#like Danny is a kind father figure to Jason
emacrow · 4 months
Batfam tried to bribe the banshee child to get their stuff back.
Originally post here.
The one to figured it out was Tim who sacrifice his first camera that he still kept from back then when he stalked batman, the other two original robins and that it still have some film left in it. It was still a bit damaged and covered in tape on the camera and on the strap.
Alfred gave danny Bruce's father, Thomas's baby blanket in exchange for his favorite spoon.
Dick painstakingly gave his zitka elephant plushy for his mask, only to watch wide eyed when danny misty breath made a form of a miniature zitka the actual elephant doing one of her favorite tricks. And no he didn't cry after he left the room.
Damian offered secretly offered one of his most cherished drawing he had kept as a child, that remind him of Danyal..
Barb offered her old Batgirl costume, the one that still had a tear in it before she became the oracle..
Bruce offered one of his mother's pearls, the few that he had left.. from that night. When he gave it to danny in his tiny hand, all he felt was a sense of cold shiver that wrapped around him like a warm yet cold hug.
Duke gave him one of his first glasses that was a bit bented when his power came in, that were left discard in his draw as a reminder.
Leaving all but Jason todd who didn't know what to give Danny to have his red hood helmet back..
He tried one of his first gun, nothing..his black jacket, nothing.. it took Jason a long time (7 months tops) to figure out what to give danny.
It was 3am in the morning that he snucked in the Wayne Manor, peeking in the newest room for their youngest adoptee who was wide awake again.
Jason pulling out something from a pouch. It was old, torn and still had charred of ashes damaged but he kept it for his own selfish reasons..
He gave danny his Robin's cape, the original one that brought memories old, good and bad..
Danny held his Robin's cape and look at it, not saying anything with his eyes glow brightly before looking up at Jason with the most heartbreaking watery eyes.
He got up slowly, and hugs Jason close, chirping softly that made Jason's eyes glow a bit, before big drops of lararus pits liquid drips down from his eyes.
Just two broken core boys comforting one another, despite the puddle of lararus pits beneath them both that glow brighter and clearer then jason ever seen lararus pits have then it usuall musky growing green form... Jason close his eyes slowly as he gently hug the ghostly boy back.
Jason will never admit to anyone of what he gave that night or why he was asleep in Danny's nest the next morning after, but he suddenly felt some kind of unmoveable weight being lifted from his shoulders..
Until he saw on the news that The Joker was found dead with his ears, eyes and nose bleeding with a horrified look on his face.
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dcxdpdabbles · 27 days
I really want to see what happens next in cave boy. How fast do they build a ship to take Danny home, and how embarrassed is Connie about his mistake
"Take care of yourself," Bruce says, smiling down at him. Danny offers back a grin, making sure to include all of the other Waynes. They surround the ship that has pre-program coordination to his home dimension.
All he would need to do was turn it on and fly it through the portal the Justice League had brought to the Batcave for him. Apparently, it was built a few missions ago for other dimension traveling allies.
The magic users have formed some kind of cult in Bruce's front yard but that wasn't Danny's problem. He got tired to explaining that he was plain old Danny Fenton, a halfa that got lost.
Apparently, a few demi-gods, Wonder Something and Captain Something (Danny stayed true to what he told the Bats. He doesn't want to be involved in their heroes' business. He wasn't paying attention when they introduced themselves) had gone around telling people that he was a god and to show him proper resepct. That just drove even more colorful charaters to camp out in Bruce's yard.
It looked like a music festival out there—the ones his parents claim they couldn't remember despite spending an entire weekend at. Sometimes, Danny is violently reminded that his parents were a lot more party animals than Dan, Jazz, Dani, or he turned out to be.
Thankfully, not everyone was acting weird around him; many heroes coming and going to help set up the final steps. Tim spearheaded the effort, and after building the ship for him, everything was finally ready.
Danny was finally going home.
All his things were packed and on board, waiting for Danny to take off. He was surprised the Waynes were willing to let him take everything they had bought or sent to him by fans. It wasn't worth millions, but it was a generous amount.
He will miss them after all the lies and theft that he done, Danny had spent a long time with the Waynes. He still wasn't entirely sure he and Bruce were the same person just a counter part of one another but they were so sure he was willing to let them think that.
"Thank you for everything," Danny tells the group, allowing Dick and Steph to step in for a hug.
"Thank you for allowing us to see Bruce as a child," Cass counters patting Danny's head around Dick's body. "You were entertaining."
Tim clears his throat, stepping forward with a binder. Dick and Steph detach themselves from Danny but not before giving him michvious smiles that make him slightly worried. If they were ghosts, Danny would think that they were planning on attacking him in the middle of class on purpose.
"I'm sorry about the way I treated you, Brucie." Tim starts twisting the binder a little before holding it out. "I figured you should have this."
"What is it?"
"The contingency plans I wrote about you. In case I had to neutralize you. All ninety-seven of them," Tim says, if that's even remotely normal. Danny is even more unsettled at Jason's smile of approval or Babarba's little coo as if she were watching toddlers play make-believe.
Is showing each other contingency plans a form of love for these people? Ancients Danny enjoyed his time with them but can't wait to get home.
"Eh, thank you." Danny manages to say, curling the binder to his chest. Tim's face explodes into a beam of pure unadulterated joy.
"You're welcome! If you ever come back, we can compare notes. I honestly think plan number fifty-two will give you a run for your money."
".....I'm a civilian, remember? Punching me would be enough to beat me."
Tim waves his hand in dismisal, before leaning in for own farewell hug as Damian scoffs. "We both know that's a lie, even without your god-hood."
"Father, did he fight off suitors since he was a child," Damian raises his chin, standing up straighter in pride. He's not quite puffing out his chest, but it's a darn close thing. He doesn't seem to mind when Danny wraps one arm aorund his shoulder is a makeshift hug. "You like will have the same suitors."
"Goodbye, Young Master Danny," Alfred says next, straightening his hair and shirt with a bittersweet gleam in his eye. "I will forever cherish your time spent with us."
"Bye Alfred."
Jason clapped a hand on Danny's shoulder, giving it a rough push. "Don't forget about us brat. We may not be able to follow you to your dimension, but once our worlds' divide stabilizes, you better come over for dinner."
The halfa shurgs not committing to anything. The way the Flash explained their worlds was that due to how similar their two dimesions were, having someone from either place visting for two long was cutting away at the diviation that seperated them.
If that fell, the two worlds would collide and rip each other's realities apart.
They would need to allow it to heal before any visitation could be done. Sadly, the divide would have to be healed naturally. It could be days, or it could be decades.
This may be the last time Danny would see them for a long time. Stupidly, tears start to well up in his eyes, at the thought. Duke punches his shoulder gentely, not calling him out on them when the other also has some tears.
In fact, the only dry eye in the cave right now belongs to Alfred, Bruce, and Cass. What a strange little family this was.
Danny bites his lip while gesturing to the ship that hums with power. "I better get going."
"Yes," Bruce says. "You have family waiting for you. Remember to cherish them"
Danny freezes from where he climbs into the ship hatchet door. He looks over his shoulder at the gathered group and suddenly realizes something. He can see the similarities between Bruce and Dan even if he has doubts. "I will. And maybe in a few years, I'll met the versions of you and have a even bigger family. Cherish your children Bruce."
The man offers him the softest smile he has seen grace Bruce's face. "I already do."
His children swing wild, crazed eyes at him. Danny can practically see the fines in the white of their eyes, and Dick climbs over a table so he can lean into Bruce's personal space. Batman leans away from his eldest son, looking honestly stricken.
Danny laughs, closing the door. He quickly settles into the lush seats, feeling the material of the cushion creak under his weight. The familiar hum of advance technology welcomes him with open arms as he wraps his hands on the steering wheel.
For a still moment, Danny wonders what he will do if this false, and he stuck here forever. A familair ache grows in the center of his chest at the thought of never seeing his family- his real one- again but with one deep breath he forces himself to press the on switch.
The portal blares to life in front of him- white and bright, unlike the Fenton Portal- and with a loud woosh, it rips open. He can see the front of his house, and it's like a physcial blow of happniess.
He slams his foot on the gas, flying out of the cave with a wave of laughter, feeling light for the first time in over a year. The bight clear sky of Amity Park, rains sunshine down on him as he crashes against a few parked cars.
The Wayne Tech holds true not allowing him to get any damage as it stumbles to a stop in a ironic perfect parallel parking spot right in front of his house. Danny is laughing so hard, so utterly free, that he feels mad with it, as stares out the window of his home.
He is home.
The last thing he hears of the Waynes is Alfred's calm voice in the communicator as it loses connection. The portal seals shut, self-mending the air as if though it was never there.
"Thank you, Master Danny, for allowing this old man to relive a memory."
The front door of Fenton Works is thrown open, a teenager with long red hair stumbles out of it, staring at the ship. She makes eye contact with the driver and then a scream of glee fills the air.
"Danny!" She runs as fast as her legs can carry her down the driveway, and Danny quickly fumbles out of his seat, desperate to get outside. They met halfway, arms encasing each other in desperate hugs as the to sob.
"Danny! Danny! You're back" Jazz babbles through her tears. Behind her Jack and Maddie are running toward them yelling and crying, and so utterly despreate to hold their boy.
The teenagers fall to their knees from the impact of their parents, and first the frist time in over a year, Danny can fianlly breath easily.
"I'm home," He whispers, pressing himself against his family.
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soup-spoonn · 1 month
The weight of the world
Pt. 2
Pt. 1
kind of a long part 😭 mb yall
@boohoobeach @medusas-graveyard @catostrofiqu @dandey-lion
“B has been saying that the GIW might come to Gotham.”
Danny didn’t say a word, but just stared at Dick with a terrified look on his face.
“He told me not to tell you, that’s why he called a JL meeting, but I can’t just leave you out of the loop.”
“When?” He choked out, still terrified.
“We don’t know, but…” Dick paused, “they really want-“
“It’s my parents… they’re the ones leading the GIW to me.”
Dick looked startled at that confession, then just asked, “why?”
“I- I don’t know… I didn’t know- I-“ he started hyperventilating, and Dick didn’t say anything, and just wrapped him up in a hug as Danny cried.
“I don’t wanna see them again…” he said between sobs.
“You won’t.” Dick promised kindly
“You told him?!” Bruce said angrily, “I told you not to!”
“I wasn’t gonna leave him out of the loop! Do you want him to get hurt? He deserves to know, he’s family! If you were left unaware of something important about your safety, that would break your trust wouldn’t it?!” Dick ranted, angry at his father for asking him to lie to his little brother.
“Yes, but he’s too young, and he already has too much on his plate, we can’t worry him more!”
“He’s almost sixteen! We don’t need to baby him! We just need to be here for him! Help him with his responsibilities, not act like he's a baby, he’s so mature!”
Bruce sat for a moment, thinking, “you’re right, Dick, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to.”
Danny sat on the edge of his bed, pondering his next move, tapping his foot nervously.
If they find me, they find my family.
I can’t let them find my family.
Am I gonna have to run away again? I haven’t been legally adopted, so it should be easy enough.
Danny figured that if he could escape at night, he’d be able to go to Metropolis to ask Superman for help.
Poor Danny, he’s probably so scared right now. I knows I would be.
Clark let out a sigh, and stood up from his chair, shutting off his computer and closing his office door softly.
I should go above Gotham again, maybe Danny will be there.
It was dark out, and Danny decided he would go stargazing again, see if he could have a conversation with Superman.
He opened his window, leaving his phone on his bed, and went ghost, then flew above Gotham to his usual spot.
He sat for five minutes, until he felt a sudden presence to his right.
“Hey Danny, I heard about what happened.”
“I’m gonna run away.” Danny replied abruptly.
“What- why?” Superman asked, panicked
“You know…” Danny paused, “they’re gonna find me. I was thinking about leaving… possibly going to Metropolis.”
“That sounds like a smart plan, but you do know that Batman isn’t gonna be okay with that, right?”
“Uhm, yeah… I’m not telling anyone about it, except you. I trust you, more than anyone I ever have. I just feel a connection to you, maybe it’s that you’re Kryptonian, but I don’t know. My core feels… safe around you. Like a father.”
Superman felt flattered, happy he made Danny feel safe, “you shouldn’t leave your family. They’ll worry. They love you, you know.”
“I know, and I love them too, that’s why I have to leave. The GIW could cause them trouble if they find me. I don’t want them getting hurt.”
