#leon answers asks
leonette-soup · 8 months
What’s going on with Leo? Why do they look like that? What’s with the red strings?
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yukkue · 30 days
🐾 Leon
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self explanatory
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fictionalslvr · 10 months
Maybe one with re4 or re2 Leon and your like his lieutenant/superior? I’d love to see re4 Leon w this lmfao esp since he looks so mad all the time but he’s actually js a big softie wanting approval from his superior 😪
NO BECAUSE--- This is actually SO cute LMAO! I don't know if you wanted something smutty or not, but here it is! Re2 and Re4¡Leon x Lieutenant¡F¡Reader (mentions of feminine body) fluffy and smut
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Re2¡Leon would make it very clear how much he wants to get the approval of his lieutenant, in that case, you. He's a rookie, after all, so anything he does, is to get him some praises. At each task, he would look up to search for you and see your gentle smile towards him, that would encourage him to keep doing whatever he's doing, but it seems right since you smiled! Buuuuut, if you get mad with him...oh no, no, no. He would be SO sad. A cute plump pout on his lips as he stared at his shoes, feeling guilty and not so well with the way you're frowing at him, you're not like this, and he doesn't like to be a bad rookie.
As for Re4! Leon...he would be a very stubborn man. He doesn't need to prove his value, not for anyone, and not even for yo— And just before he could think that, he's shooting at the range and doing a lot of cheap tricks, only to show himself up for you. It's like, shooting with his back turned to the target. With his eyes closed. With heavy guns ect. Even on the little things, he would try to get a minimal giggle out of you, that would be enough. Even if he won't say it, that would made his day. From days on, he starts to subtly bring coffee for you, putting a brown bag into your desk with something sweet you like, that (don't ask him how he knows your favorite) is gently placed with a little note on it, with silly drawings, mostly, happy faces like ":)"
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And if he can get some approval, he WILL do it. Re2¡Leon wouldn't hesitate a second if you told him your back were sore, immediately running behind you to squish your skin ever so gently above the clothes, even if that could relax you a little bit. But you kept grumbling, saying that the pain is not only physical, but sexual as well. Leon got startled by your boldness, and how normally you said that, but the look on your face indicates you're waiting for him to do something. And immediately, he got on his knees, kissing every inch of your thighs underneath that pencil skirt to show you how loyal and a good rookie he can be. Re2¡Leon would be the best at giving you some relief with sucking you off! He would be lapping at your cunt like a starved dog, face reddened and flustered, but he won't stop, not until your hands tangle around his hair and you scream his name when cumming on his mouth. He would even clean you up after it, just right after sucking you off like the good rookie he is <3
But, Re4¡Leon, wouldn't be so naive about it, no. He would hear you talking about your frustrated sexual attempts, and that would only fill him with even more motivation to show you how much of the best employee of you he can be! With that being said, he would offer himself, saying how much of that stress he could take out of you. His hips moved in sync with your, his pelvis getting closer to your wet hole as you kept moaning like never in a big time before. Leon would fuck you relentless, like he's been in need of that too, his dick banging inside and out of you. And, as the good employee he is, he would make you cum at least three times that day, only to watch your face contort in pleasure, he would be very proud of himself. With your moanings getting more and more whiny, he knew he was doing a good job. And after the first time, he would always be there to satisfy you, even if he pretends not to care about you, he's the best at fulfilling your needs and taking care of you right after it.
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justaz · 3 months
somehow for some reason the knights take on a spell that lights up the scars that litter their bodies. arthur has the most with leon as a close second. gwaine and percival and pretty much tied for third though gwaines are much smaller - from more brawls than battles. elyan and lancelot have their fair share but less that the others. that is until they turn to see merlin lit up like a goddamn glowstick. the others (bar lancelot) had been expecting maybe a few nicks from being on the outskirts of battles or mishaps from working on a farm back in ealdor, not……this. the light (which shines through their clothes as if the fabric isn’t even there) is practically blinding on merlin, covering every inch of skin. more so than even arthur. lancelot prompts them all to move on and everyone does, holding themselves back from asking the questions they desperately want answered
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alvivaarts · 1 month
I have a question for your RE mer au. How did the pod react to Luis ? I bet when Leon first introduced Luis to the pod, the pod was quite surprised !
