#like for sure I wrote the first draft for me. but the clean up & post is for other people. I get next to no engagement on my work as-is.
nine-blessed-hero · 1 year
I think writing short stories has broken my ability to write novels 😆️
I finished Finding the Heir & Breaking the Siege of Kvatch, read it back, SPG checked and declared it good… then opened AO3 to post it. Like, no, this isn't what we do with long fics. Go onto the next section. All while brain is crying, "whaddya mean, I've gotta do it all over again with the next section???"
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onyourowndaisymae · 10 months
unicorn bandages - alt. version
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this has been sitting in my drafts awhile. someone requested some lucifer hurt/comfort (that i haven't got around to yet) and i wrote this, only to realize this didn't exactly hit the mark when i finished. but i figured it's cute, so i might as well post it
word count: 1145
content + warnings: playful/smartass lucifer, general fluff, minor physical injury, general mentions of embarrassment
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you need to learn to be more careful.
that's what you think as you walk the rest of the way home to the house of lamentation, lost in your own thoughts. the gentle searing pain of your skinned knee was enough of a punishment-- did you brain have to keep replaying the memory of you tripping in the middle of town, too? being clumsy and wearing shorts were both incompatible with your plans today, yet here you are, looking foolish and feeling exposed from your mistake.
the blood had long since dried against your skin. you felt sticky and gross, yearning now for a shower and a place to hide from your lingering embarrassment. did anyone from RAD see you eat shit outside that shop. ugh, and they way nobody helped you up, how you awkwardly stumbled to your feet and-- ahhh!! please, no more!!
the familiar creak of the front doors announced your arrival to the house of lamentation. you shuffled inside awkwardly, head hung, staring at your feet to avoid another tumble. even the book you bought on your day out couldn't console you enough to block out the invisible judgement you felt.
"what is that?"
you lifted your head to find lucifer stopped in the archway to the living room, eyes narrowed at you.
"what is that?" he repeated. "what happened to your knee?"
"oh. i, uh, i fell on my way home and scraped my knee. i don't-- i'm fine. it's just a scrape."
you felt the urge to shy away from his stern gaze, to hide your little scrape from his prying eyes and pretend it never happened. he looks at the wound for a few moments longer before meeting your eyes.
"will you sit down on the stairs for a moment, mc?"
"it's not that big of a deal. it just need to be wiped off, nothing special."
"then surely you'd be okay with me cleaning it for you? since it's such a minor injury."
you couldn't think of much else to argue. he gave you that smug half-smirk he saved for minor victories such as this and disappeared from sight. you shuffled to the stairs and sat, slumped in defeat, as he presumably went to fetch some first aid supplies.
the avatar of pride returned as quickly as he left, this time with a small black box in his hands. a small gesture of his hands urged you to stretch the injured leg out to give him better access. gloved hands busied themselves digging through unidentified supplies.
"what happened?" he asks, quietly, as he pulls out what looks like a cotton pad and some sort of cleaning agent.
"i was... i went out to get this book satan recommended. y'know, because he always wants to talk about what he's reading." he nodded and you continued. "so i decided to grab it while i was out. apparently there's a hole in the sidewalk out front, because as i was walking out, my foot got caught and i-- ow!"
your cry of pain was almost indignant as lucifer interrupted your story by cleaning the wound. the sharp sting of something akin to but not quite isopropyl alcohol lit your knee on fire. had the scrape really been that bad?
"the bacteria in the devildom is a bit more aggressive than in the human realm," he explained, softer look on his face than a moment ago. "we wouldn't want our favorite human getting sick from an accident like this, would we?"
as if he was trying to apologize, lucifer brought your knee closer by the back of your leg and gently blew on the wound to alleviate some of the pain of the cleanser currently working its magic. it was nice. for a moment, he was lucifer, big brother, not the avatar of pride he embodied in public. his fingers fiddled with pulling and stretching your skin to ensure each inch was properly wiped clean. there was a certain level of sincerity to his movements that made you smile.
"did you do this a lot when your brothers were growing up?"
"you have no idea."
that makes you laugh. he smiles, just a little, before continuing.
"angels are supposed to be resilient. their skin is thicker than a human being's, so they shouldn't get hurt as easily. and yet training my younger brothers was-- well, it was quite the event."
"i'm gonna guess mammon was the biggest pain?"
"definitely mammon." a fond smile. he wiped a cotton pad across your busted knee before continuing. "every time i saw him, he was always covered in bruises and scrapes. i could never quite get him to admit that he'd got them wandering off in pursuit of his younger brothers."
"that sounds a lot like him."
lucifer picked up a small tin containing the bandages. these must have been picked out by asmodeus-- instead of the usual plain design lucifer always grabbed, these were bright and colorful with unicorn designs. the avatar of pride only offered a small sigh before pulling an adequately sized one out and applying for you. in a few moments, what was a terribly embarrassing memory had been sealed from the world behind two unicorns hopping in unison over a rainbow.
"aren't you going to kiss it better?"
your sarcastic question was followed by your mischievous little smirk. maybe you shouldn't have teased him while he was in such a good mood. his eyes narrowed a bit before, to your surprise, his smirk mirrored your own.
you open your mouth to play off your joke, but lucifer's already lifting your knee to his mouth. your whole body is sliding uncomfortably off the stair step-- karma sure is efficient-- as his lips hover above your knee. lucifer's lips brush the top of your bandage. he makes an obnoxious kissing sound to honor your request before unceremoniously dropping your leg, leaving you sprawled in an odd position on the steps.
"i was kidding," you whine.
"my apologies. i just wanted to make sure you healed correctly."
"yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
the avatar of pride is quick to repack the first aid kit and rise to his feet. you reach out for his hand to help you up. in a bout of playfulness, he instead high fives your open palm, small smirk dripping with sarcasm. of course you had to catch him in a good mood. you sigh dramatically. this time, his offer to help you stand was genuine. a quick tug of your hand and lucifer had quickly pulled your fragile human body off the steps.
"careful, mc. wouldn't want you to fall again."
"i think you'd enjoy it, actually. sadist."
"... you're probably right."
your cry is indignant as he begins to exit. you chase after him without hesitation. that smirk on his face meant he was joking, right?
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iced-blood · 5 months
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Ice.
I’ve been quiet this year.
This isn’t to say I haven’t been doing anything, as folks may have noticed. I’ve put up a whole mess of links to the work I’ve been doing in 2023—a grand total of 105 chapters—and that’s what I want to touch base on, at this tail-end of the year.
I found out early on in January that a dear friend of mine, my creative partner and the reason for my Paved with Good Intentions series, passed away in 2021. I’m not sure what it was, but that news hit me in a particular way. I realized that two of the projects in that aforementioned series, Blue Eyes, Violet Eyes and Lightbringer, were unfinished.
That didn’t sit right with me.
I set out to fix that.
There are many projects I’ve started that I never finished, and have been left languishing for . . . ten years? Yeah. Ten years.
That’s just ridiculous.
I decided that 2023 was going to cooperate with me whether it wanted to or not.
So, I bought a day-planner and set to work. Let’s go over the list, shall we?
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Coronam Crepusculum
This was first on my list because it was a work that I owed a good friend of mine, who is no longer a regular user of Tumblr. It’s a take on the Soulsborne universe, built around a series of personal interviews with relevant characters conducted by an OC I created specifically for this purpose, Wandulfin of Vinheim.
(the latin title translates, hopefully, to “crown of twilight”)
                                51,377 words.
Paved with Good Intentions: Blue Eyes, Violet Eyes
The first of the two stories I knew I needed to finish in memory of my departed friend, I resolved to write the 19 chapters required to reach a clean finish line for this one-shot collection of 100 installments. It felt like the right way to go about things, and I think I worked out a lot of important elements of the Kaiba brothers through those 19 chapters.
                                165,386 words.
Paved with Good Intentions: Lightbringer
The second of the two stories written in my friend’s memory, this is still being published every Saturday. I wrote what amounted to the second half of this story, 55 chapters to be exact, for a grand total of 110 (of which 98 are published as of this post). I think it’s some of my best work to date, and I can only hope my partner would have appreciated what became of it. Have you ever wondered how Seto and Mokuba would react to meeting their parents again? If so, this is the story for you.
                                Published + Rough Draft: 159,930 words.
The City That Wouldn’t Die
The first full storyline of my personal take on World of Warcraft and my main character’s place in it, this story has undergone a lot of changes since I last touched it. This year, I resolved to end it at a part that made at least some amount of sense, but I won’t pretend that it’s entirely satisfactory. All I can say at this point is that I do intend to come back to Azeroth eventually. And this time, I hope to give my characters the story they deserve.
                                41,890 words.
Cult of the Dragon King
I’m pretty sure this is the one that’s been left alone the longest; if it isn’t, it’s close. The basic thrust of this story is that Atem failed in his quest to gather the Millennium Items and put them to rest properly, and so it falls to Seto Kaiba to try this time. I could go into detail why I picked Seto to be Atem’s successor, but I think y’all know what to expect here. I picked Seto because he’s my favorite. Anyway, this one isn’t ready to resume publishing, but it has been drafted. Anyone who’s been waiting for this one to continue will want to pay attention to this blog in 2024.
                                Published + Rough Draft: 175,246 words.
The Lost Dragon's Lullaby
Another AU centered around the Kaiba family (what can I say? I'm a creature of habit), this story wonders what it would have been like if Noa had lived. What if Seto and Mokuba had another brother when they were adopted? What if they had a mother? What would the Kaiba family look like if it were whole?