“I know, I know, it’s not my fault or something.” Danny interrupted, “it is my fault though, if I only hadn’t told my p- them about my… condition, none of this would have happened… I’m gonna go now.”
“Bye, Danny.”
He jumped as Dick slammed open the door, looking rushed.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Danny asked, looking up from the book Jason gave him.
“You need to start answering your phone!”
“Oh. Sorry,” he replied awkwardly.
Danny picked up his phone, scrolling through the notifications from Dick.
“I called you like ten times!” Dick said dramatically, “you scared me!”
“I’m sorry, I went on a walk again, I just got back.”
“Danny, I don’t know if you should do that anymore.” Dick said seriously.
“No buts.”
“I can protect myself-“
“I know that, but you should only go on walks if someone’s with you, for your safety. I’ll go with you-“
“I’m not actually going on walks.”
“What? Danny, what do you do then?”
“I go to look at the stars.”
“Wh- why would you lie about that?”
“I don’t know, the stars are like my sanctuary, you know? Or like, uhm.” He paused, pondering his next words, “when you have a long day, you like to lay in bed and fall asleep, right?” Dick nodded, “well for me, I still do need sleep, but the stars are rejuvenating for me. It’s my ghostly obsession, so I need this, you know? And anyway, Superman joins me most of the time, so if anything happens I’ll have some help.”
“Superman?” Dick asked, perplexed.
“Yeah… he listens, and gives advice. He’s helped me a lot.” Danny replied with a smile.
“Well, I didn’t expect that friendship to exist, alright then. But you still need to be careful, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”
“You’re fine, I don’t mind.” He said, returning to his book.
seriously this took me way longer than it should’ve, sorry about that 😅
lmk how yall feel about it please :D
also i’m probably not gonna tag more than four people, I don’t wanna take up too much space with it
Edit: i came up with a name :D
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animeredhead101 · 3 months
Jason Todd / Danny Fenton Masterlist
Wait For It by DisillusionedDanny :
When sixteen year old Danny goes to check out the Lazarus Waters in a different universe he doesn't know what he's expecting. Somehow getting a new halfa boyfriend and a baby brother was what were in the books for the young Ghost Prince. Everything seems to be going well, though, until first Jason decides to leave the League of Assassins and Danny to get revenge for his death, and then Damian decides that now that he is about to get to meet his real father, he will no longer need Danny. Years later, though, both Damian and Jason realize that they lost more than expected when leaving Danny behind all those years before. Especially after watching the powerful ghost king defeat an enemy within seconds. Now both must figure out how to fix their broken relationships with the ghost who helped them when they needed it most and never asked for more. Word Count: 33,891 Completed
Marriage, Who? by DeathlySilent13 :
Jason interrupts a ritual and gets far more than he'd expected. Like, an entire dimension more.
Word Count: 4,161 Completed
The Devil Wore a T-Shirt by DisillusionedDanny :
After a one-night stand, Danny finds himself pregnant with Red Hood's kid. Now he finds himself as a dad to a small child with an important decision to make. Does he tell Red Hood he has a child? Or does Danny raise the kid by himself? Word Count: 24,778 Completed
Deadly Assumptions and Their Consequences by Silver_star_06 :
The Justice league believes that Phantom is Captain Marvel‘s dad and tells the hero to summon him to help them with Darkseid.
They weren’t expecting the cryptic eldridge being to start hanging around the watch tower.
Danny couldn’t help but feel a kinship with the pre-teen that ended up as the current Captain Marvel. A scrappy black haired and blue eyed child vigilante, that only became one because of circumstance.
Danny was going to help this child whether he wanted it or not.
Word Count: 25,977 On-going
how to befriend your local ghost-boy by lizardtailsfails :
Fetch was a meta that managed to get in contact with the Bats, and did some support work for them. The first time Jason met him, however, the only thing he took away from that encounter was that somehow, this guy's very presence could scare the Pit into cowering. It kind of made him panic. He may or may not have shot at Fetch. And Fetch may or may not have disappeared as a result. Just when the Bats were resigned to thinking that maybe Fetch had left Gotham entirely, Jason stumbled across a warehouse that felt like Fetch's power. Looking into the owners, the Bats finally figure out Fetch's real identity--a kid named Danny Fenton. Word Count: 4,777 Completed
two dead guys sitting in a warehouse five feet apart cuz they're dense motherfuckers by lizardtailsfails :
Jason meets Danny again and gets treated to an educational slideshow. He was not prepared.
Word Count: 6,278 Completed
That Feeling When You (Accidentally) Seduce Your Landlord to Avoid Eviction by halfgone (milklywxy) :
Jason finds out the building his favorite safehouse is located in has been recently bought out. He could easily move, but he doesn't do easy. He'll just have to find a way to stick around, even if that means growing closerand catching feelingsfor his impromptu landlord. Meanwhile, Danny is pretty sure he hit the jackpot for surprise tenants. Word Count: 6,362 Completed
Like Betta Fish Do by Paperpuffin :
Danny had ended up trespassing in Jason's haunt. He didn't mean to. Total accident, he swears. (He blames Johnny.) So he bought the other halfa a basket of bathbombs and chocolate as a 'sorry, please don't disembowel me' gift. It was the proper thing to do, alright?
Everything was going to be just fine.
Then things got a little out of hand.
Word Count: 77,837 Completed
Take Out for Dummies by Mokulule :
"Excuse me?" Jason asked in disbelief. "How would you describe your ideal date?" The man repeated calmly as if he hadn't snuck up on Red Hood on a rooftop in the middle of the night. AKA Danny has been hired to take out Red Hood, there may have been a minor misunderstanding... Word Count: 2,009 Completed
Lightning in a Bottle by DisillusionedDanny :
Prompt courtesy of Stealingyourbones on tumblr: Jason gets his neck sliced by Bruce’s batarang. It irreversibly damaged his vocal cords.
Pros: He can still use ghost speak
Cons: None of his family knows ghost speak (as it’s sounds aren’t for living men to understand)
Thankfully Jason meets Danny Fenton who not only understands ghost speak but can teach him how to live again after his accident.
Word Count: 46,202 Completed
A deal with the Ghost King by JaxinKH :
When the Ghost King refused their offer of souls in exchange for saving the world, the Justice League had been scrambling to find something he would accept instead. But when the King dissapeared and the world was saved when they weren't looking, Constantine had been in a panic. Someone else had made a deal with the King, offering something worth more than all the souls on Earth. But what? And who had made the deal? Meanwhile, Jason left the meeting. He had a date to plan! Word Count: 4,524 Completed One of the cutest Jason Todd x Danny Phantom Fics I've read. I love the idea of Jason just looking at Danny in his whole Ghost-like glory and said to himself ' I need to tap that'
Core Bonded by GhostInGotham :
The only thing Tim could hear was his own beating heart and his harsh breathing. He barely even noticed that the demons had stopped what they were doing as well. Suddenly, the temperature around him dropped to the negatives. Snow started falling from the sky, melting as it hit Tim’s skin. There was a twitch from Trigon’s hand.
“ Mate, who…who was your brother just summoning? ” Constantine asked over the comms, his voice shaking.Ice spiked out of the ground into Trigons chest and forced him to stumble back. A man with blue tinted skin, and enough power radiating off of him to force an army to their knees, stood above Jason with a raised hand. Jason was on the ground and leaning his weight on his elbows, watching the being in front of him.
“ W̴e̵ ̸h̷a̶v̸e̷ ̷g̸o̴t̶ ̸t̷o̵ ̷s̸t̴o̸p̴ ̷m̵e̶e̴t̸i̸n̸g̶ ̸l̷i̸k̸e̶ ̵t̵h̷i̸s̷,̷ ̵b̴e̷a̸u̷t̵i̷f̵u̴l̴,̷” The man chuckled as he turned to the crime lord with an outstretched hand. Jason just snorted and took the offered hand,
“ Can’t help the life I live, Casper.” was heard over the comms. The being just laughed at the nickname.“ Bloody hell…Bats, your son just summoned the Ghost King… ” Constantine whispered.
Word Count: 10,085 Completed
Danny Fenton: Dead and Loving It by HyperKid :
Danny and Jason meet by chance in a graveyard on Christmas Eve over a certain someone’s grave. Neither expect to ever see the other again, until they run into each other at a coffee shop less than a week later. And once they’re both thinking clearly, there’s obviously something wrong. Between working out what to tell their families, what’s actually going on, and just… well, being happy pains in the ass and proud of it, it turns out Team Batfam and Team Phantom all over are a match made in Heaven. Now all they have to do is persuade Bruce that Jason having new friends hasn’t hailed the apocalypse. Word Count: 275,002 On-going
Ghost King in Gotham by GDogDfeld124 :
Danny Fenton moves into Gotham to get away from the GiW and his parents. Luckily for him he got a scholarship to Gotham University and could move in without trouble.Everything goes haywire when one day while doing his homework he gets summoned.
______________________________________________________________Planning for this one to be a long one. Trying not to make this crack.
Word Count: 74,968 On-going
I Am A Retired Hero And My Love Interest Is A Crime Lord!? byShyCrow :
Danny Fenton did the whole hero thing, all right? He fought bad guys, saved the world a couple of times, became enemies with a secret government faction. And it was fun. Really, he had no regrets! But now it's time for him to buckle down and focus on getting that degree. It's a good thing Gotham University gave him a full ride. But things are just now starting to get more and more complicated... It started as an accident that evolved into the Red Hood paying attention to Danny. And now ghosts are starting to lose objects that, if fallen into the wrong hands, can cause a lot of trouble for both Danny and the Ghost Zone. With the bats starting to take notice of him and the Zone's refusal to leave him alone, can he truly lead a normal life? And, more importantly, does he really want to? Word Count: 138,759 On-going
A Crow's Murder by kokoa_la :
Danny takes on a new moniker when he starts up business in Gotham as a human, but this time, he's not the hero. A vigilante to the core, taking risks and shots for the greater good at another's expense.
With his memories holding his left hand and his responsibilities holding his right, Gotham seems like the perfect place to hide.
Until he's got a clock over his head, ticking away to an unknown end.
i.e. Danny steals from the waynes and now have the bats on his tail, too bad for them the only one to have spotted Danny is the Red Hood himself. Maybe the halfa can trust the resident crime lord with his teeny tiny issue with the government. What's a little treason to murder, right?
(Post every Saturday)
TW: depression, thoughts of death (NOT suicide), character death (does it count if its danny and jason?), cursing, drugs? (idk man), sickness, fighting, injuries
Word Count: 95,530 On-going
Lost In Between Our Needs and Wants by Murriana :
After having to leave behind his mortal life in Amity Park, Danny ends up settling in Gotham. There, he gets mistaken for a vampire and decides it's the perfect cover. This has consequences, for both him and the crime lord Danny's nose keeps leading him to. Word Count: 13,001 On-going Not going to lie, as I was reading this the only thought that was going through my head. "Danny is finally living his goth dream and has made it his life's mission to make Sam jealous about it"
Danny's Daycare by RobinsEggHead :
Being the Ghost King is surprisingly boring when you're good at the job and therefore your people are at peace. In an attempt to escape his mind numbing boredom (and do a favor for Lady Gotham) Danny begins his ten step plan to help the city without donning the Phantom 'cape' once more.
Too bad the Waynes and Gotham's vigilantes seem to be taking such an interest in the strange man who willingly moved TO Gotham to open a daycare in the Bowery. It's fine, this is all fine, what could go wrong?
Turns out- a lot.
Word Count: 33,524 On-going
I find it really cute that Danny wants to help but hes like a tired Dad that has WAY too many kids. This is still an early fics, but it's already one of my favorites.
