#like he's in a coma XD
Jimmy and Joel this episode were literally the sitcom single men who randomly have to take care of a baby for an episode
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 10 months
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His guys suggested to him to be normal with her for once and he with his intense negativest game failed hard hard. Yelling at the light of your eyes, fire of your loins will never work.
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the-ash-holio · 2 years
Do you ever have a dream that is so far from reality and makes absolutely no sense, yet it still felt so real... And you kind of want to go back?
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yuikomorii · 2 months
I got a question but I need an objective answer please. So I saw a lot of people complain about Yui being written in a very bad way in Ayato’s routes starting with More Blood and was curious if you think that she became a bad girlfriend as the story progressed?
// I will analyze Yui’s versions from Ayato’s routes and provide an answer at the end of this post.
More Blood:
Even from the first two chapters we are aware of the fact that Yui got a big crush on Ayato merely because of his looks and pleasure he gave her. At first sight, these reasons seem very superficial, but at the same time you can’t blame her completely for that. Yui went to a normal school and used to read magazines for teens, therefore it’s obvious she would have hormones and fall in love with someone who got features portrayed as the beauty standard.
It's understandable why some found her annoying, as she repeatedly cried for Ayato's love without making any real effort to earn it. Apart from giving him her blood, she didn't try to understand what he was going through, even when she noticed changes in him that made him crave so much blood.
Nevertheless, I believe that she did redeem herself in the last chapters, where she admitted being selfish and only thinking about her own desires, instead of focusing on Ayato’s struggles too. I know she paralyzed him out of jealousy and cheated on him in the bad endings, but in the good one, she’s actually a really loyal person. Yui waited years for Ayato to wake up from the coma and Ayato searched for Yui for years in his dream until he finally woke up. This ending confirmed the genuineness of their love.
In the After Story, Ayato planned to attend university for Yui's sake, aiming to get a job and buy a house. Yui helped Ayato with his studies and praised his skills. Initially, she fell for his looks, but in the After Story, she mentioned falling in love with him again because of his caring, determined, and hardworking personality.
Vandead Carnival & Lunatic Parade:
I really liked Yui in both of Ayato's routes and honestly, I can't find anything to criticize about her behavior.
It's not that Yui was a bad partner; it's just that Ayato was portrayed as too good, such as when he ran through flames for her or protected her from a bomb explosion. But that's likely because these are fan service games, where the love interests are designed to be your knights in shining armor. xD
Dark Fate:
I absolutely loved Yui’s portrayal in that route. It was the sweetest version of Yui I’ve ever seen, and I really enjoyed seeing her so happy and soft. Regarding her relationship with Ayato, he was truly the apple of her eye, lol.
The only problematic thing she did was pushing Ayato to face his abuser, Cordelia, even though he didn’t want to. I honestly don’t care if a character does something to another character, as long as it doesn’t affect them and the story, so since Ayato didn’t get mad at her for that, I didn’t mind it much either. However, from an objective point of view, I agree that doing such a thing is quite bad. Being in the presence of someone who ruined your life can trigger intense memories and forcing a confrontation removes the victim's agency in deciding how to cope with their trauma. Ayato might not have been mad at Yui for planning that, but if it had been Laito, I’m sure he would have shown why Yui was in the wrong.
Other than that, she was a kind and supportive girlfriend throughout the whole route, clearly having no ill intent, and I appreciate that she had an actual important role in the route.
Lost Eden:
Ok, I really can’t defend her anymore there. She literally had no redeeming qualities, no matter how many times she got the chance to fix herself. I discussed my thoughts about LE Yui in this post, but I’ll sum it up.
She tried to convince Ayato that despite Cordelia abusing him, she actually did it because she “cared about his future”, and then acted surprised when Ayato started feeling uncomfortable because of her words.
Yui knew the reasons behind Ayato’s behavior, yet when his brothers started mocking him, she didn’t even try to defend him. Everyone ganged up on Ayato, and he was on the verge of a panic attack, yet she remained silent.
Another terrible scene was in one of the last chapters, when Ruki admitted to turning the Vibora Clan and Church organization against Ayato out of envy, aiming to kill him. Instead of criticizing Ruki’s actions, Yui justified them and spoke ill of Ayato behind his back. I wouldn’t like to date someone who claims to love me but keeps hurting me without learning anything… It felt as if Ayato only continued being together with her because he had no one else. No wonder he didn’t marry her there.
Chaos Lineage:
I found Yui quite boring in CL in general, but she started off as determined and sweet in his route, so I liked that.
For most of the route, Yui’s entire personality seemed to revolve around Ayato, and she didn’t do much. There were many cheesy moments between them that made me cringe. Still, I’m sure a certain audience enjoyed those.
My only complaint is that when his brothers started treating Ayato unfairly, despite the fact that he came up with the idea of breaking the glass floor of the church, Yui did nothing to defend him, again.
However, I do appreciate that she gave him that adorable monologue. I just wish she had done it in front of others instead of only acting when Ayato was already insecure and sad.
Now… let’s see what kind of girlfriend Yui was in each route by judging her progress:
MB: Good
VC: Good
DF: Very good
LP: Good
LE: Very bad
CL: Decent
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
what would they look like as villains? I know that some have canonical versions, but I would like to see your intropritation (let's be honest, for most - the evil alterego is an exact copy, but only with a slightly modified color palette and frowning eyebrows)
(I'm sorry for my English)
oh, this was a wonderful ask to get on the eve of spooky month ;D im not god at villain (re)design but it was a fun thinking exercise! (also im assuming you were asking about HoMies xD so)
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I mean, there is only so much one can do to remake protagonists into villains and yet still have them remain recognizable, so no wonder evil!versions often are just recolor/frowny sort, but I tried my best to be creative ;D
(and your english is alright! no worries)
also while you can imagine them being as villanous as you want in these designs, there are some little blurbs/backstories i made up for myself as I tried to design them, if you are interested (they are various shades of dark, since you know, tragic backstory and all that lol):
Kim Possible - Hero for Hire turned Mercenary for Money - Kim is widely known for her profeciency in hand-to-hand and quick thinking when on the jobs, but one time something went terribly wrong. Maybe client info was unreliable, or a freak accident, but as the result both Kim and Ron got hurt, leaving Ron in a hospital permanently, and Kim with scars and trauma. After that the girl who worked on favors and rides lost her trust/belief in goodness of people, becoming jaded by reality of a job she accidently found herself in. Kim changed into someone very cold and calculated, someone who started taking jobs that required using serious weapons instead of gadgets, and more importantly getting paid, so she could support her best friend (who is in coma and thus unable to influence this downwards spiral Kim find herself in).
(in contrast to canon!Kim's free flowing hair, she ties it back in order to never be distracted in crucial moment. has a lot of new scars due to more dangerous jobs. i still cant decide if she kills with her weapons or not, but she certainly learned to hurt people. also a very complicated relationship with Shego, since Kim is also a mercenary now, but Shego still remembers that girl she was and is conflicted about this new Kim)
Danny Fenton/Phantom - Ghostly Hero turned Ice Prince - s3e6 Urban Jungle turned out differently, when in the end, defeating Undergrowth, meant also hurting everyone he had been connected to at that moment (level of hurt depends on your preference for angst i guess lol), but anyway, Danny horrified by what he have done (and with memory of Dan still haunting him), still technically unstable with his Ice Powers, flees back into the Ghost Zone to the one place he knows he won't be able to hurt anyone. Sequestering himself in the Far Frozen, he goes full Elsa, and become a remote Ice Prince, that even Far Frozen Yetis are still nervous around, with his only contact being Frostbite. Slowly he wastes away, freezing from his powers not only physically but also like emotionally.