Approx. 62,609 words.
Watching the Lights Go Down
One of two stories I revived this year, and will resume publication in the new year. Do you Blueship? Do you wonder how Seto and Kisara might interact in the modern world, regardless of romantic intentions? This is the story for you. I took a set of 100 words to use as prompts to build this story, and through these 100 snapshots I think you’ll get a pretty clear picture of how I imagine Seto’s relationship with his favorite dragon would unfold if said dragon was a woman. And his bodyguard.
                                Approx. 52,789 words.
Letting the Cables Sleep
This is a sister story to the one I just outlined. Taking place concurrently with Lights, this story explores the relationship between Noa Kaiba and Ryo Bakura. Why these two? Why not? I don’t really have an answer, except to say that I found their dynamic interesting. Unlike its other half, Cables is explicitly romantic. So if you’re interested in Domino City’s resident white-haired cryptid hooking up with an android, well, here’s where you wanna go. I used the same list of 100 words, but in reverse order, to build this story.
                                Approx. 52,708 words.
Butterflies and Hurricanes
The other contender for “story Ice left to languish for the longest time,” I’m not sure I have to explain to anyone reading this why I might have stopped working on a Harry Potter story. Put basically, this story is an exploration into what would happen if a fae prince took an interest in taking down Lord Voldemort, and then settled on Sirius Black as his instrument. It’s a time travel story at its core, with all the nonsense you might expect from such a thing.
Regardless of anything this series’ author might have to say on the matter, my writing this story does not in any way endorse or condone transphobia or any of her other myriad bigotries. I have not given this woman money in 20 years. I do not support her in any way, shape, or form. This story’s completion is for my own satisfaction, and for the interest of anyone who might want to read it. That is all.
                Published + Rough Draft: 80,506 words.
The Whitest Lace of Light
A continuation of my pet take on the Bleach setting, focused again on Toshiro Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto and their Tenth Division. Throughout the 50 chapters of this story, they face off with a new threat to Soul Society as they try their hardest to rebuild after the Thousand-Year Blood War. Throughout this . . . suspense? Thriller? Thing. They come across new faces and old, and might just learn some things along the way. Or something. Look, I just wanted to write one of my favorite ships again.
                                Rough Draft: 30,033 words.
At Sixes and Sevens: A Prince for His Kingdom
The shortest work I completed this year, but certainly not the least important. This is a continuation of my pet take on the “Kaiba Bros Age Swap AU” as first shown to me by my dear friend @kintatsujo. How might Seto have handled an invitation to Duelist Kingdom if he’d been 9 years old when it took place? What about Mokuba, if he was 15? Shenanigans abound. I hope you like where I took this one, Kinta.
                                5,000 words.
Last but not least, I resolved to break my record for my longest NaNoWriMo project this year, because I’m ridiculous and don’t know when to quit.
Much like I approached World of Warcraft,I take every MMORPG I play as an excuse to build a story. Nowhere is this more obvious than Final Fantasy XIV. My take on Eorzea and its various magical idiosyncrasies—which I call The Song That God Forgot—set me on a road to 125,000 words this past November.
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These projects, alongside various redrafts of my older stories in preparation for what I hope to be 2024’s migration from Fanfiction.Net to AO3, netted me a grand total of 902,580 words written in 2023.
I don’t say this to brag or to pat myself on the back (okay, maybe a bit), but to say . . . just hold on. Keep going. You’ll hit your stride eventually, even if it doesn’t seem like it. I’ve struggled to write regularly and with consistency for a decade now, and here I’ve got nearly a million words in a single year.
I believed in me this year, and I believe in you too.
Keep on truckin’. You’ll get there.
Happy New Year, y’all. I love you.
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simplykorra · 4 months
In the spirit of learning from the people you admire, would you be willing to share some tidbits about your writing process? Along the lines of 'do you draft chapters at first then polish them up/are there any resources or programs you use/do you outline your stories or just wing them/how do you approach research/do you try to write every day or simply when the muse strikes/what does it take for you to turn an idea into story?' etc., that kind of thing. If you're not comfortable sharing, that is absolutely okay. I hope you have a wonderful day. <3
oooh okay let's break some of these down
do i draft chapters/then polish them up? i don't write drafts, i just write out the chapter and then read through it once or twice and tweak what needs to be tweaked before i post it. i think you can get way too into your own head when you do drafts or spend too much time editing. the last chapter of angels like you took me a while to finish because i got in my head about it and kept changing things. you just have to trust your instincts and put it out to the world
do i outline my stories or just wing it? i do very very simple outlines, and not all the time. I'll know where a fic is going and have a general idea of the plot, but i like to leave most of it open so there's room to explore and expand and honestly stories change a lot as you're writing them, at least they do for me. i'll have a destination and a handful of scenes in my head, but the path to get there is wide open
how do i approach research? i do a lot of research for my fics. i'm not knowledgeable in many of the things that i have ava and/or bea doing in any au so i take my time to research it. in an old fandom i wrote a pregnancy fic and literally created a pregnancy calendar on a website to track the progress throughout the fic so i could write about milestones and things that come up during pregnancy, etc. i do my best to make sure things are accurate and if i can't make it work, i'll just go vague and hope no one notices lol
do i try to write every day or simply when the muse strikes? i try to write every day but if i don't manage to do it that day that's okay too - if you're writing and not into it then you're probably not going to be happy with it. a skill i've learned is to write slow, and i'm talking physically slow - where your fingers are not rushing on the keys as you start. I think it's a good way to let your brain catch up to what you're doing and get into the vibe of whatever it is you're working on. also sometimes you just have to write with your brain turned off entirely and clean up whatever comes out
what does it take for you to turn an idea into story? i need to see it, i need to be able to visualize a scene or multiple scenes and have them create a map to the plot i want to get to. mom!ava started because i thought the idea of ava and lilith raising a kid together was fun, and then i slotted where beatrice would fit into that and it was like 'oh, this is complicated!' then it turned into 'wouldn't it be funny if everyone wanted ava and lilith to be together but they both hated the idea' and then that shifted to 'okay but what if lilith DIDN'T hate the idea' and so on and so on. for me, an idea turns into a story where i can take the original premise and string it along the path to an actual story
sorry this got so long! i hope this helps or was at least interesting lkfsjalfaj, take care!
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lilolilyr · 2 months
I have an idea for an Andromaquynh modern AU fanfic
In it, Quynh moves back home to her parents after getting a degree at university she isn't really sure she can or wants to use. She used to think that she's a city girl despising the suburbs she grew up in, but now she thinks she was wrong about that or maybe her preferences changed, she doesn't much like the cities she studied in anymore, first she thinks it's because she studied abroad (in the countries of her ancestors) and could never quite connect to the culture there, but visiting a friend in a city in her home country shows her it isn't just that, she just prefers a quieter environment
In the meantime, her parents have moved to a different part of town and it doesn't really feel like coming home at all. Quynh still struggles with her place in life, she doesn't want to hang around on her parents' couch doing nothing forever but she doesn't know what else to do either and the thought of a regular 9-5 job in an office terrifies her, she has done enough internships in that kind of environment to know she can't stand it for long
Quynh starts taking long walks through the countryside, for her health because she hasn't really found any sports/active hobbies in the area yet (that's an aspect she really liked about the cities, there's always something interesting going on, she used to dance and try out things like shooting with bow&arrow and axe throwing), and to have quiet time to think away from her family. That way she gets to know the area quite well - she actually already knows it a bit because she really didn't live far away as a kid, but she never really walked through the fields on this side of the suburbs before
On her walks she sometimes comes across equestrians, and one time a horse throws off its rider and she ends up catching the animal, which doesn't seem to mind people in general just people trying to climb and sit on it - it won't stay the last time she comes across that particular animal, and she thinks she understands the horse quite well what with not wanting to do jobs they don't like just to be allowed to live comfortably.
Andy's the owner of the horse riding school, and when a girl falls off her horse (probably the one that doesn't much like its riders, Quynh calls it Big Guy lovingly not knowing what it's actually called) and needs medical attention, Quynh ends up taking the horse back to the stables and meets Andy there.
There's a bit of an age-gap between them and even once they meet and fall in love Andy is reluctant to commit to Quynh out of fear of tying Quynh to a life she might not really want, meanwhile Quynh is finally figuring out her place in life and she wants to stay with Andy.
I'll probably never write the full fanfic, I just don't have the time and motivation for it. If anyone's interested in getting the draft and adopting it, I'd love to hand it over for you to write it!
Post is okay to reblog :)
The draft I have is pretty much in bullet points atm, but I'd even go over it and clean it up a bit if someone's really interested in adopting the fic, and I'd be open to either chatting about it and giving more input, or you taking it and doing your own thing with it!
I don't have the time to write a longfic atm and I feel like what with the plot I'm thinking of, it really needs to be 10 or even 20k minimum to start doing it justice... That being said if sb wants to try writing a shorter version or is inspired by it to write anything similar, absolutely feel free! Just pls lmk once it's done so I can read it :D
I also already wrote a college AU horse girl!Andy longfic before, and while that one was happier and this one would probably have quite some angsty vibes before reaching its happy ending, it still kind of feels like I've done this before, also reducing my motivation for it even more :( which is a pity really because I do really like the idea.
