could there be some connection? Or is it just her mind playing tricks on her. “Well, one thing’s for sure, his costume is tacky…” Nixie said to herself as she turned off her computer and headed straight to bed.
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kh’s story snippet celebration sendoff, entry #3
Oh, I had so much fun with this twisted plunnie! And even though only the opening scene is complete, I did finish a first draft for the entire fic (which I’ve included). It’s rough and vague, but the whole plot concept is there!
Inspired by the story, The Ones that Walk Away from Omelas, by Ursula K Le Guin.
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Kakashi Hatake/Sakura Haruno Word Count: 2217 Genre: canon-divergence!AU, drama, angst Rating: M Warnings: brief profanity, abduction, manipulation, brainwashing, dark fic
... [ kingdom come ]
"Where's Sakura?"
"Gone, obviously." Sasuke laughs, bloody spittle coating his lips. He groans as he pulls his body off the ground. Swelling from a large contusion over his left eye mars his fair face; there is a matching one at the base of his skull. His right arm, severed and cauterized, lies in the dust a few feet away. "If he didn't kill her, Tobi probably took her. He likes shiny new toys."
Kakashi bristles and widens his stance as Sasuke walks towards him. "I want to know what happened. Now."
"Relax, old man, I'm not looking for a fight." Sasuke picks up his arm and throws it over his shoulder. "Sakura told me to get my head out of my ass and go home. That's what I intend to do."
Kakashi eyes Sasuke with suspicion, searching his demeanor for tells of dishonesty. "After all these years, you’ll forgive me if I doubt your word. It's all a little too easy, don't you think?"
"Easy?" Sasuke scoffs and levels Kakashi with a hard stare. "I knew she only wanted to join me so she could capture or kill me. I decided to kill her first – chidori through the heart." A smirk twists Sasuke's mouth, sharp and cruel, as he watches Kakashi flinch. "One stab and I'd permanently slice through those bonds Naruto rants about. Only it didn't work. Her chakra neutralized my chidori when she grabbed my arm." Sasuke shakes his head, and his smirk softens. "What the hell have you guys been feeding her, anyway? She's as strong as a fucking ox."
Kakashi shrugs. "Ask Lady Tsunade."
"Figures. Sakura managed this," Sasuke gestures to his missing arm, "with nothing but a chakra scalpel. Pulled the rest of it through her body like she was unsheathing a sword. Then she beat me unconscious with my own severed appendage. Last thing I saw was the hole in her chest close up like it'd never been there."
 "You were a fool to underestimate her."
"So were you."
[ .oOo. ]
Shikamaru gives Kakashi his weekly “state of the village” report.
Kakashi asks about Sakura sightings; there’s been none.
Shikamaru turns to leave, but stops. Tells Kakashi he thinks it’s time to give up the hunt.
After Shikamaru leaves, Kakashi stares out the office window and wonders aloud why he’s still there when everyone important to him is gone.
[ .oOo. ]
Sakura comes to him in a dream. She’s older - ethereal yet weary-looking. She reminds him why he needs to stay, about the good he brings to the village, to the world. When she goes to leave, he chases her, promises to find her. She looks puzzled.
“Why, sensei? I was never lost in the first place.”
Kakashi wakes up in tears.
[ .oOo. ]
When Kakashi makes his weekly trip to the memorial, Karin is there. He’s tired and his memory is fuzzy; he doesn’t remember her at first. When he does, he’s surprised. He didn’t think she’d stay in the village without Sasuke.
“Visiting Konoha, huh?”
“Hardly.” She huffs. “I never left.”
“Strange. I never see you around.”
“I keep a low profile. The village isn’t especially kind to Orochimaru’s castoffs.”
“Why do you stay, then?”
Karin pauses, her fingers hovering over Sasuke’s name. When she speaks, it’s slow, deliberate.
“Because that’s what he would’ve wanted. For me to carry on in his stead.”
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi dreams of Sakura again. She seems disconcerted that he acknowledges her - you weren’t supposed to know that I’m here, sensei - but speaks with him anyway. It’s a soft, gentle conversation, and it lulls him into a deeper, dreamless sleep.
He wakes up more rested than he has in a long time, but his mind anxious.
Sakura seemed too sentient for a figment of his subconscious.
[ .oOo. ]
Shizune comes to see him, asks how life as Hokage is going.
Kakashi admits it’s boring - too much paperwork, too little action. Village life has become too idyllic since the end of the war, to the point that it feels unnatural.
Shizune says she feels it too.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi starts dreaming of Sakura every night. 
He tells her silly stories about the new batch of genin trying to unmask him. She shares some of Tsunade’s most “creative” teaching techniques.
She asks him how the village is doing. He tries to explain how it’s so perfect it feels wrong, but can’t quite find the words. Her coy smile suggests she understands anyway.
He asks her to stop calling him “sensei.” She laughs and calls him “Lord Hokage.”
He thanks her for keeping his nightmares at bay. She asks him what his nightmares are, but he doesn’t answer.