(fun (?) tidbit: fur on his new snow cape/coat is from yetis, unfortunate to wander too close to ice prince. so there are a bunch of partially bald yetis in far frozen lol. Danny is constantly covered in bits of ice and frost, since his ice powers are unstable due to emotional damage. Danny's crown is not a conscious choice, but rather a manifestation of Far Frozen starting to bond with Danny's ice core to become his lair and also sort of recognizing Danny as future Ghost King.)
Jake Long - American Dragon Guardian turned Corrupted by Dark Magic Dragon - Series Finale The Hong Kong Longs, ended differently, when Dark Dragon left a parting shot before he was inprisoned for another Millennium. Since meeting Jake, Dark Dragon has been interested in aquiring him as minion/apprentice(?), and had been steadily trying to sway him to his side. But as he lost he made a last ditch attempt, infecting Jake with Dark Magic. As the result, Jake now cannot control his Dragon Form, being steadily consummed by the Darkness and turning more Draconic as time passes, until he will become full Dragon all the time and under the thrall of Darkness. The change is harsh and as the result Jake falls into violent moments during which he hurt his loved ones that fight to keep him from changing. In one of his more lucid moments, Jake flees to hide away in order not to hurt anyone.
(it seems an interesting thought to expand on the possiblity that the Dragon form can overwhelm the human part and that it would associate with dark magic to succumb to its baser instincts, and also would be a great opening to all those wonderful draconic fan headcanons fandom made about Jake lol)
Ben Tennyson - Hero Wielder of Omnitrix turned Corrupted/Hacked Ultimatrix Unstable User - During Alien Force Ben tried multiple times to hack/meddle with Omnitrix settings, and when he continuously tried the same with Ultimatrix in Ultimate Alien, something has gone wrong. Ultimatrix has bonded deep into Ben's DNA and body, and now every change is felt acutely, not to mention the alien perceptions are now unfiltered and Ben recieves the raw experience of being a different speices/state. It comes to a point when it start to mess with his mind, only made worse by Dagon's reemergence and all the enemies. In the final showdown of Ultimate Enemy goes differently, how? no idea (again depends on your preference level of angst lol). But as the result, Ben, unstable and a little crazy, is on the run with his corrupted Ultimatrix, his reputation in tatters and is considered dangerous by Plumbers.
(i had a little extra idea of Omniverse continuation, where new Plumber Rook Blonko, now has to hunt his hero turned crazy tragic villain Ben Tennyson. Very emotional and angsty (and a bit gay lol), where Rook continuously trying to unsuccessfully catch crazy Ben and convince him to let Azimuth and plumbers to help him.)
Juniper Lee - Youngest Te Xuan Zhe turned Corrupted/Fallen Te Xuan Zhe - in this case in Out of the Past, what Ah-Mah Jasmine feared about Fallen Te Xuan Zhe Kay Yee managing to corrupt Jun has sort of came to pass. After defeating Kai Yee, being touched by the overwhelming power of Magical Elders has left its mark on Jun, as well as Kai Yee's words and Jasmine's initial fear about/distrust in Jun (she is like 11-12 people, it would FUCK HER UP MENTALLY???). As Jun goes through her rebellious teen phase, the unfairness of her trapped position as protector and the demands of it, grates on her more and more, and she finds refuge in studying magic. As the result, her magical ability grows and as her desire for freedom, and the smallest seed of corruption from the events of Out of the Past grow too. So in the end, Jun learns magic to wield it , like Kai Yee, but unlike Kai Yee, not just for battle, but for personal goal of freeing herself and any future Te Xuan Zhe of her family line.
(fun tidbit, Jun doesn't continue to dye her hair pink, instead she uses blood from battle ;D morbid i know but i couldnt help it i like the imagery of her passing her bloody hands through the white part to paint it. she has lightning scars all over her body, that appear only when she uses magic - a manifestation of her brush with orb of magic elders.)
Rex Salazar - Last Hope Against EVO turned Contained and Controlled Weapon of Providence - Rex's return 6 months after Breach transported him and his introduction to Black Knight goes very differently. Instead of prolonged mind games, Black Knight just imprisons Rex pretty much right away while he is vulnerable, content to attempt to trigger Rex's amnesia ad use the mind-control collar, to turn him into her mindless weapon. She was sorta successful? But with Ceaser on the inside, he managed, with the help of Six and Holiday, to free Rex, even if it was too late to save his mind. As the result, whatever reeducation Rex suffered from Black Knights left him instinctively reacting with force and in defense. The whole last part of the season goes very differently in this state, and the finale also ends differently, with Rex, overwhelmed with power of Omega Nanite (God) but in no mind to actually control it. So in the end he is forced to be contained as his friends and family try to figure out how to save him.
(the angst of mind-controlled Rex is something I enjoy, but since he canonically is immune to it, the idea of an induced amnesiac episode seemed like a best bet for this one, but with like double the angst since Six&Holiday would have to struggle not only with Rex being turned into amind-controlled weapon but also him not knowing them)
Randy Cunningham - Chosen Norrisvile Ninja turned Disgraced/Fallen Ex-Ninja - relatively early in his career, after accidently releasing Tengu and Howard getting possesed by it, Randy makes an ultimate sacrifice by burning the Ninja Mask in order to defeat Tengu. However, he didn't expect that Tengu-possesed Howard to be sealed away together and the Ninja title being taken away from him for his reckless (even if noble) decision. Frantic, because he lost two important parts of his life, his best friend and heroic purpose, Randy tries to get the reborn mask back, but it, along with the Ninjanomicon were spirited away by the Messenger to pass on to another candidate. And thus starts Randy's panicked downward spiral and frantic attempts to get back the mask in order to free Howard. Since he still has his memories, Randy trains to become a better fighter. He knows he has to fight the new ninja for the mask, since he believes the Ninjanomicon would advice strongly against New Ninja helping Randy free Howard. In school He becomes known as resident outcast with bad reputation who lost his best friend under suspicious circumstances, and magical underbelly of Norrisville another antagonist for the Ninja to battle. However he still retains an odd sense of honor about Ninja (because he was one) so when opportunities to team up with Sorcerer, McFist, Sorcereress come up, he either ignores them or uses them for his own goal. The closest thing to hit home for him was when Mac Antfee also tried to get mask back, but for his own selfish purposes unlike Randy, well, lets just say Randy was pissed.
