#like a gazelle or some shit
thejadecount · 1 year
I personally headcanon that before he started to use magic and wore himself out Mikey would dance ballet to relieve himself of the stress. Casey Jr saw him do it one day and asked him to teach him, and so he knows how to ballet. I’m going to manifest this into canon by sheer willpower.
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iphisesque · 11 months
yesterday night at like 2am i was walking down the outside stairs to get from the attic floor apartment (where i study) to the ground floor apartment (where i sleep) and as i sneakily tried to make my way past the second floor apartment i saw creepy great-uncle in his underwear standing completely still outside his front door and staring at me as i walked my way around the spiral staircase. it was so fucking scary and no adults were in the whole building aside from me and him so i got to the same rung as him and resigned myself to my untimely death and/or my timely deflowering. to which i said "goodnight uncle 😊" and he said "oh goodnight dear" and i hightailed it downstairs to the ground floor
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saintlesbian · 1 year
okay Esme’s hard pivot from almost guilty conscience to super defensive “poor helpless victim” mode is annoying though. like yea sure she fell from the parapet twice and was kidnapped by her serial killer parents and she was locked up for a few months but. she still made that revenge porn and framed trina for it. she still drugged oz haggerty and trina (with the intent to kill!!) and even in captivity she repeatedly threatened the health and wellbeing of her child by starving herself, starting that fire, AND by jumping from the parapet.
and the most egregious part of the whole thing is her talking to Spencer, the original victim of her abuse and manipulation, the one she used as a pawn in her game to separate nava, the one she traumatized and devalued the most, the one who’s been let down by his father so many times and is just trying to keep his brother from being hurt in the same way as he has been… for her to have the GALL to try and keep Spencer out of his brother’s life, it’s outright offensive.
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midnightorchids · 2 months
Even more Jason Todd headcanons
- He’s a really fast typer, like unbelievably fast (this is so hot) and this is both while texting or on a computer
- Speaking of texting, he sucks at texting back. He’s a horrible texter, super dry, boring and extremely late. If you need something, just call him
- I know everyone says that his everyday shoe is a pair boots, but I would like to argue and say that its actually a really beaten up pair of sneakers (maybe adidas gazelles or a pair of vans)
- Also, he has an accent, it’s not super thick when he talks normally, but when he’s tired or angry, it definitely comes out more
- He blasts music while he’s gearing up for patrol, he subconsciously raps/sings and dances along to the song (and he looks SO fine doing it)
- He feels lonely in his apartment so he doesn’t spend much time there, it feels like the quite haunts him sometimes
- He gives really tight hugs almost as if he’s afraid the person is going to disappear if he hangs on too loosely
- He gets nightmares and they’re bad. They’re not frequent but they’re bad - wake up in cold sweat with tears pouring down your face type of bad. He rarely talks about it.
- Okay enough angst lets talk about something silly
- He says sorry to inanimate objects and animals when he bumps into them
- He’s a hoarder. Anything from books to clothes to tupperware
- He also doesn’t use normal bookmarks, it’s almost always an old receipt or a scrap piece of paper that he scribbled random shit on
- I know SOME people also love to headcanon him as this big broody ominous nonchalant dude - he is not
- Jason is a chatty boy and he rambles a lot (but like only once hes comfy with you)
- Also, super random, but his fav food is probably shawarma
- He’s had his nose pierced once and then got punched in the face and it hurt like a bitch so he took it out immediately
- He’s the type of guy to drink really boring soda flavoured slushies like coke or sprite
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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When you faint because of the heat
notes: new theme. i am speed. set during tamashina-mina and yasamina silk events. there's also no translation out yet at the point of writing this so I apologize if I accidentally fuck something up, i'm piecing this event story together from twitter threads and japanese-speaking mutuals exposing themselves to my annoying questions. varying lengths again because what is consistency?
contains: character x gn!reader, established relationship
characters included: leona, jamil, malleus, lilia
warnings: spoilers for new event, heatstroke
dark content creators & consumers dni
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Leona may have acted like he wasn't very keen on going home and bringing anyone from Night Raven College along, but he did care a lot about his homeland and he was feeling a little proud that he got to show it to you. He just wished he wasn't the loathed second prince while doing that. The others? It didn't matter to him if they enjoyed their trip. But you were his significant other and he wanted you to have a good time. So if he already had to go back to the Sunset Savannah? He might as well bring you along. He didn't want to admit it but you brightened up every moment at least enough for it to be tolerable for him. And even though he felt like the trip was going to be quite the hassle, he was looking forward to it at least a little bit in the aspect that he'd get to spend some time with you in his homeland. Maybe he'd even show you the palace. The others could wait outside.
You wandered the plaza with Leona and the others, sneaking your hand into his at one point. "Careful, y/n~", Leona teased and looked at you with his signature smirk, "the people of Sunset Savannah still don't know I have a significant other, we don't want anyone from the royal guard to tackle you for your affection now, do we? They might throw you in jail and then you'll never get to see me again." You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend. "If you weren't the prince, I'd dunk you in the fountain." "So violent, huh?", he said with an uncharacteristically dramatic sigh, "drowning in the fountain built to commemorate my beloved nephew would be a fitting end for me, huh?" You poked his side. "I'd be foolish to believe I could get rid of you by drowning you in a fountain", you joked and now Leona took your hand in his for a moment and squeezed it gently, still smirking at you.
"Could you people stop flirting for two seconds?", Vil looked at you both with a disappointed expression. "This is their version of flirting?", Lilia put a finger to his chin in confusion. "It is and I hate it", Vil replied dryly.
All of you noticed that it had become even hotter in the plaza and none of you were really dressed for the occasion. When Jack fainted, Leona was shocked and needed a moment to process what was happening. "Y/n, could you hand me the water you packed? Y/n...?", Leona turned around to see you unconscious in Vil's arms after he had caught you. "Oh for fucks sake", Leona held his head.
He made his way towards you. "Move, prickly queen", he hissed at Vil and picked you up from the ground bridal style. Vil stared at him like "tf did you just call me?"
"This really isn't the time to get jealous, you know?", Vil sighed and Leona carried you to the shade as the others helped bring Jack there. They could see Leona seemed a little distressed over you fainting though. He put you down on a bench and sat next to you, waiting for you to regain consciousness before he helped you drink some water.
"Ah shit, how are we supposed to win if y'all die on me like a starving gazelle with three broken legs?", Leona growled and rubbed the back of his head. Despite his annoyed expression, anyone who knew him well enough could tell he was worried about the two of you.
"Do you think you two can walk with us or should I call the corpse wagon?", Leona asked about your condition, ignoring Vil's sarcastic commentary of how charming he was yet again.
At the hotel he has you sitting sideways on his lap and resting against his chest. His tail is wrapped around your waist and he holds your cheek with one hand before pressing a kiss to your forehead. He looks up at Vil and Lilia smirking at him in a teasing way and Kalim letting out an "aw" sound.
"Fuck you starin' at?", Leona commented dryly. "I'm sorry", Kalim apologized and looked to the ground.
Jamil was glad you were coming along because not only would he get to show his homeland to you but you would always cheer him up and help him relax when he was feeling too stressed with his responsibilities. When he joined you in the evening after a long day of running after Kalim, you'd sometimes massage his shoulders or kiss the tension away. He'd need that today, he mused. He'd make sure to show you all of his favorite things about the Scalding Sands in return.
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What he wasn't expecting was for you to faint from the heat. If anyone was an expert in keeping people safe and comfortable, it was Jamil. He had warned you about the harsh desert heat. Repeatedly. Yet it had still happened.
So now that you had fainted despite him making sure you're hydrated and otherwise protected from the sun, the only thing that was left for him to do was to make sure you'd get back on your feet as soon as possible.
It wouldn't be Jamil if he didn't bring a first-aid kit so he uses anything in there that could possibly help you.
He ignores Kalims worried commentary of the situation and makes sure you're provided with the best possible support.
Kalim orders food for you specifically so you get your energy back.
Jamil has an arm wrapped around you and makes sure you drink enough water. When the food arrives, you enjoy the exquisite meal. "Out of all things, you had to order a gourmet lunch that's more expensive than a street food vendor's entire shop?", Jamil stares at Kalim with his typical half-lidded expression, "you know a wet burger would have been much cheaper and been here earlier right?" You immediately stop eating, still having a bite in your mouth while staring at your boyfriend in shock upon the realization of what Kalim had ordered for you. "Just eat it now, Kalim is just like that", Jamil sighs, gesturing for you not to worry about the cost.
Jamil presses a kiss to your forehead and holds your hand as you continue your trip, urging you to take things slow for now. He stays by your side and keeps you safe. Once you're wearing the outfit Kalim's family had specifically prepared for his friends, Jamil at least doesn't worry anymore about you not being dressed appropriately for the desert climate. "You look beautiful", he squeezes your hand and presses a kiss to your lips, relieved you're safe and seem to be doing well.
Malleus is so hyped when he not only gets to go on a trip to the Scalding Sands without his retainers but gets to be with you on top of it all. It's like Halloween and Birthdays and International Gargoyle Day (something he may or may not have made up) in one.
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If he's waiting for three hours in front of the dark mirror before the trip out of sheer excitement you can bet you're waiting with him. "They're not going to forget about us, we don't have to get up at 4am for this, Mal-", you protested as he dragged you out of bed to get ready for the trip.