After a few nights where he dreams they walk through the forest without talking, he finally opens up.
Before her, he dreamed about lightning and blood: his chidori through Rin’s chest; Obito crushed and plucking out his own eye in offering; Naruto and Sasuke’s lifeless bodies on the battlefield still holding hands; searching for Sakura in an endless maw of darkness.
Sakura holds his hand and cries. Her hand feels so real, so warm and solid, that it wakes him up.
In his next dream, he confronts her. Begs her to tell him where she went, what happened to her. Sakura goes pale. When she tries to speak, she writhes in pain as if the words she meant to say were choking her. She falls to her knees and looks up at him, still no words falling from her open mouth. But he sees it - the Root seal on her tongue. 
He wakes up angry.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi calls Sai to his office and asks questions about Root. Even though it’s been years since Danzo’s execution, Sai can’t answer and it leaves Kakashi frustrated as well as angry.
That night, Kakashi doesn’t dream of Sakura. He dreams of the absence of her.
He dreams about capturing Sasuke and bringing him back. Of entrusting Sakura's rescue to Naruto and Sai. Of their return, empty-handed.
He dreams of Naruto’s grief and anger and disbelief - that Root (Danzo) captured Karin, but found no trace of Sakura. Of Sai's silent lips and clenched fists.
The memories fall away and Kakashi calls for Sakura in the dark void of his dream until his throat is raw. 
She doesn’t come.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi sees Karin at the memorial again.
She seems agitated, on edge, but she extends a gruff invite to her place for tea.
He declines.
She tells him she lives in a small house painted yellow at the foot of Hokage Mountain, if he changes his mind. 
That night he dreams of Obito, of the Tobi mask falling away revealing his old teammate. Of cruel taunts - so, poor, tragic, Kakashi lost another kunoichi - and cryptic denials - come on, Kakashi, I’d need more than one Sharingan to capture that sweet little cherry - and unfounded accusations - sounds like an inside job, if you ask me. 
Kakashi wakes in a cold sweat.
Then he goes in search of Karin’s house.
[ .oOo. ]
Karin seems almost relieved to see him. She opens the door and he steps inside. Immediately, he can feel it; Sakura’s chakra signature rolls over him like a wave.
Karin leads him to the basement.
Sakura sits in a dingy, old recliner in nothing but a bra and training shorts. A crown of wires connects her to a wall of softly whirring machinery. She opens her brilliant green eyes and smiles.
He turns to Karin. “Unhook her. Now.”
“It’s not as simple as that. If we--”
“If you don’t do it, I will.”
“No, you can’t!” Sakura screams. “If you do, the village will be destroyed!”
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi sits silently fuming in a meeting with the village council and the daimyo. They throw a lot of facts around: higher birth rates, reduced healing times for injuries, near elimination of sickness, increased shinobi numbers and quality, improved financial stability, etc. It doesn’t take long for him to realize.
“You authorized this project of Danzo’s.”
“Of course. How else do you think he got the technology to accomplish such a feat?”
“I suppose it’s pointless to petition for this project’s end.”
“We truly are sorry, Kakashi. We didn’t know your kunoichi was the one chosen for the experiment. But it has turned out so well for the village. I hope you understand.”
“I do,” Kakashi says. 
He walks out.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi visits Karin and Sakura again, asks them to tell him everything they know about Sakura’s situation: unhooking Sakura will reverse all the good her chakra network has accomplished.
Absolute, utter destruction, they say.
Kakashi seethes. “Danzo was a fucking liar.”
“Maybe.” Sakura shakes her head. “But I can’t take that chance.”
Kakashi storms off.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi summons Shikamaru.
“The safety of our civilians has been weighing on me.”
“You know something I don’t?”
“Just… been thinking. How many times has a significant threat infiltrated our security in your lifetime, Shikamaru?”
“Point taken. What do you want to do?”
“I want you to develop a village-wide evacuation plan. Be sure to include provisions for temporary shelter and two week’s worth of rations for every family. I expect a working model ready for drills by the end of the month.”
“Yes, Lord Hokage.”
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi arrives at Karin’s house with Sai. He tells her to leave, to follow the rest of her neighbors to their designated rendezvous point.
“She’s gonna hate you.”
“I know.”
When Kakashi enters the basement, Sakura is waiting for him, ready to strike. 
“Don’t make me fight you.”
“It’s time to let go, Sakura.”
“I can’t. The village will collapse and people will die. I can’t have that on my conscience. I can’t be why Konoha disappears!”
“Konoha isn’t a place. It’s the people who live with the will of fire in their hearts. And those people have been evacuated. They are safe. Konoha will survive.”
Sakura squares her shoulders and chin, digging in her heels. “I’m a kunoichi. My purpose is to be of use to my village, no matter the sacrifice.”
“You are of more use to your village free than you will ever be wasting away in this damned basement!”