(i feel bad since i practically nipped Randy's career right on the bud, unlike others, but this one felt like a good turning villain opportunity unlike season finale. also! the idea of Randy beng an antagonist to the next ninja, while struggling with his own goodness and desire to save Howard is incredibly interesting to me lol. also he got scars from Tengu)
Zak Saturday - Heroic Fighter for Cryptids turned Cryptid Kur re-Reborn - the last episode, where Argost took powers of Kur and subsequently Zak died for about 3 minutes, Zak didn't reawaken unscathed. Kur is not only powers to control Cryptids, it was a person once, and after Zak died and was ressurected, a part of Kur has come forth, because some part of Zak has been lost in his death. A changed Zak Saturday worries his family, with him being quiet and introspective, not to mention pale/golden eyed and slightly zombie-like from his brush with death. Inside, parts of Zak the Kid and Kur the Olden Cryptid mesh and mix, leaving this new Zak struggling with who he is. As time passes however, Zak the Kid is slowly loosing the battle with a much more powerful older part of the soul of Kur (it wouldnt normally happen but Zak the Kid lost a significant part of his spirit when he died, which was filled with Kur) slowly regain his abilities (like in TGAS). At some point a change happens, and Zak retreats from his family, starting to wander the world as two parts of him struggle for dominance.
(fun tidbit! Zak's outfit is the same from his future vision of him overtaking the world as Kur, it seemed approrpiate lol. Also for some reason I kept thinking of Van Kleiss (from Generator Rex) when designing evil!Zak. they kinda have the same vibe)
Jenny XJ-9 Wakeman - Robotic Hero of Earth turned Robotic Overlord - this is a bit of mixed influences from different points: in season finale Dr. Locust turns Dr. Wakeman's creation against her; Jenny's Older Brother Armagedroid; Vexus attempt to sway Jenny to her fellow robots side; the whole year where Jenny was mind-controlled by a bratty kid and everyone feared her and even her mother planned to create a new XJ-10 in order to defeat her; and also a bit random but that one time Jenny pretended to be a villain Ruby Rocket (hence the red color scheme with bits of Armagedroid/Cluster designs). I have a bit less clear timeline for this, but lets just say its gradual and that at some point a lot of manipulations Jenny suffered turned her against humanity and their use of her robotic brethern. While she does not desire to destroy humanity like her brother, she certainly lost her trust in it, and after a manipulation one time too many, she snaps, turns into a leveled up version of Ruby Rocket/Anti-hero persona, she takes her sisters and leaves to Cluster, where Vega welcomes her. Jenny still protects Earth, but admittingly from afar and in a more evil way I guess?? She loves her mother, but she struggles with Dr Wakeman's previous disregard of her siblings and just callous regard to her creations (Wakeman can be cold/serious/to-the point, without Jenny constantly reminding her that she wants to be like a normal girl).
(Jenny was the hardest, because I couldnt find a clear point of turning in the series for her, so I decided to go with gradual change of mind about humanity sort of deal.)
oof this turned a bit long lol, thank you anyone who read through this clusterfuck! As you can see i sort of went with 'Were a Hero - tragically turned Anti-Hero due to circumstances' kind of vibe, since Im just unable to imagine these guys be like trully horrible evil villains (and this way is more angsty, since, like Fallen Heroes and all that). Im not that creative lol. Anyway, i hope you were as entertained as i was when creating this haha ;D
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Sending my request once again! (I think, don't rlly remember 😰) Full hc about the M6 with a MC in a coma?
The Arcana HCs: When MC falls into a coma
~ don't know if this is what you were going for but it turned into a sleeping beauty situation XD hope you enjoy! - brainrot ~
-- to set the scene --
It was an overcast day. The air had been unusually still ever since your lover had stepped out after breakfast to start their day, and you'd found your own set of tasks to be oddly uneventful ... and lonely. It's why, when an elderly grandfather hobbles by and offers you a warm bread roll, you don't hesitate to take a bite as soon as you've waved goodbye. You don't take a second.
He's had a long day at the clinic, and as short as his commute is, he still feels like he's been a hundred miles away from you as he heads over after sunset. He's missed you all day
He's sure he forgets how to breathe when he walks in to see you collapsed on the floor. He knows what corpses look like, he can tell you aren't dead, but that's little comfort when you don't wake up
Carrying you to bed and working feverishly to narrow down all the possibilities. You're not injured, you're not sick, your vitals seem to fine, but ... you don't wake up. Even smelling salts don't do it
Spends the next three days refusing to leave your side except to fetch more help or resources. The whole community helps him
Mazelinka brings soup, Portia and Nadia stop by with some rare medicines, Asra pops in at all odd hours with new spells to try, and even Barth sends a hot meal or two over from the Rowdy Raven
Julian doesn't leave until he gets a call in the middle of the night. A nearby neighbor has gone into labor, and needs attention until the midwife can arrive from across town
He kisses your hand goodbye on his way out and is too busy hustling out the door to hear you stir. His shout when he gets home several hours later to see you reading wakes half the city
They'd spent the morning out running errands and the afternoon catching up with their parents. It's been busy and interesting and they're excited to show you what they got you in the market
Except all of that goes tumbling out of his grasp when he walks in to find you collapsed behind the counter, unresponsive
Somehow they manage to get you upstairs and in bed through the daze, and then they get ready to work through the night
He does notice the partially-eaten bread roll and can tell there's some sort of powerful magic in it, but unraveling what it is proves harder than he expects. The next 24 hours blur by in a haze
At some point, Faust goes off to find Chimes and Flamel and Aisha and Salim appear at the back door to help out. When they see Asra's state, they urge them to get some rest while they take over
He makes up a layer of blankets on the floor next to you to sleep, not wanting to disturb your condition, but it feels wrong to close his eyes without the usual goodnight kiss (at 5 PM)
They lean over to press a gentle peck between your eyebrows, and the sight of you beginning to twitch awake makes them freeze in place. It might be too good to be true
And that's how you wake up, to an exhausted Asra collapsing onto your chest
Horrified. She's already blaming herself for being too busy to check in on you earlier, you seemed fine this morning, but here you are in one of the entrance's side rooms collapsed since goodness knows
A quick check with the guards confirms they saw you speaking with a stooped old man at the gates just that afternoon - and the roll they saw him give to you is next to you on the floor
To say that she distracts herself from her pain by leaving you to the healthcare professionals and trying to make up for her negligence by hunting down your poisoner would be an understatement
She's a woman on a mission. She'll leave Chandra in your chambers to bring her any updates and start her investigation immediately
Can't really bring herself to be with you for too long when she believes it's her fault. It's two weeks before she sits down next to you to see how you're doing, after doctors suggested she talk
It's hard. She takes your hand in hers and stares at your motionless face, and all she's able to do is tell you everything she's done so far to find the old man as though it'll earn her your presence again
Only after that, as the sun starts to set and she runs out of things to say, does she lean down whisper her love into your ear and press a kiss to your cheek. The surprised "eep!" when you wake up is priceless
Panics as soon as gets in, because his mind is already jumping to the worst possible conclusions about what he's seeing
Are you dead? Are you hurt? Were you attacked? Did a rogue wild animal make its way in and maul you? Did Lucio come back? Did the Devil come back? He should've kept you safe -
It's Inanna's insistent whining and nudging that gets him to carry you to the bed from where he's gathered you up. It's hard to check for your pulse when his hand won't stop shaking
Whatever's going on, it doesn't take long for him to realize that you're okay. You're okay, you're just ... asleep. And not waking up
He'll try taking a nap on the floor next to you until you do
It's as the next day drags on that he starts to worry that you might not be getting enough food or water. He still doesn't know if this warrants calling Julian (he'd rather not) but you need hydration
Thankfully he's kissed you plenty of times before, so it's not too nerve-wracking a task for him to take a sip of fresh spring water before pressing his mouth to yours and trying to help you drink
You didn't expect to wake up like this
Normally Muriel would be a little more grossed out about having water coughed all over his face, but he's too happy to care
If she walks into a room and sees you collapsed, she's screaming
She's screaming loud enough to be heard from the Palace, and then she's rushing towards and nearly sobbing in relief when your skin is warm and your chest is still moving steadily up and down
She doesn't know why you collapsed or what's wrong with you (if it's something she can't see, then she doesn't want to mess it up) so she avoids moving you until she has someone around to help
Ilya. She needs Ilya, and Mazelinka, and Nadia, and Asra too, and maybe all the names ending in "a"s if it'll help her figure out how to help you any sooner. She'll get you through this. It'll be okay
Between Nadia spotting the bread roll, Julian confirming that there isn't an obvious medical reason, and Asra and Mazelinka's combined magical food knowledge, it's obvious what happened
The delightful thing about a woman like Portia is that she doesn't like stopping to be sad when she knows there's still hope to work towards. Nobody knows the spell? Trial and error!