If you want to take on the story reply to this or send me an ask/dm and we can figure out how to do this, discord/email/docs or whatever :)
My tog tag list - I know it's been ages, if anyone wants off this list or if someone new wants on it, please let me know! -: @bobeau-beaubo @lesbianlotties (daniwouldnever) @ongreenergrasses @eyeh0rr0r @cantteachanoldguardnewquotes @badwolfkaily @andramaquynhs @depresbianintheclassicalsense @andy-the-scythian @cryhardanddanceharder @my-gaydar-is-on-point @spookyvoidangelskeleton @bookerandy @jackwolfskid @cinnamonplums @cruzwalters @kayivy @blacks-phoenix @binariesarebullshit @tea-lizzard @prevalent-masters @aftermillennia @youssefguedira (pierremichelofavignon) @salzundhonig @moonlightbuckley @genyathefirebird (rupzydaisy) @nickydestati @after-a-millennium @spacewitchqueen @damnbert @not-so-good-omen (innocent-gayngel) @rhubarbdreams-blog @bedalk
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sinnaea · 7 months
"Lesson Learned" part 2?
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who read my latest Wesker/Reader fic on AO3 and left very wonderful comments. It really does mean the world to me that it was enjoyed by so many of you, so thank you! I've even received some DMs regarding the ending and the possibility of a part 2. And after much thought, I've decided yes!
The fic was always intended to be a one-shot and this original blog post was actually an explanation why I wanted to keep it that way while also sharing ideas IF the story were to continue. Ideas started flowing and I eventually just wrote an outline for the continuation.
So, here is the first page draft of "Lesson Learned: Further Testing." (If you haven't read the original fic, the link is provided below. Otherwise, keep reading and enjoy.)
Lesson Learned: Further Testing
The warmth of the sun’s rays breaking through the heavy curtains woke you from your slumber. Your eyes felt weighty and you couldn’t remember the last time you didn’t rise to an alarm clock. But you did remember where you laid; Master Wesker’s bed. Your heart started to thump as you silently inhaled, excited to greet him. Mindful of your master’s presence, you carefully outstretched your limbs and turned to face him. However, the space next to you was empty.
You sat up quick and your eyes scanned the bedchamber. The fireplace was lightly crackling meaning it had been lit not too long ago. And, to your surprise, the floor was clear of the porcelain pieces of the shattered vase and your torn clothes from the night before. The room had been tidied. Worried the master might have cleaned the room himself, you hopped off the bed and began to make the sheets before he would return.
Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened. You quickly turned toward the sound and found Master Wesker standing in the doorway. He looked relaxed and content as he stood in his black lounge pants and with a single hand towel draped over his shoulder. Steam and the smell of body wash emanated from the bathroom. It was refreshing.
Tense yet happy to see your master, you slightly bowed to him. “Good morning, Master,” you greeted with blushing cheeks.
He approached you with a smile. He placed a gentle finger underneath your chin and tilted your head up to him. “Good morning, dearheart,” he said soothingly. “How do you feel? Are you hurt anywhere?”
Hurt. The lesson he had given you the night before did make your body feel sore as you began to notice. But, to be completely honest with yourself, you never felt better just to be given the privilege.
“Let me check you,” Wesker said. He gently turned you around and placed a hand on your back, prompting you to bend over slightly. He lifted the bottom of the button-up shirt you were wearing over your bare rear and examined. “My poor dear,” he said and lightly swiped his hand over your welts. “Come.”
The master led you to the bathroom where you found the tub filled with inviting steaming water. He pulled the shirt down and off your body, held your hand as you shyly stepped into the soothing warmth. His large hands ran all over your skin, washing you. Caressing you. Making sure you were clean and well taken care of.
He was making you hot all over again. It wasn’t just the water. A small moan escaped your lungs and you held back the urge to kiss him. Wesker chuckled softly at your reactions and finally planted a light kiss on your temple. And you just melted.
Clothes were even picked out for you by the master. He buttoned you up in a white dress shirt and tucked it snugly into a black skirt. Making you look sleek and perfect to his liking. In return, as Wesker dressed himself, you helped him with his tie. His usual blue icicles were soft and kind as he carefully observed you. His gaze no longer felt heavy upon you and you were certain he saw you as something more.
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thelemoncoffee · 1 year
anyone remember like- a really long time ago how i said i had an au idea where kokichi wrote fake love letters as fictional characters as a creative writing hobby, but then had the bad idea to write a real one to Shuichi? remember how i said i wanted to get back to it in a later post but never did?
well look at me i'm finally getting back to it.
Okay so first things first, the actual process of witting his love letter was much more difficult than he expected: where his fictional ones are well crafted to be in character with set stage pieces and character analysis behind them, this real one has absolutly none of that.
he can't character analyze himself and Shuichi and how the two of them reacting to stuff like this to craft a scripted love confession, all he has is his very real and very messy feelings to put on a page. he despises the shocking lack of control he has over the situation.
i can imagine the first few drafts he keeps trying to make it staged but it keeps feeling wrong and bad in a way he can't explain, and the more he tries the more frustrated he gets. then he finally gives in and tries just once to just dump whatever feelings come to mind on the paper. it ends up being both the best attempt yet, and the most cathartic experience he's had in a very long time.
it's extremely raw and disorganized and sloppy, so he tries to make a second version where he rewrites the dump to sound more clean and purposeful, but it makes it feel wrong again so he just takes the original and sticks it in Shuichi's locker. it's unsigned cause he decided if he was going to give something with such raw emotion in it he wasn't going to reveal himself- that's pushing it too far for his comfort. he's content with Shuichi at the very least knowing he has a secrete admirer now.
now this is where it gets fun, cause now Shuichi's got it, he can read it and see all the pretty raw emotions, and his detective brain demands he figures out who made it. it ends up being harder than he expected, seeing as Kokichi's dishonest ass isn't exactly at the top of his radar for something so heartfelt. but there is one thing that tips Shuichi off-
remember how i said it was the original heart dump he gave? as in the one where Kokichi just wrote whatever he felt till he got it all out?
now it's not his neatest work, it has mistakes and scribbles in it. but Shuichi sits right next to him in class: he's seen Kokichi's messy "in the zone" notes in his class notebook, he knows Kokichi is left handed and smears ink when he writes, he knows he uses exclusively red ink pens, he knows what his handwriting looks like. if there is nothing else about the note that helps help him solve it, the handwriting is what will
after landing this conclusion, i imagine he'd probably spend a bit of time dissecting the letter with the perspective of Kokichi being the one who wrote it in mind for a while before confronting. considering how raw and unlike Kokichi it is, he'd need some time to think about what all is going on in it. he'd eventually either run out of speculation juice, or have so much juice he needs to bring himself in and mentally yell "too theoretical" at himself. either way at that point he'd decide he'd had enough and wants the truth, so he'd spend some extra time with Kokichi trying to slowly reveal his case to him.
how smoothly that goes is very much up to debate. he wants to conform his conclusion for sure (totally not because he has a fat crush on Kokichi and really want him to the the culprit), but doesn't want to scare Kokichi off by being too upfront. unfortunately Kokichi is also keen of eye and gets sus of him pretty fast cause why tf is Shuichi suddenly spending extra time with him- not that he minds, it's just bizarre for him to do and raises some flags in Kokich's mind
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
if i’d known it was this easy to get you dressed up, i would’ve done it ages ago. < w shannon and mary or perhaps remind me to never let you plan date night again. < with lilith and ava?
thanks for the prompt! wrote most of this with @princington in mind (aka sheer soft gay) (aka I write like 75% of fic: dads for Prince to make up for war crimes)
Mary smoothes the lapels of her jacket flat over her collarbones and pulls her phone from her pocket, checking the time again. Just past the half hour. Late, but only slightly. She loops her finger through her key ring, jangles the keys against her palm.
The door buzzer rings. She gives it a moment before answering. "Hello?"
"Hey, it's Shannon. Sorry I'm late. Did you want to meet me in the lobby, or should I come up?"
"Very forward of you, Masters. I'll be down in a moment."
She turns off the lights and heads out.
Shannon's got her hands clasped behind her back as she surveys the postings on the building bulletin board. It gives Mary a moment unnoticed to observe her, which turns out to be a very good thing.
The boots that Mary has only ever seen dirt-encrusted or knocking about the back of Shannon's jeep have been buffed to shining. The navy suit is tailored, cut close to Shannon's body, highlighting the wide span of her shoulders, the dip of her waist. Her hair is done up in an intricately braided bun.
"Did you know someone's lost four pet parakeets in your building?" Shannon asks without glancing back towards her. "One, I could understand, but four? You'd think they'd manage to pull together a dash of self-awareness by number three and realise maybe bird ownership just wasn't for them."
Shannon turns towards her, and Mary's breath catches in her throat. She'd known blue was Shannon's colour, had heard often enough how glad she was that it was the jersey colour of her draft team, but knowing and seeing are two very different things. Being faced with the combo of light blue shirt and navy blazer, and the pocket square, and the tie?! Her first thought is that blue is definitely Shannon's colour. Her second thought is decidedly more explicit.
"If I'd known it was this easy to get you dressed up, I would’ve asked you to dinner ages ago." She makes a show of looking Shannon up and down. "You sure do clean up nice."
"And look at the lining!" Shannon unbuttons her jacket, pulls one side open to reveal cresting waves. "So dope!"
"Real cute, Shan."
"And 'clean up nice'?" Shannon asks, fumbling with her buttons. "Have you looked in the mirror, Mary?" She whistles. "You look gorgeous." 
"Thanks, I try."