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Luis actually introduced himself! He was part of a team researching the area (it's well known for having a superpod that's lived there for many human and mer generations). A few months later, Leon's pod arrived, and being a rare species, it was a pretty great opportunity to learn more about them! Of his team, Luis was the one who worked up the guts (and was stupid enough) to try and get some hands on contact with the pod. It took a few months, but he was able to slowly sit and scoot a little bit closer every day. Eventually, when he started bringing food and Leon was the first to get curious, and Luis miiiight have accidentally started courting Leon. (Luis did not know this for quite some time). With Leon being courted by a human, and Jill being quite protective because of Leon's history with a previous mate, she's been quite wary of strangers- plus, this human was technically trespassing her territory. Though Luis eventually got the 'in' to the pod for the food he was providing, she still likes to challenge him sometimes. Any excuse to make sure this guy knows she's boss! ASK BOX - Got questions for or about the Resident Mers? Ask here!
Mersona Commission Page
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allsouls-emma · 1 month
Hey!!! So I saw you opened your requests for Leon ! Could I request one? Maybe one where he and the reader is out and he notices her and likes her but thinks her friend is her boyfriend so he doesn’t come up to her but they meet again somewhere else and he finds out that the guy is just a friend and he asks her out. The date goes well and they go back to his/her place and it finishes with a smut 😏😏 if you are confortable with that !! Also could I add my own OC? If yes my name is Emma and I have brown hair, blue eyes and freckles and glasses!!! Thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️
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✧✧✧ ─ Reading between the silver lining
Léon Marchand X Female!Reader, !Original Female Character
Warnings: SMUT, PnV, Mature themes, DNI if under 18!, No former knowledge of swimming nor american college. Enjoy!
I was very excited to start my requests, Here we go! I hope i captured the vision you had in mind x
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"What do you think of the new menu?" Kyle asked, his eyes skimming over the freshly printed pages.
Emma looked up from her phone, brown hair falling into her face. She pushed her glasses back up her nose. "It looks good. But I can never decide," she said with a laugh, revealing a sprinkle of freckles across her cheeks. "I'm going with the usual, I guess."
"You and your predictability," Kyle teased, shaking his head.
The bell above the cafe door chimed, signaling a new arrival. A young man, tall with dark hair, walked in. He scanned the room, and when his eyes met Emma's, they lingered. She blushed, her blue eyes flickering away from his gaze.
"Who's that?" Kyle whispered, leaning in.
Emma shrugged. "Dunno. He's cute, though."
The stranger, Leon, took a seat a few tables away. He ordered a black coffee and pretended to read a book, stealing glances at the girl with the infectious smile and the guy who seemed too comfortable with her to be just a friend.
The cafe hummed with the low murmur of conversation and the clinking of spoons against porcelain. The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans filled the air, mingling with the sweet scent of baked goods. Outside, the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow through the windows.
Leon couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched the pair. They seemed so at ease with each other, finishing each other's sentences and sharing quiet laughs. He wondered if they were a couple, if the universe had already paired her off. But something in her gaze, a hint of curiosity when she'd caught him looking, made him hopeful.
Emma's eyes met Leon's again, and she felt a strange pull. She'd never seen him before in this town, but there was something familiar about his smile. It was like a puzzle piece she hadn't known was missing. She nudged Kyle under the table. "What's his deal?"
Kyle followed her gaze. "Well, he's not checking me out, so I'm guessing he's not into guys," he said with a smirk. "But seriously, he seems to have a thing for you."
Emma's heart skipped a beat. Was it possible that this handsome stranger was interested in her? And if so, what would she do about it? She'd heard enough rumors about herself and Kyle, and she didn't want to lead anyone on. But the way Leon's eyes danced across her face made it hard to ignore the flutter in her stomach.
As the minutes ticked by, the tension grew. Would Leon come over? Would he leave without saying a word? The air was thick with possibility, and Emma found herself holding her breath.
Their conversation grew quieter, their smiles more tentative. The air in the cafe seemed to still, waiting for something to happen. The moment hung there, delicate and untouched, like a perfectly frozen snowflake about to melt.
