#like they can be super powerful and everything
munsonsmixtapes · 3 days
If you’re taking requests I would love a fluffy fic between Logan and a usually sunshine! Reader with mutant powers similar to Charles (telepathic). Specifically, one where the usual gang decide to go to a rowdy club to let off steam after a mission. Usually the reader loves team bonding but due to the music, all the thoughts jumping out of the drunk crowd, and her own drinking, she gets super overstimulated and essentially shuts down. Maybe Logan sees her off on her own and trying to manage to get over her dizzy spell while some guy is bothering her and decides to step in and escort her out for a breather and a walk. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡. Regardless if you pick this up, I hope you’re having a great week and I look forward to whatever you post next!
Thank you so much! I hope you're having a great week as well!
cw: mention of alcohol, reader gets anxious
The club was crowded when you entered it. You were all looking forward to letting off steam after your mission and you just liked to spend time with the team, Logan especially. Even though he never would have admitted it, he had a soft spot for you. You were the newest addition to the group and he just felt the need to protect you. You hadn't gotten full control of your powers yet and he wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong.
You made a beeline fore the bar and ordered your usual drink before sitting down on one of the stools, making conversation with everyone around you, even making them laugh with whatever you were talking about. That was one thing that Logan admired about you, that you were always able to make conversation with anyone you came across, which was not something he could do even if he wanted to. He didn't have your charisma or that bright, bubbly personality that he adored so much.
Once he saw that you were okay, he moved further back into the club, but decided to sit somewhere he could still see you. He didn't like drinking when he was doing things like that. He wanted to be one hundred percent alert so he had no problem volunteering to be the designated driver even though his mouth watered anytime he saw someone drinking one of his go-to drinks.
You sipped on your drink as you made conversation with the man next to you. You really hoped that he wasn't going to make a move, though. That wasn't something you were looking for and people often took your niceness for flirting which made the whole thing awkward.
I wonder how long it will be before I can take her home
Your eyebrows furrowed as the thought that definitely wasn't yours and you realized you were reading the mind of the man who was sitting next to you involuntarily. That had only happened when you were overwhelmed or if you had gotten a few drinks in you so you tried to not go overboard because of that.
And all of a sudden, so many thoughts that weren't yours were flooding your brain, making it ache. And between that and the loud music and the alcohol in your system, you were suddenly feeling overstimulated.
You set your drink down on the bar and clutched yor head with both hands, feeling it pounding, almost as if was going to explode. You didn't know what to do, but what you did know was that you needed to get out of there, and fast.
Logan watched everything unfold from his seat, watching you holding onto your head, seeing the tears streaming down your cheeks even from there. And before he could stop himself, he was making a beeline for you, scooping you into his arms before ushering you out of the building.
He was carrying you by the time you got to the door, knowing that you didn't have it in yourself to walk. And he just wanted to get you out of the madness as quick as possible. He had never seen you like that before and hated the feeling he got in his chest watching you struggle like that.
Logan got you out of the club in record speed and set you down, pulling you to his chest, hoping that getting you out of there was actually helpful to your situation. And it was. As soon as you got out into the open air, the voices fled, the pressure in your head slowly dissipating.
He pulled you to his chest as you cried, stroking your hair while his other hand rested on his back. You held onto him so tightly, convinced that if you didn't, he would just disappear. But he wouldn't. Logan would never leave you and he had told you that numerous times when he helped clean up your injuries after a mission.
"You're okay," he murmured into your hair. "I'm here. Just listen to my heart, okay?"
Logan had to admit that he was never good at comforting people, but with you, it was like second nature. He was able to do it so easily, always knowing exactly what you wanted or needed to hear. And he had gotten so good at it that he noticed you seeking him out for advice or help when you needed as opposed to going to the others.
You pulled away to look at him once you had calmed down and he reached up to wipe your tears away, trying to make sure that you were doing okay before leading you to where he parked his car.
"I have some ice cream in my freezer with your name on it," he said as he opened the passenger door for you.
"You know me so well," you smiled as you got into the car. And he did. He knew you better than you knew yourself and you were grateful for that. Someone needed to look out for you and you were just glad that it was always Logan.
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astrolotte · 3 days
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He definitely sees his wand as somewhat of a comfort object... If the theory that his magic is still super powerful is correct, it's likely because he feels like the wand is the one thing keeping him from destroying everything and everyone.
So, subconsciously, he associates the wand with Safety. As long as he has it, no one can get hurt. Leading to situations like this, where he will hold the wand out and "hide" behind it as though it alone can protect him from the situation.
(For context, this is in Battle of the Dimmsonian, when re-encountering his parents for the first time in years. Sure, a bit nerve-wracking to most, but here he is cowering behind his wand. Mind you, seconds earlier he was awfully nonchalant about his godkid being possessed by an evil demigod.