"True love's kiss" is the third thing on the list after failing to enter your dreams and dripping soup into your mouth. Waking up to Portia smugly telling her older brother that all those "fairy tales" were onto something after all is an unforgettable experience
All he knows is that one moment, he was triumphantly announcing his return and very pleased with himself about completing a shopping trip that involved only wise spending choices
And the next moment, every wise spending choice was clattering to the floor because you weren't moving
He's been on enough battlefields to know the difference between wounded and dead, but you don't seem to be either
The worst part is, you're not waking up. No matter what he does, you don't wake up. He's seen this before - he remembers watching as a vengeful ghost as his ex-wife lay motionless for three years
Is that how long this is going to take? Three years? He's not worried about his loyalty, he'll find a place that'll take care of you while he picks up whatever jobs he needs to keep you afloat, but
What if he makes another "oopsie" and you're not there to help?
It all overwhelms him to the point that he lays his head down on your stomach to have a little moment to himself, and he turns his face against your shirt to catch any ... eye water
Apparently mouthing "I love you" against your belly button counts, because the next thing he knows you're lifting your head and asking what's wrong. He's not touching a bread roll again
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iamumbra195 · 2 months
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Now that he isn't in scrubs and covering half his face with a mask, Alex just looks like a dude with long hair lol. I think we all just assumed he was a girl because was in scrubs and had long hair XD. And also fuck yeah, Alex, you deserve to be a bitch considering all the stress you're under lol.
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And oh my god, no. The parents are coma patients which means they're turning into phantoms...
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On a brighter note, Aiden terrorizing Taylor by acting like a phantom is the most teenage boy shit I've ever seen. Red writes teenagers perfectly lol. And Ben got his whistle, hooray. Though he almost got snatched right after lmaoo.
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Wouldn't it be cool if it turned out that Maverick and Mr. Thomas were a Jekyll and Hyde type of situation? Mr. Thomas as Jekyll and Maverick as Hyde, of course. Maybe the reason he's doing all this is too heal himself lol. Ignore that I just pulled it out my ass XD (Imagine if I'm right though? I think I'd explode)
Also, random thing but when has Tyler ever even seen Maverick lol? The only ones who've seen him are Ash and Ben. Maybe they saw his picture when they were looking through the files of everyone who worked there.
Can't wait for next week!
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
30 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🌊
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😅Ah, well this is awkward-
I haven't drawn Gravity Falls in quite a while. And with this sudden fandom resurgence following the book of Bill.. I actually went back and privated a huge chunk of my Gravity falls posts. :x
My reasoning for this is that looking back, a lot of those old posts are rather embarrassing for me 💀 now I respected them all as stepping stones to where my blog is now so I didn't actually DELETE any posts!! But now with the fandom coming back people are finding them aaaannddd.. when ever I get a notification of someone liking an old cringey Gravity Falls post of mine? I just go beet red. uhhg they're sooooo embrassingggg...
SO! For my own comfort, I privated lot of those embarrassing posts. I didn't delete them in case I change my mind and want them back in the future- but they should all be hidden.
Now that that's explained, the comic you're talking about is likely one that I privated parts of out of embarrassment. But if you happen to have a link to one of the parts or can remember the what the comic was about... mayyyybe I could go back and un-pivate it.? <XD But just that comic! It depends on how beet red I turn when I see it-- :x
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I've heard of cult of the lamb, seen a lot of fanart for it- and several of my friends play it!... But I still don't know much about it <XD Isn't it like a cult simulator or something..? Idk-- the cult imagery just didn't really feel like my thing 😅
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@i-v-y67 (Hiding the image because its not my art! <:D )
Sorry man, <XD Maybe someday I will! But for now I got Welcome home, FNAF and Pokémon on the mind 💀
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DUDE I LOOOOOVE THE AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL!! That show has absolutely no right to be that funny XDDD
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XDD Aw, thank you! Truly the highest compliment my version of Wally could receive. 😌
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Idk how Bibi's name is actually supposed to be pronounced.. but I personally pronounce it as "bee-bee" <XD
And for his little sister Cici, its the same. "see-see"
While I'm at it, Gerald's name is pronounced "erald". The G is silent XDD
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Aw man.. Ingo couldn't cope.. 😔😔
No that's not me saying that Emmet loved Ingo less or was emotionally stronger than him- but Emmet sees Ingo as his strong and capable older brother. With some comfort from Elesa, he believed at his core that Ingo could handle what ever he was facing out there.. although his body was wracked with worry..
If the roles were reversed.. I mean.. man..
Ingo sees Emmet as his precious baby brother. Despite them being only minutes apart in age. He knows logically that Emmet is just as strong and capable as he is.. but just imaging his baby brother out there.. wounded and all alone.. he should have been there. he should have done more. He's all alone. What if he never sees him again? What if he dies alone out there?
The separation would quite possibly destroy Ingo..
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Boop!! :DDD
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I'm feeling pretty rough, but doing my best to rest! <:D and thank you!! :)))
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I don't have many clear ideas for Home yet.. I'm thinking that its pretty sentient. Home can problem solve, make assumptions and learn..
What does it think of everything... I'm not quite sure. I imagine Home to be curious though, and that's why it watches Wally sleep and why it watched Eddie at the Christmas party..
I also pictured Home to have been in an almost coma/zombie like state back when it was dilapidated.. but then I wonder if Poppy would still be spooked by it.. hmm..
It couldn't have been comfortable in that state at least. So when Wally fixed it up, maybe Home was grateful? Or maybe Home is just kind'a coming to and doesn't know how to feel about the neighborhood springing up around it.. overall I kind'a want to keep these general malicious undertones to Home... 👀
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Yeah, I didn't have them crushing on each other because I don't like writing romance stuff for characters that are not my own.. <XD
But this doesn't mean that Eddie and Frank cant have a strong platonic bond in my au! :0 One thing I imagined for their friendship is how they met/how it started.
I had this picture in my head that Frank used to butt-heads with the other neighbors a lot more than he does now. Frank had a certain way of talking and expressing himself that some of the other neighbors didn't really understand.. and since Frank can be irritable at times.. well.. I guess the best way to put it is that Frank had a hard time making friends at first..