Rooftop Express by EmeraldsAndAmethyst :
Danny Fenton just wants to help his big sister be comfortable in Gotham. But he is getting so done with not being able to fly around freely. Danny tries to do things on the up and up but just progressively accidentally starts looking more and more like a new rogue trying to get set up. His parents must be retired super villains, which might not mean anything. But the rest of the evidence isn't very promising.And then he finds a half-ghost no one knew anything about. Befriending him in the suit instead of out isn't helping his 'definitely not a super villain' case in the slightest. *edit 4/3/2023 o my gosh there is now fan art!!! pics in the chapter and links here tysm AK! [sharelink] Word Count: 89,268 On-going
What could go wrong? (A lot) by Dreaming_Ember :
John Constantine sat quietly rubbing his temples with his hands. He was fighting to not pull out a cigarette and light it. He knew this meeting would be bad. As soon as the Bat called him here for a favor he knew it was going to get messy. Bats never needed him for favors. But with this League Of Assassins people joining up with an unknown cult it seemed John was the best bet, well after he tried contacting Zatanna who was busy with something else. So far they weren't getting anywhere and it had been two weeks, the only thing that John has noticed is how what the bats call the Lazarus Pits, looks suspiciously like ectoplasm. Boiling ectoplasm. But still ectoplasm. John sighs, he didn't want to have to ask Danny for help, but if those pits truly were ectoplasm he would need to get him involved. ___________________________________________________________ Or when The League of Assassins starts acting up and joining forces with an unknown cult, Batman contacts John Constantine for help. Word Count: 5,130 On-going
It's Not Sugar by ConspiracyCrows
Ellie is destabilized and nearly killed by Vlad while trying to make another, "better", clone of Danny. In order to stabilize her she was de-aged to about 7, and now has chronic issues balancing her ecto the same way a type one diabetic has issues balancing blood sugars. In fact that's the cover story the pair use when Danny enrolls Ellie at Gotham Academy. The one favor he will allow Vlad to do for them. While Vlad seems to have finally come to his senses about Ellie, Danny won't let him anywhere near her ever again. Which is why they moved to Gotham in the first place, Vlad won't step foot there. It also helps that Lady Gotham is more than happy to have the Realms' Ambassador to the Living in her streets. They settle into Crime Alley, and Danny may or may not have forgotten to introduce himself to the Haunt owner, assuming Gotham would handle the niceties as he gets Ellie settled, and handles the pressing issues of the negotiations between the city, the realms, and those denizens of both who want or need one thing or other. Word Count: 23,052 On-going This is just one of the cutest fics! I love how Danny takes zero shits when it comes to Ellie. Jason and his interactions are so wholesome, I can't wait to read more !
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #11
Today's prompt isn't a Harry Potter one like I said it would be yesterday, but that's because I'm sick and writing makes my head hurt (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) so instead, I grabbed one of @stealingyourbones prompts off the @batpham-discord-highlights server and ended up drawing it! Now, for it to count per my own rules, I have to write something to go with it, so I will, but it will be short (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
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Jason didn't set out to adopt two traumatized teens with super powers, but then, he'd come to realize that Bruce, for all his faults, had been the same way. The difference was, Jason refused to fail his sons the way Bruce had failed his own kids. While Jason's new biggest fear was turning out just like either of his fathers, his kids constantly reassured him he was doing pretty well.
He did his best to train his kids, both in and out of suit, helped them with their homework, and made sure they spent time being kids instead of fighting crime (if Captain Marvel suddenly started taking more days off from the League, well, the big three could only feel relief). He also did his best to keep his kids off the Bat's radar, at least until they were both sixteen and could use their powers competently in either of their forms. He'd almost succeeded in that last one when a mass Arkham breakout had called for all hands on deck. He had tried to leave his kids behind, but Danny and Billy were insistent. Thus, Hood's Ravens, named after Odin's own raven companions, Hugin and Munin, took flight through Gotham.
Through the mission brief and the first part of the roundup, Hugin and Munin stuck close to Red Hood, keeping their powers mostly under wraps. They were doing surprisingly well in such a large scale mission, in Jason's opinion. Sure, they'd both had previous experience with fighting large groups or for long periods separately, the kind of teamwork they were displaying, working as two parts of a whole, brought Jason a sense of pride. He'd been the one to teach them that, after all.
Suddenly, Babs let out a frustrated growl over comms. "I just lost connection to half the cameras in the city, I'm nearly as blind as you guys. You're going to have to do this the old fashioned way until I can figure out what happened," she said.
Jason shared a look with his sons and sighed, silencing whatever protest or reassurance the others were flooding the comms line with. "You two sure about this?" He got twin nods. "Alright. You know the rules. Stay out of sight, don't engage if you don't have to. Hugin, you take East side, Munin, you take West side. Go." Both boys were suddenly airborne, one flying East and the other flying West. He watched them fly for a bit before getting back to work. He trusted them to follow his rules and to know their limits. They could do this.
Soon, nearly identical voices were feeding real time information directly to the bats, each raven playing the role of "eye in the sky" surprisingly well for fifteen year olds. They directed the closest free bat or bird to problem areas, they rescued trapped or injured civilians, and most of all, they listened to any suggestions or corrections Babs gave them and adjusted accordingly. Jason was so unbelievably proud of his sons, he was fit to burst from it all. He couldn't understand how Bruce had never buried them all under mountains of praise if he'd ever felt even half as proud of his bats and birds as Jason was of his ravens in that moment.
Eventually, things calmed down enough that Jason wasn't exactly surprised to sense the big man himself dropping onto the roof behind him. Jason let Bruce watch him as he continued to watch his sons flying over and through the city, giving directions and helping when needed. They stood there like that for a few minutes before Jason sighed. "What is it, old man?"
"Those kids, Hugin and Munin. Who are they."
Jason felt the pit rise up at Bruce's tone, feasting on the riot of pride, anxiety, joy, fear, and anger. He wondered if the green he was seeing was real or imaginary as he turned to look over his shoulder at his adoptive father. "Those are my sons," he growled.
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There (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)I hope that satisfies! It's only thanks to ibuprofen that I was able to get through writing that much, so thank you modern pharmaceuticals ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Whether or not Danny and Billy are actually related (ie long lost twins, cousins, clones, brothers really close in age) or just doppelgangers is up to the reader, but the point is they're practically identical when just standing next to each other, but suit them up as Red Hood's Ravens, Hugin and Munin, they're indistinguishable until one goes invisible and the other starts shooting spells at things. In fact, Danny and Billy regularly "switch" who is Hugin and who is Munin. They usually discuss beforehand who is going to be who for a given period of time, but sometimes one of their power sets is better suited for a situation and they'll switch on a dime. Of course, this is only possible because their suits are identical in every way, being based heavily on Dick's Nightwing costume (specifically the Young Justice version) with red ravens on their chests instead of the bat on Jason's. Neither has a preferred weapon to deal with as they're both hand to hand fighters when they're not using their powers (Danny's ecto/ice blasts and Billy's spells), either. They do both still show up as their first alter egos, Phantom and Captain Marvel, fairly regularly, but Jason ensures they get plenty of rest and down time while still doing their school and homework.
I might have more to add later, but I'm drowning in snot and the ibuprofen is trying to wear off, so I'm going to leave it there. If anyone wants to continue this, please let me and @stealingyourbones know so we can enjoy it, too! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Have a good morning/day/night!
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adriaticmidnight · 9 months
Nobody Asked if I Was Ready
11K words and completed on AO3
In the dead of winter, a seven-year-old Danny, cloned from Dick Grayson, runs into the man he’s been tasked with finding. But if you’d asked Danny, he’d say no one told him to find Nightwing.
Dick Grayson has one of the craziest few days he’s had in years, complete with family interference, a surprise child, grappling with the fact that he’s now a Father, a government group hunting said child, and an old enemy with a devious plan: Slade.
The snow fell quickly, covering the city in a white blanket it had not known for years.  The vibrant light cast from the streetlights and skyscrapers dulled as the snowflakes covered the bulbs and windows.  The blizzard swept the city up into an alien world, making it hard to make out anything but vague shapes.
A lone figure flew through the scene, wind whipping at his face as he grappled across Blüdhaven.
This had to be one of the worst blizzards Blüdhaven had ever experienced.
And yet here he was, powering through the gusts of snowy wind that hurtled itself at his face, of which he was starting to not feel anymore.  Sure his suit kept him warm but it hardly covered his whole head.
It was at times like this where Dick regretted not wearing a helmet and jacket like Jason.
He stumbled to a stop atop a building to catch his breath.
He knew he shouldn’t be out in the storm.  What kind of crime was going to happen?  In his experience, the only criminals foolish enough to try something in this type of weather weren’t worth worrying about.
If someone was out here in need of help and he hadn’t even tried?
He’d never forgive himself.
Dick startled as something just outside of his vision flew past.
He jumped in place, hyping himself up, before making his way down; Landing on the roof of a car.  He scanned the area but it seemed barren.  
A high-pitched whirr caught his ears, green lights shooting through the air at the end of the alley.
He peered through it, grabbing for his Escrima sticks.
There.  The Blur.
Dick jumped to the ground, his legs engulfed by the fresh snow beneath.  He squinted, trying to make out anything through the haze as he cautiously made his way toward the alley: Toward the Blur.
There.  It was smaller now but getting bigger by the second.
And coming straight for him.
Before Dick could move, The Blur crashed into him, knocking them both to the ground.
Dick lay there for a moment, recuperating as air returned to his lungs.  
That was gonna hurt later .
Dick groaned, yeah, yep that was gonna bruise.
He opened his eyes to see two terrified glowing green eyes staring back at him.
A kid.
The Blur was just a kid?
“Hey, it’s o-” Dick started
A blast of green plasma hit the ground inches from his face, sizzling the snow beneath it.
Ok, introductions later.
Nightwing jumped up, the child holding onto his leg and hiding behind him.
God, he was so small, maybe five?  Why would anyone want to hurt a kid? 
Men in white suits seemed to materialize out of the storm itself, backing them up against the car, and angling strange guns at him and the child.
One of the men stepped out from the others, “Give us the Ecto-Entity or we will open fire,” he barked
“The kid?”
“The Ecto-Entity.  It is no more a child than a leopard is a housecat.”
“I think he’ll stay with me, thanks.”
“You have ten seconds.”
The man began counting down.  Nightwing rolled his eyes; he wasn’t afraid of these men.  This was his city and they were not welcome.
He glanced down at the kid hanging onto him, his white hair was covered in snow and almost glowing, his clothes hung too loosely on his body, and the way he was looking at these people-
Nightwing took a breath to steady himself and made a split-second decision.
He might not be afraid but this kid obviously was.  No matter what Dick wanted to do, he had to think of the little boy desperately clutching his leg.  No matter how much he wanted to teach these guys a lesson.
“1. Last Chance.”
“You know, after some thinking, I’m gonna have to say,” Dick clicked his Escrima sticks, shooting out smoke bombs at the men in white. “Hard Pass”
A cacophony of coughing rose from the smoke, Dick grabbed the kid and grappled upwards; soaring above their attackers.
Bolts of green plasma chased after them as they ascended, the child clinging onto him harder.  The cold wind raking its icy fingers over their faces.
Dick grappled away until he was positive they weren’t being followed anymore.  Stopping at his apartment’s roof.
A part of him wished he could have dealt with those men then and there but he knew he’d made the right call.  The kid came first.  Besides, he could find them again, it would probably be a pain in the ass, but he could do it.
Or he could bribe Tim or Babs to do it for him.  Either way.
Now he just needed to figure out what to do with this kid.
The little boy was shivering in his arms; teeth chattering together something fierce.  Suddenly Dick had to close his eyes as light flooded his vision.  When he opened them again the child was no longer green-eyed but blue with black hair.  
And he was the spitting image of Dick.
Well, that answered one question.
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vonehrenfest · 1 year
DCxDP: Dead guys stick together
(A Batman 138 fix-it)
After Bizarro becomes King of Hell he watches the mortal world and is distraught to find that his brother/best friend/sorta father-figure has been hurt very badly and is calling out for help.
Distraught, he goes to another lord of the netherworld who he's heard has access to a portal (and subjects a bit more compatible with the act of helping someone). He asks King Phantom would he please please help him protect his brother/friend, and if he does Bizarro will owe him a favor and leave his realm alone.
When the inferno had initially breached the Ghost Zone Danny had thought he was going to have to deal with f*cking Trigon again, but as it turns out that guy's been replaced and the new guy is pretty nice. After a brief cosmic battle and a clearing of misunderstandings, Danny agrees to Bizarro’s request.
While Gotham's vigilante civil war continues on its rooftops, Jason is in a cell. He is trembling, practically catatonic again, and losing his mind. He’s seeing the flaming figure of a knight on horseback appear from the shadowy far wall of his room, like some kind of fairytale nightmare version of Batman. It takes a while for Jason to realize he’s talking. 
“... part of the treaty between the King of Ghosts and King of Demons, Jason Todd: Prince of Demons has been granted special status and is henceforth a protected and honorary citizen of the Infinite Realms.” 
Nightmare-Bruce touches his flaming sword on Jason’s shoulder and the unearthly fire instantly engulfs him. Relief washes through Jason, and it’s so strong he nearly drops asleep.