He and his anxieties fascinate me.)
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Hate You (Kidding)
Crowley & daughter!reader, Sam and Dean & witch!reader, a little Rowena & granddaughter!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: your dad abandoned you years ago, but what happens when he finds out you’re still alive?
A/N: just so no one gets confused about this, here’s the background—Crowley found out how powerful demon/human babies can be, so he tried to make one, only it didn’t go the way he planned—the baby (you) were born without powers, and so he abandoned you. (Just because I didn’t want to give this the exact same backstory as Crowley’s son)
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The theft was not going well. Your grandmother had made it seem so easy—sneak into the bunker, grab the black spell book, and make it out fast.
She failed to mention the two professional hunters that lived there.
You hadn’t been dumb enough to assume it would be empty—there had to be a reason Rowena wasn’t going herself, after all; she was scared. But you weren’t ready for Sam and Dean Winchester.
They had you in their dungeon basement—which was super creepy—before you’d even managed to find the book, much less grab it.
“What were you looking for, kid? Who sent you here?” The shorter—but no less scary—one had his hands on the sides of your chair, and he was looming over you. You had no doubt that he was willing to hurt you—you did break into his very dangerous house, after all.
You kept quiet, still unsure what the best course of action was. If you told them about the book and Rowena, would they let you go and go after her?
Then again, you didn’t know anything about these guys—maybe once they got their information, they’d just kill you.
You decided to stay quiet.
“Hey!” Dean smacked his hand on the arm of your chair, and you flinched. “I said—“
The man stopped yelling when the lights went out. They flickered back on a moment later, only this time they were red.
“Someone’s here,” the tall one said.
“I’ll go check.” The man in front of you pulled a gun from the waistband of his jeans and turned to leave, saying to the tall one “watch her.”
Then it was just you and the giant—who, surprisingly, seemed a little less scary. He was definitely intimidating, but he also had a sort of “I don’t hurt children” vibe about him.
“This will all be easier if you tell us what you were after,” he broke the silence.
“Right, because you’ll have a reason to keep me alive after I tell you everything,” you scoffed.
“We won’t have a reason to kill you, either,” Sam countered.
“And you need one?” You questioned.
“What makes you think we’d just kill you for no reason?” He asked.
“I mean I did break into your house, and you are hunters.” You shrugged as best you could with your hands cuffed behind you.
“I’m Sam,” the man said, crouching down so he was more on your level—he was trying to look less intimidating, which surprised you. “That other guy is my brother Dean. We are hunters, but we’re not gonna just kill you for no reason. We’re not like that.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but the door opening cut you off.
“Look who came for a visit.” Dean stepped into the room with a man trailing behind him. As soon as the man stepped into the light, every bit of air left your lungs.
“Didn’t know you had a visi—“ Crowley’s sentence froze halfway out of his mouth when he laid eyes on you.
Dean’s suspicious gaze picked up on the awkwardness instantly.
“You two know each other?”
Crowley gained his voice back first. “Used to. Not so much anymore.”
“Oh I don’t know about that.” You found the strength to speak after you heard Crowley’s words. “You still look just as pathetic to me, father.”
“Father?” Dean choked. “Wait, that’s not possible.”
“I thought you were dead.” Crowley was now completely ignoring the Winchesters. “After…after that incident I figured the demons would’ve—“
“Incident?!” You all but screamed. “Incident? Is that what you call you abandoning me? Leaving me for dead? An incident?”
“I had no choice,” Crowley argued. “When the other demons found out you were powerless—“
“The other demons? It wasn’t about the other demons, it was about you! You used my mother to make yourself a half demon, and when I didn’t turn out to have any powers you threw me away. You wanted your demon friends to kill me.”
“No.” Crowley was brushing past Sam and Dean now, coming to stand directly in front of you. You squirmed in your chair, but you couldn’t get further away from him. “No I didn’t. I thought if I got rid of you, they’d have no reason to kill you and—“
“Don’t lie to me!” You cried out. “I’m not stupid! You may not have wanted me dead, but you sure didn’t abandon me to try to save me. You did it because I was useless to you. Pretending otherwise is just…it’s just pathetic.”
Crowley opened his mouth to argue, but he had nothing to say—he knew you were right.
“So you’re half demon with no powers?” Dean cut in. “Because I’ve met a half demon who could do anything he wanted just by thinking it.”
“Why do you think he wanted to make me?” You forced your gaze away from your father to look at Dean. “He wanted an all powerful being that was also fully dependent on him. Too bad for him, not all half demons are the same, and he got stuck with the powerless one.”
“But that doesn’t explain why you’re here now,” Sam cut in.
You bit your lip. You should’ve known it would circle back to this.
“Look, we’re not gonna hurt you if you tell us,” Sam promised.