“But the village--”
“Fuck the village. It can burn to the ground as long as I know you’re safe. You’re it, Sakura. You’re all I have left.” Kakashi's voice cracks. “I can’t lose you to this.”
Sakura lowers her fists. “I’m scared.”
“I know. But it will be okay, I promise.” Kakashi presses the button on his earpiece. “Shikamaru, are we good to go?” After the affirmative answer crackles in his ear, Kakashi turns back to Sakura. “Do you trust me?”
Sakura nods.
“Sai is waiting for us upstairs. He’s ready to fly us out of here if needed.” Kakashi takes her hand. “Tell me what to do.”
“You’re sure everyone is safe?”
“I’m sure.”
“Flip that lever.”
The rumbling begins almost immediately. Kakashi scoops her up, pulling the crown from her head and smashing it to the ground. Sai spies them from his perch on his ink bird and if he’s surprised by Sakura’s presence, he doesn’t show it. They fly away, watching as a crater of rubble forms where Konoha once stood.
Sakura weeps as Kakashi holds her to his chest.
[ .oOo. ]
There are a lot of questions. He answers them as honestly and as vaguely as he can, leaving Sakura out of the story altogether. Some people are scared. Some are angry. Most are just thankful for their tents, their food, and their lives. This isn’t the first time they’ve had to rebuild.
After the village settles down for the night, Kakashi patrols the perimeter of the wreckage. The only thing left intact is the memorial stone. He stands there for a long time reading the names carved on its surface. The moon rises and the first chill of autumn settles in his bones.
Someone takes his hand… Sakura.
“Do you regret it?” she asks.
“No,” he answers. She shivers, so he pulls her into his arms. “Do you?”
The word leaves her on an exhale, as quiet and forceful as the wind. A tear escapes her, splatters against the chilled skin of his forearm.
"It's gut-wrenching, knowing what my freedom cost. I think a part of me will always feel that way." She runs her fingers over their teammates' names, slow and reverent. "But one day, maybe..."
"Then I'll hold onto it for you."
She glances at him over her shoulder, confused. "Hold onto what?"
He breathes in deep, squeezing her tight. With a kiss to her temple, he answers, "The hope for that one day."
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lu-undy · 4 years
May I make a request? How about Sniper trying to tell Spy ‘I love you’ in French and absolutely fumbling the pronunciation? Thank you!
Of course you may, dear Anonymous person :) I might have diveged a bit from your prompt but I hope the floofiness will make up for it :) Thanks for your request!
"I'll never manage…" Sniper let the piece of paper he was holding fall on his lap before rubbing his eyes. 
He sighed and took the piece of paper back.
"C'mon, how hard can it be…? 'Je', that's 'je', that means I. And then 't'aime', that's 'love you' but for some odd reason they put the 'you' before the 'love'.... So for them it's 'I you love'..."
Those were the last words scribbled on it, by his own hand. 
'Je t'aime'
The French for 'I love you'. 
"And God only knows how they pronounce it… Where's that bloody dictionary…?" 
Sniper let his hands roam on his bed and his fingers soon bumped on a big book. He moved the duvet that was in the way and grabbed it. 
"Do they say somewhere how you read the letters…?" 
He flipped the pages quickly. 
"Hm… That's the alphabet, nah, then that's - ah! Bugger, it's in phonetic alphabet, of course! I can't read these weird letters, ugh…"
He dropped the book to his lap. 
"Well then, I'll do it as I think it is, and I hope it won't be too far from what it should sound like. Right, what time is it?" He glanced at his watch. "Gosh, I'm gonna be late!" 
Sniper jumped out of his bed and put on his boots. He put his dictionary along with a notepad and his pen in a bag and left his van. He entered the base and went straight for Spy's room. 
It was now a habit. Every other day, Spy would teach his mother tongue to his friend who made every effort possible to learn fast and well. It was the only way Sniper had found to spend more time with Spy. 
Yes, as awkward and shy as he was, Sniper hadn't found any other excuse than that to spend more time with the man he dreamt of, may it be at night, or during the day, with his eyes wide open. Sometimes, he would even think of him on the battlefield. Each time he would blink, he would see him, against his closed eyelids, the masked face of the man with the most beautiful eyes, the most charming manners and a dangerous feline gait… 
Sniper arrived in front of Spy's door and knocked. 
[Come in.]
He pushed the door and entered. 
"I think I'm a minute late, I'm sorry, mate."
Spy raised his index finger from his armchair. 
"En Français."
[In French.]
Sniper frowned as he came to Spy and sat on the sofa. 
"Uhm… Euh… Pardon, je suis… How do you say 'late'?"
"We say 'en retard'."
"Right, merci. So, uh, pardon, je suis en retard?"
[Thanks… Sorry, I am late?]
Spy smiled. 
"Très bien."
[Very well.]
Sniper felt proud of himself. 
"As-tu fait tes devoirs?"
[Have you done your homework?]
"Oui." Sniper fumbled through his bag and took his notepad out. He flipped the pages until he found the right one. "There it is!"