Leon's frustration grew with every sip of his now-cold coffee. He'd never been one to approach a girl without confidence, but Emma's presence had him tied in knots. He watched as her brown hair caught the light, and her blue eyes sparkled with mirth at something Kyle said. He knew he had to do something, or he'd never forgive himself for letting her slip away.
Summoning his courage, he took a deep breath and stood. As he approached their table, the clatter of cups and the murmur of conversation grew distant. All he could hear was the thud of his own heart.
But just as he opened his mouth to speak, Kyle's laugh rang out, a little too loud, a little too forced. It shattered the spell, and Leon's resolve crumbled. He mumbled something about needing to go and retreated, his eyes never leaving Emma's until the door closed behind him.
Emma watched him leave, feeling a strange mix of disappointment and relief. She didn't know what she would have said if he had come over, but the fact that he hadn't felt like a missed opportunity. She turned to Kyle, who was watching her with a knowing smile. "What?" she asked, feeling her cheeks redden.
Kyle leaned back in his chair, his eyes twinkling. "You know what. You're totally smitten."
Emma rolled her eyes, but she couldn't deny the truth of his words. "It's just… I don't know. He's cute, and he seems nice."
Kyle's smile softened. "And you think because people assume we're a couple, you can't be interested in anyone else?"
Emma sighed. "It's not that. It's just… complicated."
Kyle reached across the table and squeezed her hand. "Look, Em, I'm your best friend. I'm not your boyfriend. You can like whoever you want. And if you want, I'll help you figure out how to talk to this Leon guy."
The offer was sincere, and Emma felt a warmth spread through her. "Thanks, Kyle," she said, smiling gratefully.
They sat there a moment longer, the cafe's ambiance washing over them like a comforting blanket. The sun had set outside, leaving only the warm glow of the streetlights to play on the windows. Emma took a deep breath, feeling a new determination settle in her chest. Maybe tomorrow she'd come back and see if Leon was here again. Maybe she'd work up the nerve to say hello. Or maybe she'd wait and hope that fate had other plans.
The next morning, Emma woke up early, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She threw on a sundress that brought out the blue in her eyes and tied her hair back in a loose ponytail. It was a new semester, time for new beginnings. She grabbed her backpack and headed out the door, her thoughts still lingering on the mysterious man from the cafe.
The college campus was a buzz of activity. Groups of prospective students and their families shuffled from one building to the next, guided by eager tour guides. As she arrived at the meeting point for her tour, Emma's eyes scanned the crowd. And there he was, Leon, standing tall and handsome among the sea of faces. His eyes met hers, and for a moment, the world around them stopped.
The tour guide, a bubbly redhead named Linda, began her spiel about the school's rich history and state-of-the-art facilities. But Emma's attention was elsewhere. She couldn't help but steal glances at Leon as they walked through the quad. He was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and jeans, but the way the fabric hugged his muscular frame made her heart race. His eyes never left hers, and she felt a thrill run down her spine every time their gazes locked.
The tension between them was palpable, like a tightly wound spring waiting to snap. Every time they stopped at a new location, Emma felt the urge to break away from the group and talk to him. But she held back, unsure of what to say or how to approach him without making a fool of herself.
The tour wound through the library, the science building, and the student center. At each stop, Emma found herself lingering just a moment longer, hoping that Leon would make the first move. But he remained a silent observer, his eyes speaking volumes but his mouth saying nothing.
Finally, they arrived at the last stop, the college's picturesque amphitheater. As Linda wrapped up her speech, Emma felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She turned to find Leon standing there, his eyes searching hers.
"Hey," he said, his voice low and smooth. "I noticed you at the cafe yesterday. I just wanted to say, I think you're beautiful."
Emma's cheeks burned as she took in his words. She opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. All she could do was nod, her eyes wide with surprise.
Leon chuckled, a sound that sent a warm rush through her. "I'm Leon," he said, holding out his hand.
"Emma," she managed to choke out, placing her hand in his. His grip was firm, but gentle, sending a jolt of electricity through her.