I imagined that on a particularly bad day, where nothing seemed to be going his way.. Frank was huffing and puffing and just grumbling to himself.. attending to some chores around the house and just overall feeling down. At some point, he realized the package he ordered should be here any second now.. so he stepped outside to check the mail.
When he went outside, whaddya know! The new mailman was here right on time and putting his package in the mailbox. Well FINALLY something went right for him! That's a nice change..
I imagined Frank went out in a huff to grab the mail, not intending to chat.. but 10 minutes later and he was still stood outside talking to the new mailman.
I thought that when Frank spoke to Eddie, Eddie listened intently and waited patiently for his turn to talk without interrupting. When Eddie talked to Frank, he basically asked all the perfect questions in the perfect tone to get Frank to simmer down.
Eddie told him how beautiful his garden looked, and with his tone and bright smile, you could tell he meant it! Well that's a nice thing to say..
Frank asked how he feels about the neighborhood. And Eddies responses were relatively quick and to the point. Huh.. its nice to have no filler in this conversation considering how grumpy he was today..
Eddie makes a comment about Franks nice clothes, Frank chuckles and comments that his grumpy expression probably doesn't make them look any nicer.. Eddie is a little taken aback, "I didn't think you looked grumpy.. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down today neighbor.." Huh.. someone who doesn't just see his frown and assume he's a grump. That's a really nice change..
By the end of their conversation, Franks day had been completely flipped on its head. He had a nice chat with the new neighbor and got his mail right on time. Eddie was respectful, interested in what Frank had to say, and had plenty of genuine compliments to spare.
Since that excellent first impression on Eddie's part, their friendship would grow and grow into what it is today. Not a romantic relationship, but definitely a best friend situation for sure. :)
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A phone call? :0 Is this one I talked about happening in my at some point and forgot or was this something that happened in canon? <:0 Forgive my poor memory- today is not my day! 😅😅
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AWWWEE!! the little babeee.... 🥺🥺💞💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Thank you! These past few days have been pretty rough but I'm hangin in there! <:D ...
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Man I really gotta work on the story/personalities for Julies siblings <XD These ideas for them are just wonderful! Him meeting Julies brother/sisters sounds like a fun drawing idea!
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B-But.. with no return address... how am I supposed to send a thank you..? <:'(((
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It is one of my all time favorite shows.. 🥺🥺💞💞💞 I love it to bits. Stanley is my favorite character.. I watched it like twice and I would have watched it a third time but I couldn't watch it without crying so I had to quit <XDD 100/10 would recommend Gravity Falls.💞💞
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(Jangles birthday post)
Ahh don't worry, his birthday was actually on the 6th. I was late too! <XD
Also thank you! I'm glad you like the details I added! :)))))
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😔😔😔Man, it never ends. Thanks for letting me know though..
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I kind'a pictured it being similar to Sans and Papyrus. Well, if Papyrus loved puns that is- XDDD
Their personalities are kind'a opposite. Barnaby is relaxed, laid back and always cracking jokes. Howdy is always on the move (in the warmer months). Always darting from shelf, gotta stock stock stock! Gotta go go go! Got so many things to do!
Barnaby usually hangs out in the shop and chats with Howdy. They like to talk about life, their opinions on different topics. And of course exchange jokes back and fourth XDD
I imagine their friendship is strong enough that they've opened up about some darker things. About their pasts and what not..
Sorry if this wasn't super descriptive and/or didn't answer your question 😅 brain is not braining today!
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She's thought about telling someone else. The people she would trust the most would probably be Wally, Barnaby, Poppy and Sally.
Though she's afraid if she shows Wally, he'll be afraid of her. Just like all the other humans were...
She thought about telling Barnaby because he's so laid back and easy going.. perhaps he'd accept her for who she is.. but Barnaby really values honesty.. maybe he'd be upset that she lied to him about who she really is and wouldn't want to be her friend anymore..
She almost told Poppy, but backed out last second. She doesn't want to scare poor Poppy..
She's considered telling Sally.. and since Sally has a similar story to her.. maybe she'd be really understanding and accept her.. but she wasn't sure. So she never told her..
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I'd like to imagine Home does, but Wally either doesn't notice them or thinks they're just normal old house things :0
For example, the first picture in this post shows Home before Wally restored it. The peeling paint was supposed to be like rotting flesh, showing a pale red wood underneath.. bright red wood exists in their world, but its not usually that shade of red...
I thought about there occasionally being a faint blowing sound somewhere in the house. Accompanied by drawn out rise and fall in temperature though all the rooms. Wally would say the windows don't seal that well or the walls have poor insulation.. Other's would say it feels like breathing..
I've considered that when Wally tries to hang a picture, the walls leak some kind of thick fluid. Obviously meant to be blood- but I miiiight not go with that one. Since that would be a big glaring problem that would grab Wally's attention-
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Also I'm actually pretty thin on ideas for Howdy.. although I DO have these headcannons about Howdy not liking winter/the cold! :0
I imagined that Howdy can't handle the cold at all <XD In the wintertime howdy is constantly cold, hungry and sleepy. This makes him move really slowly and show up late to everything 😔Thankfully he has his good pal Barnaby to lend a hand around the shop. But it just sucks that he's so exhausted in the wintertime and can hardly get anything done..
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(In response to this post)
Thank you so much! :DD And ooooo! Yellow and black could work really well! :000
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@neo-metalscottic (Chandelure post in question)
And as for Julies sisters/brother, I actually haven't thought about them much.. BUT THIS IDEA IS SOOOO GOOD AND SPOOKY!!! U GOTTA FIND A WAY TO ADD IT TO THE AU!! :DDD
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I would like to draw that comic, but its just a huuuuuge project for me to pick up atm <XD
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Thank you so much!! :DD Although unfortunately I don't know what image you're talking about.. I don't remember seeing Eddie hurt with Wally carrying him, and I don't have any intentions for Eddie to get seriously hurt! <:0
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Skeleton's S/O notices a car following them as they walk in the street. Suddenly, the car speeds on them with the clear intent of knocking skeleton over. S/O pushes Skeleton out of the way and Skeleton can't do anything but watch as the car rolls over his partner. For the main 10.
I swear I answered a post like this before, or I asked a similar thing on Ratsoh's blog I don't know xD Anyway, here's your angst.
Undertale Sans - His soul stops beating briefly as he watches his S/O get hit and fly several meters away. Sans quickly recovers from the shock and runs to rescue his S/O. He doesn't care about the car and teleports the both of them to the nearest hospital, screaming for help. The next hours are the scarier of his life as he has no idea how bad are the injuries, and he has to call his brother, his S/O's family, and then Undyne to report what happened. He's quite shaken, but luckily, his S/O got out of it with only a broken leg which could have been way worse. Sans refuses to leave their side while they're recovering, and he's going to have nightmares of this for weeks.
Undertale Papyrus - In a vain attempt to save his S/O, he summons a barrier of bones in front of the car. It didn't stop the car but slowed it enough to prevent his S/O from being seriously injured. By doing that, however, he injured seriously the car driver as a bone pierced the front window and impaled them. Papyrus quickly calls for an ambulance before sitting with his S/O to comfort them. He doesn't give a shit about the man crying for help in the car. Other people are already helping them. Papyrus is just glad you're more or less ok. You get out of here with only bad bruises.