“Fine.” A sly smirk lifted onto your face as your eyes went back to your father. “I’m here to get a book. For my grandmother.”
Crowley was still choking on air while Sam and Dean shared a meaningful glance before turning back to you.
“Rowena? You’re working for the witch?” Dean’s reaction told you that he both knew Rowena and probably hated her.
“She’s the only reason I’m still alive,” you said. “When he—“ you were inclined your head towards Crowley “—left me behind to get killed by demons, she saved my life.”
“My mother knows you’re still alive and she never told me?” Crowley scoffed. “It’s just like her.”
“She didn’t tell you because I told her how much I hated you.” You glared at Crowley as you spoke. “She understood the feeling, and we had a mutual understanding. Anyway, she told me she would teach me to take out demons the way she can—“
“But let me guess—only if you steal a spell book from us and bring it to her,” Dean interrupted.
“She said it was the only way she’d be able to teach me,” you defended yourself.
“She lied,” Crowley butted in. “She always lies—she was using you to get that book.”
“Oh, right, because you’re so trustworthy,” you shot back. “Why should I trust you?”
“You don’t think it’s a little strange that the first thing she does with you is send you to a place where you could get hurt, just to get something for her?” Sam argued. “You don’t think that that’s using you?”
You were quiet for a moment, and when you spoke again it was more subdued.
“I didn’t have any other choice. There are still demons out there who want me dead, and I’m totally and completely helpless.”
“You don’t have to be,” Crowley said. “I can help you.”
“Rowena may not be a saint, but I already know I can’t trust you,” you snapped. “I’m not looking to get abandoned again.”
“She had to know you’d get caught.” Sam seemed to be talking more to himself than anyone else. “So why…”
The Winchesters seemed to come to a conclusion at the same time, sharing a moment of telepathic connection before they turned and ran out the door.
“Do they do that a lot?” You wondered.
“You have no idea,” Crowley huffed. “I suppose I should find out what’s wrong.”
“You haven’t figured it out yet?” The sudden smirk on your face made Crowley nervous. “Oh come on, don’t tell me you fell for that whole ‘totally and completely helpless” thing.” As you spoke, Crowley saw a faint glow coming from your hands, which were still handcuffed behind you. After a moment, he heard a snapping sound, and suddenly both of your hands were free and you were standing up. “Do you really think Rowena sent me here with no knowledge of magic?”
With a single wave of your hand, you sent Crowley flying against the wall. He landed with a thud, and you stepped over his frame on your way out the door.
“See you soon, father.”
Rowena had escaped with the book by the time Sam and Dean got to the library—she had waited until everyone was in the dungeon to make her move—and by the time the boys got back to the dungeon, Crowley was on the floor and you were gone.
“Great,” Dean growled. “She tricked us. I hate witches!”
“For once,” Crowley groaned as he slowly sat up. “I agree with you.”
“The Winchesters.” Your nervous gaze met your grandmother’s as you watched her flip through the spell book. “It’s them, they caught up. What now?”
“We need to distract them long enough for me to get through this spell,” Rowena insisted. “I won’t even need the book anymore as long as I can get this spell done.”
“I’ll distract them.” You were halfway to the door when Rowena stopped you.
“No, you’re not strong enough, not like this.” The way your grandmother was staring you down made you nervous.
“Like this?” You asked.
The door blasting open after a swift kick from Dean Winchester seemed to make up Rowena’s mind.
“I’m sorry, dear girl, but it’s the only way,” she said. “Impetus be—“
“Not so fast, mother.” You father appeared out of nowhere just behind Rowena, and he snatched up the spell book she was holding and swung it at her—she went down without another word. “I’m the only one that gets to hurt my brat.”
You didn’t say anything—you were still shaking. “Impetus beastiarum”—that’s what Rowena had been trying to say. Your own grandmother was going to turn you into a rabid monster—and ultimately kill you—just so that she could get away.
“The book.” You flinched out of your daze when Sam Winchester brushed past you and held his hand out to your father.
“Of course, moose,” he answered. “What would I need with a witches book?” He passed it over without argument.
“Why did you save me?” You demanded, sidestepping the taller Winchester to get a good look at your father, who merely shrugged.
“I’m the only one that gets to kill you.”
The Winchesters, of course, wanted to grab you after the little incident, but you flung them against the wall with your powers—one of the few tricks your grandmother had managed to teach you, and currently your favorite—and left before they got the chance.
You didn’t see them or your father for several more months. When you saw Crowley again, you were running for your life.
Somehow word had gotten around that a great witch had a granddaughter; or maybe it was that the king of hell had a daughter—you didn’t know, and you didn’t care. All you knew was that an archangel was after you because of it, and you had tried to cut a deal with him.
It hadn’t worked.
Lucifer had wanted you because he thought you’d be useful, and when he found out you weren’t, he of course decided that killing you was proper punishment for wasting his time.