The group began to disperse, and Emma knew she had to say something before she lost her chance. She took a deep breath and looked up at him, her heart pounding in her chest. "Would you like to grab coffee tomorrow?"
Leon's smile grew, a genuine light in his eyes. "I'd love to," he said, squeezing her hand before letting go. "Tomorrow it is."
And with that, they parted ways, the promise of a new connection lingering in the air. Emma felt a mix of excitement and anxiety as she walked back to her dorm, her thoughts racing with what tomorrow would bring.
The next afternoon, Emma arrived at the same cafe, her heart thumping in her chest. She spotted Leon at their usual table, a book laid open in front of him, a cup of black coffee steaming beside it. He looked up as she approached, his eyes lighting up with a smile that made her stomach flutter.
"Hey, gorgeous," he said, standing to pull out her chair.
Emma couldn't help but blush as she sat down. "Hi," she said, her voice a little shakier than she'd have liked.
They ordered their drinks and fell into an easy conversation, sharing stories of their families, their hometowns, and their hopes for the future. Leon talked about his love for basketball and how he'd always dreamed of swimming for the for the college team, the Sun Devils.
"But you're totally not a jock," Emma said playfully, raising an eyebrow as she stirred her latte.
Leon laughed, a deep, rumbling sound that made her insides warm. "What makes you say that?"
"You read," she said, nodding at the book he'd brought with him. "I thought all athletes just listened to podcasts and stuff."
He rolled his eyes, but his smile never wavered. "Not all of us," he said. "I actually love literature. I'm just trying to keep up with the stereotype out there."
The conversation flowed effortlessly, and the hours melted away. They talked about their favorite books, their shared love for indie films, and their mutual disdain for overcooked pasta. Leon was charming and attentive, his gaze never leaving hers unless it was to laugh at something she said.
As they sat there, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow through the windows. The scent of freshly baked cookies filled the cafe, and the clatter of cups and spoons grew quieter as the last of the customers left.
"So, about that swim team," Emma said, playing with the edge of her napkin. "What's it like, being a college athlete?"
Leon leaned back in his chair, his eyes taking on a faraway look. "It's intense," he admitted. "But I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's like being part of a family."
"Sounds amazing," she said, meaning it. "But also, like a lot of pressure."
"It can be," he agreed. "But it's worth it for the love of the discpline."
Emma nodded, taking in his passion. It was clear that he didn't just swim; it was a part of who he was. And for some reason, that made him even more attractive to her.
As the night grew later, Leon reached across the table and took her hand. "Thank you," he said, his eyes earnest. "For giving me a chance, for not writing me off as just another jock."
Emma felt a warmth spread through her at his touch. "You're not just a jock," she said, her voice soft. "You're so much more."
Their first date had been nothing short of perfect, a blend of humor and depth that left Emma feeling seen in a way she hadn't in a long time. As they stepped out into the cool evening air, she couldn't help but wonder where this newfound connection would lead them. And as Leon walked her back to her dorm, his hand in hers, she knew that she was ready to find out.
They stopped outside her building, the tension between them thick enough to cut with a knife. Without a word, Emma reached up and pulled him into a kiss that was anything but gentle. Her lips crashed into his, her teeth catching his bottom lip in a way that made him gasp. He was taken aback, but only for a moment, before his arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer.
They kissed against the rough brick of the dormitory, the sound of their breaths mingling with the distant chatter of students walking by. The night air was electric, charged with the excitement of a first kiss that held the promise of so much more.
Leon's hands found their way into her hair, and Emma felt herself melt into the warmth of his embrace. Her heart hammered in her chest, her body alive with sensation. It was a kiss that said everything she hadn't been able to put into words, a declaration of interest that was as raw as it was thrilling.
When they finally pulled apart, both breathless and smiling, Emma felt a rush of exhilaration. "I've wanted to do that since the moment I saw you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Leon chuckled, his eyes dark with desire. "I had a feeling," he said, his thumb tracing the swollen line of her bottom lip. "But I didn't want to assume."
They stood there for a moment longer, their foreheads pressed together, before Emma stepped back. "I should go in," she said, her voice shaky. "But I had a great time."