Spy raised an eyebrow with a smile. 
"En Français."
[In French.]
Sniper had no clue how to say that so he looked at Spy, then at the notepad, then at Spy again and said with a shy smile:
Spy chuckled. 
"You can't tell me it's wrong, you got the point." Sniper added. 
"Indeed, I did. You could have just got away with a simple 'Voilà'."
"Oui 'Voilà' is the contraction of 'vois là', which means…?" Spy waited for Sniper to answer. 
"Look here?" 
"Oui! So we use 'Voilà' when we want to draw someone's attention to something." Spy explained. 
"Ah, ok… I mean… 'Je vois'."
[I see.]
Spy nodded with a satisfied smile. 
"You are making progress, mon cher ami."
[My dear friend]
"Yeah, well, I work hard and… Uh, I guess the teacher's ok." Sniper teased. 
"You guess the teacher is ok?!" Spy repeated. "Your teacher is the best you could find for miles around, quite literally!"
Sniper chuckled. 
"Yeah, it's true." 
They exchanged a smile and blushed, but because of the mask, Sniper couldn't see Spy's.
"So, go ahead, read me your homework. I had asked you to write a few lines before going to bed, about something you think about. It could be anything and it doesn't need to be interesting, it is just a little writing exercise." 
"Yeah, I think I did ok, uhm, here we go," Sniper cleared his throat before starting.
"La nuit, avant de dormir, je pense à quelqu'un de spécial." 
[At night, before sleeping, I think about someone special.]
Spy raised an eyebrow but didn't interrupt Sniper who was almost hiding himself behind his notepad. He was reading slowly, paying attention to the letters that shouldn't be pronounced, and the hard French 'r' that was a nightmare for him. Spy had insisted that it wasn't too hard, it had to be purred. He had showed Sniper and purred again and again, not knowing that the Aussie's knees were turning to jelly as he did so. 
"C'est un homme qui m'intéresse. Il n'est pas comme les autres."
[It's a man who interests me. He isn't like the others.]
Sniper looked up and saw Spy's eyes on him. He blished and hid his eyes behind his notepad again, flustered. 
"Je pense qu'il est très mystérieux mais en réalité, il est très simple. Personne ne le comprend. Je ne sais pas si lui-même il se comprend."
[I think he is very mysterious but in truth, he is very simple. No one undeerstands him. I don't know if he understands himself.]
Sniper cleared his throat and went on, frowning on his handwriting. He liked it when Spy wrote things to him, even if it was just grammar rules. His handwriting was so soothing… He wrote in cursive and the pen always seemed to glide with such harmony on the paper. 
"Personne ne sait ce qu'il cache derrière son masque. Mais je sais ce qu'il cache dans sa tête. Un esprit très vif, ça tout le monde l'a vu, mais aussi une grand patience."
[No one knows what he hides behind his mask. But I know what he  hides in his mind. A very quick and witty mond, everybody has seen it, but a great deal of patience too.]
Spy's jaw had dropped as he started to catch the drift of it all. He began to understand who that man Sniper thought about was… 
Sniper paused to catch his breath and gather his courage. He knew the last paragraph would be the hardest to read. It had been the hardest to write too. 
"Mais ce que le masque ne parvient pas à cacher, ce sont ses yeux. Les plus beaux yeux que je n'ai jamais vus, je crois. Aussi bleus et clairs qu'un ciel d'été, avec de longs cils noirs, comme de fins rideaux qui couvrent de mystère un regard trop perçant pour moi parfois."
[But what the mask doesn't manage to hide, is his eyes. The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, I think. As blue and loght as the summer sky, with long black eyelashes that cover with mystery his gaze that is too piercing for me sometimes."
Sniper felt as if hot lava was poured on his head. He was sweating bullets under the heat of the foolishness. He screwed his eyes shut as he concluded. 
"Mais à cet homme, j'aimerais lui dire."
[But to that man, I would like to say.]
Sniper had to say it now, there was no turning around and going away, that was it. 
"Je t'aime."
[I love you.]
He remained hidden behind the notepad. It was hard enough to say those things so if he had to bear Spy's gaze, he would burst into flames! 
But Spy thought otherwise. He needed to see the man who had written and almost recited that poem to him. 
Sniper spoke before he had the chance.
"I… I s'ppose it's full of mistakes and uh… The pronunciation might be shit at times but I, uh, I hope you got the idea." 
Spy smiled behind the notepad. 
"There was no grammar mistakes, not even the tiniest one. Were I to write it, I would have written the exact same thing." 
Sniper disn't know what to feel. He was torn between the pride of having made no mistakes and the shame of what he had finally admitted. 
"Although there was one thing you did not do perfectly. Could you pronounce that last sentence again for me, please?" 
Sniper would have died of blush, his ears felt like they would have burst. 
"J-je t'aime." 
[I-I love you.]
Sniper saw four gloved fingers at the top of his notepad which slowly sank down, revealing the eyes he both could not get enough of, and could not face. 