Bruce is apologetic when everything’s over and he realizes the mistakes he’s made... but nothing really changes. (It is a relief to Bruce that no one died or was permanently injured, Jason's condition resolved itself somehow, and Bruce is normal now so really everything is fixed or at least it will be fixed.)
Just like when Jason first came back from the dead, Bruce's response makes him hurt deeper than the physical torture itself. Jason is the one who died but Bruce acts like the ghost. Singleminded, possessive, stuck in time and blind to it; bound to repeat the same cycles again and again. Jason is the ghost but he's died multiple times now, and maybe that's kind of like living and maybe that means he can move on. 
Dani and Bizarro become friends, and she gets Danny's friend Tucker to somehow set up a working Wi-Fi connection in hell so they can all play games together. (He’s not going to question it. Everything about Amity Park is abnormal. They helped him and they’re good to Bizarro, that’s all that matters.) 
Jason forges a fake identity for Dani. He might ask Babs to make a better one for her if she ever needs it but he doubts that's likely. He hasn’t had a living identity for years now after all, he’s an old hand at fake identities. Dani is delighted and starts attending school soon after. 
Danny has good friends, and as far as Jason can tell plenty of reliable mentors in the ghost world. You wouldn’t think it, but Jason’s less worried about Danny in his role as a little godling than in his civilian life. He’s got too much on his plate- too much power yet not enough to actually resolve his real issues. Not enough to protect himself where he’s vulnerable. 
The “Guys in White” that Danny likes to complain about are concerning. So is the fact that Danny’s lives with mad-scientist parents who are trying to hunt down his alternate identity. So is his ever grinding cold-war with the mayor of his town… And something else too that had been niggling at the back of Jason’s mind ever since he’d first gotten to talk to these kids. 
One day Danny’s sister, Jazz asks to talk to him. He’s an adult she says. That’s true he replies. He’s capable of protecting himself and other people, she says. Well, he has the training and experience for it, he agrees. If things go wrong, would Jason let Danny or Dani stay with him- just until she becomes a legal adult? She asks. Jason’s... not the sort of person who should be taking kids in. Danny saved his life though. He won’t say no. He says of course.
Jason knew it. Everything about Amity Park is abnormal.
The town doesn’t technically exist- there are no maps that include it and even satellite imaging is corrupted where Danny describes his hometown is supposed to be. There are no references to it on the internet that couldn’t be referring to a totally different Amity Park elsewhere, and judging by the problems they occasionally had on gaming nights and the odd offhand remarks Danny and his friends sometimes made, it was looking extremely likely that all communications between Amity Park and the outside were being heavily censored. Before Jason knew it he had started a full-on investigation on the GIW, Mayor Vlad Masters, former Mayor Montez, and Axion Labs.
Hope and fear lodges itself in Danny’s chest. Jason’s an adult and he’s actually going to help.
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zeestarfishalien · 10 months
What Lies Between Us
[DPxDC Week 2023 Day 4: Danielle “Dani” Phantom // Halfa Jason Todd AU // Heartbeat]
• Daddy Issues Ship (Danielle “Dani” Phantom/Jason Todd) Established Relationship
“Why do you like cuddling me so much?” The question flows from his lips before he can think better of it. Instead of pulling away or changing the subject, she answered his question.
“Your heart is steadier than mine. It reminds me to breathe, to be alive.”
Jason craned his neck to get a good look at Ellie’s face. She studiously doesn’t meet his eyes, instead focusing on picking at a loose thread on his shirt.
He knew she had some sort of heart issue. Hard not to notice when they often cuddle close on the couch or fall asleep on one another. He hadn’t asked details and she hadn’t given them.
This…these words are striking all the wrong chords. Still he doesn’t push. She met Tim once and Jason didn’t see her for 3 weeks after that. She sent him pictures from Tibet, all scenery and places and people but never of her. Jason learned from that experience. He saw how worried she was about his reaction when she returned. She whispered to him in the wee hours of the morning before the sky lightened into dawn about a father-like figure who took and took and took, never gave. Someone who trapped her into a role and a place, then cast her aside as soon as the better option came around.
Jason makes sure to touch her lightly and fleetingly staying soft so she doesn’t feel trapped.
So yeah, Jason doesn’t ask what she means by those oddly ominous words.
Instead he gives.
“Sometimes I feel too heavy and hardened by some of my work, but you snuggle right in like I’m soft.”
She meets his eyes now, just briefly, but she does it.
“You are soft, Jay. You keep it wrapped up safe under that hard shell so that it doesn’t disappear. You keep living.” She pauses and Jason almost says something but stops and so she continues. “I don’t know how it works…living. I’ve been faking it in some vain attempt to pretend long enough that it becomes real, but I still don’t understand. I was made not born Jay.”
Jason takes a deep even breath.
“But you’re here now, with me. That’s living.”
“It’s so much easier, more simple, to be dead but I’m not that either. I’m stuck in this void and being with you makes me feel so much and see just how far from living I am. But your heartbeat? That makes me feel alive. It makes my heart match yours and I breathe in and feel the oxygen instead of just going through the motions.”
“That seems like a bit of a contradiction.”
“It is…but so am I.”
“I’m okay with that,” he says quietly, because he is okay with it and because she feels so safe and familiar, a feeling from a time he can’t quite remember (he thinks it might be when he was dead).
Her arms snake around him tightly and she buries her face in his chest.
He softly cards his fingers through her hair. It’s rarely loose like this. She usually keeps it in a ponytail or braid of some kind.
She hums and her body hums with her as she melts into him.
“Danny wants to meet you,” she murmurs almost sleepily when she finally unburies her face.
“Okay, I can adjust my schedule if we get a date and time.”
“Danny is my biological donor,” she adds on like she’s trying to wig him out.
“Not your father-like figure, right?” Jason clarifies.
“No.” She makes a face. “He’s the one who made me from Danny. Danny didn’t even know about me until I tried to kill him.”
Jason blinks. He was not expecting this, not today during sleepy cuddles on the couch but he’s not about to stop her or interrogate her about it.
“Danny didn’t have to care but he does. He was just a kid but he cared. He tried for me. He did what little he could within the restraints of his own circumstances. He gave me freedom.”
“Then I’d be honored to meet him.” And he means it.
“He’s like you,” she continues once again not looking him in the eyes. She’s found that loose thread again to pick at. Jason isn’t sure where she’s going with this but he has suspicions. “Where I’m neither dead nor alive, Danny and you are both dead and alive.”
“I don’t…what?”
“Death doesn’t let go even if she lets you come back. There’s a part of your soul that is forever changed by your time among the dead,” she explains. If it were anyone else Jason would already be on the defensive and anger would be bubbling to the surface. He’d have to fight to keep control of his emotions.
But it’s Ellie…
And that makes all the difference. Her earnest way of dropping bombshells has him reeling but not angry.
“I,” he pauses to search for the words, “it’s not that I didn’t know that I was different when I came back but this is a whole new level. You’re sure that I’m ‘dead and alive,’ right?”
“I’m sure Jay,” she pushes herself into a sitting position using his chest so she can look him in the eyes. “You’re a halfa. An earth born halfa but a halfa all the same.”
“How do you,” he gestures vaguely, “know?”
Ellie closes her eyes as she breathes in deep. When she opens them, her eyes glow a green not dissimilar to the Lazarus pits. She makes some sort of sound of water running over stones, but not with her mouth.
There’s an echoing pang in his chest right where those feelings of familiarity reside and his whole being vibrates with the sound of a plucked guitar string. The sound somehow escapes his body (maybe because it’s not a sound).
He lets out a soft, “oh.”
“You feel it too. The familiarity and comfort of death.”
He nods.
“I would know you no matter what form you take,” she whispers.
In lieu of an answer, Jason places his hands on hers. Slowly, ever so gently he tugs them up to his lips to place a soft kiss on them. He doesn’t know what to think or what to say. It’s kind of a lot that she suddenly dumped on him but he does know one thing for sure.
“I would like to stay with you no matter what form we take.”
It takes a moment for her to process the words but then the seriousness of the moment is broken and she’s rolling her eyes and shoving her hand in his face.
“You’re such a sap,” she complains but she softens. Jason didn’t realize she had been so tense until it’s gone. She lets him push her hand away from his face.
“Hey, you started it mx. ‘I would know you no matter what form you take.’ I just went with it.”
“Ugh…you’re right. I hate when you’re right.” With those words of admittance she huffs and drops her upper body once more to snuggle into him. He’s pretty sure she wiggles around extra just to annoy him. Today. Here and now, it could never be annoying.
Bc Ellie’s behavior might be confusing. She wanted to tell Jason about herself but was scared he would reject her so she decided to just info-dump everything on him and prepare for the worst. It’s not a great way to handle that situation but she isn’t perfect.
Also the time where she met Tim… so Tim just like started prying. The boi has no sense of boundaries and you cannot convince me that he does. She panicked and ran off bc instincts and only once she calmed down did she start taking pics and sending them to Jason to see how he was going to react.
It’s hard to get all that across when we are so limited by Jason’s pov. And that’s also the point. We are missing so much information and it’s kinda fun to write that. I’ve been needing to work on it more so here we are.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Day 2 Siblings || Play
Damian had been away from his daughter for just a little under twenty four hours and he was anxious. He didn’t like being away from his daughter, not when she was still so small and tiny and defenseless. And he loved Danny more than anything, and he trusted Danny with his life, but what if something happened? Would the halfa be able to handle it on his own? He wasn’t totally sure he would! 
But this was important, he had to tell his family that he would be moving out of the manor or else questions would arise and Damian didn’t particularly want to deal with those questions if he was being totally honest. 
So, here he was, sitting amongst his father and siblings eating family dinner just as they did every Sunday evening upon Alfred’s request. Even Todd was here for the ordeal, it was the only time he would willingly come to the manor. 
“I am moving out tomorrow morning,��� Damian said, breaking the comfortable silence that was their dinner. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Bruce asked, looking up from his newspaper to give his youngest son a look of surprise. “What happened to waiting until you completed college?”
“Things change, Father. I am moving out in the morning, my boyfriend will be coming by with my daughter to help me get everything moved,” he said, wiping his mouth with his napkin before he stood up. “Now, I must get back. I don’t like leaving them alone for long,” he said, pushing his chair in before he left his family sitting at the table dumbfounded. 
As soon as the door shut behind Damian his family exploded. 
“He has a boyfriend?” Tim hissed out, looking at his family in shock. “Since when?”
“Not only that but a daughter!?” Dick shrieked. “My baby has a daughter? When did this happen? Why didn’t he tell me he was a father?”
“Something’s gotta be wrong. Maybe that’s a clone of Damian, it’s not the first time Talia has replaced him,” Duke whispered.
“No, that was way too in character for Damian, definitely not a clone,” Jason said, frowning, his brows furrowed. 
“I can’t believe he didn’t tell me,” Dick whimpered, a single tear welled up in his eye as he thought about his baby bat having a daughter and a boyfriend. 
“He’s a private person, it makes sense we didn’t know,” Steph reasoned with Cass nodded her head in agreement beside her. “I wonder who the boy is! Or how long he’s been hiding the fact that he has a daughter! Wait– if he has a boyfriend how does that work?”
“Maybe the boyfriend is trans,” Tim said with a shrug, already pulling his tablet out of seemingly nowhere. “But that would mean that he’s been with this guy for at least nine months if they have a child together. Not only that but how old is the daughter? How long has he been hiding this secret double life from us? How long has he been in a relationship? Damian doesn’t seem like a one night stand kind of guy or to just knock someone up on accident. Dick, you’ve had the sex talk with him, right?”
“He’s twenty!” Jason exclaimed. “Of course he knows how sex works! Right?”
“Yeah, I gave him the talk when he started high school,” Dick mumbled, the tear now falling down his cheek. “Why didn’t he tell me he had a daughter? Or a boyfriend? I thought I was his favorite brother?”
“Um guys,” Duke called, now standing beside their father. “I think Bruce is broken,” he said. 
And sure enough, there Bruce sat, staring at the wall frozen, not even blinking, the newspaper he had been reading crumbled in his hands. 
“Well Gramps, aren’t you excited?” Jason teased, a shit eating grin on his face. 
“I’m an uncle!” Dick sobbed loudly, slamming his face into the table.
“Jesus Christ Richard get a hold of yourself,” Tim snapped, typing away on his tablet. “We need to figure out who this is and what they’ve done to our brother! What if he’s brainwashed and that’s why he’s suddenly moving out and has a boyfriend and daughter? What if it’s a rogue controlling him?”