Leon nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "Me too," he murmured. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
Emma nodded, her cheeks still flushed from their passionate embrace. "Tomorrow," she promised, before slipping inside the building, her heart racing.
The next day, Emma found herself counting the minutes until she saw Leon again. She'd never felt this way about someone she'd just met, but there was something about him that just clicked. They had plans to study together at the library, but all she could think about was the way his eyes had searched hers the night before.
When she finally saw him, her heart skipped a beat. He was sitting at their usual table, a stack of books in front of him, his dark hair slightly disheveled in a way that made him look even more attractive. As she approached, he looked up and smiled, the same smile that had captivated her the moment she saw him.
They spent hours poring over textbooks and notes, their legs brushing together under the table. The occasional glance and touch sent a thrill through her that she couldn't ignore. It was clear that their connection was more than just physical; they enjoyed each other's company on a level that went deeper than attraction.
As the night grew late, Emma found herself lost in his eyes, forgetting all about the assignments that lay untouched between them. "Leon," she whispered, her voice filled with longing.
He leaned in, his breath warm against her cheek. "Yes?"
"I don't want to wait anymore," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want you."
Leon's eyes searched hers, a silent question hanging in the air. And when she nodded, he didn't hesitate. He leaned in and kissed her again, his hands cradling her face with a tenderness that took her breath away.
The library was forgotten as they stumbled out into the night, their kisses growing more urgent with every step. They didn't stop until they reached her dorm, their bodies pressed against the door, their hearts beating in time with the promise of what was to come.
It was the start of something beautiful, something that neither of them could have predicted. And as they broke apart, Emma knew that she'd found someone special in Leon, someone who saw her not just as Kyle's friend or the girl from the cafe, but as Emma, a person worthy of love and passion.
With trembling hands, she led him into her dorm, the excitement building with every step. The room was a mess, a whirlwind of textbooks and clothes, but she didn't care. All that mattered was the way he looked at her, the heat in his eyes that said he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him.
They barely made it to the couch before their kisses grew more intense, their hands exploring each other with an urgency that was both thrilling and terrifying. Emma felt the fabric of her dress give way as Leon's hands slid up her thighs, his touch setting her skin alight. She gasped as his fingers found the edge of her panties, his touch sending waves of pleasure crashing through her. His mouth however was fulfilling her like a man starved.
And then they were on the bed, the softness of the mattress giving way beneath them. Leon took his time, kissing and caressing every inch of her body, leaving her trembling with need. When his mouth found hers again, she could taste the desperation in his kisses, the need that mirrored her own.
Their clothes were discarded in a tangle of fabric, their bodies coming together in a dance that was both new and familiar. He was gentle but firm, his movements sure and deliberate, as if he knew exactly what she needed. And when he finally entered her, Emma felt a rush of emotion so strong it was almost overwhelming. It was more than just physical; it was a connection that went soul-deep.
Leon's eyes never left hers as he moved inside her, their bodies in perfect sync. She felt a building pressure, a coil of pleasure that threatened to consume her. And when she came, it was with a cry that seemed to shake the very foundations of the earth.
But Emma wasn't one to be outdone. With a fiery determination, she rolled him onto his back and took control, her mouth exploring his body with a hunger that surprised even her. She took him in her mouth, savoring the taste of him, feeling his body tense beneath her. And when he came, it was with a groan that echoed her own release, a sound that seemed to seal the bond between them.
As they lay tangled together, their breathing ragged and their hearts racing, Emma felt something she hadn't felt in a long time: contentment. This was what it was like to be truly seen, truly wanted. And as she looked into Leon's eyes, she knew that she'd do whatever it took to hold onto this feeling, to keep him in her life.
The next few days passed in a whirlwind of classes, late-night study sessions, and stolen moments together. They were insatiable, their connection growing stronger with every touch, every whispered confession.
One could argue a cup of coffee, a gay best friend and a touch of curiosity could always satisfy the most grueling of passions, lust.
Thank you Emma (Anon) for your ask xx
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biohazard-4ever · 4 months
Why Leon's nationality is censored too? I get it with his ID number, but what is so shocking about writing him as North American?
Talking about this?
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Well... Hm. Right? I mean, they gave his gender and name afterall. And in Damnation he does confirm his citizenship to be American.