You were in the midst of running for your life when you saw your father.
He was chained to the floor like a dog, watching your exchange with the archangel with peaked interest.
“Conteram hoc cincinno,” you yelled as you ran—it worked, and the chains at Crowley’s wrists snapped; they were warded against demons, not witches.
The freeing of his prisoner was enough of a distraction to get Lucifer off your tail. By the time he remembered you, you were out the door, and when he tried to turn his attention back to Crowley, the demon had already teleported.
“What was that?”
You jumped in surprise when your father appeared next to you.
“An escape,” you huffed out.
“You saved me back there.”
“Don’t get used to it,” you demanded. Crowley just grinned at you.
“Maybe witches aren’t so bad.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee @987coley @deadlymistletoe @wayward-impala83 @whump-loverz
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drdemonprince · 11 hours
hey, so this is super random and I’m not sure if you have thought about this but figured I’d ask: (came to my mind after reading your story in *unmasking* about intervening in street harassment)
I’m audhd and it really affects my sensory processing, social/ situational awareness etc since it’s hard for me to discern which stimuli are important in any given situation. I’m also realizing that I never really feel unsafe as a single woman in a dense city environment, even when my friends feel unsafe. Makes it hard to trust my own intuition about that kinda stuff since everyone I know apart from myself has that experience.
Question is, do you happen to have any info/ best practices about situational awareness and judging the danger of potentially sketchy situations? Walking around the city at night, creepy rural gas station, online hookup, greyhound bus alone etc.
Everything online says “trust your intuition” but my intuition always says “ehh it’ll be fine” lol.
The truth is, it usually WILL be fine. Most people's *~magical crime and danger intuition~* is a combination of true crime slop, inaccurate media coverage of the crime rate inflating their anxieties, and classism and racism. The vast majority of crimes are not committed by random strangers lurking in the dark, but between individuals who know one another and in circumstances that are at least somewhat explicable, and so you do not need magic empath powers to determine if you will be safe somewhere or not.
The way you keep relatively safe is by informing yourself of the facts, not the hype -- look up the actual crime statistics for your area, for example, though be highly skeptical of them. These figures are collected by the police state and we cannot trust them to define what safety or unsafety even IS, as they are the source of the danger for the majority of us. What they classify as crime and where they bother to enforce crime is highly skewed, and itself can create massive misapprehensions. So make sure to also speak with people in the communities you are visiting about what happens to them and the general vibe. Also spend a lot of time out in your community yourself, observing things, talking to people, hanging out, maybe volunteering, and learning the lay of the land. You'll have more people around to help you if you ever need it, and you'll find more occasions where your help is needed, too!
Follow some basic, common sense advice to avoid making oneself especially vulnerable, but don't over-isolate yourself. Things like keeping one earbud out of your ear when walking home alone at night and not keeping a purse open on the train are always sensible maneuvers; carrying pepper spray or a gun that will more likely be used to harm you is not. Learn how to de-escalate people if you don't already know -- acting calm, making your posture non-threatening but confident, moving slowly and predictably, avoiding provocative eye contact, changing the subject of conversation, engaging a victim of harassment and pretending to know them in order to drag them away from a bad situation, etc. These things will be helpful to you if a situation arises, and the more prepared you feel, the less anxious you ever have to be.
Honestly, moving through the world with a "this feels fine / seems fine" energy is ITSELF massively protective. I have ALWAYS walked around alone at night, even when I was a small 18 year old "girl," including in areas where the majority of women of my then-demographic would have not felt "safe" going out on their own. By and large, I was completely fine. People really don't want to mess with you if you seem like you have a handle on your shit and are not afraid of them.
The worst that ever happened to me was a guy grabbing my tit -- in broad daylight on a sunday on a train packed full of people. It really couldn't have been avoided. And a guy flashing me -- again in midday in a family oriented neighborhood many would deem safe. I survived these things, and I defended myself by getting aggressive with the guys who did them, and physically attacking them, which scared them off. I'm glad I did what I did, and I'm glad I wasn't so intimidated by the possibility of scary stranger danger that I kept myself sequestered away.
The few other times anyone made me uncomfortable, it was things like leering comments or walking alongside me for a block, hitting on me (sometimes, yes, late at night), but because I was able to be assertive, unbothered, and stand my ground, the guys always gave up or were scared off (by me). And this reaction from me is one I largely credit to having no instinctual "stranger danger" crime intuition of the sort most white women are conditioned to have.
In short, I think your instincts might be more accurate to reality than your friends' are. It's good to look around and pay attention to things, to learn to recognize patterns, to study one's area, to speak to people in your community and know what's going on, and to prepare oneself for hard situations, which WILL happen to you sometimes no matter what you do. but the world is rarely as scary as it's made out to be.