Underswap Sans - He tries to grab your arm to pull you above his head and slams you into the floor behind him, but got too slow. Blue got dragged along with you, still holding you, and he heard several of your bones break. He's horrified and struggles to keep his calm as you're screaming in agony. He calls an ambulance for you and the driver, in a good state still. For now. Blue is enraged and drags him out of the car. When the rescuers come, the man is in a coma, and Blue is compressing his S/O's wounds, covered in blood. He doesn't care if there are consequences. His S/O is severely injured but will heal after long months of recovery.
Underswap Papyrus - He gasps in shock as his S/O is violently thrown into a wall. Honey meets the eyes of the driver, who is quickly not done with them, and he just reacts instinctively, running to protect his S/O with his own body. He takes the second hit bravely as a lot of people starts recording the scene and calls the cops. Poor Blue arrives right to see the man going for a third hit, but he doesn't have time to do it as Blue absolutely destroys the car with blasters. Honey has a few broken ribs and just lays unconscious on his S/O's unconscious body. They both survived with serious injuries, but the doctors said him putting his body in the way definitely saved his S/O so he doesn't care.
Underfell Sans - He goes full protect mode and jumps in front of his S/O with hundreds of bones ready to attack and two huge blasters. Red is eyes in eyes with the guy and he's furious. If the man makes any threatening gesture, he attacks and kills them. Once sure they're not a danger anymore, he goes to check on his S/O and calls an ambulance. He's extremely protective during their recovery, nervous and jumping at any sound.
Underfell Papyrus - He's horrified and immediately feels guilty. He should have been the one protecting you, and yet here you are. Edge has a strong healing magic though so he can quickly relief your pain while the ambulance arrives. He never leaves your side, not even one second. However, as soon as he's sure 100% you're alright, he's leaving for a few days to hunt the man who hurt you down and kill him. An eye for an eye.
Horrortale Sans - He's in shock and triggered by all the blood. No one can approach his S/O as he's attacking on sight, completely distressed and panicked. Despite the pain, S/O slowly manages to calm him down and convince him to let the rescuers get close. He's growling at any suspect gesture, but he lets them help you. He's so worried he even comes to the hospital despite how much he hates the place. The doctors try to make him leave the room sometimes but, uh, that's not going to happen. He's protective during your recovery.
Horrortale Papyrus - He fell on his back and got stuck there, watching in horror as the car hit you. He's crying and screaming your name, unable to move to help you. He's more and more distressed as he sees the blood, and even though kind people try to help, Willow can't calm down. He's freaking out completely and eventually starts to have hallucinations of the Underground because of the pain. The rescuers had to sedate him to calm him down. He's so relieved when he wakes up next to you, alive and fine despite your broken legs. Toriel is already helping to heal them faster with her magic, so you're in safe hands. He goes back to sleep with a light sigh.
Swapfell Sans - No hesitation, he attacks the car with all he has to defend his S/O's life. He empties all of his magic on it actually, before collapsing, panting heavily. He then crawls to his S/O to check on their injuries and calls an ambulance. He then takes off his jacket to put it under your head and talks to you to keep you awake and comfort you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He jumps on the car to avoid you being hit. You manage to get out of the way, but Rus gets carried away at a scary distance before the car violently crashes into a tree, making Rus fly in the air. Luckily, he ends up in a big pile of leaves and doesn't even have a scratch. He's the luckiest bastard ever and he can't believe he's alive. S/O still insists he goes to the hospital for a check-up. The guy of the car got the most serious injuries, but who's going to cry for them.
Fellswap Gold Sans - As the car tries to flee, Wine shoots in the tires and watches coldly as the car rolls over down a hill. He then sits next to his S/O and starts to heal them waiting for an ambulance. He doesn't tell them about the second car, pretending the guy ran away. Once S/O is taken care of, he walks calmly to the guy who hit his S/O, then drags them to his home, never to be seen again.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's completely paralyzed with shock, staring at the blood. His hands are shaking as he tries to wake his S/O up, more and more distressed. He eventually starts to scream for help, not even realizing he's doing it. Some people passing by quickly come to help him. Coffee completely breaks down and calls his brother for help, because he has no idea what to do. Wine quickly joins him to calm him down, then asks Coffee to explain what happened. Of course, knowing someone tried to kill his brother is not going to please Wine, who immediately starts to hunt the driver down. Someone is not going to have fun.
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I had brain riot with this idea, courtesy of @z3r0aqxa and their TR matchups. I just found this dynamic too adorable for not writing about this!
Edit: Fanart of this here! 💜
Ran Haitani with a s/o that have way too much energy and usually sleeps 5/6 hours top.
(english is not my first language, be nice please!)
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Ran doesn't understand how he ended up with you. Not that he's complaining exactly, he loves you. But he also loves sleeping.
This man needs his (at least) 12 hours of sleeping beauty.
The first time that you wake up with him, you were happy to just cuddle on his arms. The first two hours. But it was so boring after a while and your boyfriend was almost in a coma.
So, obviously, you ended up going to the kitchen for some coffee. You need your caffeine!
Where you found Rindou who, as soon as you said you were thinking in waking up Ran after coffee.... Panicks xD
Rindou warned you that you should never wake up his brother. NEVER.
You just made fun of him, obviously. But decided to listen to him anyway. Is not that you were actually scared of Ran, you just felt bad waking him up.
When Ran finally wakes up (hours later), he thought that you just left. Not that he would admit it, but that... Breakes him a little.
Until he finds you outside his bedroom, just spending time doing your own stuff and waiting for him to wake up.
This man doesn't understand how someone is able to have done so many things so early in the morning! (It's actually noon and we all know it)
But you've being waiting for him, you wanna go outside, you wanna walk around the city with him. So, even if he's still sleepy... He can't say no to your puppy eyes.
Now, you're just dragging him around through all Tokyo. Ran have a lazzy smile all the time that you do that. Maybe doing things so early (again, it wasn't early at all) is not such a bad idea if it's with you.
No need to say that after this, Ran gave you a key of his apartment, for you to be able to go in and out while his sleeping. He knows that you can't handle being stuck in bed for so many hours and he trusts you.
Rindou thinks you're a miracle maker when you even manage to wake up Ran without having to face his wrath.
Tenjiku thinks it's hilarious seeing you almost jumping with all your energy, dragging Ran to the meetings.
Even Izana starts calling you when he needs Ran to be punctual somewhere. Everyone knows that if it's with you, Ran will go anywhere. With a sleepy face and a lazzy smile.
Also, be ready for Ran napping in your lap. You don't need to sleep? Perfect, you can just pamper him while he sleeps. He even let you play with his hair!
And of course... Ran is a horny bastard. So, more than once, when you are trying to wake him up and do something together...
Ran huggs you tightly and whispers in your ear "Baby, I can help you to use all this energy without going out of bed."
