wetherbeeniese · 16 days
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soul-spills · 2 years
Let go and allow the stars to shift in your favor.
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kindlycoraj · 10 months
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paralepsis · 2 years
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Circumstances of the Self ~ Michael Baca
New Work
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thugbbyk · 2 years
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mubal4 · 2 years
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The Journal Journey Part 76
 Have the opportunity for a moment to lift my head up and therefore, set a priority today to share a few nuggets gifted on this part of the journey. As mentioned in the podcast earlier this week, I hadn’t been consistent with writing the last few weeks. Not sure if that is going to change but today, I am making it happen. Today’s steps are from May 5, 2017.
 Wayne Dyer:
“Keep yourself in a state of readiness and stay in a state of gratitude for all of it.” – Personally, as much as I would like to think I am “ready” for things and am in a constant state of gratitude, I fail most times. There are situations where I do have the ability to plan and those types are, not surprising, when there is truly a purpose behind it. Not that I travel through life aloof, but I tend to operate better on the edge of prepared and not 😊. There is something to say, in my opinion, about being that authentic, genuine, self and I feel when I am put on the spot, or caught off guard, that authenticity has a better chance of coming out. Gratitude is more intentional for me. There is my gratitude journal I start my day off but many times through the day as well, I stop and, “count my blessings” so to speak. It is easy to get overwhelmed or feel stressed (specially when you are not prepared 😊) and getting caught in a victim rut will happen. Those are the moments I find my awareness, step away, take some deep breaths, and remind myself of the good things that are happening. Typically, and this is the great thing, it is the small stuff, or those baby steps in progress, that I tend to revert to. Hell, there are times I am in a situation that is not ideal, and I will be grateful for that uncomfortable situation; that’s growth folks. I’ve heard many say it, it is hard to feel sad, angry, or anxious when you are grateful!
 Henry David Thoreau:
“Success will in fact chase you if you stay aligned with the highest vision you have for yourself.” – Once again, easy to get sidetracked and lose the focus on what we feel is our highest vision. Hell, that vision could change depending on what cycle of life you may be in. I’ve shared this many times, and truly believe it, that “dream that I am chasing,” has been for the last decade +, to be the best husband, father, and human being each day. I am faithful that when I live according to that mission and stay true and consistent to it, “success” will be evident. Let’s remember and be realistic, that “success” is not without heartbreak, failure, screw ups, and complete steps back. The hardest part that I’ve experienced is staying consistent with it. That, and those days when you do fail, epically too, and you have to put that misfortune behind you and move on! Those are tough moments because, if you are anything like me, it can be hard to forgive ourselves. It can be difficult giving ourselves grace for the screw up that may have set up back some steps. Keep moving forward……. left foot, right foot, relentless forward progress. That is the consistency, that is honoring our commitment – keep going!
“Move away from having your life be guided by what others think is best for you.” – Advice is an interesting thing. My wife and I have had this discussion with our daughters many times. I’ve shared this with my wife too, and others I’ve had the fortune to talk with on these topics. It is a big part of this blog and the podcast too. What we share, the nuggets, “advise,” wisdom, whatever you want to call it, comes from others, and myself, that have had experiences. Some of those may be similar, relatable, and completely different than what you are going through right now. There have been situations where our daughters were going through a struggle, and I had a relatable story to tell that was a very similar experience. I was trying to offer guidance and “advise,” but wasn’t applicable at that time. My experience was when I was a teenage boy, they are teenage girls. It was many, many (😊) years ago for me and “times are different.” Perspectives are different but it was guidance for them to take in, acknowledge, and use or not! No one has or will travel our same journey. Our test is to take what we are able to uncover, good, bad, and indifferent, and determine if and/or how, it should be implemented into our process. As parents, mentors, leaders – we can and should offer our guidance, wisdom, nuggets……but when it’s up to that recipient to use as they see fit, not us!
 Simple ending from an unknown source that has no need for my commentary:
“How can I serve? Put person before your ego.”
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fan-of-eeyore · 3 years
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Angel Message - Grace and Antoinette
This misunderstanding has occured because of judgements about the other person's motives and character. To heal the situation,the judgements need to be released.You are projecting something from your own shadow side onto the other person. So this situation is an opportunity for you to clear away an ego issue.
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tommihanley · 4 years
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ifeeliwritesite · 4 years
Forgiveness is to sleep in peace instead of cribbing in pieces 😇
-ifeeliwritesite (Sharvari)
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asoulsfriend · 4 years
if you can’t change it, let it go...
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Card of the Day 💟
It is important to remember that you only have complete control of yourself, but very little of those around you, and the situations you encounter. That small bit of control that you do have over others is the impression that you leave on them, so make sure it’s a good one. We all have different journeys that we must travel individually, and it’s not up to anyone else to decide what that journey entails. Instead, encourage others to make the decisions themselves that will lead to their fulfillment. When you let go of the need to control everything and everyone, things will start to stabilize in your own life because you are placing more of your energy on your own path. Redirect your energy & flourish.