But maybe... I don't know. I guess if the president needs him to go to live in Europe for 50 years then he will have no other choice but to go and change his nationality, too lol
I think all these are made for us to see him how the government sees him. As a war instrument. A weapon.
His resilience makes him one of the government’s most formidable weapons
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He is a pawn afterall.
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puckpocketed · 3 months
So do you actually believe PLD is a good player or is that part of the bit?
The PLD Post
i spent a good 2 days giggling about this to friends. i cant tell if ur a curious caps fan, a person who knows me from my other teams, a disgruntled kings fan (i’ve mostly ruled this out because im pretty sure i know all of the active ones on here) or WHAT. but i’m laughing. the tone of this ask is hilarious and vaguely accusatory but i will take it in good faith and answer <3 tl;dr yes and no. he’s better than people think he is rn, but he’s likely never going to live up to the potential of his tools unless something . idk. recalibrates his entire being. who knows!
i was working on something longer and more complex but i thought about it for more than 5 seconds and i REFUSE to go hockey-bro mode and pull out the microstats and i don’t wanna make this into a full on PLD manifesto. so. caps girlies (gn) HERE are your adoption papers under the cut!
if you are looking at pierre luc dubois who is 6’4 + 220lb and thinking “Oh he’s a power forward” i have to inform you he is in fact THEEE smallest mouse to ever play hockey in the whole world and in all of history. he sips nectar out of a thimble and sleeps curled up in a match box and goes fishing in a boat made from nutshells and twigs . he’s big, but he sort of plays small.
this is not necessarily a bad thing — he relies on foot speed and skill over hitting.
he can throw hits but prefers to stick check. he leverages his big frame to guard the puck and to defend, and it makes him simultaneously VERY effective and very much what i like to call a Nexus Of Crime. he is either drawing ten thousand penalties because people have to do something to stop him from driving the net with speed OR he is taking ten thousand penalties because he gets eager in the corners.
PLUS he’s huge and refs do just assume he’s committing a crime when they can’t see what’s going on <3 hence, Nexus Of Crime! if there’s a penalty he’s probably involved LMAO
not a “dirty” player by any means. not physical unless he decides he wants to. and there is no violence inside of him unless he’s deeply horsebonded to his team <- IMPORTANT re; playoffs aspirations. you won’t see him put himself on the line simply for the love of the game, he HAS to be committed to the team.
to be committed to his team… i’m honestly not sure what that takes. i’d guess a combination of knowing his role on the ice and in the locker room (this was very unclear on lak) consistency of messaging from coaches (also seemed to be an issue on lak)
i know nothing about caps coaching or management or the team vibes but i’m sure you can fix him <3 i’m ready to fall in love and ride this team to the sunset
this failhorse will NOT shoot the puck and if he does it will be the saddest soggiest most pathetic shot you’ve ever seen. you will tear your hair out in chunks if you watch him expecting an elite goalscorer.
he’s a pass-first guy. likes to drop pass! likes to drive play from the middle but is also capable of getting pucks off the boards. he needs a finisher on his wing. i could pull up stats here, there are stats to be pulled up, but i know this in my HEART from watching dozens of kings games: he would have had 10-15 more points easily if he wasn’t stapled to the 3rd line and had better finishers. many times i watched him tee up a very good opportunity only for his guy to miss the net or fan or just get knocked off the puck
individually, he thrives in front of the net. his ass is fat and he’s about to use it to screen the goalie. hes good at catching loose pucks in the crease to send them home <3 see his performance at worlds. he scored basically all of his goals right up there!!
most media coverage/narratives will tell you his point production dropped off bc of effort (which is true) but even the MOST resentful kings watchers will say pld wasn’t given his best shot playing with inexperienced+fringe nhlers, being line shuffled the moment he got a bit comfortable, and also not getting ANY net front time on the lak pp. i factor this into all my judgements of his performance.