Obviously, you can't say no to that xD
(I hope someone likes it, it's my first time writing about Ran! 🙈)
And of course, I had to mention Izana, hehehehe
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
When Yuebei wad born, Wukong most CERTAINLY went into a medical coma as well. Like, no joke... in Century Egg au, Wukong had gone into labor with potentially he best case scenario and still almost died... wit Yuebai in Slowboiled we've got a Wukong who's been several centuries overdue, had his magic literally running on empty during time, the moment he gets even somewhat decent he then gets strapped to a web and used as a battery, only to then have a madrush that took at minimum the better part of a month and was most likely more to find a weapon, then his powers were fucking short circuited in a magic barrier and then drained even more. Another madrush this time being pushed by his own deceased mate who he is fairly certain hates him and wants him dead, burned by Samhadi Fire, fought an ice with, and then possessed by said ice witch and forced to be used as a weapon against his own troupe, his own adopted cub and mate included. And only AFTER all that he ended up going into labor in some random campsight xD
Thats a good point to bring up.
Another major distinction is that Yuebei (SlowBoiled) was present for many of Wukong's experiences along the Journey, and literally ate the entire soul of ancient being just before she was born. Wukong likely only survives birthing Yuebei because she fully consumed another being's dao (LBD) instead of his own.
And even with Macaque at his side at last, Wukong is still running on empty once the Egg is born. Yuebei is probably still hangs out in her shell for a while before hatching from all the physical/mental stress her parent just went through.
In the meantime, Wukong has disconnected from the chat and has to do a major recharge before he can start waking up again. It really scares the gang at first, but Guanyin manages to soothe their worries that Wukong's physical reaction is super normal given the circumstances.
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He just eepy, give him a few minutes days.
MK: "What about the egg itself? Does it take super long to hatch?" Guanyin (honestly doesn't know): "I'll... get back to you on that." Macaque, ears fluttering happily: "Don't worry. Cub's ok for now, she's just being lazy." MK: "How can you tell?" Macaque: *points at his ears and then to the Egg, smiling wide* "She snores like Wukong does." Yuebei, safetly in Egg: *tiny snoring sounds*
It's also part of the reason Macaque is super cuddly of Wukong before and after the Egg arrives. Stone Monkey instincts tell him to provide as much warmth and emotional support as possible to his mate and his immediate troop members.
Macaque would even sacrifice his own life energy/dao to ensure Wukong survives Yuebei's arrival.
If Guanyin didn't point out something super off about his own body.
Guanyin, doing a check-up on Wukong: "Liu'er Mihou - when where you buried?" Macaque, confused: "Buried? The heck you talking about? When I died I'm pretty sure my whole body got dragged into the Underworld." Guanyin, eyes widening: "Oh-no." Macaque: "What oh-no?" Guanyin: *performs a small spell on Macaque's stomach. Two distinct egg-shaped silhouettes appear* Macaque: *struck silent* Guanyin: "It appears that the Lady Bone Demon physically taking you into her Realm, and likely beneath the earth, caused your body to respond in the same manner as Wukong's when he was buried by the Buddha's hand." Macaque: *pokes stomach* "...why is there two?" Wukong, groggily after days of medical coma: "Two what??" Macaque & Guanyin: *shrieks of joy!*
Yuebei hatches shortly thereafter, causing greater celebration amongst the little troop. Macaque decides to tackle his problem later.
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Dynamics: Part 1, <Next!>
(Warning for word vomit ahead!)
I did say I have more storyish/lore stuff planned XD
So in this Au, F!Raph died when Cj was 5. So there’s not much to say future wise. Cuz Cj rmbs zilch
Present wise: there was inital awkwardness for Cj meeting someone he’s only ever heard stories off plus that awkwardness of meeting someone new. But it was a breath of fresh air for Case, cuz surrounded by these reminders and unfamiliarity, Raph hurts the least. In the first few days post invasion, Cj hung out a lot with Raph cuz everyone was kinda down for the count. April couldn’t be around 24/7 cuz she had to check in with her human family, Mikey was spending the first 3-5 days sleeping alot cuz mystic exhaustion plus his hands. Donnie was in his lab a lot trying to process all the events, plus fix everything the Krang broke and Leo was in his week long coma. And Splints who decided to get off the couch for once was stretched thin trying to look out for everyone and so as a result the two were kinda just smushed tgt allowing them to bond.
Overall I picture their dynamic as the most laidback (drama free). Largely in part cuz; A)Cj has less emotional hang ups cuz he doesn’t have to expand mental energy to manage his expectations or manage * cough push down cough * any crushing grief/feelings of abandonment/anger cuz said feelings of abandonment cuz he doesn’t rmb F!Raph to have an attachment, tho he does occasionally feel a bit guilty sometimes for hanging out with Raph but that’s a comic for another time.
B) while Cj is a menace. He’s also a sensible and kind (everyone say thank you F!Mikey) menace who sees how stressed Raph gets trying to wrangle all 3 brothers and feels bad about adding more to his plate. And plus is also very much aware of his mortality and others mortality cuz apocalypse. So the menace only comes out during chill time. Not on missions. Misson wise he’s just like he is in the movie trying to get everyone to stay on track. Which Raph rlly appreciates. But even during chill time Cj is arguably the “calmer” one cuz that’s just how he is as a person. Tho that calmer is debatable cuz it’s by Raph’s skewed standards of his other siblings not normal ppl standards to normal ppl Case still looks unhinged lmao.
but generally if they’re hanging out 1 on 1 (in a group setting it’s a whole diff story) Cj tries his best to not stress Raph too much. Unless the menace/cain instinct is hitting hard that day. Cuz he’s a sweet boy liek that. 😂. so they’re usually doing typical chill friend things, watching movies, sparring, sharing bout their day, . causally wandering around topside/Hidden city. With the undercurrent of Raph trade mark mother-henning and Cj depending on the circumstances either goes along with it or tries to get Raph to back off cuz it worries/irritates Cj. All in all they’re just your typical very wholesome older- younger brother dynamic
Side note: Raph and Cj are honestly lowkey relieved their hangouts/dynamic are so chill. They love their family but man do they both need a break sometimes XD. For Junior it’s cuz seeing the dead not dead version of family plus struggle of grief/ juggling his expectations for said family is exhausting and having someone whose removed from that whole situation is like phew thank god. For Raph he’s just so glad he has a little brother/sibling/friend who doesn’t have a 90% chance of turning anything (even fricking ice) into a grease fire when left unsupervised unintentionally or not. Tho tbh causal theft, looser morals and gratuitous use of blackmail and occasional pranks may not be much better. Cj is truly his fathers son 😂
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graphx · 1 month
tpn artbook things I noticed!
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Norman with a gun is so funny to me. He is trying so hard to look cool but he is a bird with hollow bones, the recoil from that lil thing would send him to the floor faster than Ray slapping him
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stop pretending ur helping Norman, Don is literally doing all the work behind u
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he is so scared to be next to ashye even in the poster (rip zack's nose scar)
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the fact that norman looks so much like Nat in the concept art XD is that a cowlick or a halo???!?!!
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(CHARLIE BROWN????) I regret pointing this out to my sister because now it's my pfp in her phone
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vincent's sense of style will never be anything less than amazing. Look at Cislo he is SO READY for game night :D (JEMIMA AND ZAZIE WITH STUFFED ANIMALS AUGHHHHH)
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HES IN HIS COMA EVEN IN THE ART IM- jail. jail for a thousand years. right next to his dead dads too IM DONE
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have a Dominic it will make you feel better
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Paula not knowing how party poppers work is adorable.