"I'm sorry again for being late," Shannon adds. "Your time is valuable and I've taken it up without explanation and–"
Mary reaches a hand out and Shannon takes it eagerly, lacing their fingers together. "Well, then, care to explain?"
"Suzanne called." Shannon ducks her head, but that does nothing to dim her smile. 
Mary stops in her tracks, shoves at Shannon's shoulder. "Do you mean–"
"They gave me an entry-level contract," Shannon confirms, head coming back up, grin all but splitting her face in two. "I'm signed."
"Shan, that's amazing! Congratulations!" Mary tugs Shannon closer, one hand rising to curl around her tie. "Goddamn, you're in the big leagues now. Real all-star."
"Mary." The tips of Shannon's ears have gone pink, but she grins proudly all the same. 
"I'm so fucking proud of you." Mary kisses Shannon's cheek, the corner of her mouth. "You're gonna do so well."
Shannon's hand finds her waist, curls in the hem of her jacket. "Mary," she repeats, a bit of a whine to her tone, "don't distract me. I was really looking forward to sushi." 
"You say that every week."
"And every week I'm valid, but this time especially. I still can't believe you managed to get a reservation."
"What can I say, it pays to be good with your hands." Mary smirks. "I overhauled the head chef's transmission on a time crunch a couple months ago, so she owed me one."
"And I'm so lucky you're calling that favour in for me. Truly, this might end up the best day of my life."
"All depends on how the rest of the night goes," Shannon says, eyebrows arched. "Are you ready to head out?"
"After you."
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feathers-feathers · 9 months
Bug Fables' deep lore is engaging in open warfare with my mental helath i swear to GOD I CAnt figure this tHE FUCK OUT IM GOING INSANE
Context: I'm trying to make a timeline. Bug fables took this personally.
The big question here that got me to break is what the fuck is the deal with Flower Gods? So I was writing an essay of sorts to try and figure it out as I go, then clean it up and post it when I came to a few satisfying conclusions, and maybe make a poll to see what others would prefer.
I have now lost at least a decade of my lifespan, and will be seeking reparations in the court of law. I'll post what I wrote below the cut, just be aware that it's not finished, will not be finished if I have a gun to my head, and jumps places every now and then because that's just how I roll in the drafting stage.
I hope to all the gods above that some of you can find sense where I have failed.
Beware: Here be dragons. (Also, it's quite long.)
Currently doing timeline shenanigans with Bug Fables. I learned something in the lore that will have a major impact in how that timeline manifests. The problem is that this lore detail isn't exactly straight-forward, and has multiple interpretations. I'd like to see some other thoughts on this matter before I make a decision. The lore in question is regarding the creation of the Flower Gods.
A reminder: There is a secret room in Snakemouth Den that displays information regarding the 3 Flower Gods. Prior to seeing this room, most I think didn't even know there were 3 - only knowing of Venus at the time. The other two are Mars and Pluto. These displays tell us a few things. Some information on the gods themselves: Venus is
Guardian: M-001 "Mars" Age: 361 Status: Stable
Guardian: V-012 "Venus" Age: 358 Status: Stable
Guardian: P-183 "Pluto" Age: 34 Status: Stable
This secret asks a whole bunch of questions and answers exactly none of them.
The first thought I see many people go to is that this, of course, confirms that the Roaches created them. However, there is dialogue from Venus herself stating "Ah, it still feels like it was yesterday when they were scurrying around the land trying to get stuff together!" Which doesn't say much, but sort of implies that she was around while the Roaches were still figuring things out.
But what about those designations, what do they mean? For something like this - and considering they all start with the first letter of the Guardian's name - I think it's, like, a version number.
If they were all created by the Roaches, then… wtf? So with Mars, they got it right on their very first try - congratulations, a fucking GOD is born - but their next Guardian took 12 attempts? What? And then Pluto took 183 attempts. And the time discrepancy is just…. weird. Wtf does this mean? The Roaches started off as the best scientists ever, getting everything correct on their first go, then suddenly dropping the ball off the face of the Earth and getting nothing right? For centuries? And after all of that, they consider the Sapling to be their greatest creation. Not any of the Actual Deities they supposedly made. And then they place two of these gods in… just… entirely different territories. Mars is in the Eastern lands. Lord knows where Pluto is, but not Bugaria, that's for sure. I do find this rather unpalatable.
If they weren't created by the Roaches - they were just studying them, trying to replicate their power - I think that fits some of this better. Especially that above quote by Venus. If she was around before the Roaches developed what they have now - the Roaches being the first bugs to awaken - then did she awaken before even them? If she - and, perhaps, Mars - were the first to awaken, then was the Day of Awakening only around 370 years ago? That would probably be the best case scenario for developing a timeline. It'd be the only True Date that can be nailed down, and make it a lot easier to place other dates around it by comparison.
But still… what's the deal with the version numbers? Perhaps the Guardians do not have true immortality, but ressurrective immortality? That would sort imply that Pluto might in fact be the first, and he's on his 183'd life. It would also mean that Mars would actually be the youngest of the gods. Despite being the oldest current version, he is still only on his First version - no deaths, no resurrections. This would also mean that Pluto died around the time the Roaches vanished. But also - if Pluto died 182 times prior to his current iteration… what the fuck kind of life is this guy living? Is he stuck in a death loop, wtf?
This is honestly just another discrepancy, to me. Lets be as conservative as possible and say that most of Pluto's lives were all around 30 years in length. This is so conservative as to be ridiculous, but let's just ignore that. 183 x 30 = 5490. That's Fucking Old - and I'm gonna say, just as ridiculous. Why, then, would the other two gods only have a few years of an age gap? This feels like a strong point towards the idea that the Roaches created them??? that the designations are version numbers before deployment and not ressurrective iterations???
Oh My God. What the fuck am I supposed to believe?
This is where I officially gave up. I hate all of these ideas none of them are satisfactory. Bug Fables why do you hate me so muchae dsafsafgfghrdsgrdfeignbreoiatghnbfrabgifrhdfhdfghdfsghdfizghsregtbdfsgfcuigh
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raayllum · 4 months
hey I have some thoughts and theories on season six that I want to post but I feel like they’re kind of in cohesive and all over the place and rambly and I’m not really sure the best way to get them across especially when I’m more of a brainstorm type of personof like 10 different ways something could go I’m not really sure how to organize it or make it comprehensible to the average Tumblr scroller do you have any tips for this? because I want them to get reach cause I do feel like I’m contributing something but sometimes I think what I’m saying makes no sense at all or no one’s going to read all that you know. or, TLDR: Do you have any tips on making meta in general since you seem to be the main producer of it in the fandom ha ha, your input would be invaluable
So I actually did start writing a post a while ago about well, a kind of how to guide for writing meta, but it felt very self-gratuitous so it got semi-banished to the drafts although I still might finish / clean it up and post it someday
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That being said your ask does make me realize that your query is not something I had considered going over, approaching it from more of a "here's how to train your brain to notice things that can be fun to write meta about" > organizing said thoughts, so thank you for bringing it to my attention! I hope some of this advice will be useful, and it may even have some overlap with other thoughts I had planned
The most useful way I've found when it comes to meta is treating it like an essay, with an introduction, body paragraphs / sections (and sometimes headers), and a conclusion of some kind when warranted. This means looking for similarities or main ideas with possible consistent threads (i.e. avenues Aaravos' evil plans could go might be split off into branches, each one detailing a different avenue). So that would be my best advice when it comes to organization.
However, most concerns about "not making sense" comes down to thinking through what context you have to provide for your audience to understand what you're discussing, depending on the length and depth of the leap / analysis. Are there any symbols being drawn upon we will want to explain in more detail before theorizing how they relate to the show? Are there any smaller details or scene summaries to include when putting these things together?
For example, when I wrote a meta about Rayla being the metaphorical light to Callum's darkness (pre-S5), I first had to establish why I associated her with light, drawing from visual examples from S1, S2, and S4, as well as the "Dear Callum" letter. Callum's side of things was more straightforward with dialogue in the text. Then I could take it one step further and talk about why this light-dark duality indicates that she will likely save him from possession after possibly leading to the fall in the first place. But I had to go from a bottom-top approach in steadily building the layers rather than starting from the top and working my way down, as for more symbolic matters in particular, that can often be confusing.
Although sometimes more simplistic, consulting the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, and why) can likewise be useful in meta in terms of 1) tracing where certain ideas are coming from in the text, 2) what is being posited/suggested, and 3) why these things might be conflated, and 4) who might be involved. Obviously meta tends to be more "what" heavy, particularly when its predictive, but it's kinda like explaining why one character might be more involved in one plot line than another, etc. There's going to be a Why to that Who, and those things both combine to form the What (otherwise known as theory or just plain analysis).
And don't be concerned about if people are gonna wanna read it. I find most people in TDP fandom are pretty down to theorize even if they may not necessarily write a lot of it down themselves (and often have cool ideas/contributions too!) and I am the king of making things overly long, yet people muscle through anyway!
That's about it for me without more specifics (a character study vs foil vs theme vs prediction are all kinda different in their own way) but I would love to hear more if you'd like to message me off anon or if you have more thoughts/questions you'd like to leave in my inbox once that's opened back up! Have fun theorizing, have fun writing, always feel free to break longer metas up into smaller bite sized ones as you go, and I look forward to seeing them int the tags!