He wants to share every moment with you. The trip has barely begun and he already feels like these are going to be memories he'd treasure forever.
When you faint because of the heat, he's super worried. He catches you and holds you in his arms with a panicked expression. So terrified he's losing you for a moment. "Viper, y/n is dying", he calls out with noticeable fear in his shaking voice. The people around you are raising an eyebrow and staring at your group. "They're not dying", Jamil corrects Malleus hastily and tries to signal to the concerned spectators that you were going to be fine, "they've just fainted from the heat. Let's get them somewhere in the shade and provide them with water."
Malleus nods and water droplets start forming from thin air everywhere around you. "Not with magic", Jamil gestures wildly and is happy to see the car Kalim called arrive, "we brought bottled water. No. more. magic." Jamil is so stressed out already, he's glad when you wake up again because that makes him avoid more fun surprises from their royal guest out of worry.
The thing is that Malleus getting into a relationship with anyone is not something to be taken lightly and could have a huge impact on the political landscape of Briar Valley so until you're sure you actually want to rule over his kingdom with Malleus, your relationship unfortunately has to stay a secret. Which means none of your classmates except for Lilia, Silver and Sebek are actually aware you two are an item.
"You're all seeing this right? This is not a mirage?", Cater whispers audibly with a shocked expression while in the limousine. The reason for his bafflement is Malleus gently holding you in his arms while you were resting and recovering from your heatstroke. Malleus holds Twisted Wonderland's equivalent of a Capri Sun, letting you drink from the straw while he had an arm wrapped around you. There was still worry in his voice and he would have loved to be alone with you right now to give you some affection in order to cheer you up.
He stays super close to you throughout the rest of your trip to make sure you'll be okay because you really did a number on his poor inexperienced heart.
He's simultaneously so relieved you're okay that he's even more affectionate than usual. He shares one of those melons with you and says it's so your love lasts forever. ❤️
Lilia was so excited to take you on this trip. The last time he visited the capital of Sunset Savannah, it hadn't been urbanized yet so he was looking forward to exploring the modern metropolis with you and being able to provide you with some stories and trivia about the past during the trip.
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Lilia himself is pretty sensitive to the sun and he definitely warned you about the heat.
Nevertheless, you faint early on in the trip due to a heatstroke. Did I not pay enough attention to them?, Lilia asks himself as he carries you to the shade.
He thinks it's unlikely anything too bad is going to happen to you but he's still worried. He holds you in his arms the whole time until you wake up. He gently rubs your wrist with his thumb and kisses your forehead gently. You come to your senses not long after, your eyes flickering open and looking into the face of your lover who is giving you a soft smile. True love's kiss, Lilia mused and chuckles.
"We were quite worried about you, dear", he pats your head, hugs you and Kalim hands him the water bottle. Lilia helps you drink if your hand is shaking and you struggle to hold the bottle on your own.
He raised Silver and one overgrown dragon fae, he knows how to take care of someone, so you're in good hands unless he brings up his cooking. Then it's time to hit the bricks.
Lilia has an arm wrapped around you all the way back to the hotel, so you have some support if you're still low on energy or feeling a little dizzy.
He makes sure you get something to eat and drink enough water once you're back at the hotel.
He holds you for a while and kisses your lips gently. "Don't scare me like this again, okay?", he chuckles as you nuzzle his neck and hug him back.
He'd let the medics do a check-up and he'd be really happy if you're in the condition to continue exploring the capital with him and the others but if not he vows to take note of everything that might interest you and show it to you before you go back to Night Raven College.
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ectologia · 28 days
Tomura Shigaraki is definitely a disgusting and depraved perv when it comes to kinks and fetishes, it's a known fact. I wanna know your ideas for all the fucked up things he's into, illegal or not ^^
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Tomura loves the scratchies, we all know that. Whether he’s sad, anxious, frustrated or horny, you can always catch those blunt fingernails digging at his flesh like a dog in a flower patch. And, unsurprisingly, yours too. He likes the way you shudder as he claws down your skin, catching your nipples as he tears down your tits before watching the thin white lines raise into nasty looking red gashes. He’ll even drag his tongue over them to feel the bumps as he wanks.
Tomura is a disgusting and malicious man, so it should come as no surprise that one of his favourite past times is to see how wide he can stretch your ass open. He’ll make it into a game, timing you, finding different objects (safe or not) to squeeze up your butt, promising you treats and rewards if you can take having your sphincter stretched another 5 centimetres. And if you don’t think that’s a lot, trust, it is. And it’ll hurt. He’ll make sure of it.
Even evil crime bosses such as Tomura can get insecure too. On those days he’s feeling extremely low about himself, whether it be because a mission was unsuccessful or because his skin’s had a flare up and he can barely look at anyone. He’ll resort to skulking around dingy clubs and alleys. He’s not the biggest fan of glory holes, mainly because he’s scared there’ll be a dude on the other side sucking his cock. But he appreciates that he can be as weird or unattractive as he wants and still bust a fat nut into something other than his fist.
We all know Tomura is a control freak. And it just gets freakier when he starts telling you where and when you can go to the toilet. On most days, he’s tame about it. All he asks of you is that you tell him when your bladder’s full and he’ll give you permission to use his toilet. It’s only until he starts wanting to watch you shit and piss while he jerks himself off does it get a little.. worrying. He just finds it so cute when your little body does what it’s supposed to, and it’s even better when he’s the one that gets to be a bossy boots about it.
As mentioned before, Tomura likes scratching your nipples. He’s also an avid enjoyer of slapping, pinching, twisting, stretching, biting, flicking and tickling. Really, there’s no actual explanation. He just enjoys watching you writhe in pain.
Equally, on the flip side. Tomura worships your tits, physically and spiritually. He finds them so beautiful, he reckons they’re his favourite part of your body. Romantic, right? He’ll kiss and hug and squish, juggling them in his palms before sucking one into his mouth while caressing the other. He’ll use them as pillows, resting his head on your chest before slipping away into a restful slumber. Probably to dream of even more titties.
Legs, legs, legs. Long legs, skinny legs, chubby legs, muscular legs, legs in tights, legs in thigh highs, shaved or unshaved. Tomura loves legs, he’s obsessed with them to some degree. Just the way he can do so much with them. Fold them against your chest, spread them out wide, throw them over his shoulders, or even bind them tight. He just loves legs.
If you’re a fast runner, watch out, because Tomura will be chasing you in circles like you’re a gazelle in the savanna. He gets off to it, hardcore.
Tomura will find any excuse to make something into a game. Give him something to aim at and he’ll be shooting semen at you like it’s an FPS. His favourite thing to spunk on is your clit, since it’s such a tiny target he feels almost accomplished when he manages to spit the creamy white liquid right on the little bud. (Before getting to lick it off)
Who doesn’t love a nice, rough face fuck? Tomura definitely does. Tomura treats all your holes like sex toys, and your mouth is just another. He’s a hard, deep and fast fuck, using your hair like reins as he shovels his length all the way down your throat and back up again. He’s like a greyhound, once he starts he can’t stop. So what if you just threw up on his dick? He’s not done until he’s done.
Not in the way you think. He’s the one doing the sitting ‘round here darling. He’ll use it as a punishment, squatting over your face with his filthy asshole puckering and scrunching over your lips, Oh, what, you think it’s gross? Good. You better get used to the view of his hairy ass crack, baby, because you’re gonna’ be here a while.
Perhaps the most common and well known of Shiggy’s fetishes, he’s a feet connoisseur. Manicured toes, soft soles and high heels are what he dreams of at night. Pumping his dick between a pretty girl’s smooth arches, legs bent with her steaming hot pink pussy nestled right between them? Hell yeah. He’ll alternate between worshiping your feet and having you worship his. He sucks your toes, you suck his back. It’s a 50/50 relationship.
Though Tomura’s obsession is mainly sexual, he’ll massage your feet as an act of service purely because it’s his love language.
Some men like the pretty, pink pristine vulvas, the hairless ones with barely-there, tucked away labias and tiny clits you can barely get at. Some men aren’t Tomura. He wants it hairy, messy and sloppy. He wants to nestle his face between your bush and suffocate himself with the coarse hairs, he wants to gnaw and pull on your beautiful labia with his teeth and lick through every fold and crevice like he’s an explorer. He likes the women with big, gorgeous clits and fat, chunky cunts, and he won’t have anything less.
He likes the way you scream and plead. How your guttural wails and ear piercing shrieks dull and splinter into pitiful whimpers. How your eyes mist into glassy, shiny goggles the moment he pulls the sluggish length of his manhood out and slaps it up and down on your tiny, twitchy clit. Back hunched as he places a boney finger to his lips, shushing and cooing at you as you heave through grit teeth when he splits into your folds. His big, bulbous cock head juts in and out with a slick pop as he pummels you into a shakey, traumatised little mess, pumping you full with his seed, wether you want it in your little womb or not.
Though it sounds sinister, Tomura finds it positively hilarious. He likes to see that momentary, adorably shocked, deer-in-headlights look on your face when he drops his waistband for just a second, giving you an eyeful of his big, floppy cock and balls. Whether you’re on your own or with people, outside or inside. He’s incredibly sneaky and an all around menace. Walking past while you’re tucked into bed? He’ll wipe his clammy dick on your face along the way. Having a conversation with someone? He’ll slip his squishy pink head out of his boxers and thumb the slit with a cheeky grin. Brushing your teeth? He’ll chase you around the bathroom with his balls hanging out. Just know, he does it because he loves you. You’re his best friend.