“Or maybe he just hasn’t told you guys about a private part of his life?” Barbara said, frowning at the siblings all imploding. “It’s like Jason said, Damian is really private–”
“You knew!” Tim shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Barbara. “You knew this entire time.”
Barbara sighed and set her fork down and rubbed at her temples. “Yes, I know. I didn’t know about the daughter, that’s new. But Damian has been dating this guy for six months now, they knew each other for six months before that too. His boyfriend works in my library,” she said. “And no, I’m not telling you anything about him and if you show up at the library I’m calling the cops. Tim.”
“I got kicked out one time and now I have a life time ban,” Tim mumbled, crossing his arms as he fell back into his seat. 
“Let’s just take this at Damian’s pace. He’ll tell us about his family when he’s ready, besides it sounds like you guys will get the chance to meet them tomorrow morning when they come by to help Damian move out.”
It was a shame no one actually listened to Barbara’s idea because really it made the most sense. But these were the Wayne children she was talking to. They didn’t know sense if it was slapped in their face. 
Which is why Tim had gone looking and found a certain Danny Fenton who worked at the library as a writing tutor who also happened to work at his favorite coffee shop and had also worked in one of Damian’s art classes just a few semesters back. He had then been able to easily find Danny Fenton’s information at Gotham University and bingo presto chango he found Danny’s house! It seemed that the civilian rented an apartment in the nicer parts of the Bowery, which there weren’t really nicer parts but compared to Crime Alley it wasn’t terrible. 
And that was how the siblings found themselves standing under the window of Damian’s boyfriend’s apartment. 
“Are we really sure that this is a good idea?” Duke asked, staring up at the window. 
“He’s a civilian, what’s he going to do, kill us?” Tim said with a snort before he headed up the stairs to the apartment door. His siblings followed close behind and waited impatiently for the vigilante to pick the lock. They made their way into the apartment and stopped short when they saw the place and looked around. 
“That’s a lot of Damian’s art,” Jason said lowly. 
“Uh um, uh guys,” Duke said, swallowing slightly. “Do-do you guys see the shadows or is that just my powers messing with me?”
“What shadows?” Dick asked when the living room suddenly got much, much darker, and shadows slithered closer to the siblings. 
“What are you doing in my home?” A voice hissed out, the words drawn out and staticky. The siblings immediately put their hands over their ears at the noise. Jason opened an eye and let out a gasp at the monster before them. A being floated in front of them, hair white as snow, long fangs escaped from under his lips, green fluid reminiscent of Lazarus Water dripped from its maw, large claws protruded from its fingertips. It was the thing of nightmares. 
“I said what were you doing in my home?” He snarled out once more just as Damian came out of the bedroom sleepily.
“Danny, stop, it’s my idiot siblings,” Damian said with a yawn as he flipped on the light. Suddenly the monster shifted and a human man stood in front of them looking annoyed beyond belief. 
Dick didn’t know where to look, at the human that he was pretty sure was actually a monster that was going to eat them, or at Damian who was holding a sleeping baby to his chest. 
“It’s four in the morning, who breaks into an apartment at four in the morning?” Danny hissed, glaring at the group of Wayne Siblings. 
Damian just let out a sigh. “It is just how our family operates, unfortunately,” he murmured and pressed a kiss to Danny’s lips. “Take Cecilia to bed, please.”
Danny nodded and took the baby from his boyfriend and trudged back to their room. They hadn’t bought the stuff for Cecilia to safely sleep in her own room alone so right now she was sleeping in a bassinet in Danny’s room until they got everything they needed for the baby. 
Damian waited until his boyfriend and daughter were gone before he crossed his arms and looked at his siblings. “You could not wait until we came over in the morning to meet her and Danny? You had to break into his home?”
“We were worried,” Dick mumbled, looking chastened already. “You’ve never told us about a boyfriend.”
“Because this family does not know any boundaries! I didn’t want Danny to be stuck dealing with you insane people!” He hissed out, glaring at his siblings. “Have you ever thought about that? That you all are just a little too overbearing and don’t know what it means to give people space? You knew that I was coming tomorrow and yet you still broke into my boyfriend’s home in the middle of the night and scared him enough that he felt the need to use his powers to fight you. Of course, I didn’t tell you about my boyfriend!”
“I’m sorry you felt that way,” Tim said softly. “We didn’t mean to upset you, we were just worried. You seemed very out of character during dinner and we were concerned.”
“I don’t care. You scared my boyfriend and you woke up my daughter. Now leave,” he ordered, pointing at the door. “You can meet Danny and Cecilia in the morning when we go to the manor to collect my things. Until then, get out of here,” he snarled. He watched as one by one the siblings made their way out of his apartment, each one looking thoroughly chastened by the time they walked out of his apartment and left. 
Damian let out a sigh and went back to his room, knowing that tomorrow his siblings were going to have far too many questions. He didn’t blame Danny for turning into his ghost form to scare off intruders but damn would his family want answers. 
He shut the door to the bedroom and climbed into bed beside his boyfriend after looking over Cecilia and finding her fast asleep. 
“Your siblings don’t understand boundaries, do they?” Danny mumbled, pulling Damina closer to him. The human chuckled and maneuvered them around until Danny’s head was resting on his bicep and he was holding the half-ghost close to his chest.
“No, they do not. But they have been chastised and I hope that this means they will understand in the future that they cannot just barge into our home whenever they want answers,” he said with a huff. Danny just chuckled and pressed a kiss to Damian’s cheek. 
“They’re lucky I didn’t send them to the nightmare realm,” Danny murmured. “Having CeCe has turned me into an overprotective monster.”
Damian stilled. “What did you just call my daughter?” he demanded venomously. Danny let out a snicker and shook his head. 
“Cecilia is just such a big name for such a little girl. I thought CeCe would be a cute little nickname!” Danny insisted. 
“You are not going to give my daughter a name as undignified as CeCe, her name is Cecilia,” Damian said, scowling at the halfa. 
“How about Lia?” Danny asked, tilting his head back to look at Damian better. 
“Why not the name we gave her, Cecilia?” Damian retorted. 
“Pick one, do you want me to call her CeCe or Lia,” Danny said simply. Damian let out a sad sigh, burying his face in Danny’s hair. 
“Lia, at least it sounds like a real name,” he mumbled, running his fingers through Danny’s hair once more. Danny snickered and kicked his leg over Damian’s waist and held him close. 
“I apologize for their behavior,” Damian murmured, holding Danny close. Danny simply laughed and kissed Damian softly. 
“Don’t be, you’ve warned me many times now that your siblings have no sense of boundaries. I just wasn’t expecting a bunch of vigilantes to break into my apartment at four in the morning. Now can we get back to sleep?”
Damian chuckled quietly but stayed quiet as his boyfriend fell fast asleep in his arms once more. 
Damian sighed as Danny opened a portal for the couple and their daughter to step directly into Damian’s bedroom. From there Danny set Cecilia down on Damian’s bed for her to lay on as they started carrying things through the portal and directly into Danny and his bedroom. 
“This is much easier than I ever imagined it would be,” Damian said as Danny carried a stack of clothes from the room to the apartment. 
“I know,” Danny said with a grin. “Don’t you love having a ghost for a boyfriend? One who can make portals?”
“I just love having you for a boyfriend,” Damian said softly, pulling Danny close to him and giving him a soft kiss. 
“I love you,” Danny said in response, kissing Damian once again just as a knock sounded on the bedroom door and the portal snapped shut.  “Reflex, sorry. I’ll reopen it,” he said with a chuckle. 
Damian laughed and pulled away from his boyfriend to answer the door to find Dick standing there, hand raised to knock once again. 
“Yes?” He asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. 
“We didn’t hear you come in,” he said hesitantly, looking between Danny and Damian. 
“Oh, well we have been here for quite some time now. I have most of my things already moved over,” he said, leaning against the door jamb. 
“I wanted to apologize, we all do. But they kinda just sent me first,” Dick said, giving his baby brother an awkward smile. 
“It’s fine, I just wish that you all would respect my boundaries from here on out,” Damian said quietly. “Danny and I are hoping to give Cecilia a better childhood than the ones either of us had. That means teaching her what boundaries are, even as a baby, she deserves to have boundaries, and as our parents it is up to us to ensure her boundaries are respected.”
“That’s amazing of you, Dami. I’m glad you’re realizing this for yourself. And I’m sorry we did not respect your boundaries the way you wanted us to. We’ll do better in the future.” 
Damian smiled. “Grab the others, you all can come in and meet Danny and Cecilia, I’m sure you all have questions, especially after Danny’s display of powers last night.”
Dick gave him a small smile, looking relieved that Damian had forgiven him so easily. He turned and called out for their siblings before he stepped into the room and walked toward Danny. He held out his hand. 
“I’m Damian’s oldest brother, Dick. I apologize for our behavior last night. We’ll do our best to be better in the future.”
Danny smiled. “I’m Danny Fenton, it’s nice to meet you. Dami has told me a lot about you,” he said politely.
“All good things, I hope,” he said anxiously. He looked over at Cecilia and looked back at Danny. “I have a lot of questions,” he admitted. 
“We’re going to answer them once all your siblings make their way inside. It’ll be easier to explain once than multiple times.”
Dick nodded and soon the rest of their siblings piled into the room. 
“Where is Father and Alfred?” Damian asked, looking around curiously. 
“Bruce had a meeting this morning, Alfred had to drive him to it,” Tim explained before he introduced himself to his brother’s boyfriend. 
“It’s nice to meet all of you,” Danny said with a small smile. “Under much better circumstances this time. I apologize for my behavior last night, I didn’t mean to scare any of you.”
“Could uh could you explain what happened by any chance? Maybe start from the beginning?” Duke asked, looking between Danny and Cecilia, an uneasiness in his eyes. 
Danny grinned and picked Cecilia up and handed her to Jason who had taken a seat on the bed beside her. “Here, hold your niece,” he said softly, helping position Jason’s hands around her. He glanced over at his boyfriend with a crinkled nose. 
“I see what you mean my star, your family has experienced a lot of death. Is there even anyone in here who hasn’t died at least once?” He asked, glancing over at them only for Duke to raise his hand.
“I haven’t,” he said, blushing slightly. 
Danny just snickered and took a seat. “Dami and I met in college. But I doubt that’s the story you’re wanting,” he said with a small smile. “I died when I was fourteen but I died wrong and turned into a half ghost, half human,” he said before his form changed to something similar to the one they had all seen the night before only less terrifying. “Turns out even after being a retired vigilante, I still managed to get mixed up with you guys.”
“You’re that teen hero from Amity Park!” Tim exclaimed. “I’ve heard about you, Phantom, right?”
“Just Danny now, I retired,” he said with a small smile. “Things quieted down in Amity after the ghosts got a council of leaders to keep them in line. Didn’t need me to stop them from destroying my hometown. Now I just want to live a mostly normal life. Which Damian’s mother doesn’t want to happen, I guess,” he said with a laugh. 
“Wait–Talia?” Jason asked, looking up from where he had been looking at Cecilia. Cass had moved to sit beside him and look down at her new niece, tickling her chin lightly. 
“Yes, Talia thought it would be a lovely idea to gift Danny and me with a baby to celebrate the fact that we are in a relationship,” Damian said with a sigh. “So she made a clone of the two of us and gifted her to me just a week ago. Danny and I are slowly trying to figure out how to be parents and raise her. It has been a learning process for the both of us.”
“Sounds like a Talia thing to do,” Dick said with a snort. Duke chuckled and sat beside Jason on his other side to also coo over the baby. 
“Well, there is the story. It is rather condensed but that is the entire explanation. Now, while you three watch over my daughter, will the rest of you help us move everything else over?” He asked as Danny opened another portal and started to grab Damian’s easels from where they sat in a corner. 
Tim looked between the portal and the rest of the stuff in the room and nodded. “Got it.”
“If any of you make my sweet little Lia cry, I’ll destroy you,” Danny threatened before he walked through the portal. 
“Well, you picked the perfect partner, Damian,” Jason said with a snort. “He’s just as feral as you are.”
Damian just sneered at his brother before he looked at where his boyfriend walked through the portal. “Yes, I love that little buffoon,” he said with a soft sigh before he started to gather more of his things to carry through, Dick and Tim following behind him to do the same. 
Part 1
Part 3
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halfagone · 1 year
These ideas just popped into my head while I was looking at the results of your Danny hair length poll, so I'm taking that as a sign to send them to you;
So I love Jason/Danny, but I also love me some dad!Jason fics, and thus a conundrum.