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synergysilhouette · 2 months
"A Wish to the Stars" (Aion solo; possibly just a draft)
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Finally making significant progress on Act I of my "Wish" rewrite, and I realized I was neglecting something that "Wish" did as well: the friend group! Who are the Dreamers? What are their wishes? How does it motivate them throughout the film? Here's the answer to one of them. Introducing Aion, a Native American-inspired young man who lost his brother to magic and fears Talia will lose to it if he's not careful. He tries to keep up a bubbly attitude (most similar to Dario from the Teens), often using sign-language since the aforementioned trauma has him rarely speaking. Despite my commitment with Talia/Anselm's romance, I wanted our star to make friends with other characters as well, and the Dreamers are the perfect group. Check out the song I wrote for Aion's first encounter with Anselm (or rather, his energy; I do like the idea that he vocalizes similar to the voice in "Frozen 2"), and just how much he's been holding in. However, in reference to the last part of my title, I'm not sure about this song just yet. I kinda think I should go for something more theatrical; a lot of the time when I write these songs, it flows naturally, but perhaps that's too easy...And while I made a post about the characters before, maybe I should do a new one. Whaddya think?
(Verse 1)
You know I always believed in fairy tales.
A dream's a wish your heart makes.
You told me everything happens for a reason,
But what happened was a mistake.
You were incredible,
Talented, unforgettable,
So why did your story end?
"Let it go,
Forget it,"
But I still regret it,
It's the same as playing pretend.
So I
I make a wish to the stars
That you can hear me
That you'll return to this world,
I miss you dearly!
If I lost my voice for real,
Could you return? That's the deal.
I would trade every part of me
So you could change the way I feel!
(Verse 2)
(Shuddering breath)
You know, they cleaned up your room
We don't talk about you now.
I can't say much of anything
I keep my feelings down.
But if I go the distance
Can I restore your existence
Find you in an endless sky?
"Be prepared,
You're almost there,"
When should I not care?
Your place in my heart won't die.
So I
I make a wish to the stars
That you will return
That you'll ruffle my hair
And ease my concerns!
Second star to the right
Is that where you are tonight?
I feel a darkness moving in
Can you send me some of your light?
Can I still chase after you?
I can't can't keep up.
Busy trying to fill your shoes
Please don't leave me behind,
I still got more of my heart to lose!
When will I start healing,
Stop this aching feeling?
The stars are gleaming, but I can't tell
What are they revealing?
So I
I make a wish to the stars
'Cause that's all I've got!
Yes I have friends and family,
But to keep them, what is the cost?
How far will I go to face this danger,
To let out my anger?
And if I got you back, it's been so long,
Can I be healed by a stranger?
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withoutyouimsaskia · 1 year
Remember Me, Special Dreams - A Thank You
It is with profound, bittersweet pleasure that I can announce that I have completed the final chapter of Remember Me, Special Dreams. I am looking to post in the next few days once I have done my proof reading checks.
I’ll come clean with you, I’m really not ready to let this story go.
It all began mid-August 2022 while on a train back from Brighton. The Sandman had only just come out and I had very quickly become obsessed (thank you, Neil!), dedicating a lot of my spare brain power to thinking about it.
I started wondering about what I would say to Morpheus if I met him, particularly since I had been experiencing intense parasomnia hallucinations and night terrors at that time. It sparked an idea for a fanfiction.
The first sentence I wrote was the Daenerys Targaryen joke from chapter 3 and from there, I worked backwards to be able to facilitate this conversation. The rest, is what has played out in the 39k words that I have spent so much joyful time composing.
For the past 5 and a half months, I have lived and breathed this story.
The reader and Morpheus have constantly been in the back of my mind. I spoke their conversations out loud when I was alone. I researched the lore, pored over freeze frames from the series, soaking in every detail of the character's appearances and the locations.
When I began, I had no idea where I wanted the story to go. I just knew that I wanted to try something new by writing in reader self-insert style for the first time, and I wanted to write about Morpheus.
They say "write what you know", and dreams and nightmares and night terrors and parasomnia are things that I have a lot of memories of. I'd just never had a context in which to explore them so comprehensively until The Sandman came into my life.
And writing it has been like therapy for me. Last year was a year of two halves. I went to some dark places. But being here with you all, and writing this has been a release, an escape and a way of processing some of my own trauma and coping mechanisms that I had been exploring in CBT from March to August 2022.
That’s why it is so hard to let go. It’s been a refuge for me. Sure, I could come up with new chapters. There was a moment where I nearly did by bringing in a whole other puzzle for the reader and Morpheus to work through but it felt like I was trying to force something that was reaching a natural, happy ending. And I am so very happy with the way things have ended with my two beloved leads.
I'd like to sign off with a few words to my readers and followers who have accompanied me throughout this. Thank you all so much for the comments, likes and re-blogs and private messages. Hearing your thoughts and having your support has been immensely overwhelming and tear inducing. I send virtual hugs and love to each and every one of you. What a wonderful community we have here! Massive thank you and endless love to my IRL friend @theviridianbunny for suggesting I post the story on here, and for also listening to my Sandman-related screaming and the chapter babble that falls from my mouth every time we meet up ❤️
Now, to start working my way through the list of all The Sandman fics I have been saving in a draft on my phone. Turn me into a puddle from over-exposure to fluff! I am ready!
Until next time, all my love and best wishes. And don't forget to listen to your dreams and desires every once in a while 🥰
Saskia ❤️
P.S. Masterlist of chapters and playlist coming soon...
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kuwdora · 6 months
for the ao3 wrapped writers ask game: 17 and/or 29 pretty please!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Mmmm, this year?? Vilgefortz. I had a very Specific Itch to scratch and golly, I sure did indulge myself—and @reinvent-and-believe and @sidprescot too, mwahahaha. The TWN Thanedd episode came and went with Vilgefortz. His scenes with Geralt worked me into a froth because I absolutely needed more because how much I loved their book scenes. And honestly it’s not right how truncated Vilgefortz' dialogue is in the show. And thus my brain overheated and Ouroboros happened. It really was that saying—write for that group of like 3 or 5 people who are gonna lose their minds. And they did. I think @littlestsnicket's brain melted and I'm not sure @sidprescot will be the same lol. It was great. I winked so hard at my readers that my eye fell out and @reinvent-and-believe picked up my eye, cleaned it off and handed it back to me and @sidprescot is just foaming at the mouth and brain the whole fucking time (ilu all). I also managed to post more about writing/drafting this fic than anything else I’ve written in the last few years, lol god. I have 15 million witcher thoughts at any given time (mostly about yennefer and yennskier and geraskier) but this is what i manage to post the most about, sdflakjsdf. I love Witcher canon blending and riffing on themes, okay. My blending is not to everyone's tastes, but yeaaahhh I had quite the time writing Vilgefortz this year. All the Continental art history was so much fun to weave throughout the story.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Here’s my favorite passage from chapter 1 of Ouroboros, it’s about 900 words. I loved starting the fic off with the TWN characterizations and then running with it back to some book vibes and all my feelings about all the canons and aaaand and…lots of things. Love this whole passage. Indulgent.
“Doesn’t appear to be much glory in this gallery,” Geralt said, gesturing at the vertical diptych he was studying.
Vilgefortz nodded and strode closer to point out the relevant details. There was a curious furrow to Geralt’s brow that made Vilgefortz more confident in encouraging Geralt to voice his thoughts.
“This one is called Ships in a Desert and it’s a very controversial piece with multiple meanings. Each canvas represents a different interpretation of First Landing and encourages the viewer to engage with different possibilities. This bottom artwork is clearly not historically accurate because as you can see the ship and its wreckage is strewn across a desert landscape rather than the coast of Redania. The artist Yona Skanfall also intended this scene to subvert Ithlinne’s Prophecy.
“You can see in the foreground a future where the Continent’s water has dried up and its inhabitants are boiling their own skin as a direct result of humanity wielding Chaos. People did not take kindly to this kind of heresy against the prevailing narrative about the White Frost. But there were those who were ardent defenders of this piece because it held true to the original prophecy’s themes of a calamitous end by humanity’s hubris. But Aen Ithlinnespeath was a sacred elven prophecy and any minute deviations from the story caused an uproar. Yona certainly made no friends by implying the Hen Ichaer died before they could save the world—note the desiccated seed pod in this dune. If this scene alone had not gotten Yona banned from two kingdoms for smearing elven canon and laying waste to the kings of her day—see the scattered crowns in the sand here and here—her choice to depict Jan Bekker as a woman gave others all the more reason to ostracize her.”
“Why were people offended by Jan Bekker as a woman?” Geralt asked.
“Why indeed? Vanity. Sexism. Most primary sources and historical records suggested that Jan Bekker was actually quite a hideous man. In the early days of the Brotherhood mages had not yet mastered the art of cosmetic transformation. Many saw their ugliness as intrinsic to their character, especially those first survivors who bore the scars of scurvy from their journey. To remove that element and depict Jana Bekker as a buxom heroine was antithetical to their view of history.”
“You’re telling me mages are superficial in more ways than one? Color me surprised.”
Vilgefortz laughed and found himself warming even more to the witcher. He bit the inside of his lip and stepped closer, brushing against Geralt’s elbow.
“There have been other interpretations of Jana over the years. I myself have collected several woodcuts of her and Nina Fioravanti in mid-coitus from a series called Ars Orgasmica. I could show them to you, if you’d like.”
Geralt didn’t verbalize a witty retort, though Vilgefortz could sense the words propositions and pornography floating on the surface of his mind. Geralt turned his attention on the other painting from Ships in a Desert. He gestured. “Tell me about this one.”