Tomura likes pretty hands. Long, lithe fingers with manicured nails and soft knuckles. A stark contrast to his huge, calloused and, not to mention, destructive ones. He’ll kiss and caress the delicate appendages before demanding you wrap them around his cock, stacked atop one another as you stroke his prick up and down, foreskin clicking stickily as his balls jiggle against his thighs until he inevitably climaxes, coating your sweet fingers in the syrupy substance of his love.
It can be for various reasons, the main one being you’re too tired to deal with him, so he just takes matters into his own hands. He’ll spread your pussy and eat it from the back as much as it takes until he can slip inside you nice and easy. Bouncing your unconscious self against the mattress with his dick nestled tightly inside your syrupy walls, while you stay tucked into bed all cosy and warm. See? It’s a win win situation.
Similar to Tomura’s “bathroom control” kink, Tomura just really likes piss. Wether you’re squirting in his mouth after getting finger banged within an inch of your life, or you’re on your knees with your tongue out waiting for him to give you a hot, steamy golden shower, he really doesn’t care. As long as at least one of you are drenched in piss by the end of it.
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officialabortive · 1 year
wolf hybrid!Bakugou x reader
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You'd just finished running errands, grocery bags in hand as you approached the door to your apartment. You breathed a sigh of exasperation as you inserted a bronze key into the lock, knowing your (not so) little wolf hybrid was going to be in a mood.
He was expecting to tag along on your short outing, but to his annoyance you'd told him to stay behind. You gave him the excuse of 'needing him to guard the house' but the truth was you would be passing a certain convenience store that had a shop cat. Whenever bakugou laid eyes on the cat sitting on the checkout counter from through the window, he would try to fight the poor thing. You always had to pull the growling blond away from the window by his collar, the commotion causing the spooked tabby to scamper away down the snack aisle. All this under the guise of "the fucker needed to be knocked down a peg."
You kick the door back closed from behind. The muffled audio of the tv could be heard ringing throughout the house. Katsuki only watched cooking shows or the nature channel. When it came to the latter, he would occasionally lower himself into a hunting position. As if he was about to strike on the group of bouncing gazelles on screen. It really was quite endearing to watch.
You noticed how Katsuki didn't acknowledge your presence when you walked by. He's pouting, giving you the cold shoulder, all because you didn't take him out with you. He's such a big puppy.
After placing the groceries on the countertop, you rummage around in the bags untill you pulled out a box. Grabbing a couple of its contents to set on the counter, you placed the box and other items in the cobbord before wandering into the livingroom.
Katsuki still refused to look at you, not even spairing a glance. Bright red eyes remaining glued to the pixilated rabbits on the wide screen. But his ears still turned toward you, always listening.
"I'm sorry I couldn't take you outside with me"
It was hard not to crack a grin at his huff
"I promise I'll take you on a walk tomorrow" plopping yourself onto the cushion next to him
He rumbled a low growl, lip curled to reveal a couple teeth to show he was less than satisfied with your answers.
"Here, I got you something"
He finally turned his head to see your hand held out, a cookie rested on your palm. Katsuki quirked a brow at you.
You know he's not really into sweet shit. So the hell is this?
Nevertheless he leaned down to sniff it. It smells... good? Grabbing with his teeth, he takes it into his mouth and it's gone with one chomp.
His tail immediately comes to life, repeatedly colliding with the throw pillows. The thumping of his tail louder than the tv. His gaze is back on you to see your already holding out another. This time he takes it with such haste that he nearly bites your fingers.
Patting him on the head and rubbing his fuzzy ears you get up "I'll go grab some more"
You smile to yourself, not daring to laugh because he would surely hear you, while opening the cabinet. Pulling out the box that reads:
25 pack
Doggy Biscuits
Bacon flavor
You bought these as a joke. Who knew your big bad wolf, Katsuki bakugou, would like dog treats
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kingkunigami · 1 year
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Shidou says some pretty nasty shit about you on the pitch, and Kunigami wants to remind him exactly who you belong to.
Warnings: 18+, jealous!Kunigami, cunnilingus, squirting, possession.
Pairing: Kunigami Rensuke x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.1k.
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“Rensuke, calm down.” You gasped when your boyfriend shoved you unceremoniously into one of the press rooms inside the stadium. Rough hands clutched your hips as he gave you a possessive kiss that was all tongue and teeth. Lifting you on top of the long table inside the room with ease, “What’s gotten into you?”
You’d known your boyfriend often became pent up after a difficult match and was eager to let off some steam. The locker room showers had proved to be the perfect place for this when he couldn’t make it back to the hotel room or home fast enough. But this? This was something else. Noticing the predatory, carnal look in his eyes as you watched him tug his sweaty shirt up and over his head, not even bothering to remove your shirt before he covered it with his.
You gasped as the damp fabric stuck to your skin, definitely staining the cute shirt you wore beneath and leaving you smelling completely of him. It was a possessive move, and you began to wonder what prompted it as you thought back to the yellow card he’d received during the match for knocking Shidou to the ground.
You were displaced from your thoughts as Kunigami dived between your thighs. His mouth was ravenous as he surged forward, tongue swiping against the lace that hid your cunt from his prying eyes as he sucked the fabric into his eager mouth. Slurping at your essence like a man starved as his nose nudged against your clit. He didn’t even bother wasting time on such frivolous things as taking off your underwear, instead pushing your thighs up towards your chest as your ass moved off the flat of the table.
It was the way that Shidou looked at you across the pitch, like a voracious lion stalking an innocuous gazelle. The yellow card he’d received on the pitch for shouldering him to the ground during the second half had been worth the shameless taunts, the words of what Shidou would do to you if you were his. Kunigami’s team had been the first to tell him to calm down, that he was only trying to get into his head. To distract him— but Kunigami was a smart man, and an even smarter football player. He knew that there were truths behind Shidou’s words, and the implication had him feral.
“Ren, it’s too much.” You whined, clutching the bottom of the jersey, his jersey, you were now wearing, “What’s gotten in to you?”
Your thighs were pressed against your chest as he almost folded you in half, teeth catching against the sheer fabric as he continued to stroke his tongue along your slit, your body convulsing with each rough movement as he worked you towards your release.
The door to the press room was open, and Kunigami knew anyone could walk in and catch you in such a compromising position. But in this moment, he didn’t care. It was almost as though he was willing Shidou to walk through that door just so he could see how you looked falling apart on his tongue. Paris X Gen may have won the match, but Kunigami had something far more coveted than a friendly win.
“I need you baby, please.” He groaned against your messy folds, voice vibrating against your sensitive skin, “‘m sorry, baby. Just let me do this—“
“Oh, fuck.” You whined when his frantic movements slipped the crotch of your panties to the side, feeling his tongue glide through your slick folds as your hips jerked.
Kunigami’s strong grip tightened against your thighs as his fingertips left plush dips in your skin. The sinful sound of him slurping at your cunt had your clit throbbing with desire as you felt your cheeks flush at how lewd it sounded. His topless body almost engulfed yours with the way he towered above you, curling himself over you as he feasted on your wet slit.
The heady scent of him was intoxicating as it surrounded you, his sweaty jersey stuck to your skin as his you continued to writhe beneath him. Rolling your hips into his tongue as you tried your best to quell your salacious moans.
Something that infuriated Kunigami because for once, he wanted people to hear. He wanted them to listen to the saccharine sound of you creaming on his tongue, falling apart for him. That no matter how many games he lost or how many man of the match titles he missed out on, having you meant he’d still won the war.
You almost choked on your spit when he added two slender fingers inside your tight walls, feeling him immediately curl them as he began to pump them in and out in quick succession as you scrambled to hold your thighs up. To cling to some semblance of reality as Kunigami fought to send you to another plain of existence.
“Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.” You repeated, “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m gonna cum—”
The admission only served to have Kunigami working with more vigour, wrapping his lips around your puffy clit as he sucked hard. Continuing to finger your tight entrance as you began to writhe beneath him. The pleasure clouding your brain until all you could see were white spots blanking your vision.
“Rensuke,” Your head rolled back as you came with a loud cry of pleasure. Your walls clenching around his digits as he continued his harsh pace, working you through your climax as you continued to babble.
“Oh god,” You tried to reach down to pull his hands away from your overstimulated sex, but he was far stronger as he continued to finger your sloppy pussy. Growling against your skin in warning as he silently told you that he was not finished.
“S’too much.” You whimpered, already feeling your boyfriend sending you towards another intense climax.
His tongue now lashed against your clit roughly, fingers pressed to the soft ridges inside you as he focused his touch against it. Purposely pushing you towards another acute release, your toes curling in the pretty shoes you’d worn to the match as you tried to reach out to hold him. Grabby fingers clinging on to whatever part of him you count find, threading through his messy damp locks as your nails grazed his scalp. Pushing his face harder against your sex as an unfamiliar feeling began to build in your pelvis.