Except, through my love of Jason and dad!Hood I discovered Roy and Lian, and Roy/Jason, and I will forever be a messy lil multishipper at heart, and a lover of domesticity (esp for those who don't live normal lives) and doing your best by a child.
So I'm genuinely surprised there aren't really any fics with Jay and Roy, either established or getting together, raising Lian and Danny (deaged, or teen). If romantic Jason/Roy isn't your thing, I think they would also make lovely Queer Platonic partners 😊
But the main idea I initially had was Jason/Danny, or Jason/Danny/Roy (and I will remind, cause people forget, that not everyone in a polycule needs to have the same kind of relationship to each other, so playing with that can be fun too). And Danny is in Gotham and to all eyes was a teen dad, because he has Ellie, who maybe hasn't aged at all physically or has been deaged, or happened later, and he's trying to make it work.
If it happened later, maybe he had gotten things together enough to get a scholarship to Gotham U, and then Vlad tried to clone him in a last ditch attempt to sabotage/control him, or because he saw Danny leaving his area of control and got desperate for a replacement. So then maybe Danny could be trying to balance school and a job and taking care of Ellie, however old you would have her be.
Or maybe he's just working and trying to be a parent and struggling along.
And anyway, he meets Jason or Redhood.
OR alternatively, Ellie meets Lian! At preschool or daycare or school or the park, again depends on age, and that's how Danny meets Jason and Roy. Maybe Jay was babysitting, or they were visiting, or maybe they're a couple or co-parenting Lian.
Idk, a lot of this was brought on by the idea of Danny not having time to get his hair cut, and having lil Ellie so doing each other's hair and then a train of all of them doing each other's hair.
Just... domesticity, ya know?
Today has been rough and domesticity is soothing.
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Hahaha! Yeah, that is quite the conundrum, huh? You want the father-son relationship between Jason and a de-aged Danny, who understands him even if he's young and doesn't really understand the world like he used to. But then there's still Jason/Danny, and all the ways they oppose and relate to each other is always just so *chef's kiss* I really love Roy/Jason, I've read some great fics with them acting as a unit, even if they aren't always a couple. A lot of times it's just background, with Jason helping Roy with Lian, but I have such a soft spot for them. There is a bit of an age gap between Jason and Roy, actually, since Roy was with Dick during his Robin days and even then he was older than Dick. And sometimes I have to wonder how much that affects people shipping them or not?
But regardless, Jason and Roy both have such a complex history with their mentors/father figures, and their own relationship with heroism that I think it would be a really fun spin to include Danny on it. He doesn't really have that problem with a mentor that's hurt them in some way, but at the same time he's never had a mentor at all. Unless you're making this an AU where the Ancients kinda step into that position for him.
I do love the idea of Jason adopting a de-aged Danny as well, of course. I absolutely adore Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy where we see Jason take in a young Danny, and we even see Roy kinda stepping up and helping out. What I really enjoy about the idea is that Jason is making the executive decision to reach out and ask for help from others, which I would say he's always really struggled with. He can be very prideful, and paranoid and distrusting to boot, which can be a very unfortunate combination. But the idea of Jason having a little Danny in his life and trying to do right by him, and learning and healing along the way always makes me soft.
As for a Jason/Danny or a Jason/Danny/Roy idea... I think the best route would be for a 14 year age difference between Danny and Ellie. Obviously, she could be aged-up thanks to Vlad's machinations, but based on an outsider's POV, it would 'explain' a lot of Danny's behavior in high school. Danny could have learned about her when he was turning seventeen or just graduating (depending on what you headcanon Danny's birthday, he could graduate at 17 and then turn eighteen in the same year, doesn't have to be anything complicated). She would be... 2 or 3 years old? Again, depending on what age Danny is, and when people find out about Ellie they get all these ideas about what Danny's been up to, and thinking "oh that's where Danny goes when he's running off randomly" or "that's why Danny's constantly tired and sleeping in school, because he was up all night taking care of a baby". Those sorts of excusing. It gives a good cover for his hero identity!
Another option instead of having Danny attend GothamU is have him get a trade job/apprenticeship, since he could go pretty much anywhere with that sort of training. Plus, he gets paid on the job even as an apprentice. I know a lot of people like the idea of Danny being a barista or a waiter, and while I definitely like those ideas as well... Realistically... In the U.S. it's not a living wage... And if Danny has a kid to take care of... I can't see him taking more than one job if he has to worry about Ellie at home. Especially if she's really young, like- too young to go to school. A degree would help a great deal, of course, but he does still have to work, so I feel like a trade job would be the best compromise. So he could be... a mechanic! That's one way for Danny to meet Jason, if Jason has some vehicles that need to be repaired and he doesn't want to go to Bruce. He could be an aircraft maintenance technician, that's closer to his love for spaceships. Nonetheless, he can later on go to school when Ellie is older and/or in school of her own.
I actually like the idea of Jason meeting Danny in his job, and they slowly get to know each other, and eventually Jason tries to ask Danny out, only for Danny to mention having to pick up or get home to his daughter. And Jason is surprised at first, of course, but then maybe he mentions his friend's daughter, and asking about how old Danny's daughter is- It all culminates in Jason meeting Ellie and then him falling in love as he watches Danny and Ellie interact. He gets Roy to come over, and it bites him in the ass because now Roy and Danny are getting along swimmingly and Jason has been delegated to babysitter. But eventually, the kids go to bed and they get to learn more about each other.
I like the idea of it being a slow burn, where at first they're all just trying to help each other out. Roy would understand Danny's struggles into parenthood, but thankfully Danny also wouldn't have to worry about getting clean and getting past an addiction. He would have to worry about the other (villain) parent possibly getting in the way and making things worse. Cheshire is usually shown to have given Lian up in order to protect her, but that doesn't mean her life style can't bite Roy and Lian in the ass sometimes.
Depending on the ages too, Lian and Ellie could try to play matchmaker and get their dads (plus Jason! You've gotta have Jason, in their opinions. He makes the best food) together. Due to all the movies they watch, they think it has to be something crazy romantic and something out of a fairytale. But things keep on getting messed up, and they're disappointed nothing comes out of it, but they keep trying. But, without them realizing it, those three have been getting closer all along.
Damn, I've got a lot of feelings about this. Sorry for the ramble. :P
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twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: *Cradles Logan's Percy in my hands* I don't get you but I'd still kill for you -Danny Words: 2,288 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Starting Line' -by Luke Hemmings
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IX: Sorry I Threatened to Kill You, It Will Happen Again
"What do you mean?" I stare at the goddess. "I've been obedient, I never complain—who cursed me?"
Aphrodite moves a strand of hair out of my face with a pitiful expression. "It's not something you caused, my dear."
"Am I an actual arae?" I ask in horror. "My father did this?"
"Oh no, it wasn't his intention to curse you when he named you Arae," Aphrodite makes a face. "He had the brain of a monkey, but oh, if there was ever a mortal with charmspeak, that was your father..."
"Lady Aphrodite," I frown. "Focus?"
She pushes the plate of cookies toward me. "You've seen Janus."
"Yeah, but he didn't talk to me this time. I thought he was taunting me," I state.
"I'm here to warn you," she continues. "In this lifetime, you are my daughter, so I can grant you an advantage. Take it as a birthday present."
I want the gods to think about what they consider a proper gift, 'cause telling a young girl that she's got a centuries-old curse on her ain't it.
"That's generous," I say.
"Your first time around," the goddess sinks into the beauty of whatever memory she's revisiting. "People traveled from afar just to catch a glimpse of you. You were perfect..." she wrinkles her nose. "And wasted. Given to an empty carcass of a man."
"Okay," I reply, not following. "And when did this happen, exactly?"
"Then he came," Aphrodite sighs, not listening to me. "Young and charming—I saw him for what he was: your match!"
I feel like she's about to drop a bomb on me. "Cute."
Her eyes focus on me again. "It wasn't cute. It was destiny. I had to give you to him, you see, your union would jumpstart my son's mission. The end of the golden age for Greek Heroes had come at last."
I've heard that sentence before. Not when talking about my love life, but during my lessons with Jason. "Mom," I start, voice shaky. "Are you talking about the Trojan War?"
Aphrodite looks at me."You understand, then?"
"That's crazy," I blurt out.
"Don't lie!" The goddess takes the plate of cookies away. "I've given you enough clues throughout the years for you to figure it out, and you were born my smartest child, Arae. If you ignore it, you'll never break the curse—"
"What curse?" I exclaim in frustration. "I haven't heard anything about a curse!" 
"Oenone's curse," Aphrodite declares. "She put it in place when Paris left her."
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Ara drops the hammer and holds her injured finger cussing under her breath. This is the third time that she's hurt herself by not paying attention to what her hands are doing, which is not ideal when you're repairing a ship.
She thinks of her conversation with Leo last night. Ara has to tell him about the curse, but it's the kind of stuff that no matter when or how you say it, is bound to make things worse, and the more she waits, the more it scares her. She doesn't want to lose Leo.
Annabeth hands her a pair of safety gloves. "Won't do much to stop you from cutting off a finger, but it can help with the scratches and stuff."
"Thanks," Ara shakes her hand to get rid of the ache and then puts on the gloves. "I can't focus today... I don't know if Lily talked to you before we sailed..."
"I heard the screams," the girl replies, though she keeps it vague. "Wanna talk about it?"
Ara looks at the boards in front of her, lining them in place. "I don't even know where to start..."
"What do you mean?"
She goes back to work while she explains. "At first, it was about Nico, and then... I said things I'd never intended to say out loud and then Lily snapped too. I know I've been... difficult—"
"That's a way to put it," Annabeth walks past her.
"I thought it was for the best if, you know, if we didn't talk about... Michael," she clears her throat. "I had to look after our camp, I could grieve later, after making sure we were all okay."
The older girl sighs. "You wanna know what I think?"
Ara stops a second time and looks at her friend. "Always."
Annabeth leans against the mast, kicking some pieces of splintered wood as she gathers her thoughts. 
"After what happened to Michael, you kept Lily in place until you smothered her." The girl points at the dagger hanging from Ara's belt. "You care about what everyone thinks a little too much and you forget about your feelings. I think this is exactly what you two needed, she can process her grief like she wants to, and you do the same. Codependency between members of a good team is still toxic."
Ara rubs her nose with the back of her hand and leaves a smudge of dirt on it. "But when I leave her alone, all she does is get in her way."
Annabeth laughs. "Look who's talking!"
"That's not me!" She argues. "I've always gone after the things I want!"
"Have you considered that never stopping is just as bad as not moving?" The girl raises a brow. "Next time, Ara, try sitting down instead of... what was your last near-death experience?"
Ara pouts. "Are you implying I rather die than take a nap? Do you really think I'm that insane?"
"I grew up with you, I know you are. Which reminds me," Annabeth walks up to her and grabs her by the shoulders. "Talk to Percy. He's super bummed out. I don't know what happened but he hasn't seen you in months and now you don't wanna talk to him 'cause you're too busy coddling Leo."
"Percy has you to coddle him," Ara replies grumpily.
"But you're his sister," her friend insists. "Girlfriends and boyfriends are good, but you two need each other. I know it because I know you both." Something behind Ara catches Annabeth's eye. She squints. "Blackjack?"
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"Wait—wait," I start pacing the room. "Leo and I... are Helen and Paris?" 
The statement sounds like something I'd say on my deathbed if I were in a soap opera. But my mom shrugs like this isn't news to her.
"Your soul once inhabited Helen's body, which is not the same as being her. You're Arae Jackson, the current curse bearer."
"But I was Helen of Troy once," I repeat numbly. "And Leo was Paris the loser."
Aphrodite gasps. "He wasn't a loser! He was one of the best romantic leads of ancient times! And that boy you love is carrying his curse!"
I wave my hand around to dismiss that. "Fine. Let's say we are, because why the Tartarus not, right? I died and was born again—and what, I found Leo and then... and then..."
I stop. It's been so long since I had those dreams that I'd almost forgotten about them, but now they're back all at once.
"Agape," I whisper, my heart pounding as I speak. "All those people in my dreams... they were all Leo?"
"Oh, you have regressions?" Aphrodite beams. "How lovely!"
"That's what they are?" I frown.
"Well, when a soul has been around for too long, they develop a slight immunity to the Lethe's powers, it creates a crevice in the mind. Some humans get to dream about their past lives, or they spend their first years with those memories until they're old enough to become a new person."