Spy had somehow moved from his armchair to the sofa and was now next to Sniper. He answered with his lips pursed in a sweet smile.
"Moi aussi, je t'aime, mon beau."
[I love you too, my beautiful one.]
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who's willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
January 4, 2278.
Time to look for the GECK.
Percy said that it stands for “Garden of Eden Creation Kit.” It’s supposed to be the thing that’ll make Project Purity work. She knows about it better; there are words she used that I didn’t understand.
There’s one in Vault 87, but that shithole’s irradiated to hell and back. Percy said that it’ll kill her despite the mutation in her genes. She will cook before her body can even recover.
So, we have to go through a place called Lamplight Caverns. It’s on the western side of the map, a long way from Underworld. We’ve been travelling for a few days now. When we finally arrived, it’s cold, and snowing. Good thing Percy went back to Tulip’s shop for some winter clothes before we left the city. Even Dogmeat has a scarf now.
As we arrived in Lamplight, a boy with a rifle shouted at us at the entrance, threatening to fire.
“Hold it right there! Don’t take another step, or we’ll blow your fucking head off!” he shouts at us. Percy holds her hands in the air and looks at me with eyes wide in surprise.
Damn. This kid’s mouth is almost as filthy as Percy’s.
“Whoa, hold on there, I’m a friend,” Percy says to the kid, holding back her laughter.
“You're big, and I don't have any big friends. You better just go out the way you came in,” the kid replies, still pointing his rifle at us.
“Well, it’s time for you to make big friends. I’m Percy, and this is Charon. Our dog’s name is Dogmeat. What’s your name?”
“I'm MacCready. I run Little Lamplight, because they made me the mayor. And I don't like strangers. Or mungos.”
At this point I got curious. “The hell’s a mungo?” I ask him.
“You are, mungo! You adults are tall and clumsy and we don’t want anything to do with you,” MacCready spits back. Percy loses it and giggles.
“Wow, and I thought I was an angry kid. Listen, we just need to get to Vault 87, and the only safe route is through your town. We promise not to bother anyone. So, may we come in? Please?” she asks.
The kid holsters his rifle, and he looks surprised. “What? Why would you wanna do that? That’s where the monsters are,” he tells us, voice low.
“We can get rid of the monsters for you.”
MacCready rolls his eyes. “Sorry, mungo, but we don’t trust you.”
Percy groans at this point, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eye. “How will we get you to trust us?”
“Why would I fucking trust you? I’ve got no reason to. I ain’t gonna let what happened to Penny, Sammy, and Squirrel happen to anyone else, so take a hike. You mungos are nothing but trouble.”
Percy’s eyes are alert. I can almost see the cogs working in her head.  “What happened to your friends?”
“They got caught, by mungos! Slavers from Paradise Falls. I told them to be careful but the stupid kids didn’t listen!”
That is one frustrated kid.
With a conspiring look, Percy turns to me, then back to MacCready.
“What if we save them? We’ve got a bone to pick with those slavers, too.”
MacCready falters. “You’d… you’d do that?”
Percy nudges me.
“Yeah. I’ll unload an entire clip on those bastards who took your friends,” I tell him, and he gives me a grin.
“You’re one scary motherfucker, and those assholes deserve getting shot. Fine, if you bring my friends back, I might let you in.”
“Looks like we have a lot of people to free, Charon.”
What Percy said made me recall our conversation at the museum rooftop days ago.
  January 1, 2278.
It was the start of a new year, and I’m in a better place than the last one.
A kind, beautiful, smoothskin angel  came into my life and purchased my contract from the evil bastard that held it for fifteen years. Under her employment, I’ve experienced liberties I never had, and experienced emotions I’d never thought I will. I’m sitting on the rooftop of the Museum of History, sharing a scotch with her, tasting her breath on my lips.
Life is good, for the first time in centuries.
But she just had to ask that question, didn’t she?
“Don’t you have plans of your own?”
I never had plans of my own. The contract made sure of that. I carry the will of whoever held it. I know I’m supposed to tell her that, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
She’s still waiting for an answer. How will I answer this?
DeLoria was already blackout drunk on a bedroll a few feet away from us with the dog, so I wouldn’t have to worry about him hearing about the conversation I’m having with Percy. I sat in silence beside her, contemplating what kind of answer I shall give her.
“I told you. I’ll stay by your side as long as you will have me.”
Percy is frowning, the same pitying look she gave me in Megaton coming back. I didn’t want to see that. I didn’t need to be pitied.
“None at all? Like, even something small? Like finishing a new book? Anything you want to do?”
I pondered at her questions. Percy is the only employer I had who let me make my own decisions. Come to think of it… I never really thought of the future unless it’s short term, such as planning how we will storm a base full of super mutants, or what will we hunt for dinner. Not until now. There’s no future for me. There is only the contract.
I tell Percy that, and she leans her head on my shoulder.