Tears began to clump in your thick lashes as you writhed beneath him, calling out his name as you found sweet relief once more. A clear liquid squirting from between your thighs as Kunigami moved his fingers up to tease your clit from side to side, prolonging the sensation as he sent your juices flying in all directions. Making an absolute mess of you as he continued to look down at you with hazy eyes, lips open in a harsh pant as the messy gloss of you stained his chin. Glistening in the bright lights of the press room as he finally gave you mercy, his fingers slowing against your clit as he gave it one final smack. Watching your body jolt in surprise as his lips curled into a soft smile, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your overstimulated clit.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He hummed softly, “You just looked so pretty tonight, I couldn’t help myself.”
Of course, he wouldn’t tell you the real reason he’d become so possessive, so feral. Tugging you out of the room and towards his teams locker room. Hopeful that his team mates would be done in the showers and he would now have some moments alone with you as you followed down the hall on shaky legs.
It was barely fifteen minutes later when the media crowds from the pitch began to fill the same press room, taking their seats as harsh spotlights were focused towards the long table at the centre of the room. Shidou walking in fresh from his shower as he took a seat, grinning towards the cameras. It was only when he lay his forearms against the table that he noticed it.
The spotlights had the liquid glistening against the surface, his fingers shamelessly stroked through the moisture with a dark, depraved smirk on his face. And it was like Shidou knew exactly what it was.
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 1 month
Part 6 of Butcher!Simon x gn!reader We get a glimpse of the boy's groupchat too, in this. Simon is still down bad. I feel like the quality of the chapters declined but I hope it'll get back to how it was soon Gonna toss this out there and hide < Part 5 | COD Masterlist | Part 7 >
So you don’t immediately agree to go to the concert with him. Which, you know, kinda sucks. It would have been so perfect but he gets it. You wouldn’t be allowed to bring your mutt with you and he’s basically still a stranger to you (insanity, because he feels about ready to ask for your hand in marriage) so it would have actually been a surprise if you said yes.
Somehow though, he has no idea how, he convinced you to go get a coffee with him some time.
“How about a deal then?”
You’d perked up, one brow raised skeptically (an expression which had him fight the urge to get on his knees) and asked: “What kind of deal?”
“We’ll go get coffee together. And if you decide ‘m trustworthy enough, you’ll reconsider going wi’ me.”
You’d tilted your head at that brows furrowed adorably and he’d desperately wanted to kiss the cute creases between your brows and smooth them away with his thumb.
He stood stock still as you seemed to appraise him, looking him up and down. Your gaze way more intense than he anticipated but he found that he didn’t mind being looked at as long as it was you looking at him (god, he hoped you never stopped looking at him, please don’t stop looking at him).
Then you’d nodded and he felt his shoulders drop, having held them tensely in expectation.
“I want to decide where”, you’d asserted and he’d immediately agreed with a: “Anything you want, sweetheart.”
He doesn’t know what he’d be doing if you hadn’t agreed. Probably mope around at Gaz’ bar because that would have meant his chances of getting to know you are pretty much zero.
You did agree though and Simon is about ready to slap himself when he catches himself in front of his mirror with two nearly identical black shirts. Since when did he turn into someone with “I don’t know what to wear!” problems?
Since you. Simple as that and he’d be embarrassed if he wasn’t alone at home. The thought of meeting you for coffee makes him smile. He catches the soft raise of the corners of his lips and curiously watches himself in the mirror.
It’s weird, seeing himself smile and suddenly he’s even more giddy. He can’t wait to see you and make you his (whoa, there, he's gotta convince you he's harmless first, harmless to you at least).
For a second he wonders if you're going crazy over what to wear too (probably not but he can hope) and then he decides that it doesn't matter. He gets to meet you, that's the only important thing.
Honestly you could show up naked and he’d be ecstatic (okay that’s a horrible example, because he would be indeed ecstatic). No, you could show up looking like you couldn't care less and he'd be thankful that you didn't forget about meeting him.
He looks at himself in the mirror, sighs over his thoughts and decides on one of the shirts.
It’s no use, no matter what he wears he can’t hide that he’s big and burly and he prays that you won’t be put off (you seemed fine at the shop but how will you feel in another setting?).
He’ll be damned if he doesn’t do everything in his power to make the date enjoyable for you.
His phone vibrates and he looks at a text from Johnny in the 'Tea is for the weak' group chat (Johnny the little shit made it and refused to change the name).
🧼: Can we meet up today instead of the usual?
Normally Simon would immediately be on board and feel horrible if he missed their weekly night out, but this time a smirk plays on his lips when he answeres:
💀: No can do, got a date
He sets his phone aside and a second later the chat blows up.
🧼: DATE?
Captain Price: Gonna need a debrief, Son
Gazelle: Tell me it’s the cutie you keep raving on about
🧼: No way
💀: Coffee date with the cutie
🧼: Thought you’d lost your balls along with your uniform
💀: don’t project, Johnny boy
🧼: Uncalled for!
🧼: Just checked, still got both
💀: Yet I'm the one with the date
Gazelle: How about we make it at 2200 so you can come too?
Captain Price: Sound good, want the details
💀: you’re insufferable
Captain Price: You better show
💀: Affirmative, Sir
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Identifying furries by their fursonas
Fox- this is the default fursona for the default furry, namely a twink with a blown out fucked to death asshole
Vixen- Girl fox referred to as a vixen is an egg, girl fox just referred to as a fox is an out trans woman
Kistune - the same as above but weeb flavor
he-wolf - a greasy guy who weighs 12 pounds soaking wet and wears a fedora. republican.
she-wolf - the butchest bull dyke you ever saw
coyote - manic depressive. always on something. the drug connection at any furry party
Cat- always a woman
black cat - could be any gender but always goth
kitten/kitty - a trans sex worker, has an only fans they really want you to know about.
bobcat - older dude. wants people to think he's ex-military
Jaguar - an older black guy. will probably have the word "black" in his fursona's name
lion - just a huge asshole
tiger - another asshole. old. wants you to believe he's ex military or ex-police, probably a member of the dorsai irregulars. major grill dad vibes
jackal - a huge asshole and a slut. white gay racist, probably transphobic
cougar - either a trans woman or a terf. there's no in between
Horse - white woman who identifies as 2 Spirit or a guy who wants to be stomped on
Pony - gay nazi
unicorn - either the absolute gayest dude you can be or a 9 year old girl. sometimes a late in life transition
Tanuki - latino
badger - either a huge lesbian or an old avuncular straight guy. possible sex pest
Raccoon - nature's greatest mistake. too normie to be furry, too furry to be normie. dilf.
bat - either a goth or a real annoying shit (some overlap). invader zim fanboy. doesn't drink alcohol but claims to act crazy on "sugar highs." definitely has dabbled in webcomics
cow - a woman. maternal. mom friend or mommy dom. milf. possibly trans femme
steer - a big strong fat rough trade gay guy
sheep - mom vibes
pretty much any farm animal - mom vibes
domestic pig - wild card. might be a wet and messy fetish thing tho or a trash eating thing. loves to be stinky. loves to talk about being stinky.
wild pig - trans masc
skunk - either a fat beardy guy who has a tumblr blog about animation squash & stretch or a stoner gal. very straight. the straightest. a kinsey 0. has strong feelings about what the fandom used to be like before there were all these kids in it.
rat - is a huge asshole as a front, probably likes talking cigars
lemur - autistic
sloth - 420 blaze it. will never finish any commissions
chakat - an older cishet man who thinks the fandom is too political & refers to "anime" as "japanimation"
sergel - nazi
citra - the biggest dipshit you've ever met
procyon - furry equivalent of the thomas jefferson miku binder pic. you should not be talking to this person, this is a literal child
weasel - a girl with cluster b personality disorders
ferret - a person who has at least one pet ferret, but probably many
mole - this person thinks they're in a beatrix potter story
guinea pig/chinchilla/jerboa/gerbil/any kind of fat rodent you can keep as a pet - the sweetest person you will ever meet
armadillo/pangolin/anteater/aardvark - smug, contrarian. "i just wanna be different"
mouse - vore fetishist, prey. sub.
hyena - vore fetishist, pred. probably trans masc
otter - a dommy twink, possible enby
bear - gay
panda - absolutely a white person pretending to be asian. probably running a gofund me scam with a suspicious story about how they're a professional nintendo gamer who injured their hand or something
bullfrog - a huge fat hairy straight guy
any other frog - inflation or rubber fetishist
axolotl/newt/salamander - genderfluid enby
rabbit - trad wife trans woman
squirrel - autistic and gay
deer - gay
gazelle - zootopia megafan
monkey - punk DIY artist type, definitely loves weed
ape - absolutely baffling. nothing this person does or says makes any sense. you will be left wondering whether you're speaking to a child, a person with severe mental issues, or someone who doesn't have english as a first language
elephant - mom friend
hippo - a fat fetishist or a transformation fetishist
rhino - an older cishet dude who wants to project a curmudgeonly yet approachable aura
kangaroo - definitely not an australian person. extremely focused kinkster, usually feet or inflation. more STDs than should be possible to carry
koala - an asian woman
virginia opossum - anarchist/communist punk trans man who makes zines and/or comics
australian possum - just here to have fun. wants everyone else to be having fun too. wacky funster. (sugar gliders and flying squirrels fall under this category)
any other marsupial - poser
monotremes - extreme poser, don't even bother
doberman- gay dude who tops from the bottom or a cop (there is some overlap)
german shepherd - a nazi or a cop (there is substantial overlap). definitely a furry raider. he will wear his cop uniform to con and after con will post videos pretending that someone was rude to him
afghan - arch femme
basset hound - racist
puppy - sub, probably an egg. extremely draining. cries a lot
all other dogs - just dudes being bros (gender neutral)
dragon - the furries of furries. like to talk about eating "sammiches" and "chocklit." probably an adult baby lifestyler. they will send DMs that just say "hi." they like to RP and when they contact you about a potential commission they are actually just trying to trick you into RP
griffin - the same as above but also a brony
snake - sissy hypno fetishist
turtle - an old man, probably southern. an ironic grandpa.
other scalies - furry in denial. either a child or an old person from CYD. the world's last something awful goons
any fursona with latino vibes - white
any fursona with asian vibes - latino
any fursona with native american vibes - eastern european
avian - girl who's not like other girls. hippie. vegan.
raven/crow - agender voidgoth
chicken - mom vibes
dinosaur - the absolute biggest nerd. probably has an actual degree in paleontology. definitely dresses like miss frizzle.
any invertebrate - not a real furry, their girlfriend just made them get a furaffinity account before they could get ass. either that or they've never even heard of furry, they just came up with the idea of anthropomorphics from first principles. a biology teacher or weirdo (there is some overlap)
amoeba - this is a troll
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AITA for stealing jewelry and a few other items from my hoarder aunt?