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haladriel · 3 days
so now we know his backstory I’m going to make a case for why Saurbrand didn’t think twice about abandoning Diarmid to his death for his own gain, but for some reason, only days or weeks later, dove to save Galadriel.
We are shown in season two that Sauron is mercenary and super calculating; he sizes everyone up for the best way to use them to further his own aims. And the way he’s now treating everyone else shows how different he was with Galadriel.
Diarmid’s fate shows Sauron’s ‘default’ — despite all Diarmid’s done for him in giving him a new perspective and offering him a new direction, when the situation veers a hard left, he wastes no time adapting and thinks nothing of acting strategically and taking the pouch. After all, Diarmid’s conveniently dying, and unlikely to survive a shipwreck anyway, what else is there to gain in service of his goals and nature that’s worth as much as a royal persona to adopt?
When you set this against how he treats Galadriel (i.e. didn’t leave her to die, which he very easily could’ve done), you’ve got to ask: what’s going on in there?
Maybe he thought he could use her: she’s a lot more skilled and important than Diarmid. She’s certainly proven herself capable in the sea-wyrm attack, where he no doubt values skill and competence in service of creating perfection and order, and keeping someone as powerful as her close is a wise political move. He very likely thought he could manipulate her, although he didn’t know how, or to what ends, quite yet.
Maybe he was simply interested in her. A member of the Golden House of Finarfin, out on the open sea? Since when? He might’ve guessed at the reason why; knowing that she was in the right direction for Valinor. An elf who has turned down the opportunity to go home? Unheard of.
Maybe, it’s the beginning of seeing himself reflected in her, when she sympathises with him about all he’s lost. He found himself being honest with her, in a way that he later does with no other; their first exchange on the raft was the beginning of that pattern. Maybe he is attracted to her, in this way.
Maybe it’s because why the hell not. At this point in the (now filled in) backstory, he is down and out and taking chances. Because his plan is going so well. And maybe the sea (Valar) will reconsider obliterating them if he shows some sign of repentance, holds a hand up. Maybe he knows the storm is for him, and feels some kind of ire and vitriol — ‘up yours’ — towards the Valar (‘that’s unnecessary, you heavy-handed bastards’) that they’re taking her out, as a part of that.
Maybe, it’s all of the above. And also, maybe, it’s because he’s already seeing some of that light he’s so fascinated by. In her kindness, her offering of sympathy to a stranger. And also, at this time, finds that he resonates with things she’s saying as much as vice versa. ‘You’re running. Whether towards or from something, I haven’t yet decided.’ After all, at this point, he’s temporarily diverted from his own crusade to get revenge on Adar; possibly running to, or away, from the Valar.
‘The way I see it, it wasn’t elves that chased me from my homeland. It was orcs.’ Turns out, it literally was. He’s really pissed off with his old family at this point and potentially (even just a little bit) wondering if there’s a better way. When he tells her the enemy is in the Southlands… they are. His enemy.
When you were betrayed by your closest, and everything’s gone to shit, and you meet someone who feels so similar to you, but who radiates light instead… how could you not be fascinated?
When everything you irrevocably are can be used in a different way, for a different purpose?
So he dives to save her.
(contributors to this thought train @multifandumbmeg @scifitheywrote)
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applestorms · 9 hours
L can be such a possessive character at times. he always strikes me as the type of person who is deeply aware of everything that he owns, both in a more literal sense and metaphorically-- like, he knows what money he has and how to use it, what resources are readily available to him and what he has to be sneakier to utilize, the habits and tendencies and emotional states of individuals and world governments both. the DN musical really puts an emphasis on the more computer-y aspects of how his brain functions, which isn't as obvious in the manga/anime but i think still works well as a way to follow his thinking. it's kinda what near does too: everything is a factor to them, every tiny detail a new opening to optimize for the best results, every person and location and object a part of a puzzle waiting to be solved. and as a part of that, L is deeply aware of every and any little thing he may or may not have control over, and exactly to what degree.
his habit of stealing titles as depicted in the LABB murders novel is such a good example of this. ryuzaki, eraldo coil, deneuve. he eats people alive and then takes their names for himself like some kind of fucked up fae or trickster god, creating new masks and personas to hide behind from the remains of the people he's devoured. i have to wonder if he would've used the title of KIRA for himself had he won-- i can hardly imagine what kind of power such a title could hold if held in his hands. of course, he could've just used the defeat of KIRA as a way to build up the L title even further, offering up the body of a dead god like perseus showing off the head of medusa. but L is so emotionally attached to the kira case, i struggle to see him allowing it to fade from existence so thoroughly as near does, even if it is only kept close on a private level...