He’s def earned his diva rep LMAO!! this is personal opinion here but he seems like a sensitive and easily rattled little clam… like he will have a couple of bad shifts and if there’s nobody there to shake him out of it he’ll lose his grasp on the game and play like shit <3 a rolling joke on kingstwt was figuring out which PLD we were getting that game, and you could tell by his 5th if he was switched on or off!!
they hate him for this but EYE think this is nothing new for athletes and if he can consistently stay in the zone he’ll probably be pretty good. mental fortitude of a wet tissue my beloved….
moving onto the Vibes section!! he was always good humoured in media availability and didn’t shy away from scrums even when public opinion soured against him and critiques of both his hockey and his character had reached a fever pitch. i like this about him. he always gave authentic answers and tried his best to accomodate them, and never hid behind his captains.
he gets along quite well with teammates despite the narratives. no seriously!! some of the the kings had a hang out during off-season right before they went to worlds!! there’s bisexual lighting!!!!
there’s interviews from old jets teammates that are just like. “he used to turn up at my house with his dog and text IM HERE with no warning and that’s how we became friends” or “his obsession with euro soccer teams bewitched me”. he had control of the aux cord. he was a den mother and planned group gatherings. a genuine sweetheart to every teammate he’s ever had!!
I don’t think he’s some. idk. secret 100 point producing star 1C. but i truly believe with the right environment he’ll probably hit 60 points again.
thank you for your time if you made it this far and i hope to see you all in the trenches (caps lb) next season 👍
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I hope it's alright if I send this too!
Can I request this prompt?
F!reader is falling asleep in Abba's lap. Abba holds her close and doesn't move from his spot from hours. When Mista and Narancia see this they tease Abba like "He's in love; A lovesick fool; Wow, was that a smile? I thought you don't smile! 🤔😏" etc. And Abba, like a tsundere he is tries to deny these statements and begins to blush. Bruno's just looking at him with that know-it-all look on his face.
Sorry if this was a stupid idea you can ignore it! I'm happy that I could participate in this event!
Stay hydrated!
Cuddlebug - Abbacchio
notes - HELLO?! DUDE THIS IS NOT A STUPID IDEA AT ALL THIS IS SO CUTE WTF?!??! I loved writing this and was super delighted to see this in my requests to do! Thanks so much and good job Abbacchio for getting into all star battle lol word count - 335
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"I'm tired." you told Abbacchio when you got home, throwing down your bag.
"Then go to bed." he joked.
He wasn't expecting you to take him seriously and curl up on his lap while he sat on the couch. But he didn't mind one bit. He pet the top of your head, even laying little kisses there. Luckily, no one was home, so he could be soft with you all he wanted.
Spoke too damn soon.
The door flew open and the rest of the gang walked in, loudly joking and laughing. Abbacchio wanted to quiet them down, but he knew it wouldn't work.
He panicked. He was worried that the others would make fun of him. You two never told the gang that you were together and he really didn't want to admit that now, as you were fast asleep.
And damn, you were really out because not once did you bat an eye when everyone walked in.
Abbacchio didn't want to wake you by moving so he froze.
And that's when the two idiots - Narancia and Mista - noticed him.
Narancia snorted under his breath and Mista laughed out loud. Abbacchio, still frozen, didn't know what to do.
"Awwwwww!!!" Mista said dramatically.
"Is Abbacchio cuddling y/n?" Narancia said in a baby voice, batting his eyelashes.
"Shut up." Abbacchio muttered, still not trying to wake you.
"You two are in looooovvvvveeeeee!!" Mista played.
"Seriously, shut up." Abbacchio mumbled.
"Look, Mista, he's blushing!" Narancia went on.
Abbacchio was getting annoyed and didn't even realize that subconsciously, he was rubbing your back, which brought a satisficed hum from you.
Mista and Narancia kept getting on him about, making fun of the two of you and Bruno smiled in the back, watching Abbacchio with sweet eyes.
When Abbacchio noticed Bruno's look, he blushed down and then looked down at you with a smile, not even caring that the two idiots were getting onto him. Because after all, you were very comfortable and Abbacchio liked seeing you smile.
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2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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leonette-soup · 9 months
The Robo!Rise turtles are here with gifts for the goober comp!! They’ve got some food, drinks, and some extra volleyball gear if you need it! Good luck!! <3
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Inorganic turtle pals?