This was a few years ago now, I wanna say maybe 2018? My dad has two sisters, Z and K. K is married to a hoarder and has some hoarding tendencies herself so their house and particularly their garage is a mess. Not biohazard levels of mess but for sure just dusty, dirty, and stuffed with with ancient unusable garbage. K and her husband don’t have any kids, they’re both in their mid-70’s and both are in pretty poor health, so Z flew down from Florida and asked my father and I to come help clean. We agreed and came down for a day.
I have a weird relationship with my aunts. K took care of their mother until she died, and until she died my father would be at his sister’s beck and call. He would frequently abandon his own family to go help K and his mother. I don’t blame him for this, he wanted to help his sick mother, but I do blame K for using him as free labor. He built the house K is hoarding in, destroying his body in the process. Now that I’m an adult I don’t really speak to either aunt, like I had no contact with Z since Z’s second wedding in 2013. K is much closer location-wise but I don’t speak to her either because she’s just kind of off putting. The last time I spent time with her we went shopping and she kept telling me stories of her miscarriage and how annoying her husband is and pointing to someone and loudly asking “you think that’s a man or a woman?” Like I understand we are family but K and Z are as close to strangers as family can get to me. This doesn’t even cover my mom’s opinion of them and their treatment of her. Both Z and K have a history of manipulation, deception, and are both very vindictive and ignorant. She hates them both to the point of paranoia. My sister and I have a similarly low opinion of them both, but we both are more tolerable, myself especially.
So we arrive and we clean, Z and I working together to throw away a bunch of shit and my father worked on installing a new dishwasher. I stumble upon this gorgeous hanging lamp that looks like a large full moon. I text my mom about it and she flips. “That’s mine,” she says, “your father and I found that on the side of the road one night when we were first married.” So I load it into my dads car because it’s so pretty and it belongs to my parents. “Hey, you better ask if you can take that” Z says and I flat out tell her that it belongs to my mom. She shrugs and we continue to work. I find another really cool set of hanging lamps and a solid wooden lamp base carved to look like a gazelle that probably belonged to K’s husband’s parents and I took those too, with no input from Z.
These items weren’t lovingly packed and carefully stored away. They were sitting in plastic bins stuffed with dozens of boxes disintegrated plastic gloves and tools that were more rust than anything else. Towards the end of the day we discover some jewelry boxes and I take those inside to go through with K. A lot of it was junky costume jewelry but there’s some incredible pieces including a pair of 14k gold hoops that look like rams heads, a cool brass ring with an enameled signet with the Sagittarius archer, and a huge silver heart pendant. I carefully set aside the items that I would like to take home and K didn’t say anything, either because she didn’t notice or didn’t care.
Finally when we got home I showed my mom all of the cool stuff I found and she kind of scolded me, saying I should have asked to take this stuff and I brushed it off by joking that this was payment for my cleaning services. She was very happy that I rescued her moon lamp though.
I’m wearing that chunky silver heart pendant today and am thinking about it again. K doesn’t have any children so the only people who would ever inherit this junk would be either myself or Z’s kids, but Z’s daughter is no contact with Z and Z’s son lives on the other side of the country. We own the property that K lives on, pay for the taxes on it and pay for the maintenance on it all without charging K anything, so even when she and her husband die my family is going to have to clean it anyway and I can assure you I would be the only person who would actually want to sift through the garbage to find cool stuff. I feel like I saved this stuff from the landfill. I wear the jewelry I took, we have that really cool gazelle lamp displayed in our living room, and my sister said she was going to use the hanging lamps I brought home for when she has her own home. But of course I technically stole all of it and for sure will not be giving it back, even if she noticed it’s missing. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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talaok · 1 year
Good afternoon honey, I was wondering if you could write dark! Joel x plus size reader where the reader is suffering with body image and that night you go out to a club and meet Joel but smut? love the blog🥰
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Pairing:Joel Miller x plus size!reader
Warnings: body image problems, negative talk of reader's body and self, smut| dub-con, unprotected p in v sex, a bit of degrading, and dark! Joel
A/n: ok ok ok I've never written a plus-size reader so if this is bad just tell me, honestly, I'll delete it, it's fine (yes I'm really nervous about this, I'm scared it's disrespectful) thank you so much for the ask tho babe💗
The dress looked absolutely horrendous on you. It was too tight and too loose in all the wrong places.
Your curves looked like they were stretching the fabric so much it was gonna tear the moment you took a step, and the makeup on your face now just looked like a pathetic attempt at driving people's attention away from it.
This was a mistake, you sighed, looking at the loser staring back at you from the other side of the mirror.
I should have never agreed to this, It's so fucking stupid.
You mumbled to yourself as you unsuccessfully tried fixing the dress in any way that wouldn't make it look so incredibly ridiculous.
Maybe I can pretend I'm sick or something, 
Maybe I got a really bad headache all the sudden,
Maybe I got fucking infected, I don't know, that would be believable. I can just start making some weird ass noises and I doubt she'd still want to go out with me.
"Hey, you ready?" Kora opened the door, causing all your plans to fall apart with one single action.
"yep" you forced a smile "all ready"
"Great, let's go!"
fuck my life man.
__ __ __
"Are you serious?" you asked, actually kind of mad
"I know, I know, I'm sorry"
"you've just met him" you pointed out, frustration and annoyance lacing your tone.
"I know" she repeated "but-" she sighed, glancing back at the man "he's so hot y/n, I mean-"
you rolled your eyes "Whatever, go have fun, I'm just gonna go home"
"no don't go home, you can have fun without me," she said "Maybe with someone else..." she raised her brows suggestively and you felt one breath away from punching her.
You shot her a look.
Yeah, like anyone would want to "have fun" with me
"what?" she asked, clueless
you stared at her, the same expression in your eyes.
"you know what"
"oh my god," she moaned "again with this thing? Y/n you're hot as fuck, anyone with half a brain cell can see that"
You remained silent.
You hated the pity party of having everyone constantly lie to you about how you looked.
Just tell me the truth. I look like shit.
It's fine, I know it, you know it, the whole world fucking knows it so stop talking to me like I'm a fucking baby and tell me the truth.
I can take it. Trust me, I've been telling it to myself since I was born.
"in fact..." A small smirk tugged at her lips as her eyes focused somewhere behind you " I think somebody definitely noticed" she grinned like an idiot as she stared at someone behind you.
"shut up" you stopped her "You know he's not," you said "He's probably looking at you"
"Oh no" she shook her head, that stupid smile still tugging at her lips "No he's definitely looking at you" She waved at him and you immediately grabbed her hand, forcing it down
"stop! what are you doing!?"
"I'm helping you out" she smirked "You'll thank me later," she said with a wink, turning to walk away but not before chuckling a taunting"Have fun"
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as you sneakily tried to catch a glimpse of whatever Kora was talking about.
She was probably bluffing, you thought as you slowly turned, but just then, you had to think again.
A man was looking at you, no, not looking, staring.
His eyes were pointed at you like a viewfinder in a gun. 
He was sat at a table alone, an empty beer bottle clutched in one hand, and the other one relaxed on his leg.
He looked focused, like a tiger watching a gazelle.
His salt and pepper beard suggested he was older, and so did the lines across his forehead.
But most of all... his eyes were the tell.
His deep brown eyes staring back at yo-
You turned away.
I was staring at him,
You clutched your purse to leave, but a voice stopped you in your tracks.
"hi sweetheart"
He sounded exactly how you'd imagined.
You turned to him, your eyes glimmering with shame
"hi" you breathed "Sorry if I bothered you"
He chuckled "A pretty thing like you could never bother me"
he sat down "Besides," he said "I was staring at you first"
You forced a chuckle as an awkward silence fell between you.
"I saw your friend left," he said, sitting down on the stool next to you,
"yeah" You nodded "She does that a lot"
"that's too bad" he cooed "well maybe not entirely" he considered, something switching in his tone.
"What's your name sweetheart?"