Vilgefortz tore his gaze away from Geralt, carefully gathering his words. “This painting depicts a slightly different interpretation of her original interpretation. The wreckage of First Landing is in the foreground and the bodies of the ship's crew are barely visible in the sand. The emphasis here is on the future that was lost. Notice the verdant hills in the background, never to be discovered by the first mages. Perhaps if there was a lighthouse in this desert sea, these two ships would not have crashed and fallen to the dunes and become lost to memory. Perhaps they could have met, shared resources, and survived in spite of the hardship. They could have thrived and built a new world together.”
“The hills are better off without the mages,” Geralt murmured.
Vilgefortz turned back to Geralt and nodded solemnly. “A solid interpretation. The commonality amongst these pieces is suffering. Yona depicted it well.”
“Your lot is notorious for causing suffering.”
“Truer words have never been spoken.”
“Truth is something this ball is in short supply of.”
“Tonight there’s so much more on offer,” Vilgefortz said.
“If I wanted to have my fill of lies and subterfuge, I would have stayed downstairs eating from the bottomless pit of illusory caviar.”
Every one of Geralt’s conversational parries aroused more desire in Vilgefortz’s chest. He’d hoped to keep the witcher’s attention for more serious matters tonight, but the wry humor was an unexpected delight. Enticing and novel in a way that Vilgefortz had known others had been charmed by, but never believed he would also find so alluring. He wanted more of Geralt.
“I agree. Stay with me. At my table we would feast upon spiced boar and toast to our communion. No illusions, only the boundless companionship of two men appreciating art and history together.”
A grimace passed across Geralt’s features, like Vilgefortz’s words were little more than indigestion. The firelight from the braziers cast a warm glow upon Geralt’s face, and there Vilgefortz saw a world beyond the staid neutrality that Geralt wore like a tattered cape. A place where two outcasts would be respected and admired. A time where Vilgefortz could lose himself beneath the witcher’s broad hands and taste Geralt’s scars for the first time.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go take a shit. Must be the caviar.”
read on ao3
ask game - ao3 wrapped
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ilovedthestars · 6 months
7, 9 and 13 for the Writer Asks? 🥰
(2023 in review writer ask game)
Oooh you've picked SUCH good questions. Thank you! 🥰
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
This was a year of OCs for me!! It's hard to believe, but I started posting Old Unit, Young Unit back in January--I think it's going to turn a year old before i finish it. OldUnit and Niri, and the world I've built around them, has become a major focus for me. It's so cool to think about how they've developed over the course of this year. I have so much of their story left to tell, and I suspect I'll still be telling it this time next year!
I'd also be remiss if i didn't mention Yuma and Crowbar, who were actually created this year and made their first appearance on ao3 (Salvage or Repair) as well. I've been a big fan of "A SecUnit and its Human" duos, but they've never clicked for me as much as Yuma & Crowbar did. Their story went from a seed of an idea to several thousand words in like 24 hours (shoutout to WyvernWolf for helping it along <3) and before I'd even finished Salvage or Repair I was writing follow-up adventures. I've got many more stories to tell about them, too!
9. What fic meant the most to you to write?
Oooh. If we're counting meta, I know what my answer has to be--On System Collapse, Sanctuary Moon, and saving one another, my meta about chapter 8 of SC. I won't talk about it in detail so I don't have to tag this for spoilers, but it was an outpouring of all my strongest emotions about System Collapse that I wrote during & immediately after reading it. Honorable mention to the artist's statement for Ghosts of the Pressy, which was similarly written from the heart.
But okay, this question is about fic. I think it has to be Old Unit, Young Unit again. That's the fic that has kept me up late so many nights this year, the one I've been pushing myself the hardest to finish because I'm dying for other people to get to read the story in my head. And it's the one I've gotten the most encouragement and help on along the way, which I am incredibly grateful for.
13. What fic was the easiest to write?
I'm pretty sure Hints (SC spoilers at the link!) was written in one day, so that probably takes the prize. The sequel to An Unexpected Quarter (which is posted as a chapter 2 but feels like a separate project in my mind, because that fic was originally just a one-shot) was written in about 3 days. Fast is as close to easy as I get--I either pour a fic out of myself in a few hours and clean it up and throw it out into the universe immediately without looking back, or i slowly agonize over drafts of it for months, there's no in-between.
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switch-writer · 2 years
Past and Present
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(WARNING: THIS IS A TICKLE FIC, so, if you dislike that or tickles in general, I’d suggest scrolling. Thank you!
(A/N: SO. Villainous, amazing show. One of my favorites, however I’m pretty new to it so I’m not the best at writing the characters just yet. So this is one of like, 2 or 3 times I’ve actually written for it? And the other two I’m not proud of so this is good enough for me. So, hopefully it���s enjoyable! And Ngl, this has been sitting in the drafts for a few days because I was kinda scared to post it, sooo, I’m finally just gonna post it and hope for the best. Also! This fic is Lee!Flug and Ler!Demencia over all, though the roles swap briefly at the end, along with there being a little flashback. But anyways. Feel free to send requests about it or just ramble with me about it. Hopefully you enjoy!)
(Summary: Demencia, out of boredom and a need to mess with Flug, launches a little tickle attack on him, which reminds the doctor of some fond memories from the past.)
A day like any other, Blackhat sending off orders to Doctor Kenning Flugslys, 505 cleaning around all areas and quarters other than Blackhat’s quarters, Demencia doing… whatever she does, but let’s focus in on Doctor Kenning Flugslys, or rather, as he’s most known by, Dr. Flug.
Why just Dr. Flug instead of Flugslys? Well, let’s just say the man who most often wore a bag knew that most people pronounced his name wrong, so he can’t be bothered to constantly correct people, so he keeps it as short as possible. He could’ve used his first name, buttttt he didn’t like that either. A certain someone (cough cough, Demencia.) would call him Ken… too similar to the Barbie doll Ken for his taste.
But besides that little tangent, he was in his laboratory close by to his bedroom, attempting to concept works for devices he was asked to make, and he was currently focused in on his work, relaying every detail he could down to the actual thickness and thinning of the lines in his base concept sketch, following by beginning to write small notes around it.
However, this day was going to turn out just a little different than Flug expects.
How so you may ask? Well, there’s a certain human reptile slithering her way throughout the vents, managing to crawl into the laboratory and all throughout it into the doctor’s room. The doctor’s room was neat and precise as expected. Not that she cared too much about that, she didn’t give a damn about that frankly.
What she did care about is that the doctor wasn’t present, aka, her little plan of action was still in action and not cut short, hell yeah! Demencia did a small fist pump to the air out of her own excitement before continuing to quietly slither and sneak out of Flug’s room and right into the current room he was researching and working in.
Awww, he was so unexpecting. How perfect.
With the doctor distracted, it made it easy to slip right behind him. Flug, despite all odds, lifted his eyes away from his paper to right in front of him, somehow having a sixth sense he wasn’t alone, like someone was in the room with him. Surely not… but Flug tried to finish the note he was writing before his premonition sparked so he could look around afterwards, he didn’t wish to break his train of thought.
So, the doctor wrote as following, ‘Make sure to keep the model sleek and be sure to keep in mind-‘
“EeEEK!!” The Doctor screamed a tad in fear considering the fact he was pulled backwards, his chair going back right with him to fall, but the lizardish woman caught the chair before hitting the ground, saving the doctor while scaring the piss out of him. Demencia was just giggling away like she didn’t take 5 years off of his life with that scare, which Flug tried to straighten himself up and go into his little yelling mode in an attempt to scold her.
“Demencia! How many times have I-“ “Can it, nerd! You were sooo distracted! And I’m bored!” Flug huffed in frustration at the excuse, especially since his writing (which already was sloppy) had trailed off his page because his hand spazzed in surprise thanks to her, but he took a moment to think back since it reminded him of something.
Way back in his highschool years, a certain gal who had well managed pink hair would often do such things similar to get his attention, like scare him to get his attention. And when he would question why she’d do it, it was for his attention as previously stated.
Ah memories. There was one time she did that because she needed assistance with studying since she’d lack to do so the nights leading up to the assignment. Of course he’d refuse to just cough up the answers since according to him, it was very inefficient and she should’ve put more effort into studies instead of going to bug him for answers.
So, since he would refuse, said gal would turn to other methods. Like…
His train of thought was cut short because of how those memories never failed to fluster him. However, the small blush creeping on his neck was beginning to happen. Shit. “Well, maybe you should-“ “bug you!” Demencia finished his sentence for him, causing more frustration to come from the doctor staring up at her.
“No! Make your own entertainment like using the TV? Playing with 505?” “Sooo, I’ll make my own entertainment by messing with you!” He’s getting nowhere with this.
“Ugh. Whatever Demencia.” He mumbled, crossing his arms to be all defensive over it. “Hehehe! At least admit it was a good scare!” “It was nothing of the sort!” “But you got all scared, doc!” Demencia added more expression into her movements, her hands going claw shaped as she raised them over Flug.
That again reminded him of those ‘other methods’ the gal would use, the claw shaped hands, the wiggling fingers that followed and the teases that came before the storm. The ones that would be said as she’d request the answers ‘or else’ she’d do it. Cecilia, oh Cecilia, by god she knew how the hell to drive him up the wall.
Oh, yeah, he was still with Demencia. “Hm?” “What’s with your neck?” Flug paused to remind himself, thanks to the flustering memories, his neck and face was going a little pink. “…Uhmmm, it’s uh-“ Shit. THINK OF AN EXCUSE! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!