this is part of why i think it genuinely makes a lot of sense that L's ultimate win state would include capturing light to some degree. even if the memory of KIRA somehow manages to fully disappear from the public consciousness, there is no fucking way L is letting light yagami out of his grasp. honestly, the moment that L truly loses this game is not when he starts investigating misa while still under rem's watch, not when light gets back his memories, not even when he dies, but the moment when he allows light to be freed from the handcuffs. the moment when he allows the other members of the task force to turn off the cameras and keep him from watching light and misa talk in the lobby. the moment when he gives up, lets light yagami go outside of L's personal sphere of control, is the moment when L starts the clock ticking down to the end of his own life.
this is one of the key ways in which i see light as a true equal and parallel to L, as after L's death he, intentionally or no, continues the same tradition and takes L's title for himself, twisting the two sides together into the L-KIRA amalgamation. only, the L title functions a little bit differently than every other persona or title that we see in the series-- because L's true name is L. that's all that he is. on a literal, legal, and emotional level, i don't think that L is anything more than L. he is the world's greatest detective, he's an incredible, weirdo super genius, but he does not afford himself much more than that, barely allows himself personhood or humanity outside of his work. light was the one to ultimately defeat L because he did not just put a stain on his character (as BB attempted), did not just kill him, but stole his very identity and took it for himself.
one of the biggest contradictions of L's character that i think you must accept should you attempt to portray him accurately is that he is both deeply detached from humanity while also having all of his work and effort and life be focused around saving it. it's one of the ways in which he is an exact opposite to light-- where light relies on humanity for external validation, to be Seen, while also looking down on it as dumb and immoral and spineless, L is so separated from it that he barely exists as a person, all the while dedicating almost every action he takes to helping it. remember: for all the emotional turmoil that wammy's house and the legacy of L may put on the kids living there, ultimately it's entire existence is nothing more than L's logical solution to his potential demise. if he dies, the world goes down with him, all of the cases that are yet to happen and he is yet to solve being left in the air. he has the foresight to set up a fail safe, but not to consider the emotional implications of what being that fail safe might feel like, how high the price of your own humanity is if you are not already alienated from it, the inability to have your own name on your gravestone-- though perhaps some of the blame also falls on watari's shoulders in this case, philanthropic old bastard that he is.
imo, playing his game really got it right in presenting L and light as one and the same, synonyms on either side of the mirror. in every action they take they are both so selfishly selfless, playing the game for themselves and their own pleasure but plastering the needs and will of humanity on top of it. L isn't invested in saving humanity for the sake of humanity-- he just likes the thrill of having the stakes raised so high. hard to shit on ryuk for wanting entertainment when the humans he finds are just the same as him.
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jev-urisk · 3 days
A Musing Monday 🎐
Today I'm musing about extradimensional spaces! Like Mary Poppin's bag, or 'eatery that connects to an isekai' anime, or your mind, even.
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I do think the mind is a type of extradimensional space. We fit the essence of so many places and moments and people into the folds of our memory, contained in the little box that is our skulls. We imagine worlds, we dream entirely separate lifetimes. It's wild, and amazing, and a little terrifying.
Occasionally I think about how the entire world around me is MY world- in that my only access to reality is through my own interpretations, experiences, and the senses that link to my brain, all of which may or may not be close to the truth of reality. When I die one day, my world dies too- not one creature on earth will live in the same world that I knew due to my relationship with everything perceivable to me.
Before I get TOO existential here though (or maybe I'm getting more existential)- think of what that means for writers! We are masons crafting gateways to extradimensional spaces. Through what we do, people can visit the pocket dimensions of OUR minds, dimensions that have the possibility to continue existing long after the mind/wold that created it expires. And because everyone perceives things through their own lens, writing one story and sharing it creates the potential for countless alternate dimensions; every soul that reads your work will carry their own personal version of it in their mind. If you have a hit count or something similar on your work, THAT'S how many dimensions you've created, at least.
Not only that, but when someone reads what you've written, THEIR world alters. It may be slight, your work or your post might provide a momentary reprieve from the part of their world they're avoiding or decompressing from (which is still a very important thing), or it may give them an idea of their own, it may motivate them to make one choice over another choice, it may alter the very way they think and interact with their family, their partners, themselves. You very well may alter the fabric of what a person is, the dimension of their mind warping with the way it interacts with your dimension.
Never forget that as a writer, or any creator of art for that matter, you are a world-builder, a world-shatterer, a world-repairer; a powerful and magical being that may alter the course of history. Writing is magic, and it's sorcery, and I desperately hope even the small unconfident blogs on here recognize that power.