"I-I'm y/n"
"y/n" he let your name roll out his mouth with ease "pretty name for a pretty lady" he commented, "I'm Joel"
"nice to meet you" you mumbled, stumbling over your own words.
Was he coming onto you? 
"the pleasure's all mine darling"
He definitely was
But, like... why?
"I'm sorry-do you- do you know my friend?"
He grinned, his white teeth showing "no,"
"she didn't like, tell you to come here or anything?"
A small laugh fled his throat "no sweetheart"
"oh" you breathed "so you came here 'cause..." you trailed off, 
" 'cause you caught my eye from the moment you entered, and when I saw your friend leave you here all alone, I couldn't not offer a bit of company"
You felt a shy smile spill from your lips
" 'got a pretty smile angel" he smirked 
"t-thank you" 
He chuckled again "Why are you so nervous sweetheart?" he asked, his hand traveling to your thigh and stopping all oxygen from getting to your lungs "Is it me? Am I so scary?" his voice got lower as he inched closer "I don't bite y'know?" he joked "not unless you want me to"
A small gasp fled your throat, making him chuckle.
"what is it, angel?"
"I-I'm sorry I'm just not- used to this"
"Now I don't believe that" he murmured "A sweet thing like you?"
"I just-"
"If you want we could go back to my place, and you can tell me all about it with a little more privacy" he suggested, "what do you say?"
Your cheeks were as red as the fire burning in his eyes.
"I-" you stuttered
"I can show you a good time angel"
"I'm sorry" you breathed, leaning away "I'm-I'm sorry I have to go to the bathroom" You stumbled over your own words, clutching your purse and rushing off the stool and through the groups of people in the club.
You didn't even realize you were bumping and hitting every person in your trajectory as all you were focused on was that damn door right in the corner.
Oh my god, what felt like the first actual breath you'd taken in ten full minutes, finally left your mouth as you entered the bathroom.
"oh my god," you mumbled to yourself, walking to the sink to look at your reflection in the mirror.
"what the fuck was that?" you sighed 
Am I dreaming? Is that it?
If that's it this is not funny brain.
I'm so confused,
This is... I mean this is just-
What the fuck is this?
He's hot. Like hot hot and I'm... You looked at yourself, and I'm me.
You took a deep breath, looking around you.
The green stalls were empty, and the music was still blaring from the other side of the door.
You could still picture him, feel him. He was so close to you, and you could feel every molecule of your being dancing as his hand remained on your leg.
God, what the fuck
I don't even know how old he is.
And just then, the door opened.
You turned the faucet on to pretend to be washing your hands, but a voice startled you.
"there you are"
Your eyes snapped open
"T-This is the women's bathroom"
Joel smirked, "you thought you could get away from me that easily?" he asked, taking a step towards you.
"I-" you took a step back, but he followed.
"I was being nice there," he said "complimented you and shit" 
Your back was to a stall and he was right before you.
"and what did you do?" he asked "you ran"
"I didn't mean to, I was j-"
"what, angel?" he mocked "You got shy?"
"well don't you worry" His hand went to your chin, tilting it up "I'll fix that right up" He took another step, imprisoning you "I'll help you out sweetheart, mh?"
Your mouth gaped open to say something, but before you could, his lips were on yours, and his hands on your back were forcing you flush against him.
His tongue moved into your mouth as he quite literally shoved you into the stall behind you, pressing you against the closed door.
"thought you could get away from me?" he growled, kissing your neck as his hands roamed on your body, one of them roughly grabbing your ass "Thought I was just gonna let you go?" he asked, now looking at you.
"oh no angel" he kissed your mouth "I have to have you" he murmured "And I will" He kissed you again, and this time, you found yourself reciprocating.
This was wrong and scary and weird, and still... countless butterflies filled your belly.
"there you go" he praised you "That's a good girl" He moved some hair out of your face " 'knew you wanted this too," he said "knew you'd be good, angel" He smirked before you felt his hands go to your waist.
"turn around for me"
With a little push from him, you did, finding your cheek flush against the door.
"god baby" his hands took in every inch of you, adoration clear in his tone "Wanted to fuck this body of yours since I first saw you" he explained, as he slowly rolled your dress up to your waist until only your panties were left to cover you.
"it's what you wanted too, isn't it," he asked, suddenly grabbing your arms to force them together behind your back "You wanted to be fucked like a little slut didn't you?" he continued as his hand pulled your panties down, the cold hitting your core "didn't you angel?" he urged, his grip tightening as he kissed your neck again.
"I-" You didn't know what to say. you were feeling too many things at once.
"Tell me you want this" he breathed, and you heard his zipper being undone.
"tell me you want this angel," he asked again, his hot breath on the skin of your neck "C'mon, I know you do"
" I do" you admitted, and you felt him smirk.
"that's right" He nodded, positioning himself at your entrance "and you're gonna get it" he promised, pushing himself into you hard.
"fuck" Your moan resembled more of a scream as you tightened your fists on your back
"What angel, can't take it?" he taunted, speeding up " 's too big for you little slut?"
"y-yes" you begged, making him chuckle "I can't take it"
"yes you can" he groaned "You're gonna take it all in this little tight pussy and you're not gonna complain about it, understand?"
"understand?" he asked again, his threatening voice spilling in your ear.
"y-yes I'm sorry"
"good girl" he praised, resuming his violent pace, as a cry fled your mouth and tears filled your eyes.
He smacked your ass and you gasped, but before you could let out a moan, his hand covered your mouth.
The door had opened, and two women had walked in.
"we gotta be quiet, angel" he whispered to your ear
"can you be quiet for me?"
"can you be a good little girl and keep that pretty mouth shut for me?
"mh-mh" you nodded, your breathing made difficult by his hand on your mouth
"atta girl," he said, still fucking you, but much slower, and to your dismay, much deeper.
He was hitting undiscovered spots inside of you, and the mix of the pain from his cock stretching you with the pleasure of each thrust was making it really hard not to moan.
"fuck" he groaned softly in your ear "You've got the tightest little pussy angel," he said "Squeezing me so good" he breathed " like it's made for me"
You whined
"Like you were made to be my little slut" he whispered "and have this little cunt abused by my cock"
Your eyes were wide shut, your orgasm approaching as he kept hitting you so fucking well.
"you coming angel?" he asked and you nodded "We're gonna come together" he purred "I'm gonna fill you up real good" his breathing was ragged "and then you're gonna get out there and dance with my come leaking down your thighs"
"you understand?"
You nodded 
"no cleaning up," he said "I want everyone to know how much of a slut you are" 
The women's voices resumed. Or maybe they never stopped. You had no idea of what was happening beside your impending orgasm.
"fuck" he groaned "Such a good fucking slut" he whispered, his head falling in the crook of your neck, as the door opened again and the women finally got out.
His hand left your mouth
"you coming angel?"
"then let it all out baby"
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fxchild · 7 months
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter nine: Make you stay.
Miles pov
I think it's been one- no. Two weeks, since Y/n had that.. encounter? It's not like we had sex or anything but I definitely didn't expect to make out on her bed until Flora came banging on her door complaining about a nightmare, while Y/n forced me to hide under her damn bed on the cold floor for half an hour while she made sure Flora went to sleep and didn't bother us again. I was kinda glad we got interrupted if I'm being honest. Even though Y/n pounced on me like a lion to a gazelle, she seemed pretty nervous whenever I kissed her too hard or if I touched her leg. Believe it or not things have been even more awkward than before when we were constantly nipping at each other and now I'm starting to miss the fighting more than the dry tension in the room.
Anyways, I've got about fourteen days to make things less awkward and for her to stay with us for the summer. I heard her talking on the phone a few days back, thinking about taking up a different job in California. Her teacher recommended it or some shit, get into a better college. She's not going to Harvard I know that for sure.
Something that's been pissing me off is that Quint has been messing with her head so now she sleeps with the door off and the lamp lights on. I asked him to lay off but it's not doing much. I've been trying to sneak in to make sure he's not fucking with her in her sleep or anything. She's only sixteen like me after all, he shouldn't be messing with kids our age, especially the ones I want to stay.
Uhm, another thing is that I've been out of it for a day or two. Like my throat is pretty dry and I've had a wicked headache. I swear to god if I wake up tomorrow with a cold I'm gonna be pissed.
Your pov
It's been about two weeks since Miles and I had that half-assed hookup. Ever since then it's been so awkward. We can't even speak to each other now for more than two sentences before getting freaked out and forgetting what we were talking about. I mean, it's easier to focus on Flora and her work, but at the same time it's boring without being able to pick a fight with Miles. I miss our back and forth bickering because at least it kept us talking and occupied. I have fifteen days before I go back home for the summer, I really wanted to stay but I've gotten more job offerings in new places and I want to go out and explore. Plus, spending the summer in some creepy ass house, with a boy who can't even be in the same room as me for five minutes doesn't seem like the ideal summer. I feel bad for leaving Flora, and I guess Miles because they are all alone with Ms. Grose, who is lucky if she can live another four years. But I need to put myself first, that's what's important. I just wish Miles would talk to me before I leave, because even though we snap at each other, he's been growing on me. I'm not saying I like his stuck up asshole personality but I see how he is with Flora and I sometimes wish he could be able to open up to me like that.