“I’m not gonna be around forever, big guy. You need a life of your own.”
For some reason, what she said stings.
“If you’re planning to sell my contract in the future, Percy, I will not take it personally. It is my directive to serve who holds it. Should you not need me anymore, I shall understand.”
Percy looks up to me and gives me a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.
“No, Charon. I’m trying to find a way to free you of your contract. So you can move on.”
Free me?
Of my contract?
Move on?
What the hell is she talking about?
“I’m afraid that’s not possible, miss.”
I haven’t called her ‘miss’ for a while now. I saw her shoulders sag when I called her that, but then, she looked at me with that determined glare.
“Hey, you disobeyed an order. It seems small, but it’s a significant improvement. We can start from there.”
I did?
“If I did, it’s certainly accidental and won’t happen again.”
Percy places a finger against my ruined lips. I felt myself twitch at the smoothness of her skin, sweating from the places where I still had skin. She draws closer. I can smell the scotch, the Abraxo on her clothes, and a scent that was hers alone. Her lips are wet from the scotch, and her eyes bright.
I want to reach out to grab her and claim her lips. But I could not. Should not.
“It didn’t happen while I was holding your contract. It happened when the Talons did. You didn’t kill me even when one of them directly ordered you to.”
Fuck, she’s right. I remember now.
The gravity of the realization felt like a brahmin stepping on my chest.
“No. Call me Percy. You’re not calling me ‘miss’ again.”
“Percy, this is bad. I disobeyed an order intentionally. I am compromised,” I tell her, reaching for my shotgun, as I’ve been conditioned to do.
“Compromised?” she asks, eyebrow raised.
“My non-obedience could compromise you too. When the others who went under the same training I received are compromised, they are terminated.”
Percy eyes the shotgun in my hands. She jumps to grab it before I can do anything with it and tosses it aside. “No, no, no, let’s get this away from you. No termination is going to happen tonight, or ever.”
“Percy, if I disobeyed an order from them, it means that I can disobey an order from you too.”
She stands up, paces around and throws her hands in the air like she always does when she’s frustrated.
“That’s the point! I don’t want you to just obey me. I don’t want you to be just a bodyguard. I don’t want you to be just a living weapon,” she yells as she walks back to me.
“Percy, sit down. You’ve had enough to drink,” I try to dismiss her, fearing the ideas she’s instilling in my head.
“Stop making me feel like I don’t know what I’m doing! Yes, I sometimes say stupid things and do embarrasing shit when I’m drinking, but this is the most honest and raw you will get me,” she cries.
I relent. I didn’t say a word further.
“We’re not fucking Herbert ‘Daring’ Dashwood and his ghoul manservant Argyle from that cheesy radio drama Three Dog fucking loves to play. You’re not just the ‘Lone Wanderer’s’ sidekick, you’re not just hired muscle, and you’re definitely not just a slave like so many people in the wasteland claiming you to be. You’re you. You’re Charon.”
I didn’t respond. I didn’t know what to say to her.
“I want you to be free. To take a path of your own. And if you still want to be with me, I want to be in your life not as your boss. I want us to be equals. I want to be your partner.”
Tears are rolling down her cheeks and it’s catching the moonlight. I’m still speechless. She collapses in front of me, on her knees, and she takes my hand.
My mind was blank. I just closed my hand around hers and pulled her closer, her warmth settling against my chest. I dwarfed her as I pressed her closer.
“Percy, angel, even if I wanted to be released from the contract… I’m not sure if we can undo all that conditioning.”
“We’ll take things one step at a time, like we always do,” she says in between sniffles.
Percy removes her PipBoy glove and fishes out my contract, an old piece of paper, yellowed at the edges.
“This stupid thing says that if anyone attempts to destroy your contract, you have to kill them,” she slurs, pointing to a string of text. I’m still learning to read, but I knew the words by heart.
Percy’s finger moves to another line. “And this one says that you must protect this contract with your life.”
I nod at Percy.
“Of course, me attempting to get rid of it will just lead us to killing each other. It’s written in a way that doesn’t let you out of it. Fuck, it doesn’t even have an exit clause for you, but it has one for me.”
“What’s an exit clause?” I ask her, while resting my chin on top of her head.
“It basically invalidates the contract. Here,” she points near the bottom of the paper. “This is where it says that physical violence on my part invalidates my entitlement to the contract.”
“I see.”
“But there’s no such thing for you written here. There’s nothing that can absolve you from it.”
I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t deflate from that statement.
“Which means, this is a choice you have to make for yourself, Charon.”
I gulped.
I didn’t make my own choices. They were made for me. The government made it for me when they signed me up for the indoctrination camp, and it’s been that way for around 200 years. Sure, Percy lets me make my own ones on things like dinner, but nothing this big.
I’ve been having mutinous thoughts ever since the slavers used me as their hunting dog, fifteen years ago. The pleads of the people. The cries of the escaped slaves. I can’t count how many hours of sleep I lost thinking about them. I’m responsible for their misery, because those fucking slavers held my contract.