“I’m just uh- very hot! Whew it’s heating up here! I tell you these lab coats don’t help either!” He spoke very quickly while trying to say his excuse, geez he was a horrible liar when it came to those close to him. Demencia however huffed at this, her brow raising with her expression that truly showed she knew he was lying. Hell, it was hardly lying with how horrible he was at it.
“You’re a horrible liar, nerd! Spill! What’s going on?!” Demencia pried at Flug for the truth, Flug looked side to side before shaking his head. “No! There’s nothing to spill!” A little more convincing, but still horrible. “Liar!” Demencia racked her brain for a moment, claws… hovering way over him.
So, in a pathetic attempt to figure it out, Demencia did the same thing again, this time instead of her claw shaped hands being all the way up, it was closer to the doctor’s torso but still mostly above it and away from it. This provoked him to tense up, if she finds out, she’ll destroy him to no end. “D-Demencia! Please! It’s n-nothing!” “Then cough it up!” “No!” This was going nowhere for Flug, however, Demencia was slowly becoming wise.
She lowered her hands lower and lower to his torso, all while Flug tried to stay perfectly still to not give away anything as he squeezed his eyes shut, quite nervous and getting flustered at the mere thought.
There’s a moment of silence. What? Demencia usually wouldn’t go so quiet, if anything she should be asking more questions! Flug slowly opened one of his eyes, trying to look at Demencia.
“D-DeEHEHE- NOHOHO! NONONONO! NOHOhohHOHOT THIHIHIS!” Flug was already laughing away, the surprise attack going through any resistance of his as his back arched before flopping right back on the ground. His tummy always was a sweet spot. Which, Demencia had a big chaotic grin on her face that was only growing. “This? This is what’s making you all red?! Really?!”
Oh dear god, the teasing already?!
“NOHOHO! PLEHEHEE- NAHAHA- NOHOHOT THE NAVEL!” Demencia made sure to keep him on his toes with her attacks so they were all the worse. Flug ended up thrashing side to side and out of the chair he’d previously fell with, going and laying down, his tummy to the floor to stop the tickles there. “Ehehe….ehee…” Flug had leftover giggles since the tickles had stopped, burying his face into the floor and his arms.
However, once he felt himself getting straddled, he began to start trying to squirm again. “Nohohooo… Demencia pleheease!” “Hmmm, nope! I wanna know why it makes you all flustered! Soo spit it out or else!” Oh hell no- “Demehencia! Do not! No! Don’t even!” Kenning tried to scold the chaos driven girl in order to get her to not do so. But if anything, his refusal to say why it made him all giddy and flustered determined her even more.
So while Flug tried to scold, his lab coat was flipped over his baghead, covering his vision other than the dimmed light showing through the whiteness of his coat. “Hey! That’s uncahAhHAAhalled fohohor-!” The simple finger slide up the back worked well too, not that any spot didn’t at this point.
“Pff- wow Flug! You’re just a ticklish mess!” He groaned in embarrassment upon the reminder. “Actually, I think I should call youuu…” she paused to think, even doing the ‘hmmm’ sound to think. “Giggle bag!” “Eh?! You will n-“ He cut himself off as Demencia got off him.
“Eh?-“ he looked up at her, raising a brow, quite confused. “Is that all?-“ wait- wrong wording! “I-I mean! Not like that! I don’t need more!” He scrambled to correct himself as Demencia laughed at that, quite entertained. “Hahaha! Don’t tell me you want mor-“
“More isn’t necessary, Demencia.”
There’s the boss himself, sparking fear within Flug and excitement within Demencia. “S-Sir!-“ “My Lord!” Demencia immediately shouted, beaming with energy upon the sight of the refined and fancily dressed demon as Flug was practically scrambling to his feet.
Blackhat however seemed unamused at the two, glaring down Demencia. “You dare distract the doctor while working?” He said, clearly here to scold, she didn’t even care much about that and skipped right over to him. “A little, but that doesn’t-“ “Demencia.” He cut her off, his glare piercing through her, causing her to gasp slightly as she looked at him.
Blackhat kept the cold stare, gesturing to the door for her to get out of the room, which she begrudgingly did so. “…Now. Doctor.” Flug squeaked in surprise as the boss approached him. “I-I swear I tried to get her to stop, S-Sir Blackhat!” Blackhat rolled his eyes, his cane in hand. “Don’t act as if you pushed her away, you didn’t even try!”
Wait. He saw the whole thing? And didn't stop it sooner? How else would he know that he didn’t push away.
Flug however wasn’t gonna dance with the devil, so he just hung his head, staring at the floor. He was at a loss for words before Blackhat scoffed. “Head up, Doctor. Now, do me a favor and get back to work!” He demanded, using his cane to gently push Flug back over to his desk before gently elbowing the doctor in the ribs, causing a squeak. It sorta stung but also surprisingly tickled.
“… that tickled, didn’t it?” Blackhat said in a disappointed tone, not at Flug, but rather himself as if he just tried to tickle him intentionally. Flug gave a shy nod as he rubbed the rib, trying to ease the sting it caused after the sensation, causing the demon to groan and facepalm. “Get back to work.” He ordered before walking out of the room, grumbling to himself in frustration and slight anger the nudge to Flug’s side was somehow a tickly feeling.
Flug let out a sigh of relief before putting his chair right back up, pulling it out to sit on it to go back to work.
“EeeEHEHEAHA! WAHAHAIT!” Flug thrashed his hips away from the tickly hands, turning himself around to see Demencia. “That should’ve been me!” “Wh-Whahat?!” “That tickle jab thingie! It should’ve been me!” She voiced her major anger/frustration. So. Demencia grabbed him right by his hips, causing Flug to be extra squirmy, pleading for mercy and rapidly apologizing as he was picked up and put into his bed, getting his legs sat on.
“Pleeeease! Pleheheaseee! I’m sohohorry!” Flug was in a fit of nervous giggles before Demencia mercilessly dug her hands into the hollows of his hips, causing a shriek followed by high pitched squealing and even higher pitched laughter. “NAHAHA! I'M SOHOHOHORRY! I'M SOHOHOHORRY!” He apologized a bunch, Demencia refusing to let up. “I don’t care! You deserve this for stealing what should’ve been mine!”
“IHIHIT WAS JUHUHUST A LIHIHIHITTLE TIHIH- THIHIHI- TIHIHICKLE! PleHEHEHease HAVE MEHEHEHERCY!” “No matter if it was bunches or just a little one, it still should’ve been mine!” Mercy isn’t going to exist in this case.
But… this felt eerily familiar… didn't it?
“P-PLEHEHEASE! CECILIA! NOHOHO!” “Giveeee me those test answers Fluggy!” “NOHOHohoh! I cahAHAHAN’T!” Cecilia, soon to be Miss Heed, had her major doubts about his answers thus far. “Awww! But you can! Unless you just want more and more tickles!” She teased, causing Flug’s face to heat up as he laughed freely.
“I DOHOHOHON’T! I PROHOHOMISE I Dohohon’t!” “And yet, here you are! Refusing to give up the test answers! I really wanna keep tickling you to pieces Fluggy, I’m sure you definitely want me to as well, but I still need those answers!”
“I- I dohoHOHO NOT- PLEHEHEASE! NOHOHOT THEHEHERE! NOHOHOT THE HIPS! YOUR NAHAHAILS!” Flug was in hysterics, squirming side to side to try and get the tickles to stop despite Cecilia being correct. “Hm? Oh! My nails! I just got them done and everything, aren’t you lucky?” That was replied to with a shake of Flug’s head.
“No? You aren’t? But you’re loving the tickles! Just admit itttt!” “I'M NOHOHOHOT!” With that, Cecilia stopped the tickles, causing the soon to be doctor to catch his breath, looking at her. “E-Ehehe?” “What? Why so confused?” Flug ended up flustered, but managed to mumble an answer. “Wh-why did you… you know…”
“Stop you mean?” Replied to by a nod. “Well, clearly if you aren’t loving the tickles, you shouldn’t need them, nor care.” “T-That isn’t what I-“ “It isn’t what you what?” This was embarrassing to no end, his face going red by his point, luckily he still kept his face hidden from view mostly. He really liked the bonding experience and just being able to laugh… especially with her, but…
“Well?” “It isn’t… it isn’t what I meant.” He finally vocalized his thoughts despite how flushed his face was, which he got a ‘awww’ from her in response as he huffed. “Welllll, I’m glad! It’s adorable tickling you to bits! Especially considering you’re supposed to be here to become a villain.” She reminded him so he’d get even more adorably flustered.
“Mmm…” he crossed his arms, whining before sighing, turning his head back to her. “If I give you the answers… could you just… you know.” She flashed a smile at him, quickly hugging him. “Thank you!” The nerdy man gently hugged her back, a small smile on his face. “Mhm. But please, you should study more.” “I know I know.”
Cecilia chuckled before checking her phone upon getting a notification about Goldheart, her attention being stolen by the hero rather than going to Flug, much to his disappointment. After a minute passed, he ended up getting up, knowing it was pointless to even try and take her attention off of the one she’s recently started to admire…for some reason, I mean, he wasn’t even that great- but anyways. He knew it was pointless.
“Now wait just a minute!” “aAAaah!” Flug was pulled right back down into her lap. “I’m not done with you just yet, Villain.” “E-Eh?” “Where.” “Where what?” “Where are the test answers?!” “I- Cecilia! I’m not playing this pretend game!” “Who’s this ‘Cecilia’ you villain?! I only know test answers!” She said dramatically, squeezing at his hips, causing his little shrieks and squeals to start again.