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So I was rereading the RE wiki and it says Leon is 5’11 which i could believe. However it also says he weighs 155 pounds and theres just no way bro. Someone that tall at that weight would be skinny as hell. Leons 190-200 easy.
yeah it's just standard japan being afraid of weight tbh
a lot of character write ups from japan have their characters as literally underweight or dangerously underweight
Leon is set a 5'10 or 5'11 and i have dated people around this height and ALL of them were 180lbs even at the thinnest.
leon is PRETTY JACKED in re4r so he would be 200 easy.
5'11 at 155 lbs is an extremely thin person, especially for a man
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even in other things like vendetta or damnation or whatever, that height and body mass would still be 200 lbs
people are just afraid of weight imo
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Writing Leon and Arthur's friendship is so fun, I've missed this
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fictionalslvr · 2 months
Hi! Again I’m the person who requested Knight Leon and Princess Reader.
I had another idea!
Both surrounded by a field of numerous colorful flowers, Leon builds a flower crown between his calloused fingertips delicately and puts it on top of Reader’s head. In the moment both of them share a kiss ^^
And if u want to add anything else that’s up to you (btw I love the way you write! ^^)
That seems like an actual romance film scene, so adorable! Thank you again for coming back, i appreciate a lot! And thanks for the compliment on my writing, this means a lot :(🫶🏻
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I imagine that this is when they already ran away to live together. Leon would be the gentleman that opens doors for you, that always hold your hand, and if he finds a flower that reminds him of you, he would bring it to you. So, building a flower crown for you would not be something not expected. It would just surge naturallu as you two were having quality time while watching the clouds form some figures in the sky.
Leon would gently put the recent built crown in your head, looking at you like the princess in you never died. Of course that that statuses were abandoned when you two ran, but you were still his princess in heart. His blue eyes were caught staring too much, almost disassociating in the beautyness of your face. In that moment, to bring him back to reality, you kissed him. Kissed him for the first time. Your hands supported on his thigh, almost adding no weight to it. Your kiss were so light, so cute and adorable that brought him back to world.
Leon had his eyes wide open in shock, before he realized what was happening, and finally closed his eyes not to end the romantic mood. His hands would enlace yours on his thigh, not wanting to touch you with no permission at any moment. After seconds, he felt his cheeks burning and his lungs not having enough air. He had to lean back, but waited for you to do so. And when you did, you giggled, with that smile he loved. And he giggled too, feeling at home with you by his side.
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bucciarati-answers · 12 days
Abbacchio, what do you think about my frog? I did it myself :D
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alvivaarts · 4 months
I tried looking through your mermaid au tag for RE first to see if anyone already asked this question, but I hope I didn't miss it and aren't just being silly when I ask this.
How do the mermaids handle haircuts?
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Totally not a silly question at all! In fact, it's a great one!
Hair cutting is a pretty big part of mer-culture for multiple reasons, and one of those is as a sign of growing up. A second of the many is as a grooming practice between family members and mates! Often they use whatever sharp rocks they can find- or whatever is convenient in the moment. it's not necessarily pretty, keeping hair short is pretty important to most mers, and Leon and Jill take hair cutting as an opportunity to just spend time together. When they were little, Jill was very excited to get her hair cut short. Leon... less so. He had a mop and Marvin cut his hair fairly early! Nevertheless, they both keep it short now, and they really enjoy reminiscing.
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fonulyn · 2 months
what are some of your fave Leon headcanons?
he's always kinda cold, evidenced by his multitude of fancy jackets, and even when he's not otherwise cold he's got cold hands and feet. which is why at home he wears woolly socks.
he never really knew how to cook, he never just had a lot of time to even learn, and it didn't feel that important when he was on a job much more than at home. but then he has a longer sick leave and suddenly all this free time and he realizes that hey he's actually pretty good at it now that he has time to experiment.
when he retires and actually has time to be home, he adopts multiple senior dogs just to give them a high quality, love-filled last few years of their lives. eventually losing them does hurt, but it's worth it to know they were happy, so he keeps doing it.
he's been so touch starved for most of his life that when he gets his happily ever after he's really really cuddly. if being a Snuggly Boyfriend was an olympic sport he would win gold.
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