"But I..." I sit down slowly. "In all those... I'm never really with... Leo." 
It's weird to pinpoint all those faces to a single name.
The second realization hits me like a train: In some of my dreams, I've gotten this feeling, like a part of me knows I died too soon. My hands go up and over my mouth, but they can't stop me from talking.
"Oenone's curse... kills us?"
Aphrodite looks away. "At first, I loved it. A nymph's heart so broken that marked several lifetimes, how romantic! I thought it'd be one of those petty curses that lasted one lifetime, then the arai would let you go... but you came back and found each other. And it happened again, exactly like the first time."
"Why do you say it like it's a bad thing?" I hesitate. "Shouldn't you be glad that I'm still fighting against it?"
"Each time, you live blindly," she tells me. "There was a time when you could've chosen to stay dead and wander the Asphodels fields for eternity, but you came back, and the arai like to play with you."
"We keep making the same mistakes..." Suddenly I feel exhausted, like all the centuries my soul has lived through are finally weighing on me.
Aphrodite seems genuinely sad. "I think it's because you keep dying young. You never grew out of that youthful optimism, convinced that you'll break the curse on your next try." She leans and holds my hands tightly. "But I think this time you made the right choice when you came back, my dear."
"What? Why?" I'm unable to release my hands.
"The fates have granted you a chance," she cups my face. "They gave you a prophecy."
"My prophecy's about Oenone's curse?"
"I'm sure of it!" My surroundings start to get fuzzy, I'm starting to wake up. "You've failed too many times, Ara, don't do it again!"
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When Piper arrives with Percy and Jason both unconscious, Ara heaves a sigh and carries them to the sick bay with Coach's help.
"At this rate, we're going to run out of ambrosia," he groans while helping Ara to patch up the boys. "How come I never get invited on these violent trips?"
"'Cause I don't have enough stuff to put your limbs back in place," Ara grumbles.
"Leo, are we ready to sail?" Piper asks.
"Yeah, but—"
"Set course for Atlanta. I'll explain later."
"But..." He sees the urgency in the girl's eyes and gives in. "Okay."
"What hit him?" Annabeth examines Percy's injury and winces.
"They got possessed, just like Leo," Piper explains. "Fought each other and would've probably died in the process if Blackjack hadn't shown up."
By the time she finishes the story, Jason and Percy are awake but still out of it. They don't remember much, and they can't get up either.
"Knocked out twice in two days. Some demigod." Jason makes a face when he looks at Percy. "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to blast you."
Percy's body isn't as hurt as Ara's when she got hit by lightning, probably because he's more resilient. "Not the first time. Your big sister got me good once at camp."
Ara smiles while she puts away the unused bandages. "Same year I met Apollo."
"And Nico," Percy reminds her.
"Couldn't be a perfect year."
"Yeah, but..." Jason shifts awkwardly. "I could have killed you."
"Or I could have killed you," Percy replies.
"If there'd been an ocean in Kansas, maybe."
"I don't need an ocean—"
"Boys, I'm sure you both would've been wonderful at killing each other. But right now, you need some rest," Annabeth says.
"Food first," Percy sighs. "Please? And we really need to talk. Bacchus said some things that don't—"
"Bacchus?" Annabeth interrupts him. "Okay, fine. We need to talk. Mess hall. Ten minutes. I'll tell the others. And please, Percy... change your clothes. You smell like you've been run over by an electric horse."
Ara moves to the side so Annabeth can leave. Piper stays for a few more minutes and then takes Jason away to get him changed. Percy and Ara are left alone.
"You're lucky Blackjack didn't kick right through your hollow skull," she taunts him. "Mom would've killed me if all I'd brought back was a jigsaw of her son."
"Yeah, not ideal..." he rubs the back of his neck. "How is she? And Paul?"
"Worried, but when we located you, things got better. Not much, but they improved a bit. Dad decided to make repairs so Leo could visit more and—"
"Leo knows our parents?"
Ara leans against a cabinet and crosses her arms. "I told you, Percy, we've been dating for half a year. Everyone back home knows him."
He runs a hand through his hair, touches the bump at the back, and winces. "Crap. Does that mean you were thrown to the lake already?"
Ara wrinkles her nose. "Yeah, it was cold."
"Aw, man," he pouts and leans against the wall. "You hate the cold. Can't believe I missed it!"
"But you're back, and you'll be present at other stuff—and now that you've been possessed you'll cut Leo some slack, right?"
He sighs, pulling on the loose strands of his battered shirt. "Yeah, being possessed isn't fun."
She pats his knee with affection. "Let's get you changed."
He groans as he gets on his feet. "So how'd you two meet?"
"That's a fun story," she smiles. "I was looking for you with Annabeth, she'd had a dream the night before..."
As they make their way through the corridors, the stairs, and towards the cabins, Ara tells him about the first encounter she had with Leo, how bad it went, and then how it didn't matter because Leo still won her over.
Percy's sad that he couldn't witness the whole thing, and he'll have to ask Lily for details later. The girl's name causes Ara's gaze to shift for a brief second. Percy notices her expression and pauses. "What's wrong?"
"Lily and I fought," she confesses. "And now that Nico's been taken, if I don't get him on time... She might never speak to me again."
Percy squeezes her shoulder. "So that's what's been bothering you this whole time?"
"Not exactly..." Ara makes a face. "I'm sorry I was mean to you—"
"I wasn't any better..."
"You don't want me to get hurt," she says with understanding. "I get it, but my relationship with Leo is the one thing I can control, and I need to feel in control. When you questioned it, I got angry."
"Well, it happens to all of us," he pats her head. "No need to ruffle your feathers over it, Birdy. We'll rescue Nico."
Ara scowls. "Again."
"Again," Percy chuckles and guides her out of the room. "Hasn't been that many times though..."
"Speak for yourself," she scoffs.
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Next Chapter –>
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fruitdragon · 2 years
So I haven't slept properly in the past 3 days. Have had way too much coffee today and I'm currently eating a box of alcoholic chocolates.
I have many ideas for fanfiction right now.
Idea 1: White Collar x DC. Fucking A/B/O universe. Tim is Neal, he is an Omega. His scent blockers make it appear as if he is a Beta. One day Jason in full Red Hood gear, come storming into the building smelling like an Omega nesting mother. In this universe Jason basically adopted Tim the minute he saw him. Everyone is freaking out. "Neal" stands slowly and reaches for his neck to remove his scent patches. His scent calms Jay down and and while the office is still confused they slip away. Nesting heat I would like some ABO without it being sexual.
Idea 2: White Collar x Disney descendants. Yeah I know. So the core for managed to sort of universe hop/dimension travel, it was one of Carlos's inventions and they can go back and forth. And Carlos ends up becoming Neal. In this universe Mal and Evie are Hades kids, Maleficent and Cruella had Carlos together (expand how you wish) and Jay is desperately in love with Carlos. One day Mal visits the office, to check if Neal is ready for "family weekend" Peter Burke is an ass, and is very demanding of what family weekend is because "Neal doesn't have any family, I would know." Mal tears down a bunch of assumptions. Like "why don't you have any records of him before he's 18?" (Dimension hopping but they don't say that) "What's his actual eye color not just the contacts?" (Chocolate brown) "Do you know he has to dye his hair to keep it looking like that?" (In universe the black and white hair is natural) "What's the name of his first boyfriend?"(Harry Hook, but he's with Jay now) "Do you know how many siblings he technically has" (Mal is a half sibling and Evie is her half siblings, other family? Is Oscar his younger brother in this universe.) "At what age did he try chocolate for the first time? No at what age did any of us have actual food for the first time?" (14 for Carlos, 15 for Mal, Evie was 16- I HC Evie as the oldest) "what were his mother's charges in her first arrest her second arrest and her third arrest?" (First arrest animal abuse, kidnapping, property theft. Second arrest conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, arson, and animal cruelty. 3rd arrest child abuse, animal cruelty, assault, sexual abuse of a minor, and second degree attempted murder of said minor). Diana and Jones are actually great. "So you wear the hat too?" (If you make this world have at least minimal amounts of magic it becomes even more fun, when abilities could be revealed)
Alt: Jay comes in and most the same information gets out but in a wildly different way
Idea 3: alternate universe where all of Batman's kids turned into villains of some sort. Dick Grayson as Renegade, Jason Todd as Red X or Red Hood, Tim Drake as jester after being Joker Jr, Damian is still a prince of the League of Assassin's, Cassandra is still Orphan only she's a terrifyingly silent assassin, Stephanie as spoiler becomes a better version of The Riddler as Clue. There are still found family vibes maybe the rest of Young Justice is also villainous of some sort. That universe comes in contact with a semi-normal DC universe, it's very disconcerting. Everyone is confused Renegade almost stabs someone, Jester is giggling hysterically, and whenever anyone asks about Batman they all flinch. In their Universe, Batman is a terrible dad (F-), in the semi-normal one he gets a solid B+
Idea 4: Danny Phantom x DC Universe. Bruce Wayne is a clone of Danny Phantom and he knows it. Danny can't really properly raise him since he is not really got a human life anymore and Bruce is still half human, but he still sticks around like the weird uncle figure or whatnot until the Waynes are killed. After that he kind of becomes more of a father figure along with Alfred who is definitely Clockwork in this universe. Yes that means that Damian Wayne is technically an Eldritch abomination of some sort. The rest of the surviving clones kind of act like aunts and uncles to the rest of Bruce's kids and it's great. Yes this is a trans Danny and trans Bruce universe because I stan (also I'm Trans and really appreciate it). Yes that means that Damian technically does have to be cloned unless Talia has a dick or Ra's al Ghul is the father. Maybe that means that all of Bruce's kids gradually become more Eldritch due to Eco- contamination. Jason is one of the most outfits because he died and came back, Bruce is more supportive in this universe, Danny is crying hysterically like I'm a grandfather of many Eldritch children. In universe that means as soon as Kon-El is revealed and Superman reacts badly, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne have a very public falling out. Also Conner is adopted into the family because why not.
"Hello Superboy, my code name is Batman. I am the clone of a hero known as Phantom. Would you like to come with me? I have several brothers and sisters you could meet." Robin pipes up in the Background
"Does this mean we're getting a cousin B? I'm totally feeling the Aster." All Robins are with Bruce at the same time
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bluejaysandblackbats · 7 months
Bloody Valentines
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Young Justice 98, Titans, GL Corps, Legion of Super Heroes, Flashfam, New Gods
Summary: 90s vampire slasher AU
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Dick Grayson, Joseph Wilson, Jason Todd, Charley Parker, Zatanna, Eddie Bloomberg, Daniel Cassidy, Chester Williams DC, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Lilith Clay, Raven Roth, Kole Weathers, Bette Kane, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jenni Ognats, Bart Allen, Virgil Hawkins, Richie Foley, Ayla Ranzz, Zoe Saugin, Rol Purtha, Darla Aquista, Lori Zechlin, Hal Jordan, Helen Jordan II, Orion DC, Lightray DC
Relationships: DickJoey, Daniel Cassidy/Zatanna, Jenni Ognats/Virgil Hawkins, Raven/Lilith Clay
Additional Tags: POV First Person, Unreliable Narrator(s), Vampires, No Capes AU, 90s Slasher AU, Homoeroticism, Horror, Slasher
Chapter Three: The Itch (Zatanna's POV)
"Put the knife down," the man in swim shorts raised his voice. I peeked around the corner, kicking myself for being neighborly. "We can talk about-."
"What is there to talk about? You all think I'm the Happy Harbor Butcher anyway!" the kid yelled. I took a breath and raised my book as I entered their cabin. The man shook his head, giving me away, and the kid whipped around.
"Oh crap! Hey, he's not in any danger. We were working on practical effects for my aunt-. See. The knife is fake," the kid explained as he pressed the trick knife into his palm. I let out a sigh of relief and hid my face with my book, and we all had a laugh.
The man approached me and rested a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" he asked. "That must've really freaked you out. I'm Danny Cassidy, and this practical effects prodigy is my boss's nephew. He's the incomparable Eddie Bloomberg, the next big face of practical effects in horror." Eddie shook his head.
"Danny's the real genius... I'm just his humble apprentice," Eddie replied. I knew what he was up to. He figured all it took for me to fall head over heels for his friend, Danny, was a kind word or two.
Too late. I thought he was cute from the moment we locked eyes. I offered Danny my hand, and he took hold of it. "I'm Zatanna. My friends call me Zee," I whispered.