“Where are the answers!?” “CECILIA!” “Whooo?” “PFF-EHAHAH! I'LL NEHEHEVER TELL YOHOHOU! I DOHOHON’T CONVERSE WIHIHITH HEHEHEROS!” “Much better! I mean, ahem. You shall! Or else!”
Cecilia and Flug, what a duo they were, however, due to the slowly growing obsession of Cecilia’s, it’s a shame they wouldn’t get to be more. After all, it’ll all end with Miss Heed, formally Cecilia, to be locked away and the doctor to give his advice before leaving. Still. Even with the heartache, the memories are cherished by Flug, and luckily, it seems like Demencia will gladly make new memories like this with him. That’s all he can ask for…
Speaking of Demencia…
“DEHEHEMENCIA!” “Admit it! It should’ve been mine!” “IT SHOHOHOULDVE BEEN!” Demencia, upon realizing how easily he admitted that, decided to loop back around to the original goal. “Oh. Wellll then admit why this flusters you too!” “NEHEHEVER!” “Hmph! Thennn tickles forever! All until you’ll never stop giggling!” Demencia grinned, being evil about this, causing the doctor to gasp and shake his head to refuse.
“NOHOHO! NOHOHO MOHOHORE! I DOHOHON’T WANNA GIHIHIGGLE FOREVER!” He played into the drama, Demencia’s grin only growing as she took a breath, blowing a merciless raspberry right on his hip, causing Flug to practically scream, but still shriek over all.
“DEHEHEME- I- HEEHEHEHAHAH!” Flug was past the point now on forming sentences, just a ball of laughter before the tickles finally eased. “Now, are you gonna fess up?!” “Eheheha… heheh! Mhmhmh!” He giggled his ‘mhm’ out, finally catching his breath as he grabbed Demencia by her shoulders to pull himself up, only for his head to fall in her lap.
“Pff- come on! Just cough it up before I do it again!” Demencia made her claw hands to playfully threaten him, causing Flug to hold his hands out in front of him. “Okahay! Okay!” Flug giggled before sighing in relief.
“It’s juhust… I can’t explain it.” “Eh?! You what?!” Demencia was in slight disbelief since Flug’s logic usually never failed. “I can’t! I promise! It's just… I dunno… it makes me kinda happy and leaves me in a positive mood…?” He was at a loss of words.
“Hmph! Boring!” “I’m being honest! It isn’t my favorite thing ever! It’s just flustering!” He huffed. “Think about it! You’re the one always poking at me a bunch! Why do that?”
After a moment of silence, Demencia did exactly that by poking his tummy, causing his squeak of surprise. “Nonono! Do not!” Flug poked her right back, before squeezing her thigh just once, causing a squeal. Thennn Flug just sat up and pulled her over to continuously squeeze at her thighs, causing her to break into small bursts of laughter, along with squealing and occasional shrieks.
“FLUHUHUG! DOHOHON’T DO IT BAHAHACK! STOHOP!” “Nope! You didn’t stop so fast. Tell me how this makes you feel!” He became stubborn. “You’re gonna understand why it’s flustering and makes people all happy, well, unless the big strong wrestler can’t take some tickles.”
With a slight pink tinted face, Demencia decided to take him on. “I CAHAHAN UNLIKE YOHOHOU! MEHEHEANIE!” “I am not a- you know what? That’s it!”
Needless to say, those two were gonna be having some fun with challenges and squabbling about things. It all makes for a fun time and a bonding moment, and frankly, that’s what they’ll both like about it.
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fabdante · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I was tagged by my dear friend @thevampireauthoress on this post ! I tag all the fic writers who follow me and see this because I want to see what you guys are up to!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five! I write every day but only started posting fan fic a year ago and I have more I'm cleaning up to post!
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 36,380
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A Lot. If post about it odds are I've written something about it in some form or another.
The ones I have public fics for are DmC: Devil May Cry and ATLA. I frequently write for World of Warcraft (mostly ocs) privately though and have been making my way back to TF2, Borderlands, and Bioshock works lately.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Since I have only five I can give the whole rundown asdfghj the Zutara fics are, unsurprisingly, the heavy hitters
An Inexact Science
Pinky Promise
Crossroads of Catharsis and Contemplation
A Series of Mild Prophesies
Also the stats chart cracks me up:
Tumblr media
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I get to most of them! Sometimes when a fic is older and someone just leaves a short little 'this was nice!' or whatever, I don't respond but other then that I do. I get very excited when anyone likes any of my works asdfghjkl
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh...probably Swan Song, which is yet to be posted. Swan Song will definitely probably have the solidly most angst filled ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Just limiting myself to what's already posted on AO3, anything in the Circumnavigators of Celestial Bodies series so far has had pretty happy endings. It's not tinged with the like dramatic irony of anything in Drafting A Swan and both fic's thus far in Circumnavigators end on fairly positive notes I think
8. Do you get hate on fics?
As of now, no
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have but I haven't published any of it yet and I'm not sure I will ever. My favorites to write are definitely monsterfucking related, followed by more general kink but like monsterfucking is the best to write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I am an avid lover of crossovers, particularly crazy crossovers. I feel like I have several contenders for the most crazy.
First up would be the massive multi fandom high school au my girlfriend and I developed containing like every video game we liked at the time which I still sometimes write because I find the character dynamics fascinating but I doubt, due to the highly niche nature of this crossover, that it'd ever see the light of day (if you ever wanted August Borderlands and Rachel Amber Life Is Strange to talk on the roof of a trailer in the trailer park they both live in though, I am the gal to ask I guess because boy do I have that and I will provide)
Second up would be in a similar vein but like somehow even less attached to any of the serial numbers qualifying it as fan fic. That one is set in a Bioshock AU where Rapture lasted until the 80s somehow under different leadership. It is also a massive multi fandom AU but this time with gang warfare under the sea in a very AU'd version of Rapture. Similarly, it will never see the light of day with the serial numbers attached because it is just so niche as it is that like...I have no idea who would want to read that asdfghjkl I rarely write it anymore despite loving a lot of the concepts and dynamics, and I feel like it'd just be more effective to just rip off the remaining serial numbers and let it be free if I ever wanted to publish it somewhere.
Third craziest is perhaps less crazy but just very weird. But I have an ongoing series of fics where Brigid Tenenbaum from Bioshock 1 and Booker Dewitt from Bioshock Infinite just sort of hang out in this space beyond time and space and just get very cerebral about their oddly parallel lives and similar traumas because a hill I will die on is that they are the parallels of one another between those games, not anyone else. They're very written 'For Fabdante' so they are not very polished and I call them 'Bioshock Void Fics'
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I am aware of
13. Have you ever co-authored a fic?
When I was waaay younger yes! Those are really old and locked away on fanfiction.net though.
14. What is your all time favourite ship?
Vergil and Kat/Verat from DmC: Devil May Cry. They are my everything.
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to say never because I do intend to finish these things but here's two:
I have this ATLA fan fic tentatively titled Avatar Champloo which isn't exactly a crossover, more just like an Avatar story featuring the Ba Sing Se kids (Jet, Zuko, and Jin) that plays homage to the vibes and general essence of Samurai Champloo, extrapolating on the already very heavy Samurai Champloo vibes of ATLA. Samurai Champloo is like one of my all time favorite shows so living up to it has been a tall order for me and I fear I will never finish this fic asdfghjk.
I have a few Zelda/Zelgan WIPs that I fear I will never finish. One being a very long one shot based off the idea of a Zelgan romance from the perspective of a bodyguard Link which I'm really fond of, but just have a lot of trouble editing. To give perspective, it was the first fic I ever considered publishing on AO3. And it's still not done to satisfaction for me and thus, not my first fic on AO3.
Obligatory Swan Song (my really long multichapter DmC: Devil May Cry, Verat based, prequel) mention. I don't doubt I'll finish it one day exactly, but when that day will be is far beyond my comprehension asdfghjk
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh...ngl I have no idea lmaooooo I like how I handle small moments, I guess. Most of what I like to write is small moments between people, and I think I'm pretty ok at that. I'm good at rambling.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing multichapter things, I feel. Because I like small moments too much, I struggle to keep things relevant I feel. The biggest issues with Swan Song, I think, are just there being a lot of useless scenes. I struggle a lot with knowing how long scenes should be in something thats more then a one shot and how to transition between those scenes effectively.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I don't know any other language confidently enough to write it, so it's not something I ever do nor have an opinion on. I do write a lot of multilingual characters, and when I do I just tend to write the dialogue in italics then notate that the character is now speaking another language in the descriptor so that the reader knows what the italics mean.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Probably ATLA when I was a waaay younger. Writing Circumnavigators has been a return to my roots, I suppose, asdfghjk
20. Favourite fic you've written?
My favorite posted fic is definitely Crossroads of Catharsis and Contemplation. It's got everything for me and is exactly the type of thing I love to write the most.
Unposted? Depending on how it goes, I might have a runner up that is a preboot DMC fic which is a grunge band AU told through excerpts from a biography novel and the interviews within about said grunge band. Similarly, it has everything for me and is exactly the type of thing I love to write asdfghjkl
Thank you again for tagging me!! And once again, I mean it when I say please count yourself as tagged by me if you want to answer these because I really, really would love to see what you guys are writing!!
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