I remember that security chief in Rivet City, Harkness. The synth who broke free from his masters and assumed a new identity.
How did he do it again?
November 3, 2277.
The trail was getting clearer. Percy was close to discovering the identity of the escaped robot that the arrogant business-type guy in Dr. Li’s lab was looking for. The asshole’s name’s Zimmer, and the robot in question is called AR-23. A woman who introduced herself as a member of the Railroad pleaded for her to stop her investigation, but Percy was insistent in warning the synth.
Percy’s reason was that if Zimmer found someone with a lesser conscience, the robot in question would be blindsided and ripped away from his new life. It’s just like her reasoning when she defended me from the people of Underworld for killing Ahzrukhal.
Percy said she was going to look for a man called Pinkerton in his secret lab that’s only accessible from underwater. Her investigation led her to believing that he was the one who was responsible for helping the synth escape. She had me and the dog wait on the banks of the river, and she dove into the murky water in that environment suit Moira Brown gave her after she irradiated herself for their experiments.
I was worried as fuck. She had no prior experience swimming.
When she re-emerged some time later, Percy, distraught, told me that AR-23 is Harkness.
We rushed to meet him.
When Percy used the recall code on Harkness, he started telling us about the things the escaped synths instilled in him.
Concepts of freedom.
My friend and I helped him get rid of Zimmer. I remember unloading a shotgun blast through the old man’s stomach. After gifting Percy his beloved plasma rifle, Harkness continued on as normal.
That night, we went to Arlington Library, and it was the first time Percy ever suggested getting rid of the contract.
“Big guy, if Harkness could outgrow his programming, do you think you can defy your contract too?”
I remember grunting at her with annoyance.
“If disobedience is among your concerns, it’s unfounded. I will remain loyal to you as long as you hold my contract.”
Percy tilted her head at me. “That’s not what I- never mind.”
She spent the night scouring for pre-war books about the law.
Now, I see the weight her words and actions carried back then.
She had been planning this all along.
She always wanted to set me free.
“When you’re ready, we’ll get rid of this stupid piece of paper together,” Percy mutters, pulling me away from my thoughts.
I was thankful that she didn’t look up. My eyes were wet.
I blinked the tears away.
“I look forward to it.”
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gccdnews · 3 years
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Did you see JESSICA DREW from MARVEL walking around Limbo? The CISFEMALE looks like ALICIA VIKANDER, and is NINETY SEVEN years old. I’ve heard she can be VIRTUOUS & WITTY but also COCKSURE & REACTIVE. When I think of them I think of HELPING THE INNOCENT BY HOSPITALIZING THE GUILTY, RAISING SPIDER-BABY, THE GREATEST QUIPS OF ALL TIME BITCHCAKES. They’ve been here WITHOUT their memories as an PI & FIGHTER at BAKER STREET INVESTIGATIONS & UNDERGROUND FIGHT CLUB for SIX MONTHS. I heard they’re seeking a sanctum.
// whew. jess has a history™. it's long af and spans nearly a century so im not gonna go into crazy detail, but it's still lengthy. and i'm also gonna modify just a bit to fit in with the mcu for plotting reasons and stuff. if you don’t really care about her full history then there’s some bullet points toward the bottom.
she was born in england in 1924 and brought as a small child to the transia (it's a small, fictional slavic country) where her father was conducting research. unfortunately due to her being a small child, she contracted uranium poisoning from her father's work and had to be placed in a cryogenic chamber and treated with radiation and a highly experimental serum derived from the blood/genes of various species of spider.
she spent decades in stasis, educated subliminally with special tapes. when she was finally awakened she had only aged into her early teens, but she'd developed superhuman abilities.
grew up, moved away, met a dude, fell in love, then accidentally killed him with her powers. so yeah that kinda torments her still to this day. well, when she still remembered it anyway.
got recruited into hydra who she was led to believe were the good guys, had her memories suppressed, was told the high evolutionary basically a "god" figure, idek evolved her from a spider into a human woman, had an agent pretend to fall in love with her, etc etc. basically got gaslit and brainwashed into becoming a high ranking member until she was put out on a field assignment and told to assassinate nick fury. during the mission he told her what hydra really was and she dropped their asses.
got her memories back from mordred the mystic, then lived in a shitty apartment in london for a while. ended up breaking into a convenience store across the street at one point to get some food, but got noticed by shield agent jerry hunt who pretty much hounded her until she dyed her hair and created a secret identity to hide from him
did the hero thing for a while, moved to l.a., dated jerry, became a bounty hunter, moved to san francisco, became a p.i., superhero'd some more, met carol danvers 😍
went on a mission to finally take down longtime archenemy morgan le fay, and did so, but not before some morgan did some magic shit and separated her soul from her body ?? so she goes to the sorcerer magnus and has him cast a spell to make everyone who ever met her forget she existed.