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what they deserve (im embarrassed to have andrew's face in my camera roll)
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look at Ray and Gilda pretending not to care about their little brothers (they love them more than life itself)
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HE IS CARRYING THEIR THINGS JUST LIKE A DAD SHOULDDDDDD (upgraded from old man to walking coat rack :D)
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why does phil get a father figure that hasn't died D:/ (jk love that for him more stronk phil plz)
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(my sister: gillian is dying in the bg
me: this ani't about her)
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Barbra 🤝 Gillian stealing demon masks and keeping them as souvenirs
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.......i'm not gonna say anything here........
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there was no Don glow up he was always beautiful to me
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little bunny revenge arc
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he slept in the dining room???? because he didn't wanna go in the old rooms of his siblings where he wrote poachers DDDD:::::::
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the ominous messages behind them!!!!!!
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cursedvibes · 1 month
Thoughts on Gege bringing back Nobara 5 chapters before the ending.
Man...that sure is a thing that happened. I don't even know how to feel about it. Technically, it's good. I like Yuuji and Nobara team-ups and appreciate the callback to their fight against Mahito. Nobara gets to contribute to the fight against the final villain (even if it's just one hit). But at the same time the exact thing I worried would happen if Nobara came back this late happened. Her being "confirmed" dead in ch 265 by Yuuji thinking about her and all the other loved ones he saw die felt weird, but this isn't any better. She literally came back at the last possible moment. Fell out of the hospital bed and immediately went over to do her thing against Sukuna. They sure are lucky she didn't wake up half an hour later and appears to have no side effects from having been in a coma and transfigured by Mahito.
The timing is just way off. We got two very emotional chapters where both Yuuji and Megumi showed immense personal growth and Megumi just regained his will to live and fight back. Only for Nobara to come in like "lmao why the long faces guys xD" (which only Utahime and Gakuganji are there to hear, who I assume really couldn't care less). This just didn't feel like the right place or time to pull that moment. Yuuji's reveal that he was alive happened in a low-stakes situation where jokes are to be expected and he also did it right in front of the people who mattered. It was set up as comedic. He didn't butt into an emotional moment.
And then there's the problem that Nobara has just been far left behind by the story at this point. She has no personal involvement with Sukuna. Sure, she wants to protect her friends from him, but that is nothing compared to the relationship Yuuji and Megumi have with him. They are all three deeply connected and Nobara is an outsider here. I don't think Nobara and Sukuna ever even met. Kusakabe is more connected to Sukuna than her. There isn't much she contributes in terms of themes, world building or powers either. And there's no time anymore for all that to get established because Sukuna will likely die/be sealed next chapter or the one after and the whole series ends in 4 chapters.
Maybe the next chapter will tie the tonal whiplash between last chapter and this one better together, but that doesn't change the fact that Nobara's character is too underdeveloped to have much of an impact at this point. It still feels like she's simply there to complete the trio and Gege doesn't quite know what to do with her.
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riddles-fiddles · 1 year
The pregnancy scenario is so gorgeous, I love!! And perfect timing, I literally had a dream the night before about having a kid with Leona and Idia (two different dream timelines of the same scenario converging later as a kind of after party). I thought you might get a kick out of my brain’s toy box nonsense :3
The Leona timeline was very sweet, him comforting me after someone attempted to kill me for imperfect human genetics, and then getting me pregnant to spite the killer. Idia was too nervous to kiss me to wake me up from a Maleficent curse sleep. He eventually woke me up and we then had a kid who I think was called Scoot? Started with an S and had a double O in the middle.
At the after party scene, both the kids looked like the Tsums of the father, since my brain struggles to render babies in sleep XD But the fathers were both thrilled and proceeded to show them off to everyone around them!
Honestly this is so cute anon!!! You're making me want to write more domestic scenarios with the boys,,,
Leona knocking you up in spite from the killer is so him lmao but ohhhhh think if the killer was hired by his parents to erase you out of his life. Just makes Leona more possessive of you, so when you finally grow a bump visible enough he'll be walking around with his hands always somewhere on your body, making sure to let everyone know you are his most perfect human mate (and he'll personally throw hands at anyone who even dares look at you with any hint of disgust or mockery). When the baby arrives, Leona is so lively - his lazy demeanor never truly leaves his soul, but at least now he has one motivation to get up from bed and slack off - especially if it's a girl! I can totally see him being such an endearing girldad, the type to make feminine voices when playing house and always getting so invested when throwing fake tea parties, also gets his daughter the biggest unicorn on the fair, no matter if he needs to go through some ridiculous game. Either be it a girl or a boy, Leona's favourite thing to do is go to small walks with his baby on his shoulders, squealing in excitement from all the stimuli around them, teaching them about everyday things like what is a butterfly, why birds chirp, and so on. You could say your child really did bring a light to Leona's life.
Idia... he wants to give the baby an unique name, or something regarding the online games or otaku media he consumes, but all you need to do is bat your eyelashes and hold his hand in a death gentle grip to sort his mind out of this idea. Idia's very nervous and overly cautious around the baby, always, and easily freaks out from the smallest ractions - when the baby sneezes, when they cough, even innocent, bright squeals sends him spiraling into an anxious coma. He's horrified of the idea of accidentally dropping his own child or just hurting them in some way, so he's always with a firm grip around the head and body, sustaining them even with trembling hands. He's very dedicated though, so Idia is always close to them, literally. He'll have the baby secured against his chest in a baby carrier while gaming, sometimes making effect sounds to amuse them; you know they truly are Idia's child from the way they look so enthralled to the screen, curious eyes scanning every move, every change of scenario like they're actually understanding something. He finds it annoying to go out in public with them though! His child is just so freaking cute with their cheeks so rosy and squeezable every stranger wants to talk and cuddle them, making Idia feel proud and at the same time mortified, fighting the urge to just turn heels and run back home as fast as possible. Idia doesn't care what gender his child is, but you can be sure he'll want to dress them in gamer onesies and clothing. 'Player three' and 'level 1 human' kinda shit, you know? But he will neeeeever admit he's doing it because he secretly finds it cute; god forbid Idia Shroud enjoying something so normie. Cringe.
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Because of that drawing now I, another anon, got a weird somewhat wholesome au of mixing secretly married and Dadstaticradio, the Domestic au
Like not only is Vox a husband but also a dad. That would really really change shit around Voxtech like he seems to be more open to toy lines and then one day he and Alastor due to sleepless work nights, xame to the overlord Meeting with their rings on and baby Charlie strapped to Alastor's back.
(Let's just say Charlie was given to Alastor fot her protection, maybe Lucifer fell into a coma rather than being an apathetic shut in during depression and god knows what is Lilith's deal is.) Alastor, being a child without a father during the early 20th century or late 19th century couldn't help but get a bit soft and find himself attached to the baby then love her as his own. Literally brought a baby during his and Vox' anniversary and had to keep Charlie's status a secret til she is old enough.
Let us say there is pandemonium during the Overlord meeting because first:
Vox is married to the Radio Demon?!
Alastor is married to Vox?!
They somehow produce a child?!
Val is weeping, Vox is a married man and a dilf. XD Velvette kept posting, Carmilla is going "how what why when where?!" Zestial is just relax, Rosie is supportive, cooing: I am an aunt now! O7o
The drawing in question for context
The chaos and confusion skyrockets exponentially when having to process both at the same time, also Val crying over that is funnier to me than it should be
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