Tagging a bunch of cool writers: @cowboybrunch @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @wyked-ao3 @rotting-moon-writes
@saturnine-saturneight @asablehart @tragedycoded @autism-purgatory @marlowethelibrarian
If I didn't tag you you're still super cool! The world of my brain is just made of swiss cheese and glitches a lot 🫠💕
@dragoninatrenchcoat @words-after-midnight @sableglass @gioiaalbanoart @illarian-rambling
@badscientist @officialauthorofanotherworld
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A favorite character of mine is Daja Kisubo from the Circle of Magic series, by Tamora Pierce. This series is about four children who are orphaned and brought to the Circle Temple to be raised, where it is discovered that they all have unusual magic that works through crafting or the elements, called ambient magic, and follows them as they grow and become some of the most powerful mages in the world. 
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(Cover art of Cold Fire)
Daja is a Black girl and a Blue Trader (ocean going) whose family died when their ship sunk in the storm.  Daja is the only survivor and so is considered bad luck and sent away to the Circle temple.  At the temple she meets the other three main characters who become her foster sisters and brother, and the two dedicates who become their foster mothers. She also discovers her own magic is in metal and fire and smithing when she meets her mentor, an older Black man and blacksmith, Frostpine.
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(Art by @minuiko who has amazing art for this series and Tamora Pierce's other books too)
Daja has always been my favorite because she's strong and steady for the outside world but with her new family and mentor you can see how deeply she feels and the love and support that she gets from them. Also she's so wildly powerful and makes such beautiful crafts and becomes such a good teacher when she's older (also I got my degree in metalworking/jewelry so now we have that in common).  
The series itself has such good world building and a really excellently fleshed out magic system. The first quartet, aimed at younger readers, features the main four as the children become a family, develop their powers, and start to heal the trauma that brought them to the temple in the first place, with Daja reuniting with the Trader people and being able to reestablish bonds, even as she stays with her temple family.
The second quartet has the kids splitting up as journeymen, traveling with their teachers to develop their skills. Each of them finds a mystery to solve and students to teach. Daja's students end up being two mixed Black girls (twins) who are very different and stretch both her patience and her own skills as she has to find separate ways to teach them (much to Frostpine's amusement), as well as solve the mysterious arson cases that are on the rise in town.
In the later books, as young adults, Daja and her siblings reunite and struggle to connect the way they did so easily when they were children. We also get to see her explore her sexuality and discover that she's a lesbian, which was so awesome when it came out and young me read it back in 2005.
These books and Daja especially have always been super important to me since I was a kid, and now honestly I've made myself need to go reread them. 
Hot Chocolate: BLACK WOMEN IN FANTASY LET'S GOOOOO! I always love to see this because they have just as much right to magical powers as everyone else dammit! Anyway this story sounds WONDERFUL, I might make it the next fiction book that I read with my mother, After we read Children of Virtue and Vengeance. Anywho, the story reminds me of one of the D&D campaigns I'm playing in where; 4 of us became foster siblings and are now supporting each other, while figuring out what's the deal with our essentric and powerful king. Not to mention figuring out our place in these positions of power. Daja sounds delightful, and her power set sounds like the Orisha Ogun. I love everything about this!
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astarionancuntnin · 2 days
Think A!Astarion would want jewelry like a wedding ring with his consort, or are their scars enough? I'm just thinking of him having matching necklace pendants with his consort. Likely magical.
Oh my mans ADORES to pamper and adorn his consort with all sorts of jewelry. They are his most prized possession, and he'll go extra lengths to get them the most pricey necklaces, rings, earrings; anything to make them even more precious. They're often the most extravagant at parties; he wants them to be the main attraction in the room, as if to say "see this? all mine."
I already headcanon that Astarion turns tav/durge into his bride/groom which gives them a stronger bond than a master with his spawns (sharing physical sensations, mind communication, to a point where the line between one identity and the other can become blurry + with Astarion being a new type of super vampire, some of his protections would go down his consort, just like he mentions in game "you need not fear anything" in answer to tav/durge asking if they should fear the sun) but he keeps this information secret from them - even though his lover is willingly with him and turned vamp, he still doubts that one day they'll tire of him and want to run away. if they still think they're a normal spawn, it gives him this hold on them to assure they stay.
Even then, it wouldn't be enough for him. He would do everything in his power to find a set of matching rings that binds tav/durge to them - one they cannot remove once it first worn - so when he asks them in marriage, they would be not only binded legally in name, but then also mind, body, and soul. Not a shard from his consort would escape him.
Just in case they change their mind somewhere in the eternity they'll spend together.
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silverzoomies · 14 hours
Okay, here's my question: If the reader wanted a serious relationship, like an official one, how do you think dofp! Peter would react? Is he capable of fidelity? Or would he run away?
this is definitely up to interpretation. a lot of reader-insert writers seem to view him at a surface level. they prefer him when he's more of an aloof, goofy hero with mischevious tendencies. reader's bestie who then becomes their playful, caring boyfriend. and that's totally fine, if that's your preference !!
me personally? i like to dig a little deeper.