"Well, Zatanna... Are you spending the weekend up here too?" Danny questioned. I nodded. "Well, I hope you'll let me call you Zee by the time this weekend's over." He kissed my hand, and I flashed a smile at him.
"You guys up here for work?" I asked.
"Nuh-uh, I'm up here to meet friends," Eddie answered as he put the trick knife away. I set my book down on their table.
A tea kettle whistled, and Danny released my hand to go and turn it off. "Eddie invited me up with the promise of creative inspiration, but I think he just needed a ride. It doesn't hurt that we're making a movie about this place pretty soon," Danny replied, "But I'll be here, soaking in the beach scene... Maybe even check out the caves. What about you?"
"Call me crazy, but the place came to me in a dream... But it sounds like you guys are filming a nightmare," I whispered as it sunk in. They were filming a horror movie about the beach.
"It's just like any other beach... The movie's based on urban legend. Not backed up by fact at all," Danny reassured me.
I probably should've told him the truth. It wasn't a dream. It was a vision. Usually, I didn't travel to supernatural hotspots blindly like some ghost-chasing tourist, but anyone who could feel the magic there knew. Many people would be compelled to come there. My father called it an itch, but it was something different for me. It buzzed in my spirit as magic passed through my bones. I couldn't ignore the pull.
Danny offered me a cup of tea, and I accepted. He set a serving dish filled with tea bags at the table, and I made my pick. Eddie sat down and twisted a spoon in a jar of honey before dropping it into his mug. I grabbed a bag of berry hibiscus tea, which seemed like a step up from the chamomile at the cafes. I hated chamomile.
I shook the bag down and placed it in a mug. Eddie passed me a cup filled with spoons, and I gave myself a spoonful of honey for my drink, and Danny poured hot water from the kettle into our mugs before making his cup of tea. The warmth set my nerves at ease. "What do you do?" Danny asked.
"I'm a magician," I replied. I twirled the spoon around in my mug.
"Now I know where I've heard that name! You had a residency in Vegas," Danny replied. I bit my lip to conceal my smile.
"Yeah, have you seen my show?" I asked as I blew on my tea.
"Yeah, I saw your show three times. I've never seen anything like it," Danny replied.
I smiled a half-smile as I took a sip of my tea. "Thanks... Actually, I came over to see if you guys wanted to do a bonfire at the beach tonight? At seven-ish?" I whispered. The door slammed behind me, and I jumped.
A bizarre sensation shrouded the room, and I shut my eyes. I breathed through the feeling because I was much more sensitive than the others. At least I thought so. When I looked up, Danny and Eddie looked like they'd seen a ghost. Eddie stood up and left the room, and Danny took a sip of his tea and shook his head. "Gopher!" Danny called. "I'm sorry, this film is starting to get to us."
"No, I felt it too. I think it's just one of those days," I half-lied. Danny followed Eddie, and I was alone. I could hear them talking through the door, but I couldn't hear half of what they were saying.
I finished my tea and slipped away. I walked down the trail toward my bungalow, feeling something looming outside my vision. I rushed back to my cabin before a hand grabbed my wrist. I shrieked. The person released my hand. When I turned to see their face, I relaxed my shoulders and sighed.
"Jesus Christ, Chester," I whispered, "I didn't think you were coming."
"Yeah, I've been here for an hour wandering in circles looking for you," Chester replied, "Good thing I ran into you. Doesn't this place give you the creeps?"
"Don't tell me you're scared," I teased. Chester smiled.
"No way," Chester replied, "Just paranoid... Besides, you were the one that screamed bloody murder the second I caught up with you." I laughed with him. Nothing like getting the daylights scared out of me by a completely harmless friend to calm my nerves. That and a well-welcomed smoke on the beach.
Oh! I forgot to mention. I invited Chester. He was a friend of a friend's friend and a real sweetheart. That and I didn't want to be alone that weekend. "Hey, Zee? Got you a surprise from my garden," Chester smiled as he gave me a small box.
The box contained a small airtight container filled with weed. We went to my cabin and smoked for a while before I finally let it slip. "Who's the Happy Harbor Butcher?" I questioned. Chester turned to me on the couch, and we maintained eye contact for what felt like forever.
"Aww, no thanks, Kid. I'm out of here-."
"Chester, come on," I whispered. I grabbed his arm. "It was a simple question."
"I've got two rules for camping. No urban legends and no night hiking," Chester replied.
"Don't-. Don't leave. I won't ask about it again," I replied, "Do you want a soda or something?" Chester nodded, and I grabbed two from the fridge to keep him calm.
We should've left that day. I think I'll regret that forever. The pit in my stomach told me there was more to Happy Harbor Butcher than an urban legend, but the itch kept me there. I couldn't leave. Whatever energy drew me there kept me trapped by curiosity.
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shockinteague · 2 years
Tumblr media
inspired  by  : shock ( the nightmare before christmas )
added inspo ! ,   elphaba thropp ( wicked ) , sabrina spellman ( sabrina the teenage witch ) , norman babcock ( paranorman ) , magica despell ( ducktales ) , ridley duchannes ( beautiful creatures ) , janis ian ( mean girls ) , lydia deetz ( beetlejuice ) , kim pine ( scott pilgrim vs the world ) , ember mcclain ( danny phantom ) .
full name. sadie grace teague. faceclaim. emma mackey. dob. june 4th, 1999. zodiac. gemini. occupation. bartender / escort. birthplace. hallow falls, washington. orientation. homosexual. homoromantic. song. problem by natalia kills. film. the blair witch project. education. high school dropout. temperament. choleric. mbti. entj. alignment. neutral evil. abilities. communicating with the dead, manifest their spirits. hogwarts house. slytherin. emoji.  ( 🧹 )
sadie is here for one reason and one reason only; her brothers. the teagues are thick as thieves -- literally -- and no one is able to come between them. it’s hard to seperate people that bonded through trauma; first the wounds inflicted by their father, then by orion bartholomew. they stepped from the frying pan into the fire when it came to father figures. they had to hold onto each other, and due to their shared experiences, anyone on the outside was mistrusted immediately. in elias, this lack of trust in anyone but themselves is still very much present. sadie is a firm believer in not needing anyone else, in being fine with just the three of them, and anyone willing to take away her brothers is seen as a threat. without their mother, sadie stepped into the maternal role, trying to take care of logan and beckham as best as she can, but it’s pretty clear that she’s nowhere near ready to do so. from messed up meals saved by takeout and ordering in, to messily stitched up wounds that get infected easily because she did not clean them thoroughly enough.
she’s taken two jobs to support herself, was fired from one and is threatening to get fired from the other. turns out that customer service is not her strong point, but she can get away with more as a bartender than she could as a waitress. but what does she have to put on her resumé? dabbling in the occult, being a professional cat lady, terrorising children with scary masks even when it’s not halloween? she had to face the facts and realise that she had little to nothing to offer the world outside of hallow falls. she could no longer rely on her family to put bread on the table, so she took the first few jobs she found. but waitressing was not it (apparently, telling a customer to fuck off and get a life in response to ‘can i talk to your manager’ was not appropriate in a restaurant setting), and bartending is difficult. so she found something she was good at. 
the escort life isn’t glamorous, not in the slightest, but it pays. enough to feed the three of them, enough to have a little place to receive her clients, enough to be able to stop worrying about whether their electricity or water supply will be turned off next. so no, she’s not happy, but she’s satisfied, and that’s what matters. she has her cat (that she definitely did not reanimate after his death and restore to life. definitely not. he’s just old, it’s just a silly rumor), her books and her brothers. they’re all she needs.
sadie, like her two brothers, was born to carrie teague, a human, and jason teague, a demon. of course, she’d only had one brother at the time, as she came after beckham and logan came after her, but of their parentage there was no doubt. from birth, it was firmly established that the three of them could not simply be fully human. their mother was too kind, too angelic, to wonderful to have spawned those three menaces with another man, and their father was too terrible, too disgusting, too brutal to have birthed those three children with a sliver of goodness in their heart on his own. no one bothered to tell the three of them, though. so they remained in the dark, believing their mistakes were their own fault rather than their father’s.
just like her brothers, sadie had great potential. her powers manifested early on; she felt most comfortable near graveyards, talking to her friends that people around her (even in hallow falls) deemed imaginary, with a good book, her cat, and her army of ghosts. at first, they just talked to her, nudged her in the right direction and demanded a listening ear. but as she grew older, she started to refuse to listen. rebellious teenagers had problems with authority figures, and sadie was no different. whenever a ghost tried to demand something from her -- a way to help them move on, to use her as a vessel, to let their story be heard -- she refused, and it took its toll on her. she needed to be in control, but they wouldn’t let her, and whenever she lost focus for a moment, they appeared, and became visible to all, not just sadie. she’d been using her powers to keep them at bay and to protect other people from them, but it was getting harder and harder. the beings from the other side were demanding, and were now out for revenge. still, if she focused, if she stayed in control, things were fine.
actually, things were most definitely not fine. from a childhood spent hiding from an angry father and gravitating naturally towards her mother’s arms for comfort, towards the kind bookseller’s shop with little nooks to hide with her cat, to teenage years spent anxiously patching up her wounds -- and her brothers’, running away from home more times than she could count -- and always coming back for the other members of her family, to adolescence following her brothers around to a new town with new people to terrify and terrorise, to safely explore her options when it comes to her powers. but maybe that’s not what she wants anymore -- though a lifetime of sin is hard to unlearn, especially if she’s not sure what she wants.
since she dropped out of high school, walt university hasn’t been an option for sadie. elias is a place to run away to, not to settle down and have a life. but that’s what’s currently happening, as her brothers seem to have found their place and they don’t seem very hell-bent on leaving anytime soon. she’s here because of them, and because of her mother’s explicit wishes. 
so maybe she finds a reason or two to stay. a purpose, a desire. she’s a blank slate with a disturbing past, and will do anything to make sure her future is as far from bleak and blank as possible. she doesn’t have the best reputation, despite her best efforts to control it, but has no problem lying and cheating her way back into people’s good graces. needless to say, that doesn’t always work. 
logan & beckham teague - brothers. jasper skellington - annoyance. serena fain - unlikely friend / confidant / older sister figure. beatrix utonium - <3
orion bartholomew - overlord. sadie doesn’t want him here, but i sure do. regulars - customers at the bar or her other job, people who came for the drink / service and stayed for the company, or those who stayed reluctantly because there was no other place to go. (ex) coworkers - she used to be a waitress at bueno nacho but was fired rather quickly, but i can imagine she made some fast friends while bitching about customers. or not? her current jobs include escorting and bartending at the snuggly duckling, which are much better fits for her. enemies - she’s a mean bitch so she probably has a few! ticked someone off on the streets, threw a middle finger where she shouldn’t have? definitely! workout buddies - sadie’s at the gym a lot, so she’d hang out with other regulars!
playlist [ tba ] pinterest board [ x ] full bio [ x ]
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Short DPXDC Prompts #201
Danny looks like Willis Todd, Jason’s Dad. The true fucking fear when Jason sees his deadbeat dead dad walk past him. (Danny is like mid to late 30s at this point)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Make a Mercy Out of Me
by TheWritingOwl
Bruce would not call himself the best father in the world.
Hell, some days he wouldn't even call himself a GOOD father. He knew he hadn't been the best influence for his kids, and the fact that he enabled their participation in something as dangerous as Vigilantism definitely didn't win him points. He'd put his work above his children a few times too many, so focused on getting answers. He needed to keep everyone safe, be the symbol Gotham deserved. At the end of the day, his children suffered for it.
Still, Bruce figured he'd gotten better at this whole "parenting" thing. He hadn't had any major fuck ups in quite a few years. Adding Duke to the fold had gone smoothly--even Damian hadn't put up too much of a fuss at his newest brother. His children and him generally had an amicable relationship, and they all seemed happy with their lives. Bruce had done some good.
Of course his good streak couldn't last.
This probably won't make a ton of sense if you haven't read "The Devil's After Both of Us" first, so I recommend reading that before reading this one-shot.
Words: 4476, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of But I Want to Be Let In, Not Out
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Batfamily Members
Relationships: Danny Fenton & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Angst, Summoning, Summoning Circles, Identity Reveal, kind of, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Hurt Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are Twins, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Not Canon Compliant, Family Angst, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, He just fucks up a little, But he genuinely loves his kids, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, No Beta We Die like Danny's Parents' Ability to Not Hurt Him
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40952763
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