This morning I woke up to the sound of projectile vomiting. I figured it was coming from Flora's room since she ate a lot of chocolate last night. I ran to her room to check on her to find her still asleep in her bed. Then I realized that the puking and groaning was coming from Miles room. I debated on leaving him there to take care of himself since he thinks he's grown and can take care of himself but then I remembered the time I was drunk. The way he drove me home at 2am and stayed outside my door all night in case I felt sick again. I walked into his room and knocked on his closed bathroom door.
"Miles, it's just me. I'm gonna come in okay?" I say as I hear him groan and spit into the toilet. I open the door to see his face almost glued to the toilet bowl, gasping and throwing up. I sit next to him and rub his back, grabbing a few sheets of toilet paper so he can wipe his mouth when he's done. "Get it all out, that's it.." I whisper to him as he continues to gag.
When he finishes he grabs the toilet paper from my hand and wipes his mouth, flushing the toilet. I let him sit on the floor with his back pressed against the wall for a moment as I grab a washcloth, drenching it in cold water. I put it on the back of his neck as he tries to stand up. He walks over to me where I'm putting toothpaste on his toothbrush and handing it to him.
"Make sure to brush your tongue too." I put the cap back on his toothpaste. "I'm gonna get you a new shirt, there's a little bit of puke on it." I point to the spot on his shirt. I walk out of his room and open his closet, looking for an old shirt in the piles on the floor. Miles walks back into the room and curls up on his mattress with his washcloth in his hands. I didn't even realize he came back into the room until he spoke up and groaned.
"Jesus it's fucking freezing in here.." I turned around to see him shirtless, breathing heavily and laying down. I grab a random green shirt and walk over to his mattress.
"No Miles, sit up you have to let your stomach settle for a bit." I prop his pillows against the wall and help him sit up a bit. I let him put his new shirt on and pulled the covers up to his waist. I felt his forehead and winced at his temperature. "Miles, you're really hot." I sighed and bit my bottom lip trying to think of how to take care of him.
He let out a chuckle and wrapped a hand over his stomach. "I'm hot? Thanks.." I frown at him since this isn't something to be joking about. "Not funny." I say with pursed lips and put the washcloth on his forehead.
"I'm gonna go to the store to get you some medicine. Flora used it the last time she was sick. Do you want me to pick you up something?" I put my hands on my hips and waited for his response.
He sat there for a second to think, "Am I even allowed to eat anything? Like I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat when you're sick." He tilted his head, squinting his eyes.
"You're allowed to eat Miles but only if you feel up for it. I can pick you up some grits, or popsicles? Do you sound up for that when you get your appetite back?" I rub the back of my neck, giving him a sympathetic look.
"I'm not hungry..I-I don't care okay? I'll be fine by tomorrow." He shakes his head and waves his hand in the air.
"Okay, well I'm still going to the store because I'm not putting up with your whining later. I'll be back in an hour okay?" I shrug and ruffle his hair lightly before trying to smack my hands away.
I brush my teeth, grab my keys and put on some slippers. I head out to the car to start for the store.
Miles pov
She couldn't have taken any fucking longer to get back from the store could she? I'm sitting in my bed, trying my best for an hour to hold my stomach until she comes back but it's getting too painful. I ran to the bathroom throwing up nothing but stomach acid. I was panting and almost crying from the pain, it felt like my stomach was twisting. Y/n hears me gagging and rushes into the bathroom to rub my back and hold back my hair. When I'm done, there's tears in my eyes from the pain and she gives me this stupid sad look like she feels sorry for me or some dumb shit. I sit on my bathroom counter as she hands me my toothbrush again. She opens up a small can of Gingerale and puts it on my nightstand.
"You don't have to drink it now, but if your stomach feels funny again try some. It works trust me." She smiles and feels my forehead again to see if my fever had gone down a little. I sit there under the covers with my head against the wall as Y/n sits at the end of my mattress reading a book.
"What's that?" I say weakly, motioning to the book. I catch her attention and she smiles. "A book?" She giggles trying to be funny or something.
"Yeah, no shit." I chuckle and she gives me an unamused look. So apparently I'm not allowed to be funny anymore I guess. "What's it about?"
"It's about a prince trying to find his princess through a dream. It's really cute." She gets up to sit next to me on the mattress, showing me the blurb.
"Oh.. fantasy?" I mutter out as a question.
"Yeah, I like fantasy. You don't?" She tilts her head to look at me, tabbing her book before closing it. I shrug, "I mean, it's not bad but I just can't ever get into it."
"Well maybe that's because you haven't read a good one." She smirks, and for a second I feel like we aren't talking about books. I shook my head and stayed silent for a few minutes.
"You know, I usually get sick in the summer." I give her a side glance. I lied, I never get sick. This was the first time in probably a year and a half I've gotten sick. "I mean, who's gonna get me a cold washcloth and rub my back when I'm throwing up?" I smirk at her slightly.
"Ms. Grose?" She jokes and I roll my eyes.
"Be serious Y/n. She's so old I think she's gonna kick the bucket any day now. And when she does that, who's gonna help me take care of Flora? I don't have any parents you know." I sit up more and turn to face her, putting my hands in my lap.
She sighs and turns to face me. "Who said I was leaving?" She gives me a confused look.
"Y/n I heard you on the phone. I mean California seems nice, but is that what you really want?" I give her a dead eyed look and raise a brow.
She studies my face letting out a deep breath, "Miles, you don't even like having me around. We fight all the time, why do you want me around?" She shakes her head and leans back a little bit.
"Come on, Flora will miss you. She'll be upset that you aren't coming back. I mean she really loves you, fuck, she wants you to be her mother! She needs you, Y/n- I-I need you okay? I can't even take care of myself while I'm sick and you expect me to take care of myself, a whole property and a little girl? I mean, jesus, what do I have to do to make you stay?" I spurt out quickly, motioning my hands everywhere with dramatic tones.
She smiles for a moment and grabs my hand, "You just did." She gives me a sincere look, like we finally came to an agreement. I let out a relieved sigh I didn't even know I was holding and she giggled. "Why do we fight so much? Everything would be so much easier if we just listened to each other, you know?" She asks even though she sounds like she already knows her own reason.
"I think you know why I do it.." I look at my red candles I caught her staring at one day in particular when she first came into my room.
She looked at the candles then back at my eyes. "Because you don't know how to treat people?" She barely whispered out. She looked into my eyes for a moment before speaking once more. "I only pick fights with you cause I think you're kinda cute." She admits, leaning back again.
I raise a brow, "You think I'm cute?" I chuckle and she let's go of my hand, she's trying to bite back a smile.
"Yeah, you're cute. So what?" She smirks and we stare at each other. I think we were both waiting for one of us to do something, anything. But no one moved or spoke. After a moment of my silence she got up and put the covers back over my waist. "You should get some rest, it's not good to stay up when you're delirious." She gave me a dejected look and turned off my lamp.
"I'm not delirious." I grab her wrist gently and assure her.
"You're sick, Miles." She gives me a stern tone, and eyes me down to let go of her wrist.
"I know what I'm saying, Y/n." I gulp and give her the smallest smile I could muster and let go of her wrist, laying back into the pillows. She slides a hand on my forehead and it goes into my curls. She kissed my forehead and walked to the door.
"Get some sleep, call me if you need anything okay?" She gave me a sad smile and walked out of the room.
Now she was just confusing me because did she just reject me without either of us talking about dating? I don't think I asked her out but I think I wanted to. I want to I really do, but how the hell am I supposed to do that when she can't take me seriously? I better get over this damn sickness soon.
Hi hi! It's fxchild back again with another chapter! Sorry if this is bad I had to rewrite it THREE times because it kept god damn deleting. This took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to write (I timed it yes) so hopefully you enjoyed it. Plsplspls if you did not see my other post to put some requests in because this will be one of the last chapters until Mr. Fairchild finishes his story. I literally do not care what you ask me to write as long as it's not acc insane. If my requests don't work PLEASE dm me I will answer because no one texts me like ever ! Anyways, I love you guys so so much 💕 thank you for continuing to motivate me to write.
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bonefall · 8 months
Since you mentioned only cats and a few other distant animals are sentient, does this mean foxes are getting their sentience removed? Midnight can talk to foxes in the books and even convinces some foxes to leave a patrol of cats alone (the foxes are WEIRDLY violent and talk about eating the cats too lmaoo).
I assume Hollyleaf's changes mean the Fox Cub Incident is either being moved or just removed entirely, I always found that small plot point interesting in face of all those "Non-cat in clan" AUs. Seems like something that could be interesting if an "us vs them" argument was formed from it, especially if it was targeted against Midnight and calling her unholy yknow?
Yeah, that sapience is gone completely. In this universe, language is limited only to humans, cats, and some distant animals that are far outside the range of Albion (elephants, bottlenoses, some parrots, etc)
And Hollyleaf's story especially. Ngl to you, I don't like that fox idea. Or anything about Hollyleaf's Story. I think it was the worst possible route to take.