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i genuinely think commitment would freak him out.
i mean, think about it.
peter grew up a mutant. he probably has a lot of trust issues. his power separates him from other people. it makes him especially impatient. he perceives everything differently. nothing is a threat to him. he lives in his mom's basement. he plays ping pong with himself. he's all over the place all the time. he's nosy. he isn't patient enough to let you finish talking. and he might be so blunt, he risks hurting your feelings because he doesn't think about what he says before he says it.
he's the human embodiment of adhd. it's safe to assume he prefers immediate gratification over something that takes time. like a long-term relationship.
most importantly, he grew up without a dad. which can have a huge impact on a guy growing up !! his father left his mom before he was even born. which means the idea of fleeing a serious relationship might be somewhat normalized to him. subconsciously, anyway.
at most, i think he and reader would be super close buds. and if they were patient enough with him, even after everything - then he might develop feelings. he just wouldn't know what the hell to do with himself. if reader wanted a serious relationship...yeah, he'd probably bail. he might wonder why you'd wanna ruin a good thing with something so serious. when in reality, he's just too scared and self conscious.
i could definitely see him finally settling down once he hit his mid-thirties and realized how lonely he is, though. but i'm an overthinker, so i'm probably wayyyyy off base here lol
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allyougottado · 1 day
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okay so the initial thought was like “what if CTHYLLA was a NORMAL COACH and MOTHIGAN was a COOL MOTHMAN-LIKE MONSTER GIRL” but then i somehow derailed to just dance kawaii nonhuman anime highschool or something….. yeah sorry UGH damn you freudian slip!!!! i really wanted to draw kogyaru mothigan okay
my only vision with human cthylla was that she needed floppy sleeves to match the tentacles on the OG tbh. moe sleeves were the only way to achieve this……..
i dunno how “just dance-ish” these designs are and if they would work as actual coach designs…. whatever lmao
headcanons under the read more
i hc mothigan and cthylla to both know like. everything abt the danceverses and stuff cuz mothigan is literally the grim reaper and has to go across danceverses all the time to reap souls and cthylla sees lotsa ppls dreams… even tho mothigan is very well secluded and hidden cthylla knows where her crypt is and goes there to like. harass hang with her LOL. she’s all like “heyyyy wassup mothigan #girlpower u know u can chill with me cuz we’re the most badass powerful ethereal beings in eternyx 😍🔥🔥🔥” and mothigan thinks she’s so annoying cuz all cthylla does is ask her to kill ppl for her cuz cthylla is actually super evil, and mothigan isn’t supposed to like interfere with stuff like that lol
i think cthylla is seriously a threat but it never looks like she is, because she is a stage actor and is good at hiding her intentions by being 🤪super silly🤪 and 💖cute💖 but she can also #getserious……
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remi-harbinger · 1 year
I love (spiritually) sweetly useless and pathetic men
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ardate · 2 months
Every Boromir hater makes my enormous love for him grow stronger. Sorry you couldn't understand him, I get him tho and we're holding hands and the whole of Gondor is laughing at you
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Okay so there's this idea for a fic I've been thinking of.
The jl are combating something that can only be touched with magic, jl dark is unresponsive (they got stuck in another dimension again), and cap - their only other magic user - is too injured.
But when they start stressing cap just slams a sheaf of papers of the table like 'pick between yourselves what powers you want, it's one each. Ig I'll sponsor you for today'.
Everyone: what?
Cap, spreading the papers to show each has a letter... Spelling out a magic word?: I'm serious. Do you want a cool new power? Consequence free? For as long as you need?
Batman:... Are you saying... You can... Give out powers?
Cap: my powers, yes. Flash, put Mercury back. That's pointless.
It'd be a great chance to have him explain his powers as a sort of reveal, including why he doesn't do it (it divides his power equally and thus severely weakens him). Also it would be very funny, I think, to see the jl in colour coded marvel suits being basically patroned by Billy. Batman has a blindingly white cowl. Flash has a cape. There's so much 'wait this chill childlike guy from some random city is actually insanely powerful' potential.
But also:
Batman, slowly pinwheeling through the air: how do I steer.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 127
After the events of the nasty burger. Clockwork doesn’t rewind the explosion, but rather then fully trust Danny not to allow Dan to happen. He took matters into his own hands.
He deages Danny and in order to ensure he had no contact with Vlad ever again. Unleashes a grieving and peeved super powered toddler on the dc universe.
Jack is a hero’s alternate. Like say Clark or Bruce. Even any of the batkids or super kids. So if a dna test were to occur. Well. It would register Danny as their child.
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captainmaxatx · 1 month
I feel like we are all sleeping on the fan fiction potential given to us from Deadpool and Wolverine using their bodies to make a circuit with matter and anti-matter
Who knows what that could do to a person, you could write a fic where that caused anything your heart could think up.
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