Deck Used:
https://amzn.to/2KkO0ru The Soul’s Journey Lesson Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook by James Van Praagh
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azariahstarcaster · 5 years
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After finding this image done by @louise_hay_affirmations earlier, I felt a sudden need to differentiate between releasing long held resentment for someone and dealing with something hurtful that someone has done very recently. I used to do my best to not even allow anger to be present when frustrating things would happen, either suppressing the anger or scolding myself later for being unable to do so. I've managed to learn over the past year or so, though, that suppressing ones feelings about something usually only makes them more intense. There are times when it might be necessary, but if you're anything like me, burying your true emotions about things probably only results in those feelings boiling over sometime later. So, specifically in the moment something happens that upsets you, I personally think there's no reason to try and hide or sugarcoat what you're feeling. Releasing powerful emotions, if done correctly, is a relief to the person feeling the emotions as well as a good opportunity to find a solution to the problem. However, if a particular incident has been bothering you for a very long time already, or if you find yourself still angry at a person who hasn't done anything wrong in months or years, it's definitely time to release that energy. Not necessarily say you're ok with what they did, but see that your resentment is only poisoning you and decide it no longer controls you. I appreciate you being here and allowing me to share what's on my heart with you! Hopefully, I've helped some of you understand why it's important to both letting your real emotions out when they come up and letting go of resentment that's been there too long aren't good for you, and also encouraged you to share what's in your own heart with those around you! 💜 #loa #lawofattraction #lawofattraction101 #affirmations #affirmationoftheday #morningaffirmations #dailyaffirmations #positveaffirmations #positivemindset #positivethinking #positivenergy #positivevibes #changeyourthoughts #changeyourmindset #changeyourvibration #letgoofanger #lettinggo #letgoofego #letgoofthepast #letgoofwhatnolongerservesyou #shareyourheart #shareyourheart💜 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKYLk4AMsU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jnm8ki1ojzwz
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cboards · 5 years
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A custom hand shaped and hand painted surfboard for Jeff🎨 🇺🇸 When I started shaping surfboards in 92-93 I remember the learning curve of hand shaping would take anywhere from 4-7 hours in the first year depending on the size board🙌🏾 ✍🏽 I went through the retail store not once but twice since 1993 and a combined time frame of 10-11 years and making it through the recession as well⛓ 👣 I hand shaped boards for numerous shops up and down the coast from Infinity to Hobie and everyone in between and a store in Japan🌍 👣 Keep in mind I hand shaped every single board and yes it was a lot of work and I learned many things in the process of doing so🗝 🔓 One of the points of this time capsule is I am a craftsman a custom builder of surfboards of all shapes and sizes and I still enjoy the true art of Hand shaping🎨 👁 Thank you for all the support and positive intentions🗝 much appreciated👍🏾 . To be continued🎬 . . . . . . . #freedombychoice #paulcarterart #paulcartersurfboards #sanclementesurfboards #pcartjourney #letgoofego #inspiredartist #sanclemente #danapoint #lagunabeach #newportbeach #customsurfboards #californiaartist #breathebelieve #letgoletgod #inspiredartist #iamacreator #positiveintentions #learnmorethanyouknow #iamanartist #customartwork #originalart #originalartist #healthguide #nutritionguide #abstractart #abstractpainting #learnbydoing (at San Clemente, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtH69QsHpd1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q827lbcevcbh
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acaringcounselor · 5 years
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Feeding the ego, leads to spiritual starvation...our aliveness gets trapped as we pursue a something out there that’s going to give us permanent satisfaction. It’s an illusion that we begin to let go of as we sit in meditation...letting go...seeing in a deeper way to what is right here...sadness, anger, joy...whatever it is we open to it, with patience, kindness and consistency we start to let go of trying to control experience and instead flow with it. This shift opens us to wisdom and compassion and a sense of ease and peace...#notself #faith #surrender #letgoofego #mindfulness #compassion #freedomfromsuffering #clearseeing #awareness #wbmindfulness https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJF5DKnMnz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=im6jyj84d30q
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moonlightea333 · 2 years
I used to feel so terrible for not being able to come to a common ground with friends on certain things about life. Some are just so invested within their own emotions and perception of the world, and they’ve become so comfortable with their own perception, that they’re completely unwilling or in denial of anything else outside of their own views.
I used to feel bad or feel like I had the responsibility to explain things. But not anymore.
Every single soul is responsible for themselves in this lifetime. The whole point of existing here is to learn, grow and evolve our souls.
When you realize you’re around people that aren’t willing to learn new things or are constantly hovering around the same toxic scenarios or people, then you have to set your own grounds for your own soul. You have to do what’s best for your soul.
The more you keep fighting this, the more it fights back with you till you learn to let go and make room for better things.
Yesterday was that tipping point for me where I realized that, I’ve evolved from the person I was even a year ago. And the things I kept habitually going back to, were no longer aligned with how I feel or see the world. The people and things I once used to relate to, I can no longer find myself relating to. I can no longer lower my intellect and consciousness to meet them at their level. No thank you.
My soul has evolved and is willing to learn and grow. If and when they’re willing to learn and grow, then I’m sure we will meet in some common place again. But until then, it’s no one’s problem whether they’re willing to learn and grow or not.
Just have to let go, keep moving forward, and never look back!
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