"Hollyleaf will be a mother to this evil creature to learn what it's like to love something that hates you. It is so sad to be your mom Leafpool (Squirrel-who?). Don't you feel like a shitty daughter now, Holly? Let's not ask any questions about the code btw, or how you were already filled with crushing shame from it. Or how it made you so disgusted about the idea of pregnant nuns that you flipped your shit and ruined the lives of your entire family. No, what really mattered about this situation was maternal empathy. Also here take the nearest male character we can find to ship you with, we accidentally made Cinderheart too gay when she was upset about your death lmao"
But, digressing, putting my distaste of that novella aside,
WC is profoundly xenophobic already with just the cats, and I think it was a CATASTROPHIC mistake to make it so every animal is secretly intelligent but speaks animal language. Now every conflict between cats and their predators is an ethnic dispute! You're chasing out groups of people perfectly capable of reasoning if you bridged the language barrier, but they're also ACTUAL PREDATORS.
AT BEST; It's the same uncomfortable situations that Zootopia and Lion King ends up tripping over. In Zootopia, predators are used as an allegory for oppressed groups... but predators are MADE to eat prey. A rabbit is RIGHT to be terrified of a fox, twice its size with a jaw made for catching bunnies. In Lion King, lions have divine authority to rule over their dinner/subjects, and chase out any animal based on their personal ideology... which just so happens to only be leveraged against rival predator species.
(Nerd preemption: yes i know about lion guard. I do not think diverse Lion Cops were the solution you think it is.)
Carelessly adding sapience to "natural systems" often ends up accidentally justifying bigotry. Bigotry doesn't MAKE SENSE, it's bullshit we made up and perpetuate through culture, but food webs are completely logical. The rabbit fears the fox because the fox eats rabbits. The lion hates the hyena because they compete for the same food. Gazelles don't happily submit to an overlord who is divinely capable of deciding who should live and who should die, it's just nature.
But it gets even worse-- because it's actually WORST CASE; the Erins saw that complicated moral problem and went, "don't worry! They're actually born evil! Foxes just talk about food and killing things :)"
like... my brother in cats, YOU gave them language in the first place! What was the fucking point if they were just going to be evil barbarians anyway?!? For ONE scene where Midnight could show off her Duolingo streak???
So to summarize,
It was an awful idea to start with
It was executed in the worst possible way
In a series that is already plagued with xenophobic sentiment, this somehow made it even worse and more direct
If it was completely nuked it from the story, the series would be immediately better with minimal change. Holly caring for what is essentially the clan cat-equivalent of an exotic animal like a chimp or a tiger cub would have done the same thing
There is not even a glimmer of an idea here that justifies the poison that full sapience does to the wider implications of the series.
Don't even get me started on the Badger Debaucle in TNP, which is actually in my top 5 for most vile things in WC
So if I don't explicitly say that a species in BB is capable of true language, assume it is non-sapient. Talking animals like Midnight and Rat Leader are magical individuals-- gods, curses, etc.
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bitchfitch · 17 days
So the thing about EDS is that the sorta unofficial mascot for the disorder is a zebra. Because there's this saying in medicine "if you hear hooves assume it's a horse before a zebra," and that's advice to disuade younger doctors from jumping to cool rarer diagnosis. Most coughs are just colds, that type of thing.
back when EDS was first being figured out by the medical community it was considered one of those rare and unique diseases it was considered a zebra not a horse, when it came to figuring out diagnosis.
because prior to genetic testing allowing for you to Actually confirm a patient has it, only the very worst cases were even being diagnosed, so milder (vastly more common) presentations were being missed and treated as if they were some other "more common" disease.
and it's a series of events thats had very frustrating results blah blah blah. The point is back when they couldn't figure out what was killing me, my medical care team did not know what EDS was. But they knew whatever the fuck was wrong with me, it wasn't a fuckin horse. (and because they didn't take my main complaint "everything hurts constantly not just my joints" into consideration, EDS probably wouldn't have been considered anyways.)
So I spent what, 9 years? getting constant medical scans and tests on a never ending cycle of medications because none of it worked. My doctor's were looking for rare types of brain lessions and immune disorders that had only ever been seen a handful of times. blood disorders I didn't even have the genetic markings for were being looked at. hell one of my docs liked to joke about what the novel immuno-nervous system disease I have would be called.
So it was a it like there being a hoof beast of some description loose in your local park, and everyones talking about how it can't be a horse there's so much evidence it Isn't a horse. and they're saying it's a gazelle or a giraffe or an extinct species of pronghorn, one guy thinks it's an honest to God unicorn, and you don't really care you just want it to stop shitting on your yard but everyone's really excited about it.
only to find out it was a fucking donkey.
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green-typewriterz · 10 months
Can you write some angsty stuff followed by fluff. Something with Harry styles.
Basically reader being heavier and insecure had no male attention all her life. She is a big time introvert and opens up after a lot of struggle. But her life changes when Harry makes an entry.
Until I Found You - Harry Styles
Harry Styles x fem!reader Summary: You’ve never been overly confident, but then someone comes along and makes you feel things you’ve never felt Warnings: angst to fluff, body insecurity, Harry being perfect as per usual Word count: 1K words
I hope this is what you were looking for lovely! Thank you so much for requesting!
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You were no stranger to the judging stares that came with the industry you were in, fashion was a tough career as it is without everyone thinking you couldn’t be fashionable just because you weren’t thin. It’s not like you could escape it either, the main part of your job being styling overly self-obsessed celebrities who think they’re perfect and everyone else is ugly. You always tried to stay confident, posting outfit of the days and filtering out hate comments for your own mental health, but somehow some always got through and you would be lying if you said it never affected you.
You assumed this would be the same, some singer you didn’t really care enough about judging you and shitting on your outfit choices even though most of the time you put them in their own wardrobe and they were too stupid to realise they picked the clothes themselves. You walked into the dressing room to see this one particular celebrity talking with your PA who was helping him pick from the sequins you would later have to meticulously embroider.
“You must be Harry,” you spoke, walking over with your hand outstretched for him to shake, “I’m Y/N, I'm your designer!” He took your hand immediately, shaking it without breaking eye contact. He was wearing a simple short-sleeved t-shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. His hair was pushed back away from his face with a pair of brown Gucci sunglasses and he wore two necklaces, one made of pearl and the other a cross.
He smiled warmly before replying, “I know who you are. The famous Y/N Y/L/N? C’mon, you’re renowned. Thank you for taking the time to come and help me.” His voice was soft and genuine (which you will admit created butterflies in your stomach) then you quickly got to work on creating the outfit that he would wear to the Grammys. He pointed at crystals every now and then, commenting on how they’d match his shoes or his nails - which he planned to paint pink. At this current moment, they were a deep shade of blue, almost the same colour as his navy Adidas gazelles. 
You had just assumed that Harry was just being nice but - though he was being polite - he found himself unable to take his eyes off of you. He had heard about you through the endless attack of hate that you got just for looking how you look. Harry never understood it, he thought you were beautiful, often seeing photos of you and thinking of Italian Renaissance statues.
The day ended quickly and for that, you couldn’t be happier. You got in your car and cried, tears hot against your cheeks as you thought back to how you felt that day. Harry didn’t stop staring at you, at your body. You knew that most people didn’t like how you looked, but the fact that he looked at you for so long. It made you want to shrink into the floor. You were still in your car, having just stopped crying when you reached the impulsive part of your breakdowns so you got out your phone and sent a tweet.
So fucking sick of all this body hatred in my line of work. My body is beautiful purely because it is mine and it exists, get over it.
You immediately closed your phone, knowing you wouldn’t feel regret until the inevitable negative comments came a few hours later. You drove home and collapsed onto your sofa, feeling overly proud of yourself for what you had tweeted. Well, that was until you got a text message from Harry asking if the tweet was about him. You weren’t sure how to respond, not wanting to face the problem head-on this early. But, deciding it could only get worse, you replied.
There was no reply for a while, then:
We need to talk this through in person. Meet me in St James’ Park. Please. - H
You froze. No one had ever done this before. You knew that it was getting late, but something was drawing you there so you grabbed your coat and a pair of gloves before rushing out the door, the park only being a five-minute walk from you.
You debated walking up to him, standing there hoping he would keep his eyes on the sunset so you could just turn around and go. Of course that didn’t happen. “Y/N. I wanted to apologise for today. I sincerely promise I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.” 
You crossed your arms, staring into his bright eyes. “Cut the shit. I have gotten the same treatment from every other celebrity I’ve worked with Harry. Each one thinks they're better than me because they have every person's dream body.” You spoke, your words creating a mist in the cold.
He shook his head and stepped closer. “I promise you. That’s not what I was thinking.”
You scoffed, looking away from him as you unfolded your arms. You didn’t believe him even though deep down you wanted to. He took your hands suddenly and you met his gaze again, his eyes filled with an emotion you’d never seen before. 
“Is it so hard to believe that I find you intoxicatingly beautiful?” He asked, brows furrowed in confusion. He stepped closer again. “Everything about you, call me corny but I feel like i haven’t seen beauty like yours since I saw the statues in Rome.”
You blushed as he slowly moved his hands from your hands to your waist, his soft grip settling there as if it were the place it was destined to be. You stared at his lips, seeing them curve into a soft smile full of adoration. He leaned in slowly, making sure you wanted the same as him. You met his lips in the cold, the taste of his mint gum lingering on his lips.
“I’ve always been crazy about you, Y/N.” He whispered as you pulled away. You rested your foreheads against one another, hands still on each other's waists. This was something you never wanted to end.
The sun had set a long while ago, but the two of you were still in the park, quietly talking as you held hands, looking at the stars from an old rickety bench. Harry liked you for both your body and your heart and that was something you thought you’d never get.
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