not long later she was found and revived by two hero pals, breaking the spell, but she was left comatose. dr strange gets involved, abra cadabra, jess ain't a cadava'. but she is however, powerless.
continued working as a p.i. until an encounter with the new spider-woman mattie franklin somehow restored her powers, which came back slowly and were very unstable. meets jessica jones, accidentally zaps tf out of her, then works with her to save the new spider-woman.
eventually struck a deal with hydra to spy within shield so she could get her powers back but the skrull queen veranke was behind it and manipulating her so she could learn to perfectly impersonate jessica. jess ended up held captive for two years aboard a skrull spaceship while veranke took her place.
she and the rest of the captives got saved but because of the havoc veranke wreaked, she didn't exactly receive a warm welcome back.
spent some time rebuilding her reputation until she was invited to join the avengers (for avengers 1 in the mcu, let's say). they did some good work and she eventually fell for clint/hawkeye. they dated a while but things went sideways when he cheated on her (but obvs that's subject to change depending on who picks him up, just leaving that in for now bc it seems kinda noteworthy).
skipping comic spider-verse stuff bc how does that work with the rp, idek.
left the avengers after that and mostly stayed out of their business so she wasn't around for ultron or civil war and instead got back to her roots with some good ol fashioned p.i. work. may have crossed paths with the defenders and other street level heroes during this period.  
then of course, came the snap. jess was one of the ones that vanished. using this instead of her death during secret wars in the comics. when everyone came back she joined all the others to fight thanos and damn right she was part of that moment with all the female heroes like she should have fucking been irl.
when things settled down after y'know, dying, she realized that she wanted to be a mother and raise a child, and almost never got that chance. instead of waiting, she got herself artificially inseminated. which was good too tbh because like, look at her luck with men and imagine getting stuck in one of those relationships she'd been in so far. way better off doing it on her own smh
got invited to an alpha flight maternity ward by her captain marvel but when she went there it ended up getting overrun by skrulls and being super fucking pregnant she called carol for help, but the maternity ward was apparently in a black hole?? bc ofc it was lol. so jess protected all the women there, had an emergency c-section to give birth to her son gerry, then popped right off the table to finish kicking skrull ass. carol got there just in time for jess to collapse into her arms after the fight. headcanon — there was always a crush there but this was the moment jess fell hard.
had a liiittle teensy falling out with carol tho so she ended up kissing roger gocking/porcupine right in front of her during a battle that ended up repairing their friendship. then she went on to have a party announcing she and roger were dating but lbr she did most of this sub/consciously hoping to get a rise out of carol. but her spider-baby ended up crawling out a window and roger was the one to find and save him and there were some actual feelings there too, so. complicated. she kind of distanced herself from everything else to focus on p.i. work and raising her son.
not much later, jess realized her radiation immunity was gone and her powers were killing her, so she had roger take gerry to an upstate farm in case her condition could potentially harm her son, then set out on the search for a cure. that search of course, leading her to limbo city, nevada.
upon her arrival however, her memories quickly started to fade and by the time she woke up the next morning she had no specific recollection of memories. just innate and instinctive knowledge like her emotions toward people she was familiar with, emotional trauma that manifests mostly in her dreams, maternal instincts/yearning, her abilities both physical and learned, her interests and likes/dislikes, etc. things that come naturally to her, for the most part.
interestingly though, the town’s magic seems to have cured her??
gonna say she speaks english, romanian, german, hungarian, symkarian, russian, bulgarian, polish and spanish fluently, and knows a bit about a number of other languages.
incredibly intelligent, she is after all the daughter of a genius, raised among scientists conducting research, and her knowledge/intelligence was only maximized by her stasis education tapes.
exudes a high concentration of pheromones that can attract or repulse people, to put it simply. and ignore the original heteronormative connotations bc women aren't typically the ones she wants to repulse, and men arent always the ones she wants to attract. it's difficult to control but she learned over the years. even now without her memories she has innate control over it, but if she manages to work up a sweat (which isn't all that easy for her tbh) or misses a shower or two, well… it's gonna kick in.
she probably can't do it anymore in limbo because she can't remember how, but with her pheromones she learned to control them so well she was able to elicit fear, anxiety, attraction, hatred, pleasure, etc. and even used them to convince the hulk to make her a sandwich once.
fucking loves butter. she's been known to eat the stuff straight up. and a lot of it. lucky thing she has a spider-metabolism.
hc: she loves making puns, especially spider related ones. she also likes to annoy her spider-friends by spider-throwing the word spider in front of everything though it's obviously a joke, unlike in her cartoon where im pretty sure she was dead serious lol
hates rats. so much. she will tear down a whole skrull army but if one shapeshifts into a rat it's over okay, she already lost.
allergic to flerkens. which is great for visiting her bestie/crush, and her pet flerken chewie.
still has her suit but hasn’t worn it yet in limbo. she found it under her bed a couple days after “waking up” in limbo but put it right back because she figured it was probably some weird sex thing and maybe wasn’t even hers so, gross, yknow?
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